Building Blocks 6

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Building Blocks


Conversations and Reading



Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6 This work was conceived and designed by personnel, editors and collaborators at Editorial Panamericana, Inc.

Author Juan J. Rodríguez González, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University Curriculum & Instruction and Language & Literacy Linguistic and Technical Revision Catherine A. Toro Full Professor of English University of Puerto Rico - Bayamón

EDITORIAL PANAMERICANA INC. Copyright 2014 Editorial Panamericana, Inc. Tel: (787) 277-7988 • Fax: (787) 277-7240 P.O. Box 25189 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928 • Produced in San Juan, Puerto Rico ISBN: 978-1-61725-160-3 Partial or total reproduction of this book is prohibited without the written consent of the Editorial.

Executive VP Educational Projects: Dr. Juan J. Rodríguez González Editorial Director: Prof. Luz Amarilis Ramos Diagramming and Design: Miguel Ángel Martínez Álvarez, Emmanuel Morales Montes, Michelle Acevedo Padilla Cover Design: Michelle Acevedo Padilla Illustrations: ©Shutterstock, Mario Marito Printed in Colombia by Quad/Graphics


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Table of Contents Unit I

This is Me .............................................................. 4

Unit II

Summer Days ........................................................ 50

Unit III

Staying Healthy .....................................................


Unit IV

Planet Earth ..........................................................


Unit V

Imagination ........................................................... 178

Unit VI

Going Green ..........................................................

Unit VII

Arts and Crafts ...................................................... 260


Traditions .............................................................

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6






This is me

I read every day. This is my English book. It has many of my favorite stories.


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I want to do my homework with my friends. I am Luis. I am new in this school. I want to meet new friends. I just moved to this neighborhood.

This is Hector. He’s from Arecibo. He is a new student in this school.

Let me get ready to start. Good morning, students!

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Listen and practice.

Welcome! I am Isabella. I am happy to meet you, too! I also like to read books. They are fascinating. Come, let me introduce you to the other classmates. This is an excellent school. I am sure you will like it.

Hi! I am Martha. I come from Ponce. I am a new student in school. I like to read books and write poems. It’s nice to meet you.


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Who is he?

He is Carlos Beltran. He is a good baseball player.

Do you know who he is?

Ask and answer questions about famous people and characters. • Ivan Rodriguez • Ricky Martin • Michael Jordan • Shakira • Lassie

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Look at the pictures and read the information below them. Write the letters in the spaces provided. a. basketball player b. runner

e. gymnast

f. singer

c. swimmer

d. actor

g. jockey

h. news reporter

She has a beautiful voice. She knows how to interact with her audience.

A famous athlete in the Olympic games 2008.

He is very short and he rides horses.

Her body is very flexible.

She gets to the finish line fast.

He is tall and knows how to move in a basketball court.

She reports the latest news.

He plays fabulous roles in drama.

Find the words. You can find them vertically, horizontally, backwards, and straight from left to right. tall

excellent happy new







e a l o d k a s g


g x t j a l i s r

best i e c r s m p u s

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b o t e p m n v u

s t a l l g i l o

famous t l e w b l c g m

o r l h u t e p a

i d s f s d s n f

h a p p y h u e t

a m k d o m n w b

Complete the sentences with the verbs.

am is are

1. The Perez family ________ at the beach. 2. She ________ an excellent professor. 3. I ________ from a small town in the coast. 4. Snoopy ________ a famous dog. 5. The team ________ tired of so many exercises. 6. My brother and my sister ________ also very tall. 7. Eating ________ my favorite hobby. 8. I ________ not familiar with the new computer program. 9. The baseball fans ________ excited and noisy.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Karen likes to write everyday. This is her daily chart. Read what she wrote today.

My Activities


February 12, 2013

7:30 a.m.

I go to school and meet my new friends. They are awesome! I am happy about that.

8:00 a.m.

The class begins. I read something funny in my English class. It is about a modern car that drives high into the sky.

11:30 a.m.

