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Mensagem Desidério Silva
A elite mundial do hipismo está de regresso ao Algarve. O Vilamoura Atlantic Tour é, sem dúvida, um dos maiores eventos equestre a nível nacional e internacional. É, assim, com grande satisfação que o Algarve acolhe esta mítica prova que junta os mais prestigiados cavaleiros do mundo.
De 13 de fevereiro a 1 de abril, Vilamoura transforme-se na “Cidade Equestre” e recebe os melhores cavaleiros e amantes de saltos de obstáculos. Aliás, Vilamoura tem vindo a assumir-se como um dos principais destinos hípicos da Europa, devido à qualidade das suas instalações desportivas, mas também devido ao clima ameno da região, à qualidade das suas unidades hoteleiras, à riqueza gastronómica, à diversidade cultural, e à hospitalidade dos algarvios, que permitem oferecer uma experiência única aos cavaleiros e respetivas comitivas.
The world’s equestrian elite is returning to the Algarve. The Vilamoura Atlantic Tour is undoubtedly one of the largest equestrian events at national and international level. It is with great satisfaction that the Algarve welcomes this mythical event that joins the most prestigious riders in the world.
From February 13 to April 1, Vilamoura becomes the “Equestrian City” and welcomes the best riders and lovers of jumps. In fact, Vilamoura has become one of the main horse-riding destinations in Europe due to the quality of its sports facilities, but also due to the mild climate of the region, the quality of its hotels, gastronomic richness, cultural diversity, and the hospitality of the Algarve, which offer a unique experience to the riders and their retinues.
É, pois, com satisfação que a Região de Turismo do Algarve apoia este evento único que, ao longo dos anos, tem beneficiado o turismo da região em meses de menor afluência e tem tido um forte impacto económico na região.
A promoção do desporto e, em particular, do hipismo é uma prioridade para o Algarve, onde existem excelentes condições para a modalidade. Vilamoura tem todas as valências para ser finalmente reconhecida como capital do hipismo europeu.
O Vilamoura Atlantic Tour tem vindo a ganhar grande notoriedade internacional e é hoje considerado como um dos mais importantes pontos de encontro dos melhores atletas da modalidade. Em nome do Turismo do Algarve, desejo a todos uma excelente prova.
Presidente da Região de Turismo do Algarve
It is therefore with satisfaction that the Algarve Tourism Region supports this unique event that, over the years, has benefited tourism in the region in months of lower affluence and has had a strong economic impact in the region.
The promotion of sport and, in particular, horseback riding is a priority for the Algarve, where there are excellent conditions for the sport. Vilamoura has all the valences to be finally recognized as the capital of European equestrianism.
The Vilamoura Atlantic Tour has been gaining great international renown and is considered today as one of the most important meeting places of the best athletes of the sport. On behalf of Turismo do Algarve, I wish you all an excellent test.
President of the Algarve Tourism Region
WEG 2018 + CH-EU 2019 QUALIFYING (Certificates of Capability)
This Competition counts for the FEI Longines Ranking Group D
Big Tour: Grand Prix
238.2.2 (Table A against the clock with jump off) + Annex VIII Art 6
Jump-off (if any) 1 against the clock
Speed/Fixed time: 375m/min.
Height of obstacles: 1,50m (2 verticals of 1m60 compulsory)
Number of horses per athlete
Maximum number of Starters: 1
This GP is open to 60 riders of the CSI qualified under the following conditions:
The following Athletes (not Athlete/Horse combinations) are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix at CSI Events, if pres The winner of that Event’s Grand Prix the previous year; The current National Jumping Champion of the host country; The individual Jumping medal winners of the last Olympic and Pan-American Games, the last World and Continental Championships and the winner of the last FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final.
Athletes qualified for the Grand Prix : The best 40 Athletes in competition nº A-48 The best 17 Athletes in competition nº A-52, not qualified in competition A The best Athletes in competition nº A-56, not qualified in competition A-48 starters (including prequalified riders)