Brotherhood of Blades 繡春刀
Always 愛未央
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
111mins 路陽 張震、李東學、王千源
A kungfu thriller narrates the fate of three Jinyiwei (secret service agents in the emperor's court) involved in the party struggle of late Ming Dynasty, when they each have to protect their loved ones and their own life from the power. It was late Ming Dynasty, when the ceaseless party struggle brought the empire to the brink of collapse. Wei Zhongxian, the ringleader of the so-called “eunuch party” lost power as the young emperor ascended the throne. He soon became the No. 1 assassination target. Three Jinyiwei agents – Lu Jianxing (Wang Qianyuan), Shen Lian (Chang Chen), and Jin Yichuan (Li Dongxue) were assigned the job. Wei's adopted son Zhao Jingzhong (Nie Yuan) was behind the plan. The three men were bound as blood brothers. They each had their own desires, but money seems to be the common thread. They took the job and located the target successfully. When it's nearly done, Wei offered to buy his way out. Shen finds the money irresistible and he manages to let him go. As the three brothers indulged in their windfall, Lu bought his official seat in the government, Shen paid the debt for a prostitute (Liu Shishi) whom he loves and felt indebted to, Jin covered up a secret of his real identity, the fact that Wei is still alive comes to surface. All parties want them dead to bury the truth. The day comes when Zhao Jingzhong invites the three to a dinner. The three sense the danger and fight their way out. They plan to escape with their loved ones to a peaceful place and change their identities. After an epic battle, the eldest and the youngest fall, leaving Shen with memories of their humble dreams.
As hinted by the movie title "Ai Wei Yang", a picturesque story occurred in a picturesque place in Yunnan province. Two distinct relationships are separated by one hundred years, the ancient and modern world in parallel. They seemed to have all kinds of connections. Each portrays the story of love, friendship, and struggle in different times but with the same ideology. It encompasses the Han ethnic group, and other ethnic minorities in China, as well as French, American, Japanese and other human elements, implies that the bloodline in love is deeply connected and filled with commonality. Life exists because love exists! Love would never cease! This is a touching national plot drama with true love through borders, across different geographical and historical settings, regardless of your ethnic background, because true love and happiness can happen anywhere, anytime... 《愛未央》就像她的名字一樣,在一個如詩如畫的地方中國雲南發生一個如詩如畫的故 事。交叉著時空相隔一百年,古代和現代里平行著兩個彷彿截然不同又帶有千絲萬縷關 係的同一個故事,譜寫了一首在不同的年代裡同樣融合了親情友情愛情以及民族情的關 於愛的進行曲。她包容了漢族、少數民族、華裔、法國、美國、日本等多方面元素,隱 含了血脈在愛中傳承,感人至深又感慨萬千,滲透出了中華兒女骨子裡的茶道精神:〝 人生只在呼吸間,因愛而生生不息!〞這是一部感人至深的民族情節戲中戲影片,因為 真摯的愛情而貫穿了國界、跨越了地域、穿梭了歷史、淡化了種族,因為真摯的愛而使 生活變得簡單,簡單中卻觸摸了真實純粹的幸福……
明朝天啟末年,熹宗駕崩,其弟朱由檢繼位,十一月,削除大太監魏忠賢所有官職,令 其前往中都鳳陽守靈。河間府,阜城縣,雨夜。上百名全副武裝的錦衣衛策馬狂奔進了 縣城,在一家客棧前停了下來。客棧門口,數十個懷揣兵刃的漢子驚恐的瞪視著這群不 速之客。盧劍星、沈煉和靳一川翻身下馬。盧劍星摘了披風,招呼兩個年輕的軍官:辦 事。駕帖一亮,客棧門口的漢子紛紛丟了兵刃,躲到一旁。在客棧最裡面的房間,三人 見到了魏忠賢。此時的魏忠賢早就沒了「九千九百歲爺」的囂張和霸氣,與一個風燭殘 年的老人無異。面對這三個錦衣衛軍官,魏忠賢很清楚他們的來意,崇禎後悔放了他一 條活路。魏忠賢的義子魏盡忠負隅頑抗,指揮手下拼死一搏,無奈這三個錦衣衛手段高 強,魏進忠的人很快倒了一片。魏忠賢叫義子住手,外面還有一百個錦衣衛,反抗又有 何用?但魏忠賢還不想死,現在他無權無勢,只想能平安的度過餘生。魏忠賢希望跟 三個錦衣衛做一筆交易,用三萬兩銀子換自己的命。盧劍星,總旗。沈煉,總旗。靳一 川,小旗。兄弟三個一年的俸祿加吧到一塊兒還不到五十兩。這可是三萬兩銀子。但魏 忠賢之姦惡,天下人皆知,放他走了,等待兄弟三人的又該是什麼下場?兄弟三人皆有 難處,看似進退都是絕路,於是他們放走了魏忠賢,並收下了三萬兩的銀票,這一錯誤 的選擇很快讓他們陷入不可挽回的絕境之中……
Love at First Sight 第一眼愛情 Length: Director: Cast:
100mins 李妮 陳志朋、何琳、劉一煊
It is a film about youth, ambition and love. Story follows a trio of brothers who have been apart for years but gathered together in Lijiang, a popular resort city in Yunnan Province, to attend a wedding. During the three days in Lijiang, these three young men each found their family members, true love and their dreams. 該片以「神奇旅行,傳奇愛情」為主題。講述的是幾個分 別多年的兄弟為了參加婚禮激情重聚麗江,各自在三天內 尋找親人,真愛,夢想的故事。這是一部青春勵志愛情電影。
Breakup Buddies 心花路放 Length: Director: Cast:
102mins 李松霖 李琦虹、喬治安東、惠英紅、湯鎮宗、 許還山、傅紹傑、白雷森
118mins 寧浩 黃渤、徐崢、袁泉、周冬雨
My Old Classmate 同桌的妳
Geng Hao suffered from a bad divorce and rock bottom. Watching his good friend on the edge of breakdown, Hao Yi decides to take Geng on a “road trip for girls” to cure his depression. Along the way, they met “Spades Girl”, “Avatar Girl”, “Mysterious girl with leggings”, and “Gogo Dancing Girl”. The trip was full of strange encounters, even testing their friendship. When they arrived at their final destination Dali in Yunnan Province, Geng starts to reminisce about how he met and fell in love 5 years ago with the love of his life. After all these experiences, Geng and Hao finally were able to let go of their “guilty past” and begin a happy new life.
Length: Director: Cast:
98mins 郭帆 周冬雨、林更新
My Old Classmate stars Lin Geng Xin (Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon) and Zhou Dong Yu (Under the Hawthorne Tree, Gong Suo Chen Xiang). The young couple was once college sweethearts, blissfully unaware of the rapidly changing society that would eventually drive them apart. Reuniting after ten years in 2013, their lives now quintessentially reflect China's post-80's generation and acutely resonate with the audience's shared feelings of helplessness and empathy for the couple confronted by an ever-changing modern world.
二手音響商耿浩婚姻失敗,他想用錘子爆小三的頭,卻遲遲沒有勇氣,幸虧在劇組做製 片的兄弟郝義及時發現自暴自棄的耿浩,他決定帶著耿浩開啟一段“治愈之旅”。於是 一對好基友帶著一隻狗上路,邂逅三千公里的“桃花”。 “阿凡達女郎”、“殺馬特” 周麗娟、“白富美”,各式各樣的女人接連登場,耿浩一路艷遇一路療傷。時光倒轉,5 年前的此時,大齡文藝女青年因為聽了一首流浪歌手耿浩的歌,毅然前往大理……在經 歷一連串奇葩遭遇之後,大家都放下了心裡的“陰影”,找到了通向幸福的道路。
影片中,男女主角經歷了美好的校園愛情,後在迅速變動的經濟社會中漸行漸遠,最終 重遇於2013年的當下。他們的成長歷程是中國大陸80後的典型經驗代表,影片敏銳地碰 觸到了人們面對無常的唏噓與無奈,並通過情感的內在共鳴,溫柔的撫慰了這份對現實 的失落。
No Zuo No Die 玩命試愛
Tomb Robber 密道追踪
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
92mins 勞劍華 安志杰、周韋彤、張瑤
The rich second generation Han Ziquan concealed his identity at his job in search of true love. He met and fell in love with the environmental protection girl JinJin. However, JinJin learned about Ziquan’s shady past right before they were about to get married. In the end, with her friends’ help, JinJin finally found both true love and an epiphany.
In a remote town, the demolition of a shabby steel factory was suddenly halted by local authority. Media reports that blue and white porcelain pieces from the Yuan Dynasty were uncovered from the site. Hundreds of pieces worthy of billions may be found there. Suddenly, the small town became a target of rampage. International thief – Magic Thief and his assistant Yan’er rushed to the site. They installed high-tech detectors around the factory. Sound waves travel through the ground enabling Magic Thief to obtain a panoramic view of the underground scene. He discovered something strange and set out to find out the truth. He noticed that someone was loading a truck in the early morning and realized that other thieves had already begun to dig a tunnel going inside the factory! Magic Thief called Lao Sha, an international assassin for help. Lao sneaked in under the disguise of a member of the security team headed by Mr. Big Now. A life and death battle unfolds with all eyes on the treasure lying underneath the factory…
富二代韓子泉為尋找真愛隱藏身份,在工作中結識環保女 郎菁菁,兩人在結婚之際菁菁發現韓子泉的不堪往事,為了得到真愛,菁菁在朋友的幫 助下展開了試愛之旅,最終獲得真愛,從中得到感悟。
American Dreams in China 中國合夥人 Length: Director: Cast:
古城鎮中一個正在拆除的廢舊鋼廠突然被警方封鎖了,媒體宣稱地下挖出了元代青花瓷 碎片,預計此地可能有青花瓷上百件。古城鎮不再安寧了。國際大盜——神偷和助手嫣 兒火速趕到古城鎮。他們在鋼廠四周安裝了能向地下發出特殊聲波的高科技探測器。 電腦將四個點的聲波進行綜合後,就能獲得鋼廠地下的全貌。神偷發現當地的店鋪很奇 怪,白天空無一人,晚上卻都亮著昏暗的燈光。一天神偷吃早點時看見有人正在往貨車 上裝貨。大車離去,神偷在停車的地面上發現了來自地下深層的潮濕泥土。神偷恍然大 悟——其他盜賊已經先動手挖地道了!神偷叫來國際殺手老沙來幫忙。老沙成功混進了 保安隊長大拿的隊伍,當了保安。一場生死較量就在大拿的眼皮底下展開了……
112mins 陳可辛 黃曉明、鄧超、佟大為
In 1985, three ambitious students Meng Xiaojun (Deng Chao), Wang Yang (Tong Dawei), and Cheng Dongqing (Huang Xiaoming) started college life in Beijing. After graduation, only Meng was approved to go study abroad in America, Cheng and Wang remained in Beijing. Several years later, Meng returned to Beijing after losing his lab job to a fellow Chinese student. He joined the English instruction school that Cheng and Wang launched to help Chinese students learn English and get visas to America. They became very successful at it but during the process faced conflict of interest and other difficulties.
The Seventh Lie 第七謊言
1985年,成東青、孟曉駿和王陽成為了大學同學,三個人雖然有不同背景,但出國成為 三人共同目標。畢業之後,只有孟曉駿獲得了留學機會,成東青和王陽留在了國內,成 了一家英語培訓學校,在美國並不如意的孟曉駿回到了中國,加入了這家英語學校。三 個年輕人靠智慧和努力把這所學校打造成了中國第一品牌,但是三個人也在這個過程中 不斷發生衝突,最後走向分道揚鑣。
Length: Director: Cast:
92mins 史鳳和 唐國強、劉子楓、熊曉雯
The film shows the friendship between Mao Zedong and Qi Baishi. They were both born in Hunan and were each very successful in their own field. The story occurred during the 1950s and showed how the chairman of China cared deeply about an artist.
70億人都明白謊言是一種通用的語言。可是沒有任何人能够逃避第七謊言的厄運---自我 欺騙。Chauffeur Song聲稱兼職做殺手。或者說他是一個好色之徒,因為他正在試圖討 他好友的老婆Julianna的歡心。Julianne跟他一起進酒店的時候無意間發現了他恐怖的計 劃。不料被一個卑鄙的酒店的服務員撞見。他會是Julianne的救星嗎?或者他只是一個想 騙客人錢的騙子?在酒店裡,他揭露了一個最黑暗的秘密和落跑新娘Gwen的事蹟。這些 看似毫無聯繫的靈魂交錯在一起見證了他們光天化日之下的謊言。
影片通過講述1950年前後毛澤東主席與藝術大師齊白石交 往過程中所發生的故事,再現兩人之間的情感和友誼。
Frozen 冰雪奇緣
When a Peking Family Meets Aupair 洋妞到我家 Length: Director: Cast:
83min 孔令政 鄭中基、何超儀、羅仲謙
Lying is a universal language, spoken and understood by 7 billion people. None of us can evade the jinx of The Seventh Lie - Self Deception. Chauffeur Song claims to be a part-time killer and also a womanizer who tries to sleep with his friend’s wife Julianne. Julianne discovers his plan while checking in at a hotel with Song. A sneaky Hotel Bellhop bumps into them. Could he come to Julianne’s rescue? Or is he a brilliant con-artist who attempts to rip off guests of the hotel? In this hotel, he uncovers a dark secret and comes across a runaway bride Gwen. The lives of these seemingly unassociated souls are interlaced together to face the appalling truth beneath their lies.
The Story of Mao Zedong and Qi Baishi 毛澤東與齊白石 Length: Director: Cast:
92mins 俞島 唐文龍、母其彌雅、李炳淵
Length: Director: Cast:
98mins 陳剛 徐帆、陳建斌、陳一諾
102mins Chris Buck/Jennifer Lee Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff
When a princess with the power to turn things into ice curses her home in infinite winter, her sister, Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition.
A bitter middle-aged mom, under a lot of pressure from work and family, desires to immigrate overseas with her daughter one day. Because of that, she hired a Colombian exchange student to tutor her daughter which resulted in many disagreements between her and her husband. The cultural differences brought about many misunderstandings that led the mom to re-evaluate the way she educates her daughter and her attitude towards marriage.
一個嚴冬咒語令王國被冰天雪地永久覆蓋,安娜和山民克 里斯托夫以及他的馴鹿搭檔組隊出發,為尋找姐姐拯救王 國展開一段冒險。
一個「怨婦型」大齡媽媽在生活和工作的雙重壓力下,為了早日能帶女兒出國,她與丈 夫產生隔閡,請來了哥倫比亞藉互惠生。文化差異帶來了種種碰撞、誤會甚至是危機, 讓孩子成長,也讓媽媽開始思考,如何教育孩子,如何面對婚姻、情感。
The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom 白髮魔女傳之明月天國
Iceman 冰封:重生之門
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
104mins 張之亮 范冰冰、黃曉明、趙文卓、王學兵
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, corruption is rife, a traitor is in power and the Jin army is threatening war. Famine is widespread in the Northwest. The “Jade Raksha”, a witch thought to many as an evil force, helps the victims of the famine by fighting and killing corrupt officials responsible for it. She is framed for the murder of the governor of the Province, Zhuozhong Lian, Jade and her followers become felons of the Dynasty. Meanwhile, the head of the Non-Affiliated Party Zhi Yanglu chooses his disciple Zhuo Yihang to be his successor. Zhuo Yihang is dispatched to Beijing to pay tribute to the emperor with a red pellet. After that, he is sent to the Northwest to explore the famine situation. The Emperor dies shortly after eating the red pellet, which prompts the Palace Guards to capture Zhuo Yihang. Zhuo Yihang encounters the “Jade Raksha.” He discovers that she is not the evil witch she is rumored to be. He goes back with her to the Moon Village Society she has formed. It is a place of idyllic beauty, peace and justice. Despite their differences, they begin to fall in love. The Palace Guards invade the Moon Wall Village and captures Zhuo Yihang. It is revealed that the former head of the province was his grandfather who was supposedly murdered by Jade Raksha. He doesn’t believe it and refuses to fight back. His master, the head of the Unaffiliated Party, hears of Zhuo Yihang’s capture and committed suicide. Zhuo decides to leave the Unaffiliated Party and marry into an enemy family. Jade Raksha hears about this and goes to the Bridal chamber with the intention of killing Zhuo Yihang. Suddenly overnight, Jade's hair turned all white. In this dying period of a dynasty, will the two doomed lovers manage to survive with their integrity intact and fight for justice?
Iceman revolves around a Captain America-like character He Ying portrayed by Donnie Yen. He was tasked with bringing a mythical time traveling power back to the Ming emperor. He was betrayed, and subsequently frozen. The Iceman and his evil foes (Wang Baoqiang) and Niehu (Yu Kang) lived during the Ming Dynasty. They were all frozen during a fight and an unforeseen accident set them free in modern day Hong Kong where they continue their battle. The three of them blend into the city to fulfill their tasks. Niehu and Sao are dead set in executing revenge on He Ying, despite not understanding the new world they woke up in. He Ying soon befriends May (Huang Shengyi), who taught him how to adapt to the modern technology. Niehu and Sao unknowingly help two Indian mobsters escape the police, and as a result join the Indian mafia. All the while, it is slowly revealed that Cheung (Simon Yam) is the one who is looking for the trio, but in particular He. Through various flashbacks, it is revealed that all 4 of them were blood brothers who fought side by side, before He was betrayed and charged with treason. After several hilarious encounters in the modern world including meeting May's mother, fleeing custody of the police (using his master martial arts skills), and the use of technology, He starts to realize who is ultimately hunting him down. 明朝嘉靖期間,「一英三傑」——賀英、龍、虎、獒在朝堂內外赫赫有名。賀英(甄子丹 飾)和獒(王寶強飾)曾為孤兒被桃源村收留,二人自小加入錦衣衛訓練營並由此結識 龍(任達華飾)、虎(喻亢飾)兩兄弟,四人在訓練成長中結下深厚友誼,歃血為盟。 某日,賀英奉皇帝之命前往天竺國押運相傳可以預知未來的國寶「時空金球」。歸來途 中,却突遇龍、虎和獒這三個兄弟前來捉拿自己。原來朝廷重臣杜大人一家被人殺害, 現場殺人證據一併指向賀英。眾人正在爭鬥當中,地動山搖,巨大雪崩將四人淹沒。400 年後,意外解凍的賀英來到了現代社會,並在萬聖節的晚上偶遇醉意朦朧的都市女孩小 美(黃聖依飾)。小美時尚靚麗,表面拜金,實則心地善良。在小美的幫助下,天資聰 慧的賀英很快學會了適應了高科技的現代社會,同時,隨著在生活中的相處與瞭解,賀 英和小美感情也發生了微妙變化。與此同時,虎、獒二人也相繼從冰封中解凍,由於記 憶還停留在400年前,二人開始不停追捕賀英,並在香港青馬大橋激烈開戰,就在賀英與 虎、獒惡鬥的同時,却遭遇神秘第三方發射的麻醉彈,賀英中槍昏迷墜海……
總督卓仲廉之凶手,霎時間玉羅剎及其魔教變成通緝目標。另一方面,名門武當派紫陽 道長推舉弟子卓一航為新任掌門,並帶紅丸到北京進貢聖上。皇帝吃紅丸後一命嗚呼, 朝廷錦衣衛全力捉拿卓一航。此時,卓已經離開北京到達西北,一次偶然救助饑民時見 識玉羅剎狠辣的手段,兩人不打不相識。卓跟從玉回到明月寨,這個被外面官員稱之為 「魔窟」的地方,其實是世外桃源,卓見識玉的處事魅力及俠義精神,兩人情難自禁墜 入愛河,更互許終身。錦衣衛攻入明月寨捉拿卓一航,同時揭發玉羅剎乃殺害卓仲廉-即 卓一航爺爺之凶手,卓心痛離開後被扔進大牢,紫陽道長為保卓跳崖自盡。卓繼而脫離 武當,投靠奸黨,娶奸臣之女。玉收到消息大鬧新房,執劍向卓心臟刺去……一夜間, 玉之黑髮被白色無情吞噬……一個垂死的朝代,兩個注定的戀人,他們的緣分能否超越 正邪,共渡生死?
Old Boy: The Way of the Dragon 老男孩之猛龍過江 Length: Director: Cast:
91mins 羅永昌 甄子丹、黃聖依、王寶強、任達華
Dragon Nest: Warriors’ Dawn 龍之谷:破曉奇兵
114mins 肖央 肖央、王太利、屈菁菁
Length: Director: Cast:
1995, Xiao Da Bao (starring Xiao Yang) and Wang Xiao Shuai ( starring Wang Tai Li) were extremely jealous of the school band who was playing Beyond in the school hall. From that moment they swore they will make the best original music as the Chopstick Brothers. 20 years later, both of them have reached their mid-life crisis as they have had a miserable life. After their 15 minutes of fame on a singing reality series, they found it difficult to continue an ordinary life. An American talent scout has saved them from their misery as he took them to compete in the biggest talent show on American TV “Voice of an Angel”. The hope for fame has sparked again, as they begin the journey of their dreams.
88mins 宋岳峰 胡歌、徐嬌
For half a century, the power of the evil Black Dragon has swept the once peaceful land of Altera. All creatures suffer during this time of chaos. Lambert is an ordinary village boy who witnessed the murder of his parents and the destruction of his hometown. He swears to obtain mighty power and become a great hero to avenge the innocence. Years later, young Lambert is recruited by the mercenary force and joins the Dragon Slayers League to face the Black Dragon in battle. In the League, he witnesses loyalty and treachery, love and separation, as well as schemes and conspiracies between different races and forces. Faced with the brutality of war and the cruelty of the people in it, Lambert’s desire for power wildly inflates. Just as they approach the center of the Black Dragon’s territory, people within the Dragon Slayers League begin to turn on each other. Heroes become traitors. Friends become enemies. The League stands on the verge of destruction. Between power and righteousness, Lambert chooses the latter to follow his kind heart. He resists the temptation of ultimate power and becomes a true hero at last.
1995年,學校的禮堂中,初中生肖大寶(肖央飾)和王小帥(王太利飾)正看著台上 演出Beyond歌曲的同學,內心滿是羨慕嫉妒恨,兩人在那一天發誓以“筷子兄弟”組合 出發,做最好的原創音樂。20年後,兩人已人到中年,各自過著糟糕又狼狽的生活。曾 經參加選秀節目幾近成名的經歷讓兩人念念不忘,無法再繼續做一個普通人。一個美國 來的星探從煎熬中解救了他們。星探帶他們到美國參加全球最火爆的選秀節目《天使之 聲》!希望的火焰熊熊燃起,再次充滿夢想的兩人踏上征途。這一切遠非兩人想想的那 樣美好,踏上美國土地的一刻起,他們彷彿捲入到了一部光怪陸離的美國大片中。肖大 寶多年未見的前女友馬璐(屈菁菁飾)竟已變成《天使之聲》評審,筷子兄弟在比賽晉 級的過程中遭遇了馬璐的各種阻撓,更可怕的是,此時肖大寶和王小帥已被捲入了美國 黑手黨一場暗殺陰謀中。為了追求夢寐以求的成功和尊嚴,兩人經一路經歷名利誘惑、 家人離去,兄弟反目,愛恨情仇,幾經考驗,甚至付出了自己的生命。夢想是什麼?是 希望嗎?是慾望嗎?是幻想嗎?當我們沿著人生的路走下去的時候,我們還會記得發夢 時的初衷嗎?
遠古神話時代,在東方一個祥和小村莊裡,有一個叫蘭伯特的平凡少年。這時,沉寂多 年的魔怪崛起,引發災難。為了保護自己的家園,蘭伯特加入各路英雄組成的聯盟,出 發征戰魔怪。在征戰的途中,蘭伯特收穫了友情和成長,並最終為大陸重新帶回和平。
The Golden Era 黃金時代
Phurbu & Tenzin 西藏天空
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
179mins 許鞍華山 湯唯、馮紹峰、王志文
118mins 傅東育 拉旺羅布、阿旺仁青、索朗卓嘎
This film traces the life of Xiao Hong, one of China's most famous novelists, reflecting the progressive thinking not frequently seen during the time period. Set in 1930s China, the film uses personal accounts and the author's own writings to depict a turbulent life during a tumultuous time.
Tenzin is a hereditary nobleman, while Phurbu is a household slave on the lowest rung of serfdom. The two boys were good friends, however, the misunderstandings and huge disparities in their identities force the two into changes during the turbulent period…
上世紀二十至四十年代的中國,那是一個民氣十足、海闊 天空的時代,一群年輕人經歷了一段放任自流的時光,自 由地追求夢想與愛情,有人在流離中刻骨求愛,有人在抗爭中企盼家國未來。蕭紅,一 個特立獨行的女子,一路流亡,從北方到南方,從哈爾濱到香港,一邊躲避戰亂,一邊 經歷著令人唏噓又痛徹心扉的愛情與人生。對生的堅強對死的掙扎在她筆下穿透紙背, 她的人生亦是如此。
故事從西藏和平解放前開始,丹增是舊西藏世襲貴族的少 爺,普布是舊西藏農奴制中最下層的郎生(家奴),兩兄 弟原本相交甚好,但身份與家境的巨大懸殊,令兩人在動蕩的時代變遷中,從朋友漸成 仇人。影片以兩位西藏青年40年的恩怨情仇濃縮展現了西藏現代史上激盪風雲、滄桑巨 變的一段歷史。
Sorry, I love you 對不起,我愛你
The Old Cinderella 脫軌時代
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
100mins 楊子 錦榮、溫心、黃愷傑
Xu Ke is in her thirties, divorced with a son, and has little money in her bank account, the only exciting event in her life now is meeting the young heir of a billionaire. But will her desire to keep the family together destroy her chance of beginning a new life on her own?
