July 30, 2015
Vol. 12 No. 48
Mascoutah Homecoming page 3
Lantern Festival page 4
Shark Week page 5
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July 30
What’s Inside 3
88th edition
Mascoutah Homecoming planned.
4 Nights at MoBOT Lantern Festival under way.
5 Shark Week
Saint Louis Zoo plans special event.
13 Schumer shines "Trainwreck" should be a hit.
18 Route 66 Festival
Springfield, Mo., plans big weekend.
19 Unique Texas
Austin is a world of its own.
20 To the moon
Houston's Johnson Space Center.
What’s Happening Friday July 31____________ • T h e We n d y Wi l l i a m s “ S i t Down Tour…Too Real For Stand Up”, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Outdoor Film Series – Sound of Music, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 9:00 p.m. • C h i c a g o , E a r t h Wi n d & Fire, Hollywood Casino A m p h i t h e a t re , S t . L o u i s , 7 : 3 0 p.m. • Jungle Boogie – American Idle, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • An Evening with Peter M a y e r w / B r e n d a n M a y e r, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Kutt Calhoun, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. • Matt P o s s Band w /Trav is Beasley, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. • Wa l s h y w / M a r s h y M a r s h , Filthy Deluxe, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. • Coal Chamber w/Fear F a c t o r y, J a s t a , S a i n t R i d l e y, Madlife, Pop’s, Sauget, 5:30 p.m. • Captains Courageous, Kids I n C o l o r, D e c e d y, We e k e n d Routine, Alt Road, Cicero’s, University City, 6:00 p.m. • J.D. Hughes (Bar Stage), Cicero’s, University City, 8:00 p.m. • Beauty and the Beast, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. • S t a g e s p re s e n t s A n y t h i n g Goes, Robert G. Reim Theatre,
St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through August 16. • Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs through August 23. • M o v e L i v e O n To u r f e a t . Derek Hough & Julianne Hough, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • St. Louis Actor ’s Studio presents 2015 LaBute New Theater Festival, Gaslight Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Inspired by Nature: A C o l l e c t i o n o f Wi l d l i f e A r t b y Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31.
Saturday Aug. 1____________ • The Monkees, River City Casino, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Shades Of A Crime w/Greta Garter, Rydyr Reeves, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Crimson Shadows, The Lion’s Daughter, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Grateful Gary (Bar Stage), Cicero’s, University City, 8:00 p.m. • Rob Bell The Everything Is Spiritual Tour, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. • The Shelby Lee Lowe Band a n d J o h n M a x f i e l d , C i c e ro ’ s , University City, 8:30 p.m. • The Family Reunion feat. NuttinXNyce, John Boi, A.Z., The Fallen, Rick D, Mak 9,
Mask Out Records, Sawblade, S i x O n e N a t e , Wi l l F. m . , Ye r r t y Gee, Pop’s, Sauget, 7:00 p.m. • Beauty and the Beast, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. • S t a g e s p re s e n t s A n y t h i n g Goes, Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Runs through August 16. • Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs through August 23. • St. Louis Actor ’s Studio presents 2015 LaBute New Theater Festival, Gaslight Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Inspired by Nature: A C o l l e c t i o n o f Wi l d l i f e A r t b y Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. • Creatures Great and Small: Animals in Japanese Art Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through August 30. • Adorning Self and Space: West A f r ican Textiles Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 7. • A Wa l k i n 1 8 7 5 S t . L o u i s Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. • Senufo: Art and Identity in West Africa Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Music, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 27.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar
On the Edge of the Weekend
Editor – Bill Tucker
July 30, 2015
Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake
For The Edge
Pictured are two views of previous Mascoutah Homecoming parades.
Mascoutah plans Homecoming 88th annual edition begins July 31 For The Edge Come celebrate Mascoutah's 88th Annual Homecoming und Augustfest, one of the largest summer community events in Southern Illinois. The three day celebration will be held Friday through Sunday, July 31, August 1, and August 2 at Scheve Park in Mascoutah. Entry into Scheve Park is always free and open to the public. PARADES There is nothing like the Mascoutah Homecoming parades held on Saturday and Sunday! Decorated floats, marching bands from area high schools and grade schools, class reunion attendees on flatbed trucks, and much, much more too numerous to list. It's not unusual for the parade to take over an hour to complete so don't forget your lawn chair and stake your space along the parade route. You'll love it as much as the kids do! This year’s theme is “Heroes... Who’s Your Hero?” Each parade begins at 5 p.m. and heads down Main Street from the center of town and then turns on 6th Street ending at the Scheve Park. MUSIC Dance the night away under the stars at Mascoutah’s own train station. The musical lineup for the weekends includes Hillbilly Authority on the Depot Stage 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday evening. Saturday evening from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., the Rough Ryders will take center stage followed by The Jorrells on Sunday from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. MASCOUTAH’S HOMECOMING QUEEN The highlight of Sunday's celebration is the Miss Mascoutah Homecoming Queen coronation at 3:00 p.m. Queen candidates sell raffle tickets for the big drawing on Sunday night. The young lady who sells the most raffle tickets will be crowned homecoming queen. Buy a ticket and take a chance to win $3,000, $1,500, and $500! The cost is only $1 each or seven for $5. The drawing will be held at 10 p.m. and you need not be present to win. 4-H JUDGING For the 12th year in a row, 4-H members from all over the area will be displaying their projects and livestock at the Ag Building in the north part of
Scheve Park. Judging of the 4-H projects starts on Thursday evening continuing through till Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the 4-H Livestock Auction.. If you like animals, come and see some of the top cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, and rabbits in the area. Cheer on your favorite 4-H member! FOOD, FOOD, AND MORE FOOD! Everything from lemon shakeups, hot dogs and hamburgers, funnel cakes and snow cones, and of course plates of delicious German food will be available. Food stands open on Friday at 5:00 p.m., Saturday at 10:30 a.m., and Sunday at 11:00 a.m. If you like potato pancakes, bratwurst and knockwurst with tangy sauerkraut, then you’ve come to the right place. Mascoutah is famous for their German food. You won’t walk away hungry! TRACTOR & TRUCK PULLS If you are a fan of truck and tractor pulls, then check out the Mascoutah Homecoming. The Truck Pull will be held Friday evening beginning a 7:00 p.m. On Saturday, check out the Plow & Weight Tractor Pull also at 7:00 p.m. And to wrap it up, a Diesel Smoker Tractor Pull will be held at 7:00 p.m. Each event is held at Scheve Park arena. The tractor pulls are a Southern Illinois favorite at the Homecoming with participants from communities throughout the Metro-East area ready to compete. FAMILY FUN ENTERTAINMENT From carnival rides to horseshoe tournaments, the Mascoutah Homecoming has something for everyone. Take a step back in time, at the Berger-Kiel Log House to be open from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. The Berger-Kiel original house was built c.18631864 for a low-income rural family during the midnineteenth century, with two rooms - one up and one down. Registration begins at 12 noon for the Children's Pedal Tractor Pull with the actual event beginning 1:00 p.m. Kids love the pedal tractors and the friendly competition. Find your heart's delight at the Car Show scheduled from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Trophies will be awarded. Watch the stars come out at night as you listen to the great music while enjoying a variety of cold drinks and great food at the 88th Annual Mascoutah Homecoming und AugustFest.
July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
Lantern Festival
The Missouri Botanical Garden is currently hosting Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined. In 2012, Chinese lanterns decorated the gardens to the delight of thousands. This year's exhibit is even bigger and better. In addition to the giant lantern displays, acrobats perform two shows nightly at 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The festival runs through July 31 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The festival will then be open nightly from Aug. 1 through Aug. 23. Photos by Bill Tucker.
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 30, 2015
Associated Press/Saint Louis Zoo
While there won't be any Great White sharks at the Saint Louis Zoo, plenty of other species will be on display during Shark Week.
Zoo to host Shark Week
For The Edge Take a bite out of summer, and celebrate the Saint Louis Zoo’s annual Shark Week Saturday, Aug. 1 through Friday, Aug. 7, 2015. All land sharks are welcome to join in the fun! Come to the Zoo dressed as a shark that week, and get into Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy Kids for free! Swimming among the stingrays are bonnethead, white-spotted and brown-banded bamboo sharks. Paying customers to the exhibit will be awarded an “I survived Shark Week at the Saint Louis Zoo” sticker, which will earn them 10 percent off at Ray’s Bar & Grill and Tropical Traders gift shop. Upon exit from the Cove, kids will receive an activity sheet to take home. O n S a t u rd a y a n d S u n d a y, Aug. 1 and 2, from 12 noon to 3 p.m., take a tropical trip to the Caribbean with Steely Pan, a steel drum band playing live music outside Caribbean Cove. Also on the weekend, kids can join in sharkthemed games and activities. On Friday, Aug. 7, flit your fins at the Jungle Boogie presented by Mid America Chevy Dealers concert featuring Push the Limit, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Schnuck Family Plaza in the center of the Zoo. Make a pit stop at Ray’s Grill next door to the pool for a shark dog special. Adults can refresh themselves with a “Shark Attack” drink or a Land Shark lager. Interpreters will be floating
around the Zoo to enlighten guests about Shark Week and spin tales about their toothy friends. The sharks at Stingrays at Caribbean Cove are small, shy and docile fish and pose no danger to humans. They range from twoand-a-half to four feet in length
that prey on small fish, crabs, and invertebrates. The Saint Louis Zoo is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission to the Zoo is free. Admission to Stingrays at Caribbean
Cove is $4 for non-members. Members at the Family Level and above may use their Anywhere Plus passes for admission. Children under age 2 are free. Admission is free to all from 8-9 a.m. in summer. Visitors dressed in shark costume receive free entry to Stingrays at
July 30, 2015
Caribbean Cove during Shark Week, Aug. 1-7, 2015, but those over the age of 13 must comply with the Zoo's adult costume policy as posted on the Zoo’s website. For more information about Shark Week at the Saint Louis Zoo, visit www.stlzoo.org/sharkweek.
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Walk to the Wharf programs planned for summer
Residents, downtown workers, families and tourists are encouraged to join Great Rivers Greenway and “Walk to the Wharf” every Thursday this summer, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., for a chance to listen to live music, participate in a variety of activities and eat lunch on the mighty Mississippi. Stroll past the Old Cathedral, through the Arch Grounds and to the newly reopened Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard for fresh air, tunes and food from a variety of local food trucks. The event will feature different live music and food trucks every week. For more information about the event and the food and entertainment lineup each week, visit www.greatriversgreenway.org.
Edison’s to host Classic Car Cruise series
Edison’s Entertainment Complex has teamed up with the Piston Pushers Car Club for a series of classic car cruises this summer. The first cruise is Saturday, May 23, and cruises will be held in Edison’s parking lot from 6-9pm on the fourth Saturday of every month from May to October. All cruises are free and open to the public, and a live DJ will be spinning tunes all night. Classic car owners are invited to show up, show off their vehicles, and join the cruise each month. Edison’s full-service bar and restaurant will be open, and light refreshments will be available for purchase in the parking lot. M e m b e r s o f t h e p u b l i c a re encouraged to check out the cars and then enjoy Edison’s bowling, laser tag, and arcade attractions. “We’re always looking for new ways to build excitement through special events that appeal to all ages,” said Edison’s CEO and managing partner Matt McSparin. “There are truly some impressive classic vehicles that will be here and we hope the community enjoys the opportunity to be a part of these events,” continued McSparin. Here is the full schedule of classic car cruises at Edison’s: • August 22 • September 26 • October 24 Edison’s Entertainment Complex is located at 2477 S. State Route 157 in Edwardsville. To learn more about the event, visit www.edisonsfun.com, e-mail info@edisonsfun.com, or call (618) 307-9020.
