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C E L E B R AT I N G 2 0 Y E A R S I N TH E U PPE R M I DWEST FEATURED from the beyond /28-32


Edge Life Expo 2012 Preview

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” carl sagan

Expo Guide pages 19-22  Gregg Braden   Deep Truths

Game Changers for a World   in Crisis page 24

Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig


You & Your Intuition An Edge Interview page 25

ALSO INSIDE: PLEASURE is medicine / 10 WHO DO YOU THINK you are? / 11 CANCER JOURNEY whatever it takes / 12 ANSWERS WITHIN your inner voice / 13




RESOURCES energy healing / 16

This year, we explore 17 months of history from The Edge’s archives.

Scan the Edge’s QR code on your smartphone  Go to app store for free download


a retrospective 2005 - 2006 / 38

years on the edge

1992 • 2012

Edge covers  Notable quotes  Excerpts  Notes on The Edge Community




EDGE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303 Edgemagazine.net Facebook.com/edgemagazine.net Twitter: @theedgemagazine Publishers Tim Miejan & Cathy Jacobsen Editor: Tim Miejan tel / fax 651.578.8969 editor@edgemagazine.net P.O. Box 7324, Madison, WI 53707 POETRY EDITOR: William Ricci poetry@edgemagazine.net PRODUCTION: melissa may Proofreading: Rachel miejan Transcription: jean wallis Sales & Marketing: Cathy Jacobsen 763.433.9291, fax 763.433.9290 cathy@edgemagazine.net EDGE TALK RADIO coordinator: CATHRYN TAYLOR 612.710.7720 COMMUNITY OUTREACH: SCHAON BLODGETT 612.217.4325 ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved. The Edge is published by The Edge LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is prohibited. The Edge does not necessarily agree with the views in articles. It accepts advertising at the discretion of the publisher and assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication or in any advertisement. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle.

adve rti s e OPTIONS FOR EVERY BUDGET Reach your target audience with advertising and listings in print and online. The Edge offers advertising opportunities to meet any budget: Display advertising • Event listings • Networking Source listings • Sacred Services listings • Classified Ads • Online banner ads • Edge Email Blast sponsorships Ask about Directory ads Now! Deadline: 17th of each month. Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@ edgemagazine.net. Complete details: Edgemagazine.net/ advertise/ Order listings at our Online Store: Edgemagazine.net/advertise/ online-store/

com m u n ity profiling holistic businesses Each month The Edge features a holistic community in its center spread. November: Counseling & Psychotherapy Only $50 for contact info + 50 word description (online 12 mos.) Call 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net Deadline: October 19





October 2012 • Holistic Living • Serving the Upper Midwest…and beyond since 1992 Go to Edgemagazine.net for Additional Content • Website updated on the 1st of each month.

featu r i ng th i s month

EDGE LIFE EXPO PREVIEW 19  Edge Life Expo Guide 20  Edge Life Expo Speaker Schedule 21  Edge Life Expo Exhibitors & Free Workshop Schedule 24  Deep Truths: Game Changers for a World in Crisis, by Gregg Braden 25  You & Your Intuition: An Interview with Keynote Speakers Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig by Tim Miejan 08  What Do You Want to See in The Edge This Coming Year? From the Editor, by Tim Miejan 08  Max and the Fog, by Kristin Arneson 08  October Edge Networking Event

an n ive rsary featu r e

EDGE 20 38 Revisiting

2005-2006 in The Edge’s 20-year history featuring new aspects of The EDGE, covers, staff at the time A yearlong 20th Anniversary Retrospective

Articles on the Featured Topic, Unexplained Experiences from the Beyond 28  A Visit from the Future, by Victoria Pendragon

10  Pleasure is Medicine! by Devi Ward

29  My Angel in the Woods, by Saren Lightsong

11  Who do You Think You Are? by Jean Wallis

30  An Experience of Oneness, by Dennis Shipman

12  Cancer: The Disingenuous Disease — Whatever It Takes for as Long as It Takes, by Cheryl Hiltibran

31  A Promise, a Mystery, until Its Fulfillment, by Jerry Buchmeier

12  Cartoon: Holy Molé, by Rick Hotton 13  Answers Within: Contacting Your Inner Voice, by Robert Peterson 14  Recipe: Roasted Butternut Chowder with Apples & Bacon, by Maggie Christopher 15  Explore the Deeper Meaning Behind Our Choices, Star Wisdom astrology horoscope for October, by DK Brainard Poetry: 18  The Weaver, by Shannon Morgenstern 18  Quo Vadis? by Craig W. Steele 18  Allow Forgiveness, by Marita Rahlenbeck

on li n e rich holistic website Visit EdgeMagazine.net for all content, events, business resources, Edge Talk Radio archives, and more. Buy Edge listings directly at our site. See our Online Store.

32  The Blessed Gift of Liz’s Presence, by Kimberly Wencl 37  Words of Wisdom, by Nadine Penny 39  Read more content: Edgemagazine.net

e dg e li sti ng s 0 6 Edge Talk Radio - October schedule 16 Community : Holistic Resources, Featured: Energy Healing 33  Source Networking Business Listings 35  Sacred Services Listings 36  Happenings Events Calendar Listings 37 Classifieds

e mai l li st receive updates & specials Join our list at Edgemagazine.net today for regular announcements on upcoming Edge Talk Radio programs, monthly list of coming events and much more.

October 2012 edge magazine


featu r e d topics WE INVITE YOU TO WRITE • November: I am so Grateful: Share your personal experience with this topic (due October 7) • December: Intentions for the New Year: Share your hopes and dreams (due November 7)

Listen LIVE : call 1.714.364.4750 LISTEN ONLINE : blogtalkradio.com/ edgemagazine archives : edgemagazine.net/ edge-talk-radio

ON your experience of living your life The Edge seeks experiential writing in 2012. Simply share an experience you’ve had. May your writing be ripe with detail and emotion. Describe how something felt, to you. Share what the experience was like for you, including any magic, inspiration or illumination that resulted from it. Also submit: Press releases on coming events and news. Letters to the editor are accepted. Poetry: Any form and convention, up to 40 lines in length. Send 2 to 3 unpublished poems and a short bio to poetry@ edgemagazine.net. Deadline: 700 words or less by the 7th of each month. Include brief bio and your mailing address. Submit articles: Online at Edgemagazine.net/ submit-articles/ or email to editor@ edgemagazine.net.

DIRECT TO YOUR MAILBOX Receive The Edge by the 1st of each month in your mailbox. Only $29 for 12 months, $48 for 24 months Order online: Edgemagazine. net/advertise/online-store/ Call: 763.433.9291 Email: cathy@edgemagazine. net

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EDGE TALK RADIO SCHEDULE Expanding the Holistic Conversation

wr ite

s u bscr i b e


show reminders : join the edge email list at edgemagazine.net/join-our-email-list/ or subscribe at blogtalkradio.com

Tuesday, October 2 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Learning Well” with Maureen Pelton First Tuesday of each month — Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! Sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. Wednesday, October 3 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Astrology” with D.K. Brainard First Wednesday of each month — The Edge astrology columnist gives us a peek into the future. Discover the larger patterns behind life’s ups and downs. Find out how you can flow with the energy of the weeks ahead. Bring the wisdom of the stars into your life. Thursday, October 4 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Intuitive Living” with Echo Bodine First Thursday of each month — Join noted psychic, healer and teacher Echo Bodine for her one-hour program on living by our intuition. “It’s going to be a mix of everything that I do and teach,” Echo says, “and it will end with a meditation.” Friday, October 5 at 2 p.m. Central   “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom First Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Wednesday, October 10 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Innerview” with Monique Hammond, by Cathryn Taylor Second Wednesday of each month — Join Cathryn this morning for a live conversation with Monique Hammond, author of “What Did You Say? An Unexpected Journey into the World of Hearing Loss.” Monique will be in Booth 42 at Edge Life Holistic Expo on November 3-4 at Earle Brown Heritage Center, and she will share her experience of going deaf in her left ear during a four-hour time span, and she will encourage all of us to become “ear-wise and hearing-smart.” Thursday, October 11 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Animal Talk” with Mary Stoffel Second Thursday of each month — Animal communicator Mary Stoffel gives insights into the relationships that our animals have with us, and with each other. Join her to explore how animals feel, think, work, heal and react as they share our lives. Learn how to help your animals cope with change, illness and trauma. Get practical information dealing with all types of animal-related issues. Sunday, October 14 at 7 p.m. Central   “On the Edge…of Everything” with SchaOn & Cathy Second Sunday of each month — Join SchaOn and Cathy – as well as a Special Guest – as they talk about the latest news and updates in Holistic Health care, review of Products & Services for your Health & Well-being of the Body, Mind and Soul, vitamins & minerals, talk about conspiracies, or maybe even talk about UFOs, crystal skulls & more! You won’t know exactly what they’re going to be talk about during the two hours until you tune in. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea or some milk, ask questions live in the chat room, or even call in live on air to ask us questions and join in on the fun! Monday, October 15 at 5:30 p.m. Central   “Edge EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul” with Cathryn Taylor Third Monday of each month — Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to an hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping. Wednesday, October 17 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Third Wednesday of each month — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. Visit the Edge Happenings events calendar here. For more information on how to include your events in Edge magazine, call Cathy at 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net


Edge Talk Radio seeks a different member of the Holistic Community to guest host “Edge Wisdom” on the Third Wednesday of each month. Call for details. In addition, inquire about hosting your own monthly Edge Talk Radio program by calling Cathryn at 612.710.7720 or Cathy at 763.433.9291. Thursday, October 18 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Empowering You” with Lori Bestler Third Thursday of each month — Lori Bestler combines the science of the mind, motivation and her powerful MindScapes self-hypnosis audios to move people from powerless to powerful in brain, body and spirit for unlimited success and well-being. She is a visionary, Strategic Mind Coach, Hypnotherapist, Success Coach and Motivational Speaker. Lori specializes in empowering entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals with busy minds, stress reduction and weight loss. Friday, October 19 at 2 p.m. Central   “Edge Quantum Techniques” with Heidi and Tom Third Friday of each month — Quantum Techniques Practitioners Heidi Gilman and Dr. Thomas Miller talk about using the Quantum Techniques Energy Healing Technique to restore normal communication in blocked or reversed energy systems; acupuncture meridians and bioenergetic fields of the body. This technique helps the body to heal from acute and chronic physical and non-physical symptoms. Saturday, October 20 at 3 p.m. Central   “Edge Mysteries & Beyond” with Joseph A. Amara Third Saturday of each month — Join Joseph A. Amara, one of the owners of Magus Books, as he discusses the Mysteries of life and spirituality that serve to bring wonder and meaning into our lives. He will highlight new and popular book titles, as well as answer listener questions and conduct interviews with luminaries in the fields of Magick and Mysticism. Sunday, October 21 at 11 a.m. Central   “Edge Sage Pages” with Harmony Green Third Sunday of each month — The first half of the show are the Pages from the Path, when Harmony offers brief readings concerning Divine Life Purpose. Then, a guest will discuss his or her path and how they came to it and the gifts they are sharing with the world. Harmony hosts Pages from the Path at All about the Journey, her healing center in Minneapolis. Tuesday, October 23 at 6 p.m. Central   Edge “Live at the Healing Loft” Fourth Tuesday of each month — This show comes to you live from The Healing Loft wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis with hosts Intuitive Medium/Energetic Empathy Healer Duncan Metzger and Dr. Katie Fahnel, D.C. Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor. This show provides information about integrative medicine and healing to help you make wiser choices in your health and well-being. Thursday, October 25 at 6 p.m. Central   “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11 Fourth Thursday of each month — Twin Cities Psychic Medium and Author Deborah Lynn11 helps you discover why and what it is you are working on in your life on Earth. Learn how to manifest your life on Earth as it is in your heaven. And free mini-readings for those who call in.

October 2012 edge magazine



What do you want to see in The Edge this coming year?


by Tim Miejan he oft-quoted phrase, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” empowers us to take responsibility for our lives and step into our power as individuals. It implies that within each of us is an ability to transform, to be the potential that lies within. It suggests that we can save ourselves. But are we doing that? When President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, as the 44th president of the United States, he made it very clear that he alone could not solve all of the problems facing our great nation. He told us this: “What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character than giving our all to a difficult task. This is the price and the promise of citizenship.” In this together

President Obama has repeatedly spoken about our collective task of rebuilding our economy and improving life for all Americans. His point was that we’re all in this together. That happens to be the way that The Edge views each of you who read, advertise and support this publication in print and online each month — as a part of who we are. As owners, Cathy Jacobsen and I create this magazine each month as a reflection of you. The Edge consists of articles in which readers like you share wisdom and insight on living in balance with the whole — and advertisements and listings that share the vast resources of the holistic community with the entire region. The Edge is nothing more and nothing less.

Max and the Fog


by Kristin Arneson was taking an early morning walk several years ago with my neighbor’s black lab Max. It was early fall, and small bands of fog could be seen rising from the Minnesota river bottoms and up the bluffs and over the farmer’s corn fields. Those narrow bands of fog were unique. They shifted up and down over the high and low spots in the farmer’s corn field — and this particular morning I was going to photograph this phenomenon. As we approached the floating mist, Max slowed down until the tip of his nose just touched the edge of the fog. He stopped in his tracks. He looked at me and I said, “Let’s walk through.” I started walking through the mist and looked back. Max was following me. I took a few photographs and hoped they would show the mystery of the fog. Within a few minutes, the mist disappeared. The sun was strong enough now to chase it away. When I developed the film, I was surprised to clearly see the landscape of the fields where I had walked with Max that early autumn morning — with no evidence of fog. The only things on the photograph that caught my attention were a few round spots made of colors of the rainbow. I learned something that day: In nature, nothing is ever what it appears to be, and we have to photograph these moments in our mind’s eye just in case our camera or film fails. a Kristin Arneson is a watercolor artist and a haiku poet. She has a master’s degree in art. She is inspired by fall, her favorite season in Minnesota. Contact her at Kristinarneson@yahoo.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Seeking your feedback

And now, as we almost reach the end of another calendar year — and happen to be starting what I hope is another magical 20-year run for The Edge in the Upper Midwest — I reach out for your vision of what you’d like your holistic publication to be in 2013. Take ownership of being a part of The Edge and send me a simple email in response to this subject line: Here’s how I would like The Edge to Evolve in 2013. Send it to editor@ edgemagazine.net. I will respond to each email I receive and find a way to integrate all of the ideas into what we offer you in the coming year. Note that I will be at the Edge Life Expo 2012 on November 3-4 at Earle Brown Heritage Center. If you happen to visit me there, have your answer ready! a Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.




