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FEATUring this month: holistic care

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for our animals • interview on cat care pets & herbs • it takes a village to raise a dog miracles on the farm PAGEs 27-31

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Why Fear Death?

Dr. Julia Assante shares her passion on removing the fear of death so we can embrace the joy and mystery of life. She will be in the Twin Cities in February to present talks & more. page 20

the great shift OF 2012. Now what? by lynn woodland page 8 remodel & Upgrade your body start 2013 with a new attitude / 16 Keys to create & promote your conscious business start now / 22

A Message for America ~ from the Angels by lorna byrne An Irish mystic who sees and speaks with the angels offers a major statement on America, revealing a specific mission and explaining makes this nation unique. page 12

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exploring the evolution of consciousness since 1992



The largest psychic and healing gathering in the Cities


Psychic Symposium features such intuitives as Jean Wallis (left), Wes Hamilton (center), and Carol Lowell’s group (right).

Saturday, March 2

9:30 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m. Earle Brown Heritage Center 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 free parking – friendly & safe $6 admission at the door, $5 each for 2+ people


Dee — 715.259.3047 or dee@edgelife.net Gary — 763.427.7979 1.888.776.7616 or gary@edgelife.net

Two-full days packed into One Exciting Day! free parking! Keynote: Echo bodine on reverberations of 12-21-2012 Featuring 90 exhibitors and intuitive readers! 60% of booths sold — but 40% of are available! call NOW!


sychic Symposium offers a broad spectrum of opportunities for visitors to learn about the world of spiritual and psychic phenomena. The spotlight of the event will be the exhibitors. There will be intuitive readers, wellness products, healing resources, animal communicators, aura photos, jewelry, crystals and other unique gift items. Keynote speakers offer valuable insight and advice for living well. Coming soon: Get keynote speaker tickets in advance online for a discounted rates. Show producer Gary Beckman notes: “This is the largest event with intuitive consultants and psychic readers under one roof than anytime during the year. It’s a good place for those unfamiliar with this area to get a reading in a safe place at introductory rates.”

coming May 10-19 — reserve your place now!



eru is a place that calls to the heart of those who are ready for a spiritual awakening. It is said that a Journey to Peru is a journey to find yourself. This custom small group tour will focus on the inner power within each person as we spend time with local healers and shamans. Explore the spirit of the Andes mountains, valleys, rivers, ancient energetic sites, and the gentle hearts of the Peruvian people. In Machu Picchu, you can hear the voices of the ancient ones! book early to reserve a place: 763.427.1312 or 877.776.5244 $100 OFF TOUR PRICE IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE January 15.

edge life expos & events • www.edgelife.net 763.427.7979 • 888.776.7616

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THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 Edgemagazine.net Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen Editor: Tim Miejan 651.578.8969 editor@edgemagazine.net P.O. Box 7324, Madison, WI 53707 Sales & Marketing: Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291, fax 763.433.9290 cathy@edgemagazine.net

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« Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul

e Contents a

January 2012 • Holistic Living • Serving the Upper Midwest…and beyond since 1992 Go to Edgemagazine.net for Additional Content • Website updated on the 1st of each month.

featured this month



08 The Great Shift of 2012. Now What? by Lynn Woodland

12  A Message for America  ~ from the Angels by Lorna Byrne


20  Why Fear Death?   by Julia Assante, Ph.D.

Author Julia Assante to present workshops The Last Frontier: A Q&A with Julia Assante

featuring: Holistic care for our animals: 27 Holistic Healing for Happier Cats: An Interview with Dr. Sue Swanson, by Maria Toso



29 All Pets Love Herbs, by Liz Johnson 30 It Takes a Village to Raise a Dog, by Sage Lewis 31 Miracles at the Farm, by Patty Dease Read more on our featured topic at Edgemagazine.net

06 Massacres Reveal Much about our Evolution, From the Editor, by Tim Miejan 10 Briefs: Speakers, Healers Promote Healthier, Happier Lives at Healthy Life Expo • Healing Center offers Oxygen Therapy • Networking event: Build your Business 11 Intuitive Creating the World You Want, by Leah Skurdal 14 Holy Molé, by Rick Hotton

14 Your First 2013 Horoscope: A New Vibration, Star Wisdom, by DK Brainard

24 (Source)ry, Evolutionary Pagan, by Briana Crusan

16 Remodel & Upgrade Your Body for the 2013 Leap! by Dr. Bridget Bagley

25 Energy Medicine Weekend featuring Donna Eden, David Feinstein

17 Our Mother, by Christine Tuhy

26 Enough, by Nina Dauban

18 My 5-Year Anniversary, by Satail Tailin

38 Words of Wisdom, by Nadine Penny

18 Acupuncture Helps Manage Pain, by Kerri Casey 22 12 Keys to Creating, Producing, Promoting your Conscious Business, by Kathy Scott Perry 24 The Ocean, by Guthema Roba 24 Recipe: Salmon Patties, by Maggie Christopher

unique content @ Edgemagazine.net If I Only had a Brain

by Jean Houston: an excerpt from The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons from Oz, offering an experiment to explore possibilities in your life.

goes up on the roof and gets stuck. » george carlin


edge listings

32 Featured Business Listings: Animal Services 33 Classifieds 33  Sacred Services Listings 34  Source Networking Listings 37 Happenings Events Listings 38 Edge Talk Radio Schedule

Bio-cultural Choice: An Edible Revolution

by Jim PathFinder Ewing: An excerpt from Conscious Food: Sustainable Growing, Spiritual Eating

The Fantastical Story of Mark by Cindy Bodger: A Short Story

January 2013  the edge


massacres reveal much about our evolution FROM THE EDITOR by Tim Miejan


f insanity, as described by Albert Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then what is doing nothing over and over again and expecting different results?

the edge directory The Edge is committed to helping you put yourself out there in front of the community. We publish Holistic Directories twice a year (June & November) and invite you to reserve a display ad or listing. DISPLAY ADS come in four sizes + a free 100-word listing to describe what you offer your community. Starting at $85. DIRECTORY Listings include your contact information + 50 words describing what you offer the public. $50. All Ads & Listings are due by May 6. Contact: Call Cathy today at 763.433.9291 or email her at cathy@edgemagazine.net



That’s where America finds herself as she sits in the easy chair as if in a trance, watching as network anchors report on the 17th mass shooting in the past eight years. Communications strategist Karl Frisch said this to political commentator Stephanie Miller on December 20: “We’re a mature country. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can talk about mental health. We can talk about gun control.” We may be a mature country, but we’re hardly an evolved nation. An evolved nation would not slash funding for mental health care during a major recession, when such care becomes even more necessary. An evolved nation would not offer the suggestion that massacres would be prevented if teachers were trained to shoot and kill, as well as educate students. An evolved nation would not sell its citizenry combat weapons while trying to keep the peace. An evolved nation would focus on the objective of creating and maintaining peace, instead of war. An evolved nation

would put vast resources into early childhood development and education. An evolved nation would support a holistic wellness system that provides physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health care for its entire citizenry — as a right. An evolved nation recognizes the inherent gift of each soul, and it seeks to empower its people at every opportunity. Unfortunately, evolution is not a goal of much of the American public. The loudest voices among us cry out for freedom to do as they please, without interference from the government. In this time of vast change and transformation, many people have embraced fear as “the new normal,” and they allow that fear to color everything in their lives — from their beliefs about their elected leaders, to the political ideologies they adopt, to how they prepare for an apocalypse. The way forward is to change that picture by supporting leadership among those who embrace empowerment, rather than fear. We’re beginning to see the hopeful among us respond to tragedy in a new way — by reaching out with love, rather than by suggesting that we fight violence with more violence. Best viral social media trend in the wake of the Newtown shootings: NBC journalist Ann Curry’s inspiring tweet that we all do 26 acts of kindness in honor of those who were killed. Most moving tribute to the victims: The cast of The Voice   performing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” a Tim Miejan can be reached at 651.578.8969 or email editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« In the kind of world we have today, transformation of humanity

might well be our only real hope for survival. » stanislav grof

January 2013  the edge


The Great Shift


by Lynn Woodland he year 2012 has come and gone, along with it the build-up to the “end of the world as we know it.” So what happened? Did we “shift?” And what happens now? If you’re thinking nothing seems so different, just look around. Humanity has changed dramatically over the last decade and that change has everything to do with a heightened connectivity and discovering power in that connectivity. This has been the decade of smart mobs, flash mobs, crowd-funding sites, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, text messaging, Skype, Wikipedia…and on and on. Careers are being made as people bypass the once-essential intermediaries of established industries and meet the public directly, one by one, through social media channels. Resource-sharing, where people share instead of own, has become a hot new business model. Time Magazine jumped on the power-of-the-collective bandwagon, naming “the Protestor” their person of the year, citing the 2011 phenomenon of grassroots movements rising up all over the world — some overturning governments — surprisingly, without any top-down instigation. Technology has evolved to a place where it now seems to be evolving us. The internet is enabling the emergence of a sort of human hive mind that’s more intelligent than any individuals, groups or computers have ever been before. MIT in recent years has opened a Center for Collective



Intelligence to study this phenomenon and to perhaps find ways to harness this new form of intelligence for the common good. Act as a collective Not only are we starting to act as a collective, the collective is becoming increasingly personal. At the same time that world population is growing, giving us more and more reason to feel invisible and alienated, we now have an extremely personal technology enabling us to reach beyond the chasm of our distance and numbers to touch individuals we’ll never meet. Facebook, Twitter and You Tube are putting a personal face to the vast abstraction of “humanity.” Look at what happened with the viral video, “Kony 2012,” the documentary portraying atrocities being committed by Ugandan war lord Joseph Kony. It’s not that mainstream media didn’t cover this story. It did; it just wasn’t able to get people to care. It took the more personal, one-by-one dissemination of You Tube for people to pay attention in the tens of millions and to experience something heartfelt. Our technology has primed us for global caring. As human beings, perhaps we’re learning how to love in a whole new way, reaching beyond the tribe mentality of local community to break faceless “humanity” down into people, and care deeply. A new metaphysics For those of us committed to personal growth and spiritual seeking, this shift can’t help but change how we go about it. I foresee the emergence of a new metaphysics

that takes technology out of the mix and replaces the connectivity we have via the internet with connection through intention and pure consciousness alone. This new metaphysics holds at its core the tenants that we are exponentially more powerful together than separately — and that love is the most potent change agent there is. It gives practical applications to what science is showing to be the extraordinary power of consciousness to affect physical reality, even including the transcendence of time and space as we think of them. This opens vast new possibilities for tapping the power of “mind over matter,” which science has already shown to be significant. In the same way people are gathering in grassroots movements, we can also come together through conscious intention alone. Because consciousness can bypass the presumed boundaries of time (boundaries that science is showing to be far more permeable than they seem) we can even join with people from the past and future simply by all holding the intention to do so. Imagine a crowd-funding site fueled by focused intention alone. The real difference in this emerging metaphysics, however, is how it ends the duality of giving and receiving. The old axiom, “It’s better to give than receive,” always lies in polarity, and consequently in close relationship to “There’s not enough to go around so I’d better grab mine first.” In this duality, where we can either attend to our own needs or care for others, being a “good” person involves sacrifice and forces

« When you change the way you look at things, the things

of 2012. Now what? our energy to be divided between self and others. A Course in Miracles beautifully evolves this duality of giving and receiving into the singular “giving and receiving are the same,” but this abstraction can feel so removed from day-to-day experience. The New Metaphysics is all about the practical applications so we see, through the immediate demonstrations of our own results, that we can have more for ourselves as we give to one another. We understand through practice that giving is the most efficient path to receiving. An imagining experiment How does it work? Try this: Bring to mind your highest heart’s desire, just like The Secret teaches us to do. Imagine it until you

minds, bringing only our highest and best to the party, forming a pool of consciousness (biochemist Rupert Sheldrake might call this a morphic field). To activate this field of consciousness, for a moment, let yourself love all of these unseen, unknown, fellow readers. Not for any reason, just because you can. Love them with all your heart as you would your nearest and dearest. Let their hearts’ desires matter to you as much as your own and, with the biggest wave of love you can muster, send (in your imagination) the heartfelt wish that miracles now happen for each and every one of them. Imagine you’re a parent delivering the most beautifully wrapped birthday gift to your beloved child (times many), with your heart overflowing from the sheer joy of giving the perfect gift. You don’t need to believe this is really doing anything. Just imagine how it would feel if you did believe that your loving intention is quietly making life better for people you’ll never know. There. You’ve done it. And now countless people you’ll never meet have just done the same for you, like massively focused prayer offered on your behalf. Studies have shown the power of anonymous prayer, and you’ve just received it in a big way. Didn’t it feel pretty good to want the best for all those unknown people? And doesn’t it feel

To activate this field of consciousness, for a moment, let yourself love all of these unseen, unknown, fellow readers. feel all warm and fuzzy inside…and then let it go. This is where popular practices end and new metaphysics begins. Now, imagine yourself able to reach out, beyond time and space to every other person who has, is and will read these words (you don’t have to believe this to be possible, just imagine what it would feel like if you did). Imagine that we’re all joining

you look at change. » wayne dyer

good knowing they’re all on board, making miracles happen in your life? Love and service If given full attention, that exercise could be an effective practice for calling forth your heart’s desire…yet most of it is spent being in service to countless others, people you’ll never meet. When unconditional love and service is what generates the energy that takes each of us where we want to go, giving and receiving have truly merged. I call this exercise a miracle experiment, and I put forth a lot of them in my book Making Miracles to see what might happen. Many readers have shared stories of miraculous healings and manifestations related to reading the book. But what I find even more significant is how many speak of feeling less alone, more loved, more compassionate and more “connected.” What can’t be gauged is the effect that coming together in this way is having on the world. It may be greater than we’ll ever know. Perhaps this is how we’ll bring an end to the world as we’ve known it. a Lynn Woodland is an author, international teacher and human potential expert who, since 1972, has worked in fields of transpersonal psychology, human motivation, spiritual healing and mind-body psychology. Her expertise is in what gives rise to miracles – teaching ordinary people to live extraordinary lives so that miracles become natural. She is the creator of The Miracles Course, a year-long program of online spiritual education leading to ordination, and author of Making Miracles — Create New Realities for Your Life and Our World, from Namaste Publishing. Email her at lynn@ lynnwoodland.com with your comments and to receive a free download of her class on the new prosperity. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

January 2013  the edge


Speakers, healers promote healthier, happier lives at Healthy Life Expo


ifteen experts will fill three stages at the Minneapolis Convention Center when Health Life Expo returns on January 12-13 to offer advice on living healthier, happier lives. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $6 for adults, or free with a non-perishable food item. Top healers in the Upper Midwest will be featured this year, offering free mini-healings. Healers include Echo Bodine (psychic/medium and author of Hands that Heal and My Big Book of Healing), Ron Moor (lead minister at Spirit United), Hanakia Zedek, Mas Sajady, Leigh Cohen Wyatt, Craig Hartell, and others. Free healings from Pathways providers will be available Saturday from 10-11 a.m. On Sunday, healings are first come, first served from 10-11 a.m., followed by “Meet the Healers” from 11 a.m. to Noon. Other healing events include “Hints and Tips for Better Health: The Best of the Best from Experts in the Field,” from 1-2 p.m. Sunday featuring Carolyn Vinup, SchaOn Blodgett and Mary Treacy O’Keefe, and “Empowered 2013: Clear Limiting Beliefs with Group EFT” with Valerie Lis at 3 p.m. Sunday. In addition to the speakers and healers, the expo will showcase more than 200 exhibitors who offer natural foods/products, healthy home products, green living resources, exercise equipment, health clubs, and other health and lifestyle products and services. Product sampling, giveaways and demonstrations are all in the mix.

