What’s Inside
Thursday April 29___________
"The Jonses"
Greater St. Louis Book Fair, -Macy’s east garage at West County Center, Des Peres, Mo. www.stlouisbookfair.org Herb Days, presented by the Garden Gate Shop and St. Louis Herb Society, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -Missouri Botanical Gardens Choral/Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m. -Dunham Hall Theater, SIUE Campus Jeff Beck, -The Fox Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., 8 p.m. Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band -Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, 8 p.m. Kim Massie -The Beale on Broadway, St. Louis
Demi Moore fans will be lining up.
10 Evan Wegman
SIUE student featured in exhibit.
13 Lafayette Square
House and garden tour scheduled.
15 Pat Metheny
Guitar legend to appear at Touhill.
AquaPalooza Rocking on the water.
23 Cinco de Mayo Get ready to celebrate.
What’s Happening
The Air Show returns Fair Saint Louis plans announced.
Friday April 30___________ Avenue Q -The Fox Theatre, 8 p.m., St. Louis, Mo. Greater St. Louis Book Fair -Macy’s east garage at West County Center, Des Peres, Mo.
www.stlouisbookfair.org Herb Days, presented by the Garden Gate Shop and St. Louis Herb Society, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -Missouri Botanical Gardens Marty Stuart and his Fabulous Superlatives, The Sheldon, St. Louis, Mo. Choral/Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m. -Dunham Hall Theater, SIUE Campus AgapeFest featuring David Crowder Band, Skillet, Sanctus Real, and more -Greenville College, Greenville Kevin Hart, -The Pageant, Delmar Loop, 7 p.m. MoPleasure -Villa Marie Winery, Maryville, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Mike Harper, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Trigger, 10 p.m. -Stagger Inn, Edwardsville Dr. Zhivegas, Bottleneck Blues Bar -Ameristar Casino, St. Charles, $5 cover, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Ivan Parker in concert -Apostolic Worship Center, Dupo, 618-281-5982 Bassist John Patitucci and Trio -Jazz at the Bistro, 8:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.;(Fri-Sat $30)(Students $10) Knoboozle, featuring Novella -Fubar, St. Louis
Saturday May 1_ ___________ Avenue Q -The Fox Theatre, St. Louis, Mo. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Greater St. Louis Book Fair -Macy’s east garage at West County Center, Des Peres, Mo. www.stlouisbookfair.org Herb Days, presented by the Garden Gate Shop and St. Louis Herb Society, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -Missouri Botanical Gardens • Steve Tyrell, The Sheldon, St. Louis, Mo. AgapeFest featuring David Crowder Band, Skillet, Sanctus Real, and more -Greenville College, Greenville NOFX w/Teenage Bottlerockets, Tony Sly, The Menzingers -Pop’s NightClub, Sauget Dr. Zhivegas -Bottleneck Blues Bar, Ameristar Casino, St. Charles, $5 cover, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Bassist John Patitucci and Trio -Jazz at the Bistro, 8:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.; (Fri-Sat $30)(Students $10) Ockums Razor, Saence, Hephaestus, Amorath -The Library, Soulard, Mo.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available either through free home delivery (62025 and 62034) or rack distribution in other local areas inside the Intelligencer newspaper (50 cents). FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 30 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar | Editor – Bill Tucker | Lead Writer – Debbie Settle | Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff
People People planner Air Show, B-52s to highlight Fair Saint Louis Joseph F. Imbs, III, Chairman of the Fair Saint Louis Foundation, and St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay today announced key highlights for this summer ’s 2010 Fair Saint Louis, to be held July 3 and 4 on the grounds of the Gateway Arch. This year’s event welcomes the return of the Fair Saint Louis Air Show and free musical entertainment on the Budweiser Main Stage. In addition to music under the Gateway Arch, spectacular fireworks will conclude each evening – offering family fun over the Fourth of July weekend. “Fair Saint Louis has been creating memories for 30 years,” said Imbs. “We are very proud of this legacy and we’re especially
looking forward to this summer’s highlights -- the return of the Fair Saint Louis Air Show and being back on the Arch grounds. St. Louis’ rich history in aviation paired with its iconic Riverfront makes the Riverfront the perfect backdrop for an air show. We invite everyone to join us for a weekend full of memorable moments.” “The City of St. Louis continues to proudly partner with the Fair Saint Louis Foundation on this hallmark event that brings people from near and far to our historic Riverfront. Since its inception 30 years ago, Fair Saint Louis has resulted in millions of dollars in economic impact while also contributing greatly to area non-profits via concession sales,” said Mayor Slay. “On behalf of the City of St. Louis, I am thrilled to join in the effort with the Fair Saint Louis Foundation to invest in and celebrate
‘America’s Biggest Birthday Party.’” • Air shows will take place on both Saturday, July 3 and Sunday, July 4 and will include some of the premier air show performers from around the country. • Grammy Award winning R&B hit-maker John Legend, www.johnlegend.com, will headline on Saturday, July 3. The quirky new wave band, The B-52s, www.theb52s.com, will headline on Sunday, July 4. Fair Saint Louis will kick off at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 3 with the 133rd Veiled Prophet Parade, one of the best and longest running parade’s in the nation. Saturday, July 3 10 a.m. 133rd Veiled Prophet Parade Noon Festival and K-Town Kids Zone Open 12:30 p.m. Air show** (90 minutes) 3 p.m. Local bands begin and continue
throughout the afternoon 5:30 p.m. Air show** (90 minutes) 8 p.m. John Legend on the Budweiser Main Stage 9 p.m. Fireworks 10 p.m. Festival closes Sunday, July 4 11 a.m. Festival and K-Town Kids Zone Open 11:30 a.m. Air show** (90 minutes) 1 p.m. Family Act on the Main Stage 4 p.m. Local bands begin and continue throughout the afternoon 5:30 p.m Air show** (90 minutes) 8 p.m. The B-52s on the Budweiser Main Stage 9 p.m. Fireworks 10 p.m. Festival Closes ** Dates/times subject to change
Lenny’s CARPET
Edwardsville Quarter Mania Tuesday, May 11th, 2010 @7 pm
Moose Lodge • 7371 Marine Rd., Edwardsville, IL 62025
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Event guests must be 18 or older!
(formerly Turn 2)
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Feel free to bring your own treats for your table if you so desire! Remember: Bring Quarters, Limited amounts will be available to purchase.
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Don’t Miss Out On An Awesome Girl’s Night !! For more information, contact Jaclyn: 618-477-4446
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April 29, 2010
30% OFF American Made Frenchy’s
125 W. Main Street, Collinsville, IL 62234 • PHONE (618) 345-9570 Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:30 • Saturday 9:00 - 5:00
The Edge – Page
People planner Cahokia’s Jarrot Mansion to celebrate 200th birthday The oldest brick building in Illinois and the St. Louis region is having a 200th birthday this spring, and everyone is invited on select days to take a rare tour of the structure in Cahokia, Illinois. Special tours for individuals, groups and schools are being offered to recognize the 200th anniversary of the Nicholas Jarrot Mansion State Historic Site. The tours may be scheduled on the hour from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 29; Friday, April 30; Thursday, May 6; and Friday, May 7. Advance reservations for the 45-minutes guided tours are required and may
be made by calling (618) 332-1782. The Jarrot Mansion will be open to the public, with no reservations required, on Saturday, May 1 and Saturday, May 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. These tour opportunities provide a rare opportunity for the public to view this 1810 structure, and offers unique an insight into the original paint schemes and wallpaper designs that are being carefully duplicated in the house, including the second floor ballroom. The interior is so intact that Nicholas Jarrot would find his home familiar today. The ongoing restoration of Illinois’ oldest brick building, the stunning interior finishes project, and the behind-the-scenes detective work that has gone into the project will be featured during tours. The Jarrot Mansion, completed
in 1810 by native Frenchman and entrepreneur Nicholas Jarrot, was built in the Federal style, and the imposing two-story mansion stands in stark contrast to the traditional French colonial timber buildings prominent in early Cahokia. The Mansion is a reflection of the owner’s regional importance. In 1803, Jarrot, a fur trader and land speculator, befriended the explorers Lewis and Clark, and Jarrot was instrumental in helping them establish their winter quarters on land he owned on the Cahokia frontier. The Mansion was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2001. The Jarrot Mansion, administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA), is open only on special occasions during the year. The Jarrot Mansion Project, a notfor-profit advocacy group for the
historic house, is assisting IHPA with tours and events during 2010 to celebrate the Mansion’s 200 years. The Jarrot Mansion is located at
the intersection of Highway 157 and Route 3 in Cahokia. Call (618) 3321782 for more information and to schedule tours.
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April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
People planner RaceMaker Productions to host upcoming summer races RaceMaker Productions along with their title sponsor
GeoComfort are excited to announce their upcoming e v e n t s . Tr i G R E E N v i l l e S e r i e s 2010, and Try Tri Adult and Kids Sprint Race will take place in Greenville. TriGREENville Series consists of the following races: May 8, 2010-Sprint race; June 27, 2010-
Olympic race; and Aug. 8, 2010Olympic race. All three of these races take place at Patriots Park, 1042 Patriots Park Dr., in Greenville. Tr y Tr i a d u l t a n d k i d s r a c e take place on June 5, 2010, at the Kingsbury Park District P o o l l o c a t e d a t 1 0 0 0 Vi n e S t .
i n G re e n v i l l e . T h e a d u l t r a c e distances will be a 300 meter swim, 10 mile bike, and 2.5 mile run. The kid race will consist of a 50 meter swim, 2 mile bike and a .5 mile run.
Religious Directory Bahá’í Faith
Hillsboro At North Buchanan Edwardsville, IL 656-1929 The Rev. Virginia L. Bennett, D. Min. Sunday Services: 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:10 a.m. Adult Education 9:30 a.m. Church School 10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist Rite II Nursery Provided www.standrews-edwardsville.com
ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Summit at School Street, Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620 Fr. Eugene A. Stormer Sunday: Christian Education 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697 “Worship in the warm hospitality of a village church.”
To Advertise Call: 656-4700, Ext. 46 Deadline: Tuesday @ 10:30 am
1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Mike Pabarcus, Minister Matt Campbell, Youth and Worship Minister Mary Lou Whiteford, Childrens Minister Sunday Schedule: Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am Worship at 10:30 am Wednesday Schedule: Dinner & Fellowship at 5:45 p.m. Men’s Ministry & Bible Study for all ages 6:45 pm
Bake Sale Carry Out Available Handicap Accessible
A ll r ace in f or mation can be found at www.racemaker.org, the official RaceMaker Productions Web site. There you can register online, or print off mail in entry forms for any event.
Friday, April 30, 2010 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
$ .00
(includes Dessert & Drink)
Immanuel United Methodist Church 800 N. Main • Edwardsville • 656-4648
Please see leclairecc.com for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director leclairecc.com
Lutheran FAITH EDWARDSVILLE Meeting at GOSHEN ELEMENTARY Tim Bayer, Campus Pastor 618.830.1782 www.faithstl.org Complimentary Cafe @ 10 am Worship @ 10:30 am Kids’ Church & Nursery Available
Immanuel United Methodist Church 800 N. Main Street - Edwardsville - (618) 656-4648
The Old Church with the New Attitude
Journey’s Inn Praise Service 9 am Traditional Worship 10 am • Sunday School 11:15 am
Free Lunch Friday every Friday, 11:00am - 1:30pm www.immanuelonmain.org
Kids say the darndest things -
Mother’s Day Letters will be in the
May 8th edition of the
April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
People planner St. Andrews plans annual Mayfest celebration Giant book sale to feature 5,000 titles The annual Mayfest, hosted by St. Andrew’s Episcopal Churc h , i s a s p r i n g c e l e b r a t i o n that is open to the entire com mu n i t y. T he spri n g f e st i v a l w i l l t a k e p l a c e o n S a t u r d a y, M a y 1 , from 9 a . m . t o 4 p . m . w i t h f re e adm issi o n . The festival will feature a giant book sale with over 5,000 used books that are in excellent condition at low prices . T here wi l l be a n a n n u a l a n d perennial plant sale, artisan and craft booths and free garden i n g c l a sse s. The gardening classes will b e p re s e n t e d b y D o u g C o n l e y of SIU E Ga rd e n s, an d p o s s i b l y some ot h er ga rd e n i n g e x p e r t s . T h e l o c a t i o n i s a t H i l l s b o ro and Buchanan in downtown Edward sv i l l e. B r i n g t h e f a m i l y, b r i n g friends a n d c o me o n o u t fo r a day of f u n a n d f e l l o w s h i p .
Jane Bow, We are so proud of you and wish you the best in life. Love, Mom & Dad
SIZE SHOWN: 1 col. (2”) x 2” COST: $19.00 (Other Sizes Also Available) This year parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and friends can add their congratulations to the graduates from Edwardsville High School and Metro East Lutheran High School. Your ad will appear in our Graduation Tab which will be in the Intelligencer Friday, June 4th, and in our Graduation Pages in our direct mailed magazine The Edge.
For Details Or To Place Your Ad: Call Lisa At 656-4700, Ext. 46 By Thursday, May 20th, 2010.
Back on her feet... And better than ever! Coming Soon Liberty Village of Maryville
After a severe illness, the Bounce Back team helped Grace feel like herself again.
