May 5, 2016
Vol. 13 No. 36
Chinese Culture Days page 4
McHenry County page 12
"International Exhibit" page 18
May 5
What’s Inside 3
Tasmanian devils Zoo opens new exhibit.
4 Chinese Culture Days A favorite returns to MoBOT.
11 Hot cars, a cool time Bagnall Dam Strip to host street meet.
12 McHenry County A great weekend getaway.
15 "Huntsman: Winter's War" Sequel is a bit bizarre.
18 New at the EAC "International Exhibit."
Upcoming season announced.
What’s Happening Friday May 6____________ • Art Fair at Laumeir, Laumueur Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • 21st Annual St. Louis Microfest Beer Festival, Muny Parking Lot and Theater Drive, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Michael Carbonaro, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. • Arianna Sting Quartet: Beethoven's Triumph, Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m. • Susto, w/Goodnight Texas, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Aaron Kamm and The One D ro p s , T h e Wi d l e y T h e a t e r, Edwardsville, 8:00 p.m. • Hed PE, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 6:00 p.m. • Jake's Leg, Cicero's, University City, Doors 8:30 p.m. • Santah, w/(TBA), The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Tribal Seeds, w/Fear Nuttin Band, E.N. Young, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Brian Owens, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 • CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs
until August 4, 2016 • Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 • Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 • A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 • The Sound of Music, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m., Runs Until May 8, 2016 • Bosnian/American, Fontbonne Univeristy, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. • Dark Matter: Terrence Boyd and Amanda McCavour, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 • Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 • The Carpet and the Connoisseur: The James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 • Spies, Traitors, and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016
Saturday May 7____________ • 21st Annual St. Louis Microfest Beer Festival, Muny Parking Lot
and Theater Drive, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Art Fair at Laumeir, Laumueur Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. • Wi l d B a c o n Wi n e Tr a i l , (Hermann), 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • D o w n t o w n A rc h i t e c t u r a l Walking Tour East- The Heart of Downtown, The Old Courthouse, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. • Downtown Architectural Walking Tour West- Downtown Beyond the Arch, St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. • D o w n t o w n A rc h i t e c t u r a l Walking Tour North, Tigin Irish Pub, St. Louis, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. • 14th Annual Mary Meachum Festival, Gateway Arch Riverfront, St. Louis, 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Cinco De Mayo, Cherokee Street, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. • The Hill Wine Walk, Berra Park, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. • C y ru s C h e s t n u t : A f r i c a n Reflections, The Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Laughter & Lyrics For Life: A Battle of the Bands Fundraiser, feat. MANSHIP, Modern Lions, The Bottom Up Blues Gang, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. • Alan Jackson tribute, feat. Tim Campbell, The Wildey Theater, Edwardsville, 7:00 p.m. • The Road to Pointfest Grand Finals, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 6:00 p.m.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar
On the Edge of the Weekend
Editor – Bill Tucker
May 5, 2016
Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake
Shannon Santangelo/Saint Louis Zoo
A Tasmanian devil at the Saint Louis Zoo.
For The Edge The Saint Louis Zoo now cares for two female Tasmanian devils in a new $550,000 Emerson Children’s Zoo habitat, which opened Thursday, April 28. This Tasmanianthemed habitat was built specifically for these endangered animals, and the sisters’ arrival marks the first time in 30 years that the Saint Louis Zoo has cared for this species. "Because Tasmanian devils are in such trouble in the wild, the Saint Louis Zoo has joined other like-minded conservation organizations in an initiative to secure a healthy future for this species," said Jeffrey P. Bonner, Ph.D., Dana Brown President and Chief Executive Officer of the Saint Louis Zoo. "These two animals will serve as ambassadors to raise awareness among our 3.2 million annual visitors about the need to save the wild devil population.” On March 23, the two female devils named Yindi (YIN-dee) and Jannali (JAN-al-ee), both age 2, arrived in St. Louis from Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo, Australia. Tasmanian devils are found in the wild only in Tasmania, an island state of Australia. Selected as one of only six U.S. zoos to care for Tasmanian devils, the Saint Louis Zoo is participating in the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program —an Australian government initiative. As part of its commitment to this species, the Zoo provides funds to Australia’s Zoo Aquarium Association Wildlife Conservation Fund supporting Tasmanian devil population monitoring and management. Tasmanian devil populations in the wild have been decimated since the immergence of devil facial tumor disease in 1996. Spacious Habitat Seen Through Bird-Safe Glass At the new habitat, Zoo visitors will be able to view the Tasmanian devils through two, eight-feet-high and eight-feet-wide Ornilux glass panels. This is the first exhibit at the
Zoo to incorporate this special glass, which is glazed with ultraviolet reflective striping that is highly visible to birds, yet almost invisible to humans. The habitat offers the animals more than 2,000 square feet of outdoor living space and includes two dens, a fresh water pond and a landscape of hardy plants, boulders and logs. The dens are cooled in the summer and heated in the winter with water circulating through a grid of piping in the den floor. The habitat also offers the animals an elevated area where they can look over the exhibit area below, and it has been specially constructed to provide plenty of soil for these expert diggers to burrow. “These animals will have a myriad of opportunities to exhibit natural behaviors in this complex environment. The Zoo will also be providing an interactive play area for our young guests to learn about the Tasmanian devil’s unique natural history and the threats the species faces in the wild,” said Alice Seyfried, Fred Saigh Curator of the Emerson Children's Zoo. World’s Largest Carnivorous Marsupials These animals are the world's largest carnivorous marsupials (pouched animal) and are well known for their intense vocalizations—an extremely loud screech. The species is characterized by its stocky and muscular build, black fur, pungent odor and keen sense of smell. Males typically weigh about 25 pounds and females about 18 pounds. Wild populations have dramatically declined since the appearance of devil facial tumor disease. This disease only affects Tasmanian devils and is spread through devils’ biting each other in fights. It is one of only four known naturally occurring transmissible cancers. In some areas, more than 80 percent of the free-ranging population has been wiped out. While scientists search for a cure for the disease, zoos are cooperating to raise a healthy, cancer-free assurance population.
“The Tasmanian devil is much more than the cartoon character we remember from the animated cartoon in the Warner Bros. ‘Looney Tunes’ and ‘Merrie Melodies’ series,” Alice Seyfried said. “It is a Tasmanian icon that plays an important role as a flagship species for the environment and for all the animals in the area where it naturally exists. They sit at the top of the food chain, keep prey species numbers in check, decrease the spread of disease by cleaning up the remains of dead animals and compete with introduced predators, such as feral cats and the red fox.” Why the “fiery” name and reputation for an animal the size of a small dog? “While their name makes Tasmanian devils sound scary, they are actually quite shy,” she added. “We are told the name ‘devil’ may come from the sounds they make. They make eerie growls while searching for food at night. And when a group of them feeds together, they screech and scream. They really are fascinating animals to care for and observe.” Admission & Hours Admission to the Children’s Zoo is $4 per person. Children under age 2 are free. Admission is free the first hour the Zoo is open. The Zoo’s spring hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through May 26. Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, May 27 through September 5, 2016, the Zoo is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday through Sunday for Prairie Farms Summer Zoo Weekends. The Zoo will be open until 7 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 30; Independence Day, July 4; and Labor Day, Sept. 5. Starting Sept. 6, the Zoo’s hours return to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. The Zoo will close at 3 p.m. on Friday, June 17, for A-Zoo-Ado, the Zoo’s biennial fundraiser. For more information, visit ••• Devil Population Decline: Signs of Devil Facial Tumor Disease were first observed in North East Tasmania in 1996. Since then, the disease has spread rapidly, devastating wild populations. Other threats to this
May 5, 2016
species include land-use changes, loss of habitat, vehicle collisions, feral cats, dogs and bushfires. About the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program: The Save the Tasmanian Devil Program (STDP) was established in 2003 in response to the threat of Devil Facial Tumor Disease. Its mission is to combat the epidemic that is killing Tasmanian d e v i l s ; t o e n s u re t h e s u r v i v a l o f t h e Ta s m a n i a n d e v i l ; a n d t o a c h i e v e t h e endangered species’ recovery in the wild as an ecologically functioning entity. Establishing an assurance population was an immediate strategy to guard against extinction of the species. The core activity of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program is funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments. About Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, Australia: This zoo opened to the public in 1977, to provide living and breeding space for large animals. The zoo is run by the Taronga Conservation Society (formerly Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales), along with Taronga Zoo. This Zoo is one of 15 wildlife organizations across Australia breeding a disease-free p o p u l a t i o n o f Ta s m a n i a n d e v i l s . T h e national effort to save the Tasmanian devil involves controlled breeding with the hope of boosting numbers in the wild when the risk of disease is arrested or diminishes. About the ZAA Wildlife Conservation Fund: This public fund of the Zoo and Aquarium Association links zoos and aquariums in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific in a cooperative regional network for wildlife conservation. The fund is currently pooling conservation funds from the U.S. zoos caring for ambassador Tasmanian devils to purchase new cameras for the free-range enclosures where devils are housed prior to their release into the wild. The cameras allow staff to monitor the behavior and welfare of the devils during their pre-release conditioning.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Missouri Botanical Garden
Pictured are two scenes from a previous Chinese Culture Days at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
MoBOT to host Chinese Culture Days For The Edge Experience the tradition and customs of Chinese art, music, performances, parades and cuisine during Chinese Culture Days at the Missouri Botanical Garden. The weekend of festivities kicks off on Saturday, May 21 at 11 a.m. with a grand parade and opening ceremony featuring a colorful, dancing 70-foot dragon. Traditional martial artists and lion dancers then take center stage and perform to celebrate the annual event. The parade will be repeated at 2 p.m. both days. This year ’s theme celebrates, “Preserving 5,000 Years of Health and Longevity” through traditional practices in China. The Lion Dance and Drum team will perform briefly following the parade and lead visitors to Cohen Ampitheater where the St. Louis Modern Chinese School dance team will welcome visitors. The New Shanghai Circus will perform traditional Chinese acrobatics throughout the weekend including at noon on Saturday following the parade. The New Shanghai Circus troupe has traveled throughout the world for more than 40 years showcasing their artistry and acrobatics in nearly 50 countries. The troupe integrates the traditional art of Chinese Beijing Opera, with the gravity defying precision and strength used in acrobatics to entertain the guests with their award winning feats. There will be programming throughout the weekend in the Garden’s Margaret Grigg Nanjing F r i e n d s h i p G a rd e n , w h i c h i s modeled after the “scholar ’s gardens” of the southern provinces of China, near Nanjing. Chinese gardens, it is said, are built, not
planted. Much of the space is filled with pavilions, bridges, and decorative pavements, reflecting the traditional Chinese shan shui (mountains and water) landscape. Stones symbolize the five sacred mountains in China around a central pool of water. Chinese Temple Fairs will be celebrated each day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A Chinese temple fair is a celebratory event usually held around the Lunar New Year or at the temple of a specific god on the deity’s birthday. Traditional
On the Edge of the Weekend
May 5, 2016
activities have included rituals within the temple, opera, processions of carts bearing gods’ images throughout the villages and cities, and performances of musical and ritual troupes. Visitors flock to these fairs in China to take the opportunity to burn incense and wish for good luck in a new year. They’ll be celebrated at Chinese Culture Days through a welcome ceremony, music performances, and a performance to commemorate the Year of the Monkey among other things.
Chef Andrew Shih from Hot Wok Cafe returns to the festival again this year to delight the crowd and demonstrate knife skills and carving techniques. He’ll share tips on how to make Chinese food at home using ingredients easily found at stores. Chinese arts and crafts will be available in Spink Pavilion from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Chinese zodiac face painting, fan making, chopstick-featured games, puzzles and more will provide fun for the young and young at heart. The Kemper Center for Home
Gardening Kitchen will once again feature a demonstration on the art of tea making at 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Shopping is available in the Garden Gate Shop and in a Marketplace inside Ridgway Visitors Center and outside on Spoehrer Plaza. For a complete line up of the Chinese Culture Days event listing, go to chineseculturedays. To prepare for the festival, there will be no early morning walking hours on Saturday, May 21 and trams will not be in operation during Chinese Culture Days. Sassafras Café will open at 9 a.m. There will be no Café Flora brunch service on Saturday or Sunday. Admission to the Missouri Botanical Garden is $8; St. Louis City and County residents enjoy discounted admission o f $ 4 a n d f re e a d m i s s i o n o n most Wednesday and Saturday mornings until noon. Children ages 12 and under and Garden members are free. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook. com/missouribotanicalgarden and Members help support the Garden’s operations and worldchanging work in plant science and conservation. Learn more at
People People planner Twilight Thursdays return to the Tower
Looking for the best spot to view the sunset this spring? The Lewis and Clark Confluence Tower, located at 435 Confluence Tower Dr., in Hartford, IL, has kicked off its Twilight Thursday series. Admission is $5 per person which includes unlimited trips up to the 180-foot Tower ’s three viewing platforms at 50, 100 and 150 feet. Visitors are encouraged to bring cameras and binoculars for viewing. Visitors will be able to view the stunning spring sunset over the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi river. Whether you are with family, friends, a s p e c i a l s o m e o n e o r a l o n e t o e n j o y t h e v i e w, t h e Tower is a perfect spot to relax after a long day. Make sure to check the times of the sunset to plan your trip accordingly! “The view of the sunset from the top of the Tower is breathtaking. It’s the greatest place to be if you want to sit back and enjoy the view unfold in front of you,� said Don Russell, longtime volunteer at the Tower. “Visitors can come and make memories they’ll never want to forget.� The Tower is now open five days a week. The hours are Wednesday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Guided daily tours are available throughout the day. Admission to the Tower is $4 for adults, $3 for adults 62 and over, active military and military veterans, $2 for children 12 and under and children two and under are free. Group rates are available for 12 or more people and reservations can be made by calling the Alton Regional Convention and Visitors Bureau at (618) 465-6676.
Veiled Prophet Parade announced
T h e Ve i l e d P r o p h e t O r g a n i z a t i o n h a s o f f i c i a l l y announced that the 134th annual VP Parade will take p l a c e i n D o w n t o w n S t . L o u i s , re t u r n i n g A m e r i c a ’ s Biggest Birthday Parade to its original location after two years in Forest Park. The Parade will begin at 7th and Market streets at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 2, kicking off a weekend of Independence Day celebrations. Fair St. Louis, set for July 2-4, will remain in Forest Park for 2016 and will feature three days of family-friendly activities, food, live music, fireworks, and more. “We are deeply grateful to Forest Park for its support in hosting the Parade for the past two years,� said Jim Hetlage, Grand Marshal of the 2016 Parade. “The Parade has historically been a civic point of pride for the City of St. Louis. We are thrilled to return to Downtown and work alongside Fair Saint Louis in Forest Park to host a true, city-wide Fourth of July celebration with these events.� “Big things are happening in Downtown St. Louis, and we are delighted the 2016 VP Parade will return to its traditional location in the heart of Downtown, near the new National Blues Museum and CityArchRiver,� said City of St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay. Hetlage also announced that the theme of this year ’s
Parade is “Hats Off to Heroes.� “We are excited to present a tribute to Americans from all walks of life whose everyday contributions make them heroes in their communities,� he said. “The Parade will celebrate heroes in every shape and form, from military officers and veterans, to first responders, to blue collar workers, to school teachers, to parents, and all those in between.� “The Parade is a celebration of our city, our region and our country, and a symbol of pride of the St. Louis community,� said Missy Kelley, President and CEO of the Downtown STL, Inc. “It’s an enduring tradition, and one of America’s oldest and largest Independence Day celebrations. We are proud to support it.� The Parade will feature a procession of 130 units—including 14 major floats with live musical performances—that will march west on Market Street from 7th Street to 20th Street, involving more than 300 singers and dancers, giant helium balloons, community groups and military units. The celebration will also feature the 2016 Liberty Drum Challenge, one of the premier high school band competitions in the region, with 12 local high school bands competing for $10,000 in cash prizes. Changes to the 2016 Parade route from prior years will ensure safety for spectators in the midst of ongoing improvements and construction at the Gateway Arch and Kiener Plaza. The 2016 Parade will start at Kiener Plaza and pass by landmarks such as City Garden, the Carnahan Courthouse, City Hall, Peabody Opera House and Aloe Plaza. It will finish at the historic Union Station, located at 20th and Market. The Parade route will offer easy access for thousands of individuals and families to view the parade along Market Street. “The VP Organization and Fair St. Louis are working hand-in-hand with the National Park Service, St. Louis P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t a n d F i re D e p a r t m e n t a n d o t h e r local, state, and federal agencies to ensure another safe and fun celebration,� said Mayor Slay. As always, Parade officials will designate an a c c e s s i b l e S p e c i a l N e e d s Vi e w i n g A re a f o r v i e w e r s with disabilities. Public parking information will be announced closer to the event. KMOV will broadcast the Parade live from outside Union Station beginning at 10 a.m. on July 2. The VP organization is also working with its broadcast partners to present America’s Biggest Birthday Parade on television throughout the region. For route details and more information, visit and T h e V P i s a 1 3 8 - y e a r- o l d c i v i c a n d p h i l a n t h ro p i c organization founded in 1878 to promote St. Louis and enrich the quality of life for its citizens. Its members, who choose to remain anonymous, provide financial support, leadership and volunteers for various civic projects and not-for-profit agencies. Each year the Organization produces Fair Saint Louis and the VP Parade as well as honoring young college-aged women for their community service and civic involvement at the VP Ball. For more information, visit www.vpparade. o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 3 0 7 - 2 8 9 1 o r f o l l o w u s o n Tw i t t e r,
Facebook, and Instagram.
