All About Me
Simplify Learning
All About Me For ages: 4-6
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All About Me
Edusense All About Me Book 1 For ages: 4-6 Stacey van der Walt
Copyright Š 2017 by Stacey van der Walt All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Š Edusense All rights reserved. This document may only be used by bona-fide Edusense subscribers.
Recommended Schedule All About Me Schedule
Week 1: All About Me Activity type
Additional information
Memory verse and Bible study
Genesis 1:1-2 Genesis 1:1-31
Cover one of the listed discussion ideas
Sign Language word
1.1, 1.2
Gross motor coordination Tall and short
Fine motor coordination
A rice man, A yellow face, A vegetable man
1.8, 1.11, 1.14
Mathematical concept forming
Circles in flour, Long and short
1.15, 1.18
Letter forming and recognition
Walking fingers, Intro, The letter a
1.21, 1.24, 1.25
Week 2: All About Me Activity type
Additional information
Memory verse and Bible study
Psalm 121:1-2 Genesis 2:1-3
Cover another discussion idea
Science experiment
Static electricity
Gross motor coordination The shadow game
1.1, 1.2
Fine motor coordination
A yellow treasure hunt, Tracing a silhouette
1.9, 1.12
Mathematical concept forming
How tall are you? A popsicle line
1.16, 1.17
Letter forming and recognition
Fingerprint frame, Intro, The letter h
1.22, 1.26, 1.27
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All About Me
Week 3: All About Me Activity type
Additional information
Memory verse and Bible study
Isaiah 40:28 Genesis 2:18-25
Cover one of the listed discussion ideas
Auditory perception
Identify the correct option, My Shadow
Gross motor coordination Tall and short, The shadow game (repeat)
1.1, 1.2
1.29, 1.30
1.6, 1.7
Fine motor coordination
Shooting straws, Self-expression
1.10, 1.13
Mathematical concept forming
Route counting, Concept of 1-5
1.19, 1.20
Letter forming and recognition
Line tracing, Tracing
1.23, 1.28
Your own activity ideas Activity type
Additional information
Activities that the learner struggled with Activity type
Additional information
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All About Me
Shopping List Supplies General: Pen Mirror Vegetables Newspaper Yellow objects found around the home Flour Salt Paper Comb Crayons Glue Rainbow coloured rice* Yellow play dough Googly eyes Buttons Drinking straws Scissors Toothpicks Whiteboard marker Masking tape Chalk Measuring tape Permanent marker Tray Yellow paint Theme related book from a library
DIY Challenge: White rice White vinegar Food colouring Plastic container Tray
DIY Challenge Rainbow coloured rice Materials:
Inexpensive white rice (1 cup for each colour)
White vinegar (1/2 tsp for each colour)
Food colouring
Plastic container with lid
Directions: 1.
Pour one cup of rice into a container.
Add some food colouring and the 1/2 tsp of vinegar, and snap the lid onto the container.
Shake the container. Once your rice is evenly coloured, dump it out on your tray to dry.
Coloured rice will keep indefinitely when stored in an air -tight container.
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All About Me Theme 1 All Me All About about me
After completing this lesson the learner should know more about:
Creation Signing the word: me Static electricity The colour yellow A silhouette The difference between a circle and a sphere Concepts: centimetre and meter, short and tall Letters: a and h
Main memory verse
Activity 1.1
1.1 God, the Creator (Memory verse cut-outs)
To help the learner memorize the verse, assign hand symbols to words and phrases. For example, lifting hands can symbolize “praise”, moving hands as if shaping something can symbolise the word “made” etc. After saying the verse several times with these symbols, see how well the learner can say the verse by himself. When he struggles, remind him of a word by showing him the symbol for it.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)
Additional verses: Genesis 1:1-2, Psalm 121:1-2, Isaiah 40:28
Bible study 1.2 Creation (Bible)
References: Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-3, Genesis 2:18-25. Read the story of The Beginning of the World, When God Rested and The First Woman from the Bible of your choice. Challenge
1. 2. 3.