618-288-5999 • 2133 Vadalabene Dr., Maryville www.simplythefinest.net
April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
“Clash of the Titans”
Who wants to be a god, anyway? That’s the principle twist inserted into the remake of the sometimes fondly recalled, technologically dated 1981 film about the fury of the gods of Mount Olympus and the rise of the young, earthly demigod Perseus. This time, Perseus (Sam Worthington) bears a distaste for his godlike nature. He fights a serpentine Medusa, the sea monster Kraken and other mythical beasts for mankind, not for the deities. Liam Neeson plays the angry god Zeus, while Ralph Fiennes, in a cloud of black smog, plays Hades. Directed by Louis Leterrier (2008’s “The Incredible Hulk”), “Titans” will lure moviegoers chiefly by its digital effects (which are good but forgettable) and its promise of 3-D spectacle (which, having been converted from 2-D to 3-D in post, disappoints altogether). Worthington, the Australian star of “Avatar,” doesn’t supply the charisma the movie needs and the whole thing feels like a joyless slog. RATED: PG-13 for fantasy action violence, some frightening images and brief sensuality. RUNNING TIME: 106 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
“Don McKay”
First-time writer-director Jake Goldberger delivers plenty of wicked humor with his “Blood Simple”-style film noir. It works to a degree thanks to the eager cast led by Thomas Haden Church, Elisabeth Shue and Melissa Leo. But the laughs are disjointed as each character one-ups the next with crazier and crazier revelations. Haden Church stars as a lonely janitor reunited with his dying high school sweetie (Shue), with Leo as the woman’s stern, suspicious nurse. Nothing and no one is quite who they seem among this threesome and their odd associates. Goldberger is stingy about revealing anything for much of the way, the movie becoming an endless tease. When the movie finally spills its secrets, they come in a torrent, the story lapsing into silliness just as the suspense is supposedly peaking. The climax remains very entertaining, but it’s more of a film-noir spoof ending that feels too madcap after the long, nearly static setup Goldberger maintained early on. RATED: R for language and some violence. RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
April 29, 2010
Christina Ricci and Liam Neeson’s horror thriller decomposes quickly, becoming an incomprehensible muddle about a woman who wakes up in a funeral home, where she’s told by an undertaker that she died in a car wreck. At its most titillating, writer-director Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo’s debut feature amounts to necrophiliac porn — Ricci lounging sexily on a mortician’s slab either fully naked or in a short red underdress, like a poster girl for the Edgar Allan Poe Society. The movie piles on hokey foreshadowing of doom, psychobabble ramblings about life and death and pointless filler material about the woman’s boyfriend (Justin Long). Neeson never does more than act like a big scary undertaker, though he manages it creepily enough. But Ricci’s whiny, sniffly “I’m not dead” performance belongs in a “Scary Movie” spoof. RATED: R for nudity, disturbing images, language and brief sexuality. RUNNING TIME: 103 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.
“Date Night”
Steve Carell and Tina Fey’s night out is not so much a bad date as a sad date. These are two of the funniest people ever on television, yet this big-screen comedy is a dreary, uninspired waste of their talents — and those of the top-name cast inexplicably appearing in throwaway roles, including Mark Wahlberg, Mark Ruffalo and James Franco. The movie manages the barest glimmers of the droll humor of Carell’s “The Office” and the snappy wit of Fey’s “30 Rock.” Carell and Fey have an easy, affectionate rapport as run-down parents whose big evening out leads to mistaken identity and sets them on the run from crooks. The actors try hard to make it work, but the lowbrow sensibilities of director Shawn Levy (the “Night at the Museum” movies) leave them tottering through painful verbal exchanges, lame stunts and other dreadfully unfunny hijinks. RATED: PG-13 for sexual and crude content throughout, language, some violence and a drug reference. RUNNINNG TIME: 88 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.
“The Square”
James M. Cain has been resurrected as an Aussie. The Australian neo-noir thriller “The Square” blatantly but faithfully channels Cain’s hard-boiled tales of doomed affairs and dubious murder plots. An adulterous couple, seeing a chance for a getaway together with a bundle of cash, go for it. Raymond Yale (David Roberts) is a middle-aged, gray-haired man having an affair with the beautiful, younger Carla (Claire van der Boom) — a waif of a femme fatale. As their plot spirals out of control, the film reveals a twisted sense of humor hinted at by the short film preceding the feature: the nine-minute “Spider.” RATED: R for violence and language. RUNNING TIME: 101 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
“When You’re Strange: A Film About the Doors”
Tom DiCillo’s documentary means to answer the more loony flights of fancy taken by Oliver Stone in his 1991 Doors biopic, but, in the process, creates a formal exercise in redundancy, offering no new insights into the much mythologized rock band. The movie does boast unseen archival footage of Doors band members Jim Morrison, Robbie Krieger, Ray Manzarek and John Densmore rehearsing, performing, hanging out backstage and, in the case of singer Morrison, defining, for better and worse, the rock-star template that some musicians still follow to this day. Die-hard fans will also revel in seeing several scenes from an experimental film Morrison made with friends in 1969 out in the Southern California desert. But that home movie footage is more revelatory than anything else in DiCillo’s film, which rehashes the band’s well-chronicled, boom-to-bust history in rote fashion. R AT E D : R f o r s o m e s e x u a l c o n t e n t i n c l u d i n g references, nudity, drug material and language. RUNNING TIME: 85 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
The Edge – Page
Movies “The Jonses” has a clever concept By DAVID GERMAIN Associated Press “The Joneses” has a very clever concept: A marketing company dispatches a family of insanely appealing people, led by heads of household David Duchovny and Demi Moore, to make their neighbors covet all the cool gadgets and products they’ve got. It makes for good, though not great, satire of the consumer culture that helped wreck the economy, a gotta-have-it mindset that continues to flare up even in hard times (iPad, anyone?). Duchovny and Moore do a fine job hawking first-time writerdirector Derrick Borte’s premise, even if the story does diminish from a razor-sharp opening to a meandering midsection to a mushy Hollywood ending. Audiences won’t come away with any deep insights about our advertising age of acquisitiveness. But they will keep up with “The Joneses,” whose stars make it breezy and entertaining despite the gimmick at the heart of the story. The movie opens as Steve and Kate Jones (Duchovny and Moore) move into a beautiful home in an upscale neighborhood with their high school kids, Jenn (Amber Heard) and Mick (Ben Hollingsworth). The Joneses’ impact is immediate: They have the newest, nicest everything — electronic devices, furnishings, cars, jewelry, clothes, food and wine. And they are beyond eager to share the particulars of each product — where to get it and what makes it so good — with their new friends, including Larry and Summer (Gary Cole and Glenne Headly), neighbors w h o a t t e m p t t o re n e w t h e i r strained marriage by following the conspicuous example of the Joneses. Turns out the new folks on
Associated Press
In this image released by Roadside Attractions, David Duchovny, left, and Demi Moore are shown in a scene from, “The Joneses.” the block are not a real family, but a group of stealth marketers overseen by KC (Lauren Hutton), an executive who specifies the products their company’s clients want pushed. After an excellent setup, the story sputters. Borte tacks on some interpersonal hijinks for Jenn and Mick that add little, and it’s hard to imagine that the
townsfolk would be fooled into believing that twentysomethings Heard and Hollingsworth are high schoolers, though that’s a small gripe. Hollywood has been selling grown-ups as kids in movies forever. What holds “The Joneses” together so well is the great interplay between Duchovny and Moore.
“The X-Files” and “Californication” star Duchovny has strained at some big-screen romantic leads before, but he nails this one with his easy charm and salesman’s finesse. Moore has made some odd choices (“Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle”?) given how picky she’s been on parts for more than a decade. She’s relaxed and seems
to be having a great time in “The Joneses,” making Kate’s strange domestic relationship with Steve fun to watch as the two grow closer. It stays fun even as the movie ultimately sells out with a fuzzy romantic climax. But like any good case of envy, “The Joneses” leaves you vaguely dissatisfied and wanting more.
Two movies that total four stars By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge Superheroes are everywhere, thinks Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson), the nerd protagonist at the heart of Kick-Ass, a shocking new action-comedy. They’re on television, in films, in comic books, and at strong annual conventions built in their honor. So why don’t real people take things to the streets, like Batman, and start exercising their rights to vigilante justice? While an interesting question, its best answer never crosses Dave’s mind as he turns himself into the scuba-suited, batonwielding alter ego named “Kick-Ass.” Ti re d o f s e e i n g t h u g s i n h i s l o c a l Brooklyn neighborhood taking advantage of the weak, Dave decides to do something about it. His hero, though, isn’t strong or
April 29, 2010
mentally very sharp. Rather than work toward becoming a fireman or a spinal surgeon (heroic callings, as I seem them), he uses violence against violence. The YouTube sensation he creates spawns both groupie followers (Lyndsy Fonseca) and imitators (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) who do nothing to reverse this misguided effort at helping out the little guy. Rather, they lead Dave into a nightmare against a drug cartel kingpin (Mark Strong) whose skyscraper penthouse sets the stage for the best close quarters gun battle since The Matrix shredded that office park lobby ten years ago. The B-plot of “Kick-Ass” is actually better than the main focus. It follows HitGirl (Chloe Grace Moretz) and her Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage), two actual vigilante superheroes that bump into Dave’s Kick-
Ass as he does his thing. Without training or coordination, he provided comic relief for this father/daughter duo and their swift and well-executed form of bloody justice. Moretz, in particular (the scene-stealing little sister from (500) Days of Summer can also be seen in theatres in Diary of a Wimpy Kid), is a pure treasure. She’s cute as a button, especially in her neon purple wig, which draws as much attention to this thirteen-year old girl as does her character ’s dirty mouth. She’s going places, this kid. “Kick-Ass” runs 126 minutes and is rated R for strong brutal violence throughout, pervasive language, sexual content, nudity, and some drug use – some involving children. I give this film two stars out of four. Also premiering this week is a special event called “Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3D. “ Since all big stars get the 3-D treatment
these days, it seems likely that Country/ Pop/Island Beat mainstay Kenny Chesney would be due the same. This performance is a concert film set over six NFL arena shows in the summer of 2009. He struts, sings, and plays to his crowd with vigor and enthusiasm that I’m told goes into his life shows just as well as it comes across on-screen. Such hits as “Keg in the Closet” and “Summertime” rock the house and I learned that this East Tennessee hillbilly has come a long way since his first hit single, “She Thinks My Tractor ’s Sexy.” True fans should catch this one during its limited engagement…especially since his continuously sold-out concerts are so hard to get into. Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3-D runs 98 minutes and is Not Rated. I give this show two stars out of four.
The Edge – Page
What’s playing, when and where O’Fallon 15 Cinema O’Fallon Listings for 4/30 through 5/09 The following movies are playing at the St. Clair Cinema. Call 1800-FANDANGO Code 2404 for showtimes or visit on the Web at www.wehrenberg.com. S P E C I A L : K e n n y C h e s n e y, Summer 3D, 5/2 Sunday: 2 p.m. SPECIAL: Iron Man 2 Combo 5/6 Thursday, 9:30 p.m. Clash of the Titans (PG-13) 12:20, 2:55, 5:25, 7:55, 10:25 p.m. Clash of the Titans 3D (PG-13) FriTues: 11:25 a.m., 1:55*, 4:25, 6:55, 9:25, 11:55* p.m. (*NO 1:55 p.m. showing Sun) (*11:55 p.m. showing Fri and Sat ONLY) Date Night (PG-13) 11:00 a.m., 1:20, 3:40, 6:05, 8:25, 10:50* p.m. (*10:50 p.m. showing Fri and Sat ONLY) Death at a Funeral (R) 11:00 a.m., 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8:00, 10:15 p.m. Furry Vengeance (PG) 12:00, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00, 11:15* p.m. (*11:15 p.m. showing ONLY Fri-Sat) Nightmare on Elm St. (R) 11:30 a.m., 12:35, 1:50, 2:55, 4:10, 5:15, 6:30, 7:35, 8:50, 10:00*, 11:10** p.m. (*NO 10:00 p.m. showing Thurs 5/6)(**11:10 p.m. showing Fri and Sat ONLY) Kick-ass (R) 11:05 a.m., 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45 p.m. Last Song (PG) 11:10 a.m., 1:40, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15, 11:45* (*11:45 p.m. showing Fri-Sat ONLY) How to Train a Dragon (PG) 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 p.m. How to Train a Dragon 3D (PG) 11:25 a.m., 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:15, 11:40* p.m. (* 11:40 p.m. Fri-Sat ONLY) Why Did I Get Married Too (PG13) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3:00, 5:45, 8:30, 11:25 p.m. Sun-Wed: 11:20 a.m., 2:05, 4:50, 7:40, 10:30 p.m. Thurs ONLY: 12:15, 3:00, 5:45 p.m. Losers (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 1:35, 3:55, 6:15, 8:35, 11:00* p.m. (*11:00 p.m. showing on Fri-Sat ONLY) Oceans (G) Daily 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 p.m. Back Up Plan (PG-13) Fri-Tues: 11:10 a.m., 1:40, 4:15, 6:55, 9:30, 11:55* p.m. (*11:55 p.m. Fri-Sat ONLY) Showplace 12 Edwardsville Call 800-FANDANGO or visit www.kerasotes.com. Listings for 4/30 through 5/09 MET/ARMIDA, Live, Saturday, May 1, noon SPECIAL: Mayweather vs. Mosley Fight, LIVE, Saturday, May 1, 8:30 p.m. SPECIAL: Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3-D, Sunday, May 2, 2 p.m. The Back-up Plan (PG-13) 1:10, 3:50, 6:40, 9:30 p.m. Losers (PG-13) 2:00, 4:40, 7:00, 9:45 p.m. Oceans (G) 1:00, 3:30, 6:10, 8:50 p.m. Kick-ass (R) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:55 p.m. Death at a Funeral (R) 12:45 p.m. Clash of the Titans (PG-13) 1:20,
April 29, 2010
4:10, 6:50, 9:20 p.m. Clash of the Titans 3-D (PG-13)* 1:50 **, 4:45, 7:30, 10:10 (*Additional $3 charge for 3-D experience) (**No 1.50 p.m. showing 5/2) The Last Song (PG) 3:20, 6:20, 9:50 p.m. Date Night (PG-13) 2:15, 4:50, 7:20, 10:15 p.m. How to Train your Dragon (PG) 1:40, 4:20, 7:10, 9:40 p.m. A Nightmare on Elm Street (R) 1:30, 2:30, 4:00, 5:00, 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:00 p.m. Furry Vengeance (PG) 12:50, 3:40, 6:05, 9:10 p.m. First Tuesday matinee of each title is Matinee Movie Magic for Moms and Dads (baby friendly environment)
How to Train your Dragon (PG) Daily: 3:45, 6:15; Fri/Sat : 8:45 p.m. Sat/Sun : 1:15 p.m. Kick-ass (R) Daily: 4:15, 7:00 p.m.; Fri/Sat : 9:40 p.m. Sat/Sun : 1:35
p.m. Death at a Funeral (R) Daily: 4:30, 6:45 p.m.; Fri/Sat : 9:15 p.m.; Sat/Sun : 2:00 p.m. A Nightmare on Elm Street (R)
Daily: 4:00, 6:30 p.m.; Fri/Sat : 9:00; Sat/Sun : 1:25 p.m. Furry Vengeance (PG) Daily: 4:45, 7:15 p.m.; Fri/Sat : 9:30 p.m.; Sat/ Sun: 1:45 p.m.
