C E L E B R AT I N G 2 0 Y E A R S I N TH E U PPE R M I DWEST FEATURED the new me / 24-29
exploring the evolution of consciousness 12/12/12: An Interview with Pleiadian Ambassador Christine Day, who reveals specifics on how the body’s energy
“In human history, there has been a continuous and growing impulse toward the regeneration and transformation of humanity.” barbara marx hubbard
is transforming… and the role of crop circles in integrating the Earth’s megaliths, by Tim Miejan / 12
Redefining the Peace Movement: Humanity’s Transformation shifts Our Capacity for Peace a book excerpt, by James O’Dea / 32
ALSO INSIDE: COMING EVENTS expos & more / 10 MPLS HOLISTIC EXPO PREVIEW three speakers / 16 SUSTAINABLE WEIGHT LOSS an enlightened view / 18
Evolution’s Purpose, by Steve McIntosh / 14 Thriving with Intuition, by Leah Skurdal / 20 RESOURCES HYPNOTHERAPY / 22
ASTROLOGY /21 CANCER JOURNEY moving forward / 30 POETRY / 34
a retrospective 2004 - 2005 / 40
Each month in 2012 we years on the edge explore 17 months 1992 • 2012 of history from The Edge’s archives.
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our 2012 featured speakers
minneapolis holistic expo • november 3-4, 2012 • earle brown heritage center free parking! reserve your booth now!
featuring: gregg braden echo bodine, kathryn harwig sunny dawn johnston, jon desalvo vincent genna
Edge Life Holistic Expos & Events
read the speaker preview on pgs 16-17 in this issue of The Edge!
coming soon Minneapolis Holistic Expo November 3-4, 2012 @ Earle Brown Heritage Center
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Edge Life Expos & Events presents its annual Minneapolis Holistic Expo on November 3-4, 2012, at Earle Brown Heritage Center (with acres of free parking, featuring one of the best line-ups of speakers in many years. Noted visionary Gregg Braden returns to the Cities, and for the first time ever, acclaimed Twin Cities Intuitives Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig will take the stage together! Noted Intuitive Sunny Dawn Johnston returns with a new book to discuss: Invoking the Archangels. Dr. John DeSalvo will explore Power Crystals, and Vincent Genna brings his trademark event “God, It’s Not Working” here for the first time. Monday Post-Expo Workshops by Gregg Braden & Vincent Genna! Highlights of this event include free workshops, dozens of intuitive readers, and more than 85 exhibitors offering a diverse array of specialty gifts, products and information to support holistic life.
Gregg Braden
Echo Bodine
Kathryn Harwig
Sunny Dawn Johnston
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EDGE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 Edgemagazine.net Facebook.com/edgemagazine.net Twitter: @theedgemagazine Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen Editor: Tim Miejan tel / fax 651.578.8969 editor@edgemagazine.net P.O. Box 7324, Madison, WI 53707 POETRY EDITOR: William Ricci poetry@edgemagazine.net PRODUCTION: melissa may Proofreading: Rachel miejan Transcription: jean wallis Sales & Marketing: Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291, fax 763.433.9290 cathy@edgemagazine.net EDGE TALK RADIO coordinator: CATHRYN TAYLOR 612.710.7720 COMMUNITY OUTREACH: SCHAON BLODGETT 612.217.4325 ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved. The Edge is published by The Edge LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is prohibited. The Edge does not necessarily agree with the views in articles. It accepts advertising at the discretion of the publisher and assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication or in any advertisement. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle.
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profiling holistic businesses Each month The Edge features a holistic community in its center spread. October: Energy Healing, Reiki & Healing Touch - Only $50 for contact info + 50 word description (online 12 mos.) Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine. net Deadline: September 18 HOLISTIC LIVING
an n ive rsary featu r e
12 12/12/12: An Interview with Pleiadian Ambassador Christine Day, by Tim Miejan 18 An Enlightened Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss, by Maggie Christopher 32 Redefining the Peace Movement, by James O’Dea 09 What Happens when 30 Women, Men Share their Inspiration? From the Editor, by Tim Miejan 10 Coming Events: Edge Networking: Building Your Business; Community Wellness events; Max the Skull returns to Cities; Emotional Empowerment series; Moonlight & Magic expo coming 14 Coming Event: Eagle Symposium 14 Evolution’s Purpose, by Steve McIntosh
14 Coming Event: Minneapolis Holistic Expo: with speaker preview of Dr. John DeSalvo, Sunny Dawn Johnston and Vincent Genna 20 Thriving with Intuition: from moosh to butterfly, by Leah Skurdal
40 Revisiting
2004-2005 in The Edge’s 20-year history featuring new aspects of The EDGE, covers, staff at the time A yearlong 20th Anniversary Retrospective
Articles on the Featured Topic, The New Me: Report from the Transformation 27 Transformation through Kirtan, by Pascale LaPoint 29 “The New Me,” by Kimberly Wencl 30 Cancer the Disingenuous Disease: Reflecting and Moving Forward, by Cheryl Hiltibran 31 Violence puts Wesr, Tear on Kids’ DNA 33 Summer of Peace: A Global Celebration Poetry: 34 Transcending the Self, by Deanna Reiter 34 When, by Deanna Reiter
21 No Turning Back, Star Wisdom, Astrology Horoscope, by D.K. Brainard
39 Words of Wisdom, by Nadine Penny
Articles on the Featured Topic, The New Me: Report from the Transformation 24 Transformation by Love, by Saren Lightsong
e dg e li sti ng s
26 Clearing Baggage, Opening up Something New, by Lynn Savage 26 Connecting to the Deep Peace of God’s Love, by Jerry Buchmeier
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featu r i ng th i s month
14 Cartoon: Holy Molé, by Rick Hotton
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September 2012 edge magazine
featu r e d topics WE INVITE YOU TO WRITE • October: An Unexplained Experience from the Beyond: Share your experience (due September 7) • November: I am so Grateful: Share your personal experience with this topic (due October 7)
wr ite ON your experience of living your life The Edge seeks experiential writing in 2012. Simply share an experience you’ve had. May your writing be ripe with detail and emotion. Describe how something felt, to you. Share what the experience was like for you, including any magic, inspiration or illumination that resulted from it. Also submit: Press releases on coming events and news. Letters to the editor are accepted. Poetry: Any form and convention, up to 40 lines in length. Send 2 to 3 unpublished poems and a short bio to poetry@ edgemagazine.net. Deadline: 700 words or less by the 7th of each month. Include brief bio and your mailing address. Submit articles: Online at Edgemagazine.net/ submit-articles/ or email to editor@ edgemagazine.net.
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EDGE TALK RADIO SCHEDULE Expanding the Holistic Conversation Listen LIVE : call 1.714.364.4750 LISTEN ONLINE : blogtalkradio.com/ edgemagazine archives : edgemagazine.net/ edge-talk-radio
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Tuesday, September 4 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Learning Well” with Normandale’s Integrative Health Education Center First Tuesday of each month — Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! Sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. Wednesday, September 5 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Astrology” with D.K. Brainard First Wednesday of each month — The Edge astrology columnist gives us a peek into the future. Discover the larger patterns behind life’s ups and downs. Find out how you can flow with the energy of the weeks ahead. Bring the wisdom of the stars into your life. Thursday, September 6 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Intuitive Living” with Echo Bodine First Thursday of each month — Join noted psychic, healer and teacher Echo Bodine for her one-hour program on living by our intuition. “It’s going to be a mix of everything that I do and teach,” Echo says, “and it will end with a meditation.” Friday, September 7 at 2 p.m. Central “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom First Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Sunday, September 9 at 7 p.m. Central “On the Edge…of Everything” with SchaOn & Cathy Second Sunday of each month — Join SchaOn and Cathy – as well as a Special Guest – as they talk about the latest news and updates in Holistic Health care, review of Products & Services for your Health & Well-being of the Body, Mind and Soul, vitamins & minerals, talk about conspiracies, or maybe even talk about UFOs, crystal skulls & more! You won’t know exactly what they’re going to be talk about during the two hours until you tune in. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea or some milk, ask questions live in the chat room, or even call in live on air to ask us questions and join in on the fun! Wednesday, September 12 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Innerview” with Christine Day, by Cathryn Taylor Second Wednesday of each month — Join Cathryn this morning for a live conversation with Christine Day, who on October 12-14 will be presenting “Preparing for 12-12-12,” a three-day Pleiadian Seminar in Minneapolis. She will share how the Pleiadians are assisting mankind with unique sacred processes and tools during this time of great transformation. Thursday, September 13 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel Second Thursday of each month — Animal communicator Mary Stoffel gives insights into the relationships that our animals have with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues. Sunday, September 16 at 11 a.m. Central “Edge Sage Pages” with Harmony Green Third Sunday of each month — The first half of the show are the Pages from the Path, when Harmony offers brief readings concerning Divine Life Purpose. Then, a guest will discuss his or her path and how they came to it and the gifts they are sharing with the world. Harmony hosts Pages from the Path at All about the Journey, her healing center in Minneapolis. Monday, September 17 at 5:30 p.m. Central “Edge EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul” with Cathryn Taylor Third Monday of each month — Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to an hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping.
Edge Talk Radio seeks a different member of the Holistic Community to guest host “Edge Wisdom” on the Third Wednesday of each month. Call for details. In addition, inquire about hosting your own monthly Edge Talk Radio program by calling Cathryn at 612.710.7720 or Cathy at 763.433.9291. Wednesday, September 19 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Third Wednesday of each month — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. Visit the Edge Happenings events calendar here. For more information on how to include your events in Edge magazine, call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Thursday, September 20 @ 6 p.m. Central “Edge Empowering You” with Lori Bestler Third Thursday of each month — Lori Bestler combines the science of the mind, motivation and her powerful MindScapes self-hypnosis audios to move people from powerless to powerful in brain, body and spirit for unlimited success and well-being. She is a visionary, Strategic Mind Coach, Hypnotherapist, Success Coach and Motivational Speaker. Lori specializes in empowering entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals with busy minds, stress reduction and weight loss. Friday, September 21 at 2 p.m. Central “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom Third Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Saturday, September 22 at 3 p.m. Central “Edge Mysteries & Beyond” with Joseph A. Amara Third Saturday of each month — Join Joseph A. Amara, one of the owners of Magus Books, as he discusses the Mysteries of life and spirituality that serve to bring wonder and meaning into our lives. He will highlight new and popular book titles, as well as answer listener questions and conduct interviews with luminaries in the fields of Magick and Mysticism. Tuesday, September 25 at 6 p.m. Central Edge “Live at the Healing Loft” Fourth Tuesday of each month — This show comes to you live from The Healing Loft wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis with hosts Intuitive Medium/Energetic Empathy Healer Duncan Metzger and Dr. Katie Fahnel, D.C. Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor. This show provides information about integrative medicine and healing to help you make wiser choices in your health and well-being. Thursday, September 27 at 6 p.m. Central “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11 Fourth Thursday of each month — Twin Cities Psychic Medium and Author Deborah Lynn11 helps you discover why and what it is you are working on in your life on Earth. Learn how to manifest your life on Earth as it is in your heaven. And free mini-readings for those who call in.
What happens when 30 women, men share their inspiration? by Tim Miejan t was a typical June morning in 2012, already 80 degrees and the AC ran all night. I took care of my morning chores and then proceeded to answer emails that have gone untouched for weeks. As I prepared to edit articles for the July edition, I received a call that brought 30 courageous and inspired women and men spontaneously into my life. Without warning, good friend and entrepreneur Lori Rekowski (author of A Victim No More) was on the phone inviting me to participate in a second book of her series that would focus on dozens of people who are inspiring others with their Facebook pages. I agreed, and the result is The Faces Behind the Pages that Inspire, a book that holds so much light within it that beams stream out when every page is turned. I assisted with the book by editing half of the chapters and by contributing one of my own. What I received from the project was more than words can express. I was reminded of the inherent power within each one of us to do more than our beliefs tell us we can, and I was encouraged about our collective future, because these book collaborators are a part of it. I’m thankful that Debra Puglisi Sharp escaped from the man who held her against her will, raped her constantly and killed her husband, and now encourages other women who have been so victimized.
