Cakefest Magazine

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Meet Kenya’s

Leading Bakers. Get Baking Tips


Edumed Trust is currently suppor�ng 112 students in 99 secondary schools in Kenya By giving a minimum of Kshs. 500 a month you can help educate bright needy students For more informa�on Please contact The Trust Secretary, Edumed Trust, P.O. Box 1025-00502, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 0710-551119 0788-551119 M-pesa Pay Bill No. 531200


Team Leader’s Take

Contents CAKEFEST 2014

FEATURES 1. My Story 2 Edumed and Bright Students 3. Bakers Corner 4. Start your own Cake Shop 5. Cake Recipes 6. Bakers Profiles REGULARS 7. Cakefest 2013 in Pictures

5 6 7 9 10 16 14


Charles Njoroge Elizabeth Waichinga Dorcas Kaimenyi Guest contributors: Chef Raphael Gatuiri, Leo Tunapika Abigael Mwaipopo Phyllis Maleche Accounts Assistant: Harrison Elondanga Marke�ng: Esther Wanjiru Logis�cs: Jacob Mu�a Photography: Ma� Mash Design & Layout: Gitau Muchane CONTACTS The Trust Secretary, Edumed Trust, P.O Box 1025-00502, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 0710-551119/0788-551119 Email: info@cake-fes� www.cake-fes� The views, statements or opinions expressed in this publicationmay not necessarily reflect those of Edumed Trust. The editorial board welcomes electronic submissions of articles and photographs, but reeserves the right to to include and or edit materials for content and stylewithout recourse to the author.

I am honored to host the 5th edi�on of The Cake Fes�val. I am grateful to God for his faithfulness in this fundraising journey, which has never been easy, though it has been very fulfilling. Since we hosted the first Cake Fes�val in 2009, a lot has changed in the Kenyan baking scene with baking becoming more of an ar�s�c interpreta�on of customers’ ideas hence the challenge to come up with ‘Out of the Box’ crea�ons. To survive in this compe��ve industry, bakers must provide quality products that meet, and surpass their customer’s needs. This trend increases the significance of The Cake Fes�val as the premier event where bakers network and learn of new ways of doing business in the region and beyond. We are keen on extending par�cipa�on beyond our borders and expanding the scope of items showcased. We are aware of new ways of doing business such as online based pla�orms that are increasingly becoming the link between brands and customers. In this era of heightened use of smart phones, tabloids, iPads, and the fact that the internet has become accessible and affordable, reaching clients through these pla�orms makes perfect sense. This has seen the rise of companies such as EATOUT which list restaurants and offer customers a quick accessible pla�orm to compare prices. Customers then make reserva�ons and orders from the comfort of their homes or work places. Bakers cannot be le� behind, a reason we have re-engineered our website and this magazine to offer comprehensive details on bakers. I conclude by thanking all the bakers who have made this 5th edi�on possible, our sponsors, the judges especially Chef Shailender Singh (Group Director Food & Beverage Opera�ons, Sarova Hotels) and Chef Felix Huwyler (Swiss Chef & Founder, Top Chef Culinary Ins�tute). I thank all the other chefs who have contributed to making this event memorable, and par�cularly Chef Raphael for taking �me to develop the baking banda concept, our fans, many of whom take it upon themselves to tweet and invite friends to The Cake Fes�val. Finally, I thank my dedicated team who always make me feel like I have an army behind me ready to a�ack any obstacle that we encounter. May God bless you and also surround you with an army when you need it. Elizabeth Waichinga The Cake Fes�val Team Leader 3


2013 Cake Fest Review

under Edumed Trust scholarship in 2013.

on 2nd November 2013 at Splash Waterworld, which sweet delights to the 2000 plus cake lovers.

the farthest coming from the coast to showcase at the event. Whilst we organize the event to raise funds to keep for bakers to market, learn and exchange ideas as well as build networks with each other. The bakers to celebrate Kenya’s golden jubilee which was the theme of the event.

Participants showcase their unique cake creations at the 2013, Cake Festival at Splash Waterworld, Nairobi



Edumed Trust and Me The Reuben P. Semero Story

was born and grew up in Chepareria Division in West Pokot District in a family of 23 where I am the seventh born. My mother works as a casual labourer and struggles to provide for us. I grew up desiring to be a bank manager like this neighbour who helped many people in the village. I therefore purposed to work hard in my primary educa�on although given my background there was limited hope of furthering my studies, as all my elder siblings had dropped out of school a�er class 8 for lack of school fees. I sat my KCPE exam in 2007 at Chelombai Primary School and obtained 402 Marks out of 500. I was extremely excited at the prospect of joining a na�onal school and probably going to Nairobi for the first

�me in my life. My parents though were not very concerned about me furthering my educa�on, however, my primary school teachers who were very excited about my performance as I was the number one student in the division, organized a fundraiser which raised enough money to pay my first term school fees and cater for all my essen�al shopping. I was then able to join Lenana School. I performed well in term one and was among the top ten students out of over 200 students. Despite having no fees for the second term, I s�ll went back to school. When I reported for the third term, I was sent back home for fee arrears. I completed the year at home. The following year, I did not join term one 5


of what would be my Form II. This period was a difficult �me in my life. With every sunset, I saw my dream dim. I however encouraged myself the following day praying a miracle would come my way. The miracle come through a neighbour who brought me Edumed applica�on forms to fill. I was invited for an interview at the Edumed office in April 2009 and made to the shortlist of those taken in for sponsorship. I had been out of school for two terms by this �me and the school fees arrears for Lenana School were prohibi�ve. I was advised to seek another school and that is how I landed in St. Patrick’s High School–Iten in term two of my Form II. I knew I had missed a lot and I therefore dedicated all my �me to my studies and by third term, I was able to catch up with the rest of students and become number 20 out of 147 students. I sat my KCSE examina�on in November 2011 and managed to score a mean grade A-. I have since been admi�ed at Egerton University to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutri�on & Diete�cs. I thank God for this far he has brought me. I will con�nue working hard and one day pass on the gi� of love, generosity and commitment bestowed to me by the Edumed family. God bless you.


