Edge 0514

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Eating Healthy Q U I C K LY

D e at h & D y i n g S h i f t i n g Pa r a d i g m s An Interview with an author, medium and spiritual pioneer, Dr. Julia Assante pa g e 1 6




edgemagazine . net VISIONARY ART Creative expression is a way to stimulate parts of the brain that lie dormant. MEDICINE OF THE HEART by J. Myztico Campo

May 2014 • Serving the Upper Midwest…and beyond since 1992 Go to www.edgemagazine.net for additional content Website updated on the 1st of each month



Instead of vilifying ego or personal selfhood, realize our essential nature is emotive.

16 Death, dying

by Daniel Barron


& shifting paradigms An Interview with author medium and spiritual pioneer Julia Assante, Ph.D. by Tim Miejan featured topic

EATING HEALTHY, QUICKLY Additional stories on EATING HEALTHY, QUICKLY, our Featured Topic by Rev. Richard W. Curney, Nicole DePalma, Blaze Driscoll, Dr. Rita Louise, Norrie MacIlraith, Janet Michele Red Feather, Nicole Rochat, Susan Shapiro and Tatyana Shults

18 Spirituality & Food: A Powerful Connection by Maggie Christopher 20 Make Healthy Food Fast Food, by Kerri Nelson 20 Robooting Your Food Habits, by Susan Just 21 Fueling the Supernormal, by Mindy Schulke

Also online Yoga for YOU by Michelle Ploog Safety is not our Goal by Alan Cohen and much more

23 Eating Healthy: 1-2-3-Go, by Gregory Ripley


6 How do You define You? From the Editor, by Tim Miejan 8 Conference probes Life after Death 8 Psychic Fair & Bazaar at Lake Harriet 8 Angel Symposium to present noted Speakers, Harpist 10 Steps to Greater Energy, Better Health by Master Stephen Co 10 Recipe: Sweet Walnut Snack by Maggie Christopher 11 A Nomad’s Bed Itineraries, by Efrén Francisco Solanas P. 12 Storytelling as Medicine: Healing the Culture of Violence, by Carol McCormick 13 Three Mudras for Everyday Magic by Nadine Dassier 14 May Horoscope: Ground Your New Reality Star Wisdom, by DK Brainard 14 Holy Molé, by Rick Hotton 31 Words of Wisdom, by Nadine Penny

24 Featured Business: Therapeutic Massage


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May 2014   the edge


How do you define you? From the Editor by Tim Miejan

They were quirky and, to be honest, totally unexpected, the two women at last month’s Conscious Life Expo. They came with labels attached above their heads: KaNesha Belton’s was “I am happy,” and Ellie Peterson’s was “I am loved.” Representing Power of Positive Workouts at the Lake Harriet Spiritual Community event, they offer people the opportunity to do workouts to improve their fitness while affirming who they are to themselves in the process. As Ellie Peterson, inspirer, says, “The signs are a way to remind us of who we truly are in a fun way. Meditative Movement™ allows people to affirm themselves as they move, repeating mantras like ‘I am happy’ and ‘I am loved’ so they exude these states of being as often as possible.” Every time I saw either KaNesha or Ellie walk by The Edge’s booth at the expo, I pondered what the world would be like if everyone had an affirmation attached to their being, obvious to everyone they would meet. As our society currently exists, most people probably would opt out and not participate, but if forced to, I suspect some would fashion offensive statements for themselves to stand out or to just rankle the status quo. Others would sell their affirmation to the highest bidder and promote a website address or toll-free number. If people took advantage of the self-label to become offensive, what would that say about how they felt about themselves? And if someone sold their affirmative label, what would that say about how they felt about themselves? So I ask, what affirmation would you choose for yourself? Mine — at this moment — would be: “I am celebrating my total essence of Self.” It relates to what I’m pondering now related to who I am. Ricki Lee Schuster, a regular Edge contributor, tells me that each of us is an individual self, which is a representation of a greater all-inclusive Self that “knows it is All That Is.” “Everything is about Self,” he says, “yet, THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 www.edgemagazine.net

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KaNesha Belton, left, and Ellie Peterson at the Conscious Life Expo

individual selves do not know the intimate connection to the all-expansive and all-inclusive Self in all the ways possible. “In this evolutionary shift of consciousness now taking place, the individual self will continue to awaken when, individually, each one honors and values every other one. Then, a stronger connection to the One is possible.” During my interview with Dr. Julia Assante (see page 16), she spoke with me about the Oversoul (that all-inclusive Self), reincarnation and life on Earth. She said souls incarnate here because this dense, three-dimensional experience is so rare in the universe that it is a gift to be treasured. She gave me a new-found appreciation of the things we touch and smell and do in our everyday lives. Her perspective strengthened my joie de vivre, my delight in being alive. Even the least of what I do — sitting and watching birds in the trees — is now a phenomenal experience. Let’s all appreciate who and what we are. a Learn more about Power of Positive Workouts at www.ppworkouts.com. Learn more about the Self from Ricki Lee Schuster at contentttt@yahoo.com. Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge, as well as a writer, editor and designer who assists small businesses and individuals. Visit Edgemagazine.net or Miejan.com. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or email editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

facebook.com/edgemagazine.net twitter.com/TheEdgeMagazine business manager Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291 cathy@edgemagazine.net ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved. The Edge is published by The Edge LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is prohibited. The Edge does not necessarily

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May 2014   the edge


Conference probes life after death New York Times bestselling author Raymond Moody, M.D., one of the world’s foremost researchers on life after death and near death experiences, will join two other health professionals as keynote speakers on the afterlife at the Wisconsin Healing Conference on May 17-18 in Spooner, Wisconsin. Also speaking will be Vernon Sylvest, M.D., an author and pathologist, and Gary R. Beaver, M.A., a psychologist with a Twin Cities practice in which he helps the public remove lingering grief, sadness and trauma through Induced After-Death Communication. The Wisconsin Healing Conference is from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at The Spooner Ice House, 301 Walnut Street. Doors open at 8 a.m. Admission is $75 per day purchased online at www.wisconsinhealing.com, or $95 per day at the door. The keynote speakers will proclaim that life after death is real. Dr. Moody’s bestselling book Life after Life started a tidal wave of discussion on the subject and encouraged people to come out of the closet about amazing personal experiences

related to the continuation of life after death. Dr. Moody has been featured on The CBS Morning News, NBC News, and Oprah Winfrey. Dr. Sylvest, author of The End of fear, which recounts his experiences and research into the subject of life after death and spiritual healing, will present the history, medical science and physics behind the resurrection of Jesus, as well as the healing of chronic diseases for which medical science has no cure. Beaver, who was recently featured in an Edge interview (March 2014), uses a new therapy known as Induced After-Death Communication to clear prolonged sadness and grief. Spontaneous communication with departed loved ones and pets has been reported in numerous cases during this two-day therapy. All the speakers will describe their research (and their experiences with patients) to verify the phenomenon of life after death. Wisconsin Healing is a company that presents conferences on spirituality and healing. For more information, visit www.wisconsinhealing.com. a

Psychic Fair & Bazaar at Lake Harriet The annual Psychic Fair & Bazaar will return to Lake Harriet Spiritual Community from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 17, inside the historic LHSC building at 44th and Upton in Southwest Minneapolis in the Linden Hills neighborhood. Some of the top psychics and mediums will be present to offer insight and advice on most pressing life challenges, from relationships and health issues to contacting loved ones who have passed on. Free workshops will take place every hour to help people learn more about their own psychic power and how they can transform their life into what they want it to be. In addition, a variety of other vendors will be



in attendance, offering aura photographs, chair massage, clothing, jewelry, crystals and aromatherapy. Food will be available onsite through Café Racer, offering Latin street food and beverages. “This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year,” said Theresa Rose, spiritual director at LHSC. “It is a great way for people to get insight and guidance from the most talented psychics in the Cities and explore some wonderful workshops that can help you live a more empowered life. We hope everyone can join us under the LHSC dome for a great day of information, food, and fun!” For more information, visit www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org. a

Angel symposium to present noted speakers, harpist Noted Michigan author Chantel Lysette will headline a five-hour symposium on angels from 2-7 p.m. Saturday, June 7 in a special presentation of Ancient Mysteries, Ancient Mysteries by the Minneapolis branch of the Theosophical Society at Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis. Also presenting are Dr. James Ulness, professor emeritus in psychology from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., and celtic harpist Bettie Seitzer, who will perform angelic music live at the event. Admission at the door is $35 for adults, $45 for couples or families and $30 for students, seniors or Theosophical Society members. Rev. Lysette, who holds a doctorate in ministry, is an angelologist who lectures and teaches nationwide. Her presentation will include a special angel movie that she produced. She is the author of several recent books on angels, including Angelic Pathways, The Angel Code, Rev. Lysette and Azrael Loves Chocolate: Michael’s a Jock - An Insider’s Guide to What Angels Are Really Like. During her visit to the Twin Cities, she will be available for personal consultations and private readings as an angel intuitive through Isis Aeyu International at www.isisaeyu. com. She is an intuitive who consults with the hosts of heaven for insight, wisdom and healing. She was born with the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Her career focuses on angelic guidance, spiritual light healing, and angelic instruction. Raised with a Christian background, she has studied many world religions and has come

to embrace global teachings and philosophies. Rev. Lysette clarifies that she does not tell fortunes, but opens a channel to heavenly teachers who can help us gain the best spiritual benefit possible, thereby facilitating a more enriched and fulfilling life. “The angels will tell us what we need to hear,” she said, “not what we want to hear. Sometimes their messages may not always be comforting, as truth rarely is. But truth is what liberates us from the illusions we create in our lives. Truth brings us closer to our creator and the understanding of our purpose here in this existence.” An angel study group will focus on Rev. Lysette’s new book, Angelic Pathways, from 6-8 p.m. on the first four Mondays in May at 6800 W. Old Shakopee Rd., #316, Bloomington. Call 952.378.1701 for details. Learn more about Rev. Chantel Lysette at www.chantellysette.com.

Our relationship w ith angels Dr. James Ulness will speak on “Developing a Living-Working Relationship with Angels.” He has a Dr. Ulness unique way of integrating the best of mainstream psychology with Eastern and Western spirituality, the humanistic psychology of Maslow and Rogers, the depth psychology of Carl Jung,

the transpersonal psychology of Michael Wasburn and Ken Wilber, Deci’s psychology of selfdetermination, and the methodology of Assagioli’s psycho-synthesis with the insight of spiritual science. He also has a unique approach to the study of human nature and the social order. Dr. Ulness’s work helps people who are having unusual experiences of a psychic, spiritual or mystical nature to understand what is happening and thus better integrate these experiences into their personality in a healthier way.

A ncient mysteries The Angel Symposium is sponsored by the Minneapolis branch of the international Theosophical Society. The event will include free refreshments, and free parking is available in the lot east of the Spirit United Interfaith Church, which is located about three blocks west of Highway 280 on Como Avenue near the Metro bus garage. The local branch of the Theosophical Society presents regular lecture and film discussion meetings open to the public at Spirit United on the second and fourth Monday night of each month except July and August. For more information, visit www.theosophical. org. (and then go to membership, local groups, central district and Minneapolis.) For more information on the Angel Symposium, contact Von Braschler at vonbraschler@gmail. com or 651.235.6645. a