Lunch time. I eat a big sandwich and a juicy orange.

3:00 p.m.

I go back home. I watch my favorite TV program.

4:00 p.m.

I take gym classes. They are fun, and at the same time I get exhausted when doing my routine.

5:00 p.m.

I work on my computer. I take time to do my homework. I solve the Math problems. They are easy to do.

6:00 p.m.

It is dinner time.

7:00 p.m.

I listen to my favorite singer. She is Shakira.

8:00 p.m.

I talk to my grandmother on the cell phone.

10:00 p.m.

I go to bed.

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Use the following words to complete the sentences. delicious new interesting beautiful favorite fun

excited big

1. Karen describes her day as ____________________.

2. She writes that her ____________________ singer has a ____________________ voice.

3. She eats a ____________________ sandwich.

4. Karen is ____________________ to talk to her grandmother on the cell phone.

5. She likes her ____________________ friends at school.

6. Her mother’s food is ____________________.

7. At 4:00 p.m., she has ____________________ at the gym.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Write about Karen. 1. Karen is happy because _____________________________________________ . 2. Karen is excited because_____________________________________________ . 3. She likes Taylor Swift because ________________________________________ . 4. She eats all her food because ________________________________________ . 5. She is exhausted because ___________________________________________ .

What do I do everyday? Let me see...

I go to library everyday at 3:00 p.m.

Ask and answer. What do you do everyday? _______________________________________________________________________


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This is me with my friends Draw and write about you and your friends.

My friends and I... _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Read the following examples and do the exercises below. Use the words provided in the box.

What do you like to play? What does he like to eat? Do they like to dance? Do he/she like to study?

watch study

bake play teach visit eat wait for

like to likes to 1. Peter likes to play checkers. 3. Bill and Mary ________________________ ice cream. 5. Janet ________________________ her grandparents. 7. They ________________________ TV together. 9. Sandra ________________________ her friends.


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write to dance

don’t like to doesn’t like to 2. Mrs. Johnson doesn’t like to teach. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez __________________________. 6. Omar __________________________. 8. I __________________________. 10. Mr. Rivera __________________________ __________________________ the train.

In your notebook, write about yourself. What do you like to do?

What don’t you like to do?

1. I like to ___________________.

1. I don’t like to _________________.

2. ___________________________.

2. ______________________________.

3. ___________________________.

3. ______________________________.

4. ___________________________.

4. ______________________________.

5. ___________________________.

5. ______________________________.

Day After Day wash have write get up

take cry read sing buy do clean brush talk go

1. Ben talks to his mother every day. Yesterday evening he talked to his mother. Tomorrow evening he’s going to talk to his mother. 2. Omar and Luis _______________________ their bedroom every Saturday. Last Sunday they _____________________________________________. Next Sunday _________________________________________________. 3. Mr. Ortiz _______________________ his car everySaturday. Last Saturday he______________________________________________. Next Saturday ________________________________________________. 4. I _______________________ to my daughter every week. Last week I ____ _______________________________________________. Next week _________ ___________________________________________________.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


5. They ___________________ together every Saturday. Last Saturday ______________________________________________________. Next Saturday _____________________________________________________. 6. My baby _______________________ every day. Yesterday she _____________________________________________________. Tomorrow night ___________________________________________________. 7. My children _______________________ dessert every evening. Yesterday evening they ____________________________________________. Tomorrow evening _________________________________________________. 8. I _______________________ at 8:00 every morning. Yesterday morning I ________________________________________________. Tomorrow morning _________________________________________________. 9. Mrs. Torres _____________________________________________ the newspaper every morning. Yesterday morning she _____________________________________________. Tomorrow morning _________________________________________________. 10. My mother and father _______________________________ to the movies every Saturday. Last Saturday they _________________________________________________. Next Saturday _____________________________________________________.


