4 minute read
Machine Sewing, Needlework, Quilts & Comforters…………………43 Youth Needlework (14 & under
PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & 6th=Ribbon
Baby Quilts, Under 45" 01 Appliquéd, self hand quilted 02 Appliquéd, self machine quilted 03 Appliquéd, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 04 Pieced, self hand quilted 05 Pieced, self machine quilted 06 Pieced, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 07 Embroidered, hand or machine, self hand quilted 08 Embroidered, hand or machine, self machine quilted 09 Embroidered, hand or machine, commercially quilted L Lap Quilts, 45" -75" 10 Appliquéd, self hand quilted 11 Appliquéd, self machine quilted 12 Appliquéd, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 13 Pieced, self hand quilted 14 Pieced, self machine quilted 15 Pieced, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 16 Embroidered, hand or machine, self hand quilted 17 Embroidered, hand or machine, self machine quilted 18 Embroidered, hand or machine, commercially quilted B Bed Quilts, Over 72" 19 Appliquéd, self hand quilted 20 Appliquéd, self machine quilted 21 Appliquéd, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 22 Pieced, self hand quilted 23 Pieced, self machine quilted 24 Pieced, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 25 Embroidered, hand or machine, self hand quilted 26 Embroidered, hand or machine, self machine quilted 27 Embroidered, hand or machine, commercially quilted O Original Design 28 Self Hand Quilted, any technique 29 Self Machine Quilted, any technique 30 Commercially Quilted, hand or machine, any technique W Wall Hanging, Over 24” 31 Appliquéd, self hand quilted 32 Appliquéd, self machine quilted 33 Appliquéd, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 34 Pieced, self hand quilted 35 Pieced, self machine quilted 36 Pieced, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 37 Embroidered, hand or machine, self hand quilted 38 Embroidered, hand or machine, self machine quilted 39 Embroidered, hand or machine, commercially quilted W Wall Hanging, 24” or Less 40 Appliquéd, self hand quilted 41 Appliquéd, self machine quilted 42 Appliquéd, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 43 Pieced, self hand quilted 44 Pieced, self machine quilted 45 Pieced, commercially quilted (hand or machine) 46 Embroidered, hand or machine, self hand quilted 47 Embroidered, hand or machine, self machine quilted 48 Embroidered, hand or machine, commercially quilted O Other 49 Tied Quilt, any technique, any size 50 Group Quilt, made by 2 + people, any technique, any size 51 Quilted Garment 52 Quilted Pillow, any technique, hand or machine quilted 53 Any Quilted item not previously listed 54 Table Runner 55 Placemats (Set of 2 or More) 56 Holiday, any quilted item
DEPARTMENT L - OPEN CLASS Division 8 - YOUTH NEEDLEWORK Superintendent: Julia Owens
Put age of exhibitor with description of item for each class. (AGE 14 & UNDER)
P PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & 6th=Ribbon
CLASS: 01 Crochet 05 Machine Sewing 02 Cross Stitch 06 Needlework 03 Embroidery 07 Quilts, Comforters 04 Knitting
***Exhibitors are allowed two (2) entries in each class. *** 1. FOLLOWING INFORMATION NEEDED ON ALL ENTRIES: NAME - ADDRESS - DEPARTMENT – DIVISION – CLASS NUMBER 2. Exhibitors from a Nursing Home or Retirement Center, please place an "S" preceding your name. Arts and Crafts done by handicapped exhibitors should have an "H" put on the entry with a written statement describing the handicap. 3. Eligible articles for this division must be ORIGINALS, the work done by the exhibitor, and done within the last 5 years. Copy work or imitation NOT accepted. Articles that have been exhibited in prior years will not be accepted. The exhibitor must be a resident of Big Horn County. Students may enter in Open Class. Judges will not award premiums to unworthy exhibits. No exhibits shall be entered for more than one premium, except that it shall count as part of a collection. Where there is no competition, the judge may award first, second, third, or no premium, according to the merits of the exhibits. Best of Show Ribbons may be awarded at Judge's discretion, to one outstanding exhibit in each of the following: a. Art - Professional b. Art - Amateur c. Photography - Professional d. Photography - Amateur e. Crafts / Leather / Macramé f. Ceramics / Pottery / Sculpture A ART: All entries must be ready for immediate display before arrival. All art work must be framed or matted, and hung with wire. Absolutely no “self—leveling” saw tooth hangers or string accepted. Glass on pictures entered at artists own risk. P PROFESSIONAL– One who derives income from an art or craft. A AMATEUR– One who does not derive income from an art or craft. Has less than four or five years of art classes
PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=Ribbon; 5th=Ribbon; & 6th=Ribbon
01 Portrait & Figure
02 Still Life 04 Wildlife
05 Miscellaneous
01 Portrait & Figure 02 Still Life 04 Wildlife 05 Miscellaneous
01 Portrait & Figure 02 Still Life 03 Landscape 04 Wildlife 05 Miscellaneous