081816 Edge of the Weekend

Page 1

August 18, 2016

Vol. 13 No. 51

Japanese Festival page 3

LouFest and food page 5

Corn maze page 22


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Fred’s Shed The Main Gift Shop Monticello House Boutique

Hours- MON-FRI 10AM-4PM SAT 10AM-4:30PM

Tea Room & Gift Shops


From delectable lunches to luxurious decor, you’ll find it at Josephine’s.



August 18



What’s Inside 3

Japanese Festival Annual event returns to MoBOT.

4 Illinois-made

State industries inspire tourism.

5 LouFest

Music – and food.

11 "Little Men"

A tale of everyday drama.

19 McHenry County Fall fun awaits visitors.


Corn maze

Farm creates tribute to "Star Trek."

24 SLSO tribute

An evening with the music of Prince.




What’s Happening Friday August 19_________ • Blues at the Arch Concert Series, Luther Ely Smith Square, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. • 5 Seconds of Summer: Sounds Live Feels Live Tour, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Family, The Gorge, Quaere Verum, Ashes and Iron, A Dark Orbit, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. • The Stone Sugar Shakedown, Cicero's, University City, Doors 8:30 p.m. • Joshua Stanley, w/Shotgun Creek, The Ready Room, St. Louis, D oors 7:00 p.m. • Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 • STAGES presents:The Drowsy Chaperone, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, Runs until August 21, 2016 • Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 • Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 • Her Turn: The Revolutionary

Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 • A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. • Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 • Nomad Studio: Green Air, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 • The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 • Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016

Saturday August 20_________ • Colin Jost, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • O p e n > S u n d a y, w / ( T B A ) , Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Banks & Cathedrals, Great Plains, Earth To Sender, w/(special guest), Cicero's, University City, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Ernst Haas: Color Brought to

Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 • STAGES presents:The Drowsy Chaperone, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, Runs until August 21, 2016 • Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 • Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 • Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 • A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. • Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 • Nomad Studio: Green Air, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 • The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016

Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar


On the Edge of the Weekend

Editor – Bill Tucker

Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake

August 18, 2016

People Japanese Festival returns to MoBOT For The Edge Join the Missouri Botanical Garden in celebrating the culture and traditions of Japan when the annual Japanese Festival returns to St. Louis! This year marks the 40th Anniversary and the Garden will commemorate by offering even more sensational programming to delight the crowds. From traditional music to martial arts, bon odori dancing to bonsai, thunderous taiko drumming to Tea House Island tours, the three-day Labor Day weekend is filled with sights, sounds and experiences for the entire family. The 2016 Japanese Festival is Saturday, September 3 and Sunday, September 4 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday, September 5 (Labor Day) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults ages 13 and over and $5 for members; member children (ages 12 and under) are free. Visit www.mobot. org/japanesefestival for details. Seiwa-en, the “garden of pure, clear harmony and peace” and one of the largest authentic Japanese strolling gardens in North America, takes center stage for the weekend’s festivities. A boisterous opening ceremony kicks off the celebration Saturday morning at the Japanese Garden entrance with an elaborate omikoshi Shinto shrine parade, bon odori festival dancing, taiko drumming and remarks by local and visiting dignitaries. Taiko drumming performances sponsored by Nidec Motor Corporation. The private Teahouse Island of the Japanese Garden will be open for guided public tours every hour from noon to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and from 11 to 4 p.m. on Monday. Normally closed to the public, visitors can see the Garden’s soan, or farm hut-style teahouse, which was a gift from Missouri’s sister state of Nagano prefecture in Japan. Originally built in Japan, the teahouse was reassembled on-site by Japanese craftsmen and dedicated during a Shinto ceremony in 1977. Teahouse tour tickets are $5 each, and the maximum group size per tour is 20.

Ancient traditions and modern choreography blend into thrilling p e r f o r m a n c e s a s t h e G a rd e n introduces for the first time; Luck Eisa and Samurai Sword Soul to the weekend’s lineup. Samurai Sword Soul’s performances offer an engaging mix of comedy routines, humanistictheme drama and thrilling sword fights. The sword technique is based on Waki Ryu Tate, which was created by Keihei Wakisaka; the spirit of Seido Karate; and Kendo – a Japanese fencing technique. The result is a mesmerizing combination of traditional Japanese sword

fighting with a contemporary essence resulting in a unique “Samurai Sword Soul Style.” The Luck Eisa group has been named as one of the most talented and recognized Eisa groups in Okinawa. Eisa is a form of folk dance originating from the Okinawa Islands, Japan. In origin, it is a Bon dance that is performed by young people of each community during the Bon festival to honor the spirits of their ancestors. It underwent drastic changes in the 20th century and is today seen as a vital part of Okinawan culture. The group has performed in several countries

throughout the world and has received many prestigious awards. The inclusion of the Luck Eisa group during this year's festival is made even more special in that the St. Louis Okinawa Kenjinkai will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary and the Japanese Festival is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. Watch martial arts demonstrations of judo, kendo, aikido and karatedo, along with the more ancient koryu bugei. Learn about the disciplined art of ikebana flower arranging and the proper pruning of a delicate bonsai tree. Marvel at the quick work of ice sculptor Naomi Hamamura as he wields a chain saw to create birds and other objects from large, frozen blocks. Learn the steps and join in a bon odori dancing demonstration and take in a colorful kimono fashion show on Sunday inside the Shoenberg Theater. This year marks the 31st anniversary of the fashion show. Twenty cosplay show models will be wearing Japanese costume attire. The term “cosplay” is a blend of the English words “costume” and “play.” Information and discussion on the history of cosplay, as well as the difference between Japanese cosplay and American cosplay will be presented. Arrive early; seating is limited. Stop by the Spink Pavilion to enjoy children’s activities including origami paper folding and traditional Japanese games. Shop for souvenirs and other Asian-inspired m e rc h a n d i s e a t t h e J a p a n e s e marketplace and the Garden Gate Shop. Sample Japanese cuisine at the outdoor food court, including sushi, yakisoba noodles, pancake-

like okonomiyaki and green tea ice cream. Wind down with an evening showing of the anime feature “The Girl Who Leapt Through Time” at 8 p.m. on Saturday evening. Listen to a demonstration of Japanese karaoke on Sunday. Take a candlelit stroll through the Japanese Garden from 8 to 10 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Sponsorship by Nidec Motor Corporation, Novus International, TOYOTA Bodine and the Boeing Company. Since the 1970s, the Missouri Botanical Garden has produced the annual Japanese Festival in conjunction with the Japanese Activities Committee, a coalition of several Japanese-American organizations that provide art, dance, food and entertainment for thousands of visitors each year. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook. com/missouribotanicalgarden and http://twitter.com/mobotgarden. Members help support the Garden’s operations and worldchanging work in plant science and conservation. Learn more at www. mobot.org/membership.

Pictured are two scenes from previous Japanese Festivals at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Photos courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Gardens.

August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


People Illinois-made products inspire tourism For The Edge The Illinois Department of Commerce’s Office of Tourism launched Illinois Made, a new program featuring makers, creators and artisans from across the state. Throughout the summer, Commerce’s Office of Tourism will feature a series of in-depth videos, exclusive web content, and Illinois Made-inspired travel ideas at www.EnjoyIllinois.com/Illinoismade. Experiential travel continues to be a defining factor in trip planning. According to a special 2014 report by Skift and Peak DMC, a global travel expert network, more than 72 percent of consumers would rather spend money on experiences than things. With Illinois Made, the the Department aims to bring the best of Illinois’ unique, creative and on-trend experiences to travelers of all backgrounds, encouraging people to extend their experiences beyond a day trip by exploring the local businesses and great attractions nearby. From craft brewers and independent coffee roasters, to custom canoe makers and woodworking journeymen, Illinois is teeming with craftspeople that are proud to call the Land of Lincoln home, and this pride shines through in their work. Illinois Made brings all of these amazing experiences together in one location for travelers to explore. Visitors can get an intimate glimpse into the lives of these craftspeople through a video series available on the website. In addition, in-depth editorial features allow visitors to dive deeper into the unique story behind each maker ’s establishment. What’s more, each maker feature includes an interactive map highlighting other travel experiences, amenities and attractions near the maker ’s location, allowing visitors to build an amazing customized travel itinerary unique to them. “From our world-class museums and iconic attractions, to our beautiful state parks and historic sites, Illinois has something for everyone,” Department of Commerce Acting Director Sean McCarthy said. “Illinois Made highlights the people and experiences that make Illinois one of kind, and will attract new visitors to explore our state, supporting local businesses and generating important tourism spending for our communities.” “Illinois is home to a thriving culture of artisans and craftspeople, making unique products that are in high demand among people looking for authentic, out of the ordinary experiences,” said Cory M. Jobe, Director of the Office of Tourism. “By profiling the stories of these makers and how the state of Illinois shapes their work through Illinois Made, we hope to inspire both new and repeat travelers to discover the gems they didn’t know about on a trip to Illinois.” Illinois Made is an ongoing program that will highlight the depth and diversity of Illinois’ makers, creators, and artisans. The program will introduce new featured

craftspeople every few weeks throughout the summer months. The first set of makers featured includes: • Epiphany Farms – Bloomington, Illinois The story of Epiphany Farms traces Owner and Chef Ken Myszka’s journey of trading in the fast-paced life working in Las Vegas’ premier restaurants for the quiet comfort of Myszka’s roots in Central Illinois. Myszka’s farms, along with other local farmers, are the exclusive sources for all of the meals served at Epiphany Farms restaurant, taking the “think global, eat local” concept to a whole new level. In addition to a farm-fresh meal on location, visitors can also take farm tours, or make a weekend excursion out of the farm’s legendary annual Harvest Feast. • Heritage Bicycles and Coffee – Chicago, Illinois At his shop in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood, fifth-generation Chicagoan Mike Salvatore combined two of his favorite things in life – bicycles and coffee. But this is more than just any old bike shop. Mike’s fullycustomized, American steel, hand-welded Heritage bikes quickly became the talk of the town–and the toast of Lakeview. With the neighborhood in mind, Mike and his wife,

Melissa, focused on another of Mike’s favorite things: coffee. Today, Mike’s bicycles are in high demand across the country, and with everything from movie nights to art shows, Heritage Bicycles and Coffee has grown into just as much of a destination as the Chicago neighborhood it calls home. • Funks Grove Maple “Sirup” – Shirley, Illinois The Funks have been tapping the family’s maple trees to produce bottles of their legendary maple “sirup” since 1824. Family traditions don’t come any deeper than this, and this heritage can be tasted in the end product. Generally, it takes between 35-50 gallons of pure sap to produce one gallon of their famous maple sirup. You can taste the time it took to harvest every sweet drop. But it’s not just sirup, a visit to Funk’s Grove general store just off the historic Route 66 provides sweet candies, gift boxes, special treats and more. • Marcoot Jersey Creamery – Greenville, Illinois In the idyllic town of Greenville, you’ll find the 7th-generation, family-owned Marcoot Jersey farm specializing in the handcrafted production of artisan cheeses. Their grassfed, 65-cow Jersey herd – well-known for producing a rich, hormone-free, high-quality milk – provide the secret behind their awardwinning products: a collection of more than 16 cheese varieties, all carefully aged in underground caves replicating the Swiss tradition of aging cheeses in man-made cheese caves. From the country store to farm tours, the Marcoot family’s heritage shines through in every aspect of this Illinois-proud business. The Marcoot general store is also the perfect stop to pick up award-winning cheeses, pasture-raised beef and pork, sweet treats and a variety of local preserves. • Scratch Brewing Company – Ava, Illinois Near the breathtaking scenery of the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois is a beer-lover’s paradise in the form of a farmhouse that doubles as the Scratch Brewing Company. Here, adventurous brewers create amazing regional beers by foraging for local wild ingredients like black trumpet mushrooms and sassafras, rather than leaning on the traditional hops and grains.