superstars like Keith Urban, and Justin Moore. Ford also helped pen hits for Jason Aldean (“Dirt Road Anthem”) and Brantley Gilbert (“Country Must be Country Wide”). On Sunday, August 30th Trace Adkins will perform for fairgoers on the Grandstand stage. Best known for his songs “Ladies Love Country Boys,” and “You’re Gonna Miss This,” Trace Adkins has powered countless hits to the top of the charts and sold over 10 million albums. Adkins is a proud spokesperson for the Wounded Warrior Program and American Red Crossor whom he raised over $1.5 million dollars as winner of NBC’s All-Star Celebrity Apprentice. Ticket prices for Saturday’s show will range from $15-$20, and tickets for Sunday’s show will range from $20-$25. “The DuQuoin State Fair staff is committed to bringing in quality acts to the Grandstand stage,” said Buchen. “Colt Ford and Trace Adkins are big names in country music, and tickets to their shows at other regional venues would likely be double the price of a show here in DuQuoin. We are very excited to offer this quality of performance and this amazing savings to fairgoers.” Tickets for these shows will go on sale later this summer. Look for more DuQuoin State Fair announcements in the weeks and months ahead. The DuQuoin State
Rock/Pop group The Fray will make a stop in Springfield this August to perform their charttopping hits at the 2015 Illinois State Fair. The Denver-based foursome struck a chord with audiences, selling over four million albums and 20 million singles worldwide. Their hit songs include, "You Found Me," "How to Save a Life," and "Over My Head (Cable Car)." Opening for The Fray on Thursday, August 20thwill be Andy Grammer. With hits like "Keep Your Head Up," and "Fine By Me," Grammer is the first male pop star since John Mayer to reach the Top 10 at Adult Pop Radio on his first two singles. The two songs sold more than 1.5 million downloads combined. Also performing at the 2015 Illinois State Fair will be the rock groups Meatloaf, Styx, and Tesla. Meatloaf, best known for his songs, "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights," "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad," and "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)," will headline the concert on Wednesday, August 19th. "The 2015 grandstand line-up is starting to take shape, and has a ton of variety to offer fairgoers," said
Sales, Service, Repairs & Remodeling
Ag Director Philip Nelson. "When you look at this line-up you'll notice there's something for everyone both young and old, and we're not done yet! We've got more grandstand announcements in the works. I think the 2015 Illinois State Fair will be one fairgoers will remember for years to come." The State Fair Office is selling tickets for these shows weekdays between the hours of 9am and 3pm. Prices for the Wednesday, August 19th show featuring Meatloaf, Styx, and Tesla will range from $50 for VIP tickets to $28 for Tier 3 seats. Prices for the Thursday, August 20th show featuring The Fray with Andy Grammer will range from $37 for VIP tickets to $15 for Tier 3 seats. Also new this year is the Country Concert Blowout package featuring Justin Moore, Rascal Flatts and Hank Williams Jr. That package can be purchased by phone at (217) 7821979 or in person at the State Fair Office. The package includes one track ticket and a gate admission for each show for just $99. The following individual tickets are on sale through Ticketmaster: August 14: Sammy Hagar and The Circle / Collective Soul VIP $48 / Track $36 / Tier 1 - $36 / Tier
2 - $31 / Tier 3 - $26 August 16: Justin Moore / Josh Thompson / Jon Pardi VIP - $46 / Track $31 / Tier 1 - $31 / Tier 2 - $26 / Tier 3 - $21 August 18: Rascal Flatts / Scotty McCreery / Raelynn VIP - $65 / Track $50 / Tier 1 - $50 / Tier 2 - $45 / Tier 3 - $40 August 19: Meatloaf / Styx / Tesla VIP - $50 / Track $38 / Tier 1 $38 / Tier 2 - $33 / Tier 3 - $28 August 20: The Fray / Andy Grammer VIP - $37 / Track $25 / Tier 1 - $25 / Tier 3 - $20 / Tier 3 $15 August 21: Hank Williams, Jr / .38 Special VIP - $47 / Track $35 / Tier 1 - $35 / Tier 2 - $30 / Tier 3 $25 August 22: Austin Mahone/ Kalin & Myles / Laura Marano VIP - $48 / Track $36 / Tier 1 - $36 / Tier 2 - $31 / Tier 3 - $26 August 23: Brantley Gilbert / Colt Ford / Michael Ray VIP - $54 / Track $39 / Tier 1 - $39 / Tier 2 - $34 / Tier 3 - $29 The 2015 Illinois State Fair runs August 13th - 23rd in Springfield. More announcements regarding the grandstand performances and the state fair lineup will be made in the coming weeks.
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State Fair Manager, Patrick Buchen announced recently the first of many entertainment acts for the upcoming 2015 DuQuoin State Fair. O n S a t u r d a y, A u g u s t 2 9 t h Colt Ford brings a unique blend of country and hip-hop to the Grandstand stage. A one-time pro golfer turned singer-songwriter, Colt Ford has found a growing fan base thanks to songs like “Drivin’ Around Song,” “Crank It Up,” and musical collaborations with country music
On the Edge of the Weekend
Illinois State Fair music lineup announced
DuQuoin State Fair to host Ford, Adkins
Fair runs August 28-September 7th.
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People People planner Jammin' at the Zoo planned in August
The Saint Louis Zoo’s Young Zoo Friends invite you to rock ‘n’ roar on a tasting prowl at their summer 21-and-up event, Jammin’ at the Zoo presented by Macy’s. On August 26, from 6 to 10 p.m., enjoy great live music while sampling your way through 85 different wines from more than 10 wineries and a selection of brews from St. Louis microbreweries. Admission includes a wine and beer tasting, available between 6 and 8 p.m., while supplies last. Wine by the glass and bottle, beer, soda and frozen specialty drinks will also be available for purchase. No outside alcoholic beverages will be permitted at the event. Also from 6 to 8 p.m., dip your hands in the warm saltwater pool at Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy Kids to get up-close-and-personal with cownose rays, southern stingrays, bonnethead sharks, and brownbanded and white-spotted bamboo sharks. On August 26, Sarah Jane & The Blue Notes, 3 Pedros and Video DJ Todd Thomas will perform. Look for other pop-up performances throughout the evening! Buy your Jammin’ tickets at the door, online at www.stlzoo.org/ jammin, or by calling 314/646-4771. Admission is $10 for Zoo members and $20 for non-members. For an additional $25, enjoy a heavy appetizer dinner buffet, two drink tickets and access to a private cash bar and covered event area. Become a member of the Young Zoo Friends that evening and receive free admission for two and access to the private Young Zoo Friends Lounge. Special private party areas are available in advance for groups of 25 or more. General public should park on the south parking lot on Wells Drive near Highway 40/64 and enter through the south entrance. Zoo members should park on the Zoo’s north parking lot and enter through The Living World building. Parking is free on both lots. The Young Zoo Friends are a group of professionals in their 20s and 30s who support the future success of the Zoo through volunteer, fundraising, educational and social opportunities. Jammin’ at the Zoo co-chairs are Brandon Hentze and Katie Rensing. Visit www.stlzoo.org/jammin or call 314/646-4771 for more information or to purchase your tickets in advance. Proceeds from the party benefit the Zoo and its efforts to save endangered species at home and around the world. Jammin’ at the Zoo is sponsored by Macy’s, Mid America Chevy Dealers, Fox2 & KPLR 11 and Y98.
Flea market returns to Grafton
Mark your calendars now for the official start of the shopping season at The Riverside Flea Market in Grafton, IL. On Saturday, March 28, the popular flea market will open for its 2015 season, boasting more than 75 vendors with a wide selection of antiques, crafts and the usual flea market fare. The flea market will be held in its long time location at the Historic Boatworks, nestled alongside The Loading Dock, located at 400 Front St. in Grafton. The market will
be open Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The flea market will be open monthly on the fourth weekend of the month through October. The Grafton Riverside Flea Market is the largest flea market in the Alton region. The 2015 flea market schedule includes the following dates: April 25 & 26, May 23 & 24, June 27 & 28, July 25 & 26, August 22 & 23, September 26 & 27 and October 24 & 25. After shopping for your wares, head over to The Loading Dock restaurant to enjoy a meal, drinks and a great view of the Mississippi River. For more information or to be a vendor, please contact Trudi Allen at (618) 786-8210 or go to www. GraftonLoadingDock.com/market.
Missouri History Museum in Forest Park on April 11, 2015 and will be on display through September 7, 2015. “Adolf Hitler was an avid student of propaganda and borrowed techniques from the Allies in World War I, his Socialist and Communist rivals, the Italian Fascist Party, as well as modern advertising,” says exhibition curator Steven Luckert. “Drawing upon these models, he successfully m a r k e t e d t h e N a z i P a r t y, i t s i d e o l o g y, a n d h i m s e l f t o t h e German people.” The exhibition reveals how shortly after World War I, the Nazi Party began to transform itself from an obscure, extremist group into the largest political party in democratic Germany. Hitler early on recognized how propaganda, combined with the use of terror, could help his radical party gain mass support and votes. He personally adapted the ancient symbol of the swastika and the emotive colors of red, black, and white to create the movement’s flag. In doing so, Hitler established a potent visual identity that has branded the Nazi Party ever since. After seizing power, the Nazi Party took over all communications in Germany. It marshaled the state’s resources to consolidate power and relentlessly promote its vision of a “racially pure,” utopian Germany that needed to defend itself from those who would destroy it. Jews were cast as the primary enemies, but others, including Roma, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and mentally and physically disabled persons, were also portrayed as threats to the “national community.”
Missouri History Museum to exhibit Nazi Propaganda The Nazi Party developed a sophisticated propaganda machine that deftly spread lies about its political opponents, Jews, and the need to justify war. But Nazi p ro p a g a n d a w a s m u c h m o re complex than that. For the Nazis to achieve power and pursue their racial policies and expansionist war efforts, a much more nuanced picture had to be painted—one that would appeal to broad swaths of the population, not just a fanatical extreme. Featuring rarely seen artifacts, State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda draws visitors into a rich multimedia environment vividly illustrating the insidious allure of much of Nazi propaganda. The exhibition opens at the
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including traveling exhibitions; tour s; theatr ical an d musical presentations; programs for school classes and youth groups; family festivals; special events; workshops; and lectures.
As Germany pushed the world i n t o w a r, N a z i p r o p a g a n d a rationalized Germany’s territorial expansion as self-defense. Jews were depicted as agents of disease and corruption. The Nazis’ actions against them, in Germany and occupied countries, were promoted as necessary measures to protect the population at large. Admission to State of Deception is free. The Missouri History Museum has been active in the St. Louis community since 1866. Founding members established the organization “for the purpose of saving from oblivion the early history of the city and state.” To d a y, t h e M i s s o u r i H i s t o r y Museum seeks to deepen the understanding of past choices, present circumstances, and future possibilities; strengthen the bonds of the community; and facilitate solutions to common problems. Due to its innovative approach to public service, the Missouri History Museum was the first recipient of the Institute of Museum and Library Services National Award for Museum Services in 1994. The Missouri History Museum offers programs and outreach services,
Nina, Pinta replicas to appear in Grafton
On Friday, August 7th, the Pinta and the Nina, replicas of Columbus’ Ships, will open in Grafton. The ships will be docked at The Loading Dock Restaurant, 401 Front Street, until their departure early Monday morning, August 17th. Both ships tour together as a new and enhanced ‘sailing museum’ for the purpose of educating the public and school children on the ‘caravel’, a Portuguese ship used by Columbus and many early explorers to discover the world. While in port, the general public is invited to visit the ships for a walk-aboard, self-guided tour. Admission charges are $8.00 for adults, $ 7.00 for seniors, and $6.00 for students 5 - 16. Children 4 and under are Free. The ships are open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No reservations necessary.