With only six months to live and nothing to live for in Vancouver, Walker decided to go back to China, where he was born and adopted as a child, to look for his biological parents and twin sister (Chu). Walker knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to find them, but everything changed when he ran into the girl (Encai) whom he saved from a few street thugs several months back. In Walker’s imagination, his biological parents must have abandoned them due to poverty or other difficulties, yet when he stood in front of his mother’s giant luxurious mansion, he could not help but resent his mother Hui for her heartless decision. In order to get revenge on his mother and find ways to get closer, he accepted the offer to be Trey’s (Hui’s adopted son) personal driver. At the same time he tried to find his twin sister with the help from Encai, yet they started to fall in love. Walker soon discovers the conspiracy set forth by his aunt. Will he finally uncover the truth after all these years?
青春已逝、老公出軌、淨身出戶、車輛被毀,在許可最狼 狽的時候遇到了幽默多金的康少,在不斷的鬥嘴和康聖熙 無微不至的關懷下,倆人互生情愫。而離婚讓前夫劉光芒痛改前非,開始採取挽救的措 施,走上了浪子回頭的道路,面對著改過自新的前夫和動了真情的新歡,許可陷入了難 以抉擇的境地。
從小被父母遺棄並被加拿大人領養到溫哥華的武克因幫朋友出頭,誤殺黑幫頭目Billy的弟 弟,出獄後被尋仇頭部中槍却僥倖不死,但却因子彈取不出來,僅剩半年的生命。武克 决定死前回中國尋找親生父母,却再次遇見曾在溫哥華有過一面之緣的女孩恩彩。在堂 姑姜海雁的引導下武克找到生母譚慧茹,見母親身處豪門,想到自己被拋棄的命運和飢 寒交迫的漂泊生活,此刻又命在旦夕,武克不忿,出於報復並未相認,且答應做其生母 的養子崔允的司機,與恩彩共同尋找妹妹過程中漸生情愫。最後得知,尋親過程却是堂 姑一手策劃的陰謀,一段隱藏了二十多年的身世真相漸漸浮出水面……
A Class of One 一個人的課堂 Length: Director: Cast:
106min 李軍林 孫海英、韓三明、王乃訓、宋四維、李素雲
Song Wenhua, an elementary school substitute teacher, taught at a remote mountainous Xijia school for nearly 30 years. It was once a well-known school to the local villages, however, with the recent economic boom, many villagers migrated to large cities and their children gradually transferred out of Xijia. Every teacher left except Song. When the new semester approached, Song went door to door looking for students to attend class. Finally came four students, but three were in different grades. Song has to teach them different lessons in classroom turns. During the district’s substitute teacher exam, Song failed because he does not know how to use a computer. He was fired by the district, which sent another teacher to Xijia, but the new teacher left not too long after without saying goodbye. Under the difficult circumstances, Song decides to come back to the school and continue his teaching. Now, there’s only one student left, Tang. And his grandmother was becoming ill and could not take care of Tang. Song eventually adopted Tang and taught him every day at school no matter what. Finally comes graduation day for Tang, which also means, the end of Song’s teaching career. He had no choice but to quit teaching and began a difficult life in the city…
Lan Hui 蘭輝 Length: Director: Cast:
101mins 郭書博旦 張靜初、潘粵明、吳克群
90mins 溫德光 劉之冰、陶慧敏、洪曉熙、李雪健
After the occurrence of one of the largest earthquakes in human history in Szechuan province in 2008, Lan Hui, the deputy chief of the Beichuan County, overcame a tremendous amount of difficulties to help the Beichuan people recover. These people were faced with the post-disaster reconstruction and mental reconstruction after suffering the huge natural disaster. Lan Hui became the central figure in restoring the mental order.
宋文化是中國鄉村小學教了30年的代課老師,隨著中國農村村民進城越來越多,他所在 的農村學校沒有幾個學生了, 教師僅宋文化一人仍堅守崗位。新學期將至,宋文化挨家 挨戶的召集學生上課,結果只來了四個學生,四個學生,還是三個不同的年級,宋文化 只能在一個教室給他們輪流上課。期間,宋文化由於沒有通過國家正式老師的考試,被 教委開除了,教委派來一個老師來沒多久就走了,宋老師又被請來了為僅存的一個學生 唐明明教書,期間與唐明明相依為命的奶奶也不幸過世,宋文化在一個人的課堂亦父亦 師,堅持教書,直到這個學生畢業,宋文化從此也離開了講台,開始在城市裡艱難的生 活。
本片以2008年中國四川5•12大地震中災情最為嚴重的北川縣為背景,通過對北川縣副縣 長在工作生活中經歷的點滴為主線,講述了經歷了巨大自然災害後的北川人民在重建家 園和重建心理之路中遇到的種種困難,以及人們在面對和克服這些困難時所體現出來的 人性、人情…
Zheng He 1405 – Voyage Extraordinaire 鄭和1405——魔海尋踪
No Man's Land 無人區
Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
100mins 朱義昌
Qianlang and Yanzi were exploring the South China Sea, when a sudden storm plunged them into the sea. Qianlang discovered a peculiar writing-brush washer made from blue-and-white porcelain at the bottom of the sea. It gradually reproduced the scenes of Zheng He’s journey to the countries across the southern oceans as an envoy according to an imperial decree 600 years ago. The thrilling, fantastic and romantic episodes, breathtaking marine perils and battles, and emotional and touching partings in this film are very intricate, shocking and sensational.
117mins 寧浩 徐崢、黃渤、余男
In a courtroom in the Northwest Desert region, a young attorney Xiao Pan successfully defended his client, a mafia leader, in a murder case. After winning the case, Xiao bought a red sedan as a gift to himself and drove across the Gobi Desert, a 500-mile remote area known as the “No Man’s Land”. As he enjoys the magnificent scenery along the way, trouble lies ahead as the red sedan runs into the Wild Wild West. 西北大漠中的一個法庭上,年輕律師潘肖憑藉自己高超的辯護技巧,為老大洗去了殺人 的嫌疑。戈壁灘中央,有一條公路穿越著五百里無人區;筆直的公路上,一輛紅色轎車 絕塵而去。駕駛者是旗開得勝的律師潘肖。他意氣風發地開著老大送他抵律師費的新 車,跑在西部曠野中的公路上,欣賞著公路兩旁瑰麗雄奇的美景。…
千浪和燕子在南海探險。突然,風起浪急,二人墜入海中。千浪在海底發現一個奇異的 青花瓷器筆洗。它將600年前鄭和奉旨出使西洋的情景一一再現。片中的驚險、奇幻與浪 漫,驚心動魄的海難海戰,以及生離死別的情與愛,錯綜交織,震憾人心。
The King of Tibetan Antelope 藏羚王
Grace of Monaco 摩納哥王妃
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
83mins 劉宇軍 鞠萍、李揚、劉純燕
On the mysterious and dreamy Tibet plateau, the female Tibetan antelope migration is a unique ecological spectacle on earth. A small Tibetan antelope "Nulu”, with the help of his little friends, pursues the dream of returning to his home land. His bravery, kindness, wisdom touches everyone, as he eventually becomes the king of Tibet Antelope.
100mins Oliver Dahan Nicole Kidman, Tim Roth, André Penvern
The story of former Hollywood star Grace Kelly's crisis of marriage and identity, during a political dispute between Monaco's Prince Rainier III and France's Charles De Gaulle, and a looming French invasion of Monaco in the early 1960s. 1960年代的摩納哥與法國發生了嚴重的外交危機。此時的 格蕾絲已做了六年的摩納哥王妃,時年33歲的她要調停自 己丈夫與法國領導人戴高樂的衝突,為國家的穩定盡自己
西藏高原神秘夢幻,母藏羚羊大遷徙——這是地球上獨有 的生態奇觀。一隻小藏羚羊“呶嚕”在小夥伴的幫助下追尋夢想回歸家園。他的勇敢、 善良、智慧感動了每個人,最終成為大家心目中的藏羚王。
Beijing Love Story 北京愛情故事
Transformers 4: Age of Extinction 變形金剛4:絕跡重生
Length: 121mins Director: 陳思誠 Cast: 梁家輝、劉嘉玲、王學兵、余男、王慶祥、 斯琴高娃、陳思誠、佟麗婭、劉昊然、 歐陽娜娜
Length: 165mins Director: Michael Bay Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor
Autobots must escape from a bounty hunter who took control of the humans. Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime and his remaining crew turn to a mechanic and his daughter for help.
Dorky Chen Feng and elite Shen Yan fall in love at first sight, Shen yan accidentally got pregnant after a night of passion. This young couple must overcome the obstacles, including the disapproval of Shen Yan's mother and her rich ex-boyfriend's seduction, in order to be married; Chen Feng's boss Wu zheng is a player at heart, unfortunately, Wu Zheng was drunk one time and his wife Zhang lei discovered his frequent infidelities. Unconscious, Wu Zheng couldn't possibly image the wild night his wife had; Zhang lei's boss Liu Hui and Jia Ling jet off to Greece for a decadent rendezvous. After 20 years of marriage, they finally revealed their unknown secrets to each other. Although conflicted, their love that lasted through the years led them to choose forgiveness. Liu Xing Yang begged her father to let her go on the “china dream show” but got rejected. Liu Xing Yang's classmate Song Ge comforted her, their friendship turned into love. Song Ge's grandmother Gao Xiao was diagnosed with cancer, and her only wish is to find her husband, Wang Daqi, to be her companion. The movie tells the stories of five pairs of lovers, each from a different stage of life. The movie connects the loved ones together, exploring different love stages of different lives that exist in the name of love.
芝加哥大戰之後,汽車人在躲避賞金獵人追殺的同 時,意外遇到了一個汽修工人和他的女兒並獲取了幫 助。
X-Men: Days of Future Past X戰警:逆轉未來 Length: 131 mins Director: Bryan Singer Cast: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman
屌絲陳鋒與白領沈彥一見鍾情,激情過後沈彥意外懷孕。本打算結婚的兩人卻面臨著 沈母的阻撓和沈彥富二代前男友的威逼利誘;陳鋒的老闆吳崢是情場高手,家中紅旗 不倒,外面彩旗飄飄。不想一次失手,偷腥事件被老婆張蕾發現。酒醉不醒的吳崢不曾 想到賢惠的老婆經歷了怎樣一個放縱的失魂夜;張蕾的老闆劉輝與佳玲相約去愛琴海偷 情,極盡浪漫的鋪墊過後,翻雲覆雨在劉輝的尖叫聲中叫停。無法繼續的二人玩起了遊 戲—“真心話大冒險”。結婚二十週年的夫妻知曉了彼此互不相問的秘密,產生矛盾。 最終,相攜半生的伴侶選擇的了包容與理解;劉輝與佳玲的女兒劉星陽懇求父親讓她參 加“中國夢想秀”,遭到劉輝拒絕,這讓即將遠赴英國學習的劉星陽因為無法完成自己 的夢想而悶悶不樂。劉星陽的同學宋歌安慰劉星陽,同時兩人也產生了青澀純真的初戀 萌芽,但這樣懵懂的感情注定了不會有結果;宋歌的姥姥高霞身患絕症不久於世,臨 終的遺願是為宋歌的姥爺王大齊找個伴兒。接近生命盡頭的愛情是相濡以沫,是波瀾不 驚,是心手相隨,是一種習慣……影片用通過空間的方式講述了一個時間的故事,看似 不相關的五對人卻有著內在聯繫,實則是一對人一輩子的愛情,旨在探討人生中不同的 愛情階段存在於個性之中的共性的的愛情問題。
Convinced that mutants pose a threat to humanity, Dr. Bolivar Trask develops the Sentinels, enormous robotic weapons that can detect a mutant gene and zero in on that person. In the 21st century, the Sentinels have evolved into highly efficient killing machines. With mutants now facing extinction, Wolverine volunteers to go back in time and rally the X-Men of the past to help change a pivotal moment in history and thereby save their future. 故事的設定發生在當下,變種人族群遭到了前所未有 的毀滅性打擊,X教授和萬磁王達成認同,決定讓金剛狼穿越回1973年,找到年輕的X教 授和年輕的萬磁王並說服他們一起阻止魔形女的行動。於是,金剛狼踏上了回到過去的 旅程,但是命運會不會發生逆轉,任何人都無從知曉。
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier 美國隊長2
Amazing Spider-Man 2 超凡蜘蛛俠2
Length: 136mins Director: Anthony Russo/Joe Russo Cast: Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson
Length: 142 mins Director: Marc Webb Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx
When atrocities threaten New York, Spider-Man must protect both its citizens and his loved ones before the city befalls into tragedy.
Steve Rogers, now finding it difficult to fit in to the era of today, leads an assault against a friend turned rival from World War II, a Soviet emissary known as "The Winter Soldier" and his force of a precarious uprising.
每當黑暗勢力威脅到紐約的安全的時候,蜘蛛俠總是 會站出來與之戰鬥保衛紐約的民眾。
紐約大戰兩年後,美國隊長史蒂夫•羅杰斯已經定居 華盛頓,努力適應現代社會的生活。然而當一起神秘 襲擊事件傷害到神盾局的重要人物時,史蒂夫必須重 新出馬,與前蘇聯僱傭兵「冬季戰士」作戰。
The Couplet 酒肆風雪夜
On The Nan Ni Wan Frontier 南泥灣
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
93mins 雲山 田小潔、吳旗、陳鴻錦、曹媛媛
110mins 彭丹 彭丹、任帥、姬他
In the early 50’s, a small riverbank town in the southern part of China had beautiful scenery and a rich culture. Every Lunar New Year, families want to get a new couplet as New Year wishes. It is regarded as a status quo not only for the wording, but also the font, the paper, the calligraphy of the couplet. Wine Shop owner Wang is also among those who are busy preparing for this Lunar New Year tradition with his ten year old son Ming. Due to various reasons, Wang couldn’t finish the couplet. That is a big deal. As he was feeling more and more anxious and helpless, a customer came in and helped solve the problem. From this a deep friendship blossoms…
The movie "Nanniwan" is the story of the 359 brigade of the 120 division of the Eighth Route Army, who pioneered into Nanniwan under an official order in the spring of 1941. They overcame great difficulties to build Nanniwan into the good Jiangnan region from a place without habitation. The film describes a beautiful, solemn and stirring love story of "Miaozi" (Diana Peng) through her diary and inner journey. The Eighth Route Army's soldier became the story of the large-scale crops production campaign in a period of passion and affection. The film tells the great Chinese story of faith and love under conditions of extreme poverty. It blends survival and entrepreneurship, revolution and love into a moving battlefield romance.
五十年代初中國的南方小鎮,靠山傍水,風景秀美,民風淳樸,人文鼎盛。小鎮習俗, 每到新年,家家都要換新的對聯,不單內容、平仄對仗不容忽視,落在紙上的字體、書 法,更是路人、鄰里評價高低的對象。遠近聞名的王家酒肆王老板懷抱著自家陳釀, 牽著十歲的兒子明娃子也和眾人一樣在年尾忙著換新的對聯,卻因種種原因竟然沒能寫 上,這可是大事啊。眼看著鎮上林家酒鋪、杏花酒館紛紛換上了從縣城請來的新聯。王 老板彷彿熱鍋裏的螞蟻焦急無奈。 沒想到因為路過的酒客從容解決,並和王老板結下了 一段純樸感人超越地位的深情 ⋯⋯
電影《南泥灣》講述的就是1941年春,八路軍一二○師三五九旅某先遣連奉命開進南 泥灣,戰勝重重困難,將荒無人煙的南泥灣建設成陝北好江南的故事。影片以一名八路 軍女戰士「苗子」(彭丹飾)的日記和心路歷程為線索,描述了在那段激情燃燒的歲月 裡,在轟轟烈烈的大生產運動中,一段淒美而悲壯的愛情故事。影片講訴了在物質極端 貧乏的情況下,中國人對信仰和愛情的堅守。將生存和創業,革命和愛情,譜寫成了一 曲感人至深的戰地浪漫曲。
Hushed Roar 咆哮無聲 Length: Director: Cast:
The Search of Sounds 尋找聲音的耳朵 Length: Director: Cast:
106mins 蕭峰 李立群、李宗翰、劉芸
Through the perspective of contemporary people looking at the heroic people who lost their lives during World War II, they witness the disaster brought to mankind by the Japanese invaders in China. The movie gives a profound reflection on human warfare. The movie appeals to every person living in today's world filled with violent behavior to employ the warmth of humanity, introspection and tolerance to defuse the ethnic hatred brought by the war, to live in harmony and to share the happiness and goodness. By using the poetry and painting style of a narrative form, the film shows a tragic story to the contemporary audience that eight hundred young soldiers struggled bravely on the battlefield in order to resist the invaders and defend the homeland and then jumped into the Yellow River to safeguard the dignity of life.
83min 張忱婷 邵立君、李正昊、丁樂怡
A young boy from countryside has a magic bottle with which he can enjoy the true sound of nature, such as the whistle of the wind, the beat of the raindrop, the singing of ants and even the growth of the cucumber in the garden. However, the unexpected suddenly happened to him after his family migrated to a large city. The bottle was broken, he lost his hearing, and then.... 鄉下男孩,有個魔瓶,喜歡聽風,聽雨,聽螞蟻唱歌,聽 黃瓜長個兒,然而搬家到城里後,魔瓶碎了,耳朵丟了 ⋯⋯
電影《咆哮無聲》通過當代人視角去尋找因戰爭逝去的英靈,耳聞目睹二戰時期日本侵 華戰爭給人類帶來的滅頂之災,進而對人類戰爭有了深刻反思。影片呼籲每一個生存在 當今這個充滿暴力的地球上的人們,用人性的溫暖,用反省和寬容來化解戰爭帶來的民 族仇恨,和諧共處,同享幸福美好。影片運用詩畫風格的敘事形態,將當年為抵抗侵略 者保衛家園的八百名年輕人戰死疆場,為了維護生命尊嚴勇敢跳崖投黃河的悲壯故事展 現給當代觀眾。
The Sacred Arrow 五彩神箭 Length: Director: Cast:
96mins 萬瑪才旦 仁青頓珠、索郎尼馬、德姬
Last Flight 絕命航班
This film tells of the thousand year old Amdo Tibetan tradition of the Archery Competition. Through the story of two villages, along came the traditional youth archery competition, the yearly conflict, the friendships, love entanglements, ancient traditions and spiritual practices. In a new and changing era, Tibetans carry forward their cultural heritage from generation to generation, forming an endless story.
Length: Director: Cast:
86mins 周文武貝 艾德•維斯特維克、朱珠、李晨浩
An old Boeing 747 is ready to take off for its last red-eye flight from Good-Luck Island to Singapore. Due to the dramatic reduction in the number of passengers, this service line will be cancelled after this last flight. After the plane takes off, a series of mysterious events happen one after another.
這是一部以延續上千年的青海尖扎農區五彩神箭傳統比賽為背景的影片。通過兩個村莊 的年輕人在一年一度的射箭比賽中的衝突、友誼以及愛情糾葛等為線索,講述這種具有 精神像徵意義的傳統在當下的境遇,表現新時代的藏族人繼續發揚和傳承這種極具特色 的民族文化,將此精神代代相傳,生生不息的故事。
一架老舊的波音747飛機準備進行其最後一次夜間飛行, 載著僅有的九位乘客從位於太平洋中心的好運島飛往新加 坡。由於乘客的銳減,該航線已經被取消。飛機起飛後,怪事便不斷在這趟最後的航班 上發生,先是土著老太突發癲狂非要帶孫女下機;又是商務艙電視螢幕離奇中斷;接著 又是自閉症女孩舉止詭異,最後連空姐杰西卡也神秘失踪……不安的氣氛開始在機艙裡 蔓延,直至杰西卡被發現慘死在洗手間,身上留有奇怪的傷痕,飛機上僅有的十四個人 開始陷入恐慌之中,而這時危險也正一步步地逼近……
A TRAP 局2:潛逃
My Seven Years 我的七年
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
87mins 宋星月 王帥、張育愷、潘澍
“A Trap” is a sequel to “Maze”. Lieutenant Liu released Dang HaoSen. Dang hid in the border town of Shan’Xi and He Bei. Zhang Kai killed Lieutenant Liu and framed it on Dang Haosen. On the run, Dang HaoSen met female police officer Qin Qing. Qin saw the real Dang Haosen and knew he was not the killer. Rather, he was a man with justice and love. Qin fell in love, and decided to help Dang get back his freedom. Dang didn’t know the true identity of Qin. No one knew the trap Zhang Kai set up didn’t go with the original plan. Instead, Zhang has raised a lot of suspicions among the investigation group. How is Dang HaoSen going to end up? What is Zhang Kai going to do?
This movie tells a story of a graduated college student Yike Yang who volunteered teaching in the mountainous village. He felt for the terrible living conditions and studying environment of poor village children. Because of this decision to stay in the village, his girlfriend broke up with him. He thought of giving up, but when he looked at these children and their eager eyes of wanting to study, he decided to stay. And then, 7 years quickly went by… 本片講述剛剛大學畢業的楊亦可到貧困山區做支教的故事,山區裡孩子們艱苦的生活環 境及學習環境,深深地觸動著他的內心深處,由於在山區做支教的緣故,他的女朋友也 與其分手,他曾想過放棄,可當他看到孩子們渴望求學的眼神,他决定留了下來,這一 留就是七年⋯⋯
電影《局II:潜逃》是延續著獨立電影《局》的故事內容繼續向未來發展的續集。黨皓琛 被劉警官放了一馬,躲到了山西與河北交接的一個小縣城。張愷身負重傷,之後張愷槍 殺劉警官,把一切罪名全部加在黨皓琛頭上。黨皓琛在潜逃路上英勇相助,從此結識女 警秦晴,秦晴感受到了真實的黨皓琛並不是一個「殺人犯」、「潛逃犯」,而是一個極 富愛心的正義感的人,秦晴愛上了黨皓琛,並决心幫助他找回公正和自由。但黨皓琛不 知道秦晴的身份是警察。誰也沒有預料到張愷精心策劃的「局」並沒有按照他預先設計 的方向發展。反而張愷的動作過多引起了專案組內部的懷疑。黨皓琛命指何方?張愷又 做何選擇?
Shanghai 1924 上海1924 Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 李華彤 洪劍濤、姜欣雨、張博
The film tells a story of a great adventure, thrilling yet humorous, all happening in one day. Although time is very short, each character gets completely exhausted at the end. Jiantao Hong plays a boss whose married life is a “weak link”. On the surface level, he lives in a villa, drives luxury cars, and looks like a man with unlimited fortune. In reality, everything he got is from his wife. After seven years of rocky marriage, they start to drift apart. Hong has a mistress, and was caught by his wife. She hired a private detective to film Hong and his mistress, using it to threaten Hong. In order to destroy the evidence, Hong hired a thief to steal the tape, only to have the thief get caught in the act. How is this “Scandal” going to play out..?
實行了國共兩黨首度合作的1924年,時年三十一歲的毛澤東沒有料想到,國民黨上海執 行部為他派往湖南長沙接護他妻女來上海的交通員,竟然會在登船离滬之時被上海奉系 軍閥當局拘捕,並代之以一名偵緝處的偵探。時任中共中央秘書的毛澤東,被任命為國 民黨上海執行部組織部的秘書,因其主任胡漢民离滬赴粵,實際上主持了上海地區國民 黨組織的整頓工作。他以極大的熱情和原則立場推進兩黨合作的各項工作,包括重新登 記黨員、招考黃埔軍校學員、推進基層黨部成立,也由此引起了國民黨右派的嫉恨,對 他實行重重圍攻⋯⋯
該片講述了一個極其驚險、刺激却又不失幽默的故事,僅僅發生在一天之內,雖然時間 非常短,但是一些驚險的情節却讓每個主角都累到趴下。片中,洪劍濤飾演的老闆是個 吃軟飯的「弱勢男」,住著洋房、開著豪車,貌似腰纏萬貫,實際上這些都是靠著老婆 一手打下的「江山」。兩人在經歷了七年之癢後,婚姻却逐漸走向破裂。洪劍濤在外偷 偷包小三,被老婆發現,老婆又雇私家偵探把兩人偷情的過程拍了下來,以此要挾他「 淨身出戶」。為了不讓老婆抓住把柄,洪劍濤又雇小偷去老婆那裡偷走拍下來的證據, 結果小偷盜竊時被警察逮住了,本可以息事寧人的離婚事件最後越鬧越大。
City Gate 城市門 Length: Director: Cast:
City Nanchuang 1948 城南庄1948 Length: Director: Cast:
100mins 吳天戈 黃海冰、武文佳、陳龍
With the first cooperation between CCP and KMT in 1924, the thirty-one year old Mao Zedong did not expect the officer who was sent by KMT Shanghai Enforcement Division to guard Mao’s wife and daughter from Changsha to Shanghai, is arrested by the Fengtian clique warlord in Shanghai and replaced by an investigator. Mao was the secretary of the CCP Central Committee at the time and was appointed as Secretary of the Organization Department of the KMT Shanghai Enforcement Division, and its director Hu left Shanghai for Guangdong, thus Mao actually presided over the consolidation of the KMT in Shanghai organization. His great enthusiasm and principled stance to promote bipartisanship work, including the re-registration of party members, recruit members to Whampoa Military Academy, and promote the grassroots of the party. It generated much dislike from right wing of the KMT and imposed on him heavily. Meanwhile, Shanghai warlord authorities are constantly investigating the whereabouts of the CCP officials, in an attempt to eradicate them.
