012816 Edge of the Weekend

Page 1

January 28, 2016

Vol. 13 No. 22

"Preach" at 80 page 4

Hitting the slopes page 14

Dance St. Louis page 15

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January 28



What’s Inside 3

Happy Hop

Business caters to home brewers.

4 "Preach"

An Edwardsville icon at 80.

5 Above and Beyond

New at the Saint Louis Science Center.

11 "Ride Along 2" The silliness contiues.

13 Humpback whales

MSI film celebrates the gigantic creatures.

14 Hitting the slopes Ski areas open in northern Illinois.

15 Dance St. Louis

MOMIX to present "Alchemia."




What’s Happening Friday Jan. 29____________ • Disney on Ice presents Treasure Trove, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. • Disney's Newsies, The Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Peter Sutherland: Forests and Fires, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. • Tala Madani, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. • The Propeller Group, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Runs Until March 2. • The Perceptive Mechanism, The Kranzberg Arts Center, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through January 30 • Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19. • A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14. • Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14. • Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24. • St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis

Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31. • Funky Butt Winter Warmup, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. • Sucks to be Pluto EP Release Show, w/Miller and the Maniacals, Local Dog Dreams, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • JPS presents My Twins, w/ Inner Outlines, Strikes Back, Ciceros, University City, 8:00 p.m. • A. Sinclair, w/Union Rags, Soma, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Cavo, w/The Hush List, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Saturday Jan. 30____________ • Disney on Ice presents Treasure Trove, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m • Disney's Newsies, The Fox Theater, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. • S o u l a rd M a rd i G r a s - 5 K Run For Your Beads, Soulard Neighborhood, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. • Soulard Mardi Gras- Southern Comfort Taste of Soulard, Soulard Neighborhood, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • MOMIX in Alchemia, Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. • Underneath the Lintel, Wool

Studio Theater, Creve Cour, 8:00 p.m., Runs Until February 13, 2016 • Million Dollar Quartet, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. • C a r l R i c h a r d s : M O N E Y. VISUALIZED, Coca, St. Louis, Runs until March 16. • • Sunset Baby presented by The Black Rep 2015-26 Edison Series, Edison Theater, St. Louis, Runs until January 31. • Arcangelo Sassolino: Not Human, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. • Arlene Shechet: Urgent Matter, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. • Interpretations: 15th Biennial Teapot Exhibition, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until March 20. • Lisa Yuskavage: The Brood, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. • Ned Vena: Paintings Without Borders 2, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. • Funky Butt Winter Warmup, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. • Billy Childs: Reimagining Laura Nyro, feat. Becca Stevens, The Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Railroad Earth, w/Cornmeal, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • The Madison Letter, w/Aaron Krause, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar


On the Edge of the Weekend

Editor – Bill Tucker

Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake

January 28, 2016


John Sommerhof/The Edge

Christian Powell in his shop Happy Hops Homebrew and Winemaking at 103 E. Vandalia St. The store offers everything needed for home brewers and vintners. Below, the exterior of the business.

Business caters to home brewers By JOHN SOMMERHOF Of The Edge


ome brewers and vintners now have a local resource for all of their beer and wine making needs. Happy Hop Homebrew & Winemaking recently opened its doors at 103 E. Vandalia St., and provides about anything the home brewer or winemaker would need. According to the American Home Brewers Association, more than 1.2 million American households either brew beer, make wine or do both. Happy Hops owner Christian Powell hopes to tap into the local market by offering anything the hobbyists would need to brew up a batch of their favorite drink. The brew shop in Edwardsville is Powell’s second location, having opened up his first store in Belleville in 2012. As he’s seen demand rise for brewing supplies, Powell said Edwardsville was a natural location. “I went to college at SIUE and knew Edwardsville was a great town and a great location,” he said. “I already had a lot of customers from Edwardsville coming to the Belleville store so when I saw this space for rent, I jumped on it and decided to save my customers a trip to Belleville.” Powell said his interest in home brewing took off about the same time as the craft brewery boom exploded in the region about 10 years ago. “I was hanging around the home brew st o re i n B e l l e v i l l e learning how to make beer and getting to know the owner,” he said. “When I found out that the owner was going to sell the store, my wife and I made the decision to purchase the business.” His wife, Andria Powell, owns and operates a clothing store in Belleville adjacent to Happy Hops

Happy Hop opens new location in downtown Edwardsville and as luck would have it the space next to the Happy Hops in Edwardsville was also available for rent. So the husband and wife have the same businesses next to each other in both Edwardsville and Belleville. Andria Powell’s business is called Circa Boutique and offers women’s’ fashion and jewelry. “It worked out great that both spaces were available,” he said. “We

have been welcome to Edwardsville with open arms and it has been great.” Happy Hops offers everything beer and winemakers need. A wide variety of yeasts, hops and other grains as well as bottling and fermenting equipment are available. For novices, Powell said they offer “brewing and wine making in a box.”

“The kits have everything you would need to go home and start brewing beer or making wine,” he said. “It as easy as following a recipe.” In the future, Powell said, the store would like to start doing demonstrations and offering classes to local residents on beer and wine making. “At our Belleville location we are

January 28, 2016

in the process of creating a beer and wine making learning center,” he said. “In Edwardsville we plan on hosting events and demonstrations and have started talking with local restaurants about teaming up for some events this spring.” Powell, 41, also said he is in the early stages of planning a home brew contest. “The contest is in the works and we will give everyone enough heads up to have a batch ready,” he said.

On the Edge of the Weekend


People An Edwardsville icon celebrates 80 years Marvin "Preach" Webb remains a fixture downtown By STEVE HORRELL Of The Edge


very so often Marvin Webb will drop in at Eaker’s Family Barber Shop and pull out a cigar from underneath the cash register by the front door.

Webb turned 80 years old on Jan. 12, and he is Edwardsville’s unofficial goodwill ambassador. He is known by most everyone as “Preach,” a nickname penned for him by Albert Pauli ages ago and has stuck with him through the years, though he also answers to “Cat.” To his considerable number of women friends he is affectionately referred to as “Six-timer.” He seems to know they say it with mock opprobrium and an implied wink, and Preach takes no offense whatsoever. “He has a whole slew of women, and every one of them calls him Six-timer,” says Lisa Pauli-Petrich, who grew up in Edwardsville and can’t recall a time when she hasn’t known him. “It’s just a little inside joke because he always has so many girls.” Preach seems to have an equal dose of passion for: carnations, “I’m a Cop” police badges, John Wayne and Elvis movies, and singing “Kansas City” or “Blue Suede Shoes” for Butch Moore and the Mo’ Pleasure band up at Laurie’s Place. And cigars, of course. Back when Preach was a ubiquitous presence on the sidewalks downtown, he routinely picked up Phillies Blunts on his walk from his home on Highland Street to the Madison County Administration Building. Now Kari Eaker, the third-generation owner at Eaker ’s, stashes cigars for him by the front door. If they happen to be gone some morning, Eaker encourages him to go ahead and take a dollar from her tip jar nearby. “Sometimes, even if he takes a cigar, he’ll take a dollar also,” she says from her shop at 227 N. Main St. in Edwardsville. Sometimes Preach pokes through her mail near the front door and asks whether she wants him to run some mail up to the Post Office for her, or pass out fliers downtown. It speaks to his trustworthiness. For years Vicky Vanzo allowed Preach to walk the deposits from Vanzo’s Taproom a few blocks over to the bank. Preach’s younger brother, James Webb, says that an uncle who once managed the old Edwardsville Bank often allowed Preach to make bank deposits from several downtown merchants. “He is a fine man of good character, and he is certainly a fixture in our community, particularly our downtown Main Street area,” says Jay Keeven, who met Preach after he become


Edge photo

Marvin "Preach" Webb with his police badge and Elvis cap. the city’s police chief a couple of years ago. The Edwardsville Police Department long ago made him an honorary police officer. Preach has always been protective of friends. When, as a young girl, Pauli-Petrich would ride her bike up town, Preach would looked for her. “He’d get his badge out and say, ‘Kids, look here, I’m a cop, now what are you doing? You’d better behave yourself,'” she recalls. “Then he’d take your thumb and press it down on his badge like he was taking your fingerprint.” Any time a politician came to town, Preach was there. “And he always had that badge,” Kenny Krumeich, now a trustee for Edwardsville Township, recalls. “He’d say ‘I’m a cop,’ and hold onto his coat like a big shot. I will always remember that, as long as I live.” One year, when Krumeich’s dad, “Skip” Krumeich, was running to keep his seat in County Board District 17, someone gave him a red-and-white t-shirt to advertise the campaign. “I’ll bet you he wore that shirt out,” Kenny Krumeich says now. Back in the day, Preach was known to wear a carnation on each lapel every day, thanks to the

On the Edge of the Weekend

employees at the August Mirring floral shop on North Main Street. Unless there was severe weather, Preach spent much of every day walking down North Main Street and over to the old Edwardsville High School. And back. A couple of major surgeries in recent years, though – one on each knee - have slowed him down. “He always had his shoes re-done at Alexander ’s,” near the corner of Vandalia and North Main,” Pauli-Petri says. “They re-soled his shoes all the time because he put so many miles on them.” ••• Marvin Webb was born on Jan. 12, 1936. It was an era before special education in public schools, and when Marvin struggled to read and write, he eventually dropped out while he was still in early grade school. John Webb was a laborer, and people say Marvin was a “carbon copy” of his father. After he dropped out, John Webb’s second wife, Lillie, began walking Marvin around town and introducing him to the businessmen along North Main Street. “She wanted the merchants to sort of keep an eye out for him

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because he was the special person that he is and she didn’t want anyone picking on him or him to be a problem for anyone,” James Webb said during a recent interview. Preach began hanging out downtown, and it wasn’t long before merchants had taken him under their wings and allowed him to pass out fliers and run errands. “He’s just an honest-type guy, very lovable,’ James Webb says. “People just found him to be who he is. There’s no deception in him. There’s never been a color thing with him, never anything like that.” Preach began frequenting Vanzo’s Taproom, a popular hangout for locals and, later, for SIUE students. Judges and lawyers frequently walked over to Vanzo’s from the Madison County Courthouse for a lunch and a beer. Preach was also a mainstay at Imber’s Men’s Wear, where Jerry Legow saw to it that Preach was perpetually outfitted in sartorial splendor. When Imbers announced they were closing – in late 2012 – Preach was crushed. Over the years, scores of highprofile citizens have called Preach their friend. Legow was among his closest friends. As were EHS basketball coaching legend Joe Lucco, State sen. Sam Vadalabene, and Congressman Mel Price. “Senator Sam used to send his private driver over to pick Marvin up, and he’d send a little note with him,” James Webb says. “Everybody knew my mother as Momma Lillie, and she would bake pies and cakes and things, and he would take them over to Senator Sam,” he says. “When Mel Price came to town, Preach was there,” says Krumeich. Preach grew up attending Mount Joy Baptist Church in Edwardsville. Over the years he made it habit of attending every funeral in town that he could, whether he knew the deceased or not. “I don’t think he knew half the people, and I don’t think half the people knew him,” James Webb said. One of his unofficial jobs was to work at the old Wildey Theatre on North Main. “Miss Duffy was the owner,” Webb says. “She made him an usher. He’d say ‘All right, the movie’s gettin’ ready to start, y’all be quiet.’ Afterward he would show everybody outside.” ••• Most everyone who has grown up in Edwardsville has their own Preach story. Jerry Cobetto, now an administrator for Probation & Court Services for the Third Judicial Circuit, was about 8 years old when he first met Preach at an annual rally for Madison County Democrats. One of his early memories of him involves one of the city’s parades, either the annual Halloween Parade or the Little League. “Someone put Preach on the back of a pickup truck and they had put signs under the truck bed saying “MR. EDWARDSVILLE,” Cobetto says. “He was sitting on a lawn chair on the back of the truck waving at people.” It’s that simple charm that pulls people in to the Preach orbit. For several years, Preach would walk over to the old Edwardsville High School every day and amble down the hallway, glad-handing whoever came into his path.