HAT a joy for us at Edumed Trust to bring the 5th edi�on of The Cake Fes�val, a charity event that captures Kenyans generosity, industry and innova�ve spirit. It is a tes�mony of God’s faithfulness and of his many ways of provision. Edumed grants secondary school scholarships to bright needy students and in 2014 is

Edumed Trust and You Message from the Trust Secretary and CEO

suppor�ng 112 students (56 boys: 56 girls) in 91 secondary schools countrywide. Guided by our Chris�an beliefs that we are called to be our brother’s keeper, we believe that God has endowed every na�on with enough resources to meet the needs of its people. Tapping those resources and applying them in Chris�an love to meet those needs is what ul�mately The Cake Fes�val exemplifies. The Trust raises its funds locally from individual and corporate Kenyans. The Cake Fes�val thus uniquely complements this by expanding the joy and privilege of giving to many more Kenyans, to touch the lives of the needy amongst us, thus enabling the trust raise resources to fulfill its mandate. We invite you to join us as a partner and help keep a child in school. The proceeds of the fes�val go to support the work of the trust, a truly sweet approach to educa�ng bright needy students. The bakers and the wider baking industry appreciate the pla�orm that the event provides and this is reflected in the increase, in

2014, in the par�cipa�ng number of not just home bakers but also professional and industrial bakers. This year has also seen the partnership of more baking ingredients, equipment, supplies and related suppliers. The compe��on standard con�nues to rise with an increase in the categories for the bakers to par�cipate in and separa�on of the professional and emerging bakers for a peer based judging of the compe��on. The compe��on provides the bakers with a forum to benchmark, to learn and to share ideas with their peers. ‘Out of the box’ is the theme this year to challenge the bakers’ crea�ve juices and dare them to defy the ordinary in showcasing their mastery of baking skills. We con�nue to receive enquiries from the East African region and a call to expand the fes�val to the coun�es, and are therefore alive to its poten�al for growth in expanding opportuni�es for both emerging and established bakers. Finally, I thank our sponsors and exhibitors for their precious support, the bakers for par�cipa�ng in greater numbers, the Edumed trustees and execu�ve board for their wise counsel, the staff and volunteers, ably led by The Cake Fes�val team leader Elizabeth Waichinga, for their incredible hard work, our beneficiaries who inspire us to do this, and to God Almighty who enables us to do it and to whom we give all the glory. Enjoy a Truly Amazing, Truly Kenyan experience.

Charles Njoroge Trust Secretary & CEO Edumed Trust


Bakers CORNER CAKES OF KENYA “The Cake Fes�val’’ gives an excellent pla�ormtonetworkwithotherbakers. I have learnt a lot from fellow bakers. Last year I witnessed the importance of networking. We received a request from a baker whose client wished to have the African Big Five animal cakes grace their wedding. Lion, elephant, rhino, leopard and buffalo, topped by a special bible quote on a scroll. This baker having seen our unique crea�ons, contacted us. Here was a fellow baker who believed in us, and a bride that entrusted us with crea�ng the most important meal on her wedding day. We delivered the cakes that were a big hit at the wedding. Many brought their children to view

CAKEFEST 2014 MAGAZINE 2014 ‘nature’ at close proximity. Bakers must value professional rela�onships as opposed to viewing each other as compe�tors. We can network, and at the end of the day we will always have a happy client!” Charity Muthoni, Cakes of Kenya MUDI ENTERPRISES “We are looking at The Cake Fes�val as a pla�orm that will bring many bakers together and help us revive The Bakers Associa�on. As Bakers we need a forum that can enable us to speak with one voice, nego�ate and ac�vely par�cipate in the industry.” Gilbert Mudi, Mudi Enterprises DAZZLING DELIGHTS “Dazzling Delights par�cipated in The Cake Fes�val for the first �me in

2013. We were required to bring 30kg of cake for sampling. We brought 45kg of cake! Our stand was busy throughout the day serving cake all the way to 4pm which enabled us to interact with very many poten�al clients.” Pamela Tyongik, Dazzling Delights JOYBELLS CAKE CENTRE ‘‘We have par�cipated in every Cake Fes�val since 2009. Every year, The Cake Fes�val presents to us new challenges and ushers in new compe�tors. It reminds us that we have to keep working hard to sa�sfy the ever changing business environment.” Beatrice Mutero, Joybells Cake Centre



