July 21, 2016
Vol. 13 No. 47
2016 Truck & Off Road Festival page 3
Hotel Nashville page 19
Glen Carbon's Miner Park page 22
Fred’s Shed The Main Gift Shop Monticello House Boutique
July 14
What’s Inside 3
Everything Truck
Gateway Motorsports: 2016 Truck & OffRoad Fest
8 Source of Strength
Local runner finds strength from late mother
11 "Captain Fantastic"
A family of "survivalist philosopher kings"
15 Great Artist Series
WashU welcomes three of the brightest stars
18 Crystal Lake
One of the top ten best small cities in the U.S.
19 Hotel Nashville
Rustic retreat in Indiana, not Tennessee
22 Parks and Rec Glen Carbon's Miner Park
What’s Happening Friday Saturday Sunday ____________ ____________ July 22 July 23 July 24____________ • Self-Taught Genius: Treasures from American Folk Art Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. • St. Louis Cardinals vs. Los Angeles Dodgers, Busch Stadium, St. Louis, 7:15 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Brian Curran, National Blues Museum, St. Louis, 12p.m. to 3 p.m. • 2016 St. Louis Cabaret Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Somewhat Damaged- A Tribute to Nine Inch Nails, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. • The Peach Kings and Mobley present, The Night Sweat Tour, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8 p.m. • Jr Jr, w/(TBA), Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Glass Animals, w/Lewis Del Mar, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m • Somebody To Love: a Tribute to Queen, w/Jackson Howard, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Mamma Mia!, Forest Park, St. Louis, 8:25 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until Aug 14, 2016 • Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016
• Legends of The Dome, America's Center & The Dome, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Self-Taught Genius: Treasures from American Folk Art Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • St. Louis Cardinals vs. Los Angeles Dodgers, Busch Stadium, St. Louis, 6:15 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. • Saint Louis FC Soccer, World Wide Technology Soccer Park, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. • Goo Goo Dolls, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, 7:00 p.m. • 2016 St. Louis Cabaret Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, 7 to 10 p.m. • 4th City Rag, Dear Genre, Lisa Houdei, David Trull, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:30 p.m. • Cirque Saint Louieh, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Legends of The Dome, America's Center & The Dome, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Mamma Mia!, Forest Park, St. Louis, 8:25 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., until Sept 11, 2016 • CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 4, 2016 • Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016
• St. Louis Cardinals vs. Los Angeles Dodgers, Busch Stadium, St. Louis, 1:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. • Kung Fu Vampire, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. • MPAC St. Louis presents: Jonathan Jefferson, STLien, Rio, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:30 p.m. • St. Louis Cabaret Conference Closing Showcase & Celebration, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. • Legends of The Dome, America's Center & The Dome, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Mamma Mia!, Forest Park, St. Louis, 8:25 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. • Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 • Nomad Studio: Green Air, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 • Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 **If you would like to add something to our arts calendar, email it to theedge@edwpub.net. Events should be submitted at least three weeks prior to event date.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar
On the Edge of the Weekend
Editor – Bill Tucker
July 21, 2016
Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake
People Gateway Motorsports prepares for
For The Edge With the popular annual Truckin Throwdown event as its centerpiece, the inaugural 2016 Truck & OffRoad Festival offers a bigger, better way for enthusiasts to experience “ e v e r y t h i n g t ru c k . ” M u l t i p l e courses consisting of pavement and dirt will allow enthusiasts to participate in their own vehicles, regardless of whether they are built for the street or the trail. Taking place Friday, August 12 – Saturday, August 13 at Gateway Motorsports Park near St. Louis, this new event includes such crowd favorites as Quarter-Mile Drags, Autocross, UTV and Side-by-Side racing, and a 4x4 obstacle course– plus much more! Those interested in joining the excitement can register now at truckandoffroadfestival.com. “I’m excited to announce the inaugural 2016 Truck & Off-Road Festival,” said Sean P. Holman, content director for TEN: The Enthusiast Network’s Truck and Off-Road Group. “This event is going to be the premiere celebration for truck enthusiasts throughout the Midwest. We’ll have experiences ranging from your classic show and shine to performance events that attendees will actually be encouraged to participate in. The 2016 Truck & Off-Road Festival will set a new bar for truck events and should be a great weekend.” EVENT DATES The 2016 Truck & Off-Road Festival will take place at the Gateway Motorsports Park (700 Raceway Blvd) in Madison, Ill., near St. Louis. For the full schedule of events, visit trucktrend.com. Times listed are in Central Time. Friday, August 12 – Gates open at 12 p.m., events conclude at 1 a.m. Saturday, August 13 – Gates open at 7 a.m., events conclude at 10 p.m. EVENT FEATURES Truckin Throwdown - This year, ANY truck can try and make the final field by throwing down one of the 12 fastest combined drag race and autocross times during qualifying sessions. Autocross Drag Racing Slalom Start/Stop box
Dyno Show & Shine All Registered Participants Drag Racing – Multiple Classes Autocross Course Professionally judged Show & Shine with awards in multiple classes UTV & Side-by-Side Racing Mud Bog Editor’s Choice Awards Performance Truck Midway / Vendor Row Dyno Contest DJ Friday night / Live band Saturday night REGISTRATION When you register for the Truck
and Off-Road Festival you get entry for your truck and one credential as well as a swag bag with some cool gifts. Not only will you be able to show off your rig, but you’ll be able be part of the action on the drag strip, autocross, 4x4 obstacle course, or even the mud bog! All driving activities included in the price below: Pre-registration for a two day pass is only: $45* On-site registration for a two day pass is only: $50 Pre-registration for Friday only: $20* On-site registration for Friday only: $25
Pre-registration for Saturday only: $35* On-site registration for Saturday only $40 UTV pre-registration for Saturday only $35* UTV on-site registration for Saturday only $40 TICKET INFORMATION Adults Friday $10 in advance*, $15 at the gate Saturday $15 in advance*, $20 at the gate 2-day pass $25 in advance*, $30 at the gate Children 6-12 years of age - $5 per day. $10 for 2-day pass. Children 5 and under – Free. *Available until Wednesday August 11 2016, at 11:59 p.m. To register or purchase spectator tickets, visit truckandoffroadfestival. com ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For more information, follow the 2016 Truck & Off-Road Festival at trucktrend.com and fourwheeler. com, or call 310-363-4231. For vendor booth Information, contact Glenn Herniter by phone at 310.363.4047 or email at gherniter@ enthusisatnetwork.com About Truck Trend Network TRUCK TREND NETWORK The Truck Trend Network a media platform of TEN: The Enthusiast Network, includes the Truck Trend, Diesel Power,
Truckin', Mini Truckin', 8-Lug, Work Truck Review, Sport Truck, and RV brands all in one place. With an emphasis on truck topics enthusiasts are passionate about, the Truck Trend Network reaches over 12.5 million fans a month across multiple platforms and is the truck enthusiast’s number one destination for “All Things Truck”. About Four Wheelere Network The Four Wheelere Network, a media platform of Ten: The Enthusiast Network, includes the Four Wheeler, Petersen's 4-Wheel, & Off-Road, JP and Dirt Sports+Off-Foad brands all in one place. Catering to the off-roading enthusiast, the Four Wheelere Network reaches 10.1 million enthusiasts a month across multiple platforms and is a onestop destination for off-roaders everywhere. About TEN: The Enthusiast Network TEN: The Enthusiast Network is the world’s premier network of enthusiast brands, such as Motor Trend, Automobile, Hot Rod, Surfer, Transworld and GrindTV. With more than 50 publications, 60 websites, 50 events, 1,000 branded products, the world’s largest automotive VOD channel, and the world’s largest action/adventure sports media platform, TEN inspires enthusiasts to pursue their passions. For more information, visit www. enthusiastnetwork.com.
There will be plenty to see and do at the 2016 Truck & Off-Road Festival. Photos courtesy of The Enthusiast Network.