Scandals 囧人之越撓越癢 Length: Director: Cast:
96mins 張華 馬曉燦、王駿毅、謝昀彬
93mins 孫沙 常寧國、李桂蓮
Movie "City Gate" tells the tough course of an old farmer experiencing the change of times. Over the years, villagers of Zhangqi worked from sunrise to sunset in harmony with nature. The Qinhan Drums, their cultural treasure, had been played for over a thousand years. Due to the urbanization of China, they are forced to start a new life in the big city. Desheng and his group of folks now live in the city but still want to continue the tradition of playing the Qinhan Drums. City regulations prohibit drum playing but that did not change Desheng’s passion for the tradition. He wants to go back to the countryside where he grew up…
90min 吳樾 吳樾、王瑛、劉勁
Movie “City Nanchuang 1948” tells the story of an important gathering for the Communist Party on the verge of China’s liberation. The Communist leaders met in City of Nanchuang to discuss the deployment of battle strategies. Kuomintang (China Nationalist Party) planned to assassin Mao Zedong in Nanchuang. After many battles with the Kuomintang, Communist party smashed the enemy’s plan, setting tone for the liberation victory that resulted in the independence of China.
掌旗寨村村民德勝老漢因不願離開故土而拒絕徵地搬遷。趙書記親自登門拜訪他,令其 在期限最後一天搬進城。然而,走出了農村卻未能馬上走進城市,各種問題接踵而來。 在趙書記的幫助下,德勝和村民們經過自身努力終於從心理上跨過城市門的門檻,充滿 自信地開始了新生活。
電影《城南庄1948》講述了解放前夕,中國共產黨的重要領導人聚集城南庄,部署解放 戰爭最後的戰略動向,此時中國國民黨反動派試圖策劃一起在河北城南庄刺殺毛澤東的 計劃。幾經周折,經過我軍指戰員與敵人的鬥志鬥勇,最終粉碎了敵人的這一計劃,並 為中國解放戰爭勝利作出巨大的貢獻。
Gun Transit 槍過境
Hequ Horse 河曲馬 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
92mins 多智合 才華加、薩爾措、關卻乎
A policeman Zhengjian Hua took a long ride to get to his new workplace, a small town named Wu Han Te near the border of Inner Mongolia. He met his new partner Ma Wu, and their first assignment was to escort sheep to the farmers and promote community safety guidelines. The farmers made fun of Ma by saying the government said it would send a wife to Ma; instead, he received a man. On the way back to the police station, they ran into two men, one woman and a small truck. One guy was taking a leak whey he stepped on a trap left by local hunters. Ma treated his injuries and thus saving his life. When they got back to the station, they realized the injured guy from earlier is Xiong Kui, head of the most wanted local drug cartel. They set out to catch him but spent the next two days without avail. Finally, they found the truck but no one around. Ma kept on tracking the gang while Zhengjian stayed by the truck. After Ma reached Inner Mongolia, he was unexpectedly knocked out. Xiong Kui realized he was the one who saved his life. All of a sudden, Ma went undercover and joined the cartel. The two of them started to plan the extermination of the cartel.
Multiple championship-winning horse, Black Eagle, attracted attention from everyone during the Naadam Festival race. After winning once again as the top horse, many sought to become the new owner of Black Eagle. 蟬聯冠軍馬黑鷹,在為那達慕而準備的小型賽馬會上出盡 了風頭,賽後多方勢力爭奪這匹冠軍馬的故事在草原深處 悄悄展開。
The Ili River 伊犁河 Length: Director: Cast:
106mins 王景光 王瀾、涓子、張玉龍
鄭堅華坐著長途車穿越無人區來到了他實踐的基層單位,美麗的內蒙古邊境小村烏汗 特,他看到的却是一個正在給牧民分羊的牧民麻五,他就是警察。麻五很忙,轉身就開 始了工作,鄭堅華饒有興趣的和他一起參與工作,麻五的工作首先是給牧民們送羊,順 便進行牧區防火安全宣傳,村民們開玩笑說國家要給麻五發媳婦,結果發了個男人,鄭 堅華十分不舒服。他們在回去時遇到了兩男一女和一輛小貨車,一個男子下去撒尿的時 候,竟然被獵戶投放的獵夾子給打了小腿,痛苦不堪,麻五給這人緊急治療,包好了傷 口,送走了他們。回到警務室兩人都傻了眼,白天救的那個人竟然是通緝令上的販毒頭 目雄奎,患有大疤、雅圖麗。怎麼辦?他們依然作出决定,追!花了兩天的時間追到邊 境,兩人又傻了眼,只找到了通緝犯藏起來的小貨車,却不見罪犯的影子,他們不得不 做出决定,麻五追踪偵察,鄭堅華和槍留在小貨車附近等待。無意潜入外蒙古邊境的麻 五沒看到人就被打昏了,雄奎發現了被綁著的麻五是自己的救命恩人,麻五得救了。成 功打入販毒集團內部的麻五,開始醞釀著對毒販們的剿滅。
On the Ili River Valley Ranch, there is a bee-keeping family who are of the Hui ethnic group. Their son Alsat was raised on the ranch. He loves horseback riding, swimming in the river, and enjoys the simple life. When he grew up, he learned the skills to carve jade and was eager to study at a university. When Alsat turned 16, a Jade master from Shanghai University Jade department showed up on the ranch who turned out to be the biological mother of Alsat. His adopted mother Fatumai had mixed feelings but finally made the tough decision to let Alsat go with his mom to Shanghai because she wants Alsat to follow his dream. Several years later, when Alsat got accepted to a university near the ranch and returned home, he learned that Fatumai had just passed away… 在伊犁河谷的牧場,有一戶養蜂的回族人家,他們的孩子阿爾薩從小就生活在草根世界 裡,經歷騎馬、游河及轉場搬遷等簡單快樂的牧場生活,特別喜歡伊犁河床上的奇石。 長大後的阿爾薩與人學習玉雕並渴望能考到上海的大學成為玉雕師。 16歲那年,上海的 漢族玉雕師蘇婭來到了他們的木屋,一下子激起了蜂場的波瀾,原來她才是阿爾薩的生 母!養母法圖麥百感交集,並作出了艱難的決斷:讓孩子跟隨生母去上海,實現他的夢 想!而她自己卻選擇了寂寞堅守,在隱忍中期待未來……幾年過去了,當阿爾薩考回新 疆的大學並回到牧場看望養母時,法圖麥卻剛剛離世,面對著山腳下的伊犁河!
Tim‘s Son 梯瑪和他的兒子 Length: Director: Cast:
I am wolf 我是狼 Length: Director:
90mins 梁杰 安澤豪、方力申、王雙寶
86mins 韓萬峰 張凱、彭英子、趙熙琳
This movie depicts the story of a Tujia Tima, who provided medical treatment for free for 40 years in his hometown.
94mins 于勝軍
土家族人又稱畢茲卡人,影片通過一名叫彭家明的省城醫 生趕回老家料理父親喪事的過程,向觀眾講述了一個普通 土家族父親作為一名鄉村梯瑪,在四十多年來,執著於為 百姓行醫治病的故事。
I am a Wolf tells a story about a Rabbit whose name was Ear and his best friend Small White Wolf. There was a happy Rabbit Village in a remote cave. Strangely, the leading character Ear had a good friend who was a white wolf. Of course, nobody knew this white little guy was a real wolf, not even the Village Head, the Priest, or the Small White Wolf himself. Small White Wolf and Red Rabbit Ear grew up together. The biggest happiness of Small White Wolf was to live a happy life with his Rabbit Mother and Ear. One day, the Priest unexpectedly found out that this friendly big guy may actually be a wolf. Then he tried to get rid of the wolf by placing a curse on him. At the end, Small White Wolf had to tell Ear the truth in order to save Ear’s life. After learning the truth, Ear cried for his mistake of blaming his best friend. Even though he wanted to stop Small White Wolf, but it was too late for his best friend had turned into a piece of rock. Holding the Life Fruit that was paid for with the life of Small White Wolf, Ear thought of the last words by him, “Dear Ear, please do not mind I’m a wolf.”
Legend of the Panda 熊貓故事 Length: Director: Cast:
78mins 田榮 吳月婷、沈嘉鈺、李雨晴
Giant panda "wen wen" is the narrator of four different stories. 8 million years ago, a large wild fire, forcing the panda "baby" to deal with the sabre-toothed cats and hyenas group... 2 million years ago, during the glacier era, panda "Kerr" became best friends with a turbulent great ape...
《我是狼》是講在一個與世隔絕的天坑裡住著一群無憂無慮的兔子,與這群兔子不相宜 的是主人公耳朵卻有一隻白狼兄弟。當然,沒有人知道這隻白狼是隻狼,包括小白狼自 己,也包括村長和祭司。小白狼和紅兔耳朵一起長大,小白狼最大的幸福就是能和媽媽 (兔媽媽)、兄弟一起永遠快樂的生活。好景不長,祭司意外的發現這個看似憨厚的大個 子可能是一隻狼,他想找個機會趕走這隻狼。在最後的關頭,狼自願的,不得已的,為 了救兔子,說出了事情的真相。兔子知道自己錯了,他知道自己錯怪了兄弟,他泣不成 聲,他想阻止小白狼,可是已經來不及了。因為他的兄弟——小白狼已經變成了石頭。 兔子拿到用狼的生命換取來的生命之果,耳邊響著小白狼臨死前說的最後一句話: “耳朵 請別介意,我是一隻狼!”
這是大熊貓「文文」講述的四則故事。 800萬年前,突如 其來的火災,迫使熊貓「寶寶」不得不與劍齒虎和鬣狗群 左右週旋……200萬年前,冰河降臨,熊貓「可兒」成為了狂暴巨猿最親密的朋友……
The Story Of China Flower 張麗莉老師的故事
We Will Make it Right 因為谷桂花
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
93mins 劉抒鵑 張聰迪、保劍鋒、宋曉英
Tong Yueyue, an electrical engineer in Changshan City, commits hit-and-run on a rainy night with her husband Ma Jiancheng.. They both feel guilty and drive back to take the victim to the hospital. Two pedestrians witness this action and appraise Tong and Ma for their heroic act. To find out the victim’s identity, Tong follows a note on her to Dongshan Village. Tong finds the Xie family and learns that the victim is Gu Guihua, Xie’s daughter-inlaw. Tong also learns that there are two young children left at home with their old grandmother. In the meantime, Gu Guihua wakes up but suffers from amnesia. Tong and Ma take her back home to stay with them. Tong starts to feel guiltier after she learns that both Gu’s husband and father-in-law have been missing from a sea voyage. Struggling with their conscience, Tong and Ma eventually come to realize that only truth and honesty can be their redemption.
The film centers around the theme of “Love”, with the rescue of “The Heroin” Zhang Li-li as its main storyline. Using documentary aesthetics and a non-linear narrative style, through detailed depictions of Zhang Li-li’s rescue and recovery process, the film recreated Zhang Li-li’s passion for education and her positive and tough spirit while enduring the amputation of both legs above the knees. The film realistically documented the government and the communist party’s care and love for Zhang Li-li, and the public’s gratitude and love for the “Most Beautiful Teacher” who has touched China. 影片以「愛」為主題,以搶救「捨己救人」的張麗莉為主綫,用紀實的風格,采用時空 交錯的電影手法,通過對張麗莉的搶救和康復過程的叙述,再現了張麗莉以「愛」教育 學生和雙腿高位截肢後樂觀面對與堅強前行的先進事蹟,也真實記錄了黨和政府對張麗 莉的關心和關愛,以及社會各界對感動中國「最美女教師」的真摯情感。
長山市電力工程師童月月(顏丙燕飾)和設計師馬建成(保劍鋒飾)雨夜撞人逃逸,二 人良心不安又返回救人,反被路人及媒體認為是見義勇為的「英雄」。童月月根據女人 身上的字條來到東山村謝家,確定自己撞傷的女人就是進城打工的兒媳谷桂花,而家中 只剩兩個年幼的女兒及年邁的阿婆。長山市裡,谷桂花記憶全失,只得住在馬家;東山 村中,女兒思母心切,丈夫遭遇海逝,這一切都給童月月帶來巨大的心理負擔。在良心 的煎熬之中,童月月和馬建成一步步走上坦白真相的道路……謝家父子失踪三年期限已 到,村長宣布了海逝。馬建成給童月月打電話,說想要將谷桂花送回村中。回到家中, 馬建成把撞人始末向谷桂花坦白。童月月在馬建成的陪同下投案自首。
The Biggest Toad in the Puddle 水煮金蟾 Length: Director: Cast:
何蔚庭 范雷、楊靜兒、王曉曦
As highway construction expands in Toad Village, four households faced the demolition and the redistribution of homestead. To be fair, it was agreed that the land will be distributed by blind selection. However, the honest villager Tian Sheng was taken advantage of by the others and got an unwanted patch of land. However, in the process of digging a well on his land, Tian Sheng dug out a hot spring, which caused an instant sensation in the village. The owner of a mine, Wang Liming used all kinds of means to force Tian to give up the hot spring. Meanwhile, Si Hun asked the village chief to reallocate the land, and got a drilling team to dig a well toward the hot spring in Tian Sheng's house. On the other hand, Tian’s Wife Xia Ying suddenly received a visit from her long lost classmate from years ago. Gifts and dinners invitations were all part of the plan to gain a share of profit from the hot spring. A series of village style comedy takes place…
Baby Sorry 寶貝•對不起 Length: Director: Cast:
100mins 潘禮平 王艷、邵兵、邵子恆、馬景濤、小小彬
They are proud, spoiled, lazy, and ignorant... If they lose that silver spoon, how will they grow up, experience the real meaning of love, and independently face the reality of life? 他們驕縱不馴、嬌氣霸蠻、五穀不分、四體不勤...... 假如他 們無須背負無辜光環,將如何跨越成長、領會親情要義; 獨立真實的面對生活呢?
蛤蟆村因高速路佔地,有四戶人家面臨拆遷分配宅基地。為了公平起見,大家同意抓鬮 分配,然而,老實巴交的村民田勝被四混等人欺負,抓到了一塊沒人要的爛地。 在蓋房打井的過程中,田勝家的爛地裡打出了溫泉,轟動全村,平時默默無聞的田勝, 立刻成了全村各色人眼中的香餑餑,官員、親友、老闆紛紛前來試探,冀望從中取利, 礦主王利明軟硬兼施,用各種手段逼迫陷害田勝要他交出溫泉;村霸四混找村長要重新 分地,並找來打井隊要求往田勝家溫泉方向打井;妻子夏英十幾年不見的老同學忽然找 上門來,又送禮又請吃飯,目的是要在溫泉開發上分得一杯羹。為了這塊溫泉大家各懷 鬼胎,上演連場黑色幽默的鄉村喜劇橋段。
Watchmen in the Wind 守望者 Length: Director:
73mins 梁必欣
"Target Locked", a documentary based on true story, was produced by August First Film Studio in 2013. It tells a love story about military ranked officials - from captains, to Lieutenant, to officer cadets, and their lives in the high desert in order to protect the railroad. Loyalty and persistence are the true characters of these military servicemen. They have to go through a lot of hardship and homesickness. There are only strong wind and yellow sand year after year instead of green trees and beautiful flowers in Badain Jaran Desert in the Western China. Officials and cadets are just like nails sticking to the railway track, protecting the Satellite Launching Station in Gansu Province. The railway track is like the string and the crosstie is like the key. These soldiers play a song of praise while sacrifice their youth.
Fantastic Adventure 終極大冒險 Length: Director: Cast:
98mins 劉抒鵑 顏丙燕、保劍鋒、薑宏波、宋曉英
83mins 孫立軍
White-collar Sticky Rice is sent by his new supervisor Kuba to sell security doors on a mystical island with no thief or robbers! When he meets with repeated rejections and becomes desperate, the female photographer Soda who is on the trip with him help to give him new hope! When Sticky Rice’s sales performance finally starts to pick up, trouble comes one after another. With his own future and career on one side, and the fate of the island and the trust of Soda on the other side, what decision will the hesitant Sticky Rice make in the end? Can he pull through the adversity and turn the situation around? What lies ahead is a fantastic adventure for Rice and Soda…
2013年八一廠推出了現實題材紀錄片《守望者》,講述了在大漠深處守護鐵路的官兵—— 連長、排長、班長、戰士四個人各自的愛情故事。在長期忍受相思之苦、曲折坎坷的愛 情故事背後,是這些官兵們堅實的信念與忠誠的堅守。在祖國西部大漠腹地的巴丹吉 林,那裡沒有綠樹,沒有鮮花,只有常年呼嘯的大風和漫捲的黃沙。官兵們像道釘一樣 牢牢釘在那裡,堅守在那通往甘肅酒泉衛星發射基地——飛天征程的鐵軌上,鐵軌有如琴 弦,而枕木就是鍵盤,戰士們用無悔的青春彈奏著一曲生命的讚歌。
兩個生活完全不搭界的人,懷揣著不同的目標,共同來到一座神秘的小島。他們遇到各 種離奇古怪的島民,發生各種搞笑不斷的事,還有隱藏在暗處的敵人的爪牙正向他們襲 來,他們能否成功殺出重圍?迎接他們的,將是一場未知的終極大冒險……
Zen 禪境宜春
Norjmaa 諾日吉瑪
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
78mins 唐颯 毛建舟、張琬其
104mins 巴音額日樂 巴德瑪、寶音賀希格、塗們
Norjmaa is a Mongolian herder who raises sheep, cows, and horses. All her loved ones went to the war and never came back. Battles of Khalkhyn Gol broke out during WWII between Japan and Russia. Norjmaa rescued two injured soldiers, one Japanese, and one Russian. She took them back to her hut and treated their wounds, thereby saving their lives. However, when the two enemies slowly recovered from their wounds, they still saw each other as enemies and intended to kill each other. Norjmaa has war wounds of her own from her troubled past to deal with. Can she stop the two soldiers from trying to kill each other when all three of them speak a different language?
Zen is the first film to record the culture of Zen in China, which aims at spiritual enlightenment. The shooting process lasted for one year. The film crew visited famous Zen temples and sought for Zen stories on public record through history, which have deeply influenced people's daily lives. The film refrained from religious preaching, instead tries to present, from a cultural perspective, the quintessence of these public stories of Zen in a vivid and innovative way. It also reveals the Zen spirit of “simplicity, nature and harmony” by documenting modern life. The film follows practitioners, retirees, ordinary people, artist and businessman. Without exception, they all fulfill the notion of “respect for nature and kindness to people” in their own lives. Eating a meal is Zen. Having tea is also Zen. Zen is omnipresent in life.
諾日吉瑪孤身一人,從未結過婚。她的家庭成員是羊,牛,馬等動物。她的戀人多年前 參軍走後毫無音訊。諾門罕戰役打響了。諾日吉瑪在戰爭廢墟裡發現了受重傷的俄羅斯 兵瓦西里和日本兵阿薩努,她用蒙古族傳統藥物和方法救活了他們。窄小的蒙古包裡, 三個國家的人,說著三種語言,開始了無休無止的戰爭。
《禪境宜春》是中國首次以電影形態紀錄禪宗文化的作品,是一部旨在開啟心性的影片。 該片拍攝歷時一年,攝製組訪遍了禪宗的名寺祖庭,尋找了從古至今流傳廣泛,對人們生 活影響較深的禪宗公案故事。影片盡量避開宗教的說教,而是從文化角度,用生動創新的 手法巧妙的道出了禪宗公案故事的思想精髓,也通過記錄現代人的生活,體現了禪宗「簡 單、自然、和諧」精神。片中人物既有修行者,也有退休職工、普通百姓、畫家、商人。 但無一例外,他們都在自己的生活中踐行了「尊重自然、與人為善」的理念。吃飯是禪, 喝茶是禪,生活中處處皆是禪。
The Sweet River 小河親過我的臉 Length: Director: Cast:
The Youth 最青春 Length: Director: Cast:
92mins 鐘海 蔣夢婕、繆俊傑
Shortly after the Cultural Revolution, Peng Yiran was elected to be a member of the Line Education Working Crew and sent to the Xia Zhou Production Team, in Mao Er. He was only 17 years old then. A pretty girl named Cai Feng took him to a beautiful village. In the villagers’ eyes, he was just a kid. The task of the Line Education Working Crew was to carry out the basic plan about class struggle. Over there, he met a village leader who
96mins 齊為民 齊栩楠、陳嘉銘、黑妹
Fu Lei is constantly worried about her daughter Jia. After years of scolding, Jia began to develop personality disorders. One day after school, Jia ran into a neighbor’s little boy who got lost. She brought the boy and his cat up to the roof and threw the poor cat off the balcony. Neighbors started gossiping about the incident which led Fu to realize her mistakes in bringing up her daughter. She finally decides to change her ways with Jia so they can both be better. Three boys from rich families met Lu Jie and introduced her to their lavish lifestyle. Lu then brought a young girl to their party. Unfortunately, the young girl overdosed from drugs and alcohol and paid the ultimate price… Long Ge has recruited a group of children to steal for him. Qiang couldn’t stand this anymore and wanted to get out of the situation. He went to a female cop and slipped her a piece of paper. Eventually Long Ge was arrested, and all the children were freed.
didn’t care about this at all… 那是在文化大革命剛結束的日子,彭一然被選為「路線教育工作隊」的隊員,派往貓耳 人民公社下洲生產隊。那一年,他17歲。美麗的彩鳳姑娘把他接到一個美麗的小村。在 鄉親的眼睛裏,他還只是一個孩子。「路教工作隊」下鄉的任務,就是貫徹以階級鬥爭 為綱的基本路線,在貓耳,他却遇到了一位腦子中完全沒有繃著階級鬥爭那根弦的農村 幹部……
付蕾一直對女兒腦子受傷的事耿耿於懷。常年的壓抑讓她把責駡變成了教導女兒的唯一 方式,而女兒的性格也在壓抑委屈的沉默中漸漸扭曲。一次放學回家,曉佳正巧遇上王 奶奶家走丟的小孫子,她把小孩和撿到的一隻猫帶上了天臺,生氣的把猫扔下了樓。這 件事立馬被鄰居傳得沸沸揚揚,各種議論傳到了耳朵裡,付蕾才意識到,自己以前的錯 誤教育,深深懊悔的她决心和孩子一起改正。三個少年有著不一樣的家庭,却是一樣被 金錢寵溺,又被父母感情忽略。一次偶然,他們碰見了陸潔。陸潔光鮮亮麗的生活, 引起了好友王麗店裡美甲妹的羨慕,為了帶美甲妹長見識,陸潔把她帶到了跟向陽三人 的聚會中。可慘劇卻在這時候發生,因為被灌酒和吸食毒品,美甲妹付出了年輕的生 命……龍哥利用孩子年紀小,不會引起大人戒心而訓練他們偷盜。忍受不了的小胖提出 逃跑,而紅菱却擔心即使逃跑他們也無處依靠。這時,小強想起一次偷到過的女警察, 忽然有一個大膽的想法。小強找到了女警察並塞給她一張求救的紙條,這個異動也傳到 了龍哥的耳中。最終女警察和同事的圍捕,將龍哥繩之以法。而被龍哥「收養」的孩子 也在救助後不再受控制,過上正常的生活。
The Floating Shadow 浮出水面的影子 Length: Director: Cast:
95mins 賈東朔 李佳、沈傲君、姜武
For years, soft-spoken kindergarten teacher Lu has been haunted by horrific memories of rape and domestic violence. Her dark childhood drove her to murdering her husband. A police investigator is determined to uncover Lu’s unspeakable past and save her from life imprisonment - but in the process, an even darker side of Lu came to surface... 多年來,一位性格溫和的幼兒園老師一直被可怕的強姦和 家暴的恐怖回憶所折磨。黑暗的童年經歷迫使她喪失理智,殺死了自己的丈夫。一位警 方調查員决定幫助她擺脫難以啓齒的過去和無期徒刑的罪責。但是,過程中,更加黑暗 恐怖的故事陸續曝光了。
Once Upon a Time in the Old Bridge 大峰祖師
Judge Zhan 南平紅荔
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
102mins 張蠡 許還山,俞灝明,安貞京
In the Song Dynasty, there was a river separating two groups of people immersed in hatred. Monk Dafeng, at the age of 80, decided to raise money and build a bridge in order to reconcile the people on both sides of the river. However, he was falsely accused of corruption. Designated to investigate the corruption, Xiao Li, a young officer, almost got himself behind bars in the process. Feng Hou, dismissed due to depravity, was desperate to find the legendary gold mirror so as to get his former position back. What Feng didn't expect is that Mingyue, his wife, was killed. Ansheng, a mysterious Korean noble came all the way from Nanjing to Chaoyang, spent all day building boats only to tear them down, and eventually committed suicide using poison. Monk Dafeng tells a story of resolving conflicts and creating peace between contradicting sides by constructing a bridge of communication.
"As a judge, we should deal carefully with the relationship between justice and mercy. We should be strict in handling the issue, but merciful towards the people." said Zhan Hongli, a juvenile court judge in Nanping, Fujian province. Xiao Cui was assigned to work as Zhan's assistant, but he wasn’t accustomed to Zhan's working method. When they tried a case about juvenile delinquency, Xiao Cui expressed his dissatisfaction to Zhan on the judgment. He didn't agree to the indemnity clause. Zhan Hongli explained to him the reasons of the judgment honestly. Xiao was moved by Zhan's patience. After juvenile delinquents are released from the prison, they are known as rebirth juveniles. Many of them are not educated or do not know how to fit into the real world. To restore their confidence, Zhan set up a performance by the rebirth youths and monthly activities to help reintegrate them into society. They had some success but many still faced difficulties. Fang Chao was one of them. He had been sentenced to 1 year in prison for theft. After being released, he was discriminated against by society. He couldn't take it and committed suicide. Fang Chao's death was a huge shock to Zhan. She decided to create a feasible method to enable the delinquent teenagers to better adapt to society. She got a lot of support from her colleagues. Not only was Zhan busy with her new program, she also had to tend to her family’s needs. However, one day, the Discipline Inspection Department received an anonymous letter accusing Zhan of unfair judgment and coersion. Zhan was under a great amount of distress. She tried to remain strong in front of her colleagues but broke down in front of her husband who wholeheartedly supports her. The victims of the case came forward with the damages they received to prove the judge's innocence. The defendant's wife also came to the inspection department to bear witness to Zhan's innocence...
