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Political News

March 29, 2017


by Michael Crocker

Should the devil’s lettuce be legal? What’s the Devil’s Lettuce? Marijuana refers to a plant called Cannabis Sativa that consists of dried up flowers, leaves, seeds, and ‘buds’ in the hemp plant. This plant contains a chemical commonly known as THC. This chemical is the main component in the plant to “get high.” But how is THC entered into your body? There are many different ways to get THC into your blood stream and to your brain. One very popular method would be a joint, which refers to using cigarette papers to roll a ‘weed cigarette’ or a very similar method is a blunt which refers to tobacco paper. There is also a category for glass, referring to pieces, bongs, and rigs. Since the 1920s marijuana has been a huge controversy in the United States, federal law still classifies weed as a class 1 drug but some states have defied the government. Weed is being demonized by the media and the government, but what they don’t know is the profit that could come from legalizing this plant. Or do they? Since President Nixon declared the War on Drugs in the 1970s the media has been spreading two main reasons not to smoke marijuana. The first myth that is shared by the government is that smoking marijuana can harm your mental health and also causes schizophrenia. The other common myth that was spread is that weed is highly addictive. Is marijuana harmful for your body? The answer is no, alcohol and tobacco have both been proven to be more harmful on the body than weed. Annually in the United States there are approximately one hundred thousand deaths from drinking and driving, alcohol poisoning, falling, and alcohol related suicides. 1

Political News

March 29, 2017

Cigarettes are responsible for over four hundred and eighty thousand deaths every year in the United States. It is imposable to overdose on marijuana; it has never shown any damage to the lungs or other organs. Since 2012 possession prosecution has dropped in Colorado 80%, cultivation prosecution has dropped 94%, and distribution prosecution dropped 98%. These numbers prove that legalizing marijuana will open up room for the real criminals, committing real crimes. This proves that by legalizing marijuana that will leave more room in prisons, more funding for schools and America can take on a much “higher” lifestyle.

Works Cited Armentano, Paul. "Marijuana Economics." Letter to the Editor. 14 Apr. 2015. The New York Times, n.d. Web. “DrugFacts Marijuana .” National Institute of Drug Abuse, Mar. 2016, drugabuse.gov/ publications/drugfacts/maijuana./.latest_citation_text "Marijuana: How Does It Affect You?" WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Harvey, Brett. "The Culture High - Documentary Feature Film." The Culture High Documentary Feature Film. N.p., n.d. 2014 2

March 29, 2017

Trump’s Wall by Michael Crocker

President Donald Trump calls for 1.5 billion dollars to fund the building of his wall, but will it jeopardies his chances for reelection? Fellow republicans in congress delay their support in a decision to build this wall. With a spending bill that must pass by April 28th of this year, to avoid shutting down federal agencies, Republican senator Roy Blunt says that money for this project might not be coupled. This must-due funding comes together better without the request for the wall and separate military programs when these matters can be discussed at a later time. If the wall is included in the bill, democrats are threatening to block the bill funding federal agencies from April 29th to September 30th, the end of this fiscal year. If the federal funding gets blocked it will result in a partial governmental shutdown which would require the government to pull money from other programs like military funding or health care. Law makers in some of the border towns are showing resistance as building this wall may require the purchase of some land, which will raise the price of this bill. President Trump, during his campaign, pledged to have Mexico fund this project, designed to keep immigrants and drugs from entering this county. Which the Mexican government has already said it will not do so. With the bill estimated up to 12.6 billion dollars it is questioned that Trump will get the super majority needed in the vote by congress to pass. Speaker of the house Paul Ryan says that it would be best to pass the end of federal funding to planned parenthood in legislation before trying to pass the bill. Democrats have vowed to block the funding from federal agencies if they stop funding planned parenthood. Trump is also pushing to add separate military program funding to the bill but Capitol Hill Republicans signaled that they will reject the idea to avoid the blockage of their funding. Multiple republicans have already come out and said that his plans will not be included in the stop-gap budget plan proposal. Which will allow government spending to continue past April 28th. And Trump’s matters will be considered later this year and added to the current budget. Many senators like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell avoid making any direct commentary towards these controversies.