OCTOBER EDGE NETWORKING EVENT: BELLALUNA Gail of Bellaluna Boutique will be the guest speaker at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12, at the Edge Networking Event, a monthly gathering of any and all people interested in holistic living.   Gather at Bellaluna, located at 11300 Minnetonka Mills Road in Minnetonka, MN. Gail will speak about her experience of owning and growing an up-and-coming metaphysical store during the past eight years. Each participant who attends is given about one minute to introduce who they are and what they do. Attendees will have time after the talk to mingle, and share business cards. Arrive by 7 p.m. and get a chance to win a door prize! The Edge’s Networking Event meets on the 12th of each month and is free and open to the public. Each month is a different location, so be sure to check the listing in the Edge. Our goal through the networking group is to help build a stronger community through meeting each other face-toface in a safe, social setting while also giving you an opportunity to learn more about your community. The event is free and open to the public. a

October 2012 edge magazine



Pleasure is medicine!


by Devi Ward leasure feels good. That’s kinda the point, right?   But did you also know that the experience of pleasure is vital for maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul? When we experience any of the four forms of pleasure — physical/ sensual, sexual, emotional, or spiritual — a veritable cocktail of highly beneficial, health-supporting, life-enriching hormones and chemistries are released in the brain, and other areas of the body. Many of these brain and body chemistries have anti-aging, health supporting and mood-enhancing effects that are absolutely crucial for maintaining a happy heart, a strong, healthy body, and a balanced, peaceful mind. Unfortunately, our cultural orientation to pleasure is wrought with conflict. We are conditioned to believe that some forms of pleasure are acceptable and should be enjoyed regularly (i.e., good food, good friends, good coffee), and other forms of pleasure are ignored, frowned upon, or not discussed openly, especially if they enter into the realm of sensual and sexual expression. But what if our sensual and sexual pleasure is a form of medicine that allows the body to heal and regenerate itself? And what if all four forms of pleasure are a built-in guidance system, giving us clear direction to which experiences are truly serving us in life, and which are not? Wouldn’t it behoove us to become more aware of the pleasure that already




exists in our lives, and strive to cultivate more of those experiences for ourselves, and everyone around us? By becoming conscious of how and where the four forms of pleasure are already showing up in your life, you can begin actively reaping the rewards of this built-in, health-enhancing mechanism. The four forms of pleasure are: • Physical/sensual pleasure (relates directly to each of the five senses) • Sexual pleasure • Emotional pleasure • Spiritual pleasure Each of the four forms of pleasure have an array of beneficial chemistries that are produced in the body when we experience them. Some of these amazing, pleasuregenerated “happy hormones” are: Oxytocin — Oxytocin is stimulated through touch and is linked to personality, passion, social skills, emotional quotient, all of which affect career, marriage, emotional health, and social skills. Oxytocin is stimulated in the body through touch and sexual orgasm. Phenylethylamine — This brain chemistry has an anti-depressant effect and helps us feel more alert, and a sense of well-being and contentment. It can be released in the body by experiencing visual pleasure and sexual pleasure, and is found in chocolate. Endorphins — There over 20 different types of endorphins. They act as natural pain killers and stress relievers, and they improve immune system function. They induce a general sense of well-being and cause feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Some also

increase confidence. Endorphins are released in the body when we experience laughter (emotional pleasure), physical contact (touch), and exercise. Sex also is a potent trigger for endorphin release. The practice of meditation has also been shown increase the amount of endorphins released in your body (spiritual pleasure). Serotonin — Serotonin is generally thought of as a “feel-good” hormone. It helps people to feel relaxed and contented. Serotonin can be generated in the brain by pleasurable activities such as exercise (movement), sunlight, eating wholesome foods containing tryptophan and vitamin B6, and sexual orgasm. Given all of this, one might surmise that the human body is actually designed for pleasure, and that if we regularly experience all four forms of pleasure, we become healthier in body, mind and spirit. By making use of the inherent healthenriching benefits of pleasure, we gain access to more of our vital life energy, and we are able to contribute to all areas of our lives with more power, joy and purpose. Now that’s some good medicine! a Devi Ward is the founder of Feminine Emergence and creator of Sacred Erotic Dance™ — a MovementHealing modality that uses The 5 Core Pelvic Movements™, Authentic Tantra™ and Sensual Dance to produce physical, emotional and spiritual healing in our relationship to sexual and sensual self-expression. Devi has been teaching Sensual Empowerment classes, workshops, and private sessions since 2005. She offers Sensual Empowerment Workshops and Coaching Programs for women who are wanting to awaken their sensual power and access more passion, pleasure and purpose in all areas of life. Her first book, “Shake Your Soul Song! A Woman’s Guide To SelfEmpowerment Through The Art of Self-Pleasure,” will be released in October 2012. To find out more, visit Devi Ward at www.femininemergence.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.


W ho do you think you are ?

W by Jean Wallis

hen I first heard the quote by French Jesuit priest Peirre Teilhard de Chardin — “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience” — I recall being very impacted. I could choose to experience my life “from the top down” instead of “from the bottom up,” to be able to observe my human life from the perspective of consciousness. I began to wonder who I really was, this combination of Spirit and humanity. Who is driving the bus here? Is it meandering down the road, traveling on cruise control, encountering whatever shows up, viewing only from the road? Or is there a chance to step into the driver’s seat and direct this bus, this life of mine, this vehicle of experience, while being on its path, while at the same time getting information, direction and perspective from my Self that sits on top of the mountain and can view the entire road I am traveling? I decided, “Yes, there was.” “So, what does it take to do that?” I wondered. Since the age of 17, I’ve said that all one had to do in this lifetime was to know who we are and like it. Little did I know from the sassiness of youth how simple that sounded and how easy it was not! But now had come the time to walk my own talk and get to know who I really was. As I began this journey of Self-discovery, I felt aware of my human experience, so I searched for my Spirit. I studied with valuable teachers who stretched my mind, opened my heart, and exposed my soul to me. Then I began a transformative meditation technique, Fulfillment Meditation, and I came to view life through the eyes of consciousness, the Observer Self, the One who sees the Big Picture of Being. That was a fine perspective for a very long time. Then it shifted. I realized I did not know as much about my humanity as I once thought. I only knew my experience within it — not how it really worked. I was trying to drive a bus, but didn’t know its parts or how it functioned, what it did automatically and how much my Spirit could influence and control it. So off I went on my new quest to understand the workings of my human self. Always having been fascinated by the human mind, I thought our emotional life was “all in our head,” so to speak. Yet, I now realized that all of our human time is spent acting and reacting to stimulus — and I began to wonder what

happens within us while that goes on. Well, here’s what I learned. When we sense a stimulus in our environment, whether it is someone speaking to us or anything else, our mind and body work together and a chain of events occurs. First, our mind makes a quick assessment of the stimulus and judges how we are to react to it. Do we fight it, run from it, or ignore it? This is a very important decision, as it could mean our survival. Our mind determines this based on our knowledge, previous experiences, values, experiences we’ve learned from others, our family patterns, our culture, etc. This may be accurate to the situation or not, but until we get new information, it’s all we have to go on. Once the mind decides how to react, it sends a message to the body to prepare for the reaction. A powerful chemical cascade begins through whichever of our two nervous systems is called upon for reaction. Once our body’s chemistry is completely prepared, our mind is informed, we identify these emotional chemicals as a feeling, and we react — whether it is talking back, walking away, or not reacting at all. All of this is done without our awareness or direction, continuing our patterns over and over again, perhaps with new players and in new locations, but the actions and our reactions continue to repeat themselves. I’ve discovered, through the inspiration of a friend, and guidance from Spirit, that there is so much more, that we have many points in this path where we can make conscious choices on how to act and react, to be the Spirit having a human experience and be emotionally empowered to bring our lives to greater peace by understanding our humanity more, our default programs, and our body’s chemistry. As Carl Jung, psychologist, once said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.” So, let me ask you this, “Who do you think you are?” a Jean Wallis is teaching “Getting to Know You! A Course in Emotional Empowerment,” a 30-class course designed to enlighten you on how and why we relate and respond to others and to our own circumstances of life. Call 612.874-1453 for further inquiries or to register, or see more at jeanwallis.com. Jean Wallis is a Doctor of Metaphysics and visionary psychic currently teaching “Getting to Know You: A Course in Emotional Empowerment.” See ad on this page or find more info at jeanwallis.com or call 612.874.1453. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

October 2012 edge magazine


THE CANCER JOURNEY Cancer the Disingenuous Disease

Whatever it takes for as long as it takes by Cheryl Hiltibran


Eighth in a series

ince last writing about having a Stage 1 cancerous tumor in my left breast, it feels as if I have arrived somewhere else new and different; exactly where is unclear. With the anniversary of my diagnosis just around the corner, my main question is, how long does it take to achieve a cancer-free body? What came to mind is what a friend said some years ago when we were discussing our progress on our personal goals: “Are you willing to do what it takes for as long as it takes to achieve your goal?” The timing and length of a healing journey is unknown and involves many unseen forces — the physical body’s own priorities and needs, one’s own faith in your ability to heal, a compelling reason to live, and, for me, connecting with the power of Spirit. First, I want to share the importance of a compelling reason to live. While wandering through a bookstore, a title popped out at me, Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why, by Laurence Gonzales. The stories of survival were amazing. Gonzales goes on to explain that there are several reasons why people survive. They: come to accept the reality of the situation quickly; create a goal for wanting to live; and they accept the fact that they may die. These are also relevant to overcoming the adversity of disease. Just as in the movie 127 Hours, Aaron Ralston imagined himself married and

Holy Molé

camping with his wife. He needed a reason to live, and this gave him the courage to do what was necessary to get out of the canyon where his arm had gotten pinned to the wall by a boulder. After cutting off his own arm, he was able to hike out and ultimately receive help from other hikers. Of course, this seems extreme when compared to using a non-Western-medical approach to breast cancer. However, to “do whatever it takes for as long as it takes” is important, and it does apply for anyone who is facing a life-threatening challenge. In Gonzales’ book, each person’s circumstances were different. They had to figure out their own strategy and techniques to get out of the wilderness, often after having being injured. Yes, they relied on past experience and skill, yet they also had to receive and use a reserve of untapped resources from within. It is important to note that NONE of them waited to be rescued. They made up their minds to do whatever they could for as long as it was necessary. And having faith that you have a future is compelling: It draws a person forth, making it come true. What is it that gave them the ideas and thoughts to try one thing over the other? The inner feeling, the nudge, that intuitive sense. Could it be there is also a power that’s untouchable and unseen, yet helping you manifest? This journey of healing my cancer has confirmed for me something my entire life has been attempting to show me: “Normal” does not work for me, especially the “average American life-

style,” cosmetics with chemicals and preservatives, and tap water with chlorine and fluoride. I now fully appreciate just how highly sensitive I am. As Dr. Paul Westby, one of the chiropractors I have been working with said, “You happen to be one of the canaries in the coal mine,” indicating that my physical body is too sensitive to tolerate the “average” toxic lifestyle. Although I stepped off that mainstream path nearly 40 years ago and found I felt better both mentally and physically, it was not enough to keep me free of cancer. There may be something I am overlooking, have not yet tried, or something that has yet to be revealed or discovered. I trust signs from the universe. Just this past week I received a phone call from a woman who had read my article in the August edition of the Edge magazine. Kathy shared with me that she had been diagnosed with a tumor, that she used only alternative methods to heal, and that four years later her doctor claimed that “the cancer had died.” She went on to share with me that getting her body’s pH balanced was part of her success. We talked about drinking high-pH water such as Kangen water, which is what I drink, and the importance of eating alkaline foods. A pH level of 6.0 to 7.50. slightly alkaline, prevents cancer or any other disease from developing. Kathy’s willingness to reach out and share her story was encouraging and helpful just at a time when I needed it most. Cancer continued on page 14 

is brought to you by Harmony Green, Intuitive Healer, owner of All about the Journey…a healing center, located at www.allowharmony.com, 612.354.2149 | cartoon by Rick Hotton: Facebook.com/Holymolecartoon




Answers within: Contacting your inner voice


by Robert Peterson he answer lies within.” We hear it from the loftiest spiritual teachers to heavy metal bands like Dream Theater, but how do you do it? Often shrouded in mystery, it’s had many names: clairaudience, second sight and intuition — as well as talking to angels, spirit guides or your inner voice. Whatever you call it, it’s a skill you can learn, and its roots lie in the subconscious. But only crazy people talk to themselves, right? Wrong. Psychologists have known about the unconscious mind since Friedrich Schelling coined the phrase in the 1800s. Whether we like it or not, it always influences us. Many think the subconscious is a dark, murky place — the cesspool of our minds — but experience shows it’s a direct connection to what new-age people call the Higher Self, which has a world of psychic information, guidance and spirituality. The biggest obstacle to inner voice communication is conditioning: we’re taught from day one to focus on our five senses, and that everything else (what’s inside) is unimportant or untrustworthy. So the first step is to undo all that negative programming. The next step is to learn to turn your attention inward, and maintain that link throughout the day. The trouble is, we’re usually given vague (or worse, incorrect) instructions. It’s often described as one-way communication steeped in mysticism or religion: perform a ceremony, cast a spell, recite a prayer and hope for the best. But the communication flows both ways; we just don’t realize it because our brains have complex noise filters to keep “what’s not important” from bubbling to the surface. It’s like hearing a whisper in a rock concert; the signal is too weak to hear over the noise. Meditation is only part of the equation. It helps dismiss some of the musicians, guitars and screaming audience from our inner auditorium of everyday life, but we still have to listen for the whisper. In chapter 10 of my 1997 book, Out of Body Experiences: How to have Them and What to Expect, I described my inner voice and how I talk to it. I’ve received almost as many emails for information about that as my out-of-body experiences. I’ve been reluctant to comment because I was afraid treating the subject too lightly would do more harm than good; messing with people’s minds is not to be undertaken lightly. Instead, I spent years working on a new book, Answers Within: How to Use Your Inner Voice for Wisdom, Spirituality and Psychic Awareness, which I just published. Here are some tips and techniques from the book: • Play “the wisdom game.” Make time to ask yourself philosophical or religious questions and pretend you’re the guru. Pause your inner dialogue to get stray thoughts; take the first ideas that pop into your mind Inner Voice continued on page 14  October 2012 edge magazine


NUTRITION A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe

Roasted Butternut Chowder with Apples & Bacon by Maggie Christopher his is a delicious recipe to enjoy the best of the fall flavors. To make this soup more filling, you can add some cooked brown rice.


Ingredients: 1 butternut squash, about 1-1/2 pounds, peeled, seeded and cut into cubes 1 large onion, chopped 2 large apples, peeled, cored and chopped 4 turkey or pork bacon slices 1 can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 2 TBS minced garlic Salt and pepper to taste 3 TBS olive oil 1 TBS chopped fresh sage or 1 tsp dried 1/2 cup dry white wine or water 6 cups vegetable or chicken stock or water

Directions: 1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. 2 Spread the squash, onion, apples, bacon and garlic in a deep roasting pan or on a baking sheet. 3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with oil. 4. Roast, stirring every now and then, until the squash, onion and apples are tender and browned and the bacon is crisp, which takes about 45 minutes. 5. Remove the roasting pan from the oven. If you’d like, you can blend some of the squash to make a thicker broth (optional). 6. Stir in the sage and white wine and scrape up all the browned bits from the bottom. 7. If you’re using a roasting pan that can be used on the stovetop, position the pan over 2 burners and put both on medium heat. Otherwise, transfer the contents of the pan to a large pot or Dutch oven and set it over medium heat. 8. Add stock and cannellini beans and cook until the squash, onion and apples break apart and thicken and flavor the broth, which takes about 25 minutes. You can help the process along by breaking the mixture up a bit with a spoon. 9. Stir in cooked brown rice if you would like. Makes about 4-6 servings. a Maggie Christopher, CHNC, is a certified holistic nutrition counselor in St. Paul. She specializes in digestive issues, sugar cravings and weight loss. She teaches people how to eat whole, natural foods in a way that is delicious and satisfying. Call 651.231.1360 for a 60-minute, complimentary consultation to learn more or visit www.maggiechristopher.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.




 Cancer continued from page 12   For more information on body pH, these links may be of interest: • To help you understand pH balance: www.naturalhealthschool. com/acid-alkaline.html. • To maintain your pH: www.t-a-d-a. com/pH.html. • On cancer: www.canceractive.com/ cancer-active-page-link.aspx?n=1025. Even though the high-pH water is already part of my regimen, and my high-alkaline food diet is 70-80 percent raw, there is obviously still more for me to do to have a result similar to Kathy’s. My chiropractors, Dr. Paul Westby (article in the May 2012 Edge) and Dr. Nick Froehling (article in the June 2012 Edge), along with other health professionals I have spoken with concur: Stress can undermine even the healthiest of diets. So, in this coming month I have much more to do. Besides enriching my

compelling future image, I will reduce my stress levels by becoming more detached from emotionally draining situations and interactions, create more laughter and fun in my life, and get more sleep. Also, unconscious habits can and do impact health, so I have more to look at there. I will keep on doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes. Any suggestions that you may have will be greatly appreciated. a Listen to Edge contributor Cheryl Hiltibran describe her journey on the archived Edge Talk Radio program “Innerviews” with Cathryn Taylor by clicking here: http://tiny. cc/az5ucw Cheryl Hiltibran is a life coach, natural intuit and healer who assists others in being fully integrated and aligned. Clients claim they are more true to themselves after working with her. Check out her blog at beinggenius. com. She can be reached at cheryl@goinggenius.com or 952.486.1298. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Consciousness is an end in itself. We torture ourselves getting somewhere, and when we get there it is nowhere, for there is nowhere to get to. David Herbert Lawrence  Inner Voice continued from page 13 and morph them into “wise” answers. • Choose a “protocol question” you can ask yourself to get into the right frame of mind. Pick a question that will make you dig deep inside for the answer. Mine is “What is love?” • Take walks and try to see everything around you as a spiritual metaphor, and tell yourself its deeper meaning. • Expand the game: Instead of philosophical questions, ask yourself to just “Say something wise” and make up answers. • Each morning, give yourself a spiritual lesson for the day. Just make something up. Make every day a spiritual learning experience. • Throughout the day, ask yourself to comment on what’s happening; check it against the lesson you gave yourself. • Increase psychic sensitivity by being love-based and non-judgmental. • Ask about other people’s lessons. Learn from what other people are going through, but don’t mistake their lessons for yours. • Don’t doubt yourself. Gain confidence through verification.