Music lineup announced for Illinois State Fair
Illinois State Fair Manager Kevin Gordon is adding two accomplished rockers to the Grandstand line-up at this year's Illinois State Fair. This co-headlining act combines two artists who have six Grammy awards to their credit, in addition to countless other awards and accomplishments. This year, fairgoers will be treated to the best of 80's and 90's rock when Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo and Melissa Etheridge take the stage in Springfield. Pat Benatar is a four-time Grammy award winning singer/ songwriter who shot to fame in the 1980's and has been touring for more than 35-years. Known as a rule-breaker and a trailblazer, Benatar is revered as one of the most beloved female rock icons of all time. Benatar was the first female solo artist to have a music video played on MTV. The video for her song 'You Better Run' was the second video ever played on the new music video cable channel, and also was the first video to feature guitarists. Benatar is best known for hit songs such as, "Love is a Battlefield," "Hit Me with Your Best Shot," "Heartbreaker," "We Belong," and "Shadows of the Night." To this day, Benatar and guitarist husband Neil Giraldo remain a rock'n'roll powerhouse, selling out concerts and wowing audiences. Melissa Etheridge is a well-known signer/songwriter who came to fame in the late 80's. Etheridge, known for her confessional lyrics and raspy vocals, has been a prominent force in the music industry for nearly 30 years with 12 albums, two Grammy awards, 17 Grammy nominations, an Academy Award and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Etheridge is best known for her songs, "Come to My Window," "I'm the Only One," "I Want to Come Over," and "I Need to Wake Up." Ticket prices for each of the shows at the 2016 Illinois State Fair are listed below: August 12: Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo and Melissa Etheridge Tier 3 - $20 / Tier 2 - $25 / Tier 1 - $30 / Track - $30 / VIP $42 August 14: Jake Owen / Old Dominion Tier 3 - $15 / Tier 2 - $20 / Tier 1 - $25 / Track $25 / VIP - $37 August 16: Dierks Bentley / Tucker Beathard Tier 3 - $42 / Tier 2 - $47 / Tier 1 - $52 / Track $52 / VIP - $64 August 17: KISS Tier 3 - $49 / Tier 2 - $54 / Tier 1 - $59 / Track $59 / VIP - $74 August 19: Cole Swindell / Kane Brown / LANco / Jon Langston Tier 3 - $18 / Tier 2 - $23 / Tier 1 - $28 / Track $28 / VIP - $40 August 20: Little Big Town / David Nail Tier 3 - $27 / Tier 2 - $32 / Tier 1 - $37 / Track $37 / VIP - $49 August 21: ZZ Top / Gregg Allman Tier 3 - $34 / Tier 2 - $39 / Tier 1 - $44 / Track $44 / VIP - $54 An on-sale date for the above mentioned acts has not been set at this time. More details regarding ticket sales, special events, and additional grandstand acts will be released in the coming weeks and months. Dates for the 2016 Illinois State Fair are Aug. 12-21.
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+RPH )XUQLWXUH //& No monkey business
May 5, 2016
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[[[ LSQIJYVRPPG GSQ On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Grafton's Riverside Flea Market returns
The Riverside Flea Market in Grafton is returning. The popular flea marketboasts more than 75 vendors with a wide selection of antiques, crafts and the usual flea market fare. The flea market will be held in its long time location at the Historic Boatworks, nestled alongside The Loading Dock, located at 400 Front St. in Grafton. The market will be open Saturday, April 23 and Sunday, April 24 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The flea market will be open monthly on the fourth weekend of the month through October. The Grafton Riverside Flea Market is the largest flea market in the Alton region. The 2016 flea market schedule includes the following dates: April 23 & 24, May 28 & 29, June 25 & 26, July 23 & 24, August 27 & 28, September 24 & 25 and October 22 & 23. After shopping for your wares, head over to The Loading Dock restaurant to enjoy a meal, drinks and a great view of the Mississippi River. For more information or to be a vendor, please contact Trudi Allen at (618) 593-2103 or 618-408-1008. Information is also available at www.
Tourism contest for students underway
The St. Louis Civic Pride Foundation is inviting St. Louisans in grades three through 12 to participate in the 2016 Ultimate Tourist Contest, where they can win a $500 cash prize for visiting and writing about their area tourism experiences this summer. Participants must visit at least three St. Louis area attractions then write about their journeys through an essay (500 words or less) or by creating a brief video. Each entry will be judged on its own merits with the winners chosen by a selection committee comprised of St. Louis Civic Pride Foundation board members. The winning entries will be featured in Explore St. Louis’ 2017 Official Visitors Guide and posted on for a full year. The Ultimate Tourist Contest is open to students, ages 8 to 18 who will be entering grades three through 12 for the 2016-17 school year. Entries will be accepted from April 20 through September 5, 2016. Limit one entry per student. For more information on contest rules, please visit ultimatetourist.
Friends of The Sheldon plan fundraiser
The Friends of The Sheldon present the 17th Annual Sunset at The Sheldon Wine & Beer Tasting, Friday, June 3, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. until sunset in The Sheldon Ballroom and on the Observation Deck. Proceeds benefit Sheldon Educational Programs. Patrons will have the opportunity to taste wine and stock their cellars with great new offerings from Major Brands, enjoy delectable hors d’oeuvres and desserts, bid on silent auction items and listen to live music as the sun sets over the city. Added this year, a tasting of select craft beers! Space is limited! Reservations are $75 and include a tax deduction.
For reservations, call The Sheldon’s Development Department at 314533-9900.
Vendor spots available at Fair Saint Louis
Fair Saint Louis 2016 will feature The Fairway, a unique shopping experience that invites regional artisans and vendors to sell their products to fairgoers at America’s Biggest Birthday Party. Vendor applications are currently being accepted for the 2016 event. “We are thrilled to add The Fairway to the many enjoyable aspects of Fair Saint Louis,” says Julie Donnelly, Event Marketing Manager, Fair St. Louis Foundation. “We are proud to support regional artisans and merchants, and to offer a place within the Fair for festivalgoers to relax and shop.” Fair Saint Louis will take place July 2-4, 2016, in Forest Park. The Fairway will operate from 1 to 10 p.m. on Lagoon Drive, west of the Grand Basin. Approximately 50,000-100,000 people attend the Fair each day. Vendors should apply in one of the following categories: • Artisan or Crafter: Vendors must make their products with their own hands. Products must be unique. • Merchandise Vendor: Vendors must sell merchandise that they do not personally make by hand. • Roaming Vendor: Vendors (limited to one or two people per vendor) can walk the grounds selling their merchandise. They will not receive a tent, table and chairs or electric; but will receive vendor credentials, parking pass and a listing on the Fair Saint Louis website. Applicants should review terms and conditions, including allowable merchandise, booth fees and insurance, power and lighting logistics and more, before applying. The application deadline for The Fairway is April 29, 2016. There is a $25 application fee upon submission. The application can be submitted via direct mail or electronically, or
by visiting the website at www. and clicking on The Fairway button located at the bottom of the page.
Cohen, Cooper to appear at the Fox
Join Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper for an unscripted, uncensored and unforgettable night of conversation. The late night talk show host and the journalist, longtime friends, interview each other and take questions from the audience. It's a live, interactive look behind the scenes of pop culture and world events. They will appear at 8 p.m. on Oct. 15 at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis. Ti c k e t s m a y b e p u r c h a s e d online at, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Anderson Cooper is the multiple Emmy award-winning CNN anchor and correspondent for CBS’ 60 Minutes. He has covered most major news events in the US and around the world for the past 23 years, and his memoir, Dispatches from the Edge, topped the New York Times' Bestseller list. Andy Cohen is an Emmy award-winning host and Executive Producer of “Watch What Happens: Live,” Bravo’s late night, interactive talk show. Cohen is also the Executive Producer of the wildly popular “Real Housewives” series. Cohen has written two New York Times’ Bestsellers: Most Talkative: Stories from the Frontlines of Pop Culture, and The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year. Be sure to use the hashtag #AC2STL on social media.
identify animal tracks, touch biofacts, tour the Zoo and meet the animals. For youth in grades 2-8, the Zoo offers Keeper-for-a-Day at the Emerson Children’s Zoo, A Day with the Rays and Advanced Day with the Rays at Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy Kids. Engineer-for-a-Day is available for those 7 years old and up. A Junior Sea Lion Trainer program is available for ages 10 to adult. Scouts can learn about animals and sleep under the stars while working toward fulfilling their badge requirements at the Snooze at the Zoo programs. Scout overnight programs are for Cub Scouts, Webelos, Girl Scout Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes. Adult programs include evening safari tours, wine and cheese night prowls, animal painting, overnights and more. Registration Early bird mail-in or drop-off registration forms must be received by March 4. Online registration begins March 8 for Zoo members and March 10 for general public. Program fees vary. For a complete list of programs, registration forms, camp scholarship applications and more information, visit www.stlzoo. org/education. Registration for programs is not available by phone. For questions, call (314) 646-4544, option #6. All proceeds support the Saint Louis Zoo.
Camp KangaZoo returning
From the ever-popular Camp KangaZoo to individual programs for all ages, the Saint Louis Zoo’s Education Department has classes, overnight experiences and daytime adventures for everyone in the family.
Camp KangaZoo Camp KangaZoo campers can choose to attend one or two full-day camps — "Aquatic Animals” and “Animals Everywhere.” MondayThursday, campers will play games, meet animals, enjoy sing-alongs and view dynamic Zoo exhibits. On Thursday nights, they’ll sleep at the Zoo and wake up with the birds! Camp KangaZoo scholarships are available for families with financial need. New this year, the Zoo is offering morning and afternoon half-day camp sessions for kids entering grades 1-5. Younger children can hop "out of the pouch" and into the Zoo at Camp Joey. Half-day and full-day sessions are available for children who are at least 4 years old and entering kindergarten. Teen Camp is available for youth entering grades 7-9 and Teen Camp II, held at Shaw Nature Reserve, for 8-10 graders. Overnights Families can attend Wake Up With the Rays, Under the Sea-lion or From Dusk Til Dawn overnight programs. Summer Programs Zoo programs for young children and youth keep growing minds sharp in the lazy summer months. The Zoo offers a variety of animal topics for various ages. Kids can learn about birds, mammals and reptiles, see stingrays up close, examine dinosaur fossils, create animal habitats, sing animal songs,
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People People planner Bourdain to appear at The Fox
Internationally renowned best-selling author, television host and multiple Emmy-awardwinner Anthony Bourdain today announced The Hunger, an 11-city North American tour launching O c t o b e r 2 5 i n N e w Yo r k . Bourdain’s first cookbook in 10 years, "Appetites" (published by Ecco), also hits shelves October 25. The Hunger visits St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre for one show only on Saturday, November 12 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available online at, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. The Hunger serves audiences an all new live show featuring an unyielding, brutally honest monologue reflecting on diverse culture, street cuisine and his travels to lesser-known locations around the world, followed by an open Q&A session. Currently film i n g t h e h i t C NN o r i g i n a l series Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown (season seven premiered Sunday, April 24; 9pm ET/PT), Bourdain will bring audiences a menu loaded with lots of laughs, serious discussions and unapologetic irreverence. Presale tickets begin May 2 and tickets for the general public are on-sale May 20. Today through May 1, fans can register to receive a presale code to purchase tickets before the May 20 general public on sale. For more information including tour dates and tickets, visit www.
Museum exhibit focuses on terrorism in U.S.