Young and Baking Young and baking: Cake Fairy Bakery

The future prospects of any industry can be gauged by its ability to a�ract the younger genera�on. If the passion exhibited by the many young bakers exhibi�ng at this year’s The Cake Fes�val is anything to go by, then baking is surely set for greater heights. Take 23 year old Karam Sagoo for instance, what started out as fun hobby has now translated into a thriving part �me business. Karam who is s�ll in college is the proprietor of Cake Fairy Bakery. Her greatest mo�va�on is the joy on people’s faces when they see the cake art and have a taste of it. According to Ms. Karam, baking represents a high poten�al for making money if only one is ready to pay the price Karam’s passion for baking and giving back to the society go hand in hand. Her greatest baking experience ever was baking cup cakes and taking them to a children’s home in Lower Kabete. “I baked some cupcakes and took them to the home; with the help home’s staff we frosted different designs on the cup cakes much to the delight of the children”. Her greatest crea�on to date is a piano cake she once did for a client. Karam cites lack of mentorship and failure to share and exchange ideas as some the challenges she has faced as a young baker. She dreams of opening her own cake shop soon. The first born in a family of three is values the support she receives from her family who are her most faithful clients, giving her orders for their special occasions and marke�ng her to friends and associates. She markets herself through word of mouth. Her trademark is crea�ve design, elegance, simplicity and affordability. Her final words of wisdom; “If one wants to succeed they need to first think things through then follow through. That will actually help an individual realize if baking is something they really want to do; doing your best is more important than being your best. Do share the knowledge; the more one gives the returns will be numerous.”

Kiprono Le�ng and Patricia Mumbi Delish Cakes

Kiprono Le�ng a 25 year old Strathmore University B-Com graduate was inspired to start baking by a fruit cake made by his partner Patricia Mumbi. She begun baking as a 10 year old and has done so professionally for the last one year. Kiprono then decided to learn to bake from Patricia and the two are now running Delish Cakes which they operate from home on a part �me basis. For the two who are self taught, baking is a great way to earn an income as people will always need a cake to mark or celebrate a special occasion. “You will always find that there is someone celebra�ng a birthday, wedding or an anniversary and for us that guarantees a market for our crea�ons,” Patricia notes. The two partners market their products through facebook and instragram and consider the highlight of their baking experience to be baking and delivering 150 cupcakes to a client. Unreliable power supply, comparison with established bakers and big cake houses are some of the industry challenges they have faced as they grow their business. They dream of opening a bakery in the future. For Kiprono, their best crea�on is the fruit cake which he describes as the best in the world while for Patricia it is their zebra and rainbow cakes. Patricia - “start early, prac�ce all the �me. Baking is a cra� so the more you do it, the be�er you become”. Kiprono advises, “go for it and find a way to stand out”. The future burns brightly for these young entrepreneurs who have turned their passion into profit. For them and the many other young bakers exhibi�ng at The Cake Fes�val, the future of the baking industry is in safe hands. We know the many young people who a�end the event shall be inspired to pursue baking as a business.




Start Your Own Bakery So you want to start your own bakery? Excellent Idea. There is always a market for quality baked products; a new discerning market out there. True winners are those who will deliver quality consistently. So go for it. Start your bakery. But first. Register your bakery, as asingle busines or limited company. This allows you to apply for a Kenya Buraeau of Standards cer�ficate. Full �me startups, require at least three months running costs, covering ingredients, your remunera�on, salaries, taxes, transport, communica�ons, security and con�ngency. Finances. Money equals equipment, an oven, mixer, racks, refrigerator, slicers, a weighing scale, work tables, baking cans, packaging materials and ingredients. Cost is determined your target volumes. Staring at around 150,000KSH, for a table top oven, mixer and a few baking pans or as much as 10,000,000KSH, on a commercial plant. Buy used products. They work just fine. You need at least three fi�een foot square rooms. Storage, Baking and packaging. Good storage equals good inventory. Bank locally. Get to know your banker. That’s the easy part. If you are not a professional baker or salesperson, hire qualified staff, you will save a lot of money from their experience. Resist the urge to hire rela�ves. Rela�ves cannot be made to repay lost inventory or equipment. Invest in small business courses for yourself. Start modestly with one or two products and gradually increase your product range. Learn the business as it grows. Talk to your clients and know what they like. Zero in on products which you can best market and create the best. If your products cannot be eaten at a five star hotel, you are helping your compe��on.Your new premises and staff require permits from the health inspec�on department. City council again. Management. Market your products and get orders. Hire professional commission based for sales. Your books (financial), have to be professionally managed. Pay your taxes. Marke�ng. Invest in some professional advice on how to market your goods. Don’t forget social media. Personal touch cannot be over-emphasized. The buying decisions for cakes (wedding), are based on word of mouth and personal experience. Brides make decisions based on other (happy) past brides’ advice. Cul�vate a personal touch. Learn what the bakers around you are NOT doing. Then do it. Well. Be generous. Encourage sampling. Spread goodwill to schools, children’s homs and hospitals. Finally. Do you have the passion to go into baking. Do you believe in yourself? If yes, then ‘karibu’, welcome. Baking is be for you. Remember to share your experiences with the Cake Fes�val Team. Muchane J.G.




