Summer Fun 05-2014

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Your Summer Vacation! 20 14 Su m m e r Yout h P ro g r a m s S ou t h e r n I l l i n o i s Un i ve r s i t y E d ward s v i l l e L ew i s a n d C l a r k C om mun i ty C o l l e g e Route 66 Festival ready to roll Glen Carbon gears up for another Homecoming Alton ready for summer A Special Section

TABLE OF CONTENTS SIUE Summer Courses ............................................................................................ 3 Greenville Graffiti scheduled................................................................................. 9 Route 66 Festival ready to roll ............................................................................ 11 Glen Carbon gears up for another Homecoming........................................... 12 Alton ready for summer....................................................................................... 13 Lewis and Clark Comm. College Summer Courses......................................... 21 MoBOT set for the season .................................................................................... 27 Zoo still a great destination ................................................................................ 29 Caribbean Cove now open ............................................................................... 31





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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Registration Information To Register: or Call: 888-328-5168 - May, 2014 - 3


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


SIUE Summer Writing Camp: Our camp is for kids who love to write and explore their creativity, mainly within the genres of poetry and short fiction. We also spend some time on essay writing and autobiography. We are not remedial, but if you have a shy writer, one who is afraid of the blank page, this camp shows that sort of writer how to let go and not worry about judgment and red pencil marks. Dates & Times: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Session One: June 09—June 20 Session Two: July 07—July 18 Both sessions are open for registration now! Cost: $215.00 Location: SIUE campus Registration/Contact/Website: camp_index.html Adam Cleary Camp Director Dept. of English Language & Literature Box 1431, SIUE Edwardsville, IL 62026-1431 E-mail: Phone: 618-650-2284 or 618-650-2060

Explorers (grades 2 - 3)

Odyssey Science Camp In Explorers concepts from biology, chemistry, earth science and physics are introduced with activity-based instruction, including laboratory exercises, and outdoor explorations. Dates: July 21 – August 1, Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit

Voyagers (grades 3 - 4)

Odyssey Science Camp In Voyagers concepts from biology, chemistry, earth science and physics are introduced with activity-based instruction, including laboratory exercises, and outdoor explorations. (Similar to Explorers but more in-depth) Dates: July 21 – August 1

Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit http://

Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit http://

Math Movers & Shakers (grades 4 – 5)

Geared Up (grades 7 – 9)

Odyssey Science Camp Instruction takes a playful approach to math through puzzles, games, and exploration of real world connections and applications. Dates: July 21 – August 1 Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit

Super Sleuths (grades 5 – 6)

Odyssey Science Camp In this exciting program participants learn the importance of observation skills as students learn “crime” investigation techniques such as collecting evidence, fingerprinting, and handwriting analysis. Dates: July 21 – August 1 Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit

Disaster Academy (grades 6-7)

Odyssey Science Camp Disaster Academy examines how the world prepares for (and survives) large-scale disasters. Participants will learn about disaster preparedness, disease spread and prevention, and human anatomy/physiology through exciting hands-on activities and simulations that focus on the science of zombies, large-scale disasters, and survival skills! Dates: July 21 – August 1

Odyssey Science Camp Construct Lego Mindstorms robot creations using a simple visual programming language for beginners! Campers do not need prior experience with Legos or programming for this camp. Dates: July 21 – August 1 Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit http://

Cosmic Investigators (grades 8 – 9)

Odyssey Science Camp Campers will engage in space exploration from ancient civilizations to the current day. Participants will build telescopes, engineer tools to investigate Earth’s upper limits, simulate a search for life on other planets, and contribute to real astronomy research! Dates: July 21 – August 1 Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fee: $250 Cost includes a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Location: SIUE Campus, Science Building Contact: STEM Center at (618) 650-3065 or visit http://

Spanish Summer Day Camp In this Spanish Summer Camp, students will engage in a wide range of exciting learning and recreational activities that will develop their communication skills in Spanish. They will be able to ask and answer questions, learn basic vocabulary, and comprehend spoken Spanish through context about everyday topics. We will emphasize the communicative and interactive approach to the teaching of foreign languages.

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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Dates / Time: Beginning Camp: June 9-20, 2014 & Intermediate Camp: July 7-18, 2014 Monday-Friday 9am-2:30pm Cost: $250.00 Location: SIUE Campus Registration / contact information: Forms to be completed found on summer camp website: Participant Form Health Info & Consent form Liability Release Photo Release Mail the four completed forms along with your non-refundable deposit of $50.00 or with the full amount of $ 250.00 to the following address: SIUE Summer Spanish Camp Box 1084 Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1084 For Further information contact: Cathy McNeese at or call 650-3208 or 650-3210 Online registration:

Cost: $150 ($250 with dorm option) Location: Dunham Hall 1115 Contact: Daniel Smithiger (618) 650-3913 or dsmithi@

Band Camp For wind or percussion students entering grades 6-10 Activities focus on (1) developing individual and ensemble instrumental performance skills; (2) exposure to varied musical activities: performances, clinics, and sectionals by SIUE faculty and students, developing rhythmic and melodic reading skills, tone quality, intonation, phrasing, and style, embouchure, posture, hand position, and practice habits. We have individualized instruction through a large ensemble experience, exploring widely varied musical literature, ending with a final concert for family and friends. Dates: June 16–20, (Mon.-Fri.), 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost: $150 Location: Dunham Hall 1115 Contact: Darryl Coan (618) 650-2012 or If you are a woodwind player entering 9th or 10th grade and would like to attend both the Band Camp and the Woodwind Camp, you can do so for a total fee of $225.



2014 SIUE Summer Camps and Institutes Registration deadline is two weeks prior to the beginning of camp. The following forms must be completed and included with application: Media Release, Health Form and Insurance Release Form. These forms along with the Registration brochure are available online:

Woodwind Camp

Percussion Institute For students entering grades 6–12 The SIUE Percussion institute is focused on orchestral, solo and chamber; drum set and marching opportunities in percussion. The Institute will enrich students through opportunities in attending concerts, clinics, lectures and demonstrations. Additionally, performance experiences will culminate in a final showcase concert for all participants at the end of the camp. The Percussion Institute is offering a dorm option. This option includes a four-night stay in the dorm. The cost for the dorm option is an additional $100. Dates: June 9–12, (Mon.-Thurs.), 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

For students entering grades 9-12 The camp will include small and large group sessions on topics such as reeds, chamber music, listening, tone, intonation, technique, auditions and practicing. A concert will be presented each day to include the SIUE woodwind faculty and the Scott Air Force Band Woodwind Quintet. In addition, each student will receive one private lesson with the faculty as part of the camp fee. Dates: June 24–27 (Tues.-Fri.), 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Cost: $150 Location: Dunham Hall Contact: James M. Hinson (618) 650-2014 or If you are a woodwind player entering 9th or 10th grade and would like to attend both the Band Camp and the Woodwind Camp, you can do so for a total fee of $225.

Jazz Camp

For students entering grades 8–12 The SIUE Jazz Camp will involve the following activities: ensemble performance, introduction to jazz style and master classes (applied instrumental techniques). Staff will include SIUE jazz faculty and students. Participants will learn improvisation skills and will have the opportunity to put these skills to use in small combo situations. These combos will offer a performance at the camp’s conclusion. Dates: June 30–July 3, (Mon.-Thurs), 9:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. Cost: $150 Location: Dunham Hall 1114 Contact: Rick Haydon (618) 650-2355 or rhaydon@siue. edu; Jason Swagler (618) 650-3019 or

Suzuki String Camp For violin, viola, and cello students/parents/observers: Campers gain valuable experience and motivation while studying with area teachers and faculty from the SIUE Suzuki Program. Technique, repertoire and orchestra classes are offered, plus a final concert on Friday at 2 p.m. Private lessons, fiddle class and enrichment classes are available for an additional fee. Dates: July 8–11, (Tues.-Fri.), 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Cost: $135 Location: Dunham Hall 2143 Contact: Erika Lord-Castillo (618) 650-2839 or For more info visit: music/Suzuki

Musical Theater Workshop

For students grades 7 and above College students and high school teachers welcome! The Musical Theater Workshop will provide participants with an in-depth experience of musical theater training. Activities will include: Professional vocal training, Dance training with a professional choreographer, Master classes focusing on song preparation, audition technique, and interpretation; Preparing monologues, Acting improvisation. The workshop will culminate in a public performance for family and friends on Friday, July 18 at 3 p.m. We hope to see you there!

Classes Forming NOW Camp Dat Three Week Summer Dance Camp

All Day, Half Day and Evening Camps Available June 9-26 Ages 3 and up - Pre-Teen and Teen Beginner Class

Mommy and Me, Ballet, Leaps and Turns, Contemporary Jazz, Modern, Tumbling

Also Introducing Sports Acrobatics Ages 8 and up

One Week Kiddo Evening Dance Camp July 21-24 Ages 3 through 12

Mommy and Me, Fairytale Ballet, Fundamentals, Pop Dazzlers Jazz,Tumble Bees, Broadway Babies, Radio Disney, Pump up the Jam, Fancy Feet, Dancing with Disney

June 9-2 6 July 2124


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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Dates: July 14–18, (Mon.-Fri.), 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Cost: $160 (T-shirt included) Location: Dunham Hall 1109 Contact: Dr. Marc Schapman (618) 650-2034 or

Music Technology & Composition Camp

For students entering grades 7-12 Group and individual activities will be provided for students with a variety of backgrounds and interests. Students will explore music by writing their own pieces on the computer, experimenting with MIDI instruments and creating their own electronic hybrid instruments. No previous experience with computers or keyboards is necessary. Supplies and materials will be provided, including computer generated manuscripts of student’s compositions. Camp enrollment is limited to 15. Dates: July 21–25, (Mon.-Fri.), 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost: $150 Location: Dunham Hall 0194 Contact: Darryl Coan (618) 650-2012 or

Cougar Theater Company Summer Camp & Performances:

Cougar Theater Camp offers Cub Camp for ages 6-9. Students will learn voice/singing, dance/movement, acting skills, literature, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and self-confidence. The Daily Schedule: classes in the a.m., then lunch break (bring your own) followed by rehearsals. The camp offers two opportunities to perform before an audience: Cougar Showcase on June 12 & 13 and in CTC’s Dunham Hall Theater performances of Disney’s Peter Pan, Jr. June 19 -21. Cougar Showcase is the culmination of the weeks of training. Students will present a musical revue interspersed with favorite fairy tales. Day(s) / Date(s) Time: June 2-13 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuition: $350.00 (does not include lunch or dinner costs) Location: SIUE Metcalf Theater Registration / Contact information / Website: Leslie Van Leishout, Cougar Camp Director; 618-650-5748;; and

