中美电影节闭幕式电影《中国医生 》
The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China
Ping Zhang
Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles 中国驻美国洛杉矶总领馆总领事 张平
National Radio and Television Administration 国家广播电视总局
James Su
Chairman of the CAFF & CATF & President of the EDI Media Inc. 中美电影节主席 鹰龙传媒董事长 苏彦韬
Grace F. Napolitano
Member of the United States Congress
美国联邦众议员 葛瑞丝·纳波里塔诺
Kathryn Barger
Los Angeles County Supervisor
洛杉矶郡郡长 凯瑟琳·巴格
Judy Chu
Member of the United States Congress
美国联邦众议员 赵美心
Judy Chu
Member of the United States Congress
美国联邦众议员 赵美心
Ed Chau
Assembly Member
加州众议院议员 周本立
Curt Hagman
San Bernardino County Supervisor
圣贝纳迪诺郡郡长 科特·海格曼
City of San Gabriel 圣盖博市政府
Producers Guild of America 美国制片人公会
City of West Covina 西柯汶纳市政府
Walt Disney Studios 华特迪士尼电影公司
Warner Bros. Pictures
Paramount Pictures
Universal Pictures
Sony Pictures
Legendary Entertainment 传奇影业
Lionsgate 狮门娱乐公司
Variety 综艺
Ruddy Morgan Organization
China Federation of Radio and Televison Associations
China Movie Channel 电影卫星频道节目制作中心
China Film Co., Ltd. 中国电影股份有限公司
China Film Promotion International 中国电影海外推广公司
Huaxia Film Distribution Co. Ltd.
Shanghai Film (Group) Company
China Central Newsreel And Documentary Film Studio (Group)
Changying Group Co., Ltd.
China Television Drama Production Industry Association
Beijing Gehua Media Group
Capital Radio & TV Program Producers Association 首都广播电视节目制作业协会
Zhujiang Film Group 珠江电影集团有限公司
Tianjin North Film Group Co., Ltd.
Emei Film Group
Xiaoxiang Film Group
Fujian Film Studio
Hebei Film Studio
Henan Film & Television Production Group Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Film Group 云南电影集团
17th CAFF & CATF Opening Ceremony & Golden Angel Awards Ceremony
第十七届中美电影节、中美电视节开幕式 暨“金天使奖”颁奖典礼
Venue: Sheraton Los Angeles San Gabriel 地点:圣盖博市——喜来登酒店
17th CAFF & CATF
Co-Production Summit
Panel One: New Challenges, New Opportunities, New Possibilities
Panel Two: How Does Film and Television Works Promote International Cultural Exchange
Panel Three: “Home with Kids—Think Like a Dog” The First China/U.S. Co-Produced Film Born of The Chinese American Film Festival During Pandemic
第十七届中美电影节、中美电视节 中美影视合作高峰论坛
第一场:新挑战、新机遇、新起点 第二场:影视作品如何推动文化的国际传播与交流 第三场:中美电影节疫情中诞生的首部中美合拍电 影《家有儿女之神犬当家》
2021/11/06 - 11/30
17th CAFF Screening
Private Screening of "Legend of Sun Walker"(By Invitation Only)
《孙行者传》特别展映活动 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
2021/11/07 - 11/12
17th CAFF & CATF Film and TV Market
Visit Official Website:
Venue: Sepulveda Screening Room 地点:Sepulveda Screening Room 登陆官网
Cliff Walkers
Length:120 mins
Director: 张艺谋
Cast: 于和伟、张译、秦海璐、刘浩存、朱亚文、李乃文、倪大红、余皑磊、 飞凡
Set the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, the film follows four Communist party special agents who return to China after receiving training in the Soviet Union. Together, they embark on a secret mission code-named "Utrennya"…
上世纪三十年代,为获得日本反人类实验的证据,中国派出张宪臣、王郁、 王楚良和张兰四位地下党特务,组成名为“乌特拉”的小组被派往东北执行 秘密任务,救援从日方逃出的同胞……
Chinese Doctors
Length:129mins 片长:129分钟
Director: 刘伟强
Cast: 张涵予、袁泉、朱亚文、李晨、易烊千玺、欧豪、冯文娟、周也
The movie features the great and touching stories that happened during the pandemic in Wuhan, China in 2020, especially about how these medical staff sacrificed their time and even lives to save the people. It reflects the spirit and power of unity and dedication.
主要讲述了面对2020年春节期间,在中国湖北省武汉市突发的新型冠状病 毒肺炎公共卫生事件中,我国从高层领导的正确决策,为抢救生命,不惜一 切代价到举全国之力驰援武汉过程期间,武汉本地及各省市医护人员所做 出的伟大牺牲与突出贡献的感人故事,体现了国家为人民,人民保国家的大 国力量和医护人员的无私献身精神。
第十七届中美电影节中美电视节 回归舞台,张艺谋《悬崖之上》和 刘伟强《中国医生》 为开闭幕电影
美国鹰龙传媒公司主办,中国国务院新闻 办公室、中国国家广电总局、中国驻洛杉 矶总领事馆、美国洛杉矶郡郡政府共同支持的2021 第十七届中美电影节中美电视节开幕式暨“金天使 奖”颁奖典礼于11月5日在美国西岸洛杉矶隆重登 场。
演员刘烨凭借电影《守岛人》夺得中美电影年度最佳男主角的桂冠, 吴君如凭借《妈妈的神奇小子》获封年度最佳女主角。于和伟和宋佳分别 凭借《觉醒年代》和《小舍得》荣获中美电视节年度最佳男女主角的殊 荣。张艺谋执导的电影《悬崖之上》和刘伟强执导的电影《中国医生》分 别入选第十七届中美电影节的开幕式和闭幕式电影。《人潮汹涌》、《没 有过不去的年》、《大城大楼》、《捉放曹》、《刺杀小说家》、《建筑
师》、《在一起》、《长歌行》、《啊摇篮》、《安家》 等优秀影视作品分别荣获“金天使奖”十大电影和电视剧殊 荣。刘伟强和张永新分别凭借《中国医生》和《觉醒年代》 荣获中美电影节和中美电视节的年度最佳导演。《觉醒年 代》荣获年度最佳电视剧。环球影业的《速度与激情9》、 传奇影业的《哥斯拉大战金刚》以及20世纪电影公司的《失 控玩家》获得年度最受中国欢迎美国电影奖。演员朱亚文、 黄小蕾、张大礼、张萌分别荣获第十七届中美电影节和中美 电视节最佳男女配角。刘浩存和郑云龙分别凭借《悬崖之 上》和《柳浪闻莺》荣获中美电影节年度新晋演员的肯定。 迪丽热巴、古力娜扎和方逸伦则分别凭借《长歌行》、《风 起霓裳》获得中美电视节年度优秀青年演员和新晋演员。陈 力、丁涵、赵哲恩凭借《守岛人》、王茜凭借《啊摇篮》分
别获得中美电影节和中美电视节年度最佳编剧。《看中国· 外国青年影像计划》再次荣获年度最佳系列微电影奖。颁奖 典礼上,演员甄子丹、佘诗曼、吴刚、靳东、秦岚、王千 源、李光洁、张天爱、洪剑涛、归亚蕾、邬君梅、尹力、邹 静之、高志森、杨亚洲、郭德纲、方芳、贾妮等近百位影视 嘉宾通过线上线下的方式亮相登台。
美国首位华裔女性国会议员赵美心、国会议员金映 玉、美国洛杉矶郡郡长凯瑟琳·巴格都为今年的“金天使 奖”颁奖典礼发来祝贺视频。出席颁奖典礼的嘉宾还有中 国驻洛杉矶总领事馆总领事张平、中国电影股份有限公司 董事长焦宏奋、上海电影集团董事长王健儿、美国加州议 员周本立、美国圣伯纳迪诺郡郡长科特·海格曼、华纳影 业国际院线发行总裁安德鲁·克里普斯、华纳传媒中国 区总裁赵方、环球影业国际发行副总裁凯蒂·鲍威尔,传 奇影业全球影视制作副董事长玛丽·派伦特、传奇影业全 球市场与数字策略资深副总裁珀尔·威布尔、迪斯尼国际 院线发行资深副总裁杰夫·福尔曼、索尼影业国际制作联 合负责人迈克尔·里夫金、中美电影节共同主席、奥斯 卡金像奖电影《血战钢锯岭》制片人比尔·麦克尼柯,奥 斯卡金像奖电影《百万宝贝》制片人安德鲁·摩根、中美 电影节委员、奥斯卡金像奖得主理查德·安德森、格莱美 奖得主奥马尔·阿克拉姆、奥斯卡金像奖得主让-雅克· 阿诺、汤姆·比利亚诺、《蝙蝠侠》系列电影制片人迈克 尔·乌斯兰、《尖峰时刻》制片人亚瑟·萨克里安、《蜘 蛛侠:英雄归来》、《猩球崛起3》编曲杰夫·克里卡等众 多好莱坞顶级制作人、中美政要和影视明星。
本届中美电影节中美电视节参评影视作品超过600 部,美国制片人公会、华纳兄弟、派拉蒙、环球、索尼、 迪斯尼、狮门、IMAX、中国电影股份有限公司、上海电 影集团等数十家中美主流影视公司和机构发来贺信支持。
双节期间,主办单位还与中国电影股份有限公司、中 国电影海外推广公司、中华广播影视交流协会、中国电视 剧制作产业协会、首都广播电视节目制作业协会联合举办 三场中美影视合作高峰云论坛,包括众多奥斯卡得主和艾
美奖得主在内的近40位中美影视业界权威通过“云端”共 同围绕“影视作品如何推动文化的国际传播与交流”等话 题分享各自的观点和经验。百家中美影视公司入驻影视云 市场,在“线上”洽谈业务合作。美国《综艺》杂志和电 影频道CCTV6作为双节的官方媒体合作伙伴报道宣传活 动。电影频道CCTV6、中央电视台老故事频道、发现之 旅频道、广东国际频道也分别陆续播出了开幕式暨“金天 使奖”颁奖典礼。
更多详情请登录中美电影节中美电视节官方网 站
左起:美国圣伯纳迪诺郡郡长科特·海格曼;中美电影节、中 美电视节主席、美国鹰龙传媒董事长苏彦韬;中国驻洛杉矶总 领事馆张平总领事;美国加州州议员周本立;美西编剧协会国 际事务委员会负责人鲍勃·安德伍德
左起:西柯维纳市市长吴桐淮;亚凯迪亚市副市长郑博仁;亚凯迪亚市市长戴守真;蒙特利公园市长饶影凡;中美电影节、中美电视节主席、 美国鹰龙传媒董事长苏彦韬;核桃市市长秦振国;圣盖博市市议员卜君毅;圣盖博市副市长丁言愉;圣盖博市市长廖钦和;杉矶郡郡长执行 委员会副执行长、最高阶华人主管Eddie Yen;洛杉矶郡郡长凯瑟琳·巴格的代表吴忠国
颁奖嘉宾:中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆张平总领事;中美电影节、 中美电视节主席、美国鹰龙传媒公司董事长苏彦韬
颁奖嘉宾:中美电影节共同主席、 奥斯卡金像奖获奖影片《血战钢锯岭》制片人比尔·麦克尼柯; 中美电影节终身成就奖得主、金马影后归亚蕾
颁奖嘉宾:中美电影节委员、奥斯卡和艾美奖得主李察·安德森; 前交通部资深顾问张曼君博士
颁奖嘉宾:中美电影节共同主席,《黑天鹅》、《沉默的羔羊》、《与 狼共舞》等多项奥斯卡得奖电影制片人迈克·迈德沃伊;中美 电影节共同主席,奥斯卡电影《百万宝贝》、《投名状》、《如果·爱》 等得奖电影金牌制片人安德鲁·摩根
颁奖嘉宾:《蝙蝠侠》系列电影制片人迈克尔·乌斯兰; 中美电影节委员、电影《超人》发行人奥尔玛·卡丝马切克
颁奖嘉宾:中国著名编剧、北京作家协会副主席邹静之, 代表作《千里走单骑》、《归来》;中美电影节委员、 格莱美奖得主王宗贤
颁奖嘉宾:中美电影节委员、著名华裔演员邬君梅; 索尼影业国际制作联合负责人迈克尔·里夫金
颁奖嘉宾:奥斯卡金像奖电影《为奴12年》主演凯尔西·斯科特; Griot Theatre艺术总监和联合创始人 马利克·艾尔阿敏
颁奖嘉宾:美国编剧公会国际委员会负责人鲍勃·安德伍德; 《巨齿鲨》制片人兰迪·格林伯格
颁奖嘉宾:好莱坞著名演员、制片人金伯利·凯特斯; 英国电影电视学院联盟董事会总监及艺人统筹桑德罗·莫内蒂
颁奖嘉宾:制片人大卫·乌斯兰,代表作《情人节大屠杀》等; 传奇影业全球市场与数字策略资深副总裁珀尔·威布尔
颁奖嘉宾:著名导演梦继,代表作《倾城之恋》、 《春光灿烂猪八戒》等;中美电影节委员、 《尖峰时刻》制片人 亚瑟·撒凯尔思伊安
颁奖嘉宾:两届艾美奖得主汤姆·维拉诺,代表作《机械战警》、 《猎杀红色十月》等;中国国际航空公司副总裁兼北美区总经理 池志航博士;出演电影《花木兰》青年演员刘雨欣
颁奖嘉宾:电影配乐作曲家和音乐家潘乔布尔戈斯·戈伊苏埃塔, 代表作《主仆》、《歌舞青春3:毕业季》等; 中美电影节委员、好莱坞制片人胡雪莲; 3ality Technica公司总裁史蒂夫·系科勒尔
颁奖嘉宾:著名烹饪电视节目《Yan Can Cook》 美食大师甄文达;著名电影学者周铁东
颁奖嘉宾:华美银行董事长吴建民;中美电影节委员、 格莱美奖得主欧玛·阿克姆
颁奖嘉宾:美国圣伯纳迪诺郡郡长科特·海格曼;中美电影节 委员李静、好莱坞华裔女演员,《木兰》、《环太平洋》、《海王》 等好莱坞影片的武术动作指导
颁奖嘉宾:中美电影节委员廖茂俊教授; 美国加州州议员周本立
颁奖嘉宾:知名导演郑伟,代表作:《暗算》、《马可波罗》等; 美国国际纪录片协会前主席哈里森·恩格尔; 知名编剧周力军,代表作:电视剧《罪证》、《金海岸》等
颁奖嘉宾:美国制片人协会和电视学院的成员, 原迪斯尼频道导演、编剧兼制片人罗伯特·科林格; 著名演员贾妮,代表作《橘子红了》、《暗香》; 著名导演王振宏,代表作电视剧《暖春》、《樱桃》
中美电影节、中美电视节 开奖嘉宾
中美电影节、中美电视节 部分获奖者
领奖人:《一起深呼吸》制片人张语芯、《啊,摇篮》编剧王茜 领奖人:环球影业国际发行副总裁凯蒂·鲍威尔、 传奇影业全球影视制作副董事长玛丽·派伦特、 迪斯尼国际院线发行资深副总裁杰夫·福尔曼
领奖人:《捉放曹》出品方代表、 SMG北美新闻中心运营总监任美星
领奖人:《LEE'D THE WAY》导演李察·安德森(左二)
《啊,摇篮》编剧 王茜
领奖人 :《种族疫情》导演Tony Shyu(右一)
领奖人:《出手吧,女生》出品人Michael Fang
制片人赵妙玲代表微电影《雀儿》剧组上台领奖 中美电影节、中美电视节 表演及出席嘉宾
表演嘉宾:裕泰祥1918 -让世界看见东方美发布会
表演嘉宾:美国流行歌手Josh Moreland
表演嘉宾:孙雨婷模特工作室时尚星星 Fashion show-让世界看见东方美发布会
汇聚领军人物,共话行业发展! 中美电影节、中美电视节
中国电影海外推广公司、中华广播影视交流协 会、中国电视剧制作产业协会、首都广播电视节目制作 业协会联合举办的第十七届中美电影节、中美电视节中 美影视合作高峰论坛分别于洛杉矶时间11月6日和11月 27日上线。
作为中美电影节和中美电视节历年的官方活动之一,由于疫情原因,本年论 坛以“线上线下“相结合的方式举行。来自中美双方的影视行业领军人物针对“ 影视作品如何推动文化的国际传播与交流”、“中美电影节疫情中诞生的首部中 美合拍电影《家有儿女之神犬当家》”以及“新挑战、新机遇、新起点”三大主 题进行深入探讨与交流。
论坛一:新挑战、新机遇、新起点 2021年第十七届中美电影节、中美电视节中美影视合作高峰论坛之“新
挑战、新机遇、新起点”主题论坛于11月1日在美国洛杉 矶成功举办。这是自2020年疫情以来,中美电影节、中 美电视节首次通过视频链接的方式让中美影视人面对面交 流和沟通。
本次论坛由中美电影节、中美电视节组委会与中华广 播影视交流协会、中国电影基金会、中影股份、中国电影 海外推广公司、中国电视剧制作产业协会以及首都广播节 目制作产业协会联合,并得到中国国家广电总局、中国驻 洛杉矶总领事馆、美国洛杉矶郡政府的大力支持。
中美电影节、中美电视节主席、 美国鹰龙传媒董事长苏彦韬
论坛上中美电影节、中美电视节主席、美国鹰龙传媒 董事长苏彦韬表示,感谢中国国务院新闻办公室、中国国 家广播电视总局、美国洛杉矶郡政府、美国制片人协会、 美西编剧协会和中国驻洛杉矶总领馆对于中美电影节中美 电视节的共同支持。中美电影节中美电视节是唯一获得美 国布什总统和奥巴马总统两任总统共同亲笔贺函,同时也 是首个列入美国国会年报的中美电影文化交流活动。2014 年和2016年中美电影节两度入选中美人文交流高层磋商 成果清单。洛杉矶郡和洛杉矶市自2016年起至今连续五年 将每年的11月命名为“中美电影节中美电视节月”,将开 幕式当天命名为“中美电影节日”。每年,我们都会在美 国好莱坞举办“金天使奖”颁奖典礼,肯定过去一年优秀 的中美影视作品,同时也举行一个月的专业论坛和展映活 动。十七年来,中美电影节和中美电视节已经成为中美影 视文化交流与合作重要的平台,同时得到了中美政府及影 视业界的大力支持和热情的参与。
在疫情带来的更大挑战下,我仅代表中美电影节、中 美电视节,对过去17年来,不断支持和鼓励中美影视文化 交流的好朋友表示感谢。正因为中美影视业界好友的不懈 努力和合作,才成就了中美电影节、中美电视节十七年的 成绩。尽管影视行业正在面对各方面的挑战,但我仍然相 信,只要中美影视人携手合作,通过影视作品相互交流与 合作,定会增进中美人民之间的友谊,搭建起人文交流与 合作的桥梁。
中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆张平大使亲自出席了中美影视合 作高峰论坛,并代表中国驻洛杉矶总领馆对此次高峰论坛的 成功举办表示祝贺。张平大使表示,去年以来,新冠疫情在 全球范围内持续蔓延,几经反弹,给中美两国包括影视娱乐
业在内的各行各业带来了严重冲击。与此同时,随着网络 科技的发展,流媒体异军突出,许多影视作品开始走向网 络,影视业生态正悄然发生变化,其未来发展走向值得关 注。另一方面,中美关系近年来遭遇前所未有的困难,两 国关系受到全面冲击,中美人文交流也深受影响。在此背 景下,如何克服疫情影响,探寻影视产业新的发展模式; 如何面对两国关系遇到的困难,延续中美影视合作的发展 势头,这是两国影视界人士需要思考的问题。今天,中美 两国影视业界人士相聚一堂,围绕“新挑战、新机遇、新 起点”主题,探讨后疫情时代影视产业发展面临的挑战和 机遇,展望中美影视合作的前景,对两国影视界更好把握 趋势、抓住机遇、规划未来、推进合作具有重要意义。
美国国会议员赵美心、国会议员金映玉和洛杉矶郡郡 长 凯瑟琳·巴格也以视频形式表示祝贺。她们高度肯定了 中美电影节、中美电视节十七年来对于促进中美影视文化 交流所做出的贡献,并预祝论坛及整整一个月的系列活动 圆满成功。洛杉矶郡郡长命名了今年11月为洛杉矶郡的“ 中美电影节中美电视节月”。
中华广播影视交流协会副理事长闫成胜做了主旨演 讲,强调中美影视合作的重要性。中国国家广电总局国际 司司长闫成胜表示,新冠肺炎疫情给各国经济和人们的生 产生活带来严重影响。在此背景下,加强中美视听产业交 流,深化务实合作,增进沟通和理解尤为重要。中美两国 作为视听产业大国,如何在新形势下开拓创新,为促进中 美人文交流、推动中美关系重回正轨作出积极贡献,是值 得双方业界人士深入思考的问题。只有做到“加强理念沟 通,增进相互了解”、“深化交流互鉴,加强内容合作” 、“加强产业合作,促进共同发展”,才能推动视听产 业共同繁荣发展。愿中美两国业界人士携手努力,创新引 领、互利共赢,以开放包容构筑沟通桥梁,以务实合作传 递温暖力量,为推动中美视听产业发展、促进中美人文交 流做出新的贡献。
中国电影海外推广公司负责人谷国庆也针对“中美影 视合作的前景”发表讲话,希望能够通过中美合拍影片, 加大中美两国影视文化交流。他表示,中美合拍影片是中 美文化交流的重要途径,也是中美两国人民加强文化了解 的重要渠道。在疫情爆发的这两年里,中美合拍影片的合 作较以往少了些。我们希望中美两国的电影人共同努力, 加大中美合拍影片的交流、达到互动与合作,互惠共赢。 中国电影市场是个包容的、开放性的文化市场,也是美国 影片会取得良好效益的市场。尤其是在疫情期间,中国电 影市场呈现出的良好的可持续性的发展势头,这也是中美 影视文化、人文交流的重要基础之一,我们希望能通过实
首都广播电视节目制作业协会会长刘燕铭表示,中美 电影节、中美电视节成功举办了十七届,是一项无可替代 的中美文化交流活动。中国电视剧制作产业协会和首都广 播电视节目制作业协会在2018年开始正式加入中美电影 节、中美电视节。在2018和2019年期间,我们积极组织 中国影视产业、影视企业参与中美影视文化交流,多次组 织会员单位远赴美国,参与中美同行合作,收获甚好。受 疫情影响,在2020年和2021期间,由于我们无法前往美 国亲临会议现场,我们在网上、在线上,积极动员两个协 会会员参加论坛与交流活动。在此,祝愿中美电影节、中 美电视节越办越好,成为中美交流、合作的重要桥梁。
中美电影节、中美电视节共同主席, 奥斯卡获奖电影《百万宝贝》制片人Andre Morgan
蓝海国际传播集团CEO诸葛虹云与中美电影节、中 美电视节主席苏彦韬共同主持了论坛,参加此次论坛的中 美双方嘉宾包括中美电影节、中美电视节共同主席,奥斯 卡获奖电影《百万宝贝》制片人Andre Morgan、华纳传 媒国际中国、澳大利亚及新西兰总裁Adam Presser、美 西编剧协会国际委员会负责人Bob Underwood、中美电 影节、中美电视节委员、艾美奖和奥斯卡奖得主Richard Anderson、中国电视剧制作产业协会会长、国家一级 质性的推动工作,就像我们这次座谈和第17届中美电影 节,继续促进中美两国影视文化的交流与合作。
华纳传媒国际中国、澳大利亚及新西兰总裁Adam Presser
美西编剧协会国际委员会负责人Bob Underwood
Richard Anderson
导演尤小刚、首都广播电视节目制作业协会会长刘燕铭、 著名导演唐季礼、阿里文娱优酷海外运营与发行负责人周 鹏 、世纪优优(天津)文化传播股份有限公司董事长李福
德。此次论坛的主题是“新挑战、新机遇、新起点”,针 对这个主题,所有嘉宾围绕“后疫情时代影视行业面临的 挑战”“技术创新带来哪些新机遇”“中美影视合作前景 展望”等方面分享各自的经验和体会。
论坛二:影视作品如何推动文化的国际传播与交流 致辞嘉宾
中美电影节、中美电视节主席 美国鹰龙传媒董事长
“感谢美国洛杉矶郡政府和中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆的 大力支持,感谢中华广播影视交流协会、中制协、首制 协、中影股份和中影海外推广公司的联合主办。我认为影 视是文化的载体,文化则是一个民族的脊梁。用影视作品 来推动文化的国际传播与交流是最具吸引力和感染力。往 往一部好的影视作品可以深深的打动不同国家的观众们。
正如有一位美国国会议员曾经说过,在参加中美电影节 之前,他所看到的有关中国的故事都是西方人写的,正是 中美电影节让他看到了中国人用影像讲述的自己的故事。
同时,每年中美电影节颁发的在中国最受欢迎美国电影奖 项,也向中国观众介绍了优秀的美国影视作品。所以,我 们希望通过今天论坛上的各位专家的分享,进一步提升影 视作品在国际文化交流中的影响力。”
“在新冠疫情尚未结束之际,由鹰龙传媒举办的第 17届中美电影节、中美电视节如期举行。这种对中美影 视交流的坚持和执着令人十分敬佩。当前,中美关系遇到 了一定的困难,但正是在这种困难的情况下,文化交流可 以发挥起独特的作用,因为文化交流,有利于民心相通, 有利增信释疑,有利于睦邻友好,有利于促进相互理解和 尊重。所以,中美文化交流必将成为推动中美关系转变的 重要力量。加强和推进中美文化交流可以在一定程度上促 进中美关系转暖向好。影视作品承载着不同民族、不同地 域、不同国家的丰富文化内涵,是一种重要的文化符号。
身处洛杉矶好莱坞,推动中美影视交流是我们义不容辞的 责任和义务。希望大家畅所欲言,为中美影视交流献计献 策,从而共同推进中美文化交流,进而推动中美关系转变 发展。感谢鹰龙传媒为本次论坛所做的一切,我再一次代 表中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆文化处,祝本次影视云论坛,祝
“艺术魅力,光影力量,祝贺所有“金天使奖”获奖 作品和得奖人,祝贺第十七届中美电影节、中美电视节圆 满成功!”
上海电影(集团)有限公司董事长 上海电影股份有限公司董事长
“祝贺第十七届中美电影节、电视节取得圆满成功, 祝贺所有的获奖者!”