Recipes adapted from: Delicious Kenya Cookbook 2 by Phyllis Maleche. Find more step-by-step, food and cake recipes in the Delicious Kenya Cookery

Sweet potato fruit cake With snow flaked cherries

Before star�ng: Baking likea all professional undertakings is - Prepare round, 8 inch baking �n a science. The art is in the variety of baked - Pre-heat oven to 170°C

products and not in the process. Fi�een INGREDIENTS yars ago most baked products in Kenya were 170 g sugar produced by a few select bakeies. The picture 225 g margarine teaspoons vanilla essence is 2very different today. 4 eggs Here a step step process of what you 100 gisself raisingby flour 1 teaspoon baking need to start yourpowder own bakery. This can be *125 g sweet potato flour either a small co�age industry bakery or a 1 cup milk na�on wide commercial venture. 1 cup mixed fruit 20–25 cherries 2 teaspoons icing sugar

Baking like all professional undertakings is �me:art 30is minutes. 1 hr a Prepara�on science. The in the Cooking variety �me: of baked Serves 8–12 (1 kg cake) products and not in the process. Fi�een METHOD yars ago most baked products in Kenya were 1. Place sugar, margarine and vanilla essence in a produced by a few select bakeies. The picture large bowl. Mixdifferent un�l very white is 2. very today.and fluffy. Break the eggs one by one in a separate smaller bowl to avoid using spoilt ones. Add to the mixture and Herecon�nue is a step by un�l stepfrothy. process of what you to beat 3. Add the self raising flour, baking powder need to start your own bakery. This and can be sweet potato flour. either a small co�age industry bakery or a 4. Mix again. The mixture will turn a beau�ful light orange colour. Add the milk. Con�nue mixing to na�on wide commercial venture.Baking like incorporate the milk. all5.professional a science. Finally add theundertakings mixed fruit andismix in briefly. The the variety ba�er into prepared cake �n. art isPour in the ofthe baked products and not Bake in oven at 170°C for 1 hour or un�l firm in the Fi�een yars ago most baked andprocess. bouncy when pressed. 6. Let it cool in the �n for 15 minutes. by Turnaout products in Kenya were produced few of onto a plate or cake rack. Arrange cherries whattop you need to start your own bakery.onThis and dust with icing sugar. Serve with milk, can be a small co�age industry bakery tea either or coffee.

or a na�on wide commercial venture.

Golden Amaranth Cup Cakes With zesty lemon glaze

Tradi�onal flours, apart from being healthier lend immense texture and flavour to cakes. We have used sweet potato and terere (Amaranth), for these crea�ve, delicious cakes. Before star�ng: - Place paper cups into cup cake �ns - Pre-heat oven to 170°C INGREDIENTS 170 g sugar 225 g margarine 4 teaspoons lemon rind (grate the skin of a lemon with the smaller teeth of a carrot grater) 4 eggs 100 g self raising flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 125 g amaranth (terere) flour 1 cup milk 3 heaped tablespoons icing sugar 2 teaspoons hot water Prepara�on �me: 30 minutes. Cooking �me: 30 minutes. Makes 15–18. Moderately easy METHOD 1. Mix sugar and margarine un�l very white and fluffy. Add 2 teaspoons lemon rind. Mix again. 2. Break the eggs one by one in a separate smaller bowl. Add to the mixture. Con�nue bea�ng un�l frothy. 3. Seive self raising flour, baking powder and amaranth flour into a bowl. 4. Add the sieved flours li�le by li�le while mixing with a spatula or wooden spoon. 5. Add the milk. Con�nue mixing to incorporate the milk well. 6. Place two tablespoons of ba�er into each cup in the tray. Place in ready oven. 7. Bake at 170°C for 30 minutes or un�l golden and firm. Let them cool in the �n for 10 mins. 8. To make the glaze, put about 2 drops of warm water into the icing sugar and s�r to a thick, white paste. Pour a teaspoon of glaze on top of each cup cake and sprinkle with lemon rind. Let them dry 10


Recipes Here’s How to Get that Scrumptuous Treat

Strawberry Shortcake INGREDIENTS 4 eggs 120g granulated sugar 120g cake flourall professional undertakings is Baking like 40g melted bu�er a Syrup science. The art is in the variety of baked 40ml water products andsugar not in the process. Fi�een 1tsp granulated 2tspago rum (op�onal) yars most baked products in Kenya were

produced METHOD by a few select bakeies. The picture oven to 170°c, grease 8inch �n and line with is Preheat very different today. parchment paper. Here is awith step bywhisk, stepadd process what Beat eggs hand sugar andof beat. Placeyou the bowl over another bowl of hot water and beat need to start your own bakery. This can be un�l the sugar melts. Warm up body temperature. Then beatbakery with mixeror a either a to small co�age industry in high speed un�l the eggs become light and fluffy. na�on Set thewide texturecommercial in low speed. venture.

Si� 1/3 of the flour on to the egg mixture, then using your hand whisk gently cut in the flour. And repeat un�l all the Baking likeup.all professional undertakings is flour is used in the melted bu�er and gently mix in using a a Sprinkle science. The art is in the variety of baked spatula. Pour ba�erand into the pan in like the a ribbon. Tap the panFi�een to bring products not process. up air bubbles. yars most baked were Bakeago for 25mins. Removeproducts from oven in andKenya cool with pan atop. produced by a few select bakeies. The picture When cool, wrap cake with plas�c wrap and refridgerate is for very today. 2-3 different hours. (Ensures that the cake does not crumb a lot). FROSTING Fresh strawberries, 300ml whipping cream, 3tbsp sugar (op�onal), 2tbsp of rumwhat (op�onal) Here is a Drops step ofbyvanilla stepextract, process you Put whipping cream, sugar, vanilla and rum in bowl and need to medium start your bakery. be whip on speed own un�l cream is semiThis solid/can so� peak stage. a small co�age industry bakery or a either Now slice the cake in the middle. Using a pastry brush, dab na�on wide venture.Baking like the syrup ontocommercial each halves of the cake. Use just enough as required. Place the top half on the plate and frost. allsyrup professional undertakings is a science. The Place as much strawberries as desired and top with the may decide to frostproducts the whole cake just artother is inhalf. theYouvariety of baked andornot the top. I prefer the la�er as I like that abit of the cake is inexposed the process. Fi�een yars ago most baked on the sides. Decorate with rest of the strawberries as desired. products in Kenya were produced by a few of

what you your Follow myneed blog to livestart breathe eatown foodbakery. for this This and more like myco�age facebookindustry page “exquisite can be recipes either ora small bakery celebra�ons”. or a na�on wide commercial venture.