May 2014   the edge


Steps to greater energy, better health by Master Stephen Co It is unfortunate that many of us lead hurried lives and are too busy to take care of ourselves the way we should: eating well, getting sufficient exercise, and taking the time to get the rest we really need to increase our energy and maintain our mental, emotional and physical well-being. It’s fortunate, though, that for the stressed person seeking greater vitality, health — and tranquility — amid the hustle of the modern world, there is one particular healing technology that offers a simple, easy-to-implement solution: Pranic Healing®. Pranic Healing is a form of energy medicine that teaches its practitioners to increase, control and direct the prana, or universal life force, that is all around us for their own personal health and energetic benefit. Pranic Healing was created by Chinese-Filipino spiritual teacher and energy master, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, who spent years researching such esoteric systems as yoga, chi kung, Kabbalah (a form of ancient Jewish mysticism and spiritual practice), and many others in order to create a simple, practical, effective “optimum” energy healing system anyone could learn and use. There are six steps to this healing system:  First is clearing negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Negative emotions, fears, anxieties, traumatic memories and phobias reduce your energy by blocking the flow of prana through your aura, the energy body that surrounds and interpenetrates your physical body. When the flow of prana is blocked or otherwise inhibited, it can ultimately lead to physical illness. Thus, there is a strong emotional component to any ailment, and negative emotions must be cleared or resolved in order to maintain a state of high energy and good health.  The second step is pranic breathing. This is a highly energizing breathing technique that utilizes the principles of rhythm, a specific breathing count, and retention, the purposeful holding of the breath in the lungs at specific times, to enable practitioners to draw in large quantities of prana to boost their own vitality and relieve health problems.  The third step is energy manipulation, which consists of three methods of manually cleaning your energy body and maintaining the smooth, plentiful flow of prana through it. These techniques include scanning, or using your hands to actually feel for energetic imbalances in your aura; sweeping, or cleaning away the dirty or congested prana with several specific hand movements; and ener-

gizing, or drawing in prana and projecting it into areas of energetic depletion. These techniques may sound a bit strange, but the truth is, with proper training and only about 20 minutes of daily practice, nearly everyone can learn to feel, sweep and project energy in just a couple of weeks.  The fourth step is energetic hygiene, which is the practice of keeping your energy body as clean and charged up as possible through emotional regulation, dietary recommendations, special physical exercises, the use of salt as an energetic cleansing agent and numerous other techniques. Most people feel their personal energy surge when they begin practicing energetic hygiene regularly.  The fifth step is meditation. Grandmaster Choa teaches a number of meditations for calming the mind and increasing the supply of prana. But beginning Pranic Healing students are taught two basic meditations: a mindfulness meditation to still the thoughts, allowing a greater flow of cleansing energy; and Meditation on Twin Hearts, a powerful meditation on peace and loving kindness that draws in enormous quantities of healing prana.  The sixth and final step consists of the two very powerful energy-generation exercises, of which both have been modified by Grandmaster Choa to make them simple to perform while still ensuring that they enable the practitioner to produce great quantities of high-quality prana. These include the modified Tibetan Yogic Exercises and the modified Mentalphysics Exercises. Both sets take only minutes to perform. These six steps can be learned and applied in less than just two weeks, though the benefits of some steps — for instance, pranic breathing and some aspects of energetic hygiene, such as taking salt baths and making dietary modifications — can be felt almost immediately. Together, these steps comprise a very powerful daily routine for tens of thousands around the world who are experiencing the energetic and health benefits — and the simplicity — of Pranic Healing. And in just 20-30 minutes per day, they will help add calm, energy and healing to anyone’s busy life. a Master Stephen Co is one of four Master Pranic Healers in the world. He is the co-author, along with Eric B. Robins, M.D., of Your Hands Can Heal You: Pranic Healing Energy Remedies to Boost Vitality and Speed Recovery From Common Health Problems (Simon and Schuster). To Receive a Free Self Healing & Meditation DVD or for more information on Pranic Healing, classes and products, please visit www.masterstephenco.com or call 888.470.5656. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

a g l u t e n - f r e e , d a i ry- f r e e whole food recipe

Sweet Walnut Snack by Maggie Christopher

Phytonutrient research on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of walnuts reveals their protective effect against metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular problems, and type 2 diabetes. Here is a recipe to enjoy this health-promoting nut. Soaking and roasting nuts increases their digestibility and imparts a delicious, light crispness.



Ingredients 5 cups walnuts 1 generous TBS ghee or butter 1 generous TBS raw honey 1/4 tsp cinnamon Directions 1. On your counter, soak the walnuts for 8 hours in a large bowl with filtered water and 1 tsp sea salt. 2. Drain nuts in colander. 3. Then spread the nuts in a thin layer on a standard baking sheet. 4. Roast at 150 degrees (170 is OK if your oven does not go that low) for approximately 2 hours. 5. The nuts will be light and crispy when done. Place in a large mixing bowl.

6. In a saucepan, combine butter, honey and cinnamon on low heat until blended. 7. Pour mixture over nuts, stir to coat. 8. Store in an airtight container. Note: If you are able to eat dairy, these are delicious sprinkled over organic plain whole milk yogurt with a sliced banana for a wholesome, satisfying snack. a Maggie Christopher is a Holistic Nutrition Counselor & Licensed Therapist who provides a safe environment to explore the emotional reasons for the eating habits that prevent you from reaching your health goals. She offers step-by-step guidance and delicious recipes that support you in introducing whole natural foods that promote health, calm cravings and allow you to feel satisfied. For a free nutrition consultation, visit www.maggiechristopher.com or call 651.231.1360. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

A Nomad’s Bed Itineraries by Efrén F. Solanas P.

I received my certificate to teach the Frequencies of Brilliance, a potent healing technique, in December 2005. This joyous event concluded three years of continuous travel, working at the side of the founder, Christine Day. Proud to have achieved my goal, I was aware that my life was poised to make a dramatic turn. My guidance was clear: the next phase required I dissolve all physical possessions and depart the metropolis where I had lived for nearly thirty years. I announced a two-day sale and opened my doors to a continuous flow of neighbors and friends who happily carried away the furniture, appliances, books and the plants that I had lovingly nurtured. I gave away all my artwork. The house had two wood stoves that blazed for a week as I burned old letters and the contents of several file cabinets. I was startled by my intense attachment to a few items: large art books, a set of fine kitchen knives and an antique table. My grip on these cherished objects was not to be easily released. I hesitated at the prospect of destroying my photograph albums. My mother had been fanatical with her camera, insisting that she record as much of our lives as possible. Before her death, she had filled a huge bookcase with carefully notated albums. As I kneeled in front of the flames and randomly peered at the photos, I became aware that they triggered melancholy. If I wanted to recall an event, I reasoned, every event still lived inside of me, perhaps in a more potent, purer form. As the images of my life burned, I imagined I was freeing myself to live more fully in the present. Having winnowed my possessions down to just my clothes and work-related materials, I began what was to become an eight-year period of nomadic living. The remaining items were stored in a rented locker near an international airport. In between courses, I would return to a nearby hotel to quickly unpack, pack again, and depart for the next destination. I was teaching courses in Europe, South America and the USA, residing in a continual succession of retreat centers. I was somewhat proud of my lifestyle, gloating that there was a noble aspect inherent in living lightly and dedicated to healing and spirituality. There was, however, a good deal of secret loneliness. Each location entailed interacting with strangers in an unfamiliar neighborhood and often in a different language. While the individuals I met were friendly, our connection was transitory and the level of interaction assuredly casual. The lack of community was challenging. My work was deeply satisfying, however my role as teacher would never permit the intimacy I lacked. The hotel rooms and retreat center lodgings were often small and spartan. I experimented with strategies to somehow gain ownership of the rooms, however temporarily, and create a sense of belonging. I hid the ugly paintings and rearranged the furniture. I’d place an Nomad continued on page 12  May 2014   the edge


 Nomad continued from page 11 aromatherapy candle at my bedside. I expanded my iTunes library. When possible, I spoke with friends and family via the Internet. These actions, however, were never able to heal the suffering that arose from the continual anonymity experienced in a foreign place. I had no refuge to rest and rejuvenate and no loving community that knew me. The glory of the adventure began to fade and even became excruciating when I was vulnerable. I began a practice of photographing every bed that I slept in, and that resulted in hundreds of photos that track eight years of travel. Without conscious realization, I had resorted to a modern version of my mother’s photographic obsession, although thanks to the digital revolution this collection does not occupy physical space but resides in the iCloud. I took photos to fix a moment of ownership and attempt control amidst the intangible flow of my life. The beds are markers across three continents, from the foothills of the Andes in Argentina, to the frigid, winter forests of Canada, to an 18th-century, Belgian monastery, to a lodge perched in the Italian Alps — and many, many portraits of beds in Brazil. This is a circular trail of discovery that upon its return reveals the importance of a familiar locale of peaceful beauty where renewal can occur —especially for an introvert like myself. During one particularly difficult period, I realized that the lack of a home was interfering with my inner work towards individuation. My deepest wounds were shielded because I had to contend with constant movement and perceived lack of safety. I decided to create a refuge and honor my commitment to personal growth. I would create a place for rejuvenation, reflection and healing, and also allow myself to join in community. Today, I enjoy a special place of my own. I still travel frequently, yet when I finish work, I eagerly head for home and all that awaits my return. My intention is that what I have assembled serves as a pleasurable option for my well-being, rather than a necessity. One of my favorite reflections on materialism is Material World: A Global Family Portrait, by Peter Menzel. The photographic essay is striking collection of families from different cultures posing in front of their homes, surrounded by their possessions. Of course, the American example is an absurdity. I don’t regret the past exercise of releasing my possessions. My nomadic years enabled me to make conscious my materialistic consumerism. I imagine I am better prepared for loss if a tornado, fire or flood assumes everything. I like to think that, perhaps, I’ve completed an important, preparatory step for the inevitable, total dissolution at life’s end. a

Storytelling as medicine: Healing the culture of violence by Carol McCormick

The nightingale flew to a bush above the

Story is the foundation of healing. A story can help us see the fruit of our actions and give us a new vision. Telling stories can heal souls. It can help us shift from a culture of violence to a culture of peace. The old paradigm of meeting violence with violence literally kills. It also denies that we all One Family. Storytelling is an ancient and intimate form of energy healing. It connects the heart with the mind, bypassing judgment and ego. A storyteller can channel love directly to individual souls and plant seeds of empathy, compassion and forgiveness. In September in Minneapolis I told “The Samurai and the Nightingale” (included below) at Minnehaha Park at the Pagan Pride Gathering. I heard this tale from my storytelling mentor, the late Ken Feit. Ken used to say that he left the Jesuit order to follow the path of a healer without wearing a collar that distanced him from people. Ken died at the age of 40 in a car accident.

fallen Samurai and sang to him all night long.

The S amurai & the N ightingale One day in Japan a proud Samurai went hunting. He saw a hawk circling in the sky above him. Quickly he shot an arrow from his bow. He saw the bird tumble to the earth, but he did not stop to check if he had killed it.

As he walked on, he heard a rustling in the

bushes. He shot an arrow towards the sound. Hearing a cry, he went to see what he had shot. When he found a nightingale shivering with his arrow in its breast, he was overcome with shame. Gently he removed the arrow from the bird. He wrapped it in his robe and carried it home to his castle where he nursed it back to health. The Samurai kept this nightingale in a bamboo cage in his bedroom. The bird would sing to him at night and put him to sleep. One full moon night the Samurai gazed upon the nightingale that he had come to love

Efrén Francisco Solanas P. is teacher and practitioner of Senderos de Luz, a combination of powerful multi-dimensional healing modalities. He also leads sacred trekking adventures in the Peruvian Andes. He was born in Southern California and currently makes his home in Minneapolis. He works in the USA, South America and Europe, teaching various courses and, as time allows, attending clients in private session. Contact him at efren. solanas@gmail.com. Visit Efrensolanas.com or www.facebook.com/ efren.f.solanas.

and realized that it was wrong for him to keep

Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

left him.



it in a locked cage. He carried the bird in its cage into the forest where he had first met it. He opened the cage door and let it fly free. Upon turning to walk back to his castle, he felt an arrow pierce his chest. The bandit who shot the Samurai came and stripped him and

Cold, in pain, and afraid, the proud warrior suffered in silence. He did not cry out for help.

At dawn the nightingale flew away. It was

not until the Samurai saw the Door of Death opening that he cried out in fear.

Immediately an old man appeared. The old

man silently gave him a drink, removed the arrow from his chest, applied healing salve to his wound and bandaged it. Looking deeply into the Samurai’s eyes, the old man finally spoke: “I am the spirit of the hawk and the nightingale. As you shot me, so I, as the bandit, shot you. As you nursed me back to health, so I heal you now. My son, open your ears and your eyes. Listen to the song of the wind. See the tiniest leaf that falls, the smallest flower that opens. Watch the dance of the butterfly. For you are part of the same dance.

