082009 Edge

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What’s Inside 3

The Third Degree


Phil Joel

A new experience in St. Louis.

Concert planned First Baptist Church Maryville.

14 "Julie & Julia"

New film better than expected.

16 Floating and caving Finding fun in Leasburg, Mo.


Off to Highland

Annual Art in the Park scheduled.

23 Spas

They're not just for women.

25 Jams and Jellies

Making the most of the season's harvest.




What’s Happening Thursday August 20_________ Mary Poppins -Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8 p.m. Gateway East Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale -Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville Birds in Concert, Babaloo -World Bird Sanctuary, Valley Park, Mo., 7 p.m., Free.

Friday August 21_________ Mary Poppins -Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8 p.m. Gateway East Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale -Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville Damn Yankees, featuring The Father William Schield Players -Florissant Civic Center Theatre, #1 James J. Eagan Dr., Florissant, Mo. 8 p.m. Drag Boat Races -Lake Lou Yaeger, Litchfield, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Marina 1

Festival of the Little Hills -St. Charles, Mo, free

Saturday August 22_________ Mary Poppins -Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 2 p.m., 8 p.m. Garage Sale -St. Charles Convention Center, 7 a.m. to noon, St. Charles, Mo. Gateway East Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale -Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville Damn Yankees, featuring The Father William Schield Players -Florissant Civic Center Theatre, #1 James J. Eagan Dr., Florissant, Mo. 8 p.m. Drag Boat Races -Lake Lou Yaeger, Litchfield, 10 a.m., Marina 1 Festival of the Little Hills -St. Charles, Mo, free

Sunday August 23_________

Mary Poppins -Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 1 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Damn Yankees, featuring The Father William Schield Players -Florissant Civic Center Theatre, #1 James J. Eagan Dr., Florissant, Mo. 3 p.m. Drag Boat Races -Lake Lou Yaeger, Litchfield, 11 a.m., Marina 1 Festival of the Little Hills -St. Charles, Mo, free

Monday August 24_________ Artist Night, The City Faces Studio -University City-The Loop

Tuesday August 25 ________ Mary Poppins -Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8 p.m. Farmers and Artisans Market on State Street -Jerseyville, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, either through home delivery or rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 30 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar | Editor – Bill Tucker | Lead Writer – Debbie Settle | Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff

August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page



The Third Degree Glass factory a fascinating addition to St. Louis attractions By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge Places like Silver Dollar City and county fairs are so fun to visit because they bring back lost arts that are from a time gone by. Soap making, quilting, blacksmithing, candle making and so many other arts that used to be a necessity of every day living come alive. One of the most fascinating arts that is not very prevalent in the number of artists is glass blowing. Such fantastic pieces are created by glass blowers and each is completely unique. St. Louis can now boast being the home of a glass factory that is really one of a kind. The Third Degree Glass Factory is located at 5200 Delmar Blvd., in St. Louis. It was established in 2002 by Jim McKelvey and Doug Auer as a public-access glass art education center to promote contemporary

glass art by offering education, studio rental for artists and students, and work for sale by local glass artists. They are the largest public glass art center in St. Louis – and within a 300-mile radius. Everyday they introduce people to the magical process of creating glass art. There are three types of glass crafting performed at the factory: rod glass crafting, sheet glass casting and glass blowing. Rod glass crafting is used for small, intricate pieces such as beading and tiny details. Sheet glass casting is performed with sheets of glass that are melted in a kiln and glass press. The glass press can hold up to a 4 by 8 sheet of glass and is used to make architectural panels and room dividers. One of the more popular uses for the glass press is to flatten a favorite wine bottle. Many people enjoy this process and take the finished result home as a

souvenir of their visit. The final option, and probably the one people are most familiar with, is the glass blowing. Small groups can sign up to come in and be taught the art, and even make their own paperweight. Their staff, instructors, and volunteers are experienced, educated and committed to providing quality classes and programs. T h e s t u d i o re n t a l p ro g r a m allows artists to hone skills and create glass art by renting time at their chosen crafting station. By fostering camaraderie among glass artists, they are developing a glass art community and enriching the arts. Many of the items that the artists create right there on sight are available for sale in the gallery. The gallery offers a place for artists to sell their wares, with a small portion of the sale going back to the factory. Artists set their prices and monitor their inventory. Something that the factory offers that has really become very popular is rental of the factory for events. Following is just a short run down of the events and the details for renting:

* Private parties: From elegant to outrageous– and everything inbetween. Third Degree has open space that can accommodate up to 300 guests for a sit-down dinner or up to 500 for a cocktail party. It’s a great place for a wedding reception, anniversary party, or corporate event. $500 to $1,200, plus beverage service, rentals, etc. * Private parties with glass entertainment: Guests can be entertained with glassblowing demonstrations by local glass artists. Or, guests can work with instructors and create their very own glass paperweight or fused glass project. Price varies. Excellent for corporate team building, motivation, and brainstorming events. * Private demonstrations: Third Degree offers private demonstrations for groups. These include an informative narrated demo producing two glass pieces during the 45 to 60 minutes demonstrations. $100/group, Group size: 4 to 40 * Private demo with handson experience: And if the group wants to get “hands on” with glass,

instructors will help members make a keepsake. $35/person, Group size: 4 - 40 * NEW! Daytime Party Packages: For baby showers, bridal showers, club outings. Ttable and linens provided. You pick your hands-on glass activity. Price varies. How to book: Call Rachael McCormick, Event Manager, at 314367-4527 ext. 204 Third Degree Glass Factory is located in what once was an abandoned 1930s service station. McKelvey and Auer saw potential in its brick and concrete structure and raw, open space. Doing much of the work themselves with assistance from aspiring glass artists, they turned the dilapidated structure into a state-of-the-art glass facility with over 12,000 square feet of usable space. By renovating the building and providing classes and events during day and evening hours, Third Degree has become the anchor of the neighborhood. For more info on Third Degree Glass Factory, call 314-367-4527 or visit www.thirddegreeglassfactory. com.

Above and at left, workers at the Glass Factory ply their trade. Photos for The Edge.

August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page


People People planner Magic House hosts Curious George exhibit

Kids have the opportunity to hang out in George’s neighborhood and tagalong on his many adventures with the Man with the Yellow Hat as they operate wheels to help George clean the windows of an apartment building, climb a fire escape, sort and weigh fruits and vegetables at a produce stand, use science skills to putt a hole in mini golf, climb the rocket from George’s space adventure, build a whirligig at the farm, use conveyers and levers at a construction site and visit the Museum within the Museum. This exhibit is sure to produce lots of ooh, ooh, oohs and ahs! There is a lot to monkey see and monkey do, so stop by The Magic House and get curious! About The Magic House, St. Louis Children’s Museum The Magic House is a not-forp ro f i t p a r t i c i p a t o r y m u s e u m that provides hands-on learning

If you’re curious about the newest traveling exhibit in town, grab your little monkeys and swing on over to The Magic House September 26 - January 24 for a little monkey business.G et ready for a swinging good time at Curious George: Let’s Get Curious, an exhibit based on the popular children’s books and PBS Kids television series. Step into the pages of Curious George and experience the books firsthand at this very curious exhibit. At Curious George: Let’s Get Curious, kids can satisfy their curiosity in science, math and engineering through experience and problem solving just like George.

experiences for children and families that encourage participation, experimentation, creativity and the development of problem-solving skills within a place of beauty, wonder, joy and magic. In December 2008,

The Magic House opened a new 25,000-square-foot expansion that more than doubled the size of the museum. The expansion features three floors of interactive exhibits, including a one-of-a-kind Star Spangled Center with a replica of

the Oval Office. Regular museum admission is $8.50 per person. Children under the age of one are free. The Magic House is located at 516 S. Kirkwood Road, one mile north of Highway 44 in historic downtown Kirkwood.

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Catholic ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1802 Madison Ave. Edwardsville, IL. 62025


Summit at School Street, Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620 Fr. Eugene A. Stormer Sunday: Christian Education 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697 “Worship in the warm hospitality of a village church.”

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Come meet faithful Catholics who love the Lord! We will soon begin a series of sessions to share with others the truths of the Catholic Faith. Learn what we believe in an open, friendly environment. The first session will be at 7 pm, Tuesday Sep. 8th, at our Parish. If you have questions or would like more information please contact us by the methods below. PH: 618-656-4857 Father Tom Meyer e-mail: frtom@stmaryedw.org

August 20, 2009

To Advertise Call 656-4700 Ext. 49 Deadline 10:30 am, Tues.

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People People planner MOBOT to host Japanese Festival Thunderous taiko beats, supersized sumo bouts, meticulouslymanicured bonsai trees, traditional kimono fashions and masterful bunraku puppetry: the sights, sounds and culture of the Far East pervade the Midwest at the annual Japanese Festival, held Labor Day weekend at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. Seiwa-en, the “garden of pure, clear harmony and p e a c e � a n d o n e o f t h e l a rg e s t authentic Japanese strolling gardens in North America, takes center stage for the weekend’s festivities. A boisterous opening ceremony kicks off the c e l e b r a t i o n S a t u rd a y m o r n i n g at the Japanese Garden entrance with an elaborate omikoshi Shinto shrine parade, bon odori festival dancing, taiko drumming and remarks by local and visiting dignitaries. T h r o u g h o u t t h e d a y, e n j o y guided tours of the 14-acre Japanese Garden, or take an e n c h a n t i n g e v e n i n g s t ro l l b y candlelight. Vi s i t i n g p e r f o r m e r s i n c l u d e returning sumotori (sumo wrestlers) Koryu and Sunahama, Hawaiian island natives who retired from professional wrestling in Japan after achieving high rank. New in 2009, they are joined b y a t h i rd s u m o t o r i f ro m t h e

islands: Kamikiiwa. Although they weigh in at an intimidating 1,100-plus combined pounds, t h e s e g i a n t s a re t r u l y g e n t l e , inviting audience participation from young and old alike who wish to learn about the training, fighting techniques and lifestyle of Japan’s ancient warriors. Also new to the Japanese Festival stage is bunraku, a form of traditional Japanese p u p p e t t h e a t e r, p re s e n t e d b y the University of MissouriColumbia Bunraku Bay Puppet Tro u p e . T h e t e r m b u n r a k u i s derived from the legendary puppeteer from the 19th c e n t u r y, U e m u r a B u n r a k u k e n , but the performance art actually originated decades earlier. I t t a k e s y e a r s t o m a s t e r. Detailed, four-foot-tall wooden puppets come to life as they act out dramas, aided by a system of rods, levers, and a team of three puppeteers called the ningyo-zukai who operate the puppet’s arms, legs, head, eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Unlike the Western art form, ningyo-zukai are visible to the audience, dressed in black cotton ro b e s a n d s l i d i n g a ro u n d t h e stage with puppets in tow. The t ro u p e w i l l p e r f o r m e a c h d a y inside the Shoenberg Theater; limited seating is available firstcome, first-served. Returning favorites include t h e S t . L o u i s O s u w a Ta i k o group, sounding the formidable drums that in years past were used by the Japanese to fool

invading armies and mark village boundaries. Masaji Te r a s a w a , o t h e r w i s e k n o w n as the “Candyman,� returns to delight onlookers with his unique style of street magic and sugary-spun creations. Wi t n e s s d e m o n s t r a t i o n s o f martial arts including aikido, judo, karate, kendo and koryu bugei. Wa t c h s c u l p t o r N a o m i Hamamura demonstrate one of Japan’s popular winter art forms as he quickly chisels a bird or other figure from an oversized block of ice. Enjoy ikebana flower arrangements and learn the p ro p e r t e c h n i q u e s o f b o n s a i . Ta k e i n a t r a d i t i o n a l k i m o n o fashion show and Tozan Ryu, or performances of classical dance partnered with popular music. Families will enjoy honing their

origami paper folding skills, playing traditional Japanese games, and marveling at the Koma-Mawashi (top spinning) skills of Dr. Hiroshi Tada. Shop for souvenirs and other Asian-inspired merchandise at the Japanese marketplace and the Garden Gate Shop. Sample Japanese cuisine, including sushi, yakisoba noodles, pancake-like okonomiyaki, juicy b e e f k a b o b s a n d re d b e a n i c e cream at the food court. Support for the 2009 Japanese Festival is provided by Novus International, Inc. J a p a n e s e F e s t i v a l h o u r s a re S a t u rd a y a n d S u n d a y, S e p t . 6 a n d 7 f ro m 1 0 a . m . t o 8 p . m . (doors open at 9 a.m. and remain open until 10 p.m. for evening candlelight walks), and Monday, Sept. 8 (Labor Day) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $15 for

adults, $10 for seniors ages 65 a n d o v e r, a n d $ 5 f o r c h i l d re n ages three to 12. Missouri Botanical Garden members are $5. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, easily a c c e s s i b l e f ro m I n t e r s t a t e 4 4 a t t h e Va n d e v e n t e r e x i t . F re e parking is available on-site and at two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w. m o b o t . o r g o r c a l l t h e recorded event line at (314) 577‑9400 or toll-free 1 (800) 6428842. The Missouri Botanical Garden is the oldest continually o p e r a t i n g b o t a n i c a l g a rd e n i n the nation, celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2009. Missouri Botanical Garden: Green for 150 Years.


ComPAS Physician Network Accepting New Patients Effective August 17, 2009! Paul E. Loethen, M.D. GENERAL SURGEON

#2 Saint Anthony’s Way, Suite 305 "MUPO *MMJOPJT t Saint Anthony’s Health Center and ComPAS Network are pleased to welcome Dr. Paul Loethen to our Medical Staff. Originally from Troy, Illinois, Dr. Loethen specializes in general surgery, with a special interest in minimally invasive and laparoscopic surgical techniques. He and his wife, Jennifer (a pediatrician) live with their three children in Edwardsville. Dr. Loethen will be joining Joseph Paone, M.D., in the practice of General, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery.

August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page


People People planner Drag boat races at Lake Lou Yaeger The third annual drag boat races will take off at Lake Lou Yeager, in Litchfield, on Friday, Aug. 21, Saturday, Aug. 22, and Sunday, Aug. 23. The events, sponsored by Chandler Brothers Hometown Pizzeria and Pepsi, begin on Friday night, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Marina 1 with Boat Show ‘n Shine, music by a live band, a beer tent and a number of food vendors. Admission on Friday is free. On Saturday, events begin at 10 a.m. with the preliminaries. Food and beverage vendors will be available throughout the day. Sunday begins at 11 a.m., with finals wrapping up the weekend. Food and beverage vendors will be available during finals. Lawn chairs are welcome, along with blankets. No coolers please and no pets please.

Meeting the Growing Needs for Critical Care

Friday events are free. Saturday is $10, Sunday $10 or a weekend pass can be purchased for $15. Children 3-12: $5. Under 2 is free. For more information on the races or the events of the weekend, visit www.cityoflitchfieldil.com or call 866-733-5833.

Green Homes Festival planned Grandel Square, the urban home of the Missouri Botanical Garden’s EarthWays Center, will be transformed into a “green street promenade” of exhibitors, vendors and children’s activities at the 8th annual Green Homes Festival, Saturday, Sept. 26 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Enjoy expert workshops and demonstrations as you learn how to reduce your home’s energy costs while helping to protect the planet. The event is free and open to the public, presented by

the Missouri Botanical Garden’s EarthWays Center and the Missouri Coalition for the Environment. More than 70 exhibitors, art activities and street entertainment celebrate sustainable living while offering fun for the entire family. Highlights of the festival include: • Thirty workshops with regional experts in sustainable homebuilding, home and vehicle efficiency, solar and wind energy, keeping bees and chickens, urban farming, composting and more. • A Green Craft Fair featuring fashions, home décor, toys and gifts made by area artisans. • Local, healthy and sustainably-produced treats served in a shaded food court. The Green Homes Festival will be held in the 3600 block of Grandel Square, between Grand Blvd. and Spring Ave. For more information or to register as an exhibitor, visit www.greenhomesSTL.org or call (314) 577-0220.

ess n � � � B � � g i � Spot critical patient care,” said Miller. “Now we have an environment that compliments our outstanding staff.”

More than 5 million patients are admitted annually to ICUs in the Enhanced Level of Care… United States. According to the Anderson Hospital is one of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the five primary admitting diagnoses few community-based hospitals to are respiratory insufficiency/ offer patients the specialized medical failure, postoperative management, care of Intensivists. ischemic heart disorder, sepsis and Intensivists are hospital-based heart failure. These and many other serious conditions are being seen physicians who specialize in the care more frequently in ICUs primarily of patients in ICU. These physicians are trained in multiple disciplines due to the maturing such as internal Baby Boom With a new location, comes a medicine, critical Generation. “The medicine, increase in patient new name! Thanks to a major care pulmonary demand for critical gift donation from Collinsville and They care services has native, Cleora Grimm, Anderson medicine. manage a patient’s Hospital’s new ICU Unit will be put a tremendous from the strain on our named the Dr. Melbourne and care time he or she Cleora Grimm Intensive Care current unit,” said Her generous gift was enters the unit, Renate Miller, Unit. closely made in honor and memory of working ICU Director. “Anderson’s ICU is her late husband, a Collinsville with the admitting often near capacity optometrist, Dr. Melbourne physician who may be a primary care and occasionally Grimm. doctor or surgeon. no critical care beds The new unit is slated to open are available.” “ A n d e r s o n in December, 2009. Hospital is To meet the always working growing needs for critical care in our community, to enhance the level of patient care Anderson Hospital embarked on and satisfaction for our community,” a $4.1 million ICU relocation and said Keith Page, Anderson Hospital expansion project earlier this year. President. “We strive to provide Using existing space, the hospital services you would traditionally find has been able to build a new and in larger hospitals and implement improved Intensive Care Unit. “The them here, close to home.” square footage alone has doubled Patient satisfaction was not in size,” said Miller. “When the the only driving force behind the project is final, we will have gained Intensivists’ arrival back in 2005. 5 additional rooms.” Better patient outcomes are a proven Miller and her staff are not only benefit as well. A recent study excited about the additional rooms, showed that Intensivist coverage they are excited about the new decreased patient stays in the ICU by department altogether. “The new 1.7 days. “By decreasing their length ICU’s design incorporates state-of- of stay in the ICU, we decrease their the-art concepts in the delivery of risk for further complications,”

said Miller. “The goal of the ICU is to move the patient through the continuum of care and back to their home environment.”

Physicians also benefit from the convenience of specialized

physicians providing ICU care to their patients. “Intensivist coverage allows our staff physicians and surgeons more time in their offices or in the operating room,” says Dr. Rodney Greeling, Anderson Hospital

Medical Staff President. “Our physicians benefit knowing that their patients are receiving expert care from an intensive care specialist due to their additional experience and knowledge of critically ill patients.”