赵方 华纳传媒中国区总裁
能够借助这个平台再次和大家相聚,分享和讨论影视 界的一些变化和前景,感到特别高兴。在过去的两年里, 疫情对于整个影视行业带来了重创。从整个市场来看,大 家能够看到中国电影市场第一次超过了北美,成为全球第
一大的票房市场,而且国产片的比例越来越高。第二个变 化,我觉得就是观众在疫情期间对观影的形式多种多样, 人们希望在不同的时间不同的地点不同的屏幕上都能够 看到他们想看的优质内容。为了积极应对市场的变化, 华纳传媒也进行了优化重组,华纳传媒把旗下的华纳兄 弟、HBO和Tenet整合在一起,希望通过这种重组和优 化,给观众提供更多的影视的精彩内容,并给大家提供更 多的观影选择。
影视作品是促进各国人民相互了解的最好的媒介之 一,是跨文化交流与合作的重要载体,作为全球文娱行业 的领先者,华纳会继续解读自身的创意能力和全球资源, 为推进国家文化传播和交流做出贡献。特别感谢苏主席, 组委会的热情邀请,让我有幸参与这次高峰与论坛。在此 我预祝中美电影节,中美电视节圆满成功。
斯图·利维 美国制片人公会国际委员会前主席 先锋传媒创始人
长期从事这一行业,我有幸到世界各地旅行,并结识 来自世界各地的年轻电影人,我发现,能够面对面交流, 是你可以相互了解对方文化的最好方式。然而,在日常生 活中,大多数人的工作不包括经常的旅行,也没有度假, 而我们现在又被困在疫情之中,旅行变得更加困难。那 么,我们如何了解彼此,如何打开我们的心扉?这就是电 影和电视的力量。
我们可以在流媒体频道上观看一个节目,在德国,我 可以在Netflix上观看《鱿鱼游戏》,在这里我要申明我并 不是为了宣传一个节目或一项服务,但我认为这是一个很 好的例子,说明了一个来自一种文化的节目,一个纯粹的 韩国节目,可以用自己的当地语言在世界各地传播,不仅 被介绍给另一种文化的人,而且事实上成为了另一个国家 最多人看的节目,我相信世界上大多数看电视的人现在都 在看韩国的这个节目,正是因为互联网,因为流媒体,才 有可能出现这种现象,这个把我们关系变得疏离的技术又 把我们团结在了一起,这是电视和电影的力量。
非常感谢鹰龙传媒和苏彦韬主席为我们举办了这样一 个精彩的活动。
移动电影院创始合伙人兼首席执行官 首先,我衷心地祝贺第十七届中美电影节的隆重举 行。作为昨天的电影迷, 今天的电影人,我也衷心地感谢 苏彦韬主席和鹰龙传媒在过去近二十年来的不懈努力和坚 持,连续举办了十七届中美电影节,为中美两国的电影人 搭建了桥梁和纽带,应该说功不可没。
眼前我们主要做三件事。第一件事是其方便性,将中 国的电影门不出户,一键出海,通过移动电影的技术放 映,版权保护,用户体验等技术,使得中国的电影很容易 落在全世界各地,通过各种各样的智能屏幕,即手机、个 人电脑、电视机、VR眼镜、幻灯机等,使其无处不在。 其次,是它的分众性,它可以分区、分众来满足不同的需 求,让合适的电影通过合适的渠道,在合适的时间送给合 适的人。以最近刚刚过去的中秋节为例,移动电影院与中 国侨媒合作,为在全世界的侨胞们送去了节日的问候,同 时也送去了正在中国热映的院线商业大片。第三部分就是 真实性。不但做努力,还得有其可以量化的效果。在这次 与中国侨媒合作的这样一个项目,仅仅在两周多的节日期 间,就有12.5万人次观看了中国侨联万立骏主席的温馨问 候,有35000华人和华侨们观看了移动电影院给他们送 去的热播的院线电影,其效果和结果远远超出了人们的预 料,也受到了华人华侨和海外留学生们的欢迎。移动电影 院和移动电影院人将不惜余力地来为祖国做贡献,促进中 国文化的传播和交流,讲好中国故事,塑造可亲可敬可爱 的中国形象。
我拍电影已经很多年了,我也环游了世界。我去过中 国,去过北京、上海和成都。我去过哈萨克斯坦,南美, 整个欧洲。我也看到了电影制作人和电影将文化融合在一 起的许多方式。我认为这是我们工作的一个非常重要的方 面。我认为,当我们制作任何类型的电影,戏剧电影或纪 录片时,我们都是在向世界的另一部分和另一些人展示我 们是谁。这样做有着重要的目的和意义,即使我们在讲述 一部喜剧、一部动作片,或者一部展示我们部分生活的纪 录片。所有这些都是我们与其他人、与其他文化交流的方 式。我对这些努力表示赞赏。我认为,如今我们需要所有 可能的跨文化交流,因此,我对中美电影节通过电影和电 视作品鼓励国际理解与合作所做的一切工作表示赞赏。同 時我希望作为电影制作人和电视制作人,我们在未来的日 子里努力提早实现这一目标。
导演、编剧、监制, 河北文联副主席,长信传媒董事长
多年以来,影视作为文化的一个重要板块,一直在国 际间的文化传播与交流中起着一定的作用,我们今天讨论 的应该是怎么样能够让它发挥更大的作用。首先,是就 作品本身而言,我觉得两个方面。第一就是要增加文化自 信。一个民族和一个国家对自身文化的充分肯定和积极践 行,就是文化自信。第二,就是要注重国际化的表达。你 讲的故事再好,但得需要全世界的观众都能够看得懂。
第二是渠道,在过去的很多年里,我们的影视啊只能 通过版权售卖,或者赠与播出的,这两种非常简单的形式 走出去。第三是人才,过去我们拍电视剧需要的都是导 演、演员、摄影、美术、灯光、录音啊等等这些艺术人 才。而现在呢,我们更需要了解国际市场的复合型人才没 和懂得国际化表达的创作性人才。我呼吁一旦发现这样的 人才,全行业应该高度的重视,给他们机会,让他们更早 更快地成长,成长为我们这个行业的主流的一线人才。
电影和电视内容受到全世界的喜爱。在我30年的从 业经历中,我看到了来自世界各地的人们聚集在一起,合
作,制作一个内容,涉及全球生活的方方面面。我可以给 你举个例子,1999年的《卧虎藏龙》。我很幸运地参与了 这部影片并筹集了资金。我们有一位来自纽约的制片人。 我们还有另一位制片人,实际上,我应该说是来自纽约的 编剧,是来自中国的制片人,来自中国的导演。而这些钱 实际上来自法国。正是全世界的人聚集在一起,买下并预 售了这部电影的版权,从草根开始。这就是我们为《卧虎 藏龙》筹集资金的方式。在那部电影获得成功之后,它也 催生了许多其他电影,不仅仅是李安这样的导演,还有张 艺谋、姜武,许多其他备受好评的国际导演都来自中国。
这是一个世界性的社区,因为他们对内容的热爱而走到了 一起。想想今天,在新冠疫情的影响下,即使我们已经到 了疫情的最后阶段,我却能够看到我们的电影和电视合作 更多,更重要的是,虽然我们不能旅行,但我们可以找到 其他方式聚在一起,继续制作电影内容。我很自豪地说, 在过去的两年里,我们能够为许多电影提供资金,不仅仅 是电影,还有电视,互联网节目,长片、短片等。在过 去的两年里,我们为中国和世界其他地区提供了数百笔资 金。我相信,刚刚经历的疫情让我们的电影、电视人以及 所有参与这个行业的人都聚集在了一起,而且,这也确实 帮助我们更好地度过这段艰难时光。
中美电影节、中美电视节共同主席 香港影视文化协会会长
我的重点讲到就是我们的中国的影视作品怎么去跟国 际性的那个传播跟交流。我们透过各种不同的题材,各种 不同的元素,希望能打开更远的市场。只有市场打开才有 交流。交流并不是建基于我们的学识性的,我们的希望能 通俗,既可以变成一个商业性的投资和回收,也同时借这
现在产量很多,播放平台多,影院的荧幕也多了,可 是好的作品,经典作品,为什么不能做一个正比例呢?这 方面可能有讲到就是投资人,平台,也可能要改变一下目 前这种现状,才有很大的改善。因为现在很多平台都基本 上点名要哪些演员,哪些导演,创意方面来讲的话就会受 到很大的打击。投资人希望变现,跟以前的心态不一样。 以前有一些老板,钱会赚,也会花很多的时间打造好的 剧本出来。现在往往就是现炒现卖,这样子的话,往往出 来的效果就不一定很好的。我希望能尽快的改变这一个局 面,令到一些创作人有承担力,有投入感,同时带出一批 批新人,这样子我们的影视产业,工业方面,才有生命力 才有接班人。
艾美奖提名作家、制片人 代表作:《铁皮人》《24小时》等
我创作了一个名为The Pretender《伪装者》的电视 剧,在国际上大受欢迎;在美国,在西方文化中。但它在 中国也很受欢迎,当我去中国拜访粉丝时真的很有趣,他 们会告诉我这个角色与他们个人的关系以及它如何跨越文 化差异,这对我来说是一件非常有趣的事情,因为我们创 造了一些在国际上被认可的作品也同时它让中国观众深入 了解西方文化。
《流浪地球》的上映不仅展示了中国人的文化感 知度并将其分享给了全世界,也给我们从中国文化的 角度探讨家庭的重要性和保护世界的重要性。我认为 非常棒的另一件事是在这部电影中,虽然它是基于以 中国为中心的故事情节,但有来自世界各地的人物, 故事情节本身中有俄罗斯人物,也暗示着周围还有其 他国家的基地在共同努力拯救地球。我认为这在很多 方面像我们通过电影而推动文化交流,即我们都必须 共同努力拯救这个地球,因为我们只有一个地球。所 以我希望随着我们的发展,在媒体和来自不同文化的 人们即将聚在一起谈论世界的未来时,会有更多这样 的交流。但我认为打开这扇门的关键之一是通过媒 体、电视和电影。
赵依芳 华策影视集团创始人、总裁
人类的文明和进步、文化的发展,需要各国之间的学 习、交流、借鉴,需要彼此学习、彼此促进。中美之间的 文化合作与交流,同样需要彼此借鉴,推进文明互鉴,促 进中美文化的可持续发展。
改革开放几十年,中国的影视产业发展已经成为生产 大国和播出大国。华策集团作为最早参与国际合作交流的 影视集团,几十年持续生产大量的中国影视精品内容,在 国际市场上不仅获得了很多国际的影视奖项,同时,许多 作品得到了全世界观众的喜爱和认可。我们的影视内容也 成为了中国文化国际交流的一个窗口。
中美电影节、中美电视节的成功举办,为中外影视的广 泛合作交流搭建了新的平台。我们预祝它获得圆满成功! 约翰·温特 好莱坞制作人
我与中国合作伙伴的很多都是有关开发创投和提供美方 人才。我不得不说唯一困难的方面是时差。我们有很棒的工 作人员。我已经与中国客户合作了大约4到5年,我了解到他 们做事的方式与我们在好莱坞或美国任何地方的制作方式大 不相同。但我更习惯于他们的工作流程和什么对他们来说很 重要,所以对我来说,找到一个能够适应这个模式的美国团 队很重要,因为我们都非常习惯按照我们想要的方式工作, 中国人也惯按照他们喜欢的方式进行制作。因此,探讨双方 的需求,并清楚如何有成效的合作很重要。
苏彦韬 中美电影节 中美电视节主席 美国鹰龙传媒董事长
在疫情的挑战下,中美合拍片几乎停板。在这样的一 个挑战的情势下,《家有儿女之神犬当家》的诞生,不仅 是电影人的情怀,更是中美影视业绩合作在后疫情时代的 一个标杆。我们也非常荣幸能够参与其中。
中美电影节十七年来,务实推动中美影视文化的交流 与合作。我们早在2011年第七届中美电影节的时候我们就 促成和见证了这个卡梅隆导演的3D技术与国内的合作。 一直到2020年世界首创的中国首部的8K全景声的电影, 引领世界的这个潮流。我们都非常的骄傲的来见证了这一 切。
中美电影节指在推动许多合拍片以及国际的版权的交 流。这一部在疫情当中诞生的首部合拍电影《家有儿女之神 犬当家》可被称为中美合拍片在工业化升级版之作。它完成 了三大融合:资金的融合、产业的融合、故事融合给国际观 众带来一部由融合中华文化与世界观,价值观一体的怎么一 个适合全家大小一起去看的一个合家欢的好电影。
从中美电影节推出的疫情中的首部中美合拍的电影《 家有儿女之神犬当家》当中,我们可以清晰的看到,电影 是文化的载体,而文化才是一个民族的脊梁。
张林书 北京中视美星影视传媒董事长 《家有儿女》IP创始人、制片人 《家有儿女之神犬当家》总策划/总制片人
首先祝贺第十七届中美电影节顺利召开。祝贺“金天 使奖”颁奖礼回归舞台。十七年前中视美星投资制作的《 家有儿女》成为一代人的记忆。那些看着家有儿女长大的 孩子们如今已成为父母,也有了自己的儿女。十七年后, 中视美星不忘初心,坚持文化自信,再次将家有儿女IP
电影搬上大银幕,投资制作了一部延续家有儿女的品牌理 念。以“爱和家庭”为主题,将中国元素,中国故事, 两个不同文化背景下的两个东西方家庭与青少年成长的故 事有机的结合起来。用电影的视觉语言讲述全球共同的话 题。是一部感动全球观众的一部合家欢电影。
强大的演员阵容、丰富的中国元素还有蠢萌蠢萌的神 犬是这部电影的最大亮点。《变形金刚》梅根·福克斯、 乔什·杜哈明,《生活大爆炸》中的“印度科学家”昆 瑙·内亚以及国民戏骨林永健、颜值担当侯明昊,中美豪 华的演员阵容为电影贡献了精湛的演技,而中国的长城、 天津滨海图书馆、北京标志建筑、特色街道、美食、手机 付费等中国元素则为中美合拍电影注入了灵魂。
《家有儿女》加上《神犬当家》等于学会沟通,等于 合家欢,一起走进电影院去迎接家有儿女新的成员神犬亨 利,让我们和它一起学会沟通,这就是今天是儿女,明天 是父母,我们一起学会沟通。希望我们这部电影献给那些 看我们《家有儿女》长大的观众,希望他们能带着孩子、 父母一起去影院感受这部合家欢电影。
吉尔·荣格 迪士尼著名导演 《家有儿女之神犬当家》导演
与中视美星合作并与中视美星共同制作这部电影,为 我在导演这部电影时创造了很多优势。首先,改变了整个 电影的维度,现在它是一部国际电影,其中电影传达的思 想,把爱和家庭放在第一位,是一个全球人类都一样的思 想。不管你说什么语言或你是什么肤色,任何人都可以从 这个简单和爱的思想中受益。其次,我在中国拍摄了一些 令人难以置信的场景。这是一次美妙的经历,我永远不会
这部电影的思想来源于我一直认同和相信的东西。我 一直想知道为什么我的狗总是那么开心?我意识到,因为 他们的生活很简单,他们生活中的优先事项也都是很简单 的事。只要它们有房子住,每天有几顿饭和一个爱它们的 家庭,这是不可思议的。在最简单的事情中有这么多的快 乐。我真的相信,作为人类,尤其是成年人,让我们的生 活变得过于复杂,并毒害了爱可以带来的纯粹。如果你们 互相尊重,彼此相爱,尊重自己,你的生活就会狗的生活 一样幸福。爱他人,支持他人,善待他人,如果我们都遵 守这些简单的规则,我们就会从中受益。
黛博拉·摩尔 前新线影业制作总监 《家有儿女之神犬当家》制作总监
《家有儿女之神犬当家》是中视美星制作的第一部中 美合拍电影。这部电影的独特之处在于整个创作团队试图 融合中美两国的故事元素,并将在两个不同文化下的两国 家庭关系和青少年成长的过程有机地结合在了一起。
制作团队希望故事本身可以引起美国、中国,以及全 球观众的共鸣。《家有儿女之神犬当家》用电影的视觉语 言讲述了全球共有的问题。
影视行业是一个非常全球化的行业—相比于以往任何 时候都更加全球化——与来自其他国家的电影制作人合作 在很大程度上有助于跨越文化鸿沟,创造更多的理解。
我们觉得这部电影的主题是真正连接了家庭、爱和生 活。作为一部真正拥有中国元素的电影对我们来说是非常 非常重要的。中视美星在中国做过非常多家庭类的影片, 所以和他们是完美的合作伙伴。我们是与导演吉尔·杨格 (Gil Junger)一同制作,且拥有大明星梅根·福克斯(Megan Fox)和乔什·杜哈梅尔(Josh Duhamel),我们拥有 一个非常棒的演员阵容。我们非常非常兴奋,这部电影要
在中国上映了。我觉得最令我们骄傲的是无缝连接了中 国的故事情节,而且我们在令人难以置信的地点包括中 国的长城,非常标志性的图书馆等地方拍摄,合家欢类 型的电影是可以传播到全世界的,不仅对美国的观众, 而且对全球观众,尤其是中国观众来说,我们都可以把 家庭和爱联系起来并且教会我们如何更好地与他人沟通 和爱我们的宠物。电影其中的一个主角是狗狗,它拥有 和里面主人公们沟通的能力并且和他们一起拯救他们分 崩离析的家庭。这个电影真的很有趣味。我真的等不及 电影在中国上映了,我相信这部电影会非常成功。这部 电影无论观众的年龄都会感受到精神和心灵的温暖,这 就是制作家庭类电影的伟大之处,因为它能吸引如此广 泛的观众。
《家有儿女之神犬当家》这个项目从剧本开始,中 美两边的编剧就进行了多轮多次的修改,希望从剧本上 就可以把中外的内容有机的结合起来。在成功签约演员 后,我们又第一时间签约了电影的销售公司,迅速的把 海外地区电影预售做起来,这是电影整体融资板块中非 常重要的一个环节,这也是能反映出你的项目在市场上 的价值。我们又选定了美国的新奥尔良作为拍摄地区, 因为当地的退税补贴政策。这样下来,我们项目整体的 拍摄预算就按照退税补贴+预售贷款+股权投资完成了整 个项目的融资环节。值得一提的是,我们中国的制作团 队都是有海外影视类留学背景的双语人才,这也最大化 的降低了中美两组团队在沟通上的成本,这次全流程制 作的经历留给了我们非常多宝贵的经验,来支持我们制 作出更多的国际合拍影片。
通过这次国际上的合作我深刻认识到了电影工业体系 上的差距,我在2019年北京电影节的时候提出了电影人 计划,目标是海外的留学生们。我觉得未来中国电影与 海外电影是体系上的合作,而填补这一空缺的其实是海 外影视类留学生们。很多海外的留学生毕业后没有好的 平台可以让他们往上更进一步,我们公司也希望通过电 影人计划来深度参与留学生们的作品,让他们也可以参 与美国主流的影片制作。这样不仅仅是在学校学到的内 容,而且真正的增加了实践经验,等回国后可以马上运 用到实际影视制作中。我们《家有儿女之神犬当家》也 在筹备第二部,未来我也希望有更多的影视留学生可以 参与到我们的项目中来,慢慢的平衡中美两国在电影体 系上的差距。
电影理论家,中国电影评论学会会长 原中国电影家协会秘书长
《家有儿女之神犬当家》是一部充满喜剧情趣,充满 喜剧张力,充满艺术向向力的家庭亲情电影。
人们都说爱情是文艺的永恒主题,家庭亲情是电影的 永恒主题,家庭能力片更是中国电影的叙事原型。家有 儿女之神犬当家,聚焦不同社会形态的两个家庭,孩子 与父母的关系,孩子的成长,孩子与父母的沟通,孩子 与社会的和解,应该说是具有人类共同价值的主题,能 够与不同社会形态的最大层面的观众达成最大层面的共
中国电影的国际传播需要寻找人类共同价值的主 题,需要达成人类命运共同体,需要最大层面的观众达 成最大层面的共情。那么家庭亲情、家庭能力就是一个 非常好的切入点。所以相信家有儿女之神,犬当家可以 得到不同地区的不同观众群体的追捧。那么中国电影的 国际传播需要国际化的视野,也需要更多的国际化的人 才。
《家有儿女之神犬当家》是《家有儿女》的升级版、 国际版、现代版。相信这样的电影可以为中国电影的国际 传播探索一条新路,祝中美电影节取得圆满成功。
中美电影节携手移动电影院 开启线上展映,
021年第十七届中美电影节将携手官方展映平台移动电影院(Smart Cinema) 在电影节期间展映共计19部影片,包括17部线上展映单元影片和2部特别展映影 片。
十七年来,中美电影节始终坚持促进中美文 化交流和电影产业发展与合作,得到中美两国政 府和电影业界的全力支持与肯定,业已成为中美
影人交流与合作不可或缺的重要平台。由于疫情影响,本届中美电影节将 采取线上和线下相结合的方式举办系列活动,除了现场数百位中美影视界 嘉宾外,另有线上百位中美明星和嘉宾参与其中。
移动电影院是中国电影放映领域的创新尝试,有别于电影新媒体播放 模式,是通过手机、平板电脑等移动终端或其可控制的其他设备搭载过 的移动电影院软件系统作为放映设备,向观众公映已取得“电影公映许 可证”并且处于公映期内的电影。移动电影院采用同线下商业院线类似的 DCP、KDM以符合国际电影安全标准为核心。作为第十七届中美电影节 官方展映平台,移动电影院(Smart Cinema)坚守线上院线阵地,为观 众带来一众优秀的国产电影。
在第十七中美电影节期间,中美电影节组委会携手移动电影院共同推 出了线上展映专区,展映部分优秀的电影作品,很多电影是在中美电影节 期间全球首映或北美首映。其中有包括全景式展现武汉抗击疫情画面的《 一起走过》;纪念长征胜利85周年、讲述红军故事的《赤焰》;通过中美 电影节世界首映的《伴我远行》;融合两岸亲情故事和非遗泉州文化的《 海峡情缘》;展现“一带一路”人文历史的《丝路长歌之寒窑》和为北美 本土观众精选的类型电影《梦境人生》、《沙海烛龙》、《建筑师》、《 紫砂梦》、《一日成交》、《天下无拐》等17部线上展映单元的影片和2 部由中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆和中美电影节共同推出的特别展映影片《中国 医生》和《没有过不去的年》。其题材涵盖主旋律、非遗、传统文化、中 外交流、民族团结、一带一路、新家庭家风等多种风格,中外影迷同时在 线观影、在线交流,用电影的方式,增强彼此的文化交流,促进中美文明 互鉴。
202 1 年第十七届
中美电影节 、中美电视节 将于11月5日正式回归舞台!
第 17届中美电影节中美电视节组 委会于10月20日在美国洛杉矶 总部举办了新闻发布会,正式宣布今年 的开幕式暨“金天使奖”颁奖典礼将回 归舞台!
中美电影节中美电视节主席、 美国鹰龙传媒有限公司董事长苏彦韬
中美电影节中美电视节主席、美国鹰龙传媒有限公司 董事长苏彦韬表示:“历经两年疫情的挑战,今年主办方 决定以线上线下相结合的方式,在完善健康防疫的前提 下回归舞台。除了现场数百位中美影视界和各界的嘉宾之 外,线上近百位中美明星和嘉宾也将参与此次年度盛会, 合力打造一场连接中美民间友好与影视业界交流合作的中 美影视盛宴。”
中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆文化参赞王太钰表示:疫情不 仅影响了我们的生活,也影响着影视和文化的交流。美国 鹰龙传媒在疫情期间坚持举办中美电影节、中美电视节对
电影产业的复兴有着特别重要的意义。今年,600多部影 视作品的参与可以更好的向大众介绍我们的文化,促进中 美之间的文化交流,进而促进中美关系的友好,感谢鹰龙 传媒17年来的坚持。
中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆文化领事王谨、美国洛杉矶郡 郡长凯瑟琳·巴格代表吴忠国、核桃市市长秦振国、圣盖 博市市长廖钦和、副市长丁言愉、蒙特利公园市市长饶影 凡、西柯文纳市市议员吴桐淮、亚凯迪亚市副市长郑博仁 等政要出席发布会并致辞。
第17届中美电影节中美电视节主办方介绍了本届活动 的六大特色:
杉矶郡政府将继续作为第17届中美电影节和中美电视节的 支持单位参与活动,美国制片人协会、美西编剧协会、环 球、索尼、迪斯尼、华纳兄弟、派拉蒙、传奇、狮门、IMAX等美国各大电影集团与中国电影家协会、中国电视 艺术家协会、中国中影股份有限公司、电影频道、华夏电 影集团、上海电影集团、中央新影集团、珠江电影集团、 长春电影集团、潇湘电影集团、天津北方电影集团、博纳 影业、英皇影业、华人影业、华策影视、慈文传媒、腾讯 影业、爱奇艺、优酷等中国各大影视集团和机构都纷纷发 来贺信并申报作品积极参与和支持。
中美影视合作高峰论坛关注后疫情时代中美影视合作新机遇 活动期间,组委会将与中国电影股份有限公司、中国 电影海外推广公司、中华广播影视交流协会、中国电视剧 制作产业协会、首都广播电视节目制作业协会通过现场 连线的方式联合举办三场主题论坛。论坛由美国洛杉矶郡 政府和中国驻洛杉矶总领馆支持,美国国会议员赵美心 (Judy Chu)、美国国会议员金映玉(Young Kim)、 洛杉矶郡郡长凯瑟琳·巴格(Kathryn Barger)与中国 驻洛杉矶总领事张平大使将致辞。为务实推动中美影视合
左起:蒙特利公园市市长饶影凡、核桃市市长秦振国、圣盖博市副市长丁言愉、 圣盖博市市长廖钦和、西柯文纳市市议员吴桐淮、 美国洛杉矶郡郡长凯瑟琳·巴格代表吴忠国、亚凯迪亚市副市长郑博仁
作,本届论坛将邀请到中国国家广电总局国际司司长闫成 胜做主旨发言,数十位中美影视界领军人物将空中对话, 探讨后疫情时代中美影视合作的机遇与挑战。
第三大特色: 超过600部优秀影视作品报名参评“金天使奖”,再创记录
本届中美电影节中美电视节共收到超过600部影视作 品报名参评。组委会将在官方线上展映平台移动电影院 (Smart Cinema)推出第17届中美电影节线上公益展映 专区,展映部分优秀的电影作品,其中很多电影是在中美 电影节期间全球首映或北美首映,北美观众也可以一饱眼 福了!与此同时,部分优秀的中国影视作品也将在中美电 影节中美电视节指定平台美国城市卫视安排展播。
继今年8月份组委会与中国电影海外推广公司签订合 作协议以来,通过中影影视国际版权交易平台积极推进中 美影视版权交流与合作。除了向中国市场推荐优秀的美国 电影,也将在今年中美电影节期间举办线下专场放映会, 推动中国电影在国际上的发行。
本届中美电影节中美电视节延续了与中国的电影频道 CCTV6、中央新影老故事频道、发现之旅频道、北京歌 华传媒集团的合作。同时,美国《综艺》(Variety)杂 志也将继续作为活动的官方媒体合作伙伴。中美媒体联手 提升活动影响力,推动中美影视的合作与交流。
百家影视企业入驻云市场,推疫情期间首部中美合拍电影 本届中美电影节中美电视节将有百家影视公司和机构 入驻影视云市场,将进一步推动中美影视产业界的务实合 作。特别值得一提的是,中美电影节主办方也将推出疫情 期间的首部中美合拍院线电影《家有儿女之神犬当家》。
此外,主办方美国鹰龙传媒公司在发布会上还介绍 了第17届中美电影节中美电视节的主要官方活动:开幕 式暨“金天使奖”颁奖典礼将于11月5日在洛杉矶圣盖博 喜来登酒店举办,中美影视合作高峰论坛将于11月6日举 办,影视云市场将于11月7日至12日举办,线上公益展映 活动及一系列专场放映会将于11月6日至30日举办。中美
电影节中美电视节在疫情中回归舞台,在国际的舞台上为 中美人文交流与影视合作不懈努力,用中美影视人心中光 影的力量点亮天使之城的星空!
