Journalism project (1)

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Short 1: How To Help Someone With Depression Having a family member who suffers from depression can be one of the hardest things to watch. So how can they help? When you have family members or love ones that is going through depression you will want to try your best to help them but you might not know how. Depression can be a sensitive matter so here are some tips to efficiently and successfully helps someone you love fight depression. A good way to start is to have a productive conversation. Asking them questions that get them talking about their feelings and any side effects that they might be suffering such as “How are you feeling today?” “Would you like to join me for dinner?” One of the best ways is to be active in their treatment process and continuously talk about their improvement. It can also help the victim when you include them in your daily life activities so they are not isolating themselves; small gestures like this can make a big difference in their lives. Many victims of depression can be lost with the overwhelming treatment and information. The most important thing that they might need is someone that is supportive and loving who can help them in their difficult time. By showing that you care and love them it can lift their mood and spirit and help them on their road to recovery.

Short 2: Technology Affecting Relationships

With the rise of technology, the way we interact with other people has changed. On these sites you can do more than just connecting with each other. These platforms allow you to do many different things. The Platform of Social Media has made communicating too easy that we’ve grown lazy to put in any amount of effort. “Within these online platforms, people can share memories, reconnect with friends, plan events, and communicate almost instantaneously.” This means no more looking at phonebooks, or long talks on the phone, or even getting out of bed to meet one another to catch up each other lives. While these platforms have existed long before this, it could on be assessed through computers and laptop. However, in the last 10-year with our technological advances we’ve been able to assess these platforms straight from our phone. While our technological advances are increasing, our face-to-face interaction is suffering and the quality of our conversations are lacking of quality. This can be start of isolating ourselves in front of our screen and ruining the relationships we used to value so much.

Short 3: How To Help The Homeless In Our Community

Not everyone in this world is fortunate enough to have a roof over their head or know when their next meal is going to be. Many people believe that being homeless is a choice, while it is not. People come from all paths of life so it is important to try and understand their situation and how they got there. It could be from lack of financial security, family illness, or loss of a job and since we don’t know we should be respectful and compassionate. “Find out ways people can do to help.” These people are down in their luck and any form of support can mean the world to them or change their lives. You don’t have to give money to help. Donations of clothes, food, or household items are valuable as well, especially in the winter. While you might not have the money and materials to donate to the homeless, your time is much appreciated. You can volunteer at your local homeless shelter by providing insights on information they might not know or help prepare foods. Homelessness does it only affect adults, but kids as well. Providing homeless family with moral support such as inviting them over for dinner, or an organized event at your church, or outing for the kid to the skating rink or movies can make big changes in their lives. Most people don’t choose to be homeless but it’s our choice to help make a difference in their lives.

Long Essay: Gun Control Gun control has been a serious topic that the government has been trying to avoid discussing. It seems like there is never a “right” time to talk about gun violence. So the question truly is “how many more deaths does America need to have before it’s the “right” time to talk about gun control?” When discussing about gun control we first need to remember what it means. Gun control is the ideology that the government issued our laws that has stricter rules on who is allowed to carry a weapon, more vigorous background checks, and the types of gun. Many people refused to talk about gun control because they think it means taking away and banning their rights to own a gun. However, no one says we should take away the second amendment. It’s just limiting the rights to own a gun to certain people who has passed background checks and is mentally and emotionally stable to use such a weapon. We have some of the deadliest mass shooting in the world motivated by personal and not political and religious decisions. These people have shown hatred towards a specific group of people and decide that they all must die. The murdered would come to nightclubs, movie theatres, and elementary schools with a semi-automatic gun and open fire. Killing tens and tens of innocent people who are just in the wrong place at wrong time. America has recently experienced such traumatic events once again in Vegas. The killer stake out a hotel room and shot down to a group of concertgoers killing a record of 58 people then turning the gun on himself. So now is it a good time to talk about gun control? All while our president issue out statement such as now is the time to mourn not a time to discuss such topics such as gun control. But how can a family gets closure

knowing that there are people out there who are mentally well and are able to buy guns that are meant to kill people by the dozens. While our president stall the topics of gun control. Another gunman is planning his attack. This time it took place a church, where most people would like to think the safest place on Earth. However these people would soon be attacked and twenty-nine including an unborn child would die. The right time to talk about gun control is now. We need to have productive discussion on how we can repent these mass shootings from happening. The first and most important thing is not find away to make these weapons that are meant to kill people by the dozens are not be accessible to mentally incapable users. We can’t keep letting these killers buy the materials they need carry out horrendous crimes that takes so many innocent lives away. If we chose to never talk about gun control more lives will be lost. The longer we wait, the more time we’re giving these potential killers to plan and kill. We need to stop it and the first way to start is to start talking about gun control.


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