2016 Summer Fun

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Summer Fun May 2016

Your Guide to Summer Fun for the Entire Family! media solutions





Summer Fun

May 19, 2016

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Summer Fun

Summer Fun

Laumeier gets set for summer For The Edge Laumeier Sculpture Park, located 12580 Rott Road in St. Louis, has announced its winter schedule. For more information call (314) 615-5278. April 16–August 14, 2016 Gigi Scaria: Time Laumeier Sculpture Park p re s e n t s G i g i S c a r i a : Ti m e , a multimedia exhibition consisting o f re c e n t p h o t o g r a p h s , f i l m s and a large sculpture inside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center, plus an outdoor commission in Laumeier ’s Museum Circle. Th e N e w D e l h i - b a se d a rt ist ’s work focuses on ―social mapping‖—whether territorial, c ultu r a l, e nvi ronm e n t a l or of the hierarchies and systems of our global communities. With Gigi Scaria: Time, he explores the layers of ancient cultures as they get subsumed in the world’s mega-cities and reflects on the u n i q u e f ro m o f c i t y - b u i l d i n g that exists in St. Louis by crosspollinating the disappearing architecture and symbols from New Delhi with the Woodhenge at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. The exhibition runs Saturday, April 16–Sunday, August 14, at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit w w w. l a u m e i e r. o r g f o r m o r e information. Supported by Joan and Mitch Markow and Ellen and Durb Curlee. May 26 We b s t e r U n i v e r s i t y F i l m Series: Kutty Srank (The Sailor of Hearts) Directed by Shaji N. Karun Laumeier Sculpture Park’s spring/summer 2016 exhibition artist Gigi Scaria has curated a series of films in collaboration with Webster University Film Series Director James Harrison.

Photo courtesy of Wendi Fitzgerald

An art fair at Laumeier Sculpture Park in St. Louis. Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 p.m. at the Webster University Winifred M o o re A u d i t o r i u m , 4 7 0 E a s t Lockwood, Saint Louis, Missouri. Ti c k e t s a r e $ 6 f o r g e n e r a l admission and $5 for Laumeier M e m b e r s , We b s t e r U n i v e r s i t y alumni, senior citizens and students (all tickets sold at the door). Visit www.webster.edu/ film-series for more information. June 3 Parks Food Truck Fest Eat to your heart’s content as St. Louis County Parks

w e l co me s me mb e r s o f t h e S t . Louis Food Truck Association to Laumeier Sculpture Park on the first Friday of June, August a n d S e p t e m b e r. J o i n f a m i l y and friends to picnic on a wide variety of delicious fare from local culinary entrepreneurs while enjoying live music by the Steve Ewing Duo. Friday, June 3, from 5:00–8:00 p.m. at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Admission is free; no coolers allowed. Call 314.615.5278 or

v i s i t w w w. l a u m e i e r. o r g f o r more information. Presented by St. Louis County Parks in partnership with the St. Louis Food Truck Association. June 5 Free Walking Tour: Children’s Sculpture Garden Laumeier Sculpture Park o ff e r s f re e Wa l k i n g To u r s o n the first Sunday of each month, May– October. Laumeier tours are interactive and designed to engage participants in exploring t h e re l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n a r t


and nature. Themed tours provide specific perspective on Laumeier ’s Permanent Collection to enhance the visitor experience. Tours are led by trained Laumeier Docents and last approximately one hour. Participants are advised to dress appropriately for the season and wear comfortable shoes for walk ing on uneven pathways. Tour meets Sunday, June 5, at 2:00 p.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit w w w. l a u m e i e r. o r g f o r m o r e information. June 6–July 29 Summer Art Camp Laumeier Sculpture Park offers one-week sessions of Summer Art Camp in half-day sessions for ages 4 to 6 and full-day sessions for ages 6 to 15. Each week, campers (divided into groups by age) experience the movements, concepts, techniques and processes identified by weekly Art Camp themes. Campers learn about artists throughout history, explore Laumeier ’s woodland trails and find inspiration in the artworks on view for drawing, painting, sculpting and more. Art Camps are taught by local, experienced Artist-Instructors and are structured to encourage artistic development and selfexpression through social and individual skill-building experiences. All materials are provided, and each camper receives an Art Camp t-shirt. Extended Day is available for full-day sessions only; additional fees apply. Summer Art Camps meet at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. Continued on Page 15

Continued from Page 2

• Campground Adventures Calling all young campers! Pack your bags and join us in Tent Town for the week. We will explore the world of plants and forest animals through a variety of handson activities. We will venture out into the wild of our imaginations as we set up a campground of learning centers inside and out. We will learn to identify animal and other tracks, create nature art, make twig treats and tell animal tales around our make-believe campfire. So make tracks and sign up today! Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-119-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Whorton Hears a Who! Who? YOU! Come join in the fun this summer as we explore the wonderful, whimsical world of Dr. Seuss. It’s crazy, magical fun as children explore his writings through reading, writing, activities, games and crafts. The camp will include information about Dr. Seuss including the history and purpose behind his writing. Please join us for this week full of Seussical adventures! Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-167-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Cool Caper Adventures From penguins and polar bears to igloos and snow forts, an avalanche of fun is just waiting to happen in this camp! Join the expedition as we explore the mysteries of the frozen north through science, literature, art, music, movement and imaginary play. We will investigate the environment and animal life and discover the facts of this chilly climate. Activities include balloon skiing, snow puff derby, snow art and more. You’ll love making your own frosty treats

too. This class is so cool! Mon-Fri, Aug 1-5, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-118-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 22 • Royalty Rules Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Calling all royal subjects! Ever wondered what it is like to be royal? Well now you can know! Come join in at royalty school and learn how to be a proper prince or princess. Learn how to walk, talk, eat and have royal fun while earning badges. By the end of the week you will have your own royal bag of badges and a beautiful set of manners to go along with it! Mon-Fri, Aug 1-5, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-168-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 22 FOR AGES 8 TO 10 • Junior Golf Embrace an active lifestyle by learning the fundamentals of the game including swing, putting, chipping, pitching, club selection, rules and course etiquette. Alongside instructor and LPGA member Laura McCune, junior golfers will receive individual coaching and support as they progress through this 6-week course. Bring your clubs if you have them or they will be provided upon request. Level I: Sat, Jun 4-Jul 9, 9:30-11AM, Rolling Hills Golf Course, Godfrey, CECK182-F50, $119 Level II: Sat, Jun 4-Jul 9, 11:30AM-1PM, Rolling Hills Golf Course, Godfrey, CECK182-F51, $119 Registration deadline Jun 1 • Saddle Club In this introductory horseback riding course, riders will learn the fundamentals o f r i d i n g , g ro o m i n g a n d t a c k i n g u p , independently. Riding emphasis will be proper position and trot control; all while having fun in the obstacle course and riding bareback. No prior experience is necessary as this course is designed to build a solid understanding of equestrian skills. Upon completion, riders are eligible to join the

Riding Academy. Sun, Jun 5-Jul 10, 2-3PM, Rocky Branch Stables, Bethalto, CECK-528-F1, $179 Registration deadline: Jun 1 • Cosplay Prop Making Explore the growing trend of cosplay in this brand new art camp! Students will spend the week learning about this unique art form that transforms ordinary objects into fun props. Learn how to make a normal piece of craft foam look like real leather to create a handmade journal or turn a yoga mat into a steampunk top hat. You’ll even create your own lightsaber and magic wand. All of these projects and more await you this summer! Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-100-01, $119 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • Young Fireman Academy I Have you ever wanted to be a fireman? Now is your chance! This interactive camp will explore the world of firefighting through activities, games, demonstrations and hands-on practice. Explore fire and burn prevention, proper use of a fire extinguisher, escape planning, rescue operations, smoke detection, first aid and much more. Taught by retired Alton Fire Chief, Greg Bock, this camp will give you the opportunity to walk in the boots of a firefighter and learn what it means to serve and protect. Each student will receive a T-shirt to take home at the end of the week. Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Bethalto Education Center, CECK-190-E1, $49 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • A Splash Course in Water Resources Come explore all things water in this “Splash Course” of your water resources! Follow a water molecule’s journey through the water cycle, discover your water footprint, explore the world of water bugs, dive into dam building and more! Each day will be filled with scientific, handson activities that will help students make connections between our daily lives and our reliance on clean freshwater, all while

Come Enjoy Great Food, Cold Beer and Entertainment at Big Daddy’s Edwardsville! • Happy Hour Every Day 7-9 pm Featuring: Discounted Domestic Bottles/Well Drinks/Draft Beers • Trivia Every Wednesday Starting At 8 pm • Summer Tuesday Night Bags League Now Forming - CALL FOR INFO! • Catch All Your Sports Action On One Of Our 8 HD TV’s • DJ Every Thursday/Friday/Saturday Starting At 10 pm! Reserve Our Patio For Your Next Party!