Eastgate East Alton Listings for 4/30 through 5/09 Call 800-FANDANGO or visit www.kerasotes.com. The Back-up Plan (PG-13) Daily: 5:00, 7:30; Fri/Sat : 9:55 p.m. Sat/Sun : 2:15 p.m.
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The Arts
n a Ev n a m g a W SIUE student featured in exhibit
By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge A student at Southern Illinois University, Evan Wagman is on the home stretch for receiving his graduate degree from the university. He is hosting an art show opening entitled “Abstracted Translations” on Friday, April 30, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the new Wagner Gallery in the SIUE Art and Design Building.
The event is open to the public. Evan is a graduate student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and has been fortunate to work both in and out of academia. After he received his undergraduate degree from Rider University in Sociology, he was providential to attend a Raku workshop in Cordes Sur Ceil, France. After the workshop, he began a pottery tour through France,
spending a combined month in the villages of Vallauris, Saint Quentin La Potterie, La Borne, and finally in Milsbeek, Holland, where he met a potter, Thomas Thunig, from Germany. “He invited me to his studio in Schmolln Germany, where I spent six months researching wood firing techniques, production pottery, and the operation of a business and gallery. From Germany, I went on to participate in a two month concentration at Penland School of Crafts with Sequoia Miller,” said Wagman. Motivated to move forward with a strong ceramic foundation, he enrolled as a Special Student at Pennsylvania State University with Chris Staley and Liz Quakenbush for a year and a half. When describing his art format and what he has prepared for the upcoming show, Wagman said, “Influence, pressure, strain, wonder and curiosity are the main focus of my current work. The pieces are comprised of thrown, altered and hand built clay forms, reflecting varying degrees of external and internal pressures. As a consequence, perception of inner and outer space is changed and challenged.” His pieces are extremely unique and personal. He puts all of his experiences into his pieces, making them not only reflective of an object,
but of what he feels. “My sculptures give form to something not ordinarily tangible. They are reflective of unseen emotions resulting from exposure to pressure, strain, and influence. My fascination is with the relationship between internal and external realities; the dualism of inside and outside, content and form, feeling and shape. The work reflects a personal ideation and cataloging of emotion. Every day we experience the tension between presence and absence. The anxiety felt has the potential to be both constructive and destructive. Embracing these thoughts compel me to continue exploring how best to represent emotions from subsequent experiences on a day to day basis,” said Wagman. It is the inherent properties of clay that allow him to continue the exploration of this fascinating material. The expressive and tactile qualities have encouraged him to investigate and translate his ideas of unseen emotion we all carry with us. “I recognize the intrinsic character and beauty of the medium, as well as respect its natural limitations, which for me represent our own limits as human beings.” said Wagman. For questions or information about Evan Wagman’s art or show, e-mail: ewagman1@juno.com.
Above and at left are the works of Evan Wagman. Photos for The Edge.
April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
Artistic adventures Dance St. Louis plans 45th season Dance St. Louis will open its 45th season of bringing great dance of the world to St. Louis in October with one of America’s premier ballet companies, Houston Ballet, and will close the following August with the 2009 Tony Award-winning Best Musical, Billy Elliot the Musical. “ T h ro u g h t h e y e a r w e w i l l journey to emotions only dance can bring, with each performance
f ro m a c o m p a n y a d m i re d a l l over the world,” said Michael Uthoff, Dance St. Louis artistic & executive director. Dance St. Louis’ 2010-11 season opens October 8 and 9 at the Touhill Performing Arts Center when, as part of the first-ever American Arts Experience–St. Louis, Houston Ballet brings an intimate program of sweet and playful classical dances by George Balanchine, Houston Artistic D i re c t o r S t a n t o n We l c h , a n d Houston Associate Choreographer Christopher Bruce. The holiday
season kicks off at the Fox Theatre on December 2-5 with The Joffrey Ballet in Nutcracker at the Fox, combining dancing of “exceptional fire and exuberance” (Chicago S u n - T i m e s ) , Tc h a i k o v s k y ’ s evergreen score played live by the Ballet Orchestra of St. Louis, l u s c i o u s Vi c t o r i a n s e t s a n d costumes, and performances by young St. Louis-area singers and dancers. Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet comes to St. Louis for the first time at the Touhill on January 28 and 29. In just seven
y e a r s , t h i s N e w Yo r k - b a s e d troupe of 16 international dancers has vaulted into the front ranks with its cutting-edge repertory from Europe’s most daring choreographers. On March 11 and 12, the monumental Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns to the Fox on March 11 and 12 for a mixed program blending modern dance and African American spirit, climaxed by the celebration of 50 years of its signature masterwork, Revelations. S e a s o n t i c k e t p a c k a g e s a re
currently on sale. For more information, call the Dance St. Louis box office at 314-534-6622 or visit dancestlouis.org. Single tickets for Houston Ballet, Nutcracker at the Fox, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, and MOMIX in Botanica go on sale September 7, Tuesday after Labor Day. SPRING TO DANCE FESTIVAL 2011 goes on sale in Spring 2011. On-sale dates for single tickets to STOMP and Billy Elliot the Musical are TBA.
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April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
Artistic adventures Second City returns to Touhill Chicago’s legendary comedy theatre The Second City will make a stop in St. Louis as part of its 50th Anniversary Tour. The group will play the Touhill Performing Arts Center April 30 and May 1 for three performances. Show times in the E. Desmond & Mary Ann Lee Theater are Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Drawing from the vast archives of material, the touring company produces a two-act review of The Second City’s celebrated brand of topical sketch comedy, hilarious songs and on-the-spot improvisation that changes with every performance. Founded in Chicago in 1959, The Second City has become the premier training ground for the comedy world’s best and brightest. Some of The Second City’s alumni include: Alan Arkin, Harold Ramis, John Belushi, Bill
M u r r a y, D a n Ay k ro y d , G i l d a R a d n e r, J o h n C a n d y, M a r t i n Short, Eugene Levy, Chris Farley, Jane Lynch, Mike Myers, Jack M c B r a y e r, Ti n a F e y, S t e p h e n Colbert, Jason Sudekis and Steve Carrell. Tickets for The Second City are $35. They are available now at the Touhill Performing Arts Center Ticket Office; online at www. touhill.org; or by phone at 314516-4949. The Touhill’s Ticket Office is located at One University Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63121.
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April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
Family Focus
Lafayette Square Spring House and Garden Tour scheduled By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge Residents of the metro area are so fortunate to live in a part of the country where history is respected and preserved. There are numerous neighborhoods that are filled with gorgeous historic homes that have been painstakingly preserved and/ or restored in order to maintain their integrity. The architecture, design, style, layout, and detail make these homes stand out above the modern homes that look so similar in build. If you are a fan of historic homes or just love history, the 41st Annual Lafayette Square Spring House and Garden Tour is taking place on Saturday, June 5, and Sunday, June 6, from 10 am. to 5 p.m., each day. The appropriate theme is “City Life in Bloom” and includes one
square mile tucked into the heart of St. Louis. The city’s oldest historic district is a neighborhood filled with restaurants, shops, B&Bs, business and professional offices, one of the first parks west of the Mississippi, fountains, monumental statues and 1,300 places to call home: Victorian mansions, townhouses, row houses, warehouse style lofts and apartments and brand new construction. Lafayette Square, with its antique backdrop of historic places, is a new urban center with appeal for all ages and tastes. Garden and home decor will showcase the owners’ passion for indoor and outdoor entertaining enlivened with their own special touches throughout the collection of courtyards and conservatories and century old spaces which will be open to welcome visitors. Each room will tell the individual story of “City Life in Bloom in Lafayette Square.” Hundreds of Lafayette Square residents will be on hand to greet tour guests and celebrate the event as they stroll through the neighborhood on the self-guided tour. Visitors will also enjoy carriage rides around Lafayette Park, the oldest city park west of the Mississippi, browsing through antiques booths, cheering on players of Vintage Baseball, visiting Lafayette Square businesses and restaurants, and a Saturday evening concert in the park. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 on tour weekend, and may be purchased by calling 314-7725724, using Visa or Mastercard; and at www.lafayettesquare.org through Paypal. Group sales of 20 or more are $12. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult are free. Reservations can also be mailed to LSRC Spring Tour, 2023 Lafayette, St. Louis, Mo., 63104, with a check made to LSRC Spring Tour. Ticket vouchers can also be purchased
at Lafayette Square businesses beginning May 15. The tour begins at the corner of Lafayette and Mississippi where visitors receive tour books and maps. All homes are within walking distance of one another, but free trolley rides will also be available. Lafayette Square is one mile south of downtown St. Louis and is bounded by Jefferson on the west, I-44 on the south, Truman Parkway on the east and Chouteau on the north. Easy access to the neighborhood from I-44 at the Truman Parkway exit, I-44 at the Jefferson exit and I-64, also at the Jefferson exit. All proceeds from the tour benefit the Lafayette Square Restoration Committee’s efforts to restore the buildings and public spaces of Lafayette Square, St. Louis’ first historic district, where old lives in harmony with new. For more information about the event, visit www.lafayettesquare. org.
Pictured are two of the houses that will be featured during the Lafayette Square House and Garden Tour. Photos for The Edge.
April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
Bullying could be a red flag NEW YORK (AP) — The word “bully” may conjure up images of a 9-year-old punk shaking down a 7-year-old for lunch money. But teenagers experience bullying too, and research shows it can be a red flag for depression and suicidal behavior. That’s true whether teens are doing the bullying, or are victims of it. “If you are vulnerable and being bullied, it can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back,” said Madelyn S. Gold, a professor of psychiatry and public health at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute who has studied bullying. That doesn’t mean bullying causes suicide. But it is an associated factor. Six teenagers were charged recently in South Haley, Mass., in connection with the case of Phoebe Prince, who killed herself after she complained of being tormented by kids in her high school. In another case, a teenager named
Alexis Pilkington killed herself in March in West Islip, N.Y., and nasty comments about her were posted online even after her death. But Alexis’ father told a local paper, Newsday, that the harassment “was not the major or even a minor factor” in the suicide. Ann Haas, director of suicide prevention projects at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, cautioned against thinking in terms of “cause and effect” when it comes to bullying and suicide. “The key risk factor for suicide in youth is unrecognized, untreated mental disorders, particularly depression,” Haas said. But a study of 2,342 high school students published in 2007 in the Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry showed “a clear association” between bullying, depression, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts, according to Gould, who was one of the authors. Among students who said
they were frequently bullied in school, nearly 30 percent reported depression, and 11 percent reported serious thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts. Among those who frequently bullied others in school, almost 19 percent reported experiencing depression and about 8 percent reported suicidal thoughts or attempts. In contrast, among kids who said they were never bullied, only 7 percent reported depression, and 3 percent reported suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts. Overall, the study found about 9
percent of high school students said they were frequently bullied, and 13 percent said they frequently bullied others. These rates were consistent with other studies, the researchers said. Teens are often secretive about their social lives, but bullying is “something we need to ask our kids about,” Gould said. Remind them that insulting or humiliating someone on Facebook, by text or e-mail can be just as devastating as physical confrontations or pranks. “In the 21st century electronic age, you can be one step removed from
what you’re doing,” Alec L. Miller, an adolescent psychologist at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. “You’re not actually saying something to someone’s face. You’re just writing an e-mail. That makes it a lot easier to bully and harass. We’ve had bullying for centuries, but this is a new phenomenon.” In addition, Miller believes that trash-talk on TV — from the critiques on “American Idol” to inyour-face insults on reality shows — has desensitized us to the harm words can inflict.