Banana and Chocolate Muffins INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup margarine 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 2 very ripe bananas 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup plain yoghurt Dark chocolate shavings METHOD - Pre-heat oven at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) 1. Using a wooden spoon or electric mixer, cream the sugar and margarine. 2. Beat in the eggs one at a �me and add the vanilla essence 3. Add in the ripe bananas and mash them in. 4. Add the baking soda, baking powder and the ground cinnamon. 5. Add the flour and the yoghurt alterna�vely and finish off with the flour. 6. S�r it in un�l combined. Fold in some of the chocolate shavings. 7. Fill about two thirds of the muffin cups with the ba�er and sprinkle over the le�over chocolate shavings. 8. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or un�l a toothpick inserted at the centre comes out clean. The recipe yields 5 giant muffins.


Recipe Raphael


By Chef

Heavenly Chocolate Chiffon Cake INGREDIENTS 3 large eggs, separated Baking likewhite all professional undertakings is 1 large egg 1 cup (200 grams) white sugar a 2/3 science. The art is in the cup (85 grams) all purpose flour variety of baked 1/3 cup plusand 1 tablespoon grams) cocoa powder products not in(40the process. Fi�een 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder yars ago most baked 1/2 teaspoon baking soda products in Kenya were 1/8 teaspoon salt produced by a few select bakeies. The picture 1/2 cup (120 ml) oil is 1/3 very today. cupdifferent (80 ml) water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Here is a step by step process of what you CHOCOLATE WHIPPED need to start your CREAM own bakery. This can be 1/2 cup (120 ml) whipping cream either a small industry bakery or a 1/4 teaspoon pureco�age vanilla extract 2 tablespoons (28 grams) white sugar na�on wide commercial venture. 3/4 tablespoon cocoa powder

GANACHE Baking likebi�ersweet/semisweet all professional dark undertakings 227 grams chocolate cutis small pieces a into science. The art is in the variety of baked 3/4 cup (180 ml) whipping cream products and the process. Fi�een 2 tablespoons (28 not grams)inbu�er/margarine yars ago most baked products in Kenya were MAKING THE CHOCOLATE CHIFFON CAKE produced few placing selectthe bakeies. picture 1. Separateby theaeggs, whites inThe one bowl and the yolks in another. is 2.very different today. To the whites, add the extra egg white and bring them to room temperature (if you have cold eggs) before using. Here is a step step2/3 process what you 3. Meanwhile si� by together cup (130 of grams) white sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking needsoda, to and start your own bakery. This can be salt. Set aside. either small co�age bakery 4. In aaliquid measuring cup, industry whisk together the oil,or a water, and vanilla extract. na�on venture.Baking like 5. Beatwide the eggcommercial yolks for a minute or two with a whisk/ mixing machineundertakings then slowly pouris the mixture into all professional a oil science. The the egg yolks un�l very well combined. art6. isGradually in the variety of baked and add the flour mixture products and beat un�l wellnot incorporated. in7.the process. Fi�een yars ago most baked In a separate mixing bowl, beat the egg whites un�l products in Kenya so� peaks form. were produced by a few of 8. Gradually beat in the remaining 1/3 cup (65 grams) whatofyou to un�l starts�ff your own This sugarneed and beat peaks form.bakery. With a large rubber spatula or wire whisk, gently fold the egg can be either a small co�age industry bakery whites into the ba�er just un�l blended (being

or a na�on wide commercial venture.

careful not to deflate the ba�er). 9. Pour the ba�er into the prepared pan and bake for about 35 to 45 minutes, or un�l a wooden skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. 10. To remove the cake from the pan, run a sharp knife around the inside of the pan to loosen the cake. Invert onto a wire rack. For Chocolate Whipped Cream: In a large mixing bowl combine the whipping cream, vanilla extract, sugar, and cocoa powder. Cover and chill the bowl in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour, so the cocoa powder has �me to dissolve. Beat the mixture un�l s�ff peaks form. To Assemble the Cake: Cut the cake horizontally into 2 when it has cooled and turn over the top layer of the cake (so the top of the cake becomes the bo�om). Spread the cream evenly on one side. Replace the second layer onto of the cream and gently press down to compact. For the Ganache: Place the chopped chocolate in a medium sized stainless steel bowl. Set aside. Heat the cream and bu�er in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil. Immediately pour the boiling cream over the chocolate and allow to stand for a few minutes so the chocolate melts. Gently s�r with a whisk un�l smooth. To Cover the Cake with the Ganache: 1. Put the cake on a wire rack that is placed over a baking sheet. In this way if the ganache drips it will end up on the baking sheet, which makes clean up easier. 2. Pour the ganache onto the center of the cake and, with a large spatula, spread the ganache over the top of the cake, using big strokes to push the ganache over the sides of the cake, to create an even coa�ng of ganache. 3. If there are any bare spots on sides of the cake, cover with some of the ganache that has accumulated on the baking sheet. 4. Gently transfer the cake to your serving pla�er and place the cake in the refrigerator un�l serving �me. 5. This cake can be made a day or two before serving. 6. Decorate the top of the cake with fresh raspberries, if desired.