Speakers who will present at Healthy Life Expo include: • Al Horner, speaking on “Staying Safe.” The former Navy SEAL will show women how to avoid and prevent assaults. • Dr. Tony Lawther will outline “Your Blueprint for Optimal Health.” • Chiropractor advocate Vicki Fox and Dr. Matthew Alvord will present “How to Live to Your God-given Potential.” • Dr. Ben Smetana will talk about “It Could Be Your Thyroid” and “Weight Loss: It May Not Be Your Fault.” • Edwin Kelley, a meditation instructor at Tergar Meditation Community, will examine meditation and lead a short meditation session. • Andrea and Judy Gordon, a mother-daughter duo from Duluth, will talk about “The Power of Play.” The pair runs Self Discovery Adventures — summer camps and adventure retreats for adults. • Angela Bruer-Balouch, a certified nutrition coach, will help attendees measure their antioxidant levels, and show them how they can improve them. • Spruce Krause, M.A., will offer tips and tools for “Re-wiring Your Brain for Happiness.” • Cheri Ross will discuss the uses of essential oils for treating and preventing health problems. Healthy Life Expo is produced by MediaMAX Events and Expos. For more information, contact Rick Martinek at 952.238.1700 or visit www.mediamaxevents.com. a

Healing center offers oxygen therapy


Plymouth, MN, business, Life Force Therapies, a place to heal and a place for hope and new beginnings, offers Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to people with such conditions as Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lyme’s Disease, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke Recovery, and many others.  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the inhalation of 100 percent medical-grade oxygen at greater than normal atmospheric pressure. This is the equivalent of breathing 100 percent oxygen underwater from depths of 16.5 feet or more. The benefits of oxygen supersaturation have become accepted by much of the international community for a wide range of conditions. The oxygen levels in the blood are increased up to 200 percent, and in the rest of the body, substantially more. The increase in oxygen helps to heal wounds, fight infections, reduce swelling and remove toxins from the body. For more information, visit www.lifeforcetherapiesusa.com or call 763.694.7000 for a free consultation. a

Networking event: Build your business


chaOn Blodgett, founder of Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness and the community outreach coordinator for The Edge, will be the guest speaker at the monthly Edge Networking Event from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, January 21. The event will take place at Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, 821 Raymond Ave., Suite 260 in the Baker Court Professional Bldg., in St. Paul. SchaOn will speak on “Tips for Building your Holistic & Green Business in 2013.” Each participant will get about one minute to introduce themselves and what they do. Please arrive no later than



7 p.m. so the event can begin on time. This networking group is free and open to the public. Professionals, business owners and individuals are invited to participate. The networking event meets on the 21st of each month to promote an exploration of the various, diverse aspects in the Twin Cities. Each month, The Edge will feature a different business and highlight parts of our community to help participants explore and network through consciousness-based wholeness. Jane Gallagher will be the featured speaker on February 21 at Present Moment Herbs & Books. a

« Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone

Intuitively creating the world you want An entirely different kind of New Year’s Resolution


by Leah Skurdal

y dear friend claims that she gets sick every time she flies in an airplane. So, after arriving by airplane, she does get sick. You get what you focus on. This is good manifesting. However, you might question whether the results serve the believer. Last night, I stayed up way too late working on a project. Sometimes I expound a belief system to my children that goes like this: “If you don’t get enough sleep, you will get sick!” When I woke up with a scratchy throat this morning, I lie in bed revisiting that belief. In what way does that belief serve me? Is that belief creating the world that I want? When I am trying to control my children’s bedtime, that old belief serves me — well, sort of, in the short term. (We’ll revisit the long-term consequences later.) That belief might serve me as a guiding principle about taking care of my body temple. However, while it may be true that I slept a few hours less than usual, today I still choose radiant health anyway! I lie in bed connecting to Soul’s light to remember what radiant health feels like — I am creating the world that I want. Control four things Bill Harris of Centerpointe Research Institute [www.centerpointe. com] points out that each of us can control four things: what we think, what we do, what we attract into our lives and the meaning we give to something. Some days, I am aware of opportunities to choose what I want to create. When I hear of another friend with cancer, for example, I send them a blessing. Then, I tune inward to my own beliefs and my own wisdom. I thank Spirit and my body wisdom for the blessing of health and vitality. I check in with my body to ask what I need for balance in this moment. At those times, I am aware of my thoughts, my actions, the energy vibration I am attracting and the meaning I give to the circumstance. I get to practice choosing awareness in my individual life every day. Now that the world has not come to an end, we are at an extended choice point. We get to choose to create the new world from here on out. So far, we’ve been doing a good job of creating hell on earth. Now it is time to start creating heaven on earth. The word that Jesus used for heaven also translates to harmony. What do your heaven and harmony feel like? How do people treat each other? How do people treat animals, the Earth and the sea? How do you spend your time? With whom? Become more aware of your thoughts, actions, vibration and the meaning you choose to create. More aware of heaven In what area of your life can you become more aware of heaven and of the opportunity to create more harmony? Since it is outside of your awareness, try this process to bring it to your consciousness: Start by connecting to your Inner Wisdom, Spirit, God within all beings. Ground your energy into the center of the earth and bring earth’s magnetic energy through your feet and tailbone into your torso and circulate it out the top of your head down and around Resolution continued on page 19 

with others. Unfold your own myth. » rumi

January 2013  the edge


A Message for America ~ from the Angels

Polls show more believers are non-denominational

An Irish mystic shares a major statement on America’s role in the world and what makes this nation different by Lorna Byrne


Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the new book A Message of Hope from the Angels

s an Imam began interviewing me in St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church on New York’s Park Avenue, four beautiful enormous angels appeared beside the aisle — two at the front and two at the back. The angels were standing inside the pews, in the seats, even though every seat was taken in the packed chapel. The angels were bright gold. It appeared as if they were made of real solid gold reflecting bright sunlight. They were very tall with exquisite narrow wings that seemed to stretch up as if the roof of the chapel wasn’t there. The wings were so fine that I found myself asking if an angel’s wing could break — I was told no, of course. In their left hands the angels each carried a tall golden staff. I watched one of the angels raise its right hand slowly, as the other three did the same. At chest height, the angel held out its hand, palm up, and from the palm seemed to come a very fine veil that moved up into the air to form a canopy over the people. The canopy was incredibly fine and a very bright white. When we prayed together, the veil seemed to billow gently. This was an interfaith event where I, an Irish Catholic, had been invited to be interviewed about God and the angels by an American Muslim Imam, in an Episcopalian Church with a response by an African American Baptist. The interfaith dimension was heightened by the presence of Americans of different religions in the audience, including Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Muslims. The chapel was packed with angels



and there was great joy and celebration among them at this wonderful gathering of different faiths. The angels told me that everyone under the veil was chosen to be there, had listened and had come. I was so excited, it was as if my soul were leaping — I’m not quite sure how I held myself together. The angels told me that the people had come with an open heart and had dropped their defensive barriers. They had come to listen, to pray and to celebrate, and not to justify their own religion or to claim that it was superior. They didn’t come hoping to convert others to their beliefs, they came together with pure hearts to praise God and talk about him. I have done other events in other parts of the world that, in many ways looked similar, but the angels have told me that they were , in fact, quite different. They said that at these other events many of the people came as representatives of their religion, and that they came, in part, to justify their religion, or even to convert. Most had an agenda, rather than a wish to simply join or pray together. People of all religions have been gathered to America from all over the world. The founding fathers came here wishing to create a new world — a world where people were free, free to live in equality and justice, and free to practice their religion. The angels have told me that the world the founding fathers were meant to create was one where there was freedom of religion and where different religions were practiced side by side, within communities that intermingled. This vision was not realized though. They didn’t listen fully. Yes, people were largely free to practice their religion but religions and communities were segregated. Instead of a world where religions were practiced side by side, walls were built between different religions. These walls between religions, had the effect of separating neighbors and, over time, people from different religions started to fear and compete with each other. At the same time religions splintered and fragmented into smaller groups that sometimes competed with each other. There should be no competing for God. I have been told that each and every place of prayer should open its doors to all; that everyone should be welcome to pray in every holy place, and that all faiths should help those in need, regardless of their religion. Religion should have nothing to do

Growing numbers of Americans are changing their relationship with religion, recent Pew Research Center polls indicate. Forty-four percent of U.S. adults have either switched religious affiliation, or report “no affiliation.” More than 16 percent report they are unaffiliated with a religion, including those who are spiritual but not religious, and agnostics. with ego and places of worship should not be about power or money. Religious groups need to stop wanting to convert people. The biggest challenge for religion is to put an end to people thinking that their religious grouping is better than any other. We need to start to pray together. I have been told that praying together is the cornerstone of creating a peaceful world. For far too long religious differences have been a cause of discord and war. Ordinary Americans praying together will allow people of different religions to get to know and understand each other. It will help them to lose their fear of each other, to see just how much they have in common and to become friends. People from different faiths praying together should not just happen once or as a special occasion. This should be a normal and routine part of people’s lives, in addition to praying together with your own religious group. I have been told that the first place that big numbers of people of different religions will start praying together regularly is America. This is one of the reasons that the American-gathering angels have been bringing people of all religions to this country. It is a part of America’s destiny to help bring all religions together under one umbrella. America will serve as a role model; a beacon of hope for the world. From America this form of praying together will spread across the world, helping to unify peoples and to build world peace. a Lorna Byrne an Irish mystic, has seen and talked to angels since she was a baby. She sees angels every day and she sees them physically just as she would see a person sitting in front of her. Lorna kept quiet about what she was seeing and hearing until three years ago, when she wrote the story of her life Angels in my Hair. Her most recent book, A Message of Hope from the Angels, went straight to No. 1 in the UK Sunday Times book chart and is now available in the U.S. Visit www.lornabyrne.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission of Atria Books.

« Angels descending, bring from above

echoes of mercy, whispers of love. » fanny j. crosby

January 2013  the edge


Your first 2013 horoscope: A new vibration Star Wisdom by D.K. Brainard


new vibration on the planet calls us to let go of the past and dare to live creative, joyful lives.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…January brings you several opportunities to step into a bigger public role. In order to seize these opportunities, you need to be willing to let go of a part of your personality that is stuck in the past. Start by owning the dream of your life and aligning your creativity and passion with that goal. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…You can make real progress towards your life goals, but you need to be working with people who have integrity and who share your philosophy on life. It helps if you know what you believe, and that’s where a consistent, committed spiritual practice comes in. Seeing a core limiting belief more clearly than ever before allows you to make a big leap forward. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Money and relationships continue to challenge you in the first half of the month. Ask yourself what you really, really need — and what it means to share fairly. The Sun and your ruling planet Mercury light up your 9th House of spirituality after the 19th, bringing welcome insight and a much lighter vibration. A miracle is only a change in perception. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Remember that your ability to achieve your goals is directly related to how much life energy you have at your disposal. People who drain your energy not only aren’t helping you, they’re actively holding you back from the success and happiness you desire. Don’t blame them; challenge yourself to respect your soul mission and set appropriate boundaries.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…The systems, discipline and routines you implement in January are key to accomplishing your goals for the year. The Sun and Mercury both shift into your relationship house on the 19th, bringing you positive partnership opportunities. The Full Moon in your sign on the 26th challenges you to step into the truth of who you really are, beyond your personal story. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…You’re determined to regain your enthusiasm and feel better about yourself in 2013, so start the year off by putting regular time and energy into activities that make you feel good. Remember that it takes a small initial investment of energy to overcome inertia and get your creativity flowing. It’s OK to start small — as long as you start. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…You begin the year with a very inward focus. Whether you’re dealing with a home or family situation or just trying to get your emotional bearings, give yourself the liberty of easing slowly into the new year. Once the Sun moves into your 5th House on the 19th your creative, social side comes out of hiding. You could meet an influential collaborator near the Full Moon on the 26th. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You need to raise your communication to the highest vibrational level possible. Can you imagine how your life would change if you completely ceased complaining? Try it this month — if nothing else, this exercise will show you clearly where your thoughts have gotten stuck in the past. The Full Moon on the 26th brings a career opportunity or highlights a life goal in a way that helps you transcend some old family karma. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…The connection between your relationships and your financial situation becomes clearer than it has ever been. See how every interaction you have with another person is either increasing abundance in the world or draining energy. This understanding could make you very wealthy over the next fifteen years, so don’t give it short shrift.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…In this Great Transition we are going through, you are the builder. Your challenge is to align your systematic, grounded approach with the immanent reality of the new world that is trying to be born. There are so many opportunities for you this month and in the years ahead, but you cannot afford to stay stuck in the past. Seek out situations and environments that enable you to use your worldly skills to build a bridge to the future. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Don’t judge the year ahead by its first three weeks. You start 2013 with several planets in your 12th House of the deep unconscious mind, indicating a need to retreat from the world and connect with your inner vision. Once the Sun enters your sign on the 19th, the world looks big and bright again. The Full Moon on the 26th brings a great relationship opportunity with someone who really gets you. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Start the year off working on your new 5-Year Plan. Tune in to what you long to accomplish or experience. Then look systematically at what needs to change in your life to enable you to achieve those goals. Pay special attention to your social and professional connections. Finding your tribe is key right now. a Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, January 2, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to BlogTalkRadio.com/ edgemagazine. Listen to all archives at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero’s Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. Get in-depth weekly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, plus monthly video forecasts and weekly astrology podcasts at DK’s website: www.wordsforthepeople.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Holy Molé is brought to you by Harmony Green, Intuitive Healer, owner of All about the Journey…a healing center, located at www.allowharmony.com, 612.354.2149 | cartoon by Rick Hotton: Facebook.com/Holymolecartoon



« Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give

it to yourself. Nobody else can. » michael a. singer

January 2013  the edge


Remodel and Upgrade

Your Body for the 2013 Leap!


by Dr. Bridget Bagley

odies created before 1961 are different than those being born today. They were denser, slower moving, had thicker, darker blood, and carried less light and sound generally than those abroad in life today. They have been becoming more refined, more beautiful and intelligent, as you have no doubt noted. The once carbon dominance has transformed through the raised Schumann Resonance frequency of the Earth to a crystalline nature. The blood that is part of our largest body system, a crystalline system, is not yet recognized by modern physicians. This saline silicate liquid is an exquisitely tuned conductor of the life force. Midway between the circulatory and nervous systems, an electromagnetic current is created by the polarity of these two systems. The lifeforce works more through the blood, and the consciousness works more through the nerves and brain. These two systems contain quartz-like properties and electromagnetic current. The blood cells, especially the white and red blood cells, contain more quartz-like properties and the nervous system contains more an electromagnetic current. The life force and consciousness use the properties to enter and stimulate the physical body. Cell salts, fatty tissue, lymphs, red and white blood cells and the pineal gland are all made up of a quartz-like structure in the physical and subtle bodies that augment the impact of vibrational remedies. These properties magnify the properties of the crystalline remedies that penetrate the physical body. They amplify certain aspects of the life force in special energy circuits throughout the body. Biocrystalline systems are intimately involved with mediating the input of higher vibration energies and consciousness into the lower bodies.