Spies, Traitors and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America, a spec i a l ex h i b i t i o n f ro m t h e International Spy Museum, opened Feb.6 and runs through May 8 at the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. This 6,000 square-foot exhibit provides a historic perspective on acts of terror that have taken place on American soil. Spies, Traitors and Saboteurs reveals nine major events and peri od s i n U . S . h i s t o r y w h e n A m e r i c a n s w e re t h re a t e d b y enemies within its borders. It depicts who the government and public responded, illustrates the corresponding evolution of U.S. counterintelligence and homeland security efforts and examines the challenge of securing the nation without compromising the civil liberties upon which it was founded. • Aug. 24, 1814 – The City of Washington Captured and the While House Burned. During t h e Wa r o f 1 8 1 2 , t h e c i t y o f Washington was captured and the White House, the U.S. Capitol and other major buildings were torched by British troops aided with information provided by a few Americans. • July 30, 1916 – Manhattan Hit by Massive Explosions in N e w Yo r k H a r b o r. G e r m a n secret agents, aided by American collaborators, blew up a munitions depot in New York Harbor, showering Manhattan and the Statute of Liberty with shrapnel and debris. Acts of
German sabotage on American soil like this contributed to America's entry into World War I and inspired the passage of the 1918 Espionage Act still in effect t o d a y a n d t h e g ro w t h o f t h e Federal Bureau of Investigation. • J u n e 2 , 1 9 1 9 – A n a rc h i s t Bombs Target American Leaders. When the home of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was bomb by an anarchist and plots for more bombings were revealed, both the public and t h e g o v e r n m e n t c l a m o re d f o r t i g h t e r l a w e n f o rc e m e n t a n d more restrictive legislation for i m m i g r a n t s , re s u l t i n g i n t h e roundups, deportations and public outrage associated with the now infamous Palmer Raids. • Aug. 8, 1925 – 30,000 Ku Klux Klan Members Parade Down Pennsylvania Avenue. The nation's oldest hate group, the Ku Klux Klan, has risen three times in the nation's history. Each time, t h e g ro u p c h a n g e d , e v o l v i n g from small vigilante circles to huge violent organizations. They began inflicting terror on former slaves after the Civil War and grew into a politically powerful organization of 4 million that expanded its targets to include immigrants, Jews and Catholics in the 1920s. In the 1960s, they began attacking African Americans and civil rights workers. Today, a diminished Klan is only one among many white supremacist groups. • Dec. 7, 1941 – American Helps Japanese Pilot Terrorize Hawaiian I s l a n d A f t e r P e a r l h a r b o r. A Japanese pilot returning from the Pearl Harbor attack crash-landed on the Hawaiian Island of Nihau, and with support of a JapaneseAmerican, took hostages and terrorized the community. The incident, little remembered today, perpetuated fears about Japanese Americans. Fears that ultimately led to the unprecedented incarceration of thousands. • April, 1945 – The Kremlin Launches One of the First Cold War Attacks Against the U.S. Near the end of World War II, the Kremlin harshly condemned American Communists for softening their commitment to a
worldwide communist revolution. The Communist Party of the United States snapped to action, ousting its moderate leader and re-establishing itself as a highly militant and subversive organization, fueling America's fears that American Communists would become Stalin's tool to overthrow the U.S. government. • M a rc h 1 , 1 9 7 1 – R a d i c a l Group Explodes Bomb in the U.S. Capitol. Protests over the war in Vietnam and civil rights turned violent during the "days of rage" and extremist groups, such as the Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army, took action. • April 19, 1995 – Massive Bomb Destroys Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma City bombing, the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil in the 20th century, awakened Americans to threats posed b y domestic extremists, especially the virulently anti-government rightwing groups. • Beyond Sept. 11th – Terrorism Today. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, initiatives by the U . S . g o v e r n m e n t t o ro o t o u t terrorist elements in the country have irrevocably changed the lives of Americans. Spies, Traitors and Saboteurs supports these stories with historic photographs, themed environments, interactive displays, film, artifacts and video. Exhibit highlights include: • A timeline that traces over 80 acts of terror that have taken place in the U.S. from 1776 to today, including the Revolutionary Wa r p l o t t o k i d n a p G e o r g e Washington, the vents of Bloody Kansas prior to the Civil War, John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, the 1960s church bombings in the South and the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. • A P L B a d g e a n d I D C a rd (1917) – Carried by operatives of the American Protective League who spied on their fellow Americans on behalf of the U.S. Justice Department during World War I. • Anarchist Globe Bomb (circa 1886) – Presented evidence in the trial of the men tried in connection with Chicago
Haymarket riot (replica). • Ritual Klan Red Robe (circa 1965) – Worn by the Klan "Kladd," the elected officer who presided over the secret rituals and ceremonies of the Ku Klux Klan. • Klan "business cards" – Ominous warnings to innocent American families that their every move was being watched. • We a t h e r U n d e r g r o u n d Video Presentation – Featuring an exclusive interview with e x - We a t h e r U n d e r g r o u n d member Bernadine Dohrn, filmed for the exhibition. • Fragments of Planes that hit th e Wor ld Tr ade Center – Recovered following the attacks o f S e p t . 11 , 2 0 0 1 , a n d u s e d as evidence by the FBI in their ensuing investigation. • Under Siege – A powerful eight-minute film exploring the terrorist threat today, initiatives by the U.S. government to root out terrorists elements in the U.S., the balance between civil liberties and national security, and the impact on the daily lives of Americans. It features a range of interviews with leading thinkers including Daniel Pipes,
Director of the Middle East Forum; Akbar S. Ahmed, the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies and Professor of International Relations at American University i n Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . , ; S t e v e n Emerson, terrorist expert and investigator and Morris Dees, c o - f o u n d e r a n d C h i e f Tr i a l Counsel of the Southern Poverty Law Center. • Visitor Polling Station – This unique computer interactive provides visitors the opportunity to express their own opinions on questions raised in the exhibition about how the nation has responded to the historical events presented. The questions were developed in consultation with the Gallup Organization and additional historical questions can enable visitors to see how Americans responded to similar questions posed by the Gallup Poll at that time in history. Spies, Traitors and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America is a creation of the International Spy Museum. It will be on display at the Missouri History Museum through May 8. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.
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May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
People planner App offers summer fun suggestions
â&#x20AC;&#x153;What should my kids do this summer?â&#x20AC;? is the question on all parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; minds this time of year for those with school-aged children. Luckily, not knowing whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available or finding out about a camp once itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full are no longer worries for local parents thanks to the free Web and mobile app Blueprint4SummerSTL. The app makes summer in St. Louis productive for children and stress-free for parents. The resource is accessible from anywhere on any device at http:// Blueprint4SummerSTL first launched in F e b ru a r y 2 0 1 5 a n d q u i c k l y b e c a m e t h e g o - t o resource for St. Louis-area parents seeking educational, engaging and fun activities for their children during the summer months. By aggregating information about area programs, Blueprint4SummerSTL gives all parents access t o l o c a l s u m m e r o f f e r i n g s . N e w t h i s y e a r, Blueprint4SummerSTL will help even more families find camps by expanding in scope, including parts of Illinois, and listing more camps within St. Louis City and County, St. Charles County and Jefferson County. Blueprint4SummerSTL is spearheaded by Maxine Clark, CEO of the Clark-Fox Family Foundation and founder of Build-A-Bear Workshop. Clark intends to keeps last year â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s momentum going and anticipates the app being parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; No. 1 resource
as it continues to expand in reach this year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In our first year of operation, Blueprint4SummerSTL presented more than 3,500 local summer camps and activities in an easyto-use platform that was accessed by parents all across the greater St. Louis area,â&#x20AC;? said Clark. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blueprint4SummerSTL is the most robust program information database â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and best of all itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s completely free for all families to use. As the app grows its footprint, our goal is to make sure all children have equal opportunity to enroll in these important and impactful summer programs.â&#x20AC;? Using the app, a parent or guardian can quickly find programs and resources that may work for the needs of their family and each individual child. Activities can be searched based on any number o f p re f e re n c e s s u c h a s a g e , g e n d e r, i n t e re s t s , cost and zip code â&#x20AC;&#x201C; even special considerations such as sessions for special needs students or gifted students, those offering before and after care, or that have scholarships available. The app provides information about day camps, sleep-away camps and sports camps; art, music and science programs; and academic enrichment courses in STEM. For more information about Blueprint4SummerSTL, to learn about programs and to connect with other parents online, â&#x20AC;&#x153;likeâ&#x20AC;? B l u e p r i n t 4 S u m m e r S T L o n F a c e b o o k a t w w w. or follow Blueprint4SummerSTL on Twitter at www.Twitter. com/B4SSTL.
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May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Tuning in Bernadette Peters to perform at The Repâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50th Anniversary Gala
Multiple Tony Award-winning Broadway icon Bernadette Peters will perform at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, September 24, at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel. The World Wide Technology Foundation and the Steward Family Foundation will underwrite the performance. One of Broadwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brightest stars, Peters received both the Tony Award and Drama Desk Award for her critically acclaimed performance in Andrew Lloyd Webber â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hit musical Song and Dance. In June 1999, Peters earned her second Tony Award, her third Drama Desk Award, and an Outer Critics Circle Award for her portrayal of Annie Oakley in one of Broadwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular musicals, the Tony Awardwinning Broadway revival of Annie Get Your Gun. Peters currently stars in Amazon Primeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hit TV series, Mozart in the Jungle, which won the 2016 Golden Globe for Best TV Comedy or Musical series. General tickets for the gala start at $500, which includes a blacktie dinner and a performance by Peters. Patron-level tickets â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which feature preferred seating for the performance â&#x20AC;&#x201D; are $1,500 per couple. A sponsor-level table for 10 is $10,000. Tickets will be available June 1. The gala commemorates the 50th anniversary of The Repertory T h e a t re o f S t . L o u i s , w h i c h launched its first performances in 1966. The Repâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50th season begins in September with the Stephen Sondheim musical Follies, whose 2011 revival featured an acclaimed performance by Peters. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bernadette Peters is a legendary star befitting a golden anniversary event,â&#x20AC;? Rep Artistic Director Steven Woolf said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are honored to have her perform at our gala and cannot wait to watch as she shares her talent with our generous supporters.â&#x20AC;? The Repâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50th Anniversary Gala co-chairs are Cathy and Jim Berges, Cheri and Ron Fromm, Ann and Hugh Scott and Lynn and Doug Yaeger.
Culture Club to perform in St. Charles
Of all the exciting groups to come out of the alternative music scene in the early 80's, Culture Club became the first to achieve arena headline status. The adulation from around the world and soaring record sales that followed the release of their classic single, "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me" saw Culture Club explode on a global level. Over the course of their career, they have 50 million record sales to their name. The band went on to achieve stunning success with their debut album Kissing To Be Clever, and in particular scored three Top Ten hits in the US - becoming the first group to hit that milestone since The Beatles. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Time (Clock of the Heart)â&#x20AC;? has also been included on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's list of 500 songs that shaped rock and roll. This show will see the original
line-up on stage: singer Boy George, guitarist/keyboardist Roy Hay, bassist Mikey Craig and drummer Jon Moss. The concert is schedule Wednesday, July 20, atThe Family Arena in St. Charles. Tickets can be purchased at the Family Arena Ticket Office or online at To charge by phone call MetroTix at 314-534-1111. For help purchasing accessible seating, please call The Family Arena ADA Hotline at 636896-4234.
Summerland Tour coming to Ballpark Village
The 5th annual Summerland Tour is proud to announce that Sugar Ray, Everclear, Lit and Sponge will perform at each date of this year's acclaimed '90s alternative music tour. TheSummerland Tour, previously heralded by Rolling Stone as one of the "10 Hottest Summer Package Tours", kicks off on July 8th in Louisville, KY, and will include more than 25 dates throughout the US before wrapping on August 21st in San Antonio, TX. For more information, please visit: The tour will stop at Ballpark Village in St. Louis on July 31. Formed in 2012 by Art Alexakis, lead guitarist and vocalist of Everclear, the Summerland Tour has featured notable nostalgic alternative rock bands such as Soul Asylum, Eve 6, Space Hog, Gin Blossoms, Marcy Playground, Live, Fuel, American HiFi, The Toadies and Filter. Tickets for Summerland Tour 2016 went on sale Friday, April 15th. With tremendous excitement towards this year's Summerland Tour, Alexakis explains, "This is the kind of line up I've dreamed
of when I started the Summerland Tour. We kicked it off with Sugar Ray for the first year, so it feels great to have band join us for the 5th Anniversary. We love Lit & Sponge and cannot wait to share the stage with them. This lineup is stacked and this summer is going to be an adventure."
The Fox to host Celtic Thunder
Storming onto the main stage are international megastars Celtic Thunder, with Legacy, a brand new show that celebrates the influence of Irish and Celtic music around the world. Celtic Thunder will appear at the Fox in St. Louis on Oct. 8. Tickets are $45 to $75 and are available online at, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Legacy is a live show featuring a mix of lively, fast paced and upbeat songs â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Place in The Choirâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Galway Girlâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Raggle Taggle Gypsyâ&#x20AC;? that represent the fun loving nature of the Irish and slower classic ballads â&#x20AC;&#x153;Danny Boyâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Noreenâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buachaille On Eirneâ&#x20AC;? that portray a more nostalgic and romantic side. Continuing their tradition of paying homage to the musical culture and traditions of Ireland, Celtic Thunder â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest show is a depiction both their musical footprint over the past 8 years as well as their amazing heritage of Irish and Celtic music. Both the ensemble and solo performances in this thrilling evening of entertainment highlight the diversity of Irish music and song. Powerful anthems Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Call and Caledonia, heartwarming ballads Song For The Mira and Take Me Home and lively crowd favorites such as Seven Drunken Nights all serve to showcase the musical talent of each soloist.
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Formed in Dublin in 2007, Celtic Thunder is a multi-dimensional musical and theatrical ensemble celebrated around the world for emotionally powerful performances and a state-of-the-art production. Billboard magazine has named Celtic Thunder the Top World Album Artist (in 2008, 2009 2011 and 2015) while the group has had LPs placed in the World Album Top 10 every year since 2008. Celtic Thunder features five male vocalists backed by the amazing 8-piece Celtic Thunder band, ensuring that Celtic Thunder Legacy has something special something to offer to everyone.
Boston to appear in St. Charles
Tom Scholzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s band Boston became an iconic classic rock fixture when they joined the music scene with their self-titled album in 1976. With over 17 million copies sold, Boston generated hits such as "More Than a Feeling," "Peace of Mind," and "Smokin'," rock staples that are still in heavy rotation today. Their second album, Don't Look Back was another chart-topper that confirmed their place in rock history, followed by Third Stage, which hit #1 on the charts, with the top single of 1986, "Amanda." With over 31 million albums sold to date, Boston has stood the test of time, as evidenced by live audiences that span generations. Boston will appear with Blue Oyster Cult on June 3 at the Family Arena in St. Charles. Tickets can be purchased at the Family Arena Ticket Office or online at Fans can expect to hear all the classic songs they have grown to
love, and will be treated to some new additions to their set list based on recent requests. Guests will be treated to wild Hammond organ work, soaring harmony guitars, and exceptional vocal arrangements, as well as Bostonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique visual stage presentation and plenty of extraterrestrial sounds heard nowhere else on Earth. For over four decades, Blue Ă&#x2013;yster Cult has been thrilling fans of intelligent hard rock worldwide with powerful albums loaded with classic songs. Indeed, the Long Island, NY-based band is revered within the hard rock and heavy metal scene for its pioneering work. Blue Ă&#x2013;yster Cult occupies a unique place in rock history because it's one of very few hard rock/heavy metal bands to earn both genuine mainstream critical acclaim as well as commercial success.
Concerts lined up for spring/summer
T h e f o l l o w i n g c o n c e r t s a re scheduled in the St. Louis area: May 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Scorpions at the Fox. May 13 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Miranda Lambert at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre. June 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Keith Urban at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre. June 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Boston with Blue Oyster Cult at the Family Arena. June 18 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bad Company and Joe Walsh at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre. July 16 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Heart , Cheap Trick and Joan Jett at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre. July 19 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wheezer and Panic! at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre. July 20 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Culture Club at the Family Arena.
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60+ Years Experience Grandfather, Wall, Mantle, Cuckoo and Antique Clocks CLOCK SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS - Free estimates on clocks brought to shop Hrs: Mon-Fri 9 am - 5 pm â&#x20AC;˘ Sat: 9 am - 4 pm Largest Showroom in the Area!
Travel Bagnall Dam Strip to host Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals For The Edge The Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals rolls into Central Missouri, May 6-8, celebrating the 28th year of bringing classic cars and fun times to the Historic Bagnell Dam Strip in Lake Ozark. This unique car show, which takes its name from the serpentine shape of the Lake of the Ozarks, is open to a variety of makes and models and brings in over 10,000 spectators from across the Midwest to check out all the cool cars, trucks and motorcycles on display along "the Strip" throughout the weekend. For both safety and convenience, the Bagnell Dam Strip will be closed off to motor traffic during show hours on Saturday so that the 1,000 registered vehicles can be easily accessed and viewed by attendees and fellow show car owners. "The Strip is a fantastic location for this event," says Tim Jacobsen, director of the Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau. "It allows everyone to be able to walk around and check out all the awesome cars and visit with the owners, who are all really proud of their cars and love to talk about them. So, it adds a level of intimacy and interaction between the attendees and participants. And, there are great restaurants and shops all right there, so it makes it really convenient and just adds to the overall feel of the event." Magic Dragon has continued to grow in size and popularity since the inaugural "street meet" in 1989. All of the cars on display are the major draw for visitors, but there's plenty going on throughout the weekend to keep attendees entertained. K.C. Cloke, executive director of the Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, says that there have been several additions to this year's Street Meet program. "Attendees will find a couple new highlights over the weekend, including a Corvette Corral, where different variations of Corvettes will be
stationed. There will be an off-road zone where all of the big trucks will be on display and mounted on rocks and logs, and there will even be a vehicle-focused swap meet. It's going to be very exciting. And, we also have a record-breaking number of vendors for this year's event, so there will plenty of things to see and do." The official show hours for the Magic Dragon Street Meet are noon until 5 p.m. on Friday, 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Sunday. Although the show doesn't
officially kick off until Friday, many of the show cars begin to arrive on Thursday and there will also be an "Aces High" poker run that day. On both Friday and Saturday, Iguana Boat Sales hosts the first annual "Car Swap Meet," where visitors can buy all makes and models of cars and trucks, parts, accessories and more. The Swap Meet takes place at Lake Ozark RV Park & Campground, just off of the Bagnell Dam Strip at 70 Legion Road, and a free shuttle service will be provided to and from the Swap Meet to the Street Meet both days.