“It was part of Preach’s daily rounds,” Cobetto says. In the early 1980s, Cobetto played saxophone and pedal steel guitar for a band called Blue Ridge. During a gig one night at the now-defunct Spanky’s, Cobetto had with him a medallion that his grandmother had brought back from a pilgrimage to Elvis’ home in Memphis. During a break, he gave it to Preach, “I presented it as a trinket from Graceland. It had Elvis’s picture on it,” Cobetto says. “He was in Hog Heaven.” Marvin Webb was a fixture at local concerts and at local dances. Cobetto can show you his high school yearbook picture of Preach singing Bill Haley’s 1955 hit, “Rock Around the Clock.” That Preach referred to it as “Twoo’clock Rock,” matters little. When Cobetto asked him to come up front with the band and sing “Twoo’clock Rock,” Preach, of course, obliged. “He just said the words over and over,” Cobetto says. Cobetto has other yearbook pictures of Preach from his high school days. There was one from 1974. Preach is 38 years old. He is sporting a white shirt and holding the mic in his left hand, singing, most likely, “Going to Kansas City” or “Blue Suede Shoes.” James Webb has a couple of photos at his home that he says few people have ever seen. In one, Marvin is perhaps 12 years old, and decked out in what appears to be a straw hat; sister Lavon, slightly older, is dressed in a white dress and a bonnet. The other shows Marvin atop a bucking bronco, perhaps from carnival that came through town, James says. The photos are in black and white. They remind James of a story about Preach and the legendary Mississippi River Festival. The outdoor summer festival ran from 1969 to 1980 on the campus of SIUE, and over the years it drew top-flight acts such as the Who, Joe Walsh and Ella Fitzgerald. Webb recalls that it was in the late 1970s. On the day of the event, “Marvin would not wait,” James recalled. “He would say, ‘I’m gonna walk up to SIU tonight.’” It was well over five miles, and James himself tried it but once. The memory of his brother setting out for the festival brings a smile to his face. “Sometimes he would get a ride. People would stop and say ‘Come on in here, Marvin! What are you doing walkin’?” But Edwardsville, of course, has changed with time. Webb guesses that more than half the friends his brother grew up with have passed away. Nadine Penelton, Sam Vadalabene, Joe Lucco, Jerry Legow. And countless others. Preach still walks around Edwardsville a bit, but he’s slower now and when he does walk downtown, James gives him a boost by driving him up to the Wildey Theatre first. From time to time, Preach will still make it over to Laurie’s Place to listen to the Mo’ Pleasure band. “But the younger generation comes in, they don’t know him. It’s sort of heartbreaking,” James says. “But he is still blessed to be here.”

People Interactive flight exhibit opens at the Saint Louis Science Center For The Edge On Friday, Jan. 29, the Saint Louis Science Center unveiled “Above and Beyond,” a new interactive exhibition exploring the wonder and science of flight and the transformative innovations that shape advances in aerospace. The exhibition is presented by Boeing [NYSE: BA] in celebration of the company’s 100th anniversary in 2016. St. Louis will be the second U.S. stop on the five-year tour that will also include several international destinations. “Innovations in aerospace have improved the way of life for people around the world, and we are excited that this exhibition helps visitors engage with the innovation, design and science that drive the remarkable achievements, while also having fun,” said Bert Vescolani, president and CEO of the Saint Louis Science Center. “We are excited to host ‘Above and Beyond,’ which will educate visitors, while providing an entertaining experience. Our mission is to ignite and sustain lifelong science and technology learning, and we believe that offering exciting and engaging exhibits like this helps spark that interest and inspire a new generation of innovators.” The 5,000-square-foot “Above and Beyond” exhibition offers unprecedented interactive experiences to inspire curiosity in, and exploration of, advances in aerospace, from the first powered flights to the newest innovations in aircraft and spaceflight. After entering an immersive wraparound theater, visitors venture into five galleries comprising dozens of interactive displays. Exhibitgoers can ride to the edge of space in a simulated space elevator or test their own supersonic fighterjet design in a virtual high-speed flying competition. A group flying experience with motion-sensing image capture helps visitors learn what it’s like to fly like a bird in a

Saint Louis Science Center

Pictured are two views of Above and Beyond, the new exhibit at the Saint Louis Science Center. flock, while exploring the forces of flight. Hands-on interactive, touchtable displays and augmented reality are examples of exhibit technology offering an experiential understanding of the scientific concepts behind flight and space travel.

“The impressive technology, design and spirit of this ‘Above and Beyond’ exhibit bring to life the amazing contributions that companies like Boeing have made to the aerospace industry in the past, and provide a glimpse into the possibilities of the future,” said Jim O’Neill, senior St. Louis site

executive, Boeing Defense Space & Security. “We hope the experiences children have in this exhibit will inspire curiosity and lead them t o b e c o m e f u t u re i n n o v a t o r s , engineers or business leaders.” “Above and Beyond” will tour three venues a year, stopping at each venue for approximately three months. The U.S. exhibition tour is projected to draw 4.5 million to 5.5 million visitors. Tour stops will include St. Louis, Charleston, S.C., Seattle, Chicago and Houston, among other cities. The tour in 2016 coincides with Boeing’s centennial celebration, during which the Saint Louis Science Center will host the exhibition from January to May. “Above and Beyond” will also launch around the world in the Middle East, Asia and Europe. “Above and Beyond” is produced by Evergreen Exhibitions in association with Boeing, in collaboration with NASA and the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, and in educational collaboration with The Museum of Flight in Seattle. For more information on the “Above and Beyond” exhibition at the Saint Louis Science Center, please visit slsc.org. About the Saint Louis Science Center The mission of the Saint Louis Science Center is to ignite and sustain lifelong science and technology learning. It is one of the top 15 science centers worldwide and was named one of the “Top 10 Science Centers for

January 28, 2016

Families” by Parents magazine. The Saint Louis Science Center complex includes a five-story O M N I M A X ® T h e a t e r, B o e i n g Hall and the James S. McDonnell Planetarium. For more information about the Saint Louis Science Center, please visit slsc.org. About Boeing Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and top U.S. e x p o r t e r, s u p p o r t i n g a i r l i n e s and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. More than 160,000 employees at Boeing design, develop and build the world’s leading commercial and m i l i t a r y a e ro s p a c e p ro d u c t s , including the 787 Dreamliner, the V-22 Osprey, F/A-18 Super Hornet a n d t h e C S T- 1 0 0 C o m m e rc i a l Space Tr an spor tation System. In 2014 Boeing was ranked #1 Innovator in Aerospace for the eighth consecutive year by the Patent Board and holds more than 14,000 active patents globally. About Evergreen Exhibitions Evergreen Exhibitions (formerly Clear Channel Exhibitions) is one of the world's premier providers of traveling museum exhibits. Evergreen Exhibitions conceptualizes, designs, produces, markets and tours its traveling museum exhibits, primarily in science, art, natural history and children's museums. The exhibits use educational concepts to create high-quality, immersing, multi-sensory, entertaining and educational experiences for family audiences. Nearly 100 million people worldwide have enjoyed an Evergreen Exhibitions experience.

On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner King's daughter to speak at annual Abraham Lincoln Symposium Banquet

Bernice A. King, the daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King, will be the featured speaker at the annual Abraham Lincoln Association Symposium Banquet on Friday, February 12 in Springfield. Ms. King will accept the Association's Spirit of Lincoln Award on behalf of her parents and will speak on the topic, “Lincoln, King and the Civil Rights Movement.” The banquet, held to observe the 207th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, will be held at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel in downtown Springfield. A reception starts at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are $85 each and can be obtained online at www. abrahamlincolnassociation.org or by calling (866) 865-8500. Bernice A. King is the Chief Executive Officer of The King Center, which was founded by her mother in 1968. Born the youngest daughter of the late Coretta Scott King and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther K i n g , J r. , B e r n i c e b e g a n h e r oratorical journey when she spoke in her mother’s stead at the United Nations at age 17. Bernice spearheaded the Washington, D.C. commemoration on August 28, 2013, the 50th Anniversary of the March on Wa s h i n g t o n a n d h e r f a t h e r ’ s famous “I Have A Dream” speech. She founded Be A King, whose mission is to re-brand and re-image generations of people to elevate the way they Think, Act, Live, and Lead. Bernice received the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Advocate Award from the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. She has written Hard Questions, Heart Answers: Speeches and Sermons. The banquet is one of many activities scheduled each year to commemorate Lincoln's birthday. The annual Abraham Lincoln Association-Benjamin Thomas Symposium begins Thursday, February 11 at 7 p.m. in the Old State Capitol Hall of Representatives with a free presentation by author and Lincoln historian Douglas L. Wilson on “Herndon in His Own Voice.” The Symposium, which is free and open to the public, continues Friday, February 12 with the George L. Painter Looking for Lincoln Lecture from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Lincoln Home Visitor Center featuring “Lincoln and Mormon Country” presented by Bryon C. Andreasen. “Lincoln, Immigrants, and the Atlantic World” will be presented at 11 a.m. by Jason Silverman and Louise Stevenson in the Old State Capitol's Hall of Respresentatives. T h e T h o m a s F. S c h w a r t z Symposium luncheon, which begins at 1 p.m. Friday, February 12 at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, features speaker Thomas L. Carson, author of Lincoln's Ethics, who will present “Lincoln as a Moral Exemplar.” The luncheon is $30 per person and reservations can be made online at www. abrahamlincolnassociation.org or by calling (866) 865-8500. The Symposium resumes with a free roundtable discussion, moderated by historian Michael Burlingame, featuring all of the Symposium presenters. The


discussion will be held from 2:30 to 4 p.m. at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. The Symposium Banquet featuring Bernice King ends the two days of activities.

time with the exploration of Mars, and want to give our visitors the chance to experience the technology behind this exploration first-hand through Mission: Mars,” said Christian Greer, chief education and programs officer for the Saint Louis Science Center. “Through this immersive exhibit, visitors will be able to engage in the exploration of Mars by actually learning how to program rovers that are modeled like the real rovers that are on the planet right now. We hope this one-ofa-kind exhibit ignites curiosity and inspires our younger visitors to continue to support and participate in space exploration.” Guests have two portions of the exhibit to choose from to begin their Mars experience. In the Saint Louis Science Center’s main building (located at 5050 Oakland), guests can engage with one area of the exhibit, named Mission: Mars – Control. In this portion

Science Center hosts Mission: Mars

On Nov. 21, the Saint Louis Science Center opened Mission: Mars, an interactive exhibition designed to immerse visitors in the exploration of Mars in the current day and in the future. Developed by the Saint Louis Science Center in partnership with Washington University in St. Louis, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA’s Johnson Space Center, this unique exhibition will engage visitors in two separate but connected locations within the facility. “We are living in an incredible

Winter’s on its way. Is your furnace ready?

of the exhibit, guests experience current day exploration operations by assuming the role of an engineer at a NASA Engineering Lab, designing and building a robotic rover to explore Mars. They will have the opportunity to program a rover and experience the challenges of driving it in a simulated time delay, while seeing the planet from the perspective of a rover. The second portion of the exhibit in the James S. McDonnell Planetarium is called Mission Mars – Base, and is resembles a realistic work environment on Mars in the year 2076. Ta k i n g o n t h e r o l e o f a n astronaut living on Mars, visitors will be able to perform science operations at key locations on the planet, using Allison’s Hope Foundation, recently presented a $10,000 check to the Anderson Hospital Foundation. a rover much like the one used on Mars now.