宋代的潮陽,一條大江阻隔著積怨甚深的兩岸民眾。八十多歲的大峰和尚為溝通兩岸 而化緣建橋,卻有人告其貪污善款;年輕捕快小栗授命查辦此案,却險些身陷囹圄; 因貪腐被解職回鄉的馮侯希冀找到傳說中的黃金寶鏡而官復原職,沒想到夫人明月卻死 於非命;神秘的高麗貴族安生,從京城來到潮陽後,整天地造船、拆船,結果却服毒自 盡….影片以大峰和尚化緣建橋為故事線索,以橋喻禪,以古喻今。影片中的南岸和北 岸,擬喻一切事物的對立、矛盾和衝突,包括貧窮與富貴、文明與荒蠻;看似物化的 橋樑,實則在向世人闡釋一個真理:只要竭力構建溝通的橋樑,即可化解矛盾、消除誤 解,從而達到社會和諧、百姓安康的目的。
Ride with Mr. Wright 遇見海南人 Length: Director: Cast:
95mins 董玲 鄔君梅、唐以諾、艾麗婭
「為法官者,應當以公平為念而勿忘慈悲,應當以嚴厲的眼光對事,而悲憫的眼光對 人。」這是福建省南平市延平區人民法院少年審判庭庭長詹紅荔經常念叨的一句話。 小崔是分配來的研究生,作為詹紅荔的助手,小崔對詹紅荔的工作方法不太適應。在審 理一起少年過失致人死亡案時,小崔對詹紅荔的不滿終於爆發。詹紅荔向小崔闡述了賠 償不到位其實失去了開庭的意義。審判結束後不久,小崔聽說受害人家屬一次性賠償到 位,由衷地感嘆道:「十八趟,十八萬,值了。」法院組織文藝匯演,詹紅荔提議少 年庭和新生少年一起表演,起初少年們不大同意,這讓詹紅荔深感意外,開始反思。最 終,以方超為首的新生少年决定參加演出,而小崔為首的同事們也積極配合,演出獲 得極大成功。詹紅荔欣慰之餘作出决定,每月和新生少年隊組織一次活動,讓這些渴望 融入社會的孩子樹立信心,而少年庭同事的理解和支持也給了詹紅荔更堅定的信心和 動力。然而,新生少年們融入社會之艱難還是超出了詹紅荔的預期。因為盜竊而有過一 年服刑經歷的方超無論怎麼努力,依然在世人的偏見中走上絕路。這對詹紅荔的打擊是 巨大的,悲痛之餘,她開始整理思緒,力爭推進輕罪前科消滅制度,在提交報告的會議 上,她得到了來自少年庭同事的支持。女兒高考暫時成為詹紅荔家的頭等大事,詹紅荔 和從事公安工作的丈夫盡可能抽出時間和女兒一起備戰。可是,一紙舉報將詹紅荔的人 生打入谷底。就是少年過失傷人案被告方全額賠付的十八萬,事主舉報是因為詹紅荔威 脅逼迫而不得已只好賣房。面對紀檢幹部,面對院長,面對同事,詹紅荔努力保持著淡 定,但在對自己堅信不疑的丈夫面前,詹紅荔哭了,她覺得自己太委屈太累了。被害人 拎著十八萬賠償款來到法院,寧可不要這些錢也要為詹紅荔正名,此舉讓紀檢幹部和法 院上下無不震驚,被告方妻子親自澄清徹底還給詹紅荔清白⋯⋯
55mins 喬岩 伊恩萊特、 海南群眾
IIn the early summer of 2014, Ian Wright, a famous British travel host on Discovery Channel, accepted an offer from Hainan to film a series of travel program. Ian seemed a little concerned about his wife's birthday in 20 days. He had no idea what to buy as a gift. A British old man who knows scarcely a word of Chinese rides a tandem bike. A group of strangers spent 22 days traveling around the Hainan Island. Along the way, Ian searched for a birthday gift, as well as his 50-year-old self… 故2014年初夏,英國著名旅遊探險主持人伊恩•萊特接受海南島的邀請,拍攝一檔旅 遊節目。在伊恩工作的同時,他還有一個小小的掛念,因為再過20天就是伊恩夫人的 生日,對於送給夫人甚麽樣的生日禮物,他突然失去了想像力。一個不懂中文的英國老 頭,一輛雙人自行車,一群邂逅的陌生人,22天的環島旅行,伊恩在尋找生日禮物,更 像是在尋找50歲的自己。
Diving High 激情跳水夢 Length: Director: Cast:
93mins 臧溪川 鄧安奇、王柯達、 邵勝傑
Next Station I Love You 下一站再愛你
Xi Haiyang was a former professional diver on the national team. He once completed a high difficulty dive 5255B. Due to a shoulder injury he suffered during a competition, he retired from the national team. After recovering, Xi returned to the team to join a synchronized diving team and appoint Peng Peng as his partner. During training, Peng learned that the injury has cast a great shadow in Xi’s performance. He decided to help Xi overcome the fear in exchange for Xi’s coaching on the 5255B. With their joint effort and numerous practices, Xi finally overcame the shadow and performed perfectly in a tournament and won the championship.
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 李德威 馬浚偉,楊梓嫣,川島茉樹代
XuanXuan is worried that nobody would take care of Wanhao as her condition gets worse every day. She arranges her best friend to meet with Wanhao so that she could take care of him for her. In the café she watched their first date and suddenly had mixed feelings… 故該劇講述了萱萱的病情日漸加重,眼看自己已經不久人 世,她開始擔心日後無人照顧萬豪,因此,她想把身邊的 好友介紹給萬豪,希望在她離開人世之後有人能代替她照顧萬豪,萱萱經過精心策劃, 安排了兩人在某咖啡廳見面,為了想要了解兩人的進展,萱萱讓「阿貓」偷偷帶她去咖 啡廳,兩人躲在角落觀察著萬豪和青青的約會,遠處的萬豪和青青有說有笑,萬豪還在 青青耳邊說起了悄悄話,萱萱看在眼裡,內心很是糾結 ⋯⋯
冼海洋原是一名國家跳水隊運動員,並曾經是高難度跳水動作5255B的成功完成者,却因 肩傷導致比賽失誤而退出了國家隊。現在海洋歸隊改跳雙人跳板,並點名彭鵬作為他的 搭檔一同參加全國錦標賽。彭鵬在與冼海洋的生活訓練中發現,肩傷導致比賽失誤一事 給海洋造成了極大的心理陰影,致使他在十米跳臺的動作中無法正常發揮。彭鵬决定幫 助冼海洋克服心理障礙以此來換取冼海洋對其跳水動作5255B的指導⋯⋯
Women’s Breakup Expert 女子分手專家
Pickles in Love 泡菜
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
93mins 歐陽曹亮 蒙璐、孫瑋倫、舒雅
This movie tells a story of four modern girls’ city life and love life. They have all experienced heartbreaks before, so they established a “breakup group”. The purpose of this group is to expose the reality of love so more and more couples will break up. In the process of breaking up, couples reveal the worst sides of relationships: doubting, lying to, and using each other. All this goes to show that in a fast-paced world today, couples jump into relationship too fast and end things over a small misunderstanding. In the move, Dong Yan keeps rejecting love, but at the same time is searching for true love. When she finally began to have feelings for a man, she received his wedding invitation. The definition of love varies, some feels that it should be a life-long commitment, and some think it’s about letting go. Although Yan Dong seemingly found her love, but actually just began to learn the real meaning of love. This movie aims to have people re-think what love really is and treasure it when they have it.
98mins 齊為民 張汝蕾、孫聰、王曉曦
JJin Shan’s father died early, her mother took her to a pickle shop. San Tai is shop owner Zhang’s son, he liked Jin but did not know how to profess his love to her. At the same time, Zhang was also interested in Jin’s mother, causing Zhang’s wife to be very jealous. Finally, San’s feeling for Jin was accepted by her. He promised to take care of Jin. Ten years later, San returned from Korea with a pickle expert to help Jin and the pickle shop. Jin was touched by San’s actions. However, Zhang lost all his savings after engaging in an illegal investment. In order to get Zhang out of debt, Zhang’s wife managed to sabotage Jin’s pickle contract with the Korean expert. Two families once again became unfriendly. When Zhang was chased by debt collectors, it was Jin who lent a helping hand… 故事開始於在十多年前的一個小村子。幼年的金善父親早逝,媽媽帶著她在村子裡開了 一家小泡菜作坊,生活十分艱難。小三泰是村里泡菜大戶張大經濟的兒子,他被金善的 美麗善良所吸引,卻每天發愁該怎樣向金善表白。因為三泰爸爸垂涎金善媽媽美貌,妻 子趙玉梅對金善家充滿敵意,兩家矛盾重重。但最終,三泰用真誠打動了金善,單純而 真摯的感情在兩個孩子內心生根開花。幼小的三泰許下承諾,長大後要保護金善,不再 讓她受欺負……一轉眼十年過去。三泰留學歸回來,他帶回韓國的泡菜專家希望能幫 金善家壯大產業,實現當年的諾言,不想反而使自家的泡菜廠陷入危機。金善在關鍵時 刻,幫助三泰家重振泡菜廠,兩人重溫了童年的感情。就在一切都將觸碰到美好之時, 張大經濟卻因為參與非法集資,巨額資金被捲走,面臨破產。妻子趙玉梅為償還欠債, 不擇手段的排擠掉金善家獨吞了與韓國的合作生意,兩家關係再度破裂。然而此時的張 大經濟依然無法彌補資金缺口,被討債的村民和殺手圍追堵截。
故事講述了四個時尚都市女性,因為曾受過的感情創傷,對愛情看法偏激而組成了女子 拆散隊,為了「讓更多人看清愛情的真相」而不斷拆散情侶。拆散過程中,情侶們表現 出來的猜忌、口是心非、各取所需讓人們看到在這個快消品時代,感情似乎也逐漸成為 一種快消品,人們輕易地界定與開始一段感情,又因一個個淺顯的誤會而草草放棄。影 片的主人公董妍,既是在不斷的否定愛情,也是在找尋和期盼一份真正的感情。當她內 心的想法終於開始因為一個人而動搖,卻接到對方的婚禮請柬。關於愛情的界定,有 很多種,人們感慨於相濡以沫的堅守,也唏噓於成人之美的抉擇,看似找到了愛情的董 妍,又在更多的選擇中領悟著愛情的真諦。影片旨在喚起人們對愛情的思考和對當下情 感的珍惜與把握。
Play Boy 花花公子
Yellow River Aria – Lao Qiang 老腔
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
93mins 馬曉輝 馬曉輝、張小格
The movie tells the story of Shao Han Tian, who is the head of Shao clan, well known for their mastery of the Lao Qiang Shadow show. He broke the family rule that only boys with blood ties are allowed to study Lao Qiang and allowed his adopted son to learn Lao Qiang in order to pass on this endangered art form.
Mark keeps losing himself in the wild world of love and trouble. His first girlfriend in college broke up with him and made him suffer. Then he falls in love with Coco, the daughter of a wealthy man. Yet due to her dad’s vehement objection, he decides to leave Coco and vows to become a rich man. Two years later, Mark reemerges driving a Ferrari and living in a mansion. No one knows what he did in those two years. On the other hand, silver-spoon kid Wang Wei is busy going after Coco. Suddenly, Mark finds himself in a love triangle. Wang is willing to do whatever it takes to get Coco. Who will Coco choose in the end, Mark or Wang?
電影《老腔》是第一部以老腔藝術為題材的電影。影片講 述了世代傳承老腔藝術的邵氏家族打破祖上傳男不傳女、 傳親不傳外的家規,讓養子和養女結婚,傳承老腔的故事。
講述了男主人公馬克在紙醉金迷的花花世界中迷失自我,從大學被初戀女友拋棄再到 和富家千金Coco相戀,最後因為Coco父親君哥的強烈反對和侮辱,馬克決然的離開了 Coco,發誓要成為上流社會的人,從此以後便消失不見,兩年後再次出現的馬克開著 法拉利,住著豪宅,誰也不知道他到底在兩年內做了什麼?富二代王偉少的出現,讓 Coco,馬克和他變成了三角戀的關係,強勢陰險的偉少為了得到Coco,用盡了一切方 法!
Night Blooming 隔窗有眼 Length: Director: Cast:
95mins 劉奮鬥 胡明、烏達木
Summer is hot and humid, not only does it make people want to take off their clothes, but also exposes their private life and crazy desire. Xiao Hu spies on people living in the neighboring building, including a fetish musician who’s addicted to partying every night, a massage parlor girl who’s a thief at heart, a mistress lady who hooks up with other guys, and a pretty girl with mysterious whereabouts… After a stormy night, massage girl disappeared. Xiao unexpectedly found someone that may be a psycho serial killer. Soon, he faces the killer himself…
Close Encounter of Mahjong 局中局 Length: Director: Cast:
92mins 高峰 李彧、李夢、任山
78mins 李明航 陳威、唐可、鄭耀東、源子夫
A superstitious gambler, a treacherous beauty, a screwed-up husband, an irritating salesman, a foreigner with an infatuation for women, a lustful maid… come together to the Mahjong table in a smoky condominium. In this intense hour long game, around the small Mahjong table, you are about to experience a complex web of shocking secrets, stunning twists and mind-blowing deception. Trust no one! And never play by the rule!
悶熱潮濕的夏天,赤裸的不僅是人們的身體,還有最為隱私的私生活;難以壓抑的不僅 有煩躁的心情,還有最為瘋狂的欲望。小虎窺探到對面樓上居民們私生活中的種種—— 夜夜笙歌紙醉金迷的戀足癖音樂家、偷竊成癖的髮廊按摩女、對金主曲意奉承的二奶和 她的情人、還有病懨懨行跡離奇的妖艷女子……一場大暴雨後,按摩女離奇失踪。而小 虎在偷窺的過程中意外發現對面樓上的某人,就是連日來成為街頭巷尾話題的連環殺人 分屍案的變態凶手。隨著偷窺的深入和事態的升級,小虎與變態凶手正面交鋒……幽幽 的《夜來香》歌聲中,殺人記和窺凶記同時上演……
迷信的賭徒,危險的美女,陰沉的丈夫,煩人的推銷,花痴的老外,欲望的保姆,還有 誰?他們因為錯綜複雜的原因聚在一個狹小的烟霧繚繞的公寓,各懷心事又相互勾連制 約,陷入一桌精心設計却逐漸失控的麻將迷局中 ⋯⋯
Police Diary 警察日記
A Fool 一個勺子
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
110mins 寧瀛 王景春、陳維涵、侯岩松
The film is inspired by the story of Hao Wanzhong, a policeman in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Story follows his career through the works as a modern Chinese police department in Inner Mongolia. While rising through the ranks, Hao successfully solved difficult cases. His professionalism and passion for his job were seen throughout his 17 years of being a policeman. He worked many tough cases such as murders, corruption, and social unrest, against a backdrop of majestic winter landscapes, opulent cities and the raw industrial districts of this remote region of China. Hao's dedication with detective work led to his meteoric rise from beat cop to district police chief. However, his hard work also came with a heavy price, which ultimately led to his death.
Latiaozi was a farmer who made a living as a shepherd with his wife Jinzhizi. One day, their only son had been convicted of a felony. The couple scrambled up 50,000 rmb to ask Li Datou for help, hoping that Li Datou could find some connection to reduce the penalty for their son. In the end, the money is gone but nothing happened. Latiaozi went to Li Datou's home to ask for his money back but got turned away. On his way home, he met a fool by accident. He had no choice but to take him home. After a night spent in the sheepfold, the Fool was sent back to the town. Out of surprise, the Fool found his way back to Latiaozi's in the middle of the night.... 以以放羊為生的農民拉條子和老婆金枝子只有一個兒子,但兒子在城裡犯事被判了刑。 為了給兒子減刑,夫妻倆湊了五萬塊錢讓村里的能人李大頭幫忙託人辦事。可是錢花出 去了,但刑期卻沒有減。拉條子去鎮上李大頭家要錢,錢沒要到,卻在回來的路上撿到 了一個勺子(傻子),沒辦法只好帶回家裡。收留勺子(傻子)在羊圈裡住了一晚上之 後,拉條子把勺子(傻子)又送回了鎮上,沒想到半夜裡,勺子(傻子)竟然找到拉條 子家....
內蒙古鄂爾多斯市準格爾旗公安局長郝萬忠英年早逝後,一位新華社記者沿著他的人生 足跡採訪其親人、同事、工作對象的過程中再現出了一個見不得百姓受苦、嫉惡如仇; 在工作崗位上盡職盡責,充滿了情懷的公安局長形象。郝萬忠在十七年的從警生涯中, 留下了六十八本工作日記。從他做刑警接觸的第一樁重大命案——至今未破的懸案,到 臨終前的全局工作計劃,詳細記載了他每天的工作安排、案情分析、人生感悟,以及對 那樁懸案的多次重新梳理和研究。正是這些平凡的點點滴滴讓我們看到了一名基層公安 局長的艱辛、不捨和追求;還有一名標準警察所具有的職業基因。
Transcendence 超驗駭客
Rebellious Teenagers 青澀日記 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 謝悠 陳賦、季純伊
Ququ wang, a 12 year old teenager, is living in a broken family. He has a cheating father and a mother obsessed with mahjong. The harsh reality has made him distant, spiteful, and desperate for new love. Nobody seems to understand him except one person, Yoyo Han, his new classmate and new neighbor, a beautiful and warm-hearted girl. Yoyo Han is overloaded by the expectation of her father, who is a retired military man. She is tired of being excellent at school and home. When these two teenagers met each other, they gradually fell in love, which brought them the feeling of warmth that they haven’t felt in a long while. But when tragedy hit again, what must they do to overcome it?
113 mins 菲斯特•沃利(Pfister Wally ) 約翰尼•德普( Johnny Depp)、 麗貝卡•豪爾( Rebecca Hall)、 摩根•佛里曼(Morgan Freeman)
Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous. But they have also made him the prime target of anti-technology extremists who will do whatever it takes to stop him. However, in their attempt to destroy Will, they inadvertently become the catalyst for him to succeed - to be a participant in his own transcendence. For his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and best friend Max Waters (Paul Bettany), both fellow researchers, the question is not if they can...but if they should. Their worst fears are realized as Will's thirst for knowledge evolves into a seemingly omnipresent quest for power, to what end is unknown. The only thing that is becoming terrifyingly clear is there may be no way to stop him.
12歲少年王曲曲,身處瀕臨破碎的家庭。和情人育有女兒的父親,沉迷麻將無所事事 的母親,把這個敏感的孩子推向了叛逆和絕望。沒人從他清秀憂鬱的臉上看到他對愛的 渴望,所有人看到的是他跟現實世界的對抗——冷漠、網癮、自殘、報復……沒人明白 他,沒人走近他,直到遇到少女韓由由的出現。乖乖牌的韓由由,是學校的學霸,但因 為父親給她太多的期待,各種培訓班把課餘時間排得很滿,內心承受著巨大的壓力。兩 個不同類型的家庭,兩個不同類型的青春期孩子, 產生了青澀的朦朧戀情。在這青澀的 初戀中,曲曲感受到久違的愛的溫暖,由由開始思考喜歡的真諦。正當這段青澀的初戀 開始滲透出淡淡的甘甜時,突如其來的慘劇把曲曲再次推向絕望的邊緣,這次曲曲又會 如何面對殘酷的現實?
威爾卡斯特博士(約翰尼•德普飾)是人工智能領域首屈一指的研究者,他致力於開創 有史以來最人性化的有感知的機器人,全方位結合了人類情感和智慧。雖然威爾極具爭 議的實驗令他一舉成名,但同時也讓他成為反科技極端分子的眼中釘,這些極端分子開 始極盡一切阻止他。然而沒想到的是,他們對威爾的摧毀行動,却在不經意間成為了威 爾人工智能人實驗成功的催化劑——成為了他「超驗」的參與者。威爾的妻子伊芙琳( 麗貝卡•豪爾飾)和他最好的朋友馬克斯(保羅•貝坦尼飾)同是這個實驗的研究員, 但問題不在於他們能不能……而是他們應不應該繼續著這項研究。伊芙琳和馬克斯最擔 心的是,他們逐漸察覺到,威爾已經不再是單純的進行探索研究,而是逐步演變成追求 一種權力,他無所不在,讓人無法預料在他的掌控下未來的結局是什麼,唯一越來越清 晰的可怕事情是沒有人能夠阻止他。
Billy Mize and the Bakersfield Sound 比利.邁茲: 來自貝克斯菲爾德的聲音 Length: Director: Cast:
103 mins 陳建斌 陳建斌、蔣勤勤、王學兵、金世佳
100mins William Saunders Documentary
It is a documentary about Billy Mize, who is a long lost legendary figure during the California country music revolution in the 60s. Billy Mize's contributions to country music helped shape the industry. Using rare archived film and photos, this film is an intimate homage that explores the mysterious alchemy of stardom and the choices and happenstance that can make or break it. 鄉村音樂家比利.邁茲在1960年代改變了加州鄉村音樂,本片使用了大量的珍貴影像資 料和圖片,再現了當時的情景。
Let the World Quiet Down 讓世界安靜
Share of food 中國味
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
26mins 李潤
In Yi Hui Liu's father's farewell ceremony , His father tells a story in the note: when his mother was sick when she was in the college of music , In order to cure his mother, his father to steal, later, was sent to prison. After prison, two people of hardships eventually go together......Who know the story behind the story, who knows the two respective paid...
Chinese cuisine has won its reputation around the world. Sophisticated procedures, strange ingredients, distinct flavors among regions, and last but not least, the self-evident “Table Culture” are essence of Chinese cuisine. Table in China is not only a place for meals, but also a place for family communication, friends sharing happiness and sorrow, and business trade. This documentary shows the share of food and Chinese cuisine through a cook and a mother in Beijing.
在劉一輝父親的告別儀式上,他的父親在遺言中講述了一 段往事:在一輝的母親小雨上音樂學院的時候生病了,為 了給母親賺錢治病而偷盜,後來被捕。出獄以後,兩人歷盡艱難最終走在了一起……誰 知道故事背後的隱情,誰又知道兩個人各自付出了什麼……
中國美食享譽海外:繁複精妙的工序,令人咋舌的食材,南北不同的風味,最重要的是 家喻戶曉的「餐桌文化」。餐桌是家人共享天倫之樂、朋友分享傾訴、商業談判的好所 在。本紀錄片通過採訪一位北京的厨師和一位家庭主婦,展示了中國食物和餐桌文化。
Life Redefined 明天的太陽 Length: Director: Cast:
Liu Lu Love 關於愛
12mins 童佳 臧錦宜、婁亞江、毛婷婷
Length: Director:
This movie is based on a true story. Xinyi, a girl fond of painting and enthusiastic for life, met with a sudden death in a traffic accident at the age of only five. Her parents, who could not stand her mechanical respirations, eventually decided to let their daughter live in even loftier way...
《關於愛》表達了中國當代新女性的愛情觀,我們選擇了不 用年齡不同職業的新時代中國女性,去瞭解她們的所思所 想。傳統與現代的碰撞讓她們對愛情有著許多相同又不同的 觀念。我們記錄的過程,也讓我們對愛有了新的認識。
Beijing’s Local Vocals 北京元音
The Great Beauty Of Jiangnan 大美江南
Length: Director:
25mins 陶秋生
6mins15sec Ron Utin Lalkin
HWalking along Beijing's metropolitan streets, one can hear melodies from all over China. Many musical styles, a mixture of old traditional Chinese culture and modern pop culture, blend and make Beijing a very musical city. Indie musicians thrive in the city with their unique styles and takes on the culture. Our documentary follows three modern musicians, each at a different point in their career, in an effort to sample their music, and learn about their lives and their journey in music. A key phrase that applies to Chinese modern musicians is, "every flower has it's own color." No two musicians are the same.
“Jiangnan is great, the views familiar. The sun above the river is more red than the flowers and in the spring, the water in the river is green. How can I not reminiscence Jiangnan?” Thousands of years, countless songs and poems have built Jiangnan in people’s imaginations. In many people’s minds, Jiangnan is like a surreal painting, a brilliant song, a cup of fragrant tea. Or maybe it’s paradise! Heaven is above and below we have Suhang. The paradise is on earth, it’s right here in Jiangnan…
四九城的寬街窄巷包容了來自全國風情各異的旋律,京腔、爵士、搖滾、民謠等等風格 構建了一個聽覺上的北京。而獨立音樂人無疑是其中最具個性的一道風景。 《北京元 音》尋著幾位處在事業不同時期的歌手的聲音,探訪他們的生活與音樂創作。體驗這座 城市聲音的不同色彩,百花齊放般絢爛。
「江南好,風景舊曾諳;日出江花紅勝火,春來江水綠如藍。能不憶江南?」千百年 來,無數歌詠江南的詩詞構築起人們想像中的「江南」;在許多人的心目中,她就像一 幅朦朧的畫,一首靈動的詩,一杯淡雅羞澀的碧螺春,或者她就是人間天堂!⋯⋯
Electro City 律
Rink Rats Beijing 冰球京緣 Length: Director:
6mins 29secs Michela M. Smith
“Liu Lu love” seeks to understand love in China. A young woman challenged by old and new China, Liu Lu questions how modern pressures and ancient traditions shift a seemingly timeless definition of love.
