NEW MEDIA SPONSORS 新 媒 體 合 作 伙 伴
VENUE SPONSORS 展 映 場 地 贊 助
EDI Media Culture Center Edwards Renaissance Stadium 14 Four Star Theatre Laemmle’s Playhouse 7
University of Southern California California State University, Northridge California State University, Los Angeles California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Pasadena City College East Los Angeles College Los Angeles City College Fullerton College
Walnut Senior Center Baldwin Park Julia McNeill Senior Center Monterey Park Langley Senior Citizen Center Arcadia Public Library
Alhambra Civic Center Library Rosemead Library Temple City Library Rowland Heights Library
Norwood Library San Gabriel Library Cerritos Public Library
Christopher J Dodd
Gang Tong
Chairman of Motion Picture Association of America
Vice Minister of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of China
克 里 斯 多 福.多 德
中國 國家 新聞出版 廣電 總 局副局長
Tiankai Cui
James Su
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States of America
Chairman of the CAFF & President of the EDI Media Inc.
中國 駐 美 國 大使
中美 電 影 節 主 席 暨 鷹 龍 傳 媒 董 事
Sony Pictures
Walt Disney Studios
索 尼 電 影 公司
華 特 迪 士 尼 電 影 公司
Twentieth Century FOX
Warner Bros. Pictures
2 0 世 紀 福 克 斯 電 影 公司
華 納 兄 弟 電 影 公司
Universal Pictures
Paramount Pictures
環 球 電 影 公司
派 拉 蒙 電 影 公司
Dream Works Animations
Village Roadshow Pictures Aisa
夢 工 廠 動 畫 電 影 公司
威 秀 電 影 亞 洲 公司
Jian Liu Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles 中國 駐 美 國 洛杉磯 總 領 館 總 領事
Wenzhong Zhou Secretary-General of Boao Forum for Asia 博鰲亞洲論壇秘書長
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in San Francisco 中國 駐 美 國 舊金 山 總 領 館
Grace F. Napolitano
Judy Chu
Member of the United States Congress
Member of the United States Congress
美 國 聯 邦眾 議員
美 國 聯 邦眾 議員
葛 瑞 絲.納 波 里 塔 諾
Ed Hernandez
Ed Chau
Member of the California State Assembly
Member of the California State Senate 加州參議員
艾 德.赫 南 德 斯
Michael D. Antonovich
Curt Hagman
Supervisor of the Los Angeles County
Supervisor of San Bernardino County
大 洛杉 磯 郡 行 政 長官
聖 伯 納 汀 諾 郡 行 政 長官
麥 克.安 東 諾 維 奇
科 特.海 格 曼
Ruddy Morgan Organization
Phoenix Pictures
鳳 凰 電 影 公司
City of Alhambra
City of San Gabriel
City of Walnut 核桃市政府
City of West Covina 西柯汶納市政府
City of Monterey Park 蒙特利公園市政府
City of San Marino 聖馬利諾市政府
City of Yorba Linda 約巴林達市政府
「繆 斯 時 代 之夜」 2 015中美 電 影 節 歡 迎 晚 宴 Venue: The Commerce – Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Paramount Theatre
地 點:
Opening Remark: James Su, Mao Yu, Michael C. Ellis, Stu Levy, Gu Guoqing
地 點: 康墨爾思——皇冠廣場渡假酒店
Session One Subject: Internet & China Film Innovation Moderator: William Feng Panelists: Yu Dong, Jack Gao, Zhang Min, Stu Levy, J.J Lousberg, Dominic Ng, Michelle Rodriguez, Steve Schklair Session Two Subject: Film Distribution in China and the States Moderator: Gu Guoqing Panelists: Bruno Wu, Zhou Tiedong, Zhang Xun, Anthony Vogels, Ellen Eliasoph, Jason E. Squire Session Three Subject: US–China Film Co-Production Moderator: Andre Morgan Panelists: Jason E. Squire, James Pang, Clifton Ko Chi-sum, Lu Chuan, Mike Gabrawy, Richard L. Anderson, Bill Borden Session Four Subject: The Future of US–China Film Co-Production Moderator: Stu Levy Panelists: Miao Xiaotian
THE 5TH CHINA INTERNATIONAL CO-PRODUCTION FILM SCREENING 第 5屆中 外 合 拍電 影展 映 Venue: Warner Brothers Pictures 地 點: 華納兄弟娛樂公司
CAFF OPENING CEREMONY ﹠ GOLDEN ANGEL AWARDS CEREMONY 中美 電 影 節 開幕 式 暨「金 天 使 獎」頒 獎 典 禮 Venue: The Ricardo Montalban Theatre 地 點: 好萊塢里卡多蒙塔爾班劇院
開場致辭: 蘇彥韜、毛 羽、艾理善、斯圖.李維、谷國慶 第一場 議 題: 談中美電影創新與新媒體、新經濟 主持人: 馮 偉 論壇嘉賓: 于冬、高群耀、張 敏、斯圖.李維、J.J 盧斯博格、吳建民、米歇 爾.羅德裡格茲、史蒂夫.史奎拉 第二場 議 題: 談中美電影國際發行 主持人: 谷國慶 論壇嘉賓: 吳征、周鐵東、張恂、安東尼.沃格斯、艾倫.伊麗亞索夫、傑森.斯 奎爾 第三場 議 題: 談中美電影合拍 主持人: 安德魯.摩根 論壇嘉賓: 傑森.斯奎爾、龐洪、高志森、陸川、邁克.賈布拉維、理查德.安 德森、比爾.伯頓 第四場 議 題: 中美合拍電影的機遇 主持人: 斯圖.李維 論壇嘉賓: 苗曉天
THE 5TH CHINA INTERNATIONAL CO-PRODUCTION FILM SCREENING 第 5屆中 外 合 拍電 影展 映 Venue: AMC Atlantic Times Square Screen 13 地 點:蒙市AMC亞特蘭大時代廣場電影院
MASTERS OF OPENING CEREMONY 開幕式大會主持 George Kee Cheung 張宇基
Emily Wang 王國蘭
Hong Jian Tao 洪劍濤
Liu Jing 劉婧
Peter Rafelson
Omar Akram
奧馬爾.阿克拉姆 美國第一腰鼓隊 Peter Rafelson is a multi-platinum award winning writer/producer and entrepreneur actively working in the media and technology industry. With a strong background in entertainment, he has written & produced over 35 #1 hits for names such as Madonna, Britney Spears, Stevie Wonder and Berlin. Rafelson has numerous film credits as producer, director, actor and composer.
Omar Akram is a Grammy Award Winning recording artist, composer and pianist. He became the first Afghan-American to win a Grammy award for Best New Age album, “Echoes of Love” (2013). Born in New York City, Omar grew up the son of a United Nations diplomat living everywhere from Prague to Havana and his ancestral home of Afghanistan. With esteemed followers like Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho and diehard fans around the world, Omar is more than a world-class musician - he is an internationally recognized cultural figure who has been featured on PBS, BBC, Huffington Post and Los Angeles Magazine.
彼得.拉斐爾森是一位活躍在媒體和技術領 域的白金作曲家、製作人及企業家。他在 娛樂界擁有深厚的背景,曾為瑪丹娜、布蘭 妮、史提夫.汪達、以及柏林樂團等製作逾 35首排行榜冠軍歌曲,也同時擔任過多部 電影作品的制片人、導演、演員和作曲家。
奧馬爾.阿克拉姆是一位獲得過格萊美獎的作曲家和鋼琴家。他的專輯,《愛的 迴聲》(2013),使他成為第一位獲得格萊美新世紀音樂專輯獎的阿富汗裔美籍 音樂家。奧馬爾出生在紐約。他祖籍阿富汗,從小跟隨時任聯合國外交官的父親 時常遷居,從葡萄牙到哈瓦那,到處為家。欣賞奧馬爾音樂的人包括遠負盛名的 作家狄巴克.喬布拉和保羅.科埃略,當然還有無數來自世界各地的忠實樂迷。 奧馬爾曾出現在美國公共新聞網(PBS)和英國廣播公司(BBC)的節目中,以及赫芬 頓郵報(Huffington Post)和洛杉磯雜誌(Los Angeles Magazine)。奧馬爾不僅僅是 一位世界級的音樂家,他更是國際著名的文化傳播者。
Julia Marie 茱莉亞.瑪麗 Julia Marie is a powerful vocalist and multi-instrumentalist based in Los Angeles. She has a soulful style that combines curious lyrics and luscious textures. Her debut album features material produced by Peter Rafelson and is due for release in 2016 on RM Records.” 茱莉亞.瑪麗是一位來自洛杉磯 的實力派歌手,也同時精通多種 樂器。她深情的演出通常結合靈 動的唱詞及渾厚甜美的音質。她 的首張專輯由名製作人彼得.拉 夫森製作,並將在2016年由RM唱 片發行。
Fu Disheng & Ren Jing
Li Qi
11th 2015 Chinese American Film Festival Performing couple Fu Disheng & Ren Jing
Winner of Voice of China Li Qi will perform the theme song during the 11th 2015 Chinese American Film Festival
More than a decade ago, Fu Disheng and his wife Ren Jing’s duet "Intimate lovers" became a popular household name in China. Its beautiful lyrics, melodious tunes have attracted millions of listeners’ hearts. The couple had since taken their singing career to a new height.
2015 11th Annual Chinese American Film Festival will take place in Hollywood, Los Angeles, & San Francisco from November 1 to November 30. Li Qi, the winner of Voice of China, has been invited to perform his self-composed theme song “Grown Like This” during the Opening Ceremony of CAFF.
After the success of “Intimate Lovers”, Fu Disheng and Ren Jing began performing as duet singers, including "You are happy, I am happy," "Llove Like the Taste," "Love in One Hundred Years", songs that symbolize sweet love and perfect marriages.
Li Qi is extremely excited about the performance and said, “It is an honor to have the opportunity presented by CAFF committee this year to be a part of China-US cultural event." He has a special feeling for Los Angeles since his first visit in April this year, as a Judge during the 4th Voice of China – USA Audition. He also performed his hit song at the end of the Audition. It was his oversea trip, Li Qi said with excitement, “All my dreams since I was little have come true, to be a singer, to win Voice of China, to perform on the stage of Spring Festival, to release my first album, to have a concert at an university, to have tour concerts across the country. I’ve also dreamed about traveling the world, and I finally did, and it was Los Angeles.”
Fu Disheng and his wife Ren Jing have been invited by CAFF committee this year. They will perform live at the 11th Annual Chinese American Film Festival Opening Ceremony in Ricardo Montalban Theater. 十多年前,一首《知心愛人》紅遍大江南北,這首歌曲唱出了愛情的濃情蜜意, 優美的歌詞,婉轉的曲調,引起人們廣泛的共鳴,成為街頭巷尾廣為傳唱的歌 曲,並將付笛聲、任靜夫婦二人推上歌唱事業的巔峰。
受到2015年第十一屆中美電影節邀請,「中國好聲音」第二季全國總冠軍李琦將 在中美電影節歡迎晚宴及開幕式上精彩獻唱由他原創的第十一屆中美電影節主題 曲《就這樣長大了》,為活動造勢,也祝福茁壯成長。 此次受邀參加第十一屆中美電影節,李琦滿懷期待:「很榮幸主辦方給了我一個機 會,能夠牽起中美雙方電影藝術文化交流的橋樑。」李琦表示,自己對於洛杉磯有 著特殊的感情。今年四月他來到洛杉磯,擔任第四季中國好聲音美國站招募嘉賓, 作為評委甄選出美國直通第四季好聲音盲選學員,並在巔峰之夜的舞台上為歌迷獻 唱。當時,第一次出國旅行的李琦難掩滿心興奮,「我從小到大的夢想,居然都一一 實現了:站上了好聲音的舞台當了冠軍,還上了春晚;發行了的第一張個人專輯;在學 校開了一場個人演唱會;開辦全國巡演。我還曾想著環遊世界, 出去看看外面的世 界, 現在也邁出了第一步, 洛杉磯就是我世界舞台的第一站。」
在《知心愛人》大獲成功後,付笛聲和任靜從此開始以「夫妻檔」形式活躍在歌 壇。隨後的《你是幸福的,我是快樂的》、《初戀般的味道》、《愛情一百年》 都大受歡迎,他們的歌曲成為詮釋甜蜜愛情和幸福婚姻的佳作。 受第11屆中美電影節組委會邀請,付笛聲、任靜二人將參加11月3日在好萊塢 Ricardo Montalban Theatre 舉辦的中美電影節開幕式暨「金天使獎」頒獎典禮。 作為表演嘉賓,兩人將為現場觀眾演繹耳熟能詳的優美歌曲。
中美 電 影 節 舊 金山分會場 開幕 式 暨《 媽 咪俠 》展 映
鈺 誠 之夜
Marina Theater, San Francisco
地 點: 舊金山馬瑞納戲院
W Hotel
地 點:
W 酒店
11/4-11/30 中美 電 影 節 大 學 之夜
University of Southern California, California State University, Northridge, California State University, Los Angeles, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Pasadena City College, East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, Fullerton College
地 點: 南加州大學、加州州立大學北嶺分校、加州州立大學洛杉磯分 校、波莫納加州理工大學、帕薩迪納城市學院、東洛杉磯學院、 洛杉磯市立學院、富樂頓學院
CAFF CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM 中美 電 影 節 文化 交 流 項 目 Venue: San Gabriel Hilton Hotel 地 點: 聖蓋博希爾頓酒店
OPENING FILM 開 幕 式 電 影 WOLF TOTEM 狼圖騰 地 點:愛德華電影院
Venue: Edwards Renaissance Stadium 14
CLOSING FILM 閉 幕 式 電 影 GO AWAY! MR. TUMOR 滾蛋吧!腫瘤君 地 點:愛德華電影院
Venue: Edwards Renaissance Stadium 14
11/5-11/19 CAFF SCREENING 參 展 電 影 影 展 Venue: Edwards Theatres, Laemmle Theatres,
地 點:愛德華電影院、萊姆利電影院
Venue: Laemmle Theatres Playhouse 7
地 點:帕莎迪納萊姆利電影院
OPENING FILM 開 幕 式 電 影 WOLF TOTEM 狼圖騰 放映地點 Venue: 愛德華電影院 Edwards Renaissance Stadium 14 放映時間 Screening Time: 11/5 (Thu) 12:00PM Length: 121 mins Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud Cast: 馮紹峰、竇驍、昂和妮瑪
In acclaimed director Jean-Jacques Annaud's film adaptation of Jiang Rong's best-selling novel, a young Beijing student is sent to live among the nomadic herdsmen of Inner Mongolia. Caught between the advance of civilization from the south and the nomads’ traditional enemies – the marauding wolves – to the north; humans and animals, residents and invaders alike, struggle to find their true place in the world. 這是一個發生在上世紀六十年代中國內蒙大草原的故事。北京知識青年響應國家號召來到這裡接受勞動鍛 煉。在與草原人和草原狼的接觸過程中,青年人終於領悟到了草原人的狼圖騰精神。
CLOSING FILM 閉 幕 式 電 影 GO AWAY! MR. TUMOR 滾蛋吧!腫瘤君 放映地點 Venue: 愛德華電影院 Edwards Renaissance Stadium 14 放映時間 Screening Time: 11/19 (Thu) 10:55PM Length: 85 mins Director: 韓延 Cast: 白百合、吳彥祖、李媛
Young cartoonist Xiong is having a crisis. First she gets fired, then her boyfriend leaves her, and she even has to spend a night at police station. What’s worse is that she discovers she has a tumor. But she doesn’t give up, and falls in love with her doctor... 即將迎來29歲生日的青年漫畫家熊 頓,却接二連三遭遇了常人難以想像 的打擊。工作被炒,男友跳票,還莫 名其妙到警察局走了一遭。更糟糕的 是,她在聚會上突然暈倒,經檢查後 才發現自己的身體出了問題。一向樂 觀開朗的熊頓並未被病魔嚇到和打 敗,她笑嘻嘻地調侃吐槽週遭的人和 事,一臉花痴地望著英俊帥氣的梁醫 生。最重要的是,身處逆境的她身邊 還有父母以及夏夢等一班好友的鼎力 支持。無論駛向哪裡,熊頓永遠不會 孤獨,不會放棄……
WONDER MAMA 媽咪俠 Venue 放映地點:Marina Theater, San Francisco 舊金山馬瑞納戲院 Screening Time 放映時間:11/4 (Fri) Length: 96 mins Director: 高志森 Cast: 馮寶寶、蔡瀚億、曾江、邵音音
Librarian A-Ai, in her fifties, is considering an early retirement. But her father, in his seventies, suddenly reveals that the young house keeper is having his baby. A-Ai’s mother is raising hell, and A-Ai’s thirty year old son, a worthless homebody, contributes nothing. News about her husband who disappeared ten years ago compounds the problem. Her hopes of a peaceful retirement are in ruins… 圖書管理員阿愛來年五十歲,正想提早退休,七十歲的老父 竟想阿愛「托孤」,說二十幾歲的傭人懷著他的孩子!阿愛 母親鬧得天翻地覆,三十歲的兒子宅在家裡幫不了忙,此時 更傳來失蹤十年的丈夫的消息……只想平靜一生的阿愛,每 天都幾乎心臟病發。
放映地點 Venue: 新統一電影院 Four Star Theatre
Wolf Totem 狼圖騰 Length: Director: Cast:
Lost In Hong Kong 港囧 121mins Jean-Jacques Annaud 馮紹峰、竇驍、昂和妮瑪
Length: Director: Cast:
113mins 徐崢 徐崢、趙薇、包貝爾
In acclaimed director Jean-Jacques Annaud's film adaptation of Jiang Rong's best-selling novel, a young Beijing student is sent to live among the nomadic herdsmen of Inner Mongolia. Caught between the advance of civilization from the south and the nomads’ traditional enemies – the marauding wolves – to the north; humans and animals, residents and invaders alike, struggle to find their true place in the world.
Xu Lai, who once dreamed of becoming a painter, is a middleaged man who has abandoned his dreams. When he goes on a trip to Hong Kong with his wife and her family, he plans to meet up with his college sweetheart. But his brother-in-law, Lala, happens to figure out Xu’s bad intention. The two start a chase-andrun journey in Hong Kong. The quest to go on a date turns into a thrilling adventure fraught with peril.
這是一個發生在上世紀六十年代中國內蒙大草原的故事。北京知識青年響應國家號召來 到這裡接受勞動鍛煉。在與草原人和草原狼的接觸過程中,青年人終於領悟到了草原人 的狼圖騰精神。
徐來,一個曾懷抱畫家夢想,如今卻淪為小商人的中年男,陪伴老婆及家人來到香港旅 遊,真正的目的卻是與成為香港新銳藝術家的大學初戀偷偷會面。計劃當天,徐來卻被 小舅子拉拉給纏住了,拉拉陰魂不散,一路追隨,竟還窺破姐夫的不軌企圖。 兩人你追我趕,風波不斷,美妙的香港之行,變成了一場驚心動魄的歷險與逃亡。
Murmur of the Heart 念念
Design of Death 殺生
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
119mins 張艾嘉 張孝全、梁洛施、柯宇綸
108mins 管虎 黃渤、任達華、余男、蘇有朋
Three young man tell their life stories. One is a tourist guide who struggles to make a living, another is a painter who always comes up short, the last one is boxer who is always just a backup. One day, a magical experience changed their entire life...
Sudden disease spread out in Longevity Town. A doctor sent by local officials went in to investigate the cause. But villagers refused to assist the doctor, which led him to a mountain with secrets.
《念念》是一個講述三個年輕人,三次想不到的奇遇故 事。一個為生活奔波的台東導遊(柯宇綸飾演)、一個總認 為自己不夠好的畫家(梁洛施飾演)、以及一個永遠都是後 備的拳擊手(張孝全飾演),當他們三個人都面對到不同的困惑和瓶頸的時候,一次魔幻般 的經歷,讓他們……長大了。
中國西南有個寨子,人皆長壽,清時皇帝賜名『長壽鎮』 。某日突爆傳染病,地方官派醫生前往診治,他在鎮子外 發現奄奄一息的牛結實。進寨後,往日溫厚的村民一反常 態,不僅對牛結實拒施援手、避若瘟疫,更遷怒於醫生多管閑事,老鎮長親自帶著長壽 鎮醫生和接生婆、油漆匠,老族長等人千萬百計的阻撓醫生對牛結實的救援,牛結實最 終沒能被救活,醫生也找不到此人暴斃的原因。鎮民們對醫生的不歡迎不合作態度,令 醫生很沮喪,正當他準備離開的時候,無意中發現了壹個被全鎮民眾壹起隱藏在山崖上 的一個秘密,帶著重重疑惑醫生決定暗中走訪長壽鎮,直到他偶遇壹個男孩,長壽鎮迷 案的真相才一步步揭開……
The Taking of Tiger Mountain 智取威虎山
Jian Bing Man 煎餅俠
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
141mins 徐克 張涵予、梁家輝、林更新、余男、佟麗婭
113mins 大鵬 大鵬、袁珊珊、柳岩
Web host Da Peng becomes popular after success of his internet show, he also becomes arrogant and impetuous. He makes a bad move by signing a contract that puts in a huge debt. He decides to shoot a film with a-list celebrities but none of them wants to be a part of it. Da Peng groups up a cheap crew to film them secretly, only to be embarrassed time after time. Finally the film is made but it cannot be released without these celebrities’ consent. What will Da Peng do this time?
Adapted from the famous Chinese novel "Tracks in the Snowy Forest" set during the civil war era of 1946, when ruthless bandits occupied Northeastern China and threatened the lives of civilians there. The most powerful bandit of all was Mountain Eagle , with an impenetrable fortress up in Tiger Mountain and armed with strong artillery. Unit 203 of the Liberation Army, led by SHAO, was crossing the Northeastern region when they encountered Eagle's men raiding a village. SHAO decided to stay and fight against Eagle. Headquarters sent a skilled investigator YANG, who infiltrated Eagle's gang as an undercover. The duo was soon engaged in a battle of wits with the cold-blooded Eagle, deep inside the snowy forest.
網絡主持人大鵬因自導自演網劇在網絡爆紅,新書大賣、廣告片約不斷,他也因此開 始變得浮躁、驕縱、虛榮、耍大牌。終於因一次事故,人氣爆棚的演員大鵬跌入人生 谷底,而一部草率簽下的電影契約,讓大鵬背上千萬債款,同時自己受到了生命威脅。 大鵬需拍攝一部全明星陣容的電影保住性命,而明星們的爽約又讓其身陷囹圄。山窮水 盡的他東拼西湊出了一個山寨劇組,開始了對各個大牌明星的偷拍。拍攝中雖然狀況百 出,但機智而又幸運的大鵬總是能夠化險為夷,拍攝出自己想要明星的反應。然後沒 有獲得明星授權,電影根本無法公映。被步步逼入絕境的大鵬將如何化解遇到的困難險 阻?
1947年冬,為了從土匪手中奪取控制東北九嶺上萬先遣軍的分佈圖,東北民主聯軍203 小分隊隊長少劍波委派偵查員楊子榮臥底潛入最大的土匪山頭「威虎山」。楊子榮憑藉 自己的機智應變獲得了匪首座山雕和座下八大金剛的賞識,被封為威虎山「老九」。座 山雕天生多疑,多次派人試探楊子榮,楊子榮一面與土匪多方週旋,一面涉險為山下戰 友傳出情報。一波未平一波又起,被203小分隊生擒的土匪聯絡副官欒平趁亂逃脫,知道 楊子榮臥底詳情的他竟出現在威虎寨中與楊子榮當面對質,楊子榮腹背受敵陷入全面危 機。的失落。
For Love or Money 露水紅顏
SPL 2: A Time for Consequences 殺破狼2
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
98mins 高希希 劉亦菲、鄭智熏、陳沖
Xing Lu is a hopeless romantic type of girl. She meets painter Xu Chengxun at a coffee shop. She thought she could fall in love again, but nothing is as easy as it seems. She soon discovers a shocking secret…
Undercover cop Kit (Wu Jing) becomes a junkie in order to catch Mr Hung (Louis Koo), the mastermind behind a crime syndicate. When the operation goes sour and Kit blows his cover, his supervisor and uncle Wah (Simon Yam) decides to terminate the operation. When Kit disappears without a trace, Wah defies the order from his commanding officer and tracks Kit to a prison in Thailand. Thai Police officer Chai (Tony Jaa) becomes a prison guard in order to raise money for his daughter who has leukemia. Kit turns out to be a suitable bone marrow donor who can save Chai's daughter. While Chai is determined to keep Kit alive, the warden Ko (Zhang Jin) wants him dead to ensure the smooth operation of the prison, which is the front for Mr Hung's organ trafficking business.
漂亮女生邢露,壹個沒落貴族的後代,只能像一個普通女 孩一樣飄泊。情動、邂逅、初戀、失戀,邢露有著任何女 生成長的苦惱、辛酸、快樂與傷感,但在那間溫馨而普通 的咖啡店裡,結識窮困潦倒的年輕畫家徐承勛,改變了她的一切,也讓她生命的激情重 燃熊熊火焰,壹段甜美而浪漫的愛情之旅在腳下徐徐延伸,然而這段如癡如醉的愛情卻 隱藏著驚天的秘密:天才畫家徐承勛究竟來自哪裡?他為何樂觀而執著地擁抱貧窮?邢 露與他的相識究竟,是無意邂逅還是精心安排?他們那刻骨銘心的愛情是否能白頭偕老?
香港臥底探員陳志傑(吳京)不惜變成癮君子,潛伏犯罪集團偵查幕後主腦洪文剛(古 天樂);直屬上司兼叔父陳國華(任達華)決定終止行動,傑卻身份敗露且人間蒸發! 華違抗命令私自搜尋,輾轉得悉傑已被關進泰國某監獄,遂隻身前赴營救。泰國員警阿 猜(TonyJaa)為籌錢醫治患血癌的女兒轉任獄卒,負責看管傑。傑與猜語言不通、身 份對立,卻竟是唯一可拯救猜女兒的骨髓捐贈者,猜必須保住傑的性命;但獄長高晉( 張晉)為確保幕後交易運作暢正常,必須剷除志傑。身體虛弱的洪先生帶同胞弟(恭碩 良)出現,準備進行心臟移植手術自救;原來整個監獄是洪先生操控的活人體器官供應 市場。
Ever Since We Love 萬物生長 Length: Director: Cast:
106mins 李玉 范冰冰、韓庚
Story of a group of students in medical college in the 1990s. Qui Shui enrolls in college having just broken up with his first love, Xiao Man. In his medical class he meets several new friends, including Bai Lu, who becomes his new girlfriend.
One Step Away 觸不可及 Length: Director: Cast:
The narrative unravels as a pensive but humorous story, as Qui Shui and his fellow students negotiate the demands of college and youth. They each experience the collision of dreams and the ache of love and desire as their individual fates unravel in ways unexpected and inconceivable.
100mins 趙寶剛 孫紅雷、桂綸鎂
Hanghai, 1935. Fu Jingnian (Sun Honglei), a double spy with KMT and Communist agent, codename Ice. warns his up line Lin Yueying, codename Shadow (Xu Jinglei), to leave, as the network has been penetrated. When her substitute, codename Echo (Huang Lei), is arrested and threatened with torture by BIS chief Ji Zeng'en (Alex Fong Chung-sun), Echo betrays Yueting...
上世紀90年代末,名為秋水的男孩就讀於醫科大學,與同宿舍的哥們兒厚樸、黃芪、辛 荑是死黨,正值青春期的他們,在旺盛荷爾蒙支配下,不停地尋找着「獵食」對象。 含苞待放的小滿,是秋水唸唸不忘的初戀;大腿緊實的白露,是與秋水互相奉獻童貞的 現任;熟透了的柳青,是秋水眼中千嬌百媚的女神;胸大無腦的娟兒,是黃芪心中的寶 貝;特異獨行的魏妍則是厚樸求之不得的真愛;唯獨辛荑整個大學都「守身如玉」……
抗日戰爭時期,地下工作者傅經年(孫紅雷飾)有着雙 重特工的身份,他和拍檔「影子」(徐靜蕾飾)原本要進行最後一次合作,可隨着接頭 人「回聲」(黃磊飾)被傅經年上司——中統特務頭子紀曾恩(方中信飾)捕獲,兩人 均面臨重大威脅。危急關頭影子犧牲了自己解救了傅經年,真相被影子收養的義妹寧待 (桂綸鎂飾)看在眼裡,隨着深入接觸和一系列事件糾葛,寧待與傅經年宿命般地相愛 了,可是好景不長,國仇家恨又使兩人分離。抗戰結束後,紀夫人(蔡少芬飾)給傅經 年介紹了好姐妹盧秋漪(蔣勤勤飾),此時此刻寧待又出現了,雙重身份、國共兩黨的 糾葛使得傅經年面對近在咫尺的愛情卻無法觸及,組織上的任務讓他面臨人生中最艱難 的抉擇,隨着內戰的白熱化,他該何去何從?
畢業多年後,因為宿舍管理員胡大爺的病逝,秋水和老同學們在葬禮上相聚,彼此經歷 的迥異的命運。秋水放棄成為醫生,而是將大學時寫武俠小說的興趣發展為了職業,當 他依然沒有放棄尋找柳青……
The Chef, the Actor, the Scoundrel 廚子戲子痞子 Length: Director: Cast:
120mins 鄭保瑞 吳京、任達華、張晉
109mins 管虎 張涵予、劉燁、黃渤
Wonder Mama 媽咪俠
During Second Sino-Japanese War, China suffered from cholera outbreak because Japanese used it as a biological weapon. Four Chinese agents captured a Japanese scientist and his bodyguard and interrogated them by Chinese opera in order to get the vaccine formula.