• Recognize the voice of fear. Pay attention to impressions accompanied by a feeling of peace and calm. Discard impressions accompanied by fear, negativity or strong emotions. • Use music and books to increase inner voice vocabulary. • Keep a “running question mark” in your mind. Try to remain open to messages from your inner voice throughout the day and in every situation. • Keep playing and eventually you’ll start getting “answers” without questions. Learning to talk to your inner voice is an invaluable tool for spirituality and psychic development. Making it fun and being persistent are key. a Robert (Bob) Peterson has been studying and inducing out-of-body experiences and psychic experiences since he graduated from high school in 1979. He compiled his journals into his first book, Out of Body Experiences: How to have them and what to expect (Hampton Roads Publishing, 1997). His second book, Lessons Out of the Body, was published in 2001. His third book is a novel entitled The Gospel According to Mike. His most recent book, Answers Within, is available now at amazon.com. Bob lives near Brainerd, MN, with his wife and soulmate, Kathy. Visit www.robertpeterson.org, and contact him at 218.764.2707 or email bob@robertpeterson.org. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.



Star Wisdom October 2012

by DK Brainard


ercury, Saturn and the Sun all move into the deep waters of Scorpio this month, prompting us to look within and understand the deeper meaning behind the choices we make.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Mercury and Saturn move into your 8th House, prompting you to dig deeper and understand the hidden motives underlying your desires. Fortunately, your ruling planet Mars flies through your 9th House of exploration and metaphysics all month long. This would be a great time to travel for a yoga retreat or spiritual adventure. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Relationships are a huge focus this month. With Saturn moving into your 7th House through 2015, you’re being challenged to define what you really need and to set healthy boundaries with the important people in your life. The Full Moon in your sign on the 29th paints a vivid picture of this next big life lesson so you’ll be sure not to miss it. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Jupiter’s retrograde turn on the 4th enables you to slow down and make sense of all of the changes you’ve been through in 2012. With Mars in your relationship house, you may feel positively driven to connect with someone new or to impose your will on an existing relationship. Just make sure you really want what you’re pushing so hard for — because you’re likely to get it. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…This month carries a much lighter vibe than the one you’ve grown used to over the last three years. Take time out to enjoy the things that make you happy. Saturn’s entry into your 5th House of creativity and self-expression urges you to get serious about structuring your life in a way that allows you to do more of what you love in the years to come. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You’re concerned with getting your house in order, as both Mercury and Saturn enter your 4th House of home and family. If you’re willing to be honest about what’s not working in this part of your life, Saturn will help you build a better foundation. This is intense work so blow off steam by diving into a creative project or getting your body moving. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…You’re looking good, Virgo! Seriously, with Venus in your sign all month long other people find you extra attractive. Plus, with Saturn finally moving out of your 2nd House, money matters should also improve. Both Saturn and your ruling planet Mercury enter your 3rd House on the 5th; it’s time to get serious about how you use your mind. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…While you probably wouldn’t want to live the last three years over again, you have to admit that you’re stronger now than you’ve ever been. You may not fully know what you want out of life yet, but you’ve developed an inner strength and resilience that will carry you through the next 30 years. Use this month to ground yourself in this newfound confidence.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…It may have felt as if a mysterious force was holding you back with Saturn in your 12th House for the last three years. With Saturn now in your sign until 2015, you are free to move forward again. Focus on developing a long-term plan that will enable you to achieve your biggest dreams. Mental planet Mercury enters Scorpio on the 5th, bringing clarity and focus to this self-improvement project. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Energy planet Mars in your sign pushes you to “follow your bliss” this month. Just remember that you need cooperation from others in order to reach the big time. With your ruling planet Jupiter retrograde through the end of the year, it’s time to evaluate which relationships are working — and which ones need more work. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Saturn’s entry into your 11th House of hopes and dreams challenges you to define what you really, really, really want to achieve or experience in the next 30 years. The 11th House also rules friends and colleagues, so this would be a great time to ally yourself to a group of people who share your values. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…There’s a huge focus on career this month, as Mercury and Saturn convene in your 10th House. Saturn is challenging you to define your life’s work and commit to a game plan that will enable you to make that vision a reality. Mercury helps you articulate what you want and find creative ways to start making it so. Your tribe can be super-helpful, so make sure you’re connecting with your fellow visionaries. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…You realize this month just how much you’ve learned and how far you’ve come over the last few years. As Saturn enters your 9th House for a three-year stay, your challenge is to concretize the wisdom you’ve gained and develop it into a workable system. You are coming into your own, and life gets easier as you learn to truly trust your inner wisdom. a Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, October 3, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to BlogTalkRadio.com/edgemagazine. Listen to all archives at Edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio. D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero’s Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. Get in-depth weekly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, plus monthly video forecasts and weekly astrology podcasts at DK’s website: www.wordsforthepeople.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

October 2012 edge magazine



Energy Healing

Reiki & Healing Touch

next month: Counseling & Psychotherapy


» call 763.433.9291 to be included

vital branch of alternative and complementary health care is Energy Healing, offering a variety of modalities that balance the body by channeling energy to it (with hands-on, handsoff and distant or absentee healing.) The following practitioners provide Energy Healing throughout the Upper Midwest:

4th Dimension Healing, Mary Jo Feely, CHTP, HTCP Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Reiki Master Practitioner, Stillwater, MN, 651.439.9001, www.4thdimensionhealing.com, maryjo@4thdimensionhealing.com — Mary Jo Feely utilizes Healing Touch and Reiki techniques to clear, balance and energize her clients’ energy field, thus promoting healing for the mind, body and spirit. She uses therapeutic grade essential oils, prayer, and music in her practice. Se habla español. Shelly Berdahl, Healing Facilitator, 651.772.1665, shellymb67@gmail.com — As a Healing Facilitator, Shelly utilizes Reiki, Magnified Healing and her other Intuitive Energy gifts to help clients and their pets to heal themselves. She has also studied and uses the many vibrational energy aspects of Flower Essences and crystals. Call for more information. Bhakti Wellness Center, Karen Norum, 1200 Main St., Hopkins, MN 55343, 509.434.8989, bodytalkmaestra@ gmx.com, www.bhakticlinic.com — BodyTalk is a comprehensive, effective, non-invasive, safe energy medicine system. BodyTalk resynchronizes the body’s energy systems and stimulates the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Benefits include stress reduction, pain reduction, rebalancing of the body-mind complex for overall improved health. Learn more at www.bodytalksystem.com. Body Whispers Therapy, Kris Groth OTR, 2913 Harriet Ave. S., #103, Minneapolis, MN 55408, 612.730.8272 , www.bodywhisperstherapy.com — Craniosacral energy healing to gently and easily assist in healing body, mind, heart

and soul, by listening to the voice within. Gentle, yet profound, healing whether your issues are physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Bringing opportunity for healing, transforming, and uplifting your life in whatever way you are ready for. Bodyworx Healing Therapies, Angela Jones, 15657 41st St., Becker, MN 55308, 612.532.2792, angie@bodyworxhealingtherapies.com, www. bodyworxhealingtherapies.com — As a holistic healer, and Usui Reiki Master, Angela, with intuitive guidance, assesses and clears chakra and aura vibrations and channels healing. Her approach aids in the healing process energetically, spiritually and physically. Angela is an INHA member and will soon complete her Holistic Health Practitioner and Massage Therapist certifications. Anne Brady, ONE Holistic Wellness, 320.250.9402, anne@oneholisticwellness.com, www. oneholisticwellness.com — Offering services in Reiki, Intuitive Coaching, Medical Intuition, hypnosis and other energy shifting techniques in person, or over the phone. Dis-ease or dis-function form in the energy field first. Clear it in the energy field and deter it from manifesting in the body, mind and emotions. Brigid’s House: Center of Peace for Body, Mind & Spirit, 500 Park Ave. S. (Hwy 71), Park Rapids, MN 56470, 218.732.5347, www.brigidshouse.com — Brigid’s House offers a variety of energy work therapies. Brenda Mason is a massage therapist and offers Reiki treatments and Zone therapy to help balance all the systems in the body. Jeanne Marie Troge, M.A., offers treatments and trainings in Reiki, Core

Roberta Finch, InJoyfulService.com, 651.357.3337, r2finch@yahoo.com — Feeling stuck? Early trauma in our lives, those of our ancestors, or attachments of unwanted spirits can cause a variety of issues affecting us. Let me assist you in neutralizing and removing the effects of negative memories, genetic ancestral patterns and old programming in your life today. Energy Healing and Education.

e edgemagazine.net


The Connecting Spirit Corp., Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh, 651.442.4623, theconnectingspirit@gmail.com, www.theconnectingspirit.com — Terri is a Certified Soul Breathing™ and Transformational Breath Facilitator, Reiki Master Practitioner and Associate certified Pranic Healer. Terri offers a variety of holistic healing sessions. When energy work is combined with Soul Breathing™ the results are exponential. Use the power of your breath to enhance your healing session and to transform your life. “Breath Fully, Live Freely!” EnergyWorks! Intuitive Healers Nadine Dassier and Fran Dassier, 612.229.5586 or 651.329.2550, energyworks444@gmail.com, www. energyworkshealers.com — Affordable, Accessible, Powerful Healing Services: Chakra Reading/Intuitive Energy Healing, Distance Healing, Space Clearing, Soul Portraits, Chakra clinics at Present Moment and more! Our clients have described their sessions as: “Life-changing,” “Outstanding,” “Empowering,” “Amazingly Accurate,” “Deeply Healing,” “Energizing,” “Peaceful,” “Loving,” “Calming,” “Marvelous,” “Eye-opening,” “Insightful,” “Compassionate,” “Purifying,” and “Incredible.”



and Celtic Shamanism, and integrative counseling.

COMMUNITY holistic bUSINESS LISTINGS Next month, If you provide Counseling & Psychotherapy in your community, be listed here for only $50. Contact info + 50-word description of what your center offers the community. Order your listing conveniently at Edgemagazine.net. For more info: 763.433.9291 or email cathy@edgemagazine.net. Deadline: Friday, October 19. Visit: edgemagazine.net/category/community/

Healing Quest, LLC, Tica Coady, 1077 Kinder Dr., Waconia, MN 55387, 952.292.8257, Healingquestmn@gmail. com — Tica Coady, founder and owner of Healing Quest, LLC, is a trained Rukha Method energy healer and massage therapist. Our psychology affects our energy field and ultimately our wellness! At Healing Quest, the focus is on conscious living, balancing the energy systems, and building strength through the journey. Dr. Steven Hiebert, Intuitive Chiropractor - Healer, 570 Asbury St., Suite 304, St. Paul, MN 55014, 651.777.9156, drstevenh@aol.com, www.drstevenhiebert.com — Dr. Hiebert is a gifted healer with over twenty years experience. He offers a unique combination of energy healing and chiropractic. Come discover the steps you might take to move beyond the restrictions that have kept you from being yourself, being at peace and feeling good. Journey’s Way, Inc., John Klug, 4418 W. Lake Harriet Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55410, 952.221.7291, john@ journeysway.org, www.journeysway. org — “Touching the Light” Practitioner, taught by the author Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey. When our etheric anatomy gets out of tune, we might experience issues of a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature. TTL brings balance back to our etheric systems and with balance comes healing and a return to Universal rhythm. Jaci Loos, 651.436.1418, www. akashicsoundhealing.com — Jaci is an Inter-dimensional Sound Healer, Akashic Record Consultant and Teacher. She offers classes, private and group healings, house clearings and Sacred Travel Tours. She is dedicated to change, growth and personal integration. Her passion is to empower others to experience their life with greater joy and ease. Jaci lives and practices in Stillwater, MN. Please contact her and visit her website for more information. The Lotus Connection, LLC, Comprehensive Energy Psychology and Reiki Licensure: Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, 612.524.9237, info@thelotusconnection. org, www.thelotusconnection.org – Shante Fauskee is a licensed psychotherapist with a holistic approach utilizing a variety of energy and mind-body techniques to facilitate the healing process. Through these techniques, Shante helps clients gain

awareness, achieve personal growth, reduce symptoms of distress, and maintain a healthy emotional balance while they navigate towards optimal well-being. Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT, Baker Court Professional Bldg, 821 Raymond Ave., Suite 260, St. Paul, MN 55114, 612.217.4325, heal@psinergy. info, www.psinergy.info — Stressed Out? No problem — We can help! We specialize in helping business professionals who struggle with a mountain of stress. We have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful side, allowing you to enjoy your life again. Call now for lasting relief! Reiki by Miejan, Rachel Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail. com, ReikibyMiejan.com - Rachel teaches the original Usui Reiki system, having been a Reiki channel since 1985. Her concentration on Reiki has developed a very strong and pure channel. As Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki can help bring all parts of one’s life to balance, via Reiki I and Reiki II, or absentee — for past, present and future balancing. Call or email with questions, or to schedule a Reiki session or class. Shamanic Spirit Services, Deer Domnitz, shamanic practitioner, hypnotherapist, 612.928.0028, lindadeer1@yahoo. com, shamanicspiritservices.com — Specializing in shamanic soul retrievals/ extractions. Soul retrievals: When someone experiences trauma, part of their soul leaves, but through the soul retrieval process, it is brought back integrated/healed to work on their team. Includes changing contract and receiving gift/spirit animal. Extractions: Astral energy are “hungry ghosts” feeding on a person’s energy. They’re removed/sent to the light. The Spirited Sage, Barbara Ford at The Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes, MN 55014, 651.341.9465, info@thespiritedsage.com, www. thespiritedsage.com — Reiki, Nutritional Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) and Herbal Medicine coaching, individually, or combined, can help you become balanced and living a healthier, more vibrant life. Barbara understands that our body communicates what it needs to heal from stress and illness and is able to access and interpret the messages it gives. She also teaches Herbal Medicine classes.

Carol Swan, Energy Healing and Paintings for the Body, Mind and Spirit, 651.690.3991, healingswan@gmail. com, www.healingswan.com — Energy healing and balancing is done respectfully and lovingly by hands-on and/or hands-off to restore the body to its natural state of well-being, balance and health. My paintings are an extension of my energy work, painted with the intent to have a healing effect. Cathryn Taylor, 612.710.7720, www. EFTForYourInnerChild.com — Want to “Become The Master of Your Own Journey?” Cathryn’s new 7-Points of Consciousness Program teaches you the self-adminstered tools that empower you to neutralize your inner child’s fears, resolve the themes of your soul, and design strategies to attract your heart’s desires. Judy Tills, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, The Center for Alternative Healing, 7373 W. 147th St., Suite 108, Apple Valley, MN 55306, 612.810.1576, judytillshealingtouch@gmail.com — Do you feel anxious, depressed, or have difficulty determining your life’s path? Do you have physical or emotional pain? Or have a loved one near the end of life who needs healing? Using gentle touch, Judy will help you achieve your natural state of well-being, supporting your ability to heal. Barbara Werre, Licensed Therapist, Reiki Master, 1100 32nd Ave. S., Suite C, Moorhead, MN 56560, 218.477.7774, barbara@essentialsoflife.biz, www. essentialsoflife.biz — Barbara has worked in the mental health field 27 years. Six years ago, Barbara obtained her Reiki training to the Master level, to complement her holistic beliefs. She offers Reiki as an alternative approach to a person’s concerns, either as an adjunct to therapy, or as a stand-alone service. ZRS Fossils And Gifts, 3018 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55408, 612.824.1068, info@ZRSfossils.com, www.ZRSfossils.com, www.facebook. com/pages/ZRS-Fossils-and-Gifts — Local retail store filled with unique treasures from the earth! With focused intention on personal healing, ZRS provides an enormous array of stones and crystals, carvings, handcrafted jewelry, wands, books. Inquire about our Crystal Energy Classes and Personal Consultations, along with in-store ZRS Healing Expos. Join our mailing list for monthly newsletter!