On Saturday, there's a kids "fun zone" sponsored by Home Depot, where the younger attendees can participate in a "make-n-take" activity and take home a handbuilt helicopter. There will also be a 50/50 raffle that evening. One of the highlights of the event happens at 5 p.m. that day when one lucky winner will be handed the keys to a brand new 2016 Chevrolet Camaro RS, compliments of the Lake Ozark Daybreak Rotary Club. Judging of the registered vehicles will take place Sunday morning from 9-11 a.m. Winners in 27
different competitive classes and the overall grand champion will be announced at 1 p.m. at the main stage located at Lake Ozark Live, 1508 Bagnell Dam Boulevard. DJs from Cool 102.7 FM will be broadcasting live on location and blasting classic hits throughout the weekend adding to the authentic "street meet" vibe, which past attendees have likened to walking onto the set of the film American Graffiti. For more information on the Magic Dragon Street Meet, including a full schedule of events and judging categor ies, visit w w w. M a g i c D r a g o n C a r S h o w. com, or like the event's Facebook p a g e a t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / MagicDragonStreetMeet. Many Lake-area lodging facilities offer special pricing for event attendees over the weekend. For a complete list of accommodations available at the Lake of the Ozarks, visit For more information on other spring events, attractions and dining options at the "Best Recreational Lake" in the Nation, please call the Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau (CVB) at 1-800-FUNLake. Or, visit the CVB's awardwinning website at www.FunLake. com.
The Bagnall Dam Strip will come alive May 6 to 8 with the Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals. Photos courtesy of the Beenders-Walker Group.
May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Above photo courtesy of the National Railway Museum
The Illinois Railway Museum in Union, above, where a scene from "A League of Their Own" was filmed. Below, Pony rides are just one of the family-friendly things to do at Donley's Wild West Town near Union.
Getting away from it all in McHenry County For The Edge Tucked away in the southwest corner of McHenry County, just a few minutes from I-90, are two small towns that are worth a detour off the Interstate: Marengo, population 7,700, and its tiny neighbor, Union, population 580. The two towns are so close together - just four miles or a seven-minute drive-you can visit both of them! MARENGO Settled in 1835, Marengo was named after a village in the Italian Piedmont. It was a busy place back then, with a windmill factory, a limestone quarry, a carriage factory and a flour mill. Today, with easy access to Chicago and Rockford, it's home to manufacturers which supply high-tech industries. The top reasons to visit, however, are outdoor recreation, a bowling alley, and a surprising variety of really good restaurants. HUM Trail: This biking and hiking trail takes it's name from the three communities it will eventually connect: Huntley, Union and Marengo. (The stretch from Union to Huntley is still under construction.) Outdoor Recreation: With two conservation district sites -- Coral Woods and Marengo Ridge -- there are plenty of opportunities for biking, hiking, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, bird watching and even some special programs, such as the Festival of Sugar Maples each March. FVor a free birdwatching guide, ontact info@ of 815-893-6280. Glo-Bowl Fun Center: This Marengo bowling center is open daily with "Cosmic Bowling" on Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. (That means they break out the strobe lights and black lights for a glow-in-the-dark bowling experience.) There's a full-service restaurant, too. Restaurants: Marengo has an amazing variety of restaurants for a small town, from tacos, burgers and pizza to traditional Italian and German, deli specials, steaks, homemade ice cream and authentic smoked barbecue: Café 20, Fire & Ice Smokehouse & Creamery, Flatlander Market, Joe's Place, Kay & Jo's East & Sweets, Marengo Café,Niko's Pointers Saloon,StoneBakers Pizza and Trio Grill.
Insider Tip: The Spot in downtown Marengo serves gigantic ¾-pound burgers and the best onion rings ever. (But bring cash, because The Spot doesn't accept credit cards.) UNION With a population of 580, Union isn't just a small town, it's a tiny town! Union's had a post office since 1852 and was named for the federal union, nearly a decade before the Civil War, when "Union" became an issue. And, while it may be tiny, it has a trio of major tourist attractions. Donley's Wild West Town: For decades, families have flocked to Donley's to experience everything cowboy: pony rides, roping lessons, "gold" panning, tomahawk throw, pop gun gallery, archery range, slingshot gallery, vintage carousel, handpowered kiddie cars, canoe rides and a replica of a steam train. Add to that a live-action Wild West show, museum, gift shop and snack bar...and you've got a fun-filled day for the whole family. Tickets are $17 per person (free for kids two and younger) and include admission and all rides. Group rates and season passes available. Open: weekends May 14 - June 12; daily June 13 - Aug. 21; weekends Aug. 27 - Oct. 30, with special fall festivities in September and October. You can't bring your own food into town, but tailgating is allowed
On the Edge of the Weekend
May 5, 2016
in the parking lot. McHenry County Historical Society & Museum: This little museum has accomplished some big things. It identifies and preserves historic buildings, and two - the 1843 Gannon Log Cabin and the 1895 West Harmony School -- are on Museum grounds. The Society also spearheaded a "barn quilt" project to showcase area barns and agritourism. Today, McHenry County has 45 barns decorated with giant quilt squares; a map is available online. The newest project is an exhibit "Bottles, Barrels & Brews: McHenry County on Tap" tracing the history of breweries and taverns from the 1840's to the 1933 repeal of Prohibition. Opening night is from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 29, and admission is free, but there is a fee for tasting beers from local craft breweries. There's a special root beer display for children, where they can operate a bottle capper. The exhibit continues through December. Museum hours are 1-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and select Sundays, May-October. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors/students and $12 for families. For details, go to www.GotHistory. org or phone 815-923-2267. Illinois Railway Museum: This is the largest train museum in North America, based on the huge amount of rolling stock on display
outdoors and inside cavernous train barns. It exists because of a cadre of dedicated people who just love trains. There are steam, diesel and electric engines...subways, els, passenger and freight trains... cabooses, sleeping cars, dining cars and snowplows. The grounds are open during the week, and on weekends from April through October, you can enjoy a different train ride. "Thomas the Tank" visits in August. Santa rides the "Happy Holiday Railway" in December; tickets go on sale in June and always sell out. The museum has a gift shop with books and train memorabilia, plus a replica of an old-fashioned diner that serves lunch and snacks. Museum hours are 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends, and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. The grounds open one hour earlier and stay open one hour later. General admission is adults $10-$14, children $7-$10 and families $38-$50. Select days are free, and admission for special events is higher. For details, go to or phone 1-800-BIG-RAIL. Restaurants: Union has three restaurants. Clasen's Tavern, Smithwoods Bar & Grill and Checkers II, not to be confused with the Checkers franchise, because here, the Swiss chef cooks German and French dinner entrees, along with American standards. Camping: The KOA Campground is conveniently located between Union and Marengo, with sites for tents, RVs and trailers. You can also rent a cabin, RV or trailer. There's a swimming pool, dog park, mini golf, playground, bike rentals, showers and more. Marengo Ridge Conservation District has a few RV sites, lots of tent sites and restrooms, but no showers. PLAN A McHENRY COUNTY GETAWAY McHenry County is just an hour's drive northwest of Chicago, bordered on the north by Wisconsin, and on the south by I-90. The Fox River winds down from the Chain of Lakes through the towns on the eastern side of the county, while country roads meander the western side. For visitor information, including links to the above attractions, plus lodging and dining options throughout McHenry County, go to www. or phone 815-8936280. Follow on Twitter and Facebook.
Religion Religion briefs Pope asks migrants to forgive indifference
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis is asking migrants to forgive what he says is societies' "closure and indifference" toward them. The pope made the remarks Tuesday in a message to a Jesuit center in Rome that has assisted refugees for 35 years. Francis says people fleeing oppression, war and "unjust distribution" of the Earth's resources are brothers with whom to share bread, homes and life. He said instead of being seen as a problem or expense, migrants should be seen as a gift. Francis said migrants can be a "bridge that unites faraway peoples." Last week, Francis brought three Syrian Muslim refugees families to Italy aboard his plane after a visit to a Greek island. Some 3,000 migrants on the island face possible deportation back to Turkey under an EU deal.
Police: Body of missing Florida priest found in Georgia
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (AP) — Authorities in South Carolina say a man has been charged in connection with a missing Florida priest whose body was found in Georgia. Aiken County Sheriff's Office Capt. Eric Abdullah released an arrest warrant Wednesday saying that 28-year-old Steve James Murray of Jacksonville, Florida, has been charged with possession of firearm or ammunition by a person convicted of a violent felony, and with receiving stolen goods.
Police say Murray knew the Rev. Rene Wayne Robert of St. Augustine, Florida, and led authorities to the body in woods near Waynesboro, Georgia. Murray was arrested in South Carolina while driving the priest's Toyota Corolla. The arrest warrant says Murray possessed several firearms including a double-barrel shotgun, a pump-action rifle and several BB guns. Murray also had jewelry, cash, medication and merchandise that had been reported stolen.
Authorities: 3 teens responsible for vandalizing 2 churches
GEORGETOWN TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — Authorities say three young people are suspected of vandalizing two churches in western Michigan. The Ottawa County sheriff's department says information from the public led investigators to the teens, ages 13, 15 and 16. Authorities say the front door was pried open about 3 a.m. Sunday at Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church in Georgetown Township. Bibles, books and other church literature were found thrown around the lobby. Fire extinguishers were discharged. Damage to the church was estimated about $2,500. Deputies say the same three young people are believed to be responsible for vandalizing the Jamestown Christian Reformed Church on Sunday. The department says the teens are in the custody of their parents as the investigation continues.
“O SON OF MAN! For everything there is a sign. The sign of love is fortitude under My decree and patience under My trials.” ~ Baha’u’llah Be generous, fair and a lamp to others! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025
110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm Saturday - 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 am Wed., & Thurs. - 6:45 pm
All Are Welcome
Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -
Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities e-mail
Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 5:30 p.m. Dr. James Brooks, Lead Minister Rev. Jeff Wrigley, Assoc Minister
Comedian Tracy Morgan scraps planned Mississippi performance
TUNICA, Miss. (AP) — Comedian and actor Tracy Morgan has scrapped a scheduled April 29 performance in Mississippi, citing its contested religious-objections bill for his decision. The Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Casino on Tuesday confirmed the cancellation, saying ticket holders would be refunded. Mississippi's incoming law would allow certain workers, including some in private businesses, to cite religious beliefs to deny services to gay lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648
327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor
Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear
8:45 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School 10:45 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7:00 p.m. New Life Student Ministry
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The state House has failed to override Gov. Bill Haslam's veto of a bill to make Tennessee the first state to designate the Bible as its official book. Forty-three members voted to re-pass the bill, falling short of the 50-vote threshold to turn back to the veto. The Republican governor last week turned back the bill over constitutional concerns and because of concerns the measure "trivializes" what he considers a sacred text. Sponsors argued that the measure seeks to honor the economic and historical impact of the Bible in Tennessee history, rather than a state endorsement of religion. But opponents said it diminishes the significance of the Bible to place it alongside other state symbols like the official reptile or rock.
131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Rev. William Adams Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m.
Bid to override Haslam veto of Bible as Tennessee book fails
John Roberts, Senior Pastor
1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister Evan Shaw - Worship Minister
903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330
Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM
First Unitarian Church of Alton Serving the St Louis Metro East since 1836
332 S. Brown Street Edwardsville, IL 62025
Interim minister: Rev. Sunshine Wolfe 110 East 3rd Street, Alton, Illinois
Pastor Carlos Bryant 618-980-1435
We are a welcoming congregation.
(Across from Alton City Hall)
Saturday morning - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday evening - 7 p.m.
“The Place Where People Come To Be Healed.”
Intergenerational Service Sunday 10:15am Nursery is available. Youth program for ages 4-18
Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director
Let’s Worship...
May 5, 2016
Call Lisa 656-4700 Ext 46
On the Edge of the Weekend
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
What if a young man who just lost his young wife in a car accident experienced none of the stages of grief? What if he felt nothing? What if he, instead, started writing letters to a vending machine company and dismantling every object in sight? Perhaps that's just a person coasting in denial, but, to buy that, you would have to believe that the person also had some sort of humanity in the first place. In the case of Davis Mitchell (Jake Gyllenhaal) in director JeanMarc Vallée's ambitious, flawed and whimsically sinister "Demolition-" let's just say that's not entirely clear. Davis, for much of the movie, is like the Patrick Bateman of widowers. He is incredibly wealthy, cold, unfeeling and vaguely sociopathic. Instead of bodies, though, it's objects he's dissecting. At first, it's actually quite captivating as you drift with Davis in the aftermath of his wife Julia's (Heather Lind) death. He was in the car with her when it got broadsided. He came out without a scratch. She died that night. He can't even muster up any emotion as her grieving father (Chris Cooper) breaks down. And then at the wake, instead of socializing, he goes into a study to compose a letter to the vending machine company whose hospital unit failed to give him the Peanut M&Ms he paid for. It's in this handwritten complaint letter where Davis starts to really dish — about how he only got this job at a $6 billion investment firm because of his father-in-law, about his daily routines in his magazine-ready glass and steel cube of a house, about the time he lied to a fellow passenger on the commuter train about what he did for a living, and about how he never really loved his wife. R AT E D : R b y t h e M o t i o n P i c t u re A s s o c i a t i o n o f America for "language, some sexual references, drug use and disturbing behavior." RUNNING TIME: 100 minutes ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
"The Boss"
The search continues for a suitable showcase for the awesome talents of Melissa McCarthy outside of films directed by Paul Feig. The latest vehicle to give it a try, "The Boss," has a promising enough blueprint for comedy. McCarthy plays the red-haired, thoroughly turtlenecked Michelle Darnell, a ruthless, selfmade executive whose Martha Stewart-like descent lands her in white-collar prison. Penniless upon release, she moves in with her former and much mistreated assistant Claire (Kristen Bell) and her daughter Rachel (Ella Anderson). But, as in McCarthy's slipshod road movies "Identity Thief" and "Tammy," the material here isn't on her level, the laughs are largely cheap and once again, the hall-of-fame comic actress is stuck in a minor-league movie. Like "Tammy," ''The Boss" was directed by Ben Falcone, McCarthy's husband and longtime collaborator, and written by them both. (Steve Mallory, who also dates back to their improv days at the Upright Citizens Brigade, also pitches in on the screenplay). In both films, the premise is solidly rooted in the common frustrations of thoughtless bosses and dead-end jobs. Tammy's midlife crisis was partially prompted by a meltdown with her fast-food manager (played by Falcone), but in "The Boss," Bell's Claire is the one suffering under tyrants. Michelle is introduced as the 47th wealthiest woman in America, a perch she flaunts as a finance guru. At an arena rally, she descends to the stage on a bird with dollar bills showering her. She's Suze Orman times a hundred. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sexual content, language and brief drug use." RUNNING TIME: 99 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
"The Jungle Book"
You can practically feel the beating heart of the jungle in Jon Favreau's stunning adaptation of "The Jungle Book," which is easily the most visually dazzling movie to hit theaters this year. Like "Avatar" before it, this CG and live action interpretation of Rudyard Kipling's classic tale of the boy raised by wolves feels like a momentous occasion in the technical advancements of big budget cinema. From the thrill of a distant waterfall to the terror of a mudslide or stampeding buffalo, Favreau and his visual effects maestros have created artificial living things that truly look and feel real. Even the animals' ability to communicate in English seems as natural as their breathing and emoting. They have not been sanitized to be cute or less threatening either — even the tender mama wolf Raksha (Lupita Nyong'o). They still look like wild animals and, for the most part, act like wild animals, too. At first, this actually makes their close interactions with the human boy Mowgli (newcomer Neel Sethi) even more disarming. Eventually your nerves calm and you submit to the magic of this world. The story follows the same beats as Disney's animated feature from 1967, but Favreau and his team made sure to up the intensity a few notches — the hyperrealism of the animals necessitates it. The tension created by the fact that they all have claws and teeth and instinct to contend with is always there. You're already on edge by the time the tiger Shere Khan (Idris Elba, in a truly stunning vocal performance that's both terrifying and relatable) enters the picture. He adamantly believes that humans should not be living among them and is prepared to use whatever intimidation tactics are necessary to rid their world of Mowgli. RATED: PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for "some sequences of scary action and peril." RUNNING TIME: 105 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
"Green Room"
"Play your early stuff," is the advice given to the punk band The Ain't Rights when their dirt-broke, gas-siphoning tour lands a last-minute gig at an Oregon backwoods roadhouse in Jeremy Saulnier's brisk and brutal genre exercise "Green Room." The tip from the spikey-haired 'zine reporter who's set up the show (an excellent David W. Thompson, from "Win Win") isn't because the crowd will be expecting the band's nonexistent "hits," but because he knows the angriest, heaviest tunes will go down best. They'll be playing for skinheads. The band, a grimy group of punks (Anton Yelchin, Alia Shawkat, Joe Cole, and Callum Turner) from Virginia limping across the country, shrug. They've had Neo-Nazis at their shows before. When they drive along a remote dirt road in their beat-up van, they're still not intimidated by the swastikas and Confederate flags around them. They provocatively open with the Dead Kennedys' "Nazi Punks F--- Off." The trouble doesn't come then, but after the show backstage, where the band returns to the green room to find a girl on the ground with a knife in her head. Things go south quickly, and the band is confronted with something far more hardcore than anything in their record collection. The road movie that "Green Room" started out to be veers abruptly into a siege film as the head Neo-Nazi (Patrick Stewart, using his refined cordiality for menace) sends waves of "true believers" into the roadhouse to dispatch the witnesses. "Green Room" is Saulnier's follow-up to his self-financed breakthrough "Blue Ruin," a lean and riveting revenge tale also acted out by a novice in violence (Macon Blair, who pops here, too). RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "strong brutal graphic violence, gory images, language and some drug content." RUNNING TIME: 95 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
May 5, 2016
"The Huntsman: Winter's War"
"The Huntsman: Winter's War" is one of the more bizarre sequels in recent memory. If modern movies are going to strip every side story out of every superhero universe and beyond, fairy tales should be fair game, too. But it's more than a little odd that the filmmakers here decided to follow up their feminist reimagining of the Snow White story with one focused on Eric the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) and the jilted, hysterical woman (Emily Blunt's Freya), who is trying to keep him apart from his true love (Jessica Chastain's Sara). If this is progress, count me out. Part prequel, part sequel to "Snow White and the Huntsman," this one plays musical chairs with focus and tone. One moment, it's a bawdy, slapstick comedy. The next, it's a deathly serious fantasy epic. Tonal shifts are fine, but this star-studded nonsense feels like it was put together by a committee of robots who were given copies of "Frozen," ''Game of Thrones," ''The Chronicles of Narnia," and five minutes of "Snow White and the Huntsman" as source material. There are about a dozen competing story lines, the only point of which seems to be a futile effort to continually reinvent and justify its reason for being. This film starts before the events of the first. The evil Ravenna (a luminous Charlize Theron) is alive, glowing, glaring and still talking about taking down men and kingdoms. She wants her good-natured sister Freya to fall in line, too, but that only happens when Freya's heart is broken and her icy powers are unleashed. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "fantasy action violence and some sensuality." RUNNING TIME: 113 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.