“Although the crystal may be used for ‘mind-to-mind’ communication,” writes Dr. Richard Gerber in Vibrational Medicine, “its higher purpose is in the service of humanity for the removal of pain and suffering. With the proper training, a healer can release negative thoughtforms, which have taken shapes as disease patterns in a patient’s physical body.” A constitutional change is happening to all living forms today as an adjustment is necessary to enable the body to morph into a superior character to handle the rising vibrational field we live in. Thus, the old-fashioned design for human form has become quickly obsolete and is being replaced by one that is more electrically and light conductive. The more quartz-like it is, the more as a capacitor it becomes for the very pulse of life that runs the universe, Call it the Chi, the ECK, the invisible universal power, the more the better, for it enables the expansion of awareness, intelligence, beauty and longevity. The body is like a musical instrument that has been playing Handel. With the current-rising frequency, it must succumb or become renewed through turning carbon into silica. It now can carry higher ranges of sound and the light-encoded filaments of the chromosome chain can come out of dormancy. The body rings like a bell and carries more of the sound current, the verve of life, the celestial hum of the universe. Whatever you wish to call this transformation, it is one of mankind evolving to a higher form as we live within it! To assist this upgrade, it is wise to consume the higher-grade material for the new-style cells forming with harmonic sustenances. Be it that water is a liquid crystal, hydrated food is a must. Boxed, bagged and dehydrated packaged foods are dead, with no live verve due to the heated, chemically preserved and inert ingredients. It fills the gut, but takes more BTUs and energy units from you than it gives, i.e., dead food depletes a

living form eventually over time. A balanced 7.35 alkaline/acid source of living water, naturally ionized, is excellent. Spring water, great glacier artesian water, is available in glass bottles. Plastic bottles have chemical kick back and estrogen-augmenting effects. In Georgia, a doctor pulls strings of plastic out of patient’s veins due to drinking from popular plastic containers. Gradually lighten the load character of the dense, darker and slower moving body styles that the human race has harbored through history. It is time to shed the old-fashioned, thick-celled, dull-skinned construction material for a more brightly lit, shimmering, liquid nature to our food and drink. Effervescent water is so light, however, that it is not easily absorbed into our cells. Still water is more natural and makes us more soluble. Remember, most people die of dehydration, shriveling and grinding to a stop. So soups, smoothies, liquefied menus are coming more to the fore — for a reason. They digest and are absorbed easily, carrying nutrients to hungry organs. Even animal food is changing out for moist meats, fish, chicken with steamed vegetables mixed into it. Bagged dried pet food is made, warehoused, shipped and put on the shelf, sometimes for months before consumption. Take a whiff. It smells the stale. Too often made from inexpensive floor sweepings of dried ground corn, wheat and grains, the pet food is convenient for the owners of animals, but ask the dog or cat what they crave and learn why they beg your for scraps that are nutrient dense and naturally juicy. Follow their lead, as you may have lost your own good instincts from eating fast, overly sauced and cooked meals for decades. As your blood becomes lighter, your tissues rise in vibration. You may try using crystalline food and tools. Note the Himalayan pink salt cooking slabs used for heating foods as a surface. Food prep books accompany them. Try using a small 3 x

« You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old

Our Mother by Christine Tuhy

Our Mother, Who art ascended, Blessed be thy breast. Peace of thy womb, come. Duality be done, Just love — no earth, no heaven. Give us this day Our daily bread Forgive us our separateness As we repair all false separateness from us. Lead us toward compassion. Deliver us from ego. For ours is the queendom, the magic, and the healing, Forever and ever. Amen. a Christine Tuhy is a writer, mother, healer, community organizer, and real estate agent in the Wedge area of Minneapolis. She was published in Rock, Paper, Scissors out of Hamline University in 2010 and 2011. Her work has also appeared in Mason’s Road Journal and Clean Sheets Literary Magazine. She writes and performs to raise awareness around sexual violence and healing, trauma and recovery, sex positivity, GLBT rights, and the resuscitation of the Divine Feminine. Contact her at 612.578.8849 or email christine@ amigasrealty.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

2-inch white, clear, crystal when making soups, veggie stews and drinks. Put it in the liquid as you prepare it. Remember to remove it before consuming or the transformation from course carbon to refined silicate may be quicker than necessary. Think crystal: salt, celery, cucumbers, electrolytes, hydration, smoothies, soups, spring water, lymph movement, VitaMix and blender vegetable creations. Practice turning off the oven for a few days. Use surface warmth, room temperature foods that are not reduced by excess heat to limp, dry, beige, brown or black foods. Do not eat what has past its prime and is the color of a compost pile. Color tells you the speed of the life force wavicles and liveliness within. When you lift something to your lips to libaciously quaff down substances, or when you grind and masticate, mixing it with saliva to soften it so it moves through your body’s pipe-pump-filter systems, ask yourself, “How much sunlight, rain, dew, earth minerals and clean oxygen am I swallowing?” What is the quotient of energy remains in this that I am eating to transform into corpuscles, hormones, amino acids, oils and carbs? Is this the old new

food of natural sources that carries the mystical cargo that illuminates the cells to glow infrared light, that causes cell replacement to have longer telomeres that extend life? So make a toast and congratulate your architectural remodeling ability. When you build your body with aquacious mediums of matter that carry the currency of sun rays, chlorophyll, juices of flowered fruit, pungent humic acid, excited atoms of Somatids, the smallest units of life and the active breath of life still within it, you are, in fact, a new Being. Yes, you can live in a house as your design changes to a superior one governed by the crystal conduits that weave and convey the subtle stuff of elevated sustenance releasing a more advanced human being to your elated experience. Happy 2013! a

Bridget Bagley, N.D., is an Iridologist, Herbologist and “Youngologist.” She is author of Live as if Eternal, giving education on raw and alkaline foods, sun gazing, accelerating the rate of MHZ, thus bridging the old bodies into a progressed silicate form of advanced character. For information on Monthly Classes, call 952.473.1234 or visit www.BridgetBagley. com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

when you stop laughing. » george bernard shaw

January 2013  the edge


My 5-Year Anniversary

A Celebration of Life!


by Satail Tailin

here are things that move me, like music, dance, sunrises and sunsets. Since 1972, I have been on a spiritual journey. I had the blessing of a spiritual teacher, but my teacher passed away in 1993, and the absence of her wonderful loving energy and presence left a vacuum in my life. My source of advice and wisdom was gone, and I wandered. In July 2002, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The doctor told me that if I refused a mastectomy, or didn’t take Tamoxifen, the cancer would be back in five years. I did research, and learned that a known side effect of Tamoxifen is an increased risk of both uterine cancer and heart problems. The tumor was so tiny, less than the size of a pea; I refused to lose a breast to it. I believed I was strong enough to rise above it with a simple lumpectomy and holistic practice. I had learned the power of our thinking and I held the thought, “I will not allow him to plant that seed in me. I will change my diet, look at the cup as half full rather than half empty, and hold faith.” I fought against the fear that rose, and steered my own unique course. In 2004 I met “G,” a loving being of divine light, channeled through Soulaire, (formerly known as Lynn Young, author of the book Being.) I had finally found “home.” I felt the strong love connection, and began taking classes with her and the Soulful Journey. From Soulaire and “G,” I learned about our birthright of unconditional love, absolute absolution, co-creation and co-partnership. The classes were filled with humor and love. Soulaire took me beyond the former teachings, and I realized how much we create our own lives with our words, thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions. From her, and from “G,” I felt unconditional love with no agenda. In late July 2007, a simple mammogram determined that what had been previously considered possible scar tissue in the left



breast was indeed cancer, now the size of a double egg yolk. I refused to go back to the same doctor that had planted the seed. Again, the cancer was estrogen receptive and aggressive. I feared for my life. The new surgeon did not look optimistic. I was stage 4. This time, there was a difference. I had met Soulaire and “G.” Because of their teachings and through my spiritual practice, my spiritual life, I had become aware of our power within us, that it is connected to One True Light Consciousness, the source of my learning, expanding, and growing as a spiritual being. I came to realize that I had been a bystander in my life, saying the words, but not going deep within. In September 2007, on a healing table with “G,” he asked me, “What do you choose?” Me: “Between what and what, ‘G?’” “G”: Between life and… Me: Between life and leaving the earth? “G”: Yes. Me: “I choose life, ‘G.’” “G”: “Very good.” And he placed his hand on my left shoulder. I hoped that he would completely remove the cancer, but the universe can only give us that which we create. My teacher is not of this world; my teacher is beyond that. And what I discovered is that I have created my own limitations because I was not really present in my life. I have become aware of how when one is human and on the spiritual journey, we still all have obstacles. Although I was not able to save the breast this time, I lived. The surgeon came in after the surgery with a surprised, but pleasant, look on her face, saying I had done well, and that the lymph nodes showed no sign of cancer. I celebrate five years of cancer free. I am more than a survivor. I have chosen life. a Satail Tailin is co-owner of Bellaluna Boutique, a spiritual counselor, and pastor. She is also a ballroom and salsa dancer who loves to speak Spanish, and has traveled extensively. Contact her at satail99@gmail.com, 952.938.0800 or www.giftsforspirit.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Acupuncture helps manage pain


by Kerri Casey

anaging pain is a frequent concern for a lot of Americans. One quarter of all respondents to a National Health Interview (NHI) survey reported experiencing recent pain of more than one day’s duration. The number of Americans who are turning to acupuncture as an option for pain management is rising. In the 2002 survey, two million Americans reported using acupuncture for pain in the previous 12 months, and in the 2007 survey, that number had increased to three million. In our acupuncture clinics in the Twin Cities, we have performed over 36,800 acupuncture treatments since 2007, and our weekly number of treatments continues to rise. The 2007 survey showed that pain or musculoskeletal complaints accounted for seven of the top 10 reasons people used acupuncture. Back pain was most common, followed by joint pain, neck pain, severe headache/ migraine, and recurring pain. Our clinical experience since 2007 supports this data. Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing modalities in the world, and is one part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to TCM theory, the acupuncture points are on channels or “meridians” that carry vital energy or “Qi” throughout the body. This theory states that blockages of this flow of energy lead to illness and disease, and that by stimulating acupuncture points practitioners can restore the flow and restore balance and health to the body. Acupuncturists stimulate designated points on the body through the use of very thin, sterile needles inserted in the skin. The needles that we use in our clinics are seven times thinner than a hypodermic needle used in a doctor’s office. There should not be discomfort or pain with the treatment. The stimulation of these points triggers the brain and central nervous system in the body. Researchers are trying to determine how acupuncture works to relieve pain by looking at the biomechanisms that occur during an acupuncture treatment through the use of neuroimaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to look at the effects of acupuncture on the brain. One theory is that acupuncture activates opiod systems in the brain that respond to pain. One study using MRI results in the UK showed that when a patient was given acupuncture, the pain center of the brain was the only area activated during the treatment. Research in

« The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge

acupuncture neuroimaging continues. The following are two additional acupuncture studies on pain conditions: • Low back pain — A 2009 study of 638 participants with chronic low back pain were given 10 acupuncture treatments by experienced acupuncturists over a seven-week period, and showed greater improvement in symptoms and dysfunction than those given usual care. Additionally, one year after treatment the participants in the acupuncture group continued to show significant improvements in dysfunction. • Migraines / headaches — A 2009 Cochrane review analysis of 22 trials with 4,419 participants determined that “after three to four months, patients receiving acupuncture had higher response rates and fewer headaches.” It also concluded: “Available studies suggest that acupuncture is at least as effective as, or possibly more effective than, prophylactic drug treatment, and has fewer adverse effects. Acupuncture should be considered a treatment option for patients willing to undergo this treatment.” Research also suggests that acupuncture may also help these pain conditions as well: osteoarthritis of the knee; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; menstrual cramps; TMJ pain; tennis elbow; and side effects of chemotherapy. Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by an experienced practitioner using sterile needles, and serious adverse events related to acupuncture are rare. In the 36,800 treatments that we have given in five years, we have had no reported incidents of any serious concerns. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: “Additionally, there are fewer adverse effects associated with acupuncture than with many standard drug treatments (such as anti-inflammatory medication and steroid injections) used to manage painful musculoskeletal conditions like fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, and tennis elbow.” a Kerri Casey, L.Ac., opened Minnesota Community Acupuncture in Edina, Minnesota, in May 2007. Since then, she has added two more locations in Maplewood and West St. Paul. Community acupuncture offers quality acupuncture at an affordable price to help people get better and stay better. There are over 200 community acupuncture clinics across the United States. The fee for the initial visit is $25 and subsequent visits are on a sliding fee scale between $15-$40, depending on what you can afford or want to pay, no questions asked. To schedule an appointment or for more information, call 952.746.3478 and visit www.minnca.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

 Resolution continued from page 11 you like a fountain. From the center of your being, send your energy out to the center of the galaxy. Draw in star energy through the top of your head, circulating through your torso and out your feet and tailbone, flowing up and around like a fountain. Imagine that an area of your unconscious exists that would create more harmony for you if you could become aware of it. Imagine that Divine Guidance is gently bringing an awareness to you of the very idea or concept that will help you create more harmony in your life. Receive the gift without attachment about when the awareness will appear. This new year, I resolve to be more aware of creating what I do want — harmony and heaven on earth. a Leah Skurdal will present Intuitive Development classes at The Wellness Circle in Lino Lakes beginning Tuesday, Jan. 15, and Wednesday, Jan. 16. For more information, call 651.472.3995 or email leah.skurdal@gmail.com. Leah Skurdal has been on a journey of inner healing and spiritual transformation for over 30 years. The awarenesses she has received along the way are divine gifts. Leah developed her intuitive abilities through training in various healing modalities, meditation and prayer. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

faster than society gathers wisdom. » isaac asimov

January 2013  the edge


Why Fear Death?


by Julia Assante, Ph.D.

eath is the most ordinary of life’s occurrences. It happens all the time, every nanosecond, all across the globe. So why are we so afraid of it? The truth is, our society thrives on the fear of death. Most of today’s institutions not only produce it, they exploit it. Our government keeps us in perpetual vigilance against life threats — an anti-Western nation, a failing economy, terrorist attacks. The defense department’s kill-or-be-killed policy, which extends to gun control, not only produces fear but causes more death than it forestalls. Science warns us of all kinds of coming global devastations. And because it claims that competing to survive is the primary instinct, it too endorses a kill-or-be-killed rationale. Education marks human history by wars and instances of mass death, fostering science’s take on humankind as murderously competitive. Religions teach that humans are innately flawed. Since we believe it, we fear eternal damnation or suffering in a next reincarnation. These fears inflict incalculable damage on human potential. The medical industry’s absorption with disease, its view of death as an enemy and the body as a time bomb have eroded our trust in our inherent capacity to heal and have turned death into the ultimate failure. The health and beauty industry amasses billions by selling ways to fight aging and death. Even worse, the news and entertainment industry daily reaches into our homes

and hearts with a steady feed of the most gruesome fatalities. If a cutthroat survival instinct were true, if humanity really were flawed and our universe really unsafe, none of us would have survived. A basic truth underlying all spiritual messages is this: You create your own reality. Because we believe so strongly in an unsafe world, we create an unsafe world. Fear of death has crushed our inborn audacity to live up to our own ideals and has turned the natural act of dying into a nightmare. When people lose the fear of death, whether through near-death experiences, meditation, divine revelation, or communicating with the afterlife, they simultaneously rediscover their authentic selves. That rediscovery unleashes enhanced intellectual, psychic, and creative abilities. It also deepens the sense of life purpose. The desire to compete cannot survive in such a psychological climate. These people

have no doubt that the universe is benign. They also know that death is deliverance into a realm of ineffable love and dazzling possibilities. You can rid yourself of this fear by learning about the miraculous side of dying, the orchestrated phenomena that occur around the deathbed to prepare for passage, and about what really happens afterward. Research based on testimonies from genuine afterlife encounters and near-death experiences rather than on tradition or doctrine is already on the shelves and on the Internet. A composite of these accounts portrays death as a glorious homecoming and the afterlife as an arena of profound understanding, compassion, and mind-bending grandeur. Just reading about it can change forever the way we live and the way we die. Exploring the afterlife is guaranteed to amaze you. To liberate yourself more directly, try fast-forwarding to your own death. Lie down, relax, and imagine yourself in your own deathbed scene. As much as possible, mentally enter your future body. What are you dying from? Are you feeling pain? Who is there by you? Are you at home or in a hospital environment? What is the emotional atmosphere like? Do you feel fear or peace? Anxiety or wonder? Where do you imagine yourself going? Are late relatives or friends coming to escort you? If you are willing to go further, imagine yourself leaving your body, say somewhere from the top of your head. What happens afterward? Sometimes people doing this simple