Political News

March 29, 2017

Controversy on Abortion By Lexi Esser

Abortion has always been a very controversial social topic for years now and continues to be discussed throughout the Supreme Court. Abortion is the process of terminating and ending an unwanted pregnancy, which leads to the murder of the fetus or baby. About 51% of pregnant women are unintended and 40% of these unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion (Adolescent). The main argument on abortion is should women have the right to an abortion. Abortion is a serious matter and brings a variety of different cases to it, such as in the case of rape, incest, and parental consent. This social argument or debate is a main concern in society and for parents, because they are faced with if parental consent should be legal. Abortion should also be illegal, unless in cases of rape, incest, or the health of the mother. The main cause for wanting an abortion is to end or terminate an unwanted pregnancy (Abortion 1). Abortion is mostly debated on between two main groups: pro-life vs. prochoice. The pro-life group concludes that abortion is murder, because a fetus is a human when it is conceived. In some cases pro-life group members oppose abortion when the woman is raped or in cases of incest. Pro-life believers mostly oppose abortion because of their passionate religious beliefs. While, pro-choice believers are convinced that any woman should be allowed the option of terminating her pregnancy (At Issue 1). Parental consent should be required for minorities wanting an abortion. Which is good, because parental consent is required in most states for those younger than eighteen to acquire an abortion (Parental Consent 1; Topic 2). Another issue is also brought into the parental consents discussion, which is should teenagers have the same amount of privacy as adults? No, because minorities are still taken care of by an adult and if something were to go wrong with the abortion the parents are personally responsible financially for any complications from the procedure. From ages 15 to 19 years old, 7% will be faced with an unwanted pregnancy and 2% of those girls will get an abortion. In this age group 82% of women’s pregnancies were unwanted or unintended and for every three girls one will have an abortion


Political News

March 29, 2017

These are alarming facts and numbers we should take into consideration, discussing whether or not parents should be involved in their daughters decision. As shown parental consent should be required, because parents can help support them and their own decision with the there parents guidance along the way. Admittedly, there are some cases of abortion, which should be examined more closely. Ana a 26-year-old female who currently lived in Costa Rica found out she was carrying a baby that wouldn’t survive; Ana became emotionally unstable and was in depression. The doctors and the Supreme Court forced Ana to give birth to her daughter and after seven hours of labor the baby was pronounced dead. This story seamlessly seems cruel and unfair that Ana should have to go through all her pain and suffering just to give birth to a dead baby. Throughout history we have seen throughout the Supreme Courts and streets the different debate topics on abortion and what should and should not be illegal. The amount of discussion and thought processing on abortion would make you think that less people would support this cause. Our society is filled with a variety of topics and subject matters, but we really should be focusing on are the circumstances these women are put into. Abortion matters such as rape, incest, parental consent, and the mother’s health will all be debated on for the rest of time, because of the different perspectives from each individual and country. In the society and world we live in this controversial social topic on abortion, as shown is highly important. As seen, abortion should be illegal, unless in the cases of rape, incest, and mother’s health. Also, keeping in mind our minors and how the parental consent forms should protect them as well. As we all know this debate will never end, but we should all at least know the different views and, which side you choose for this debate.