Cougar Theater Company Summer Camp & Performances:

Cougar Theater Camp offers Cougar Club for ages 10-13. Students learn voice/singing, dance/movement, acting skills, literature, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and self-confidence. The Daily Schedule: classes in the p.m., then dinner break (bring your own) followed by rehearsals. The camp offers two opportunities to perform before an audience: Cougar Showcase on June 12 & 13 and in CTC’s Dunham Hall Theater performances of Disney’s Peter Pan, Jr. June 19 -21. Cougar Showcase is the culmination of the weeks of training. Students will present a musical revue interspersed with favorite fairy tales. Day(s) / Date(s) / Time: June 2-13 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuition: $350.00 (does not include lunch or dinner costs) Location: SIUE Metcalf Theater Registration / Contact information / Website: Leslie Van Leishout, Cougar Camp Director; 618-650-5748;; and Cougar Theater Company Summer Camp & Performances: Cougar Theater Camp offers Cougar Conservatory for ages 14-19. Cougar Conservatory meets Students learn voice/singing, dance/movement, acting skills, literature, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and self-confidence. The camp offers to opportunites to perform before an audience: Cougar Showcase on June 12 & 13 and in CTC’s Dunham Hall Theater performances of Disney’s Peter Pan, Jr. June 19 -21. Cougar Showcase is the culmination of the weeks of training. Students will present a musical revue interspersed with favorite fairy tales. Day(s) / Date(s) / Time: June 2 - 20 from 1:00 p.m. to

6 - May, 2014 -

7:30 p.m. Tuition: $350.00 (does not include lunch or dinner costs) Location: SIUE Metcalf Theater Registration / Contact information / Website: Leslie Van Leishout, Cougar Camp Director; 618-650-5748;; and


SIUE Girls Basketball Camps: Our summer camps give you a wonderful opportunity to improve your basketball skills while working with our players on a great college campus. We provide different avenues to encourage players to continue to develop their game. We hope you join us for an exciting summer of basketball and fun! Girls Basketball Elite Camp Date / Time: June 13, 2014 / 9 am – 4 pm Cost: $75 Location: SIUE Vadalabene Center Contact information: Jordann Plummer joplumm@ or 618-650-3437 Website:

Girls Basketball Team Camp

Date / Time: June 14-15, 2014 / 9 am – 5 pm Cost: $350 per team Location: SIUE Vadalabene Center Contact information: Jordann Plummer joplumm@ or 618-650-3437 Website:

Girls Basketball All Skills Day Camp

Date / Time: June 16-19, 2014 / 9 am – 4 pm Cost: $180 Location: SIUE Vadalabene Center Contact information: Jordann Plummer joplumm@ or 618-650-3437 Website:


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Girls Basketball Shooting Camp

Junior Cougar Soccer Camp II

SIUE Men’s Basketball

The Junior Cougar Camp is a game and activity based camp that is designed to continually stimulate our campers and teach and develop their soccer skills. Our staff will be hands on with positive feedback and helpful instruction, to ensure that each young player is having a great time and learning more about the game. Most children want to learn more about something they enjoy! Camp includes a camp shirt and a cool summertime treat each day. Open to boys and girls age 6-11. Day(s) / July 14-16 / 8:30-11:30 am $55 Korte Stadium on campus at SIUE Registration online at / Contact Holly Cox: or 618-650-2427

Date / Time: June 20, 2014 / 9 am – 4 pm Cost: $75 Location: SIUE Vadalabene Center Contact information: Jordann Plummer joplumm@ or 618-650-3437 Website:

Join us this summer at our SIUE basketball camp for a fun learning experience, while improving your basketball skills! With direction from our coaching staff, we are ready to help you become a better basketball player. We will emphasize fundamentals and teamwork by teaching you the essential concepts to help you reach your full potential.

SIUE Men’s Individual Basketball Camp

Dates / Time: June 23 to June 26 with the option to go full day from 8:30am to 4:40pm Cost: ($195.00) or half day from 8:30am to 12:00pm ($90.00) Location: SIUE, Vadalabene Center. Registration / Contact Information: Mitch Gilfillan, SIUE Basketball, Campus Box 1129 Edwardsville, IL 62026-1129 / 618-650-3092 / mgilfil@

Junior Cougar Soccer Camp I The Junior Cougar Camp is a game and activity based camp that is designed to continually stimulate our campers and teach and develop their soccer skills. Our staff will be hands on with positive feedback and helpful instruction, to ensure that each young player is having a great time and learning more about the game. Most children want to learn more about something they enjoy! Camp includes a camp shirt and a cool summertime treat each day. Open to boys and girls age 6-11. Thursday and Friday / 5/29 & 5/30 / 8:30-11:30 am $45 Korte Stadium on campus at SIUE Registration online at / Contact Holly Cox: or 618-650-2427

Advanced Training / Advanced Soccer Goalkeeper Training Camp The Advanced Training Camp is designed to help the female player expand their game. Our staff of current college coaches will help the campers learn what they can do to continue developing their game: during the camp and for the rest of their playing days. We want to help the players reach their goals, whatever they may be. Focus will be on technical skill development, functional training and game play. Open to girls grades 7-12. Day(s) / July 17-19, Fri-Sun / 8:30-11:30am $80 Korte Stadium on campus at SIUE Registration online at / Contact Holly Cox: or 618-650-2427

SIUE Volleyball Camp / 2-Day All-Skills Camp 1

Open to girls and boys in grades 4-12 Wednesday & Thursday/ June 4-5/ 9am-4pm $160 Vadalabene Center- SIUE Campus Register online or by mail. All registration information is found at Contact information: Kendall Paulus; (618) 650-5285;

SIUE Volleyball Camp / Attacking Camp

Open to girls and boys in grades 4-12 Tuesday/ July 8/ 9am-3:30pm $75 Vadalabene Center- SIUE Campus Register online or by mail. All registration information is found at Contact information: Kendall Paulus; (618) 650-5285;

SIUE Volleyball Camp / Setting Camp

Open to girls and boys in grades 4-12 Wednesday/ July 9/ 8:30am-12:30pm $60 Vadalabene Center- SIUE Campus Register online or by mail. All registration information is found at Contact information: Kendall Paulus; (618) 650-5285;

SIUE Volleyball Camp / Defense/Passing Camp

Open to girls and boys in grades 4-12 Wednesday/ July 9/ 2pm-6pm $60 Vadalabene Center- SIUE Campus Register online or by mail. All registration information is found at Contact information: Kendall Paulus; (618) 650-5285;

SIUE Volleyball Camp / 2-Day All-Skills Camp 2

Open to girls and boys in grades 4-12 Monday & Tuesday / July 14-15/ 9am-4pm $160 Vadalabene Center- SIUE Campus Register online or by mail. All registration information is found at Contact information: Kendall Paulus; (618) 650-5285;

Cougar Performance Camp: At Cougar Performance, we are committed to training


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Greenville Graffiti scheduled from 1979 to 1985 on “The Dukes of Hazzard.” Rosco, under the direction of Boss The actor who made Hogg, spent each week Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane chasing after the Duke an icon of the early 1980s boys. Car show organizers is the featured celebrity at have received numerous this year’s Greenville Graffiti requests to bring in a cast Car Show. James Best, member from “The Dukes of one of the co-stars of “The Hazzard.” Best is expected Dukes of Hazzard,” will sign to be a big draw to the autographs and serve as a event. celebrity judge of the classic In conjunction with his cars and trucks on Saturday, appearance at the Greenville Ju n e 1 4 i n d o w n t o w n Graffiti Car Show, Best’s Greenville. He will also one man show---“Best present his one man show of Hollywood”---will be “Best of Hollywood” on performed the night before Friday, June 13. at the Globe Theater, on B e s t ’s c a r e e r b e g a n the Greenville square. This in 1950 and he soon 90 minute journey through appeared alongside some Best’s career offers fans an of Hollywood’s biggest intimate look behind the legends including James curtains, soundstages, and Stewart in “Winchester ’73” backlots of the studios and and Humphrey Bogart in stars. Television and movie “The Caine Mutiny.” Best clips will be woven through was also featured in two of humorous anecdotes, Universal Pictures biggest reminiscences, and Best’s franchises---“Ma and imitation of friend and Pa Kettle at the Fair” and co-star James Stewart. “Francis Goes to West The Greenville Graffiti Point.” Fans of 1950s horror Car Show is Saturday, June movies may remember 14 and will feature a variety James Best as the star of the of contests, food, and fun. 1959 cult classic “The Killer The show is open to 1989 Shrews.” His television and older cars and trucks. appearances included two Further details concerning episodes of “The Andy the car show will be Griffith Show” and three released soon. episodes of “The Twilight For more information, Zone.” c o n t a c t t h e G re e nv i l l e With over 180 acting Chamber of Commerce at credits to his name, Best’s (618) 664-9272. most beloved character was Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane For the Intelligencer

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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville athletes the right way through our systematic approach. Our focus is to train each athlete to their full potential by designing comprehensive training programs, providing qualified training professionals to assist the athletes, and placing a high priority on ensuring every athlete is educated on the process to reaching their full potential. Our goal for each athlete is to become more faster, agile, age-specific strength, and become fit. Session One: June 2-26 & Session Two: July 7 – 31 Ages 12-14 – 9:00-10:30am & Ages 15-18 11:00a – 12:30pm 2 Days = Tuesday / Thursday or 3 Days = Monday / Tuesday / Thursday Cost: $85 for 2 day program or $130 for 3 day program Location: SIUE Campus, Lukas Annex, Athletic Performance Room Registration: visit or email Meade Smith

SIUE Softball All-Skills Camp The All-Skills camp will focus on the fundamentals of both offense and defense. Defensive fundamentals will cover throwing, catching, glove work and footwork as well as situational and team defense. Offensive fundamentals will cover everything from bunt defense to power hitting, along with base running and situational hitting. Camp staff will include current Cougar Softball coaches and players. A t-shirt is included in the camp fee but lunch will not be provided. Dates / Time: Tuesday and Wednesday/ July 15-16, 2014/ 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Cost: $150 Location: SIUE, Cougar Field and Fulginiti Indoor Registration / contact information: www.siuesoftball. com / Alicia Abbott at 618-650-2825 or aliabbo@siue. edu