All one family

If we understand that we are all One Family, killing to stop a bully in Syria from killing makes little sense. Proliferating guns to reduce crime becomes silly. Jailing the mentally ill appears foolish. Shaming and blaming appear to be a waste of energy. I encourage you to find a story to tell that shifts our planet in the direction of peace. Here are some resources to help you:  Healing Stories, Healing Story Alliance, a Special Interest Group of the National Storytelling Network, Healingstory.org  Making Peace and Metamorphosis: Stories to Help Us Heal, 60-minute storytelling CDs by Carol McCormick , $10 plus shipping and handling. www.carolmccormick.net  Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope, The World Change Network, New Society Publishers, 2002 a Carol McCormick is a professional storyteller whose programs, workshops, training sessions and school residencies are tailored to meet the needs of specific groups. Her work fosters personal and planetary healing, builds community, nurtures spirituality, and boosts creativity and self-esteem. Carol is an ordained Teaching/Healing Minister, an author, and a public speaker. She lives in a suburb of Minneapolis and travels the globe. Contact her at mccobuch@ comcast.net or 763.546.4133. Visit her site at www. carolmccormick.net. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Three mudras for everyday magic by Nadine Dassier Mudras are hand and finger postures that quickly move and redirect the flow of energy within our body, mind and spirit. You can shift your consciousness and revitalize your organ systems in a matter of minutes by practicing these sacred hand gestures. What’s even better is that just about anyone can do them. Unlike other yoga practices, this one does not require flexibility. To top it all off, it can be done almost any time and anywhere. This is an amazing practice that you can easily and joyfully integrate into your daily life. While mudras are traditionally used during meditation and visualization practices, their versatility allows you to take them out into the “real” world. I love to use them when I find myself idle, or in a period of “waiting.” I use them while I’m in line at the market, at an after school activity, resting between reps at the gym or watching a movie. While many of you may be apprehensive about using them in public, know that doing so might actually inspire others to explore this ancient healing tool for themselves. Now you’re spreading the love! The following are three of my favorite mudras. If you would like to learn more, I encourage you to read Gertrud Hirschi’s Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, or Sabrina Mesko’s Healing Mudras. K ubera mudra for Manifestation

Plant the seeds for your heart’s desires. Use this mudra to bring your dreams into reality. I

suggest using this mudra every morning to actively set your intention for the day. You can also use it when starting a new project, making an important phone call, or any time you’d like to use your power as a deliberate creator. I also use this mudra whenever I feel worry. It helps me to snap out of my fears and focus on what I truly want. Get into a comfortable position (preferably lotus position), form the mudra and visualize your desired outcome while repeating the affirmation, “I do my best, and God does the rest.” This mudra always helps to sooth my fears, so that I can attract what I want instead of what I fear. Even more importantly, it helps me to “let go and let God,” which is much easier said than done without this mudra! Join your thumb, index finger, and middle finger together (pressing lightly on the tips), and placing the other two fingers in the middle of your palm. Do this with both hands without any strain in the palms. Take slow, deep breaths while focusing on your heart’s desires. Intensity of focus is more important than time for this mudra. You may find that deeper, more elaborate desires call for more time. Duration: 1 minute to 1 hour. Ksepana M udra Releasing N egativity

Clear your energy field, cleanse your emotions. Try this mudra after being in a large crowd, following an argument, or when you find yourself caught up in the throes of negativity. Clasp your hands with index fingers touching flat on each other (point down-

ward) at sacral chakra (below the navel). Cross the thumbs. Affirm “I fully release all negativity from my body, mind and soul. Pure healing energies flow into me now.” Take several deep, slow breaths. With each exhale, release all the drama and baggage. With each inhale, take in the pure loving energies of the divine. Duration: 2 minutes or more. P rana Mudra — Ener g i zing

Usher in vital life force energy. Use this when you feel drained, fatigued or depressed.   Join your thumb with both your little and ring finger, while keeping the middle and index fingers extended. Hold your hands in either a vertical or horizontal position. Take several deep breaths and place your focus on the pure revitalizing energy that is pouring into your body. Each cell is being fully revitalized now. Affirm, “I plug into the universe and recharge my batteries.” Duration: 5-30 minutes. Practicing mudras engages both the body and the mind, creating a very focused and powerful healing practice. I invite you to practice these mudras for a week and see what miracles unfold in your life. I’d love to hear your stories, too! Please share them with me at energyworks444@gmail.com. a Nadine Dassier is a natural visionary, working to make energy healing accessible to everyone. Nadine and her sister Frannie run the drop-in Chakra Healing/Energy Healing Clinic at Present Moment Books and Herbs, Private Chakra Healing, Distant healing, Chakra classes, Soul portraits, and Metaphysical coaching. Visit www. energyworkshearlers.com. Contact Nadine at 651.329.2550. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

May 2014   the edge


May horoscope: Ground your new reality Remember, if you want to succeed more, fail more.

Star Wisdom by DK Brainard

Life feels much more solid. Connect with Nature, be in your body and ground your new reality in the beauty of the physical world. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Never forget how strong you are. One reason you can be so attached to survival scenarios is that they allow you to test your strength. But remember: pushing your limits and heading into the great unknown of your potential offers a far more rewarding challenge. Do your research, trust your gut and move in the direction of your dreams. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…The Scorpio Full Moon emphasizes your two-year Saturn lesson about relationships. Saturn wants you to master personal integrity and vulnerability — the prerequisites to experiencing real intimacy. When you know your needs and limits and can communicate your feelings honestly and openly, relationships get a whole lot easier and more abundant. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…You might feel like that girl who calls herself the human trampoline. When life starts knocking you this way and that, consciously choose to relax and flow. You are bouncing into Graceland, and you’ll get there with fewer bruises if you let yourself enjoy the ride. Use the Gemini New Moon on the 28th to let go of lame old self-concepts and start fresh. “If you will it, it is no dream.” Cancer (June 21-July 22)…So much is possible now, but you have to believe in your unique vision and your unique dream. Make the effort to connect with people who not only see life the way you do but are also actively doing something about it. These connections feed your soul and nurture your spirit. They also give you the courage to make mistakes.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…For the last two years, teacher planet Saturn has been trying to help you build a solid psychological foundation. Remember that you’re not just digging a hole. You’re building the stage from which you will launch your outrageously beautiful and provocatively enlightening creations into the hearts of your adoring public. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…It’s such a cliché that it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you think about what happens that makes all the difference. But if you could really grasp that this month, you would change your life forever. Money comes and goes and other people’s behavior fluctuates, but none of that can affect your outlook on life unless you allow it. You can have — and do have — so much more. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Don’t give yourself away. Or, if you can’t help it, then at least forgive yourself and take yourself back. The relationship challenges this month could be quite intense at times, but they’re designed to help you build real self-esteem. When you have self-esteem, you’re free to make mistakes. When you’re free to make mistakes, you’re free to create. And when you’re free to create, joy most often ensues. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…With your ruling planet Mars roto-rooting away in your subconscious since December, this has been a challenging year. But it’s also the year when you can shed a lifetime’s worth of fear and emotional baggage and put an end to your pattern of selfinflicted wounds. Don’t give up, because you’re almost there. Mantra: I am the author of my life. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…“Every man’s wisdom is peculiar to his own individuality,” said William Blake. Pay less attention to the capital “T” truth in May and be willing to experiment with your

energy. Instead of limiting your boundless creativity to the size of old dreams, trust your own peculiar wisdom and allow your individuality to lead you to newer and more expansive visions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Your special brand of kindness in action attracts a potential co-conspirator into your sphere. The challenge is to make room in your life without losing sight of your own goal. Out of all the recent unrest a new self is coalescing and when you get quiet you can feel the power. Still, wouldn’t it be nice to share the load with someone who believes in your vision? Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…As long as you keep your mind right, this should be a good, solid month. Don’t try to hang on to each individual spark of brilliance flashing through your mind. Instead, relax your vision and sense the overall pattern. A new conception of who you can be and what you can do with your life is coming together. Be willing to challenge that old stubborn belief that says you can’t have it all. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Who wrote the rules that define what you can do with your time, love, and energy? Now is the time to seriously investigate whether or not you want to continue obeying those people. Almost anything is possible now, but you can’t go somewhere you don’t believe exists. You’re a believer — so believe in you! Mantra: May soul is here for its own joy. a D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero’s Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. Get in-depth weekly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, plus monthly video forecasts and weekly astrology podcasts at DK’s website: www.wordsforthepeople.com. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Holy Molé is brought to you by Harmony Green, Intuitive Healer, owner of All about the Journey…a healing center, located at www.allowharmony.com, 612.354.2149 | cartoon by Rick Hotton: Facebook.com/Holymolecartoon



Death, Dying & Shifting Paradigms An Interview with an author, medium and spiritual pioneer, Dr. Julia Assante by Tim Miejan Editor’s note: Only a portion of this interview is presented here in print. Read the complete conversation at Edgemagazine.net on April 1.

There may be no greater voice today seeking to eliminate our fear of death than that of Julia Assante, Ph.D. — author of The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death, an established social historian of the ancient Near East (Ph.D. from Columbia University), and accomplished professional psychic and medium. Since 1977, she has taught workshops on remote viewing, healing arts and aura reading, after-death communication, remembering the future and reincarnational recall. She believes that the real power of good psychic work is not about accurate information, but its effect— the spontaneous revelation of a greater reality, the most important experience a person can have. Her interest in religious beliefs and magical practices is fed by decades of working alongside shamans, healers and gurus from non-Western traditions as well as academic research of pre- and parabiblical religions (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Greece and Rome). She is now investigating ways a revolutionary medical device that operates on the level of quantum biology can be adapted to scientifically prove life after death. On May 28, she will be returning to the Twin Cities to present a lecture on “Redefining Death,” and on May 30-June 1 she will present an introductory lecture followed by a two-day workshop on “Opening the Inner Senses.” Dr. Assante recently spoke with The Edge about life, death, technology, change and the upcoming talks and workshop she will be presenting at Spirit United Church in Minneapolis. What actually happens when we die and what really is the difference between what we think of as life and what we consider death? Julia Assante: These are huge questions, of

course, but one thing that does happen is an intensification of everything. In the same way that when you dream your emotions are more intense, your experiences are more intense, but in this case once you are liberated from the body you have 360-degree vision, because — truthfully — you do keep form, you do keep your senses, but your senses start to expand so that you can, for instance, smell a color. Different kinds of senses come into play. Those people who die well go into these



and more I have doubts that all the dead go to a specific plane or dimension of reality. I think there is much more mixing in with different types of beings, different levels of reality — what they call consensus realities in out-of-body experiences. You know, truthfully, we just don’t know very much, and as long as we still get stuck on the idea of Heaven or that afterlife is a place, we will not know anything. I was asking the question also from the standpoint of my feeling that a part of us is already outside of the human body and perhaps our oversoul sends a hologram into what we call the body — and then after the experience of life in the body concludes, then our consciousness just moves somewhere else. JA: Well, I think that your gut feelings are as Julia Assante, Ph.D. will present: “Redefining Death, a lecture, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 28; an introduction to “Opening the Inner Senses” at 7 p.m. Friday, May 30, and a two-day workshop on “Opening the Inner Senses” on May 31 and June 1 at Spirit United Community, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis. Call 612.378.3602 or email contact@spiritunited.com.

states. Not everyone does die well, generally because of the fear of death in our society, poor preparation, lack of knowledge, so some people can get into real trouble after they die. I work a great deal with that myself, as a medium. For the most part, I would say that people are feeling after death wildly liberated and safe and excited, generally. You can’t say what happens after a person dies because anything goes. I have met up with people who have more or less converted themselves in mathematical realities or electrical realities, and others are moving in situations that are very similar to what they experienced on Earth, although more expanded, more beautiful, more charged with energy — especially the sense of Divine energy, what I call The Presence, which seems to be kind of a basic underlying energy that people experience when they die well. This is a little bit like asking what do people do on Earth. What are you talking about: 30,000 B.C. or modern-day Manhattan? It could be anything. Anywhere the imagination and creativity can go, they can go. The afterlife itself is clearly not a place and it is not a time. It is not where we go. It’s more about what we become and how we operate in these new levels of reality that are non-physical. About the idea of the afterlife being a place where all the dead go, more

right on as they can get. The operations of the oversoul is something that am I deeply involved with and looking into for my next book. You’re right about it sort of sending a hologram of itself, with the oversoul’s self embedded in it, but with the defining feature for the core personality. For you, that means Tim, his consciousness, his sense of identity, including his ego. When people die well, and this doesn’t always happen, they do go into a non-physical realm and they develop from there. In other words, they don’t come back as another person. That other person is another bit of that hologram sent out from the oversoul. So you can have simultaneous incarnations. In fact, you can have several reincarnations in one body. So, we all do stem from the same source. We all share the same knowledge. In that sense, of this oneness, we all already are perfectly transcendent. We are already the oversoul. We have that awareness somewhere in us in the hologrammatic way. But what most people believe is that somehow a person vacates or the soul vacates the afterlife and fashions a new body and comes back. That’s not how it works.

How does having a conscious view of death affect our quality of life? JA: Oh, that’s huge. If people understood

the real nature of immortality, imagine the sorts of choices they would make instead of the ones they make now. The hustling, the greed, especially in America: all of the things that we do are the result of us acting out of fear of death. Our whole institutions — our medical industry, news and entertainment, governments, the way we teach history, the way we teach anthropology, what

it means to be human — all of what we think of as civilized products are based on the fear of death. Now, all of that would change enormously when one contemplated one’s immortal self on a daily basis. Myself personally, I make my choices in my life based on how it is going to feel or if it is important to me after I’m dead, and that really makes huge differences. I don’t scramble after things that are unnecessary. I don’t get too caught up in petty angers or experiences of that sort. My dog now is my chief guru, because I think he gets it. In your book you pose an interesting statement about death, that no scientist or skeptic to date has been able to provide a shred of proof that the end of the body spells the end of consciousness. How would widespread awareness that consciousness never ends change the world? JA: Just contemplating it becomes so

exciting. In the judicial system, penal system, and there is nothing you can think about that would not have dramatic shifts. Of course, there is a huge resistance to it. I mean, medicine does not want to cure cancer, and certainly pharmaceuticals don’t. They’d be out of work. What kind of news would we have without disasters and death and having us all wracked with fear? What about the entertainment industry or the health and beauty industry, or even, I’m sorry to say, the spiritual industry — which it certainly is — and its emphasis on health and energy and blah, blah, blah. Not much difference there.