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11. Thomas ___________________ bananas every week. Last week he ______________________________________________________. Next week ________________________________________________________. 12. Ben and Hilda _____________________________________________ their teeth every morning. Yesterday morning they ____________________________________________. Tomorrow morning they ____________________________________________. 13. Jocelyn ___________________ the bus every morning. Yesterday morning she ____________________________________________. Tomorrow morning ________________________________________________.

14. My brother and I ___________________ our exercises every afternoon. Yesterday afternoon we ___________________________________________. Tomorrow afternoon _______________________________________________.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


What is summarizing? A summary is a shorter version of a longer text. Sometimes you need to read or listen to long pieces of information. Sometimes you need to pull out or identify the main point in order to make a decision, then give an opinion or draw conclusions. Summarizing is an important skill that is often used when researching, gathering or presenting information. A good example of summarizing is preparing a resume. A resume should be a concise and ‘easy to read’ version of your skills, achievements, and experience. The person reading your resume should be able to make a decision about whether or not you have the necessary skills and experience for the job. A summary should not contain unnecessary details or be written like an essay. Remember, it is a summary.


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Summarizing a written text Here are some hints for summarizing a text. • Read the original text carefully to make sure you understand its meaning. • Sometimes you might have to ‘read between the lines’ to pick up

‘hidden’ information.

• Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any unfamiliar word. • Underline or highlight the main points of the text, ignore unnecessary

facts, description or opinions. Make a note of the most important details - you could make a diagram or use pictures if this helps.

• Bring together the key points using sentences. If pictures provide

additional meaning, then these can also be included in your summary.

• Read your draft to make sure you haven’t lost the point of the original

information. Edit your draft as necessary.

Remember • A written summary should be a brief or short ‘easy to read’ version of a longer piece of writing. • A summary must contain the main points of the original text and should

be written in your own words. Don’t copy chunks of the original version.

• Write your summary using correct grammar, punctuation and


• A summary does not need information, descriptions or opinions that do

not support the general meaning of the text.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Glossary of terms A list of words (a glossary) related to summarizing is given below. Meanings and explanations of the words are given on the right.




Comprehension (noun)

The understanding of something. When summarizing, you first need to read or listen to information to comprehend its meaning.

Concise (adjective)

Short, brief and to the point. A summary is concise and uses as few words as possible.

Descriptive (adjective)

Text that is descriptive is likely to include lots of adjectives (describing words).

Draft (noun)

A rough copy or first version of a piece of writing.

Opinion (noun)

A point of view. You should consider whether any opinions are appropriate to include in your summary.

Proofread (verb)

To read a piece of work thoroughly to check for any errors.

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Read the conversation.

A Party Carla:

Hello everyone! Welcome to my party!


Hello Carla, happy birthday!


Thanks a lot, Jorge.


Do you remember Laura? She’s my cousin from Ponce.


Of course I do! How are you Laura? Thanks for coming.


I’m good, Carla. Happy birthday! This is my little brother, Marcos. He is ten years old.


Hi Marcos. I’m Carla. Welcome to my party!

Marcos: Hi, nice to meet you Carla. Carla:

Well, welcome all, and enjoy the party.


Did everyone arrive?

Carla: Not yet. Danny and his brother said they’ll be coming around four o’clock. Jessica and her twin sister, Mary, should be arriving soon. I don’t know if Gabriel is coming. I spoke to him this morning and he said that his grandmother was very sick in the hospital. Jorge: Poor Gabriel. Last year he was sick and this year it’s his grandmother. For Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What kind of a party is Carla’s party? How do you know? Who came with Jorge? Who is Marcos? How old is he? Who has not arrived yet? Who might not come to the party? Why? When are you going to have a party? Who are you going to invite?

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Asking Questions


What’s your name?

My name is Estefan.

What’s your last name?

My last name is Gonzalez.

How do you spell Gonzalez?

It’s spelled G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z.

Where are you from?

I’m from Lares.

What’s your cell phone number?

It’s 787-301-2236.

What’s your address?

It’s 367 Comercio Street.

What’s your favorite food?

I like lasagna, but I also like fried chicken with French fries.

What’s your favorite color?