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July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
Hillsboro plans Summer Concert Series
The Hillsboro 2000 & Beyond committee is excited to announce the lineup for the 6th Annual Summer Concert Series sponsored by Roger Jennings, Consolidated Communications and Patton Mining. The series is held in Sherwood Forest Campgrounds on the bluegrass stage located at 920 City Lake Road in Hillsboro, IL June through August. The lineup has been secured and the committee is bringing top-notch regional talent to the area. This summer’s series is expected to be the biggest yet as the talent has played to sell out crowds in major cities and music festivals. August 7 – Bones Jugs N Harmony (Eclectic) Urbana, IL Bonesjugs.com It’s not world music nor folk music. It’s not rock, blues, bluegrass, country nor jazz. It’s not anything in particular. Bones, jug, xylophone, kazoos, steel pan, resonator guitar, banjo, double bass, drums, all sorts of noise makers. These are just some of the instruments Bones Jugs N Harmony use to conjure up their eclectic acoustic sound. It’s Frank Zappa meets Spike Jones, it’s Looney Tunes meets Nintendo. It’s seriously silly. It’s a party. It’s for dancing, for listening, for enjoying. It’s for adults. It’s for kids. It’s for everyone. Bones Jugs N Harmony believes music should bring joy, and they work hard to put this in every song. From the first note till the end they strive to send their joyful sound into the ears where it will quickly saturate the entire body. It’s a frenzy of frivolity, a marvel of merriment. In short, it’s just loads of fun. This concert series is created not only for the community but by the community working together. Top-quality celebrations and events like these would not be possible without the involvement of a dedicated corporate community. The series is sponsored by Roger Jennings, Consolidated Communications, Patton Mining, Casey’s General Stores, CNB Bank & Trust, Hayes Abrasives, Springfield Clinic, The Journal-News, TCCU, Lincoln Land Community College, Refreshment Services Pepsi and Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce. Any money raised during the series will be used for Hillsboro beautification improvement projects. For more information, to volunteer during the series or to become a sponsor visit www.facebook.com/ hillsborosummerconcertseries.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Summer events planned at MoBOT
The Missouri Botanical Garden is a great place to take a stroll and enjoy beautiful and inspiring display Gardens, and if you are seeking events to enjoy with your family and friends – look no further! The Garden offers hundreds of things to see and do year round including the highly acclaimed Lantern Festival, Sunday brunches, drop in activities, free outdoor concerts and much more. Grab your calendar and plan to attend an event set in the oldest botanical garden in continuous operation in the United States, and one of the few to have achieved National Historic Landmark status. T h ro u g h A u g . 2 3 : L a n t e r n Festival. The Missouri Botanical Garden will play host to an international exhibition of 22 lighted works of art from Zigong, China when it debuts “Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined” in 2015. Following critical acclaim and rave reviews from visitors during the 2012 Festival, the Garden has commissioned new sets crafted from silk and steel to once again offer visitors from around the world the opportunity to see an event rarely staged outside of Asia. Open Thursday-Sunday evenings through July 31. Open nightly from August 1-22 from 6-10 p.m. May 23-July 31: $22 adults, $11 members, $10 children (ages 3-12), $5 for member’s children. August 1-22 $26 adults, $13 members, $10 children (ages 3-12), $5 for member ’s children. For tickets and more information visit: www.mobot.org/ lanternfestival. July 30: Join us for an engaging presentation by Dr. Patrick Wyse Jackson, an Associate Professor of Geology, Curator of the Geological Museum and Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He will share from his book entitled, "The Chronologers' Quest: Episodes in the Search for the Age of the Earth." His research interests span two major fields: paleontology and the history of geological sciences. This primary research in the former is on the taxonomy and palaeobiology of Paleozoic bryozoans. In the latter his focus is particularly on the development of geology in Ireland, and he is currently engaged in a long-term biographical study of the geologist John Joly (1857–1933). Free of charge. No reservations required. Ridgway Theater in the Visitor Center. T h ro u g h A u g . 2 3 : L a n t e r n Festival. The Missouri Botanical G a rd e n w i l l p l a y h o s t t o a n international exhibition of 22 lighted works of art from Zigong, China when it debuts “Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined” in 2015. Following critical acclaim and rave reviews from visitors during the 2012 Festival, the Garden has commissioned new sets crafted from silk and steel to once again offer visitors from around the world the opportunity to see an event rarely staged outside of Asia. Open nightly from August 1-22 from 6-10 p.m. $26 adults, $13 members, $10 children (ages 3-12), $5 for member’s children. For tickets and more information visit: www.mobot.org/lanternfestival. Aug 1: Registration begins today for the September – February classes. From basic cooking techniques for newbies to advanced landscape design for the seasoned gardener to those wanting to “green up” their homes, classes
are taught by talented instructors who will inspire and delight students with hands on experience. To browse through the listing of classes and register, go to www. mobot.org/classes. Aug. 1: Missouri Botanical Garden Daylily Association. New cultivars and old favorites are sold by the area’s top growers, who are on hand to give plant care advice and share information about their organization. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Beaumont Room, Ridgway Visitor Center. Included with Garden admission. http:// westcountydaylilyclub.com. Aug 2: Cafe Flora. Sundays from March through October. Enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Visit www.mobot.org. Aug. 2: Corporate Partners Day. Employees of the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Corporate Partner firms receive free admission for two adults and all children ages 12 and younger to the Garden with a valid corporate ID. Enjoy a 20% discount on new or upgraded Garden memberships and a 10% discount on purchases at the Garden Gate Shop. Aug. 4: Herbs & Heirlooms – Featuring Alyosia citriodora ( lemon verbena). Connect with some of the oldest friends of cultivated gardens: herbs. Explore the culinary, sensory and beauty uses for the herb featured each week. The first 150 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use their new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with
Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit www.mobot.org. Aug. 9: Cafe Flora. Sundays from March through October. Enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Visit www.mobot.org. Aug. 11: Herbs & Heirlooms – Featuring Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum “Greek” (Greek oregano). Connect with some of the oldest friends of cultivated gardens: herbs. Explore the culinary, sensory and beauty uses for the herb featured each week. The first 150 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use their new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit www.mobot.org. August 15: Great Green Adventures: Harvest Time! Join us as we explore the fruits and vegetables growing in the Garden. For children ages 6 to 12 with an adult. Great Green Adventures are held the third Saturday of every month from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Walk-ins welcome. Meet at the Children’s Garden Ticket Fort. $3 per child. Aug. 15 & 16: Greater St. Louis Iris Society Show and Sale. New cultivars and old favorites are shown by the area’s top growers, who are on hand to give plant care advice and share information about their organization. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jordon Education Wing. Included with Garden admission. www. mobot.org.
EHS Football Tiger PRIDE Seating and Parking Packages for 2015 Tiger Pride Champion $200 • Choice of 2 Luxury Seats at the 50 yard line and each home game dedicated to you (first come first served) • One Parking Pass which includes admission for 2 for the Home Games and avoids the line on Friday Night
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 30, 2015
A u g u s t 1 6 : G a rd e n G a l l o p . Participants can run through the usually off-to-limit-runners in this fun run at the Missouri Botanical G arden ! A ll proceeds benef it the Doris I. Schnuck Children’s Garden. Runners will receive a commemorative shirt if registered by July 30. $30 for Garden members and virtual runners; $40 for general public. Register now at www. mobot.org/gallop. Aug 16: Cafe Flora. Sundays from March through October. Enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Visit www.mobot.org. Aug. 18: Herbs & Heirlooms – Featuring Chamaemelum nobile “Roman” (chamomile). Connect with some of the oldest friends of cultivated gardens: herbs. Explore the culinary, sensory and beauty uses for the herb featured each week. The first 150 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use their new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit www.mobot.org. Aug 23: Cafe Flora. Sundays from March through October. Enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Visit www.mobot.org. Aug. 25: Herbs & Heirlooms –
Featuring Salvia elegans (pineapple sage). Connect with some of the oldest friends of cultivated gardens: herbs. Explore the culinary, sensory and beauty uses for the herb featured each week. The first 150 participants will pot an herb to take home and receive a plant profile sheet with care tips and ways to use their new plant. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon in the Herb Garden, weather permitting. Included with Garden Admission. No registration is required. For more information, visit www.mobot.org. Aug. 30: Cafe Flora. Sundays from March through October. Enjoy an a la carte menu and dining at the Spink Pavilion, overlooking the Garden’s central reflecting pools. Seating available inside and outside. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations not accepted. Visit www.mobot.org. Admission to the Missouri Botanical Garden is $8; St. Louis City and County residents enjoy discounted admission of $4 and free admission on most Wednesday and Saturday mornings until noon. Children ages 12 and under and Garden members are free. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook. com/missouribotanicalgarden and http://twitter.com/mobotgarden.
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Try outs for Bluff City Fastpitch & BC Elite
Where: Gordon Moore Park in Alton, IL fields 6 & 7 Introducing BC Elite, A new higher level of competitive teams
When: Saturday, August 1 What Time: 14U field 6 10am-12pm 12U field 6 from 12:30pm-2:30pm 16U & 18U field from 3pm-5pm When: Saturday, August 8 What Time: 14U field 6 and 12U field 7 from 10am-12pm 8U & 10U field 7; 16U & 18U field 6 from 1pm-3pm When: Sunday, August 9 What Time: 8U & 10U field 7 and 16U & 18U field 6 from 10am-12pm 12U field 7, 14U on field 6 from 1pm-3pm
Please contact Randy Anderson at 618-540-9019 with any questions www.BluffCityFastpitch.com
Religion Religion briefs Jail clerical error acknowledged in church shooting gun buy
LEXINGTON, S.C. (AP) — An employee at the Lexington County jail entered the wrong information into a database of South Carolina arrests, allowing the man charged with killing nine people at a Charleston church to buy the gun authorities say was used in the attack. Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon told The Associated Press on Monday the wrong information about which agency arrested Dylann Roof on a drug charge was corrected two days after his Feb. 28 arrest. That correction wasn't sent to the State Law Enforcement Division, which maintains the records that the FBI checks. When the FBI did its check in April, an examiner called Lexington County deputies, who said the arrest took place in Columbia. Before the examiner could find the report, the waiting period expired and the gun was sold.
LECLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister
Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see leclairecc.com for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director
Faith groups unite in campaign against racism, community ills
UNDATED (AP) — Faith-based organizations and scores of churches are uniting in a campaign aimed at pushing back against racial animosity in the wake of the Charleston church massacre. The coordinated effort is being called WORR, which stands for Week of Righteous Resistance. P a r t i c i p a t i n g g ro u p s i n c l u d e t h e S a m u e l D e Wi t t Proctor Conference, Hands Up United, One Church L i t u rg y, Tr a n s f o r m N e t w o r k , a n d t h e L I V E F R E E Campaign - a faith-based effort to reduce gun violence a n d e n d m a s s i n c a rc e r a t i o n i n t h e n a t i o n ' s u r b a n communities. L I V E F R E E d i re c t o r R e v. M i c h a e l M c B r i d e - - o f Oakland, California -- says more than 100 groups and churches are making a stand against hate groups and forces he says are out to attack churches and their leaders.
Center Grove Presbyterian 6279 Center Grove Rd., Edwardsville Phone: 656-9485 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Wed. Eve. Bible Study/Prayer, Choir Children & Youth Ministries Rev. Craig Frazier, Assistant Pastor www.centergrove.org Presbyterian Church in America
ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 656-1500
Rev. Diane C. Grohmann
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Our Facility is Handicap Accessible
www.stpauledw.org 407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Worship: 6:30 p.m.
MOUNT JOY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF EDWARDSVILLE 327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
310 South Main, Edwardsville, 656-7498 Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship: 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brooks, Lead Minister Jeff Wrigley, Youth & Children’s Director
Ex-church official moved from jail that pope plans to visit
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A former church official jailed for his handling of priest sexual abuse complaints is no longer housed at a Philadelphia jail that Pope Francis plans to visit. Monsignor William Lynn is serving a minimum three-year sentence for endangering children in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He's the first U.S. church official prosecuted over the alleged church cover-up. Lynn has been held at the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Center while appealing his 2012 conviction. But defense lawyer Thomas Bergstrom says his client is back at a state prison. Appeals courts have been split on whether Lynn should have been convicted under the child-endangerment law, and he has been in and out of prison. Pope Francis is scheduled to visit inmates at the city prison during his U.S. trip in September.
John Roberts, Senior Pastor
Summit at School Street Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620
903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330
Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM
“A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the hearts of men. It is the bread of the spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning, it is the fountain of the light of wisdom and understanding.” ~ Baha’u’llah Develop a kindly toungue! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: Bahai.Edwardsville@sbcglobal.net P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.bahai.us
ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of Rosewood Heights 10 N. Center Street East Alton
Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
“Where Jesus Christ is Celebrated in Liturgy and Life.”
Facebook: Awakening Worship STPUMC/Awakening
Sunday Worship: 8:15 & 10:30 a.m.
Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -
9:00 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School 10:30 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship
St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697
Saturday’s at 5 p.m. A worship service with contemporary music where you can connect with God and others.
131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Rev. William Adams Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m.
Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear
Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m.
800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648
Rev. Tony Clavier
Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 5:15-6:15 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6:15-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities www.newbethelumc.org e-mail office@newbethelumc.org
110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed. 6 pm Saurday - 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass, Sunday - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 am Wed., 6:45 pm
All Are Welcome
Let’s Worship... This page gives you an opportunity to reach over 16,000 area homes with your services schedule and information.
July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
"Self/less," if you couldn't tell from the preposterous title, is a deeply silly movie that takes itself very, very seriously. The premise is interesting enough: A dying man (Ben Kingsley) undergoes a procedure to save his mind by ditching his failing body for a shiny new model (Ryan Reynolds, you could do worse). But, the lofty ambitions, trite messages, half-hearted allegories and over-the-top caricatures make director Tarsem Singh's ("The Cell," ''The Fall") latest a misguidedly campy experience. Here, the dying man, Damian (Kingsley), is possibly the worst person in the world. In the opening scene, he destroys a young competitor who is aiming to encroach on his real estate empire. Damian, you see, is extremely wealthy and powerful. He's "the man who built New York from the ground up" and he can ruin another's life before lunch, almost for sport. He's also only got six months to live. His cancer has metastasized and he has yet to come to terms with it. He hasn't even told his daughter ("Downton Abbey's" Michelle Dockery in a tiny role), although we'll soon find out that they're estranged. This is a selfish, egotistical man. The type who walks all the way over to the driver's side of his town car to knock on the window so the driver will get out and open the passenger seat door for him. The type who is so consumed with his own specialness that he will pay $250 million for a new "vessel" for his brilliant mind. The type who also craves immortality so wholly that he doesn't ask too many questions about the origins of the new body. The doctor behind the controversial "shedding" procedure, Albright (a mustache-twirling Matthew Goode), snivels that the bodies are grown in labs. Right. Anyway, in his new, youthful body Damian goes off to live in New Orleans to play pickup basketball, party and get girls — a lot of them. (There's an entire montage of young beauties falling on his bed). Because even with 86 years of wisdom, when you're suddenly given the body of Ryan Reynolds, priorities shift. So much for using that great mind! RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sequences of violence, some sexuality, and language." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 116 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One star out of four.