 Birthday Parties  Birthday Parties  Field Trips Birthday Parties  Field Trips  Outreach Programs Field Trips  Outreach Programs  Summer Programs

   Summer Programs  Outreach Programs o Kids in the Kitchen o Kids in the Kitchen o Baby Sign Language  Summer Programs o Baby Sign Language

o Messy & Splish-Splash

o Messy & Splish-Splash o Kids in the Kitchen o Explorers o Explorers o Preschool Playgroup o Baby Sign Language o Preschool Playgroup

o Andmore! MUCH more! o And MUCH o Messy & Splish-Splash

o Explorers o Preschool Playgroup o And MUCH more!


Summer Fun

- No Rental Fee -

Open for Exploration

for Exploration Open forOpen Exploration Open for Exploration Tuesday, Friday, Saturday

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(June 6-August 5) (June (June 6-August 5) 6 - August 6) 12-5 3-8 M 12-5 3-8 MMTH 12-5 THTH 3-8 Tu 10-8 F 10-5:30 Tu 10-8 10-5:30 TUF10-8 F 10-5:30 W 3-8 SA10-5:30 10-5:30 W 3-8 SA 10-5:30 (June 6-August W 3-8 SAT

Summer Hours

M 12-5 AdmissionAdmission Admission Tu 10-8 $7/person, one$7/person, and over one $7/person, oneand andover over W 3-8

Edwardsville Children’s Museum May 19, 2016 722 Holyoake Road • Edwardsville, IL 62025 • (618) 692-2094 www.edwardsvillechildrensmuseum.org

5) TH 3-8 F 10-5:30 SA 10-5:30


Summer Camps Offer Fun & Learning for Ages 3 to 8 • Develop Important Motor Skills • Build Confidence • Action-Packed and Educational • Physical Fitness, Gymnastics and Play With Arts, Crafts, Snacks & Special Events

1 pm - 4 pm Monday & Wednesday 9 am - 4 pm Tuesday & Thursday

Saturday Summer Hours 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Edwardsville Children’s Museum Edwardsville Children’s Museum 722 Holyoake Road • Edwardsville, IL 62025 • (618) 692-2094 722 Holyoake Road • Edwardsville, IL 62025 • (618) 692-2094 www.edwardsvillechildrensmuseum.org www.edwardsvillechildrensmuseum.org

Schedule Some Summer Fun!

$5 Appetizers Every Day after 5 pm!

Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 10:00 - 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.a.m. Tuesday, Friday,

Summer Hours Summer

promoting critical thinking, having fun and getting a little wet! Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-195-01, $49 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • Lewis & Clark Junior Explorers Here is your chance to join the Lewis and Clark Expedition and become a full-fledged member of the Junior Explorers. Learn the history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition by training at Camp River Dubois, their first Winter Encampment. Applicants should be prepared to train as a member of the Expedition by bettering their frontier skills, learning to serve in the US Army in 180304, preparing their own meals, making a journal, mending their uniform, identifying various native plants and animals, and many more tasks. This week-long camp will be held at the Lewis and Clark State Historic Site -- inside the interpretive center and in the historic replica of Camp River Dubois. Junior Corps Members should report to Camp River Dubois on June 20! Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM, L&C Museum, Hartford, CECK-112-F1, $65 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • Painting Party Does your child love to paint or has always wanted to learn how? Then this is the perfect class! Students will spend the week creating a series of paintings, a new painting every day, following step-by-step instructions. The paintings will vary day to day, with colorful, fun subjects like animals, flowers, landscapes, and even “Paint Your Pet” day! Throughout the class, your little artist will learn about color and explore a variety of painting techniques. By the end of the week, they’ll have their own art gallery of masterpieces! And you never know, we might find the next Picasso in your little artist! No experience necessary, all skill levels are welcome. Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 9AM-12PM, Edwardsville Campus, CECK-130-N1, $129 Registration deadline: Jun 10 Continued on Page 4

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May 19, 2016

Summer Fun


Summer Fun

Summer Fun

MoBOT announces summer schedule

Continued from Page 4

For The Edge The Missouri Botanical Garden has announced its summer schedule. The Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Boulevard in St. Louis. For more informaton, visit: missouribotanicalgarden.org. Art and Science in the Garden for the World May 31, 2016 - September 1, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center > Monsanto Hall Whitaker Music Festival: The Feyza Eren Group June 1, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights June 2, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring African violets | Live music by THE Tom Hall with Ethan Lienwand Missouri Botanical Garden Green Homes Festival June 4, 2016 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > William T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening St. Louis Carniverous Plant Society June 4, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center Cafe Flora Brunch June 4, 2016 - June 5, 2016= 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays June 7, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Green Zebra Tomato Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: The Steve Ewing Band June 8, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights June 9, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring roses | Live music by Lliam Christy Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch June 12, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Illinois Appreciation Week June 12, 2016 - June 18, 2016 Missouri Botanical Garden Peter Raven's 80th Birthday Celebration!

• Kitchen Chemistry Did you know a kitchen can double as a science lab? In this hands-on camp, budding scientists will build molecules, grow crystals, investigate bubbleology, and explore chemical reactions using ingredients and tools found in most kitchens. Using household items, we will learn more about the natural laws of science. Kids will need their safety glasses as they test for acids and bases and prepare gooey, bouncy polymers. Campers will use scientific tools to measure and analyze data just like a real scientist, and record their results in their own Laboratory Journal. Mon-Fri, Aug 1-5, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-13601, $119 Registration deadline: Jul 22 • Mixed Media Madness Painting with wool? Drawing with string? Saltwater painting, what is that? This course is all about the unconventional side of art and how much fun it has to offer! The world of mixed media art is loaded with fun new experiences that blend traditional art ideas and materials with outside of the box ideas and materials. In this course we will be creating exciting mixed media art projects imbedded with science and history. This experience will have your little artist pushing their creative side! Mon-Fri, Aug 1-5, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-14501, $119 Registration deadline: Jul 22 FOR AGES 11 TO 15 • Junior Golf Embrace an active lifestyle by learning the fundamentals of the game including swing, putting, chipping, pitching, club selection, rules and course etiquette. Alongside instructor and LPGA member Laura McCune, junior golfers will receive individual coaching and support as they progress through this 6-week course. Bring your clubs if you have them or they will be provided upon request. Level I: Sat, Jun 4-Jul 9, 9:30-11AM, Rolling Hills Golf Course, Godfrey, CECK-182-F50, $119 Level II: Sat, Jun 4-Jul 9, 11:30AM-1PM, Rolling Hills Golf Course, Godfrey, CECK-182-F51, $119 Registration deadline Jun 1

Missouri Botanical Garden

The Climatron at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. June 13, 2016 Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays June 14, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Sweet Banana Pepper Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Discover Madagascar: Plant Detectives June 14, 2016 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center > Shoenberg Theater Whitaker Music Festival: Clusterpuck June 15, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Discover Madagascar: World Exploration June 15, 2016 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Missouri Botanical Garden >

Ridgway Visitor Center Sensational Summer Nights June 16, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring lilies | Live music by Razia Said Missouri Botanical Garden Discover Madagascar: Environment and Music June 16, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm Missouri Botanical Garden Around the World Wine Dinner: The Northwest June 16, 2016 Begins at 7:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden Adventures with Cocktails June 17, 2016 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Doris I. Schnuck Children's Garden Cafe Flora Brunch June 18, 2016 - June 19, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays

June 21, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured Plant: Golden Jubilee Tomato Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: Grooveliner June 22, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights June 23, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring cacti | Live music by The Dust Covers Missouri Botanical Garden Henry Shaw Cactus Society Show and Sale June 25, 2016 - June 26, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center Cafe Flora Brunch June 25, 2016 - June 26, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden >

Vacation Bible School with the Go Fish Guys! June 6 - 10, 2016 from 9-Noon each day Age 4 through 6th grade More information and registration at: www.centergrove.org Center Grove Presbyterian Church 6279 Center Grove Road Edwardsville, IL 618-656-9485


Summer Fun


May 19, 2016

Spink Pavilion Desert Show June 25, 2016 - July 24, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Linnean House Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays June 28, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Italian Pepperoncini Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: The Saint Louis Social Club June 29, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights June 30, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring daylilies | Live music by T.J Muller Missouri Botanical Garden Art and Science in the Garden for the World See "MoBOT" on Page 13