It’s blue.

What’s your zodiac symbol?

I’m Aries.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to study law. I want to be a lawyer.

Who is your favorite singer?

My favorite singer is Enrique Iglesias.

Who is your favorite movie star?

I like Jennifer Lopez, but I also like Salma Hayek.

Do you like to travel?

Yes, I do.

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Where have you been to?

I have been to Walt Disney World, Busch Gardens, and Sea World all in Florida. I have been to the Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, and Madison Square Garden in New York. I have also been to Disneyland in California and to Knott’s Berry Farm.

Where are you planning to go next?

I’m planning to go to Niagara Falls and also to Washington D. C.

That’s great! Any recommendations for students who will graduate this year from sixth grade?

I want to tell them to study hard and follow their dreams.

Thank you for the interview!

My pleasure.

Study the Pronouns and Verb to BE. Personal Pronouns

Verb to be




Possesives adjectives

I You He She It They We You

am are is is is are are are

I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s They’re We’re You’re

I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not They are not We are not You are not

I’m not You aren’t He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t They aren’t We aren’t You aren’t

My Your His Her Its Their Our Your

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Complete the following paragraph.

Hello! My name _____________ Juan. I _____________ from Jayuya, but I live in San Juan. _____________ last name is Rivera. I have two brothers. My older brother is Harry. _____________ is fourteen years old, he _____________ in the ninth grade. Robert _____________ ten. _____________ plays tennis every afternoon. My parents ___________________ professionals. My mother _____________ a teacher and my father _____________ an accountant. _____________ go to school by bus. Contractions of the verb “to be”. Often times the verb “to be” is contracted in the present tense when it occurs with pronouns and nouns. Be careful with the contraction for the third person because it may be confused with a possessive. For example, the sentence “The kite’s flying” means “The kite is flying” and the contraction ’s is part of the verb phrase “is flying”. However, in a sentence such as “The kite’s flying was a show”, the word “kite’s” is a possessive form and not a contraction. In this case, “flying” is a gerund (a present participle verb form used as a noun) and not part of a verb phrase. The contraction “it’s” is frequently confused with the possessive pronoun “its”. Contraction


I’m you’re he’s, she’s, it’s we’re they’re

I am you are he is, she is, it is we are they are

Negative contractions are formed by adding “n’t” to the present and past forms of the verb “to be”, as illustrated here:




isn’t aren’t wasn’t weren’t

is not are not was not were not

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Select the correct answer to complete each of the sentences. 1. The doctors in this hospital ________ going to make a decision. b. are a. is 2. ________ my sisters in the science lab going to open a frog? a. Is b. Are 3. Some of the books ________ to have gotten wet by the rain. a. seem b. seems 4. The storms that go over Puerto Rico ________ quite scary. b. are a. is 5. The boys selected to play on the team ________ to be willing to practice every day. b. has a. have 6. Kiara, together with her friends, ________ an enjoyable dance for the audience. a. presents b. present 7. Jack seems to forget that there ________ things to be done before he can go to the movies. a. is b. are 8. There ________ to be some boys in the gym for the afternoon practice. a. have b. has 9. Some of the papers in the notebook ________ to be very wet. a. appear b. appears 10. One third of the students __________ against the final exam. a. is b. are

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Subject - Verb Agreement in the Simple Present Tense. Remember:

Plural always refers to more than one. When the subject is plural, the verb DOES NOT have an “s”. When the subject is “I” or “you”, the verb does not have an “s”. Singular always refers to one. When the subject is singular the verb has an “s”.

Let’s study the following examples:


I, You, and plural words.

I walk. You walk. We walk. They walk. Ten dogs walk.

Singular words.

He walks. She walks. It walks. Carlos walks. Mary walks. Spiky walks.

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Select the correct answer.