Go for a walk in a park. Let the learner name some of the beautiful things that God made. Let the learner draw a picture of something God made. Name a few things that are man-made.
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All About Me
Activity 1.3
1.3 Being unique (Discussion starter, Mirror)
Looking at himself in a mirror helps the learner become aware of his body. This is called “bodily awareness.”
Let the learner stand in front of a mirror. Talk about the concept unique (being the only one of a kind, unlike anything or anyone else). Ask the learner to look at his hair, eyes and skin. Discuss their colour. Count how many noses, eyes, ears, legs, arms, fingers and toes he has. Mention the big parts and the smaller parts of the body; the skeleton, muscles and organs inside too. Show the learner that there are parts of his body that can bend (knees, elbows, fingers, toes, wrists and ankles).
Activity 1.4 The learner signs the word: me
Sign language 1.4 Saying me
Instructions: Let the learner point to himself. Origin as a sign: Indicating self. Usage in a sentence: Speak to me.
Science experiment 1.5 Static electricity (Tray, paper, comb, jersey)
Let the learner tear a sheet of paper into tiny pieces. Place these pieces of paper inside of a tray. Let the learner rub a comb against a jersey. Then ask him to place the comb sideways and move it over the pieces of paper. (When lifted, the paper should cling to the comb.) Let the learner rub the comb against the jersey again. Then let him hold the comb near his arm or above his head. The hair on his arm or head should stand upright.
Activity 1.5 When electricity gathers in one place it is known as “static electricity” (the word static means something that does not move). Rubbing a comb against a jersey gives it an electric charge. This small amount of electricity makes little pieces of paper stick to the comb like a magnet.
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All About Me
Gross motor coordination activities
Activity 1.6-1.7
1.6 Tall and short
Gross motor coordination: the movements of the larger muscles of the body. Accurate movements and effective control over the muscles are necessary for all knowledge and intellectual functions .
Give the following instructions:
Make yourself as tall as a giant (the learner stands on his tippy toes, stretching his arms upwards). Give two heavy, big steps forward. Give three giant leaps forward. Make your body as short as possible (the learner gets onto his haunches. His hands are placed in front of his knees). Remain in this position and take small steps.
1.7 The shadow game
Activity 1.8-1.14 These activities promote fine motor coordination: the movements of the smaller muscles of the body.
Stand in front of the learner. Let him copy you as you:
stretch your arms upwards stretch your arms outwards touch your toes stand on your left leg stand on your right leg hop around on your left leg hop around on your right leg
Activity 1.8 To make your own Rainbow rice look at the DIY Challenge section in the “Progress Monitoring Booklet.”
Fine motor coordination activities 1.8 A rice man (Relevant printout, crayons, glue, rainbow coloured rice)
Let the learner use crayons to draw eyes, a nose, lips, ears and hair for the figure. When done, ask him to create clothes for the figure by gluing rainbow coloured rice to it.
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All About Me
Activity 1.10
1.9 A yellow treasure hunt (Yellow objects)
Hide a few yellow objects (a crayon, a pen, a block, a water bottle etc.) around the home. Let the learner look for these objects. Give him clues as to their whereabouts (“the first yellow object is hiding on something that we use to keep our books on”,- bookshelf). Let the learner bring the “yellow treasure” to the table where activities are done. Compare and describe the differences between the shades of the yellow objects (“the block is a bright yellow colour, the car is a light yellow colour”).
Review these safety guidelines each time scissors are used:
Scissors are a tool, not a toy! Adult supervision is always required when using scissors. A table is the best place to use scissors, with hands in plain view. NEVER run with scissors.
1.10 Shooting straws (Scissors, drinking straws, tray)
Place three drinking straws inside a tray. Let the learner use scissors to cut these into shorter segments. The straws will shoot into different directions when cut. This is part of the fun. (Keep these segments for an upcoming activity.)