"Irrational Man"
Woody Allen has always been interested in man's search for meaning in life — a search he clearly sees as futile. Who can forget the young woman in "Play it Again, Sam," staring at a Jackson Pollock painting and seeing "the hideous lonely emptiness of existence, nothingness, the predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity"? That's not even the whole quote —but it could be Allen's mantra. The director has also mined the themes of crime and punishment, including murder —think "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Match Point." All these threads — plus, of course, love and seduction —come together in his 45th feature, "Irrational Man," which may not be his very best recent work, but is by far not his worst, either. As in so many Allen films, even if some parts don't gel, others do. If "Irrational Man" falls short of late-career home runs like "Midnight in Paris" and "Blue Jasmine," it also feels more fully realized than last year's visually gorgeous but otherwise uneven period piece, "Magic in the Moonlight." As always, the casting is something any director would kill for. Here, we have Joaquin Phoenix (grizzled, slightly potbellied) as an existentially challenged philosophy professor, Emma Stone (utterly effervescent) as his bright-eyed student, and Parker Posey (warmly kooky) as the sex-starved academic who forms the third side of this odd triangle. The setting is Newport, Rhode Island, and that wind-swept,
On the Edge of the Weekend
seaside town looks beautiful — no surprise, given the pedigree of cinematographer Darius Khondji. It's summer session at a small college, and Abe Lucas (Phoenix) arrives to teach philosophy. Accomplished and brilliant, he's also known for having affairs with students and swigging often from a flask in his pocket. "That should put some Viagra into the philosophy department," an observer says of his arrival. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America "for some language and sexual content." RUNNING TIME: 94 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
Women can be jerks, too. Everyone knows that. And yet in the movies, the female schmuck is generally relegated to side characters. She's a friend. She's a villain. She's never the heroine. In the outdated rulebook of who we get to see on the big screen, leading ladies need to be likable — that tiresome, comedy-killing characteristic. Thank goodness, then for Amy Schumer, the paradigmbusting, enfant terrible who's there to snap us out of our malaise with one rowdy gal: Amy. Her vehicle, "Trainwreck," written by and starring Schumer, luxuriates in the idea of selfishness while shifting our antiquated ideas of what we want from a female lead, because, most importantly, it's very funny. Bawdy, brash and beaming with confidence in every mistake, Amy does not suffer fools gladly or suitors at all. As a young girl, her good time Charlie father (Colin Quinn) instills in her the idea that monogamy is impossible. Or, "monogamy isn't realistic" as he makes Amy and her even younger sister recite over and over after a conversation comparing partners to dolls. It becomes her mantra. We meet up with her 23 years later, boozing and sleeping her way through Manhattan. Well, not sleeping. She never sleeps over at a man's place or lets them stay at hers. Amy is pro-pleasure, anti-romance, and just a "modern chick who does what she wants" in gold lamé miniskirts. She's a selfsatisfied mess. Her sister Kim (Brie Larson) has chosen a different route, marrying a sweet, dorky guy (Mike Birbiglia) with a sweet dorky son (Evan Brinkman). Amy pokes fun at them with caustic abandon. Were it not for the great performances from Larson and Birbiglia, the ongoing finger-pointing at Kim's boring life might just come across as mean. Instead, they just accept Amy (with an eye roll). Amy is a true jerk. She's selfish. She's rude. And she knows it. It's an interesting line that the movie skirts for the duration and a testament to Schumer that this mostly unlikable character remains enjoyable to watch. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for strong sexual content, nudity, language and some drug use." RUNNING TIME: 125 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
The most believable element in "Pixels" is that alien videogame creatures could attack our planet. The core concept is clever — space aliens misunderstand a recording of old video-games as a declaration of war, and send digital monsters based on those games to Earth as their army. But its execution in the hands of director-producer Chris Columbus and star-producer Adam Sandler is a mess. This disappointing comedy falls apart before it begins because no one would behave the way its characters do, and their ridiculous choices drive the action. Part of the problem is that it's unclear who the filmmakers
July 30, 2015
think their audience is. This is a big-budget spectacle about 1980s nostalgia aimed at kids who have no emotional connection to the decade. "Pixels" is also insanely sexist, culminating with the winning male characters each rewarded with a woman. Seriously, they get human women as prizes. They literally call one a trophy. Only the film's opening moments ring true. It's 1982, and Sam Brenner and Will Cooper are a couple of pre-teen boys excited about the new arcade in their neighborhood. They're so good at video games that they compete in the world championships, and Brenner almost wins. A cocky, mulletwearing kid who nicknamed himself "The Fire Blaster" takes first. Flash forward to present day, and Sam and Will are still best friends. Only now, Sam (Sandler) installs home-theater systems, and Will (Kevin James) is president of the United States. He launches a kids' reading program to boost his sagging approval ratings, but he can't pronounce the multisyllabic words in a children's book. The first introduction to these guys as grown-ups is the two of them discussing which Hollywood actresses are hottest. Will snaps into action when a U.S. territory is mysteriously attacked from the sky. Forget the elite military and special services — Will calls up Sam, the one-time video game championship runner up, hoping he might spot some arcadeinspired pattern in the airborne attack. Whaddaya know; it looks just like Galaga! RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "some language and suggestive comments." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 106 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One star out of four.
If you've ever wondered what might have happened to Job if had a strong left hook, "Southpaw" may be the film for you. The rapid descent of light heavyweight champ Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal) in Antoine Fuqua's boxing drama is of biblical proportions. Not weeks after Hope — rich, happy, successful — has defended his belt and unblemished record, a fatal altercation strips him of his family, his mansion and his career. This being a boxing film, redemption is as much a certainty as a training montage. But Fuqua, an avid boxer himself, has pushed the pugilist parable even further. "Southpaw" is downright Old Testament. As a tale of transformation, "Southpaw" functions two ways. There's the story of Billy Hope striving to build his life back. And then there's the tale of the actor who plays him. The latter packs the bigger punch. Our first real view of Gyllenhaal is of him streaming toward the camera, emerging from a hazy blur a snarling, bloody spit of rage, rampaging across the ring. The shot, in a way, is fitting. Gyllenhaal, as one of the most exciting leading men in Hollywood, is coming into focus, even as he's eluding the frame. His maturation as an intense, all-in shape-shifter has become especially clear of late in films like "Nightcrawler" and "Prisoners." ''Southpaw" is him romping in his new weight class. Much has already been made of Gyllenhaal's bulking up for "Southpaw," and it's indeed impressive. But beyond the startling sight of the actor we once knew a s D o n n i e D a r k o c o v e re d i n m u s c l e s a n d t a t t o o s , Gyllenhaal's performance is most dynamic in his tender, mumbled moments with his wife, Maureen (Rachel McAdams) or daughter Leila (Oona Laurence). Outside of the ring, his Billy Hope sounds like a guy who's been knocked around. RATE: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language throughout and some violence." RUNNING TIME: 119 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
Associated Press
This photo provided by Universal Pictures shows, Amy Schumer as Amy, and Brie Larson as Kim, in "Trainwreck."
Schumer shines in "Trainwreck" By LINIDSEY BAHR Associated Press Women can be jerks, too. Everyone knows that. And yet in the movies, the female schmuck is generally relegated to side characters. She's a friend. She's a villain. She's never the heroine. In the outdated rulebook of who we get to see on the big screen, leading ladies need to be likable — that tiresome, comedy-killing characteristic. Thank goodness, then for Amy Schumer, the paradigm-busting, enfant terrible who's there to snap us out of our malaise with one rowdy gal: Amy.
Her vehicle, "Trainwreck," written by and starring Schumer, luxuriates in the idea of selfishness while shifting our antiquated ideas of what we want from a female lead, because, most importantly, it's very funny. Bawdy, brash and beaming with confidence in every mistake, Amy does not suffer fools gladly or suitors at all. As a young girl, her good time Charlie father (Colin Quinn) instills in her the idea that monogamy is impossible. Or, "monogamy isn't realistic" as he makes Amy and her even younger sister recite over and over after a conversation comparing partners to dolls. It becomes her mantra. We meet up with her 23 years later, boozing and sleeping her way through Manhattan. Well, not sleeping. She
never sleeps over at a man's place or lets them stay at hers. Amy is pro-pleasure, anti-romance, and just a "modern chick who does what she wants" in gold lamé miniskirts. She's a self-satisfied mess. Her sister Kim (Brie Larson) has chosen a different route, marrying a sweet, dorky guy (Mike Birbiglia) with a sweet dorky son (Evan Brinkman). Amy pokes fun at them with caustic abandon. Were it not for the great performances from Larson and Birbiglia, the ongoing fingerpointing at Kim's boring life might just come across as mean. Instead, they just accept Amy (with an eye roll). Amy is a true jerk. She's selfish. She's
rude. And she knows it. It's an interesting line that the movie skirts for the duration and a testament to Schumer that this mostly unlikable character remains enjoyable to watch. She's is fun, but she's not nice or thoughtful. Nor does she want to be. All this makes it particularly odd that for about 75 percent of the movie this freewheeling character is not only in a relationship, but she's in a relationship with a really, truly nice guy. Amy's editor (an excellent, unrecognizable Tilda Swinton) assigns her to profile a successful sport's doctor Aaron Conners (Bill Hader) for "S'nuff," a men's magazine with "Vice" bite.
"Ant-Man" misses the mark By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge Do I get tired of writing about the Marvel adaptations of their comic characters? You betcha. But since their so-called Cinematic Universe is pretty much all that happens in theatres these days, you'll soon find that my redundancy is hardly unique. Not one that ever partook of the comics culture, I can still point to the first time I'd even heard of "Ant-Man," the lead character in Disney's newest motion picture out this weekend. Back when "The Avengers" opened in 2012, the notion of a rapidly-expanding frontier for the pantheon of Marvel's individual personalities was still novel. Therefore, I relied on the time-tested method of learning about something new - I read about it. "Ant-Man," according to the fine
people editing Wikipedia in those days, was a cover for Dr. Hank Pym, one of the original Avengers back in the '60s. I guess Joss Whedon's film forgot to bring him aboard with Captain American, Thor, and Iron Man riding a wave of their own cresting success at the time. So now we get to see a sideways glance into what else is happening in Marvel's America. Dr. Pym (Michael Douglas) was a peer for Tony Stark's father, Howard (John Slattery) back in the day. Their disagreements with how Pym's research into what became known as the Pym Particle was the basis for the falling out which wedged them apart. Cut to the present day, and Pym is using a roundabout series of less-than-legal, but more-thanunethical tests to bring online a younger protégé of his own, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), a convicted thief
who is also a remorseful father, gifted engineer, and damn likable fellow. Pym uses a little leverage to recruit Scott to be the Ant-Man, the hero figure he himself created during the later stages of the Cold War, using his Particle to shrink himself to the size of an insect. Most pressingly, it's at the behest of his daughter, Hope (Evangeline Lilly), that Pym finds someone younger to take up the mantle. They're running out of time, you see, in the days leading up to the duplication of Pym's successful formula by his own former pupil, Darren Cross (Corey Stoll). Darren's prototype - The Yellowjacket - is poised to revolutionize combat warfare forever, but he has no notions of right or wrong, or allegiances beyond his own inflated self-aggrandizement, and must be stopped. So there you go. It's relatively
straightforward. A reclusive good guy uses his influence to lead a reluctant better guy to thwart the dastardly actions of a bad guy. Nothing new is really added to the old standard, I'm sorry to say, but Ant-Man does do a few things well. First, it gives you plenty of laughs. Rudd's boyish charm has landed him the plum gig of his career with this one. The hard part is that he loops most of his goofy dialogue behind a mask throughout the majority of the show. And he gets a fair amount of comic relief. Michael Pena is in a supporting role here as Scott's former cellmate and a thug of low stature. He's also absurdly stereotypical of Latino criminal archetypes, stealing the show nonetheless. Ant-Man's special effects are cool, probably. The industry has gotten so good at the way it churns out high quality
July 30, 2015
3D VFX, that it's harder to identify the great than it is to point fingers at the terrible. My personal favorite sequence was Ant-Man's battle with The Falcon (Anthony Mackie). It's a serious fight between two enhanced comedians, but it's also crucial for the sort of plot development that MCU is going for these days. If we don't feature this encounter, Ant-Man isn't really part of the Avengers' world. Likewise, we can't feature Falcon later in the endcredits sequence that sets up next year's blockbuster picture, "Captain America: Civil War". I almost wrote a 'Part I' behind that title, but factchecked myself to make sure it was a standalone picture. Yeah, right. "Ant-Man" runs 117 minutes and is rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence. I give this film one and a half stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures Union Avenue Opera set to open
Twenty-six artists will make their Union Avenue Opera debut during its Twenty-first Festival Season this summer. The season will open July 10 with Mozart’s Don Giovanni [July 10, 11, 17, 18]and continue through the end of August with performances of Verdi’s Rigoletto [July 31, August 1, 7, 8] and the St. Louis premier of Wagner ’s Götterdämmerung [August 21, 22, 28, 29]. All operas will be presented in their original language with projected English supertitles and are accompanied by a full union orchestra, all instrumentalists are members of the American Federation of Musicians. “I’m looking forward to bringing two of the most beloved and popular operas [Don Giovanni and Rigoletto] into Union Avenue Opera’s repertoire this season. I know our audiences will enjoy these classic productions and wonderful casts. I’m particularly trilled to bring the final chapter of Wagner’s Ring cycle, Götterdämmerung to the stage culminating our fouryear incredible odyssey,” said Schoonover. “You don’t want to miss this heroic conclusion.” Single tickets are on sale for as low as $32 ($30 for seniors) and season subscribers can save up to 21% when purchasing a three-opera season subscription package. Tickets may be purchased online at www. unionavenueopera.org, by phone at (314) 361-2881, and in person at Union Avenue Opera, 733 N. Union Blvd, St. Louis, Mo, 63108. Student rush tickets are available for $15 at the door with a valid student ID. Don’t miss Union Avenue Opera’s Friday Night Lecture Series at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall presented by Glenn Bauer, Ph.D., Associate Chair of the Department of Music at Webster University, prior to the Friday night performances (July 10, 17, 31, August 7, 21, 28). Lectures are FREE and open to the public About Union Avenue Opera - UAO was founded in 1994 as a means to bring affordable, professional, original-language opera to St. Louis, a mission the company continues to pursue to this day. UAO is committed to hiring the most talented artists, directors, designers and technicians both locally and from across the United States. Union Avenue Opera hires its artists based on their ability not their résumé. Therefore, UAO provides promising singers the first stepping stone of their professional career. UAO is a publicly supported 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in Missouri.
