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2 > Special Edition - NPE 2015
Expedient Special Issue - Edição Especial
Orlando (USA)
4 Editorial 6
X Ray
Brazil walks to recovery
10 The Plastic in Brazil
Meet the local industry
12 National Schedule
Find out the main fairs in 2015
14 New markets
The plastic chain unites in a project to export
Conceitual Brasil - Jornalismo Total www.revistaplasticosul.com.br Rua (Street) João Abbott, 257 / 404 CEP: 90460-150 - Bairro (District) Petrópolis Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil Phone/Fax: 55 51 3062.4569 Phone: 55 51 3062.7569 plasticosul@conceitualpress.com.br Direction: Sílvia Viale Silva Edition: Melina Gonçalves - DRT/RS nº 12.844 Writing: Brigida Sofia Commercial department: Débora Moreira Graphic Design & Advertising Creation: José Francisco Alves (55 51 9941.5777) Cover: promotional image Special edition of the Plástico Sul magazine, properties of the publishing company Conceitual Brasil, destined to the industries producers of plastic material of 3rd, 2nd and 1st petrochemical generation in the states of the South and Northeast regions in Brazil, opinion forming, public agencies pertinent to the area, representative entities, events, seminaries, congresses, forums, trade shows and the press in general. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not correspond necessarily to those adopted by the South Plastic magazine. The reproduction of subjects published is allowed since is mentioned the source. Print run: 2.000 copies. Member of
16 Comercial Relationship Brazil x USA Partnership advances in 2014 20 NPE 2015 The largest ever
ANATEC - Associação Nacional das Editoras de Publicações Técnicas, Dirigidas e Especializadas Marca Registrada:
22 National Associations Contact Brazilian plastic industry << Special Edition - NPE 2012 < 3
Melina Gonçalves - Edition / Edição melina.goncalves@conceitualpress.com.br
The strength of the Brazilian plastic
onceitual Brasil publishing house produces two important publications: Plástico Sul Magazine, aimed at the South of the country where there is a significant plastics production center, and Plástico Nordeste Magazine, dedicated to the Northeast, an important developing region. Thus, we know all the strength of the Brazilian production chain in plastic manufacturing and, in order to present to the world this industry, we made in a detailed research this special issue. Our main goal is to boost Brazilian plastics industry through better business relationship abroad. To achieve this, you need to learn more about our country and all its potential.
In the following pages, the reader will have the opportunity to learn more about Brazil’s current economic situation, the potential of the southern region, the performance of the national plastic products industry, its trade balance, the fairs held this year in the country and that are directed to this industry and of course the business relationship between Brazil and the United States, that presented an important advance in 2014. We gathered all the relevant information you must know to intensify your relationship with our country in important partnerships that assist the growth of the global plastics industry. Enjoy!
A força do plástico brasileiro A Editora Conceitual Brasil produz duas importantes publicações: a revista Plástico Sul, direcionada à região sul do país onde há um importante polo de produção de plásticos, e a revista Plástico Nordeste, dedicada ao nordeste, uma importante região em desenvolvimento. Desta forma, conhecemos toda a força da cadeia produtiva de plásticos no Brasil e, com o objetivo de apresentar ao mundo esta indústria, fizemos com muita exatidão de detalhes este caderno especial. Nossa principal meta é fomentar a indústria de plásticos brasileira através de um melhor relacionamento comercial com o exterior. Para isso, é preciso conhecer melhor nosso país e toda sua potencialidade.
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Nas próximas páginas, o leitor terá a oportunidade de saber mais sobre a atual situação econômica brasileira, o potencial da região sul do país, o desempenho da indústria de produção de plásticos nacional, a sua balança comercial , as feiras que acontecem este ano no país e que são direcionadas a esta indústria e, claro, a relação comercial entre Brasil e Estados Unidos, que de 2013 para 2014 apresentou um importante avanço. Unimos todas as informações que julgamos relevantes para que você intensifique sua relação com nosso país através de importantes parcerias que auxiliem no crescimento do setor plástico mundial. Boa leitura!
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X Ray
Brazil, on the road to recovery
razil has already lived better days in recent years. That no one can deny. The country is going through a time of political and economic changes to go back to a panorama that put it in a world prominent position not long ago, with a scenario of middle-class growth, income distribution, minimum wage appreciation, high employment rate and growth of the Gross Domestic Product in the levels of China, as occurred in 2010. After a fierce electoral battle in the second half of 2014, President Dilma Rousseff was elected for a second term. The narrow victory was the first of a series of other challenges, such as protests and inflation, a sensitive issue in Brazil, who faced serious inflation between 1980 and 1990. The country had been strongly benefiting from the good period of commodities in recent years and now needs to seek new ways to grow. In order to change the route of its economic policy, which had not pleasing entrepreneurs, Rousseff announced the replacement of the Minister of Finance still last year, with Guido Mantega leaving and Joaquim Levy taking office. The idea is to cut spending, but the first actions of the year were more as to arrange the collection. Analysts point out that the tax reform should be a priority. The estimates for the Gross Domestic Product in 2014 are close to zero. The year was an expectation due to the result of the presidential election, which left many entrepreneurs cautious to advance investments. There was also an impact on industrial production and sales due to the
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hosting of the World Cup in Brazil, which attracted the attention of everyone and was not enough to avoid the disastrous 7x1. The year of 2015 already begins with challenges such as the expectation of economic recovery and at the same time also a water crisis in the Southeast, increased gasoline and energy prices and an investigation of irregularities at Petrobrás.
In the sector - The Brazilian processed plastics sector closed 2014 with a decrease of 3.5% in physical production, a rate that followed the poor performance of the Brazilian industrial production as a whole. In the weak economic environment observed in 2014, the apparent consumption of processed plastics fell 2.5%, totaling 6.7 million tons of processed plastic demanded by the market. “We see an increase of 5% in the volume of processed imports, while exports had a decrease of 4.2% (in physical volume). We closed with a new record deficit in the balance of trade of processed plastics that now totals USD 2.5 billion, “says the president of ABIPLAST - Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Plástico (Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry).
A great country of great opportunities
Despite the cautious scenario, which can lead to more wary investors, one cannot ignore that Brazil offers great opportunities. Those who seek short-term results may have attention drawn to other countries, but those who seek solid investment know that growth happens in cycles and low cycle does not mean that the project is lost.