1.11 A yellow face (Yellow play dough, googly eyes, buttons, scissors, toothpicks, the drinking straw segments-created during the previous activity)
Show the learner how to roll a yellow chunk of play dough into a sphere shape, then let him flatten it with the palm of his hand. Describe how the sphere’s shape has changed from a sphere to a circle. Allow the learner to create a face. Use googly eyes for the man’s eyes, straw-segments for hair and a button for the nose. Draw a smile with a toothpick. Instruct the learner to use his index finger to press on the areas of the “face” where ears should be. In so doing he will create dents that will resemble ears.
Activity 1.11 Playing with play dough and tearing paper are activities that often precede using a scissor. It improves the co ordination that the proper use of a scissor requires.
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All About Me
1.12 Tracing a silhouette (Chalk, pavement surface/ newspaper, permanent marker, masking tape)
Go outdoors. Have the learner lie down on his back, on the pavement. Use chalk to trace around his body then have him look at his shape. Hand him chalk to draw a face and clothes onto the shape.
Activity 1.12 This activity was designed to help the learner become aware of his own shape and size.
Adjustment: If it is raining outside or you do not have access to a pavement surface trace the learner’s body on two newspaper sheets that have been joined together with masking tape. Let the learner use crayons to draw a face and clothes for the shape. 1.13 Self-expression (Paper, crayons)
Let the learner use a variety of different coloured crayons to draw himself.
1.14 A vegetable man (Vegetables, whiteboard marker)
Ask the learner to build a figure with a variety of vegetables. (Use butternut for the body, a potato for the head and carrots for arms and legs. Let the learner use a whiteboard marker to draw a face on the potato. (Wash the potato afterwards; it will be good to cook and eat again.)
Activity 1.13 Painting, drawing and colouring are mediums trough which the learner attempts to communicate with the world.
Mathematical concept forming activities 1.15 Circles in flour (Tray, flour) Fill a tray with a 1cm deep layer of flour. (It should cover the entire surface of the tray.) Give the following instructions:
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All About Me
Use your fingers to draw a circle. Gently wiggle the tray from side to side so that the flour is evenly dispersed over its surface again. Make one big circle with a smaller circle inside of it. Gently wiggle the tray from side to side so that the sand is evenly dispersed over the tray’s surface again. Draw one circle, then another. (Ask the learner how many circles he has drawn.) Draw many circles. (Help the learner to count them.)
Activity 1.16 This activity introduces the learner to mathematical concepts: meter, centimetre and millimetre.
1.16 How tall are you? (Measuring tape, a permanent marker)
Use measuring tape to measure the learner’s length. Make a mark on the tape (at the area that indicates the learner’s length).
1.17 A popsicle line (Measuring tape, popsicle sticks)
Have the learner place the marked measuring tape on a flat surface. Ask him to place popsicle sticks next to the measuring tape, forming a line that is as tall as he is. (He may be 10 and one quarter of a popsicle stick in length. Let the last popsicle stick overlap the others to line up with the mark on the measuring tape.)
1.18 Long and short (Popsicle sticks)
Activity 1.19 Don't get caught up in trying to persuade your child to count beyond ten or 20 right now. Most four year olds can't fully comprehend how larger numbers correspond to actual quantities. They usually count between four and ten objects correctly. A child of this age who rattles off numbers in sequence higher than 20 is generally doing so from sheer memorization.
Use four popsicle sticks to create a vertical line. Ask the learner to make two more lines. One should be longer and one should be shorter than the one you made.
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All About Me
Activity 1.21
1.19 Route counting to 10
This activity strengthens the learner’s hand muscles.
Let the learner count to ten.
1.20 Concept of 1-5
Ask the learner to show you one finger. Then two, three, four and finally five fingers.
Letter forming and recognition activities 1.21 Warm up: walking fingers
Let the learner extend his middle and index fingers and then use them to “walk” like a little man over a table.
1.22 Fingerprint frame (Permanent marker, paper, yellow paint)
Write the learner’s name at the centre of an A4 paper. Place a little bit of yellow paint inside of a tray. Ask the learner to use this paint to make a fingerprint frame around his name. The finger used to make prints should be covered in a thin layer of paint. (This will ensure that the lines of each fingerprint are more visible on paper.) Explain that no two people have the same fingerprints.