• Restaurant: Possible Aspiring chefs will have the real life opportunity to explore a culinary career in this new cooking camp! Learn how to select recipes and portion size, design menus, conduct taste tests, create a theme for a restaurant, and serve food using proper techniques. The week will culminate with a special meal served at a make shift restaurant decorated for family, friends and guests, planned entirely by the class! Each student will take home a souvenir apron and chef’s hat, recipes and reflections from their camp experience. Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK151-01, $139 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • Brain Games Math Would you like to learn some fun games to help ease those math headaches! Summer is a great time to brush up on math concepts that might have been a headache for you in class. We will be working on several different areas including multiplication, division, fractions, geometry and decimals. Feel free to bring a bottle of water and a light snack to class each day. Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK186-01, $119 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • On Target! Beginning Archery Learn safety, responsibility, and the selection of proper archery equipment as well as correct shooting form in this beginner’s class. Receive one-on-one instruction as needed to improve your ability. Learn how to keep score and proper etiquette on a shooting range. All equipment will be provided by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for use during this class. Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK162-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • Lewis & Clark Junior Explorers Here is your chance to join the Lewis and Clark Expedition and become a full-fledged member of the Junior Explorers. Learn the history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition by training at Camp River Dubois, their first Winter Encampment. Applicants should be prepared to train as a member of the Expedition by bettering their frontier skills, learning to serve in the US Army in 1803-04, preparing their own meals, making a journal, mending their uniform, identifying various native plants and animals, and many more tasks. This week-long camp will be held at the Lewis and Clark State Historic Site -- inside the interpretive center and in the historic replica of

Camp River Dubois. Junior Corps Members should report to Camp River Dubois on June 20! Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM, L&C Museum, Hartford, CECK-112-F1, $65 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • “Sew” Fun: T-Shirt Transformations Give your T-shirts new life by cutting and crafting them into new items. We will transform your favorite logo shirt into a pillow. We will also transform a T-shirt into two different kinds of trendy scarves. Last transformation will make you the envy of the pool by turning a shirt into a bag to carry all your gear. Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 9AM-12PM, Edwardsville Campus, CECK-123-N1, $89 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • App Attack! Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app! Using a specialized app and game development tool, students will explore the world of web-based (HTML5) mobile apps. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, you will also see firsthand how the world of App publishing functions. Student-created apps will be accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Publishing to App Stores not included. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 9AM-12PM, Edwardsville Campus, CECK-138-N1, $149 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • Electrified Engineering Bring gadgets to life with electrical engineering! Learn how the circuits and sensors in real-world objects work. You’ll learn how to tinker with, build and create gadgets of your own. Use the engineering design process of create, test and improve to break down a problem, design a solution and finally build it. Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 1-4PM, Edwardsville Campus, CECK141-N1, $79 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • Podcasting and YouTube Are you the next YouTube superstar? This class will explore the worlds of podcasting and video production. Students will create podcasts and short videos on topics of their choosing and work in teams to record and publish them online. Mon-Fri, Jun 27-Jul 1, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK101-01, $119 Registration deadline: Jun 17 Continued on Page 6

Upcoming Day Trips June 21, 2016 $85 Daniel Boone & MO Wine Country

Daniel Boone and MO Wine Country: Visit the Daniel Boone home at Defiance and then Augusta wineries. Hear great stories about Daniel Boone, wine making, and the Germans who settled in the area with Linda Koenig. Reservations close on June 1 if space is still available.

June 24, 2016 $85 Circus Flora

Relive the days of your youth and join us for the all-new anniversary production of Circus Flora when they celebrate St. Louis’ favorite season—Baseball! We’ll have the best seats in the house (rows 1-4, center front) in the air-conditioned tent followed by an included dinner. Reservations close on June 6 if space is still available.

June 29, 2016 $95 It Shoulda Been You

Join us for the wedding of the year at Stages Theatre—one that includes a beautiful bride, her uninvited boyfriend, a groom with a secret, a sister with a hidden agenda, and a pair of mothers from hell—in this refreshing romantic comedy. Reservations close on June 9 if space is still available.

August 4, 2016 $75 Fort Leonard Wood

Fort Leonard Wood: This visit to one of the most important Army bases in the US includes a state of the art museum, a fine dining opportunity, and lots of interesting surprises (with Linda Koenig). MUST HAVE: Driver’s license and social security card or passport. Reservations close on July 14 if space is still available.

Visit SeniorServicesPlus.org for more trip information Trips are open to those 21+

2603 N. Rodgers Ave. Alton, IL 62002

(618) 465-3298


May 19, 2016

Summer Fun


Summer Fun

Zoo offering a summer of fun For The Edge The Saint Louis Zoo has announced its summer schedule. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t www.stlzoo.org. Sunday, May 22, 2016 St. Louis Children’s Hospital Make Tracks for the Zoo. 7:30 a. m . t o 12 n oon . R e g i st r a t ion fee applies. For information and registration: (314) 646-4771 or www.stlzoo.org. Runners and walkers of all ages can participate in a 5K run/walk or 1-mile race through Forest Park to benefit the Saint Louis Zoo. Kids ages 7-12 can participate in a half-mile kids’ run, and kids ages 6 and under can participate in a quarter-mile kids’ run. Sponsored by St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Prairie Farms Dairy, Mid America Chevy Dealers, Big River Race Management, FOX 2 and KPLR 11. Sunday, May 22 Just Like You at the Zoo. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Join St. Louis Children’s Hospital at the Zoo for activities that teach children why it’s important for people— and Zoo animals—to take care of their bodies. Children collect a n i m a l c a rd s a t f o u r s t a t i o n s throughout the Zoo. After the cards are collected, they win a prize. Register at the North and South Entrances. May 27 through September 5, 2016 Prairie Farms Summer Zoo Weekends. Friday-Sunday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Zoo will close at 3 p.m. on Friday, June 17, due to A Zoo Ado, the Zoo’s major fundraiser.) We e k d a y S u m m e r H o u r s : Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Summer Holidays: Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 30; Independence day, July 4; Labor Day, Sept. 5. Admission to the Zoo is free. For information: 314/781-0900 or www.stlzoo.org. Sponsored by Prairie Farms Dairy. Fridays, May 27 through September 2, 2016 J u n g l e B o o g i e p re s e n t e d b y Mid America Chevy Dealers. 5 to 8 p.m. Free. No concert on June 17. For information: (314) 7810900 or stlzoo.org/jungleboogie. Bring the whole family for a free concert in the center of the Zoo. Zoo is open 8 a.m. t o 7 p.m. Sponsored by Mid America Chevy Dealers. May 27 — Butchwax & the Hollywoods (50s, 60s & 70s) June 3 — Push the Limit (Top 40/Motown/Rock) June 10 — The Bankesters (Americana/Bluegrass) June 24 — Ticket to the Beatles (Tribute) July 1 — Miss Jubilee & the Humdingers (Swing/Jazz/ Rhythm) July 8 — Bottoms Up Blues Gang (Blues/Jam) July 15 — Griffin and the Gargoyles (Top 40) July 22 — Tommy Halloran’s Guerilla Swing (Jazz/Swing) July 29 — Rockin’ Chair (Folk rock) August 5 — Hillbilly Authority (Country) August 12 — GalaxyRed (Top 40/Classics) August 19 — The Throwbacks (90s) August 26 — Arvell & Co. (70s,


Summer Fun

Bill Tucker/The Edge

Emperor penguins at the Saint Louis Zoo's Penguin and Puffin Coast. 80s, 90s and today) September 2 — Superjam (Rock) Friday, June 17, 2016 A Zoo Ado 2016 presented by

Wells Fargo Advisors. 7 p.m. to midnight. Tickets required. $85/ Members; $100/general public. $2000 for Leaping Lemur Table of 10. More information: (314) 646-

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May 19, 2016

4771 or stlzoo.org/azooado. Creative casual party benefits the Saint Louis Zoo. Evening includes dinner, dancing, silent auction and live music.

June 19, 2016 F a t h e r ’ s D a y L u n c h . 11 : 3 0 a.m. $30/adult; $22/child (2-12). Children under 2 are free. Parking not included. Advance reservations required. For information, visit www.stlzoo.org. For reservations, call (314) 646-4897. Treat your dad to a good old-fashioned barbeque ‘n’ beer lunch while enjoying a visit to the Zoo. June 21, 2016 Pollinator Dinner. 6 to 9 p.m. in Lakeside Cafe. $31.50/adult; $ 2 0 / c h i l d r e n 1 2 a n d u n d e r. Advance registration required. F o r i n f o r m a t i o n : s t l z o o . o rg / pollinatordinner. For reservations: (314) 646-4897. In celebration of National Pollinator Week, June 20-26, 2016, sit down to a special farm-to-table dinner where you can sample the many foods pollinators help provide. July 27, 2016 and August 24, 2016 Jammin’ at the Zoo. The Young Zoo Friends invite you to a 21-and-up celebration at the Saint Louis Zoo to enjoy music, beer and wine at Jammin’ at the Zoo. $10/Zoo members; $20/Non-members. Admission includes wine and beer tasting from 6 to 8 p.m. (while supplies last), live entertainment and opportunity to purchase wine, beer and food. For information: stlzoo.org/jammin.

