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Trademarks (™) and registered marks (®) should appear either the first time a marked item appears on a page or in the most prominent location (a logo, heading, etc.). Punctuation should follow the trademark or registered mark in a sentence. When possible, place the mark in the logo or header so that it doesn’t have to appear in body copy.

Includes 42 BubbleBrix™ , activity guide, and more!

Kanoodle ® is a brain-bending puzzle game. I love playing Kanoodle.


Used for headers, section titles, and other major titles. Capitalize each word in the title, except for prepositions or articles. DO NOT use punctuation at the end of titles or headlines unless the title is an interrogative question or exclamation.

Style Guide with Specific

Sections for Educational Insights and Employees

Are You Ready for an Educational

Insights Style Guide?

Get Ready for the Educational

Insights Style Guide!

Sentence Casing

When you follow standard sentence capitalization in writing, often for sublines or body copy. Capitalize the first word and then lowercase the rest, unless it includes a title or proper noun. Include punctuation in most sentence casing.

This is sentence casing. This is sentence casing when there’s a proper noun like Educational Insights.

Educational Insights Style Guide (Headline)

Written by and for EI employees. (Subline)

Capitalization After A Number

If a bullet point sentence starts with a number, capitalize the first word after the number. This is most common in an “includes” or “features” list. Copy block sentences should avoid starting with a number or spell the number out.

15 Bolts are included

Sixty years ago, EI was founded, EI was founded 60 years ago.

Capitalization With Hyphen

When a hyphenated word is in a title, use general title casing rules, capitalizing important words, and lowercasing articles or unimportant words.

Perfect On-the- Go Toys for Road Trips

Bonus Vs Free

For Spark More Play, we use “bonus” on all packaging and external copy. The exception is on social media, where the use of “FREE” is acceptable for SEO purposes.

Bonus Activities Included (on packaging)

FREE Activities and Downloads (blog title or social media)

Positive Voice

Try to use positive voice of phrases and avoid negative words like “no” or “non.”

Non-toxic Kid-safe

No-mess Mess-free

Don’t miss out on this deal! There’s still time to get this deal

Batteries not included. Don’t forget the batteries!

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