Works Cited ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: Abortion, Moral and Ethical Aspects." ProQuest LLC. 2016: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: Parental Consent for Abortion." ProQuest LLC. 2016: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. ProQuest Staff. "Topic Overview: Abortion." ProQuest LLC. 2016: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. Wellisch, Lawren, and Julie Chor. "Adolescent Girls and Abortion." Pediatric Annals. Sep. 2015: 384+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. 2

Health & Wellness

March 29, 2017

HEALTH & WELLNESS Achromatopsia by Lexi Esser

Imagine walking down a dark street with only the moonlight to help. Details cannot be seen, only the outline of figures and objects. This is exactly what my sister, Linzi experiences, and sees every day of her life. Linzi is a unique girl who tries to fit in as much as possible but also realizes her condition. Linzi has Achromatopsia, which means she is legally blind, color blind, and light sensitive, despite these attributes you would think she is a normal girl that only wears sunglasses inside. Trying to understand her is very difficult, considering that we cannot see through her own eyes and know exactly what she is seeing and going through each and every day. The main focus of Achromatopsia will be displayed through my younger sister deals with her disease everyday, her ability to perform certain functions, and coping with it at school. Linzi’s rare eye condition is called Achromatopsia and this disease consists of three main problems: being colorblind, light sensitive, and decreased vision (Futterman par. 1). “I can’t see color, I can’t see far, and lights are really bright. I have really crappy vision.” Linzi says when I asked what having Achromatopsia is like. Linzi has less vision due to the deviant retina, the retina is supposed to be responsible for creating and displaying the “picture” of what a person truly sees (Harbisson 2). However, the retina is abnormal in the eyes of people with Achromatopsia. An individual born with Achromatopsia has either malfunctioning cones or no cones at all. Linzi has no cones at all, meaning she sees no color at all (Kohl par. 24). Achromatopsia is a rare hereditary disorder that occurs in about 1 out of 33,000 people in the United States alone (Futterman 1). Some everyday challenges an achromat deals with is participating in indoor and sport activities, due to the fact that they are not able to spot a 2

Health & Wellness

March 29, 2017

ball coming at them (Futterman 31). Another major problem is walking from place to place is not essential for a legally blind person crossing the street and trying to look both ways before crossing. Since, an achromat can barely cross the street they are not able to attain a drivers license, which is a huge problem for some areas that don’t have as many public transportation options (Harbisson 10). Picking out clothes every morning and shopping is a constant struggle, because achromats are colorblind and they have no recognition of their clothes not matching or pairing right (Kohl 20). I am constantly helping my younger sister pick out clothes for her to wear, but the biggest problem for Linzi and other achromats is dealing with the beaming sun all day long and constantly have to squint their eyes (Futterman 10). Ultimately, Achromatopsia is not the worst disease in the world, but it certainly does affect more people than most people recognize. People should not try and not jump to conclusions about what a persons looks like, but to truly embrace a person for who they are just how Linzi does, because she does not have the capability to judge someone on how they appear only in their heart.

Works Cited Futterman, Frances. Understanding and Coping with Achromatopsia. Second ed. Berkeley, CA: F. Futterman, 1998. Print. Futterman, Frances. "About the BookLiving with Achromatopsia (Second Edition)." ABOUT THE BOOK, LIVING WITH ACHROMATOPSIA. The Achromatopsia Network, 2004. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. Harbisson, Neil. "The Sounds Of Scarlet." New Scientist 215.2877 (2012): 50. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Kohl S, Jägle H, Wissinger B. Achromatopsia. 2004 Jun 24. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al., editors. GeneReviews® Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2017.


Health & Wellness

March 29, 2017

Steroids by Christopher Williams

There are plenty of reasons Performance Enhancing Drugs are used, but the biggest reason for them being used has to be for money reasons. There are positive and negatives factors that always come in to play when dealing with money. And when money and illegal substances are involved, it is almost an inevitable fact that problems may occur. Baseball players are big part in the reasoning of debate that involves whether or not steroids should be used legally in baseball. As of right now, it is against the rules and regulations of Major League Baseball that any type of Human Growth Hormone or Performance Enhancing Drug could be used. However, there have been plenty of situations where it has been done secretively. A couple of prime examples of this happening are with 2 of the greatest hitters of all time, Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds. Big hitters like them brought in more money per ticket, increasing from about $10.65 to $18.99 per in 2001 (Motley 2). Mark and Barry were both were tremendous hitters who brought in tons of money not only for themselves but also for the league but then tested positive for HGH eventually ending their reign causing less attention for the league (Bullpen 1). They money brought in to the league were a result of television views of their games and tickets sold at their games because they were of high priority for those watching because they knew it was a very high chance that Mark and Barry would put on a show with a barouche of home runs and big hits.