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April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
The Orchestrion Tour Pat Metheny to visit the Touhill
Wo r l d re n o w n e d g u i t a r i s t / composer Pat Metheny will bring his Orchestrion Tour to St. Louis May 8. The performance at the Touhill Performing Arts Center is on Saturday, May 8, at 8 p.m. in the Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall. Metheny, whom The New York Times calls “easily one of the most enterprising jazz musicians of his generation,” recently returned f ro m h i s c r i t i c a l l y a c c l a i m e d European tour for an early April kick-off of his six-week, 37-city North American tour. These tours are in support of his “Orchestrion” album, which came out in January on Nonesuch Records and has received critical praise from The New York Times, Associated Press, Village Voice and Billboard, among many other publications. “Orchestrion” brings a musical i d e a f ro m t h e l a t e 1 9 t h a n d early 20th Centuries – a large mechanical multi-instrument device that utilizes actual orchestral instruments of various types, called an “orchestrion” – to the technologies of today. Metheny’s concept includes a l a rg e e n s e m b l e o f a c o u s t i c instruments—including several pianos, drum kit, marimbas, “guitar-bots,” dozens of percussion instruments and even cabinets of carefully tuned bottles. T h ro u g h M e t h e n y ’ s g u i t a r and compositional mind, five
B a n d B i o
April 29, 2010
For The Edge
Pat Metheny new original pieces showcase the instruments as they are struck, plucked and otherwise played via the technology of solenoid switches and pneumatics. To see the Orchestrion in action, visit h t t p : / / w w w. n o n e s u c h . c o m / media/videos/pat-methenyintroduces-orchestrion Over the course of more t h a n t h re e d e c a d e s , g u i t a r i s t Pat Metheny has set himself apart from the jazz mainstream,
expanding and blurring boundaries and musical styles. His record-setting body of work includes 17 Grammy Awards in 12 separate categories; a series of influential trio recordings; awardwinning solo albums; scores for hit Hollywood motion pictures; and collaborations and duets with major artists such as Ornette Coleman, Steve Reich, Charlie Haden, Brad Mehldau and many others.
His band, the Pat Metheny Group, founded in 1977, is the only ensemble in history to win Grammy Awards for seven consecutive releases. Tickets for Pat Metheny are $65 (Gold Circle), $45 and $30. They are available now at the Touhill Performing Arts Center Ticket Office; online at www.touhill. org; or by phone at 314-516-4949. The Touhill’s Ticket Office is located at One University Blvd.,
By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge Members: Tyler, vocals. Josh, guitar. Cory, drums. Sam, bass/vocals. David, guitar. Genre: Screamo, Indie, Metal, Progressive. Playing Knoboozle 2 at Fubar, in St. Louis. Entrance: $12. Novella is a progressive/ m e t a l / s c re a m o b a n d f ro m S t . Louis, Mo. They have been p l a y i n g t o gether for over five years. They have followed the Van’s Warped Tour on several occasions. Their most popular r e l e a s e s o f a r, “ We A r e T h e Undead” was released in 2008. One of their most played venues is Pop’s, where the crowd certainly embraces their music. View the video on their myspace of their Jan. 29, 2010, concert. To hear their latest releases, visit myspace.com/novella.
For The Edge
St. Louis, Mo. 63121. All St. Louis area students receive a 10 percent discount on two tickets with their I.D. Group and senior discounts are also available. The Touhill Performing Arts Center is located on the north campus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, just 10 minutes from Clayton. (Exit 240 from I70). There is ample free parking, and the UMSL North Campus MetroLink Station is just steps from the Touhill’s main entrance. About the Touhill Performing Arts Center Now in its seventh season of presenting the finest in the performing arts to the St. Louis region, the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center opened its doors in September 2003. The $52 million facility designed by Pei Cobb Freed and Partners, features the 1,625-seat Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall and the 350-seat E. Desmond and Mary Ann Lee Theater. The not-for-profit Center is the jewel of the University of Missouri-St. Louis campus and is the first impetus and focal point for creating an arts district for students at the University. About Gold Circle Tickets Introduced in the 2008-09 season to overwhelmingly positive response by patrons, the Touhill offers special perks to audience members with tickets in the Gold Circle. A limited number of tickets for select performances include closest proximity to the on stage talent; complemented by the privilege of bringing beverages into the Hall, all via a dedicated entry point into the AnheuserBusch Performance Hall.
N o v e l l a The Edge – Page
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April 29, 2010
EDWARDSVILLE: 6663 Edwardsville Crossing Dr. (in Dierbergs Plaza)
The Edge – Page
Music calendar **If you would like to add something to our music calendar, email it to theedge@edwpub.net.
Friday, April 30 • Marty Stuart and his Fabulous Superlatives, The Sheldon, St. Louis, Mo. • Choral/Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m., Dunham Hall Theater, SIUE Campus • AgapeFest featuring David Crowder Band, Skillet, Sanctus
Real, and more, Greenville College, Greenville • Kevin Hart, The Pageant, Delmar Loop, 7 p.m. • MoPleasure, Villa Marie Winery, Maryville, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. • Mike Harper, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Trigger, 10 p.m., Stagger Inn, Edwardsville • Dr. Zhivegas, Bottleneck Blues Bar, Ameristar Casino, St. Charles, $5 cover, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. • Ivan Parker in concert, Apostolic Worship Center, Dupo, 618-281-5982
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• Bassist John Patitucci and Trio, Jazz at the Bistro, 8:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.;(Fri-Sat $30)(Students $10) • Knoboozle, featuring Novella, Fubar, St. Louis
Saturday, May 1 • Steve Tyrell, The Sheldon, St. Louis, Mo. • AgapeFest featuring David Crowder Band, Skillet, Sanctus Real, and more, Greenville College,
Greenville • NOFX w / Te e n a g e B o t t l e ro c k e t s , To n y S l y, T h e Menzingers, Pop’s NightClub, Sauget • Dr. Zhivegas, Bottleneck Blues Bar, Ameristar Casino, St. Charles, $5 cover, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. • Bassist John Patitucci and Trio, Jazz at the Bistro, 8:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.; (Fri-Sat $30)(Students $10)
• O c k u m s R a z o r, S a e n c e , Hephaestus, Amorath, The Library, Soulard, Mo.
Sunday, May 2 • Raven Moon, Chandler Hill Vineyards, Defiance, Mo., 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. • Open Mic w/Butch Moore, Stagger Inn, Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m. • The Bangles, The Pageant, Delmar Loop
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The Edge – Page
Tuning in Clayton’s Parties in the Park return for summer of 2010 The region’s best and original outdoor happy hour, Parties in the Park, hosted by the Clayton Chamber of Commerce, is back for its 27th season of live music and cold drinks in beautiful Shaw Park in Clayton. It will be THE place to be after work this summer. Best of all, admission to one of the city’s most familiar and eagerly anticipated parties in town is free and open to the public. The Parties in the Park 2010 season kicks off Wednesday, May 12 from 5 to 8 p.m. in Shaw Park, located on the southwest corner of Brentwood and Forsyth boulevards, and continues on the second Wednesday of the month through August and the third Wednesday in September. May’s party features Griffin & the Gargoyles, followed by Fat Pocket on June 9, GalaxyRed on July 14, Paint the Earth on August 11 and Kim Massie on September 15. By popular demand, “Rainouts at the Restaurants” will be held on the following Wednesday at participating Clayton restaurants in the event of a cancelation of any of the five scheduled parties. “People ask about rainouts every year,” said Ellen Gale, executive director of the Clayton Chamber of Commerce. “And we think hosting them (rainouts) the following week at the restaurants is the perfect solution!” This summer, as the sun sets over Shaw Park and the workweek nears completion, catch up with friends old and new at the longest running outdoor happy hour. And come early each month for the best drink special in town: half-priced beer from 5 to 5:30 p.m. “What better way to unwind in the middle of the workweek than with cold drinks, live music and the great company of friends and colleagues?” said Brent Stevens, president and longtime volunteer o f P a r t i e s i n t h e P a r k . “ A n d n o t j u s t a g re a t e v e n i n g o u t i n Clayton, Parties in the Park is a great benefit to the community. “ We l o v e s h o w i n g o f f C l a y t o n w i t h P a r t i e s i n t h e P a r k , ” said Ellen Gale, executive director of the Clayton Chamber of Commerce. “And you couldn’t ask for a more beautiful setting than Shaw Park.” Whether looking to mingle with friends and colleagues, meet new people or just relax after a hard day’s work with a refreshing cocktail in the martini lounge or an ice-cold beer, you won’t want to miss the 27th season of Parties in the Park. · May 12 - Griffin & the Gargoyles with food by Chez Leon · June 9 - Fat Pocket with food by California Pizza Kitchen · July 14 - GalaxyRed with food by Miso on Meramac · August 11 - Paint the Earth with food by Maggiano’s Little Italy · Se p t e m b e r 1 5 - K i m M a s s i e w i t h f o o d b y California Pizza Kitchen For more information about Parties in the Park, call the C l a y t o n C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e a t 3 1 4 - 7 2 6 - 3 0 3 3 o r v i s i t w w w. partiesinthepark.org.
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April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
Rocking on the water By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge AquaPalooza is a huge event that began in 2006 and continues annually at many lakes across the country. It is a giant party in the water, with a concert on shore. People pull up in their boats of all sizes shapes and types and there is a large area blocked off for people to float around in right in front of the stage. It is an amazing sight. Sea Ray Boats is the main sponsor and creator of the events. They bring in many big name acts to headline at these events. Sea Ray Boats announced that country music superstar Brad Paisley will headline the AquaPalooza 2010 Signature Event, which is scheduled for Saturday, July 10, at The Reserve at Lake Travis near Austin, Texas. The event, hosted by Sea Ray and its local dealer Sail and Ski Center, will have Paisley performing in front of a crowd of thousands of concert-goers in the water. “AquaPalooza has become synonymous with great music and great times on the water,” said Rob Noyes, vice president of marketing for Sea Ray. “We’re very excited to have a performer of Brad Paisley’s caliber
April 29, 2010
headlining this year’s Signature Event. This is a free event where your boat is your ticket; there will be no land access to the Signature Event.” Lake Travis is located in the beautiful Texas hill country, a short drive from both Austin and San Antonio. “We’re proud to have been chosen to host the Signature Event. It’s a great opportunity to show the world what Lake Travis has to offer,” said Buzz Watkins, coowner of Sail and Ski, which has locations in Austin, Lakeway and San Antonio, and was recently ranked the No. 1 dealer in North America by Boating Industry magazine. For those who can’t make it to Lake Travis, Sea Ray dealerships around the world will transform more than 100 additional locations into official AquaPalooza event sites, making it easy for boaters to get to and enjoy the family fun. Most of the events will take place during the last two weekends in July. “Our dealers do an outstanding job of coordinating the AquaPalooza events in their areas,” said Noyes. In 2009, the fourth annual AquaPalooza attracted approximately 15,000 boats and 84,000 guests to 123 events from New York to California, and from Austria to Australia.
Since its inception in 2006, the multi-location celebration has grown bigger each year. “It won’t be easy to top the 2009 Signature Event, but we think the Lake Travis community, Brad Paisley, Sail and Ski and Sea Ray are up to the task,” said Noyes. “As always, the event will be open to all boaters, not just Sea Ray owners. AquaPalooza is about sun and fun, great music, and togetherness on the water with family and friends.” Mark your calendars now for the most anticipated on-water boating bash of the summer. For more information, please visit www.aquapalooza.com. Visit www.reserveatlaketravis.com for more info on Lake Travis. If you are looking for an AquaPalooza that is closer to home, head to the Lake of the Ozarks on Saturday, July 17, from noon to 5 p.m., in front of Dog Days Bar and Grill at Lake Ozark, Mo. The contact person for the Lake of the Ozarks event is Teresa Riley, 573365-5382, or email: teresa.riley@marinemax. com. Dog Days Bar and Grill is located at the 19 mile marker, just west of the Grand Glaize Bridge, in front of Dog Days Bar and Grill. MarineMax, the sponsor for the Lake of
the Ozarks even, invites all boaters to join them for an afternoon filled with boating, family, friends, great tunes, prizes, and much more including a free concert with America’s number one party band. Rocking the lake all afternoon, everyone will start getting funky with “Blue Orleans” which offers a mixture of Zydeco, Bourbon Street Rock ‘n’ Roll, Blues, Reggae and Caribbean. The fun will keep going with a high energy performance by the unique and charismatic, one of a kind rockin’ country duo, “LoCash Cowboys.” And, for the grand finale, “Otis Day and The Knights” will pump up the party with your all time favorite dance tunes including their classic hits “Shout” and “Shama Lama Ding Dong” from the movie “Animal House.” Register online to receive AquaPalooza updates and get information on the “Friday Night Kick Off Party,” rental slips at Dog Days on Saturday, radio broadcast, tshirt giveaways, sponsor promotions, AquaPalooza Collector ’s Wine, “Do the Dew,” Get Caught with Pepsi” and many more fun events. Visit www.aquapalooza.com.
The Edge – Page
Travel briefs King Tut’s treasures coming to Seattle May 2012 SEATTLE (AP) — The treasures of Egypt’s boy pharoah are returning to Seattle. An exhibit of artifacts from King Tutankhamun’s tomb opens at the Pacific Science Center in 2012, more than 30 years after the boy king first captivated Seattle. The center said today that the exhibit includes a new selection of treasures and more than twice the number of artifacts. Tut’s tomb was discovered in 1922 filled with a stunning array of jewels and artifacts. The exhibit, “Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs,� runs from May 24, 2012 to January 6, 2013.