Length: Director: Cast:
96mins 高志森 馮寶寶、蔡瀚億、曾江、邵音音
Librarian A-Ai, in her fifties, is considering an early retirement. But her father, in his seventies, suddenly reveals that the young house keeper is having his baby. A-Ai’s mother is raising hell, and A-Ai’s thirty year old son, a worthless homebody, contributes nothing. News about her husband who disappeared ten years ago compounds the problem. Her hopes of a peaceful retirement are in ruins…
民國三十一年,北平城被日軍封城。城外鬧瘟疫,城裡鬧 饑荒。壹個痞子蹲在胡同裏劫大戶,沒想到卻把兩個日本 人劫到了壹家日本料理店裡。料理店裏只有廚子夫婦和壹個駐店唱戲的戲子。怎魔處理 這倆日本人成了難題。廚子怕得要死,要立刻放人。 戲子則要把日本人和痞子都殺了。 痞子掏出槍,廚子舉起刀,戲子干脆摸出來壹根手榴彈。三個人陷入僵局。翻日本人行 李的時候,他們驚訝地發現兩個日本人的真實身份是731部隊的生化專家……
圖書管理員阿愛來年五十歲,正想提早退休,七十歲的老父竟想阿愛「托孤」,說二十 幾歲的傭人懷著他的孩子!阿愛母親鬧得天翻地覆,三十歲的兒子宅在家裡幫不了忙, 此時更傳來失蹤十年的丈夫的消息……只想平靜一生的阿愛,每天都幾乎心臟病發。
The Man From Macao II 澳門風雲2
Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal 鍾馗伏魔:雪妖魔靈
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
110mins 王晶 周潤發、張家輝、劉嘉玲
Ken (Chow), cardsharp extraordinaire, is drawn into a mahjong game, where he barely has a chance to show off his skills. Ken falls out with his godson Vincent (Shawn Yue), who’s let him down by becoming a cop rather than a criminal. Now a more ruthless lady boss, Aoi (Jin Qiaoqiao), has taken over, running illegal casinos on private jets. Vincent and his squad try to apprehend D.O.A.’s senior accountant, Mark (Cheung), who’s hiding
118mins 鮑德熹、趙天宇 陳坤、李冰冰、趙文瑄、楊子珊、 包貝爾、吉克雋逸
In order to protect people from demon’s attacks, Zhong Kui becomes a Demon Killer under the lead of the god and sneaks into the hell to steal a box containing all demons’ energy. Meanwhile, the demons are coming after him to chase the box in attempt to preserve their power. Zhong Kui leads an army to fight against demons, however he realizes the Hell and Earth, which he used to believe are clearly distinguished, are actually more complicated. A love story that is not supposed to happen on him makes him doubt his existence. After several confrontations with demons, Zhong Kui finally learns that he is entangled in a huge conspiracy...
out in Bangkok. 聞名賭壇的「魔術手」石一堅(周潤發飾)在參加好友龍叔(姜大衛飾)的海上生日派 對時,突遭來路不明的女殺手伏擊,後得知她們受舊敵D.O.A組織派來滅口,而她們的 目標不僅是殺死石一堅,更要捉拿携組織一百五十億美元資金潜逃的會計小馬(張家輝 飾)。為保護小馬及粉碎D.O.A的陰謀,石一堅與徒弟Vincent(余文樂飾)前往泰國,結 果與小馬及其女兒初一(王詩齡飾)結成患難拍檔,並經歷一連串奇遇;期間,石一堅 還與舊情人莫愁(劉嘉玲飾)重逢,兩人再續前緣。但讓眾人始料未及的是,這時D.O.A 已佈下了一個更大的圈套。
魔在魔界,神在天庭,人在人間。本是神鬼殊途,卻為了那一線覬覦模糊三界的界限, 引發連綿跌宕的搏殺。盛唐時節,某年的七月十五,恰逢千年不遇的升仙良日,西域鎮 扈都之內鬼影幢幢,陰森可怖。當年的落拓書生鍾馗(陳坤飾)得到張道仙(趙文瑄 飾)的救助,從而成為扈都的守護者。他斬妖除魔,深入魔界獲得魔靈,從而拉開了與 魔界弘大的戰爭。在此過程中,鍾馗意外重逢曾經令他魂牽夢繞的女孩——雪妖(李冰 冰飾)。身份截然對立的二人,卻無法阻止愛意的滋生。神魔之戰逐漸白熱化,身陷亂 局中央並以捍衛人間為己任的鍾馗,最終發現了令他難以置信的陰謀……
The Dead End 烈日灼心
Overheard 3 竊聽風雲3
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
139mins 曹寶平 鄧超、段奕宏、郭濤、王珞丹
Five Years ago, LAW (Louis KOO) was jailed for killing a major land owner in a car accident. At that time LAW worked as a chauffeur for the rural tycoon LUK (Kenneth TSANG). When LAW gets out of prison five years later, LUK’s corporation has grown more powerful, while LUK’s right-hand man Keung (LAU Ching Wan), sworn brother of LAW, has his own agenda to pursue. With the help of LAW’s prison mate and computer whiz Joe (Daniel WU), LAW drugs Keung and his brothers in the drinks, then modify their mobile phones for wiretapping. Joe gets acquainted with the materialistic single mom Eva (ZHOU Xun), who turns out to have a dark history with both LAW and KEUNG. Through eavesdropping, LAW realizes Keung’s ultimate plan.
Three brothers help raise one foster child, they all seem to have a regular job, but do they? Seven years after the events of the Water Chamber Murders, newly transferred officer Yi Guchun began to suspect that his assistant police, Xin Xiaofeng, is deeply-tied with the murders. 三個結拜兄弟共同撫養著一個孤女,多年來一直潛藏在城 市的角落。一名計程車司機,幫助無數人卻從來不接受記 者採訪;一名協警,除暴安良,却從沒想過升遷入職;一名漁夫,每天照料著孤兒的生 活……看似風平浪靜,實則內心暗涌,直到種種巧合之下,員警伊穀春以及他的妹妹伊 谷夏與他們的生活發生了神秘交織。他們的命運就此改變,曾轟動一時的驚天大案浮出 水面,法網和人情究竟誰更無情?
故事開始於村民羅永就醉酒撞死了異姓兄弟陸永遠,陸永遠之妻月華從此與他勢不兩 立。羅永就5年後出獄,發現陸氏家族大家長陸瀚濤和其女陸永瑜,以及女婿已經坐擁 新界最大房產公司,而陸家兄弟陸金強、陸永富等人則瘋狂擴張勢力。不久香港房產巨 鰐邀請羅永就「共商大事」。同時,神秘人阿祖透露給月華一個通過竊聽得到的秘密消 息,他告訴月華要想在這場欺天陰謀中復仇,就必須按照他的指示去做……於是幾方勢 力都開始暗自行動。
You Are My Sunshine 何以笙簫默 Length: Director: Cast:
131mins 麥兆輝 古天樂、劉青雲、吳彥祖、周迅、葉璇
107mins 楊文軍 黃曉明、楊冪、佟大為
Go Away Mr. Tumor 滾蛋吧!腫瘤君
He Yishen rejects many girls to be with his lover Zhao Muoshen. However, Zhao’s complicated family background makes them go separate ways. Seven years after separation, Zhao returns to her hometown, only to find He waiting for her. He always kept his love for Zhao, thinking she would do the same. However, Zhao is now a divorced woman with a different mindset. Can they still be together?
Length: Director: Cast:
85mins 韓延 白百合、吳彥祖、李媛
Young cartoonist Xiong is having a crisis. First she gets fired, then her boyfriend leaves her, and she even has to spend a night at police station. What’s worse is that she discovers she has a tumor. But she doesn’t give up, and falls in love with her doctor...
大學時代,何以琛(黃曉明飾)拒絕了身邊絡繹不絕的追求者們,偏偏選擇了單純而又 天真的趙默笙(楊冪飾),然而,趙默笙特殊的家庭背景却讓這一對戀人最終走上了陌 路。一眨眼七年過去,趙默笙帶著一個秘密回到了故地,讓她沒有想到的是,在那裡等 待著她的,竟然正是分手後再無聯繫的何以琛。
即將迎來29歲生日的青年漫畫家熊頓,却接二連三遭遇了 常人難以想像的打擊。工作被炒,男友跳票,還莫名其妙 到警察局走了一遭。更糟糕的是,她在聚會上突然暈倒, 經檢查後才發現自己的身體出了問題。一向樂觀開朗的熊頓並未被病魔嚇到和打敗,她 笑嘻嘻地調侃吐槽週遭的人和事,一臉花痴地望著英俊帥氣的梁醫生。最重要的是,身 處逆境的她身邊還有父母以及夏夢等一班好友的鼎力支持。無論駛向哪裡,熊頓永遠不 會孤獨,不會放棄……
在何以琛的內心裡,一直保留著對趙默笙的感情,可是,此時的趙默笙早已經不是當初 的爛漫少女,而是一個離過婚的女人。與此同時,何以琛的父親和趙默笙的父親之間有 著不可告人的過去和無法調和的矛盾,失去了家人的祝福和支持,這對飽經風霜的戀人 在兩人的戀愛之路上歷經波折重重,最終重新走到一起完成一段7年感情空白的愛情故事 後續。
The Primary Target 一號目標
Goddesses in the flames of war 那些女人
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
108mins 翟俊傑 孫維民、蔣勤勤、劉小峰
A lost notebook alerted US five-star General Marshall and trapped top agent Xiong Xianghui in incredible danger. A battle of words was sparked on the negotiating table. The air of tension haunted every corner of the town. All the heavy weights convene with murderous schemes. Zhou Enlai set up a trap in the theatre, but the show “Jiang Gan Steals a Letter” raised General Marshall’s suspicion…
江平 秦怡、何賽飛、佟瑞欣、胡可、白冰、 殷桃、馬伊璃、姚晨、周冬雨、佟大為
Jianghai Plain was taken over by Japanese invaders, Haohe Village was the target for looting. Villagers lived in fear, especially for the women. A group of brave women teamed up to fight against the invaders with their wits and power. 江海平原淪陷時期。濠河兩岸商賈雲集,是日本人掠奪的 重鎮。人們戰戰兢兢地過著日子,女人們就更苦不堪言。 鬼子展開大規模清鄉,四鄉人民奮起反抗,一夜間火燒竹籬笆。那些女人在烈火中留下 了自己的故事。
一個無意間遺失的筆記本,驚動了美國五星上將馬歇爾,讓王牌特工熊向暉身陷不測之 地。談判桌上,唇槍舌劍;街邊巷尾,暗影重重。衆多大人物粉墨登場,觥籌交錯中暗 藏殺機。周恩來戲院設局,一折《蔣幹盜書》令馬歇爾心生疑竇……
Target 狙擊時刻 Length: Director: Cast:
Ever Lasting Broadcasting 永不消失的廣播 Length: Director: Cast:
86mins 楊江 宋陽、 楊鈞丞、王仲欣
During a mission, sniper Ye Lei was wounded from saving his best friend and partner Ye Feng and forced to retire from the army. While Feng was on a mission to kill Ping Ba, a gangster under the drug lord Mu Jin, Feng was crushed to find Lei amongst the gang. It turns out that Lei was undercover as a drug dealer and had found out that Mu Jin was planning for a terrorist attack...
90mins 扈耀之 王勁松、張齡心、李昊臻、齊士龍
During WWII, Japanese invaders massacred millions of Chinese people and committed horrendous war crimes in China. The Anti-Japanese War cultivated many teen heroes who joined the resistance and bravely fought alongside their fathers against the invaders.
葉風和葉雷是最好的朋友,葉雷是藍狐突擊隊的狙擊手,葉風是葉雷的副射手。在一次 任務中,葉雷為掩護葉風受傷退役,從此杳無音訊……葉風在狙殺木槿手下平巴的行動 中,意外發現了出現在現場的葉雷,葉風深受打擊。其實葉雷是臥底替邊境大毒梟瓦朗 販毒。葉雷跟隨瓦朗發現,木槿準備製造恐怖襲擊……
二戰時,日軍侵華殺我同胞奪我國土,在中國的土地上橫 行霸道為所欲為。自古英雄出少年,抗日戰爭時期,中華 民族湧現出了一批少年英雄。在民族危亡的時刻,他們跟父輩一起,用自己稚嫩的肩膀 擔起了沈重的抗爭。
Number Seven 小七 Length: Director: Cast:
The Queens 我是女王 Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 李斌 娜仁花、何澤菡、閆妮
From a routine check-up, Chen Xiuzhen, a retired university professor, was mistakenly led to believe she had leukemia. Just as she thought life was meaningless, she met another cancer patient in the same ward, Little Seven. In their fight for life, Little Seven and Chen gave each other hope and inspiration.
106mins 伊能靜 宋慧喬、竇驍、鄔君梅、姜武、陳喬恩、 楊佑寧、鄭元暢、伊能靜、秦昊、吉克雋逸
Actress Annie finds her relationship with her long-time boyfriend coming to an end. Fortunately, her best friends Candy and Tina are always there to support her. Melissa, a well-known actress and Annie’s rival in love, not only steals Annie’s boyfriend, but also sets her up and humiliates her in public. In the meanwhile, Candy and Tina also go through their own relationship crisis. At this time, Annie meets a kind soul Mark and a handsome heir Wang Ziyu. She faces a tough decision and a painful realization…
退休大學教授陳秀珍因身體不適入院檢查,誤以為自己患 上了白血病,就在她認為生活失去意義的時候,遇見了同 病房七床的室友,小七。這個孩子帶給了她新的希望與感動。兩人共同度過了幾天的時 光,陳秀珍給小七上課,看著她對抗病魔。她在小七身上學到了很多,一老一小發展出 了超出親人的感情。
The Promised Land 回到被愛的每一天
安妮、凱蒂和緹娜是結識多年的好姐妹。安妮和張毅交往多年,然而,馬璃莎的出現卻 讓兩人的愛情產生了裂痕,最終,張毅拋棄了安妮。馬璃莎不僅搶走了安妮的戀人,更 是在工作中對安妮處處使絆,導致安妮的事業落入了低谷,與此同時,凱蒂同男友托 尼、緹娜同男友家偉這兩對戀人的感情亦走入了瓶頸。之後,安妮遇見了善良單純的馬 克和充滿了貴族氣質的富二代王子煜,在感情中兜兜轉轉找不到方向的安妮最終明白, 這個世界上能夠依靠的,只有自自己……
Length: Director: Cast:
102mins 何平 王佳佳、張譯、王志文
Ai Ling, growing up in a small town, loses her fiance Jiang He in Beijing. After returning to her hometown with a broken heart, she has to face a lot of challenges about life and love. 小城市長大的艾伶在北京失去了未婚夫姜和。失落的她回 到家鄉却依然要面對生活和感情的挑戰……
Deng's Climb 鄧小平登黃山
One Day 有一天
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
95mins 陳國星 盧奇、魏積安、奚美娟
In July of 1975, 75-year-old Deng Xiaoping visited Mount Huangshan. During the 5-day hike, Deng Xiaoping talked with Huangshan farmer Grandma Yan about the rural household system, discussed the challenges of college entrance exams with student visitors from Fudan University, and talked with HK film crew members about the return of Hong Kong...
90mins 杜波、楊智麟、易小星、劉永宏、田原、 劉帥、佟志堅、姜穎、李睿珺、王大慶 馮嘉怡、張涵予、王千源、袁珊珊、徐帆、 韓庚、熊乃瑾、詠梅、周迅、斯琴高娃
‘One Day’ is made up of nine inspirational stories about specialneed and underprivileged children in pursuit of their dreams. These stories ranged from poor, abducted, deaf and mute, blind children, to those struggling with mental disabilities, Dyslexia, and obesity. They also shed light on minority children whose parents live far away from home in order to find work, and children whose parents are in prison. They all believe that “one day” things will change. This film aims to change the stereotypes that these special groups of children live with.
1979年7月,75歲高齡的鄧小平,應邀出訪黃山。 5天時間裡,小平不僅自行徒步登山,並在黃山鰲魚峰遇到黃山農民嚴阿婆,談農村包幹 到戶,在百步雲梯遇到前來遊玩的復旦大學生,談恢復高考談教育,在始信峰遇到正在 黃山拍攝電影《白髮魔女》外景的香港長城電影公司外景隊演職人員,談香港回歸……
電影由9個溫暖勵志的小故事組成,講述9個特殊兒童群體追夢的故事。9個故事分別關 注的是:貧困兒童、被拐賣兒童、聾啞兒童、智障兒童、盲童、讀寫困難兒童、肥胖兒 童、少數民族留守兒童、服刑人員子女。電影《有一天》相信,改變從一天開始,通過 電影的方式來改變公衆對特殊兒童群體的觀念,他們不是什麼都做不了,也不是沒有希 望和追逐夢想的權利。小舅子拉拉給纏住了,拉拉陰魂不散,一路追隨,竟還窺破姐夫 的不軌企圖。 兩人你追我趕,風波不斷,美妙的香港之行,變成了一場驚心動魄的歷險與逃亡。
Furious 7 玩命關頭 7
Avengers: Age of Ultron 復仇者聯盟 2
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
137mins James Wan
141mins Joss Whedon
Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.
When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it's up to Earth's Mightiest Heroes to stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his terrible plans.
Jurassic World 侏儸紀世界
San Andreas 末日崩塌
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
124mins Colin Trevorrow
A new theme park is built on the original site of Jurassic Park. Everything is going well until the park's newest attraction--a genetically modified giant stealth killing machine--escapes containment and goes on a killing spree.
114mins Brad Peyton
In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescuechopper pilot makes a dangerous journey with his ex-wife across the state in order to rescue his daughter.
Feeling the Love Flute 情笛之愛
Crystal Girl 水晶女孩
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 鄧迎海 林浩、牛犇、林威
Eight years ago, Ma Jun, a newly married crystal engraver, found an abandoned baby and brought her home. He named the girl GuoGuo and treated her as his own. But his wife Luo Li did not share the same love for the little girl. After three miscarriages, Luo became deeply depressed, believing that her suffering was caused by GuoGuo. One day, GuoGuo learned that she was adopted. The fact saddened her but did not change her love for her foster parents. At this time, Luo Li was diagnosed with leukemia...
A kind old artist adopted a young boy Tian Le as his grandson. The fact that Tian has AIDS was a secret that Grandpa kept from him. When Tian started going to school, difficulties began to mount as reality sets in. At the most critical moment, the school, the community and people around them joined in support to help the teenager through his fight. 棄嬰天樂被善良的老藝人收養,在知道天樂身患愛滋病的 時候,老人選擇了為孩子保守秘密,但在天樂求學之路,又遇到了重重困難,祖孫無耐 面對現實,就在這時學校、社會,週圍的人們向他們伸出關愛之手,一場救助愛滋病少 年,關注愛滋病少年的帷幕拉開。
8年前,新婚不久的水晶雕刻師馬駿將一個襁褓中的女嬰撿回家中,起名果果,視作掌上 明珠百般疼愛。妻子羅麗很不滿。羅麗婚後3次流產,這讓她很痛苦,她聽信算命先生的 話,認為自己的不幸是果果所致。果果從爸媽的爭吵中得知自己是撿來的的孩子,雖然 很傷心,但她對父母的愛絲毫不減。這時候羅麗得知自己患了白血病……
Pan's Choice 美麗笨女人
Bu Jilan 布基蘭
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 潘婕 潘婕、張哲人、劉冉冉
From a chance encounter, artist Zhou Rong saved Liu Pan, who fell down on the road. Slowly, Zhou learned of Liu’s miserable situation which sparked heart-felt sympathy from Zhou due to her own misfortunes. The two women shared the same values, but those values were challenged when a third woman came into the mix…
90mins 安興偉 王宇、劉興盛、娜吉.素
Liu Zhi, a man who was extremely impoverished, stole flour and meat from a town folk just to make dumplings for his son to celebrate the Spring Festival. Policeman Lao Liu was set out to arrest Liu but showed sympathy by sending him rice, flour and oil. Liu felt guilty by cutting three of his fingers off and had to be rushed to the hospital by train signal operator Qi...
畫家周蓉在馬路上不顧怕被誤解,救了自己摔倒在路邊 的劉盼。這樣原本沒有交集的兩個平行線交織在了一起,慢慢周蓉知道了劉盼不幸的處 境,周蓉由於自己母親死於乳腺癌,而和丈夫分道揚鑣也讓她的人生充滿了孤單。劉盼 的同鄉小姐妹的選擇的卻是大多數人不會接受的。不同的人生有著不同的狀況。三個女 人面對自己的人生作出了怎樣的選擇……
一個名叫「布基蘭」的小鎮。一群質樸的老百姓。 家庭窮困潦倒的劉誌為了給兒子包頓餃子吃,在鎮中富戶家偷取米面。 被警察老劉循跡追鋪,了解到劉誌家的困難後,為了幫助劉誌改過自新,不但沒有抓捕 劉誌,還送米面油去家裡慰問,劉誌感動之餘,心生愧疚的他剁下了自己的三根手指 頭,以示決心改過報答恩人老劉。
Dive Olly dive and the Pirate Treasure 潛艇總動員3-彩虹寶藏
The Bodyguard 超級保鏢 Length: Director: Cast:
101mins 李萍萍 張火火、肖軼、謝冰
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 岳松 岳松、釋彥能、李宇妃
80mins 何子力 范楚絨、洪海天、謝元真
This is a story of the little scientific research submarine that started out on a happy adventure to find the legendary rainbow treasure with his friends in the magical sea world. Through the adventures, they discover something even more valuable than treasure, namely friendship, trust, and love.
The Bodyguard is the story of the man who choses the dark path of revenge… Wu, successor of the ancient clan of the Iron Kick comes to a city notorious for its crime, looking for his fellow apprentice Jiang. Before he finds Jiang, he takes a job as a bodyguard of Faye, the daughter of the wealthiest man in the city. When reunited with Jiang, he realizes that Jiang is leading a gang, ready to kidnap Faye, and Wu is torn between his duty to
《潛艇總動員3-彩虹寶藏》的故事講述的是,科研潛艇 阿力,為尋找傳說中的彩虹寶藏,和他的夥伴們一起快 樂出發,在神奇快樂的海底世界尋寶。尋寶過程中,他們收獲了比寶藏更有價值的東 西——朋友之間的友誼和旅途中成長的快樂。
protect and his loyalty to his clan. 影片講述了壹個暗黑到極致的復仇故事,鐵腿門傳人「武林」來到有著「犯罪之城」之 稱冷城投奔自己的師兄「李江」,卻意外成為了冷城首富之女李菲菲的貼身保鏢,在保 護的過程中武林發現要綁架李菲菲的正是自己的師兄李江,壹場兄弟反目殘暴對戰慘烈 上演,然而這壹切的背後似乎都被壹股強大的力量操控著⋯⋯
Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe 九層妖塔
Toughly,Greatly 葉妲
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
115mins 陸川 趙又廷、姚晨、唐嫣、李晨、鳳小岳
93mins 王晨 武文佳、褚豐銘、王思懿
In order to protect people from demon’s attacks, Zhong Kui becomes a Demon Killer and sneaks into hell to steal a box containing demons’ soul. A war between demons and mankind began. Meanwhile, he sees the girl of his dreams from the past, who now belongs to the demon world. The demon war reaches unprecedented scale as Zhong’s forbidden love grows. Finally, Zhong Kui realizes that he is entangled in a huge conspiracy...
In the western part of Yunnan Province, there is a handicapped lady named Ye Da of the Dai minority group. With an unwavering determination, she overcame immense difficulties to learn and master the ancient Dai writing. She helped to preserve many valuable cultural relics which were produced during the Ming and Qing dynasties including a large volume of the ancient Dai sutra and hundreds of thousands of scripture tales.
魔在魔界,神在天庭,人在人間。本是神鬼殊途,卻為了那一線覬覦模糊三界的界限, 引發連綿跌宕的搏殺。盛唐時節,某年的七月十五,恰逢千年不遇的升仙良日,西域鎮 扈都之內鬼影幢幢,陰森可怖。當年的落拓書生鍾馗(陳坤 飾)得到張道仙(趙文瑄 飾)的救助,從而成為扈都的守護者。他斬妖除魔,深入魔界獲得魔靈,從而拉開了與 魔界弘大的戰爭。在此過程中,鍾馗意外重逢曾經令他魂牽夢繞的女孩——雪妖(李冰 冰 飾)。身份截然對立的二人,卻無法阻止愛意的滋生。神魔之戰逐漸白熱化,身陷亂 局中央並以捍衛人間為己任的鍾馗,最終發現了令他難以置信的陰謀......
雲南滇西傣族殘疾婦女葉妲,幼年小兒麻痹致殘,為了謀生,她克服困難,堅持不懈學 習掌握古傣文,終成為大山裡民間古傣文翻譯家。葉妲的成長過程深受傣族傳統文化教 誨,繼承祖訓,保護了明清時期的珍貴文物——傣族古文經卷數十卷,翻譯了數十萬字 的經文傳說,為傳承民間傳統文化做出了不朽的貢獻,受到了社會和政府的高度重視與 褒獎。
MARTIAL MANIA 武癡 Length: Director: Cast:
The Grass in Wind 將離草 Length: Director: Cast:
Dapang Guo, a fisherman in Baiyangdian, is known as the Martial Mania. He began his journey to help other people after seeking advice from an old local kungfu master. He was caught up a murder and became the suspect. Eventually, the real killer was caught. Guo now understands that he never goes beyond the bounds of the law, even though he has powerful kungfu skills.
Qiu Ye, young widow of Da Shan, was pretty and was dream lover of local people. Qiu Ye was stuck between two wonderful men, one is the “Drummer” A-Long, energic and charming; The other is Tu Sheng, a mute who had been supporting her and her family. At the same time, Da Shan’s sister, also fell in A-Long, how would Qiu Ye make her choice?
漁民郭大鵬自幼練習傳統武術。他用自己發明的練功器械 在小院子裡閉門研習武功,被當地人稱為武癡。在當地一個老拳師的指點下,他開始了 路見不平拔刀相助的俠客之旅,正當他沈浸在成就感中時,突然驚訝地發現自己捲入一 起凶殺案!家人和朋友都因此很痛苦!陷入困惑之中,頓感處境十分的危險。就在這時 真正的殺人凶手抓到了,郭大鵬如釋重負的解脫出來。他依然熱愛著武術但他明白了武 功再高也不能逾越法律的界限。
大山的年輕妻子秋葉成了寡婦,她貌美如花,當地人把 她比作中國四大美女中的「西施」,引來垂涎無數。待嫁的秋葉在兩個優秀的男人之間 不知如何選擇,一個是「鼓手」阿龍,陽剛之氣蓬勃,有著無限的誘惑;一個是經年默 默幫助她支撑家庭的啞巴土生。還有更令她不知所措的是大山的妹妹小花,也愛上了阿 龍。靈魂與肉體備受煎熬的秋葉,最終作出了非同尋常的選擇。
Young Love Lost 少年巴比倫
Roco Kingdom 4:Go! Giant Valley 洛克王國4:出發!巨人谷 Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 謝雙九 郭躍進、劉樂民、潘向陽
Length: Director: Cast:
86mins Martel Hugues 胡夏、 林穎、關曉彤
100mins 相國強 董子健、李夢、尚鐵龍
In the 1990s, Lu Xiaolu, a new technical school graduate, was working in a chemical plant. Lu was a hotheaded young man with no direction in life. He followed a seasoned technician but didn’t learn anything. He was only good at playing video games, picking fights, and breaking company rules. However Lu fell in love with a beautiful girl Bai Lan. But Bai soon moved to Shanghai for graduate school...
Far far away from the Roco Kingdom, there is a mystic land with no records in Roco Library. It is called Giant Valley. Legend has it, a powerful guardian elf sleeps on top of a white tree protecting the Giant Valley. One day, the elf was taken away by Balon, and suddenly, the giants are awakened... 在洛克王國遙遠的邊陲,有這樣一個地方,它宛如仙境, 却又神秘異常,就連洛克王國最大的圖書館裏也沒有一 條關於它的紀錄,那就是——巨人谷。傳說巨人谷中生活著一個擁有强大永生能量的守 護者,那是一個被人們稱為「麻球」的强大精靈,此時它就沉睡在巨人谷遮天蔽日的的 密林深處的一株參天的白樹之上,安靜生長。在一個月黑風高的夜晚,恩佐派來的雞牛 部隊帶著可怕的寵物巴德,突襲了巨人谷,從白樹之中劫走了熟睡的麻球。守護者被帶 離,巨人谷的植物瞬間失去了往日的生機,而與此同時那些原本安靜沉睡的樹巨人也甦 醒過來……
上個世紀90年代的戴城,技校剛畢業的路小路在化工廠上班,他是個愣頭青,不知道未 來和生活目標在哪裡。路小路在化工廠跟著一個叫「牛魔王」的師傅混,沒學會半點技 術,在鉗工班,除了擰螺絲之外什麽都不會,在電工班,也只會換燈泡。除此之外,他 還喜歡打遊戲、打架、翻工廠的院牆,當然還有追女人,他與一個叫白藍的廠醫產生了 愛情,但最終白藍考上研究生去了上海……
Highway of Love 公路美人
Daokou Style Chicken 道口燒雞鋪
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
105mins 非可 齊溪、張念驊
To make a media buzz on her new book, a beautiful writer An Dongni joins a popular dating show “Fall in Love with You”. Despite having a 3-year relationship, An Dongni meets Tibetan photographer Xiu Ba on the show and leaves with him to the Meri Snow Moutain. An's boyfriend Zeng Hao, CEO of a lingerie firm, chases after his girl to Shangri-la, and unexpectedly meets a beautiful Tibetan female driver, Min Qiong. The two set out on the road to find An and something happens between them...
93mins 李豔秋 李萬年、宋禹、姚文婷、吳衛東、劉小寶、 李君峰、苗皓鈞、何雲偉
In 1944, Daokou Town, chicken shop owner’s son Zhang Qianxing inadvertently joins the Eighth Route Army a secret mission. Zhang used chicken as cover and fights with Japanese with wits and strategies. In addition, his fiance Xiang Yuan and several neighbors who can’t bear humiliation are willing to risk their lives to participate in the task... 1944年,道口鎮老字號燒雞鋪張掌櫃的獨子張乾興無意之中參與到八路軍遊擊隊的一個 秘密任務中。張乾興以燒雞做掩護,與日軍鬥智鬥勇,他的未婚妻元香和幾位不堪忍受 屈辱的街坊,也不惜犧牲生命參與到任務中……
美女作家安東妮為推廣新書而參加了衛視當紅婚戀節目《愛上你》,並意外牽手漢人藏 迷攝影家秀巴,隨他前往梅裡雪山。與安東妮相戀三年的男友,某內衣公司CEO曾浩為此 千里迢迢追女友至香格里拉,從而認識了藏人美女司機敏瓊。在追尋安東妮的路上發生 了一系列使得曾、敏感情得以升華的事情……
Songs From Battlefields 穿越硝煙的歌聲
Wang Mao 我不是王毛
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
95mins 高峰 呂韋來、許薇、牛犇
After the "August 13th" incident, He Lvting, a famous musician, gave up his privileged life to participate in the Anti-Japanese Theatrical Troupe organized by Shanghai Artists. On the way to the front-line, the theatrical troupe encountered Japanese aircraft's bombardment and other difficulties. Despite the extreme danger, the theatrical troupe insisted on performing to rally the people. The war inspired He Lvting to write the ageless antiJapanese song – Guerrillas' Song. This song rallied countless patriotic soldiers to stand up and fight against the Japanese invaders...
90mins 趙小溪 王大治、郭金傑、葛小鳳、羅京民、 蘇麗、童振軍
Story surrounds a winery family and their joys and sorrows. Gou Shen sends himself to the army three times, twice under fake names, just to win his lover’s heart. All three times, he manages to drop out of the army. 電影《我不是王毛》描述了豫東地區一個釀酒人家的悲歡 離合。主人公狗剩為了娶自己心愛的女人為妻,自己賣自 己,冒名頂替一個叫「王毛」的「憨瓜」,三次賣到部隊,又三次當「逃兵」。故事情 節跌宕起伏,時而讓人捧腹大笑,時 而讓人唏噓不已。影片充分反映了那個年代社會底 層的無奈與掙扎,發人深省。黑色幽默,啼笑皆非。
「八一三」事變後,憑藉《牧童短笛》、《天涯歌女》的成功而一舉成名的賀綠汀放棄 優越的生活,毅然參加上海文藝界抗日救亡演劇隊,投入文化抗戰的洪流。在奔赴抗戰 前線的路途中,演劇隊遭遇日機轟炸和諸多艱難險阻,在艱苦的環境下,堅持抗日演 出,喚起民衆。目睹了前方將士的抗戰事蹟,歷經戰爭洗禮的賀綠汀,靈感迸發,在煤 油燈下創作出不朽的抗日戰歌《遊擊隊歌》。這首歌曲激發了無數愛國將士的抗戰激 情,煥發出昂揚的鬥志奔赴抗日的戰場。
The Waiting Country Woman 鄉村守望的女人
Codename Pavel 代號保爾
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
91mins 李豔秋 李豔秋、翟小興、劉嶽、戴江、侯耀華、 鞏漢林、柏青、方曉莉
72mins 于鵬
Paul is the code name of Mr Baohang Yan, an outstanding international spy who worked for the communist party of China. Mr. Yan detect and forecast three critical information during WWI – the blitzkrieg by Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union in 1941, Japan’s attack to Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the whole defense layout of Kwantung Army in northeast China in 1945. By Yan’s courage, heroicness, and contribution, the allies took a huge advantage on fight field.
Xiulan and her childhood sweetheart Jianshe fall in love with each other and promise to get married. When war broke out, Jianshe joins the army and left for the frontline thousands of miles away. The distance makes their love even stronger. But then she receives a heartbreaking message that Jianshe has gone missing during a mission. Nevertheless, Xiulan firmly believes that Jianshe is still alive somewhere and waits for him faithfully in the village...
保爾是中共情報戰線出色的國際戰略情報專家閻寶航的代號,這是一個在中共情報史 上神秘而閃光的名字。影片展現了1941年至1944年間,中共國際戰略情報專家閻寶航 斡旋於國民政府高層,憑藉傑出的外交手段與特殊身份,獲取三大戰略情報——納粹 德國1941年6月22日閃電進攻蘇聯的情報;1941年11月下旬日軍即將偷襲珍珠港的情 報;1944年日本關東軍在東北的全部部署、設防計劃等整套情報,助力二戰三大戰場的 傳奇經歷,展現了閻寶航大智大勇與鮮為人知的諜報生涯,再現了這位特工英雄的精彩 人生。
主人公秀蘭與青梅竹馬的建設相戀,並許下結婚誓言。就在此時,前線徵兵,為了保衛 家園、建設毅然應徵入伍,兩人從此相隔千里。分別使他們的愛情更加堅定、純粹。 不 幸,建設在一次執行任務中失蹤,秀蘭堅信建設沒有死,一直守在山村癡癡等待……
Thru The Moebius Strip 魔比斯環
Life in the Senior Year Hello高考君
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins Chaika Glenn 童自榮、曹雷、吳磊
Jack, a brave and intelligent boy, never gave up on finding his father. Through the time tunnel of “The Moebius Strip”, he reaches the Planet Raphicca millions of light years away. He finds out that his father is a prisoner in the kingdom of giant aliens. Thus a war between evil and good begins.