Though on the other hand money is being lost, maybe not from the other the stars or others who are cheating using the illegal substances, but for the non-users of the drug. Money is being missed out upon for these non-substance abusers because they do not physically match up with the players using Human Growth Hormones. Not being able to physically match up with them causes them to lose out on job opportunities which leads to a loss of money. Drugs should not be able to determine the amount of money made by certain players and the lack of money given to the others. All players should be annually tested so it is fair enough for every player. All of this attention is brought upon hitting the ball, but what if the ball is never hit… this can cause the league to lose money which could become a big problem as well. because of this, organizations are doing their best to make sure that all participants are using their God given abilities without doping up on steroids (Thinkfactory 1). When good hitters get a hold of performance enhancing substances, good may come out of it for the league, but if it’s the other way around where a pitcher gets a hold of the steroids it will not be good for the league. pitchers will become much stronger throwing pitches at a much faster rate, this will mean that they will strike more of the hitters out causing less hits in which leading to less home runs, finally leading to less viewers because in a sense the game will become less boring to watch, less viewers equals less money. Lots of money can be brought in fast when having players doping up, but in the long run it is a loss because they will eventually be tested positive (Galegroup 1).

With Steroids not being the only Performance Enhancing Drug that is out and available, it helps to explain how some of the smarter and more manipulative players can sort of tamper their way through a situation by using HGH (Human Growth Hormones) since the Major League Baseball was missing the ability to accurately test for it. But based off of some studied most did not find their way around the situation where Jose Canseco “estimated that 85 percent of Major League Baseball players were using steroids” (Bullpen 1). By everyone using these drugs many health effects throughout the league began to scare (Hysteria 2). Ken Caminiti estimating that “50 percent of players were using steroids, but later retracted that claim and said that the number was lower. 2

Health & Wellness

March 29, 2017

MLB’s testing showed to be 5-7 percent” (Bullpen 1). So clearly there is a wide range where these assumptions may vary. This reason alone shows how athlete testing is necessary because people being accused of “unfair advantages” should not be determined by what people just assume of someone (Mitten 1). This was a reason for whoever is all for the use of steroids could make a claim that money is not the reason for loss or gain of money. But at the same time the “nay-sayers” could say the same thing on their behalf because the drug after all is illegal so any type of percentage could mess with player or league funds.



March 29, 2017

ENTERTAINMENT Get Out by Christopher Williams

Get out is like a perfect combination of a comedy and a thriller. In the beginning it starts off pretty cool and non – intense but then out of the blue they are driving to the girl’s parent’s house and then bam, the smash right into a deer. Because nothing was going on before this, it kind of startled the entire crowd watching the movie. So as the movie goes on, the main character’s best friend would give him phone calls throughout the movie, and whenever his friend would talk it had to have been the funniest thing in the world, so instead of being intensely scared the entire movie they kept you on edge because you aren’t sure if something was going to scare your or be turned into a moment that was going to make your hold your sides instead of cover your eyes. There were also some ideas in the movie that really made you think. For example, in the end of the movie when the man was escaping it he was lying next to two dead bodies and because he was black, I feel as if everyone just assumed as the police car rolled up, that it was going to be a white cop, and that he was going to be arrested. But it was the exact opposite, it was his best friend in the car there to attempt to save him, so I feel as if that could have gotten into people’s minds to think about their what they believe about African Americans. Overall I believe that this movie should be seen by everybody as it is indeed a perfect combination of mystery, humor, and creepiness. It seems, to me at least, to be one of those movies that you would continue to watch over and over again to see if you can discover any new things in the movie that you have not noticed the previous time watching it.