Fox announces Broadway Series
The Fabulous Fox Theatre is thrilled to announce its remarkable 2015–2016 U.S. Bank Broadway Series featuring five new hits that are making their St. Louis debuts. The season will open in the fall with MATILDA THE MUSICAL, winner of four 2013 Tony Awards®. Disney’s high-energy new musical NEWSIES kicks off 2016 followed by BEAUTIFUL–The Carole King Musical and the contemporary smash IF/THEN. Rounding out the season are the stunningly romantic THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY and a new production of
the beloved classic, THE SOUND OF MUSIC. MATILDA THE MUSICAL | October 21 – November 1, 2015 “Welcome to the deliriously amusing, heartwarming, headspinning world of MATILDA THE MUSICAL. You won’t want to leave” says Bloomberg News. Time Magazine’s #1 Show of the Year and the winner of 50 international a w a rd s , i n c l u d i n g f o u r To n y Awards®, MATILDA is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Based on the beloved novel by Roald Dahl, MATILDA continues to thrill sold-out audiences of all ages on Broadway and in London’s West End. The Wall Street Journal says, “The makers of MATILDA have done the impossible – triumphantly! It is smart, sweet, zany and stupendous fun.” Disney’s NEWSIES | January 19 – 31, 2016 Direct from Broadway comes NEWSIES, the smash-hit, crowdpleasing new musical from Disney. Winner of the 2012 Tony Awards® for Best Score and Best C h o re o g r a p h y, N E W S I E S h a s audiences and critics alike calling it “a musical worth singing about,” says The New York Times. Filled with one heart-pounding number after another, it’s a high-energy explosion of song and dance you just don’t want to miss. Based on true events, NEWSIES tells the captivating story of a band of underdogs who become unlikely heroes when they stand up to the most powerful men in New York. It’s a rousing tale about fighting for what’s right…and staying true to who you are. NEWSIES was brought to the stage by an awardwinning creative team. It features
a score by Alan Menken (“Beauty and the Beast”) and Jack Feldman (“The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride”); a book by Harvey Fierstein (“La Cage Aux Folles”); choreography by Christopher Gattelli (“South Pacific”); and direction by Jeff Calhoun (“Big River”). BEAUTIFUL–The Carole King Musical | February 23 – March 6, 2016 BEAUTIFUL–The Carole King Musical tells the inspiring true story of King’s remarkable rise to stardom, from being part of a hit songwriting team with her husband Gerry Goffin, to her relationship with fellow writers and best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to becoming one of the most successful solo acts in popular music history. Along the way, she made more than beautiful music, she wrote the soundtrack to a generation. BEAUTIFUL features a stunning array of beloved songs written by Goffin/King and Mann/Weil, including “I Feel the Earth Move,” “One Fine Day,” “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,” “You’ve Got a Friend” and the title song. BEAUTIFUL has St. Louis connections as its producer Paul Blake was the executive producer at The Muny for 22 years and director Marc Bruni has directed numerous Muny shows including “The Music Man” and “Legally Blonde the Musical.” The book is by Tony Award®-nominee and Academy Award®-nominated writer Douglas McGrath and choreography is by Josh Prince. BEAUTIFUL took home two 2014 Tony Awards and the 2015 Grammy® for Best Musical Theater Album. IF/THEN | March 15 – 27, 2016 IF/THEN is a contemporary Broadway musical about living in New York today – and all the possibilities that tomorrow
brings. Wi t h u n f o r g e t t a b l e songs and a deeply moving story by the Pulitzer Prize a n d To n y Aw a r d ® - w i n n i n g creators of “Next to Normal,” this “fascinating, ambitious, and original new musical” (New York Post) simultaneously follows one woman’s two possible life paths, painting a deeply moving portrait of the lives we lead, as well as the lives we might have led. The Toronto Star calls it “The bravest new musical in a long time. Led by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey’s dazzling score, it is one of the few Broadway shows that looks and sounds like the world of today.“ “A smart, deeply touching and big-hearted new musical” says The Washington Post. “Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey's score is invested with melodic urgency, bringing you to tears or breathlessness.” And the Chicago Tribune calls i t “ A t h o ro u g h l y f a s c i n a t i n g , intellectually and musically rich new musical. It is a zesty, savvy and ambitious original.” THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY | April 5 – 17, 2016 THE BRIDGES OF MADISON C O U N T Y, o n e o f t h e m o s t romantic stories ever written, first captured the nation’s attention as a best-selling novel by Robert James Waller and is now an irresistible, two time Tony Award®-winning Broadway musical. This stunning new production features gorgeous, soulful music by Tony Awardwinning composer Jason Robert B ro w n ( “ P a r a d e , ” “ T h e L a s t Five Years”) that the Daily News hails as “one of Broadway’s best scores in the last decade.” With a book by Pulitzer Prize winner Mar sh a Nor man ( “Th e Secret Garden,” “The Color Purple”) and direction by Tony winner Bartlett Sher (“South Pacific”
“The Light in the Piazza”), THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY is the unforgettable story of two people caught between decision and desire, as a chance encounter becomes a second chance at so much more. THE SOUND OF MUSIC | April 26 – May 8, 2016 The hills are alive with the brand new production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC, directed by Jack O’Brien. The spirited, romantic and beloved musical story of Maria and the Von Trapp Family will once again thrill audiences with its Tony®, Grammy® and Academy Award® - winning Best Score, including “My Favorite Things,” “Do-ReMi,” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Edelweiss” and the title song. THE SOUND OF MUSIC features music by Richard Rodgers and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II with a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, as suggested by “The Trapp Family Singers” by Maria Augusta Trapp. Series Specials Eight specials for the 2015–2016 Season will be offered to subscribers for priority seating before their public on-sale dates. The ultimate feel-good show, MAMMA MIA!, returns to the Fox November 6–8. For the holidays, the Fox welcomes back IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS November 17–22 and CIRQUE DREAMS HOLIDAZE December 4–6. Back by popular demand, WICKED returns December 9, 2015 – January 3, 2016. Dance St. Louis will present RIVERDANCE– The 20th Anniversary World Tour February 12–14. “Be Our Guest” at the Fox for NETworks presents Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST March 11–13. The boys are back in town when JERSEY BOYS visits the Fabulous Fox May 18–22.
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The Arts Arts calendar Friday, July 31
Beauty and the Beast, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. Stages presents Anything Goes, Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 16. Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 23. Move Live On Tour feat. Derek Hough & Julianne Hough, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. St. Louis Actor’s Studio presents 2015 LaBute New Theater Festival, Gaslight Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. N a n j i n g S t y l e : P h o t o g r a p h s f ro m o u r S i s t e r C i t y, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 30. Thomas Cole’s Voyage of Life Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 20. State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 7. Creatures Great and Small: Animals in Japanese Art Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 30. Adorning Self and Space: West African Textiles Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 7. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. Senufo: Art and Identity in West Africa Exhibit, Saint Louis
Art Music, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 27. The Dream is a Manifesto Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 25.
Saturday, Aug. 1
Beauty and the Beast, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. Stages presents Anything Goes, Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 16. Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 23. St. Louis Actor’s Studio presents 2015 LaBute New Theater Festival, Gaslight Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. Nanjing Style: Photographs from our Sister City, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 30. Thomas Cole’s Voyage of Life Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 20. State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 7. Creatures Great and Small: Animals in Japanese Art Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 30. Adorning Self and Space: West African Textiles Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 7.
A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. Senufo: Art and Identity in West Africa Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Music, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 27.
Sunday, Aug. 2
Beauty and the Beast, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. Stages presents Anything Goes, Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Runs through Aug. 16. Lantern Festival: Magic Reimagined, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 23. St. Louis Actor’s Studio presents 2015 LaBute New Theater Festival, Gaslight Theater, St. Louis, 3:00 p.m. Senufo: Art and Identity in West Africa Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Music, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 27. Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. Nanjing Style: Photographs from our Sister City, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 30. Thomas Cole’s Voyage of Life Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 20. State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 7. Currents 110: Mariam Ghani Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
Travel Springfield, Mo., to host annual Festival For The Edge Bigger and better. That’s what to expect at the fifth annual Birthplace of Route 66 Festival Aug. 14-16 in downtown Springfield. The festival has grown from two to three days and will feature new activities, including a Route 66 parade and expanded vendor village. Other events include a two-day car and motorcycle show, a motorcycle poker run, two nights of concerts at the Gillioz Theatre, a drive-in movie, a 6.6 mile run and a confab of Route 66 authors, artists, collectors and associations at The Old Glass Place, 501 E. St. Louis St., where Route 66 aficionados will have displays and products for sale. Vehicles participating in the car and motorcycle show are $20 if registered by Aug. 1 and $30 thereafter. Cars, trucks and motorcycles must be ready for judging by 11 a.m. Aug. 15. The first 300 participants receive a T-shirt and dash plaques. Vendors, food and live music will be available on and around Park Central Square Aug. 15-16. Vendors interested in participating in the festival should contact Tom Mast at tmast@ky3. com. “We’re excited about adding another full day of festivities to the Birthplace of Route 66 Festival,” says Cora Scott, director of public information and civic engagement for the City of Springfield. “With the variety of activities and events, there will be something for everyone.” Tickets for the concert featuring the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Pure Prairie League Aug. 14 are sold out, but The Gillioz Theatre will offer a second musical event featuring Cindy Woolf and Mark Bilyeu Aug. 15. The evening will mark the release of their debut CD, “Wolf Hunter.” The $20-$25 tickets are on sale beginning July 17 at www.
gillioz.org. “After the Friday night concert featuring the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Pure Prairie League sold out so quickly, we realized that the appetite for live entertainment indicated that we needed to grow,” said Geoff Steele, executive director of the Gillioz. “It became clear to us very quickly that we should celebrate the regional musical offerings for this second night of Route 66. Cindy
Woolf and Mark Bilyeu are Ozarks treasures, and the historic Gillioz Theatre is proud to debut their new project on this festive occasion.” Some proceeds of the festival’s various activities will benefit the City of Springfield’s Birthplace of Route 66 Roadside Park Fund c e l e b r a t i n g w h e re t h e f a m e d highway was named. On April 30, 1926, officials in Springfield first proposed the name
of Route 66, the new Chicago-toLos Angeles highway that became one of the most famous roads in America. People from around the world seeking a unique look at American culture still travel the route even though it was officially removed from the U.S. highway system in 1985. Many portions of “The Mother Road” are still visible in Springfield, along with other sites and sights that were at their heyday
when Route 66 was the main eastwest route through the country. For more information about the festival and to register for the car and motorcycle show and the 6.6 mile run, visit http://www. route66festivalsgf.com/ or contact Scott at 417-864-1009 or 417-380-3352 or cscott@springfieldmo.gov. Band leaders interested in participating in the first-ever Birthplace of Route 66 Parade, should contact Scott as soon as possible. For information about things to do in Springfield and other activities taking place in the city, call the Convention & Visitors Bureau at 417-881-5300 or 800-678-8767 and visit www.SpringfieldMo.org. The CVB is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the local economy through growth in travel and tourism.