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On the Edge of the Weekend

Tw o ro v e r s w e re s p e c i a l l y designed for this exhibit, and were named Intrepid and Adventure, names that were selected by the public through an online poll. The content with the Mission: Mars exhibition reflects the goals of NASA’s Office of Education: to engage citizens in NASA’s m i s s i o n s a n d s h a r e N A S A’ s cur ren t under standing of the planet. The Mission: Mars exhibit is particularly meaningful within the St. Louis community, given the city’s rich history in space exploration dating back to McDonnell Aircraft Corporation’s involvement in the Mercury and Gemini missions, which sent the first Americans into space. Mission: Mars is free to all v i s i t o r s . T h e re w i l l b e p a i d , educational programs offered to groups in both exhibit locations. For more information, please visit slsc.org.


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January 28, 2016

People People planner The Fox to host Garrison Keillor

T h e F a b u l o u s F o x T h e a t re proudly presents host/producer Garrison Keillor & friends live at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis for the final time at 4:45 p.m. on June 18 for the popular weekly radio broadcast, A Prairie Home Companion. This performance will be the last time Garrison Keillor will host A Prairie Home Companion in St. Louis. Tickets are $68, $58, $38 nad are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. If you showed up on July 6, 1974, at the Janet Wallace Auditorium at Macalester College in Saint Paul and plunked down your $1 admission (50 cents for kids) to attend the very first broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion, you were in select company. There were about 12 people in the audience. But those in attendance thought there were worse ways to spend a Saturday afternoon, so Garrison Keillor and the APHC team went on to produce close to 500 live shows in the first 10 years alone. There were broadcasts from this venue and that, until March 4, 1978, when the show moved to The World Theater, a lovely, crumbling building that was one plaster crack away from the wrecking ball. (Now fully renovated and renamed The Fitzgerald, it is the show’s home base.) In June of 1987, APHC ended for a while. Garrison thought it was a good idea at the time, but only two years later, the show was back, based in New York and called American Radio Company of the Air. But there’s no place like home. So in 1992, it was back to Minnesota and, soon after, back to the old name:A Prairie Home Companion. T h e re h a s b e e n p l e n t y o f adventure in the past 40-plus years — broadcasts from Canada, Ireland, S c o t l a n d , E n g l a n d , G e r m a n y, Iceland and almost every one of the 50 states; wonderful performers, little-known and world-renowned; standing ovations and stares of b e w i l d e r m e n t . We ’ v e m i s s e d planes, coped with lost luggage, dodged swooping bats and hungry mosquitoes, plodded through blizzards, and flown by the seat of our pants. To d a y, A P r a i r i e H o m e Companion is heard by 4 million listeners each week on nearly 700 public radio stations, online, and on the American Forces Networks, SiriusXM Radio, Radio New Zealand, and KPRG in Guam. Garrison recalls, “When the show started, it was something funny to do with my friends, and then it became an achievement that I hoped would be successful, and now it’s a good way of life.” A Prairie Home Companion is produced by Prairie Home P ro d u c t i o n s , a n d d i s t r i b u t e d nationwide by American Public Media. The program is underwritten by Ford. Garrison Keillor was born in 1942 in Anoka, Minnesota, and began his radio career as a freshman at the University of Minnesota, from which he graduated in 1966. He went to work for Minnesota Public Radio in 1969, and on July 6, 1974, he hosted the first broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion in St. Paul. Today, some 4 million listeners on more than 600 public radio stations coast to coast and beyond tune in to the show each week. Keillor has been honored with Grammy, ACE, and George Foster

Peabody awards, the National Humanities Medal, and election to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His many books include Lake Wobegon Days, The Book of Guys, Pilgrims: A Wobegon Romance, Guy Noir and the Straight Skinny, and The Keillor Reader (Viking). He is the host of the daily program The Writer’s Almanac and the editor of several anthologies of poetry, most recently,Good Poems: American Places (Viking). In 2006, Keillor played himself in the movie adaptation of his show, a film directed by Robert Altman. He has two grandsons and in 2007, he opened an independent bookstore, Common Good Books, in St. Paul, the city where he and his wife and daughter make their home.

MoBOT to host Orchid Show

Journey into an orchid-filled world and learn more about these amazing plants during the 2016 Orchid Show, “Where Wild Things Grow.” The Orchid Show runs Feb. 6 to March 27, 2016. At every turn, orchids burst from the landscape with bright, bold colors. Approximately 500 orchids

are on display at any one time, including Cattleya, Laelia, Encyclia, Oncidium and Paphiopedilum along with many other varieties. Spanning a wide range of sizes, colors and scents, these orchids are displayed as they would be found in their natural habitats, with terrestrial orchids at ground level and epiphytic orchids suspended atop tree branches. Hundreds of other tropical plants and ferns help set the verdant scene. This year ’s Orchid Show offers visitors the chance to learn more about the habitats of orchids and h ow t h e y a da p t t o ch a n g i n g environments. The Missouri Botanical Garden’s work including research, discovery, conservation and restoration of orchids will be presented with interpretation encompassed in the beautiful display. Orchids are found on every continent of the world except Antarc tic a, w ith the gre ate s t diversity found in the tropics. Most tropical orchids grow on other plants and derive moisture and nutrients form the air. Orchids found in more temperate regions are terrestrial, growing out of the ground rather than on other plants.

Another Successful Story from Eden Village In the past six months over 40 happy & healthy residents returned to their home after a short term stay at Eden Village Skilled Care Center. Pictured is former rehab resident Paul Tucker. After completing his therapy he moved into a Senior Living Apartment at Eden Village. Eden Village offers inpatient and outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy. For information call 618-288-5014. 200 South Station Rd. Glen Carbon, IL www.edenvillage.org

Some orchids grow on long vines, and in a variety of conditions including deserts and rain forests. Orchids are valued by collectors because of their beauty which has led to some species becoming endangered due to over-collecting in the wild. The Garden works diligently to protect those at-risk species though conservation and recovery programs in the United States and around the world. Throughout the year, Missouri Botanical Garden horticulturists care for the collection behind the scenes in the private greenhouse range. Temperatures inside greenhouses are manipulated to force the winter bloom of as many plants as possible for the annual Orchid Show. Orchids are grouped by watering needs and different fertilizers are used depending on the season. Spent blooms are replaced with new ones on a daily basis, shifting the look and landscape of the show throughout its run. Photographers are welcome to use hand-held cameras to capture the Orchid Show for personal enjoyment; tripod and monopod usage is not permitted indoors. Orchid Show admission is $5 per person (ages 3 and older),

in addition to general Garden admission ($8 for adults; $4 for St. Louis City and County residents, with free admission Wednesdays and Saturdays until noon; free for children ages 12 and younger). Missouri Botanical Garden members enjoy free general admission along with free Orchid Show admission. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer.n For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook. com/missouribotanicalgarden and http://twitter.com/mobotgarden. More than 45,000 households in the St. Louis region hold memberships to the Missouri Botanical Garden. Memberships begin at $65 ($60 for seniors) and offer 12 months of free general admission for two adults and all children ages 12 and under, plus exclusive invitations and

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On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner Touhill announces upcoming events

The Touhill Performing Arts Center on the University of Missouri-St. Louis has updated its calendar for the spring semester. All single tickets on sale now, unless otherwise noted, at the Touhill Performing Arts Center Ticket Office; online at www.touhill. org; or by phone at 314-516-4949. GREGORY PORTER February 6, Sat @ 8PM; $20, $29, $39, $49 A singer/songwriter, Porter composes socially conscious songs and performs them with such a rich depth of talent that each of his first three albums were Grammynominated, garnering a win in 2014 for Best Jazz Vocal Album, Liquid Spirit. IN IT FOR LOVE Presented by Saint Louis Ballet February 13-14; Sat @8PM; Sun

@2:30pm; $32, $38, $47, $51 This annual romantic program features familiar tunes and choreog raphy from b oth Gen Horiuchi and renowned guest c h o r e o g r a p h e r s . T h i s y e a r, choreographer Christopher d’Amboise will set a fun love story to ballet, and Horiuchi will collaborate with longtime friend and composer Joseph Morra for an original piece. SOLAS Presented by UMSL International Studies and Programs February 20; Sat @ 8PM; $20 In 1996, in a manner befitting their name (Gaelic for “light”), Solas burst onto the Irish music scene and instantly became a beacon – an incandescent ensemble that found contemporary relevance in timeless traditions without ever stooping to clichés. Through fresh and unexpected arrangements of age-old tunes, compelling and topical originals and covers, and

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unparalleled musicianship, Solas continues to define the path for the Celtic music world and drive the genre forward. ARLO GUTHRIE – ALICE’S RESTAURANT 50TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR February 16; Tues @7:30PM; $29, $49, $59, $79 Fifty years ago, Arlo Guthrie famously took out the trash after Thanksgiving dinner. The hilarious account of events that followed not only kept Guthrie from military service, but also became a platinum selling record and full-length motion picture. Now, in celebration of its 50th anniversary, folk icon Arlo Guthrie will perform “The Alice’s Restaurant Massacree” in its entirety. The concert also features a nostalgic multimedia trip through previously unseen Guthrie archives. PNC ARTS ALIVE NEW DANCE HORIZONS IV: A CELEBRATION

I N S P I R E D B Y S T. L O U I S ’ LEGENDARY BLACK ARTISTS Presented by Dance St. Louis February 26 & 27; Fri @ 8PM; Sat @ 2PM & 8PM; $20 Dance St. Louis’ original creation, New Dance Horizons, returns for its fourth year, but with a twist. In celebration of Black History Month, three nationally renowned African-American choreographers create three new works inspired by legendary St. Louis AfricanAmerican artists. ARIANNA STRING QUARTET: OCTET! March 4; Fri @ 8PM; $27 The Arianna Quartet welcomes th e in ter nationally acclaimed St. Petersburg String Quartet to St. Louis for a special evening of great music among friends. Beethoven: Quartet in E-flat Major, Op.74 “Harp” (Arianna Quartet); Shostakovich: Quartet No.9 in E-flat major, Op.117 (St. Petersburg

Quartet); Mendelssohn: Octet in E-flat Major, Op.20 PULSE – A MADCO CABARET PERFORMANCE March 11-12; Fri & Sat @ 8PM; $30 MADCO continues to bring athletic, vibrant dance to the stage. With a continued partnership with UMSL Music Department and new choreography from fresh voices Claire Hilleren, Brandon Fink and Lindsay Hawkins, Pulse is an intimate blend of music and sound. THE JIM WIDNER BIG BAND March 13; Sun @ 3PM; $27 St. Louis’ premier big band, formerly known as the St. Louis Jazz Orchestra, comprises the finest jazz artists from the area. Each performance swings with the sounds of the jazz greats like Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Stan Kenton, Maynard Ferguson, and others, as well as contemporary music from writers like Gordon Goodwin.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

January 28, 2016

January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend



QuickGlance Movie Reviews

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

RUNNING TIME: 95 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Four stars out of four.

