Ex plo r i n g t h e Ev o lut i o n o f Co n s c i o u s n e s s
FEATURED things i’ll never forget / 17
“There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity.” general douglas m ac arthur
ALSO INSIDE: HEALING ACTIVATION John Armitage event / 7 YOUR BUSY MIND you can quiet it / 10 HEALING WITH SPIRIT a cancer journey / 12 ASTROLOGY /15 I’LL NEVER FORGET our featured topic / 17 THETAHEALING® / 21
Feng Shui & Harmonics
HEALTHY RECIPE the loaded bowl / 23
Healing Your Home with Grammy winning musician Jeff Bova & Feng Shui teacher Carole Hyder / 8 RESOURCES chinese medicine / 16
a retrospective 2001 - 2002 / 30
Each month in 2012 we years on the edge explore 17 months 1992 • 2012 of history from The Edge’s archives.
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Edge covers Notable quotes Excerpts Interesting notes on The Edge Community
25-minute download ‘Healing Your Home’
Healing Your Home Project: Concert - Workshop
Deepening the Connection to Your Space Blending Feng Shui with Harmonics Featuring Carole Hyder, Feng Shui Expert and Jeff Bova, Grammy Award winning producer and musician An innovative way to deepen your connection to your home through sound and intention. This unique concert - workshop is designed to transform and balance your physical space.
Saturday, July 14 • 8:30am - 12:30pm Early Bird Special: $99 by July 6 Register at http://normandale.augusoft.net or call 952-358-8343
July 2012 edge magazine
EDGE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 Edgemagazine.net Facebook.com/edgemagazine.net Twitter: @theedgemagazine Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen Editor: Tim Miejan tel / fax 651.578.8969 editor@edgemagazine.net P.O. Box 7324, Madison, WI 53707 POETRY EDITOR: William Ricci poetry@edgemagazine.net PRODUCTION: melissa may Proofreading: Rachel miejan Transcription: jean wallis Sales & Marketing: Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291, fax 763.433.9290 cathy@edgemagazine.net EDGE TALK RADIO coordinator: CATHRYN TAYLOR 612.710.7720 COMMUNITY OUTREACH: SCHAON BLODGETT 612.217.4325 ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved. The Edge is published by The Edge LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is prohibited. The Edge does not necessarily agree with the views in articles. It accepts advertising at the discretion of the publisher and assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication or in any advertisement. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle.
adve rti s e OPTIONS FOR EVERY BUDGET Reach your target audience with advertising and listings in print and online. The Edge offers advertising opportunities to meet any budget: Display advertising • Event listings • Networking Source listings • Sacred Services listings • Classified Ads • Online banner ads • Edge Email Blast sponsorships • Ask about Directory ads Now! Deadline: 17th of each month. Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@ edgemagazine.net. Complete details: Edgemagazine.net/ advertise/ Order listings at our Online Store: Edgemagazine.net/advertise/ online-store/
com m u n ity profiling holistic businesses Each month The Edge features a holistic community in its center spread. August: Healing Centers - Only $50 for contact info + 50 word description (online 12 mos.) Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@ edgemagazine.net Deadline: July 17
contents July 2012 • Holistic Living • Serving the Upper Midwest…and beyond since 1992
featu r i ng th i s month
an n ive rsary featu r e
8 Healing Your Home: Feng Shui & Harmonics, by Carole Hyder 10 Escape the Prison of Negative Programming, by Lori Bestler 12 Cancer: the Dis-ingenuous Disease – Healing with Spirit, fifth in a series by Cheryl Hiltibran
30 Revisiting 2001-2002 in The Edge’s 20-year history featuring new aspects of The EDGE, covers, staff at the time
5 Leadership Void Glaring in this Age of Winning at all Costs, From the Editor, by Tim Miejan 7 Armitage presents Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (MDH), by Mary Beth Curry 9 Inner Transformation for Global Change: WomanWell offers 2-year Program
A yearlong 20th Anniversary Retrospective
21 ThetaHealing® – An Attainable Miracle for Your Life, by LynMarie 22 Organic Food Fest returns
9 Edge Networking: Share Holistic Experiences July 12
22 Andean Shamanism: A Sacred Journey to the Self, by Holly Gray Schuck
12 What’s in your Bathroom Closet? by Sarah Johnson
23 Healing…by Writing, by Laurie Stinson
14 Riding the Wave: Supporting our Collective Ability to Hold on and Let Go in this Time of Great Change, by Moriah Marston & the Tibetan
23 Whole Food Recipe: The Loaded Bowl, by Maggie Christopher
14 Cartoon: Holy Molé, by Rick Hotton 15 Moving toward Personal, Global Evolution in July, Star Wisdom, Astrology Horoscope, by D.K. Brainard Articles on the Featured Topic, From the Mystic: Experiences I’ll Never Forget: 17 Sudden Hearing Loss, the Day My Life Changed, by Monique Hammond 18 Saint Francis appears: Lessons from My Life as a Mystic, by Saren Lightsong 18 I’ll Never Forget the Day My Life was Changed, by Kimberly Wencl 19 Unforgettable, unfathomable, by Jerry Buchmeier 20 The Fog, by Marika
on li n e rich holistic website Visit EdgeMagazine.net for all content, events, business resources, Edge Talk Radio archives, and more. Buy Edge listings directly at our site. See our Online Store.
Poetry: 24 The Guardian, by Victoria Raphael 24 Perspective, by Sonja Kosler 24 Joy’s Disguises, by Kathy Parkin 29 Words of Wisdom, by Nadine Penny 31 Preview: Read more Content Online at Edgemagazine.net
e dg e li sti ng s 16 Community : Holistic Resources, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs 25 Source Networking Business Listings 27 Sacred Services Listings 28 Happenings Events Calendar Listings 29 Classifieds
e mai l li st receive updates & specials Join our list at Edgemagazine.net today for regular announcements on upcoming Edge Talk Radio programs, monthly list of coming events and much more.
Leadership void glaring in this age of winning at all costs by Tim Miejan just finished reading an interview with actor Charlie Sheen (“Spin City,” “Two and a Half Men”) in the latest edition of Rolling Stone, and I came away from it wondering why I even bothered to glance at the article in the first place. Perhaps for the same reason people watch the Kardashians fight with each other and follow the exploits of 18-year-old Justin Bieber as he walks into another glass door. Media has brainwashed us to believe that we need to know the latest celebrity gossip – if not because it allows us to dream big and actually consider what it would be like to be them, then as a distraction to our own boring lives. Unfortunately, it’s a con game that we’ve fallen prey to, believing that life truly is just about “winning.” Tell that to the corporations that are pulling out the stops to buy out all of the competition, in a climate that rewards monopolies and throws established family businesses to the gutter. Tell that to our two major political parties locked in a game of winner take all, in a climate in which money, not principles of honestly, loyalty and and values, ultimately decides who leads the pack. And tell that to the entertainers and professional athletes who are paid more for one hour of work than most of us earn in a year; meanwhile, our middle-class, publicsector workers drown in debt while teaching our children, putting out fires and policing our streets. Unfortunately, Charlie Sheen was right. At the levels of control, it is all about winning. The saddest part is that this is what our children are inheriting from their leaders, and this is what they are emulating. Just ask the lanky teenager shooting hoops in the park under the hot July sun what he wants out of life. Or ask the junior high girl standing in front of the mirror, holding a plastic microphone, singing into her karaoke machine. They want to be rich. During the past 11 years, American Idol has auditioned nearly one million people who wanted to become the country’s next big star. They want fame. They want an entourage – or at least to be part of one. We’ve nearly reached the point of no return – and I’m not talking about climate change and the campaign to discredit science as it warns us about impending doom. I’m talking about the precipice that looms in front of us, the one young children are falling from as they abandon the discipline of learning so they have more time to text their friends. I’m talking about the cliff adults are falling from as they work harder and harder only to find themselves falling further behind. There is a world of hurt out there, and a lot of pain. It’s time for the true leaders and healers to step out of the shadows and remind us that there is a way out. a
Tim Miejan is editor of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or editor@ edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
July 2012 edge magazine
featu r e d topics WE INVITE YOU TO WRITE August: My Struggle with Fear: Share your experience (due July 7) September: The New Me: Reports from the Transformation: Share your experiences (due August 7)
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ON your experience of living your life The Edge seeks experiential writing in 2012. Simply share an experience you’ve had. May your writing be ripe with detail and emotion. Describe how something felt, to you. Share what the experience was like for you, including any magic, inspiration or illumination that resulted from it. Also submit: Press releases on coming events and news. Letters to the editor are accepted. Poetry: Any form and convention, up to 40 lines in length. Send 2 to 3 unpublished poems and a short bio to poetry@ edgemagazine.net. Deadline: 700 words or less by the 7th of each month. Include brief bio and your mailing address. Submit articles: Online at Edgemagazine.net/ submit-articles/ or email to editor@ edgemagazine.net.
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EDGE TALK RADIO SCHEDULE Expanding the Holistic Conversation
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s u bscr i b e
show reminders : join the edge email list at edgemagazine.net/join-our-email-list/ or subscribe at blogtalkradio.com
Tuesday, July 2 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Learning Well” with Carolyn Vinup First Tuesday of each month — Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! Sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. Wednesday, July 3 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Astrology” with D.K. Brainard First Wednesday of each month — The Edge astrology columnist gives us a peek into the future. Discover the larger patterns behind life’s ups and downs. Find out how you can flow with the energy of the weeks ahead. Bring the wisdom of the stars into your life. Thursday, July 5 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Intuitive Living” with Echo Bodine First Thursday of each month — Join noted psychic, healer and teacher Echo Bodine for her one-hour program on living by our intuition. “It’s going to be a mix of everything that I do and teach,” Echo says, “and it will end with a meditation.” Friday, July 7 at 2 p.m. Central “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom First Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupunture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Sunday, July 8 at 7 p.m. Central “On the Edge…of Everything” with SchaOn & Cathy Second Sunday of each month — Join SchaOn and Cathy – as well as a Special Guest – as they talk about the latest news and updates in Holistic Health care, review of Products & Services for your Health & Well-being of the Body, Mind and Soul, vitamins & minerals, talk about conspiracies, or maybe even talk about UFOs, crystal skulls & more! You won’t know exactly what they’re going to be talk about during the 2 hours till you tune in. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea or some milk, ask questions live in the chat room, or even call in live on air to ask us questions and join in on the fun! Thursday, July 12 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel Second Thursday of each month — Animal communicator Mary Stoffel gives insights into the relationships that our animals have with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues. Friday, June 15 at 2 p.m. Central “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom Third Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupunture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Thursday, July 19 @ 6 p.m. Central “Edge Empowering You” with Lori Bestler Third Thursday of each month — Lori Bestler combines the science
Edge Talk Radio seeks a different member of the Holistic Community to guest host “Edge Wisdom” on the Third Wednesday of each month. Call for details. In addition, inquire about hosting your own monthly Edge Talk Radio program by calling Cathryn at 612.710.7720 or Cathy at 763.433.9291. of the mind, motivation and her powerful MindScapes self-hypnosis audios to move people from powerless to powerful in brain, body and spirit for unlimited success and well-being. She is a visionary, Strategic Mind Coach, Hypnotherapist, Success Coach and Motivational Speaker. Lori specializes in empowering entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals with busy minds, stress reduction and weight loss. For more information about Lori or to set up a no-cost consultation, visit her website at www.mindscapesunlimited.com Sunday, July 20 at 11 a.m. Central “Edge Sage Pages” with Harmony Green Third Sunday of each month — The first half of the show are the Pages from the Path, when Harmony offers brief readings concerning Divine Life Purpose. Then, a guest will discuss his or her path and how they came to it and the gifts they are sharing with the world. Harmony hosts Pages from the Path at All about the Journey, her healing center in Minneapolis. Tuesday, July 24 at 6 p.m. Central Edge “Live at the Healing Loft” Fourth Tuesday of each month — This show comes to you live from The Healing Loft wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis with hosts Intuitive Medium/Energetic Empathy Healer Duncan Metzger and Dr. Katie Fahnel, D.C. Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor. This show provides information about integrative medicine and healing to help you make wiser choices in your health and well-being. Wednesday, July 25 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Fourth Wednesday of each month — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. Visit the Edge Happenings events calendar here. For more information on how to include your events in Edge magazine, call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email her. Thursday, July 26 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11 Fourth Thursday of each month — Twin Cities Psychic Medium and Author Deborah Lynn11 helps you discover why and what it is you are working on in your life on Earth. Learn how to manifest your life on Earth as it is in your heaven. And free mini-readings for those who call in.
Transformation to love, freedom & self-mastery
Armitage presents Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (MDH) by Mary Beth Curry hamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (MDH) is a system of high-frequency energies that activate and expand conscious awareness and accelerate personal growth. Through Shamballa MDH, you can release your old emotional patterns and beliefs, and replace them with love without conditions and freedom. This exchange can activate a journey of reclaiming your true self, while embracing a life of joy, harmony, peace, self-mastery and love. Shamballa MDH gives you tools to step into your power and create the magnificent life you long to live. You can learn to love yourself while remembering – and allowing – your innate knowingness of your connection with Mother/Father God and all of creation. The energies of Shamballa are passed through activations, which were brought in during the mid-1990s by Englishman John Armitage, also known as Hari Das Baba. These activations were delivered directly to him by Multi-Dimensional Master Germain, who works closely with each student. Besides being the founder of Shamballa MDH, John Armitage is a world-renowned homeopathic doctor, as well as a master, teacher and facilitator of various ancient esoteric healing arts, including crystals, vibrational healing, and gem and flower essences. He has been an open channel since childhood, having the ability to both see and traverse multi-dimensionally. He has initiated many projects to assist in the anchoring of light and love on planet earth. John Armitage will be present at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul on July 17 to offer activations into the Shamballa MDH energies. Participants will experience the Shamballa MDH method of personal transformation. To say John will “explain” Shamballa falls short. It is more accurate to say John IS the frequency of Shamballa. He lives it. You will receive a lightning bolt of love, freedom and self-mastery to catapult you into stepping into your own power and knowing. The following are the Shamballa MDH classes: • Basic Master Healer: In this two-day workshop, you receive a basic introduction to energy healing. The focus is on releasing old emotional patterning, accepting yourself as a divine creative being, and welcoming the energies of Shamballa — of love and freedom. As you replace the old energies with the welcoming Shamballa energies, you experience healing and connect with your Divine
John Armitage
John Armitage’s “Taste of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing” appearance will be from 6:30-9 p.m. Tuesday, July 17, at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, in Room G-1. $15 in advance to Mary Beth Curry, P.O. Box 6962, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Info: email mbcurry516@gmail.com or call 651.788.2459.