SIUE Softball Elite Camp Our Elite camp is designed with the advanced player in mind who has a strong desire to play at the collegiate level. This camp will focus on situational hitting and. Current Cougar coaches and players will run the camp and campers will receive instruction and insight about

what it is like to be a part of a Division 1 program. A t-shirt is included in the camp fee but lunch will not be provided. Dates / Time: Sunday/August 17, 2014/ 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Cost: $125 Location: SIUE, Cougar Field and Fulginiti Indoor Registration / contact information: www.siuesoftball. com / Alicia Abbott at 618-650-2825 or aliabbo@siue. edu

SIUE Sprints/Hurdles/JumpsCamp We will teach the proper warm up drills for sprinters as well as hurdle, jumps and sprint techniques. Current SIUE athletes will aid in instruction as well as 2 time national champion and 18 time all American sprinter/ hurdler Coach Deserea Brown-Howard. Dates / Time: Mon-Thurs June 16-June19 Sprints, Hurdles and Jumps 9am-11am or 12pm-2pm Mon-Thurs June 23- June 26 Sprints, Hurdles and Jumps 9am-11am or12pm-2pm Cost: $100 per week, no two days will be the same! Location: SIUE Korte Stadium Registration / Contact information /Website: To register please email Deserea Brown- Howard at Desebro@ no later than June 9, 2014

SIUE Wrestling Technique & Competition Camps

June 27-29 featuring Teyon Ware: *Two-time NCAA Champion *2011 World Team Member o $300 Resident/$225 Commuter July 10-11 featuring Kyle Dake: *Four-time NCAA Champion *2013 Hodge Trophy Winner o $250 Resident/ $200 Commuter August 8-9 featuring Max Askren: *2010 NCAA Champion *Three-time NCAA All-American o $200 Commuter Only Location: SIUE Campus in the Vadalabene Center Registration / contact information: / Donovan McMahill dmcmahi@siue. edu; 618-650-5211 / Twitter: @SIUEWrestling / Facebook:

SIUE Summer Youth Swim Lessons at the Cougar Lake Pool Swim Lessons are available for children ages 4 - 9 years old. Evening Swim Lessons will be offered for children 8-15 years old. We will be utilizing the American Red Cross Learn to Swim and Preschool Swim Program. All levels of instruction will be offered during these time slots. Lessons may be canceled due to inclement weather and will only be rescheduled should time permit. No refunds will be offered for canceled lessons. Dates: Session 1: June 2 – June 12 – Mon – Thurs // 10am & 11am Evening Swim Lessons – June 3 – June 19 – Tue & Thurs // 6:15pm – 6:45pm** Session 2: June 16 – June 26 – Mon – Thurs // 10am & 11am Session 3: July 7 – July 17 - Mon – Thurs // 10am & 11am Session 4: July 21 – 31 – Mon – Thurs // 11am Time: Swim Lesson Sessions 1-4 are scheduled Monday – Thursday from 10:00am – 10:45am & 11:00am – 11:45am. Each session will last two weeks for a total of 8 classes. Evening Lessons are scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:15pm – 6:45pm. This session will last three weeks for a total of 6 classes. **Evening Lessons are for children ages 8-15 years old. Cost: Children of SIUE Students: $40 per session. Children of SIUE Faculty/Staff/Alumni (including community members with CLP Membership): $45 per session Location: Cougar Lake Pool on SIUE Campus Registration Information: SIUE Student Fitness Center Reception Desk. For information on swim lessons please call the Student Fitness Center: 618-650-2348 or visit our website:

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 28 - August 1 FREE for Anyone For ages 3 years through 5th Grade Accept this Invitation to Discover Hospitality!

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For More Information Call 618-656-4550 10 - May, 2014 -

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Bill Tucker/Intelligencer




Classic cars have been an annual Route 66 Festival favorite.

Route 66 Festival ready to roll By BILL TUCKER The Edwardsville Park and Recreation Department has been thinking about summer for quite some time. Specifically, it’s focusing its attention on the 17th Annual Route 66 Festival, which is scheduled June 13 and 14 in Edwardsville City Park. The two-day event will once again highlight the history of America’s most famous highway while providing festival goers with plenty of music, food, fun and, yes, a car cruise. This year’s event may seem later to Route 66 Festival veterans, but Edwardsville Park and Recreation Program Coordinator Katie Grable said that’s not the case. “The second full weekend of June has always been the traditional weekend,”Grable said. Further, there’s a very specific reason this particular weekend is so important. Grable said the statewide Route 66 Car Cruise will kick off from Edwardsville on Friday. As always, the festival will feature children’s activities, Metro Milers 10K Run, Trailnet Route 66 Bicycle Ride, talent show and live music. Blu Skies will kick things off at 6:30 p.m.on June 13 at City Park bandstand with Aaron Kamm and The One Drops performing from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. On Saturday the popular Route 66 Talent Show takes the stage 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mojo Roots are scheduled to perform at 6:30 p.m. on June 14 and other acts, still to be contracted, will fill the afternoon with music. The Jeremiah Johnson Band from St. Louis will bring its brand of rock and roll to the stage to help close the festival as it performs from

9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Grable said the festival not only highlights a ribbon of road that bissected the city, it highlights the city itself. “The annual Route 66 Festival has long been a showcase event for the city of Edwardsville,” Grable said in a press release. “ Not only do we get to celebrate the Mother Road and all its glory, but we also get to show off our community’s outstanding support for family-oriented events and the many talents of our local vendors and residents.” Returning to its original format, the Route 66 Festival will cover just two days, not three. Sock hops, including last year’s at the Wildey Theatre, had been conducted each of the last two years, but Grable said the focus is returning to City Park. “We decided not to it this year,” she said.“It didn’t have a real good connection to the festival in the park.” Sponsorships, ranging from $50 to $5,000, are being sought for the event and will be accepted through April 18. Food vendors are also needed and have until May 9 to register. Those interested in being a sponsor or a vendor should contact Grable at 692-7538 or visit www.edwardsvilleroute66. com.

Sponsors of the 2014 events include Mother Road sponsor, Cork Tree Creative, an Edwardsville-based, full service marketing, public relations and website development firm. Other sponsors include: (Hot Rod Sponsor) TheBANK of Edwardsville and (Roadster Sponsors) Madison Mutual Insurance Company
Cassens Transport Company, Abstracts & Titles, Anderson Hospital, Gori Julian & Associates, Inc., P.C., Cahokia Mounds Museum Society, Irwin Chapel of Glen Carbon and Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. - May, 2014 - 11

Bill Tucker/Intelligencer

Carnival rides and games draw large crowds at the Glen Carbon Homecoming.

Glen Carbon gears up for another Homecoming By BILL TUCKER It has become one of the most well-attended local events of the summer. The Glen Carbon Homecoming is once again in the works. This year’s event is scheduled June 13 and 14 in Old Town Glen Carbon. The event features a variety of food, music, carnival rides and other attractions in addition to a fireworks display, parade and 5K run. The Well Hungarians – a Homecoming crowd favorite – will provide Friday’s musical entertainment. The Dirty Muggs, meanwhile, will be making their Homecoming

12 - May, 2014 -

debut on Saturday. A parade 5K run and fireworks display are also scheduled to take place on Saturday. Advance carnival ride tickets – offered at a discount – will be on sale as they are every year at Village Hall. Glen Carbon’s Homecoming is a self-supporting event. No tax dollars are used. Proceeds from previous Homecomings and sponsorships cover all of the necessary expenses. A complete schedule of events was unavailable at press time. For more information on Homecoming – including 5K run and parade applications – visit the village website at

Alton ready for summer For the Intelligencer The Alton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau has announced the following events. Grafton Winery Blues Festival Saturday - Sunday, May 17 - 18, 2014 1:00pm to 6:00pm CDT on Saturday; Noon to 7pm on Sunday Grafton Winery & Brewhaus 300 W. Main St. Grafton, IL 62037 Kick back for a weekend of blues during the 5th Annual Grafton Winery Blues Festival. Four top-notch blues bands from the St. Louis area will complete the lineup for the festival taking place at the Grafton Winery & Brewhaus, located at 300 W. Main St. in Grafton, Ill. Bands include: Robert Sampson and the Gumbo Band, Tombstone Bullet Band, Pennsylvania Slim Band and Billy Peek. For more information, call (618) 786-3001. Spirit of Peoria: Sightseeing Cruise (Alton) Monday, May 19, 2014 2:30pm to 4:30pm CDT Riverfront Park Landmarks Blvd. Alton, IL 62002 E n j o y t h e r i v e r b y b o a r d i n g t h e S p i r i t o f Pe o r i a sightseeing cruise. The cruise will travel the Mississippi River and people will have a chance to enjoy the scenic beauty found here. The boat will depart and return to Riverfront Park in Alton. Cruise begins approximately 30 minutes after boarding. Cruising time is 90 minutes. For more information or to reserve your ticket, call (800) 2586645. Admission $25/adult $23/senior $14/child (ages 4 - 12), infants are free Spirit of Peoria: Dinner Cruise (Alton) Monday, May 19, 2014 6:30pm to 9:00pm CDT Riverfront Park Landmarks Blvd. Alton, IL 62002 B r i n g yo u r a p p e t i t e a b o a rd f o r t h i s re l a x i n g c r u i s e including a full dinner served while on board. The boat will depart and return to Riverfront Park in Alton. Cruise begins approximately 30 minutes after boarding. Cruising time is two hours. For more information or to reserve your ticket, call (800) 258-6645. Admission $55 per person, inclusive Spirit of Peoria: Sightseeing Cruise (Alton) Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:00am to 11:00am CDT Riverfront Park Landmarks Blvd. Alton, IL 62002 E n j o y t h e r i v e r b y b o a r d i n g t h e S p i r i t o f Pe o r i a sightseeing cruise. The cruise will travel the Mississippi River and people will have a chance to enjoy the scenic

beauty found here. The boat will depart and return to Riverfront Park in Alton. Cruise begins approximately 30 minutes after boarding. Cruising time is 90 minutes. For more information or to reserve your ticket, call (800) 2586645. Admission $25/adult $23/senior $14/child (ages 4 - 12), infants are free Spirit of Peoria: Lunch Cruise (Alton) Tuesday, May 20, 2014 12:00pm to 2:30pm CDT Riverfront Park Landmarks Blvd. Alton, IL 62002 Bring your appetite aboard for this scenic cruise featuring a full lunch served aboard the Spirit of Peoria. The cruise will travel the Mississippi River and people will have a chance to enjoy the scenic beauty found here. The Spirit of Peoria will depart and return to Riverfront Park in Alton. Cruise begins approximately 30 minutes after boarding. Cruising time is 2 hours. For more information or to reserve your ticket, call (800) 258-6645. Admission $45 per person, inclusive Spirit of Peoria: Sightseeing Cruise (Alton) Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:30pm to 5:30pm CDT Riverfront Park Landmarks Blvd. Alton, IL 62002 E n j o y t h e r i v e r b y b o a r d i n g t h e S p i r i t o f Pe o r i a sightseeing cruise. The cruise will travel the Mississippi River and people will have a chance to enjoy the scenic beauty found here. The boat will depart and return to Riverfront Park in Alton. Cruise begins approximately 30 minutes after boarding. Cruising time is 90 minutes. For more information or to reserve your ticket, call (800) 2586645. Admission $25/adult $23/senior $14/child (ages 4 - 12), infants are free Spirit of Peoria: Dinner Cruise (Alton) Tuesday, May 20, 2014 6:30pm to 9:00pm CDT Riverfront Park Landmarks Blvd. Alton, IL 62002 B r i n g yo u r a p p e t i t e a b o a rd f o r t h i s re l a x i n g c r u i s e including a full dinner served while on board. The boat will depart and return to Riverfront Park in Alton. Cruise begins approximately 30 minutes after boarding. Cruising time is two hours. For more information or to reserve your ticket, call (800) 258-6645. Admission $55 per person, inclusive. See “ALTON� on Page 14 - May, 2014 - 13