July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Goshen Theatre Project to Present “Peter Pan�
Peter Pan, along with Wendy, John and Michael (and of c o u r s e Ti n k e r b e l l ) w i l l s o o n be flying onto the stage of the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts at McKendree University as Goshen Theatre Project presents “Peter Pan� August 4-6. Based on J.M. Barrie's classic tale and featuring an unforgettable score by Morris "Moose" Charlap and Jule Styne with lyrics by Carolyn Leigh and Betty Comden and Adolph Green, “Peter Pan� is one of the most beloved and frequently performed family favorites of all time. The original 1954 Broadway production, starring Mary Martin as Peter and Cyril Ritchard as C a p t a i n H o o k , e a r n e d To n y Awards for both stars. It was followed by NBC telecasts of it in 1955, 1956, and 1960 with the same stars, plus several rebroadcasts of the 1960 telecast. In 2014, the musical was broadcast on NBC featuring several new numbers, and starring Allison Williams and Christopher Walken. The show has enjoyed several Broadway revivals -- in 1979 featured Sandy Duncan and the 1990’s production featured Olympic gymnast Cathy Rigby in the role of Peter. This high-flying Tony Awardwinning musical has been p e r f o r m e d a ro u n d t h e w o r l d and delighted audiences for 60 years. Almost every baby-boomer remembers the TV broadcast with Mary Martin featuring the songs, "I'm Flying," "I've Gotta Crow," "I Won't Grow Up" and "Never Never Land.� Goshen Theatre Projects production features Halli Pattison (Peter Pan), Laura Douglas (Wendy) Jim Miller (Mr. Darling/ Captain Hook), Jean Heil (Mrs. D a r l i n g ) , A i d e n Tr u c k e n b ro k (John), Case Warner (Michael), Violet Thornton (Tinkerbell), Tyler Mackey (Smee ) and Katie Deakos (Tiger Lily). With a large cast of 60, the production features many area youth as pirates, lost boys, Indians and mermaids. T h e p ro d u c t i o n i s d i re c t e d b y L i z E n l o e . C h o re o g r a p h y h a s b e e n c re a t e d b y T h e re s e Hembruch and Halli Pattison. Terry Pattison has designed and created the costumes and sets. Nancy Douglas and Shannon Flanigan are working behind the scenes. Goshen Theatre has acquired the services of ZFX, Inc. for our flying effects. ZFX is an internationally known company that has provided flying effects for Broadway shows and amateur productions including “Peter Pan,� “Mary Poppins,� “Fiddler on the Roof� and “Wicked.� What was just a wild dream of a few local educators became a reality with The Goshen Theatre Project’s first production—“Shrek: The Musical� that played at Wildey Theatre in Edwardsville for three sold-out performances in October, 2016. In December we presented the Wildey’s Christmas Spectacular.
Auditions for “Peter Pan� were o p e n t o a re a y o u t h e n t e r i n g 4rd grade to adults from many surrounding communities. As their name implies, they hope to provide a wide-range of theatre projects for all ages for Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, Troy and all surrounding areas. We a r e h o p i n g t o e x p a n d our programs by adding more productions, camps and workshops focusing on singing, dancing and acting. We are also planning “Goshen Kids� which will be a small group of talented middle and high school students who will have a large repertory of solo and ensemble numbers and would perform at community and civic events. Every community music or theatre company must rely on individual and corporate donors t o o ff e r a w o n d e r f u l t h e a t re experience for the performers as
well as the audience. No theatre project no matter the size can function on just ticket sales. To make a musical like this happen, the Friends of the Goshen Theatre Project has been started. This recognizes financial donations which are expenses for rental and royalty rights, for costume and theatre rental, set and prop construction, for programs and advertising and additional technical and musical support. T h e re a re s e v e r a l l e v e l s o f membership. Anyone wishing to become a member of the friends or more information about the organization, can contact any board member or Liz Enloe at 618971-5343 Tickets for “Peter Pan� are now available through the showtix4u. com Adult tickets are $15.00 and children (10 and under) $10.00.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
You Deserve a Staycation! 6800(5 6.,3 $ 3$< Skip July Loan Payments!
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People People planner Bourdain to appear at The Fox
Internationally renowned bestselling author, tv host and Emmyaward-winner Anthony Bourdain today announced The Hunger, an 11-city tour launching October 25 in
New York. Bourdainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first cookbook in 10 years, "Appetites", also hits shelves October 25. The Hunger visits St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre for one show only on Saturday, November 12 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
People Discover D iscover why whwhy y Discover 17 million oover ver 1 717 m imillion llion over homeowners h omeowners homeowners trust ttrust rust State StState ate Farm FarFarm m®. ®.
People planner Jammin' at the Zoo scheduled
The Saint Louis Zoo’s Young Zoo Friends invite you to sip cabernets for conservation at their summer 21-and-up event, Jammin’ at the Zoo presented by Macy’s. On Wednesdays, July 27 and August 24, from 6 to 10 p.m., e n j o y g re a t l i v e m u s i c w h i l e sampling your way through a variety of different wines from multiple wineries and a selection of brews from St. Louis microbreweries. Proceeds from the parties benefit the Zoo and its efforts to save endangered species at home and around the world. On July 27, enjoy live music by McLovin and FatPocket. On August 24, My Friend Mike and Dirty Muggs will perform. Plus, look for Juggling Jeff and
roaming unicyclists throughout the event on both nights! Admission includes a wine and beer tasting, available between 6 and 8 p.m., while supplies last. Wine by the glass and bottle, b e e r, s o d a , f r o z e n s p e c i a l t y drinks and food will also be available for purchase. No outside alcoholic beverages will be permitted at the event. A l s o f ro m 6 t o 8 p . m . , g e t up-close-and-personal with stingrays and sharks at Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy Kids, and take a spin on the Mary Ann Lee Conservation Carousel. Admission is $10 for Zoo members and $20 for nonmembers. Buy your Jammin’ tickets at the door, online at stlzoo.org/ jammin, or by calling 314/6464771. Special private party areas a re a v a i l a b l e i n a d v a n c e f o r
groups of 25 or more by calling 314/646-4642 or emailing elder@ stlzoo.org. General public should park on the south parking lot on Wells Drive near Highway 40/64 and enter through the south entrance. Zoo members should park on the Zoo’s north parking lot and enter through The Living World building. Parking is free on both lots. T h e Yo u n g Z o o F r i e n d s a re a group of professionals in their 20s and 30s who support the future success of the Zoo through volunteer, fundraising, educational and social opportunities. Jammin’ at the Zoo co-chairs are Shannon Bishop and Justin Rand. Jammin’ at the Zoo is sponsored by Macy’s, Mid America Chevy Dealers, Z107.7 and 93.7 The Bull.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
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July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
People Late mother a source of strength Local runner carries her photo when he competes By STEVE HORRELL Of The Edge
s horrible as it may sound, Jorge Garcia says the death of his mother, nearly 36 years ago at the hands of his father, no longer haunts him the way it once did. He’s energized by it. He could feel the energy in April when he finished the Boston Marathon and then the Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid Marathon a week later. It was there when he crossed the finish line at marathons in all 50 states. In fact, the energy – actually a photo of Alicia Margarita Castenada - will be with him in the months ahead as he attempts to complete marathons on every continent. The Glen Carbon man told Runner ’s World magazine recently that as he crosses the finish line he makes the sign of the cross, blows a kiss skyward, and shows a photo of his mom to the finish line cameras. “I know my mom is watching me from Heaven,” he told them. “I tell her, ‘Thank you for giving me strength. I hope you are proud of me.’” Now in his early 40s, Garcia works for Boeing, ensuring that contracts for the F/A 18 fighter jets and others comply with government specs. He sports a near-constant grin and exhorts colleagues to support each other with his “nothing ever done alone” mantra. People instinctively open up to him. If his mother ’s death has given him a purpose for running, he is quick to say that helping kids with cancer motivates him as well. At the end of his races he hands over his medal to one of them, appended a note that he hopes makes it more memorable. “I wish somebody had done that for me when I was young,” he said. “I wish somebody would have inspired me to do something when I was a kid. But that never happened. It puts a big smile on their face. And every once in a while I get a little thank you note or a picture of a kid smiling, and that’s just the greatest thing.” After his mother's death, Garcia often bounced between relatives and foster homes, and he attended four high schools in Newark in four years. He developed a love for running during the four years he spent in the U.S. Marines. But even with his personal and professional life flourishing today, until recently he had never come to terms with his mother ’s murder. From the start, it was an unusual pairing. Jorge’s father, Jorge Garcia, Sr., grew up in Guatemala City and had less than a year of formal schooling. Alicia Castenada was a teacher and grew up in a wealthy Guatemalan family.