第17届中美电影节中美电视节指定航空公司中国国际 航空公司北美总经理池志航、荣誉支持单位华美银行资深 副总裁潘明、荣誉支持单位Harrah’s代表以及美国华人 社区知名侨领代表美国南加州华人联合总会会长邵闻、美 国南加州华人社团联合会主席陈慧碧、美中工商联合总会 会长张勇、美国华人妇女联合会理事长张娴、美国飞虎队 传播协会主席虞清等也出席了发布会,纷纷对于主办方在
疫情中坚持不懈举办中美电影节中美电视节表达了诚挚的 祝福。
本届活动的表演嘉宾代表中国百年品牌裕泰祥传 人、知名设计师孙俭、知名美国歌手Josh Moreland 和华裔歌手李刚,以及活动支持企业代表美西人寿总裁 金丽萍、Shine Food Group 总裁尹彪、洋格儿国际医学 美容中心总裁 Annie Wang、大和卤味餐饮创始人总裁丁 瑞芬、天懿医美总裁Dan Han、iRegen 再生医疗保健( 康复)中心院长王一同、天马物流集团副总裁王越涛、诚 保利集团总裁许坚、孙雨婷模特儿工作室负责人Shayon Sun、千万地产经纪 Melissa Cheng等也都参加了新闻
左起:美电影节委员陈祥、中美电影节委员、格莱美奖得主奥马尔·阿克拉姆、 颁奖典礼主持人王国兰、中美电影节中美电视节共同主席、 奥斯卡金像奖电影《百万宝贝》制片人安德鲁·摩根、 中美电影节委员、奥斯卡和艾美奖得主理查德·安德森
中美电影节中美电视节共同主席、奥斯卡金像奖电影 《百万宝贝》制片人安德鲁·摩根、中美电影节委员、奥
华美银行资深副总裁、中国事务主管 Andrew Pan潘明
斯卡得主理查·安德森、中美电影节委员、格莱美奖得主 奥马尔·阿克拉姆、颁奖典礼主持人王国兰、中美电影节 委员陈祥等出席了发布会,并代表组委会感谢所有到场嘉 宾和媒体的大力支持。
左起:美国飞虎队传播协会主席虞清、美国华人妇女联合会理事长张娴、 美国华人社区知名侨领代表美国南加州华人联合总会会长邵闻、 美国南加州华人社团联合会主席陈慧碧、美中工商联合总会会长张勇
左起:iRegen 再生医疗保健(康复)中心院长王一同、大和卤味餐饮创始人总裁丁瑞芬、天马物流集团副总裁王越涛、 孙雨婷模特儿工作室负责人Shayon Sun、千万地产经纪 Melissa Cheng、Shine Food Group 总裁尹彪、 洋格儿国际医学美容中心总裁 Annie Wang、美西人寿总裁金丽萍、天懿医美总裁Dan Han、诚保利集团总裁许坚
左起:中国百年品牌裕泰祥传人、知名设计师孙俭、 知名美国歌手Josh Moreland和华裔歌手李刚
中华广播影视交流协会 将与中美电视节组委会 共同举办中美影视高峰云论坛
中华广播影视交流协会副理事长闫成胜与 中美电影节、中美电视节主席、 美国鹰龙传媒公司董事长苏彦韬
021年第十七届中美电影节 (Chinese American Film Festival)和中美电视节(Chinese American TV Festival)将于今年 11月通过线上与线下相结合的方式在美 国好莱坞隆重登场。中美电影节和中美 电视节组委会将携手中华广播影视交流 协会、中国电影股份有限公司、中影海 外推广有限公司、中国电视剧制作产业 协会、首都广播电视节目制作业协会共 同举办中美影视高峰云论坛。
中华广播影视交流协会副理事长闫成胜表示:中美电 视节多年来为中美业界人士搭建了合作与交流的桥梁,通 过视听作品在海外传播中华文化,讲述中国故事。中华广 播影视交流协会自1993年成立以来始终致力于促进国内外 广播影视交流与合作,我们有着共同的目标。希望通过双 方合作和努力,不断推动行业深入交流和共同发展,让世
中美电影节、中美电视节主席、美国鹰龙传媒公司董 事长苏彦韬表示:在中国国务院新闻办公室、中国国家广 电总局和中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆的大力支持下,中美电影 节和中美电视节多年来始终致力于以优秀影视作品推动文 明对话与互鉴,向世界介绍优秀的中华文化。今年,中华 广播影视交流协会的加盟和支持将会让我们多年来倾心搭 建的中美影视交流平台更专业、更具含金量。
今年,中美电视节还将参与国家广电总局发起的“百 年风华 视听共享”全球播映活动,精选《山海情》等优 秀国产电视剧、动画片和纪录片在美播出。
中华广播影视交流协会秘书长李少彦、中影海外推广 有限公司负责人谷国庆、中国电视剧制作产业协会会长尤 小刚、首都广播电视节目制作业协会会长刘燕铭也表示将 与中美电影节和中美电视节更加紧密合作,继续不遗余力 的推动国际影视合作与人文交流。
2021年第十七届中美电影节|中美电视节将于2021 年11月1日至11月30日期间在美国好莱坞举办为期一个月 的系列活动。11月5日举办中美电影节|中美电视节开幕 式暨“金天使奖”颁奖典礼;11月6日举办影视高峰云论 坛;11月7日-12日举办影视云市场暨影视推介会。中国电 影频道和美国《综艺》继续作为本届活动的官方媒体合作 伙伴对活动进行全程的报道。
截至目前,中国电影集团、上海电影集团、中央新影 集团、潇湘电影集团、山东影视集团、博纳影业、北广传 媒、爱奇艺等数十家中国知名影视公司推荐报名的超过百 部影视作品。组委会还宣布,本届中美电影节|中美电视 节将继续开辟纪录片、戏曲片、微电影、综艺节目等评选 单元。同时,将继续保留特别奖项——【中华文化国际传 播力大奖】,希望借助影视作品将优秀中华文化更好地呈 现到国际的舞台。欢迎登陆 下 载报名表,报名截止日期为9月15日。详情欢迎邮件联系 caff@edimediainc.com或致电001-626-5375015( 美国),13917142182(中国)
中美电影节和中美电视节是在中国国务院新闻办公室 的指导下、由中国国家广播电视总局、美国制片人协会、 美西编剧协会和中国驻美使领馆共同支持,唯一获得美国 布什总统和奥巴马总统两任总统共同亲笔贺函,同时也是 首个列入美国国会年报的中美电影文化交流活动。2014 年和2016年中美电影节两度入选中美人文交流高层磋商 成果清单。洛杉矶郡和洛杉矶市自2016年起至今连续五 年将每年的11月命名为“中美电影节月”,将开幕式当
中美电影节、中美电视节主席、 美国鹰龙传媒公司董事长苏彦韬
天命名为“中美电影节日”。十六年来,中国电影集团、 上海电影集团、八一电影制片厂、中央新影集团、长春电 影集团、天津北方电影集团、珠江电影集团、潇湘电影制 片厂、江西电影制片厂、云南电影集团、广西电影集团、 河北电影集团、博纳电影集团、万达影业、华谊兄弟、星 美影业、海润影业、阿里影业、天马影业、乐视影视、以 及来自新疆、内蒙古、黑龙江、广东、深圳等数百家电影 公司等几乎每年都齐聚好莱坞,参加中美电影节角逐“金 天使奖”。与此同时,美国制片人协会、美西编剧协会、 环球、福克斯、迪斯尼、索尼、派拉蒙、米高美、梦工 厂、IMAX、HBO等好莱坞各大电影集团,以及众多独立 制片公司也非常重视一年一度的中美电影节,中美电影节 从2014年开始获得电影局的支持,向美国各大电影集团颁 发“中国最受欢迎美国电影奖”。每年超过300家中美影 视公司在中美电影节的影视市场平台上交流合作,每年展 映超过500部优秀中美电影,观影人数累计超过150万人 次。美国城市卫视对中美电影节和中美电视节开幕式暨颁 奖典礼整个活动全程实况转播,全球近五十几个国家和地 区的观众可以收看到这一中美影视盛宴。
自2013年第九届中美电影节起,组委会在颁奖典礼 上增设了“金天使奖”中国优秀电视剧奖,每年有近百部 电视剧参展参赛,为中美电视合作与交流开辟了新的平 台。2016年,中国国家广电总局电视剧司和国际司与组委 会共同主办“中美电视剧合作论坛”,并在中美电影节期 间首次见证中美电视剧合拍签约仪式,促成中美电视业界 合拍与合作。2017年,将“金天使奖电视剧单元”正式升 格设立“中美电视节”(Chinese American TV Festival)。中美电视节充分利用资源优势和国际影响力, 为中国电视剧优秀作品和人才提供更好的展示和交流平 台,为推动中美两国电视领域交流与合作发挥更加重要的 作用,同时也为提升中国优秀影视文化的国际传播提供助 力。
中美电影节与中影海推公司 签署战略合作协议,
为了讲好中国故事,展示真实、立体、全面的中国,加强中美两国影视交流与合 作,在世界影视文化之都的好莱坞坚持连续十六年举办的中美电影节(Chinese American Film Festival)和中美电视节(Chinese American TV Festival)将于今年11月初再次通过线上与线下相结合的方式隆重登场。
8月19日,在中国电影集团董事长焦宏奋、总经理毛 羽的共同见证下,中美电影节|中美电视节主席、美国鹰 龙传媒董事长苏彦韬与中影海外推广有限公司负责人谷国 庆在中国电影集团签署了战略合作协议,宣布中美电影节 将正式进驻中影影视国际版权交易平台。中美电影节将与 中影海外推广有限公司深入合作,携手一起为中国电影与 世界电影友好合作与交流服务,积极宣传推广和销售国产 影片,为中国电影走出去搭建平台。
中美电影节|中美电视节主席、美国鹰龙传媒董事长 苏彦韬表示:中美电影节和中美电视节多年来始终致力于 以优秀影视作品推动文明对话与互鉴,增进人文交流与合 作,向世界介绍优秀的中华文化。感谢中国电影集团、中 影海外推广有限公司多年来的大力支持。今年活动的主题 是“光影的力量”,让我们共同以匠心情怀,帮助中美影 视人打造更多影视艺术佳作;坚持理想,推动中美影视合
中影海外推广有限公司负责人谷国庆表示:十多年 来,中美电影节已经为中美电影人交流和合作的重要桥梁 和纽带。感谢中影集团打造了中影影视国际版权交易平台 这个创新的平台。中影海外推广有限公司将借助这个平台
与中美电影节进一步深入合作,通过线上和线下相结合的 方式帮助更多的中国电影走向世界。
2021年第十七届中美电影节|中美电视节将于2021 年11月1日至11月30日期间在美国好莱坞举办为期一个月 系列活动。11月5日举办中美电影节|中美电视节开幕式 暨“金天使奖”颁奖典礼;11月6日组委会与中国电影股 份有限公司、中影海外推广有限公司、中国电视剧制作产 业协会、首都广播电视制作业协会共同主办影视高峰云论 坛;11月7日-12日,与以上单位共同主办影视云市场暨影 视推介会。中国电影频道和美国《综艺》继续作为本届活 动的官方媒体合作伙伴对活动进行全程的报道。
中美电影节|中美电视节组委会公布了包括中国电影 集团、上海电影集团、潇湘电影集团、北广传媒、爱奇艺 等数十家中国知名影视公司推荐报名的超过百部影视作 品。组委会还宣布,本届中美电影节|中美电视节将继续 开辟纪录片、戏曲片、微电影、综艺节目等评选单元。
奖】,希望借助影视将中华文化带到国际的舞台。欢迎登 陆 下载报名表,报名截止日期 为9月15日。详情欢迎邮件联系 或致电001-626-5375015(美国),13917142182( 中国)
中美电影节和中美电视节是在中国国务院新闻办公室 的指导下、由中国国家广播电视总局、美国制片人协会、 美西编剧协会和中国驻美使领馆共同支持,唯一获得美国 布什总统和奥巴马总统两任总统共同亲笔贺函,同时也是 首个列入美国国会年报的中美电影文化交流活动。2014 年和2016年中美电影节两度入选中美人文交流高层磋商 成果清单。洛杉矶郡和洛杉矶市自2016年起至今连续五 年将每年的11月命名为“中美电影节月”,将开幕式当 天命名为“中美电影节日”。十六年来,中国电影集团、 上海电影集团、八一电影制片厂、中央新影集团、长春电 影集团、天津北方电影集团、珠江电影集团、潇湘电影制 片厂、江西电影制片厂、云南电影集团、广西电影集团、 河北电影集团、博纳电影集团、万达影业、华谊兄弟、星 美影业、海润影业、阿里影业、天马影业、乐视影视、以 及来自新疆、内蒙古、黑龙江、广东、深圳等数百家电影 公司等几乎每年都齐聚好莱坞,参加中美电影节角逐“金 天使奖”。与此同时,美国制片人协会、美西编剧协会、 环球、福克斯、迪斯尼、索尼、派拉蒙、米高美、梦工 厂、IMAX、HBO等好莱坞各大电影集团,以及众多独立 制片公司也非常重视一年一度的中美电影节,中美电影节 从2014年开始获得电影局的依据,向美国各大电影集团颁 发“中国最受欢迎美国电影奖”。每年超过300家中美影 视公司在中美电影节的影视市场平台上交流合作,每年展 映超过500部优秀中美电影,观影人数累计超过150万人 次。美国城市卫视对中美电影节和中美电视节开幕式暨颁 奖典礼整个活动全程实况转播,全球近五十几个国家和地 区的观众可以收看到这一中美影视盛宴。
自2013年第九届中美电影节起,组委会在颁奖典礼 上增设了“金天使奖”中国优秀电视剧奖,每年有近百部 电视剧参展参赛,为中美电视合作与交流开辟了新的平 台。2016年,中国国家广电总局电视剧司和国际司与组委 会共同主办“中美电视剧合作论坛”,并在中美电影节期 间首次见证中美电视剧合拍签约仪式,促成中美电视业界 合拍与合作。2017年,经中国国家广电总局批准,将“金 天使奖电视剧单元”正式升格设立“中美电视节”(Chinese American TV Festival)。中美电视节充分利用资 源优势和国际影响力,为中国电视剧优秀作品和人才提供 更好的展示和交流平台,为推动中美两国电视领域交流与 合作发挥更加重要的作用,同时也为提升中国优秀影视文 化的国际传播提供助力。
Cliff Walkers
Length: 120mins
Director: 张艺谋
Cast: 于和伟、张译、秦海璐、刘浩存、朱亚文、 李乃文、倪大红、余皑磊、飞凡
Set the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, the film follows four Communist party special agents who return to China after receiving training in the Soviet Union. Together, they embark on a secret mission code-named “Utrennya”…
上世纪三十年代,为获得日本反人类实验的证据,中国派 出张宪臣、王郁、王楚良和张兰四位地下党特务,组成名 为「乌特拉」的小组被派往东北执行秘密任务,救援从日方逃出的同胞……
Top of the City 《大城大楼》
Length: 89mins
Director: 谢鸣晓
Cast: 陈奕龙、李媛、佟瑞欣、牛犇、孙清
The movie “Top of the City” is about young people’s dreams and the warmth of Shanghai city. Within Lujiazui area, a series of touching stories happen around the rescue of Peng Peng, a child with brain tumor. It also tells the story of young people growing up differently and eventually realizing the resonance of self-worth and social value.
电影《大城大楼》是一个关乎年轻人梦想、体现城市温度 的故事。以上海陆家嘴地区为背景,围绕救助患儿鹏鹏引 发的一系列感人故事,讲述了当代上海年轻人选择不同道路成长,但最终都实现了自我 价值与社会价值的共鸣。
Hustle Bustle New Year 《没有过不去的年》
Length: 99mins
Director: 尹力
Cast: 吴刚、吴彦姝
The film tells the story of Wang Ziliang and his family in Beijing. Living a life with such an increasingly fast pace, they are exhausted. Although her life is coming to the end, the grandmother still cares about every child in this family. As the Spring Festival approaches, the family memebers need to face all sorts of life choices and tests…
影片讲述了生活在北京的王自亮一家在越来越快的生活节 奏中身心疲惫。老母亲生命将尽但仍牵挂着家庭的每个孩子。临近年关,这一大家子人 面临了生活中的各种选择和考验……
A Writer’s Odyssey 《刺杀小说家》
Length: 130mins
Director: 路阳
Cast: 雷佳音、董子健、杨幂、于和伟、郭京飞、 王圣迪
A Writer’s Odyssey, adapted from the novel of the same name, tells the story of Kongwen Lu (Zijian Dong), the author of a fantasy novel series following a heroic teenager, also named Kongwen, on a quest to end the tyrannical rule of Lord Redmane, under the guidance of a Black Armour (Jingfei Guo). But through a strange twist of fate, the fantasy world of the novels begins to impact life in the real world, leading Guan Ning (Jiayin Lei) to accept a mission from Tu Ling (Mi Yang) to kill the author.
异世界皇都,天神赤发鬼残暴统治,滥杀无辜。少年空文因被赤发鬼追杀,决定奋起反 击。在黑甲的指引下,踏上了凡人弑神之路。这是小说家路空文笔下的奇幻世界。没想 到小说的进程,竟然影响着现实世界。这时一名男子接下了刺杀他的任务……
Chinese Doctors 《中国医生》
Length: 129mins
Director: 刘伟强
Cast: 张涵予、袁泉、朱亚文、李晨、易烊千玺、 欧豪、冯文娟、周也
The movie features the great and touching stories that happened during the pandemic in Wuhan, China in 2020, especially about how these medical staff sacrificed their time and even lives to save the people. It reflects the spirit and power of unity and dedication.
主要讲述了面对2020年春节期间,在中国湖北省武汉市 突发的新型冠状病毒肺炎公共卫生事件中,我国从高层领导的正确决策,为抢救生命, 不惜一切代价到举全国之力驰援武汉过程期间,武汉本地及各省市医护人员所做出的伟 大牺牲与突出贡献的感人故事,体现了国家为人民,人民保国家的大国力量和医护人员 的无私献身精神。
Island Keeper 《守岛人》
Length: 125mins
Director: 陈力
Cast: 刘烨、宫哲、侯勇
In 1986, Wang Jicai was ordered to guard the island and stayed alone for 32 years on an isolated sea island, the size of which is only two football fields. His wife Wang Shihua resolutely decided to accompany Wang Jicai on guarding the island. The two of them have gone through various life tests together. The spirit of Wang Jicai and his wife has impacted many people who stick to the ordinary and create greatness.
1986年,王继才受命守岛,独自一人在仅有两个足球场大小的海上孤岛坚守了32年。妻 子王仕花毅然决定陪王继才守岛,二人相濡以沫,共同经历了种种人生考验。王继才夫 妇的精神感染了跟多的人坚守平凡、创造伟大。
Zero to Hero 《妈妈的神奇小子》
Length: 102mins
Director: 尹志文
Cast: 梁仲恒、吴君如、张继聪、冯皓扬、卢海鹏、 钱小豪、胡子彤、麦沛东、杨伟伦、林家熙、 钟雪莹
So Wa Wai was born with lifelong disabilities, in the form of hearing impairment and crippling cerebral palsy. Under his Mom’s extreme training, Wai learns to walk and is discovered with a talent for running by Coach Fong. He joins the Hong Kong Para Athletic Team and makes history by winning several Paralympic medals for Hong Kong...
苏桦伟天生患有痉挛及弱听,连正常走路都有难度,然而在苏妈铁腕手段的训练下,他 不仅学会了走路,还被学校教练方 Sir 发掘出跑步天赋,被邀请加入香港残障田径队, 参加多届伤残人士运动会,夺得多面奖牌......
Endgame 《人潮汹涌》
Length: 120mins
Director: 饶晓志
Cast: 刘德华、肖央、万茜、狄志杰、国义骞、 程怡、黄小蕾
A failed actor and an amnesiac “killer” accidentally exchange their lives, and a comedy begins… 一个失败的演员与一名失忆的“杀手”因意外交换了彼此 的人生,一幕幕喜剧就此拉开了帷幕……
My Love 《你的婚礼》
Length: 115mins
Director: 韩天
Adapted from On Your Wedding Day (2018), this is a romance and lovely story for over 15 years between a boy and a girl. Back in high school, Zhou Xiaoqi (Xu Guanghan) was a student with swimming specialty. You Yongci (Zhang Ruonan) was a transfer student of the same high school. At the first sight, Zhou fell in love with You. Before Zhou expressed his true feelings, You left without saying goodbye. Zhou holds and protects this young and ignorant pure love inside his heart for over 15 years.
高中时,游泳特长生周潇齐(许光汉饰)对转校生尤咏慈(章若楠饰)一见钟情,年少 懵懂的纯纯爱恋,男孩默默守护,但女孩却不告而别。此后的人生,15年的爱情长跑。 你的婚礼,也是我的成人礼。
Unusual Deal
Length: 98mins
Director: 黄健
Cast: 姜武、小沈阳、杨蓉、高捷、林雪、马浴柯、 于思楚
Jia Yun, an ordinary person from mainland China who’s dissatisfied with his life. Unintentionally, he got hunted for taking away a trading box from local gangs when he visited his brother in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The local gangs were arrested by police during conflicts, and Jia Yun learned and understood the truth of life at the end of this incident.
贾云是一个中国大陆的普通人,对自己的生活不满。因去马来西亚吉隆坡会见兄弟,阴 差阳错拿走了当地黑帮的交易箱子,被几大黑帮追杀。最终黑帮各自火拼被警察抓获, 而贾云在过程中重新领悟到生活的真谛……
From Ashes 《赤焰》
Length: 90mins
Director: 吕军
Cast: 金若琰、苏冬青、张诗悦、丁子宁、李冉
In 1935, two desperate young girls ran into the Red Army’s Long March team. For surviving they followed the team all the way to climb the snow mountain and across the grassland.
In order to complete the task of escorting the intelligence officers, they sacrificed their lives and became heroes.
1935年,两个走投无路的年轻女孩偶遇红军长征队伍。 为了活下来,她们跟随队伍一路爬雪山过草地,为了完成 护送情报员人物牺牲生命成为英雄。
Lord Bao Thrice Investigates the Butterfly Dream
Length: 124mins
Director: 孟中华
Cast: 王冠丽
Wang Boru was killed by GE Biao, the little prince for no reason. His three sons avenged his father and killed Ge Biao. The magistrate of Zhongmou County sentenced three sons to pay off, and Bao Zheng changed the retrial to one son of the Wang famiyl to pay off his life. Meng abandoned his own son, Wang San, and left two sons in the front room. Bao Zhengshen was moved by Meng’s behavior and executed Wang instead of a horse thief, reuniting the Wang family’s mother and son.
王伯儒无故被小皇帝葛彪打死,其三个儿子为父报仇打死葛彪,中牟郡令判三子抵偿, 包拯重审改判王家一子抵命,孟氏舍弃亲生之子王三,留下前房两个儿子。包拯深为孟 氏行为感动以盗马贼代替王三行刑,使王家母子团聚。
The Capture and Release of Cao Cao 《捉放曹》
Length: 107mins
Director: 滕俊杰
Cast: 王越、王珮瑜、郭毅、王盾、朱何吉
In the last years of the Eastern Han dynasty,Dong Zhuo,the Imperial Tutor,becomes the dictator.The whole nation detest him.Cao Cao,a garrison commander,wants to approach and slay him.When Dong discovers his intention, he has to present his dagger as a gift for Dong,and manages to flee from the capital...
东汉末年,太师董卓专权,朝野上下,怨声载道。骁骑校 尉曹操趁接近董卓之机,企图行刺。董卓察觉,曹操以献刀为名骗过董卓,寻机逃出京 城......
New Happy Dad and Son 4: Perfect Dad
Length: 85mins
Director: 何澄、刘可欣
Cast: 陈怡、董浩、鞠萍、耿晨晨、陈苏
This movie is the fourth of the “New Happy Dad and Son” film franchise presented by CCTV Animation Group. It tells a story in which Datou (the big head son) comes to a virtual world and enjoys various fantastic experiences with Perfect Dad who evloved from AI program...
该片是央视动漫集团推出的“新大头”系列电影第四部, 讲述了大头儿子进入了虚拟世界,和人工智能进化出的“ 完美爸爸”经历了各种精彩炫酷的奇幻体验……
Return 《妈祖回家》
Length: 112mins
Director: 蒲剑
Cast: 赵亮、葛玟希、关德辉、秦子然 、刘芳 、 赫林
The movie uses an unique angle to feature the stories between Fujian and Taiwan to reflect the deep love between the people on both sides and the charm of the culture that facilitates the exchange and peaceful development of this two areas.
本故事主要取材于闽台两地,紧扣两个发生在台湾海峡间 的底层民众渡海事件,展开一系列曲折生动的情节,用独 特视角诠释两岸人民难以割舍的血脉情缘和妈祖文化的巨大魅力,深刻反映了海峡两岸 由隔绝到交往交流,由敌视到和平发展的历史变迁。
Run! Shunzi 《顺子加油》
Length: 85mins
Director: 赵春梁
Cast: 范雷、徐源、周浩东、林强、周栩彤
Based on the true experience of Zhang Deshun, who is the champion of women’s 10000 meters in the 30th Universiade, this film tells us that how she overcame many difficulties and closed to her dreamy and inspirational life step by step.
本片以第三十届世界大学生运动会女子10000米冠军—张 德顺的亲身经历为原形,书写她如何克服一重重难关,一 步步靠近梦想的励志人生。
Love Across the Strait 《海峡情缘》
Length: 99mins
Director: 卢影
Cast: 查振、杨宏玉、张磊、张桂玲
Huang Yuting, the girl from Taiwan, went to the university in Fujian which was her grandfather’s hometown. She met Yang Haotian while Taiwan’s fruit is unsalable and she was looking for sales for her parents. They fell in love soon but found out that they had the same grandfather, so they returned to Taiwan to find the truth and learned that their grandfather was a victim of history. Their sincerity and deeds helped grandfather and his family to untie the knot, and the two were finally live together forever.
台湾女孩黄雨婷来到爷爷故乡福建读大学,正逢台湾水果滞销替父母寻找销路而结识了 杨浩天。两人坠入爱河后发现他们有同一个爷爷,返台找寻真相后,了解到爷爷是历史 的受害者,也为爷爷和家人解开心结两人最终在一起。
Grateful to Have You 《谢谢你温暖我的世界》
Length: 100mins
Director: 贾溯
Cast: 曲博、钱冬旎、孔奇力、张宇柠
An exam in Senior 3 changed Qian Liang, Zhu Lele and Xiao Nan’s fate. Many years later, with the accidental death of Qian Liang, who is the core of the three persons’ relationship, one secret after another hidden among the three gradually emerged. Finally, the love and hate in everyone’s mind was resolved with the funeral of Qian Liang.
多年之后,随着身为三人关系核心的钱梁意外离世,隐藏在三人之间的一个又一个秘密 渐渐浮出水面。最终,众人心中的爱恨情仇,随着钱梁葬礼的举行被化解。
Kung Fu Girl 《出手吧!女生》
Length: 98mins
Director: Kenny Gage (肯尼·盖奇)、Devon Downs (德文·唐斯)
Cast: 释小松 、陶奕希、陈国坤、陈信喆
Kung Fu Girl is an action fantasy about Lisa, a 12-year old student who challenges the school bully, and in her journey through real and virtual worlds learns to strengthen a fractured bond with her father.