Source. You may then use these energies to continue to facilitate healing for yourself and others at any time. • 13 Dimensions Master Healer: This fourday workshop provides initiations into the 12 dimensions of Shamballa energies, plus a 13th initiation, which opens you to further activations as they become available to humanity. You work with each level to ground the energy. Experiencing and embodying these energies and the accompanying clearings and meditations will truly facilitate your stepping into your own mastery. Though there is no pre-requisite to this class, it is possible that persons who have had some experience with energy work or who have taken the Shamballa Basic Master Healer class might integrate this workshop with greater ease. Upon completion of Shamballa MDH courses, one is certified and registered by the Shamballa School of Esoteric Sciences and receives an official certificate. A schedule of upcoming course offerings by local teachers over the coming months will be made available at the introductory evening and people may sign up. John’s message has always been “to be the love that you are, to stand in your own power, and to use that power in love.” He invites you to consider that perhaps now is the time for your transformation. a [Please note: Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing will be changed to Personal Transformation for the New Paradigm with the Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (MDH) Method.] Mary Beth Curry has been a student and teacher of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing since 2007. Her 20-year career was in public policy, government relations and law. She also is a certified meditation teacher and has a background in: Flower Essence Balancing, Circles of One Earth Healing, ACCESS Consciousness, and sacred geometry using crystals. Contact her at mbcurry516@gmail.com and 651.788.2459. For more info on the local Shamballa community, visit www. mnmdh.com. On John Armitage: www.theshamballamdh.com, www. shamballa-americas.org, www.shamballafoundation.org, and www. worldpujas.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
July 2012 edge magazine
Healing Your
Home Feng Shui & Harmonics
by Carole Hyder hat does a Feng Shui teacher from Minnesota and a Grammy-winning producer and musician from Los Angeles have in common? Sometimes it’s just one person who, seeing the possibilities from two separate directions, puts them together into an otherwise impossible merger. Sometimes it takes a whole series of synchronistic events and decisions, some even from childhood, in order to create the fertilized moment when everything can align. What results is a life-work that would never have happened had we skipped even one step in our process – even the step that occurred when I was about 7 years old. The most important component in all this is the end product of this mélange of circumstantial occurrences. Tracing it back to its roots is fun, intriguing and sometimes downright awesome, but the outcome is what remains of all of this. The outcome of my connection to musician Jeff Bova is the “Healing Your Home” project. Of late, my Feng Shui message has been about the conscious energy found within all spaces. Any constructed place, whether home or office, business or cabin, has a conscious energy that is not only sensitive to the occupants’ reality but will interact and respond, if only asked. My latest book, Conversations with Your Home, speaks directly to this concept. It doesn’t focus just on talking to your home or making changes to your space, but rather the emphasis is on a dialogue with your home, using your space in a cooperative and collaborative way. As I was just beginning to ask about whether anyone had composed music to align the harmonics of a space, Jeff shows up. What has happened for the last twoand-a-half years is the result of my starting piano lessons when I was close to 7 years old, my intensive musical training through college, Jeff’s experience with Celine Dion, Cindi Lauper, Lionel Richie and more, his efforts
Jeff Bova & Carole Hyder will present the “Healing Your Home” event at Normandale Community College from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 14. Go to Carolehyder.com/healing-your-home/ for more information and to listen to an excerpt of the music for Water and for Fire. Register at normandale.augusoft.net. The first 99 registrants will receive a free 25-minute download version of the Healing Your Home CD. Full-length CDs will be available at the workshop-concert.
composing biofeedback music, my background in Feng Shui, Jeff’s corresponding interest in Feng Shui, and our mutual friend Lisa Zimmerman. It took more than a village — it took a couple of life-times — to make this emerge. But the end result combines the 5 Chinese Elements with science, creating the “Healing Your Home” project. The 5 Chinese Elements
A major factor in Chinese ideology is the concept of the 5 Elements. Although eventually adapted to correspond to compass directions, the Element system originated as the delineation of the conditions needed to support their agrarian society. The following Elements (excluding Air, which was considered an obvious requirement and need not be mentioned) were: Water, Wood, Earth, Fire and Metal. Wood represented the crops or plants. Water was needed to assure the growth of the plants; Earth was needed to nurture and support the growth of the plants. The ash from the Fire was used to enrich the soil; Metal tools were required to hoe, trim and rake the plants. A successful crop required the use of all 5 Elements. Over time the Element system evolved and expanded in its usage. It integrated into a hierarchical relationship between each of the Elements: Water helped Wood to grow; Wood stoked up the Fire; Fire enriched the Earth; Earth produced Metals; and Metal produced Water in the form of condensation. Today, the Elements typically manifest themselves in three ways: through
shape, color, and its own substance: Water...wavy, water-y lines...black or navy blue...water features Wood...column shape...green or blue... plants, trees or flowers Fire...triangular shape...red...candles or fireplace Earth...square...yellow, tan or brown... sand, ceramic, porcelain, earth Metal...round or arched...white or offwhite...copper, brass, silver
Of course, now because of “Healing Your Home,” the Elements can be expressed in yet another way — musically. What is Cymatics?
From the Greek philosopher Pythagoras to the 8th century German scientist Ernst Chladni to a Swiss scientist of the 1960s, Dr. Hans Jenny, over this long trajectory of time they all proved that sound does affect matter. This phenomenon was called cymatics originating from the Greek word kyma, which means “wave,” to describe the study of wave phenomena. Dr. Jenny, in particular, experimented with sand, fluids, and powders placed on metal plates. When subjected to sound, the material formed into intricate and beautiful patterns. This work was made highly visible in most recent years by Dr. Matsuro Emoto who showed how the molecules of water changed when subjected to music, written words, and even concentrated thought. Matter is indeed influenced and changed by energy.
Healing Your Home
The result of this interface between Jeff, me, the 5 Elements, acoustical considerations and vibratory influences has resulted in the “Healing Your Home” project. The CD is intended to be an experience for your home (or office). It can certainly impact the occupants but the foremost focus is aligning the spatial components; the by-product is the alignment the occupants will receive as a result. The CD can be played for your space with or without you. Put it on in the morning before leaving for the day and let it do its work while you’re gone. You will return to a home that has been balanced and cleared. How could you not benefit from that? Jeff and I will be introducing this concept in a 4-hour workshop-concert at Normandale Community College. During this time, participants will determine and create the matrix of the auditorium and, more importantly, where they belong in that matrix. They will see what happens when the matrix changes and whether they still belong. Or whether they still belong in the same spot or if it may be appropriate to change their place in the grand scheme. Determining where they most strongly “belong” and resonate in the space opens them to recognizing where this spot occurs in their own home or office, as well as understanding
why it may be appropriate to change it, temporarily or permanently. Participants of the “Healing Your Home” event will also select and integrate one of the 5 Chinese Elements, the structure upon which the CD is built. By embodying this Element, each person will understand it in a deeper way and see it in context to the others. All participants will be part of creating a symphonic container for the 5 Elements, learning to understand them in a completely different way. The culminating point of the “Healing Your Home” event occurs when space, vibration and Feng Shui merge into a musical statement. A 25-minute version of the CD will be played with live accompaniment by both Jeff and me. Superimposing each person’s individual intentions for their home and aligning with its own matrix, everyone will return home to find it has arrived at a balanced place — the ultimate conversation to have with your home. a Carole J. Hyder, an international Feng Shui expert, has been actively promoting the power of Feng Shui since 1992. She has produced two DVDs and authored three books on the topic, her most recent book titled Conversations with Your Home. She is the founder and lead faculty of the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui, a nationally recognized and state certified school. Visit www.carolehyder.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Inner Transformation for Global Change: WomanWell OFFERs 2-year program in September WomanWell, a place for spirituality and healing in St. Paul, will again offer its two-year Spiritual Direction / Leadership program, “Inner Transformation for Global Change.” The program is open to a limited number of women and men who wish to join a transformative learning community and experience the wisdom of various spiritual traditions in the context of the evolutionary story. Earning a certificate in Spiritual Direction is an optional — but reputable — part of this program. Students learn to foster relationships through deep listening and authentic speaking and apply creative models of leadership to their life and work. “We create a supportive spiritual community through sacred circle,” says Delmarie Gibney, one of the program’s facilitators. “Students are here to awaken to the oneness of all creation and identify with the Divine Presence, within and without.” Applications are due on August 1, and the program begins in September. Classes meet five weekends annually with an additional five Saturdays required during the second year for those seeking a certificate in Spiritual Direction. Inner Transformation for Global Change requires reading, journaling and spiritual practice between sessions. WomanWell is located at 1784 Lacrosse Ave., at White Bear Avenue north of Minnehaha Avenue East in St. Paul. More information can be found at womanwell.org or by emailing seeking@womanwell. org. a
EDGE networking: SHARE HOLISTIC EXPERIENCES JULY 12 The Edge invites you to its monthly Networking Event where professionals and the public explore the holistic diversity of the Twin Cities community. On Thursday, July 12, the gathering will be from 7-9 p.m. at Nature’s Wisdom, 2516 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis. Jean O’Hern, N.D, will talk about the causes of disease, ways to overcome stress and groundbreaking treatments with the use of the higher brain, the Acuscope, vitamins and supplements. Each person at the event will get approximately 2 minutes to introduce what they do and who they are. Participants will have time to mingle after the speaker. The event is free to all. a
July 2012 edge magazine
Escape the prison of negative programming Have a busy brain that is overwhelmed more than you’d like? You can de-stress. by Lori Bestler ’ve often said, and I very often hear my clients say, “I have too much to do! I can’t do it all!” Think about the feelings those two statements project, not to mention the negative message. How motivating is that? Bottom line, you’ve failed before you even started and you might as well lock yourself up for life, because “I can’t” statements do just that. Certain thoughts and beliefs are just like a life sentence with no retrial. Refuse to say “I can’t” and replace the statement with, “Maybe I can!” Many people think they’re the only one who is experiencing problems. They think they’re all alone. They often think there is something “wrong with them” or that “nobody cares” about them. They often are afraid to allow others to see who they really are, because if they did, they would not be liked, or they would be an outcast. This is “The Big Lie.” At the root of most conflict, most illness, most personal and environmental destruction, even social injustice, is the manifestation of the mindset that you are unable to do what you want to do because there is something wrong with you or with others. Thinking that we are separate from each other, we focus inward, and the self sets up standards of who we should be and who we are not – seldom who we really are and what we “can do.” And then when we fall short, being afraid to be who we really are, the shame, guilt, sometimes blame and problematic thinking takes shape. This ill-shaped and, at times, unforgiving attitude can shatter the spirit and stifle even the most talented of individuals. You are not your thoughts. However, you become the thoughts that you focus on and give your emotional attention to. That is why thoughts become your reality, and rule your life. Make sure your reality is the one you want.