THE EDGE invites you to join us at:  October 12: Bellaluna Boutique, 11400 Minnetonka Mills Road, Minnetonka, for the monthly Edge Networking event  October 20-21: Healthy Life Expo, Minneapolis Convention Center, 250 Marquette Ave. S.  October 18-21: Paradigm Symposium, Minneapolis DoubleTree Hotel, 1500 Park Place Blvd.  November 3-4: Edge Life Holistic Expo 2012, Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center October 2012 edge magazine



The Weaver

by Shannon Morgenstern Peer through your own eyes Into the reality you have stitched, Each fiber has been hand-sewn By your thoughts and dreams. A bird lands on the windowsill But what brought it to you? A silent whistle, a tune that you know And it knows? A thought is carried on a breeze. Pull into your hands That which you desire Until your fingers are so filled with your tapestry of colors, That you must hang it from the point of the crescent moon, To the tip of a bright star.

Quo Vadis? by Craig W. Steele Life, the question; living it, the answer

Cut the threads of that which you no longer need, Patch the hole with the knowledge of your heart. Everything you have woven is right.

Allow Forgiveness by Marita Rahlenbeck

Slowly, now, I turn the corner Finally, something has shifted Inside me that my days are not filled with sorrow and tears. Perhaps you, too, have changed have turned a corner and my Soul feels it and takes comfort Together yet separate We heal our wounds, Our sorrow Our grief

Would that one day soon you will break your silence so we may come together in forgiveness No need for elaborate discussions Allow forgiveness to enter in Allow forgiveness to paint the next scene for us to dance in Allow our Souls to finally be reunited once again on this earth plane Let us give our Souls one last time together here, on Earth, before we Ascend as the Twin Flames We are.

photographs by Patricia Youker

Shannon Morgenstern, M.A., is a teacher of English literature and creative writing. She created a spiritual group for women called SpiritualiTea and also runs a blog based on the group, www.spiritualiteablog.wordpress.com. She also volunteers with hospice care, and is passionate about gaining knowledge and teaching what she has learned to others. Marita Rahlenbeck is the founder of Marita International, LLC, a firm created to take the message of Spiritual Awakening to the world. As a Soul Mentor, Marita supports others on their path toward wholeness via individual one-on-one sessions, small groups and virtual




classes. She is dedicated and passionate about empowering others on their spiritual journey. She is now a licensed Higher Brain Living facilitator. Craig W. Steele is a writer and university biologist whose creative musings occur in the urban countryside of northwestern Pennsylvania, where he writes for both children and adults. Besides The Edge, his poetry has appeared recently or is forthcoming in The Healing Muse, Magnapoets, WestWard Quarterly, Willows Wept Review, Caduceus and elsewhere.

a special advertising supplement to the edge



Saturday, November 3 — 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Sunday, November 4 — 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brook lyn Center, MN 55430 * w w w.e d g e l i f e.n e t


Sunny Dawn Johnston

Gregg braden


Product B supports health of DNA telomeres ■ Attend the free workshop at 1pm Saturday or visit Booth 33 with Isagenix and Dave MacArthur, who present an antiaging antioxidant that supports the part of the DNA that allows us to live longer.

Kathryn Harwig

Dr. John desalvo

Echo Bodine


Speaker John DeSalvo will display an Ancient Crystal Skull at Expo

INSIDE Speaker & Workshop Schedule List of Exhibitors with Expo Hall map

TICKETS Advance Admission


$7 ($5 each for two or more tickets)

Braden & Genna offer post-expo workshops

Gold Card (includes all Speakers, Expo Hall & Free Workshops except for Gregg Braden & Monday Post-Expo Events): $89 through October 15 best buy!

■ Page 2 of this Expo Guide offers info on the two post-expo events: “Living on the Edge: Thriving in the World’s Perfect Storm” by Gregg Braden, and “God, It’s Not Working!”™ by Vincent Genna.



Save Money Now with Advance Tickets (includes admission to Expo Hall & Free Workshops)

Free Shuttle Directly to Expo Hall from Hotel

■ Edge Life Expo offers all guests and participants an opportunity to stay at Crowne Plaza Minneapolis North for $69 per night with shuttle to and from Earle Brown Heritage Center. The hotel is 3 to 5 minutes from the event location. Make reservations for November 2-3 by calling 1.800.481.3556 and ask for the Edge Life Group rate.

Vincent genna

Advance Tickets: A life-size ancient crystal skull in the possession of Keynote Speaker Dr. John DeSalvo will be on display in the lobby at Edge Life Expo 2012. This skull is composed of quartz crystal and weighs about 7 pounds. It was brought back from China about 15 years ago by Argentinean Anthropologist Gustavo Martinez. It was recently tested by Scott Wolter, owner of American Petrographic Services in St. Paul, MN, using computerized digital microscopy. This is one of the few crystal skulls that have been tested and have not been shown to be a modern production.

www.Edgelife.net or call toll-free 1.877.776.5244 best buy!


SPEAKER SCHEDULE 11:30am-1pm Saturday, Nov. 3 SUNNY DAWN JOHNSTON presents “Invoking the Archangels” — You have powerful and loving guardian angels that want to help you create the life you desire and deserve. In this event, Sunny will share with you a process she has created that uses the energy of the 7 Archangels to heal the heart from the inside out. She will teach you how to invoke the power of the Archangels to help transform your heart from a state of fear to a realization of the love that always exists within. Through a series of meditations, visualizations, music with soul musician Kris Voelker and hands-on exercises, you will learn how to become aware of this unconditional loving energy that is surrounding and supporting you in all ways. Sunny has become widely known and respected as an International Intuitive, Medium and Spiritual Teacher. Tickets: $25 (Save $4 off door price by buying now)

1:30-3pm Saturday, November 3 ECHO BODINE & KATHRYN HARWIG present “You & Your Intuition” — For the first time the Twin Cities’ foremost psychics and mediums, Kathryn Harwig and Echo Bodine, will team up to use their intuitive skills to answer questions from the audience. Come prepared to learn more about yourself, the

world and the changes of 2012 and beyond. Echo Bodine is a psychic, healer, teacher and ghostbuster. She has appeared on numerous national television shows. Echo has written ten books, produced numerous meditation CDs and instructional DVDs. Kathryn Harwig has been an intuitive since birth. She is a psychic, medium, speaker and author of seven books. She appears regularly on television and radio. Her monthly intuitive forums offer the wisdom of her guides, the Light Collective, share their wisdom. Tickets: VIP seating $29 (save $8 off door price by buying now) | General Admission $25 (Save $4 off door price by buying now)

3:30-5pm Saturday, November 3 VINCENT GENNA presents the lecture “God, It’s Not Working!”™ — You’ve read incredible self-help books by some of the greatest spiritual authors, you study and apply ancient Universal laws and principles, you attend numerous master classes, retreats and conferences, and yet, you’re left saying over and over, “God, it’s not working!” Why? Something deep within you blocks the most important process that makes everything you attempt become a reality. Vincent’s life experiences as a performer, metaphysician and psychotherapist have made him an internationally beloved inspiring, motivating and empowering spiritual leader. Tickets: $20 (Save $5 off door price by buying now) | Saturday Lecture & Monday Workshop $44

(Save $16 off door price by buying now)

11am-12:30pm Sunday, Nov. 4 DR. JOHN DeSALVO presents “Power Crystals” — Known for his in-depth scientific work on the Shroud of Turin and the Great Pyramid of Giza, John DeSalvo, Ph.D., will present a powerful talk on quartz crystals and their mystical counterpart, crystal skulls. He examines the many physical and chemical properties of quartz crystals and explains how their crystalline lattice structure is the key to their amazing abilities, both scientific and paranormal. Dr. DeSalvo reveals the scientific findings on his own ancient crystal skull, as well as research by the British Museum on other famous crystal skulls. His latest book, Power Crystals: Spiritual & Magical Practices, Crystal Skulls & Alien Technology, highlights the use of quartz crystals and crystal skulls for psychic and spiritual purposes. Dr. DeSalvo is director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association (GizaPyramid.com). He currently hosts a weekly Saturday Night radio program called Mysterious Realms Radio with Dr. John. Tickets: $20 (Save $5 off door price by buying now) 1:30-3:30pm Sunday, November 4 GREGG BRADEN presents “Deep Truth: Igniting the memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny & Fate” —


Saturday, November 3

11-11:50am Powerful Photo Psychic Medium Readings with Debbie Griggs — Debbie will astound you with personal information through her gift of photo psychic medium readings, past lives, hand drawings and psychometry. Participate in free readings and discover why Debbie has helped thousands of people understand their life purpose through her readings and soul healings. Tack Room A 11-11:50am Exploring Animal Communication: What is it and how does it work? Can anyone do this? with Lena Swanson — Lena will speak on animal communication and share tips on how to connect and hear what your animals have to say. Questions and discussion. Lena is a professional animal communicator, psychic, shamanic healer, past life regression facilitator and Reiki master. Tack Room B 11-11:50am Living Crystal Water with Peter Goodgold — Water choices are not that simple anymore. Peter explains how consuming life-sustaining, living, crystal, ionized alkaline water improves health,

helps you lose weight, increases your sexual stamina and lengthen your life. He exposes bottled water scams and explains how Reverse Osmosis, distilled and bottled waters are acidic and harmful. Peter has been researching health benefits of water and diet for 41 years. Morgan Room Noon-12:50pm Divinatory Tools and You! with Alison James, Psychic – Medium – Animal Intuitive — Alison will show how to use a pendulum and dowsing rods as divination tools. She explains the difference between divinitory tools for personal use and discusses how to get accurate results. If you have questions, divinitory tools can assist you with the answers. Tack Room A Noon-12:50pm Workshop with Carol Lowell, Tack Room B Noon-12:50pm Secrets to Finding Your Passion & Purpose, with Lori Palm & Wes Hamilton — The secrets to finding your passion and purpose will be shared in this fun, experiential presentation. For thousands of years, people have been searching and asking the Universe, “Who am I? Why am I here?

In this compelling new program, bestselling author and visionary scientist Gregg Braden suggests that many of the hottest issues at the core of our great social divisions – seemingly separate issues such as war, terror, genocide, poverty, economic collapse and nuclear proliferation — are actually related. How can we know what choices to make, what policies and laws to enact, how to build sustainable economies, share life-saving technology, and bridge the issues that tear at the fabric of society until we solve the single mystery that remains at the heart of our existence: That’s where Deep Truth comes in. This program reveals the scientific discoveries that forever change the way we’ve been taught to think ourselves in the past! Through a multi-media presentation of easy-to understand science and the wisdom traditions of the past, Braden explores the deep truth at the root of today’s greatest crises. Tickets: VIP seating (first five rows & gift) $44 (save $10 off door price by buying now). General Admission $32 (Save $10 off door price by buying now) | VIP Seating Sunday & Monday Workshop $99 POST-EXPO WORKSHOPS 9:30am-4pm Monday, Nov. 5 GREGG BRADEN presentS “Living on the Edge: Thriving in the World’s Perfect Storm” — A new world has arrived and life, as we’ve known it in the past, has changed forever! The question is no

What is my purpose?” Lori and Wes will show you how these questions can be answered by learning some very valuable information. When you know WHO you are, you know WHAT to do! Morgan Room 1-1:50pm Empower Your Life with Barbara Evans — Discover how high vibrational energies of Sacred Geometry, Crystals and Sound can raise consciousness and stimulate the Awakening process. Harness these energies for your own empowerment through a beautiful meditation with alchemy crystal singing bowls. Barbara Evans is the founder of Crystal Wings Healing Art. Tack Room A 1-1:50pm Pharmanex/Nu Skin: Health – Wellness – Weight Loss – Anti- Aging with Kimberlie Lower, Tack Room B 1-1:50pm Isagenix Presents: “Product B” Antioxidants Plus Telomere Support with Dave MacArthur Morgan Room 2-2:50pm Our Spiritual Wake-up Calls, with Minnesota Satsang Society — Looking for a sign from God? Answers large and small are usually so close you can reach out and touch them. In this interactive discussion share your stories and learn how

longer when a great shift will occur? The question now is where are the changes leading, what can we realistically expect, and what does it all mean for us — our families, our communities, our lives? In this compelling new program, bestselling author and futurist Gregg Braden marries his expertise in science and technology with the intimate knowledge preserved by the world’s indigenous elders to answer the questions on everyone mind: What does our changing world mean to us? And what can we do to ease the transition? In this program, discover keys that help you: stay healthy; adapt your finances and lifestyles accordingly; find your life’s purpose and live a fulfilling life; and provide sustainably for your families. Tickets: $74 (Save $10 off door price by buying now) | VIP Seating Sunday & Monday Workshop $99 6-9pm Monday, November 5 VINCENT GENNA presentS “God, It’s Not Working!”™ — If you attended Vincent’s lecture on Saturday afternoon, or even if you didn’t, you do not want to miss this follow-up workshop! It will certainly help you make a shift in your life and increase your unconditional self-belief and self-love so you can create the life and fulfill the dreams you want! This is one experiential workshop and reverie that you will be able to see immediate results by the time you finish it, even if you missed the lecture! You will learn how remove the blockages and old habits getting in your way so you can reconnect to your Source, God, Spirit, and use your Divine gifts! Recognize & disempower automatic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors getting in your way. Reconnect with your soul’s mind, so you can reframe all your negative thoughts into positive, Universal creating thoughts. Re-empower and reinforce your magnificence and Divinely endowed gifts. Unconditionally love yourself and create the miracles you want from the moment you leave the workshop! Tickets: $29 (Save $6 off door price by buying now) | Monday Workshop & Saturday Lecture $44 (Save $16 off door price by buying now)

2012 EXHIBITORS BY BOOTH NUMBER 1 Jean Wallis: Psychic, Metaphysical Business Advisor, Numerologist, Master Healer, Minister, Meditation Teacher

30 Envy Skin Clinic

64 Mystical Creations

33 Product B

65 66 Aura Photos By Annette

2 True Sanctuary

35 Share International Midwest

3 Young Living Essential Oils 5 Amondesigns 6 Neuro Strength 7 Psychic Medium/Shaman Healer 8 Alta | U-Neek Rabbit Creations 9 Powerful Psychic – Debbie Griggs 10 Psychics In The Cities 11 Alice May – Consultant, Psychic Medium 12 Psy-guy – John Peterson

to see and hear God’s loving guidance in your life. Tack Room A 2-2:50pm Let Your Spirit Soar! A Look into the Heart of Shamanism with Amy Wilinski — The healing art of shamanism is practiced throughout the world by people of all cultures. Shamanism recognizes the Divine Spark in all of creation and that this divine intelligence is available to us if only we ask. If you have felt alone in this world, or that you are not supported, I invite you to join us for a wonderful session of reconnecting with your Spirit and that of the natural world. Tack Room B 2-2:50pm Close Encounters And Human Destiny: A new look at Alien Abduction with Craig R. Lang, MS CHt — Explore the evolving relationship between humans and the Visitors. Morgan Room 3-3:50pm Walking with Lightning with Jeff Tyler — Becoming a practitioner of energy arts can be a bewildering experience. Learn how to deal with the inevitable changes in your environment by working with energy in your career, home life, and relationships. What is intuition and how do we develop it and use it? What is energy? Learn practical and simple exercises on how to develop our intuition and energy. Tack Room A WORKSHOPS continued 

13 LynMarie8 14 Maureen Allen – Medium 15 Raven’s Realm 16 Ron Jensen – Divine Coaching 17 Transparency Insights 18 Colleen Kraatz 19 Reiki & EFT By Kimberly 20 Jurema Silva

34 Higher Brain Living – Cathryn Taylor

36 Betty J Christian – BJChristian Designs – Beauty For Your Soul 37 Wellness Associates 38 39 Ki Stones 40 All Things Energy – Jeff Tyler 41 Cathy Clark – Exponential Living 42 Monique Hammond: Author of “What Did You Say? An Unexpected Journey into the World of Hearing Loss” 43 Infinite Wisdom Spirit Art 44 Spirit Dancer Crystals 45 Crystal Wings Healing Art 50 Nuskin – Pharmanex 51 Eckankar – Experience the Light & Sound of God 52 Echo Bodine