這是一個由真實事件改編而成的故事。欣怡是一個喜歡畫 畫、熱愛生活的小女孩,但一場突如其來的車禍却奪走了她 年僅5歲的幼小生命。欣怡的父母放棄了維持生命的所謂治療,選擇了用另外一種方式讓她 更高尚地活著。⋯⋯
Length: Director:
7mins 10secs Alexandre Laudic
Length: Director:
6mins 15secs Lucien Flores
11mins45sec Karlyn Sovied
Beijing, a city or many arts, from music to paintings. In a culture where traditional music can be heard everywhere, one special kind of music is developing but only in underground places: electronic music. Between what electronic music seemed to people at first and what it could be, there is a great gap to explore. By walking throughout the Chinese streets, one should stop and pay attention to the places and their sounds and maybe realize, that electronic is the real heartbeat of Beijing…
Rink Rats Beijing explores the hockey scene in China’s capital from the players to the parents and coaches. Children are drawn to the sport’s speed, however, parents may like the promotion of teamwork and cooperation, especially relevant for the one-child generation. Some see hockey as a way to promote international understanding while others think learning ice hockey will prepare Chinese youth to thrive in modern society. 冰球,被認為是一項典型的西方運動項目。但在本片中, 我們記錄並發現了冰球在中國首都——北京的蓬勃興起。其原因是多方面的,包括兒童 天性中對於速度與激情的熱望,包括家長有意對孩子團隊協作精神的培養,以及他們對 拓寬國際視野和更好適應現代社會的要求。
北京,藝術之都,在這裡我們聆聽音樂,欣賞畫卷。在這個到處可以聽到傳統音樂的城 市,一種獨特的音樂類型正在悄然發芽。這就是電子音樂。其實,電子音樂是聲音元素的 理性組合,是觸動身體自主反應的開關,是一種律動。走在北京的街上,我們應該傾聽城 市的聲音,而電子音樂則像是北京的心跳聲⋯⋯
Chinese traditional works on Beijing Street 北京•老手藝
Left & right Art District 左右藝術區
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
7mins46sec Louis Dehau
Beijing is a city mixed with both modern and tradition values. Although Chinese society has been rapidly developing, traditional crafts are still being kept alive in certain places. Traditional Chinese workers are still trying to find a balance between the modern and the traditional way of life . On one hand, they advance along with the times; on the other hand, they carry on and persist in traditional Chinese culture and spirit. The old barbers, candy makers, cart drivers, carpenters, and “Da Wan Tea” sellers, have become the last remaining link between old Beijing and an ever-progressive modern Beijing.
It is a documentary focused on the Chinese art. The title is the name of the district where our three subjects live, as neighbors. The interest of the movie reside in how three characters, who are friends since decades and live close to each other’s see the Chinese art of our time.The documentary is composed by three interviews where we ask these artists how they can describe their art, what is their inspirations and what is the message they want to send to anyone who sees their work. I've chosen this subject because it was a good way to discover the Chinese society by people who study it every day and make it their own interest and inspiration for their work. I wanted to diverge from the mainstream media that is sending the same message everyday and show the same picture of China as artists are the most sincere concerning the world they want to manifest.
一座城,一些人,他們生存在北京,這座古老與現代結合的城市,遙望著飛速發展的時 代,雖然在慢慢與時俱進,但又要不落窠臼,傳承著文化和精神。街邊剃頭的老師傅 們,用糖勾勒藝術的糖人手藝者,口口相傳胡同文化的拉車夫,巧奪天工的木雕技藝傳 承者和胡同裏叫賣大碗茶的小販們,他們已經成為時代歲月沉積裡的溫暖的代言。
這是一部講述中國藝術的紀錄片。這個標題的名字代表三個地區的生活。電影主要想表 達三個互為好友的藝術家彼此通過親近生活感受我們這個時代的中國藝術。這部紀錄片 以三個訪談的形式,由藝術家們來描述我們所提供的各種不同藝術品的靈感和精髓。選 擇這個主題是因為它能够更好更深刻的挖掘中國人對於學習的興趣和靈感,以及比較想 要偏離主流和告訴大眾真正的民間中國藝術。
Open the Gate 城門開 Length: Director:
10mins22sec Adrien Le Falher
A Visual Dialogue of Dance in China 與舞蹈的對話
Just as we live in the present and with our memories, Beijing is full of history and yet very alive. To show this, we interview people who are living in Beijing about their memories in various places. Beijing is a city for the old and the new, ancient and modern, living together.
Length: Director:
The Calligraphy : Art of the Mind and the Spirit 墨說
8mins18sec Jessica Midy
第一部分,跳廣場舞的大媽們直接來到了公園、工地、商場、茶館等都市外場,並且創 新了古典舞蹈的節奏。接下來,展現5歲的Renee的芭蕾學習。她接受傳統的芭蕾舞學 習,同時舞姿中也可以窺見她日常生活中的小動作。Renee能夠在她的個性中容納傳統 嗎?第三部分,講述了22歲的Wenny之於新疆傳統舞蹈。多重對話下傳統和優雅的繼承是 通過各種渠道展現的,如動作本身,舞蹈教師的修正,以及Wenny的「現代化」也是她生 活的折射。
he Chinese Calligraphy is a kind of art of the mind and the spirit. Many things in China is about philosophy such as calligraphy. This can bring peace to people's mind and it's really interesting too. Calligraphy is an old art but also still improve nowadays, specially in Beijing. The calligraphy combines old philosophy and intelligence with the art of handwriting.
Learning a Tradition 止戈為武
「握運頓抖提懸,龍飛鳳舞;順轉起回落逆,揮筆任意; 去密行收斷鉤,一個側身;重蓄露藏,CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY」古老的書法藝術,當代的活力北京,我們希望通過我們鏡頭的記述,以書法為 載體,看到中國的思想和哲思,在這門古老藝術的傳承中綿延不息,以古思作用於今人。
Length: Director:
6mins50sec Marion Meyer
Jet Li ... Jackie Chan ... Who has never heard about them? So many films have allowed thousands of spectators to dream. But what is the element that unites all these people around those images? Martial arts or more commonly called kung Fu .The Chinese martial art is omnipresent in the cinema from the West since the 70's and on the television too. But we are far away from the martial art, or the art of war. Currently, we are rather oriented towards a complete development of our well-being for a better self-control. The martial art allows its devotee to have a better understanding of their community life. Do a martial art permit to canalize a latent violence and to learn the self-respect and, above all, the respect for others?
Workers 大城小事 Length: Director: Cast:
11mins Bryan Sih
A study of dance and gesture in modern China: Each gesture provides a microcosm for larger themes of present-day Beijing. In part 1, Public Square Dancers provide a meditation on dance as protest to modern contexts by pitting the dignified faces of the dancers against gathered sounds of construction sites, malls, and tea making to provide a new “rhythm” for this ancient dance culture. Next, 5-year-old Renee embarks on her study of ballet. As she acquires this dance tradition, the raw gestures of everydayness reappear in new forms, either between refined ballet moves, or as “amendments” to these moves. Can Renee absorb a tradition alongside her individualism? Part 3 has 22-year-old Wenny studying traditional Xinjiang dance. A multifold dialogue about the inheritance of tradition and grace occurs through the movements themselves, a teacher refining those movements, and Wenny’s “modern” movements inherited through her context (hailing a cab, for example).
「城門城門幾丈高,三十六丈高……」四九城裡傳來古遠 却稚嫩的聲音,城門開了。我們的紀錄片《城門開》是一 部關於記憶關於往事關於日新與月異的作品。我們不是詩 人,無法用文字重築一座城,但我們决定用影像來紀錄,紀錄生活在這座城市的人,用 他們的眼睛回溯過去,展望未來。我們希望能够打開一個神秘的箱子,讓世界看看,這 座城真實迷人的樣子。我們,為你,打開城門。
Length: Director:
10mins 28sec Othmane Bencheqroun
7mins 54sec Barthelemy Despax 勃
In Beijing, there is a group of people not often seen in public, but they work behind the scenes to build this city. This documentary shows the life of this group through a day of a couple who work as cook in the canteen.
李連杰,成龍,誰沒聽說過?這些功夫電影是數千名觀眾的夢想。這些精彩的武打畫面 是怎樣形成的呢? 70年代以來,中國武術在西方的電影和電視上是無所不在的。但我們 離真正的功夫很遙遠。目前,我們正面向人自身的全面發展。武術讓它的擁護者對生活 有更好的瞭解。⋯⋯
故在北京,有那麼一群人,他們不常拋頭露面,默默地為這 座城市付出著自己的努力。本片將通過紀錄一對後廚夫婦的 一天生活來為大家展示那些辛勤勞動者們的日常生活。
Let Nature Take its Course 生•氣
Bikin Beijing 騎行北京
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
5mins29sec Manon Guiomard
A short film about TCM. Traditional Chinese Medicine. No interviews, just songs and images about Beijing, the city and the people. The city like discovering for the first time vues and places of Beijing. The people like meeting Chinese men to understand Chinese culture. Along with TCM is discovering places, hospitals, shops, and the rooms where the drugs are made, also with meeting the people, doctors and patients. Then, lastly, to all the ways to heal wounfs by TCM and understand Chinese people
12mins21sec Albert Oziouls Toulouse
Beijing is a city filled with both old and new bikes. Due to toder's rapid development and construction, bikes are gradually being replaced by other modes of transportation. Throughout this documentary we look for remnants of the bicycle riding complex in the capital of Beijing and not their attitude towards life. Because of its nature of cheap, ecological and convenience, over the years, biking is still one of the most accessible and popular way of transportation. So, throughout the shooting of typical citizens, coming from different background and living in different experiences, the theme of this documentary is to understand what biking in Beijing can taste like...
and culture…! 這是一部關於中醫的小短片。沒有訪談,本片只用音樂,北京的城市風景,人文圖片來 展示給觀眾。帶著對中國最原始的瞭解探索北京和中國的文化。從發現中醫醫院,商 鋪,藥房到遇見醫生,病人。最後慢慢的切身體驗到中醫的神奇,從而更加深刻的瞭解 了中醫以及中國博大精深的文化。
北京曾是一座自行車城,飛速發展和建設的今天,很多自行車被其他交通工具取代。我 們通過紀錄片尋找仍凝固於京城中的自行車情結,體現北京人的生活態度。歷經歲月的 北京自行車既是時代符號又迎合時代潮流⋯⋯
Gift of Giving 禮物
A Taste of Dalian 大連味道
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
5mins54sec Yahna Harris
7mins29sec Thomas Stephen Dexter
Dalian is one of China's greatest coastal fishing cities, but how is its strong fishing culture reflected in the city's cuisine? This documentary explores Dalian's seafood; from the fisherman, to the home, on the street and into the kitchen of one of Dalian's top restaurants. Follow us as we unveil what makes Dalian's seafood so delicious and why the people of the city are so proud of its unique style of cooking.
The “Gift of Giving” explores how lotas and its meaning strengthens the relationship between two friends .Through the gifts they gave to each other ,they were able to express their respect for each other and also touch base with traditional Chinese gift giving . The lotas has been a strong symbol that represents nature, purity and beauty .It stands as a reminder to remain humble and strong despite the hardships that they are faced, and to greet each day with an open heart. It also follow my partner, Wangyifan ,on her journey in finding the right gift .We learns about the different flowers ,what they mean ,and when to give them as a gift .
大連是中國最著名的海濱漁業城市之一。然而,它濃郁的 漁業文化是如何反應在這座城市的美食中的呢?這部紀錄片從普通漁民,到市民家中, 城市街頭,再到大連頂級餐廳的後厨,一路探尋了大連的美味海鮮。大連海鮮具有絕佳 的味道,大連人民更是對其獨特的烹調風格引以為傲,請跟隨我們的脚步,探索其中的 奧秘。
《禮物》探究的是荷花作為禮物,以及背後維繫的友誼關係。荷花不僅僅作為禮物送給 對方,而且也是在中國傳統「禮」文化基礎上表達的對相互的尊重。荷花是與自然和諧 相處、純潔不染與美麗的象徵。它暗含著保持謙遜的傳統信條,跨越所有的艱難困苦, 用廣闊的胸襟面對每一天。《禮物》也有跟隨著我的夥伴尋找禮物的旅程。我們認識了 不同的花,它們背後的意義和把它們當做禮物的機會。
Choosing Beijing 選擇京城
The Spirit of Dalian 大連精神
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
8mins45sec Laetitia Chiodi
Beijing, what impression does she leave on the world? Is her image just similar as ours which can be described as intoxicating, dignified and possessed of mysterious oriental disposition? Is the ravine between Confucius and Socrates could be filled up by the passion and friendship which are in common for human beings? Thousands and millions foreigners chose this three thousand-year-history city in 772605 cities of the whole world, what's their reasons? let's focus on the foreigners who live in this royal capital, feeling their impressions of this oriental lion in Napoleon's eyes, and listening to the various beauty from the culture differences which narrated by them.
10mins01sec Alexander Matthew Whitcombe
The Spirit of Dalian is a documentary that looks into the activities undertaken by the residents in an attempt to understand the nature of the importance of spirituality in China. The city is home to 6 million residents, an enormous number of which partake in various activities that both strengthen the community and help them find a balance in both health and mind. Whilst sport and activity in the West is often used primarily for physical improvement (noting of course, the mental benefits), there is less of an emphasis on this spiritualistic harmony between Yin and Yang. The documentary looks closely at a number of these activities such as Thai Chi, boxing and even community dancing and presents an insight about the importance of such activities for a long and sustained well-being of mind.
京城,對於世界來說到底是什麼樣的。是否像在我們眼中一樣的迷人、厚重、具有神秘 的東方氣息?孔聖人和蘇格拉底之間的溝壑是否可以被人類共有的熱情和友好填補?成 千上萬的外國人在世界上772,605座城市中選擇了這座有三千年歷史的古都,他們的理由 是什麼?就讓我們聚焦於在皇城中生活的外國人,感受他們對於拿破侖眼中東方雄獅的 印象並聽他們講述文化差異所帶來的別樣的美。
紀錄片《看大連》主要介紹了幾種大連人民經常從事的體育運動,並且著重探討這些運 動背後所蘊含著的中國傳統精神文化的重要性。大連擁有六百萬居民,其中更有不計其 數的人熱衷於進行各種各樣的體育活動。這些活動不僅可以增強人們的團體歸屬感並且 能夠幫助人們找到身體和精神健康的平衡點。西方人做運動主要為了鍛煉身體機能,却 很少強調精神上的和諧狀態,如陰與陽的平衡。為此,本記錄片通過細緻觀察太極拳, 拳擊以及廣場舞等運動,為大家展現出這三種傳統運動對鍛煉者精神健康長久而持續的 有益影響。
Strokes of Luck 丹青獻瑞
Lightning Play – Hello Dalian 閃玩——遇見大連
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
7mins10sec Divas Gupta
In a new city, an outsider is drawn towards a lucky painting, and the meaning it holds for a billion people.
The beautiful city of Dalian plays host to a rising youth cultural event named Lightning Play or Shan Wan, an event in which groups of strangers arrange to gather together through online social networking applications such as Mo Mo and QQ. Shan Wan allows for a certain fresh awkwardness between the participants to flourish into potential long-term friendships where these young adults might not usually cross paths. The cultural event, unique to China, allows for young people to express themselves more openly where typical friendship groups may not. With a 'no strings-attached' like operation, people can create their own identities for the day or lead the life of an imaginary avatar.The city of Dalian, with its huge shopping malls, karaoke bars, and stunning sightseeing locations immersed in Chinese culture, provides the ideal backdrop for Lightning Play...
面對一個全新的城市,一個外來者被楊柳青年畫及其對數 十億中國人所蘊含的意義深深吸引。
Dalian Structures 築•大連 Length: Director:
閃玩是一種通過諸如陌陌和QQ這樣的網上社交軟件使互不相識的陌生人聚到一起的文化 現象,而大連這座美麗的城市為閃玩這種在年輕人中日益發展的文化現象提供了巨大的 可能性。閃玩能夠讓這些參與者從開始的新鮮和尷尬迅速發展成為潛在的長期友誼,而 這些年輕人之前卻不可能有過任何交集。閃玩這種中國獨有的文化現象能够讓年輕人更 多的表達自己、展現自己,而這些在其他朋友間可能是無法實現的。通過這種「沒有附 加條件」的交友方式,人們可以在這一天中充分展現個性或是成為自己想像中虛幻的化 身。大連這座城市,有著龐大的購物商場、歌廳和令人嘆為觀止並有著中國文化特色的 觀光景點,這些都為閃玩提供了理想的背景。⋯⋯
9mins10sec Thomas Wallace Mckie
This short video explores the architecture found in the city of Dalian and the uses the city has found for them. Dalian, being a fast-growing modern city, has new buildings being constructed every day, holding inspections for architects to ensure the most spectacular and interesting buildings are constructed. However Dalian also has a diverse historical past, meaning that the city contains a wide variety of historical architecture that have been adapted by the city's people to banks, hotels and even art galleries. The city's distinct squares are also explored and the positive effect that they have on the city's community, specifically to the older and younger generations. Finally the future of Dalian is looked at through the many videos under construction and the promise of future investment and business.
Working in Dalian 工作在大連 Length: Director:
這一短片展現了大連這座城市中的建築以及這些建築的用途。大連,作為一個不斷發展 的現代化都市,每天都有新的建築在產生,建築師們也都在爭相為其打造獨特而又新奇 有趣的建築。同時,大連也是有著豐富歷史的城市,大量而多樣的古建築被保存至今, 人們將其延用為銀行,賓館甚至畫廊。短片中還展示了大連獨有的廣場文化,它們的存 在給當地的居民,尤其是老年人和孩子們帶來了無限歡樂。最後,鏡頭轉向了許許多多 城中正在建設的建築,這象徵著大連必定會吸引更多的投資和建設,也必定會有更加繁 榮的未來!
10mins Ashley Wilks
Exploring and understanding different cultures is one of the most rewarding experiences that a person can hope to achieve within their lifetime. Mahatma Gandhi stated that “a nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” Reflecting Gandhi's ideology, Working In Dalian is a short documentary that explores the professions of three citizens who live and work in one of China's most beautiful cities, Dalian. The documentary demonstrates the fascinating professions that the people of Dalian occupy, bestowing a fresh insight into Chinese culture. Interviews with a Head Chef, Tea Artist and Redwood Furniture Restorer provide the citizens of Dalian with a chance to voice their enjoyment with their work and inform the audience about what makes Dalian such a great place to establish a successful career.
Looking Dalian – The Soccer City 綠茵大連 Length: Director:
7mins39sec Luke Winter
對於一個人來說, 不斷的探索和理解不同的文化是最有益的經歷之一,同時也願意用一生 去追尋。聖雄甘地曾說過:「國家的文化蘊藏在其人民的內心和靈魂之中。」基於甘地 的思想,《工作在大連》這部短紀錄片力求探索三名生活和工作在大連的職業人,通過 展示大連的這些各具特色的職業,以一個全新的視角展現中國文化。對主厨,茶藝師和 紅木家俱維護人的採訪,也為大連人民提供機會表達自己如何享受工作,同時讓觀眾瞭 解是什麽讓大連這座美麗的城市創造愉快的職業生涯。
8mins56sec Thomas Eden
Dalian, widely considered to be the home of Chinese soccerl, is the setting for this documentary, looking into its cultural importance for the people of the city, and explores the spirit of soccer in Dalian. From its beginnings as a small fishing village, Dalian has grown tremendously over the past century, and has become the football capital of China, with some of the country's greatest teams and a passion for the sport evident throughout the city. This is a snapshot that captures the essence of Dalian culture through football – one of inclusivity, friendship and opportunity. We look at the relationship between football and the local people at all levels; from the top level professional sport to the very grassroots and how it inspires and unites people of all ages, gender and backgrounds. This spirit of football is shared across the city, and is a truly important part of the culture in Dalian.
Happy Feet 樂在足下 Length: Director:
9mins59sec Saurav Rai
Happy Feet is about a skating group, comprising mainly of elderly people of Tianjin,who visits the water park every morning and enjoys skating among themselves. The film introduces some of the regular visitors of the water park, their feeling about the sports and their relationship with the space. It basically attempts to see the world of the elderly people after their retirement, how they enjoy the time at the water park.
本部紀錄片以大連——中國足球的搖籃為背景,調查了其對大連人民深遠的文化意義, 探索了大連的足球精神。在過去的一個世紀中,大連的城市發展業績斐然,當年的小漁 村已經成為如今的中國足球之都。這裡有全國最好的球隊,以及全城人民對這項運動的 熱情。我們用這樣一組快照透過足球展現大連文化的精髓——包容,友誼以及機遇。我 們從頂級職業運動到草根足球,多個層次審視足球與大連人民之間的關係;以及足球是 如何鼓舞並將不同年齡,不同性別,不同背景的人們凝聚到一起。這種足球精神瀰漫全 城,是大連文化真實重要的一部分。
《樂在足下》是一部關於輪滑組的電影,主要是講每天早 晨到天津水上公園滑輪滑的老人們。這部電影介紹了公園常客對輪滑運動的感受,以及 他們和這一空間的聯繫。影片嘗試進入退休老人們的世界,關注他們是如何享受在水上 公園的生活。
Dancing Lights 光之舞
Tianjin Driver 天津女司機
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
8mins59sec Sasha Singh
This film is about the spirit of dance, letting oneself loose to the music and how beautifully the people of Tianjin let that happen. No matter the place or the time, Tianjin folks of all ages groove to different melodies without a care of anybody watching. Their infectious energy and zest is hard to miss.
HTianjin Driver explores the city of Tianjin through the eyes of a cab driver. As she speaks about her daily work, we partake in a variety of scenes unfolding in Tianjin: from a quiet morning by the Haihe River, to the bustling central business district, from the traditional craftspeople in Tianjin's Ancient Culture Street, to a residential neighborhood where people enjoy street barbeque at the end of the day. Questions are pondered: How does a woman experience the work of a cab driver? Is this experience in Chinese culture different than in western culture, where driving a cab is still a “man's job”? What does it mean to navigate a modern metropolis without a GPS? How do people in China relate to their work? Through exploring these themes, Tianjin Driver in the end is as much the portrait of a person, as it is a portrait of the city.
影片關乎舞蹈的精神,舞蹈讓人們在音樂中放鬆,天津人 讓這一切美麗地發生在這個城市。不管地點時間,各年齡 層的天津人在不同的旋律中快樂舞動,任人觀看。他們有 感染力的活力與熱情讓人難以忘懷。
天津司機紀錄片從一個女司機的眼中展現天津風貌。她聊到了自己日常生活,我們也從 海河的晨曦、中心商務區的繁華、天津老城區的古典以及街頭巷尾燒烤攤的生活情調瞭 解了天津人的日常。我們討論這樣的問題:一個女人如何感覺作為一位女司機的生活? 這種體驗當在西方仍稱為「男人的」工作時,中國文化和西方文化有何不同?在大城市 駕駛出租車不用導航意味著什麽?人們是如何將自己和工作聯繫起來的?通過探索這些 主題,天津司機這部紀錄片在最後展示她眼中的城市。
Tianjin Diary 天津掠影 Length: Director:
9mins55sec Abhishek Basu Roy
As the camera navigates through the city of Tianjin, it tries to explore “The People & the Place” through its lens, and on the process comes across the amazing success story of the resilient Yu Chengyan (the general manager of Ming Liu Tea House) and the very vibrant OLD CULTURE STREET.
The Microcosm of Ruihua 瑞華縮影 Length: Director:
攝影機穿越天津,試圖通過鏡頭探索「此城此人」;在此 過程中偶遇天津名流茶館總經理于承艷創業成功的非凡故 事;邂逅了繁華熱鬧的古文化街。
6mins18secs Rebecca Dobyns
“The Microcosm of Ruihua” is a film about the psychic phenomena of being in one of Tianjin's oldest barbershops. Ruihua is over 100 years old and some of the barbers have been working there for over 30 years. The shop and its customers are proud of their traditional style against the backdrop of an ever-changing modern city. The barbers still embrace traditional style techniques in their shop ranging from customer service to the tools of their craft. Ruihua is home to many elderly customers and children alike. Ruihua is a gem among a bustling city that has retained its spirit and tradition for many many years, and plans to continue down its path of stasis. Ruihua gives the viewer a window into China's past, specifically through its people.
Spring Butterfly 春蝶 Length: Director:
8mins55sec Sara Doering
9mins32sec Ankita Purkayastha
Spring Butterfly sees a day in the life of Huangi Shan. As she gets ready to take the next step in life, we explore the importance of her soon to finish kindergarten days, her many activities and her closeness to her mother.
瑞華縮影是一個關於天津傳統理髮店的故事。瑞華早在100多年前建立,甚至有些理髮師 已經在這裡工作了30多年。瑞華以及它的顧客在這樣一個迅速發展的現代社會都以這種 傳統造型為驕傲。理髮從服務到工具都是以傳統形式存在。瑞華就像很多老人和小孩的 家。瑞華在這樣一個喧囂的城市就像一塊寶石,長時間的留存著自己的精神並且想一直 這樣下去。瑞華就像一個窗口可以看到中國的過去,特別是通過瑞華裡的人。
影片紀錄了小女孩黃奕姍生命中的一天。在她將邁入人生 的下一階段之時,我們探究了她即將告別幼兒園生活的重 要性,記錄了她的很多活動,以及她和媽媽之間的母女情 深。
Through Tianjin 穿越天津 Length: Director:
Story of a City 津門史蹟 Length: Director:
7mins58secs Joseph Dwyer
It is a short documentary on the experience of using public transportation to get around in the city of Tianjin, China — a sprawling port town on the Hai River home to some 14.7 million people. The film looks at what kind of public transportation systems are in place to quickly and efficiently transport millions of people across the city every day, what these systems look like, and how they move through Tianjin. Using only images and music, the film takes a non-dialogue approach to conveying the experience of riding through Tianjin on the subway, bus, and on bikes.