March 29, 2017

Step Brothers by Michael Crocker

A classic movie from the day it came out in 2008 until now. Hilarious, exciting and heartwarming are only some words that can be used to describe the comedy Step Brothers. Staring Will Ferrell as Brennan Huff and John C. Reilly as Dale Doback, this film catches a modern look at today’s perception of two single parents. Co. starring Mary Steenburgen as Nancy Duff, the mother of Brennan Duff, and Richard Jenkins as Dr. Robert Doback, the father of Dale Doback, these two parents struggle to make a connection while dealing with the struggle of having two 40-year-old children living at home. Brennan and Dale don’t hit it off right away, it begins with the two new ‘step-brothers’ constantly fighting over space in the home, or competing for attention until one day they find common ground. After the brothers became best friends they are given an ultimatum, they are forced to each find a job making enough money to afford rent, they will struggle to find jobs. They begin to split apart once again as they are separated by Derek, Brennan’s brother played by Adam Scott. After Brennan is humiliated at his middle school talent show by Derek, he would never sing in public again. Until he is faced with a dilemma, Brennan was put in charge of the Catalina Wine Mixer, the biggest helicopter sales day of the year. Set up for failure by Derek, Brennan had to make a choice. With Dale on the drums Brennan would find his place singing in front of hundreds of people saving the day and his job. Brennan and Dale ended the movie as best friends once again. This movie is highly recommended and will forever be a classic. 2


March 29, 2017

Split by Jacob Mcree

A girl trapped in the basement of a man with multiple personalities, that is the basic backstory of the movie Split. After she is pity invited to one of the more popular girl’s birthday party, she is kidnapped by a tall man with glasses. What ensues is one of the most stressful, and entertaining experiences to hit the theater in years. As her and 2 other girls awake, they find themselves in a well-kept room. I should mention now that spoilers will be prevalent in this review. However, there will be critical reviews on all the characters as well. The suspense portrayed by the three girls was incredible. As there was nothing to keep the safe from his cruel torture. You can experience the range of emotions through their voices and actions. To fully immerse yourself in the movie, you must imagine you yourself are in the situation, although it is hard to do for men, as we would try to make ourselves believe that we would be able to resist the man who would hold us captive. However, for a moment, let’s imagine that we were powerless, unconscious and unable to resist. The emotions that flow through our minds would probably be identical to what the 3 girls were experiencing. Marcia then finds herself as the only one who can deal with the kidnapper, as her childhood shows how she is able to help Kevin take control back from the personalities living in his head. The movie ends with a beast, who is a cannibalistic serial killer, chasing Marcia to the exit as she blasts him repeatedly with a pump shotgun. To summarize, this movie was beyond expectation, and was a masterpiece. I would give this move a very strong review and recommend it to those who are having doubts about seeing the film. This movie gets two thumbs way up! 3


March 29, 2017

Chance the Rapper gives Chicago kids a second ‘chance’ by Lexi Esser

CHICAGO — In the past years Chicago Public Schools has struggled to maintain a well-put together education program and Chance the Rapper was frustrated with the governor of Chicago. On March 6th, the famous musician, Chance the Rapper donated $1 million to help Chicago public schools problem. He discussed this proposition with the Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner a couple days before the donation. Chance displayed his reasoning for taking action due to the fact that no one else would, “I’m frustrated and disappointed in the governor’s inaction.” The musician discussed his thought at his press conference on Instagram Live at Wescott Elementary School on the South Side of Chicago, three blocks from where he was raised. "Today, I am proud to announce I am donating $1 million to Chicago public schools," he said, wanting other to join and also support him.” Chance also threw the governor under the bus by discussing how the governor’s inaction to help the Chicago public schools, “will not stop me from doing all I can to support Chicago’s most valuable resource: its children, said the musician.” Before he made the contribution he had a 30-minute meeting with Governor Rauner to discuss his frustration on the inability to fund Chicago schools. The Chicago schools have suffered a great deal of budget cuts and closers. "As a CPS graduate, Chance has shown Chicago students not only the heights they can achieve but the generosity they can share," school district spokesperson Emily Bittner said in a statement. "We also appreciate his strong advocacy for Chicago school children, who suffer under the state's discriminatory system of funding, which Gov. Rauner continues to perpetuate."

