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DEBBIE FORD Noted Author & Thought Leader Dies 6 conscious living expo lake harriet 8 home business a new expo 8 turkey patties recipe 19 hyperdrive alert in march horoscope 20

Unlocking Consciousness an interview with Author Terry Newbegin A Tennessee businessman who went through the school of hard knocks saw everything change in 1975 when he experienced an apparition of three monks. He has since been given tools to help us reclaim our soul and be clear in this great time of transformation. center pages

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e Contents a

March 2013 • Holistic Living • Serving the Upper Midwest…and beyond since 1992 Go to Edgemagazine.net for Additional Content • Website updated on the 1st of each month.

featured this month



16 Part 1: Unlocking the

Consciousiness of Your Soul

An interview with author Terry Newbegin by Cathryn Taylor featured topic intuitive insight: tips on how to receive it 11 In the Sweetest Moments, My Psychic Life, by Bridgette Doerr



12 Survive & Thrive using Intuitive Insight, by Carol McCormick 14 Synchronize Every Day through Intention, Prayer & Meditation, by Jill Rae Faulkner

m o r e r i c h c o n t en t

14 Decision Making & Using Intuition by Judy Steele

8 An Idea whose Time has Come: The Home-based Business, by Liz Loney

21 Divinely Inspired: Reclaim Your Sacred Inheritance, by Efrén Solanas

Read much more on this topic at Edgemagazine.net

10 Spring Love Inspiration, by Giselle M. Massi

21 Blending, by Craig W. Steele

6 The Power of Connection is Universal, From the Editor, by Tim Miejan

10 Healing: A Quantum Experience, by Barbara Ford

6 Beloved Author & Thought Leader Debbie Ford dies at 57

29 Words of Wisdom, by Nadine Penny

18 Psychic Etiquette: A Guide, Evolutionary Pagan, by Briana Crusan 18 Holy Molé, by Rick Hotton

8 Our True & Eternal Purpose, by Tim Hulst

19 Recipe: Turkey Breakfast Patties, by Maggie Christopher

8 Conscious Living Expo coming to Lake Harriet Spiritual Community

20 Hyperdrive Alert: Cosmic Alarm Clock Soon will Ring, Star Wisdom, March Horoscope, by D.K. Brainard

THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 Edgemagazine.net

Sales & Marketing: Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291, fax 763.433.9290 cathy@edgemagazine.net

Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen

PRODUCTION: melissa may

Editor: Tim Miejan 651.578.8969 editor@edgemagazine.net


@ E d g e m a g az i n e . n e t

14 Intuitive Body Wisdom: Trust Your Gut, by Leah Skurdal



Proofreading: Rachel miejan

WEBSITE: Tim Miejan 651.578.8969

Transcription: jean wallis

ART: PHOTOSPIN, used by permission


edge listings

22 Featured Business Listings: Psychics, Mediums & Intuitives 24 Edge Talk Radio - March Schedule 25 Classifieds 25  Sacred Services Listings 26  Source Networking Listings 29 Happenings Events Listings

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« There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle;

you can live as if everything is a miracle. »

albert einstein

March 2013  the edge


The power of connection is universal from the editor by Tim Miejan


e innately know about connection, the link we form with one another. We’ve been forming bonds with others for eons in the Afterlife as members of soul groups – and in this lifetime as members of families, communities and nations. We’re hardwired to interact with others. Fortunately for us, we’re part of the first civilization in human history with the ability to send messages to vast groups of people from around the globe with the touch of a keypad or a click of a mouse. And with the recent development of social media sites – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus+ and others being launched every day – millions of people are not only sharing data and information with each other,

but they are inspiring others to awaken and realize who they truly are as souls experiencing life in this realm. The Internet itself is assisting in the collective awakening of humankind. The Edge is a part of this awakening process underway in cyberspace. By intending to reach out globally – and learning how that is done most effectively, visits to our site at Edgemagazine.net have begun to grow exponentially compared to the same time last year – and even last month. No, we’re not seeing millions of visitors yet, but we’re happy that tens of thousands of people are visiting our site – mostly from the U.S., but also from abroad, including Canada, Europe, India, Australia and New Zealand, Philippines, Mexico, South Africa, Singapore, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates. It’s no surprise that what we offer on our site resonates with people worldwide.

For those who haven’t visited Edgemagazine.net, our site offers: • Regular online Edge columnists Angie Bailey (Feline Wisdom), Nadine Penny (Spirited Kidz) and Alan Cohen (From the Heart), whose wisdom continues to inspire me every month and deserves your attention. • A plethora of incredibly insightful articles that we do not have room to print but want to share with our global audience. • The printed magazine in PDF form (Digital Edge) that can viewed as a flipbook onscreen. • And online directories of featured businesses arranged by category (such as animal services, hypnotherapy and retreat centers), our Edge Directory, places to find the printed Edge magazine, and so much more. We’re working hard to share the light and love. We invite you to visit us online – and share the joy by linking our site to yours! a

Beloved author, thought leader Debbie Ford dies at 57 by Laurie Sue Brockway


ebbie Ford, 57, the bestselling author and teacher known for her work in helping people break free of their emotional baggage and fears, died on Sunday, February 17, 2013 in her home in San Diego, Calif., after a long battle with cancer. She was surrounded by friends and family who gathered around her to lovingly send her off to her next journey. Considered a thought leader for her generation, Debbie burst onto the scene with her first book, The Dark Side of the Light



Chasers, in 1998, showing the world that even loving and self-aware people have a darker side. She took readers on a journey of identifying, facing, and embracing their shadow selves. Her Shadow Process Workshop became the foundation of her work in the nearly two decades to follow. She penned nine best-selling books and was working on her 10th book at the time of her death.   She was a popular media guest, with many stints on “The Oprah Winfrey

Show,” as well as appearances on “Larry King Live!,” “Good Morning America” and “Fox News.” She also hosted a weekly radio program on HayHouseRadio.com. Having overcome a drug addiction, a difficult divorce, a heartbreaking betrayal, and many hard knocks in life, Debbie was never shy about sharing her personal story. In fact, she often mused, with a laugh and a roll of her eyes, that a great deal of her wisdom and insight came through her own difficult life experiences. Even when faced with a grave cancer diagnosis, she opted for courageously sharing her journey with Oprah Winfrey in 2012. Read more online. a

« The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation

but your thoughts about it. »

eckhart tolle

March 2013  the edge


Our True and Eternal Purpose by Tim Hulst


e did not come to this planet to suffer. We are not here to bleed, mourn and waste away.   We come as spirits to a physical plane, to create a joyful celebration of love. So here and now, we reclaim this place from you who have stolen it, who misuse it for revenue and vanity, who abuse, contort and degrade humanity until it mirrors your own deformities, who twist and contort our true and eternal purpose for your own perverse notions, from you who transform paradise into a battlefield and Eden into a landfill, who name your price and impoverish the planet, who strip mountains and plunder forests for profit and so-called progress, from you who cheat and cheapen, who exploit man and beast, who congratulate each other’s misdeeds, who demolish and declare “victory,” who promote destruction as accomplishment. No longer — heaven and earth bear witness, judgment is rendered, the verdict

Conscious Living Expo coming to Lake Harriet


ake Harriet Spiritual Community will present its first Conscious Living Expo on Saturday, April 6, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free and will include a variety of exhibitors, workshops, and demonstrations in the areas of holistic health, green products, alternative energy, nutrition, and other healthy activities. Delicious refreshments will be available, as well as free wi-fi access. Located in the charming neighborhood of Linden Hills, LHSC is a thriving spiritual community that honors and explores the unique connection to the Divine. For more information on becoming a vendor or other details, contact Gary Perisian at 612.483.0616 or email gperisian@yahoo.com. For more information on LHSC, visit LakeHarrietSpiritualCommunity. org or call 612.922.4272. a



read and the sentence given. A new age has dawned. We do not resist you. We do not hate you — the anger is lifted. Saddened for a moment, we simply turn away, release the past and you with it, and we move forward while you disappear behind us. So we reclaim and redeem this planet, here and now, not with money, force or hate, but with love and peace, we sanctify, bless and restore this holy place. We reclaim our true and eternal purpose, embodied spirits in a physical plane, for a joyous celebration of love — serving, giving, helping, laughing, sharing…. Welcome to the party, where we are all brothers and sisters, where we all think love, to be love, to act love, to give love, and live love, and all we see and hear and speak and feel is love. a Tim Hulst is a seeker of wisdom and truth. He is a former Christian minister who earned an MA in journalism from Missouri University. Contact him at tdhulst@live.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

An idea whose time has come: The home-based business by Liz Loney


ictor Hugo is quoted as saying, “You can resist an invading army, you cannot resist an idea whose time has come.” The home-based business entrepreneur is just such an idea and all indications are that this idea is here to stay. Minneapolis Lakes Professionals is an organization that seeks to sustain, support and give voice to this growing demographic of entrepreneurs. The organization also spotlights the neighborhood economic benefits of “shopping local,” noting that home-based businesses are just as relevant as shopping locally owned store-front businesses. Over a year-and-a-half ago, the Southwest Journal published an article that brought to light just how large and prosperous this demographic really is. In an analysis done by two board members of the Nicollet-East Harriet Business Association, it was found that there were “approximately 203 home-businesses in their service area doing an estimated $36.5 million in annual sales. By comparison, the same analysis determined there were approximately 137 store-front businesses in the area accounting for $53.3 million in annual sales.” I read this article with much interest — actually, with more than interest. It was a moment of inspiration that sort of powered its way into my gut, swelled up into my heart and only then, eventually made its way to my brain. As a Certified Life Coach, I wanted to improve the marketing of my personal home-based businesses, so I followed

these internal cues. I began calling neighborhood home-based business and organized the first meeting of Minneapolis Lakes Professionals in my living room in September 2011. This organization serves this “ever expanding” home-based business demographic, and it supports members through cooperative marketing, networking and referrals. Our group will present The Expo for HomeBased Businesses on Sunday, April 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Aria at the Jeune Lune in Minneapolis [www.ariampls.com]. Free workshops will be offered throughout the day by homebased business owners. The keynote speakers are Mickey Mickelson, on “How to be your own Chief Financial Officer,” and Sheryl Hill, on “The Power of Social Media.” Food is catered and beverages will be sold. If you are interested in exhibiting your homebased business ($150 per booth, with discount for early registration), visit www.minneapolislakesprofessionals.com and fill out an application at the bottom of the Events page. Minneapolis Lakes Professionals meets monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month from Noon - 1 p.m., at The United Church of Christ, Fellowship Hall, 4200 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. Those interested can attend a complimentary meeting and experience the energy and progressiveness of this growing organization. a Liz Loney is director of Minneapolis Lakes Professionals [www. minneapolislakesprofessionals.com]. Contact her at 612.922.9150 or LLoney77@aol.com for more information. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man

understands what will sell. »


March 2013  the edge


Healing: A quantum experience Reiki, kinesiology use the body’s energy field to heal


by Barbara Ford

Spring Love Inspiration by Giselle M. Massi


spent the day painting a bathroom. With each stroke and dip of brush into the can thoughts of you covered me, leaving me whitewashed in love. Thoughts of you never leave me and it is during times like now, when I’ve stopped everything to really look at my thoughts and maybe find a way to organize them into a strand of words, I recognize the wonder of the human brain and how it is I can seem to be in a constant stream of thought of you and yet accomplish so many things, like getting a bathroom painted or the pets fed or the gas tank filled or the bills paid or a salad made or edit a book report for a book I’ve never read or shave my legs or sing along to Jonathan Edwards or vacuum the dead flies out of the window sill again or listen to the wind or hear the world’s arguments repeat over and over and over until I realize the other 90 percent of my brain has an awfully small ego not to want to force itself on the other 10 percent more often than it does, but it’s because that 10 percent is so thickly concentrated, like the creamy paint in that brush, with gratitude for you, it would be silly to think ego could rinse you out of my head. There is no rinsing you away, brushing you away, no walking away from you. a Giselle M. Massi is a former journalist with The Denver Post and author of “We are Here for a Purpose: How to Find Yours” and the novel “Just Dance the Steps.” Contact Giselle at www.gisellemassi.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.