August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page






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The Edge – Page



He’s the other Joel Former Newsboy to perform at First Baptist Church Maryville By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge Phil Joel may not be a household name, but The Newsboys might be. Joel is the former bassist of the Christian rock group The Newsboys and he is once again striking out on his own. With the release of his fifth solo CD, the last of which was a a children’s album – ”Deliberate Kids!,” Joel is once again bringing a new message to the adult crowd. “The New Normal” is the newest release and was not only produced by Joel, but was recorded in his home. “We cut the drums in the front room and eventually we moved back out to the garage – our studio behind the house.” said Joel about the recording efforts. “The CD may have my name on the front, but it was definitely a community effort where everyone brought their gifts into the kitchen and we cooked up something unique that we are all super pleased with.” This was the statement Joel made on his Web site about his thoughts on the creation of the new CD. The new release features the songs: “Shout,” “Call unto Me,” “Go Home,” along with a number of other tracks. Another release under Joel’s production is “deliberatePeople,” which is also the name of the label created by Joel and his wife Heather, named to encourage people to deliberately pursue

their relationship with God on a daily basis. Not only is Joel working on the release of his newest project, but he is also regularly touring with “Acquire the Fire” and “Men at the Cross.” First Baptist Church of Maryville is pleased to announce that Phil Joel is making his way to their church to perform on Saturday, Aug. 29. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., and music will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person, all ages, and can be purchased through www.itickets.com or at First Baptist Church of Maryville on Sundays. Joel will perform the kids favorites including “The Good Morning Song,” “The Love Song,” “I Can Pray,” “BoomChaka-Laka,” along with a number of favorites from “deliberatePeople” and “The New Normal.” You can read more about Phil Joel at www.philjoel.com, which is also where you can purchase any of Joel’s releases or listen to clips of his songs. There are also t-shirts and books by Joel for sale on the site. If you have any questions about the performance at First Baptist Church Maryville, you can call 667-8221 or visit www. fbmaryville.org, click “News and Events” and scroll down to the Phil Joel Concert announcement.

For The Edge

Phil Joel

Band Bio: Resolder By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge

For The Edge


August 20, 2009

Members: Jason, Dave, Doug and Paul Genre: Punk, Anthro-politico-socio punk rock for you! Out of Edwardsville! Playing: The Firebird, St. Louis, Mo. on Friday, Aug. 28, 8:30 p.m.; The Ten Mile House, St. Louis, Mo., Friday, Sept. 25, 8 p.m.; The Way Out Club, St. Louis, Mo., Friday, Oct. 23, St. Louis, Mo., 8 p.m.; The Fox Hole at Atomic Cowboy, St. Louis, Mo., Friday, Nov. 13, 9 p.m. Resoldered writes and plays original punk rock songs. They have been playing shows in the St. Louis area for a little over a year and in that time have shared the stage with some great bands. Quote from their myspace: “Regardless of what you may hear, there are many talented independent musicians and bands in the St. Louis area and on any given night you will hear much more interesting music at any number of local venues than any of the mostly crap on the radio.” “Some of our songs speak to social problems while others are more personal and speak about what everyone goes through in life, whether it be the search for simple pleasures, interacting with curious people, or individual struggle and triumph.” Read their blog, listen to their tracks and become their friend at myspace. com/resoldered or visit them on Facebook- Resoldered Punk Band.

The Edge – Page


Music Music calendar **If you would like to add something to our music calendar, email it to theedge@edwpub.net.

Thursday, Aug. 20 • Edwardsville Municipal Band Performance, Edwardsville City Park, 8 p.m. • Kim Massie, The Beale on Broadway, St. Louis • Shrinking Violets, Train Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis • Wild, Cool and Swingin’, VooDoo Lounge at Harrah’s, St. Louis

Friday, Aug. 21 • Don Starwalt 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Ground Floor Band, Stagger Inn, Edwardsville • Joe Dirt, Ameristar CasinoBottleneck Blues Bar, St. Charles, Mo. • Dave and Greg Happy Hour, DizWizzleTrain Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis • Role Models, Flannel, Sybergs on Dorsett, Maryland Heights, Mo. • Al Holliday and the Lucky Stars, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Villa Marie Winery, Maryville

Saturday, Aug. 22 • M e l ro y s , B o b b y ’ s F ro z e n Custard, Maryville, Ill., 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. • Soulard Blues Band, Stagger Inn, Edwardsville • Nickelback, Hinder, Papa Roach, Saving Abel, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Maryland Heights, 7:30 p.m. • Joe Dirt, Ameristar CasinoBottleneck Blues Bar, St. Charles, Mo.

• Butch Wax and The Hollywoods, Music Under the Stars, St. Ferdinand Park by the lake, Florissant, Mo., 7 p.m. • B o w Wo w, T h e P a g e a n t , University City, Mo. • Paint the Earth, Train Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis • Glorious Blue, Sybergs on Dorsett, Maryland Heights, Mo.

Thursday, Aug. 27

Friday, Aug. 28

• Kim Massie, The Beale on Broadway, St. Louis • Loud Mouth Soup, Train Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis • Kentucky Knife Fight, 10 p.m., Stagger Inn, Edwardsville

• Mike Harper, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Mondin Band, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., Stagger Inn, Edwardsville • Stillwater, MT Rockers, St. Charles, Mo. • Wy l d S t a l l y n s , A m e r i s t a r

Casino-Bottleneck Blues Bar, St. Charles, Mo. • Dave and Greg Happy Hour, Vote for Pedro, Train Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis • King Pin, Sybergs on Dorsett, Maryland Heights, Mo.

Sunday, Aug. 23 • Swing DeVille, Bobby’s Frozen Custard, Maryville, Ill., 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. • B.B. Secrist, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m., Bottleneck Blues Bar, St. Charles, Mo. • Open Mic w/Butch Moore, Stagger Inn, Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m.

Monday, Aug. 24 • DevilDriver, Pop’s, Sauget • B.B. Secrist, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m., Bottleneck Blues Bar, St. Charles, Mo. • Karaoke, Sybergs on Dorsett, Maryland Heights, Mo.

Tuesday, Aug. 25 • Kim Massie, The Beale on Broadway, St. Louis • Three’s a Crowd, Train Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis

Wednesday, Aug. 26 • Ralph Butler, Bottleneck Blues Bar, St. Charles, Mo. 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. • Rich Mahogany, Train Wreck Saloon, West Port Plaza, St. Louis • O p e n M i c w / D u c k Ta p e Duo Trio, 9:30 p.m., Stagger Inn, Edwardsville

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August 20, 2009

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Music Tuning in SLSO featured in new recordings Nonesuch Records has released a recording of two works by the Pulitzer Prize-winning composer John Adams, the Doctor Atomic Symphony and Guide to Strange Places, performed by the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (SLSO) under the direction of its Music Director, David Robertson. This is the premiere recording of both works, recorded live in 2008 at Powel Hall in St. Louis, and the first CD recording of Robertson with the SLSO. The Nonesuch recording is also available as an MP3 download. Adams’ Doctor Atomic Symphony is drawn from his opera Doctor Atomic, a modern Faust story depicting the final hours before the detonation of the first atomic bomb. At the encouragement of Robertson, Adams adapted music from his opera into symphonic form, dedicating the completed work to Robertson. The New York Times said of the symphony, “… the score invites you to hear the music— driving passages with pounding timpani, quizzically restrained lyrical flights, bursts of skittish fanfares—on its own terms, apart from its dramatic context.” Also on the CD is Adams’ 2001 work, Guide to Strange Places. Adams has said he was inspired by a French guide book of Provence in the creation of the work. “A chapter was dedicated to paysages insolites—or ‘strange places,’” Adams explained. “It set my imagination off…. In a sense, all of my pieces are travel pieces, often through paysages insolites—it’s the way I experience musical form.” The recording was made possible by a generous gift from the Centene Charitable Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri. Founded in 1880, the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (SLSO) is the second-oldest orchestra in the country and is widely considered one of the world’s finest. In September 2005, internationally acclaimed conductor David Robertson became the 12th Music Director and second American-born conductor in the Orchestra’s history. Currently in the 129th season - the SLSO continues to strive for artistic excellence, fiscal responsibility

and community connection. In addition to its regular concert performances at Powell Hall, the SLSO is an integral part of the St. Louis community, presenting more than 250 free education and community partnership programs each year. In June 2008, the SLSO launched Building Our Business which takes a proactive, two-pronged approach: build audiences and re-invigorate the SLSO brand making the SLSO and Powell Hall the place to be; and build the donor base for enhanced institutional commitment and donations. This is all part of a larger strategic plan adopted in May 2009 that includes new core ideology and a 10-year strategic vision focusing on artistic and institutional excellence, doubling the existing audience, and revenue growth across all key operating areas.

UNBEATABLE! coming to the Westport Playhouse St. Louis-based Emery Entertainment has announced the selection of a mainly local cast for the official nationwide debut of UNBEATABLE! a ground-breaking new musical about the life-changing journey of a breast cancer survivor. U N B E ATA B L E ! s e a m l e s s l y w e a v e s moments of poignant drama and well-timed comedy and reminds us and audiences that at any given moment, an unforeseen event can drastically change the course of our lives and force us to re-evaluate our priorities. UNBEATABLE! makes its nationwide debut October 15 at The Playhouse at Westport Plaza for a limited five-week engagement. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Friday; 2:00 and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday; and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. The local actors include Michele Burdette Elmore (Ruthie/Dr. Louis), John Flack (James), Mark Kelly (Steven/Technician/Franklin), Pamela Reckamp (Natalie/Dr. Ossman), Landon Shaw (Brad), Stellie Siteman (Mom) and Henry Palkes (musical director). Kristy Cates (Tracy) and Charity Dawson (Ally) come from New York City, having performed in UNBEATABLE! last year in preview cities Phoenix and Houston.

“We are thrilled to have such a talented and well rounded lineup of local actors, as well as our leading lady, Kristy Cates, and Charity Dawson from New York,” said Paul Emery of Emery Entertainment. “We wanted the show and the cast to resonate with a St. Louis audience, an audience we know is passionate about local art and theater and especially passionate in breast cancer awareness.” Shaw, Kelly, Reckamp and Siteman have all been directly affected by cancer in their lives, either through a family member, friend or both, making their performances even more personal and significant. ABOUT THE CAST: Elmore has been performing, producing, directing, choreographing and/or writing in more than 100 productions since the 1980s. Her credits include My Fair Lady at The MUNY, Urinetown at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, and Sweet Charity at Stages St. Louis. Flack, a St. Louis native, has performed at nearly every professional theatre in the region including The Muny, Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis, The Black Rep, The New Jewish Theatre, The New Theatre, Theatre Project Company, Arrow Rock Lyceum, and Stages St. Louis, where he has been an acting company member for 19 seasons. Flack was named “Best Actor in a Play” by The Riverfront Times for his portrayal of Quentin in Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. He also performs on the cabaret scene, most recently at The Kranzberg Center Cabaret and Jazz at The Bistro, in addition to singing regularly in a revue at The Sheldon Concert Hall. Kelly is originally a Chesterfield, Mo. resident and received his BFA in theater arts from Illinois Wesleyan University. His favorite past roles include Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, Joey Evans in Pal Joey, the Antipholus Twins in The Comedy of Errors, Harlequin in Triumph of Love and Leo Clark in Leading Ladies. Reckamp is a founding member of the Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble (SATE), where in the past year she conceived and performed in the company’s first devised piece, PRIMAL (Kevin Kline Award nominee), and directed Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis. In addition to performing, she is adjunct

faculty at St. Louis University, teaching Voice and Diction, and runs her own production company, Spotlight Theatre, which creates issue-oriented theatre for teenagers. Originally from Chicago, Shaw now calls St. Louis home. An accomplished actor, director, designer, writer and producer, he has more than 100 production credits to his name all over the country in roles such as Emcee in Cabaret, Angela Arden in Die Mommie Die!, Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar, Pippin in Pippin and Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. In his spare time, Shaw is the Managing Artistic Director for DramaRama Theatre Company and ColeBeanBay Theatre Company based in Farmington, Mo. in addition to teaching private voice and acting lessons. He is also the Executive Director of D.R.A.M.A. a new performance venue and academy located in South St. Louis City. Siteman’s credits include Guys and Dolls, Roman Holiday, The Music Man, Bye Bye Birdie, Mame, Fiddler on the Roof and Annie. Siteman is especially happy to be a part of UNBEATABLE! given her family’s commitment to fighting cancer. The Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, named after her father, at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine is an international leader in cancer treatment, re s e a rc h , p re v e n t i o n , e d u c a t i o n a n d community outreach. Cates leads the cast as Tracy Boyd, a role that she knows well from the show’s previews in Phoenix and Houston in 2008. Cates comes to St. Louis on the heels of the original Broadway production of Wicked, where she played the role of Elphaba as an understudy and the first national tour and Chicago productions of Wicked, where she played the lead as Elphaba. Dawson, also from New York, originated the role of Dr. Ossman/Natalie for UNBEATABLE! in preview cities and will play the role of Ally in the St. Louis production. A graduate of The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (NYC), some of her favorite credits include The Black Theatre Troupe’s season closer Smokey Joe’s Café (B.J), Aida (Aida), If This Hat Could Talk (Billie Holiday), West Side Story (Rosila), Raisin (Ruth) and Beehive (Aretha).

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Music Tuning ini KFUO to air SLSO performances Th e S a i n t L o u i s S y m p h o n y Orchestra and St. Louis’ classicalmusic station, KFUO FM - Classic 99 (99.1 FM & www.classic99.com) continue to find ways to bring the sounds of the SLSO to a wider audience. On July 1, KFUO FM - Classic 99 (99.1 FM and www.classic99.com) began an 11-week summer series featuring music by the SLSO from archival recordings as well as more recent live recordings made during David Robertson’s tenure as Music Director, from the 2005-06 season to the present. The SLSO Summer Series may be heard on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. CST, with rebroadcasts on Fridays at midnight. The series concludes on September 9, 2009. Today the SLSO and KFUO FM -Classic 99 also announce that the Saturday night Wells Fargo Advisors Orchestral Series concerts will be broadcast live from Powell Hall throughout the 2009-2010 season. The first live broadcast will be the SLSO’s Opening Weekend program,

with the St. Louis premiere of Osvaldo Golijov’s Azul, Principal Cello Daniel Lee as soloist, and Mahler ’s Symphony No. 5. David Robertson conducts this concert, broadcast live from Powell Hall, Saturday, September 26, 2009, 8:00 p.m. CST. All broadcasts may also be heard live on www.classic99.com. Founded in 1948, Classic99 KFUO FM is among the oldest FM radio stations west of the Mississippi River, providing St. Louis with a dynamic cultural advantage. Not only does the station provide daily broadcasts that consist of a wide variety of renowned classical composers, orchestras and performers, but also offers unique specialty programming that is tailored to a wide range of listeners of all ages. Having earned national recognition as a recipient of the Marconi Award for “Classical Music Station of the Year” from the National Association of Broadcasters for it outstanding commitment and support of the arts over the past few years, Classic99 also proudly serves as a voice for and promotes the arts in our local community. With the capacity to be heard around the world via the internet

at www.classic99.com, Classic99 is a nonprofit organization that is funded by private and community support, and advertising revenues. Classic99 is owned and operated by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

Founded in 1880, the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (SLSO) is the second-oldest orchestra in the country and is widely considered one of the world’s finest. In September 2005, internationally acclaimed conductor David

Robertson became the 12th Music Director and second American-born conductor in the Orchestra’s history. Currently in the 129th season - the SLSO continues to strive for artistic excellence, fiscal responsibility and community connection.

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August 20, 2009


OFC: (618) 656-3141 RES: (618) 656-0282 FAX: (618) 656-0596 The Edge – Page



QuickGlance Movie Reviews

“The Ugly Truth”

At the end of this drearily formulaic romantic comedy, as our two leads are finally admitting they’ve fallen for each other (no spoilers here, folks), Katherine Heigl’s character asks Gerard Butler’s why he’s in love with her. Basically he says he has no idea, only he phrases it with a word we can’t reprint here. Our sentiments exactly. Obviously, in a battle-ofthe-sexes comedy like this, the guy and the girl who hate each other at the beginning realize they’re meant for each other by the end. But there’s nothing even remotely likable, much less lovable, about Heigl’s Abby Richter. She’s a control freak who runs a tight ship at a Sacramento TV station, producing the morning news with unflappable efficiency and zero creativity. She uses the same approach in her personal life, which is why she’s hopelessly single, despite the fact that she looks like Katherine Heigl. Sure, it’s meant as a joke, but come on. The idea of a woman being so rigid and frigid is purely archaic — which is why it’s so disheartening that the script comes from three women: Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith, who had much greater success writing female characters in “Legally Blonde” and “The House Bunny,” and first-timer Nicole Eastman. (Robert Luketic, who also did better work with “Legally Blonde,” directs the slapstick antics in rather unspectacular fashion.) When Butler’s brash Mike Chadway gets hired to boost ratings at the station after hosting a popular cable-access show on dating, he and Abby immediately clash. Naturally, that will change. RATED: R for sexual content and language. RUNNING TIME: 100 min. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.

“Funny People”

If only Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen hadn’t gotten in the car. If only they hadn’t left Los Angeles, where everything was going so well, and driven north to Marin County, where everything falls apart. Judd Apatow would have had his most mature, accomplished film to date. Instead, the last hour or so meanders interminably, its tone wavering all over the place, leading to a quickie conclusion that feels pat. And that is such a letdown when you consider the strength and ambition of the material that preceded it. “Funny People” provides the eternally adolescent Sandler with yet another opportunity to show his serious side, following substantive turns in “PunchDrunk Love” and “Spanglish.” But it also allows Apatow, as writer and director, to display some previously unexplored darker instincts, with a story that mixes his typically raunchy guy talk with deeper discussions about mortality. Both men rise to the challenge. But Apatow should have maintained his focus on the friendship that forms between Sandler (as superstar George Simmons) and Rogen (as aspiring stand-up Ira Wright) as well as the established comics and wannabes that surround them. Instead, he has his characters make an unnecessary road trip in search of George’s long-lost love —

August 20, 2009

with both George and the film losing their way. George, who’s not exactly a thinly veiled version of the real-life Sandler, learns he has a terminal disease. He hires Ira as his assistant, joke writer and friend — and the one person in whom he feels comfortable confiding. Apatow’s wife, Leslie Mann, figures prominently in the tedious and overlong third act. RATED: R for language and crude sexual humor throughout, and some sexuality. RUNNING TIME: 145 min. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.

