Newsletter 2014

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EDUMED TRUST Trust Newsletter

October 2014


My Journey


MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN The establishment of Edumed Trust in 1996 was primarily a way of reaching out in Christian brotherly love to those in need but it was also to challenge Kenyans and provide a forum for all to be our brothers’ keeper. That primary responsibility remains ours as Kenyans and it is gratifying to note that a discourse on local but sustainable philanthropy is beginning to take shape. It was thus fulfilling when Edumed, during the year, was selected as one of the case studies in a research publication by KCDF on ‘creating an enabling environment for philanthropy through tax incentives’. While our vision is underpinned by our Christian beliefs, the lesson of Kenyans mobilizing resources locally in a structured and sustainable way to address our needs as a society is gaining currency. The year has been eventful with the spillover effects of the slowdown in the economy in the previous year due to the transition into the new government, as well as the new devolved governance system, reflecting in our partners giving. An increase in school fees in nearly all schools has strained our resources as the parents and guardians have leaned on us to bail them out. I nonetheless salute our partners both individuals and corporate who have doggedly purposed and honoured their pledges and continue to support us, aptly actualising our theme this year which is “Plug In”.

Our Strategic Plan 2010-2014 comes to an end this year and the new strategic plan is in the process of development. The mid-term review of the current plan re-focused the Trust in nurture of our students. Sadly three of our students this year have each lost a parent and the need for greater compassion and nurture cannot be gainsaid. We are also looking for greater cooperation with our partners in the area of internship as our ever increasing number of alumni in universities and tertiary institutions seek placements during their long vacations. I invite you to partner with us on this voyage. I thank all our partners for their faithful giving, the staff for their passion and diligence, the executive board and my fellow trustees for their fervor and to God Almighty, whom we give all honour. George N. Macgoye EBS, OGW Chairman Edumed Trust

Rev. Karita Mbagara (centre) Senior Pastor of CITAM Karen with Charles Njoroge the Trust Secretary (left) together with some of the Edumed students after a presentation at the church.

I come from a family of seven: four brothers and three sisters. My father, then an administrative officer, was able to provide for the family. However, things changed drastically when he passed away in 2003 when I was 11 years old. Shortly after his demise, a sister dropped out of school for a year due to lack of fees. Things worsened and we started lacking food regularly. Hunger sometimes kept me out of school and I started working on people’s farms to feed us. In the years that followed, our family became a shadow of its former self and nothing seemed to work. My mother was diagnosed with asthma and one of my brothers developed severe visual impairment. In the midst of all this, I sat my KCPE in 2008 at Big tree Primary School and by God’s grace, scored 362 out of 500 marks. I was admitted to St. Antony’s Boys High School where school fees continued being a major challenge. I loved education and I did not want to be a drop out like some of my siblings. With nowhere else to turn to, my mother did the unthinkable and sold a portion our piece of land to raise my first term fee and I stayed in school. However, there was nothing more to sell for subsequent terms. One of our neighbours based in Nairobi decided to support me partially. Although he paid his portion, my mother could hardly raise the balance rendering my time in school very difficult. In 2010, when I was in Form II, he brought me Edumed application forms which we duly filled and submitted. Through God’s favour, I passed the interview and was admitted into the Edumed programme. Nonetheless, Edumed paid tuition fees only and I still had arrears accruing from other requirements such as development costs. It was then decided that I transfer to a school where the Edumed contribution would meet 90% of the annual fee. I moved to Misikhu Friends Secondary School and repeated Form II since I had lost significant time away from school. I promised Edumed, and myself, that I would work very hard. Acknowledging that a school only gives one a platform to achieve one’s dreams, I would perform well if I so desired. I sat for my KCSE examination in 2013 and scored B+ of 71 points and I have been admitted to Egerton University, Njoro Campus where I am studying for a Bachelor of Education in Science. There is no way I would have gone through school without the support of the Edumed Trust. I thank God for all who gave to keep me in school. Thank you! Kelvin Sitati

