Inside YOUR GUIDE TO THIS ISSUE The Edumed Mentorship Retreat Edumed Alumni The Livelihood program Edumed Trust at 25 in pictures THE CAUSE EssentialRecipes Cake Decorating Tools Igniting Global Skill Share Business Systems for your Baking BakersBusinessNear You CONVERSATIONSBAKING Taifa Sweet Tooth Affair Annual Baking Competition in ThePicturesCake Festival 2019 in pictures The East Africa Baking Summit The Cake Festival 10 12 13 27 15 30 32 36 40 22 24 26 28

What a joy to be back to host our life-changing skillsharetheandlongimplementhaveSinceschool.causetoiscompulsorythrillingeventTheCakeFestivalafteraTwo-yearbreakduetothepandemicCovid-19.Itanhonortobeyourhostandcongregatebakersshowcasetheirmasteryincakeartforagoodofkeepingthebrightneedystudentsinallthingsworkforourgood,Itakeitthatweusedthebreaktoexpertise,learnandnewbakingskillsthatwegotduringthebreak.Thelastonemonth,IwitnessedthelovecommitmentthatpeopleinKenyaandbeyondbordershaveforbakingaswehostedignitinginourdemosonourFacebookpage.
It was simply thrilling watching as people from different continents spoke one language, the language of making great cakes and making them look fantastic, this led to this year’s theme, “The Great Come Back”. We would be thrilled to feature as many cakes as imaginable from all around. Keep them feedback coming, inquiries and ideas through our varied platforms.
Team Leader
The Cake Festival
The views, statements or opinions in this publication may not necessarily reflect those of Edumed Trust the editorial board welcomes electronic submissions of articles and photographs and reserves the right to include or edit materials for style and content without recourse to the author. DESIGNANDLAYOUT DistinctConcepts LOGISTICS JacobRobinsonSharonNyawiraMuimiMutia EDITORIAL TEAM Agostino Madiavale Charles ElizabethNjorogeWaichinga PHOTOGRAPHY WanjalaMachismoMattKevinAmunzeMashPhotographyPhotographyPhotography SOCIALMEDIA DistinctConcepts ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Agostino Madiavale Charles EstherJoyceElizabethNjorogeWaichingaMuhoroWanjiruSUB EDITOR Allylah Msenya For more information, Please write to: The Trust Secretary, Edumed Trust P.O. Box 1025, 00502 Karen,Nairobi,KENYA Tel: +254 20 3001201 Mobile: +254 710 551119/+254 788 551119 Email: info@cake-festival.com Website: www.cake-festival.co Elizabeth Waichinga

From the Editor

I take this opportunity to thank God for enabling us host the cake festival 2022 after a 2-year hiatus occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. This made it impossible to hold any meaningful event. However just as an eagle uses the storm to glide greater heights, it is with this tenacity that the Edumed Trust has withered the challenges to host this year’s event. The event is a win-win-win. For all the bakers it provides the platform on which to showcase products and market themselves. For the attendees it’s an opportunity to enjoy the day with family and friends whilst sampling the variety of cakes. Finally for the student beneficiary it’s an opportunity to guarantee completion of their secondary education as a gateway to a prosperous future. On behalf of the cake festival team I welcome you all to this year’s event.

Word from The Cake Agostino Madiavale


Organizing Committee

Njuguna Njuguna Waswa Silas Chef Alyasin Mirza Ali Kelvin Gitonga Cake festival is always an event I'd never want to groups.activitiesmiss!Itisawesomewithallfordifferentage

anyloverme.theItisalwaysaboutthevibesandcreativityofthebakersforIhavenowbecomeacakeandIneverwanttomisseditionofcakefestival. Your Say have been The Cake Festival judge twice already and the most memorial moment was it had rained cats and dogs and we all
The cake festival 2019 gave me the confidence to open my bakery, this bakingconnect,bakeriesyearIgettoturnthree!IloveTheCakeFestivalbecauseitconnectsmanyespeciallywehomebakersandgivesusanopportunitytolearnandevenbuildconfidence.Wearetryingtochangetheindustryadayatatime
MercyWaswaCollections Macyn's Bakery
Thank You! We owe it to you

Charles Njoroge
It is a joy for us at Edumed Trust to once again host The Cake Festival after a two years hiatus brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and its attendant challenges. And whilst the impact on the economy has been felt by businesses and affected livelihoods, this has had a disproportionate adverse effect on the vulnerable in our community.
The Cake Festival apart from providing a unique platform to showcase the creative juices of bakers ranging from junior bakers, home bakers to professional and institutional bakers, provides a marketing, networking and peer review forum for the baking and pastry industry and related industries in the region. We are pleased to welcome NCBA Bank Kenya Plc who are market leaders for asset financing as sponsors to the festival. We also thank various celebrity pastry chefs from around the world who have supported The Cake Festival by providing online skills transfer in various speciality aspects of cake making in the run-up to the festival and look forward to extending those ties.