I’m overjoyed that Michelle Penn was able to overcome spousal abuse and then rediscover herself through the soul of the flower and the wisdom of Eckhart Tolle. And I’m grateful that Khuram Shahnawaz of Pakistan is motivated to share “love, harmony, light of spirit and soul, solidarity and universal peace” through his Facebook page. Like others who have read the book, I was blown away by the stories of healing in the face of death and the inner fortitude of these women and men to not only survive, but thrive — when each one of them easily could have given up. What makes this book different is that readers can go to Facebook now and directly interact with each of these women and men. They continue to inspire and leave a little bit of who they are with each person who visits their page. So, what happens when 30 women and men share their inspiration? We are all empowered as a result of living on this planet with them. a The Faces Behind the Pages that Inspire is at Pagesthatinspire.com, or search the book title at Facebook. Available now at Amazon.com. Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
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Get 10% OFF by calling Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Complete Details: edgemagazine.net/advertise/advertise-in-the-directory/ September 2012 edge magazine
COMING EVENTS EDGE networking: BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS for 2012 & beyond Building your holistic business is the topic of this month’s Edge Networking Event, from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, at Fresh Grounds on West Seventh Street in St. Paul. Kim Eisen will share information and tips on “Success in the Holistic Health Field.” Each participant also receives a couple minutes to share who they are and what they do. Fresh Grounds is at 1362 W. 7th St. When you arrive, go around to the back patio and enter through the door. The meeting room door opens at 6:45 p.m. Please arrive on time and get a chance to win a door prize! The Edge’s Networking Event meets on the 12th of each month and is free and open to the public. Each month is a different location, so be sure to check the listing in the Edge. Our goal of the networking group is to help build a stronger community by meeting each other face to face in a safe, social setting, while also giving you an opportunity to learn more about your community. The event is free and open to the public. a
emotional empowerment: getting to know you “Getting to Know You! A Course in Emotional Empowerment,” a 30-class course designed to enlighten you on how and why we relate and respond to others and to our own circumstances of life, is being presented in October by Jean Wallis, a doctor of Metaphysics, visionary and spiritual counsel. Each class is $20, and sessions will take place in Minneapolis for a maximum of four students. “The course will offer ways to come from a place of consciousness and choice, rather than our default systems,” Wallis said. “The course is enlightening, entertaining, and evolutionary. As Carl Jung said, ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.’” Participants will: learn how and why they react mentally, emotionally, and physically to the interactions in their lives; discover what contributes to their perceptions and their responses to them; and find out what roles they learned to play and how they do and do not offer any benefit now. For more information, call 612.874-1453 for further inquiries or to register, or see more at jeanwallis.com. a
community wellness: maple grove, eagan promote health This fall, Twin Cities communities of Maple Grove and Eagan are gearing up for their first annual “Community Wellness Day,” which is part of a national wellness initiative focused on educating people about health, safety, financial literacy and environmental awareness. • Community Wellness Day will be Saturday, Sept. 29, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Road. Proceeds will benefit “Open Your Heart” [www.oyh.org]. Additional sponsors, participants and donations are welcome. For more information, contact Dr. Anthony Macioce of DC Wellness Center at 763.494.8787, email amacioce@yahoo.com and visit www.facebook.com/CommunityWellnessDayMapleGroveMn • Community Wellness Day will be Saturday, Oct. 6, from noon to 3 p.m. at Eagan Civic Arena, 3870 Pilot Knob Road. For more information or to learn how you can support the event, contact Dr. Barb Kaiser of Vital Life Chiropractic in Eagan at 651.757.5096. Visit www.facebook.com/ CommunityWellnessDayEaganMN or www.vitallifechiropractic.com/community-wellness-day-eagan-mn. Admission to the events are free, and there will be food, fun and entertainment. “The health care crisis is not going to be solved in Washington,” Dr. Kaiser said. “It’s going to be solved in our community through education, awareness, and people making lifestyle changes.” Dr. Macioce added, “We work very hard outside of our offices in our communities to give people the tools they need to take back responsibility for their family’s health and well-being. We are extremely proud to be bringing these events to our towns.” a
MAX THE SKULL: ANCIENT CRYSTAL EVENT RETURNS TO CITIES In a rare Midwest appearance, Max the Crystal Skull will return to the Twin Cities during the last weekend in September. Max is one of only two crystal skulls still believed to be ancient. Max is reportedly 36,000 years old. He was found in Guatemala and was given by indigenous healers to a Buddhist lama healer and later taken to Houston, Texas. Before the lama died, he gave Max to Jo Ann Parks, whom he had befriended after treating her daughter. Many people who have had contact with Max have received remarkable advice and healings. On Saturday, Sept. 29, at 7 p.m., Jo Ann Parks will give a public presentation at the Hilton Garden Inn near I-494 and Bass Lake Road in Maple Grove. Mrs. Parks, an entertaining Texas lady in her own right, will discuss crystal skulls and share how she received Max and kept him in a closet until he started hollering at her. The cost for the presentation is $25. Attendees will have an opportunity to briefly touch Max at the end of the evening. Limited time for private meditations with Max is available during the weekend. Registration for private time with Max begins August 25. To register or for more information, contact Dale or Sheryl Fisher at 763.420.9017. a
moonlight & Magic: PSYCHICS, HEALERS & MUCH MORE Moonlight and Magic, a fantasy-themed expo that presents psychics, healers and energy workers, returns to the Twin Cities from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 8, followed by “Let Their Voice Be Heard,” a gathering of mediums from 7-9 p.m., at Millennium Hotel, 1313 Nicollet Mall, in downtown Minneapolis. Admission is $5 and includes free workshops offered during the expo. The event is produced by Leigh Cohen Wyatt, a nationally renowned psychic life coach and member of Best American Psychics and Best American Healers who has been featured in OM Times Magazine and on CBS Radio, and sponsored by Enlightened Guidance LLC. “When you walk through the doors at this powerful new age event, you will immediately feel the transformational energy in the room vibrating at a higher level than the world outside it,” Wyatt said. “This is not your usual new age expo or psychic fair. Our intent is to bring together some of the most enlightened readers and vendors into one powerful room so that you can immediately benefit from the energy and leave with confidence.” In addition to the psychic readers, the event will include booths featuring a variety of products including organic soaps, hand-wrapped jewelry, singing bowls, books, hand-carved pendulums, and more. Interactive classes taught by expert vendors will take place every hour throughout the duration of the event on such topics as: “Divination Tools and You,” “Learning the Tarot,” “Dancing with Dragons,” “Spiritual DNA” and “Intro to Moon Astrology.” Children will enjoy the lion dancers, scavenger hunts, booth contests, live music and balloon animals. Following the expo, stay and enjoy “Let Their Voice Be Heard,” a gathering featuring three noted mediums joining a panel discussion. Tickets are $25. Advance event packages are available online at www.enlightenedguidance.com. For more information, contact Leigh Cohen Wyatt at 763.684.1453 or email leighcohenwyatt@yahoo.com. a
September 2012 edge magazine
An Interview with Pleiadian Ambassador Christine Day
by Tim Miejan ative Australian Christine Day, a spiritual teacher, healer and author, has channeled information from extraterrestrials known as Pleiadians for the past 20 years, seeking to assist and awaken humanity during this acknowledged time of great transformation on planet Earth. Through a channeled healing modality, Frequencies of Brilliance, and book, Pleiadian Initiations of Light, she has offered people tools to awaken consciously to their true nature. And the process continues. In an interview with The Edge, Christine spoke with us from her home office in Minneapolis about her upcoming three-day Pleiadian seminar, which returns to the Cities on October 12-14. She shared with us the meaning of sacred megaliths like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. She connected those megaliths with information about the true purpose of crop circles. And last but not least, Christine shared information about the further evolution of consciousness within the human body and the resulting energetic shifts that are now underway. The Pleiadian Seminar with Christine Day will take place at the Ramada Mall of America Hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota. For more information or to register, contact Serena Poisson at 619.429.4712 or email iusereiki@ cox.net. You’ll be presenting your next seminar in Minneapolis in October. What can participants expect to experience there? Christine Day: There are very, very powerful and cutting-edge energies coming in for that Pleiadian seminar. For the first time, a Lemurian and Pleiadian alliance will be coming in for that seminar. For those not familiar, Lemurian energies existed at the time of Atlantis. The Atlanteans were on the land working with the crystals in a scientific way, and the Lemurians were under the ocean working with the crystals in a spiritual sense. The Lemurians are strongly aligned to the crystalline energies that are anchoring right now on the planet. As part of the 11/11/11, a crystalline structure was anchored throughout all the human beings on this planet. This crystalline structure came in at this time because we have to transform. We have to upgrade our energies to align to the dimensional shifts that are happening on the planet right now.
Christine Day Christine Day will be interviewed by Cathryn Taylor at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, on Edge Talk Radio. Listen by calling 1.714.364.4750 or listen at BlogTalkRadio.com/edgemagazine.
The crystalline structure that is through all of us is allowing us to transform and become more electrical in energy. That will allow us to move with the changing dimensional energies. Not only that, it allows us to be able to hold and carry more of our Divine essence in our bodies. At the moment, much of our essence is outside our bodies, but in the new dawning time that’s coming, this Divine aspect of ourselves needs to come in and anchor fully in our cells for our awakening process. So in the three-day Pleiadian seminar, the Pleiadians are going to be giving sacred codes to people to be able to begin activating this new crystalline structure. The Lemurian energies are going to be there as a pre-agreement to assist people in working with that crystalline structure and help integrating the new electrical components through the body. This crystalline structure is actually anchored in the brain, and as it’s activated, it will open up a telepathic center of the brain and bring us back to a re-activation of our abilities to telepathically communicate and commune with each other — and with the all-wise force in the universe. Another part of the crystalline structure is
Please read the complete, uncut interview online at Edgemagazine.net 12
the thyroid, and we are going to be activating that location. That allows us to start transmitting our own unique frequency of our Divine factor. The next area of the body that the crystalline structure went was into the heart, and we’re going to be activating the crystalline structure there. That will create a new electrical energy through the heart, and it will open us up as a receiving station. We’re going to be able to start bringing in what we need and receive a higher frequency of our own Divine Self, anchoring it through the heart space. The crystalline structure’s final aspect is in the spine, where it was birthed in the spinal fluid. This spinal fluid has a high dimensional frequency of awakening. It carries a pure essence within it. With activation, a 5th, 6th, 7th dimensional energy is awakened, making it possible to begin the self-manifesting and self-healing process, regenerating the cells throughout the body. So that’s part of the seminar itself. The other part involves our work with the crop circles, which are involved in the earth changes that are going on right now. The crop circles are coming into their full energy for the first time, their full purpose for being here on the Earth plane. They hold a multi-dimensional energy on the Earth plane, and their energetic purpose is to align all the megalithic sites around the Earth — Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, all of the sacred sites. They’re being aligned to the crop circles, and the crop circles are bringing these megalithic sites back to their original, pure, sacred form that they held when they first came onto the Earth plane. An energetic webbing is going out across the Earth plane, created as these lines of energy running from the crop circles to all the megalithic sites start to open up. The full purpose of the crop circles is to hold the blueprint energies for all human beings on this Earth plane. During our seminar, we are going to be working with these sacred matrix energies or blueprints from the crop circles. I have been given communication codes to be able to work with these matrix energies. Each person is going to receive a matrix design and start to activate and open up the awakening process. By communicating with the crop circles, we can begin another level of awakening through the cells of the body. It’s all going to take place in the crystal vortex, which we always have at the Pleiadian seminars. We’re going to be working with a lot of energies here — a total regeneration of the cells, a total opening of the electrical systems in the body, birthing that, and moving out into the energetic field. The Pleiadians wanted this seminar in October to support everybody and give them tools to work with telepathic communication and working with their telepathic centers, and
all the crystalline centers, in readiness for 12/12/12. The Pleiadians are saying there are incredible illumination waves coming in onto the planet on 12/12/12 — like nothing that has ever come onto the planet before now. These are energetic illumination waves that are designed to awaken people into their real, true frequency of light. With the work that we’ll do during the seminar, it’s going to make it possible for those people to really utilize these energies and begin an advanced awakening process within themselves. What can people, even those who don’t attend your event, expect to feel within themselves during this time period? CD: If you’re consciously awake, not just walking around and living very third dimensionally, a lot of things will be taking place that people will experience. To start, they’re going to feel an intensification of the thirddimensional drama. The key now is that this is the time, through conscious choice, to witness the drama, but not become a part of it. On 11/11/11, we were upgraded to a point where we can step outside the drama. We have this empowered way of being able to step aside, witness, and just feel what else is there. The drama is only getting more intense because of all of the light that is coming onto the planet. There’s more contrast between the dark and light. I don’t mean dark in the sense of evil, but third-dimensional drama, the illusions. We are seeing them shake as they try to hold their place in our reality, but the third dimension is becoming weaker. It’s like something is about to die and the drama wants to stay alive. There’s a group of us who are conscious and awake and will be experiencing moments of joy, of connection, of a sense that our heart is opening. We may feel like we have to sit and be in a deeper connection with the natural forces. We will feel a greater interconnection between us as human beings. Every crystalline structure within every person is unique, but one common element exists between each one: the God Consciousness. That God Consciousness is going to spark between everyone. We’re going to have a sense of a flow that hasn’t been there before. It will be very tangible for some people, and many others may not even understand it. But there will be a new peace within people that has not been there in the past. a For information on Christine Day and the Pleiadian Seminar: www.ChristineDayonline.com Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or email editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
EVOLUTION EAGLE SYMPOSIUM: self-care for you, the healer Who heals the healer at the end of the day? Did you do for yourself as you did for your clients today? Do you have the resiliency to over come the obstacles that are in your way? Bette Jo Arnett — homeopath, educator and author of Wholeistic Dentistry: Balancing Convention with Ancient Wisdom — has designed the Eagle Symposium to provide practical ways for healers to care for themselves. The weekend event is October 25-27 at the Historic Banks Building in Minneapolis “This course will assist the holistic practitioner in utilizing self-care tools in a creative way to enhance their business,” said Arnett, owner of Professional Dynamics LLC. “This promotes self-care by preventing burnout and maintaining resiliency for the art they practice.” Speakers also will help healers with their businesses by giving them creative tools and a process to help their business stand out in the mainstream of holistic and conventional practitioners. A local healer will discuss her journey to Alzheimer’s and back to health. A nationally known Agape International practitioner, Ester Nicholson, will focus on embodying the self-care techniques given regularly to clients. Participants will “Enter the Stillness” during the last day of the symposium by looking at the “Essence of Minnesota: A Geological Perspective for the Healer” and meditating in a thought-filled way. Food, live music and networking with other healers are all part of this transforming experience. For more information or to register, call 612.599.6288, email bjohome7@hotmail. com or visit www.solutionsforyoukrsmile.com. Discounts for Edge readers. a
Holy Molé
Evolution’s Purpose
by Steve McIntosh volution — the universe’s gradual process of becoming — is perhaps the greatest truth ever discovered. It serves as our creation story, shaping our views of what we are. The story of evolution influences not just our thought, but our feelings and actions, too. Evolution encompasses more than simply the origin of biological species. We now know that everything in the universe is evolving, including matter, life, human history and even consciousness itself. Understood as a whole, these distinct but related forms of evolution are beginning to reveal a deep spiritual truth. And this truth can be felt and known through the
realization that we can actually feel the impulse of evolution within us. That is, evolution is not outside of us or beyond us; we experience the impulse of evolution directly and regularly whenever we are motivated to improve our lives, live up to our potential, and help others. And because we can feel this urge to evolve within our own hearts and minds, we know accordingly from our own experience that evolution is inherently teleological and purposive. Therefore, if we want to discover evolution’s purpose, we need only look within ourselves. Our purposes are its purposes. Intentionality
This understanding of evolution as a
is brought to you by Harmony Green, Intuitive Healer, owner of All about the Journey…a healing center, located at www.allowharmony.com, 612.354.2149 | cartoon by Rick Hotton: Facebook.com/Holymolecartoon
purposeful phenomenon does not rely on unscientific theories such as “intelligent design.” It is uncontroversially evident that purpose emerges from within the evolutionary process. In fact, all forms of life exhibit the purpose to survive and reproduce. Without such intentionality, the evolution of life would be impossible. We share these biological purposes with other animals, but we also exhibit deeper forms of purpose. We, humans, have purposes for our purposes, and relative freedom of choice regarding the urges or impetuses we want to act on and the appetites we want to resist. Moreover, humans can have purposes that require a lifetime or more to fulfill. We can have highly creative purposes, compassionate, loving purposes and world-changing purposes that improve conditions for everyone. Just as the emergence of purpose in life forms represents a new aspect of reality that results in a new form of evolution, the emergence of self-conscious free will in humans, likewise, represents a new level of reality that results in a new form of evolution — the psychosocial domain of development in which the evolution of consciousness and culture transcends our biological origins. the role of purpose
Recognizing the foundational role of purpose in the unfolding of evolution helps us see that the purpose of evolution is increasingly up to us. From the very beginning, humans have worked to improve their relative conditions. And over the course of history humans have improved their conditions most dramatically by improving their definition of what counts as improvement — by evolving their values and their worldviews into more inclusive frames of reference. For example, through cultural evolution, in at least some places, the scope of those worthy of moral consideration has expanded from the family or tribe, to those of the same religion, then to those with the same nationality, and now to all sentient beings. And just as our sense of goodness has evolved by stages into increasingly worldcentric conceptions, our sense of truth has likewise evolved from magical, to mythical, to scientific, and now to increasingly holistic levels of understanding. As I carefully argue in my new book, Evolution’s Purpose: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins, the evolution of human consciousness and culture is real evolution. Although it cannot be conflated with biological evolution, it is nevertheless the latest phase of the unfolding epic of evolution that can be traced all the way back to the original emergence of time and space 13.7 billion years ago in the big bang. When we view evolution from this macro perspective, we can begin to recognize it as an unmistakably purposeful phenomenon. INTRINSICALLY VALUABLE
Our own evolutionary impulses to make the world a better place can thus help us discover the overall purpose of evolution as a whole. The philosopher Alfred North Whitehead actually defined evolution as “an increase in the capacity to experience what is intrinsically valuable.” And it is through this insight that we may come to appreciate evolution’s spiritual message of progressive growth through the ongoing evolution of consciousness. a Steve McIntosh is a leader in the integral philosophy movement and author of the books: Evolution’s Purpose, and Integral Consciousness. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia Law School and the University of Southern California Business School, and has had a variety of successful careers. He now lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife and two sons. For more on his work, visit www.stevemcintosh.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
MINNEAPOLIS HOLISTIC EXPO PREVIEW MINNEAPOLIS HOLISTIC EXPO: NEW SITE AT EARLE BROWN, RETURN OF POWERFUL SPEAKERS The annual Minneapolis Holistic Expo, presented by Edge Life Expos & Events, will return to the Twin Cities November 3-4, 2012, at a completely new venue with one of the best line-up of speakers in years. Noted scientist and metaphysician Gregg Braden will speak on 2012 during Sunday’s talk, “Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny & Fate,” and at his post-expo, full-day workshop on November 5, on “Living on the Edge: Thriving in the World’s Perfect Storm.” Minneapolis Holistic Expo will take place at the Earle Brown Heritage Center, which features acres of free parking for attendees. Earle Brown Heritage Center is located at 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430. Times are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, November 3, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, November 4. Admission is $7 per individual, or $5 each for groups of two or more, purchased in advance at Edgelife.net. Other Edge Life Expo speakers in November include: • Noted Twin Cities intuitives Echo Bodine and Kathryn Harwig appearing together on the same stage for the first time in their careers • Internationally known intuitive, medium and spiritual teacher Sunny Dawn Johnston, who will speak on her book, Invoking the Archangels • Dr. John DeSalvo, director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association and one of the scientists who studied the Shroud of Turin, speaking on Power Crystals • Vincent Genna, a longtime entertainer turned spiritual teacher, who will present his acclaimed talk and post-expo workshop, “God, It’s Not Working”™ for the first time in the Twin Cities All speaker tickets, admission tickets and Gold Cards (access to all events except Gregg Braden on Nov. 4-5 and Genna on Nov. 5) are available now at Edgelife.net for discounts off the box office price. Admission tickets give you access to more than 85 booths of spectacular variety in Exhibition Hall, as well as daily, free workshops on mind, body and spirit. Speaker tickets give you access to a particular speaker’s talk, plus admission to Exhibition Hall and free workshops. Minneapolis Holistic Expo is an inspired event focused on sharing the finest holistic approaches available in the Upper Midwest. This 2-day event is an emporium of gifts, products and information to support holistic life — including health, ecology, community and a balance of mind, body and spirit. It features: More than 85 exhibitors including health and wellness providers, 6 Keynote speakers, 45 Free Workshops, at least 12 intuitive consultants, specialty gift products, art, spirituality resources, and more, including free parking. Exhibition booths are still available. Reserve yours now by calling Dee at 715.259.3047 or emailing dee@edgelife.net, or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616 or gary@edgelife.net. For complete details on all speakers and on exhibiting at Minneapolis Edge Life Expo, visit Edgelife.net or call 763.427.7979 or toll-free 1.888.776.7616. a
PREVIEW: 3 SPEAKERS THIS MONTH, 3 SPEAKERS NEXT MONTH John DeSalvo, Ph.D., will present a talk on quartz crystals and their mystical counterpart, crystal skulls. Exploring the use of crystals from Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt to present-day technology, including their use in ritual and ceremonial magic and their importance in ancient religious literature, he examines the many physical and chemical properties of quartz crystals and explains how their crystalline lattice structure is the key to their amazing abilities, both scientific and paranormal. His latest book is Power Crystals: Spiritual & Magical Practices, Crystal Skulls & Alien Technology. Dr. John DeSalvo presents “Power Crystals” 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 4 Tickets: $20 advance online, $25 at the door
Dr. DeSalvo is known for his in-depth scientific work on the Shroud of Turin and the Great Pyramid of Giza. He is director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association (GizaPyramid. com) and Executive Vice-President of ASSIST (Association of Scientists and Scholars International for the Shroud of Turin), the largest and oldest research association in the world currently studying the Shroud of Turin. He is the author of Decoding the Pyramids, Dead Sea Scrolls, The Seeress of Prevorst, The Lost Art of Enochian Magic and Decoding the Enochian Secrets. For more information: www.drJohnRadio.com
Sunny Dawn Johnston will share a process she has created that uses the energy of the seven Archangels to heal the heart from the inside out. She will teach participants how to invoke the power of the Archangels to help transform the heart from a state of fear to a realization of the love that always exists within. Through a series of meditations, visualizations, music with soul musician Kris Voelker and hands-on exercises, those who attend will learn how to become aware of this unconditional loving energy that is surrounding and supporting them in all ways. Sunny Dawn Johnston presents “Invoking the Archangels” 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3 Tickets: $25 advance online, $29 at the door
Sunny Dawn has helped thousands of people across the country find their personal spiritual connection, learn to listen within to their own inner truth and recognize and own their natural spiritual gifts. Sunny has become widely known and respected as an International Intuitive, Medium and Spiritual Teacher. As a national speaker, Sunny’s dynamic methods effectively reach out to help people to help themselves. Sunny will help you become aware of the power you have to change your life. Sunny has created ten Guided Meditation CDs to offer support and guidance to people on a regular basis. For more information: www.sunnydawnjohnston.com
Vincent Genna presents “God, It’s Not Working!”™ 3:30-5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3 Post-Expo Workshop: 6-9 p.m. Monday, Nov. 5 Lecture tickets: $20 advance online, $25 at the door Workshop tickets: $29 advance online, $35 at door Lecture & Workshop: $44 advance online, $60 at the door
Vincent Genna will present a Saturday talk and his acclaimed three-hour workshop known as “God, It’s Not Working!”™ Many people have read incredible self-help books by some of the greatest spiritual authors, studied and applied ancient Universal laws and principles, and attended numerous master classes, retreats and conferences, and yet, they are left saying over and over, “God, it’s not working!” Why? Genna will explain that something deep within blocks the most important process that makes everything we attempt become a reality. He shares how to disempower this process and reconnect to Source and your ability to create the life and fulfill the dreams you want! Vincent Genna’s creative gifts led him to pursue an early career as a professional entertainer, appearing in major motion pictures such as Grease. Vincent then began inspiring others to pursue their passions and dreams. At 28, he experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening after a series of supernatural events that redirected his entire life and purpose. Vincent has a degree in Psychology and a Masters in Social Work. In addition to spiritual counseling, Vincent now offers private psychotherapy to children, teens and adults. For more information: www.vincentgenna.com
My talk is going to be on quartz crystals, and the message I am conveying, in my book and in my upcoming talk at the expo, is that you need to study quartz from the point of view of a scientist and from the point of view that there is a metaphysical or higher dimensional aspect to quartz crystals. You can’t understand them without knowing one or the other. It’s like trying to understand a human without understanding his physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Once we understand the strange physical properties that only quartz crystals have — the crystallography structure, the piezo-electric effect — it opens up the question, “Why is quartz so important?” At all of my talks, I always leave listeners with practical exercises to apply what I have learned in their lives.