All About Beer magazine also voted the Scratch setting as one of the most beautiful places to drink beer, and there’s plenty of amazing outdoor activities throughout the Shawnee Forest area for visitors to explore after enjoying a truly unique beer. • Navarro Canoe Company – Rock Island, Illinois In search of a new adventure, Bruce and Sue Patterson re-launched Navarro Canoe Company, long revered by paddle enthusiasts around the world. Bruce expertly crafts each canoe by hand in their Rock Island design shop, just steps from the Mississippi River. Graced with wooden ribs and varnished interiors, every Navarro canoe is like a floating original work of art. • Toraason Glass – Peoria, Illinois Hiram Toraason entered Southern Illinois University a business major, but an arts elective course revealed his true calling. So after graduation, Hiram set his sights on becoming a glass artist. Today, Hiram is part of Peoria’s thriving arts scene. Most days you’ll find Hiram shaping molten glass into modern works of art in his studio, located in the Old Town North neighborhood. Hiram’s work is on display throughout Peoria and Central Illinois, including at galleries, museums and Peoria’s very own Caterpillar Headquarters. • Longshadow Gardens – Pomona, Illinois In the quiet setting of rural Pomona, 123 acres of majestically landscaped grounds are set against the rolling hills of Southern Illinois. At Longshadow Gardens, Charlotte and Daniel Ward create works of art that have helped beautify gardens around the world. Garden planters are handcrafted by artisans – using materials that include local Bedford limestone – giving each piece a sparkle and effervescent texture all its own. Though they’re all made in Illinois, Longshadow planters can be found all over the world, from the Ritz-Carlton in Dallas and Dubai to Chicago’s Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium. To learn more about Illinois Made and to view the latest video content and featured makers, visit www.EnjoyIllinois.com/ I l l i n o i s m a d e o r w w w. F a c e b o o k . c o m / EnjoyIllinois.

Above, a look inside Heritage Bicycles and Coffee in Chicago. At right, the Navarro Canoe Company in Rock Island. Photos for The Edge.


On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016


LouFest to deliver the music – and the food Edwardsville's Cleveland-Heath to be among participants

For The Edge


ouFest 2016 promises to deliver musically and gastronomically as nearly 30 of the region’s most popular restaurants – and their chefs – put the finishing touches on the festival menu. They will prepare popular favorites and create a few proprietary, LouFest-only creations for the crowds attending the events on Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11, 2016, in Forest Park.

The Nosh Pit is sponsored by Feast Magazine, Missouri’s awardwinning multi-media food and dining resource. "We are thrilled to sponsor the Nosh Pit again this year," Feast publisher Catherine Neville says. "The lineup of restaurants is a great reflection of the St. Louis culinary scene and is a truly stellar addition to the entire weekend. No matter what kind of food you love, you're going to find it at the Nosh Pit, and we will see you there." LouFest’s food offering has grown in popularity in recent years – from 19 vendors in 2015 to nearly 30 this year, with many more having applied for the opportunity. Chef and owner of Sugarfire Smoke House, Mike Johnson, will offer smoked items in the Nosh Pit and a custom menu in the VIP area featuring seafood-, vegetarianand meat-focused food stations. “LouFest organizers make sure the festival is enjoyable and worthwhile for the vendors,” he says. “We have a good time making great food for crowds of people who are thoroughly enjoying themselves.” Edwardsville’s Cleveland-Heath has been a recurring participant in

the Nosh Pit and will again serve chicken-and-biscuits, with kale salad and beignets. “LouFest is a lot of hard work but fun too – getting us out of the restaurant and working with everyone else on restaurant row is a great experience,” says

Jenny Cleveland, chef and owner. Jason Tilford and Frank Rojas from Mission Taco will cater to the artists and crew with their famed south of the border specialties. “Delivering this many phenomenal food options truly

infuses this year’s festival with the flavors of St. Louis, highlighting our promise of underscoring the Lou in LouFest,” says Mike Van Hee, partner with Listen Live Entertainment, the producers of LouFest. LouFest is known for its diverse variety of music acts and genres, spanning rock ‘n’ roll, hip hop, R&B, Americana, blues, soul, alt-country, folk and more. Doors open at 11 a.m. each day. The complete LouFest Nosh Pit menu is attached and online at loufest.com LouFest was founded in 2010 and will be celebrating its seventh year in St. Louis’ Forest Park. With steady growth in attendance each year, the festival continues as one of the city’s largest summer events. Featuring past acts such as Outkast, The Avett Brothers, The Killers, Billy Idol, Wilco, Arctic Monkeys, and Ludacris, the festival attracts a diverse variety of music acts and genres, spanning rock ‘n’ roll, hip hop, soul, funk, alt-country, folk and jam. In addition to the music experience, LouFest highlights top restaurants in its Nosh Pit food court, as well as local retailers and artists in its Market Square and a dedicated LouKidz zone for young music fans. The festival works closely with Forest Park Forever, Gateway

Greening, and Metro, to create a sustainable, green footprint that reduces the carbon emissions of attendees while caring for the beauty of Forest Park. Regular 1-Day Passes are available through loufest.com. 1-Day tickets remain $60 and 2-Day tickets remain $95, inclusive of all fees. VIP tickets are $350 to the LouFest VIP lounge with complimentary beer, wine, and specialty libations all day, catered food servings, air conditioned restrooms and more! Listen Live Entertainment (LLE) is a St. Louis-based production company that was created in 2009 to produce LouFest, a multiday music festival held in Forest Park. Now in its seventh year, the festival has welcomed over 150,000 music fans to Forest Park’s Central Fields, and has received multiple awards and honors, including being voted as St. Louis’ “Best Music Festival” six years in a row. Listen Live is owned and operated by a team of music and event industry professionals from St. Louis. The LLE team remains committed to its mission to build LouFest into a nationally recognized destination music festival featuring the best of St. Louis music, food, arts and culture all set in the heart of the city, Forest Park.

Pictured are scenes from the Nosh Pit at previous LouFests. Photos courtesy of LouFest.

August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner Science Center screening "A Beautiful Planet"

From IMAX Entertainment, "A Beautiful Planet", the latest space documentary from director Toni Myers and made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), opened at the Saint Louis Science Center’s OMNIMAX Theater on May 13. The film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet — and the effects humanity has had on it over time — captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and is narrated by Academy Award-winner Jennifer Lawrence. Tickets are on sale at slsc.org. “We are very excited to be launching 'A Beautiful Planet' in the OMNIMAX Theater. This film gives our audiences a breathtaking view of our home planet as can only be experienced on our giant dome screen,� said Jackie Mollet, Managing Director Visitor Services at the Saint Louis Science Center. “The images will leave a lasting impression on visitors, helping us understand the impact we make on a global scale. The fact that all of the images of earth

are captured by astronauts on the International Space Station, allows us a peek into their world and their perspective. The musical soundtrack and Jennifer Lawrence’s narration add to the experience of making this the next, classic IMAX film.� "A Beautiful Planet"reunites much of the filmmaking team from Hubble 3D and Space Station 3D, led by producer and director Toni Myers, who also wrote and edited the film. Director of photography James Neihouse, ASC, served as the astronaut training manager. Graeme Ferguson, IMAX co-founder and pioneer producer of many IMAX space films, is the executive producer, and Judy Carroll is the film’s co-producer. Marsha Ivins also served as space operations consultant on the film. The music is composed by Micky Erbe and Maribeth Solomon. Sound design is by Peter Thillaye. The IMAX release of A Beautiful Planet will be digitally re-mastered into the image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience with proprietary IMAX DMR (Digital Re-mastering) technology. The crystal-clear images, coupled with IMAX’s customized theatre geometry and powerful digital audio, create a unique environment that will make audiences feel as if

they are in the movie. You can learn more about "A Beautiful Planet" by visiting its official site at www.imax.com/ ABP. For information on show times and tickets, visit slsc.org, call 314.289.4424 or come to the Saint Louis Science Center at 5050 Oakland Avenue.

The Fox to host the Octonauts

Explore. Rescue. Protect! "Octonauts" announced a brand new, action-packed and interactive theatre show for the very first time in the U.S. The Octonauts and the Deep Sea Volcano Adventure (www.octonautsliveus. com) features brand new and fan favorite songs led by the entire Octonauts eightmember crew including Captain Barnacles, Lieutenant Kwazii and Medic Peso, as they invite audiences aboard an underwater quest through a world full of adventure, interactivity, and tons of sea life surprises. The tour will head coast-to-coast visiting more than 60 cities including St. Louis on Friday, October 14 at 6


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p.m. at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Tickets are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. The Octonauts and the Deep Sea Volcano Adventure is a high-tech production featuring costume characters and animated projections to a massive screen on stage. "We are thrilled for kids and families to see Octonauts come to life on stage," said Amy Koudelka, SVP of Product Development and Brands, Silvergate Media. “The Octonauts and the Deep Sea Volcano Adventure is an opportunity for Octo-Cadets to be a real part of the action.� The tour comes on the heels of new Octonauts episodes premiering throughout the year on Disney Channel and Disney Junior. Seasons one, two and three are also available on Netflix, and the first ever Octonauts 4D movie adventure is coming later this year. “We are calling on all cadets and their families across the country to assist our very dynamic team of adventure heroes on their fast-paced, exciting underwater adventure,� says Jonathan Shank, executive producer at Red Light Management. “This stage show is packed with sing-a-longs."

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On the Edge of the Weekend

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August 18, 2016

August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner Museum celebrates Route 66 in St. Louis

O n N ov. 11 , 2 0 1 6 , R o u t e 6 6 celebrates its 90th anniversary. To mark this milestone, the Missouri History Museum developed Route 66: Main Street Through S t . L o u i s , a 6 , 0 0 0 - s q u a re - f o o t exhibition that explores the local history of the world-famous highway. Route 66: Main Street through St. Louis is open from June 25 through July 16, 2017. Route 66 touched eight states and connected more than 100 cities from Chicago to Los Angeles. St. Louis was the largest city in between. As the road meandered through the city, it passed by a number of stops that were unique to St. Louis – from popular restaurants to scandalous motes. Route 66: Main Street through St. Louis tells St. Louis' distinctive story on the Mother Road. Visitors will get their kicks learning about the motels, custard stands and tourist traps that could be found along the road as it passed through St. Louis. Route 66 through St. Louis wound its way from the bridges

through downtown streets and depending on the year, provided travelers with several options for navigating through the city to the county and west. Locals will recognize some of the iconic places they still visit today such as Ted Drewes, Crown Candy Kitchen, Carl's Drive In and The Chase Hotel. They will also rediscover places that are gone with the passage of time such as the Coral Court Motel, the Parkmoor, the Chain of Rocks Amusement Park and the 66 Park-In Theatre. Artifacts include neon signs like the original sign from the La Casa Grande Mo t e l o n Wats o n, and c las s ic cars including a 1963 Corvette Stingray convertible and a 1957 Airstream Travel Trailer. Route 66 opened on Nov. 11, 1926, as the major highway connecting Chicago and Los Angeles. Route 66 bore the hardships of the Great Depression, taking migrants west to find a new life. It carried military transports through World War II. At its height in the 1950s and '60s, tourists traveled its length to see the sights of the Southwest and California. Route

66 bore witness to the rise of the car culture. It helped create a fascination with drive-in theaters and drive-in restaurants, with motels and cabin courts, with tourist shops and tourist traps. By t h e 1 9 70 s , t h e i n t e r s t a t e system offered a more efficient way to get around the country and rendered Route 66 obsolete. The Mother Road was officially decommissioned in 1985, with many of the states removing the s h i e l d s b e f o re t h a t . A l t h o u g h Route 66 is long gone, relics of it still remain across St. Louis. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis serves as a vehicle to transport visitors back to a time when car travel was an adventure and mom-and-pop diners and motels ruled the road. Admission is free. The Missouri History Museum is located in Forest Park. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t

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Family Arena set to host Jerry Lewis

A consummate entertainer and world-renowned humanitarian, Jerry Lewis is not just a cultural icon in the U.S. and France, he’s one of “The Most Recognized Personalities on the Planet,” named so by Newsweek magazine. He is also the only entertainer ever to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. One of the most successful performers in show business history – with worldwide box office receipts in excess of $800 million (when most tickets were sold for 25-50 cents) – Jerry has received global acclaim for his groundbreaking comedy. “An Evening with Jerry Lewis” features Jerry sharing incredible

stories, telling timeless jokes and showing clips from his most iconic films and from special moments throughout his life and career. Ample time is allowed for the audience to ask Jerry questions. This is truly a walk through history with a Hollywood legend. "An Evening with Jerry Lewis" is scheduled Saturday, November 12 at The Family Arena in St. Charles. Ti c k e t s g o o n s a l e F r i d a y, May 20 at 10 a.m. and can be purchased at the Family Arena Ticket Office or online at www. metrotix.com. Prices: $80 (Gold Circle), $70 (Floor), $60 (Lower Level), $50 (Upper Level) To c h a r g e b y p h o n e c a l l MetroTix at 314-534-1111. For help purchasing accessible seating, please call The Family Arena ADA Hotline at 636-8964234.