Author Julia Assante to present workshops on the Afterlife at Spirit United Church


ulia Assante, Ph.D., is both a mystic and scholar. She has been a professional intuitive, medium, and past-life therapist for over four decades offering workshops throughout the United States and Europe. Her accuracy and telepathy has been clinically tested at Columbia University. As a scholar, she has taught at Columbia, Bryn Mawr, and the University of Munster, Germany and given talks at universities worldwide. She’ll be presenting the following presentations and workshops at Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis: • History’s Sexiest Goddess or the Most Misunderstood? Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. — Inanna/Ishtar is perhaps the most mesmerizing goddess in history. Long hailed as the goddess of sex, love, and war, Inanna has been regarded by most historians as the goddess of prostitution

and as a prostitute herself. The research of Dr. Julia Assante has disproved this understanding. She will explain how these misinterpretations came about and show how Inanna’s unabashedly sexy hymnal literature and bold sexual images were really used by the ancients for protection and well-being. History is being rewritten and Inanna restored to her rightful status. $20 through January 31, $25 after. • Author Talk and Book Signing, Friday, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. — Dr. Assante will be presenting concepts from her highly recommended new book, The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death. She will speak about what actually happens after death and the enormous benefits of communicating with your departed loved ones. She will highlight the differences between ghosts and the deceased, tell us how reincarnation works in simultaneous time and speak about the miracle of the death

exercise see vivid pictures of the life to come. Others even have life reviews. At the very least, this exercise will show you where fear has been holding you back. The good thing about fast-forwarding is that you can change anything you experienced that you found disturbing. You can, for instance, work on healing whatever illness you see yourself dying from, or change beliefs that kept you from fulfilling your potential. Any brush with immortality will transform fear into revelation. You can connect with your immortal self through meditation, deep relaxation, self-hypnotism, or lucid dreaming. Help for working with these techniques is readily available. Then again, you can meet immortality faceto-face through an afterlife encounter. Communicating with people on the other side is an exceptionally common experience. And it can easily be learned. It requires only heartfelt desire and honest emotion. Without realizing it, we are all in communication with the afterlife anyway, in our thoughts, in our prayers, and in our dreams. But since we have been taught that after-death communication is pure fantasy or the work of the devil, we dismiss instances when those immortals are indeed trying to reach us. The impact of an afterlife encounter never diminishes. It stands as a turning point from fear and uncertainty to awe and profound conviction that life never ends. Death is not the problem with our world. Fear is. a Julia Assante, Ph.D., is the author of The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death. She is an established social historian of the ancient Near East and has been an active professional intuitive and medium for over three decades. Visit her online at www.juliaassante.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved. Published with permission of New World Library.

The Last Frontier: A Q & A with Dr. Julia Assante Julia Assante, Ph.D., is the author of The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death. In this comprehensive work, she probes what happens when we die, approaching with scholarly precision historical and religious accounts, near-death experiences, and after-death communication. She then presents convincing evidence of discarnate existence and communication with the dead and offers practical ways to make contact with departed loved ones to heal and

overcome guilt, fear, and grief. Dr. Assante answered some questions about her new book. This Q & A has been edited. Please read the full interview at Edgemagazine.net.

What makes you say that the fear of death is running our world? Dr. Julia Assante: I look at how the fear of death is produced in our society from the stance of a professional social historian. In The Last Frontier, my primary focus is on the media and the health and beauty industries, including pharmaceuticals and insurance, which most directly impact us on a daily basis. Together they have pathologized death. I also look at governmental institutions, education, our constant-growth economic policy, and the sciences. All these exploit the fear of death, usually for profit, by disseminating visions of an unsafe world and the body as a time bomb. The result is that we live in relentless anxiety of imminent attack, whether by terrorists, war, disease, aging, accidents or natural disasters. We are taught that death is the number one enemy, that life is always superior to death, no matter how devalued that life may be. Religions inculcate fear differently, by threatening punishment after death or in the next life. Because of our fear-based orientation, we have lost all natural trust in a benign universe and in the body’s ability to heal itself. With that trust restored, we would live longer, healthier, and infinitely happier lives. What sort of changes do you see if we lose our fear of death? JA: First, we would be in a position to truly grasp immortality. Then everything changes. Our inner awareness of what is really important for the planet and all its residents, now and in the future, would resurface. Dying would no longer be the end but a small turning point in the life of the eternal self. Studies show that people who have lost this fear have measurably increased mental, intellectual, and psychic capacities. They become more reflective, more spiritual, more altruistic, and more sensitive to nature and the environment. They also develop a hunger for knowledge. Prejudice and a “them-versus-us” mentality give way to

process. Julia claims that each of us has the innate ability to communicate with the departed, and therefore the only thing that separates us from those who have transitioned is the fear of death itself. When we overcome that fear, it unleashes our inborn authenticity, and then life really begins. $5 freewill offering suggested. • The Inner Senses and Afterlife Communication, Saturday, Feb. 9, 9:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m. — This workshop is designed to open your Inner Senses for accessing all the subtler inner dimensions of reality, including the afterlife. The inner senses are the foundations of your physical senses, and it is through the inner senses that the deceased communicate with us. Using our inner senses fully sharpens our awareness of life purpose and leads to a dramatic increase in creativity, problem solving, self-trust, perception, and spiritual awareness. In this workshop, participants will awaken the inner senses of sight through remote viewing and aura reading, of touch through empathic healing and charging our electromagnetic fields, and of telepathy and inner listening through after-death communication. $99 through January 31, $120 after.

Last Frontier continued on page 22 

• Living Your Death, Sunday, Feb. 10, 1:30-5:30 p.m. — Whatever fears you might have about dying, this workshop will help reduce or even eliminate them. Without the fear of death, your authentic self comes to the fore, life purpose is sharpened, and creativity and intuitive faculties are enhanced. Anxieties and the need to compete give way to self-trust, service, and taking more risks. In this conclusion to our special weekend, Dr. Assante will lead you through your future death. Participants typically experience life evaluations, leaving the body momentarily entering into the afterlife, and meeting deceased friends and relatives. This workshop will open your eyes to the miraculous side of dying and the beauty of transition. You will see your life in a wholly new perspective, the perspective of immortality, be able to perceive that ultimate creative moment when the dying leave their bodies. $75 through January 31, $90 after. Dr. Assante will also speak at the Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. on February 10 at Spirit United Church. She is available for private readings. For more info, visit www.spiritunited.com or call 612.378.3602. a

 Last Frontier continued from page 21 concern and compassion for others. The desire for success and material gain recedes, as does the need to compete. People feel, instead, a sharpened sense of personal life purpose, typically involving service. Imagine a world populated by people like this! Why do you claim that we are on the verge of a revolution in consciousness? JA: Ironically, science is doing the most to propel this revolution. Research on consciousness itself, nonlocal realities, of which the afterlife is one, and the nonlocal mind is surging. With regard to life after death, since the advent of near-death experience (NDE) studies in the 1970s, interest in proving the existence of an afterlife as well as in investigating its real nature has dramatically risen among researchers, the media, and the general public. NDEs have demonstrated that the mind not only operates outside the body but operates with greatly enhanced abilities, a finding of colossal significance to the survival question. Charting this exotic domain is now within our reach, a project that I carry forward in the Last Frontier. The hard sciences inadvertently support after-death survival by their view of reality as a multiverse, in other words, a reality composed of a nearly infinite number of universes, unperceived by us. Quantum mechanics and astrophysics further support it by showing that matter hardly exists in the universe. What little there is comes from atoms. But the ratio of matter to space in each atom is about the ratio of a tiny pea to a football field. What separates us from discarnates and their dimensions is theoretically that pea. The most momentous change was the invention of the humble telephone, which accustomed us to speak across great distances with disembodied voices, a startling parallel with after-death communication. With radio and TV, we are now used to unheard sound and unseen images moving in waves through space at impossible speeds, a process exceptionally close to the process of telepathy. The Internet has been an even better training ground for expanding our conceptual frameworks and priming us to interact with other dimensions, because it transmits information instantly from multiple points that mimic inner dimensions. Cyberspace and virtual reality habituates us to dimensions of activity where space is collapsed and distances don’t exist, a strong analogy to nonphysical, no-space dimensions, such as the afterlife. Lastly, we are now aware of the fantastic immensity of the universe, an immensity that necessarily broadens our concept of reality and the Divine. Given these unprecedentedly rapid changes that are expanding our consciousness, it seems to me that the revolution has already begun. a For more information on Julia Assante, visit www.juliaassante.com. Copyright © 2013. all rights reserved. Published with permission of New World Library



12 Keys to Creating, Producing, Promoting your Conscious Business “Let the beauty we love, be what you do.” — Rumi


by Kathy Scott Perry

he following are keys to creating, producing and promoting your conscious business:

1. Do what you love to do. Most millionaires become successful doing what they love. It may take time for you to figure out what you love to do, and to figure out how you are going to make money at it, but be patient, it will come. I loved to read spiritual books, meditate, and contemplate. I wondered how I could make money at that. But along with that, I went to workshops, conferences, and spiritual events. I enjoyed them so much, I ended up producing events myself! 2. Volunteer at what you love to do. It will either work into a job, and if not, you will get great experience from it. After spending years attending conferences, I began to volunteer at them, and the volunteering gave me the experience to produce my own conferences. 3. Get to know the experts in your field. I got to know them by volunteering and attending events, so that when I did my own, I knew who to call on for advice. I got to know authors and speakers, so it was easier to approach them for my own events. Find a way to co-create with them, or offer your services in some way. If you get a chance to sit down with them or eat with them, do so. Many of them are very willing to talk with you, and share their information. Ask or affirm that you will always be in the right place, at the right time, and that you will connect with the right people who will help you with your business, or have information that you can use — and you will! 4. Start making a name for yourself in your chosen field. Always bring business cards and flyers wherever you go. Join networking groups — and network, network, and network! Utilize social networks like Facebook and Twitter, for they are invaluable for networking, and free to boot! Have fun at it, make friends, create conscious liaisons. When you are having fun, the business will follow. Don’t focus on selling people something. Get to know them, and make doing business with them a byproduct, not a priority. 5. Check out what other people in your field are doing. Always be willing to align with them and co-create with them. There is no such thing as competition. We are all in this together. My college marketing books say that two hot dog stands next to each other do a better business than one alone. This is why all the car dealers are located near each other! Competition is good for you, because it keeps you on your toes. It gives you ideas for your own business that you wouldn’t have thought of on your own. Minds joined together are much better than one alone. 6. Create a vehicle to do what you want to do. I wanted to hear speakers and to go to workshops, so I hosted them myself. Now I get paid to do what I love to do! At first it was totally a labor of love, and a learning experience. I wanted to learn A Course in Miracles, so I produced events with Course in Miracles authors and teachers. 7. Get to know your market, your speakers and your topics so you can approach them in creative ways. Don’t always go in the front door; go in the side door with inside information. I knew that Marianne Williamson normally came home to Houston for Thanksgiving every year, so I asked her if she would be willing to do a speaking engagement at our new Unity Church in Wimberley, in the Austin, Texas, area, on the Sunday after Thanksgiving — and she said yes! Use the internet to research your topic, person or market. Find people who know, and ask them. Don’t be afraid to ask, because people love to talk about their business or craft. Always research

« Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot

and extensively study everything before you launch a project. 8. Timing is everything. If you are in a dead-end job, and dislike it, remember that you are always where you are supposed to be. Use that time to do research and study up on what you really want to do. If you have a dream, have faith that it will come to fruition, when the universe and you are ready. If you push, and try to force it, and the timing is off, it will not work. Wait until it flows. 9. Stay true to your purpose. Let the universe know that you are serious. I had a huge business in Houston — Rose Girls selling roses in the nightclubs and restaurants. I had no idea that would be my business; all I knew was that I wanted to have my own business. I was working temp jobs, and while I was offered several excellent permanent jobs, I refused to take any of them because I kept foremost in my mind that what I really wanted was to create and maintain my own business. Due to my focus, it eventually happened! 10. Don’t get discouraged. If you are in the “void” or are in a down time, know that it won’t last. Use that time to study, take classes, or rest. If you just don’t know what you are to do, or what direction to take, then don’t do anything. If you have two choices and you don’t know which one to take, don’t take either. If it’s your right livelihood, you will know it. You won’t have to wonder, “Should I do this, or that?” The right thing will manifest at the right time, and you will know it! Sometimes we can take a temporary step that will help us along the way to our desired purpose. That is okay, and sometimes it can be very helpful. Just recognize it and appreciate it for what it is — a stepping stone, and a temporary gift! 11. Create a win-win for everyone. What you give always comes back to you. Figure out ways you can partner with people. Relationship Marketing is the new buzzword. Share booths at expos, cross promote, form promotional partnerships. Advertise other people’s events in exchange for them advertising yours. Be generous. I produced my events at a church that I wanted to see flourish, and when it flourished, so did I. 12. Have faith that everything will always work out for the best. If there’s a will there’s always a way. Take that first step. In the movie Flash Dance, the heroine asked the owner of the mill how he became so successful. His answer was, “I just closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and I jumped.” There will never be any upfront guarantees. Just know that if you want it, it is your calling, and if your every desire is to do it, then it is what you are supposed to do. You will always be given the means and wherewithal to do it. Just take a deep breath, close your eyes and jump! a Kathy Scott Perry is a spiritual event producer and promotion expert. She can be reached at kathyscottperry@gmail.com. To find out more about Kathy and her upcoming events, go to www.miraclepromotions.com.

call today: classes & sessions January 19-20


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Universal Life Force Energy Feel It…Be It

by Miejan J Reiki with Rachel Miejan

ReikibyMiejan.com • 651.735.2863 • Rachel.Miejan@gmail.com

drive out hate: only love can do that. » martin luther king jr.

January 2013  the edge


The Ocean

( S ource ) ry

by Guthema Roba

Evolutionary Pagan by Briana Crusan

Tell me dear friend if you’ve ever seen the ocean begging for a glass of water.

hat is a pagan? Despite the rapidly growing number of movies, books and television shows that present witches or other pagans in various situations, the portrayal often reinforces stereotypes that are inaccurate, or even harmful. Unfortunately, there is a lack of mainstream media that promotes a positive image of pagans or encourages a better understanding of paganism. Because of this, many who follow pagan traditions still experience discrimination in their day-to-day lives. The term pagan or paganism relates to a follower of a spiritual tradition that draws upon the mythology and symbolism from Pre-Christian, European cultures and who takes a broad view of the Divine, allowing for a variety of beliefs and spiritual practices. It is an umbrella term for the faiths and practices of Wiccans, Heathens, Shamans and Druids. A pagan may also simply be someone who is trying to live in harmony with the earth, recognizing its seasons and inhabitants as sacred, while not subscribing to any one belief system. Pagans tend to take a broad view of the Divine, allowing for a variety of beliefs and spiritual practices. Because of this, paganism can be a bit hard to define. Another reason that the words pagan or paganism can be so hard to define is because such faiths are re-creationist in nature. This means that while drawing upon aspects of ancient cultures, paganism is a belief system that is ever evolving. The needs of modern society are quickly growing and shifting as we gain in global awareness. We are in a time when technology has been inserted into every aspect of our lives. We sit behind desks, under artificial lighting, day after day. The bonds that we once had with each other, and with the seasons and the earth, in some ways have been broken. People are often drawn to pagan traditions out of an inner hunger to reestablish that bond. The most common practice among pagans is the use of ritual to bring about change in their lives. A ritual can be very elaborate in the use of props, places, time of day or year, song, dance, symbols and archaic language. However, a ritual can also be very simple such as a cup of tea before yoga to center one’s mind or lighting a candle in remembrance of a deceased loved one. Rituals held in observance of the

Tell me. There is already so much grace bursting deep in your being; so much elegance wanting to explode. Your job is now to weave it into your everyday performance. a Guthema Roba lives in Robbinsdale, MN, and works as a librarian for the Hennepin County library, Golden Valley branch, as well as writes and performs mystical poetry. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe

Salmon Patties


by Maggie Christopher

hese salmon patties are a snap to make. In only 15 minutes you can have a quick and delicious weekday meal. Substitute 1/2 tsp. of dried dill if you don’t have fresh. Try them with tartar sauce. Serve with a side of steamed vegetables. Ingredients 2 TBS olive oil 7.5oz can of salmon, wild caught 10 gluten-free rice crackers, crushed 1 egg 1/3 cup onion, diced 1/3 cup fresh dill, loosely packed, chopped 1/2 lemon, juiced Sea salt and pepper to taste Dipping Sauce Vegenaise Brand Tartar Sauce (can be found in the cold section of a co-op or Whole Foods) Directions Mix all ingredients in a bowl (except the olive oil) and form the mixture into patties. In a skillet add olive oil and heat on medium. Brown until crispy on both sides. These are delicious reheated. Serves 3. a

Maggie Christopher, CHNC, is a certified holistic nutrition counselor in St. Paul. She specializes in digestive issues, sugar cravings and weight loss. She teaches people how to eat whole, natural foods in a way that is delicious and satisfying. Call 651.231.1360 for a 60-minute, complimentary consultation to learn more or visit www.maggiechristopher. com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.




Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox, as well as points in between, are considered holiday practices and often incorporate themes relating to the birth, life, death and rebirth cycle. Many pagans will host an open ritual for friends and family during those times. When a ritual is created for a different purpose such as for healing or manifestation within one’s life, it is considered to be practicing witchcraft and is often conducted in a closed group, or individual setting. Witchcraft is the practice of “magick” where the practitioner solicits, recognizes, and acts upon the signs and symbols of the Divine by way of following this formula: intent + visualization + action = manifestation of the desired result. This method can be used when you want to: • Materialize an idea by acquiring the tools and knowledge to make it real. • Influence another’s perspective, opinion, emotion, or health. • Manifest opportunities in your life or career. In this way, any act of using intention to influence one’s reality is a form of witchcraft and achieving a result is thought to be a reflection of one’s ability to control “magick.” For many pagan traditions, while the Divine is called by many different names it is understood that these are but aspects of the same energy — The Source of All. It infuses all reality with its energy and we are a part of it. As a pagan, my goal is to connect with that essence, that vibration contained within all of creation, and to honor it as sacred. So that when I practice my rituals, or my intention setting, I am co-creating with the Source to bring forth the “magick” of achieving my goals. Therefore, a pagan can be anyone who is actively using their intention to connect with the Source and conjure forth their desired reality while striving to exist in harmony with the whole of creation. In other words, one can say that a pagan is a (Source)rer. a Briana Crusan was raised with pagan, as well as new age, beliefs. She is a Reiki Practitioner and Polarity Therapist currently operating in St. Paul. She is one of the anchors for The Pagan Voice at Pagan Living TV, as well as marketing director for Summerland Spirit Festival. Briana is working on the release of her first spoken word CD, Divine Intervention. Join the conversation: Look for “Evolutionary Pagans” at Meetup. tchealers.com. To make an appointment, visit Psinergy. info. Watch The Pagan Voice at Paganliving.tv. To learn more about Summerland, visit Summerlandfest.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set,

Energy Medicine weekend featuring Donna Eden, David Feinstein coming to Midwest “Energy Medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down.” — Donna Eden Weekend of Energy Medicine” with Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D., will be presented by MidWest Energy Movement on March 8-10 in St. Louis, Missouri, offering revitalizing energy experiences and easy-to-learn and exciting new ways to have radiance in your life. The event will take place at the Sheraton Lakeside, 191 Westport Plaza. Register at www.brownpapertickets.com and enter Donna Eden Energy Medicine.  For more than three decades, Donna Eden has been teaching people how to work with the body’s energy systems to reclaim their health and natural vitality. Her book Energy Medicine has been translated into nearly 20 languages, and her latest book is Energy Medicine for Women.  Dr. Feinstein is a clinical psychologist who has Donna Eden & David Feinstein served on the faculties of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Antioch College, and the California School of Professional Psychology. His emphasis has been Energy Psychology, which has been called “acupressure for the emotions.” Energy Psychology techniques can help you overcome fear, guilt, shame, jealousy, anger, or anxiety. You can change unwanted habits and behaviors and enhance your ability to love, find success, and enjoy life. Energy Medicine heals the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance. It utilizes techniques from ancient healing traditions, such as acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, and qigong. Flow, balance and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system: by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin; by tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects; by focused use of the mind to move specific energies; and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies. For more information, contact Gail Van Kanegan of MidWest Energy Movement at 507.244.1994 or email gail@midwestenergymovement.com. — staff report a


then there’d be peace. » john lennon

January 2013  the edge


Enough by Nina Dauban

I despair at the experience of discovering it is not enough for this life to become the portal of new permission through which every human life arrives here with the love, care and sanctity new life deserves. It is of almost equal dismay that I discover my cry to see human departures given due care and facilitation is not enough. It is not enough that I make peace with myself, with others and anchor that to banish all violence for all time. It is not enough that I am a bridge of the next step in a 1000 different ways for the 1000’s of people I deal with day to day. It is not enough that I meet with my template companions to reach deeper, further to connect stronger together. It is not enough that I anchor universal essences onto the planet to make sacred that little bit of earth in my custody. It is not enough that I push back the space and seed alignment offerings into leadership endeavors locally and globally. It is not enough that I become visible, as what is with me is ready to be seen. All of it is not enough I don’t know what is enough I have a sense I will only feel settled when the state of humane kind is the daily experience of all Let me hold your hope so that I can set it free Let me hold your cry that I may dry your tears Let me hold your try and charge it into establishment Give me your foot to place on steady ground Give me your hand to hold in mine as we travel together from here on in Give me your heart to keep safe in mine as we make love, as we give love together Give me your eyes so I can shed light on all you see Together we are enough Together we are enough a Nina Dauban is a writer, poet, speaker and charity CEO running a Community Foundation in the UK which gives grants to local charities on behalf of local philanthropists. Her passion comes under the umbrella title of ‘Midwifery of the Future’ and she has 30 years experience of making that journey. As a public speaker locally her most requested talk is “Hatchings and Dispatchings – a

new perspective,” which offers the elderly, in particular, reassurance and settlement as they face the theatre of change. Contact her at nina@753.org.uk. Photo courtesy of Patricia Youker. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

seek peace daily



« The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged

featured: Holistic Care for Our Animals

Holistic Healing for Happier Cats Dr. Susan Swanson, a holistic pioneer, offers support for cats with physical, emotional needs in the Twin Cities

M by Maria Toso

any people embrace a holistic approach to medical care for themselves, but few may realize that pets benefit equally from healing therapies that favor dietary changes, flower remedies and Chinese medicine over the commonly prescribed “silver bullets” like antibiotics and steroids. Dr. Susan Swanson owns the The Cat Care Clinic in Mahtomedi, MN, and she is one of the early pioneers in holistic care for cats in the Midwest. Dr. Swanson’s interest in holistic care for cats was born out of her own healing experience. Shortly after graduating from vet school in 1988, she was diagnosed with highly inconvenient allergies to cats, dogs and horses. After years of allergy shots, antihistamines and inhalers, which only worked temporarily, she decided there must be a better way. By following an elimination diet, she discovered that the underlying cause of her pet allergies was to be found in her gut in the form of a gluten-intolerance. Eliminating this seemingly unrelated food cured her pet allergies for good. This experience was an eye opener for Dr. Swanson as to the importance of examining the whole picture before attempting to treat an isolated symptom. As a supplement to her veterinary degree, she went on to study Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Chi Institute in Florida and she further enhanced her studies at the Beijing Teaching Hospital in China, where acupuncture and herbs have been practiced on animals for nearly 4,000 years. “In the West, we have become accustomed to a medical approach that focuses largely on treating the symptoms — and treating them fast. We expect a doctor to make a symptom go away in a day or two rather than take the time to uncover the whole picture and address underlying issues,” Dr. Swanson says. While The Cat Care Clinic does offer a full range of standard medical services, such as vaccinations, surgery, dentistry, radiology and diagnostic laboratory tests when needed, Dr. Swanson makes it her business to educate cat owners

about the sometimes very simple measures that will “keep the doctor away.” “I learned from my own experience, and this has been confirmed time and again in my practice, that most if not all non-trauma health issues originate in the gut. If your gut is not happy, you are not happy — and it’s no different for a cat,” Dr. Swanson says. She explains that if you have been irritating your cat’s gut with inflammation-producing foods for years, it will take a while to build a healthy intestinal flora, but the results will be far reaching. Grain-free is cheaper Dr. Swanson strongly recommends that all cats be taken off grain-based foods for good. She explains that cats simply aren’t designed to digest grains. “You will not see a tiger or a lion munching on grains in nature. Yet, the vast

by the way its animals are treated. » mahatma gandhi

majority of cat foods, even those found in health food stores, are full of grains. The only grains cats ever consume in the wild are those found in the gut of the animals they kill, and those have been pre-digested by prey whose enzymes and digestive juices are designed to break down grains.” Dr. Swanson often hears the initial argument from clients that the protein rich, grain-free cat foods are more expensive. “They are,” she says, “but in my own experience — and I have had this confirmed by many clients — it is actually cheaper in the long run to invest in proper nutrition. A cat on a grain-free diet rarely develops the modern cat ailments such as diabetes, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, cats tend to eat much less of the nutrient-rich, protein-based foods, and Happier Cats continued on page 28  January 2013  the edge


“The procedure does not merely remove the claws; it is, in fact, a full-on amputation of the first digit of the cat’s bones.” Dr. Susan Swanson on declawing cats  Happier Cats continued from page 27 hence, they end up using less litter. More importantly, they have far fewer visits to the vet. A simple shift in diet is one of the most important things you can do for your cat’s longevity.”

GRAIN-FREE & IDEAL FOOD FOR YOUR CAT The following cat foods are grain-free, but always check the label — some of these brands also make grain-containing varieties: Innova - EVO Nature’s Variety - Instinct Solid Gold - Indigo Moon Merrick Now Natural Balance Before Grain Evangers California Natural Weruvia (canned) Felidae Taste of the Wild If you want to go all the way and give your cat the ideal foods, here are some raw brands: Bravo Primal Nature’s Variety Stella & Chewy’s Things to Avoid: Corn, soy, wheat, barley, oats, millet, by-products, BHA, BHT, Ethoxyquin



Hold the antibiotics & steroids After Dr. Swanson implemented the holistic approach at her clinic, she had a drastic decline in the use of antibiotics. “I probably use it about 90 percent less than your average veterinarian, and I also find that steroids are rarely necessary,” she explains. Dr. Swanson does find that people are increasingly more aware of the dangers of excessive antibiotics use in people and animals alike, and her clients are generally open to trying something alternative when resolving infections. Upon initial examination, Dr. Swanson will identify the cat’s underlying constitution, as well as the acute symptoms. In addition to the dietary advice, she may prescribe Chinese herbs to support the cat’s immune system in resolving an infection. “During fall and spring,” she says, “I see a lot of kidney problems, which is typical for the change of season. For a cat with kidney issues, a conventional practice would put the cat on a low protein diet. Personally, I find that it’s not so much a low-protein diet that is needed, but a better protein diet. Changing to a high quality protein diet, in some cases paired with an appropriate Chinese herb, will relieve stress on the kidneys, support the cat’s immune system and promote healing.” Cats have feelings, too Sometimes a cat’s issue is not so much physical as emotional and behavioral in nature. In that case, Dr. Swanson turns to flower remedies for help. Flower essences are made from sunlight infusions of fresh blossoms in spring water. They are used to treat emotional disturbances that can manifest as both physical and behavioral problems in animals. “These flower essences are very gentle, yet highly effective in addressing issues of a more subtle nature. A cat that has experienced a move, for example, may be acting out. A few drops of walnut essence for a couple of weeks will calm the anxiety and help the cat settle in to a new environment,” she says.

The flower essences are the same that are used for human beings and can be purchased in most health foods stores. Declawing is amputation Another hot topic is that of declawing. Dr. Swanson finds that even clients who are otherwise enlightened about holistic care still want to know why she is adamantly against declawing. “In this country,” she says, “we still have a high acceptance level for declawing. In most European countries, this procedure has been banned by law for a long time. First of all, the term ‘declawing’ is misleading. The procedure does not merely remove the claws; it is, in fact, a full-on amputation of the first digit of the cat’s bones.” Declawing often leads to permanent problems that aren’t always attributed correctly to the declawing procedure earlier in life. Dr. Swanson often sees a connection between declawing and cats that prefer to go outside of their litter box, unprovoked biting, impaired balance and agility and general lack of vigorous activity leading to obesity in adulthood. But how do you stop a cat from scratching up your furniture? Dr. Swanson says it’s easier than you might think. “Cats like to stretch and scratch upon waking, so keep a scratching post near his or her favorite resting spot,” she says. “Try rubbing it with catnip to attract your cat’s interest. Meanwhile, you can spray your furniture with lemon spray or cover certain areas with double stick tape or tin-foil to discourage scratching. With persistence, you can train your cat to leave your furniture alone.” Holistic cat clinics are still few and far between, but more and more conventional doctors will refer clients to Dr. Swanson if they request a holistic approach to their cats’ health. To serve clients who don’t have a holistic vet nearby, Dr. Swanson also offers phone consultations. a Cat Care Clinic is located at 1524 Mahtomedi Ave., Mahtomedi, MN. For more information on Cat Care Clinic and Dr. Swanson, call 651.429.4153 or visit www.holisticcatclinic.com. Maria Toso is a Danish freelance writer based in St. Paul, MN. She also is a yoga and meditation teacher. Visit www.mariatoso.com and email mariatoso@gmail.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« I’m trying to translate what my cat says and put it in a book, but how

All pets love herbs


by Liz Johnson

here are some wonderful herbs that can help our smaller, furry, feathered or scaly family members. Giving them a gentle herb as a first course of action can save a trip to the vet. This can be a more relaxing way to deal with a health issue for your pet, not to mention a lessexpensive way for you! While our pets often seem just like us, they do have special health needs and cannot always take what we can. With that in mind, I’d like to share information about a few herbs that can come in handy for our pets and, barring any allergies unique to a specific pet, are safe and healthy for them. Cats can benefit from pau d’arco and dandelion if they are itchy. Valerian root can really get a couch potato cat moving and, of course, they often love catnip herb. It is amazing how much cats love herbs. Cats are very different from us in some ways, so not all herbs that we can use are safe for cats, but goldenseal root for wounds and eye infections (mix with saline), licorice root for a variety of issues — from allergies to arthritis and more, and peppermint and rosemary help repel insects while soothing the skin. Dogs are much easier, because they can take many of the same herbs we can, and dogs love herbs, too. Consider devil’s claw for joint pains, calendula for a variety of wounds and infections, and nettles for allergies. Mullein flowers in oil make a great ear infection oil for your average dog (and human) and the leaves are perfect for dry coughs, like kennel cough. A nervous dog will love German chamomile (unless they are allergic), but don’t feed this one to your feline friends. Dandelion is just as good for dogs as it is for cats, so don’t be afraid to add some powdered root to foods, or some fresh spring greens to the food bowl. Dandelion leaf does become increasingly bitter as it grows, so pick it early or mix in dried. For our feathered friends, we can offer classic digestive herbs, such as coriander seed, dillseed and fennel seed. Lemon balm is another terrific herb that some

birds find calming, while other birds find energizing. Sage and thyme, each well studied for their antimicrobial properties, are also beloved by many birds and can help fight various infections. Bee pollen has also been used by bird owners to bring a little energy to a tired pet. Reptiles are another matter. The most varied group of pets, there are a few good herbs that most reptiles can take. Cloves seem to help many reptiles deal with parasites and bad digestion. Pau d’arco has a strong use among people, cats, and reptiles for fungus, parasites, cough and inflammation. Olive leaf, that high antioxidant herb, can be used by reptiles and people when colds and flu are making the rounds. Of course, fish can benefit from bentonite clay. In fact, the way we came to first understand the cleansing benefits of bentonite clay was by watching the effect it has on goldfish. It makes them brighter and healthier. How much can your favorite pet take? Well, that varies a bit, but as a general rule of thumb, look at what a dose would be for you and then divide your pet’s weight by 140. The number you get is the percentage of the adult human dose your pet would take. For example, a 35-pound canine would take about 25 percent of an adult human dose. Herbs can be a wonderful way to help our animal friends live happier and healthier lives. Offering a sprinkle of clove, nettle or dandelion over a favorite food, or using a dropper to administer a few drops of tincture, can be a great way to incorporate herbs into a pet’s life. See a veterinarian when it makes sense, and try a little herbal remedy before making that appointment. It may make all the difference in your best friend’s quality of life. a