n many ways, healing the physical body is more about where our consciousness lies than what external influences are used to affect change in an illness. The desire to heal the body without synthetic drugs or other artificial means usually results from an awakening of some sorts; something from within awakens and responds to that “inner nudge” to find a way to heal that honors the body’s divine inner wisdom. All of sudden, or even slowly, an awareness evolves that possibly the food that one eats is not meeting the soul’s needs anymore. Or the “nudge” might be to find a job that is more in line with one’s higher calling. Or, after having undergone extensive medical treatment, an individual responds to an “inner nudge” that says, “No more, this is not an acceptable way to treat my body and I’m ready to try something else.” And then the magic starts to happen. A person responds to a somewhat cosmic invitation to experience Reiki; all of the sudden they see or hear about Reiki. They see a promotional piece from Dr. Oz, or an advertisement, maybe a massage therapist recommends it, or they receive a “nudge” from someone that shared their own Reiki experience with them. Then they finally experience Reiki for themselves. They sought assistance to become balanced and in tune with their inner world. They discovered the world of energy and became familiar with their connection to their own inner wisdom. The Reiki experience can, by itself, result in a complete healing. Or, it can merely help the recipient relax and tune in to their higher self. Many times it’s somewhere in between. It’s this in-between having a complete healing or relaxation that can create a place for a life-changing journey to a healthy state of being. Hence, the journey becomes more important than the destination. So now what? The answer usually lies in the consciousness, or awareness, of a person. Will it be conventional medicine as a solution? A holistic health modality? Or both? Some work, some don’t. Or, what works for some people but not for others. But now the answer doesn’t seem so easy. The “inner nudge” that was made conscious through Reiki is making the decision about how to access additional healing more difficult; how can the physical body be honored, yet access the information about where the imbalance is coming from, thus enabling a more comprehensive healing experience? Muscle testing, also known as “kinesiology,” is a time-tested solution to a person’s desire to integrate their body’s own inner wisdom and finding the best remedy match. It uses the body’s own communication system to test responses to various remedies. The body communicates its needs and wants, energetically.

In the same way that Reiki energy healing accesses the body’s system of chakras, nutritional kinesiology accesses the body’s muscle reflex system to get a response to nutritional substances such as herbs, foods and supplements. Kinesiology uses an individual’s unique energy to reveal where there are stressed areas of the body and what is needed to promote healing. There are many forms of kinesiology. One form of kinesiology is called nutritional kinesiology. It focuses on how the body’s nutritional status may be creating a disease state and how to resolve those stresses by implementing the correct nutritional substances. It embraces an individual’s own healing signature, as what may work for one person may not work for another. Nutritional kinesiology works on the premise that the body is not just a lot of specialized areas seeking specialized input, it is an “interdimensional experience” that functions as a whole. Therefore, remedies help the whole body, much as Reiki does. Many times a person has an assortment of supplements they have been taking but don’t get better. Or, they may have even gotten worse. Many times it is because the autonomic nervous system is in a state of confusion from one or more stressors and keeps the body from properly using a substance. Or, there may be blocks causing the body to not use a substance properly. These obstacles to healing can come from chemicals, foods, immune challenges, metals, and even scars. Muscle testing can challenge the body’s nervous system in ways that help detect the cause of a health challenge and assist in nutritionally correcting the stressed areas. A person’s “quantum field” is body-wise. It knows everything about a person and serves as a master diagnostic tool. It is the ability of the body to give messages about many things: what’s happening inside, what allergies may be present, what is the most beneficial medicine, and what message there may be (such as “don’t eat peanuts” or “there is disease present”). So, as one chooses to participate consciously in their healing and embrace the process of healing with the energy of the soul, they take on not only their own transformation, but also those around them. Disease can either render one helpless and in a state of “victimhood” or it can transform. Both Reiki and muscle testing are two powerful modalities that can assist in transformation. a Barbara Ford, B.A., MH., is a Reiki Master and Master Herbalist who uses the Nutritional Response Testing by Ulan Nutritional Systems protocol for muscle testing. Barbara also does Intuitive Tarot readings. Her practice is at The Wellness Circle in Lino Lakes, MN. She is also a board member for the National Health Freedom Coalition. Contact her at 651.341.9465 or email info@thespiritedsage.com. Visit www.thespiritedsage. com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« Don’t gain the world and lose your soul;

the March featured topic Intuitive Insight: Tips on How to Receive It

Next month: Spiritual Day Trips: Where to Go and How to have a Rewarding Experience. Deadline: March 9

In the sweetest moments my psychic life by Bridgette Doerr


s I walked down the hallway to Megan’s room, a deep sense of understanding came through me. A few minutes before, I was bounding down the steps thinking about how sweet Nathan was, now almost 2, with his mop of blond hair resting on his pillow and how sweet it was to watch my oldest daughter almost 10, lean over him, kiss his tired little forehead and say “ I love you Nathan.” It moved me so deeply inside. Maybe it’s these types of moments that we live for but don’t realize it. Maybe because we are too busy, too tired, or too caught up in our supposedto-do things that we don’t really notice the sweetest of things. Tonight I did. I saw it and I felt it. Love. The real thing. Unplanned, unprompted, real. It warmed my heart. If only I could take credit for the bond between them. The oldest and the youngest of four children with eight years separating them. But nothing else — not age, not gender, none of their differences but only their likeness. They are certainly meant to be together. It feels so good to be part of that. With all the energy work, the shifts, the mood swings that I have been going through lately with my psychic upgrades and advancements, I have found myself questioning if the path that I have chosen was really worth it. So much struggle, so much work, like an Olympic athlete preparing for that one great race. I have been through many layers of thick, heavy,

stuck energy to make room for the new awareness that is coming in. Many people are feeling the magnificent energy shifts, and it is certainly causing many to be at the very least unhappy and moody. For me, it’s much more. The moment tonight with my children, being there sharing a true loving sentiment, I realized just a tiny bit how all the “stuff” I go through is really worth it — the periodic changes in mood, the unexplainable draw to places or people in history, all sorts of really different things, that are not easy to talk about or even to understand. All the weird stuff I deal with daily is really worth it, because it helps me to connect at a deeper level. It will help me to really be in a moment like the one I described. And to feel it in its authenticity. And I did. Maybe feeling is the point of the latest round of changes at my soul level. Feeling may not be such a bad thing, not a punishment as I have interpreted it for so many years. What if feeling is a gift? If that is the case, then even the bad stuff has to be part of the equation. Without the darkness, you would not really know the light. Maybe the pain, the struggle and the lacking is for a purpose. To really know the love when it is there. In the sweetness of moments. And this is my psychic life. a Bridgette Doerr is a psychic, soccer mom and founder of Fairy Grasshopper, living a soul-full life helping others to connect to their soul’s voice and grow their Intuition. Contact her at fairygrasshopper@gmail.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

wisdom is better than silver or gold. »

bob marley

March 2013  the edge


the March featured topic

Survive, thrive using intuitive insight


by Carol McCormick

e live in an Age of Change. It’s like our planet is being overrun by adolescents with turbulent emotions close to the surface, and it’s ready to erupt at any time. Patriarchal world systems and old ways of thinking are breaking down and we are being called to create something new. Unresolved personal issues are coming to the surface in order to be healed. Our separation mindset of “me” is being replaced by “we.” Intuitive insight is a survival skill for this Age of Change where old rules and systems no longer work. Like radar, it helps us fly through the dark unknown. Being the opposite of brooding, defensiveness and fear, intuition frees up vast quantities of emotional and physical energy. Available to everyone Intuitive insight is available to everyone. It comes from the Energetic Divine Internet to which anyone can connect. Certain factors predispose us to connect: • Trust that all will be well by adopting an attitude of relaxation and joy. Live in the Present Moment, feeling gratitude for everything and grasping for nothing. Reframe “problems” as “puzzles” to solve that will teach and enlighten you. • Keep your pineal gland healthy. This is our receiver for intuitive insight. It is tiny and shaped like a pine cone and located in the center of your brain. Put



your thumb at your Third Eye and your middle finger on top of the middle of your head and imagine a line of energy going out the tips of both those fingers. Your Pineal Gland is where those lines meet. It is filled with tiny crystals that pick up God signals, just like the crystals in a radio receiver. Avoid poisons such as fluoride in water or toothpaste, which shrink the pineal gland and calcify these crystals. • Use Bibliomancy (divination by books). Go to your personal library, bookstore, another’s library or a public library. Soften your eye focus as you let your inner wisdom guide you to a particular book. Hold that book in your hands and ask a question. Then let your intuitive insight lead you to open to a page and guide you to a particular place on that page (i.e. lower right corner). Read the passage written in that place and let your imagination tell you how these words apply to your question. • Use kinesthetic rhythm to distract your rational analytical mind and send your consciousness into subconscious territory. In other words, decrease your fast beta brainwaves and increase your delta and theta brainwaves by wandering around in nature. Observe something that moves continuously like stream, waterfall or river. Watch a fountain or the sway of leaves in the breeze. Move: walk, run, drive, swim, bike, skate, ski, ride a horse. Toss a thousand random facts into your brain and go outside for a rambling walk, letting your

right hemisphere create a Eureka moment. • Hang out in restful, playful energy. Balance play with rest. Play when your energy is high. Rest when your energy is low. If you find yourself killing time, looking for ways to escape or being a workaholic, you are putting up barriers to intuitive insight and cutting yourself off from the Energetic Internet. Take a nap. Sleep in. Read a novel. Pestilential feelings of fear and exhaustion — and grasping, grim, effortful energy — let your reptilian lower brain create “lack and attack” fears of not having enough and knowing something bad will happen. The wild choices Intuitive insight increases by following it. Following it may lead us down paths that feel unsafe. Yet, it is important that when it leads you to the edge of a metaphorical cliff and tells you to jump, forget thinking about the landing and worrying about the fall. Leap! Historically, intuitive insights are responsible for the wild choices of lovers, saints, and agents of change. When we act on intuitive insight, we can feel scared, a bit crazy, and wonderful all at the same time! a Carol McCormick is a professional storyteller, public speaker, workshop leader, ritual facilitator, and author who does psychic readings. With her husband, Jerry Buchmeier, she leads Synergy Meditations and Spiritual Exploration Weekends to increase participants intuitive creation abilities. Contact her at mccobuch@comcast.net or 763.546.4133, Visit www.carolmccormick.net. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« Cease trying to work everything out with your mind. It will get you

nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration.... »

eileen caddy

March 2013  the edge


the March featured topic Synchronize every day through intention, prayer, meditation by Jill Rae



y greatest tip for receiving intuitive insights can be done every day. Let us synchronize our minds and bodies through intention, prayer and meditation to Source. I find that practicing twice a day — upon waking and before sleeping — is easiest. It calms me for sleep and sets up my day to view the bigger picture that is so valuable to intuitive insight. Drifting away from this practice, I noticed that exciting synchronicities had abandoned me. Insights became dull and lacked vision. I found myself sucked into a vortex of time speeding up, and I was racing to accomplish things that I thought would feed my self-worth. Remembering how sweet life was with intuitive insight, once again I returned to the memories and the desire of the sweet gifts that were so near and dear to my heart with this one small step: Intuitive insight, manifesting, feeling my spiritual vibration, and knowing my true spiritual purpose. a

Jill Rae Faulkner is an intuitive reader, healer and host of Divine feminine empowerment retreats. She studied with Dietrich Klinghard, M.D., Ph.D., at The Institute of Neurobiology on Autonomic Response Testing, Energy Psychology 101 and Applied Psycho Neurobiology. She is a Serenity Vibration certified healer and is certified in Pranic Healing by Mater Choa Kok Sui and certified in two levels of Distant Energy Healing (Yeun Method) under Barbara Robbins. Contact her at jillraefaulkner@comcast.net. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.