The proceeds of the festival go to support the work of the Trust. In the past year, we supported 80 students (41 boys : 39 girls) in 74 secondary school across 32 counties in the nation. We hope to raise this to 90 students in 2022. We believe in education with values and character and therefore mentorship is a core aspect of our scholarship program.
It is a joy for us at Edumed Trust to once again host The Cake Festival after a two years hiatus brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and its attendant challenges. And whilst the impact on the economy has been felt by businesses and affected livelihoods, this has had a disproportionate adverse effect on the vulnerable in our community. And thus, hosting The Cake Festival in 2022 in the midst of a challenging economic environment, is a recognition that God is our source, a celebration of his faithfulness, a statement of hope and an avenue of opportunities. We thank those bakers, sponsors, exhibitors who have chosen to plug-in by participating in this year’s festival. We value your partnership. We are particularly heartened by participation of bakers from A Quiet Place, a cake shop run by persons with hearing impairment. It continues to inspire the deaf community to step out into the baking and pastry world.
A Word from the Trust Secretary & CEO
The Cake Festival apart from providing a unique This is reflected in our students’ performance where
This is reflected in our students’ performance where over 82% qualify for university admission while the rest to tertiary institutions. A large number of the volunteers during the festival comprise our Edumed Alumni who give of themselves to enable others to have a similar opportunity as they got. We invite you too to reach out and partner with us in various other ways to enable us avail more opportunities to deserving bright needy students. To hold the festival requires a herculean effort and dedicated team. We thank the planning team for spearheading this phenomenal work, the trustees for their backing, the board for guidance, the staff for the sacrificial service and our volunteers for their exemplary support. We invite you to sample the delectable cakes and celebrate life in this The Great Come Back. Trust Secretary & CEO Edumed Trust
Mentorship is a key program at Edumed Trust, carried out through a continuous engagement and through an annual four-day life skills empowering mentorship retreat. The retreats have allowed us ample time to motivate, mentor, guide and counsel the students on various topical and life issues. They also enable the students to meet their peers from across the country hence enhancing Herenationhood.are highlights from the Students Mentorship Retreat held on 31st March 2022 – 3rd April 2022 at Le Pic School, Nairobi.

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”


You can choose to partner with Edumed Trust through the following ways: Financial support: Through M-Pesa Pay Bill No: 531200 Direct Banking to Account Edumed Trust Standard Chartered Bank, Karen Branch A/C No. 01028 183022-00 SWIFT Code: SCBLKENX Sending a cheque payable to Edumed Trust In kind donations Students Care Package such as toiletries, stationeries and other items ideal to secondary school students (Boys & Girls). The items are distributed during the Annual Students Mentorship Retreat held every August. Time Volunteer during our events or taking part in the mentorship program. Taking part in Our Events You can take part in our fund raining events like The Cake Festival, A sweet Tooth Affair and our Annual Edumed Trust Dinner We Value your Support Ways You can Support us

havebecausewalkedIIEdumed'sandastudent"IamSharonNyawiraMurimia3rdinKCAuniversitypursuingbachelor'sdegreeincounselingpsychology.IstartedreceivingScholarshipin2018whenwasinformthree.amalwaysgratefulthattheythejourneywithmeandofthesupportIreceived,Ihopeforabrighterfuture." Sharon Nyawira David Otieno Edumed Trust Alumni "David Otieno is my name, I am a realizeplayedISecondarysponsoredAppliedBachelorsUniversityrecentgraduatefromTheTechnicalofKenyawithadegreeinIndustrialandChemistry.EdumedTrustmethroughmySchool.amthankfulthatthissponsorshipabigroleinhelpingmemydreams"