Let’s talk a little bit about a spiritual belief about reincarnation, that achieving enlightenment is a desired goal. If an aspect of us is already beyond enlightenment, is there a need to do that in this lifetime? JA: No. Not at all. We are to experience, to

create. This experience of physical life is not very common. There are not a lot of realities that offer this. My standard example is a baby sucking on the leg of a table and feeling the coolness of it and the wood and the experience the smell and moving around — just playing with so-called solid matter. A great deal of what we should be doing here is to stop pushing — whether it is for enlightenment or a billion dollars. Just stop. That is not what this is about. This drive for enlightenment has a lot to do with, first of all, Tibetan ideas that scorned life on Earth — and to me that is very sad — and also Neoplatonism, which scorned all things that have to do with a body. It also has to do a great deal with social Darwinism and climbing up the evolutionary ladder. I have devoted a whole chapter against this notion. If we stop pushing so much, we would probably have

Once you experience the reality of immortality, everything falls into place. You can throw out all those self-help books you’ve been meaning to read that promise a healthier, happier, richer and more spiritual you. If you want to get to know your eternal self, learn about the afterlife, where eternity is manifest in action, or talk with the dead who are their eternal selves, pure and simple. Dr. Julia Assante many more experiences than we do. We would probably be more enlightened than we are, just naturally so, because enlightenment is really an unveiling, not a reaching and a striving towards something. One of the most common beliefs within the spiritual community is that the reason we reincarnate is to advance spiritually from lifetime to lifetime, and I get the sense that you are suggesting that we reincarnate just because we can. JA: That’s a good way of putting it. Think

of the nature of God — not a term I’m particularly fond of, so I think of God as All That Is. Think of a pristine All That Is, one that has not created anything yet. Suddenly there is enough of an imbalance for it to split off and have a witness of Itself. This is the beginning — not that we can talk about beginnings, but for now let’s use a time frame here. So All That Is, or God, begins to create. Now if enlightenment were all that is, you are talking about something that is quite static. It is a non-creative state. It is a perfection — not a goal. If there is an imagined, absolute, enlightened state, a Nirvana, then certainly this extreme bliss is something that is always available to us, whether we are in the body or not. And it will not deny creative movement and growth and expansion and making other versions of ourselves, which we do all the time anyway. You will be presenting a workshop called “Awakening the Inner Senses.” What are the inner senses you speak of? JA: There are many, many, many, many

most accessible to people. Clairvoyance, which I call protobiological sight, would be an example. There is a lot of emphasis on clairvoyance and telepathy. You could sort of think of telepathy as protobiological hearing, but it is a little bit more than that. Telepathy is actually rather huge, and it is really the rubric under which all these senses should fall, for example, a sense of touch, sense of time and a sense of nonlocality. All of these senses get awakened in this workshop. People have an amazing amount of success seeing auras, having after-death communication (which is the telepathy), and reaching into the past and future to meet with incarnations and do healing work. It’s very intensive. I will be teaching this workshop in Vienna during the course of a whole year in Vienna, starting in October. This is just a taste of how it can work, and people report to me afterwards that their creativity levels are higher, that they are sharper about things and their awareness is more expanded. It can cause a change in worldview, as it should. It is the knowing that each one of us has all of these abilities and they are always operating. It’s just a matter of focus and concentration. I’m just trying to get people to use what they already have — and to use it consciously. Every single time I do this workshop, and I’ve done it a lot, I just sit there and sometimes I can’t even get the room’s attention, because they are so involved. During a class with a bunch of scientists in Palo Alto, I had to wolf whistle to get them to shut up, because they were so involved in the process they were going through. (Laughs). These are people who supposedly shouldn’t even be believing in these things who were having incredible experiences with each other. It’s beautiful. I just sit back and sometimes I cry, and I think, “My God, what we really are. How beautiful we really are.” Is our culture shifting to the point where we are going to see dramatic changes in worldview about these things that we’re talking about? JA: I don’t have much doubt about that. It’s

spreading like crazy. I mean, even the afterlife has unfortunately become an industry. Just in the last 10 years it has gone through a revolution with all the books that have come out, my God. Hundreds of them in a year, where there was nothing a decade ago. a

For more information on Dr. Julia Assante, visit www.juliaassante.com. Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge, as well as a writer, editor and designer who assists small businesses and individuals. Visit Edgemagazine.net or Miejan.com. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or email editor@ edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

inner senses. I am only using those that are

May 2014   the edge



Spirituality & Food: A powerful connection EATING WHOLE FOODS supports being conscious, present by Maggie Christopher

Your relationship with food can have a tremendous impact on your spiritual growth. People can often overlook the nourishment of their body when on a spiritual path. Although we are more than our body, it is the vessel that we travel with in this life. Processed foods with sugar and chemical additives have a low vibration, while oneingredient foods from nature actually raise your vibration. Eating whole foods from nature calms your body and mind so that you can be conscious and present in life. On the other hand, eating pastry and having a cup of coffee can actually cause you to feel more anxious. If you are on a spiritual path, I invite you to consider the benefits of truly exploring your relationship with food. Food is a profound doorway into spiritual growth, because how you experience food is how you experience life. For example, if you deprive yourself of pleasure and joy in your life, you probably deprive yourself of eating nourishing food. I often see people “being good” all day with food — eating less than they may need or not getting the macronutrients their body requires — and then losing control at night. Our beliefs and habits are “mirrored” in our food choices. The purpose of this article is twofold. Since most readers of The Edge are focused on living life more consciously, I want to pique your interest about the possibility of awakening to your relationship with food. Life changes when you upgrade the way you nourish your body. And after making

the connection to spiritual growth and upgrading the way you eat, I would like to share some valuable tips on how to create more efficiency in supporting yourself with high-quality, delicious food. I find that supplying yourself with whole natural foods that are ready to eat in your refrigerator is one of the number one ways to make sustainable changes to your eating habits. E motions an d Eating

When counseling clients, I notice that they have a sense of what foods might be good for them, but they often short-change themselves by choosing low-quality, processed foods. Why? One word: Emotions. Let me share an example of a woman whom I’ll call Stella. Stella is highly committed to spiritual growth and came to me because she was working with a spiritual teacher who invited her to notice her feelings. She quickly realized that this was going to be a stumbling block for her, because she would numb her feelings by reaching for sugar and processed carbs. She shared that she had been overweight for years — and it wasn’t because she didn’t have a sense of how to eat well. It was


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because she didn’t allow herself to feel her feelings. Over several months, we gently untangled the root causes of her need to numb with food. This exploration allowed her to get in touch with some unresolved pain and frustration that she had been afraid to confront. Stella was willing to face these issues, and through the process she found her voice and got in touch with what she truly needed more of in her life — and it wasn’t sugar and processed carbs. She has since calmed her sugar cravings, lost weight and flourished on her spiritual path, which is opening her heart and taking her places she never dreamed she could go. People often think nutrition is a confusing topic because of the latest fad diets and theories on best ways to eat. These “diets” miss a key component: tuning into your unique body and the signs it gives you about your food choices. I invite you to explore nutrition from the perspective of your body, not your head. You may not want to admit it, but your body is far more brilliant than your head in matters of which foods are most nourishing for you. I invite you to become aware of

the effect of foods during digestion and following a meal to learn which foods are best for you. The mind is often cluttered with beliefs around topics, such as eating meat, dairy or whole grains based on the endless conflicting information you have received. The body will give you clear signs about what it likes and what it does not if you listen closely. Since nature is not making any new foods, one-ingredient, whole foods are the best place to begin your experiment. It is unrealistic to think that something manmade is more nutritious than the profound wisdom of whole foods. E atin g when busy

Now, let us transition into ways to make healthy eating a part of your busy life. You should know that eating well is a small parttime job and that is not going to change. With that being said, there are ways to create efficiencies in your meal planning and prep. First, it is important to get clear on the fact that you will need to feed yourself three to five times a day for the rest of your life. That’s daunting, I know. So, taking the time to create efficiency around meal planning and cooking is invaluable. You might find it helpful to know that I do not cook during the week. Like most people, I have a busy schedule and the last thing I want to do after a long day is prepare dinner. It would not happen. So, I batch cook every weekend for three to four hours. I know what you’re thinking: that is a real investment of time. But do consider


that people often spend at least one hour a day with cooking and clean-up, which would be seven hours a week. With batch cooking, I’m able to open my refrigerator or freezer to delicious, whole foods that are ready to eat within minutes after heating them. I believe in cooking once and eating numerous times, versus cooking once and eating once. H o w to d o it

Here are eight helpful tips to explore when upgrading the way you nourish yourself:  Organize your kitchen. Clear out all unnecessary items. Have important kitchen tools easily assessable.  Create a permanent, staple grocery list. Organize it by meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, staple items, etc. Include all items you purchase regularly. Leave space to write in ingredients for specific recipes each week. Tailor this list to fit your family’s needs.  Make a weekly grocery list. Plan your meals for the week instead of planning one meal at a time and running to the store multiple times a week. Yes, it may take you 45 minutes or more to plan food for the week, but this will save time that can be used to prepare food rather than driving and shopping.  If possible, include your children or partner with food prep to save time and create connection.  There are two types of cooking: one that uses a recipe with multiple ingredients and has a more complex flavor; and also what I call simple cooking: a protein,

healthy fat and a vegetable. An example of the simple cooking option would be seasoned baked chicken (with the skin!), green beans with organic butter or olive oil and sea salt. Add a whole grain (if grains feel good for your unique body). I combine both styles of cooking based on preference and available time.  Find a rhythm that suits you. I make my grocery list on Thursday, shop on Friday and cook early Sunday morning. All of these tasks in one day make me grumpy and take more time than I am willing to give. Consider the time of day you have the most energy and make that your cooking time.  Make your cooking environment enjoyable. Play your favorite music, listen to a book on CD or practice consciousness by being present with the art of cooking. Surrender to cooking. Know that this is the most important way to spend your time at that moment.  Most food lasts well for three to four days in the refrigerator. Consider freezing half of your batch cooked food and bring it out halfway through the week. I invite you to make changes over time at a pace that works for you. It is not beneficial to change all of your food at once as abrupt beginnings often have abrupt endings. a Maggie Christopher is a certified holistic nutrition counselor and a licensed marriage and family therapist. She combines the wisdom of whole foods nutrition along with emotionally-based therapy to support individuals in uncovering and healing the root causes of their cravings. For a free nutrition consultation, visit www.maggiechristopher. com or call 651.231.1360. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.


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Make Healthy Food Fast Food by Kerri Nelson

The key to quick and easy nutrition is preparation. If you are not prepared when hunger strikes, you are likely to grab whatever looks good — and that may be very bad nutritionally! Be prepared in two ways:  Have healthy options for meals and snacks readily available;  Know what to look for and what to avoid if you get caught in a take-out/dine-out/event situation. So how do you get prepared? Let’s break it down. To have healthy options for meals and snacks readily available, you need to stock your fridge and pantry with the right ingredients. Healthy protiens, whole grains, veggies and fruits. How do you do that? By shopping for the right ingredients. That means you need a grocery list and you need to plan your meals. When it comes to meal planning, keep it simple and plan for batch-cooking and simple-toassemble cold meals like salads. Batch-cooking means you cook for multiple meals at once and package up the leftovers for quick and easy re-heatable meals. Some great batch meals include chili, soups, stews, roasts, skillet meals, mini meatloaves, and egg muffins. TIP : Get a large slow cooker to cook a large batch while you are out and about! Once your meals are planned, make a list with the ingredients you will need. Next, add the ingredients needed for cold meals and a good selection of healthy snack options. Some healthy snack ideas include raw veggies with hummus, fresh fruits, nuts, hard boiled eggs, and unsulphured dried fruit. TIP : Keep a master grocery list with commonly purchased items and then write add-on items on a sticky note! Plan your grocery shopping for a day when you will be able to do some prep immediately Healthy continued on page 22 



Rebooting Your Food Habits by Susan Just

Do you remember last night’s dinner? Have you already started thinking about tonight’s dinner? Sadly, as a society, we fetish-ize food and then shame ourselves for the consumption. Fortunately, we can change our relationship with food. In fact, my weight-loss clients love that they’re not always thinking about food. They are truly eating to live, not living to eat. The following is an evaluation of some quickfood strategies so you can decide if they’re right for you:  V itamins — Pros: Vitamins are essential for losing weight and staying fit. My reality? I can’t possibly eat all the nutrients I need to sustain my activities. I’d be eating all day long. By starting the day with a multi-vitamin, your body will forage less throughout the day. Cons: Expensive, health concerns regarding industrial processing and materials. Not as beneficial as fresh food.  Cleanses — Pros: It’s a decisive way to get on track. Cons: Most likely it will derail you. Often candida (yeast) overgrowth will die off, making people uncomfortable or feel sick. If caffeine is cut, there’ll be withdrawal (headaches, aches, fatigue, cranky). Plus, there’s the starving. Ultimately, strict cleanses starve your body and your body will rebel. How about a one-day cleanse? The reality is, if you want to create healthy habits, why starve the body even one day?  Pr o tein Shakes — Pros: Maximum protein and vitamins. No thinking and the prep is easy — one meal solved. They’re great for breakfast (especially for those who skip) or refueling after a workout. Sometimes I have one before a long ride to prevent tiredness. They’re also filling! One glass and I’m still full four hours later! Cons: Expensive, poor tasting and must be eaten quickly before the protein/soy fibers expand. Some are overly processed and use GMO products. I have eaten Garden of Life’s Raw Meal, which uses vegetable protein (non soy) and Isagenix (soy). The Raw Meal is a taste challenge, but I only use one scoop and add a banana, almond flavor, unsweetened chocolate, water, ice and then blend. Isagenix is tasty, but expensive and a multi-level marketing system. If you’re curious and know a distributor, buy a one-serving packet. Some distributors may give one for free.  Juicing — Pros: Maximizes vitamins while not letting food go to waste. Skin will glow. Also, real food vitamins vs processed. Cons: Expensive. Wasteful. Liquid calories. There’s no fiber, so you’ll feel hungry sooner and eat more over the long run. If you’re worried about throwing away vegetables, make soup or shakes. Also, liquid diets tend to encourage fat storage around the stomach and posterior. Ever wonder why beer drinkers have a belly?  M icro wave — Pro: Heats food quick.