The questionable casting of Zoe Saldana is only one of the many problems with Cynthia Mort's limp and misjudged Nina Simone biopic "Nina." Little of the High Priestess of Soul's searing clarity of voice or profound struggle comes through in this insipid film whose fakeness is writ across Saldana's dubiously darkened skin. "Please take Nina's name out of your mouth. For the rest of your life" was the harsh judgment laid on Saldana by Simone's estate. Bitter battles over to whom an artist belongs are seldom good for anyone. But it's reasonable to question whether Simone's story should be in the hands of those who would employ black face to capture a proudly dark-skinned woman. It should be said: It's no easy task to gather the multitudes within Simone into a feature film. She was, like her music, unclassifiable. The classically trained pianist was termed a jazz singer and a soul diva, but she's been most identified as a folk singer. As if another form of resistance in a life full of it, her career refused to bend to the typical arc found in music biopics. She had only one top 20 single (her first, 1959's "I Loves You, Porgy") and spent much of her later life in selfimposed exile in Barbados, Liberia and France. Why Mort, who wrote and directed the film, has chosen to focus on Simone's troubled 1990s period in France is anyone's guess. It allows for a fiery kind of redemption story, going from heavy drinking and medical meltdown to a triumphant Central Park performance. But the film is a sloppily stitching of lethargic scenes between Simone and her assistant, Clifton (a sleepy David Oyelowo), in a French Riviera villa. Arguments over taking pills are possibly the least dramatic or important moments in a life that pulsed with and provided the impassioned tempo to the civil rights movement. RATED: Not rated It contains adult language and some violence. RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One star out of four.
Associated Press
In this image released by Universal Pictures, Emily Blunt, left, and Charlize Theron appear in a scene from "Huntsman: Winter's War."
"Huntsman" sequel a bit bizarre By LINDSEY BAHR Associated Press "The Huntsman: Winter's War" is one of the more bizarre sequels in recent memory. If modern movies are going to strip every side story out of every superhero universe and beyond, fairy tales should be fair game, too. But it's more than a little odd that the filmmakers here decided to follow up their feminist reimagining of the Snow White story with one focused on Eric the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) and the jilted, hysterical woman (Emily Blunt's Freya), who is trying to keep him apart from his true love (Jessica Chastain's Sara). If this is progress, count me out. Part prequel, part sequel to "Snow White and
the Huntsman," this one plays musical chairs with focus and tone. One moment, it's a bawdy, slapstick comedy. The next, it's a deathly serious fantasy epic. Tonal shifts are fine, but this starstudded nonsense feels like it was put together by a committee of robots who were given copies of "Frozen," ''Game of Thrones," ''The Chronicles of Narnia," and five minutes of "Snow White and the Huntsman" as source material. There are about a dozen competing story lines, the only point of which seems to be a futile effort to continually reinvent and justify its reason for being. This film starts before the events of the first. The evil Ravenna (a luminous Charlize Theron) is alive, glowing, glaring and still talking about taking down men and kingdoms. She wants her good-natured sister
Freya to fall in line, too, but that only happens when Freya's heart is broken and her icy powers are unleashed. So she retreats to a frozen enclave in the north (sound familiar?). If Freya can't raise children, she'll raise an army from childhood ... and also ban them from experiencing love. But two of those child soldiers, Sara and Eric, grow into handsome adults and, well, fall in love — or so we're told. Chastain and Hemsworth are fine on their own, but together their chemistry fizzles. Hemsworth, in particular, can't seem to get out of Thor mode. He can do the high-wattage smile and the goofy aside just fine. The gaze of desperate love and longing? Not in his arsenal. Freya, of course, is none too happy about Sara and Eric's romance and schemes to keep
them apart. The story jumps ahead seven years, after Snow White (whose back is seen only briefly) has defeated Ravenna. The pesky golden mirror has driven Snow mad, and essentially becomes The One Ring that everyone wants. Eric, who has picked up some comic-relief little people along the way, is out to get it before Freya does. Confused yet? There are so many twists and turns that it's hard to know what exactly is an actual spoiler and who exactly might care. In fact, it's hard to know who this movie is for at all. It's both too adult for kids and too cartoony for the "Game of Thrones" crowd. Colleen Atwood's costumes still look like a dream — especially Blunt's glimmering gowns — but gone are the sweeping landscapes and gothic beauty of Rupert Sanders' film.
"Elvis & Nixon" is quirky but good By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge According to the titles before the end credits of this week's new film "Elvis & Nixon", the photograph of President Nixon shaking hands with The King is the most requested image in the history of the National Archives. Various news sources confirm this. If I told you that this quirky idea was the most straightforward and sober thing about the movie, I'd be telling the truth. It's a whacky comedy that I never saw coming. When you factor in that it's principle l e a d s a re a c t o r s m o s t k n o w n for their dramatic work, it's even harder to understand just why this one hums along so smoothly.
A few days before their December 12th, 1970 meeting, Elvis Presley (Michael Shannon) decided to do something about the constant bad news he was tired of watching over and over on Graceland's TV Room's triple screen layout. By being b o m b a rd e d b y Vi e t n a m r i o t s and tales of drug-addled youth, Elvis had finally had enough. He hopped a late night plane to Los Angeles to pick up his buddy, Jerry Schilling (Alex Pettyfer), and the two headed for the east coast to coax Tricky Dick (Kevin Spacey) into a conversation about fixing what was wrong with the nation. He wanted the President's help in being named an undercover 'Special-Agent-at-Large' in order to infiltrate the narcoticsdealing gangs that were readily
present at his concerts. He was equally adored by the young and the old and across all of the racial spectrum. Surely a man as powerful as this could be an asset to the most powerful man in the world. Nixon wasn't sure. Spacey's portrayal is nebbish and borders on fuddy-duddy when he's pitched the meeting by two subordinates (Colin Hanks and Evan Peters). They help point out the ways in which some popular headlines about their get together could help sway some of the Southern and liberal voters to his way of thinking. Ultimately, it's daughter Julie's pleading that convinces him that an autographed photo from the world's best dad might be worth a few minutes in the Oval Office. Tricia was too "into the Beach Boys". The clash of our
dry 36th President with a depressed King of Rock 'n Roll sounds like a snooze, but the two mixed like the gunpowder and nitroglycerin that makes TNT pop. Shannon's Presley is vintage. Under a studded cape, dripping with gold jewelry, and sporting some mighty fine pink-tinted sunglasses, The King is dead serious in his objective and takes a backseat to no one when dealing with the free world's leader. Grumpy Nixon can't believe the gall or the request, but gamely goes along to get along. If Elvis wants to eat all of his M&Ms and demonstrate a few karate moves, let him. The two play to each other's vanity in a way that is both sickening and perfectly understandable given the reputation each currently has in perpetuity. There're grains of truth peppered
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throughout the brief film, which easily could be a fantastic stage play. Only a handful of people were party to the meeting and most are long gone. Schilling backs the accuracy greatly. He's an executive producer on the project and has worked long and diligent years to honor his famous friend by making a movie The King himself would have enjoyed. Johnny Knoxville co-stars as another member of the Memphis Mafia and Tate Donovan does a lot with very little in his one scene as Bob Haldeman. It's easy to see why the former Chief of Staff could have participated in Watergate and come out of prison all the better for it. "Elvis & Nixon" runs 86 minutes and is rated R for some language. I give this film three stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
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May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts EAC to host "International Exhibit" By JULIA BIGGS Of The Edge Five artists, all of whom have obtained their MFA degrees in studio art from regional universities, will be exhibiting their artwork during the Edwardsville Arts Center's “International Exhibit.” The exhibit opens April 29 and runs through May 20. This “International Exhibit” will feature the art of Norleen Nosri, ceramics, with a MFA from the University of Missouri; Albert Kuo and Bo Kim, both with MFAs f ro m F o n t b o n n e i n p a i n t i n g ; and Chih-yu (Kevin) Lin, with a MFA from SIUE in metals. Kimia Emami, whose participation in the show is doubling as her MFA exhibit, is completing her MFA in photography through SIUE. The artists bring their own unique, creative respective and vision to their art because they lived both in countries overseas and in the U.S. Four of the artists - Nosri, Emami, Lin, and Kim - were born in other countries while Kuo summered in Taiwan during his formative years. Kuo studied both the European tradition of the Bauhaus as well as traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy before getting his MFA degree from Fontbonne University. He wrote in his artist's statement how his parents separated after immigrating to the U.S. which resulted in splitting time between Taiwan and the U.S. “During the school year, I grew up in the U.S. with my mother, informing her of the customs and traditions I was learning about American culture. Mostly this came from lessons at school and experiencing home life through my American friends,” Kuo wrote. “Each summer I would live with my father in Taiwan traveling between his childhood mountain village and his office in the big city, Taipei. In those summers I attended t h e Ta i w a n e s e A c a d e m y f o r Students taking courses in drawing, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, and even abacus. When I wasn’t in class I drew from books on a desk in his studio. I learned of the Bauhaus and the International Style in modern architecture and my father claiming “Mies Van Der Rohe” as his master.” “His upbringing of summering in Taiwan and spending his school years in the U.S. has shaped his worldview and broadened his identity as both a citizen and an artist,” explained Brigham Dimick, the exhibit's curator who is also an EAC Board Member as well as an SIUE Associate Professor of the Art and Design department. “To my eye, his accomplished oil paintings e mp lo y t ra d i t i o n a l l y w e s t e r n systems of illusion and technique to create an eastern feeling of nonduality: elegant tensions arise between gravity and weightlessness, materialism and emptiness.” Norleen Nosri was born and raised in Malaysia, but came to the U.S. in 1997 for higher education and obtained her MFA in ceramics in 2013. “At the EAC we have the opportunity to see works that span a number of series that Nosri has made, revealing her ingenuity, elegance, and very high standard of craft. Evident through her stylistic evolution is a deep engagement around the rituals of tea. Since tea for her involves community, each work is made of multiple vessels that invite groups to share in the ritual,” Dimick said. “Like the
other artists in this exhibition, Nosri navigates the cultural treasure trove of her origins with a rigorous education in the West.” Emami, whose work is doubling as her thesis exhibition, is from Tehran, Iran. She moved to the U.S. in 2013 and immediately felt cultural shock. “I started to shape my ideas around my personal concerns over the cultural shock I had faced,” she wrote in her artist's statement. “Moving to a new nation and facing new people who think, act, behave, and talk differently altogether have all made me feel like a stranger. At that time I started to concentrate on issues revolving around the oppression of women throughout history by portraying my ideas through photos of human figures that later transformed into symbolic objects. At that phase, aesthetics of organic forms of Persian handwriting brought meanings into my abstraction.” “Following my first year of graduate school I made a trip back to Iran during the summer of 2014,” Emami added. “It dawned on me that the memories of my past versus the days of my present had generated a duality that transformed into an identity issue. This realization made me aware that I was becoming a totally different person while studying abroad. This transition led me to move from representing my inner feelings, and develop my language toward redefining my perception of time and space. This phase of my work was a mélange of photo and text presenting memory, culture, and history, and it formed the work in
On the Edge of the Weekend
May 5, 2016
the thesis exhibition.” Dimick spoke about Emami's pieces that artfully conjoin Iran and St. Louis sites that unify “these disparate sources from different parts of the world into one continuous picture.” “By using large-scale prints of multiple photographs that are transferred onto rice paper, Emami makes large scrolls that have a silvery and diaphanous quality,” Dimick said. “The unexpected unions between the two countries' cultural iconographies raise provocative questions that help dispel mythologies and promote understanding. These cultural juxtapositions become an elegant embodiment of the overall theme of this exhibition.” Lin's work draws from his history of having lived in Taiwan until the age of 12 before his parents sent him to South Africa to finish his education. The isolation he experienced from being in an unfamiliar surrounding and not being able to communicate in English to his peers has made him even more aware of his current surroundings, which he notes in his artist's statement “strongly influence my decisions concerning the forms of my work.” Lin's work is both functional and sculptural. “I explore the idea of containment by using images that surround us in everyday life: architecture, nature and the figure. I expressed these ideas through the use of precious metals, textures, stones and found objects,” Lin's artist's statement states. Kim explained that his more recent body of work grew from an attraction to glass. “Glass possesses unique properties; it is fragile, has a capacity to deflect light and distort forms, and can be re-molded many times after breaking,” Kim wrote in his artist's statement. “I see these traits akin to human nature, and my paintings explore the way we interact with our circumstances in which we unceasingly redefine and reshape our thoughts and behaviors. This observation also leads me to examine my own psychological and emotional make-up.” “Each of these artists are quite advanced in their craft and it promises to be a beautiful show, from ceramics, to painting, to metals, to large-scale photographic transfer prints,” Dimick said. The International Exhibit opens with a reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 29. The EAC is located at 6165 Center Grove Rd. in Edwardsville. The art of EHS and SIUE Graduate Casey Corkery will be on display concurrently in the DeToye Student Gallery.