J.J. Abrams may not elevate the language of "Star Wars," but he sure is fluent in it. "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is no more and no less than the movie that made us love it in the first place. In fact, it's basically the same thing. Isn't that what we all wanted anyway? It's hard to talk rationally about "Star Wars." It is a deeply silly thing, with a genuine, undeniable hold on our culture. Chalk it up to nostalgia, collective arrested development or the ineffable. But for many, the magic of "Star Wars" is inseparable from the magic of the movies and, hey, that's no small thing. These movies make us lose ourselves in the spectacle. They make us forget our best instincts. They make us love the advertising as much as the art. They make us kids again. In this way, "The Force Awakens," the seventh movie in this improbable yet inevitable series, delivers. It's a movie made by someone who loves "Star Wars" deeply. Someone who can see more clearly than even its creator what made it so special to so many people. Abrams has taken everything that we adore about that first film, delicately mixed up a few elements, and churned out a reverent homage that's a heck of a lot of fun to watch. From the opening scroll to the sequel-setup ending, he manages to hit each beat of its 38-year-old predecessor. Abrams has essentially passed the torch on to its new cast by making them amalgamations of the originals. You'll know it when you see it. Who cares if it's "Star Wars" MadLibs? There's the resistance-affiliated droid, who ends up stranded on a desert planet carrying a secret message (BB8). There's the nobody with the dead-end job and a Jedi obsession (Daisy Ridley's Rey), who has a life-changing encounter with said droid. There's the reckless kid uncertain of his allegiances (John Boyega's Finn). There's the cocky pilot (Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron). There's the powerful, masked villain, too (Adam Driver's Kylo Ren). RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sci-fi action violence." RUNNING TIME: 135 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

"45 Years"

How many great movies could be written across the enigmatic, profound face of Charlotte Rampling? Hundreds? Thousands? At any rate, Andrew Haigh's "45 Years" is one of them. In it, Rampling stars as half of a childless couple — Kate and Geoff (Tom Courtenay) Mercer — preparing to celebrate their 45th anniversary. In minutes, we can already feel jealousy welling in us from snapshots of their peaceful, harmonious lives in rural England: dog walks, drinking tea and taking leisurely trips into town. That such appearances of elderly tranquility are not what they seem is one of the notions upended by "45 Years." A letter arrives for Geoff with startling news that the frozen body of the woman he dated before meeting Kate has been found in a Swiss glacier where she died in an accident while traveling with Geoff more than 50 years ago. "Like something in the freezer," mumbles an astonished Geoff. The news unsettles Geoff, transporting him back to his mid-20s self, unmooring an iceberg of the past. Confessions follow, revealing a deeper history than Kate was before aware. She watches with increasing alarm as her husband begins smoking again and rummaging around the attic late at night for pictures of his old flame. Their previously rocksolid relationship is suddenly beset with fissures and tremors erupted by a history that isn't so ancient, after all. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language and brief sexuality."


On the Edge of the Weekend


In "Anomalisa" everyone looks and sounds the same. They have the same face (Caucasian, bland, non-descript). They have the same voice (Tom Noonan's). They bore our protagonist Michael Stone (voiced by David Thewlis) to death. And this feeling that he's the only individual on the planet among all these clones might be the cause of his unravelling. In this very R-rated stop-motion animated feature, scripted by Charlie Kaufman (writer of "Adaptation." and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind") and co-directed by Kaufman and Duke Johnson, we spend one day with this sad sack narcissist on an overnight trip to Cincinnati. He's there to give a lecture about his book, "How May I Help You Help Them," a top selling manifesto on the art of customer service. It's successful enough that people in the hotel recognize him immediately. Back in his room, Michael sinks into himself, bereft of an easy hookup. It's just him and his Belvedere martinis with a twist until he hears an alarming sound from the hotel hallway — a voice that's not Tom Noonan's. It's Jennifer Jason Leigh's. Michael bursts out of his room like the owner of this voice is his last chance for survival, frantically knocking on random hotel room doors to find her. The woman has travelled from Akron, Ohio, (over 200 miles) to hear him speak. She's a big fan, as is her co-worker. And this woman is different in voice and face. Her name is Lisa. She's an anomaly. She's his Anoma-Lisa, he tells her later when things get intimate. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "strong sexual content, graphic nudity and language." RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.

"The Forest"

The January movie has long had a reputation for being among the worst that Hollywood has to offer, as though everyone collectively acknowledges that they need a month to catch up on the glut of prestige offerings and awards hopefuls that hit at the end of December. There are always exceptions of course, but unfortunately "The Forest," a rotten horror film about twin sisters and the spooky Japanese woods where people go to kill themselves, is not one of them. It's rife with unbearable dialogue, cheap jump scares, and far too familiar imagery which makes the whole experience instantly forgettable. The story starts when Sara (Natalie Dormer), a young, wealthy professional living with a blandly handsome husband (Eoin Macken), discovers that her expat twin sister has disappeared in a forest in Japan. This isn't any forest, though. It's Aokigahara, also known as the suicide forest. Everyone she talks to assures her that her sister is definitely dead by now. But Sara knows better. In "The Forest" being a twin means that you have a spidey sense that your other half is around and living. There's a buzz, or something, and one time when Jess (also played by Dormer) took too many pills, the hum stopped. That's Sara knew something was wrong and knew to call the police to check on her. Fine, whatever. So Sara hops on a plane to Japan to search for Jess in the spooky suicide forest. Her dreams and eventually visions get creepier the closer she gets. There some elderly Japanese women around to warn her not to go into the forest, too — it's haunted by the spirits of the dead, she's too sad, and it's too dangerous. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "disturbing thematic content and images." RUNNING TIME: 95 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: A half star out of four.

January 28, 2016

"Lady in the Van"

There are cozy, innocuous pleasures to Nicholas Hytner's adaption of Alan Bennett's "The Lady in the Van," but chief among them is watching two grand old talents — Maggie Smith and Bennett, himself — operating firmly in their selfcreated wheel houses. Smith plays the ornery vagrant Mary Shepherd who one day turns up in her dilapidated van on the playwright's North London block, where she stubbornly remains for 15 years. After taking squalid turns parked in front of different neighbors, she's allowed by Bennett to settle in the driveway to his townhouse. She's a mysterious and cantankerous figure. Sharing her name with few, she explains that she's "in an incognito position, possibly." When not impinging on Bennett for a visit to the lavatory, she chases singing school children, paints her rundown van yellow and skulks around, a cranky ball of rags and plastic bags. There are hints of a past as a nun, as well as an old sin that haunts her. In short, Shepherd's irascible peculiarities are tailor made for Smith, who's given all manner of things at which to disgustfully wiggle her nose — the trademark power of Smith's that's no less potent as a foul homeless woman than as the dignified dowager of "Downton Abbey." She can condescend, magnificently, from any height. Smith played the role before in the 1999 play "The Lady in the Van," which was also directed by Hytner, a regular hand of Bennett movie adaptations ("The History Boys," ''The Madness of King George"). RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "a brief unsettling image." RUNNING TIME: 104 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

"Ride Along 2"

With the same brand of silliness and a bit more creativity than the original, "Ride Along 2"doesn't pretend to be anything more than what it is: a sequel designed to offer a second helping of exactly what worked the first time around. The original "Ride Along" topped the box office for three straight weeks when it opened in January of 2014, collecting $150 million returns on its modest $25 million budget. It focused on Ben (Kevin Hart), an excitable video-game junkie and wannabe cop, and his attempts to impress his disinterested future brother-in-law, James (Ice Cube), a hardnosed police detective. Hart is goofy and slapstick; Cube is stern and annoyed. Producers reprise the formula and return to many of the original film's artists for the sequel, including screenwriters Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi and director Tim Story. This time around, Ben is a fresh graduate of the police academy a week away from his wedding to Angela (Tika Sumpter). He's still trying to impress her brother, James, who still can't stand him. At Angela's urging, James reluctantly agrees to bring Ben on a police mission from Atlanta to Miami, where James is on the hunt for a suspicious hacker, AJ (Ken Jeong). AJ is linked to a case James is working in Atlanta, but he's also connected to a major Miami drug lord, Antonio Pope (Benjamin Bratt), who has been masquerading as a philanthropist. This prompts a local homicide detective, Maya (Olivia Munn), to join the investigation. T h e p l o t i s t o o c o m p l i c a t e d t o e x p l a i n ( t h e re ' s government corruption and shipping fraud involved), but it doesn't even really matter. It's just about setting up ever more elaborate situations for Hart to be a goofball to Cube's straight man. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sequences of violence, sexual content, language and some drug material. RUNNING TIME: 101 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.


Associated Press

This photo provided by Universal Pictures shows, Ice Cube, from left, Olivia Munn and Kevin Hart in a scene from the film, "Ride Along 2."

"Ride Along 2" continues the silliness By SANDY BAHR Associated Press With the same brand of silliness and a bit more creativity than the original, "Ride Along 2"doesn't pretend to be anything more than what it is: a sequel designed to offer a second helping of exactly what worked the first time around. The original "Ride Along" topped the box office for three straight weeks when it opened in January of 2014, collecting $150 million returns on its modest $25 million budget. It focused on Ben (Kevin Hart), an excitable video-game junkie and wannabe cop, and his attempts to impress his disinterested future brother-in-law, James (Ice Cube), a hard-nosed police detective. Hart is goofy and slapstick;

Cube is stern and annoyed. Producers reprise the formula and return to many of the original film's artists for the sequel, including screenwriters Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi and director Tim Story. This time around, Ben is a fresh graduate of the police academy a week away from his wedding to Angela (Tika Sumpter). He's still trying to impress her brother, James, who still can't stand him. At Angela's urging, James reluctantly agrees to bring Ben on a police mission from Atlanta to Miami, where James is on the hunt for a suspicious hacker, AJ (Ken Jeong). AJ is linked to a case James is working in Atlanta, but he's also connected to a major Miami drug lord, Antonio Pope (Benjamin Bratt), who has been masquerading as a philanthropist. This

prompts a local homicide detective, Maya (Olivia Munn), to join the investigation. The plot is too complicated to explain (there's government corruption and shipping fraud involved), but it doesn't even really matter. It's just about setting up ever more elaborate situations for Hart to be a goofball to Cube's straight man. The actors deliver, just like in the last movie and others where they play similar roles. Cube is predictably tough and snarly, making Hart seem even more smiley and animated by contrast. He eats up the camera in every scene. Everything else is a side dish, though Jeong amuses as a sex-crazed hacker nebbish and Sherri Shepherd is over the top as an obsessive wedding planner. Munn gets in on

the action scenes and performs a sultry dance with Bratt, but Sumpter is given little to do. Since this is a buddy-cop movie, it wouldn't be complete without car chases and explosions, and the fancy rides and fireworks in "Ride Along 2" reflect the film's larger budget. There's ample eye candy in the form of bikini-wearing women, glamorous Miami settings and sleek sports cars, including a breathtaking baby-blue Jaguar. The most playful sequence involves that car and special effects that transform a real street chase into what looks like a video game. Although "Ride Along 2" has fancier trim than the original, it's really just the same old ride. But if you thought the first one was fun, taking another spin won't disappoint.