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Liz Johnson was inspired to become an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner by seeing people around her deal with illness. She has studied the art of herbalism along with other alternative healing and has apprenticed under Matthew Wood. Liz continues to seek out teachers, schools and conferences to enhance her knowledge. She has been in private practice since 1995. Visit firewind.com and contact her at liz@magushealingcenter.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

many homonyms are there for meow? » jarod kintz

January 2013  the edge


It Takes a Village to Raise a Dog


by Sage Lewis

nimals sure can have a sneaky way of becoming a spiritual practice.   In 12 years, my dog Java has never missed a meal — not until the first weekend in November. A barrage of questions raced through my mind and heart. Why now? What’s wrong? What did I miss? Is she dying? What next?   I readied myself for anything when I made that first of what would be many vet appointments. Taking a deep breath, I convinced myself to be open and prepared for whatever news would come. And as I dug into my spiritual practice, I reminded myself to stay present, keep my heart open, and not be attached to outcome. Oh yeah, and breathe. They say that “No news is good news,” but is that really true? What if the only news that keeps coming in is all good news, yet my dog still isn’t eating very much, is losing weight rapidly, and is having “episodes” of some sort that take her to a far away place for moments and minutes at a time? It became clear to me that I needed to expand my resources, expand my heart, and continue reminding myself of the Dalai Lama’s quote that hangs in my living room, “Never Give Up.” There’s a fine line between giving up, letting go and surrendering. Spirit has a way of bringing all sorts of lessons into our lives to teach us the difference between love and fear. For me, I chose the place of sweet sacrifice — to put my energies into supporting Java through whatever it was that she was going through, while continuing to keep my eyes and heart open to the rest of my life at the same time. I chose love. What I wasn’t prepared for was the mystery that would span for many weeks, and the outpouring of love and community that would gather to help troubleshoot Java’s shift into whatever her next phase would be for all of us. When we’re willing to think outside the box, the box disappears. I’ve been working with animals in a variety of ways for over 12 years, so I feel like I have a pretty good handle on what’s available. However, when it came down to my own dog having health issues that kept showing up as inexplicable, I reached out to colleagues who practiced traditional, holistic and alternative methods of working with animals. So far we’ve utilized holistic veterinary medicine, essential oils, homeopathy, osteopathy, animal communication, energy healing, shamanic healing, Tellington TTouch®, chiropractic and prayer. Throughout this process, I’ve expanded my belief system of what it means to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes healing is about accepting what is rather than wanting something different.



Enter a deepening of my spiritual practice. In the past two months I’ve found the beauty of noticing each breath, celebrating each wag, rejoicing each time a favorite toy gets picked up, and recognizing a familiar glimmer. I’ve also found the peace of reaching out and letting go, and the joy of what is rather than the grief of what’s not. We can run in circles and chase our tail, or hold still and the tail will eventually come to us. That’s where we are right now — in a wondrous place of allowing the mystery to unfold. Rainer Maria Rilke wrote, “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” While I write, Java’s peacefully asleep on the couch with her favorite owl toy tucked under her arm — her white muzzle flopped over a pillow — dreaming of nothing more than being in this moment. Sometimes the teacher appears when the student is ready. a Sage Lewis is the Creature Teacher with Dancing Porcupine and is a Certified Life Coach, Animal Communicator, Level 3 Certified Tellington TTouch® Practitioner, and Shamanic Practitioner. Sage hosted the radio show, The Pet Playground and is one of the featured authors in Dogs and the Women Who Love Them. Sage is the author of JAVA: The True Story of a Shelter Dog Who Rescued a Woman — the true account of the trials, tribulations and incredible triumphs of her work with her dog, Java. Visit www. DancingPorcupine.com and contact Sage at 612.817.4473 or sage@dancingporcupine.com. Photograph by Gina Kelly for a photo project called Kindred Spirits (ginakelly.com/photo-gallery/ kindred-spirits/). Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude,

Miracles at the Farm


by Patty Dease

hen I moved to Earthway Farm 24 years ago, I did not realize it would also lead to a shift in consciousness. Animals and nature seem to offer a ready opening to a connection with the other side. They have helped me to awaken to see the real presence of angels in our lives. What I wish to share here are a sampling of the miracles that have taken place with the animals. Most recently, I was finishing up early morning chores and preparing to go to our local flea market. As I came in from the barn, I saw our 11-yearold pug, Tanner struggling to stand. Immediately I ran to him, thinking he was having a seizure. As I held him, I realized that it was not a seizure. Maybe a stroke? While my roommate called the vet, I took my quartz crystal and touched it to his head and asked Archangel Raphael to come to his aid. (It was a difficult time, as this Pug is a close friend and dearly loved). As I prayed, I felt a calmness enter through the top of my head and move through my entire body. At the same time, I was holding Tanner’s head and could feel something ease up within him, as well. By the time we arrived at the vet clinic, he was walking and almost back to normal. It was determined by the vet that he may have had a stroke. But this is not the end of the story. My roommate had decided to go on to the flea market, as we had a booth there. So, when I arrived with Tanner walking along side of me, she was quite pleased, to say the least. But, as I walked into the market, I could smell the fresh fruits and vegetables — and it seemed like I was seeing and smelling everything for the first time. It all seemed so beautiful. A gold light was cast on all that was before me, and a tremendous peace was everywhere. I felt a deep sense of contentment and joy. It was

so hard to put it all in words. Writing this feels like such an inadequate way of describing the experience. All that I can really say is that we were visited by angels and they left their mark of love in my experience. Here is one more story. It was mid-May and I was feeding the animals early before the arrival of a bus filled with first graders coming for their annual field trip to our farm. We had several bottle lambs who were enthusiastically consuming their morning bottle of goat’s milk. One had been drinking quite fast and I remember feeling concerned that she might get milk in her lungs by drinking so quickly. She finished her bottle early and I turned my attention to the other lamb who was still drinking. When I looked back, the first lamb was laying flat on the ground. When I looked at her side, I saw no movement. I quickly picked her up, trying to stand her on her legs, and her head flopped over to the side like a rag doll. I asked Archangel Raphael to come to her aid four times. I then felt movement between my hands and the lamb lifted her head up and stood on her feet. As I write these words, I know that the experience is way beyond what my words on this paper can describe. All I know for sure is this: We are not alone. Angels are everywhere around us. They support us when we let go of our fear and invite them in. Nature and animals have a better connection to this realm than I do, so I am grateful for the opportunity to spend my life here with them. My hope is that their knowledge and wisdom will visit me, as well. a Patty Dease and her partner have run Earthway Farm in South Haven, MN, for 24 years. Each year several thousand school children make their annual field trip to the farm to experience the gentle farm animals and to experience the calmness of nature. Most recently, Earthway has also been offering metaphysical classes, which have been well attended. Contact Patty at 320.236.7852 or email earthway@ lakedalelink.net. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

then animals are better off than a lot of humans. » james herriot

January 2013  the edge



Edge listings

Featured Business listings … Classifieds … Sacred Services Source networking … Happenings event calendar … Edge Talk Radio schedule THIS MONTH

Animal Services for the Upper Midwest


ho can put words to the meaning that animals have in our lives? They are members of our family, and trusted companions who are next to us throughout treasured moments of our lives. The following offer services for animals in the Upper Midwest: Romawai Alixandra, 952.460.3636. cell: 651.485.8660, romawai@joyfulspiritllc.com, www.joyfulspiritllc.com – Communication, Reiki, Additional Energy Work: For Animals and Their Human Friends! Deepen friendships, enhance well-being. Help rescue animals release negative memories, build trust and loving relationships. Resolve problem behaviors. Facilitate training. Accelerate recovery from surgery, injury, illness. Ease aging and passing. Completion conversations with those who have transitioned. Any location. Animal Bridges, Elaine Garley, 612.237.9580, elaine@ animalbridges.com, www.animalbridges.com, www. animalbridgesblog.com – Elaine communicates with all animals, living and deceased, helping people understand their pet’s needs – especially end-of-life issues. She hears running conversations, feels emotions/physical issues and provides the guardians a transcript. Also Healing Touch for Animals® practitioner and certified Tellington TTouch® practitioner. Certified practitioner in both Healing Touch for Animals® and Tellington TTouch® Training. Animal Intuition, Jenny Gott, 6879 Washington Ave. S., Edina, MN 55439, 952.484.4396, info@animal-intuition. com, www.animal-intuition.com – We provide health and healing options for animals through the use of canine/ equine massage, animal communication, Reiki and essential oils. Classes and clinics are also offered. Animal Intuition takes a personal approach to every situation using empathy, understanding and great care while drawing from years of training and experience. Cat Care Clinic, 1524 Mahtomedi Ave., Mahtomedi, MN 55115, 651.429.4153, holisticcatclinic.com – Cat Care Clinic offers a blend of Western and Eastern medicine. It is a holistic practice specializing in herbs, traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractic, nutritional therapy and behavior





business listings

…highlighting a different holistic business each month except when The Edge Directory is published (June & November). Next month: If you provide Yoga & Meditation in your community: Be listed here for only $50. Contact info + 50-word description of what your center offers the community. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net. Deadline: January 22.

counseling. House calls are available in the St. Paul area. Edie Animal Talk, 763.795.8176, EdieAnimalTalk@hotmail. com – Do you ever wonder what your animal is thinking or how they’re feeling? Edie will connect with your animal and get the answers that you’re seeking. Being new to animal communication, Edie is offering her services for $10 - $15. Please email Edie for more information on connecting with your animal. Kathy Grimes, Brother Wolf and Friends, 952.270.4306, kgrimes@brotherwolfandfriends.com, www. brotherwolfandfriends.com – Kathy, from Brother Wolf and Friends, offers healing words and hands for both animals and humans. For over 10 years, Kathy has been talking to animals and doing energy work for them. As an animal chaplain, she offers welcoming celebrations, memorial celebrations and grief groups. She is also available as a speaker. Sage Lewis, Creature Teacher™ 612.817.4473, Sage@ DancingPorcupine.com, www.dancingporcupine.com – Soulful Solutions for You and Your Pets: Sage helps you and your pets become happier, healthier, better behaved, and you’ll have fun doing it! Animal Communication, Shamanic Healing, Tellington TTouch® Training (pet behavior & wellness), Intuitive/Medium Readings, Life Coaching. Phone/in-person. Individual and groups sessions and classes. Don’t postpone peace! Lost Dogs MN, Lostdogsmn.com, www.facebook.com/ LDoMN – Lost Dogs MN is an all-volunteer group committed to reuniting owners with their lost dogs. This service is provided free to dog owners, shelters/rescues and animal control professionals. This service is for all lost & found dogs in Minnesota. If you have lost or found a dog, please fill out the appropriate form at www.facebook. com/LDoMN

SoulMusique, LLC, Glenda Huston, 3048 Hayes St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418, 612.803.8376, glenda@ soulmusique.com, Soulmusique.com – Honor the Loss, Honor the Life: Losing a beloved pet can be a deeply painful passage. Through the SoulCollage® process, facilitator and personal life coach Glenda Huston aids your healing process and helps you honor your pet and the role they had in your life. Individual or family sessions available. Mary L. Stoffel, 763.444.8146, www.humanimal.com, www.practicalshamanism.com, www.avatarepcmn.com – Mary is an Avatar® Master, Animal Communicator and Shamanic Practitioner. She is the author of The Practical Power of Shamanism: Heal Your Life, Loves and Losses, and the upcoming book, Help Your Animal Heal: Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually. Lena Swanson – Animal Communication and Holistic Healing, P.O. Box 18641, St. Paul, MN 55118, 651.206.0644, lena@lenaswanson.com, www.lenaswanson.com – Lena Swanson has been a full-time animal communicator since 2002 and is well known for her accuracy and wonderful rapport with both people and animals. She also does psychic readings, is a shamanic healer, Reiki master and past life regression facilitator. Lena teaches a variety of animal communication and shamanic journeying classes at all levels. Talk Pawsitive, Kristen Scanlon, CBP, BAP, 763.226.6943, Kristen.BodyTalk@gmail.com, www.KristenScanlon.com – Specializing in healing physical, emotional, and behavioral issues in animals by combining BodyTalk for Animals and Animal Communication. Kristen is able to ease and oftentimes completely eliminate symptoms, including cases deemed hopeless and impossible. She addresses the entire family matrix on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels for complete healing.

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

edge featured businesses 2013 Each month, in concert with The Edge’s featured article topic, this publication features a select group of holistic businesses and offers listings for only $50. That allows you to be listed in print one month and online for one year. You provide your contact info + 50 words describing what you offer your community. The following is the 2013 schedule of Featured Business listings: FEBRUARY — Yoga & Meditation Deadline: January 22 MARCH — Psychics, Mediums & Intuitives Deadline: February 19 APRIL — Retreat Centers & Spas Deadline: March 20 MAY — Therapeutic Massage Deadline: April 19 Deadline: 17th of each month. Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Order Online: Edgemagazine.net/advertise/ online-store/

r i pple s

on winter

“A man says a lot of things in summer he doesn’t mean in winter.” patricia briggs

“My old grandmother always used to say, ‘Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.’ ” george r.r. martin

“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.” carl reiner

“You can only look forward to a South Dakota winter if, as with childbirth, remodeling a house, or writing a novel, you’re able to forget how bad it was the last time.” dan o’brien



…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.



ROMANCE & GODDESSES: The Sophia Secrets, a magical realism novel by Savitri L. Bess. A story of romance, goddesses, visions, and an elder woman’s search for meaning. For more information, go to: www.pathofthemother.com

NATURAL, RECYCLED, HOMEGROWN & LOCAL: Tired of those scripted home parties that only offer mass marketed, high-priced products proudly “Made in China?” Then try something new! Pure at Hearth is a new type of home party since we work with local artisans to bring natural, recycled, homegrown and locally made products to you! Looking to host this new breed of home party? Are you a local artisan looking to explore a new venue? Check us out at www.PureatHearth.com then call Jo at 612.234.7388 for a truly unique party. See you at home!

BUY, SELL & CONNECT USE EDGE CLASSIFIEDS: Place your listing here to buy, sell, trade, connect with others, promote your website or garage sale or much more. Complete information on how to be listed in the Edge Classifieds: $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Submit your Classifieds directly online at Edgemagazine. net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine. net.