Pictured are works by Norleen Norsi, above, and Chih-yu (Kevin) Lin. Both will be part of the Edwardsville Arts Centers "International Exhibit." Photos for The Edge.
The Arts
Stages prepares for upcoming season For The Edge Following its recent 2016 Arts Organization Award from the Missouri Arts Council and five St. Louis Theater Circle Awards, STAGES St. Louis is proud to announce casting for its celebratory 30th Anniversary Season: It Shoulda Been You, The Drowsy Chaperone, and Sister Act. This season’s exceptional talent explores momentous personal transformations told through lighthearted and life-affirming musical comedies. STAGES also announces the cast for its Theatre for Young Audiences production, the whimsical family adventure, Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. All season and single tickets are on sale now. It Shoulda Been You (June 3 – July 3) stars New York Actress Stacie Bono as Rebecca Steinberg, St. Louis Actress Kari Ely as Georgette Howard, Broadway Actor Edward Juvier as Albert, New York Actress Claire Manship as Jenny Steinberg, New York Actor Michael Marotta as Murray Steinberg, New York Actor Zal Owen as Marty Kaufman, New York Actor David Schmittou as George Howard, New York Actor Jeff Sears as Brian Howard, and St. Louis Actress Zoe Vonder Haar as Judy Steinberg. Direct from Broadway and in its Mid-Western premiere, It Shoulda Been You comes to STAGES with a madcap wedding celebration with more than a few surprising twists in store! This refreshingly modern romantic comedy includes a beautiful blushing bride, her uninvited and unrequited boyfriend, a groom with a secret, a sister with her own hidden agenda, and a pair of mothers from hell. You won’t want to miss the wedding of the year! Making her STAGES debut, St. Louis native Stacie Bono has performed in the OffBroadway production of Avenue Q and in the National Tour of Barbie Live! In Fairytopia. Regional credits include The Music Man, Les Miserables, and My Fair Lady. Kari Ely returns to STAGES for her 24th Season, most recently appearing in STAGES’ 2015 productions of Anything Goes and The Full Monty, as well as STAGES’ 2014 production of Fiddler on the Roof. Ely has performed in over 30 productions at The Muny and recently received the St. Louis Theater Circle Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy for her performance in the 2015 St. Louis Actors’ Studio production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Juvier returns to STAGES, where he was last seen in STAGES’ 2013 production of My Fair Lady. Broadway and National Tour credits include Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera. Other New York credits include Fanny and Smoking Bloomberg. Making her STAGES debut, Claire Manship has performed in the National Tour of Click, Clack, Moo! as well as in regional productions of Miss Saigon and Austentatious. Manship also has produced and performed in various concerts at Feinstein’s 54 Below and the Laurie Beechman Theatre. Michael Marotta returns to St. Louis, where he was last seen in the 2013 production of Cabaret at the Repertory Theater of St. Louis. New York credits include Gypsy, opposite Tony-nominated Sally Mayes, and Mr. Confidential. Making his STAGES debut, Zal Owen has appeared in the National Tour of Fiddler on the Roof, opposite Harvey Fierstein and Theodore Bikel. In New York, Owen has performed OffBroadway at locations including the New York Theatre Workshop, Theater for the New City, and Lincoln Center. Recent regional credits include Evita and Arsenic and Old Lace. David Schmittou returns to STAGES, where he has appeared in productions for over 15 years and was last seen in STAGES’ 2015 Theatre for Young Audiences production of Disney’s The Aristocats. Other regional credits include Freud’s Last Session, Side by Side by Sondheim, and West Side Story. Making his STAGES debut, Jeff Sears has appeared Off-Broadway in Avenue Q and in the First National Tour of The Book of Mormon. Regional credits include Hello, Dolly!, City of Angels, and Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Zoe Vonder Haar celebrates her 64th production with STAGES this year, having starred in productions including Mame, Gypsy, and Always… Patsy Cline. She most recently received the St. Louis Theater Circle Award
for Outstanding Supporting Actress for her performance in STAGES’ 2015 production of The Full Monty. Other credits include the First International Touring Company of A Chorus Line and numerous productions at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis and The Muny. Also starring is New York Actress Jessie Hooker as Annie Shepard. Making her STAGES debut, Shepard has appeared OffBroadway in SISTAS The Musical and in the National Tour of Legally Blonde. Regional credits include The Wiz, Company, and The Color Purple. New York Actor Erik Keiser stars as Greg Madison. Keiser returns to STAGES, where he most recently starred as Malcolm in STAGES’ 2015 production of The Full Monty. Keiser also was seen throughout STAGES’ 2015 Season in Anything Goes and Disney’s The Aristocats. Other credits include the Off-Broadway premiere of The Bardy Bunch and the National Tour of Footloose. Rounding out the cast in alphabetical order are Michele Burdette Elmore (Mimsy), Morgan Amiel Faulkner (Aunt Sheila), John Flack (Uncle Morty), Brad Frenette (Hotel Employee), Steve Isom (Walt), and Missy Karle (Hotel Employee). The creative team for the production includes: Stephen Bourneuf (Direction and Choreography), Lisa Campbell Albert (Musical Direction), James Wolk (Scenic Design), Garth Dunbar (Costume Design), Sean M. Savoie (Lighting Design), Stuart M. Elmore (Orchestral Design). STAGES’ Theatre for Young Audiences production, Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (June 15 – July 3), performed at The Playhouse at Westport Plaza, stars New York Actress Alexis Kinney as Alice. Tumble down the rabbit hole with Alice as she falls into the madcap world of Wonderland and meets such extraordinary characters as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, and the frantically-late White Rabbit. Based on the classic literary tales of Lewis Carroll and the beloved Walt Disney film, this whimsical journey to a land beyond imagination is a fantastic adventure the whole family can enjoy! A l e x i s K i n n e y re t u r n s t o S TA G E S and reprises her role of Alice, which she previously played in STAGES’ 2009 production of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. Kinney also has appeared in STAGES’ 2011 production of The Secret Garden and in the New York World Premiere of The Island of No Tomorrow. Regional credits include The Wizard of Oz, Annie, and The Irish Play. Rounding out the cast in alphabetical order are Kelsey Bearman (Rose), Katie Brnjac (Violet), Ryan Cooper (Mad Hatter), Caroline Eiseman (Petunia), Austin Glen Jacobs (Tweedle Dum), Ryan Alexander Jacobs (Tweedle Dee), John Kinney (White Rabbit), Kendra Lynn Lucas (Caterpillar), Angela Sapolis (Queen of Hearts/Mathilda/Lily), and Chris Tipp (March Hare/King of Hearts). The creative team for the production includes: Michael Hamilton (Direction and Musical Staging), Ellen Isom (Choreography), Lisa Campbell Albert (Musical Direction), Jim Sandefur (Scenic Design), Garth Dunbar (Costume Design), Jeff Behm (Lighting Design), Stuart M. Elmore (Orchestral Design). The Drowsy Chaperone (July 22- August 21) stars New York Actor David Schmittou as Man in Chair, Broadway Actress Corinne Melançon as Drowsy Chaperone, and Broadway Actor Edward Juvier as Aldolpho. One of STAGES most frequently requested return shows, The Drowsy Chaperone is a
delightful and hilarious testament to the transformative power of Musical Theatre. A musical about people who love musicals, this Tony Award-winning show features a laugha-minute script and one show-stopping song and dance number after another. David Schmittou reprises his role of Man in Chair, which he previously played in STAGES’ 2009 production of The Drowsy Chaperone. S c h m i t t o u h a s a p p e a re d i n S TA G E S productions for over 15 years and was last seen in its 2015 Theatre for Young Audiences production, Disney’s The Aristocats. Other regional credits include Freud’s Last Session, Side by Side by Sondheim, and West Side Story. Corinne Melançon returns to STAGES, previously appearing in several of STAGES’ earlier productions, including A Little Night Music, Sweet Charity, and High Society. Melançon recently completed an 11-year run on Broadway in Mamma Mia! and has appeared in several other Broadway shows, including Kiss Me, Kate, Jekyll & Hyde, Big, and My Fair Lady. Other NY credits include appearances at Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall, and Rainbow & Stars. Edward Juvier also reprises his role of Aldolpho, which he previously played in STAGES’ 2009 production of The Drowsy Chaperone. Juvier has appeared in STAGES’ productions of Man of La Mancha, Guys and Dolls, and, most recently, the 2013 production of My Fair Lady. Broadway and National Tour credits include Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera. Other New York credits include Fanny and Smoking Bloomberg. Rounding out the cast in alphabetical order are Keith Boyer (Super/Ensemble), Debbie Devine (Swing), Kari Ely (Mrs. Tottendale), Laura Ernst (Ensemble), Morgan Amiel Faulkner (Dance Captain/Ensemble), Andrew Fitch (Robert Martin), John Flack (Underling), Drew Humphrey (Ensemble), Steve Isom (Feldzieg), Austin Glen Jacobs (Gangster #2), Ryan Alexander Jacobs (Gangster #1), Kendra Lynn Lucas (Trix), Con O’Shea-Creal (George), Shain Stroff (Ensemble), Laura E. Taylor (Janet Van De Graaff), and Dana Winkle (Kitty). The creative team for the production includes: Michael Hamilton (Direction and Musical Staging), Dana Lewis (Choreography), Lisa Campbell Albert (Musical Direction), James Wolk (Scenic Design), Brad Musgrove (Costume Design), Sean M. Savoie (Lighting Design), Stuart M. Elmore (Orchestral Design). Sister Act (September 9 – October 9) stars Broadway Actress Dan’yelle Williamson as Deloris Van Cartier and Broadway Actress Corinne Melançon as Mother Superior. One of Broadway’s recent smash hits and Hollywood’s favorite film comedies, Sister Act comes to STAGES in its regional theatre premiere. Blessed with a rollicking new musical score from Alan Menken – the composer who brought us Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Newsies, and Aladdin – this divine comedy brings the gift of laughter, the power of music, and a touch of heavenly inspiration to audiences everywhere. Making her STAGES debut, Dan’yelle Williamson has appeared on Broadway in Memphis, Scandalous, and Rocky as well as Off-Broadway in Soul Doctor. National Tours/Regional credits include The Lion King, Dreamgirls, The Drowsy Chaperone, and Wicked. Corinne Melançon returns to STAGES, previously appearing in several of STAGES’ earlier productions, including A Little Night Music, Sweet Charity, and High Society. Melançon recently completed an
May 5, 2016
11-year run on Broadway in Mamma Mia! and has appeared in several other Broadway shows, including Kiss Me, Kate, Jekyll & Hyde, Big, and My Fair Lady. Other NY credits include appearances at Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall, and Rainbow & Stars. Also starring is New York Actor Curtis Wiley as Eddie Souther. Making his STAGES debut, Wiley has appeared in the National Tours of Jersey Boys, The Lion King, and Motown: The Musical and the Off-Broadway Revival of Pageant: The Musical. Other New York credits include The Great Society, Tut, and King Lear. New York Actor Kent Overshown stars as Curtis Jackson. Returning to STAGES, Overshown most recently starred in STAGES’ 2015 production of Smokey Joe’s Café. Overshown has performed in the National Tours of Memphis and The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess and also has appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra as well as in multiple productions at The Muny. Returning to STAGES, St. Louis Actor Steve Isom stars as Monsignor O’Hara. Isom celebrates 22 seasons with STAGES, having performed in nearly 60 productions for STAGES, starting with STAGES’ 1994 production of Good News!. A familiar face in St. Louis, Isom has performed at venues throughout the city, including The Muny, Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, St. Louis Actors’ Studio, and The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. Rounding out the cast in alphabetical order are Leah Berry (Sister Mary Robert), Peggy Billo (Sister Mary Theresa), Keith Boyer (Pablo), Christian Bufford (Drag Queen/Altar Boy/Dance Captain), Richard Crandle (TJ), Sarah Michelle Cuc (Sister Mary Patrick), Michele Burdette Elmore (Sister Mary Lazarus), Kari Ely (Sister Mary Martin-ofTours/Waitress), Laura Ernst (Sister Mary Aloysius), Morgan Amiel Faulkner (Sister Mary Miguel/Michelle), John Flack (Ernie/ Dive Bartender/Lawyer), Jessie Hooker (Sister Mary Wilson/Tina), Julia Johanos (Sister Mary Margaret), Erin Kelley (Sister Mary Ignatius), Paula Landry (Sister Mary Stephen), Daniel LeClaire (Bartender/Pool Player/Altar Boy), Myles McHale (Joey), David Sajewich (Cop/ Pool Player), Angela Sapolis (Sister Mary Veronica/Hooker), and April Strelinger (Sister Mary Cecelia/Hooker). The creative team for the production includes: Michael Hamilton (Direction), Stephen Bourneuf (Choreography), Lisa Campbell Albert (Musical Direction), James Wolk (Scenic Design), Brad Musgrove (Costume Design), Sean M. Savoie (Lighting Design), Stuart M. Elmore (Orchestral Design). STAGES St. Louis is the region's foremost not-for-profit company committed to preserving and advancing the art form of Musical Theatre through excellence in performance and education. In 2016, STAGES celebrates its 30th year of producing Broadway-quality theatre, presenting 144 performances from May through October to nearly 50,000 patrons. STAGES opened in 1987 with a budget of $50,000 and a part-time seasonal staff of eight. Today, the company employs a fulltime staff of 25 overseeing a budget of $4.7 million. During the performance season, an additional 150 actors and crew members bring the productions to life. To date, STAGES professionals have produced 103 musicals, with nearly 3,400 performances, playing to more than one million patrons. Single tickets to STAGES’ 2016 Season on sale now and prices range from $20 - $59. Subscriptions are still available and begin at just $99. STAGES performs in the intimate, 377-seat Robert G. Reim Theatre at the Kirkwood Civic Center, 111 South Geyer Road in St. Louis, MO. STAGES’ Theatre for Young Audiences performances are held at The Playhouse at Westport Plaza, 635 West Port Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63146. For more information or to purchase tickets call 314821-2407 or visit Each Mainstage production will run for a total of five weeks with matinee and evening performances Tuesdays through Sundays. The Theatre for Young Audiences performs Wednesday through Sunday for three weeks. New York Casting is done by Scott Wojcik and Gayle Seay of Wojcik/Seay Casting.
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Arts calendar Thursday, May 5
St. Cecilia Cinco De Mayo Fiesta, St. Cecilia, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 The Sound of Music, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m., Runs Until May 8, 2016 Bosnian/American, Fontbonne Univeristy, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. Dark Matter: Terrence Boyd and Amanda McCavour, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 The Carpet and the Connoisseur: The James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 Spies, Traitors, and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016
Friday, May 6
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs until August 4, 2016 Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 The Sound of Music, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m., Runs Until May 8, 2016 Bosnian/American, Fontbonne Univeristy, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. Dark Matter: Terrence Boyd and Amanda McCavour, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 The Carpet and the Connoisseur: The James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 Spies, Traitors, and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016
Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 The Sound of Music, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m., Runs Until May 8, 2016 Bosnian/American, Fontbonne Univeristy, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. Dark Matter: Terrence Boyd and Amanda McCavour, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 The Carpet and the Connoisseur: The James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016 Spies, Traitors, and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until May 8, 2016
Sunday, May 8
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs until August 4, 2016 Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 The Sound of Music, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m. Bosnian/American, Fontbonne Univeristy, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. Dark Matter: Terrence Boyd and Amanda McCavour, Craft Alliance Center, St. Louis Little Black Dress: From Mournin
to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 The Carpet and the Connoisseur: The James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis Spies, Traitors, and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis
Monday, May 9
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs until August 4, 2016 Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016
Tuesday, May 10
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs until August 4, 2016 Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall
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of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016
Wednesday, May 11
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Tennessee Williams Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs until August 4, 2016 Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St.
