LNLS ACTIVITY REPORT 2009 Editor Management Proofreader
Angelo Malachias Claudia Izique Beatrice Allain
The editors express their gratitude to the LNLS users and staff for their contributions, advice and patience Disclaimer This document was prepared as an account of work done by LNLS users and staff. Whilst the document is believed to contain correct information, neither LNLS nor any of its employees make any warranty, expresses, implies or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed within. As well, the use of this material does not infringe any privately owned copyrights. LNLS Campus
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A non-profit organization Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light Technology (ABTLuS) operate the Brazilian Syncrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) for the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology.
ABTLuS (Since May, 2009) Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light Technology Director General: Antonio José Brum (january to may, 2009) Michal Gartenkraut (may to december, 2009) LNLS Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Director: Antonio José Roque da Silva LNBio Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory Director: Kleber Gomes Franchini CTBE Bioethanol Science and Technology Center Director: Marco Aurélio Pinheiro Lima
Activity Report 2009: LNLS / Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory - Campinas, SP: Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology / Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light Technology, 2010. Annual ISSN 1518-0204 1. Synchrotron accelerator. I. LNLS / Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory CDD 539.735
This publication is available at the eletronic format in www.lnls.br/publicacoes Printed in December, 2010
Desktop publishing
Science Highlights
Facility Report
Scientific Reports at www.lnls.br
Welcome The year of 2009 was marked by a
After my official appointment in July
major transition in the organization of
of 2009, the first goal was to define the
LNLS. By the end of the year of 2008 the
team of people that would coordinate
Ministry of Science and Technology and
the Engineering and Accelerator Division
the Administration Board of ABTLuS had
(DEA), the Scientific Division and the project
decided that the complex of laboratories
of the new synchrotron light source. By
identified until then as LNLS should be
November of 2009 this team was complete:
restructured into three National Laboratories,
Ruy Hanazaki Farias is now the head of
the LNLS itself, the Laboratório Nacional
the DEA, Yves Petroff accepted to come
de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioetanol
to LNLS as Scientific Director and Antonio
– CTBE (Brazilian Bioethanol Science
Ricardo D. Rodrigues also agreed to return
and Technology Laboratory) and the
to LNLS to coordinate the project of the
Laboratório Nacional de Biociências – LNBio
new ring. I would also like to thank them
(Brazilian Biosciences Laboratory). All
for accepting these positions and the
these National Laboratories comprise the
challenges that come with them.
Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia
It was clear that the major difficulty to
e Materiais – CNPEM (National Research
be addressed is the lack of personnel in
Center in Energy and Materials), which is
the Scientific Division. By the end of the
managed by ABTLuS.
year of 2009, the number of people with
As a consequence of these changes, a
PhD per beamline got to a critical level
new Director General of ABTLuS was chosen
of approximately 0.6, putting at risk the
to replace José A. Brum, who served with
quality of operation of the laboratory to the
great enthusiasm and dedication from July
scientific community. It was also clear that
2001 to May 2009. I would like to take this
many beamlines needed refurbishment,
opportunity to sincerely thank Dr. Brum for
and the UV undulator-based beamline,
all his achievements as Director General
PGM, which was late in schedule by a
throughout these years, a period that was
couple of years, had to be finished with
fundamental for the growth and establishment
great priority. Actions were planned and
of LNLS as a National Lab in Brazil. With
initiated to address these issues, and we
the above mentioned restructuring, each
expect to have already some positive
one of the National Labs had appointed
results by 2010.
new Directors: Marco Aurélio Pinheiro Lima
Albeit these difficulties, the following
for the CTBE, Kleber G. Franchini for the
Report presents many results that clearly
LNBio, and myself for the LNLS.
indicate the high degree of achievements,
6 | Activity Report 2009
both from the machine side as well as from the science and instrumentation results at LNLS. One example is the replacement of two thirds of the machine beam position monitors, concluding the procedure that started in 2008. This is part of the efforts that have been made through these past years to improve the machine´s performance and reliability. Other important developments that were concluded in 2009 was the assembly of the first solid state amplifier, which will be commissioned and installed in 2010, the improvement in the thermal stability of the wiggler-based protein crystallography beamline, which will significantly enhance the conditions for MAD experiments, and the finalization of the upgrade of the SAXS1 beamiline. All these results would
with 1.7 nm.rad emittance, which will make the new Brazilian synchrotron light source extremely competitive worldwide. There is no doubt that all the efforts that Brazil has dedicated throughout these years to create and operate LNLS will be
not be possible without the dedication
lost if the project of a third generation
and high quality of LNLS staff.
synchrotron ring does not come to fruition
Regarding the project of the new ring,
in the coming years. This state-of-the-art
the focus was on the definition of its major
machine will provide the scientific and
parameters. As described in detail in this
technology national community with an
Report, the project evolved from the initial
infra-structure that will allow the country to
design of a 2.5 GeV machine with relatively
maintain its competitiveness in strategic
low field of 0.45 T bending magnets distributed in a 16 TBA configuration to a 3 GeV storage ring with 20 TBA cells. Moreover, the permanent magnet dipoles now combine low bending field of 0.5 T magnets with a high field dipole slice of 2.0 T. This latter element covers a very short longitudinal extent while at the same time
areas, such as nanoscience, structural molecular biology, advanced materials and alternative energy sources. This is even more fundamental considering the importance of knowledge and technology as drivers of productivity and economic growth, thus key ingredients for Brazil
allowing high energy photons with critical
as it continues its evolution as one of the
energy of 12 KeV to be produced from the
leading economies in the world.
dipole beamlines, keeping in this way the total radiated power still at low level. The
Antonio JosĂŠ Roque da Silva
basic lattice design will provide a beam
Director LNLS
Activity Report 2009 | 7
Observation of the Smallest Square Cross–section Metal Nanotube
Unveiling the Chemical and Morphological Features of Sb:SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Combined Use of HRTEM and Ab Initio Surface Energy Calculations
Controlled Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Thin Films: Towards New Metallic–oxide Nanocomposites
Uncovering Molecular Structural Mechanisms of Signaling Mediated by the Prion Protein
Single Electrode Electrochemical Detection in Hybrid Poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Glass Multichannel Microdevices
Benzene Molecule is Destroyed by Ultraviolet and Soft X–rays in Circumstellar Environment
The Effects of CeO2 on the Activity and Stability of Pt Supported Catalysts for Methane Reforming, as Addressed by In Situ Temperature Resolved XAFS and TEM Analysis
Controlled Swollen and Drug Release from Urea–Cross– Linked Polyether/Siloxane Hybrids
Correlation Between AO6 Polyhedral Distortion and Negative Thermal Expansion in the A2M3O12 Family
Structural Aspects of the Distinct Biochemical Properties of Glutaredoxin 1 and Glutaredoxin 2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Structure and Calcium Binding Activity of LipL32, the Major Surface Antigen of Pathogenic Leptospira sp.
A Multi–technique Study of Structure and Dynamics of Polyfluorenes Cast Films and the Influence on Their Photoluminescent Properties
Observation of the Smallest Square Cross–section Metal Nanotube Maureen Joel Lagos,1,2 Fernando Sato,2 Jefferson Bettini,1 Varlei Rodrigues,2 Douglas Soares Galvão,2 Daniel Ugarte2
Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, CP 6192, 13.084–971, Campinas, SP, Brazil 2
Instituto de Física “Gleb Wataghin”,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, CP 6165, 13.083–970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
The development of nanotechnology require en ensemble of new experimental and theoretical and tools to analyze the properties of nanostructured materials. Among many technical challenges, the understanding and prediction of mechanical properties of nanoscale systems show a serious lack of basic physical understanding. The arrangement of atoms in nanostructures is very different from macroscopic matter, mainly due to the relevant role of surface energy in structure with a high surface/volume ratio. During mechanical deformation, the applied stress induce structural changes that result from a complex interplay between elastic, electronic and surface contribution to the total energy of the system; this can lead to unexpected properties. For example, metastable structures such as suspended chains of atoms and helical nanowires wires have already been observed. In this work, we report the formation of the smallest possible silver nanotube with a square cross–section (just one–lattice‑parameter width) during the stretching of silver nanocontacts. This wire was observed during in situ elongation experiments in an atomic resolution transmission electron microscope. Theoretical ab initio calculations and simulations reveal that the hollow wire is spontaneously formed because this structure minimized surface at the same time that creates a very soft wire capable of absorbing a huge tensile deformation.
Facility: C2nano Publication: Nature Nanotechnology, 4: 149–152 (2009) Funding: FAPESP, CNPq.
Science Highlights
A deep comprehension of the
point resolution); the dynamical process
mechanical properties of tiny volume
has been recorded with a high sensitive
materials is essential for the development
TV camera. Initially, holes are opened in
nanotechnology. In fact, there are still
a self–supported metal film by focusing
a huge set of open issues associated
the electron beam and, nanowires are
with nanomechanics, nanoindentation
formed between neighboring holes.3 The
and nanotribology. The relevance of this
dynamic observations have been realized
topic has received special attention in the
both at room (~300 K) and low temperature
Report on challenges for Instrumentation
(~150 K).4 Figure 1 shows the elongation
and Metrology for Nanotechnology
of a silver atomic–size wire along [001]
published in 2006 by the US National
direction. Initially, the wire shows a rod–like
Nanotechnology Initiative.1 In particular, it
morphology and, gradually thin to finally
is emphasized the existence of a serious
form a linear atom chain; finally, the wire
lack of basic understanding of mechanical
rupture occurs (not shown). As {100}–like
properties of nanosystems. Most of available
facets are favored in silver nanocrystals,
knowledge on mechanical properties
we would expect that nanorods generated
of nanomaterials has been derived by
along the [100] direction would display
computational simulations, which can not
square cross–section ({010} and {001}
be supported by experimental validation
facets form the lateral surfaces).5 The
and, consequently the basic physics is
atomically resolved image in Figure 1a
not understood. Atomic–size metal wires
shows a flattened hexagonal pattern, what
represent an excellent experimental
agrees with a square face centered cubic
and theoretical case to analyze the
(i.e. the macroscopic crystal structure)
deformation of matter at nanoscale, then this field concentrates a very intense scientific activity.2 Many theoretical and experimental studies have analyzed a wealth of possible metal structures generated during the wire stretching, what has led to the discovery of helical wires and one–atom–thick ones, anomalous structures generated during stretching. In this size range, these anomalous atomic arrangements arise from the interplay between surface, elastic and electronic energy of nanosystems. In this work, we have studied the structural evolution during the elongation and rupture of silver nanowires by in situ experiments
Figure 1.
Snapshots taken during the stretching of a silver nanowire along the [001] axis. The wire initially shows a rod–like morphology (0 s) (a), which becomes thinnes to finally form na atomic chain (10.3 s) (c) before breaking. At 3.6 s (b) the wire shows a bamboo–like contrast
in atomic resolution electron microscope
pattern (see text for explanations).
HRTEM (JEM–3010 URP 300 kV, 0.17 nm
Atomic positions appear dark in the
Activity Report 2009 | 11
Observation of the Smallest Square Cross-section Metal Nanotube
Ag rod with one–lattice–parameter width (a0 = 4.09 Å). Subsequently, the image changes to a bamboo–like pattern; this contrast is formed by squares of side a0 and a rather bright center (Figure 1b). We must emphasize that fcc atomic arrangement (Figure 2a) can not explain the bamboo–like contrast. To explain the unexpected contrast pattern, we must simply remove the atoms at the wire axis (red colored atoms in Figure 2b), what generates a hollow square cross–section nanowire (Figure 2b). A more detailed analysis of HRTEM images can be realized by compared intensity profiles6 extracted from the experimental and simulated images for the hollow square Ag pillar (Figure 2c), what results in an excellent agreement. To gather additional understanding on the formation of the anomalous silver tube, we have analyzed the structural stability by total energy calculations using ab initio Density Functional Theory (DFT) methodology.7–9 The calculations indicate that tubular nanowires (Figure 2b) are slightly less stable than fcc ones (Figure 2a), what implies that elastic energy due to the stretching is contributing for the formation and stabilization of silver nanotubes. Then, we performed molecular simulations to analyze how the structural evolution during stretching leads to a metastable Ag nanotube. In the calculations, the elongation was induced by increasing the distance between buffer layers at the wire extrema (elongation step 0.1 Å) and, subsequently, the atomic structures were optimized within the same
Figure 2.
a) Schema of the Expected atomic arrangement of fcc silver nanowire whose width is one lattice parameter; b) Analogous structure obtained by removing the red atoms located at nanowire axis, what generates a square
ab–initio framework. We studied the effects
nanotube; c) Schematic projection of
very different stress gradients on the
observed along [0100] direction.
12 | Activity Report 2009
the hollow square silver nanowire when
Science Highlights
structures formed during stretching. Our simulations revealed that the elongation of a one–lattice–parameter–wide fcc Ag rod does not evolve to form the hollow wires. As the size and shape of the basis affect the stress redistribution during the elongation process, we analyzed the next thicker square–section Ag nanowire, which is expect to form due to surface energy minimization. 5 This wire is 1.5 lattice parameter wide and, it should be formed by the stacking of two different planes containing 8 atoms (8A/8B stacking, see Figure 3, Inset). It is important to not
Figure 3.
Molecular simulation of the elongation of a slightly thicker silver wire generated by the stacking of two planes
that both atomic planes can be easily
containing eight atoms each (8A/8B stacking, see Inset).
decomposed in 2 squares containing
stacking required to generate the tubular structure (see
4 atoms. This means that each of these
Under high stress regime, the wire evolves to a 4/4 text for explanations); to help the interpretation of atomic planes formed by 4 atoms are highlighted in black.
planes can easily split into the 4/4 stacking required to form the tubular wire observed in the experiments. Further simulations, revealed that under conditions of high stress regime (elongation step 0.5 Å) and, the 8/8 silver rod spontaneously evolved to hollow structures (4/4 stacking), generating an atomic arrangement fully consistent with the ones experimentally revealed.
minimum basis size and high gradient stress. The tubular structure represents an atomic arrangement that to both minimize surface energy and generate a very deformable structure. This extremely soft hollow nanowire allows the absorption of a huge elongation with a minimal
In summary, we have unraveled the
energy cost. From the point of view of
spontaneous formation of the smallest
nanomechanics, these results demonstrate
possible, just one–lattice–parameter–wide,
that the modeling of mechanical deformation
square metal nanotube during Ag nanowire
at nanoscale must take into account
stretching. Our theoretical calculations
anomalous metastable structures of the
indicate that the formation of a silver
high symmetry that provide lower energy
nanotube requires a combination of
pathways during stretching.
Activity Report 2009 | 13
Observation of the Smallest Square Cross-section Metal Nanotube
References 1. Alloca, C.; Smith, D. Instrumentation and metrology for nanomechanics. In: INSTRUMENTATION AND METROLOGY FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL NANOTECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE WORKSHOP, 2004, Gaithesburg. Proceedings… Gaithesburg, NIST/NNCO, 2004. Disponível em < http://www.nano.gov/NNI_Instrumentation_Metrology_rpt.pdf>. 2. Agraït, N.; Yeyati, A. L.; van Ruitenbeek, J. M. Quantum properties of atomic-sized conductors. Physics Reports, v. 377, n. 2–3, p. 81–279, Q13, 2003. 3. Kondo, Y.; Takayanagi, K. Gold nanobridge stabilized by surface structure. Physica l Review Let ters, v. 79, n. 18, p. 3455–3458, 1997. 4. Lagos, M. J. et al. Observation of the smallest metal nanotubewith a square cross-section. Nat ure Nanotechnology, v. 4, n. 3, p. 149-152, 2009. 5. Marks, L. D. Experimental studies of small-particle structures. Reports on Progress in Physics, v. 57, n. 6, p. 603–649, 1994. 6. Bettini, J. et al. Experimental realization of suspended atomic chains composed of different atomic species. Nat u re Nanotechnology, v. 1, n. 3, p. 182-185, 2006. 7. Sanchez-Portal, D. et al. Density-functional method for very large systems with LCAO basis sets. Internationa l Jou rna l of Quant um Chemistr y, v. 65, n. 5, p. 453–461, 1997. 8. Soler, J. M. et al. The SIESTA method for ab initio order-N materials simulation. Jou rna l of Physics: Condensed Matter, v. 14, n. 11, p. 2745–2779, 2002. 9. Rodrigues et al. Size limit of defect formation in pyramidal Pt nanocontacts. Physica l Review Let ters, v. 99, n. 25, 255501, 2007.
14 | Activity Report 2009
Unveiling the Chemical and Morphological Features of Sb:SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Combined Use of HRTEM and Ab Initio Surface Energy Calculations Daniel G. Stroppa,1 Luciano A. Montoro,1 Armando Beltrán,2 Tiago G. Conti,3 Rafael O. da Silva,3 Juan Andrés,2 Elson Longo,3 Edson R. Leite,3 Antonio J. Ramirez1
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, 13.083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Departament de Química Física i Analítica, Universitat Jaume I, 12071,
Castellón de la Plana, Spain Department of Chemistry, Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar,
13.565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Modeling of nanocrystals supported by advanced morphological and chemical characterization is a unique tool for the development of reliable nanostructured devices, which depends on the ability to synthesize and characterize materials on the atomic scale. Among the most significant challenges in nanostructural characterization is the evaluation of crystal growth mechanisms and their dependence on the shape of nanoparticles and the distribution of doping elements. This work presents a new strategy to characterize nanocrystals, applied here to antimony‑doped tin oxide (Sb‑SnO2) (ATO) by the combined use of experimental and simulated high‑resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images and surface energy ab initio calculations. The results show that the Wulff construction can not only describe the shape of nanocrystals as a function of surface energy distribution but also retrieve quantitative information on dopant distribution by the dimensional analysis of nanoparticle shapes. In addition, a novel three-dimensional evaluation of an oriented attachment growth mechanism is provided in the proposed methodology. This procedure is a useful approach for faceted nanocrystal shape modeling and indirect quantitative evaluation of dopant spatial distribution, which are difficult to evaluate by other techniques.
Facility: C2nano Publication: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131: 14544–14548 (2009) Funding: Fapesp, CNPq, Finep
Unveiling the Chemical and Morphological Features of Sb:SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Combined Use of HRTEM and Ab Initio Surface Energy Calculations
Modeling of nanocrystals supported by
a novel three–dimensional evaluation of an
advanced morphological and chemical
oriented attachment growth mechanism
characterization is a unique tool for the
is provided in the proposed methodology.
development of reliable nanostructured
This procedure is a useful approach for
devices, which depends on the ability to
faceted nanocrystal shape modeling and
synthesize and characterize materials
indirect quantitative evaluation of dopant
on the atomic scale. Among the most
spatial distribution, which are difficult to
significant challenges in nanostructural
evaluate by other techniques.
characterization is the evaluation of crystal
The Antimony–doped Tin Oxide (Sb:SnO2)
growth mechanisms and their dependence
(ATO) nanocrystalline system was chosen
on the shape of nanoparticles and the
for this work because of the limitations
distribution of doping elements.
for its comprehensive characterization by
In recent years, advanced tools have been
conventional and advanced techniques. 6
developed for nanocrystal characterization
These limitations are due to the reduced
in order to obtain accurate chemical,
dimensions, small difference between
structural and morphological information,
the atomic weight of Sn and Sb, and the
such as crystallographic habit, surface
structural and chemical instability of these
chemistry, and growth mechanisms
nanoparticles, which preclude long–duration
from self–assembled arrangements.
TEM and/or STEM analyses, for example.
Although a number of techniques based
However, the proposed methodology
on X–ray,1 scanning probe microscopy,2
should not be seen as exclusive to the
and transmission electron microscopy
study of ATO system, for it can also be
have been successfully applied to retrieve
applied to other faceted–nanostructured
compositional and morphological
crystalline systems.
information about nanostructures, several
The ATO nanocrystals were synthesized
challenges still remain, especially with
in a glovebox under a controlled atmosphere
regard to three–dimensional reconstruction
by the benzyl alcohol method. 7 TEM
and chemical mapping.
samples were prepared by dripping
This paper presents a new strategy to
diluted ATO solution onto copper grids
characterize nanocrystals, applied here
covered with a thin amorphous carbon
to Antimony–doped Tin Oxide (ATO) by
film (~ 5 nm). HRTEM characterization
the combined use of experimental and
was performed using a JEM–3010 URP
simulated high–resolution transmission
TEM at 300 kV with a LaB 6 electron
electron microscopy (HRTEM) images and
gun and equipped with a 1024 × 1024
surface energy ab initio calculations. The
thermoelectrically cooled CCD camera
results show that the Wulff construction can
and a XEDS detector. Wulff construction 8
not only describe the shape of nanocrystals
was applied to build theoretical crystals
as a function of surface energy distribution
by using the ab initio calculated surface
but also retrieve quantitative information
energies and the SnO2 P42/mnm crystal
on dopant distribution by the dimensional
structure. HRTEM multislice simulated
analysis of nanoparticle shapes. In addition,
images of theoretical ATO nanocrystals
16 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
were obtained using JEMS software. 9
with a mean length of 4.2 nm, mean width
Surface energy calculations
for ATO
of 3.2 nm and mean aspect ratio of 1.3.
nanocrystals were performed with the
The HRTEM analysis of ATO samples
CRYSTAL06 program package.
indicated the formation of faceted
A preliminar y cr ystallographic
nanocrystals for a significant number
characterization by XRD and Electron
of particles, as illustrated in Figure 1a–b.
Diffraction showed that ATO samples were
Figure 1c shows a representative HRTEM
constituted of highly crystalline nanocrystals
image of ATO samples and the Fast–Fourier
with SnO2 cassiterite tetragonal structure.
Transform (FFT), which indicates the
The presence of broad XRD peaks indicate
particle orientation along the [111] zone
small crystalline domains with dimensions
axis. An HRTEM multislice simulation of
of approximately 5 and 4 nm for (110) and
SnO2 P42/mnm crystal structure under the
(101) planes, respectively, as evaluated
experimental image conditions is shown
by Scherrer’s equation, suggesting the
in Figure 1c (dashed box). It is important to
presence of elongated crystals.
point out that the morphological features of
HRTEM images show that the nonaqueous synthesis route produces
the ATO nanocrystals are directly related to the distribution of Sb dopant.
highly dispersed and crystalline ATO
A hypothetical nanocrystal shape
nanoparticles, as presented in Figure 1a.
was proposed based on projected
The evaluation of size distribution shown
two–dimensional HRTEM image of ATO
in Figure 1b reveals elongated particles
nanocrystals observed along the [111] zone
Figure 1.
Typical HRTEM image of ATO nanocrystals and size distribution histogram. a) HRTEM image of representative ATO (Sb:SnO2) nanocrystals, where the inset shows the electron diffraction pattern and the dashed lines exemplify the measured length and width; and b) Size distribution histogram. The inset text indicates the mean sizes with their respective standard deviations and the aspect ratio for a total count of 200 particles.
Activity Report 2009 | 17
Unveiling the Chemical and Morphological Features of Sb:SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Combined Use of HRTEM and Ab Initio Surface Energy Calculations
Figure 2.
HRTEM images of ATO nanocrystals. a–b) HRTEM images of faceted ATO (Sb:SnO2) nanocrystals, showing oriented attachment growth. The red dashed lines highlight the projected facet boundaries; and c) HRTEM image of faceted ATO nanocrystal. The dashed box indicates the superimposed image of the simulated HRTEM multislice. The inset shows the Fast–Fourier Transform, which indicates the particle alignment along the [111] zone–axis.
axis. The actual HRTEM images provide a
the exact number of atomic columns on the oriented ATO nanocrystals, and hence provide precise information regarding their projected dimensions. In this specific case, the exposed (100), (110), (111) and (101) facets were successfully reconstructed based on the HRTEM image of the particles
due to the tetragonal crystalline structure symmetry on the [111] zone axis. Only the possibly exposed (001) facet could not be directly evaluated because it does not substantially modify the projected dimensions of the ATO nanoparticles HRTEM image when observed along the [111] zone axis. However, simulated HRTEM
Figure 3.
Proposed and actual ATO nanocrystals observed along the [111] zone axis. a) proposed ATO (Sb:SnO2) nanocrystal habit
images of the proposed nanocrystals atomic
superimposed on its Wulff construction; b) Multislice simulated
arrangements provided information about
HRTEM image obtained from the proposed nanocrystal habit;
all the facets considered. Figures 3a–b
c) Comparison of the nanocrystal multislice simulated HRTEM nanocrystal image; and d) the experimental HRTEM image.
18 | Activity Report 2009
present the proposed ATO nanocrystal
Science Highlights
atomic arrangement with a superimposed Wulff construction and the multislice simulated HRTEM image, respectively. Figure 3c and d compares the nanocrystal multislice simulated HRTEM image (left inset) and the experimental image (right). The remarkable agreement between the images supports the proposed nanocrystal habit. The remarkable agreement between the images supports the proposed nanocrystal habit. According to Wulffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rule, 8 which determines the equilibrium crystal shape by minimizing surface energy for a given
Figure 4.
Surface energies for different Sb contents and Wulff constructed nanocrystals for each dopant content considering
enclosed volume, the crystal morphology
a homogeneous Sb distribution. The
can be thermodynamically predicted using
surface energies for the selected crystalline
the surface energy of different facets. Thus, the crystal shape can be derived
Figure shows the ab initio calculated planes with different Sb contents. The facets on the constructed Wulff crystals are indicated by a color code.
from a geometrical construction where the distance of the facet from an arbitrary
systems. Therefore, both qualitative and
origin is proportional to the respective
quantitative information can be extracted
crystallographic plane surface energy.
from HRTEM images of faceted and
The ab initio calculated surface energies
crystalline nanosystems by evaluating
for different crystalline planes and Sb
the aspect ratio for different crystalline
concentrations are presented in Figure 4, as
planes within the Wulff construction.
well as the Wulff construction for different
The dimensional analysis of the
Sb contents. Due to the substitutional
proposed ATO nanocrystal indicates the
character of Sb in the ATO structure,
surface energy ratio for the different exposed
the dopant concentration is quantized
crystallographic planes of the experimental
according to available exposed sites.
ATO nanocrystals. Therefore, a comparison
The results of the calculations shown
of these surface energy values and the
in Figure 4 indicate that the surface
ab initio calculated ones provides the
energy for different exposed crystalline
dopant content on those exposed facets.
planes is highly dependent on the Sb
Table 1 presents the absolute distances of
concentration, leading to the dependence
the proposed Wulff-constructed facets of
of the nanocrystal habit on the dopant
the ATO nanocrystal, the surface energy
content. In addition, preferential segregation
values, and the estimated Sb content
towards different exposed crystalline
for the exposed crystalline planes. Both
planes can be inferred due to modifications
surface energy and dopant content of
of the nanocrystal habit as a function of
each facet were evaluated using the Wulff
dopant content, especially in highly doped
construction dimensions, the mean Sb
Activity Report 2009 | 19
Unveiling the Chemical and Morphological Features of Sb:SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Combined Use of HRTEM and Ab Initio Surface Energy Calculations
Table 1.
Evaluation of surface energy and Sb content for the proposed ATO nanocrystal habit
Exposed Plane
Distance (nm)
Surface Energy (J/m2)
(110) facets and a dopant depletion at the (001) facets of the ATO nanocrystals. As previously shown, the ATO nanocrystal self–assembling process occurs through oriented attachment (OA) growth.11 OA is a statistical process related to the collision rate among nanocrystals in suspension and to the reduction of surface energy driven by the area minimization of high–energy
facets. It has been recently reported as the predominant growth mechanism for an increasing number of materials and has called the attention of scientists as a suitable technique for processing mesocrystals and anisotropic nanomaterials.12 Figure 2b shows a pair of coalesced ATO nanocrystals, self–organized through
OA growth. This oriented ensemble was evaluated using the previously proposed nanocrystal model and simulated HRTEM images in order to investigate the OA growth mechanism. Figures 5a–b present the atomic arrangement of an ATO nanocrystal ensemble superimposed with its Wulff construction and the results
Figure 5.
Proposed ATO nanocrystal ensemble and its simulated HRTEM image. a) Atomic arrangement of the ATO
of HRTEM multislice image simulation,
(Sb:SnO 2) nanocrystal ensemble superimposed on its
respectively. Figure 5c compares the
Wulff construction. b) Multislice simulated HRTEM image obtained from the proposed nanocr ystal ensemble. c) Comparison of the simulated nanocrystal image and d) the experimental image.
multislice simulated HRTEM image of the ensemble (left inset) and the experimental image (right). The remarkable agreement between
content retrieved by XEDS measurements,
the experimental HRTEM image and the
and ab initio calculated surface energies.
simulated image of the proposed ATO
Finally, the estimated Sb concentrations
nanocrystal assembly allows for an
of the exposed facets of the proposed
accurate evaluation of the OA mechanism.
ATO nanocrystal were quantized based
The [100] and [101] were observed as the
on the available Sn atomic sites on these
preferential growth directions for the ATO
crystallographic planes. This evaluation
nanoparticles. Figure 5c corresponds to an
of the Sb content on the exposed facets,
example of (100) facet oriented attachment.
presented in Table 1, indicates a preferential
The OA growth process along the [100]
segregation of Sb towards the (100) and
and [101] directions is congruent with the
20 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
predicted attachment configurations and
effort and/or would be restricted by
with the higher expected collision rate
system dimensions and/or small atomic
for the (100) and (101) facets as a result
weight differences between the material
of their larger exposed facet area. In the
proposed nanocrystal habit, more than 78% of the total surface area corresponds to (100) and (101) facets. The combined use of HRTEM characterization, HRTEM image multislice simulation and ab initio calculations provided information on the 3D habit and surface chemical composition of faceted nanocrystals by correlation of the crystal
In addition, the combined use of surface energy ab initio calculations and Wulff construction applied to nanocrystal modeling was applied successfully to study the oriented attachment growth mechanism in ATO nanocrystals, and can be used to carry out such studies in a number of nanostructured systems.
faceting and the dopant–dependent surface
Modeling hypothetical nanocrystals as
energy of exposed facets.
building blocks with known surface
Conclusion Remarks. Based on
energy distribution and faceting enables
indirect quantitative measurements, this
one to produce a three–dimensional
methodology is a novel approach for the
description of the oriented attachment
evaluation of surface dopant distribution
growth mechanism, which can be further
on nanoparticles. It is a powerful tool for
investigated by HRTEM imaging and
the analysis of nanocrystals, where usual
HRTEM multislice image simulation.
quantitative techniques such as X–ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), X–ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (XEDS),
High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF),
The authors acknowledge the financial
and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
support of the Brazilian research funding
(EELS) would require a much greater
agencies FAPESP, CNPq, and FINEP.