SUBSCRIBE TO THE EDGE DIRECT TO YOUR MAILBOX: Receive The Edge by the 1st of each month. Only $29 for 12 months, $48 for 24 months. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@ edgemagazine.net.


SERVICES listings …provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net 12 STEP SPIRITUALITY: 6200 Colonial Way, Edina, MN 55436, www.12StepSpirituality.org – A series of workshops focused on Centering Prayer Meditation to Deepen your 11th Step practice. Guest presenters, Centering Prayer instruction and practice, group discussions and more. Second Saturday of each month: 9am-Noon, Colonial Church of Edina. Find us on Facebook.

SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@spiritunited.com, www.spiritunited.com – Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30am Main service, 10:30am Kids With Spirit Class.

ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, MN, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org – Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm Tours available.

UNITY CHRIST CHURCH: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www.unitychristchurch. org – Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 9 & 11am, nursery and Sunday School at both services. Alternative Service 5:30pm; Monthly Healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year.

Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living: 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org, 612.922.4272 – Encouraging authentic spiritual connection through Sunday services, classes and workshops. Sunday 10:30am Services are led by our resident speakers Patty Peterson, Christine Day, Cindi Claypatch, Michael Foley and Linda Saggau; guest speakers; or Spiritual Director, Theresa Rose. 9am Services include Spiritual Development, Drum Service, Toning/Healing and Body and Soul. Space also available for weddings, concerts and special events. SAINT FRANCIS LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH: 3201 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.823.4276, www. stfrancisliberalcatholicchurch.org – Holy Eucharist 10am Sundays; Rosary 9:30am First Saturdays. Communion available to everyone. Freedom of conscience and belief. A church for seekers. Ordination of Women. Seven Christian Sacraments. Find us on Facebook.

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN, 952.895.0745, Unityofthevalleymn. org – “Celebrating the Light of Spirit within you.” Sunday service, Nursery, Rainbow Circles for children, and Uniteens at 10 am. Our Many Paths Metaphysical Book and Gift store is open Mon.–Thurs. 11am-3pm, Sundays 11am-12:30pm. Chanting and Meditation service on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7 pm Intuitive readings by Susan Shopek before and after the service. Call for appointment. Bookstore that evening open until 9 pm. Adult classes and workshops. Rental space available.

1st TIME ADVERTISERS: Get 20% OFF the cost of a display advertisement for the first month if you commit to 3 months or more of advertising in The Edge! Call Cathy today at 763.433.9291.

January 2013  the edge




BREATHWORK / REBIRTHING / REIKI: Enhance Your Life With Every Breath, Reiter Fitness & Healing, LLC, Deanna Reiter 651.238.7248, deanna@dayawati.com, www.dayawati.com

networking listings …provide category, brief description, name, phone, email, website, photo or logo. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net Acupuncture: House Call service for the Twin Cities and beyond. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Cupping, Tui Na and Qi Gong. Specializing in Sports Injury, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, Depression, Menopausal Symptoms and Allergies. Anthony VanWagner, L.Ac, MaOM, 651.334.3266 Acupuncture, Aromatherapy & More: Choose from a wide range of affordable Wellness Services & practitioners to fit your specific, individual needs, including Cranio-Sacral Massage, Eastern & Western style Cupping, Herbal consults, Moxibustion, Reiki, Tui-Na and Integrative Intuitive Massage. Magus Books & Herbs, 612.379.7669, Book online: www.MagusHealingCenter.com ANGEL ART: Angel portraits by Angel Artist Paulette Salo. I channel your Angels and paint the Angels that want to give you a specific message and their name. I’ve painted over 7,000 Angels for people across the country and I can paint yours, too! Angelsbypaulette.com or 763.546.4076 ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com ASTROLOGY: Accurate, insightful soul readings. The best weekly horoscopes. D.K. Brainard 646.247.8508, doctord@wordsforthepeople.com, www.wordsforthepeople.com AURA PHOTOS: Available by Appointment. Helping You Heal Center. Schedule a private healing Session Today. Annette Bruchu, 651.247.9719, helpingyouheal@msn.com, www.UnemployedAngelForHigher.com Autism: Calm-Focus-Connect: A unique one-to-one approach for optimizing brain function using movement, sound, and sensory techniques to help heal the nervous system. For people on the spectrum and anyone with similar issues. www.wings-to-soar.com AYURVEDA: Treat anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue and more holistically — and effectively. Let your body lead the way to experiencing the best of who you are, starting now! Keri Mangis, CAP, E-RYT200, Elements Ayurveda in Linden Hills, 612.599.9668, www.elementsayurveda.com BODY TALK & Animal communication: Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, BodyTalk for Animals Practitioner, Animal Communicator, and BodyTalk Your Business. Eases and oftentimes completely eliminates symptoms by tapping into the body’s natural ability to heal. Talk Pawsitive, Kristen Scanlon, CBP, BAP, 763.226.6943, Kristen.BodyTalk@gmail.com, www.KristenScanlon.com BODYWORK AND BREATHWORK: Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: With Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh. Heal the body, clear old emotions & deepen your connection with Spirit. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Personal breath sessions with Soul coaching and/or Pranic Healing® / Reiki by appointment. Info: www.theconnectingspirit. com / Contact: theconnectingspirit@gmail.com or 651.442.4623



CAREER & BUSINESS COACHING: B.Better offers coaching to inspire personal leadership, career success and business growth through Career Counseling, Entrepreneurial Mentoring, Job Search Strategies, Assessments, Resume Optimization, Interview Preparation, Social Media and Personal Branding. For a free consultation, contact Chris Naylor, certified coach, 612.802.9137, chris@b-betternow.com, www.b-betternow.com CAREER COUNSELING: Clarifying Conversations – guided by your own heart, inspired by your own knowing. Laurie Mattila, M.S.Ed., Career Counselor 651.644.7766, LaurieMattila@aol.com, www.LaurieMattila.com COACHING / COUNSELING: Leave the past behind, start something new! You don’t have to stay stuck in the same old patterns – you can make real changes in your life. Gentle alternative approaches make it easier than you imagined. Judy Steele, MTP, life coaching and counseling. Alternative practitioner (no insurance). 35+ years’ experience, whole-person perspective. 612.590.3193, www.schoolforliving.org COLONICS: Detoxification with Colon Hydrotherapy & Ion Cleanse Foot Bath, Carol Edel, 2409 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls, MN (Ecopolitan Bldg) 952.474.2627, caroledel@gmail.com Computer Repair: “Bring Harmony & Balance back to your Computing Experience” – Specializing in PC & Mac repairs for Individuals & Small Business – Angie’s List 2011 Super Service Award Winner - Flat-Fees. Onsite within 50 miles (In-Home or Office), or Drop-Off available. 10am-Midnight, 7/days a week - 612.234.7237, www.StPaulVirusRemoval.com COUNSELING: Struggling with relationships? Worried about your child or teenager? We offer confidential counseling with effective techniques and tangible skills that you can take with you. We offer a half-hour consultation to make sure the therapist is a fit for you. Individual, Couples, Family, Play Therapy. Bridging Hope Counseling, Heidi Waldoch, 763.291.5505, info@bridginghopecounseling.com, bridginghopecounsling.com, offices in Rogers and Buffalo, MN. CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY: In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), carved stone items (wands, spheres, animals, candles), decorator pieces, jewelry. Information on energy properties provided with all stones sold. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, kistones@comcast.net, www.kistones.com DEATH & DYING: Death is a sacred, natural, transformative event that we all experience. It can be embraced instead of feared. We can support and guide you or your loved one through this extraordinary journey. Please contact Jackie, Reed or Kate at Sacred Thresholds, 952.292.0873, info@ sacredthresholds.com, www.sacredthresholds.com EFT: Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT, 612.802. HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com ENERGY WORK: Healing Arts 101: Christine offers energy healing sessions for pain relief, relaxation and general health. She also teaches classes about many alternative/complementary health options. Check out www.healingarts101.com or call/text 651.338.1216. ENERGYWORKS: Intuitive Healers Nadine Dassier and Fran Dassier 612.229.5586 or 651.329.2550, energyworks444@gmail.com, www.energyworkshealers.com. Affordable, Accessible, Powerful Healing Services: Chakra Reading/ Intuitive Energy Healing, Distance Healing, Space Clearing, Soul Portraits, Chakra clinics at Present Moment and more!

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

ENERGY WORK & UNWINDING: CranioSacral Myofascial, Healing Touch, Reiki, Matrix, Quantum. Intuitive classes and house parties. Chakra readings. Jody Tschida, HTCP, RMT, Medical Intuitive, 651.808.0111, jodytschida@msn.com, www.UnwindMeNow.com

HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 12 Years Experience. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, St. Paul, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com

FENG SHUI CONSULTATION: Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops, Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, weight loss, smoking, habits. Mind-Body-Spirit stress reduction, breath work, self-hypnosis, meditation. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com

FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HEALING & SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Magnified Healing® heals on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Easy to learn and to use, it allows us to clear our karma, activates all 12 strands of DNA, and transforms us into our Light Bodies. Sheryl and Dale Fisher 763.420.9017, dashf@comcast.net HEALING THERAPIES: Experience personal and professional development coaching a whole new way with The Release Coaching Method. Grif Sadow, CPCC, PCC – Regional Coordinator and first certified coach in the U.S. – uses this innovative, efficient, effective and measurable coaching tool along with traditional coaching techniques, allowing you to let go of whatever is standing in your way. Grif@growintomore.com, 763.458.1672, www.growintomore.com

Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy: Build your own skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation, and do-it-yourself therapy. Get help with smoking cessation, past-lives, between lives, and healing trauma, sexual abuse and other issues. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, channel for Mother Mary, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com INNER CHILD WORK & EFT: Author of the bestselling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Cathryn Taylor 612.710.7720, www.JoinCathrynTaylor.com INSURANCE: Matt Saxe Farmers Insurance Agency, Specialty and Fine Arts Coverage: Home, Health, Auto, Renters, Commercial, 612.275.9573, msaxe@farmersagent.com — I do work with alternative practitioners and will go the extra length for them. I also work with artists related to their insurance concerns.

HERBS: 600+ herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, books, Natural healing practitioners available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Duane Givens, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com

INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS: Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292. Intutive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online at www.EyeofHorus.biz

Higher Brain Living: A revolutionary touch technique creating new neuro-pathways to your higher brain, de-stressing your body generating health and well-being and sustainable life changes in your body, mind, relationships, and environment. Sharyl Terhaar, 218.259.8924, sharylterhaar@ higherbrainliving.com, www.higherbrainliving.com/edenprairiemn

INTUITIVE READER/PSYCHIC: Carol McCormick shares helpful insights to assist you in finding clarity and answers to the pending questions in your life so that you can take meaningful action. Together you will create sacred space to nurture the garden of your soul and find your own inner truth for direction. Readings by phone or in-person. Synergy Meditation Leader. Readings and presentations at psychic fairs, expos and conferences. 763.546.4133, carol.mccormick@comcast.net, www.carolmccormick.net

HOLISTIC CENTER: Bee Merry Holistic Center encourages making life an adventure. Bee Merry offers: healings, readings, Thorz-day intuitive classes, drum circle…. We play in the fields of the metaphysical every Thorzday, jam on the drum every 3rd Friday and celebrate the Goddess with a Moon Lodge. www.BeeMerry.org, 952.475.3333 HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING/ COACHING: Certified holistic health counselor in Burnsville, MN, specializing in digestive issues, weight loss and overall health. Each client will receive an personalized program specific to their needs. Contact Kristin for a complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com, Facebook & Twitter: Healing Organically HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: Counseling, Stress Management, Hypnosis, Sheryl Fisher, MSW, LICSW, 763.420.9782 HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HYPNOSIS & TRAINING: Past Life, Life-BetweenLives Regression, Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., L.B.L., Center for Inner Peace, 612.709.5578, Madonna@madonnakettler.com

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

NUTRITION: Do you know how to eat well, but struggle to make good food choices? Discover the root causes of your eating patterns. This knowledge can empower you to enjoy whole foods that are delicious and satisfying. Free, 60-minute consultation. Maggie Christopher, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, St. Paul, 651.231.1360, www.maggiechristopher.com Polarity Therapy: Polarity Therapy seeks to bring the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies and elements back into alignment through the activation of specific points along the body via light touch techniques as well as via specific crystals, visualization and sound techniques providing a deep sense of relaxation, feelings of clarity and revitalization. Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, Briana Crusan, CMT, PP, 612.217.4325, heal@psinergy.info, www.psinergy.info PSYCHIC / INTUITIVE READER: Soul Readings Psychic Development Classes, Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even ten years into the future. To be amazed, call her at 651.439.5337 or visit www.deborahlynn11.com

Source listings continued  January 2013  the edge


Psychic, Medium & Pet Psychic: Alison James Readings by phone and in-person, M-F 10-5. Live events. Party readings. In-home Workshops. Detailed information, rates & scheduling go to: www.alisonjames.us. Email returned ASAP: www.alisonjames.us/contact-me/ Phone message service allow 3-day turnaround: 612.424.1411. Psychic Medium, Reiki, Life Coaching & More: Val Landy – offering Personal Readings, Ghostbusting, Intuitive Guidance, Healing, Occupational Issues Specializing in Personal issues, Divorce and Child custody related issues: abuse healing for Children and Adults. For appointment: call or click today. 320.267.4218, landy. valerie@yahoo.com, www.innerintuition.com Psychic Reading / Intuitive: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com

SPIRITUAL COACH: Insiah Beckman, Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Higher Soul Readings, Guided Energy Healings, Spiritual Coach, Channel. 763.427.1312, insiah@edgelife.net, www.insiah.com Spiritual Teacher/Healer: Multidimensional classes with channeled info, raising your vibration to highest level for ascension to 5th Dimension! Rare teachings in area. Jodi Becker works with Ascended Masters in her Multidimensional Energy Healing, which develop Clairvoyance, etc. www.jodishealing.com, 320.237.3040

Quantum Healing Hypnosis / Dolores Cannon Technique: Explore your spirituality and experience past lives. Discover your life purpose and resolve troublesome problems. Offering Private and Group Sessions at our St. Louis Park location. Marie Savage 612.508.9606, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness.com

Stress Release: I help business professionals who struggle with a mountain of stress. I have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top of your game. Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT, St Paul/Minneapolis corridor, 612.217.4325, www.psinergy.info

Reiki & EFT: Reiki is Universal Life Energy channeled through a practitioner to promote healing on all levels. Emotional Freedom Techniques is an effective method to alleviate fears, anxiety, depression, trauma and chronic pain and reduce cravings due to weight control, compulsions and addictions. KAS Inc., Kimberly 763.639.6120, Lotushealingenergywork@gmail. com, Lotus-Flower-Healing-Energy-Work.com

SUFI: Four Layers of the Heart, Jess Fauchier 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org

Reiki Healing: Awaken your spirit, with Usui Tibetan Reiki and crystal healing sessions/classes/home parties and/or a Soul Mentoring Intuitive Reading. Kellie Haehnel 612.804.4463, kellie@thespiritwellnesscenter.com, www.thespiritwellnesscenter. com REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships, Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com REIKI MASTER & HEALER: Intuitive readings. Non-denominational, spiritual weddings. Insiah 763.427.1312 for appointment. SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com


SOUND HEALING THERAPY: Feeling out of sorts, off balance? Get back into the swing of things with a Sound Healing Therapy session. Cleanse, Balance, Harmonize! Call or email for an appointment today! Dee Lacy 612.207.0019 or dee@isisdesignsinc.com


Tarot, Divination & Spiritual Help: $1/min - available 7 days/week at Magus Books & Herbs in Dinkytown (Minneapolis). 612.379.7669, Pre-Book at: www.MagusHealingCenter.com or just stop on in! Traditional Thai Massage & Shiatsu Therapy: Blending Modern Science with Ancient Traditions to heal by connecting the mind, the body, and the spirit. Specializing in traditional Asian forms of Bodywork, Buddhist Meditation, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Serious Bodywork. No Funny Business. Lauren Bear, 952.838.5018, thaibylauren@gmail.com, thaibylauren.com Website Building Services: Wonderfully Cheap Websites offers affordable Website Building Services. All websites are built using a Do-it-Yourself online website building tool. Websites are beautiful, affordable and coaching is provided to empower you to manage your website yourself. See design samples at: www.WonderfullyCheapWebsites.com or call 612.708.7233

SUPPORT ADVERTISERS IN THE EDGE! These holistic businesses make The Edge possible in the Upper Midwest.