Louis, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until July 17, 2016 Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016
Thursday, May 12
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Yentl, Jewish Community Center, Creve Coeur, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs until June 21, 2016
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Saturday, May 7
Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., runs until August 4, 2016 Kiss Me Kate, Ivory Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until May 15, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary
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The Arts Artistic adventures Muny set for 2016 season
The Muny has announced its 2016 summer season, its 98th summer season in Forest Park. The exciting, bold line-up includes 2 Muny premieres and the return of an alltime Muny classic, The Wizard of Oz, the first production in a decade. The seven shows are: The Wizard of Oz (June 13 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 22), 42nd Street (June 24 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 30), The Music Man (July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11), Young Frankenstein (July 13 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;19), Mamma Mia!(July 21 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;28), Fiddler on the Roof (July 30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; August 5), and Elton John and Tim Riceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aida (August 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;14.) For more information visit Season ticket holders will receive their renewal notices the first week of December. New season tickets will be available beginning Saturday, March 5, 2016, at the Muny box office in Forest Park. Gift Card holders will have advanced access to season tickets beginning February 29, 2016. "This is an incredibly exciting season for us to produce," said Muny president and CEO, Denny Reagan. "It is packed with the most requested and beloved titles by the Muny audience. Mike and our creative teams continued to put world class work on our stage last season, and our audiences showed tremendous support for our productions. With these seven titles, 2016 promises another fantastic season at The Muny. " "For my fifth season, these may be the seven biggest, most demanding productions yet," said Muny artistic director and executive producer Mike Isaacson. "While they are an incredible variety and style, they are all robust, bold and, hopefully for our audience, absolutely thrilling. It promises to be another great adventure of a season." World Wide Technology (WWT) and The Steward Family Foundation have once again made a leadership gift to continue as the Munyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2016 Season Presenting Sponsor. They became the first overall season sponsor in the history of The Muny in 2014 and continue that role through 2016. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Both WWT and The Steward Family Foundation are committed to The Muny and to making exceptional musical theatre accessible to everyone,â&#x20AC;? said David Steward, chairman and founder of WWT. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s season promises to be spectacular and will showcase how much the performing arts enrich our community.â&#x20AC;? For preferred seating with new season tickets, purchase a Muny Season Ticket Gift Card, available now. Gift card holders will be able to call or visit the box office beginning February 29, 2016, to select their season tickets before they go on sale to the general public. For more information, visit muny. org or call (314) 361-1900.
honcho of a drug cartel. Will the mystery be solved before the knots are tied? Be a part of the investigation on Wednesday, July 13. â&#x20AC;˘ Depart: 10:30 a.m. Cost: $83 per person. Deadline: Monday, June 13. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mama Mia!â&#x20AC;? at the Muny: Featuring popular hits from ABBA, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be â&#x20AC;&#x153;having the time of your lifeâ&#x20AC;? on Thursday, July 28! A wedding brings a mother, daughter and three possible fathers together in this funny and romantic classic. â&#x20AC;˘ Depart: 5:15 p.m. Cost: $99 per person, includes buffet at Pappyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Smokehouse BBQ. Deadline: Monday, June 13. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fiddler on the Roofâ&#x20AC;? at the Muny: Mazel Tov! This cherished musical tells the story of a poor Jewish milkman with five daughters who firmly believes in tradition. Enjoy the Wednesday, August 3 performance. â&#x20AC;˘ Depart: 5:15 p.m. Cost: $97 per person, includes buffet at Pappyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Smokehouse BBQ. Deadline: Thursday, June 23. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aidaâ&#x20AC;? at the Muny: Be a part of the Munyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final show of the 2016 season, Sunday, August 14! With music by Sir Elton John, you will fall in love with this tale of forbidden love between an Ethiopian princess and her Egyptian captor. â&#x20AC;˘ Depart: 5:30 p.m. Cost: $101 per person, includes backstage tour and buffet supper at the Muny; Deadline: Tuesday, July 5. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Nancy Bauer at 618-234-4410, ext. 7020.
Exhibit to focus on folk art
The Saint Louis Art Museum will host an exhibit titled Self-Taught Genius from June 19 through Sept. 11, in the Main Exhibition Galleries, East Building Self-Taught Genius explores the continuum of American folk art through the concept of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;self-taught genius,â&#x20AC;? an enduring term that has changed dramatically over time. Framed within context of seven perspectives from which people are compelled to create, this exhibition highlights more than 100 remarkable works by self-taught artists. These modern and contemporary artistic
Museum to exhibit Chinese art
An exhibit titled Real and Imagined Landscapes in Chinese Art will be on display March 11â&#x20AC;&#x201C; August 14 in Gallery 225 at the Saint Louis Art Museum in Forest Park. Chinese art is filled with images of landscapes and landscape settings. Some are depictions of imaginary locations and others may represent actual sites at certain points in time, while still others combine real and imagined landscape elements within the same pictorial space or object surface. This exhibition of selected works from the Museum's collection explores how real and imagined landscapes in Chinese art are seen within paintings as well as three-dimensional objects. Works in the exhibition include two hanging scrolls bearing titles that refer to actual named places: The Taibo Wine Pavilion at Caishi Rock by Miao Song and Elegant Gathering at the Poetry Niche, a collaborative work by Fa Shishan and his friends. Gathering of the I m m o r t a l s b y Wa n g We n d i n g depicts the birthday celebration of the Daoist deity Queen Mother of the West in a garden of lotus, plantain, and exotic flowering plants. These screens present symbols of longevity, and were painted in honor of the 60th birthday of the Li family matriarch Madame Chen. Other
works in the exhibition that i n t e r p re t l a n d s c a p e s t h ro u g h visual imagination include the hanging scroll by Wan Shanglin with scenery that arouses a sense of tranquility, and two porcelain barrel-form garden seats decorated with peacocks in landscape settings. Real and Imagined Landscapes in Chinese Art is curated by Philip Hu, associate curator-in-charge of Asian art. The exhibit is free. For more information, visit
Oriental carpet display planned
The Saint Louis Art Museum is hosting a new exhibit, The Carpet and the Connoisseur. During the early 20th century, St. Louis businessman James F. B a l l a rd b e c a m e o n e o f t h e countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top collectors of Oriental carpets. An unlikely collector, he was celebrated for his approach to collecting Anatolian carpets from provincial centers in Turkey at a time when most o t h e r r u g c o n n o i s s e u r s w e re acquiring the classical Persian and Indian carpets. In addition to his passion for collecting, Ballard was also a patient teacher, inveterate traveler, and, above all, the first Oriental carpet enthusiast to acknowledge the importance of Turkish influence on the history of
the pile carpet. Ballard ultimately divided his collection of car pets between The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1922 and the Saint Louis Art Museum in 1929. Another group of carpets were added to the St. Louis collection through a later donation by his daughter, Nellie Ballard White, in 1972. As a result of these two gifts, the Museum has amassed a collection of Oriental rugs recognized as one of the most significant collections in the world. The Carpet and the Connoisseur will highlight 51 carpets from the Ballard collection, including three Cairene rugs, a Spanish rug, and examples of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lottoâ&#x20AC;? and small-pattern â&#x20AC;&#x153;Holbeinâ&#x20AC;? carpets, all important examples of works from the late-15th and 16th centuries. Ballard also acquired two 19th-century Persian pleasure tents that were used for outdoor gatherings. These are also featured in the exhibition. The Carpet and the Connoisseur is guest-curated by Walter B. Denny, University of Massachusetts distinguished p ro f e s s o r i n I s l a m i c A r t s i n collaboration with Philip Hu, associate curator of Asian art, and textile conservator Zoe Perkins. The Carpet and the Connoisseur will be on view in the Main Exhibition Galleries from March 6 through May 8, 2016. For more in f or mation, visit
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Travel to the theater with PSOP this summer
Southwestern Illinois College Programs and Services for Older Persons is offering some fun theatrical trips for seniors this summer. From the old classics you love, to something new youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never seen, you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to miss out! â&#x20AC;˘ Get Hitched to a Redneckâ&#x20AC;? Dinner Theater: A guest at this redneck wedding is the head
visionaries expressed distinct and unorthodox creativity, and were active participants in shaping American visual culture. As selftaught geniuses they influenced generations of artists and established lively artistic traditions, from post-Revolutionary times to today. Organized by the American Folk Art Museum, Self-Taught Genius was brought to the Saint Louis Art Museum by M. Melissa Wolfe, curator of American art. The exhibition will travel to the Tampa Museum of Art after its presentation in St. Louis. For more information, visit www.
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Please recycle this newspaper May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Dining Delights The Edge's own Bill Roseberry, famous for his You Gotta' Eat restaurant reviews, has put together his thoughts on a number of local eateries. Enjoy. Gulf Shores Restaurant & Grill 215 Harvard Dr. Edwardsville B e p re p a re d t o w a i t w h e n you visit this new hot spot in Edwardsville, but it's worth it. Make sure to check out the gator bites, they are fantastic. It's alligator meat fried in a corn meal breading. The catfish fillets are fried in the same corn meal breading and equally as good. There are also gator tacos and don't miss “Crabby Monday's Crab Leg Special.” A little pricey though. Chubby's Warehouse Bar & Grille 1022 E. Broadway Alton Cheap and delicious. The burgers are fantastic here and extremely affordable. They also have a good buffalo chicken sandwich and good tacos. Maybe the best thing they offer is their sweet corn nuggets, you can't go wrong with them. It's cash only so make sure you grab some before you go. Only knock is the service could be a little friendlier. Mission Taco Joint 908 Lafayette Ave. Soulard If you like quirky and eclectic twists on Mexican fare then this is the place for you. There are great tacos and burritos like the Brah'rito with carne asada and chipotle bacon. It is freakin' huge, too. They also have torta selections on the menu and a cool carne asada fries choice in the appetizers. Good beer selections there also. Huddle Bar & Grill 1101 Caseyville Rd. Suite J Caseyville It may look like your average bar, but get a load of the menu and quickly find out it's not. The food is definitely worth a visit. Steak night is a definite time to go. Get a New York strip steak and potato for $9.99. Check out the peanut butter bacon burger, the asparagus in balsamic sauce and the sweet potato fries drizzled with honey, all are delicious choices. Strange Donuts 2709 Sutton Blvd. Maplewood An aptly named donut shop, it is one of the weirdest places you may ever eat, but weird doesn't mean it's not good. Check out the strangers, which are daily collaborations with other local restaurants. The bacon maple donut and the gooey butter donut are always on the menu and always fantastic choices. Sauce on the Side 903 Pine St. St. Louis If you like calzones and creativity in your food then put this on your food bucket list. They stuff just about anything you can think of inside a calzone, including eggs, salami, pineapples, figs, chorizo, eggplant and zucchini to name a few. Good sauce selections served on the side. Great craft beers available also. The Wooden Nickel Pub & Grill 171 S. Main St.
Glen Carbon This is a great place to chill with some buddies and tip back a few beers, or grab a simple and affordable meal in a casual setting. They have classic bar grub available as well as some higher quality items. The Asian pork wrap is amazing and the guac bites are pretty good off of the appetizer menu. In addition there are options like cheese sticks, fried pickles and toasted ravioli which are good. It also offers a decent craft beer menu if that's your thing. When it's warmer outside check out their great patio seating, too. Who Dat's Southern Food 1595 Troy O'Fallon Rd. Troy If you enjoy southern cooking, barbecue and good Cajun then this is a must try spot. Quirky and great options like the crawfish etouffee French fries, the crawfish etouffee pork chops and the barbecue burrito. They offer snoots on Saturdays also. Good gumbo and jambalaya and the barbecue shrimp is a must try. Laid back atmosphere with blue music playing in the background. Just a fun time and good eats. Cugino's Italian Grill & Bar 1595 N. Highway 67 St. Florissant This place is an underrated hot spot for good Italian food. Great place to take your girlfriend or wife for a date night, but still pretty casual. The deep fried meatballs can only be described as amazing. They are the size of baseballs and comprised of 60 percent beef and 40 percent sausage with provel cheese mixed in, deep fried and blanketed in a sweet red sauce. They are definitely a destination dish. The honey breaded chicken wings and the chicken spiedini are unique and worth the trip, too. Great craft beer selections, sticking with a wide variety of St. Louis brews. A must try restaurant. Godfrey Meat Market 6017 Godfrey Rd. Godfrey
If you're in Godfrey this is a fantastic place to stop in for lunch. They have a dine-in section and great selections that change often. The burgers are phenomenal and huge to boot. They also offer items like: pork steaks, thick-cut pork chops, bratwursts, giant chicken breasts and sides like cheesy hashbrowns, baked beans, sevenlayer salad, green beans and corn chowder. Add a drink to your meal and still eat for under $10. Since it's a meat market pick up some cuts of meat to go and they also offer great selection of craft beers.
but good food and even better craft beer menu. They offer 60 different beers on draft and the taps change regularly, so always get something new. The clams and chorizo is a great appetizer to try with a little kick to it and sensational taste. Besides the gourmet burgers there are options like the beer baked meatloaf and the chicken pot pie and sandwich choices like pulled pork and Cajun catfish. Great atmosphere for a date night, or take a big dinner party and enjoy the experience.
Pearl Cafe 8416 N. Lindbergh Blvd. Florissant This is a mecca for Thai food. Great selections of Thai delicacies and even has some Vietnamese Pho selections on the soup portion of the menu. The Thai pork spare ribs with sticky rice is a great choice on the appetizer portion of the menu. The Pad Thai dish for a main entree is a must try and the pineapple fried rice is fantastic. Ask your server and watch the menu so you can manage your spiciness level, items can get pretty hot. Huge craft beer menu, including some international beers that are available. It can get a little pricey.
Maverick Steaks & Spirits 201 Ohren Dr. Litchfield T h e d r i v e o n I - 5 5 t h ro u g h Illinois can get quite monotonous, so stop off and get a cheap steak and good buffet meal to thwart the boredom. You can grab a steak, side, drink and access to the buffet for $20. You won't go away hungry. Try the New York strip steak, it's tender and delicious. The salad buffet has plenty to offer and check out stuff like chicken, fish and
Frank and Helen's Pizzeria 8111 Olive St. Rd. University City Old school pizza joint that's been serving the St. Louis area since 1956. Great pizzas in a laid back atmosphere and old style pizzeria. Go with the toasted ravioli or the Frank's specialty cheesy garlic bread on the appetizer menu. They offer classic toppings like hamburger, pepperoni, sausage and bacon, as well as more unique choices like garlic, jalapenos and broccoli. Dinner options like steak and chicken are also available, as well as pastas and sandwiches. Elijah P's 401 Piasa St. Alton A gourmet burger joint that gets a little busy and a little pricey,
f e t t u c c i n e a l f re d o o ff o f t h e dinner buffet. You'll leave fat and happy for your continued drive along I-55. Strange Donuts 2709 Sutton Blvd. Maplewood An aptly named donut shop, it is one of the weirdest places you may ever eat, but weird doesn't mean it's not good. Check out the strangers, which are daily collaborations with other local restaurants. The bacon maple donut and the gooey butter donut are always on the menu and always fantastic choices. Fazzi’s Bar and Restaurant 1813 Vandalia St. Collinsville Opa! You’ll probably hear this a few times here as patrons order the signature appetizer dish, Saganaki, consisting of breaded goat cheese which is doused in oil and set on fire. This Greek and Italian restaurant is very affordable and has some great choices, including the Mousaka. The gyro plate isn’t bad either.