Navigating the challenging economic times" Keeping the ovensopen Imagine, having cooked for an event hosting 400 people, the cake ready, all ready just waiting for a few hours to head out to go set-up. Then, boom, partial lockdown is

The Baking Adventure

The Edumed Trust Livelihoods Program

Ruth Yole is a baker and chef based in Langata, Kenya. Fb/Ig:@ruthyoleskitchen YouTube channel: This is Ruth Yole. She also runs an online magazine: www.refreshmagazinekenya.wordpress.com, where she share recipes and inspiration as well Lets go back to our roots with a delicious and indulgent sweet potato cake recipe. We love our sweet potatoes; for breakfast or as a snack but today we are elevating the game and incorporating sweet potato in our cake recipe. This is such a yummy treat and enjoy cold or at room temperature. RECIPE 10 tablespoons margarine 10 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 tablespoon vanilla essence 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 big mashed cooked sweet potato, 1cooledtablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 cup StrawberriesWhippedmilkcreamFor decoration 1. Add margarine, sugar, 1egg and vanilla essence in a bowl. Mix to combine. 2. In another bowl add flour, spice and baking powder. 3. Add half flour to egg, sugar and margarine mixture and mix to combine. 4. Add the remaining flour and egg and mix to combine. 5. Add the mashed sweet potato and milk. Mix till well combined. 6. Bake for 45 minutes. 7. Leave to cool and decorate with whipped cream frosting and strawberries. Enjoy! Ingredients Method Sweet Potato Cake by Ruth Yole


Taifa Sweet Tooth Affair in Pictures

Taifa Sweet Tooth Affair in Pictures

Annual CompetitionBakingWinners

Choco Annual CompetitionBakingWinners

Cake Festival 2019 In Pictures

Trust @25 in Pictures


We hosted the 1st East Africa Baking Summit that took place on 27th and 28th June 2019 at the Laico Regency Hotel, Nairobi, culminating with The Cake Festival that celebrated its 10th Anniversary on 29th June 2019 at the Carnivore TheGrounds.East Africa Baking Summit theme was ‘Beyond the Skills’. The summit brought together a unique and regional mix of over 200 delegates. The curated group of attendees featured business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, academia, government bodies, industry leaders from various manufacturers, enterprises and institutions to exchange their knowledge, experience and research innovations with the aim of building a successful ‘Beyond the Skills’ movement. The summit featured a two (2) Day Conference and baking and related industries exhibition and tours.
Beyond the Skills

The East Africa Baking Summit 2019

The East Africa Baking Summit in Pictures

Essential DecoratingCakeAccessories

Essential Cake Decorating Accessories

Aaisha is an award winning cake artist, chocolatier and sugar florist and the owner of Choconest and Edible bouquet. Previously based in Nairobi, Kenya, she won several awards in The Cake Festival Cake competitions. Aaisha is the brand ambassador of the Cake Collective for India and East Africa. She has done many demos, classes and workshops Internationally on her forte of sugar flowers. Her love for wafer paper flowers are beyond imaginations and she loves modelling and trying new things in sugar craft. Aaisha owns a line of food grade Brass Stamp line by the name “Impressions by Aaisha Sumbul” and routinely gets featured internationally for her work and tutorials in different Aaishamagazinesandnewsletters.istheCakeFestival

Igniting Global Skillshare
Marc is multi awarded Sugar Artist and Sugar craft Instructor does demo and classes on several local and international groups across the world with the goal of inspiring and helping others be better at their craft to better their lives. Marc takes part in charity projects for kids and supports orphanages at the Philippines. He was featuredItalyisAmbassadorSugarinternationalwasawardedTopChoiceforExcellenceatThePhilippines,hetheofficialRepresentativeandAmbassadorforcompetitionCakestarPhilippinesbyByboraPaste,ambassadorforPeotracoFoodInc,andtheandDesignerforFlowerProInternational.HealsoawardedasSugarFlowersWeddingCake2020atInternationalCakeCompetition.HisworksarebacktobackoninternationalMagazines.
Igniting Skillshare Ambassador and has enabled the 2022 Novel global Skillshare series that we hope will grow exponentially andimpactbakinganddecoratingskillsinKenya.
Aaisha Sumbul The Cake Festival Global Skillshare Ambassador Marc Kevin PhilippinesReyes
In the month of May and June 2022, The Cake Festival was excited to Ignite Global Skillshare baking conversations and Demos. Renowned cake artists from around the globe graced our Facebook page to share their expertise in various techniques of cake decorations. We offered a zoom class for junior bakers to learn decorations and we are thrilled to have the 'Sweet Assassin', Adriano Zumbo virtually judge some categories in the Annual Baking Competition 2022. These efforts were passionately spearhead by Aaisha Sumbul.