Alton Continued from Page 13 Grafton Riverside Flea Market Saturday – Sunday, May 24 - 25, 2014 9:00am to 5:00pm CDT The Loading Dock 400 Front St. Grafton, IL 62037 (618) 786-3494 You won’t want to miss this fabulous flea market on the river. There will be over 50+ dealers with all types of goods, antiques glassware, tools, candles, furniture and good old-fashioned junk! Join the fun the fourth weekend of every month from March through October in Grafton. For more information, call (800) 258-6645 or e-mail Ghosts & Gravestones Cemetery Tour Saturday, May 24, 2014 Starts at 7:00pm CDT Mineral Springs Haunted Tours 301 E. Broadway Street Alton, IL 62002 After a brief memorial for all the people who died in Mineral Springs Mall, cars line up behind the Mineral Springs Hearse, and the procession goes to the Alton Cemetery. The tour guide takes the group to 32 gravesites. A seance is held at the Lovejoy Monument and the tour returns to Mineral Springs for a “Repast” and tour of the building. Tour ends with a Tarot card reading. For more information, call (618) 465-3200. Admission $35/person Carillon Concerts at Gordon Moore Park Sunday, May 25, 2014 Starts at 5:30pm CDT Gordon F. Moore Community Park 4550 College Avenue (Illinois Rt. 140) Alton, IL 62002 Listen to the melodic songs of the bells ringing forth from the Carillon Tower in the Nan Elliot Rose Garden. Every Sunday during the summer, you can walk the trails through the garden or spread out a blanket to listen as a talented local musician plays the bells for all to hear. Concerts are free and last approximately 30 minutes. For more information, call (618) 465-6676. Alton Memorial Day Parade Monday, May 26, 2014 Starts at 10:00am CDT Begins at College and Washington avenues

Begins at College and Washington avenues Alton, IL 62002 Celebrate Memorial Day by experiencing the oldest consecutive running parade in the entire nation. Celebrate the history of Pie Town, Upper Alton and those that served our country. Bring your lawn chairs and line the streets to show your support and join in on the fun. For more information, call (618) 462-7527. Movie Night at the Piasa Winery Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Starts at 7:00pm CDT Piasa Winery & Pub 225 W. Main St. Grafton, IL 62037 Enjoy a movie under the stars on the riverfront in Grafton. Movie begins at dusk. For more info, call (618) 786-9463. Tour De Cure Saturday, May 31, 2014 Starts at 6:00am CDT Alton Riverfront Amphitheater 1 Henry Street Alton, IL 62002 Join over 1,000 cyclists, in the fight to stop diabetes, at the Alton R i v e r f r o n t A m p h i t h e a t e r. C h o o s e t o r i d e 1 0 , 3 0 , 50 o r 1 0 0 mi l e s o n ro u t e s t h a t w i l l t a k e yo u t h ro u g h beautiful rural Illinois with various terrains, from flat to moderate rolling hills. Cyclists of all ages can find a route that suits them in this wellsupported ride. Rest stops are located approximately every 10 miles and are stocked with water, snacks, beverages and first aid. Support vehicles patrol t h e ro u t es f o r your assist ance and safety. Following your ride enjoy an extraordinary post-event party that includes live music, great food and f re e a d m i s s i o n i n t o R a g i n g R i v e r s Water Park in Grafton! For more info, call (888)-DIABETES. Movie Night at the Piasa Winery Wednesdays in June Starts at 7:00pm CDT Piasa Winery & Pub 225 W. Main St. Grafton, IL 62037 Enjoy a movie under the stars on the riverfront in Grafton. Movie begins at dusk. For more info, call (618) 786-9463. Grafton’s Music in the Park Thursdays in June 7:00pm to 9:00pm CDT The Grove Memorial Park Market Street Grafton, IL 62037 Bring your lawn chair and enjoy a free concert at The Grove Memorial Park in Grafton. For more information, call (618)

14 - May, 2014 -

786-2605. Alton Muny Band: Riverview Park Thursdays in June Starts at 8:00pm CDT Riverview Park Riverview Drive at Bluff Street Alton, IL 62002 Locals seldom miss a beat a during the weekly summer concerts performed by the Alton Municipal Band at Riverview Park. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. For more information, call (618) 465-6676. Bullets in the Bathtub Mystery Dinner Theater Friday, June 6, 2014 Starts at 6:30pm CST Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037 Welcome to Trixie’s Speakeasy located right in the heart of Chicago during the roaring 20s. There’s a lot of shady characters around here and the worst in Harry “Bullets” Hyde, he’s the boss of the bosses. Gee, hope no one gets him mad, no telling what will happen! Join us for an exciting evening of murder, mystery and mayhem at our Mystery Dinner Theater, where you can be the star of the show! And don’t forget your flapper dress and fedora, because this is a swanky kind of place. For more information, call (618) 786-2331. Admission $45 per person (includes dinner, taxes and gratuity) Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market Wednesdays & Saturdays in June 8:00am to 12:00pm CDT (Saturday) 4pm to 7pm CDT (Wednesday) Corner of Landmarks and Henry Landmarks Blvd Alton, IL 62002 T h e re w i l l b e a n a b u n d a n c e o f delicious fresh produce, crafts, baked goods, plants & flowers, locallyraised hormone-free meat, handmade soaps, jewelry, artwork, pottery, art demonstrations and more at the Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market. Admission is free for shoppers and there is plenty of parking at its new permanent location in the city-owned parking lot at the corner of Landmarks and Henry Street. See “ALTON” on Page 18


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Alton Continued from Page 14 Two Rivers Family Fishing Fair Saturday, June 7, 2014 10:00am to 4:00pm CDT Pere Marquette State Park 13112 Visitor Center Lane Grafton, IL 62037 Want to learn to fish or become a better angler? The Two Rivers Family Fishing Fair offers fun and information for the entire family. Event includes: trout pond, seminars on fishing and water safety, educational activities, gifts, prizes and lots more! Free. For more information, contact Pere Marquette State Park at (618) 786-3323, ext. 1. Feed the Need Concert Featuring John Michael Montgomery Saturday, June 7, 2014 Starts at 5:00pm CST Alton Riverfront Amphitheater 1 Henry Street Alton, IL 62002 Listen to the sounds of country legend John Michael Montgomery at the benefit for Meals on Wheels. John Michael Montgomery is known for hits such as “Life’s A Dance,” “I Can Love You Like That,” “I Swear” and many more. He has sold over 18 million albums, recorded 15 number one hits, earned four ACM awards and has been nominated for three Grammys. Opening act will be The Harmans family band performing at 6 p.m. Gates open at 5 p.m. Funds raised from this event have allowed Senior Services to continue to deliver a hot nutritious meals to over 700 homebound seniors throughout Madison and St. Clair counties each day. For more information or to purchase tickets, call (800) 233-4904. Admission $30/person $80 for meet & greet session ticket w i t h Jo h n M i ch a e l M o n t g o m e r y (limited to first 30) Pride Inc. Home & Garden Tour Sunday, June 8, 2014 12:00pm to 5:00pm CST Homes throughout the region Alton, IL 62002 Beautiful local homes and gardens in Alton and Godfrey are put on display for this popular event. A local historic site is usually included on the tour.

This is a self-guided tour. Call (618) 467-2375. Alton Muny Band: Haskell Park Sundays in June Starts at 7:00pm CDT Haskell Park 1200 Block Of Henry Street Alton, IL 62002 Locals seldom miss a beat a during the weekly summer concerts performed by the Alton Municipal Band at Haskell Park. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. For more information, call (618) 465-6676. Moon Light Hike Thursday, June 12, 2014 Starts at 7:30pm CDT The Nature Institute 2213 S. Levis Lane Godfrey, IL 62035 Walk the woodland trails through the Mississippi Sanctuary or Olin Nature Preserve illuminated only the light of the full moon. The trail terrain is light to moderate. This moonlight hike is free and open to the public. Meet at The Nature Institute’s Talahi Lodge a half hour before departure time. For more information, call (618) 466-9930. Full Moon Haunted Tour Friday, June 13, 2014 Starts at 7:00pm CDT Mineral Springs Haunted Tours 301 E. Broadway Street Alton, IL 62002 To u r i n c l u d e v i s i t s t o s eve r a l haunted buildings as well as an exclusive guided tour of the most haunted building in Alton, the Mineral Springs Hotel. The only tour to enter M i n e r a l S p r i n g s ! To u r i n c l u d e s light refreshments. Bring cameras, recorders, flashlights, and any ghost hunting equipment you may have. For more info, call (618) 465-3200. Admission $35/person Alton Hauntings Ghost Bus Tour Friday, June 13, 2014 Starts at 7:00pm CDT First Unitarian Church 110 East Third Street Alton, IL 62002 Our bus tour is approximately three hours long and travels by luxury coach to various reportedly haunted sites throughout Alton -- includes sites on the walking tour plus additional sites that we can’t walk to! We are on and off the bus throughout the evening. Each tour is led by one of our trained guides and is based on the book Haunted Alton by Troy Taylor. Admission