Activity Report 2009 | 21
Unveiling the Chemical and Morphological Features of Sb:SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Combined Use of HRTEM and Ab Initio Surface Energy Calculations
References 1. Renaud, G. et al. Real-time monitoring of growing nanoparticles. Science, v. 300, n. 5624, p. 1416‑1419, 2003. 2. Morales, E. H. et al. Surface structure of Sn-doped In2O3 (111) thin films by STM. New Journa l of Physics, v. 10, n. 12, 125030, 2008. 3. Ferrer, D. et al. Three-layer core/shell structure in Au−Pd bimetallic nanoparticles. Nano Let ters, v. 7, n. 6, p. 1701-1705, 2007. 4. Muller, D. A. et al. Atomic-scale chemical imaging of composition and bonding by aberrationcorrected microscopy. Science, v. 319, n. 5866, p. 1073-1076, 2008. 5. Jia, C. L.; Urban, K. Atomic-resolution measurement of oxygen concentration in oxide materials. Science, v. 303, n. 5666, p. 2001-2004, 2004. 6. Sun, K.; Liu, J.; Browning, N. D. Correlated atomic resolution microscopy and spectroscopy studies of Sn (Sb)O2 nanophase catalysts. Jou rna l of Cataysis, v. 205, n. 2, p. 266-277, 2002. 7. Niederberger, M.; Gartweitner, G. Organic reaction pathways in the nonaqueous synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles. Chemistr y: A European Journal, v. 12, n. 28, p. 7282-7302, 2006. 8. Herring, C. Some theorems on the free energies of crystal surfaces. Physica l Review, v. 82, n.1, p. 87-93,1951. 9. Stadelmann, P. A. EMS - a software package for electron diffraction analysis and HREM image simulation in materials science. Ultramicroscopy, v. 21, n. 2, p.131-145, 1987. 10. Beltrán, A. et al. Thermodynamic argument about SnO2 nanoribbon growth Applied Physics Let ters, v. 83, n. 4, p. 635-637, 2003. 11. Penn, R. L.; Banfield, J. F. Imperfect oriented attachment: dislocation generation in defect-free nanocrystals. Science, v. 281, n. 5379, p. 969-971,1998. 12. Meldrum, F. C.; Colfen, H. Controlling mineral morphologies and structures in biological and synthetic systems. Chemica l Reviews, v. 108, n. 11, p. 4332-4432, 2008.
22 | Activity Report 2009
Controlled Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Thin Films: Towards New Metallic–oxide Nanocomposites
María Cecilia Fuertes,1 Martín Marchena,1 Alejandro Wolosiuk,1,2 Galo Juan de Avila Arturo Soler-Illia1,2
Gerencia de Química, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica,
Av. Gral Paz 1499 (B1650KNA) San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2
Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Química Física – DQIAQF,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria Pab. II, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Metal–oxide nanocomposites made up of Ag nanoparticle (NP) assemblies embedded within mesoporous oxide thin films were produced by mild reduction of Ag + adsorbed onto the pore surface. The nanocomposites were characterized by Small Angle X–ray Scattering (2D SAXS, D03A SAXS2) and X–ray Reflectometry (XRR, D10A XRD2). A quantitative method based in XRR was developed in order to assess pore filling. Inclusion of Ag NP assemblies in mesoporous SiO2 or TiO2 requires different processing conditions. The difference of reactivity of both oxide matrices towards Ag+ reduction is exploited to selectively synthesize NPs in a pre–determined layer of a multilayered mesoporous stack. This leads to highly controlled 1D ordered multilayers with precise spatial location of nanometric objects.
Facility: XRD2, SAXS2, C2nano Publication: Small, 5: 272–280 (2009) Funding: CONICET, ANPCyT, MCT
Controlled Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Thin Films: Towards New Metallic-oxide Nanocomposites
The synthesis of controlled film–
MOTF were deposited by dip–coating
supported nanocomposite systems
glass substrates using water/ethanol
constitutes one of the most active fields
acidic solutions containing an inorganic
in nanotechnology. The rational design
precursor (TiCl4 or Si(OEt)4) and a pore
of these materials holds a promise for
template (cationic surfactant CTAB or
obtaining integrated devices for a diversity
block–copolymers: Brij58 and Pluronics
of applications. Mesoporous Oxide Thin
F127). Each surfactant provides a different
Films (MOTF) represent attractive template
pore size and pore ordering. 3 After
matrices for the inclusion of isolated
deposition, films were stabilized and
or interacting metal nanoparticles (NP),
calcined at 350 °C for 2 hours. Ag NPs
permitting to fully exploit their optical,
were deposited within single MOTF or
electronic or catalytic properties. The
multilayered stacks through an electroless
nano–derived properties are due to the metal
deposition reaction, using a 1:1 (mass ratio)
NP dimensions, confinement, interfacial
water:ethanol mixture of AgNO3 0.05 M
effects and the possibility to combine the
and a formaldehyde (HCHO) solution.
accessibility of the mesopore system and
Film thickness and electronic density
the protective properties of the matrix. A
were obtained from XRR measurements
variety of metallic or semiconductor NP
(λ = 1.5498 Å); film mesostructure was
have been embedded in mesoporous
analyzed using Small Angle X–ray Scattering
powders or thin films.1,2 An accurate control
with 2D detection (λ = 1.608 Å). Both
of NP size and pore filling is needed in
techniques were performed at LNLS.
order to control size–derived effects such
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
as electron transfer, surface plasmon
images were obtained with a Philips EM
resonance, fluorescence enhancement
301 microscope operating at 60 kV.
or surface–enhanced Raman scattering.
Figure 1a shows a TEM image of an
Consequently, non–destructive methods
F127–templated TiO 2 film where both
that permit to evaluate the actual metal
the mesostructure and uniform pore
loading inside the film are needed to
size can be clearly observed. The inset
better characterize these systems, and
shows the characteristic Im3m 2D–SAXS
understand their formation paths.
pattern from the same sample evidencing
In this work, we present a straightforward
the remarkable long range pore order.
approach for quantifying the filling of
Figure 1b shows a TEM micrograph of
mesoporous films with metallic NP using
Ag NPs synthesized within the TiO2 layer
X–ray reflectometry (XRR). This method
using HCHO as the reducing agent. The
permits to monitor the formation of Ag NP
NPs are 8–10 nm diameter, which is in
within a mesopore network, and hence to
good agreement with the known pore
control the pore fraction occupied by the NP.
dimensions of the F127 templated films
In addition, we demonstrate the possibility to
along the xy plane. The mesoporous matrix
determine the spatial localization of metallic
permits an homogeneous distribution of
NP inside a multilayer structure composed
NP with controlled maximum size inside
of different mesoporous oxides.
the MOTF.
24 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
Figure 1.
Scheme of NP production within mesopores. a) TEM before and b) after Ag NP production inside mesoporous TiO2. Inset in (a) shows 2D SAXS (3° incidence) data typical of an Im3m cubic mesophase.
Despite the ample literature regarding metallic infiltration in mesostructured
volume fraction of mesopores, Fp, can be estimated as:
ordered films, no rigorous quantification of the metal loading in these systems has been informed. Analytical techniques
FP = 1−
ρfilm ρframework
such as EDS give an overall idea of film
where ρfilm is the electronic density of the
composition, but no details about NPs
mesoporous film and ρframework the electronic
location. In this context, XRR allows the
density of a non–mesoporous film with
simultaneous and direct determination of
the same composition.
density, thickness and interfacial roughness
Figure 2 shows the evolution of XRR
of thin films from the reflectivity intensity
data along reaction time for TiO2 or SiO2
variations with the X–ray incident angle.4
mesoporous films in contact with aqueous
The reflectivity critical angle θc measured
Ag+/HCHO solutions. Figure 2a shows a
allows determining the electronic density of the film, ρel, using:
ρel =
π 2 θc λ re 2
significant and continuous increase in the measured θc for Brij 58–templated TiO2 films along reaction time. This implies that
the electronic density of the TiO2 porous film increases as Ag NPs are formed
where λ is the X–ray wavelength and re
inside the film. The θc values are close to
is the classical radius of the electron.
the porous titania values, and significantly
From the calculation of the ρel for both a
lower than those corresponding to pure
mesoporous and a non–porous film, the
Ag (θ c ~ 0.44°). In addition, no change Activity Report 2009 | 25
Controlled Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Thin Films: Towards New Metallic-oxide Nanocomposites
in the Kiessig interference spacing is a
observed, albeit the fringe amplitude decreases. These features imply that silver NP are continuously incorporated
within the mesopores, rather than forming a continuous film on top of the TiO2 film. The incorporation of Ag can be tracked by assessing the evolution of film density by following the changes in the θc with the Ag infiltration time. Figure 2d shows the time evolution of the reflectivity (θc region) for a CTAB–templated
SiO 2 mesoporous film in contact with the Ag+/HCHO solution. As opposed to TiO2 films, no significant changes in the SiO2–θc are observed, showing that the
film density remains almost unaltered within the reduction reaction time. Figure 2b shows a 2D–SAXS image at 90° incidence of TiO 2 mesoporous film before the silver infiltration process. The ring observed corresponds to the [110] in–plane pores of an Im3m cubic structure. After reaction in the Ag+/HCHO solution, the signal diminishes (Figure 2c) and, as the Ag+ concentration and time reduction increases, finally disappears. This effect is due to the random NP formation within the TiO2 pores, disrupting the periodic electronic density long–order structure, which is the origin of the diffraction signal. In addition, the signal intensity increases at low q values, probably due to
Figure 2.
Low–angle XRR patterns of mesoporous a) titania, and b) silica thin films exposed to Ag reduction for increasing periods. The arrows indicate the change in the critical angle θc. 2D SAXS patterns (90° incidence) of mesoporous TiO2 b) before and c) after silver infiltration. 2D SAXS patterns of mesoporous SiO2 e) before and f) after silver infiltration. g) Volume fraction of the pore system occupied by silver for each oxide, calculated from Equation 4. Dotted lines were added for eye guiding. Please note that the θc observed at 2θ =0.468° in (b) corresponds to the glass substrate.
26 | Activity Report 2009
the low–angle X–ray scattering produced by the Ag NPs. On the other hand, the signal intensity for the SiO2 layer does not change after the reduction reaction (Figures 2e–f), confirming that the Ag NP formation is strongly dependent of the inorganic framework.
Science Highlights
XRR can also be used to fully quantify
deposit Ag NP preferentially in the TiO2
the amount of silver present inside the
mesopores of a bilayered or multilayered
pores. Considering that the increase in
system composed of TiO 2 and SiO 2
film density is only due to the presence
layers. Figure 3a shows the XRR data
of metal, the silver volume fraction FAg
of a substrate/TiO2/SiO 2 mesoporous
within the film can be determined from
bilayer at different Ag reduction times.
the measured electronic densities:
No changes are observed for the θ c of the silica layer along reduction; however,
FAg =
ρfilm + Ag − ρfilm ρAg
already observed in TiO2 single layer
where ρfilm+Ag is the electronic density of Ag–filled film, ρfilm is the electronic density of the empty mesoporous film and ρAg is the silver electronic density. The mesopore filling fraction at each infiltration time can be defined as the ratio between the silver volume fraction and the pore volume fraction:
R Ag (t) =
the TiO2–θc increases in a similar way as films. The preferential deposition of Ag NP within the titania mesopores alters dramatically the electronic density of the TiO2 film inside the bilayered stack (scheme in Figure 3e). Additional XRR experiments performed in the presence of water vapors confirm accessibility of the pore systems after Ag infiltration. The 2D SAXS signal from the bilayer
FAg (t) FP
before the infiltration is shown in Figure 3b. Two distinctive rings are observed, corresponding to the [110] in–plane pores
Figure 2g shows the evolution of the
of two different Im3m cubic structures. The
mesopore filling fraction with Ag+ reduction
lower–angle diffraction signal reflects the
time calculated using Equation 4 for
F127–SiO2 mesostructure (cubic parameter
the systems described above. It can be
a = 18.5 nm) and the outer circle corresponds
observed that a plateau is reached by
to the Brij58–TiO2 characteristic mesoporous
50–55% relative volume filling for TiO2
distance (a = 9.1 nm). After reaction in
films, while SiO2 shows filling fractions
the Ag+/HCHO solution (Figure 3c), the
well below 5%. This limit might be due to
TiO2 mesoporous signal disappears but
partial pore blocking by silver NP. The
the intensity for the SiO2 layer does not
silver–loaded titania films present remaining
change, confirming the clear different
accessible porosity, as confirmed with
behaviors of both oxide layers with
additional XRR experiments (not shown) in
respect to Ag NPs synthesis. The same
which the Ag–filled films were submitted
effect was observed by transmission 2D
to water vapor, and an increase in the
SAXS in photonic multilayered structures
critical angle was observed due to water
built using alternating TiO 2 and SiO 2
mesoporous films.
The different reactivity of silica and
Figure 3d shows the time evolution
titania systems towards the Ag+/HCHO
of the silver filling in both oxides of the
systems can be exploited in order to
mesoporous bilayer. No production of Ag
Activity Report 2009 | 27
Controlled Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Thin Films: Towards New Metallic-oxide Nanocomposites
nanoparticles occurs in the SiO2 layer, but the TiO2 layer presents a plateau again, at approximately the same values obtained for the TiO2 single layer. Therefore, we
can conclude that each layer presents an independent chemical behavior in this particular bilayer system. The topmost SiO2 non reacting film is fully accessible and allows the diffusion of reactants to the TiO2 layer underneath, suggesting the possibility to design a “smart” coating for
an integrated nanodevice5,6. In conclusion, this work describes a chemical method to control the production of Ag/MOTF nanocomposites presenting spatially defined arrays of homogeneously distributed monodisperse nanoparticles. XRR and SAXS methods afford quantitative information about the Ag NP formation process in single and multilayered stacks. Formaldehyde oxidation proceeds at different rates in different MOTF matrices; this different reactivity on different oxide surfaces can be exploited in order to control the selective deposition of Ag NP within the titania layers in bilayered
Figure 3.
a) Low–angle XRR patterns of mesoporous TiO 2/SiO 2 bilayer exposed to Ag reduction for increasing periods.
or multilayered MOTF stacks in a single
The arrows indicate the change in the critical angle θc. 2D
and mild chemical step. We envision the
SAXS patterns (90° incidence) of mesoporous TiO2/SiO2
design of tailored multilayers with varying
bilayer b) before and c) after silver infiltration. d) Volume fraction of the pore system occupied by silver for each oxide, calculated from Equation 4. The dotted lines were added for eye guiding. e) Scheme of NP production only within the TiO2 mesoporous film.
28 | Activity Report 2009
and controlled Ag NP fractions and empty responsive layers for advanced optical devices and sensors.
Science Highlights
References 1. (a) Zhang, S. B. et al. One-pot synthesis of Ni-nanoparticle-embedded mesoporous titania/silica catalyst and its application for CO2-reforming of methane. Catalalysis Communications, v. 9, n. 6, p. 995-1000, 2008.
(b) Pérez, M. D. et al. Growth of gold nanoparticle arrays in TiO2 mesoporous matrixes. Langmuir, v. 20, n. 16, p. 6879-6886, 2004.
2. (a) Besson, S. et al. 3D quantum dot lattice inside mesoporous silica films. Nano Let ters, v. 2, n. 4, p. 409-414, 2002.
(b) Buso, D. et al. PbS-doped mesostructured silica films with high optical nonlinearity. Chemistr y of Materia ls, v. 17, n. 20, p. 4965-4970, 2005.
(c) Fukuoka, A. et al. Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide catalyzed by platinum nanoparticles in mesoporous silica. Journal of the A merican Chemical Societ y, v. 12, n. 33, p. 10120‑10125, 2007.
(d) Wang, H. W. et al. Synthesis and photocatalysis of mesoporous anatase TiO2 powders incorporated Ag nanoparticles. Jou rna l of Physics and Chemistr y of Solids, v. 6, n. 2-3, p. 633-636, 2008.
(e) Wang, L. C. et al. Formation of Pd nanoparticles in surfactant-mesoporous silica composites and surfactant solutions. Microporous and Mesoporous Materia ls, v. 110, n. 2-3, p. 451‑460, 2008.
3. Fuertes, M. C. et al. Photonic crystals from ordered mesoporous thin-film functional building blocks. Advanced F unc tiona l Materia ls, v. 17, n. 8, p. 1247-1254, 2007. 4. Daillant, J.; Gibaud, A. (Eds.). X-ray and neutron ref lectivit y: principles and applications. Berlin: Springer, 2009. 348 p. 5. Angelome, P. C.; Fuertes; M. C.; Soler-Illia, G. J. A. A. Multifunctional, multilayer, multiscale: integrative synthesis of complex macroporous and mesoporous thin films with spatial separation of porosity and function. Advanced Materia ls, v. 18, n. 18, p. 2397-2402, 2006. 6. Martínez, E. D.; Bellino, M. G.; Soler-Illia, G. J. A. A. Patterned production of silver−mesoporous titania nanocomposite thin films using lithography-assisted metal reduction. ACS Applied Materia ls & Interfaces, v. 1, n. 4, p. 746-749, 2009.
Activity Report 2009 | 29
Uncovering Molecular Structural Mechanisms of Signaling Mediated by the Prion Protein
Sebastián A. Romano,1 Yraima Cordeiro,2 Luis M. T. da Rocha e Lima,2 Marilene H. Lopes,3 Jerson L. Silva,4 Débora Foguel,4 Rafael Linden1
Instituto de Biofísica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil 3
Instituto Ludwig de Pesquisa de Câncer, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Instituto de Bioquímica Médica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
The glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)–anchored prion protein (PrPC), usually associated with neurodegenerative diseases, modulates various cellular responses and may scaffold multiprotein cell surface signaling complexes. Engagement of PrPC with the secretable cochaperone hop/ STI1 induces neurotrophic transmembrane signals through unknown molecular mechanisms. We addressed whether interaction of PrPC and hop/STI1 entails structural rearrangements relevant for signaling. Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy showed that PrPC:hop/ STI1 interaction triggers loss of PrP helical structures, involving at least a perturbation of the PrPC143–153 α–helix. Novel SAXS models revealed a significant C–terminal compaction of hop/STI1 when bound to PrPC. Differing from a recent dimeric model of human hop/STI1, both size exclusion chromatography and SAXS data support a monomeric form of free murine hop/STI1. Changes in the PrPC143–153 α–helix may engage the transmembrane signaling proteins laminin receptor precursor and neural cell adhesion molecule, both of which bind that domain of PrPC, and further ligands may be engaged by the tertiary structural changes of hop/STI1. These reciprocal structural modifications indicate a versatile mechanism for signaling mediated by PrPC:hop/STI1 interaction, consistent with the hypothesis that PrPC scaffolds multiprotein signaling complexes at the cell surface.
Facilities: SAXS1, SAXS2 Publication: FASEB Journal, 23: 4308-4316 (2009) Funding: CNPq, FAPERJ, CAPES and FAPESP
Science Highlights
Prion diseases are transmissible
a flexible random coil, whereas the
spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), such
globular C–terminal half contains 3
as human Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and
α–helices corresponding to aminoacid
bovine ‘mad cow disease’, that course with
residues 144–154, 173–194 and 200–228,
neurological symptoms and that, despite
interspersed with an antiparallel β–pleated
their low prevalence, are incurable and
sheet formed by β–strands at residues
invariably fatal. Histopathological analysis
128–131 and 161–164. A single disulfide
shows neurodegeneration, vacuolization
bond is found between cysteine residues 179
of brain tissue and deposits of insoluble,
and 214.2 PrPC modulates various functions
protease–resistant aggregates dubbed
of the nervous and immune systems,
‘prions’, for ‘proteinaceous–only infectious
including memory and inflammation;
particle’. The prions contain an abnormal
the proliferation, differentiation, and
form of an evolutionary conserved
sensitivity to programmed cell death
protein called ‘prion protein’ (PrPC), which
in various cell types; and the activity of
is particularly abundant in the brain.
numerous signal transduction pathways.
Conversion of the α–helix dominated PrP
In addition, PrPC trafficks both laterally
into a β–sheet enriched conformer leads,
between distinct plasma membrane
either by itself or combined with other still
domains, and along endocytic pathways,
unresolved molecules, to the formation of
on top of continuous, rapid recycling. Its
the pathogenic prions. Current hypothesis
trafficking is affected by several ligands
has it that the latter are responsible both
and, conversely, affects PrPC–mediated
for the neurodegeneration and for the
events. Such an extensive, and often
progression and transmission of the TSEs,
contradictory, data suggest that, rather than
because prions coerce into conformational
playing a specific role in a straightforward
conversion the normal PrP molecules of
signaling pathway, PrPC inserts as a wild
either the same or, through infection, of
card in a variety of functional processes.
a distinct subject.1 Nevertheless, major
We, therefore, proposed that PrPC may
unresolved issues in prion diseases
serve as a scaffolding protein in multiple
include the functions of PrP , as well as
sets of interactors at the cell surface.
the role of presumptive loss–of–function
Combined with its extensive trafficking,
pathogenic events due to conformational
the data indicate that PrPC is a dynamic
conversion of the normal protein.
cell surface platform for the assembly
Our group aims primarily at uncovering
of signaling modules, based on which
physiological functions of PrPC, which,
selective interactions with many ligands
apart from its role in disease, is an
and transmembrane signaling pathways
abundant component of the cell
translate into wide–range consequences
surface of several cell types besides
upon both physiology and behavior.3
nerve cells. PrPC is an N–glycosylated,
Several dozen putative ligands of the
glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)–anchored
prion protein have been identified with
protein of 208–209 aminoacids (Figure 1a),
variable degrees of confidence. One of
the N–terminal half of which composes
the ligands with the strongest supporting
Activity Report 2009 | 31
Uncovering Molecular Structural Mechanisms of Signaling Mediated by the Prion Protein
evidence is the 66 kDa cochaperone hop/
secreted to the extracellular medium. When
STI1, which contains 9 tetratricopeptide
extracellular hop/STI1 engages the cell
repeats (TPRs), grouped in 3 globular
surface PrPC, various signal transduction
domains TPR1, TPR2a (the PrPC–binding
pathways are activated with robust
domain), and TPR2b, as well as 2 small
biological consequences. A major question
DP domains rich in aspartate–proline
in this context is how the engagement
repeats (Figure 1a). TPR1 and TPR2a
of the GPI–anchored PrPC, which lacks
had their structure resolved and contain
an intracellular domain, leads to signal
highly α–helical globular structures that
transduction (Figure 1b). The simplest
line a canal where binding sequences
explanation requires transmembrane
can lie in an extended form. Hop/STI1
partners of either PrPC or its ligand, or both,
has a well known intracellular function
thus forming higher order multiprotein
among the chaperone machinery that
signaling complexes at the cell surface.
controls the maturation and activation
The assembly of such complexes likely
of glucocorticoid receptors, but it is also
entails and depends on orchestrated
Figure 1.
a) Diagram of the sequences of PrPC and hop/STI1. Major domains are indicated together with relevant residue numbers: PrPC N–term = flexible random coil, C–term = globular domain; hop/STI1 TPR = tetratricopeptide repeats; DP = dipeptide repeats; b) The problem of PrP C–mediated signaling. The GPI–anchored PrPC does not have an intracellular domain to convey through the plasma membrane (PM) signals initiated by its binding to soluble extracellular hop/STI1; c) CD spectra of measured (light green line) and predicted (grey line) equimolar sample of hop/STI1:PrPC113–132, shown along with the measured (green line) and predicted (red line) spectra of an equimolar sample of PrPC:hop/STI1230–245. d) CD spectra of measured (grey line) and predicted (green line) equimolar sample of PrPC:hop/STI1, along with the spectrum predicted for an equimolar mixture of PrPC and hop/STI1 in the peptide–bound conformations (light green line). The spectra for the latter were obtained by subtracting the respective peptide contributions from the spectra shown in (a).
32 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
cooperative allosteric structural changes
shows an allosteric effect of hop/STI1
that may propagate in the various partner
upon the region of the PrPC molecule that
proteins. To help examine the hypothesis
contains the binding sites for N–CAM and
that PrPC may scaffold cell surface signaling
LRP/LR (Figure 2e, f), both of which are
complexes, we addressed whether
well know transmembrane proteins that
interaction of PrP and hop/STI1 involves
are capable of signal transduction.6, 7
structural rearrangements relevant for
Data from small angle X–ray scattering
signaling, using recombinant wild–type
data for either hop/STI1 alone or the
and mutant mouse proteins, as well as
PrPC: hop/STI1 complex led to estimates
synthetic peptides PrP C113–128 and hop/
of both the molecular radius of gyration
STI1230–245, which contain the cognate
and the maximum molecular diameter of
binding sites of each protein.
PrPC: hop/STI1 which were smaller than
A combination of circular dichroism (CD)
those of hop/STI1 alone (Figure 3a, b).
and fluorescence spectroscopy showed
Results of size exclusion HPLC were also
changes in PrP induced by binding to
consistent with compaction of the binary
hop/STI1. Thus, when comparing the
complex as compared with hop/STI1
far‑ultraviolet CD spectrum of a 1:1 PrPC–hop/
alone. The data indicated that, despite the
STI1 mixture with the expected residue
presence of the flexible N–terminal tail of
number–weighted sum of the spectra
PrPC, the binding of PrPC to hop/STI1 entails
of the individual proteins, a reduction in
significant structural compaction.
CD peak deflection suggested a loss of
Averaged low resolution ab initio
α–helical structure (Figure 1d). There was a
models were produced with the GASBOR
large change in the spectrum of PrP C when
software, followed by rigid body modeling
mixed with its cognate hop/STI1 peptide,
of the full–length molecules using the
whereas little if any change was seen in
BUNCH software. As an approximation
the spectrum of hop/STI1 when mixed
in the absence of high resolution models
with its cognate PrPC peptide (Figure 1c).
of the full hop/STI1 protein, we used the
These data suggested a rearrangement
resolved structures of TPR1, TPR2a, and
of secondary structure in PrP
the C–terminal globular domain of PrPC,
binding its ligand hop/STI1. Furthermore,
together with homology models for TPR2b,
titration of PrPC with the hop/STI1 peptide
DP1, and DP2 domains obtained using
led to to a decay of the intensity of the
the structure prediction server Lomets.
intrinsic fluorescence spectrum of up to
The domains were linked with dummy
80% at a 1:1 Molar ratio (Figure 2a, c). The
residue flexible chains. For the complex,
fluorescence spectrum of a construct
a proximity constraint was imposed
of PrPC containing only one Trp residue
between the binding sites of the proteins.
(Figure 2b), mixed with the cognate hop/
The volumetric and the full–length rigid
STI1 peptide, indicated that binding of the
body models agreed well (Figure 3c–f).
two proteins leads to structural changes
Aligning the model of hop/STI1 in the
in the first α–helix of PrPC (Figure 2d). This
PrP C–binding conformation with that
is of particular significance, because it
of free hop/STI1 indicates clustering
Activity Report 2009 | 33
Uncovering Molecular Structural Mechanisms of Signaling Mediated by the Prion Protein
Figure 2.
a) Diagram of pre–processed prion protein highlighting recognized functional and/or structural domains, showing the location of its 8 triptophan residues (W), and the location of sequences of residues containing the binding sites for hop/STI1, N–CAM and LRP/LR; b) A construction made for testing changes in the first α–helix of PrPC by intrinsic fluorescence measurements; c) Emission spectra of 2 µM free PrPC (black solid line), and PrPC: hop/STI1230–245 samples at 2:0.5 (orange solid line), 2:1 (green solid line), and 2:2 (red solid line) µM concentrations. Spectrum of 2 µM free hop/STI1230–245 (cyan solid line) is also shown. To demonstrate the saturation of the effect, we also show the spectra obtained by subtracting the spectral emission of 2 µM free hop/STI1230–245 from the emission of a 2:4 µM PrP C: hop/STI1230–245 sample to subtract the contribution from the excess peptide (blue solid line). All spectra were normalized by the maximum intensity of the free PrPC spectrum, i.e., 71230. Excitation was set at 280 nm. Inset: relative area of the spectra obtained during this hop/STI1230–245 titration, as a function of the STI1230–245: PrPC molar ratio; d) Same as in (c), but replacing PrPC (a) with PrPC95–231W98F (b) at a 5.5 µM concentration, exciting at 295 nm, and normalizing by the maximum intensity of the free PrPC95–231W98F spectrum, i.e., 32940. a.u. = arbitrary units; e, f) PYMOL depictions of the globular C–terminal of PrPC (residues 121–231), highlighting the binding domains of hop/STI1, N–CAM and LRP/LR as shown in (a).
34 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
Figure 3.
a, b) SAXS data suggesting structural compaction as a consequence of hop/STI1:PrP C complex formation. a) Measured scattered intensity for hop/STI1 (red dots) and an equimolar sample of PrPC:hop/STI1 (blue dots), along with the corresponding GNOM fits (green lines) and BUNCH fits (black lines). Inset: linear fits to Guinier plots. Red dots, hop/STI1; blue dots, PrPC:hop/STI1; b) Pair distance distribution, p(r), calculated by GNOM, for hop/STI1 (red line) and the PrPC:hop/STI1 complex (blue line). Inset: Kratky plots for hop/STI1 (red dots) and PrPC:hop/STI1 (blue dots). Scattering intensities at 0 angle of both samples were matched before calculation of the Kratky plot to allow comparisons; c–f) BUNCH rigid body models (d, f) and superposition of these models with GASBOR volumetric models represented as gray spheres (c, e), for free hop/STI1 (c, d) and for the PrP C:hop/STI1 complex (e, f). Domain and flexible linker colors are as in Figure 1a. Binding sites PrPC113–132 and hop/STI1230–245 are highlighted in red. g) Alignment of free hop/STI1 (blue) and hop/STI1 in the PrPC–bound conformation (red), BUNCH models (PrPC omitted for clarity).
of the C–terminal portion of hop/STI1,
that has since been supported by other
which contains the TPR2a, TPR2b, and
DP2 domains. This is the result of the
The overall data show that binding
approximation of DP2 and TPR2a (the
of PrPC to its ligand hop/STI1 induces
PrPC–binding domain) to TPR2b, which
remodeling of both proteins. The structural
are otherwise outward oriented in the
rearrangement of PrPC involves at least
model of hop/STI1 alone (Figure 3g).
the domain containing binding sites for
In addition, and differing from a recent
two transmembrane proteins that underlie
dimeric model of human hop/STI1, both
PrP C–mediated signal transduction. In
size exclusion chromatography and SAXS
turn, the changes in the structure of the
data are consistent with a monomeric form
extracellular partner hop/STI1 may engage
of free murine hop/STI1, a conclusion
other signaling molecules among a large
Activity Report 2009 | 35
Uncovering Molecular Structural Mechanisms of Signaling Mediated by the Prion Protein
number of putative candidates identified
shown are consistent with both the idea
in an ongoing phage display screening
that PrPC dynamically scaffolds multiprotein
(T.A. Americo, M.H. Magdesian and R.
functional complexes composed of
Linden, unpublished). The identification of higherâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;order ligands of a cell surface molecular complex based on PrP :
various, cell type specific combinations of ligands,3 as well as with the possibility
hop/STI1 interaction may lead to an explanation of the variety of signals mediated by the prion protein. Furthermore, the approach taken in this study serves
that such multiprotein complexes may be involved in the pathogenesis of prion diseases, perhaps by imparting distinct pathological characteristics depending
as a paradigm to provide structural insight
on specific combinations of ligands of
into PrPCâ&#x20AC;&#x2018;mediated signal transduction
either normal or pathogenic forms of the
triggered by other ligands of PrPC. The data
prion protein.