There __________ nine boys on the team. a. are b. is c. am


I __________ twelve years old. a. are b. is c. am


He __________ the best dancer on the team. a. are b. is c. am


You __________ to be at the park by five o’clock. a. has b. have


I __________ three dollars left. a. have b. has


They __________ a bird named Tweety. a. have b. has


She __________ a rehearsal with her drama teacher. a. have b. has


We __________ paper and crayons, but no scissors and glue. a. have b. has


I __________ swimming after school every day. a. go b. goes

10. Gabriel __________ to church every Sunday at 8:00 AM. a. go b. goes

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Further Practice

1. John and Miguel __________ doctors. a. is

b. be

c. are

d. am

2. Juan likes to draw. He __________ an artist. a. be

b. is

c. are

d. being

3. Miguel doesn’t like animals. He __________ a veterinarian. a. isn’t

b. aren’t

c. are not

d. am not

4. Karin and Kristy __________ lawyers. a. isn’t

b. am not c. being d. aren’t

5. Sandra and Nayda __________ ballet dancers, and they’re performing at Bellas Artes. a. are

b. be

c. is

d. being

6. Steve __________ a management consultant. a. be

b. am

c. is

d. are

7. Steve makes a lot of money. He __________ a bank custodian. a. am not b. are not c. aren’t d. isn’t 8. Jaime is afraid of fires. He __________ a fire fighter. a. am not b. is not


c. are not

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d. aren’t

More Practice

1. It __________ nice to meet you. a. am

b. is

c. are

2. There __________ some boys waiting to see the principal. a. am

b. is

c. are

3. There __________ some ice cream for you in the freezer. a. am

b. is

c. are

4. They __________ eating pizza. a. am

b. is

c. are

5. We __________ about to leave the apartment. a. am

b. is

c. are

6. It __________ a good idea to read more about the author who wrote the story. a. am

b. is

c. are

7. Maryann __________ very friendly. a. am not

b. are not

c. aren’t

d. isn’t

8. You __________ not the best student in science, but you are in math. a. isn’t

b. is not

c. am not

d. are not

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


9. How much __________ the blue shirt in the window display? a. are

b. be

c. is

d. being

10. Who __________ talking to Jack on the phone? a. be

b. am

c. is

d. are

11. Each week __________ better for those who are learning to swim. a. is

b. are not

c. aren’t

d. am

12. Everybody __________ leaving now. a. am not

b. is not

c. are

13. __________ anybody home? a. Be


b. Am

c. Is

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d. Are

d. aren’t

Writing With a friend, write a short dialogue using the verb to “BE� in the Simple Present Tense: am, is, are. Be prepared to share your dialogue with the class. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6



The Camping Trip

The sixth grade class was planning a camping trip. They were making a list of all the things they needed. Their teacher was reading some safety rules that they must follow. “Remember to bring your First Aid Kit, said Mrs. Oliver, “and please remember to follow all the safety rules we have discussed in class.”


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The sixth grade class was going camping to Adjuntas. They had their parent permission slips signed and some of their parents were going with them. The trip there was going to be fun. Everyone was getting on the bus with their camping gear. All the students were excited about this new adventure. They were going to camp in the woods.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


They arrived early. It was only one thirty in the afternoon. The students got off the bus and started putting up their tents. Juan and his mother put up a tent. It was a big tent. They had room for four more people, but it seemed like everyone had their own tent. “Mom, can I invite Pedro and Omar to sleep over,” said Juan. “Of course you may. Just be sure that they tell the teacher they will sleep in our tent,” said Juan’s mother.


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Six people can sleep in the tent. Juan is going to invite two friends to sleep over. Juan called Omar, “Omar, there is room for you in my tent. Come and stay over.” “Who else is staying?” Omar asked. “Pedro, you and I, and of course my mom,” said Juan. “Alright, I’ll be there in five minutes, just let me tell the teacher where I’m planning to stay, and thanks for inviting me,” said Omar. “No problem, I’ll be waiting for you. Pedro will come over a little later. Bye,” said Juan.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


That night they sat around the campfire. The fire kept them warm. Adjuntas is quite chilly at night. Mom cooked food over the fire. Juan, Omar, and Pedro looked up at the dark sky. They started counting the stars. “Did you see that?” yelled Pedro, jumping up to his feet. “Yes, I did,” said Omar, “What in the world was that!” Juan was in shock, “I can’t believe it!” said Juan. “Look!” yelled Pedro, as they saw a ball of fire crossing the sky. Then they felt the Earth shake. “It must have been an airplane! Or maybe a meteor. Let’s go and find out,” said Juan.