Young teacher Shen Xing accepts the offer to teach Chinese Language to the top graduating class with the best test marks at Huawei High School. However, she is surprised to discover that the group of high achieving school kids is like automatons assembled on a production line. Each is gifted beyond ordinary and is expert at test taking, yet lacks the youthful spirit and passion that should be present in teenagers. Shen Xing tries to nurture the students by providing customized individual writing assignments but gets caught up in a deeper web of confusion...
故事講述了勇敢且足智多謀的男孩傑克,努力尋找失蹤的 父親,通過時空通道「魔比斯環」,到達拉菲卡星球-一個 距地球數百萬光年的星球。他發現自己的父親被囚禁在一個巨人王國裡,由此開始了一 場正義與邪惡的戰爭……
青年教師沈星受聘來到A市華威中學擔任高三畢業班的語文老師,通過接觸沈星驚奇的發 現,這個盛名遠揚的高考狀元班就像是一條沒有生命的尖子生的生產線。所有的孩子擁 有相差無幾的高智商和應考能力,缺少了青春的特質和情感的真誠表達。沈星在嘗試著 用個性化的作文教學對孩子們進行啟發,然而,她却陷入了更深的迷惘之中……
Fly Me to Venus 星語心願之再愛 Length: Cast:
92mins 王傳君、董維嘉、陳亦飛
Wang Pengpeng wrote a new program to take care his longdistance girlfriend Lin Yinan. After Wang passes away, Lin falls in love with the Virtual Wang, and the love story was fabricated by the program Wang wrote. Is this real love?
The Moso Sisters 摩梭姐妹 Length: Director: Cast:
程序員王鵬鵬「洋葱頭」升級暖男學霸(王傳君飾)用生 命編寫一套程序代替自己去照顧去深愛自己的女友「霸氣 師姐」林亦男(董維嘉 飾),宇豪(陳亦飛飾)與王鵬 鵬是好哥兒們。呆萌宅男「王鵬鵬」開發出一款以自己為 原型的「王鵬鵬8.0」程序去陪伴異地戀的女友,上演了一出充滿奇幻色彩的「虛擬人機 戀」。後來王鵬鵬過世了,却發現自己的未婚妻居然和王鵬鵬的替代品談戀愛,情敵居 然是一個電腦程序,由愛生恨……
在雲南與四川交界的瀘沽湖北岸,有一個摩梭女兒國的古老村落。在這裡居住著世界上 唯一的母系氏族部落——摩梭人。她們男人不娶妻,女子不出嫁,姐妹兄弟一輩子跟阿 媽居住在一起。一千五百多年以來,這個原始族群世世代代沿襲著一種奇特的走婚習 俗。電影講述了摩梭姑娘梅朵與藏族青年格桑曲折感人的愛情故事。
84mins 樊志遠
In 1945, Japan unconditionally surrendered, ending fourteen years of war against China. Ten years later, in 1956, PRC indicted 1,000 Japanese soldiers for war crimes. How did they come to China? What wound they face when they arrived? How would the accusations affect the soldiers’ lives? This film, through the course of a trial, examines how the two countries acknowledged the war, further examining the differences between the two countries.
The Literature and Art in War of Resistance 抗戰中的中國文藝 Length: Director:
1945年,日本宣布無條件投降,長達14年的中國抗日戰爭結束,十一年之後,1956年, 中華人民共和國突然宣佈對1000餘名日本戰犯進行審判。這些日本戰犯如何來到中國? 在中國他們經歷了什麼?中國法庭的審判,對於這些日本戰犯的人生,有怎樣的影響? 影片透過這次審判,反思中國與日本兩國戰爭認知分歧的原因。
90mins 王一岩
“Literature and art is our weapon while the stage is our battlefield.” In the 14 year of war with the Japanese which began in 1931 and ended in 1945 with the victory for China, Chinese artists threw themselves into the national salvation movement with a “battle cry for the resistance and a song of uproaron behalf of the people.”Through forms ranging from literature, drama, music, fine art andfilm to dance, photography, news publishing and folk literature and art, they eulogized the nationwide war effort.
The Rise And Fall Of TheBeiyang Fleet 北洋海軍興亡史 Length: Director:
87mins 李宏宇 梁姝、于亞東、于子芡
To the north of Lake Lugu, there is an ancient village of Moso girls. Here lives the world’s only matriarchal tribe—the Moso. For them, women and men do not marry. People live with their mothers together. For over 1500 years, this ancient and mysterious ethic group has followed the exotic custom of “walking marriages”. The movie tells an intricate yet touching love story between Meiduo, the Moso lassie, and Gesang, the Tiban lad, with a colorful touch of primitive culture.
Book of Sins 日本戰犯懺悔備忘錄 Length: Director:
90mins 李馨 孫松、倪景陽
6*45mins 陳紅
「文藝是我們的刀槍、舞臺是我們的戰場」。從1931年日本帝國主義侵華到1945年抗日 戰爭勝利的十四年間,中國的文藝家們為「抗戰發出怒吼、為人民譜出呼聲」,積極投 身民族救亡運動,用文學、戲劇、音樂、美術、電影、舞蹈、攝影、新聞出版、民間文 藝等形式,熱情謳歌全民族抗戰運動,鞭撻日本侵略者的滔天罪行,鼓舞士氣、堅定信 心,和億萬中國人民一起,用鮮血和生命譜寫出民族復興的英雄史詩。
n 1894, the year of Jiawu in the Chinese calendar, the Beiyang navy is annihilated by the Japanese army in an intense battle. To remember and learn from the past, the PRC navy spent 2 years making the 6-part documentary series, The rise and fall of Beiyang Navy. 公元1894年,農曆甲午年。中國北洋海軍與日本聯合艦 隊展開了飲血搏殺,北洋海軍全軍覆沒。前事不忘後事之 師,為了深刻反思歷史,海軍歷時近兩年,組織創作拍攝 了6集大型紀錄片《北洋海軍興亡史》。
ChengCheng War Flame 成成烽火之騎兵第一師
Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity 龍鳳呈祥
Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 周偉、李才
After the WW2, the Chinese civil war between the Communists and Nationalists broke out. The Cavalry Regiment led by LIU Zhen skirmishes with the enemy. Right when they are about to eliminate the enemy Nationalist Army general, the enemy Brigade commander ZHAO Jingpeng saves him. After devising the battlefield strategy using fire, Liu fought against the enemy and successfully executed the plans. They exterminated the entire enemy and became the People’s Liberal Army Cavalry
150mins 保爾夫 李維康、馮志孝、耿其昌
A Three Kingdom classic story about Zhuge Liang saving Liu Bei from Cao Cao and Sun Quan. Zhuge Liang uses his wits and batter strategies to break away the schemes time after time. He is seemingly always a step ahead of his opponents. 孫權因劉備久占荊州,屢討不還,遂與周瑜定計,假稱以 妹孫尚香許配劉備,誑其過江留質,以換荊州。諸葛亮識 破計謀,將計就計,終於弄假成真。周瑜見美人計失敗, 又以聲色羈縻之,劉備果然樂不思蜀。趙雲復用諸葛亮錦囊之計,佯報曹操襲取荊州。 劉備驚慌欲走,告於尚香。尚香拜別國太,隨其潜逃。周瑜遣將追趕,皆為尚香斥退, 繼而率兵親至,時諸葛亮已用船迎接劉備脫險。正所謂「賠了夫人又折兵」的典故。
First Division. 日本投降後,內戰一觸即發。由劉振和帶領的騎兵團正在與敵人展開著激烈的戰鬥,即 將消滅敵人並擊殺敵軍師長之時,國軍旅長趙晋鵬回防,救走了敵師長,劉振和只有帶 領部隊先行撤退。在敵軍軍力和物資極大於我軍之際,王嘯志等人打算用火攻的方法, 分割開敵人並一一擊滅敵人。在布置好戰場的同時,成功引誘了敵人與敵人展開了殊死 的搏鬥。最終成功的占領了敵軍師部,成功的剿滅了所有的敵人。中國人民解放軍騎兵 獨立團升級成為中國人民解放軍騎兵第一師並奉命參加開國大典閱兵式。
Godfather Of Peking Opera 梨園伯樂
Legend of A Rabbit: The Martial of Fire 兔俠之青黎傳說
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
90mins 高力強 李威、楊梓墨、婁宇鍵
97mins 馬元、董大可 黃磊、楊子珊、何雲偉
Heroic Rabbit Master, who previously defeated his arch enemy Slash and now basks in the adoration of his fellow villagers. Rabbit Master is also regarded as the protector of the village, defeating bandits and upholding justice. However, a dangerous battle with the evil Zhan who plans to take over the world of Martial Arts by acquiring a precious gem from the Xuan Clan. The gem deprives Rabbit Master of his Kung Fu skills and forced to reassess his abilities or, demoralized as he is, stop practicing Kung Fu completely.
At the end Qing Dynasty in 19th Century, the Imperial Court is ruled by greedy, corrupt officials. Wealthy merchant Niu Zihou was obsessed with Peking opera and valued justice, humanity, and integrity. He was exploited by officials, coveted by peers, and extorted by bandits. Yet he spent vast amounts of silver on public service for the poor, maintained opera stages, and funded the best school for training performers. 十九世紀末,大清臨近滅亡,朝廷昏庸,吏治腐敗。吉林富商牛子厚,一生痴迷京劇, 尤愛結交梨園人物。由於承受了京劇文化的陶冶,他重情重義重氣節。雖然身處商海, 他却脫離了金錢的桎梏,一面承受著官府的盤剝、同行的覬覦、土匪的敲詐,一面還不 惜拋灑重金,設粥棚、修戲樓、辦科班。牛子厚離世前,雖然國破家亡,可那些出自他 的科班的一大批燦若明星的京劇大師,却足讓他欣慰,終讓他名垂青史。
玄火教展天遭人追殺,在兔二的幫助下獲救。兔二、牡丹和高兩米從展天處得知,白蘭 企圖利用上古神物青黎修煉魔功以稱霸武林,為害天下。受展天重託,兔二等人踏上奪 回青黎的漫漫征途。不料,等待他們的却是一場巨大的陰謀……
Dive Olly dive and the Pirate Treasure 狀元媒
Chen Jia Ling 陳家泠
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
119mins 王好為、李晨聲 王蓉蓉、杜鎮杰、譚孝曾
During Song Dynasty, Emperor Zhao was ambushed by enemy troops. Hero Yang Yanshao rescued Emperor Zhao and left him with Fu Dingkui. He went back to save Princess Cai and the two of them fell in love. However, Emperor Zhao insisted it was Fu who saved him, thus granting Fu the right to marry Princess Cai. During wedding ceremony, the truth finally came out...
65 mins 葉田、顧宇高 陳家泠
Chen Jialing, one of the most famous painters in China, was born in 1937 in Hangzhou. After graduating from a Chinese university of art, he received formal training from Pan Tianshou and Lu Yanshao, whom were great artists of Chinese painting. He went to Shanghai and taught in a university as a teacher. Experienced the Cultural Revolution and reform and opening up, he still has great passion on innovation of painting in Shanghai style and has formed a unique Chen’s painting style.
北宋年間,太宗趙光義在柴郡主的陪同下前往潼台打獵, 途中遭遇遼兵埋伏,郡主為救太宗,被遼兵擄走。正危急時,途經此地的六郎楊延昭殺 退遼兵救出太宗。大臣傅龍之子傅丁奎也恰好趕到,六郎便將太宗托傅丁奎保護,自己 轉身殺入重圍去救郡主。太宗誤以為救駕之人是傅丁奎,心懷感念,當即將柴郡主許配 給傅。
著名畫家陳家泠1937年生於杭州,如今定居上海。從一個中國美術高等學府的學生,受 潘天壽、陸儼少大師的正規訓練畢業後來到上海成為大學老師。經歷了文革以及改革開 放等歲月變遷,他始終在海派繪畫創新的道路上前行,形成獨特的「泠」畫風。他也成 為當代中國海派畫家三劍客之一。
六郎救出柴郡主之後,二人一見鍾情。郡主將珍珠衫贈給六郎托付終生,並要他去請八 賢王趙德芳成全二人這段美好姻緣。八賢王請新科狀元呂蒙正為六郎、郡主做媒。太宗 趙光義堅持認為救駕的是傅丁奎。郡主要求在金殿之上當面對質,楊延昭與傅丁奎各自 陳述救駕經過,真相終於大白。太宗表示,關於郡主的婚姻先王有遺訓,得珍珠衫者方 可為駙馬。六郎立刻將珍珠衫獻上,二人終成百年之好。
The Sky in Hakka Earth Building 衍香
Mr.Black:Green Star 黑貓警長之翡翠之星
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
113mins 張輝 馬元、娜仁花、王嘉
83mins 于勝軍
The little mice One Ear reached the collaboration with Dr. Ape after escaping from jail. They planned to initiate the aircraft Green Star during the opening ceremony of the Space Museum, so that they could exile the forest citizens all to the space. To break this vicious scheme, Mr. Black had to find and secure the energy block of Green Star, which was the key to activate the spaceship. Therefore, a battle of wits between justice and evil revenge began...
In early 80s, Wei Tianqi was a school teacher in a small village. He lived a peaceful life with his mother Lin Xueying and his fiance Huang Xiaoyan from marriage arrangement. He met English teacher He Jingjing who was came from the outside of the hakka earth building. They fell in love with each other but their love couldn’t be accepted by Wei’s family… 《衍香》的故事發生在上世紀八十年代早期的福建西部農 村,早年喪偶的女主人公林學英辛苦拉扯著三個孩子,兒子魏天啓雖然早已定親,但却 喜歡上了同為老師的何菁菁,為了不違背約定,林學英迫使兒子與定親的女子領了結婚 證,但是,當她得知何菁菁懷孕後,又主動讓兒子離婚、與何菁菁走到一起。可世事難 料,這對有情人最終還是沒能走到一起。
城市守護者黑貓警長在聽說一隻耳越獄出逃的消息後,立刻組織追捕。在深入調查後, 黑貓警長發現,一隻耳和意外出現且擁有強大超能力的大猿先生早已狼狽為奸,並計劃 著利用會飛的「翡翠之星」航天博物館的開幕式啟動「翡翠之星」,把全城居民統統流 放去宇宙!為了阻止壞蛋的行動,黑貓警長必須趕在他們之前拿到啟動飛船的能源。誰 知雙方爭搶的能源在無意間落入了黑貓警長的超級粉絲——牟三嘟小朋友的手中,大戰 就此拉開序幕。
The Blossom of Marigolds 金菊開了
Nuts 奇葩朵朵
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
93mins 劉雁虹 潘時七、金良、普超英
95mins 李欣 馬思純、張若昀、李現
Huang Jian’s application to MIT was deferred. To get into his dream school, he needed proofs of his teamwork skills and so he attended a girl’s club named “Fine Lady Club”. In this club, he met Zhuzhu, a lame journalist from a website. They hated each other in the beginning but managed to team up and keep the club from falling apart. They not only helped “Fine Lady Club” women to find their romance, but also achieve their personal
A story about country girl Han Ju and her love and own business. Han Ju couples with Huo Wenjie and leads the villagers to develop the marigold industry. It reveals Han Ju’s kindness and endurance as a wife and a daughter-in-law, and also embodies her determination and wisdom as a business founder. The film shows the real life in the rural area of China and the local customs and practices of Shanxi in a natural way. dreams.
講述了山區姑娘韓菊的愛情和創業故事。影片以韓菊與霍文杰的愛情故事為主線,韓菊 帶領鄉親們發展萬壽菊產業為輔線,表現了她作為妻子和兒媳的善良、隱忍,也表現了 她作為創業者的堅毅與智慧。影片原生態描述了當代中國農村的真實生活,山西當地的 風土人情。
大學畢業在即,「學霸」黃劍意外收到麻省理工的拒絕信,為完成夙願,黃劍不得不臨 時加入學校社團,以證明自己的團隊合作能力,但性格怪異的他屢屢碰壁,最終只能到 由三個「醜女」組成的「名媛社」當社長。 黃劍在「名媛社」遭遇了同樣怪咖的攝影師朱珠。朱珠特立獨行、個性張揚,與黃劍矛 盾頻發,水火不容……但在學校準備取締「名媛社」的時候,兩人化敵為友,共同拯救 社團,不但幫「醜女們」找到春天,也實現了各自的人生理想。
Wong Ka Yan 王家欣
Once Upon a Time in Bussière’s Garden 貝家花園往事
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
98mins 劉偉恒 黃又南、吳千語、翟凱泰
48mins 張同道
When French physician Dr. Jean Louis Bussière gathered his father’s belongings, he found three thousand photos and a large number of documents including ones gifted by Chinese former President Yuan Shikai, the Tibetan Lama 9th Panchen, Peking Opera actor Mei Lanfang and many other anonymous people. There is a garden in one of these photos which was built in Beijing by his father. His father Dr. Jean Augustin Bussière was the head physician of the French Legation, physician of the president of the Republic of China and had lived in China for 41 years before left. In the spring of 2014, Jean Louis came to China to find out the secrets behind these photos.
In 1992, Chun Yin went to see movie in the town, and met a beautiful ticket-selling girl, Wong Ka Yan. The next day, Chun Yin went back to look for her but she was not there anymore. Chun Yin went around the town with his guitar in search of Wong. He met other girls with different ages and background. In the course of searching, Chun Yin’s music talent and endurance for love impressed the others but will he finally find Wong again? 1992年,率真的少年俊賢邂逅了清純的女售票員王家欣,一見鍾情,可是第二天沒有立 刻到戲院,王家欣已離職,錯過後便找不到她。
法國醫生讓.路易整理父親的遺物時,發現 3千多張照片和大量文獻,其中有些為袁世 凱、汪精衛、九世班禪、梅蘭芳等人贈送,還有更多人物不知名姓。照片中有壹座中西 合璧的花園,那是他父親在北京修建的,至今還保存完好。父親讓.奧古斯丁.貝熙業 是法國駐華公使館醫生,中華民國總統府醫師,在中國生活 41年。父親在中國究竟過著 怎樣的生活?怎樣遇見了母親?為何又在 82歲高齡突然回到法國? 2014年春天,讓. 路易帶著壹團疑問來到中國,尋找父親照片後的秘密。
在那個沒有互聯網的年代,要在茫茫人海中尋找一個人並不容易。俊賢用盡各種最原始 的辦法去尋找,慢慢認識了很多不同年齡、背景的「王家欣」。在尋找的過程中,俊賢 的音樂才華、真誠和堅持,感動了這些王家欣,更令他們對於自己的人生有了新的體 會。那麼,俊賢能夠找到他要找的人麼?
The Faith in Ailao Mountain 哀牢山的信仰 Length: Director:
Because of Writing Length: Director:
56mins Ci Zhang
Because of Writing is a story of a writer lost of his own mind, haunted in the dark by hallucination, illusion and a mysterious presence. His life is a struggling between a strong love for a prostitute, his wife’s contempt and the passion for writing.
An intensely personal film by Ci Zhang, a Chinese American writer and filmmaker. It is a visual recording of the true story of the writer as she travels back to China to visit her sick mother.
Dark Illusion
Behind Bayonets and Barbed Wire 鐵血殘陽 Length: Director:
60mins 10secs Pier Paolo De Rosa
Length: Director: Cast:
99mins Haofang Shen、Richard L、Anderson
The story of American pows, held by the Japanese in a camp in Shenyang, China. During WWII, Despite having their lives complete by controlled, the pows used their lives to sabotage their capture’s plans.
73mins 53secs Manos Karystinos Katerina Didaskalou、 Andreas Marianos、Giannis Malezas
Alkis is an introvert photographer with a personality disorder. Despite the strong relationship he has developed with his mother, he’s driven to despair because of the tension between her and his alcoholic father. As a result, he decides to leave the family home and move into his own place. However, a journalism project he gets involved in will disrupt his delicate personal balance, and he will begin to question more and more aspects of the reality he is living. Trapped in a nexus of contradictions, he will try to find the way to redemption.
Title: Love Stalk
Awakening City
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
70mins Angie Palmer Angie Palmer (also known as Angie P.) 、Ronan Pak、 Dada Lo
Sharon is a social-media-addicted public relations executive from Singapore, having a hard time balancing career and the search for love in Hong Kong’s singles scene. Even with all the dating advice she gets from her friend Joan (a sassy, life-of-theparty, local girl), Sharon’s dates always seem to end in disaster. Serendipity seems to strike as Sharon bumps into a gentlemanly and mysterious stranger named Ryan, who seems to be also
100mins 6secs Fernando Ramos Juliette Binoche、Harold Lloyd、 Edward G. Robinson、Allen Ginsberg、 Jan Gehl
AWAKENING CITY presents an universal debate on the role of public spaces in contemporary cities, the conflicts of cars against people; malls against parks and squares; private against public; consumer against citizen; destructive urbanism against green areas. The documentary provides a set of international cases, strategies and proposals aiming full implementation of the Right to the City. Blending the Essay Film style with experimental tones, AWAKENING CITY is a WORLD PREMIERE of the FIRST FILM directed by Fernando Ramos, former Brazilian Critic, Script Writer and Assistant Director.
from Singapore. Unable to get Ryan out of her mind, she finds him online and chases him in person through his social media check-ins. Joan is suspicious of Ryan and tries to warn Sharon about the dangers of online stalking a secret crush. Just when Ryan and Sharon seem to make a true connection, Ryan disappears, leaving Sharon wondering what she did wrong. With a string of murders making front-page news across the city and Ryan suddenly showing up uninvited to her work functions, Sharon starts to wonder who really is stalking whom?
TARA - The Journey of Love & Passion
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
87mins Katharina Antonia Popov Theresa Tripp、 Saskia Inken Rutner、 Stephanie Blass、 Martin Moeller、 Merlin Leonhardt、Harald Geil、 Christian Wewerka、Julie Trappett
105mins Kumar Ra Rekha Rana、Rohan Shroff、 Ashish Saleem、Sapna P Choubisa、 Brijesh K. Kori
It's a saga of an illiterate illegal brewer- an Indian gypsy womanwho is outlawed from her house and hamlet by her husband allegedly for adultery when she is already nine months pregnant. Will she survive this stroke? Will she commit suicide? Is she innocent? Will she be able to prove her innocence?.
VIERTELMONAT is a melancholy comedy about friendship, the quest for happiness, loneliness, and the rich and complicated reality.The film portrays the experiences of young 30-somethings in Berlin, focusing on Martha, who, after breaking up with her long-term boyfriend, escaped to Sweden but has now returned to her hometown. Ex-matriculated from the university and initially homeless, she attempts to reestablish her old life. Although she does not know what she wants, she at least knows what she does not want. Gradually, her initial speechlessness morphs back into the old intimacy.
The Last Tear Length: Director:
Sexual violence against women has accompanied almost every large-scale conflict, yet most of its victims are silenced. One such sad episode is that of the “comfort women,” or more accurately, the estimated 200,000 women who were recruited to sexually serve the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. As part of this immense system, many young women from all over Japan’s occupied territories in Asia were forced into service where they faced rape, torture and extreme violence at military camps, euphemistically termed “comfort stations.".
Nashira Sadachbia Length: Director: Cast:
53mins Christopher Lee
125mins Myat Noe Zenn Kyi、Hpone Thaik 、May Wynn Mg
In a dystopian future, the Earth has stopped rotating and the Asia region is constantly facing the sun. The society is divided into two class system: Cronius who controls everything and what remains of the resources and Commonus who are poor and who has to depend on Cronius for everything. The intense and perpetual sunlight destroys the people’s eyesight and they need to have a restorative eye surgery every nine years. But the “Permit” to have the surgery is controlled by the Cronius and Commonus have to slave away their lives in order to acquire the Permit. Meanwhile, a murderer is killing the prostitutes and taking their eyes out. In the relentless heat and blinding sunlight, a pimp tracks down the killer and, in the process, discovers something more sinister and sordid along the way..
Unit 731 Length: Director:
60mins Chris D. Nebe
Unit 731 explores a side of WWII history that is largely unknown to the Western World. Documenting the development of WWII from the perspective of the Far East Front, the story of the gruesome human research center, UNIT 731, is revealed..
Selfing Length: Director: Cast:
77mins Vladimir Raksha Seva Ostakhnovich、Aleksander Connors
In China foreigners are hired for a fictitious job in Chinese companies. This is done to create a more respectable image in the eyes of their colleagues and clients. They call it «White guy window dressing». It is a new modern business tactic; however most people have never heard about it. For these employers requirements are fairly simple: one has to be a tall Caucasian man, with no knowledge of Chinese, look well in a suit and give an impression that he is a professional.
A Life of an Innocent Child 3 1/2 Length: Director: Cast:
Dorian, a Polish man of Ukrainian origin, finds a ttttempting job offer on the Internet. He goes to China, where he finds himself in the alternative universe of the successful modern business world.
This film is being narrated about the forced labor, child labor and corruption in labor department.
Story of Aunt Wu, Spirit of China 吳姨巧,笙歌鬧
Journey to Planet Beijing 星際北京之旅
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
12mins 17secs Sebastian Rivera 塞巴斯蒂安. 裏韋拉
Aunt Wu, as an ordinary person, does exercises in Shuangxiu Park everyday, through which she makes friends with a lot of people. They stay in good relation, caring and helping each other. The park is not only a place to take activities, but an epitome of China, reflecting the current living situation and spiritual state of Chinese people.
The film kicks off in the chaotic way to the subway. As the visitor (camera) arrives to Planet Beijing, it stops to see people’s faces. As the visitor felt so much interested in the people of Planet Beijing, when he arrives he starts to film them while they are working, walking or simply resting. In the mean time the visitor meets a mysterious girl who shares with him her thoughts about life. At the end, the visitor learns a big lesson: Don’t judge Planet
普普通通的吳阿姨每天都到雙秀公園鍛煉身體,在那裏她 結交了很多好朋友,他們和諧相處、互幫互助,天長日 久,建立了深厚的情誼。公園不僅成為了一個鍛煉的場所,更是現代中國的縮影,反映 著人們的生活狀況和精神狀態。
Beijing before visit it. 影片開始於擁擠繁雜的地鐵站。當探訪者來到星際北京的初期,它不禁停下匆忙的腳 步,目光專註於每個來往的過客。它對這個星際的人感到好奇,在它到達這個星際的那 一刻,它開始紀錄下這個地方所有的一切。有在辛勤工作的勞苦工人,有匆匆步履的年 輕白領,也有含飴弄孫的遲暮老人。就在這個時候,探訪者遇到一個神秘的女孩兒。女 孩兒和探訪者一起分享了她人生中的經歷與思考。在這段旅行的最後,探訪者得出了這 樣一個感悟:只有親身體會了,你才有資格評價這個星際。
Alice 導遊愛麗 Length: Director:
9mins 22secs Claudia Carolina Garces Solorzano 克羅地亞.卡羅琳娜
12mins 19secs 巴卡爾.切爾利茲施威利Bakar Cheaqezishvili
This is a story about Alice. When we traveled to the Great Wall, she was our tour guide. She learned English by herself, so she can introduce the wonderful scenery and the culture of the China to the foreigners. At the same time, she is also a woman, who lives with love. She usually reads books, listens to the music, dances, and goes to the theatre. All of those make her life colorful. In addition, the most important is that she is a great mother. She works day and night to make her daughter live better. Although they don’t live together, but they do care about and love each other. This is our incredible Alice.
New Home 溫馨的家 Length: Director:
10mins 34secs 瑪麗亞.西佳妮Maria Sichanin
We choose a nursing home for shooting to show the main idea of "person, family, country". The film shows the life of nursing home in one day. The house was quiet in the morning, with a hint of loneliness and solitude, because the old people is still in deep sleep. When they wake up, the home comes alive. Film has chosen the scene when the old people eat, exercise, and play games . Everyone there is unique, they all have their own rich experience, we interviewed several old granny who have distinguishing feature. Workers there care for every old people, and this is really a good virtue of Chinese people.
她是我們去長城時候的英文導遊,她用自學的英語向外國人介紹中國的山山水水,古老 建築和風土人情。她還是一個認真生活的女性,看書、聽歌、跳舞、看戲,豐富的業余 生活讓她變得很風趣。同時,她還是一位偉大的母親,為了使自己的女兒生活的更好,她 一絲不茍的努力工作。雖然她和女兒分居兩地,但是她們都心念著對方,她們都深深地 愛著對方。這就是我們獨一無二的導遊愛麗絲。
我們以養老院的裏的老人們作為拍攝對象來表現“人.家.國”的主旨。 作品表現了養老院裏一天的生活情景。 清晨屋裏靜悄悄的,帶著一絲落寞和孤寂,因為老人們還在沈睡中。等他們醒來,一下 就熱鬧起來。我們選取老人們吃飯,鍛煉,遊戲等鏡頭拍攝。每個老人都是獨一無二 的,她們都有自己豐富的閱歷,我們采訪了其中幾位很有特色的老奶奶。
Together 相伴 Length: Director:
在這裏護工們都盡心盡責,讓人處處感受家的溫暖,而尊敬老人這也是每個中國人的美 德。
10mins 21secs 瓦崗.加加尼澤 Vakhtangi Jajanidze
If someone asks me, what is felicity. In my opinion, nothing is better than to be together with you soul to soul. The film tells a story about an old couple, who work in different sections in Beijing Normal university. The film records their different kinds of work and life-style in one day. In addition, their different ways of entertainment are showed to the audience. Every evening they dance in different places, with different groups, in different designs: the wife dances on the playground by square dance; the husband does the Yangko dance on the square. The nearest distance in the world is that, whatever we are doing, we are together soul to soul. The same time chain connects different life styles, but it shows their love to each other. In this way we see the common love and profound feelings in the world. Two people with their own character; A family, which is common but warm; A country, which is colorful and harmonious.
Looking For… 探尋… Length: Director:
10mins 23secs 莎樂美.維夫科娃 Salome vephkhvadze (格魯吉亞)
The film is divided into "person, family, country" three parts with a view from a foreigner who saw China as first time. Film clearly presented people’s interesting life and warm feelings between families in Beijing.
本片分為“人.家.國”三個部分,以一個外國人看中國 的視角清晰呈現了當今北京人有趣的生活和家人間溫暖的 情感。
作品以一對在北京師範大學不同部門工作的老夫妻為拍攝對象,分別記錄了他們一天不 同的工作和生活,以及傍晚他們不同的娛樂方式——在不同的地方和不同的人分別跳廣 場舞和扭秧歌。世界上最近的距離,就是無論我們在做什麽都心靈相通。同樣的時間鏈 串聯起各自不同的生活方式,卻體現出他們對彼此的關心和依靠,以此烘托出人世間最 普遍的愛,表現相濡以沫的感情。兩個各有特色的人,一個普通卻溫馨的家,依靠著一 個繽紛又和諧的國。
Mumu Mianmian 穆穆綿綿
Off Stage 臺下
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 48secs 喬治.穆哈澤 Giorgi Mukhaze
Mumu and Mianmian are twin sisters. Our video is about their daily life. Their name came from Zeng Guofan’s Zhixinjing, which means dignity and innocence. These two girls look like each other, but their personalities are different, and their character is just like their names: Mumu is modest and quiet, Mianmian is lively and cheerful. Although they study in different classes, but they have the same happiness: a united and affectionate family. Their grandparents and parents give them great love, and they also bring great happiness to their family members.