With a vast territory and a population at around 200 million, various business models progress in Brazil. Many Brazilians are young and those advancing in age are also investment targets, in areas such as tourism and the aesthetics and beauty markets. As the years pass, while longer time is spent in social and work life, this leads people to seek a renewed appearance, say the entrepreneurs involved in the industry. For those coming from the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest economy, it may not be easy to see the opportunities of a country in transition, because much of what the United States and Europe have experienced in the past decades is what Brazil goes through today. Social changes such as more women in the job market, boosting business in areas such as food outside the home, ready and pre-made food and other services that were once domestic. In addition, of course, to clothes and everything that involves the appearance. A wellknown shirts business has consolidated its brand designing shirts with strong feminine appeal, targeting this audience. The progress of individual packages in supermarkets as well as of those that bring fractionated foods such as vegetables, fruits,
seeds and drinks is increasingly visible. In such cases, the plastic container is almost ubiquitous. At the same time, there are still paths to be explored, such as the bottles, because in some areas there is still the habit of consuming beverages in nature, which should not resist long due to the current changes. The urbanization of cities, which altered the Brazilian scene in recent decades, creates opportunities. At the same time, the improvement of income from measures in the 1990s and 2000s caused many people to have access to goods besides food. These are clothes, cars, travel, and education - including English courses, exchange programs, private primary and higher education, items consumed with products of its support markets. Airplane travel was a luxury not many years ago in Brazil. Even immense distances of a continental country were traveled by bus. After accessing this new way of life, Brazilians will hardly accept regress.
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Raio X
Brasil já viveu dias melhores em anos recentes. Isso ninguém pode negar. O país passa por um momento de alterações políticas e econômicas para reaver um panorama que o colocou em evidência no mundo não faz muito, com um cenário de aumento de classe média, distribuição de renda, valorização do salário mínimo, emprego farto e crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto em patamares chineses, como ocorreu em 2010. Depois de uma disputa eleitoral acirrada no segundo semestre de 2014, a presidente Dilma Rousseff conquistou um segundo mandato. A vitória apertada se apresentou na sequência de outros desafios, como protestos e inflação, uma questão delicada no Brasil, que enfrentou uma grave inflação entre a década de 1980 e 1990. O país vinha se beneficiando fortemente do bom momento das commodities nos últimos anos e agora precisa buscar novos caminhos para crescer. Para alterar a rota de sua política econômica, que não vinha agradando os empresários, Dilma anunciou a troca do ministro da Fazenda ainda no ano passado, com a saída de Guido Mantega e a entrada de Joaquim Levy. A ideia é cortar gastos, mas as primeiras ações do ano foram mais no sentido de arrumar a arrecadação. Analistas apontam que a reforma tributária deve ser prioridade. As estimativas para o Produto Interno Bruto de 2014 são próximas de zero. O ano foi de expectativa pelo resultado das eleições presidenciais, o que deixou muitos empresários cautelosos para avançar em investimentos. Também houve impacto na produção industrial e vendas em função da realização da Copa do Mundo no Brasil, que atraiu a atenção de todos, o que não foi suficiente para evitar o desastre 7x1. Já o ano de 2015, começa com desafios como a expectativa pela retomada da economia, ao mesmo tempo em que é preciso lidar com uma crise hídrica no Sudeste, aumento da gasolina e da energia e uma investigação de irregularidades na Petrobrás.
No setor - O setor de transformados plásticos brasileiro encerrou 2014 com uma queda em sua produção física de 3,5%, índice que acompanhou o fraco desempenho da produção industrial brasileira como um todo. No fraco cenário econômico observado em 2014, o consumo aparente de transformados plásticos caiu 2,5, totalizando 6,7 milhões de toneladas de transformados plásticos demandadas pelo mercado. “Observamos a evolução de 5% no volume de importações de transformados, enquanto as exportações tiveram uma retração de 4,2% (em volume físico). Fechamos com novo recorde de déficit na balança comercial brasileira de transformados plásticos que já totaliza US$2,5 bilhões”, afirma o presidente da ABIPLAST –Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Plástico.
Um país grande e de grandes oportunidades
Apesar de um cenário de cautela, que pode deixar os investidores mais receosos, não se pode ignorar que o Brasil oferece grandes oportunidades. Aqueles que buscam resultados a curto prazo podem ter a atenção puxada para outros países, mas 8 > Special Edition - NPE 2015
Brasil, no caminho da retomada os que buscam investimentos sólidos sabem que o crescimento acontece em ciclos e uma baixa não quer dizer que o projeto esteja perdido. Com um imenso território e uma população na casa dos 200 milhões, vários modelos de negócios progridem no Brasil. Grande parte dos brasileiros é jovem e a parcela que avança em idade também é alvo de investimentos, como turismo e mercados de estética e beleza. O passar dos anos, ao mesmo tempo em que se permanece mais tempo em vida social e de trabalho, leva às pessoas a buscarem uma aparência renovada, apontam empresários que atuam no setor. Para quem vem da maior economia do mundo talvez não seja fácil ver as oportunidades de um país em transição, pois muito do que os Estados Unidos e Europa vivenciaram em décadas passadas para o Brasil é o dia de hoje. As mudanças sociais, como mais mulheres no mercado de trabalho, impulsionam negócios em áreas como alimentação fora do lar, alimentos prontos e pré-prontos e outros serviços antes domésticos. Além é claro de roupas e tudo que envolve a aparência. É bem conhecida uma camisaria que firmou sua marca ao desenhar peças com forte apelo feminino, mirando neste público. É cada vez mais visível o avanço das embalagens individuais nos supermercados, assim como aquelas que trazem alimentos fracionados, como verduras, frutas, legumes, sementes, bebidas. Nesses casos, a embalagem plástica é praticamente onipresente. Ao mesmo tempo, ainda existem caminhos a ser explorados, como nas garrafas, pois em algumas regiões existe o hábito de consumir bebidas in natura, o que não deve resistir muito tempo diante das mudanças em curso. A urbanização das cidades, que alterou o panorama brasileiro nas últimas décadas, abre oportunidades. Ao mesmo tempo, a melhoria de renda a partir de medidas nos anos 1990 e 2000 fez com que muitas pessoas passassem a acessar bens além dos alimentos. São roupas, carros, viagens, educação – como cursos de inglês, intercâmbio, ensino básico privado e ensino superior, itens consumidos com produtos de seus mercados de apoio. Andar de avião era luxo não faz muitos anos no Brasil. Mesmo distâncias imensas de um país continental eram percorridas de ônibus. Depois de acessar esse novo modo de vida, dificilmente os brasileiros aceitarão regredir.