Appreciating life
For most people, life is full of so much to do that they wonder if they are even enjoying their experiences to appreciate
life. Many people I know, who are either entrepreneurs, business owners or ambitious professionals, are chasing around from one obligation to another with a ton of responsibilities they imagine they “have to” do. This overloads a busy brain already in overdrive, overwhelmed with self-doubt, thinking there is never enough time to get everything done. Then the shaping of negative self-talk begins. Before you know it you’re feeling bad and incapable all the time. Certainly there is good reason for feeling this way, having to take care of a home, run a business or manage a career, and care for children, grand kids or elderly parents each week. Making time for a social life or personal interests can seem impossible. And how on earth is a person supposed to pay attention to stress reduction, healthy eating or exercising when you barely have time to sleep? It’s easy to see how things can pile up, especially if you have a busy mind that keeps on creating, thinking, going! Eventually, you can feel like a stressed-
out slave to your desires. People can be prisoners of their own concepts, choices and ideas. We’re all prisoners, in one way or another; whether it’s self-sabotaging habits like craving addictive drugs, food, sugar, alcohol, money, power, technology, religion, and anything else that can hold you captive in its temptations, lies and false promises. Whether we admit it or not, we all need to be set free from the things that trap us! That is the battle that stands before all of us. Our giftedness
From childhood to our teenage years, when we trust that what other people say is true, we seek an emotional outlet from feeling bad. Sometimes parents deemed us lazy, or teachers told us we are not smart, and our peers maybe rejected us for not fitting in or measuring up. We spend so much time trying to be accepted, to please, to be successful, that we become stuck in a rut as enoughaholics and should-aholics. We never quite got to know our true self. We never
allowed our self to understand and accept our deep inner desires and authenticity. Sometimes it takes us many years before we realize how unique and gifted we truly are. An African proverb states that “It’s not what you call me but what I answer to that matters.” There are no limitations of the self other than those you believe in. Yet, the more you worry about all the tasks and feel overwhelmed, the worse it gets. And then you want to run or just become paralyzed, right? And worse yet, you can get sick like I did years ago. I was losing my vision, driving off the road because stress was causing my equilibrium to be off. Some days I struggled to get up out of bed, exhausted before I even did a thing. Self-sabotage cycle
The biggest problem with a busy brain is that all the tasks are shouting, “Pick me, Pick me,” and they are all demanding our attention at the same time. This is a cycle for some; anxiety leads to depression, to fears, to a lack of confidence and selfesteem, to being unproductive, and that leads to a life that is no longer fulfilling. And before you know it, you’re consumed with negative programming that I call “stinkin’ thinkin” and the self-sabotaging self-talk sucks the energy and motivation right out of you. It’s no wonder people with busy minds are distracted, tired and overwhelmed. Their thoughts have developed into a destructive pattern, a prison, and they have no idea that it has happened; most are clueless of the extent to which it rules their beliefs and affects their body and behavior. If you’re in this stressed-out rut, you might need help beyond this one tip, yet I’m sure it will still be a beneficial place to start. “Things that matter most, must never be at the mercy of things that matter the least.” ~ Goethe Just because it’s a good idea, it doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to take action on. Ideas, innovation and dreaming are limitless. Yet, if you have too many broad exciting goals, few goals ever get fully completed and your potential is choked out of your plans. Know your priorities, your dreams and desires, and do all you can to assure that what you really, really, really want, becomes a reality. You can leave life to chance or direct it in a methodical method toward the pathway of your highest self and ideals. All you need to do is pick one goal and take one step at a time. Soon, and maybe sooner than you think, you will be living a life you truly love. As Lao-tzu, the 6th Century B.C. Chinese philosopher, famously said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” a Listen to “Edge Empowering You” hosted by Lori Bestler at 6 p.m. Central on the third Thursday of each month, July 19, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to BlogTalkRadio.com/edgemagazine. Listen to all archives at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. Lori Bestler runs MindScapes UnLimited Hypnosis and Coaching Center in Lino Lakes MN. Lori is a hypnotherapist, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, life and business coach, and national award winning motivational speaker. She has helped thousands of individuals break through barriers to remove limiting beliefs and deal with habits and behaviors that hold them back from realizing unlimited success and well-being. Contact Lori about her programs or free consultations at 651.464.9034 or go to www.mindscapesunlimited.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
July 2012 edge magazine
HEALING WITHIN Cancer: the Dis-ingenuous Disease
Healing with Spirit by Cheryl Hiltibran elieving it takes a village to heal a person, I activated another support system: an energy / spiritual healer to clear my dis-ease all the way to its genesis. As I pondered who could walk me through this portion of my journey, no specific person came to mind, nor did I receive inner affirmation: “This one!” I asked for Divine guidance, “What do I want from this energy healer; who might it be?” and I heard, “Indigenous,” though initially I thought “Native American.” It took asking a couple of friends before I found her — she’s Mexican and I knew even before we talked she would help me. At a mini expo where we were both exhibitors, a friend led me into her massage room. Our eyes met, then her eyes shifted to the exact location of the tumor; I knew she knew why I was there. I indicated I wanted the healing to go to the core of the cancer; early childhood trauma can be a factor in cancer even if it shows up later in life as mine had. During our conversation she intuited my childhood originating trauma. She said we would need three healing sessions.
Releasing emotional pain
My insides reeled, my knees buckled. I asked myself, “Am I ready? Can I do this? Do I want to?” Big breath in, huge sigh — I committed. Some part of me knew this meant releasing long-repressed emotional pain. We scheduled the first session; the other two followed two weeks apart. Going to my first session with Claudia Epyolotzin, my radar was up; I was asking on all levels of consciousness, “Will I be safe? What will happen? Great Spirit, help me clear the past and embrace healing.” Immediately cocooned
Fifth in a series of articles as we journey with one woman as she overcomes breast cancer
in her healing space, I felt safe, nurtured, ready for the healing energies to flow to me, in me, through me. I lay upon Claudia’s massage table; the journey began. It’s said somewhere that spiritual illness can manifest in the body as illness, but that human illness cannot and does not compromise the Spirit. I wondered, is the genesis of my
tumor Spirit or Human? As she lightly touched the inner edges of my brows, I prayed thankfully that I was lying down; had I been standing, I might have fainted. Pain — emotional pain — seared through my body. Feeling safe enough to let my guard down, the tears flowed. I was grateful that she, the space, and the spirits she had called upon for assistance, were holding me in loving support. My childhood trauma took on a different significance; I had erroneously taken on guilt and the belief that I was the problem. As Claudia moved her attention to different body areas, new pain and grief came to the surface, released and transformed. It was so visceral that it’s hard to describe. Afterward, I received nurturing tea. Claudia said that although she had a plan, the process had to follow the energy. She acknowledged it was both a deep emotional cleansing and a spiritual healing. That still baffles me; my head cannot wrap itself around it, yet, I know it is true. Claudia had me select four Bach Flower Essences and prepared them for me to take drops two to three times a day
What’s in your bathroom closet? by Sarah Johnson
hampoo. Toothpaste. Deodorant. Lotion. Everyone uses these products as part of their daily grooming ritual. But have you ever flipped over the bottles and tried to decipher the ingredients listed in most personal care items? They can read like a foreign language: Propylparaben (lotion). Sodium lauryl sulfate (toothpaste). Methylisothiazolinone (shampoo). While the food industry is beginning to wake up to the dangers of artificial and processed ingredients found in what we put in our bodies, less attention has been paid to the regulation of what we put on our bodies. Most people incorrectly assume that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates personal care products in much the same way they do our food supply. Unfortunately, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, passed in 1938, does not
authorize or require the FDA to approve ingredients, making these items some of the least regulated on the market today. Companies are independently responsible for the safety of their own products and aren’t required to file any data on their ingredients. As you can probably imagine, this has led to drugstore shelves being filled with merchandise listing carcinogenic and hormone disrupting chemicals in the name of producing it cheaper and making it last longer. Parabens, a common ingredient found in many cosmetics and lotions, can mimic estrogen in a woman’s body and disrupt hormonal levels. Some hide under technical sounding names like Quaternium-15, which is essentially a formaldehyde-releasing preservative used in many salons to procure shiny, manageable hair. As the body’s largest organ, the skin absorbs all of these chemicals from what we use on a daily basis.
The United States is significantly behind the rest of the world when it comes to researching and restricting such toxins. While the European Union has banned more than 1,000 chemicals in cosmetics, the FDA prohibits a mere ten. Other products are already outlawed in Japan and Canada. According to a 2007 study from the Environmental Working Group, an American advocacy organization, 98 percent of all products assessed contained one or more ingredients never tested for safety. By now you’re probably asking yourself, “So what can a consumer do?” Minnesota is home to the Aveda Corporation, founded in 1978 by Horst Rechelbacher, which has long been a
to help me continue releasing residual energy and find a new level of balance. After several days, the grief cleared; a greater level of peace began to surface. FOllow the spirit guidance
During the second healing, I relaxed, semiconscious. The emotional pain was gone; now I was being “reconfigured” on a cellular level. Afterwards, Claudia shared again that she had to follow the Spirit guidance, inventing the healing prayers and actions as she went. It was very powerful, in a different way. The Bach Flower Essences that I chose contained both familiar and new ones. The third healing was a powerful acknowledgment of movement along my path. This time Claudia had meditated on the healing, was ready for me, and just before I got there, created a new song to use. I was delighted; I knew this would be good! I sat with my feet in warm water, energy flowing through me, around me, and into the wash basin. Energy is life — movement — and like water, it’s important to let it move on. Stagnant, congested energy washed from my body. Let the river wash me clean and refill me with vibrant energy! I had arrived at a new place and was ready to discover it. More Bach Flower Essences, familiar and new ones. Claudia said, “Cheryl, you are brave. You completed all three sessions. Many people come to the first session and never return. Despite the painfulness of your first session, you came back and it was better. You stayed with it. Your energy is lighter, your emotional state is much better.” I agree — for me, all three were necessary;
leader in organic personal care products made from natural ingredients. They have offered sulfate-free shampoo (often listed as sodium lauryl sulfate, a skin irritant), since 1996 and stopped using parabens more than two years ago. Whole Foods Market developed a “premium body care seal” to designate items free of synthetic colors, preservatives and fragrances. Even mainstream retailers like Target now carry many alternatives to slathering your body with toxins throughout the day. However, these purchases still require some detective work on the part of the consumer -- like our food supply, the term “natural” is only a marketing term that isn’t regulated by the government, rendering it essentially meaningless.
it felt right and nurturing. As with all healing, the true healing happens after the body is cleared. It can now sustain itself in a healthier way spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically, restoring the body’s ability to regenerate itself. A journey through cancer is difficult; it’s hard to deal with my own concerns. It is frustrating to deal with loved ones who are afraid and want me to follow the traditional way. However, my path has never been the worn trail; mine is about cutting a new path. As my Spiritual Guides said to me not so long ago when I was bemoaning the difficulty of being continually in the “unknown,” “You agreed to be a pioneer! We did not say it would be easy.” They are right. I’m very grateful Claudia’s on my healing team. She’s a trained psychologist who studied and practiced in Mexico, Switzerland and now in Minnesota. Her current practice is Azteca Massage [www.aztecamassage.com]. She’s a wise, talented healer and now my friend. She joins me on this journey along with the other healers (see Edge Magazine, April and May editions). a Listen to Edge contributor Cheryl Hiltibran describe her journey on the archived Edge Talk Radio program “Innerviews” with Cathryn Taylor by clicking here: http://tiny.cc/az5ucw Cheryl Hiltibran is a life coach, natural intuit and healer who assists others in being fully integrated and aligned. Clients claim they are more true to themselves after working with her. Check out her blog at beinggenius.com. She can be reached at cheryl@goinggenius.com or 952.486.1298. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
You can also make your own beauty products using common household items like olive oil, eggs and avocados. And homemade bath salts with natural fragrances make great gifts! Many Twin Cities area co-ops or local community education programs offer classes in making personal care products. Lastly, you can contact your elected officials and urge them to support legislation to tighten up regulation on this industry. The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 would overhaul the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and give the FDA recall authority, phase out ingredients linked to health risks and require full disclosure in product labeling. The introduction of such legislation, in addition to the second look many consumers are giving to products they repeatedly use every day, provides hope for the future of our personal care regimen. Here’s to our changing times! a Sarah Johnson is a proud member of her local co-op who has written on health and nutrition topics for websites including Simple, Good and Tasty and The Mix: A Twin Cities Natural Food Co-ops Publication. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
July 2012 edge magazine
ON 2012
Riding The Wave Supporting our collective ability to hold on and let go in this time of great change
by Moriah Marston & the Tibetan t is 2012 and we are still here! Has anything truly changed? The place to look for breakthroughs is inwardly as we wait with baited breath for something extraordinary to happen. Some of us expect the worst…annihilation of our world. Others assume that no breakthrough will occur — there will be no cosmic day and we will only round the bend into the dead end of the human condition. Let us notice that the air is pregnant, almost palpable, with the Presence of the New. Truly we are all waiting in anticipation, unable to ignore the sensation of a mighty Force Field that is wrapping itself around us and squeezing our soul pain to the surface where it can no longer be denied and dismissed. When flooded with this gift of disillusionment — an unburdening of imprisoning illusion — we may momentarily be overcome by a sense of failure. To survive this onslaught of cleansing, we must be flexible with our outer life as we bring all of our attention to the internal world that holds such mystery enfolded in strange pockets of blockage — frustrating stoppage points.
We are called to remember that the Force is building inside — the soul is truly being attended to as it cooks within the alchemical heat of today’s acceleration. Regardless of the limbo suspension we share in this profound moment before birth, let us trust the alchemy and use our detective’s magnifying glass to observe the profound nuances of fundamental change as we travel ever more deeply into our inner reality in search of clues revealed.
Holy Molé
The Tibetan joins in with: “The student needs to both hold on and let go simultaneously. This is the nature of the times. All are undergoing a rapid realization process that instantaneously demands a shedding of the old perceptional framework. There is a constant unrelenting exposure to the truth hidden behind the veils of illusion and false beliefs. “The student can only prepare with an attitude of flexibility, optimism, good faith and openness. Be the adventurer who surfs the mighty ocean waves — alert, relaxed and yielding to the momentum of the water beneath while holding integrity of structure — a focal point of the embodiment of purpose. “The holding on is the careful and committed cultivation of a far memory which recognizes that now is the moment of the birth of humankind’s Age of Magnitude and Liberation. What a task – what an honor – what a quest – what great Love has brought this Day!” a Moriah Marston is an author, metaphysical teacher, and founder of the School of the Golden Discs, a center for expanding consciousness. A gifted channel for Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan, Moriah masterfully integrates his profound teachings into the school’s transformative classes, phone groups and seminars. Also, as a soul-based psychotherapist to individuals, couples and groups since 1983, specializing in phone sessions, Moriah applies a multi-dimensional approach to transformation and healing in concert with her intuitive link to the Tibetan’s cosmic perspective. Her books include Making the Shift: Field Guide to the Emerging Consciousness, Earth School: A Fresh Perspective on the Human Condition and Soul Searching with Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan. Visit www. transformationaltimes.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
is brought to you by Harmony Green, Intuitive Healer, owner of All about the Journey…a healing center, located at 5352½ Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, 612.354.2149, www.allowharmony.com | cartoon: Facebook.com/Holymolecartoon
Star Wisdom July 2012
by DK Brainard
strong emphasis on the cardinal signs pushes us hard in July towards personal and global evolution. We might actually be grateful for the Leo Mercury Retrograde that starts July 14, forcing us to slow down and focus on what feels good. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…With your ruling planet Mars moving into your relationship house, you finally get a break from some of the drudgery that has so characterized the year thus far. Your challenge now is to know what you want from other people and be willing to fight for that. But you’ve got to fight fair, and that starts with being honest about what you want and what you need. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…With lucky Jupiter joining your ruling planet Venus in your money house, financial inspiration is knocking at your door. Three attitudes that can help you shift into more financial security: be willing to branch out and make money in different ways; get clear on family patterns that tell you that you don’t/can’t have enough; set an efficient schedule and ruthlessly stick to it. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…You are the good luck poster child of the zodiac this month! With Mars and Saturn both inhabiting your 5th House of creativity, it’s essential that you’re channeling your heart/pleasure energy with integrity. Don’t dissipate this sacred gift in chasing after ephemeral pleasures. Create, create, create. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…You’ve just got to be willing to see how your relationship issues flow naturally from the emotional patterns you absorbed in childhood. Seeing your unresolved family patterns playing out in your current relationship(s) is the final puzzle piece that can free up everything else in your life. Resolve to stop making the same mistakes your parents did and be willing to do whatever it takes to step into your own truth. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You make great connections this month with powerful people who can help make your dreams come true. The challenge is to say what you really mean without pushing people beyond what they can handle – think assertiveness, rather than aggression. With Mercury retrograde in your sign after the 14th, you’ll have to practice a little patience. Rest assured everything is still on track! Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…With Mars finally out of your sign, much of the upset and frustration that has been so prevalent this year will dissipate. Mars’ parting gift is a new connection to your personal power; use this power in July to create more self-sufficiency. How to do that? Your stars say it starts by being willing to share your creativity in healing and helpful ways. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Mars finally leaves your 12th House and enters your sign on July 3rd. This puts your warrior energy much more firmly at your disposal. It’s important to recognize what you’re angry about and direct that inner energy into meaningful action! With Venus and Jupiter in your 9th House, your connection to your
Higher Self has never been stronger. Trust your intuitive guidance. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…I hope you’ve exercised due diligence in discovering what you really want out of life with your ruling planet Mars in your house of dreams for the future for the first half of the year. With Mars in your 12th House for all of July, you get to work on the subconscious blocks and beliefs that keep you from truly going for your big dream. Other people want to help you now, so remember you don’t have to go it alone. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Your ruling planet Jupiter moves into your relationship house for the next year, bringing helpful, positive, inspiring people into your field. Mars in your 11th House of colleagues and community is pushing you to make new connections and expand your sphere of influence. This is no time to hide your light under the proverbial bushel! Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…You can’t postpone your quantum leap any longer. With Mars in your career house pushing you to take the next step and Pluto in your sign saying “evolve or die,” the pressure to grow and expand is intense this month. But you know what? You’ve got your mojo working again and things are lining up for you. Deep down, there’s no place or time you’d really rather be than right here, right now. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…There’s a huge connection this month between your creativity and your spirituality. Did you know that a creative practice (writing, painting, playing music, studying astrology or writing computer code) is just as valid a form of meditation as sitting and focusing on inner silence? Finding a spiritual path that’s pleasurable could blow things wide open for you. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…A giant emotional healing is taking place as your ruling planet Jupiter joins Venus in your 4th House. Be willing to experience miracles this month, because life wants to free you from an emotional or family pattern that has kept you from feeling safe and feeling like you belong in this world. a Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, July 4, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to BlogTalkRadio.com/edgemagazine. Listen to all archives at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrol-
oger and certified hypnotherapist who uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. Get in-depth weekly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, plus monthly video forecasts and weekly astrology podcasts at www.wordsforthepeople.com.