10mins 39secs Yang Zimik
‘Off Stage’ is a short film about the art of hand puppetry that is indigenous to Xiamen. Yang Zimik and Cai Peiqing explore the intricacies of the art-form through interviews with Mr. Chen, a retired puppet master, while creating a parallel narrative with observational and interpretive visuals of the actual puppet show that is performed on Gu Langyu Island. The ideas of inheritance, heritage and development in regards to puppetry are woven into a free flowing river of picture and sound. 《臺下》是一部關於廈門本土藝術——木偶布袋戲的短片。Yang Zimik和蔡培清兩人通 過采訪了退休了的布袋戲大師陳景堂先生探究了這種藝術形式過去與未來,同時,建立 了另外一個鼓浪嶼木偶布袋戲現職表演人員的平行視角,來對木偶戲作更近一步的探索 和解釋。通過視聽上的直觀體驗來感受關於木偶戲的繼承、傳承和發展。
穆穆和綿綿是一對聰明可愛的雙胞胎姐妹,短片展現的是他們一天精彩的生活。穆穆和 綿綿的名字取自曾國藩的《治心經》,寓意端莊和活躍,而兩個小姑娘的性格也正如其 名,穆穆穩重文靜,綿綿活潑開朗。兩個小天使外貌相似卻性格迥異,他們在不同的班 級學習,卻擁有同樣幸福的生活:慈愛的爺爺奶奶,恩愛的爸爸媽媽,他們給予了穆穆 綿綿溫馨的家,同樣,穆穆綿綿也為他們帶來了世界上最大的快樂。
Artist in China 藝術家在中國
Tulousophy 天地人和
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 23secs Irene Gelashvili 艾琳.格拉什維利 (Georgia 格魯吉亞)
11mins 2secs Ioana-Maria Mischie
Tulousophy is a short film that aims to depict the philosophy of the Last Mohicans that inhabit the Tulou-shaped buildings. The Fujian Tulou is a building that hosted for the past hundred of years, generations of families that come from the same ancestor.
Alexsander Gelashvili, a Georgian artist, who lives in China. He is talking about his life in China, his artwork. When he first came to China, he almost cannot speak a single Chinese. But now he has got many friends. In this country with a long history, he does not think he is a foreigner. China is his second hometown. There has always been changes in my inner part. He started to respect the culture the surrounds him. And respect more of traditional Georgian culture. The collision of two cultures always comes to him when he produces his work.
Each tulou has four layers: Heaven, Earth, People, Harmony. In Taxia village, in order to cherish their community, everyone has the name Zhang, being part of the same expanded family. 《天地人和》是一部日記體電影,是為了記錄居住在土樓裏的人們的生活哲學。
紀錄片的主人公亞歷山大.格拉什維利是一位在中國生活了12年之久的格魯吉亞畫家。 他從自身感悟出發,講述了中國的生活方式以及他的藝術創作。初到中國,他對漢語一 竅不通,如今他已經有了很多中國朋友,在中國他並不覺得自己是外國人,中國——是 他的第二個家。在中國生活的12年,他的內心漸漸地發生變化,開始尊重所生活的這片 土地上的文化,也更加尊重格魯吉亞自己的傳統文化。在他的創作中時常閃現兩國文化 碰撞的火花。
福建土樓裏的人們已經在此居住了600多年了,他們同宗同族。 在塔下村,為了一種共同感,每一個人都姓張,每一個人都是一個大家庭延伸後的一 員。我們展現的是這一個大家庭眼神之後的日常生活,同時,也捕捉生活循環往復的瞬 間和集體意識的點點滴滴。
Play it Again Xiamen 再唱一遍廈門
Never Forgotten 存
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 22 secs Ana-Maria Comanescu
A visual journey through the streets of the bustling Chinese metropolis, this documentary aims to discover the various types of music that Xiamen has to offer, from the formal confines of a concert hall where grand voices echo through the hearts and minds of the audience, to the more intimate atmosphere of a cozy family bar, where folk singers gather to play local traditional songs, and even to the more underground artists jamming in venues such as a psychedelic home studio or rappers improvising beats and lyrics in the back of an alley. However different they all are, what brings them together is their overwhelming love for music.
9mins 34secs Harshil Ashok Bhanushali
The Film is about Tan Kah Kee, One of the most famous Philanthropist, Business Man and educationist. It’s a poetic expression of discovering his spirit in different elements of nature to Xiamen city. Exploring through ocean, mountains, people and the spaces in the university he built. His spirit exists not only in words but also in every element around. 陳嘉庚先生是著名的華僑領袖、慈善家、商人和教育家。 整部作品用詩歌串聯,將嘉庚精神融入廈門的每一景每一 物。從廈門的大海,高山,人物,還有廈門大學,集美學村裏的每一寸空間。嘉庚精神 不僅僅是書本上所記錄的字句,更融入在每一天實實在在的生活中。
這是一次穿越中國熙熙攘攘的大城市街道的視覺旅行,這部紀律片致力於發現廈門擁有 的不同類型和體裁的音樂:從正式的封閉的音樂廳,在那裏偉大的音樂回聲穿過觀眾的 頭腦和心靈,到一個氣氛親密舒適的家庭酒吧,在那裏民謠歌手聚在一起唱著當地傳統 的歌曲,甚至包括一些在自己據點進行即興演奏的的地下藝術家,比如迷幻音樂家庭工 作室,或者在小巷子後面即興創作節拍和歌詞的說唱歌手。無論他們有多麽的不同,把 他們聚集在一起的是對音樂壓倒性的熱愛。
In The Heat Of The Night 廈夜
Prodigy 琴軼
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins 17secs Georgiana Loredana Surugiu
The content of the documentary are about the night life in Xiamen. It presents what the director saw and heard in the city by write a letter to her mother. And the content of the letter is the caption and commentary in the documentary. The Zhongshan road with many people, the dancing woman on the square, large stall and barbecue, bar, local opera, rain in night, even small dog on the street…… The documentary contains all aspect of the night life in Xiamen.
9mins 35secs Liviu Craciun
This film is about people. It tries to get close and get to know some special characters that in return can teach us something about the world we live in. We first go on the Piano Island, where lots of tourists go to spend their day’s, admiring the buildings and the local shops and restaurants. The people living on the island are very special; their musical heritage is amazing. From the island streets we heard piano playing. This is how we get to meet Zhang Zhenzhen, she is telling us how children on the island have a special gift for music and she introduces us to Lu Jieying and Lin Yancen. Playing the piano on the Piano Island must be a thing of destiny; this is what everybody thinks.
該紀錄片以廈門夜生活為主要呈現的內容,通過導演自己給遠在羅馬尼亞的媽媽寫信方 式呈現她在廈門夜裏的所見所聞,信的內容即紀錄片中的解說。人來人往的中山路步行 街,廣場舞,街邊大排檔,燒烤,燈紅酒綠的酒吧,地道的廈門歌仔戲,大雨,甚至還 有路邊的小狗……可以說是廈門夜生活的全面展現。
這是一部關於人的電影。它試圖走近並了解幾個特別的個體,並反過來幫助我們更加了 解我們了解所生活的這個世界。我們先是踏上了鋼琴島,島上有許多傳統的建築和特色 的商店和餐館。島上的居民很特別,有些很好的音樂傳統,甚至在街上都能聽到陣陣鋼 琴聲。我們就是這樣遇到了鋼琴老師張蓁蓁。她告訴我們島上的孩子們是如何的有鋼琴 的天賦,還介紹給我們兩個女孩:盧潔瑩和林衍岑。在鼓浪嶼彈鋼琴幾乎像是命運的驅 使,這也是大多數人的想法。
The heroes of 499 海上英雄499
More to come 知於無央
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 30secs Oana Isabella Szanto
12mins 3secs Sorin Alexandru Baican
A film about Xiamen University in 2015, the way a foreign student is seeing the contrast between students and tourists. A five day diary showing the reality inside campus built by Tan KanKee in 1921. After 94 years the reality change. I want to have a film that in 10 years will show the reality for our days.
Heroes of 499 is a documentary shooting on the ferryboat to Gulang Island for 6 days. In this documentary we shoot 3 crew’s daily work. They are captain Guo Jing, the ship machine engineer Yu Yan and the first sailor Lin Jianxin. We interview them about their responsibility for carrying so many people on board and their friendships in this crew. We can see not only their contributions to the ferryboat, to Xiamen and even to the whole country, but also many humanity in this documentary.
該電影是我站在一個外國學生的角度講述了我在2015年7 月到廈門大學時的所見所聞中,所看到的學生和遊客的不 同與對比;用5天類似於日記式的拍攝展示了廈門大學的 現狀,較之於94年前即1921年陳嘉庚先生所建立的廈門大學已發生改變。在未來的十年 裏,我希望這部電影可以展現廈門大學的現狀。
《海上英雄》是一部歷時六天的紀錄片,總片長10分30秒,於國際郵輪中心往返鼓浪嶼 的客船“郵儲銀行六號船”上拍攝。出鏡的是三位船員,他們分別是船長郭靜、輪機員 於炎以及水手長林劍焮。本紀錄片圍繞他們的工作內容展開,采訪了他們對乘客生命安 全的責任意識以及對團隊友情的認識。通過這部影片可以折射出這三名船員對輪渡,對 廈門甚至對中國做出的貢獻。以及體現出同事之間互相照顧,互相扶持的友情。一絲不 茍的工作中,也透露出許多人情味。
Beyond the Tides 淺淺的海峽
Stories In Tea Cups 茶語生活
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins 1secs Abhimanyu Kanodia
11mins 10secs Mirona-Mihaela Radu
Beyond the Tides showcases the affection between Xiamen and Taiwan and the ever growing friendship. The film takes you to a journey around the city of Xiamen and explores it through an eye of Taiwanese people happily working and studying in the city. The Taiwanese living in Xiamen shares their happy experiences the city but also miss many things about their homeland. Xiamen is geographically extremely close to Taiwan. The film brings out how Individuals and family constitute nations and that
Seven necessities of life: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Since the ancient time, China has the habit of drinking tea.In southern Fujian, tea is an indispensable part in people's life. And what is the meaning of tea in the end? The film pays attention to the details of their lives with her unique perspective and shows us the ordinary life of Xiamen residents. Making Life from Tea, Supplying God with Tea, Finding Fun from Tea, these three short stories make you to enjoy different kinds of tea. As the last words of the film: hungry to eat; sleepy sleep. It is better to let thing be nature.
《淺淺的海峽》這部影片展現了廈門和臺灣至深的感情和不斷增進的情誼。這部影片會 給你一次愉快的遊歷廈門的體驗,讓你從在廈門快樂工作、學習的臺灣人的眼中感受廈 門。在廈門的臺灣人給我們分享了許多快樂,也訴說了對家鄉的思念。地緣上,廈門和 臺灣很相近。這部影片呈現跨越海峽潮汐的人、家、國情懷。
柴米油鹽醬醋茶,開門七件事。中國自古便有飲茶的習慣,在閩南人的生活中,茶更是 不可或缺的一部分,而茶之於他們到底是什麽意義?《茶語生活》用自己獨特的視角從 生活的各種小細節入手,展現廈門老居民的平凡茶生活。以茶為生,以茶為供,以茶 為樂,三個小故事帶你品嘗不一樣的茶香。正如一句影片最後所言:餓了就吃,困了就 睡。天性自然。
too beyond sea and tides.
Amitabha 阿彌陀佛
Emblem of the people 日之精魄
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins 2secs Aly Shamsuddin Rana
9mins 8secs Lucy Norton 露西.諾頓 (英國)
The film is about Buddhism and its existence among two individuals in China today. The film switches from a monk’s daily life to a young teacher and her family. It shows their individual ideas about Buddhism and their own ways of practicing it. Ultimately, the film becomes a showcase of how the ideas of the Buddha still prevail in modern China.
Emblem of the people is a documentary that explores the story of the Sun Bird. A golden relic found in 2001 in the Jinsha Ruins, which in 2005 become the official logo of Chinese cultural heritage. This film tells the story of the impact on the people of Chengdu when the relic was first found and why it has become so important to them.
這部電影是關於佛教在今天的中國如何存在和發展。影片 記錄了一個普通僧人的日常生活,一個信奉佛教的年輕的 老師和她的家人。他們對佛教思想的個體的領悟和修行的途徑。最終,影片揭示了信仰 對現代生活的重要性。
紀錄片《日之精魄》是一個關於探索太陽神鳥的影片。 太陽神鳥是一件由黃金制成的器物,在2001年被發現, 在2005年被評選為中國文化遺產的官方標誌。這部影片講述了成都人民對太陽神鳥的情 感,以及太陽神鳥對成都人的意義。
Heart of Chengdu 天府漫生活
Human Nature 人景
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 11secs 塔拉.克萊門茨Tara Clements (英國)
My documentary explores the people within People’s Park, capturing the life inside. After speaking with people who work and spend most of their time there, it represents People’s Park being an epitome of society and a very special place to many people.
10mins 59secs 勞爾.塞巴斯蒂安. 米哈伊列斯庫 Raul-Sebastian Mihailescu
You were standing on the bridge to see scenery, While somebody upstairs was looking at you. From the observational perspective, Human Nature has recorded the state of tourists in Dujiangyan Park, in a trance, from which you can even find your own shadow.
在紀錄片中,我將鏡頭對準了人民公園裏的人們,捕捉了 公園裏的生活。在通過和在這公園裏工作了很長時間的人 們的交流之後,它代表了人民公園作為一個社會的縮影, 對許多人來說一個非常特別的地方。
“你站在橋上看風景,看風景的人在樓上看你” ——作品《人景》以觀察性的視角,紀錄了在都江堰景區遊人們的狀態,恍惚間,你甚 至可以從其中找到自己的影子。
Chasing Dao 問道
The Changing Face of Sicuan Opera 戲如人生
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
09mins 26secs 安德烈.斯蒂芬.拉圖 Andrei Stefan Rautu (羅馬尼亞)
10mins 44secs 格哈德.艾德裏安.杜督 Gerhard Adrian Dudu
Sichuan opera is a traditional folk drama art and popular in Bashu, Yunan, Guizhou and the southwest of China. As time changes, the opera appreciation intentions of people in Sichuan have changed, too. In modern eyes, the artistic skills such as changing faces, spitting fire, Tibetan dao, etc, have become a representative symbol of Sichuan opera. People walk into the theater, to feel the visual impact from the techniques, while ignoring the inherent spirit of Sichuan opera as a traditional drama with spoke features, performance program, and high literary value. "Three thousand for Tang, eight hundred for song, play not over of the nations", Sichuan opera is so extensive and profound, is a skill in short?
“Chasing Dao” invites people on a spiritual journey of following the Chi, in a complete circle that returns in nature and then starts again. Throughout his notes, the author tries to find the essence of his journey. Near the end he adds a quote that expresses the emptiness of Dao: “What happens with the hand when you open your fist?” 作者將“問道”的過程整理為“筆記”,希望引導人們跟 隨著氣的方向來一場精神上的旅行,指引著人們回歸自然,然後重新開始,如同一個完 整的圓一樣。通過這個筆記,作者希望能找到他這趟路程最初的意義。他以筆記的最後 一句話來表達道的空靈:“當你放開緊握的拳頭,會發生什麼?”
川劇是流行於巴蜀、雲、貴等西南地區的民間傳統戲劇藝術。隨著時代變遷,人們對川 劇的欣賞意圖也發生了變化。 在現代人眼中,變臉、吐火、藏刀等藝術技巧已經成為川劇的代表性符號,人們走進戲 院,去感受技巧帶來的視覺沖擊,而忽略了川劇作為傳統戲劇藝術本身所具有的聲腔特 色、表演程式以及川劇劇本較高的文學價值。“唐三千、宋八百,演不完的周列國”,川 劇如此博大精深,豈是一技能以蔽之?
Jiudouwan 朋酒斯饗
The Faces of Anjing Town 錦絲韶華
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 13secs 格蘭比.林穆Granby Limb (英國)
Jiudouwan is a documentary focused on food culture in Chengdu. It takes a specific focus on the Jiudouwan traditional meal, looking into the preparation of food, the atmosphere in the kitchen environment, and the skill involved in preparing and cooking the dishes.This documentary also shows the way that good food can bring people together, to enjoy the company of one’s friends and family, as well as a delicious meal.
10mins 55secs 安娜.裏斯克Anna Leask (英國)
This ten minute documentary focuses on the people who make Sichuan embroidery. We get to see the people behind the beauty of the craft, to learn more about their lives and their opinions. The documentary is set in Anjing, the hometown of Sichuan embroidery and focuses on one studio there where we interview Master Wu the founder and his students. This is an exploration of beauty. 這個10分鐘的紀錄片主要關註中國四川的蜀繡工。我們想 深入了解那些精美藝術品背後的故事,去了解更多他們的 生活與看法。這個紀錄片取景於蜀繡之鄉——安靖鎮,我們將聚焦一個工作室,在那裏 我們拜訪了鄔大師和他的學生。這將是一次美麗的探索。
《朋酒斯饗》是一部聚焦於成都“田席”文化的紀錄片, 它以獨特的視角來呈現傳統的食物、深入到食材的準備、有關廚房的景象和準備食材烹 飪食材的技巧。紀錄片還會展現美好的食物將人們聚集在一起,來享受朋友家人們的陪 伴所帶來的快樂與美味的佳肴。
Talking Chengdu 畫話蜀都
Entering Lives 門間
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 34secs 布蘭妮.胡珀Bryony Hooper
This documentary takes a small insight into what it is like to live in Chengdu.We interview different people all who have different relationships with the city.Some have lived here all their lives some have moved here all recently and others have lived here for a very long time.Chengdu is known for being a relaxed city. The life of the cozy people in Chengdu,also have a heartwarming taste of the non-material cultural heritage in the local art of sugar painting.It has not only left a mark on the ancient city, but also brought a hint of sweetness to the people of Chengdu. And through the visuals of the documentary we explore this and see if the city on face value is relaxed as it seems.Chengdu is also a special city as its nickname is one city you never went to say goodbye to ,we will also see if this is true in the documentary.
11mins 愛德華.波爾烏 Eduard Parvu
My short film is an observation on the day to day life of people from Chengdu. The relation between the different persons is that all off them are displayed in front, between or behind doors, and it is made to give the sensation that all is happening in a single day, from morning to night. Early in the beginning the fact that it is somebody who films the whole thing is reveled and from this moment you know that it is not an objective view, but that somebody is choosing the frame, the time and the characters he wants. 我的作品是一部對成都人日常生活的觀察紀錄片。不同人們之間的關系都在“門裏”“ 門外”呈現著,而我想把這些素材剪輯在一起,讓觀眾感覺好像這些全都發生在一天之 中,從早上一直到夜晚。
成都本身以休閑著稱,安逸的成都人生活中也有著一番別有的愜意,片中所紀錄的當地 非物質文化遺產—糖畫,不僅僅給蜀都這座古城留下了時代的印記,也為成都人帶來了 一絲甜意。本片是從小視角入手,針對不同人物的采訪,感受他們與城市的內在聯系: 有些人一輩子生活在這兒;有些人選擇定居在這兒;有些人才剛剛來到這座城市。同 樣,本片也一直在尋找為什麽成都是一座來了就不想走的城市,將城市特色貫穿其中。
最初做這個作品時,我想其實是會有某個人來執導整部影片所有內容的呈現,但是就在 那個時候,我發現那並不是一個客觀的視角,而是自我在選擇場景,選擇時間和我想要 的人物,而這不是我想要的。而我的作品的導演是:成都人民。
Douban-The Journey of The Chilli 豆瓣的奇妙之旅
Chinese Scissors 中國剪
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 28secs 艾瑪.布裏奇伍德 Emma Bridgewood(英國)
10mins 53secs Melissa Hunter
My documentary is about pixian chilli paste. From the making to using it in a restaurant and everything about it. Chengdu people and their families played a fantastic part of their life in this film. The theme behind this documentary is the importance of the pixian chilli paste in Sichuan cuisine and the color red.
Mellissa invited a Chinese boy to help her to explore Chinese scissors. Her film walked through Hefang Street, focusing on Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors, paper cutting artist, Children road and so on. By exploring this, she’d like to show Chinese culture and Chinese people’s spirit.
作品紀錄了郫縣豆瓣從家庭制作、工廠加工到進入川菜的 運用等場景。成都人民和他們的家人都在影片中演繹出了 屬於他們的精彩生活。影片背後所要傳達的主題就在於豆 瓣醬在川菜中的重要性以及菜肴中的充滿生機的紅色主題。
Mellissa請一位愛好剪刀的中國青年幫助她在杭州探索“ 中國剪”,鏡頭遊走過河坊街的張小泉剪刀鋪、剪紙藝 人、手工藝者、孩兒巷的街頭理發師……通過一系列的探 索,Mellissa想透過剪刀來展現中國文化以及中國人的面貌。
The Chinese Food Opera 中國美食奏鳴曲
Fifth day, fifth month 濃情五月五
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 40 secs Miguel Lopez Valdivia
“The Chinese Food Opera” is a visual exploration of the Chinese cuisine and its connection with the people, as an analogy of how a country is made of unique human beings. We won’t follow a character, because food itself it’s our character. We’ll go from the final dish to it’s core to reveal the essence of Chinese cuisine: from the mass, to the individual.
In may, the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, one of the five on this day, people such as dragon boat racing, dumplings, dragon-boat festival feelings never dies. The film focuses on traditional festival in condensed feelings -- "person, family, home countries countries". Male rowing, competing power and majestic momentum, female package dumplings, reunited into a affection and love. And the Chinese traditional "family" is condensed description in the fifth day, affecting generation after generation of Chinese descendants.
《中國美食奏鳴曲》是一個關於中國美食與人的關系、以 及食物如何滋養了一類獨特人群的視覺探索紀錄片。我沒 有聚焦具體的人物主角,因為食物本身就是主角。短片從餐桌上的美食開始,探尋它的 靈魂,從而反映中國美食的核心內涵,就像從大眾到個體一樣去探尋。
端午是中國的傳統節日之一,在五月五這一天,人們賽龍舟,品粽子,端午情懷傳千 古。本片聚焦於傳統節日中凝聚的家國情懷——“人.家.國" 。男劃龍舟,比拼的是力 量和磅礴氣勢,女包粽子,融入的是一家團聚的情與愛。而中國傳統的“人家國”就凝 聚在濃情五月五這天,影響著一代又一代華夏子孫。
Umberllas 傘 Length: Director:
10min 38 secs Nikita Sampath
The Old Man and The Erhu 琴人 9mins 48secs 坪池順 Jun Tsuboike
Length: Director:
When I look at the Chinese character for “umbrella,” I chuckle at how it closely resembles the actual shape of an umbrella. My film, “傘,” or “Umbrellas,” was inspired by this humorous observation. Upon my arrival in Hangzhou, I discovered that they are everywhere in this city. Whether they are in the its conventional form or acting as another roof providing shelter for whomever walks underneath it, umbrellas have always been an element of Chinese life. After meeting many people and obstacles, I believe this project gave me a better understanding of myself as a storyteller and traveller.
8 mins 33secs Jon Mayer
Uncle Chen tells the story of how he came to learn the Erhu, and wonders about the future of traditional Chinese music. 陳叔叔講述了他如何學習二胡的經歷,同時憧憬了中國傳 統音樂的未來。
當我看到中國漢字“傘”,我竊喜它是如何近似於雨傘的實際形狀。我的電影《傘》, 靈感來自於這個有趣的發現。當我到達杭州後,我發現傘無處不在,或是真正意義上的 傘,還是像傘一樣的建築屋頂,傘一直是中國人生活中的一個元素。作為講故事的旅行 者,我相信創作這個影片會讓我更好地了解自己。
To teach a child 教育之道
Chan & Tea One Taste 禪茶一味
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins 24secs Meredith Lawrence, 郭玥
The film follows a 8-year-old girl named volunteering at school, home life, and planning, production instead of the final exams this semester math games chess process. At the same time pay attention to the interaction between fantasy and his mother, great mother ms wu on the child's education also have a lot of his unique point of view. "To called A Child To Boston university student Meredith Lawrence's view of hangzhou city, zhejiang province, nine primary school new education concept and practical operation, To replace the final exam" mathematical games chess ", for example, overturned before America's eyes "exam-oriented education" under the oppression of China education situation, use the fact To tell the world: China's education is changing.
9mins 57secs Luisa Mendez
Hidden in the higher of the Hangzhou Mountains, where heaven touch earth, the peace from the origins of life makes us feel the “Chan” sensation if we really understand the meaning of this great and special religion, Buddhism. A travel into the tea life, since the seeds passing trough the growth, the sale, the market, the traditional tea houses and modern tea houses to end where all starts again, in the nature, in the Lingyin temple where the meaning of drink tea change the hole meaning of life and contemplation. A master of Chan sit and close his eyes around nature just to think and contemplate the inner peace. Accompanied with tea, tasting and cleaning his mind and heart.
本片跟蹤拍攝一名叫妙妙的8歲女孩在學校、在家的生活和策劃、制作本學期代替期末考 試的數學遊戲棋的過程。同時關註妙妙與母親之間的互動,妙妙的母親吳女士也在小孩 的教育上有很多自己獨到的觀點。《To Teach A Child》以美國波士頓大學學生Meredith Lawrence 的視角去了解浙江省杭州市九蓮小學全新的教育觀念和實際操作,以“數學遊 戲棋取代期末考試“為例,推翻之前美國人眼中“應試教育”壓迫下的中國教育狀況, 用事實告訴全世界:中國的教育正在逐步改變。
“禪”,隱藏在杭州的高山上,離天空最近的地方,生命深處的靜謐讓我們感受到了什 麽是“禪”,如果我們真的體會到佛教的真諦。 這部影片就像一部關於茶的旅行記,從茶長在葉子上的模樣,到茶鍋中、傳統與當代的 茶社中,在大自然中,在靈隱寺中……最後到僧人閉眼體悟自然的靜謐中,從而我們的 內心得到了滌蕩,這應該就是禪茶一味吧。
Seeing Silk 臨安繡事
Together As One 一起愛(合一)
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9min 46secs Marisa Benjamin
My documentary will follow Susan Lu, a 34-year-old professional silk embroidery artist who was recently afflicted with cataracts, hindering her ability to see and do her craft. During her recovery she has begun to recreate her father’s paintings into silk embroidery replicas. The story will document Susan as she confronts losing her vision while trying to maintain her passion of this highly visual art form – all over the backdrop of her beginning one of her father’s paintings and reflecting on her relationship with him.
12mins 43secs Jelena Gavrilovic
A film about love story in shenyang. Uncle with butyl the perspective of different characters, such as expounded by means of interviews, about the understanding of love and marriage and views. 一部關於沈陽愛情故事的片子。以丁叔叔等不同人物的角 度通過采訪、講述的方式闡述出對愛情與婚姻的理解和看 法。
我的紀錄片將跟隨Susan,一個34歲的非常熱愛杭繡藝術的一位繡女。她曾經因病一度失 明,在恢復視力後,仍然希望做好這門視覺藝術,同時,她希望把父親的畫作用杭繡表 現出來。對杭繡的一切熱愛都來源於她父親對她的影響以及關愛。
Adaptation 適應 Length: Director:
Glory For Me 我的榮耀 11mins 20 secs Emily Sheehan
Length: Director:
At its heart, my film is about balance, tradition, and family. It follows a mother and daughter who own a experience pavilion and teach modern students the ancient art of Chinese tie-dye. Together, they bridge the gap between the slow rhythm of life from the past with the fast-paced energy of the future. Tradition and tie-dye bring their family closer together and their students closer to the calm and tranquility of the past.
12mins 12 secs Marleena Forward
Lv Jiarui and Zhaoyue are in Shenyang national school. Their dream is to become a professional acrobat. Although for six days a week of intensive training, but the hard training and tight schedules did not kill the children love of dreams and persistent. They use their own way to prove to the world even if again painstakingly again tired, also want to efforts of the Chinese spirit. 紀錄片主人公9歲的呂佳睿和13歲的趙悅在沈陽民族學校上 學。他們的夢想是成為專業的雜技演員。雖然每周要進行 6天的高強度訓練,但是艱苦的訓練和緊張的作息時間並沒有消磨孩子們對夢想的熱愛和 執著。他們用自己的方式向世界證明即使再苦再累也要努力拼搏的中國精神。
《適應》是一部關於平衡、傳統和家庭的紀錄片。影片追 蹤了一對向當代人教學中國傳統紮染藝術的母女,這對母女將現今快節奏的充滿精力的 生活與過去慢節奏的生活聯系起來。紮染讓她們的生活更接近與傳統文化中的安寧意境。
Carving Through 雕刻生活的人
Shenyang Station 沈陽站
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 3secs Christine Maiden
Liú Shuanghe, is an ordinary man that has a love for traditional Chinese stone art. Raising two daughters, the stone artist passes down the craft his father and grandfather once taught him as he sees the decline of Chinese traditional art. Stationed on the busy street, Hefang, Liú Shuanghe believes the tradition of art in China should be preserved and protected by the government. Carving Through uncovers the life of a stone artist and his fight to continue the traditional Chinese art.
10mins 22 secs Nick Richardson
Shenyang station is by showing the immigrant families and Serbia international students came to shenyang daily life, as well as their perception of shenyang, feelings, to show the diversity of shenyang city, in a whole new way to show the shenyang in the 21st century. 《沈陽站》是通過展示英國移民家庭和塞爾維亞的留學生 來到沈陽的日常生活,以及他們對於沈陽的看法,感受, 來展現沈陽這座多元化的城市,以全新的方式展現了21世
劉雙和是一位熱愛石雕藝術的普通人。他從他的祖父、父親那裏沿襲了石雕藝術的傳 統,現在他有兩個女兒,他希望石雕藝術在日漸蕭落的今天能夠被傳承下去。劉先生在 河坊街擺攤賣石雕,他說石雕藝術應該得到政府的保護,並一代代相傳下去。
Skating Shenyang 滑板沈陽
Tying The Note 結婚
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 35 secs Oscar Ascencio
This film aims to show a different face of the Chinese new generations, how they adopted a subculture from the western society and made it their own.
8mins 34secs Delaney Murphy
The documentary by understanding the story of three women of different ages and marriage view over the years the change of the attitude toward marriage in Chinese culture, and how these changes affect women.
Skateboarding has been a non-traditional sport around the globe for the past 70 years and has undertaken a big journey from the west cost of the United States to the inner suburbs of Shenyang.
這部紀錄片通過了解三個不同年齡段的女人的故事與婚姻 觀點探索多年以來在中國文化中對婚姻態度的改變,以及 這些變化如何影響女性。
Showing three different Chinese characters, each of them different, but linked by one passion, being a piece of timber attached to 4 polyurethane wheels; the skateboard. It is this passion that gives them happiness, friendship and family. 這部電影旨在展示壹個中國新壹代的不同,他們把西方社會文化變成自己的。滑板是壹個 非傳統的全球運動,在過去的70年中,從西方傳入中國。作品展示了三個不同的人,但是他 們對滑板都有著相同的激情。正是這種激情,帶給他們快樂,友誼和家庭。
He Yuzhang’s Rice Sprout Song or Yangge 秧歌
The Tiger Mom Effect 虎媽
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 42 secs Masa Sarovic
Through interviews and with liaoning university college of art's recognized folk art graduates He Yuzhang behind the scenes of life portraiture, insight into the northeast yangko this originated in the folk, has a long history of dance, but also map out under the background of The Times the life of a young Chinese dancers state and dreams.
A story about Chinese education, through interviews with two of their children's education Have rich experience in shenyang mother, shows the Chinese education of warm and pain, Capture the pushy complex Chinese mothers and children. 一部關於中國式教育的故事,通過采訪兩個對子女教育
通過采訪和跟拍遼寧大學藝術學院備受認可的民藝專業畢 業生何煜璋臺前幕後的生活寫照,深入了解東北秧歌這種 起源於民間、歷史悠久的舞蹈,同時也描畫出當今時代背景下一個中國年輕舞者的生活 狀態和夢想。
有豐富經驗的沈陽母親,展示了中國式教育的暖與痛, 捕捉望子成龍的中國母親與子女復雜的關系。
Zongzi 粽子 Length: Director:
13mins 40secs James Carroll
What Remains 回家 9mins 43secs Jason Albury
Length: Director:
ZongZi (sticky rice dumpling), One of the most recognizable symbols of the Dragon boat festival. It’s a tradition that has been going for 2000 years and the people who carry this tradition hope it will carry on through generations to come.