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ust as Brazil itself, the Brazilian plastic industry is large and is highly influential in the national economy. There are 11,670 companies and 357,626 jobs, making the sector the third largest employer in the manufacturing industry Most companies are micro (70%) and small (23%) sized, which for ABIPLAST - Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Plástico (Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry) is a reflection of great entrepreneurship. The organization stresses that there are more than 700 large and medium-sized businesses, and many are part of sectors that produce in a worldwide scale, such as the automotive and food and beverage sectors, meeting international quality standards. ABIPLAST represents the sector in the country and is present since 1967 working to increase the competitiveness of the plastics processing industry. In order to achieve this, it performs actions that promote favorable conditions for the industry, encouraging new technologies, new processes and product research focused on sustainability. In addition to encouraging the use of the material in different segments, it has also been working with government sectors in the interests of the third generation - the manufacturing - of the industry. Brazil contributes with 2.0% of the world’s production of plastic, according to the latest official data from ABIPLAST. The per capita plastic consumption in Brazil in 2013 was 33.9kg while the world average is 40 kg-person. The country has a vast territory, divided into 26 states and five regions, North, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest and South. Most plastic processing companies and their employees are in the Southeast - where São Paulo is located - and South. The state of São Paulo leads the sector, with a participation of 43.8%. There are 5,108 companies and 155,851 jobs. Next, there are the three states of the South, Rio Grande do Sul (11.1%), Santa Catarina (8.2%) and Paraná (8.3%).
A look at the South
Occupying a solid second place in the production of plastics, the southern region has many other attractions. Historically, it has an important role in Brazil’s political, economic and social points of view. In other regions of Brazil it has already been called Sul Maravilha (South Wonder) in past decades, due to the quality of life. It is not difficult to see a migration of qualified professionals in recent times, who leave the Southeast in search of a healthier life, especially in Santa Catarina. This is because in the south of Brazil it is possible to find medium and small sized cities - for the Brazilian standard - offering both infrastructure and services and the possibility of a life without the negatives of a metropolis. There is also the natural beauty and a culture with strong influence of European settlement. Processing companies of Rio Grande do Sul have strong representation, with three unions. Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico do Nordeste Gaúcho - Simplás (Union of the Industries of Plastic Material of the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul) represents more than 500 processing plants that generate over 13 10 > Special Edition - NPE 2015
Meet the Brazilian plastic industry
thousand direct jobs in eight cities (Caxias do Sul,Coronel Pilar, Farroupilha, Flores da Cunha, Garibaldi, Nova Pádua, São Marcose Vale Real), with estimated annual sales of approximately USD 1.5 billion. Almost half a million tons of plastic are processed annually by companies linked to Simplás, and they process about 60% of plastic throughout the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In a radius of 50 kilometers, the coverage area of Simplás has the largest concentration of plastic processing industries in Brazil. “Caxias do Sul, where the base of operations of Simplás is located, was recently named one of the top 20 cities to live in Brazil with over 500,000 inhabitants. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, it came in 1stplace in the ranking elaborated by the Delta Economics & Finance/América Economia consultancy”, says the union president Jaime Lorandi. Companies in the coverage area of Simplás are particularly specialized in the automotive segment, which is present in 37% of them and in 21% of them it is the main branch of activities. The demands met include light, heavy and military vehicles and agricultural implements. Next in production, there are the sectors of furniture, electronic products, housewares, agriculture, packaging and the construction industry (the latter presenting rapid growth in orders and applications). SIMPLAVI- Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico da região dos vinhedos (Union of the Industries of Plastic Material of the Vineyards Region) is headquartered in Bento Gonçalves and its territorial base covers Bento Gonçalves, Monte Belo do Sul e Santa Tereza. It has 22 small and medium sized member companies. The main processed products in its region are components for the furniture industry, film and blown packaging. The companies associated to Sinplast - Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico no Estado do RS (Union of the Industries of Plastic Materials in the State of Rio Grande do Sul) total 700, with 1% being large-sized companies, 5% medium-sized companies, 29% small-sized companies and 64% micro-sized companies according to the classification by the number of employees, throughout Rio Grande do Sul. According to Sinplast, the manufacturing industry in the state is one of the most complete in the country and is very diverse, serving a variety of industries, especially BOPP coils, nonwovens, housewares, film, injection, toys,
rotational molding, extrusion, thermoforming and blow. In Paraná, the plastics industry is concentrated in the regions of Curitiba, São José dos Pinhais, Cascavel, Londrina and Maringá, consisting of 940 companies, which represent 8.3% of the sector in Brazil. Currently, Paraná is the fourth Brazilian state in number of employees in the sector: there are 24,500 formal employees, representing 7.2% of total employment in the sector in the country. The plastic industry is characterized by a large diversification and product differentiation and in Paraná the sectors that stand out are the packaging and construction. The packaging industry in Paraná ranges from industrial packaging such as big bags in raffia for minerals, to smaller packages such as bags and small bags, pots, bottles and technical coils. Packages for fertilizers in raffia, flexible packaging of up to five layers, nets for the packaging of birds and cups and plates for thermoforming are also produced. The civil construction segment comes in second place. However the value of the segment is higher than officially reported (2.27%), as it is not possible to have access to the number of companies that manufacture plastic articles for use in construction, except for pipes and fittings. The civil construction segment’s main products are pipes and fittings for water supply and sewage systems and industrial and residential electrical and telephony installations. Other important products are ceilings, windows and doors, tubes and flexible hoses for conduits and
screens for protection of buildings under construction. Santa Catarina has more than 900 companies engaged in the processing of plastic resins of products essential to human life. They are producers of food packaging, transport goods, products for civil construction, auto parts, parts for electronics, appliances, housewares, disposable products, etc. In a recent measurement, Simpesc- Sindicato da Indústria de Material Plástico no Estado de Santa Catarina (Union of the Industry of Plastic Materials in the State of Santa Catarina) reached a number of 32,000 direct employees in factories and the sector , certainly employs as much indirectly. In the year of 2013, 980,000 tons of plastic products were produced, with revenues of USD 12.2 billion. The state is the only one where the level of per capita production is equivalent to developed countries, according to the Simpesc. Companies have a national presence and some also export significant quantities. The peculiarity lies precisely in the fact that there are large companies in various sub-regions of the state, each with its own specialty: in the south, disposables, in the north, products for construction and technical parts and in the west, packaging.