Cons: Decreases nutritional value and creates unsavory food. I gave away two microwaves five years ago. My current microwave is unplugged and used for dish storage. People debate whether microwaves damage the cell structure and food nutrition. I say, let your taste buds decide. Have you ever preferred microwaved food? Quick food ideas

The following are some quick ideas to eat more healthily. They might be familiar, but now is the time to implement these suggestions:  Dash Diet: Twenty years ago I needed to reduce my blood pressure. This “diet” emphasizes fruits, vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats while decreasing carbohydrates (breads, noodles, etc.). Since then, the Dash Diet continues to be listed as the top diet by Consumer Reports & U.S. News & World Report.  Hunger: Are you really hungry? Ask before you eat. Sense your stomach (it’s under the chest, to the left. Our belly houses the small intestine.) Yyou’ll sense true hunger in the stomach.  Feelings: If you’re food finicky, you’re probably not hungry. Ask yourself what emotion you’re feeling and choose a true solution. In fact, many people feed their fears.  Water: Drink a glass of water before a meal and take a sip between each bite. You’ll feel full more quickly and allow your stomach to tell your brain you’re full. Trust me, this works.  Citrus: Citrus fruit quickly satiates the taste buds, help people digest food and feel full faster. You can eat the fruit or make lemon ice cubes.  Desserts: Rather than eliminate desserts, eat desserts twice a week. That way you won’t feel deprived. Also, focus on fruit-based desserts.  Stomach/Back Exercises: The stronger your stomach, the smaller the gut! Also, a strong back complements stomach muscles.  Cook Dancing: When I cook, I move, dance and throw in some stretches. It doesn’t replace a complete workout, but it does burn calories and makes the time pass quickly.  Eat Nutritionally Dense Foods: Focus on foods that pack nutrients and vitamins: Broccoli, spinach, grapefruit and more.  Don’t Over Exercise: Exercise too much and you’ll be inclined to overeat and wear out your body. Eat and exercise in moderation.  Stomach Conversation: When I’m hungry and food isn’t available, I’ll have a talk with my stomach. That usually stops the hunger pains and when I do eat, I won’t overeat. (On my website, I have a downloadable audio mediation to try.)  Hypnotherapy: A well-trained hypnotherapist can help you heal self-sabotages that derail your relationship with food! a Susan Just, CH, is a certified hypnotherapist and success coach. She’s helped clients lose hundreds of pounds and create a better relationship with food, life, and themselves! Susan has conducted thousands of sessions and given many talks on wellness, hypnotherapy, love and life. Check out her website at www. dynamicmindsinc.com to read her articles and view of her talks. Also, call 612.827.8094 to schedule your appointments. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Fueling the Supernormal by Mindy Schulke How does the human body power its functions, such as breathing, walking, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling? All the marvels performed by the human body are powered by little engines that we call cells. Cells convert nutrients into energy. A cell then uses this energy to perform its specific job within the human body. The quality of your cellular function directly correlates to the quality of your body’s available nutrients. Healthy cells result from healthy nutrients. Healthy nutrients come from a high-quality fuel source. What is a high quality fuel source for the human engine? Ideal fuel comes from food that provides maximum nutrition per calorie with minimal negative side effects. One such ideal fuel source consists of a wide variety of raw and organic fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Other foods can have nutritional value but their negative side effects consume more in energy than the resulting energy they provide. When the price of processing food is higher than the value of the resulting energy, your cells suffer from the deficit. Cells lacking adequate nutrition: perform their jobs poorly or not at all; have difficulty repairing and replacing themselves; and have difficulty eliminating non-useful ingestions. In other words, cells deprived of adequate raw fuel suffer a decline in job performance, which is further impeded by of an accumulation of unrepaired cell damage and unremoved toxins. How do cells become damaged? Cells become damaged by normal wear and tear, physical injury, surgery and environmental elements, such as UV light and X-rays. What non-useful ingestions do cells eliminate? Cells must eliminate their own waste by-products, as well as ingested toxins such as pollution, undesirable bacteria, synthetic pesticides, and non-nutritional additives found in processed food. To maximize the performance of your cells, consume a raw, organic, vegan diet. Need more reasons for a raw, organic, vegan diet? Here are three:  Heating food changes useful nutritional elements into nonuseful elements. Heat destroys 100 percent of the enzymes and a significant portion of the vitamins and minerals in food.  Pesticides that enter produce through its skin or the roots of the plant cannot be washed off. We ingest this pesticide. Certified organic produce is grown without pesticides.  Protein is built from amino acids. The best source of high quality amino acids is raw vegetables. Lastly, the human digestive tract is very long. Unlike humans, true carnivores have short digestive tracts where meat and its inherent parasites pass through quickly. In a human’s lengthy gut, meat-born parasites have time to establish and flourish. Want some really amazing news? The effects of poor food choices can be reversed at any age simply by fueling your body with the food it thrives on: raw and organic fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. The more of this ideal nutrition that you eat, the more leftover energy Supernormal continued on page 22


May 2014   the edge


 Healthy continued from page 20 after shopping. Cut up your snack veggies and any large fruits. Put them in large containers and grab some as needed, or portion them in small contains so you can grab and go. You can even prep a crockpot meal and refrigerate it overnight so it’s ready to go in the morning! Plan a time to do your batch cooking and cook enough for several meals. This could be on the weekend, after grocery shopping, or the one night a week you have time to make dinner. TIP: Package leftovers into portions so you can grab and go or quickly dump into a pan to re-heat! BO N U S TIP : Put your grocery shopping, prep and batch cooking time on your calendar! Pack enough meals and snacks to keep you satisfied while you are away from home. Having healthy snacks with you will keep you away from the vending machines. Next, let’s review what to look for and avoid when you get caught in a take-out/dine-out/ event situation. You can eat a healthy meal in most situations if you are properly prepared! In the best case scenario, if you know in advance the restaurant you will be dining in or taking out from, take a moment to check the menu online. Knowing your options ahead of time will reduce impulse selections and external influences (ie., friends or colleagues ordering unhealthy options). If you don’t get a chance to check the menu online, take a moment to mentally center yourself before reading the menu.  Supernormal continued from page 21 your body has to reverse older cell damage and remove accumulated toxins. When you foster healthy cellular function, extraordinary energy vibrates unhampered throughout your thriving cells. Supernormal powers flourish in a well-functioning body. A raw, organic, vegan diet fosters extraordinary perceptions beyond the ordinary senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. What is the easiest way to eat raw vegan food on a time crunch? Chop up a large batch of vegetables such as the “Supernormal Salad Fixings” recipe (see right). This will take about one hour every two weeks. For a meal, throw half a cup of this veggie mix on any greens such as baby spinach or romaine lettuce. Top this off with a smashed avocado or a raw dressing like the “Extraordinary Greek Dressing” recipe. To shine even brighter, add a few tablespoons of raw fermented vegetables on your salads. In between salads, eat a variety of raw fruits. Once a day, eat a small handful of raw nuts or seeds. For more complex flavor profiles, use raw food cookbooks or online recipe blogs to concoct such things as pine nut chipotle cheese, sun-dried tomato gazpacho, and avocado key lime pie. Is a totally raw diet too severe for you? Try a reasonably raw diet: eat 70 percent raw foods and 30 percent cooked foods, such as curried steamed vegetables over quinoa or potato, leek soup made with coconut milk.



Remind yourself what to look for:  Healthy protiens, including chicken, bison, eggs, beans and legumes;  Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oat, millet and sprouted grains;  Vegetables and fruits (you can often substitute fries with fruit);  Items that are steamed, roasted, broiled, or grilled. Avoid: breaded and fried foods; sauces and dressings (ask for these on the side so you can control the portion); and breads, pastas, white potatoes, white rice, flour and corn tortillas. T I P : Ask for a box ahead of time if the portions are large so you can divide the meal before you start. Now you have a second meal to take home! Having a plan in place, scheduling your prep time, and always having a strategy to be mentally prepared in unplanned situations will help you build the healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime! a Kerri Nelson is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Running Coach offering individual and group programs. She graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she studied more than 100 different dietary theories and learned how to help her clients discover the foods that best nourish their bodies and help them eliminate cravings, eat for optimal health, and feel great! Kerri’s journey started with her own health challenges, which she overcame through proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Learn more at www.HealthHappinessAndRunning.com. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

S upern o rmal S alad Fi x ing s

2 bunches radishes 1/4 head of red cabbage, de-cored 4 large carrots 5 stalks of celery, including leaves 1 white or red onion 1 green pepper, de-cored 1 red pepper, de-cored 1 cucumber 5-10 raw Brussels sprouts, de-cored 1 bottle of capers, drained Chop each ingredient into bite-size pieces and mix together. Store in glass containers in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Ex tra o rdinary Greek D ressin g

1/4 cup cold-pressed olive oil 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 2-3 tablespoons cold-extracted raw honey 1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon Himalayan sea salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Whisk together all ingredients. a Mindy Schulke teaches the classes “Raw Eating 101” and “Fermentation for Your Health” around the Twin Cities. She is a software engineer, a mother and a dog lover. A raw vegan diet, yoga, and studying Caroline Myss teachings have propelled her into a supernormal life. Contact Mindy at mjschulke@comcast.net. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.


Eating Healthy: 1-2-3-Go by Gregory Ripley Eating healthy has become overly complicated. This, I think, is why many people just throw up their hands and head for the drivethrough. Well, that and convenience, of course. It’s true that we are all busier than ever and cooking does take time, but it doesn’t have to take that much time. Here are a few simple guidelines about eating healthy and a few quick suggestions for quick and easy ways to implement them:

 E at real food. Anyone familiar with the work of Michael Pollan will get this right away. If you don’t recognize an ingredient, or if it’s got too many ingredients, it’s probably not real food. Real food grows in the ground, on trees, or spent some time running around before it was food.  E at the rainbow. Try to eat a wide variety of food. One simple rule I like is to try and eat lots of colors. Red, yellow, green, blue, purple: eat the whole rainbow. This doesn’t all have to come in one meal, but throughout the day would be great. That will give you access to a wide variety of different nutrients. In Chinese Medicine, we have the five flavors and the five colors associated with the Five Phases that describe the energetic composition of foods. We try to eat a balance of these to keep us in good health.