9mins 46 sec Elle Marsh
In March 2014, 473 bodies from the north Korean back to shenyang martyrs cemetery, through interviews with north Korean war veterans, and lost their lives in the war of the families of soldiers and the park's caretakers, remember losing soldiers; After 60 years, their body finally went home, returned to his hometown, back to the land of the motherland. The soldiers returned to his hometown, falling leaves.
粽子是端午節最知名的標誌之一。這個傳統已經持續了 2000年的人攜帶這一傳統希望它將通過世世代代進行。
2014年3月473具遺體從朝鮮運回沈陽抗美援朝烈士陵園, 通過參加過采訪朝鮮戰爭中的老兵、以及在戰爭中失去生命的士兵家屬們、園區的守墓 人,緬懷失去的戰士;經過60年,他們的遺體終於回家了,回到了自己的故鄉,回到了 祖國的土地上。戰士們重歸故鄉,落葉歸根。
Ge 革 Length: Director:
Shanshan of the Mountain 山之珊 9mins 53secs Claudia Rose Holmes
Length: Director:
Ge is a documentary that explores the revolution of fashion in modern China. Two designers from two different generations talk about the importance of clothing in their lives as well as their countries. The film reflects on economical and political changes that have influenced how the country dresses and how this has an impact on a countries cultural identity as well as the identity of an individual.
12mins 53secs Janne Hakkinen
Shanshan spends her summer vacations off university working her parents’ restaurant up on the steep slopes of Lanshan, located in Chengguan district of Lanzhou. We follow Shanshan from early morning until the late evening, cleaning tables, serving customers and helping the other family members working at the restaurant. During the hectic day we have chance to chat up Shanshan about the relationship with her mother and her future plans, dreams and fears.
《革》這部紀錄片闡述了時尚在現代中國的改革。兩位來 自不同時代的設計師講述了服飾在他們國家和生活中的重要性。這部影片反映了經濟和 政策的改革對國家整體服飾風格的影響以及對國家文化特征、個人特征的影響。
珊珊利用假期時間在位於蘭州市城關區的蘭山家庭農家樂裏幫助媽媽經營農家樂。 我們從早晨開始跟隨珊珊的腳步,直到深夜。在不斷地擦桌子、服務客人、幫助家人去 經營和管理農家樂。在忙忙碌碌的壹天裏我們非常幸運的有機會了解到了珊珊和媽媽的 關系以及珊珊自己對於未來的計劃、擁有的夢想和所擔心的壹切。
A Bowl of Lanzhou Beef Noodle 來一碗蘭州牛肉麵
I Hate This City 我討厭這個城市
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
12mins 59secs Corine Tiah
A Bowl of Lanzhou Beef Noodles is made from a Singaporean’s perspective. From Singapore’s Chinatown to Lanzhou, we explore the differences between the Lanzhou beef noodles and larger cultural differences it implies. Walking into home of a Lanzhou local and witnessing their everyday life and their making of beef noodles, we discover the underlying warmth of a family. Through a simple bowl of beef noodles, the depth of Lanzhou as a city is uncovered.
10mins 47 secs 俊豪
Film《Lian Shou》is the theme of the lanzhou people speak of friendship, the documentary also with kindness as the theme, through the characters in the form of interview records the zhao friends in the process of making the three films to his help and encouragement, and share the success from creating studio to film making it in the middle of the many stories about friendship. 電影《練手》的主題就是蘭州人講情義,這個紀錄片也以 情義為主題,通過人物采訪的形式記錄了趙陽在拍這三部 電影過程中朋友給他的幫助與鼓勵,也分享了從創建工作室到電影成功拍出這中間的許 多關於情誼的故事。
本部紀錄片作品《來一碗牛肉麵》是以新加坡華人姑娘Corine自身的觀察體驗為視角,行 走於新加坡唐人街和中國蘭州兩地的拉麵館,探尋新加坡中國城的蘭州牛肉拉麵和蘭州 牛肉拉麵的相似與不同之處;在品嚐中思考其所蘊涵的人文地域文化。走進中國家庭, 記錄中國人才米油鹽的家庭市井生活,觀察拍攝家庭牛肉麵食材選擇和製作過程,採訪 了會製作家庭牛肉麵的蘭州老人陸秀花,講述其個人經歷和家常食譜,探索牛肉麵對於 個人生活、家庭紐帶和蘭州這座城市文化的意義;剖析闡述了一碗牛肉拉麵與蘭州城市 和中國家庭文化的關係。
Qing Ting Lan Zhou 傾聽蘭州
A Nation’s Treasures 民族瑰寶
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 43secs 露兒
My documentary explores different aspects of music in Lanzhou and in China. I was interested in meeting a band that was unique to Lanzhou. A band who understood the city through its sounds. I was also interested in exploring the state of music in China, but specifically in Lanzhou. I understand that Lanzhou is a city much like any other modern Chinese city. The city is like a rebellious teenager who wants to break out of their traditional roots and take on a new shell.
11mins 6secs Louis Kartason
"Spiritual product of the same product and the plants and animals can only be explained by their environment." Shaanxi opera and miniature gourd, is a resounding loud and clear, is a quiet and delicate. A combination of both, will show you bring a different experience. We will tell you a story about family and culture. “ 精神文明的產物和動植物的產物壹樣只能用各自的環境 來解釋”
我的紀錄片講述了在蘭州,在中國各式各樣的音樂。我非常想采訪壹個對蘭州有特殊意 義的樂隊,壹個他們的聲音可以詮釋蘭州這個城市的樂隊。我非常想探索中國音樂的發 展趨勢,尤其是蘭州的。我覺得蘭州是壹個很想中國其他時尚城市的地方。這個城市的 發展就像壹個叛逆的青年想要不斷改變,不斷創新的成長過程。
秦腔與葫蘆微雕,壹個是高亢嘹亮,壹個是沈靜細膩。二者的結合, 不同的體驗。我們將為妳講述壹個關於家庭與文化的故事。
Muslim Ties 清真情真
Wild Strawberry 野草莓
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 17secs Claudia Rose Holmes
We can see in the street lanzhou Muslim women bag with all kinds of scarves, men with white hat, spectacular mosque and Muslim restaurants of different styles. Under the beautiful appearance, do you know about their daily life? Move your fingers, you will see a different Muslim world.
10mins 42secs Sini Kononen
In the blundering society, many people have been unwilling to do mountain climbing this calm, but in the outdoors is a good way to get everyone organic unifies in together. So sometimes, mountain also has significance for family. Director Sini from Finland, so she under the lens of mountains were appearing a Nordic and distant, in which there is a kind of quiet.
我們在蘭州街頭,總能看到包著各色頭巾的穆斯林婦女, 帶著小白帽的男人,雄偉壯觀的清真寺,還有風格各異的 清真餐廳。在這美麗的外表下,妳是否了解他們的日常生 活?動動手指,點開視頻,妳將看到壹個不壹樣的穆斯林世界。
在浮躁的社會風氣中,很多人已經不願意去做爬山這種沈靜的事情,但戶外運動其實是 壹種很好的方式把大家有機的結合在壹起。所以有的時候,山對於家庭也具有意義。 導演Sini來自芬蘭,所以她鏡頭下的山也透著壹種北歐的平和悠遠,有壹種靜謐在其中。
Mr. Ma 馬師傅 Length: Director:
A Taste of Lanzhou 蘭州味兒
12mins 35secs 許文俊
Length: Director:
Mr Ma tells the story of the last Sheepskin raft craftsman, Ma Jianhua. Through his eyes, we learn about the history of the sheepskin raft, and how Lanzhou and the Yellow River has changed over the years. Through his years of experience and insight, we see his hopes and fears for the future. In Mr Ma, we see the family (both immediate and extended) and the nation through the eyes of an individual.
11mins 53secs Christine Seow
"Food is the most important thing in the life of a Chinese". This reflects the importance of the food culture to the Chinese. The film is from a foreign student’s perspective, in how she sees China and in particular, Lanzhou. Through exploring Lanzhou and its famous snacks, she realises how food can integrate different cultures together. The representation of Lanzhou snacks is shown through its traditional glutinous rice mixed with milk and eggs and Peizi sweet tea mixed with lemon pulp water charm. This displays an amalgamation of tradition and innovation.
馬先生講述了壹個過去的羊皮筏工匠馬建華的故事。通過 他的眼睛,我們了解了羊皮筏子的歷史,以及蘭州和黃河這些年來的變化。通過他多年 的經驗和洞察力,我們看到他的希望和對未來的恐懼。在馬先生的話語中,我們通過壹 個人的眼睛看到了壹個家庭(包括現有的和過去未來的)和國家。
“民以食為天”這句俗語非常到位地體現了中國人對於飲食文化的重視。本片以外國大 學生看中國、看蘭州的視角,在蘭州尋覓典型蘭州小吃為主線,展開表現了蘭州小吃中 以傳承傳統為代表的牛奶雞蛋醪糟和以創新傳統為代表的甜胚子奶茶,檸檬漿水的魅力。 導演Sini來自芬蘭,所以她鏡頭下的山也透著壹種北歐的平和悠遠,有壹種靜謐在其中。
Of Noodles, Father& Son 父與子的面
Lanzhou Families 蘭州.家庭
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
13mins 12secs Sampo Johansson
The theme for 2015 Looking China is “Individual, Family, Nation” so this documentary is about a family. But this family is very special and is a representative of China. This family, Bai Lao qi, is well-known to all. But why does everybody know them? It’s because their beef noodles are well-loved by the people in Lanzhou. What is the secret of the springy noodles, tasty chilli and frangrant soup? What draws people to this hidden gem? Why is it that over the years people are still talking about it? All of these questions will be answered as you watch this documentary. People are still debating on what the recipie of the secret chilli is. The uses of Peng Hui, the story behind the beef noodles are all captured and revealed. What we give you is an insight into the story of the beef noodles and the Bai Lao Qi family. More than that, we want to show the often overlooked history of Lanzhou.
10mins 43secs Heika Fyr Roma
In the film we meet three families from Lanzhou. We see in one normal day, three families intermixed. The documentary wants to show that in a changing world close relations of the family are a constant and your loved people are the most important thing in the world. 我們的作品以三個蘭州的家庭為主要拍攝對象,進行跟蹤 紀實,紀錄下這三個家庭截然不同的生活方式及生活態 度。用平淡的鏡頭紀錄下真實的生活,以外國人的視角客 觀展現蘭州人家庭的日常生活。
此次看中國.蘭州行計劃的主題是人.家.國,所以本片講述了一個關於家族的故事, 當然,這個家族也是非常特殊非常具有代表性的,它就是眾所周知的白老七家族,這個 家族為什麼眾所周知呢?是因為他們的牛肉麵被蘭州人民所熟知所追捧所熱愛。筋道的 麵條,美味的油潑辣子以及香氣撲鼻的麵湯背後蘊藏著什麼秘密?不起眼的小店為何會 有摩肩接踵的規模?以及時間流逝中為何白老七被人津津樂道?一個個的疑問在片中被 一一解開。街頭巷尾傳唱的白老七油潑辣子的傳承及製作,蓬灰的原理及作用,牛肉麵 背後的故事一一被記錄,被呈現。我們給你的,是關於牛肉麵的故事,是關於白老七家 族的故事,更是關於蘭州這座城的一些被人們所忽視的歷史。
Xi’an Boys 在路上 Length: Director:
Near or Far 復歸來 12mins 56secs
Length: Director:
Two young inhabitants in Xi’an are coming from different background, and have a different way of life. But they have a lot of things are common, they like running, and for both of them, friend, family, and music are important.
11mins 5secs Shai Skiff & Shangguan Shuyi
A girl, after ten years away from Xi’an, came back to her hometown. She felt an intimacy to this city, as well as a sort of unfamiliarity. Coming back means looking at the surroundings by a different view of life. Everything changes rapidly in this city, except for the modesty under its profound history. It is the symbol of Xi’an city, which the girl could feel everywhere.
兩個有著不同背景的西安本地年輕人,他們有著不同的生 活方式。但他們有著很多共通的東西,他們喜歡跑步,朋 友、家庭和音樂對他們都很重要。
一個離開西安的女孩在十年後重新踏上故土,亦親切,亦 陌生。歸來,意欲帶著對人生新的領悟來審視身邊的一 切。城市的變化日新月異,唯獨不變的卻是其厚重歷史感下的溫良品性,這是一座城的 名片,更是女孩每一天穿行於大街小巷所體會到的浮生百態。
Two Shades Of Light 墨韻
Life in Opera 戲曲人生
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 4secs Daniel Binsted
The movie links between a Jewish Calligrapher to Chinese Calligrapher, by examine their methods of work & style.
10mins 45secs Helli Hardy
The film “Life in Opera” is about the Qinqiang Opera. The Qinqiang Opera is a unique art that is related to the traditional culture in Xia’n. The film tries to show that this opera, except from its unique voice tunes, is related to all people: young, old, rich, poor and it can be sing everywhere; in the streets, parks, hall and home. The Qinqiang Opera is not only music, its a way of life.
影片通過比較猶太書法家和中國書法家的創作,分析他們 的創作方法和風格。
“《戲曲人生》試圖向人們展現秦腔除了其獨特的聲音的 旋律,它還與所有的人,包括年輕的,年老的,富有的,貧窮 的人,和它無處不在的魅力,在街上,公園、大廳和家裏。秦腔不僅是音樂,它更是一種生活 方式。
Inner Peace 寂靜處 Length: Director:
Bird of paradise 極樂鳥 12mins 13secs Quentin Sarta
Length: Director:
During the trip to Xi’an, I’ve been surprised by the amount of noise and movement in a city that never stops living. But then, I’ve found this place which is the campus of Xi’an Academy of fine arts. This place looks like it has been taken from somewhere else and put in the city. There is artists who are searching for inspiration and quiet is their way to find it. I wanted to discuss with these people.
8mins 35secs Efim Graboy
This film uses the time delay technology to represent people’s life in Xi’an which is filled with the classic rhythm. It shows a developing Xi’an. 這部電影通過延時拍攝技術展現了生活在西安這座極富古 韻的城市中的人們快節奏的生活,展現了一個正在高速發 展中的古城西安。
在這次的“西安行”中,我被周圍喧囂的環境和永不停 息的城市繁華所震撼,直到我發現了西安美術學院。這個地方就像是這座城市的世外桃 源。藝術家們可以從中獲得泉湧的靈感和片刻的寧靜,我想了解他們,了解藝術,了解 平和。
The Mask Opera 地戲
MasterStroke 妙筆人生
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 58secs Ritika Poddar 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
In the Film, my journey begins from entering into the Tianlong village which is near to Anshun Province of China. The purpose of visit is to learn more about the famous traditional opera form called Tiaoshen (Dixi). So, to know all about Dixi and its history, I meet the Dixi Master Mr. Chen in the Tianlong village where he introduces me to the history of Dixi. He tells me how and why Dixi started in this town. He also tells me the importance of masks used in the performance of Dixi. Each masks has an unique expressions which define the characters of the play. I try to capture him as a Master teaching young boys Dixi in the school playground in order to show the future perspective of this old tradition. Dixi has different different stories of emperors, soldiers and military which talks about their bravery and loyalty. Mr. Chen narrates one of the famous story of Dixi called The three brothers. In the end of the film, I try to summarise this famous three brother story through their Dixi performane in the old Tianlong school.
10mins 28secs Srijani Dey 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
As a film student I always find interest in other fields apart from Cinema. Painting is definitely one of them. My film ‘Masterstroke’ reveals a famous and eminent painter of Guizhou province as well as China. In the very short time that I got to spend with him I found him a very interesting and intriguing personality who not only be involve with painting but also with many other art forms. Beside being a famous persona Mr.Pu is basically a very simple and active person. The film also reveals a 82 year old man who is fresh and young from mind. Four major stages of his painting career show the richness of strokes, colour and a powerful philosophy. Therefore my film not only portrays him as a famous person but also reveals his other sides which the common people are mostly unaware of. 作為學電影的學生,我總是覺得對其他領域的興趣也很重要,繪畫絕對是其中之一。我 的電影主角是貴州省乃至中國範圍內都很著名的一位畫家。在我與他相處的很短的一段 時間中,我發現他是一位非常有趣的老者,有著迷人的個性,他不僅僅長於繪畫,還長 於許多其他的藝術門類。作為一位著名的畫家,蒲國昌老先生基本上是一個非常簡單和 積極的人,影片揭示了一個蘊藏在老者胸懷中的新鮮的年輕的心靈,他的繪畫生涯的四個主 要階段表現出了豐富的筆觸,色彩和強大的理念。因此,我的影片不僅想展示他作為知 名畫家的一面,更想展示出他作為普通人的一面。
該短片取材於貴州平壩縣天龍鎮屯堡,主要講述的是一位印度女孩慕名來到天龍鎮尋找 當地非物質文化遺產屯堡地戲——傳承人陳老先生的故事。短片以我初到天龍鎮為開 頭,講述了我因為想要了解地戲及與其相關的背景知識而來到天龍鎮。我見到了地戲的 唯一傳承人陳先生,從他身上學習到了地戲的歷史以及地戲產生的條件和原因。在短片 中,陳先生給我們展示了地戲表演中極為重要的道具—面具,因為從面具就可以判斷出 飾演的角色。老先生對年輕一輩的期望從他的地戲教學中就可得知。最後,我們將陪同 大家一起欣賞一出精彩的地戲表演—三英戰呂布。
Where Life Is 生活在那裏
Guqin 琴音古韻
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 12secs Alexander Leo Pou 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
9mins 31secs Debjani Banerjee 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
Guqin is the oldest music instrument in China, having a history of almost 3000 years. The film shows how artists feel about the Guqin, what they think of its music, and how nature has the rhythm and soul of music. The tea house is the place where more than two hundred of years. So tea house is the place which also came up as a character.
Our story is about the families living in villages inhibited by the Bouyei Minority of China in Guizhou Province. Ordinary families become living souls knowing who to care and love one anther. Simplicity is the essence in their ways of life. 我們的故事講述的是中國貴州省平寨村布依族少數民族村 寨的生活。普通的少數民族家庭生活體現著家人之間的愛 和相互關心,簡單是他們的生活方式的精髓。
古琴是最古老的樂器,在中國有近3000多年的歷史。影片展示了藝術家如何看待古琴, 他們認為它的聲音以及自然有節奏是其靈魂。茶館在中國有兩百年以上的歷史,也是古 琴演奏和古琴文化傳承的重要場所之一。
The Girl Across The Stream 在水一方
Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom 百花齊放
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 52secs Modhura Palit 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
The film is about a lovely young Miao girl living in Guiyang city. As a part of the Miao minority and a local star, the film captures Yang Yifang in her myriad moments, as she balances her life inbetween classes, friends and her cultural identity. It is a candid and personal film about the girl as she reveals herself. Her fears, her future plans and uplifting her Miao cultural heritage. The film portrays a girl who loves her life and loves the life she is living; making it just as beautiful as her name from the poem.
11mins 12secs Subal Korickal Ramabhadran 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
People of Guiyang city (China) spending their leisure time in centre of the city called People’s square. They belong to different background, different social class. But here they merged the way different rivers merged in the sea. They carry different colors of life in this film. The sculpture of chairman Mao, always standing there, as if he is looking at his people. 貴陽市民主要在城市中心的人民廣場花費他們的閑暇時間。人們來自與不同的背景,不 同的社會階層,但在這裏,他們如同不同的河流匯集於大海,攜帶著不同的生命顏色展 示在這部電影中。毛主席雕塑,始終站在那裏,永遠註視著這片土地和人民。
這部電影是關於一個居住在貴陽市的年輕活潑的苗族女孩。作為苗族文化的繼承人和一 個受人喜愛的小明星,電影拍攝了楊一方生活中的的很多個時刻,她很好的平衡了她的 生活、朋友以及她的文化身份。這是一部展現導演的坦誠和自我的電影。女孩的擔憂, 女孩的未來規劃和她豐富的苗族文化底蘊,影片描繪了如她的名字一樣漂亮的女孩,一 個熱愛她的生活的女孩。
Greenly dwell in summer 綠意一夏
Everlasting Longing 長相思
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 21secs Claire Guichon
8mins 2secs Maya Meiri
Xi’an is not only an ancient city with a long histroy, but it has strong sense of ages. Our film is just focused on the green spaces of Xi’an in summer which represent the cross of past and now, where varieties of people colorful activities showing the unique spirit of this city. Individual, family and city finally fused into one in the green color of summer days,which became a kind of fantastic style of Xi’an.
This is a film about the poetry of Xi’an, city life and moment within it. Poems from a far place and time, feel with voices and smiles. The film brings back the poetic into common, ordinary life. Poetry that captures heroic moments, who takes the daily events and turn them into magic. Poetry is what connects us by words, by images, by its longing to touch our soul. It doesn’t matter if you are Chinese or Israelis, you need poetry. It’s above time or place.
西安,並不僅僅是一座擁有悠久歷史的古城,它也同時具 有濃郁的時代氣息。我們的影片,正是關註了夏日西安城歷史與現實交錯的綠地之上, 各類人群豐富多彩而又體現獨特城市精神的各種活動。人、家、城,最終在夏日的綠色 中融為一體,成為了西安的一種魅力風采。
這是一部用詩歌記錄西安城,及城中生活和美好時刻的影 片。詩歌,穿越時間和地域,用聲音和歡笑感觸我們。 這部影片將詩意融入人們的生活,貼近現實。詩歌,不但書寫著英雄時刻,也捕捉著人 們的日常生活,並賦予其詩意。通過辭藻、意象和念想,詩歌和我們緊緊相連,並觸碰 我們的靈魂。我們需要詩歌,不論是中國人,還是以色列人,因為它超越了時間和地域 的阻礙。
Art of the education 育之美
365GSM 365GSM
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
9mins 46secs Margot Deniau Rosato
10mins 27secs Malay Shekhar Vadalkar
Nowadays, people use paper more than ever, but seldom do they know about how paper is made and what is it made of. Ancient art of paper making is charming and interesting, our film focused on the process of paper making.
The subject of the documentary is the education link to the art. Education is the fundament of every society. It allows children to become adults and to have responsibility. Through the art, many students can express themselves and have a great sensibility and a good development. That`s why we want to show the importance of art in education thanks to the parents, teachers, and students themselves.
如今人們用紙量達到了前所未有的高峰,但是極少有人知 道造紙的流程和素材。中國古法造紙術深深的吸引著我 們,於是我們的電影以造紙的流程為主線展開。
這部紀錄片的主題是教育的藝術。教育是每個社會的基 石,它讓孩子們長大成人,承擔自己的責任。通過藝術,學生們可以表達自我,富於感 情,並得到良好的發展。這就是為什麽我們希望表現出藝術在教育中的重要性。感謝父 母,老師和學生自己。
Against the Current 逆行
Half Mountain 半山
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 39secs Tristan Bourquin
Doing something different will change your point of view. Against the Current is a way to describe a journey and especially show strange feelings that you can have in a new place. A trip start with a departure and an arriving and finish the same way. A beginning is an end and an end is a beginning. Walking in the city of Xi’an was an open minding experience full of surprise and discoveries. Against the current is a way to show the city and my experiences with people and Chinese culture in a personal experimentation
11mins Sounak Kar
About 20Kms from the city of Guiyang there’s an ancient stone village situated between the mountains named Zhenshan or HalfMountain village. This is a portrayal of the history, architecture and folklore of the village and the life in general in that place. It browses through their ancient tools and customs, traditional clothes and songs, and day to day activities of the modern times. Traveling through the lanes and houses of the village, the film gives an experience of traveling through time.
about time.
離貴陽市20公裏有一個古老的石頭村,位於半山群山之間。那裏的生活,古老的建築, 和流傳在村莊裏的民間傳說一樣,都是歷史的痕跡和寫照。電影通過展示他們的古老工 具和習俗,傳統服裝和歌曲,並輔之以人們的日常活動,作者的視野在村莊的小巷和房 屋間遊歷,電影給人穿越時空的旅行體驗。
偶爾對事物的看法會因為做了一些不同以往的小事而發生改變。逆行是一種詮釋旅行的 方法尤其展現的是當你身處一個完全陌生的新城市時所體會到的奇異感受。一段旅程的 開始既是一次離別而當再次離別時又是另一個開始。開始既是結束而結束則又是開始。 在西安城中行走是一次充滿著驚喜和發現的經歷。我利用逆行這部片子來展現這座城市 以及在時間流動的改變中我對於中國文化和與中國人民交流的個人體會。
A City Above Cities 城攞城
Familiar 家
Length: 11mins 56secs Director: Rany Naser
Length: Director:
A City Above City takes us through the history, culture, and art of Kaifeng, one of the most Ancient cities in the world and capital of China during the Song Dynasty period, and explores the government’s plans of revitalizing the city back to its ancient form.
A sweet simple family film set in rural china. It is a humble portraiture of four generations of a family in Wanzhai village of Kaifeng. Through a glimpse into traditional Chinese village life, it is an authentic attempt to explore, document and understand the subtle nuances, and beauty of Chinese cultural and familial values at the grassroots level.
《城摞城》帶我們穿越開封的歷史、文化、藝術。開封是 世界上最古老的城市之一,曾經是中國宋朝時期的首都。 本片探討了開封重振老城風貌、再建復古建築形式的現 狀,以及人們對此的態度和看法。
12mins 30secs Nikita Mor
設定在中國農村的一個甜蜜簡單的家庭電影。這是在開封 的萬寨村一個不起眼的四世同堂的生活寫照。通過影片, 嘗試窺探中國傳統的鄉村生活。基於對記錄片和理解的差別,探討中國基層社會與宗族 的文化和價值觀。
I Have A Dream 我有一個夢 Director:
Mahsa Razavi
Yuan Yuan 元元
I am working on a short piece about Chinese approaches to learning and teaching practices and its importance in one’s personal and social life. In particular, the film will explore the difference between Chinese culture approach to the process and goal of education and Western idea of education.
Length: Director:
9mins 40 secs Bernardo Lopes、Jiahui Lv、Chenyu Zhao
Our goal is to portray the life of a couple, Nina and Li, who live in a suburban area of Qingdao and both work far away from their home. Having solid careers and a long lasting marriage, they have their three-year-old daughter as their proudest accomplishment. Approaching this narratively as a diary, contrasting two architectural and culturally distinct realities, we want this triangle to represent as faithfully as possible the suburban community in Qingdao and their pursue to be able to surpass the loneliness and detachment that can be felt when working far from home and from who you love.
本部影片以一名在校大學生的視角,她想去國外進行學 業,在此之前,她探訪不同年齡不同身份的人,尋求並了 解他們對於中國教育以及國外教育的看法,她聽到了不同 的聲音。
More Vivid Than Sculpture 家春秋 Length: Director:
男主人李衛軍和女主人元妮娜住在青島市郊,他們有穩定的婚姻和穩定的工作,但都需 要到離家很遠的中心地帶上班。他們還有一個3歲大的女兒,但由於工作離家太遠,他們 無法及時照顧孩子,所以只好把她送去老家,跟奶奶同住,兩個星期才能回家一次。
11mins 18secs Mehrtash Mohit
我們希望用講故事的形式來記錄他們一家的生活,從個體到整個家庭,從外部建築的不 同到內在文化的不同,我們希望用這個三角(元妮娜、李衛軍和他們的女兒)來盡可能 真實的呈現一個住在市郊的上班族家庭的追求,和對因工作離家太遠等原因而無法時刻 與所愛的人團聚的孤獨的超越,以此來映射大部分住在青島市郊的上班族家庭對生活的 追求和超越。
A poetic approach to the relation between Chinese generations, families and culture. A visual description of all the differences and similarities of these different generations. Family as one of the strongest elements of Chinese culture is playing an strong part to tie all generations together. 採用詩意的方式來記錄中國幾代人、家庭和文化的關係。 對於不同世代進行了異、同的直觀描述。家庭作為中國文化中最強的元素之一,發揮了 強有力的作用,把各代聚集在一起。
Wu Liang - Without Beams 無梁 Length: Director:
Dew And Lightning 如露亦如電,應作如是觀 Length: Director:
10mins 45secs Cristian Gomes
Wu Liang - Without Beams is a story about a 19th generation Daoist monk who runs a residential temple in the heart of Kaifeng, China. He visits his old home in Kaifeng’s Long Ting temple to recall what he remembers of his childhood.
11mins Robin Bervoets、Zhu Shijun、Gao Yuanyuan
The film depicts through different lifestyles, how the chinese people find balance and peace
《無梁》是一個關於中國開封一位第19代道長的故事。他 住在開封老城內。他回到龍享尋訪故居所在地址,回憶了 很多年幼時的往事。
The film explores how people cope with stress in modern city life. The documentary asks what is means to live a fulfilling life and how to find your center. 影片通過對幾種不同生活方式的對比,深入探討當代中國 人怎樣尋找動靜的平衡。
More Than Words 言有盡而意無窮
Time Flies In The Hands 掌上流年
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
10mins 51secs Vikram Arora 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
A traveler from India is walking the streets of Guiyang. He is surprised to find the number of things that remind him of his homeland – from people’s struggles to lifestyles, it’s almost the same. However, he is intrigued by the rhythm of the city and the peace and calm all around him. His pursuit brings him to Calligraphy. Conversations with Calligraphy students and masters and two others who use calligraphy to make a living, give him valuable lessons for life. ‘More than words’ is an intimate travelogue of a film student who has learnt a very important aspect of Chinese culture and perhaps gotten to know himself a little better.
11mins 42secs Samira Kia
Times Flies in The Hands represents Chinese simple and profound culture in an abstract context, a world full of hands as the main characters. Here hands are metaphor for Chinese unity and culture of sharing. This film also accentuates on the necessity of making memories. We all need to make memories to live the life to the maximum. Life without memories is empty and meaningless. One way of making memory is through being together. And this being together is of great value, as the time does not wait for us to catch it, it goes on so fast and never comes back. If we don't cherish being together, we are not alive.
一個來自印度的旅行者走在貴陽街頭,他很驚喜的發現許多讓他想起家鄉的東西---人們 與生活的鬥爭,幾乎是一樣的。然後他被城市中包圍著他的平靜的節奏而吸引。他的追 求將他帶到書法裏。與兩個學習書法的學生和書法大師以及兩個為生活而學習書法的人 的對話給了他人生重要的一課。《言有盡而意無窮》是來自於一個學習了中國文化重要 部分和使之更為了解自己的學生的個人旅行見聞。
掌上流年代表一個抽象背景下,中國簡單而深刻的文化,手作為主要角色充滿了整個世 界。這裏的手被比喻為中國的統一和文化共享。這部電影也突出了記憶的必要性。我們 需要制造一些記憶來讓生活更加充實。沒有記憶的生活是空虛的而且毫無意義的。一種 制造記憶的方法是共同生活。共同生活在一起是非常有價值的,因為時間不會等待我們去 抓它,它如流水一樣飛逝,永不回來。如果我們不去珍惜在一起的時光,那我們就不是在生 活,只是像行屍走肉一樣。
Conversation in Music 音樂旅途
The Art Of Tea And Music 靜界
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
12mins 56secs Agnitra Chakrabarty 印度薩吉亞特.雷伊影視學院
12minu 36secs Sonetta Ducan
An exploration of the tea and music culture in Kaifeng, the Song Dynasty and China through the eyes and lens of a foreigner. Shot in locations such as a cultural museum, a commercial tea house, a music school and studio. This film contains footage of traditional tea ceremonies, educational teachings, speeches, interviews, the city Wall, cultural performances, and other sites and experiences around Kaifeng. Through this film, you will learn about the significance of both tea and music on each other, on Kaifeng citizens, as well as China and the global economy.
A young man from India carries a yearning for Chinese folk music came to Guizhou, China, in order to achieve the integration of traditional music and modern music, he walked into a different world of music. Music Without Borders, love without borders. 一位來自印度的小夥子懷揣著對中國民族音樂的向往來到 中國貴州,為了實現傳統音樂和現代音樂的融合,他走進 了不同的音樂世界。音樂無國界,愛無國界。
這是一個發生在開封的文化之旅,影片通過一個外國人的眼睛和視角記錄了關於茶與音 樂的文化感受。我們去了當地很多地方進行拍攝:開封文化客廳、戲曲茶樓、皇宋大觀 文化園、古琴社等。這部短片還包括了大宋點茶、教育課堂、古老的城墻、宋詞樂舞等 文化元素,也邀請了一些專家來為我們講述他們生活中的茶和音樂,講述他們的理想與 觀念。通過這部影片,觀眾將會了解到,茶和音樂的相得益彰,不只是開封人民茶余飯 後的陶冶情操,也是世界經濟的重要組成部分。
Stay with Me 留在我身邊
A Spice of Life 活在開封
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins 52secs Mimie Kumi
This documentary is about Bian embroidery which is a traditional Chinese art. There are unique stitches and special charm in it. So it shouldn’t be ignored and it needs to be inherited.