Summer Fun Hollywood lines up summer movies By JAKE COYLE AP Film Writer N E W Y O R K ( A P ) — H o l l y w o o d ' s s u m m e r, w h i c h kicks off with the fittingly combative "Captain America: Civil War," will be a season of struggle: for box office, for originality and for opportunity. More than ever, the big tent of summer moviegoing is held up by a forest of tentpoles stretching from May to August. The swelling size of the summer movie has turned the season into a game of survival. The possibility of bombing lurks as an ever-present threat, testosterone often dominates in front of and (especially) behind the camera, and few non-sequel, non-reboot films dare to compete. Box office and stress levels run high in equal measure.

Kids Continued from Page 6

• Minecraft Modders Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and foundations of programming. Learn scripting and logic statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding will also be taught through a simulated environment inspired by Minecraft. Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. To access their project at home students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft. Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft are not compatible. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-270-01, $149

"It's a different landscape than 2002 when the first 'Bourne' movie came out," says Matt Damon, who re t ur n s t o t h e f r a n c h i se i n P a ul Gre e n g r a ss' " J a so n Bourne" (July 29). "It's like a high-stakes poker game that I don't want to be in. The swings are just so brutal. Ben (Affleck) just opened 'Batman v Superman' a few weeks ago. Everyone around him and in his life was nervous about it. You feel less a sense of exultation when they do well and more a sense of relief because the bets are so big now." This season is particularly risk-adverse. Out of the 33 films coming from the major studios, only 12 aren't a sequel, reboot or based on an already popular property, such as a videogame or best-seller. Ta k e c o m e d y a n d h o r ro r o ut o f t h e e q ua t i o n a n d you're left with just a handful of originals. One of them

Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Young Fireman Academy II Have you ever wanted to be a fireman? Now is your chance! This interactive camp will explore the world of firefighting through activities, games, demonstrations and handson practice. Explore fire and burn prevention, proper use of a fire extinguisher, escape planning, rescue operations, smoke detection, first aid and much more. Taught by retired Alton Fire Chief, Greg Bock, this camp will give you the opportunity to walk in the boots of a firefighter and learn what it means to serve and protect. Each student will receive a T-shirt to take home at the end of the week. Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Bethalto Education Center, CECK-290-E1, $49 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Blockbuster Cakes Family movies are great fun and even more fun when you can represent them in cake! We will pick characters from family movies and decorate cakes and cupcakes - treats for

is Jodie Foster's "Money Monster" (May 13), a thriller about a brash financial news pundit taken hostage on the air, starring George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Foster's film is doubly rare. She's one of only two female filmmakers helming major studio releases this summer. Though equality remains a year-round issue for the movie business, the constricted summer months can reveal Hollywood at its most retrograde. "It's interesting to me that the studio system still sees women as a risk," says Foster, who wonders if women ultimately even want to inherit some of the kinds of films that dominate the summer. "There are movies that are part of the system we may not be that interested in embracing. I think that more women in the film business will look slightly different than it's looked in the past for men." Continued on Page 8

the whole family! Using fondant, we will start out by creating characters from “Inside Out” and then one other character set of your own choosing. For the last day, we will decorate cupcakes with Minions! Tasty fun for everyone! Every baker will receive a souvenir apron to take home. Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-422-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Take Two: Photography and Photoshop This brand new combo camp is a photographer’s dream! Students will spend each morning learning new tips and tricks for taking awesome photos. They’ll practice using a green screen in a photo studio, shooting in RAW and using the action settings on their cameras. Each afternoon will be spent in the lab learning how to use Adobe Photoshop to combine basic photo editing skills with layering, masking and filtering tools. Each student will take home a USB drive of his or her creations and a framed print of one project

completed during the week. Bring your own digital camera and USB cable. Mon-Fri, Aug 1-5, 9AM-4PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-122-01, $222 Registration deadline: Jul 22 • Adventures in Programming Students enter the world of computer science by learning how to create animations, computer games and interactive projects. Using SCRATCH, a free graphical programming language developed at MIT, students will learn fundamental programming concepts such as variables, loops, conditional statements and event handling. As they teach a mischievous cat to dance, explore a maze, or play games, students learn how to use math and computer code to think creatively. At the end of the camp, students will create their own computer game and share it with parents and classmates. Mon-Fri, Aug 1-5, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-159-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 22

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Summer Fun


Summer Fun

Summer Fun Movies Continued from Page 7 Paul Feig's "Ghostbusters" reboot (July 15) was met by a backlash from some corners of the Internet that took offense to a new, female-led version starring four of the funniest comedic performers around: Melissa McCarthy, Kristin Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. With that lineup, Feig relishes heading into "the big guns of summer." "To put out a movie like this in the heart of tentpole season when it's all these big movies out there, I find it very exciting because a lot of these movies are very male driven, even though they have some great female characters in them," Feig says. " B u t t o h a v e t h i s b e a b o u t f o u r i n c re d i b l y f u n n y people who just happen to be women, I think that's really exciting." This summer includes a number of anticipated sequels ("Finding Dory," ''Star Trek Beyond," ''Alice Through the Looking Glass"), the expected superhero f i l m s ( " C i v i l Wa r, " ' ' S u i c i d e S q u a d , " ' ' X - M e n : Apocalypse") and some less likely resurrections ("The

Legend of Tarzan," ''Ben-Hur," ''Independence Day: Resurgence"). Recent history is clear: These will be among the summer's biggest hits. Last summer (the second biggest ever with nearly $4.5 billion in box office), seven of the top 10 movies were remakes, sequels or came from a comic book. Ditto for four of the top five movies so far in 2016. Andy Samberg and his Lonely Island trio will be among the few to brave the sequel-strewn seas with s o m e t h i n g f re s h : t h e i r c e l e b r i t y f l a m e - o u t p a ro d y "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" (June 3). Does he take any pride in being one of the few to push an original movie into summer? "Um, yeah, we'll find out," says Samberg, laughing. "It's heavy duty. We were looking at the schedule and we were like: Holy crap. There's stuff that's coming out the week before and the week during us and the week after us, and they're all really big movies. (Producer Judd Apatow) and the studio felt really strongly about summer and that we had something we could put there." One of the fathers of the summer movie season, Steven Spielberg, will also be in the mix with "The BFG" (July 1), his Roald Dahl adaptation that reteams the director with Mark Rylance. The recent Oscar-winner plays the titular giant in a motion capture performance. "The exciting thing about 'The BFG' is the combination

of Roald Dahl, who's just a superb storyteller, with Steven and (late screenwriter) Melissa Mathison," says Rylance. "It took five years to get made because of course initially many studios said: 'Giants eating kids? I don't think so!' That edge of Roald Dahl, that frightening edge, I hope is still in there. There's a kind of marvelous, frightening aspect to the fantasy as there is in the Tolkien books or the Grimm fairy tales that children can handle." Family audiences will be especially sought after by the likes of "The Secret Life of Pets," ''Ice Age: Collision Course" and "Pete's Dragon." One much smaller film, "Life, Animated" (July 8), will hope to sway moviegoers from the blockbusters while simultaneously reminding them of the power of movies. The documentary, directed by Roger Ross Williams, is about an autistic young man, Owen Suskind, who found language through his love of Disney animated classics. "It's rare that you create a film like this that g ener atio ns can enj o y to g ether, " s ay s William s . " I n the summer this is an alternative where families can go together and see it and hopefully be inspired and uplifted." To b e u p l i f t e d r a t h e r t h a n p u m m e l e d a t s u m m e r movie theaters would indeed be almost radical change of pace.

Tri-Township Park - 410 Wickliffe St. Inside Out: 5/20/16 ENTERTAINMENT Wild Times Exotics (Exotic Animals)

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Proof #1


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©2015 Outfront Media. All rights reserved. This artwork was created by and remains the property of Outfront Media. Permission is granted for the use of this artwork only by the original recipient and only on the medium and for the purpose for which it was provided and may not be used for any other purpose or transferred to any third party. Any and all sale, rental, transfer, duplication, transmission, posting on any website or otherwise on the Internet or other media of the material contained herein or other use is a violation of federal law.

and the time to enjoy it.