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WINNER THEME Cake Category Designed by A CAKE AFFAIR


1st RUNNER UP THEME Cake Category Designed by TWO TWO SEVEN

2nd RUNNER UP THEME Cake Category Designed by KRUMBLE




Huseini Bakery Participates all the way from Mombasa

CONCEPT CAKES Designed by Muthoni Ovens Be Sensations Cakes of Kenya



st 2013

CAKEFEST 2014 MAGAZINE 2014 1st RUNNER UP SIGNATURE Cake Category Designed by Daphne







CONCEPT CAKES Designed by: Cakes of Kenya Divine Cakes Cakes and More

We eat, live together and take our brothers to school


Bakers PROFILES AA Cake Affair is an exci�ng cake house located inside the ASK Showground Nairobi next to the Chairman’s office. We started in 2003 and have developed into a well founded business with exper�se in crea�ng cakes of various types. We have introduced training at our new school Keki Design Academy that has a vision of developing crea�ve bakers. Website: www.acakeaffair. Email: Face book page: A Cake Affair Contacts: +254 722 649 011 P.O.BOX: 14059, 00400 Nairobi.

EMA CAKES For freshly baked cakes without icing sugar,cakes for your tea par�es. We specialise in vanilla sponge,chocolate sponge and marble sponge cakes. To place an order please call 0720 86 82 83. Pursuing Passion with Excellence

Website: Email: Social media: www.facebook. com/chefraphael @chefraphaelkn on Twi�er

New Donholm,comfort flats ground floor behind steers 0720852359 |0737708668 besensa� facebook: besensa�ons


“Baskerville’’ offers different types of cakes ranging from Birthday cakes, Wedding cakes, Christmas cakes, Anniversary cakes, Corporate cakes and cakes for all kinds of occasions depending on your specifica�ons. We use the finest ingredients to produce quality cakes to make those special moments truly special. Contact us for AFFORDABLE personalized services: Phone: 0722 581440, 0736 211022, 0738 531060, Email: bakersvillecn@gmail. com

Welcome to Bon Bon Confec�oneries. At Bon Bon, we believe your celebra�on is special no ma�er how big or small. This belief is reflected in our cakes. Our extra a�en�on to detail allows us to come up with new ideas which guarantees that you will receive something unique - made just for you! Contact us: +254 721 411 753 / 0701 282 901. Email: info@bonbonconfec�oneri / lnmutemi@gmail. com . Website: www. bonbonconfec�


chewing Orbit Sugarfree gum after eating and drinking



Cakes and More

We maintain a homely feel in order to provide fresh bespoke cakes and yummy treats for your special moments in life. We believe that every celebra�on should be crowned with a cake. We also believe that every day is cake day! Weddings, gradua�ons, anniversaries, birthdays, to celebrate love, high teas, corporate events and any reason the mind can conjure, even just-for-the-sake...we have a cake solu�on! Tel: 0715 946 877, 0733 584 295 Email: Facebook: Cake Crea�ons by Freda Twi�er: @cakecrea�ons

CAKES AND MUFFINS HOUSE/DIAL A CAKE Cakes & muffins house is coffee shop that specializes in baked products, food and coffee. We are situated along Ngong road Friends Church. We believe cakes should be memorable, great and terrific to taste . We specialize with all types of cakes regular and special flavors. We specialize with cake delivery and we have a dedicated line 0724693103/0202363324 where customers can place their order. We deliver along Ngong road, Kilimani for free orders above 1500 and Town order a above 2500. Vist our website or email our facebook page

We work with each couple, bearing in mind the likes and preference of both the bride and groom to make their wedding cake personalized and special. Our wedding cakes are thus tailor made and can include beau�ful personalized details like sugar flowers to match the bride’s bouquet or ribbons and lace-work to match the bride’s wedding dress. Our birthday cakes are to die for, freshly baked and skillfully cra�ed to your sa�sfac�on. Cakes and More, The home of passion forest! Loca�on: Ongata Rongai, Gondo Apartments, P.o Box 40395-00100 Nairobi Kenya. Tel: 0720391276 / 0736391276 Email:

Cake Ci�zens, Exactly where you want to go for cake. We take cake making a step further. Customizing each recipe to meet your specific likings. Because we believe that cake should be about how you like it individually. Like a government, we are about our ci�zens. We know our ci�zens, we understand our ci�zens, we are our ci�zens. Cake Ci�zens, ‘because it’s never that serious with cake’ P.O.BOX 50781-00200 Nairobi Phone: 0728610573 Email: 17


Cakes of Kenya

At Cakes of Kenya, we create sweet, sculptural masterpieces that matches your perfect wedding cake dream. We customize your cake to suite your wedding theme with beau�ful designs. Our inspira�on ranges from the simple western tradi�onal style, African style to totally dazzling, flamboyant celebra�on cakes. We would LOVE to hear from you, Do call us today for a free no-obliga�on consulta�on. Call Us On: 0718770846

In our havens of selfindulgence, discover exquisite cupcakes and cakes. Passion Fruit Gateau, Pinacolada Cake, Nut Cake, Fresh Fruit Gateau, Black Forest Cake, White Forest Cake, Rich Fruit Cake, Chocolate Fudge Cake among others… Free cake tas�ng at our cake shop daily. Cake classes beginning of every month; all ingredients and equipment provided. Kindaruma Road, opposite Baraton University, Black Gate wri�en 4595. (A few meters from Yaya Center) Call: 0715533144 Email: Facebook: Twi�er: @cakesandcakes www.cakes.