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On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the AMH Cancer Care Center at 618-433-7979.

People People planner Jammin' at the Zoo scheduled

The Saint Louis Zoo’s Young Zoo Friends invite you to sip cabernets for conservation at their summer 21-and-up event, Jammin’ at the Zoo presented b y M a c y ’ s . O n We d n e s d a y s , July 27 and August 24, from 6 to 10 p.m., enjoy great live music while sampling your way through a variety of different w i n e s f ro m mu l t i p l e w i n e r i e s and a selection of brews from St. Louis microbreweries. Proceeds from the parties benefit the Zoo and its efforts to save endangered species at home and around the world. On July 27, enjoy live music by McLovin and FatPocket. On August 24, My Friend Mike and Dirty Muggs will perform. Plus, look for Juggling Jeff and roaming unicyclists throughout the event on both nights! Admission includes a wine and beer tasting, available between 6 and 8 p.m., while supplies last. Wine by the glass and bo t t l e, be er, s o d a , fro z e n specialty drinks and food will also be available for purchase. No outside alcoholic beverages will be permitted at the event. A l s o f ro m 6 t o 8 p . m . , g e t up-close-and-personal with stingrays and sharks at Stingrays at Caribbean Cove presented by Mercy Kids, and take a spin on the Mary Ann Lee Conservation Carousel. Admission is $10 for Zoo members and $20 for nonmembers. Buy your Jammin’ t i c k e t s a t t h e d o o r, o n l i n e a t stlzoo.org/jammin, or by calling 314/646-4771. Special private party areas are

available in advance for groups of 25 or more by calling 314/6464642 or emailing elder@stlzoo. org. General public should park on the south parking lot on Wells Drive near Highway 40/64 a n d e n t e r t h ro u g h t h e s o u t h entrance. Zoo members should park on the Zoo’s north parking lot and enter through The Living World building. Parking is free on both lots. T h e Yo u n g Z o o F r i e n d s a re a group of professionals in their 20s and 30s who support t h e fu t u re s uc c e s s o f the Z o o through volunteer, fundraising, educational and social opportunities. Jammin’ at the Zoo co-chairs are Shannon Bishop and Justin Rand. Jammin’ at the Zoo is sponsored by Macy’s, Mid America Chevy Dealers, Z107.7 and 93.7 The Bull.

work, and play after graduation. Show U St. Louis is part of the St. Louis Regional Chamber ’s focus on attracting and retaining college-educated young p e o p l e w h o a re t h e re g i o n ’ s next generation of talented workers. “Show U St. Louis will be a big welcome party with a purpose,” says Greg Laposa, Vice President Education Strategies at the Regional Chamber. “We kept hearing from students at Washington University, St. Louis University, Webster, and

Show U St. Louis College Festival planned

The St. Louis Regional Chamber will host its first annual Show U St. Louis College Festival for the re g i o n ’ s c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s o n Saturday, August 27 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Poelker and Kaufman Parks east of Soldiers’ Memorial in downtown St. Louis. This free event will be an opportunity for St. Louis area college students, particularly those new to St. Louis, to learn more about the many activities, cultural institutions, restaurants, neighborhoods, and nonprofits that make the region a great place not only to go to school but also to live,

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live local performances by hip hop artist Mvstermind, blues band Roland Johnson & Soul Endeavor, electronic dance music artist ICE and DJ Sinamin. “Show U St. Louis will let college students have a great time and meet other students from around the region before they get deep into their studies,” says Laposa. The Chamber is still accepting applications from regional attr actions and organization s interested in participating in the festival. Visit www.showustl.com

other schools that once they got off campus and got to know St. Louis a little better, they loved it. We want to make sure they get that chance to know our region. The festival is a snapshot of what is available in terms of career opportunities, places to live, and ways to have fun and give back to the community.” The festival will be open to all students with a college ID from one of the region’s 47 twoand four-year colleges and universities. It will also feature



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August 18, 2016


On the Edge of the Weekend



QuickGlance Movie Reviews

"Star Trek Beyond"

In the previous "Star Trek" installment, Spock cried. In the latest, "Star Trek Beyond," he laughs. And not just a little snicker, either, but a belly-full one. What bold explorations into the farthest reaches of the galaxy hold for Spock no one knows. A sigh? A hiccup? "Star Trek Beyond," like most of the rebooted properties flying around our movie theaters, delights in nostalgically resurrecting iconic characters and tweaking them anew. The balance is a delicate one, as seen in the pre-release debate around this film revealing Sulu (John Cho but formerly played by LGBT icon George Takei) as gay. The scene in question turns out to be a mere moment, lightly handled, showing Sulu greeting his same-sex partner and their daughter after a long mission. It's all expressed with just a few arms tenderly draped across shoulders. And it's the kind of welcome touch that director Justin Lin, the "Fast & Furious" veteran who takes over for J.J. Abrams, has brought to this pleasingly episode-like installment. The film finds a bored Enterprise finishing up a fiveyear tour in deep space. The (albeit brief) change of pace is immediately appreciated. The last two beefed-up "Star Trek" movies, as if overcompensating for decades of Trekkie nerd-dome, threatened to make the once brainy "Star Trek" less distinct from other mega-sized sci-fi adventures — just another clothesline of CGI set pieces strung together. Like its recent predecessors, "Star Trek Beyond" is mostly an assortment of effects-heavy scenes with bits of talking in between. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sequences of sci-fi action and violence." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 122 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.

"Absolutely Fabulous"

Pour some Champagne, light a smoke and put on something gorgeous, dahling, because the women of "Absolutely Fabulous" are back. It's been 24 years since Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley made their debut as hard-partying best friends Edina Monsoon and Patsy Stone on the BBC sitcom, and they bring the same outrageous boozy charm to their big-screen adventure, "Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie." They've also brought along some familiar faces, including Eddy's put-upon daughter, Saffron (Julia Sawalha), and long-suffering assistant, Bubble (Jane Horrocks), as well as a slew of celebrities, models and designers in delightful cameos. Jon Hamm, Rebel Wilson and Chris Colfer play small roles. Fans of the series will be relieved to see that Eddy (Saunders, who created the show and wrote the film's screenplay) and Patsy (Lumley) haven't matured a bit during their time away from the screen. But no prior knowledge of the characters is needed to appreciate such overblown selfishness and superficiality in a post-Kardashian world. An opening scene shows Patsy injecting her own face and lips with a syringe as part of her regular get-ready routine. "You need to be using fetus blood and a little spritz of afterbirth," she advises her friend. Patsy is a successful magazine editor, while Eddy's career in fashion public relations has stalled. She dreams of representing supermodel Kate Moss — who happens to be a guest at Patsy's London fashion show — but their meeting is disastrous: Eddy accidentally pushes the supermodel into the Thames and becomes a pariah blamed for her death, which is depicted as an international tragedy. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language including sexual references, and some drug use." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 90 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.


On the Edge of the Weekend

"Jason Bourne"

Jason Bourne, as played by Matt Damon across four movies, is forever disappearing off the grid only to reluctantly resurface years later and again menace the CIA. He's the spy who came in from the cold only to return to the cold, come in again, and, yet again, head back to the cold. In the chilly and bleak "Jason Bourne," the amnesia-ed assassin has been resurrected again, along with director Paul Greengrass, with whom Damon returns to the franchise after a nine year break. Bourne is still brooding. Greengrass' hand-held camera is still frenetic. And the saga's lethal precision is still sharp. The spy game, already far from a martini-sipping affair in previous installments, is resolutely grim in "Jason Bourne." The superspy, now a hulking mass of bullet-scarred muscle, is spending his days torturing himself in bare-knuckle brawls, haunted by his past. In shattering set-pieces and terse emotionless dialogue, any remaining sunlight has been drained away. The amount of people brazenly killed by Vincent Casell, the "asset" in Bourne's pursuit, may well outnumber the words spoken by Bourne in the entire film. Though first conceived in 1980 by Robert Ludlum, Bourne is perhaps the ultimate post-9/11 hero. Especially in the hands of Greengrass (who also employed his gritty realism in the Sept. 11 drama "Flight 93"), Bourne is a wrecking ball of accountability for America's clandestine past. He's part fantasy (his preternatural control of out-of-control events is reassuring) and part reality (American disillusionment made visceral). In "Jason Bourne," the digital dragnet is tightening around Bourne. The film is self-consciously set in a post-Snowden world; the CIA is hacked by Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles, whose smarts have given all of these films a kick), who's threatening to reveal the covert Treadstone operation. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "intense sequences of violence and action and brief strong language." RUNNING TIME: 123 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.

"Bad Moms"

The comedy "Bad Moms " fancies itself a "Hangover" for the PTA set. And, while a wild send-up of modern parental perfection — that insidious idea that exists only in commercials and glossy magazines — is a worthy and fresh subject for a fun summer comedy, "Bad Moms" is ultimately rather conventional. Set in an upper middle class Chicago suburb, "Bad Moms" centers on Amy (Mila Kunis), a perpetually stressed and overworked 32-year-old with a part time job and two super busy pre-teens. Lest you think Kunis is a little too young to have pre-teens, the first line in the movie has her explaining that she got pregnant at 20. The movie is on the defense before it even gets going. Amy spends her days shuttling her kids (Oona Laurence and Emjay Anthony) from school to soccer practice to Russian lessons. She puts up with grief from her incompetent 20-something boss (Clark Duke), her loser husband Mike (David Walton) and the mean moms of the PTA (Christina Applegate, Jada Pinkett Smith, Annie Mumolo). She does her son's school projects for him and apologizes profusely to her ungrateful family for being late with the beautiful homemade roast chicken she's made for dinner while her husband sits around like a dope. And she does all of this while still maintaining perfect hair, makeup and clothes. Her breaking point comes when she realizes her spouse is not only a lazy dope, but also cheating on her with a woman from the internet. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sexual material, full frontal nudity, language throughout, and drug and alcohol content." RUNNING TIME: ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.

August 18, 2016

"Suicide Squad"

The superhero movie is at a strange crossroads. It generally either takes itself too seriously ("Man of Steel," ''Batman v Superman") or delights in not caring a bit ("Deadpool"). The choice, dear moviegoer, is yours. Do you prefer your costumed heroes to brood or to break bad? Right now, good is out; self-proclaimed "edginess" is in; and a cape might get you turned away from the nightclub. Riding the trend is David Ayer's day-glo superhero circus "Suicide Squad," a gleefully nihilistic, abysmally messy romp that delights in upending the genre's conventions and tries desperately to, like, totally blow your mind with its outre freak show. It's less of a movie than a long trailer that doesn't provoke as much as it thinks it does. It's stitched together by an endless jukebox of everything from "House of the Rising Sun" to K7's "Come Baby Come," a soundtrack gimmick taken straight from "Guardians of the Galaxy" (which more successfully gave the superhero movie new moves). It's employed three times before the opening credits have even finished rolling, an early cue to the filmmaking talent at work. Despite the train wreck of "Batman v Superman" (the last DC Comics challenge to Marvel's dominance), excitement is high for "Suicide Squad" thanks to a marketing campaign that rivals the presidential ones and the promise of some punk in the poppy, PG-13 realm of the superhero movie. But the nastiness of "Suicide Squad" is superficial, merely fetishized gestures of ultra-violence that will impress few beyond 13-year-old boys. (Sorry, that's unkind to 13-year-old boys.) RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sequences of violence and action throughout, disturbing behavior, suggestive content and language." RUNNING TIME: 123 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.