For the Intelligencer
Paula BIrke, Jorge Garcia and his two daughters take a break from tennis at Liberty Middle School. Both had emigrated separately from Guatemala. The details of those early days are a bit murky. The elder Garcia came to the U.S. illegally in the 1970s. “His dream was to make money, send some of it back to Guatemala, and bring family members back with him,” the younger Garcia says. “It’s very common in a lot of Hispanic families.” Jorge O. Garcia says his father “found a job, fell in love with drugs, fell in love with money, and fell in love with women.” It wasn’t long before he lost interest in his family back in his home country.
He found work in a factory that made axes, hammers and other tools. Jorge suspects that’s where his father obtained the axe used to murder his mother. Soon Jorge was born, followed by Erwin’s birth a year-and-ahalf later. Those appeared to be happier times. A scrapbook photo of the family appeared in the Sept. 28, 1980 issue of Newark’s Star Ledger newspaper, showing Jorge with his arm around Alicia and the young boys in the foreground. But the article notes that three years earlier she had sought
For The Edge
Jorge Garcia holds a photo of his mother as he stands with his girlfriend Paula Birke.
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
emergency shelter and told authorities that her husband had beaten her repeatedly and thrown her out of the house. She left her husband on July 4, and the Ledger says she told caseworkers that the cause was arguments over money. For a while Alicia lived in a shelter for battered women. A month before her murder, she filed for divorce, and on Sept. 29 she was scheduled to testify in court against her husband, according to the article. On the morning of Sept. 17, 1980, the building superintendent of the apartment where she was staying saw her walk Erwin and Jorge to Roberto Clemente Elementary School. Jorge recalls that after school his mother didn’t stop by to pick them up as she normally did. It apparently worried school officials enough that they decided to give the boys a ride home. Jorge says he remembers approaching the apartment and walking the steps to the second floor. Erwin was still on the first floor. The apartment was small, and Jorge says that when he opened the door he saw his mom on the floor and blood filled the room. “I didn’t know what happened. I froze. I don’t want to say I was devastated because when you’re 7 years old, you don’t really get it.” When the school officials followed to make sure a parent was there, they saw the body as well. It had been there for about 27 hours, he learned later. Friends of the victim collected $1,300 for her funeral, according to the Star-Ledger. At the funeral, Jorge was unable to cry. “I just remember my brother saying ‘I can’t wait
to grow up so I can be a police officer and find out who did this to my mom,” he said. Jorge says now that at the time he didn’t realize who had done it either. By this time, Jorge Garcia, Sr. had already driven his sister and his girlfriend to New York, eventually telling them what he had done. The sister urged him to turn himself in, which he eventually did. Authorities charged him with murder. But details about what happened next have also been hard to uncover. The senior Garcia was tried in the New Jersey and found guilty. His father served about five years. He got out on Jorge’s birthday. The murder weapon – presumably an axe – was never found. Custody battles ensued. Relatives in Guatemala offered to take them but couldn’t because the boys had been U.S. citizens for a couple of years. Jorge’s aunt was living in the states, but at the time she was here illegally. That left sheltered homes and adoption agencies. But the agencies wouldn’t adopt them out together. That led the boys to run away frequently. “These families are the nicest people, because anyone who would want to adopt kids is good in my book,” Jorge says now. But we didn’t know better. We just wanted to be together. So we kept running away.” After four years had passed, Jorge’s aunt finally got custody; by then the boys had come to realize who the perpetrator was. Both Jorge and Edwin served in the U.S. Marines. Whereas the streets had made Jorge skeptical, and a bit paranoid, the Marines gave him structure and urged him to assume some responsibility for his life. After the Marines, Jorge decided to use his G.I. Bill to attend SIUE. It was the mid1990s. Eventually he received an MBA and got on at Boeing. Scores of people helped him along the way, and that’s why his mantra today is a variation on “Things happen for a reason. Nothing ever done alone.” Edwin considered attending SIUE on the GI Bill but never did. And while the brothers have kept in touch over the years, they have never been particularly close. He acknowledges that Edwin “may have a bigger heart than I do,” since he has not only forgiven their father but has taken him in to live with him. Jorge’s not there yet, and he may never be. Still, he is proud of the fact that he encouraged Edwin to start running competitively as a way to deal with the stress in his life. A while back, the brothers met in Chicago and Jorge helped Edwin run his first marathon. Jorge still visits his aunt, who is living in San Antonio. Life, he says, is good. Jorge was a finalist in last year ’s Runner ’s World Cover Search. His girlfriend, Paula Birke, has recently finished running half marathons in every state. And his two girls are running as well. “I actually named one of my girls Alicia,” he said. “She looks just like my mom. It’s funny how that worked out.”
Religion Vatican goes international with new spokesman media team VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Monday named a former Fox TV correspondent, Greg Burke, as his spokesman and tapped a Spanish woman to be the deputy, the first time a woman has held the post. The change is aimed at making the spokesman's job — long directed at Italy and Italians — more international in focus, and reflects the demographics of the Catholic Church during the firstever Latin American papacy. "Obviously Italian is the internal language of the Vatican," Burke said in a phone interview. "But half of the Catholic world population is Spanish-speaking, and if you want to speak to the globe, the language is English." Burke, 56, takes over from the Rev. Federico Lombardi, 73, a Jesuit like Francis who has been Vatican spokesman for a decade. Burke, who is a member of the conservative Opus Dei movement, in December moved in as Lombardi's deputy after working as a communications adviser in the Vatican's secretariat of state since 2012. His deputy will be Paloma Garcia Ovejero, 40, currently the Vatican correspondent for Spanish broadcaster Cadena Cope of the Spanish bishops' conference. Both, therefore, come into the spokesman's office having been part
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of the Vatican press corps and aware of the needs of a 24/7 news cycle that seems particularly interested in the Francis pontificate. The change is part of an overhaul of the Vatican's entire communications operations that has centralized authority under the new Secretariat for Communications headed by Monsignor Dario Vigano. Vigano presented Burke and Garcia to the Vatican press corps Monday
after the three had a tete-a-tete with Francis. Lombardi was named spokesman 10 years ago, adding to his heavy load as director of Vatican Radio. He won the respect of journalists for his dry humor, reliable readouts and cool amid many Vatican storms. From sex abuse scandals to Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI's historic resignation and the election of a fellow Jesuit as
pope, Lombardi rarely seemed to get flustered. Lombardi told The Press on Monday he didn't know what he would do in the future but that "I don't
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foresee disappearing completely from the Vatican," suggesting a possible informal communications advisory role down the line.
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July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Movie Reviews
"The BFG"
There's a secret about children that Steven Spielberg, Melissa Mathison and Roald Dahl have always known â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that no matter how innocent, kids are as capable of understanding darkness as adults, and sometimes even more so. It's not that it's some completely unacknowledged truth, but it is one that rarely seems to permeate what we consider "children's entertainment" in any real way. It just makes adults too uncomfortable. It's also the reason why the under-10 set flocks to Dahl. A measured embrace of the deep menace in Dahl's words is why this long-time-coming adaptation of his 1982 book "The BFG " not only succeeds, but shines. It's not just some pleasant romp into the world of giants. It's an honest-to-goodness, gut punch of a journey, crackling with heart, uncertainty, and overflowing with all-out wonder. There's really no other way to tell a story about an orphan who is captured by a giant and taken to a land crawling with much larger giants who like the taste of human beings, or "beens" as they're called. The orphan, Sophie, is played by the newcomer Ruby Barnhill. Sporting a Dorothy Hamill haircut and rounded glasses, this little brunette moppet is a delightful revelation who is at turns feisty, lovable and even a little annoying (in a good way). In other words, she's a believable kid â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a result that Spielberg has been coaxing out of child actors since "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial." Thankfully, Sophie has been taken not by man-eaters, but the Big Friendly Giant (Mark Rylance, who was just in Spielberg's "Bridge of Spies"), who prefers to create dreams for the children of England, not snack on them. But Sophie, who lays awake night after night, saw him gliding through the streets of London and she can't be trusted with the knowledge that giants really do exist, no matter how pure her intentions. R AT E D : P G b y t h e M o t i o n Picture Association of America for "action/peril, some scary moments and brief rude humor." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 117 minutes. A S S O C I AT E D PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.
There's a running theme of farts and erections, but also one of loneliness and alienation. There are elements of magical realism and of a buddy road adventure. And lots of disturbing things happen to a dead body. Ultimately a sad tale about a man's deep yearning for connection, "Swiss Army Man" is so tonally erratic that it leaves the viewer more unsettled than actually moved. Hank (Paul Dano) is stranded on an island and about to take his own life when a body (Daniel Radcliffe) washes up on shore. It's a young man's corpse, and it is farting. Hank climbs aboard the corpse and rides it across the sea, somehow propelled by the constant flatulence. It's outrageous and bizarre, and it leaves Hank newly inspired to find his way home.