Intuitive body wisdom: Trust your gut


by Leah Skurdal

emember a time when you let your mind override your gut feeling — with less-than-favorable consequences? After I had a few of those experiences, I learned to trust my gut and follow

my intuition. As a naïve 19-year-old, I found myself in a couple of very uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situations. My gut had been screaming at me to get out, but my good girl mind justifications convinced me to stay. By the grace of God, nothing came of it. However, I got scared enough to start paying attention to my uncomfortable gut feelings. Paying attention to what my body was communicating helped me develop a relationship with my Body Wisdom. Too many women, like me, learn to distrust their bodies and discount the wisdom their bodies share. Now, I teach my daughters, their friends, other women and men about trusting their Body Wisdom. Over the past twenty years, I have studied my own Body Wisdom intently to learn some excellent gifts. Here are a few tips that might work for you, too. To get in touch with the wisdom of your body: • Breathe. If you can get to a quiet place, great! If not, create a quiet space for yourself inside. Shift your focus inward and notice how your breath feels in your nostrils and how your rib cage expands with each breath. There are many different kinds of breathing exercises. Doing some type of breathwork is more important than which type of breathwork you choose. To get started, count your breathing. Breathe in while counting to four. Pause while counting to four. Exhale while counting to four. When a thought comes, notice it, and go back to counting while breathing. When you notice you have been thinking for a while, go back to counting your breathing. After a few minutes of breathing in this way, notice how you feel different in your body. Listen inwardly with soft-focused inner awareness. • Move. Find a private space if you can. Put on some music — soft flute and harp or a strong drum beat — according to your mood. Turn your focus inward. Notice where in your body you feel the music: in your head and chest or in your hips

and feet. In BodySoul Movement, you let your body lead. In t’ai chi or yoga, your mind learns specific movements and reminds your body how to move correctly. In BodySoul Movement, you allow your mind to observe how your body moves itself. When I let my mind observe and give my body permission to self-correct during BodySoul Movement, sometimes my movements are graceful and sometimes my body repeats a motion long enough to give me a chiropractic adjustment. Other times I am just still and aware. While moving, notice the story unwinding in your mind and body. • Notice. Get to know your body. Look at a reflexology chart while rubbing your foot and notice what parts of your body correlate to the sensitive spots on your foot. Slowly run your fingertips over your scalp and notice the bumps on your head. Gently massage your scalp with little finger circles. With the fingers of one hand, look for a tender spot on your calf or forearm and hold the spot until the tender soreness melts. When you hold that tender spot with loving intention, you are nourishing and balancing your body systems. • Inhabit your body. Feel the chair under your butt. See the colors, shadows and reflections around you. Hear your heartbeat. Be amazed at how your soul brings a spark of the Divine Creator into physical form through you. One part of developing your intuition is connecting to the wisdom of your body. Tuning into body wisdom helps you make stronger decisions, stay healthy and communicate more effectively with other people. When you create a sacred space for Body Wisdom while breathing, moving and noticing your body, you create an environment where your intuition can grow and thrive. a Leah Skurdal offers an Intuitive Development class series. Her next classes are from 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, at The Wellness Circle in Lino Lakes. Leah Skurdal learned to develop her intuition by practicing bodywork, BodySoul Movement, QiGong, Matrix Energetics, advanced level courses in Awakening your Light Body, and regular spiritual practice. To register for the Developing Your Intuition courses, contact Leah at 651.472.3995 or leah.skurdal@gmail.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Decision making and USING Intuition by Judy Steele


ow many times a week do you need to make a decision without all the facts you’d like to have? If you’re a manager — of anything, from a household to a multibillion-dollar corporation to your own life —you’re probably faced with that kind of challenge daily. But in this rationally oriented culture, you may not realize there are ways to make quite sensible decisions without adequate logical

information, yet with a minimum of stress. Doing this effectively requires learning to operate with our intuitive abilities, as well as our rational ones. Years ago, I was in the business of developing training programs for major corporations. I had a staff in a Washington, D.C., suburb, and client organizations around the country. I was also very active in national professional groups. I was truly Decision continued on page 15 

« Watching television is like taking black spray paint

 Decision continued from page 14 a “jet set consultant,” and I lived with a high level of stress related to all my responsibilities. At General Electric’s management development center, I happened to attend a talk by Dr. Gerald Gordon of Boston University, who spoke on “Decision Making in the Absence of Adequate Data.” Dr. Gordon showed the reasonableness and efficacy of using intuitive tools when you don’t have enough facts…and even sometimes when you do have a lot of facts but the decision is still not clear. Not long after that, I attended a professional society presentation by Dr. Michael Ray of Stanford University on the importance of intuition in business creativity. So, with that validation from researchers, I set out to learn how to do it…because I certainly needed it! Initially, I focused on learning to use intuitive tools, and I became familiar with the I Ching (a major tool used by Chinese rulers in the past), various card decks, the pendulum and dowsing rods. Eventually, I learned a Hawaiian/African stone casting technique. Some of these are more useful for “bigpicture” information, and others are best for simple “yes/no” answers. They all worked fine for me, once I learned to utilize a few basic principles of practice. Consider these: • Be very clear and specific in asking your question. Without a clear question, the answer may be unclear or misleading. • Set aside your emotions and expectations. What you want is the straight scoop. If you’re too emotionally involved in an issue,

to your third eye. »

get help from somebody skilled who can be neutral about it, because your own emotions can produce garbled or misleading answers. • Get yourself mentally quiet, and stay mentally quiet as you do your inquiry. Deep breathing, grounding techniques and certain flower essences can help with quieting the mind. • Listen quietly for the answer. • Accept the first answer you get; that’s the one that comes from your intuition. Eventually, I learned to just get quiet, ask a question, and be attentive to whatever answer comes. But I still use the tools when I’m doing several things at once (as I am when I’m working with clients in my office), or when I’m not sure I’m able to be emotionally neutral. Back then, I took the risk of sharing what I had learned at a national professional conference. Remarkably, the meeting room was packed with more than 300 very interested people, and though a few of my old-timer behaviorist colleagues muttered darkly about my apostasy, I was not run out of town on a rail— in fact, I had become more popular. Eventually, over time, my intuition helped me to leave that field, enter a new one, and move to a new home base in Minneapolis. I wonder what’s next! a Judy Steele, MTP, is a life coach, alternative practitioner, and transpersonal counselor. She uses flower essences, Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), and other energy healing modalities to assist her clients. Please visit www.schoolforliving.org. Call 612.590.3193, or email judy.steele@ earthlink.net. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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March 2013  the edge


Part 1: Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul An interview with author Terry Newbegin


This is an edited interview that recently aired on Edge Talk Radio. Listen at http://tinyurl.com/adpa2he. Listen to programs like this each month. Visit Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio

by Cathryn Taylor

erry Newbegin, a successful businessman, entrepreneur and family man from Johnson City, Tennessee, has always been intrigued about the mystical side of life. His greatest passion is to bring in new energy consciousness and extend beyond the old vibrational energy of the Bible, and beyond how scripture is taught by religion. Newbegin is a pioneer in new energy. He works with the Ascended Masters, and the wisdom he has received from them focuses on: • How and why your soul has been hiding from you for many lifetimes; • Why our strong belief in sin, punishment and duality is the major cause for us not healing our situations in life; • How your choice to open your heart and put aside dogmatic beliefs will reveal your soul’s innate wisdom; • How you can create miracles and attain the life that you deserve. His writing is directly tied to a supernatural experience he had a quarter century ago. “It was in the spring of 1975 when I witnessed three apparitions late one night, as Franciscan monks, wearing their traditional brown robes and with their hoods over their heads. The message given to me that night was that it was meant for me to

Terry Newbegin

know the Truth in this lifetime. Of course, what I did not realize at the time was that it was going to take me 38 years to learn that truth.” Newbegin is the author of three books, the latest of which is Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul (Balboa Press, 2012), a text that takes you back to the first creation, the Garden of Eden, and shares how it relates to your evolution through time and space. He writes that when we live and make decisions from the mind of reason — from long-established interpretations of God’s words and from what experts assert is best for us — “your soul cannot bring forth the wisdom that you hold deep within your consciousness.” His earlier books are: Genesis, Your Journey

Home, revealing the deeper metaphysical meaning of the first 25 chapters of the Book of Genesis, verse by verse; and The Book of Revelation, a New Beginning, which contains the hidden secrets of St. John’s Revelation. “The book depicts in great detail how our spirit, mind, and body became separated through ignorance, mental perception, susceptibility, and through time and space and in the end, how all parts and pieces of ourselves come back together as one body of consciousness,” Newbegin recently told host Cathryn Taylor in an Edge Talk Radio podcast interview. “We are becoming a sovereign being in our own right. My first two books were channeled by me with such grand masters as Melchizedek, Jeshua (known as Jesus), Adonis St. Germain, Ascended Master Kuthumi, and many other grand masters, including John the Apostle.” When you say these books were channeled, what was your experience of that? How does that come through you? Terry Newbegin: Actually, I just sit down

at the keyboard, and as I went through the Bible, verse by verse in Genesis and Revelations, I could actually feel their energy and I just typed what just come through. They give you a download of thoughts and it takes you two days to write it out. How did you come up with the title for your latest book, Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul? TN: The title fits to what I did for over

41 years, challenging myself to become a successful business owner. You see, after

I graduated from high school in 1966, I found myself very absorbed with the automotive parts business. By the fall of 1971, I found myself in business with three other individuals opening up an auto parts store. The business lasted three years before it went belly up. However, because of my passion for business, eight months later I found myself back in business for the second time, this time with one partner, and that lasted 18 years before my world once again was turned upside down. You can say there was a time in my life, early in 1993, when I really believed that God had forsaken me. Following several months of unemployment, prayer, despair, blame, and allowing the mind and others to put me down, I began to sit still and take a few deep breaths. At first, it was only a few minutes a day, and then I finally worked up to about 30 minutes a day. Now, with this deep breathing, I didn’t realize how important it was at the time. It was a time in my life when I really felt my emotions on a conscious level, and how out of balance I had become. Then one day, while sitting still doing some deep breathing, I unexpectedly began to feel someone talk to me. When I first felt this unknown energy around me, I thought that maybe, which we all seem to do, my mind was making things up. And yet, in spite of what my mind was judging it to be, I could feel the sincerity of some invisible force talk to me, because somehow I just knew it was not coming from my mind. You can always feel the difference, can’t you? TN: Oh, you sure can! That was the time

when I really felt my soul ground me, and it was a time when my soul revealed to me that it was time to learn about who I truly am and where I truly come from. From that experience I actually opened up to a whole new wisdom, a wisdom that I had never been exposed to or had experienced before. I remember that it was an amazing feeling, actually too hard to describe, for there was no judgmental feeling of any kind coming from it. You can say that from the time I was born to my mid-50s, I learned the hard way until I found the secret behind God’s miracles. The secret is that true miracles don’t come from God or from others. Miracles come from Self, because the real God is Self inviting you into your own soul. There is a lot of confusion about what the soul is, whether it’s even real. TN: The best way to explain the soul is by

giving you a brief metaphor. After you hear it, then you will understand why my soul took me all the way back to the beginning, back to the first creation — because what better way to show me who I truly am and why I suffered than by taking me all the way back to my very beginning as a soul being and not as a human being. You see, consciousness in its truest

that each Sun would be in the same image as the original Sun before it exploded. Each smaller Sun would have the same attributes as the original one. Each Sun would be alike, or equal to, the first Sun. In other words, our minds and egos were formed out of our spirit and soul. Before our minds and egos were formed, our spirit and soul always was, and together they make up the individualized I Am personality of the Spirit of One. All gazillions of us soul beings are the I Am personality of the Spirit of One, or in this metaphor, the God/ Goddess that we call God. In the beginning, all soul beings had a spirit and a consciousness, but it was nonactive, because our souls were not aware of themselves. But once we became aware of our consciousness, that is when we felt our individuality. It was from that individualized awareness that we came to the conclusion that we couldn’t see ourselves and, therefore, we had no idea who we were.

