Broiler farm guide

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Walid Y. Al-Saleh





Walid Y. Al-Saleh

AUTHOR: Walid Y. Al-Saleh. FORMAT: 11 Ă— 20 cm. NUMBER OF PAGES: 56. NUMBER OF IMAGES: 40 approx. BINDING: hardcover, wire-o.

Broiler farm guide aims to be a quick visual guide about the management and performance of broiler farms. The chapters have been grouped according to the different issues considered important to maintain flock health and welfare, thus optimizing farm production. The information is presented with a clear and precise language. The numerous images and tables make the contents easier to read and understand. The result is a useful guide to improve management and efficiency of broiler breeding stock.



Presentation of the book This book is centered in broiler production, which ultimate objective is to achieve an optimal flock performance. Due to its complexity, it is necessary to understand the factors that take part in the whole broiler production process clearly. After a brief introduction, it describes that broiler production starts at the hatchery, and continues during transport and in the processing plant. Control measures in each stage are required to attain maximum performance. Moreover, it is important to implement an exhaustive biosecurity program evaluating each step critically to get maximum efficiency of the broiler farm. This work also reviews medication and vaccination programs, which are essential to control the losses in productivity that diseases can bring. Finally, the book makes sense of the environment maintenance to optimize farm production.


The author Walid Y. Al-Saleh Walid Y. Al-Saleh obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (DMV) from the University of Bagdad in 1999. He also holds a master’s degree in Immunology from the Jordan University of Science and Technology (2009). He has strong interests and a wide expertise in poultry. He has participated in more than ten research agreements with companies and public organisms, publishing several international papers focused on poultry diseases, vaccination in poultry, etc.


Currently, he works as an avian technical and marketing manager for Middle East area at Merial, a Sanofi Company. He does seminars, training and surveys, and cooperates with local laboratories in Middle East area. Moreover, he has worked as a part-time Immunology lecturer at the Jordan University of Science and Technology.

Communication services Website Online visualisation of the sample chapter. Presentation brochure in PDF format. Author´s CV. Sample chapter compatible with iPad.



Walid Y. Al-Saleh

Table of contents 1. What we have to request from broiler eggs supplier 2. What we have to know about outdoor hatcheries 3. Broiler houses management Chick quality and broiler performance Chick arrival Environmental control Brooder management

4. Broiler houses biosecurity SOPs Principles on the broiler farm Biosecurity SOPs on the broiler farm

5. Broiler houses medication programs 6. Broiler suggested vaccination programs Vaccination techniques critical points

7. Laboratory services The main issues related to laboratory services The main laboratory tests The main practices

8. Broiler houses lighting system 9. Broiler houses ventilation system 10. Broiler houses ration and pelleting 11. Broiler houses drinking system 12. Broiler houses stocking density 13. Control of heat stress 14. Merial VTS, your partner in hatchery 15. Troubleshooting health issues on the farm




Broiler houses biosecurity SOPs* Principles on the broiler farm Hazard analysis

Hazard analysis is required to identify both microbiological and physical hazards, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter or IBD, from reception through to delivery of the chickens.

Critical control points The biosecurity program includes control points at which hazards can be reduced or eliminated (Table 1). Table 1. Critical control points. Site security

Transport sanitation, wheel dips and foot dips

Personnel hygiene

Protective clothing, hand hygiene and showering in and out

Water system

Disinfect the drinking water


Fogging the house to control airborne pathogens


Clean litter can be sprayed to reduce infection

Rodent control

Integrated pest management (IPM) program

Broiler house

Terminal disinfection program

Critical limits It is important to establish acceptable limits for each hazard identified. Cleaning and disinfecting in accordance with disinfectant supplier biosecurity program will ensure that microbiological hazards meet those limits. The following table (Table 2) shows suggested critical limits of disease organisms following disinfection. *SOPs: standard operating procedures.


0–10 Negative

TVC secondary areas

Salmonella presence

Primary areas are those which have most organic challenge, such as floors and vents.

Secondary areas are those which have less organic challenge, such as walls, posts, feeders and drinkers.





Total viable counts per cm2 (TVC) are the total number of microorganisms cultured, and the presence of Salmonella specifically.




Note that:


TVC primary areas


Table 2. Suggested critical limits of disease organisms after disinfection.