“Julie & Julia”

The Julia parts are a delight, but the ones about Julie? More like an annoying distraction. Writer-director Nora Ephron has woven together the real-life stories of two women separated by decades and a body of water but connected by a love of food and a quest for identity. One is Julia Child (Meryl Streep), the larger-than-life TV cook and author who inspired untold numbers of ambitious gourmands to embrace French cuisine the way she had. The other is Julie Powell (Amy Adams), a New York cubicle dweller who spent a year making all 524 recipes in Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” and blogging about it. Ephron cuts back and forth between their lives — reminiscent of her earlier hits “Sleepless in Seattle” and “You’ve Got Mail” — and too often spells out the obvious parallels. But the more time we spend with Julia, the less we want to spend with Julie. Streep is an absolute hoot, portraying Child with a mix of sweetness, awkwardness and most of all an unabashed joie de vivre. When she casts aside the baggage of being “the greatest living actress of our generation” and revels in her inner goofball, as she did in “Mamma Mia!” it’s infectious. She’s also lovely alongside Stanley Tucci as Julia’s adoring husband, Paul; all that tension they created as co-stars in “The Devil Wears Prada” has transformed into a different kind of chemistry. Julie, by contrast, isn’t so well-defined. The deeper she delves into her cooking project, the more whiny, narcissistic and unlikable she becomes — which is surprising given Adams’ seemingly boundless charm. RATED: PG-13 for brief strong language and some sensuality. RUNNING TIME: 123 min. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.

“Paper Heart”

You could think of this as sort of a benevolent version of the Sacha Baron Cohen model, with its mixture of documentary and fiction. Only instead of providing raunchy satire or exposing people’s prejudices, it seems all Charlyne Yi wants to do is sweetly entertain. The writer, actress and standup comic travels the country interviewing regular people about being in love, a phenomenon that has eluded her in her early

20s. She goes to a biker bar in Oklahoma City, a playground in Atlanta and everywhere in between. She also gleans insight from friends, including her “Knocked Up” co-stars Seth Rogen and Martin Starr. At the same time, Yi (playing a version of herself) finds that she’s unexpectedly falling for a new guy she’s met named Michael (Michael Cera, playing a version of himself). This is the made-up subplot. In real life, Yi and Cera are close pals; they even co-wrote the score for “Paper Heart” together. And the “director” of Yi’s documentary, Nick Jasenovec, is played by actor Jake Johnson; the real Jasenovec is the real director of “Paper Heart,” making his feature debut. Confused? Just go with it. Sure, it might be a little too twee for its own good, with its use of intentionally crude puppets to recreate the love stories Yi’s interview subjects share with her. She wanted to find a unique, whimsical way to depict these tales, rather than just showing talking heads, but the figures and sets she and her dad fashioned are just too self-consciously cute. Nevertheless, this is a charming little movie based on a clever concept that will leave you with a genuinely positive feeling afterward. RATED: PG-13 for some language. RUNNING TIME: 89 min. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

“A Perfect Getaway”

The whole movie is essentially one big red herring, flopping around on an idyllic Hawaiian beach, desperately trying to call attention to itself. Everyone’s a suspect and no one’s a suspect, and writer-director David Twohy’s raison d’etre with this thriller — aside from jolting us — is to mess with our brains and keep us guessing until he reveals his Big Twist. It’s not as earth-shattering as “Bruce Willis is actually dead” but it’s a pretty good one, and it’ll make you go back and think twice about what the characters did and said to make sure it all makes sense. It does, but it’s also a gimmick, and a selfconscious one at that. One of the travelers on this supposedly perfect island vacation keeps talking about screenwriting devices like red herrings (though he mistakenly calls them red snappers) and second-act twists. This is not nearly as cute as Twohy seems to think. But you could just ignore all that, though, and give into the many B-movie conventions “A Perfect Getaway” has to offer: skeevy hitchhikers and strangers in the jungle, skinny dipping and girl-on-girl fistfights. It’s ridiculous but fun. Steve Zahn and Milla Jovovich co-star as newlyweds Cliff and Cydney, who spend their honeymoon backpacking to a remote beach in Hawaii. Along the way they run into two other couples: Nick and Gina (Timothy Olyphant and Kiele Sanchez), who seem friendly enough if a bit trashy and brazen, and Kale and Cleo (Chris Hemsworth and Marley Shelton), who try to bum a ride in their Jeep but seem way too obviously unhinged. RATED: R for graphic violence, language including sexual references and some drug use. RUNNING TIME: 98 min. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.

The Edge – Page



“Funny People” loses its focus By CHRISTY LEMIRE Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — If only Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen hadn’t gotten in the car. If only they hadn’t left Los Angeles, where everything in “Funny People” was going so well, and driven north to Marin County, where everything falls apart. Judd Apatow would have had his most mature, accomplished film to date. Instead, the last hour or so meanders interminably, its tone wavering all over the place, leading to a quickie conclusion that feels pat. And that is such a letdown when you consider the strength and ambition of the material that preceded it. “Funny People” provides the eternally adolescent Sandler with yet another opportunity to show his serious side, following substantive turns in films like “Punch-Drunk Love” and “Spanglish.” But it also allows Apatow, as writer and director, to display some previously unexplored darker instincts, with a story that mixes his typically raunchy guy talk with deeper discussions about mortality. Both men rise to the challenge. (Shot by Oscar-winning cinematographer Janusz Kaminski, Steven Spielberg’s longtime collaborator, “Funny People” also looks a lot more polished than the first two films Apatow directed, “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up.” You could think of it as “Sandler’s List.”) But Apatow should have maintained his focus on the friendship that forms between Sandler (as superstar George Simmons) and Rogen (as aspiring stand-up Ira Wright) as well as the established comics and wannabes

Associated Press

In this publicity image released by Universal Pictures, Seth Rogen, left, and Aubrey Plaza are shown in a scene from, “Funny People.” that surround them. Instead, he has his characters make an unnecessary road trip in search of George’s long-lost love — with both George and the film losing their way. We first see him as a rising comedian, courtesy of home movies Apatow injects of a young Sandler, his real-life roommate long before either of them made it big. Today, George has a thriving career based on his popular stage act and silly crowd-pleasers. The movies, which have titles like “Sayonara, Davey!” and require him to appear as a merman or

grown-up in a baby’s body, are a dead-on parody of the kinds of dreck on which Sandler has built his empire. You have to give him credit for so gleefully poking fun at his worst work. But then George learns he has a terminal disease. Suddenly, his perspective on everything duly changes, from the stacks of scripts waiting to be read to the random women willing to jump in his bed. He still wants to work but lacks his former enthusiasm — hence his interest in Ira, who’s young and hungry the way he used to be

and who reminds him of a purer time. After seeing Ira do a set at an L.A. comedy club, George hires him to be his assistant, joke writer and friend — and the only person he initially tells about his illness. Apatow handles their scenes together with surprising delicacy and zero sentimentality; Rogen, usually a bellowing bear of a screen presence, has slimmed down on the outside and nicely underplays it on the inside. The moments when he and George are harshly tooling on each other or confiding in one other are some of

the film’s most appealing, despite the heavy subject matter; so are the ones in which George, Ira and other comics bat around ideas and hone their craft. (Jonah Hill and Jason Schwartzman play Ira’s roommates.) Cameos from the likes of Ray Romano, Norm MacDonald, Dave Attell and Sarah Silverman as themselves add to the authenticity, but it’s a scene with Eminem — someone who’s experienced his own share of highs and lows — that crystallizes everything “Funny People” is about.

“Julie & Julia” exceeds expectations By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge Though not the utter ruination of a fond childhood memory as I suspected it would be, “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” elicited such self-loathing within me that I later had trouble looking at myself in the mirror. From the opening minute of the movie I found the dialogue clipped, the acting stodgy, and the character development asinine. And then something would blow up and I’d giggle like a shameless bobblehead. So instead I will tell you about a movie that absolutely met my expectations, surpassing them even, as it vaulted onto my Top Ten List. “Julie & Julia” is utterly adorable and Meryl Streep’s charming, assured performance as the famous chef is likely to earn the amazing movie star a sixteenth Oscar nomination, extending her own unbelievable record. Nora Ephron’s newest film and her

August 20, 2009

“Julie & Julia”

RATED: PG-13 for brief strong language and some sensuality. RUNNING TIME: 133 minutes. ROBERT’S RANKING: four stars out of four.

best, in my learned opinion, features two parallel stories based on true novels: “Julie & Julia” by Julie Powell and “My Life in France” by Julia Child and Alex Prud’homme. Powell (played by the perky Amy Adams) is a Brooklynite helping the city recover from the 9/11 attacks by working in the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, a menial, oftderided job, that brings her no sense of community like she expects. In search of something to solve her aimlessness, she

stumbles onto writing a daily blog at the suggestion of her doting husband, Eric (Chris Messina). The point of her blog is to cook her way through, in one year ’s time, Julia Child’s seminal instructional manual, “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” She learns to poach eggs, bone ducks, and battle the inevitable indigestion that accompanies such a rich and satisfying lifestyle. What a year. All the while, Julie’s project is intercut with scenes that follow Julia Child (Meryl Streep) after she and her husband, Paul (Stanley Tucci), move to Paris following the end of World War II. Paul’s work with the OSS keeps him very busy and Julia is faced with the same aimless boredom that haunts Julie Powell sixty years later in New York City. For Child, there aren’t so many open doors for women as there are today, even in a bohemian hotbed like Europe. She quickly tires of hat-making and constant shopping, turning her sights t o t h e f a m o u s C o rd o n B l e u C o o k i n g

Academy where she bravely enrolls. The only woman in her class, Julia is a novice chef who takes the lessons ultracompetitively. The sheer joy in watching her humorous attempts at food preparation (and, later, writing cookbooks and starring in televised cooking performances) is matched only by the pitch-perfect way in which Streep inhabits her role. She aces both the awkward, sing-song speech patterns, kooky mannerisms, and, yes, sexiness that made Julia Child such a legendary and fascinating figure. The on-screen chemistry between Adams and Messina is sweet and that between Tucci’s Paul and Streep’s Julia is epic. Sadly, Julie and Julia do not meet, though Mrs. Child allegedly knew of the blog experiment, which took place near the end of her life. They remain two kindred spirits kept apart by time, but not dissimilarity. This movie is a mustsee. Don’t let your Summer end without it experiencing it.

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What’s playing, when and where St. Clair Cinema Fairview Heights Movie Listings for 8/21 to 8/27 The following movies are playing at the O’Fallon Cinema. Call 1-800-FANDANGO Code 2405 for showtimes or visit on the Web at www.wehrenberg.com. Band Slam (PG): 1:40, 4:10, 6:40 p.m. District 9 (R) 1:05, 3:40, 6:20, 9:00 p.m. G.I. Joe (PG-13) 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 p.m. Orphan (R) 8:05 p.m. Perfect Getaway (R) 9:10 p.m. Transformers 2 (PG-13) 1:15, 4:35 p.m. The Time Travelers Wife (PG13) 1:00, 3:35, 6:05, 8:45 p.m. Harry Potter 6 (PG) 1:25, 4:55, 8:20 p.m. Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (R) 1:30, 3:50, 6:10, 8:30 p.m. G-Force (PG) Fri-Sun: 1:20, 3:25; Mon-Thurs: 1:30, 3:45 p.m. Inglourious Basterds (R) 1:20, 4:45, 8:20 p.m. Post Grad (PG-13) 1:10, 3:30, 5:50, 8:10 p.m. Shorts (PG) 1:35, 3:55, 6:15, 8:35 p.m. O’Fallon 15 Cinema O’Fallon Movie Listings 8/21 to 8/27 The following movies are playing at the St. Clair Cinema. Call 1-800-FANDANGO Code 2404 for showtimes or visit on the Web at www.wehrenberg.com.

X Games: Disney 3D (PG) 11:25 a.m., 1:50, 4:15, 6:40, 9:05, 11:30* p.m. (*NO 11:30 p.m. showing Sun-Thurs) Inglourious Basterds (R) 12:15, 1:15, 3:35, 4:40, 7:10, 8:00, 10:40, 11:20* p.m. (*NO 11:20 p.m. showing Sun-Thurs) Shorts (PG) 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:40, 10:00 p.m. Julie and Julia (PG-13) Daily: 1:10, 4:20, 7:15, 10:30 p.m. Post Grad (PG-13) 12:50, 3:10, 5:35, 7:55, 10:20 p.m. 500 Days of Summer (PG-13) Daily: 11:40 a.m., 2:10, 4:35, 7:00, 9:25 p.m. G.I. Joe (PG-13) Daily: 1:20, 6:45 p.m. Band Slam (PG) Daily: 1:25 a.m., 7:20 p.m. Funny People (R) Daily: 9:20 p.m. G Force (PG) Daily: 12:30, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05 p.m. District 9 (R) Daily: 4:05, 9:30 p.m. Ti m e Tr a v e l e r s Wi f e ( P G -

13)Daily: 11:45*, 1:35, 2:20, 5:00, 7:05, 7:35, 10:15 p.m. (*No 11:45 a.m. showing on Sat. 8/22) Harry Potter 6 (PG) Daily: 4:00, 9:55 p.m. Ugly Truth (R) Daily: 1:05, 3:30, 6:05, 8:45, 11:10* p.m. (*No 11:10 showing Sun-Thurs) Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (R) Daily: 11:10 a.m., 1:30, 3:55, 6:15, 8:35, 10:55* p.m. (*No 10:55 p.m. showing Sun-Thurs) Showplace 12 Edwardsville Call 800-FANDANGO or visit www.kerasotes.com. Listings for 8/21 through 8/27 NOTE: Tony Dungy’s Red Zone ‘09-One Show Only, Tues. Aug. 25, 7 p.m. Inglourious Basterds (R) 1:15, 2:30, 4:30, 6:20, 8:00, 9:40 p.m. Post Grad (PG-13) 1:30, 3:50, 7:00, 9:20 p.m. Shorts (PG) 1:50, 4:10, 6:40, 9:00 p.m. The Time Traveler ’s Wife (PG-

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13) 1:10, 4:00, 6:50, 9:50 p.m. District 9 (R) Daily: 1:00, 2:00, 3:40, 4:40, 6:30*, 7:30, 9:10*, 10:10 p.m. (NO *6:30 or 9:10 showings Tues. 8/25) G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (PG-13) Daily: 2:10, 5:00, 7:40, 10:20 p.m. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (PG) 2:20, 6:10, 9:30 p.m. Julie and Julia (PG-13) Daily: 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 10:00 p.m. Band Slam (PG) Daily: 12:10, 3:10, 6:20, 9:20 p.m. The Ugly Truth (R) 7:50, 10:15 p.m. G Force 3-D (PG) 1:40, 4:50, 7:20, 9:45 p.m. (*An additional $2.50 charge applies to this 3D show) Bandslam (PG) 1:45, 4:15 p.m. First Tuesday matinee of each title is Matinee Movie Magic for Moms and Dads (baby friendly environment) Eastgate East Alton

Listings for 8/14 through 8/20 Call 800-FANDANGO or visit www.kerasotes.com. G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (PG-13) Daily: 4:10, 7:00, 9:40 Sat-Sun: 1:20 p.m. G Force (PG) Daily: 4:20, 6:30, 9:00; Sat-Sun: 1:30 p.m. A Perfect Getaway (R) Daily: 4:45, 7:30, 10:00; Sat-Sun: 2:00 p.m. Shorts (PG) Daily: 3:45, 6:15, 8:45; Sat-Sun: 1:00 p.m. District 9 (R) Daily: 4:30, 7:15, 9:50; Sat-Sun: 1:45 p.m. The Time Traveler ’s Wife (PG13) Daily: 4:00, 6:45, 9:30; SatSun: 1:10 p.m. Stadium Theatre Jerseyville Call 800-FANDANGO or visit www.kerasotes.com. G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (PG-13) Daily- at 6:40 p.m.; Fri-Sat: 9:30 p.m.; Sat-Sun: 2:00 p.m. Shorts (PG) Daily- 7:00 p.m.; Fri-Sat: 9:20; Sat-Sun: 2:20 p.m.



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Floating and caving Missouri offers the best of both worlds By CATHY RODGERS TADE Of The Edge Leasburg, Mo., only a couple of hours by car from St. Louis Metro East, offers exciting caving and river adventures. Onondaga Cave, located on Highway H in Leasburg, is one of the most spectacular caves in the Ozark Region. It is state-owned and, therefore, has lower entrance fees than many other Ozark area caves. Onondaga Cave has been well preserved and closes for a portion of the year to provide a reprieve for the cave wildlife. The formation flows of Onondaga are tinged in browns and grays due to deposits that have been left behind by coins thrown into its pools. This practice is no longer allowed. Although the nickels and pennies have been removed from the pools, surprisingly colorful hues remain. The out-of-the-way Lily Pad Room is magical and is worth the climb up the steep staircase. The stalagmites in this room have formed in exact imitation of lily pads; some are even perched delicately on nature made pedestals. These lily pads are unique to Onondaga Cave and make a visit to the cave well worth it. The cave is open from 10 until 4 from March through October. Adults are $10, seniors are $8, kids 6 to 12 are $5, and kids under 6 are free. Group discounts are available. The tours are about one mile long and last about one hour and fifteen minutes.The paved walkways are convenient for both strollers and wheelchairs. The cave’s temperature is a chilly 57 degrees (13 degrees Celsius), so visitors may want to carry in a light jacket. Onondaga Cave is managed by the Missouri

Department of Natural Resources. More information about the cave can be found by calling 573-2456576 or by visiting http://www. mostateparks.com/onondaga.htm. Missouri and Arkansas offer a joint Cave Explorer Patch to encourage tourists to visit seven caves. This Cave Explorer Patch can be earned by obtaining a Cave Passport, visiting participating caves, and having the Passport stamped by the cave’s park ranger. Children enjoy collecting stamps in their Passports, which provide a novel summary of cave travels. These Passports are available at participating caves, such as Onondaga. Onondaga Cave, within steps of the Meramec River, is close to a number of river outfitters. The Riverfront Ozark Outdoor Center is the nearest to the Cave at about one half mile. The Ozark Outdoor Center offers a variety of accommodations – RV campsites, tent sites, lodge rooms, mini log cabins, and grand suites which sleep up to 20. Guests can rent tubes and enjoy the campside tube loop and tube shuttle. There is also an on-site pool. The Paddler’s Inn Restaurant, centrally located at the Outdoor Center, offers an on-site dining option. The restaurant cooks up a great local favorite – pork steak. A buffet is offered on most holiday weekends. The on-site store supplies camping equipment, cool gadgets,

water toys, food, dry bags and clothing. It is a well managed place that extends a hospitable welcome to visitors. The staff is exceptionally friendly and is more than willing to share interesting, entertaining river stories with guests. One of the best family trips offered is the Courtois Primitive Trip, a five mile, four hour float on three different waterways. This float trip carries floaters down the Courtois Creek, the Huzzah Creek, and ends at the Meramec River. The Huzzah has some nice beaches and interesting places to stop along the way. The Meramec has beaches, a few small riverside caves, and numerous bluffs and cliffs. All three waterways are teeming with wildlife, especially turtles, fish, and a few timid snakes. A few fallen trees, “strainers,” and other obtacles make the trip more interesting, but still manageable for beginners. For a longer float, the ten mile Butts Slab trip is a good option. Butts Slab covers the same three rivers, but “put-in” is

five miles farther upstream on the Courtois. Floaters on these rivers can rent kayaks, rafts, and canoes from most outfitters. Each type of watercraft has its advantages. For more information on The Ozark Outdoor Center, call 1-800-888-0023 or find them on the web at http:// www.ozarkoutdoors.net. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , t h e Missouri Canoe and Floaters Association offers a free 2009 directory that includes maps of Missouri’s floatable waterways, safety regulations, and paddling tips. The directory also has an expansive list of Missouri float trip outfitters complete with river location, address, and contact i n f o r m a t i o n . To o rd e r a f re e directory, visit the MCFA Web site at www.missouricanoe.org or email them at info@missouricanoe. org. Leasburg, located in the Meramec Region of Crawford County, Mo., offers much in the way of caving and river adventure. Leasburg, population 230 in 2000 census,

does not have its own Web site. However, for more information about Leasburg, visit the Crawford County Web site at http://www. missourimeramecregion.org. 10 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU FLOAT! 1. Do not jump into the river from bluffs or fallen trees. 2. Do not swing on vines. 3. Do not drink water unless you boil or treat it first. 4. Pack out what you bring in. 5. Stay out of caves until you check with a ranger. If you go in, take three light sources. 6. Always wear a life jacket on the river. 7. Move your campsite if flood conditions begin to develop. Never go back to the river during high water--head for higher ground on foot. 8. Keep glass bottles off the river. 9. Avoid roots and trunks of trees-these can be disastrous traps for the unwary. 10. If you get stuck on a rock or log, lean downstream. If you capsize, be sure to stay upstream of the canoe, to avoid getting caught between the boat and the obstruction. (From the Missouri Canoe and Floaters Association.)