Robert's top five films of 2015 By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge My Top Five List for movies a t t h e 2 0 1 5 B o x O ff i c e i s a s follows, though there were about another dozen that were highly entertaining and could easily have jumped onto a less discerning critic’s recap of the year: 1. “It Follows” – I don’t often go for horror films. The point of being scared doesn’t appeal to me like many other people, but I have to reward this film for being the most creative I’ve seen in years. Featuring a no-name cast, a killer hook, and the strangest, surest monster you can imagine, I was blown away by the sheer gumption that the creepiest endings don’t have to jump out of the woodwork at you. Sometimes

they walk really, really slowly. 2. “Inside Out” – The best animated movie of the year was also the most sentimental. Must’ve been a Pixar work to accomplish that feat. I fell headlong into the trip Joy and Sadness took to uncover the s e c re t s o f R i l e y ’ s a d o l e s c e n t emotional rollercoaster and I’m glad I did. This one will play well to adults, kids, and, you know, humans everywhere. 3. “Brooklyn” – Saoirse Ronan, a n a ct re s s do ing j us t as w e ll in her twenties as she did as a breakthrough child performer in 2005’s “Atonement”, is a breath of fresh air in this quaint Irish immigrant tale of love on both sides of the Atlantic. It’s moving and cheesy at times, but winning enough to be the greatest date

movie of the year. 4. “Spotlight” – My favorite movie of the year was a legitimate drama about the scandals that have ripped open the Catholic C h u rc h . D e s p i t e i t s s u b j e c t m a t t e r, s t a r s M a r k R u f f a l o , Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, and Stanley Tucci prove that hardworking, obstinate journalists can still root out evil in the world when it’s being covered up from the highest levels. That’s powerful. 5. “The Big Short” – I just got around to seeing it this week, but was thrilled to see comedy director Adam McKay bring so much gravitas to this drama about the mortgage collapse that so many Americans are still reeling their way out of. He had a gold-plated cast for sure (Steve Carell, Ryan

Gosling, Brad Pitt, Christian Bale), but he used them all in creative w a y s t h a t i n v o l v e d f re q u e n t breaking of the fourth wall and a mesmerizing level of celebrity cameos. I haven’t enjoyed that much learning about economics since college. Just kidding. Ever. Holidays have always been a big time for the movies, but this year even the B-list holidays like Good Friday got in on the action with a triumphant first day for “Furious 7”. Alicia Vikander gave us three movies this year, a couple of which were pretty good, but proved that this kid might be a big star one day. “Rogue Nation” was the best “Mission: Impossible” movie yet and even comedies were slightly better than last year. This genre still needs serious help, though. I treasured

January 28, 2016

a co up l e o f m ov ie s ba s ed on novels that I loved even more (“The Martian”, “Paper Towns”). And here’s a message for all of you that skipped “Dope” in favor of “We Are Your Friends”: you chose the worst movie of the year over the most underrated one. Not bad, 2015, you fully delivered on all fronts, even giving the exhibition industry its first year of $11 billion in ticket sales. You did that through courageous/ reckless counterprogramming, giving people what they wanted to see (“Fifty Shades of Grey”, really?), and ending on a banner high note with “The Force Awakens”. It really is too bad that we can’t have a new “Star Wars” movie every Christmas. Oh, silly me, yes we can. “Rogue One” releases on December 16th.

On the Edge of the Weekend


Religion Religion briefs Evangelist: America is in critical condition

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — America is in critical condition, according to the Rev. Franklin Graham. Hours before President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech, Graham delivered his grim assessment in front of Florida's state Capitol. Tuesday's prayer rally in Tallahassee was the second stop on the evangelist's 50-state Decision America Tour to encourage Christians to pray for America, vote in this year's elections and consider running for office. Graham told the hundreds of people gathered that "America is being stripped of its biblical heritage and God-inspired foundations." He predicted that "we've got maybe one election left" to preserve America's liberties, or he said "the game will be over." The son of evangelist Billy Graham is expected to deliver a similar message Wednesday in front of Louisiana's capital, hours before President Obama is to arrive in Baton Rouge.


131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Rev. William Adams Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m. Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -

Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities www.newbethelumc.org e-mail office@newbethelumc.org

Pope's new book wins Italian actor's Sheriff: Amish man confessed to endorsement poisoning wife in Missouri VATICAN CITY (AP) — Oscar-winning actor and director Roberto Benigni has given Pope Francis two thumbs up, praising the pope as a fountain of mercy who is "dragging the whole church toward Christianity." At perhaps the most unusual Vatican book launch ever, Benigni was joined by the Vatican secretary of state, the Vatican spokesman and the Vatican publisher, as well as a Chinese prison inmate, to premier "The Name of God is Mercy." Francis' book-length conversation with Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli is being released in 86 countries as part of the pope's Holy Year of Mercy. An audio version in English is being released by Penguin Random House. Benigni, whose 1999 "Life is Beautiful" won three Oscars, joked that he wanted to be a priest as a child but realized he had to become a comic instead after friends laughed when he said he wanted to be pope.

EDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 03 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330

ohn oberts Senior Pastor Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM www.eden- cc.org


“O SON OF MAN! Thous dost wish for gold and I desire thy freedom from it. Thou thinkest thyself rich in its possession, and I recognize thy wealth in they sancity therefrom.” ~ Baha’u’llah Be generous, fair and a lamp to others! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith.

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Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear

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On the Edge of the Weekend

ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of Rosewood Heights 10 N. Center Street East Alton AWAKENING SERVICE:

Saturday’s at 5 p.m. A worship service with contemporary music where you can connect with God and others. Facebook: Awakening Worship STPUMC/Awakening

Sunday Worship: 8:15 & 10:30 a.m.

www.stpaulwired.org ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 656-1500

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Authorities say a Kentucky man who served as a minister in his Amish church has confessed to poisoning his wife in 2006 while living in Missouri. Thirty-nine-year-old Samuel Borntreger, of Summer Shade, Kentucky, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Anna Yoder Borntreger. Court records allege he told authorities in Barren County, Kentucky, that he put antifreeze in her drinks and battery acid in her body. The charges were filed in Harrison County, Missouri, where prosecutor Cristine Stallings says Borntreger was "well known and liked." Sheriff Josh Eckerson says investigators are looking into Borntreger's death. He says it appears she was diagnosed with a liver problem, but the problem may have been caused by poisoning.

LECLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7:00 p.m. New Life Student Ministry www.troyumc.org


327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor

1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister Evan Shaw - Worship Minister

Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see leclairecc.com for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director


Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.


Rev. Diane C. Grohmann

310 South Main, Edwardsville 656-7498

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 5:300 p.m. Dr. James Brooks, Lead Minister Rev. Jeff Wrigley, Assoc Minister

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January 28, 2016


Travel MSI celebrates the Humpback Whale For The Edge Guests will splash into a new g i a n t - s c re e n a d v e n t u re w h e n Humpback Whales arrives at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago’s five-story, domed, wraparound Omnimax Theater. Narrated by two-time Golden Globe nominee Ewan McGregor and presented by Pacific Life, Humpback Whales is an immersive o c e a n a d v e n t u re t h a t i n v i t e s audiences to dive head-first into the mysterious realm of these 55-foot, 50-ton aquatic mammals. The film, great for families and guests of all ages, tells a compelling wildlife story of how humpbacks were brought back from the brink of destruction to set off a new wave of scientific discovery and human fascination with their one-of-a-kind, gargantuan beauty. In a musical mix of stunning 3D imagery, underwater splendor and scientific exploration, the film asks the compelling question: What would life be like from a humpback’s point of view? Once feared as monsters, and very nearly hunted to extinction, today humpbacks are in the midst of a slow but remarkable recovery. Follow a brilliant team of scientists and rescuers as they venture into the hidden world of humpback whales. Set in the spectacular waters of Alaska, Hawaii and the remote islands of Tonga, this ocean adventure offers audiences an up-close look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play and take care of their young. Guests will learn why humpbacks are the most acrobatic of all whales, why they sing their haunting songs, and why these intelligent animals migrate up to 10,000 miles round-trip every year. Under the helm of two-time A c a d e m y Aw a r d - n o m i n a t e d director Greg MacGillivray (The Living Sea, Dolphins, Everest), M a c G i l l i v r a y F re e m a n F i l m s brings their legendary giant-screen

storytelling to one of the most enormous and vastly fascinating creatures on earth. Humpback Whales is the third film to come out under MacGillivray Freeman’s One World One Ocean series, following To The Arctic and Journey to the South Pacific. Humpback Whales, a 40-minute

film, will show daily at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. in the Omnimax Theater at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago beginning May 21, 2015. Humpback Whales is not included in Museum Entry and requires an additional timedentry ticket. Tickets for Omnimax films are available in Explorer ticket

packages. For more information on the Humpback Whales film and MacGivillivray Freeman Films, visit humpbackwhalesfilm.com. About the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI) The Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI), one

of the largest science museums i n t h e w o r l d , o ff e r s w o r l d class and uniquely interactive experiences that inspire inventive genius and foster curiosity. From groundbreaking and awardwinning exhibits that can’t be found anywhere else, to hands-on opportunities that make you the scientist—a visit to MSI is where fun and learning mix. Through its Center for the Advancement of Science Education (CASE), the Museum offers a variety of student, teacher and family programs that make a difference in communities and contribute to MSI’s larger vision: to inspire and motivate children to achieve their full potential in science, technology, medicine and engineering. Come visit and find your inspiration! MSI is open 9:30–4 p.m. every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Extended hours, until 5:30 p.m., are offered during peak periods. The Museum is grateful for the support of its donors and guests, who make its work possible. MSI is also supported in part by the people of Chicago through the Chicago Park District. For more information, visit msichicago.org or call (773) 684-1414 or (800) GO-TO-MSI outside of the Chicago area.

Humpback Whales, a new Omnimax film at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, takes a journey into the mysterious world of one of nature’s most awe-inspiring marine mammals. Photos by MacGillivray Freeman Films and Pacific Life.

January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


Travel Skiers hit the slopes in northern Illinois McHenry County offers a multitude of activities for winter enthusiasts

For The Edge McHenry County communities of Fox River Grove and Cary. Add to that an eclectic collection of eateries, shops and outdoor recreation for an interesting weekend getaway! FOX RIVER GROVE In 1899, an enterprising young man established the Fox River Picnic Grove along his family's stretch of beach on the south shore of the Fox River. With picnic tables, cottages, pavilion, restaurant, tavern, race track, photo and shooting galleries, a popular tourist destination was born. Today, the village that grew up around it has a population of 4,700, and remnants of the picnic grove can be seen in a riverside park. Norge Ski Club: Founded in 1905 by a group of Norwegian-American men from Chicago as a training facility for ski jumping, the Norge Ski Club is the oldest continuouslyoperating ski club in the United States. The club maintains a paid coaching staff, offers junior and advance training programs and holds a series of summer (Yes! Summer!) and winter tournaments. Norge's annual Winter Ski Jump, January 30-31, is a weekend of fun for the entire family, complete with food, pop, beer, wine and Jägermeister, with jumpers from around the world competing. Details at www.norgeskiclub.com.


Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop: This unique shop specializes in Civil War reproduction fabrics, along with a large selection of other high quality cottons from manufacturers like Moda, Marcus Brothers, Windham and Andover. They also stock extras such as books, patterns, notions, rotary tools, specialty rulers. There's a Gammill longarm machine and two professional quilters on hand to help you finish your projects. And there's a broad range of classes and clubs for quilters of all skill levels. www. piecefulgathering.com Dr. Woods Guitar Emporium: This one-stop superstore has been a Fox River Grove anchor for music lovers for more than 20 years. Dr. Woods is not just about guitars. They sell, rent and provide lessons for piano, guitar, drums, violin, viola, cello, mandolin, dulcimer, ukulele, banjo, woodwind, voice and brass for students of all ages. www.drwoodsguitars.com The Brunch Café: You'll find plenty of breakfast basics at this contemporary breakfast and lunch café, but it's also well-known for decadent french toast, berry explosion waffles, avocado-topped breakfast quesadillas and potato skins filled with scrambled eggs, ham, peppers and cheese. Wash it down with a mimosa, bloody mary or fruit smoothie.www.brunchcafe.

