carolina golf central
Apple Valley Golf Course at Rumbling Bald Reopens with New Champion Bermuda Greens Rumbling Bald General Manager Jeff
prime in the early 2000s. Golfers played 10 million rounds in July, a 20 percent
Geisler can only shake his head when
increase year-over-year. And the Nation-
asked about the reopening of the re-
al Golf reports that August is tracking at
sort’s Apple Valley Golf Course just three
the same pace.
months after it closed for the installa-
“Thousands of courses throughout
tion of new greens.
the U.S. were closed in March and April
“There was a time just six months ago when we considered shuttering this project until next year, but our board 44 and golf team held fast to our commitment of improving the golf product here every year,” Geisler said. “As it turns out,
but as an industry we could still end the timing was perfect.” Perfect, in that golf has undergone a
up ahead in rounds played by the end of the year, it’s just amazing,” added
resurgence amid the Covid-19 pandemic
Geisler. “Golf is outside, it’s easy to
to rival the salad days of Tiger Woods’
socially distance, and keeping flagsticks
Golf Central • Volume 21, Issue 5