6mins33secs Ayush Trivedi
A young man visits a city for the first time and city unfolds its story to him with its history, joy & struggles. A reflection that a man and a city leaves on each other. 故一個年輕人生命中第一次走進天津,這個城市將自己的 故事以及歷史、快樂與掙扎呈現在他眼前。此城此人交相 呼應。
該短片由約瑟夫.德懷爾拍攝導演,講述人們在天津運用交通工具的日常生活經歷。天津 是一個擁有1470萬人口的港口城市,每天都有數以萬計的人口通過各種交通工具在這座 城市裡快速高效的運行。影片正是講述了這些交通系統運行的真實情景,以及人們怎麽 運用交通工具工作生活。全片沒有一處對話,只運用單純的畫面和音樂來展現人們如何 運用地鐵,公交和自行車來完成交流和生活。
The Blossoming 綻放
Happy Dance 樂享舞蹈
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins34secs Jim Dan Dee
It's called a dual core city, and the basis of The Blossoming is to capture the magic that is contained within it. One block in Tianjin can contain structures that are more than a hundred years old, and others are filled with the architecture of cultures from around the world--Italy, Germany, Japanese, Russian. And every day they are erecting more and more buildings of every kind during the boom their country is experiencing. The Blossoming uses the lens and filmmaking to relay the massive amount of change and new growth that Tianjin is experiencing. It captures the old ways and the new throughout the course of a day. The movie begins in the morning with a local shop owner, who owns and operates the shop, and ends with a stretch of immaculate buildings next to the Hai River, lighted beautifully for any and all to see.
Every day, rain hail or shine. That's how often the dancers at Donhuan Lu gather to exercise together in the plaza. The music and the moves are hard to pass by, and the personalities are even more captivating! Happy Dance is a short exploration of the phenomenon that is Chinese Guangchangwu/Square Dancing, and how it brings friends, families and communities closer together. 每天,風雨無阻,東華路廣場的舞蹈者聚集在一起鍛煉。 影片探索了中國的廣場舞現象,以及廣場舞如何讓朋友、家人及團體走得更近。
天津是一個擁有雙重特點的城市,而綻放這一主題就是基於這個城市神奇的融會了雙重 風格而起的。其中,天津的一部分是擁有一百多年歷史的建築,而另一部分則充滿了來 自意大利、德國、日本和俄國等截然不同的風格的建築。並且,這裡的人們依然在城市 發展的過程中構建著越來越多的各有特點的建築。《綻放》這一影片中運用鏡頭和其他 電影語言來展現天津的變化與成長。它將天津從古老到現代的發展與變化融會在了一天 之中。影片由清晨拍攝一個糕點店主的生活開始,以拍攝海河週邊的建築為結束,記錄 下了這裡美麗到讓每一個見過的人都難以忘懷的光影世界。
The Voice of the Rain 卻話蘇州夜雨時 Length: Director:
女人,房間,圖騰。記憶與文化身份繫在一起。這是一次 旅程,採集的影像來自蘇州市民的日常生活。關於青春、 死亡和人類處境的影像。這些獨特的時刻被捕捉和創造,試圖讓我們體驗生活在蘇州的 意義。
9mins33sec Aniruddh
The film is about how I see the food of Tianjin and China as an outsider, the Chinese food we get in India is very different from what I experienced here, and I tried to make a film which showcase the real taste of Tianjin's traditional food to the world.
Peckish on Ping Jiang 回味平江
這部電影講述的是我作為一個外國人看到的天津,以及中 國的食物。我在印度吃到的中國食物和我這次在中國吃到 的完全不同,因此我試圖用電影給世界展現天津傳統美食 的真實味道。
Length: Director:
11mins22secs Ryan Paturzo-Polson
Peckish on Ping Jiang takes a stroll down one of Suzhou's most ancients roads and visits three food vendors who share their knowledge about the history of Ping Jiang Rd and secrets to their sweet and scrumptious snacks which are iconic to the city surrounded by waterways. 影片漫步于蘇州古老的平江路,採訪了三位美食攤販,他 們分享了平江路的歷史以及他們香甜美味小吃的秘密,這 些小吃是這座被水路環繞的城市的符號。
Around the Dinner Table in Tianjin 飯桌上的天津 Length: Director:
10mins50secs Kiefer Derrick Findlow
The woman. The Room. The Totems. Memory and cultural identity are tethered. Journey through a collection of images taken from the lives of residents of Suzhou. Images of youth, death and the human condition. These unique moments are en-captured and recreated in attempted for us to experience what it means to live in Suzhou.
The Tip of the Tongue of Tianjin 舌尖上的天津 Length: Director:
8mins3secs Greta Nash
8mins53secs Malina ranquez
Through the film, we want to record Chinese family culture. With "the dinner" which is very important to all of people, we try to find what "the dinner" means to different families, why it can be used to hold the families together and promote the family members' communication. We record two families, and experience two different family dinner, at last, during the whole family dinner party, we are so happy to record the harmony and stability of Chinese household.
Age, Height, Education 年齡•身高•學歷 Length: Director:
8mins55secs Kate Lafoe
On a sunny weekend in the People's Square in Shanghai, parents gather to arrange potential dates for their children. By talking to professional matchmakers and parents at Shanghai's dating market, Age, Height, Education provides an insight into the importance of a 'good' marriage in Chinese society. How does a child's age, height, education and hometown influence the decision?
通過此片我們想來記錄中國家庭文化,結合我們身邊最重要的「食」,來探究每一頓飯 是怎樣來維繫家庭、促進家庭交流的。我們走進兩個家庭,分別體驗到兩種不同的家庭 晚餐,最後在一次大聚餐中,記錄下中國大家庭的和諧穩定。
一個晴朗的週末,上海人民公園裡聚集了很多為子女安 排相親的父母。通過與上海相親市場的專業婚介人員及父母的訪談,《年齡•身高•學 歷》一片為洞悉中國社會中一樁「好」姻緣的重要性提供了一個視角。年輕人的年齡、 身高、教育以及故鄉如何影響了他們的選擇?
What Do I Think? 我想⋯⋯
Art Suzhou 藝術蘇州
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
8mins16secs Nicky Smith
What Do I Think? Explores life as a Chinese high school student from different points of view. Students share the realities of student life, as well as their hopes and dreams. High school and training school teachers offer their perspectives. A businesswoman who only completed grade 9 reflects on her opportunities and those of her children. Is exam pressure too much? Is your university entrance exam the only gateway to a better future? You can decide what you think.
In Art Suzhou we are taken on a journey into the studios of four Suzhou based artists; Jian Zhusong, Wang Kai Ya, Du Dan and Fang Zhida. These artists welcome us in, to view their artwork and allow us to experience a wonderful juxtaposition of modern and traditional art. 在影片中,我們進入了四位蘇州藝術家的工作室。這些藝 術家歡迎我們進入工作室,欣賞他們的藝術品,讓我們經 歷了一次關於現代與傳統藝術的精彩相遇。
影片從多個角度探索了中國高中生的生活。學生們分享了學生生活的現實,以及他們的 希望與夢想。高中及培訓學校的老師提出他們的觀點。只完成九年教育的女商販反映了 她與孩子們的機會。考試壓力過大嗎?高考是通往一個美好未來的唯一途徑?你自己決 定你的想法。
A Suzhou Song 蘇州之聲 Length: Director:
Inheritance 繼承 Length: Director:
10mins28secs Joshua Ross Steele
影片探究了蘇州評彈的世界。評彈有著悠久的歷史,但在 當下的受歡迎程度卻在降低,因為年輕人有著越來越多的新的娛樂方式。影片探究了評 彈在蘇州本地人(年輕人及老年人)生活中所處的位置。傳統評彈能在當下繼續存活下 去嗎?
從摩登蘇州的燦爛霓虹到有幾百年歷史的傳統戲曲,《繼 承》通過對昆曲的探究思考著傳統與現代之間的關係:昆 曲的傳統以及表演者如何適合當下中國的快速節奏。
Dig a Little Deeper 漸入佳境
Nature & Tao 親近傳統,回歸自然
Length: Director:
10mins Shammini Gunasegaran
9mins6secs David C Mahler
Dig a Little Deeper follows a day in the life of a young, modern Chinese woman. We follow her morning routine, walking the streets of her city, enjoying traditional street food and meeting friends to have her nails painted; the small moments of our lives that we imbue with meaning. Over these images young women discuss their place and role in Chinese society, traditionally and in the modern era. Issues with the past and present are explored and discussed with an eye on the future, highlighting the many leaps and bounds that women's rights have taken in China over the past decades. In the end we are reminded to use the good elements of the past and present to make the future even brighter.
Nature and Tao explores the concept of human- earth relationships and life on Yeulu Mountain in Changsha, with regards to Taoism and martial arts (Taiji). It captures the duality of the Taoist philosophies and interrelation with ecology and living with harmony to the natural order. ”Non-attachment allows for full participation in life.” The viewer is forced to slow and immerse themselves in such unadulterated spaces. It aims to discomfort a viewer who is accustomed to the face paced city life. It is a film that does not indulge the viewer by creating a manufactured reality that is sped up and almost reflects real time and is stripped to it’s bare essence. Without media comforts such as bite sized information bits and fast cutting styles, the film aims to augment the viewer’s senses.
影片跟踪記錄了一個摩登中國女性一天的生活。我們跟隨她上午的日常生活:漫步城市 街頭,享受傳統街邊小吃,與朋友相約做美甲。通過這些影像,年輕女性討論她們在傳 統中國社會及當下社會中的位置及角色。
親近傳統,回歸自然。這個短片主要是探索長沙岳麓山上道家與道家武術的人與自然的關 係。主要是講述了道家性與命的雙重性以及和如何與自然和諧相處的關係。沒有牽掛,人 變能夠更加參與人生。觀眾要學會放慢自己並且融入到整個純淨的空間裡。這個短片主要 的目標是要讓太過適應城市生活的人們反思自己。這個短片不是提供給觀眾一個不斷加速 的虛假的世界, 而是給所有人一個真實的本質。沒有各種各樣的剪輯過的信息,這個短片要 更新觀看者的各種感官。
Eat Eat Eat Eat, Changsha 吃吃吃吃,長沙! Length: Director:
River Men 船工 Length: Director:
8mins7secs Carmen Holman
A Suzhou Song explores the world of Pingtan - a traditional Chinese storytelling performance. Although Pingtan has existed for many years, its popularity in the modern world is slowly fading as young people have more and more modern entertainment. This film explores the role of Pingtan in the lives of the Suzhou locals - young and old. Can the traditional Pingtan survive in such modern times?
From the bright lights of modern Suzhou to century’s old traditional Chinese opera, Inheritance explores the relationship between the old and the new through an exploration of the Kunqu Opera: how does its traditions and performers fit in the fast paced world of modern China.
Length: Director:
10mins37secs David Shane Morris
10mins33secs Nurul Amirah Haris
Unfamiliar streets, language barriers and cultural differences. Follow Amirah, as she scours the streets of Changsha for food with a budget of a hundred yuan. Throughout this 10-minute infotainment, Amirah will introduce famous local snacks and food haunts. Watch as she munches on local dishes and takes on challenges. Have a taste of Changsha's culture – Chi-Chi-ChiChi-Changsha.
7mins23secs Erin Rosenberge
The ancient canals that twist through Suhzou form a distinctive part of the city's identity. River men allows an immersion into the lives of the men who comb the murky waters for rubbish and debris. Reflecting upon a routine existence, the men take us on a gentle journey into the heart of Suhzou.
陌生的街道,語言障礙以及文化差異。這都不是問題! 讓我們跟隨Amirah的腳步,看她如何用100元搜羅長沙各色美食?通過這個10分鐘的短 片,Amirah將為大家介紹長沙著名的小吃。看她品嚐這些美食,並接受諸多挑戰!現在, 大家就一起來感受長沙的美食文化吧——吃,吃,吃,吃,長沙!
穿越蘇州的古運河成為這個城市的重要標誌。影片進入了 打撈清理水中垃圾的船工的生活。平淡的日常生活裡,船 工們帶我們經歷了一場深入蘇州靈魂的溫柔之旅。
Performing Life 木偶奇遇
Being Jerry 追夢赤子心
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins36secs Peh Yuxin
Performing Life is a documentary about the Zhang Tou (wooden rod) puppetry art. Through the eyes of the performers and designers at the Hunan Puppet and Shadow Art Protection and Inheritance Center, we get a glimpse of the art of puppetry.What does it take to make a puppet come to life? By talking to members of the puppetry troupe, we see how their passion for their work infuses their inanimate partners with life. They show us how puppetry and the reactions from the audience gives them satisfaction in their work.
In a country that has produced notable athletes in the areas of basketball, badminton, and ping-pong, one internationally popular sport is overlooked. Football. 'Being Jerry' is a short film that concentrates on the culture of football in the city of Changsha , the capital of Hunan Province. It introduces the difficulties the sport faces. With very little institutional support, football in Changsha faces many challenges. Changsha does not have a professional football school for young athletes hoping to pursue a career in the sport. In addition , Changsha is home to only one professional football team.The film follows the experiences of a journalism student and football player of Hunan University, Jin Rui (Jerry). Jerry exposes the joys and difficulties in playing football in this southern city. Yet the tenacity and determination of Jerry despite the difficulties shine through. He demonstrates exactly what it means to be Jerry.
《木偶奇遇》是關于木偶戲幕後製作的紀錄片,深入木偶表演的各個環節,採訪木偶製作 者及木偶表演者,以人物故事帶動一段關於木偶的奇妙旅程。我們追溯沒有生命的木偶怎 麼變成個性鮮明活靈活現的人物。挖掘木偶戲工作人員背後的故事,瞭解到這份工作帶給 他們的滿足感遠遠不止於努力付出換來的觀眾認可,而是在互聯網時代的衝擊下,能夠堅 守責任,同時適應時代發展,為這門古老藝術的保護與傳承、創新與發展貢獻力量。
中國在籃球羽毛球和乒乓球領域中可謂人才濟濟,但在足球這項全球範圍內流行著的運 中幾乎乏善可陳。短片追夢赤子心著眼於湖南省會城市長沙的足球文化。它介紹了足球 面臨的困境,如政府支持力度不大,如希望從事足球生涯的年輕運動員們在長沙找不到 職業足球訓練學校,再例如長沙只有一支職業足球隊的現實。短片記敘的是湖南大學新 聞專業體育特長生金銳的故事。長沙這座南方城市見證了他在足球場上的喜怒哀樂。無 論前路有多艱辛,金銳的不屈不撓和頑強拼搏的精神一路上都將熠熠生輝。他確切地呈 現了追夢赤子心的真諦。
Couchsurfing Changsha 長沙沙發客 Length: Director:
10mins Jeremy Ho
In a country 1 billion people, and a city of 3 million, surely every person has a story to tell. COUCHSURFING CHANGSHA aims to dig out these stories and go beyond the typical view of Chinese culture, by using the Couchsurfing platform to get in touch with locals and discover their way of life. Through this search, we also find out more about the local Couchsurfing phenomenon, and how practicing it influences the lives of local travellers, immigrant foreigners, parents, and even lovers.
This is Happy Changsha 這就是快樂長沙 Length: Director:
Poetic Changsha 詩意長沙 9mins16secs MingHui Koh
Poetic Changsha is about a traveler’s impression of Changsha. Sarah, a young executive in her early 20s, explores the area of China while going on a spiritual journey, in search of finding peace within herself in Changsha. Through the poetry and literature of famous Chinese poets and leaders, such as Chairman Mao Zedong, Du Fu and Jia Yi, such travels to different iconic scenes of Changsha, such as Ai Wan Pavillion, the former residence of Jia Yi and Yue Lu Academy. This narrative would consist of three episodes: Lost, Wander and Return.
中國的城市素以污染大,擁擠和繁忙出名,但湖南的長沙卻不是這樣。這座城市有一個輕 鬆的氛圍,不禁讓人聯想起澳大利亞的墨爾本和美國的舊金山。在夏天,天氣很熱而且 潮濕,溫度偶爾可以達到40 °C,這時候蟬的鳴叫也會一直不停歇。但是長沙和她的人 民卻仍然保持著輕鬆歡快——不是因為一個艱難的壯舉而被認為是中國最快樂的城市之 一,僅次於海南的海口。那是什麼讓長沙成為這樣一座開心的城市呢?為了探尋其中的 奧秘,我們和幾個當地人聊天。一位太極大師,一個咖啡館老闆和一個家庭主婦,他們 告訴我們他們是怎麽在這個城市成功地開闢出一席之地,以及屬於他們的特定類型的快 樂。關於幸福的秘密,他們三個告訴了我們什麽呢?長沙的人告訴我們,你做什麼並不 重要——總會有一些東西讓你去感激每一天。
詩意長沙是關於一個年青姑娘,到長沙散心的故事。她邊讀著中國古代詩人和名人所寫 下的詩,遊玩長沙。其中包括中國主席,毛澤東,詩人杜甫,與文學家賈誼。她也想在 這途中,找回內心的平靜。就這樣,她邊讀這詩,邊探索長沙,走過許多地方,包括愛 晚亭、賈誼故居,和岳魯書院。詩意長沙被分為三個篇章, 迷失、漫游、和回歸。
The Voice of Heaven 天堂的聲音
Embroidering a Better Tomorrow 繡出美好明天 Length: Director:
7mins45ses Yvette Kan
Chinese cities are known for being polluted, crowded and busy, but the city of Changsha in Hunan province is none of that. The city has a relaxed vibe that is reminiscent of cities like Melbourne in Australia and San Francisco in the USA. In the midst of summer, the weather is hot, humid – occasionally hitting a high of 40 °C – and the cicada calls are incessant. But Changsha and its people remains effortlessly cheerful – not a hard feat for a city considered to be one of the happiest in China, second only to Haikou in Hainan province. So what makes Changsha such a happy city? To find out more, we talk to a few locals to find out. A taichi master, a café owner and a housewife tell us how they have managed to carve out a place in this city, and their particular type of joy. And what does these three tell us about the secret to happiness? The people of Changsha show us that it doesn't matter what you do – there will always be something to appreciate every day.
在一個10億人的國家,和一個300萬人口的城市,每個人肯定都有自己的故事可以說。長 沙沙發客紀錄片旨在挖掘這些故事,用獨特的視角觀察中國文化。通過沙發客的平台接觸 當地人並融入他們的生活。通過這次經歷,我們也發現了更多關於長沙沙發客的獨特現象, 以及沙發客是如何影響當地旅行者、移民的外國人、父母、甚至情侶的生活。
Length: Director:
7mins17secs Josefina Oh
Length: Director:
25mins3secs 李參天
When a Chinese opera singer meets a rock boy Huang Yang in the same room at hospital waiting for their chemo, they have no relatives around. In order to make their music dream come true, they put up a show with combination of Chinese Opera and contemporary rock music.
8mins18secs So Young Park
Tells the culture of Xiang Sew and its heritage. 講述湖南著名的湘繡藝術,包括湘繡的傳承。
一位愛好唱戲的老大爺遇上桀驁不馴的搖滾小夥黃陽,他 們同是癌症患者,同住在一個病房,而他們有同樣缺少親 人的關懷。為了圓黃陽一個舞臺夢,也為了圓自己的舞臺 夢,他們將京劇與搖滾結合起來搬上了舞臺。
None of Your Business 與你無關
The Last Tribe 最後的部落
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
35mins 張軼陽
After graduation two young people come to Beijing in pursuing of their dreams only to discover the metropolis is not idealismfriendly. Accidentally they make each other's acquaintance and in order to survive, they need to combine their little strength. Without questioning if love is there they get married so that they can buy an apartment and repay the installments together. It's the circumstance that makes them live as a couple but gradually love grows. Life in metropolis is cruel and in the coming five years of struggling and fighting, they both forget their initial dreams. They might have continued this life-style thus to the end if the five years hasn't happened to be a very dramatic phase in Chinese economic history. The price of their apartment which was 100,000 yuan has risen up to 1,000,000 yuan. Dream is something so strange that whenever there is possibility, it revives with an irrepressible and trembling force. One night they sit down and open up their respective scar to each other, a topic they both have never mentioned for five years, a clamoring dream they both have tried to soothe for five years. They decide to divorce, sell the apartment, split the money, and set off on their respective path for their initial dream that had brought them to Beijing.
She is a native girl of the Wa nationality. She owns a strong and restless heart under her gentle and beautiful appearance. She has the same dream frequently. In the dream, she comes across with a young man who come from a foreign country in Wa Village…He is a handsome young man who come from Korean. He deeply moved by the past event of his grandfather and the girl who named Yi Rong. Thus, he took his grandfather's unfinished wish many years ago going to Wa Village to look for the portrayal mentioned in the diary. Until he met the beautiful and decent girl he fell in love with her at the first sight…Is His and her 'seeming to have met before ' or doomed in this life? How the fashionable and modern urban culture will crash and fuse with Chinese traditional original civilization in “the last tribe”? 她是地地道道的佤族姑娘,溫柔美麗的外表下却有著一顆堅強和不安分的心。她經常會 做一個夢,夢境中一個異國少年前來佤寨與她相遇...他是英俊帥氣的韓國青年,被外公和 瓦寨姑娘依榮的那段往事情深深打動,並帶著外公多年前的未完成的心願前來瓦寨尋找 日記裏提到的畫像。直到他遇到美麗大方的她並與之一見傾心…他和她的「似曾相識」 ,是前世姻緣的再續?還是今生的注定? .時尚現代的都市文化又如何與中國傳統的原生 態文明在這「最後的部落」裡相互碰撞&融合?
兩個充滿夢想的年輕人來到北京,卻發現冷酷大都市沒有理想主義的容身之處,偶然結 識對方後,為了生存,他們將微弱的力量聯合起來共同打拼,沒有認真想過愛情是否存 在就爽快結了婚,以便合併經濟力量買房。本是環境所迫讓二人走到一起,愛情却慢 慢地滋生而出。大都市生活殘酷,在之後五年的打拼和還貸中,二人都忘掉了最初的夢 想。若不是這五年是中國經濟一個戲劇性的階段,他們這樣的生活狀態還將永遠持續下 去。當初他們首付十萬元買的房子漲到了一百萬。夢想是一個奇怪的種子,一旦放到一 個有一點可能性的土壤,便以不可抑止的力量發芽復甦。⋯⋯
Zero Distance 零距離 Length: Director:
The Ancient Tea Route 茶馬古道 Length: Director:
24mins10secs 毛立波
HTianxiao Chen was brought up by his grandfather who taught him the concept" Good people will be rewarded with good things".With this belief, he devoted himself into his working and deleloped a good relationship with leaders while he did't get on well with his colleagues. His life was changed in one day when he save an old man who was hit by a car.However, Chen therefore suffered misunderstanding and scolding from the children of the old man, who thought the old man was hit by Chen. What's worse, due to this saving, Chen was late for a very important meeting and then was fired by his company. Both his career and life fell into a low point. After the old man revived from the accident and the children of the old man knew the truth, they went to the company with a reporter and told the leader that they misunderstood Chen. With the truth was exposed, all the people was looking for Tianxiao Chen.....
35mins 鄭曉佳
After Xu Xiake left the Tea King in Fengqing, he traveled a long journey and finally got to the Ancient Tea Route---Lushi, a small town. He was enjoying the prosperousness of the town when unintentionally saw the kite in the sky. After enquiring he learnt that there was a Tea Master in a local tea house, and she would sang and gave tea in the tea house at exactly the time every day. Xu Xiake followed the crowds to the tea house. After drinking the tea he found what he was drinking was exactly the tea he drank under the Tea King. He was pleasantly surprised when he found the Tea Master was nobody but Waner. But to avoid the embarrassment of encounter, he decided to leave. Just then, he learnt that Waner was in trouble with someone called Shen, who was born in a rich family. On the day he left, he got a letter from Waner. After reading the letter, Xu realized he let her down. So he wrote on the kite to express his missing, on the thought that she would see it. Waner did see the kite, and happily went to Xu Xiake, but stunned by someone. Xu came all the way and saved her...
陳天笑從小由爺爺帶大,他只記住爺爺所教導的一個理念拿就是「好人有好報」。工作 中無私幫助領導,拉近了和領導的距離,却拉遠了和同事的距離。因為突如其來的一次 馬路救人,遭來了被救老人子女的誤會和打駡,還因為救人陳天笑耽誤了開會時間,被 公司開除。人生工作和事業,都遭遇到了低谷。被救老人醒來,子女帶記者找到公司要 報導好人好事,老總弄清原委。於是,全城搜尋陳天笑……
徐霞客悄然離開鳳慶茶樹王后,一路遠行來到了風景秀美的茶馬古道魯史古鎮。看到了這 裡繁榮的景象,無意間發現天空中的風箏,徐霞客詢問得知,是這裡的一處茶樓有茶魁, 每日此時便會在茶樓內歌唱、贈茶。徐霞客跟著百姓來到了茶樓,品嘗香茶,發現就是自 己在茶王樹下所飲之茶。徐霞客更驚喜地發現茶魁原來就是婉兒,心裡害怕邂逅尷尬,徐 霞客意欲離開,却突然發現婉兒被富家公子沈公子刁難。離開之日,徐霞客收到了婉兒的 信。徐霞客閱後,明白了婉兒的心,决定找到婉兒。⋯⋯
Fang Fang 帶著撲克上路 Length: Director:
Love in Spring 江雨霏霏江草齊 Length: Director:
22mins 馬詩漫
21mins35secs 隆喆
Li Guangju is a construction worker. Once when he is playing cards, he finds out that there is information about his son Fang Fang being missing on the cards his coworker Chen Yijun bought. He calls his wife, who is back at home alone and she says everything is fine. What really happened to his son? Li Guangju embarks on a journey home to solve the mystery of his son.