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$40/person Movie Nights at the Park Friday, June 13, 2014 Starts at 7:30pm CDT Robert E. Glazebrook Community Park 1401 Stamper Lane Godfrey, IL 62035 Come and enjoy the thrill of watching a movie under the stars at Glazebrook Park during Godfrey’s Movie Nights in the Park series. The series is presented with assistance from Liberty Bank. The movie will begin at dusk; keep in mind that it will be late due to the season. The concession stand will be open. For more information, call (618) 466-1483. Alton Road Runners Club Fun Run Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:00am to 10:30am CDT Robert E. Glazebrook Community Park 1401 Stamper Lane Godfrey, IL 62035 Join in on a fun run for all ages at Glazebrook Park. Six and younger run 1/4 mile, 7 - 14 run 1/2 mile and 15 and older run 1 mile. For more information or to register, contact Russ and Kathy Colona at (618) 259-2261. Earthworms at Discovery Garden in LaVista Park Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:30am to 11:00am CDT Lavista Park 2421 West Delmar Godfrey, IL 62035 Gardeners ages 6-14 will explore natural sources of food through this organic, hands-on learning opportunity by tending to the seasonal duties of the Discovery Garden in LaVista Park. Led by the Community Cultivators, this gardening experience will provide participants with an alternative and creative outdoor activity that encourages the holistic growth of our community. Participants should “Dress for mess” as every aspect of the garden, including digging in the dirt, will be covered. Early registration will be from March 17 to April 4, $20 for residents and $30 for non-residents. Regular registration will be from April 7 to May 16, $25 for residents and $35 for nonresidents. For more information, call (618) 466-1483. Admission Early registration (March 17 to April 4): $20 for residents and $30 for nonresidents Regular registration (April 7 to May 16): $25 for residents and $35 for nonresidents See “ALTON” on Page 19

Alton Continued from Page 18 Pere Marquette Wine Club Get Together Saturday, June 14, 2014 2:00pm to 5:00pm CDT Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037 Join the Lodge in the Mary Michelle Winery Tasting Room the second Saturday of each month and enjoy appetizers and wine tasting. For more info, call (618) 786-2331. McPike Mansion Family Campout Saturday, June 14, 2014 Starts at 5:00pm CDT McPike Mansion 2018 Alby Street Alton, IL 62002 Visit the spirited McPike Mansion and celebrate Halloween during the annual McPike Mansion Family Camp Out. Visit the wine cellar to communicate with the spirits of McPike Mansion while you enjoy food and fun. Reservations can be made by calling (618) 462-3348. Admission $30/adult $15/teen $10/child Special Family Pricing: 2 adults for $50 Family of 4 [2 adults / 2 children or teen]- $70 Annual Bark in the Park Sunday, June 15, 2014 12:00pm to 4:00pm CST Robert E. Glazebrook Community Park 1401 Stamper Lane Godfrey, IL 62035 Bring your pooch to the park for food, games, prizes, rides, vendors and contests to support and bring awareness to the wonderful work that the 5As provides for the community during the 8th annual Bark in the Park. All ages (and breeds) welcome. For more information, call (618) 466-3702. Specialty Beer Garden at Pere Marquette Sunday, June 15, 2014 2:00pm to 6:00pm CDT Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037 This event will feature imports, micro-brewed and domestic beers, as well as exciting cocktails and frozen drinks. There will also be themed food and live music. The BeerGarden at Pere Marquette is a wonderful place to spend a relaxing day filled with entertainment, a gorgeous view and an ambiance that cannot be found anywhere else in St. Louis. For more information, call (618) 786-2331. Concerts in Glazebrook Park Monday, June 16, 2014 Starts at 6:30pm CDT Robert E. Glazebrook Community Park 1401 Stamper Lane Godfrey, IL 62035 Godfrey’s free summer Concerts in the Park series at Glazebrook Park is the perfect way to spend a rockin’ evening with family, friends and neighbors. The Concerts in

the Park is a tradition put together by the Godfrey Parks and Recreation Department offered to the public for free. Held at the Whispering Winds Gazebo in lovely Glazebrook Park, the atmosphere just can’t be beat. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own seating, picnic dinners (concession stand will be open for those not wanting to cook) and dancing shoes. Leashed pets are also welcome. All concerts will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately two hours. In the event of inclement weather or for more info, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (618) 466-1483. Pere Marquette Lodge Wine Pairing Dinner Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Starts at 6:30pm CDT Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037 Let our chef awaken your senses at our four course Gourmet Wine Dinner hosted at Pere Marquette Lodge. Enjoy the excellent company of an intimate dinner party as our Wine Expert explains each of the specialty wines and how the flavors of that wine complement each delectable dish. Choose to stay the night and add two tickets to your room reservation for an additional $90. (Does not include room taxes or reservation.) Call (618) 786-2331 for details. Admission $50 per person (includes taxes and gratuity Beer Pairing Dinner Thursday, June 19, 2014 Starts at 7:00pm CST Grafton Winery & Brewhaus 300 W. Main St. Grafton, IL 62037 Enjoy a five-course meal paired with beer brewed at Grafton Winery. Beers include: Red Ale, Pilsner, Stout Shandy, Shandy and Bock Dark. Advanced reservations required. For more information, call (618) 786-3001. Admission Wine Club Members: $27 per person Non-Wine Club Members: $30 per person Paranormal Picnic at McPike Mansion Saturday, June 21, 2014 Starts at 6:30pm CST McPike Mansion 2018 Alby Street Alton, IL 62002 Mineral Springs Haunted Tours will have a “paranormal picnic” at McPike Mansion, which is known as one of the most haunted mansions in America. For more information, call (618) 465-3200. Admission $50 per person Spirit of Peoria: Full Day Cruise (St. Louis to Grafton) Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:30am to 4:00pm CDT St. Louis Riverfront Arch North Area, South Of Eads Bridge 182 North Leonor K Sullivan Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63102 Enjoy a full day of fun relaxing on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Trip includes: all inclusive ticket pricing, all-you-can-eat meals, professional storytelling, unlimited complimentary drinks, entertainment, round-trip transportation, tax and gratuity. Cruising time: St. Louis to Grafton 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information call the Alton Visitor Center at (800) 258-6645. - May, 2014 - 19

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College for Kids at Lewis and Clark Community College

Art Camps Pinterest Party for Kids Ages 7 to 12

In this hands-on class, we will be creating a variety of Pinterest inspired kids crafts! Each day we will produce a new creation, allowing students to explore and use their imaginations. Kids will learn to make photo frames, paper arts like comic books and journal making, origami and much more! Mon-Fri, Jun 9-13, 1:00-4:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-130-N1 $129

Ready for the Runway Ages 8 to 10

In this fun, creative and hands-on class you will learn basic sewing skills as you design and create your own drawstring bag and a pull on skirt or pair of pants. Professional clothing designer, Lillian Bates, will guide you through the process and you’ll be ready for the runway in no time! Machines and some supplies are included in the course fee. Students will need to provide the fabric of their choice and the teacher selected pattern. A complete supply list will be sent prior to the first day of class. Tue-Fri, Jun 24-27, 1:00-4:00 PM By Design, Alton CECK-125-F1 $149

Future Fashionistas Ages 10 to 13

Explore your fashion sense as you design your own skirts, jumpers and tops! This class will feature the art of “upcycling” where you take something you don’t wear anymore and turn it into something cute and fabulous! After a week with clothing designer Lillian Bates, you’ll be ready to show off your creations to family and friends in a fashion show on the last day. Machines and some supplies are included in the course fee. Students will need to provide large shirts as the starting pieces for each project. A complete supply list

will be sent prior to the first day of class. Tue-Fri, Jul 22-25, 1:00-4:00 PM By Design, Alton CECK-139-F1 $149

students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take this class. Mon-Fri, Jun 16-20, 1:00-4:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-138-N2 $139

Computer and Technology Camps

Make Your First Video Game Ages 8 to 11

App Attack! Make Your First Game App Ages 8 to 11

Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app! Using a specialized game development tool, students will explore the world of phone-based and tablet applications. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, you will also see firsthand how the world of App’s publishing functions. Student created apps will be accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Parents may choose to publish apps if certain criteria are met and final decisions are the sole discretion of Apple or Google. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take this class. Mon-Fri, Jun 16-20, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-138-N1 $139

App Attack! Make Your First Game App Ages 11 to 14 Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app! Using a specialized game development tool, students will explore the world of phone-based and tablet applications. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, you will also see firsthand how the world of App’s publishing functions. Student created apps will be accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Parents may choose to publish apps if certain criteria are met and final decisions are the sole discretion of Apple or Google. No prior experience is necessary and

If you love playing video games, this is the camp for you! Make your first video game in this one-of-a-kind class that shows you the crucial keys to designing your first 2-D game. Conceptualization, play experience, challenge levels, graphics and elements, music and sound, software and simple coding are just some of the concepts that we’ll explore as you learn how to really get into the game because you made it yourself! No prior experience necessary, just a desire to have fun. Student created games will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Games are only compatible on PC computers, Mac versions can be created after the program for a $15 conversion fee. Mon-Fri, Jun 23-27, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-150-N1 $139

Make Your First Video Game Ages 11 to 14

If you love playing video games, this is the camp for you! Make your first video game in this one-of-a-kind class that shows you the crucial keys to designing your first 2-D game. Conceptualization, play experience, challenge levels, graphics and elements, music and sound, software and simple coding are just some of the concepts that we’ll explore as you learn how to really get into the game because you made it yourself! No prior experience necessary, just a desire to have fun. Student created games will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Games are only compatible on PC computers, Mac versions can be created after the program for a $15 conversion fee. Mon-Fri, Jun 23-27, 1:00-4:00 PM - May, 2014 - 21


College for Kids at Lewis and Clark Community College

N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-150-N2 $139

Minecraft Designers Ages 11 to 14

If you love the game Minecraft, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings for your games, this class is for you. Learn the basics of creating 3-D modeling using a new industry grade software to design your very own characters and import them into your favorite Minecraft games. Students must have Minecraft at home to import characters and parent email address is required to create student accounts. Mon-Fri, Jul 7-11, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-170-N1 $139

Minecraft Designers Ages 8 to 11

If you love the game Minecraft, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings for your games, this class is for you. Learn the basics of creating 3-D modeling using a new industry grade software to design your very own characters and import them into your favorite Minecraft games. Students must have Minecraft at home to import characters and parent email address is required to create student accounts. Mon-Fri, Jul 7-11, 1:00-4:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-170-N2 $139

Keyboarding for Kids Ages 8 to 12

Are you keyboarding with two fingers instead of ten? Proper keyboarding techniques and practices for both alphabetic and numeric keying will be presented in this class. Students will have fun with on-line skill building games while improving their speed and accuracy. Mon-Thu, Jul 14-17, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-160-01 $89