"Little Men"

When a generous patriarch dies, the lives of two families are altered in Ira Sachs' beautifully poignant slice of life drama "Little Men ." In the film, Brian Jardine (Greg Kinnear), a struggling actor, his wife, Kathy (Jennifer Ehle), a psychotherapist and the breadwinner of the family, and their 13-year-old son Jake (Theo Taplitz) uproot their Manhattan lives and move into Brian's late father's home in Brooklyn. On the ground floor of the residence is a tiny store that sells handmade dresses. The owner, a Chilean woman, Leonor Calvelli (Paulina Garcia) also has a young son, Tony (Michael Barbieri), who Jake quickly befriends. Jake is an old soul with an artist's eye and sensitivity. Tony is a charismatic neighborhood kid with a thick Brooklyn accent and acting ambitions. They're both angling to get into the same art school too. Their friendship is pure, immediate and quite charming — these two kids are some true talents. But there's an unspoken tension lingering below the surface in Leonor's interactions with the Jardines. She knows what's coming even if the audience can't quite see it yet. They live side-by-side in relative peace for a time, and then the conversation happens: Brian tells Leonor that she needs to sign a new lease and pay more rent. Leonor had been shielded from the changing tides of the neighborhood under the charity and protection of Brian's father. They were friends, and he liked the "glamour" of having the shop there, she explains. But Brian is not his father and he and his sister are thinking practically about the space. What do they owe this woman, after all? And hasn't she gotten by for longer than she would have under any other circumstance? But even at a discount, Leonor can't afford the new rent. RATEDL PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for "thematic elements, smoking and some language." RUNNING TIME: 85 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Four stars out of four.


Associated Press

This image released by Magnolia Pictures shows Michael Barbieri in a scene from, "Little Men."

"Little Men" a tale of everyday drama By LINDSAY BAHR Associated Press When a generous patriarch dies, the lives of two families are altered in Ira Sachs' beautifully poignant slice of life drama "Little Men ." In the film, Brian Jardine (Greg Kinnear), a struggling actor, his wife, Kathy (Jennifer Ehle), a psychotherapist and the breadwinner of the family, and their 13-year-old son Jake (Theo Taplitz) uproot their Manhattan lives and move into Brian's late father's home in Brooklyn. On the ground floor of the residence is a tiny store that sells handmade dresses. The owner, a Chilean woman, Leonor Calvelli (Paulina Garcia) also has a young son, Tony (Michael Barbieri), who Jake quickly befriends. Jake is an old soul with an artist's eye and

sensitivity. Tony is a charismatic neighborhood kid with a thick Brooklyn accent and acting ambitions. They're both angling to get into the same art school too. Their friendship is pure, immediate and quite charming — these two kids are some true talents. But there's an unspoken tension lingering below the surface in Leonor's interactions with the Jardines. She knows what's coming even if the audience can't quite see it yet. They live sideby-side in relative peace for a time, and then the conversation happens: Brian tells Leonor that she needs to sign a new lease and pay more rent. Leonor had been shielded from the changing tides of the neighborhood under the charity and protection of Brian's father. They were friends, and he liked the "glamour" of having the shop there, she explains. But Brian is not

his father and he and his sister are thinking practically about the space. What do they owe this woman, after all? And hasn't she gotten by for longer than she would have under any other circumstance? But even at a discount, Leonor can't afford the new rent. Leonor lashes out in her reserved, but piercing way, telling Brian that she was more his father's family than he was. She was there the day he died. She was there every day. Brian responds appropriately — that that's a ridiculous thing to say. Both are right, and both are wrong, but the die has been cast and there is no turning back from this. Alone, it's a good story, but it's the very different-on-paper little men at the center, Jake and Tony, who give it that extra weight

of tragedy, as they watch their parents unravel with greed and pride and vow to stop speaking to them until they work it out. It's not about gentrification, Kathy tries to tell Leonor. They aren't the ruthless rich, colonizing a new neighborhood. Brian doesn't make any money and hasn't in a while and they need the rent money from the store, she says. Again, it's partially true and partially not. You get the sense that the Jardines would be OK. The stakes for the Calvellis are so much higher. But you also can't necessarily fault the Jardines for wanting to claim the full value of what is now rightfully theirs. The adult actors are all excellent — Kinnear especially — delivering elegant lines from Sachs and his longtime co-writer Mauricio Zacharias ("Love is Strange," ''Keep the Lights On") with a lived-in realism.

"Suicide Squad" a bit cumbersome By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge The current era of domination by the superhero film began in earnest back in May of 2008 when Robert Downey, Jr.'s Iron Man glove-blasted onto the scene and reawakened a spirit that had been only periodically stoked over the years with the early "Batman" and "Superman" films and the lesser Marvel works of the 2000s. It was really a tipping point to get us to the omnipresence of the genre today. Now, I can give you about $10 billion worth of tickets sales reasons why this is a good idea, but I can also give you two or three really good ones as to why we're burning through them too quickly, even if not everyone is yet completely burning out on

them. My most concise point would be to just look to the rearview mirror and elucidate you on the topic of "Suicide Squad", a DC franchise team of supervillains that left me bored, miffed, and more than a little worried about the survival chances of the box office for the short remainder of the summer. It took Disney and the Avengers half a dozen films to assemble the unique characters into the mega-team that they are. Warner Bros. takes a more drastic approach to their current super group. Espousing the idea that being bad feels very good, "Suicide Squad" puts together a rogues gallery of lesser known characters like Smith's Deadshot, an assassin with a tender fatherly side, and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), a former

psychiatrist who now is an insane killer and in love with the Joker (Jared Leto), the green-haired monsters that rules the criminal world of Gotham City. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), a hard government thug, decides that the best way to defend the world against the incursion of the "metahuman" threat is to pool the collection of incarcerated figures she controls and command them under threat of death - or promise of release - to do her bidding. Using super-soldier Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Waller leads assaults against otherworldly threats from the sidelines. Her puppeteering employs the talents and abilities of mercenaries like Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), Diablo (Jay Hernandez), and Killer Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-

Agbaje) against the witch Enchantress who inhabits the body of Flag's girlfriend, June Moone (model Cara Delevigne). These characters are all fairly interchangeable and benign, though the dark tone and occasional salty humor does pepper an otherwise lame film with moments of enjoyment. For anything resembling true entertainment, I'd have to look to one of three elements that flounder to keep this movie together: Smith's movie star-caliber lead role (which I didn't see coming), Robbie's violent sex appeal (which everyone saw coming), and the flashes of brilliance in Leto's portrayal of the Joker (he is an Oscar winner after all). Given the standing of the character in film history (Jack Nicholson! Heath Ledger!!), I expected more out of the

August 18, 2016

Joker. Jared Leto imbues him with the criminal craziness and manic spirit that feels just right, but there is so little to the appearance that it feels especially wasted in a movie that strings along its viewers for two and a half hours with enough back-story and foreshadowing (Ben Affleck and Ezra Miller cameo as Batman and The Flash) to see exactly what DC is going to be up to for the next decade's worth of their tentpole releases. And it all feels a little cumbersome and a lot forced. "Suicide Squad" runs 123 minutes and is rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action throughout, disturbing behavior, suggestive content and language. I give this film one star out of four.

On the Edge of the Weekend



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On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016

The Edge

Section II

Are you one of the many Millennials (born between 1981 - 1997) who sees your friends and family diving head first into the real estate market and are wondering if now is the time for you to do the same?

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The real estate market has heated up with modest gains through the first 7-months of 2016. Here’s a quick glance: •

Home sales in Madison County have increased 2.8% (2,016 homes sold) compared to the same period last year, while sales in St. Clair County have increased 8.74% (1,815 homes sold). Homes in the St. Louis Region appreciated approximately 7.7% in the 12-month period ending in March 2016. Interest rates have recently increased, hovering around 3.63% for a 30-yr. fixed rate loan and 2.89% for a 15-yr. fixed rate loan according to bankrate.com.

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Pay Off Your Credit Cards A New Car! We are sure you could think of a few great ways to spend that money! Source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, Bankrate

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On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Artistic adventures Artisans sought for Litchfield market

The Litchfield Tourism Office would like to announce that registration is open for the October 9th Litchfield Pickers Market, Art & Crafter vendor booths. Once again as a final hurrah for the 2016 Pickers Market season, this Litchfield Pickers Market will not only incorporate the vintage, antique, and refurbished items the market is known for, but it will be a special month featuring the creative talents of Artisans and Crafters. This market will be a one stop shop for visitors to accomplish all of their pre-holiday shopping in one convenient and fun location. Litchfield Tourism and Prairie Pickers would like to invite you to be an art vendor for the October 9, 2016 Litchfield Pickers Market! The Litchfield Pickers Market takes place every second Sunday of the month from 9 AM to 3 PM in downtown Litchfield beginning on the corner of Union Avenue (Route 16) and State Street. During the market, the streets are filled with around 100 vendors specializing in all items prior to 1980. During the October 9th Market, a special section will be allocated to Artisans and Crafters. All items must be handcrafted by participants, and no buy/sell or retail mass marketed merchandise is allowed. For registration requirements and an application, please log on to www.visitlitchfield.com/events or pick one up at 120 East Ryder Street in Litchfield. For questions call the Litchfield Tourism Office at 866-7335833.

Fox selling 2016-17 tickets

Tickets for "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" and "Once" at the Fabulous Fox Theatre are on sale. online at MetroTix.com, by phone at 314-534-1111 and in person at the Fox Theatre Box office. Ticket prices for "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" start at $20; ticket prices for "Once" start at $25. Both shows are part of the Fabulous Fox’s 2016 – 2017 U.S. Bank Broadway series. "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" is the first production in the six-show season ticket package; "Once" is an offseries special. "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" – September 13–25, 2016 Getting away with murder can be so much fun‌ and there’s no better proof than the knock-‘em-dead hit show that’s earned unanimous raves and won the 2014 Tony AwardÂŽ for Best Musical—"A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder"! As one most gentlemanly NPR critic put it, “I’ve never laughed so hard at a Broadway musical!â€? Gentleman's Guidetells the story of Monty, an heir to a family fortune who sets out to jump the line of succession by - you guessed it - eliminating the eight relatives (all played by one fearless man) who stand in his way. All the while, Monty has to juggle his mistress, his fiancĂŠe and the constant threat of landing behind bars! Of course, it will all be worth it if he can slay his way to his inheritance‌ and be done in time for tea. "Once" – September 30–October 2, 2016 Winner of eight 2012 Tony Awards including Best Musical, "Once" is a truly original Broadway experience. Featuring an impressive ensemble


of actor/musicians who play their own instruments onstage, "Once" tells the enchanting tale of a Dublin street musician who's about to give up on his dream when a beautiful young woman takes a sudden interest in his haunting love songs. As the chemistry between them grows, his music soars to powerful new heights... but their unlikely connection turns out to be deeper and more complex than your everyday romance. Single ticket on sale dates for the remaining shows in the 2016 – 2017 U.S. Bank Broadway Series will be announced at a later date. New six-show subscription packages are still available and include tickets to "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder", "Fun Home," " Finding Neerland," "An American in Paris," "Something Rotten!" and Roundabout Theatre Company’s "Cabaret". For more information about season tickets, please call the Fox Subscription office at 314-535-1700. Groups of 15

or more should call 314-535-2900 for special rates and reservations. The Broadway Series at the Fabulous Fox Theatre is presented by U.S. Bank. 2016 – 2017 U.S. Bank Broadway Series Shows and Specials: (The Six Season Ticket shows are in bold) "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" * September 13–25, 2016 "Once" * September 30–October 2, 2016 "Fun Home" * November 15–27, 2016 "Annie" * December 2–4, 2016 "Finding Neverland * December 6–18, 2016 "An American in Paris * January 17–29, 2017 "Something Rotten" * February 7–19, 2017 Roundabout Theatre Company’s "Cabaret"* March 7–19, 2017 "Motown the Musical" * March 21–26, 2017 "The Illusionists" * March 31– April 2, 2017