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Everyone started running towards the ball of fire. There was a lot of smoke in the area. “I wonder what it was!” said Juan. “It wasn’t an airplane. Because what I saw was a great big ball of fire just floating through the air. I was scared it was going to land here, but I’m glad it didn’t,” said the teacher.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


They looked at the area as the fire was clearing off. “It was a meteor,” said Pedro, “and look at the size of it!” In the meantime, police officers and people living in the surrounding areas came to see what was going on. The police cleared the area and told the people to please stay away.


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The teacher, students, and parents all went back to their tents and sat around the campfire. They started to eat. The entire conversation was about the meteor explosion and how interesting it was to have experienced such an event. But they were happier to know that nobody was hurt and that all things in that place had gone back to normal. When they finished eating, they started singing and telling scary stories.

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They went to bed past midnight. The next morning they had breakfast and got ready to go mountain hiking. This was going to be a great camping trip to always remember.


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For discussion 1. The sixth grade class is planning to have a camping trip, what things do you think they need to take? Make a list. 2. There are important safety rules to follow when going on a camping trip. Please make a list of the safety rules you think are the most important to follow. 3. Have you ever gone camping? If so, where to? How was the experience? 4. What things can you take on a camping trip? What safety rules do you recommend others to follow? 5. What will this sixth grade camping class always remember? Why do you think so? 6. What other activities can people do while they are camping in the woods? 7. Look for information about meteors and prepare a short summary. 8. Find pictures of meteors and bring them in to class. Share your pictures with your classmates.

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Fill in each blank with the proper simple present form of the verb in parentheses. Example: I usually _____________ in the morning. (run) I usually run in the morning. (run) 1. They _______________________ baseball every Friday. (play) 2. Tony always _______________________ his experiments. (do) 3. Tammy never _______________________ hard. (try) 4. Janet _______________________ movies with her friend. (watch) 5. Father always _______________________ flowers for Mother. (buy) 6. We _______________________ Italian. (speak) 7. My brother _______________________ his friends. (miss) 8. I _______________________ very hungry. (be) 9. Jenny _______________________ a new car. (have) 10. Emery _______________________ her hands after eating. (wash)


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Change the following sentences into questions. Examples: John wants to eat. Does John want to eat?

Maria is tall. Is Maria tall?

1. Rigoberto is French. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 2. He is smart. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 3. Tommy plays soccer every Saturday. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 4. Bob likes Teresa. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 5. They go to the park. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 6. My friends have two dogs. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 7. They love each other. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 8. My friends have two dogs. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 9. The boys are sick. _______________________________________________________________________ ? 10. Steven lives in Miami. _______________________________________________________________________ ?

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Write the correct present tense form of the verb TO BE: am, is, are. Example: I am from Japan.

1. My parents __________________ from Ponce. 2. My sister __________________ a very good singer. 3. They __________________ very happy here. 4. My brother __________________ a doctor. 5. __________________ you his friend? 6. I __________________ a nurse. 7. John __________________ a taxi driver. 8. We __________________ not from Spain. 9. My mother __________________ not very tall. 10. My brother and his wife __________________ in Mexico.


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Complete the following answers, using the correct pronoun and the correct present-tense form of the verb TO BE: Example: Q: Are you happy? A: Yes, I am happy. / Yes, I’m happy. Q: Is your father tall? A: No, he isn’t. 1. Q: Is he Spanish?

A: No, __________________ from England.

2. Q: Are you from Arecibo?

A: No, __________________ from San Juan.