影片讲述一个爱打抱不平的武校女生李响(陶奕希饰)通 过父亲(陈国坤饰)没日没夜开发的虚拟现实(VR)技 术进入游戏,精进武功、重塑自我的故事。她在虚拟的古代世界里遇到了现实中常常欺 负她的“男校霸”于大宝(释小松饰),两个小冤家是继续斗法,还是联手打怪?悬念 迭起,出人意料,值得期待。
Aksa 《长雾弥漫》
Length: 109mins
Director: 奕翎
Cast: 孙松、李梦、杨晋恒、艾丽娅
The story is set in the south-west region of China, during New Year. It was supposed to be a happy day, but it changed because of the disappearance of a woman. The lover began to look for the woman. Fate of three people were changed in a chain reaction. In this one-on-one coincidence, a long forgotten murder case is uncovered in their presence.
长江边的西南小城,岁末寒冬的季节。众人辞旧迎新的日 子,却因一个女人的不辞而别彻底改变!恋人开始寻找这个失踪的女人,三组人的命运 发生了连锁反应式的变化。就在这一环扣一环的巧合中,一桩陈年的旧案浮出了水面。
The White Shadow 《毒影迷踪》
Length: 96mins
Director: 安战军
Cast: 郝荣光、陈姝、蔡华、曦璐
An ordinary traffic accident led to the clue of new type of drug. However, The Criminal Police Captain Lin Pengfei led a team to detect and uncover the drug gang hidden in the dark. Just when the case made a major breakthrough, Lin’s wife Han Tianhong and his daughter Tiantian got involved in a conspiracy.
一场普通的交通意外却出现了新型毒品的线索,刑警队长 林鹏飞带队全力侦破,抽丝剥茧,挖出了潜藏在黑暗中的 贩毒团伙,就在案件有了重大突破之时,林鹏飞的妻子韩天虹和女儿甜甜却卷入了这场 阴谋之中。
The Legend of The Silk Road - Han Yao 《丝路长歌之寒窑》
Length: 87mins
Director: 张力
Cast: 贾延鹏、陈嫣嫣、陈志杰、牛军、许还山、 王劲松、恩美、李桂莲
The film tells the story of a faithful woman Baochuan Wang who were determined to marry Pinggui Xue by breaking through the parental and social obstacles. Xue went far away from his hometown, fighting in the Western Regions. He was confered as Duke Pingxi because of his remarkable achievements, guarding the anxi area. Wang waited for her husband for 18 years in the poor and shabby dwelling. They finally reunited after the long separation and suffering...
影片讲述王宝钏冲破父母阻拦,执意嫁给薛平贵。薛平贵远离家乡征战西域战功卓著, 被封为平西王,镇守安西都护府。王宝钏苦守寒窑十八载,终于等到丈夫归来,夫妻团 聚苦尽甘来……
Dream of Purple - Grit Teapot 《紫砂梦》
Length: 96mins
Director: 俞克平
Cast: 周东亮、董云华
During the period of the Republic of China, the apparentice Lian Cheng of Liu’s teakettle manor at Ding Shu town is equipped with advanced skills. He was in a close relationship with his peer-sister Mei until Liu Ruiming appeared and got involved between them. Liu set Lian up and attacked him. Doctor Li’s dauther Xiu Zhu sceretly loved Lian, cured and accompanied him. Finally, when Lian was touched by Xiu, he learned about the sudden news of Mei’s death.
民国时期,丁蜀镇柳家壶庄学徒连城,手艺高超,与师妹心梅青梅竹马,奈何被柳瑞明 横刀夺爱,并诬陷打伤连城。李郎中之女秀竹暗恋连城,将其救治并鼓励陪伴左右,终 于打动连城,却突然传磊心梅病逝的噩耗……
Guardian of the Palace 《沙海烛龙》
Length: 90mins
Director: 魏玉海
Cast: 彭禺厶、何宜蓉、杜奕衡、陆琦蔚
During the Republican era, a plague occurred in Blackwater Town. In order to find the legendary Golden Moon Gemstone that could cure the plague, Tianya led a group of people embarked on a treasure hunt. After a series of hardships and obstacles, they arrived at the underground palace of the Ancient Blackwater Kingdom, and conquered a huge two-headed snake which guarded the gemstone, and saved the victims.
民国时期,黑水镇发生一场瘟疫。为寻找可以治疗瘟疫的金月宝石,天涯一行人踏上寻 宝之旅,经历了一连串的艰难险阻后到达了古黑水国的地下宫殿,征服了守护宝石的双 头蛇,拯救了百姓。
I Hope You Are Well
Length: 116mins
Director: 杜斌
Cast: 杜奕衡、朱梓玥、马瑜遥
Zhang Wang, who is a 7-years-old girl, and her father Zhang Guohua lived together for a living. Although life is poor, life is still very happy. One day, I suddenly saw a nosebleed. I went to a large hospital to check for acute leukemia. The treatment cost more than 300,000 yuan. Zhang Guohua, who had no money to raise money, washed her face all day. She looked at her family and decided to give up. treatment...
7岁女孩张望和父亲张国华相依为命,却不幸得了急性白血病,家庭贫穷的她只能依靠 社会各界的捐款进行治疗。得益于爱的力量和无数陌生人的关心,也使张望变得无比坚 强,她用常人难以想象的痛苦接受着治疗,并一次一次经历着鬼门关,就在大家都认为 张望的病快要好起来的时候,张望却做了一个出乎所有人意料的决定......
I Dreamed A Dream 《梦境人生》
Length: 106mins
Director: 段祺华
Cast: 赵文瑄、王琳、张开泰、王佳佳、李君婕
Set in modern Shanghai, Crystal uses ‘Dream Yoga’ techniques to enter the dreams of those related to her unconscious father, to discover the truth of an unspeakable past back in the 1970s.
影片讲述了“梦瑜伽”大师李士豪(赵文瑄饰)突发脑 梗,生命垂危之际,女儿水晶(王佳佳饰)为唤醒父亲, 踏上了一场跨越时空的“探梦”之旅。
Light Chaser 《光语者》
Length: 97mins
Director: 孙辉、冯冯、杨紫云、周全
Cast: 刘松
Within the Arctic Circle, during the 120-day polar night, an expedition team member stayed alone in the Yellow River Station in order to monitor the aurora. What kind of story was happening in the northernmost town where the cold and endless night intertwined?
北极圈,长达120天的极夜,一个科考队员独自助守在黄 河站监测极光。在寒冷和无尽黑夜交织的最北小镇在发生 着怎样的故事呢?
Sitting on a Train to Beijing 《坐着火车上北京》
Length: 92mins
Director: 伊呼和
Cast: 杨砚铎、窦新豪、郭笑、李卓航、王彦博
The railway leading to Beijing is about to reach Yushuwan Village. On that day, adults who were struggling with three-sided railways were busy trying to win the “golden rice bowl” of the railway, while the big bang of “stealing chickens and dogs” who enjoyed their childhood fun and the small partners had new “goals” and were ready to plan a big operation to go to Beijing by train.
通向北京的铁路即将俢到榆树湾村,当日日因三歺而挣扎 的大人们,为能捧上俢铁路这个”金饭碗”努力奔忙时;而经常”偷鸡摸狗”尽享童年 乐趣的大响和小伙伴们又有了新的”目标”,准备策划一场坐着火车上北京的大行动。
Love of Huang Jia Ling 《黄甲岭之恋》
Length: 105mins
Director: 叶巍民
Cast: 于洋、郝爽、王曦、叶新晨
Anti-poverty work group captain Zhang Jinqiang insists on strengthening the ambition before relieving the poverty. He builds a revolution memorial to turn the villagers’ mind and finds the spirit of obtaining wealth for them. Through operating projects, raising funds and combining help, support and lead together, Zhang relieves the poverty using industries, makes the HuangJialin village all brand new, and finally helps the whole village shake off poverty and leads all villagers into rural development.
《黄甲岭之恋》讲述的是扶贫队长张金强坚持“扶贫先扶志”,以修建革命烈士纪念 碑,用革命传统教育扭转村民思想观念,让村民找到致富的魂。通过跑项目、筹资金, 通过帮、扶、带,实施产业扶贫,使黄甲岭村的村容村貌发生巨大变化,最终实现全村 脱贫致富,引领全体村民积极投入乡村振兴战略的感人故事。
A Day Deal
Length: 93mins
Director: 王挺
Cast: 王挺、刘小宁、郞月婷、倪大红、温峥嵘 Li Qianlong, an old-fashioned antique dealer, meets Zhang Luo, a young man eager to sell his family heirlooms to raise money for his marriage. During their transaction, Zhang Luo becomes ensnared in a huge deal Li Qianlong is arranging.
老道古玩商人李钱隆遇到了急于卖掉传家宝筹钱结婚的大 龄青年张罗。交易中,张罗却卷入李钱隆的一桩大买卖。
The Joker 《丑角儿》
Length: 99mins
Director: 康与江
Cast: 来喜、苏瑾、丁海峰、张立
Yao Shuangxi, the clown actor of the Lv Opera Troupe wants to turn his small courtyard into a “Lv Opera House”, but the courtyard suddenly faces the threat of demolition. The opera troupe’s female actor is involved in a car accident. Shortly after being admitted to hospital, she mysteriously commits suicide by jumping from the building. Yao Shuangxi’s wife and daughter are kidnapped. The investigation team of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervisory Commission discover that it all seems to be inextricably linked to Yao Shuangxi and to a clown’s mask...
吕剧团丑角演员姚双喜辞职回到农村,想把自己家做成“吕剧小院”,却无意间陷入一 桩贪腐谜案,院子遭遇强拆威胁、剧团花旦杜鹃自杀、妻子女儿被绑架……
Length: 74mins
Director: 常秀芹
Cast: 司晓光、张东海、邢修军、杨新华、冷传杰、 王庆林、郑翠凤、陈淑明、王奎敏、张秀芬、 王占梅、王玉欣、李丽惠、司晓星、梁恒力、 梁恒青、宋玉芳、邢莉莉、于志荣、刘春英、 刘云明
“Mam” tells a touching story of a group of lactating women selflessly feeding and protecting 1223 children born in the war in Rushan, Jiaodong, China during World War II.
《战争中的母亲——胶东乳娘》讲述了二战时期,在中国胶东乳山一带,一群哺乳期的 妇女无私哺育保护在战争中出生的1223名孩子的感人故事。
Length: 95mins
Director: 朱勤效
Cast: 无
The documentary film TO-GETHER, using TV news report to support its narrative and timeline, tells the true stories of people who fought against COVID-19 in Wuhan after the city was closed off, including Zhong Ming (Shanghai doctor), Cai Yi (Wuhan doctor), Chen Hong (military doctor), Tian Lin (community worker), Wang Ziyi, Wang Zhen, and Qiu Beiwen and her husband (volunteers), Xia Bin and his wife (COVID-19 patients)... 影片《一起走过》采用纯纪录片手法,用电视台新闻播报声音作为事件的大背景及叙事 时间主线,串联起上海援鄂医生钟鸣、武汉医生蔡毅、解放军援鄂医生陈红、社区干部 田霖、志愿者王紫懿、王震、邱贝文夫妇、患者夏斌夫妇等人亲身经历的故事......
Granary of the Great Nation-China
Length: 81mins
Director: 熊延江
Cast: 无
The film describes in detail the “granary of the great power, the kitchen of the people,” which is the foundation of the Chinese people’s panoramic life for all ages, Using movies to show the power as “Chinese grain core, Chinese wisdom, China model” of the “granary of power” is how the security of the new era of people’s growing better life.
本片以纪录的手法全面详实地描述了“大国粮仓、百姓 厨房”,这一中国人全景生活的万世根基,用电影来展现大国担当“中国粮芯、中国智 慧、中国模式”的“大国粮仓”是如何安全保障新时代人民日益增长的美好生活。
Squid Piscator in the Heart of the Sea 《大洋深处鱿钓人》
Length: 99mins
Director: 井建民
Cast: 于传荣、孙永新
“Squid Piscator in the Heart of the Sea” is a documentary that films the offshore fishing by Chinese “Luwei Yuanyu No. 979” fishing vessel in the South West Atlantic above 45°latitude south, reflecting the real life and way of production of Chinese fishermen.
《大洋深处鱿钓人》是一部反映中国远洋渔民生产生活的 纪录影片。本片真实纪录中国“鲁威远渔979号”远洋捕 捞渔船,奔赴南纬45度的西南大西洋远洋作业的故事。
Fake Teacher 《我不是老师》
Length: 97mins
Director: 石展
The story is about Li Na, a singer with a dream and personality. When she encounters music and emotional difficulties, she is moved by a simple song. Finally, she knows the reason. The beautiful music comes from Xinjiang, the hometown of song and dance, which suddenly touches her creative passion. For the sake of music, she drove all the way to Xinjiang without telling anyone.
故事讲述的是一个有梦想有个性的歌手厉娜,在遇到音乐 及感情双重困难时,被一首简单的歌所打动,最后知晓原因,原来美丽的音乐来自歌舞 之乡新疆,突然触动了她的创作激情。为了音乐她在没有告知任何人的情况下,独自开 车,一路问询来到了新疆。
Once Upon A Time in Films 《演员》
Length: 93mins
Director: 潘奕霖
Cast: 无
“Once Upon A Time in Films” focuses on two generations of China’s most representative film performing artists, and heartily records their acting careers, journey, artistic pursuits and onscreen achievements, paying a tribute to Chinese cinema and filmmakers with a record of “what is an actor” to “what is life”... 本片以“演员”为主题,以22大明星为切入点,借助访 谈、影像资料、空镜等多重形式进行记录式与艺术性的深 入探讨,讲述于蓝、秦怡、田华、于洋、王晓棠、祝希娟、谢芳、牛犇等老一辈艺术家 的从影经历,全面挖掘他们对于演员这一职业的感悟和思考,对于人生使命感和价值观 的启示。
My P.E. Teacher 《我的体育老师》
Length: 105mins
Director: 周勇
Cast: 孙嘉麟、魏璐、仟承、冯依依
The story is about Liu Haochen, a new physical education teacher from Nanwu Middle School. He insisted on defending the rights of students to attend physical education classes when other teachers frequently ‘dominate the class’ and parents also think that ‘physical education is not important’...
讲述的是南武中学新来的体育老师刘昊辰,在其他老师频 频“霸课”和家长们同样认为“体育课不重要”的情形 下,他坚持捍卫学生们上体育课的权利并最终为同学们“抢”回了属于他们体育课的感
Brick 《建筑师》
Length: 93mins
Director: 丁文剑
Cast: 韩立、吴可熙
Wenxin is an architect who lives abroad. He returns to his hometown to bury his mother’s ashes. Upon arriving in his hometown, a classmate reunion delays his return as Wenxin accepts the invitation of his classmate to act as a consultant for the renovation of the old district. It seems as if he has the ability to protect the nostalgic memories of the traditional district and the opportunity to enact his “dreams” and exact “revenge”...
主人公文新是定居海外建筑师,由于母亲安葬骨灰,他回到故乡,一次同学会拖延了他 的归期,文新接受了担当局长同学的邀请,担当老区改造的顾问,似乎他拥有了保护古 街区留着乡愁记忆的能力,和“圆梦”和“复仇”的机会。
The Chanting Willows 《柳浪闻莺》
Length: 105mins
Director: 戴玮
Cast: 郑云龙、汪飏、阚昕
Based on the novel, “Love by the West Lake” by Wang Xufeng, “The Chanting Willows” is set against the backdrop of the Orioles in the Willows Garden, by Hangzhou’s West Lake, and tells of the emotional entanglement between a fan painter and two female Yue opera performers, Chuitiao and Yinxin.
电影《柳浪闻莺》改编自茅盾文学奖得主王旭烽的系列小 说《爱情西湖》,故事以西湖十景之一的“柳浪闻莺”为 背景,讲述了江南越剧团里的两个姑娘,与一个画扇师间的情感纠葛。
Take Me Afar
Length: 97mins
Director: 安彦丞、卢进
Cast: 李亚泽、张琳然、陈姗姗、牛银红
Lin Bingqing has long suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. However, the emergence of Sheng Zi’an made her feel the beauty of love. Lin Bingqing grew up step by step with the help of family, friends and loved ones, and became an internet celebrity of marketing, driving the online business of the whole village. In the end, with the help of social forces, Lin Bingqing overcame the disease and got married with Sheng Zi’an. 林冰清深受类风湿关节炎的折磨。盛子安的出现,让她感受到了爱情的美好。林冰清在 家人、朋友和爱人的帮助下一步步成长,成为网络带货红人,带动了全村网络经营。最 终林冰清在社会力量的帮助下战胜病魔,并和盛子安有情人钟情眷属。
The Ode to The Land 《大地颂歌》
Length: 124mins
Director: 周雄
Cast: 谷智鑫、何炅、张凯丽、万茜
The movie The Ode To the Earth is based on the large-scale epic Musical by the same title, taking Shibadong Village as the prototype, and following Captain Long’s antipoverty work in the village, artistically recreate the real people and typical cases emerged on the road of breaking out the poverty trap, and propagandize the achievements and the experiences of the poverty alleviation of Hunan province comprehensively and systematically.
电影《大地颂歌》是根据大型史诗歌舞剧《大地颂歌》制作完成。以十八洞村为原型, 以龙队长到村开展扶贫工作为主线,将扶贫路上涌现出的真实人物和典型事例进行艺术 创作,全面系统地宣传了湖南脱贫攻坚的成就和经验。
Moonlight Shadow Wall 《老墙》
Length: 105mins
Director: 马诗漫
Cast: 李宝安、苏子宸、王双宝、李德强、赵宁、 田若曦、罗蓬、杨宗儒、郝晨、周虹、赵倩
Three stories about three families live near the old wall around the old city of Xi’an, how they survive, adapt and grow through time under the same sky. By adapting the new tide they are not losing themselves but gaining acceptance of their roots and who they really are and what they really want.
“老城墙”代表西安这座古城气质的变迁,本片从市井人 物的视角讲述发生在城墙根脚下被“老墙”紧紧牵连着的三家人的故事。影片通过互相 交织的三段故事,展现三个家庭在那个时代背景下各自从疏离、隔阂到理解、接受,并逐 渐回归自我,找到内心深处那个“家”的故事。
So Said So Done 《我不是葫芦瓢》
Length: 98mins
Director: 何文凉
Cast: 陈姗姗、姚居德、张洪敬、赵婕祎、王坤宁、 王小玉
It is a movie based on the theme of the most satisfied civil servants and the prototype of real people and real things. The comedy art reproduces the story from poverty to wealth, and creates a work of the image of rural revitalization cadres from backward ideological concepts to improved spiritual life.
电影《我不是葫芦瓢》以人民最满意公务员为题材、真人 真事为原型改编的电影。喜剧艺术再现了由贫穷到致富所发生的故事,塑造了一部从思 想观念落后到精神生活提升的乡村振兴干部形象的作品。
A World Without Kidnapping 《天下无拐》
Length: 102mins
Director: 张鑫
Cast: 吕良伟、郑昊、王婉娟、何政军、葛友元、 郑清文、沈潞
A girl named Niuniu was kidnapped. Niu’s parents were distraught. They joined a child-hunting group and found clues in the southern part of China. A policeman named Gaofeng immediately pursued the murderer all the way. However, a child trafficker Jiang San avenged Gao Feng and designed to kidnap his 13-year-old son Xiaoqiang. Faced with the test of human nature, Gao Feng and his son were not afraid of danger. Ultimately, Gao Feng shot Jiang San and rescued Niuniu.
小女孩妞妞被人贩子拐走,妞父母悲痛欲绝,他们参加了一个寻子团,在南方某城发现 了线索。警察高峰立刻千里追凶。人贩子蒋三报复高峰,设计绑架了他十三岁的儿子小 强。面对人性的考验,高峰父子临危不惧,机智击毙了蒋三,解救了妞妞。
Once Upon A Donkey 《桑丘的故事》
Length: 99mins
Director: 余小兵
Cast: 余知远、邹轩琦、赵克、陈霖生、张展硕、 苗清、杨淼、张格
In 1980s’ northern China, a father saves a dying little donkey and takes him home, of whom his two sons take very good care like the third brother of theirs. Yet as the donkey grows up and needs more water to quench himself in this dry village that is under constant threat of drought, villagers start to resent him as the situation deteriorates. To keep the donkey in the village, two brothers and their friends unfold a touching tug of wars with villagers and even their father.
故事发生在上世纪八十年代的中国北方山区,父亲捡回来一头奄奄一息的幼驴,两兄弟 从小与驴相伴,感情深厚。无奈山村少雨缺水,因而出现了人与驴争水的局面,两兄弟 的父亲以及村民们欲将这头名叫桑丘的驴子送到山下去。为了留住桑丘,两兄弟及其小 伙伴与村民及自己的父亲展开了一场奇特的夺驴“之战”。
Zhidong 《张之洞》
Length: 120mins
Director: 三丑
Cast: 刘长纯、陈丽娜、高兰村、史可
Zhang Zhidong, an important Minister of the late Qing Dynasty, devoted his life to educational reform and industrial salvation. However, the current situation was turbulent and the Qing government was rotten. Although Zhang Zhidong exhausted his life, he failed to recover the mess, and finally had to die in depression. However, many military industires, heavy industries and educational colleges he founded have had a great and far-reaching impact on future generations.
晚清重臣张之洞一生致力于教育改革,实业救国。奈何时局动荡,清政府腐朽透顶,张 之洞虽穷尽一生之力也未能挽回残局,最后只得郁郁而终。但他创建的众多军工重工产 业和教育学院,却对后世产生着巨大深远的影响。
Serendipi Tea 《龙井》
Length: 96mins
Director: 谢鸣晓
Cast: 熊佳骏、薇薇、佟瑞欣、刘磊、崔杰 、马冠 英、徐才根、谢润、陈鸿梅、严永瑄
This is a love film related to Hangzhou Longjing tea culture. The film takes Longjing Village as the background. In order to fulfill grandma Qianhua’s wish, the protagonist Ayano comes to Longjing Village to look for a special can of Longjing tea. With the help of Liang long, the son of the tea frying master, she revisits her hometown and gradually digs out grandma Qianhua’s first love story.
这是一部与杭州龙井茶文化相关的爱情电影。电影以龙井村为背景,主人公绫野为完成 奶奶千绘的心愿,来到龙井村寻找一罐特殊的龙井茶,她在炒茶大师之子梁龙的帮助 下,故地重游,渐渐挖掘出了奶奶千绘的初恋的故事。
Dream Speaker 《梦想演说家》
Length: 95mins
Director: 陈剑、张勇谋
Cast: 彭博、金良、李东则、王蕾、王劲松、张子 俊、李欣
It is based on a true story like the inspiring film “Forest Gump” and “The King’s Speech”. Peng Bo suffered from stuttering since he was a boy, but he always wanted to bo somebody. He got his first job as a security man buty it didn’t work very well for him. One day, he met his first love, who encouraged him to accept the challenges in his life...
这是一部类似于《阿甘正传》和《国王的演讲》的人物传记类励志电影,根据真人真事 改编。讲述天生失聪口吃的小人物彭博自幼受人排挤,一心想出人头地。成年后,从事 保安工作,郁郁不得志。偶遇初恋,长期落寞的蛰伏和爱情的感召令名不见经传的他决 定向死而生......
The Race Epidemic Length: 55mins
Director: Tony Shyu
The Race Epidemic is about another outbreak caused by Covid-19 - An epidemic of racism against Asian Americans. With a politicized pandemic sweeping through the country and a president calling it the Chiinese Virus, the rise of attacks and hate against Asian Americans is not suprising. Can naming a virus after an ethnic of people cause the outbreak of an epidemic of hate? Or is it something hidden deeper within American society? “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” The film takes a close examination of xenophobia and racism against Asian Americans caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.
种族疫情是关于 Covid-19 引起的另一次爆发 - 一种针对亚裔美国人的种族主义流行病。 随着一场政治化的大流行席卷全国,总统称其为中国病毒,对亚裔美国人的攻击和仇恨 的增加并不令人惊讶。以种族命名病毒会导致仇恨流行吗?还是隐藏在美国社会更深处 的东西? “不懂历史的人注定要重蹈覆辙。”这部电影仔细研究了 Covid-19 爆发引起 的针对亚裔美国人的仇外心理和种族主义
Lee’d the Way
Length: 103mins
Director: Richard L. Anderson
Cast: Simon Twu, Carolina Hoyos, Johnny Vitelli, Gerina Catalina, Michaella Russell
Patrick Lee, a legally blind and autistic, Asian-American accountant, is running for president of the United States--unsuccessfully, until he meets Celeste, a beautiful Native American woman, who revives his small campaign. Patrick just wants to create solutions to the country’s problems, but finds he must deal with people and crowds instead. As he rises in the polls, Patrick must now go up against the status quo, the major political parties, and other forces unseen, including a shocking, other worldly reveal from Celeste.
The Ghost Outlaws 《幽灵毒枭》
Length: 77mins
Director: 魏玉海
Cast: 王放、甘露、王蕴凡、彭渤
The Ghost Outlaws is a film based on a real case. It tells the story of an anti-drug policeman who battles with twin sister drug dealers with wits and courage and finally wiped out the criminals.
《幽灵毒枭》是根据真实案例改编创作的电影,讲述了禁 毒干警与毒枭双生姐妹花斗智斗勇,经历九死一生,最终 将犯罪分子一网打尽的故事。
Tough Out 《棒!少年》
Length: 108mins
Director: 许慧晶
Cast: 马虎、梁正双、张锦新、孙岭峰、郭忠健
In the suburbs of Beijing, a group of troubled teenagers are learning to play baseball under the guidance of a old baseball coach. The baseball team is required to move out within a time limit because their playfield will be demolished. They will participate in an important junior baseball game held in the US on behalf of the Asia-Pacific region in half a year. The whole team can’t help feeling worried.
在北京市郊,一群困境儿童在老教练的带领下练习棒球。少年马虎的到来打破了宁静, 他在队中淘气打闹、拉帮结派,成了队员和教练的眼中钉。而半年后,球队将代表亚太 区参加在美国举办的世界级少棒比赛,属于少年的烦恼笼罩着孩子们。
Ace San
Length: 88mins5Secs
Director: Abby Li, Chung Lam
Cast: Alex Rivera
Brooklyn born Ace Rivera navigates the highs and lows of pursuing his dream of becoming a foreign political commentator in Japan.
The Tai Chi Master 《张三丰》
Length: 94mins
Director: 林珍钊、成思宇
Cast: 吴樾、柳岩
At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the country was faced with domestic troubles and foreign invasion. One day, foreign raiders attempted to attack the city. Zhang Junbao, the eldest disciple of Wuji Sect stood out and beat back all the attacks with his superb skills in martial arts. Unexpectedly, the foreign raiders, in collusion with the followers of Demon Cult raided Wuji again, and the sect was brutally massacred. In order to revitalize the sect and save all people, Zhang Junbao resolutely embarked on the revenge to eradicate the cult.