References 1. Aguzzi, A.; Calella, A. M. Prions: protein aggregation and infectious diseases. Physiolog ica l Reviews, v. 89, n. 4, p. 1105-1152, 2009. 2. Zahn, R. et al. NMR solution structure of the human prion protein. Proceedings of the Nationa l Academy of Sciences of the United States of A merica, v. 97, n. 1, p. 145-50, 2000. 3. Linden, R. et al. Physiology of the prion protein. Physiologica l Reviews, v. 88, n. 2, p. 673-728, 2008. 4. Zanata, S. M. et al. Stress-inducible protein 1 is a cell surface ligand for cellular prion that triggers neuroprotection. EMBO Jou rna l, v. 21, n. 13, p. 3307-3316, 2002. 5. Romano, S. A. et al. Reciprocal remodeling upon binding of the prion protein to its signaling partner hop/STI1. FASEB Jou rna l, 23, n. 12, p. 4308-4316, 2009. 6. Hundt, C. et al. Identification of interaction domains of the prion protein with its 37-kDa/67-kDa laminin receptor. EMBO Jou rna l, v. 20, n. 21, p. 5876-5886, 2001. 7. Schmitt-Ulms, G. et al. Binding of neural cell adhesion molecules (N-CAMs) to the cellular prion protein. Jou rna l of Molec u lar Biology, v. 314, n. 5, p. 1209-1225, 2001. 8. Yi, F.; Doudevski, I.; Regan, L. HOP is a monomer: investigation of the oligomeric state of the co-chaperone HOP. Protein Science, v. 19, n.1, p.19-25, 2010.
36 | Activity Report 2009
Single Electrode Electrochemical Detection in Hybrid Poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Glass Multichannel Microdevices
Ney Henrique Moreira,1 André Luis de Jesus de Almeida,1 Maria Helena de Oliveira Piazzeta,1 Dosil Pereira de Jesus,2 Ariane Deblire, 3 Angelo Luiz Gobbia,1 José Alberto Fracassi da Silva3
Laboratório de Microfabricação, Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron,
Campinas, SP, Brazil 2
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Bioanalítica – INCTBio,
Campinas, SP, Brazil 3
Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP,
Campinas, SP, Brazil
The fabrication process of a novel multichannel µTAS based on PDMS and glass materials and with fully–integrated electrodes for amperometric detection has been described. Using the Facilities of the Microfabrication Laboratory (LMF) at Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), soft–lithography, lift–off and O2 plasma surface activation sealing techniques were employed for rapid prototyping of cost effective PDMS/glass microchips. Fast calibration procedures were possible for the electrooxidation of hydroquinone, thiocyanate, and acetaminophen using Au and Cu electrodes.
Facility: Lab. Microfabricação Publication: Lab on a Chip, 9: 115–121 (2009) Funding: CNPq, FAPESP
Single Electrode Electrochemical Detection in Hybrid Poly(dimethylsiloxane) / Glass Multichannel Microdevices
substrates of few square centimeters.
This work describes the fabrication
The protocol of microfabrication depends
and characterization of a PDMS/glass
on the choice of the substrate and
multichannel microfluidic chip, with
resolution required. For example, silicon
fully–integrated electrodes for amperometric
microdevices can be produced using the
same photolithographic methods employed
In the last two decades, the Micro Total
in microelectronics and microchannels
Analysis Systems (µTAS or Lab–on–a–Chip)
can be grooved in most polymers using
have revolutionized the field of Analytical
infrared or ultraviolet laser radiation. In
Chemistry. 1–4 The concept of µTAS,
general, µTAS show some advantages
introduced by Manz and colleagues in 1990,
such as reduced consumption of samples
involves the coupling of many analytical
and reagents, reduced analysis time, high
steps into a single substrate. These steps
portability (suitable for hostile environments
relates to sample pretreatment and injection,
and for point–of–care applications), and
flow control, dilution, separation, detection,
high throughput achieved by parallel
fraction collection, and so on. Many materials
have been used in the construction of
Electrochemical detection (ED), 6 in
µTAS, such as quartz, different types of
particular amperometric detection, is very
glasses, silicon, ceramics, and polymers.5
suitable for µTAS, because the response is
Typically, channels varying from 1 to
not dependent of the detected volume – the
hundreds micrometers are produced in
volume at the detection point can reach 10 –9 to 10–11 L and detection schemes based on radiation absorption suffer of low sensitivity. Moreover, the deposition of thin conductor films is relatively easy and can be included in the fabrication process. As a non–absolute method, amperometric detection often requires a calibration step for the quantification of analytes. However, calibration may contribute significantly to an increase in analysis time.
Experimental Figure 1.
Steps for the fabrication of hybrid PDMS/glass microchips. a) Clean glass substrates; b) Photoresist deposition; c) Photoresist exposition; d) Photoresist development; e) Ti
The fabrication of the devices were completely performed using the facilities
and Au (or copper) thin–film deposition (additional layers
of the Laboratory of Microfabrication (LMF/
of Ti and SiO2 were deposited in some devices); f) Lift-off
LNLS) and consisted of the following
(photoresist removal); g) Support for PDMS casting; h) PDMS curing; and i) The cured PDMS is detached from the master.
steps: 1) Preparation of a glass substrate
The final step is the sealing of PDMS containing microchannels
containing gold or copper deposited
against the glass substrate containing the electrodes (access holes are made in the PDMS prior the sealing).
38 | Activity Report 2009
electrodes, 2) Preparation of a master in
Science Highlights
Figure 2.
Microchip designs. a) Design 1: Single outlet reservoir where auxiliary and reference electrodes are placed; and b) Design 2: Five independent channels–all three electrodes are positioned on–channel. Electrode and channel widths are 50 µm and 100 µm, respectively, and the channel height is 50 µm. WE, RE, and CE stands for working, reference, and auxiliary electrodes, respectively.
SU–8 photoresist, 3) Replication of the master in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), 4) Sealing the PDMS replica against the glass substrate (Figure 1). Two designs were evaluated, one containing a common auxiliary and reference electrodes reservoir (Figure 2a). In the second design, all three electrodes were shared by five channels (Figure 2b). In Figure 3 are shown details of one device using the design 1. The electrodes were connected to a potentiostat (PAR model 400) interfaced to a microcomputer for data acquisition.
Figure 3.
Photograph of a device constructed using the design 1. C: Microfluidic channels; WE, RE, and CE stands for working, reference, and auxiliary electrodes, respectively.
Results and Discussion The operation of the microdevice is quite simple and is exemplified in Figure 4. Before analysis, all channels and the reservoir are filled with supporting electrolyte and the potentiostat is turned
a mini vacuum pump while the current is monitored. Keeping the first standard solution in channel 1, the supporting electrolyte is now replaced by the second standard solution in channel 2, and so
on (Figure 4a). Under this condition,
on up to the last channel. If one or more
no electron transfer takes place at the
solutions inserted in the microchannels
electrode. In the next step, the supporting
were standard solutions, a calibration can
electrolyte in channel 1 is replaced by
be performed. During the process, one or
the standard solution (Figure 4b) using
more channels can also be filled with sample
Activity Report 2009 | 39
Single Electrode Electrochemical Detection in Hybrid Poly(dimethylsiloxane) / Glass Multichannel Microdevices
Figure 4.
Scheme for analysis using a single working electrode and the multiple channels design. a) All channels are filled with supporting electrolyte and the potentiostat is turned on; b) The electrolyte solution in the first channel is replaced by a solution containing an electroative analyte. A rise in current is observed; and c) The electrolyte solution in the second channel is replaced and a new increase in current is observed.
solutions, in order to perform quantitative a
determinations. Figure 5 exemplifies a representative amperogram obtained for the oxidation of hydroquinone (HQ) at +0.80 V and using Au electrode. The plot of the current plateau vs. concentration gives a linear relationship. During the experiments, we observed
solution leakage over the Au electrodes. These leakages occur due to the lack of adhesion between Au surfaces and PDMS. To overcome this drawback, we deposit additional layers of Ti and SiO2 over the Au layer. Also, after sealing the devices, a hydrofluoric acid solution was used to attack the Ti/SiO 2 layers in order to expose the Au surface, only
Figure 5.
a) Representative current response for the oxidation of 1.0 mmol L
HQ in
0.1 mol L-1 NaNO3 using a microchip with design 1. b) Current differences between injections (quadruplicate), measured at the diffusion condition, present a linear relationship in the range of 1.0 to 4.0 mmol L
of HQ. Other conditions:
three Au electrode cell; Potential: +0.80 V against Au pseudo–reference.
40 | Activity Report 2009
in the regions delimited by the fluidic microchannels. This procedure significantly enhanced the microchip performance. Other species, such as thiocyanate and acetaminophen were also successfully detected using the multichannel–single electrode approach.
Science Highlights
experimental conditions, the sensitivity of
The concept of amperometric
the devices ranged from 19 (thiocyanate)
measurements with a single shared
to 78 µA mol–1 L and the selectivity could
working electrode has been demonstrated to
be improved by the modification of the
be functional, leading to fast calibration and
electrodes or by the use of a separation
reliable analytical procedures. Our results
technique coupled to the detector. Moreover,
suggest that the complete independent
different modifications could be made in
channel design (design 2) is more suitable
each of the active areas in order to promote
due to the absence of back–flow problems
specific responses per channel.
associated with devices with a common outlet reservoir. In addition, the results
indicate that the performance of the
Authors would like to thank the
device is affected by the sealing quality,
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
and that O 2 plasma sealing efficiency
Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and the
can be strongly enhanced by covering
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
electrodes with thin–films of SiO2. Under the
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).
References 1. Vilkner, T.; Janasek, D.; Manz, A. Micro total analysis systems: recent developments. A na ly tica l Chemistr y, v. 76, n. 12, p. 3373-3386, 2004. 2. Dittrich, P. S.; Tachikawa, K.; Manz, A. Micro total analysis systems: latest advancements and trends. A na ly tica l Chemistr y, v. 78, n. 12, p. 3887-3907, 2006. 3. Ohno, K.; Tachikawa, K.; Manz, A. Microfluidics: applications for analytical purposes in chemistry and biochemistry. Elec trophoresis, v. 29, n. 22, p. 4443-4453, 2008. 4. West, J. et al. Micro total analysis systems: latest achievements. A na ly tica l Chemistr y, v. 80, n. 12, p. 4403-4419, 2008. 5. Coltro, W. K. T. et al. Micro chemical analysis systems: introduction, fabrication technologies, instrumentation and applications. Química Nova, v. 30, n. 8, p. 1986-2000, 2007. 6. Kuban, P.; Hauser, P.C. Fundamentals of electrochemical detection techniques for CE and MCE. Elec trophoresis, v. 30, n. 19, p. 3305-3314, 2009.
Activity Report 2009 | 41
Benzene Molecule is Destroyed by Ultraviolet and Soft X–rays in Circumstellar Environment Heloisa Maria Boechat-Roberty,1 Rosicler Neves,1 Sergio Pilling,2 Alexsandre F. Lago,3 Gerardo Gerson Bezerra de Souza4
Observatório do Valongo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ 2
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC–Rio Universidade Federal do ABC – UFABC
3 4
Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
Benzene molecules, present in the proto–planetary nebula CRL 618, are ionized and dissociated by ultraviolet (UV) and X–ray photons originated from the hot central star and by its fast wind. Ionic species and free radicals produced by these processes can lead to the formation of new organic molecules. The aim of this work is to study the photoionization and photodissociation processes of the benzene molecule, using synchrotron radiation and time–of–flight mass spectrometry. Mass spectra were recorded at different energies corresponding to the vacuum UV (21.21 eV) and soft X–ray (282–310 eV) spectral regions. The production of ions from the benzene dissociative photoionization is here quantified, indicating that C6H6 is more efficiently fragmented by soft X–ray than UV radiation, where 50% of the ionized benzene molecules survive to UV dissociation while only about 4% resist to X–rays. Partial ion yields of H+ and small hydrocarbons, such as C2H2+, C3H3+, C4H2+, are determined as a function of photon energy. Absolute photoionization and dissociative photoionization cross–sections have also been determined. From these values, half–life of benzene molecule due to UV and X–ray photon fluxes in CRL 618 was obtained.
Facility: TGM Publication: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394: 810–817 (2009) Funding: CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP, FAPERJ
Science Highlights
Benzene, C6H6, may be taken as the
X–rays are more effective ionizing agents
basic unit for the polycyclic aromatic
as compared to UV radiation because they
hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are believed
penetrate more deeply in the envelope
to play an important role in the chemistry
and heat up the gas more efficiently
of the interstellar medium. It is known
than UV. The present work is concerned
that PAHs are mainly formed in the
with the experimental investigation of
circumstellar envelopes of stars in the late
the photoionization and dissociative
stages of stellar evolution of asymptotic
photoionization of the benzene molecule
giant branch type carbon–rich stars.
upon interaction with UV and soft X–ray
Subsequent to the ejection of its C–rich
(in the vicinity of the carbon K shell).
envelope into the interstellar medium, these
The experiment was performed at the
stars become a proto–planetary nebula
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory
(Figure 1a), which evolves to planetary
using UV and soft X–ray photons from a
nebulae (Figure 1b).
toroidal grating monochromator (TGM)
The detection of benzene, C4H2, C6H2,
beamline (12–310 eV) perpendicularly
methyl acetylene (CH3C2H) and methyl
intersect the gas sample inside a high
diacetylene (CH3C4H) in the direction of the
vacuum chamber. The emergent photon
proto–planetary nebula CRL 618 (Figure 1c)
beam flux was recorded by a light–sensitive
was reported by Cernicharo et al.1. The soft
diode. Conventional time–of–flight mass
Synthetic spectrum
0.8 Ne[II] 0.6
C 6H 6
C 2H 2
C 6H 2 C 4H 2
λ (µm)
Figure 1.
a) Proto–planetary nebula CRL 618 is created at the end of the life of a Sun–like star when its carbon rich envelope is ejected into the interstellar medium, having fast bipolar outflows, up to 200.km s–1. The hot central star (30.000 K) is obscured by dense envelope constituted by molecular gas and grains of dust. b) The detection of benzene, C4H2, C6H2, methyl acetylene (CH3C2H) and methyl diacetylene (CH3C4H) in the direction of the proto–planetary nebula CRL 618 c) Planetary Nebula Helix. The chemistry in circumstellar regions is strongly modified by the UV photons emitted from the hot central star and by the X–rays associated with its high–velocity winds. Several molecules are detected in these objects.
Activity Report 2009 | 43
Benzene Molecule is Destroyed by Ultraviolet and Soft X-rays in Circumstellar Environment
spectra (TOF–MS) were obtained the
Mass spectra of benzene were obtained at
technique photoelectron – photoion
the UV energy of 21.21 eV that corresponds
coincidence (PEPICO).The ionized recoil
to the photon energy emitted by helium atom
fragments produced by the interaction
(HeI) and at energies 282, 285, 289 and
with the photon beam were accelerated
301 eV, around the C1s → π∗ resonance at
by a two–stage electric field and detected
285.2 eV. The mass spectra obtained at
by two micro–channel plate detectors in a
21.21 and 289 eV are shown in Figure 2.
chevron configuration, after mass–to–charge
Clearly, X–rays produce much more types of
(m/q) analysis by a time–of flight mass
ions than UV photons. The most abundant
spectrometer (297–mm long). They
ion at 21.21 eV corresponds to the parent
produced the stop signals to a time–to–digital
ion C6H6+, confirming the relatively high
converter (TDC). Photoelectrons, accelerated
stability of the benzene molecule at the
in an opposite direction with respect to
UV energy range, whereas at 289 eV the
the positive ions, are recorded without
molecule is highly destroyed giving rise to
energy analysis by two micro–channel
several fragments like C4H2+(diacetylene)
plate detectors and provide the start
and to an enhancement of the H+ proton
signal to the TDC
Figure 2.
The mass spectra of the benzene molecule obtained at 21.21 eV and 289 eV. We can see that 70 eV electrons produce, as a first approximation, the same ionic dissociation as created by UV photons. The molecular ion C6H6+ is clearly more destroyed by soft X–rays than by UV photons, or only 3% survive to X–rays while 50% resist to UV, as expected.
44 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
The radical C6H2+ is the second most abundant ionic species in this mass range
X–ray (289 eV) photons are compared in Figure 3a–c, respectively.
formed by hydrogen loss due to X–ray
Assuming a negligible fluorescence yield
interaction and its yield increases with
due to the low–carbon atomic number and
the photon energy, particularly near the C1s resonance. Our data show that UV photons do not produce this radical from benzene (or PAHs) dissociation, and as the C6H2 was observed in the CRL 618, its abundance in this environment might have a part due to the PAH fragmentation by X–rays.
discarding anionic fragments in the present X–ray photon energy range, we assumed that all absorbed X–ray photons lead to cationic ionizing process. Therefore, the precise determination of non–dissociative single–ionization cross–section (σ ph−i) and the dissociative single ionization
The partial ion yields (PIY) as a function of
(photodissociation) cross–section (σph−d)
the photon energy of ions are determined as
of benzene can be determined by PIY
a function of photon energy. A comparison
values. The absolute photodissociation
between the mass spectra recorded
(σph−d ) and photoionization (σph−i ) cross
with 70 eV electrons, 21.21 eV and soft
sections determined as a function of the
Figure 3.
Comparison between PIY of C 6H 6 molecule obtained and a) 70 eV electrons from NIST, b) 21.21 eV photons and c) 289 eV photons.
Activity Report 2009 | 45
Benzene Molecule is Destroyed by Ultraviolet and Soft X-rays in Circumstellar Environment
X–ray photon energy of benzene can be
integrated photodissociation cross–sections
seen in Figure 4.
are σUV = 1.5 × 10−18 cm2. However, the half–life
The determination of photodissociation
of gas phase benzene due to photolysis
cross–section (σph−d) of molecules is very
in diffuse clouds is 27 yr that corresponds
important to estimate the molecular
to σUV = 8.1 × 10−18 cm2. Therefore, this latter
abundance in the interstellar environments
cross–section is 5.4 times higher than the
that depends on the formation and destruction
dissociation by acetylene loss only.
rates. The destruction of a given molecule
Employing electron energy–loss
is proportional to the photodissociation
spectroscopy, we have determined
rate kpd (s ) that is given by the product of
photoabsorption cross–sections (σ ph−abs) at
the σph−d (E) (cm ) by the photon flux f(E)
the UV region (3–45 eV) for the benzene
(photons cm−2 eV−1 s−1), integrated in the
molecule.3 Integrating these σabs (E) values
energy range from E2 to E1. Consequently,
from 6 to 13.6 eV, we obtained σUV = 4.93 ×
it is also possible to determine its half–life,
10−16 cm−2, which corresponds to 61.1 times
t1/2 (s) that is equal to ln2/kpd.
the photodissociation cross section.
In the UV interstellar radiation field
In the X–ray range, the integrating of
(ISRF), a benzene molecule is destroyed
our photodissociation cross–section
by acetylene loss at a rate of 1.5 × 10−10 s−1
values from 280 to 310 eV gives the
which corresponds to a survival time of
value of 3.8 × 10−17 cm2 and integrating the
around 200 years.2 Taking into account
photoionization cross–section values at the
that the integrated interstellar UV flux from
same range, we found 1.2 × 10−18 cm2.
6 to 13.6 eV is 10 photons cm .s , the 8
In spite of the fact that X–rays have not been detected in CRL 618 yet, for future observations, it was proposed4 an X–ray emission spectrum for CRL 618 in the 0.2–1.5 keV energy range derived from a model flux. This spectrum was used to estimate the soft X–ray photon flux at 280–310 eV range impinging on benzene molecules located at about 8.9 × 1015 cm or 595 AU (astronomical unit is equal to the mean Sun–Earth distance) from the central star, where the majority of species are more abundant. It was also considered that CRL 618 is distant 1500 pc from the Earth. The integrated photon flux from 280 to 310 eV, is equal to 7.6 × 104 (photons
Figure 4.
Non–dissociative single–ionization (photoionization) cross
cm−2 s−1), which corresponds to a half–life
section, σph−i and dissociative ionization (photodissociation)
of the benzene of 7.6 × 103 yr. As the X–ray
cross section, σph−d of benzene as a function of photon
extinction was not taken into account in this
energy. The photoabsorption cross–section, σph−abs (solid line) taken from literature.
46 | Activity Report 2009
calculation, the actual photon flux will be
Science Highlights
consequently smaller than the presented value. For comparison, the X–ray photon flux (280–310 eV) from the Sun at 1 AU is about 8 × 107 photons cm−2 s−1 whose half–life is only 7.2 yr. The half–life of the benzene molecule as a function of UV and X–ray photon fluxes is shown in Figure 5. In conclusion, it was observed that the benzene molecules are more efficiently fragmented by soft X–rays, producing many more ions, than UV photons. 50% of the C 6H 6+ molecules survive to UV dissociation while only about 4% resist to X–ray destruction. PIY of H+ and small
Figure 5.
Half–life of the benzene molecule as a function of UV and X–ray integrated photon fluxes, FUV (from 6 to 13.6 eV) and FX (from 280 to 310 eV).
hydrocarbons are determined as a function of photon energy. The abundance of
in general, the stellar UV photon flux is
the hydrocarbons detected in the CRL
higher than X–ray one. For the Sun, UV
618 could also be associated with the
flux is about 104 times X–ray flux. In the
photodissociation of benzene, PAHs and
CRL 618, the UV radiation field emitted
their methyl derivatives that might undergo
from the central star type B is about 2
the radiative recombination. Moreover, the
× 105 times the ISRF (2 × 1013 photons
X-ray destruction cross–section is 4.7 times
cm−2 s−1), at a distance of 1 × 1016 cm or
higher than the UV cross section. However,
668.5 AU.
References 1. Cernicharo, J. et al. Infrared space observatory’s discovery of C4H2, C6H2, and benzene in CRL 618. Astrophysica l Jou rna l, v. 546, p. L123–L126, 2001. 2. Woods, P. M.; Willacy K. Benzene formation in the inner regions of protostellar disks. Astrophysical Jou rna l, v. 655, p. L49–L58, 2007. 3. Lee, C.-F.; Sahai, R. Shaping proto–planetary and young planetary nebulae with collimated fast winds. Astrophysica l Jou rna l, v. 586, n. 1, p. 319, 2003. 4. Boechat-Roberty, H. M. et al. Absolute differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic electron scattering from benzene with 1 keV impact energy, Jou rna l of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Fis., v. 37, p. 1467, 2004.
Activity Report 2009 | 47
The Effects of CeO2 on the Activity and Stability of Pt Supported Catalysts for Methane Reforming, as Addressed by In Situ Temperature Resolved XAFS and TEM Analysis
Adriana de Paula Ferreira,1 Daniela Zanchet,2 Jesuína Cassia Santiago Araujo,1 Janete Werle de Camargo Liberatori,1 Eduardo Falabella Sousa-Aguiar,4 Fabio Bellot Noronha,3 José Maria Correa Bueno 1
Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar, CP 676, São Carlos, SP, Brazil Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron – LNLS, CP 6192, 13.083–970,
Campinas, SP, Brazil Laboratório de Catálise, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia,
Av. Venezuela, 82/518, Centro, 21.081–312, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, CENPES/PETROBRAS,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
The effects of Ce as a promoter on the activity and stability of Pt/Al2O3 and Pt/CeO2‑Al2O3 catalysts for autothermal reforming and partial oxidation of methane were investigated. The Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst exhibited higher activity and stability than the Pt/Al2O3 catalyst that showed strong Pt agglomeration with time on stream. The higher stability of the Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst was attributed to a combination of different properties: (i) hindrance of carbon deposition on the Pt surface; (ii) interaction of Pt-O‑Ce species in the presence of oxygen, inhibiting vapour and diffusion transport of PtO2 and mainly, (iii) thermal stability of the support, which prevents the loss of surface area, and consequently the sintering of the Pt. X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used to support these conclusions.
Facility: DXAS, XAFS1, XAFS2, C2nano Publication: Journal of Catalysis, 263: 335–344 (2009) Funding: CNPq, Petrobras
Science Highlights
The effects of Ce as a promoter on
to produce sulphur–free synfuels. In this
the activity and stability of Pt/Al2O3 and
technology, the production of the synthesis
Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 catalysts for autothermal
gas (CO and H2) represents a step of major
reforming and partial oxidation of methane
importance and represents half of the capital
(POM) were investigated. The Pt/CeO2–Al2O3
cost of the GTL plant.1 Since methane is the
catalyst exhibited higher activity and stability
main component of the natural gas, a lot
than the Pt/Al2O3 catalyst. Analysis by in situ
of effort has been dedicated to understand
X–ray absorption spectroscopy (XAFS)
methane reforming reactions.2
under POM conditions reveals that Pt is
The activity and stability of catalysts for
reduced by heating the catalysts to about
methane reforming are strongly influenced
730 K. The overall first–shell coordination
by the support and metal dispersion. In a
numbers suggest changes in Pt cluster
previous study, we reported the effects of
morphology with increasing temperature and
CeO2 loading on the properties and catalytic
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
behaviour of CeO2–Al2O3–supported Pt
showed strong Pt agglomeration with time
catalysts on dry reforming and partial
on stream for the Pt/Al2O3 catalyst. These
oxidation of methane3,4 and showed that those
results suggest that the interaction of reduced
catalysts with 12 wt. % of CeO2 presented
Pt and Ce oxide in the presence of O2 inhibits
the highest catalytic activity and stability.
Pt sintering by surface diffusion and the
Figure 1 shows the stability test for Pt/Al2O3
high thermal stability of the Ce–containing
and Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 as a function of time on
support and its ability to anchor metallic Pt nanoparticles helps in the retention of
surface area, preventing the migration and coalescence of the metal crystallites.
Recently, the needs to reduce dependence on petroleum feedstock and the continuous increase of known natural gas reserves have
generated great interest in the conversion of natural gas to fuels and petrochemical products. Although in the near future there is
need to change towards bio– and renewable chemical sources, the dependence on fossil fuel will continue for many years. The development of new efficient catalytic
processes to produce cleaner fuels is a challenge to environmental requirements. The so–called Gas–To–Liquids (GTL) technology, which deals with the conversion of natural gas to fuels and petrochemical products, is a promising solution for the exploitation of stranded gas reserves and promises
Figure 1.
CH 4 conversion with time on stream for Pt/CeO 2–Al 2O 3 (a, b, c) and Pt/Al2O3 (d, e) for various reactant compositions at 1073 K. Reactant compositions are (H2O:O2:CH4): (a, d) 0.65:0.5:1.0; (b) 0.2:0.5:1.0; (c, e) 0.0:0.5:1.0.
Activity Report 2009 | 49
The Effects of CeO2 on the Activity and Stability of Pt Supported Catalysts for Methane Reforming, as Addressed by In Situ Temperature Resolved XAFS and TEM Analysis
stream, under reaction mixtures containing various compositions (H2O:O2:CH4). It is clear that CeO2–containing catalyst show higher stability (Figures 1a–c), while Pt/ Al2O3 catalyst showed strong deactivation under partial oxidation of methane (POM) conditions (CH4 conversion decreased from 64 to 27%) (Figure 1e). To elucidate the influence of Ce on the stability and activity of Pt supported catalysts for methane reforming, we present results obtained by in situ temperature–resolved X–ray absorption near–edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy under POM conditions, extended X–ray absorption fine–structure (EXAFS) of reduced catalysts and transmission electron microscopy Figure 2.
TEM images of Pt/Al 2O 3 before and after ATR reaction (above); and of Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 before and after the same reaction (below).
(TEM) of fresh and used catalysts. TEM images of the fresh and spent in autothermal reforming (ATR) reaction (H2O:O2:CH4 of 0.65:2:1 at 1073 K during 24 hours on stream) for Pt/Al2O 3 and Pt/CeO 2–Al 2O 3 catalysts are shown in Figure 2. The presence of the support, particularly for the Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 samples, makes it difficult to obtain a good estimate of the Pt size distribution, but it can be inferred from the TEM images that the particles are very small in both fresh catalysts (Figure 2a–c). This is in agreement with % of Pt dispersion (dPt) estimated from cyclohexane dehydrogenation (dPt = 66% for Pt/Al2O3 and dPt = 54% for Pt/CeO2–Al2O3). After ATR reaction, however, an extensive growth of the Pt nanoparticles can be easily identified in the case of the Pt/Al 2O3 sample (Figure 2b). High resolution TEM images are shown in Figure 3. It can be
Figure 3.
HRTEM images of Pt/Al2O3 before and after ATR reaction (above); and of Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 before and after the same reaction (below).
50 | Activity Report 2009
seen from the lattice fringes that both catalysts show well crystallized metallic
Science Highlights
Pt particles after reduction (Figures 3a–c).
occurs at similar temperatures for both
After ATR reaction, the nanoparticles
Pt/Al2O3 and Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 catalysts. At
in the spent Pt/Al2O3 catalyst grow and
773 K under POM conditions, the Pt is at
become facetted (Figures 3b). On the other
metallic state in both catalysts.
hand, the Pt nanoparticles do not show
The quantitative analysis of the EXAFS
significant modification in the case of the
oscillations for both catalysts after reduction
Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 catalyst (Figure 3d).