St.Music/Drama Paul’s UCC, Belleville Camp St. Paul’s UCC, Belleville

ForFor singers enteringentering grades 3-12 grades 3-12 singers June 8-11 9:00am-12 noon (for grades 1-5)

with Stephen Mager, music director and conductor withDr.Dr. Stephen Mager, music director and conductor Activities and opportunities: Activities and opportunities:

Beginning and and advanced vocal training; musictraining; reading skillsmusic reading skills • •Beginning advanced vocal Performance of standard choral repertoire, jazz,repertoire, and Broadway jazz, and Broadway • •Performance of standard choral Music-making with handbells, handchimes, Orff Instruments, pipeOrff organInstruments, pipe organ • •Music-making with handbells, handchimes, Special guest appearances by St. Louis by area St. professional • •Special guest appearances Louis musicians area professional musicians • Introduction to dance with Laura Roth • Introduction to dance with Laura Roth

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Tuition-Registration: $125 per $125 singer /per $350 singer max. per family Tuition-Registration: / $350 max. per family Financial assistance is available needed. if needed. Financial assistance is ifavailable For more information, , contact Angi Klohr, Chorus For more information, contact AngiManager, Klohr,atChorus Manager, at 618-593-0895 or MCC@singmasterworks.org 618-593-0895 or MCC@singmasterworks.org

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©2015 Outfront Media. All rights reserved. This artwork was created by and remains the property of Outfront Media. Permission is granted for the use of this artwork only by the original recipient and only on the medium and for the purpose for which it was provided and may not be used for any other purpose or transferred to any third party. Any and all sale, rental, transfer, duplication, transmission, posting on any website or otherwise on the Internet or other media of the material contained herein or other use is a violation of federal law.


A fee of $100 will apply after 3rd proof / per proof.

June 8-11 9:00am-12 noon (for grades 1-5)

June 1-4 6:00-7:30 pm (for grades 1-4)

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Summer Fun

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Summer Fun


Summer Fun

Summer Fun Kids Continued from Page 5

• Take Two: Keyboarding & App Attack This combo course is perfect for the techy! Students will spend the morning learning proper keyboarding techniques for both alphabetic and numeric keying using online skill building games while improving their speed and accuracy. In the afternoon, students will take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize their own game app! Using a specialized app and game development tool, students will explore the world of web-based (HTML5) mobile apps. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, students will also see firsthand how the world of App publishing functions. Student-created apps will be accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Publishing to App Stores not included. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the afternoon program. Mon-Fri, Jun 27-Jul 1, 9AM-4PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-160-01, $222 Registration deadline: Jun 17 • Explore the Air Force This exciting one-day camp will feature a guided tour of Scott Air Force Base including the control tower, air field and canine patrol. Students will get to see firsthand how various operations of the Air Force are manned and learn about a variety of career opportunities. We will also enjoy a picnic lunch in an outdoor pavilion. Transportation to and from the Godfrey Campus will be provided for this camp. Due to base access issues, only students enrolled in this camp may participate in the tour. Please call (618) 468-5750 for details. Thu, Jul 7, 9AM-3PM, CECK-129-01, $29 Registration deadline: Jun 20

• Jr. Handyman Camp Would you like to learn basic handyman skills to help around the house? This handson camp is designed to teach basic carpentry, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and tool safety skills through a variety of activities and projects. Teambuilding strategies and work zone safety will also be included. Mon-Fri, Jul 11-15, 9AM-12PM, Bethalto Education Center, CECK-110-E1, $59 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • Adventures in Architecture What can we learn about people by looking at the outside of buildings? What tools do architects use to design great buildings? How is it that buildings stand up? Come learn about the “built” environment around us with Lewis and Clark Architectural Technology instructor Erica Twomey. In this handson workshop you will study great buildings designed by famous architects, learn about the history of architecture, and begin to develop a greater understanding of the architecture in your neighborhoods and towns. You will also practice your design skills by learning sketching, technical drawing and model making techniques using both hand modelling and a laser cutter. Mon-Fri, Jul 11-15, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-113-01, $139 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • Minecraft Designers If you love the game Minecraft, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings for your games, this class is for you! Learn the basics of creating 3D models using a new software to design your very own objects, create skins for characters and import them into your favorite Minecraft games. To access their project at home, students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft. Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft are not compatible. Parent email address is required to use 3D modeling software. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jul 11-15, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-170-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 1

• Lights, Camera, Action! Come check out our two-week crash course on theater and drama. During this uniquely creative workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of acting and theater, develop interpersonal skills, meet new people and so much more. At the end of the two weeks, you will put what you’ve learned into action in a rendition of ‘The Real Wizard of Oz’ for family and friends. So get ready to bring the drama! Who knows? You might be the next Jennifer Lawrence, Taraji P. Henson or Tom Cruise. Don’t miss it! Mon-Fri, Jul 11-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-156-01, $169 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • “Sew” Fun: Let’s Make a Quilt! Bring your own sewing machine (or moms!) in good working order and let’s get quilting. In this class we will learn about quilt history and designs. Each student will use basic sewing techniques to design quilt blocks and join them into a 54x54 inch quilt. The students will find inspiration through art, literature and personal experiences. Each day we will use different techniques to inspire the designs in our quilts. Students choose their own fabric and will receive a supply list the week prior to camp. Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-3PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-105-01, $159 Registration deadline: Jul 8 • Abra-Kid-Abra Magic Camp Read a spectator ’s mind! Defy gravity! Cause a selected card to appear in Chicago! These are just a few of the tricks you’ll learn in Abra-Kid-Abra’s new Magic Camp! You’ll get your own magic box with new tricks to add daily. Twist animal balloons, learn comedy magic skits, and discover fun betchas you can pull on your friends! Camp culminates with students putting on a magic show for their family and friends on the last day. Goals are to develop presentation skills, build confidence and have fun! Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-133-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 8 • Make Your First 3-D Video Game

Try this new version of a Black Rocket classic! This class allows you to develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of the traditional 2D game design classes. Students will learn the physics behind 3D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay, and storytelling. Student created games will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-250-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 8 • Under the Big Top Bally Hoo! Welcome to the big top! Ever wanted to run away with the circus? This is your chance! Kids will learn all sorts of circus skills including how to walk on stilts, balance on the rolla bolla board, spin plates and even learn to ride a unicycle! This camp will also feature brand new juggling skills, clown acts and balloon twisting. Camp culminates with the students performing an amazing circus for their family and friends on the last day! Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-137-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Archery for Young Hunters This class is designed to prepare the bow hunter and challenge the 3D archer. Students will start off with a refresher on safety, responsibility and the selection of proper archery equipment as well as correct shooting. This class will also teach yardage estimation skills and knowing the humane kill zones on various animals and targets. One-on-one instruction given as needed to improve ability. Archery equipment will be provided by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Outrageous Outdoors in Jerseyville. Prerequisite: Beginning Archery or equivalent experience. Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-262-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 15 Continued on Page 7

Relax and engage: 4 ways to learn on vacation

(BPT) - With busy schedules and jam packed to-do lists, people often view vacations as a time to simply lounge by the beach and soak up the sun. And while that may sound like paradise, when was the last time you truly pursued a passion, goal or curiosity? Vacation is a great time to take your goals and passions off the back burner. A learning vacation can help you reclaim old interests and discover places you never knew existed. One of the best learning vacation destinations is in western New York State. Home of Chautauqua Institution and many other learning venues, it’s a place to both relax and grow your mind. Whether you’re traveling with family, friends or all on your own, here are some of the best ways to learn on vacation: Find a destination focused on education Instead of booking a flight to your ordinary vacation spot, why not try somewhere new? Take an adventure to a destination known for learning. The Chautauqua Institution is known for its life-long and vacation learning program. This educational center founded in 1874 on Chautauqua Lake features 750 acres of historic buildings, vacation homes and cottages, the grand Athenaeum Hotel and a nine-week summer schedule filled with learning opportunities for all ages. Nearby, the City of Jamestown is home to the Roger


BPT photos

Learn a new activity, like sailing, on your next vacation. Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History, the Robert H. Jackson Center for Justice and the Lucille Ball - Desi Arnaz Center for Comedy. Go somewhere to learn a new activity Is there a sport, activity or hobby you’ve always wanted to

3rd Annual Train Show


Summer Camp Starts May 31st

To benefit the American Heritage Railroad Saturday June 11, 2016 10 am - 4pm Admission: $4 (Children under 12 FREE)

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Summer Fun

May 19, 2016

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academies focused on winter sports as well as golf. From sailing and kayaking to fly fishing and stand up paddling, the possibilities are endless for what you can learn in western New York. Be adventurous with food and drink


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try? If you’re interested in birds or nature, choose to vacation in a place with recreational trails and nature gardens. If you’ve always wanted to give skiing or snowboarding a shot, find a resort like Peek’n Peak Resort in Chautauqua County with learning

Make a point to try a dish you’ve never tasted at least once per day on your vacation. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and taste the local cuisine. Wherever you’re staying, ask for recommendations on which restaurants to check out. You could even poll some locals to find the best places to go for coffee, and any other must-visit places. Wine enthusiasts can research local wineries to schedule tours and tastings to discover a new favorite and learn how it’s made. Lake Erie Wine Country has several wineries, events and attractions to keep you informed and entertained while relaxing on vacation. Make travel friends Tr a v e l i n g g i v e s y o u t h e opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Strike up a conversation with the couple or family next to you at lunch and you could end up making some life-long friendships. Staying in a locally owned hotel or bed and breakfast can also be easy ways to interact with new people on a daily basis. Look for dining and sight-seeing partners; you never know who you’ll meet. Put a fresh spin on your vacation planning this year. Design a learning vacation, enjoy new experiences and return home feeling revived and refreshed. For more information and educational ideas, visit tourchautauqua.com.