4 Broiler houses biosecurity SOPs





Monitoring Observation and measurement of cleaning and disinfecting should be carried out to ensure that critical limits are met at each step (Fig. 1). From our research, four key areas for control of the contamination have been identified: y Hard surfaces: concrete floors, aprons and walls. y Porous surfaces: earth floors and timber. y Equipment: feeders and drinkers (Fig. 2). y Moveable equipment and personnel.

Figure 1. Monitoring.

Figure 2. Clean feeder.



Broiler houses biosecurity SOPs

Correction If the critical limits are not met at any step, action must be taken. Review the application procedure to ensure that it is in accordance with guidelines.

Recording Records must be kept demonstrating that the biosecurity program is in place and implemented correctly and continuously (Fig. 3). Records should be kept of products used, critical limits, cleaning schedules and any corrective actions taken.

Clean feeders and drinkers

Personnel hygiene

Rodent control

Fogging the house

Clean litter

Disinfect water

Figure 3. Records demonstrating that the biosecurity program is correct.





Verification Tests and procedures should ensure ARASCO system. It is often performed by an outside person or organization, for example third-party verification of bacteriology tests, calibration checks and dosing tests.

Biosecurity SOPs on the broiler farm Restrict visitors. Establish visitation requirements for any visitor, which includes a risk assessment protocol for that individual. This protocol must be completed prior to entry. Stipulate farm entry protocols, including a change of clothing and footwear for staff and visitors. Provide a change of footwear or disposable boots at the entrance to every house. No equipment should be brought onto the farm unless it has been cleaned and disinfected. All vehicles must be cleaned prior to farm entry.



Broiler houses biosecurity SOPs

Establish clear and implemented procedures for house cleaning and disinfection. Establish clear and implemented procedures for litter management and disposal. Reduce pathogen carryover by allowing adequate down-time for farm cleaning. Establish clear and implemented procedures for feed hygiene, transport and delivery. Establish clear and implemented procedures for water management and sanitation. Establish an IPC program. Establish procedures for dead bird disposal.





Broiler suggested vaccination programs Please, follow the recommended vaccination program for your country.

Keep in mind ‌. Vaccination alone cannot protect flocks against overwhelming disease challenges and poor management practices. Vaccination programs for broilers should be developed in consultation with trained poultry veterinarians. Vaccination is more effective when disease challenges are minimized through well-designed and implemented biosecurity and management programs. Vaccination programs must be based on local disease challenges and vaccine availability. Every bird must receive the intended dose of vaccine. Breeder flock vaccination programs must be factored into the design of an appropriate vaccination program for broiler progeny.



Broiler suggested vaccination programs

Vaccination techniques critical points Drinking water vaccination: y Use fresh, clean water (without organic substances or bacteria). y Water pH should be from 5.5 to 7.5. y Stop the chlorine 24 hours before vaccination. y Be careful about well water: iron, copper. y Use only plastic materials for tank, shaker or watering can. y Check up all pipes and nipples used in vaccination, verifying there is vaccine solution in all pipes. y Move throughout the building every 3–4 times during the vaccination.

Spray vaccination (Fig.


y Droplet size problem: y Fine spray: droplet 80–120 mm. y Coarse spray: droplet 150–180 mm. y Aerosol: droplet 10–40 mm. y Group birds together. y Repeat passage. y Distance over birds: 30 cm above. y Deal with post-vaccination reaction (PVR) using the right strain. y Pressure should be between 1 and 2 bar.

Figure 1. Spray vaccination.





Inactivated vaccines (Fig.


y Leave vaccines 6–12 hours at room temperature before using them. y Dose adjustment should be controlled before vaccination. y Use sterile needles and change them every 2000 birds. y Speed of injection should not be too quick to ensure Figure 2. Vaccination with the efficacy and to inactivated vaccines. minimize the stress. y Keep clean the injection site. y Use food safety dye to confirm accuracy.

Eye drop vaccination (Fig. y Use sterile water. y Use a 1000-dose dropper, vaccinating 20–30 chicks per minute. y Gather chicks in a day-old box. y Keep ventilation and heating system on. y Hold the chick eye upwards: one drop per bird (only one eye). y Avoid touching the eye. y Wait 3 seconds to get full drop absorption.



Figure 3. Eye drop vaccination.

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