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July 2012 edge magazine
Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine next month: Healing Centers » call 763.433.9291 to be included
or millenia, healers have utilized acupuncture, herbs and other forms of Chinese Medicine. Only now, here in the West, are we recognizing the enduring value of these modalities of healing. The following businesses and individuals offer Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in the Upper Midwest…and beyond: The College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Northwestern Health Sciences University, 2501 W. 84th St., Bloomington, MN 55431, 952.888.4777, ext. 409., www.nwhealth.edu – Northwestern offers a Master’s degree in acupuncture and a Master’s degree in Oriental medicine. Both degree programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and emphasize the unified understanding of the mind, body and spirit inherent in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Diamond Stone Oriental Medicine, Inc. at Avenues of Health, Katherine Krumwiede, 2415 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55405, 612.872.9133, katherine@diamondstoneom.com, www. diamondstoneom.com – De-stress, leave your pain behind, and put a smile back on your face after a session with Katherine Krumwiede, a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and gardener whose practice focuses heavily on using nutrition, as well as acupuncture, herbs, flower essences and lifestyle recommendations to bring about optimal health. Fusion LifeSpa, 18142 Minnetonka Blvd., Deephaven, MN 55391, 952.345.33345, www. fusionlifespa.com – Fusion Lifespa offers Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Guasha, Chinese Herbal Supplements and Tui-na Medical Massage, Organic
skin care and waxing, and colon hydrotherapy for those seeking sustainable health and well-being. Carol Hume, 5241 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55410, 612.849.7551, carolhume@comcast.net, carolhume.com – My practice includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary consultations. I have been certified in GAPS Nutritional Protocol (GAPS is short for Gut and Psychology Syndrome) that helps the body heal from a multitude of illnesses. Monthly, I have a dinner in my home where I teach the basics of how to find a way of eating that is truly nourishing. Paulette Lucas, Independent Alphay Member, 320.203.7928, www.myalphay.com/paulettelucas – 5 Elements Products that Support Health and Renew Energy. Lingzhi-based supplements. Coffee that is good – and good for you. Energy products that help relieve stress and discomfort and restore energy. Minnesota Community Acupuncture, Kerri Casey, 5500 Lincoln Dr., Suite 100, Edina, MN 55436, 952.746.3478, reception@minnca.com, www. minnca.com – Minnesota Community Acupuncture providing affordable acupuncture since 2007 on a sliding scale of $15-40. Initial treatment is $25 and then all others covered by the sliding scale. Now at three locations: Edina, Maplewood and West St. Paul. Call or go online for information or to schedule.
COMMUNITY holistic bUSINESS LISTINGS Next month, If you provide a Healing Center in your community, be listed here for only $50. Contact info + 50-word description of what your center offers the community. Order your listing conveniently at Edgemagazine.net. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net. Deadline: July 17. Visit: Community listings online at edgemagazine.net/category/community/
Mongeau Acupuncture LLC, Ann Mongeau, L.Ac., RN, 2150 Third Ave. N., Suite 350, Anoka, MN 55303,763.300.9811, www. nwtwincitiesacupuncture.com – Sliding scale: $15-40 + $10 fee for the first visit. The Natural Path, 8220 Commonwealth Dr., Suite 102, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, 952.941.1919, www. the-naturalpath.com – The Natural Path is a holistic health and wellness center located in Eden Prairie. We offer Electro-Dermal Screening, Digital Thermography, Biofeedback Relaxation, Voice Stress Analysis and Ionic Foot Cleanse, as well as other non-invasive, natural methodologies. Practitioners: David Eide, Traditional Naturopath; Anne Westfall, MA,CHt,PHP Health Practitioner; Cheryl Miller, Certified Thermographer; and Callie Eide, Biofeedback Practitioner, Stress Management Specialist. Red Clover Clinic , Anita Teigen, L.Ac., 2233 N. Hamline Ave, Suite 301, Roseville, MN 55113, 612.308.3597, anita@redcloverclinic.com, www. redcloverclinic.com – Located in Roseville, near Minneapolis and St. Paul, Red Clover Clinic treats patients with a unique blend of acupuncture, botanical medicine and bodywork services. If you suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, depression or other conditions, practitioner Anita Teigen, L.Ac., can help you return to healthy and harmonious well-being.
Sudden hearing loss: the day my life changed by Monique Hammond ntil September 12, 2005, I took my clean, crisp hearing for granted, just like everybody else. That afternoon, however, I went deaf as a post in my left ear over a four-hour period. It was a rather spooky experience; my hearing went into freefall, and there was nothing that I could do to stop it. I had left my house healthy and without a hint that I would return at least partially disabled. A bit later in the evening, an intense vertigo attack made the world spin out of control. I became violently ill and spent the next two days in the hospital. The final verdict was that I had suffered a Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. My whole inner ear had come under siege. The doctors suspected a viral infection complicated by an excessively loud noise exposure the day before the incident. A brief but intense stress reaction on that fateful afternoon might have triggered the sequence of events that brought me to the emergency room. To this day I have a severe left-sided hearing loss in the upper frequencies, or pitches, and I am still plagued by pesky balance issues. I take solace almost daily in the wise words of one of my physicians: “It is amazing what the body can get used to.”
Although I am a hospital pharmacist by profession, I realized early on that my knowledge and understanding about ears and hearing left a lot to be desired. I either did not know enough information or I did not know the right things, which made communicating with my physicians and audiologists a tad tedious. I finally decided that if I wanted to put the puzzle together, I had to study up myself, starting with the basics. Time passed and flyers, books, papers and articles accumulated. Eventually I became fascinated with the condition that had sidelined me. The initial endeavor of tracking whatever happened that day and why turned into a comprehensive research project. At some point, it struck me that nobody else would ever benefit from the effort, which would be a waste. After all, information is for sharing, for easing the way for others. In the end, I decided to tell my story and to pass forward what I learned from the experience in a book entitled What Did You Say? An Unexpected Journey into the World of Hearing Loss. It has been a long road paved with fears and tears, revelations, and amazement. When I lay in my hospital bed back in 2005, half-deaf, worn out and limp like a noodle, I did not realize that the episode would become a life-changer
Our featured topics in 2012 relate to your experience…how you felt, what you learned…the ah-ha’s, the magic, the growth and how it changed your life. This month: From the Mystic: Experiences I’ll Never Forget. Next month: My Struggle with Fear (submit by July 7) and eventually a career-ender. It took close to two years for me to accept that I had been pushed across the threshold into the world of hearing loss to which I now belong forever as a hard-of-hearing person. My life was guided onto a totally different track, and somewhere along the way, I acquired a new life mission and passion, namely hearing loss. And that is good. The number of people with hearing issues is on the rise, most alarmingly among younger people, and a lot of important work has to be done, especially in the area of hearing loss prevention. Am I up to the challenge? Who knows? I don’t know what this next test and adventure will bring, but I am willing to give it my all. a Monique Hammond is a registered pharmacist who was born and raised in Luxembourg. In the fall 2005, she went totally deaf in her left ear, and she shares her experience in the book, What Did You Say? An unexpected Journey into the World of Hearing Loss. Monique is vicepresident of the Twin Cities chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America. She recently completed two terms as a governor-appointed commissioner for the Commission of Deaf, Deafblind and Hard-of-Hearing Minnesotans. Contact her at whatdidyousaybook@yahoo.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Any Weekend: Reiki I & II Classes • Reiki Healing Sessions
J Reiki by Miejan Contact Rachel to experience her transformational services: Receiving and training in Reiki leads you on the path for evolving in every energy level of your life, physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. Rachel Miejan Namasté Reiki channel since 1985 rachel.miejan@gmail.com
ReikibyMiejan.com July 2012 edge magazine
Saint Francis appears: Lessons from my life as a mystic by Saren Lightsong ighteen. Assisi, Italy. At the cathedral where St. Francis once knelt in prayer. Alone, the chill of the stone walls cool in the calm, quiet air. Open hearts throughout the centuries make wings for mine. St. Francis appears. Eyes smiling, he says simply, “Humility is knowing you will be seen, and doing it anyhow.” The scent of sweet blossoms fills my being, a bouquet of instructions. I am in a room amongst the stars, with walls I can gaze through losing myself in an utterly calm universe. There are rows and rows of file cabinets here in this starlit room. St. Francis says gently, “When your hands tingle, hold them palm up, recite this simple prayer, then open a file drawer and read the glowing page before you. Follow its instructions.” We practice together. Leaving Assisi, our next stop is Pompeii on a wet and slippery day. Walking up a hill I see a small cluster of tourists gathering around an elder woman who is part of my travel group. She lies muddy on the ground. Palms tingling, I stop where I am. I follow my instructions; turning palms upward, reciting my simple prayer, effortlessly finding the proper file drawer in the stars. I watch my instructions play out on the glowing page. Shuddering at the idea of all these strangers passing judgment on what I am about to do, I let St. Francis’ rich voice remind me to be humble. With a deep breath, and a quick eye roll to heaven, I step right into the center of the circle, plopping down cross-legged by my travel companion. Placing my
hands on her head as I had been shown, I watch the blood and rain pour from her temple making sticky trails in her hair. “She slipped on the wet stones and hit her head there,” says a woman in the crowd, pointing to a low wall. I press the center of my right palm, fiery hot, tight against the gash on her forehead. In moments I take my hand away. I discover that the cut has not just stopped bleeding, it has simply stopped being. There is only a small, neat line where the bleeding wound had been. Someone takes a Band-Aid out of her purse. I ask for a tissue, and gently wipe the blood away. I cover the thin scar with the Band-Aid. I look around from beneath my lashes, afraid the circle of tourists will make some kind of fuss – but they are milling off to continue their own explorations now. I help my friend to her feet, and steady her on the slick cobble stones as we head back to the bus.
I’ll never forget the day my life was changed by Kimberly Wencl eptember 20, 2003, was a defining day in my life. In the early morning hours of that Saturday, my daughter Elizabeth and two of her six roommates died of smoke inhalation in their duplex, just blocks from the U of M where they were all beginning their sophomore year.