I think it’s the same as everyone else’s: to discover God within us and eventually go back to God. Some people call that nirvana, or cosmic consciousness, or being one with God. Since I was a little boy, I felt that was my mission, based on some mystical experience I’d had as a child. Even when I went to college majoring in physics and graduate school majoring in biophysics, I’ve always looked at the paranormal side. Obviously, I had to keep my mouth shut in many cases, because I didn’t want to get thrown out of academia. The bottom line is that my journey in life is to find God. It always was and it still is. That’s why I write and give talks. I think the greatest gift you can give anyone is to help them find God. I just offer pointers that have helped me. All I can do is put the information out, try to make it understandable, and hopefully the listener will take some of that and apply it themselves.
As a scientist, I give talks on debunking 2012 in terms of it being an omen for pending catastrophe. I show people that the Mayans never intended for their calendar to end at 2012. I show that there’s not going to be a major planetary alignment (only three planets will be aligned) or a galactic alignment within a year from now or stretching out for hundreds of years. And to pinpoint a day for global disasters is totally ridiculous. I’ve really been down on people commercializing this based on false science. Rather, what I think is going on is a spiritual quickening, a spiritual awakening — and it’s not limited to 2012. So all of this has transformed my life during the past two years. I realized that it’s not the science we need to focus on, but the spiritual transformation that is happening and will be going on for years and years.
The message I wish to share is that you can, in any given moment, connect with the energy of the Angels. We have this amazing angelic team all around us who are ready and willing to support and guide us, and all we need to do is ask. My intention is to help participants connect with the energy of absolute unconditional love by providing tools and experiences to see, hear, feel and know the energy of the Archangels.
I believe that my mission is to be a student of love. I am here for personal growth and expansion and as I listen to my own guidance, walk my talk, and stay in a place of my love, my vibration raises. As my vibration raises, oftentimes others are attracted to that energy and I serve as a teacher. I live my life with the intention of doing my best in any given moment and loving myself unconditionally. My mission is to share the gift of unconditional love.
In January a very close friend of mine committed suicide. This was a very difficult time for myself and my family. Through the pain, I realized that I was able to see the value of the experience right in the middle of the shock and grief. One of my greatest gifts has been the ability to “see the value” in experiences while “living” them and not years later. It is comforting to feel the energy of Archangel Uriel supporting me in seeing the bigger picture and the greater vision even during the most difficult times.
People who actively create the lives they want all share one common ability that makes everything work for them. Those of us who can’t make it work simply have lost track of that ability. Many of us are not as happy or healthy as we would like to be. We’re not fulfilled by what we’re doing or from the relationships we’re in. Some of us give up on our dreams and settle for what we have. We’ve tried all different self-help and spiritual books and principles to make things better, but how can we get any of that to work for us if we’re missing the key component? I want attendees to walk away with a complete understanding that they already have everything they need to make everything they attempt work, and that there is a newly isolated part of the mind that has been blocking all their efforts to use their divinely endowed gifts. When they leave this event, they will have the key that will allow them to create the lives they want!
Simply stated, I know I am here to help people see their true magnificence and abilities, and to inspire them to unconditionally believe in and love themselves so they can use their gifts to fulfill their dreams and create the lives they want.
My experience and extensive research as a professional entertainer, metaphysician, psychotherapist, and spiritual counselor has afforded me the opportunity of discovering new parts of the human mind that impede the most important process that powers and empowers all we do. These parts create false beliefs that are nonsustaining and powerless. In short, we don’t believe what we think we believe. By discovering these obtrusive parts of the mind, disempowering them, and reconnecting with my true abilities, I have been able to attract and create all that I want. My even being invited to speak at this expo is part of what I created. My life was transformed 29 years ago, when I experienced my spontaneous awakening. However, it was not until I discovered this miracle understanding that I was able to cause the fruition of all the understanding and gifts that I had awakened within.
September 2012 edge magazine
an enlightened approach t o s u s ta i n a b l e w e i g h t l o s s
by Maggie Christopher ustainable weight loss involves relying on the wisdom of nature and your body, while at the same time engaging in emotional and spiritual growth. Fad diets have a beginning and an end, and they rely on willpower to get a person through the diet. People fall into the diet trap, which is unsustainable over their lifetime. The weight returns like a boomerang. Why? Most people revert back to the old habits and foods that caused their weight gain in the first place. After five years as a holistic nutrition counselor, I have discovered five common pitfalls that men and women experience when trying to lose weight.
1. Not asking the expert what to eat
People desperately search for the next diet that “will work this time,” not realizing that their own brilliant body speaks volumes about every food ingested if only they would take the time to listen. Isn’t it interesting that animals know what to eat in the wild, even though they have never read a book or experimented with a diet? They trust their “gut wisdom” to guide them to the foods they are intended to eat. The Second Brain, by Dr. Michael Gershon, is an excellent book on the subject of “gut wisdom.” This highly accurate “second brain” located in our gut not only advises us on healthier food choices, but also regulates our moods from the results of those choices. We think our body isn’t functioning properly when actually we have tuned out the constant feedback that our “second brain” sends to us. The body wants to efficiently carry out the necessary functions for our optimal health, but the “keeper” of the body needs to become aware of the language of the “second brain.” In addition, bio-individuality plays an important role; there is no perfect way of eating for everyone. Experiment with whole natural foods, whether raw or cooked, and then listen to the response your “second brain” relays. Some common signs if the food chosen is not a good fit would be constipation, diarrhea, headache, bloating, heartburn, etc. On the other hand if the feedback is positive, signs of increased energy, a feeling of well-being or lightness will be present. These unique messages will come through as you begin to listen and respect your body’s language.
2. Relying on labels for food purchases
People rely on package labels and product claims to decide which foods to purchase. Have you ever considered that the length of the ingredient label is often in direct proportion to the shelf life of the product? The optimum foods for human consumption usually have a small window of bioavailability. If food is grown in nature, it’s good to eat! What about organic foods verses conventional foods? Organics are grown in nutrient-dense soil without the use of harmful chemicals. However, if organics do not fit into your budget, that’s okay. Choosing one-ingredient foods — such as whole grains (brown rice and quinoa, etc.), vegetables and fruits — instead of pre-packaged or fast foods will yield noticeable results.
Nature has already given us the perfect “diet.” Nature gives us all of the perfect foods in the perfect season. When we rely on nature for our food and then intently listen to how these foods respond to our unique body, we will develop a way of eating that promotes health, weight loss and is sustainable over a lifetime. Here are some possible examples of what to eat for each food category: • Protein — Choose from beans, organic grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, eggs and nuts. • Whole grains — Try options such as quinoa, brown rice or millet. Remember there are more nutrients in the actual whole grain versus a processed whole grain product. Keep in mind that not everyone feels good eating whole grains, so experiment and notice what feedback your body gives you. • Fat — Fat in a meal is what helps you to feel satisfied, so choose from natural options, such as unrefined oils, nuts and avocados. • Vegetables — Choose from nature’s bountiful array, but be sure to include some of the most nutrient dense, dark green vegetables such as kale and collard greens. • Sweets — For natural sweetness, try a piece of fruit. There’s no need to eat boring meals with whole foods. Find delicious recipes that combine these one-ingredient foods with herbs and spices. You should thoroughly enjoy the foods you’re eating. Work towards 90 percent of the time eating nutrient-dense foods to support your body, and then 10 percent of the time have some dessert or your favorite food. You don’t have to become a perfect eater to enjoy the vibrant health your body craves. If you’re learning a way to eat for life, it helps to incorporate some flexibility.
3. Falling asleep at the plate
Isn’t it ironic that as a culture we love food, but we seldom make time to enjoy the experience of a good meal? Many people eat standing up, in the car, or watching TV, thus tuning out the entire eating experience. Have you ever eaten a delicious dessert and immediately wanted seconds because you didn’t remember tasting the first serving? I recently worked with a client who was applying what she’d learned in a recent session about eating more mindfully. She did her best to savor a sandwich from a fast food restaurant and discovered it actually tasted awful! It wasn’t until she ate it slowly and mindfully that she realized this valuable information. Her next test was a box of macaroni and cheese. Guess what? She threw that away, too. As always, her body immediately sent her clear messages on her food choices, but this time she listened. Also, it’s important to understand that if you don’t slow down and enjoy your food, you’ll want more and more to satisfy your craving. Take the time to be fully present to experience your meals: savor the flavor, feel the texture, eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and notice when you are comfortably satisfied, then stop.
4. Using food for comfort
How does emotional growth relate to weight loss? For many people, food has solely become a way to comfort themselves rather than a means to be physically nourished. Instead of being present with an uncomfortable emotion by naming it and locating it in the body, people often unconsciously turn to food to relieve the discomfort. Usually this is accompanied by overeating, which further “stuffs” the emotion. Now the message becomes, “I am so full and I feel guilty!” instead of, “Why do I feel anxious, overwhelmed, or fearful?” Unresolved emotions have an impact on weight gain. People often eat to cover up a problem, not because they experience hunger. If we don’t directly address our emotional challenges, we may use food to deal with the stress of a hectic schedule, to alleviate our loneliness or boredom, or to calm our fears, etc. It helps to ask the question: “Am I eating to nourish my body or to escape a feeling?” Becoming more conscious of your eating habits is a powerful means to sustainable weight loss. Eckhart Tolle shared that one of the most profound things that can happen to a human is to become aware of his or her thoughts. Excess weight can be our teacher if we are willing to uncover and awaken to unconscious patterns and habits around food.
5. Avoiding spiritual growth
I broadly define spirituality as anything that nurtures and/or supports your life. For some it’s church, for others it’s yoga, meditation, or nature, etc. It fulfills a basic human need to connect to something greater. If we neglect this deep desire for connection and wholeness, we may unconsciously turn to food to satisfy this hardwired spiritual yearning. Becoming a more conscious eater deepens our spiritual connection for several reasons. First, we are eating foods made by nature that are alive and perfectly designed to support our body, versus a “food” that is in a package made by a company to make a profit. Consuming one-ingredient foods directly from nature
literally connects us to life itself. Secondly, eating in a conscious way anchors us in the present moment. We have to not only be present with the food to fully appreciate it, but we also have to stay attuned to how we feel after eating our meal to learn if the foods are a good fit for our unique body. We often live our lives trapped in our minds — either stuck in the past or in nervous anticipation of the future, which can lead to mindless eating. As we become more mindful and present with food, this skill can support us in being more aware of our body, thoughts, emotional habits and life itself.
Why choose a healthy lifestyle?