18mins 唐燁
Many great love stories are accomplished by regrets. After the leading roles of the film read the script, they said: “it is really a Tang-dynasty version of the Bridges of Madison County!”
李廣聚在工地工作,在一次打牌中,竟然發現工友陳義軍 買回來的撲克牌上竟然有兒子方方的走失信息,獨自在 家的妻子却又告訴他家裏一切安好,到底在兒子身上發生了什麽?李廣聚踏上了回家的 路,揭開了兒子身上的謎團。
遺憾,成就了許多偉大的愛情故事。本片主演看過劇本之 後,就曾感慨道:這簡直就是唐朝版的《廊橋遺夢》啊!
Grandpa & Me 祖孫情
Yin Jiang Stroll 漫•鄞江
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
23mins 顏代堯
Grandpa is a traditional Chinese man who loves tai chi, the four treasures of study and the art of tea ceremony. His grandson Cui Zihao grew up in America and is dressed in hip street style. When Zihao visits Grandpa, their cultural difference creates sparks between them. Zihao, who wants to learn kung-fu, has to start with basic Chinese culture. He has to learn calligraphy, tea ceremony and the pile squat. In order for his grandson to learn better, Grandpa motivates him with things he likes. In the martial arts competition, Grandpa is cheering for his grandson in the audience and in the end, Zihao wins the gold medal. When he leaves Grandpa, Zihao is more sure of who he is.
11mins 劉飛
The film tells the story of a long lived in the city for the photographer got tired ofthe noisy city, came to the southern town of Yinjiang seek inspiration story.Jiangcheng photographer in the hustle and bustle of city life, gradually lost enthusiasm and Inspiration of creation , he decided to stop work on hand, came to a small town in the South Yin jiang. Here, he appreciated the beauty of Jiangnan ancient town, appreciate the honest and kind-hearted local people, not only findtheir poetic life yearning long already, but met a beautiful love. 影片講述了一個久居都市的攝影師厭倦了城市喧囂,來到江南小鎮鄞江尋找靈感的故 事。攝影師江城在喧囂忙碌的都市生活中,逐漸失去了對創作的熱情與靈感,他决定停 下手上的工作,隻身來到江南小鎮鄞江。在這裡,他領略到了江南古鎮的美景,體會到 了當地居民的淳樸與善良,不僅找到了自己嚮往已久的詩意生活,而且邂逅了一段美麗 的愛情。
爺爺是愛太極,文房四寶,茶道的傳統中國老人,孫子崔子豪從小在美國長大,一身嘻 哈打扮,當子豪回國探親與爺爺相處時,兩人的文化差異擦出了巨大的火花。要學功夫 的子豪從了解中國文化開始,練字,學習茶文化,扎馬步。為了讓孫子好好練習,爺爺 采用糖衣炮彈的教學。在武術比賽中,爺爺在台下打太極為孫子加油,最終子豪獲得了 武術金牌,離開爺爺時他更加堅定了脚下的路。
The Love of Iceland 冰島之戀 Length: 15mins02secs Director: 何敏聰
The love of Iceland is the source of Yunnan Iceland tea reflects the micro film, simple pure vows, each other sincerely with the emotional entanglements. Tea for the media, in Lincang local customs as a base, the essence of tea eight flavor in the film is fully embodied. The way people view, treatment of love of life, are found in eight kinds of tea. 冰島之戀是一部反映雲南冰島茶的茶之源本的微電影,古樸純真的誓言,彼此真心恪守的情感糾葛。以茶為媒,以臨滄當地風情為基,把茶之八味的精髓在這部微電影中也是得到了充分 體現。人對愛情的處理方式、對人生的看法,皆在茶之八味中找到本源。
Women in Fragment 沉默的擁抱
Chosen 選擇
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
22mins Quan Zhou Elizabeth Sung, Taryn Look, Maya Massar
Anne Wong is a promising contemporary dancer in Los Angeles, but her inability to tap into her emotions prevents her from realizing her potential as a dancer. After her mother is hospitalized, she is faced with difficult task of saving her mother’s dry cleaning business while pursuing her dance career. Through these struggles, she discovers her inner strength which was a missing element in her dancing. But as her mother’s health continues to decline, it becomes clear to her that she cannot both take care of her mother and continue to pursue her dream.
The story centers on the relationship between a troubled sevenyear-old boy, ADAM, and his evangelical mother, MARTHA. The film takes the audience through a myriad of Adam's inner struggles and touches. 故事圍繞著一個七歲男孩亞當和他的教母之間的關係 展開,通過這部電影讓觀眾們感受到亞當心中的五味雜 陳和掙扎。
安妮是一名出色的現代舞舞者。她的母親因病住院以後她除了跳舞還要維持家裡乾洗店 業務。在這個過程中她逐漸變得堅強起來,而這種堅強正是她以前在舞蹈中所欠缺的。 而就在這個時候,她母親的狀况愈發得嚴重起來,事業還是家庭,這是一個艱難的抉擇。
Take this Shell with You 保護 Length: Director: Cast:
Mr. Bunny 兔子先生 Length: Director: Cast:
06min 40sec Congyu E Martin Elias, Lean Garland, Mason Brenner, Romi Cortier
A woman trapped in a man’s body. Eric has been using his wife, LIZ, as the shield for his lifestyle until an accidental discovery helps him to step out of his comfort zone and realize the power of love. The film takes the audience through a myriad of Eric’s inner struggles and touches upon the pressing messages of acceptance and truth.
Bo Yao 21min 22sec Eric Zaiac, Madison Kirkapatrick, Warren Davis, Vitto Owens, Morris Haldane, Kurt Cotton
John is a lonely guy who works for “Creator”, and he lives in the area between human world and the underworld. His job is deleting dead people’s memories and sending their souls into the reincarnation system. But one day, he receives his never-known daughter’s soul, and he decides to keep his daughter’s memories and bring her back to life..what will happen to him?
艾瑞克一直在利用他的妻子利茲來保護自己的感受。知道一場意外發生後他被迫自己面 對問題,從而意識到了愛情的力量。
約翰是一個孤獨的人,他的工作是將死人的記憶刪除然後把他們的靈魂送去輪迴系統。 直到有一天,他接到了他女兒的靈魂,他決定保留他女兒的靈魂並讓她復活,但這會造 成什麼樣的後果呢?
Raymond Avenue 雷蒙德大街 Length: Director: Cast: DeMetz
05min 35sec Joe Zen Alice Yuan, Ewan Chung, Mike Grey, Delon
LA County, a Chinese couple is discussing about their future, they are both international students. The guy wants to stay after graduation, while the girl wants to go back home. At the same time, two African American brothers are trying to leave their foster families, and looking for their chance to break through. The initiative mission comes. Night fall on Raymond Avenue.
Lanterns 燈籠 Length: Director: Cast: Thomson
13min 20sec Congyu E Maddux Berry, Shauna Bloom, Yanellie Ireland, Jenn Bowman
06min 00secs Hanwen Lei Aida Janesky, Duane Taniguchi, Jonathan
洛杉磯,一對來自中國的情侶在討論他們的將來,男生希望留在美國而女生則希望回到 中國。與此同時,一對非洲裔兄弟决定要離開家尋找機會。夜幕降臨在雷蒙德大街上….
Eve Winogrand is a young female artist. She tries to introduce a Japanese lantern maker, Kimura’s work as art piece in her father, Dr. Winogrand’s gallery. However, her father believes that hand craft doesn’t raise to the level of true art. Eve has to visit Kimura to return his work and apologize. Yet Kimura isn’t upset at all. Instead he expressed his belief in art making to Eve, meaning
High Tide 滿潮
not care about fame.
Length: 18min Director: Cynthia Yuqin Feng Cast: Murielle Zuker, Alastair James Murder, Andrew Bongiorno
伊芙是一個年輕的藝術家,她試著將一位日本藝術家製作的燈籠推薦到她父親的藝術館 展出,但她的父親却認為這個燈籠並沒有什麼藝術價值。伊芙很沮喪地將燈籠還給了日 本藝術家,但接下來的故事却大大出乎她的意料….
Facing a situation that some woman encounters in their life, Coco finally needs to confront her impotent boyfriend and her sex partner. It is the ultimate choice, but a worse situation awaits her. 本片講述一個女人在面對男朋友和情人的時候,所做出的 艱難抉擇。
Ann 安 Length: Director: Cast:
Follow Me 跟隨我 10mins Cynthia Yuqin Feng Annie O’Donnell, Scott Rinker, Maury Morgan
Length: Director: Cast:
06min 41sec Zixin Weng Franky, Frezno
A widowed woman went back to her old house after the death of her husband.
It’s a warm story about an animated cat Franky and his owner Johnny. ‘I love you, so I save you.
一個剛剛參加完丈夫葬禮的女人回到他們的舊房子發生的 故事。
The HUND 獵犬
Wonderland 失樂仙境 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
16min 40sec Wei-Heng Chung Tom Chou, Rebecca Aranda, Igor Komar
13min 04sec Sirius Hu Chad Skiles, Lisa Marie-Woods, Tai Hartley, Eric Womack, Kacey Spivey
This romantic comedy follows Lutz, a.k.a. the HUND, a private detective with super smelling sense, who had lost his scent from a break-up. A young medical student claimed she can help him to regain his power; meanwhile the police is asking him to solve a kidnapping case, which could lead to his mysterious nemesis.
Lee is living with his selfish fat master, Grace. As a servant, Lee wishes his master dies. Surprisingly his wish came true. 李作為一個僕人跟他自私的胖主人一起生活,他無時無刻 不想讓他的主人死掉,終於有一天,他的願望成真了。
這部愛情喜劇講述了一個擁有超級嗅覺的私家偵探在經歷 了一次分手之後,喪失了自己超能力。而一位年輕的醫學院學生自稱可以幫助他恢復。 與此同時,一宗神秘的綁架案把他引向了未知的境地….
Forerunner 先驅 Length: Director: Cast:
Caught 抓住
25min 19sec Christopher He Bryan Chester, Jeremiah O’Brien, Sierra Willis
Length: Director: Cast:
In 1970s, during the cold war, British spy Adam posing as a journalist and try to steal a secret clean energy source from a scientist who is hiding in underground with his daughter, and have been chased by his wife’s murderer.
It is 2001, Gunn, a student experienced in trading illegal contrabands, acts as a liaison between traders. Now he’s got to pull one last job to win the girl he loves, Felicia, who has an agenda of her own.
1970年代,冷戰仍在繼續。一個英國間諜偉裝成記者試圖 從一位躲藏在地下的科學家手裡偷來清潔能源的技術,故 事就此展開….
2001年,一個給非法交易做中間人的學生决定做最後一單 生意來贏得他喜歡的女孩的心。.
Saving John Murphy 拯救約翰.墨菲 Length: Director: Cast:
19min 54sec Bruce Li Joe Lenihan, Kiera McNeill, John Austin Wiggins, Michael Gregory Fung, Marcel Leach
Help Point 求助點
18min 51sec Christopher He Bryan Chester
Length: Director: Cast:
A father seeking his son with confusion and self-doubt.
12min 32sec Andrew Margetsoni Cian Barry, Ruta Gedmintas, John Thomson
Jack has lost his car in a huge airport car park where he meets Maya in the same predicament. Together they seek assistance at the ‘Help Point’ who agrees to find their cars. With twenty minutes to kill, Jack can’t resist trying to charm Maya, who in turn starts to confined in him. But an unexpected interruption means the relationship doesn’t work out as planned.
杰克在一個巨大的機場停車場丟掉了自己的汽車,在求助 點等待的時候碰到了同樣丟掉汽車的瑪雅。在短短的20分鐘之內,杰克一直試圖用自己 的魅力去吸引對方,但是故事並沒有朝著計劃的路線走下去…
Reaper 死神 Length: Director: Cast:
Hunger 饑餓 12min 33sec Richard Tavernaro Tim Perez, Zach Sale, Joel Devisser, Brett Meloy
Length: Director: Cast:
17min 45sec Brian Frager London Vale, Kristin Coffman, Paula Bellamy-Frank lin
A soldier is cut off and alone behind enemy lines until a man unexpectedly appears and offers to help get him safely back to friendly lines. The question is: who is he?
Escaping an unknown evil, Dawn and her daughter Carla believe they have finally found safety in a rustic mountain cabin, but soon realize that the horror has been with them all along.
一個士兵在戰鬥中被困在了敵方的包圍圈中,就在絕望的 時候有一個神秘的士兵出現保證幫助他安全突圍。但問題 是,他是誰?
這從未知的恐怖中逃離後,唐恩和他的女兒以為他們已經 在山中找到了避難之所,但事實並非如此…
The Tortured 犯罪精英
Half Truth 半真半假
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: 8min 50sec Director: Jessica Liou Cast: Michelle Franco, Tom Ito, Sienna Ling, Eichin Chang-Lim
17min 48sec Nick Laurent / Keith Hodder Zach Sale, Stephen Knight, James Sutton, Richard Tavernaro, and James Chandler
A group of mercenaries are hired to hunt down a ruthless Eastern European dictator. Conrad, the newest member of the team not only discovers the true motivations of those around him, but also the darkness that is hidden within his own heart.
A story within a story, in which a florist, Delilah, writes and edits her tale. 故事中的故事,一個養花人的自述。
一夥僱傭軍受命去刺殺東歐的一個獨裁者,小分隊的新成 員康若德漸漸地發現大家參與這次行動的原因,也感受到 了自己內心黑暗的一面。
Diaoyu Islands, the Truth 釣魚島真相
False Awakening 清醒夢
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
42min Chris D. Nebe Documentary
Based on historical facts the film proves that the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea have been Chinese territory since ancient times.
15min Yuxi Li Xiao Gao, Xiaoxiao Ning, Zi Chen, Yuxi Li
A Chinese film students studying in L.A, Xiao Gao struggles to recover from trauma and regain his identity after a bad breakup and a fall of his career. A story about loneliness, self-identity and connection.
一個在洛杉磯求學的中國電影學生,經歷了感情和事業的 雙重打擊後,重新尋找自我的故事。
The Maltese Moose and Squirrel 馬爾他麋鹿與松鼠
Red Dress 紅裙子
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
06min 40sec Richard Tavernaro Brody Rose, Lizzy Vincent, Jeff Rose, Harry Hunter, Robert Kelly
A young boy has the adventure of a lifetime while spending the day at work with his father over spring break.
12min 50sec Ekmund Yong Larry Kitagawa, Katherine Park, Ed Moy, Xiaotong Wang
Mr. Chen, a lonely stubborn man, seeks the company of his housemaid, Hua, on his birthday. Despite his wishes, Hua goes out and leaves him alone for the night. Angered, Mr. Chen waits up for Hua and he forces himself onto her as she tries on a red dress giving to her by her date. The next morning Mr. Chen finds Hua in her room dead ad still wearing the red dress from the night before. Now haunted by guilt, Mr. Chen seeks a priest and throws a lavish funeral in hopes to put the memory and life of Hua to rest.
一個小男孩在春假的時候跟隨父親工作,度過了永生難忘 的一天。
陳先生是一個孤獨而又固執的人,在他生日的那天他希望他的女僕華可以留在家裡陪 他,但被無情拒絕。於是他就強迫華去穿上一件紅色的裙子來發洩。第二天早上他發現 華穿著紅裙子死在了家裡,出於愧疚,陳先生給華舉辦了盛大的葬禮以讓她安息。
– 38 零下三十八度
The Love is Inconceivable 愛情最美麗
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
40mins 姜凱陽 于和偉、王麗坤,李建義
After 9,18,1931 slaughter, northeast compatriots suffering under Japanese army has been for nine years. Empire Riverside Province Puppet Hospital Surgical female doctor ChangQing, as medical skills, won the esteem of hospital. The patriotic and progressive doctor with his position has been providing a large number of medicines for our under ground secret. To be safe, she had kept her husband. The husband Nian is an ordinary movie projectionist, honest and humble. The couple decided to leave Manchuria to the customs of life. They all laid out, but the sudden turn of events before leaving.
Mid-aged PE teacher Ma Jin Kui always tries to find his other side on a Blind date until he met Niu Mei Li, a charming successful business women, unlike other, their love story begin with 'hate'. What surprised those two 'enemies ' were, Ma's 'daughter' XiaoCan and Niu's 'nephew' XiaoBei fall in love way before Ma and Niu met.When the young couple's relation get deeper and closer, there are two secrets hiding behind both families gradually surfaced. Ma's ex-wife ' revived' exposed fact that XiaoCan is not Ma's daughter and Niu's best friend said XiaoBei is Niu's actual son。 One is not the father but raised the girl as a daughter. One is the Mother but because of family issues she has to experience the pain and struggle everyday not to expose her true relationship with her 'nephew'. A mid-aged man who never had success in a blind date, and a strong women who cannot tolerant others, but eventually the love deeply in their heart melt each other, walked together.
1940年初,偽滿醫院醫生常青是位進步愛國醫生,一直利用職務之便為抗聯秘密提供藥 品,安全起見,一直瞞著丈夫。當常清與丈夫年定邦欲離開偽滿去關內生活之時,意外 得知日軍有大批軍火秘密入華。常青決定留下阻止,這讓不知實情的丈夫很是不解與焦 慮。丈夫年定邦曾是國民黨力主抗日派。事實讓他認清了國民黨真剿共假抗日的本質。 一次行動中詐死隱居,隱居生活中與常青相戀結合。此時的定邦也被國民黨特務找到並 以常青的安危作籌碼,逼其參與阻止日軍秘運軍火。夫妻倆為了國家的安危和對方的安 全,互相隱瞞著身份並產生了很多誤解。在這次行動中,定邦被抗聯戰士大無畏的精神 所打動。在戰火的洗禮中,兩人最終坦誠相待、攜手完成任務。
人近中年不斷相親的體育老師馬錦魁與風姿綽約的單身女老闆牛美麗這輩子如果有愛 情,那一定是從「仇恨」開始的!而令這對「仇人」意外是「女兒」馬曉燦與「侄子」 牛小北早於他們「仇恨」就情投意合了。當小兩口越走越近拉近了兩個家庭關係後,兩 個隱藏在家庭背後的秘密漸漸浮出了水面,馬錦魁的前妻的「死而復生」揭穿了馬曉燦 不是馬錦魁的親女兒的事實,而牛美麗的摯友說破了「侄子」牛小北確是牛美麗的親 兒子故事!一個不是親爸,却當親姑娘養,一個是親媽,却因家庭阻礙無法相認的兩個 人,經歷過怎樣的痛苦與掙扎?一個相親無數次未果的中年男人,一個無法容下他人的 女強人,最終卻因心底對孩子的真摯的愛而融化彼此,走到一起。
Loving Forever 戀戀不忘 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 張國立 張國立、蔣雯麗
45mins 曾麗珍 言承旭、 佟麗婭、 黃柏鈞
Who’s True Hero 誰是真英雄
A single mother Wu Tong lives in a modern city with her kid Wu Tongtong. They are not rich but their life is full of hope and happiness. An accident causes a very rich guy Li Zhong Mou's attention. He does a lot of research and he figures out that Wu Tongtong is his son. For taking his own son back, Li Zhong Mou sues Wu Tong and wins the case. But Wu Tong never gives up on taking back the custody. During the daily life with Wu Tongtong and Wu Tong, Li Zhong Mou moved by their close relationship. He realizes his childhood was lack of mother love. He doesn't want his son to suffer it again. He decides to marry with Wu Tong and give his kid a complete family. After they go through a lot of events, they suffered from prejudge, hate, dead and alive, then they finally learn what is forgiveness and what love is.
Length: Director: Cast:
42mins 連奕名 小瀋陽、王剛、徐立
The film is based on the story of the underclass Jia Jiu, showing his petty and low, frustration, resentment, feelings of sadness, but also highlights the tenacity, humor, determination of the Chinese ordinary people in a particular historical period. 本片是以賈九這個社會最底層的民眾為代表,講述了在大 時代背景下,這個小人物的卑微、無奈、憤恨、悲凉的情 感,同時,也凸顯了中國普通民眾在特定的歷史時期的那 份堅韌、幽默、智慧的抗戰决心。
單親媽媽吳桐帶著兒子吳童童在大都市生活,日子雖然清貧,但充滿了希望和快樂。一 次意外事故,引起了富豪厲仲謀的注意,幾番查證,厲仲謀證實了吳童童竟然是自己的 親生兒子。為了要回兒子,厲仲謀與吳桐對簿公堂,並爭得了兒子的撫養權。但在相處 過程中,厲仲謀被吳桐與兒子的親密關係所打動,他自己缺失母愛的童年,讓他不希望 再在兒子身上重演。厲仲謀與吳桐結婚。在經歷了生死、怨恨、指責、偏見之後,所有 人都學會了諒解、寬容、信任和愛,一家人團聚了。
The Story of Zheng Yang Gate 正陽門下 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 劉家成 倪大紅、朱亞文、邊瀟瀟
In her 30s, Qi Zhifang, who is beautiful and capable, lost her husband. She has to raise three young children, with another one on the way, all by herself. With great sadness, she has to endure everyone’s pity and humiliation and survive with dignity. Family, love and dignity, it’s not until her later years that Qi Zhifang finally finds her own happiness.
The return but there was no formal job educated youth chunming han and his friends in the reform and open policy, from a stall recyclers began, with hard work and unremitting persistence, accumulated the wealth of the original, for the love. But, life is not always so smooth. In the process of entrepreneurship, he was countered, marriage also because of his mistakes and the crisis. Under the concern and support from family and friends, he has not been knocked out, to stand up to hard work . Down a few degrees wind and rain, chun-ming han opened his own business, to become a successful entrepreneur; In the process of struggle, he realized the shortage of the oneself continuously, improve the culture, set up a private museum with wealth , the loss of overseas or on the verge of destruction of the protected ancient works of art show, at the same time, also received a happy marriage and friends of a lifetime friendship.
三十歲左右,漂亮大方,精明能幹的齊之芳失去了丈夫, 一個人帶著三個年幼的孩子,肚子裡還有一個遺腹子,懷著極大的委屈傷心,忍受著被 眾人憐憫的屈辱,她倔強地維持著尊嚴和體面,堅強地活著。她不允許孩子們向外人伸 手,教育他們寧可餓著也不求援。總是有男人欣賞這樣獨立自主,美麗孤傲的女人,肖 虎、戴世亮、李茂才,他們以各自的方式對她表達著愛意。齊之芳愛上戴世亮,感激李 茂才,最後傾心於肖虎,然而因為種種原因,她總是與他們擦肩而過。家庭、愛情、尊 嚴,直至暮年的齊之芳最終得到了屬於自己的那份幸福。
返城却沒有正式工作的知青韓春明和他的朋友們乘著改革開放的東風,從擺攤收破爛開 始,用辛勤的勞動和不懈的堅持,積累了最初的財富,獲取了愛情。但是,生活並不總 那麼順利。在創業過程中,他遭到暗算,婚姻也因為自己的失誤而出現了危機。在家人 和朋友的關心支持下,他沒有被擊倒,重新站起來努力奮鬥。幾經磨難,幾度風雨,韓 春明開拓了自己的事業,成為一個成功的企業家;他在奮鬥的過程中,不斷認識到自身 的不足,提高文化修養,用財富建立了私人博物館,把流失海外或者瀕臨毀滅的古代藝 術品保護起來,展現給人們,同時,也獲得了幸福的婚姻和朋友的終生友誼。
Mother will Marry 娘要嫁人 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 喬梁 蔣雯麗、于榮光、李立群
Naked Marriage Afterwards 裸婚之後
On the road 大路上
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 程檣 張佳寧、王陽、万思維
A fresh married couple Yi Cheng and Huang Yi Lin starts their marriage life with plenty of money. Huang Yi Lin loves her life and she tries all she can to hold it on, but she realizes her husband is going further and her life lost control. Another couple Chi Xiang and Miao Qing Qing from out of the province stay at Beijing begins their career after graduate. After they get married, a lot of problems such as living, child educates and career needs them to solve. They lost in the beginning. No one can tell them how their future will be. They almost give up on that, but love keeps them together. After a long time hard work, they finally find a right spot in this big city and create a wonderful life by their own hand .Due to this two totally different marriage life, this four young people witness the change of time and they finally figure out the meaning of happiness.