Hank brings the corpse along as he treks through the woods of a new found land, looking for civilization. The more time he spends with the body, the more he discovers its practicalities in the wilderness. He uses it as a water catcher during a rainstorm, pressing on the corpse's belly to release water from its mouth like a human fountain. It's pretty g ro s s , b u t m i l d c o m p a re d t o what's to come. Hank befriends the body and eventually, it starts talking. He says his name is Manny. He's an innocent, asking questions about life and love. R AT E D : R b y t h e M o t i o n Picture Association of America for "language and sexual material." RUNNING TIME: 95 minutes. A S S O C I AT E D PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.
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Flatulence is a key element of "Swiss Army Man ," but the film isn't exactly a comedy. The feature debut of writerdirectors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Quan doesn't really know what it wants to be.
On the Edge of the Weekend
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"Swiss Army Man"
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Associated Press
In this image released by Bleecker Street, Viggo Mortensen, left, and Annalise Basso appear in a scene from, "Captain Fantastic."
Mortensen shines in "Captain Fantastic" By LINDSEY BAHR Associated Press "Captain Fantastic " is about the fantasy of being able to create a perfect world for your children, and the crushing realization that such control is ultimately impossible. Ben (Viggo Mortensen) pursues this ideal in a particularly extreme way — by removing his family from society altogether and creating his own little utopia in the Pacific Northwest wilderness. We meet the family in the midst of a hunt. They're all covered in camouflaging mud. The eldest, Bo (George MacKay), slaughters an animal, and Ben tells him that he is a man now. Primitive though the ritual may be, this family is not. Far from it. They are survivalist
philosopher kings — highly educated and extremely self-sufficient. Ranging in age from single digits to late teens, the six children, Nai (Charlie Shotwell), Zaja (Shree Crooks), Rellian (Nicholas Hamilton, who resembles young River Phoenix), Vespyr (Annalise Basso), Kielyr (Samantha Isler) and Bo have been molded in Ben's very specific image. And, for the most part, they worship their father and their lifestyle — Noam Chomsky day and all. The casting director should win an award for finding these truly excellent young performers, who shine alongside the always wonderful Mortensen. But the cracks are starting to show in this little family unit, and not just because normal
hormones and attitudes are emerging. "I'm not a Trotskyist any more. I'm a Maoist!" Bo says in an angsty teenage huff at one point. No, there is something more serious festering. Their mother, Leslie (Trin Miller), has been away for three months, hospitalized with severe depression. The kids miss her dearly, and her absence is becoming an issue. But we never get the chance to really meet her. Ben finds out early in the film that she's killed herself. He tells the kids this fact very frankly. Ben never lies to his children. He trusts that they can handle the truth, whether it's the circumstances of their mother's death and mental illness or the littlest one asking what rape is.
The death forces the family out of their little paradise and into the real world to attend her funeral in Arizona — even though Leslie's grieving father Jack (Frank Langella) has threatened to arrest Ben if he shows up. But, c'mon. It's their mother. Of course they're going to go. "Grandpa can't oppress us!" the youngest exclaims. So, they pack up their rickety green school bus and venture down from their ivory tower to go south, into the depths of the America that Ben hates. The younger ones have been so sheltered that they've never heard of Coke or Nike, or seen an obese person. Things get especially tense when they meet Ben's sister (Kathryn Hahn) and her family and disrupt their suburban normalcy.
"Secret Life of Pets": Familiar feel, cute cast By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge Have we been seeing these hilarious ads for "The Secret Life of Pets" for a year now? Sure seems that way to me. I know for a fact that I caught trailers for it before "Finding Dory" last month and when I took my nieces to see "Angry Birds" earlier this summer. The images of a cat eating an entire roast chicken, a poodle headbanging to thrash metal music, and a dachshund scratching his back on a Kitchen Aid mixer are all adorable images and every kid I know was dying to see this movie. Judging by its $104 million in opening weekend ticket sales (a figure I actually thought would go higher), many of them got their wish. The plot was way different
from what I was expecting, but it's still a fun time. A colleague made an astute observation that "The Secret Life of Pets" has more or less the same plot structure as "Toy Story", but with elements of its sequel peppered in to round out the adventure. Max (voice of Louis C.K.), a young terrier, lives the good life in NYC with his loving owner, Katie (Ellie Kemper). He has a choice apartment full of good friends, a standing game of 'ball' in the park every afternoon, and a cock-of-the-walk attitude that belies his humble dog spirit. When Katie breaks his trust by bringing home a hulking mass of brown fun named Duke (Eric Stonestreet) to be his new "brother", Max is heartbroken and hatches an illadvised plan to frame the lunkhead
duke as a 'bad dog' and get him shipped back to the pound. An out-of-water adventure ensues that leaves the second act of the film firmly in the territory of "Toy Story 2" when the boys have to find their way home after getting absurdly far from their neighborhood by running afoul of the city's dogcatchers. Once the dogs become guests of Animal Control, they're mistaken for repeat offenders - hardened canine criminals - by several of the members of "The Flushed Pets Society", an anti-human organization fronted by Snowball (Kevin Hart), an fluffy little bunny that harbors deep resentment over being dropped from a magician's act years before. He runs his operation from the sewers with dogs, cats, alligators, boa constrictors, and other animals
that have fallen out of favor with their owners for being too big, too weird, or requiring too much effort. One of his cohorts is actually a heavily-inked pig that was used for practice at a tattoo parlor (is such a thing even legal?). When Snowball finds out the Max and Duke are just using his offer of rhetoric-laced friendship to leverage resources toward returning home, they face a new threat from his army of minions. And speaking of minions, the Minions have a short cartoon about lawn care run amuck that play just before this movie. It's very good and those little yellow guys sure are growing on me. C o m i n g t o t h e re s c u e a re Max's gang of friends: Buddy the Dachshund (Hannibal Burress), Mel the Bulldog (Bobby Moynihan), kitty Chloe (Lake Bell), and Gidget
July 21, 2016
(Jenny Slate), a puffy little pooch with a crush on her neighbor. Dana Carvey (a crippled elderly dog) and Albert Brooks (a dare-to-trust hawk) round out the voice cast because, honestly, no animated film should go without their talents. "The Secret Life of Pets" is cute. There's more than enough animals and humor to make it worth the admission price, but the movie itself falls a little short on originality to make it the long-lasting hit I was expecting. Except for this one scene in which Duke and Max break into a sausage factory and go crazy eating hot dogs. That was a total trip and no one will ever be able to forget that sequence. "The Secret Life of Pets" runs 87 minutes and is rated PG for action and some rude humor. I give this film one and a half stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
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July 21, 2016
The Edge
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58 Airport Plaza Bethalto, IL 62010 618-377-2112 209 PHLOX DRIVE, BELLEVILLE $79,900 MLS#16034068
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July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Music Calendar Thursday, July 21
Jason Aldean, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 2016 St. Louis Cabaret Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The Peach Kings, Mobley, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors, 8:00 p.m. Captains Courageous, Fairview, The Cinema Story, Jay Putty, Pseudo Skylight, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:30 p.m. Hail The Sun, Eidola, Belle Noire, LifeWithout, The Moon & The Stars, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Asking Alexandria, w/Reconcera, A Promise To Burn, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Friday, July 22
Brian Curran, National Blues Museum, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 2016 St. Louis Cabaret Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to
11:00 p.m. Somewhat Damaged- A Tribute to Nine Inch Nails, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Peach Kings and Mobley present, The Night Sweat Tour, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Jr Jr, w/(TBA), Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Glass Animals, w/Lewis Del Mar, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m Somebody To Love: a Tribute to Queen, w/Jackson Howard, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 23
Goo Goo Dolls, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 2016 St. Louis Cabaret Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 4th City Rag, Dear Genre, Lisa Houdei, David Trull, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:30 p.m.
Cirque Saint Louieh, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 24
Kung Fu Vampire, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. M PA C S t . L o u i s p r e s e n t s : Jonathan Jefferson, STLien, Rio, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:30 p.m. St. Louis Cabaret Conference Closing Showcase & Celebration, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m.