Celebrate Cakes Health Cakes

We are passionate about our product and confident about our crea�vity. Our catering and cake solu�ons are informed by your reali�es – be they health, cost or other considera�ons that are important to you. We make your celebra�on a memorable occasion. Call 0721-755700


CHERRY CAKES is commi�ed to excellence and customer sa�sfac�on. It offers a wide range of cakes and pastries for all occasions and as per the customer’s wishes. Our Mission is “Commitment to service delivery”. Our Philosophy; To take care of the customer. We value crea�vity and pu�ng a SMILE ON YOUR FACE. Muimara estate Plot 39 Hse no 16, Imara Daima, Mombasa Road P. O. Box 4375 - 00200 City Square. Nairobi. Kenya, TEL: +254 729 147 055, EMAIL:

We specialize in making your special moments memorable, trust with your birthday, wedding, anniversary, farewell cakes among others. We also make cookies. Contact us on 0721-521-562185 or Email:




Cooks Bakes & Bakes

David’s Cakes For all your sweet tooth desires for birthday cakes, event cakes, wedding cakes. Find me at or call 0703913161

Dazzling Delights

For beau�ful and delicious birthday, wedding, corporate and all other occasion cakes with a variety of different flavors. Crea�ng a cake exactly as you like and have it taste great too is our number one goal. Contacts: 0723750641/ 0722572033. Facebook: Dazzling Delights Kenya.

Danny’s Cupcakes

We specialize in cupcakes but also do big cakes for all occasions. 0737466473,danyscupcakes@

Delicious Dimensions

Caterers A house party, outdoor ac�vity or marathon in the countryside.We will sa�sfy your needs.

Sweet treats for birthdays or any other occasion. Call us: 0716 33 54 74. Email:

We have gained a reputa�on of excellence across the markets in which we operate. We are commi�ed to providing cakes of premium quality that best meet the consumers needs. From Birthdays, Gradua�ons, Christenings, Anniversaries, Weddings, Re�rements etc. We consistently provide outstanding customer service. Customer sa�sfac�on is our ul�mate goal. Contact: Wangui 0722-225-075 or Anne 0712-057-961 Email: divinecakes7. Loca�on: Langata

Exquisite Celebrations

For cakes, catering and dessert catering for all occasions. Contact Abigael Mwapoo 0722-837403; 0732-242715 Email; �: xquisite Celebra�ons 19


Dolacs Designs Tel: 0720 – 996652,

Established in 2010, Erick Cookies is a family run bakery that makes some of the finest in pastries that you can order within Nairobi City Centre. Tel 0710874286, email: facebook: dolacscakes nairobi Customised Delicious Unique



� “As�Safe�As�Boiled�Water” � Removes�all�visible�dirt,�Kills�harmful�viruses,� Bacteria,�Parasites�&�Pesticides�from�water. � Great�Taste– Clear,�odor�free�water,�removes� organics�&�metallic�Impurities � Runs�without�Electricity�&�Piped�water � No�hassles�of�boiling � “Programmed�Germ�kill�Technology”

Eva Bakers provides bakery solu�ons for corporate and individual needs We cater to various func�ons like weddings, birthdays, corporate func�ons and others. Our brands include red velvet cake, Amarula cake, white/black forest

cakeamong others. Eva Bakers looks forward to more partnerships and rela�onships that will move business to the next level. Contact us now and experience the sa�sfac�on of a life�me. Contact person: Ms Evaline Mukami Tel: 0721158589. Kahawa West 44 Email:


The flagships products of Heseini Bakery are

HUSEINI BAKERY LTD P.O. Box 85347 – 80100 Mombasa Kenya Phone (+254) – 720-954999, (+254) 41-2495872, (+254) 412490178 Email: Web:


Huseini Bakery Ltd Every Bite is a Heavenly Delight




SmatCakes Cake is the one thing that can almost instantaneously turn a dull day into a warm fuzzy day. At Pastry Pleasures we cater for all events and themes; be it small birthday party to a cocktail party with only one desire; ensuring customer sa�sfac�on. Contact us on 0725745988/ 0723782205 Email: passtrypleasures12@gmail. com We are des�ned to fulfill your hearts desires with our decadent delicacies

Pink Ribbon Cake Delight

Pink Ribbon Cake Delight passionately bakes to your contentment. We value our clients and their views and always willing to bake your cakes that you look no further. Contact us on: Phone: 254721307385 Email: pinknribboncakedelight

Are you ready to be wowed? ...we offer quite a large variety of spongy, moist and simply delicious cakes that will leave you fighting over the crumbs and last bits of cream! “We love what we do, with us you’ll never feel let down nor your tongue feel a bland taste! We bake for you, and we bake with great passion...” Head Baker - Reginah Nandi Reginah Nandi 0715 758 781