Disney’s "The Lion King" * April 19–May 7, 2017 "Dirty Dancing" * May 12–14, 2017 "Rent" * May 19–21, 2017 "Mamma Mia!" * July 28 – 30, 2017

Saint Louis Art Museum showcases folk art

The Saint Louis Art Museum will present Self-Taught Genius: Tre a s u re s f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n Folk Art Museum, an exhibition charting the development of folk art in America while pondering the motivations for artists who were at times considered to work outside of canonical art history. The ticketed exhibition will be on view now through Sept. 11. T h e e x h i b i t i o n e x p l o re s t h e continuum of American folk art and the concept of a “selft a u g h t g e n i u s � t h ro u g h m o re

than 100 works of art from t h e R e v o l u t i o n a r y Wa r t o contemporary times. W h e n S e l f - Ta u g h t G e n i u s premiered at the American Folk Art Museum in 2014, The New York Times called it “enthralling� and “an intellectually provocative effort to rethink the nature of artistic creativity.� O rg a n i z e d b y t h e Ame r i ca n Folk Art Museum, the exhibition and its national tour are made possible by generous funding from the Henry Luce Foundation, as part of its 75th anniversary initiative. “Because folk art has not been a major collecting area for the Saint Louis Art Museum, we sought an exhibition that presents our visitors with works of exceptional quality that tell the story of a uniquely American a r t i s t i c t r a d i t i o n , � s a i d B re n t R. Benjamin, Barbara B. Taylor Director of the Saint Louis Art Museum.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016


The Arts Arts calendar Thursday, Aug. 18

Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 STAGES presents:The Drowsy Chaperone, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, Runs until Aug. 21, 2016 Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016

St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016

Saturday, Aug. 20

Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 STAGES presents:The Drowsy Chaperone, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, Runs until Aug. 21, 2016 Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History

Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016

Sunday, Aug. 21

Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 STAGES presents:The Drowsy Chaperone, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, Runs until Aug. 21, 2016 Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Monday, Aug. 22

Fringe Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, Runs until Aug. 27, 2016 Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016




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Fringe Festival, Grand Center, St. Louis, Runs until Aug. 27, 2016 Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016

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Friday, Aug. 19

Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 STAGES presents:The Drowsy Chaperone, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, Runs until Aug. 21, 2016 Great Rivers Biennial: Lyndon Barrois Jr., Nanette Boileau, and Tate Foley, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016 Her Turn: The Revolutionary Women of Chess, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 4, 2016 A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum,

Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Runs until September 5, 2016 N o m a d S t u d i o : G re e n A i r, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs until September 11, 2016


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August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Artistic adventures The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis (The Rep) has announced its 20162017 season of performances in the Studio Theatre: Mothers and Sons, October 26-November 13, 2016; Constellations, January 18-February 5, 2017; and The Royale, March 8-26, 2017. The Studio Theatre series opens on October 26 in the Emerson Studio Theatre at the Loretto-Hilton Center for the Performing Arts with Mothers and Sons by Terrence McNally. Mothers and Sons is a moving illustration of how societal changes have mpacted gay Americans in the past three decades. The show spotlights the journey of Katharine, a woman who is still coming to terms with the AIDS-related death of her son 20 years prior. She seeks out her son’s former partner, Cal, only to discover that he now has a husband and a six-year-old son. As she and Cal explore memories of someone they both loved, Katharine begins a rocky journey toward reconciliation with the side of her son that she never understood. The Studio Theatre series continues with Constellations by Nick Payne. This daring, twoperson show illuminates the limitless possibilities contained within one relationship. When Roland and Marianne meet at a party, a multiverse of potential outcomes unfolds. Each choice they make unlocks a series of branching story paths — some wonderful, some tragic. Payne’s genre-busting new play explores these alternate universes with wit, wonder and an overflowing sense of life. Hailed by The New Yorker as “a singular astonishment,� Constellations creates a vibrant collision of love and theoretical physics. Closing the series is The Royale, by Marco Ramirez and directed by Stuart Carden. The brutal rhythm of boxing underscores this brilliantly stylized drama. Rising black prizefighter Jay “The Sport� Jackson dominates his opponents, but the harsh social realities of the early 1900s force him to fight twice as hard to earn recognition outside

of the ring. Loosely based on iconic fighter Jack Johnson, The Royale brings us ringside to one man’s quest for victory against all odds. “Our Studio Theatre season has incredible stylistic diversity,� said Steven Woolf, The Rep’s Augustin Family Artistic Director. “Mothers and Sons is a beautiful and understated piece, Constellations is an impressive feat of unconventional storytelling, and The Royale makes full use of lighting and sound to capture the audience’s imagination. It’s a remarkable collection of shows that adds exciting new dimensions to The Rep’s 50th anniversary season.� Season ticket packages for The Rep’s 2016-2017 Studio Theatre series are on sale now. By purchasing season tickets, subscribers can save substantially o v e r t h e c o s t o f p u rc h a s i n g individual show tickets and enjoy exclusive benefits. Studio Theatre subscription packages range from

The Hett announces 2016-17 schedule

The 2016-2017 season at McKendree University’s Hettenhausen Center for the Arts celebrates the arts with a multicultural line up of performers hailing from Ireland to Inner Mongolia, as well as a bestselling



author and family favorites. “’McKendree Presents’ is the premiere arts and culture series in Southern Illinois. Each year we aim to entertain, move and inspire our audience. Our eleventh season is no exception,� said Peter Palermo, director of the Hett. Reserved seats will be available to the public starting on Sept. 6 at noon, however Friends of the Hett can purchase tickets June 27 at noon. For information on becoming a Friend of the Hett, visit theHett.com or call 618-537-6863. All events are open to the public and held at the 488-seat performing arts center on McKendree’s Lebanon, Ill., campus. Ticket prices range from $5 to $26, with discounts for seniors and students. Many programs are free, including the film series and student concerts. Preview the new season online at theHett.com. “McKendree Presents� will feature the following: Sept. 23, 8 p.m.: 10th Anniversary Gala, an unforgettable evening

of all-star entertainment by McKendree alumna soprano Christine Brewer, The Peter Martin Quintet featuring clarinetist Anat Cohen, vocalist Brian Owens, MADCO Dance, and more. Limited seating is available for a pre-show dinner. Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m.: Arts Midwest World Fest: Anda Union unites the tribal and musical traditions, styles and influences of ethnic nomadic cultures from Inner and Outer Mongolia, as the Hett continues its participation in the 10-state World Fest. The band will be in residence Sept. 25-30. Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m.: The Four Freshmen have changed vocalists over 68 years yet their legendary four-part harmony remains the same. Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m.: Beyond Glory is a one-man show by stage and screen actor Stephen Lang (“Avatar�), sharing the emotional, heroic true stories of Medal of Honor recipients.







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$105-$162 for all three shows. Studio Theatre single tickets (starting at $43.50) go on sale October 1. For more information about The Rep’s 2016-2017 season or to purchase subscriptions, visit The Rep Box Office, located inside the Loretto-Hilton Center at 130 Edgar Road (on the campus of Webster University), Webster Groves. Ticket buyers may also charge by phone at 314-968-4925. For additional information on The Rep’s upcoming season, visit www. repstl.org.


Rep announces Studio Theatre series

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On the Edge of the Weekend

Call 466-7574

August 18, 2016


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August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


Religion Will the Amish turn out for Trump?

By KYLE C. KOPKO Elizabethtown College

Supporters of Donald Trump’s campaign have recently employed an unorthodox tactic to secure additional votes in Pennsylvania and Ohio – forming a super PAC to mobilizeAmishvoters. The aptly named Amish PAC has already purchased billboard and newspaper advertisements in in an effort to appeal to Amish voters. But will the Amish vote for Trump in 2016? My research with Donald Kraybill provides some guidance on this question.Do the Amish vote? There are a number of factors working against the Amish s u p p o r t i n g Tr u m p , o r a n y presidential candidate for that matter. First, the Amish typically refrain from political participation – including voting – because of their religious beliefs. The Amish maintain a level of separation from the outside world to ensure spiritual purity. Further complicating outreach to potential Amish voters is the role of the president as commander-in-

chief. The Amish reject violence and war. The fact that the president controls the armed forces reduces the chances that they would participate in a presidential election. That’s not to say that Amish never vote. The degree to which voting is accepted varies by church district and community. There is anecdotal evidence of Amish voting in local elections, particularly when ordinances or zoning issues directly influence their way of life. But, by and large, Amish going to the polls is the exception, not the rule.The Amish vote in 2004 Perhaps the most prominent exception was the 2004 presidential election. At the time, Pennsylvania was considered a battleground state, and in the event of another cliffhanger election like in 2000, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes could have decided the election’s outcome. Republican operatives sought to register new voters who would support George W. Bush’s socially conservative policies. Tu r n i n g o u t a f e w t h o u s a n d new voters from an untapped

demographic group could swing the Keystone State in the event of another close election. O n t h e s u r f a c e , re g i s t e r i n g Amish voters made sense. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where Republicans focused their efforts, is home to one of the world’s largest Amish settlements, and it was also the state’s Republican stronghold. Amish are socially conservative and rejected the practices of abortion, divorce and same-sex marriage. This group should have turned out in droves for Bush, but it didn’t. In a study of Amish voting, my colleague Donald Kraybill and I found that in the months leading up to the 2004 presidential election, voter registration among Amish people in Lancaster County increased by a whopping 169 percent. Of the 10,350 Amish a d u l t s i n L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y, 21 percent registered to vote by Election Day. We attributed this increase to three factors. First, a former Lancaster Republican Committee chairman, who was born Amish but left the

church before he was baptized, took the lead in personally reaching out to Amish voters. He maintained strong connections to the Amish community – his extended family were members of the Amish faith – and he spoke the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect. Second, social issues – particularly same-sex marriage – were a focal point of the 2004 election. That year, voters in 11 states ratified state constitutional amendments outlawing samesex unions. The perceived threat of society embracing a practice that was antithetical to biblical teachings motivated many Amish to register to vote. Finally, Amish connected on a personal level with George W. Bush – a social conservative with a folksy demeanor. As one Amish man put it after meeting with President Bush following a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, “he seemed relaxed and just like an old neighbor.” Another Amish man agreed, “he seemed just like an old time farmer.” That, along with Bush’s sincerely held Christian beliefs, forged a bond


800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648 Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear

8:45 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School 10:45 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.



327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.



131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Pastor: Dr. Penelople H. Barber Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m.

Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -

Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities www.newbethelumc.org e-mail office@newbethelumc.org

407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Evening Youth Services New Life Student Ministry www.troyumc.org

First Unitarian Church of Alton Serving the St Louis Metro East since 1836

Interim minister: Rev. Sunshine Wolfe 110 East 3rd Street, Alton, Illinois (Across from Alton City Hall)

Please see leclairecc.com for more information.

We are a welcoming congregation. Intergenerational Service Sunday 10:15am Nursery is available. Youth program for ages 4-18

Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director

“The Place Where People Come To Be Healed.”

On the Edge of the Weekend

The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith.

110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm Saturday - 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 am Wed., & Thurs. - 6:45 pm

All Are Welcome


EDEN CHURCH 903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 62025 656-4330

John Roberts, Senior Pastor

Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am

Saturday morning - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday evening - 7 p.m.