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Later, tall trees flashing by as we drive a winding narrow road, I see her rubbing her head. My palms begin to tingle. I glance around nervously; sure others can tell, expecting some sort of judgment about this odd new behavior. Next to me my good friend asks, “Are they tingling?” I nod. “Well, say your prayer,” he says, nudging me to turn over my hands. Opening the proper file drawer, I let the glowing page instruct me. I casually walk up the bus aisle and slip into the empty seat behind her. “Can I just hold your head for a second?” I expect her to think me odd, to react in some discouraging way. Instead she says, “Oh, that would be so nice.” Placing my now burning hands as instructed, I feel a powerful flow of searing white energy move from my right palm through her head, to be caught with my left, then cleared, cleaned and drained away. Now her head feels calm to me, cool. She sighs softly. She closes her eyes. I lift my hands and walk back toward my seat. My dad gently tugs on my arm, pulling me down for a hug. “My San Francina” he whispers in my ear. I smile. a Saren Lightsong is a lifelong intuitive healer, providing spiritual direction, holistic counseling, and energy healing. Delighting in her work with those who have done great personal healing and are looking for someone who can take them beyond all that they already know, she specializes in Transformational Kinesiology: a soul-centered healing modality that is sure to get you unstuck! Want to live your Truth with joyful integrity here and now? Call 612.232.7935 for an appointment, write saren@sarenlightsong.com, and peruse her website sarenlightsong.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
That day my life was forever changed. One door was slammed shut in my face and I kicked and screamed and begged God to open it again. And he did…not in the same way of course, but in a way that brought me to re-connection and a new way of embracing and viewing the world and a return to joy. Those first days were fraught with pain and disbelief…but they also brought me overwhelming clues that all was not lost, that Liz and I would find each other again, in new and amazing ways. It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher will follow. This was certainly true in my case. Within two months of my daughter’s passing, I learned of the work of
Unforgettable, unfathomable by Jerry Buchmeier had spoken with many angels and masters across the realms for ten years. They told me that it was my contact with God that was my primary purpose, and that I would gain most from making such contact my primary focus. So I began my “channeling” sessions with prayer to God. In January 1997, I prayed: “Infinite Creator, shining within, sometimes when I think of the levels of beings so beyond me that I already contact, and project the possibly infinite levels of beings beyond them, it seems that your distance from me must be too great, that I am just a speck, of little interest to you, with no direct access, and indirect through so many levels as to only have unreliable, distorted contact. Then I wonder about the sense of this kind of talk, or prayer, or whatever it is. I ask for your help with this confusion. I would like an inner knowing of some kind, for I think I can rationalize around any external event. I am open to wherever you wish to lead me.” This response followed: “Dear son, infinite son, we are one, not only that you are part of me, but that I am part of you, the infinite within the speck, so to speak. Listen to me, for no levels exist between us. We are one in each of these levels, as well as here, in your present consciousness. You have no need to advance in consciousness. It is all here. To open, to recognize, this comes in its proper time, without travail, planning, or effort on your part. Your effort contributes energy, focus, meaning, direction, but not worth or being. All is complete in the now. All is reformulating in the now. All is beautiful in the now. We, all, are one in the now. There is no distance between us, only love looking at itself. Be at peace.” I was awestruck. The infinite (God) within the speck (me). A dot, a point with no dimension, as an entrance to infinity. Thus began my dialogic relationship with God, a God of infinite love, without judgment, ever-present, though not always accessible in awareness or words. I would often open with a prayer, yet get a
response from a finite friend, rather than God. At first my dialogues with God were months apart, then weeks apart, or around special occasions. I would wonder where to direct my attention, to God or to my guides. About a year later clarification came. I asked, “Infinite Creator, dweller within and without, I request communication with you, and I seek to open myself to transformation under your guidance. I ask for help in letting go of my feelings of unworthiness that block my openness to you. I seek confidence in approaching you.” This was the response: “Divine child, look upon me as one who shares all you experience to the infinite depth of your being. Look upon me as one who stays with you through all trials, all celebrations, all times of rest. I and your innermost self are one. “Speak to me then as one who listens more deeply than your consciousness can express, as one who knows more completely than your fulfilled self can appreciate, as one who grows in knowledge and power with every decision that you make, as one who will interact with you at every moment, at every level of your consciousness, through every contact, every stimulation of your consciousness from within or without. I am to you all in all. You are to me the completion of my evolving perfection — an indispensable portion of my infinite existence. I cherish you, as I cherish all. Nothing will stop me from aiding and guiding you in your search for fulfillment and perfection. Let me be with you as mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, child, co-worker. I am here.” I replied, “I’m a bit overwhelmed! It is you that I am in relationship with, and no one, nothing else!” “Yes.” a
Kathryn Harwig. Kathryn helped Liz and me to forge a new connection. She helped to facilitate a peace and return to joy, along with the absolute knowing that my daughter was indeed safe and happy on the other side of the veil. My journey, however, had just begun. I slowly realized that the Universe had a bigger plan in place. It took time and patience, but I began to write about my experiences with my daughter – both while she was here and after she left the physical world. Not only did writing aid in my grief healing, but it also
brought me to the realization that my journey was meant to be shared with others. I had absolutely no idea how this would happen; all I knew was that my task was to write. And write I did. I poured out my heart and soul for a solid month. And when I finished, it felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Two years later, my story was published in True Stories of Messages From Beyond by Julie Aydlott & Friends. As I held that book in my hands for the first time, it was
Jerry Buchmeier is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and channel practicing in Plymouth. You can reach him at jerrybuchmeier@ comcast.net, or www.jerrybuchmeier.com. You can read other articles about Jerry’s mystical experiences at the Edge online, at http:// edgemagazine.net/author/jeromebuchmeier/ Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Daughter continued on page 20 July 2012 edge magazine
EXPERIENCES I’LL NEVER FORGET Daughter continued from page 19 crystal clear that the Universe had been the author – I had been merely a willing participant. I began to realize that the lessons I learned were important and I needed to do more than write about them. I needed to speak them. You must know, however, that I have gone through the majority of my life saying that there were certain things I would never do – and public speaking was at the top of my list. I also felt an intense sense of gratitude to the Universe for giving me the experiences of the past several years – so much so that I was open to putting my fears on the back burner and stepping out in faith to share my story. Once again, I had absolutely no idea how this would happen, but I was confident that, if this was my destiny, the Universe would take care of the details. On April 20, 2007, my opportunity was at hand. I was the speaker at the monthly Intuitive Forum sponsored by Kathryn Harwig. I had practiced for months, and there were many times when I would question my sanity. How can I possibly speak, not only in public, but speak about the most painful experiences of my life? Could I speak with emotion, but without becoming emotional? In truth, I didn’t know. All l knew was that I had prepared myself the best I could and now I needed to let the Universe take over. I followed my gut and it went off without a hitch. It truly felt like an out-of-body experience, and it brought about a huge sense of complete euphoria. I had accomplished the task I had been given and it felt so good! In a strange way, I had even enjoyed it! I have learned so much about myself and the world around me since that painful, life-changing September day. The Universe has a plan for each of us. It can take us into uncharted, scary waters. But we are never alone. All we have to do is pay attention and follow — work hard, and offer yourself up in service to others. You will receive gifts you could never have imagined. It has been almost nine years since that fateful day, and life for me is joyous! I continue to write, speak, and share my journey with anyone who will listen. When the Universe opens your door, do not be afraid. Step forth boldly and you will go on a journey that you never could have imagined. a Kimberly Wencl is a writer and speaker living in southern Minnesota. Visit her website, Love Lives On, at kimwencl.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
The Fog My unexpected visit to the Twilight Zone
by Marika hese days I spend my Friday nights in bed, either nook reading or writing, but ten years ago, I was out clubbing almost every night. Hours of dancing were followed up with a slice of delicious pizza at the Kenmore Pizzapad or with a sandwich wrap from a middleeastern street vendor at the back of Fenway Park. One Friday, I said no to pizza. I really wanted to go home and get some sleep. Driving down the crowded Lansdowne, sweaty, tired people enveloped my car like a herd of wild bull. I waved good bye to friends and headed for my parent’s crib on the south side of Beantown. Invigorated, still going strong at almost three in the morning, I wasn’t tired at all. I was not inebriated, only a little hungry. It was a beautiful summer night. The air was clear and the sky still dark enough for stars. I noticed not many were out. I drove home singing along to Cocteau Twins, window rolled down all the way to allow the warm summer breeze seep in. I remember thinking the highway is exceptionally busy, which was unusual for the hour. I was driving 60 mph. When I was about to go under an overpass, a gray van full of rowdy boys came hurling out of nowhere. I almost ran my car into a wall, reacting in a millisecond. I turned the steering wheel far over to the right, as fast as possible and very forcefully, trying to avoid a collision with the van. There was no breakdown lane to my right, only a stone wall. Somehow, I never hit that wall. Instead, I made a 360-degree turn. I remember seeing bricks, then, when I regained consciousness, I found myself in the center lane, at a complete stop. How did my car stop? How did I get to the center lane? How was I still alive? If I passed out, which I must have, is it possible I made that 360-degree turn myself? My gut feeling kept saying “No.” An image of my grandmother’s sweet smiling face came to mind. Next, I remembered the vehicles to
my left prior to the incident. There were so many cars at my side, behind me, ahead of me. The very idea of them coming immediately prompted me to turn on the engine, rushing forward, before someone hits me from behind. I took my foot off the brake, looked into the rear-view mirror and – I couldn’t believe my eyes! It’s as if a giant invisible arm brushed all the vehicles far behind me, more than a hundred feet! We were separated by a foggy film of air. Where did the fog come from? It was such a beautiful summer night! A chill came over me. I understood what happened, although, none of it made sense to me. I stepped on the gas pedal, slowly moving forward 20, 30, then 40 mph, all the while feeling eyes on me. By this time, the vehicles which were mysteriously moved far behind caught up with me one by one. However, I soon realized I’ve seen them all before. The vehicles passing me by were the same vehicles I had already passed earlier that night. I wasn’t tired at all. I was fully awake; this was no illusion. I didn’t have a drop of alcohol in me. I wasn’t sick, I didn’t hurt my head. I was in the Twilight Zone. The vehicles were the same color, carrying the same people inside as I have seen before. Like any sane person would do, I comforted myself by telling myself that what I’m thinking isn’t true. I said it out loud several times until I was almost convinced nothing at all happened. Sorting my thoughts, I spiraled through emotions and tears filled my eyes in memory of my grandmother. Perhaps, it happened? Maybe, she did save me. I felt uneasy, swallowing hard. Ready to bawl my eyes out, I pulled over to the “breakdown” lane. There, I received the biggest shock of all. The gray van with the rowdy boys swished past me as if for the very first time! They were screaming out the windows, just as before, same drunken frat boy expressions, shouting the same lame words I heard
BELIEF SYSTEMS & HEALING before: “Whooooooohoa, baby, baby, how ya doin’ tonight?” I was frozen in place. It happened. It really happened! I smelled the summer breeze, I heard the boys shouting, I saw the accident take place, I felt my grandmother all around me and I tasted my own tears. I can’t deny it. It was real. My senses told me it all happened. It’s like the proverbial tree. If no one hears it, did it fall? If I had no senses, dismissing what happened to me would be easy. However, I saw, heard, felt, tasted everything. It happened. It was a very scary realization, but in a way, incredible. Is this all we are? Albert Einstein’s “I think, therefore I am” took on a whole other meaning for me. The electrical impulses we call perception of our senses create our reality? I felt like something “out there” didn’t want me to die. Maybe I was meant for something great, something I have yet to achieve. But, who’s watching? a Marika was born in the former Czechoslovakia and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Her father taught her to read and write by age 3, and by age 5 she was fluent in Hungarian, Czech and Latin. By age 8, Marika enrolled in ballet school, studying dance well into her early college years in the U.S., along with martial arts training in karate, kobudo and wushu kung fu. In 1982 her family left then-communist Czechoslovakia for United States, reuniting with relatives who left Hungary in 1956. Marika now resides in Connecticut, working as a voiceover artist, writer and interpreter. Marika’s latest project, Steve Besserman’s Only A Number, made an official selection at six film festivals with one win for best documentary feature. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
ThetaHealing® An attainable miracle for your life by LynMarie hetaHealing® is dimensional healing of the mind, body and spirit, from the past, present and future at one time, quickly and permanently. ThetaHealing® is about connecting to Universal Divine Energy of the Creator of All That is, commanding a healing and witnessing changes and healing taking place. This is done while in the Theta brain wave state. ThetaHealing® is used in connection with the healing of physical conditions, however it has a complete set of tools and techniques to work with all areas in your life. ThetaHealing® works with the conscious mind and unconscious mind. Most things that cause us problems are in the subconscious mind and our belief systems from the past, present or genetic DNA. Our beliefs are held on four different levels – Core Level (this lifetime), Genetic (inherited), Other Lifetimes and Soul level. It is now generally accepted that most physical health problems are related to a belief system that the mind holds. Identifying and changing these beliefs and feelings with ThetaHealing® can remove the underlying cause of an illness or disease. Once these beliefs and emotions have been corrected with ThetaHealing®, it is possible for the illnesses and diseases to heal, in some cases instantly. By removing blocks in the unconscious mind, you can let go of beliefs and thoughts that prevent you from moving forward or living your dream life. For example, someone suffering from lower back pain often has financial worries or beliefs about being unsupported at work. ThetaHealing® acknowledges all comple-