Ruthys Cake Haven excels in sumptuous, delectable cakes and pastries for various func�ons including par�es, weddings and corporate events. Imara Daima Estate along Mombasa Road. Cel 0721 265681 P.O Box 18779 00100 Nairobi Kenya. Email:

Welcome to Smatcakes. We do cakes for all occasions; weddings, birthdays, engagement, anniversaries, baby showers, bridal showers etc. We offer quality and smat cakes. For more informa�on; contact; 0720 723035

Smitten Cakes We at Smi�en bakery believe in sa�sfying our clients by actualizing their dream cakes. We customize cakes for all occasions and advise our clients at no extra charges. We are located in Westlands. We appreciate your feedback, please contact us on: Phone: 0716 939933 Email:

order online: www. or by phone: 0718 130 614 Cash or M-Pesa. Send M-Pesa via Buy Goods to Till 318358. @sugarpienairobi


We are experts in Baking and Decora�ng cakes. We bake cakes for all occasions, birthday par�es, weddings, anniversaries, house warming, corporate events, Christmas, Mother’s Day, or you may simply want a feel good cake. Sweet Cakes is located in Ngong Town. Tel: (+254) 721 401236 Email:

The Cake Fairy Bakery Want to surprise your loved one with delectable cupcakes which are freshly baked to precision? We have the answer for you. We make sure all who come leave sa�sfied and a share of their money goes to charity. Call : 0739 364 863 0716 226 599 Email : karam.sagoo@yahoo. com

The Bakehouse

Syokau Marigold

Phone: +254 722 454 586 Email: facebook: CakesBySyoks www.thebakehouse.kbo.

two two seven WELCOME TO TWO TWO SEVEN BAKERS A family based bakery. Our MISSION is to meet customer’s needs by offering best quality products. We deliver at no cost within Nairobi. OUR SPECIALITIES Wedding Cakes, Rich Fruit Cake, Birthdays Cakes, Corporate cakes, Ben 10, Avatar, Spiderman, Mickey mouse, Babbie doll Cakes, Hannah Montanah...and many more. We also offer training in baking and design decoration. Gitanga road opp Rusinga School P. O Box 671-00605 Uthiru. Contact us: Mobile: 0727306514, 0729533256, 0733913585 Email:

UNITY COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Comprehensive training in baking and pastry work is our passion and traidi�on. We offer tailor-made, market oriented and affordable short courses in cookery, pastry and baking besides cer�ficate and diploma courses in hotel and catering management. Train with us and become a professional in pastry and baking work. BURUBURU CAMPUS Shepherds Building, Ground flr., Opp. Police Sta�on P.O. Box 875-00515 NAIROBI Tel: 780473/787646, Cell: 0721-225428 Email: CITY CAMPUS Gatkim Complex, Temple road P.O. Box 49279-00100, Nairobi, Tel: 316629/343595, Cell: 0725372822 Email:

CAKEFEST 2014 MAGAZINE 2014 twi�

EatOut Kenya is an award winning online pla�orm, and Kenya’s largest online restaurant guide featuring over 1000 establishments in Nairobi alone. We feature informa�on on restaurants including photos, menus and 360 virtual tours as well as over 100,000 customer reviews

Known for its beau�ful, moist, delicious cakes, Valen�ne Cake House has become the haven of cake in 5 short years. At Valen�ne we are driven by the need to create original cake flavours and designs that will con�nue to serve the growing demand for quality cakes in Kenya and the East African region. Guided by Chef Mathew, who has over 15 years experience in cakes, our team of 24 provides an end to end process from baking and decora�ng, delivery and set up for all things cake for different occasions including weddings, birthdays and company events. Our experience in the industry means that we can create your perfect cake. This is manifested by a growing database of loyal customers. Our greatest sa�sfac�on is our con�nued provision of service to our loyal customers whose needs have changed with the growth of their families and their success professionally and in business. VISIT US AT Old Mutual Branch 0202248939, 0711305588, 0722794414, 0721266635, 0721266685, 3rd Floor, Old Mutual Building, Kimathi St Embakasi Branch 0702586821, 0701930406 Dynapark Plaza, grd flr, opp Park Avenue Kitengela Branch 0789399810, 0706079279 Red Heron Court, 2nd Flr, Shop S36 0701662405, 0731621860, Prime Plaza, Rm 103 Nakuru Branch Email: info@valen� Website: www.valen�




For delicious, moist and flavour filled cakes, made with the freshest ingredients, We will not disappoint. Whatever your occasion or celebra�on we will deliver Cake any�me... Contact Victoria on: 0724 256401/ 0733 706225 or Email: Business email address: Tel: 0724 256401/ 0733 706225 Lis�ng of Cake varie�es to be presented for sampling: Lemon & Lime Cake (with coconut filling) Carrot & Banana Cake Zucchini Spice Cake

Exquisite Bakers For the best Wedding and Birthday cakes. We also offer outside catering services for corporate events, weddings and birthdays.

Contact 0719 721 388, 0725 834 832 Tusker House, Ground Flr., G4 Ronald Ngala Street email: exquisitebakers facebook: andrew murimi


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Na i r obiOf f i c e Mr . VPa t e l ,ShopMa na ge r , Ki l omeRoa dTe l :0512217129/ 0773881544/ 0773881600 Ema i l : na i r obi s a l e s @t e e ka yl t d. c om i nf o@t e e ka yl t d. c om Na kur uOf f i c eMr . Wi l l yNge t i c h,Sa l e sCoor di na t or l :0724253050 Te




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