“O CHILDREN OF MAN! know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other.” ~ Baha’u’llah

For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: Bahai.Edwardsville@sbcglobal.net P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.bahai.us

1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister Evan Shaw - Worship Minister

Pastor Carlos Bryant 618-980-1435





with Amish people in Pennsylvania. But, there was a backlash. Amish bishops were alarmed by this new groundswell of political engagement within their communities just months before the election. In several Amish publications, church leaders urged community members to refrain from voting and instead pray for the country’s leaders. Of the 2,134 registered Amish voters in Lancaster County, 63 percent turned out to vote on Election Day. That’s a respectable level of turnout for any voter demographic, but even assuming that all 1,342 Amish voters supported Bush, that wasn’t nearly enough to swing Pennsylvania. John Kerry won the state by more than 144,000 votes.Will Trump harvest the Amish vote? What can we expect this year? Conditions in 2016 are quite different than 2004. True, there is a former member of the Amish faith working to mobilize Amish voters for Trump. However, it is not clear he has the same political or community connections necessary to mobilize a large number of voters, particularly in multiple states.

618-462-2462 310 South Main, Edwardsville 656-7498


Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 5:30 p.m. Dr. James Brooks, Lead Minister Rev. Jeff Wrigley, Assoc Minister

Let’s Worship...


Call Lisa 656-4700 Ext 46

August 18, 2016

Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM



Travel Fall fun abounds in McHenry County For the Intelligencer Fall family outings in McHenry County, Ill., just northwest of Chicago, are quintessential autumn experiences with festivals and events throughout September, October and into November. Here's a cornucopia of ideas to help you harvest some family fun this season. All events are an easy driving distance from Chicago, Milwaukee and Rockford. Many can be reached via Metra trains from Chicago. For routes and timetables, log on to www.metrarail. com. Be sure to consult websites or phone ahead for additional information, days open, hours and driving directions before heading out. SEPTEMBER Harvard Balloon Fest, Harvard, September 2 - 4: Watch 15 hot air balloons make morning and evening ascensions, live music, food vendors, beer tent, zip lines, tethered balloon rides, nighttime balloon glows,inflatables, rock climbing wall, bungie jump, Knockerball and more. Free shuttle to festival grounds from Harvard Metra depot.www. hotairballoon.com/Harvard-BalloonFest/ 2nd Annual Art Fair at the Dole, Crystal Lake, September 3 & 4: Browse through tents full of original art of all mediums in this juried event on the beautiful lakeside grounds of the Dole Mansion. Meet and purchase directly from the artists. Admission is free. www. lakesideartspark.org Richardson Adventure Farm, Spring Grove, September 3 - October 30, plus Labor Day & Columbus Day: This year the "world's largest corn maze" is a tribute to "Star Trek", the TV series that entered Earth's atmosphere in 1966. More than 30 other activities, too, including a 1950s carousel, zip line, pumpkin patch, orb rides, paintball, tube slide and concessions. www. RichardsonAdventureFarm.com Shades of Autumn, State's Farm and Market, McHenry, September 10 - October 30, plus Columbus Day: Pick out your favorite pumpkin, enjoy a hayride, petting zoo, Stade's famous pumpkin cannon , "Frank," the big purple combine, live music and dozens of other entertainments and farm-cooked food. www. shadesofautumn.net "The Art of War" at McHenry County Historical Society, Union, September 11: This year is the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and U.S. involvement in World War II. Learn about the propaganda posters that encouraged Americans to defend their country, ration food, conserve energy, purchase war bonds, produce for victory, and maintain secrecy. www.mchenrycountyhistory.org "Picasso at the Lapin Agile" at Raue Center for the Arts, Crystal Lake, September 16 - October 23: Written by Emmy- and Grammywinning wizard of wit, Steve Martin, this hilarious play imagines Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso hanging out in a gritty Parisian bistro, musing on the century's achievements and other fanciful topics. www. rauecenter.org 3rd Annual Main Street Fest, Cary, September 17 & 18: Main Street businesses and eateries welcome fall at this outdoor festival with live music, children's area, a fine arts component showcasing local artists with live art creation and interactive displays, family stage with theater and dance programs, plus food, craft beers, wine & more. www. CaryGroveChamber.com 1 4 t h A n n u a l Wo o d s t o c k

For The Edge

Nippersink Creek winds through Glacial Park, just one of several McHenry County Conservation District sites with autumn events. International Film Festival, Woodstock, September 21 - 25: This year's festival at the historic Woodstock Theater features five art and foreign Academy Award caliber films:A War, The Second Mother, Theeb, Mustang and The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. Free refills on all sizes popcorn a n d f o u n t a i n d r i n k s . w w w. classiccinemas.com/events 11th Annual Fall Fest, Huntley, September 23, 24 & 25: Soar above town in tethered hot air balloon rides, carnival rides, car show, beer garden, food vendors, hay rides, craft show, business expo, ice cream eating contest, puppet show, live music, magic show, kids' stage, petting zoo, pony rides, straw maze, pumpkin bowling , scarecrow building, fireworks and more. www. HuntleyFallFest.com Johnny Appleseed Festival, Crystal Lake, September 24: Have bushels and pecks of fun with cidermaking, apple pie-baking and -eating contests, craft fair, music, pony rides, petting zoo, pumpkin bowling, apple bobbing, clowns, square dancing, face painting, temporary tattoos and so much more. . Meet and greet Johnny, too! www.downtowncl.org 31st Annual Norge Autumn Ski Jump Festival, Fox River Grove, September 24 & 25: Watch ski jumpers from around the world compete on Norge's 70-meter hill. Enjoy food, pop, beer, wine and Jägermeister! Where do they get snow in Illinois for skiing in September? They don't! The jumping takes place on a high-tech plastic hill and jumping track. www. norgeskiclub.com OCTOBER 4th Annual Harvest Hustle 5K Run/Walk, Algonquin, October 1: Join the Algonquin Recreation Department in a professionally timed 3.2 mile run and a 1.5 mile walk road course throughout downtown Algonquin. Pre-registrants receive a t-shirt, but same-day registration is

available. www.algonquin.org 3rd Annual Woodstock Ale Fest, Woodstock, October 1: Ale Fest is a celebration of craft beer, bacon and live bluegrass music. So much on some sizzlin' bacon, grab a few brews - there will be more than 80 unique beers from craft breweries around the country - and get your jam on! www.woodstockalefest.com Cody's Farm & Orchard Annual Pumpkin Festival, Marengo, October 1 - 30: Take a free hayride into Cody's giant pumpkin patch to pick out your favorite orange orb. Romp in the newly-designed four-acre corn maze, corn tunnel, corn box, barrel rides and children's tractor track. Lots of food, fresh cider, caramel apples and apple cider donuts to boot. www.codysfarm.com 39th Annual Cider Festival, McHenry County Historical Society, Union, October 2: Live music, Watch old fashioned cider making, a barn-raising demonstration and Civil War re-enactors featuring the 36th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Apple goodies bakery, kettle corn, book, antique clothing and white elephant sale. All museum buildings are open free all day. www. mchenrycountyhistory.org "Joseph and the Amazing Te c h n i c o l o r D r e a m c o a t " a t Wo o d s t o c k O p e r a H o u s e , Woodstock, October 7 - 23: The Old Testament tale of Joseph and his coat of many colors comes to vibrant life in this delightful musical parable which engages a variety of musical styles, from country western, to calypso, to bubble gum pop, to rock 'n' roll. www.woodstockoperahouse. com "Victorian Art of Death" at McHenry County Historical Society, Union, October 12: Draw curtains, cover mirrors, set traps for the "resurrectionists" at your loved ones' graves, put a bell in the coffin, and be led in a shadowy procession through more than 100 points of Victorian funereal culture. Halloween refreshments in the Society's one-

room school afterward. www. mchenrycountyhistory.org German Beer & Wine Fest "Octoberfest," Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus, Woodstock, October 22: Celebrate the anniversary of King Ludwig I and Princess Therese of SaxeHildburghausen. The evening starts with a German beer reception with appetizers and proceeds with a fivecourse authentic Octoberfest dinner paired with German wines. www. luc.edu/cookingclasses Flavors of Fall Taste Fest, McHen r y, O ctober 9: Sample culinary offerings from participating downtown McHenry food and beverage establishments, plus vote for your favorite autumn window decorations. Specials and discounts at other downtown shops, too! www. mchenrydowntown.biz 29th Annual Autumn Drive, Woodstock to Marengo, October 14, 15 & 16: A progressive festival, when McHenry County farms between Woodstock and Marengo open their barnyards and farmhouse doors to the public. Pick up fall produce, apples, pumpkins and baked goods. Many stops include crafts, pottery, jewelry, lawn ornaments and antiques. www.autumndrive.net 2nd Annual Pub in the Park, Lake in the Hills, October 15: Experience a huge selection of up-to -the-minute products and seasonal selections from local and visiting breweries that will have knowledgeable folks on hand to answer your questions. Sip ciders, saisons, IPAs and many more. www.pubinthepark.org O a k t o b e r P l a n t i n g P a r t y, M a re n g o R i d g e C o n s e r v a t i o n Area, Marengo, October 15: Oak ecosystems once covered 2/3 of McHenry County, but are in rapid decline. You can be part of history by helping to restore an ancient oak savanna when volunteers spend an autumn afternoon planting more than 200 trees. Food and beverage vendors will be on hand, and live music, too! www.mccdistrict.org

August 18, 2016

David Sedaris, Raue Center for the Arts, Crystal Lake, October 26: With sardonic wit and incisive social critiques, Sedaris is one of America's pre-eminent humor w r i t e r s . T h e g re a t s k i l l w i t h which he slices through cultural euphemisms and political correctness proves that Sedaris is a master of satire and one of the most observant writers addressing the human condition today. www. rauecenter.org NOVEMBER H ar vest G ather ing of 1858, Glacial Park, Ringwood, November 6: Step back in time to McHenry County Conservation District's 1850s Powers-Walker House at harvest time. Tour the house and try your hand at corn shelling, grinding corn into flour, or making a corn husk doll. See harvest activities like bread baking in the wood-burning cook stove, grinding herbs and more. www.mccdistrict. org "Our Women and Their Quilts" at McHenry County Historical Society, Union, November 11: See and listen to the stories behind rare, vintage quilts dating from the 1880s to the 1940s. Learn about the local ladies who made them and hear their stories. Drawing for the Heritage Quilters' raffle quilt will follow. www.mchenryhistory.org PLAN YOUR McHENRY COUNTY VISIT NOW! McHenry County is less than an hour's drive northwest of Chicago, bordered on the north by Wisconsin, and on the south by I-90. The Fox River winds down from the Chain of Lakes through the towns on the eastern side of the county, while country roads meander the western side. For visitor info about McHenry County, log on to www. visitmchenrycounty.com, e-mail info@visitmchenrycounty.com or phone 815-893- 6280. Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

On the Edge of the Weekend



Alton/Godfrey 463-9797 Bethalto/Wood River 377-8206 Belleville/Fairview Heights 622-9797 Edwardsville/Troy 692-1030

Godfrey Magnificient 4BR Home! $370,000 #44112037 Amy Wooff Flach 531-2916

Moro Beautiful 6BR on 3 Acres! $349,900 #4407398 Kelle Brown 410-4127

Glen Carbon Exquisite Atrium Ranch! $319,900 #4412491 Tim Wooff 781-1030

Godfrey Lovely 4BR On 1.80 Acres! $219,900 #16039100 Shawna Aughenbaugh 772-2850

Collinsville 3BR On 2.7 Acres! $199,900 #16053474 Jeff Gossett 779-5097

Edwardsville Remarkable 3BR!! $189,900 #16041263 Brian Stanley 779-6869

Elsah Well Cared For 4BR!! $165,000 #4411959 Paul Eastwood 520-9786

O’Fallon Well Maintained 3BR! $149,000 #16037531 Mike Lehan 581-4022

Godfrey Freshly Painted 3BR! $144,900 #16036385 Amy Wooff Flach 531-2916

Troy Lovely 3BR w/Large Yard! $139,900 #16021622 Cory Smith 920-6462

Godfrey Cream Puff on 1 Acre! $134,900 #16050249 Amy Wooff Flach 531-2916

Belleville Charming 4BR w/Large Lot! $134,900 #16046040 Tim Wooff 781-1030

Maryville Lovely 3BR on Large Lot! $129,900 #4410211 Brian Stanley 779-6869

Belleville Darling 3BR on 1 Acre! $129,500 #4416436 Rob Schmittling 806-0422

Fairview Heights 3BRon 1.2 Acres! $119,900 #16053462 Brian Stanley 779-6869

East Alton Lovely 4BR w/Pool! $119,900 #16049851 Tim Wooff 781-1030

Edwardsville Nice 2BR on Large Lot! $113,000 #16046328 Paul Eastwood 520-9786

Highland Adorable 2BR w/HW Floors! $102,000 #16051435 Cory Smith 920-6462

Marine Large 3BR w/Large Yard! $99,900 #4501170 Brian Stanley 779-6869

Bunker HIll Nice 3BR w/Large Lot! $92,500 #16027425 Janet Francis 741-8277

Real Estate Classes Held at Wooff Realtors

3200 James Terrace, Alton, IL 62002 Contact: Amy Wooff, 618-463-9797 Bethalto Nice 2BR Brick Home! $87,500 #16042192 Janet Francis 741-8277

Alton Well Kept 3BR Home! $85,000 #4404100 Jim Doerr 641-1007

East Alton Remodeled 4BR Home! $84,900 #16023400 Tim Wooff 781-1030

Next Broker Class

Mon. & Wed. from 6 to 9:30 p.m. 09/12/16 to 10/19/16 IDFPR APPROVED PRE-LICENSE SCHOOL

The Right Sign Makes The Difference! 20

On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016

Section III





The Edge

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August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend



For The Edge

The Star Trek corn maze at Richardson Adventure Farm in Spring Grove, Ill.