In the 90's of the last century, as China development strategy changed, more than 200000 workers in Shen Yang Tiexi factory lost their job. For this case, manager of the factory Xu Guanghan has totally different opinion as his brother Xu Guangxue. A department leader Lin is waiting for a chance to take revenge for Xu Guanghan. As the manager, Xu Guanghan has to stop funding leader's salary and keep cutting down workers to keep this factory running. After a short time, Xu Guanghan and all his partners keep doing research of new technologies; improve their production lines, fight with illicit competition and finally wins the battle of development by the right lead of Chinese Communist Party... 在上世紀九十年代國企改革的浪潮中,隨著國家戰略决策的重大轉移,瀋陽鐵西區十幾 萬產業工人一夜間下崗。重礦廠廠長徐光漢在裁員問題上與親弟弟徐光學勢同水火,廠 裡的老人林部長對徐光漢伺機報復。身為廠長的徐光漢只得用停發機關幹部工資、精簡 生產人員等辦法維持著生產局面。在中央和省委的正確領導下,借黨中央、國務院實施 東北地區等老工業基地振興戰略的東風,鐵西區特大型國有工業企業在廠長徐光漢帶領 下克服工人下崗、企業虧損、民企不正當競爭、國內外經濟形勢影響等不利因素,堅持 艱苦樸素、自力更生、技術創新、自主研發,走出了一條國企改革振興的輝煌大路。
亦誠和黃一琳這對小夫妻在鮮花、美酒、汽車、洋房的簇擁下開始了他們的婚後生活, 當黃一琳用盡所有時間和精力試圖留住這美景時才發現那美麗風景中的男主人公已與她 漸行漸遠。來自外省的池翔和苗青青畢業後留在北京共創未來,婚後兩人面對事業、住 房、育兒等種種現實生活的考驗曾迷茫、消沉,憑著對彼此真愛的堅持,終於在這個城 市找到了屬於自己的位置,携手創建著他們的幸福生活。四個剛剛邁入婚姻門檻的青年 男女,以各自不同的婚姻經歷見證了時代觀念的變遷,但也明白了幸福的真正內涵有其 一致性。
See Without Looking 推拿
Servant of Two Masters 一僕二主 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
47mins 劉進 張嘉譯、閆妮、江疏影
45mins 康洪雷 濮存昕、張國強、李菁菁
"Sha Zong Qi" Massage was founded by blind man Sha Fuming and Zhang Zongqi. The cause of opening the Massage store is because they had investments in stock market, and Sha Fuming handed all his investment to Zhang Zongqi to take care of. In the changes of the stock market, Zhang Zongqi did the transactions without noticing Sha Fuming, and at the same time achieving his own purpose. Zhang Zongqi then suggested Sha Fuming to open the Massage store. Massage Master Sha Fuming is responsible for technical for the massage store and Zhang Zongqi is responsible for administration. The massage store seemingly functioning without problem…
A delightful romantic comedy centered around two middle-aged individuals and two young ladies who have to confront what marriage means and the role that wealth, class and parenting play in it. We have a wonderful bunch of characters - single father Yang Shu, his rebellious 18 year old daughter Yang Shu Miao, single and rich female CEO Tang Hong, the 28 year old working class girl Gu Jing Jing and her gold-digger best friend Li LI. A slew of misunderstandings eventually give rise to the most awkward love triangle between Tang Hong, Yang Shu and Gu Jing Jing...
「沙宗琪」推拿院由盲人沙復明(濮存昕飾)和一眼明一眼盲的張宗琪(高亞麟飾)創 立,起因是他們共同炒股,全盲的沙復明將多年打拼得來的積蓄悉數交給張宗琪打理。 股市變化時,張宗琪瞞著沙復明在股市運作,在達到自己目的的同時,張宗琪勸說沙復 明合開了這家推拿院。推拿大師沙復明負責技術,精於算計的張宗琪負責行政,推拿院 貌似有條不紊地運作著…
人到中年的楊樹是單身女老闆唐紅的私人司機,帶著18歲的女兒楊樹苗,青春期的她任 性強硬,和楊樹衝突不斷。唐紅一直沒有結婚,雖然身邊有土老闆孟來財追求,但她愛 著楊樹,對楊樹苗也關愛有加。礙于身份的考慮,正直老實的楊樹一直不願意接受唐紅 的愛意。在女兒設計下,楊樹結識了頗像前妻的年輕女孩顧菁菁,兩人互生好感。楊樹 就這樣夾在了唐紅和顧菁菁之間,一幕幕喜劇故事上演。⋯⋯
ShenZhen 深圳合租記
Our Second Child 二胎 Length: Director: Cast:
48mins 沈好放 何政軍、 陳楚翰、林靜
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 龐好 曹炳琨、蔣欣、莫小棋、劉莉莉
42mins 林合隆 羅志祥、毛俊傑、鄭羅茜、吳映潔、敖犬
Cock wire Youth Song Ray graduated later to the metropolis struggle, nothing for three years, is also on the same day due to company closures lost his job, his girlfriend was rich handsome snatched away. Song Xiaolei nothing can go over the situation is not better than his buddies where Huaqiang. Huaqiang accidentally found a place he thought was paradise shelter for Song Ray - and three unmarried single women sharing. Goddess three different characters: "Royal Sister," the fox devil figure, aloof and arrogant; "Lolita" America stay hidden white Formica, life could hardly take care of themselves; older woman left Jingjing sharp tongue. One male and three females under one roof, the conflict continued, joke after another. ...
80s couple have married for eight years with one son. With the support of both sides’ parents, they lived well off. But the couple is physically and mentally exhausted since both side parents try to take care of their only grandson. Finally, the accidental pregnancy of Tang qiaofei broke the peace of the family. Tang Qiaofei’s parents insisted not to have the second child while the other side family fond of the birth of another grandson… 80後模範夫妻唐喬菲和林海生,在雙方父母的幫襯下過著比上不足比下有餘的生活。 但長輩們每每爆發搶孫子大戰,總讓小夫妻心力交瘁。唐喬菲的意外懷孕打破了這個 家庭的平靜。唐媽堅決反對女兒生二胎;唐爸和林媽聯合一氣,阻止唐喬菲的墮胎。若 生二胎,唐喬菲得放棄唾手可得的主播位子;得開始省吃儉用將一塊不大的餅分成兩塊 兒……對唐喬菲表姐葉晴,唐媽反而勸說她懷孕生子。葉晴老公鄭業峰在父母的催促 下,反悔夫妻二人的「丁克」之約,葉晴叫苦不迭。一波未平一波又起,唐喬菲的競爭 對手張燕,小三插足捲入了葉晴的生活;為辦準生證,林海生發現了林媽死死隱瞞了二 十多年的秘密……終於,一切矛盾衝突終止,日子恢復平靜,第二個孩子呱呱墜地。
屌絲青年宋小雷畢業後來到了大都市奮鬥,三年一事無成,還在同一天因公司倒閉丟了 工作,女朋友被高富帥搶走。一無所有的宋小雷只能投奔境遇並不比他好到哪裏的死黨 華強。華強誤打誤撞為宋小雷找到了一處他認為是人間天堂的容身之地——和三個未婚 單身女性合租。三位女神性格各異:「御姐」狐狸身材魔鬼,冷漠高傲;「蘿莉」美呆 是隱藏白富美,生活幾乎不能自理;大齡剩女晶晶刀子嘴豆腐心。一男三女同在一個屋 簷下,矛盾衝突不斷,笑料迭出。⋯⋯
Hot Girls 麻辣女兵
Happiness, Please Wait 幸福請你等等我
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
42mins 谷錦雲 王洋、王煜、馬麗
Tang Xiaomi is a post 90s child who is particularly naughty. She has a deputy brigade commander mother Mi Lan, and a successful businessman father Tangmu Yang, but she did not have home. Tang Xiaomi is not disciplined and it became serious concern of Mi Lan. In order to let her daughter be more disciplined, Milan sent her daughter to the barracks, and Xiaomi wants to escape by creating troubles everywhere. A battle between mother
Wang Caihong, a barber shop owner who is living frugal and careful planning everything. Her life is on the track as she expected, but with the disappearance of husband, Caihong got into an endless panic and confusion. The one who live life sincerely shall be blessed. After multiple sufferings, good life finally returns to her, she packed up and on the road to happiness with her brand new mind.
and daughter embarked.
王彩虹,一個精幹的理髮店老闆,她平日生活節儉、精打細算。原本生活按照她設計的 軌道平穩前行,不想,丈夫突然的失踪使彩虹陷入無限的恐慌和疑惑之中。真誠對待生 活的人,必受眷顧。在經過多重磨礪之後,王彩虹終於得到了生活的回報,她以全新的 面目和身心,收拾行裝,重新踏上幸福之路。
湯小米是90後的孩子中格外調皮搗蛋的一個突出份子。她有一位威名遠揚的副旅長母親 米藍,和一位事業有成的富商爸爸湯沐陽,但是她沒有家。湯小米的不受管教成了米藍 的心病,為了讓女兒能被訓練得「規矩」些,米藍把湯小米抓進軍營,而小米則處處鬧 事犯紀想要逃跑,一場麻辣母女之間的麻辣戰鬥就此展開…..
Love in OB & GYNS 愛的婦產科
Super Partner 神犬奇兵 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: 55mins Director: 蔣家駿 Cast: 朱丹、何晟銘、孫堅
45mins 王小列 楊爍、王洋、王煜
In an ambush operations, Guo Youdong has a meritorious eager and disrupted the entire battle plan. He accidently met a small wild dog, named for the rifle. After investigation of the accountability, Guo Youdong and “Rifle” were sent to third division of military dogs. He got to know a Xiong Xiong, Xie Liancheng, as well as company commander Long Fei and veterinary Fu. In order to provide a better life condition for retired military dogs, Third Company accepted the adaptation and moved to military dog base. After months of hard training, “Rifle” won several competition and crowned "King Dog" and set an outstanding service in fighting poaching molecules... 在伏擊盜獵分子的行動中,炊事班長郭有棟立功心切,攪亂了整個戰鬥計劃,意外撿到 一隻小野狗,起名為步槍。上級追究責任,郭有棟和步槍被發配至軍犬三連,結識了熊 雄、謝連成、以及連長龍飛和獸醫老付等人。為了給退役軍犬提供更好的生活條件,三 連接受了改編,眾人和軍犬來到軍犬基地。幾個月的刻苦訓練後,步槍在全軍軍犬大賽 上,過關斬將加冕「犬王」,並在抓捕盜獵分子的戰鬥中立下奇功……
40mins 余淳 宋丹丹、朱媛媛、李乃文
Obstetrician Ye Zi divorced with her husband Tao Teng who had an affair and came to a new hospital to start a new life. She and her immediate superior Yang Junbo got off to a bad start, but then appreciated each other and had sentiment. However, the neonatology “rich second generation” Doctor Wan Yuan also showed special preference to her, and her imprisoned ex-husband had never really left her life. Three men seemed to make her life a mess. Aside from coping with emerging medical problems, Ye Zi found that the child and cancer came almost simultaneously, and how should she choose? Ultimately, it was decided by the audience through a live television. Follow-up story is to be continued. 婦產科醫生葉紫與出軌的丈夫陶騰離婚,來到一個新的醫院打算開始新生活。她與頂頭 上司楊俊波不打不相識,兩人從互不賣帳到惺惺相惜到情愫暗生。而新生兒科的「富二 代」醫生萬源對她也情有獨鍾,入獄的前夫則從未真正離開她的生活。三個男人讓她的 生活彷彿一團糟。除開應付層出不窮的醫療難題,葉紫發現孩子和癌症幾乎同時降臨, 她該如何選擇?最終通過一場電視直播由觀眾決定。後續故事還在醞釀中。
Deng Xiaoping and China at a Turning Point 歷史轉折中的鄧小平
Qingguo Lane 青果巷
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
46mins 吳子牛 馬少驊、薩日娜、巫剛
After struggling through the three falls and three rises in his political life, 73-year-old Deng Xiaoping regained leadership in China in 1976. Against all odds, he restored China's college entrance examination system and rejuvenated the nation's scientific development. He also spearheaded a controversial debate that promoted ideological liberation and respect for truth, which later became central doctrines for China's modernization in the new era.Deng established the 'opening-up' reform as a key national strategy under which Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and joint-ventures were created. He advocated entrepreneurship in China's poverty-stricken rural communities and corrected the miscarriages of justice that occurred during the Cultural Revolution.At China's 1984 National Day celebration at Tiananmen Square, students cheered and waved a banner that read 'Hello Xiaoping!', showing their affection and admiration towards the legendary Chinese leader…Questioned for moving away from Maoism, how did Deng assess Chairman Mao? How did he reconnect China with the rest of the world? And what did he do to engineer the nation's economic miracle?
45mins 徐耿 王力可、何政軍
Studying in the United States for returnees painter Wang Geng describes the hometown "Jiangnan first lane" Qingguo lane and renowned Chinese and foreign. He with a grateful heart, all, founded the "Yan Ling historical and cultural relics protection foundation", devoted to the protection of historical and cultural heritage in hometown.Wang Geng to protect Qingguo lane, get olive, Tang Simian, Xie Miaoying, Yan Ling City Hall and "Bogu Investment Company" why always full support.Olive has eyes only for Wang Geng, between the olive and Wang Geng feelings gradually warming, when divorce with Wang Geng alone with her son in the American Wendy, but too late to regret, returned to attempt to restore the former marriage Yan ling.Highlight the beautiful Jiangnan, prosperous China dream "Qingguo lane" show profound aesthetic Jiangnan theme, will be integrated organically emotion and ideal, the real life and the traditional cultural heritage of each other and complement each other. In both the feelings of resentment interspersed with the last generation, but also shows rich Jiangnan style. 留美海歸畫家王庚因描繪家鄉「江南第一名巷」青果巷而蜚聲中外。他懷著一份感恩的 心,傾盡所有,創辦了「延陵歷史文化遺存保護基金會」,全身心地投入到對家鄉歷史 文化遺存的保護中。王庚對青果巷的保護,得到青果、唐思勉、謝妙瑩以及延陵市政府 和「博古投資公司」何總的全力支持。青果對王庚情有獨鍾,就在青果和王庚之間的感 情逐漸升溫之時,當年與王庚離婚獨自帶著兒子留在美國的文迪,却追悔莫及,為此回 到延陵試圖挽回曾經的婚姻。突顯唯美江南、盛世中國夢的《青果巷》展示底蘊深厚的 唯美江南題材,將情感和理想有機地融為一體,使現實生活和傳統文化遺存交相輝映相 得益彰。劇中既穿插了上一輩人的感情恩怨,又展現了濃郁的江南水鄉風情。
歷經了三落三起,73歲的鄧小平在1976年重新走上了黨和國家的領導崗位,他重視科 學,果斷恢復了中斷11年的大學考試。在鄧小平的倡導下對外開放成為基本國策,設立 了經濟特區。他引進外資,合資企業應運而生。他支持農民的首創精神;解决了全國人 民的吃飯問題。他撥亂反正,平反冤假錯案。1984年國慶,天安門廣場舉行盛大慶典, 大學生打出了一幅醒目的標語「小平您好」表達了全體中國人民對鄧小平的崇高敬意。 面對國內外「非毛化」的議論,鄧小平如何評價毛澤東的歷史地位?他如何讓中國重新 與世界相連?他又如何製造了中國的經濟奇蹟?
Nie Rong Zhen 聶榮臻
Huxian 狐仙
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 周友朝 林永健、王霙、齊歡
1925 autumn, Nie Rongzhen ended his foreign student life and returned to the motherland, and became the secretary of the Political Department of the Whampoa Military Academy. When the Military Department of the CPC Central Committee was established, Nie Rongzhen tried every effort to assist the work of Zhou Enlai. After the National Liberation, the central government had a plan on development of the atomic bomb. Nie Rongzhen actively founded five branches of the Department of Defense. After hard work, the first atomic bomb successfully tested in China. At the same time, he also presided over the construction of China's first nuclear-powered submarine and the first satellite development work...
葉昭儀 秋瓷炫、遲帥、徐錦江、樊少皇
Ancient myth "Huxian" adapted from Pu Songling's novel "Strange tales from Liaozhai", the story is about Nie Xiaoqian and the scholar Ling fox ahatred. Three thousand years ago the female fox can save Ning ancestors Ning caichen light, three thousand years after this time is the Tang Dynasty, Ning caichen and saved has been waiting three thousand years of Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian mistakenly believe that three thousand years ago, Ning caichen ancestors in order to cast the sword killed 100 fox as a memorial. In the Tang Dynasty monk Yan Chixia to help Nie Xiaoqian and Ning caichen several times in the back three thousand years, ultimately Nie ancestors did nots laughter the fact swords. In this process, Nie Xiaoqian and Ning fall in love.
1925年秋,聶榮臻結束留學生活回到祖國,在黃埔軍校擔任政治部秘書等職,開始其戎 馬生涯。中共中央成立軍事部,聶榮臻竭力協助周恩來工作。全國解放,中央提出研發 原子彈的想法,聶榮臻積極成立國防部五院。經過艱辛努力,中國第一顆原子彈成功爆 響,與此同時,他還主持中國第一艘核潜艇建造和第一顆衛星研製工作。⋯⋯
古裝神話劇《狐仙》改編自蒲松齡的小說《聊齋志異》,故事講述的是狐仙聶小倩和書 生寧采臣的一段恩怨情仇。三千年前女狐狸聶小倩救了寧采臣的祖先寧定光,三千年後 此時已經是唐朝,寧采臣又救了已經修煉了三千年的小倩,小倩誤認為在三千年前寧采 臣的祖先曾經為了鑄神劍殺過100只狐狸作為祭奠。在道士燕赤霞幫助唐代聶小倩和寧采 臣幾次夢遊回到三千年前,最終弄清了聶家先人鑄劍時並未屠殺狐狸的事實。在這個過 程中,聶小倩與寧采臣相愛。
Hidden Marriage 嫁給愛情 Length: Director: Cast:
46mins 王小康 李晨、潘虹、金泰秀、賈青、韓雨芹
Students Soldier's Story 2 大學生士兵的故事:第二部 Length: Director: Cast:
The play tells the story of three men and women because of various factors of individual, family, society and have to choose the "hidden marriage", be careful, to be very careful "hidden marriage" life and did not let them live a quiet life is met all sorts of trouble, so helpless their under multiple pressures hidden marriage brings, in both to hide their emotional state, but also protect the marriage cases of their own, they can only be staged a "hidden marriage to defend the war" , "careful experience in all sorts of joys and sorrows of anecdotes hidden marriage" met.
"Students Soldier's Story 2" is a continuation of the theme of university students in military exercises that have distinctive characteristics, to show the importance of college students to join the army and their dedication to army. 《大學生士兵的故事》延續了大學生在部隊鍛煉成長這一鮮 明而有時代特色的主題,通過貼近生活的故事,展現大學生 參軍的重要意義,展現大學生士兵在部隊的成長及奉獻。
該劇講述了三對男女因為個人、家庭、社會等種種因素而不得不選擇了「隱婚」,可是 謹慎小心、如履薄冰的「隱婚」生活卻並沒有讓他們過上平靜的生活,反而是遇到了各 種各樣的麻煩,令無奈的他們各自承受著隱婚帶來的多重壓力,在既要隱藏自己的情感 狀態,又要保護自己的婚姻情況下,他們只能上演了一場「隱婚保衛戰」,細細體會在 「隱婚”路上遇到的種種悲喜軼事。燕茜愛上了何必,何必對燕茜也頗有好感,燕茜是 北京的旅遊公司的一名導遊。出身很普通,而何必是高帥富型的大家公子。這樣的一對 情侶組合,是大家都不看好的,雙方的家長很是反對他們的愛情,尤其是燕茜的母親馬 麗,希望女兒能找個踏實型的男孩,哪怕不富裕。無奈下,兩人只好選擇「隱婚」在外 面租房子過生活。但是好景不長,何必的父親因為經營生意失敗了而導致破產。⋯⋯
King of the Land 我叫王土地 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 張多福 林永健、齊芳、李強
This is a legend about an empty-handed farmer, Wang Tudi(by Lin Yongjian), during the end of the Qin Dynasty and the birth of the Republic of China, who migrated with his family from his home town in Hebei Province, to the dry land surrounded by the Grand Curve of the Yellow River, and finally became the largest land owner in the Grand Curve area. Wang Tudi had a talent of building irrigation channels, and had a great passion on farmland, reflected by his given name which literally means farmland. Through the legendary life of Wang Tudi, the story focuses on the great passion to farmland of the Chinese farmers and their uncompromising spirit of fighting to their last breath, while facing invasion by foreign nationsUpon arrival of the Grand Curve, Wang Tudi and his family met with the hostility and suppress of the large land owner, Huang Jinxiiu. With the help of Wang's true love, Yang Chunni, he defeated Huang Jinxiu and became the winner. Wang then was lost in his success and power and made serious mistakes as a result of being mislead by his evil-will son and some of his family men. In the end he managed to regain a clear mind only to find out that he was in crisis facing greedy government officials and Japanese settlers. After painful consideration, he decided to blow off the channels that took Wang's entire life to build, in order to defend his beloved land against the attack of the Japanese army.
A Hero During the Anti-Japanese War 打狗棍 Length: Director: Cast:
47mins 尚敬 譚濤、王超、王磊
45mins 郭靖宇 巍子、岳麗娜
Dai Tianli returned back to Rehe in 1899. He got the stick by accident and became the head of the stick gang, the justice group, which irritated the interest group. Dai Tianli, Na Suzhi, the daughter of Na family and Na tulu, the younger apprentice of Dai's master, had a love triangle. After the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, Dai Tianli organized a troop to protect the country. 打狗棍,專打瘋狗、惡狗、漢奸狗、侵略狗! 自幼習武,因在光緒二十五年殺了販賣鴉片的洋人而被清廷通緝的戴家大少爺戴天理 (巍子飾演),回到了闊別十三年的熱河,讓熱河另一大家族那家驚天動地。戴天理無 意間得到了民間組織「桿子幫」的聖物——打狗棍,因此成為了桿子幫的首領。桿子幫 反對侵略、反對鴉片,這支民間正義之師,惹怒了利益集團,也使戴天理與那家大小姐 那素芝以及他的同門師弟那圖魯演繹了一段愛恨情仇。抗戰爆發,戴天理組織抗日義勇 軍,大敵當前、國難當頭之際,熱河兒女放棄家仇,同赴國難。抗日戰爭結束之前,為 了保護熱河文物,戴天理再次回到了熱河,再次高舉那條打狗棍,唱響了戴家一門忠烈 的悲歌!
本劇的故事發生在清末民初的塞外河套,河北農民王土地(林永健飾)兩手空空帶著族 人來到後套,憑著他看渠挖渠的天賦異稟,憑著他對腳下土地的痴情酷愛,他成為後套 一代地商梟雄。本劇以其跌宕起伏,大開大闔的人生軌跡為創作藍本,通過其傳奇與坎 坷並重的發家史,深刻展現了中國農民內心厚重的土地情結,以及中國人面對外族侵略 所展現的寧可玉碎不可瓦全的悲壯情懷。
Lurk 潛伏
The Ninth Widow 第九個寡婦 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
40mins 黃建勳 葉璇、李東學、劉佩琦
40mins 姜偉 孫紅雷、姚晨、馮恩鶴
Before the War of resistance against Japan (1937-1945), Yu Zecheng, a member of the Military Council of the Kuomintang, was recruited as an underground activist of the Communist Party since he was disappointed about the corruption in the Kuomintang. With the code name “Emei Peak”, he started his underground work in the Kuomintang's Military Council in Tianjin. With the Party mission needed, Yu, working with the team leader of local guerilla--Cuiping, acted as the married couple in Kuomintang's military. Since Cuiping was not used to the luxurious life of being a general's wife, a chain of dangerous situations occurred subsequently...
The Republic of China, Tai Ping Zhen Pianan party, fleeing the young orphan girl Wang putao was mayor Sun Huaiqing save became a child bride. The eldest son of putao is to study medicine shaoyong fall in love, but in return for Sun Huaiqing's upbringing, willing to marry the son of iron brain to wife. During the period of Anti Japanese War, the Japanese army entered the town, iron brain was killed, his mother is Japanese bombing killed, putao helps shao yong embark on the road of resisting Japan and saving the nation, Sun Huaiqing serve if loved ones, the sentiment with the father and daughter, two more lead the villagers and the devil were extremely hard and bitter struggle. The victory of the Anti Japanese War, Sun Huaiqing was feuding Sun Kexian framed as traitors the critical situation, by the new education shao yong do not know the truth, to testify against his father. Sun Huaiqing shot to stay alive, putao stole him to save the cellar, from now on with less courage to break off the relationship, the more painful to send people to preserve the parent-child dependency, Sun Huaiqing life. Natural disasters, famine years passed, Sun Huaiqing blind, putao optimistic and strong, never abandon Guardian father-in-law, and seek to Shao Yong for Sun Huaiqing cure, looked at the father regarded as hopeless., shao yong into extreme guilt, in the putao cooperation under the father son finally bury the hatchet...
1945年初,國民黨軍統總部情報處的余則成接到重要任務,和上級呂宗方赴南京潛入汪 偽政府,暗殺叛逃的李海豐。呂宗方初到南京便遭槍殺。於則成單槍匹馬暗殺了李海豐, 得到軍統嘉獎。這時,共產黨特使突然告訴他呂宗方的真實身份是地下黨。更讓余則成驚 訝的是,深愛的女朋友左藍也是共產黨。根據呂宗方對余則成的評價,特使希望餘加入地 下黨。余則成無意中發現戴笠等人為私利而向日軍泄露新四軍情報,也徹底看清國民黨失 去民心的原因,加上左藍的勸告,遂棄暗投明。黨組織要求他留在軍統,潜伏待命,代號 「峨眉峰」。余則成受命到軍統天津特務站,站長吳敬中要求他把夫人接來。黨組織給他 派來了大方樸實、潑辣耿直的女游擊隊長翠平,讓兩人做起了假夫妻。練過功夫、槍法如 神的翠平不適應吃西餐、打麻將的官太太生活,鬧出不少笑話,多次強烈要求離開,二人 在生活細節和性格上也衝突不斷。⋯⋯
民國,太平鎮偏安一方,逃難的小孤女王葡萄被鎮長孫懷清救下成為童養媳。葡萄雖與其 學醫的長子少勇傾心相愛,但為報答孫懷清的養育之恩,甘願嫁幼子鐵腦為妻。抗日戰爭 時期,日軍進鎮,鐵腦被殺,其母被日軍轟炸致死,葡萄相助少勇踏上抗日救國之路,對 孫懷清奉若至親、情同父女,二人更帶領鄉親和鬼子進行了艱苦卓絕的鬥爭。抗戰勝利, 孫懷清被世仇孫克賢誣陷為漢奸處境危急,受新學教育的少勇不知真相,指證父親。孫懷 清被槍决留一息尚存,葡萄偷偷把他救回藏於地窖,從此與少勇斷絕關係,更忍痛把親子 送人撫養,以保全孫懷清性命。⋯⋯