After reading these five common pitfalls of weight loss, you might agree that sustainable weight loss goes much deeper than a threemonth diet. How we do life tends to be how we do food. So healing your relationship with food involves listening to your body, incorporating one-ingredient foods from nature, and growing and awakening at an emotional and spiritual level — a lifestyle change. So why invest so much energy in eating healthy? Isn’t eating fast food and sugary foods fun? Not at the expense of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health. What would your life be like if you were comfortable in your body, with vibrant energy and a sense of well-being? Changing the way you eat is transformational. Not only will you lose weight, but you’ll keep it off with a sensible and sustainable approach to eating. I’ve never met anyone who, after losing weight, said, “I miss the extra pounds, not fitting into my clothes, the mood swings and the exhaustion.” Life is now. Don’t wait. a Maggie Christopher, CHNC, is a certified holistic nutrition counselor with a private practice in St. Paul. She specializes in digestive issues, sugar cravings and weight loss. Her program allows people to comfortably embrace a healthier way of eating and living. To deepen her counseling skills, Maggie is enrolled in a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy program at UW-Stout and will graduate in spring 2013. Visit www.maggiechristopher.com to schedule a onehour, complimentary consultation, or call 651.231.1360. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
Thriving with Intuition from moosh to butterfly
by Leah Skurdal sing your intuition may serve a greater good than you know. Einstein taught us that a problem cannot be solved by the mind that created it. To get humanity on to its next level of conscious evolution requires more from us than the sum of our past thoughts and abilities. We need you to open your creative wisdom. Huge challenges face humanity at this juncture in time: clean drinking water and clean air; safe and affordable energy; getting people to talk together rather than kill each other — just to name a few biggies. It will take more than we currently know to implement the solutions. If we listen to our heart’s longing for love, peace, joy, freedom, harmony and prosperity — listen to our Divine essence — we will know what to do. We will take the next right action to create a world where everyone thrives, not just survives. We, humans, need other humans, such as yourself, to listen deeply to your soul’s longing to live the great potential you came here for — to create “heaven on earth.” What if the flowering of your consciousness is what it will take to overflow the dam? What if your intuitive hit sparks another person’s intuitive hit that begins a cascade of creative thinking that creates the next energy source that is free and available for all? Or creates a cure for a debilitating disease? Or brings more love into the world?
Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Our innate human/Divine code creates compassion and integrity. When we are in integrity with Source (“integrity” comes from the same Latin root as “integer,” referring to wholeness, purity, entirety), we are in a state of wholeness. The Divine essence that courses through each and every living cell, fiber and tissue of your being, and every other being on the planet, binds us together in Oneness. We are evolving as a human species in the way that a caterpillar knows to eat, make a cocoon and morph into a butterfly. While in the chrysalis, the old form co-exists in a moosh of cells with the new form for a while. Finally, the new form becomes strong enough to perpetuate itself. We, here, now, are the moosh of cells becoming butterfly. When we have enough new butterfly cells, we will emerge collectively to our new phase of being — able to peacefully govern ourselves and serve as wise stewards of the planet. Be still and listen deeply to that which wishes to emerge through you. Your Divine essence requires you to know itself as an individual drop in the ocean of God. Not intellectually. Not in your mind. But know it and feel it in your cells. Out of your moosh, claim your butterfly-ness. Be present to what is. Being still does not necessarily
Blue Morpho cocoons prepare to become butterflies. require that you sit quietly in meditation. Be present to what is and notice the sounds around you. Taste the smells around you like a snake flicking its tongue to smell. See colors, shadows, light shimmers. Be fully in your body. Then, listen inwardly, expectantly, for that which wishes to emerge through you. I had such a moment walking in the woods this morning. Admittedly, it is easier in the woods, to experience and know your inter-connectedness with all life. But now, I recapture that sense of Oneness while feeling my keyboard, hearing the airplane, watching light play on surfaces. Mind is still. Breathe. Expectant. I’m here. I’m listening. What does a world look like where everyone thrives — no exceptions? What is your unique contribution to the whole? You, cell in the growing butterfly, we urgently need your presence and awareness now. a Leah Skurdal will lead an 11-week Developing Your Intuition course series beginning September 5. To register, contact Leah at 651.472.3995 and leah.skurdal@gmail.com. Leah Skurdal has been on a journey of inner healing and spiritual transformation for over 30 years. The awarenesses she has received along the way are divine gifts. Leah developed her intuitive abilities through training in various healing modalities, meditation and prayer. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
no turning back: GET real and push foward, transform
Star Wisdom September 2012
by DK Brainard
ife lurches forward mid-month as heavyweight outer planets Uranus and Pluto square off, pushing us to new levels of self-transformation. There’s no turning back now, so we’ve got to get exceptionally real about what we want to create and dive right into it. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You’ve been asking to be shown your mission, and you should get your wish later this month. At least one other person in your life helps you see what you really want out of life and the ways in which you push this dream away. Don’t kill the messenger — but also be willing to cut ties with people who clearly don’t share your vision. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…You get a fresh start on a creative project or romance, thanks to the New Moon on the 15th. Don’t over-analyze this; you know what you want so use your mind to plan your strategy and attract the resources you need. You may feel overloaded with work at the end of the month, but you receive an illumination when you least expect it. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…You’ve still got family stuff to clear from your psyche. The universe is helping you see those old patterns with exceptional clarity in the first half of the month, so make time to do the work. Once the Sun shifts into Libra on the 22nd, you feel liberated. You realize there is a place in the world where you and your creative mind can flourish and be appreciated. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…If you do one thing in September, allow yourself to see the connection between your relationship(s) and your life’s work. You can’t go around leaking life energy and expect to have the success you want. It’s time to get serious about doing the work you came here to do and tighten up the ship. If they’re not helping you move forward, why are they still in the picture? Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You get crucial information about money and the attitudes that hold you back from abundance on or near the New Moon on the 15th. People love who you are and what you do, so why are you holding yourself back? Once you answer that question honestly, you’re free to step into the next level of your life. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…You are feeling more like yourself than you have in some time! Beware of the temptation to engage in endless self-analysis. With Jupiter in your career house what you need now is action. Don’t wait until you know exactly how things should play out. Take the first step and be open to surprise endings. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Hold off on any life-defining acts until the Sun moves out of your 12th House at the Equinox. You’re going to make significant life changes in the coming weeks, but you’ll have much more personal power at your disposal once the Sun moves into your sign on the 22nd. And remember Saturn’s lesson: You are the authority in your life now.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…With your ruling planet Mars back home in your sign all month, your intuition and perceptiveness are off the charts. Hone that connection to your inner guidance, because you’re being asked to “read and react” this month. Rather than trying to control what you can’t control, view life as a wild but elegant dance or a suspense thriller starring you as the somewhat reluctant hero. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Lots of positive opportunity this month, as long as you remain aware of the part of you that wants to sabotage your success in a misguided attempt to “keep you safe.” The New Moon on the 15th brings a career opportunity that may involve releasing a job or role that isn’t working for you anyway. You are a channel for unlimited creativity right now — find a place where you can use it and be rewarded. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…You could go from rags to riches overnight if you’re willing to forget everything you learned in the past and step into who you are in the present moment. Family patterns could erupt from your unconscious with shocking power and release forever just as quickly as they appear. You are the person of the hour, so make no excuses. Clear the past and step into a beautiful present. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…September’s astrology is pushing hard to help you clear the old thought patterns that have kept you trapped in a life that feels too small and boring. Claim the time and space you need to pour yourself into building the next stage of your life’s work. You’re the only one capable of making this vision real, so trust yourself and just do it. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…You’re coming into a much stronger awareness of who you are and what you need. As you step into your true Self, your relationships inevitably must shift. Use the New Moon on the 15th as an impetus to clearly define what you need going forward. This gives your significant others the choice to grow…or leave. Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, September 5, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to BlogTalkRadio.com/edgemagazine. Listen to all archives at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero’s Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. Get in-depth weekly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, plus monthly video forecasts and weekly astrology podcasts at DK’s website: www.wordsforthepeople.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
next month: Energy Healing, Reiki & Healing Touch » call 763.433.9291 to be included
ealing fear — things we are afraid of — is most commonly attributed to hypnosis. But this therapy also helps curb addiction, promote relaxation (especially with childbirth), alleviate chronic pain, asthma and panic attacks, and more. The following practitioners provide hypnotherapy throughout the Upper Midwest:
A Peaceful Place, Jane Gallagher, 2516 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55405, 612.567.8017, APeacefulPlace1@gmail.com, www.APeacefulPlace. Us — Hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching for issues large and small: relieving minor daily irritants, job dissatisfaction, stress, habits; discovering inner talents, self worth; improving diet and exercise, confidence, and more. Individual sessions in person, via webcam or phone. Monthly Quitting Smoking and Healthy Lifestyle group workshops. Individualized results just for you!
ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center, Cindy Locher, 763.218.3231, SelfHypnosis.com — ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center provides a full range of services to create gentle, but effective, change for children and adults. The center has two internationally recognized hypnotherapists to provide you with the fastest and most effective results. Issues commonly seen include weight loss, smoking cessation, sports hypnosis, fears, phobias and anxiety issues, chronic pain, ADD/ ADHD, Autism, and more.
Lori Bestler, MindScapes UnLimited Hypnosis Coaching Center, 651.260.4540, www.mindscapesunlimited.com — Certified hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, stress specialist, motivation coach — for people who want more…success, greater well-being and control in their life. Specialization: busy minds, spirituality, wellness; helping clients overcome anxiety, racing mind, procrastination, negative thinking and habit change-weight loss, smoking cessation.
Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 1735 Dayton Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104, 651.649.1952, eric@ericjchristopher.com, www.ericjchristopher.com — For over 12 years, Eric has helped people relieve anxiety and depression by connecting them to their inner wisdom which can uncover and release the root, subconscious, limiting beliefs that underlie uncomfortable emotions or ‘stuck’ patterns. He also guides clients in Past-Life and Life-Between Lives Regression. His passion is connecting people to their own innate wisdom, where they feel and experience the freedom and power of their wholeness and creative potential.
Body Mind Circle Holistic Healing Center, Marc and Hiyala, 305 Village Parkway, Circle Pines, MN 55014, 612.747.8692, marc@bodymindcircle.com, www. bodymindcircle.com — Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in the North Metro. We help every day ordinary people solve every day ordinary problems. With powerful Hypnosis and NLP techniques we help our clients overcome their challenges with Smoking, Stress Relief, Weight Release, Fears and Phobias, Study Skills, Athletic Performance, Panic Attacks, Success and Confidence, Any Bad Habits. Initial intake visit is Free.
Dynamic Minds, Inc., Hypnosis Center & Training, 4749 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 1, Minneapolis, MN 55407, 612.827.8094, www.dynamicmindsinc.com, facebook: dynamicminds — Where our mind goes, our body follows! We coach people to dissolve limiting beliefs, shift limiting habits and create a creative and rewarding life. Weight loss, stop smoking, fears, phobias, fatigue, pain management, insomnia, confidence, past lives, spirituality and more! Certification training is also available to become a hypnotherapist.
Cynthia Ekren, MA, MHt, CIIT, RM, Brigid’s House, 500 S Park Ave., Hwy. 71, Park Rapids, MN 56470, 218.732.5347, cell 218.255.0160, cynthiaekren@gmail. com, www.awakenpastlives.com, www.brigidshouse. com — Discover the healing power of the mind and the enduring nature of the soul. Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy for spiritual growth and behavior modification. Stress relief. Overcome phobias. Hypnogastric Band Surgery for weight release. Certified HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, Mongan Method, offering private and class instruction. Certified member of NATH. Healing Garden Hypnosis LLC, Megan L. Titcomb, CH, HBCE, CD(DONA), 5878 Blackshire Path, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076, 651.398.0817, megan@healinggardenhypnosis.com, www. healinggardenhypnosis.com — Healing Garden Hypnosis specializes in smoking cessation, weight release, workrelated stress, women’s issues, pregnancy and birthing. HypnoBirthing® - The Mongan Method is a world-renowned method of relaxed, natural childbirth education, enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques. Hypnotherapy sessions at Healing Garden Hypnosis are personalized, confidential and offered by appointment only. Helping To Heal Natural Therapies, Charles Reinert, 192 3rd St., Tracy, MN 56175, 507.629.3900, helpingtohealclinic@iw.net, www.helpingtoheal. us — “When Nothing Else Works…” We help when Western medicine cannot. We use Hypnosis, EFT, Qigong, Reiki, imagery, hyperthermia, oral chelation and Takemoto therapies to help you heal cancer and most other conditions. Free chats, no traffic lights.
COMMUNITY holistic bUSINESS LISTINGS Next month, If you provide Energy Healing, Reiki or Healing Touch in your community, be listed here for only $50. Contact info + 50-word description of what your center offers the community. Order your listing conveniently at Edgemagazine.net. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine. net. Deadline: September 18. Visit: edgemagazine.net/category/community/
The Hypnosis Center of Eau Claire, 800 Wisconsin St., Eau Claire, WI, 715.552.5355, www.hypnosiscenterec.com — “It has and continues to be my pleasure to help so many help themselves with any of life’s challenges through the very safe, relaxing and most beneficial use of hypnosis, which is the natural harnessing of the power of your own abilities. I welcome your call. Until then, be well” ~ Richard Marano, B.S., C.H. Hypnotherapy for Mind, Body, Spirit & Beyond, Craig Lang, The Healing Loft of Minneapolis, 2112 Broadway St. NE, Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN 55413, 763.257.7334, craig@craigrlang.com, www.craigrlang. com — Hypnosis — fear/stress, mind/body/spiritual health. Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, Judith A. Froemming BA, CTC, HNLP, Parkway Office Building, 4748 Chicago Ave. S., Suite 17, Minneapolis, MN 55407, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com — Change Your Mind. Change Your Life! Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Powerfully transform your limiting beliefs, fears, phobias, anxiety, relationships, health or habits. Effective tools. Learn how to create your life’s purpose with Joy and Balance! One-hour free consultation. “…Judith is simply the most effective facilitator of Shift I have ever had the pleasure to work with.” - Glenn B. The Meta Institute, 5121 Winnetka Ave. Suite 200, New Hope, MN 55428, 763.533.6527, meta@metainstitute. com, www.metainstitute.com — The Meta Institute offers training/certification and services in Hypnotherapy. Our staff is trained in Hypnotherapy and an array of other modalities that complement the Hypnosis experience and enhance results for the client. Our treatment methods are safe, professional and put the clients in charge of their process. Nature’s Healing Room, Jill Hendrickson, MHt, 952.807.2551, www.natureshealingroom.com — Nature’s Healing Room provides alternative methods that promote conscious enlightenment and healing. Specializing in Past Life Regression and Life-Between-Life sessions. As a Master Hypnotherapist, Jill integrates a variety of healing modalities including sound, crystals, and cards into her sessions. Come and explore how you are supported on your journey.
New Moon Hypnosis, Gail Mason, C.H.P., 612.280.6408, gm5959@q.com, www.newmoonhypnosis.com — Welcome to New Moon Hypnosis, where I am committed to helping my clients heal from within. Hypnosis is a deep-healing technique that works with the subconscious mind to aid in healing and bringing forth only those things that serve you in your life. I hold every client sacred. Call for appointments. ONE Holistic Wellness, 320.250.9402, anne@ oneholisticwellness.com, www.Oneholisticwellness. com — ONE Holistic Wellness provides hypnosis, along with Psych K and other modalities that work directly with the unconscious mind to create change that is easy and comfortable. Whether working on issues such as smoking cessation, weight loss, trauma relief, or to simply create a life that is happier and more fulfilling, ONE Holistic Wellness can help you achieve the results you are wanting, quickly, easily and comfortably. Psy Guy, John Peterson, 651.334.4060, psy-guy.com — Heal the present with the knowledge of the past. Traumas in this lifetime form a foundation of distorted growth. Presented “now” in this lifetime, the absence of being a complete person reflects which choices you make. Be reintroduced to the “child you” that stood to the side to protect your Soul while you grew up. Re-integration is life-changing, both physically and mentally. Earn a journey to your past lives. Call today for your transformation. Marie Savage, Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park, MN 55426, 612.508.9606, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www. earthwaterwellness.com — Offering hypnosis, Reiki, EFT and intuitive readings. In addition to traditional hypnosis, we utilize the Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing hypnosis technique for exploring past lives and accessing the higher subconscious mind. Group hypnosis events are available. In private sessions, Marie often blends two or more modalities into a custom approach that meets the client’s needs.
Join The Edge: Sept. 8 - Moonlight & Magic Sept. 22 - Holistic Healing & Psychic Fair
Serenity Hypnosis Massage Therapy & Essential Oils, 651.430.3897 — Combining Hypnosis to eliminate emotional pain and break bad habits. Massage for Stress Reduction, passive exercise. Essential Oils, for your Mind, body, spiritual healing. Also with Acuscope/ myopulse to eliminate chronic pain. We have both male and female therapists. Call for more information or an appointment.
September 2012 edge magazine
WHAT’S UP notes from the edge
Our featured topics in 2012 relate to your experience…how you felt, what you learned…the ah-ha’s, the magic, the growth and how it changed your life. This month: The New Me: Reports from the Transformation. Next month: An Unexplained Experience from the Beyond (submit by Sept. 9).
