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Junior Horses Halter
D DEPARTMENT J Division 8 JUNIOR HORSE - HALTER CLASSES (4-H & FFA) Superintendents: Shannon Hill
E. Palomino F. Pony G. Quarter Horse H. Thoroughbred I. Miniatures (county) . Any Other Recognized Breed (list on entry sheet)
1.H Health Certificate Required for all Livestock. At any time a licensed Wyoming veterinarian can ask any animal to leave the fairground if he/ she feels there are health concerns or issues. 2.Junior entries to Open Class Horse Shows (See Open Class requirements). Jr Show Halter Classes are open only to qualified Big Horn County 4H/FFA members. 3.H Health: The Fair reserves the right to develop, employ, and enforce individual animal inspections at any time. The Management, or their advisors, will make this decision if they feel it is necessary for the health and/or well being of animals, pubic health, or other specific health concerns. Any horse suspected of ill health may be dismissed from the Fairgrounds. 4. All rules of the Current Wyoming Rodeo and 4H Rule Book apply uless superseded by specific rules herein. 5.Unsportsmanlike conduct will N NOT be tolerated and the offending exhibitor will forfeit premiums and may immediately be dismissed from the Fairgrounds. 6.Credentials verifying ownership should be available upon request. 7.There will be N NO STALLIONS allowed in the youth horse show E EXCEPT foals of current year. 8.Horses known to kick must have a red flag on their tail. Superintendent has the right to flag any horse. 9.Anyone moving another person’s horse or utilizing other’s pens without W WRITTEN permission will N NOT be allowed to show. 10.Individual horses may be entered in one halter class only. N NO DOUBLE ENTRIES. 11.Any questions or comments should be directed to the Superintendent of Horses. 12.Do not exit class until ribbons have been awarded - leave class in order of placement. 13.All classes E EXCEPT Palomino and Shetland will be judged on confirmation and breed type; 50% on walk, trot, and general manner; 50% on lead rein. Palomino to be judged 50% confirmation and way of going; 50% color. Palomino horses must be shown with a full mane and tail. List breed of each horse entered on entry sheet. 14.Championship Class can be entered by officials O ONLY. A All horse exhibitors: Horses will be allowed on the grass area S SOUTH of the main hall. No horses will be allowed on the grass area E EAST of the main hall, N NOR in the food court. Horses are to be L LED on any grass area. N NO riding exept in the warm up area and the arena...ONLY!!! N NO riding double, bareback, or barefoot. Please be courteous of other people attending the Fair!
PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=$5; 5th=$4; & 6th=$3 Class/ Breed Grand & Reserve Champion: Ribbon Overall Grand Champion Mare: $15 Overall Reserve Champion Mare: $10 Overall Grand Champion Gelding: $15 Overall Reserve Champion Gelding: $10
Filly born 001 011 021 031 041 051 061 071 081 091 in 2020 Filly born 002 012 022 032 042 052 062 072 082 092 in 2019 Mare born 003 013 023 033 043 053 063 073 083 093 in 2018 Mare born 004 014 024 034 044 054 064 074 084 094 2015-2019 Mare born 005 015 025 035 045 055 065 075 085 095 before 2015 Gelding born, 006 016 026 036 046 056 066 076 086 096 in 2020 Gelding born, 007 017 027 037 047 057 067 077 087 097 in 2019 Gelding born, 008 018 028 038 048 058 068 078 088 098 in 2018 Gelding born, 009 019 029 039 049 059 069 079 089 099 2015-2019 Gelding born, 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 100 before 2015 Filly born 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 in 2021 Colt born 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
Halter horses are requested to be removed from stalls and grounds after the show
if they are not entered in Performance classes. *NOTE: Halterclassesandshowmanshipclassesarenot includedinHighPointPerformanceAwardsorTimed Awards.