南宋末年,国家内忧外患。这日,外族攻城,无极派大弟子张君宝武艺超凡,将外族士 兵击退。不料,外族联合魔教教徒再次突袭无极派,无极派惨遭血洗。为振兴门派拯救 众生,张君宝毅然踏上了铲除魔教的复 仇之路。
Breakout Brothers 《逃狱兄弟》
Length: 88mins
Director: 麦浩邦
Cast: 谭耀文、张继聪、柏天男、张建声、黄德斌、 泰臣、黄祥兴、伍咏薇、何佩瑜
Three prisoners who did not know each other at first, plan a prison break together. Mak uses his architectural knowledge to plan an escape using the building structural plans; Ho Ching uses his pick-pocketing skills to obtain whatever tools they need; and Big Roller uses his influence within the prison in order to cover up their escape route.
三个互不相识的囚犯,合作密谋筹备一个逃狱计划。建天利用专业建筑知识摸透狱中建 筑结构,计划逃走路线;浩正以熟练的神偷技能,将越狱所需工具偷到手,肩负起开锁 责任;而滚筒更以其狱中势力,掩盖越狱行径,整个筹备行动过程惊险万分,亦趣事频 生。
Day Zero 《零水日》
Length: 82mins45secs
Director: 凯文·西姆
This film shows the ecological and social problems caused by water shortage in major countries and regions around the world in recent years,express grieved and concern about the serious damage to water resources,pin the hope on the whole world can unite to deal with the current global water crisis,and promote the universal values of a community with a shared future for mankind.
本片通过展现世界范围内主要国家和地区近些年所面临的 因水资源短缺所引发的生态和社会问题,抒发对水资源 被严重破坏的痛心与关切,并寄希望于全世界能团结携手共同应对目前的全球水资源危 机,借以弘扬人类命运共同体的普世价值理念。
Far East Deep South
Length: 76mins10secs
Director: Larissa Lam
Cast: Baldwin Chiu, Charles Chiu, Edwin Chiu
Synopsis: Far East Deep South explores the seldom-told history of early Chinese immigrants living in the American South during the late 1800s to mid-1900s through the eyes of Charles Chiu and his family as they travel to Mississippi to find answers about his father, KC Lou. Far East Deep South expands the story introduced in our award-winning short, Finding Cleveland, which follows the Chiu family as they travel to Cleveland, MS for the first time to visit the gravesite of Charles Chiu’s father, KC Lou and grandfather, Chas J Lou. In the span of just several hours, a simple trip turns into an unexpected and emotional journey uncovering lost family history and the legacy of the early Chinese immigrants in the Deep South...
Like Starting over Short
Length: 180mins
Director: Jon Smith
Faith based story of a down and out former fighter who is forced to retire after a severe accident is in the fight for his life, his family and Faith.
Is 5000 Years Long 《5000年很长吗?》
Length: 8mins35secs
Director: 李哲
Cast: 闫楠、郭晶
This short film, from first-person perspective, accounts for the origin, growth and future of the Yellow River and the Chinese people over the past 5000 years with the skill of “real shot+key synthesis+CG animation.”
短片以黄河的第一人称视角,采用实拍+抠像合成+CG动 画的表现形式,用拟人化的口吻讲述五千年来“她”和炎 黄子孙的缘起、成长和未来。
The Moment You Turning Around 《再回首》
Length: 33mins18secs
Director: 邵丹
Cast: 李光复、遇泓羊、李文玲、曾一萱
A copywriter named Shen Bian got broken up unexpectedly. Though indulged in sadness, Shen tried to deisgn a “love trestoration” project to decently win back her beloved boyfriend Zang Bian. In the course of the implementation of the project, Zang accidentally met a typical Chinese-style golden wedding couple, which changed his attitude twards marriage. On the verge of succedding in the project, a pandemic broke out...
女撰稿人神辫被意外分手,伤心之余,她设计了一个“再回首”计划,试图靓丽转身挽 回感情,计划中碰巧让男友脏辫接触到了一对典型中国式婚姻的金婚夫妇,在接触中, 男友对婚姻的态度慢慢转变,“再回首”计划即将成功之际,一场疫情向他们袭来……
Rays in The Long Night 《长夜终有光》
Length: 16mins54secs
Director: 王涛涛
Cast: 王波、姜嫄、展亚鹏、藤颖
In the context of Wuhan’s lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the public transportation system in the city is suspended. The story starts with a frontline nurse, who was not able to go home because there was no car, followed by a heartwarming story between her and a freight drive who got stuck in Wuhan.
故事在武汉市封城,暂停市内公共交通的背景下,以一名 抗疫一线护士因为没有车而回家难为切入点,讲述了护士与一名滞留在武汉的货运司机 之间从偶遇到相互鼓励的暖心故事。
Brave 《成为谁》
Length: 15mins20secs
Director: 伊翔宇
Cast: 张子君、赵娜、刘若愚、赵凯
Shen Liu, an ICU doctor, decided to go to Wuhan to provide medical assistance with the medical staff. However, Rong Xu, his mother who is also a nurse, strongly disagreed with his action because her husband who was a doctor died in the SARS pandemic in 2003, and she couldn’t accept that her son planned to take the same risk. Liu decided to hide his plan from his mother and secretly go to Wuhan...
ICU医生刘坤决定随医疗队支援武汉,从事护士工作的母亲徐荣坚决反对儿子的决定。 徐荣的丈夫作为医生,在2003年的非典疫情中不幸牺牲,她无法接受儿子再次因疫情涉 险。刘坤决定隐瞒母亲徐荣,偷偷前往武汉……
Forwards 《小逆行者》
Length: 14mins33secs
Director: 邵丹
Cast: 陈天雨、高舒乔、鸥日希乐、彭德宇、李祉 默、张珍、殷梓麒
With COVID-19 taking away his father’s life and mother’s company for being a heroine in a harm way, the left-behind boy Jinjin was found behaving strangely in the kindergarten: backward walking, backward sitting on the merry-go-round, erasuring of other children’s paintings with an eraser or correction fluid and so on. The situation got worse and worse... 父亲因疫情去世,妈妈成为逆行者进行抗疫。进进被留在幼儿园后行为独特:倒着走 路,倒着坐旋转木马,把小朋友画好的画用橡皮和涂改液抹去……情况越演越烈……
Why We Are Unhappy in Cities 《我们在城市不快乐原因分析》
Length: 26mins
Director: 赵刚
Cast: 成昊、王晓晓、韩三明
A young man’s life falls into chaos following the breaking of his beloved lighter: his lover leaves him and he loses his job. The young man desperately seeks for a way to fix his lighter as a way to amend his ruined life. However, he loses his lighter in the process...
随着一只旧打火机意外摔坏,一个青年的生活被打乱:心 爱的人走了,工作也丢了。青年想修好这只打火机以此修 复自己损坏的生活,却在过程中丢失了打火机……
A Dog’s Mission 《一条狗的使命》
Length: 14mins23secs
Director: 伊翔宇
Cast: 维维啊、小霸王、王梓、张玥
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Yue, the owner of a pet store, was entrusted by many pet owners to bring their pets which were left alone at home for temporary care. Ming Sun was diagnosed with COVID-19, and he pessimistically thought that he was dying soon. Desperately, he called Yue and entrusted his dog Reba to Yue. The story of two people and a dog is about to begin.
疫情期间,宠物店老板玥玥受很多宠物主人的委托,将独自在家的各类宠物接回自家暂 养。孙明被确诊新冠,他悲观地以为自己时日无多,绝望地打通了玥玥的电话,将自己 的爱犬热巴托付给玥玥。两人一狗的故事由此开始。
The Night 《夜行》
Length: 15mins40secs
Director: 伊翔宇
Cast: 白恩、常凯宁、赵凯、闫鑫茹、徐培源
On the Chinese New Year Eve in 2019, Fang Lu and other people took a year’s salry and rove back to their hometown for the Spring Festival. On the way, Lu received a call from the engineering team, asking them back to help build the Wuhan Square mobile cabin hospital. Between home that’s just a few feet away and an unknown construction site that’s hundreds of kilometers away, Lu and his/her team face a tough choice.
2019年农历大年三十,吕方一行四人拿着一年的工资,自驾回乡过年。路上,吕方接到 工程队电话,紧急召回工程队援建武汉方舱医院。近在咫尺的家门和几百公里外充满未 知的建筑工地,吕方一行人面临艰难抉择。
The Woman in the Darkness 《孤影夜未央》
Length: 9mins25secs
Director: 简岚淇
Cast: Patrick Hambrick、刘诗雨
Carmen, a dancer, comes into a mysterious dark space. There’s only a dancing floor, a candle, and a picture of her deceased husband. The candle lights up, the music starts to play... With her solo dancing, a secret which had been deeply buried in her heart begins to unfold. In the midst of the darkest night, how will she break free from the chains of darkness?
舞者卡门(刘诗雨饰)悄然来到一个神秘的黑暗空间,这 里只有一个舞池、一根蜡烛和一幅丈夫的遗相。烛光点燃,音乐响起,伴随着卡门的独 舞,一个埋藏在她心中许久的秘密,逐渐浮出水面... 在这无尽的暗夜里,她将如何摆脱 黑暗的束缚?
Away From Home 《湖边漫溯》
Length: 17mins7secs
Director: 王文龙
Cast: 魏凌极、田宝璐
The translation of the high-speed railway needs the overall demolition of the village, which also changes the original quiet life of a father and son. They will face a long farewell. 深秋的济南长清,时代列车的驶入打破了父子俩原本耕田 养鱼的平静生活,一时间草木萧疏、机器轰鸣……面对高 铁的建设、故乡的整体搬迁,这将是一首凄美的挽歌,这 会是一场漫长的告别。
Everyone is Great 《每个人都了不起》
Length: 52mins51secs
Director: 王晓峰、王兆丰、刘大明、胡博、康训鹏、 姚陈远
Cast: 葛军、阿旺久美、旦增求珍、王凤英、米粒、 更求扎西、华青、王永鸿、姜友丛、贺生元、 丹增、三三、顾守祖、王文海、袁秀丽、葛 晨怡、代吉、王永娟、鲍守梅、卢桂英、胡 凤清
The film tells the story of five ordinary people living in Qinghai... 影片讲述的是生活在青海的五位普通人的故事......
Through the Seasons 《走过四季》
Length: 32mins
Director: 夏普卡提·木拉提
Through the Seasons documents the disappearing nomadic Kazak culture of Xinjiang before time runs out. The herdsmen coexist with countless other forms of life on the grassland; they gracefully accept the gifts of the earth, while also accepting the trials they receive from nature. The film not only captures realistic scenes of a migration but also reflects the spiritual core of this nomadic people – the philosophy of equality with all living things and embracing both death and life...
通过抢救性拍摄,记录了即将消逝的新疆哈萨克族游牧转场文化。牧民们在草原之上与 万物共生共长,接受大地的恩惠、接受天地的考验,影片不仅拍摄了转场的真实状况, 更反映了游牧民族的精神内核——面对自然与生死万物平等的哲学观。
A Penny 《小店春来早》
Length: 15mins14secs
Director: 蒋超
Cast: 汪杰、罗丽萍、杜铭、吴娟娟
Huizhou Opera is the father of Peking Opera. There is only one Huizhou Opera Troupe in China, which was named the First Troupe under the World by the Ministry of Culture. This is the first time that Huizhou Opera has been electrified, which tells the story of Huizhou merchants sticking to their honest nature. On the premise of retaining the traditional opera style of huizhou opera, the film is re-created by using film and television, which puts on the romantic appearance of The Times for the ancient huizhou opera art.
徽剧是京剧之父,全中国只有一个徽剧团,文化部命名为天下第一团,这是徽剧第一次 触电,讲述了徽商坚守诚信本色的故事。本片在保留徽剧传统戏曲风格前提下,运用影 视再度创作,为古老徽剧艺术披上了浪漫的时代外衣。
Length: 5mins
Director: John Li
Cast: Max Gerlach、Theo Gerlach
This short follows the a conversation between siblings the night before the eldest leaves for college. When they find an old camcorder, they reflect on their past and the cities which have brought them to where they are.
影片讲述一个美国学生,即将去大学住校读书前,整理自 己行李时,和弟弟的对话。从一台老式的摄影机开始,记 录哥哥在中美几个城市的成长和生活片段。最后把摄影机 交给弟弟,并让弟弟要开始记录自己的成长故事。
Windy Days, Cloudy Life 《有风的日子,有云》
Length: 29mins
Director: 李康生
Cast: 李康生、劳陌晨、黄平、陈依依
A father and a daughter living in the city, who separate but ultimately come together again. With two days available, a single father scrambles to cherish the time he has alone with his daughter, Xiao Yun, desperate to convey the overflowing sense of fatherly love he has for her. Their journey of the heart is set amidst the backdrop of an unassuming life, profound love found among the clouds on a windy day.
一座城市,一对父女,他们分开,他们相聚。一位单亲爸爸,争分夺秒地珍惜与女儿的 独处时间,恨不得两天之内把心中溢满的父爱都传递给女儿小云,这一段从心出发的旅 程,体现着平凡的人生,总有最深的爱,有风的日子,有云。
Steel Forest 《钢铁森林》
Length: 9mins45secs
Director: 陶安澜
Cast: 邵云庆、橙子、吴美珍、钱大海、李俊谚、 项邵博、莫长树、陶志英、钱歆儿、茜茜
A 10-year-old left-behind boy secretly follows his poet father to the city. Along the way, he meets the novel scenes described in his fa-ther’s poems, but finally, he finds out that his father is only an ordi-nary construction worker.
10岁的留守男孩偷偷跟踪自己的大诗人爸爸进城。他一路 上见到爸爸诗中描述的各种从未见过的新奇景象,最后却 亲眼目睹爸爸的真实的身份只是一个普通的建筑工人。
Mountain 《大山》
Length: 19mins57secs
Director: 杜雨惟
Cast: Rongxuan Han、Peiwen Ling、Cong Lu、 Huaguo Wang
A young girl comes to a mysterious village. She lives a quiet life as a priestess. Until a special ceremony, is she gradually pushed into the abyss.
一个年轻的女孩来到一个神秘的村庄。她作为一名女祭司 过着平静的生活。直到一个特殊的仪式,她才逐渐被推入 深渊。
Sleeping Talk 《呓语》
Length: 18mins43secs
Director: 李易妙莲
Cast: 李延玥、米铁曾、查龙浩
“Self” enters her dreamscape, and within, she encrounters different people and objects; may they be gods or demons; fears or the unknown; strangers or even herself. Traversing through the vearing spaces, she was transformed, reborn, tangled and enlightened until she finally meets the person who raised the question. For dream has no truth or false, the reality or the imagination can yet to be defined. What would her answer be within this limitless realm.
“我”进入了梦境。在梦中,她遇到了不同的人或者物;神亦是鬼;恐惧或是未知;陌 生人还是她自己。在不同空间中穿梭、蜕变、纠缠、升华,她最终遇到了那个问出问题 的人。亦真亦假的梦境与现实,“我”在灰色地带中给出的答案到底是什么?
Qiao Er
Length: 13mins58secs
Director: 李熙贤
Cast: 陈肖雄、屈择光
The film tells a story about strong conflicts between a father and a son in a family relationship. The father asks his son to hunt the sparrow that is his best friend. He still has the pursuit and yearning for freedom in the depths of his soul. His father shot him beacuse he was treate as a sparrow by his father.
这是一部讲述父亲与儿子之间发生矛盾冲突的故事,父亲 要求儿子和他一样猎杀雀儿,但是儿子却喜欢雀儿,在无 力挣扎与反抗的过程中他依然有着灵魂深处对自由的追求和向往,却被父亲误认为是雀 儿,用枪射杀而死。
Kula Riwo Life
Length: 25mins
Director: 巫嘉伟
The film starts from the journey of plant expert Wilson a hundred years ago, and uses geology and landforms and Chinese sea buckthorn as the main story clues. It shows the typical natural landscapes such as modern glaciers in China and the habits of featured flora and fauna at high altitude such as Grandala, and tells intriguing stories between people, people and nature, and all things in nature.
该片从百年前植物猎人威尔逊的旅程出发,以地质地貌和 中国沙棘为主要故事线索,展现出中国本土具有代表性的现代冰川等自然景观和蓝大翅 鸲等高海拔特色动植物的习性,讲述了人与人、人与自然、自然万物之间耐人寻味的故 事。
The Glories of the Minya Konka 《蜀山之王》
Length: 22mins
Director: 董磊
It carefully tells the biodiversity stories through the precious native images shot at Gongga National Reserve, including the story of the symbiosis between the snow leopard and the leopard in the Gongga mountain area, the spectacular story of the seasonal flowering of the Magnolia dawsoniana and the monkey group, the courtship of the Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, the relationship of glaciers and water sources, the stories of alpine forests and villages, and the scenery of pine mushrooms. All these show the most typical natural environment and species stories in Gongga Mountain, and the significance of these natural elements to human existence.
细致讲述了贡嘎山区雪豹与金钱豹共生、壮观的康定木兰王与猴群季节性吃花、白腹锦 鸡求偶、冰川与水事、高山栎森林与村庄、松茸的故事,通过最精彩的细节,展示出贡 嘎山区最典型的自然环境及物种故事、以及这些自然元素对人类生存的意义。
The Last Ferry from Grass Island 《顺子加油》
Length: 13mins46secs
Director: Linhan Zhang
Cast: Tai Bo, Wang Yang
A Hong Kong hitman retires as a fisherman on the peaceful Grass Island. One day, his Chinese apprentice shows up, tasked to kill him before the last ferry departs.
Tangjiahe, Safe Haven for the Eurasian Otter 《唐家河,欧亚水獭的庇护所》
Length: 12mins
Director: 巫嘉伟
Five years ago, it was pleasantly discovered the existence of Eurasian otters in Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve which is one of the best observation sites for beasts in China, then a series of concerns and protection stories happened.
四川唐家河国家级自然保护区是目前中国最佳的兽类观察 目的地之一,五年前惊喜地发现欧亚水獭的存在,自此衍 生出一系列的关注和保护故事。
All the Way North 《一路象北》
Length: 17mins*3
Director: 康成业
In April 2021, a group of Asian elephants in Yunnan Province of China moved northward from their original habitat Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, which attracted much attention. The protection of Asian elephants by the government, people and academia as well as the way of harmonious coexistence between man and animals have also become hot topics at home and abroad, and various opinions emerge one after another.
2021年4月,中国云南省的一群亚洲象从原栖息地向北移动,该事件备受政府、民众和 学界的关注,人与动物和谐相处之道的话题也成为国内外广泛关注的热点。
Night Encounter
Length: 13mins41secs
Director: Lei Jia
Cast: Lane Compton, Maureen Germain, Jonny Lee
When a resentful, self-centered alcoholic is abandoned by his wife and daughter, a chance encounter with an Uber driver provokes him to face himself.
Three-Second Rule
Length: 11mins25secs
Director: Todd Lien
Cast: Allison Qu, Maggie Yu, Carina Yang, Chris topher Louis Sarasin, Anthea Neri Best
Life has its own mysterious way to challenge you for a decision you make within 3 seconds of your life, and the decisions these three girls make will challenge their outlook on life by forcing them to face themselves more honestly.
Dirty Laundry
Length: 15mins
Director: Edward Young Lee
Cast: Jason Lee, Hannah Lee, Veasna Chea
Love is messy. Set in a Cambodian laundromat in the gritty Tenderloin district in San Francisco, this is a story about the irreversible mistakes we make and the dilemma of forgiveness we seek. Inspired by a true story.
Jumping Plane
Length: 8mins
Director: Juliette Ho
Cast: Henry Wong
An emotional portrait of a young flight attendant encountering a drastic turn of events during his morning routine.
The Lipstick
Length: 5mins48secs
Director: Zhengye Cheng
Everyone has their own secrets which they don’t want to share with others. How will the couple in the story deal with this secret that suddenly appeared among them?
Swiped Out
Length: 22mins35secs
Director: Karan Choudhary
Under pressure from his traditional Indian mother to settle down, Neil turns to a dating app to look for the perfect woman, but, despite help from his 2 roommates, he finds that easier said than swiped.
2 Minutes to Midnight
Length: 2mins54secs
Director: Aki Aitos
Cast: Monique Fuqua, Athena Zhang Baker
If I Were to See You Again
Length: 7mins3secs
Director: Junru Wang
Cast: Jiefu Wang, Arena Zhang
A Chinese dad comes to America to reconcile with his daughter.
White Horses, Silver Mine
Length: 15mins
Director: Ziyi Jin
Cast: Juan de la Loza, Vicente Ferri, Bryan Jaramillo Martinez.
In a small Mexican village, an unexpected car is going to take a little boy’s beloved uncle away, who has been his father’s secret lover for years.
Length: 14mins49secs
Director: Kaibo Xu
A house painter takes advantage of his job, which is having access to customers’ houses, and pretends to be the house owners while they’re gone. He doesn’t get caught until one day a female thief breaks into the house in which he is staying...
Length: 10mins
Director: Hock Wong
“Journey”, a Taiwanese language short( Written in Chinese as: “三彩船之梦“) is based on the true story of a young Taiwanese painter, set in the 1930s. The Artist, Kuo Hsueh-Hu struggled to become an artist, at a time where the artistic profession was less respected and impractical. With support from his mother, a single parent, went against all odds, worked diligently, finally getting recognition for his work. He later went on to become a very successful painter. His works are collected all over the world. He died in 2012 at the age of 104. The short film was Executive Produced by Mr. Kuo’s son and the Kuo Hsueh-Hu foundation.
The Death of an ArtistR
Length: 14mins59secs
Director: Songhuan Li
According to rumors, deep in the Mojave Desert, there is a “center” that transcends time and space, where illegal euthanasia can be established. A director, who is about to lose her sight due to illness, discovers this “center”. Before she die, she realizes the ultimate truth of her spirit.
Frozen Out
Length: 5mins
Director: Hao Zhou
Cast: Hao Zhou, Liangfen Cheng, Aoxue Zhou
An émigré retreats to frozen prairies and swamps, hoping to find a meaningful story and escape the anxieties of dislocation. Delivered as a film-letter to the protagonist’s sister in rural China, the film considers his queer self-exile and the vulnerable nature of his home, relationships, and self.
Last Dance
Length: 11mins08secs
Director: Songhuan Li
Cast: Arthur Peng, Anthony Lien, Mona Arkin, Nicholas Killian
A young drug addict who wants to has his own salvation, Overdose on heroin and meets his muse in the illusions. At his last moment of his life, he has to choose the Samsara, or Nirvana.
Packed Lunch
Length: 08mins32secs
Director: John Iwanonkiw
When a loving father drives his Daughter to work after she has car trouble the short ride is not what it seems to be.
A Bit of Colored Ribbon
Length: 32mins58secs
Director: James Henry, Scott Miller
Cast: Jared Canfield, Omari Chancellor, Russell Ewing, Sideeq Heard, James Henry, Andy Ingalls, Branden Lindsay, Joshua David Scarlett, Felix Teich, Reese Antoinette, Keeley Miller, Jenn Mogbock, Henrietta Steventon, Saisha Talwar
A series of pieces about courage, love, war, exotic birds and the time space continuum.
Length: 09mins11secs
Director: Lee Way Lan
Cast: Kev Tai, Bara Kim, Jason Wang, Xiaomei Charmaine Li (V.O.)
Stuck in traffic in Los Angeles, Jason has a shocking confession for his girlfriend that will change their relationship forever.
Down Seafaring Way
Length: 7mins54secs
Director: Roxy Morris, Sophia Lee, Shiva Kansagara, Meia Voss
Cast: Tess Maretz, Sophie Maretz
On a cool evening, two sisters, Maeve (Tess Maretz) and Anna (Sophie Maretz), walk down an empty street when they realize everything is not as it seems.
Length: 19mins46secs
Director: Hong Shanjia
This documentary is base on the traditional Tibetan pilgrimage culture, and tell a real story about how a 16-year-old boy to realizes his dream of becoming a Tibetan opera actor.
Pure, unadorned, yet marvelous, this is the story about faith and spirituality that soar above the Tibetan Plateau; unfolded when the traditional and modern cultural tides clash, and what’s more, about the passion of life. He ready to die for his beliefs.
Anshan Diaries
Length: 27mins50secs
Director: Charles Xiuzhi Dong
Cast: Jiaxiang Dong, Andi Wang
Anshan Diaries uses a real family’s life as its backdrop. Director Charles Dong casts his grandpa, the revolutionaries of the left wing, as the film’s lead, investigating and retracing his family saga spanning three decades of Chinese post-cultural revolution history.
How Small!
Length: 7mins20secs
Director: Charlene Xu
A young woman reminisces about her deceased grandmother, whose volatile personality troubled and confused her as a child.
Zhen Zhen
Length: 10mins
Director: Simiao Sun
Cast: Lucy Lu
Zhen Zhen, a 12 year old girl, is left at home with her trustworthy Math tutor, a part-time college student. After a traumatizing experience, Zhen Zhen is left alone, with no-one to talk to.
Da Capo
Length: 3mins45secs
Director: Caitlin Colina
A college student is consumed by social media, so much that they ignore their family and friends. Until one day, they find themselves trapped in their phone.
Remember Me
Length: 6mins58secs
Director: Zikang Chen
A tribute to the “Blade Runner” duology, “Remember me” tells the story of a blade runner confronted with an unexpected connection between herself and a rogue replicant she was tasked to retire.
Length: 14mins49secs
Director: Di Lu
Cast: Haosong Yang, Tracy Ju, Yalan Hu
Wu Yan comes to America expecting to reunite with his wife, only to find that her death has been covered up by another woman.
Length: 6mins49secs
Director: Chuqi Wan
A man who had recently been released from prison finally got the chance to take his daughter to an amusement park. But when he is mistaken for the thief who got into a drunken brawl at the supermarket last night, he fights the clerk for slandering his daughter. His ex-wife,thoroughly disappointed with the man, rushed to pick up her daughter. The man was exonerated, but he couldn ‘t take his daughter to the amusement park.
An Qing
Length: 6mins45secs
Director: Riri He
Cast: Weihan Shi, Lily Shi
On the day of her college graduation, Anqing, a girl who lives in Dallas, Texas, received a letter from her mother who had passed away a few years earlier. Through this letter, she finds out about the truth about her adoption. Anqing decided to go back to China and look for her biological parents. However, before she leaves, she must face the strong opposition of her adopted father.
Zhen Zhen
Length: 23mins16secs
Director: Lin Zhou
Cast: Patrick Plugge, Baz Rosenberg, Nicole Unger, Trevor Van Uden
Zhen Zhen, a 12 year old girl, is left at home with her trustworthy Math tutor, a part-time college student. After a traumatizing experience, Zhen Zhen is left alone, with no-one to talk to.
Someone in Time
Length: 6mins30secs
Director: Yu Zhang
Cast: Mushu Yu, Yu Zhang, Robert Berman
Two people missed each other when they was young, man travels through time at the end of his life to see this woman.
In the End
Length: 10mins41secs
Director: Scott Liu
Cast: George Wienbarg III,Dorothy Lennox, Christopher Myers,Karen Lee Kennedy
Adam and Eve, an elderly New York couple, are separated when a major cataclysm decimates the city. Adam’s body undergoes strange transformations, and he has to venture out into the unknown to search for Eve and search for answers.
Female Home 《先曼家园》
Length: 11mins51secs
Director: Rasoanandras Charline Claudette
Kuang Houming worked as a village secretary in Shiluo Village for more than 30 years, leading the local of Shiluo Village to construct water and electricity for the village, and to build dozens of kilometers road on the cliff. He developed the walnut industry for the villagers, used government funds to set up mutual funds, helped the whole village people out of poverty, and created a stoneluo miracle.