The Edge is committed to supporting its advertisers: Advertisers are given an opportunity to expand the holistic conversation on Edge Talk Radio. Links to advertiser websites are placed on the Digital Edge. Advertisers are promoted on our blog site, in email blasts, and on Facebook and Twitter. Options for every budget. Advertise Today: Cathy at 763.433.9291. The Edge is now acceptiong submissions for the October issue: An Unexplained Experience from the Beyond: Share in 700 words or less your personal experience from the Beyond. Send articles to editor@edgemagazine.net by September 9. Reserve your space in the FallWinter 2012 Edge Directory: Get an immediate 10% Discount if you order a display ad in the Directory by September 20. Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgematazine.net
SEPTEMBER DEADLINES Articles: September 9 Advertisements: September 18
Transformation by love
by Saren Lightsong have lived a life full of divergent truths — experiences that clash abruptly into each other with a silent and disruptive clatter. I have chosen to bathe the resultant wounds and scars in kindness and compassion. Bit by uproarious bit — with the steadiness of a relentless storm — I have come to know the truth. The truth is not what it first seems. At first, it is the details that seem like truth. But then, later, as Love fills
in the cracks and makes a compress for the bruises, as I listen for the voice of the Divine singing at the heart of each moment in each story, the Truth becomes not the details of cruelty, or the tumble of chaos, but rather the completely shining glory of Love. I have opened to the reunion of my fractured pieces, have allowed static walls designed to separate pain from pain within me to turn to rain and fall on the parched and brittle-baked soil of my inner desert. The desert has become a garden in bloom.
I have come to understand that my own integration reflects and foretells the awakening happening in humanity now. As we begin to release the walls keeping their pain separate from mine, as we change the very language that suggests there even is an “other,” and allow our hearts to guide us to an every moment, alive awareness of Oneness, we are becoming an integrated human being. One Being. Made of billions of unique, equal, and needed individual expressions of Light. pink spheres and golden spirals
Two years ago, I dream traveled to a pink sphere out in space. Entering, I found a smooth floor, and sparkling golden DNA spirals swirling in translucent, living, pink walls. Three tall, holy beings joined me — skin black, faces royal. I began to dance, staying on the right side of the room. They danced with me, cradling every move I made. On the left side of the floor, a sepia-drawn map seeped into existence. A sepiaskinned man literally drew himself up, all rippling muscle and glistening power. I was filled with nearly unbearable, unbelievable grief as he came into being, separating himself from what was once One. He drew the ocean out in front of him, and began to swim away, far away to a distant shore. When he arrived, he walked with arms held out before him, straight into shackles. I wept and wailed…danced and danced. That dream is about our original oneness, and our original separation. It shows the awareness and willingness of we, the One, to create the form of masculine and feminine, a false, yet meaningful, separation, the origination of so much pain. It shows the power of the Will to sacrifice, to become other, to become perpetrator and victim, to be left behind, to be broken hearted. I had to trust that there was a reason for us — the ONE — to create Itself into the divided, the separate, the illusion. I believe we are now on the threshold of understanding and harvesting the gifts of this illusory separation. Conscious knowledge of oneness
Last year, on 11/11/11, I suddenly knew a new Truth. I felt the moment arrive when the totality of humanity became able to hold the re-awakened conscious knowledge of Oneness. I knew that I could suddenly and completely let go of my millennial task of remembering, keeping the truth protected within me, safe from shattering, brutal distortions. My job (and the job of countless others through time) was successfully completed! Our collective consciousness is now awake enough, strong enough, for us to know a never-before-experienced conscious embodiment of our literal Oneness. The Oneness that existed before the illusion of the split is not the same as the Oneness with Awareness that we now embody. This moment in our history is at last able to exhale, after holding its breath for thousands of years. Breathe out with me. Feel the joy with me. Experience our new Conscious Oneness viscerally in your cells and soul. Celebrate the utterly sure success of our collective transformation from Homo Sapian to Homo Spiritus, Homo Luminous, Homo Pacem. Just imagine (Imagine!) the world we will breathe into form with this celebratory exhalation. a Saren Lightsong is a lifelong intuitive healer specializing in Transformational Kinesiology. Feeling stuck? Struggling? She can help! Know and live your Greatest Truths with joyful integrity here and now. Call for an appointment. Contact Saren at 612.232.7935 or email her at saren@sarenlightsong.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
Clearing baggage, opening up something new by Lynn Savage any people can sense the ongoing shift, and what a ride it has been thus far! We have seen an accelerating pace of change, as spirit urges us on to clear karma and old baggage. Around ten years ago, feeling the influence of books by Wayne Dyer, Seth (Jane Roberts), Neale Donald Walsh, etc., I decided it was time to redesign my life. I had struck out in several relationships and had gone through bankruptcy. I had a good job, but felt stuck on my life path. After several years of invoking the
affirmations, mantras and formulas, it was clear that nothing much had changed in my life. Even though the gurus in The Secret and other spiritual wisdom sources didn’t mention it, I came to realize that “baggage,” emotional and energetic, could be blocking meaningful change and success. It was time to take a serious look at the energetic and emotional blocks and how to clear them. My focus on clearing baggage eventually paid off, as I met my present wife Marie. The fusion of our energies has inspired us to continue the baggage Clearing continued on page 26
Connecting to the deep peace of God’s love
by Jerry Buchmeier continuing transformation, a new me unfolding, has been taking place throughout the whole of my life. It is this: my relationship with God who is the center and periphery of every aspect of my life and being. When I do not recognize this relationship in everything I see and react to, then I get caught in a world of fear, doubt, self-denigration and judgment. The new me, instead, can see every internal or external event or person as providing a new window into the challenge and glory of God’s love. Everything becomes a gift, a cause to rejoice. Moving toward this transformation underpins much of the focus of my present life. I have been teaching classes to help people make two-way contact with spirit. Most people are successful at finding that two-way contact with loved ones who have passed, or with angels, masters or guides. Few find that connection directly with God. For me, also, it was ten years of speaking telepathically with many multidimensional beings before I experienced speaking directly with God. Only then did I come to understand that everything and everybody that I meet in this life presents the face of God. There is a song by Jackie Evancho that helps me find the face of God in negative events. Search on YouTube for “Evancho Dark Waltz.” Her innocence and poise as she sings this beautiful song helps me to sing with her these words: “Let the dark waltz begin. Oh let me
wheel, let me spin. Let it take me again, Turning me into the Light.” And another song by Jackie helps me find within myself that impassioned loving and longing for God. Search on YouTube for “Evancho Lovers.” Though this song at one level refers to a childhood sweetheart, its depth of feeling and dramatic beauty help bring my relationship with God to aware feeling states within me. “Your voice still echoes in my heart!” Just a few days ago, I sought to explore these feeling states in a conversation with God. Dear God, I open to your presence and the draw towards you in my heart. Please draw me forward. I am yours. Take me. G: Dear Jerome, we are one. Already. I am in you. I work through you. Let our oneness and our love come to the surface. Thank you. Help me to do so. G: Yes. Our love need not be painful. Let us be joyful together, at this time and ever more forward. I usually experience the holy longing as both pain and pleasure. G: Dear Jerome, open more to our oneness. We are not separate, and you do not need to long for me. Instead, feel our oneness. I am here, always. What do I look for to feel our oneness? G: Find all that is around you and within you. Find that which is beyond. Feel
that. I am there. I am here. We are one. Today, as I write this article, God summarizes for me with deep feeling where I’m at, and how to take the next steps. G: Dear Jerome, I am with you and in you and you feel my presence in your heart. We are one in your heart and in every aspect of your being. There will come a time when you feel my presence in every aspect of your being. For now, just feel the love and my presence in your heart. I wish to share with you our togetherness while in total and deep peace. This is the foundation of the transformation that you speak of. Whatever communication we share at other levels, it must be based in this deep peace and loving togetherness. So sometimes we share energies that you can feel moving within and surrounding you. Sometimes the swirling energies connect you directly into oneness with all that surrounds you. Sometimes we speak together in words and deep feelings. We can share in many ways. Yet, we need never stop sharing our deep peace and loving togetherness. When you are able to hold the awareness of that sharing ceaselessly, the transformation you seek within yourself on this earth shall be complete. a Jerry Buchmeier is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and channel practicing in Plymouth. You can reach him at jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, or www.jerrybuchmeier. com. You can read other articles about Jerry’s mystical experiences at the Edge online, at http://edgemagazine.net/ author/jeromebuchmeier/ Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Transformation through kirtan
by Pascale LaPoint irtan has changed my life. There’s no doubt about it — I have turned from being unhappy, slightly depressed, angry and bored to being joyful, happy, loving, involved and spiritually fulfilled. What is kirtan, you ask? Kirtan as a form of Bhakti yoga — the yoga of devotion — is part of the yogic philosophy: yoga as a union of body, mind and spirit. Bhakti yoga is growing in the West, but is as of yet still lesser known than its counterparts of posture (Asana), breath (Prana) or meditation (Dhyana), for example. Kirtan is perceived with the heart — sending love and joy to your inner being and to the universe. It is the chanting of mantras in call-andresponse style producing vibrational energy amongst the participants in a joyful celebration of divine love. Kirtan can be meditative or ecstatic, depending on where your heart leads you. In my case, chanting came to me at a yoga retreat a few years back. The first chant I ever heard was one from Krishna Das, “Om Namah Shivayah.” I instantly realized I had found something that I never knew I was looking for. I started buying his CDs and listening exclusively to chanting. It was so soothing, calming, joyful and heartfelt that I wanted more of it, and fast! I was fortunate that the chant master himself came to Minneapolis just a short while later. The experience of sitting amongst hundreds of other chanters and feeling the energy and vibrations of the communal singing, with Krishna Das leading the call, made an even bigger impact on me. I asked him afterwards how I could get started leading kirtan myself, a question that hadn’t occurred to me before I went to the event. He said to me, “Just start to sing — sing from the heart.” And that’s what I did. First, I bought a harmonium, an instrument brought to India by European missionaries that is now considered one of the staples of kirtan music. One year of piano lessons when I was a child may have been of some help, but I mostly just figured out some easy drones and chords by just playing with it. For many months, I just sang at home, and then I assembled a little band: harmonium and vocals by me, violin by Nancy Lemke, and mrdanga (a hand drum) by Gregg Giddings. I also traveled to many kirtan
events nationwide, taking in and enjoying the different styles that kirtan has taken in the West. I used to sing in choirs and in the shower, but I’d never performed as a lead singer in public. However, my passion and drive to chant with other people overcame my perfectionist mindset, and I learned to just “let it out” right from the heart. The Minneapolis kirtan community embraced us with open arms. We were supported by Sacred Rearrangements, a shop and healing center owned by Susan Shehata and Keith Helke, with advice and practical help, and our first public kirtan took place in their space. Our audience (or, the other members of the band, as chant artist Dave Stringer calls them due to the fact that they are intimately involved in the musical outcome) grew slowly but surely. After Gregg moved out of town, we found our current
“…My passion and drive to chant with other people overcame my perfectionist mindset, and I learned to just ‘let it out’ right from the heart.” drummer, Mark Baker, on craigslist. During the last few years, we have played in yoga studios and parks, at festivals like the Twin Cities Kirtan Fest and the Inner Peace Festival, and just recently at the inaugural Bhakti Fest Midwest in Madison, Wisconsin. Personally, kirtan has brought me close to Eastern spirituality. Singing the Divine names (which is what the chants basically are) is a joy to my heart and has fulfilled my yearning for a home within myself. It is my daily practice and prepares me for the ups and downs in life that I am now able to face with greater equanimity. It brought a transformation with it that I would have never believed possible. It has been so natural and all-encompassing that friends have likened it to me finding my personal dharma, the purpose I was born to accomplish in this life. a Pascale LaPoint is a devotional singer and founder of Kirtan Path. If you are interested in finding out more about kirtan, please visit www.kirtanpath.com where you will find details about upcoming events, sound files, a gallery, etc. For information about local kirtan bands in the Twin Cities and their events, visit www.kirtangatherings.com, a site established by Pascale LaPoint and Deana Downs to serve the growing local kirtan community. Contact Pascale at pascale@kirtanpath.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
THE NEW ME Clearing continued from page 24 clearing in ourselves, even as we began a healing path that resulted in the inception of Earth & Water Wellness. We have worked hard at clearing, and slowly it’s beginning to show positive results in other areas. As we began to combine the modalities of Reiki, Hypnosis and EFT, it became apparent that these practices all have a common link concerning the clearing of blockages. Reiki and EFT, as well as acupuncture and many other energy practices, are able to access the body’s cellular and etheric fields where blocked energy is stored. The autonomic nervous system and subconscious are connected, and they are aware of every trauma and injury that has been suffered. Reiki can be used to scan and locate blocked areas, and facilitate extraction and clearing. Other types of energetic practice work for the same reasons — accessing the energetic body where the blockages reside. Marie became certified in Dolores Cannon’s technique known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis, which can be very effective in resolving health issues and other problems by accessing the subconscious mind. I didn’t realize this at first, but hypnosis is one more means of affecting the energetic body, through the subconscious. Where do energetic blockages originate? Many people have suffered one or more traumas, large or small. We take on negative beliefs. We are taught that expression of certain emotions is not appropriate, so that pain and anger are turned inward to pile up. Before the age of 7, the mind lacks a critical filter, so it accepts any message from others as unquestioned truth. Statements about money, appearance, intelligence or ability tend to stick and be incorporated into our belief system. We can develop physical illness or suffer hardship in any area of life, due to blockages and negative thought patterns. Psychological practitioners are aware of these things, but traditional therapies are of little help in clearing the underlying energetic blockages. People might have everything seemingly going their way, but still find that a self-sabotage program kicks in and wreaks havoc with relationships, jobs or business ventures. This sabotage can be so subtle that
the conscious mind is unaware of it. Such a person might try to effect change through a motivational book or program, only to find that nothing seems to work (as in my own experience). The reason that conscious effort often doesn’t produce change is that the unconscious mind governs 99 percent of our reality. We can repeat affirmations and tell ourselves that our beliefs have changed, but as soon as we go on to the next thought, the embedded program continues to run as before. I was excited about learning these principles of clearing energetic and emotional baggage, and thrilled with the path Marie and I are taking with Earth & Water Wellness. For the first time, I’m seeing real, directed change occur in my life. Hopefully our clients will also benefit from what we are learning. As the Shift and Transformation continues to alter our reality, more people are becoming aware of the need to clear what blocks them. Now is the availing time! a Lynn Savage is co-owner with Marie of Earth & Water Wellness, which offers hypnosis, Reiki, and other holistic healing modalities. In addition to day job as a programmer, Lynn manages the website and marketing, plus writes articles and blogs. Contact Lynn at lynn@ earthwaterwellness.com and visit www.earthwaterwellness.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
‘The New Me’ is someone I never expected
by Kimberly Wencl n a few weeks, I will be attending my 40th high school class reunion. Those who haven’t seen me in forty years will be shocked and a bit surprised when they meet “the new me.” In high school, I was extremely shy and a complete introvert. I felt awkward and didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere. Of course, looking back now, I know that wasn’t true, but at that point in my young life it was definitely my perception. Very early on I made some decisions that were, in my book, non-negotiable. Public speaking was at the very top of my list. I can remember giving speeches in high school and my knees would shake and my hands would quiver. I was so nervous I couldn’t even think straight. Things have changed dramatically for me through the years. I am more outgoing now and open to meeting new people and creating new experiences — things that time and living life brought about. There is a saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks — and sometimes I guess that is true. But what I’ve come to realize is that if the old dog is willing, anything is possible. Never in a million years could I ever have imagined that I would bury my 20-year old daughter, Elizabeth. It was not the right order of things, and it still isn’t. It was non-negotiable — but it happened, and suddenly I had to incorporate it into my life, make peace with it, and work through all of the painful emotions to find joy again and a life worth living. Once I accepted my daughter’s death, it was easier for other things that I had once considered non-negotiable to be held up for change. Because of the strong connection that I still shared with Elizabeth, I had an extreme sense of gratitude to God and the Universe at large. I was no longer a stiff board of do’s and do not’s. My life became malleable, and I was molded into something far greater than I could have ever imagined. There is a saying that God can dream a dream bigger than you can ever dream for yourself. I can see this so clearly in my life since that fateful day in September 2003. Public speaking has now become something that I do at
every opportunity. And my topic is always the same: the most painful experience of my life, the death of my daughter, my journey through it and coming out the other side and back to embracing and loving life again. The first time I spoke, I had practiced for months and questioned my sanity daily. How can I possibly speak in front of strangers about the most painful time of my life? In truth, I didn’t know. All l knew was that my story was important and sharing it could be the catalyst for others to view their own life
“…The strong presence of my daughter permeates my very being whenever I share our story.” situations in a different way. I also was confident that if I did everything I could to prepare, The Divine would step in to help me. This certainly was the case. In fact, when I finished that first talk, I felt the strongest sense of accomplishment I have ever felt. It was a complete sense of euphoria. Spirit had asked me to step up — and I had done so. Not without some fear and trepidation, but with the knowing that I would receive help whenever I needed it. The strong presence of my daughter permeates my very being whenever I share our story. In a sense, we have become a team, and we work together from both sides of the veil to help others. For me, there is no greater calling. What will the next forty years bring? I don’t know, but I look forward to whatever adventures Spirit sends my way! Life is joyous! a Kimberly Wencl is a writer and speaker living in southern Minnesota. Visit her website, Love Lives On, at kimwencl.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
THE CANCER JOURNEY Cancer the Disingenuous Disease
Reflecting and moving forward by Cheryl Hiltibran Seventh in a series hat do you do when your cancer test results aren’t what you want them to be? I asked myself after my most recent ultrasound. The doctor said it appeared the cancer had grown by 10 to 15 percent. Gulp! I thought I was open, prepared for any possibility; I had no back-up plan should the results be worse. The 30-minute drive immediately after getting the news wasn’t quite enough for me to be fully composed when I walked into work. Yet, I put my emotional state on a back burner, which, in hindsight, was a good thing: I let my subconscious mind deal with it. Now, I realize my ego wanted — expected — the tumor to be decreased in size or completely gone. Despite thinking I was open to all possibilities, I was not. This was a good thing.
