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Junior Breeding Sheep
FOUR CLASS BREEDS: A B C D E F Angora English (All varieties) 055 * 056 057 * 058 Angora French (All varieties) 059 * 060 061 * 062 Dutch (All varieties) 063 * 064 065 * 066 Himalayan 067 * 068 069 * 070 Holland Lop 071 * 072 073 * 074 Jersey Wooly (All varieties) 075 * 076 077 * 078 Mini Lop Colored Pattern 079 * 080 081 * 082 Mini Lop Broken Pattern 083 * 084 085 * 086 Mini Rex 087 * 088 089 * 090 Netherland Dwarf 091 * 092 093 * 094 Polish 095 * 096 097 * 098 Rex Broken Pattern 099 * 100 101 * 102 Rex Colored Pattern 103 * 104 105 * 106 Any other Four Class Purebred 107 * 108 109 * 110 Any other Four Class Crossbred 111 * 112 113 * 114 ***There are no intermediate classes for these breeds. Senior Does and Bucks in these breeds are 6 months and older. ** MEAT CLASS: CLASS: 115 Meat Pen of 3 Rabbits (limited to one pen per exhibitor) 116 Single Fryer (limited to one entry per exhibitor)
***Meat Pen and Fryers must be separate rabbits from other classes. ***
FUR CLASS: 117 Normal fur, White only-American, Beveren, Britannia Petite, Californian, English Lops, Florida Whites, Himalayans, Polish, New Zealand 118 Normal, all colors but white-American, Beveren, Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite, Champagne D'Argent, Checked Giants, Cinnamon, Creme D'Argent, Dutch, English Lops, English Spot, Giant Chinchilla, Harlequins, Havana, New Zealand, Palomino, Polish, Rhinelander, Silvers, Silver Marten, Tans. 119 Rex, white only - Mini Rex and Rex 120 Rex, all colors but white - Mini Rex and Rex 121 Satin, white only-Satins 122 Satin, all colors but white-Satins 123 All other Breed Fur, All colors-American Chinchilla, American Sable, Dwarf Hotot, Flemish Giants, French Lops, Hotot, Holland Lops, Lilac, Mini Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, Silver Fox, Standard Chinchilla 124Fryer Fur, all colors (a rabbit from the meat pen class) W WOOL CLASS: All wool breed rabbits are shown together and will be separated into two groups, white and colored. Breeds for the wool classes are English Angora, French Angora, Satin Angora, Giant Angora, American Fuzzy Lop and Jersey Wooly. CLASS: 125 Wool, white only 126 Wool, all colors DEPARTMENT J DIVISION 11 - JUNIOR BREEDING SHEEP SHOW (4-H & FFA) Superintendent: Dan & Sarah Holloway
1. H Health Certificate Required for all Livestock. At any time a licensed Wyoming veterinarian can ask any animal to leave the fairground if he/ she feels there are health concerns or issues. 2. All breeding sheep, yearlings and older, must be shorn after January 1st, of current year. 3. A flock shall consist of 1 yearling or ram lamb, 2 yearling ewes, and 2 ewe lambs which are owned by the exhibitor. 4. Get of Sire shall consist of 4 lambs or yearlings, or both, of either sex, from 1 sire, which were bred and are owned by the exhibitor. 5. All breeding sheep will show by breeds. 6. N NO artificial color, paint, or powder is allowed on breeding sheep. 7. Extreme docking of lambs is N NOT acceptable animal husbandry practice. 8. Any lambs showing signs of rectal prolapse shall be disqualified and must be immediately removed from the fairgrounds by the exhibitor. 9. Drenching as a method to source nutrition for an animal is P PROHIBITED unless approved in writing by a licensed Wyoming veterinarian and presented to the Big Horn County Fair Manager and Advisory Committee. 10.There will be N NO muzzles, of any type, allowed on youth livestock unless approved by a licensed Wyoming veterinarian in writing on the Heath Certificate. 11.All Lambs must N NOT show any sign of active club lamb fungus.
PREMIUMS: 1st=$8; 2nd=$7; 3rd=$6; 4th=$5; 5th=$4; & 6th=$3 Class/ Breed Grand & Reserve Champion: Ribbon Overall Grand Champion Female: $15 Overall Reserve Champion Female: $10 Overall Grand Champion Male: $15 Overall Reserve Champion Male: $10
BREEDS: A. Columbia B. Dorset C. Hampshire D. Rambouillet E. Suffolk F. Targhee G. Any Other Purebred H. Commercial, Crossbred, Wether Type Class: A B C D E F G H Ram 001 011 021 031 041 051 061 071 1 yr old & under 2 yr 002 012 022 032 042 052 062 072 Winter Ram Lamb 003 013 023 033 043 053 063 073 (Born Jan. 1 & Feb 15 of 2021)
Spring Ram lamb 004 014 024 034 044 054 064 074 (Born Feb. 16 & June 1 of 2021)
Pen of 2 Ram Lambs 005 015 025 035 045 055 065 075 Ewe, 1 yr old & under 2 yr
Winter Ewe Lamb 006 016 026 036 046 056 066 076 (Born Jan. 1 & Feb 15 of 2021)
Spring Ewe Lamb 007 017 027 037 047 057 067 077 (Born Feb. 16 & June 1 of 2021)
Pen of 2 Ewe Lambs 008 018 028 038 048 058 068 078 Best 4 head of lambs 009 019 029 039 049 059 069 079 from 1 exhibitor (both sexes represented) Flock 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 (1 ram, 4 ewes, any age) C County Only
Aged Ewe, 2 yrs & older081 083 085 087 089 091 093 095 Aged Ram, 2 yrs & older082 084 086 088 090 092 094 096