Activity 1.23 Tracing lines from left to right is an indirect preparation for reading and writing western script.
1.23 Line tracing (Relevant printout, crayons)
Let the learner trace over the dotted lines on the printout. The learner should trace over these lines from the left to the right side of the page.
1.24 Introduction to the letter a
Say the sound of the letter a. Repeat the sound of the
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All About Me
letter (not its name as sang in the ABC song). “A” as in the beginning of a-pple or a-mber. 1.25 The letter a (Relevant printout, scissors, tracing guide)
Activity 1.25 This is the Tracing Guide. Look at it to see how to form the relevant letter.
Cut out the letter a flashcard (from the printout). Look at the tracing guide to see how to form this letter. Let the learner extend his index and middle finger. Hold his hand and trace over this letter with him.
1.26 Introduction to the letter h
Say the sound of the letter h. Repeat the sound of the letter (not its name as sang in the ABC song). “H” as in the beginning of h-at or h-ot.
1.27 The letter h (Relevant printout, scissors, tracing guide)
Cut out the letter h flashcard (from the printout). Look at the tracing guide to see how to form this letter. Let the learner extend his index and middle finger. Hold his hand and trace over this letter with him.
1.28 Tracing letters (Letter-flashcards, tray, salt)
Place a flashcard of the letter a or h next to a tray. Fill this tray with a layer of salt. (The salt should cover the entire surface of the tray.) Let the learner use his finger to trace the letter in the salt.
Activity 1.27 Since 95% of written text is in lowercase, it makes sense to teach aspiring readers lowercase letters first. Only 5% of the written word is capitalized. This activity introduces the learner to the letter h. By teaching the sounds of the letters (phonics) you are providing him with the knowledge to eventually build his own words. Only by knowing the sounds of letters can children understand how to build and decode words, eventually becoming independent readers.
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All About Me
Auditory perception
Activity 1.30
1.29 Let the learner identify the correct option:
Reading to children :
With my mouth I (walk, sit, speak). With my feet I (talk, walk, eat). With my ears I (look, listen, jump). With my eyes I (eat, see, walk). With my nose I (smell, sing, dance). With my hands I (listen, walk, feel).
promotes their ability to pay attention. expands their vocabulary. develops language.
More activity ideas:
Poem/story time 1.30 My Shadow (Provided reading material)
———————— Read the poem My Shadow to the learner. ———————— ———————— ———————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— © Edusense All rights reserved. This document may only be used by bona-fide Edusense subscribers.
All About Me
The Preschool Program Resources
Memory verse cut-outs Printouts Reading material Record of Progress
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All About Me
Resources, Printouts and Record of Progress All About Me Printout for activity: 1.1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:1-2 (NIV) I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)
Do you not know the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28 (NIV) Š Edusense All rights reserved. This document may only be used by bona-fide Edusense subscribers.
All About Me
All About Me Printout for activity: 1.8
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All About Me
All About Me Printout for activity: 1.22
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All About Me
All About Me Printout for activity: 1.24,1.26 and more
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All About Me
All About Me Printout for activity: 1.24, 1.26, 1.27
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All About Me
All About Me Reading material for activity: 1.30 My Shadow
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, And what can be the use of him is more than I can see. He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head; And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed. The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow. Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow; He sometimes shoots up taller like an India-rubber ball. He sometimes gets so little that there's none of him at all. One morning very early, before the sun was up. I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup. But my lazy little shadow, like a sleepy head. Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94)
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All About Me
Record of Progress Progress Monitor
I can sign the word me
Glue a picture of the learner completing an All About Me activity here.
I can differentiate between a circle and a sphere
I can identify the colour yellow
Activity description: I have been introduced to letters: a and h
Notes on the learner’s progress:
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All About Me
Thematic Book Review
Your own activity ideas:
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All About Me
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