How others respond
I was spiraling downward emotionally, spurred on by how others would respond once this “negative” news came out. I was afraid of pity disguised as sympathy — or worse, getting the same response I had gotten from my husband when I admitted that my radio program had failed: he gloated, “I knew it wouldn’t work, now see where you are!” And three months after my diagnosis, he was still trying to convince my doctors and chiropractors to get me
to change my mind and do what HE wanted me to do, which was follow conventional medical procedures. I left him quickly and with great clarity once I realized I could either spend all my energy defending myself or listen to my inner voice guiding me to a healthier life. Unfortunately others, too, still think I’m being steered in the wrong direction by denial. My inner voice has led me through good times and most powerfully guides me during my darkest hours, days, weeks, and years. This does not mean I don’t listen to outside information. It means I check it to determine whether it resonates with me, my path, my healing solutions, and my body. I must feel like they are tuning to the same frequency, just as I did with my fellow clarinetists before a concert. Life is not a smooth road. It is handling the smooth times with grace and humility and difficult times with courage, persistence, and your strongest sense of spiritual alignment. Challenges build character, fortitude and consciousness. From the beginning, I’ve acknowledged that I may not come out of this journey alive, because I am human and I will die. Fact. Will I die of cancer? Will I die of its treatment, or lack thereof? Will I clear the cancer and go on to live a long, healthy life and die of something else? The fact remains: I WILL die, somehow, sometime. Maybe I am not committed enough either way. In my reflection, it occurred to me that my body, mind, and spirit have more work to do, even with the positive indicators that propel me forward:
• I’ve regained 17 of the 25 pounds I lost. • I finished my 34th American Birkebeiner cross-country ski race, which is 50 kilometers (32 miles) in length, 50 minutes faster than I predicted. • I’m calmer and more relaxed than I have been in years. • I feel more aligned spiritually than ever before; spiritual experiences are abounding in my life. • Opportunities, support and encouragement from the universe and from friends are at every juncture of this journey. • It just feels right to me. Feather on my path
Two more very important pieces: For the past 20 years, feathers have been a personal spiritual totem, a message from the Divine. Whenever I doubt myself a feather lands on my path, confirming that I am in the right place, doing the right things, at the right time, and with the right people. The other key indicator for me is that my healing work is expanding and is more profound than ever before. I help others create deeper meaning in their lives and I feel rejuvenated by their healing sessions! After taking in the test results and pondering my next moves, I realize there is plenty more I can do. I can increase my juicing, detoxify my body and mind on a regular basis, and let go of more resentments, angers and childhood trauma. There are plenty of additional resources to help someone heal
AGING cancer naturally, but I have yet to use any high potency “cancer” supplements, which come with a long list of testimonials about how stage 4 cancer has been healed. Many years ago, I got on a motorcycle I knew I was not going to return on. That accident was a vital part of my past; I used meditation then to create optimal recovery. As I write this, I realize I haven’t been using this powerful form of healing. I’ve listened to my healing meditation CDs while driving and sleeping, but passively rather than as an active, significant tool. It’s time to call upon the healing masters and guides that help me in my healing practice for my own support. That’s not being selfish; it’s nurturing and loving. My own attitude
One of my biggest admissions is about my own attitude. I firmly believed I could clear the tumor from my body as if it was a fly and squash it out of existence. Well, I have met my opponent and it has humbled me. I’m used to multitasking, but this cancer challenge deserves my full attention. I have been distracting myself from my goal: to clear cancer from my body organically on my way to becoming a holistically healthy person, aligned spiritually, mentally and physically. I need this time of renewal — to continue moving forward, to reassess what else, what more, what else to let go of, what more to forgive. To make way for true health, one must remove all obstacles that impede the way, not just some. My general desire is to be a fully actualized as a spiritual-human
being, content with my choices in lifestyle, friendships, relationships, work, recreation, and spiritual communion. There is much to do in each of these categories. After years of striving to grow from the inside out in an environment more concerned about outward appearances, I am ready to expand my trust in myself. I’m ready for internal peace, true authenticity and personal alignment. I’m giving up the struggle that has been raging within me, like the two wolves — the gentle, loving one and the fierce, angry one. I want to feed the gentle one and allow it to nurture me and be my companion, not my anger. Aiding our bodies to heal with the power of the mind and the available energy that exists in us and around us is critical. Thank you for letting me share my humanness, fail on my way to learn, grow, and heal. Oh, how my own beliefs have kept me from achieving the health I deserve. I used meditation to keep me on my path, and then I forgot to use it as a healing protocol. But my real lesson is that what seemed like failure was just an opportunity to reassess and keep moving forward. a Listen to Edge contributor Cheryl Hiltibran describe her journey on the archived Edge Talk Radio program “Innerviews” with Cathryn Taylor by clicking here: http://tiny.cc/az5ucw Cheryl Hiltibran is a life coach, natural intuit and healer who assists others in being fully integrated and aligned. Clients claim they are more true to themselves after working with her. Check out her blog at beinggenius.com. She can be reached at cheryl@ goinggenius.com or 952.486.1298. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Violence puts wear and tear on kids’ DNA by staff reports
hildren who have experienced violence might really be older than their years. The DNA of 10-year-olds who experienced violence in their young lives has been found to show wear and tear normally associated with aging, a Duke University study has found. “This is the first time it has been shown that our telomeres can shorten at a faster rate even at a really young age, while kids are still experiencing stress,” said Idan Shalev, a post-doctoral researcher in psychology and neuroscience at the Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy. Telomeres are special DNA sequences found at the tips of chromosomes; much like the plastic tips of shoelaces, they prevent DNA from unraveling. Emerging evidence suggests that telomeres are “master integrators,” connecting stress to biological age and associated diseases. Telomeres are known to get shorter each time cells divide, putting a limit on the number of times a given cell can go on dividing. Smoking, obesity, psychological disorders and stress have been found to possibly accelerate that process of telomere loss. In that sense, our telomeres may reflect biological age, not just chronological age. Previous studies of telomeres and stress had primarily looked at telomeres in adults as they recalled experiences much earlier in their lives. The findings suggest a mechanism linking cumulative childhood stress to telomere maintenance and accelerated aging, even at a young age. It appears to be an important way that childhood stress may get “under the skin” at the fundamental level of our cells. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” said Terrie Moffitt, a professor of Psychology and Neuroscience. “Some of the billions of dollars spent on diseases of aging such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia might be better invested in protecting children from harm.” a
September 2012 edge magazine
Redefining the Peace Movement Humanity’s transformation shifts our capacity for peace by James O’Dea The following is an excerpt from Cultivating Peace: Becoming a 21st Century Peace Ambassador (Shift Books) e are witnessing a tidal shift in consciousness. Some see it as a great planetary awakening of awareness accompanied by an extended capacity for empathy and collaboration. The burgeoning networks of people who share these new values, along with the accelerating global communications environment, are creating an unprecedented planetary resonance. We are collectively beginning to shed the skin of humanity’s dysfunctional consciousness.
Redefining the movement
Here are key transformations defining the new peace movement: We are moving from being locked into outrage at war and violence, or being defined as a protest movement, to creating a culture of peace from the ground up and from the inside out. We are moving from the reactive condemnation of others arising out of a presumed superior moral position, to engaging in dialogue, listening, and drawing on nonviolent communication strategies. We are moving from labeling those who disagree with us as the enemy to recognizing the inherent flaw in creating enmity as a peace strategy. In this way, our work attempts to dissolve polarizing behaviors. We are moving from a consciousness that is problem centered to one that is solution centered. This has a radical impact on how we organize. We are informed by our vision,
and our approach is not always defined by the tactics or stance of the opposition. We are moving from piecemeal, feel-good, quick-fix interventions, to whole-system maps and systemic transformation. We are moving from a reliance on ideological frameworks to integral approaches that are embodied manifestations of peace at the individual and collective levels. We are moving from activism that leads to burnout and relationship breakdowns to one in which working for the cause of peace requires self-care and time for quality relationships. We are moving from the battleground of proving who is right and who is wrong to understanding worldview transformation and exploring who are wounded and how they can find healing. We are moving from an obsession with punishment to the search for truth, reconciliation, and restorative justice. We are moving from demanding rights to assuming our responsibility to create environments that promote rights and social justice. We are moving from merely critiquing the absence of humanity in others to honing our own capacity for compassionate action, deep empathy, and authentic forgiveness. Inside the heart of peace
This, then, is the sounding note from inside the heart of peace itself. It says, “Choose me. Cultivate my ways.” Feel the pleasure of love, laughter and service to others. Feel peace as the presence of conscious and compassionate awareness. Step boldly to incarnate your belief in the power of peace to transform indifference and hostility. Never allow meanness any foothold over you where instead there can be an ample generosity towards others.
Summer of Peace: A Global Celebration The Centers of Light, a Christian mystical spiritual community with locations in Minneapolis and nine other cities, is a co-sponsor of the Summer of Peace 2012, a global celebration and call to action for inner and outer peace. Its goal is to mobilize grassroots participation of people worldwide to accelerate humanity’s shift to a culture of peace. Summer of Peace is offering a free series of live and online events designed to empower you (and thousands of others in this growing, global movement) to create peace from the inside out. Featured are such inspiring peace leaders as Arun Gandhi, Alice Walker, Jack Kornfield, Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, James O’Dea, Belvie Rooks, spiritual leader Matthew Fox, international peace activist Azim Khamisa, civil rights activist Bernard Lafayette and many others who are participating in the birth of a new human consciousness rooted in the principles of peace, compassion, and equality for all. Summer of Peace participants receive the tools, insights and access to leading peacemakers and peace-making communities, helping you to generate more peace in your heart, home, workplace and community. For complete details, visit summerofpeace.net. a
Keep your conscience keenly attentive to the subtlest calls to live in attunement with your own evolving moral imagination. The world is full of moral dilemmas, so listen with confidence to the voice of your higher self, but always be willing to reconsider the validity of your position. Know that you have been asked to walk the path of essence, always drawing deeper from your own essential qualities and allowing them the freest expression — even when cold reason would suppress them. Work ceaselessly to connect the disconnected. It is impossible to say whether you will be scorned or rejected or even if you will be cut down, but know that the winds of peace will carry your work into future generations and that you will be part of what turns humanity toward its true destiny. That igniting point
Any action that begins in the core of your being is one that unites with the Source of All Being. Look for that igniting point midway between taking yourself too seriously and being too casual about your gifts; it is here that peace arises and asks you to dance with it. Whether your first gesture is to still the mind, pulse a drum, raise your voice, or cross the threshold of an old fear or enmity, celebrate your choice to leave passivity and disbelief behind. Keep faith with your vision even if people scorn you for being an idealist. Make sure your vision is big enough for the times we live in and that your execution of the vision comes from a place of humility. Learn to celebrate your vision even in the midst of great suffering, for your vision is an answer to the suffering you see. Peace is the healer of wounds. For as much as you cultivate peace in all of its dimensions, it will cultivate you beyond all recognition. a James O’Dea is a renowned figure in international social healing who has conducted healing and reconciliation dialogues for twenty years and was director of Amnesty International’s Washington, D.C., office for over ten years. His work as co-director of the Social Healing Project led him to Rwanda, Israel/Palestine, and Northern Ireland. The lead faculty of the popular Peace Ambassador Training hosted by the Shift Network, James is also on the extended faculty of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and he is its immediate past president. He is also a member of the Advisory Board for the Peace Alliance. Visit www. cultivatingpeace.net. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 2012 edge magazine
If an acorn had an ego, there would never be any oak trees. If an acorn thought it had a purpose, accomplished only by remaining an acorn, there would never be any oak trees. If an acorn thought it needed to hold fast to hope, prayer, faith, meditation and belief, there would never be any oak trees. If an acorn thought it needed to travel around from place to place instead of getting grounded, there would never be any oak trees. If an acorn thought it needed to be disconnected from nature, there would never be any oak trees. The acorn must break itself open. It must get rid of itself. It must get grounded. Seek depth. Be still. Move into the dark. And the void. It must retreat. And then re-emerge to become the majestic oak.
WHEN by Deanna Reiter When did the world begin To fall apart? When did religion start? When did we move away from the heart Of Earth Life Breath? When did mirrors come into play? When did I/me/my comprise our day? The focus Concern Concentration of self? photographs by Patricia Youker
When did compassion end? And greed become our best friend?
Deanna Reiter, MA, is an expert in the world of positive thinking and releasing sabotage. She is a public speaker, stand-up comedian and the author of Dancing with Divinity: Positive Affirmations for any Situation and The Nine Scoundrels: How to Recognize and Release Subtle Patterns of Sabotage. She is also the creator of two DVDs: Dancing with Divinity Yoga and Reiki Affirmation Dance. Deanna is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Breathworker and Reiki Practitioner. For more information, please contact Deanna through her website: www.dayawati.com.
When did all for one Become all for me? When did we become uncomfortable With being alone Still Empty? When did we learn to talk Incessantly And listen Haphazardly And become so ADD?
When do we release illusion Of Maya Of me Of the world And our own mediocrity? When do we destroy the limitations so deeply defined Let go of the characters we’re hiding behind And find freedom beyond the mind? When?
When do we return to stillness? Silence Nothingness?
Patricia Youker is a photographer. Contact her at her website - www.twistedrootstudios.com - or by email at plr@twistedrootstudios.com.