Whitaker Music Festival ConcertThe Cree Rider Family Band, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Iwari's the R.E.A.L. Rap & Chill Tour, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
DK’s MARKET Just 10 Minutes from Edwardsville Sale prices good 7/19-7/25
T-Bone Steaks Boneless Country Style Pork Ribs Boneless Sirloin Tip Roast Broccoli & Cheddar Chicken Roll ups Baby Back Pork Ribs Extra Lean Ground Beef Turkey Breast 6-8 lb Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops Whole Fryers Northstar Twin Pops 6 ct Northstar Old Fashion Cones 6 ct Red or Green Seedless Grapes Prairie Farms Gallon Milk Eckrich Garlic or Reg Bologna Eckrich Honey Turkey
Tuesday, July 26
Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce Summer Concert Series, Faust Park, Chesterfield, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Kian 'N' JC, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Wa v v e s , w / S t e e p L e a n s ,
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
Music Washington University to kick off Great Artist Series For The Edge Yefim Bronfman is “a fearless pianist for whom no score is too demanding” (Wall Street Journal). Nathan Gunn is a baritone “with unmistakable star power” (Opera News). Pianist Jonathan Biss “radiates a confidence solidly based on prodigious technique” (Washington Post). Next year, Washington University in St. Louis will welcome three of the brightest stars in the classical firmament to the 560 Music Center as part of its new Great Artist Series. Presented by the Department of Music in Arts & Sciences, the Great Artist Series aims to fill a gap in St. Louis’ otherwise exceptional classical programming. “ N o o t h e r v e n u e o r g ro u p regularly hosts high profile solo recitals,” said Todd Decker, chair of music. “An entire repertory of classical music is simply missing from the live music scene. We want our students, especially those studying piano, to have access to recitals at the same high level they do for symphonic, chamber and choral music. “The Great Artist Series will offer something unique to the university and to the larger community,” Decker added. “Our goal is for live classical music to be an integral — indeed essential — part of student life, as well as a lifelong habit that continues beyond the college years.” Schedule The Washington University Great Artist Series will begin Feb. 9, 2017, with Jonathan Biss performing music of Robert Schumann, György Kurtág, Frédéric Chopin and Johannes Brahms.
The series will continue April 23 with Yefim Bronfman performing music of Béla Bartók, Schumann, Claude Debussy and Igor Stravinsky. Nathan Gunn will conclude the series May 5 with music of Schumann, Samuel Barber, Franz Schubert, Hugo Wolf and Charles Ives.
Jonathan Biss Known for virtuosic energy and control, Biss has drawn worldwide praise for the “balance between clarity and wildness” (Kansas City Star) that he brings to both classic and contemporary works. His numerous albums include several recordings of Schumann as well as two short Kurtág pieces, included on “Piano Sonatas” (2009), which NPR Music named one of its best albums of the year. A prolific writer, Biss is author of the best-selling ebook “Beethoven’s Shadow” (2011) and “A Pianist Under the Influence” (2012), a tribute to Schumann. His online course “Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas” has reached more than 100,000 people in more than 160 countries. Yefim Bronfman One of today’s most “incisive and exhilarating” (Chicago Tribune) pianists, Bronfman is renowned for his commanding technique and exceptional lyrical gifts. He has appeared with leading orchestras and given solo recitals in major halls around the world, including his acclaimed debuts at Carnegie Hall in 1989 and Avery Fisher Hall in 1993. Widely praised for his solo,
chamber and orchestral recordings, Bronfman is a three-time Grammy nominee and winner, in 1997, for his recording of the three Bartók Piano Concerti, with Esa-Pekka Salonen and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Other honors include the 1991 Avery Fisher Prize, one of the highest honors given to an American instrumentalist.
Nathan Gunn Following his breakout performance in Opera Theatre of St. Louis’ 2002 production of Ambroise Thomas’ “Hamlet,” Gunn has emerged as a much sought-after baritone, praised by Opera News for his impressive arsenal of “robust legato climaxes, snarly macho lower notes and beautiful, floating upper tones.” A frequent recitalist and distinguished concert performer, Gunn has appeared at major opera houses around the world. His recordings include the title role in the Grammy-winning “Billy Budd” (2008) with Daniel Harding and the London Symphony Orchestra; the first complete recording of Rogers & Hammerstein’s “Allegro” (2009); and the Grammy-nominated “Peter Grimes” (2004) with Sir Colin Davis and London Symphony Orchestra. Tickets Subscriptions to all three recitals are $90 and include premier reserved seating, post-concert receptions with the artists (when available), and all ticketing fees. Subscriptions go on sale at 11a.m. Sunday, June 5. Single tickets are $35, or $32 for seniors and Washington University faculty and staff, and $15 for students and children. Single tickets go on sale Sept. 1. All three performances take place in the E. Desmond Lee Concert Hall of the 560 Music Center, located at 560 Trinity Ave., at the intersection with Delmar Boulevard. Tickets are available through the Edison Theater Box Office, 314-9356543, or at edison.wustl.edu. For more information, call 314935-5566 or email daniels@wustl. edu.
At top, pianist Jonathan Biss will launch the new Washington University Great Artist Series Feb. 9, 2017. (Photo: Benjamin Ealovega) Pianist Yefim Bronfman, left, performs April 23, 2017. (Photo: Dario Acosta) Baritone Nathan Gunn, right, performs May 5, 2017. (Photo: M. Sharkey)
July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Arts Arts Calendar Thursday, July 21
St. Louis Filmakers Showcase, Tivoli Theater, St. Louis Mamma Mia!, Forest Park, St. Louis, 8:25 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 4, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September
4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G r e e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, in St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
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Arts Calendar Friday, July 22
Mamma Mia!, Forest Park, St. Louis, 8:25 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 4, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016
August 4, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint
Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis,
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition,
Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures from the American Folk Art Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., until Sept 11, 2016.
Saturday, July 23
Legends of The Dome, America's Center & The Dome, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mamma Mia!, Forest Park, St. Louis, 8:25 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until August 14, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 CAM Summer 2016 Exhibitions, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until
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July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Travel Crystal Lake offers numerous outdoor opportunities For The Edge
arlier this summer, the town of Crystal Lake was named one of the 10 best small US cities by WalletHub, a financial advisory group in Washington, DC. That didn't surprise the 40,000 residents. They already knew it was a great place to live, work and play!