Above, the Meramec River and at left, Onandoga Cave. Photos by Cathy Rodgers Tade

August 20, 2009

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Travel Travel briefs Report: U.S. business travel down 15 percent this year SHERMAN, Conn. (AP) — Corporate travel is expected to decline 15 percent this year, according to a new report from PhoCusWright, the travel industry research company. In contrast, the total U.S. travel market is projected to decline only 11 percent in 2009, dipping below 2006 levels, PhoCusWright’s “U.S. Corporate Travel Distribution.” report said. Historically, corporate travel has comprised about 40 percent of the total U.S. travel market, but that share is expected to shrink to 35 percent in 2010, the PhoCusWright report said. “Current economic challenges and public scrutiny of travel and entertainment spending has placed corporate travel on the chopping block,” said Susan Steinbrink, PhoCusWright’s senior research and corporate market analyst. She said not only will there be less corporate travel, but there will be “stricter policies and tougher policing when spending does occur.” On the plus side, she noted that the downturn will “positively affect innovation,” in everything from optimizing value in travel to leveraging new technologies “from mobile to video conferencing.”

Discovery Channel launches adventure travel tour brand SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) — Discovery Channel is launching a new brand of tours and trips called Discovery Adventures. The brand will offer trips to destinations including Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, the Amazon, the Galapagos, India, Thailand, Cambodia, China, South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Alaska and the U.S. Southwest. Itineraries will range from cruises and safaris to exploring the ancient civilizations of the Incas, the Egyptians and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Tour themes will tie in with places featured on Discovery Channel programs like “Man V. Wild,” “Out of Egypt,” “Discovery Atlas,” “Dirty Jobs” and “Into the Unknown with Josh Bernstein.” Participants will have opportunities to explore ruins and historic sites, as well as to do volunteer work in the destinations and experience local cultures. Departures begin in December. The trips will run from three to 24 days and are being offered in partnership with the tour company G.A.P. Adventures. Prices start at $2,000 per person, plus airfare, with the price covering lodging, breakfast and some other

August 20, 2009

amenities. Groups will be small, just six to 15 people depending on the destination, with all trips suitable for families. D e t a i l s a t h t t p : / / w w w. discoveryadventures.com.

Theater: Shaw Festival under way in Ontario NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, Ontario (AP) — The 2009 season of the Shaw Festival is under way in Ontario with productions by Noel Coward, Eugene O’Neill and Stephen Sondheim. The theater season, which runs through Nov. 1, includes Coward’s “Tonight at 8:30,” a collection of 10 short plays, O’Neill’s “A Moon for the Misbegotten,” and Sondheim’s “Sunday in the Park with George.” The heart of the festival revolves around works by George Bernard Shaw and his contemporaries. Shaw plays offered this season include “The Devil’s Disciple” and “In Good King Charles’s Golden Days.” Details on the productions and vacation packages for the area are at http://www.shawfest.com/. The festival takes place at Niagara-on-the-Lake, about an hour from Buffalo, N.Y., and four hours from Cleveland.

Reservations open Aug. 11 for Epcot Food & Wine events LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) — The 14th annual Epcot International Food & Wine Festival Festival runs for six weeks beginning Sept.

25 at Walt Disney World Resort, but booking for some of the most popular reservation-only events opens in August. Reservations will be taken beginning at 7 a.m. Aug. 11 at 407939-3378 for programs including Epcot wine schools, tequila tastings, French regional lunches, cheese seminars, and food and wine pairings among others. For dates, more programs and other details, visit http://www. disneyworld.com/foodandwine. Entrance to the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival, plus “Eat to the Beat!” concerts, culinary exhibits, park attractions and other entertainment is included with regular Epcot admission. Reservation-only festival events cost an additional from $35 to $375 (plus tax, gratuity included) per person, depending on the event. Celebrity chefs scheduled to take part in the festival on designated dates include Jeff Henderson, Cat Cora, Warren Brown, Jamie and Bobby Deen, Alan Wong, Art Smith, Robert Irvine, Keegan Gerhard, J a c q u e s To r r e s a n d A n d r e w Zimmern.

New Web service connects hunters with locations in Texas AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A new free Web service aims to connect hunters with hunting opportunities posted by private landowners in Texas. T h e H u n t Te x a s O n l i n e Connection was created by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. About 450 hunting opportunities

are listed, many of them on ranches with game ranging from quail and turkey to deer and feral hogs. Hunters must register on the site to contact landowners; the two parties then make their own leasing arrangements. The hunting opportunities are open to nonresidents as well as long as they have a Texas hunting license. Details at http://www.tpwd.state. tx.us/exptexas/programs/hunttexas/.

October, and Ski.com can also help find discount airfare. Details at http://SummerMountainTravel. com or call 800-556-7547.

Summer: Time to check out ski resorts, but not for skiing ASPEN, Colo. (AP) — Looking for a late summer destination? Consider visiting some of the resort towns best-known for winter skiing. Many of the West’s most popular ski destinations offer lots of warmweather activities, with lodging up to 40 percent off what you’d pay in the winter. Things to do include fishing, golf, horseback riding, kayaking and whitewater rafting. Ski resorts also often use their equipment and slopes to offer scenic gondola rides, alpine slides and other adventures. Some ski towns host summer concerts, competitions and festivals as well. The Aspen Music Festival and School in Colorado is staging “Don Giovanni” Aug. 18, 20 and 22 among its 400 summer events, while Jackson Hole, Wyo., hosts a series of mountain bike races in August. The travel-booking Web site Ski. com offers summer packages at a number of resorts in the West, including Lake Tahoe, Vail and Whistler. Some of the deals are available through September or



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Spa Rinnovi Edwardsville’s Premiere Skin & Laser Center Spa Rinnovi caters to local residents who prefer to stay in town, rather than drive all the way to St. Louis. Spa Rinnovi provides upscale skin and laser treatments. A full complement of state-of-the- art treatments is available at this nearby location, making the time-consuming commute to the city unnecessary. If looking young and having flawless skin is what you are trying to achieve, then there is no need to look any further. Millions of women – and men—who take pride in their appearance are enjoying the benefits of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Spas that offer advanced aesthetic treatments are the fastest growing segment of the spa industry. They offer safe effective beauty treatments that are supervised by licensed healthcare professionals. The combined knowledge and experience of skin care experts with the tranquil comforts of a spa are what make this experience unique. Services include new technologies like lasers and intense pulsed light, as well as medical grade skin care treatments and products. “Guests visiting Spa Rinnovi are often pleasantly surprised to see a luxury spa atmosphere combined with laser and aesthetic treatments. They are able to experience the luxuries of a spa and also to receive upscale laser and personalized skin care treatments. In Italian, the word rinnovi means ‘renew’, and guests leave Rinnovi looking and feeling their best,” said Amy Pierard of Spa Rinnovi. Experienced, licensed medical professionals perform all advanced aesthetic treatments. Dr. Kristen M. Jacobs performs all dermal fillers, including Juvederm and Radiesse, and Botox injectables. She also oversees the laser treatments and protocols to ensure the clients are receiving the correct treatments and protocols to maximize results and safety. Laser hair removal, limelight, laser genesis, Titan, BOTOX and Juvederm are just a few of treatments offered on the advanced aesthetic side of the spa. This fall Rinnovi will be adding OBAGI Medical Skin Care Products to the retail area of the spa. In an effort to continue providing the best in skin care products, Spa Rinnovi has also recently added Jane Iredale Mineral

August 20, 2009

Makeup, the skin care makeup. The Rinnovi team is dedicated to bringing you safe, high-quality cosmetic services and products that bring effective, medically proven results. Licensed aestheticians offer a tempting assortment of skin care treatments at Spa Rinnovi. One of the most popular spa treatments is the microdermabrasion facial. This treatment exfoliates the skin to regain the smooth youthful glow our skin was born with. This treatment has become one of Rinnovi’s best sellers. Rinnovi also recently added 70% medical grade peels. All treatments are customized with medical grade skin care products for each person’s individual skin care needs and goals, with an emphasis on results.

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Spa Rinnovi has recently expanded their menu of services to include Latisse, Vivite, Skinceuticals, Clarisonic Skin Care Brush and many other sought after products and services. Spa Rinnovi has expanded their retail product lines and redefined their menu of services to focus on advanced skin care. Spa Rinnovi has raised the bar and integrated a new focus on advanced skin care, dermal fillers, state of the art laser treatments and an expanded retail line of pro t lines and redefined their menu of services to focus on advanced skin care. Spa Rinnovi has raised the bar and integrated a new focus on advanced skin care, dermal fillers, state of the art laser treatments and an expanded retail line of products. This new focus is what sets them apart from other spas in the area. “We want to make sure everyone that visits Spa Rinnovi feels like they just received a skin transformation when they leave our Spa. Our goal is to help our guests attain skin care results that will be noticed by all. Your friends will think you just went on vacation you will look so rested and relaxed,” states Dr. Kristen Jacobs of Spa Rinnovi. Spa Rinnovi is one of the only spas in the area that offers laser and advanced aesthetic skin care treatments in a spa atmosphere. This is one of Edwardsville’s best kept secrets. To meet with one of our skin care professionals and begin your skin transformation, call Spa Rinnovi at 618-656-6398 or visit www.spa-rinnovi.com.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — One in every five Americans watches birds, according to a new report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service called “Birding in the United States: A Demographic and Economic Analysis.” The report claims that 48 million p e o p l e b i rd w a t c h , re m a i n i n g at a steady 20 percent of the U.S. population since 1996. And while 88 percent of birders do their birdwatching from their backyards, 42 percent travel to indulge in their hobby. By region, the report found that birdwatching was most popular in the South, with an estimated 33 percent of the population taking part in the activity. But birdwatching also varies by state. But the five individual states with the greatest birding participation rates were found to be Montana (40 percent), Maine (39 percent), Vermont (38 percent), Minnesota (33 percent) and Iowa (33 percent). The report is an addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and WildlifeAssociated Recreation. The survey is the eleventh in a series of surveys conducted about every five years that began in 1955.

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The Eden Advantage

When you are faced with the job of finding a retirement community for yourself or a loved one, the question often asked is “Where do I begin?” At the end of the day, however, the process can be done with forethought and confidence that the best decision was made for everyone involved. Many seniors have tired of the dayto-day chores of lawn care and home repairs, etc. Look for a retirement community that offers the freedom of home, yet handles the day-to-day maintenance and security. A quality retirement community will offer ample opportunities to socialize while maintaining privacy, dignity and independence. Residents can usually bring most of their own furniture and a few providers even allow small pets.

pianos, quiet lounge areas, library with computer stations and internet availability. Our fitness room houses strength training equipment with oversight by a personal trainer. To schedule a tour contact Tina at (618) 205-4637.

Assisted Living is housing with services for people who need help with personal care such as bathing, dressing, grooming, meal preparation, or medication management. It bridges the gap between senior living and skilled care.

Eden Assisted Living

Our apartments offer one and two bedroom apartments with a small kitchenette and large, easily accessible bathrooms. Each apartment overlooks a beautiful three-story atrium area with a“downtown”theme. Additional amenities will include a media room, general store, and beauty/barber shop. For additional information or to schedule a tour contact Kari at (618) 205-4624. Skilled Nursing Facilities offer 24/7 medical care, including short-term rehabilitation as well as long-term

care for people with chronic ailments or disabilities that require daily attention of licensed nursing staff. Eden Care Center

Our 138-bed, Medicare certified care center is right on site for times when you may need intermittent or long-term skilled nursing care. Our 24-hour nursing staff are caring and professional. For additional information please contact Rindy (618) 205-4604. Continuing-Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) are ideal for serveral reasons. The CCRC is a complex of residences that include senior living, assisted living and skilled care, so seniors can stay in the same general geographical location as

their needs change over time. While a senior living community does not provide personal care in the home, the various types of services can be contracted for privately by the resident. The Eden Advantage - Come Visit and See Why! Eden Village Retirement Community is the answer to your senior living needs. We hope you will contact one of our representatives soon and schedule your personal tour.

• If placement is urgent, due to illness or hospitalization, consult your hospital Social Worker or Discharge Planner for assistance. • If placement is “down the road” and you have time, call the retirement facilities and ask them to send you their information packet. • Search Web sites. This is a good way to learn about and compare services. www.edenvillage.org It is very important to tour the facilities you have chosen and to go with a list of questions. Keeping notes and checklists of services and building amenities available will enable you to compare facilities. It’s important to look beyond the physical structure and spend the necessary time to ask questions; talk with people and generally “sample the product”. Remember that some retirement homes operate as nonfor-profit, which often has the senior’s best interest at heart. Senior Living is for adults who are self-sufficient and want the freedom and privacy of their own separate, easy-to-maintain apartment or house, along with security, comfort and social activities of a senior community. It is by definition...senior living. Eden Senior Living Our senior living apartments offer one and two bedrooms and private patios or balconies. You’ll have all of the space you need to enhance lifestyle choices and personal entertaining. Each floor includes two beautiful living rooms with flat screen TV, fireplace, bookcases, game tables and conversation areas. The rooms are tastefully decorated with fine art and collectables. Beautifully decorated social areas throughout the building include a spacious dining room, social programs rooms with video equipment and

August 20, 2009

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The Arts Arts calendar **If you would like to add something to our arts calendar, email it to theedge@edwpub.net.

Thursday, Aug. 20 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Gateway East Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale, Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville

Friday, Aug. 21 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Gateway East Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale, Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville

Saturday, Aug. 22 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Gateway East Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale, Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville

Sunday, Aug. 23 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center

Monday, Aug. 24

by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo., free

Thursday, Aug. 27 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo. • Gallery Talk, Hubert Robert Conservation Project, 11 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo,

Friday, Aug. 28 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo. • Gallery Talk, Hubert Robert Conservation Project, 6 p.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo,

Main St., Edwardsville • Daily Collection Tour, 1:30 p.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.

Sunday, Aug. 30 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Plains Indian Patterns, Sculpture Hall, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, free, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. • Tales of Spider and Thunderbird, Sculpture Hall, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, free • Daily Collection Tour, 1:30 p.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.

Monday, Aug. 31 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis

Tuesday, Sept. 1 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.

Wednesday, Sept. 2 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Art on the Court, ArtSpace, Crestwood Plaza, Mo. • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 237/239 N.

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center

Monday, Sept. 7 • Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis

Thursday, Sept. 10 • S e m i n a r : “ T h e A l l u re o f Antiquity: European Artists Inspired by Ancient Rome,” Each Thursday through Sept 3-24, limited to 20, $80 ($50 members), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis

Thursday, Sept. 17

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis

• S e m i n a r : “ T h e A l l u re o f Antiquity: European Artists Inspired by Ancient Rome,” Each Thursday through Sept 3-24, limited to 20, $80 ($50 members), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis



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Limit 1 per person. See store for details. Expires 8/29/09

Arts In the Park (movie night begins at dusk)

Tuesday, Aug. 25

Thursday, August 27

Thursday, September 3

(7:00 p.m.)

(7:00 p.m.)

Friday, August 21

Community Band Performance “Bolt”

“Nice ‘n Easy Band” (with Elizabeth Lakamp)

Sunday, Sept. 6

Friday, Sept. 4

Saturday, Aug. 29

(7:00 p.m.)

“Eliza Dawn Rockin’ Sockin’ 50’s Family Show”

Friday, September 11

“High School Musical 3”, featuring the Radio Disney Crew (movie night begins at dusk)

All events are held at the Tri-Township Park in Troy (Exit #18 off Highway 55, then one mile east)

Wednesday, Aug. 26

August 20, 2009

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • S e m i n a r : “ T h e A l l u re o f Antiquity: European Artists Inspired by Ancient Rome,” Each Thursday through Sept 3-24, limited to 20, $80 ($50 members), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo. • G a l l e r y Ta l k , “ To O p e n Eyes: Approaching Modern and Contemporary Art,” Michael Murawski, 11 a.m., free • Lecture, “Revolution of the Ordinary,” Charlotte Eyerman, Auditorium, free, 7 p.m.

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis

Heroic Adventures

Friday, August 21

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented

Thursday, Sept. 3

Saturday, Sept. 5

The best place in town for comics & games.

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis

• Ends of the Earth: From Polar Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Main Street Art Gallery, “Peep Show,” 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., 237/239 N. Main St., Edwardsville • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo., free

Bears to Penguins, Presented by St. Louis Science Center • Sean Frye Exhibit presented by Art St. Louis, KitchenK, 1000 Washington Ave., St. Louis • Daily Collection Tour, 10:30 a.m., St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.

For more information, contact the Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob Chamber of Commerce at 667-8769 or visit the Chamber’s website at www.troymaryvillecoc.com


Decorative Design 1990 Troy Rd., Edwardsville



30% OFF Home Decor We are refocusing the way we have been doing business. To offer you more personal service, we will work by appointment only. Stop by before August 31st to take advantage of our MOVING sale. The Edge – Page



A r t i n t h e P a r k

Highland prepares for annual fall festival By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge Believe it or not, fall events are being planned. summer seems to have sped on by once again and now it is the time to get the fall events on your calendar. The Highland Arts in the Park should be one of your entries. It is a free event for the whole family and is sure to have something for everyone. Art in the Park will celebrate its sixth anniversary with works by more than 70 artists, including numerous artists from the Metro East and St. Louis areas. The two-day juried exhibit and sale will be on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 10 and 11, in Lindendale Park in Highland, located 35 miles east of St. Louis. Free and open to the public, Art in the Park will feature original works in a wide range of art mediums including: watercolor, oil/acrylic, clay, glass, drawing/pastels, fabric/fiber, wood, sculpture, photography, jewelry, graphics/ printmaking and mixed media. Artwork will be exhibited and offered for sale in outdoor booths from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10 and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11. “Our artists offer a variety of work in a wide price range. There is art for everyone at Highland’s Art in the Park,” stated Lynnette Schuepbach, event chairperson

August 20, 2009

and member of the Highland Art Council, the producer of Art in the Park. Jurying for Art in the Park will be conducted by a panel of experienced arts professionals. The 2009 panel includes: Carrie Schott, Director of Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, Mount Vernon,; Susan Bostwick, President of Madison County Arts Council and adjunct faculty member of the Department of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville; and Don Davis, Retired Chair of the Department of Art and Design, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. This year, a total of $10,500 in cash prizes will be awarded in 12 categories as well as special awards. The Highland Art Council expects its biggest audience to-date with more talented artists vying for the sizeable prize money, and the addition of a food-as-art competition and other feature events that attract art enthusiasts and their families from southern Illinois and metropolitan St. Louis. Throughout the weekend, glass bead makers, drum painters and other artists will be holding demonstrations at their booths. In addition, locally-celebrated watercolorist Michael Anderson of Belleville will be creating a mural on-site. Upon its completion, the work will remain in Highland for the enjoyment of the local community.

This year marks the debut of Dueling Desserts, a food-as-art competition. On Sunday, Oct. 11, professional chefs will present artful desserts made entirely of edible ingredients. Attendees will vote for the best dessert by dropping spare change in jars. Proceeds will be donated to a local food pantry operated by Highland Area Christian Services Ministry. Attractions for children include The Children’s Gallery, where any child up to the age of 18 can purchase artwork donated by exhibiting artists for $5. “Teaching children the joy of purchasing art will encourage them to grow into adults who value and purchase art,” said Schuepbach. Over 150 pieces were sold in the Children’s Gallery in 2008. The Kids Kreation area will provide a space for young people to create their own art projects and get their faces painted at no charge. Art in the Park will also feature a variety of live entertainment; food and drink will be available throughout the fair. Lindendale Park, the site for the event, is handicapped accessible and parking is free. Art in the Park will be held in Lindendale Park located at 2025 Park Hill Drive, Highland, just 35 miles east of St. Louis. Event hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10 and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11. To learn more, visit www.highlandartscouncil.org/media. htm or call 558-0054.

The Edge – Page



You don’t have to be a woman to be pampered By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge When thinking about the spa experience, many men wince and immediately say that spa’s are for women. They feel immediately uncomfortable at the thought of having someone “rub” them or having someone touch their feet. At least that has been my experience when I mention spa treatments to the men I know. However, recently my husband and I were treated to a couples spa experience at Ara Spa in St. Charles, Mo. My husband was a bit nervous about the prospect of getting unclothed and having someone, be it male or female – each for different reasons – give him a massage. Nevertheless, he agreed to go. Let me just say that he no longer feels the same way about the spa experience and would jump at the chance to go back. The Ara Spa, which is part of the Ameristar Casino Resort Spa complex in St. Charles, opened in the spring of 2008. It is a 7,000-square-foot full-

service spa that offers a full menu of traditional and unique signature spa services in six private treatment rooms, including a dedicated facial room and a wet room reserved for body scrubs and washes. Guests can renew their body and spirit with a massage or facial treatment, then relax and reflect in one of the eucalyptus steam rooms or dry saunas. Finally, guests can enjoy a serene and peaceful moment in one of the massive whirlpools featuring dramatic and invigorating waterfalls. The full complement of spa services includes a unique wet experience for both men and women with steam sauna, swiss shower and hydro pools. A separate serene area offers a nail bar and custom pedicure banquettes to enjoy the full spa experience. The services do not include nail extensions of any type, but you can enjoy a full manicure and/or pedicure including color change. The relaxing, beautiful and serenely decorated lounge and complimentary beverage service offer a wonderful place to begin or end your spa

experience. The spa boutique features B.Kamins and Astara skincare, Zents and red flower body care, plus an uncommon selection of spa products for your body and home. Spa and hotel guests are able to enjoy the custom designed indoor/outdoor pool. This expansive facility also features tranquil fountains, romantic fire pit, relaxing hot tubs and eight private cabanas, each featuring a 19” television and comfortable outdoor lounge seating. If you are looking for a workout before or after your spa treatment, Ara’s fitness studio features state-of-the-art cardiovascular equipment, circuit training, and free weights. Reserve your spa experience now and see if you can get your spouse to come along, male or female. If you have never tried it, you really don’t know what you are missing! To contact Ara, call 636949-7721or visit www.ameristar.com/St_Charles_ Hotel_Ara_Spa_Pool.aspx for more information or a downloadable brochure about their services.

Three views of Ara Spa at the Ameristar Casino Resort in St. Charles. Photos for The Edge.

August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page


Family Focus

First lady influences Chicago fashion CHICAGO (AP) — In Michelle Obama’s hometown, working women hustle back and forth from home to the office in stylish shoes they can walk fast and far in. They wear chic but commonsense coats that keep them warm in the winters — and those famous sleeveless tops favored by the first lady in the summer. It’s that Midwestern pragmatism with a cosmopolitan edge, personified by Mrs. Obama, that is shining a runway spotlight on Chicago’s fashion scene, say style watchers, retail experts and fashion designers. “It shows you can fashionably be from Chicago,” fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger said this month at a Chicago event where he was introduced as mentor for emerging young designers from the city. “You don’t have to be from New York, Paris or Milan.” Earlier this year, The Washington Post dubbed Chicago’s fashion industry, home to Obama stylist and tony boutique owner Ikram Goldman and Maria Pinto, a favorite designer of the first lady, “The Milan of the Midwest.” “Her (Obama’s) fashion instincts and how she puts herself

together are a direct reflection on fashion in Chicago,” said Terry Lundgren, the chairman, president and chief executive of the national department store chain Macy’s Inc. Obama’s style is pure Chicago: She favors comfortable but hardworking off-the-rack separates that reflect the city’s down-to-earth roots and livable style. “She dresses like an urban working woman as opposed to dressing like a first lady,” InStyle fashion director Hal Rubenstein said. “Chicago isn’t showing off. Chicago is going through the day. She comes out there well-dressed but accessible.” Her everywoman appeal is clear — note the spikes in sales of the Obama family’s J.Crew outfits, for example — but Mrs. Obama is also drawing attention to new, underthe-radar talent. She’s already been named a fashion icon by the Council of Fashion Designers of America. Obama largely puts her confidence in Chicago’s designers to guide her White House style, Rubenstein said. Goldman’s boutique ikram in the city’s Gold Coast district is a favorite of the first lady.

“Her hotline is not going through New York,” Rubenstein said. “Her hotline goes through a place where she feels comfortable. She trusts this voice from her hometown. It’s not about, ’I have to get a Washington D.C. coordinator to find out what to wear to a state dinner.”’ And the source of Obama’s fashion inspiration is enjoying a newfound respect for its designers and boutiques. The style-conscious sets in California, New York and Europe now pay attention to Chicago, said Barbara Glass, a Chicago fashion commentator and image consultant. The city had been viewed as having conservative taste. Its previous run as a fashion capital came and went in the early 20th century when it was home to many menswear manufacturers. At one time, “people weren’t necessarily impressed if it was a Chicago designer,” Glass observed. “It didn’t have a good ring to it. She’s changed that.” Now, shoppers are seeking out the designers behind the first lady’s signature style.

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The Edge – Page


Dining Delights

Jams and Jellies Making the most of the season’s harvest By DEBBIE SETTLE Of The Edge With the harvest of fruits and vegetables coming in, the race is on to preserve those summer flavors so you can enjoy them all throughout the year. Jam and jelly preservation is one of the ways you can utilize your abundance of fruits and vegetables. Many think of jelly and jam as just a fruit compote, but vegetables are not to be overlooked in the spreadable category. Here are a few of the recipes that I have run across to maybe help you decide what to try your hand at. HomeMade Grape Jelly Ingredients 3 cups grape juice (squeeze from fresh picked grapes or used bottled grape juice-unsweetened) 1 pkg. powdered Fruit Jell Pectin 4 cups sugar Combine grape juice and pectin in a large saucepot. Bring mixture to a rolling boil. Stir in sugar and return to a rolling boil.

August 20, 2009

Boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam if necessary. Pour into hot, sterilized jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Adjust caps. Process five minutes in boiling water bath. Makes 5 pints. Banana and Peach Jam 1 cup fully ripe bananas ½ cup drained/chopped maraschino cherries 6 cups sugar 3 ¼ cups fully ripe peaches 2 tbsp. lemon juice 1 box fruit pectin {1.50 to 1.75 Ounces} Mash bananas and peaches. Add cherries and lemon juice, mix well. Stir Fruit Jell Pectin into fruit. Cook on high heat until fruit comes to a rolling boil. Immediately add sugar, stirring until mixture comes to a rolling boil again, stirring constantly, boil for one minute. Remove from heat, skim foam with a metal spoon. Cool slightly Prevent fruit from floating. Immediately ladle into hot sterilized jars, filling to 1/2 inch from top. Seal Properly. Plum Jam 2 lbs. coarsely chopped ripe plums 3 cups sugar 3/4 cup water Combine ingredients Bring to slow steady boil, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves. Cook almost to, jellying point. As mixture thickens, stir frequently to prevent sticking. Pour jam immediately into hot, sterile canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe jar rims and adjust lids. Process for 5 minutes in boiling water bath. While the juice is cooking put the sugar in pans in a moderate oven and let heat. As soon as the juice is skimmed clear stir in the hot sugar, and as soon as it is dissolved

pour the jelly in the glasses, first standing them in warm water. Place glasses after filling them in a cool dry place till jelly is well set, then pour a film of melted paraffin over the top and put on the covers. Home Made Rhubarb Conserve 7 lb Rhubarb 5 lb Sugar 3 Oranges -skin AND pulp- Slice Thin 1 lb Raisins; seeded Boil all the ingredients together, bring to a full rolling boil . Allow to cool then pour into hot sterile jars seal, and label. For the Best flavor allow this to meld for several days before serving. Easy Jalapeno Jelly 3 jalapeno peppers (get rid of the seeds!) 4 medium bell peppers (get rid of the seeds!) 1 cup of vinegar 5 cups of sugar

3 oz. jar of pectin Process the peppers and vinegar. Add the sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add pectin and boil for 1 more minute. Fill jelly jars. Apricot Habanero Jelly 1 lb. habenero peppers 1 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup apricot nectar 6 cup sugar 1 pkg. certo 6 drops orange food coloring Directions-cut off stem ends of peppers blend together with 1/2 of the vinegar and aprocot nector. bring the vinegar and sugar to a boil, add the pepper and coloring and bring to a boil for two minutes. Add the certo and bring to a boil again. Skim , pour into jars and seal. makes about 24 oz of jelly. All recipes provided for The Edge.

The Edge – Page


Dining Delights

Woman's food passion displayed on blog By HOLLY RAMER St. Petersburg Times Julia Child wrote a famous cookbook. Julie Powell wrote a famous blog about it. And now that blog is a movie with famous people in it. "Julie and Julia" opened Friday , giving hope to food bloggers everywhere that they too might be recognized for the work they do in the wee hours. The icing on the gateau would be Meryl Streep or Amy Adams playing them on screen. Maybe then they could quit their days jobs. "Julie and Julia" is the first Hollywood movie that’s sprung from a blog, but not likely the last. There are thousands of midnight writers in the blogosphere, with easily more than 5,000 sharing their thoughts on food. These largely self-published writers are critiquing restaurants and cookbooks, detailing cooking triumphs and disasters, waxing poetic about farmers markets and seasonal ingredients and, of course, singing the warm and fuzzy praises of Mom’s Sunday dinners. Or, on the flip side, letting the world in on the family’s dirty little secret: Mom was a lousy cook. The quality of food blogs varies widely, but many are slick efforts with gorgeous color photos and clever writing. Though making a living at blogging may be the goal, it is far from reality for most online authors. Nevertheless, the food blog is alive and well and has come a long way in the six years since Julie Powell concluded her yearlong project to cook all 524 re c i p e s i n J u l i a C h i l d ’ s 1 9 6 1 M a s t e r i n g t h e A r t o f F re n c h Cooking. Her efforts make up half the movie, and My Life in France, Child’s autobiography written with nephew Alex Prud’homme, i n s p i re d t h e re s t . ( C h i l d a n d Powell never met, and the legendary cookbook author died in 2004, a year before the blog became a bestselling book. Child was not a fan of the blog.) “I think Julie’s blog definitely inspired a lot of food blogs,” says Amy Sherman, 45, of San Francisco, blogger of the p o p u l a r C o o k i n g Wi t h A m y (cookingwithamy.com). Like Powell, Sherman was part of the early days of food blogging. Both made a 2003 Forbes magazine list of the top five food blogs. That didn’t get Sherman a movie deal, but it did help launch her into a cookbook writing and recipe development career. Sherman says most food bloggers, at least those who stick with it, experience a turning point that makes the difference between hundreds of visitors

August 20, 2009

and thousands. For Powell, it was an article in the New York Times, which led to her book and subsequent movie deal and occasional writing assignments for the newspaper and other magazines. For Sherman, it was the mention in Forbes. Success has come so quickly for Tampa Bay area blogger Jaden Hair that she can’t pinpoint the moment of impact. Local blogger makes good Hair, who lives in Lakewood Ranch in Manatee County with her husband and two young sons, started blogging just 2?1/2 years ago at Steamy kitchen.com . Her specialty is deconstructing Asian recipes for the home cook. She writes a column for the Tampa Tribune and appears regularly on local daytime television shows. She’s not a trained chef but learned to cook traditional Asian dishes from her mother. Steamy Kitchen, the cookbook, will be published in October by Tuttle, which specializes in Asian cuisine cookbooks. Last week , Hair signed with New York literary agent Janis Donnaud, who represents Paula Deen and other well-known chefs and food writers. The Food Network asked her to audition for The Next Food Network Star, but she declined. “It has all happened so fast,” says Hair, 37. “When I really started having fun with the blog, it became successful.” Hair says she gets about 500,000 page views a month. In the blog world, that’s big-time, a n d H a i r, w h o s e b a c k g ro u n d is in marketing, is a relentless p ro m o t e r. S he has more than 15,000 followers on Twitter. (There is no independent agency that monitors blog traffic, so numbers come from bloggers

themselves.) In addition to her marketing acumen, Hair has become an excellent food photographer. She produces the photos for the blog and has done all the photography for her book, an unusual arrangement. Hair credits her success and the success of any blogger to authenticity and passion. “With a blog, you have to be absolutely authentic. You can’t B.S. on a blog,” she says. Hair says the best food blogs have several things in common: “a strong-voice, drop-dead gorgeous photography and they are entertaining or useful.” We might add attitude, too. Powell certainly had it on her blog, though her colorful language was cleaned up for the book and the movie. Hair is not beyond dropping an f-bomb here and there. Despite the mainstream media moving more and more into the online world, it’s still a bit of the Wild West and you’ll read things you won’t see in most general circulation publications. Even with the growing cadre of food bloggers, Hair still thinks there is room for growth. “Newspapers aren’t doing well; TV has lots of layoffs,” she says. “Where are those eyeballs going? They are going online. I am part of the new crop of bloggers and now I am making most of my income from my blog.” A creative outlet Derek Lee cheekily calls his blog the Best Food Blog Ever ( b e s t f o o d b l o g e v e r. c o m ) . L e e , 37, is not unlike lots of Internet foodies who toil at an unrelated job during the day and play out their food passion to the glow of the computer screen at night. He has an engineering degree he

never used and a law degree that turned him into an attorney for two years. Now he’s a technical writer in Chester County, Pa. That job pays the bills, but blogging satisfies his creative side, he says. He writes food essays on his yearold blog and has an insightful piece about Julia Child’s place in the pantheon of legendary chefs. Lee sees "Julie and Julia" as the embodiment of a mind-blowing “media whirlwind.” As he puts it, “It started as a book, which 40 years later starts a blog, which then gets turned into a book which turned into a movie.” Both in an interview and on his blog, Lee has lots of pithy things to say. He believes that if he writes well enough, people will want to read his work. He’s careful to edit himself because “the only thing

standing between you and crappy stuff is a mouse click.” But Lee knows that anyone with a computer can start a blog. “There is a very low hurdle of entry,” he says. “If you want to start a blog about doughnuts, you can have one up and running in an hour. To get a cookbook published, you need an agent and then a combination of skill and luck.” Lee says he is not measuring his success by hits he gets about 4,000 a month but by the opportunities that have come along. Last week, the Best Food Blog Ever had fleeting fame by being the featured blog on the movie studio’s promotional Web site for "Julie and Julia". And just like that, Lee was part of the media whirlwind.

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Dining Delights

Many cooks returning to the kitchen By MICHELE KAYAL Associated Press Wi t h h o u s e h o l d s w a t c h i n g every penny, a growing number of Americans are ditching their takeout menus and heading into the kitchen to cook dinner at home. The trouble is, many don't know how. "We have forgotten how to cook," says author Mollie Katzen, best known for "The Moosewood Cookbook." As families learned to rely on dialing for pizza, they stopped being able to bake their own. Now, lots of people want to save money but can't even make eggs, she says. We've become a nation of inexperienced but newly determined cooks, and that has given cookbook authors and publishers a promising new niche. After years of cookbooks that ranged from pretentious celebrity chef volumes to glossy tributes to cupcakes, the latest trend embraces Cooking 101 — books that take readers back to the basics. This fall, British chef Jamie Oliver releases "Jamie's Food Revolution," which teaches basic techniques that save money and produce healthier eating habits. And Katzen will roll out "Get Cooking," the first in a series of books that targets beginning cooks with straightforward recipes for soups, pasta, chicken and burgers. These new offerings follow last

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fall's "Barefoot Contessa Back to Basics" by television chef Ina Garten and "Martha Stewart's Cooking School" by Martha Stewart. Garten's book was the top seller and Stewart's was in the top five, says Kathryn Popoff, vice president of trade books for bookseller Borders Group, Inc. Books such as New York Times' columnist Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything" and "Cooking Know-How," by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough also populate the growing genre. D o r o t h y H a r r, a 4 1 - y e a r old marketing executive from Centerville, Va., is among the more than 40 percent of people surveyed b y Wo r t h i n g t o n , O h i o - b a s e d consumer research firm BIGresearch who say they're cutting back on dinners out. But her limited skills mean her family doesn't eat much variety. "I tend to cook the same thing over and over and it gets really boring," she says. She's hoping a brush-up of the basics will change that. Basic cookbooks have long been a staple of the cookbook industry. Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" walked Americans through Gallic cuisine. Fannie Farmer taught home cooks how to measure properly. "The Joy of Cooking" introduced asparagus and

how to handle it. What has changed is the level of knowledge — or, perhaps, ignorance — these new books assume. Katzen is amazed at the level of skills. "The questions I get are so basic 'Should I buy the frozen spinach or the fresh,' 'I'd like to make an omelet, how do I do that?' I thought it was obvious, but it's not." Culinary historians say America's migration from the stove began sometime after World War II, when more women moved into the workforce and the makers of packaged foods began casting cooking as drudgery to be dispensed with quickly. Our skills eroded through the 1960s, '70s, and '80s as families worked more and ate fewer meals together. Now the average home cook's knowledge has declined so thoroughly that The Betty Crocker Kitchens Stylebook, which is used for recipes and package directions, has simplified some of its terms. For instance, modern cooks are instructed to "beat" sugar and butter together rather than "cream" it (the instruction of yesteryear), cookbooks manager Lois Tlusty said in an email. At the same time, people began to eat out more. Not just hamburgers, but high-end fare at restaurants

presided over by culinary luminaries. Chefs became celebrities and food-driven media like specialized magazines and the Food Network helped make contemporary diners more sophisticated than ever — at least on the surface. "People want to throw around terms like 'jus' or 'coulis,'" says Anne Mendelson, a culinary historian and contributing editor at Gourmet magazine. "Some people say we're getting more sophisticated. But then you look at the cookbooks meant to teach people to cook and you hear horror stories of the trouble ordinary people have using those books." Cookbooks are only part of the effort to help Americans get comfortable in the kitchen again. Many beginning cooks seem to want more instruction than a book can reasonably offer, giving rise to cooking schools. Roughly 350 cooking schools can be found across the country, says Stephan Hengst, spokesman for the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y., up from just over 200 a decade ago. In 2007, the latest year for which figures are available, more than 62,000 students were enrolled. "People realize that at the core of it, they never really learned to cook


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to begin with," Hengst says. "With the rise of Whole Foods and farmers' markets people are discovering ingredients that they're completely unfamiliar with and they want to know what to do with them." At Sterling, Va.-based Cookology, where timid cook Harr has taken more than a half-dozen classes, owner Maria Kopsidas even offers a farmers' market class based on what cooks might find at their local markets. But she also recognized the need to teach these same cooks to improvise — that is, cook with confidence. "How do you teach such a special skill?" says Kopsidas. "You can show people, look, there are two or three ways that we tend to cook things like vegetables, and then give them a few recipes to use as a foundation." But some culinary observers worry a whole shelf of books on cooking 101 won't help a culture that has moved so far from the kitchen. "We've fallen into the hands of other people making our food for us," Mendelson says. "And I don't know if there's any road back from that." B ru c e We i n s t e i n a n d M a r k Scarbrough take an unconventional, yet intuitive approach to cooking in their recent cookbook, "Cooking Know-How."

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August 20, 2009

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Dining Delights OK, we admit these are our opinions and you certainly should form your own, but it is nice to have a guide of places to eat when you are undecided or want to try something new or different. To send us a suggestion of a restaurant to try, e-mail theedge@ edwpub.net 54th Street Bar and Grill Edwardsville 4 stars Great menu selection, something for everyone. Prices are very reasonable and have not had a bad selection yet. Remember to get your frequent diner card stamped when ordering an entree so you can get one free when your card is full. Red Robin Edwardsville 2 1/2 stars The bottomless french fries are fantastic, but it basically is a pricey burger place. Service is not super speedy, but food was good and hot. Good group setting. Cold Stone Creamery Edwardsville 5 stars I really would give this more stars if we had them, but all we can give is five. I LOVE their ice cream concoctions, particularly the Cheesecake Fantasy or the Apple Pie A La Cold Stone. I really could put more selections here, but use your imagination! Red Apple Maryville 4 stars The Red Apple is another favorite of our family, whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner. There is a huge menu selection, including Italian, broasted chicken, gyros, sandwiches of all kinds, plate specials, fish selections – fried and broiled, and much more. Service is always impeccable and prices can’t be beat.

but Bobby’s has a following in Madison County that most people know. Great custard, great carmel apples, lots of selections and more. Strawanna and the Bobby’s Turtle are some of the favorite selections. Carisillo’s Mexican Restaurant Collinsville 3 1/2 stars A great selection, similar to LaFonda. Good prices and endless chips and salsa. Service is quick and friendly. Not the fanciest, especially on the outside, but don’t judge a Mexican restaurant by its cover! St. Louis Bread Company Edwardsville/Collinsville 4 1/2 Stars OK men, don’t scoff at the rating, but embrace it! Although men look at it as “chick food,” there is something for every taste on their menu. Fantastic soups, sandwiches, bakery items, coffees, teas, salads, and more. Great place to take a laptop or a book and just kick back and sip a cup of java. Bully’s Smokehouse Edwardsville 3 1/2 stars The food is good at Bully’s, but a little foo-foo for a barbecue place. The prices are a little more than typical barbecue fare. Good for business lunch or dinner and nice servings. Pantera’s Pizza Edwardsville 2 1/2 stars Still some of the best pizza around, but the decor needs a bit of updating, along with the dinner ware. The buffet is good if they keep it full, but that can be an

Bobby’s Frozen Custard Maryville 5 stars Gosh, maybe we just like desserts,

August 20, 2009

El Maguey Mexican Restaurant Edwardsville 3 Stars Good chips and salsa start you off with a nice selection of dishes. Authentic Mexican dishes are delivered promptly to your table. Jimmy John’s Sandwich Shop Edwardsville 4 stars Where sandwiches are concerned, you can hardly beat a good Jimmy John’s. Their Bootlegger Club and The Big John are some of the favorites around here. Their cookies are great also, ask them to heat it up. They really are “freaky fast!” Big Daddy’s Edwardsville 3 stars Typical bar fare of appetizers, sandwiches, salads, and wraps round out Big Daddy’s menu. They offer specials on certain days that are a real value. Service can be a bit slow when they are busy. Northside Dairy Haven Edwardsville 4 stars This seasonal drive-in has been part of the Edwardsville landscape for nearly 50 years. Still famous for their Charco Burger, they also have an array of other sandwiches and barbecue plate specials. The prices cannot be beat! Fiona’s Family Restaurant Edwardsville 4 stars

S p e c i a l s e a c h d a y, l o t s o f selections, great breakfast. Service is fast and food is hot. Very friendly environment where you won’t spend a lot to get a great meal. Bella Milano Edwardsville 4 stars Quickly becoming a legend in Edwardsville, Bella Milano is a favorite for many. Great dining atmosphere and lots of good Italian food and drink. Come hungry with loose fitting clothing. Bull and Bear Edwardsville 3 1/2 stars A sports bar and grill with that offers bar side and dining room seating. A selection of appetizers, sandwiches, steaks, baby back ribs, chicken, seafood, pizza, and a kid’s menu make it family friendly, yet a great hangout for friends. Buffalo Wild Wings Edwardsville 2 1/2 stars If you like wings, this is a great place for you. Other selections of appetizers, sandwiches and mostly bar fare round out the menu. A little pricey for wings, but if you gotta havem’ you gotta havem’. Service is kind of a toss up. Has been good, has been slow. 47 Port Street Grill Ameristar Casino-St. Charles 5 stars This is a fantastic, fabulous steak house that is a great date night or special group night out. The steaks are perfect, the lobster delectable, the sea bass melts in your mouth, and the fresh pastries are world

class. The ambiance is straight out of the “Rat Pack” scene. Amazing wine selections, but any drink available. Prices are a bit steep, but a memorable feast for that special occasion. Falcon Diner Ameristar Casino-St. Charles 4 stars This top notch diner serves more than typical diner fare and you will not leave hungry. With their “Happy Days” decor and a breakfast, lunch and dinner menue that includes a one pound chicken fried steak and burgers made to order, you will have to ask for a doggy bag. Their bakery counter is so popular, they had to give it a place of its own outside the diner so passers by can enjoy the magic also. Bartolino’s Osteria St. Louis 5 stars Italian cuisine at its best. Elegant dining with a decor reminiscent of the glamours ‘40s. Most of the traditional Italian dishes but additional gourmet Italian fare that is fantastic to the pallet. The Linguine Pinoli, includes shrimp, mushrooms, spinach, pine nuts, lemon butter and garlic, is a tasty combination over fresh linguine. The bread is fresh and wonderful. A little pricier than a family restaurant, but well worth the price for a nice date night or special night out. Boat House Restaurant Forest Park, St. Louis 3 1/2 stars A fun place to dine, whether you are out on a nice spring afternoon or want a great place to eat before a Muny show. Serving brunch ever

At Home Federal,

La Fonda Edwardsville 3 1/2 stars Good food, good service. All you can eat chips and salsa are great complement to their abundant menu. Their rice and beans are excellent also. Bigelo’s Bistro Edwardsville 4 stars Great menu selection of gourmet sandwiches, soups, salads, pastas and more. Great downtown Edwardsville location where you are sure to see someone you know.

issue at times. You better put on your running shoes to get that hot selection before everyone else beats you to it!


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August 20, 2009

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Year Price Stock#




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Cavalier CAVALIER Classic Classic COBALT COBALT Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt COBALT LT Equinox Equinox EQUINOX LT Express Pa HHR HHR HHR HHR HHR HHR HHR HHR Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala IMPALA IMPALA Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala IMPALA Impala Impala IMPALA Impala IMPALA LT3 Lumina Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu MALIBU CLA Malibu Cla MALIBU CLA MALIBU CLA Malibu Cla MALIBU CLA MALIBU CLA MALIBU CLA Malibu Cla Malibu Cla Malibu Cla Malibu Cla MALIBU CLA Malibu Cla Malibu Cla Malibu Cla Malibu Max

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MONTE CARL Monte Carl Monte Carl Monte Carl Silverado Silverado Silverado SILVERADO Silverado Silverado Silverado SILVERADO Suburban Suburban TAHOE Tahoe TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TRAILBLAZE TRAILBLAZE TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TRAILBLAZE TrailBlaze TrailBlaze TRAILBLAZE TrailBlaze TrailBlaze Uplander UPLANDER Uplander Uplander Venture

2003 2001 1999 1997 2008 2008 2007 2004 2002 1999 2007 2005 2008 2001 2007 2002 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2005 2005 2004 2003 2008 2008 2008 2008 2005

$8,825 $5,995 $2,995 $2,500 $33,444 $22,582 $20,888 $12,995 $10,950 $7,995 $14,786 $17,995 $33,686 $9,000 $31,495 $10,763 $21,463 $21,995 $20,995 $20,495 $19,995 $18,748 $18,658 $18,643 $14,990 $15,646 $14,495 $10,990 Call $11,463 $21,995 $17,995 $17,995 $16,712 $8,895

Victory Lane Ford Ackerman Auto Plaza Brooks Motor Company Brooks Motor Company Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo St Louis Honda Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Brooks Motor Company Brooks Motor Company George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Smart Choice Auto Sales George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Trust Family Auto Sales Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC St Louis Honda George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Smart Choice Auto Sales George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Saturn of South County Smart Choice Auto Sales St Louis Honda George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Ackerman Auto Plaza

866 576 3845 866-419-2762 866 629 5289 866 629 5289 866-438-1169 866 496 0381 877 584 1058 866-401-2564 866 629 5289 866 629 5289 866 496 0381 866-676-1209 866 496 0381 866-398-4214 866-401-2564 877 584 1058 866 496 0381 866-438-1169 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866 496 0381 866 496 0381 866-676-1209 866 496 0381 866-369-3141 866-676-1209 877 584 1058 866 496 0381 877-396-5065 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866-419-2762

300 300-Series 300-Series 300-SERIES 300-Series 300C SRT-8 300M Cirrus Pacifica Pacifica Pacifica Pacifica PT Cruiser PT Cruiser PT Cruiser PT Cruiser PT Cruiser PT Cruiser PT Cruiser PT Cruiser Sebring SEBRING Sebring Sebring Sebring Sebring Sebring Co SEBRING TO Town & Cou Town & Cou Town & Cou Town and C VOYAGER

2009 2008 2008 2006 2006 2006 2001 1997 2008 2007 2006 2005 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2006 2005 2002 2008 2008 2008 2004 2000 1997 2006 2007 2005 2005 2002 2003 2001

Call $17,488 $13,995 $18,995 $15,888 $26,944 $7,888 $3,500 Call $15,995 $12,888 $12,995 $11,995 $10,888 $9,888 $9,888 $8,999 $8,444 $7,888 $6,995 $14,888 $13,995 Call $7,888 $5,995 $2,500 $10,995 $10,550 $11,874 $9,995 $6,995 $6,987 $4,990

B2408 9582 P7337 B90264A 8130 002-1 9533-1 T2695 P6976 P7307A 8124 P2205 B2363 9592 9615 35135-1 8049 8050 11400-1 224635 9537 P7095 B2415 9473-1 209278 T0099 21537A P785 29454A V90086A P2179 097393A 1389A

Avenger Caliber Caliber Caliber Caliber Caliber Caravan Caravan Challenger Dakota Dakota Durango Durango Grand Cara Grand Cara Grand Cara Grand Cara INTREPID S Magnum

1997 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 1998 2008 2006 2005 2004 2000 2008 2008 2007 2002 2003 2007

$4,995 Call $12,888 $11,888 $11,888 $9,995 $9,995 $4,495 $43,944 Call Call $11,888 $6,495 $17,888 $13,995 $16,995 $4,888 Call $19,995

P2426 B2416 8082 8078 8096 P7299 3218A P7253A R1521 P7500A K170A 24417-1 P7362 P6947 P7310 Y265 097072A F1003S Jeff1

$4,888 $6,995 $6,495 $7,950 $15,995 $15,495 $14,950 $14,404 $13,956 $13,662 $12,712 $12,662 $12,631 $12,558 $12,558 $12,558 $12,204 $11,883 $11,667 $11,314 $8,382 $12,393 $18,624 $15,990 $15,576 $16,758 $13,995 $13,944 $12,995 $12,724 $12,724 $12,724 $11,990 $10,500 $19,662 $19,433 $17,886 $17,648 $16,648 $20,855 $18,769 $17,995 $16,295 $15,990 $15,662 $15,573 $15,573 $14,995 $14,912 $13,990 $12,495 $15,735 $12,443 $12,438 $10,995 $8,995 $7,888 $8,490 $7,495 $13,990 $3,995 $20,644 $20,612 $20,489 $19,583 $18,785 $18,742 $18,683 $16,788 $17,995 $11,950 $9,995 Call $5,500 $9,888 Call $14,995 $14,652 $14,495 $14,495 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,652 $13,612 $13,495 $12,995 $12,995 $12,955 $11,995 $11,642 $9,995

8005-1 P6988A P7338 R14681 P6956 P6959 R1472 R1485 R1471 P2048Z P2035Z P2045Z P2073Z P2086Z P2087Z P2084Z R1474 YP1214 P2059Z 29517A P2074ZA B971 P2083Z 095095A B936 29496A B2400 R1517 B2317 21002A 21002A P2069Z J615A P2408 P2055Z P2013Z P2055Z P2007Z P2007Z R1500 P2071Z P7112 P7075 R1503 P2063Z P2021Z P2021Z P7341 Y261 P7489 P7350 V80226A1 29391A 29026A P7014A P7346 9612-1 1395A 6648A 1435 107792 P2057Z P2051Z P2046Z P2024Z P2051Z P2057Z P2024Z 8107 R1509 R1490 P1974 6771 T2671 39167-1 097406A P7091 P2065Z P7089 P7041 B2364 P7008 P7087 P7042 P2065Z P2052Z P7224 B2347 P7051 R1477 P7273 29115A B2321A

B7109S P2434 236431 326655 R1532 P2001Z 100046A Z90161C 4606-1 186729 P2040Z 1437 P2041Z T2710 T90219A 097112A P2030Z R1507 P6997 P7012 B2398 P2081Z P2079Z P2078Z 1419 29390A P7322A 1403A 096030B 29502A B2402 P7086 B2401 P2070Z P2049

CHRYSLER Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Saturn of South County Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Marty Cancila Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Marty Cancila Trust Family Auto Sales St Louis Honda Saturn of South County Marty Cancila Ackerman Auto Plaza Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Brooks Motor Company Marty Cancila Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Brooks Motor Company Trust Family Auto Sales Ackerman Auto Plaza Victory Lane Ford George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Ackerman Auto Plaza St Louis Honda Smart Choice Auto Sales

877-396-5065 877 383 6138 866-369-3141 866-401-2564 877 383 6138 866-438-1169 877 383 6138 866-398-4214 877 584 1058 866-369-3141 877 383 6138 866-419-2762 877-396-5065 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 866 629 5289 877 383 6138 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 877 383 6138 866 629 5289 866-398-4214 866-419-2762 866 576 3845 866 496 0381 866 377 3110 866-419-2762 877 584 1058 866-676-1209

DODGE Ackerman Auto Plaza Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Saturn of South County Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Saturn of South County Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Marty Cancila Saturn of South County St Louis Honda Saturn of South County Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui St Louis Honda Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford

866-419-2762 877-396-5065 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 866-369-3141 877-396-5065 866-369-3141 866-438-1169 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 877 383 6138 866-369-3141 877 584 1058 866-369-3141 866 377 3110 877 584 1058 866 576 3845 866 576 3845

The Edge – Page



Year Price Stock#




Year Price Stock#




Year Price Stock#



Magnum Neon Neon ES Ram 1500 Ram 1500 Ram 1500 Ram 1500 Ram 1500 RAM 1500 RAM 1500 Ram 1500 Ram Pickup Ram Pickup Stratus

2006 2001 2000 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2005 2000 1999 2001 2004

Call $4,888 $3,795 $22,888 $22,888 $21,888 $21,888 $21,888 $17,995 $16,990 $9,888 $5,995 $10,995 $7,995

29312A 31104-1 B84 8114 8108 8120 8113 8112 T90304A 1436 8111-1 615233 544361 B2356A

George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Marty Cancila BradNick Past and Present Auto Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Smart Choice Auto Sales Marty Cancila Brooks Motor Company Brooks Motor Company Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM

866 496 0381 877 383 6138 866-339-5735 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 866-401-2564 866-676-1209 877 383 6138 866 629 5289 866 629 5289 877-396-5065


2000 2001 2005 2003 1996

$5,378 $4,131 $19,400 $5,750 Call

B952S P768S B917 A85920 29471A

Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Brooks Motor Company George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo

866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 629 5289 866 496 0381

Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Weiss Brentwood Volvo Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Brooks Motor Company Brooks Motor Company Marty Cancila Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Brooks Motor Company Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur

877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 866 387 5206 877-396-5065 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 866 629 5289 866 629 5289 877 383 6138 866-515-4038 866 629 5289 866-515-4038

R1528 T982 C04358 P7519 P7521 T1004 P914 J574A P7526 B2417 P7470 096598B R1529 J449B B816A P3681 P2068ZA B90246A R14501 P7359 P7481 J300A 100050A 9548-11 P7358 29526A T972 P7525 P7530 P7508 P2421 P7540 P2074 P7466BB 29425A TY T971 T960 P907A T1008 T958 B979 P7499 P7527 P2102Z V80052A P7306 P7477A P3660 J313A P3630 J363A P912 F912A 715650 888888 P7529 P910 P7516 1409 B2410 9548-1 6772 P2198 P6945A 735095 B944 P7496 J640A A83934 P7356 K146A 095637A Z90446A P7354 B143

29517AA P6912 B2388 P2036Z P7079 T90156A R1525 1407A 199996 R1533 T90270A 9138-1 R14861 T90366A 096708A 29528A T7617 T1126A 6784

8131 9994 8086 8126 21180B T1067A 8136 8138 8137 8097 519507 291726 8085 P7501A 151392 P7485A

$3,944 Call $4,995 $33,590 $22,990 Call $25,797 $19,990 $19,990 Call $16,990 $13,990 $7,944 $8,990 $10,635 Call Call $22,495 $5,944 $6,995 $20,990 $13,990 $12,990 $7,888 $6,995 Call Call $27,990 $24,990 $24,990 $14,995 Call $12,995 $7,990 Call $24,900 Call Call $17,800 Call Call $11,079 $27,990 $13,990 $12,611 $11,540 $8,995 $5,490 $5,995 $17,990 $13,995 $16,990 $12,863 Call Call $9,850 $22,990 $16,987 $19,990 $16,990 Call $24,888 Call $12,995 Call $10,850 $13,531 $15,990 $13,990 $4,995 $7,495 Call $6,788 $7,995 $4,995 $3,295

Call $33,295 $27,995 $18,582 $23,995 $17,995 $14,444 $11,990 Call $35,944 $27,995 $13,944 $3,844 $33,995 Call Call $28,988 $24,995 Call

$15,888 $15,888 $15,888 $14,888 Call $18,995 $18,888 $18,888 $17,888 $15,888 $14,995 $7,995 $13,888 $13,990 $9,995 $21,990

1996 2009 2000 2008 2007 2010 2007 2008 2008 2008 2006 2006 2002 2001 2006 2002 2000 2006 2002 1999 2008 2005 2004 2003 2000 1998 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2004 1997 1996 2005 2009 2009 2006 2010 2009 2006 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2003 2005 2007 2008 2006 2006 2006 1927 1926 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2003 2002 1966 2007 2006 2004 1998 2007 2005 2004 2001 2001 1998

1984 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2004 2004 2000 2008 2007 2004 1993 2008 2001 1989 2006 2007 2005

2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2005 2002 2007 2005 2004 2008

E-350 ECONOLINE Econoline Edge Edge EDGE LIMIT EDGE SEL P Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape ESCAPE XLS Escort Escort EXPEDITION Expedition Expedition Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer EXPLORER S F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 SPEC F-350 Supe F150 F150 F150 F250 SUPER F250 SUPER FIVE HUNDR Flex Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus Freestar Freestyle Fusion Fusion FUSION SE FUSION SE Model T Model T Mustang MUSTANG Mustang MUSTANG Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang MUSTANG Mustang RANGER Ranger Ranger Ranger Taurus Taurus Taurus TAURUS Taurus Taurus

2500 ACADIA Acadia Canyon ENVOY ENVOY Envoy ENVOY Jimmy Sierra 150 SIERRA 150 Sierra 150 Sierra 150 SIERRA 250 Sonoma VANDURA Yukon Yukon XL Yukon XL

Commander Commander Commander Commander Compass Grand Cher Grand Cher Grand Cher Grand Cher Grand Cher Grand Cher Grand Cher Liberty Liberty Liberty Wrangler

Rio Rondo RONDO LX/E Sedona Sorento SORENTO EX Spectra Sportage

2006 2008 2008 2006 2006 2008 2006 2001

$6,641 $12,888 $10,105 $16,995 $15,995 $16,323 $9,444 Call

29221A 8054 B947 P2014 P2204 B978 R1478-1 P2438





866 629 5289





Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Cpe Civic Civic Civic Civic Civic CR-V CR-V CR-V CR-V CR-V Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Pilot Pilot Ridgeline

2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 1996 2000 2007 2006 2004 2003 2002 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2006 2006 2005 2001 2008 2003 2006

$19,490 $17,997 $17,990 $14,990 $19,990 $18,990 $17,990 $16,990 $16,372 $15,873 $14,489 $16,995 Call $5,995 $15,232 $12,888 $7,995 $8,795 Call $24,990 $24,990 $18,990 $15,983 $11,995 $21,990 $20,990 $15,990 Call $27,990 $12,888 $19,990

P6944 P6926 P6962 096624M P6950 P6951 P6949 P6925 P6911 P6904 P6863 T1001A P6858A 3471A T7561 096533A 83538 P2437 096808M P6979 095944B 096725A A5964P V90171A P6952 P6954 100049A 097366A P6957 096304A 097340A

877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877-396-5065 877 584 1058 866-369-3141 866 617 6146 877 584 1058 866 629 5289 866-419-2762 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 866 377 3110 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 877 584 1058

ES 330 ES 350 IS 350 SC 300

2005 2007 2006 1999

$18,939 $28,988 $29,888 $10,415

T7554 T7566 T7595 T7360A

LS LS Navigator NAVIGATOR Town Car Zephyr

2005 2004 2006 2002 2001 2006

$14,990 $8,995 $32,990 $16,995 $9,995 $18,990

J476A 671784 J543A B974 K8045A J453A


2002 2008 2005 2008 2005 2004

$7,990 $14,495 $13,843 $14,495 $15,968 $13,495

J599A P7293 21232A Y266 T7560 V90413A

C-Class C-Class CLK-Class CLK-Class E-Class M Class

2007 2003 2007 2005 2006 1999

Call Call Call $27,988 $28,917 $7,000



$25,944 R1540


Elantra Santa Fe SONATA Sonata SONATA Sonata Sonata TIBURON

2001 2003 2009 2009 2008 2008 2005 2004

$7,888 $6,995 $15,995 $15,952 $13,995 $12,536 $8,888 $10,995

Cougar Grand Marq GRAND MARQ Grand Marq Mariner Mariner Milan Milan MOUNTAINEE MOUNTAINEE Sable

1993 2005 2002 1999 2006 2005 2007 2006 2006 2003 2002

$2,000 $11,995 $8,990 $5,950 $16,990 $10,990 $18,990 $14,990 $15,993 $9,990 $5,995

COOPER Cooper Har

2006 2006

$17,479 B966 $16,888 12507-2

Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Sp Galant Galant

2006 2005 2001 2008 2009 2007

$13,495 $11,888 $7,995 $17,972 $12,883 $11,988


August 20, 2009

Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Victory Lane Ford Brooks Motor Company Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur St Louis Honda Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Saturn of South County Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur St Louis Honda Marty Cancila Saturn of South County George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Ackerman Auto Plaza Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Ackerman Auto Plaza Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Saturn of South County Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Victory Lane Ford Brooks Motor Company Brooks Motor Company Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Smart Choice Auto Sales Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Underwood Motors Ackerman Auto Plaza Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Brooks Motor Company Victory Lane Ford Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Brooks Motor Company Saturn of South County Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur St Louis Honda Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Saturn of South County BradNick Past and Present Auto

866-438-1169 866 576 3845 866 629 5289 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 877-396-5065 866-515-4038 877 584 1058 866-438-1169 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866-401-2564 866-438-1169 866-369-3141 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 877 584 1058 877 383 6138 866-369-3141 866 496 0381 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-419-2762 866-515-4038 866-419-2762 866-515-4038 866 496 0381 866-438-1169 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 496 0381 866 377 3110 866-369-3141 866-515-4038 877-396-5065 866-515-4038 877-396-5065 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866 576 3845 866 629 5289 866 629 5289 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-676-1209 877-396-5065 877 383 6138 866 485 3136 866-419-2762 866-401-2564 866 629 5289 866 576 3845 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 629 5289 866-369-3141 866-515-4038 877 584 1058 866-401-2564 866-369-3141 866-339-5735

GMC George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Smart Choice Auto Sales Brooks Motor Company Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC St Louis Honda George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Underwood Motors

866 496 0381 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-438-1169 866-676-1209 866 629 5289 866-438-1169 866-401-2564 866-438-1169 866-438-1169 866-401-2564 877 584 1058 866 496 0381 866 617 6146 877-396-5065 866 485 3136


HARLEY DAVIDSON Brooks Motor Company

Marty Cancila Brooks Motor Company Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Marty Cancila Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC

877 383 6138 866 629 5289 866-401-2564 866 617 6146 866-401-2564 866 377 3110 877 383 6138 866-401-2564

INFINITI G35 G35 Sedan QX56

2008 2006 2007

$26,763 100064A Call 21299 $32,995 7N806617

St Louis Honda Weiss Brentwood Volvo Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick

877 584 1058 866 387 5206 866-438-1169

JEEP Commander Commander Commander Commander

2009 2007 2006 2006

$20,995 $18,888 $16,888 $16,888

P7263 8127 8128 9514

Saturn of South County Marty Cancila Marty Cancila Marty Cancila


Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion

866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146

LINCOLN Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Brooks Motor Company Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur

866-515-4038 866 629 5289 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 877-396-5065 866-515-4038

MAZDA Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Saturn of South County Weiss Brentwood Volvo Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui

866-515-4038 866-369-3141 866 387 5206 866 377 3110 866 617 6146 866 377 3110

MERCEDES 21291 8103-1 21290 T7604 21282 P1964

Weiss Brentwood Volvo Marty Cancila Weiss Brentwood Volvo Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Weiss Brentwood Volvo Ackerman Auto Plaza

866 387 5206 877 383 6138 866 387 5206 866 617 6146 866 387 5206 866-419-2762


HYUNDAI 33146-1 417068 P7036 T7537 P7055 Y260 9558-1 P6920A

Ackerman Auto Plaza


HUMMER Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick

866 496 0381 877 383 6138 866 576 3845 866-419-2762 866-419-2762 866 576 3845 866-438-1169 866-419-2762


HONDA St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM St Louis Honda Saturn of South County Newbold Toyota BMW Scion St Louis Honda Brooks Motor Company Ackerman Auto Plaza St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda St Louis Honda

George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Marty Cancila Victory Lane Ford Ackerman Auto Plaza Ackerman Auto Plaza Victory Lane Ford Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Ackerman Auto Plaza

866-369-3141 877 383 6138 877 383 6138 877 383 6138

T4446 K8011A C9006 P2086 P7506 J139A P7535 P7522 P852A 1412B 637614

Trust Family Auto Sales Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Smart Choice Auto Sales Ackerman Auto Plaza Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Victory Lane Ford Smart Choice Auto Sales Brooks Motor Company

866-398-4214 877-396-5065 866-676-1209 866-419-2762 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866-515-4038 866 576 3845 866-676-1209 866 629 5289

MINI COOPER Victory Lane Ford Marty Cancila

866 576 3845 877 383 6138

MITSUBISHI P7332 9605-1 Y245 T7543 YP1207 T7271

Saturn of South County Marty Cancila Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Newbold Toyota BMW Scion St Louis Honda Newbold Toyota BMW Scion

866-369-3141 877 383 6138 866 377 3110 866 617 6146 877 584 1058 866 617 6146

The Edge – Page



Year Price Stock#




Year Price Stock#




Year Price Stock#





$14,995 P7347

Saturn of South County


Altima Altima ALTIMA ALTIMA HYB Maxima PATHFINDER Pathfinder Quest Sentra Sentra Versa

2007 2005 2005 2007 2001 2007 2005 2006 2006 2004 2008

$15,995 $15,990 $13,495 $16,130 Call $22,995 $18,877 $13,888 $9,495 $6,990 $16,990

Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix GTO Solstice Sunfire TORRENT TORRENT VIBE VIBE Vibe Vibe VIBE Vibe Vibe Vibe

2006 2005 2004 2002 2006 2009 2001 2009 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2005 2004

Call $9,995 $9,888 $3,944 $23,404 Call $4,444 $21,995 $19,495 $18,495 $17,995 $16,995 $15,995 $15,995 $13,988 $10,944 $9,995

T1029A 4017A 41050-1 9182-2 R1498 4060 90341 P6978A P7054 P7052 P6936 B2373 B2377 P6991 T7590 91861 P2368

Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Marty Cancila Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Ackerman Auto Plaza

877-396-5065 877-396-5065 877 383 6138 866-438-1169 866-438-1169 877-396-5065 866-438-1169 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 866-401-2564 866 617 6146 866-438-1169 866-419-2762

Alero Alero GX CIERA Intrigue

2004 1999 1996 1999

$6,888 $3,495 Call $4,995





Highlander Highlander Matrix Matrix Prius RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 Sequoia Sienna Sienna Sienna Sienna Sienna SIENNA TACOMA Tacoma Tundra Tundra Yaris YARIS

2008 2001 2008 2008 2005 2008 2008 2006 2002 2005 2009 2008 2008 2008 2006 2004 2007 2004 2008 2007 2009 2008

$24,988 $12,990 $15,760 $14,990 $13,977 $22,988 $21,947 Call $12,888 $21,688 $24,965 $22,495 $20,937 $20,937 $19,930 $12,990 $24,995 Call $26,988 $35,988 $15,433 $11,202

Newbold Toyota BMW Scion St Louis Honda Newbold Toyota BMW Scion St Louis Honda Weiss Brentwood Volvo Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion St Louis Honda Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Smart Choice Auto Sales Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Victory Lane Ford

866 617 6146 877 584 1058 866 617 6146 877 584 1058 866 387 5206 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 877 584 1058 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866-676-1209 866-401-2564 866 496 0381 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 576 3845

Aura Aura Aura Aura Aura ION Ion Ion L-Series LS Relay S-Series SKY SL SW VUE VUE VUE VUE VUE Vue

2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2005 2004 2004 2001 2005 2001 2008 2001 1998 2008 2008 2008 2006 2006 2003

$16,995 $16,995 $14,646 $13,995 $13,995 $11,495 $7,950 $13,495 $6,888 Call $9,944 Call $23,995 $4,495 Call $19,995 $19,995 $17,995 $12,995 $7,995 $10,888

P7323 B2404 P2092Z P7190 P7024A Z90154A R1495 P7340 39139-1 P2428 R1531 096182A Z90220A P7348 29467B P7107 P7085 P7037 P7295 P7208 097472B

GTI Jetta Jetta Seda Jetta Seda NEW BEETLE New Beetle Passat

2002 2008 2008 2008 2005 2001 2008

$6,747 $14,981 $14,995 $14,995 $12,265 Call $17,968

P1984ZA T7558 Y255 Y259 B945 P2390 T7524

tC tC

2008 2007

$15,990 096025A $14,554 Y196B

4Runner 4Runner 4Runner Avalon Avalon CAMRY Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Camry Sola COROLLA Corolla Corolla Corolla Corolla Highlander

2008 2008 2005 2006 2005 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 2007 2007 2005 2000 1998 2001 2009 2009 2009 2009 1993 2008

$36,988 $24,967 $18,955 $20,407 $17,930 $19,995 $18,831 $18,831 $16,471 $20,988 $18,495 $16,995 $12,765 $6,490 Call $6,944 $16,995 $16,970 $16,970 $15,909 $2,995 $24,995

S40 S40 S40 S40 S40 S40 S40 S40 S40 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S60 S80 S80 S80 S80 S80 V70 V70 XC70 XC70 XC70 XC70 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90 XC90

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2005 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2008 2006 2007 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006

$23,843 $23,843 $23,843 $20,972 $19,961 $18,961 Call Call $14,437 $24,923 $23,916 $23,916 Call $16,923 $19,876 $17,961 $15,849 Call Call $13,608 $28,872 $24,847 Call $15,966 $13,972 $26,388 Call $28,733 $25,812 $23,627 Call $33,887 $33,823 $32,817 $28,916 $31,989 $28,746 $26,857 $25,961

21254 21255 21254 21243 21188 21265 21262 21265 21264 21237 21249 21239 21249 21221 21247 21201 21201 21301 21287 21214 V9003A 21230 21288 21235 21229 21248 21289 21269 21266 21263 21263 21283 21193 V9038A 21190 21270 21257 21260 21271

NISSAN V90310B J562A Z90220AA B954 096857A T90127A 21178B 9623-1 P7168A J489A J255A

Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Victory Lane Ford St Louis Honda Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Weiss Brentwood Volvo Marty Cancila Saturn of South County Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur Jack Schmitt Ford Lincoln Mercur

866 377 3110 866-515-4038 866-401-2564 866 576 3845 877 584 1058 866-401-2564 866 387 5206 877 383 6138 866-369-3141 866-515-4038 866-515-4038

OLDSMOBILE 9593-1 B137 P2047ZA 95269A

Marty Cancila BradNick Past and Present Auto George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Brooks Motor Company

877 383 6138 866-339-5735 866 496 0381 866 629 5289




BONNEVILLE Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville G5 G5 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am GRAND PRIX GRAND PRIX GRAND PRIX GRAND PRIX Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix

2004 2003 2000 2000 2009 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2003 1995 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2006

$14,995 $11,995 $6,995 $5,495 $14,995 $13,995 $21,944 $17,995 $16,995 $15,786 $14,995 $15,995 $15,686 $14,995 $14,582 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,995 $12,995 $12,628 $11,995 $13,995 $11,995 $13,995 $11,644 $10,995 $8,995 $11,495 $13,900 $7,500 Call $2,500 $15,875 $14,995 $14,995 $14,995 $13,995 $13,995 $13,986 $13,368 $12,495 $9,944


Marty Cancila

877 383 6138


August 20, 2009

Z90186A P2021 95627-A B136 B2405 R1419 R1527 P6964 B2386 P1988Z P7294 P7318 P2006Z P7074 P2006Z P7040 P7123 P7096 P7100 P7119 P7113 B2396 Y230 P2090Z P7335 P7312 P7212 P7251 29457A P7324 260413 P7319 P2165 P2425 19552A 29072A P6858 P7131 P7069 P7094 B2384 B2366 P2000Z P2000Z P7327 R1536

Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Ackerman Auto Plaza Brooks Motor Company BradNick Past and Present Auto Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Saturn of South County Saturn of South County George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Saturn of South County Saturn of South County Saturn of South County Saturn of South County George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Saturn of South County Brooks Motor Company Saturn of South County Ackerman Auto Plaza Ackerman Auto Plaza Saturn of South County Brooks Motor Company Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Saturn of South County Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick

866-401-2564 866-419-2762 866 629 5289 866-339-5735 877-396-5065 866-438-1169 866-438-1169 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866-369-3141 866-369-3141 866 496 0381 866-401-2564 866 496 0381 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 866 377 3110 866 496 0381 866-369-3141 866-369-3141 866-369-3141 866-369-3141 866 496 0381 866-369-3141 866 629 5289 866-369-3141 866-419-2762 866-419-2762 866-369-3141 866 629 5289 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 877-396-5065 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866 496 0381 866-369-3141 866-438-1169

SAAB Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick


SATURN Saturn of South County Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Saturn of South County Saturn of South County Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Saturn of South County Marty Cancila Ackerman Auto Plaza Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick St Louis Honda Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Saturn of South County George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Saturn of South County Saturn of South County St Louis Honda

866-369-3141 877-396-5065 866 496 0381 866-369-3141 866-369-3141 866-401-2564 866-438-1169 866-369-3141 877 383 6138 866-419-2762 866-438-1169 877 584 1058 866-401-2564 866-369-3141 866 496 0381 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-401-2564 866-369-3141 866-369-3141 877 584 1058

SCION St Louis Honda 877 584 1058 Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui 866 377 3110

TOYOTA T10111A T7569 T7361 T7568 T7518B Z90356A T7412 T7443 T7408 T7584 P7266B 4148A V90415A 097526A 097246A R15021 Z90097A T7576 T7437 T7420 023782 T7636

Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Saturn of South County Bob Brockland Pontiac Buick GM Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui St Louis Honda St Louis Honda Four Flags Motors Pontiac Buick Dave Sinclair Buick Pontiac GMC Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Brooks Motor Company Newbold Toyota BMW Scion

866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866-401-2564 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866-369-3141 877-396-5065 866 377 3110 877 584 1058 877 584 1058 866-438-1169 866-401-2564 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 617 6146 866 629 5289 866 617 6146

T7603 096909A T7466 P6978 21278A T7606 T7564 T7551A 096174A T7615 T7579 T7571 T7547 T7525 T7532B 1438 P6803A 29423A T7613 T10047A T7522 B951

VOLKSWAGEN George Weber Chevrolet Waterloo Newbold Toyota BMW Scion Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Bommarito Volkswagen of St Loui Victory Lane Ford Ackerman Auto Plaza Newbold Toyota BMW Scion

866 496 0381 866 617 6146 866 377 3110 866 377 3110 866 576 3845 866-419-2762 866 617 6146

VOLVO Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo Weiss Brentwood Volvo

866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206 866 387 5206

The Edge – Page



• 100,000 Searches Annually • 1700 Vehicles Today


make model mileage transmission price • Cars from $1250 and Up

August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page


Classified Yard Sales


ESTATE/GARAGE SALE FRIDAY 8/21 THRU SUNDAY 8/23 7AM-6PM 2 KAMAN DRIVE, GLEN CARBON ROUTE 159 TO GLEN CROSSING ROAD (EAST) Books, Housewares, China, Jewelry, Seasonal Items, Toys, Collector Plates, Antiques, Jewel T Dishes, Home Decor, Tools, Mason Items, Gift Items, Precious Moments, Much Much More!



John Geimer Jewelry 229 N. Main St. Edwardsville 692-1497 Same Day Ring Sizing Jewelry Repair Diamond & Stone Replacement



PRISTINE CLEANING Meeting & Exceeding your Expectations! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • Bonded & Insured • Customized Cleaning TRUSTWORTHY, ENERGETIC & PROFESSIONAL Call us today for a free quote on a weekly, biweekly or monthly cleaning

(618) 920-0233 www.pristine-cleaning.biz





DURBIN PAINTING Interior, Exterior, Staining, Epoxy, Powerwashing Freshen Up Your House For The Holiday Season!! Now Scheduling Interior Painting

Call Ron for More Information

217-851-5852 JIM BRAVE PAINTING 20 Years Experience! • Wallpaper • Specialty Painting • Inside or Outside Work • Power Washing • Deck Refinishing Call: (618) 654-1349 or cell phone: (618) 444-0293

Roofing & Siding



25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Services Offered For Interior and/or Exterior Painting Insured FREE Estimates

Please Call 618-288-5670 OR 217-456-9984


ESTATE SALE 547 N. KANSAS, EDWARDSVILLE FRIDAY, 8/21, 4PM-7PM SATURDAY, 8/22, 8AM-3PM Tools, Gas Stove, Claw Foot Tub, 8-Inch Joiner, KnickKnacks... Too Much To List!

Tree Service



Since 1974 Licensed - Bonded - Insured Tree & Stump Removal Complete Property Maintenance Bucket Truck Track Hoe - Bob Cat


656-5566 Lawn & Home Care



• Mowing • Spring Clean-Up • Fertilizing • Landscape Installation • Landscape Maintenance

Yard Sales

Serving Edwardsville since 1978 • Roofing • Siding • Aluminum soffit & fascia • And etc.

• Free estimates • Licensed • Bonded


656-7725 GatewayLawn.com


FIRST TIME GARAGE SALE Shredder/Chipper, 2 Maple Twin Beds & Chest, Miscellaneous Furniture, Bedding, Antiques, Linens, Holiday Decorations, Miscellaneous Household THURSDAY, 8/20, 5PM-8PM FRIDAY, 8/21, 8AM-1PM 1936 DUKE ST., EDWARDSVILLE

Lawn & Home Care


Yard Sales



BOB’S HANDYMAN SERVICE Remodeling & Repair Drywall Specializing in New Landscape Finished Carpentry Designs and Improving Existing Painting Landscapes. Services include: Ceramic tile Build & Repair Decks • New Design Plans and Exterior House Construction And Deck Washing • Mulching Landscaping • Rock work Blinds & Draperies • Paths and Edging Light Fixture & Ceiling Fans • Exterior Lighting No Job Too Small No job to small or large. For a Insured free estimate contact us at Call Bob Rose 618-288-6917 or 978-8697 greenescapeslandscaping@ yahoo.com


NMD Mowing Services


YARD SALE 323 WESTGLEN GLENWOOD ESTATES FRIDAY, 5PM-7PM SATURDAY, 9AM-NOON Women’s Tops, Coats, Jackets, Hats Brass Pots, Books, Gift Paper, Bags, Ribbon, Other Good Miscellaneous


Air Conditioning/ Heating 976

A.C. Products Andy Foehrkolb, Edwardsville

618-667-1220 TO REPAIR OR REPLACE YOUR HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT Resident since 1952, Excellent Customer Service Since 1970

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#1 Handyman Service in the Nation

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MASTER CRAFTSMAN Carpentry, 30 Years Decks, Garages, Remodeling, HomeRepair Basement Finishing Ceramic Tile Small Jobs Welcome Reasonable Rates Insured Andy 618-659-1161

Call us for all of your heating and cooling needs.


656-9386 www.garwoodsheating.com

Home Improvements



Tree Removal

Bonded & Insured

M J S P l u m b i n g C o.

Artistic Installation On Any Tile, Marble, Granite Etc.

Bush & Shrub Trimming & Removal

Background Checks On All Technicians & 15+ Years Experience


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All estimates are presented work begins.You only pay for the services you want!

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* $30 PER HOUR * • Home Improvements • Remodeling • Custom Woodwork • Small Engine Repair W.R.N. SERVICES SERVICES


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Home Improvements

Visit Our Website For Coupons




Yard Sales

Decks Fences Garages Remodeling Basement Finishing Painting Drywall Carpentry Home Repairs & More.

618-205-5009 Electrical


Randy Moore Repair Service, Inc. “24 Hour Emergency Service” 30 Years Experience - Troubleshooting - Service Repairs And Upgrades - All Electrical Items - Install Lights & Fixtures - Complete Rewire

618-656-7405 Cell 618-980-0791

HELP can be found in THE CLASSIFIEDS!!!


618-792-8663 656-4700

August 20, 2009


The Edge – Page


Classified Help Wanted General Automotive



COMPANION needed for young lady w/DownSyndrome. MonWed—8a.m.-1:30p.m. Able to be active, creative—w/reliable car, references. 618/288-3570

1990 Nissan 240 SX, hatchback. Needs work, $1,000. 618- Servers, dishwasher & a cook 593-8922 needed. Experience preferred. Call 618-604-2152

Trucks, Vans, & SUV's


‘93 Toyota, 4WD, $800/OBO. Evenings: 288-4093

Campers, RV's & GoCarts


19ft. Coachman Travel Trailer ‘06. Sleeps 5-6, Htr/AC/awning hot wtr/bike rk/micro/oven 3burner stove, $10,500. 618-7959964 Mid-State Camper Sales. Your Jayco Dealer! Now stocking golf carts. Rt. 40 E. of Vandalia at Bluff City. 618-283-4396 or www.midstatecamersales.com

Help Wanted General


Acting & Modeling Agency is accepting applications for ages 3mo to 80yrs. Beginners welcome. Images Agency’s people have appeared in Ads, TV Shows & Commercials such as: Build-A-Bear, Sears Portraits, Six Flags, Wal-Mart, McDonalds, & BJC Hospitals. We develop, market & place all sizes & heights. Apply Online at www.stlcastingcall.com or call 314-372-0512. State Licensed.

Help Wanted Medical


ORTHODONTIC CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT Our quality oriented orthodontic team in the Edwardsville, IL area is seeking a cheerful, detail oriented individual to serve as our Orthodontic Chairside Assistant. Dental/ Orthodontic assisting experience is a plus, but not required. This position involves assisting the Orthodontist in patient care, wire changes, bonding brackets, debonds, impressions, radiographs, tracking inventory and ordering supplies. This position requires maturity and intelligence, along with the proper mixture of team orientation and strong leadership skills. Applicants should be efficient, self starting and have a desire to learn. Most of all, we are looking for someone with excellent people skills, enthusiasm and the ability to work well within a team dynamic (a must). Please fax resume to 618-692-6901 or email bauerortho@gmail.com

Help Wanted Medical




Dental office looking for exp. Earth tone sofa, beige chair, front desk/dental asst. for 4-5 coffee table set, $100/OBO. days/week. Email resume to: 288-6403 edwardsvilledental@gmail.com FREE Maple ENTERTAINORTHODONTIC TREATMENT MENT CENTER: 74”tallx44” wide, like new. 618/791-2197 COORDINATOR Our quality oriented orthodontic Lay-Z-Boy reclining furniture, team in the Edwardsville, IL can deliver: Matching area is looking for a key team $200/OBO burgundy chairs; member. This treatment coordiloveseat $200/OBO, couch nator position requires maturity $400/OBO. 692-7335 and intelligence, along with the proper mixture of team orienta- Sofa w/recliners on each end, tion and strong leadership skills. arm chair, electric stove, child’s Most of all, we are looking for white desk, assorted other someone with excellent “people items. Call 288-3067 skills” and “enthusiasm” to serve Solid wood CORNER DESK our patients well. Computer and with bookcase: $75.00. telephone skills a plus. Please 618/656-8676 fax resume to 618-692-6901 or email bauerortho@gmail.com Position available immediately.

Carrier Routes 401 CARRIER NEEDED! Rt. 3 - Newspaper carrier needed in the area of Randle St, Warren St. W High St, Grand Ave, N Charles. There are approximately 23 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and by 8:30 a.m. on Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 656-4700 ext. 40.



Sturdy dark computer desk & accessories, $35/OBO. 2886403

Classifieds Merchandise Here!!!



White Whirlpool electric range for sale, $99. Call Charles 618659-0987

White patio resin bench, $35. 656-0804

Sports Equipment


New Etonic golf shoes, size-8. Originally $85, now $30. 6562255



GE side-by-side refrigerator, 23.6-cubic ft. excellent condition, almond, $100. 656-1245 White Admiral/Whirlpool WASHER & Whirlpool DRYER, largecapacity, excellent-condition, $250/pair. 618/307-5154

Physical Therapist Alton Location Competitive Compensation, Generous 401(k) Medical / Dental / Vision Plans, Flexible Hours

866-948-8388 Fax: 314-595-6844 Email: lisa.webb@vnatip.com

CERTIFIED NURSE ASSISTANTS Browse Job Classifieds In The “I”!

Turn To The Edwardsville Intelligencer For Employment Classifieds

We’re hiring for our expanding Memory Care Neighborhood for the following shifts: 24 Hours a Week - Day Shift 40 Hours a Week - Evening Shift 24 Hours a Week - Evening Shift Our Assisted Living Neighborhood is hiring for the following shifts: PRN - Days PRN - Evenings Applicants should be interested in a Resident Centered Culture. Interested CNAs should apply online at: www.lssmo.apply2jobs.com Choose Meridian Village as the “Location” and click the search button. A Lutheran Senior Services community, we share in an unmatched 150-year legacy of Christian service and financial stability. Recently named “Best Place to Work in St. Louis,” in the St. Louis Business Journal.

DRIVERS: OTR Good wages/benefits/ home-time. Min. 23 yrs Safety Bonus

Located @ 27 Auerbach Pl, Glen Carbon, IL Call Rob Luhrsen at 618-205-4237 for more details. Apply online today at www.lssliving.org EOE

Recruiting 800-872-2855 EOE M/F D/V

August 20, 2009

The Edge – Page


Classified Music

Houses For Rent


2 clarinets for sale. Bundy, $300 w/accessories. Artley, $245. 692-9425 GUITAR LESSONS. Over 18 yrs. professional experience in both instruction & live performance. Beginning Sept. in lower level Walt & Nels emporium. 405 E. Vandalia. 656-4643 for info.

Lawn & Home Care




Apts/Duplexes For Rent


3BR, 2BA, renovated: Old Town 2 BEDROOM apartment in Glen Cbn near bike paths, SIU; Glen Carbon. W/D hookups. w/d, all aplncs; 2-car carprt, $700 per month. 618-975-0975. mo.-to-mo.$1200. 618/288-1505 Duplex - Good location, covered Completely remodeled 2 BDRM parking, full basement. 8302 BA, 400 S. Fillmore, Edw. 5769. Also, large 2 BR, 50 $800/mo.+deposit, lease. 618- Devon Ct., some util. pd. 5 min. to SIUE. 656-7337 or 656-4102 409-4925; 616-1124

Office Space For Rent


Homes For Sale



Collinsville/Maryville-Hwy. 159 Up to 1080 sq. ft., starting at $525/mo. (618) 346-7878 www.osbornproperties.com

5 Bedroom farm home on 2 acres north of Hamel. City water avail. Engelke Real Estate. 618633-2333; 618-792-3060

FSBO: Grandview home, 557 Buena Vista. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath, very nice. 618-975-7648 or 656-0279

Office building in Maryville for rent. 2,800 sq. ft., $1,800/mo. Will divide. 618-344-1534 or 618-406-8252

Cross-Town or Cross-Country: EdwardsvilleHomes.com. Home Buyers Relocation Services. Exclusively for buyers! 656-5588, 800-231-5588

MORTGAGES & INSURANCE FREE prequalification. Call Rob Pedigo 618-530-5777 www.pedigo.us

Newer home, great location, close to interstates. 3 BR, 2 full baths, 2180sf finished. Hardwood flrs, tile, stainless steal 426 House Cleaners, Christian applncs, walkout bsmt, 3 car gar, deck. Avail. 9/1 for rent or $1 Book sale at Ole Country women. We do all! Apts, Offices, lease to own purchase $1450. Houses. Free Estimates. ReferStore, 307 N. Main, Edw. 618-792-4839; 318-578-2241 ences Avail. 618-301-1129 (with red awnings). RENT/CONTRACT FOR 4’ White Pine Trees: delivered, DEED. Three bedroom, full planted, mulched. $64.50 per basement $900/$125,000. tree. Buy 10, get 1 free. Other Washer/dryer, 618-444-2267 sizes/shade trees. Call (217)886-2316; leave message. Apts/Duplexes

Efficiency Apt dwntn E’ville. Office space avail. Approx. 300 Refrig/Stove furnished. No sq. ft. with rest room, Glen Car- FSBO: 253 W. Union, Edw. pets/smoking. $425/mo, $50 bon. $400/mo. 618-917-9132 Large 1BR/1BTH, spacious! Offcredit ck, $450 dep. 978-5044 street prking, new windows, lrge kitchen. $85K 618/444-1552 Furnished efficiency. Internet & dish. Single male with referFSBO: 3BR, brick, 4708 N. 157, ences. $545/mo. including utiliEdw schls. 2BA, hrdwd flrs, DR, ties. LeClaire. 972-0948 LR w/FP, new stnlss aplncs, FR w/FP, lndry/wrkout rm, much Homes Now Available- 2 bdrm TH’s in storge, 2-car det gar, lg fncd yd Edw. Ask about our specials! For Sale 805 w/mature fruit/other trees, raisd Restrictions apply. 618-692garden beds; move-in rdy. Must 9310 www.rentchp.com 317 Clay, Edw. Charming 2BR, see! $214K. 618/655-1348 2BA home. Fenced yard. Commercial Space Applncs incl., $123,000. 110 635 For Rent 5 American Idol tickets, August Horses 710 For Rent Maple St., Edw. Great location! 720 29. Face value, $39. 618-9782BR, 1BA $119,000. Duncan 9620 Horse saddle with stand & 2 1 excellent 3BR, 1200 sq.ft. TH: 3000 sf office space, Edw, near Realtors 618-977-2195 BOTH Desk, $20. 3-Shelf bookcase, blankets $200/OBO. 618-659- Collinsville, near 157/70; 12 WalMart: ample prkng, rest rms. HOUSES OPEN SUNDAY 2PM-4PM min. to SIUE. FP, DW, W/D, ceil$20. 27-Inch JVC TV, $50. 656- 4071 8 offices, separate or together. ing fans, cable, sound walls, off0804 Negotiable. 618/692-1794 st. prkng. Sm pets OK, yr. lse. Double jogging stroller, $40. $780/mo. No Sect. 8. 618/345618-659-4071 9610: give AM/PM phone. FREE concrete rip rap. No 1 BDR APT near SIU and downrebar. 447-5611 town Edw. No pets. Quiet street.


Misc. Merchandise

Homes For Sale


Mobile Homes For Sale


Springbrook M H, 2BR: 785 s.f., exc cond, 30 East Mobile Home Park, #146, GlenCbn. $5K. 314757-6020 or 146east30@att.net

Acreage For Sale


+/- 10 acres, pature w/trees, 2 acre lake, city water, fronting 2 roads & great building sites. Also, 2.7 adjacent acres w/22,700sq. ft. under roof & 16,000 sq. ft. concrete drive area @ i-55 & Route 4. 618633-2333; 792-3060

HORSE-STALL MATS: 3 yrs. old, in Houses 705 excellent condition. Locatd in St. For Rent Jacob, IL. 4x6, $25 each. Partial mats, $15. 618/604-1079 1 BEDROOM HOUSE, Edwardsvlle: washer/dryer, off-street parking, fenced yard. $600/month, $600 Estate Sales 442 deposit. No pets. 618/977-8002

244 ESTATE SALE Fri. 8/21, 10-5 Sat. 8/22, 10-5 16 Wilson Park Dr., Granite City (Nameoki Rd (IL Rt. 203) to Fehling Rd. (By US Bank & Granite City H.S.), to Benton to Indiana to Wilson Park Dr. Follow The Yellow Signs

Ant. Vic. Furn., Ant. Toys, Ephemera, WF Items, Train Board & Trains, China, Glass. TOO MUCH TO LIST! 618-978-2594 618-830-3127 618-656-8751



Beagle puppies, farm raised, 8wks old, $85. 656-0862 Cockatiel w/cage. Guinea Pig. 2 Leopard Geckos. 659-2873 FREE to good home—1-year-old male/neutered/indoor/D.S.H. CAT. Shots up-to-date. Friendly/Sweet! (618)514-1872

Lawn & Garden


Toro Wheel Horse riding lawn mower. