Newsletter 2014

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EDUMED TRUST Trust Newsletter

October 2014


My Journey


MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN The establishment of Edumed Trust in 1996 was primarily a way of reaching out in Christian brotherly love to those in need but it was also to challenge Kenyans and provide a forum for all to be our brothers’ keeper. That primary responsibility remains ours as Kenyans and it is gratifying to note that a discourse on local but sustainable philanthropy is beginning to take shape. It was thus fulfilling when Edumed, during the year, was selected as one of the case studies in a research publication by KCDF on ‘creating an enabling environment for philanthropy through tax incentives’. While our vision is underpinned by our Christian beliefs, the lesson of Kenyans mobilizing resources locally in a structured and sustainable way to address our needs as a society is gaining currency. The year has been eventful with the spillover effects of the slowdown in the economy in the previous year due to the transition into the new government, as well as the new devolved governance system, reflecting in our partners giving. An increase in school fees in nearly all schools has strained our resources as the parents and guardians have leaned on us to bail them out. I nonetheless salute our partners both individuals and corporate who have doggedly purposed and honoured their pledges and continue to support us, aptly actualising our theme this year which is “Plug In”.

Our Strategic Plan 2010-2014 comes to an end this year and the new strategic plan is in the process of development. The mid-term review of the current plan re-focused the Trust in nurture of our students. Sadly three of our students this year have each lost a parent and the need for greater compassion and nurture cannot be gainsaid. We are also looking for greater cooperation with our partners in the area of internship as our ever increasing number of alumni in universities and tertiary institutions seek placements during their long vacations. I invite you to partner with us on this voyage. I thank all our partners for their faithful giving, the staff for their passion and diligence, the executive board and my fellow trustees for their fervor and to God Almighty, whom we give all honour. George N. Macgoye EBS, OGW Chairman Edumed Trust

Rev. Karita Mbagara (centre) Senior Pastor of CITAM Karen with Charles Njoroge the Trust Secretary (left) together with some of the Edumed students after a presentation at the church.

I come from a family of seven: four brothers and three sisters. My father, then an administrative officer, was able to provide for the family. However, things changed drastically when he passed away in 2003 when I was 11 years old. Shortly after his demise, a sister dropped out of school for a year due to lack of fees. Things worsened and we started lacking food regularly. Hunger sometimes kept me out of school and I started working on people’s farms to feed us. In the years that followed, our family became a shadow of its former self and nothing seemed to work. My mother was diagnosed with asthma and one of my brothers developed severe visual impairment. In the midst of all this, I sat my KCPE in 2008 at Big tree Primary School and by God’s grace, scored 362 out of 500 marks. I was admitted to St. Antony’s Boys High School where school fees continued being a major challenge. I loved education and I did not want to be a drop out like some of my siblings. With nowhere else to turn to, my mother did the unthinkable and sold a portion our piece of land to raise my first term fee and I stayed in school. However, there was nothing more to sell for subsequent terms. One of our neighbours based in Nairobi decided to support me partially. Although he paid his portion, my mother could hardly raise the balance rendering my time in school very difficult. In 2010, when I was in Form II, he brought me Edumed application forms which we duly filled and submitted. Through God’s favour, I passed the interview and was admitted into the Edumed programme. Nonetheless, Edumed paid tuition fees only and I still had arrears accruing from other requirements such as development costs. It was then decided that I transfer to a school where the Edumed contribution would meet 90% of the annual fee. I moved to Misikhu Friends Secondary School and repeated Form II since I had lost significant time away from school. I promised Edumed, and myself, that I would work very hard. Acknowledging that a school only gives one a platform to achieve one’s dreams, I would perform well if I so desired. I sat for my KCSE examination in 2013 and scored B+ of 71 points and I have been admitted to Egerton University, Njoro Campus where I am studying for a Bachelor of Education in Science. There is no way I would have gone through school without the support of the Edumed Trust. I thank God for all who gave to keep me in school. Thank you! Kelvin Sitati

“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead also” - James 2:26

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