Pictured are views of previous Birthplace of Route 66 Festivals. Photos courtesy of the Springfield, MO Convention & Visitors Bureau.
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 30, 2015
Travel Austin has a feel all its own By BILL TUCKER Of The Edge
f you're planning a trip to Austin, Texas, consider a practice run through downtown Alton.
The hills are similar in both number and grade. But that's where the similarities end. Austin ranks among the nation's most progressive – you can say hip or freaky if you like – cities in the country, with its mix of cultures and tastes. The University of Texas is located in Austin, which also serves as the state capital of Texas. Those two facts might explain its rich diversity. The city itself is home to some 912,000 residents, making it the 11th largest city in the United States but just the fourth largest in Texas. It's the host of the South By Southwest film/music festival and features a vibrant nightclub district on Sixth Street. The city's unofficial motto is "Keep Austin Weird." We saw no evidence that there were those not doing their part. In fact, having also visited Houston and Dallas, Austin didn't really feel all that much like Texas. Instead of 10-gallon Stetson hats, we saw quite a few people – men and women – with multi-colored hair. There were no spurs jangling from cowboy boots either. Cowboy boots would cover the tattoos. But don't get me wrong, Austin is a nice, clean city that is definitely rolling through the 21st century. Here's what I'll remember most about the city: • Austin residents eat well. There is no shortage of restaurants and every imaginable taste can be satisfied. Sure, the emphasis is on Tex-Mex and barbecue (which isn't as good as that found here), but there are Chinese and Italian restaurants, more burger joints than you can count and fancy little bistros that you'd expect to find in New York. One of the things that makes Austin unique is its bevy of food trucks. There are, according to a brochure, about 2,300 of them. They sell tacos, they sell barbecue, they sell shaved ice, they sell everything. From a truck. • Despite Texas' wealth – and it's often very obvious – Austin is home to a large number of homeless. Don't be surprised to see someone standing near the middle of a major intersection panhandling. There were also a number of people – almost all men – sleeping on sidewalks near the University of Texas. We don't see that as much in the St. Louis area, but it's hard to avoid in Austin. • Speaking of the roads, Austin has a bunch of them. And they are big. Overpasses are often 150 feet or more in the air with connectors shooting off in seemingly every direction. They are nothing like the cloverleafs we see around here. A University of Texas student
told us that the reason the roads are so big and so high is that Austin is at a very minimal risk for both earthquakes and tornadoes. Why not build them up if you can? • The Colorado River, which forms picturesque Lady Bird Lake downtown and feeds Lake Travis where the party boats sail, isn't much of a river compared to the Mississippi, the Missouri or the Illinois. But it does provide recreational opportunities for Austin residents, who love their kayaks and jam the trails around the lake. • Mount Bonnell sits on the city's western edge and overlooks the Colorado River. Again, it's not much different than Alton's bluffs. Look down, see the river, see the boats, do your best not to fall. Word is, you can see actor Matthew McConaughey's house from the top of Mount Bonnell. That's not confirmed, but you will see lots of homes valued in seven figures after you climb the 104 steps (yes, we counted) to the top. Fans of the movie "Dazed and Confused," which starred McConaughey, can visit the Top Notch hamburger stand and drive by what is portrayed as Robert E. Lee High School in the film. Austin has palm trees, cacti and really annoying birds called grackles. But overall, Austin is a nice, seemingly peaceful town. You have to be ready for it, though, because, like the unofficial motto says, "Keep Austin Weird." It's going to take more than a trip to Alton to get you ready for that.
July 30, 2015
Above, a view of the Colorado River from the top of Mount Bonnell, which is located on Austin's west side. At left, the Tower, which is located on the University of Texas campus in downtown Austin. Photos by Bill Tucker.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Bill Tucker/The Edge
Above, the Saturn V display at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Below, the old Mission Control.
By BILL TUCKER Of The Edge "Houston, we have a problem." Oh to have a dollar for every time a visitor has uttered those words at the Johnson Space Center. But, if you want to relieve some of America's greatest moments, Houston is the place to go. Unlike the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where the emphasis is a little more on the glories of the shuttle program, Johnson spotlights Apollo and its historic moon landings. From a once-ready-to-fly Saturn V rocket, to the actual Mission Control room where Neil Armstrong's first transmission from the surface of the moon was heard, Johnson covers a lot of bases. Guests enter the Johnson Space Center through Space Center Plaza â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the one which houses the museum, theatre, gift shop, cafeteria and other attractions. One of the highlights of a visit is a tram ride onto the actual space center grounds. The day we visited, we had a choice of seeing the old Mission Control, the current Mission Control or the astronaut training facility. We opted for the historic room, where Jim Lovell radioed back those famous words, "Houston, we have a problem" during the troubled Apollo 13 flight. By today's iPhone standards, the old Mission Control looks a bit dated. But without it and the technology behind it, we wouldn't have iPhones. The tram ride also includes a stop at Rocket Park, where a Mercury Redstone and Little Joe, an Apollo capsule test vehicle, stand tall. One of the highlights of the Johnson Space Center is the Saturn V rocket, located in one of the larger buildings you'll ever enter. This rocket was built to launch men to the moon before the last of
the Apollo missions were scratched as budget cuts. The Saturn 5 is laid on its side and disassembled by stages, giving viewers a look at all of its engines while keeping the size of the vehicle in perspective. Along the walls are photos and stories from each moon mission. And, just outside the building is a field, where a dozen or so Texas Longhorns munch grass and pay no attention to visitors. The tram tours begin and end at Space Center Plaza so after spending about 90 minutes in the Texas heat, it's nice to be dropped of in a cooler environment. And, for the older crowd, there is a lot of cool stuff to be seen. The Starship Gallery chronicles
On the Edge of the Weekend
NASA's journey to the moon and subsequent Apollo missions. It's here you'll find Faith 7, the Mercury capsule Gordon Cooper rode in 1963, and the Apollo 17 command module, which Gene Cernan and his crew flew on the last mission to the moon. There's a mock-up of a lunar module you can look inside and a number of other artifacts, including a Skylab trainer, which provides a glimpse inside America's first space station. One of the highlights of the museum is the moon rock â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the one you can touch. A film prior to the tour of the Starship Gallery gives a brief history of the program and guides inside provide information and answer
July 30, 2015
questions about each display. For those of us lucky enough to have watched the space race unfold on our television screen's during NASA's heyday, the Starship Gallery is another highlight of the trip. And the Astronaut Gallery, also located in Space Center Plaza, is another not-to-be-missed exhibit. It's here you'll be able to see space suits worn by Sally Ride, J o h n Yo u n g a n d o t h e r s p a c e pioneers. It's also where you can view photo plaques commemorating each mission NASA has flown. The names and faces provide a flood of memories. Space Center Plaza also has a number of attractions for kids, including flight simulators that are
extra-charge attractions. You could spend a full day taking in all of the attractions and riding each of the tram tours or, if time is a consideration, you can comfortably fit in the must-see items in three or four hours. Admission to the Johnson Space Center is $18.95 for children 4 to 11, $23.95 for those 12 to 64 and $21.95 for seniors. Because this is a working government site, you will have to pass a security check before entering. The Johnson Space Center is located at 1601 NASA Parkway and while the address is Houston, it's a pretty good drive from downtown. For more information, visit www. spacecenter.org.
Music Tuning in The Sheldon to host The Lone Below
The Sheldon and KDHX a re p l e a s e d t o w e l c o m e T h e Lone Bellow with special guest A n d e r s o n E a s t , We d n e s d a y, October 21 at 8 p.m. in the perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall. The concert is part of The Sheldon Sessions series, an on-going collaboration between The Sheldon and KDHX. Southern-born, Brooklyn-based indie-folk trio the Lone Bellow has earned critical and popular acclaim for a sound that mixes folk sincerity, gospel fervor and even heavy metal thunder. But, the heart of the band is harmony: three voices united in a lone bellow. The group has opened for the Civil Wars, Dwight Yokam, B r a n d i C a r l i l e a n d t h e Av e t t Brothers, and their self-titled debut, produced by Nashvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Charlie Peacock (the Civil Wars, Holly Williams) and released in January 2013, established them as one of the boldest new acts in the Americana movement. Their latest album, Then Came the Morning, produced by The National guitarist Aaron Dessner, contains some of their most emotional music to date, with most of the vocals recorded in single takes. Concert only tickets are $22 o r c h e s t r a / $ 2 0 b a l c o n y. C a l l MetroTix at 314-534-1111 or visit TheSheldon.org. VIP Happy Hour with The Lone Bellow tickets: $109 per ticket includes â&#x20AC;˘One early entry ticket â&#x20AC;˘Invitation to â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Happy Hourâ&#x20AC;? with exclusive acoustic performance by
The Lone Bellow and cash bar â&#x20AC;˘One limited edition screenprinted tour poster signed by the band â&#x20AC;˘One commemorative laminate â&#x20AC;˘On-site concert concierge
Chamber Music Society announces schedule
The Chamber Music Society of St. Louisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (CMSSL) 2015-16 season will take patrons on a musical trip around the world throughout their six event program. The season kicks off with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Made In The U.S.Aâ&#x20AC;? October 12th and 13th as part of the American Arts Experience â&#x20AC;&#x201C; St. Louis celebration. CMSSL welcomes back renowned British conductor Nicholas McGegan for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Still Going Baroqueâ&#x20AC;? November 2nd and 3rd. McGegan previously taught at Washington University and has also appeared with the St. Louis Symphony. He currently serves as Music Director for San Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra. 2015 ends with a tour of Europe with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Strings Attachedâ&#x20AC;? December 7th and 8th. The popular annual Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s s a l u t e t o ro m a n c e a n d m u s i c returns with â&#x20AC;&#x153;All You Need Is Love Festâ&#x20AC;? February 8th and 9th, featuring Soprano Miran Halen. Top international composers are featured in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Around the World in 80 Minutesâ&#x20AC;? March 14th and 15th and woodwinds take center stage in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Woodwind Chimesâ&#x20AC;? April 11th and 12th. St. Louis Symphony former Associate Conductor David Loebel will finish out the
7th season with an evening o f â&#x20AC;&#x153; H a rd c o re C l a s s i c s â&#x20AC;? f ro m Mozart and Tchaikovsky May 2nd and 3rd. This event is a special addition to the series and available at a discount when a subscription package is purchased. CMSSL offers two performances of each program in the Sheldon Ballroom (3648 Washington Blvd., Grand Center, St. Louis, MO 63108) on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm. Subscriptions are on sale now and information available online or by phone 314-941-6309. Single tickets will be released August 15, 2015. CMSSL performances are also part of the Concert Pass Collaborative discount program for students.
Straight No Chaser to appear at The Fox
Atlantic Records recording group Straight No Chaser has announced the release of their much-anticipated new album as well as details of a major North American tour. "The New Old Fashioned" â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the world famous a cappella groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fifth full-length release â&#x20AC;&#x201C; arrives this October. Straight No Chaser will c e l e b r a t e t h e a l b u m â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s re l e a s e with what will be their biggest headline tour to date. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The New O l d F a s h i o n e d To u r â&#x20AC;? s e t s o ff on October 16th in Las Vegas at the MGM Casinoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s David Copperfield Theatre and then continues into 2016, concluding with 2 dates in Hawaii (Honolulu and Maui) to ring in the New Year (see attached itinerary).
The tour will stop at The Fox Theatre for a 7:30 p.m. show on Nov. 27. Tickets may be purchased at at metrotix.com, by calling 3145 3 4 - 1111 , o r i n p e r s o n a t t h e Fabulous Fox Box Office. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The New Old Fashioned To u r â&#x20AC;? f o l l o w s S t r a i g h t N o Chaser â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recently concluded â&#x20AC;&#x153; T h e H a p p y H o u r To u r, â&#x20AC;? a n epic 2014/2015 world trek which saw the group perform over 67 shows in the US alone, as well as dates in more than 15 countries, including Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Austria, Holland, Belgium, France, S w i t z e r l a n d , I re l a n d , a n d t h e United Kingdom for more than 200,000 paying fans. Straight No Chaser â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fourth full-length release, 2013â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Under the Influenceâ&#x20AC;? saw the renowned vocal group reimagining a selection of their all-time favorite songs alongside many of the superstar artists and undisputed music icons that made them famous. Produced by Mark Kibble (a founding member of the legendary a cappella group Take 6 and one of Straight No Chaser â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary influences), the album included u n p re c e d e n t e d c o l l a b o r a t i o n s with some of popular musicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best and brightest â&#x20AC;&#x201C; including P h i l C o l l i n s , S t e v i e Wo n d e r, Elton John, Dolly Parton, Rob
T h o m a s , S e a l , S a r a B a re i l l e s , and Jason Mraz â&#x20AC;&#x201C; as Straight No Chaser put their distinctive and inimitable spin on songs known and loved the world over.