“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead also” - James 2:26



MEAN AGG INSTITUTION GRADE PTS 84 1 Christine Halleluya Rubera The Kenya High School A Chavakali High School 82 A University of Nairobi 2 Sylvester Luvutse 3 Alliance High School 79 Renson Wase Ouma AUniversity of Nairobi 4 Mutira Girls High School 78 Jane Waithiki Karigi AMoi University 5 Kijabe Boys High School 78 Ronald Ngugi Kihara AJKUAT 6 Masinga Girls Secondary School 76 Frinah Wambui Muthoni ATechnical University of Kenya 7 Koelel High School 72 Brian Peter Choi B+ Garissa University College 8 Gataragwa Girls Secondary School 72 Jane Watetu King'ori B+ University of Eldoret 9 St. Patrick's High School - Iten 71 Vincent Kirwa Rutto B+ University of Eldoret 10 Kelvin Sitati Wafula Misikhu Friends Secondary School 71 B+ Egerton University 11 Joseph Mwaniki Ngiri Siakago Boys High School 70 B+ Egerton University 12 Peter Mbothu Kihungi Dagoretti High School 68 B+ University of Nairobi 13 Ruth Wanjiku Karinga Gitugi Girls High School 67 B+ Masinde Muliro University S.T 14 Caleb Omondi Okumu Nakuru High School 67 B+ Machakos University College 15 Ruth Wacheke Ng'anga Othaya Girls Secondary School 66 B Egerton University 16 Jane Nyandia Gititu Kiria-Ini Girls Secondary School 63 B Technical University of Kenya 17 Beryl Atieno St. Mary's Lwak Girls School 62 B University of Nairobi 18 Edina Kagehi Bunyore Girls High School 59 BKibabii University College 19 Agnes Keng'aya Nyamao Ngara Girls High School 59 BEgerton University 20 Winnie Muthoni Kariuki Chania Girls High School 58 BChuka University 21 Jane Mugure Wainaina Gatanga Girls Secondary School 56 BMulango Girls High School 52 22 Kamene Kiema C+ Kisumu Polytechnic 23 Abdia Aliow Adan Kyeni Girls High School 52 C+ Thika Tech. Training Institute 24 Pauline Wambui Murigi Kamahuha Girls High School 49 C+ St. Mary's Girls Sec. Sch.-Kiangima 48 25 Edith Wanyaga Muthoni C+ KMTC 26 Cynthia Waithera Kiarie Kambui Girls High School 47 C 41 27 Josephine Kerubo Manyara Ruchu Girls Secondary School C Sigalagala Tech. Training Inst. 28 Elias Alkano Eisimekalo St. Pius X Seminary = Y *KUCCPS - Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (which replaced JAB - Joint Admissions Board)


Bachelor of Law (LLB) BSc. (Geospatial Engineering) BEd. (Guidance and Counselling) BSc. (Analytical Chemistry) BSc. (Urban Design and Develop.) BSc. in Information Sciences BSc. in Biochemistry BEd. (Agricultural Education) Bachelor of Education (Science) BSc. (Environmental Science) Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Commerce BSc. (Maths & Computer Science) Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) BTech. (Hotel & Restaurant Mngt.) Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Arts BEntrepnr. & Small Business Mngt. -

Diploma in Pharmacy Diploma in Human Resource Mngt. -

Diploma in Clinical Medicine -

Diploma in Human Resource Mngt. Re-sitting KCSE


A Word from Secretary & CEO



What a joy to share the highlights of the Edumed story thus far. As a journey of faith and as is our norm, the year began with a time of corporate prayer and fasting to seek God’s leading and blessing in our work. • The results of our Class of 2013 were cause for celebration of God’s faithfulness with 20 out of 28 students qualifying for direct university admission, 7 into tertiary colleges while sadly we recorded our first case of cancelled results. The school involved appealed to the examination authorities as the cancellation affected most of its students. A reprieve was given for the students to re-sit the exam in 2014. • In April 2014, 34 students were taken into sponsorship bringing the total number of students being supported in 2014 to 112 (56 boys and 56 girls) in 90 secondary schools nationwide, and the tally of those supported by Edumed to-date to 322. • We revamped our unique fundraising event, The Cake Festival, in November 2013 with 42 bakers participating and returned it to its traditional June date in 2014 with 62 home, professional and industrial bakers participating whilst recording over 3000

persons in attendance. Participation in The Cake Festival 2015 is open to bakers, sponsors, exhibitors or attendees as we seek to expand and diversify our funding base. • The 6th Students’ retreat was held from 22nd to 24th August 2014 at St. George’s Girls’ Secondary School, Nairobi. The highlight of this retreat and nurture programme was an enlightening educational tour of the University of Nairobi’s main campus. We appreciate Dr. Sam Kamau and the University administration for facilitating this tour, and also invite ideas on organizing similar educational visits. Lastly, I appreciate our partners for supporting our mission with their gifts, staff and volunteers for their incomparable service, the Executive Board and trustees for their zeal, our students’ parents and guardians for giving us the privilege of partnering with them in raising the next generation of leaders. May God Almighty abundantly shower you with his blessings and may his name be glorified forever. Charles Njoroge Trust Secretary & CEO

A godly response to the cry of the needy OUR MISSION Transforming lives through the gospel of Christ by practical demonstration of Christian love in meeting Education and Medical needs of the poor. OUR CORE VALUES:

• • • •

Compassion Dignity and respect for human life Good stewardship and accountability Integrity


• • • • •

It more blessed to give than to receive Knowledge is a treasure We are our brother’s keeper Practical worship of God is demonstrated through service to others God has blessed every nation with adequate resources to meet the needs of its people

Edumed Alumni Brian Keya (right) with other volunteers at a past function

In pictures…

A panel during the 2014 new students’ s’ selection interviews

Judge Chef Felix Huwyler & Board Member er Eric Mwenda (right above) during appreciation of some of the winning bakers

Our top 2013 student Halleluya C. Rubera ra addresses new students during the 2014 induction ceremony.