Las Vegas picked for 2011 global travel summit LAS VEGAS (AP) — Las Vegas has been picked as next year ’s site for an international tourism summit expected to attract government and industry leaders from around the world. T h e L o n d o n - b a s e d Wo r l d Tr a v e l & To u r i s m C o u n c i l a n n o u n c e d Tu e s d a y t h a t t h e American destination will host the 2011 Global Travel & Tourism
Summit. The announcement comes the same day the primary agency in charge of promoting Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Convention and Vi s i t o r s A u t h o r i t y, v o t e d t o spend $1.5 million to host the M a y 1 5 - 1 9 m e e t i n g . O ff i c i a l s say the summit will be held at the Aria Resort & Casino, the centerpiece of the $8.5 billion CityCenter complex that MGM Mirage opened on the Las Vegas Strip in December. This year ’s summit is being held next month in Beijing. Wo r l d Tr a v e l & To u r i s m Council CEO Jean-Claude Baumgarten said the group s e l e c t e d L a s Ve g a s i n p a r t because it’s a symbol of tourism in the United States. “ We c a n n o t c h o o s e a b e t t e r p l a c e t h a n L a s Ve g a s , � B a u m g a r t e n said. “The whole e c o n o m y, a l l o f w h a t w e a re seeing, all the impacts of travel a n d t o u r i s m o n t h e e c o n o m y, on jobs, on the future and investment (make Las Vegas) a better choice.� B a u m g a r t e n s a i d L a s Ve g a s made a winning bid to host the summit, which was last held in the United States in Washington, D.C., in 2006. To u r i s m a n d g a m b l i n g a r e primary industries to Sin City, where some 244,000 people are e m p l o y e d i n t h e l e i s u re a n d h o s p i t a l i t y i n d u s t r y — m o re than 30 percent of Las Vegas’
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total work force, according to the Nevada Department of E m p l o y m e n t , Tr a i n i n g a n d Rehabilitation. R o s s i R a l e n k o t t e r, C E O o f the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, said travel and tourism generates $30 billion annually for southern Nevada. The World Travel & Tourism Council, a forum for travel industry leaders worldwide, estimates that about 235 million people worldwide are employed in travel and tourism jobs, with the industries generating more than 9 percent of the world’s gross domestic product. Baumgarten said the forum would bring together “substantive decision-makers� to discuss major tourism issues
and promote the importance of travel. He said the summit was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, t e r ro r i s t a t t a c k s i n N e w Yo r k and Washington, to help spur international travel again. The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority estimates that about 1,000 people will take part in the summit, including top government leaders and business leaders from several countries.
Pennsylvania historic Old Economy Village reopening A MBR IDG E, Pa. ( A P) — A western Pennsylvania historic site will reopen for tours starting this
week after being shuttered due to cuts in the state budget. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the volunteer nonprofit group Friends of Old Economy Village completed a revised licensing agreement that will allow the volunteers to operate tours at Old Economy Village in Ambridge. The site has been closed for a few months. O l d E c o n o m y Vi l l a g e w a s founded in 1824 and was the third and final community built by a communal religious group known as the Harmonists. The site will open Friday with a special admission of 10 cents to commemorate the occasion. The site will be open to the public on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through October.
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April 29, 2010
The Edge â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Page
Travel briefs June opening for West Virginia resort’s full-scale casino C H A R L E S TO N , W. Va . ( A P ) — The picture postcard view of The Greenbrier resort’s white hotel facade offset with tulips in spring splendor is gone, replaced by cranes, dust and construction workers in a dash to finish an underground casino beneath what used to be the front lawn. “It’s basically crunch time,” said Todd Fishon, the resort’s vice president of casino operations. A harsh winter has pushed back the opening of the 89,000-squarefoot Casino Club to June and the exact date will be determined soon, he said. The casino is being built underground so it won’t take away from the ambiance and scenery of the 6,500-acre resort, which has entertained kings and presidents and once housed a secret bomb shelter intended for Congress. A tiny portion of the casino opened in October. For the bigger version, an area in front of the hotel’s entrance was excavated. Resort officials aimed for an April 15 debut, but Mother Nature didn’t cooperate. “Nobody expected to have one of the worst winters in West Virginia in recent history,” Fishon said. “At the time when the weather hit, we were still trying to enclose it. We
got behind. The extremely cold temperatures made it tough to pour cement. Every time it snowed, we had to dig ourselves out. Every snowstorm cost us a good week.” Gambling at The Greenbrier has been a hot topic ever since state lawmakers started tackling the issue in the mid-1990s. A 1999 state law allowed the resort to open a casino if Greenbrier County voters approved. Voters rejected such a move in 2000. In 2008, however, they passed the measure by a 51 percent to 49 percent vote. It was all The Greenbrier needed. Owner Jim Justice, who bought the resort in White Sulphur Springs out of bankruptcy in May 2009 for $20.1 million, has said a tasteful casino will help restore profitability and the coveted five-star Mobil Travel Guide rating The Greenbrier lost in 2000. During the first five months of limited operation, the casino’s revenues totaled $1.2 million. In February they were $299,713, up 2.3 percent from January, according to the West Virginia Lottery. The full-scale casino will have 320 slot machines and 38 table games such as poker and blackjack. It will be open to hotel guests, resort club members and, if more than 400 rooms are booked, convention or event guests who are staying somewhere else. The overall venue’s flooring is complete, its ceiling is nearly done and millwork is being installed. An entryway is being built that attaches the casino to adjoining restaurants
and shops. “That is the last piece of the puzzle,” Fishon said. Initial plans called for an Italian restaurant inside the casino but that’s been changed to Asian fusion fare and there also will be a high-end coffee and pastry outlet. Upstairs is Prime 44 West, the steakhouse that’s essentially a shrine to NBA legend Jerry West. Landscaping on the redesigned lawn and entrance area is under way and the project will be completed just weeks before the PGA Tour ’s
inaugural Greenbrier Classic begins at the resort on July 29. “Getting up and running before the golf tournament is a must,” Fishon said.
Stratosphere jump opens to daredevils in Las Vegas LAS VEGAS (AP) — Visitors to the Stratosphere tower in Las Vegas no longer need an elevator
to get down from Sin City’s highest building. A new ride is giving daredevils a cable, a platform and a chance to jump to a blue and black target 829 feet below. SkyJump Las Vegas has opened as the world’s highest commercial decelerator descent. A cable line guides jumpers down from a metal platform, with views of the Las Vegas Strip along the way. The ride was certified by Guinness World Records as the highest of its kind.
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Dining Delights
Grace Manor Great tastes in a great atmosphere By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge The historic Klingel House, the pre-Civil War residence, is now home to Grace Manor, a restaurant that offers a fantastic experience for the diner’s palate. Their forte’, “Celebrating the Flavors of the Season,” explains why their menu changes every season, always offering a new flavor, never giving patrons a chance to grow bored with the selection. Debra Geggus is the owner and a chef at Grace Manor. She is well studied, including the French Culinary Institute in New York. She has a passion for food and a passion for people and wants to bring both of them together in the ambiance of the beautiful historical setting. The building was acquired a little over a year ago by entrepreneur Art Risavy. Risavy is well-known in the community for being the owner of Swing City, with locations in Collinsville and Edwardsville, Florian’s Fine Jewelry in Collinsville, Cafaye Imports Ltd. in Collinsville, and a number of other business interests. He loved the building, but really didn’t think it was something he was interested in purchasing at first. But after touring the structure, he found that the walls were all brick, built three layers thick and the building was still in great condition. He knew he had to purchase it and then partnered with Debra to reopen the restaurant, which has been
known for a number of years as a “tea room.” Debra kept the tea room setting for a couple of months, allowing time for the “regular” customers to become accustomed to the idea that she had a new focus for the building that included a different menu. Although there were some that were disappointed in the loss of the tea room setting, Debra knew that the time had come for a change. Now open several months, Debra has changed the menu with the seasons and is finding that the community is enjoying the new selections and is especially appreciative that she uses items f ro m t h i s a re a t o c re a t e h e r delicacies. Whenever possible, she purchases from Illinois and Missouri farmers, growers, wineries, breweries, bakers, etc. For the most part, her beef comes from the Rensing Farms in New Douglas. The herbs and edible flowers from Awesome Herbs, which also has its items available at the Goshen Market. Other purchases include: mushrooms from Ozark Mountain Mushrooms, bread from Fazzio’s in St. Louis and pasta from Mangia’s Italiano in St. Louis. She gets her wines from Pheasant Hollow Winery in Whittington, A l t o Vi n e y a r d s Wi n e r y i n
Champaign, St. James Winery in St. James, Mo., and Mount Pleasant Winery in Augusta, Mo. Her beer menu is made up of Schlafly and O’Fallon beers and she carries Fitz’s sodas. Grace Manor serves a full lunch menu and a twilight menu, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and a brunch menu on Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Just a sampling of the spring lunch menu: “Green Goddess Chicken Sandwich” – white diced chicken, roasted red peppers, celery and Kalamatta olives tossed in an anchovy-based herb dressing on a brioche bun. “The Golden Egg” – sweet mustard and egg salad sandwich with golden raisins, almonds and lettuce on wheat cranberry bread. “Mango Pork Sandwich” – pork cooked in poblano and jalepeno peppers and tomatoes, topped with mangocilantro slaw on a brioche bun. Just a sampling from the twilight menu: “Pasta of the Day,” “Spicy Black-Eyed Pea Dip,” black eyed peas, dressed in a cilantro lime vinaigrette, garnished with carrots, celery, red onions and poblano peppers. Served with pita bread. There is so much more to enjoy, just not enough space to share it all. There is also a complete wine list and beer list available at your
request. Grace Manor is also testing the waters of hosting specialty dinners. Recently they hosted a “St. James Master Wine-Maker Dinner” serving a number of their wonderful creations paired with some fabulous St. James wines. The rooms were filled with laughter and chatter as all were served some wonderful Asian inspired dishes, and as Andrew Meggitt, Executive Winemaker and native of New Zealand, shared the wine varieties, their origination and history. A fantastic evening was shared by all and certainly a treat for the senses with both the food selections and wine offerings. Grace Manor plans to offer more specialty dinners and is currently planning a Schlafly Brew dinner in the near future. More information will be available soon with the details. Grace Manor is located in the Klingel House, located at 1801 North Main St. in Edwardsville. The phone number is 655-0650. Reservations are not required and dress is casual. Make sure to stop in at Grace Manor and try some of the spring menu selections before they are just a memory. Then of course, the summer menu is sure to be just as
At top, from left, are: Ian C. Warford, a Koerner Distrisbutor; Andrew Meggitt, Executive Winemaker of St. James Winery; Debra Geggus, Chef/Owner of Grace Manor Restaurant and Lisa Skaggs, General Manager/Chef of Grace Manor Restaurant, who all participated in hosting the St. James Wine Dinner. At left, the first course of the wine dinner “spicy peanut coconut noodles with ginger and lime,” paired with St. James Vignoles. Photos by Debbie Settle.
April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
Cinco de Mayo Get creative in your kitchen By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge In some of the previous editions, we have been attempting to introduce, or reintroduce a few new produce specialties that maybe readers have never tried, much less heard of. Cinco de Mayo (Fifth of May) is the perfect occasion to get creative in the kitchen with fresh Latin ingredients, including some of those just recently introduced-like Jicama, from Frieda’s Specialty Produce. This Mexican holiday gets its name from the victory at the historic Battle of Puebla, but Cinco de Mayo is primarily celebrated in the United States as an ideal time for honoring Mexican culture and enjoying delicious traditional foods. Not to mention some great Margaritas! Ole’! Two great Mexican vegetables to consider on your menu this year are fresh Jicama and Tomatillos. Jicama, aka Mexican potato, has a light, juicy-crunchy texture and can be peeled, sliced and enjoyed raw or steamed or sautéed in a variety of dishes. Tomatillos, those little green tomatoes that look like they have a paper shell around them, are a staple in Mexican cuisine and the key ingredient in Salsa Verde. Roasted or boiled, then pureed, Tomatillos have a mild, tart-lemony-grassy taste
that adds a bright note to salsas, enchiladas and other Latin-inspired dishes (tomatillos are not spicy like chile peppers). Frieda’s also offers many other Latin specialties, including a wide selection of fresh and dried chile peppers, fresh salsa and guacamole, fresh cactus pads (nopales), chayote squash, papayas, red cactus pears, fresh tamarind, yuca root, piloncillo, vegetarian Soyrizo and more. Spice up your Cinco de Mayo fiesta with some unique homemade salsa recipes from Frieda’s: Jicama, Corn and Pineapple Salsa Habanero chile is the secret to this spunky combination. Serve alongside fresh tortilla chips for
dipping, or spoon over any steamed or cooked vegetables, scrambled eggs, grilled meats, poultry or fish. 1 1/2 cups finely chopped Frieda’s Jicama 1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple (and/or chopped mango!) 1 cup niblet corn 1/2 cup diced green or red bell pepper 1/4 fresh Habanero chile, finely
chopped (use caution; wear gloves) 2 tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro 1 clove garlic, minced Combine the jicama, pineapple, corn, bell pepper, Habanero chile, cilantro and garlic in a blender or food processor container. Process in 2 batches, using a few stop-and-start motions, for a relish-like consistency. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour to allow flavors to blend. Makes 3 1/2 cups. Source: Frieda’s Inc. Tomatillo Salsa The fresh taste of this green salsa is perfect for fried fish and seafood. Also works well with chicken, steaks, and cheese quesadillas. 12 Frieda’s Tomatillos, husked 1 Frieda’s Jalapeño chile, sliced 1 medium onion, chopped 2 tablespoons rice wine or cider vinegar Salt and pepper Wash Tomatillos and quarter. Place in food processor or blender along with Jalapeño chile; cover and process till pureed. Add onions and vinegar; process till smooth. Place mixture in saucepan; bring to
boiling. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered, 5 minutes. Cool; season to taste with salt and pepper. Makes 1 1/2 cups salsa. Source: Frieda’s, Inc. About Frieda’s Inc. Established in 1962 by Frieda Caplan, Frieda’s, Inc. was the first wholesale produce company in the U.S. to be founded, owned and operated by a woman. Once a small produce stand at the Los Angeles Produce Market, Frieda’s has emerged as the nation’s premier marketer and distributor of specialty produce and now offers more than 600 specialty items to grocery stores and foodservice distributors throughout the U.S. and Canada. America has Frieda’s to thank for introductions to Kiwifruit, Shallots, Cherimoyas, Donut® Peaches, Sugar Snap™ Peas and Habanero Peppers. Essential to Frieda’s philosophy is providing its customers with comprehensive product information, unparalleled quality and service, and a 100 percent consumer satisfaction guarantee. Learn more at www. friedas.com
Tomatillos, above, and jicama at right. Photos for The Edge.