67 Vincent Genna, MSW, LLC 68 Love On The Wing 71 Roberta Finch – In Joyful Service & Claire Nelligan – Healing Touch 72 Alison James – Psychic – Medium – Animal Intuitive 73 Rosicrucian Order 74 Kremoya Energy Balancing Services with Max Schorman / Fabiola Urban 75 Connie Johnson 76 Dr. Steven Hiebert – Intuitive Chiropractor – Healer 77 Ultimate Body Applicator By It Works 78 Craig R. Lang, Certified Hypnotherapist 79 Amazon Herbs 80 Namaste Therapy 81 Lori Kiburg

22 Angel Star Journeys

53 54 55 Carol Lowell – Place To Heal

23 24 Pelagia Curiosities

56 Stone Style Designs

26 Kitchen Craft Cookware

83 Mkay Vacations, LLC

57 Larskel-Doterra Oils

27 Edge Life Expo Speakers

58 Keys of Paradise

84 Earth & Water Wellness

28 Golden Light Healing 29 Waterworks 4U – Peter Goodgold

62 Readings From The Heart 63 The Passion & Purpose Experts

82 Enlightened Guidance

85 Lena Swanson – Animal Communication & Holistic Healing | Lake Harriet Spiritual Community

a special advertising supplement to the edge


4-4:50pm Workshop with Paulette Hastings, Morgan Room

SATURday, November 4

Sunday, November 4

3-3:50pm Workshop with Cathryn Taylor, Tack Room B

11-11:50am Igniting YOU in the Workplace, with Cathy Clark — Are you aligned with your work? What would your life be like if you looked forward to going to work? Career Management is about understanding yourself and your work environment. See how Cathy uses a wide variety of techniques to bring these changes from work into the rest of your life through the “Law of Exponential Living.” Tack Room A

3-3:50pm Accessing the Wisdom of the Soul with the Akashic Records with Dawn Marian — How can the Akashic Records help you release unsupportive habits, limiting beliefs, and old wounds so you can become your authentic self and walk in your truth and magnificence? Join intuitive healer, teacher and channel Dawn Marian for an hour spent in the healing, wisdom, and clarity of the Akashic Records. Morgan Room 4-4:50pm What is your Passion in the Healing Arts? with Darragh Hodges — You can make a difference as a healer. Why are you not living your passion? I am going teach you how to unlock the things that are blocking you with some symple techniques and ideas to get started with in the work you realy want to do and show you how you can be successful with it. Tack Room A 4-4:50pm Improve Your Health and Activate Your Spiritual DNA! with Sarah Gebeke — Are you interested in alternative ways to improve your physical health? Experience a guided visualization to infuse your physical body with increased positive energy to affect the way you feel. Then, discover how your spiritual DNA connects you to physical health, happiness, abundance and living out your purpose. A Life Activation session and introduction class will be given away. Tack Room B

11-11:50am Applying Transmission Meditation originated by Benjamin Creme, with Mark Long of Share International, Tack Room B 11-11:50am What is EFT? with Kimberly Schwartz — Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an easy, effective and painless method to conquer phobias and fears, diminish or alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, trauma and chronic pain and reduce cravings due to weight control, compulsions and addictions. Morgan Room Noon-12:50pm Soul Stages with Connie Johnson — Soul development occurs as a result of reincarnation, as we take on multiple human lives over time. With each incarnation, we learn and grow, and each stage is characterized by certain skills and behaviors. Discover what differentiates one stage from another. Tack Room A Noon-12:50pm Water Worship to Water Wars with Peter Goodgold — Water Guru Peter Goodgold explains the future of drinking water is key to

power and control of the masses. Learn how the spiritual and scientific use of alkaline water can be used to heal our bodies, increase weight-loss, slow down aging and increase our sexual stamina. Learn to live a healthy life without drugs. Tack Room B Noon-12:50pm You = Everything with Lori Kilburg — Have you always known there was more in life? What if it’s about adding back the parts of you that you are denying, suppressing, or resisting because you’ve concluded you cannot be THAT anymore? Come to this presentation and or schedule an Access Consciousness BARS™ energetic session with me to start removing those limitations and start receiving what will work for you at my exhibition booth. Morgan Room 1-1:50pm Intoning Rosicrucian Vowels Sounds with Dan Mullen — In this presentation we will practice a chanting technique that strengthens the human aura, stimulates the psychic body and promotes good health. It can also strengthen our thoughts and allow them to be more easily projected to others. Tack Room A 1-1:50pm Discover the benefits of Healing Touch and Life Activation sessions with Sarah Gebeke — Are you interested in increasing physical health and also releasing emotions that affect the way you feel? Learn how healing touch therapies help with treating chronic pain, depression, ADD, Autism, and other health ailments. Discover why Jikiden Reiki, Ensofic Ray and Life Activation sessions help with creating balance in the body and mind. A member of the audience will receive a free Life Activation session. Tack Room B


Deep Truths: Game changers for a world in crisis


by Gregg Braden n recent years, an explosion of new discoveries throughout the sciences has left little doubt that many long-standing views about life, our world, and our bodies have to change. The reason is simple: The ideas are wrong. In light of the new evidence regarding the false assumptions of human evolution, the origin and role of competition in our lives and the role of war in our past, we must rethink the most basic scientific beliefs that lie at the core of the decisions we make and the way we live. This is where the new deep truths of science come in. For the first time in human history the future of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation — us — and the choices are being made within a small window of time — now. The journal Scientific American released a special edition (September 2005) to inform the world of the critical situation we find ourselves in today. The title, “Crossroads for Planet Earth,” says it all. The way we solve the simultaneous crises that include: • Our response to climate change • The unsustainable and growing levels of extreme poverty • The emergence of new diseases • The growing shortages of food and fresh drinking water • The growing chasm between extreme wealth and extreme poverty • The unsustainable demand for energy. There is a common thread that links the crises identified by Scientific American, and others, that face us today. They all stem from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world since the beginning of the scientific era about 300 years ago. They’re based in the false scientific assumptions that suggest we’re somehow separate from the earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon violent competition and survival of the strongest. Fortunately, new discoveries have revealed that each of these assumptions is absolutely false. Unfortunately, however, there is a




reluctance to reflect such new discoveries in mainstream science, mainstream media, traditional classrooms and conventional textbooks. In other words, we’re still teaching our young people the false assumptions of an obsolete way of thinking based in struggle, competition, and war. The question…

How can we possibly know what to choose — what policies to create, what laws to pass, or how to build sustainable economies and bridge the issues that are tearing at the fabric of our relationships and society — until we’ve answered the single question that lies at the very core of our existence. The question is simply this: Who are we? As individuals, as families, as nations, and as a combined human civilization, our answer to this deceptively simple question creates the lens through which we see ourselves, our world, and make the choices of our lives, our future, and our survival. Deep truths

During a conversation with Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr once shared his insight into our deep and mysterious relationship regarding what we think of as “truth.” In clear and eloquent terms, he stated, “It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.” In other words, it’s what Bohr called the “negation” of old scientific assumptions (meaning discoveries that it no longer make sense in the presence of new evidence) that makes the opposite of those assumptions a deep truth. And this is where the news of recent scientific discoveries becomes a proverbial double-edged sword. The good news is that the new information gives us an updated and presumably more correct way of thinking about things. The downside is that entire paradigms have already been built upon the false assumptions. We may well discover that our beliefs about global warming, the role of competition in global economies, when we choose to save a life, when we choose to take a life and the reasons for war, for example,

Gregg Braden: Keynote Speaker at Minneapolis Edge Life Expo 2012 Internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality, Gregg Braden will present a lecture from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 4 on “Deep Truth: Igniting the memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny & Fate.” He also will present a Post-Expo Workshop from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 5 on “Living on the Edge: Thriving in the World’s Perfect Storm.” For complete ticket information, visit Edgelife.net or call 763.427.1312 or toll-free 1.888.776.5244.

fall precisely into this category of deep truth. As we face the greatest number and magnitude of crises in recorded history, the facts revealed by five areas of discovery radically change the way we’ve been led to think about our world and ourselves in the past. They include: • Deep Truth 1: The best science of our day reveals that nature is based upon a model of cooperation and mutual aid, and not “survival of the strongest” as traditionally accepted. This discovery is vital as we solve the crises of global economies, how we adapt to climate change, corporate re-structuring and the threat of war that looms in the Middle East and beyond — all crises that reflect the “survival of the strongest” thinking of the past. • Deep Truth 2: Scientific discoveries now push the date of advanced civilization from the commonly accepted 5,000 years before present, back near the end of the last Ice Age, at 11,500 years ago. This implies that we can learn from Deep Truth continued on page 26 

You & Your Intuition An Interview with Keynote Speakers Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig


by Tim Miejan ntuition is as much a part of the human experience as sneezing, digestion and identifying the world around us with our five senses. The key, say Edge Life Expo 2012 keynote speakers Echo Bodine and Kathryn Harwig, is whether we choose to take the time to listen to our intuition and make daily life decisions based on the information we receive. Bodine and Harwig are the masters on intuition in the Twin Cities, with 17 books between them, as well as an untold number of media appearances, classes and personal sessions that have encouraged a healthy intuitive life for all people. They will appear together on stage for the first time ever from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, at Edge Life Expo 2012 at Earle Browne Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, speaking on intuition, how to access it and what information they have garnered from their intuition on what we can look forward to in the years to come. Each will give introductory remarks and then open up questions to the audience. Tickets are $25 and $29 in advance at Edgelife.net or toll-free 1.866.776.5244. Every decision made

Both speakers use their intuition to inform the direction of their lives. “My life is so much about intuition,” Bodine says. “For every decision I make, I step aside and spend time in the silence, asking for inner guidance. I go in that quiet space and tell myself, ‘Okay, Echo, you’re going to be shown the truth, so just relax. You don’t have to make any decisions right now.’ And then a half hour later, a completely different situation arises and again, I go off away from people and say, ‘Okay, God, I need guidance here. What kind of decision should I be making about this proposal?’ “This is what I do all day long. I take that moment to step aside from what the world wants me to do, what the world is telling me I should do, and I go into this spiritual space. ‘Okay, God, it’s just you and me. I need your guidance here.’ And then I just know that the answers are coming. It’s no longer, ‘Gee, I wonder if I’ll get an answer.’ I’ve received the



Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig take stage together at Edge Life Expo 2012 For the first time ever, the Twin Cities’ foremost psychics Echo Bodine and Kathryn Harwig will appear together, presenting “You & Your Intuition” from 1:30-3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3. They will use their intuitive skills to answer questions from the audience. Come prepared to learn more about yourself, the world and the changes of 2012 and beyond. For complete ticket information, visit Edgelife. net or call 763.427.1312 or toll-free 1.888.776.5244.

Wanted: Part Time Sales A commission-based Advertising sales position is available with the Edge Magazine. Work from Home, Set your own hours. Contact Cathy at 763.433.9291

answers so many times that now it is just a matter of bypassing my ego for a quick decision and do it this other way.” Harwig says she wants to leave expo attendees with the knowledge that they too can access their intuition and get incredibly useful information for their lives — if they ask the right questions inwardly. “One of the things I am going to talk about is how to ask a question that will give you the kind of information that will improve your life,” she says. “My guides actually came out and said, ‘We don’t want to, and actually can’t, answer when and why questions.’ They want to talk about how and what questions. “My introductory talk will be that people have evolved now to the point where they are going to get their own information, to a large extent. I think that’s very exciting. What I would like to do is empower them (as if I need to empower anyone). I just want to explain to them that they have access to that information. Perhaps I can give them some suggestions as to how to go about asking a question that will get them information they really need to know.” Intuition continued on page 26  October 2012 edge magazine


EDGE LIFE HOLISTIC EXPO 2012 PREVIEW  Deep Truth continued from page 24

 Intuition continued from page 25

the choices that our ancestors made as they lived through changes in their day that coincide with the cycles of change that we’re now living in today. • Deep Truth 3: The best science of today confirms that consciousness is part of, rather than separate from, our physical world. The controversy now is less about the existence of the connection between us and our world, and more about the potential that such a connection plays in our lives. • Deep Truth 4: Modern physics has confirmed that the space between physical things is not empty, as commonly accepted in the past, but filled with forms of energy that we are only now learning to detect. The implication is that all things are connected, and that what we do in one place and time influences what happens in other places and times. • Deep Truth 5: Advances in new technologies, including DNA research, show that Darwin’s idea of evolution does not explain human origins. While evolution is a fact in some life forms, and can be seen in the geological record, it does not account for the appearance of modern humans approximately 200,000 years ago, the fact that we have remained essentially unchanged since that time, and the genetic fusion that makes us who and what we are. The implication is that we are more than an anomaly of biology. The key to addressing the crises that now threaten our future lies in building partnerships based upon mutual aid and cooperation to adapt to the changes, rather than in pointing fingers and assigning blame, which makes such vital alliances difficult. Knowing who we are and understanding our relationship to one another, as well as to the world beyond, gives us the evolutionary edge to tip the scales of life and balance in our favor. And it all begins with our awareness of the deepest truths of our existence, and how we rely on those truths each day for every choice in our lives. a

Harwig explains that just receiving random information is not really that helpful. “I see a lot of people walking around very open, carrying around a lot of information, some of it coming as feelings or physical manifestations, and they don’t know who it’s for,” she says. “I have actually made an agreement, or a deal, with my guides. My agreement is: Don’t tell me anything unless it has some relevance to what I need to know, and/or if I ask for it. That keeps me sane, to be honest with you. “…Every morning I sit down and open myself up and say, ‘What do I need to know for today?’ That’s very helpful for me. Because of how busy we are, and because we don’t know how to ask the right questions, most people don’t do that as a practice.”

For more information on Gregg Braden, visit his website at GreggBraden.com Gregg Braden is a New York Times best-selling author, a former Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Aerospace, former Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum, and the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems. For over 25 years he has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to bridge their life-giving secrets with the best science of today. His work has led to the cutting edge books such as The Divine Matrix, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Fractal Time, and Deep Truth. Visit www.greggbraden.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

To do list: Advertise in the Edge Directory. Call 763.433.9291 by Monday, October 8




The big questions

At Edge Life Expo 2012, Bodine and Harwig say they want to address the big questions in people’s lives, not whether Jane will get a job or Bob will meet the love of his life, but questions that relate to the bigger issues that connect all of us. “What we see,” Harwig says, “particularly with 2012 and all of the things that are happening, is that people have a lot of questions. What we really want to look at — and answer — are what we call the big questions. We don’t really know what people’s big questions are. Often when we give talks, we talk about what we think is important. What we’re interested in finding out from other people is what kind of questions do they really have, and what kind of

answers we can give.” Bodine says it’s important to her to emphasize to attendees that they have the choice to access intuition and live by divine guidance — or not. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, about the most important thing I need to do, to teach, to be in this world,” she says. “It is to help people understand the difference between their intuition and their psychic abilities, and to help them recognize these abilities within themselves. And it’s really important to me to teach people about their intuition, so they live by that divine guidance.” What lies ahead

If you’re waiting for these two master intuitives to reveal their predictions of world events in 2013, then you’ll have to keep on waiting. They are more aligned with sharing with others how to use intuition to inform daily life than gleaning insight on cataclysmic changes just to make a name for themselves. “The real value of accessing intuition,” Harwig says, “is to give you freedom. To me, that is just an incredibly important piece. Once you have the ability to access your information, and get it in a clear fashion, then you can use your logical mind to explore various pathways or options. First of all, you become responsible for your own life and don’t feel like a victim any more. Being a victim — feeling like you’re just blowing in the wind depending upon what’s going to happen — is the most powerless place you can be. “Because it’s an election year, I keep hearing people talk about what will happen if so and so wins or if the other guy wins and

WHAT’S UP notes from the edge Directory Deadline Reserve your display ad or listing by Monday, October 8, in the Fall-Winter 2012 Edge Directory, coming next month in the November Edge.

feeling somewhat powerless about how the world is going. But, if you talk with your intuition on a daily basis, and get some very concrete suggestions or information from your intuition, you become more empowered. Being empowered, to me, is almost synonymous with living your life in the fashion that best suits you.” That said, both women have a sense of what lies beyond 2012. Bodine says the highly charged energy and transformation so apparent this year will continue for the next two or three years or more. “Above all,” she says, “I want to give people reassurance that life is intense, but we can do it. We have what we need to get through these intense times. Yes, things are going to calm down again. I’m not sure exactly when, but the time is coming.” “I see more intensity and a continued breaking down of old systems, which are really fighting change. …In 2013, it will come down to running things with ego and greed, or running things with intuition and a love for our fellow man. It seems to me that people will be pulling together in a really cool way. People are coming up with ideas to feed others and save other people. I hope we’re going to see a whole lot more of that. …The younger generation is very creative, and I think we have a lot to look forward to.” Harwig says two words will be big in 2013: responsibility and freedom.