MORE NEW BOOKS ONLINE Read previews of other new books, music and video this month at Edgemagazine.net meaning is a state of us being aware of our beliefs and our thought patterns, because we are programmed to believe that the mind is the master of our destiny. Because of that, we are robotically programmed to disregard any talk of something beyond the mind or above it. Therefore, when it comes to understanding God, our soul or where we come from, why we’re here on Earth and who created us, the mind can only resort to what it already knows, which is that we are unworthy to be equal to God. The mind believes that God is a male personality unto Himself, who created all things, including man and the soul. That is why we believe that God can grant us miracles, such as a healing, if He desires it so. Well, He can’t. He can’t, because God is not a single deity unto Himself. Here is the metaphor that I use quite a bit: Imagine for a moment the Sun, with its glowing light and the energy emanating from it, as if the Sun was all there was billions and billions of years ago. Just imagine for a minute that the Sun was the only excellence in the Heavens and everything else far and near never existed. Let’s say there were no planets, no stars, no galaxies, no Earth, nothing, not even darkness. Only the Sun existed. Now, let us look at this Sun’s light as symbolizing the spirit of One, and the energy falling from it as symbolizing Universal Divine Mind. Now, let’s look at them both as one unit, representing all that was in the first creation as the God/Goddess. Let’s say the Sun, billions and billions of years ago, exploded into gazillions and gazillions of smaller Suns. What we would see is

How does this fit in to when that consciousness actually took physical form? TN: Well, this is the whole point. In order

to see ourselves, our spirit took action and created a mirror image of ourselves, like a hologram, of us having a soul consciousness, a persuasive and psychological mind, and an ego consciousness so our spirits could shape ourselves into some type of form, like a physical body — so we could see ourselves. Being the creator that we are, once we asked who we were, that automatically set up our spirit to challenge our soul, our mental mind, and our ego. In answering the question, this action has allowed us soul beings to learn about life, as well as who we are, and what it means to be alive and making choices. That’s the best way I can describe it. So, what we are talking about is that once the ego formed and the body formed, then that strong belief in sin and punishment and duality that is so ego-based evolved. I know that one of the points you make is that that’s what really becomes the major cause of us not being able to heal situations in our lives. Is that accurate? TN: Yes, that’s exactly right. See, we suffer

because we are actually hypnotized by our environment and everyone we have come in contact with since our birth. What happened is that we got lost in our own egoconsciousness by layering it with many, many belief patterns through lifetimes playing with energy in a dualistic configuration. There is one thing that I have learned in my many years of getting unstuck, and that is my mind loved to interfere with my progress. It was always critical of me by saying that I’m crazy to even believe that I’m smart enough to run a business, or me talking with Jeshua or the angels, or me being equal to God. With the mind processing our thoughts in that way, it’s no wonder Soul continued on page 18 

 Soul continued from page 17 we misinterpret what we receive from our soul, because we push it aside as being nonsense. We don’t own that we are part of that Sun that split into trillions of pieces. TN: That’s right. We don’t claim our Godliness. TN: That’s correct. We have

been so locked into our ego personalities, or aspects as they are called, for many, many, lifetimes that we have lost sight of our true self. We have lost sight of our soul and our own divinity. It’s like we started out with that consciousness, but lifetime after lifetime we layered on more and more ego identification, and so then we lost sight of it and became what we thought was just the ego identification. TN: Exactly — and now we look

at ourselves as if we are just a mind and body. We don’t even look at our spirit. We say we have a spirit and a soul, but we don’t look at them as who we truly are. In truth, we’re not even made of energy. Our true self is only spirit and consciousness. We have no form. We created a mental part of us so that we could create images of things, so we could learn to see who we are and identify our purpose.

How do we create those lifetimes of layered consciousness? TN: We use the old way to

explain who we are, through the mind. Most of us look at God as an entity that is outside of us,

and we believe a book will come and save us some day. Of course, some day never comes, because the mind will always move toward the belief in a name higher than oneself. That’s why the mind has a tendency to ask questions like, “Who are you? Who do you think you are believing that you are equal to God?” The best way to understand God is that He is an icon and not real. So God, as you report, is a force rather than an entity that is separate from us. TN: Right. God is actually not

even a good name to use. It’s you that is the God. It is Self that is the God. Spirit is consciousness, what we usually call the Goddess. a Please go to Edgemagazine.net and read Part 2: Unlocking the Conscious of Your Soul. Listen at http://tinyurl.com/adpa2he. For more information on Terry Newbegin, visit terrynewbegin. com. Cathryn Taylor is a licensed counselor and author of numerous books and articles including her bestselling Inner Child Workbook. Cathryn’s model uses the inner child focus to identify the source of the sabotaging fears; the wisdom of the Akashic Records to obtain the context of the fears and the EFT Tapping Techniques to neutralize these fears. This combination offers one of the most empowering avenues to revise belief systems and alter patterns of behaviors which do not work. She can be reached at 612.710.7720 or feel free to visit her website which is www. EFTForYourInnerChild.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Psychic Etiquette: a guide Evolutionary Pagan by Briana Crusan


hether you are an experienced psychic or just discovering your powers, there are a few things to keep in mind when delving into the magickal realms.   First of all, know your boundaries. A boundary is an invisible line that delineates the space between you and others around you. This concept is incredibly important to maintaining your integrity. The only thing anyone can really control in life is what lies within his or her own boundary. When working with psychic abilities, at times it may seem as if we can control the world outside of ourselves. However, in reality we can only attract things to us that we resonate with. But how do you know when you have crossed someone else’s boundaries or let someone cross yours? Here are a few examples: • You agree to something before you have thought it through. You then feel resentful of that agreement and this affects your relationships. • You consistently share personal details or opinions before establishing someone’s interest level. • You speak more than you listen, constantly interrupt the conversation, or spend more time thinking about what to say next than absorbing what others are saying. • You impose your view point on everyone without room for differences of opinion. If you would like to improve your boundaries, simply learn to love “No.” Speaking the word “No” allows you to maintain your boundaries. Accepting “No” from others allows them to maintain theirs. Secondly, while it may be tempting to have your sixth sense running constantly, it is important to learn how to turn your powers on and off. Your insight can make colors more vivid as you watch people’s auras, or your day more exciting as you listen to spirits. However, having your powers constantly “on” can be the equivalent of trying to sleep with your eyes open. It can be draining, distracting, confusing and even alienating. If you have trouble blocking things out once you become aware of them, find a mentor who can help you gain mastery over your powers. The third point is to practice discernment. There are two parts to this rule. On one hand you need to know your audience. Are you really engaged in a social situation or are people around you avoiding eye contact? If people start squirming when you start talking, this could be a sign that you need to reassess the situation. Then ask yourself: Is what I perceive intuition or could it be projection? We often see what we want to see and take it as

Holy Molé is brought to you by Harmony Green, Intuitive Healer, owner of All about the Journey…a healing center, located at www.allowharmony.com, 612.354.2149 | cartoon by Rick Hotton: Facebook.com/Holymolecartoon



« The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen

proof of being correct. Intuition is a subtle guide that helps you make better choices and act in accordance with your highest good. Projection can be born out of fear, resentment, anger, assumption, insecurity or wishful thinking. If what you perceive makes you feel more important, encroaches upon someone else’s free will or boundaries, or hedges on paranoia, it could be projection. Be aware that you don’t need to be psychic to read people or assess situations, so do not underestimate the power of observation. The brain is wired to find patterns and meaning. Someone with good observational skills often will seem scarily psychic to others who are too busy to stop and look around them. The last piece of advice is to always ask for permission. It’s one thing to notice the color of someone’s aura like you might notice someone’s shirt. It is an entirely different situation if you are scanning them etherically to gather information. This is especially important when dealing with children. Children do not always have the vocabulary to tell someone they are being intrusive. Scanning someone without their permission can be the equivalent of inappropriately touching them. It’s important to always remember to respect the boundaries of others. Finally, delving into one’s intuition or psychic abilities can be incredibly exciting, validating and helpful for improving your selfesteem. But if using them comes at the expense of other people and their experience, you may end up traveling down a path that leads to more loneliness, isolation and misunderstanding. Show respect for others, and in turn, they will show respect for you. a Briana Crusan is a “second generation pagan,” meaning she was raised with pagan beliefs. She is a Polarity Therapist currently operating out of St. Paul. She is one of the anchors for The Pagan Voice, as well as the marketing director for Summerland Spirit Festival. Briana is currently working on the release of her first spoken word CD, Divine Intervention. To make an appointment, visit Psinergy.info. Watch The Pagan Voice at Paganliving.tv. To learn more about Summerland, visit Summerlandfest.com Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe

Turkey Breakfast Patties by Maggie Christopher


ou may enjoy these flavor-packed turkey patties for breakfast or as a quick meal for lunch or dinner. This recipe makes enough to freeze. I eat them every morning with a side of sautéed spinach and warm sweet potatoes. These are not spicy, just flavorful. Keep in mind that co-ops sell bulk spices, so there’s no need to invest in a whole jar.

Ingredients 3½ lbs ground turkey thigh 3½ tsp. sea salt 3 tsp. sage 3½ tsp. fennel seeds 3½ tsp. thyme 3½ tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. white pepper 1/2 tsp. cayenne 7/8 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 tsp. allspice

Directions 1. Combine all ingredients

and blend well.

2. If time permits, refrigerate

overnight to let the meat absorb the flavor of the spices. 3. Form into patties and cook as needed, freezing uncooked patties. 4. Heat olive oil on medium in a skillet and add patties. Don’t overcook. Remove from heat while still juicy and no longer pink inside. Serves approximately 20. a Maggie Christopher, CHNC, is a certified holistic nutrition counselor in St. Paul. She specializes in digestive issues, sugar cravings and weight loss. She teaches people how to eat whole, natural foods in a way that is delicious and satisfying. Call 651.231.1360 for a 60-minute, complimentary consultation to learn more or visit www.maggiechristopher.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. »

helen keller

March 2013  the edge


Hyperdrive alert: Cosmic alarm clock soon will ring Star Wisdom - MARCH HOROSCOPE by D.K. Brainard

relationship and demands that you act from your own integrity, not from your idea of what others expect of you.

ercury remains retrograde through the 17th, but the Sun’s entry into Aries on the 20th rings the cosmic alarm clock, as Mars, Venus, Uranus and Pluto team up to send life into hyperdrive.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…Ancient wisdom tells us the past, present and future are all happening in the eternal now. This means your inner child is not just a figment of your imagination but a real being whose wounds — as long as they remain unhealed — dictate the experience available to you. March gives you a rare chance to connect with your child self and heal those wounds. Will you take it?


Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…To quote the Taoist master and Zen bowler, “the Dude”: Take it easy, man! Use the first part of the month to rest, relax and store up energy, because your life is going to become very kinetic as soon as the spring equinox hits. You’ll need to make an important relationship decision and opportunities for passionate action will suddenly abound. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Rather than fighting the flow, use this time to make new connections with like-minded people and strengthen existing ones. Especially at the end of the month, restrain yourself from forcing the action. If you push too hard, something could snap back and blow up on you. If you content yourself with small gains now, you’ll reap the big rewards when your birthday rolls around. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Opportunity is hovering around you, but it might feel just out of reach. This is not your fault, so don’t be alarmed if you can’t seem to take that next step this month. The atmosphere of indecision is pushing you to get really clear on what you want out of life. Hint: Your big goal should be beautiful enough you’d be willing to work an entire lifetime to realize it. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…It’s so important to trust your intuition. If your mind wanders back to “negative” events in the past, allow yourself to re-experience those challenges from your current point of view. Seeing where you are in the context of your life’s journey prepares you for the passionate, almost violent opportunities for growth and expansion that arrive with the spring equinox. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Money and relationship matters remain somewhat murky until Mercury returns to direct motion on the 17th. After that, it’s almost like you’ve stepped into a whole new life. Opportunities for expansion arrive with breathtaking suddenness, forcing you to make quick decisions with long-ranging impact. You must trust your inner guidance above all else. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Give yourself time to figure out the relationship thing. Your normal Spock-like computing style won’t work with Mercury retrograde and Neptune clouding up the picture. Instead, ask your Higher Self for guidance and then distract your rational mind with all the other things that need taking care of. The right solution will find you when you stop looking for it. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Remember that self-discipline means becoming a disciple of yourself. To do that, you have to trust your own inner guidance even when it conflicts with others’ advice or society’s wisdom. The explosive Libra Full Moon on the 27th highlights a key



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…The family patterns surfacing now could be overwhelming at times, but they also provide opportunity for intense self-realization. A creative explosion awaits you at the spring equinox; to take full advantage, you need to develop as much awareness as possible of the ways your family history pushes you to act against your own best interests. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Your imagination is both your biggest ally and your greatest temptation this month. Rather than allowing your fantasy life to rule you, work to bring awareness to the emotional energy that underlies your waking dreams. Why do you feel compelled to keep playing mental movies that are unrealistic, self-defeating or undesirable? Understand that and you become a mastermind. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…It’s hard to manifest the resources you need when you keep telling yourself you don’t really need them. Instead of playing the disinterested wallflower in the game of life, watch your thoughts and notice where you cut yourself short before you can even get started. You’re such a powerful communicator these days. You might be shocked at what you could have if you’d just ask for it. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…You may feel all topsyturvy and lost in space, but you’re actually experiencing a psychological rebirth this month. Don’t try to think your way through this. Instead, keep asking what you really feel. What do you need — from life, from your relationships, from yourself? The only way to the freedom and abundance you desire is by acknowledging all of your feelings — especially the ones you feel guilty for having. a

Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, March 6, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to BlogTalkRadio.com/edgemagazine. Listen to all archives at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero’s Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. Get in-depth weekly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, plus monthly video forecasts and weekly astrology podcasts at DK’s website: www.wordsforthepeople.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

« No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today,

Divinely inspired

Reclaim your sacred inheritance



ow can it be that I am still coming to terms with an exceptional performance by José James and his band on January 29 at The Cedar in Minneapolis? The event was, unequivocally, one of the best performances that I have ever attended. José and his band were truly inspired. They relished their playing, their interaction, tenderly present and joyously celebrating each one of the solos in the truest of jazz traditions. Superbly generous, they included us in their creative moment, permitting us to share a show that will never, ever, be performed the same way again. I am trying to reconcile the dueling emotions of ecstasy from my contact with creative genius and the pain of separation. The band is on the road again, heading to Chicago, Japan, Australia and Europe — so I am reduced to comforting myself with CDs. I feel like a spurned lover. The complex experience following a superb performance is not new. I can recall numerous live performances — jazz, dance, theatre — that have left me feeling ecstatic and abandoned in this same way. This feeling of loss is a mystery. I believe that when an artist truly creates, she is entering into direct contact with pure Divine potential, and that energy manifests before us, the audience. We participate in an essential way simply by our witness. The immense energy of Source is tangible for an ephemeral instant, and then disappears, leaving this sense of loss. That moment of Divine contact with the Mystery is a glorious privilege, like the sensuous abandon of orgasm, but it lasts longer! Delicious. There has been an energetic quickening on the planet since December 21, 2012. One result of that long-anticipated date is that a veil has dissolved, allowing each one of us to access an expanded form of Divine potential. This is a deeply creative period for many people, and we all are required to find new ways to navigate our lives. The possibilities are so vast that a person can become overwhelmed, confused, allowing excesses to drain our energy. Another option is to

Craig W. Steele is a writer and university biologist whose creative musings occur in the urban countryside of northwestern Pennsylvania where he writes for both children and adults. Besides The Edge, his poetry has appeared recently or is forthcoming in The Healing Muse, Magnapoets, WestWard Quarterly, Willows Wept Review, Caduceus and elsewhere. Email csteele@wildblue.net.

choose to lovingly midwife each creation, one by one, into existence. To be Divinely inspired, to have a strong sense of intuition, to create, is something each person is capable of doing. Yes, we have our outstanding artists, musicians, actors and poets, and they are demonstrating what each one of us can aspire to achieve. Consider that wonderful metaphor of the world as mirror: If we look on “the outside” as just an image in a mirror, reflecting back to us something that exists inside, we know then that if we can perceive something in the world, we are that. There is a Divine thread that allows an idea to leave Source and travel into our mind, flowing to the senses, out through the mouth, the hands and fingers. This is the gift of creative direction that we call intuition. As children, we are indoctrinated into the tyranny of mind. Throughout our educational systems, this primacy of mind is stressed over and over again, disconnecting us from our natural intuition. Blessed are the children who have parents and mentors who keep their creative flame alive, stoking it so that it burns brightly! During the certification courses I lead, teaching the powerful healing modality Frequencies of Brilliance, a vital component to a practitioner’s effectiveness is her dedication to following her own guidance — her intuition — thus committing to a deep level of surrender to Divine Will. I have witnessed many people glow with special joy as they reclaim their intuition, once again beginning to trust in their Divine direction. This intuition is part of our Divine inheritance. Each one of us can reclaim it. Intuition is simply waiting for our call, for us to open our hearts so that its gentle whisper can once again be heard. a Efrén francisco Solanas is a certified teacher and practitioner of The Frequencies of Brilliance, a powerful multidimensional healing modality. He was born in Southern California and currently makes his home in Minneapolis. He works in the USA, South America and Europe, teaching various certifications courses and, as time allows, attending clients in private session. Contact him at efren.solanas@gmail.com and visit Efrensolanas.com or www. facebook.com/efren.f.solanas. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Blending by craig steele My morning newspaper lies on my front porch, blending with my knowledge of the world. This afternoon, it wraps coffee grounds, blending with my knowledge of compost. Tomorrow, it recites my obituary, blending with my knowledge of eternity.

Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. »

maya angelou

March 2013  the edge



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Psychics, Mediums & Intuitives in the Upper Midwest


here is nothing strange about intuition. It is a part of who we are as human beings. Some, however, are more sensitive in listening to the still voice within, and we can turn to them to translate our soul path. The following businesses and individuals offer intuitive services in the Upper Midwest…and beyond:   2 on 1 Psychic Readings with Jody Tschida & Angel Colonna, 651.808.0111, jodytschida@msn.com or angelcolonna19@ gmail.com, www.UnwindMeNow.com – We work with spirit/ masters/guides to not only give you information you need to move forward in the right direction but to clear and remove negative energies, blocks, and limitations that may be holding you back from living the life you desire. Spiritual/energetic clearing of self/surroundings, chakra reading/balancing, mediumship, tarot. Home Clearings.   A Center for Enlightenment, Maggie Chula, 110 12th St. S., Hudson, WI 54016, 651.214.7635, maggiechula@gmail.com, www.ACenterForEnlightenment.com – Maggie is a Spiritual Counselor, Angelic channel and Energy Healer. Working with Maggie will help you connect to your higher wisdom and angelic guidance. This will allow you to understand the choices you are making and take back your power to create your life in harmony with your heart’s desire.   Akashic Soul Visions, Suzette Schmidt, Ames, IA, 515.520.1659, suzettesms@yahoo.com, www.akashicsoulvisions.com – Suzette Schmidt, BA, BS, Reiki III, Ordained Minister, offers Akashic Record (Soul) Readings, Animal Communication, Psychic/ Intuitive Mediumship, Spiritual Counseling, Teaching and Mentoring. The goal of Akashic Soul Visions is to enable the client to receive the knowledge and spiritual tools necessary for a joyful, fulfilling life.   Bee Merry Holistic Center, 952.475.3333, www.BeeMerry. org – Bee Merry Holistic Center encourages making life an adventure. Bee Merry offers: healings, readings, Thorz-day intuitive classes, drum circle…. We play in the fields of the metaphysical every Thorzday, jam on the drum every 3rd Friday and celebrate the Goddess with a Moon Lodge.





business listings

…highlighting a different holistic business each month except when The Edge Directory is published (June & November). Next month: If you provide Retreat Centers or Spas: Be listed here for only $50. Contact info + 50-word description of what your center offers the community. Deadline: March 19. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net. Coming Featured Business in May: Therapeutic Massage - Deadline: April 19.

  Janice Carlson, 952.934.1196, dearashlan@aol.com, www.JaniceCarlson.com – Twenty years of psychic and medium experience. A documented 85 percent accuracy rate. Afterlife communications with deceased loved ones and pets. Phone & in-person sessions by appointment. Free sample reading. “Janice is one of the best mediums I’ve ever encountered.” – Trish MacGregor, author of Sydney Omarr Presents   Deborah Lynn11, 651.439.5337, www.deborahlynn11.com – Born with the psychic, spiritual gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance, numerology, channeling spirit, and reading akashic records, Deborah reads the energy taking shape in a person’s life. Her psychic readings include names of people in the past, present and future, from both the earthly and spiritual realms. She offers insight on love and relationships, career, finance and more.   Deer Domnitz, 612.928.0028, lindadeer1@yahoo.com, www.shamanicspiritservices.com – Deer offers Shamanic Spirit Services and is a psychic medium, shamanic practitioner and hypnotherapist. She has been a psychic medium since 1977, when her late husband appeared/ talked to her. Our departed loved ones are “alive” in another dimension and watch over us always! Specializing in contact with friends and relatives on the other side, including suicide/murder victims, for closure/comfort/ guidance.   Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park, MN 55426, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness.com – Marie is a certified hypnosis therapist, Reiki master and gifted intuitive. Marie often combines hypnosis, Reiki and intuitive ability as

needed to best help the client. She also offers psychic readings and animal communication. Quantum Healing Hypnosis opens doors for spiritual exploration, including past lives, life purpose, and uncovering causes for problems in health and other issues.   EG Wellness Resources, Ellen Goldammer, 760 Clearbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights MN 55127, 651.429.9399, eg222@ comcast.net, www.ellengold.com – Ellen is a gifted intuitive channel whose special interest is utilizing the vibrational energy of crystals, stones and flower essences to achieve positive results for her clients. Ellen’s shop is stocked with hundreds of varieties of crystals and gemstones, as well as offering gemstone jewelry, energetic sprays and metaphysical classes.   Enchanting Empress Psychic Services, 612.251.9516, michelle@enchantingempress.com, www.enchantingempress.com – Hello! I am Michelle – a psychic and a chef! Specializing in love relationships and psychic dinner parties, the goal of my readings is to facilitate a process of self-discovery. Connecting to guiding energies, I locate hidden answers that reveal new potential, new opportunities, and provide overall clarity on the journey of life.   Eye of Horus Metaphysical, 3012 Lyndale Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55408, 612.872.1292, www.EyeofHorus.biz – Discover the premier intuitive service provider in Uptown. You will find readings seven days a week, Psychic Fairs, classes and more. From Tarot, Palm, Aura and Psychic Readings to Faerie Oracle, Bone or Runes, each reader is gifted with a specialty. Call for an appointment or book a reading online!

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

  Jeanne Kae, Mystic Medium & Retreat, Inner Maker Bed & Breakfast, Art & Books, 402.540.6929, innermaker@gmail. com, www.innermaker.com – Jeanne has studied esoteric wisdom, metaphysics and divine wisdom for 30 years. Her excellent communication with her “Inner Maker”© allows her to share that wisdom with her clients while tuning in with the Divine spark and the purest essence of life. Quiet retreat offering readings, sessions and contemplation.   Susan Kleppe, www.Faeriologist.com – As a Faeriologist, I study all things “fairy.” I read fairy cards, provide playful light treatments and hold fairy gardening workshops. I am available to give lectures on such subjects as “What is Faeriology?” and “The relevance of Fairies in the 21st century” (dressed in fairy attire upon request).   Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com – Soul Readings / Psychic Development Classes. I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. My passion is teaching others how to more fully access their own intuitive / psychic / soul gifts, and to live and create from the heart in a healthy partnership with body and soul. Explore and know the wonder of who you are.   Jaci Loos, 651.436.1418, msloos777@comcast.net, www.wavedancebodywork.byregion.net – Akashic Records Consultant, Sound Healer and Teacher. Jaci is dedicated to change, growth and personal integration. Her passion is to empower others to experience their life with greater joy and ease.   Carol Lowell, 612.840.3562, carol@carolmargaret.com, www.carolmargaret.com – Carol Lowell is a Healer, Psychic, Medium and Past-Life Regression Facilitator. She offers private and group psychic readings, past, present, future, past-life information, soul communication, Akashic Records, communication with deceased loved ones, healing and psychic classes and lectures.   Paulette Lucas, paulettelucas@clearwire.net, www.paulettelucas.com – Paulette is a clairvoyant, trance medium and empathic. She is a spiritual counselor who has been reading for 24 years, working with spirit guides, angels and ascended masters, by phone or in person. Expect the following during a session: compassion, truthful and gentle insight into finances, love, business and family issues, access to those who have passed.   Kristine Anne, 651.346.9646, lovetruthjoy6@gmail.com, Yourtrueidentity.com – Intuitive Guidance, Medium, Soul Education: All sessions conducted with Love and Grace. I connect with spirit to provide healing and wisdom. I receive information that will be most helpful to you at this time.   My Angels Rock, Rachelle 612.644.1523, Sharri 612.414.4111, myangelsrock@gmail.com, www.myangelsrock.net – My Angels Rock is a group of intuitives/psychics and energy healers offering individual/group readings, intuition development classes, and specializing with our in-home psychic reading parties where we also teach you about angels, manifesting, and empowering your soul. We offer a full line of sprays for grounding, protection, sleep, and more.   Mystic Emporium, 628 S. Front St., Mankato, MN 56001, 507.388.9913 – Mystic Emporium offers readings, including natal Charts, Palm Reading Spirit Connections, Past Life Regressions, and Reiki Sessions daily. Call for appointment. Mystic Emporium also offers Spiritual Therapeutic Coaching® including NLP and hypnosis, specializing in motivational coaching. The New Age shop is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday or by appointment.   Psychics in the Cities, 612.860.9196, www.psychicsinthecities.com – Psychics in the Cities – Debra Battenfeld, Judie Randall, Kayla Wright – use the Power Of Three to bridge the spiritual and everyday together. By using their individual gifts and unique perspectives, these three psychics working together receive and give you powerful and usable messages from Divine to enlighten your journey.