F ewer carbs , m o re fat and pr otein . As a society, we eat way too many 

carbs (sugar). Yes, carbs are sugar. Of course, natural carbs like vegetables and fruits are great. They also happen to be real food and full of fiber and nutrients. Processed carbs like flour, sugar and high-fructose corn syrup do not have those benefits. All they are good for, generally speaking, is raising your blood sugar and causing your insulin levels to spike, in turn causing your body to store them as fat. It’s a complicated subject, but that’s the gist of it. If you eat fewer carbs, that leaves more fat and protein in your diet. Some of my favorite healthy fats are avocados, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, and eggs. Eggs are a great

source of healthy fats and protein, as are sardines. Otherwise, for ocean fish go with wild-caught varieties, and for anything that used to walk, look for organic or at least “natural” hormone-free varieties, and grass-fed for beef and dairy products. For veggie protein sources, I’d vote for lentils, quinoa and tempeh. Soy can have some issues, so if you’re going for soy, a traditionally fermented preparation like tempeh is a good way to go. So what to do now that we’ve got these rules? Here are three of my favorite quick ways to put these ideas into action:  S alads . No brainer right? Get your greens, some berries, nuts, fruits, favorite oils, good protein of some sort, toss it all in there and go to town. It takes no time at all. For variety, cold weather, and keeping your digestive system happy according to Chinese medicine, try a warm salad with some hardier greens like kale, chard or spinach.  Sm o o thies . It’s hard to get much simpler than tossing things in a blender. I prefer smoothies over juicing, as you retain the fiber from the fruits and veggies you put in. Chinese medicine cautions against too much cold food, so don’t go overboard with these. I don’t generally add any ice to my smoothies, though my wife prefers them that way. If you’re going to use protein powders (real food? maybe), I’d go for something organic, if possible. Hemp powders are good, or if you go with whey protein, look for grass-fed.  F rittatas . This could also be an omelette or scrambled eggs. I’ve been cooking these a lot lately, as they are quick and easy, and a great way to incorporate leftovers you may have into a new meal. One of the more unusual combinations I’ve tried was leftover pad thai frittata (surprisingly good with Sriracha on top). Much like the salad and the smoothie, you can basically just toss stuff in there, and the possibilities are endless. a Gregory Ripley, L.Ac., practices Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Primal Health & Wellness in Minnetonka, where he frequently prescribes a healthy dose of Nature. For more information contact him at 612.804.3804 or visit www.primalhealthandwellness. com. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.



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THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE in the Upper Midwest …and Beyond We often think of Therapeutic Massage as a way to relieve stress, but more practitioners view it as an essential aspect of holistic healing. The following businesses and individuals offer a variety of modalities of Therapeutic Massage in the Upper Midwest…and beyond: Mela Amara, Magus Books & Herbs, 1309 1/2 SE 4th St., Minneapolis, MN 55414, 612.379.7669, Mela@MagusHealingCenter. com, www.MagusHealingCenter.com — With over 15 years of experience, Mela uses multiple modalities to give you the best massage experience possible. Her massage toolbox includes Cranio-Sacral, Zen Shiatsu, Intuitive and Transformational healing techniques. May Massage Special: Book a 90-minute Integrated Intuitive Massage + 15 minute Cranio-Sacral ($110 value) for $85! Use promo code “May Massage.” Bhakti Wellness Center, 612.859.7709, godishaw@gmail.com, www.bhakticlinic.com — Bhakti Wellness Center provides a holistic approach to self-healing, including Massage, Naturopathic Medicine, Energy Psychology and Hypnotherapy, along with a variety of Healing Therapies. We specialize in removing barriers that interfere with the body’s natural healing processes. Our Team at Bhakti Wellness Center is dedicated to helping our clients facilitate healing and attain wellness, conveniently in one location. The Featured Business will resume in July with Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine. NEXT MONTH: The Edge Directory





business listings …highlighting a different holistic business each month except when The Edge Directory is published (June & November). Read all of our Featured Business listings online at Edgemagazine.net. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net.

Body Prayers Yoga and Massage, Hiyala Indiga, 301 Village Parkway, Circle Pines, MN 55014, 612.850.0071, blaineyoga@gmail.com, www.bodymindcircle.com — Massage therapist /yoga instructor since 1993, Hiyala Indiga offers many styles of massage, including “hypnomassage” for those who are really serious about changing your mindset and giving up habits that don’t serve you anymore. She especially loves giving Shiatsu, Ashiatsu and Thai massage. No judgments around body shapes and sizes. Devanadi Yoga, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55410, 612.816.9642, info@devanadiyoga.com, www.devanadiyoga.com — Located in South Minneapolis in the Historic Lake Harriet Spiritual Community. Come experience traditional therapeutic yoga to deepen your practice! We offer 235/500-hour yoga teacher trainings, continuing ed for teachers, Ayurveda, world class guests, wellness therapies, monthly workshops, Thai Yoga Bodywork and Reiki trainings, community events and weekly drop-in classes. Theresa May, Heaven On Earth Healing, St. Paul and Stillwater locations, 612.345.1537, www.HeavenOnEarthHealing.com — Shiatsu, Asian bodywork: effectively treats chronic health conditions while resetting your mental state to “Zen-mode.” Theresa’s tools are: finger, palm,

elbow, knee or foot pressure to give the right amount of touch, also kneading, grasping, stretching, tapping, soothing, rocking, and passive correcting restoring well-being. A comfortable “clothes-on” massage. Mind Body & Sole Massage Therapy, Lori Nebel, CMT, 1959 Sloan Place, Suite 230, Maplewood, MN 55117, 651.484.7899, www.MindBodySole.biz — Welcome to Mind Body & Sole, my Massage Therapy business of 20 years. I offer relaxation, deep tissue, hotstones and aromatherapy in a quite professional setting. Also, I provide Mobile Massage for home/ office parties. Same-day appointments and some evening/weekends. Call or text Lori with your concerns today. Ask about package discounts and first-time offers. SaiaLynn Healing Arts, Terri Saia Lynn, 2100 1st Ave. S, Suite 102, Minneapolis, MN 55404, 612.801.1379, saialynnhealingarts@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/SaiaLynnHealing — SaiaLynn Healing Arts is about making body/ energy work and healing space available and accessible to all. An individual’s healing is a collaborative process amongst all aspects and people in their lives. Terri tailors each session towards immediate pain relief, as well as creating long-term goals for deep holistic wellness.

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at



…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail Cathy today atcathy@edgemagazine.net.



Timely and Affordable: Print-ready ads, flyers, banners, business cards and other documents such as forms, brochures and material to promote you at special events are produced timely and affordably for individuals and small businesses by Tim Miejan & Ghandi Design. In addition, editing services for your writing, or text for your book, are available. Let Tim assist you in designing the cover and completed inner pages of your self-published book. Ask about setting up a Wordpress website that you can maintain on your own. Contact him for price quotes or more information at 651.578.8969 or email Ghandi. Design@gmail.com. Visit Miejan.com for complete details.

Herbalist in downtown Minneapolis using herbs, vibrational homeopathy and nutrition for EMS, weight and digestion issues. Call Tao Sun Healing at 612.874.0076.


NEW OPPORTUNITIES Use The Edge Classifieds to find or advertise new opportunities in the Upper Midwest. Buy, sell or trade. Call Cathy today at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@ edgemagazine.net.


SERVICES listings …provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net 12 STEP SPIRITUALITY: 6200 Colonial Way, Edina, MN 55436, www.12StepSpirituality.org – We Teach and Practice the 11th Step of AA: “Sought through prayer and meditation…” and explore the spiritual side of the 12 Steps. All are welcome. Workshops are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, 9am – Noon, Colonial Church of Edina. ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: 5-9pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Noon-4:30pm Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org — Encouraging authentic spiritual connection through Sunday services, classes and workshops. Sunday 10:30am Services are led by our resident speakers Patty Peterson, Christine Day, Cindi Claypatch, Michael Foley and Linda Saggau; guest speakers; or Spiritual Director, Theresa Rose. 9am Services include Spiritual Development, Drum Service, Toning/Healing and Body and Soul. Space also available for weddings, concerts and special events.


The Edge Directory 2014

SAINT FRANCIS LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH: 3201 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.823.4276, www.stfrancisliberalcatholicchurch.org — Holy Eucharist 10am Sundays; Rosary 9:30am First Saturdays. Solemn Benediction, 7pm Third Thursdays. Communion available to everyone. Freedom of conscience and belief. A church for seekers. Ordination of Women. Seven Christian Sacraments. Find us on Facebook. SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@spiritunited.com, online at www.spiritunited.com — Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30am Main service, 10:30am Kids With Spirit Class. UNITY CHRIST CHURCH: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www.unitychristchurch.org — Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 8:15, 9:45 & 11:30am, nursery & Sunday school at all 3. 3V interactive spiritual sandbox Wednesdays 6:50pm. Monthly Healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year.

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networking listings …provide category, brief description, name, phone, email, website, photo or logo. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net 5th DIMENSIONAL ENERGY HEALING: Susan Broadwell, M.A., Psy.D. – Working with the highest available Light on Earth at this time – 5th dimensional Light Energy – Susan facilitates healing by working with multiple levels of consciousness, helping you gain important information, getting clarity about your purpose, and releasing any blockages to fully being you. Sessions available for children, adolescents, adults & couples. Contact Susan at 952.922.1848 or susan@mindbodytherapymn.com, www.mindbodytherapymn.com

BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: With Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh. Heal the body, clear old emotions & deepen your connection with Spirit. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Personal breath sessions with Soul coaching and/or Pranic Healing® / Reiki by appointment. Info: www.theconnectingspirit.com / Contact: theconnectingspirit@gmail.com or 651.442.4623 CAREER COUNSELING: Clarifying Conversations – guided by your own heart, inspired by your own knowing. Laurie Mattila, M.S.Ed., Career Counselor 651.644.7766, LaurieMattila@aol.com, www.LaurieMattila.com

Acupuncture: Primal Health & Wellness – My approach is aimed at helping you return to an optimal state of health. I integrate acupuncture treatment with a holistic lifestyle approach including diet, exercise and stress management. I draw from the rich tradition of Chinese Medicine as well as insights from ancestral health and ecopsychology. Gregory Ripley, L.Ac. 612.804.3804, www.primalhealthandwellness.com

Chakra Reading/Healing: Energyworks! Intuitive Healers – Affordable, Accessible & Powerful Healing. Celestial Chakra Reading/Healing, Reiki Certifications, Classes, Events & More. Transformational Angels and Ascended Master guided healing. Heal Your Chakras, Transform Your Life! Nadine 651.329.2550, Frannie 612.229.5586, www.energyworkshealers.com, energyworks444@gmail.com

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com

Clairvoyant: Angelic Inspirations®©™ – www.angelicinspirations.com – Psychic, Life, Aura & Angel Readings, Personal, Professional, Business & Career Consulting, Love, Relationships, Ghosts, Seeing & Talking To The Dead, Past, Present & Future Events, Therapist & much more! 50+ years experience. To schedule: 763.535.7982. World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Dr. Rose Ann Schwab, 5216 Brookdale Dr., Minneapolis.

Animal Communication: Sindi Somers is an Animal Communicator, Holistic Pet Care Educator, Cat and Dog Trainer, Energy Healer and Psychic Reader for People and Animals Present and Past. She offers long-distance services to help with your animal behavior, training and nutrition issues, end-of-life decisions, grief counseling and pet loss support. 619.797.0705, sindi@wildtame.com, WildTame.com, APetPsychic.com, EuthanasiaCounseling.com Astrology: Individual and relationship readings, as well as transit forecasts. Frost Flower Astrology, Understanding the patterns of life…Astrological Consultations and Tarot Card Readings. For appointments call: Jennifer 612.460.1632, frostflowerastrology@yahoo.com Attorney/Mentor: Unlimited potential lies within us to create the life and work that will optimally express our true Selves. I will support you in your process and help free you from the concerns that prevent you from being yourself, through intuitive dialogue, excellent legal skills, and most importantly love. Patty Zurlo, 612.308.7758, www.zurlolawoffice.com AYURVEDA: Holistic and spiritually based healing path towards wellness, vitality and fulfillment. Trust your body to lead the way to living the life you were meant to live! Keri Mangis, CAP, E-RYT, Elements Ayurveda in Linden Hills, 612.599.9668, www.elementsayurveda.com BODYWORK AND BREATHWORK: Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com


Breathwork: Breathing is an ancient practice that deepens awareness, intuition and facilitates healing. Deanna Reiter and Troy Stende provide private/ group sessions and certifications. Online at www.qibreathingrevolution.com, 651.238.7248, info@qibreathingrevolution.com


COACHING / COUNSELING: Leave the past behind, start something new! You don’t have to stay stuck in the same old patterns – you can make real changes in your life. Gentle, alternative approaches make it easier than you imagined. Judy Steele, MTP, life coaching and counseling. Alternative practitioner 35+ years’ experience, whole-person perspective. 612.590.3193, www.judysteelemtp.com CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY: In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), carved stone items (wands, spheres, animals, candles), decorator pieces, jewelry. Information on energy properties provided with all stones sold. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, kistones@comcast.net, www.kistones.com EFT: Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT, 612.802.HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com Energy Healing: Healing Arts 101: Christine offers energy healing sessions for pain relief, relaxation and general health. She also teaches classes about many alternative / complementary health options. Check out www.healingarts101.com or call/text 651.338.1216