First, there's Crystal Lake's namesake lake, smack-dab in the center of town, plus a brand-new state-of-the-art wakeboard park. Add a vibrant downtown, a lively arts scene and two Metra train stations with Chicago service, and Crystal Lake is a great place to visit, too! HISTORY OF CRYSTAL LAKE The town began in the 1850's as two villages - Crystal Lake and Dearborn. Train service arrived in 1856, and in 1868 Dearborn was re-named Nunda (by settlers from Nunda, NY) and re-named again in 1908 as North Crystal Lake. After much controversy, the two villages merged in 1914 as simply Crystal Lake. Another interesting bit of history is the Terra Cotta Tile & Ceramic Co. which began in 1881 making bricks and drain tiles from the area's rich deposits o f ru s t - c o l o re d c l a y. A n 1 8 8 7 fire destroyed the factory and it was re-born to make decorative glazed terra cotta tiles prized by architects such as Louis Sullivan. The tiles decorate Chicago's Wrigley Building, as well as many of Crystal Lake's downtown buildings. (A brochure outlines a self-guided walking tour of downtown.) The company also made TECO pottery until 1966, with Art Deco designs in iconic green, blue and rust matte glazes. (Today, TECO pieces sell for $20 to $600, and sometimes in the thousands.) OUTDOOR RECREATION C RYSTAL L AKE B E ACH E S : There are two public beaches on Crystal Lake, with large swimming areas, lifeguards, concessions, picnic areas, changing rooms and showers. Boat rental offers rowboats, canoes, kayaks, sailboats, paddle boats and stand-up paddle boards. There are fees for nonresidents. w w w. C r y s t a l L a k e P a r k s . o rg / Parks-Facilities/besaches.asp THREE OAKS RECREATION AREA: "Awesome" is the totally appropriate word for this manyfaceted, unique recreation area. It's a huge reclaimed quarry with crystal-clear water, sandy beaches, splash park, scuba diving, boat/ paddleboard rental, lifeguards, concessions, playground, picnic area and bath house. New this year is The Quarry Cable Park & Grill, with cables that whisk wakeboarders around the lake in a full circle. (Visualize riding short surfboards.) www. TheQuarryCablePark.com a n d w w w. C r y s t a l L a k e . org/Residents/Three-OaksRecreation-Area PRAIRIE TRAIL BIKE PATH: This 226-mile path traverses McHenry County from Algonquin through Crystal Lake north to
For The Edge
Crystal Lake's Three Oaks Recreation Area is a reclaimed quarry with crystal-clear water and countless opportunities for swimming, boating, fishing and other water-related fun. the Wisconsin State Line. www. mccdistrict.org ARTS & FESTIVALS R AU E C E N T E R F O R T H E ARTS: Built in the Roaring Tw e n t i e s f o r m o v i e s a n d vaudeville, this Art Deco "atmospheric" theater was re s u r re c t e d i n 2 0 0 1 . To d a y i t seats 750 and hosts visual and performing arts, both local and touring acts. Annual home-grown favorites are the Williams Street R e p C o m p a n y ' s p ro d u c t i o n s , Berkshire Ballet Company's "Nutcracker" and a sing-a-long "Messiah". www.RaueCenter.org L A K E S I D E A R T S PA R K AT THE DOLE: Built in 1856 by Chicago's Dole Family as a summer retreat, this Italianate mansion and spacious estate has been a home, a country club and a Franciscan seminary. In 2005, the Lakside Legacy Foundation formed to rescue the architectural m a s t e r p i e c e a n d a c re a g e a n d re-purpose it as an art education and event center, hosting classes, workshops, concerts and exhibits o n e v e r y t h i n g f ro m b a l l ro o m dancing and culinary classes to string quartets and paintings. www.LakesideArtsPark.org COLONEL PALMER HOUSE: Built in 1858 by settlers Gustavus a n d H e n r i e t t a P a l m e r, t h i s Federal-style house and spacious grounds is is open for tours, special events and local history research. This summer, the house is hosting "Free Summer Sundays" from 1 to 4 p.m. July 17 and Aug. 7. The July event is a re-enactment of the 1916 Chautaqua with band music, a barbershop quartet, oraters, puppet shows, croquet
On the Edge of the Weekend
and lawn tennis. In August, "Pioneer Day" gives everyone a chance to try their hand at oldfashioned daily chores: carpet beating, laundry, ironing, cooking, water hauling, followed by wagon rides. www.cl-hs.org F A I R S & F E S T I VA L S : Downtown Crystal Lake has a full slate of seasonal events. Highlights include: Farmer's Market every Saturday morning May through October; Lakeside Festival June 30-July 3, with music, parade, food, wine, beer, art shows/demos, carnival, Dole M a n s i o n t o u r s a n d f i re w o r k s oer the lake; Johhny Appleseed Festival Sept. 24 with apples, pumpkins, pony rides, petting zoo, wagon rides, square dancing, g a m e s a n d m o re ; F e s t i v a l o f L i g h t s P a r a d e N o v. 2 6 w i t h Santa, floats, bands, treats and a downtown light display. INTERESTING EATERIES Crystal Lake is large enough to have plenty of franchise restaurants, but six unique eateries are worth special mention. Benedict's La Strata s e r v e s t r a d i t i o n a l a n d t re n d y breakfasts and brunches, from w a ff l e s a n d e g g s b e n e d i c t t o quinoa bowls and Cubano pannini. Crystal Lake Brewing & Ta p r o o m i s a p r o d u c t i o n b re w e r y w i t h c r a f t b e e r s a n d s e a s o n a l b re w s ; p a t ro n s m a y bring their own food or order in. Da Baffone Cucina Italiano is a cozy family-owned restaurant with traditional southern Italian cuisine. Duke's Ale H o u s e & G a s t ro p u b o ff e r s a n e v e r- c h a n g i n g l i n e u p o f c r a f t beers, Belgian ales, locally-
July 21, 2016
sourced foods and live music. G e o rg i o ' s C h i c a g o P i z z a r i a & Pub specializes in Chicago-style deep-dish pizza, but also offers thin-crust and gluten-free. La Petite Marche has expanded f ro m a o n e - w o m a n b a k e r y t o wines, cheeses, small plates, catering and Saturday night dinners with or without wine pairings. SPECIALTY SHOPS A thriving variety of specialty shops populate Crystal Lake. Carriage House Antiques & G o o d S t u ff s e l l s g i f t s a s w e l l as antiques: furniture, jewelry, glass, china, handmade purses, c o t t a g e d é c o r, p o t t e r y a n d garden décor. Clothes Gallery's motto is "Always Classy and a Bit Sassy" with hip, flattering and appropriate women's wear and accessories, along with complimentary wine. Crystal L a k e A n t i q u e M a l l m e rc h a n t s d e a l i n f u r n i t u re , g l a s s w a re , military memorabilia, clothing, t o y s , l i n e n s , l a m p s , p o t t e r y, re c o rd s , t o o l s , b o o k s , p r i n t s , original art and handmade soaps. Kitchen Outfitters offers utensils, accessories, cookware, small electric appliances and kitchen décor, plus a wedding registry and Saturday afternoon demonstrations. Marvin's To y S t o r e s p a r k s c h i l d r e n ' s imagination with safe, unique, developmentally sound and fun toys. Material Girl is a fullservice fabric shop with 5,000 b o l t s o f q u i l t i n g a n d a p p a re l cottons, silks, wools and knits, plus notions, sewing machine repair and sewing classes. Mellie's Chocolate & Company
crafts hand-dipped chocolates, sea salt caramels, fudge, bear claws, peanut butter cups, strawberries and more. The Olive Tap specializes in highq u a l i t y, f r e s h l y - p r e s s e d 1 0 0 per cent extra-virgin olive oils, flavored oils and balsamic vinegars from artisans and small-batch producers in Italy and around the world, with tastings and recipe ideas. Out of the Box stocks home décor items, fashion accessories (scarves, gloves, hats, jewelry) and fun stuff for every age and gender. PLAN YOUR CRYSTAL LAKE VISIT NOW! Crystal Lake has Metra train service to and from Chicago with two stations, one on the edge of town and another downtown, within walking/biking distance of shops, restaurants, entertainment and the lake. (Yes, you can take your bike on Metra!) www.MetraRail.com Hotels include: Country Inn & Suites and Holiday Inn & Conference Center. Crystal Lake is 45 miles west of Chicago in southeast M c H e n r y C o u n t y, w h i c h i s bordered on the north by Wisconsin, and on the south by I-90. The Fox River winds down from the Chain of Lakes through the towns on the eastern side o f t h e c o u n t y, w h i l e c o u n t r y roads meander the western side. For visitor information about Crystal Lake and all of McHenry C o u n t y, l o g o n t o w w w. visitmchenrycounty.com, e-mail info@visitmchenrycounty.com or phone 815-893- 6280. Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Hotel Nashville Rustic retreat is in Indiana, not Tennessee For The Edge With its historic buildings, charming shops, tasty treats, and people-filled sidewalks, the Village of Nashville is a pretty cool place. It’s definitely one-of-a-kind to say the least! Sitting high atop the hill on the North end of town is Hotel Nashville, a relaxing retreat worth checking out. Not only does Hotel Nashville offer prime views of the bustling Nashville scene, it also overlooks the beautiful Brown County hills…a winning combo for guests looking for the best of both worlds (nature and city life that is). A popular overnight spot for nearly three decades now, Hotel Nashville is a true Brown County mainstay. After all, the Village wouldn’t quite look the same without the towering hotel and its grand wooden staircase perched in the background. After so many years in business, Hotel Nashville has definitely mastered how to treat its guests. All about the amenities, this is one lodging property that spoils its customers with space. Primarily filled with one and two-bed suites, there’s around 800 square feet of living space in most all of its rooms! These suites even include a private balcony, living area, partial kitchen, and cable TV with HBO…sounds like a great place to stay the night to me! If you’re really looking for a treat, stay in one of their whirlpool or hot tub suites. Imagine all of the features above with the added
bonus of a whirlpool or hot tub right in your room. Now that’s the way to do things alright! What could be better after a long day of shopping in town or a rugged hike in the State Park than soaking your tired self in privacy? Hotel Nashville 3 Hotel Nashville also offers hot tub rooms, mini suites, studios, regular hotel rooms, and even a couple of vacation rental homes! As if all that wasn’t enough, Hotel Nashville has plenty of other luxuries for all of its guests to enjoy. From their heated indoor pool and sauna to their lovely deck area, unwinding is easy at this Brown County establishment. Also home to Darlene’s, the on-site restaurant and bar, Hotel Nashville offers a delicious menu guaranteed to please all taste buds. With its casual Victorian setting, Darlene’s is the perfect spot to enjoy a quiet (and oh so tasty) dinner and drink. Offering a wide variety of choices, you’ll find anything from top Angus beef, chicken, and seafood to pasta, salads, house specialties, and more! They even serve up homemade desserts that are to die for (speaking from personal experience). Adjoined to Darlene’s restaurant area is their bar, where you can sip and savor your favorite cocktail, bottle of wine, or beer. One of the best spots in town for a relaxed yet elegant dinner, Darlene’s is open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings mid-February through December. It’s even open to the public too, not just hotel guests! Of course, overnight visitors can enjoy a continental breakfast
complimentary of Hotel Nashville every morning year-round as well… which is equally as appetizing! Another original Hotel Nashville offering is their Gazebo Parties.