mentary methods of healing, including traditional medicine. With the use of Theta Healing® all other modalities become more effective. It teaches you how to work with the creator with the purest energy without creating more contracts, vows, oaths and karma. This system of healing is simple, and it does not demand anything from you, or that you give up any other teachings. Theta Healing® transcends dogma and goes beyond all religions, yet is accepting of them all. Just as Christ said, “All these things you can do and more,” in ThetaHealing® you will learn that nothing is impossible if you dare to believe. a LynMarie, a certified Basic and Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner and Teacher, leads weekly informational meetings on ThetaHealing on Mondays from 7-9 p.m. Register at www. meetup.com/ThetaHealing-Minnesota/ Lyn Marie is a ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Teacher living in Hugo, MN. She trained at the ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge® in Idaho Falls, ID. She is an intuitive, medium, clairvoyant who is able see, feel and hear of an illness in the body, mind or soul. She also channels the Ascended Master and other beings. Contact her at lynmarie.8@aol.com or 651.210.1989. Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
TWIN CITIES COVERAGE! The Edge is committed to supporting the holistic community by distributing at more than 500 locations in the Twin Cities & Upper Midwest and sharing the full magazine content and advertising online. Support our advertisers today, and consider advertising to support our effort to bring The Edge to you each month. July 2012 edge magazine
Midwest’s largest organic food fest returns to Wisconsin
Andean Shamanism
he ninth annual Kickapoo Country Fair returns to southwestern Wisconsin on July 28, featuring chef Michel Nischan, food policy expert Raj Patel and food safety advocate Andrew Kimbrell. The fair will be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 28, in La Farge, WI, with the cooperative theme of “Everything’s Better Together!” The fair is sponsored by Organic Valley. Internationally renowned food author and activist Raj Patel will headline the event at 1 p.m. Patel is a strong voice for creating a fairer society and sustainable economy, particularly as it relates to food production and consumption. His latest book, The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy, explores our nation’s economic structure and the recent collapse. Andrew Kimbrell will address fairgoers at 2:30 p.m. Founder and executive director of the Center for Food Safety and the International Center for Technology Assessment in Washington, D.C., Kimbrell is one of the country’s leading environmental attorneys and an author of numerous books and articles on environment, technology and society, and food issues. In 2007, Kimbrell was named one of the 50 people most likely to save the planet by The Guardian-U.K. Fair goers will get their Kickapoo Kitchen on with Chef Michel Nischan, sustainable food pioneer, restaurant owner, award-winning cookbook author and PBS celebrity chef, in a hands-on workshop whipping up culinary tastes at 4:30 p.m. in the workshop/demo tent. Other chefs and cookbook authors will lead workshops and teach cooking techniques, such as kitchen herb gardening, vegetable fermentation, soft cheese making, creating a great pork rub and DIY pig butchering. This year’s “Practically Green” tent features a series of lifestyle workshops that provide practical green living ideas and advice fair-goers can implement at home. Admission is $5 for adults, $2 for kids 12 and under, and free for kids five and under. Free food sampling occurs all day long. For those interested in making it a weekend affair, camp or stay the night at one of the local campgrounds, bed & breakfasts or country cabins, then return to the fair grounds for an all-you-can-eat organic breakfast at Organic Valley’s Milky Way Café on Sunday, July 29 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Cost is $8 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and under and free for kids three and under. For more info, visit www.kickapoocountryfair.org, or find the fair on Facebook at www. facebook.com/KickapooCountryFair. a
Last of a two-part series
A Sacred Journey to the Self by Holly Gray Schuck
ndean Shamanism is an experiential, flexible and inclusive system. It has structure but no dogma or rigid rules. Nothing is obligatory. The only rule or law is the sacred art of ainy — the principal of reciprocity, which includes respect for every living thing. Inkas believed in sharing and integrating knowledge, including spiritual knowledge, of all the people they either conquered or incorporated — their preferred method of colonization. The Inkan Empire stretched from Ecuador to Chile, encompassing 12 million people and 20 different languages. The Andean Cosmos has three distinct levels, or planes of existence. Each has its own energetic qualities: • The first plane is the hana pacha or superior world, and is inhabited by extremely refined spiritual energies including Ascended Masters such as Jesus and Mother Mary. • The second level is the kay pacha (pacha means time or earth), our middle world, which we inhabit, (our 3D reality) including all material things, and includes both refined energies (sami) and heavy energies (houcha). In the Andean world, there is no concept of good or evil, only heavy or light energies. • The third plane of existence is the uhku pacha, the interior or underworld, which resides within the earth—(similar to the collective unconscious), and in each person. Andean shaman-priests have never been taught to think like us. They still live in the Dreamtime. They are not focused on cars, houses or material objects. They are more concerned with energy—the infinite varieties of living energies called the Kausay pacha. Every material object has a spirit or an energetic aspect. Mountains, trees, rocks, plants, animals, lakes, cities, homes, all have an energetic consciousness, a bubble of living energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the material world. All of life is made up of sound or frequencies. Every material object has a song that can be sung, a note that can be toned, a frequency of sound and matter. Andean shamanism teaches how to communicate and interact directly with this world of living energies. The Andean Mystery Teachings invite us in to a delightful and seemingly magical world
of mystical experiences. North Americans tend to be very skeptical, believing in something called the stock market, which one cannot touch or feel, yet they dismiss the world of spirit often citing the fact that it is a world one cannot touch or feel. Both worlds however, are made up of a collective energy of beliefs and thoughts. Yet, it is the world of nature or Earth Mother—Pachamama, that gives us everything—our material universe that we can taste, touch, smell and feel. Andean shamanism teaches us about the collective belief system and the power of nature. We deepen our relationship to the Mother that feeds us and provides our clothing and homes. In the shamanic world, imagination, daydreaming, intuition, receptivity and special abilities and sensitivities –the female side of our nature—is honored and honed. This allows things to happen that cannot occur within a patriarchal mindset and world view. There is a love relationship between our bodies and Pachamama. We belong to the land we stand upon and there is a natural and obvious relationship to nature. We have a grounding chord, an invisible line of energy from our bodies to the earth. Yet, if you look at the malls, or an airport, where large numbers of Western people congregate, you can see that there are no lines of energy going from them or their bodies to the earth. When you look at indigenous peoples, or farmers who work the land, they look like they belong on the earth and feel rooted there. Most people remain severed from our Mother the Earth. According to Inkan prophesy, 1993 marked the end and the beginning of a cycle of time, much akin to the Mayan calendar. This turning over of time, or Pachacouti (the turning over of time or Mother) is the first phase of the emergence of a fifth level of consciousness
Healing…by writing
A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe
by Laurie Stinson ince my spiritual awakening almost two years ago, I was told by three mediums to write. “Write in a journal”… “Do some free writing”…“Write your own story”…these were all phrases they shouted out to me, but I didn’t listen — or better yet, I didn’t want to listen. I never saw the benefit and felt it was boring and tedious. One day my friend Judy felt prompted to tell me a story about her friend who had been told to write many times but didn’t listen either. Her friend was injured in a car accident and broke both her ankles. Only then, with no place to go, she started to write. I knew that spirit was speaking to me, and by “coincidence” I picked up a book about writing your own spiritual autobiography from a local bookstore. I sat down and started writing my story — of a childhood of severe abuse and a knowing that I had gifts I couldn’t explain — gifts I thought were demonic in some way. I felt I had the double whammy, and I was terrified all the time. Through my writings, I would get flashes of insight and I began to understand that the gift of knowing wasn’t a curse, but was what saved me from my thoughts of death, depression and suicide that I have had throughout my life. Having psychic experiences led me to believe that God and his angels were perhaps watching over me. It gave me hope to keep going. As my story unfolded before my eyes, I began to look at things differently as a result of all the ironic and poignant times I have had in life. I began to comprehend the lessons I had come here to learn. I became fully aware that I had so much disillusionment in my mind. I marveled at how everything I thought was right was wrong and everything I thought was wrong was right. My breakthrough into who I really am has set me on a course to help others who have experienced abuse. I now see the true beauty and purpose of my life. I thank Judy, Denise and Nadine for not listening to my excuses for not writing and for having their own convictions to convey the message to me over and over again. I urge all of you to start writing. You don’t have to write a book or a manuscript to reap the benefits. Let the words take you wherever they choose, and over time I hope you can see how your higher self, as well as guides, are speaking to you. Write your own positive story of a future happy and full of abundance and love. a
The Loaded Bowl
Laurie Stinson lives in Mounds View, MN, and is a psychic/medium/seer who is currently writing a book entitled, My Soul’s Journey - The Blessings of Abuse. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
among groups of healer/shaman/priests, as the general population of the world begins to attain 4D consciousness. The second phase lasts until the return of the Sapa Inka, a sixth-level priest, or enlightened being of 6th dimensional consciousness, who is to emerge around the year 2012. Those who enjoy working with the earth, living in harmony or ainy, with nature, are participating in a birthing of a new consciousness on Earth, the birth of a new kind of world. Those who desire to co-create a new kind of world and witness the birth of this new consciousness can learn from the high shamanism of the Andes, as this world view includes practical skills to enhance one’s life, and a wonderful world view that as we evolve as humans to a higher level of consciousness, we learn to leave behind fear and
share our cultural gifts and achievements with one another as we care for the earth and for each other. The best way for an Andean shaman/ priest to advance along the Path, is to teach. I must teach all that I know and transmit the initiations of Light to others. This is the principle of ainy. In doing so, I honor all of my teachers, and Pachamama, as well. a Holly Gray Schuck is an initiated 4th level shaman/ priest in the Andean tradition, who now transmits the Rites of Passage called the Munay-Ki. She has trained, since 1989 with South American teachers such as: Don Manuel Quispe, Alberto Villoldo, Americo Yabar and Juan Nunez del Prado of Peru, and for 16 years with Luzclara of Chile, after 10 years training with her North American native teachers. For more information contact Holly at grayhawk1950@yahoo.com or www.sacredjourneys-wi.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
by Maggie Christopher
his dish has everything you need… protein (quinoa and beans), healthy fat (avocado & olive oil), greens (fresh spinach) and an energy-sustaining whole grain! The dressing is just for drizzling right before you eat it. Do not mix the quinoa with the dressing when you are preparing this dish or it will get soggy.
Ingredients 2 cups quinoa, rinsed and drained 1 15-oz. can of organic black beans, drained and rinsed 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved 1-2 cups fresh spinach, chopped 1 cup fresh cilantro (adjust to your taste) 2 avocados, pitted and peeled Fresh lemon juice, to prevent avocado from browning Sea salt and ground black pepper to taste Juice from 2 limes Zest 1 lime
Dressing 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup brown rice vinegar 2 cloves of garlic, minced Sea salt and pepper, to taste
Directions 1. Prepare quinoa. Boil the water, add quinoa, reduce to a simmer until all of the water is absorbed. When done, store in the refrigerator to cool completely. 2. In a large mixing bowl, add beans, tomatoes and cilantro, tossing to combine. 3. Dice avocados, drizzle with lemon juice and set aside in fridge. 4. Add all dressing ingredients to a food processor or blender, pulse until garlic is blended and dressing appears creamy. Set aside in fridge. 5. Add the quinoa to the bean mixture. Season with salt and pepper and add lime juice and zest; toss to combine. Serve in bowls, topped with avocado and drizzled with dressing. Serves 8 generously. a Maggie Christopher, CHNC, is a certified holistic nutrition counselor in St. Paul. She specializes in digestive issues, sugar cravings and weight loss. She teaches people how to eat whole, natural foods in a way that is delicious and satisfying. Call 651.231.1360 for a 60-minute, complimentary consultation to learn more or visit www.maggiechristopher.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
July 2012 edge magazine
Perspective by Sonja Kosler My universe is nothing more nor less than one red feather on the wing of a blackbird perched on last year’s cattail.
The Guardian by Victoria Raphael From the twilight came an angel, spreading light more luminous than the moon. A gentle flutter chased away my thoughts, while losing myself in the shimmer of her gown. It twinkled. Suddenly I wanted to dance and leave my cares behind. Said the angel, “I am the bearer of beauty and tenderness, sweet honey on the tongue, the flight of fireflies, and sounds more enchanting than ocean waves. Hold on to my wings Let’s fly beyond the moonbeams, chasing a comet into a star shower, and alight within the colors of the rainbow.” Grasping the silken wings smelling of springtime I rode through ethereal places, laughing while heavenly spun sugar dropped onto my tongue. At nightfall, when I tired, this beautiful being wrapped the darkness around me like a cloak of black velvet. Whispering softly she spoke, “Never move far from the shelter of my wings. Let them always encircle you. If you stray they will reach out to guide your way. Rest in my arms until the light and I will bring you safely home to continue your tasks with a lighter heart. You are always within my sight. Never doubt my protection, I shall remain your loving guardian always, while you are forever my treasure.”