匡后明在云雾之上的石锣村当了三十几年的村书记,带领 着石锣人民为村子通水通电,在崖壁上修出几十公里的天路。他为村民发展核桃产业, 利用政府帮扶资金成立资金互助社,帮助全村人民摆脱贫困,创造了一个石锣奇迹。
Triple Sided 《韶华叁式》
Length: 10mins21secs
Director: Rakotoarivelo Anja Fitiavana
The protagonist of this documentary is named Xie Wei, and his youthful life is overflowing with his triple identity. Firstly, he is a student, studying fashion design. Secondly, he teaches the children to establish the correct concept of dreams and values in the activity of “Mountain Children Have Dreams”. Finally, he is also a full-time volunteer intern, responsible of volunteer affairs and organizing activities.
这部纪录片的主人公名叫谢威,他的青春生活充溢着这 三种状态。首先他是一名学生,学习服装设计专业。其次在“山里孩子有梦想”的活动 中,他带着孩子们树立正确的梦想观、价值观。最后他还是一名实习全职义工,负责义 工管理与组织活动的工作。
All for My Family 《万事如意》
Length: 11mins4secs
Director: Ateik Mohammed Abdulsalam Mohammed Salem
Donggu group, Longyuan village, Shazhen, Shizhu County, Chongqing, is a common family, 7 villagers, tanwenhua, parents, sons and daughters, and grandchildren of their children and daughters in law, and have three generations in the same hall. A family helps each other, loves each other, overcomes difficulties and pursues happy life.
重庆市石柱郡沙子镇龙源村洞古组,一个普通的家庭, 村民谭文华一家 7 口,爸爸妈妈、儿子女儿、儿媳孙子孙女,三代同堂。一家人互相帮 助,相亲相爱,战胜困难,追求幸福生活。
Touch of Hope 《后·明》
Length: 15mins14secs
Director: Mohammed Fatehi Abdual Ghani Ali Al-Absi
Kuang Houming worked as a village secretary in Shiluo Village for more than 30 years, leading the local of Shiluo Village to construct water and electricity for the village, and to build dozens of kilometers road on the cliff. He developed the walnut industry for the villagers, used government funds to set up mutual funds, helped the whole village people out of poverty, and created a stoneluo miracle.
匡后明在云雾之上的石锣村当了三十几年的村书记,带领着石锣人民为村子通水通电, 在崖壁上修出几十公里的天路。他为村民发展核桃产业,利用政府帮扶资金成立资金互 助社,帮助全村人民摆脱贫困,创造了一个石锣奇迹。
The Echo of Kindness 《孚生叙》
Length: 12mins3secs
Director: Andrey Dyo
The Echo of Kindness - a short documentary movie related to the past history of Lu Zuofu, Lu Zuofu is the hero of Beibei, which Echo of his kindness still living in nowadays, among with his little brother their decisions change today’s world.
《孚生叙》是一部讲述卢作孚先生家国往事的纪录短片, 他被北碚民众亲切地称为“北碚之父”,这部短片展现了 他带领弟弟建设家国,百年前的善举至今仍在发挥光热。
The Bank Of Time 《时光银行》
Length: 10mins57secs
Director: Abdusalam
British writer Maugham once described Chongqing in the 20th century as a city built on rocks. In 2015, Li Kecheng, the boss of the post-80s bookstore, published the photo collection of old Chongqing in the 20th century, the old city, through crowd-funding. After the publication of the book, many readers saw their former home from the old city. At the same time, the bookstore received a large number of letters from readers. They have a common theme - Chongqing memory.
英国作家毛姆曾经这样形容20世纪的重庆:这是一座建在岩石上的城市。2015年,80后 书店老板李柯成通过众筹的方法出版了关于20世纪老重庆的照片集——《故城》。该书 出版后,许多读者从《故城》里看到了曾经的家园,一时间,书店收到了大量读者的来 信,它们有一个共同的主题——重庆记忆。
Long Journey with Families 《春水悠悠》
Length: 9mins52secs
Director: Raoelina H. R. Fabrice
The objects of our shooting are two families of the elderly Yongzhen Yang and Jiachu He. Everyone will face the aging of their family members, and also their owns. In China, the elderly are usually taken care of by their children. Exploring how Chinese families deal with aging can reveal one of the most visible cultural connotation of contemporary China.
我们的拍摄对象为老人杨永珍和老人何家初两个家庭。每 个人都会面临家人的年老,每个人也会面对自己的衰老, 这是每个人生命里必将经历的一环。在中国,高龄老人通常由子女照顾,去探究中国家 庭如何对待年老,其实能反映出当代中国最显现的文化内涵。
Sculptor Family 《绿云深处》
Length: 11mins3secs
Director: Miarimbola Andrianjatovo Miray Fifaliana Cast: Rongxuan Han、Peiwen Ling、Cong Lu、 Huaguo Wang
The couple, Jiang Changzhi and Tang Hongxia, who were related to bamboo carving, under the leadership of their father Tang Qineng, have spent 16 years on the path of non-inheritance of bamboo carving, inheriting and carrying forward the traditional Chinese skill of bamboo carving.
因竹雕结缘的蒋昌志、唐红霞夫妇,在父亲唐其能带领 下,在竹雕非遗传承的路上相濡以沫 16 年,传承、发扬竹雕这一中华传统技艺。
Home Chongqing 《家道巴渝》
Length: 17mins9secs
Director: 杜昊
《家道巴渝》用影像记录2021“看中国•外国青年影像计 划•重庆行”活动实况,纪录片组跟随中外青年,深入重 庆市大渡口区、江北区、北碚区、南川区、綦江区、大足 区、荣昌区、巫溪郡、石柱土家族自治郡的十处拍摄地, 围绕“家庭•家园•家国”的年度主题,讲述中国故事,传 播中国文化,献礼建党100周年。
New Life
Length: 11mins03secs
Director: Ezeaka Lucy Oluchukwu
Guan Yongshuang and Li Yunshan, who live in Chongqing Rongchang District has adhere to pottery making for about 10 years. After graduation, they founded “Xishanyu” pottery studio. Whether as a potter or as an ordinary couple, 2021 is bound to be an extraordinary year for them. With the birth of their new born approaching, Guan Yongshuang’s parents accompany and take care of them in Xishanyu. The family embarked on a journey to welcome the unborn child.
管永双和李云杉在重庆市荣昌区坚持陶艺创作近10年,毕业后创立“西山雨”陶艺工作 室。不论是作为手艺人还是普通夫妇,2021年注定是不平凡的一年。随着李云杉产期将 至,管永双的父母前来陪伴他们,一家人共同迎接新生。
Mu’s Love 《“母”爱》
Length: 11mins3secs
Director: Ranaivoarintsoa Hery Santatra
In the past 28 years, she has got up at 5:00 in the morning and set out from home at 5:30 on time to prepare meals for dozens of left-behind children in the school. She has never traveled far in 6 years, but recorded 140,000 kilometers of driving distance on her car, measuring the distance of “returning home”.
28年来,每天早上5点起床5点半准时从家中出发,为全 校数十名留守儿童准备餐食,6年从未出过远门的车子上 却记录着140000公里的行车里程,丈量着“回家”的距 离,母志琴老师—一位坚守乡村小学28年的教师。
The Best Intergenerational Deal 《隔代带娃》
Length: 6mins20secs
Director: Brian Msimango 隔代带娃在中国是一个普遍现象。这背后与人口结构、传 统文化、家庭观念、经济压力等因素紧密联系。本纪录片 在公园、商场、学校门口等捕捉了老人带孩子的日常状 态,也采访了爷爷奶奶、宝妈、新婚夫妇等扮演着不同家 庭角色的路人。导演试图通过对这一现象的展现和背后的 原因的探讨,呈现不一样的中外家庭关系和文化差异。
Children of the Stars 《河流的鱼》
Length: 9mins45secs
Director: Jangjaewon
In China, autistic children are called children of the stars. Because they look like they are different from us, like they are from another planet. But in fact, it is just because their way of expression is different from ours. We are all the same. For the children of Shanghai QingCongquan Training Centre for Children with Special Needs, QingCongquan is their home. They recieve love and respect from the teachers there.
在中国,自闭症孩子被称为星星的孩子。因为他们看起来 好像和我们普通人不同,像是来自另一个星球。但其实只是因为他们的表达方式跟我们 不同,我们都是一样的。对于上海青聪泉儿童智能训练中心的孩子们来说,青聪泉就是 他们的家。他们在那里得到老师的爱和尊重。
Cocoon 《茧》
Length: 8mins23secs
Director: Atefeh Khademolreza
Four Comb Sister spirits in the Land of the Dead recount the story of Zhu—a Comb Sister from Shunde. The young maiden Zhu is reluctant to marry her betrothed. On her wedding night, she sews herself into an impenetrable cocoon, forcing the groom to cancel the marriage and cast her out of his home. Zhu is welcomed by the sisterhood of the Comb Sisters and vows to remain single for the rest of her life. This short film is a beautifully animated tale about the history of the independent women known as the Comb Sisters.
《故土四梳妹魂》讲述了顺德梳妹阿朱的故事。年轻的阿朱姑娘不愿意嫁给她的未婚 妻。在新婚之夜,她把自己缝进了一个密不透风的茧里,迫使新郎取消了婚礼,把她赶 出了自己的家。阿朱受到梳子姐妹姐妹会的欢迎,并发誓要一辈子单身。这部短片是一 部关于被称为自梳女的独立女性历史的动画片。
Falling love with Shanghai 《爱上上海》
Length: 7mins49secs
Director: Miguel Rogelio Hernandez Perez 《爱上上海》是关于一位俄罗斯的少女从接触到接受上海 的一个过程, 并且围绕着上海著名音乐人-林宝老师所唱 的《上海谣》作为载体。 随着音乐的响起, 被海派文化 所吸引的她,跟随着字与句中的人事物,步入中国,游览 上海。
of Shanghai 《海上花》
Length: 6mins23secs
Director: Alina Levytska 《海上花》是一部以旗袍为载体,探讨家与归属感的短纪 录片。从人们对旗袍的表面印象讲起,以龙凤旗袍的前世 今生为线,讲述了以旗袍为代表的女性抗争史和龙凤家族 薪火相传的历史,探求出一种普遍的对归属感的追求。
One Boat One Family 《一条船上的人》
Length: 9mins
A dragon boat team composed of amateurs, they come from different industries and different families. Because they love to gather together, they are a family, a family, and a person on a boat. When they play together, laugh together, celebrate together, sweat and tears are the biggest move and the best blessing. Whenever you set foot on this boat, there will be a real sense of honor and belonging, which will accompany each team member. Brave and fearless, ride the wind and waves.
一支由业余爱好者组成的龙舟队,他们来自不同的行业,不同的家庭。因为热爱聚集到 一起,他们就是一个家,是家人,是一条船上的人。当他们一起比赛、一起欢笑、一起 庆祝,汗水并泪水,是最大的动容,也是最好的祝福。每当踏上这条船,会有一种真实 的荣誉感和归属感,伴随每一位队员前行。勇敢无畏,乘风破浪。
Fisherman’s Song 《渔歌》
Length: 7mins46secs
Director: Jorge Eduardo Tort Oviedo
Fisherman`s song is one of the last cultural expressions pass through generations by the Tankas living in Chinese oceans and rivers for centuries. Through the story of Ms. Xu, we have a small glance at the story of the fisherman`s songs and their cultural significance on Shanwei of the XXI Century. Trying to express the way she feels around her home after being swept ashore after a typhoon in 1953 and the beauty presented in the stories of the fisherman`s song, this film tries to set a portrait of a family, home and nation.
Under the Banyan Tree 《榕树之下》
Length: 8mins28secs
Director: Khatib Youssef
Starting from childhood memories, the director leads the story of Su Debiao who insisted on protecting the banyan tree for 20 years. The film is divided into four parts, namely, “Those who fall away think about their trees”, “Those who have luxuriant branches and good birds inhabit the “Pull up trees to find roots, dead woods in spring”, “green trees form shades, and be customary”, showing the important role of banyan trees for people and nature. However,people tend to ignore these things that are inconspicuous but can be seen everywhere that can have a huge impact on our lives.
导演从童年时的回忆出发,引出了苏德标老师20年来坚守保护榕树的故事,将影片分为 四个段落,展现了榕树对人们、对自然的重要作用,但人们往往容易忽视这些不起眼但 却又随处可见、能对我们生活产生巨大影响的事物。
Blue Bird 《蓝鸟之歌》
Length: 7mins22secs
Director: Raghed Charabaty
This is the story of a blue bird longing for a migratory flamingo who has not yet returned to her city, driven away by the warming climate.
这是一个留鸟在等待候鸟的故事,它们因为气候变暖而没 有在来年相遇。
Living with Nature 《归于自然》
Length: 9mins6secs
Director: Azalia Syahputri Hartono
“You reap what you sow.”––This is a story about how humankind is really governed by their own choices and consequences from that that eventually will affect them. He Junlun is a farmer and security officer of Leming Village. Through his story we will see how Leming Village and it’s villagers encountered ecological transformations thus leading to various effects and events that shaped them from generations to generations until now.。
Goodbye Che Bei 《祠别车陂》
Length: 9mins48secs
Director: Vinícius Cerqueira
On her last day in Che Bei village in southern China, someone decides to walk one last time in the neighborhood. She visits the Ancestral Hall of the Su family, meets the heir of the Su Clan and a worker from another province. They tell their own experiences and enrich her views of the place. Che Bei and the Ancestral Hall are starting points that the film uses to trigger this journey of discovery about the meaning of Home, family and migration. Goodbye Che Bei is a docufiction with real footage and 3D animation that reflects on belonging and ancestrality.
Lost and Found 《寻味》
Length: 6mins44secs
Director: Dharana Semasinghe, Dilina J Nawarathne
食物能够串起人们一段回忆?从中国留学回国的斯里兰卡 学生Ravihara,对于中国的记忆在于每次板球比赛后的一 餐,那是中国的味道,更是“板球之家”的味道。正如那 句话所言:“让我感动的不是食物本身,而是它所代表的 纽带和回忆。”
A Drifter’s Family 《广漂》
Length: 7mins41secs
Director: Yana Kurbanova, Anastasia Zelenina, Angelina Podchinyonova
With China’s reform and opening up, more and more people are leaving their hometowns to make a living in big cities. These people are in a state of drifting before they really take root in big cities. “Guang Piao” or “Guangzhou Drifters” refers to the people who leave their hometown and come to Guangzhou to seek jobs or start a business.
随着中国改革开放,越来越多的人背井离乡,来到大城市 谋生,这些人在真正扎根于大城市之前,都处于一种漂泊的状态。“广漂”指的是离开 家乡,来到广州奋斗的人群。
Connecting Threads 《丝缕入穗》
Length: 11mins11secs
Director: 特丽莎巴纳吉
This film records the embroidery-related daily life of a young craftsman from Lingnan, China, Tan Jingyu and her grandmother, the master of Cantonese Embroidery, Chen Shaofang, to draw a map of Cantonese Embroidery from history to the present to the future.
本片通过记录一位来自中国岭南的年轻手工艺人谭靖榆和 其祖母——广绣大师陈少芳的与刺绣有关的日常生活,从 而绘制了一张属于广绣的,从历史到现在再到未来的地 图。
Finding Home 《寻找家》
Length: 9mins15secs
Director: Mr Syed Arbab Ahmed 讲述了两姐弟之间寻找家的故事。
Story of Fu Shou Tang 《福寿堂的故事》
Length: 7mins33secs
Director: Looniva Bajracharya
In Wuxi’s small street named Xiao Lou Xiang,there lies a residence an old clan of China ,the Qin.The Qin family in Wuxi is a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River, a family of imperial examiners in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and a descendant of Qin Guan, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were thirty-three scholar, of whom three were ranked first and third, and were known as “Three members of his family won third place”. 在无锡的一条小街上,坐落着一个中国古老的家族——秦家无锡秦氏家族是江南的著名 望族,也是明清时期的科举世家,还是北宋词人秦观的后裔,明清时期有三十三名进 士,其中有三人列一甲第三,有“一门三探花”之誉。
Bitter Journey Spring Breeze 《苦旅春风》
Length: 8mins27secs
Director: Muheto Aubin
《Bitter Journey Spring Breeze shows the artist Xu Yun’s artistic concept ,his perception of life, and explain the meaning of the title by recording his real life and work. As an artist who grew up under the influence of traditional art, family and nation is closely related to his art.Xu Yun insists on keeping pace with The Times. These views have deeply attracted the foreign director.
《苦旅春风》展现艺术家许赟的艺术理念及他对人生的感 悟,通过真实记录他的生活与工作来阐释“苦旅春风”的 含义。身为在传统艺术熏陶下成长的艺术家,家国也与其艺术息息相关,同时,许赟坚 持与时俱进。这些观点都深深吸引了外方导演。
Feelings Of The Teapot 《一壶着古意》
Length: 7mins35secs
Director: S.M.Minhus
Zisha and tea, in the long history of thousands of twists and turns, are still elegant, refined and pure, which is not only the inheritance of Zisha technology and tea culture, but also the continuation of ingenuity. Let’s follow the documentary and create it with our heart to feel the wonderful collision between Zisha and tea; experience the inheritance of Zisha culture from generation to generation and the feelings of family and country.
小石冷泉留早味,紫泥新品泛春华,小小一把壶,土抟 之,水和之,木规之,金琢之,火成之,烧成之后的紫砂壶,既不夺茶汤香气,又能保 持茶叶的色香味,吐纳着袅袅茶香,壶就成了有生命的器物。紫砂与茶,在历史长河千 回百转的曲折流淌中,依然高雅脱俗,清韵不减,这不仅是紫砂工艺和茶文化的传承, 更是匠心的延续。让我们跟随纪录片一起,用心创制,感受紫砂与茶的美妙碰撞;静心 细品,沉醉于传统文化的甘醅中。
Music Heals the Soul 《治愈之音》
Length: 6mins44secs
Director: Yasna Chance
Zhou Linglin is keep to help the society, just like a beautiful family.She haslet many hearing-impaired children into the world of sound, lit their heart lamp with love, reestablished their self-confidence.
周灵临老师一直在帮助社会,就像一个亲切的家人。她让 许多听障儿童走进了声音的世界,用爱点亮了他们的心 灯,重树了他们自信。
How About A Cup Of Tea 《喝杯茶吧》
Length: 9mins17secs
Director: Alfred Mensah
This documentary is about a foreigner’s unforgettable moment with a young “garden couple,” who enjoy a highly comfortable modern life, but also in the heart do maintain a deep love and attachment to their excellent traditional culture.
这部纪录片主要讲的是:一名外国友人与一对年轻的,享 受着高度便捷舒适现代生活,但同时也在内心深处坚守着 对中华传统优秀文化深深热爱的“园林夫妇”,共同度过 许多难忘的美好时光。
Journey of Taibo Temple 《泰伯庙之旅》
Length: 8mins5secs
Director: Clamun Maximore, 刘开心
A brief introduction of the Taibo Temple. “The Journey of Taibo Temple” is therefore to understand and fully know what is done in remembrance of the great Taibo. On this Journey, I tell a short story to my beautiful daughter (MEKESIA) about Taibo Temple and Taibo...
泰伯庙的简介,“泰伯庙之旅”就是了解和充分了解为纪 念伟大的泰伯所做的一切。在这次旅行中,我给我美丽 的女儿(MEKESIA)讲了一个关于泰伯寺和泰伯的小故
Talking with Spirits: Chinese Art 《与灵魂的沟通:中国艺术》
Length: 7mins36secs
Director: 阿提娅, Wasima
As the country pays more and more attention to the rejuvenation of traditional culture, it is also reflected in the education system. Teacher Hua Bin, who we interviewed this time, has devoted all his life to influencing and edifying children’s cultural literacy with excellent traditional Chinese art. What has been passed down from generation to generation is not only the influence on children’s families, but also the influence on the younger generation of pillars of the country.
随着国家对传统文化复兴越来越重视,在教育体系中也相应的体现了出来,我们这次采 访的华斌老师一生都致力于用中华优秀传统艺术来影响、熏陶孩子们的文化素养,这一 代代传下去的不仅是对于孩子们家庭的影响,更是对更年轻一代国家栋梁的影响。
Root to the Ancestors 《宗祠文化》
Length: 7mins3secs
Director: 阿德, lshtiaq
Topic is about Huishan ancestor’s hall and theme “Root to the ancestors”. Ancestral hall is a typical architectural representative of Chinese family culture. It is also a place where family memory and family spirit continue. The existence of ancestral hall is a typical representative of Chinese family culture and the best heritage to understand Chinese family concept and family country concept.
我们的主题是惠山祠堂,“根在祖先”。宗祠是中国家族 文化的典型建筑代表,也是家庭记忆和家庭精神延续的地方。祠堂的存在是中国家族文 化的典型代表,是理解中国家族观念和家族国家观念的最佳传承。
The Gazing Mask 《纵目》
Length: 10mins14secs
Director: 李艾利, Alessandro Ceraso
The Mask’s huge, bulging eyes seem to be able to see things and see through time. Therefore, the work begins with the two sections of“the look of the mask” and “the world as the mask sees it”, to explore people’s understanding of the mask and the connection between the mask and the modern world.
纵目面具那一双巨大的、突出的双眼仿佛能够洞察万物, 看穿时间。因此作品从“纵目的样子”和“纵目眼中的世 界”两个段落入手,探寻人们对纵目面具的认识,以及纵 目面具与现代世界的联系。
Twilight of the Idol 《偶像的黄昏》
Length: 10mins15secs
Director: 马悦, Maryam ShadabFar
This documentary attempts to examine and display this landmark work by showing the Grand Bronze Statue of the Standing Man found in Sanxingdui, and further describes its role in today’s culture and life of the Chinese people.
本纪录片审视和展示了青铜大立人像这一具有里程碑意义 的作品,并进一步描述它在今天中国人民的文化和生活中 的作用。
Tree of Life 《生命之树》
Length: 6mins42secs
Director: Papama Kumarage, Aresha Madhibhani
Thousands of years ago, tree represented wishes in Sanxingdui.
The bronze divine tree expreienced thousands of years as a ladder to heaven. In distant Sri Lanka, a tree is also religious leader. Trees are life, and life of trees inspire us to construct, create and grow, and history never ends.
在千年前的三星堆,树寄托着美好的愿景。青铜神树作为 信仰的寄托延续千年;而在遥远的斯里兰卡,树也是信仰 中的引领者。无论古今,无论中外,生命之树鼓励人类不 断进步,不断发展,延续着历史,生生不息。
Earth to Earth 《陶醉千年》
Length: 9mins22secs
Director: 苏诗宇, Ndimubandi Samuel De Jesus 比起三星堆举世闻名的青铜器,三星堆陶器独特的造型和 用法,更加贴近古蜀人民真实的日常生活,广汉“陶艺 王”作为传统陶艺的传承者,或许更能体会古蜀人民的生 活智慧。
The Silent Speech 《沉匿的言语》
Length: 10mins29secs
Director: Niran
The Silent Speech in Nepal students for the narrator, from his cognition and understanding of sanxingdui culture and Chinese culture, through the conversation with the local people, deeply appreciate citizens living in chengdu, interview archaeologists and so on, to show the three-dimensional rich sanxingdui culture, and its links with the people of contemporary life are inseparable.
影片《沉匿的言语》以尼泊尔留学生为叙述者,从他对三 星堆文化和中华文化的认知与理解出发,通过与当地老百姓对话,深入成都市内体味市 民生活,采访考古学家等,展现了立体丰富的三星堆文化,及其与人们当代生活密不可 分的联系。
The Heads Turner 《铜眸》
Length: 5mins51secs
Director: Edderssi Yasmine
The museum exhibits a total of 57 human heads. Jasmine take us 3000 years back to learn about sanxingdui bronze heads. These bronze heads are the reflexion of us, they have different sizes, different shapes and different social statues just like the ones covered with gold.It hasn’t been changed in this society.
57件青铜人头像规整地陈列在青铜像馆中。本影片以JESMINE为第一视角,跨越千年,展示青铜人头像群。人头 像之间的各不相同展示了人生来不同。不同的脸型和的社 会地位,就如金箔人像。这一点在现在的社会中似乎也不曾改变。
Shining Memories 《鎏》
Length: 8mins30secs
Director: Aligayev Amil
Shining memories focuses on the gold mask and golden scepter unearthed in Sanxingdui archaeology. From 1986, it traces the historical and cultural meaning behind them, and explores the restoration of gold artifacts from a scientific point of view. It further reflects history into reality, tells the use of gold in today’s China, and looks forward to the further development of historical and cultural work in Sanxingdui in the future. It is committed to telling a good Chinese story, delivering the voice of China.
作品《鎏》聚焦三星堆考古出土的金面具与金权杖,从1986年发掘讲起,追溯其背后的 历史与文化含义,并从科学角度探访金器修复,更进一步将历史映入现实,讲述黄金在 当今中国的用途,展望未来三星堆历史文物工作的进一步发展,致力于讲好中国故事, 传递中国声音。
The Bridge 《乔与桥》
Length: 9mins30secs
Director: Agu Ernest
Qiao Gang is an archaeologist in Sanxingdui. He will lead us to open the space-time bridge linking Sanxingdui civilization. At the same time, he also led his family and took his son to study Sanxingdui culture. He turned it into a cultural bridge, hoping that the excellent Chinese traditional culture will be passed on from generation to generation.
Silken Bridge 《前丝今生》
Length: 10mins30secs
Director: 大卫, Dawod Moghalles Rageh Mohammed Al-Qadasi
Shu embroidery has a long history. Through three completely different perspectives, a practitioner of Shu embroidery, an archaeologist in Sanxingdui, and a young man from the countries along the One Belt And One Road, this film will depict the current situation of Shu embroidery, myths and legends, and archaeological discoveries respectively, and restore the past and present lives of Shu embroidery.
蜀绣历史悠久,本片通过一个蜀绣从业者、一名三星堆考古工作者,以及一位一带一路 沿线国家的青年,三个完全不同的视角,分别以刻画当前蜀绣事业的现状,神话传说和 考古现场的发现,对蜀绣的前世今生进行一次还原。
Sweet Home 《安家》
Length: 8mins43secs
Director: Md Sahariar Rahman
In the traditional family concept of Chinese , there has always been a persistent pursuit of “house”, eager to have their own small house.
在中国人的传统家庭观念中一直有着对“房”的执着追 求,渴望拥有自己的小屋。
Cat’s Special Home 《观复猫》
Length: 9mins30secs
Director: 崔瑜珉
As is known to all, Chinese culture is extensive and profound, with a long history. There are a variety of historical relics that have been preserved and countless museums that keep cultural relics. We found a special museum with an elaborate home for the cultural cat. In our works, we show how cats and humans live in harmony and happiness in their unique homes.
众所周知,中国文化博大精深、历史悠久,留存下来的历 史文物多种多样,保管文物的博物馆也数不胜数。我们找 到了一家特殊的博物馆,在这里有专门为“文化猫”精心打造的家园。我们在作品中呈 现出了在与众不同的家园里,猫和人是怎样和谐共处,幸福生活的。
All Rivers Flow To The Sea 《小家·大家》
Length: 11mins34secs
Director: 孙铭怡
In Beijing, the magnificent center of modern and traditional culture in China, “Looking China- Documentary Team”, along with seven foreign directors, reached to local districts in Beijing city. People in this team, from a variety of societal perspectives, recorded and interviewed Chinese people about how they perceive the word “family”and how they contribute to their own families and achieved the final goal of harmony.