“What I see in 2013 is that a lot more people will be coming to that awareness, realizing that they don’t have to wait for somebody else to change their life; they can change their own life,” she says. “If enough people do that, the world changes. I see people becoming less of a slave to the past and more free as people. “I see a lot of people choosing, in one fashion or another, to change the way that they live. I see a lot more people choosing some form of self-employment — or mixing that with a different way of working. I don’t see everybody going out and getting a job, giving over to a certain extent some of their freedom to a corporation or to the government or to some other agency. People will be choosing to live in a different fashion to become their own person. “…On a core level, just over the past one hundred years, we’ve been taught that we’re not responsible for ourselves. So we make too much over who wins the election, for example, and we make too little over what we’re going to do today to enhance our lives.” a For more information on Echo Bodine, visit EchoBodine.com. For more information on Kathryn Harwig, visit www.Harwig.com. Tim Miejan is editor and co-publisher of The Edge. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or email editor@edgemagazine.net. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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October 2012 edge magazine



Our featured topics in 2012 relate to your experience…how you felt, what you learned…the ah-ha’s, the magic, the growth and how it changed your life. This month: Unexplained Experiences from the Beyond. Next month: I am so Grateful (700 words, submit by October 9 at editor@edgemagazine.net).

A visit from the future


by Victoria Pendragon n 1989, I was dying from a disease called progressive systemic sclerosis, known more commonly as scleroderma. I’d been diagnosed in November 1988 after six months of pain and mystery. And, as if the doctors’ words — “incurable, fatal” — had gone straight to the control center of my brain, the disease process began to escalate. April 1989 found me crippled from head to toe, unable to digest most food, missing two-thirds of my hair, lacking energy, and compromised in my ability to breathe; my skin was as tough as tanned hide. As if I weren’t already having enough fun, my husband and I found ourselves having to declare bankruptcy. It was an open-and-shut case. There was no doubt that we didn’t have a penny to our names, for obvious reasons. Once the papers were signed and submitted, all we had to do was show up in court where a judge would make it official. I’d imagined arriving at a grand, pillared edifice where we’d enter a court room such as those I’d seen in the movies with a judge in robes sitting behind a raised bench. To my astonishment, the building that bore the address we’d been given was an ordinary office building that had once upon a time been white, but was now veiled in the residue of exhaust. It sat midblock in the low-end commercial section of a small city called Norristown. Not a sound

The courtroom itself was a vast and mostly empty space with a dingy grey linoleum floor. The room, clearly divided into three areas, held a string of wooden tables across the far end, behind which were eight or nine officiallooking people engaged in various activities. On first glance, no one stood out as the judge, but after settling into one of the many mostly empty pews that filled the middle two-thirds of the room, we determined it to be the woman at the far right, since everyone who approached the table ended up speaking with her — or we assumed they were speaking, because there was not a sound to be heard in the room. We were unable even to hear the people two rows in front of us, who were obviously engaged in conversation. When our turn came, the judge did little




more than assure herself that we were the people named on the papers before her. She signed the documents, then asked if I wouldn’t mind telling her what had happened to me. I did the best I could to hold back tears as I explained my condition. She expressed genuine concern and wished me well, after which I headed down the center aisle, following our lawyer as my husband followed me. A bubble formed

As we approached the totally empty back third of the room, I noticed a woman walking towards me from the far left corner. She was old, perhaps 80 or 90, and a little shorter than me. She was followed by a taller, bald man of about the same age. As she neared me, she held out her hands as if to take mine. I felt as if a bubble formed around us. Wordlessly, I offered my crippled hands, which she gently enfolded in her own. She held my gaze as she addressed me, “I had what you have once. Now all I do is take a little _______ (and here she said a word I did not recognize) and I am fine.” Her eyes told me that what she was really saying was that I would be fine, too. She then backed slowly away, as did the man behind her who had stayed close, but had never uttered a word. The “bubble” popped and I moved on towards the door. “Who was that?” asked the lawyer. “I have no idea,” I said. But I did have an idea. When my husband and I slid into our car, I turned towards him and said, “I think that was you and me.” His eyes were filled with tears as he answered, “I think so, too.” a Victoria Pendragon’s spiritual training began at the age of five, when she began leaving her body to escape massive abuse. She would dive into the earth, then travel up into the trees. She spent many years making that same journey, learning from the Earth and Tree Spirits, and at the age of 12, she began studying metaphysics, becoming proficient in Astrology and Tarot by the time she was 20. In her forties, she acquired a condition both fatal and incurable. After healing from that condition, she began an earnest quest to establish herself as a helping person. She became an ordained minister. Her most recent book, Sleep Magic (Ozark Mountain Publishing), was based on her healing experience. Contact her by email at victoria@ heavenisinyourheart.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.


My angel in the woods


by Saren Lightsong just don’t know if it was an unexplained event in my life. It could simply be that I met a man in the woods. You know, he drove a car and parked somewhere and went on a hike. Just like me. And we met on a path, had a conversation, and went our separate ways. For me, though, I experienced it as unexplainable. And then chose the word Angel to describe it. I was walking down a path a few miles from my home along Lake Superior, with green grass beneath my feet, and birch and pine surrounding me. My dogs, still puppies, were romping and bounding and tearing through the woods. They were shy with people then. We didn’t have a lot of company, so they weren’t exposed to many people. They hadn’t been around men at all; they were extra nervous and cautious with them. A man literally appeared on the path in front of us — not there on the perfectly visible path one moment, and then right there the next. I felt no startle, no alarm, no fear whatsoever. He knelt down, opening his arms wide, and my dogs came plowing out of the woods, racing to get into his arms, to squirm and wriggle and wag and kiss. They melted under his fantastic smile. They turned into putty at his feet. I walked up to him and we began to speak. His gray hair and beard were luminescent, his eyes immeasurably

kind. I spoke vulnerable and revealing truths to him from the moment I opened my mouth. There was no preamble, no awkward greeting, or casual hi between strangers before we began. We just began, as if in the middle of a lifelong friendship, simply sounding out the next heartbeat of our love. I told him about my struggle with not working, the feelings of guilt and stress and sorrow I felt, the confusion I had because it was such a gift to not work, while at the same time it was such a loss and I felt deep grief. I couldn’t take a job because my own healing required my full-time attention. This was a clamoring pain for me, and I was in near constant inner turmoil because of it. He made a simple reply. I can’t even remember the words now, even though they were so few. His response was more sensation than words. Feelings that flooded into my heart created an effortless flow of compassion and freedom.

He said something about allowing my self the gifts of not working, and something else about how my energy has other paths, other priorities now, and it is okay. His simple words — that it is okay — felt like a sacred blessing. They melted the stress from my muscles, loosened my joints, quieted my mind. Then he spoke about sailing. Lake Superior is one of the most difficult, dangerous bodies of water to sail; he told me about sailing it alone. He said he had died many times that way, but that he is not afraid to sail; he loves it. He said there is no need to fear anything. Nothing. All that can happen is that you can die, and that is just like waking up from a dream. Death is just waking up from a dream. Our conversation lasted a while. We may have hugged goodbye. I can’t remember, because the whole encounter felt like a warm embrace. My mellow, melty pups and I continued on our path, he in the opposite direction. I turned to watch him go, but he was already gone. The path was straight for a distance there, and he couldn’t have walked that far in that moment. It seemed he had disappeared… melted into the cosmos from whence he came, I suppose my Angel in the Woods. a Saren Lightsong is a lifelong intuitive healer, using Transformational Kinesiology in combination with other healing arts to help you release patterns of behavior and thought that keep you stuck, enabling you to create a life in active harmony with your deepest truths, wisest self, and sacred callings. Call 612.232.7935, email her at saren@sarenlightsong.com and visit Saren’s website at Sarenlightsong.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

October 2012 edge magazine



A n experience of O neness


by Dennis Shipman t was a beautiful spring morning. The sunrise floated above the ocean horizon like a huge citrus orange in a pink sky. The sweet scent of ocean air filled my lungs as I unlocked the door at a catamaran factory in San Clemente in Southern California. A co-worker and I began preparing the shop for production. Shortly afterwards, I felt a headache come on. It puzzled me, because I rarely got headaches. As I stabilized myself, holding onto one of the fiberglass molds, I massaged my forehead with the fingers of my right hand. And, that’s when my life changed forever. Suddenly, a brilliant light illuminated the darkness in my mind. It was as if a huge searchlight had been turned on, and blazed through the center of my vision, like a radiant full moon bursting forth into the night sky. I gasped and physically felt the breath rush out of my lungs. A wave of energy rushed up my spine. As I observed the vision, fear dissipated into astonishment, and astonishment into childlike wonder. Where a moment before there was darkness, now there was inner light. White light. I couldn’t understand it, and I couldn’t deny it. Within the circle

The Light was contained within the circle, a luminous pearl white light, perfectly circular, surrounded by a deep blue background, and did not radiate into the blue. Its edges were razor sharp, making an unmistakable contrast of white Light against deep blue. The perfect circle of light looked like a communion host




at a Roman Catholic Mass (my former religion). The Light was not a harsh like the noonday sun, yet brilliant, yet soft. It filled my entire inner horizon, and displayed three distinct qualities: Invincible Power, Ineffable Love, Radiant Intelligence. Once this acknowledgment had taken place, I enjoyed an experience of endless pure pleasure. A full range of indescribable feelings of bliss and joy swept over me like waves on a beach. There was no sense of striving or competition any more. There was no lack of anything. The yearning for greener pastures which had occupied so much of my life was gone. Fear and loneliness ceased to exist. In fact, all negative qualities were gone, annihilated. This caused an overwhelming sense of relief. Into the void came perfect contentment, profound peace, an overpowering sense of infinity, eternity, immortality; oneness, unity, liberty, freedom, holiness, bliss and unconditional love. It felt as if the whole of creation was contained within the Light, and I belonged to the Presence. I had come home. We knew each other

There within my mind’s eye beamed an amazing bold brilliance, hauntingly familiar to me. It felt like we knew each other, yet became separated somehow. For the first time in my life I knew what it felt like to be utterly free, to feel ineffable joy, to be totally accepted, and to be in the presence of unconditional Love. There wasn’t a hint of criticism or rebuke or judgment. Within its Presence, I beheld evidence of a higher Intelligence

that did not behold me as subservient, inferior or sinful — rather an equal, a partner. It was the ultimate in sharing. purity and wisdom

As I gazed at its lustrous beauty of absolute purity and wisdom, my whole being merged with the Presence in unity. I felt naked before it, as if it could read my every thought, knew my every secret, yet welcomed and accepted me with open arms as I was, regardless of all my faults and weaknesses. It was the most exquisite splendor I have ever witnessed — beyond compare. Words and language fail miserably to portray its potency and significance. It was an astonishing revelation that shattered all of my previous social-religious-philosophical concepts and conditioning. Then, as if a dear friend had to leave, the Presence of Light slowly faded from my view, and left an irrevocable impression for the rest of my life. The whole experience lasted only a few brief, but precious, moments. That’s another peculiarity of the Inner Light experience: Time stands still. It ceases to exist as we know it. There was no past, no future. Only the eternal now exists. Within the presence of its motionless tranquility, only It survives. a Dennis Shipman is the author of “The Sinless Reality” eBook — a modern-day autobiography by a former Roman Catholic of a sudden, spontaneous, profound enlightenment of Oneness and his radical transformation of consciousness beyond societal-philosophical-cultural beliefs to astonishing revelations of humanity’s intrinsic nature and true identity. He can be reached through his website: www.angelfire.com/hi5/ inwardhealing/TSR.html. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.


A promise, a mystery, until its fulfillment


by Jerry Buchmeier hat I am about to tell you is the most extraordinary and unique experience of my life. This experience includes my own subjective dramatic feelings, a profound vision, and a physical manifestation. Yet, its meaning and implications continue to elude me. I am wary of telling this story, for it does not fit easily into my own schema of reality, and I wonder if others will even find it believable. As I was rollerblading around Parkers Lake, I stopped at a bench to look out over the peaceful waters. The sky was clear blue and the sun bright. My attention was drawn to a point high in the sky, a distant point of light that spiraled out as an ever larger light sequence. This light unfolded to become a vision of a heavenly being filling the whole center of the sky. In my head I heard a voice say, “In love I seek; in love I speak.” I had long considered this statement to be my introduction to Michael the Archangel. It was working and praying with this statement years before that immediately preceded my original contact with him. Hearing these words again, I understood that the being in this vision was Michael the Archangel. He said to me, “Go around the lake to the next bench, and do not stop until you get there.” I wondered why this message might be so important as to require such a formal identification. To converse with Michael the Archangel had been a daily occurrence. Why wouldn’t such a conversation suffice? I began skating again, somewhat carefully, up a small hill, turning a corner, and coasting rapidly down the hill. The trail continued straight ahead, while another path cut off to the right toward the lake and the next bench. As I approached

this intersection, I could see something standing there. It was a black cylinder about 8 feet tall and 4 feet in diameter, standing on the left side of the trail at the intersection. The blackness was kind of indistinct, more like a cloaking. There was a horizontal seam 12 or 14 inches down from the top, and an object appeared in that area facing out at each of the four directions. Each object was like half of a walnut shell, but smooth. My knees were shaking as I approached this bizarre thing. I had to pass within three feet of it as I turned the corner to go on to the next bench without stopping. I came to the next bench and stopped, the thing behind me was no longer visible. I said to Michael, now available but without a visual presence, “I would like to go back and face my fear.” He said, “No, just continue on your way.” So that was it. I’ve asked my guides occasionally across the years what that was about, but I haven’t received a clear answer. Once I asked a psychic in Montreal that I trusted about this event. He seemed to tune into it with understanding. He told me that the thing I saw was similar to Ezekiel’s vision, that it was of great spiritual importance for me, and would play an important role in my future. When I go past that spot, I still feel an energetic presence, and sense an opening to another realm in the sky above. Today I asked Mother Mary again. She affirmed to me that it is “like Ezekiel’s vision: a promise, a mystery, until its fulfillment.” So I wait, wondering. a Jerry Buchmeier is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and channel practicing in Plymouth. You can reach him at jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, or www.jerrybuchmeier. com. You can read other articles about Jerry’s mystical experiences at the Edge online, at Edgemagazine.net/author/jeromebuchmeier/ Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

October 2012 edge magazine



The blessed gift of Liz’s presence


by Kimberly Wencl any extraordinary experiences have come my way since my daughter’s sudden and tragic death nine years ago. Very early on, when I needed it most, I was shown unequivocally that Elizabeth was alive in spirit and living a new life filled with joy and happiness. These signs and experiences brought me the peace and validation I so desperately needed in order to go on with life again. However, there came a point when I no longer needed any validation that Liz was still very much a part of my life and always would be. Gone were the days when I would wake up each morning and ask for a sign that day. It was no longer necessary. Liz didn’t need to prove her continued existence to me — she had done so many times over, and I was confident in that reality. I also worried that I might somehow hold her back if I continued to need constant affirmation of our connection. It took time, but eventually I was ready to completely let her go. We were both in good places…we were always aware of the strong bond of love that would always unite us. We knew where to find each other if we really needed to. So, one morning as I meditated, I took a deep breath and told Elizabeth that I was setting her free. I no longer wanted her to cling so closely to me. She was free to go and do whatever heavenly tasks awaited her. Life went on and each day brought new joys. Family has always played a very important role in my life. As the oldest of four children and living only one block from my parents for the past thirty years, life has always been about family — celebrating our triumphs, achievements and milestones and supporting each other in our failures, disappointments and losses. My father’s 80th birthday was just a few months away and I planned a gathering of our family at a local restaurant. I secretly hoped we’d have a private room, but after a couple of calls, it didn’t look very promising. I was disappointed, but I knew the party would still be special — but I sure was hoping for our own room! The day of the party dawned and we all headed to the restaurant. As the waitress led us to our table, I was




pleasantly surprised when we were directed into this large, beautiful room set with a beautiful table and a roaring fireplace. We had our own space after all! I was overjoyed, and it wasn’t until much later that I really began to wonder just how that had come to be. My cousin, also named Elizabeth, joined us, and she brought along her camera. In addition to working for a photographer, Beth is also an avid picture taker on her own. She took many candid shots during dinner. As the celebration came to an end, we all gathered around the fireplace for one last group photo. The next day, I received an urgent email from Beth. “You have to see this picture” she told me. “You are not going to believe it!” I opened the photos and perused them all. They were wonderful and really captured the joy we all had as we helped Dad celebrate his special day. “There’s just one more you need to see,” Beth wrote. I opened the last photo and there was the group picture we had taken in front of the fireplace, just before we left. I slowly scanned the page and was happy to see that we all looked really good! But my eyes stopped abruptly and my breath caught in my throat — and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Just above my head, next to my husband, was a huge orb. It literally

took my breath away as the realization of what it meant hit me. Beth realized it, too. “Liz was with us, too,” she told me, and I absolutely knew that was true. It was Liz’s sister, Anna, who reminded me that if Liz had been physically with us, she probably would have been standing right where the orb had been. “Can you believe it, Mom?” Anna excitedly asked me. “Yes, Anna, I can believe it.” Even though I had vowed to let Liz go, she still chose to join us for this special time. As I showed the photo to my father, tears filled his eyes. “This is the best birthday gift I could ever have been given,” he told me, as he hugged me tight. As I thought about everything that happened that day, so many things came together. My cousin Elizabeth joined us. If she hadn’t been there, no pictures would have been taken. The private room — how had we mysteriously ended up with it? How could this have happened? We each now have a reprint of this picture in our homes, and as I look at that beautiful picture each day, I smile — because I know the answer — it is Love. a Kimberly Wencl is a writer and speaker living in southern Minnesota. Visit her website, Love Lives On, at kimwencl.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.