April 29, 2010
The Edge – Page
OK, we admit these are our opinions and you certainly should form your own, but it is nice to have a guide of places to eat when you are undecided or want to try something new or different. To send us a suggestion of a restaurant to try, e-mail theedge@edwpub.net El Maguey Mexican Restaurant Edwardsville 3 Stars Good chips and salsa start you off with a nice selection of dishes. Authentic Mexican dishes are delivered promptly to your table. Jimmy John’s Sandwich Shop Edwardsville 4 stars Where sandwiches are concerned, you can hardly beat a good Jimmy John’s. Their Bootlegger Club and The Big John are some of the favorites around here. Their cookies are great also, ask them to heat it up. They really are “freaky fast!” Big Daddy’s Edwardsville 3 stars Typical bar fare of appetizers, sandwiches, salads, and wraps round out Big Daddy’s menu. They offer specials on certain days that are a real value. Service can be a bit slow when they are busy. Northside Dairy Haven Edwardsville 4 stars This seasonal drive-in has been part of the Edwardsville landscape for nearly 50 years. Still famous for their Charco Burger, they also have an array of other sandwiches and barbecue plate specials. The prices
cannot be beat! Bella Milano Edwardsville 4 stars Quickly becoming a legend in Edwardsville, Bella Milano is a favorite for many. Great dining atmosphere and lots of good Italian food and drink. Come hungry with loose fitting clothing. Bull and Bear Edwardsville 3 1/2 stars A sports bar and grill with that offers bar side and dining room seating. A selection of appetizers, sandwiches, steaks, baby back ribs, chicken, seafood, pizza, and a kid’s menu make it family friendly, yet a great hangout for friends. Buffalo Wild Wings Edwardsville 2 1/2 stars If you like wings, this is a great place for you. Other selections of appetizers, sandwiches and mostly bar fare round out the menu. A little pricey for wings, but if you gotta
havem’ you gotta havem’. Service is kind of a toss up. Has been good, has been slow.
give it a place of its own outside the diner so passers by can enjoy the magic also.
47 Port Street Grill Ameristar Casino-St. Charles 5 stars This is a fantastic, fabulous steak house that is a great date night or special group night out. The steaks are perfect, the lobster delectable, the sea bass melts in your mouth, and the fresh pastries are world class. The ambiance is straight out of the “Rat Pack” scene. Amazing wine selections, but any drink available. Prices are a bit steep, but a memorable feast for that special occasion.
Boat House Restaurant Forest Park, St. Louis 3 1/2 stars A fun place to dine, whether you are out on a nice spring afternoon or want a great place to eat before a Muny show. Serving brunch ever Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; lunch everyday, dinner Tues. - Sun. starting at 3 p.m. Choose from an array of signature sandwiches, pizzas, appetizers, salads, and more. There is a kids menu and you can pull up the pooch to the table, inside or outside, as they are pet friendly. Jump in a paddle boat and take a cruise to work off the good food. Best Steak House St. Louis St. Louis 1 star
Falcon Diner Ameristar Casino-St. Charles 4 stars This top notch diner serves more than typical diner fare and you will not leave hungry. With their “Happy Days” decor and a breakfast, lunch and dinner menue that includes a one pound chicken fried steak and burgers made to order, you will have to ask for a doggy bag. Their bakery counter is so popular, they had to
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Maybe it is the price (very cheap), maybe it is “shouting out” your order, maybe it is just the ambiance of the noisy, a bit chaotic atmosphere that draws people to Best Steak House, but some of those reasons are exactly why I wouldn’t return. Not to mention the poor quality of “steak” they serve. Many people love it, so try it for yourself. Right across from the Fox Theatre. Bandana’s Barbecue Collinsville 4 stars Bandana’s is one our family favorites. Excellent food, excellent prices, great service. Their smoked meats have a great smoky flavor and are so tender. The sauce choices are the best. You have the choice of two sides, but I love their cole slaw. Their garlic toast is fabulous! Come hungry, loosen the belt on the way out.
TROY FAMILY RESTAURANT 307 Bargraves Blvd., Troy • 667-7901
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April 29, 2010
Sirloin Steak, 2 Eggs, Hashbrowns & Toast . . . . . . . . . . .$4.99 2 Eggs, Hashbrowns & Toast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.99 1 Biscuit & Gravy, 2 Eggs & Hashbrowns . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.99 1 Pancake, 2 Eggs & Hashbrowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.99 1 French Toast, 2 Eggs, Hashbrowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.99
The Edge – Page
Tomatoes, peppers are fading from menus NEW YORK (AP) – The high price of tomatoes and peppers has Mark Paradis teaching his culinary students a new lesson — substitutions. “I haven’t even contemplated buying one,” Paradis, purchasing coordinator for Southern New Hampshire University’s culinary school, said of vine-ripened tomatoes. His supplier ’s price for the produce recently doubled to $50 for a 25-pound case. He also is trying to wean his chefs off fresh bell peppers, switching to canned and roasted ones instead. “You’re not going to see a fresh pepper as a garnish,” he says. “If you’re doing a salsa, you’re going to have to do a roasted one, which means you’re not going to have that crunch.” A cold snap wiped out much of Florida’s tomato crop at the beginning of the year, causing wholesale prices nationwide to spike. Meanwhile, prices on peppers have more than doubled, sometimes to as much as $3 per pepper, according to federal data. For people like Paradis, it has meant reducing his tomato order from four cases a week to one, and switching varieties. These days, he’s buying plum tomatoes, an ovalshaped variety with a hardier skin and longer shelf life. But how about at home, where fresh pasta sauce suddenly feels like an extravagance? Supermarket tomatoes can now cost as much as $2.99 a pound, a 26 percent increase over last year. Red peppers can run as much as $3.49 per pound. To satisfy your craving for salsa or for crunch and color in your salads, chefs and cooking pros offer one word: substitution. Last summer, when tomato blight hit the East Coast, sustainability advocate and cookbook author Terry Walters made her salsa from tomatillos, a tomato-like husked fruit related to the gooseberry and frequently used in Mexican cuisine. “Tomatillos are a great substitute,” she says. “They’re firm on the outside, they’re a little crispy. They’re great with the same flavors — olive oil, cilantro, fresh basil.” As for soups and classic pasta sauces, head to the center aisles of the grocer. Canned tomatoes can sometimes be better than fresh, especially before the hot summer brings tomatoes into their full glory. “I would rather use good canned tomatoes out of season than a crummy hot house one,” says cookbook author Mollie Katzen. “And what makes a pasta saucy doesn’t need to be tomato. It can be olive oil and garlic.” Fresh tomatoes also can be stretched in, Katzen says, by using just one or two to coat a chunky mixture of cauliflower, onions, zucchini and other vegetables. For salads, Katzen says, move away from the tomato-pepper-onion model and focus on fruit-nut-cheese salads, such as baby spinach with strawberries, walnuts and crumbled feta cheese. But more than anything, these
April 29, 2010
and other professionals say, the current shortage of tomatoes and peppers offers an opportunity to eat seasonally and locally, and to expand your vegetable repertoire. “Spring is here!” says Andrew Swallow, co-founder of Mixt Greens salad boutiques, and author of the upcoming “Mixt Salads” cookbook. “Some of the best things in the world to put in salad are sugar snap peas, English peas, fennel, green garlic, spring onions. You have so many wonderful things in season that are being grown right now, you really
shouldn’t have to eat tomatoes. It’s the same thing with peppers.” The local farmers market is the place to start. Perusing the stalls can open a world of new, tasty choices, s u c h a s c ru n c h y w a t e r m e l o n radishes, baby yellow beets and cipollini onions, the sorts of produce that escape the notice of most supermarkets. ••• With tomatoes in short supply and prices high, a simple bowl of fresh salsa can start to feel a bit like a luxury item. So maybe it’s time to
ditch the tomatoes and try another of summer ’s stars as the main ingredient. This recipe for grilled corn and red onion salsa uses inexpensive frozen corn kernels, grilling them on a cedar plank to add plenty of flavor. When available, corn on the cob is even better. Simply rub each ear with oil and grill over medium until lightly browned. Slice off the kernels using a serrated knife, then proceed with the recipe. Cedar planks for grilling are
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widely available at most grocers, usually near the meat or seafood departments. You also can use cedar shingles from the hardware store, but be certain they have not been treated or stained with anything. All planks should be soaked in water for about 30 minutes before grilling. CEDAR-GRILLED CORN AND RED ONION SALSA Start to finish: 1 hour (15 minutes active) Makes 3 cups See "PRODUCE" on Page 26
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Produce Continued from Page 25 10-ounce bag frozen corn kernels 1 j a l a p e n o p e p p e r, f i n e l y chopped (with or without seeds, according to taste) 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon olive oil, divided 1 large red onion, halved 1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 scallion, thinly sliced 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro Salt and ground black pepper, to taste About 30 minutes before grilling, soak a cedar plank in water. You may need to weigh it down to keep it submerged. When ready to grill, heat all areas of the grill to medium. In a medium bowl, combine the corn, jalapeno, garlic and 2 tablespoons of the olive oil. Toss
Associated Press
Cedar-grilled corn and red onion salsa. well to coat. Carefully spoon the mixture in an even layer on the cedar plank. Place the plank on one side of the grill, and reduce the heat on that side of the grill to low. Cover the grill and cook for 10 minutes. Rub the remaining 1 teaspoon
of oil over the slices of red onion. Place the onion on the other side of the grill (the side still set to medium). Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the corn and onion from the grill and set aside to cool slightly.
Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, mix together the cumin, chili powder and red wine vinegar. Add the scallion and cilantro, then mix. When the corn and onion have cooled, chop the onion, then add both to the bowl. Mix well, then season with salt and pepper. Serve warm or refrigerate until cool. ••• If the price of peppers has you thinking twice about serving them stuffed, he’s an alternative that uses mushrooms, instead. The filling — made with meat, rice and goat cheese — will remind you of a stuffed pepper, but is instead served on overturned portabella mushrooms. We chose to grill ours over low heat, but they also could be prepared in the oven at 325 F. GRILLED SAUSAGESTUFFED PORTABELLA MUSHROOMS Start to finish: 30 minutes Servings: 8 8.5-ounce package ready-serve brown rice (or blend of brown and
wild rice) 4-ounce log goat cheese, crumbled 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 pound sweet or spicy Italian sausage meat 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 / 4 t e a s p o o n g ro u n d b l a c k pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 8 large portabella mushroom caps, stems removed Heat a grill to high. In a medium bowl, combine the rice, goat cheese, parsley, sausage meat, salt and pepper. Mix well. One at a time, use a bit of the olive oil to rub the tops of the mushrooms. Overturn each mushroom cap (gills facing up) and loosely pack about an eighth of the sausage mixture in it. Arrange the mushrooms on the grill, cover and cook for about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, then continue cooking until the mushrooms are tender and show deep grill marks, and the sausage filling is cooked through, about another 8 to 10 minutes.