在北京这个最能代表中国传统文化与现代文化碰撞融合的 城市,看中国·纪录片组,紧跟7个外国导演,深入北京各区,记录在他们各自的文化背 景下,用摄像机去寻找他们眼里的中国人,如何理解家这个最为重要的字眼,如何身体 力行以小家成就大家。
27th Yard 《27院儿》
Length: 9mins59secs
Director: 朴动现
27th yard, the community cultural life museum in Chaoyangmen. 27th yard hosts a series of cultural events dedicated to promoting community culture through art.
27院儿,朝阳门社区文化生活馆。27院儿举办了一系列 文化活动,致力于用艺术推动社区文化的发展。
Empathy 《共感》
Length: 11mins22secs
Director: 黄宇晟
In the dark restaurant of Beijing, there are blind guides, mentally handicapped waiters, defaced cooks, and owners who treat them like children. The owner hopes that guests can learn about the blind world in the dark and also create jobs for the disabled. It has built an inclusive and warm home for the disabled.
北京木马童话黑暗餐厅里,有盲人引导员,智力残障的服 务员,损容的厨师,和将他们当孩子一样的店主。店主希 望客人在黑暗中了解盲人的世界,也为残障人士创造就业 岗位。这里为残障人士搭建了一个包容温馨的家园。
Home And Nation Of A Returned Overseas Chinese《归侨的家与国——罗益锋》
Length: 14mins41secs
Director: Rahman Md Shahanur
我们团队选择了一位出生在印度尼西亚,后回国为国家建 设贡献力量的爱国人士罗益峰先生的故事为主题。1957年 他回到中国时,中国仍处于一穷二白的状态,罗先生保持 热情,努力工作,参与了许多科研项目工作,为国家发展 做出了诸多贡献,也获得了许多奖项。现在,虽然已经退 休,罗先生仍在参与着科研项目工作,为国家贡献自己的 力量。
Friends of Nature 《新北京艺术团》
Length: 11mins30secs
Director: Samuel Ofosu Donyina
Performing in Yuyuantan Park, the New Beijing Art Troupe is a band formed by retired military officers. They perform every Wednesday and Saturday from 9 am to 11 am by the lake in the park. The songs are mainly red songs, and the singing style is mainly bel canto.
在玉渊潭公园演出的新北京艺术团是一支由退役军人组建 的乐队,他们每周三和周六上午9-11点在公园内的湖边进 行演出,歌曲主要由红歌为主,唱法主要是美声唱法。
Friends of Nature 《自然之友》
Length: 8mins57secs
Director: 张扬, Rai MC
Starting from the major issue of climate change, the low carbon project of Gaiya Nature School has accumulated a number of low carbon family reconstruction and community reconstruction cases in Beijing. Wang Yuan is one of the leaders of the Gaia Nature School’s low-carbon program and has been working there for ten years.
盖娅自然学校的低碳项目从气候变化这一重大问题出发, 在北京积累了一批低碳家庭改造、社区改造案例。王媛是 盖娅自然学校的低碳项目的负责人之一,已经工作了十年。
Looking for Rural Memory
Length: 7mins54secs
Director: 祁浩扬
This film will follow Fang ran from Tajikistan to Minqin County in Northwest China, where he will record a wonderful Museum and a beautiful village, looking for the fading rural memory.
本片将跟随来自塔吉克斯坦的方冉的脚步,来到中国大西 北的民勤郡,在这里他将用镜头记录一座奇妙的博物馆和 一个美丽的村庄,从中寻找渐渐淡去的乡村记忆。
Where to Go 《岗拉召吉》
Length: 11mins22secs
Director: 泽广, Zakirullah
This documentary film is about the Tibetan family who are living in in Gannan, Luqu.this is about their life style., how they living there. There are people in the family. Grandparents their children and their granddaughters and grandson. Grandparents are living in village where the life style is better while their son and his wife are living in pasture where the life standard is not as good as the grandparents have. Life is tough there but they are happy there and they are looking there sheep and cattle. 这部纪录片讲述了居住在碌曲郡甘南的藏族家庭的故事。展现他们的生活方式,他们为 什么生活在那里。每个家庭成员都有着自己的未来展望。伴随着中国整体发展,处于边 陲的他们也有着自己缓慢而有力的脚步。
The Will And The Way 《沙画沙话》
Length: 9mins16secs
Director: 周礼延
Focusing on Wuwei, Gansu, shooting advanced deeds of sand control with Babusha afforesters as the mainstay, and selecting typical afforestation families to radiate multi-faceted points and tell the great story of “contemporary fools” fighting the desert from all angles.
聚焦甘肃武威,拍摄以八步沙造林人为主的治沙先进事 迹,选取典型造林人家庭,以此为点辐射多面,全方位多 角度讲述“当代愚公”同荒漠斗争的伟大故事。
GanShanBallads 《文化甘山》
Length: 8mins5secs
Director: Mahmudul Hasan
This is a story about culture. A village located on a high mountain has produced unique culture and ballads. Director Mu Yang came here with the task of exploring Gam San culture. Magnificent scenery, enthusiastic people, melodious songs and heavy history. These little-known secrets were recorded by Mu Yang with the lens.
这是一个关于文化的故事,一个坐落于高山上的村落,产 生了独一无二的文化与歌谣。导演穆阳带着探寻甘山文化 的任务,来到了这里。壮丽的风景,热情的人们,悠扬的歌谣,厚重的历史。这些鲜为 人知的秘密,穆阳用镜头一一记录。
Read Happiness 《阅·悦》
Length: 8mins21secs
Director: 王桑沐, Thierry Samuel Kamdem
This is a story about reading. With the help of school and parents, the protagonist “little doctor” reads many books. We will find that both Chinese reading conditions and habits have changed. Director kamdem Samuel used the camera to record the characteristics of these changes, so as to express the great changes of the times in China.
这是关于阅读的故事,主人公“小博士”在学校和父母的 帮助下,读到了许多书籍。我们会发现无论是中国人的阅 读条件,还是习惯,都已经发生了变化。导演Kamdem Samuel用镜头记录下这些改变 的特征,借此表达出中国的时代巨变。
Love in the Mountains 《爱在远山》
Length: 6mins22secs
Director: Abduraqib Juraev (阿卜)
Liang Hongxia and her husband devote their most beautiful youth to rural education and tell the story of their hometown. Since returning home in 2007, Liang Hongxia has been a rural teacher for 14 years. Later, she married her husband, Su Zifeng, who was also a rural teacher. They regarded the company of left behind children as a confession of their longest love for their hometown.
梁红霞夫妻二人用最美的青春投身乡村教育、告白故乡的 故事。梁红霞自2007年返乡后,她开始在学校做起了乡村教师,一做就是14年。后来, 她嫁给了同是乡村教师的丈夫苏子锋,他们把陪伴留守儿童视为对故乡最长情的告白。
Guardian Knight 《坚守》
Length: 7mins4secs
Director: 李涵之
Gansu blue sky rescue team is a spontaneous public welfare organization. The rescuers in the rescue team all have skilled rescue skills. They never regard rescue as a tool to make a living. Every rescue, whether it’s personnel or equipment, is a complete obligation to pay and protect our home.
甘肃蓝天救援队是有自发的公益组织,救援队中的搜救员 各个都有熟练的救援技巧。他们从来没有把救援当成谋生 的工具,每一次的救援,无论是人员还是设备,都是完完 全全义务付出,守护着我们的家园。美声唱法。
Home Away From Home
Length: 11mins27secs
Director: 康万佳
It shows the conflict caused by cultural differences in the family set up by the director in China, and the process that the conflict turns into understanding and integration to achieve the harmony and perfection of the family with the evolution of time and rich experience. Through seeking common ground while reserving differences, it realizes “beauty and common ground”, that is, although culture has national boundaries, love can contain everything.
展现导演在中国组建的家庭中因文化差异而发生的矛盾冲突、以及随着时间演变和经验 阅历的丰富,矛盾转为理解与融合,达到家庭的和睦与圆满这一过程,通过求同存异实 现“美美与共”,即文化虽有国界,但爱可以包容一切。
Life and Nature 《生生》
Length: 10mins35secs
Director: 陆嘉言,Lazarus Adama Theresa 生命生生不息,光明长存于心,《生生》是生命与生态的 交融。在吉林市长白岛上,有一位老人叫任建国,他在这 里坚守25年,日复一日无怨无悔地付出,只为一方净土 能留给归来的鸟儿。最艰苦的日子里,他不惧外界异样目 光,依旧用他的小船,他的爱心,他仁爱而不计回报的行 动,守护这些天地间的精灵,为生活在松花江长白岛流域 的水鸟营造幸福的家园。外国导演Lazarus Adama Theresa深入长白岛,对任建国先生“以岛为家”的热忱和自 然与生命的真谛有了新的体悟。她将在片中用跨文化领域的视角,展示心底的那份“生 生”之道。
Serve for Town 《为民》
Length: 10mins26secs
Director: Ruqia
《为民》讲述了一个关于理想与责任的故事,杨牧笛为了 自己的理想放弃了城市优渥的工作,他选择去西苇镇,只 为当地的百姓过上幸福的生活。在西苇镇任职的几年来, 他勤奋务实,无私奉献。克服种种困难,使西苇镇的百姓 生活有了翻天覆地的变化。外国导演R u q i a通过深入观 察杨牧笛的工作日常,并在对他的家人以及当地百姓的采 访,被杨牧笛这种“舍小家为大家”的家国情怀深深打 动。她将在片中以真实的情感表达,展现一个普通而真实 的基层干部的家国情怀。
A Plight in ICU 《寻医问道》
Length: 8mins55secs
Director: Mustafa 《寻医问道》是一个关于生命的故事。在吉林大学第二医 院重症监护室,有这样一支团队,他们24小时待命,随 时准备与死神抗争。一个个惊心动魄的故事在他们的日常 工作中上演,团队里的医生也因为工作牺牲了大部分个人 生活和家庭时光。但为了保住更多人“生”的希望,更多 家庭的希望,他们甘之如饴。情所系,家所在,外国导演 Mustafa通过深入了解ecmo团队的医生,对中国文化中 的“道”和生命的意义有了新的认识。他将在片中以细腻 而质朴的情感表达,展现他所理解的“医道”。
The Story of Rice 《稼香》
Length: 10mins45secs
Director: Shahzad Bakht
This is a story about culture. A village located on a high mountain has produced unique culture and ballads. Director Mu Yang came here with the task of exploring Gam San culture. Magnificent scenery, enthusiastic people, melodious songs and heavy history. These little-known secrets were recorded by Mu Yang with the lens.
《稼香》是一个关于“家庭、家园、家国”的故事,故事 的主人公姜涛出生在舒兰市七里乡,他凭借着当地得天 独厚的地理条件,积极改良水稻品种,让舒兰大米重现往日的辉煌。富了自己,不忘家 乡,姜涛的心中充满了对这片黑土地的热爱,他迫切的想为家园做点什么,为此,他带 领着成百上千的农民一起工作,为他们带来了更加富足的生活。这些年来,他对这片土 地的牺牲和关怀是无价的。
Home 《食物相合》
Length: 10mins00secs
Director: Sofia Gassino 《食物相合》讲述了这是一个关于波兰厨师——葛根的故 事。在中国,葛根用他精心烹饪的菜肴,抚慰着海外学子 的思乡之情,他的锅碗盘碟里盛满了家常美味,他的煮炒 蒸煎飘满了人生百态。导演Sofia在作品里表现出美食与 文化的碰撞,唤起美食与情感的共鸣,展现出那份独属“ 家”的温暖。
The Land of Tongyu 《乡土通榆》
Length: 10mins17secs
Director: 阿卜杜,Assoumi Harouna Abdoul Karim 在年轻人流入大城市的时代,通榆小伙高磊却选择回乡生 活。他产量惊人且乐于助人,当地人称他为“明星”。本 片以导演主观视角展开,他用纪录影像展现新时代中国乡 村年轻人的生活状态,探讨人与家庭、家园的关系。
From Zero to Hero 《延润榆乡》
Length: 11mins22secs
Director: 丁导,Diing Dau
The documentary From Zero to Hero mainly tells the process of how Wang Yanhui, a farmer from Tongyu, started his agricultural business. It presents how he started from nothing and finally made it. Also the documentary reflect his firm belief and the original aspiration to serve the people.
影片《延泽通榆》主要讲述了通榆农民王延会的创业历 程,展现了其白手起家、从无到有奋斗历程,映照了其信 念如磐,帮家助民的为民初心。
The Age of Awakening 《觉醒年代》
Length: 45mins*43
Director: 张永新
Cast: 于和伟、张桐、周显欣、马少骅、曹磊、 毕彦君、朱刚日尧、张晚意
The TV series shows the magnificent historical picture from the new culture movement to the establishment of the Communist Party of China. The drama takes Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and Hu Shih as the basic narrative line from meeting together, knowing each other well to separation when they took step on different life paths...
该剧展现了从新文化运动、五四运动到中国共产党建立这段波澜壮阔的历史画卷。以李 大钊、陈独秀、胡适从相识、相知到分手,走上不同人生道路的传奇故事为基本叙事 线...
I Will Find You A Better Home 《安家》
Length: 45mins*53
Director: 安建
Cast: 罗晋、孙俪、王自健、田雷、张萌、孙佳雨
This show is about a real estate agency manager, Sijin Fang, who has been dispatched to Jinyi branch, finding herself in a dual management situation with another existing manager WenChang Xu. As Fang’s new team strive to help people find their dream houses, they also witness and experience the joys and sorrows with their clients.
该剧讲述了安家天下中介公司大区经理房似锦空降到静宜 门店,与徐文昌形成双店长竞争的过程中,作为房产中介的他们在帮助客户安家之余, 也见证了客户生活中的喜怒哀乐的故事。
Forward Forever 《热血同行》
Length: 45mins*58
Director: 刘一志
Cast: 黄子韬、胡冰卿、彭博、宁心
The TV drama tells the story of Bayless Chong Liming in the late Qing Dynastry. Chong met the young Ayi in the times of the sudden changes in the court. Chong and Ayi later grouped with seven young people to meet a new life. They went to Sichuan and Shanghai to protect negotation and fight with foreigners. Facing the hardships of the turbulent era, Ayi found his geniune ambition. Meanwhile, Chong joined hands with Ayi to escort the peaceful transition of history and witnessed the coming of a new era.
该剧讲述了清末留洋贝勒崇利明,遇少年阿易,逢清廷突变,两人同七位热血青年重组 艳势番。众人赴四川、奔上海、保和谈、斗洋人。面对时代变革,阿易终获新志,与崇 利明联手,护航历史过渡,见证时代到来。
A Little Dilemma 《小舍得》
Length: 45mins*42
Director: 张晓波
Cast: 佟大为、宋佳、蒋欣、张国立、李佳航、 吴越
s of two Chinese families in the stage of “primary school to middle school”. Nanli, her husband Xia Junshan, and their daughter Xia Huanhuan, son Xia Chaochao, Tian Yulan, her husband Yan Peng and their son Yan Ziyou.
该剧根据鲁引弓的同名小说改编,讲述南俪、夏君山和女 儿夏欢欢、儿子夏超超、田雨岚、颜鹏和儿子颜子悠等“ 小升初”阶段中国家庭的故事。
With You 《在一起》
Length: 45mins*20
Director: 张黎、沈严、曹盾、汪俊、韩晓军、刘江、 滕华涛、林妍、彭三源、杨阳、杨文军、 姚晓峰 Cast: 张嘉益、雷佳音、朱亚文、黄景瑜、靳东、 刘敏涛、倪妮、陈数、李小冉、周一围、 冯绍峰、张萌、张静初、海清、张天爱
A drama about the fight against COVID-19. Based on real people and stories during the fight against the pandemic in Mainland China.
该剧以“抗议”期间各行各业真实的人物、故事为基础, 由单元故事组成,讲述了平凡人挺身而出参加全民武汉抗疫的故事。
The Long Ballad 《长歌行》
Length: 45mins*49
Director: 朱锐斌
Cast: 吴磊、迪丽热巴、刘宇宁、赵露思 川
The play is based on the period between the early construction of our country’s nuclear test base Malan (1958) and the success of the first atomic bomb test (1964) . It was first filmed, it shows the working and living picture of the grass-roots commanders and soldiers, scientific and technical personnel and their “nuclear second generation” in the remote desert under extremely harsh conditions, tells the story of their struggle and legendary experience in forging the nuclear shield of our country.
该剧以我国核试验基地马兰建设初期(1958年)到第一颗原子弹试验成功(1964年)这 段时间为背景,第一次以影视化的方式,展现了当年马兰基地基层指战员、科技人员以及 他们的“核二代”,在千里大漠极其艰苦条件下的工作、生活图景,深情讲述了他们在为 铸造我国核盾牌时的奋斗故事与传奇经历。
The Cradle 《啊摇篮》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 林柯
Cast: 李泽锋、海清、徐绍瑛、周也、李芯逸
The Cradle tells a story about Chou Zi Gang, a aspiring young woman who led female college students from Yan’an to establish the Central Nursery, and fought to protect the red descendants.
《啊谣言》讲述了革命战争年代女战士丑子冈带领延安女 大学生们克服万难,创建了中央托儿所,并成功延续了革 命火种的感人故事。
Get Married or Not 《谁说我结不了婚》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 何念
Cast: 潘粤明、童瑶、袁文康、陈数
Lu Cheng is a well-known screenwriter at over 35 years old. The most discussed personal issue in her life is that she is not married. She prefers to be single rather than married someone, unless she finds the one. She met a professor of psychology name Shu Wei unexpectedly. Lu began to think differently about relationship through Shu’s support.
年过35岁的金牌美女编剧程璐,因未婚总被人议论。她坚 持“我不是不能结婚,而是选择了不结婚”,从未放低对爱情的标准。一次偶然结识了 名为魏书的心理学教授,在他的支持下,让她对感情有了不一样的理解。
Storm Eye 《暴风眼》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 于波
Cast: 张彬彬、杨幂、刘芮麟、王东、王骁、 石凉、施京明、章申、廖京生、易大千、 代斯、宁心
A story about a team of agents is told from the perspective of An Jing and Ma Shang. Showing no fear in their mission to uphold justice, these officers work hard to protect national interests.
该剧讲述了以安静和马尚为代表的国安人员,不畏艰险, 始终坚持心中正义,努力侦破技术窃取案件,保护国家稀有资源不被境外势力走私交易 的故事。
To Love
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 曹译文
Cast: 林更新、盖玥希、杜淳、秦海璐
The former anti-drug policeman Yan Jin fell in love with Ji Xiaoou, the owner of a local coffee shop, during the investigation of an old suspected case by the undercover drug dealer. A bizarre murder case hs dragged their love into the abyss. The truth is not clear. Jin seems to fall into endless darkness. Wehre will the love between Yanjin and Ji Xiaoou go...
前缉毒警察严谨在卧底贩毒集团调查陈年疑案时,与“似 水流年”咖啡店老板季晓鸥相爱。一桩离奇的杀人案却将两人的爱情拖入深渊。真相迷 雾重重,而严谨仿佛坠入无尽的黑暗,他和季晓鸥的爱情又将何去何从……
Unrequited Love 《暗恋橘生淮南》
Length: 45mins*38
Director: 李木戈
Cast: 胡一天、胡冰卿、刘一熤、蒲萄
Luo Zhi and Sheng Huainai met each other for the first time at a wedding when they were still still. Due to the change in Zhi’s family, she had to study hard and got into the same high school with Sheng. However, they were not acquainted. When both of them got into the college, they got a chance to travel together at the Red Leaf Valley, and started to know each other better and better...
洛枳和盛淮南儿时曾在婚礼上见过并一起玩耍,因家庭变故,洛枳努力读书,高中时与 盛淮南同校却并不熟悉,后来二人一同考入大学,因缘际会一起在红叶谷游玩,并在共 同家教中不断相知相熟……
My Talent Neighbor 《走起!我的天才街坊》
Length: 45mins*36
Director: 邢潇
Cast: 韩东君、彭小苒、丹增晋美、陈欣予
Chao Xiao is the arrogant genius standing on the top of the artificial intelligence field, while Shen Nuo is a female headhunter who has bias towards everything aroud her. The save of the AI era brings together two people who have no intersection. Life is full of joys and sorrows. They are two disagreeable people with pure hearts, starting a stimulating and healing entrepreneurial journey together.
陈潇与沈诺,一个是站在AI智能塔尖的傲慢天才;一个是对周遭充满偏见的女猎头。AI 时代的飓风将两个本无交集的人相聚在一起。人生况味,甘苦自知,两个满是棱角却身 怀赤子之心的人,共同相伴,开启了一段刺激又治愈的创业之旅。
Breath of Destiny 《一起深呼吸》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 斗琪
Cast: 杨祐宁、戚薇、张峻宁、朱珠
The TV drama tells a story about a Chinese media rescue team utilizing the advanced medical skills to address the challenge of the extreme environment and overcome many obstacles at an overseas island.
该剧讲述了一支中国援外医疗小分队,用精湛的医术和过 人的勇气,在充满未知与失控的海外孤岛,挑战极端环 境,冲破重重阻碍,开展医疗救援和医学科普等行动,实 践医生拯救生命的职业信念的故事。
Sunshine of My Life 《若你安好便是晴天》
Length: 45mins*45
Director: 黄天仁
Cast: 张翰、徐璐、洪尧、王劲松、张晨光、 王瑞子、温峥嵘、史卿妍、焦娜
It tells a funny and fresh love story between Mingxuan Tang, a proud workaholic as well as a young pioneer in the fashion space, and Mo Fei, an adorable new Chinese-style fashion designer. It shows the responsibility of how Chinese apparel enterprises protect and inherit Chinese traditional cloth-making skills. Also, it shows the traditional essence and cultural confidence of Chinese clothing to the world.
该剧讲述了傲娇工作狂时尚界青年先锋唐明轩与元气萌新中国风设计师莫菲之间逗趣又 清新的爱情故事。展现了中国服装企业保护传承中国传统服装技艺的责任和担当,同时 向世界展示了中国服装的传统精髓和文化魅力。
Lengendary Hotel 《大饭店传奇》
Length: 45mins*24
Director: 吕小品
Cast: 文松、贾冰、王祉萱、顾宝明、成红、 马牧萱
The son of an owner of a failing hotel attempts to revive his ancestral elgacy through an old and abandoned theatre. Zhu Yiqun and his sevant Shen Moren have fled to Fengtian City. Upon encourtering Ma Hulu, Yang Sirui, Gu Debai, Da Xi, Liu Sanyuan and many other, Zhu comes across a series of hilarious sitautions as he starts over in the hotel industry...
该剧主要讲述了没落的酒店大亨之子朱一群带着家仆沈莫仁逃至奉天城,在一个废旧的 戏院内准备重振祖业,巧遇马湖璐、杨思瑞、顾德白、大西、柳三元等人后发生了一系 列爆笑故事……
Across the Mountains and Sea 《经山历海》
Length: 45mins*31
Director: 杨亚洲、杨博
Cast: 张国强、王丽坤、邹廷威、高可儿
The TV drama tells a story of Wu Xiaohao’s growth with the town’s Party Committee, villagers, and her family members. The story depicts a magnificent picture of contemporary rural vitalization and shows the characteristics of Communists who work as primary-level cadres and serve the poeple wholeheartedly. While being fearless of danger and difficulties, they never forget their mission and why they started.
全剧以吴小蒿的成长故事为经,以镇党委班子、村民、家人为纬,经纬交织构成了一幅 当代乡村振兴的宏伟画卷,呈现了基层党员干部,历经艰险,不忘初心,全心全意为人 民服务的共产党人形象。
Relive Youth 《我的不惑青春》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 王梓
Cast: 陈龙、梅婷、邵峰、黄曼
He Peijin, a housewife in her late 40s, was suddenly asked for a divorce. To save her family, He decided to go to college. After entering the university, He’s charm won the love and popularity among young students on the campus. She found out her husband’s affair and no longer chose to tolerate. Instead, she started to pursue her inner love.
年近40的家庭主妇何沛瑾突然被丈夫提出离婚。为了挽 回家庭,沛瑾决定去上大学。入学后,沛瑾的魅力赢得了“小”同学们的喜爱,在大学 校园里大放异彩。她发现了丈夫的欺骗行为,选择不再逆来顺受,而是勇敢地追寻内心 真爱。
Winner 《胜算》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 殷飞
Cast: 柳云龙、苏青、梁冠华、李立群
It tells the secret of the anti-Japanese War in 1942. Infiltrated into the CPP and the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Communism flew, under the leadership of the Chinese Underground Party and during the period when Tang Fei returned with full success, the secret operation of the Soviet Far East Intelligence Angecy was carried out. At the Security Bureau, Tang got acquainted with the anti-Japanese democrat Cai, who was lurking because of the hatred of the country and the family.
讲述了1942年抗日战争期间,打入伪满中共秘密情工人员唐飞,在中国地下党和苏联共 军远东情报局领导下,执行苏军远东情报局的秘密行动。在保安局结识了因国家仇恨而 潜伏的抗日民主分子蔡,两人以超人的英勇机敏胜利完成任务,粉碎日本惊天阴谋的故 事。
Weaving A Tale of Love
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 陈家霖
Cast: 许魏洲、娜扎、赵顺然、施诗
The story of Weaving a Tale of Love happened during the Zhenguan Reign of the Tang Dynasty. Liu Li was born with an innate talent for embroidery, which sets her on a path of revenge for her mother’s death. She met a brilliant young scholar Pei Xingjian in the Palace. Precariously walking the line between life and death, they use all their wits to overcome the obstacles ahead.
《风起霓裳》讲述了大唐贞观年间,琉璃凭借其精湛的制 衣技艺为母沉冤昭雪,并心怀天下,与一代明将裴行俭在大唐风云变换中共同成长的传 奇故事。
Twenty Your Life On 《二十不惑》
Length: 45mins*40
Director: 黎志
Cast: 金世佳、关晓彤、牛骏峰、王安宇、 卜冠令、李庚希、董思怡
It tells the story of four college girls who are about to graduate. In the coming year when they will begin their career, these girls experience a lot of setbacks. But finally they gain love and grow in their life and career.
《二十不惑》讲述了四名即将毕业的女大学生,在从校园 到社会的过渡期中,虽然经历挫折、迷茫和狼狈,但在亲 情和爱情的共同守护下,在友情的相互扶持中,理解真情与爱的意义,并最终收获事业 和成长。
The Dance of The Storm 《风暴舞》
Length: 40mins*43
Director: 刘新
Cast: 陈伟霆、郭家豪、董岩磊、娜扎、宋妍霏、 秦鸣悦
Master Chen Gang passed away unexpectedly on a mission. Li Junjie decided to leave to conduct the investigation alone, but he always missed a move every time he was close to the truth. This time, a mysterious message guided him back to the long-lost Mo Shi. When Li Junjie fought side by side with Zhou Zixuan and Shi Yunhao again, he successfully captured Calais. However, Calais was hijacked and esceped from prison on the transit...