On the Edge of the Weekend

com Villa Bleu Tavern & Restaurant: This is a blast-from-the-past eatery with the look and feel of a 1950s Wisconsin supper club. Good food, great prices, large portions and nightly specials are trademarks here, and folks come from miles around to enjoy the fried chicken and perch, roast pork, steaks and barbequed ribs. 847-639-4500 Yummy Asian Bistro: Known throughout the northwest suburbs for its beautifully presented, quality Asian dishes, Yummy is an intimate dining experience offering Chinese, Japanese and Thai cuisine. Fans rave about the huge sushi assortment. www.yummyyummyasian.com CARY In 1841, pioneer William Cary established a farm on the north side of the Fox River, and 15 years later the Illinois & Wisconsin Railway marched across his land and built a depot named Cary Station. Incorporated in 1893, today the City of Cary today has 18,000 residents. Lake Julian Trout Farm: For more than 60 years, this peaceful, private lake has been luring first-time fishermen and experienced anglers from the city and suburbs. Actually a series of three large, connected ponds, Lake Julian is open spring through fall, and is stocked with a lot more than trout, including bass, bluegill, catfish, crappie, northern

January 28, 2016

pike, perch and walleye. No fishing license is required, and they'll even clean your fish for you! www. lakejuilian.com Cary Ale House & Brewing Company: Housed in Cary's oldest licensed --but fully renovated-- saloon, this gastropub is owned by two artisanal beer devotees living t h e i r d re a m s . I n a d d i t i o n t o custom brews, they stock an everchanging draft lineup of craft beers, many produced by Chicago area independent brewers. The eclectic menu includes locally sourced foods and meats when possible and all sauces -even ketchup- are produced in-house. Customer favorites include duck sliders and Wisconsin cheddar cheese curds fried in stout batter, with jalapeno jelly. www. caryalehousebrewing.com Tapas Calpe/Orchard Prime Meats & Wine Shoppe: Experience this unique blend of a neighborhood wine bar and tapas restaurant within a full-service butcher shop. Inspired by the owner's travels in Spain, this old world combination of butcher shop by day and tapas restaurant by night creates a truly different dining event. Tapas are small entrees that, when shared, allow everyone to taste a variety of dishes. www.tapascalpeofcary.com Galati's Hideaway: A long-time favorite for pizza and traditional Italian dishes, this restaurant and bar serves lunch and dinner daily, with a diverse selection of microbrews on tap and in bottles. With an outdoor patio, live music and lots of TV screens, it's a favorite spot for small groups and sports fans, too. www.galatishideaway.com The Flour Shoppe Bakery & Confections: What began in 1995 as a hobby baking for family and friends, this full service bakery today specializes in cakes for all occasions, including weddings, birthdays, bridal and baby showers, anniversaries, graduations and holidays. They also sell cookies, donuts, cheesecake, pie, brownies, bars, cupcakes, muffins, coffee cake, danish, bagels, breads, coffees and teas. w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / SherylsFlourShoppe 38th Annual March Madness Half Marathon: This event on Sunday, March 20, is known by area runners as the unofficial start of the greater Chicago running season. The race features lots of hilly stretches, and has been called one of the most challenging runs in northern Illinois. www.hillstriders.com

Paddle in the Park: This May 14 event is a paddling clinic for canoes, kayaks and stand-up paddle boards. It's held by the McHenry County Conservation District at The Hollows-Lake Atwood. Here's your chance to test-paddle, see paddling demos, rolling and rescue techniques, paddle a big voyageur canoe, and learn about local canoe and kayak clubs, paddling opportunities and outfitters.www. mccdistrict.org The Barn Nursery & Landscape Center: With more than half-century of experience designing outdoor environments and a 10-acre retail garden center and nursery, the Barn is one of suburban Chicago's most complete landscape design and construction firms. Their expertise includes hardscapes, custom patios, built-in grills, fire pits and garden design overseen by professional landscape architects, horticulturalists and trained construction and maintenance crews. www.barnnurserylandscape. com Cary Indoor Farmers Market: Held on the first and third Sunday mornings of each month through May 15. Stock up on fresh eggs, grass-fed meats, root vegetables, lettuce, baked goods, handmade soaps and crafts, plus bedding plants in April and May. www. facebook.com/Caryilfarmersmarket Plan an Overnight Getaway McHenry County is northwest of Chicago, bordered on the north by Wisconsin, and on the south by I-90. The Fox River winds down from the Chain of Lakes through the towns on the eastern side of the county, while country roads meander the western side. F o x R i v e r G ro v e a n d C a r y are located an easy drive from C h i c a g o , R o c k f o rd , M a d i s o n and Milwaukee on U.S. Hwy. 14 in southern McHenry County. For visitor information, lodging and dining options throughout McHenry County, log on to www. VisitMcHenryCounty.com or phone 815-893-6280. Follow on Twitter and Facebook.

Ski jumpers soar through the air at Norge Ski Club in Fox River Grove, Ill. For The Edge.

The Arts

Bill Tucker/Intelligencer

Pictured are scenes from a performance of "Alchemia" by MOMIX.

Dance St. Louis presents MOMIX in "Alchemia" For The Edge M O M I X i s a c o m p a n y o f d a n c e rillusionists that transports audiences from their everyday lives to a fantasy world through its trademark use of magical lighting and imagery. Known internationally for presenting work of exceptional inventiveness and physical beauty, the company has thrilled fans in more than 22 countries and has been featured on stage, screen and television. MOMIX is led by artistic director Moses Pendleton, who founded the company in 1981 as an offshoot of the groundbreaking company of dancer athletes, Pilobolus. On January 29-30, as part of its 50th anniversary season, Dance St. Louis presents MOMIX in “Alchemia” at the Touhill Performing Arts Center. Performances are Friday, January 29 at 8 p.m. & Saturday, January 30 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are $30 to $50 and are available at http://dancestlouis.org. “Alchemia” is MOMIX’s newest production. It brings the audience into an enchanting, magical, ethereal, dream world: the World of the Unconscious. Inspired by Carl Jung, William Butler Yeats, and alchemical literature, Pendleton loosely connects the four classical elements—earth, water, air and fire—and focuses on the “Elementals,” or spirits, of each. Like every MOMIX performance, “Alchemia” is full of aesthetic thrills, surprising metamorphosis, and the sexuality of nature. An alchemist himself, Pendleton crates a 90-minute

concoction of light, music, dance, props, and imagery that abandons the world of reality and enters into the mysterious world of the ancient art. MOMIX Founder and Artistic Director Moses Pendleton has been one of America’s most innovative and widely performed choreographers and directors for more than 40 years. A founding member of the world-renowned Pilobolus Dance Theater, he formed his own company, MOMIX, in 1980. In addition to his vast role in the dance world, he has also worked extensively in film, TV, and opera and as a choreographer for ballet companies and special events. Pendleton has also made music videos with Prince, Julian Lennon, and Cathy Dennis, among others. He is a recipient of a 2002 American Choreography Award for his contributions to choreography for film and television. The Toronto Star states, “If contemporary dance has a Renaissance man, it must be Moses Pendleton.” “People shouted out, gasped and applauded furiously. MOMIX is ideal for turning audiences onto dance,” says the L.A. Herald Examiner. The Chicago Tribune says, “They are inspired vaudevillians, creating slapstick, science fiction and improvisational surprise. Such quick, bright explosions of theatricality are delightful tricks and crowd pleasers…. Their audience floats out on a dizzying high of pleasure.” Toronto’s Globe and Mail says, “The mad and marvelous troupe has all the mesmeric power of a magic show.”

January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend




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On the Edge of the Weekend

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January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Arts calendar Friday, Jan. 29

MOMIX in Alchemia, Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. C a r l R i c h a r d s : M O N E Y. VISUALIZED, Coca, St. Louis, Runs until March 16. Sunset Baby presented by The Black Rep 2015-26 Edison Series, Edison Theater, St. Louis, Runs until Jan. 31. Arcangelo Sassolino: Not Human, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Arlene Shechet: Urgent Matter, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Interpretations: 15th Biennial Teapot Exhibition, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until March 20. Lisa Yuskavage: The Brood, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Ned Vena: Paintings Without Borders 2, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Peter Sutherland: Forests and Fires, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Tala Madani, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. The Propeller Group, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Runs Until March 2. The Perceptive Mechanism, The Kranzberg Arts Center, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 30 Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Feb. 14. Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through Feb. 14. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24. St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 31.

Saturday, Jan. 30

MOMIX in Alchemia, Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Underneath the Lintel, Wool Studio Theater, Creve Cour, 8:00 p.m., Runs Until Feb. 13, 2016 Million Dollar Quartet, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. C a r l R i c h a r d s : M O N E Y. VISUALIZED, Coca, St. Louis, Runs until March 16. Sunset Baby presented by The Black Rep 2015-26 Edison Series, Edison Theater, St. Louis, Runs until Jan. 31. Arcangelo Sassolino: Not Human, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Arlene Shechet: Urgent Matter, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Interpretations: 15th Biennial Teapot Exhibition, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until March 20. Lisa Yuskavage: The Brood, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Ned Vena: Paintings Without Borders 2, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April



Peter Sutherland: Forests and Fires, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Tala Madani, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. The Propeller Group, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Runs Until March 2. The Perceptive Mechanism, The Kranzberg Arts Center, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Feb. 14. Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through Feb. 14. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24. St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 31.

Sunday, Jan. 31

Underneath the Lintel, Wool Studio Theater, Creve Cour, 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Runs Until Feb. 13, 2016

Million Dollar Quartet, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. C a r l R i c h a r d s : M O N E Y. VISUALIZED, Coca, St. Louis, Runs until March 16. Sunset Baby presented by The Black Rep 2015-26 Edison Series, Edison Theater, St. Louis. Arcangelo Sassolino: Not Human, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Arlene Shechet: Urgent Matter, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Interpretations: 15th Biennial Teapot Exhibition, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until March 20. Lisa Yuskavage: The Brood, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Ned Vena: Paintings Without Borders 2, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Peter Sutherland: Forests and Fires, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Tala Madani, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. The Propeller Group, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Runs Until March 2. Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit,

Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Feb. 14. Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through Feb. 14. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24. St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Monday, Feb. 1

Underneath the Lintel, Wool Studio Theater, Creve Cour, 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Runs Until Feb. 13, 2016 C a r l R i c h a r d s : M O N E Y. VISUALIZED, Coca, St. Louis, Runs until March 16.







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Arcangelo Sassolino: Not Human, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Arlene Shechet: Urgent Matter, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Interpretations: 15th Biennial Teapot Exhibition, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until March 20. Lisa Yuskavage: The Brood, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Ned Vena: Paintings Without Borders 2, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Peter Sutherland: Forests and Fires, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. Tala Madani, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until April 3. The Propeller Group, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Runs Until March 2.