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April 29, 2010
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Year Price Stock#
2006 2003
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2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2004 2007 2004
$25,950 $24,950 $23,950 Call $31,950 $29,950 $23,950 $31,950 $26,950 $40,950 $27,950
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2007 2001 2008
Call 8478-1 $22,950 7997-2 $44,950 8461
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877-258-2931 314 645 7654
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877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931
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BUICK CENTURY Enclave LaCrosse LaCrosse LaCrosse LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre Lucerne Lucerne Lucerne Rainier Regal Rendezvous
1994 2009 2009 2007 2006 2005 2005 2004 2003 2009 2007 2006 2004 1995 2002
$1,995 $33,995 $16,995 $15,900 Call $13,995 $9,990 $7,944 $7,695 $25,995 $19,995 $15,995 $10,900 $4,444 $7,700
Allante CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS-V DEVILLE DeVille DeVille DTS Eldorado Escalade Escalade E STS STS
1992 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2005 2005 2004 2003 2007 1992 2005 2007 2005 2005
$12,000 $32,900 $33,000 $23,995 $21,900 $18,700 $12,995 $24,995 $13,402 $12,500 $13,800 $21,000 Call $18,900 $41,900 $17,500 $13,900
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2007 2009 1999 1997 2000 2004 1996 2004 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2005 2009 2009 2009
$28,990 $10,495 $5,495 $6,990 $8,995 $5,995 $3,295 Call $10,995 $13,575 $12,444 $11,995 $11,444 $9,995 $11,995 $26,900 $15,995 $18,995 $35,950 $8,944 $10,995 $16,995 $15,995 $13,777
606652 B2470 B2484 5201A 1395A 19464A 2352-1 90531 4457 4503 K537A T2115A 6793 R1619 6810
Car Company of Freeburg Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Underwood Motors Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Underwood Motors
618 539 7004 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 866 257 3408 866 682 8906 866-438-1169 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 866-515-4038 877-396-5065 314 645 7654 866-438-1169 314 645 7654
CADILLAC 6697 6813 6824 P19368 6821 6803 118774 6808 P1029A 6801 6613 6830 K138A 6825 6787 6761 6827
Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Car Company of Freeburg Underwood Motors Victory Lane Ford Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Underwood Motors Underwood Motors
314 645 7654 314 645 7654 314 645 7654 866 257 3408 314 645 7654 314 645 7654 618 539 7004 314 645 7654 866 576 3845 314 645 7654 314 645 7654 314 645 7654 866-515-4038 314 645 7654 314 645 7654 314 645 7654 314 645 7654
April 29, 2010
5537 B9130 5864 4570A 18960A 112189 5891 K348A B2487 P1552 R1471 B2462 R1615 B2475 19248A 4574 B2474A 19484A 8503 R1598 017865 B2532 4537 Y416
Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Victory Lane Ford River City Auto Sales Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Car Company of Freeburg River City Auto Sales Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Dean Team Volkswagen Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Car Company of Freeburg Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui
866 682 8906 866 576 3845 866 641 3179 877 691 9016 866 257 3408 618 539 7004 866 641 3179 866-515-4038 877-396-5065 877-223-2703 866-438-1169 877-396-5065 866-438-1169 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 877 691 9016 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 877-258-2931 866-438-1169 618 539 7004 877-396-5065 877 691 9016 866 377 3110
Year Price Stock#
Year Price Stock#
HHR HHR Impala Impala Impala IMPALA IMPALA Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Lumina Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Cla Monte Carl Monte Carl S-10 S-10 S10 Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Silverado Suburban Suburban Suburban Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TrailBlaze Traverse Uplander Uplander Venture
2008 2006 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2006 2005 2004 2001 1998 2009 2009 2008 2007 2003 1999 2008 2006 2004 2003 2002 2000 2004 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2006 2006 2007 2009 2009 2008 2007 2009 2007 2005 2009 2007 2005 2005 2003 2002 2009 2008 2005 2003
$11,900 $10,995 $19,995 $17,995 $16,995 $16,342 $16,995 $14,995 $14,995 $9,995 $6,990 $5,995 $2,495 $20,995 $17,995 $18,990 $12,995 $4,995 $5,995 $9,995 $10,995 $9,895 $12,995 $4,944 $7,995 $11,995 $28,995 $28,900 $16,995 $27,990 $18,994 $21,995 $11,977 $25,994 $25,995 $36,995 $37,995 $30,995 $34,995 $30,995 $19,995 $21,995 $17,995 $14,995 $12,995 $9,995 $9,995 $28,995 $14,495 $8,990 $7,495
Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Victory Lane Ford Car Company of Freeburg Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC River City Auto Sales Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur River City Auto Sales Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Car Company of Freeburg River City Auto Sales Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC
877 691 9016 866-515-4038 877 691 9016 877-396-5065 866 682 8906 866 576 3845 618 539 7004 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 866 682 8906 866 682 8906 877 691 9016 866 641 3179 877 691 9016 877-396-5065 866 682 8906 866-515-4038 866 641 3179 866 257 3408 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 877 691 9016 866-515-4038 866-438-1169 618 539 7004 866 641 3179 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 866 257 3408 866 682 8906 866-438-1169 877-396-5065 866 377 3110 866-438-1169 866 682 8906 877-396-5065 866 682 8906 877-396-5065 866 682 8906 866 257 3408 866 257 3408 877 691 9016 866 257 3408 866 257 3408 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 866 257 3408 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 866 682 8906 877 691 9016
Grand Cara JOURNEY RAM RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 2500 Ram 2500 Ram Pickup Ram Pickup Ram Pickup Ram Pickup STRATUS
2002 2009 2004 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2008 2006 1999 2005 2004 2002 2004
$5,995 $16,900 $17,900 $27,995 $25,995 $22,995 $22,995 $21,995 $21,995 $16,995 $18,995 $35,995 $21,977 $3,995 $21,900 $11,795 $10,995 $8,995
River City Auto Sales Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Victory Lane Ford Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui River City Auto Sales Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Trust Family Auto Sales
866 641 3179 877-223-2703 866 576 3845 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 866 377 3110 866 641 3179 877 691 9016 866 682 8906 866 257 3408 866-398-4214
300 300 300-SERIES Crossfire Pacifica PT Cruiser PT CRUISER Sebring SEBRING Sebring Sebring Sebring TOWN & COU TOWN & COU Town & Cou TOWN & COU Town and C Town and C
2009 2006 2007 2007 2005 2008 2006 2009 2008 2007 2004 1997 2009 2008 2008 2003 2009 1999
$17,995 $18,900 $16,900 $17,595 $13,777 $12,995 $8,995 $14,944 $13,995 $11,995 $8,995 $3,995 $19,995 $18,990 Call $10,995 $23,995 $3,995
568863 6814 P1536A 19412A Y445 4550 305593 R1610 668356 B2464 18856B 5887 P1537 D80040A J672A 295372 P7630A 5883
AVENGER AVENGER Avenger Caliber Caliber Caliber CALIBER Caravan CHALLENGER Charger CHARGER CHARGER DURANGO GCARA GRAND CARA Grand Cara Grand Cara Grand Cara
2009 2008 2008 2009 2009 2008 2007 2002 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2009 2009 2008 2007 2002
$15,690 $19,590 $15,995 $15,995 $13,990 $13,995 $12,990 $7,699 $26,225 $23,995 $16,225 $11,995 $22,995 $21,037 $19,990 $19,990 $17,995 $7,699
D52020A D82025A 19388A 4577 5523 K418A C53006A 4540B P1572 19451A P1581 D41055A J84020A B1024 P1561 5549 19473A 5145C
ALL_MODELS ALL_MODELS Contour CROWN VICT EDGE Edge Edge EDGE EDGE SEL ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE Escape ESCAPE Escape ESCAPE Escape ESCAPE Escape XLT EXPEDITION EXPEDITION Expedition EXPLORER EXPLORER EXPLORER Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer E EXPLORER S EXPLORER S F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 4X4 F-150 Supe F-250 F-250 Supe F-250 Supe F-350 Supe F-600 F150 F150 F150 F150 F150
2009 2006 1999 2008 2010 2007 2007 2007 2007 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2003 2009 2009 2006 2001 2010 2009 2007 2006 2004 2003 2009 2005 2007 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2004 2003 2007 2008 2006 2008 2003 2004 1990 2010 2009 2007 2007 2004
$21,472 $13,415 $3,495 $18,990 Call $25,995 $23,995 $19,109 $18,988 Call $26,990 $24,990 $23,990 $17,801 $23,990 Call $18,990 $17,995 $14,989 Call $9,995 Call $39,990 $25,990 $5,944 $26,990 $22,433 $21,990 $17,990 $12,995 $8,994 Call $18,490 $25,990 $31,990 $18,990 $26,995 $23,990 $18,390 Call $28,590 $27,990 $26,990 $25,990 $24,995 $24,995 $20,995 $19,995 Call $21,995 $17,995 $10,750 Call Call Call $23,944 $22,995 $23,995 $3,995 Call $28,598 $23,988 $12,972 $8,181
B1021 P945A 5807 11783A T1108 P7684 4552 P1032 T1081A F1114 P5324 P5320 X5298 B9146A P5281 P7555A X5235 P7667 B985 P7538 c27706 P7600 P5303 X5286 R1603-2 P5334 B1018 11814A 2058-1 5169C R1602 P7648 B9147A 12039A 11912B D84115AA K515A 5539 X5261 P7530 X5244 P5325 K270A P5323 P7636 P7695 5536 P7637 P7564 K648A K511C 6805 P7636 K435A K285A R1548 K217A 4578B P3690 T1138 B1027 T1107S P937 T1127S
4504 P7673A 4538 B2489 5514 B1015 244848 B2453 19225A 2364-1 2380-1 4548C 5902 4528 B2429 2381-1 K578A 5884 19131A B2391 19534A 4448 P7670A R15862 187876 5893 4575 4572 19221A 2411-1 R1618 B2417AA Y434 R1570 5571 B2500 2328-1 T2113A 5564 19600A 18806A 4485 19540A 19356B T2013A 19581A 19648A B2520 B2399 2353-1 4535
CHRYSLER Car Company of Freeburg Underwood Motors Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Car Company of Freeburg Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Car Company of Freeburg Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC River City Auto Sales Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Car Company of Freeburg Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur River City Auto Sales
618 539 7004 314 645 7654 877-223-2703 866 257 3408 866 377 3110 877 691 9016 618 539 7004 866-438-1169 618 539 7004 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 866 641 3179 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 866-515-4038 618 539 7004 866-515-4038 866 641 3179
DODGE Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Victory Lane Ford Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC
877-223-2703 877-223-2703 866 257 3408 877 691 9016 866 682 8906 866-515-4038 877-223-2703 877 691 9016 877-223-2703 866 257 3408 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 866 576 3845 877-223-2703 866 682 8906 866 257 3408 877 691 9016
5859 D82006A T1128S P1535 D84106A D40059A D84084A D84007A D84104A D84116A D84138A D84101B Y421 5929 4483A 5515-1 18015C Call For Details
Victory Lane Ford
866 576 3845
FERRARI Dean Team Volkswagen
FORD Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford River City Auto Sales Koetting Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Victory Lane Ford Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Car Company of Freeburg Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Koetting Ford Victory Lane Ford Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Underwood Motors Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford
866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 641 3179 866-340-8597 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 877 691 9016 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866 576 3845 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 618 539 7004 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866-438-1169 866-340-8597 866 576 3845 866-340-8597 866 682 8906 877 691 9016 866-438-1169 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 877-223-2703 866-515-4038 866 682 8906 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 682 8906 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 314 645 7654 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-438-1169 866-515-4038 877 691 9016 877-396-5065 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845
The Edge â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Page
Year Price Stock#
Year Price Stock#
Year Price Stock#
2010 2007 2006 2007 2009 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2006 2010 2009 2009 2008 2004 2007 2007 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2010 2010 2007 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2005 2003 2006 2009 2008 2004 2002 1995 2007 2008 2008 2008 2007 2005 2003 2001 2001 2008 2002
Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Victory Lane Ford Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Dean Team Volkswagen Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Car Company of Freeburg Car Company of Freeburg Victory Lane Ford Dean Team Volkswagen Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Car Company of Freeburg River City Auto Sales Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC
866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866 576 3845 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 877 691 9016 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866 257 3408 866-438-1169 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 877-223-2703 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 877-258-2931 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 618 539 7004 618 539 7004 866 576 3845 877-258-2931 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 618 539 7004 866 641 3179 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 877 691 9016
ALL_MODELS Civic Cpe CR-V CR-V Odyssey Odyssey
2008 2007 2009 2008 2007 2004
Victory Lane Ford Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM
866 576 3845 866 377 3110 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 377 3110 877-396-5065
E-Class S-Class SL-Class
2006 2007 2006
$22,950 8123 $49,950 8526 $42,950 8179
Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen
877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931
GRAND MARQ Grand Marq GRAND MARQ Grand Marq Grand Marq Grand Marq Grand Marq Mariner MILAN Milan Milan MILAN Milan Milan MOUNTAINEE MOUNTAINEE Mystique SABLE SABLE Sable Sable Prem
2003 2009 2009 2009 2008 2004 2005 2008 2010 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2005 2004 2000 2009 2008 2008 2008
Call $19,995 $15,566 Call Call $10,995 Call Call $20,939 $16,995 $16,995 $17,990 $14,995 Call $11,212 $12,995 $4,944 $21,990 $21,990 Call Call
Eclipse GALANT
2008 2008
$15,995 13949A $10,995 010014
Altima Altima Altima Altima Frontier Maxima Sentra Sentra Titan
2009 2008 2006 2005 2007 2007 2008 2006 2009
$18,995 $17,990 $13,777 $12,490 $12,995 $19,995 $11,977 $8,995 Call
Alero Intrigue Silhouette