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

Energy Healing / Stress Management: Irene uses Usui Reiki to help shift and release blocks. Intuitive Energy work helps us bring in new ways of working through our issues with our eyes and heart wide open. Irene teaches pendulum use, lean testing and uses quantum biofeedback for stress management. Available: pendants, gemstones, jewelry, Young Living essential oils, more. Irene Pregl 715.497.3792, peacefullivnghealth@ gmail.com – Coming soon: peacefullivinghealth.com EXPOS: Midwest-Expos Holistic Shows in the Twin Cities and Wisconsin. For upcoming show please go to www.midwest-expos.com under the “Contact Us” section. Accepting Vendors. Michelle Peterson 715.781.0725 FENG SHUI CONSULTATION: Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops, Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. In business 33 years 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com Grief & Trauma Recovery: Heal your grief and trauma with Induced After-Death Communication (IADC). This new therapy is able to rapidly heal grief and trauma resulting from the death of loved ones (including beloved pets) to a degree never before possible. In practice since 1990. Gary R. Beaver, M.A., Licensed Psychologist, 612.910.1191, garyrexbeaver@gmail.com, www.garyrbeaver.com HEALING CENTER: Zen Healing Center is a place where people will find healing through a fusion of diverse services, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, chiropractic and nutrition. Our philosophy is to integrate natural healing arts into a harmonious whole new form of life. Our focus is to help clients receive longevity and wellness by caring, teaching and guiding. Dr. Zen Matsuda, 952.500.8733, info@zenchiropracticinc.com, www.zenhealingcentermn.com Healing Medium & Transformation Coach: Megan Leffler, along with your divine support system of angels, guides and disincarnated loved ones, ignite transformation in the areas of your life you desire growth and healing. Through channeled guidance, intuitive coaching, and pranic healing, experience stress reduction and empowerment for lasting change. 612.889.5387, Megan.leffler8@gmail.com, MeganLefflerMN.com Heal Your Life Training: Become a licensed Heal Your Life workshop leader in Louise Hay’s philosophy and learn to lead up to 14 different workshops. Complete materials provided, including scripts and music CDs. One-week intensive training is approved by Louise. Pre-registration required. See website for details. Patricia J. Crane, 800.969.4584, patricia@heartinspired.com, www.healyourlifetraining.com HERBS: 600+medicinal and cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Bob Gallagher, Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. In business 33 years 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

HIV-POSITIVE DATING SITE: We are dedicated to improving the lives of those diagnosed HIV-Positive by allowing an opportunity for like-minded people to connect as a whole — by virtue of communication, support, interaction and the great possibility of romance. Positive Love Connection. Check out the website at www.positiveloveconnection.com or email positiveloveconnection@yahoo.com HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING/COACHING: Certified holistic health counselor in Burnsville, MN, specializing in digestive issues, weight loss and overall health. Each client will receive an personalized program specific to their needs. Contact Kristin for a complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com, Facebook & Twitter: Heal Organically HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books. We buy and sell new and used books. 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 12 Years Experience. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, St. Paul, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, weight loss, smoking, habits. Mind-BodySpirit stress reduction, breath work, self-hypnosis, meditation. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy: Build your own skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation, and do-it-yourself therapy. Get help with smoking cessation, past-lives, between lives, and healing trauma, sexual abuse and other issues. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, channel for Mother Mary, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com Hypnotherapy & Training: Past Life, Life-Between Lives Regression. Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 20 years experience. 612.709.5578, www.madonnakettler.com INNER CHILD WORK & EFT: Author of the bestselling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Cathryn Taylor 612.710.7720, www.JoinCathrynTaylor.com INSURANCE: Don’t pay too much for auto, home, renter’s, life, boat, snowmobile, or motorcycle insurance – call me for a quote so you can start saving money right away. Your local, reliable insurance agent. Kristin Johnson, kjohnson7@allstate.com, 952.873.7452. I pay for referrals!

Source Listings continued 

May 2014   the edge


Intuitive / Clairvoyant Reader: As a “Motivational Intuitive,” Amy Vasterling reads from your truth, giving you perspective about your life path. She is able to see, smell, hear and sense the essence of the Universal energy she solicits. Contact her at 612.791.3001. Visit www.intuitivepathfinder.com INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS: Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292. Intuitive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online at www.EyeofHorus.biz Mind-Body Integrative Healing: Therapies and classes to retrain your body and mind. Re-Align to your true self. Resolve unhealthy patterns with life changing and effective processes; hypnotherapy, shiatsu bodywork, energywork and Tai Chi Chih, Qigong and mindfulness meditation. St. Paul & Stillwater. Theresa May, 612.345.1537, www.heavenonearthhealing.com NUTRITION: You want to eat less sugar, but your “inner sugar beast” comes alive and you find you can’t stop eating it. There are physical and emotional reasons why you’re craving sugar. Get the knowledge and support you need to calm your cravings and take back your health. Maggie Christopher, holistic nutrition counselor and licensed therapist, St Paul, 651.231.1360, www.maggiechristopher.com. PSYCHIC GUIDANCE: Kayla Michaele – Great readings bring you clarity and inspiration. They help you see opportunities and recognize your talents, understand relationship dynamics and confirm decisions. By working with her intuition and psychic gifts, Kayla helps her clients with career concerns, relationship issues and many other life questions with clear and concise information. “A little Divine Guidance,” Kayla Michaele 612.396.1848, kaylamichaele@gmail.com, www.kaylamichaele.com Psychic Healing: Transformation of your Body, Mind & Soul. I Receive messages from my Guides for you to help with the Healing Process, utilizing many modalities, including Energy Healing, Mediumship, Reiki, Guided Meditation & EFT. I gently guide you through your Blissful Journey with Compassion and send you home with Tools & Education for Self Care. KAS Inc., Kimberly, 952.232.0958, HopeHealing4U@gmail.com, MNMedium4U.com, LotusHealing4u.com PSYCHIC / INTUITIVE READER: Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development Classes to discover and live from your innate body/soul/psychic gifts. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: 2014 – Get on Track with a Life Issue Reading! Get direction, find clarity, receive action steps and move forward with confidence this year. Accurate, evidential readings to help you achieve your goals. Nadine Penny, M.A. Learn more by visiting www.nadinepenny.com

a 28



PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Alison James – Award-winning natural born Trance Medium, Psychic, Spiritual Teacher, Orator and Author, with an instinctual connection with animals of all species. In addition; Alison provides Psychic Galleries, Psychic Development Workshops and readings around the world by telephone. Detailed information and booking done at www.alisonjames.us. Contact her at alison@alisonjames.us or call 612.424.1411 PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even ten years into the future. To be amazed, call her at 651.439.5337 or visit www.deborahlynn11.com Psychic Reading / Intuitive: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships, Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com SAFE HOME & HEALTH PRODUCTS: Looking for safe, Green, concentrated, eco-friendly products? Shop wholesale, 30-40% discount, 350+ products, all with 100% satisfaction guarantee. New customers receive $100 Free product. Catalog shop monthly online or 800 number. Business opportunities available. Jill Brittain, Melaleuca Marketing Executive, 952.457.0698, jcbrittain@comcast.net Shamanic Breathwork™ & Spiritual Guidance: Discover and manifest your Soul Purpose. Experienced Shamanic Breathwork™ facilitation, hypnotherapy, past life regression and spiritual guidance for groups and individuals in Burnsville. Deb Irestone, DMin, MA, 952.250.2543, www.shamanshearth.org, deb.irestone@gmail.com SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com Sound & Vibrational Healing: Sound and Vibrational Healing with Tuning Forks, by either specific sound (frequency or key) or forks applied directly to the body according to trigger points, meridians or chakras. Beneficial in relaxation, stress reduction, or stimulation/ promotion of healing and pain reduction. Excellent used in conjunction with Reiki and Chakra balancing, also offered. Body & Sol TANSpa, 2653 Louisiana Ave. S., St. Louis Park, MN 55426, 952.922.9229, www.bodysoltanspa.com SUFI: Four Layers of the Heart, Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org Therapeutic Coaching® / Cleansing: Release toxic thoughts, toxic environments and relationships that cloud perceptions of your vast capabilities in life. Discover the lasting energy and motivation which resides within the divine you. Let your truth move you! Jacqueline 952.217.3043, Axiomotioncoaching@gmail.com, www.sproutnlpcoaching.com

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at


April 29


May 6


EVENT listings

…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net. May 1 – Reiki Energy Therapy: Reiki Energy Therapy

is a simple, natural and safe method of therapy that uses life force energy transmitted through a practitioner’s hands that offers physical pain reduction and profound relaxation. Reiki Energy Therapy sessions are a hands-on, fully clothed touch therapy. These courses are taught using traditional Usui Reiki form. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $150, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/classes

known author and channel Christine Day will be speaking on The New Dawning at Wind over Fire Healing Arts Center in Rochester, MN. She also will provide a group healing. For more information, visit www.windoverfire.com

May 3-4 – Tai Chi for Arthritis Teacher Certification:

The Tai Chi Certified Teacher Training Programs are designed for certified exercise instructors, tai chi practitioners, and healthcare professionals to develop or enhance wellness programs. No previous tai chi experience is required. This program certifies participants to teach “Tai Chi for Arthritis.” 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $275, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/ classes May 3 & 4 – Creating Your Personal Power Field: Expand you awareness, connect with Source,

and manifest well-being though Sacred Geometry and other practical energy tools. Two-day Intensive on May 3 & 4, Free Introductory Lecture on May 2, Solomon Centre, Sartell, MN. Call 612.867.5408 or visit www.ascensionspirit.com May 4 – Spiritual Exercises: A Key to Divine

Guidance: Join people from all walks of life for the monthly worship service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts, and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. Sunday, May 4 and every first Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., Temple of ECK/Eckankar, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org

May 6-8 — Master Co Workshops: Join Master Co

for Three Powerful Evening Workshops in Coon Rapids, Minneapolis and Golden Valley, MN. Learn and experience practical techniques to harness Prana and Crystals to boost vitality, experience physical and emotional healing, and enhance your Divine Connection! More information, visit masterstephenco.com May 7 – Ayurveda for Perfect Summer Health: Ayurveda describes different seasons and their effects on body. The heat of sun and dryness of air reduce vital energy, making you tired. Acid reflux and giddiness are common health concerns in the summer months. This class will guide you about how to eat proper food and spices to boost energy and core power to maintaining perfect health balance in the heat. 6-8:30 p.m., $49 Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, visit www. normandale.edu/ce/classes

is a powerful Divine Energy that is the birthright of all humans. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Pax-Salon, St. Paul Gallery, 943 W. 7th St., St. Paul. Contact: rosemaryg@usinternet.com or 651.452.3161. May 13-18 — Akashic Records Training & Consultation with Dahna Fox: Akashic Records

Level 1 Workshop in Minneapolis—2:30-7:30pm May 17-18 (both days required)—will teach you how to consciously access your own Akashic Records and use the Akashic Records energy in all areas of your life. Dahna will be in available in Minneapolis for personal consultations on May 13-15. Contact Dahna (216.392.5490 or info@ akashicwisdom.com) or Alice May (763.572.9844 or amkgiftsfromabove@comcast.net). May 14 – Experience the Labyrinth: Come join us as

we walk Normandale’s labyrinth in silence, and then with the meditative beat of the drum. Labyrinths are intricate paths that have been in use for centuries in many parts of the world. In this class you will learn the origin of labyrinths, ceremonial uses, where to find labyrinths in the Twin Cities, and how to create your own. 6-8 p.m., $49, at Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343. Info: www. normandale.edu/ce/classes May 14 – Discover Your Everyday Messages from God: Life is an adventure when we can understand the divine messages that surround us every day. Learn how to see, hear, and experience this guidance and create a better life. Free workshop. Wednesday, May 14, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register, free CD and booklet. May 14 & 28 — St. Paul Yoga Center Chant & Meditate: at St. Paul Yoga Center, 1162 Selby, St.

Paul, Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m. on May 14 & 28, donation (suggested $10 - $20). Info: Awake-in-life. com/chanting-meditation-gatherings

May 7 – Getting Answers from Dreams: What if

you could wake up each morning with answers to your daily problems and questions? Find out how dreams can tell us everything we need to get along in this life. Free workshop. Wednesday, May 7, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register; free booklet, Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams.