  Ravenhawke LLC, Penny Johnson, St. Paul, MN, 651.793.9660, info@ravenhawke.net, www.RavenHawke. net – I guide people who want to find their Spiritual Truth to help them grow personally and professionally. I have utilized my psychic gifts professionally for 15 years, helping others grow in all aspects, including business, relationships, and internally. I am also trained in Feng Shui, Paranormal Investigation and Energy Healing. I am available for Private Sessions, Groups, as well as Parties.   Royal Readings, Jennifer Thompson, 320.292.9529 – Professionally Certified: Tarot Board of America. Third-generation Clairvoyant, Tarot Intuitive Practitioner for 20 years. Jennifer offers friendly, detailed information as she assists in removing your fears, enabling you to make life’s decisions with clarity and confidence. Blessed with the ability to bring positivity to any area of your life. Non-judgmental readings. Phone/Video/ Call/In Person.   LaJeanne Runnels, 763.421.5603, MaybeICnHelp@ gmail.com (please put psy? in the subject line), www.lajeanne.blogspot.com – Free-will Psychic Facilitator. Featured: on KARE 11 News, Good Company and Twin Cities Live (KSTP TV), KFAI Radio, in newspapers and books. Naturally Psychic; professionally trained. Who you choose as a psychic and how comfortable you are with your choice (before, during and after your reading) are very important, so I welcome your questions and concerns. For more info, call and we’ll talk a bit.   Satail, Spirit of Love and Light Healing Arts, 11300 Minnetonka Mills Road, Minnetonka, MN 55305, 612.703.9154 – Satail is an intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach. Her goal is to assist others in healing their lives. She works with Master Soulaire, of Soulful Journey, in Minnetonka. As a medium, her readings may encompass past lives. Satail invites your Master Higher Self to guide her. Kelli Spencer, 320.240.6399, kelli@kellispencer.com,   www.kellispencer.com – Kelli is a psychic medium and an angelic channel who delivers information and wisdom from the angels, as well as your loved ones who have crossed over, with a unique style. They speak with you, through her, to help guide you with current life issues and to overcome life’s struggles.   Mary L. Stoffel, 763.444.8146, www.humanimal.com; www.practicalshamanism.com; www.avatarepcmn.com – Mary is an Avatar® Master, Animal Communicator and Shamanic Practitioner. She is the author of The Practical Power of Shamanism: Heal Your Life, Loves and Losses, and the upcoming book, Help Your Animal Heal: Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually.   Lena Swanson, Psychic Readings & Holistic Healing, P.O. Box 18641, St. Paul, MN 55107, 651.206.0644, lena@lenaswanson.com, www.lenaswanson.com – Lena is a professional psychic, animal communicator, shamanic healer, past life regression facilitator and Reiki master. She is known for her accuracy and wonderful rapport with both people and animals. Her focus is on helping people get the information and healing they need to reach their highest potential. She also teaches a variety of animal communication and shamanic journeying classes.   Kathy Wilken, kathyhealing@gmail.com – Energetic Life Connections Kathy Wilken is a well-respected psychic, teacher, healer and interfaith minister in the Twin Cities. She often travels and provides readings in Minnesota and Wisconsin. She has over 40 years of experience assisting others in their quest for enlightenment and guidance. Contact her for an appointment.

JOIN THE EDGE EMAIL LIST Edgemagazine.net/join-our-email-list/

  Leigh Cohen Wyatt, 763.684.1453, www.leighcohenwyatt.com – Leigh is a Certified Professional Intuitive, Relationship and Psychic Life Coach, Empowerment Expert and Healing Facilitator, Clairaudient, Tarot Reader, Voice Recognition Psychic. She is a featured member of Best American Psychics and host of CBS radio and BlogTalk Radio show, “Creative Consciousness Cafe.”

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

March 2013  the edge




March 2013 SCHEDULE

Expanding the Holistic Conversation More than a dozen audio podcasts to support your journey, with hundreds of archived programs at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talkradio. Listen live at your own convenience via phone or computer. listen live: call 1.714.364.4750 • LISTEN ONLINE: Blogtalkradio.com/edgemagazine • archives: Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio • show reminders: Join The Edge’s email list at: Edgemagazine.net/join-our-email-list/ or subscribe at: Blogtalkradio.com. HOST YOUR OWN SHOW: Inquire about hosting your own monthly Edge Talk Radio program (one hour programs from your own home) by calling Cathryn Taylor at 612.710.7720 or Cathy Jacobsen at 763.433.9291. Friday, March 1 at 2 p.m. Central     “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom First Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Tuesday, March 5 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Learning Well” with Maureen Pelton First Tuesday of each month — Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! Sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College.

submit articles We welcome you to submit an article on any aspect of holistic living — or on any of our Featured Topics in 2013. 700 words or less. Include a brief bio. Send by 9th of each month. Submit online email editor@edgemagazine net.

Featured Topics: APRIL — Spiritual Day Trips: Where to Go & How to Have a Rewarding Experience MAY — The Value of Massage Therapy: by Therapists & Their Clients Questions: call 651.578.8969



Wednesday, March 6 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Astrology” with D.K. Brainard First Wednesday of each month — The Edge astrology columnist gives us a peek into the future. Discover the larger patterns behind life’s ups and downs. Find out how you can flow with the energy of the weeks ahead. Bring the wisdom of the stars into your life. Thursday, March 7 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Intuitive Living” with Echo Bodine First Thursday of each month — Join noted psychic, healer and teacher Echo Bodine for her one-hour program on living by our intuition. “It’s going to be a mix of everything that I do and teach,” Echo says, “and it will end with a meditation.” Sunday, March 10 at 7 p.m. Central     “On the Edge…of Everything” with SchaOn & Cathy Second Sunday of each month — Join SchaOn and Cathy – as well as a Special Guest – as they talk about the latest news and updates in Holistic Health care, review of Products & Services for your Health & Well-being of the Body, Mind and Soul, vitamins & minerals, talk about conspiracies, or maybe even talk about UFOs, crystal skulls & more! You won’t know exactly what they’re going to be talk about during the two hours until you tune in. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea or some milk, ask questions live in the chat room, or even call in live on air to ask us questions and join in on the fun!

Wednesday, March 13 at 6 p.m. Central    “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor Second Wednesday of each month — Join Cathryn as she interviews Aingeal Rose on the Akashic Records. Aingeal will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Natural Healing & Psychic Expo, returning to Mankato on April 6-7 at Courtyard by Marriott. The premier expo in the Mankato area will present exhibitors ranging from intuitive readers, integrated healing practitioners, natural beauty and nutritional products, jewelry, crystals, books and products to bring holistic healing into your life. Thursday, March 14 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel Second Thursday of each month — Animal communicator Mary Stoffel gives insights into the relationships that our animals have with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues. Friday, March 15 at 2 p.m. Central     “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom Third Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Sunday, March 17 at 11 a.m. Central     “Edge Sage Pages” with Harmony Green Third Sunday of each month — The first half of the show are the Pages from the Path, when Harmony offers brief readings concerning Divine Life Purpose. Then, a guest will discuss his or her path and how they came to it and the gifts they are sharing with the world. Monday, February 18 at 5:30 p.m. Central     “Edge EFT Happy Half Hour” with Cathryn Taylor Third Monday of each month — Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to a half hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping. Learn how to use EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul.

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

Wednesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. Central    “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Third Wednesday of each month — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. Visit the Edge Happenings events calendar here. For more information on how to include your events in Edge magazine, call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Wednesday, March 27 at 6 p.m. Central    “Edge Education Series” with Cathryn Taylor Join Cathryn Taylor for the last of a three-part series on the new Higher Brain Living (HBL) technique, a breakthrough in neuro-science that successfully frees people from the chronic lower-brain fear and stress response and unleashes the 95 percent of untapped higher brain potential. Discussion will be applying HBL to life. Thursday, March 28 at 6 p.m. Central     “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11 Fourth Thursday of each month — Twin Cities Psychic Medium and Author Deborah Lynn11 helps you discover why and what it is you are working on in your life on Earth. Learn how to manifest your life on Earth as it is in your heaven. And free mini-readings for those who call in.


…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.



USE EDGE CLASSIFIEDS: Place your listing here to buy, sell, trade, connect with others, promote your website or garage sale or much more. Complete information on how to be listed in the Edge Classifieds: $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Submit your Classifieds directly online at Edgemagazine. net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine. net.

NATURAL, RECYCLED, HOMEGROWN & LOCAL: Tired of those scripted home parties that only offer mass marketed, high-priced products proudly “Made in China?” Then try something new! Pure at Hearth is a new type of home party since we work with local artisans to bring natural, recycled, homegrown and locally made products to you! Looking to host this new breed of home party? Are you a local artisan looking to explore a new venue? Check us out at www.PureatHearth.com then call Jo at 612.234.7388 for a truly unique party. See you at home!

SEEKING PRACTITIONERS SEEKING HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS: Looking for Holistic Practitioners for a new Occasional Shop in Buffalo, MN. Open the first Thursday-Saturday of every month, from 9am-5pm. All modalities welcome. Contact Leigh at 763.684.1453. $70 per day.

facebook.com/edgemagazine.net a


advertise & support the edge Be on display! Print ads are effective. Magazine Advertising Sells — and it delivers results consistently. Studies show that magazines are the strongest driver of purchase intent, and magazines that are online with links to your website (like The Edge) are nearly twice as effective! We offer 19 shapes and sizes of display ads to meet every budget: Full page ∙ 2/3 page ∙ 1/2 page ∙ 1/3 page ∙ 1/4 page ∙ 1/6 page ∙ 1/8 page ∙ 12th page ∙ 15th page — in vertical, horizontal and square orientations. We also publish our next biannual Edge Directory in June (May 7 deadline) that offers you even more visibility for your business or service. Ad Deadline: 17th of each month. Complete details: Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Visit Edgemagazine.net/advertise/


SUBSCRIBE TO THE EDGE DIRECT TO YOUR MAILBOX: Receive The Edge by the 1st of each month. Only $29 for 12 months, $48 for 24 months. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@ edgemagazine.net.


SERVICES listings …provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, MN, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org – Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living: 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org, 612.922.4272 – Encouraging authentic spiritual connection through Sunday services, classes and workshops. Sunday 10:30am Services are led by our resident speakers Patty Peterson, Christine Day, Cindi Claypatch, Michael Foley and Linda Saggau; guest speakers; or Spiritual Director, Theresa Rose. 9am Services include Spiritual Development, Drum Service, Toning/Healing and Body and Soul. Space also available for weddings, concerts and special events. SAINT FRANCIS LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH: 3201 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.823.4276, www. stfrancisliberalcatholicchurch.org – Holy Eucharist 10am Sundays; Rosary 9:30am First Saturdays. Communion available to everyone. Freedom of conscience and belief. A church for seekers. Ordination of Women. Seven Christian Sacraments. Find us on Facebook.

SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@spiritunited.com, www.spiritunited.com – Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30am Main service, 10:30am Kids With Spirit Class. UNITY CHRIST CHURCH: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www.unitychristchurch. org – Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 9 & 11am, nursery and Sunday School at both services. 3V Alternative Service 1:20pm; Monthly Healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN, 952.895.0745, Unityofthevalleymn. org – “Celebrating the Light of Spirit within you.” Sunday service, Nursery, Rainbow Circles for children, and Uniteens at 10 am. Our Many Paths Metaphysical Book and Gift store is open Mon.–Thurs. 11am-3pm, Sundays 11am-12:30pm. Chanting and Meditation service on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7 pm Intuitive readings by Susan Shopek before and after the service. Call for appointment. Bookstore that evening open until 9 pm. Adult classes and workshops. Rental space available.