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at


january 4


january 11


EVENT listings

…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.

January 8 – Hands-on Healing Class with Ron Moor: Healthy Connections: Being Safe In a Crazy World. Deepen your life, deepen your work. Learn techniques for yourself and for healing others. 11 weeks. At Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 952.929.1559, www. centerforwholeness.com

January 18-20 – Shamanic Breathwork – Cycles of Change: 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. each day. Explore and experience the alchemical map of shamanic death and rebirth. Shamans Hearth Spiritual Community, Burnsville, MN. www. shamanshearth.org. To register: deb.irestone@gmail.com or 952.250.2543.

January 9 – Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Is it time to remember why you came to earth? Discover your spiritual reasons for coming into this lifetime. Free workshop. January 9, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar. www.TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet!

January 19 – Monthly Gallery: Come experience the Power of 3 with the Psychics in the Cities in this highly anticipated event. Gallery styled readings where all attendees are guaranteed a reading. Limited to 22 people. New location. Sign up now to reserve your spot. www.psychicsinthecities. com, 612.860.9196.

January 10 – Foundations of Spirit Class with Ron Moor: Shamanism is the original spirituality.It’s re-emerging in a new/old way to guide us to the next level. Highly experiential. 11 Weeks, Thursday mornings. At Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 952.929.1559, www.centerforwholeness.com

January 19 – EFT — “Get Rid of My Stuff” Live: 1-Day Intensive. Do you feel stuck? Release and heal what’s in the way of your abundant and joyful life. Conveniently located between Minneapolis and St. Paul. 9-4 p.m. Register at www.DoEFT.com. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive certified EFT Practitioner, www.DoEFT.com, 612.802.HEAL (4325).

January 12 – Exploring 12 Step Spirituality: Centering Prayer Meditation and Taking a Spiritual Inventory. A workshop for those actively working a 12 Step Program and those wanting to deepen their spirituality through meditation. Meets 2nd Saturday of each month at Colonial Church of Edina, 6200 Colonial Way, Edina MN 55436, 9am-Noon. www.12StepSpirituality.com. January 12 – The Spirit Wellness Center Children’s Fair: Over 15 Vendors plus free lectures assisting children in developing their spiritual gifts! Saturday, Jan. 12 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Dakota Ridge, Best Western Hotel, 3450 Washington Dr., Eagan, MN 55122. Admission $5, Age 18 and under Free. Info: call Kellie at 612.804.4463 or email Kellie@TheSpiritWellnessCenter.com January 12-13 – Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity – it’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www.MediaMaxEvents.com January 16 – Awakening Past-Life Memories: Awaken past-life memories through spiritual exercises, dreams, and Soul Travel. Understand and resolve karmic relationships for more love today. Free workshop, January 16, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar. TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet!

January 19-20 – Beginning Psychic Development Class: A two-day intensive. Psychics in the Cities will help you develop and recognize your gifts. Learn the basics, protection, grounding, mediumship, spirits, ghosts, meet your guides and much more. Added bonus: Gallery on Saturday evening for students and their paid guests. Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 10am-2pm. $245/$225 prepaid. www. psychicsinthecities.com, 612.860.9196. January 19 & 26 – Open House: Tai Chi for Health: Recommended as a starting point for your Tai Chi Journey, this relaxing session will introduce Dr. Lams Simplified Sun Style Tai Chi in a safe and supportive environment. Tai Chi for Health follows the Tai Chi for Arthritis Foundation program. Come and experience Tai Chi, 10:30-11:30 a.m., at Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net January 20 – Let Go and Let God: Chant HU! In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, January 20, 10-10:30 a.m., Eckankar. www.TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. January 21 – Edge Networking Event: SchaOn Blodgett, founder of Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, speaking on “Tips for Building your Holistic & Green Business in 2013.” 7-9pm, Wednesday, Jan. 21, Psinergy Natural

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

january 18

january 26

february 3

Health & Holistic Wellness, 821 Raymond Ave., Suite 260 in the Baker Court Professional Bldg., in St. Paul. Free to public and all who want to network holistically. Info: www. linkedin.com/groups/Edge-Small-Business-ProfessionalsNetwork-4414536 January 23 – What Is Spiritual Dreaming? Learn how to understand the sacred messages in your dreams for help in daily life and for spiritual growth. Free! Wednesday, January 23, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar. www.TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! January 26 – Rosicrucian Open Meeting: “The Matrix – The Seekers Journey,” free mini-workshop, 10 a.m.-noon, 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale. Entrance and parking in the back. More info: www.rosicrucian.org January 26 – Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11 a.m., $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited. Please call 612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more info: marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www. earthwaterwellness.com January 30 – Free Event: “The New Year: Understanding Your Full Potential in 2013”: through Astrology and Numerology with Normandale instructors Susan Shopek and Duncan Metzger from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This fun and interactive evening will give you newfound knowledge to drive and support your goals, harnessing the energies of 2013 to help you move intentionally through the year. Grab a friend or three and share the evening with us at the Integrative Health Education Center at Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net January 30 – Out-of-Body Adventures: Find out more about what these experiences mean. Discover how to transcend astral travel and experience profound spiritual realms. Free workshop. January 30, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. February 2 – Exploring the Pendulum Class: We will be learning about the pendulum and dowsing. This ancient practice can be utilized to assist in making decisions, choosing products, and increasing your intuitive “knowing.” This is for the beginning dowser. Instructor: Jane Reckow, CMT, CNHP. Saturday, Feb. 2, 10 a.m.-Noon, $20 includes handouts. Pre-registration is greatly appreciated. Call Earthway Farm, 320.236.7852. February 2 – Developing Insight and Intuition: Discover how you can connect with our intuition and recognize that we no longer have to look outside of ourselves for answers and external pathways to happiness. By connecting to a depth that is often untapped by the majority of people, we can become happier, more successful, and more peaceful. 10 a.m.-Noon, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net

Happenings continued  January 2013  the edge


February 2 – Formless Form Qigong: Free Information Session at 1:30-4:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2. Join us, participate in the demonstration and see what Formless Form Qigong has to offer that can’t be matched. Contact to reserve at peng@formlessformqigong.com or call 612.708.0753. February 2-3 – Embodying the Divine Feminine: The Shamanic Priestess Process: Introductory Weekend: Women’s Mysteries and the New Wave Priestess. 10 a.m. -6 p.m. each day. Shamans Hearth Spiritual Community, Burnsville, MN. www.shamanshearth.org. To register: email deb.irestone@gmail.com or 952.250.2543. February 4 - March 4 – Beginning Yoga (four sessions): Learn and practice easy yoga postures and simple movements that enhance your ability to relax and renew. You’ll enjoy better posture, improved body composition (strength and flexibility), healthier breathing habits, and a sense of well-being. Yoga offers health maintenance, enrichment, musculoskeletal support and much more. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat. 5:30-6:30 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net

Words of Wisdom


by Nadine Penny

t’s out with the old and in with the new this January, as you liberate yourself from those thoughts, feelings and behaviors that have kept you stuck, lethargic or unable to think big and bigger. Read books that motivate, educate and inspire you to make progress (for example: Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley, Get the Edge by Anthony Robbins, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers), attend motivational workshops or hire a coach! And as you take action and allow possibility thinking, self-belief and a little radical revolution into your life, remember Martin Luther King’s message and have a dream for yourself and your life that will free you up inside and out and make it a truly breathtaking New Year! a

Nadine Penny attained her M.A. from the University of Denver in Counseling Psychology. Nadine lives in Minnetonka where she works as a medium, life issues reader and Reiki master. Contact her at nadine.penny@gmail. com and visit www.nadinepenny.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

February 6, 13, 20 & 27 – Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Is it time to remember why you came to earth? Free four-week class. Come any or all Wednesdays, February 6–27, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar. TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free book! February 7 – Reawakening the Feminine – Harnessing Feminine Power for Healing: In today’s world, we have been cultivating the aspects of yang energy, which have led us away from our depth and connection to the earth, the elements, our intuition and each other. Come and learn to look inward, to develop qualities of yin energy, to enhance the feminine power and our innate abilities to heal, nurture


and connect. 6:30-8:30 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net February 8 – Introduction to Sound Healing Basics: Discover how sound healing works and why it is emerging as a highly respected and invaluable treatment method in the field of integrative health and wellness. Learn to use basic sound healing tools to shift into any state of being you want, and find out how sound is used to clear mental, physical and emotional roadblocks, and to harmonize with your environment. 6-8 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net


JANUARY 2013 SCHEDULE Expanding the Holistic Conversation HOST YOUR OWN SHOW: Inquire about hosting your own monthly Edge Talk Radio program (one hour programs from your own home) by calling Cathryn Taylor at 612.710.7720 or Cathy Jacobsen at 763.433.9291. Prerequisite: Advertising in The Edge magazine. Listen LIVE : Call 1.714.364.4750 LISTEN ONLINE : blogtalkradio.com/edgemagazine archives : edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio show reminders : Join The Edge’s email list at: www.edgemagazine.Net/join-our-email-list/ or subscribe at: Blogtalkradio.com

Wednesday, January 2 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Astrology” with D.K. Brainard First Wednesday of each month — The Edge astrology columnist gives us a peek into the future. Discover the larger patterns behind life’s ups and downs. Find out how you can flow with the energy of the weeks ahead. Bring the wisdom of the stars into your life. Thursday, January 3 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Intuitive Living” with Echo Bodine First Thursday of each month — Join noted psychic, healer and teacher Echo Bodine for her one-hour program on living by our intuition. “It’s going to be a mix of everything that I do and teach,” Echo says, “and it will end with a meditation.” Friday, January 4 at 2 p.m. Central     “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom First Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Tuesday, January 8 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Learning Well” with Maureen Pelton First Tuesday of each month — Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships.



February 9 – Exploring 12 Step Spirituality: Centering Prayer Meditation and Steps 6 & 7: The Spiritual Core of Recovery. A workshop for those actively working a 12 Step Program and those wanting to explore and deepen their spirituality through meditation. Meets 2nd Saturday of each month at Colonial Church of Edina, 6200 Colonial Way, Edina MN 55436, 9-Noon. www.12StepSpirituality.com. February 9 - May 5 – Sound Healing Mastery Certificate Program: This comprehensive certificate program is designed to build a solid foundation in vibrational therapy. You will learn the art and science of sound healing and how

Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! Sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. Wednesday, January 9 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Inner View” with Donna Eden & David Feinstein, by Cathryn Taylor Second Wednesday of each month — Join Cathryn as she interviews Energy Medicine pioneers Donna Eden and David Feinstein, who will talk about Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. They will appear March 8-10 at “A Weekend of Energy Medicine,” presented by MidWest Energy Movement in St. Louis, Missouri. For more than three decades, Donna Eden has been teaching people how to work with the body’s energy systems to reclaim their health and natural vitality. Dr. Feinstein’s emphasis is on Energy Psychology, which has been called “acupressure for the emotions.” Thursday, January 10 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel Second Thursday of each month — Animal communicator Mary Stoffel gives insights into the relationships that our animals have with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues. Sunday, January 13 at 7 p.m. Central     “On the Edge…of Everything” with SchaOn & Cathy Second Sunday of each month — Join SchaOn and Cathy – as well as a Special Guest – as they talk about the latest news and updates in Holistic Health care, review of Products & Services for your Health & Well-being of the Body, Mind and Soul, vitamins & minerals, talk about conspiracies, or maybe even talk about UFOs, crystal skulls & more! You won’t know exactly what they’re going to be talk about during the two hours until you tune in. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea or some milk, ask questions live in the chat room, or even call in live on air to ask us questions and join in on the fun!

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

to use the tools of sound healing as you practice both giving and receiving the healing power of sound power through Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, crystals, drums, color, sacred geometry, music, movement and your own voice. $975 for certificate, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale. augusoft.net February 19 - March 26 – Radiant Lotus Qigong (six sessions): Radiant Lotus is a qigong form for women that focuses on optimizing health and healing to bring peace, grace and strength to women 15 to 95. Radiant lotus Qigong helps support menstrual and menopausal symptoms, breast health, rejuvenation of skin, hair and bones, and brings a sense of self-empowerment and renewed ability to cope with stress. This course is recommended for women only. 8-9 p.m., $59, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net February 23 – Forgiveness: Our goal in this class is to release old negative energy and clear it, creating an opening for healing and forgiveness. We will be working with therapeutic grade essential oils and the chakra system to raise ourselves to a new higher frequency. Instructor: Jane Reckow, CMT, CNHP. Saturday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m. - Noon (no lunch break, bring a snack if you wish), $45. Pre-registration is greatly appreci-

ated. Call Earthway Farm, 320.236.7852. February 27 – Psychic Development Class: Learn to consciously access and work with your soul’s guidance, purpose, clarity and wisdom. Wednesday evenings, February-November. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com March 8-10 – Donna Eden Event: Appearing with Davie Feinstein, Ph.D., coming to St. Louis March 8, 9, 10, 2013. Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by MidWest Energy Movement. Contact Gail Van Kanegan at gail@MidWestEnergyMovement.com or 507.244.1994. September 14-21 – Tuscany Women’s Retreat 2013: Harvesting our Wild Women Wisdom! For Women of a Certain Age (45+), September 14–21: Montestigliano, near Siena. Explore your heart’s desire for the second half of life. Details: www.spiralexplorations.com Ongoing – Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions: Available through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Universal Life Force Energy. Feel it. Be it. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com

NEW PROGRAM THIS MONTH! Wednesday, January 23 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Education Series” with Cathryn Taylor Join Cathryn Taylor for the first broadcast of the new Edge Education Series – a radio show that aims to build a bridge between the Edge advertisers and the Edge community. This new program will feature advertisers for a series of two or three shows which allows for a more, in-depth experience of the variety of innovative healing techniques so richly represented by the Edge. Featured this month: the new Higher Brain Living technique, a breakthrough in neuro-science that successfully frees people from the chronic lower-brain fear and stress response and unleashes the 95 percent of untapped higher brain potential. In our first broadcast of the series, we welcome three Higher Brain Living Advanced Facilitators and Awaken Center owners who will offer the big-picture vision – its results, promises and availability in the Twin Cities! Wednesday, January 16 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Third Wednesday of each month — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. For more information on how to include your events in Edge magazine, call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Friday, January 18 at 2 p.m. Central     “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom Third Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms.

Sunday, January 20 at 11 a.m. Central     “Edge Sage Pages” with Harmony Green Third Sunday of each month — The first half of the show are the Pages from the Path, when Harmony offers brief readings concerning Divine Life Purpose. Then, a guest will discuss his or her path and how they came to it and the gifts they are sharing with the world. Monday, January 21 at 5:30 p.m. Central     “Edge EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul” with Cathryn Taylor Third Monday of each month — Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to an hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping. Thursday, January 24 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11 Fourth Thursday of each month — Twin Cities Psychic Medium and Author Deborah Lynn11 helps you discover why and what it is you are working on in your life on Earth. Learn how to manifest your life on Earth as it is in your heaven. And free minireadings for those who call in.

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

January 2013  the edge


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