Corn maze opens in Spring Grove For The Edge When the corn was "as high as an elephant's eye" at Richardson Adventure Farm, George and Wendy Richardson took the farm's small plane up and snapped a birds-eye view of their corn maze, a tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the "Star Trek" TV/movie series. The farm is at 909 English Prairie Rd. near the small town of Spring Grove in McHenry County, just a 60-minute drive northwest of Chicago. This is Richardson Farm's 16th maze, and it's better than ever. Over the years, maze themes have honored milestones for the Chicago Blackhawks, Star-Spangled Banner, Beatles, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Military Veterans and even "The Race to the White House" back in 2008. The lush green 28-acre cornfield is sculpted with 11 ½ miles of trails depicting the "Star Trek 50" logo, portraits of Kirk and Spock, the Starship Enterprise and an array of planets, asteroids, comets and stars. (Imagine 21 football fields arranged in one big rectangle; that's the size of the maze.) But don't be intimidated by the size of the maze! It has many entry and exit points and no dead-ends. You can explore a small portion of the trails that comprise the design, or the whole thing. Maps are

provided, marked with corresponding "checkpoints" and three wooden "bridges"

serve as viewing platforms within the maze. "No one's ever gotten lost," said George

Richardson, with a grin. "At least not for long! And no one's ever called 911." What's new this year? "Sixteen acres of pumpkins," said Robert Richardson. "That's the most ever, all sizes and colors: from two pounds to 150 pounds, orange, white, blue, smooth and warty. And we brought some beehives in, so there'll be lots of pollination." Richardson Farm has been in the family since 1840, and they planted their first corn maze in 2001. Over the years, it has become an annual destination for family fun, with a huge maze that's different every year, plus more than 30 activities, including wagon rides, pig races, a carousel and a "park train" that runs on real tracks. Most of the activities are included in the admission fee. Only a few, such as the zip line and orb rides, cost extra. Private picnic sites and campfires are available by reservation, and there's plenty of free parking. All the favorite foods are back, including fresh donuts, kettle corn and fudge. Richardson Adventure Farm is open Sept. 3 - Oct. 30, Wednesdays through Sundays, plus Labor Day and Columbus Day. Admission is $16 for ages 13 and up, $13 for ages 4-12 and free for ages 3 and under. For more info, log on to www. RichardsonAdventureFarm.com and check out Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

What's happening at Laumeier Sculpture Park Laumeier Sculpture Park, located 12580 Rott Road in St. Louis, has announced its upcomingschedule. For more information call (314) 615-5278. August 18 Free Stroller Tour: Let’s Roll: The Importance of Movement Laumeier Sculpture Park offers free Stroller Tours on the third Thursday of each month, May– October. Laumeier tours are interactive and designed to engage participants in exploring the relationship between art and nature. Themed tours provide specific perspective on Laumeier’s Permanent Collection to enhance the visitor experience. Tours are led by trained Laumeier Docents and last approximately one hour. Participants are advised to dress appropriately for the season and wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven pathways. Tour meets Thursday, August 18, at 10:00 a.m. in the Public


Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. August 25 P a re n t & C h i l d Wo r k s h o p : ArtSparks ArtSparks is a new program f o r c h i l d re n a n d a d u l t s t h a t i s s t ru c t u re d t o p ro m o t e t h e development of cognition, language, motor and social/ emotional skills in young children through art projects and play. Laumeier Sculpture Park’s multig e n e r a t i o n a l P a re n t & C h i l d Workshops are a wonderful way for family members to spend quality and creative time together. Children— along with a parent, grandparent or caregiver—explore new artistic media, develop a m e a n i n g f u l b o n d a n d c re a t e

On the Edge of the Weekend

memories to last a lifetime. One registration includes one adult with one child. Thursday, August 25, from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. at the Kranzberg Education Lab at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. $10, adult with child ages Pre-K. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www. laumeier.org for more information. September 2 Parks Food Truck Fest Eat to your heart’s content as St. Louis County Parks welcomes members of the St. Louis Food Truck Association to Laumeier Sculpture Park on the first Friday of September. Join family and friends to picnic on a wide variety of delicious fare from local culinary entrepreneurs while enjoying live music by the Soulard Blues Band. Friday, September 2, from 5:00–8:00 p.m. at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Admission is free;

August 18, 2016

no coolers allowed. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. Presented by St. Louis County Parks in partnership with the St. Louis Food Truck Association. September 4 Free Walking Tour: The Third Decade Laumeier Sculpture Park offers free Walking Tours on the first Sunday of each month, May–October. Laumeier tours are interactive and designed to engage participants in exploring the relationship between art and nature. Themed tours provide specific perspective on Laumeier’s Permanent Collection to enhance the visitor experience. Tours are led by trained Laumeier Docents and last approximately one hour. Participants are advised to dress appropriately for the season and wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven pathways. Tour meets Sunday, September 4, at 2:00 p.m. in the Public

Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. September 15 Free Stroller Tour: What’s Out Front? Space! Laumeier Sculpture Park offers free Stroller Tours on the third Thursday of each month, May–October. Laumeier tours are interactive and designed to engage participants in exploring the relationship between art and nature. Themed tours provide specific perspective on Laumeier’s Permanent Collection to enhance the visitor experience. Tour meets Thursday, September 15, at 10:00 a.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free.

Music Tuning in Shreya Ghoshal to appear at The Fox

As part of her North American concert tour, Shreya Ghoshal, famed Bollywood singer, will be performing at the historic Fox Theatre in St. Louis for one night only on Saturday, September 10. This 2016 series of concerts in North America will feature an extended team of musicians and other singers. Shreya’s concert series has been known to sell out venues all around the globe. Tickets are $260, $160, $110, $80, $60, $50 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office Shreya Ghoshal also known as the Nightingale of India (born March 12, 1984) is regarded as the most successful singer in the Indian film industry today. She has won more than 100 film awards as the top female singer of Bollywood including 13 Filmfare Awards, four National Film Awards, seven IIFA awards, and numerous others. Being the most sought after voice in India, she has made her mark in Bollywood and has generated top hits in several languages of South Asia including Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and others. Shreya has been recognized as an ambassador of Indian music and culture throughout the world. The State of Ohio proclaimed June 26 as "Shreya Ghoshal Day" honoring her contribution to world music and the role she plays in bringing people together.

One of Broadway’s brightest stars, Peters received both the Tony Award and Drama Desk Award for her critically acclaimed performance in Andrew Lloyd Webber ’s hit musical Song and Dance. In June 1999, Peters earned her second Tony Award, her third Drama Desk Award, and an Outer Critics Circle Award for her portrayal of Annie Oakley in one of Broadway’s most popular musicals, the Tony Awardwinning Broadway revival of Annie Get Your Gun. Peters currently stars in Amazon Prime’s hit TV series, Mozart in the Jungle, which won the 2016 Golden Globe for Best TV Comedy or Musical series. General tickets for the gala start at $500, which includes a blacktie dinner and a performance by Peters. Patron-level tickets — which feature preferred seating for the performance — are $1,500 per couple. A sponsor-level table for 10 is $10,000. Tickets will be available June 1. The gala commemorates the 50th anniversary of The Repertory T h e a t re o f S t . L o u i s , w h i c h launched its first performances in 1966. The Rep’s 50th season begins in September with the Stephen Sondheim musical Follies, whose

2011 revival featured an acclaimed performance by Peters. “Bernadette Peters is a legendary star befitting a golden anniversary event,” Rep Artistic Director Steven Woolf said. “We are honored to have her perform at our gala and cannot wait to watch as she shares her talent with our generous supporters.” The Rep’s 50th Anniversary Gala co-chairs are Cathy and Jim Berges, Cheri and Ron Fromm, Ann and Hugh Scott and Lynn and Doug Yaeger.

The Fox to host Celtic Thunder

Storming onto the main stage are international megastars Celtic Thunder, with Legacy, a brand new show that celebrates the influence of Irish and Celtic music around the world. Celtic Thunder will appear at the Fox in St. Louis on Oct. 8. Tickets are $45 to $75 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Legacy is a live show featuring a mix of lively, fast paced and upbeat songs “A Place in The

Bernadette Peters to perform at The Rep’s 50th Anniversary Gala

Choir” “Galway Girl” and “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” that represent the fun loving nature of the Irish and slower classic ballads “Danny Boy” “Noreen” and “Buachaille On Eirne” that portray a more nostalgic and romantic side. Continuing their tradition of paying homage to the musical culture and traditions of Ireland, Celtic Th under ’ s latest show is a depiction both their musical footprint over the past 8 years as

well as their amazing heritage of Irish and Celtic music. Both the ensemble and solo performances in this thrilling evening of entertainment highlight the diversity of Irish music and song. Powerful anthems Ireland’s Call and Caledonia, heartwarming ballads Song For The Mira and Take Me Home and lively crowd favorites such as Seven Drunken Nights all serve to showcase the musical talent of each soloist.

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Multiple Tony Award-winning Broadway icon Bernadette Peters will perform at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis’s 50th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, September 24, at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel. The World Wide Technology Foundation and the Steward Family Foundation will underwrite the performance.