Spend the evening outdoors under Hotel Nashville’s famous gazebo. Dig in to a mouthwatering buffet dinner then kick back to hours of live music. While there is a little
charge for dinner and drinks, the listening is free. Hotel Nashville’s fun and festive Gazebo Parties take place every other weekend during the Spring, Summer, and Fall. You’re in luck too because they’ll be starting up really soon…in May to be exact! Anyone can attend these grand gazebo bashes, the general public and hotel guests alike. You can even rent out Hotel Nashville’s gazebo for a personal p a r t y, re u n i o n , w e d d i n g , o r other special event! Seasoned professionals at handling groups after so many years, Hotel Nashville also is an ideal spot for meetings. With its gazebo and conference room up for grabs, it should be a no-brainer to host your next gettogether at Hotel Nashville. They even cater for all types of events, on-site or they’ll come to you! With its spacious suites, delectable dining, and gazebo gatherings, Hotel Nashville is a true hillside treasure. Be sure to check it out and book your stay at Hotel Nashville today! The Hotel Nashville is located at 245 North Jefferson Street, Nashville, IN. For more iniformation, call 800.848.6274 or 812.988.8400 or visit www.hotelnashville.com
Pictured are two views of the Hotel Nashville in Nashville, Ind. Photos for The Edge.
July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
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Brighton Custom 4BR on 4.44 Acres! $199,900 #16036374 Jim Doerr 641-1007
Edwardsville Remarkable 3BR!! $189,900 #16041263 Brian Stanley 779-6869
Godfrey Charming 3BR w/Updates! $187,900 #16039834 Amy Wooff Flach 531-2916
Elsah Well Cared For 4BR!! $165,000 #4411959 Paul Eastwood 520-9786
Bunker Hill Magnificent 5BR Home! $155,000 #16033400 Jim Doerr 641-1007
Belleville Wonder 3BR on 1 Acre! $149,500 #4416436 Rob Schmittling 806-0422
Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Fallon Well Maintained 3BR! $149,000 #16037531 Mike Lehan 581-4022
Godfrey Freshly Painted 3BR! $144,900 #16036385 Amy Wooff Flach 531-2916
Troy Lovely 3BR w/Large Yard! $139,900 #16021622 Cory Smith 920-6462
Belleville Charming 4BR w/Large Lot! $134,900 #16046040 Brian Stanley 779-6869
Maryville Lovely 3BR on Large Lot! $134,900 #4410211 Brian Stanley 779-6869
Edwardsville Nice 2BR on Large Lot! $124,900 #16046328 Paul Eastwood 520-9786
Godfrey Completely Rmodeled 3BR! $124,900 #16046444 Brian Stanley 779-6869
Marine Large 3BR w/Large Yard! $99,900 #4501170 Brian Stanley 779-6869
Bunker HIll Nice 3BR w/Large Lot! $92,500 #16027425 Janet Francis 741-8277
Bethalto Nice 2BR Brick Home! $87,500 #16042192 Janet Francis 741-8277
Moro Lovely 2BR w/New Roof! $85,900 #16037302 Shawna Aughenbaugh 772-2850
Alton Well Kept 3BR Home! $85,000 #4404100 Jim Doerr 641-1007
East Alton Remodeled 4BR Home! $84,900 #16023400 Tim Wooff 781-1030
The Right Sign Makes The Difference! 20
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
Section III
The Edge
2016 Buick Enclave.............................................$39, 995 2012 Buick Enclave............................................. $32,995 2015 GMC Yukon XL............................................ $48, 995 2015 Chevrolet Cruze.......................................... $18,874 2015 Chevrolet Cruze.......................................... $18,960 2016 GMC Acadia AWD........................................$36,995 2014 Chevrolet Camaro.......................................$24,995 2014 Buick Encore...............................................$24,885 2014 Buick Encore...............................................$22,785 2014 Chevrolet Malibu.........................................$23,995 2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD LTZ..........................$26,995 2015 Chevrolet Impala.........................................$17,995
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Luxury Pre-Owned 2008 Cadillac CTS AWD...................................... $14,995 2010 Cadillac SRX.............................................. $18,885 2011 Cadillac CTS AWD.......................................$19,995 2011 Cadillac SRX...............................................$25,885 2012 Cadillac SRX AWD...................................... $23, 885
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Pre-Owned Clearance 2013 Chrysler 300.................................................. $19,995 2010 Dodge Ram 4WD Quad.................................. $21,995 2013 RAM 1500 4WD..............................................$27,995 2014 RAM 1500 4WD..............................................$29,995 2014 RAM 100 BIG HORN........................................$29,995 015 Dodge Journey.................................................$19,995 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan.....................................$20,885 2009 Ford Edge Limited ..........................................$15,995 2010 Ford Mustang Convertible ...............................$19,995 2011 Ford fusion SEL ..............................................$17,995 2011 Ford Mustang Convetible ................................$15,995 2013 Ford Edge Limited ..........................................$24,995 2013 Ford Escape ...................................................$18,995 2013 Ford Fusion ....................................................$20,995 2013 Toyota Highlander............................................$29,995
2014 Ford Focus......................................................$13,995 2013 Ford Fusion Energi..........................................$21,995 2007 Jeep Wrangler............................................... $19,995 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee.....................................$28,995 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited.................................$31,995 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk.................................$29,995 2010 KIA Sportage...................................................$15,995 2014 KIA Optima ....................................................$16,995 2013 Mazda 6 Grand Touring................................$17, 885 2010 Nissan Altima..............................................$17, 885 2013 Nissan Rogue AWD......................................$19,885 2009 Toyota Highlander 4WD ...............................$22,995 2010 Toyota Corolla ...................................................$12,995 2013 Toyota RAV 4 AWD .............................................$24,995 2015 Volkswagen Jetta ..............................................$15,995
Vehicles Under $10,000 2007 Cadillac CTS........................................................... $8,995 2007 Chevrolet Impala.....................................................$9,995 2008 Mercury Milan..........................................................$8,830 2009 Pontiac G6...............................................................$8,995 2005 Toyota Corolla ........................................................ $7,995 2000 Buick LeSabre ........................................................ $6,995
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OVER 150 QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES IN STOCK 888-378-5955 888-379-0920 Route 3 /1620 Homer Adams Parkway â&#x20AC;¢ Alton
July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Parks and Rec Glen Carbon's Miner Park A tip of the cap to Glen Carbon's coal mining heritage, Miner Park sits near the one-time site of a mine. Located in Old Town just north of the covered bridge, Miner Park offers a host of amenities including a playground, tennis courts, bandstand, basketball court and picnic areas. The park is bisected by Judy Creek, but a footbridge offers easy access to a dog park and baseball fields. A caboose, another salute to the mining days, greets visitors as they enter the park. Other area parks will be highlighted in upcoming editions of The Edge. Photos by Bill Tucker.