(Figure 5) showed reduction of the rPt–Pt
In addition, from TEM images there is
interatomic distance (rPt–Pt = 2.71 + 0.02 Å)
a clear change in the morphology of the
when compared to the bulk Pt values
Al2O3 support due to reaction (Figure 2b),
(rPt‑Pt =2.772 + 0.003 Å), decrease of average
whereas the Ce–containing support was
first shell coordination number, CN Pt–Pt
highly stable (Figure 2d). This effect
and increase of the Debye Waller factor,
should enhance significantly the mobility
in agreement with the formation of very
of Pt nanoparticles, contributing to the
small nanoparticles (< 2 nm).5 Interestingly,
strong coalescence of Pt in our Pt/Al2O3
the CNPt–Pt obtained from the analysis at
298 K and 773 K of Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 were
In situ temperature–resolved XANES–POM
7.2 + 1.1 and 5.1 + 0.8, respectively. This
spectra of Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 catalysts are
significant reduction of the CN Pt–Pt with
shown in Figure 4; similar profiles were
temperature suggests a change in particle
observed for Pt/Al2O3 (not shown). The
morphology (flattening), which was similar
samples were reduced in situ and cooled
for both catalysts. The flattening of the Pt
down to room temperature; the H2 flow
particles onto the support correspond to a
was then replaced by a mixture for POM reaction (CH4:O2 = 2:1 molar). Under POM atmosphere, even at 298 K, the white line (WL) increased, indicating partial
new surface energy balance, which could be caused either by desorption of the H* or by the increase of the temperature, and would supposedly be compensated by
oxidation of Pt. By heating the samples under the POM mixture, the WL slightly decreases at temperatures around 673 K (623 K for Pt/Al2O3 catalyst) and an abrupt change takes place around 725 K (735 K for Pt/Al2O3 catalyst). It is interesting to point out that: i) the thermal reduction of PtO2 is expected within the region of 820– 20 K; and ii) above 723 K, large CH 4 consumption was detected with formation of H 2 and CO. From these results, it is reasonable to propose that the abrupt decrease in the WL at 725 K is likely due to the decomposition of CH4 and reduction of the PtO2 species, which
Figure 4.
Temperature–resolved XANES–POM for the Pt/CeO 2–Al2O3 catalyst. Catalyst reduced and heated under POM mixture (CH4:O2 = 2:1 v:v) at 10 K.min–1 up to 973 K.
Activity Report 2009 | 51
The Effects of CeO2 on the Activity and Stability of Pt Supported Catalysts for Methane Reforming, as Addressed by In Situ Temperature Resolved XAFS and TEM Analysis
Figure 5.
EXAFS oscillations (first shell) and corresponding fits for Pt/Al2O3(a, c) and Pt/CeO2–Al2O3 (b, d) acquired at 773 K (a and b) at 298 K (c and d) under H2:He (5:95) flow.
the increase of the interaction between the Pt and the oxygen from the support.
1) The interaction of reduced Pt and Ce oxide in the presence of O 2 inhibits
The high stability of Pt in Ce–containing
Pt sintering by surface diffusion.
supports, under oxidizing conditions at
The high thermal stability of the
high temperature, have been assigned
Ce–containing support and its ability
to Pt–O–Ce bond, which act as an anchor
to anchor metallic Pt nanoparticles
and inhibit the sintering of Pt.6 EXAFS
helps in the retention of surface
results showed a slightly higher Pt–O
area and prevents the migration
scattering contribution for the Pt/CeO2–Al2O3
and coalescence of the metal
catalyst under H2 at 773 K and the FTIR of
adsorbed CO showed suppression of the
2) Pt is reduced by CH4 in the presence
CO linearly adsorbed on Pt/CeO2–Al2O3
of O2 in the ATR or POM reactions,
catalysts, which is in agreement with a
decreasing the PtO2 content. Pt is
strong Pt–O–Ce interaction.7
predominantly in a reduced state,
Based on the presented results, the
which suppresses sintering via the
main conclusions of the study are as
formation of mobile and volatile
52 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
References 1. Bakkerud, P. K. Update on synthesis gas production for GTL. Catalysis Today, v. 106, n. 1-4, p. 30-33, 2005. 2. Wei, J.; Iglesia, E. Isotopic and kinetic assessment of the mechanism of reactions of CH4 with CO2 or H2O to form synthesis gas and carbon on nickel catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, v. 224, n. 2, p. 370-383, 2004. 3. A.C.S.F. Santos et al. The effect of ceria content on the performance of Pt/CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane. Applied Cata lysis A , v. 290, n. 1-2, p. 123-132, 2005 4. Damyanova, S.; Bueno, J. M. C. Effect of CeO2 loading on the surface and catalytic behaviors of CeO2-Al2O3-supported Pt catalysts. Applied Cata lysis A , v. 253, n. 1, p. 135-150, 2003. 5. Frenkel, A. I.; Hills, C. W.; Nuzzo, R. G. A view from the inside: complexity in the atomic scale ordering of supported metal nanoparticles. Jou rna l of Physica l Chemistr y B, v. 105, n. 51, p. 12689-12703, 2001. 6. Nagai, Y. et al. Sintering inhibition mechanism of platinum supported on ceria-based oxide and Pt-oxide–support interaction. Jou rna l of Cata lysis, v. 242, n. 1, p. 103-109, 2006. 7. Riguetto, B. A. et al. Surface behavior of alumina-supported Pt catalysts modified with cerium as revealed by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of CO adsorption. Jou rna l of Physica l Chemistr y B, v. 108, n. 17, p. 5349‑5358, 2004.
Activity Report 2009 | 53
Controlled Swollen and Drug Release from Urea–Cross–Linked Polyether/Siloxane Hybrids
Celso V. Santilli, 1 Leila A. Chiavacci, 2 Leandro Lopes,1 Sandra H. Pulcinelli,1 Anselmo G. Oliveira2
Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, CP 355, Araraquara, SP, Brazil
Faculdade Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil
From a simple synthesis method we produced transparent ureasil cross–linked polyether (poly(ethylene oxide), PEO, or poly(propylene oxide), PPO) networks, whose designed inter cross–linking distance and tunable swellability was assessed by small angle X–ray scattering on the D11A–SAXS1 beamline of the LNLS. We demonstrated that the controlled drug release from swellable hydrophilic ureasil–PEO materials can be sustained during some days, while from the unswellable ureasil–PPO ones, during some weeks. This outstanding feature conjugated with the biomedically safe formulation of the ureasil cross–linked polyether/ siloxane hybrid widen their scope of application to include the domain of soft and implantable drug delivery devices.
Facility: SAXS1 Publication: Chemistry of Materials, 21: 463–467 (2009) Funding: CNPq, CAPES/COFECUB, Fapesp
Science Highlights
Controlled–release technology can be
rate during short (days) and prolonged
applied to develop devices for use in many
(weeks) periods by the judicious choice of
scientific or technological fields including
PEO– and PPO–chain molecular weights
medicine, pharmaceutics, agriculture,
(Mw), respectively. A well–known sol–gel
chemistry and materials science, delivering
synthesis6 was adopted for the PEO with
drugs, agrochemicals and other biologically
Mw of 500 and 1900 g.mol–1 (labelled
active agents.1–5 Controlled release systems
PEO500 and PEO1900 hybrids) and also
present many advantages as compared
for PPO with Mw of 300 and 2000 g.mol –1
with conventional forms of administration
(labelled PPO300 and PPO2000 hybrids)
of different active substances, including
hybrids. SDCF, an antipyretic, analgesic
high delivery efficiency, precise control
and non–steroidal anti–inflammatory
of the dose for prolonged time periods
agent, was chosen as the model drug due
(i.e., days, weeks or months) and reduced
to its limited solubility in acidic medium,
toxicity. The suitability of polymers as a
especially in gastric juice.
biomedical material and their performance
As a result of the nanostructural
in a delivery device depend, to a large
uniformity of the network produced by the
extend, on their bulk structure and also, on
organic–inorganic hybrid approach different
their interface properties with biological
shaped, transparent and rubbery xerogels
systems. In this context, poly(ethylene
were obtained (Figure 1). The nanostructural
oxide) (PEO) and its inclusions in block
homogeneity and the swellability of the
copolymers or in cross–linked networks
ureasil cross–linked network were analyzed
(hydrogels) represent a good standard
by SAXS measurements performed at the
of bio–interfacial compatibility. 3,5 The
D11A–SAXS1 beamline of LNLS during
hydrophilic nature of PEO inhibits protein
the swelling–drug release experiment
adsorption, cell adhesion, and provides
carried out at 37 °C. As expected from
its own full excretion, but its aqueous
the hydrophilic nature of the PEO, the
solubility allows unpredicted bulk erosion
hydration of the PEO1900 hybrid matrix
of drug delivery devices.
during the swelling–drug release experiment
In 2009, we reported 6 the use of a
leads to a shift in the peak position to
biomedically safe formulation to synthesize
low q–values and to an increase of the
rubbery, flexible, transparent and insoluble
peak intensity (Figure 1d). The former
ureasil cross–linked polyether (PEO
is an evidence of the increase of the
and PPO) material presenting tunable
electronic–density contrast between the
swellability and drug–release rate. This
ureasil nodes and the polymeric matrix,
set of properties is attractively convenient
whereas the later reveals the expansion
for the pharmaceutical formulation of
of the average distance between adjacent
ophthalmic (contact lenses), trans–dermal
nodes from 4.2 to 6.5 nm. This feature,
(patches) and implantable (soft tissue)
which was also observed for the PEO500
drug delivery systems. Moreover, we
hybrids, successfully demonstrated the
reported the possibility to fine tune
swellability of the ureasil cross–linked
the sodium diclofenac (SDCF) deliver
PEO network.
Activity Report 2009 | 55
Controlled Swollen and Drug Release from Urea-Cross-Linked Polyether/Siloxane Hybrids
and dried weight (wd), the thickness (hd) or the average distance between nodes (ξd), are displayed as a function of the immersion time in Figure 2. The excellent agreement between the nanoscopic and the macroscopic expansion give
evidence of the uniformity of the hydration process and of the quick formation of fully water–embedded ureasil–PEO matrices. On opposition, as expected from the hydrophobic nature of PPO, all the studied ureasil–PPO matrices showed a very low water uptake (∆w/wd ~ 0.06)
and an undetectable expansion in water at 37 °C. As shown in Figure 3 the drug release from swellable ureasil–PEO matrices is faster than that of unswellable ureasil–PPO, the latter presenting a sustained SDCF release pattern over the entire monitoring period. Since the hydrophilicity of PPO300 and PPO2000 hybrid matrices is very low, the water accessibility does not change significantly during the drug release period, so that the equilibrium conditions are not
Figure 1.
Schematic representation of the silicon based cross–linking nodes (a) uniformly
achieved. Therefore, the drug diffusion
distributed in the hybrid network (b).
through the ureasil– PPO matrices is
Image of the flexible transparent film of PEO1990 hybrids before (right) and
much faster than the drug dissolution rate,
after (left) drug release (c) related to
allowing a linear release profile.
the time dependence of SAXS curves m o n i to re d i n s i t u d u r i n g t h e d r u g release experiments (d).
For the hydrophilic ureasil–PEO matrices, the drug molecules can easily diffuse to the release medium through the
Motivated by the effect of water swelling
free volume of the swollen network.
of the ureasil–PEO hybrids observed on
Under these conditions, the diffusion of
the nanoscopic–scale, we examined the
dissolved drug molecules to the liquid
macroscopic dimensional change and
environment is a time–dependent process
the water uptake of monolithic disks
that can be predicted by assuming a
(Figure 1c) immersed in deionized water
pseudo first–order kinetic. The estimated
at 37 °C. The water uptake (∆w/wd) and
first order rate constant (k1) is about
the expansion factor (∆h/h d or ∆ξ /ξ d)
five–times lower for the PEO500 hybrid
calculated from the swollen (ws, hs or ξs)
(k1 ~ 0.05 h–1) when compared to that of
56 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
Figure 2.
Time dependence of water uptake (∆m/m d), macroscopic (∆h/h d) and nanoscopic (∆ξ/ξ d) expansion ratio for hybrids loaded with 0.01w/w of SDCF: a) PEO1900 hybrid; b) PEO500 hybrid.
Figure 3.
Cumulative percentage of SDCF released from ureasil cross–linked polyether: a) unswellable PPO300 and PPO2000 hybrids; and b) swellable PEO500 and PEO1900 hybrids.
the SDCF released from the PEO1900
sustained and controlled drug–release
matrix (k1 ~ 0.23 h ). It is also noticeable
profiles arising from the osmotic transport
that the swelling–equilibrium expansion
through the less hydrophilic PPO–skin
factor for PEO1900 hybrids is about five
from the swellable PEO–core. Furthermore,
times higher than that of PEO500 hybrids.
we propose that the different properties
This clearly demonstrates that the drug
reported for PEO and PPO based hybrids
release profile is mainly dependent on the
may be conjugated by blending ureasil–PEO
swellability of the ureasil–PEO hybrids
and ureasil–PPO networks or by fabricating
We believe that the behaviors emerging from the different release and swelling patterns of PEO and PPO based hybrid,
heteropolymers such as PEO–ureasil–PPO di–block copolymers in order to design new functional materials.
combined with the simplicity and flexibility of their sol–gel synthesis, can inspire the design of advanced delivery devices such
as nanocapsules with an ureasil–PEO core
This work has been financially
and an ureasil–PPO skin. This core–shell
supported by CAPES/COFECUB, CNPQ
type structure should generate new
Activity Report 2009 | 57
Controlled Swollen and Drug Release from Urea-Cross-Linked Polyether/Siloxane Hybrids
References 1. Belting, M.; Sandgren, S.; Wittrup, A. Nuclear delivery of macromolecules: barriers and carriers. Advanced Dr ug Deliver y Reviews, v. 57, n. 4, p. 505-527, 2005. 2. Nori, A.; Kopecek, J. Intracellular targeting of polymer-bound drugs for cancer chemotherapy. Advanced Dr ug Deliver y Reviews, v. 57, n. 4, p. 609-636, 2005. 3. Uhrich, K. E. et al. Polymeric systems for controlled drug release. Chemica l Reviews, v. 99, n. 11, p. 3181-3198, 1999. 4. Orive, G. et al. Micro and nano drug delivery systems in cancer therapy. Cancer Therapy, v. 3, p. 131-138, 2005. 5. Peppas, N. A. et al. Hydrogels in biology and medicine: from fundamentals to bionanotechnology. Advanced Materia ls, v. 18, n. 11, p. 1345â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1360, 2006. 6. Santilli, C. V. et al. Controlled drug release from ureasil-polyether hybrid materials. Chemistr y of Materia ls, v. 21, n. 3, p. 463-467, 2009.
58 | Activity Report 2009
Correlation Between AO6 Polyhedral Distortion and Negative Thermal Expansion in the A2M3O12 Family
Bojan A. Marinkovic,1 Monica Ari,1 Roberto R. de Avillez,1 Fernando Rizzo,1 Fabio F. Ferreira,2 Kimberly J. Miller,3 Michel B. Johnson, 3 Mary Anne White3
Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais – DEMa,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC–Rio, RJ, Brasil Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron – LNLS, Campinas, SP, Brasil
Department of Chemistry and Institute for Research in Materials,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
The Pbcn orthorhombic phase of Y2Mo3O12 has been examined through in situ high–resolution X–ray powder diffraction (10 K to 450 K) on the D10B–XPD beamline, heat capacity determination (2 K to 390 K) and differential scanning calorimetry (103 K to 673 K). From a thorough analysis of the structure of Y2Mo3O12, we found that the YO6 octahedra and MoO4 tetrahedra increased their distortion with increasing temperature. The inherent volume distortion parameter (υ) of AO6 has been introduced to quantitatively evaluate polyhedral distortion and it was observed that this parameter is strongly correlated with the linear coefficient of thermal expansion (αl) for different members of the A2M3O12 family.
Facility: XPD Publication: Chemistry of Materials, 21: 2886-2894 (2009) Funding: FAPERJ
Correlation Between AO6 Polyhedral Distortion and Negative Thermal Expansion in the A2M3O12 Family
Most solids and liquids expand on
the existence of an orthorhombic–to–
heating due to the asymmetry of inter–atomic
monoclinic phase transition; because the
potential well. However, a few shrink
low–temperature monoclinic counterparts
during heating. This property is known
of the orthorhombic phases have very
as negative thermal expansion (NTE)
different thermal expansion properties, their
and it is not restricted to exotic classes of
linear coefficients of thermal expansion
materials. As matter of fact, very familiar
being highly positive.
compounds such as hexagonal ice (Ih)
The thermal expansion and phase
and water show NTE in temperatures
transition of the orthorhombic Y2Mo3O12
below 73 K for ice1 and between 273 K
phase (with Pbcn space group) were
and 277 K in the case of water.2
recently studied for the first time, and it was
The field has been growing since the re–discovery of NTE in cubic ZrW2O8 (AM2O8
observed that this phase presents very high NTE between 403 K and 1073 K.6
family) by X–ray powder diffraction (XRPD),3
In the present work, high–resolution X–ray
while several other open–framework
powder diffraction (HRXRPD) data were
classes of known ceramics, such as AO2,
collected, in vacuum (8–10 mTorr), at four
AMO 5, AM 2O 7, A 2O and A 2M 3O 124 have
different temperatures (20, 150, 300 and
emerged as potential sources of crystal
450 K), using a commercial closed–cycle
phases with low or NTE. Generally, it is
He cryostat (Advanced Research Systems),
assumed that the low–energy transverse
with vibration damping and temperature
thermal vibrations of the two–coordinate
control (10 to 450 K), at the X–ray Powder
atoms are responsible for NTE in the
Diffraction (D10B–XPD) beamline7 of the
open–framework orthorhombic structures.
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory
The possibility of controlling the coefficient
(LNLS). X–rays of λ = 1.23989 Å wavelength
of thermal expansion in pure and composite
were selected by a double–bounced Si(111)
materials has been the principal driving
monochromator with water refrigeration
force in the search for crystal phases
in the first crystal, while the second one
with unusually low, zero, or even negative
is bent for sagittal focusing. The beam
thermal expansion.
was vertically focused in the sample’s
The A2M3O12 family is especially attractive
position on a spot of ~1 mm (vertical)
due to the chemical flexibility within the
× ~2 mm (horizontal). The experiments were
orthorhombic Pbcn (No. 60) space group
performed in the vertical scattering plane,
that results in a large range of variation of
i.e., perpendicular to the linear polarization
linear coefficients of thermal expansion
of the incident photons. Values of the X–ray
(a1) for the orthorhombic A2M3O12 phases,
wavelength used in this study and the
from low positive to large negative values.5
zero–point displacement were determined
This feature of orthorhombic A 2M 3O 12
from several reflections of an external
phases makes it possible to synthesize
SRM640c Si standard. The diffracted
solid solutions with controlled coefficients
beam was analyzed using a Ge(111)
of thermal expansion. Another important
single crystal and detected using a NaI(Tl)
characteristic of the A 2M 3O 12 family is
scintillation counter with a pulse–height
60 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
discriminator in the counting chain. The
The crystal structure of open–framework
incoming beam also was monitored by
orthorhombic Y2Mo3O12 at 300 K, consisting
a scintillation counter to normalize the
of corner–shared YO6 octahedra and MoO4
decay of the primary beam. Data were
tetrahedra is depicted in Figure 1. Analysis of
recorded at different temperatures for 2 s
polyhedral distortion was carried out using
at each 2θ in steps of 0.004° from 10° to
the IVTON program. The distortion of the
70°. Rietveld refinements were performed
polyhedra (YO6, Mo1O4 and Mo2O4) in Y2Mo3O12
using Topas–Academic software. Atomic
was expressed using the volume distortion
positions and isotropic displacement
parameter (υ) proposed by Makovicky and
factors for 20 K, 300 K and 450 K,
Balic–Zunic,8 υ = (Vi–Vr)/Vi, where Vi is the
adjusted through the Rietveld method,
volume of the ideal polyhedron and Vr is
are deposited in the Inorganic Crystal
the volume of the real polyhedron. Rietveld
Structure Database (ICSD), codes 420151,
analyses of HRXRPD data indicated that the
420152 and 420153, respectively.
Y2Mo3O12 phase maintained the orthorhombic
Figure 1.
Y2Mo3O12 network as corner-sharing YO6 octahedra and MoO4 tetrahedra at 300 K.
Activity Report 2009 | 61
Correlation Between AO6 Polyhedral Distortion and Negative Thermal Expansion in the A2M3O12 Family
Pbcn structure from 450 K to at least 20 K.
the cell parameters leads to a nearly linear
The variation of unit–cell parameters of
reduction of the cell volume as a function
Y2Mo3O12 is shown in Figure 2. The b– and
of temperature. The net volume coefficient
c–axes diminish with increasing temperature
of thermal expansion, αV, of Y2Mo3O12 in the
throughout the temperature range. On the
range 20 K to 450 K was highly negative,
other hand, the a–axis increases from 20 K
–27.1 x 10–6 K–1, giving a linear coefficient
to 300 K, but then remains unchanged
of expansion, αl (= α V /3) of –9.02 × 10–6 K–1
between 300 K and 450 K. This behavior of
averaged over this temperature range. Heat capacity was determined over the temperature range 2 K to 390 K, using a commercial relaxation calorimeter (Physical Property Measurement System model 6000 from Quantum Design). The heat capacity results, Figure 3, show no thermal anomalies over the examined temperature range, 2 K to 390 K, ruling out first or second order phase transitions over that temperature range. The change of the sign of thermal expansion along the a–axis in Y2Mo3O12 can be understood as a change in balance of two different contributions to thermal expansion between 300 K and 450 K. Taking into account the recent findings of Liang et al.9 based on Raman spectroscopy, there are high–energy optical phonons
Figure 2.
Lattice parameters of Y 2Mo 3O 12 as a function of temperature.
contributing to NTE in Y2Mo3O12, together with the well known low–energy (soft) modes. Therefore, it can be proposed that joint action of these two modes (high–energy optical and low–energy translational/librational modes) both contribute to NTE in competition with a
positive thermal expansion term, eventually provoking the change of the sign in thermal expansion along the a–axis, from positive to negative. It is worth mentioning that this kind of change in a–axis thermal expansion never occurs for members of Figure 3.
Heat capacity results for Y2Mo3O12 over the temperature
A2M3O12 family with lower NTE, such as
+, measurements with Apiezon H.
Sc2W3O12 and Sc2Mo3O12, this axis showing
range 2 to 390 K, ο , measurements with Apiezon T;
62 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
positive thermal expansion over the whole
data.3 In Y2Mo3O12, the YO6 polyhedra are
temperature range. On the other hand,
intrinsically more distorted than the two
low–energy translational and librational
MoO4 polyhedra. For comparison, υ also
modes predominate over a positive
was calculated for other members of the
thermal expansion contribution along the
A2M3O12 family from literature (Sc2W3O12,
b– and c–axes in Y2Mo3O12 already from
Y2W3O12 and Al2W3O12).
the lowest temperatures.
An interesting correlation exists
The details of the mechanism that
between υ of AO6 polyhedra in A2M3O12
promotes NTE in A2M3O12 were not as well
structures determined at the lowest
understood as for the AM2O8 family, until recently.9 It had been generally assumed for A2M3O12 that transverse low–energy
phonon modes of two–coordinate oxygens are responsible for this phenomenon, while their polyhedra are quasi–rigid, whereas in AM2O8 the polyhedra are fully rigid. Also, it was generally assumed that AO6 and MO4 polyhedra in A2M3O12 are inherently distorted in order to make a framework connected via vertices. However, these assumptions have never been quantitatively evaluated at structural level, although it has been strongly suggested that stretching and bending
modes (high–energy optical phonons) of MoO4 tetrahedra contribute to NTE. We have carried out calculations of polyhedra distortion through the volume distortion parameter (υ) as proposed by Makovicky and Balic–Zunic.8 This parameter quantifies the regularity of the ligand distribution in the polyhedra, taking into account both the internal bond angles of polyhedra and the central atom to ligand bond lengths. Therefore, υ is more indicative of polyhedral distortion than just the variation of internal polyhedra bond angles. The polyhedra in Y2Mo3O12 have small inherent distortion at 20 K, υ of ~ 0.4% for YO6 and ~ 0.1% for both MoO4 tetrahedra. For comparison, ZrO6 in α–ZrW2O8 (low–temperature form) has υ of 19.75 % at 0.3 K, as calculated from literature
Figure 4.
a) Average linear coefficient thermal expansion (αl) as a function of inherent AO 6 volume distortion parameter, υ. b) Volume distortion parameter of AO6 polyhedral as a function of temperature for A2M3O12 family.
Activity Report 2009 | 63
Correlation Between AO6 Polyhedral Distortion and Negative Thermal Expansion in the A2M3O12 Family
of υ with temperature, provides quantitative insight concerning the rigidity of AO 6 (Figure 4b) and MO 4 polyhedra (not shown here). For comparison, υ of ZrO6 in α–ZrW2O8 was calculated for the whole range of its existence based on data
reported elsewhere3 and it was confirmed that its polyhedra are completely rigid, i.e., υ is essentially unchanged at ~19.75% over the whole temperature interval. On the other hand, υ of AO6 and MO4 polyhedra increase with temperature for most of the
Figure 5.
Nonbonded parameters in Y 2 Mo 3 O 12 as a function of
members of the A2M3O12 family. Therefore,
temperature. (a) Mean nonbonded Y−Mo distances and
it can be inferred that the polyhedra in
(b) Y−O−Mo bond angles.
Y2Mo3O12 are softer than in ZrW2O8. The reduction of the mean Y–Mo
available temperature (denoted inherent volume distortion parameter), and their linear thermal expansion coefficient, as
non–bonded distances and mean Y–O–Mo angles (Figure 5) with increasing temperature can be identified as the
shown in Figure 4a: NTE increases with
basic structural origin of negative thermal
the increase of inherent volume distortion
expansion of the unit–cell volume in
parameter of AO6. This correlation can be
Y 2Mo 3O 12.
seen as a more quantitative expression
In summary, thermal properties of
of the earlier rationalization that NTE in
orthorhombic Pbcn Y2Mo3O12, such as
A2M3O12 increases with increase of A 3+
thermal expansion, stability and heat
radius, which promotes more distortion in
capacity were investigated over a wide
AO6.10 It seems that this new correlation is
temperature range, as low as 2 K (heat
more robust and can provide more insight
capacity) and as high as 673 K (DSC).
into understanding NTE in the A2M3O12
The orthorhombic–to–monoclinic phase
family. For example, it was demonstrated
transition, commonly observed in A2M3O12
by several authors, and reconfirmed in the
structures, is absent over the temperature
present study, that αl is more negative for
range 2 K to 670 K. In its orthorhombic
Y2Mo3O12 than Y2W3O12. Thus, using the
Pbcn phase, Y 2Mo 3O 12 exhibited large
inherent volume distortion parameter (υ)
negative thermal expansion (average
for YO6, one can understand the difference
αl = –9.02 × 10–6 K–1, averaged over T = 20 K
in NTE between Y2Mo3O12 and Y2W3O12,
to T = 450 K). The unit–cell parameter, a,
since υ is higher for the YO6 polyhedra in
shows anomalous behavior, increasing
Y2Mo3O12 than in Y2W3O12. The difference
in the range between 20 K and 300 K,
in thermal expansion cannot be explained
then decreasing as the temperature is
by the difference in A3+ radii, as proposed
increased further. The latter is not due to
in the earlier rationalization. The variation
a first– or second–order phase transition,
64 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
but can be explained through a change
basic structural features that provoke
of balance of atomic–level mechanisms
negative thermal expansion in Y2Mo3O12
contributing to expansion and reduction of interatomic distances. The inherent volume distortion parameter of AO6 has been introduced to quantitatively evaluate polyhedral distortion. This parameter, is
and other isostructural compounds. B.A.M. is grateful to the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) for the beam time and financial support
strongly correlated with the linear coefficient
under the project D10B–XPD 7756. M.A.
thermal expansion of different members
thanks FAPERJ for financial support. M.A.W.
of the A2M3O12 family and can successfully
acknowledges support from NSERC of
explain the previously unresolved cases. Although the AO 6 and MO 4 polyhedra increase their distortion with increasing temperature, their distortion is two orders of magnitude lower than in ZrW2O8. Finally,
Canada, along with the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Atlantic Innovation Fund and other partners that fund the Facilities for Materials Characterization managed
we find that the Y–Mo non–bonding
by the Institute for Research in Materials
distances and Y–O–Mo angles are the
at Dalhousie University.
References 1. Rottger, K.; Endriss, A.; Ihringer, J. Lattice constants and thermal expansion of H2O and D2O Ice Ih between 10 and 265 K. Ac ta Cr ysta l log raphica B, v. 50, n. 1, p. 644-648, 1994. 2. White, H. E. Classica l and modern physics: a descriptive introduction. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1940. 712 p. 3. Evans, J. S. O. et al. Negative thermal expansion in ZrW2O8 and HfW2O8. Chemistr y of Materials, v. 8, n. 12, p. 2809–2823, 1996. 4. Sleight, A. W.; Tao J. Z. The role of rigid unit modes in negative thermal expansion. Jou rna l of Solid State Chemistr y, v. 173, p. 442-448, 2003. 5. Ari, M. et al. Thermal expansion of Cr2xFe2−2xMo3O12, Al2xFe2−2xMo3O12 and Al2xCr2−2xMo3O12 solid solutions. Jou rna l of Solid State Chemistr y, v. 181, n. 6, p. 1472-1479, 2008. 6. Marinkovic, B. A. et al. Negative thermal expansion in Y2Mo3O12. Solid State Sciences, v. 7, n. 11, p. 1377-1383, 2005. 7. Ferreira, F. F. et al. X-ray powder diffraction beamline at D10B of the LNLS: application to the Ba2FeReO6 double Perovskite. Jou rna l of Synchrotron Radiation, v. 13, n. 1, p. 46-53, 2006. 8. Makovicky, E.; Balic-Zunic, T. New Measure of distortion for coordination polyhedra. Ac ta Cr ysta l log raphica B, v. 54, n. 1, p. 766-773, 1998. 9. Liang, E. et al. Effect of water species on the phonon modes in orthorhombic Y2 (MoO4)3 revealed by Raman spectroscopy. Jou rna l of Physica l Chemistr y C , v. 112, n. 16, p. 6577-6581, 2008. 10. Forster, P. M.; Yokochi, A.; Sleight, A. W. Enhanced negative thermal expansion in Lu2W3O12. Jou rna l of Solid State Chemistr y, v. 140, n. 1, p. 157-158, 1998.