10mins 30secs Victor Toboh
The whole film is based on Kaifeng Chinese people's attitude towards work, as well as their work-life. This documentary tells the story of Dragon Pavilion pedicab driver and repair pens oldman, combined with other workers with embellishment, highlighting the Chinese people for the hard work of serious and positive attitude towards life.
紀錄片以汴繡這門中國傳統藝術為主題,講述其獨特的針 法和藝術魅力。汴繡不應該湮沒在歷史中,它需要傳承下 去。
整部影片立足於開封人中國人面對工作的態度、以及其工 作與生活之間的點點滴滴。本片詳細講述了龍亭三輪車夫 和修鋼筆老人的故事,加之其他工作者以點綴,突出了中國人對於工作的認真勤懇,以 及積極向上的生活態度。
Portraits 半生話 Length: Director:
Such Is Life 浮生如斯 9mins 41secs Rita Laranjeira
Length: Director:
Women’s status in Chinese society is rising and their ideas and words are getting more and more attention.The interviews with local Qingdao women in different position,different age layer,explore their answers to dreams,memories,fears and wishes.What worth mentioned is that the film tries to present different views of these women about the same question,but more prominently showed the flower lady,her contracditions and struggles between bearing family responsibility and realizing her self-value,all of which embody the new family view and self value of women in Qingdao.
This film interviewed people of different ages and career. Through their stories, we can know about people who live in Qingdao, about their lives, dreams, and their feelings towards this city. The interviewees include: a medical college girl who wants to be a doctor, the brand planning director of a book shop, and the owner of grocery shop, and etc. Although their lives are different, but like everyone else, they struggle and thrive in the city they love. 影片采訪了不同年齡,不同職業的人們,從他們的故事中,我們可以了解在青島這座城 市生活的人,他們的生活,他們的夢想,以及他們對青島這座城市的情感。無論是懷著 懸壺夢在青島求學的大學生,還是想讓青島變的更加詩意的書店總監,抑或是青島努力 營生的水果店老板。盡管他們的人生境遇各不相同,但他們像所有人一樣,在自己的心 愛的城市裏努力前行。
女性在中國社會中的地位日漸上升,她們的想法和話語也漸漸得到越來越多的的矚目。 短片采訪了青島當地不同崗位、不同年齡層的女性,探求她們關於夢想、回憶、恐懼、 心願等問題的看法。值得一提的是,短片在竭力表現這些女性對同一問題的不同看法 時,更突出地表現了賣花的女人在背負家庭責任與實現自我價值之間的矛盾與掙紮,集 中體現了青島女性嶄新的家庭觀和自我價值觀念。
The Scent of Laoshan 飄香
Tasting 品 Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11mins 31secs Tiago Melo Bento、Zhang Kai、Zou Yaping
10mins 30sec Sofia Egitos
The film shows a day in the life of Jing, a baker who works with her family in Laoshan district. Jing and her employees pluck the famous Laoshan green tea and bake the typical damantou, a special kind of steam bun. In the spring, Jing participates in a contest that contemplates the most original damantou in the district. The most amazing scents are the result of these women’s work.
This film is about “Beer”. Li Hua, the brewmaster and Li Guo Liang the taxi driver show us their vision about beer and life. One takes us to see the factory the other takes us to dinner with friends. In the half of this two journeys the film takes us to the beer museum. Beer and friendship is our destiny. 這部電影是關於“啤酒”。釀酒師李華和出租車司機李國 梁向我們展示他們對啤酒和生活的觀點。一個帶我們去看 工廠,另一個讓我們與朋友共進晚餐,體驗了啤酒博物 館。啤酒和友誼是我們的命運。
這部電影是關於“啤酒”。釀酒師李華和出租車司機李國 梁向我們展示他們對啤酒和生活的觀點。一個帶我們去看工廠,另一個讓我們與朋友共 進晚餐,體驗了啤酒博物館。啤酒和友誼是我們的命運。
Like A Tree 廕庇
Shandong Chefs 廚師在山東 Length: Director:
11mins 40secs Andre Mendes
Length: Director:
9mins 40secs Jacopo Wassermann
10mins 46secs Joana Maria Sousa
This film takes the traditional family culture of China as the theme, which chooses kids and elders as the entry point. From the perspective of the kids, we know the family culture, which is more vivid; Through the narration told by the elders, we comprehend the family culture. The film illustrates profoundly the inheritance of family culture in China and represents the more real“family”to the world.
A look at the private and professional lives of four chefs who serve Shandong cuisine in Qingdao. Through their, family scenes and interviews, the short attempts to answer the following questions: why did they want to become chefs? Have they found what they were looking for? 講述了四個在青島做魯菜的廚師的工作和生活。短篇通過 記錄四位廚師的家庭生活以及進行采訪,反映了他們為什 想做廚師,以及他們是否實現了自己想要的生活等問題。
本片以中國傳統家文化為主題,以小孩子和老人為切入 點。從孩子的視角認識家,賦予家更生動形象的含義;從老人的講述理解家,深刻地展 現中國人對家文化的傳承,給世界呈現更真實的中國的“家”。
Painting Qingdao 色彩青島
Me 你好呀自己
Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
11mins 33secs Zeno De Ridder
Art is a city of culture, is the soul of a city. We visited the streets of Qingdao, Qingdao looking for color art. Special artists through several Qingdao local life style to show the city unique humanistic feelings.
20mins 翟中梁 林詩涵、林浩翔、翟中梁、 陳聖浩
Nobody is flawless, Have you ever thought of give up yourself just because of a single weakness? 每個人都有缺點,你有沒有一秒鐘想過,要因為這一個缺 點而放棄自己呢?
藝術是一個城市的底蘊,也是一個城市的靈魂。我們走訪 了青島大街小巷,尋找青島的藝術色彩。通過幾位青島本 土的特殊藝術家的生活方式展現這個城市別樣的人文情 懷。
Chopsticks Yin & Yang in Qingdao 筷子:陰和陽
Breakout 突圍
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
11min 22sec Pedro Canavihas
In every society food brings people together. And in China that’s even more accurate. This is a visual portrait of Qingdao and the Chinese culture, a journey of an outsider visiting China for the first time and highlighting some moments of that discovery. Smiles, food, effort, happiness, herbs, labor, tiredness, colors, amusement, the elderly, the youth,symbols, fun. People, real people. One person meeting another. One chopstick working with another. The individual that is part of a family,. The family that is
The film to explore the theme how Chinese contemporary art communicate to the world. Seeking the answer from the relationship between art and mass, and society, and times. Mr Xu Hongfei, the artist from Guangdong, China started the world tour of his sculptures on his own.“chubby women” attracted great attention. 本片以探討中國當代藝術對話世界為主題。從藝術與大 眾、與社會、與時代的關係中尋找答案。本片以廣東雕塑 院院長許鴻飛為切入點。許鴻飛以一己之力從2013年至今 舉辦了15場世界巡展,其“肥女”的雕塑藝術形象聞名全球,在社會各界引起了極大的 話題議論。而這正是探索中國當代藝術走向世界的一個典型事例。片中,中外藝術名家 觀點交鋒碰撞,中國當代藝術該如何取得是世界藝術話語權?
part of a nation. 無論在哪個國家,食物都讓人聚在一起,在中國更是如此。這是一個第一次探訪中國的 外國人記錄中的青島和中國文化。微笑,食物、努力、歡笑、中藥、勞動、疲憊、色 彩、搞笑、老人、年輕人,它講述了人,真正的人。一個人遇到了另一個,一根筷子要 跟另一根一起才能用。一個人是家庭的一部分,而家庭又是國家的一部分。
Extraordinary 非凡 Length: Director:
19mins 27secs 莫政熹
A Soul's Dream Length: Director:
6mins 53secs 佟彤
21mins 31secs Kandula . Mani Krishna
A Soul’s Dream tells the story of a writer who entangles himself between the materialistic reality and an idealistic scenario of fulfillment as he is held up in the middle of an unfinished novel until he reaches a point where he begins to question his own existence.
The 93 year old Qin Yi teacher in the shooting of "Qinghai Lake" process is recorded, Think A high necked old artist, with such a spirit, and the pursuit of the arts, we only want to quietly record the life of this extraordinary old lady, and do not want to disturb her. 93歲的秦怡老師在拍攝青海湖畔的過程記錄下來,壹位 高齡的老藝術家,有著這樣的精神,和對藝術的追求,我 們只想靜靜的記錄這位不平凡的老太太的生活,而不想打 擾她。
Grandpa's puppet show 爺爺的小戲文 Length: Director: Cast:
Gills and Fins Length: Director:
20mins 文郁 牛犇、劉雪濤
20min 47sec Umesh Pandey
They came.They Saw.They left.City never knew.
The movie tells a story that an old fisherman wants to hold a puppet show for his wife who has passed away. He asks his grandson to invite the fifth generation of puppet show master, Mr. He to act. After a series of conflicts, the grandson finally satisfied grandpa’s wish. However, there are always something unexpected... 講述了壹位熱愛定海小戲文的老漁民為了給去世的妻子辦 小戲文,執拗地讓孫子請定海小戲文第五代傳人何老師來演出,經過壹系列的碰撞,孫 子終於滿足了老人的願望,然而在演出的最後壹天,意外發生了……
Wild Animals
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
9min 7sec David Duty Linda Hurtado、David Alvarez、 Joan Jennewein 、Alex Kinder、 Betty Nelson、Vince Pardor、 Dr. Wallace Reye
2mins 14sec Igor Osmolovski
If someone threw the case, whether it should be lifted? Should I take what does not belong to you ?
This documentary is based on the history of Ybor City Florida. It discuses may aspects of the past and where Ybor is today. I directed this entire video. I was displayed at the 30th anual Ybor City Gala with over 500 viewers. This video was done for Ybor City Museum Society. It was a pleasure to listen to the stories the older members had to share. Gayle Guyardo is the narrator for this video.
A Brief Encounter
A Tomato Is Not A Tomato
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
2mins 36secs Somayeh Yazdanpanah
A dragon lives alone, away from people. Its job is to burn garbage and it goes to work every day. One day, on the way back home, it encounters a little girl.
4mins 41secs Lingyun Zheng
A Tomato Is Not A Tomato is a mood piece reflecting the director’s feeling of being lost after running out of curiosity and passion to new life when she moved to New York City. In this film, the balloon represents her past in China (childhood and hometown) while the tomato represents her present days of uncertainty. The transformation of these elements symbolizes the entanglement of present and past. The feeling of alienation is expressed through the transformation as well as the floating space from New York to China. And the red color inherits the symbolic meaning of itself in China’s communist revolution, which conveys the feeling of fretfulness.
A day in the Libary Length: Director:
9mins 38secs Felik Wong
A librarian struggling between protecting or betraying a domestic violence victim. It is a microcosmos of the holocaust.
AM Savannah Length: Director:
The Fisherman has a monotonous life that he shares with his father, who is in need of care. The only way the Fisherman expresses himself and breaks the simple circle of his life for a while, is the act of writing. He writes stories and sends them to literature journals and finally takes part in a competition. As the Fisherman’s story wins the first place in the competition and he gets an invitation to the award ceremony, an unexpected hope glimmers that his monotonous life can change for a while. But only he has to leave his father alone for a few days.
A good Heart Length: Director:
15mins 44secs Ali Ozan KISAR
6mins 48secs Yuan Li
Jane talks to police about the truth of her son Kevin’s heart transplant operation. She said for the chance, but when she saw the Asian boy running out of the operating room and heard that boy calling mom, then she knows she cannot be selfish anymore.
An Inconvienient Stay 姻差陽錯 Director: Cast:
Wen Ren Wei Ren, Jason Chu, Wendy Yang, Jeff Locker
A Chinese student in Los Angeles is on the verge of deportation, and forced to make difficult decisions. 一個中國留學生在美國讀書畢業後,面臨的種種現實生活 的壓力。
Live to Love 溫度電影 Length: Director: Cast:
52mins 陳苗 曹衛宇、楊政、張潮、李曼怡
The film live to love consists of four stoties, each story is adapted from a true event.Film love for children is modeled after Zhang Yichao, founder of Shanghai Jiuqian Voluntary Service. He has been dedicated to providing free extra-class education for children of migrant workers for more than ten years. Dreamers tells a story about dream helping and dream building. Dalong once gave up his dream of dancing. However, when he met Kongque, a poor girl who was particularly keen on dancing a lot, he was deeply touched by her. He set up a dancing school to help children like Kongque realize their dreams. Mr. Full tells a story about 4 villagers, who spent six years building a road through the mountains and cliff. The road is 5km long and 4m wide and they made it by their hands and with their unremitting efforts. Yang Xiaoming adapted from Yang Xiaoming’s story, this movie truly reflects the pioneer veteran’s mental outlook.
Aporia Length: Director:
14mins 33secs Kang Shin Gyu
The tv's turned on. The man's tied down, doing nothing except looking tv. Soon the boy released him and the man keeps walking. Despite the disturbances the man finally reaches where the boy's pointed.
《溫度電影短片集錦》由四個故事組成,每個故事都是改編於真實事件。《做好一件 事》以上海久牽志願者服務社創始人—張軼超為藍本,他已致力於為來滬務工人員子女 提供免費課外教育十多年。《孔雀之夢》表現助夢與築夢的故事,大龍放棄舞蹈夢想, 但他遇見熱愛舞蹈的孔雀之後,被她深深打動,以一己之力,開辦舞蹈學校。《現代愚 公》展現了4位村民為了打通村子通到外面的道路,僅僅憑藉自己的雙手,用了6年的時 間,硬生生在大山峭壁中開出了一條長5公里,寬4米的石頭路。《拓荒老兵》則以楊小 明的真人事蹟為藍本,真實反映拓荒老兵楊小明的精神面貌。
Are you there?
Big in Beijing
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
8 min 06 sec Ricardo Schwartz
20min 58sec Joshua Linder
Three teenagers, two boys an one girl, invade an empty house to play a game that evokes an evil spirit called Charlie. In the middle of the game the boys lock the girl inside the house and Charlie comes to play.
4 young, wild, and ambitious bigshots in Beijing reveal their dreams, struggles, fears, and successes in the city.
Battle Jar
Length: Director:
3min 50 sec Kenny Wongg
Length: Director:
Battle Jar, a comedic short about four friends that use a mysterious Byzantine artifact to resolve impossible arguments. The ‘battle jar’ contains pieces of paper that indicate duels - and possible penalties - that will ultimately determine the victor of stale-mate disagreements. The battles are chosen at random and the fate of the winner, as well as reality itself, is forever altered..
In this short film, the minimalist setting, slow-motion imagery, and the ambient drone background music construct a peaceful, tranquil, and meditative scene. However, viewers’ interpretation may change after they find out the animated background graphics are actually mushroom clouds from nuclear explosions. Perhaps things are not always as we conceive and perceive them. The devastating nature of a nuclear bomb could also appear delicate and exquisite. This piece tries to evoke our conflicted notion between eye and mind, the definition of the world, and logics and judgments proceeding from it.
Between us Length: Director:
4min 17sec Gong Jiawei
Can’t Go 18 min 25 sec Belanov Victor
Length: Director:
With the hope to diversify their personal life, a young couple invites an old friend and a call-girl. None of the guests has no idea about the real reasons of their invitation. Straight talk reveal deep wounds of their private life. Guess, their brave plane is not going to work. Against the background of fading love a new feelings is flash out, but it is fraught with real danger - in fact the call-girl is not who she claims to be.
15min 44sec Ali Ozan KISAR
The Fisherman has a monotonous life that he shares with his father, who is in need of care. The only way the Fisherman expresses himself and breaks the simple circle of his life for a while, is the act of writing. He writes stories and sends them to literature journals and finally takes part in a competition. As the Fisherman’s story wins the first place in the competition and he gets an invitation to the award ceremony, an unexpected hope glimmers that his monotonous life can change for a while. But only he has to leave his father alone for a few days..
Beyond the waiting room
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
28 min Jose Santos
Art and artificiality, healing and feeding, knowledge and no knowledge have to leave (behind) the trade and the mediocrity system, abasement and inferiority so that the idea of life can prevail. Where does that mystic vision and the creation of the ideal start if not in hermitage, with spiritual nature? Away from the boredom one of the worst deaths of the human being. With “… beyond the waiting room”, a film with a tormented soul, you can have a glare of the ideal. Rises and becomes language again.”.
4min 33 sec Joshua Linder
A big bad man and a symbol of China's middle class, tries to buy a wife, so that his mom doesn't kick him out of her house..
Cloud and Mud
Dear Tom
Length: Director:
14min 47sec A Cheng Dong
A murder in rags came to the town. The ravenous man had been badly seduced by the steamed bun thus he could not move forward his steps in front of a steamed bun shop. The murder was slowly moving his hand to the knife. Just at the moment, a bun with warm steam appeared in front of the anxious man. The man held it and left without any words. The second time, he came back and took the free steamed bun left in hurry. When night falls, the owner found a piece of newspaper which maybe forgotten by customers. It was so surprised to find the news that the man he gave steamed bun to look perfectly similar to the wanted man with reward money.
You only stopped for a moment, and when you turn around, it's forever....
Collide Length: Director:
Sometimes, fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing direction, even two parallel lines could possibly meet one day…
DÉDALO 5min06sec Hujiao Rui
Length: Director:
15 min 25 sec Jeronimo Rocha
This is a society fills with violence and poor. For earning the prize money, elder brother decides to attend a boxing competition which is arranged by the gang. Younger brother tried to stop his brother going to the competition, but elder brother already made up his mind. Elder brother went to the countryside and saw a car coming. A man with suit and other two mercenaries got off the car, they came to the elder brother with that evil smile…
Trapped inside the Space Freighter/Refinery DÉDALO, SIENA tries to survive an infestation of DIABOLIC CREATURES.
Deep Pan Fury
Length: Director:
6min Alon Levi
Length: Director:
A group of kids are playing truth or dare. Tom, a brave soul, chooses dare, but to his dismay is faced with a true test that will challenge not only his confidence and bravery, but one that will teach him about life as well.
20 Minutes 16 Seconds Charlie Dennis
Deep Pan Fury is a martial arts film about Katashi Kimoto, a young Japanese street fighter trying to change his ways. After leaving his native Japan for a small English town, Katashi soon learns that Oni, a ruthless chinpira of the notorious 9th Shade Clan, has been extorting his Grandfathers struggling pizza shop. Old habits die-hard and Katashi finds himself fighting for a new cause. Family honour.
Dead Hearts
Drew & Lightning
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
16min Stephen Martin
A young mortician will give his heart away to find true love. A whimsical, gothic bedtime story filled with love, loss, taxidermy, Kung fu, and biker werewolves..
11min Robin Bervoets
The animadoc DEW & LIGHTNING explores how people come to their center and find balance in contemporary Chinese society. By searching for commonalities in four different practices the film delves into spirituality and existentialism hoping to find the quintessence of a meaningful life. The short portrays a strong sense of duality that is present in all of nature. The film was made in 10 days (5 days of shooting and 5 days of editing) during the Looking China 2015 youth film project in Qingdao.
Dog Tail Length: Director:
4min Swathy Deepak
Length: Director:
17min 34sec Max JC Lee
A commuter chases a pickpocket until he is moved by a shocking discovery‌
The short film follows artificial intelligence researcher Martin Silverstein as he accidentally creates a machine which is a perfect copy of a human and his attempt to give the machine what could be considered curiosity and desire. This quickly backfires and he comes into conflict with his boss and research partner/significant other who watch as he becomes unhealthily attached to the machine..
Duel in RocasRojas
Expect Delays
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
7min 34sec Victor M Alvarez
5min 22 sec Jon L Weiss
A group of outlaws fight for a swag of gold coins.
A journey into the mind of a anxiety stricken working man.This is a re-edited version which is Co-Produced by EDKfilms and FUNN Pictures.
Fairy Tale
Length: Director:
8min 21sec Asan Djantaliev
Length: Director:
29min 43sec Rongfei Guo
A young boy faces his greatest fear for the love of a girl...
Fairy Wang may be a working-class girl from rural China, but she thinks she's the next Coco Chanel. After posting her eccentric designs on Weibo, China’s largest social media site, Fairy becomes an overnight internet celebrity. But fame comes at a price for the misunderstood fashion misfit. Filmmaker Rongfei Guo befriends Fairy and walks in the unlikely designer's very first fashion show.
Fearless Fight
Length: Director:
15min 15sec Xiaoyu Zhang
Length: Director:
Film Synopsis: A high school girl who lives in a dysfunctional family environment which shapes her daily decisions that will compromise her secret relationships and invoke her deepest fear - her father.
16min 25sec Marie J. Magdaleno
"Fearless Fight" is a short independent film that depicts the life of Ricardo de la Cruz, a young man who finds hope in the most unexpected place. After serving several years in prison, he comes out to realize that life is more challenging with a criminal record. He goes through several phases of rejection and then comes to find his passion and his only hope to a better life.
Fish Eye Length: Director:
Gardenia 15min Zhou Tong
Length: Director:
4min 20 sec German Velasco
A paranoid young maid is hired by a mysterious, neurotic man. While cleaning, she finds evidence which might be related to an unapprehend serial killer. She tries to hide from her employer, who is hunting her, when she fears she is the next target, leading to a violent confrontation.
An old couple follows their also old dog into a memory of their youth. This will make them question the environment and their current life which leads to a tragic decision.
Flight of Fancy
Glass Window
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
20min 13sec Shailendra Singh
5min57sec Omer Aly
An evening in the life of a happily married man takes a pleasant and sinful turn when his high school crush calls him out of the blue.
It's around depressed guy who wakeup one day and surprised that he is alone in this world.. And while he walking in street he will found himself alone and all people disappeared .. Then he will found an old camera.. Once he look to the street through the camera he will surprised that all people there .. and so when he put it down he will found that people disappeared again .. And then he realized that the camera is his hope to see people and world through the photographing.
For a Better Dream
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
27min N S Vazirani
15min 47 sec Josh Mullins
Michael, an ambitious salesman has recently been fired. Unable to come to terms with his new found reality, Michael finds himself on an unfamiliar and dangerous path. His wife Emily must go down memory lane to remind him of a simpler time. Michael represents the exhausted and obsessive nature of corporate jobs and the film symbolizes the need to take a moment to ourselves, and think about a better dream.
You don't want to be left home alone with a gnome.
Gone with the Sin
Length: Director:
Whilst furnishing their new home, Jack & Ashley get more than they bargain for when they welcome an evil guest into their midst.
23min 35 sec Carsten Thomas
Length: Director:
„ersti“ is a German student short movie, which represents a humoristic review on a freshman’s onset in the university. The protagonist, an unknown freshman, experiences several characteristic situations like the move-out of the parental home, the campus life, the first lecture, the first living community as well as the famous party. “ersti” is a persiflage of the beginning at an university to give the viewer a pleasurable memory on his on time as a freshman.
26min 19sec Di Zheng
Five film crewmembers go for birthday party at Michael’s house. Where they find out no one is in the place. A prepared murder and a frightened secret are slowly approaching them behind the house.
Gotya Length: Director:
15min 12 sec Devansh Mathur
Length: Director:
17min Umit Tayam
Based in the quaint hill station of Panchgani, this film follows the story of two teenage boys exploring the world around them on cycles and how their relationship changes due to external factors.
Ali’s mother had died when she gave birth to him, but he can’t face up to it. So he starts to look for a guilty in his inner world. In time he starts to correlate everything that his father does with his mother’s death.
Length: Director:
30min Yijia Dai
Length: Director:
10min Renai Wei
The documentary was filmed from the perspective of Han Zhang, a senior-year student at Purdue who is originally from Jilin, China. Right before the graduation, Zhang was informed that she was rejected by the graduate schools she applied. Meanwhile, there was nothing heard back from dozens of companies that Zhang applied for job after her careful preparation. Thus, Zhang felt confused about her future and started to doubt the meaning of study abroad to the United States.
This short is about an unsuccessful life. A young but unsuccessful businessman tries to start his new business without his father’s help. Again, the businessman fails to get an investment. The businessman wants to relax himself by having an affair, but he finds there is something wrong with his lover.
Viviane Peoc’h
Hey Deer!
Length: Director:
5min N S Vazirani
Ors Bárczy
A true and compassionate story.
Short Animated Film about an adorable, cocoa-drinking deer who is eager to tidy and shoveling in front of his house every day. However, there is a suspicious earthquake all night which causes the mess day by day and make unbearable our fella’s life. Between two cups of cocoa the amazing truth comes out which change the deer’s life forever…
A grandmother and a granddaughter love and understand each other truly, without the need for speaking. One day, the grandmother has a stroke and is transported urgently to hospital. There is no hope. As the night gets deeper a miracle is on the way.
Length: Director:
3min 49 sec Flavia Trevisan
Length: Director:
H2Obby tells the story of Hobby, a very curious little dog that develops with an ice cube a friendship which, with the evolution of the facts, becomes a challenge to keep..
2min 31 sec Parnaz F. Rad
So many ring-headed people have been stuck in a long iron rod. One of them step on an innocent beetle and kills it which makes him conscious about the world around him. He tends to find a way to escape. While he thought he has succeeded he got stuck in another rod.
Iron Dream Length: Director:
Kiss 15min David Webb
Length: Director:
France, 1794. In the darkest hours of the French revolution, deputy Maximilien de Robespierre has created a secret elite team of spies and assassins. Code name: La Machine Infernale. A writer has discovered the existence of the secret organization, and is getting ready to publish a book revealing the whole plot. But when he comes across a mysterious Asian woman sitting on a bench in a beautiful park, he is about to discover that every secret comes with a price.
In modern times, industrial development has progressed at an overwhelming pace. The air is polluted and millions of people have died of lung cancer. People can only breathe through masks; intimate human contact is very limited. The idea of a kiss is a distant memory. Green landscapes and trees are very scarce and virtually unknown. Chloe, who once led a happy life with her husband and their daughter Kiss, must now live with the grief of losing her husband to lung cancer. Kiss is a curious girl who wants to know more about how life used to be without breathing masks. Her friends at school make fun of her name. Because of this, Kiss must know the significance of her name. Her mother draws lips with lipstick on Kiss’s arm and tells her about how people used to show affection. She tells her daughter that touching lips, a kiss, was a very special way two people would express their love for one another. Kiss was desperate to understand and know the feeling of a kiss and the love is would bring. As Chloe naps and dreams of life with her husband, Kiss pulls Chloe’s breathing mask off, applies lipstick and presses her forehead to Chloe’s bare lips. For the first time, Chloe understands the love her mother so misses. Unfortunately, Chloe, now maskless, slowly slips away from life as she breathes the overwhelming toxic pollution.
Isa and the Frog Prince Length: Director:
8mins47s Yuanlin Wang
14min 15sec Huang Ying Xiang
After Isa tells her class that she believes her frog is magical and will turn into a prince, a bully and his gang challenge her to prove it. Undaunted, Isa embarks on a quest to prove to everyone and herself - that magic really does exist.
After 20 years, the pollution is gone. The sky has transformed and is blue once again. The environment has changed and breathing masks are no longer needed. There are green fields and tall trees. Although Kiss has lost everything she cherishes the need to hold onto the love coming from those who came before.
Just One Drink Length: Director:
18 min 31 sec Andrew de Burgh
Length: Director:
When a beautiful widow with a dark secret uses Facebook to lure two young men to her gorgeous Hollywood apartment for a New Year's Eve party, a series of unexpected events take place.
A stablehand gets involved in an illegal scheme and the consequences may be more than he bargained for.
Keep a Fight Length: Director:
Last time
19min 56sec Anna Demianenko
Length: Director:
A loser lab assistant runs into a skinhead. He offers money to him, but it is of no interest to the stranger. There is something else he is interested in...
5min 34 sec Islam Belal
Three persons meet by destiny for the first time for every one of them have his special story which cannot be forgotten.
BRO 兄弟 Length: Director:
11 min 30 sec Becca Pearce
11mins 1sec Shiyao Peng
Length: Director: Cast:
Haosong Yang who is staring this short film is portraying “Fang Chen” . In Mandarin Chinese character “Fang” means that the personality is honesty, frankly, loyalty and caring about family. But, in the film, Fang’s brother “Yuan” was forced into underworld and doing dirty-business. Therefore, the conflicted-paradox between “Fang” and “Yuan” emerged on the table. In terms of portray character, Haosong Yang was trying to feature the confidence and elegance. Like one of the famous Hong Kong actors “Chou Runfa”. The film trying out to create a new genre of Gangster Movies.
14min 30 sec ILisa Jiang Julie Chen、Lina Zeng
Synopsis: Ying is an illegal immigrant struggling to make it in America. When she applies for a job in the fashion industry, it is through naive hopes of gaining a work visa, and possibly making it big. However, being so used to hiding, she has spun a web of lies that ultimately put her daughter, and her freedom, in danger.
Life in Smoke
Love Is Beautiful
Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
The short film tells the story of Phil, an ordinary man but different by many others with his greatest passion for smoking. Phil was born by a smoker's mother and he lives an unreal experience with the world of cigarettes that will finally change his life.
24min 52 sec Vijay Sower Sasi Kumar R、Nandika Nath Mukherjee、 Mary Priya Banu
Synopsis: The phenomenon of increasing Smartphone Addicts can be attributed to today’s cutting-edge technology. Staring at the Smart phone or I-pad all the time and focusing on a small corner of life instead of exploring the vast expanse of life, people are gradually alienating themselves from the richness, the depth and extraordinary loveliness of life. This film, Life Smartphone, with its satirical and humorous style, serves to depict the current social situation and give people a chance to be introspective.
Life Smartphone
Love Made visible
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
2mins 48 secs Cheng Lin Xie
17min 58 sec Liang Zhao
The phenomenon of increasing Smartphone Addicts can be attributed to today’s cutting-edge technology. Staring at the Smart phone or I-pad all the time and focusing on a small corner of life instead of exploring the vast expanse of life, people are gradually alienating themselves from the richness, the depth and extraordinary loveliness of life. This film, Life Smartphone, with its satirical and humorous style, serves to depict the current social situation and give people a chance to be introspective.
A 16 years old girl was brought to a house by a lawyer and she was told that this house belongs to her dad who she have never seen in 14 years. Strangely, she was told by her passed away mum that her dad died in a car accident long time ago. From not accepting her dad to once again bond with him again, what happened? What happened 14 years ago? We can find out the answer from her mums will and their confrontation.
Lost and Found
Love Express
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
10min 42sec Victor M. Alvarez Thais Blume、Christian Aviles、 Eduard Benito、Sergi Vales
18min 05 sec Patrick Chen
Isabel works in a lost and found office. One day, she gets a lost wallet with a picture of her childhood. Intrigued, Isabel tries to find out who is the owner.
Synopsis: A young commuter (Tim Liu) finds himself continually sitting across from a heartbroken young woman (Margaret Ying Drake) on a subway train, and when he decides to console her, they find their newfound companionship blossoming into something deeper.
Love in Los Angeles
Magnificent Kaaboom!!!
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
20 min Rong Lian
Violin student Qing Xia went to join in the USC summer camp where she encountered Hao Lei, a previous USC student who was currently earning his bread in the US. Hao, once a pursuer of music dream, had to work as a barber at a hair salon. Step by Step, he encouraged Qing to conquer her stage fright and bravely pursue her dream of becoming a star. Meanwhile, they fell in love with each other. Qing was about to finish the summer camp and go back, where would be the destination of their love? Hao didn’t show up on Qing’s final performance. Qing was to upset that she broke one string and gave up the show. To her surprise, Hao had set up her dream red carpet for her. On the carpet, Qing finished her brilliant performance with the three string violin..