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The Arts Artistic adventures "Riverdance" coming to The Fox

Moya Doherty is proud to announce the international Irish dance phenomenon is back by popular demand with Riverdance - The 20th Anniversary World Tour, which is celebrating an extraordinary milestone for an incredible show, as it makes stops in St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre February 12 – 14. The Edinburgh Evening News rave s a bou t R i v e rd a n ce - T h e 20th Anniversary World Tour, “As for the flaws? Well, there s i m p l y a r e n ’ t a n y. H e r e ’ s t o another 20 years!” Tickets for Riverdance - The 2 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y Wo r l d To u r at the Fabulous Fox are on sale now online at MetroTix.com, by calling 314-534-1111 or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Ti c k e t p r i c e s s t a r t a t $ 3 0 . P r i c e s a re s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e ; please refer to FabulousFox.com for current pricing. Riverdance - The 20th Anniversary World To u r i s p a r t o f t h e U . S . B a n k Broadway Series. Performances of Riverdance - The 20th Anniversary World Tour at the Fabulous Fox run February 12 – 14. Show times are Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m., Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m., Sunday afternoon at 1 p.m.

and Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. Riverdance - The 20th A n n i v e r s a r y Wo r l d To u r, composed by Bill Whelan, produced by Moya Doherty and directed by John McColgan, is currently celebrating a sold out a n d c r i t i c a l l y a c c l a i m e d t o u r. To m a r k t h e e a g e r l y a w a i t e d re t u r n o f t h e s h o w t o N o r t h America, ending a four-year absence, Riverdance - The 20th A n n i v e r s a r y Wo r l d To u r w i l l feature new costumes, new l i g h t i n g , n e w p ro j e c t i o n s a n d the addition of a brand new number, “Anna Livia,” featuring the female members of the Irish dance troupe in an acapella hard-shoe number. F or a complete list tour engagements and ticket information for the North American tour cities, please visit www.riverdance.com. “ T h e s u c c e s s o f R i v e rd a n c e across the whole world has gone b e y o n d o u r w i l d e s t d re a m s , ” said producer Moya Doherty. “The fact that the show continues to draw and excite audiences is a tribute to every dancer, singer, musician, staff and crew member who have dedicated themselves to the s h o w. T h i s 2 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y To u r i s a t h a n k y o u t o o u r audiences and a celebration of w h a t h a s b e e n a n i n c re d i b l e journey across two decades.”

Riverdance - The 20th Anniversary World Tour is an innovative and exciting blend of dance, music and song. Drawing on Irish traditions, the combined talents of the performers propel Irish dancing and music into the present day, capturing the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures. Riverdance - The 20th Anniversary World Tour has set design by Robert Ballagh, lighting design by John C o m i s k e y, c o s t u m e d e s i g n b y Joan Bergin and sound design by Michael O’Gorman. For over 20 years, nothing h a s c a r r i e d t h e e n e r g y, t h e sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance. Riverdance began its journey as the interval act in the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest, produced for television by Moya Doherty. This electrifying and innovative seven minute dance

piece was then developed into a full-length stage show b y P r o d u c e r M o y a D o h e r t y, Composer Bill Whelan and Director John McColgan. Wi t h i t s f u s i o n o f I r i s h and International music and dance, the show broke all box office records during its world première run in Dublin in early 1995. When the show transferred to London in June of that year, the reaction was unprecedented, with the original 10 performances being increased to 151 in subsequent months. There followed a hugely successful tour starting in New York in March 1996, where 8 soldout shows at Radio City Music Hall heralded the start of 16 years of non-stop touring by Riverdance c o m p a n i e s t h ro u g h o u t N o r t h America. Since its inception Riverdance

has packed theatres throughout North America, Oceania, Asia, Europe, South Africa and most recently South America. FACTS ABOUT 20 YEARS OF Riverdance • Played 11,000 performances • Seen live by over 25 million people in over 465 venues worldwide • Played in 46 countries across 6 continents • Travelled 700,000 miles (or to the moon and back and back again!) • Played to a global television audience of 3 billion people • Sold over 3 million copies of the Grammy Award-winning CD • Sold 10 million Riverdance videos & DVDs For more information, please visit: Website: www.riverdance.com F a c e b o o k : w w w. F a c e b o o k . com/Riverdance Twitter: @Riverdance

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January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Artistic adventures The Rep to present "Georama"

The Sheldon announces winter/ spring exhibition schedule

The Sheldon Art Galleries announces the Winter/Spring 2016 exhibition schedule, with an opening reception on Friday, March 4 from 5-7 p.m. Galleries open until

9 p.m. for First Fridays in Grand Center. Gallery hours are Tuesdays, Noon – 8 p.m.; Wednesdays – Fridays, Noon – 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and one hour prior to Sheldon performances and during intermission. Admission is free. For more information on exhibitions, visit TheSheldon. org. More information about each individual exhibit available upon request. Main Floor Galleries: Printmaking in St. Louis Now March 4 – May 7, 2016 This exhibition showcases the exciting work being done in printmaking in St. Louis, both by print presses who work with local, national and international artists, and works by individual artists living in the St. Louis area. Both traditional and non- traditional, installation-based approaches are represented. The exhibit includes works by area and international artists published by Evil Prints, Firecracker Press, Island Press, Pele Prints and Wildwood Press, as well as 27 area printmakers and selected

photographers who include Ken Botnick, Lisa Bulawski, Bunny Burson, Terrell Carter, Joe Chesla, Carmon Colangelo, Stephen M. Dalay, Sage Dawson, Yvette Drury Dubinsky, Stan Gellman, Robert Goetz, Cheri Hoffman, Joan Hall, Tom Huck, Mark Katzman, Alicia LaChance, Tom Lang, Leslie Laskey, Travis Lawrence, Peter Marcus, Mary O’Malley, Benjamin Pierce, Tom Reed, Jeffrey Sippel, Amanda Verbeck, John Wahlers and Kenneth C. Wood. A complementary exhibit of prints by young artists, grades prekindergarten to 12th will be featured in the AT&T Gallery of Children’s Art. Schools participating are Ames Visual and Performing Arts Elementary (SLPS); Carnahan High School of the Future (SLPS); Central Visual and Performing Arts High School (SLPS); Crossroads College Preparatory School, St. Louis City; Our Lady of Lourdes School, Archdiocese of St. Louis, St. Louis City; and Parkway Central High School, Chesterfield, Missouri. The exhibition is made possible in part by Northern Trust.

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comprehensive public website at http://www.repstl.org. The Studio Theatre series comprises three productions and is performed from October through April. All performances are given in the Emerson Studio Theatre in the Loretto-Hilton Center, 130 Edgar Road, Webster Groves. Since its creation in 1978, this 125-seat "black box"-style space located directly below the Browning Theatre, has been home to some of the theatre's most challenging and exciting works. Molly's Hammer is the next scheduled production, March 9-27.



The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis presents the world premiere of "Georama", book by West Hyler and Matt Schatz, music and lyrics by Schatz and additional music and lyrics by Jack Herrick. Directed by Hyler, this sweeping and celebratory musical runs January 20 – February 7 in the Emerson Studio Theatre of the Loretto-Hilton Center for the Performing Arts. Curtain times are Tuesdays at 7 pm; WednesdaysFridays at 8 pm; Saturday matinees at 4 pm; selected Saturday nights at 8 pm; with Sunday performances at 2 and 7 pm. In the mid 1800s, John Banvard created the first "Georama", a threemile long scrolled painting celebrating the majesty of the Mighty Mississippi. Once a starving sketch artist, his creation catapulted him to a life of luxury and notoriety, but also brought competition and deception that threatened to push his passion to the wayside. "Georama" illustrates an artist’s rise and fall, and the choice between the art he loves and the life he’s always longed for. "Georama" began its long journey to the stage in 2007, when Hyler first read about Banvard’s epic rise and fall from riches in a McSweeney’s article. He soon brought aboard Schatz and Herrick to construct the tunes that would soundtrack a stage adaptation. Their vision got a massive boost in 2014, when The Rep presented a reading of the musical as part of its Ignite! New Play Festival. Now The Rep is proud to stage the show’s world premiere. A massive part of the production will be an actual "Georama" painting that will scroll through a series of hand-painted scenic backdrops. Measuring roughly 600 feet long, this incredible undertaking is the result of countless hours of concept work from scenic designer Scott C. Neale (One Man, Two Guvnors), as well as weeks of hand painting by artists at The Paint Space in South St. Louis City. The painting will transport audiences from the St. Louis riverfront to Boston, New York City, London, Egypt and more. Members of the backstage crew will hand-crank the panoramic painting to make it move. The production design team also includes costume designer Meg Weedon, lighting designer Ann

Wrightson and sound designer Rusty Wandall. Shannon B. Sturgis serves as stage manager. "Georama" stars PJ Griffith as Banvard, with Jillian Louis as his wife and business partner Elizabeth. Randy Blair will play the opportunistic Taylor, while Dan Sharkey (The Fantasticks) fills a variety of roles. Music director Jacob Yates and multi-instrumentalist Emily Mikesell provide live musical accompaniment. Tickets are $42 (previews), $50 (weeknights and Sundays) and $65 (Fridays and Saturdays). They are available at The Rep Box Office, located inside the LorettoHilton Center, by phone at (314) 968-4925 and online at http://www. repstl.org. The Loretto-Hilton Center is located at 130 Edgar Road (on the campus of Webster University). For additional information about The Rep’s production of "Georama", including a guide introducing the characters, plot and background on the play, photos related to the production and more, visit The Rep’s

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January 28, 2016

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Music Tuning in The Fox to welcome 2CELLOS

2CELLOS, music’s most electric and dynamic instrumental duo, announce the dates for their North American tour which kicks off in January. They will make stops in 41 cities including Atlanta, New York, Boston, Detroit, Nashville, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City with a stop in St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on Thursday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $59.50, $49.50, $44.50, $34.50 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Propelled into international fame in 2011 after their version of Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal� went viral the Croatian cellists, Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, continue to wow their fans with dynamic music videos and covers of today’s most classic and popular songs. Most recently their Baroque inspired, yet high octane head-banging video of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck� garnered over 45 Million views to date. The duo returned to their rock roots on their recently released, critically acclaimed, third album Celloverse. 2CELLOS playing style has broken down t he boundaries between different genres of music, from classical and film music to pop and rock. They have no limits when it comes to performing live and are equally as impressive when playing

Bach and Vivaldi as they are when rocking out. They have sold out shows around the globe and also performed with Sir Elton John as part of his band, as well as opening his shows to rapturous acclaim. 2CELLOS are the first instrumentalists to be featured on Glee. They have also appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Today Show, The Tonight Show, and The Bachelor Live Wedding Special. Their Sony catalog also includes: 2CELLOS and IN2ITION. Sony Music Masterworks comprises Masterworks, Sony Classical, OKeh, Portrait, Masterworks Broadway and Flying Buddha imprints. For email updates and information please visit www. SonyMasterworks.com.

Sheldon to host The Quebe Sisters

H a i l i n g f r o m Te x a s , T h e Quebe Sisters are triple-

threat fiddle champions, known for their multi-part c l o s e h a r m o n y. T h e s i s t e r s started playing fiddle at a young age, winning state and national championships in their respective age groups in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002. Now i n t h e i r m i d - 2 0 s , t h e g ro u p ’ s following is continuing to grow, with performances with music legends Willie Nelson, George S t r a i t , M e r l e H a g g a rd , R i c k y S k a g g s & K e n t u c k y T h u n d e r, Marty Stuart, Asleep at the Wheel and many others. To d a y, a f t e r m o r e t h a n a decade of travelling the U.S. a n d t h e w o r l d , a n d re c o rd i n g three acclaimed albums, Grace, S o p h i a a n d H u l d a Q u e b e a re continuing the tradition of old-time fiddle and country m u s i c w h i l e b r i n g i n g a f re s h perspective to the genre. The concert is at 8 p.m. on Feb. 17. Ti c k e t s a re $ 2 0 g e n e r a l admission. Call MetroTix at 314-

5 3 4 - 1111 o r v i s i t T h e S h e l d o n . org.