Activity Report 2009 | 65
Structural Aspects of the Distinct Biochemical Properties of Glutaredoxin 1 and Glutaredoxin 2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Karen Fulan Discola,1 Marcos Antonio de Oliveira,2 José Renato Rosa Cussiol,1 Gisele Monteiro,1 José Antonio Bárcena,3 Pablo Porras,3 Carmen Alicia Padilla,3 Beatriz Gomes Guimarães,4 Luis Eduardo Soares Netto 1
Departamento de Genética e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, São Paulo, Brazil
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, São Vicente, Brazil 3
Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Universidad de Córdoba, 14071, Córdoba, Spain 4
Synchrotron SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, France
Glutaredoxins (Grxs) are small thiol–dependent oxidoreductases with disulfide reductase activity endowed by at least one cysteine at their active sites. Although Grxs are implicated in many cellular processes, including protein folding and protection against reactive oxygen species, few of their targets are known. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, eight Grxs isoforms were identified (ScGrx1–8). Two of them (ScGrx1–2) are dithiolic, possessing a conserved Cys–Pro–Tyr–Cys motif. In spite of the fact that ScGrx1 and ScGrx2 share 85% of amino acid sequence similarity, we have shown that ScGrx2 is fifteen times more active as oxidoreductase than ScGrx1. In an attempt to better understand the mechanisms and differences between yeast dithiol Grxs activities, we elucidated the crystallographic structures of ScGrx2 in the oxidized state and of the ScGrx2–C30S mutant with a glutathionyl mixed disulfide at resolutions of 2.05 and 1.91 Å, respectively. Comparisons among these structures and those available for ScGrx1 provided insights into the remarkable functional divergence between these enzymes. We hypothesize that the substitutions of Ser23 and Gln52 in ScGrx1 by Ala23 and Glu52 in ScGrx2 can modify the capability of the active site C–terminal cysteine to attack the mixed disulfide between the N–terminal active site cysteine and the glutathione molecule. Mutagenesis studies supported this hypothesis. The observed structural and functional differences between ScGrx1 and ScGrx2 may reflect variations in substrate specificity and non–redundant biological functions.
Facility: MX1 Publication: Journal of Molecular Biology, 385: 889-901 (2009) Funding: FAPESP, CNPq, MCyT (Spain)
Science Highlights
Introduction Glutaredoxins (Grxs) are small heat stable thiol-dependent oxido-reductases
with conserved cysteine residues at their active sites (CXXC), endowed with disulfide reductase activity.1 One of the
main activities attributed to Grxs is the reduction of mixed disulfides formed between proteins and glutathione. These
reactions proceed by the monothiolic mechanism, which involves only the N-terminal active site cysteine.2 In the monothiolic mechanism, Grxs specifically interact with the glutathione of the mixed disulfide target. This results in the formation of a covalent Grx-glutathione
Figure 1.
In the monothiol mechanism, the N-terminal cysteine of the Grx active site interacts with the GSH moiety of the proteinSG mixed disulfide target, then a covalent Grx-SG mixed intermediate is formed and the target protein is released in its reduced form (a). A second molecule of GSH reduces the Grx-SG mixed intermediate, generating reduced Grx and glutathione disulfide (GSSG, b). The oxidized form
mixed disulfide intermediate and in the
of Grx, with an intramolecular disulfide bridge, can be
release of the reduced protein (Figure 1a).
formed in a side reaction (c), and is reduced by two GSH
The Grx-glutathione disulfide intermediate is reduced by a second glutathione molecule (Figure 1b), and this second
(11.9 and 15.9 kDa), each synthesized by
step is the rate determining of the overall
one of two in-frame translation initiation
start sites. 4 The cytosolic isoform is
The side reaction of attack of the
synthesized from the second AUG and
C-terminal active site cysteine over the
lacks an N-terminal extension, while the
mixed disulfide formed between the
long isoform, that carries a mitochondrial
N-terminal cysteine and glutathione that
targeting pre-sequence, results from
results in the formation of the intramolecular
translation from the first AUG.4
disulfide (Figure 1c), would detract from the
The current work is focused on the
maximal catalytic rate by involving some
two dithiolic enzymes, yGrx1 and the
of the enzyme and glutathione molecules
short isoform of yGrx2. These proteins
in nonproductive exchange reactions.
are highly similar (64% identity and 85%
This side reaction also takes part in the
similarity), although deletions of their
dithiol mechanism, which involves both
respective genes have rendered yeast
active site cysteines.
mutants with distinct phenotypes.5 GRX1
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
mutants are sensitive to oxidative stress
eight Grx genes have been identified
caused by superoxide anion, whereas GRX2
(yGRX1-8). yGrx1 and yGrx2 are dithiolic
mutants are sensitive to stress induced by
Grxs, which contain the conserved
hydrogen peroxide.5 Furthermore, studies
CPYC motif in their active sites. yGrx2 is
with yeast knockouts have indicated
present in two molecular weight isoforms
that yGrx2 accounts for most of the
Activity Report 2009 | 67
Structural Aspects of the Distinct Biochemical Properties of Glutaredoxin 1 and Glutaredoxin 2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
glutathione-dependent oxidoreductase
as the search model. Then, the refined
activity in the cell. Since yGrx1 and
structure of oxidized yGrx2 was used to
yGrx2 expression levels are similar, the
solve the structure of yGrx2 bonded to
exhibited phenotypes in knockout strains
glutathione by molecular replacement.
could reflect the fact that yGrx2 is a more efficient enzyme than yGrx1.
The structures of yGrx2 were analyzed and compared to the structures of yGrx1 available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB codes 2JAC and 2JAD). 7 Our structural
Results and Discussion Since yeast cell-free extracts from ∆GRX2 but not ∆GRX1 lose most of their glutathione-dependent oxidoreductase activity,5 we measured the specific activities of pure recombinant yeast dithiolic Grxs, using the standard assay of reduction of the mixed disulfide formed between HED and glutathione (β-ME-SG). In spite of the high sequence similarity, yGrx2 presents a specific activity as an oxidoreductase fifteen times higher than yGrx1 in the reduction
analyses suggest that in the structure of yGrx2 bonded to glutathione (cyan), the C-terminal active site cysteine Cys30 (replaced by a serine) is turned to the opposite side in relation to the mixed disulfide between the N-terminal cysteine and glutathione and would be in an unfavorable conformation to attack the mixed disulfide (Figure 2). This probably due to interactions established with the Glu52 that appear to be possible due to the
of mixed disulfides with glutathione by
non-interfering side chain of Ala23. If the
the monothiolic mechanism (Table 1).
side reaction that results in the formation
To investigate the reasons for this
of the intramolecular disulfide would be
biochemical difference, we elucidated the
unfavoured, the reduction of the mixed
crystal structure of yGrx2 in the oxidized
intermediate of yGrx2 and glutathione by
form and complexed to glutathione. X-ray
another glutathione molecule would be
diffraction data were collected at the
favored, and consequently the monothiolic
D03B‑MX1 beam line of the Brazilian
mechanism would be also favored.
Synchrotron Light Laboratory. The
In contrast, in the structure of yGrx1
oxidized structure was solved by molecular
bonded to glutathione (light gray), the
replacement using a theoretical model
C-terminal active site cysteine Cys30 (replaced
built with the atomic coordinates of the
by a serine) is turned directly to the mixed
Grx from Sus scrofa (PDB code 1KTE)6
disulfide formed between the N-terminal active site cysteine and glutathione and would be in a favorable conformation
Table 1.
Specific activity and pKa of Cys27 for yGrx1, yGrx2 and their mutants.
Specific activity (µmol/min/mg) Grx1 Grx1-S23A Grx1-C30S Grx2 Grx2-A23S Grx2-C30S
8.2 28.2 39 125 67 38
68 | Activity Report 2009
± ± ± ± ± ±
0.3 0.3 1 7 1 2
pKa Cys27 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.1 3.7
± ± ± ± ± ±
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
to attack the mixed disulfide, probably because in yGrx1 the 23 residue is a Ser, which forms a hydrogen bond with the Gln52, avoiding the interaction between Cys30 and Gln52 (Figure 2). Consequently, the side reaction of attack of the C-terminal active site cysteine over the mixed disulfide
Science Highlights
Figure 2.
Side chain conformation of Ser30 in the structures of the C30S mutants of yGrx119 (gray) and yGrx2 (cyan) in their glutathionylated forms. Considering that the conformation of a Ser residue is similar to that adopted by a Cys, the attack of Cys30 on the mixed disulfide is less favorable in yGrx2 than in yGrx1.
would be favored and would detract from
about the influence of residue 23 in the
the maximal catalytic rate.
activity of yeast dithiol Grxs.
Then, the substitution of Ser
Also, the substitution of Cys30 in yGrx1
yGrx1 by Ala23 in yGrx2 could modify
by a serine causes an increase in the
the capability of the active-site C-terminal
specific activity, once the side reaction
cysteine to attack the mixed disulfide
that detracts from the maximal catalytic
between the N-terminal active-site cysteine
rate was eliminated (Table 1). However the
and glutathione, changing the overall
same mutant of yGrx2 presents a decrease
rate reaction.
in the specific activity. Cys 30 probably has
To test our hypothesis we constructed
different roles in the reaction mechanism
mutant Grxs and performed a kinetic
of yGrx1 and yGrx2, and could be related
analysis for native and mutants Grxs. The
to substrate specificity in yGrx2.
substitution of Ser23 by Ala in yGrx1 results
The low pka value of the N-terminal active
in an increase in the specific activity in
site cysteine, around 3.5, is an important
comparison with native yGrx1. And the
feature to the reactivity of Grxs, so we
substitution of Ala by Ser in yGrx2 results
determined the pKa of these cysteines for
in a decrease in the specific activity in
native and mutant proteins. However, for all
comparison with the native protein (Table 1).
isoforms tested, the pKa values obtained
These results support our hypothesis
are low and close to each other, indicating
Activity Report 2009 | 69
Structural Aspects of the Distinct Biochemical Properties of Glutaredoxin 1 and Glutaredoxin 2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
that this physico-chemical property is not
structures and the influence of Ser23/Ala23 in
responsible for the different activities of
the yGrx1 and yGrx2 activities, respectively,
these Grxs (Table 1).
we hypothesize that yGrx2 could be
In conclusion, the great enzymatic
more specially adapted to the monothiol
difference observed between yGrx1 and
mechanism than yGrx1. These structural
yGrx2 does not appear to be related to
and functional differences between yGrx1
the pKa of their reactive cysteines, but
and yGrx2 might reflect variations in
to specific structural features of these
substrate specificity, which would have
enzymes. Considering the conformation of
consequences in terms of cellular redox
Ser /Cys in dithiolic yGrxs glutathionylated
References 1. Holmgren, A. Thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems. Journal of Biological Chemistr y, v. 264, n. 24, p. 13963 -13966, 1989. 2. Fernandes, A. P.; Holmgren, A. Glutaredoxins: glutathione-dependent redox enzymes with functions far beyond a simple thioredoxin backup system. A ntiox idants Redox Signa ling , v. 6, n. 1, p. 63-74, 2004. 3. Srinivasan, U.; Mieyal, P. A.; Mieyal, J. J. pH profiles indicative of rate-limiting nucleophilic displacement in thioltransferase catalysis. Biochemistr y, v. 36, n. 11, p. 3199-3206, 1997. 4. Pedrajas, J. R. et al. Two isoforms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutaredoxin 2 are expressed in vivo and localize to different subcellular compartments. Biochemica l Jou rna l, v. 364, n. 3, p. 617-623, 2002 5. Luikenhuis, S. et al. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two glutaredoxin genes that are required for protection against reactive oxygen species. Molec u lar Biology of the Cel l, v. 9, n. 5, p. 1081-1091, 1998. 6. Katti, S. K. et al. Crystal structure of thioltransferase at 2.2 Å resolution. Protein Science, v. 4, n. 10, p. 1998-2005, 1995. 7. Håkansson, K. O.; Winther, J. R. Structure of glutaredoxin Grx1p C30S mutant from yeast. Ac ta Cr ysta l log raphica D, v. 63, n. 3, p. 288-294, 2007.
70 | Activity Report 2009
Structure and Calcium Binding Activity of LipL32, the Major Surface Antigen of Pathogenic Leptospira sp. Pricila Hauk,1,2,3 Cristiane R. Guzzo,3 Henrique Roman–Ramos,1,3 Paulo Lee Ho,1,2,3 Chuck S. Farah3
Centro de Biotecnologia, Instituto Butantan, 05.503-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Programa de Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Biotecnologia,
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT, Instituto Butantan, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 05.508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 3
Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química,
Universidade de São Paulo, USP, 05.508-000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Leptospirosis, caused by the spirochaete Leptospira, is an important emerging infectious disease. LipL32 is the major exposed outer membrane protein (OMP) found exclusively in pathogenic leptospires. It is highly immunogenic and has been shown to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components, including collagens, fibronectin and laminin. In this work we crystallized recombinant LipL32 protein and determined its structure to 2.25 Å resolution. Initial phases were determined using the multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion technique with data collected from selenomethionine-containing crystals at the MX2 beamline at the LNLS. The LipL32 monomer is made of a jelly-roll fold core from which protrude several peripheral secondary structures. Some structural features suggested that LipL32 could bind Ca2+ ions and indeed, spectroscopic data (circular dichroism, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and extrinsic 1-amino‑2‑naphthol‑4‑sulfonic acid fluorescence) confirmed the calcium binding properties of LipL32. Keywords Leptospira, LipL32, MAD-phasing, jelly-roll fold, calcium-binding.
Facility: MX2 Publication: Journal of Molecular Biology, 390: 722-736 (2009) Funding: FAPESP, CNPq, Fundação Butantan
Structure and Calcium Binding Activity of LipL32, the Major Surface Antigen of Pathogenic Leptospira sp.
were collected from two crystals at the
Many fundamental aspects of Leptospira
MX2 beamline at the LNLS.1, 2 Initial phases
interrogans biology are poorly understood.
were estimated using a MAD data set
The most abundant antigen found in the
collected from one crystal (crystal 1 in
leptospiral total protein profile is LipL32.
Table 1) at two wavelengths, 0.97814 and
This highly immunogenic outer–membrane
0.978308 Å, corresponding to the peak
lipoprotein is conserved among pathogenic
and inflection points of the fluorescence
Leptospira species but not observed in the
spectrum, respectively. The f´ and f´´
non–pathogenic saprophytic L. biflexa.4, 5 It
anomalous scattering factors in Table 1
is therefore considered a promising target
were estimated from the fluorescence
for vaccine development and diagnosis
spectrum of the SeMet–labelled protein
of leptospirosis. Recently, studies using a Leptospira interrogans lipL32 mutant showed that LipL32 does not play a essential role in either acute or chronic models of animal infection.6 While these data did not identify an indispensible role in pathogenesis, it does not exclude an important function for LipL32 in mediating the host–pathogen interaction. Here, we describe the resolution of the X–ray structure of LipL32, which represents a fundamental step towards understanding its structure–function relationships. The resolved tertiary structure showed a jelly roll fold similar to those presented by some calcium–binding and ECM–binding proteins. Additional biochemical characterizations confirmed the capacity of LipL32 to bind calcium ions.
crystal using the program CHOOCH. The program SHELXD was used to find the selenium sites in the asymmetric unit and these positions were refined and phases calculated up to 2.6 Å resolution using the program SHARP (note that while the dataset for this crystal was complete only up to 2.93 Å, incomplete data was collected up to 2.6 Å). Phases were refined by density modification and the electron–density map was used to construct a preliminary polyalanine model using the program ARP/wARP that contained 303 residues distributed over 27 peptide segments. Interpretation of electron–density maps and construction of missing residues was performed using the program COOT. Subsequently, a second dataset was collected from a new crystal that diffracted to 2.25 Å resolution using
Results and Discussion
1.459 Å radiation.2 The initial model was
1. Resolution of the LipL32 structure
used to calculate phases for the 2.25 Å
Recombinant LipL3221–272 containing
resolution dataset using the Phaser
selenometionine was crystallized in space
program. Structural refinement of the
group P3221. This fragment corresponds
LipL32 model was done using ARP/wARP,
to the full–length mature protein minus
REFMAC, CNS, and COOT. TLS was used
the N–terminal lipid–anchored cysteine
in the final cycles of refinement with each
residue. The X–ray diffraction datasets
chain in the asymmetric unit divided into
(Table 1) used to resolve the structure
15 independent group segments.
72 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
Table 1.
Recombinant SeMet-labelled LipL32 crystal parameters and data-reduction statistics.
Crystal 1 Space group = P3221 Unit-cell parameters (Å) a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) Resolution range (Å)1,2 No observed reflections No unique reflections <I/errorI>1,2 Multiplicity1,2 Completeness (%)1,2 Rmerge (%)1,3 No images Oscillation angle λ (Å) f’ f”
Crystal 2
126.2 126.2 95.9 40.00 – 2.93 (3.03 – 2.93) 184445 36676 10.8 (2.0) 5.0 (4.1) 99.6 (96.6) 11.5 (47.7) 160 1° 0.97814 –8.40 6.65
126.3 126.3 95.9 40.00 – 3.00 (3.11 – 3.00) 175481 34340 9.5 (1.8) 5.1 (4.6) 100.0 (99.7) 12.8 (59.5) 160 1° 0.97831 –11.4 3.80
126.7 126.7 96.0 40.00 – 2.25 (2.33 – 2.25) 444816 42419 22.0 (1.9) 10.5 (5.6) 99.4 (95.8) 7.1 (46.6) 204 1° 1.459
Values in parentheses refer to the highest resolution shell. Values in square brackets in the Peak dataset refer to statistics obtained using reflections in the range 40.00-2.93 Å. 3 Rmerge = Σ(I – <I>)**2/Σ(I)**2 For Crystal 1, each member of a Friedel pair is counted as a separate reflection. Table reproduced from Hauk et al.2 2
Even though Matthews coefficient
Table 2. Refinement statistics for P3221 LipL3221‑272 crystal structure.
Refinement (35.0 – 2.25 Å)
analysis suggested 3 or 4 molecules
No. of molecules/A.U. residues/chain waters Rfactor ד Rfree ד R.m.s.d. bond lengths (Å) bond angles (º) % of residues in Ramachandran regions most favored additional allowed generously allowed disallowed
in the asymmetric unit, the final model contained only two monomers (Mathews coefficient = 4.03) and 69.5% solvent. The refined structure converged to Rwork and R free values of 0.184 and 0.227, respectively. Refinement data statistics are shown in Table 2. The two monomers in the asymmetric unit are related by a non–crystallographic two–fold axis and are very similar in structure, with a RMSD of 0.6 Å for all atoms. The LipL32 structure
2 254 295 0.184 0.227 0.017 1.582
91.5 8.5 0.0 0.0
Rfactor = Σ|FO – FC|/Σ FO 5% of the data were excluded for Rfree calculation. Table reproduced from Hauk et al.1 ד
has been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (pdb) under code 3FRL. elements (Figures 1a, b). Some of these 2. LipL32 structure
peripheral structures are β–strands (β4, β7
The monomer structure is built around
and β13) that associate with the edges
a central jelly–fold β–sandwich topology
of the central β–sandwich. Four alpha
of 8 β–strands (strands 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10,
helices and two 310 helices are also found
11, 12) from which protrude loops that
in these loops (Figures 1a, b). The two
carry the other secondary structure
310 helices are both found in a stretch Activity Report 2009 | 73
Structure and Calcium Binding Activity of LipL32, the Major Surface Antigen of Pathogenic Leptospira sp.
Figure 1.
LipL3221–272 structure and crystal contacts. (a) Cartoon model of the LipL3221–272 monomer. The N– and C–termini are indicated. β–strands, α–helices and 310 helices are numbered in the order in which they appear in the sequence. Helices are colored red, the eight β–strands that form the core jelly-roll topology are shown in blue, while the other β–strands are show in yellow. (b) Topology diagram for LipL3221–272 in which helices are represented as red rectangles and β–strands as arrows. Figure reproduced from Hauk et al.1
between β10 and β11. 3101 is two turns
similar to that of LipL3221–272. This analysis
in length (residues 193–198) while 3102
found a small group of proteins with
is made up of only one turn (residues
Z–scores above 5.0. All these proteins
201–203). One conspicuous feature of
share a common jelly–roll fold topology
the LipL3221–272 structure is an N–terminal
at their core (shown in blue in Figures 1a)
β–hairpin (β1–β2) that protrudes from the
but all differ in the nature and number of
more compact portion of the molecule.
secondary structure elements inserted
Another interesting feature is the loop
in the loops between these strands. The
between α3 and β9 (residues 154–169),
structure with the highest Dali z–score (8.8)
that contains a large proportion of acidic
was that of the isolated domain III from
amino acids (AKPVQKLDDDDDGDD) of
human calpain 7 (pdb 2qfe; unpublished)
which those underlined are disordered
which is distinguished from the others
with no significant electron density in both monomers). This loop has been subsequently shown to be involved in Ca2+–binding.7
by the presence of a C–terminal β–strand that is topologically analogous to β13 of LipL3221–272. Many of the proteins with topologies most similar to LipL32 have been shown
3. Comparison of LipL3221–272 with
to bind calcium ions. For example, domain
other protein structures
III from calpain, collagen–binding domain
LipL3221–272 has no significant sequence
(CBD) from ColG, and many icosahedral
similarity with proteins of known structure.
RNA virus coat proteins, undergo significant
We therefore used the Dali program8 to
structural rearrangements upon binding
search for protein structures with topologies
calcium.9–12 Analysis of the superposition
74 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
Figure 2.
Ca2+–induced conformational and stability changes in LipL3221–272. (a) Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of LipL3221–272 in the absence or presence of Ca2+ or Mg 2+. CD experiments were performed with 10 µM protein in 10 mM Tris–Cl pH 8.0, 50 mM KCl in the presence or absence of either 1 mM CaCl2 or 1 mM MgCl2. (b) LipL3221–272 tryptophan fluorescence in the absence of divalent metals or in the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+. A blue–shift in Trp emission is observed in the presence of Ca2+. Intrinsic fluorescence experiments were performed with 2 µM protein in 10 mM Tris–Cl pH 8.0, 50 mM KCl in the presence or absence of either 1mM CaCl2 or 1mM MgCl 2. Excitation wavelength was 285 nm. (c) Thermal stability of LipL32 21–272 in different conditions. Circular dichroism was used to detect temperature–induced changes in LipL32 21–272 secondary structure (see Materials and Methods). Conditions were the same as in part (a). Figure reproduced from Hauk et al.1
of LipL3221–272 with the Ca2+–ColG collagen
the loop between α3 and β9 that contains
binding domain structure revealed that
seven aspartate residues within an eight
some of the secondary structure elements
amino acid stretch (residues 161–168).
that contribute to the ColG Ca2+–binding
A portion of this loop containing the first
site are absent in LipL32 21–272. Another
three aspartates (residues 161–168) are
possible Ca –binding site was identified as
absent in our crystal structure due to lack
Activity Report 2009 | 75
Structure and Calcium Binding Activity of LipL32, the Major Surface Antigen of Pathogenic Leptospira sp.
of electron density. We predicted that this
LipL3221–272. CD and ANS fluorescence were
loop could adopt a more ordered structure
monitored during thermal denaturation of
upon ligand binding. This prediction was
the protein in the presence or absence of
born out by the subsequent determination
Ca2+.1 In the CD experiments, the midpoint
of the Ca2+–LipL32 crystal structure.7
of the conformational transition (Tm) was
4. LipL3221–272 specifically binds calcium ions
observed to increase from 50 °C in the absence of Ca2+ to 56 °C in the presence of Ca2+ while only a very small change in the
The above observations led us to
Tm (+1 °C) was observed upon addition
test whether LipL32 21–272 is capable of
of MgCl2 (Figure 2c). A similar result was
interacting with calcium ions. We therefore
obtained by monitoring ANS fluorescence:
used circular dichroism and fluorescence
in the presence or absence of Mg2+ the Tm
spectroscopy to detect structural changes
was 51 °C while in the presence of Ca2+
in LipL3221–272 induced by the addition of
it increased to 58 °C (data not shown).1
calcium ions.1 Circular dichroism spectra
No changes in thermal stability were
of LipL32 21–272 clearly demonstrate a
observed in the presence of 1 mM ZnCl2
change in secondary structure content
or CuCl2 (data not shown).
upon the addition of Ca2+ but not upon the addition of Mg2+ (Figure 2a). LipL3221–272
possesses three tryptophan residues,
The importance of calcium as a key
Trp85, Trp130 and Trp134 all of which are
regulator in several fundamental aspects
significantly buried within the LipL3221–272
of eukaryote biology is well established.
structure and a significant blue–shift in
An increasing importance for a role for
the LipL32 21–272 tryptophan emission
calcium in prokaryotes is also being
was observed upon the addition of 1 mM
implicated in several processes, including
CaCl2 but not upon addition of 1 mM MgCl2
signal transduction, cell cycle and division
(Figure 2b). Furthermore, the fluorescence
control, competence, pathogenesis,
of 1–amino–2–naphthol–4–sulfonic acid
motility and chemotaxis, host–pathogen
(ANS) was observed to increase upon
interactions, stability and integrity of
the addition of Ca
(data not shown),
the outer lipopolysaccharide layer and
indicating an overall structural change with
bacterial cell wall and specific enzyme
an increase in the surface hydrophobicity
activity13–16 and calcium ions are absolutely
of the LipL32 21–272 molecule. None of
required for Leptospira spp to grow and
these changes were observed when the
survive.17, 18
experiments were repeated using Mg2+, Zn2+ or Cu2+ ions (data not shown).1 5. Calcium binding by LipL3221–272 increases protein stability
We demonstrated for the first time that LipL32 binds Ca2+. The data also suggest that LipL32 does not bind Mg2+, Zn2+ or Cu2+ ions, at least not in a manner similar to that observed for Ca2+, since no significant
We then tested whether the addition of
structural changes or increases in thermal
Ca affected the conformational stability of
stability were observed in these cases.
76 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
Analysis of the LipL32 structure pointed
The crystal structures of this important
to two putative Ca –binding sites. One of
leptospiral protein1, 7, 19 have provided a wealth
these, the loop between α3 and β9 that
of information from which to raise hypothesis
contains seven aspartate residues within
regarding the molecular mechanisms by
an eight amino acid stretch (residues
which LipL32 interacts with Ca2+ and with
161–168) has recently been shown to
ECM proteins. These hypotheses will be
contribute significantly to the Ca –binding
addressed in future experimental studies
site in the Ca2+–LipL32 structure.7
using site–directed LipL32 mutants.
References 1. Hauk, P. et al. Structure and calcium-binding activity of LipL32, the major surface antigen of pathogenic Leptospira sp. Jou rna l of Molec u lar Biology, v. 390, n. 4, p. 722-736, 2009. 2. Hauk, P. et al. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of LipL32 from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Ac ta Cr ysta l log raphica F, v. 65, n. 3, p. 307-309, 2009. 3. Zuerner, R. L. et al. Characterization of outer membrane and secreted proteins of Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona. Microbia l Pathogenesis, v. 10, n. 4, p. 311-322, 1991. 4. Haake, D. A. et al. The leptospiral major outer membrane protein LipL32 is a lipoprotein expressed during mammalian infection. Infec tion and Immunit y, v. 68, n. 4, p. 2276-2285, 2000. 5. Picardeau, M. et al. Genome sequence of the saprophyte leptospira biflexa provides insights into the evolution of leptospira and the pathogenesis of leptospirosis. PLoS One, v. 3, n. 2, p. e1607, 2008. 6. Murray, G. L. et al. Major surface protein LipL32 is not required for either acute or chronic infection with Leptospira interrogans. Infec tion and Immunit y, v. 77, n. 3, p. 952-958, 2009. 7. Tung, J. Y. et al. Calcium binds to LipL32, a lipoprotein from pathogenic leptospira, and modulates fibronectin binding. Jou rna l of Biolog ica l Chemistr y, v. 285, n. 5, p. 3245-3252, 2010. 8. Holm, L. et al. Searching protein structure databases with DaliLite v.3. Bioinformatics, v. 24, n. 23, p. 2780-2781, 2008. 9. Johnson, J. E. Virus particle dynamics. Advances in Protein Chemistr y, v. 64, p. 197-218. 2003. 10. Speir, J. A. et al. Enhanced local symmetry interactions globally stabilize a mutant virus capsid that maintains infectivity and capsid dynamics. Journa l of Virology, v. 80, n. 7, p. 3582-3591, 2006. 11. Tompa, P. et al. Domain III of calpain is a Ca2+-regulated phospholipid-binding domain. Biochemical and Biophysica l Research Communications, v. 280, n. 5, p. 1333-1339, 2001. 12. Wilson, J. J. et al. A bacterial collagen-binding domain with novel calcium-binding motif controls domain orientation. EMBO Jou rna l, v. 22, n. 8, p. 1743-1752, 2003. 13. Michiels, J. et al. The functions of Ca2+ in bacteria: a role for EF-hand proteins? Trends in Microbiology, v. 10, n. 2, p. 87-93, 2002. 14. Norris, V. et al. Calcium in bacteria: a solution to which problem? Molec u lar Microbiology, v. 5, n. 4, p. 775-778, 1991. 15. Norris, V. et al. Calcium signalling in bacteria. Journal of Bacteriology, v. 178, n. 13, p. 3677‑3682, 1996. 16. Onek, L. A.; Smith, R. J. Calmodulin and calcium mediated regulation in prokaryotes. Jou rna l of Genera l Microbiology, v. 138, n. 6, p. 1039-1049, 1992. 17. Johnson, R. C.; Gary, N. D. Nutrition of Leptospira Pomona III. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium requirements. Jou rna l of Bac teriology, v. 85, n. 5, p. 983-985, 1993. 18. Shenberg, E. Growth of pathogenic leptospira in chemically defined media. Jou rna l of Bac teriology, v. 93, n. 5, p. 1598-1606, 1967. 19. Vivian, J. P. et al. Crystal structure of LipL32, the most abundant surface protein of pathogenic Leptospira spp. Jou rna l of Molec u lar Biology, v. 387, n. 5, p. 1229-1238, 2009.