9min 35sec Zachary Whitmore
Magnificent Kaaboom!!! will mark the resurgence of the cartoon. When the world has been shaven by a drunken barber, Magnificent Kaaboom!!! will grab planet earth by the throat, forcing it to heal, no longer aimlessly wondering like the last mosquito of fall attempting to flutter away and out run the season of winter. Akin to Dorothy walking through the threshold of gray into a universe of color, Magnificent Kaaboom!!!will power the elements of communication and entertainment to regain their attention spans. In a cereal bowl full of memories, Magnificent Kaaboom!!!will be the marsh mellows - the best part.
Magnificent Kaaboom!!! 2 Length: Director:
Tear of the Peony 長歌行
9mins 25 secs Zachary Whitmore
Length: Director:
The short film tells the story of Phil, an ordinary man but different by many others with his greatest passion for smoking. Phil was born by a smoker's mother and he lives an unreal experience with the world of cigarettes that will finally change his life.
In Ming Dynasty, two girls Feather and Phoenix, from wealthy families in ChangAn, run away from home, and live their own lives in a mountain. One day Phoenix leaves without a proper reason, Feather waits for her as she promises to come back. Three years later, all the peonies are bloom, she finally hears about Phoenix again.
More Than One
Mandala Length: Director: Cast:
17min Yuxi Li
Length: Director: Cast:
23mins Guan Xi Duobujie、Sara Li、Omar Avila
19mins 53 secs Takahisa Shiraishi Jordan Wong、 Spike Leffke
More Than One tells the story of Daniel, a young man who's forced to reconcile the differences of his dreams with the reality of his present in order for him to live a truthful life. Daniel lives with his college girlfriend, Audrey, but their relationship is far from stable. As they grow individually, their goals change, and their values change. Alienated from one another, they go through the motions and Daniel ignores their issues. When Audrey discovers she's pregnant, Daniel hopes that it will resolve itself. His resolve is tested when Audrey tells Daniel she wants an abortion. Fearful to make a life changing decision, Daniel left Audrey with the responsibility of making a choice. Confused by what he's suppose to do, and his emotions, Daniel struggles with how to support Audrey. Whatever the choice they decide on, they will have to live with in the aftermath.
After losing her lover, a young artist tries to overcome her grief by succumbing to a mysterious request by a Tibetan monk.
Max and Aimee Length: Director: Cast:
15mins 34secs Alex Pearce John Carney, Kelli McCrann
My Ms.Rain Length: Director: Cast:
A drama about a man's struggle with dementia and his last connection with his daughter. The story follows Max, an aging man suffering from Alzheimer's, and Aimee, a nurse that comes to his house to take care of him every day. Sadly, Max rejects Aimee because he thinks his wife will still come back to care for him, but he does not know he has Alzheimer's and that his wife has already passed.
7mins 26 secs MirTohid Razavi MirOmid Razavi、Ramin Kousha、 Leila Shabani nejad
Mind Game Demon Length: Director:
6mins 28secs Angie Hawes
My Spicy Grandma (Wai Po Jia) Length: Director: Cast:
Roxy tries to rebel against her parents. To prove her self, she hangs out in a bad area of town . She gets into a street fight which is a normal occurrence. What is not so normal is when the attacker turns out to be herself.
14mins 30secs Tianwei Wang Grant Wild、Cici Lau
A ten-year old boy is spending a week with his isolated Chinese grandma, whom he has never met before, while his parents are dealing with their divorce case. Both of the boy and the grandma develop a new vision of life at the end of this journey.
Hope Length: Director:
I Said Go to hell my love
9min 36 sec Arvin Medghalchi
Length: Director:
Omid(hope)is a short animated documentary which is based on 3 true different stories .
5min 40 sec Renai Wei
If one day your boyfriend turns into money, what will you do?
In an Interview a paralyzed dog named Omid a cat and a parakeet tell us the story of their hard times in the streets how they were rescued and how they learned to have hope in their lives.
Hopscotch Length: Director:
Imagine 10min 30 sec Chung Wei Huang
Length: Director:
It was always easier to go with the flow of the game as a child. But as an adult, Matt begins to question the game in search of self-identity.
05 min 31 sec Eva Cohen
Xiangxiang is a teenage girl who has recently moved to the US from China. She feels like an outsider at school and finds solace by taking pen to paper.
Matt and Emma have known each other since childhood. The tension in their relationships has been build- ing and it finally explodes at the Halloween night with a kid's prank. At the moment when he decides to walk away, Matt's recollection of the past moments continuously materializes while he, as a child, is play- ing a game of hopscotch.
I have something to tell you
In Case of Emergency
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
34min 50sec Mandy NG
3min 18 sec Sophia Yu
Old Fang is a middle age illegal cab driver. Right before the upcoming Chinese new year, he was kicked out by his second wife because of his love affairs. One day, while driving the cab, Fang meets his daughter, Yuxia, whom he had with his ex-wife. When trying to reconnect with his daughter, Fang picks up memories about his old life as well. He also discovers a big secret...
A paranoid character freaks out when she sees a lifeless body on the ground. Using any and every technique she can ever remember learning to in case of emergency, she attempts to revive him. A dose of cold water? Defibrillation? Dubstep? When you’re desperate, you’ll try anything!
I lived here
Inside Mind
Length: Director:
8 min 07 sec Qianyun Shi
Length: Director:
City of Beijing in a girl’s perspective .
11min 31sec Kevin Anderson
Spencer, a young scientist tries to enter Clarice, his girlfriend's mind to save her from coma. Inside her head, he founds that her other personality, Angie tries to kill her to control the body. He has to find Clarice and help her out before Angie took over and kill them both.
Nameless Length: Director: Cast:
Noodle Deli 17min Caroline Jaden Stussi Caroline Jaden Stussi
Length: Director: Cast:
This short is one of the longest continuous shots in film history!
A day in the life of a northern Chinese noodle restaurant in Los Angeles.
First time filmmaker Caroline Jaden Stussi had the vision to shoot an independent film-novelty which consisted of one continuous shot. Next was the search of a theme that would best be told in such a format. The continuous inducement without any breaks that defines psychological manipulation seemed like a perfect fit. The visual translation of this theme was elaborated in collaboration with manipulation expert and bestseller author Dr. G. Simon. Intrigued by the experimental nature of this film, private sponsors helped in fundraising a minimal budget. Manipulation expert and bestseller author Dr. G. Simon identifies 19 manipulation techniques. These are: lying, lying by omission, denial, rationalization, minimization, diversion, evasion, covert intimidation, guilt trip, shaming, seduction, playing the victim role, playing the servant role, vilifying the victim, projecting the blame, feigning innocence, fe igning confusion, brandishing anger.
Nowhere Length: Director:
Such are often used in persuasion, sales, advertising, media, fraud, police interrogation, mobbing, bullying, relational and sexual abuse.
2min 54 sec I-Cheng Lee
Nowhere is a motion graphic project that expresses I-Cheng’s personal journey of pursuing happiness. To be happy or not happy, people have the choices of their own lives and thoughts. This project shows that positive thinking could lead to better lives through her example..
New Life Length: Director:
13min 49 sec David Liu Jeffrey Zhifeng Yang
15min 10sec Ren Zhong
It is a musical short film features a girl who struggles and matures from a heartbreaking relationship.
One Step Length: Director: Cast:
New Start Length: Director: Cast:
11min 45sec Angie Palmer Ian Yim、Kelvin Wong、 Angie Palmer
A film about the struggles of growing up and the acceptance of change.
A conversation "we are men. Of course we have to eat meat!" leads to a strange bet and contest between a female doctor and Jake. Because of this encounter, he is given a week to experience something that he has never dreamed of and soon realises health and happiness are much simpler than he thought.
Night Shift Length: Director:
5min Calla Kelley-Renda Devin Castano、Jacqueline Renda、 Chris Ann Kelley、Marina Kelley-Renda
Length: Director:
19min 20sec Aaditya Gangwar
3min 48sec Francesca Pich
When did the bright moon first appeared? Has it always been there or was it a free and cheerful asteroid hanging out with friends in the wide and infinite space? Ever wondered what she thinks of the Earth?
About a man who repairs bicycle at night on a footpath, who is troubled because of many reasons in his life, mostly because his daughter, who was a teacher, after her marriage is not been allowed to continue working after her wedding by her in laws.
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
6min 28sec Susan Whigham Che Angkham、Phil Stembridge、 JennBetty Pearson Rosa、 Morgan Lewis-Pastor、 Ben Bethune
2min 08sec Tymur Markunin
The story is about a little boy with great imagination and an even greater secret.
Five misfits gather for a game of poker.
Our house's pool is empty Length: Director: Cast:
3mins Milad Delasa Mohammad Delasa、Fariba Moghani、 Yashar Delasa、Jafar Pur Razavi Mehdi Semsari
Possession of Mokhtari Length: Director: Cast:
Urmia Lake has been dried. Ibrahim and his son were on their ways to Urmia Lake to take photos...
14min 20 sec Mohammadreza Shams、 Mohammad Javad Mokhtari、 Alireza Mahdavi Hezaveh
Mokhtari is a 16 years old retarded children, who try to combine the reality of others with his persuasion in a twisting situation of theater and reality.
Perfect Stranger Length: Director: Cast:
10min 40sec Evelyn Lee Evelyn Lee、Alex Chao、 Shirley Lee
Backing 如山
Sixteen-year-old Amanda is determined to change her last name, and in order to do so, she must convince her estranged father to give his approval.
Length: Director: Cast:
The father, a traditional and rigorous teacher, was shocked when his daughter wished to achieve her dream of becoming a dancer. He was struggled to make a decision of whether having his little girl finished her college or permitting and respecting her own choice. The daughter estranged the father since he stubbornly demanded her to follow his judgment. A father’s love is like a mountain, which is heavy, profound, even sometime burdened, but it will be there forever. The father accepted little girl’s dream by keeping indifferent. Eventually, the iceberg existed between the father and the daughter melted. They went back the way they were before. The bond between father and daughter will never be broken..
Pete and Jesse's Food Extravaganza! Length: Director: Cast:
15 min Joel Duarte Diogo Costa Reis、Anna Eremin
8min 15sec Jesse Daniels Jesse Daniels、Peter Townsend
Curious about the food culture of their home nation of Australia, two larikins Pete and Jesse travel the world in search for answers to their delicious questions. Does Austalia have its own food identity or does it borrow recipes from its neighbouring countires. Find out on Pete and Jesse's Food Extravaganza!
Volcano! 那難以忘懷的 Length: Director:
Promise Length: Director: Cast:
23min 34sec Sunil Sanjan Digvijay Singh、Michhle Rego
14min 35sec Jishun Li
The story is about a young director who is on the way of achieving his dream of film. However, during the birthday of his fatherin-law, Zhe Xi (Director) was mocked by his father-in-law and told his wife got sick of his life because of the overwhelmed burden. At this moment, Zhe Xi has to confront two sides of making a choice, finally he decided to give up his dream, but his wife encourages him to continue and persists what he wants to achieve…
Film is based on one promise built around suspense and dramatic situations related to it. Promises are there to be fulfilled. But promises are mostly broken, forgotten or ignored. In some rare cases, fate is beyond our imagination. PROMISE is about one such rare promise. Inspired from true incident, PROMISE is a story about Indian couple who made a promise to each other and how they lived up to it. Suddenly one incident happens in their life which changes whole course of their life and promise made to each other. Whole film is based on this incident and revolves around it. This dramatic turn further deepens the mystery.
Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
3min 55 sec Pierre MARCANTONIO
During a dance hearing, among many dancers, one of them is falling prey to a sudden malaise and gets into her memories and trauma exhibited by a being who symbolizes her conscience.
10min 48 sec Gerold Wunstel Terumi Shimazu、 Jessica Boss Lexy Stork、 Mike Boss、 David Lee McInnis、David Saucedo、 Christopher K. Johnson
Unable to cope with the sheer amount of illegal leaf blowers (legally banned but not enforced), the city of Los Angeles is given unexpected help from an outside source. A solitary man who stands up against these terrorizing dust blowers; Ruprecht the bold executioner. In his search for meaning and justice, even a vigilante like him can find love under the most unique circumstances.
Rest Stop Length: Director: Cast:
Shanghai Story 5mins 45sec Andrew Hsu Andrew Hsu 、Soo Jeong Son、Kyle Storey Erina Eda
Length: Director: Cast:
A short film about love, life, loneliness, the choices we make and sex toys. Inspired by 90s independent wave, Shanghai Story's main appeal lies in its characters, dialogue and classic visuals. Two people meet to exchange a few words but end up trading more. Cigarettes, booze, neon lights, romance and Shanghai - all that comes together in Shanghai Story. Because, you know... life is full of surprises.
After a woman passes away, her widow and sister attempt to honor her last wishes, while dealing with their issues with each other.
ROOM 731 Length: Director: Cast:
20min 45 sec Andrej Iliev Drago Lazetich、Emilie Ohana
Sky High
18min 48sec Youngmin Kim Yoojung Kim、Tim Kang、Nikki Soohoo Mariko Denda
Length: Director:
1min 45 sec Stewart Powers
A whiteboard animation which follows the upwards adventure of a young boy.
A young Chinese girl who has no memory, wakes up, alone, in an abandoned factory. She meets a doctor and a mysterious woman who both seem to want to help her. As her memory returns, she realizes the place is the infamous Unit 731 Japanese concentration camp in World War II. She encounters horror upon horror as she tries to discover the truth about who she is and why she’s been chosen as its next victim.
Roots Length: Director: Cast:
Son 17min Krishnaraj Seenivasan Vikash Bhai、Kundan Narendra、Ana Baptista Francisco Sales、 Noua Wong 、 Afonso Lagarto、 Filipa Areosa、 Duarte Grilo
Length: Director: Cast:
20min 24sec Yantao Xia Qinqin He、Yue Ming Jingyuan Wang
Jianfang and her husband has had Doudou, their son for 6 years before he went missing. The couple searched a long time in vain. When he was found by the police four years later the mother found out that her son suffered extreme pain from human traffickers and refused to recognize him. Zhang did not see the couple for six years, until he met them, with a new child.
Jai, a young Indian-American, visits Lisbon to escape from his cultural identity and, ultimately, reconnect with his roots.
Square the Circle
The Big-Headed Boy
Length: Director:
Length: Director:
15min Zhou Tong
9min 04 sec Nelson Fernandes
A doctor fulfills her terminal patient’s last wish, even though it may end her marriage.
A big-headed little boy is being bullied. At night, with the howl of a wolf, he finds the solution for his problem.
Staircase 2
The Blind of the Cathedral
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
5mins 40sec Renai Wei Jinxi Pan、Dennis Oww
Two couriers were stuck in a building. These two couriers can not leave the second floor. They try to escape but they find a clock inside the box which they bring to this building.
In front of a cathedral, fate led to Hala and Bachir’s meeting. At first sight, they share nothing in common: she is a 15-year-old student, she is Muslim and she sees. Whereas Bachir is 27, he plays the lute, he is Christian and blind. In a country ruled by hatred and conflicts, division and exacerbated sectarianism, and just before the burst of the civil war, two pure souls meet. Hala and Bachir will go through an adventure that will empower their innocent love. But a dark fate awaits them…
The American Dream Length: Director: Cast:
17min 35 sec Nadine Asmar Aya Tiba、Sam Khoury、Omar Mikati、 Elie Boudjok、Hind Taher、Firas Youssef Michel Adabachy、Mazen Yammine
The Dawn
9min 58sec Blake Laitner Geno Romo、Jason Reynolds
Length: Director: Cast:
The American Dream is a short film about a guy who graduated late from college and is looking to build his dream.
10min Tom van den Broek Dominic O'Flynn、Orla Jackson、 Chuku Modu
Cathy runs from London to the beach where she finds redemption.
The Art of Human Salvage
The Divide Between Love & Breath
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
9min 30sec Dempsey Tillman Edward James Olmos、James Walters
A young boy must by saved from execution by his last hope.
10min 02sec JD Glasscock Jonathan glasscock
A man struggles with the death of his family.
The Enemy
Length: 9min 20sec Director: Vlad Ghinea Executive Producer: Alin Boeru Cast: Eduard Bot、Valentin Paduraru、 Alina Medoia
Length: Director:
There is a Chef. He cooks fish in a food truck. He has a friendship with a Frog. During a drought period, the Chef tries to kill the frog. As soon as knife touches the frog’s skin something magical happens.
Bogdan, a young student with communication issues, is forced out of his comfort zone when his brother takes him to a beach party.
The Hungry Buddhists
The Flip Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
21mins 51sec Chung Fan Lam Yan Xi、Sheldon You 、Trevor Zhou、 Lei Zhou
Eddie, a young Chinese-American boy, wants nothing more than for his mother to attend his school's talent show and watch him perform "the flip," a fancy cooking technique that he's trying to learn just for her. But when tragedy strikes, Eddie ends up using it for a different purpose, perhaps a more deserving purpose.
12min 14 sec Yunhao Zhang Aya Tiba、Sam Khoury、Omar Mikati、 Elie Boudjok、Hind Taher、Firas Youssef Michel Adabachy、Mazen Yammine
It is a short animation about an interesting conflict between the Buddhist student and his strict master.
The Garden Length: Director: Cast:
3min 59 sec manish pandit
The Key Hunt
14min 27sec Tom van den Broek Stuart Adams、Eloise Black、Jessica Collins、 Gemma Rook、 Mark Lawson
Length: Director: Cast:
When Simeon dies he is transported to the gardens he used to play in as a youth. Now he must confront those he wronged in life to find redemption.
19min 52sec Angie Palmer Kellyjackie Chan、Fred Cheung、 Lee Myung-Hun Aki
A romantic candlelight dinner takes a tragic turn when Gwen’s boyfriend, Peter, never returns to the table. Moments later, Gwen receives a ransom call but money is not what the kidnapper wants. She is given four hours to find something that her father possesses: the Fifth Key. With time running out, she struggles to find the key and soon realises everything may not be what it seems. We are all searching for something in life and sometimes you have to walk an extra mile to find what you need.
The Ghost of Grandpa Tong Length: Director: Cast:
10min 51sec Celeste Koon Joey Hunter、Steve Comilang、Mai Lee Ngo Koby Seiling
The Men In The Frame Length: Director: Cast:
The Ghost of Grandpa Tong brings a new spin to the Canadian multi-ethnic ‘identity’ story in the form of a humorous ghost story about a stubborn old Chinese man who returns as a ghost that can only be seen by Zoe, his granddaughter’s ‘halfie’ English speaking best friend. Even after death, Grandpa Tong, is stuck in his ways. He rants to Zoe about the importance of culture, studying hard, and good grooming. However, after a while he opens up to Zoe that he misses his family whom he loves dearly and worries about.
1min 4sec Matthew w. stallard Masumesadat.sara.moosavi
The Men in the frame is a one minute video questioning the reality through the central metaphor of multiple selves.
This film is a simple yet thoroughly touching character based film. It is a story full of humour and heart about the gap between cultures and generations, and the overriding connectedness that draws us all together despite our differences.
The Greatest Player
The Oliver Tree at the border Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
6min 35sec Sholeh Zahrael and Kamil Saldun
A multi-layered short film about the unique nature in Cyprus, the division in Cyprus and a man who goes beyond borders.
11min Xinhao Liang Sam Radue、Austin Manchon Xiaodi Sun
Dedicated to Mother Nature and peace in Cyprus and all around the world.
At night, two thieves are playing their own thief’s game on the street. They see a girl with a wig and they decide to play their game on her....
The other night factory
The Last One
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
15mins 52sec CTimothée Corteggiani Emilie Deville、 Eric Defosse
Helpless and confused, Andrea goes back to the factory where she used to work.
19min 15 sec Jean-Baptiste Pacioselli、 Kyrian Rouvet Eden DUCOURANT、Nell CAUSSE、Omar、 Maxime BELLEGUIE
Two bank robbers and old friends in the 70s saw their life taking another route when a beautiful women entered their lives...
Clinging on her past, she tries to survive. But, the violence of reality will shatter all of her illusions.
These Thin Walls
The Red Thunder Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
6min 26sec Alvaro Ron Allie Grant、Miles Heizer、Karen Strassman、 Doug Olear
This film explores the relationship between two neighbors after discovering they can talk through there thin walls that separate their apartment.
Sarah (Allie Grant, "Weeds"), a nerdy teenager, needs her mom's brand new car to go on a date with Danny (Miles Heizer "Parenthood"), the boy she is in love with. Her mom, Dr. Thun (Karen Strassman, "Silicon Valley"), an absent minded Podiatrist is concerned about Sarah driving by the dangerous streets of downtown Los Angeles. She tells her daughter she may need her car if one of her patients has an emergency, but Sarah doesn't buy it. After all Dr. Thun is just a Podiatrist... Sarah receives a message from Danny asking if she is going to pick him up and she decides to disobey her mom and steal the car. Little does she know the vehicle is actually part of a secret Dr. Thun keeps and this discovery will change Sarah's life forever...
We are all searching for something in life and sometimes you have to walk an extra mile to find what you need.
The Wandering Mountain Length: Director: Cast:
12min 43sec Sam Friedman、Max Harrison、 Annaliese Rozos Jenna Dimartini、Kevin Hoffman
Length: Director: Cast:
29 min 42 sec Cesar Gonzalez Alvarez Joey Hunter、Steve Comilang、Mai Lee Ngo Koby Seiling
Marcial is a hermit hunter who, once a week, receives his lifelong friend who brings him books, food and lively conversation to his solitary life in the mountains. One day the
7min 30sec PAUL CAVALLO Sally Williams、James Peniata、 Casey Poolman、Jip Panosot、 Craig Walker、Marc Kay、Robert Luxford、 Mike Gray
Time. It's like a being. It has an immune system which prevents change. A young scientist puts this to the test when she falls in love with a man from the year 1788.
Hunter discovered ancient human bones. Frightened, awaits the return of his friend to report it. The blame starts torment him, not let him live in peace, until he decides to re-bury the remains. Now his friend, who was once his victim back to visit him and brings the same books, food and conversations that lead him by the eternal cyclical journey between guilt and oblivion.
Tonight Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
5min Michael West III Michael C. West III、Prudence the Opossum
4min 50sec Marie Cheng
A little girl can't seem to figure out why her volcano science project won't explode. Little does she know that her experiment has taken on a life of its own.
A homeless man enters an abandoned home for the night and realizes he is not alone. Is it real? Or has his past come back to haunt him?
Sarah's Uncanny Curiosities
White Mushroom, Black Earth
Length: Director:
Length: Director: Cast:
5mins 37sec Martina Lopez
A documentary about Sarah Redding and her artwork. She talks about what inspires her and how her art helps her anxiety.
Asuka is coming back to New York and Nate is going to make her mushroom soup. Where to find the best mushroom in New York City? A doc/fiction piece that took place at the landscape installation 'The New York Earth Room' and its context New York SoHo, featuring art, perception and lifestyle.
White Rose
Unrest Length: Director: Cast:
10min 30 sec Althea Rao Bill Dilworth
Length: Director: Cast:
4min 26sec Shannon R. Giedieviells Alyssa Giorgio、Ryan Buckley
16min 10sec Shin Gyu Kang Yoon Seo Jin
A young woman suffers from terrifying reoccurring nightmares of a man she feels is chasing her. With the fear of falling asleep and the insomnia taking its toll, she visits a psychotherapist who prescribes her a sleeping remedy. But, little does she know the unknown man is closer to her reality
Sohyang leaves the home and meets Eunji. Eunji keeps drawing one thing and another. Differ from her, Sohyang does nothing but starring at her. Soon Sohyang steals her white crayon and the night begins.
Until the End
Wild Animals
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director:
15 min Joel Duarte Diogo Costa Reis、Anna Eremin
16min Alon levi
Itamar, plagued by a terminal illness, makes the difficult decision to kill his dog, Michael. At the moment of truth he is not able to carry out his plan and hesitates. Michael exploits the opportunity and escapes towards the nearby wedding hall. Itamar quickly catches up to him, finding himself amidst an argument between a bride and groom, moments before they are to be wed. Under the mounting pressure, the bride decides to join Itamar and Michael as they leave the wedding. In the course of the ride, Itamar and the bride learn about each other, themselves, and love.
When Sérgio finds out that Diana, the love of his life, has a disease, he will stop at nothing to find a way to stop it, even if it costs his own life. All in the name of love. How far would you go for love?.
The Children Came Home 孩子回國了
The Spy War 暗戰危城
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 姜凱陽 萬茜、曹雲金、劉芙伶、伍宇娟、哈斯高娃
45mins 黃家輝、寇占文 於震、戴嬌倩、楊思琦
Three cousins Zhang Jiachao, Jiang Mengmeng, and Zhang Zhaoyang all studied abroad. Zhang Jiachao returned home because her mother suffered an injury, Jiang Mengmeng returned after graduating, and Zhang Zhaoyang returned because he was kicked out of school. Jiang’s fiancé left her, but she gets together with Zhang Jiachao’s ex boyfriend Yu Haifei. Zhang Zhaoyang also found a new job and started a steady life.
Anti-Japanese war is underway. Qin Ben Xiao returns to hometown Guilin, only to be held at gunpoint by his brother Qin Ben Zhong who is now a KMT leader. Putting their difference behind, the two blood brothers partner up to fight for their country. Qin Ben Zhong is even prosecuted many times and finally loses his faith in KMT. He quits KMT and joins Communist party and makes ultimate sacrifice.
張家三個表姐弟,張嘉超、姜萌萌、張兆陽都在海外留學。張嘉超因為母親大腿骨折, 不得不回國照看;姜萌萌學成回國;張兆陽由于被學校開除早已偷偷潛回國內。原本打 算當富太太的姜萌萌遭遇未婚夫臨陣逃跑;拿著國外假文憑的張兆陽整日遊手好閑;曾 經強奸張嘉超的于海飛,竟然成了姜萌萌的新男朋友。經曆了種種風波後,張嘉超戰勝 自我,找到真愛,並決定留在國內發展;姜萌萌在失業中找到了自我價值,成長為獨立 女性;張兆陽也決定腳踏實地工作。
1938年,抗日烽火熊熊燃燒。八路軍幹部戚本孝奉命回到家鄉桂林,為即將籌建的八路 軍辦事處打前站,剛下車便被時任國軍旅長的大哥戚本忠持槍抵住腦袋。一對親兄弟, 因為十年前的誤會結仇,但是在國共聯合抗戰的大背景下,又不得不攜手合作,關係微 妙而復雜。戚本忠滿腔熱血,立志精忠報國,卻因為弟弟戚本孝的關係,遭到國軍高層 無端猜疑,甚至屢次迫害。國民黨的腐敗政治讓戚本忠徹底失望。最終,在戚本孝等共 產黨人的影響和感召下,戚本忠毅然選擇了光明的道路,成為了一名光榮的中共黨員。 對日作戰中,異常英勇的戚家兄弟死守戰線,為贏得最終勝利獻出了寶貴生命,可歌可 泣。
No Farewell 活著再見 Length: Director: Cast:
Woman in a Family of Swordsmen 刀客家族的女人
45mins 姜凱陽 張陸、趙達、陳蓉
Length: Director: Cast:
Before graduating from military school, Qin Chuan and Ning Zhi were selected by a secret organization to complete a special task. They learned valuable lessons from a series of tough situations and witnessed their comrades’ sacrifice one by one. Upon completion, they were set as undercover to the golden triangle to carry out a special mission. As they got there, they found out the mission was more complicated than they have imagined. They eventually learned how to fight and to survive with a strong heart. They devoted themselves to the safety of the country no matter what they suffered. From being set in prison to getting involved in a Drug cartel in golden triangle, they overcame the temptation of money and death trial then finally grew themselves into a strong warrior.
The naturally stubborn Ge Da Ni, in spite of her father’s opposition, rejects local peasant Shu Gen Zi’s marriage proposal. She and her daughter, She Wa, are both captured by the leader of Shi Quan Stronghold, Yu Hua Long. When the War of Resistance Against Japan breaks out, Shi Quan Stronghold, whose people have pledged their lives to defend China, becomes the Japanese’s chief attack target. Yu Ding Bang became an officer of the KMT and captures Communist Party members. Ge Da Ni and Shi Cai Feng join forces to find Yu Ding Bang, seeking revenge for the women of Shi Quan, the Sword-Bearing Family. 生性倔強的葛大妮不顧父親的反對,拒絕了當地農戶許根子的提親,帶著女兒蛇娃被石 泉寨的當家餘化龍搶走,嫁給他頑劣不堪的弟弟余老八。過了門的葛大妮向餘家種種封 建家規挑戰,攪得餘家雞犬不寧,被視為異類。抗日戰爭爆發,誓死不當漢奸的石泉寨 成為日本人首要的打擊目標。已長大成人並成為國民黨軍官的餘定邦在一次圍捕共產黨 人的行動時與石泉寨決裂並被部隊開除,他繼而轉投日本人,為石泉寨引來一次巨大災 難。葛大妮和石彩鳳聯手追殺餘定邦,她們要為石泉女人、刀客家族和中國報仇。
軍校還沒有畢業,秦川、寧志便在一次特殊篩選時被選中,加入了一個神秘的特殊部 門。他們在這些殘酷訓練中慢慢成長。最後,他們接受了上級命令,前往金三角臥底, 開始了一場無間道式的特殊任務。到了金三角之後他們才發現,任務遠遠比他們想像中 復雜的多。他們不僅學會了奮戰,還學會了隱忍。他們視自己為特殊的工具,為了維繫 國家安寧,不惜折磨自己肉體、忘記自己感受的工具。從異國監獄到金三角毒窟,他們 戰勝了利益誘惑和生死考驗,成長為堅強的戰士。
Rocket of China 龍號機車
My Elder Brother&My Sister-in-Law 我的二哥二嫂 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 楊文軍 佟麗婭、楊爍
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 劉家成 於震、郝蕾、於洋
45mins 英達 曹雲金、俞惠子、劉金山
In 1880s Qing dynasty, a rich merchant’s son Tian Younian Luanzhou went to US to study. While working at the gold mines, Tian Younian went through many new adventures and saw the world in a different view. He made friend with a blacksmith named Ou Ye. He learned how to drive a train and the technologies to build one, which he thought could greatly benefit his own country. Li Hongzhang order the Minister of Works to build steam trains but could not succeed. Tian accepted the challenge and was determined to build his own train.
During China’s social reform in the late 70’s, Zhou family went through a series of rejoice and sadness. Zhou Wu and brother Zhou Wen both got accepted to university but only one of them could go. Zhou Wen revealed that Zhou Wu is the illegitimate child of the two, forcing Zhou Wu to leave the family. However, truth was well beyond Zhou Wu’s expectation. He soon realized he had owed the Zhou family a whole lot than he could ever repay. Would he have to make the sacrifice of his love for Li Yin Zi?
公元1880年,田儒覓為讓兒子田佑年成才賄賂百里縣令望能求個舉人功名,然而陰錯 陽差之下,田佑年上了一條前往美國金礦輸送華工的豬仔船。到達美國田佑年第一次坐 火車,車上結識鐵匠歐葉,在礦上田歐二人驚嘆美國現代化的技術,認真學習經驗,田 佑年還成了蒸汽機車的司機,這番經歷讓田佑年決心回國也造一部蒸汽機車。為了推行 洋務運動,李鴻章和唐廷樞計劃造一個蒸汽機車,卻很不順利。田佑年聞之決心自己製 造,將自己在美國時所學的知識傾囊用出,並得到眾多朋友相助……
《我的二哥二嫂》以改革開放前後這一段的社會環境為背景,以周武和李英姿的愛情故 事為主線,講述了那個時代背景下周武一家人悲歡離合的故事——恢復高考的第二年, 同時中榜的周家兩兄弟周文、周武卻面臨著只能走一個的困境,老大周文在激動中說出 周武其實是父親的私生子,周武傷心之下離開了家。然而周武萬萬沒想到,事實的真相 比他所知的更為殘酷!為了報周家的恩,他不僅一次次把自己搭了進去,更是賠上了和 李英姿生死不渝的愛情……
Left Hand Cleaver 左手劈刀
Code is called Sparrow 代號叫麻雀
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 連奕名 連奕名、張永剛、徐梵溪
Head of the Red Army Cavalry Regiment Long Fei is a leftie who specializes in cleaver attack. He joined force with Hang De Gong’s Black Horse Regiment in a battle but suffered huge loss. Long Fei was mistakenly blamed for the failure and sentenced to Guillotine. He escaped by a bare margin but lost his memory after experiencing depression and despair. After Anti-Japanese War broke out, Long Fei returned under another identity to carry on an important mission. He and Hang partnered again and gained huge momentum. However, his true identity was revealed and his life was threatened again.