Make Your First 3-D Video Game Ages 8 to 11

By popular demand, we are now offering a 3-D game design class. This experience allows you to develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of the traditional 2-D game design classes. Students will learn the physics behind 3-D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay and storytelling. Student created games will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Mon-Fri, Jul 28-Aug 1, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-250-N1 $139

Make Your First 3-D Video Game Ages 11 to 14

design class. This experience allows you to develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of the traditional 2-D game design classes. Students will learn the physics behind 3-D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay and storytelling. Student created games will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Mon-Fri, Jul 28-Aug 1, 1:00-4:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-250-N2 $139

Horseback Riding Camps Little Stirrups Ages 4 and up

Young riders will learn about the wonderful world of horses in this beginning riding class for parents and kids. Parent/child teams will experience everything from the feel of a horse’s fuzzy muzzle to the giggles of excitement during your child’s first trotting steps in the saddle. Kids will learn how to brush their horse, put the saddle on its back, and tell it how to stop, go and turn in the very first class. Rocky Branch horses are generous, patient and sweet-natured. Riders will demonstrate their new skills for family and friends on the last day and be presented with a rosette ribbon. Young riders must be accompanied by an adult who will participate in each class by helping to brush, saddle up and lead the horse while their child is riding. Sat, Jun 7-28, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Rocky Branch Stables, Bethalto CECK-128-F1 $109 Sat, Jul 5-26, 9:00-10:30 AM Rocky Branch Stables, Bethalto CECK-128-F2 $109

Rocky Branch Saddle Club Ages 8 and up

The Rocky Branch Saddle Club’s 10-level program takes riders from beginner to accomplished equestrian. Each level is a set of building blocks combining riding skills and horse care knowledge such as how much oats to feed a horse, the difference between hay and straw, and how to clean a horse’s hooves. Riding activities include playing games on horseback, riding bareback, navigating hills and bridges and a life-size riding maze. Saddle Club riders will learn to ride both English and Western styles with confidence. Merit pins are awarded at each level; riders who complete all 10 levels will graduate as an assistant riding instructor. Special activities include arts and crafts, demonstrations from a professional horse trainer, and assisting a veterinarian or horse-shoer. Saddle Club incorporates the riding handbook Happy Horsemanship (available for purchase along with club jackets and riding helmets). Sat, Jun 7-28, 2:00-3:30 PM Rocky Branch Stables, Bethalto CECK-228-F1 $109 Sat, Jul 5-26, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Rocky Branch Stables, Bethalto, CECK-228-F2 $109

By popular demand, we are now offering a 3-D game

22 - May, 2014 -

Magic Camps ADDra-Kid-Abra Mathmagic Camp

Ages 6 to 12

Mind read the number a spectator is thinking of! Instantly add a column of 4-digit numbers! Make balls mysteriously travel from one hand to another! Learn these tricks and more in our brand new camp, ADDraKid-Abra. The tricks in this camp are math-based. So while having fun learning magic, you’ll hone your math skills as well. Each participant will receive a magic case and new props to add daily. You’ll also learn out-of-the-box thinking math betchas to pull on your friends, math games and even a little math comedy. Camp culminates with campers starring in a math-e-magic show for their families on Friday. Goals are to build math skills and excitement about math, to develop presentation skills and confidence and to have fun! Mon-Fri, Jun 16-20, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-133-N1 $149

Outdoor Camps Adventures in Dirt: Can You Dig It? Ages 8 and up

Get your hands dirty while discovering what lies beneath the surface of the Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary! Paddle your way to mock archaeological sites to excavate and collect artifacts, analyze what we uncover and unlock the secrets of the past. Work alongside experienced archaeologists during daily digs to better understand everyday ancient life along the rivers. Encounter the amazing interactions among people, animals and the natural surroundings, but be careful not to step in the paleo poop! Mon-Thu, Jul 7-10, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM West Alton, MO CECK-141-F1 $85

Lewis and Clark Junior Explorers Ages 9 to 11

Here is your chance to join the Lewis and Clark Expedition and become a full-fledged member of the Junior Explorers. Learn the history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition by training at Camp River Dubois, their first Winter Encampment. Applicants should be prepared to train as a member of the Expedition by bettering their frontier skills, learning to serve in the US Army in 1803-04, preparing their own meals, making a journal, mending their uniform, identifying various native plants and animals, and many more tasks. This week-long camp will be held at the Lewis and Clark State Historic Site -- inside the interpretive center and in the historic replica of Camp River Dubois. Junior Corps Members should report to Camp River Dubois on June 23! Mon-Fri, Jun 23-27, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM L&C State Historic Site, Hartford CECK-112-F1 $59

Photography Camps

ZooTography – Ages 10 and up Explore the special skills needed when photographing animals in various situations indoors and out. Master Craftsman Photographer Mike Nichols will teach


College for Kids at Lewis and Clark Community College various skills such as: exposure adjustment, when to use flash, overcoming artificial barriers such as glass and wire, and try some close up work. Van transportation will be provided for a trip to the St. Louis Zoo on Wednesday with extended hours from 9:00 - 1:00. Parents are more than welcome to attend, however will need to provide their own transportation. Students will have a souvenir, framed photograph to take home of their favorite shot of the week. Students must bring their own camera (with extra batteries and an empty memory card). Mon-Fri, Jul 21-25, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-142-N01 $139

Science Camps Super Science Adventurers Ages 5 to 7

Throughout the week, our class will be exploring weather systems, dinosaurs, the solar systems, gravity, density, and cool chemical reactions. We’ll not only discover the processes behind these concepts, but we will do hands-on projects that bring these ideas to life. Children will need to bring a paint shirt to place over their regular shirt as we will be doing some very messy projects such as creating water tornados, using puffy paint, making fossils, and even exploding a volcano! Mon-Fri, Jun 9-13, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-121-N1 $149

Grossology: Your Body Inside and Out

For students entering grades 3-5 Ever wonder why people burp and pass gas? Investigate your body and the way it works in this fun handson class. Learn why our bodies make embarrassing noises, why mucus is important, and the purpose of scabs. Find out what happens to the snack you just ate. What’s a hiccup? Why do we yawn? What about your senses? Can we fool your eyes into seeing things that aren’t there? Find out the facts about your body inside and out and what makes it slimy, oozy and smelly. Mon-Fri, Jun 23-27, 1:00-4:00 PM

N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-181-N1 $129

S.T.E.A.M. Punk Week! Ages 9 to 13

Spend the week looking at science, technology, engineering, art and math (S.T.E.A.M.) careers with a twist. Be a rocket scientist, a forensic investigator, an electrical engineer/fashion designer and an artistic chemist! Each day, students will participate in different hands-on experiments and will leave with the materials and tools (including a black light!) to repeat the experiments at home. Experiments will include (but are not limited to) exploding dough, glow in the dark creations, LED wearables and goo. Mon-Fri, Jun 23-27, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville CECK-183-N1 $139

Farmland Fun Ages 6 to 8

This farm-themed camp will help students explore old and new farm techniques. Using a variety of plastic building blocks similar to Legos, students will learn about various types of farm machines along with technologies that are used in construction, building and storage. Students will explore the movement of commodities and how various methods increase efficiencies, along with needs for the most advanced equipment. Tools and animals will be discussed and incorporated into the lesson plans to create a great time of learning and fun! Each student will build three farm projects to take home during the week. Mon-Thu, Jun 23-26, 1:00-4:00 PM Bethalto Education Center CECK-149-E1 $149

Pullback Car Frenzy Ages 6 to 8

This hands-on camp is jam-packed with science and designed to stimulate problem solving skills and creativity using new and innovative ideas. Students will work in pairs to build 10 cars using a design plan, basic engineering and communication skills. Concepts of gearing, energy, friction and aerodynamics will be incorporated as they are challenged to design new

vehicles as well. Students get to take home each car they build. Mon-Thu, Jun 23-26, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Bethalto Education Center CECK-148-E1 $149

Planet Hunters Ages 8 to 12

Blast off on a series of missions to explore our Universe! In this exciting week of camp, you will travel through our universe, investigate black holes and comets, learn to identify meteorites, search for extra-solar planets, and explore what life forms we might find in our universe. Led by the coordinators of the River Bend Astronomy Club, you will perform planet temperature experiments, investigate how eclipses form, and recreate the tests used by the Viking mission to Mars. You’ll create your own guidebook to navigate the night sky and research the location of NASA space missions on-line in the computer lab. You’ll discover how telescopes work while you safely view solar flares and sunspots during the day, and view the moon, planets and galaxies during a special Thursday evening session. Each participant will also get to build their own telescope to take home at the end of the week! Mon-Fri, Jul 14-18, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Edwardsville High School CECK-143-FED1 $149


Ages 10 and up What do the Clark Bridge, the Chain of Rocks Canal and the Melvin Price Locks and Dam have in common? All three structures were engineered to solve a problem! Develop and design your own engineering marvels to solve everyday problems during this 3-day camp at the National Great Rivers Museum. We will use science, technology, engineering and math to create a perfect container for eggs, build a bridge that can withstand the weight of a bucket of pennies, use simple machines to create a cool Rube Goldberg contraption and much more! All materials and snacks are included in the course fee. Mon-Wed, Jul 21-23, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM National Great Rivers Museum, Alton CECK-190-F1 $75

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26 - May, 2014 -

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MoBOT set for the season For the Intelligencer The Missouri Botanical Garden is a great place to take a stroll and enjoy beautiful and inspiring display Gardens; but if you are seeking events to enjoy with your family and friends – look no further! The Garden offers hundreds of things to see and do year round. Grab your calendar and plan to attend an event set in the oldest botanical garden in continuous operation in the United States, and one of the few to have achieved National Historic Landmark status. June 1: St. Louis Horticultural Society Sale. New cultivars and old favorites are shown and sold by the area’s top growers, who are on hand to give plant care advice and share information about their organization. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Orthwein Floral Display Hall. Included with Garden admission. June 1: Cafe Flora Brunch. Sundays from March 30 through October 26, enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. (Brunch not offered May 18, Aug. 31 or Oct. 5) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Garden admission applies. For more information, visit Ju n e We d n e s d ay s : T h e M i s s o u r i Botanical Garden remains open late from 5 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays from Memorial Day through Labor Day (grounds only; buildings, conservatories and special attractions are closed). Free admission after 5 p.m.  June 3: Herbs & Heirlooms Tuesdays. Connect with some of the oldest friends of mankind: herbs. Drop in to explore the culinary, sensory, beauty and uses for the herb featured each week. The first 100 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use your new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit www. June 4: Whitaker Music Festival. Free evening outdoor concert featuring the Peter Martin Quartet.  Peter Martin is an acclaimed jazz pianist, composer, arranger and educator.  His touring career has taken him to six continents.  In January 2011,

Courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden

Visitors pick out herbs at a MoBOT plant sale. Peter performed with a select group of jazz artists at the White House for a State Dinner hosted by President Obama, and he returned to perform for the Governor's Dinner in February 2012 for the First Family and guests. Lawn seating; bring chairs or a blanket. Picnicking is permitted after 5 p.m.; pack a picnic or purchase food and beverages on site. No pets, barbecue grills or smoking. Music begins at 7:30 p.m. Free admission after 5 p.m.; last entry at 9 p.m. Cohen Amphitheater lawn. Sponsored by the Whitaker Foundation.  June 6 – Aug. 22: Monsanto Hall Exhibit: Jack Curran. Presenting photos that are transformed to their simplest and expressive abstract form - black and white defined by highlights and shadows. Works on display in the Ridgway Center. Included with Garden admission. Visit www.mobot. org to learn more. Ju n e 7 : G re e n H o m e s F e s t i va l . Help your family live green – and live healthier! Celebrate sustainable living and explore ways to maintain a healthy you and a healthy planet. Bring your home improvement ideas and talk with over 100 green product and service exhibitors at

the Kemper Center for Home Gardening. Presented by the EarthWays Center of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Included with Garden admission; free before noon for city and county residents. Visit for more information. June 8: St. Louis Home Garden Tour 2014. Enjoy an exclusive tour of 12 of the loveliest private home gardens in St. Louis. The Missouri Botanical Garden offers this tour only once every three years. Held rain or shine. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Self guided tour tickets are $50. Advance reservations required; (314) 577-5118 or online at www. June 8: Cafe Flora Brunch. Sundays from March 30 through October 26, enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. (Brunch not offered May 18, Aug. 31 or Oct. 5) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Garden admission applies. For more information, visit See “MOBOT” on Page 28 - May, 2014 - 27

MoBOT Continued from Page 27

June 9 through 15: Illinois Appreciation Week. Illinois residents receive half-price daytime Missouri Botanical Garden admission (a $4 value) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; a 10 percent discount in the Garden Gate Shop and Little Shop Around the Corner; and a 20 percent discount off new or gift memberships purchased this week. June 10: Herbs & Heirlooms Tuesdays. Connect with some of the oldest friends of mankind: herbs. Drop in to explore the culinary, sensory, beauty and uses for the herb featured each week. The first 100 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use your new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit June 11: Whitaker Music Festival. Free evening outdoor concert featuring Al Holliday and the East Side Rhythm Band. St. Louis’s own Al Holliday and the East Side Rhythm Band plays the soulful Rhythm and Blues - with a feeling! The name of this band pays tribute to the burning R&B music that has come from the MetroEast. This band is deeply influenced by this music, along with classic Soul, and the music of New Orleans. Lawn seating; bring chairs or a blanket. Picnicking is permitted after 5 p.m.; pack a picnic or purchase food and beverages on site. No pets, barbecue grills or smoking. Music begins at 7:30 p.m. Free admission after 5 p.m.; last entry at 9 p.m. Cohen Amphitheater lawn. Sponsored by the Whitaker Foundation.  June 14: St. Louis Carnivorous Plant Society Show and Sale. New cultivars and old favorites are shown and sold by the area’s top growers, who are on hand to give plant care advice and share information about their organization. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the Beaumont Room in the Ridgway Center. Included with Garden admission. June 15: Cafe Flora Brunch. Sundays from March 30 through October 26, enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. (Brunch not offered May 18, Aug. 31 or Oct. 5) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Garden admission applies. For more information, visit June 17: Herbs & Heirlooms Tuesdays. Connect with some of the oldest friends of mankind: herbs. Drop in to explore the culinary, sensory, beauty and uses for the herb featured each week. The first 100 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use your new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit June 18: Dr. Gary Nabhan Lecture and Book Signing. Nabhan is an internationally-celebrated nature writer, food and farming activist and proponent of conserving the links between biodiversity and cultural diversity. He has been honored as a pioneer and creative force in the “local food movement” and seed saving community by several publications. Following the lecture, Dr. Nabhan will sign copies of his book, “Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land.” 2 p.m. in the Shoenberg Theater. No registration is required. For more information, visit

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June 18: Whitaker Music Festival. Free evening outdoor concert featuring Marsha Evans and the Coalition. Marsha has headlined major events such as the Big Muddy Blues and Heritage Festival and Blues Week, and shared the stage with nationally known artists like Michael McDonald, Fontella Bass and the Temptations. Lawn seating; bring chairs or a blanket. Picnicking is permitted after 5 p.m.; pack a picnic or purchase sandwiches and beverages on site. No pets, barbecue grills or smoking. Music begins at 7:30 p.m. Free admission after 5 p.m.; last entry at 9 p.m. Cohen Amphitheater lawn. Sponsored by the Whitaker Foundation.  June 20: Be a Kid Again Adults-Only Party in the Doris I. Schnuck Children’s Garden. Young professionals will enjoy spirits and special cocktails from local distilleries as they explore the Children’s Garden. The event includes food, music, a digital scavenger hunt, and other activities. 6 – 8:30 p.m. Pricing: $25 for members, $35 for nonmembers, and $15 for designated drivers. For more information, visit June 20: Around the World Wine Dinner. Travel to wine-producing regions around the world through a four course dinner hosted by a wine expert. Chefs from Catering St. Louis will create the regional menu, pairing each course with a different wine from the same region. Dinners will be served at various locations around the Missouri Botanical Garden and are held on the third Friday of the month. $58 (plus 18 percent gratuity and tax) 6:30 p.m. Advance reservations required; (314) 577-0200. June 21: Great Green Adventures: Perfect Pollinators. Join us as we search for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. We’ll help celebrate their important role in the garden. For children ages 6 to 12 with an adult. Great Green Adventures are held the third Saturday of every month from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Walk-ins welcome. Meet at the Children’s Garden Ticket Fort. $3 per child. June 22: Mid America Regional Lily Society Show and Sale. New cultivars and old favorites are shown and sold by the area’s top growers, who are on hand to give plant care advice and share information about their organization. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Included with Garden admission. June 22: Cafe Flora Brunch. Sundays from March 30 through October 26, enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. (Brunch not offered May 18, Aug. 31 or Oct. 5) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. In the Beaumont Room in the Ridgway Center. Garden admission applies. For more information, visit June 24: Herbs & Heirlooms Tuesdays. Connect with some of the oldest friends of mankind: herbs. Drop in to explore the culinary, sensory, beauty and uses for the herb featured each week. The first 100 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use your new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit June 25: Whitaker Music Festival. Free evening outdoor concert featuring Javier Mendoza. Mendoza was voted Best Male Vocalist by the Reader’s Poll at the 2009’s Riverfront Time’s Music Awards and also in 2009 KDHX Radio voted Javier Best Latin Artist. He has also worked with some of the best musicians in the region and shared the stage with the likes of Willie Nelson, Santana, Blues Traveler, Everclear, Los Lobos, The Roots, Ben Folds, Idina Menzel, Duran Duran and many more. Lawn seating; bring chairs or a blanket.

Zoo still a great destination The Saint Louis Zoo has announced its schedule for the spring and summer of 2014. Saturdays and Sundays, April 5 through May 25, 2014 First Bank Sea Lion Shows. 10:30 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. $4/person. Children under 2 are free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Sea lion superstars will thrill you with flipper walks, ball balancing and lots of splashing! Shows will be held at the new Lichtenstein Sea Lion Arena, which features an 811-seat ampitheater for seasonal shows, a large stage, a rock bridge extending into the audience and a high diving platform and slide. April 18 through October 31, 2014 Inspired by Nature: A collection of wildlife art by Robert Bateman. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. Admission is free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or A collection of stunning original paintings by internationally acclaimed wildlife artist and conservationist, Robert Bateman, is exhibited in Peabody Hall. This beautiful exhibition was made possible through the generous bequest of longtime Zoo donors, C. C. Johnson and Edith Spink. April 18 through September 28, 2014 Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy. Open daily. Admission is $4. Children under 2 are free. Feeding is $1. Admission is free the first hour the Zoo is open. Group rate for 15 or more is $3 per person. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Back by popular demand, cownose and southern rays return to the 17,000-gallon pool at the Saint Louis Zoo this summer. Visitors can enjoy a hands-on opportunity to touch and feed these gentle and fascinating ocean creatures as they glide through a tropical saltwater habitat. Also returning are horseshoe crabs, white-spotted bamboo and bonnethead sharks! May 2014 Daily through September 28, 2014 Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy. Admission is $4. Children under 2 are free. Feeding is $1. Admission is free the first hour the Zoo is open. Group rate for 15 or more is $3 per person. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Back by popular demand, cownose and southern rays return to the 17,000-gallon pool at the Saint Louis Zoo this summer. Visitors can enjoy a hands-on opportunity to touch and feed these gentle and fascinating ocean creatures as they glide through a tropical saltwater habitat. Also returning are horseshoe crabs, white-spotted bamboo and bonnethead sharks! Saturdays and Sundays through May 25, 2014 First Bank Sea Lion Shows. 10:30 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. $4/person. Children under 2 are free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Sea lion superstars will thrill you with flipper walks, ball balancing and lots of splashing! Shows will be held at the new Lichtenstein Sea Lion Arena, which features an 811-seat amphitheater for seasonal shows, a large stage, a rock bridge extending into the audience and a high diving platform and slide. May 18, 2014 St. Louis Children’s Hospital Make Tracks for the Zoo. 7:30 a.m.