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National Schedule
EIPLASTIC is Brazil’s largest trade fair for the plastic industry and takes place every two years in São Paulo. This edition will take place from the 4th to the 8th of May in the Anhembi pavilion, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The proposal of Feiplastic is based on three strategic pillars, dividing exhibitors and parallel activities in the categories of Business, Sustainability and Technology. Among the different actions promoted by Reed Exhibitions Alcantara Machado, there is Ilha do Conhecimento (Knowledge Island) - an Exclusive space for conducting technical discussions and presentations by exhibitors, in order to promote professional development and knowledge of products, equipment, technologies, trends and best market practices. Two islands are strategically located at Feiplastic with customized audiovisual structure. “A fair of the size of Feiplastic requires a continuous and dynamic work with exhibitors, trade associations and partners. We have sold 90% of the fair, which will occupy the whole area of the (85,000 m2) Anhembi Exhibition Pavilion. In this edition, we have expanded some activities parallel to the event, especially the Business Rounds, Knowledge Island and Operation Recycle. All initiatives are aimed at promoting more exchange between visitors/buyers and the participating companies”, explains the director of Feiplastic, Liliane Bortoluci. In the last edition, in 2012, expectations were exceeded, both in number of exhibitors and visitors, who are increasingly qualified and with more decision making powers. In 2013 Feiplastic gathered 1,402 national and international exhibiting brands and 69,150 qualified visitors. The fair received visitors from 94 countries, 63% from South America, 14% from Europe, 8% from North America, 8% from Asia, 4% from Central America, 2% from Africa and 1% from Oceania. “The arrival of foreign visitors has been growing at fairs promoted by Reed Exhibitions Alcantara Machado. The total expected for Feiplastic this year is to attract more than 70,000 buyers/visitors from countries such as Italy, Turkey, Portugal, China, Taiwan, Germany, United States, South Korea and India”, says Liliane, and she also adds. “We have confirmed 400 m² of American companies in the sectors of machinery and equipment, raw materials, instrumentation, molds and accessories. The United States has a tradition of exhibiting at the event. “ For anyone who is not set to coming yet, she guarantees that Feiplastic 2015 will offer a lot of innovation, launches and high technology combined with sustainability, to meet a variety of industries, such as food, automotive, packaging, construction and others. There are exhibitors from Germany, Argentina, Austria, Canada, China, Colombia, South Korea, Spain, USA, France, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Taiwan and Turkey already confirmed.
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Industry fairs in 2015
Plastech Brasil brings the industry together in the south
Plastech Brasil - A plastic, rubber, composites and recycling fair is one of the most complete business platforms of the plastic chain. Held by Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico do Nordeste Gaúcho (Simplás) in Caxias do Sul (RS), it exhibits the main trends and innovations in the segments of processed plastics, automotive, raw materials and commodities, machinery, equipment and accessories, molds and tools, instruments, control and automation, technical and higher education institutions, services, publications and technical projects, civil society organizations and representatives of government. In 2015, it will occupy the Pavilions of the National Grape Festival from the 25th to the 28th of August. Almost 400 exhibitors and more than 500 brands are expected to be available to approximately 30,000 visitors. The goal set by the organizers has a realistic basis: in the previous edition, in 2013, 94% of the exhibitors expressed interest to return and nearly 80% reported the opening of new markets, including internationally. It is a fair held by the entrepreneurs themselves in the plastic sector, attentive to the needs and particularities of their market. It has the support of the most representative organizations of the sector in national and continental level, providing associated companies with special conditions for payment. It attracts visitors with decision-making powers in companies and the presence of national and global brands. During Plastech Brasil, Sebrae’s Business Rounds, dedicated to micro, small and medium sized companies, and Projeto Comprador (Buyer Project) of the Think Plastic Brazil program, developed by Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency of Export and Investment) and aimed specifically at foreign investors, also take place. The fair also features a consolidated sustainability and education project, Recicla Plastech Brasil, and collective islands of exhibitors - the cases of Sebrae and the plastic hub of the nearby town of Farroupilha and two other specific groups. A collective exhibition island especially dedicated to micro, small and medium sized companies, through a multi-sectoral repre-
sentative entity (Microempa). And another housing companies of the strong metal-mechanic and automotive hubs, represented by the so-called Arranjo Produtivo Local - APL (Local Productive Arrangement), which consists of a group of companies dedicated to product development and new collaborative ways of business. “The big news is the expansion of the fair to include all segments of the processing chain (plastic, rubber, composites and recycling) and also a very strong industrial vocation of the region: the transportation industry (light, heavy and military vehicles and agricultural implements) with significant demand met by processed automotives”, says the director of Plastech Brasil 2015, Orlando Marin. Also, visits will be arranged to major companies in the region, which has the second largest metal mechanic hub of the country, the second largest GDP of the state and some of the best Human Development Indexes (HDIs). Many approaches are aligning with Asian participants - which is rapidly consolidating as a striking new feature of Plastech Brasil. China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Turkey should be represented, as well as Argentina, Germany and Italy, among other countries. “Only in participation of international brands, virtually the whole globe will be represented on Plastech Brasil’s map”, says Marin. International participants have access to a bilingual staff specially designated and prepared to accompany them from arrival to departure - including the passage at the fair, business
rounds, technical visits or meetings with government entities. And even for the search of tourist and gastronomic options, after all, Serra Gaúcha, home of Plastech Brazil, has tradition and quality in cuisine, combining what’s more typical in the Brazilian barbecue with the roast of Uruguayan and Argentine neighbors, as well as family excellence in the development of inherited recipes of Italian immigration. For Marin, it is strategic for the entrepreneur from the USA to note that in the area where Plastech Brasil is held there is the largest concentration of plastic processing industries in Brazil in a radius of 50 kilometers. There are over 500 companies that generate over 13,000 direct jobs and revenues of about USD 1.5 billion a year. “Participating in Plastech Brasil represents an excellent opportunity to get to know the industrial potential of the region firsthand. It is a fair that demands minimal investments, both for rental and for services. And where the participants have the opportunity to expand contacts and business relationships, build partnerships, see market trends, promote products and services, and strengthen their brands in the midst of a very promising and growing market.”