2000 2001 2004
$4,977 $5,990 $7,995
BONNEVILLE Firebird G5 G5 G5 G5 GT G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G8 G8 G8 Grand Am Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Montana Solstice Sunfire Torrent Vibe Vibe Vibe
2002 2002 2009 2009 2008 2008 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2006 2006 2009 2009 2008 2004 2008 2008 2008 2006 2004 2004 2007 1999 2009 2010 2009 2009
Call $12,995 $14,080 $12,995 $13,580 $11,995 $18,795 $19,444 $18,995 $15,995 $15,995 $15,795 $14,333 $13,495 $15,900 $14,374 $12,995 $13,995 $11,995 $26,995 $26,995 $23,995 $8,995 $18,995 $13,995 $13,495 $10,495 $10,995 $9,995 $19,944 $4,295 $20,995 $17,995 $16,995 $14,944
911 Carrer
$28,950 8348-2
Call $28,585 $15,432 Call $30,995 $17,990 Call $19,990 $17,990 $14,995 $13,990 $12,990 $11,995 $8,994 Call Call Call Call $9,995 $15,995 Call $23,988 $17,984 Call Call $16,953 $17,295 $16,995 $15,480 $14,995 Call $15,990 Call Call Call $27,499 $28,950 $17,990 $16,990 Call $17,995 Call Call $12,995 Call $19,990 $16,995 $10,990 $7,995 $1,995 $18,971 $37,950 $22,990 $20,990 $10,990 $9,995 $4,995 Call Call $24,977 Call
T1035 T1008A B9137 P7618 P7691 X5336 F1079 P5313 P5322 4554 X5309B P5306 18937B 6058-1 F1097 P7647 P7614 K380A K289A K432A K432A B9142B P1021 F1115 F1132 P1015 P7693 P7692 D82019A K589A P7595 X5249 F1133 F10141 P7638 B1014A 8430-2 P5218 P5191 P7604 K647A P7504A J481A DB139A P7602A X5277 K554A 11962B a53904 a67971 B1001 8184-1 P5289 P5251 P5179B 250778 5785 B9129A B9129W P7655 1211W
GMC Acadia Acadia Canyon Envoy XL Envoy XL Safari Sierra Sierra 150 Sierra 150 Sierra 150 Sierra 150 Sierra 150 Sierra 150 Sierra 250 Sierra 250 Sonoma Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon XL Yukon XL
2008 2007 2005 2006 2002 1994 2004 2010 2010 2010 2008 2007 2003 2010 2003 1996 2010 2009 2007 2004 2007 2001
$30,995 $29,995 $13,995 $20,894 $10,777 $2,995 $12,495 $41,105 $40,095 $37,325 $20,995 $21,900 $12,994 $34,195 $9,995 $4,295 $55,709 $32,990 $31,995 $16,495 $39,995 $9,995
5213A P19587 B2413A 00222 V100305A 5912 5933 5205 5218 5208 T2097A 5200A R1613 5183 18917A 5869 5212 5553 19048A 5913 19391A 5795
Accord ACCORD Accord Sdn Accord Sdn
2005 2000 2007 2004
$10,995 $5,995 $17,995 Call
6817 033095 23050A 112020-1
Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui River City Auto Sales River City Auto Sales Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC River City Auto Sales Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Steve Schmitt Buick GMC River City Auto Sales Steve Schmitt Buick GMC River City Auto Sales
877 691 9016 866 257 3408 877-396-5065 866-438-1169 866 377 3110 866 641 3179 866 641 3179 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 877-396-5065 877 691 9016 866-438-1169 877 691 9016 866 257 3408 866 641 3179 877 691 9016 866 682 8906 866 257 3408 866 641 3179 866 257 3408 866 641 3179
April 29, 2010
Underwood Motors Car Company of Freeburg Ackerman Toyota Dean Team Volkswagen
314 645 7654 618 539 7004 866 853 6063 877-258-2931
$21,221 $13,977 $22,489 $21,995 $19,977 $10,995
T1124A Y441 23107A 15073A Y432 T2008A
2006 2007
$31,950 117004-1 $19,990 2319-2
Elantra Santa Fe SANTE FE Sonata Sonata Sonata TIBURON
2006 2004 2007 2009 2009 2007 2008
Call $8,494 $11,549 $13,995 Call Call $16,937
G35 Coupe G35 Coupe
2007 2005
$24,950 8178 $20,950 8406
$13,500 6800
Dean Team Volkswagen Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood
877-258-2931 866 682 8906
HYUNDAI K473A 759591 F1069A 15031 K399A K377A B1013
Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Victory Lane Ford Ackerman Toyota Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford
866-515-4038 866-438-1169 866 576 3845 866 853 6063 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 576 3845
INFINITI Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen
877-258-2931 877-258-2931
JAGUAR Underwood Motors
2007 2006 2007 2006 2006 2004 2008 2006 2006 2004 2007 2006 2009
$18,994 $19,950 $15,995 $18,590 $16,995 $9,500 $14,877 $14,995 Call $9,995 $24,995 Call $24,995
0017-3 8319 421804 P1570 19453A 5879 B9112 181970 J81018A 222721 J85047A J139C 15157
Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dean Team Volkswagen Car Company of Freeburg Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Steve Schmitt Buick GMC River City Auto Sales Victory Lane Ford Car Company of Freeburg Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Car Company of Freeburg Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Ackerman Toyota
866-438-1169 877-258-2931 618 539 7004 877-223-2703 866 257 3408 866 641 3179 866 576 3845 618 539 7004 877-223-2703 618 539 7004 877-223-2703 866-515-4038 866 853 6063
KIA AMANTI Sedona SORENTO Spectra Spectra
2005 2006 2006 2009 2008
$9,874 $12,777 $12,995 $11,977 $9,977
T163AA V100271A 536852 Y433 Y438
$24,950 117043-1
GS 300 IS 250 LS 460 RX 330
2006 2006 2007 2004
$31,950 $24,950 $44,950 $21,950
Continenta LS MKX Town Car Town Car Town Car S
2000 2004 2007 2007 2003 2009
$8,990 $16,700 $26,995 $40,950 $15,500 Call
5509-1 6598 P7687 1111 6600 P7645
1997 2008 2008 2010 2007 2004 2009 2007 2004 2001
$3,444 $21,995 $16,468 $14,977 $11,995 $11,900 $19,995 $11,995 $10,998 Call
R15542 P7683 B996 Y443 19381A P1517B P7681 m33134 P917D V100284A
Victory Lane Ford Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Car Company of Freeburg Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui
866 576 3845 866 377 3110 618 539 7004 866 377 3110 866 377 3110
Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen
877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931
LINCOLN Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Underwood Motors Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Dean Team Volkswagen Underwood Motors Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur
866 682 8906 314 645 7654 866-515-4038 877-258-2931 314 645 7654 866-515-4038
MAZDA Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Car Company of Freeburg Victory Lane Ford Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui
866-438-1169 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866 377 3110 866 257 3408 877-223-2703 866-515-4038 618 539 7004 866 576 3845 866 377 3110
MERCEDES C-Class CL-Class E-Class
2007 2004 2010
$21,950 96093-2 $24,950 8367 Call 119001-1
Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen
866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 853 6063 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 618 539 7004 866-438-1169 866-340-8597 866-340-8597 866-515-4038 866-515-4038
Ackerman Toyota Car Company of Freeburg
866 853 6063 618 539 7004
B2466A 5493-1 Y449 1953-1 23232A T2030A Y471 15142 116042-2
Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Ackerman Toyota Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Ackerman Toyota Dean Team Volkswagen
877-396-5065 866 682 8906 866 377 3110 866 682 8906 866 853 6063 877-396-5065 866 377 3110 866 853 6063 877-258-2931
OLDSMOBILE Y428 2035-1 19407A
Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui 866 377 3110 Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood 866 682 8906 Steve Schmitt Buick GMC 866 257 3408
River City Auto Sales
866 641 3179
PONTIAC 877-258-2931
LEXUS 8468 8442 8520 206000-1
Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Ackerman Toyota Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Car Company of Freeburg Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Koetting Ford Koetting Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur
LAND ROVER Dean Team Volkswagen
P1016W P7677 P940 P7608 P7570 23171A K437A P7587 P1006 P7694 P7690 P5222 P7658 P7632 B9139S j25114 R15971 P5291 P5294 P7532 P7620
314 645 7654
877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931
T1111A 5896 P1555 P3692 P1556 175004 B2524 R1506 B2516 B2511 B2513 B2525 Y466 B2503 4565 B1016 225179 19345A K523A B2498 B2507 5149A 4454 19570A B2451 4505 K9074A 19105B 19414B R15511 5841 B2471 B2512 B2450 R1574
Victory Lane Ford River City Auto Sales Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Car Company of Freeburg Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Victory Lane Ford Car Company of Freeburg Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick River City Auto Sales Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick
The Edge Dean Team Volkswagen
866 576 3845 866 641 3179 877-223-2703 877-396-5065 877-223-2703 618 539 7004 877-396-5065 866-438-1169 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 866 377 3110 877-396-5065 877 691 9016 866 576 3845 618 539 7004 866 257 3408 866-515-4038 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 866 257 3408 877-396-5065 877 691 9016 877-396-5065 866 257 3408 866 257 3408 866-438-1169 866 641 3179 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 866-438-1169
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Page 28 877-258-2931
Year Price Stock#
Year Price Stock#
Year Price Stock#
$16,950 8451-1
Dean Team Volkswagen
ALL_MODELS Astra Aura Aura Aura Ion LS S-Series S-Series Vue
2009 2008 2009 2009 2009 2006 2001 2002 1999 2008
$14,899 $13,995 $15,995 $15,990 $13,644 $10,990 $4,977 $5,995 $3,995 $17,995
tC xB
2006 2006
$12,990 1970-1 $11,995 15141
$16,990 5525-1
Corolla Corolla Corolla COROLLA Corolla Corolla FJ Cruiser Highlander Highlander Highlander Highlander Matrix Prius Prius Prius RAV4 RAV4 Sequoia Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma TUNDRA 4WD TUNDRA 4WD Yaris Yaris Yaris
2008 2007 2006 2005 2005 2002 2008 2008 2007 2006 2004 2007 2008 2006 2004 2009 2008 2007 2009 2007 2006 2008 2008 2009 2008 2007
$12,995 $12,995 $10,995 $9,995 $8,995 $5,995 $24,995 $24,995 $24,995 $19,295 $12,995 $12,990 $18,995 $16,950 $11,995 $19,995 $18,995 $28,995 $19,995 $17,995 $19,995 $34,995 $31,990 $12,495 $9,995 $9,495
Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Car Company of Freeburg Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Ackerman Toyota Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Ackerman Toyota Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Dean Team Volkswagen Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Royal Gate Dodge of Columbia Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota
866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 618 539 7004 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 257 3408 866 853 6063 866 257 3408 866 853 6063 866 682 8906 866 257 3408 877-258-2931 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 257 3408 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 877-223-2703 877-223-2703 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063
4Runner Avalon Avalon Avalon Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry CAMRY Camry Camry Hybr Camry Sola Camry Sola Camry Sola Corolla
2008 2008 2005 2001 2010 2010 2009 2009 2007 2007 2007 2005 2008 2008 2006 2004 2009
$33,995 $18,995 $15,595 $7,995 $19,995 $19,995 $18,995 $18,995 $14,995 $12,995 $11,994 $12,995 $22,900 $31,950 $16,995 $13,995 $13,995
CC CC Eos Eos Eos Jetta Jetta Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda
2009 2009 2007 2007 2007 2008 2006 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007
$34,950 $27,950 $28,950 $21,950 Call $14,900 $11,900 $24,450 $22,950 $21,950 $15,777 $17,950 $15,777 $19,950
Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda Jetta Seda New Beetle New Beetle New Beetle Passat Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Sed Passat Wag Passat Wag Passat Wag Phaeton Phaeton R32 Rabbit Rabbit Routan Routan Tiguan Tiguan Touareg Touareg Touareg Touareg Touareg 2 Touareg 2 Touareg 2
2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2003 2008 2006 2005 2003 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2005 2004 2008 2008 2007 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 2006 2006 2005 2009 2009 2008
$17,950 $16,950 $15,777 $20,950 $14,950 $11,950 Call $21,950 $15,950 Call $8,950 $26,950 $26,950 $19,950 $19,950 Call $17,950 $16,950 $15,577 $25,950 $10,950 Call $28,950 $42,950 $29,950 $12,995 $13,777 $31,950 $22,950 $26,950 $22,950 $33,950 $31,950 $23,950 $25,950 $52,950 $49,950 $38,950
Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Ackerman Toyota Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen
877-258-2931 877-258-2931 866 377 3110 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 866 377 3110 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 866 853 6063 866 377 3110 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931
$27,950 8336
SATURN B9122 B2455A B2426 5547 R1594 5552 V100110B 4524 5210B B2435
Victory Lane Ford Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM
866 576 3845 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 866 682 8906 866-438-1169 866 682 8906 866 377 3110 877 691 9016 877 691 9016 877-396-5065
SCION Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood Ackerman Toyota
866 682 8906 866 853 6063
SUBARU Jack Schmitt Chevrolet of Wood
866 682 8906
April 29, 2010
15166 15101 19334AA 23277A 15151 15149 15033 4543 15110 23018A B1002A 23220A 6819 8466 22872A 22835A 15072
Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Steve Schmitt Buick GMC Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Victory Lane Ford Ackerman Toyota Underwood Motors Dean Team Volkswagen Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota Ackerman Toyota
866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 257 3408 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 877 691 9016 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 576 3845 866 853 6063 314 645 7654 877-258-2931 866 853 6063 866 853 6063 866 853 6063
23236A 15173 15144 393725 22897A 13848A 15074 19479B 23101A 19466A 23181A 2031-1 19584A 114001-1 22861A 22447A 19117A 15043 23214A 15044 15161 D84071A D55026A 15039 23048A 15041
VOLKSWAGEN 8481 8525 118016-1 8166 8532 1174W 6828 113101 8246 8243 Y473 93181-1 V100353A 8326
Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Beiermann Buick Pontiac GMC Underwood Motors Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Dean Team Volkswagen Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Dean Team Volkswagen Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Dean Team Volkswagen
877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877 691 9016 314 645 7654 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 877-258-2931 866 377 3110 877-258-2931 866 377 3110 877-258-2931
118028-1 113045-1 Y463 8362 8281 13017-1 8296 8523 112000-1 8537 101012-1 8332 8456 96068-1 116002-1 8529 8265 99011-2 Y462 8438 97043-1 8531 8194 96113-1 8455 15128 Y470 117008-1 8515 8486 8212 8435 8346-2 8267 8358 8484 8412 117028-1
VOLVO Dean Team Volkswagen
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April 29, 2010
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April 29, 2010
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Gear Up For School! Speech Language Camp Ages 4- 10
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