Imrat Khan 80th Birthday Celebration planned

Ustad Imrat Khan is today’s most renowned living performer of North Indian classical music. Joining him for this special 80th birthday celebration will be his four sons, Ustad Nishat Khan, Ustad Irshad Khan, Ustad Wajahat Khan and Ustad Shaffulah Khan, for a rare, oncein-a-lifetime celebration concert with India’s “First Family of Music.� The legendary Ustad Imrat

Khan belongs to the oldest (400 years) still actively performing Imdad Khani-Etawah Gharana. He is recognized as the “Guardian of the Great Heritage,� with few peers in the world today. Khan is considered to be the innovator and creator of the modern day sitar, the creator of the Gaykian and a major influence on Western popular music. The Imrat Khan 80th Birthday Celebration will be Friday, April 15, 2016 at 8 p.m. at the Sheldon Concert Hall Ti c k e t s g o o n s a l e F r i d a y, February 5 at 10 a.m. Tickets are $45 orchestra/$40 balcony. Call MetroTix at 314-534-1111 or visit TheSheldon.org.

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January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


Tuning in The Sheldon to present The Root Diggers

The Sheldon presents The R o o t D i g g e r s , S a t u r d a y, F e b r u a r y 6 a t 11 a . m . i n t h e perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall. The Root Diggers are a group of six talented string band musicians whose

sound is heavily rooted in oldtime traditions. Influenced by the music of John Hartford, Ed Haley, Tom Waits and Old Crow Medicine Show, and performing a blend of traditional Ozark and Appalachian music, The Root Diggers are sure to get toes tapping! Making up the local St. L o u i s b a n d i s A l l e n S p e n c e r, m a n d o l i n ; C o l i n B l a i r, f i d d l e ;

Steve Pupillo, guitar; Jeremiah E v a n s , b a n j o ; A l e n a W h e e l e r, fiddle; Mark Lang, bass fiddle. Subscriptions to The Sheldon Matinee Series are still available by calling The

Sheldon at 314-533-9900. Single tickets are $12 adult reserved/$5 child reserved, a n d a re o n s a l e n o w t h ro u g h M e t ro Ti x a t 3 1 4 - 5 3 4 - 1111 , through The Sheldon’s website

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at TheSheldon.org, or in person at The Fox Theatre Box Office, 5 3 4 N . G r a n d B l v d . F o r m o re in f or mation, call The Sheldon at 314-533-9900 or visit TheSheldon.org.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

January 28, 2016

Music calendar Thursday, Jan. 28

Carnage, w/Valentino Khan, Juaz, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Fresh, Ciceros, University City, 8:00 p.m. Sweettalker, w/Various Hands, Other People, The Great Expectations, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Friday, Jan. 29

Funky Butt Winter Warmup, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sucks to be Pluto EP Release Show, w/

Miller and the Maniacals, Local Dog Dreams, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. JPS presents My Twins, w/Inner Outlines, Strikes Back, Ciceros, University City, 8:00 p.m. A. Sinclair, w/Union Rags, Soma, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Cavo, w/The Hush List, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, Jan. 30

Funky Butt Winter Warmup, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

is Working for YOU!

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Billy Childs: Reimagining Laura Nyro, feat. Becca Stevens, The Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Railroad Earth, w/Cornmeal, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Madison Letter, w/Aaron Krause, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Road to Pointfest 2016, Pops, Sauget, Doors 6:30 p.m.\ A Dark Orbit, w/Alaya, Quaere Verum, Nolia, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Epica- The North American Enigma Tour, w/Moonspell, Starkiller, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.


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Sunday, Jan. 31

Nathan Laube, Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis, St. Louis, 2:30 p.m. TRIBE SOCIETY and Karma Killers, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Battle of the Bands presented by Mancuso Concerts and Blood Red Prints, Ciceros, University City, 5:00 p.m. Minsk, w/Two from the Eye, Path of Might, (TBA), The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Yo La Tengo, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.



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January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


Dining Delights The Ege's own Bill Roseberry, famous for his You Gotta' Eat restaurant reviews, has put together his thoughts on a number of local eateries. Enjoy. Pirronne’s Pizzeria 1775 Washington St. Florissant The pizza here is amazing. They use provel cheese and have a slew of ingredients to go on top of their thin crust pies. During the day they have a great buffet lunch special, which also has a salad bar and soups and appetizers. Frank’s Restaurant 132 West Macarthur Dr. Cottage Hills It is an extensive menu with all kinds of choices, including breakfast selections, sandwiches, steaks, fish, pasta dishes and it’s cheap. Did I mention that it’s cheap? 1860’s Hardshell CafÊ and Saloon 1860 S. 9th St., St. Louis Soulard A great place to get some Cajun and Creole food and have a good time to boot. It’s split into two sides, with the dining area on one end with great items like crab legs, gumbo, po’ boy sandwiches, red beans and rice and wonderful crab cakes. The other half of the building offers a full bar and live entertainment. Lotawata Creek Southern Grill 311 Salem Pl. Fairview Heights Fatten yourself up at this joint. The menu is ridiculously huge and the portions are even bigger. Get your own plate of fries for a side, or a bucket of onion rings. It offers a creative sandwich portion of the menu and great southern-style dishes, try the Mac Daddy Burger. You won’t go away hungry here,

trust me. 1818 Chophouse 210 S. Buchanan St. Edwardsville This is a great place to grab a steak diinner, that is their signature dish. A good place for a fancy dinner date, the ambience in the dining area is fantastic. It offers extensive breakfast, brunch and dinner menus, but be prepared to pay, it’s pretty expensive. Sybergs Old Dorsett Rd. Maryland Heights A St. Louis chain restaurant where you can’t go wrong. Check out their awesome selection of pizzas and hot wings and their house-made sauces are fantastic. Be adventurous and try the shark bites, they are delicious. Johnson’s Corner Restaurant 2000 State St. Alton It’s a great neighborhood bar and restaurant. Sit at the bar and have a few drinks with a friendly staff and patrons. As for the food, get your hands on the best breaded pork tenderloin sandwich ever and check out the monster onion rings, too. Oriental Spoon 229 Sanatorium Edwardsville A Korean restaurant where you can’t go wrong. The Kimchi is very good as an appetizer and make sure to check out their bulgogi and bap selections. Make sure to ask your server about spiciness levels if you can’t handle hotness very well. Schiappa’s Italian Restaurant 402 S. Madison St. Lebanon A quiet pizzeria that offers plenty more than just pizza. Make sure to check out the great calzones on the menu.




Wasabi Sushi Bar 100 S. Buchanan St. Edwardsville If you’re into sushi then this is a good place to check out. Choose from a big selection of rolls, from the California and spicy tuna rolls to great choices like the Batman and the Caterpillar. From unagi (eel), to sea urchin, salmon, shrimp and tuna, it has it all. Order the edamame on the appetizer menu. J. Gumbo’s 3949 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis Central West End This is a chain restaurant, but it doesn’t feel that way. Check out the St. Louis location at 3949 Lindell Blvd. to get some really good Cajun and Creole food quick and cheap. Make sure to check out the crawfish etoufeÊ. The menu does a really good job of informing you of

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On the Edge of the Weekend

Brickhouse Tavern & Tap 2 McBride and Son Center Dr. Chesterfield This is a great place to take a date or have a good time with a group of friends. Fun and creative menu and huge line of beers on tap and in bottles.

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St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 406 Hillsboro in Downtown Edwardsville 656-1929

Los Tres Amigos 1011 Century Dr. Edwardsville T h e J o s e M o r a l e s Ta c o i s the highlight of this Mexican Restaurant. The deep fried goodness of the taco is topped off with Parmesan cheese to give it that special flavor. Check out the rest of

Wang Gang Asian Eats 1035 Century Dr. Edwardsville This is a hip, fun spot if you’re into Asian cuisine. It’s an Asian fusion restaurant that puts unique spins on classic Asian dishes. Check out the lettuce wraps, the fried calamari and the stir fry selections and don’t miss out on the restaurant’s own line of sodas which are also great. It offers some healthy choices, too.


All Gates, Operators and Fences

Joanie’s Pizzeria 2101 Menard St., St. Louis Soulard A stable in the Soulard neighborhood in St. Louis, this is a spot that offers great pizza and Italian dishes along with great drink specials and entertainment. Visit prior to a Cardinals game or other various events in St. Louis, eat dinner,  and ride the free shuttle to and from the event.

the extensive menu for other great Mexican dishes, too.

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spiciness levels.

January 28, 2016

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Apts/Duplexes For Rent Help Wanted General


PT Chiropractic Assistant needed. Submit resume in person or by mail to 4 A Oak Dr. Maryville PT Church Custodian Cleaning/Set-up/TearDown Teamwork/ Hospitality is Essential. 618-667-6241

Wanted To Buy


1BR Apartment Edwardsville Stove, fridge, washer, dryer, fireplace included, partially furnished, all utilities paid. $645. Call 618-656-9200 2 bed/1 bath duplex, Glen Carbon, gar, W/D, hookup, full unfin bsmnt $950. 618-972-9622

Apts/Duplexes For Rent


2 bdrm TH, 1.5 baths like new, $695. NO PETS. 618-977-7222 Furnished Eff., dish, i-net, WiFi, utilities, no smoking w/ ref. $585/mo. 972-0948 Nice 2br duplex. Long Term. Bsmnt/garage Great Location. $600/mo + dep & ref. 326-7779

Lots For Sale


WOODED HOMESITE 2.5 ac+ E’ville schools & utilities, adjoins 5ac commons $250k OBO 972-0948

Sell With A Classified Ad! Call 656-4700 ext 22


ARROWHEADS WANTED: local Avocational Archaeologist is looking to purchase either one arrowhead or an entire collection. Love Indian artifacts! 314-608-2692

Houses For Rent


3br, 1.5ba, unfinished bsmnt, w/d hkup, older home, Hale Street. $900/mo. 656-2783 Covinently Located Edwardsville 3BR 1BA washer/dryer hookup $1035 618-973-0773

Advertise here! Call 656-4700 ext. 22

Thank You NIE Sponsors www.cassenssons.com EDWARDSVILLE/GLEN CARBON

Edward Small, CPA

Information on sponsoring NIE, please call 656-4700 ext. 10 January 28, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend



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504 Lowden EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $649,900 Karen Marcus 618-444-9903

3309 Hershiser Ct. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $629,500 The Massey Team








112 Knights Bridge Ln. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $598,500 Sandie LaMantia 618-978-2384

236 Oakshire Dr. East GLEN CARBON SUN 1-3 $349,900 Mary Christine McMahon 618-604-9220

10 Tall Oaks TROY SUN 1-3 $319,000 Cathleen Keasey 618-660-2615

203 Blue Ridge Dr. GLEN CARBON SUN 1-3 $235,000 Jason Palmero 618-954-1653

216 Union St. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $149,500 Rachel Finley 618-447-3717

Impressive quality, one owner custom built, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, traditional 2 story, wooded lot, oversized garage. $339,900 EDW PR102532







Delightful 2 story nestled on spacious wooded cul-de-sac lot. Beautiful sunroom, finished LL, and 2 car oversize garage 24x24. $230,000 GLC PR102554

Classic ranch with finished LL. Cathedral ceilings, walk-in closet and pantry! $224,900 MARYVILLE PR102458

Country living close to town! 3BR/3BA home on 2.5 acres. Fenced area for horses. Pool with deck. Outbuildings. $219,000 EDW PR102323

Move in ready home with 1/2 acre fenced lot, 2 car garage, 2 baths & 2 bedrooms. $129,900 EDW PR102542

CHARMING move in ready home with new carpet, reconditioned hardwood, remodeled kitchen (stove & countertop) garage & 2 sheds! $128,900 EDW PR102583

Nicely updated 2BR home in quaint downtown Worden. New carpet throughout main living areas, move in ready.. $74,500 WORDEN PR102528

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On the Edge of the Weekend

January 28, 2016


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On the Edge of the Weekend


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On the Edge of the Weekend

January 28, 2016

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