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4-H Health, Horticulture & Interior Design
5.For food safety reasons, meat jerky entries must be prepared using the boiling brine method recommended by the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service, and the recipe must accompany the product. To obtain this recipe, contact your Extension Office or go to the UWCES Food and Nutrition website at www.uwyo.edu/cesnutrition and click on “UWCES publications.” Ground jerky products w will be disqualified because they cannot be processed in boiling brine. 6. More than one item can be entered per class, as long as entries display different skills learned. For example, dried herbs should be entered as a collection. Like items (i.e. peaches canned in juice and peaches canned in water) should be entered as a collection or the best jar entered. Entries should display the member’s best work and skills l earned.
Premiums: Purple, $5; Blue, $5; Red, $4; White, $2; (Danish) CLASS: Junior (8-10 years old) 01 First or second year in object 02 Three years in project I Intermediate (11-13 old) 03 First or second year in object 04 Three years in project S Senior (14-18 years old) 05 First or second year in object 06 Three years in project DEPARTMENT H DIVISION 30 - 4-H GARDENING Superintendent: Sandra Hendershot 1. Exhibit plates for vegetables will be provided by Wyoming State Fair. 2. Please use zip close bags for easy removal. 3. Superintendent will have the authority to dispose of entries which have begun to spoil before the end of fair. Exhibitors will still receive their ribbons and awards. 4.Some vegetables may be removed after judging for use in the vegetable judging contest. Exhibitors will still receive ribbons and awards. 5.Drawings, charts, and mounted displays should be limited to a maximum size of 22" x 28". Pictures, posters, or display boards not appropriately prepared for hanging will not be displayed. 6.See Open Class Vegetables and Fruit Division for suggested number per plate.
Premiums: Purple, $5; Blue, $5; Red, $4; White, $2; (Danish) CLASS: Junior (8-10 years old) 01 First or second year in object 02 Three years in project I Intermediate (11-13 old) 03 First or second year in object 04 Three years in project S Senior (14-18 years old) 05 First or second year in object 06 Three years in project DEPARTMENT H DIVISION 31 - 4-H GEOLOGY Superintendent: Sandra Hendershot 1. Use display board or box not to exceed 20" x 24" suitable for vertical display. Attach specimens with wire to the board or box so there is no possibility of their coming loose.
Premiums: Purple, $5; Blue, $5; Red, $4; White, $2; (Danish) CLASS: Junior (8-10 years old) 01 First or second year in object 02 Three years in project Intermediate (11-13 old) 03 First or second year in object 04 Three years in project S Senior (14-18 years old) 05 First or second year in object 06 Three years in project
Premiums: Purple, $5; Blue, $5; Red, $4; White, $2; (Danish) CLASS: Junior (8-10 years old) 01 First or second year in object 02 Three years in project I Intermediate (11-13 old) 03 First or second year in object 04 Three years in project S Senior (14-18 years old) 05 First or second year in object 06 Three years in project DEPARTMENT H DIVISION 33 - 4-H HEALTH Superintendent: Sandra Hendershot 1. Pictures, posters or display boards not appropriately prepared for hanging will not be displayed.
NOTE: Oversized exhibits will be displayed as space permits.
Premiums: Purple, $5; Blue, $5; Red, $4; White, $2; (Danish) CLASS: Junior (8-10 years old) 01 First or second year in object 02 Three years in project I Intermediate (11-13 old) 03 First or second year in object 04 Three years in project S Senior (14-18 years old) 05 First or second year in object 06 Three years in project DEPARTMENT H DIVISION 34 - 4-H HORTICULTURE S Superintend: Sandra Hendershot 1. See Open Class Flowers division for suggested entries.
Premiums: Purple, $5; Blue, $5; Red, $4; White, $2; (Danish) CLASS Junior (8-10 years old) 01 First or second year in object 02 Three years in project I Intermediate (11-13 old) 03 First or second year in object 04 Three years in project S Senior (14-18 years old) 05 First or second year in object 06 Three years in project