Activity Report 2009 | 77
A Multi–technique Study of Structure and Dynamics of Polyfluorenes Cast Films and the Influence on Their Photoluminescent Properties Gregório Couto Faria,1 Tomás Sigfrido Plivelic,2,5 Rafael DiFalco Cossiello,3 André Alves de Sousa,1 Teresa Dib Zambom Atvars,3 Iris Concepcion Linares de Torriani,2,4 Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo1
Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, CP 369, 13.560–970, São Carlos, SP, Brazil 2 Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron – LNLS, CP 6192, 13.083–970, Campinas, SP, Brazil 3 Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, CP 6154, 13.084–971, Campinas, SP, Brazil 4 Instituto de Física “Gleb Wataghin”, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, CP 6165, 13.084–971, Campinas, SP, Brazil 1
MAX–lab, Lund University, PO Box 118, SE–22100, Lund, Sweden
In the last few years the use of conjugated polymers as active layers in the so called “organic electronics” has progressed rapidly from being an interesting academic material to become a reality on electronic industries, being applied even for thin flexible displays. However, understanding how the structural and dynamic properties of the polymer chain may affect the light emission still remains a challenge. Here we report a multi–technique study of the microstructure and dynamics in solid state of polyfluorene based polymers, poly(9,9–dioctylfluorenyl–2,7–diyl) (PFO) a semi–crystalline polymer and poly[(9,9–dioctyl–2,7–divinylene–fluorenylene)–alt–co– {2–methoxy–5–(2‑ethyl‑hexyloxy)–1,4–phenylene vinylene} (PFO–alt–co– MEHPV), a copolymer with mesomorphic phase properties. The Wide–Angle X–ray Scattering (WAXS) measurements revealed the structures, the structural transformations and the local packing variations that occurred as a function of temperature as a result of polymer chain relaxations, also identified by Dynamical Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) and Solid–State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). For PFO–altco–MEHPV, the variation in the packing and the chains motion could explain the changes produced in the fluorescence of the polymer. In contrast, for PFO, besides the molecular relaxation and local packing variations in the more disordered regions, strong modifications in its luminescent behavior is observed as a results of the phase transformations induced by temperature.
Facility: SAXS2 Publication: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113: 11403–11413 (2009) Funding: FAPESP, CNPq, MCT, CAPES
Science Highlights
Introduction Organic electronics is currently an important subject concerning new developing technologies. The use of organic molecules in optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices provides many advantages, such as easy material processing, simple device manufacture, and the possibility of producing flexible devices. The use of conjugated polymers in organic electronics is already a reality (Figure 1), but there are still many points that must be overcome for achieving stable devices. One challenge is to understand how the structural and dynamic properties of the polymers could affect the desired properties. For example, the
Figure 1.
Some examples of optical devices based on luminescent p o l y m e rs : A n exa m p l e o f p h o t o l u m i n e s c e n c e o f polyfluorene derivative; Two rigid white emitting display (one made in the Bernhard Gross polymer group at IFSC); A flexible blue monochromatic large area display and a flexible colored prototype display designed by Sony.
efficiency of the electroluminescence (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) is changed depending on the structure
poly(9,9–dioctylf luorenyl–2,7–diyl)
and the dynamics of the polymer
(PFO) and the alternated copolymer
chains. Among the conjugated polymers,
polyfluorene–based polymers form a large category of thermal and chemical stable polymers emitting from the blue
vinilenofenilene)] (see chemical structure in Figure 2a), using WAXS, Solid–State NMR, DMTA and PL.
to the red,1,2 depending on the chemical structure, substituent and side–chain. 3
These chemical modifications control
The samples were purchased from
the supramolecular structure and their
American Dye Source (ADS) Company
optical properties. 4 Thus, in addition to the
under the trademarks ADS 329BE (PFO)
relaxation processes involving segments
and ADS108GE (PFO–altco–MEHPV).
of the polymer chains, the emission of
Self–standing 15 µ m thick polymer films,
polyfluorenes is also related to the solid
obtained from 20 mg/mL of toluene
state phase transitions because some of
solution, were used in all measurements
them crystallize in more than one phase
here reported. WAXS experiments were
and others form molecular aggregates
performed at the D02A–SAXS beam line of
with mesomorphic phases.
In this
the LNLS, using 1.488 Å wavelength and
report we summarize the investigation
a sample detector distance of 189.62 mm.
of the microstructure and dynamics
Multilayer samples of up to 500 µ m
of two representative polyf luorene
thickness were prepared stacking pieces
based polymers, the homopolymer
cut from a single film and set–up in two
Activity Report 2009 | 79
A Multi-technique Study of Structure and Dynamics of Polyfluorenes Cast Films and the Influence on Their Photoluminescent Properties
configurations: with the incident X–ray beam perpendicular (⊥) and near–parallel
The 2D–WAXS images for both
(//) to the film plane. WAXS patterns were
studied materials shown in Figure 2a
obtained at several temperatures using a two–dimensional (2D) CCD detector and a sample support adapted to a hot stage cell designed for X–ray scattering measurements. Steady–state fluorescence
are composed of scattering rings with roughly uniform intensity when the X–ray beam is perpendicular to the film surface, but we observe short arcs and rings of non–uniform intensity when the X–ray incidence is nearly parallel. This shows
spectra were recorded using a PC1 TM
that the scattering from certain periodic
Photon Counting Spectrofluorimeter from
structures in the sample have a preferential
ISS Inc with excitation was performed
orientation, with a tendency to be arranged
using the 337 nm emission of a He–Cd
parallel to the film surface and randomly
laser. Dynamical Mechanical Thermal
distributed in the plane. However, while
Analysis were performed in a Netzsch 242 C instrument using the tension mode at frequencies ranging from 0.01 to 100 Hz and heating rate of 1 K/min from 150 K to 400 K. Solid–State NMR experiments
the 2D images of PFO show both sharp and broad rings, consistent with the presence of crystalline microstructures diluted in a more disordered matrix, for PFO–alt–co–MEHPV only broad rings are observed, showing that there is
were performed using a 9.4 T VARIAN
no crystalline phase in this polymer.
spectrometer in a 7 mm MAS–VT probe
Figure 2b (left) shows a series of PFO
diffractograms as a function of temperature
Figure 2.
Results and Discussions
a) Chemical structures and 2D WAXS imagens of PFO and PFO-alt-co-MEHPV. b) Temperature dependence of the diffratograms taken from meridional and equatorial cuts from the 2D imagens obtained for PFO (left) and PFO‑alt‑co-MEHPV (right).
80 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
corresponding to equatorial cuts taken
(di = 2p/qi) of d1 = 15.9 Å, d2 = 7.9 Å, d3 = 4.5 Å
from the 2D images in the normal and near
suggesting an aggregation structure where
parallel incidence. At low temperatures,
the backbone rings are stacked parallel
the equatorial and meridional intensity
to each other with interplanar distances
profiles have some sharp reflections. The
of 4.5 Å and laterally spaced by the side
peaks associated to the distances 12.6 Å,
chains with average distances of 15.9 Å.
6.6 Å and 4.2 Å are fairly equally spaced
In this supramolecular structure, other
in q–space, suggesting that they arise from
important characteristic distance d2 = 7.9 Å
different order reflections of a lamellar
corresponds to the separation between
phase, referred as β phase. The profiles
monomeric units (which is about the size
are identical bellow 373 K, showing that
of a fluorene unit). A sketch of the packing
the β phase is stable in this temperature
structure is shown in Figure 3a. Note
range. Above 373 K the characteristic diffraction peaks corresponding to the
β phase have their intensity reduced, indicating the dissipation of this phase. At 413 K a series of sharp peaks start showing up, accounting for the onset of the sample crystallization, which results in a diffractogram with well defined peaks at 433 K, when the crystalline phase seems to be fully formed. The peaks at q = 3.5 nm–1 (d = 17.9 Å), q = 4.5 nm–1 (d = 13.9 Å), q = 5.2 nm–1 (d = 12.0 Å), q = 7.3 nm–1 (d = 8.6 Å) correspond to the (110), (200), (210) and (310) reflections correspond to the PFO α phase, which has a helical structure as reported in
also that, the PFO diffractograms have a background contribution (“amorphous halo”) that resembles the pattern observed for PFO–altco–MEHPV, also suggesting a similar structural packing in the amorphous phase of PFO. Figure 2b (right) show the PFO–altco–MEHPV diffraction profiles corresponding to equatorial and meridional sectors of the 2D Images obtained for near parallel incidence as a function of temperature. These X–ray profiles basically show the changes in two characteristic distances d1 and d3, which are plotted as a function of temperature in Figure 3a. No temperature dependence is observed for
reference. 6 At 453 K the crystalline α
the distance d2 (not shown), but clear trends
phase is melted giving rise to a typical
are observed for d1 and d3. Note that, while
nematic liquid crystalline phase pattern.
d1 generally increases as the temperature
In contrast to the PFO case, the 2D–WAXS
is raised, there is a jump in the slope of the
images of PFO–altco–MEHPV, Figure 2a
d1 vs. T curve at about 383 K. The slope of
(right), are composed of broad scattering
the d3 vs. T curve also changes at about
peaks, indicating the presence of only
383 K, bending downwards in contrast
local ordering in the PFO–altco–MEHPV.
with the behavior of d1. These results show
The three defined broad maxima in the
that, although the aggregated structures
diffractograms shown in Figure 2b (right)
are present at all temperatures explored in
(see vertical dashed lines), taken from both
these measurements, the intermolecular
meridian and equatorial sectors of the 2D
distances inside these structures depend
images, correspond to characteristic lengths
on temperature, which can be attributed to
Activity Report 2009 | 81
A Multi-technique Study of Structure and Dynamics of Polyfluorenes Cast Films and the Influence on Their Photoluminescent Properties
Figure 3.
a) Temperature dependence of the d1 and d3 characteristic length corresponding to the illustrated supramolecular aggregation of PFO–alt–co–MEHPV. b) PL spectra at different temperatures for the two studied samples.
82 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
molecular motions associated to thermal relaxations process. The relaxation processes were identified by Dynamical Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA), revealing three processes in both samples which were elucidated by solid–state NMR:7 γ (motion of the CH3 groups in the end of the side–chain) and β process (molecular motions in the side–groups) at ~ 120 and ~ 130K, respectively, and two relaxations named as α A, ~ 330 K (local rotations in the backbone) and αB, ~ 380 K (glass transition).
Figure 4.
Sketch of the of PFO and PFO–alt–co–MEHPV chemical structure and the motions responsible for the distinct molecular relaxations. Tem temperatures indicated the maximum of the relaxation for 1Hz excitation in DMTA.
Figure 4 show a schematic drawing of the observed relaxation process. The
structural phase transitions (β to α and
assignments of the molecular relaxations
α to liquid crystalline phase).
presented in Figure 4 allow us to understand
In general, the fluorescence emissions
behavior of the characteristic WAXS length
of conjugated polymers in the solid state
parameters d1,d2, and d3 observed in the
are strongly affected by modifications in
PFO–altco–MEHPV. Below ~380 K a clear
their local structure and packing, showing
variation of d1 value is observed, while d3
why it is so important to understand how
remains almost constant. This behavior can
molecular motions and structural features
be directly associated with the onset of the
affect their photoluminescence. This can
side chain motion, which may produce a
be achieved by correlating the temperature
substantial increase in the lateral spacing
dependence of the photoluminescence
of the rings (d1 parameter), but should
processes with the microstructure and
not produce a significant change in the
dynamic processes as revealed by X–ray,
interplanar ring distance (d3 parameter). For
NMR and DMTA. Figure 3b shows the
temperatures higher than 380 K, the side
steady–state photoluminescence spectra
chain motion is already fully established,
of PFO and PFO–altco–MEHPV films as a
but the backbone motion start to be more
function of temperature. The temperature
effective producing a more pronounced
dependence of the emission of PFO is very
increase in the interplanar ring distance
complex, because it is a semicrystalline
as function of temperature. This is again in
material. The spectra are shaper at lower
full agreement with the results observed in
temperatures, with a higher intensity peak
Figure 2. The detection of similar relaxation
at 425 nm, two overlapped peaks at around
processes in PFO, show that despite being
470–480 nm and a green emission around
difficult to observe in the WAXS patterns,
510 nm. Polyfluorene emission around
both β and α processes are also present.
420 nm and 500 nm can be assigned
However, in this case the most prominent
to the isolated fluorenyl moieties and
features observed by WAXS are the two
aggregated species, respectively. 8 This
Activity Report 2009 | 83
A Multi-technique Study of Structure and Dynamics of Polyfluorenes Cast Films and the Influence on Their Photoluminescent Properties
behavior is indicating that more than one
species are emitting, which is consisting
In summary, results show that the
with the WAXS results that points to the
light emission of complex materials like
presence of an amorphous phase where
luminescent polymers, are strongly affected
the phenyl rings are face to face, leading to aggregated–like emission, and a crystalline phase were the rings are apart and not facing each other,6 leading to a more isolated fluorenyl emission . Moreover, these spectra are blue–shifted under the sample heating and the vibronic structure
by the morphology, local structure as well as the molecular dynamics of the chains. Due the complexity of this kind of systems, a multi–technique approach is needed in order to understand structural and dynamic features and make the bridge between properties and functioning. In this context, X–ray techniques play an essential role,
due to the onset of the relaxation processes.
since they can provide a rather complete
For PFO–altco–MEHPV (Figure 3b) the
picture of the structural behavior of
spectral profile at lower temperatures is
the system. Specifically, the combined
red–shift compared with the PFO. This
results of this multi–technique study
emission centered at 510 nm originates
allowed the identification of four polymer
probably from the short segments of the
relaxation processes in two representative
MEH–PV groups. In addition, as suggested
polyfluorene based polymers, PFO and
by the WAXS results, the presence of
PFO–altco–MEHPV. We were able to describe
conformational disorder of the main chains confers to every group in the electronic excited state experiences different environments, which then are unable to relax within the excited state lifetime producing the broad spectra observed at lower temperatures.9 The temperature
the type of macromolecular relaxation, molecular motion and supramolecular structure ascribed to every one of them.
γ–relaxation is observed around 130 K, β–relaxation local occurs at 200–220 K, glass transition at 330 and 380 K and the melting temperature of the ordered phase is observed for PFO at 430 K. All
dependence of the fluorescence intensity
processes change the photoluminescence
decays monotonically from 20 K to 290 K,
processes in terms of the emission profile,
consistently with the presence of thermal
peak positions and relative intensity of
induced molecular motions.
the emission bands.
84 | Activity Report 2009
Science Highlights
References 1. Chang, L. H.; Lee, Y. D.; Chen, C. T. Synthesis and characterization of 3,4-Diphenylmaleimide Copolymers that exhibit orange to red photoluminescence and electroluminescence. Macromolec u les, v. 39, n. 9, p. 3262-3269, 2006. 2. Zhang, H. A. et al. Novel green-emitting polymer containing fluorene and 1-(2-benzothiazolyl)-3,5diphenylpyrazoline. Jou rna l of Materia ls Science, v. 42, n. 12, p. 4476-4479, 2007. 3. Akcelrud, L. Electroluminescent polymers. Progress in Polymer Science, v. 28, n. 6, p. 875‑962, 2003. 4. Grey, J. K. et al. Effect of temperature and chain length on the bimodal emission properties of single polyfluorene copolymer molecules. Jou rna l of Physica l Chemistr y B, v. 110, n. 38, p. 18898-18903, 2006. 5.
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6. Chen, S. et al. Crystalline forms and emission behavior of poly (9,9-di-n-octyl-2,7-fluorene). Macromolec u les, v. 38, n. 2, p. 379-385, 2005. 7.
de Azevedo, E. R.; Bonagamba, T. J.; Reichert, D. Molecular dynamics in solid polymers. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spec troscopy, v. 47, n. 3-4, p. 137-164, 2005.
8. Oliveira, H. P. M. et al. Photophysical properties and quantum chemical studies of poly(2,7-9,9’dihexylfluorene-dyil). Jou rna l of the Brazi lian Chemica l Societ y, v. 20, n. 1, p. 160-166, 2009. 9.
Lakowicz, J. R. Principles of f luorescence spec troscopy. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 1999. 698 p.
Activity Report 2009 | 85
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New Source
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Industrial Research Activities
Main Events
Facts and Figures
Accelerator Development and Operation
Although the storage ring underwent a major vacuum intervention in late 2008, its routine operation for users started smoothly in 2009. The preparations for the installation of the new superconducting wiggler required a new mode of operation for the storage ring that proved to be much more demanding with respect to the magnetic lattice standardization procedures and affected the average injection times to a certain extent. However, in 2009 the machine occasionally faced some problems that could be traced to the aging of some of its subsystems, which were exacerbated by failures in the power supply grid of the campus. Nevertheless, in the overall balance, 2009 was a good year in terms of reliability of the light source. During the endâ&#x20AC;&#x2018;ofâ&#x20AC;&#x2018;year machine shutdown, the replacement of the old beam position monitors was completed and the superconducting wiggler was installed in the storage ring.
Facility Report
introduced by the insertion devices. It
Since it started its routine operation as
has been the standard operational mode
an open facility for synchrotron light users
of the machine since the beginning of
12 years ago, the LNLS synchrotron light
2009, replacing what had been roughly
source has undergone several upgrades that
the standard mode since the first days
have substantially increased its performance
of operation for users. Throughout the
and effectiveness as an important research
whole year, machine study periods were
instrument available to the Brazilian scientific
used mainly to characterize and refine
community. Throughout this period, a wide
this new operational mode.
range of improvements and upgrades were
Several activities of the engineering
implemented in the light source and its
and accelerator groups have already
beamlines. Insertion devices were added
been organized considering the studies
to the magnetic lattice to broaden the light
and developments for a new synchrotron
spectrum available, thereby expanding the
light source. There are plans to develop
experimental capabilities of the machine.
prototypes of various subsystems for
Improvements were made in the injector
installation in the current light source,
system to reduce the injection time, thereby
which will certainly benefit its performance
reducing the effects of thermal drifts in
and reliability, since the tolerances for the
both the machine and the experimental
systems of the new source are much tighter
stations. A large scale upgrade of the
than those of the current machine.
machine shielding was implemented to
In the first half of 2009, eleven beamlines
enable users to work in the experimental
were available for the user community.
hall during injections. In recent years, substantial efforts have been dedicated to improving the machineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance and reliability, with specific focus on orbit stability issues. The main achievement with respect to the performance of the light source was an increase in the average beam lifetime, which led to a small increase of the average beam current in the user shifts. This is mainly a result of the machineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new operational mode with low vertical beam size in the long straight sections of the
After being upgraded, the XPD and SAXS1 beamlines were put into operation in the second half of the year. The SXS beamline is being upgraded and should become operational in 2010. The project of the PGM beamline was reappraised and the activities related to the design and construction of its components were rescheduled. After extensive review and a commitment to overcome the main difficulties of the project, the expectation is that the line will be assembled and ready for commissioning in August 2010.
storage ring. It was implemented as part of the preparations for the installation of
Accelerator Operations
the superconducting wiggler in the storage
In 2009, the operation of the synchrotron
ring. The main advantage of this mode of
light source for users followed the same
operation is that it reduces the sensitivity
pattern of previous years, with beam time
of the magnetic lattice to perturbations
for users 24 hours a day from Monday
Activity Report 2009 | 89
Accelerator Development and Operation
through Saturday morning. Machine operation for users was scheduled from January to October and was followed by an 8-week shutdown for upgrades and new installations in the Storage Ring. In low energy machines long shutdowns are necessary if any vacuum intervention is to be performed since beam lifetime recovery time is usually quite long. The last two weeks of user beam time were Figure 1.
Total beam time delivered to users since 1997.
scheduled for single bunch operation, dedicated to time-resolved experiments in the UV and soft X-ray beamlines. A total of 4059 hours of beam time were delivered to users out of the 4107 hours scheduled (Figure 1), representing a reliability of 96.4% for the light source in 2009 (Figure 2). Reliability accounts for the fraction of the scheduled beam time that was effectively implemented on time. Machine reliability in 2009 declined slightly when compared to 2008. The total delivered beam charge (Figure 3) was similar to that of the previous two years. Beam lifetime and average beam current in usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; shifts increased in
Figure 2.
Machine reliability in usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; shifts since 1997.
comparison to 2008 (cf Figures 4 and 5). The increase in beam lifetime resulted from the introduction of a new operational mode for the machine. Reliability, injection efficiency and beam orbit stability have improved continuously over the years. Regular meetings to discuss and analyze the fault logs in the operation logbook have led to investments in critical subsystems to overcome bottlenecks and weaknesses. The mean time between failures in 2009 was 61.5 hours, replicating the performance of 2007, both below the outcome of 2008. The mean time to recovery was 1.3 hour, about 30% longer
Figure 3.
Total beam charge delivered to users since 1997.
90 | Activity Report 2009
than in the previous year. Failures in the
Facility Report
electric power supply triggered several problems in critical subsystems of the light source, such as the digital control and radiofrequency systems. Some of these problems were exacerbated by the aging of the subsystems, despite sustained efforts of renovation and modernization by the technical groups. As a result, a large scale renovation of the digital control system is slated to begin in 2010. Difficulties with machine recovery after a typical maintenance day occurred on two occasions. To minimize
Figure 4.
Average beam lifetime in usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; shifts since 1997.
Figure 5.
Average beam current in usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; shifts since 1997.
the risk of compromising the operation for users, maintenance stoppages in 2010 are scheduled to be performed on Fridays, followed by a period of machine studies. This will allow for more comprehensive maintenance procedures as well as short range upgrades. The new operational mode had a negative impact on a few performance parameters that had been improving over the last few years. The new mode requires a longer standardization procedure for the magnets, resulting in longer recovery times of the machine after failures or interventions that require powering off the main magnet power supplies. It also led to an average increase in the mean injection time when compared to the very fast injections in the second half of 2008. Even so, overall, the average injection time is still shorter than it was in early 2008.
Beam Stability The ongoing goal of improved stability for the electron beam orbit led to the replacement of two thirds of the machine beam position monitors, concluding the procedure initiated in 2008. The intervention was performed at the end of the year
Figure 6.
Distribution of the injection times in 2009 compared to half year of 2008. Most of the injections where performed in less than 15 minutes.
Activity Report 2009 | 91
Accelerator Development and Operation
and resulted in venting a corresponding
beam lines. The improvements in beam
fraction of the vacuum chamber. In recent
orbit control implemented in recent years
years, a series of improvements have
have significantly reduced the short-term
been implemented in the beam position
changes of the orbit of the electrons. The
measurement system by the beam
new activities of the task force will involve
stability task force established in 2004.
attempts to reduce the long-term drifts of
The main goal was to investigate and
the electron orbit.
identify the causes of beam motions and
Other important activities were performed
instrumental problems in the BPM system
concomitantly to the BPMs. Improvements
and coordinate efforts to solve them. A
are being made in the diagnostic lines of
new model of beam position monitor was
the electron beam to provide better tools
developed which is less sensitive to thermal
for the detection of beam-related problems.
drifts and less susceptible to mechanical
Moreover, efforts to reduce the injection
deformation than the old stripline model.
time continued. New single pass BPMs
Water-cooled masks were installed at several
have been tested. After they are installed,
points in the vacuum chamber to prevent
it will be possible to measure the position
synchrotron light from hitting the walls of
of the electron beam in the transport lines,
the chamber, thereby reducing thermal
which isan important tool for improving the
drifts and their effects on the orbit of the
repeatability of the injection process.
electron beam. Over the years, several
Due to the installation of the active shunts
engineering groups have been involved in
in 2008 it was possible to apply beam-
the development, specification and testing
based alignment procedures to measure
of the new components. The results of the first set of BPMs replaced in 2008 indicate the greatly improved behavior of the new BPMs during usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; shifts. All the remaining old BPMs were replaced in the long machine shutdown started at the end of October. By the end of 2009, the vacuum conditions and therefore the lifetime of the electron beam were still far from the levels achieved during the year, although they are expected to be back to normal after the first months of
the position of the new beam position monitors referenced to the magnetic centre of the storage ring quadrupole magnets. These measurements were important for the characterization of new beam position monitors and for the definition of the new orbit of reference for the beamlines. Machine studies related to improvements in the electron beam diagnostic system and to the implementation of a fast feedback system to control multibunch instabilities were performed during the year.
operation in 2010. The orbit stability task force is now focused on achieving better temperature
Superconducting Wiggler for Material Sciences
control of the storage ring tunnel and of
The superconducting wiggler dedicated
the experimental hall. The goal is to reduce
to research in material sciences was
the effect of environmental temperature
installed in the storage ring in December
changes on the electron beam orbit and
2009. The factory acceptance tests were
92 | Activity Report 2009
Facility Report
successfully carried out at the Budker
higher efficiency, solid state amplifiers
Institute in Novosibirsk (Russia) in April,
have the great advantage of modularity.
under the supervision of a team from
Reliability and lower electricity costs are
LNLS. The wiggler arrived at the LNLS in
the main features of the new technology.
July and assembly and site acceptance
The current klystron-based RF system in the
tests were conducted in August by a team
LNLS storage ring is much less efficient and
from the manufacturer. Installation in the
has fixed power consumption, regardless
storage ring was carried out as planned
of the instantaneous power requirements
and the tests with the electron beam have
of the accelerator. In contrast, the power
been successful. Although still under the
consumption of the solid state devices will
impact of the BPM vacuum intervention,
follow the RF power demand. Moreover, its
it was possible to accumulate more than
intrinsic modularity makes the solid state
200 mA in the storage ring for tests with
amplifier more reliable since it continues
the SC wiggler. Accumulation and ramping
to operate even if a few modules fail.
tests were successfully performed, but
LNLS started working with high power
it is clear that several hours of machine
RF solid state amplifiers in 1999, in the
studies will still be required to have these
wake of developments that were going on
processes ready for routine operation.
at LURE, in France. At the time, LURE was
In particular, it will be necessary to
designing the new top level synchrotron
commission the injection process with
light source SOLEIL, bravely planning to
the wiggler partially energized.
have its RF system totally based on solid
In addition, a major problem appeared after installation of the wiggler in the storage ring, involving higher than expected consumption of liquid helium. This has required constant monitoring and analysis of the device to discover the source of the problem. This does not jeopardize the operation of the wiggler, but makes it much more expensive. Therefore, to facilitate the diagnosis of the problem and enable whatever intervention may be required to solve it, the wiggler was removed from the storage ring in early 2010.
state amplifiers. In close collaboration with LUREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RF group, LNLS built a 900Â W solid state amplifier operating at 476Â MHz to drive the booster RF cavity. The SOLEIL RF system operates at 352 MHz, which means that the booster amplifier had to be developed entirely in-house. The booster amplifier was upgraded to 2 kW in 2007 and has been operating successfully since 2001. The high operating cost of the klystron system, represented by its electric power consumption and/or the need to keep a set of expensive spare klystron tubes on
RF Solid State Amplifier
hand, motivated LNLS to move towards
Solid state amplifiers are an effective
solid state technology. In 2007, the federal
alternative to commercial UHF electron tubes
funding agency FINEP approved a project to
like klystrons and IOTs, whose purchase
design and build two solid state amplifiers
price and operating costs are becoming
with capacity to deliver the 100 kW of power
increasingly expensive. In addition to their
at 476 MHz necessary to drive the current
Activity Report 2009 | 93
Accelerator Development and Operation
storage ring RF system. In 2008, in close collaboration with the SOLEIL RF group, the amplifiers were designed and the main components were prototyped, specified and ordered. The heart of the system is the MOSFET-based amplifier module, with integrated circulator and individual power supply. Each module is able to deliver over 330 W of power at 476 MHz. Two amplifiers have been assembled, each one built from a combination of 162 such modules and with 48 kW of maximum nominal output power. More than four hundred amplifier modules were specified and ordered. The components Figure 7.
SC wiggler installed in the straight section 09 of the LNLS storage ring.
arrived at LNLS in 2009. Modules, cables, combiners, dividers, power supplies, in short, all the components of the amplifier were extensively characterized at the RF laboratory prior to assembly. The control, monitoring and interlock systems of the amplifiers were tested carefully. By the end of 2009 the first amplifier was fully assembled and ready for commissioning (Figure 8). The amplifiers must pass a series of tests and are expected to be installed in the storage ring in late 2010.
Upgrade of the Control System An upgrade of the low level control system is planned for implementation in 2010. Since the booster synchrotron was installed in 2001, different versions of the communication cards have been introduced using either a proprietary serial or Ethernet protocol. The adoption of Ethernet communication began in 2005 with the 2 T wiggler, and has been Figure 8.
The tower of the first solid state amplifier, completely a s s e m b l e d a n d re a d y fo r c o m m i s s i o n i n g a t t h e test area.
94 | Activity Report 2009
expanding considerably since then. The whole orbit measurement system as well
Facility Report
as all the insertion devices are currently connected to the main control computer by Ethernet communication. However, there is no longer a supplier for the main components of these cards and a new solution had to be devised. The new version of the low level control system is based on single board computers, which will replace both communication (serial and Ethernet) and CPU cards. The solution is close to what is being planned for the new light source and is based on the Ethernet communication protocol. Since it is planned to be a fast solution for
Figure 9.
The single board computer card that will replace both the communication and CPU cards of the control system network.
problems that were intensified in 2009, mainly involving the communication and CPU cards, the focus of the current upgrade is to gradually replace these cards while keeping the same local controller crates with minimum changes in the topology of the control network. A prototype of the new system was bench tested and is currently inserted in the control network of the synchrotron light source. A great deal of communication software is being developed to make the new card completely transparent for the high level control software. The SBC runs high level software under Slax, a compact Linux operating system, in order to communicate with both the main
Figure 10. 3D view of the monocromator assembly of the PGM beamline which is under construction.
control programs and the equipment. Long debugging sessions and tests are still needed, but parts of the old control system will probably begin to be replaced by the new version by late 2010.
from technical support for the beamlines to the development of subsystems for the accelerators. The construction of the PGM beamline is one of the many multitask activities in which several
Other Activities
groups of the Division are engaged. An
The activities of the technical groups
overall evaluation of the PGM beamline
of the Engineering and Accelerator
project in 2009 resulted in a review and
Division have a wide scope, ranging
rescheduling of all its activities. All the
Activity Report 2009 | 95
Accelerator Development and Operation
carried out in-house. Preparations have begun for the installation of a Gleeble thermal-mechanical simulation system in the XRD1 beamline, which will allow in situ dynamic characterization of materials by X-ray diffraction techniques. Special supports have been manufactured for the SAXS1 Pilatus detector and for the DXAS 7 T superconducting magnet. A special support is being developed for the precise positioning and alignment of optical components at the beamlines. This hexapod is a mechanical system Figure 11.