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COACHING / COUNSELING: Leave the past behind, start something new! You don’t have to stay stuck in the same old patterns – you can make real changes in your life. Gentle alternative approaches make it easier than you imagined. Judy Steele, MTP, life coaching and counseling. Alternative practitioner (no insurance). 35+ years’ experience, whole-person perspective. 612.590.3193, www.schoolforliving.org
Animal Communication: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com Aromatherapy, Australian Essential Oils, Bioactive Plant Fractions, H2EO® AirCare Diffusers, Inhalers, Classes & Workshops: H2EO® Ultrasonic Diffusers help people benefit from and enjoy essential oils safely, efficiently, completely and economically (see short video: www.plantextractsinc.com/video.php). Plant Extracts International Inc., 10921 Excelsior Blvd., STE 111, Hopkins MN 55343, 952.935.9903, info@plantextractsinc.com ASTROLOGY: Accurate, insightful soul readings. The best weekly horoscopes. D.K. Brainard 646.247.8508, doctord@wordsforthepeople.com, www.wordsforthepeople.com AURA PHOTOS: Available by Appointment. Helping You Heal Center. Schedule a private healing Session Today. Annette Bruchu, 651.247.9719, helpingyouheal@msn.com, www.UnemployedAngelForHigher.com BODYWORK AND BREATHWORK: Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com BREATHWORK / REBIRTHING / REIKI: Enhance Your Life With Every Breath, Reiter Fitness & Healing, LLC, Deanna Reiter 651.238.7248, deanna@dayawati.com, www.dayawati.com BREATHWORK / SOUL INTEGRATION: Heal the body, clear old emotions & deepen your connection with Spirit. “Change your Breath & Change your Life.” Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Private breath sessions by appointment. Terri Peterson SBF, TBF, RPh, 651.442.4623, theconnectingspirit@gmail.com, www.theconnectingspirit.com
COLON HYDROTHERAPY: Cranio-Sacral, Raindrop Therapy, Healing Insights Therapy Center, Bloomington 952.886.4325, Woodbury 651.222.4325, www.healinginsights.net COLONICS: Detoxification with Colon Hydrotherapy & Ion Cleanse Foot Bath, Carol Edel, 2409 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls, MN (Ecopolitan Bldg) 952.474.2627, caroledel@gmail.com Color Light Healing, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis, BodyTalk Access™ & others: Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness offers a wide range of natural wellness tools to help open and realign the communication of the Body/Matter • Mind/Information • Spirit/Energy. Better Communication = Sustainable Healing. 612.217.HEAL (4325), http://heal.psinergy.info Computer Services & Repair: We work on both Macs & PCs. Guaranteed work and reasonable rates from techs you can trust! Available 10am to Midnight, 7 days/week. Psinergy TechWarrior, St. Paul, 612.234.7237, http://tech. psinergy.info. Affordable & Local! COUNSELING: Struggling with relationships? Worried about your child or teenager? We offer confidential counseling with effective techniques and tangible skills that you can take with you. We offer a half-hour consultation to make sure the therapist is a fit for you. Individual, Couples, Family, Play Therapy. Bridging Hope Counseling, Heidi Waldoch, 763.291.5505, info@bridginghopecounseling.com, bridginghopecounsling.com, offices in Rogers and Buffalo, MN.
CAREER & BUSINESS COACHING: B.Better offers coaching to inspire personal leadership, career success and business growth through Career Counseling, Entrepreneurial Mentoring, Job Search Strategies, Assessments, Resume Optimization, Interview Preparation, Social Media and Personal Branding. For a free consultation, contact Chris Naylor, certified coach, 612.802.9137, chris@b-betternow.com, www.b-betternow.com
September 2012 edge magazine
NETWORKING CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY: In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), carved stone items (wands, spheres, animals, candles), decorator pieces, jewelry. Information on energy properties provided with all stones sold. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017, kistones@comcast.net, www.kistones.com DEATH & DYING: Death is a sacred, natural, transformative event that we all experience. It can be embraced instead of feared. We can support and guide you or your loved one through this extraordinary journey. Please contact Jackie, Reed or Kate at Sacred Thresholds, 952.292.0873, info@sacredthresholds.com, www.sacredthresholds.com EFT: Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT, 612.802.HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com ENERGY WORK & UNWINDING: CranioSacral Myofascial, Healing Touch, Reiki, Matrix, Quantum. Intuitive classes and house parties. Chakra readings. Jody Tschida, HTCP, RMT, Medical Intuitive, 651.808.0111, jodytschida@msn.com, www.UnwindMeNow.com FENG SHUI CONSULTATION: Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops, Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HEALING & SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Magnified Healing® heals on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Easy to learn and to use, it allows us to clear our karma, activates all 12 strands of DNA, and transforms us into our Light Bodies. Sheryl and Dale Fisher 763.420.9017, dashf@comcast.net HEALING THERAPIES: Experience personal and professional development coaching a whole new way with The Release Coaching Method. Grif Sadow, CPCC, PCC–Regional Coordinator and first certified coach in the U.S.–uses this innovative, efficient, effective and measurable coaching tool along with traditional coaching techniques, allowing you to let go of whatever is standing in your way. Grif@growintomore.com, 763.458.1672, www.growintomore.com HERBS: 600+ herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, books, Natural healing practitioners available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HOLISTIC CENTER: Bee Merry Holistic Center encourages making life an adventure. We play in the fields of the metaphysical every Thorzday, jam on the drum every 3rd Friday and celebrate the Goddess with a Moon Lodge. www.BeeMerry.org
HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 10 Years Experience. Eric Christopher MSMFT, CHT, St. Paul, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com Hypnotherapy: Past Life Regression Therapy, Dolores Cannon Method. Brainerd Lakes Area, Vicki Hanson, 218.232.0586, vicki@newawarenessproject.com, www.newawarenessproject.com HYPNOTHERAPY: Try Hypnotherapy at least once in your lifetime. Increase your Confidence, Remove anger, Renew trust, release fears, Improve relationships, quit smoking, lose weight, attract success in your life, change habits. Call us for a free consultation. Balanced Mind Hypnotherapy 612.379.4000, balancedmind@live.com HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, weight loss, smoking, habits. Mind-Body-Spirit stress reduction, breath work, self-hypnosis, meditation. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy: Build your own skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation, and do-it-yourself therapy. Get help with smoking cessation, past-lives, between lives, and healing trauma, sexual abuse and other issues. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, channel for Mother Mary, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com INNER CHILD WORK & EFT: Author of the best-selling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Cathryn Taylor 612.710.7720, www.JoinCathrynTaylor.com INSURANCE: Matt Saxe Farmers Insurance Agency, Specialty and Fine Arts Coverage: Home, Health, Auto, Renters, Commercial, 612.275.9573, msaxe@farmersagent.com — I do work with alternative practitioners and will go the extra length for them. I also work with artists and will be doing a seminar at Intermedia Arts on Sept. 18, 4-5:30pm, about artists’ insurance concerns. INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS: Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292. Intutive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online at www.EyeofHorus.biz INTUITIVE READER/PSYCHIC: Carol McCormick shares helpful insights to assist you in finding clarity and answers to the pending questions in your life so that you can take meaningful action. Together you will create sacred space to nurture the garden of your soul and find your own inner truth for direction. Readings by phone or in-person. Synergy Meditation Leader. Readings and presentations at psychic fairs, expos and conferences. 763.546.4133, carol.mccormick@comcast.net, www.carolmccormick.net
HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING/COACHING: Certified holistic health counselor in Burnsville, MN, specializing in digestive issues, weight loss and overall health. Each client will receive an personalized program specific to their needs. Contact Kristin for a complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com, Facebook & Twitter: Healing Organically
NUTRITION: Do you have a gluten or dairy allergy? I teach women how to eat gluten-free, dairy-free whole foods prepared in a way that tastes delicious. Group & individual programs available. Complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Maggie Christopher, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, St. Paul, 651.231.1360, www.maggiechristopher.com
HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: Counseling, Stress Management, Hypnosis, Sheryl Fisher, MSW, LICSW, 763.420.9782
PSYCHIC / INTUITIVE READER: Soul Readings and Psychic Development Classes, Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com
HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking, ND, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HOMEOPATHY: Skilled, experienced, compassionate, effective homeopathy for your ailments. Marybeth Buchele, HMC, 952.933.6068, info@natural-wellness.us, www.natural-wellness.us, www.natural-wellnessblog.com, New office in Minnetonka.
HYPNOSIS & TRAINING: Past Life, Life-Between-Lives Regression, Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., L.B.L., Center for Inner Peace, 612.709.5578, Madonna@madonnakettler.com
PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Val Landy — Psychic Medium for the deceased. Val specializes in communication with the deceased and relaying their messages to you. She acts ONLY as an interpreter between you and your “passed on” loved ones. For appointment, call or visit Val’s website today. 320.267.4218, www.innerintuition.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even ten years into the future. To be amazed, call her at 651.439.5337 or visit www. deborahlynn11.com
SPIRITUAL RESOURCES Psychic, Medium & PET PSYCHIC: Alison James Readings by phone and in-person, M-F 10-5. In-home readings, workshops and Live events. Detailed information, rates & scheduling, go to: www.alisonjamespsychic.com, Email ASAP: www.alisonjamespsychic. com/contact-me/ Message service allow 3-day turnaround:: 612.424.1411 Psychic Reading / Intuitive: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www. ilgacimbulis.com Quantum Healing Hypnosis / Dolores Cannon Technique: Explore your spirituality and experience past lives. Discover your life purpose and resolve troublesome problems. Offering Private and Group Sessions at our St. Louis Park location. Marie Savage 612.508.9606, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www. earthwaterwellness.com Reiki and EFT: Reiki is Universal Life Energy channeled through a practitioner to promote healing on all levels. Emotional Freedom Techniques is an effective method to alleviate fears, anxiety, depression, trauma and chronic pain and reduce cravings due to weight control, compulsions and addictions. KAS Inc., Kimberly, 763.639.6120, KAS@Lotushealingenergywork@gmail.com, Lotus-Flower-Healing-Energy-Work.com Reiki Healing: Awaken your spirit, with Usui Tibetan Reiki and crystal healing sessions/classes/home parties and/or a Soul Mentoring Intuitive Reading. Kellie Haehnel 612.804.4463, kellie@ thespiritwellnesscenter.com, www.thespiritwellnesscenter.com REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships, Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com Reiki Healing: Sessions now available in Cambridge at our new location. Help yourself heal. Great to enhance and speedy up healing after surgery or illness, relieve stress and bring a sense of calmness. Beverly Seline 763.238.4312, Beverly@reikibybev.com, www. reikibybev.com REIKI MASTER & HEALER: Intuitive readings. Non-denominational, spiritual weddings. Insiah 763.427.1312 for appointment. SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com SOUND HEALING THERAPY: Feeling out of sorts, off balance? Get back into the swing of things with a Sound Healing Therapy session. Cleanse, Balance, Harmonize! Call or email for an appointment today! Dee Lacy, 612.207.0019 or dee@isisdesignsinc.com SPIRITUAL COACH: Insiah Beckman, Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Higher Soul Readings, Guided Energy Healings, Spiritual Coach, Channel. 763.427.1312, insiah@edgelife.net, www.insiah.com Spiritual Retreats: Guests rave about the peace and love they feel while connecting with spirit and with self. Comfortable, home-like accomodations for up to 22 people. Seclusion, semi-private lake, serene wooded walk, campfire, indoor fireplace. Just plain cozy. Olive Branch Retreat, 320.393.7212, info@olivebranchretreat.com, www. olivebranchretreat.com
SERVICES listings
…provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net
Dances of Universal Peace: 651.307.3849, www.peacedancemn.com – An interfaith spiritual practice in motion, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community, 7pm. Every third Sunday at Friends Meeting House, St. Paul. First Friday at Pathways, Minneapolis. ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, MN, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org – Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living: 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org, 612.922.4272 – Encouraging authentic spiritual connection through Sunday services, classes and workshops. Sunday 10:30am Services are led by our resident speakers Patty Peterson, Christine Day, Cindi Claypatch, Michael Foley, Michael Mapes and Linda Saggau; guest speakers; or Spiritual Director, Theresa Rose. 9am Services include Spiritual Development, Drum Service, Toning/Healing and Body and Soul. Space also available for weddings, concerts and special events. SAINT FRANCIS LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH: 3201 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.823.4276, www.stfrancisliberalcatholicchurch.org – Holy Eucharist 10am Sundays; Rosary 9:30am First Saturdays. Communion available to everyone. Freedom of conscience and belief. A church for seekers. Ordination of Women. Seven Christian Sacraments. Find us on Facebook. SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@ spiritunited.com, www.spiritunited.com – Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30am Main service, 10:30am Kids With Spirit Class. UNITY CHRIST CHURCH: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www. unitychristchurch.org – Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 9 & 11am, nursery and Sunday School at both services. Alternative Service 5:30pm; Monthly Healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN, 952.895.0745, www.unityofthevalleymn.org – “Celebrating the Light of Spirit within you.” Sunday service, Nursery, Rainbow Circles for children, and Uniteens at 10 am. Our Many Paths Metaphysical Book and Gift store is open Mon.–Thurs. 11am-3pm, Sundays 11am-12:30pm. Chanting and Meditation service on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7 pm Intuitive readings by Susan Shopek before and after the service. Call for appointment. Bookstore that evening open until 9 pm. Adult classes and workshops. Rental space available.
SUFI: Four Layers of the Heart, Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org Tarot, Divination & Spiritual Help: $1/min - avail. 7 days/week @ Magus Books & Herbs in Dinkytown (Mpls). 612.379.7669, Pre-Book at: www.MagusHealingCenter.com or just stop on in! Website Building Services: Wonderfully Cheap Websites offers affordable Website Building Services. All websites are built using a Do-it-Yourself online website building tool. Websites are beautiful, affordable and coaching is provided to empower you to manage your website yourself. Many small business owners find this is the perfect option for their website needs! See design samples at: www.WonderfullyCheapWebsites.com or call 612.708.7233
September 2012 edge magazine
with your Soul’s wisdom, creativity and purpose. Tuesday evenings, September-June. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com
Calendar listings
…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net. September 5, 12, 19 & 26 — Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Is it time to remember why you came to earth? Free four-week class. Come any or all Wednesdays, September 5-26, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free book! September 5-27 — Strengthening Your Intuition (part 1 of 3) with Leah Skurdal: Improve decisions, deepen self trust and love for your body. Four Wednesdays, 9:30-11am at Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes. Love Offering (Suggested $100-250). Bonus one-hour massage with 3-part series. Call 651.472.3995. September 8 — Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: Release limiting patterns, co-create your future. 10am-6pm, Shamans Hearth Spiritual Community, Burnsville, MN. To Register: www.shamanshearth.org, deb.irestone@gmail.com or 952.250.2543. September 8 — Moonlight & Magic: Leigh is offering a platform for some of the best local psychics, healers and vendors from around the area. Moonlight and Magic is an event you won’t want to miss. All attendees receive one free psychic question from “Confucius.” Classes will be taught every hour on the hour by our expert vendors, all classes will be hands on and interactive. Millennium Hotel, 1313 Nicollet Mall, Mpls. MNVendor Expo: 10am-7pm, $5 admission, free workshops, gifts & live music. Let their Voice be Heard, A Medium Gathering,” $25. Contact Leigh Cohen Wyatt at 763.684.1453, www.leighcohenwyatt.com September 8 – Workshop with Gary Renard: The bestselling author of “The Disappearance of the Universe,” Gary Renard, will present a workshop on Saturday, Sept. 8, at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. For info: www.miraclepromotions.com or call Kathy Scott Perry at 512.938.9996. September 12 – Edge Networking Event: Featuring Kim Eisen sharing information and tips on “Success in the Holistic Health Field.” 7-9pm, Fresh Grounds, 1362 W. 7th St., St. Paul. Free to public and all who want to network holistically. Info: schaon@edgemagazine.net September 14-16 — Spring Forest Qigong Levels 1 & 2 with Master Chunyi Lin: Qigong is a form of meditation exercises that help people increase self-awareness, build internal energy and develop a healthy body, physically and spiritually. These techniques will help you relieve physical pain, stress, depression and more. Master Chunyi Lin has developed simple and effective techniques for everyone to explore this powerful healing energy. Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net September 14 - December 9 — Sound Healing Mastery Certificate: Discover how sound healing works and why it is emerging as a highly respected and invaluable treatment method in integrative health. Learn to use basic sound healing tools to clear mental, physical and emotional roadblocks, and to harmonize with your environment through Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, Crystals, Drums, a Sound Bath, and Voice. $975/certificate or $145/class - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http:// normandale.augusoft.net
September 2012 sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 Bookmark the Happenings Calendar online. Need a webpage for your event? Buy an extended listing with photos & more at Edgemagazine.net or call 763.433.9291.
training is designed for care providers and healthcare professionals such as LMFT, LICSW, MSW, physicians, dentists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners or others who desire to bring the mind/body techniques of Hypnotherapy into their practice. The effective use of hypnosis is wide-ranging in medicine with thousands of articles documenting the effective uses. Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http:// normandale.augusoft.net September 16 — Let Go and Let God: Chant HU! Chanting this once-secret name for God, HU, has helped people throughout time find inner peace and divine love. Maybe it will help you. All are welcome! Free! Sunday, Sept. 16, and every third Sunday of the month, 10-10:30am. Temple of ECK. Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen September 16 – Create a Super Celestial Vision Board: Achieve your heart’s desires by tapping into the creative powers of the New Moon! Super Fun Workshop — Supportive, Authentic Spiritual Community! All levels. More Info: www.dangerouslinda.com/events September 16 — Healing Angels Class: A powerful fourstep process that enables you to energetically connect with the Healing Angels. A workbook is provided containing an image of each Angel, a description of how they can help you heal and prayers of invitation. 928.300.0359. www. earthangeltherapies.com September 18 — Homeopathy & Influenza: De-fuse your flu fears! Learn the history of epidemics and the track record of homeopathy. What does current scientific thinking say about immunity? How do flu shots work? What about high fevers? Come with your questions and learn how to use seven highly effective remedies to fortify yourself during the flu season. $49 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net
September 15 & 16 – LHSC Fall Psychic Fair: 10am-5pm Saturday & noon-5pm Sunday. Free Admission. Hourly workshops. Readers, Healers and Vendors. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community - 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. Info: www. lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org or 612.922.4272.