Tuesday or Thursday 7 pm Starts May 17th or 19th

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May 19, 2016

Summer Fun


Summer Fun

Summer Fun Kids Continued from Page 3

• Minecraft Animators Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film! Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney make movies like Inside Out and Frozen through using techniques like keyframing, tweening, texturing and animating rigged 3D models! Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You do not need to own a Minecraft account to use the software in this class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 9AM-12PM, Edwardsville Campus, CECK-173-N1, $149 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • Self Defense for Kids Learn how to deal with bullies and predators. Kids will learn what behaviors to watch for and practice how to escape to safety. They will also learn important strategies to help avoid violent situations, plus tactics and techniques for handling violence when it is unavoidable. This class is for students with any level of knowledge or skill, from beginner to advanced. Students will acquire in-depth knowledge of self-protection while increasing overall fitness through practical drills. Participants will receive an informational packet with descriptions of the techniques covered in class plus at-home tips for parents. On the final day, the students will do a final review plus participate in an “escape and evasion” course and a confidence boosting board breaking session. Mon-Fri, Jun 20-24, 9AM-12PM, Edwardsville Campus, CECK-178-N1, $99 Registration deadline: Jun 10 • Jr. Master Chef Kids will develop a passion for cooking

as they stir up delicious recipes in this new cooking class! Growing gourmets will learn culinary vocabulary and techniques, how to measure ingredients and stay safe in the kitchen as they whip up new dishes, featuring a special secret ingredient each day. From healthy to decadent, the secret ingredient will change every day and make this a true cooking adventure! Each cook will receive a souvenir apron and recipe book to take home at the end of the week. Mon-Thu, Jun 27-30, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-153-01, $119 Registration deadline: Jun 17 • Hands-On Mathology This class is full of great ways to help kids strengthen their math skills during the summer! We will dive into addition and subtraction facts, multiplication facts, graphing, place values and more. Students will learn how to practice these skills through easy games and fun hands-on activities. Feel free to bring a bottle of water and a light snack to class each day. Mon-Fri, Jun 27-Jul 1, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-187-01, $119 Registration deadline: Jun 17 • Stream Team Want to splash around in a local stream? Then put on your rubber boots and join the team! Led by RiverWatch Program Coordinator, Matt Young, explorers will learn about important world water quality issues, hike a local creek, test its water quality and collect and examine myriad water critters like dragonflies and crayfish. Explorers will develop an understanding of the similarities and differences between water use by people in other countries and the United States. Mon-Thu, Jul 11-14, 9AM-12PM, Alton, CECK-134-F1, $49 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • LEGO YOUniverse Make Your Own Adventure In this LEGO adventure YOU are the star! Pick your favorite LEGO genre or create an alternate universe to create a digital

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20 15 32 1st 2016 3

role-play, hands-on demonstrations, crafts and games to simulate a mini-pharmacy school experience. This interactive and engaging camp allows students to explore the world of medicine by assuming the role of a pharmacist for the week! Students will learn how the body and organs work, how to use instruments that real pharmacists use and medication safety. Each student will receive a diploma as a graduate of Little Pharmacy School and their own mortar and pestle to take home at the end of camp. Mon-Thu, Jul 25-28, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-111-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • Under the Big Top Bally Hoo! Welcome to the big top! Ever wanted to run away with the circus? This is your chance! Kids will learn all sorts of circus skills including how to walk on stilts, balance on the rolla bolla board, spin plates and even learn to ride a unicycle! This camp will also feature brand new juggling skills, clown acts and balloon twisting. Camp culminates with the students performing an amazing circus for their family and friends on the last day! Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-137-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 15 • LEGO Games Combine your two favorite activities: LEGOs and Video Games! Students will create their own LEGO characters and adventures in an interactive 2D Video Game. Everyone is welcome in this one of a kind class. At the end of the program, every student will have a finished LEGO Video Game that can be shared with friends and family through a password protected Black Rocket website. Games are only compatible on PC computers; Mac versions can be created after the program for a $15.00 conversion fee. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jul 25-29, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-149-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 15 Continued on Page 5

Friday, Friday, MayMay 22 27 ~ Saturday, May 28 Saturday, May 23 • Musicfest • Carnival Rides • Musicfest • Carnival• 5K Run • Food & Fun Rides St. Boniface Catholic Church • 5K110 RunN. Buchanan St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 • Food Fun all info @ www.bonifest.com (618)and 656-6450

St. Boniface Catholic Church

Friday Friday, May 22 t 110 N.sBuchanan 2015St. ~ Edwardsville, IL 62025

4.12 sq. ft.


illustrated story. Whether you want to fight alongside Batman, be part of a Ninjago clan, hang with Ninja Turtles, or go into space with the Bionicles, the only requirement is that you put yourself in the story! All students will end the class with a digital comic book that can be shared with friends and family on a password protected website! Students will work in teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jul 11-15, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-148-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • Abra-Kid-Abra Magic Camp Read a spectator ’s mind! Defy gravity! Cause a selected card to appear in Chicago! These are just a few of the tricks you’ll learn in Abra-Kid-Abra’s new Magic Camp! You’ll get your own magic box with new tricks to add daily. Twist animal balloons, learn comedy magic skits, and discover fun betchas you can pull on your friends! Camp culminates with students putting on a magic show for their family and friends on the last day. Goals are to develop presentation skills, build confidence and have fun! Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-133-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 8 • Minecraft Animators Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film! Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney make movies like Inside Out and Frozen through using techniques like keyframing, tweening, texturing and animating rigged 3D models! Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You do not need to own a Minecraft account to use the software in this class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-173-01, $149 Registration deadline: Jul 8 • Little Pharmacy School Little Pharmacy School uses the power of

4-11 p.m. May 23 Saturday, (618) 31656-6450 ~ all info @ www.bonifest.com

Food, Games, Rides & Beer Garden

Edwardsville Catholic Schools Band -Patriotic Kick-Off My Friend Mike


All Stands and Rides open 11 a.m. Rides

Food, Games, Rides & Ryan Ideus &4-11 thep.m. Feudin’ Hillbillys Beer Garden Run for Bonifest •8-11 5K p.m. Run8:30 a.m. 5K Run/ 2 Mile Walk Blackwater Revival 4:30-7 p.m. andp.m. Fun 10 a.m.-2 Book Sale • Food nd Edwardsville 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Family Day Catholic Schools Band —open All Stands & Rides 11 a.m.11 a.m.-4 p.m. Ride Wristbands 110 N. Buchanan IL 62025 Patriotic 4 p.m. St. ~ Edwardsville, Run for Kick-Off Bonifest 8:30 a.m.5:30-7:30 p.m. Perfect Image (618) 656-6450 ~ all info @ www.bonifest.com 5 K Run / 2 Mile Walk The Breakfast Club Dirty Muggs 8-11 p.m. Book 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.9 p.m. 8-11 p.m.Sale Big Bona Giveaway Saturday Friday


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May 19, 2016

May 28

• Musicfest • Carnival Rides $500 Cash! •April 5K24Run - St. Boniface Church after 10:15 a.m. Mass • Food and Fun

Musicfest Mass

Mark Vallow

Friday, May 27 Saturday, May 28

Family Day 11 Stands a.m. - 2and p.m. $10,000 Drawing All Rides open 11 a.m. Food, Games, Rides & Ride 11 a.m. 4 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 8:30 a.m. BeerWristbands Garden 4-11 p.m. Run for -Bonifest Mass 5K Walk Late 4 WorkRevival 4:30-7 p.m. 2 Run/ p.m.2-Mile 4 p.m. Blackwater 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Catholic Church Drawing to be held on Saturday night of Bonifest Sale St.onBoniface Carrie & the Catapults 5:30 Book p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ‘Like’ Bonifest Facebook May 28 at 9 p.m. Need not attend to win, but Edwardsville 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Family Day 110 N. Buchanan winner will receive an EXTRA $500 if present at 5% of proceeds IL as 62025 of May 23 will benefit St. ~ Edwardsville, Headliners include: Catholic Schools Band — Dirty Muggs 8 - 11Bonifest p.m. on Fr. McGivney High School ‘Follow’ Twitter 11 a.m.-4 p.m. time of drawing - www.Bonifest.com Ride Wristbands Patriotic Kick-Off 4 p.m. (618) 656-6450 ~ all info @ www.bonifest.com 5:30-7:30 p.m. Big Bona Giveaway 9Perfect p.m. Image Early Bird Drawing - Voucher for The Breakfast Club One Half Year of St. Boniface School $10,000 DrawingDirty Muggs Friday 8-11 p.m. Saturday Tuition or $500 Cash! 8-11 p.m.

