3 minute read
Mensagem Manuel Cidade
Vai iniciar-se, no próximo mês de fevereiro, mais um Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, já na sua 16ª edição, sem qualquer interrupção. Aos seus organizadores é devida uma palavra de agradecimento da Federação Equestre Portuguesa, por todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo destes anos e pela competência profissional com que o têm sabido fazer.
O Vilamoura Atlantic Tour é bem merecedor dos apoios que, das diferentes entidades públicas e privadas, tem recebido pois o impacto socioeconómico e desportivo deste evento tem sido, em cada ano que passa, em quantidade e qualidade, cada vez mais positivo.
A Federação Equestre Portuguesa deseja as boas vindas a todos os cavaleiros e oficiais de competição estrangeiros e nacionais que vêm participar nesta 16ª edição do Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, fazendo votos para que sejam dias de convívio desportivo saudável e de competição leal, com o empenhamento total dos conjuntos participantes, no cumprimento estrito das regras do bem-estar do cavalo, elemento essencial nesta nossa modalidade desportiva.
Another Vilamoura Atlantic Tour will begin next February, already in its 16th edition, without any interruption. To its organizers is due a word of thanks from the Portuguese Equestrian Federation, for all the work developed over the years and for the professional competence with which they have been able to do so.
The Vilamoura Atlantic Tour is well deserving of the support that has received from different public and private entities since the socioeconomic and sporting impact of this event has been, in each passing year, in quantity and quality, increasingly positive.
The Portuguese Equestrian Federation wishes to welcome all the foreign and national riders and competition officials who come to participate in this 16th edition of the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, hoping to be days of healthy sports and fair competition, with the total commitment of the participating groups, in strict compliance with the rules of horse welfare, an essential element in our sporting modality.
This Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2018 will be a total success.
The President of the Portuguese Equestrian Federation
Este Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2018 será mais um êxito total.
O Presidente da Federação Equestre Portuguesa
WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability)
This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D
Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art 6
Jump-off (if any) 1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time: 375m/min.
Height of obstacles: 1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters: 1
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix at CSI Events, if pres The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year; The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, the last World and Continental Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final.
Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 starters (including prequalified riders)