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
How to build your wedding budget they will spend on their weddings. For example, the Real Weddings Study found that, in 2015, the average wedding in Manhattan cost couples slightly more than $82,000, while the average Alaskan wedding cost just over $17,000. Venues within the same city can vary greatly with regard to pricing and offerings as well, so couples should give themselves ample time to gather quotes and find an affordable venue they like. Build extra costs into your budget. When determining
ouples engaged to be married have a lot on their plates as they begin planning their weddings. Whereas tradition once demanded parents of the bride pay for a couple’s wedding, nowadays more and more engaged couples are completely or partially financing their own nuptials. That means prospective brides and grooms must develop wedding budgets that won’t ensure their first act as Mr. and Mrs. is paying down debt. In its 2015 Real Weddings Study, online bridal resource The Knot found that many couples still receive substantial financial support from their parents to pay for their weddings. The survey found that, on average, the bride’s parent’s contributed 44 percent of the overall wedding budget in 2015, while couples financed 43 percent (the remaining 13 percent was financed by the groom’s parents and additional sources). Couples who hope to
follow that formula or pay for their weddings on their own can heed the following tips to build wedding budgets that won’t break the bank but will still ensure a day to remember forever. Examine your collective finances. Few couples know the details of each other’s finances before getting engaged. While some may still hesitate to share their personal financial information upon getting engaged, an open and honest discussion and examination of each person’s finances is the only way to develop a realistic wedding budget that both partners can live with. Once couples know what they can contribute, they can then consult their parents to determine if their mothers and fathers are intending to contribute. Develop a preliminary guest list. A preliminary guest list can give couples an idea of how large and expensive their weddings will be. According to the Real Weddings
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Study, the average cost per wedding guest in 2015 was $237. While that cost can vary greatly depending on geography and other factors, couples should keep that figure in mind when drafting their guest lists. If need be, keep costs down by trimming the guest list so it includes only close family members and friends. Don’t count on gifts. Many couples justify runaway wedding budgets by telling themselves that they will ultimately get the money back via wedding gifts. While many guests will give financial gifts, counting on such windfalls is a recipe for accruing debt. Do not build potential wedding gifts into your wedding budget. If you do so and your expectations fall short, you could be facing considerable debt upon returning home from your honeymoon. Gather quotes before choosing where to tie the knot. Where couples get married will have a great impact on how much money
a budget you can live with, remember to include a little extra for unforeseen costs. Weddings are large undertakings, and it’s reasonable to expect some unforeseen costs to arise. Building such costs into your initial budget will make these unforeseen circumstances that much easier to handle. Budgets can help couples stay on track and avoid debt as they plan their weddings.
Did you know?
$ A
ccording to The Knot 2015 Real Weddings Study, the average wedding cost, excluding honeymoon costs, in the United States in 2015 was $32,641, an increase of more than $1,400 from the year prior. Couples did not figure to fare much better in Canada when tying the knot in 2015. According to the Annual Reader Survey from the Canada-based online wedding resource Weddingbells, couples expected to pay slightly less than $31,000 for their weddings. However, those estimates included honeymoon costs. While no information is available regarding the cost of weddings in specific Canadian cities, the 2015 Real Weddings Study found that couples looking to tie the knot in New York City’s Manhattan borough can expect to pay well above the national average. Manhattan weddings cost couples an average of $82,299 in 2015. That’s over $20,000 more than in Chicago, the next most expensive city to tie the knot in 2015. Couples who want a more affordable place to get married than the Big Apple may want to look into saying “I do” in central Illinois, where the average wedding cost was $21,818, more than $10,000 below the national average.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
Bridal Guide Your DIY wedding guide
College tuition
s the cost of the average wedding continues to rise, it’s understandable that couples ready to tie the knot may be seeking any and all ways to save money. While some aspects of a wedding are better left to the professionals, others are prime for a little do-ityourself cost cutting. Couples should just be sure they have the skills and resources available to handle portions of their weddings on their own. Otherwise, the cost savings may be negated by trial and error. The following are some areas that may be a good fit for couples looking to try their own DIY techniques. Floral centerpieces: While floral bouquets and boutonniéres are probably best left to professional florists, couples may want to try making their own reception table centerpieces. Such centerpieces can be simple displays of fresh flowers in vases or more intricate designs. Test out any ideas prior to the wedding. Remember to keep arrangement height in mind. You do not want to obscure the views of seated guests. Cake: Ask a pastry chef or bakery to make you a small cake that can be used for cake-cutting traditions and photo opportunities, but have your own cake available to serve. Sheet cakes are much less expensive than more intricate tiered cakes, but they can be just as delicious. Guests may not even know the difference if the cake is sliced and served out of
the reception site’s kitchen. Purchase the cake or make it on your own. Invitations: Professionally designed invitations can look beautiful, but not everyone has the budget for embossing or engraving and expensive paper stock. Thanks to graphic design and page layout software, computer-savvy couples can design and print their invites right from home. That makes it easy to create a new invitation if you miscounted or if you have a last-minute addition to the guest list. Favors: Create favors that work with the theme of your wedding and make them yourself. These can be candles, fruit preserves, soaps, baked goods, or anything else that appeals to you. The cost of making them in bulk may turn out to be less than purchasing manufactured items. Plus, guests get to take home something that came directly from you. Video: Enlist a friend or family member to capture the wedding and after-party on video for you. You can use video-editing software available through popular apps to piece together your own wedding video memento. Couples about to tie the knot can become more hands-on in wedding planning and execution. By handling some of the work themselves, couples can save a considerable amount of money. A do-ityourself approach also may foster feelings of pride in a job well done.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
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Bridal Guide Information to include on your wedding website
ersonal websites are an invaluable resource for couples planning their weddings. Wedding websites provide a great platform for couples to share all sorts of information regarding their big day, making them an essential element of modern-day wedding planning.
Wedding websites need not feature all the bells and whistles of more permanent sites. But while there are specific guidelines governing what to include on wedding websites, couples should be mindful to share certain information to ensure their guests stay in the know about the pending nuptials.
The participants Wedding websites can be used to inform guests about the couple getting married as well as the various participants, such as the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Extended families of the bride- and groom-tobe may not know much about their loved one’s betrothed, and the wedding website can help guests get to know both people getting married. Include information about the bridal party as well. A brief story about each bridal party member’s relationship to the bride and/ or groom can be a great way to illustrate just how much each person in the party means to the couple tying the knot. The big day Invitations were once the go-to source for information about couples’ wedding ceremonies
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and receptions. But unlike invitations, websites won’t get lost around the house or in the mail, making them more reliable resources for guests. Include all the pertinent details about the big day on your website, including the time and location of both the ceremony and the reception. Include directions to and from the venue (both the ceremony and reception venues if they will be held at separate locations), and include a Google maps feature if possible. RSVP info Save guests the trouble of returning RSVP cards by including an RSVP section on your website. Establish an email address solely for RSVPs, and check it regularly so you can update who is and who is not attending your wedding. Couples can save the expense of postage by requesting that guests
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RSVP exclusively through their websites. Just be sure to include that request with the invitations if you still plan to mail more traditional invites. Accommodations Many couples arrange for discounted hotel rooms for their out-of-town wedding guests. Include this information on your wedding website, and aim to include at least two hotels where guests can register under your party and receive discounted lodging. In addition to the hotels you arrange a deal with, include some extra information about other lodging options in the area. reception sites. Registry Include links that take guests directly to your online registries. As the big day draws closer, couples can update their sites to reflect any new developments.
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Results and patient experience may vary. Ask us if CoolSculpting is right for you. CoolSculpting for non-invasive fat reduction is cleared for the flank and abdomen. CoolSculpting is a registered trademark and the CoolSculpting logo and the Snowflake design are trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. © 2012. All rights reserved. IC1222-A
July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Classified Help Wanted General
The Edwardsville School District has the following openings: Kid Zone Site Counselors and Coordinators Part-time; 5.5 - 7 hours per day. Salary range of $10.00 - $12.00/hr. Monitors Part-time; Starting salary of $9.16/hr.
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Program and Extraordinary Care Assistants Program applicants must have a Paraprofessional or Teaching license. Part-time, 7 hours per day. Salary range of $9.57 - $11.81/hr.
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Business Opportunities
WORK FROM HOME Looking for motivated people who want to be healthier & help others do the same. Make a difference! Earn residual income! Training avail. 3 min rec message: 847-296-8391 find a job here! the classifieds
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
305 Carrier Routes 401 Route 75 Newspaper carrier needed behind Kohl’s. Includes Harvard Dr, Jamie Lynn Ct, Madison Ave, Monticello Pl, Slippery Rock Dr, and Vassar Dr. Approximately 24 papers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5pm M-F, and 830am on Saturday. If interested, please call 656-4700 x27.
Must be organized & self-motivated with Insured reliable vehicle. Pay based off deliveries & mileage. Potential for Tips. Six-day delivery, M-F Afternoon Saturday early morning. 656-4700 x27 mpitts@edwpub.net
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Apts/Duplexes For Rent
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Houses For Rent
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July 21, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 21, 2016