Juliana finished her studies as an attorney, but later on decided to study to be Pastry Chef. "A couple of years later I discover my real passion, to decorate cakes. Since then (about 14 years ago) it’s been an amazing adventure moving from one country to another and carry my business with me. I have been in international competitions, I have been teaching in Pastry Academies and now I am dedicated 100% to my business. Teaching healthy patisserie and Cake designing. I love to teach and helpotherstoachievetheirdreams.I am a member of the worlds Chef Association, ICES, among other gastronomy anddesigningassociations."

"I am the face behind The Art Cake Experience and The Art Cake School. Thirteen years ago, I started this as a Cake Designer and Gelatin Artist, however my true passion is teaching. Bringing my two passions together I started teaching gelatin decoration and 3D gelatin art in Portugal in 2013, as well as Cake Design and Sugar Paste Modeling. I love to teach and to bring the Cake community around the world together as one through true friendship, helping others and learning from one another."

"I'm a graphic designer but love to make cookies with royal icing as a hobby. I've already been working in this beautiful cookie world since 2014. I enjoy learning something new everyday. I have had the opportunity to participate in various international collaborations, I have given free tutorials on various platforms and recently I have won first place in the cookie contest at Expo SocialReposteriaCdJuarez,hereinMexicoMedia@clarisaborunda|Sweet memories by ClarisaBorunda JulianaArgentinaRomero ClarisaMexicoBorunda
Igniting Global

Sharon of Sharon's Creative Explosion Cakes is an artist by profession and has an BA in Art Education from Milwaukee Wisconsin USA. She has won international scholarships, Gold, Silver and Platinum awards for Art and 3D sculptures. Wilton Cake
Sharon Siriwardena Boston Massachusetts Skillshare

"DecoratingCertified(USA).INeverknewIcouldturn my passion into cake decorating until I accidentally stumbled across this area a couple of years ago. Ever since then there has been no turning back. I knew my passion and dedication would one day enable me to achieve my dream in life as a Cake Artist." She specializes in sculpted cakes and her work featured in major Sugar FBcraftmagazinesintheUK.blog:Sharon'sCreativeExplosionCakes

Guest Judge
Annual Competition
AdrianoZumbo isanAustralianpâtissierand

betterhowdowntowillIfbakeryajustTheonlywayforyoutorunyourbusinesssuccessfully,evenifit’syouatfirst,istohavepropersystemsinplace.Forone,theygolongwayinhelpingyoustartintegratingotherpeopleintoyourbusiness.andwhenyoustarthiringpeople,withasysteminplace,youalreadyhaveacertainwayofdoingthingsandallyou’llhavedoisshowthemhowtodothosetasks.Youcansimplywriteeverysingleprocessandtasks,whetherit’sarecipeoreventoreceiveanorder.Thatwayyou’llbeabletotrainthemandfaster. By Maureen Kamari Amari Baking Center
Baking for Business 5 Business Systems Required In Your Baking Business

“Why I need systems in place in my business?”
What is a System?

This helps you track money coming in and money going out in your baking business. Whether you have accounting software (e.g. Quickbooks) or not, make sure you have a way of tracking the money that’s coming in (sales). You can do so with a receipt book or cash sale and If you’re the kind of business that invoices, make sure you have an invoice book. Now for your money weeklycashgoingout(expenses),makesureyou’rekeepingtrackofallofit.Thatcouldmeanhavingapettyvoucherbook.Whateveryou’redoing,makesureyou’rekeepingtrackofyourdaily,andmonthlyfinances.
·2. A Marketing System