Floor Design Center & Outlet


• Musicfest

4 p.m. Saturday • Carnival 4:30-7 p.m.

9 p.m. Scan and

Big Bona Giveaway

Food, Games, Rides & 4:15$10,000 p.m. Drawing Beer Garden p.m. learn4-11 more

Musicfest Headliners Plus other greatinclude: music! Musicfest


Headliners include:

4:15 p.m.

about Bonifest! ‘Follow’ Bonifest on Twitter

Edwardsville Schools — ‘Like’ Catholic Bonifest on Band Facebook Patriotic Kick-Off 4 p.m. My Friend Mike

4:30-7 p.m.

Ryan Ideus and Scan the Feudin’ Hillbillies


My Friend Mike Carrie & the Catapults learn8-11 p.m. more Dirty Muggs about Musicfest Plus other great music! Bonifest! Plus other great music! Headliners include:

‘Like’ Bonifest on Facebook

My Friend Mike Carrie & the Catapults Dirty Muggs

‘Follow” Bonifest on Twitter

Plus other great music!

Maximum of 3,000 tickets available. All Stands and Rides open 11 a.m.

Run for Bonifest

5K Run/ 2 Mile Walk Book Sale Family Day Ride Wristbands Late 4 Work Carrie & the Catapults Dirty Muggs Big Bona Giveaway $10,000 Drawing


8:30 a.m.

10 a.m.-2 p.m. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 2-4 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 8-11 p.m. 9 p.m.

April 24 - St. Boniface Church after 10:15 a.m. Mass

5% of proceeds as of May 23 will benefit Father McGivney High School

Maximum of 3,000 tickets available.

4:15 p.m.

‘Like’ Bonifest on Facebook ‘Follow’ Bonifest on Twitter

Mail to: St. Boniface Catholic Church 110 N. Buchanan St. Edwardsville, IL 62025

ScanScan and and learn more learn more about about Bonifest Bonifest!

MoBOT Continued from Page 12 May 31, 2016 - September 1, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm M i s s o u r i B o t a n i c a l G a rd e n > R i d g w a y Vi s i t o r C e n t e r > Monsanto Hall Desert Show June 25, 2016 - July 24, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Linnean House Cafe Flora Brunch July 2, 2016 - July 3, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays July 5, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Super Sweet 100 Tomato Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: Jay Farrar July 6, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights July 7, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring herbs | Live music by Three of a Perfect Pair Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch July 9, 2016 - July 10, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays July 12, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Jalapeño Pepper Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: Ptah Williams July 13, 2016 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights July 14, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring herbs | Live music by Lliam Christy Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch July 17, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays July 19, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Nepitella Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: Erin Bode July 20, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden >

Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights July 21, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring herbs | Live music by T.J Muller Missouri Botanical Garden Around the World Wine Dinner: California July 21, 2016 Begins at 7:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch July 23, 2016 - July 24, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Henry Shaw's Birthday Celebration! July 24, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays July 26, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Inca II Gold Marigold Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: The Cree Rider Family Band July 27, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights July 28, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring herbs | Live music by Three of a Perfect Pair Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch July 30, 2016 - July 31, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Art and Science in the Garden for the World May 31, 2016 - September 1, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > R i d g w a y Vi s i t o r C e n t e r > Monsanto Hall Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays August 2, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm F e a t u re d p l a n t : N a p o l e t a n o Basil Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Whitaker Music Festival: Joe Mancuso August 3, 2016 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Cohen Amphitheater Sensational Summer Nights August 4, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring irises | Live music by The Dust Covers Missouri Botanical Garden Greater St. Louis Iris Society Plant sale August 6, 2016 - August 7, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center Cafe Flora Brunch August 6, 2016 - August 7, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays August 9, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Sweet Marjoram Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Sensational Summer Nights August 11, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring orchids | Live music by Dizzy Atmosphere Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch August 13, 2016 - August 14, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Garden Gallop 5K August 14, 2016 7:00 am - 9:00 am Missouri Botanical Garden Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays

August 16, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Florentine Fennel Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Sensational Summer Nights August 18, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring water lilies Missouri Botanical Garden A r o u n d t h e Wo r l d W i n e Dinner: Argentina August 18, 2016 Begins at 7:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden Missouri Botanical Garden Daylily Association Plant Sale August 20, 2016 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Ridgway Visitor Center Cafe Flora Brunch August 20, 2016 - August 21, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays August 23, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Featured plant: Flat-leaf (Italian) Parsley Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden Sensational Summer Nights August 25, 2016 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Featuring rock garden plants | Live music by Dizzy Atmosphere Missouri Botanical Garden Cafe Flora Brunch August 27, 2016 - August 28, 2016 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Spink Pavilion Herbs & Heirloom Tuesdays August 30, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Missouri Botanical Garden > Herb Garden

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an underwater scene on canvas and enjoy outdoor water activities. We will also make our own yummy seafood snacks which will include Dolphin Dippers, Blue Ocean Jell-O and Sandy Beach Toast. Bring your friends, you are sure to have a whale of a time! Mon-Fri, Jul 11-15, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-132-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • Monster Munchies You’ll satisfy your monstrous appetites in this cooking class! We’ll use uncommon objects in unique ways to make yummy treats. Whether we are poking, squeezing, shaking or using other creative methods of combining ingredients, the end result will be tasty indeed. Monster Cookies, Green Slime Pie and Purple Monster Smoothies are just a few of the snacks that will tame the wild beast inside of you! Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-103-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 8 • The Discovery Zone Real science, serious fun! Learn the basics of scientific methods and discovery through a variety of engaging hands-on activities and experiments. Dissect owl pellets, test your five senses, predict the weather and explore the science of foods. New engaging activities every day! Mon-Fri, Jul 18-22, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-114-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jul 8 Continued on Page 3

June 11 Parent & Child Workshop: All About Color! Experience painting through the exploration of color. Learn to mix acrylic paints and put color to canvas as you create a family masterpiece together! Laumeier Sculpture Park’s multig e n e r a t i o n a l P a re n t & C h i l d Workshops are a wonderful way for family members to spend quality and creative time together. Children—along with a parent, grandparent or caregiver— explore new artistic media, develop a m e a n i n g f u l b o n d a n d c re a t e memories to last a lifetime. One registration includes one adult with one child. Saturday, June 11, from 2:00–4:30 p.m. on the Siteman Carriage House Deck at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. $45, adult with child ages 4 to 7. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www. laumeier.org for more information. June 16 Free Stroller Tour: Into the Woods Laumeier Sculpture Park offers free Stroller Tours on the third Thursday of each month, May– October. Laumeier tours are interactive and designed to engage participants in exploring the relationship between art and nature. Themed tours provide specific perspective on Laumeier’s Permanent Collection to enhance the visitor experience. Tours are led by trained Laumeier Docents and last approximately one hour. Participants are advised to dress a p p ro p r i a t e l y f o r t h e s e a s o n and wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven pathways. Tour meets Thursday, June 16, at 10:00 a.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. June 18 Free Coffee & Conversation: Harvest & Preserve Join Laumeier Sculpture Park’s Master Gardener Yvette Luedde as she provides harvesting techniques for the preservation of herbs, fruits and vegetables. Visit Kim Yasuda’s H u n t + G a t h e r, 2 0 1 2 , g a rd e n while learning how to dry and store your heirloom seeds for next year. Laumeier ’s Conversation Series provides informal learning opportunities through discussion about new artworks in the temporary exhibitions or legacy artworks in the Permanent Collection. Conversation Series events encourage participants to


safety as you are introduced to the world of construction through a variety of building materials and projects. Real tools will be used as we learn skills such as hammering, sanding and painting. Concepts of cognitive thinking, problem solving, cooperation and fine motor skills will be developed. We will also be constructing our own snacks! Mon-Fri, Jun 27-Jul 1, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-120-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jun 17 • Tiger Mites Tae Kwon Do Tae Kwon Do builds self-confidence, strength, flexibility, memory and coordination. Children will be engaged in fun activities and learn basic blocks, kicks, and give kids a good knowledge base in all these aspects of taekwondo and martial arts in general. Our Tiger Mites have so much fun, they don’t even realize that they’re learning very important skills like respect, listening, self-control, following directions and teamwork. Please wear comfortable athletic clothing. The instructor Brendan Neal has a 3rd degree black belt and has been teaching Martial Arts since 1985. Mon-Fri, Jul 11-15, 9-11AM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-179-01, $89 Registration deadline: Jul 1 • Ocean Fun There’s an ocean of fun waiting for you in this camp! Sea life in the deep blue sea will come alive as we learn about ocean plants and animals through a variety of hands-on activities in science, art, music, movement and literature. We’ll design sea life creatures, paint