15th pgget even more exposure adve rtise i n th e e dg e di r ectory an d g et eve n mor e exposu r e for you r b usi n ess . OPEN r ese rve you r ad i n th e spr i ng di r ectory . c a l l 7 6 3 . 4 3 3 . 9 2 9 1

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

March 2013  the edge




networking listings …provide category, brief description, name, phone, email, website, photo or logo. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net Acupuncture: House Call service for the Twin Cities and beyond. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Cupping, Tui Na and Qi Gong. Specializing in Sports Injury, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, Depression, Menopausal Symptoms and Allergies. Anthony VanWagner, L.Ac, MaOM, 651.334.3266 Acupuncture, Aromatherapy & More: Choose from a wide range of affordable Wellness Services & practitioners to fit your specific, individual needs, including Cranio-Sacral Massage, Eastern & Western style Cupping, Herbal consults, Moxibustion, Reiki, Tui-Na and Integrative Intuitive Massage. Magus Books & Herbs, 612.379.7669, Book online: www.MagusHealingCenter.com ANGEL ART: Angel portraits by Angel Artist Paulette Salo. I channel your Angels and paint the Angels that want to give you a specific message and their name. I’ve painted over 7,000 Angels for people across the country and I can paint yours, too! Angelsbypaulette.com or 763.546.4076 ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com ASTROLOGY: Accurate, insightful soul readings. The best weekly horoscopes. D.K. Brainard 646.247.8508, doctord@wordsforthepeople.com, www.wordsforthepeople.com AURA PHOTOS: Available by Appointment. Helping You Heal Center. Schedule a private healing Session Today. Annette Bruchu, 651.247.9719, helpingyouheal@msn.com, www.UnemployedAngelForHigher.com Autism: Calm-Focus-Connect: A unique one-to-one approach for optimizing brain function using movement, sound, and sensory techniques to help heal the nervous system. For people on the spectrum and anyone with similar issues. www.wings-to-soar.com AYURVEDA: Treat anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue and more holistically — and effectively. Let your body lead the way to experiencing the best of who you are, starting now! Keri Mangis, CAP, E-RYT200, Elements Ayurveda in Linden Hills, 612.599.9668, www.elementsayurveda.com BodyTalk & Animal Communication: Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, BodyTalk for Animals Practitioner, Animal Communicator, and BodyTalk Your Business. Eases and oftentimes completely eliminates symptoms by tapping into the body’s natural ability to heal. Talk Pawsitive, Kristen Scanlon, CBP, BAP, 763.226.6943, Kristen.BodyTalk@gmail.com, www. KristenScanlon.com BODYWORK AND BREATHWORK: Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: With Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh. Heal the body, clear old emotions & deepen your connection with Spirit. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Personal breath sessions with Soul coaching and/or Pranic Healing® / Reiki by appointment. Info: www.theconnectingspirit. com / Contact: theconnectingspirit@gmail.com or 651.442.4623



CAREER & BUSINESS COACHING: B.Better offers coaching to inspire personal leadership, career success and business growth through Career Counseling, Entrepreneurial Mentoring, Job Search Strategies, Assessments, Resume Optimization, Interview Preparation, Social Media and Personal Branding. For a free consultation, contact Chris Naylor, certified coach, 612.802.9137, chris@b-betternow.com, www.b-betternow.com CAREER COUNSELING: Clarifying Conversations – guided by your own heart, inspired by your own knowing. Laurie Mattila, M.S.Ed., Career Counselor 651.644.7766, LaurieMattila@aol.com, www.LaurieMattila.com Chakra Reading/Healing: Energyworks! Intuitive Healers – Affordable, Accessible, Powerful Healing Services. Chakra & Distance Healing, IET, Metaphysical Coaching, Chakra Clinics @ Present Moment & more! Our clients say: “Amazingly Accurate” “Calming,” “Deeply Healing,” and “Life changing.” Nadine 651.329.2550, Fran 612.827.2962, www.energyworkshealers.com, energyworks444@gmail.com COACHING / COUNSELING: Leave the past behind, start something new! You don’t have to stay stuck in the same old patterns – you can make real changes in your life. Gentle, alternative approaches make it easier than you imagined. Judy Steele, MTP, life coaching and counseling. Alternative practitioner 35+ years’ experience, whole-person perspective. 612.590.3193, www.schoolforliving.org COLONICS: Detoxification with Colon Hydrotherapy & Ion Cleanse Foot Bath, Carol Edel, 2409 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls, MN (Ecopolitan Bldg) 952.474.2627, caroledel@gmail.com Computer Repair: “Bring Harmony & Balance back to your Computing Experience” – Specializing in PC & Mac repairs for Individuals & Small Business – Angie’s List 2011 Super Service Award Winner - Flat-Fees. Onsite within 50 miles (In-Home or Office), or Drop-Off available. 10am-Midnight, 7 days a week - 612.234.7237, www.StPaulVirusRemoval.com COUNSELING: Struggling with relationships? Worried about your child or teenager? We offer confidential counseling with effective techniques and tangible skills that you can take with you. We offer a half-hour consultation to make sure the therapist is a fit for you. Individual, Couples, Family, Play Therapy. Bridging Hope Counseling, Heidi Waldoch, 763.291.5505, info@bridginghopecounseling.com, bridginghopecounsling.com, offices in Rogers and Buffalo, MN. CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY: In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), carved stone items (wands, spheres, animals, candles), decorator pieces, jewelry. Information on energy properties provided with all stones sold. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, kistones@comcast.net, www.kistones.com DEATH & DYING: Death is a sacred, natural, transformative event that we all experience. It can be embraced instead of feared. We can support and guide you or your loved one through this extraordinary journey. Please contact Jackie, Reed or Kate at Sacred Thresholds, 952.292.0873, info@sacredthresholds.com, www.sacredthresholds.com EFT: Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT, 612.802.HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com Energy Healing: Healing Arts 101: Christine offers energy healing sessions for pain relief, relaxation and general health. She also teaches classes about many alternative / complementary health options. Check out www.healingarts101.com or call/text 651.338.1216. ENERGY WORK & UNWINDING: CranioSacral Myofascial, Healing Touch, Reiki, Matrix, Quantum. Intuitive classes and house parties. Chakra readings. Jody Tschida, HTCP, RMT, Medical Intuitive, 651.808.0111, jodytschida@msn.com, www.UnwindMeNow.com

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

FENG SHUI CONSULTATION: Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops, Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HERBS: 600+ herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, books, Natural healing practitioners available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Duane Givens, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com Higher Brain Living: A revolutionary touch technique creating new neuro-pathways to your higher brain, de-stressing your body generating health and well-being and sustainable life changes in your body, mind, relationships, and environment. Sharyl Terhaar, 218.259.8924, sharylterhaar@ higherbrainliving.com, www.higherbrainliving.com/edenprairiemn HOLISTIC CENTER: Bee Merry Holistic Center encourages making life an adventure. Bee Merry offers: healings, readings, Thorz-day intuitive classes, drum circle…. We play in the fields of the metaphysical every Thorzday, jam on the drum every 3rd Friday and celebrate the Goddess with a Moon Lodge. www.BeeMerry.org, 952.475.3333 HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING/ COACHING: Certified holistic health counselor in Burnsville, MN, specializing in digestive issues, weight loss and overall health. Each client will receive an personalized program specific to their needs. Contact Kristin for a complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com, Facebook & Twitter: Healing Organically HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: Counseling, Stress Management, Hypnosis, Sheryl Fisher, MSW, LICSW, 763.420.9782 Holistic Psychotherapy & Healing: Bring your life into balance. Learn skills to release limited beliefs, blocked emotions, reduce stress, and increase your emotional wellness. The Lotus Connection, LLC, Shante Fauskee, M.A. LAMFT, 612.524.9237, info@thelotusconnection.org, www.thelotusconnection.org HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HYPNOSIS & TRAINING: Past Life, Life-BetweenLives Regression, Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., L.B.L., Center for Inner Peace, 612.709.5578, Madonna@madonnakettler.com

HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 12 Years Experience. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, St. Paul, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, weight loss, smoking, habits. Mind-Body-Spirit stress reduction, breath work, self-hypnosis, meditation. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy: Build your own skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation, and do-it-yourself therapy. Get help with smoking cessation, past-lives, between lives, and healing trauma, sexual abuse and other issues. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, channel for Mother Mary, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com INNER CHILD WORK & EFT: Author of the bestselling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Cathryn Taylor 612.710.7720, www.JoinCathrynTaylor.com INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS: Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292. Intuitive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online at www.EyeofHorus.biz Intuitive Guidance, Medium, Coach: I offer a loving connection to your soul and your personal story. My purpose in being is to bring truth, love and joy into your consciousness. I do this through conversations with your soul that provides you with information that is most useful to you at this time. Kristine Meerschaert 651.346.9646, lovetruthjoy6@gmail.com, Yourtrueidentity.com Light Language Energy Healing: Sacred Geometry energy that Jodi Becker channels increases your Natural Psychic abilities, raises your Consciousness, performs Soul Retrieval, and prepares your LightBody and Mercaba as we ascend. This high frequency energy brings Magic, Joy, Grounding! 320.237.3040, www.jodishealing.com NUTRITION: Do you know how to eat well, but struggle to make good food choices? Discover the root causes of your eating patterns. This knowledge can empower you to enjoy whole foods that are delicious and satisfying. Free, 60-minute consultation. Maggie Christopher, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, St. Paul, 651.231.1360, www.maggiechristopher.com Polarity Therapy: Polarity Therapy seeks to bring the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies and elements back into alignment through the activation of specific points along the body via light touch techniques as well as via specific crystals, visualization and sound techniques providing a deep sense of relaxation, feelings of clarity and revitalization. Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, Briana Crusan, CMT, PP, 612.217.4325, heal@psinergy.info, www.psinergy.info

Source listings continued 

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

March 2013  the edge


Professional Psychic & Medium: Alison James – Detailed information, fees and scheduling found online at www.alisonjames.us. Email: www.alisonjames.us/contact-me. Voice mail: 612.424.1411 PSYCHIC / INTUITIVE READER: Soul Readings Psychic Development Classes, Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even ten years into the future. To be amazed, call her at 651.439.5337 or visit www.deborahlynn11.com Psychic Medium, Reiki, Life Coaching & More: Val Landy – offering Personal Readings, Ghostbusting, Intuitive Guidance, Healing, Occupational Issues Specializing in Personal issues, Divorce and Child custody related issues: abuse healing for Children and Adults. For appointment: call or click today. 320.267.4218, landy.valerie@yahoo.com, www.innerintuition.com Psychic Reading / Intuitive: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com Quantum Healing Hypnosis / Dolores Cannon Technique: Explore your spirituality and experience past lives. Discover your life purpose and resolve troublesome problems. Offering Private and Group Sessions at our St. Louis Park location. Marie Savage 612.508.9606, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness.com Reiki and EFT: Reiki is Universal Life Energy channeled through a practitioner to promote healing on all levels. Emotional Freedom Techniques is an effective method to alleviate fears, anxiety, depression, trauma and chronic pain and reduce cravings due to weight control, compulsions and addictions. KAS Inc., Kimberly, 763.639.6120, KAS@Lotushealingenergywork@gmail. com, Lotus-Flower-Healing-Energy-Work.com Reiki Healing: Awaken your spirit, with Usui Tibetan Reiki and crystal healing sessions/classes/home parties and/or a Soul Mentoring Intuitive Reading. Kellie Haehnel 612.804.4463, kellie@thespiritwellnesscenter.com, www.thespiritwellnesscenter. com REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships, Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com