Works Cited Andone, Dakin. "Chance the Rapper donates $1 million to Chicago schools." CNN. Cable News Network, 06 Mar. 2017. Web.


March 29, 2017


by Christopher Williams McDonald’s, to many might be the place to go but to me it is totally different, I saw a documentary a while ago that the dip their burgers in ammonia in order to keep the meat preserved for long periods of time. This makes it very tough for me to eat their food while keeping that in the back of my mind. It is only something that I could eat if I am starving and that is the only that I could get, or if I am doing a review on it like so. I went this past weekend, and I could not bring out the courage in me to eat a burger, I had to get a chicken sandwich, praying that the same thing they do to burgers is not the same they do to the chicken sandwiches. The thing is, it is very good while you are eating it, almost addicting because it tastes good and very easily acceptable and cheap. But you will definitely pay for it later. It makes you feel like complete garbage afterward. It will make you sleepy, and the oil from the food that you are taking it, goes onto your body, like for me it goes to my face, and my face will start to break out quickly. \ I do not prefer eating here ever, if you can stop eating fast food in general I completely advice you too do so. I guarantee If you are to do so, your body will feel better, your mind will feel clearer, and you will be a healthier person in all aspects of your life.


March 29, 2017

In-N-Out Burger Rave WEST COAST— Living in Southern California I have grown up driving by In-N-Out Burger very frequently. The only main entrée on their menu are their hamburger patties, which are fresh, 100% USDA ground chuck – free of additives, fillers, and preservatives. I believe the best fast food hamburger comes from In-N-Out, due to the fact that you can taste the freshness in their burger. They don’t hand you a burger with gross or dried out tomatoes, lettuce, or onions. While, the ingredients they use are a big part on why this place is so popular, there are also some other factors that go along with it. Such as, their signature “spread” and the price of the burger itself. Every burger comes with spread unless told otherwise. This “spread” is comparable to the Thousand Island dressing, which surprisingly fits well with the burger. Another deciding factor on why many choose In-NOut, including myself, over other fast food joints is due to the fact that they have very reasonable prices. You can buy a hamburger for only $2.10. As a teenager, I am trying to not spend, as much money as possible and I believe In-N-Out has the best prices available. And has the best hamburger there is to offer in the fast food industry.


Works Cited "Menu & Food Quality." In-N-Out Burger. N.p., 2014. Web. 4

March 29, 2017

Carl’s Jr. by Jacob Mcree

Found on La Paz rd., this Carl’s Jr. has received mixed reviews on its performance. So, is it worth your precious time to eat at this establishment? When I visited Carl’s Jr. began, with no line, and at first, I questioned why this was. However, I would eventually find out why. The order began with a nice man asking what we would like, and how my day was going. I responded, that it was going very well, and began my order. I asked for a “Western Bacon Cheeseburger”, fries, and a Vanilla milkshake. The total of my meal came out to about $12 dollars, which to me seemed a little pricy. At first I believed that the food was slightly overpriced, for being out of the way, but the service was good, and to me that justified the price. So, after I paid, and got my change, I waited near the door, and passed the time watching cars drive by, or people pack away their groceries. When my number was called, I walked up to the counter, and took my tray, which was loaded with more food than I expected. The man asked if I would need anything else, or if I was all set. I am not a very big sauce person, so I said I was ok, and I found an empty booth. I looked at my tray and honestly, was quite impressed with the way the food was presented, perfectly wrapped, and the fries laying out on the tray, also the shake had a nearly perfect amount of whipped cream. I unwrapped my burger and the impressed look I had on my face instantly turned into a look of disappointment. The burger looked like it had been soaking in a bath for an hour or so, the bacon was floppy and tough to chew. Next were the fries, which were not terrible, however, there was a lack of softer fries as most were crunchy and burnt. Finally, I drank my shake, and I believe it was the only redeeming quality of meal, as it was quality ice cream, and it was still cold. I would not recommend this restaurant, as the wait was not worth the food that ended up being served. However, if you want a quick lunch, and don’t mind too much about quality the Carl’s Jr. is the place for you.