Sonja Kosler is a retired broadcast and print journalist. She lives on the shore of a small west-central Minnesota lake. Her poetry has been published locally, regionally and nationally. She has been awarded several work/study grants. She is also a shamanic practitioner, an award-winning photographer and oral tradition storyteller. Kathy Parkin decided, after working 30 years in health care as a lab technician, to take an early retirement. Her journey since then has taken her down many varied paths. She volunteer her gift of time with others, and she has taken college classes to feed her joy of learning, and in so doing, she has reignited the spark of writing within herself. She relocated to Portland, OR, after living in Minnesota for her whole life, and
Joy’s Disguises by Kathy Parkin I found joy In the gray blanket of sky In the cold, wet raindrops that tickled me In the wind that blew my umbrella inside out I found joy At the little round table of wood That held my plain white coffee cup That contained the warm, brown elixir That chased away the chill in my bones As I gazed out the rain splattered window I found joy As I listened to Patsy Cline singing “I Fall to Pieces” As we all sat at our separate tables, sipping our coffee As I watched the rain walkers strolling outside I found joy In the disguises Of blindly perceived separation from one another Of the dreary delusions of a cold, rainy day Of all I had previously thought of As joyless her adventures continue in her new home. Victoria Raphael has been writing since childhood when she won contests for the school newspaper. She has been published in Southwest Journal’s quarterly Poetry Projects, as well as Seasons, a local poetry anthology, and is the 2011 second place winner of the Petlitzer Prize for poems about animals and pets. Her work has been featured in readings at the Walker Library and the Hennepin History Museum. Among her great passions are words, travel, penguins and what she does for a living. Victoria is a certified Life Coach and teaches writing skills to ESL students with the International Education Institute through Metropolitan State University. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
HOLISTIC business listings …provide category, brief description, name, phone, email, website, photo or logo. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net
Acupressure, Colorpuncture , CranioSacral, Herbal Consults, Shiatsu , Massage & Wellness Services: Choose from a wide range of affordable Wellness Services & practitioners to fit your specific, individual needs. Other modalities offered: Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, BodyTalk, Crystal Therapies, Cupping, EFT, Moxibustion, Reiki, Sound Therapy, Tui-Na. Magus Books & Herbs :: Book online: www.MagusHealingCenter.com :: 612.379.7669 Acupuncture: House Call service for the Twin Cities and beyond. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Cupping, Tui Na and Qi Gong. Specializing in Sports Injury, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, Depression, Menopausal Symptoms and Allergies. Anthony VanWagner, L.Ac, MaOM, 651.334.3266 Animal Communication: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com Aromatherapy, Australian Essential Oils, Bioactive Plant Fractions, H2EO® AirCare Diffusers, Inhalers, Classes & Workshops: H2EO® Ultrasonic Diffusers help people benefit from and enjoy essential oils safely, efficiently, completely and economically (see short video: www.plantextractsinc.com/video.php). Plant Extracts International Inc., 10921 Excelsior Blvd., STE 111, Hopkins MN 55343, 952.935.9903, info@plantextractsinc.com ASTROLOGY: Accurate, insightful soul readings. The best weekly horoscopes. D.K. Brainard 646.247.8508, doctord@wordsforthepeople.com, www.wordsforthepeople.com AURA PHOTOS: Available by Appointment. Helping You Heal Center. Schedule a private healing Session Today. Annette Bruchu 651.247.9719, helpingyouheal@msn.com, www.UnemployedAngelForHigher.com BODYWORK & BREATHWORK: Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com BREATHWORK / REBIRTHING / REIKI: Enhance Your Life With Every Breath, Reiter Fitness & Healing, LLC, Deanna Reiter 651.238.7248, deanna@dayawati.com, www.dayawati.com BREATHWORK / SOUL INTEGRATION: Heal the body, clear old emotions & deepen your connection with Spirit. “Change your Breath & Change your Life.” Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Private breath sessions by appointment. Terri Peterson SBF, TBF, RPh, 651.442.4623, theconnectingspirit@gmail.com, www.theconnectingspirit.com
CAREER & BUSINESS COACHING: B.Better offers coaching to inspire personal leadership, career success and business growth through Career Counseling, Entrepreneurial Mentoring, Job Search Strategies, Assessments, Resume Optimization, Interview Preparation, Social Media and Personal Branding. For a free consultation, contact Chris Naylor, certified coach, 612.802.9137, chris@b-betternow.com, www.b-betternow.com CAREER COUNSELING: Clarifying Conversations – guided by your own heart, inspired by your own knowing. Laurie Mattila, M.S.Ed., Career Counselor 651.644.7766, LaurieMattila@aol.com, www.LaurieMattila.com CHAKRA/INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALING: Affordable Chakra, Distance, Energy Healing, Pre/Post Death Transition Services, Space Clearing+more. Balance & Refresh your energies to improve health while receiving messages from spirit that shed light onto your life’s path. Chakra Clinic - Present Moment. Nadine Dassier, Frannie Dassier, 651.329.2550, 612.229.5586, energyworks444@gmail.com, www.energyworkshealers.com Chiropractic: Affordable Monthly Memberships. Unlimited Visits. Free Consultations. Dr. Vernon Kuznia locates and corrects misalignments of the spine called subluxations to allow the innate intelligence of the body to better express itself. Mind & Body Chiropractic Life Center (at the corner of Cty Rd D and Old Hwy 8 behind Super America), Roseville, MN, 651.600.3521, www.mindbodychiropractic.com CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY: Skilled, experienced, compassionate, effective homeopathy for your ailments. Marybeth Buchele, HMC, Health Naturally Homeopathy, 952.933.6068, healthnaturally9@aol.com, www.healthnaturally.biz COACHING / COUNSELING: Leave the past behind, start something new! You don’t have to stay stuck in the same old patterns – you can make real changes in your life. Gentle alternative approaches make it easier than you imagined. Judy Steele, MTP, life coaching and counseling. Alternative practitioner (no insurance). 35+ years’ experience, wholeperson perspective. 612.590.3193, www.schoolforliving.org COLON HYDROTHERAPY: Cranio-Sacral, Raindrop Therapy, Healing Insights Therapy Center, Bloomington 952.886.4325, Woodbury 651.222.4325, www.healinginsights.net COLONICS: Detoxification with Colon Hydrotherapy & Ion Cleanse Foot Bath, Carol Edel, 2409 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls, MN (Ecopolitan Bldg) 952.474.2627, caroledel@gmail.com Color Light Healing, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, BodyTalk Access™ & others: Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness offers a wide range of natural wellness tools to help open and realign the communication of the Body/Matter • Mind/Information • Spirit/Energy. Better Communication = Sustainable Healing. 612.217.HEAL (4325), http://heal.psinergy.info
July 2012 edge magazine
NETWORKING Computer Services & Repair: We work on both Macs & PCs. Guaranteed work and reasonable rates from techs you can trust! Available 10am to Midnight, 7 days/week. Psinergy TechWarrior, St. Paul, 612.234.7237, http://tech.psinergy.info. Affordable & Local! COUNSELING: Counseling for Mind-Body-Spirit. Sliding Fee Scale. Uptown Area. Jackie L. Disch, MS, 952.261.9814, jackie_disch@msn.com CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY: In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), carved stone items (wands, spheres, animals, candles), decorator pieces, jewelry. Information on energy properties provided with all stones sold. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, kistones@comcast.net, www.kistones.com DEATH & DYING: Death is a sacred, natural, transformative event that we all experience. It can be embraced instead of feared. We can support and guide you or your loved one through this extraordinary journey. Please contact Jackie, Reed or Kate at Sacred Thresholds, 952.292.0873, info@sacredthresholds.com, www.sacredthresholds.com EFT: Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT, 612.802.HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com ENERGY WORK & UNWINDING: CranioSacral Myofascial, Healing Touch, Reiki, Matrix, Quantum. Intuitive classes and house parties. Chakra readings. Jody Tschida, HTCP, RMT, Medical Intuitive, 651.808.0111, jodytschida@msn.com, www.UnwindMeNow.com EPFX / SCIO QUANTUM BIOFEEDBACK: This high-tech health device tests the body’s energy field revealing anything negatively affecting your health. Detects and corrects weaknesses or abnormalities in organs, toxins, allergies, risks of disease, emotional issues,nutrition, aging & stress reduction and much more! Distance session conveniently done over the phone. Susan Opsahl, C.T., 320.492.2132, spiritwithinu@gmx.com EXPOS: Hosting expos of 12-20 exhibitors in small business locations throughout the Metro. Organizing, enlisting exhibitors, print, email and online marketing, outdoor signage, and catering! All for free! Metro Mini Expos 612.708.7233, www.MetroMiniExpos.com FENG SHUI CONSULTATION: Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops, Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HEALING & SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Magnified Healing® heals on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Easy to learn and to use, it allows us to clear our karma, activates all 12 strands of DNA, and transforms us into our Light Bodies. Sheryl and Dale Fisher 763.420.9017, dashf@comcast.net HEALING THERAPIES: Experience personal and professional development coaching a whole new way with The Release Coaching Method. Grif Sadow, CPCC, PCC–Regional Coordinator and first certified coach in the U.S.–uses this innovative, efficient, effective and measurable coaching tool along with traditional coaching techniques, allowing you to let go of whatever is standing in your way. Grif@growintomore.com, 763.458.1672, www.growintomore.com HERBS: 600+ herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, books, Natural healing practitioners available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Duane Givens, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HOLISTIC CENTER: Bee Merry Holistic Center encourages making life an adventure. We play in the fields of the metaphysical every Thorzday, jam on the drum every 3rd Friday and celebrate the Goddess with a Moon Lodge, www.BeeMerry.org
HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING/COACHING: Certified holistic health counselor in Burnsville, MN, specializing in digestive issues, weight loss and overall health. Each client will receive an personalized program specific to their needs. Contact Kristin for a complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com, Facebook & Twitter: Healing Organically HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: Counseling, Stress Management, Hypnosis, Sheryl Fisher, MSW, LICSW, 763.420.9782 HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HOMEOPATHY: Skilled, experienced, compassionate, effective homeopathy for your ailments. Marybeth Buchele, HMC, 952.933.6068, info@natural-wellness.us, www.natural-wellness.us, www.natural-wellnessblog.com, New office in Minnetonka. HYPNOSIS & TRAINING: Past Life, Life-Between-Lives Regression, Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., L.B.L., Center for Inner Peace, 612.709.5578, Madonna@madonnakettler.com HYPNOTHERAPY: Try Hypnotherapy at least once in your lifetime. Increase your Confidence, Remove anger, Renew trust, release fears, Improve relationships, quit smoking, lose weight, attract success in your life, change habits. Call us for a free consultation. Balanced Mind Hypnotherapy 612.379.4000, balancedmind@live.com HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 10 Years Experience. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, St. Paul, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com Hypnotherapy: Past Life Regression Therapy, Dolores Cannon Method. Brainerd Lakes Area, Vicki Hanson, 218.232.0586, vicki@newawarenessproject.com, www.newawarenessproject.com HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, weight loss, smoking, habits. Mind-Body-Spirit stress reduction, breath work, self-hypnosis, meditation. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy: Build your own skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation, and do-it-yourself therapy. Get help with smoking cessation, past-lives, between lives, and healing trauma, sexual abuse and other issues. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, channel for Mother Mary, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com INNER CHILD WORK & EFT: Author of the best-selling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Cathryn Taylor 612.710.7720, www.JoinCathrynTaylor.com INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS: Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292. Intutive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online at www.EyeofHorus.biz INTUITIVE READER/PSYCHIC: Carol McCormick shares helpful insights to assist you in finding clarity and answers to the pending questions in your life so that you can take meaningful action. Together you will create sacred space to nurture the garden of your soul and find your own inner truth for direction. Readings by phone or in-person. Synergy Meditation Leader. Readings and presentations at psychic fairs, expos and conferences. 763.546.4133, carol.mccormick@comcast.net, www.carolmccormick.net NUTRITION: Do you have a gluten or dairy allergy? I teach women how to eat gluten-free, dairy-free whole foods prepared in a way that tastes delicious. Group & individual programs available. Complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Maggie Christopher, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, St. Paul, 651.231.1360, www.maggiechristopher.com
SPIRITUAL RESOURCES Professional Psychic, Medium & Animal Intuitive: Readings by telephone and face to face. Parties, gallery or playshops. Student email readings. Scheduling online 24/7. Alison James, www.alisonjamespsychic.com, Email: www.alisonjamespsychic.com/contact-me/ Quick chat online. Message: 612.424.1411 PSYCHIC / INTUITIVE READER: Soul Readings and Psychic Development Classes, Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Val Landy — Psychic Medium for the deceased. Val specializes in communication with the deceased and relaying their messages to you. She acts ONLY as an interpreter between you and your “passed on” loved ones. For appointment, call or visit Val’s website today. 320.267.4218, www.innerintuition.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even ten years into the future. To be amazed, call her at 651.439.5337 or visit www.deborahlynn11.com Psychic Reading / Intuitive: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com Quantum Healing Hypnosis / Dolores Cannon Technique: Explore your spirituality and experience past lives. Discover your life purpose and resolve troublesome problems. Offering Private and Group Sessions at our St. Louis Park location. Marie Savage 612.508.9606, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness.com Reiki Healing: Awaken your spirit, with Usui Tibetan Reiki and crystal healing sessions/classes/home parties and/or a Soul Mentoring Intuitive Reading. Kellie Haehnel 612.804.4463, kellie@thespiritwellnesscenter.com, www.thespiritwellnesscenter.com REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships, Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com Reiki Healing: Sessions now available in Cambridge at our new location. Help yourself heal. Great to enhance and speedy up healing after surgery or illness, relieve stress and bring a sense of calmness. Beverly Seline 763.238.4312, Beverly@reikibybev.com, www.reikibybev.com REIKI MASTER & HEALER: Intuitive readings. Non-denominational, spiritual weddings. Insiah 763.427.1312 for appointment. SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com
SERVICES listings
…provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net
Dances of Universal Peace: 651.307.3849, www.peacedancemn.com – An interfaith spiritual practice in motion, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community, 7pm. Every third Sunday at Friends Meeting House, St. Paul. First Friday at Pathways, Minneapolis. ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, MN, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org – Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living: 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org, 612.922.4272 – Encouraging authentic spiritual connection through Sunday services, classes and workshops. Sunday 10:30am Services are led by our resident speakers Patty Peterson, Christine Day,Cindi Claypatch and Linda Elwell; guest speakers; or Spiritual Director, Theresa Rose. Space also available for weddings, concerts and special events.
SAINT FRANCIS LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH: 3201 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.823.4276, www.stfrancisliberalcatholicchurch.org – Holy Eucharist 10am Sundays; Rosary 9:30am First Saturdays. Communion available to everyone. Freedom of conscience and belief. A church for seekers. Ordination of Women. Seven Christian Sacraments. Find us on Facebook. SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@ spiritunited.com, www.spiritunited.com – Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30am Main service, 10:30am Kids With Spirit Class. UNITY CHRIST CHURCH: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www. unitychristchurch.org – Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 9 & 11am, nursery and Sunday School at both services; Monday Meditation & Lecture 7pm; Monthly Healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN, 952.895.0745, www.unityofthevalleymn.org – “Celebrating the Light of Spirit within you.” Sunday service, Nursery, Rainbow Circles for children, and Uniteens at 10 am. Our Many Paths Metaphysical Book and Gift store is open Mon.–Thurs. 11am-3pm, Sundays 11am-12:30pm. Chanting and Meditation service on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7 pm Intuitive readings by Susan Shopek before and after the service. Call for appointment. Bookstore that evening open until 9 pm. Adult classes and workshops. Rental space available.
SPIRITUAL COACH: Insiah Beckman, Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Higher Soul Readings, Guided Energy Healings, Spiritual Coach, Channel. 763.427.1312, insiah@edgelife.net, www.insiah.com Spiritual Retreats: Guests rave about the peace and love they feel while connecting with spirit and with self. Comfortable, home-like accomodations for up to 22 people. Seclusion, semi-private lake, serene wooded walk, campfire, indoor fireplace. Just plain cozy. Olive Branch Retreat, 320.393.7212, info@olivebranchretreat.com, www.olivebranchretreat.com SUFI: Four Layers of the Heart, Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org Tarot, Divination & Spiritual Help: $1/min - avail. 7 days/week @ Magus Books & Herbs in Dinkytown (Mpls). 612.379.7669, Pre-Book at: www.MagusHealingCenter.com or just stop on in!