Production Sysytem1. These are the various activities done to market your business. You can choose to have both online and offline marketing systems (and you should have both). The online systems can involve social media accounts posting including doing paid ads monthly and posting on Forawebsite.youroffline marketing activities, you can do different things like participating in cake fairs, or doing cake tastings and samplings. You can also network with other customers or vendors that can help you grow your bakery brand and business over time. Make sure you have a marketing system in place with specific tasks for every month and a planned set of activities that you’re going to do tomarketyourbusiness.
Make sure you have a specific production system for your business. I would suggest having cleaning lists, like daily, weekly, monthly cleaning tasks. You also need to have recipes ready so when it comes to baking the cakes, you have specific recipes and methods you use. Make sure you have a certain way of opening and closing the bakery. If it’s a home based bakery, have a certain way of starting out your day, productionencompassesYouhowgoods,systemevenifit’swithcleanup–acertainwayofclosingup.Theothertasksyouneedtospecifyinabakeryproductionare,howyoustoreyouringredients&yourbakedhowyoucoolandhandlethebakedproductsandyoupackageandlabelallyourbakedgoods.wanttomakesureyouhaveaproductionsystemthatallthosethingsthathavetodowiththeactualofyourbakedgoods.

3. A Financial System
4. Payment System A ·Distribution or Delivery System
This keeps track of how you receive or pay out money into your business. As far as receiving money goes, you can choose to have a ‘Lipa na Mpesa, Buy Goods Till Number, or maybe a Paybill number for your Alwaysbusiness.ensure everyone paying into your business is using the till number or the paybill number to keep a record of all your payments. You can also choose to use cash as another payment option. Whenever you’re paying out money, you can choose to write cheques only or use one specific phone number/line for Mpesatomakeyourpayments.

If you have a shop it’d be easier because your clients will receive the cake directly or come and collect the cake themselves. However, remember, a lot of people are looking for delivery options. So you need to make sure you have a specific way of deliveringyourbakedgoods.Youmayuseafooddelivery system. or taxi services. You can also hire a delivery person or outsource to businesses or people who do thedeliveriesforyou.

I hope this has been really helpful for you. Be sure to implement all these systems into your bakerybusinessandallthebest.

Baking for Business Continued...

SHAHADA SocialAlaka.amelia@gmail.com+254721536120AwesomelyENTERPRISESDevine!media:AmeliaAmish Alaka Madaraka East. Green court MF20F SMAT CAKE For freshly baked yummy cakes Twitter:Facebook:Instagram:www.ihti.netinfo@ihti.net+254715555458INSTITUTEINTERNATIONALRuakasocialsmatfie@yahoo.com+254720723035media:FacebookHOTELTRAININGihtikenyaihticollege@IHTIKenya Bakers NearBakers BakersYouNearNearYou CAKE CITY LTD Yummy Tummy SouthernFacewww.valentinecakehouse.co.keschool@valentinecakehouse.co.ke+254722567100PassingVALENTINEAvenueTwitter:Instagram:Facebook:www.cakecity.co.kecbd@cakecity.co.ke+254700050505TreatsCakeCitycakecitykenya@CAKECITYKENYAHouseKenyattaAvenueSCHOOLOFCAKEonskillsbook:ValentinecakehouseHouse,OppositeMeridian MAM IMRAN CREATIONS Baking your ideas to life BethelFacebook:Instagram:ovenblisskenya@gmail.com+254713831803OVENDesaiInstagram:Jackiemueni03@gmail.com+254713333840Facebook:MamImranCreationsmamimrancreationsRoad-NgaraBLISSovenbliss.kovenblissKenyacenterLang’ata-Road CBD CBD WESTLANDSOUTSKIRTS WATOTO WEMA CENTRE A safe family for every Kenyan child RuaiFacebook:marjolein@watotowema.org+254726103296WatotowemaCentre RUAI

Bakers Near YouBakers Near You Sweetland cakes and pastries We bake a Facebook:Mariawanj25@gmail.com+254718570887smileSweetlandcakes and pastries Thika Happy Bakers Baked from the RuiruFacebookhapinessmsenya+254720509187heart@gmail.comJomaxBakers THIKA ROAD MACHAKOS

Dazzling Delights For the sweet of the heart Instagram:Facebook:Ptyongik40@gmail.com+254723750641dazzlingdelights245@dazzling_cakes_delights PURPLE PALACE KE Get that Ongatasocialmungaiwamutitu@gmail.com+254719256545/+254722449688cakemedia:purple_palace_ke_Rongai KAJIADO MONIMO’S CAKES AND PASTRIES WITH LOVE Cakes and pastries with love OngataInstagram:mimonimoscakes@gmail.com+254713909998mimonimos_cakes-Rongai CAPERNAUM DEAF TRUST Kiseriancarolebrenton@gmail.com+254776012437 MOMBASA