March 29, 2017

The Habit by Michael Crocker After moving into their new home in The Village of Orange the Habit Burger Grill has officially marked its spot in Orange. Is the food/service worth giving The Habit a visit? My visit to The habit stated with a line that was almost to the door which I think says something about their food. When I got to the front the lady greeted my very nicely and asked me what I wanted to eat, I ordered the number one which was just the original “Charburger” combo with cheese and a vanilla milkshake. After I finished ordering I was charged a little over ten dollars which made me feel better about my spending. They gave me a buzzer to wait for my food with, which I think was a more efficient way of getting people their food. When my buzzer went off I got up to get my food and the nice women behind the counter asked me if she could get me anything else, I just asked for ranch and I was on my way. The food looked good, the first thing I tried was the vanilla milkshake. At first it looked like a regular milkshake. I wasn’t impressed by it, nothing really stood out about it. The next thing I ate after cleaning my palate with some ice water was the burger, the bun was soft, and the topping were alright. The tomatoes where a little soft but the lettuce and onions were perfect. I prefer my burgers with a little bit of char on them so this one was nice I just thought I was a little dry. The last thing I ate were the sweet potato fries. They were, like the milkshake, kind of bland and flavorless. They required salt but overall they weren’t too bad. All in all I would say I left The Habit Burger Grill satisfied and full, I would recommend it to anyone that want a cheap, fast burger.



March 29, 2017

THROWBACKS Chain Gang by Christopher Williams The Thirteenth Amendment has not banished slavery, but instead increased the amount of “slaves” than there was in the 1800s. Racism has always been a part of the United States, though as the problem has been made more public, and visually, it has made racism less severe to the naked eye, behind the scenes it is still just as bitter as it was hundreds of years ago. As of now, “slavery is not over, but has only changed its form and label” (King). Slavery was never mentioned in the Constitution, so because of this it almost seems as if the founding fathers do not want mention the fact that slavery did ever exist, or at least have the smallest remembrance of it possible. The Prison system is the main reason why slavery still exists in America. Obviously we need the prisons to help regulate the good and bad in our country, though at the same time, ironically, in 2015 “two million African Americans were incarcerated in America” (America) alone. This is unfair, for example, Studies have shown that there is actually an even distribution of the people that have done drugs between races (Caucasian vs. African American). But for some odd reason, whether it’d be purposefully or accidentally done, “Black Americans are twenty to fifty times more likely to be charged for these crimes” (America), while at the same time, the law enforcers know that drugs are punishable by incarceration. Now, just because there are more black people in the prisons than there is any other race, this does not mean the government is only looking to enslave one race, because there still is plenty of other races that are also put into prisons around the US. So this is not as much about the continued unfair treatment toward the African American culture but also is a message about the unjust treatment to everyone in prisons. The prisons are being used as an excuse to put people we believe shouldn’t have freedom, and have a way to have labor for unimaginably low prices. The Thirteenth Amendment clearly states that “except as punishment” there shall be no slavery or involuntary servitude. Adding only those three words creates a loophole for slavery in the US, this means that the Thirteenth Amendment both “banned and justified the idea of slavery” (King). Therefore, when anyone is every guilty of a crime and placed into a prison they are then “legally subjected as slaves under the constitution” (America). According to Ali Bey, a “prison industrial complex is a lucrative industry.” Different corporations that profit from the labor of prisons consist of: Target, Revlon Whole foods, Etc. And Alice Speri claims that “Nine-hundred thousand prisoners are paid a maximum of three cents per hour and in some states some are even working for no pay what-so-ever” (King). So evidently, if people are working for no pay and creating a profit for other corporations simultaneously then that is the definition of slavery. The banning of slavery is not true because it has only created a new system searching for the same result. The prisons the United State of America have now are essentially the same as plantations were in the past, “they are rural growth industries” (King). 9