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BODYWORK AND BREATHWORK: Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, leebeaty@visi.com BREATHWORK / REBIRTHING / REIKI: Enhance Your Life With Every Breath, Reiter Fitness & Healing, LLC, Deanna Reiter 651.238.7248, deanna@dayawati.com, www.dayawati.com

October 2012 edge magazine


NETWORKING DEATH & DYING: Death is a sacred, natural, transformative event that we all experience. It can be embraced instead of feared. We can support and guide you or your loved one through this extraordinary journey. Please contact Jackie, Reed or Kate at Sacred Thresholds, 952.292.0873, info@sacredthresholds.com, www.sacredthresholds. com EFT: Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life Now. Dr. Kim Eisen, Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT, 612.802.HEAL (4325), kim@DoEFT.com, www.DoEFT.com ENERGY WORK & UNWINDING: CranioSacral Myofascial, Healing Touch, Reiki, Matrix, Quantum. Intuitive classes and house parties. Chakra readings. Jody Tschida, HTCP, RMT, Medical Intuitive, 651.808.0111, jodytschida@msn.com, www.UnwindMeNow.com ENERGYWORKS: Intuitive Healers Nadine Dassier and Fran Dassier 612.229.5586 or 651.329.2550, energyworks444@gmail. com, www.energyworkshealers.com. Affordable, Accessible, Powerful Healing Services: Chakra Reading/Intuitive Energy Healing, Distance Healing, Space Clearing, Soul Portraits, Chakra clinics at Present Moment and more! FENG SHUI CONSULTATION: Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops, Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, www.energeticalignments.com FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HEALING & SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Magnified Healing® heals on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Easy to learn and to use, it allows us to clear our karma, activates all 12 strands of DNA, and transforms us into our Light Bodies. Sheryl and Dale Fisher 763.420.9017, dashf@comcast.net HEALING THERAPIES: Experience personal and professional development coaching a whole new way with The Release Coaching Method. Grif Sadow, CPCC, PCC–Regional Coordinator and first certified coach in the U.S.–uses this innovative, efficient, effective and measurable coaching tool along with traditional coaching techniques, allowing you to let go of whatever is standing in your way. Grif@growintomore.com, 763.458.1672, www.growintomore.com HERBS: 600+ herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, books, Natural healing practitioners available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Duane Givens, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HOLISTIC CENTER: Bee Merry Holistic Center encourages making life an adventure. We play in the fields of the metaphysical every Thorzday, jam on the drum every 3rd Friday and celebrate the Goddess with a Moon Lodge. www.BeeMerry.org HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING/COACHING: Certified holistic health counselor in Burnsville, MN, specializing in digestive issues, weight loss and overall health. Each client will receive an personalized program specific to their needs. Contact Kristin for a complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804, healorganically@yahoo.com, www.healorganically.com, Facebook & Twitter: Healing Organically HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY: Counseling, Stress Management, Hypnosis, Sheryl Fisher, MSW, LICSW, 763.420.9782 HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Bob Gallagher, Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245, herbshop@presentmoment.com, www.presentmoment.com HOMEOPATHY: Skilled, experienced, compassionate, effective homeopathy for your ailments. Marybeth Buchele, HMC, 952.933.6068, info@natural-wellness.us, www.natural-wellness.us, www.natural-wellnessblog.com, New office in Minnetonka. HYPNOSIS & TRAINING: Past Life, Life-Between-Lives Regression, Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., L.B.L., Center for Inner Peace, 612.709.5578, Madonna@madonnakettler.com




HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 10 Years Experience. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, St. Paul, 651.649.1952, www.ericjchristopher.com Hypnotherapy: Past Life Regression Therapy, Dolores Cannon Method. Brainerd Lakes Area, Vicki Hanson, 218.232.0586, vicki@newawarenessproject.com, www.newawarenessproject.com HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, weight loss, smoking, habits. Mind-Body-Spirit stress reduction, breath work, self-hypnosis, meditation. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis and Coaching, 651.216.0085, www.infinitemindhypnosis.com Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy: Build your own skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation, and do-it-yourself therapy. Get help with smoking cessation, past-lives, between lives, and healing trauma, sexual abuse and other issues. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, channel for Mother Mary, 763.546.4133, jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, www.jerrybuchmeier.com INNER CHILD WORK & EFT: Author of the best-selling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner, Cathryn Taylor 612.710.7720, www.JoinCathrynTaylor.com INSURANCE: Matt Saxe Farmers Insurance Agency, Specialty and Fine Arts Coverage: Home, Health, Auto, Renters, Commercial, 612.275.9573, msaxe@farmersagent.com — I do work with alternative practitioners and will go the extra length for them. I also work with artists and will be doing a seminar at Intermedia Arts on Sept. 18, 4-5:30pm, about artists’ insurance concerns. INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS: Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292. Intutive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online at www.EyeofHorus.biz INTUITIVE READER/PSYCHIC: Carol McCormick shares helpful insights to assist you in finding clarity and answers to the pending questions in your life so that you can take meaningful action. Together you will create sacred space to nurture the garden of your soul and find your own inner truth for direction. Readings by phone or in-person. Synergy Meditation Leader. Readings and presentations at psychic fairs, expos and conferences. 763.546.4133, carol.mccormick@comcast.net, www.carolmccormick.net NUTRITION: Do you have a gluten or dairy allergy? I teach women how to eat gluten-free, dairy-free whole foods prepared in a way that tastes delicious. Group & individual programs available. Complimentary, 60-minute consultation. Maggie Christopher, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, St. Paul, 651.231.1360, www.maggiechristopher.com PSYCHIC / INTUITIVE READER: Soul Readings and Psychic Development Classes, Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com, www.cindylehman.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Val Landy — Psychic Medium for the deceased. Val specializes in communication with the deceased and relaying their messages to you. She acts Only as an interpreter between you and your “passed on” loved ones. For appointment, call or visit Val’s website today. 320.267.4218, www.innerintuition.com PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even ten years into the future. To be amazed, call her at 651.439.5337 or visit www.deborahlynn11.com Psychic, Medium & Pet Psychic: Alison James Readings by phone and in-person, M-F 10-5. LIVE events. Party readings. In-home Workshops. Detailed information, rates & scheduling go to: www.alisonjames.us. Email returned ASAP: www.alisonjames.us/contact-me/ Phone message service allow 3-day turnaround: 612.424.1411.

SPIRITUAL RESOURCES Psychic Reading / Intuitive: Ilga Cimbulis: Readings, Classes, Parties, Events. 612.385.3005, ilga@ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com Quantum Healing Hypnosis / Dolores Cannon Technique: Explore your spirituality and experience past lives. Discover your life purpose and resolve troublesome problems. Offering Private and Group Sessions at our St. Louis Park location. Marie Savage 612.508.9606, marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness.com Reiki and EFT: Reiki is Universal Life Energy channeled through a practitioner to promote healing on all levels. Emotional Freedom Techniques is an effective method to alleviate fears, anxiety, depression, trauma and chronic pain and reduce cravings due to weight control, compulsions and addictions. KAS Inc., Kimberly, 763.639.6120, KAS@Lotushealingenergywork@gmail.com, Lotus-Flower-Healing-Energy-Work.com Reiki Healing: Awaken your spirit, with Usui Tibetan Reiki and crystal healing sessions/classes/home parties and/or a Soul Mentoring Intuitive Reading. Kellie Haehnel 612.804.4463, kellie@thespiritwellnesscenter.com, www.thespiritwellnesscenter.com REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships, Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863, rachel.miejan@gmail.com, ReikibyMiejan.com Reiki Healing: Sessions now available in Cambridge at our new location. Help yourself heal. Great to enhance and speedy up healing after surgery or illness, relieve stress and bring a sense of calmness. Beverly Seline 763.238.4312, Beverly@reikibybev.com, www.reikibybev.com REIKI MASTER & HEALER: Intuitive readings. Non-denominational, spiritual weddings. Insiah 763.427.1312 for appointment. SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325, kim@ShortcutToSuccess.com, www.ShortcutToSuccess.com SOUND HEALING THERAPY: Feeling out of sorts, off balance? Get back into the swing of things with a Sound Healing Therapy session. Cleanse, Balance, Harmonize! Call or email for an appointment today! Dee Lacy: 612.207.0019 or dee@isisdesignsinc.com SPIRITUAL COACH: Insiah Beckman, Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Higher Soul Readings, Guided Energy Healings, Spiritual Coach, Channel. 763.427.1312, insiah@edgelife.net, www.insiah.com Spiritual Retreats: Guests rave about the peace and love they feel while connecting with spirit and with self. Comfortable, home-like accomodations for up to 22 people. Seclusion, semi-private lake, serene wooded walk, campfire, indoor fireplace. Just plain cozy. Olive Branch Retreat, 320.393.7212, info@olivebranchretreat.com, www.olivebranchretreat.com Stress Release: I help business professionals who struggle with a mountain of stress. I have a simple, relaxing system that can help bring back your youthful and playful-side, allowing you to enjoy your life again, while still performing at the top of your game. Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT, St Paul/Minneapolis corridor, 612.217.4325, www.psinergy.info


SERVICES listings

…provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $75 total for 3 mos., $120 total for 6 mos., $180 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Contact: 763.433.9291 or cathy@edgemagazine.net

Dances of Universal Peace: 651.307.3849, www.peacedancemn.com – An interfaith spiritual practice in motion, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community— in Minneapolis — first Friday at Pathways, and second and fourth Saturdays at Center for Performing Arts. ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, MN, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK.org – Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living: 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org, 612.922.4272 – Encouraging authentic spiritual connection through Sunday services, classes and workshops. Sunday 10:30am Services are led by our resident speakers Patty Peterson, Christine Day, Cindi Claypatch, Michael Foley, Michael Mapes and Linda Saggau; guest speakers; or Spiritual Director, Theresa Rose. 9am Services include Spiritual Development, Drum Service, Toning/Healing and Body and Soul. Space also available for weddings, concerts and special events. SAINT FRANCIS LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH: 3201 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.823.4276, www.stfrancisliberalcatholicchurch.org – Holy Eucharist 10am Sundays; Rosary 9:30am First Saturdays. Communion available to everyone. Freedom of conscience and belief. A church for seekers. Ordination of Women. Seven Christian Sacraments. Find us on Facebook. SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, contact@ spiritunited.com, www.spiritunited.com – Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30am Main service, 10:30am Kids With Spirit Class. UNITY CHRIST CHURCH: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www. unitychristchurch.org – Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 9 & 11am, nursery and Sunday School at both services. Alternative Service 5:30pm; Monthly Healing service 7pm on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN, 952.895.0745, www.unityofthevalleymn.org – “Celebrating the Light of Spirit within you.” Sunday service, Nursery, Rainbow Circles for children, and Uniteens at 10 am. Our Many Paths Metaphysical Book and Gift store is open Mon.–Thurs. 11am-3pm, Sundays 11am-12:30pm. Chanting and Meditation service on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7 pm Intuitive readings by Susan Shopek before and after the service. Call for appointment. Bookstore that evening open until 9 pm. Adult classes and workshops. Rental space available.

SUFI: Four Layers of the Heart, Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259, fauchier@goldengate.net, www.suficentermn.org Tarot, Divination & Spiritual Help: $1/min - avail. 7 days/week @ Magus Books & Herbs in Dinkytown (Mpls). 612.379.7669, Pre-Book at: www.MagusHealingCenter.com or just stop on in! Website Building Services: Wonderfully Cheap Websites offers affordable Website Building Services. All websites are built using a Do-it-Yourself online website building tool. Websites are beautiful, affordable and coaching is provided to empower you to manage your website yourself. Many small business owners find this is the perfect option for their website needs! See design samples at: www.WonderfullyCheapWebsites.com or call 612.708.7233

October 2012 edge magazine




for those wishing to integrate into an already established healing or therapy practice or for oneself and friends. $350 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http:// normandale.augusoft.net

Calendar listings

…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Edgemagazine.net. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.

October 15 — Super Celestial Vision Boarding: We’re G-R-O-W-I-N-G like Crazy, how about You? Tap into the powers of the New Moon & Live Your Dream Life! Fun Workshop – Supportive Community! All levels. More Info: www.dangerouslinda.com/events

October – Getting to Know You! A Course in Emotional Empowerment with Jean Wallis — An enlightening, entertaining, and evolutionary journey of self-discovery to learn how and why we react to others and our circumstances. Come from a place of Consciousness and choice instead. Thirty 2-hour classes, $20/class. Four students per course. Weekday and weekend classes starting in October. Call Jean at 612.874.1453 or see more at jeanwallis.com

October 18-21 — Paradigm Symposium: Featuring one of the most eclectic blending of esorteric minds in the field of ancient alien research, including; Erich von Däniken, iconic author of Chariots of the Gods and 32 other books on ancient alien and astronaut theory; George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM radio; Bill Birnes, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and Philip Coppens from the History Channel’s H2 series - Ancient Aliens; and keynote speaker Linda Moulton Howe, and many others. DoubleTree Hotel, Minneapolis, www. ParadigmSymposium.com.

October 3 — Awakening Past-Life Memories: Awaken past-life memories through spiritual exercises, dreams, and Soul Travel. Understand and resolve karmic relationships for more love today. Free workshop, October 3, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! October 3-24 — Deepening Your Intuition with Leah Skurdal: Align with your innate guidance system to calm mental chatter and enhance relationships. Four Wednesdays, 9:30-11am at Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes. Love Offering (suggested $100-$250). Call 651.472.3995. October 4 — Introduction to the Shamanic Journey: This 2-hour class offers instruction and the opportunity to experience a shamanic journey. It will help you to access your own spiritual helpers for healing and problem solving. 7-9pm, Minneapolis. $20. Contact: Susan Langston, 612.728.1032, suslangston@yahoo.com or susanlangston.com October 4 – Adrenal Fatigue: Stress, Survival, Symptoms and Healing: Learn about adrenal fatigue, signs and symptoms, coping with stress and solutions to healing. The purpose of your adrenal glands is to help your body cope with stresses and survive, enabling your body to deal with stress sources ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on your adrenals proper functioning. $49 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net October 4 – Sound Healing Therapies for the Medical Professional: Learn why sound healing therapies and techniques are rapidly gaining attention as an effective complementary care modality, and experience for yourself the powerful effects of sound to calm the nervous system, reduce pain and stress, and promote more rapid healing after surgery or other health challenges. Explore a variety of sound therapy protocols which can easily be learned and delivered in a medical or professional health care environment. $59 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http:// normandale.augusoft.net October 6 — “Community Wellness Day” in Eagan: Learn from local Health, Safety, Financial and Environmental experts as Eagan joins a nationwide wellness initiative. This familyfriendly, entertaining event is free and open to the public. Fun and information for all ages. Eagan Civic Arena, 3870 Pilot Knob Road, Noon-3pm. Additional sponsors, participants, and donations are welcome. Proceeds benefit Eagan Resource Center – www.eaganrc.org. Contact: Dr. Barb Kaiser of Vital Life Chiropractic, 651.757.5096, info@vitallifechiropractic.com October 6 – Energy Medicine Certificate: This series includes 7 comprehensive workshops designed to provide a foundational body of knowledge around energy medicine, the philosophies and descriptions of energy anatomy, systems, and healing. You will develop tools and skills that are portable and immediately useful. This program is especially beneficial to other healing caregivers or healthcare providers. Class meets monthly, starting October 6. $875/series or $145/ class – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net




OCTOber 2012 sun







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bookmark the Happenings Calendar online. Need a webpage for your event? Buy an extended listing with photos & more at Edgemagazine.net or call 763.433.9291.