September 19 — Conversations with Your Home: Did you know that you and your home have conversations, everyday and for a lifetime. Are they meaningful, intentional and supportive? In this workshop, you will walk through exercises that will lead you in discussions and open your eyes to the enormous possibilities that your home offers to support your dreams and help you live your ideal life. $99 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http:// normandale.augusoft.net
September 15 - November 6 — Hypnotherapy Certification: This three-part Hypnosis Certification
September 18 – Psychic Development Class: Learn practical tools/information to live in conscious partnership
September 18 — De-clutter Your Life: Eliminate the physical, mental and emotional clutter consuming your life and live more simply and peacefully. 7-9pm September 18, $25, Benedictine Center in Maplewood. Info: 651.777.7251 or benedictinecenter@stpaulsmonastery.org September 19 — October 17 - HeartSight® Series: Get ready to awaken your intuitive abilities and explore your life purpose. Developed to harmonize body and soul to enhance the power of your intuition, creativity and energy, HS is especially valuable to healthcare workers and individuals who work in patient care. Gain tools to expand your heart consciousness, reclaim your intuitive gifts and trust your sacred truth. $275/series or $145/class - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale. augusoft.net September 21-23 — Wisconsin Spiritual Exploration Retreat: Celebrate the Fall Equinox and harvest the new energies coming to Earth. Includes prayer, past-life regression, interdimensional contact, life purpose, walks in nature, discussion. $100 suggested donation. Meals & lodging included. jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, 763.546.4133, www. jerrybuchmeier.com September 22 — Rosicrucian Open Meeting: “Evolution through the Zodiac,” 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale, 10am-Noon. Parking and entrance in back of building. Info: www.rosicrucian.org or email minnesota@ amorcrosicrucian.org September 22 – Holistic Healing and Psychic Fair: Over 40 vendors & practitioners, Free lectures, door prizes, free gift bags to first 25 attendees. 10am-5pm at Hudson House 1616 Crestview Dr., Hudson, WI. For more information: www. bodylabusa.com September 22 — Minneapolis Dances of Universal Peace: An interfaith gathering, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community. No experience necessary, free will donation. 7pm, Center for the Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave. Mpls. www.PeaceDanceMN.com or 612.827.4424 September 26 — Feng Shui: For Career and Life Path: Your space is a reflection of our life, goals and obstacles and provides clues about your life-path and career goals. Learn how to read these clues and judge if something is no longer working for you and what you are holding onto that is holding you back. Learn how to create effective work areas to support your life’s work. $49 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net September 26 — Beginning Psychic Development Classes: Psychic phenomenon is one of excitement, wonder and fear of the unknown. Psychics in the Cities will help you develop and recognize these gifts. Whether you are skeptical or believe, this course is enlightening. Eight Wednesday evening classes. www.psychicsinthecities.com, 612.860.9196. September 27 — Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Basics: This introductory course provides overview and hands-on practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques, a self-help method that is used worldwide to help eliminate stress, fear, anger, sadness, cravings, chronic pain and much more. The procedure involves tapping acupuncture points to release negative emotions and restore well-being. It is self-applied, easy-to-learn and will have permanent positive benefits. $59 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net September 28-30 — Max the Crystal Skull: Max, one of the ancient crystal skulls, known as teacher and a healer, returns for a rare Midwest visit. Public lecture by JoAnn Parks Saturday, Sept. 29, 7pm, Hilton Garden Inn, I-494 and Bass Lake Road, Maple Grove, $25. Attendees will have an opportunity to briefly touch Max at the end of the evening. Limited private sessions with Max are available. For information, contact Sheryl or Dale Fisher at 763.420.9017.
CLASSIFIEDS September 28, 29, 30 — Initiation of Light Meditation with Ms. Jacky Roy: Initiation Meditation raises your frequencies of light to help you inbody your Divine Self and helps raise your consciousness to a fifth dimensional reality. 7-9pm, Room 112, Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Rd, Maple Grove, MN, doors open at 6:30 and close at 7:15 for meditation. $40 per night. Pre-register with credit card at 1.207.543.7989, cash or check at door registration. Info: www.Lumina1946@ yahoo.com, www.namacuma.web.com
Words of wisdom
September 29 – Raising your Vibration to Living In Joy: Joy is an attitude, the presence of love! Exciting Speakers presenting proven tools to manifest your hearts desires! 9am-5pm Saturday, Sept. 29, at The Spirit Wellness Center, 3435 Washington Dr., Eagan. Register: mariec21p@gmail.com or 651.303.0555.
Nadine Penny attained her M.A. from the University of Denver in Counseling Psychology. Nadine lives in Minnetonka where she works as a medium, life issues reader and Reiki master. Contact her at nadine. penny@gmail.com and visit www.nadinepenny.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
September 29 — Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11am, $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited. Please call 612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more info: marie@ earthwaterwellness.com or online at www. earthwaterwellness.com September 29 — “Community Wellness Day” in Maple Grove: Learn from local Health, Safety, Financial and Environmental experts as Maple Grove joins a nationwide wellness initiative. This family friendly, entertaining event is Free and open to the public. Fun and information for all ages. Maple Grove Community Center, 11am-3pm. Additional sponsors, participants and donations are welcome. Proceeds benefit “Open Your Heart” - www.oyh.org. Contact: Dr. Anthony Macioce of DC Wellness Center, 763.494.8787, amacioce@yahoo.com October – Getting to Know You! A Course in Emotional Empowerment with Jean Wallis — An enlightening, entertaining, and evolutionary journey of self-discovery to learn how and why we react to others and our circumstances. Come from a place of Consciousness and choice instead. Thirty 2-hour classes, $20/class. Four students per course. Weekday and weekend classes starting in October. Call Jean at 612.874.1453 or see more at jeanwallis. com October 3 — Awakening Past-Life Memories: Awaken past-life memories through spiritual exercises, dreams, and Soul Travel. Understand and resolve karmic relationships for more love today. Free workshop, October 3, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! October 3-24 — Deepening Your Intuition (part 2 of 3) with Leah Skurdal: Align with your innate guidance system to calm mental chatter and enhance relationships. Four Wednesdays, 9:30-11am at Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes. Love Offering (suggested $100-$250). Bonus one-hour massage with 3-part series. Call 651.472.3995.
by Nadine Penny
It’s September, and as you turn your back on summer, why not go “Back-to-School” yourself this fall? Embrace your own learning and sign yourself up for that class you always dreamed of doing — but didn’t! Whether you’ve longed to throw a pot, cast a fly or knit a pearl, there’s no time like the present to gift yourself with learning that will last a lifetime. You might make new friends and have some fun to boot! Or why not teach a class yourself and share your expertise with the world! Whatever you do — whether teaching or learning — know that you’re growing and that should keep you smiling all the way through to spring! a
October 5-7 — Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Practitioner Certification: This four level certification process offers powerful days of self-healing and energy therapy with angelic vibrations. Learn this fabulous heart-centered healing tool. Join Bonny Kraus, Top IET Master Instructor Worldwide for 2011, in Eagan, MN.Register at: www.earthangeltherapies.com or 928.300.0359. October 6 — The Spiritual Science of Meditation – An Introductory Class: Rooted in classic yoga tradition of Paramahansa Yogananda, led by Rev. Alan L Pritz, 2:30-4:30pm, Saturday, Oct. 6, at The Om Collective, 3350 Lyndale Ave. S, Mpls. $40. For more info and registration: awake-in-life.com/?p=702 October 10 — What Is Spiritual Dreaming? Learn how to understand the sacred messages in your dreams for help in daily life and for spiritual growth. Free! Wednesday, October 10, 7-8:30pm. Eckankar. www.TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! October 12 & 13 — The Future is Now: Join Rev. Kari Chapman at Hope Interfaith Center in Mankato, MN, at 7pm Friday. New information on the energies for 20122014. Ask two questions to Archangel Michael and a host of Masters. Private Akashic Record readings, connecting the 12, 24, 48 DNA Helix. All information: www. namaste-wi.com, 920.648.3580, kari@ namaste-wi.com October 20-21 – Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity – it’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday, Hall C, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www. MediaMaxEvents.com October 25-27 – Adventure Series for Holistic Practitioners: Eagle Symposium, presented by Professional Dynamics, LLC. Maintain resiliency by using creative tools to attract the practice and health you desire. Nationally known speakers discuss making holistic healthcare more mainstream and ideas to embody the self care tools we offer others. Historic Banks Building, Minneapolis. Contact: Bette Jo Arnett, 612.599.6288, email Bjohome7@
…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.
FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADS New mystic pop songs: High quality recordings. Perfect for yourself or any inspirational occasion. Free download. Tell your friends! Visit: www.angelfire.com/hi5/ inwardhealing/Aloha-Dennis-Music.html
HOST A HOME PARTY Tired of those scripted home parties that only offer mass marketed, high-priced products proudly “Made in China?” Then try something new! Pure at Hearth is a new type of home party since we work with local artisans to bring natural, recycled, homegrown and locally made products to you! Looking to host this new breed of home party? Are you a local artisan looking to explore a new venue? Check us out at www. PureatHearth.com then call Jo at 612.234.7388 for a truly unique party. See you at home!
OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE PERFECT FOR A SMALL BUSINESS: Office with 4 practitioners of healing arts and 4 attorneys in cute, converted house. 1 space with window available. 8x10 for $275. Heat, electrical and use of conference room, kitchen are included. Copier, fax, internet available. Office would be best for a business as it is next to another business, not a practitioner. Pics on craigslist - search Osseo. Contact Sandy at 763.391.7711.
WANTED: SANTA FOR EXPO Outgoing Santa Claus needed to work for tips at an upcoming expo doing onequestion readings. Call Leigh at 763.684.1453 or email leighcohenwyatt@yahoo.com.
Hotmail.com. For complete Information: www.solutionsforyoursmile.com October 31, November 7 & 14 — Thriving With Intuition (part 3 of 3) with Leah Skurdal: Actively use your intuitive skills, harnessing God’s healing love, light and power through you to create a world where everyone can thrive – no exceptions. Three Wednesdays, 9:30-11am at Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Dr., Lino Lakes. $150 with bonus: Attend all three sessions and receive a one-hour Intuitive Massage (value $65). Pre-requisites: Parts 1 & 2. Call 651.472.3995. November 3-4 — Minneapolis Holistic Expo: Featuring return of Gregg Braden, first-ever combined talk by Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig and much more, 85 exhibitors with gifts, healing and information, daily free workshops. New Venue: Earle Brown Heritage Center, acres of free parking. Advance admission & speaker tickets on sale now at Edgelife.net. Exhibit now: call Dee at 715.259.3047 or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616.
January 12-13 – Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity – it’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www. MediaMaxEvents.com March 8-10, 2013 — Donna Eden Event: Appearing with Davie Feinstein, Ph.D., coming to St. Louis March 8, 9, 10, 2013. Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by MidWest Energy Movement. Contact Gail Van Kanegan at gail@ MidWestEnergyMovement.com or 507.244.1994. Ongoing – Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions: Available any weekend through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com
September 2012 edge magazine
the edge 20 anniversary retrospective TWENTY YEARS
years on the edge
1992 • 2012
March 2004 ~ July 2005 exploring the vast archives of The Edge in a yearlong celebration of this publication’s service since 1992.
he success of Edge Life Expos leads to a rebranding of the company, with all aspects of print, expos and events falling under the umbrella of Edge Life. Thus, in fall 2004, the newspaper that served the public since 1992 becomes Edge Life Magazine, a single stapled edition. In June 2004, the final edition of the Heartland Edition, serving Kansas City and region, was published.
At this time: The Edge presents its only Wisconsin Expo in May 2004 in Waukesha, just outside of Milwaukee. Themes during this time: Healing Who are You? Holistic Business The Animal Kingdom The Power of Food Meditation Religion vs. Spirituality Dark Night of the Soul Noted speakers who visited the Cities at this time: Doreen Virtue • Sonia Choquette • John Holland • Gordon Smith • Deepak Chopra • Donna Fox • Sunny Dawn Johnston • Bill Brunton • Angeles Arrien & Patrick O’Neill • Dr. Masaru Emoto • Dr. Michael Beckwith • Gerald Jampolsky • Dr. Norman Shealy • Wayne Dyer • Neale Donald Walsch • Gregg Braden • Dannion Brinkley • Dolores Cannon • Robert & Judith Ansara Gass • Rev. Carol Parrish • Master Stephen Co • Byron Katie • Jack Canfield • Dr. Fred Alan Wolf • Sylvia Browne • Dan Millman
Reforming Life from the Inside Out Authors who Inspire Progressive Politics Relationships Healing the Earth Buying Green: Conscious Choice Celebrating Our Diversity Voluntary Simplicity Building Community
staff | 2004-2005 Gary Beckman, publisher and advertising director Insiah Beckman, business manager Michael Underwood, vice president of events Tina Rodriguez, vice president of sales & marketing Tim Miejan, managing editor Janelle Bilewitch, page design & art Steve Hokenson, production editor Rachel Miejan, proofreading Jean Wallis, transcription Doug Crandall, advertising sales Aerielle Louise, advertising sales Cathy Smith, advertising sales Joan Malarkey, advertising sales Marla Nelson, advertising sales Matt Saxe, advertising sales Lori Newman, advertising sales Kimberle A. Ganzer-Wiley, advertising sales Carol Muller, advertising sales Lynn Danielson, happenings & listings
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Set Sail: A Feng Shui Personal Credential Program FALL BOOKS & VIDEO PREVIEW
A brief preview of a lot of new books on holistic living, healing, metaphysics, nature, spirituality, science and much more. DIGITIZED
New content updated on the 1st of each month
9-week virtual program starts September 20, 2012 @ 6:00PM CST
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the great choosing
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A comprehensive accounting of 2012 prophecy, as Shanti Toll explores its timeline since the Harmonic Convergence. This month’s content is online as separate articles, and as a electronic PDF flipbook
Get introduced to the concepts of Feng Shui and learn how to implement them into your own space. The program is comprised of one-hour teleseminars to introduce you to the integration and implementation of Feng Shui as a personal lifestyle in an easy and manageable way.
A very detailed reporting by James Phillips of ancient Egyptian spirituality that recognized holistic principles.
Facebook.com/edgemagazine.net Twitter.com/TheEdgeMagazine
Cardiologist Dr. Terry A. Gordon shares his keys to managing life’s storms following his son’s paralysis.
Edge 20 2004-2005 Every month, we’re adding articles from the beginning of The Edge to our online archives. Last month, we added articles from 2002-2004, and this month, we’re adding more articles that are worth revisiting:
years on the edge
1992 • 2012
• Meditation in the Classroom, by Ken Chawkin • The Power of Intention: An Interview with Dr. Wayne Dyer, by Tim Miejan • Intelligent Nutrients for Intelligent Beings: An Interview with Horst Rechelbacher, by Tim Miejan • Captain Quantum: An Interview with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, by Tim Miejan • Soulution: The Holistic Manifesto with William Bloom, by Tim Miejan
September 2012 edge magazine