March 29, 2017

Works Cited Chan, Angela F. "America Never Abolished Slavery." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Hurley, Jennifer A. Racism. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1998. Print. King, Shaun. "KING: How the 13th Amendment Didn’t Really Abolish Slavery." NY Daily News. N.p., 21 Sept. 2016. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.



March 29, 2017

World War 2 by Jacob Mcree

As the Second World War raged, the Allied forces began to rule under the advances of the German and Japanese forces. However, the Japanese made a fatal error. On December 7th 1941, they attacked our Pacific Naval Fleet and slaughtered many defenseless soldiers. Did the United States win World War II for the Allies? Statistically, the U.S. provided the most troops in the war, and were present on both fronts of the battle. With most of the Allied forces on the brink of defeat, the belief that the Americans won the Second World War for the Allies. Which front were the U.S. most present on? The Pacific front was the main front the U.S. sent troops to. The United States Marines were the driving force in the pacific as they battled the Japanese on multiple islands, as they struggled to reach the Japanese homeland. How long were the battles? The American forces were drastically unprepared for the sheer numbers the Japanese harbored on the islands. They “expected to be a short battle” (Myriad pgh. 1). However, the Japanese had 20,000 soldiers on Iwo Jima alone, they dug trenches and created encampments throughout the islands. How battle ready were the Japanese? The Japanese viewed all of their islands as valuable territory and were fully committed to keeping every one. Iwo Jima had “750 major defense installations” (Chen pgh. 3). This was devastating for the Americans, who invaded these islands with mostly infantry and not many armored vehicles to counter the pill boxes. How did the Marines handle the adversity? Most marines were in squads, and one documentary tells the story of a squad who fought bravely for hours until all the Japanese in their vacinity were defeated. The veteran described how they would use whatever they had to kill the enemy, and how one man, almost single handedly won the day “50-60 killed by our grenades.” (Jima 35:04). How many Americans lost their lives on Iwo Jima? This battle is widely regarded as one of the bloodiest battles of the entire war, as almost 7,000 American soldiers lost their lives from this invasion. Were there any survivors? Actually, although many died, there were still many who survived to tell the tale of their brothers. One stated that, “there were bodies all around there” (Smith 7). His brothers lying dead in the sand, after the pillboxes began opening fire. Why was Iwo Jima so important? The other islands surrounding island of Japan, were either taken or about to fall, so Iwo Jima, was the last main checkpoint between the Allies and the island of Japan. The island would be used as an air 11


March 29, 2017

force base, and bombing of the island were planned to commence shortly after the island was finally taken. This systematic takeover of the island of Iwo Jima is only one example as to why the U.S. won World War II, and without our assistance, the Allies would surely have been defeated.

Works Cited Chen, C. Peter. "World War II Database." WW2DB RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <http://ww2db.com/ battle_spec.php?battle_id>. /.latest_citation_text Iwo Jima: 36 Days of Hell. History Channel, 2010. 23 July 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. <https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9p3B1E28Ts>. /.latest_citation_text Smith, Larry. Iwo Jima: World War II Veterans Remember the Greatest Battle of the Pacific. New York: W.W. Norton, 2008. Print. /.latest_citation_text "The Battle of Iwo Jima." Article Myriad. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <http://www.articlemyriad.com/battleiwo-jima/>.


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