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

may 28

May 13 – Kundalini Movie screening: Kundalini

May 6 – Ayurveda Simple Home Remedies: Learn

about simple home remedies for common health problems such as common cold, flu and headaches through diet, herbs, essential oils, exercise and yoga. These home remedies, used to correct imbalances and restore the body to the natural order, are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the science of self-healing. 6-8:30 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/classes

May 21

May 10 – Rosicrucian Open Meeting: “Mansions of the Soul,” 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Sumner Library, 611 Van White Memorial Blvd., Minneapolis, in the Johnson Sumner meeting room. Joins us as we discuss this classic Rosicrucian book. www. rosicrucian.org

May 6 – Christine Day in Rochester: Internationally

May 2 – Face Reading: Intro to Physiognomy Every

face is perfect, and reveals in its shape both our gifts and our challenges. This information will empower the participant in situations where we often feel less than powerful — relationships, sitting on either side of the interview table, in team meetings and the dating game. 6-9 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/classes

May 14

May 15 – EFT “Get Rid of My Stuff” Free teleseminar: Do you feel stuck? Quickly release and

heal what’s in the way of your abundant and joyful life. Conveniently attend from the comfort of your

Events continued on page 30  May 2014   the edge


 Happenings continued home. 11 a.m. (yes, call will be recorded if you can’t make it). Register at www.DoEFT.com. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive Master of EFT, 612.802. HEAL (4325). May 17 – Inner Healing Workshop: Do you struggle

with negative emotions? Learn to connect with your true essence and achieve a sense of inner freedom through intuitive scanning, meditations, affirmations, crystal energy healing, and EFT tapping. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Unity Christ Church, Golden Valley, $149 with lunch. Presented by Nancy Robinson - psychic, medium, Pranic Healer - and Jeannine ZumbachO’Hora - advanced practitioner of Pranic Crystal Healing. Register: mysticalnancy.wordpress.com May 17 – LHSC Spring Psychic Fair & Bazaar:

Saturday, May 17, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free Admission, Readings, Healings, Free Hourly Workshops, Marketplace Shopping, Café Racer, and Night Time Kirtan at 7 p.m. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave S., Minneapolis. More info: www. lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org May 17-18 – Wisconsin Healing Conference:

Featuring Life after Death and Near Death Experiences with noted speakers Raymond Moody, M.D., Vernon Syvest, M.D., and Gary R. Beaver, M.A. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at The Spooner Ice House, 301 Walnut St. Spooner, WI. Doors open at 8 a.m. Admission is $75 per day purchased online at www.


wisconsinhealing.com, or $95 per day at the door. May 17-18 – Beginning Psychic Development Workshop: Presented by Kayla Michaele &

2GuysInTheKnow. 2-Day Workshop: Learn how to work with the spiritual world to access information and shift your awareness and energy instantly! Empower yourself at home, work, every aspect of your life. Bonus: Participants will attend a Psychic Gallery featuring Kayla Michaele and 2Guys as Readers. All attendees receive a reading. Info: www.kaylamichaele.com, kaylamichaele@gmail.com, 612.396.1848 or www.2guysintheknow.com May 17-18 – Reiki I, Reiki II or Reiki Healing Sessions: Reiki training available through Rachel

Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Universal Life Force Energy. Feel it. Be it. Reiki leaves you calm and relaxed and pain free. May 17-18 or schedule a time convenient for you. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com May 18 – Psychic Expo & Gathering Celebrating Wesak: Psychic Fair from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. – a

wide variety of Healers and Psychics, natural products and indoor meditation tent. Free speakers throughout the day. $3. Gathering celebrating Wesak at 5 p.m. Sacred Toning for personal and planetary healing by Neil Froeming and messages from Maitreya through Shirley Moore. Donation. At 4923 Stewart Ave., White Bear Lake, MN. More details at www.wellness4u.biz


May 2 0 1 4 S C HEDULE

Free Podcasts to Enlighten & Educate Listen live at your own convenience at Blogtalkradio.com/edgemagazine or call 714.364.4750. Archives are at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. Host your own monthly program by calling 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291. May 2 at 2 p.m. — “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom: Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. May 6 at 6 p.m. — “Edge Learning Well” with Maureen Pelton: Gina Soleil, a cultural change leader and author of Fuel Your Business: How to Energize People, Ignite Action and Drive Profits, will be featured on Learning Well. Gina will talk about the three simple acts of “doing good” that create enough positive energy to not only transform your life but change the world. Learning Well is your partner in integrative health education, sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. May 8 at 6 p.m. — “Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel: Animal communicator Mary Stoffel gives insights into the relationships that our animals have



May 18 – Let Go and Let God: Chant HU! In our

fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, May 18, 10-10:30 a.m., Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. May 18 – Order of Melchizedek Workshop & Ordinations: Rev. Chesbro will celebrate the

10:30 a.m. service at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, then the Workshop & Ordinations into the Order of Melchizedek at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Arrive early to complete registration. 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. Information: 612.929.3822. Investment: $175. May 21 – Explore Out-of-Body Adventures:

Imagine being able to Soul Travel! Discover how to tap into the wisdom and knowledge of the last great frontier — your inner worlds. Wednesday, May 21, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register; free Spiritual Experiences Guidebook. May 22 – Free Induced After-Death Communication Presentation: Free presentation by Gary R. Beaver,

M.A., Licensed Psychologist, to learn about an amazing new therapy that rapidly heals grief and trauma resulting from the death of loved ones (including beloved pets) to a degree never before

May 15 at 6 p.m. — “Beyond the Edge” with Mary Laven: We often become bewildered about alternative therapies and concepts and their effectiveness. Mary’s show will assist you in gaining in-sight and a deeper understanding of some exceptional alternative therapies and their practitioners, removing our expectations and grasping better ways toward healing our bodies to become the person we are meant to be and become fully present.

with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues.

May 19 at 5:30 p.m. — “Edge EFT Happy Half Hour” with Cathryn Taylor: Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to a half hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping. Learn how to use EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul.

May 11 from 6-8 p.m. — “On the Edge” with Doug & Cathy: Join Doug Crandall and Cathy Jacobsen as they spend an exciting hour with Julia Assante, Ph.D., author of The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death. On May 28 to June 1, she will be presenting lectures on “Redefining Death” and “Opening the Inner Senses,” and a two-day workshop on “Opening the Inner Senses” at Spirit United Church.

May 21 at 6 p.m. — “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. Visit the Edge Happenings events calendar here. For more information on how to include your events in Edge magazine, call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net.

May 14 at 3 p.m. — “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor — Join Cathryn as she shares 60 minutes of conversation with Master Stephen Co, senior disciple of GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, the originator of Pranic Healing® and Arhatic Yoga®. Master Co will present full weekend intensives on Pranic Healing, Pranic Crystal Healing and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul on May 31 to June 2 in the Twin Cities.

May 22 at 6 p.m. — “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11: Twin Cities Psychic Medium and Author Deborah Lynn11 helps you discover why and what it is you are working on in your life on Earth. Learn how to manifest your life on Earth as it is in your heaven. And free mini-readings for those who call in.

For complete info on advertising, contact Cathy Jacobsen at

words of wisdom by Nadine Penny

Make Mother’s Day magical and gift yourself with a little meditation for inner peace, relaxation and regeneration! Find a quiet spot to sit, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing — on every inhale and exhale. If your mind wanders, let it — and allow any emotions or bodily sensations to flow without quelling them. Enjoy! According to researchers, 30 minutes of mindful breathing done daily can untangle tension, fight fatigue, lower blood pressure and boost resilience. So sit and breathe this Mother’s Day — and every day — to make it a truly tranquil May! a Nadine Penny attained her M.A. from the University of Denver in Counseling Psychology. Nadine lives in Minnetonka where she works as a medium, life issues reader and Reiki master. Contact her by email at nadine.penny@gmail.com and visit www.nadinepenny.com. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

possible. 6:30-8 p.m., Aslan Institute, 4141 Old Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, MN. Register at 612.910.1191 or garyrexbeaver@gmail.com. Info: www.garyrbeaver.com

esses walk the feminine path honoring their own personal power, authenticity and spiritual authority. Energy exchange $250. Contact Sarah O’Rourke, 651.398.9056, sarah@sacredchange.com. Info and registration at www.sacredchange.com

May 28 – Become the Past-Life Explorer: Learn

how to recall memories of past lives! Lessons of long ago can be recaptured now to help our lives today. Wednesday, May 28, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. www.facebook.com/ Eckankar. Pre-register; free Spiritual Experiences Guidebook. May 28 — Redefining Death Lecture: Julia Assante,

author/medium, presents a thought-provoking lecture that death is not just about the physical body, rather about consciousness, specifically when consciousness changes absolute focus away from world of matter onto the nonphysical universes. $20. 7pm. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, email contact@spiritunited.com May 30 — Introduction to Opening the Inner Senses: Julia Assante, Ph.D., lecture/discussion

introduces those “inborn senses” that support the five physical senses, helping to tap into portions of consciousness and psychic ability. Prerequisite for weekend intensive. Suggested donation $5. 7pm. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@spiritunited.com May 31-June 1 — Opening the Inner Senses:

Experiential intensive exploring remote viewing, aura reading, charging our magnetic fields, telepathy, after-death communication. 10am5pm Saturday, May 31; 1-5pm Sunday, June 1. Pre-registration requested. Early bird before May 15$160; after $190. Bring mat, pillow, blanket and lunch Saturday. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, email contact@spiritunited.com May 31-June 1 – Shamanic Priestess Process™ Introductory Weekend: Experience this introduc-

tory weekend before committing to the year-long initiatory journey. Connect with the Divine Feminine and inner Wise Woman, uncover your sacred gifts. Be supported with sisterhood. Awakening priest-

June 1 — All-Faiths Meditation Service: At its

new location, the Center for Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave. Minneapolis, in the Sun Room at 10-11a.m. Sunday, June 1, donation (suggested $10 - $20). Info: Awake-in-life.com/octoberchanting-meditation/ June 2 – Herbs for the Musculoskeletal System:

For thousands of years, herbs have been identified and utilized to support the health of the joints, tendons, ligaments, bones (including bone density), muscles and skin. This class will highlight these herbs and their specific applications to the 21st-century American, for whom modernday stress has wreaked havoc. 6:30-9 pm., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale.edu/ce/classes June 4, 11, 18, 25 – Discover Spiritual Dreaming! Learn how dreams can help you grow in confidence, heal yourself spiritually, glimpse the future, make decisions about your career and finances, and even meet with departed loved ones. This four-week class will give keys to remember and understand your dream experiences. Free! Come any or all Wednesdays; June 4, 11, 18, 25; 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. www.facebook.com/Eckankar. Pre-register; free booklet, Spiritual Wisdom on Dreams. June 5-6 – EFT 1 for Mental Health Practitioners:

EFT has met initial criteria through the American Psychological Association for evidence-based practice. This two-day Emotional Freedom Techniques workshop is required to become a “Certified EFT Intermediate Practitioner.” EFT is a self-help method that is used worldwide to help eliminate stress, fear, anger, sadness, cravings, chronic pain and much more. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., $395, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, visit www. normandale.edu/ce/classes

763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net

June 7 – Angel Symposium: Featuring Michigan

author Chantel Lysette, Dr. James Ulness, harpist Bettie Seitzer. Saturday, June 7, 2-7 p.m., at Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, west of Highway 280. $35, $45 couples/ families. Sponsored by Theosophical Society. Info: 651.235.6645. June 7 & 8 – Integrated Energy Therapy® Power Steps of Transformation: Are you ready for your

transformation? You will learn to establish your own energetic Angelic Heartlink connection with Angels’ energy. Learn sacred geometry with special techniques to release “issues out of tissues,” clear karma and activate your 12-Strand DNA, empowering your Heart and achieving forgiveness. Contact: Edwinna Sackariason at 651.653.0786 to register. Reminder: May 9-11: Integrated Energy Therapy® Practitioner Certification Intensive Classes. June 10 — Home Vigils & Green Burials: When

a loved one dies, you don’t have to call a funeral director. More economical, meaningful, environmentally friendly and spiritually satisfying alternatives exist. Minnesota Threshold Network Free public forum, 7pm Tuesday, June 10, Macalester Plymouth United, 1658 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul. National guest speaker Elizabeth Knox is executive director of Crossings: Caring for Our Own, a home funeral/green burial resource center, and president of the National Home Funeral Alliance. June 11-14 – Sacred Trip to the Black Hills: The

Black Hills, considered sacred ground, a place to enter in hopes of receiving spiritual guidance. This retreat offers: Hiking, meditation, drumming, campfire, energy healing, horseback riding, metaphysical classes and ceremonies. $365 includes meals/ lodging. Meet at the retreat center, 12032 Sacred Mountain, S.D., at 11 a.m. on June 11. Online sign-up: soulfriendshealing.weebly.com/retreat.html Info: 612.701.7217 or soulfriendshealing@gmail.com June 19-21 – Healing Spaces Seminar: Creating

Healing Spaces through Diamond Dowsing. How important is your environment? This workshop will address: Law of Attraction, improved health and relationships, sleep and prosperity. Thursday 6-9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.-5p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-4p.m. at Sheraton Minneapolis West, 12201 Ridgedale Dr., Minnetonka. $398 until June 11 (+$100 afterward). Contact: Annette Rugolo – email Annette@ annetterugolo.com or 612.605.8608. August 10-24 – Frequencies of Brilliance, Level One certification course: At the Christine Center,

Wisconsin, with Efrén F. Solanas. The Frequencies of Brilliance is a potent, sacred process with unlimited potential for healing and spiritual expansion. The technique has assisted many people clear physical, mental and emotional issues. This two-week, residential course may be one of your most transformation journeys this lifetime. Contact Efrén for more information or to register: www. efrensolanas.com September 27-28 — Kundalini Awakening Seminar:

Kundalini is a powerful Divine energy that is the birthright of all humans. Learn how to live with the gift of grace in a safe and supportive manner. Contact Rosemary Golias, rosemaryg@usinternet. com, 651.452.3161, www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com

May 2014   the edge


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