View of the hexapod assembly under development at LNLS.
for positioning and moving objects in space with six degrees of freedom. The
critical components of the beamline were reviewed carefully, the main bottlenecks were identified and a special effort was made to eliminate every difficulty that could hinder the conclusion of the project within the slated time frame. In late 2009, the second mirror vacuum chamber was successfully tested, and the monocromator chamber and its main components, as
hexapod has been fully simulated and is now in the prototyping stage. The Accelerator Physics and Magnet groups are deeply involved in the design of the new light source. Blocks of permanent magnet were specified and ordered for the first full size prototype of the main dipoles of the new machine. The status of the project of the new light source is
well as the first mirror vacuum chamber,
described in the section dedicated to the
were under construction. The beamline is
SIRIUS project. Other technical groups of
expected to be ready for commissioning
the Engineering and Accelerators Division
in August 2010.
are also involved in the project, albeit to
In addition to the PGM, a set of beamline
a lesser extent. New developments in
development projects is under way. The
vacuum technology, power supplies and
new superconducting wiggler beamline
beam diagnostic instrumentation which are
was specified and ordered from third-
currently underway at the LNLS are meant
party vendors but its integration will be
for application in the new project.
96 | Activity Report 2009
New Source
Aerial view of the LNLS campus with an artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s view of the new light source building.
The accelerator parameters for the new Brazilian synchrotron light source were revised and redefined in 2009. Project variables such as the accelerator energy, its proposed magnetic lattice and consequently the expected source emission at each section were tailored in order to improve the quality of the obtained radiation. The proposed source will then be competitive with its best foreign counterparts, allowing the community to perform experiments in worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2018;class equipments with much broader research scope than the actual LNLS source.
New Source
In 2009 our tasks concentrated on the definition of major parameters for the new
performance parameters of the source and the magnitude of the project.
storage ring and its basic lattice design.
The basic lattice design will serve
This is the first phase of the project and
as basis for the detailed planning of
reflects a compromise between the desired
the various subsystems, including civil engineering and layout of the accelerators on the LNLS site. Several designs for the storage ring were studied during the year, with energies ranging from 2.5 to 3.0 GeV, ring circumferences of 330 to 460 m, beam emittance of 2.6 to 1.7 nm. rad, and number of dipoles from 48 to 60, and so on.
Figure 1.
Layout of the modified TBA cell with the high field slice in the center of the middle.
A preliminary set of basic parameters for the new storage ring was devised in early 2009, following previous internal considerations and discussions with the Brazilian scientific community during the “1st Workshop LNLS-2 New Source: Scientific Case”, held on February 10–11 at the LNLS campus. This design was based on a 2.5 GeV electron storage ring with a relatively low field of 0.45 T for the dipole magnets. The 332 m circumference was composed of 16 TBA cells, resulting
Figure 2.
Optical functions of the modified TBA lattice dipole.
in a natural emittance of 2.6 nm.rad. The low bending fields envisage the use of permanent magnets for the dipoles. This
Table 1. Main parameters of the new LNLS source.
Energy Beam current Circumference Natural emittance without damping wigglers Natural emittance with wigglers Critical photon energy from dipoles Energy loss per turn from dipoles Radiation power from dipoles Betatron tune (horizontal/vertical) Natural chromaticity (horizontal/vertical) Natural energy spread Momentum compaction factor Harmonic number RF frequency Long straight sections number × length
98 | Activity Report 2009
3.0 500 460.5
GeV mA m
option is very attractive since the investment
be reduced through the elimination (or
significant reduction) of power supplies
and cooling systems. A Preliminary
417.7 208.8 24.2 / 13.2 –53.4 / –48.0 0.079 6.9 × 10–4 768 500 10 × 9.4 m 10 × 5.0 m
keV kW
Conceptual Design Report describing
and operation costs of the project can
this design was prepared in April. In the course of further explorations of
the proposed design, new ideas emerged on the scene, and the project evolved to a
3.0 GeV electron storage ring with 20 TBA cells, or 20 long straight sections. The permanent magnet dipoles now combine
Facility Report
Figure 3.
Dynamic aperture for on-energy particles and frequency map analysis after preliminary sextupole optimization.
a low bending field of 0.5 T for the main beam deflection and a high field of 2.0 T over a very short longitudinal extent (1 degree, a slice magnet) to produce high energy photons. This configuration allows photons of critical energy of 12 KeV to be produced from dipole beamlines while keeping the total radiated power at low level. The high power is produced only at the beamline exit. These new ideas were incorporated into the design in the second half of 2009 and were presented and discussed with the scientific community in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;2nd Workshop LNLS-2 New Source: Scientific Caseâ&#x20AC;?, held on August 27â&#x20AC;&#x201C;28.
Figure 4.
Comparison of the performance of the existing IDs in the present LNLS UVX storage ring and expected performance in the new ring.
Following the workshop, several lattice configurations were simulated and designed in greater detail, aided by the advice of
lengths of 5 and 9 m. The lattice has
Prof. Helmut Wiedemann during the first
a distributed dispersion function and
three weeks of September.
provides a beam with 1.7 nm.rad emittance.
The present lattice configuration is a
Table I lists the main parameters of the
modified TBA lattice with a 1 degree high
lattice, while Figure 2 shows the optical
bending field slice in the center of the
functions. The dynamic aperture with
middle dipole, as illustrated in Figure 1.
preliminary sextupole optimization and the
The circumference of 460.5 m contains
corresponding frequency map analysis
20 long straight sections with alternating
are depicted in Figure 3.
Activity Report 2009 | 99
New Source
Figure 4 compares the performance of the IDs currently installed in the LNLS UVX storage ring with their expected performance in the new ring. Although permanent magnets are routinely used in many synchrotron sources in wiggler and undulator insertion devices, their large scale use in lattice magnets is much less common. Several engineering issues remain to be analyzed and R&D in this field is crucial to the success of this choice of dipole design. First prototypes for the low and high field permanent magnet dipoles have been designed and the parts are being fabricated. Figure 5 shows a schematic drawing of the low field dipole prototype. A preliminary proposal for the injector includes a full energy booster synchrotron concentric with the storage ring, allowing Figure 5.
Prototype of the low (left) and high (right) field def lection permanent magnet dipole.
Figure 6.
it to be placed in the same tunnel, as illustrated in Figure 6.
Schematic drawing of the concentric booster in the same tunnel as the storage ring.
100 | Activity Report 2009
Consonant with its mission as a national laboratory, LNLS invests ongoing efforts in building and upgrading its beamlines. These improvements are essential to meet the demands of the user community and to extract the best scientific results from these facilities. LNLS today has fourteen beamlines in full-time operation for users and two beamlines under construction â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a PGM based on an APPLE II undulator and the SW1 based on a superconducting wiggler. Two other beamlines are dedicated to beam diagnostics and are reserved for internal use. The beamlines are organized into five groups, Macromolecular Crystallography, X-ray Absorption and Fluorescence, X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Scattering and Ultraviolet and Soft-X-ray Spectroscopies.
The year 2009 was somewhat disruptive
little time for instrumental development.
for the beamlines due to changes in
Despite this dramatic situation, a few
management, budgetary uncertainties and
isolated and heroic efforts were still made
the departure of several researchers. The
to continue the development of scientific
average number of Ph.D.s on the staff of
instrumentation for the beamlines, which
each beamline, which used to be about
are described below.
2, has been declining over the last couple of years and by 2009 reached about 0.5
Ph.D. per beamline. This is undoubtedly
Crystallography and
the lowest Ph.D. occupation of all operating
synchrotrons and poses a serious threat
This group has two protein crystallography
to the future of the facility. This diminished
beamlines, one with tunable energy
staff struggles now to keep the beamlines
(W01B:MX2) using a 2 T wiggler as
operational for their users, having very
source and with MAD experimental capability, and another with fixed energy (D03B:MX1) operating at 9 KeV. The stability studies continued in 2009 for MX2 installing temperature sensors, inclinometers and improving the data logging system in order to investigate temperature-driven ground motion and support distortions affecting the optical elements. Remarkable energy stability levels were set by implementing thermal isolation and temperature control for the optical hutch, significantly improving the conditions for MAD experiments. Figure 1 presents the main result. Improvements in the fluorescence scanning routines were also implemented, resulting in faster and more stable operation of the beamline.
X-ray Absorption and Fluorescence LNLS currently has three absorption spectroscopy and one fluorescence beamline in operation. Two of the Figures 1-2. Energy stability measurement for the MX2 beamline. Top
absorption beamlines, D04B:XAFS1 and
graph: Energy drift without optical hutch temperature
D08B:XAF2, perform conventional energy
control. Bottom graph: Energy drift with temperature controlled.
102 | Activity Report 2009
scanning and allow for the performance
Facility Report
of most conventional transmission and
their scientific instrumentation and time
fluorescence experiments. The third one,
D06A:DXAS, is an energy dispersive
The control system of the D10A:XRD2
beamline dedicated to time-resolved and
beamline, which was hybrid in the past,
extreme condition experiments. The X-ray
is now fully operational with SPEC
fluorescence beamline D09B:XRF serves
software, which is standard in most
a broad multidisciplinary user community
diffraction beamlines worldwide. The
involved mainly in environmental sciences,
detection system of this beamline has
chemistry and biophysics applications.
also been upgraded by the addition
The WDS detection system used on
of a Pilatus 100 k area detector, also
this beamline was upgraded with the
integrated in SPEC. In 2009, the Pilatus
acquisition of 3 new crystals (Li(220), PET (002) and Ge(220)). The detection system of the D08B:XAF2
detector was initially commissioned for grazing-incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) experiments, and
beamline was expanded with the acquisition of a new multi-element silicon drift detector, which is currently being commissioned. A new XYZ sample stage that can hold loads of up to 100 kg of equipment has been developed for this beamline, and will allow more complex setups for in situ experiments. Still with respect to sample conditioning, this beamline underwent a major upgrade with the acquisition of a top-loading cryostat that can reach temperatures as low as 10k with a rapid sample exchange system (10 min). The D06A:DXAS beamline also received a new sample stage with 4 axes (XYZ and theta), which allows for more stable and precise sample alignment.
X-ray Diffraction This group has three X-ray diffraction beamlines: D10A:XRD2, D10B:XPD and D12A:XRD1 working in collaborative mode, with the usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; proposals distributed among them according the best possible use of the beamlinesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; characteristics,
Figures 3-4. Top: Universal stage XYZ (XAFS2) supporting the new cryostat. Bottom: Superconducting magnet.
Activity Report 2009 | 103
procedure, the beamline had to be shut down for almost two months. A temporary solution was then implemented to put the beamline back into operation, although the installation of the new monochromator was postponed to 2010. A new arm for the Huber diffractometer was installed on the D12A:XRD1, which has improved the stability of the analyzing crystals, slits and detector.
X-ray Scattering Since 2009, LNLS has two small angle scattering beamlines operating for external users, D01B:SAXS and D02A:SAXS2. The main efforts in 2009 were concentrated on completing the reassembly and recommissioning of the SAXS1 beamline. This beamline was reopened for the user community in the second half of 2009 with several improvements, especially in the SAXS/ WAXS detection system, which now Figures 5-6. Top: Sagittal monochromator on XPD. Bottom: Detail of the diffraction arm on XD1.
has a Pilatus 300 k for small-angle and a Pilatus 100 k for wide-angle X-ray scattering (from Dectris, Switzerland).
is slated to become fully operative for
These are state-of-the-art detectors with
diffraction and GISAXS measurements
fast response, wide dynamic range and
in 2010, representing a considerable
no readout noise, which will improve
increment in performance for both types
SAXS/WAXS experiments, especially
of experiments. In addition to these
time resolved experiments. A new set
improvements, a new air-conditioning
of slits with scatterless blades has been
system installed on the experimental hutch
acquired from XENOCS (France) for use
has improved the thermal stability of the
as guard slits. This will reduce parasitic
experimental stations. Most of the work on
scattering considerably at small angles.
the D10B:XPD beamline was concentrated
The optics of the beamline is still the
on the installation and commissioning of
side bounce crystal from the original
a new sagittal monochromator with an
project, but a new multilayer mirror has
ESRF type bending system. However,
been designed and will be installed in
due to technical problems during this
104 | Activity Report 2009
Facility Report
Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Spectroscopies This group is responsible for three beamlines, two in the UV range (D05A:TGM and D08A:SGM) and one in the soft X-ray range (D04A:SXS). It is also responsible for the construction of the first undulator beamline at LNLS, the U11A:PGM beamline, which will provide a highly brilliant photon flux in the energy range of 100 to 1000 eV. Complete refurbishing of the D04A:SXS beamline was concluded in 2009. This beamline, which fills the spectral gap from 1 to 6 KeV, between the UV and the X-ray beamlines, with techniques such as photoemission and time-of-flight spectroscopies, will be reopened in early 2010 for external users. Among the UV beamlines, the D05A:TGM also received a 3 m extension to allow for the use of samples that require a wider beam spot of up to 8 mm. Some of the optical elements of the D08A:SGM beamline were refurbished, and the mirror for toroidal refocusing, which was contaminated with Carbon, was sent back to Zeiss in Germany for polishing and cleaning.
Figures 7-8. SAXS/WAXS detection system on SAXS1.
Activity Report 2009 | 105
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
HRTEM phase reconstructed image from a Buried CoSi2:Si(001) hexagonal nanoplatelet.
The small world can also produce big science. Nanotechnology and biotechnology has a potential to change the way we do science and also how we live our lives. But to do this it is necessary to "see and feel" in nanoscale. Therefore, sophisticated microscopy techniques such as electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy are essential in any high technology effort. In this aspect, the LNLS's microscopy laboratory is a unique place that open its facilities to users nationwide and abroad. It offers an excellent opportunity to access world class tools, along with technical assistance in developing their research. And this kind of interaction has being very successful, as shown by the numbers. The research done by the microscopy laboratory research staff has not only helped to understand the nanoscale phenomena. But it also did develop new instrumentations and methodologies to improve the capabilities of the laboratory. Special attention is devoted to the inâ&#x20AC;&#x2018;situ TEM and SEM experimentation with materials. This has helped to keep up to the edge with other similar institutions around the world.
Facility Report
The electron microscopy facility is located in the Cesar Lattes Nanoscience
physicists, and researchers in nanoscience and nanotechnology at LNLS.
and Nanotechnology Center (C 2Nano),
An overview of the main activities and
where a major part of the nanoscience
new developments in this area during 2009
and nanotechnology activities of the
is presented below.
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory are performed. This electron microscopy open facility complements the research efforts involving synchrotron radiation, physical and chemical synthesis of 2D and 3D nanostructures, advanced microscopy (AFM, and STM), theoretical modeling, manipulation, microfabrication, and scaling from microscale to nanoscale. These combined efforts help to shed light on the unique behavior and properties of nanoscale materials, the development of new materials, precise control over the production of these materials, and most important, the search for useful applications
Electron Microscopy The electron microscopy laboratory did open the doors eleven years ago to all users over Brazil, the Americas and Europe. Since then, it has delivered more than 54,400 hours of electron microscopy for the development of 1367 research proposals executed by 1291 users, which resulted in 390 indexed journal publications, 227 of them published in the last 4 years. In 2009 alone, approximately 5,945 hours of TEM and SEM were delivered to external users involved in 160 research projects, resulting in 58 indexed journal articles. The
for this new generation of materials and
electron microscopy laboratory continues
devices. The LNLS installations operate
to train electron microscopists as a core
as open and multiuser facilities with strong
feature of the nanoscience program at
emphasis on the training of specialized
LNLS. Several programs are in place for
human resources. In addition, the internal
theoretical and practical training, including
technical and research team focus on the
specialized graduate level courses offered
development of new methodologies and
at nearby universities (UNICAMP and USP).
dedicated instrumentation, which are linked
These are also available free at the LNLS
to world–class research both in–house and
website. In addition, a 3–week summer
by outside users.
course is offered every other year to give
Among the open facilities employed in the
the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive
nanoscience and nanotechnology program
theoretical education and practical training
are the X–ray scattering/diffraction/absorption
in electron microscopy to users living far
beamlines, the electron microscopy laboratory,
away from the LNLS.
the scanning probe microscopy laboratory,
The transfer of all the electron microscopes
and the thin films and microfabrication
to the new C2Nano building was completed
laboratory. In addition, a set of installations
in 2009. Therefore, except for a few specific
dedicated to in–house research into the
TEM sample preparation systems (cryo-
chemical synthesis of nanostructures and
ultramicrotome and evaporators), all the
catalysis are part of the strenuous efforts
LME equipment planned for transfer to this
of a small group of technicians, engineers,
new building has already been moved. The
Activity Report 2009 | 107
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
remote operation room to operate some
and chemical aspects of micro– and
of the TEMs was set up and is now fully
nanostructured materials.
A 30 KeV SEM–LV (3.0 nm resolution)
The laboratory currently has five
coupled to an EDS spectrometer, EBSD,
microscopes, as well as the sample preparation
and stages for in situ experimentation
and data analysis tools, described below:
dedicated to the study of morphological,
A 200 KeV TEM–STEM–FEG (1.9 Å point
crystallographic and chemical properties
resolution) coupled to STEM BF–DF and
of microstructured materials, including
HAADF detectors, a TV–rate CCD camera,
advanced in situ experiments involving
a large–collection angle energy–dispersive
heating and deformation.
X–ray spectrometer (EDS), and an electron
A complete TEM sample preparation
energy loss spectrometer (EELS) capable of
facility equipped to work with a wide range
energy–filtered imaging using a 4 megapixel
of bulk and nanostructured materials,
CCD camera. This instrument is dedicated
including ceramics, metals, semiconductors,
to the study of crystallographic, chemical,
and polymers.
and electronic properties of functional
The new SEM sample preparation
nanostructured materials. After extensive
laboratory was equipped using funds
testing, the need to replace the Schottky
provided by Petrobras and FAPESP, through
emission gun of this microscope was identified
industrial research and individual research
in February 2009. The new emission gun
projects overseen by an LME researcher.
was installed and the microscope is currently
The LME’s web page was completely
under testing for certification(2010).
revised and updated to include detailed
A 200 KeV TEM–STEM–MSC (2.5 Å
information about the equipment and the
point resolution) coupled to a TV–rate CCD
possible science and analysis that can be
camera, 1 megapixel CCD camera, and a
performed using it. In addition, more than
EDS spectrometer dedicated to the study
50 technical operation and maintenance
of crystallographic and chemical properties
manuals were prepared and are now available
of nanostructured functional and structural
to LNLS staff and the user community.
materials. In the future, it will also be used in the development of in situ experiments.
Several improvements and developments were introduced in 2009, including:
A 300 KeV TEM–HR (1.7 Å point resolution,
1. Development of the second prototype
1.2 Å information limit) coupled to a TV–rate
of the heating stage for the LV–SEM;
CCD camera, 1 megapixel CCD camera, and
2. Opening of the new SEM sample
a EDS spectrometer, dedicated to the study of crystallographic and chemical aspects of nanostructured materials, particularly metals.
preparation laboratory; 3. Upgrade of the SEM–LV control hardware to extend its service life. As can be seen, LME–LNLS continues
A 30 KeV SEM–FEG (1.5 nm resolution)
to consolidate its position as a word–class
coupled to a EDS spectrometer and plasma–
electron microscopy facility, concentrating
based anti–contaminator dedicated to the
major efforts on human resources education
study of morphological, crystallographic
and training while simultaneously keeping
108 | Activity Report 2009
Facility Report
up its internationally competitive scientific
main chamber. The load–lock (LL) chamber
production. However, to remain on this
is now equipped to provide Ar plasma
successful path requires the continual
treatment of all samples and tips brought
modernization of its facilities and the
into the main chamber.
expansion of its technical and scientific
Additionally, with a base pressure of 10–7
staff. Therefore, three researcher have
Torr or higher, the LL chamber also has a
been hired and the search for new talents
Ar bombardment system, a gas manifold
continues. In addition, several projects/
for O2 and N2 plasmas, and a lamp heating
proposals have been prepared and submitted
system. The main chamber currently has Ge,
to funding agencies and to private and
Hf and Ag e–beam evaporation sources, all
government organizations to raise much
developed at LNLS. The current experiments
needed funds to modernize the scanning
range from reactive deposition of Hf on Si
electron microscopes and the sample
to surface science of metals. The scanning
preparation facilities through the acquisition
probe facility also offers two AFM systems
of state–of–the–art ion milling systems.
(Veeco DI Ns3a, and a NTMDT Solver Pro) for a variety of experiments, including MFM,
Scanning Probe Microscopy
EFM, etc.
Scientific collaboration between the scanning probe microscopy laboratory and the X–ray diffraction and electron microscopy groups at LNLS was consolidated in 2009 and new collaborations were initiated with the LNBio and CTBE. Thanks to the success of the Brazilian scanning probe microscopy network, it was renewed and its scientific leadership was taken over by Prof. Ado Jório from UFMG. Relevant instrumentation upgrades and developments were carried out, and activities relating to the nanoindentation and liquid measurements and the remote SPM and STM operation were set in motion. In addition, a new facility for the laboratory has been planned in the C2Nano building, which includes separate rooms for the two AFM and the STM microscopes, protected by 3.5 ton inertial blocks to improve the systems’ mechanical stability. The UHV–STM is open for users. Currently, the base pressure is in its mid 10–11 Torr, thanks to a 400 l/s ion pump and a non–evaporable getter pump in the
Figure 1.
A 3 0 0 ke V T E M - H R : d e d i c a t e d to t h e s t u d y o f cristrallographic and chemical aspects of nanoestrutures material.
Activity Report 2009 | 109
Industrial Research Activities
Premium screens: used for controlling sand during petroleum extraction.
In 2009, LNLSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s industrial program focused on the continuity or conclusion of ongoing projects and partnerships, while the directions of the program have been under review to align its goals to the new operational structure of LNLS. In this scenario, the main highlight was the first technology transfer agreement for exploration of Premium screens signed between LNLS and Adest Ltd as the result of a joint project concluded in late 2009. Among new initiatives, the highlight was a pilot project signed with Petrobras to evaluate the existing technologies and establish the requirements for remote operation of LNLS facilities as Labwebs. The most relevant results are described here.
Facility Report
The first technology transfer agreement
use of synchrotron radiation attractive
between LNLS and Adest Ltd was signed
today not only for material scientists
on October 21, 2009. This agreement is
and engineers but also for the industrial
the result of a joint project initiated in 2007
community. In fact, the combination of a
for the development of the capability to
synchrotron light source and an electron
manufacture Premium screens, which
microscopy laboratory makes the LNLS
are used for controlling sand during
a special place for this type of research.
petroleum extraction (Figure 1). The project
Joint projects were initiated in 2008 with
was funded by FINEP (CTPetro), Adest
Petrobras through the TMEC Network,
Ltd, FAPESP and LNLS. If the product is
targeting advanced structural materials,
approved in the final tests and becomes
joining and characterization. In 2009, two
available commercially, LNLS will receive
Gleeble thermomechanical simulators were
royalties for the next 5 years, which will
designed and purchased and are expected
be reinvested in R&D.
to arrive in 2010. One of these simulators is a customized machine to be installed on
Labâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;web: A Pilot Project for Remote Operation of Beamlines at LNLS This pilot project funded by Petrobras
the diffraction beamline XRD1 at LNLS for in situ studies, which is expected to raise research in materials engineering at LNLS to a new level (Figure 2). This physical simulator comprises a 44 kN hydraulic
through its Nanotechnology Network aims
uniaxial testing machine for tension and
to evaluate existing technologies and
compression. Heating and cooling rates
establish the requirements for implementing
of up to 1,000°C/s can be reached easily,
remote operations of LNLS facilities. Two
with mechanical loads superimposed
beamlines, SAXS1 and XRD1, are involved
if required. It is also capable of cyclic
in this phase. Software and hardware
deformation and/or cyclic temperature.
requirements, as well as connection
Microstructural changes representative
speed and user interface, have been tested. The LNLS team will also look for partnerships with other synchrotrons. The main outcome expected in the next few months is the elaboration of a complete project to implement the remote operation of beamlines starting in 2010.
Advanced Structural Materials Simulation, Joining and Characterization The development of experimental techniques suitable for the characterization of engineering materials renders the
Figure 1.
Premium screen prototype fabricated at LNLS.
Activity Report 2009 | 111
Industrial Research Activities
of those experienced during solid–state phase transformation, oxidation, materials processing (e.g., welding, heat treatment and metal forming), and thermomechanical loads (e.g., uniaxial tensile and compressive deformation, fatigue and creep) will be able to be addressed in the near future. A second project involves friction stir welding (FSW) technology, which is a solid–state joining process with numerous advantages such as good dimensional stability and repeatability. Figure 2.
Thermomechanical simulator customized for synchrotron radiation.
This process should be considered and developed as a key technology in the energy generation industry, especially for advanced construction and repair applications. An extension of this project was signed in 2009. Among the results, different heat inputs were obtained using a fixed travel (welding) speed in combination with several spindle speeds to weld API 5L X80 high strength low alloy steel. The joints presented excellent mechanical properties under several heat input conditions, with elevated CTOD toughness in the heat affected zone (HAZ), making FSW a technically viable technology for
Figure 3.
Heat affected zone of FSW joint, composed of bainitic ferrite and martensite-austenite constituents, a morphology that ensures the joint’s excellent mechanical properties. Scanning electron microscopy (secondary electron signal).
high strength structural steel welding, without compromising the material’s fracture toughness (Figures 3 and 4).
Modified LePera etching.
Research and Development (R&D) 1. Catalysts for Glycerol Hydrogenolysis: Production of Glycols from Biomass Derivatives The conversion of biomass and other renewable sources to higher–valued Figure 4.
Vickers hardness map showing different weld zones in a FSW joint.
112 | Activity Report 2009
chemicals is one of the strategic goals of the 21st century. Glycerol, a major by–product
Facility Report
of biodiesel production, is one of the main examples of low cost, large volume market products that can be used as a starting material for chemical transformation. As part of the partnership between LNLS and OXITENO S/A, a project co–funded by FAPESP was started in late 2008. This project involves the development of selective catalysts for the hydrogenolysis of glycerol to glycols, such as ethylene glycol (EG) and 1,2–propylene glycol (1,2–PG), and studies aimed at shedding light on the physicochemical characteristics that determine their performance. The
Figure 5.
Catalytic unit at LSQ-LNLS.
installation of the infrastructure required for catalytic tests has been concluded,
Ni–Raney catalyst. The next steps involve a
followed by the setup installed at OXITENO
detailed analysis of the gas phase products,
to allow for the routine exchange of
optimization of reaction conditions (closer
information and experience. Figure 5
to industrial requirements), exploration
depicts the catalytic unit installed at
of model reactions, improvement of
LSQ–LNLS. Catalytic tests have already
Ni–W2C catalyst synthesis, and detailed
started, using Ru/C, Ni/C, Ni–W 2C and
Activity Report 2009 | 113
Main Events
New directors: Michal Gartenkraut, Managing Director of the ABTLuS (the 3rd, from left to right); Antonio José Roque da Silva, director of the LNLS (the o 6st), and Kleber Franchini, director of the LNBio (the last one, from left to right); in the picture with the former director José Antonio Brum (1st); the rector of Unicamp, Fernando Costa (2nd ); the Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology, Sergio Machado Rezende (in the center of picture); and the chairman of the board of ABTLuS, Rogério Cezar de Cerqueira Leite.
In 2009, following a decision by the ABTLuS Board, the Center for Structural Molecular Biology (CeBiMe) became an autonomous research center. A new administrative structure was set up, with the three autonomous centers – LNLS, CeBiMe and CTBE (Center for Bioethanol Technologies) – operating under the auspices of the ABTLuS association. This new structure has lead to public events aimed at introducing the new centers to the community, as well as increasing their mutual synergy.
Facility Report
source, then called LNLS-2. The workshop
Established in 1999 at ABTLuS/LNLS,
focused on accelerator development
the Center for Structural Molecular Biology
and preliminary scientific cases and
(CeBiME) became independent of LNLS in
was held on February 10-11, 2009. The
2009. In December, CeBiME was renamed
discussions were attended by about
the National Laboratory for Biosciences
80 registered participants and many
(LNBio), with facilities open to academic
others who stayed on after the RAU.
researchers and individual users.
The main purpose of this event was to start the project officially, involving
Users Meeting and 1st LNLSâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;2 Workshop
the Brazilian scientific community in the long-term project of building a new synchrotron light source in Brazil. The
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light
event was marked by the first public
Laboratory (LNLS) held its 19th Annual
discussion of the accelerator parameters,
Users Meeting (RAU) with 396 participants,
with more detailed specifications of the
including researchers, students and guests.
new machine. The workshop shed light
About 10% of the attendees came from
on a consistent scientific case, foreseeing
other countries. The meeting was held
the future research areas that will be
from February 9-10 on the LNLS campus
consonant with the present and future
in Campinas.
LNLS user community. A summary of
T h e 19 th u s e rs m e et i n g wa s
the workshopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scientific activities was
complemented by the 1 Workshop for
published in the Synchrotron Radiation
discussions on the new synchrotron
News (SRN).
Figure 1. 19th Annual Users Meeting (RAU).
Activity Report 2009 | 115
Main Events
Figure 2. IV Workshop of Structural Molecular Biology at the LNLS.
2 nd LNLS–2 Workshop The 2 LNLS-2 Workshop was attended nd
by 82 registered participants. Among the
should be on writing a scientific program rather than guidelines for instrumentation requirements.
guest speakers were Sakura Pascarelli (ESRF-France), Thomas Earnest (LBNLUSA), Charles Fadley (LBNL-USA), Paul Morin (Soleil-France), Franz Pfeiffer (PSI-Switzerland), Sergey Borisenko (IFW Dresden-Germany), David L. Ederer (Tulane University-USA) and Stefan W. Kycia (University of Guelph-Canada). The Brazilian and Latin American community was represented by talks given by Rogério
IV Workshop of Structural Molecular Biology The 6th LNLS Workshop on Structural Molecular Biology took place on May 28-29. The aim of this workshop was to bring together the protein crystallography community and related groups, disseminate knowledge, enable contacts and collaborations to be
Paniago (Dept. of Physics-UFMG), Sérgio
established, and promote the formation of
Morelhão (Dept. of Physics–USP), José
new crystallography groups in the State
Marcos Sasaki (Dept. of Physics-UFC) and
of São Paulo, in Brazil and in other South
by other attendees who presented their
American countries. The meeting also
proposed experiments to be performed
marked the beginning of discussions on
on the new source LNLS-2 in a poster
the crystallization of membrane proteins.
session. The 30 posters covered several
This topic is considered strategic, since
scientific areas of interest and helped
the South American community lacks
bring together common scientific interests.
groups devoted to the development
There was a strong recommendation from
of new crystallization techniques. The
all the senior scientists present – at that
presence of three experts in protein
point of the discussion – that the emphasis
crystallization enabled the attendees to
116 | Activity Report 2009
Facility Report
update the methodologies used in their
new directors of the Brazilian Synchrotron
Light Laboratory (LNLS) and the National Biosciences Laboratory (LNBio) (formerly
New Directors for the Associated Centers On May 13, engineer Michal Gartenkraut was announced Managing Director of the
the CeBiME), respectively. The ceremony was held on the ABTLuS campus in Campinas and was attended by the Brazilian Minister of Science and
Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light
Technology, Sergio Machado Rezende.