REIKI MASTER & HEALER: Intuitive readings. Non-denominational, spiritual weddings. Insiah 763.427.1312 for appointment. SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com SOUND HEALING THERAPY: Feeling out of sorts, off balance? Get back into the swing of things with a Sound Healing Therapy session. Cleanse, Balance, Harmonize! Call or email for an appointment today! Dee Lacy 612.207.0019 or dee@isisdesignsinc.com SPIRITUAL COACH: Insiah Beckman, Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Higher Soul Readings, Guided Energy Healings, Spiritual Coach, Channel. 763.427.1312, insiah@edgelife.net, www.insiah.com Stress Release: I help business professionals who struggle with a mountain of stress. I have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top of your game. Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT, St Paul/Minneapolis corridor, 612.217.4325, www.psinergy.info SUFI: Four Layers of the Heart, Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org Tarot, Divination & Spiritual Help: $1/min – available 7 days/week @ Magus Books & Herbs in Dinkytown (Mpls), 612.379.7669, Pre-Book at: www.MagusHealingCenter.com or just stop on in! Traditional Thai Massage & Shiatsu Therapy: Blending Modern Science with Ancient Traditions to heal by connecting the mind, the body, and the spirit. Specializing in traditional Asian forms of Bodywork, Buddhist Meditation, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Serious Bodywork. No Funny Business. Lauren Bear, 952.838.5018, thaibylauren@gmail.com, thaibylauren.com Website Building Services: Wonderfully Cheap Websites offers affordable Website Building Services. All websites are built using a Do-it-Yourself online website building tool. Websites are beautiful, affordable and coaching is provided to empower you to manage your website yourself. See design samples at: www.WonderfullyCheapWebsites.com or call 612.708.7233

REIKI HEALING: Reiki Training and Treatments, Dale & Sheryl Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, dashf@comcast.net



For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at






EVENT listings

…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net. March 2 – Discovery Feng Shui: A Personal Journey: This program has been designed to teach you what you must know to get your home in Feng Shui order. You will learn how to apply the principles of Feng Shui to your own home to maximize benefits and minimize challenges so you can create a space that is in harmony with your life goals. 8:30am - 12:30pm, $69, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net March 5 – Clearing Clutter with Feng Shui: Before you start applying too many Feng Shui principles, you must deal with clutter. This class will take you through the seen - and unseen - issues that too much stuff can have in your space. You will learn what constitutes clutter, how to deal with it without feeling overwhelmed and where to start to make change in your life. 6-8pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net March 6 – Beginning Psychic Development Classes: Psychic phenomenon is one of excitement, wonder and fear of the unknown. Psychics in the Cities will help you develop and recognize these gifts. Whether you are skeptical or believe, this course is enlightening. Eight Wednesday evening classes starting March 6. www.psychicsinthecities. com, 612.860.9196. March 6, 13 & 20 – Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams: Dreams can help you in your daily life! Learn how to remember and interpret your dreams and create your own dream dictionary. Explore how dreams may let you glimpse the future, give suggestions for healing, share insights into relationships, or steer you closer to God. Free! Come any or all Wednesdays; March 6, 13 & 20; 7-8:30pm Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! March 7 – Self-Hypnosis - Part 1: Self-Hypnosis is an easy to learn and an extremely powerful tool for self-improvement and healing. This introductory and experiential workshop will teach you what hypnosis is, some history, the mechanics of self-hypnosis and how to use it for a variety of reasons. You will experience self-hypnosis in class and be given detailed instructions for practice at home. 6-9pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft. net March 8 & 9 – Joy of Living Level I: The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation: This workshop teaches how cultivating mindful awareness can help create a peaceful mind and joyful heart. The practice of meditation enables us to transform all experiences, even difficult emotions and painful thoughts, into sources of joy. Learn how to use the body, sensory experiences, thoughts, emotions, and even awareness itself as supports for meditation. 9am - 5pm, $195, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net

March 8-10 – Donna Eden Event: Appearing with Davie Feinstein, Ph.D., coming to St. Louis March 8, 9, 10. Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by MidWest Energy Movement. Contact Gail Van Kanegan at gail@MidWestEnergyMovement.com or 507.244.1994. March 9 – Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11am, $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited. Please call 612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more info: marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness. com March 9 – Frequencies of Brilliance - Free Lecture and Demonstration: Efrén Solanas presents an introduction to one of the most powerful healing modalities on the planet. 2-5pm Everyone welcome! Location: 3 Smooth Stones Center, 3336 E. 25th St., Minneapolis. Info: efren.solanas@ gmail.com or www.efrensolanas.com March 12 – Feng Shui Your Way To Romance: Join us for this fun class guaranteed to generate romantic sizzle whether your relationship status is Single, Married or “It’s complicated.” You will learn where your “relationship” area is and how to rev it up! Explore the power of Feng Shui to bring more love and romance into your life. 6-8pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net March 12 – Making Dentistry Whole: Integrating the Best of Eastern and Western Philosophy: Learn how holistic dentistry is different from conventional dentistry and how it may interfere with the holistic treatment you provide. You will also learn how to get more holistic dentistry from a conventional dentist. Topics include mercury fillings, root canals, fluoride and bone cavitations and the options a holistic dentist would give a patient in their care. 6-9pm, $59, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net March 13 – Movie Screening of Entanglement, Tales of Everyday Magic Series: Inspired by Gregg Braden’s writings, one man defies laws of science by tapping into unexplainable physics of the Divine Matrix to save his brother’s life. 7pm, $5 donation. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 440l Upton Ave. S., Mpls. More Info: www. lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org March 14 – EFT “Get Rid of My Stuff” Free teleseminar – Do you feel stuck? Release and heal what’s in the way of your abundant and joyful life. Conveniently attend from the comfort of your home. 11am (yes, call will be recorded if you can’t make it). Register at www.DoEFT.com. Dr. Kim Eisen, experienced and Intuitive certified EFT Practitioner, www. DoEFT.com, 612.802.HEAL (4325).

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net




March 14-15 – The Emotional Management Method: Learn to manage your emotions, overcome any obstacles stopping you moving forward. In-person workshop includes: 1.5 day course, manual, personal profile. Special Edge discount! $289 Register at www.growintomore.com/ upcoming or 763.458.1672. March 15 – Bladder & Pelvic Floor Health Class: For those who want to prevent or treat incontinence, pelvic pain, prolapse, prostatitis. Learn bladder retraining and exercises. 5:30- 8:30pm Info: www.mcathcart.com/classes March 15-17 – Paganicon 2013: A three-day conference for people on mystical, Pagan, nature-centered or other spiritual paths. Our Guests of Honor this year will be Brandy Williams and Orion Foxwood. Join us for presentations, workshops, rituals, an Equinox Ball, and much more on March 15-17 at the Double Tree Park Place Hotel in Minneapolis. For more information and to register, please see our website at www. Paganicon.org March 16 – Introduction to Animal Communication: Class covers the basic principles of telepathic communication. Class includes: skill-building exercises, sending/ receiving telepathic images, listening/hearing what your animals have to say, practice using photos of your animals. Saturday, March 16, 10am- 5pm, Helping Paws, Hopkins. $75. Ilga Cimbulis, 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com March 16 – Homeopathic Medicine: This foundational course provides the theory and application of homeopathic medicine. Learn more about how and when to apply homeopathic treatment in both acute and chronic situations. As a whole system of healing, homeopathy offers deep curative action by enhancing the immune system and supporting the natural vital force. It can be used adjunctively in pre and postoperative treatment, curatively in infectious disease, and with acute injuries. 9am - 4pm, $145, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net March 16-17 — Body Mind Life Expo: The Original health and wellness expo. Each year, we bring together experts qualified to help you relax, and find more fun and balance in your life. Join us for Free seminars featuring fitness expert, Chris Freytag, and Dr. Verna C. Price. Show hours: Saturday 10am to 7pm and Sunday 10am to 5pm. Admission is just $6 at the door and free for children 17 and under. Info: www. bodymindlifeexpo.com March 17 – Let Go and Let God: Chant HU! In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, March 17, 10-10:30am, Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. March 17 – “How to Listen to the Voice of God”: When your heart is open, the language of God reveals itself through insights, dreams, Soul Travel, experiencing Divine Love and more! Join people from all walks of life to explore the many ways God speaks to us in every moment. Sunday, March 17, 11am, Theodore Wirth Park in The Fireplace Room, 1339 Theodore Wirth Pkwy, Golden Valley. Info: visit www. eckankar-mn.org or call 800.717.0371.

Happenings continued  March 2013  the edge


 Happenings continued March 19 – Easy and Effective Astrology: Discovering Yourself through Your Natal Chart: There is a natural order to people’s personalities, drives, challenges, and souls. The natal chart (astrological birth chart) is a great tool to gain a greater understanding of the innate nature of yourself and of the other people you interact with. Learn the philosophy behind the benefits of natal astrology, and how to read and understand a natal chart. 6-9pm, $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, Normandale.augusoft.net March 23 – Rosicrucian Open Meeting: “The Greater Tradition of Yoga,” 10am - Noon, 4718 42nd Ave., Robbinsdale. Free lecture, entrance and parking in the back. Info: www.rosicrucian.org March 23-24 – Reiki I, Reiki II or Reiki Healing Sessions: Experienced Reiki training available through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Universal Life Force Energy. Feel it. Be it. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel. miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com April 6 & 7 – Natural Healing & Psychic Expo: The premier expo in the Mankato area with over 35 exhibitors, great workshops, and speakers. Saturday April 6: 10am to 6pm; Sunday April 7: 10am to 5pm at Courtyard by Marriott at River Hills Mall, Mankato. Info: matrixmediaexpo. jigsy.com April 10, 17 & 24 – Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Have you had a memorable dream, out-of-body experience, or an intense longing for God? This three-week class will help you explore and understand your spiritual experiences. Free! Come any or all Wednesdays; April 10, 17, 24; 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register, free Spiritual Experiences Guidebook. April 9-30 – Strengthening Your Intuition: First of 3-Part Series with Leah Skurdal. Improve decisions, deepen selftrust and love for your body. Four Tuesdays, 5-6:30pm or Wednesdays, 9:30-11am Love Offering (Suggested $100250). Bonus one-hour massage with 3-part series. Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Dr., Lino Lakes. Call 651.472.3995.

Words of Wisdom by Nadine Penny

Embrace the Divine this spring and just say yes to some angelic adventuring that will heal your heart, open your mind and inspire your soul to soar! Enjoy a Qi-ssage at the Springforest Qigong Wellness Center, spend a mindful minute or more at the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center, attend a talk at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community. Explore Reiki, Rolfing and Rebirthing; discover Jainism, Shamanism and Taoism; pray! Taking time to honor our spirit centers, grounds and renews us — reminding us that the path to true happiness is both an inner journey and an upward one. Namasté! a Nadine Penny attained her M.A. from the University of Denver in Counseling Psychology. Nadine lives in Minnetonka where she works as a medium, life issues reader and Reiki master. Contact her at nadine.penny@gmail.com and visit www.nadinepenny.com. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

April 12-14 – Aromatherapy Certification Series Intensive Weekend: An aromatherapy series unlike any other! Holistic Healing with Aromatherapy with leading teacher Christina Wilke-Burbach, Ph.D.(c) combines medical, clinical, and intuitive aromatherapy. Wind Over Fire Healing Arts Center, 4902 Wood Lane NW, Rochester, 608.393.7353, mindsoulandself@yahoo.com April 21 – Home-Based Business Expo presented by Minneapolis Lakes Professionals: All-day free workshops, catered food. 10am - 4pm Sunday, April 21 at Aria at Jeune Lune in downtown Minneapolis, $5 parking. Exhibit Now: Early Bird discounts until March 15. Call 612-9229150, www.minneapolislakesprofessionals.com May 7-28 – Deepening Your Intuition: Second of 3-Part Series with Leah Skurdal. Align with your innate guidance system to calm mental chatter and enhance relationships. Four Tuesdays, 5-6:30pm or Four Wednesdays, 9:30-11am Love Offering (suggested $100-$250). Bonus one-hour

massage with 3-part series. Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes. Call 651.472.3995. June 4-18 – Thriving with Intuition: Last of 3-Part Series with Leah Skurdal. Prerequisites: Parts 1 & 2). Three Tuesdays, 5-6:30pm or Three Wednesdays, 9:3011am Actively use your intuitive skills, harnessing God’s healing love, light and power through you to create a world where everyone can thrive – no exceptions. Love Offering (suggested $100-$250). Bonus: Attend all three sessions and receive a one-hour Intuitive Massage (Value $65). The Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Dr., Lino Lakes. Call 651.472.3995. Ongoing Sundays – Core & Pelvic Floor Workout: This class uses slow movement to promote neuro-muscular coordination between the large muscles of the thighs with those of the pelvic floor—beneficial for incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, brain trauma, post-partum. 2-3pm, $13 per class. Info: www.mcathcart.com/classes/#BPFworkout

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March 2013  the edge 


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