October 6 & 7 — Soul Breathing™ Breath Mastery Seminar: I Love to Breathe with Terri Peterson, Level 1. 2 Days of Heart Healing, Soul Integration and Transformation. Eliminate Restrictive Breathing Patterns, Heal the Body, Clear the Subconscious, Connect More Fully with Your Higher Self. Aslan Institute, 4141 Old Sibley Memorial Hwy, Eagan, MN, $375 or $325 early bird. (1 day option space permitting). Info: www.theconnectingspirit.com or 651.442.4623 or theconnectingspirit@gmail.com October 10 — What Is Spiritual Dreaming? Learn how to understand the sacred messages in your dreams for help in daily life and for spiritual growth. Free! Wednesday, October 10, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. www.TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! October 11 – Animals: Helpers & Healers: Explore how our pets affect our lives, from serving as companions and helpers to their documented influence on our health and emotional well-being. You will learn about the roles and influences of animals in our lives by investigating the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of human-animal relations and also an understanding of your pet’s point of view and how to take care of our pets. $49 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net October 12 – Healing Touch Level 1: Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy which uses gentle, heart-centered touch to assist in balancing Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual well-being, enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal. Open to anyone who desires to study energy therapy with a commitment to help others, it complements standard medical care and other health care systems. Level 1 is a starting point for those pursuing the Healing Touch International Certification. $295 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net

October 18-November 29 — Walking the Medicine Path: This six-week class focuses on the Medicine Wheel. The East, discovering our dreams and how to manifest them. The South, releasing into the fires of transformation. The cooling waters of the West help us flow into the North, deep into Mother Earth. We connect with the Center, the ancestors and heavenly guides. Knowing the shamanic journey is a prerequisite. 7-9pm, Minneapolis. $125. Contact: Susan Langston, 612.72 8.1032, suslangston@yahoo.com or susanlangston.com October 20 — Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: Awakening the Shaman Within. 10am-6pm, Shamans Hearth Spiritual Community, Burnsville, MN. www.shamanshearth.org. To register: deb.irestone@gmail.com or 952.250.2543. October 20 — Learn to Communicate with your Spirit Guide: With Jurema Silva, 10am-3pm Saturday, Oct. 20 at Earthway Farm (organic & educational farm), South Haven, MN. $65. Jurema grew up experiencing healing in her native Brazil. Healing body, mind, and spirit was part of her everyday life. Info: earthwayfarm@gmail.com or 320.236.7852. October 20 — Introduction to Quantum Techniques Self- Testing Workshop: Presented by Dr. Thomas Miller and Heidi Gilman. This workshop will be and introduction to Quantum Techniques and the technique of self-testing. Learn about Quantum Techniques and how to self-test for compatible foods and products. Saturday, Oct, 20, 9-11:30am, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106. October 20-21 – Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity – it’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Hall C, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www.MediaMaxEvents.com October 25 – Easy and Effective Astrology: Discovering Yourself Through Your Natal Chart: There is a natural order to people’s personalities, their drives, their challenges and their souls. The natal chart (astrological birth chart) is a great tool better understand of the innate nature of yourself and others. You will learn an overview of what astrology is, the philosophy behind the benefits of natal astrology, and basic knowledge how to read and understand a natal chart. $49 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http:// normandale.augusoft.net

October 12 – Edge Networking Event: Featuring Gail of Bellaluna sharing her experience of owning and growing an up-and-coming metaphysical store during the past eight years. 7-9pm, Bellaluna, 11300 Minnetonka Mills Road, Minnetonka, MN. Free to public and all who want to network holistically. Info: schaon@edgemagazine.net

October 26 — Energetic Contact and Exchange in Partnership: This one-day class will encompass touch and stretching; energetic exchange physically, spiritually, visually and through the breath and heart. Bring a partner to strengthen bonds. Info: www.TheNextSense.com or 651.491.0996.

October 12 - 14 – EFT Level 1 Certificate: In Level 1 & 2, you learn the core concepts of EFT and participate in practical exercises designed to build your skill and confidence. Emotional Freedom Techniques is a powerful self-tool to release unhealthy thoughts and emotional stress, to get “unstuck,” and quickly manifest positive change, ideal

October 26 – Aromatherapy Foundations Level 1 Certificate: This beginning level course provides the information and skills needed to begin using essential oils in safe, practical, and cost-effective ways. Essential oils are unique in that they work simultaneously on three levels of healing - therapeutically on the physical body, emotionally,

CLASSIFIEDS and energetically. This certificate is perfect for nurses, massage and shiatsu therapists, mental health care providers, acupuncturists, hospice and palliative care - for anyone who wants clear, detailed information and techniques. $225 – Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale. augusoft.net October 26, 27, 28 — Seminar on Near Death Experiences: Scott Taylor presents weekend seminar on Near Death Experiences—an old topic with new insights and perspectives. Taylor, a riveting speaker/ educator, wrote his dissertation on NDEs and has provided audiences with greater understanding of their true essence and the nature of multi-dimensionality since. Listen: Friday, Oct. 26 (7-9pm); Saturday, Oct. 27 (10am-5pm); Sunday, Oct. 28, (1-4pm). Attend one session for an overview or all three for greater depth. $125 for all three — earlybird $110. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, www.spiritunited.com, contact@spiritunited. com October 27 — Rosicrucian Open Meeting: “Cosmic Attunement” free mini workshop, 10am-noon, 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale, parking in back of bldg. No reservation required. www.rosicrucian.org October 27 — Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11am, $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited. Please call 612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more info: marie@earthwaterwellness. com, www.earthwaterwellness.com October 27 — Stress Relieving Techniques Workshop: Presented by Heidi Gilman, Quantum Techniques Practitioner, Shiatsu Bodywork Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist. Stress relieving techniques you can do in 15 minutes, including: Breathing, Qi gong, Guided Meditation, Quantum Techniques. Saturday, Oct. 27, 11:30am-2pm, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106. October 27 — Sensual Awakening For Women! Discover the keys to unlocking your personal passion, freedom, joy & sensual self-expression! One Day Only! 1-7pm Oct. 27, Minneapolis.Presented by Devi Ward of Feminine Emergence & Authentic Tantra.™ Only $90 when you register by October 19. Register and learn more at www.femininemergence.com October 27 — Minneapolis Dances of Universal Peace: An inter faith gathering, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community. No experience necessary, free-will donation. 7pm, Center for the Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave., Mpls, www.PeaceDanceMN.com, 612.827.4424. October 27 & 28 — Fundamentals of Intuition and Healing Basics: In this two-day, life-transforming intensive class, we will teach you basic skills to connect to your inner voice of intuition and knowing. You will also learn basic healing techniques. Learn how healing carries energy and vibration.

Words of wisdom by Nadine Penny

Wear pink with pride this month, and join the Breast Cancer Awareness crusade in October. Learn about breast cancer and share your wisdom with other women, get that annual mammogram, raise funds and Race for the Cure. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer globally. Statistics show that 1 in 8 women will battle breast cancer in their lifetime, but education, early detection and money raised for cancer research will help win the war. So raise the flag and support those fighting this disease, celebrate survivors, honor loved ones lost and help lead the charge to eradicate breast cancer from our world. a Nadine Penny attained her M.A. from the University of Denver in Counseling Psychology. Nadine lives in Minnetonka where she works as a medium, life issues reader and Reiki master. Contact her at nadine.penny@gmail.com and visit www.nadinepenny.com. Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

You will learn to be present with these new frequencies to facilitate self-healing, healing for friends and family, and distance healing for others. Info: www.TheNextSense.com or 651.491.0996. October 27, November 5 & 12 – Retirement from the Inside Out: Eagan Community Center. Interactive, lively 3-part workshop designed to help you create and plan your Best retirement. For details: www.seekinnerwisdom.com, Cindy Schultz 612.701.5574. November 3-4 — Edge Life Holistic Expo: Featuring return of Gregg Braden, first-ever combined talk by Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig and much more, 85 exhibitors with gifts, healing and information, daily free workshops. New Venue: Earle Brown Heritage Center, acres of free parking. Advance admission & speaker tickets on sale now at Edgelife.net. Exhibit now: call Dee at 715.259.3047 or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616. November 3, 8, 15 – Retirement from the Inside Out: Ramada Plaza, Minneapolis. Interactive, lively 3-part workshop designed to help you create and plan your Best retirement. For details: www.seekinnerwisdom. com, Cindy Schultz 612.701.5574. November 7, 14, 28 — Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation: Are you ready to put the puzzle pieces together that link this life to your past lives? Understand the interplay of karma and reincarnation and lead a more joy-filled life. Find keys to spiritual liberation today! Free three-week class. Wednesdays, November 7, 14, and 28, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! November 10 — The Complete Color Therapy Seminar: Can you become really proficient in color therapy in 1 day? You certainly can. Join Rose Peterson for a fun day of Spectrochrome and Holistic Color Therapies. Rose is the inventor of Spectrochrome Glass Filters™ and the author of the Colored Light Therapy Course. Demonstrations, rules, hot tips and de-mystifications. For home practitioners, professionals and intuitives. Advantages, discounts, and registration on website. $45. Carondelet Center, Rose Peterson 541.741.4988, coloredlighttherapy.com/seminar.html November 11 — Spirit United Church Fall Festival! Readers to open heart/ mind to challenges/opportunities of the times, soothing healings, lunch, bake sale.


…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail cathy@edgemagazine.net.

BOOKS AVAILABLE NOW: The Sophia Secrets, a magical realism novel by Savitri L. Bess. A story of romance, goddesses, visions, and an elder woman’s search for meaning. More information: www.pathofthemother.com

FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADS New mystic pop songs: High quality recordings. Perfect for yourself or any inspirational occasion. Free download. Tell your friends! Visit: www.angelfire.com/hi5/ inwardhealing/Aloha-Dennis-Music.html

HOST A HOME PARTY Tired of those scripted home parties that only offer mass marketed, high-priced products proudly “Made in China?” Then try something new! Pure at Hearth is a new type of home party since we work with local artisans to bring natural, recycled, homegrown and locally made products to you! Looking to host this new breed of home party? Are you a local artisan looking to explore a new venue? Check us out at www. PureatHearth.com then call Jo at 612.234.7388 for a truly unique party. See you at home!

PART TIME SALES POSITION AVAILABLE NOW: Commission based Advertising sales position available with the Edge Magazine. Work from Home, Set your own Hours. Contact Cathy at 763.433.9291. Email cathy@edgemagazine.net. We’re looking for self-starters who want to connect with the holistic community.

SEEKING EXPO VENDORS CALL NOW: Looking for unique and quality vendors that sell product — clothing, kitchen, baby, gadgets, food — for Holistic Expo focusing on “A Holiday Shopping Event,” Dec. 9, 2012, at the Sheraton Minneapolis West, Minnetonka, MN, 10am-6pm. Contact: Leigh Cohen Wyatt, 763.684.1453, www.leighcohenwyatt.com $5 per ticket. Silent auction and vendors. Sunday, Nov. 11, 12:30-5pm, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, www. spiritunited.com, contact@spiritunited.com

ment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www. MediaMaxEvents.com

November 17 — Quantum Techniques Self-Testing Level 2: Presented by Dr. Thomas Miller and Heidi Gilman. This workshop is a deeper level of self-testing. You must have attended level 1 and be proficient in self-testing. Learn trauma release technique. Saturday, Nov. 17, 9-11:30am, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106.

March 8-10, 2013 — Donna Eden Event: Appearing with Davie Feinstein, Ph.D., coming to St. Louis March 8, 9, 10, 2013. Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by MidWest Energy Movement. Contact Gail Van Kanegan at gail@MidWestEnergyMovement. com or 507.244.1994.

January 12-13 – Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity – it’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertain-

Ongoing – Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions: Share the Light & Love of the Universal. Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com

October 2012 edge magazine


the edge 20 anniversary retrospective  TWENTY YEARS

years on the edge

1992 • 2012


August 2005 ~ December 2006 exploring the vast archives of The Edge in a yearlong celebration of this publication’s service since 1992.

he Edge presents The Celestine Prophecy movie’s debut in the Twin Cities in April 2006. At this Time: Echo Bodine, Carol Lowell and Bobby Sullivan found The Center in November 2005 to offer intuitive classes and healing in South Minneapolis. Spirit Radio debuts in 2006 on AM 950 with hosts Burt Berlowe and Rick Bernardo. Autobiography of a Yogi celebrates its 60th Anniversary.

At this time: Cathy Smith Shaffer (now Jacobsen) is named Edge Life’s sales manager in August 2005. Themes during this time: Intent & Intention Spiritual Activism Authenticity & Integrity Socially Responsible Business Holistic Healing Meaninfgul Travel Living Green Your Best Friend: You & Your Pet Relax...and De-stress Humanity & the Internet Holiday messages of Hope Noted speakers who visited the Cities at this time: Lee Carroll & Kryon • BKS Iyengar • Jean Houston • Carol E. Parrish • Julia Ingram • Marianne Williamson • Marc Ian Barasch • Margaret Starbird • Michael Monroe • Doreen Virtue • Will Steger • Dr. Hank Wesselman • Steven Farmer • James Van Praagh • Amma • Neale Donald Walsch • Stephen Simon • Gary R. Renard • William Arntz • Dr. Masaru Emoto




staff | 2005-2006

Gary Beckman, publisher Insiah Beckman, business manager Tim Miejan, managing editor Cathy Shaffer, advertising sales manager Michael Underwood, VP of events Gary Fricke, director of expos & distribution Carol Muller, advertising sales Tanya Kenney, advertising sales Bryan D. Bertsch, advertising sales Doug Crandall, advertising sales Lynn Danielson, happenings & listings Judy Breuer, happenings & listings Tim Shank, web marketing manager Steve Hokenson, production / webmaster Rachel Miejan, proofreading Jean Wallis, transcription


EDGEMAGAZINE.NET You’ve heard of IQ. And maybe EQ. Now discover SQ: the new frontier of personal growth and organizational leadership.


Author Cindy Wigglesworth shares the influences that led her to write about the next key to becoming fully human. DIGITIZED

New content updated on the 1st of each month


Dr. Rajiv Parti shares a simple mantra for healing your Dark Night of the Soul, based on his own personal life challenge. This month’s content is online as separate articles, and as a electronic PDF flipbook

NUTRITION A SOCIETAL HEALTH MENACE Bee Jimpson shares her family’s approach to feeling better: eliminating food from their diets that produce unhealthy symptoms.



Facebook.com/edgemagazine.net Twitter.com/TheEdgeMagazine

The column by E- The Environmental Magazine returns online, this month offering advice on eco-friendly cat litter and sunscreen.

Edge 20 2005-2006 Every month, we’re adding articles from the beginning of The Edge to our online archives. Last month, we added articles from 2004-2005, and this month, we’re adding more articles that are worth revisiting:


years on the edge

1992 • 2012

November 2005: The Translucent Revolution: An Interview with Arjuna Ardagh, by Tim Miejan

January 2006: The Real Dirt on Farmer John: An Interview with John Peterson, by Tim Miejan October 2006: Conversations with God Film: An Interview with Neale Donald Walsch and Stephen Simon, by Tim Miejan

What do you want to see in The Edge in 2013? Hi, I am Tim Miejan with The Edge magazine, and I will be at the 2012 Edge Life Expo at Earle Browne Heritage Center on November 3-4. I invite you to stop by and talk to me in Expo Hall about what you’d love to see featured in The Edge in the coming year. I am open to any and all ideas! 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 4 Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Dr., Brooklyn Center, MN - acres of free parking October 2012 edge magazine


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