Technology (ABTLuS), inaugurating a new
Physicist Jos茅 Ant么nio Brum, who had
administrative structure for the Association
been heading the laboratory as director
according to its new statute.
of LNLS and acting as managing director
At the same ceremony, physicist Ant么nio
of ABTLuS since 2001, returned to his
Jos茅 Roque da Silva and physician Kleber
teaching and research activities at the
Gomes Franchini were introduced as the
University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
Activity Report 2009 | 117
Facts and Figures
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory is a national multiâ&#x20AC;&#x2018; user facility whose mission is to provide solutions for scientific and technological challenges. In the last few years, the fields of research covered by the laboratory have expanded considerably, as has the number of outside users, requiring ongoing efforts by its team to maintain and improve the figures shown in this report.
Facility Report
The Brazilian Association for Synchrotron
In 2009, 1656 users submitted
Light Technology (ABTLuS) is a non-profit
455 research proposals and used the
organization that operates the LNLS through
13 synchrotron beamlines. From this
a management agreement signed with
ensemble of proposals, 368 were submitted
the Ministry of Science and Technology
by Brazilian researchers and 87 by foreign
(MCT) and the National Council for Scientific
users, mainly from Argentina (64). Another
and Technological Development (CNPq),
160 research proposals were developed
in line with Executive Order 2405 of
at the facilities of the Cesar Lattes Center
November 26, 1997.
for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
In 2009, ABTLuS encompassed the Synchrotron facility (LNLS), the Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory (LNBio) and the Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE). These three centers work in synergy with all the laboratories operated by ABTLuS to advance areas of knowledge that are strategic to Brazil. In 2009, the project of the second Brazilian synchrotron light source advanced considerably. The conditions for conceptual design were discussed and refined, focusing on scientific areas of interest, optimization of projects with impact on radiation brightness and on the quality of radiation sources, and on detailed definitions of the project’s scope and cost. The current source operated from
(C2Nano). In 2009, 274 scientific papers were published in indexed journals, 20 of them with an impact factor greater than 5, the best performance in the last 10 years. The year 2009 ended with ten contracts/agreements with industry, under the coordination of LNLS researchers. The projects were related to the development of catalysis, the characterization of advanced materials for use in petrochemistr y and the development of clean processes for the metallization of optoelectronic devices. The 18 th Summer Program, held in 2009, involved 15 students selected among 296 candidates, who spent 2 months working on scientific and
January to October 2009, 24 hours a
technological programs at the LNLS.
day, Monday through Saturday morning,
The institutional program of scientific
with programmed one-day shutdowns for
initiation for graduate students (PIBIC),
maintenance and machine studies every
developed in partnership with the
two weeks. During 10 months of operation,
National Council for Scientific and
users and researchers used 4060 hours
Technological Development (CNPq),
of beam to conduct experiments on the 13
received 83 subscriptions from which
available beamlines. The source reliability
15 students were selected to work on
index reached 96%, a percentage similar
scientific projects for one year at the
to that of previous years.
Activity Report 2009 | 119
Facts and Figures
120 | Activity Report 2009
Facility Report
Activity Report 2009 | 121
Facts and Figures
Executed proposals (Synchrotron) 466 423 358
2005 Year
122 | Activity Report 2009
Facility Report
Executed proposals (electron microscopy) 161 150
160 143
125 112 96
Activity Report 2009 | 123
Facts and Figures
124 | Activity Report 2009
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
Toroidal Grating Monochromator
Dispersive X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
White beam (previously X-ray Lithography)
Spherical Grating Monochromator
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
Superconducting Wiggler BeamLine
X-ray Fluorescence
X-ray Diffraction
X-ray Powder Diffraction
Image Plate (2D)
Hemispherical Electron Analyzer
CCD or Area Detector
Total Electron Yield
Solid State Detector (with energy resolution)
Activity Report 2009 | 125 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Low Temperature Furnance (up to 300K)
High Temperature Furnance (up to 1000K)
Sample Environment
Magnetic field (up to 1T)
N 2 Cryojet
Low Pressure Cell (up to 1.2Gpa)
High Pressure Cell (up to 10Gpa)
Single crystal diffraction, Multiple Beam Diffraction
Focusing Double crystal 5-15 keV
Eletrochemichal Cell
Microfocus (Capillary)
Surface and Interfaces. Atomic and Molecular Physics, X-ray Magnetic Dichroism
Planar Grating 100-1200 eV
Thermal Bath
Power Diffraction Studies in Materials Science
Magnetic Scattering, Grazing Incidence, Nanostructures
Materials Science
Materials Science, thin films and diluted systems
Surface and Interfaces. Atomic and Molecular Physics
Focusing Double crystal 5-15 keV Focusing Double crystal 5-15 keV
Sample Enviroment
Protein Radiolysis. Desorption measurements
Materials Science, In-situ Studies, Magnetic Dichroism
Surface, Atomic and Molecular Physics; Time-of-Flight
Materials Science, thin films and diluted systems
Photoabsorption and photoemission spectroscopy
Structural Molecular Biology
Glasses and Nanocrystals, Polymers and Molecular Biology
Glasses and Nanocrystals, Polymers and Molecular Biology
Environment and Geochemistry, Biophysics and Agriculture
Applications Structural Molecular Biology using MAD technique
White beam or double crystal 5-25 keV
Focusing Double crystal 4-17 keV
One single-bent crystal 5-12 keV
Toroidal Grating 12-300 eV
Channel cut 3-25 keV
Double crystal 1500-5500 eV
One single-bent crystal 6-12 keV
One single-bent crystal 6-12 keV
One single-bent crystal 6-12 keV
Linear Detector (1D)
X-ray Diffraction
Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
Macromolecular Crystallography
High Resolution VUV Spectroscopy
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
Spherical Grating 100-1200 eV
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
Filtered white beam 5-20 keV
Focusing Double crystal 5-15 keV
Macromolecular Crystallography
Facility Report
Scientific Reports in www.lnls.br 1)Biology Effects of Addition of a Palmitic Sucrose Ester on Low-trans-Fat Blends Crystallization in Bulk and in Oil-in-Water Emulsions Huck Iriart Cristian, Candal, R. J., and M. L. Herrera Standardization of NMR experiments and Statistical Analysis for Metabolomic studies of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Melo, C. P. S., Brandalise, S. R., Yunes, J. A., and Zeri, A. C. Development and In Vitro Evaluation of Surfactant Systems for Controlled Release of Zidovudine Carvalho, F. C., Sarmento, V. H. V., Chiavacci, L. A., Barbi, M. S., and Gremião, M. P. D. Elemental concentration analysis in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia tissue cultures by SR-TXRF Leitão, R. G., Palumbo, A. J., Correia, R. C., Souza, P. A. V. R, Canellas, C. G. L., Anjos, M. J., Nasciutti, L. E., and Lopes, R. T. Potential Effects of Some Functional Food in Ovine Breeding: Analysis of Nutrition-Relevant Trace Elements in Sheep Serum by TXRF Mota, C. L., Barroso, R. C., Cardoso, S.C., Lorella, Stefanon, B., Sgorlon, S., Scaini, C., Braz, D., and Moreira, S. A XAS study on Ti doped low silica calcium aluminosilicate glasses Sampaio, J. A., Filadelpho, M. C., dos Santos, D. R., Medina, A. N., Rohling, J. H., and Baesso, M. L. In situ time-resolved XANES study of Ni/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst promoted with Pd Profeti, L. P. R., Assaf, E. M., and Ticianelli, E. A.
3D Images by XRFCT at LNLS- Brazil Pereira, G. R., Rocha, H. S., Calza, C., Anjos, M. J., LIMA, I., Pérez, C. A., and Lopes, R. T. Evidence of differences in bioaccumulation of hexavalent chromium between fronds and roots of Lemna minor Boeykens, S., Carignano, Laura A., Caracciolo, N. and Vázquez, C.
2) Chemistry Assessment of the electronic structure changes of PEMFC electrocatalysts after accelerated degradation procedure Fernandes, A. C., Lopes, P. P. and Ticianelli, E. A. XAS investigations of the effect of temperature and chemical environment in the electronic properties of Pt/C electrocatalyst Lopes, P. P., Freitas, K. S., Flávio, R. N. and Ticianelli, E. A. Mapping of calcium, iron and zinc in protein spots in Nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) liver tissue by SRXRF Lima, M. P., Neves, R. C. F., Pérez, C. A., Arruda, M. A. Z., Moraes, P. M., Barbosa, H. B., Santos, F. A. and Padilha, P. M. Application of NMR to study the mechanisms of antitumor action of goniothalamin Macedo Jr., F. C., Ruiz, A., de Fatima, A., Scarminio, I. S., Carvalho, J. E., Mantovani, M. S., and Semprebon, S. C. Scanning of citrus leaves to evaluate stages of citrus greening disease using micro synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence in association with chemometric tools Pereira, F. M. V. and Milori, D. M. B. P.
SAXS characterization of liquid crystals formed by nonylphenol ethoxylated surfactant with different sizes of ethoxylated chains.
XAS study on the gold particle size of Au catalysts
Campos, D. D. P., Lopes, J. H., Silveira, J. R., Carvalho, T. R., and Bertran, C. A.
Ethanol oxidation on Pt nanoparticles supported on carbon-TiO2 composites
126 | Activity Report 2009
Alvarez, M. and Campo, B. C.
Perez, J., Pires, F. I. and Villullas, H. M.
SAXS Study of SBA and Organofunctionalized and CMK Structures
Influence of hexafluoro-2-propanol or acetic acid solvents in the formation of peptide nanostructures
Almeida, R. K. S. and Airoldi. C.
Liberato, M. S., Takahashi, P. M., and Alves, W. A.
Structural characterization of systems formed by polymers and surfactants Percebom, A. M., Alves, F. R., Catini, D. R. and Loh, W. Carbon-supported PtSn and PtSnNi catalysts for ethanol oxidation Bonesi, A. R., Thomas, J., Gentil, R., Godoi, D. R. M., Castro Luna A. M. and Villullas, H. M. Correlating electronic properties of Pt-Fe/C catalysts with activity for oxygen reduction Malheiro, A. R., Gentil, R., Pires, F. I., Perez, J. and Villullas, H. M. Room and Low Temperature Structures for T[Ni(CN)4].2pyz with T = Fe, Co, Ni and pyz = pyrazine Lemus-Santana, A., Rodriguez‑Hernandez, J., Avila, M. and Reguera E. Analysis of time-resolved energy dispersive x-ray absorption spectroscopy data for the study electrocatalyst modification with temperature Colmati, F. Surface modification study of polysulfone films by UV-assisted treatments in the presence of reactive gases using FTIR-ATR, XPS and NEXAFS. Kessler, F., Kuhn, S., and Weibel, D. E. or Weibel, D. Electronic effects on ethanol oxidation on Pt-Sn/C catalysts Godoi, D. R. M., Perez, J., and Villullas, H. M. Ionic fragmentation of selenium oxychloride under VUV irradiation Geronés, Mariana, Rodriguez Pirani, Lucas, Erben, Mauricio F., Cavasso Filho, R. L., Romano, Rosana M., and Della Védova, Carlos O.
Dissociative Photoionization of FC(O) SCH2CH3 following valence and sulfur 2p excitation Rodriguez Pirani, Lucas, Erben, Mauricio F., Geronés, Mariana, Romano, Rosana M., Cavasso Filho, R. L. and Della Védova, Carlos O. Characterization of carbon supported Pt-Ru nanoparticles prepared by a polyol method Godoi, D. R. M. and Villullas, H. M. Effect of water and salts in the phase separation of isolated natural membranes Oliveira, R. G., Del Boca, M., Gaggiotti M. C. and Borioli, G. A. Study of the conformation of hydrophobically associating polyacrylamide and its polyelectrolyte derivatives through small angle X-ray scattering Maia, A. M. S., Vidal, R. R. L., Garcia, R. B., Borsali, R. and Villetti, M. A. Preparation of Superhydrophobic surfaces using nano/micro texturization combined with surface chemical functionalization Michels, A. F., Feil, A. F., Amaral L., Teixeira, S. R., Horowitz, F. and Weibel, D. E. or Weibel, D. Chemical environment determination using resonant Raman scattering spectroscopy Leani, J. J., Sánchez, H. J., Valentinuzzi, M. C. and Pérez, C. A. Metallocene Supported on SilicaMagnesia Xerogels for Ethylene Polimerization: Effect of Fractal Structure on the Catalyst Activity Brambilla, R., Silveira, N. P. and Dos Santos, J. H. Z.
Morphology Control of Peptide Nanostructure in Solid-Phase Growth
X-ray photodesorption from methanol ice
Amaral, H. R., Kogikoski Jr., S., Takahashi, P. M. and Alves, W. A.
Andrade, D. P. P., Boechat-Roberty, H. M. and Rocco, M. L. M.
Activity Report 2009 | 127
Growth of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays with Simultaneous Au Nanoparticles Impregnation: Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production
Evidence of differences in bioaccumulation of hexavalent chromium between fronds and roots of Lemna minor
Feil, A. F., Migowski, P., Pezzi, R., Machado, G., Amaral L., Teixeira, S. R., Weibel, D. E. or Weibel, D., and Dupont J.
Boeykens, S., Carignano, L., Caracciolo, N. and Vázquez, C.
Photoresists Comparative Analysis using soft X-ray Synchrotron Radiation and Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Pinho, R. R., Lima, C. R. A. and Rocco, M. L. M.
3) Environment and Geoscience EXAFS study of Cu and Zn in soils contaminated by pig slurry Santanna, M. A., Girotto, E., Schenato, R. B.,
Rheinheimer, D. S., Alves, M. C. M. and de Andrade, A. M. H. Selective structural modification of photoactive organic thin films using a combination of monochromatic synchrotron radiation (SR) and oxygen atmosphere exposure Weibel, D. E. or Weibel, D. and Rodembusch, F. S. XAFS studies of the arsenate adsorption onto substituted goethites Tufo, A. E., Hein, L., Rueda, E. H., and Sileo, E. E.
4) Materials Science XAFS study of Zn0:7Co0:3O powders prepared by ball milling Mudarra Navarro, A. M. Spontaneous Adsorption Of ThiolCapped Gold Nanoparticles On Carbon Ramallo-López, J. M., Giovanetti, L. J., Requejo, F. G., Grumelli, D., Salvarezza R. C., Benitez, G., Vela, M. E. and Vericat, C. Nature of the High Hydrogen Storage Capacity for Copper in Prussian Blue Analogues Reguera, E., Rodriguez-Hernandez, J., Jimenez, J. A. and Yee-Madeira, H. Structure of gels produced from sodium caseinate Huck Iriart Cristian, Alvarez Cerimedo Maria S., Candal, R. J. and M. L. Herrera Influence of polyelectrolite layers over phosphatidylcholine liposomes Silveira, N. P., Lionzo, M. I. Z. and Micheletto, Y. M. S.
Evidences of the mechanism for As(III) immobilization on gibbsite by combining EXAFS and theoretical calculation
TiO2 Nanotubes with CdTe Quantum Dots Adsorbed by Electrophoresis Method Acuña, L. M., Muñoz, F. F., Lamas, D. G., Fantini, M. C. A. and Fuentes, R. O.
Duarte, G., Ciminelli, V. S. T., Dantas, M. S. S., Vasconcelos, I. F., Asare, K. O., Duarte, H. A. and Oliveira, A. F.
Determination of the thickness and crystalline structure of TiO2 coatings made by anodic oxidation of Ti-6Al-4V
Effect of As exposure on element concentration in Argentinian toad (Chaunus arenarum) during development by SR-TXRF
Vera, M. L., Alterach, M.A., Rosenberger, M. R., Lamas, D. G., Schvezov, C. E. and Ares, A.E.
Mardirosian M. N., Pérez, R.D., Pérez, C. A., Venturino, A. and Bongiovanni, G. A. Zinc Mapping in Prostate Tissue Using Synchrotron X-ray Microfluorescence Leitão, R. G., Correia, R. C., Palumbo, A. J., Souza, P. A. V. R., Canellas, C. G. L., Pereira, G. R., Anjos, M. J., Nasciutti, L. E. and Lopes, R. T.
128 | Activity Report 2009
Study of a i-PP/EPDM/organoclay nanocomposite deformed Thompson, A., Crespo, S. J., Samios, D., Bianchi, O., Teixeira, S. R. and Machado, G. Preparation of silver nanoparticles confined in SBA-15 channels Da Costa, L. P., Maroneze, C. M., Sigoli, F. A., Gushikem, Y. and Mazali, I. O.
Microstructure Characterization of β-Si3N4-based Cutting Tool Material Pereira, A. A. and Boehs, L. Nanoparticulas metálicas e ponto quânticos obtidos por síntese assistida de macrociclos do tipo cucurbiturila Dos Santos, E. M. S. and Demets G. J. F.
Controlling the growth of zirconia needles precursor from a liquid crystal template Freitas, F. G., Sarmento, V. H. V., Santilli, C. V. and Pulcinelli, S. H. Development of Diffusion Bonding Joints Between Oxygen Free Copper and AISI 316l Stainless Steel for Accelerator Components
Materials for Hydrogen Storage: Cation Mobility in Zeolite-Like Zinc Hexacyanometallates
Bagnato, O. R., Francisco, F. R., Freitas, D. V., Alonso, T. C. and Manoel, F. E.
Avila, M., Rodriguez-Hernandez, J. and E. Reguera
Microstructural characterization of Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates for use in catalysis
Nanoparticulas metálicas e ponto quânticos obtidos por síntese assistida de macrociclos do tipo cucurbiturila Dos Santos, E. M. S. and Demets, G. J. F. Study of atomization of a suspension of carbon nanotubes in solvents
Pimentel, P. M., Oliveira, R. M. P. B., Oliveira, F. S., Melo, D. M. A. and Melo, M. A. F. Study of Copper Hardened Composites with Nanoparticles of Alumina
Balachova, O. V.
Barros, R. M., Francisco, F. R., Bagnato, O. R. and Santana, E. C. A.
Wear characteristics of β-Si3N4-based cutting tool
Friction stir welding of UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel
Pereira, A. A. and Boehs, L. Size-controllable synthesis and characterization by HR-TEM of functional nanoparticles of TiO2, MoO3, and WO Santos, E. B. and Mazali, I. O. Determination of the thickness and crystalline structure of TiO2 coatings made by sol-gel dip-coating on Ti6Al-4 Alterach, M. A., Vera, M. L., Rosenberger, M. R., Lamas, D. G., Schvezov, C. E. and Ares, A. E. Small-angle X-ray Scattering Studies In Sterically Stabilized Ph-Responsive Polystyrene Colloidal Particles Peruzzo, P. J., Anbinder, P. S., Plivelic, T. S. and Amalvy, J. I. Characterization of high molar mass silicone rubbers reinforced with clay masterbatches by small-angle/wideangle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) Andrade, M. L. Q. A. and Yoshida, I. V. P. An EXAFS study on Nd doped low silica calcium aluminosilicate glasses Sampaio, J. A., Peixoto, S. M. B., dos Santos, D. R., Filadelpho, M. C., Medina, A. N. and Baesso, M. L.
Santos, T. F. A., Queiroz, R. R. M., Marinho, R. R., Piza, M. and Ramirez, A. J. Nature of the Low Stability of Prussian Blue Analogues - Based Molecular Magnets on Aging or Heating Reguera, E., Rodriguez-Hernandez, J., Avila, M. and Hernández, O. Low Temperature Structural Transition in T[Ni(CN)4].pyz with T = Co, Ni and pyz = Pyrazine Reguera, E., Rodriguez-Hernandez, J., Lemus-Santana, A. and Avila, M. Copper in Spherical Mesoporous Silicates: Cu K XAS study Andrini, L., Chanquía, C. M., Eimer, G. A. and Requejo, F. G. Materials for Hydrogen Storage: Behaviour of Transition Metals Nitroprussides on the Crystal. Water Removal and Under Cryogenic Conditions Reguera, E., Rodriguez-Hernandez, J., and Avila, M. Controlling the growth of zirconia needles precursor from a liquid crystal template Freitas, F. G., Sarmento, V. H. V., Santilli, C. V. and Pulcinelli, S. H.
Activity Report 2009 | 129
Porous Solids for Hydrogen Storage: Ti(3+) Hexacyanometallates (II) Avila, M., Hernández, O., Roque, J. and Reguera, E. Influence of different additives in the internal structure of monoolein: water dispersions Carollo, A. R. H., Fantini, M. C. A. and Bentley, M. V. L. B. Syntesis of DNA nucleobase from simulation of extraterrestrial environment Pilling, S., Andrade, D. P. P., Neto, A. C., Rittner, R. and Naves de Brito, A. Effect of the montmorillonite intercalant on the nanoscopic structure of epoxy-based nanocomposite Soares, B. G., Silva, A. A. and Dahmouche, K. Nature of the High Hydrogen Storage Capacity for Copper in Prussian Blue Analogues SAXS Study of the Structure and kinetics of aggregation of VTES-derived organic/silica hybrids Vollet, D. R., Donatti, D. A., Ibañez Ruiz, A., Awano, C. M., Vicelli, M. R. and Chiappim Junior, W. Characterization of fluorotic enamel using synchrotron X ray diffraction Gonçalves, M. V. C., Barroso, R. C., Porto, I. M., Gerlach, R. F., Costa, F. N., Braz, D. and Droppa Jr., R. Microstructural Characterization of C-Mn Steel welded by Friction HydroPillar Processing Welding (FHPPW) Benati, D. M., Afonso, C. R. M. and Ramirez, A. J. Fundamental mechanism study of ductility-dip cracking in Ni-Cr-Fe superalloys Unfried S. J. and Ramirez, A. J. Characterization of EVOH/PMMAPh blends by small-angle angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) de Lima, J. A. and Felisberti, M. I. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: optimization of the activation treatment with H2 in a Fe/SBA-15 catalyst Figueroa, S. J. A., Stewart, S. J., Cano, L., Bengoa, J. F., Cagnoli, M. V. and Marchetti, S. G.
130 | Activity Report 2009
The built-up layer characterization Pereira, A. A. and Boehs, L. Morphological characterization of poly(lactic acid)/polyaniline ultrathin electrospun fibers by AFM microscopy Picciani, P. H. S., Medeiros, E. S., Mattoso, L. H. C. and Soares, B. G. Thermal evolution of FePt - iron oxide heterodimer nanocrystals studied by XANES Stewart, S. J., Figueroa, S. J. A. and de la Presa, P. Ionic fragmentation of the CHCl3 molecule following photoexcitation in the vicinity of the Cl 1s edge Lago, A. F., dos Santos, L. C. R., Cavasso Filho, R. L., de Souza, G. G. B. and Santos, A. C. F. An Investigation on the Fractal Structures of Coal-Silica Composites Prepared From Rice Husk Lattuada, R. M., Brambilla, R., Silveira, N. P., Peralba, M. C. R., and Dos Santos, J. H. Z. Characterization of toughened ternary nanocomposites of Poliamide 6, polyepichlorohydrin elastomer and montmorillonite clay by small angle angle X Ray scattering (SAXS) Pinotti, C. A., Gonçalves, M. C., and Felisberti, M. I. Relationships Between Nanostructure and Properties of New Hybrid Proton Conducting Zirconium Oxide-Speek Membranes for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell Kawaguti, C. A., Dahmouche, K. and Gomes, A. S. XAS and structural characterization of the Ca2MnReO6 double perovskite Orlando, M. T. D., Corrêa, H. P. S. and Souza, D. O.
5) Microscopy and Microfabrication The effects of Cu, P and Ga on the microstructure of sintered Pr-Fe-B type magnets Mendes, T.
Fabrication and Characterization of Piezoresistors for Pressure Sensors Applications Fraga, M. A., Massi, M., Maciel, H. S. and Furlan, H. In situ high Temperature Deformation Experiments at the SEM Torres, E. A., Montoro, F. E. and Ramirez, A. J. A Novel Approach for High Resolution Elastic Behavior Assessment of Alloyed Strained Nanostructure Montoro, L. A., Medeiros-Ribeiro, G. and Ramirez, A. J. The use of new plasma reactors in the silicon etching step of microfabrication process Pessoa, R. S., Fraga, M. A., Tezani, L. L., Wakavaiachi, S. M., Maciel, H. S. and Petraconi, G.
6) Physics
High pressure local probe in RNiO3 (R = Nd, Pr) Massa, N. E., Garcia, F. and Alonso, J. A. The High Energy Resolution System of the XRF Beamline Pérez, C. A. and Sánchez, H. J. X-ray powder diffraction study of finegrained ZrO2-Sc2O3 dense ceramics Abdala, P. M., Lamas, D. G., Fantini, M. C. A. and Craievich, A. F. XAFS study of the local structure of Fe atoms in ZnO powders doped with Fe Mudarra Navarro, A. M., Damonte, L. C., Meyer M. and Rodríguez Torres, C. E. Detection of bornite on chalcopyrite electrodes by chronoamperometry and ex situ synchrotron radiation grazing incidence X-ray diffraction Majuste, D., Ciminelli, V. S. T., Magalhaes-Paniago, R., Caldeira, C. L., Leite, A. O. N. and Asare, K. O. Ozone valence band revised
Images by XRFCT at LNLS- Brazil Pereira, G. R., Rocha, H. S., Calza, C., Anjos, M. J., Lima, I., Pérez, C. A. and Lopes, R. T. Crystallization assays of MpNEP2 Dias, S. M., Dias, S. M. G. and Zaparoli, G.
Lopes, E. G. P., Mundim, M. S. P., Marinho, R. R. T., Naves de Brito, A. and Mocellin, A. Electronics, local structure and morphology of Pt3Co and Pt3Co/Au dumbbell nanoparticles investigated by XAFS and SAXS techniques.
Confocal three-dimensional energydispersive micro x-ray diffraction with polycapillary optic
Giovanetti, L. J., Ramallo-López, J. M., Shevchenko, E. V., Craievich, A. F. and Requejo, F. G.
Pérez, R. D., Sánchez, H. J., Sosa, C., Pérez, C. A. and Sbarato, V.
GI-XRF and GI-XANES study of Co doped SnO2 films
Influence of Pd on the structural properties of Ce-based mixed oxides nanotubes
Rodríguez Torres, C. E., Mudarra Navarro, A. M. and Golmar, F.
Muñoz, F. F., Acuña, L. M., Cabezas, M. D., Lamas, D. G., Leyva, A. G., Baker, R. T. and Fuentes, R. O. XAS studies on Pd/Ce-based mixed oxides nanotubes Acuña, L. M., Muñoz, F. F., Lamas, D. G., Fantini, M. C. A. and Fuentes, R. O. (1s,2p1=2) and (1s,2p3=2) resonant Raman scattering processes in Ti Stutz, G., Bianco, L. and Tirao, G. (1s,3p) processes of resonant x–ray Raman scattering in Co Stutz, G. and Tirao, G.
Magnetic coupling between Gd and Pr ions in Gd0:5Pr0:5Al2 compound Carvalho, A. M. G., Garcia, F., de Sousa, V. S. R., von Ranke, P. J., Rocco, D. L., Loula, G. D., E. J., Carvalho Coelho, A. A., da Silva, L. M., and Gandra F. G. Vertical Shifting of the Magnetization in FeMn/NiFe Systems Tafur, M., Nascimento, V. P., Alayo, W. and Baggio-Saitovitch, E. Control of Structural Properties of InP Semiconductor Nanowires Chiaramonte, Th. Tizei, L. H. G., Ugarte, D. and Cotta, M. A.
Activity Report 2009 | 131
7) Structural Molecular Biology Structural characterization of ovorubin-typsin interaction Dreon, M. S., Ituarte, S., Ceolin M. and Heras, H. Crystallization and preliminary structure analysis of mitochondrial Thioredoxin Reductase 2 from Nakamatsu, E. H., Monteiro, G., Discola, K. F., Murakami, M. T. and Netto, L. E. S. Diffraction data from crystals of the Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Citri alkanesulfonate-binding protein after soaking with different alkanesulfonates Balan, A.
Evaluation of Multielements in Human Serum of Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia using SRTXRF Canellas, C. G. L., Leitão, R. G., Santos, R. S., Carvalho, S. M. F., Anjos, M. J. and Lopes, R.T. X-ray crystallographic analysis of glucuronosyltransferase GumK from Xanthomonas campestris in soaking experiments with donor substrate Barreras, M., Salinas, S. R. and Ielpi L. Structural analysis of the sweet orange Hsp90 by SAXS Mendonça, Y. M., Aparicio, R. and Ramos, C. H. I. Small Angle X-ray Scattering Analysis of Recombinant Murine Prion Protein Complexed with an RNA Molecule Gomes, M. P. B., Vieira, T. C. R. G., Silva, J. L. and Cordeiro, Y.
Study of reprogramming of murine stem cells at atomic level
First results of the New Electron Analyzer Scienta R4000: a study of the gas phase amino acid DL-Valine
Cardoso, S. C., Stelling, M. P., Paulsen, B., Barroso, R. C. and Rehen, S.
Miranda, Á., Mocellin, A., Mundim, M. S. P. and Naves de Brito, A.
132 | Activity Report 2009
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A non-profit organization Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light Technology (ABTLuS) operate the Brazilian Syncrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) for the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology.
ABTLuS (Since May, 2009) Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light Technology Director General: Antonio José Brum (january to may, 2009) Michal Gartenkraut (may to december, 2009) LNLS Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Director: Antonio José Roque da Silva LNBio Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory Director: Kleber Gomes Franchini CTBE Bioethanol Science and Technology Center Director: Marco Aurélio Pinheiro Lima
Activity Report 2009: LNLS / Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory - Campinas, SP: Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology / Brazilian Association for Synchrotron Light Technology, 2010. Annual ISSN 1518-0204 1. Synchrotron accelerator. I. LNLS / Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory CDD 539.735
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