Celtic Woman returning to The Fox
Celtic Woman's 10th Anniversary Tour will stop at The Fabulous Fox Sunday, October 18 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $102, $72, $42 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Global music sensation Celtic Woman brings its 10th Anniversary World Tour to the Fabulous Fox Theatre on Sunday, October 18 at 7:30 p.m. This enchanting musical experience features C e l t i c Wo m a n p e r f o r m i n g a treasure chest of traditional Irish standards, classical favorites and contemporary pop songs, in the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distinctive signature style. The 10th Anniversary World Tour features four sublimely gifted Irish women - three angelic vocalists and a dazzling Celtic violinist with a full band, plus the Anotas Choir, bagpipers, and Irish dancers all under the direction of EmmyÂŽnominated music producer David Downes. A true celebration of an incredible 10-year journey that has already captivated millions, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss Celtic Woman live in concert! www.CelticWoman.com.
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July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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July 30, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Music calendar Friday, July 31
Chicago, Earth Wind & Fire, Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. Jungle Boogie – American Idle, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. An Evening with Peter Mayer w/ Brendan Mayer, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Kutt Calhoun, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. Matt Poss Band w/Travis Beasley, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Walshy w/MarshyMarsh, Filthy Deluxe, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Coal Chamber w/Fear Factory, Jasta, Saint Ridley, Madlife, Pop’s, Sauget, 5:30 p.m. Captains Courageous, Kids In Color, Decedy, Weekend Routine, Alt Road, Cicero’s, University City, 6:00 p.m. J.D. Hughes (Bar Stage), Cicero’s, University City, 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 1
The Monkees, River City Casino, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Shades Of A Crime w/ G r e t a G a r t e r, Ry d y r R e e v e s , Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Crimson Shadows, The Lion’s D a u g h t e r, T h e F i r e b i r d , S t . Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Grateful Gary (Bar Stage), Cicero’s, University City, 8:00 p.m. Rob Bell The Everything Is Spiritual Tour, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. The Shelby Lee Lowe Band and John Maxfield, Cicero’s, University City, 8:30 p.m.
The Family Reunion feat. NuttinXNyce, John Boi, A.Z., The Fallen, Rick D, Mak 9, M a s k O u t R e c o rd s , S a w b l a d e , S i x O n e N a t e , Wi l l F. m . , Ye r r t y Gee, Pop’s, Sauget, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 2
Kelly Clarkson 2015 Piece by Piece Tour, Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Watsky w/A-1, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Human Tour feat. Joell Ortiz, !llmind, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Convictions, My Heart To Fear, Play The Hero, Cicero’s, University City, 6:00 p.m.
Monday, Aug. 3
G i v e r s w / A e ro F l y n n , T h e Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Alice In Chains, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 4
Shania Twain Rock This Country Tour, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. Cymbals Eat Guitars w/See Through Dresses, Lobby Boxer, Mariner, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Alpha Rev: Unplugged w/Jared & The Mill, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Boy Hits Car w/Subject To Loss, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Weekend Classic, Before The Streetlights, Apart O’ Heart, Cicero’s, University City, 7:00 p.m. Chesterfield Concert Series, Faust Park, Chesterfield, 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 5
Jeff Rosenstock w/Dan Andriano and The Emergency Room, Pet Symmetry, High Dive, The Firebird,
The Last Detail Has Gone Mobile! - TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS Blondie’s Last Detail Gone Handy Girl
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Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Dom Chronicles, Farout, DJ Mahf, The Demo, St. Louis, 9:00 p.m. Eric Ketzer (Bar Stage), Cicero’s, University City, 8:00 p.m. Jake’s Leg, Cicero’s, University City, 8:30 p.m. The Road to Pointfest w/System Slave, Sozorox, Addicted, Pop’s, Sauget, 6:30 p.m.
St. Louis, doors 7:00 p.m. The Weaks, Sorority Noise w/ Choir Vandals, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 6
F i r e w o r k s w / We a t h e r b o x , Dry Jacket, Welcome Home, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. G r e a s e S i n g - A l o n g , Wi l d e y Theatre, Edwardsville, 7:00 p.m. P o p N a t i o n S u m m e r To u r 2015 w/Round 2 Crew, Sweet Suspense, Carson Lueders, The Food Conspiracy, Chris Miles, After Romeo, Frankie, Katelyn Jae, The Bomb Digz, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 8
Rocky Votolato & Dave Hause w/ Chris Farren, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Highly Suspect w/The Hush List, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Ruben Studdard w/Kimberly Locke, Elliott Yamin, Nikko Smith, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Typesetter, The Howl w/New Lives, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 7
Jungle Boogie – Push the Limit, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Creation Rebels w/DJ Reggie,
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On the Edge of the Weekend
July 30, 2015
Classified Help Wanted General Lost & Found
Lost:All white male Great Pyrenese wearing red collar w/name “Boomer” imprinted on it. Last seen: Blackburn/Fruit Rd, 07/15/2015, REWARD! 618-210-4309
CALL THE ‘I’ 656-4700 ext. 22 To Run Your Legal Listings
Important Message: It’s illegal for companies doing business by phone to promise you a loan and ask you to pay for it before they deliver. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.
Help Wanted General
Accountant (Metro East) Responsibilities: Detailed oriented individual needed for full-time accountant position. Duties include: prepare quarterly reports including reconciliation to general ledger, maintain asset database, calculate depreciation preparing reimbursement requests, prepare and analyze complex financial reports. Qualifications: Bachelor’s in Accounting, CPA preferred, 3+ years accounting experience including audit and payroll tax return experience. Additional requirements include proficiency in MS Word and Excel, ability to organize time effectively, and communicate well with the public and coworkers. Full time salaried position with excellent fringe benefits. EOE Drug Free Workplace Send letter of interest and resume to: Box 288 c/o The Intelligencer 117 N. 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL. 62025
Help Wanted General
F/T Entry level Office Position
Currently seeking friendly, energetic individuals for our Glen Carbon area routes. Applicants must be detail-oriented and have a clean criminal background and clean driving record. Cash handling experience and customer service related background is a plus. Apply by downloading an application at grandriverjackpot.com/ careers. Mail application to Steve Claypool 2963 Stanton Street, Springfield, IL 62703 or email it to steve.claypool@ grandriverjackpot.com
Edwardsville, computer exp, multi-tasking a +. Good people skills. Hours 8:30a-5p. Send Resume to: Box 281 c/o The Intelligencer 117 N. 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL 62025
Entry level office clerk needed for a home care agency in Glen Carbon. Approximately 15 hours per week (Mon-Fri 3hrs/day), flexible schedule. Must have basic Windows & Microsoft Excel computer skills. Call or email Beth to set up an interview. beth@ anchorhomehealthcare.com (800)853-5292 ext. 1
Turn To The Edwardsville Intelligencer For Employment Classifieds
Keller Construction, Inc. is looking for a full time
Diesel Mechanic
to repair and maintain various types of equipment including trucks and heavy equipment. Must furnish standard tools. Clean driving record required. Experience necessary. Must have CDL. Drug and alcohol test required 618-781-1234 Local non-for-profit hiring 2 part time employees. Applicants need to be proficient in website administration, writing content, and social media outreach. Send resume to: Bob@ AfricanVisionofHope.org NOW HIRING!!! EDEN VILLAGE CARE CENTER
Part-time Receptionist needed for busy Edwardsville law office. Respond to: Box 287, c/o The Intelligencer. 117 N. 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL 62025
Help Wanted Medical
Mammography/ X-Ray Tech: Part-time w/limited benefits-Every Friday and other shifts; as needed. Requires ARRT & Illinois Licenses in Mammography & Radiography
Registered (MLT,MT) Laboratory Tech: Full-time, night shift 40 hrs/wk with benefits. Must be ASCP, AMT, AAB or HEW Certified. Interested candidates can contact Community Memorial Hospital Human Resources Department at 618-635-4314, or email resume to mherbeck@ stauntonhospital.org
CNA Weekends Only Option Pay rate is $12/hour for CNA’s working The Weekends Only Option. Apply in person or send resume to: 400 S. Station Road Glen Carbon, Il 62034 You can also apply online at www.edenvillage.org
CNA Full Time & Part Time Experience the delight and compassion of working in geriatrics. This person will be responsible for providing exceptional person centered care to our Elders. Must be able to work weekends Apply in person or send resume to: Eden Village Retirement 400 South Station Road Glen Carbon, IL 62034 You can also apply online at edenvillage.org The Edwardsville School District has the following opening:
Program and Extraordinary Care Assistants College degree preferred; Program applicants must have a Paraprofessional or Teaching license. The positions are 3 to 7 hours a day with a beginning hourly rate of $9.38. Dr. Nancy Spina Personnel, ECUSD7 708 St Louis St. PO Box 250 Edwardsville, IL. 62025 www.ecusd7.org
Wanted: Illinois Travel Counselor
Help Wanted General
Immediate full-time (37.5 hours/week) position available for Travel Counselor at Silver Lake Tourist Information Center located on I-70 Eastbound, Highland. Paid vacation and sick days. Insurance benefits available. Qualifications: customer service experience, good communication skills, professional attitude and must be knowledgeable on the state of Illinois. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. and must be able to work weekends. For further information, please call: Silver Lake at 618-654-6597, Thursday – Monday 9:00 am– 4:00 pm. Please respond by August 6, 2015
Bed - Queen PillowTop Mattress Set New, still in plastic, $175. (618)772-2710. Can Deliver! Full/Queen mattress w/springs $20 (good shape), Glass cocktail table w/2 end-tables $45, Deco-Lamps(white w/fringe/flowers) (Amber flower-shaped) $10 each, Small green velour chair $5 (fair cond.), Misc. items $2-10each. 618-447-5786
Misc. Merchandise
C.K.S. METAL CORP. (618) 656-5306 M-F 8:00-5:00 SAT 8-12
EDWARDSVILLE, IL Honest Weights & Honest Prices #1 Copper $2.10/lb. #2 Copper $2.00/lb. Yellow Brass $1.40/lb. Stainless $.34/lb. Painted Siding $.42/lb. Scrap Alum $.41-.63/lb. Alum Cans $.35/lb. Clean Alum Wheels $.63/lb. Electric Motors $.18/lb. Batteries $.23/lb. Insulated Wire #1-$.91 /#2-$.70 Scrap Iron - $90.00-$115.00/Ton $.03 More on Copper With AD This Week only; 07/20/15-07/24/15
Carrier Routes 401 CARRIER NEEDED! RT101— Newspaper carrier needed for the areas of Meridian Village, Auerbach Pl, & Evergreen Dr. Approx. 15 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20 CARRIER NEEDED! RT118— Newspaper carrier needed for the areas of Meridian Rd, Andes Dr, Donna Ct, Ernst Dr, Matterhorn Dr, Melissa Ct. Sierra Ct, & Sierra Dr. Approx. 24 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20 CARRIER NEEDED! RT54— Newspaper carrier needed for the areas of Gerber Rd, West Lake Dr, Lee Dr, Mary Dr & Oak Ridge Approx. 39 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20
Yard Sales
Estate Sales
244 Estate Sale Sat. Aug. 1, 10a-5p Sun. Aug. 2, noon-4p 519 Jefferson O'Fallon, Ill. 62269 (State St. to left on N. Smiley (Dean's Dairy Corner)) Follow The Yellow Signs Mid-Cent. Furnishings, Quilt Frame, Vintage Cedar Chest, Tell City Hutch/Buffet, Beds, Sofas, Vintage Kitchenware, Tools, Tool Cabinet (exceptional), Falstaff Metal Cooler, RCA Vic. Radio/Record Cab. w/bakelite knobs. Garage Full of great repurpose items! New Maytag Dryer & soooo much more! Not responisble for accidents. Please bring assistance for large items.