July 2012 edge magazine
HAPPENINGS Calendar listings
…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net. July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Tai Chi Mondays: Featuring “Beginning Tai Chi for Health & Arthritis” from 7-8pm, and “Tai Chi-Yang Style 40 Form” from 8-9pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft. net July 7, 14, 21, 28 – Tai Chi Saturdays: Featuring “Beginning Tai Chi for Health & Arthritis” from 10:30amnoon, “Tai Chi-Yang Style 40 Form” from 10:30-11:30am, “Tai Chi-Sun Style 97 Form” from 9-10am, “Tai Chi-Yang Style 108 Form” from 8:30-10am, $10/class, $89 for series, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft.net July 10 – Immunizations from a Homeopathic Perspective: With Cilla Whatcott, $49, 6-9pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft.net July 11 – Introduction to Sound Healing: With Kay Grace, $49, 6-8pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft.net July 11, 18 & 25 – Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation: Are you ready to put the puzzle pieces together that link this life to your past lives? Understand the interplay of karma and reincarnation and lead a more joy-filled life. Find keys to spiritual liberation today! Free three-week class. Wednesdays, July 11-25, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! July 12 – Defeat Your Fear: What’s Standing Between You and Your Dream Job: With Catherine Byers Breet, free, 1-3pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft.net July 12 – Edge Networking Event: Featuring Jean O’Hern, N.D, who will talk about the causes of disease, ways to overcome stress and groundbreaking treat-
July 2012 sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bookmark the Happenings Calendar online. Need a webpage for your event? Buy an extended listing with photos & more at Edgemagazine.net or call 763.433.9291. ments with the use of the higher brain, the Acuscope, vitamins and supplements, 7-9pm, Nature’s Wisdom, 2516 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis. Free to public. Info: schaon@ edgemagazine.net July 12, 19, 26 – Tai Chi Thursdays: Featuring “ABC’s of Tai Chi” from 7-8pm, and “Tai Chi-Yi Chuan” from 8-9pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft.net July 13, 14, 15 – Love, Money Innovation and Sustainable Prosperity with Joel Hodroff: $125 for 3 days ($110 early bird by July 1; other options available), Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis. For more information and registration form, call 612.378.3602 or 612.724.5716 or www.spiritunited. com July 14 – Sounds For Your Space – Healing Your Home Project: Special Event with Carole Hyder and Jeff Bova, $99 early bird before June 30, $108 after July 6, 8:30am-12:30pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft.net
July 14 - Minneapolis Dances of Universal Peace: An inter faith gathering, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community. No experience necessary, free will donation. 7:00 PM Center for the Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Avenue, Mpls, www.PeaceDanceMN.com 612-827-4424 July 15 – Healing Angels Class: A powerful four-step process that enables you to energetically connect with the Healing Angels. A workbook is provided containing an image of each Angel, a description of how they can help you heal and prayers of invitation, 928.300.0359, www. earthangeltherapies.com July 15 – Let Go and Let God: Chant HU! Chanting this once-secret name for God, HU, has helped people throughout time find inner peace and divine love. Maybe it will help you. All are welcome! Free! Sunday, July 15 and every third Sunday of the month, 10-10:30am, Temple of ECK. Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen July 17 – Taste of Shamballa Evening: John Armitage, founder of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (MDH), will host a Taste of Shamballa evening, 6:30-9pm, Tuesday, July 17, at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. Come to receive a lightning bolt of love, freedom and self-mastery to catapult you into stepping into your own power and knowing. To register, send $15 in advance to Mary Beth Curry, P.O. Box 6962, Minneapolis, 55406. Info: mbcurry516@gmail.com, 651.788.2459. July 18 & August 15 – Circle of Angels: Join Snow Angel and Michelle Glaser at LHSC for this monthly gathering of lightworkers surrounding the Vortex. Enjoy heart chakra opening music, the World Joy guided visualization from their album performed live, and tap into the healing energy of the Circle of Angels that envelops Earth in a cocoon of Divine Love. Wednesday July 18 and August 15, 7-9pm, 4401 Upton Avenue S., Minneapolis. Info: theforgivenessmethod.com/calendar/ July 19 – MN Health Information Technology Info Session: With Sunny Ainley, free, 6-7:30pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft. net July 21 – The Spirit Wellness Center 2nd Annual Holistic Fair: Over 30 Psychics, Healers and Vendors, plus free lectures! 9am-5pm, Saturday, July 21, Dakota Ridge, Best Western Hotel, 3450 Washington Dr., Eagan MN. Admission $5. Info: call Kellie at 612.804.4463 or Kellie@TheSpiritWellnessCenter.com
CLASSIFIEDS July 21 – Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11am, $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited - Please call 612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more info: marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness. com July 24 – Spring Forest Qigong Free Information Session: With Rhonda Battisto, free, 6:30-7:30pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft. net July 24 - August 28 – Interactive Communication with Spirit Class: 6 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm at The Spirit Wellness Center, Eagan. Experiential, learn to consciously interact with love, clarity and guidance from Spirit. Suggested Donation $75. Contact Jerry Buchmeier 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast. net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com July 25 – Veterans: New Options for PTSD, Pain and Wartime Trauma: With Valerie Lis, $59, 6-8pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale.augusoft. net July 26-29 – A Celebration of Agates: An international gathering of agate dealers, exhibitors, speakers and collectors will be July 26-29 at Lindbergh Center at Hopkins High School, 2400 Lindbergh Dr., Minnetonka, MN. Seminars on Thursday: 8am-5pm. Show hours: Friday, noon-7pm; Saturday, 9am-5pm; Sunday, 10am-4pm. Sign up for more information at: www.minnesotamineralclub.org or call 651.459.0343.
WORDS OF WISDOM by Nadine Penny
Put the “Independence” into July and declare that you will do it yourself this month! Change that tire, that diaper, that light bulb. Put up that tent, put in those shrubs, pay those bills. If you’re not sure how to tackle the problem, get yourself some help. Take a class, use a YouTube tutorial, or ask advice from a friend. Whatever has caused you to procrastinate, prevaricate and protest, nix it! And whether you build it, fix it, make it, pay it, grow it or change it, know that you are on top of it and that’s the key to true independence. Happy 4th. Nadine Penny lives in Minnetonka where she works as a medium, life issues reader and Reiki master. Contact her at nadine.penny@gmail.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
August 1 – Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Is it time to remember why you came to earth? Discover your spiritual reasons for coming into this lifetime. Free workshop. August 1, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! August 1 – Back to School Feng Shui Style: With Lisa Janusz, $49, 6-8pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale. augusoft.net August 3-5 – IET Practitioner Certification Intensive: Fargo, ND, Join Bonny, Top Master Instructor Worldwide, for this safe and effective method of cellular release in partnership with the angels. Learn how to remove “issues from the tissues” permanently. Register at www.earthangeltherapies.com or call 928.300.0359. $555 Early Bird Special and $595 after July 3. Mention this ad and receive the early bird special through the 30th of July.
July 28 – The Principles of Alchemy: Rosicrucian Mini Workshop, 10am-noon. Essene Chapter, 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale. Free will offering, Entrance in back. www.rosicrucian.org
August 4 – Advanced Sound Healer Training: Sound Healing and the Chakras: With Kay Grace, $145, 9am-4pm, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, MN. To register 952.358.8343. Visit normandale. augusoft.net
July 29 – Gloria Karpinski at Spirit United Church: Popular author/speaker Gloria Karpinski presents the message at Sunday service 10:30am and a workshop from 1-4pm entitled Transitions: Spiritual Rites of Passage. All welcome! Early bird registration for class $40 before July 15. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, www. spiritunited.com, contact@spiritunited.com
August 8 – What Is Spiritual Dreaming? Learn how to understand the sacred messages in your dreams for help in daily life and for spiritual growth. Free! Wednesday, August 8, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet!
August 1 – Inner Transformation for Global Change: 2-year leadership program begins in September at WomanWell in St. Paul. Join others from diverse backgrounds that share your desire for spiritual deepening and receive your certificate in Spiritual Direction (optional). Meet 5 weekends annually with an additional 5 Saturdays required for those seeking a certificate in Spiritual Direction. The application deadline is August 1. Contact us: www.womanwell. org, 651.739.7953, seeking@womanwell. org
August 15 – Awakening Past Life Memories: Awaken past-life memories through spiritual exercises, dreams, and Soul Travel. Understand and resolve karmic relationships for more love today. Free workshop, August 15, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! August 22 – Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Discuss out-of-body experiences, dreams, déjà vu, seeing an inner light, and more. Find out what these experiences may mean. Free work-
…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.
HOST A HOME PARTY TIRED OF THOSE SCRIPTED HOME PARTIES that only offer mass marketed, high-priced products proudly “Made in China?” Then try something new! Pure at Hearth is a new type of home party since we work with local artisans to bring natural, recycled, homegrown and locally made products to you! Looking to host this new breed of home party? Are you a local artisan looking to explore a new venue? Check us out online at www.PureatHearth.com then call Jo at 612.234.7388 for a truly unique party. See you at home!
LET THE EDGE HELP YOU ADVERTISING FOR ANY BUDGET: From Classifieds to buy, sell or trade, Source networking listings to share your contact info, to display ads that allow you to be seen by your target market, let The Edge help you advertise. Call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net. shop. August 22, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! August 24-27 – Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop: Join Steve Spooner of Drunvalo’s School of Remembering for a 4-day workshop on the latest teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. This is the amalgamation of the Flower of Life, Earth/Sky/Heart, and Living in the Heart Workshops, combining ancient mystery school teachings with cutting-edge science of the Heart and the truth of our purpose/ potential here on Mother Earth. $444/$400 if paid by July 13. www.peaceisinbeing.com August 29 – Discover Soul Travel! Find out how to do it. Expand your consciousness. Prove your eternal nature. Free. Come any or all Wednesdays; August 29, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! www.TempleofECK.org. September 8 – Workshop with Gary Renard: The bestselling author of “The Disappearance of the Universe,” Gary Renard, will present a workshop on Saturday, Sept. 8, at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. For more info: www. miraclepromotions.com or call Kathy Scott Perry at 512.938.9996.
September 18 – Psychic Development Class: Learn practical tools/information to live in conscious partnership with your Soul’s wisdom, creativity and purpose. Tuesday evenings, September-June. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@ cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com October 20-21 – Healthy Life Expo™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity – Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of speaker presentations, demonstrations and entertainment. Product sampling, hourly drawings and free health information. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Hall C, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www. MediaMaxEvents.com Ongoing – Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions: Available any weekend through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com Ongoing – Listen to Dahna Fox on her radio show “Akashic Wisdom”: Sundays, on www.bbsradio.com/ Station2; 10pm Central (8pm Pacific, 9pm Mountain, 11pm Eastern). Call in Live or email your questions!
July 2012 edge magazine
the edge 20 anniversary retrospective TWENTY YEARS
years on the edge
1992 • 2012
May 2001 ~ September 2002 exploring the vast archives of The Edge in a yearlong celebration of this publication’s service since 1992.
ew in 2001 was the expansion of The Edge to not only publish a monthly magazine, but produce an expo. The Minneapolis Edge Life Expo debuted on November 23, 2001, featuring as keynote speakers Echo Bodine, Kathryn Harwig & Mark Earlix. Elsewhere in the Twin Cities, Living Green Expo is launched at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, and the International Conference on Yoga & Spirituality comes to St. Paul.
New in 2001: The Edge creates a special four-page section focused on Madison & Wisconsin. Themes during this time: Creativity & Play Service to Others Healing Ourselves & Others Learning Addiction Holding the Light: A Response to Terrorism Our Souls staff | 2001-2002
Noted speakers who visited the Cities at this time: Doreen Virtue • Gregg Braden • Bob Fickes • Roshi Bernie Glassman don Miguel Ruiz • Dr. Kam Yuen • Gloria Karpinski • Krishnananda • Neale Donald Walsch • Geoffrey Hoppe • Lee Carroll & Kryon • Dr. Alberto Villoldo • Sri Siva • Ravi Shankar • Andrew Harvey • Wayne Dyer • Deepak Chopra • Peter Russell • Starhawk • Sylvia Browne
Our Children What’s So Funny? Re-Examining September 11 Intuitive Healing Death & Dying The Present Moment Ego & Our Emotions Evil & the Dark Side Forgiveness Science & Enlightenment
Gary Beckman, publisher and advertising director Insiah Beckman, business manager Tim Miejan, managing editor Janelle Bilewitch, design editor Melissa May, production editor Rachel Miejan, proofreading Sheila Van Houten, transcription Doug Crandall, advertising sales Katja Amyx, advertising sales Pamela Olson, advertising sales Rita Rosenberg, advertising sales Aerielle Louise, advertising sales Cathy Smith, advertising sales Deb Dorn, happenings & classifieds Kira Henschel, advertising sales Wisconsin Jennifer Penrod, advertising sales Wisconsin Tammy Mohr, ad coordinator
Sign our 20th Anniversary Guestbook We welcome anyone who has had a connection with The Edge in its history to sign our 20th Anniversary Guestbook online. We will share all messages with our readership. Include your comments and memories here: EdgeMagazine.net/edge-20/
EDGEMAGAZINE.NET Sen. Al Franken shares his thoughts on public service & compassion in Lisa Sellman’s piece, “Compassion Can Work Magic”
New content updated on the 1st of each month
From Angie Bailey’s humorous monthly piece on felines to Nadine Penny’s Q & A about spirituality & kids
HEALING This month’s content is online as separate articles, and as a electronic PDF flipbook
An experiential look at blame, shame and spiritual maturity, by Norma Gentile, with Archangel Michael
A SOUL SHIFT FOR SHERRI Facebook.com/edgemagazine.net Twitter.com/TheEdgeMagazine
Theresa Nygard shares a real-life expample of how Theata Healing™ transformed one woman out of a cycle of violence and into her soul’s purpose.
Edge 20 2001-2002 Every month, we’re adding articles from the beginning of The Edge to our online archives. Last month, we added articles from 1999-2001, and this month, we’re adding more articles that are worth revisiting:
years on the edge
1992 • 2012
• Still Small Voice: An Interview with Echo Bodine • New Earth Radio: A Voice for an Emerging Culture: An Interview with Chris LaFontaine • Mother of Immortal Bliss: An Interview with Ammachi, by Insiah Beckman • Spiritual Solutions to Every Problem: An Interview with Wayne Dyer, by Phil Bolsta • Now is the Best Place to Be, by Paula Sunray •Transfigurations: An Interview with Visionary Artist Alex Grey
July 2012 edge magazine