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The plastic chain unites in a project to export
ifferent members of the Brazilian plastic chain joined in a program for the development of export and greater awareness of the role of plastic in contemporary life. Braskem, the largest petrochemical company in the Americas and the Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry (ABIPLAST) have been working on expanding the Incentive Plan for the Competitiveness of the Plastic Chain (PICPlast), launched in 2013, and develops structural projects contributing to the increased competitiveness and growth of the Brazilian plastic manufacturing industry. A pioneer, PICPlast unites supplier and producer in a bold project with a focus on recognizing the importance of plastic in the development of the segment in Brazil. The Plan was developed based on three pillars of action. The first is to stimulate Brazilian exports of processed polyethylene and polypropylene, focused on the goal of doubling the numbers in two years. The awareness that exporting is important to make a competitive business worldwide is the key point in this process. Through this pillar, the plan instructs companies that make plastic products to act with more assertiveness in foreign markets in order to enhance their capacity to understand other market contexts and add value to the exports of the country. Another pillar of action of PICPlast is facing the development of competitiveness and innovation of these companies. In order to achieve this goal, specific skills to stimulate the sector’s competitiveness have been implemented, such as: actions of entrepreneurial, managerial and market development, costs and profitability for entrepreneurs focused on management, support to innovation and mapping of the company’s performance. The third pillar is focused on actions that promote and value the advantages of plastic as a sustainable solution to the necessities of today’s society, based on aspects such as diffusion and consolidation of actions to strengthen its advantages of use, uniting all links in the chain and collection of resources to promote its image.
Results - Since the launch of PICPlast, the initiative is already showing its first results: in all there are 45 companies from all regions of Brazil who joined the plan. By December 2014, the accumulated volume of exported manufactured plastics reached nearly 35,000 tons, with BRL 42,000,000 invested during the period.The training directly benefited more than 200 companies. 83 others were present in events to promote their products in different market segments. In order to expand this project, in December 2014, the Sector Fund for the promotion of the image of plastic was created in order to develop actions to stimulate innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development of the Brazilian plastic processing industry. The Sector Fund receives financial 14 > Special Edition - NPE 2015
contributions of producers of resins and the manufacturing chain, which is reversed on shares of the promotion of the advantages of plastic, environmental education, promotion of responsible conJosé Ricardo Roriz Coelho sumption and support for the expansion of plastic recycling in Brazil. According to the Vice President for Polyolefins and Renewable Products Braskem, Luciano Guidolin, this partnership aims to support manufacturing companies to prepare, both from a strategic and technological point of view, to meet the new demands of society and gain more participation in the global market. “It is essential that more companies participate in these actions together to establish a new level of competitiveness for the manufacturing sector,” said the executive. The president of ABIPLAST, José Ricardo Roriz Coelho, says that the action of the Brazilian industry of plastic manufacturing plays a key role in the economy. “Our efforts include an industry modernization agenda and we believe the Sector Fund will be critical to guide a new corporate vision in the field of sustainable development,” said Roriz.
Braskem advances in Mexico
Braskem, in line with its strategy of expansion and diversification of raw materials, announced that the construction of the Mexico project is still advancing and the physical progress reached 88% in 2014. Located in the state of Veracruz, in the region of Coatzacoalcos, the Ethylene XXI project involves the production of about 750,000 tons of high density polyethylene and 300,000 tons of low density polyethylene from ethane, and is based on a contract signed with PEMEX-Gás for the supply of 66,000 barrels/day of ethane for 20 years, with the US gas price (Mont Belvieu) as reference. The estimated fixed investment is of USD 3.2 billion. The total investment (including CAPEX, inflation, contingencies, interest and working capital) is around USD 4.5 billion and will be financed in the form of project finance (70% debt and 30% equity). The structuring of the financing was completed in December 2012 with the signing of the main financing agreements. The estimate of completion and startup of plants is 2015.
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Commercial Relationship
Brazil and USA
Partnership advances in 2014
n the Brazilian plastics industry, the export rate is stable at 5%, a sign that many doors can be opened. Brazil has an established local industry, serving all segments, from the most basic to the most qualified. From 2013 to 2014 there was a breakthrough in the trade relationship with the United States. Data of ABIPLAST - Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2013 Profile indicated the USA as the fifth destination for exports of Brazilian manufactured plastics and as second in sources of
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imports of plastic products. In 2014, the USA surpassed Chile and Paraguay and figures as the third country of destination for Brazilian exports of plastic products and remains the second largest source of Brazilian imports, after China. Brazilian exports of manufactured plastic to the USA follows the pattern of the main exports of the sector, concentrated on films, plastic tubes, packaging and housewares. Brazilian imports from the USA, due to the characteristic of value, tend to be products with higher added
value than from other trading partners. According to ABIPLAST, in 2014 Brazilian exports of plastic products to the USA totaled USD 126.4 million, while imports were USD 596.4 million, representing a Brazilian trade deficit of USD 470 million with the USA. In volume, these numbers are: 25,000 tons exported from Brazil to the USA compared to 63,600 tons of imports from the USA. The main products exported from Brazil to the USA, as stated, are plastic laminates such as PE, PP and BOPP film, plates, plastic tubes (rigid and flexible), packaging items and housewares. Brazilian imports of products from the USA are concentrated in the category of “other articles of plastic”, which include laboratory and pharmacy items, stationery, ornaments, products for electronics, among others. Brazil also has a relevant participation in the imports of self-adhesive film, laboratory articles, stoppers and closures and packaging and technical parts (transmission belts, etc.). The president of ABIPLAST, José Ricardo Roriz Coelho, speaks of the advantages to expand US investment in Brazil. “The Brazilian plastics manufacturing industry, despite going through a rough phase due to the Brazilian domestic environment, is an industry with installed technological structure that may well meet and offer solutions in several areas, such as food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and cosmetics, as well as inputs for the construction area. The promotion of business partnerships is still relevant mainly when considering that Brazil is a great potential market and a gateway to the market in South America. “ Despite being the third main destination for Brazilian exports of plastic products, the amount exported to the USA represents 9% of the total. As total exports account for 5% of the volume produced, this percentage directed to the USA is 0.5%. “ABIPLAST sees that the Brazilian industry of manufactured plastic holds a hegemonic position in Latin America and our goal is to promote proactive actions for the internationalization and consolidation of this position. Together with APEX (Brazilian agency supporting export) and INP - National Institute of Plastic, we developed the ThinkPlastic program that aims to promote the export culture and strengthen trade relations in different markets”, said Roriz. Also, ABIPLAST offers training and refresher courses in the international area to its members, so they are capable in bureaucratic issue, which is fundamental in the trading and
exporting process. These are guidelines on the processes and documentation for export (ACC, shipping, etc.), as to the tax classification of goods, and mapping of non-tariff barriers, support to claims for applications of tax exemptions and recently established a partnership with IPT for PROGEX - technical suitability of products for export, as required by the foreign market. Processing companies can also count on specialized advisory services, such as Prime International, in Santa Catarina, which provides services in the area of Foreign Trade for Brazilian companies wishing to buy from foreign suppliers. With know-how in imports, the company offers integrated solutions to provide complete assistance in the international purchasing process, ensuring agility, security and assertiveness. According to Director Maicon Gorges, since the procedures inherent to imports in Brazil involve many taxes and bureaucracy, any failure generates high costs for companies. This is why Prime International focuses on simplifying and specializing import operations, eliminating the concerns of companies. “The major differential is that the company is dedicated to clients and their causes as if they were their own, taking care of every detail and genuinely caring. With a team of committed professionals, continuous review of processes and expertise, Prime International maintains as clients, since 2006, medium and large sized Brazilian industries of the plastics sector focused on the import of raw material and machinery”, says Gorges.