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August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


Music Tuning in SLSO to pay tribute to Prince

The St. Louis Symphony and guest conductor Brent Havens will perform a world premiere tribute concert celebrating the life of the late music icon Prince, on Sunday, October 9 at 7:00pm. The first orchestra to present Tr i b u t e t o P r i n c e , t h e S T L Symphony will take audiences through a symphonic celebration and retrospective of some of the superstar ’s biggest hits such as “Purple Rain,” “When Doves Cry,” U Got the Look,” “Raspberry Beret,” “I Would Die 4 U” and more. On April 21, 2016, Prince died at the age of 57. He was celebrated for his groundbreaking body of work, numerous musical innovations, and gifted vocal and guitar performances. Over the course of nearly four decades, Prince sold more than 100 million records worldwide and won seven Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and an Academy Award. Tickets will be on sale at 10 AM today (prices range from $35$85) and may be purchased at stlsymphony.org or by calling 314534-1700. More STL Symphony ‘Live at Powell Hall’ Concerts Harry Potter and the Sorcerer ’s Stone™—In Concert Friday, September 9, 2016, 7:00pm Saturday, September 10, 2016, 11:00am & 7:00pm Sunday, September 11, 2016, 2:00pm A Gospel Christmas with Richard Smallwood Thursday, December 8, 7:30pm Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Symphony Friday, December 9, 7:00pm Saturday, December 10, 7:00pm Sunday, December 11, 2:00pm Mercy Holiday Celebration Friday, December 16, 2:00pm & 7:30pm Saturday, December 17, 2:00pm & 7:30pm Sunday, December 18, 2:00pm Disney in Concert: Tale as Old as Time Thursday, December 29, 7:00pm Friday, December 30, 7:00pm BMO Private Bank New Year ’s

Eve Celebration Saturday, December 31, 7:30pm Lift Every Voice: Black History Month Celebration Friday, February 17, 7:30pm Ben Folds Saturday, February 18, 7:30pm Sunday, February 19, 7:30pm Raiders of the Lost Ark Friday, March 17, 7:00pm Saturday, March 18, 7:00pm Sunday, March 19, 2:00pm

Vatterott College presents: A Night With Nelly

Va t t e ro t t C o l l e g e i s e x c i t e d to announce that three-time Grammy winner and platinums e l l i n g re c o rd i n g a r t i s t N e l l y will be the 2016 Vatterott College Scholarship Fund concert headlining performer. The concert will take place August 27, 2016 at The Pageant in St. Louis, one of the best concert venues in the country. Current students and alumni of Vatterott’s ex’treme Institute by Nelly will open the s h o w. S i n c e i t s i n c e p t i o n i n 2009 and through the generosity of the St. Louis community, the

Vatterott Scholarship Fund has issued more than 400 scholarships to eligible local students in need. Va t t e ro t t i s h e a d q u a r t e re d i n St. Louis and has campuses in 11 other markets. In St. Louis alone, Vatterott offers educational opportunities to more than 2,500 students and employees 350 instructors and management. A St. Louis native, Nelly has become a global hip hop superstar and one of the top selling rap artists in the United States. He’s had numerous charttopping hits including “Hot in Herre”, “Dilemma” (featuring Kelly Rowland) and “Country Grammar” and has seven full-length albums under his belt. In addition to his musical accomplishments Nelly has become a successful business mogul and philanthropist. As part of his endeavor to make a difference in the community, Vatterott and Nelly founded the ex’treme Institute by Nelly, a stateof-the-art music production school led by music industry veterans located in downtown St. Louis. Additional photos of Nelly are available via Flickr. “We are ecstatic to have Nelly perform at this year ’s concert,”


says Rene Crosswhite, CEO and President of Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc. “Nelly is a dear friend to Vatterott and collaborator with our music school. Having him come out and help us raise money for this great cause, our Vatterott Scholarship Fund, shows his continued commitment to his hometown of St. Louis” The concert will take place at The Pageant, located at 6161 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis, and where no matter where you sit or stand, you are always within 70 feet of the stage. The doors open at 6:30pm on Saturday August 27th, and the performance begins at 7:30pm. General admission is $35 with an age restriction of 21 and


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up, tickets may be purchased via The Pageant website. To learn more about Vatterott College, its programs and its scholarship fund you can check out www.vatterott.edu. Va t t e ro t t C o l l e g e h a s b e e n dedicated to providing quality career training to students seeking the skills to advance in their field since 1969. Vatterott, with its headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, has campuses across the Midwest. Diploma, associate and bachelor degrees are offered in trade industries and computer techn ology, with 20 locations across eight states and online programming. To learn more, please visit www.vatterott.edu.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016

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Music calendar

Blues at the Arch Concert Series, Luther Ely Smith Square, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 5 Seconds of Summer: Sounds Live Feels Live Tour, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. F a m i l y, T h e G o rg e , Q u a e re Verum, Ashes and Iron, A Dark Orbit, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. The Stone Sugar Shakedown, Cicero's, University City, Doors 8:30 p.m. Joshua Stanley, w/Shotgun Creek, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 20

Colin Jost, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. O p e n > S u n d a y, w / ( T B A ) , Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Banks & Cathedrals, Great Plains, Earth To Sender, w/(special guest), Cicero's, University City, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 27

Chaka Khan & El Debarge, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Ava, Wait, Last Night's Vice, New Lingo, City of Parks, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Nelly, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. Memories of Elvis, Steve Davis & The Mid-South Revival, w/ Double Trouble, Rivertown Sound, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Heatwave Music Fest IV, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 3:00 p.m. Weather Forever: The Music of Weather Report & Return to Forever, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 9:30 p.m.

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Sunday, Aug. 21

School of Rock, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 3:00 p.m. Sunday's with Stout, Cicero's, University City, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23 Kurt Vile and The Violators, w/ The Sadies, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

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Thursday, Aug. 25


A n o t h e r L o s t Ye a r, D e a t h Division, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m.






Friday, Aug. 26

Blues at the Arch Concert Series, Luther Ely Smith Square, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Luke Bryan, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Friday, Aug. 19


The Budlight Party Convention, w/Dashboard Confessional, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Kap Kallous & Sahtyre, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. Local H “As Good As Dead� 20th Anniversary Tour, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.


Thursday, Aug. 18

SKELETONWITCH, Up To Eleven Productions, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Graffiti Bridge: A Tribute to Prince, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Delta Saints, w/ B A L D E A G L E M O U N TA I N , Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Civil Youth, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 6:30 p.m. Sean Corray EP Release, w/Nick Bifano & The Innocents, Kevin Babb, Cicero's, University City, Doors 7:00 p.m. Weather Forever: The Music of Weather Report & Return to Forever, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m.

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August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend


Classified Help Wanted General


Laborer wanted. Must have dl and own vehicle. Concrete laborer $18/hr (618)670-9243

Help Wanted General Lost & Found


Lost Dog! Thin, Grey, Male Weimerner Mix Friendly Answers to Rufus or Roofie There is a reward for a safe return. Call 618-381-5772 if you have any information.

Campers, RV's & GoCarts


36’ 5th-wheel trailer. 2012 Forest River Blueridge Edition 3 slide-outs. Many extras including fireplace/central vacume. Beige exterior. $29,900 Call (832)545-4864


Associate attorney position open at established, mid-size personal injury law firm in Glen Carbon, IL. Duties are pharmaceutical and medical device litigation. Personal injury law experience required; pharmaceutical and medical device mass tort experience helpful. Strong communication and office skills required. Pay will be commensurate with experience. PLEASE E-MAIL RESUME TO jflint@flintfirm.com

recycle this paper!

Now Hiring Toddler/Two Teacher for Hamel Christian Daycare. Part time Monday-Friday. Must have an energetic, positive, and loving attitude. Must have minimum of 60 college credits with 6 in child development. Must pass DCFS background check and drug test. Please call 618-633-3252 or email resume at speclc@madisontelco.com

Help Wanted General

Apts/Duplexes For Rent


Cashiers - Tellers Currently seeking individuals capable of quickly and accurately counting currency. Full time, day shifts at our Glen Carbon facility. Clean background & drug testing are required. Employees must have good manual dexterity with both hands, stand for lengthy periods, bend, stoop & lift 30 lbs. EOE Send resume to Bob Brown, 2963 Stanton Street, Springfield, IL 62703. Teachers & Assistants p-t TECC School Age Center. Call Mandie at 667-2350 or Stephaine at 667-9350

Carrier Routes 401 Route 900 Motor Route Driver needed for rural northern Madison County, covering the areas of Moro, Holiday Shores, Prairietown, Worden, Livingston, and Edwardsville’s outskirts. Included is approximately 114 papers for home delivery and one vendor stop. Papers need to be delivered by 5 pm M-F, and 830 am on Saturday. If interested, please call 656-4700 x27. mpitts@edwpub.net

Misc. Merchandise


Fresh Farm eggs for sale. $2.50/dozen. Collected daily. I’m 11 years old. Money is for college and my car. 618-363-6055

Wanted To Buy


ARROWHEADS WANTED: local Avocational Archeaolgist is looking to purchase either one arrowhead or an entire collection. Love Indian artifacts! 314-608-2692

Luxury Assisted Living campus seeking a part time LPN for 16 hours per week. Must be able to work on Mondays, and weekends as well as be on call every other weekend. On call compensation. Apply in person.

Wanted to buy young hens. Call 633-2491

1111 University Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025 margie@stillwater seniorliving.com

Help Wanted General


Associate attorney position open at established, mid-size personal injury law firm in Glen Carbon, IL. Duties are asbestos litigation, including frequent depositions, discovery and motion practice. Position requires frequent travel for depositions. Personal injury law experience required. Strong communication and office skills required. Pay will be commensurate with experience. PLEASE E-MAIL RESUME TO jflint@flintfirm.com

The Intelligencer’s Classifieds Have An Employment Section Providing You Leads To Local Area Employment

POLICE/FIRE/EMT DISPATCHER Full-time, $23.76/hr. Varied 12-hour shifts (incl. nights & weekends), LEADS & EMD certification preferred, excellent computer/typing skills and ability to multi-task in fast paced environment. Prior dispatcher experience preferred but not required. WILDEY THEATRE FRONT OF HOUSE SUPERVISOR Part-time, 20-28hrs/wk, evenings & weekends, $10/hr. Supervise operations & front of house staff at events incl concessions & ushers. Assist w/ supervising event rentals. Prior supervisory, cash handling exp & excellent customer service skills req’d. Previous exp in a live or movie theatre envt and previous exp w/alcohol sales/service preferred. Email resume to humanresources@ cityofedwardsville.com or application available at www.cityof edwardsville.com/hr. Deadline: 8/26/2016, 5:00pm. EOE


On the Edge of the Weekend


3BR, 1.5BA, E’ville School dist. fenced yd, w/d hkup. $1235/mo. + dep. 618-616-5658 4bd 3ba family room Lg. yard. Near SIUE Quiet neighborhood $1200/mo. Call 656-8117 Furnished Cottage. 1 Person. Lake view. No smking. No pets. $475/mo +dep. 618-288-9200

Apts/Duplexes For Rent

Day and Evening Full and Part time positions. Regular Full time positions are benefit eligible, including our Health, Dental, and Vision insurance. Please call to find out more and apply today at our website.

1BR loft apt & 1BR duplex $585/mo. + dep No pets/smking. Credit Check. 656-8953 2 br, 1ba Duplex. Ginger Creek Sub. $950/mo lake front community pool. Call 206-261-4810 2bd 1.5 ba 1 car grg. w/d hkup; Close to SIUE. No Pets. $825/mo Call 618-779-9985 2BR Loft, newly remod new kit, ba, wndows/drs d/w, w/d hkups. $715 incl. w/s/t 593-0173 Arbor Glen Townhome in Glen Carbon Newer Luxury 2br 2.5ba Open Floor Plan. Each BR has on-suite bath. Great Loc. Bsmt, deck, all appls, w/d hkup. Lots of storage. $765/ mo + dep. 618-781-7692 Fully Renovated 1BR & 2 BR Apts. Downtown E’ville. Available Now. $925-$1,125/mo. (618) 307-9506 www.liveat300main.com

GLEN CARBON Pepperwood Condos All electric units, all Appliances, FP, Stacked W/D, Deck/Patio 1BR from $625 2BR from $760 Carports available 618-624-4610 LUXURY 2 BRs Located at 270 & 111 Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included WST included. Must See! $695. Call for our move-in specials! (618)931-333. Nice Lg. 1br apt. in Edwardsville. $645. no pets, non-smoking. 618-692-4144 SMOKE FREE Townhomes. 2br, 1.5ba $720 mo. Great interstate access. Includes washer/dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. 618-931-4700 www.fairway-estates.net


3br TH 1200sq. ft. s8 OK Collinsville, $890/mo. 345-9610. Specials! skyviewtownhouses.com 2 BR 1 BA Duplex, Collinsville: bsmt. fam. rm; lrg yd; W/D hkup; updated; lots of storage, nice area! Must see! $625+dep. Call 618-781-7692.

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Houses For Rent


August 18, 2016


FSBO: 14976 Stagecoach Rd. Carlinville, IL 5 Bed, 4 bath, 4100 sq ft, large porches, geothermal. Historic home on 10 acres w/ outbuildings, woods perfect horse/hobby farm. 28 miles from Edwardsville 217.204.5600 • $489,000



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August 18, 2016

On the Edge of the Weekend



On the Edge of the Weekend

August 18, 2016

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