3. Q: Are your parents Jewish? A: Yes, _________________________________. 4. Q: Are you happy?

A: No, _________________________________.

5. Q: Are they your pets?

A: Yes, _________________________________.

6. Q: Is your brother a dentist? A: Yes, _________________________________. 7. Q: Is your uncle tall?

A: No, _________________________________.

8. Q: Are your shoes dirty?

A: Yes, _________________________________.

9. Q: Are you taller than me?

A: No, _________________________________.

10. Q: Am I a good friend?

A: Yes, _________________________________.

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VERB TENSE: The present continuous tense Fill in the blanks with the correct form of each verb in parenthesis: Example:

I (play) am playing the piano now.


You / We / They (play) are playing the piano now.


He / She / It (play) is playing the piano now.

1. I (play)



_________________ the drums now.

2. You (play) _________________

_________________ the piano now.

3. We (play) _________________

_________________ the violins now.

4. They (play) _________________

_________________ the trumpet now.

5. He (play)


_________________ the tuba now.

6. She (play) _________________

_________________ the flute now.

7. It (play)

_________________ the drums now.


Editorial Panamericana, Inc.

Let’s practice the verbs in present continuous tense. Example: Marcos __________Nintendo. (play) Marcos is playing Nintendo. 1. I ____________________________ to the park next Saturday. (go) 2. She ____________________________ to the principal. (talk) 3. I ____________________________ to learn German. (try) 4. They ____________________________ to the party. (come) 5. The girls ____________________________ the movie. (watch) 6. My friends ____________________________ tonight. (leave) 7. I ____________________________ my cousins at the mall. (meet) 8. The children ____________________________ to the story. (listen) 9. We ____________________________ a good time! (have) 10. My sister ____________________________ a trip to Venezuela. (plan) 11. My mother ____________________________ an email to my brother. (write) 12. My friends ____________________________ to California. (fly) 13. I ____________________________. (read) 14. They ____________________________ cookies. (bake)

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


Note: Sometimes you must double the last letter in the word before you add “ing�. The rule for doubling is: when a one-syllable verb ends with consonantvowel-consonant, the final consonant is doubled. If the verb is longer than one syllable, the final consonant is doubled only if the stress falls on the last syllable. Exceptions: never double the letters h, w, x, y. Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:

I (run) am running now. You / We / They (run) are running now. He / She / It (run) is running now. I (walk) am walking now. You / We / They (walk) are walking now. He / She / It (walk) is walking now.

1. I (run) ______________ ______________ now. 2. I (walk) ______________ ______________ now. 3. You (get) ______________ ______________ hungry now. 4. You (drink) ______________ ______________ now. 5. We (plan) ______________ ______________ the trip now. 6. They (play) ______________ ______________ the game now. 7. They (stop) ______________ ______________ the game now. 8. He (swim) ______________ ______________ at the beach now. 9. He (sleep) ______________ ______________ on the couch now. 10. She (shop) ______________ ______________ at the department store now. 11. She (eat) ______________ ______________ with her cousin now.


Editorial Panamericana, Inc.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in present continuous tense.

1. Right now, I (buy) ______________ ______________ groceries. I need sugar, milk, bread, and coffee. 2. We (eat) ______________ ______________ breakfast. It tastes good. 3. He (drink) ______________ ______________ a milk shake. It looks good. 4. John (do) ______________ ______________ his homework now. We are going to play when he is finished. 5. Dr. Rosario is busy. He (see) ______________ ______________ a baby right now. He will see you in twenty minutes. 6. Mr. Borrero and I (talk) ______________ ______________ on the phone. Note: When a verb ends in “e” you drop the “e” and add “ing”. More: 1. All of the children (dance) ______________ ______________ at the party. 2. They (smile) ______________ ______________ . 3. Jackie (take) ______________ ______________ pictures of Old San Juan. 4. My car (move) ______________ ______________ down the hill. 5. Anthony and Susan (take) ______________ ______________ a swim. The water looks great.

Building Blocks for Conversations and Reading 6


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