to 12 noon. Registration ranges from $12-30. Family registration available. For information and registration: (314) 646-4771 or Runners and walkers of all ages can participate in a 5K run/ walk or 1-mile race through Forest Park to benefit the Saint Louis Zoo. Kids ages 7 to 12 can participate in a half-mile kids’ run, and kids ages 6 and under can participate in a quarter-mile kids’ run. Sponsored by St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Prairie Farms Dairy, Mid America Chevy Dealers, Missouri State University, Breadsmith and Big River Race Management, with media support provided by 93.7 The Bull. May 23 through Sept. 1, 2014 Prairie Farms Summer Zoo Weekends. Friday-Sunday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Zoo will close at 4 p.m. on Friday, June 20, due to A Zoo Ado, the Zoo’s major fundraiser.) Weekday Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Summer Holidays: Open 8 a.m.-7 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 26; Independence Day weekend, July 3-6; Labor Day, Sept. 1. Admission to the Zoo is free. For information: 314/781-0900 or Sponsored by Prairie Farms Dairy. May 24-26, 2014 African Arts Festival. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or In conjunction with Forest Park’s African Arts Festival, the Zoo will feature special activities on a different African animal each day this weekend. May 24 through Sept. 1, 2014 Emerson Children’s Zoo Live Animal Shows. Admission to the Children’s Zoo is $4 per person with free admission the first hour the Zoo is open. Children under two are free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Live animal shows include a variety of exotic and domestic animals performing natural behaviors on stage. Show times are 10 and 11 a.m., 1 and 2 p.m. daily. Additional show on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at 4 p.m. Keeper chats including live animals on stage at 9 a.m., 12 noon and 3 p.m. Additional keeper chat on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at 5:30 p.m. May 26 through Sept. 1, 2014 First Bank Sea Lion Shows. 10:30 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. daily, with additional 5 p.m. show on weekends and holidays. $4/person. Children under 2 are free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Sea lion superstars will thrill you with flipper walks, ball balancing and lots of splashing! Shows will be held at the new Lichtenstein Sea Lion Arena, which features an 811-seat amphitheater for seasonal shows, a large stage, a rock bridge extending into the audience and a high diving platform and slide. May 23 through Aug. 29, 2014 Jungle Boogie Concert Series presented by Mid America Chevy Dealers. Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m. No concert on June 20. Free. For information: (314) 781-0900 or Bring the whole family for a free concert in the center of the Zoo. Zoo is open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sponsored by Mid America Chevy Dealers. See “ZOO” on Page 30 - May, 2014 - 29

Zoo Continued from Page 29 June 2014 Daily through Sept. 28, 2014 Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy. Admission is $4. Children under 2 are free. Feeding is $1. Admission is free the first hour the Zoo is open. Group rate for 15 or more is $3 per person. For information: (314) 781-0900 or www. Back by popular demand, cownose and southern rays return to the 17,000-gallon pool at the Saint Louis Zoo this summer. Visitors can enjoy a hands-on opportunity to touch and feed these gentle and fascinating ocean creatures as they glide through a tropical saltwater habitat. Also returning are horseshoe crabs, whitespotted bamboo and bonnethead sharks! Fridays through Aug. 29, 2014 Jungle Boogie Concert Series p r e s e n t e d by M i d A m e r i c a C h e v y D e a l e r s . F r i d ay s f ro m 5 t o 8 p. m . N o c o n c e r t o n Ju n e 2 0 . F re e . Fo r information: (314) 781-0900 or www. Bring the whole family for a free concert in the center of the Zoo. Zoo is open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sponsored by Mid America Chevy Dealers. June 16-22, 2014 N a t i o n a l Po l l i n a t o r We e k . F o r information: (314) 781-0900 or www. What is Halloween without pumpkins, Thanksgiving without cranberries, or life without chocolate? Not much without the help of pollinators, who make one out of every three bites of food you eat. Buzz by the Monsanto Insectarium to celebrate the many reasons we should bee thankful for pollinators! June 17, 2014 Pollinator Dinner. 6 to 9 p.m. in Lakeside Cafe. $31.50/adult; $20/ c h i l d r e n 1 2 a n d u n d e r. A d v a n c e registration required. For information: For reservations: (314) 646-4897. In celebration of National Pollinator Week, June 16-22, 2014, sit down to a special monarch butterfly- inspired dinner where you can sample the many foods pollinators help provide and dishes from cultures along the monarch butterflies’ migration from Mexico to Canada and back. Sip mead and honey wine, enjoy a honey tasting, and peruse booths with information and activities related to pollinators. After a buffet

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The elephants have been a Saint Louis Zoo favorite for many years. dinner, hear a presentation by Dr. Gary Nabhan, an internationally-celebrated nature writer, food and farming activist and proponent of conserving the links b e t w e e n b i o d i v e r s i t y a n d c u l t u ra l diversity, on the “Plight of the Monarch Butterfly” and learn what you can do to help. June 20, 2014 A Zoo Ado presented by Wells Fargo Advisors. 7 p.m. to 12 midnight. (Zoo will close to the public at 4 p.m.) Reservations required: $85/member; $100/non-member; $1,500/reserved table of 10. For reservations and more information: (314) 646-4771 or www. Creative casual party benefits the Saint Louis Zoo. Evening includes dinner, dancing, silent auction, live music by country music artist Jo Dee M e s s i n a s p o n s o re d by F i f t h T h i rd B a n k , a n d m o re . A g e s 2 1 a n d u p only. Underwriting support provided by Mid America Chevy Dealers, U.S. Bank, Ameren Corporation, Edward Jones, First Bank, Monsanto, Novus International, Inc. and Thompson Coburn LLP. Fridays through August 29, 2014 Jungle Boogie Concert Series p r e s e n t e d by M i d A m e r i c a C h e v y D e a l e r s . F r i d ay s f ro m 5 t o 8 p. m . N o c o n c e r t o n Ju n e 2 0 . F re e . Fo r information: (314) 781-0900 or www. Bring the whole family for a free

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concert in the center of the Zoo. Zoo is open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sponsored by Mid America Chevy Dealers. July 20-26, 2014 National Zookeeper Week. The Saint Louis Zoo will celebrate the profession of zookeeping during National Zookeeper Week. For more information, visit July 23, 2014 Jammin’ at the Zoo. 6 to 10 p.m. More information: (314) 646-4771 or www. T h e Yo u n g Z o o F r i e n d s h o s t a summer party lakeside in the center of the Zoo with live music. Admission charge. August 2014 Fridays through August 29, 2014 Jungle Boogie Concert Series p r e s e n t e d by M i d A m e r i c a C h e v y D e a l e r s . F r i d ay s f ro m 5 t o 8 p. m . N o c o n c e r t o n Ju n e 2 0 . F re e . Fo r information: (314) 781-0900 or www. Bring the whole family for a free concert in the center of the Zoo. Zoo is open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sponsored by Mid America Chevy Dealers. August 27, 2014 Jammin’ at the Zoo. 6 to 10 p.m. More information: (314) 646-4771 or www. The Young Zoo Friends host a summer party lakeside in the center of the Zoo with live music. Admission charge.

Caribbean Cove now open For the Intelligencer Hey, mon, the ocean is coming to the mid coast! Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy Kids opened at the Saint Louis Zoo on April 18 and runs through September 28, 2014. Cownose rays and southern stingrays, horseshoe crabs, bonnethead, brownbanded and white-spotted bamboo sharks glide through a 17,000-gallon warm saltwater pool located under the Edward Jones Pavilion. Guests are encouraged to dip their hands into the water and allow the animals to touch them. Occasionally, there will be an opportunity to feed the stingrays. These are hardy species that interact well with people in a safe and fun manner. “Mercy Kids is excited to be part of this interactive exhibit designed for kids of all ages,” said Dr. John Mantovani, Chair of Pediatrics and Medical Director of Mercy Children’s Hospital, a program of Mercy Kids. “Each spring families anticipate the opening of Stingrays at the Zoo, and we are proud to partner with others who bring education and fun to children in our community.” The bonnethead shark is the smallest member of the hammerhead family. They have semi-circular heads resembling a shovel or bonnet. Bamboo sharks are sometimes called “cat sharks” because the barbels, or sensory organs, near their mouths resemble cat whiskers. The sharks at Stingrays at Caribbean Cove are small, shy and docile fish and pose no danger to humans. They range from two-and-a-half to four feet in length and are bottom-dwelling species that prey on small fish, crabs and invertebrates. Visitors will not be feeding the sharks, but they will be able to touch the sharks as they swim by. Cownose rays and southern stingrays are related to sharks. Stingrays have flat bodies, long pointed fins and long whip-like tails that can be used for defense against predators. At Stingrays at Caribbean Cove, their stingers or barbs are painlessly clipped back just as human fingernails are clipped. Staff at the exhibit will monitor the stingrays throughout the season to ensure that the barbs stay neatly trimmed. Along for the swim are horseshoe

For the Intelligencer

Above, a cownose ray. crabs, which are more closely related to spiders and scorpions than to true crabs. The horseshoe crab is a living fossil. It has been on the earth for 220 million years, longer than dinosaurs, and it survives today almost identical to its ancient ancestors. The 20-inch deep pool includes a wa t e r f a l l a n d a s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t life support system. The pool also has solitary space and places for the animals to rest if they choose. Zoo interpreters and educators will be on hand to help visitors and to share information about the animals, sustainable seafood and ocean conservation. Tropical Traders Gift Shop will offer a variety of ocean-related souvenirs, including plush stingrays and other sea life items, shark merchandise, T-shirts, tropical attire, nautical gifts and more. R ay ’s G r i l l w i l l s e rv e u p f i s h a n d chips, fajitas, island burgers and more. Margaritas, daiquiris and beer (with or without alcohol) will also be available. The Zoo’s Education Department is planning several programs for children and adults throughout the summer. Some programs include A Day With the Rays, Wake Up With the Rays, Family and Scout Overnights, Camp KangaZoo and more. To register for programs, visit or call (314) 646-4544. Admission to Stingrays at Caribbean Cove is $4 per person. Zoo Friends

members at the Family Level and above may use their Anywhere Plus passes for admission. Children under age 2 are free. Purchase a one-day Safari Pass for $12 and receive free admission to Stingrays at Caribbean Cove and other attractions. Admission is free the first hour the Zoo is open. Stingray feedings are $1.00 per cup. G r o u p s o f 1 5 o r m o r e m ay c a l l (314) 646-4718 in advance for group discounts. Hours Stingrays at Caribbean Cove will be open April 18 through September 28, 2014, during Zoo hours. The Zoo’s spring hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through May 22. Beginning May 23 through September 1, 2014, the Zoo is open 8 a . m . t o 5 p. m . M o n d ay t h ro u g h Thursday; and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday t h ro u g h S u n d ay f o r P ra i r i e Fa r m s S u m m e r Z o o We e k e n d s . T h e Z o o will close at 4 p.m. on Friday, June 20, because of A Zoo Ado, the Zoo’s biennial fundraiser. The Zoo will be open until 7 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 26; Independence Day Weekend, July 3-6; and Labor Day, Sept. 1. Starting September 2, the Zoo’s hours return to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For more information, visit www.,,, com/stlzootube or call (314) 781-0900. - May, 2014 - 31

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