Braskem in USA. Brazilian company wants more business here
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Commercial Relationship
Think About Brazil
Think Plastic Brazil is a program to encourage the export of Brazilian processed plastic, focusing on packaging, housewares and inputs for the construction and agricultural markets. The initiative completed 11 years in December 2014 and is coordinated by INP - National Institute of Plastic with the support of Apex-Brasil-Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Export and Investment. Currently, it has around 80 member companies in its base. The program aims to increase exports of processed plastic products, the solidification of the export culture of manufacturing plastic companies and Brazil’s position as Global Player. The director of Think Plastic Brazil, Marco Wydra, talks about the Brazil-USA relationship, according to the program’s experience. “The USA is a very mature market and for us it is always an opportunity to learn from those who innovate and establish trends in this market. The USA’s economy is strong and representative and of course, the times are demanding changes in labor relations, but I still believe that the country is a trading partner to be developed further, since there are many opportunities. Technology, innovation and design remain high and in the agenda of American entrepreneurs” In addition to the packaging trade fair, the program also participates in decoration fairs and develops actions tailored to companies interested in this market. “We have heard good reports of export products with more added value from our associates, mainly to the Americas. In terms of volume, commodities are still the main representatives”, he explains. In 2015, the Think Plastic Brazil will continue conducting business intelligence actions (mapping of trends, behavior of economies, 18 > Special Edition - NPE 2015
importers and competitors), training and trade promotion (buyer, seller and international fairs projects) that have the intention to intensify and consolidate the marketing of products and assist in the promotion of exports from companies. Specifically in the USA, three events are on the this year’s agenda: the Home and housewares fair from the 7th to the 10th of March in Chicago, one of the largest fairs of housewares with about 60,000 professional participants from over 125 countries, counting on more than 20 Brazilian companies; Petfood, a forum to be held in Kansas City from the 27th to the 29th of April, which is for a niche market that consumes flexible film of a lot of added value; and the Pack Expo fair to be held in Las Vegas on the 28th, 29th and 30th of September, focused on inputs for the packaging industry as well as rigid and flexible packaging.
Braskem has new projects for the US
Brazil has a company with a strong national presence and global reach. In the chemical and petrochemical sector, Braskem stands out as the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas and the world leader in the production of biopolymers. Its production is focused on the thermoplastic resin polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), as well as basic chemical products, such as ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene, chloro, soda and solvents, among others. The company currently has more than eight thousand members acting in their 36 plants (29 in Brazil, five in the US and two in Germany) and in offices and commercial bases in the Americas, Europe and Asia. In partnership with clients, Braskem is present in over 70 countries worldwide. Its production capacity is over 16 million tons / year of thermoplastic resins and other chemical products. The latest data, released in February, shows that in the fourth quarter of 2014, the Brazilian demand for resins (PE, PP, PVC) was 1.3 million tons, down 5% from the previous quarter, according to the company, due to the normal seasonality of the period. In 2014, the market reached about 5.3 million tons, a decrease of 1% compared to 2013. Braskem’s resin sales followed the dynamics of the market, totaling 850,000 tons in the 4th quarter of 2014 and 3.6 million tons in the year. The polyolefins production volume in the 4th quarter 2014 was 1,010 tons, down 5% from the previous quarter, influenced by the scheduled shut down for maintenance of the cracker of São Paulo. During the period, the volume of
export sales totaled 276,000 tons. The production of PVC reached 152,000 tons in the 4th quarter of 2014. The production of soda was of 112,000 tons in the same period, 4% lower than the production recorded in the 3rd quarter.
In the USA - Braskem claims to be the largest producer of polypropylene (PP) in the United States. PP sales volume in the US and Europe totaled 1,863 thousand tons in 2014. “Braskem is the largest producer of polypropylene in the United States and is aware of investment opportunities. In 2014, Braskem announced a project to produce ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene in its site of La Porte, Texas (USA). Commercially known as UTEC, the resin has 100% Brazilian technology and has applications in various industries such as oil extraction, military items and construction. The project, which will come into operation on the 1st half of 2016 aims to complement the portfolio of products produced in Brazil”, says the company. The company also studies the feasibility of Ascent (Appalachian Shale Cracker Enterprise), an integrated project for the production of polyethylene in the state of West Virginia.
Braskem stood out in the market for some years with the production of green plastic, a material with a renewable source: sugar cane. The green plastic is produced at Braskem’s plant located in Triunfo (Brazil), which has a production capacity of 200,000 tons of this raw material per year. Currently, the Green PE can be found in food packaging, hygiene and cleaning products, pet food, cosmetics, dairy drinks, bags, car carpets, synthetic grass, wires and cables, among others. Several global companies in all industries use the green plastic, which can also be found in North American market products. In 2014, the company reached an agreement with Nomacorc, a Belgian company for the supply of green plastic for use in the US wine corks for bottles. The company has an exclusive booth at NPE2015, where it presents its solutions to meet the needs of its customers and improve people’s lives. The company will also take special lectures to the fair.