Continued from Page 14


our own bugs using various materials. We will also make our own buggy treats such as Grasshopper Pie, Beetle Juice Smoothies and Ladybug cookies. So stop buzzing around and make a beeline to sign up! Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-157-01, $99 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • Techi-Tots: Computer Adventure Children become computer detectives and solve exciting daily missions in this class for techi-tots! Each class combines a fun learning adventure with sophisticated technology concepts in a creative way that teaches your child to use computers as a tool. Mon-Fri, Jun 13-17, 9AM-12PM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-204-01, $79 Registration deadline: Jun 3 • Jazz and Poms This dance camp combines the leaps, turns and rhythms of jazz with the performance techniques of poms. Young dancers will learn coordination, expression and teambuilding through exercises and fun dance routines. It is recommended that students have at least one year of dance experience before enrolling in this camp. Instructor Sara Miller has taught jazz professionally for over 15 years. Mon-Thu, Jun 27-30, 9-11:30AM, Godfrey Campus, CECK-109-01, $75 Registration deadline: Jun 17 • Tool Time Hey young carpenters put on your hard hats and enter the construction zone! Learn the basics of simple carpentry and tool


share ideas and ask questions in a experienced Artist-Instructors and admission and $5 for Laumeier pathways. Tour meets Sunday, relaxed atmosphere. Saturday, June are designed to encourage artistic M e m b e r s , We b s t e r U n i v e r s i t y July 3, at 2:00 p.m. in the Public 18, at 11:00 a.m. at the Kranzberg development and self-expression. a l u m n i , s e n i o r c i t i z e n s a n d Plaza outside the Adam Aronson E d u c a t i o n L a b a t L a u m e i e r Saturday, June 25, from 3:30– students (all tickets sold at the Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, 6 : 0 0 p . m . a t t h e K r a n z b e r g door). Visit www.webster.edu/ S c u l p t u r e P a r k , 1 2 5 8 0 R o t t Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call E d u c a t i o n L a b a t L a u m e i e r film-series for more information. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit July 3 3 1 4 . 6 1 5 . 5 2 7 8 o r v i s i t w w w. Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, F re e Wa l k i n g To u r : H o w a w w w. l a u m e i e r. o r g f o r m o r e Saint Louis, Missouri. $35, ages laumeier.org for more information. 12 and up. Call 314.615.5278 or Sculpture Park was Grown: The information. June 23 July 15 P a re n t & C h i l d Wo r k s h o p : visit www.laumeier.org for more First Decade Teen Pizza & Art Night Laumeier Sculpture Park information. ArtSparks Enjoy an evening of creative o ff e r s f re e Wa l k i n g To u r s o n June 23 ArtSparks is a new program Webster University Film Series: the first Sunday of each month, e x p re s s i o n a n d f u n a c t i v i t i e s f o r c h i l d re n a n d a d u l t s t h a t May– October. Laumeier tours with other teens who love to i s s t r u c t u re d t o p ro m o t e t h e Satya (Truth) Written & Directed by Ram are interactive and designed to make art! Assemble, construct development of cognition, engage participants in exploring and experiment with unusual l a n g u a g e , m o t o r a n d s o c i a l / Gopal Varma L a u m e i e r S c u l p t u r e P a r k ’ s t h e re l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n a r t materials while you collaborate emotional skills in young children through art projects and play. spring/summer 2016 exhibition a n d n a t u r e . T h e m e d t o u r s with other teens. All materials, Laumeier Sculpture Park’s multi- artist Gigi Scaria has curated a provide specific perspective on food and beverages are provided. g e n e r a t i o n a l P a re n t & C h i l d series of films in collaboration Laumeier ’s Permanent Collection Friday, July 15, from 7:00–9:30 Workshops are a wonderful way with Webster University Film to enhance the visitor experience. p.m. at the Kranzberg Education for family members to spend Series Director James Harrison. Tours are led by trained Laumeier L a b a t L a u m e i e r S c u l p t u r e quality and creative time together. Thursday, June 23, at 7:30 p.m. at Docents and last approximately P a r k , 1 2 5 8 0 R o t t R o a d , S a i n t Children— along with a parent, the Webster University Winifred one hour. Participants are advised Louis, Missouri. $20, ages 13 grandparent or caregiver—explore M o o re A u d i t o r i u m , 4 7 0 E a s t to dress appropriately for the to 17. Call 314.615.5278 or visit new artistic media, develop a Lockwood, Saint Louis, Missouri. s e a s o n a n d w e a r c o m f o r t a b l e w w w. l a u m e i e r. o r g f o r m o r e m e a n i n g f u l b o n d a n d c r e a t e Ti c k e t s a r e $ 6 f o r g e n e r a l shoes for walk ing on uneven information. memories to last a lifetime. One registration includes one adult with one child. Thursday, June 23, from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. at the Kranzberg Education Lab a t L a u m e i e r S c u l p t u re P a r k , 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. $10, adult with child ages Pre-K. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. 1 2 June 25 Youth, Teen & Adult Workshop: Glazing 1 2 3 Expand your knowledge of glazes and how to achieve a variety of effects using u n d e rg l a z e s , w a x re s i s t s a n d color overlaps. Simple bisque tiles and forms will be provided, or bring your own bisque-fired clay piece. Laumeier Sculpture Park’s one-day Art Workshops provide participants with a focused experience within a particular medium, process or concept. Art 1 2 Workshops are taught by local, 1 3 2 4 3 5 FREE 4 experienced Artist-Instructors and 5 Gift cards never expire. are designed to encourage artistic development and self-expression. No extra charge for 4x4s, Saturday, June 25, from 2:00– 1 SUVS, pickups or vans. 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 4:00 p.m. at the Kranzberg 3 5 MasterCard, VISA, FREE 4 5 Education Lab at Laumeier FREE Discover and American Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Express cards are CARD Saint Louis, Missouri. $30, ages S AV E R S MONEY 1 1 accepted. 10 and up. Call 314.615.5278 or 2 2 3 3 4 4 visit www.laumeier.org for more 5 5 FRE1E FR E E Our Money Savers 2 information. 3 June 25 Cards are a great way 6 Downpour Youth, Teen & Adult Workshop: 1 1 2 2 RD 3 3 Outdoor Photography ERS CA Washes $30 to show you care V A 4 4 S Y 5 5 MONE 1 1 FREE FREE Explore the outdoors as you 2 2 3 3 Save $6 for Mother’s Day, 4 4 learn about the rule of thirds, 5 5 FRE1E FR E E 2 composition and contrast in this 3 Father’s Day or 4 1 1 5 introductory digital photography 2 2 1 3 3 4 4 2 AvFRaEEilable w o r k s h o p . B r i n g y o u r o wgraduation n 6 Monsoon 5 5 gifts. 3 FREE FREE a4t a5nyFREE digital camera, or learn how to Washes $50 use your phone with optimum cation! o l Save $10 results. Laumeier Sculpture Park’s BUY 5 WASHES GET 1 FREE! one-day Art Workshops provide p a r t i c i p a n t s w i t h a f o c u s eGift d cards never expire. No extra 1 charge for 4x4s, SUVs, pickups or vans. 2 experience within a particular 3 4 MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American 5 medium, process or concept. Art FR E E Express cards are accepted. Workshops are taught by local, MONS

Lewis and Clark Community College has announced its annual College For Kids lineup for the summer of 2016. To register, visit www.lc.edu/C4K or call (618) 468-7000 FOR AGES 5 TO 7 • Mommy, Me and a Pony! Mommy, Me and a Pony class is not just for “mommies.” Any parent, grandparent or guardian is welcome to attend. Adult/child teams will work together as they learn how to brush their horse, put the saddle on, and give commands for whoa, go and turn while riding. Riding a horse improves the skills of balance, coordination, forethought, empathy and the control of one’s own emotions. Rocky Branch horses are generous, patient and sweet-natured. Riders will demonstrate their new skills for family and friends on the last day of class and be presented with a rosette ribbon. This class is perfect for kids who have never ridden a horse. Sun, Jun 5-Jul 10, 1-2 PM, Rocky Branch Stables, Bethalto, CECK-128-F1, $179 Registration deadline: Jun 1 • Going Buggy We’ll be as busy as bees as we explore the world of insects in this camp! In the garden, in the air, bugs are everywhere and we’re going to learn about them through science, literature, math, art and music. Did you know that bumble bees dance, crickets sing and some bugs wear camouflage? You’ll learn these facts and more. We’ll weave colorful spider webs, make bug visors and create

Summer Fun


Summer Fun Lewis and Clark announces College For Kids lineup



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