830-3127 978-2594 cew244antiques@aol.com
Jobs! 1099
Publisher's Notice
All Real Estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference limitation, or discrimination.” Familial status includes children living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Houses For Rent
Apts/Duplexes/Homes www.glsrent.com (618)656-2230 EDW 3 bd rm, sn rm, app inc, SIU welcome, $990 Call 363-4594 Glen Carbon, 3br/1ba 2 car gar, $1,250/mo., w/d, SMS homes. 618-514-9954 Home for Rent 4BR, 2 full/2 half baths, finished basment. Spacious deck and backyard. EDW school district. $1900/mo. Call or text 317-378-3258 *Small 2br house w/ lg yard. $700/mo. *4br, 2ba, full bsmnt, $1200/mo. *5br, 2ba, 2 car gar, lg yard, $1500/mo. Call 618-656-2653 find a job here! the classifieds
Yard Sales
Join us for a BOOK SALE!!
@ Dunlap Cove Edwardsville Sat. 08/01, 7a-1p
800 North Main Street Edwardsville Immanuel United Methodist Church Fri. 07/31, 3pm-7pm Sat. 08/01, 9am-3pm. Fill a bag for-$5!!
July 30, 2015
3br/2ba/2 car gar w/ additional parking. Leclaire Park home, Students welcome! Pets OK(w/approval). approx. 1acre, appls, fireplace, Cul-de-sac, ch/a. $1,500/mo. Edw. Call 563-676-3735
Huge Community Yard Sales
Huge Downsize Moving Sale 409 Westchester Glen Carbon Nottingham Estates Fri.,-July 31 Sat.,-Aug1 7AM 3 large-rooms, plus garage full of furniture, household items and misc.
Yard Sale 4979 Highway 159 Glen Carbon Sat. 08/01, 7a-5p Lots Antiques & Collectibles
On the Edge of the Weekend
Classified Houses For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Small 1br house, $475/mo., 1st/last mo + dep. 618-692-0801. Leave message.
1BR loft apt & 1BR duplex $585/mo. + No Pets. Credit Check $585dep. 656-8953
2BR Loft, newly remod new kit, ba, wndws/drs d/w, w/d hkups. $725 incl. w/s/t. 593-0173
Studio apt dwntn. $450/mo. $450 deposit & $45 credit check. Call 618-978-5044
1BR on 157, 8 mins from SIU, fp, w/d hkup. Free w/s/t. $525/mo. + dep. No pets 345-9131
2BR, 1.5BA Twnhouse in Glen Carbon. No pets. 1yr lease. $645$695/mo. 288-9882.
2 BR apt, central Edw: Stove, frig, rear pking; $575/mo. + utilities. Call 619-248-8747
300 Main Apartments
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
2 BR 1.5 BA Townhomes SMOKE FREE. 15 minutes to St. Louis and SIUE. I-255/ Horseshoe Lake Rd area. $695 mo includes washer/ dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. www.fairway-estates.net 618-931-4700
1BR apt, w/d hkup Non-smoking, no pets. $595/mo + dep 6569204 or cell: 444-1004
2BR 1BA Duplex near SIU: 97 Devon Ct., Edw.; w/d hkup. no dogs. $825. 444-4658.
Live in the heart of downtown Edwardsville! Fully renovated 1&2br apts available!! Call us today at (618) 307-9506 or www.liveat300main.com
2BR apt in E’ville. Retirement community. No pets, No smoking. $490. 217-854-8784.
3br TH 1200sq. ft. Collinsville, $790/mo. 345-9610. Specials!! skyviewtownhouses.com DUPLEX, 19A Fox Meadow, Glen Carbon,3br, 2.5ba, $990/mo + $700 dep. 618-917-1593 618-451-2300
1br apt., nice & Lg. in Edwardsville. $625. no pets, non-smoking. 618-692-4144.
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
2br duplex, Glen Carbon, w/d hkup, quiet area, $750/mo. Agnt owned. 977-7657
Office Space For Rent
Furnished Eff., dish, i-net, WiFi, utilities, no smoking w/ ref. $585/mo. 972-0948
GLEN CARBON PEPPERWOOD CONDOS All electric units, FP, stacked WD, Deck/ patio, all appliances. 1BR from $625. 2BR from $750. Carports available. 618-624-4610 -----------------------------VILLAGE CT. APTS 2BR, All Electric Units, Stove, Fridge, w/d hkups. NO PETS. FROM $700. 618-624-4610 LUXURY 2 BRs located at 270 & 111 Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included. WST included. Must See! $695. Call for our move-in specials! (618)931-3333.
Homes For Sale
725 Homes For Sale
Office/whse. space for lease, 2250/4500sq.ft. 3 Schwarz St. Plz. Edw. 618-692-4144.
Important Message: Companies that do business by phone can’t ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.
3007 Scarlet Ct. Savannah Xing, G.C. NEW const. 4br, 3ba. 409-9206; zillow.com
2 Olivia Lane, Glen Carbon. Well Maintained 3 BD, 3 BA, Approx.1700 sq. ft. Oversized 2 car garage. Fenced backyard with large deck and storage shed. Edwardsville School District. $145,900. FSBO. Call 618-580-3021
FSBO Beautiful 3br/2.5ba ranch. Finished bsmt. New furnace/AC, hardwood floors, and so much more! 2725 Sq.Ft. $259,900 Glen Carbon 618-540-9462
find a job here! the classifieds
FSBO: 3br, 2ba home on dead end street. Carport & Shed Near NO Nelson & WMS. Call for appointment: 573-330-5450
Two L o c a t i o n s S e rv i n g t h e M e t ro E a s t A re a
Locally Owned and Operated
WELCOME NEW AGENT WELCOME KRIS! We are pleased to announce that Kris has joined our real estate team in our Edwardsville office!
Outstanding 5BR/4BA home w/walkout LL, beautiful private wooded fenced backyard, deck & patio perfect for entertaining. $361,200 GLEN CARBON PR102461
KRIS BOYD 217-416-0449 Kris-Boyd@outlook.com
Diane Massey Team 618-791-5024 or 618-791-9298
119 Knights Bridge EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $434,500 Sandie LaMantia 618-978-2384
1 Gray Wolfe Court GLEN CARBON SUN 1-3 $354,500 Diane Rieger 618-806-8750
Country living close to town! 3BR/ 3BA home on 2.5 acres. Fenced area for horses. Pool with deck. Outbuildings. $219,000 EDW PR102323
UNIQUE property that offers 2 living quarters on 1.5 +/- secluded acres with inground pool. $279,000 STAUNTON PR101877
Beautifully updated interior, open floor plan, large wooded lot. Close to bike trail. $108,000 EDW PR102462 Brenda Holshouser 618-789-2742
1012 Plummer Drive
1941 Frank Scott Parkway
3309 Hershiser, EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $629,500 Diane Massey Team 618-791-5024 or 618-791-9298
Looking for a Career in Real Estate? 90 Hour Pre-License Broker Class August 11th – November 19th 2015 Every Tuesday & Thursday from 6-9pm To enroll contact Lisa Smoot at 618-655-4100 or lsmoot@bhhselite.com
NORMA LINCK (618) 444-8733 112 Knights Bridge EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $598,500 Sandie LaMantia 618-978-2384
A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
Impressive and timeless 1.5 story on beautiful Golf Course lot. 5BR/ 4BA, dream kitchen, sun room, finished LL and inground pool. $520,000 EDW PR102251
Delightful 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 1.5 story home on 2 +/- acres. $289,500 EDW PR102413
Location, Location, Location! 4BR/4BA home w/recent updates. Close to schools, shopping and easy access to interstates. $239,900 EDW PR102310
NEW CONSTRUCTION in Edwardsville school district. 3BR/ 2BA, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings. Family room in basement. $189,900 HAMEL PR102192
S e a rc h N E W L I S T I N G S , O P E N H O U S E S a n d H O M E S F O R S A L E i n yo u r a re a a t
w w w. b h h s E l i t e P r o p e r t i e s . c o m ©2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity.
On the Edge of the Weekend
July 30, 2015
Insured Call Bob Rose 978-8697
BIG DADDY’S TREE SERVICE 30 Years Experience
75 Ft. Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Trimming • Removal
I NEED WORK BAD! Discount for any Reason. Will go Anywhere Anytime.
LET ME FIX IT! 618-210-3654 HANDYMAN SERVICE • Remodeling • Painting • Carpentry • Drywall • Lighting & Ceiling Fans • Electric Service Upgrade Most Home Repairs Insured 20 Years Experience
Call Lee: (618) 581-5154
$59 A/C Clean & Check Stop Over Paying for Refrigerant
Worden, Hamel all areas North, No Problem, I Live There!
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(618) 520-0077
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Foster & Sons Lawn Service
HAUL ALMOST ANYTHING/ EVERYTHING Remove Unwanted Debris From Basement Garage, Attic; Wherever! VERY REASONABLE Retired Deputy Sheriff
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(Powerwashing and Staining) Wallpapering Woodwork (Staining and Varnishing) Refinishing Cabinets
Keith 654-5096 John 654-9978 Cell 618-971-7934
JIM BRAVE PAINTING Over 20 Years Experience!
• • • • •
Fall Clean-Up Mowing Landscape Installation Irrigation Landscape Lighting
• Wallpaper • Specialty Painting • Inside or Outside Work • Power Washing • Deck Refinishing
Call: (618)654-0000 or cell phone: (618)444-0293
39 Years Experience
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Book your landscaping projects now!
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DAN GRAY 656-8806 910-7874
BOB’S HANDYMAN SERVICE Remodeling & Repair Drywall Finished Carpentry Painting Ceramic Tile Build & Repair Decks Exterior House And Deck Washing Landscaping Blinds & Draperies Light Fixture & Ceiling Fans No Job Too Small
Servi c e Cal l $10. OFF 00
Not Valid on Weekends or Emergency Service. One coupon per customer.
Visit our showroom 5407 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, IL (Next door to Round Table Restaurant)
Darrell’s Carpentry Plus Ceramic Tile Decks & Fences DOORS: Entrances Interior & Trim Patio Drywall Repairs Paint & Texture REMODELING: Basements Bathrooms Kitchens Replacement Windows Room Additions Rental Rehabs Service Upgrades Storm Damage
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CALL 618-973-5743 FOR QUOTE
Hellrung & Sons Quality Electrical
Service Upgrades, New & Old Home Wiring Service Calls & Trouble Shooting
To place your ad here call Lisa 656-4700 x 46 July 30, 2015
No Job Too Small
(618) 407-3093 Free Estimates & Warranty
On the Edge of the Weekend
Experience The Mungenast Difference...
$500 Trade In BONUS CASH
2015 Corolla LE
2015 RAV 4 LE
Lease for as low as
Lease for as low as
for 24 months
Lease a new 2015 Corolla LE for $169 a month for 24 months with $1699 due at signing, which includes first month’s payment, $1380 down payment, $0 security deposit and $650 acquisition fee. Does not include, taxes, license, title fees, insurance and dealer charges. Closed-end lease. Example based on model # 1852 with FE. Total Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $19340. Monthly payments of $169 total $4056. Capitalized cost of $17193 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Payment may vary depending on model, equipment choice, and final transaction price. Lease-end purchase option is $13146. Customer responsible for maintenance, excess wear and tear and $.15 per mile over 12000 miles per year. To qualified Tier 1+ customers through Toyota Financial Services. $350 disposition fee due at lease end unless customer purchases vehicle or decides to re-finance through Toyota Financial Services. Subject to availability. See participating dealer for details. Offer ends 06-01-2015. Does not include College Grad or Military Rebate. ToyotaCare covers normal factory scheduled service for 2 years or 25,000 miles, whichever comes first. See Toyota dealer for details and exclusions. Valid only in the continental U.S. and Alaska. Includes $500 TFS Lease Subvention Reduction. Lease Subvention Cash provided by Toyota Financial Services to eligible customers who finance a new, unused, or unlicensed 2015 Corolla LE.
for 24 months
Lease a new 2015 RAV4 for $199 a month for 24 months with $1999 due at signing, which includes first month’s payment, $1650 down payment, $0 security deposit and $650 acquisition fee. Does not include, taxes, license, title fees, insurance and dealer charges. Closed-end lease. Example based on model # 4430 with FE, RR, TC, CF. Total Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $25030. Monthly payments of $199 total $4776. Capitalized cost of $22530 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Payment may vary depending on model, equipment choice, and final transaction price. Lease-end purchase option is $17860. Customer responsible for maintenance, excess wear and tear and $.15 per mile over 12000 miles per year. To qualified Tier 1+ customers through Toyota Financial Services. $350 disposition fee due at lease end unless customer purchases vehicle or decides to re-finance through Toyota Financial Services. Subject to availability. See participating dealer for details. Offer ends 06-01-2015. Does not include College Grad or Military Rebate. ToyotaCare covers normal factory scheduled service for 2 years or 25,000 miles, whichever comes first. See Toyota dealer for details and exclusions. Valid only in the continental U.S. and Alaska. Includes $500 TFS Lease Subvention Reduction. Lease Subvention Cash provided by Toyota Financial Services to eligible customers who finance a new, unused, or unlicensed 2015 RAV4 LE.
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