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The largest ever
Michael Taylor
wo months ago it was already official, NPE2015 had surpassed the previous NPE record for exhibit space, it was announced by SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association, which produces the triennial NPE. Based on the number of exhibitors thus far, booths will fill more than 1,041,000 net sq.ft. (106,000 sq.m) of exhibit space, the amount used at NPE2000, the largest NPE on the books until now. And with more companies anticipated, SPI expected an additional 10,000 sq. ft. (930 sq.m) to be occupied before the show floor opens on March 23, 2015. Exhibiting companies cite the success of the previous NPE in 2012 and the ongoing surge of the plastics industry as reasons for their strong investment in NPE2015. For equipment companies this has resulted in larger booths in which to display and operate more machines. One such company, Milacron Inc., will have 24,600 sq.ft (2,285 sq. m) of space, constituting the largest booth in NPE history. Overall, more than 600 companies will have equipment at their booths and over 400 will be operating systems. Often their exhibits will feature multiple machines—some of them completely integrated manufacturing cells— running simultaneously. NPE2015 will consist of a world-scale trade show, with 2,000 exhibiting companies, and multiple co-located programs. Four of these co-located programs will be conferences: 1) SPI’s Business of Plastics Conference; 2) SPE ANTEC® 2015 (the world’s largest plastics technical conference); 3) a Spanish-language conference sponsored by CarvajalMedios B2B; and 4) the Southern District Design Conference, sponsored by the Industrial Designer Society of America. One of the special programs at NPE2015 will be NPE3D™. It will be open to all attendees, providing them with opportunities to learn about 3D printing through exhibits and actual demonstrations. A related NPE3D conference track will be part of SPI’s Business of Plastics Conference. A special sector of the show floor called the “Zero Waste Zone” will focus on the industry mandate to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastics, presenting recycling demonstrations, products made with post-consumer material, a cradle-to-cradle education experience, and special events. Surrounding the Zone will be the Recycling Pavilion, with exhibits by recycling
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companies and suppliers of recycling technologies, and the Sustainability Pavilion, with technologies that benefit the environment. A fashion show at the opening of NPE2015 will feature clothing designed by students from the Savannah College of Art & Design made from recycled or reused plastics. Still another special part of NPE2015 will be the “Startup Garage,” which SPI is organizing in partnership with the new-venture tracking firm Startup.Directory. SPI will provide the startups with prominently located exhibit stations at the show. Twelve companies selected thus far will highlight innovations in graphenes, bioplastics, recycling, 3D printing, polymerization, resin processing, and antimicrobial polymers.
ATTENDEES - NPE2015 is expected to attract 60,000+ attendees from over 20,000 companies. More than 25% of these manufacturing professionals will come from outside the U.S.A., including what is expected to be the largest contingent from Latin America in NPE history. Overall, visitors are expected from around 120 countries. “Currently the number of advance visitor registrations and hotel room reservations are both running well ahead of what they were at the same time before NPE2012, a sign that the number of attendees at NPE2015 will well surpass the number who visited three years ago”, said last month Michael Taylor, Senior Director da International Affairs and Trade, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association. Besides being larger in terms of number of exhibitors, amount of exhibit space, and number of visitors, NPE2015 will have an even greater educational program, with more conference sessions than have ever taken place at any other NPE. Also brand-new this year are the special events and programs already mentioned: NPE3D, the Zero Waste Zone, and the Startup Garage. “NPE2012 was the first NPE held in Orlando, Florida, after many years of taking place in Chicago. That show was very successful, and its success, along with the renewed strength of the U.S. economy and the plastics industry, have been one reason why NPE2015 has attracted so much interest among both exhibitors and attendees”, said Taylor.
Plástico Sul Magazine - Talk about the relationship between Brazil andthe United States in the plastics industry, please. What are the numbers onimport and export? What are the main products? Michael Taylor - Brazilis the fifth largest export market for the U.S. plastics industry. In 2013 U.S. plastics companies exported $2.2 billion worth of goods to Brazil. From 2012 to2013,total plastics exports from the U.S. to Brazil increased by 11.4%, but from 2000 to 2013, they were up by 191.6%. Forresins during the same period, the increase was even greater. Resin exportsfrom the U.S. to Brazil between 2000 and 2013 increased by 250.2%. Between 2012 and 2013, resin exports from the U.S. to Brazil increased by 13.4% to a total of $1.7 billion. Exports of plastic products were worth $461.1 million in 2013,increasing by 5.6% over the 2012 total, and over 99.8% over the 2000 total. Machinery saw similar gains. U.S. exports of plastics machinery to Braziltotaled $64.3 million in 2013, up 7.9% from 2012 and up 82.9% from 2000. Molds were the only major plastics segment that saw a decline in exports from U.S. to Brazil during this time. The 2013 total was $6.8 million which was a 20.4% drop from 2012, and a 54.3 drop from 2000. That’s the only core segment that went down, but it still ranks high in volume for U.S. mold exports as a whole. Nonetheless, the mold market has taken a hit over time. In terms of imports, Brazilis the 20th largest import market for the U.S. plastics industry. All in all the U.S. imported $233.4 million worth of plastics industry goods from Brazil in 2013. The biggest category was in resins. $151.2 million worth of resin was imported into the U.S. by Brazil in 2013, making it the 17th largest import market for the U.S. in the resin category.
Interview - Michael Taylor, Senior Director's International Affairs and Trade, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association.
PSM - What markets are interesting and unexplored - or could be better explored - between Brazil and USA in the plastics industry? Where are the opportunities? MT - In most cases, I believe the Brazilian plastics companies are most competitive in the U.S. when it comes to cost. If you’re coming from Brazil to the U.S. compared to Asia, the transportation costs are less so depending on how close you are that could be reasonable. The other thing might be aviation. Embraer has been very successful here selling aircraft, and to the extent they use plastic parts, if Brazilian companies provide plastic components in the aircraft, then the U.S. market is definitely driving some of their business. I also know Brazil has done innovation around biofuels and I would assume that that might extend to bioplastics. The issue with that segment still is the price point. It’s going to be more expensive, but what could drive that is the commitment of companies to the future that’s there for these materials, even if they’re a little more costly. There has been a significant increase in consumers that are more green-oriented and what that means is they want companies giving them green options, and they’re okay paying more for them, and they build brand loyalty to companies that offer them.