After the Taierhzhuang triumph, KMT troops withdrew from Shandong. Zuo Beiquan aka the star picker formed a squad code named The Sparrow. He leads his squad to fight against Japanese invaders. They attacked GeZhuang, the Church, transport army, all in the names of protecting Anti-Japanese meeting. The Japanese sent many troops but never could terminate Zuo Beiquan and his Sparrow squad, who fought continuously till Japan declared surrender. 台兒莊大捷後,國民黨軍隊撤出山東,八路軍化整為零。人稱摘星手的左北泉臨危受命 組建一支代號叫麻雀的短槍班,和敵人展開麻雀戰,打擊當地日偽力量。他們攻打葛 莊、夜襲教堂、轉運武裝、保護抗日大會,使敵人聞風喪膽。日軍動用多方力量,仍無 法遏制麻雀隊的行踪。麻雀隊隊員在左北泉的帶領下與敵人進行浴血奮戰直至日本投降。
紅軍西路軍騎兵團團長龍飛擅用左手刀,令敵人聞風喪膽,因遭遇韓德功帶領的黑馬團 圍堵而貽誤馳援戰機,導致戀人溫儷菡的父親、特派員張布爾的老首長犧牲。張布爾本 來就對龍飛和溫儷菡的關係不滿,加之他對形式判斷錯誤,就秘密下令處決龍飛。龍飛 不甘引頸就戮,逃出刑場。在失落、徬徨中,他被奸人所傷而失憶,從此踏上了曲折與 苦難並存,心靈流離失所的旅程。抗日戰爭爆發,龍飛重回組織,受命潛伏在黑馬團, 執行一項人命關天的秘密任務。國共合作,龍飛與韓德功奔赴抗日前線;捷報連連,二 人名聲大噪。隨之,龍飛真實身份暴露,這給他帶來致命的危險,迎接他的將是一場嚴 峻的生死考驗。
Married But Available 婚姻時差 Length: Director: Cast:
Hero Dog 神犬小七 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 李牧鴿 王志飛、江珊、周顯欣
Lihai and Wuting are a perfect couple. They immigrated to Canada for their daughter’s education. But Lihai didn’t give up his business in China, so he stayed in Chengdu by himself, separating with Wuting and the daughter in Canada. Lihai fell in love with talented Lixiaofei. Wuting learned about the affair but didn’t give up on her marriage. She decided to give Lihai a second chance. At the same time , Lihai’s business was nearly bankrupt. Lihai wanted a divorce to avoid shifting financial burden to Wuting. But Wuting didn’t agree. With the help of Lixiaofei , Wuting helped Lihai pay off his debt, while Lixiaofei also found another lover.
45mins 王小列 小七、郭碧婷、金世佳
Surgical intern Ai Liang loves animals and works in pet clinic. He meets head doctor Ding Han, a group of nurses, and also a smart dog Little Seven who was raised by his ex-girlfriend. Little Seven has an amazing ability to changes people around it. It makes people who hate each other slowly accept each other, and become inseparable in the end. How will Ai Liang handle relationship with people and Little Seven…
李海和吳婷是一對令人羨慕的中年夫婦,為了女兒英子的教育,全家移民到了加拿大。 但李海放不下國內的事業,隻身留守在成都。長年的分離,讓兩人漸漸產生陌生感。才 華橫溢的趙曉菲闖入了李海的生活。汶川地震,生與死的考驗,讓李海和曉菲相愛了。 吳婷得知後,奮力保護婚姻,讓李海和曉菲分開。金融危機,李海的事業即將崩潰,為 了保護妻女,他選擇離婚。吳婷在曉菲的幫助下,力挽狂瀾,用自己的錢替李海還清債 務,與李海攜手將公司帶出絕境。曉菲也找到了屬於自己的真愛。
外科實習醫生艾亮(金世佳飾)熱愛動物,艾亮到寵物醫院打工,成了一名什麼活都得 乾的打雜工,他不但遇到了以院長丁涵(郭碧婷飾)為首的一群寵物醫院的醫生護士, 更遇到了前女友留下的一條神犬小七,這條狗以它特有的神奇改變了包括亮亮在內的所 有人。亮亮同小七,也同丁涵由互相敵視,慢慢變成相互理解接受,最後成為生命中不 離不棄、生死相依的伙伴。其間,人與人、人與狗之間經歷了幾番生死離別。
The Chinese Farmers 老農民
Hey Daddy 嘿,老頭 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 王大功 丁軍、寧丹琳、尚大慶
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 楊亞洲 李雪健、黃磊、宋佳
45mins 張新建 陳寶國、馮遠征、牛莉
In the Mai Xiang Village near Shandong Yellow River, Niu Dadan and Ma Renli are both friends and foes. One is foreman’s son, one is landlord’s son; one has courage, one has education; they compete with each but are also the leading figures of the village. Mai Xiang Village has a huge harvest thanks to the hard working villagers. They also create local business and help villages become sustainable. All in the while, Niu, Ma and the other experience a roller coast of highs and lows.
Entrepreneur Liu Haipi meets the woman of his life Yi Shuang, a girl he has loved for years. They pretend to be lovers at the beginning, but fall in love for real. However, they have to face immense pressure from the failure of business and the setbacks of career. Just at the time the couple decides to have a “naked marriage”, Haipi’s father gets Alzheimer and causes trouble like a child, adding stress to the young couple. A rich bachelor starts passionate pursuit for Yi Shuang, while Yi’s mother and brother also cause all kinds of trouble. The young couple’s life is put to test.
山東黃河岸邊的麥香村,牛大膽和馬仁禮壹個是長工的兒子、壹個是地主的兒子,壹個 膽大,壹個有文化,既是冤家,又是夥伴,妳來我往互不低頭。在他們的帶領下,麥香 村村民用勤勞和智慧戰勝了天災人禍,實現了糧食的大豐收;而在燈兒的支持下,以狗 兒為代表的麥香村新壹代農民不僅把鄉鎮企業辦得如火如荼,還帶領村民到俄羅斯租地 種地,真正實現了農民的發家致富。與此同時,牛大膽、馬仁禮、燈兒、喬月等人也共 同歷經了壹系列情感與理智的糾葛。
《嘿,老頭! 》是一部兼具現實性與話題性的生活喜劇。講述了草根創業者劉海皮在北 京遇到戀暗多年的女神易爽,惺惺相惜的兩人在假裝情侶中弄假成真,擦出愛情火花。 創業的失敗、職場的挫折本就令兩人面對極大壓力,兩人正打算裸婚之時,海皮的父親 患了老年癡呆,如同孩子般的父親不斷製造著令人啼笑皆非的難題。富二代對易爽的殷 勤追求,易母及易家兄弟也狀況頻出,都讓這兩個年輕人的生活波瀾不斷,矛盾重重。
Outline of The Blade 鋒刃
The Most Dangerous Time 同門往事
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 劉逢聲 黃渤、袁泉、倪大紅
In 1940, Shen Xilin, a CPC undercover agent in Tianjin lost contact and became isolated, but he never gave up his faith and kept looking for an opportunity to obtain intelligence. Meanwhile, Lao Tan, former special agent also waited for a chance to obtain intelligence. Lao Zhou of the CPC underground organization used Zisheng, adopted son of the late CPC member Han Peijun, to avenge his late father. Japan's Intelligence Agency head Takeda Koichi spared no efforts in destroying the underground organizations of the CPC. One after another, thrilling intelligence wars were being waged in Tianjin. With his special identity, Shen Xilin obtained intelligence such as the Japanese army printing counterfeit money, the drawings of z-planes, and raiding plans, which were passed on to the CPC by Zisheng. Lao Zhou made careful arrangements and thwarted the enemy’s plot.
45mins 宋業明 賈一平、邵峰、夏侯琪譽
During the Batter of Shanghai in 1932, Shanghai gang leader Hong leads his fellow members to fight against Japanese invaders. He was assassinated, forcing his daughter Jiner to leave Shanghai, and son-in-law Shen Fang severely injuried. Shen survived and joined KMT to investigate the death of Hong. Meanwhile, Jiner returned to Shanghai and resume the leading role of the gang. Member Jiu was seduced by Japanese spy Taolan, who further instructed Jiu to break apart the gang. Shen rounded up members who were pro-Anti Japanese and eventually found the culprit behind Hong’s assassination. Shen and Jiner finally teamed up to get rid of Taolan and devoted themselves to fighting the Japanese. 1932年淞滬抗戰期間,上海幫派排會在把頭洪萬川帶領下積極助戰,不料洪萬川遭人暗 殺,其女婿沈放受傷,待產的女兒洪瑾兒被迫離開上海。同時遭襲擊的還有中共地下黨 小組。沈放與共產黨關係密切,死裡逃生之後,為調查洪萬川遇害,脫離排會,進入國 民黨特務機關任職,與也曾是排會弟子的周一帆成為同事。兩人先是明爭暗鬥,後從不 和走向同仇敵愾。洪瑾兒誤會沈放,與沈放失和,親自坐上排會把頭之位。一心想做把 頭的排會大弟子洪九受日本女特務陶蘭的迷惑、利用,導致排會分裂,並協助陶蘭一干 人等實施旨在激化國共矛盾的蒼龍計劃。沈放積極引導洪瑾兒,爭取排會長老昌叔和主 張抗日的國民黨幹員周一帆、陳白羽,查明了日本特務是殺害洪萬川和當年襲擊共產黨 地下小組的真兇,粉碎了蒼龍計劃,消滅了陶蘭一夥,投入到全民族抗日的洪流。
1940年,潛伏在天津擔任汪偽政權天津特務委員主任的我黨地下工作者沈西林,與組織 失去聯繫而孤立,但他從未放棄自身信仰,尋找契機獲取情報。 同時,原天津的中統特務、訓練科科長老譚化身為天津法租界巡捕房的班頭,伺機取得 情報。 中共地下組織的老周通過培養韓子生——已故共產黨員韓培均的養子,老周利用子生在 電話局工作的條件,為父報仇的急切心理,對其訓練,伺機傳遞情報。 狠毒狡猾的日軍侵華情報機關的頭目武田弘一,則不惜一切地摧毀中共地下組織。 天津上演了一幕幕驚心動魄的情報戰,沈西林利用特殊身份,取得日軍印製假鈔、零式 戰鬥機圖紙,掃蕩計劃等情報,子生傳遞給我黨。 勝利前夕,中統與日本憲兵勾結,計劃摧毀我地下情報網,沈西林得到情報,子生傳給 老周,老周精心佈置,粉碎了敵人的陰謀。沈西林被捕押往北平。
Mine Warfare 地雷戰
The Kindergarten In The War 穿越烽火線
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 焦曉雨 吳樾、於海、董姝
45mins 錢曉鴻 沈傲君、丁海峰、倪虹潔
During 1943 Anti-Japanese war, local villagers from Jiaodong Peninsula cooperated with CPC troops to fight against the Japanese. Zhao Hualong successfully rescued Li Guoqiang, a Guerrilla fighter, and was sent to learn how to make mines. Zhao invented different types of mines and planted them against the enemy. He learned more and more from each battle. Japanese Commander Yoshida hated Zhao and vowed to terminate him. He found mine expert Inoue to counter Zhao’s mine warfare. Zhao also received help from chemist Wang Zhen, who continued to improve the quality of mines. Liberation Army was finally in town and Zhao led his mine team to defeat the Japanese.
In 1941, the CPC army based on Shandong province encountered an invasion of a large Japanese army, CPC army were outnumbered , the army and the nursery were ordered to break through. The head of nursery Wang Weiruo and commander Zhao Dalu could not agree on how to transfer and manage children .While the children, unaware of the danger around them, kept adults busy. Wang and Zhao successfully disrupted Japanese attacks under the bandits’ betrayal. They managed to tell the children white lies time after time. The children finally overcame many problems and became more unified. Many people sacrificed their lives while protecting the children, who were able to reunite with their families.
1943年抗日戰爭期間,膠東半島海陽地區人民配合八路軍展開敵後作戰。村民趙化龍 陰差陽錯地毀掉了日軍少佐吉田設計的陰謀,救出了根據地派來發展敵後游擊隊的李 國強。趙化龍優異的表現使他被派到軍區專門學習造雷技術。學習歸來的趙化龍如虎添 翼,根據每一次的戰鬥總結經驗,在不同的戰鬥中研究發明不同的地雷,製造出一個個 神出鬼沒的地雷戰場,炸得敵人膽戰心驚,趙化龍也在戰爭的磨礪中成長和強大。吉田 煞費苦心地請來排雷專家井上和趙化龍鬥法;軍區派來了化學專家汪縝協助趙化龍對付 井上。日軍幾次擊退游擊隊,趙化龍總結教訓,在汪縝的幫助下,不斷改進地雷技術, 使井上無計可施。解放海陽城的戰鬥終於打響了,趙化龍帶領游擊隊為攻城的八路軍主 力掃清障礙,吉田守城部隊戰敗,被炸死在地雷陣中。趙化龍和他的部隊又開赴新的戰 場。
1941年秋,日軍集5萬兵力對山東八路軍根據地實施大掃蕩,敵眾我寡,部隊和保育院等 機構奉命突圍。保育院院長王維若和負傷的“神槍”營長趙大魯在如何轉移與管理孩子 的問題發生了分歧,孩子們也不省心,“混世魔王”田小二與“小班長”孟飛菲打的不 可開交,大部分則是孩子懵懵懂懂,不知道危險。趙大魯和王維若憑藉戰鬥經驗和執著 的信念化解了日軍的詭計、國軍的刁難、土匪的背叛,並一次次編織“美麗的謊言”, 撫慰戰火中孩子們稚嫩而純淨的心靈。日軍清水小隊的圍捕一次次失敗,他們啟用了秘 密武器“兒童間諜”卻“弄巧成拙”。在突圍過程中,王維若和趙大魯“不打不成交” ,二人感情來越近,孩子們也逐漸克服了愛耍小脾氣、膽小緊張、總尿床等問題,越來 越團結。為保護孩子,保育員一枝花、桂英、王維若前男友魏永剛和諸多戰士、百姓先 後獻出了生命,最終,孩子們一個不少的與親人團聚了。
Diamond Lover 克拉戀人
None 二十四道拐
Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 陳銘章 鄭智薰、唐嫣、羅晉
45mins 張玉中 劉小峰、甘婷婷、海一天
Miduo joins a diamond company to be a designer assistant. She realizes physical beauty isn’t the key to true love. She decides to become a certified diamond designer. She meets all kinds of challenges but she never gives up. Her optimism attracts Xiao Liang, who seems to the right guy for her. However, Miduo’s friend Lei Yiming also has a secret crush on her, making it tough for her to choose…
A road into the clouds sits between mighty Wumeng mountain and mysterious beipanjiang river canyon. It is the key threshold for transportation for WWII battlefield, known as the twenty four road. The Japanese "sealed" and "blocked" 24 road, while the Chinese and American “penetrated” and kept it open. The war against Fascist is fought hard with blood and tears. Chinese solider Mei Song faced malicious men and evil women.
變身美女後的米朵進入鑽石公司工作,並陰錯陽差地成為了一名設計師助理。米朵意識 到美貌並不是獲得愛情的通行證,她決心不再做一個只追求愛情的花瓶,她要成為一名 合格的珠寶設計師。米朵在職場上經歷了種種挫折,還時刻面臨著過去身份的曝光危 機,但她屢敗屢戰不言放棄。米朵的樂觀積極深深吸引了蕭亮,她終於實現了夢想與愛 情的雙重逆襲。與此同時,雷奕明始終以朋友的身份守護著米朵,在幫助米朵實現夢想 的過程中也情不自禁的喜歡上她,面臨著做朋友還是做愛人的選擇題……
磅礴的烏蒙山脈,神秘的北盤江大峽谷中婉延著一條入雲端的公路,它就是二戰亞洲戰 場中國戰區的運輸大動脈中印公路最為險峻的二十四道拐。日軍對它既“封”又“斷” ,中美英聯軍對它要保“通”護“暢”。一場法西斯與反法西斯的血淚戰鬥,不可避免 的在蒼山如海間艱苦地對決。只能打敗強悍男人而不能對付蛇蠍美女的男人絕對不是一 流的軍人,試看一流的中國軍人梅松,如何面對男人的狠中狠、惡中惡;如何面對女人 的計中計、毒中毒……
My Sunshine 何以笙簫默
All Quiet in Peking 北平無戰事 Length: Director: Cast:
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 孔笙 劉燁、陳寶國、焦晃、倪大紅
45mins 劉俊傑 鍾漢良、唐嫣、譚凱
Zhao Mosheng fell in love with He Yichen at first sight, a gifted student at University. She chases him with an unusual approach and starts a campus romance. However, He Yichen’s foster sister, He Yimei, suddenly declares war with Mosheng, asking for a fair competition. The lovers broke up after an unhappy argument. Mosheng obeys her parents’ arrangement and goes to the U.S. for further study. Seven years later, when Mosheng returns to China as a photographer, destiny leads her to the man she cannot forget.
In 1948, a decisive battle is approaching between KMT and CPC. Central Bank officer Fang Buting is being investigated by his own son Fang Mengao, who was sent by Jiang Jingguo. Cui Zhongshi who was identified as having a close tie with CPC is also under investigation. Jiang’s orders are being executed by Zeng Keda. The battle within KMT party has broken out… 1948年,國共兩黨已屆決戰。國統區經濟崩潰,七月北 平民食調配委員會又曝出貪腐大案,涉嫌通共的方孟敖飛行大隊被派往北平稽查此案。 接受調查的主要對像是方孟敖的父親,國民黨中央銀行北平分行行長方步亭,還有被高 度懷疑為共產黨與方孟敖關係密切的北平分行金庫副主任崔中石!安排這一切的是蔣經 國,執行者是預備幹部局少將督察曾可達。一場國民黨內部清廉派和貪腐派的惡鬥開始 了。
大學時代的趙默笙,對C大法學系大才子何以琛一見傾心,開朗直率的她“死纏爛打”地 倒追,與眾不同的方式吸引了以琛的目光,一段純純的校園愛情悄悄滋生。然而,以琛 寄養家庭的妹妹以玫,鼓起勇氣向默笙宣戰。當默笙去找以琛證實,兩人發生爭吵而分 手,默笙落寞地服從父親的安排,前往美國深造。七年後,成為攝影師的默笙回來了, 再次遇到那個無法忘卻的男人。這對分手七年的愛人,橫在他們中間的,有默笙因生活 所迫在美國已結婚的事實,有癡情前夫應暉,更有多年前兩家父親的恩怨,但這些並沒 有讓這對分手的戀人繼續錯過,反而在各種誤會及現實考驗中更加了解了這些年來彼此 愛的心緒。
Tornado Girl 旋風少女之燃燒的青春 Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 程志超 胡冰卿、楊洋、陳翔、白敬亭、 趙圓瑗、譚松韻、吳磊
Truth and Trust 后海不是海
Baicao, a brave and strong girl, grows up in Anyang and endeavors to achieve her dream of Yuanwudao. After Baicao enters the Songbai Club, club leader Ruobai carries out tough training on her and falls in love. Former champion Chuyuan always takes great care of Baicao, which stirs a competition between the two. Rising star Tinghao is also attracted by Baicao and wastes no time to pursue her heart. These young people who were friends for years now all develop feelings for one girl,. Moved by Baicao’s spirit, Ruobai regains his confidence, Chuyuan resolves his anxiety, while Tinghao restarts to pursue his dream. They undergo a variety of opportunities and challenges, share their love and friendship, as well as enjoy their youth and growth along the way.
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 韓曉軍 張嘉譯、倪大紅、左小青
Shi Muo has a happy family, a son and a daughter, and a loving wife. However, the seemingly happy family has secrets deep down inside. These secrets are reveals after Huo Zhongshi’s release from jail. Twenty years ago, Shi was a police officer and held a close brotherhood with Huo and Wang Xiangqing. Huo was involved in drug trading and was caught by Shi who put him in jail. Now, Huo is looking for his son and nearly loses his life…
少女百草自小在功夫聖地岸陽的道館里長大,師傅曲向南多年前因服用興奮劑而被取消 習練資格,百草因深信師傅為人不願改變師承而被孤立。百草決心超越自己、衝擊冠軍 巔峰、實現夢想並揭開多年前的真相。夢幻暖男初原對她呵護備至,卻因此引來初原追 求者少女冠軍婷宜的嫉妒。婷宜的哥哥廷皓也是衛冕冠軍,被百草的與眾不同所吸引, 全力追求屢遭白眼卻越挫越勇。大師兄若白冷面訓練百草,屢屢與他衝突的百草卻漸漸 發現若白隱藏至深的關懷與愛意,而看似針鋒相對的三個少年卻曾是最好的兄弟。百草 對夢想的堅持與努力漸漸感化了身邊人,廷皓婷宜找回了追夢的初心,初原解開了退出 的心結,若白重拾了自信。賽場上,年輕人們全力拼搏,譜寫著熱血的青春!
石墨有一個幸福的家庭,兒女雙全,夫妻恩愛。然而看似完美的家庭生活背後卻隱藏著 不為人知的秘密,這些秘密也隨著霍忠實的出獄浮出水面。 20年前,石墨還是刑警,他 與霍忠實、王響晴是情同手足的異姓三兄弟,卻因霍忠實販毒而親手將其抓獲。霍忠實 出獄後,開始尋找自己未曾見過面的遺腹子,卻險些喪命。石墨懷疑20年前的毒販黑鋒 並沒有被炸死,黑鋒正在實施報復……
The Children Came Home 生活有點甜
Empty Nest Grandpa 空巢姥爺
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 楊亞洲 馮鞏、姜宏波、方清平
“Every family has a tough story” is evident with Zhou family. Sisters Zhou Dongli and Zhou Dongxiao are puzzled with their father who has fallen in love at the age of 50s, and his lover is the house keeper Liu Xina! They try to understand their father but due to special circumstances, Liu’s background and actions have made the daughters very cautious.
Tang Xi, deputy director of Guang Hua State-owned Textile factory, has strong responsibility, integrity and sense of humor. His wife Zhang Yun works in a sugar production factory where it always sends out sugar instead of salary. Tang Xi gets a habit of drinking sugar water. Tang Xi was fired due to complicated work relationship conflict. Wife Zhang was also laid off at the same time after the closure of sugar factory. Tang Xi decided to rebuild the bath pool with his friend Da Lao Hei . No matter where he is, Tang Xi always manages to stay bold and optimistic. He also keeps the habit of drinking sugar water. There is always a belief in his mind, that Life is a little bit sweet.
「家家有本難念的經」,周家這本經現下著實令兩個女兒 糾結不已——鰥居多年的父親周開啟黃昏戀就罷了,地下 戀人竟是自家保姆!女兒們情理上雖支持父親有個伴兒, 但周開啟的特殊情況、劉西娜的出身和詭異行為卻令周冬禮與周冬笑不敢掉以輕心……
Miracle Healer 醫怪
唐喜是國營光華紡織廠的副工段長,他為人正直、責任心強,又幽默直爽。唐喜的妻子 張芸在糖廠工作,糖廠時常發糖代替工資,讓唐喜養成了喝糖水的習慣。因在分房委員 會中的出色工作,唐喜被任命為工長。好景不長,在復雜的人事博弈中,唐喜被撤職去 看管閒置已久的家屬浴池,而張芸也在糖廠倒閉之後下崗回家。面對生活和事業的雙重 挑戰,唐喜依然滿懷熱情,和好友大老黑一起把幾乎廢棄的浴池重新開了起來。光華紡 織廠在改革大潮中經歷陣痛,唐喜和很多工人一道下崗了,他又和大老黑一塊兒自謀出 路,做起了主題攝影行當。不論在哪裡,唐喜始終保持著工人階級的那份豪邁和樂觀; 他也依然保持著喝糖水的習慣,他始終覺得:生活有點甜。
Length: Director: Cast:
45mins 白濤 劉牡、常鋮、劉希媛
Zhang Zhongjing was from Eastern Han Dynasty where warlords fought endlessly amongst themselves. He went through many ups and downs as he grew from a teen with a vengeance heart to a Miracle Healer respected by many. 本劇以群雄盤踞的東漢末年為背景,講述醫聖張仲景歷經 坎坷,逐漸從一心復仇的懵懂少年成長為濟世神醫的故 事。
EDI Media Culture Center
Walnut Senior Center
鷹 龍傳 媒 文化中心
核 桃 市長 者中心
1773 W. San Bernardino Rd., C33, West Covina, CA 91790
Edwards Renaissance Stadium 14 愛德華電影院
1 East Main St., Alhambra, CA 91801
Laemmle Theatres Playhouse 7 萊姆利電影院
673 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91101
Four Star Theatre
2200 Clement St., San Francisco, CA 94121
21215 La Puente Rd, Walnut, CA 91789
Monterey Park Langley Senior Citizen Center 蒙 特 立公 園 長 者中心 400 W Emerson Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91754
Baldwin Park Julia McNeill Senior Center 鮑 德 溫公 園 長 者中心 4100 Baldwin Park Blvd, Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Arcadia Public Library 亞 凱 迪 亞圖書 館
University of Southern California
20 W Duarte Rd, Arcadia, CA 91007
南 加 州大 學
Alhambra Civic Center Library
900 W 34th St, Los Angeles, CA 90007
California State University, Northridge
阿 罕 布 拉 市民 中心圖書 館 101 S 1st St, Alhambra, CA 91801
加 州州立 大 學 北 嶺 分 校
Temple City Library
18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330
天 普 市圖書 館
California State University, Los Angeles 加 州州立 大 學 洛 杉 磯 分 校
5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 波 莫 納 加 州理 工 大 學
5939 Golden West Ave. Temple City, CA 91780
Rosemead Library 柔市 蜜圖書 館 8800 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770
3801 W Temple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768
Rowland Heights Library
Pasadena City College
1850 Nogales St. Rowland Heights, CA 91748
帕薩 迪 納 城 市學 院
羅蘭崗圖書 館
1570 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106
San Gabriel Library
East Los Angeles College
聖 蓋 博圖書 館
1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Monterey Park, CA 91754
Los Angeles City College 洛杉磯市立學院 855 N Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029
Fullerton College 富樂頓學院
500 S Del Mar Ave, San Gabriel, CA 91776
Norwood Library 艾 爾 蒙 地 圖書 館 4550 N Peck Rd, El Monte, CA 91732
Cerritos Public Library 喜 瑞 都圖書 館
18025 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA 90703
321 E Chapman Ave, Fullerton, CA 92832
CO-Chairman 共 同 主 席
Chairman 主 席
Andre Morgan
Mike Medavoy
Ng See Yuen
Siu Ming Tsui
Guoqiang Tang
Albert S. Ruddy
Chairman Ruddy Morgan Organization
Chairman/CEO Phoenix Pictures
徐小 明
唐 國強
Honorary President Hong Kong Film Directors Guild
President HKTVA Producer/Director
Vice Chairman China TV Artists Association
Chairman Ruddy Morgan Organization
James Su
蘇 彥韜 Chairman EDI Media Inc.
Christine Hu Antonovich
Emily Wang
Sid Ganis
Michael Ryan
Keith Cavele
Senior Vice President East West Bank
Former President of Academy Executive Producer ABC
Chairman IFTA/American Film Market
President Canbedone Productions Ltd. Producer/Writer/Director
Bruno Zheng Wu
吳 征 Chairman Sun Media Investment Holdings Group of Companies
Advisory Board 顧 問 委 員會 委 員
Richard L. Anderson Writer/ Director/ Sound Designer
Rob Minkoff
Academy Winner / Director
Curt Hagman
Bob Huff
Lisa Lu
Zhu Xi Juan
Member of The California State Assembly
Member of The California State Assembly
盧 燕
Actress/ Producer
Actress/ Producer
Paul Ottosson
Vivian Wu
Sherwood Hu
Kong Xiang Dong
Cui Yong Yuan
Mei Mei Ho
保 羅.奧 特 森
孔 祥東
何美 湄
Academy Winner
Actress/Producer/ Academy Member
TV Show Host
Executive Committee 組 委 會 執 行 委 員會 委 員
執行總裁 President
Slina Su
Russell Wong
Stanley Rosen
駱思 典
Executive Vice President/ General Manager EDI Media Inc.
Professor Department of Political Science University of Southern California
Peter Rafelson Michael Tze Composer/ Music Producer
President of Dot Media
Omar Kaczmarczyk
Arthur Sarkissian Producer
Paul Lo
Chen Daming
陳 大明
Former President Columbia College Hollywood
Rita Cahill
Managing Director Long Tale, LLC
Dino Herrmann
Frank Lin
George Su
Composer/ Music Producer
Composer Music Producer
韓華奇 Composer Er-Hu Virtuoso
Lianne Hu
Richard Liao
Flora Cheong
Fashion Designer
Actress/ Writer/ Producer
Professor LACC & USC
Producer/Director/ Choreographer of Techno Artists Production
TV & Film Music Composer
President of MStar Group
Ding Dong Jiang
Steve Jiang
Juliette L. Zhuo
Cici Lau
Hu Bo
Ann Lu
Michael Zhang
Jenny Liang
卓 蕾
胡 波
呂 列
張 軍
Executive China Press
President L.A. Web
Producer/Host KSCI-LA18
Actree/ Producer
Producer/ Director
Writer/ Director
Senior Vice President/ Director of Marketing EDI Media Inc.
Sam Lee
Yves Castaldi
Nathan Wang George Kee Cheung
Karen Han
Zhang Linshu
Duan Ying Jiu
Roger Hsu
徐 仲熙
Jupiter Music Entertainment
Business Development Executive Producer
Jack Z. Zhao
Linny Lin
Yen Yen Tang
Nichol Liao
Godfrey Wong
Adam Tan
Clare Mou
William Lu
Silvia F. Liu
Perry Nee
趙 征
湯 妍妍
廖 小可
黃 兆富
盧 威
李玉 沖
Chinese Program Deputy Director EDI Media Inc.
Director of News EDI Media Inc.
Director of Design & New Media Department EDI Media Inc.
Director of TV Marketing EDI Media Inc.
Director of TV News EDI Media Inc.
Coco Shu
Senior Vice President EDI Media Inc.
Vice President/Director Vice President/Director of Chinese Program of Accounting and EDI Media Inc. Human Resources EDI Media Inc.
Vice President/ Creative Director EDI Media Inc.
Director of TV Production Director of TV Programs EDI Media Inc. EDI Media Inc.
Albert Dai
Carol Peng
Linda Li
Monica Hsueh
Tina Cao
薛 蓓之
Marketing Director EDI Media Inc.
Executive Assistant to Chairman CEO/ PR Director EDI Media Inc.
Executive Assistant to Chairman CEO/ Shanghai Office Manager EDI Media Inc.
Assistant to General Manager EDI Media Inc.
Deputy Manager of Sales Department EDI Media Inc.
Bill Hansen General Manager EDI Media Inc.
Nelson Wong
Wei Wei
Flora Ma
Tony Song
舒 晴
Assistant to President /PR Specialist EDI Media Inc.
Assistant to President /Marketing Specialist EDI Media Inc.
Marketing Specialist EDI Media Inc.
Director of Administration Assistant to President EDI Media Inc. EDI Media Inc.
Rainbow Wang
Chloe Li
Jack Yan
Polee Li
Jason Yu
Yuanhung Lan
Ian Ho
王 也
李 亦斐
于 達
Marketing Specialist EDI Media Inc.
Editor EDI Media Inc.
Host/Reporter EDI Media Inc.
Bookkeeper EDI Media Inc.
Host/Reporter EDI Media Inc.
Multimedia Graphic Designer EDI Media Inc.
Multimedia Graphic Designer EDI Media Inc.
Sabrina Song Harvey Chen
New Media Associate EDI Media Inc.
Web Developer EDI Media Inc.
Calvin Xu
Michael Payne
Christine Padua–Lopez
Web Developer EDI Media Inc.
麥克 佩恩
Host/Reporter EDI Media Inc.
Host/Reporter EDI Media Inc.