一次任务,师傅陈刚意外离世。李俊杰决定离开独立追查,却每次都棋差一步。此时, 一条神秘信息指引他回到阔别已久的摩世。当李俊杰再次与周子萱、时云昊并肩作战, 成功抓到了加莱。然而,转运路上加莱被人挟持越狱……
Happiness in Spring 《幸福里的故事》
Length: 45mins*42
Director: 杨亚洲、杨博
Cast: 李晨、王晓晨、郑璐、秦焰、张大礼、 那志东、沙景昌、苏青、刘莉莉、车晓、 迟蓬、杨蕾
The TV drama features the stories of Li Qiang, Chen Wa’er and other young people who have been living in “Happiness Vally” in Beijing’s financial district for 40 years. It covers a wide range of topics from cultural protection, community healthcare, elderly care, to well-being of life.
李墙、陈瓦儿等年轻人,在北京金融街的“幸福里”胡同四十年的生活故事。实景展现 北京风貌,剧情嵌入非遗、文保、养老、社区医疗、全民奔小康等热点,表现 “小人 物”不懈努力改变命运追求理想和美好生活的时代精神。
Guitar Brothers 《吉他兄弟》
Length: 45mins*43
Director: 李舒
Cast: 应昊茗、王汀、高梓淇、杨菲洋
The drama series mainly tells the story of a pair of brothers Fang Qingming and Fang Qinghua, who went from their hometown in the countryside to Guangzhou guitar factories to work for a living. After experiencing many difficulties, they finally became the owner of their own guitar factories, later even evolve from migrant workers into two successful international businessmen. Eventually they return to their hometown to to help build a beautiful city and establish a famous national guitar brand.
该剧主要讲述了吉他兄弟方清明、方清华从农村老家跑到广州吉他厂打工谋生活,经历 重重困难最终从打工仔变成吉他厂老板,又回乡创业,建造美丽家乡,打造民族吉他品 牌的传奇故事。
iPartment Season 5 《爱情公寓5》
Length: 45mins*36
Director: 韦正
Cast: 李佳航、娄艺潇、孙艺洲、李金铭
After years of love running, the old occupants of the love apartment have made a positive result. Some of them have determined the relationship of love, and some have decided to get married. Everyone’s love has netered a new stage, and new surprises and new troubles are coming one after another... 经过多年的爱情长跑,爱情公寓的老住客们纷纷修成正 果,他们中有的确定了恋爱关系,有的决定领证结婚。大 家的爱情纷纷进入了新阶段,新的惊喜和新的烦恼都接踵而至……
Hero Tales from Chinese History 《长河大典》(第一季)
Length: 45mins*6
Director: 蔡孟育
Cast: 曾曾
When YingZheng was young, he became king of Qin. He practiced military skills and learned how to run the country and secure the people. After the crown ceremony, he appointed Weiliao and LiSi to pacify the six states and complete the unification of China, establishing the first unified centralized empire in Chinese history -- The Qin Dynasty...
少年嬴政即位秦王,勤练兵法武艺、默默学习治国安民之 道,行冠礼亲政后,任用尉缭和李斯等人,平定六国,完成了统一中国的大业,建立起 中国历史上第一个统一的中央集权大帝国--秦朝……
The Journey Across The Night 《我在香港遇见他》
Length: 26 episodes
Director: 巨兴茂
Cast: 曾舜晞、周澄奥、冯建宇、颜卓灵、 吴启华、黑子、巨兴茂、王新乔、高旭阳、 袁帅、李丽珍、高睿菲尔、黄尧、邵芸
This is a story about the protagonist, Jia Li, who determinedly chose to study in Hong Kong because his m other and brother had suffered from schizophrenia in succession as well as the heavy mental pressure. He has to look for a house due to the tight suply of university dormitory...
该剧讲述了主人公李嘉在母亲和哥哥都相继患上精神分 裂症之后,背负着这份沉重的家族遗传病史的精神压力,毅然选择赴港求学。由于大学 宿舍紧张,他不得不四处租房,为此结识了古灵精怪的租房中介张叉叉与解剖学师弟时 诚……
Tientsin Mystic 2 《河神2》
Length: 47mins*24
Director: 田里
Cast: 金世佳、王紫璇、张铭恩、陈芊米
Tian Jin, In the early Republic of China. A young man named Guo Deyou, also be called “young Achelous “, were continueing to trace the source of bad water explosion fan case with his friend Ding Mao. At that time, Cui Fengzi was been cutten in two at the waist accidentally. Then the diplomat spontaneously combusted and died. Big cases happened one by one. During this period, the old man was in prison, and the new man appeared. 民国津城,“小河神”郭得友、丁卯继续追查恶水之源爆炸迷案;岂料崔疯子化骨身 死,外交官自燃焚亡,桩桩大案接踵而至。此间,旧人深陷囹圄,新人粉墨登场,天津 卫政商关系昭然若揭,而关于“九牛二虎一鸡”的秘密也逐渐浮出水面。且看郭、丁二 人能否揭秘追凶、再续传奇。
General’s Lady 《将军家的小娘子》
Length: 45mins*30
Director: 吴强
Cast: 吴希泽、汤敏、曹峻祥、刘胤君、杨万里、 姜灏洋、卢佳、徐薏雯、郁葱
Shen Jin grew up as the unfavored daughter of a royal family. The emperor decrees an arranged marriage for her, choosing General Chu Xiu Ming, who defends the borders. Although she falls in love with her chosen spouse, she finds it difficult to find her place in her new home. Using unconventional methods, she solves many of the army’s problems, earning their respect and Chu Xiu Ming’s heart. Shen Jin and Chu Xiu Ming hold each other’s hands to spend a lifetime together while defending the peace of the country.
落魄的王府千金沈锦被皇帝赐婚,远嫁边关,与丈夫大将军楚修明一见钟情,却始终无 法顺利融入楚家军。沈锦用自己聪明才智,为边关将士解决各种问题,获得了将士们的 拥戴,同时也收获了美满爱情。夫妻两人携手保家卫国,共度余生。
Hikaru No Go 《棋魂》
Length: 45-50mins*36
Director: 刘畅
Cast: 胡先煦、吴芊盈、张超、翟冠华
To earn some pocket money, a sixth-grader named Hikaru Shindo went on a treasure hunt in his grandfather’s place, where he found an old Go board. Upon touching the board, the soul of Fujiwara-no-Sai who trapped in the Go board entered Hikaru’s body. Sai considered Go his life. Under the influence of Sai, Hikaru gradually started taking an interest in Go. 小学六年级的时光为了赚些零用钱,跑到爷爷家里寻宝, 偶然翻出了一个旧棋盘。接触棋盘的一瞬间,附身于棋盘中的平安时代棋士——藤原佐 为的灵魂进入了小光的体内。佐为将围棋视为生命,在他的熏陶下,小光也逐渐对围棋 产生了兴趣。
100 Years·The Impressions of China in Foreigners’ Eyes
Length: 8mins*12
Director: 黄未、高枫、薛晋、刘臻、郭玥、楼冰莼、 朱乐陶、张艺卓、张磊
100 Years•The Impressions of China in Foreigners’ Eyes is a series of convergence media programs, launched on July 1,2021, planned and produced by ZTV-World for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Nearly 20 foreigners studying, living and doing businesses in Zhejiang Province participated in the shooting.
《100年·外国人眼中的中国记忆》是浙江电视台国际频 道为庆祝中国共产党建党100周年策划的融媒系列节目,2021年7月1日正式推出。该系 列节目有近20位在浙江学习、生活、创业的外国人参与拍摄。
Eternal Axis 《永恒之轴》
Length: 25mins*5
Director: 胡永芳、张晴、郑晓佳、王垠子
The documentary “The Eternal Central Axis” takes the Central axis of Beijing as the narrative theme and traces its origin. Under the background of world civilization and Chinese history, from today’s perspective, it focuses on the people and things of different historical times on the Central axis, and comprehensively interprets the cultural connotation and value of the Central axis of Beijing.
纪录片《永恒之轴》以北京中轴线为叙述主题,追本溯 源,在世界文明和中国历史的大的背景之下,站在今天的视角,围绕不同历史时代中轴 线上的人与事展开叙事,全方位解读北京中轴线的文化内涵及文化价值。
Quiet Killer 《隐匿杀手》
Length: 49mins30secs
Director: 安琪
The film is guided by the promotion of ecological civilization and tells the story of the unique species of venomous snakes in the south and north of China, which are cruel killer, and also a hidden warrior. The film takes a close look at the largest king cobra, the most toxic silver-ringed snake, and the most widely distributed pit viper, show their mysterious lives.
该片以推进生态文明建设为导向,讲述了中国南北方特有 的毒蛇种类,它们是残忍的杀手、也是隐忍的勇士。本片 将近距离观察体型最大的眼镜王蛇、毒性最强的银环蛇、分布最广的蝮蛇,揭开它们神 秘生活的面纱。
The Chronicle of An Inner Mongolia Village 《嘎查纪事》
Length: 30mins
Director: 曹志鹏
He is the only laborer in his family. His father passed away due to illness, his wife and daughter are severely disabled, and his family only depends on 25 acres of corn land. Through his real life, this film records the story of this Mongolian farmer’s struggle to resign himself to his fate.In the end, he overcame various insurmountable difficulties such as lack of water and poverty with the help of everyone.
李阿乐坦嘎日迪生活在内蒙古一个偏远的村落,他是家中 唯一的劳动力,他的父亲因病去世、妻女重度残疾,全家仅依赖于25亩玉米地。本片通 过他真实的生活,记录了这个蒙古族农民不甘屈于自己命运的奋斗故事,最终他在大家 的帮助下克服了缺水、贫困等种种难以战胜的困难。
Distance No Longer Distant
《远方未远——一带一路上的华侨 华人》
Length: 50mins*3
Director: 陈庆、赵晨旭、刘冬实、温艺钧、沈华、 庄园
The film is a key project of the “Record China” communication project of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee (state information office), which is planned and produced by the central newsreel and documentary film group. The film mainly went to six countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America, deeply recorded the daily work and life of 12 groups of overseas Chinese, and present the real group images of overseas Chinese through a small incision.
该片为中宣部(国新办)“记录中国”传播工程重点项目,由中央新影集团策划、制 作。该片主创远赴亚、非、欧、美洲6个国家,深度记录12组华侨华人工作与生活的日 常,小切口呈现海外华侨华人的真实群像。
Palzang Plants Grass 《巴让种草》
Length: 23mins40secs
Director: 魏春桥
Palzang comes from a Tibetan region. After graduating from university, he decided to return to his hometown to fight against grassland desertification. This film records a process of Palzang taking new technology to control sand in Zoige grassland.He uses a combination of strip sowing and yak grazing techniques, planted hope for his hometown turning yellow sand into an oasis.
扎琼巴让是一位藏族人,大学毕业后,他决定回到自己的 家乡,去治理草原沙化。本片记录了巴让带着新技术在若尔盖草原治沙的一个过程。他 利用条播技术和牦牛放牧相结合,为家乡种下了希望,让黄沙变成了绿洲。
Wild Life of China IIt 《野性的呼唤》(第二季)
Length: 23mins40secs*3
Director: 瞿颖、李晓晨、侯雨佳
This is a high-definition documentary depicting the panoramic view of China’s wildlife, telling the legendary stories of wild animals in a dramatic way, divided according to the natural environment in which they live: the extreme north, the deep caves, and the desert Gobi. The most valuable animal behaviors and stunning stunt photography images are recorded.
本片是一部描绘中国野生动物全景的高清晰纪录片,以戏 剧化的方式讲述野生动物的传奇故事,按照动物生活的自 然环境分为:极北之地、幽深洞穴、沙漠戈壁。记录最具价值的动物行为和震撼的特技 摄影画面。
The Promise 《承诺》
Length: 50mins*5
Director: 金霞
Our camera takes viewers on a journey to China’s most impoverished regions, from desert to mountain-tops, from the lake to the sea, as locals strive to re-invent themselves for a better life against the backdrop of an ever-changing world.
观众将跟随我们的镜头,前往几处中国的欠发达地区。无 论是生活在沙漠中还是大山里、或者湖海畔,在如今不断 变化的大环境下,人们更加紧密的联结起来,为了更好的 生活努力做出改变。
Labor Under the Bayonet
Length: 50mins*5
Director: 刘海燕
During World War II, in order to make up for the shortage of domestic labor force, the Japanese government forcibly abducted 41758 workers from Hebei, Shandong, Henan and other places in China from 1943 to 1945, escorted them to Japan in 169 batches, and only 38117 people arrived in Japan. After arriving in Japan, these workers were assigned to 135 operation points of 35 enterprises in Japan, forced to work under bayonets and whips every day, completely lost their personal freedom and lived a hell like life......
二战期间,日本政府为了弥补国内劳动力不足,从1943-1945年,从中国河北山东河南 等地,强掳劳工41758人,分169批次押运到日本国内,抵达日本仅剩38117人。这批劳 工到达日本后,被分配到日本35家企业135个作业点,每天在刺刀和皮鞭下强制劳动, 完全失去人身自由,过着地狱般的生活……
Years in France
Length: 50mins*4
Director: 袁静、张一泓、蔡卉、赵翔超
The four-episode documentary “Years in France” tells the legendary story of more than 1,800 students who stayed in France to work and study. In a time of great change, dominated by the enlightenment and revolution, in a land far from their homeland in France, they played out the legend of the individual and the times, of the present and the future, of dreams and struggles.
四集文献纪录片《留法岁月》讲述了1800多名留法勤工 俭学生,在那个以启蒙和革命为主流的大变革时代,在 远离祖国的法兰西土地上,他们上演了个人与时代、当下与未来、梦想与奋斗的传奇 故事。《留法岁月》深度挖掘这段特殊的人生经历所带给他们个人与中国的深远影响。
Qihe Wetland 《淇河湿地》
Length: 25mins
Director: 王秋玉
Qihe river originates from Taihang Mountains. With a total length of 165 kilometers, it is the clearest River in northern China. Downstream, a large number of wetlands are formed on both banks of Qi river. There are 64 kinds of wild fish and 173 kinds of birds living in the river. In winter, many migratory birds come to Qihe wetland for winter. Many wonderful life stories are staged here every day... Qihe wetland was shot and produced by Henan Yingji Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and completed after more than a year.
淇河,发源于太行山脉。全长165千米,是中国北方最清澈的河流。下游,淇河两岸形 成了大量的湿地。河水中生活着64种野生鱼类,173种鸟类栖息于此。冬季,许多候鸟 来到淇河湿地越冬。每天都有许多精彩的生命的故事在这里上演……《淇河湿地》由河 南映季文化传播有限公司拍摄制作出品,历经一年多的时间拍摄制作完成。
Secret Worlds of Wanglang 《岷山秘境-王朗》
Length: 16mins
Director: 李彬彬
The detail of rare and precious natural images of Wanglang include the real life scene of wild Giant Pandas, the life story of wild Giant Pandas and other wildlife living in the same habitat , the stories of glaciers and water sources, characteristic wild orchids, kingdom of pheasants, etc., Through these most wonderful details, Secret Worlds of Wanglang shows the most typical natural environment and species stories of Wanglang National Nature Reserve, and the significance of these natural elements to human survival.
讲述岷山山区王朗国家级自然保护区内,野生大熊猫的真实生活、以及它和共生动物们 的生命故事、冰川与水源地、野生兰花、雉类等,这些最精彩的细节展示出四川王朗最 典型的自然环境及物种故事、以及这些自然元素对人类生存的意义。
Climbing Mount Qomolangma 《登峰》
Length: 50mins*2
Director: 赵宏林
In 2020, the Chinese Surveying and Mountaineering Team used a variety of surveying and mapping methods such as leveling, gravity surveying, aerial remote sensing surveying, astronomical surveying, GNSS, etc., to measure the most accurate height data of Mount Qomolangma in the world. However, the Goddess of Mount Qomolangma want to test their courage and perseverance. At the last moment when the climbing window is nearly to close, the Chinese Surveying and Mountaineering Team implemented an extraordinary camp-jump climbing plan to head the wind on the perilous northern slope of Mount Qomolangma......
2020年,中国测量登山队动用多种测绘手段以期获取最新的珠峰地理数据。然而,测量 冲顶行动却是接连两次因为大雪而失败。在珠峰登山窗口期即将关闭的最后时刻,中国 测量登山队在凶险的珠峰北坡顶风冒雪负重跋涉了三天,终于站上了世界之巅......
The History of Yiwu 《义乌通史》
Length: 25mins*20
Director: 金城
The film was written by the Institute of Ancient Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and participated by local experts and scholars from Zhejiang and Yiwu. A comprehensive display of Yiwu’s magnificent history from ancient times to the founding of New China, its diverse mountains, rivers and climate environment, and a comprehensive reflection of Yiwu’s economy, society and culture.
该片由中国社科院古代所组织撰稿,联合浙江和义乌当地 专家学者共同参与。全面展示义乌从远古时代至新中国成立以来波澜壮阔的历史,及其 多样的山川水系和气候环境,全面反映义乌一地的经济、社会与文化。
Qinghai - Our National Park 《青海·我们的国家公园》
Length: 50mins*3
Director: 李晓
Introduction: Qinghai - Our National Park is the first eco-culture documentary in China. It is organized, shot by Qinghai Municipal Administration of Radio and Television and is produced under the direction of National Radio and Television Administration. The documentary presents the original ecosystem and complete landscape of Sanjiangyuan National Park and Qili.
《青海·我们的国家公园》是由国家广播电视总局重点指 导,青海广播电视局策划组织拍摄的中国首部生态文化纪 录片,该片以独特视角、优美画面,诗意表达全面展现了三江源国家公园、祁连山国家 公园保持自然生态系统的原真性和完整性的生态风貌,揭示保护生物多样性、维护生态 安全屏障、给子孙后代留下珍贵的自然资产的重大意义,从而唤起人们热爱生态、保护 生态的自觉意识。
Hynobius Amjiensis, A Mysterious Creatures Living in Southern China
Length: 13mins
Director: 王波、陈苍松
The film crews conducted field shooting for two years and created an artificial greenhouse to record the overall survival ecology of the rare and endangered species in the world.
摄制团队进行了两年野外拍摄,并打造保育环境,从而记 录下这一世界珍稀濒危物种的生存生态全貌。
The Mysterious Orchids 《秘境幽兰》
Length: 30mins
Director: 冯翊明
In the long course of evolution, orchids have developed extraordinary skills and wisdoms to survive and thrive in nature. This documentary reveals a new dimension in the lives of orchids in their natural habitat, from the amazing diversity of their botanical characteristics to their various ways of pollination to overcome the challenges of nature.
在漫长岁月的演进中,兰科植物为了生存和繁衍,进化出 令人叹为观止的生存智慧。 本片讲述自然生境中的兰科 植物的故事,通过精彩的画面展现兰科植物的奇异和多彩,以及兰科植物用花样百出的 传粉方式战胜自然界种种挑战的故事。
Blossom Yunnan
Length: 25mins*4
Director: 侯旋、蒋浩、李金徽
The four-episode documentary “ Blossom Yunan” tells a story between flowers and people in Yunnan. Focusing on the ordinary families, the documentary ups and downs tells about differencing flowers in Yunnan.
四集纪录片《花开彩云南》讲述的是云南的花与人的故 事,本片从一户又一户的普通人家切入,跌宕起伏地讲述 一个又一个花的故事。
The Yangtze River 《长江之恋》
Length: 45mins*6
Director: 刘丽婷、董洁心、董玲俐、陈琳、刘玮、 张艳芬、王向韬、史嘉年、陈钊
The Yangtze River is China’s first 4K documentary which is focus on the Yangtze River. It is a national support project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and it is made as a tribute for the 70th anniversary of China. The documentary gives a great account of the social changes and green transformation along the Yangtze River in an international narrative way.
《长江之恋》是国内首部4K拍摄,全景式、浸润式、立体式记录长江的大型纪录片。 是国家广电总局重点扶持项目,献礼新中国70周年。以国际化的叙事方法,讲述长江沿 岸的社会变迁、绿色转型,书写长江儿女心灵的图腾,展现中华民族新时代的生机与活 力,是长江流域人民奋斗的史诗。
Wonderland in Countryside 《宝藏般的乡村》
Length: 50mins*10
Director: 乔振鹏、吕斌、巫安婷、潘景阳、陈嘉豪、 孟炎、申晴、彭婧雯
“Wonderland in Countryside” is Chinese first countryside exploration guide program, in which artists were invited to find the treasure in countryside, enter the revitalized Chinese countryside and take the initiative to explore and discover the new scenery, new customs and new tourism products in different regions, get close to nature, experience the new life of the countryside and boost rural development.
《宝藏般的乡村》是中国首档乡村探索指南节目,艺人将作为被邀请去解密宝藏乡村的 体验者,走进振兴后的中国乡村,探索发现不同地域、鲜为人知的新风景、新风情、新 旅游产品,亲近自然,体验乡村新生活,为乡村发展助力。
The iQIYI Shout out for Love Gala 2021 《2021爱奇艺为爱尖叫晚会》
Length: 330mins
Director: 陈伟
Cast: 华少、马东、蔡徐坤、肖战、黄景瑜、 黄晓明、贾玲、沈腾、THE9、大张伟
The iQIYI Shout out for Love Gala 2021 is the world’s first multi-screen interactive live broadcast super night, breaking the boundaries of time and space, adopting a four-screen viewing method, content is divided into the main stage, waiting area, backstage area, and theater area. Put control in the hands of the user, who decide all shows. Realizing the customized party for themselves!
《2021爱奇艺为爱尖叫晚会》是全球首台多画面互动直播超级晚,打破时空界限,创新 采用一屏四看的观看方式,设置主舞台、等候区、后台区、戏剧区,将主导权则交给用 户,他们决定所有内容,真正实现为自己量身定制晚会!
Theatre For Living 《戏剧新生活》
Length: 150mins*10
Director: 严敏
Cast: 黄磊、赖声川、乔衫、刘晓晔、吴彼、 刘晓邑、赵晓苏、修睿、刘添祺、吴昊宸、 丁一滕
In this show, eight excellent Chinese drama actors came to Wuzhen. They formed a brand new drama troupe and started a drama experiment in 8 weeks. They need to earn money by their own labor to operate the new troupe, create new script , rehearsal and theatrical performances. After 8 weeks, it will be decided based on the performance of the drama actors whether they can get the reward of “Wuzhen Theater Use Right”.
8位中国优秀的戏剧人来到乌镇组成一个全新的剧团,在8周时间里通过自己的劳动赚取 费用经营剧团,安排戏剧创作、演出等。8周后将根据戏剧人们的表现,决定他们是否 能获得“乌镇剧场使用权”的奖励。
Dimension Nova 《跨次元新星》
Length: 70mins*10
Director: 张程鹭、毕震坤、楚安琪
Three big stars are building the most powerful teams respectively under the disguise of virtual idol trainers. In the process, they will lead the bronze contestants to continuously upgrade themselves, conquer more powerful golden ones and challenge the Big Boss. Finally, they’ll help the virtual idol to become a Dimension Nova that can win attention from millions of people.
三位明星化身虚拟偶像训练师组建各自的最强战队 。在 过程中他们将带领青铜选手不断闯关升级,收服更强大的 黄金选手并挑战大 boss ,最后助力虚拟偶像成为万众瞩目的跨次元新星。
The Detectives’ Adventures
Length: 120mins-180mins*14
Director: 吴彤
The first reality show on detective stories adapted from classic IP. Every episode is based on a classic IP drama. MCs are able to adapt and act out the classic stories in the real scenes. The detective group includes seven MCs, who are encouraged to obtain clues from the unreasonable scripts and amusing games. Come and find the truth with joy!
首档IP沉浸式推理真人秀,每期节目根据一部经典IP,进 行实景还原、改编、“穿越”,爆笑演绎原剧片段;七位 嘉宾组成“萌探团”,通过剧情的疑点及高能的游戏,获取线索,反套路推理,欢乐寻 找真相!
CCTV-6电影频道 星岛日报
文旅中国 陆剧吧
Chairman 主席
Co-chairman 共同主席
James Su 苏彦韬 Chairman EDI Media Inc.
Andre Morgan Chairman Ruddy Morgan Organization
Guoqiang Tang 唐国强 Vice Chairman China TV Artists Association
Siu Ming Tsui 徐小明 President HKTVA Producer/Director
Albert S. Ruddy Chairman Ruddy Morgan Organization
Mike Medavoy Chairman/CEO Phoenix Pictures
Ng See Yuen 吴思远 Honorary President Hong Kong Film Directors Guild
Bill Mechanic Producer of Hacksaw Ridge, Chairman and CEO of Pandemonium Films
Christine Hu Antonovich
胡惠玲 Artress
Advisory Board 顾问委员会委员
Qin Yi 秦怡 Famous Performing Artist
Ahleh Chang 归亚蕾 Actress
Huang Huilin 黄会林 Professor, Doctoral Tutor
Sherwood Hu 胡雪桦 Director
Tao Yuling 陶玉玲 Famous Performing Artist
Kong Xiang Dong 孔祥东 Pianist
Liang Boluo 梁波罗 Famous Performing Artist
Mei Mei Ho 何美湄 CAP, CFP
Yin Li 尹力 VP of China Film Association/ Director
Zhu Xi Juan 祝希娟 Actress/ Producer
Gu Guoqing 谷国庆 Head of China Film Promotion International
Paul Ottosson Academy Winner
Richard L. Anderson Academy Winner Writer/ Director/ Sound Designer
Vivian Wu 邬君梅 Actress/Producer/ Academy Member
Rob Minkoff Academy Winner / Director
Xiaolin Liu President Beijing Documentary Development Association
Hagman San Bernardino County Supervisor
Bob Huff The California State Senator
Executive Committee
Zhang Linshu 张林书 President of
Dino Herrmann Composer/ Music Producer
Russell Wong 王盛德 Actor
Flora Cheong 张天爱 Producer/Director/ Choreographer of Techno Artists Production
Ann Lu 吕列 Writer/ Director
Emily Wang 王国兰
Keith Cavele President Canbedone Productions Ltd. Producer/Writer/ Director
Meng Zhen 夢真 Senior Producer
Frank Lin 蓝伯儒 Writer/Director
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Sammi Su
Event Specialist
Shiyue Xu
Tina Cao
Deputy Manager of Sales Department/ Business Reporter EDI Media Inc.
Jason E. Squire USC School of Cinematic Arts/ Editor, The Movie Business Book
George Su 苏隽杰 Composer Music Producer
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Jenny Liang 梁燕珍 Senior VP/ Director of Marketing EDI Media Inc.
Frank Feng
Director of Press EDI Media Inc.
Arthur Sarkissian Producer Richard L. Anderson CAFF Member, Special Achievement Oscar for Sound Effects Editing
Karen Han 韩华奇 Composer Er-Hu Virtuoso Omar Akram Composer
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Peter Rafelson Composer/ Music Producer
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Irene Hsu 徐绫霙 VP/ Marketing Director EDI Media Inc.
Rock Fan
Master Controller EDI Media Inc.
Carol Peng 彭程 Executive Assistant to Chairman CEO/ Director of HR EDI Media Inc.
电影艺术连接东西文化,启发性灵,丰富我们的 人生。感谢中美电影节多年来为中美影业交流做 出重大贡献。恭贺中美电影节圆满成功。
We proudly sponsor the Chinese American Film Festival. Thank you, CAFF, for connecting visionaries with opportunities and for sharing the magic of storytelling across the Pacific.
135 N. Los Robles Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101 USA