Our students tour the University of Nairobi

Guests enjoy cake at Kate Bakers stand at The Cake Festival 2014

Above Dr. H. Mogambi from UoN’s School of Journalism address the students. . Inset students at the College of Engineering

EXCERPTS OF 2013 AUDITED ACCOUNTS In the financial year ended 31st December 2013, Edumed Trust raised over Kshs. 4.44 million (2012: Kshs. 5.84 million), with individual supporters contributing 61% (2012: 53%) of this amount. This is in line with Edumed’s main fundraising strategy of mobilizing Kenyans to respond to the needs of the needy among them. The total expenditure was Kshs.5.27 million (2012: Kshs. 5.32 million) resulting in a net deficit of Kshs. 826,879 (2012: Kshs. 513,418 surplus). The net deficit arose in part from unfulfilled pledges by individual supporters though the net surplus in 2012 was also partly due to a one-off capital grant donation in kind. Total assets were Kshs. 4.6 million (2012: Kshs. 4.7 million) of which Kshs. 3.21 million (2012: Kshs. 3.04 million) is our endowment fund investment. Below is a summary of the funds raised and how they were expended:


INCOME Individual supporters Grant income (corporates) Donations-in-kind Other income Total


KShs. 2,730,802 1,104,002 72,000 536,149 4,442,953

Excerpts from accounts as at 31st December 2013 audited by

EXPE NDITURE School fees & student expenses Donated services Fundraising Administration & personnel Total Net (deficit) for the year

KShs. 3,074,122 72,000 313,130 1,810,580 5,269,832 (826,879)

East Africa, Certified Public Accountants(Kenya). A service provided pro borno.



Edumed Founder Dr. Solomon Mwangi is appreciated by Edumed beneficiary Diana Akoth after retiring as a trustee.

Hon. Justice Daniel Musinga addresses Groove award winner gospel artist guests during the Annual Dinner 2013 L. Jay Maasai joins students at the 2014 Student’s Retreat.

MA Applicati RCH ons Sho rtlisting APRIL Students interview s JUNE The Cak e Festiv AUGUS al Students T Retreat OCTOB E Annual D R inner

We are honoured to count the following organisations among our generous partners

Plugging in to Edumed Trust Support:o Financially o Volunteer your services o Share ideas and give feedback Becoming a partner of Edumed 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Fill the Edumed pledge form (in hard or soft copy), to provide your personal contact details. Record a pledge amount of your choice. Submit the form to our EDUMED TRUST office/email. Corporate Sponsorships liase with Trust Secretary/Board Members. Remit your pledge.

As a partner: 1. We enter your name in our partners’ mailing list. 2. We send you updates of our activities. 3. We send you invites to our events in the year. 4. We update you on your contribution status and send you statement. 5. We pray for you.

Remitting your Edumed Trust



This can be done in the following ways:: o

o o o o

Banking your pledge directly into the Edumed bank account, then sending us a copy of the banking slip to update our records. By cheque and sending it to Edumed office. By making a standing order with your bank to effect regular payments. By sending your contribution through our M-Pesa Pay Bill No.531200. Online by various modes including credit cards through our website donate button

TAX BENEFITS FOR GIVING TO CHARITY The INCOME TAX ACT cap.470 allows you to enjoy TAX DEDUCTION upon donating to any charity that has been granted ‘Tax Exempt Status’ by Kenya Revenue Authority. The law benefits institutions, businesses and employed people (including those self employed). Edumed Trust has this status.

Be a part of The Cake Festival 2015

For more information: Email: Url: In support of Edumed Trust

We wish you a Merry Christmas and A blessed 2015

Bank Account Details Edumed Trust Standard Chartered Bank Karen Branch A/C No: 01028 183022-00 Swift Code: SCBLKENXAXXX For more information, Please write to: The Trust Secretary, P. O. Box 1025, 00502 Karen, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 020 3001201 Mobile: 0710-551119, 0788-551119 M-pesa PayBill No.531200 Email: Url Follow us on: Edumed Trust @edumedtrust

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