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National Associations ABIPLAST - Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry Av. Paulista, 2439 - 8º andar 01311-936 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3060-9686 Fax: (11)-3612-8988 www.abiplast.org.br - abiplast@abiplast.org.br President: Jose Ricardo Roriz Coelho ABIEF - Brazilian Association of the Packing Industry. Flexible plastic Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 3º andar cj. 32 - 01452-908 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3032.4092 - Fax: (11) 3032.2021 Site: www.abief.com.br - email: abief@abief.com.br President: Alfredo Felipe O. Schmitt AFIPOL - Brazilian Association of Polyolefinics fiber Producers Av. Paulista, 1439 - 2º andar - cj. 21 01311-926 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3253.7236 / 3251-2707 - Fax: (11) 3251.2886 Site: www.afipol.org.br E-mail: afipol@afipol.org.br President: Ricardo Vívolo ABMACO - Brazilian Association of Composite Materials Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532 Prédio 31 - térreo - Sala 1 05508-901 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3719.0098 - Fax: (11) 3719.0098 Site: www.abmaco.org.br E-mail: abmaco@abmaco.org.br President: Gilmar Lira ABIPET - Brazilian Association of the PET Industry Rua Joaquim Floriano, 72 - cj. 85 04534-000 - São Paulo - SP Phone (55 11) 3078.1688 - Fax: (11) 3078.1688 Site: www.abipet.org.br E-mail: secretariabipet@abipet.org.br President: AuriMarçon ABRAPLA - BrazilianAssociation Industry of Plated Plastic and Flexible Foam Av. Treze de Maio, 47 - sala 709 20031-007 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Phone (55 21) 2262.1706 - Fax: (21) 2240.8372 Email: abrapla@bighost.com.br President: Jose Carlos Soares Freire
Unions of the South and Northeast Regions of the country SIMPEP - Plastic Material Industry Union of the State of Paraná Rua João Negrão, 731 - 3º andar - sala 301 80010-200 - Curitiba - PR Phone (55 41) 3224.9163 - Fax: (41) 3222.4551
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Site: www.simpep.com.br E-mail: simpep@simpep.com.br President: Denise Dybas Dias SIMPLAS-NP - Union of the of Plastic Material Industry of the North of Paraná Rua Pernambuco, 390 - 12º andar - sala 1208 86020-913 - Londrina - PR Phone (55 43) 3337.1390 - Fax: (43) 3337.1390 Site: www.simplasnp.com.br E-mail: simplas@sercomtel.com.br President: Sueli Souza Baptisaco SIMPESC - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of the State of Santa Catarina Rua Abdon Batista, 121 13º andar - cj. 1301 / 1302 89201-010 - Joinville - SC Phone (55 47) 3433.2351 - Fax: (47) 3433.5749 Site: www.simpesc.org.br E-mail: simpesc@simpesc.org.br President: Albano Schmidt SINPLASC - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of South Catarina Rua Ernesto Bianchini Góes nº91 - 2ºandar Ed. Centro Empresarial de Criciúma 88815-030 - Criciuma - SC Phone (55 48) 3461.0933 email: sindicatospatronais@acicri.com.br President: Jayme Antonio Zanatta SIAPB - Union of the Industries of Plastic Devices and Toys of Blumenau Rua F. EstanislauSchaette, 111 - sala 07 89037-001 - Blumenau - SC Phone (47) 3329.1855 - Fax: (47) 3329.0535 email: siapb@terra.com.br President: Rubens Giese SINDESC - Union of the Dismissable Plastic Industries of the Estate of Santa Catarina Rua Desembargador Pedro Silva, 540 7º andar - Sala 702 88802-300 - Criciuma - SC Phone (55 48) 3433.7420 - Fax: (48) 3433.9083 email: abrade@engeplus.com.br President: Gustavo de Villa SINPLAST - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of Rio Grande do Sul Av. Assis Brasil, 8787 - Sarandi 91140-001 - Porto Alegre - RS Phone (55 51) 3364.4503 - Fax: (51) 3364.4503 Site: www.sinplast.org.br E-mail: sinplast@sinplast.org.br President: Alfredo Felipe de Oliveira Schmitt SIMPLÁS - Union of the Plastic Materials Industries of northeast of Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ítalo Victor Bersani. 1134 - Jd. América
95050-520 - Caxias do Sul - RS Phone (55 54) 3228.2422 - fax: (54) 3228.2090 Site: www.simplas.com.br E-mail: simplas@simplas.com.br President: Orlando Antonio Marin SINDIVERDE - Union of the Recycling Companies of Domestic and Industrial Solid Residues in the State of Ceará Av. Barão de Studart, 1980 – 3º Andar Aldeota - 60120-901- Fortaleza-CE Phone: (55 85) 3224.9400 email: sindiverde@sfiec.org.br President: Marcos Albuquerque SINDIPLAST/PB - Union of the Plastic Material Industry and Syntetic Resins of the Estate of Paraíba Av. Assis Chateaubriand, 919 - Liberdade 58414-060 - Campina Grande - PB Phone (83) 3315.1523 - Fax: (83) 3341.2888 Email: alexandre@felinto.com.br President: Pericles Felinto de Araujo SINDIPLASBA - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of Estateof Bahia Av. Santos Dumont, s/n - Shopping do Côco, 4ºandar, sala 435 42700-000 - Salvador - BA Tel: (55 71) 3379-8066 - Fax: (71) 3342-2161 Site: www.sindiplasba.org.br E-mail: sindiplasba@sindiplasba.org.br Presidente: Luiz Antônio de Oliveira SIMPEPE - Union of the Plastic Material Industry of the State of Pernambuco Av. Cruz Cabuga, 767 - 5º andar - sala 01 50040-000 - Recife - PE Phone (55 81) 3412.8300 - Fax: (81) 3412.8405 Site: www.simpepe.org.br E-mail: simpepe@fiepe.org.br President: Fernando Antonio de Araujo Pinheiro SINPLAST/AL - Union of Inks and Plastics Industry of the State of Alagoas Av. Fernandes Lima, 385 - 5º andar 57055-902 - Maceio - Al Phone (55 82) 2021.6985 - Fax: (82) 2121.3083 Email: arasil@ofm.com.br President: Wander Lobo Araujo Silva SIMPLAVI - Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico do Vale dos Vinhedos Alameda Fenavinho, 481 95700-000 - Bento Gonçalves - RS Phone: (55 54) 3454.5734 E-mail: simplavi@terra.com.br Presidente: Emílio Ristow More informations: 55 51 3062.4569
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