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1035 Century Dr., Edwardsville Text “WANG” to 223344 for VIP STUFF
Free Entree
Buy 1 Entree, Get 1 Free w/Purchase of 2 Beverages
(Includes Noodles & Rices) Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 5-31-16
We’re like your new best friend for home heating and cooling. When your system needs service, we’ll be right by your side.
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Hamel, IL Energy & Comfort Consultants OFFER EXPIRES 6/10/2016. *On a qualifying system purchase. Lennox system rebate offers range from $200 to $1,600. Some restrictions apply. One offer available per qualifying purchase. See your local Lennox Dealer or for details. ©2016 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox Dealers include independently owned and operated businesses.
On the Edge of the Weekend
May 5, 2016
124 S BUCHANAN ST | EDWARDSVILLE, IL | 618.655.0084
Classified Help Wanted General Lost & Found
All White Male Cat found near Kelly Green Subdivision area Edw. Not chipped. Call 618-656-6176 Found: Camera on the MCTtrails. Call 797-4600 with specifics
Help Wanted General
Accountant (Metro East) Detailed oriented individual needed for full-time accountant position. Duties include: prepare quarterly reports including reconciliation to general ledger, maintain asset database, calculate depreciation, prepare and analyze complex financial reports. Bachelor’s in Accounting or related field, CPA preferred, 2 years public accounting and auditing experience. Additional requirements include proficiency in MS Word and Excel, ability to organize time effectively, and communicate well with the public and coworkers.
CALLING ALL NATURE LOVERS! Wild Birds Unlimited is now hiring part time Sales Associates. If you excel in Customer Service and are in love with Nature, we want to talk to you! Must be available to work weekdays various shifts until 5:30pm, Saturdays from 9AM to 5 PM, and Sundays, 11AM to 3PM. Must be able to lift 20lb. seed bags as part of fulfilling our customers shopping experience. Qualified candidates should email their resume to WBUEdwardsvilleil@
Experienced Dental Assistant 2-3 years experience preferred, good pay with bonus opportunities email resumes to business@ or fax (618)667-8078 Medi-Plex Healthcare Professionals is looking to hire an Illinois Account Executive. Must have two years experience. Pharmaceutical sales is a plus. Apply at: Medi-Plex Healthcare Professionals 209 W. Point Dr. Suite D Swansea, IL 62226 618-293-6776 (Office) 618-293-6774 (Fax) anisa.manning@
Dental Assistant Full time opening with benefits for experienced dental assistant. Busy, progressive practice looking for multi-talented outgoing person who loves working with patients. Resumes with references to P.O. Box 242 Highland, IL 62249
Part-time Position Available
Experienced Financial Coordinator good pay and bonus opportunities, 401K and health benefits available, able to work well with others, familiar with Dentrix, Dexis and working with insurance companies email resumes to business@ or fax (618)667-8078
- Immediate opening (15-30 Hours Per Week) - Must be able to work late Friday night - Enjoy hands-on training - Mechanically inclined - Must understand what team-work means - Possess problem solving skills - Skilled in both verbal and written communication - Must have valid driver’s lic. - Must be able to stand 4+ hours at a time
This is a general labor position working in our newspaper’s post production operation.
Help Wanted General
Medi-Plex Healthcare Professionals is looking to hire Full-time, Parttime, PRN Homecare Registered Nurses. There is $10,000 sign on bonus. Apply at: Medi-Plex Healthcare Professionals 209 W. Point Dr. Suite D Swansea, IL 62226 618-293-6776 (Office) 618-293-6774 (Fax) anisa.manning@ Technical Product Sales Specialist Lamboo Technologies, LLC seeking experienced technical sales person with building and construction background. Degree in Architecture, Engineering, or Construction Management recommended.3-5 years’ experience in sales preferred. Lamboo Technologies offers competitive salaries and full benefits. Send resumes to
Help Wanted Medical
Edwardsville Intelligencer 117 North 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL Equal Opportunity Employer
Post Production Supervisor
To be considered submit resume and cover letter to:
The Intelligencer’s Classifieds Have An Employment Section Providing You Leads To Local Area Employment
- Immediate opening - Must be able to coordinate production deadlines & personnel -Mechanically Inclined - Possess problem solving skills under pressure. - Written & verbal communication skills a must. - Valid driver’s lic. required - Part Time Come in and fill out an application at the Edwardsville Intelligencer 117 North 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL
ARROWHEAD SITE WANTED! Respectable and profesional executive looking for landsite to dig for arrowheads. Willing to pay a fee annually, monthly, for each visit, or even buy the land outright. Also willing to pay for information leading to a site where arrowheads have been found. This could be a farm field, pre-contrusction site, or even your front yard, as long as there are arrowheads. Will pay to have land put back to original condition or better on top of the lease fee. Please call Connor 314-629-9828 ARROWHEADS WANTED: local Avocational Archaeologist is looking to purchase either one arrowhead or an entire collection. Love Indian artifacts! 314-608-2692
Carrier Routes 401 Rt 20 Carrier needed for the Montclaire area behind Pantera’s Pizza. Includes Bollman Ave, Franklin Ave, Hadley Ave, Hadley Ct, Harrison St, Montclaire Ave, Oakland Ave, & Roanoke Dr. Approximately 22 papers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5 pm M-F, and 830 am on Saturday. If interested please call 656-4700 x27.
Bed - Queen PillowTop Mattress Set New, still in plastic, $175. (618)772-2710. Can Deliver!
1 bdrm apt. all new thru-out. w.s.t. included. crdt ck req. $650/mo. No calls after 6pm 656-3407 1BR loft apt & 1BR duplex $585/mo. + dep No pets/smking. Credit Check. 656-8953 2 bdrm apts $595-$705 Some with w/d & patios. NO PETS. 1 yr lease 618-977-7222 2 BR Town Home for rent. 1.5 bath, 1 car garage. W/D hookup Credit check and security deposit required. No pets. $825 per month. 618-779-9985 2BR apt in E’ville. Retirement community. No pets, No smoking. $495. 217-854-8784.
For Sale Snapper Riding Mower. $300 Serviced and in excellent condition. New battery. Call (618)977-1701
1br, Edw.: Stove, fridge, w/d, w/s/t, No pets/smoking $625/mo + dep. 618-779-9041 E’ville schools Worden, 3+br/4ba, $1,700, 3000sq. ft., gar. 618-514-9954.
3br TH 1200sq. ft. S8 OK Collinsville, $890/mo. 345-9610. Specials!! 3br, 2.5ba duplex in Glen Carbon, $1,300/ mo+dep. 2 car gar. 1yr lease. 618-781-0701
GLEN CARBON Pepperwod Condos All Electric units, all appliances, FP, Stacked WD, Deck/Patio 1BR from $675 Carports available
recycle this paper!
Support Research.
Misc. Merchandise
10” Sears Radial Arm Saw and Manual, Asking $50 Old Garden Roto-Tiller, Earthquake 43cc Tiller, Ryobi 31cc, 16” Weedeater, $50 All 3 618-656-3154
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Fully Renovated 1BR & 2 BR Apts. Downtown E’ville. Available Now. $925-$1,125/mo. (618) 307-9506 LUXURY 2 BRs located at 270 & 111 Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included. WST included. Must See! $695. Call for our move-in specials! (618)931-3333. Montclaire Area 2 BD 2 BA large kitchen, living room, unf. basement W/D hookup, garge w/ opener $925 + deposit and credit check. (618)656-2922 SMOKE FREE Townhomes. 2br, 1.5ba $710 mo. 15min to STL & SIUE. Includes washer/dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. 618-931-4700
Homes For Sale
For Sale By Owner 6418 Oak Drive, Moro, IL (Deerfield, on Rt. 159, North of Rt. 140) 3 BR brick/cedar trim ranch, 1856 sq. ft., located in a quiet subdivision. 1 Full BA, 1 ? BA. Kitchen updates, D.R., great room w/ wood burning fireplace, laundry room. Attached 2 car GAR & workshop. Lots of storage space. LRG deck overlooks well stocked lake. Utility/ storage shed. New roof. Updated heating/cooling system. Edwardsville School District. FSBO $182,900 618-372-3381
Furnished Cottage. 1 Person. Lake view. No smking. No pets. $475/mo +dep. 618-288-9200 Glen/Edw; Ginger Cr. Exec Living, $2000/mo 200+maint. lease/CFD available. 779-6266 Studio apt dwntn. $475/mo. $475 deposit & $50 credit check. Call 618-978-5044
Advertise here! Call 656-4700 ext. 22
Chest of Drawers $65 Night Stand $35 Call (618)580-8675 For Sale: Oak dining room set: table with leaf, 6 chairs, hutch, buffet. Good condition. $300 OBO. 618-971-7873
2BR Loft, newly remod new kit, ba, wndws/drs d/w, w/d hkups. $715 incl. w/s/t. 593-0173
Houses For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
2BR Duplex, appls. furn, w/d hkup. No pets Glen Carbon. Available May 1st! 314-578-0961
Full-time experienced receptionist for dental office. Send resume to or fax to 618-346-8170
Wanted To Buy
Lawn & Garden
Come in and fill out an application at the
Full time salaried position with excellent fringe benefits. EOE Drug Free Workplace
Blind Box 306 117 North 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL 62025
Help Wanted General
media solutions
1 Vehicle - 10 lines of text with a picture! ($140 Value) Ad Runs for up to 30 days! Intelligencer Automotive Classifieds Powered by trust. Driven by value.
Contact the Intelligencer today to sell your vehicle! Call Sara @ 618-656-4700 ext. 22 E-Mail: Office Located At: 117 N. 2nd Street, Edwardsville, IL 62025 Hours: Monday - Friday • 8:30 am - 5 pm
May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Classified Would you like to reach 30,000 potential customers?
Yard Sales
Yard Sales
25 Homes! FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 05/06-05/07 8a.m.-Noon Some homes open Friday from 4P-8P In Edwardsville, Located off Goshen Road, 1 mile West of the YMCA Meyer Center. Many, many great items! Look for maps at sale. Rain or Shine
For as little as .01¢ per houshold you can be a part of our MEDIA MAILER
Edwardsville Garden Club’s Spring Plant Sale Sat. May 7nd, 8am-Noon. 1802 Madison Ave., Edwardsville (St. Mary’s parking lot) Huge Yard Sale at Eden Church 903 N 2nd Street Edwardsville May 7th 8A-1P Raising money for summer youth mission trips! Concessions also available. Multi Family Sale May 7th 8A-1P Fairfield Subdivision 112 Oakshire Dr. E Glen Carbon Something for everyone!
Call Amy @ 656.4700 Ext. 35
Two L o c a t i o n s S e rv i n g t h e M e t ro E a s t A re a
Locally Owned and Operated
Stately all brick traditional home offers 7,000 sq. ft. living space. Located in Sunset Hills Estates minutes from golfing, swimming, fishing & dining.
1012 Plummer Drive
1941 Frank Scott Parkway
Irresistible ranch home with finished walk out nestled on beautifully landscaped setting. $286,000 MARYVILLE PR102773 The Massey Team 618-791-5024/618-791-9298
Butler Marcus Realty Group 618-972-2225 or 618-444-9903
$695,000 EDW PR102774 The Massey Team 618-791-5024/618-791-9298
Great location! Two story home w/1st floor master, open floor plan, 4BR/4BA, upscale salt water pool & much more. Easy access to interstate and shopping. $460,000 GLC PR102782 Betty Treat 618-830-3952
3317 Drysdale Ct. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 12-4 $552,500 The Massey Team 618-791-5024/618-791-9298
3321 Drysdale Ct. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 12-4 $545,000 The Massey Team 618-791-5024/618-791-9298
Luxury at its finest! Finished walkout LL, pool, on 13th fairway of Sunset Hills. $995,000 EDW PR102772
Well designed 4 bedroom ranch with finished LL. Spacious fenced backyard. $268,500 TROY PR102779 Butler Marcus Realty Group 618-972-2225 or 618-444-9903
Move in ready one story in Troy! Great location, great price, a must see! $122,000 TROY PR102776 Diane Rieger 618-806-8750
3309 Hershiser Ct. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $599,999 The Massey Team 618-791-5024/618-791-9298
Made for the way you live. This 1.5 story new construcion w/ features you’ve been looking for. $644,900 EDW PR102600
Six bedroom home with walk out finished LL, unique design details! $634,000 EDW PR102728
Split bedroom ranch with finished walkout basement on private tree lined lot. $350,000 GLC PR102744
Irresistible well designed 2 story home. Professionally landscaped, hardwood floors,new carpet, SS appls, large fenced yard. $325,000 GLC PR102745
Welcome Home! 3BR/4BA, large fenced back yard, partially finished basement, located on a quiet cul-de-sac. $198,000 TROY PR102746
Completely remodeled, possible 4 bedroom, 2 baths, all brick in Montclaire, basement waterproofed. $171,000 EDW PR102745
CATHLEEN KEASEY (618) 660-2615 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
Extremely well built 1.5 story home welcomes you with open floor plan and fine finishes. $529,000 EDW PR102449
Exquisitely remodeled historic home on beautiful St. Louis Street. $459,500 EDW PR102750
S e a rc h N E W L I S T I N G S , O P E N H O U S E S a n d H O M E S F O R S A L E i n yo u r a re a a t
w w w. b h h s E l i t e P r o p e r t i e s . c o m ©2016 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity.
On the Edge of the Weekend
May 5, 2016
Remodeling & Repair Drywall Finished Carpentry Painting Ceramic Tile Build & Repair Decks Exterior House And Deck Washing Landscaping Blinds & Draperies Light Fixture & Ceiling Fans No Job Too Small
Call Bob Rose 978-8697
TREE SERVICE •Fully Insured •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Topping Experts •Stump Removal •Storm Clean-up •Bush Trimming •Spotless Clean-up Every Time •Crane Service
Free Estimates
• • • • • •
Remodeling Painting Carpentry Drywall Lighting & Ceiling Fans Electric Service Upgrade
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Spring Cleaning Specials • 3 Rms & Hallway $119.00 • Sofa, Loveseat & Chair - $149.00 • 10% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning
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Call Joe 618-973-8458
BOB’S OUTDOOR SERVICES 25 + YEARS EXPERIENCE • Spring Clean-Up • Landscape Work • Shrub Trimming & Removal • Drainage & Erosion Problems • Mulching • Power Washing • Deck & Fence Refinishing • Quality Work • Insured
Call Bob
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Insured & Bonded 656-6743
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Call us today for a free quote on weekly, biweekly, monthly, one time, move in move out, repossession and foreclosure cleaning
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KS Lawn Service Spring Yard Clean Up and Landscaping!
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Call 618-659-5417
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AMBROSE’S LAWN CARE Mowing, Trimming & Blowing Residential & Commercial
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Need something done around the house? Call one of these advertisers today!
DECKS/FENCES Stain/Paint Powerwashing • No job too small • Insured • Local • Will beat ALL competitors Written bids
DAN GRAY 656-8806 910-7874
To place your ad here call Lisa 656-4700 x 46 May 5, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Ends MAY 31st
STK: GG559 MSRP: $28,695
STK: FF815 SALE: $23,992* MSRP: $63,100
STK: GG511 SALE: $52,584* MSRP: $30,400
STK: GG591 SALE: $25,805* MSRP: $53,990
SALE: $47,524*
MWF: 830 - 8PM TTH: 830 - 6PM SAT: 830 - 5PM SUN: CLOSED
On the Edge of the Weekend
May 5, 2016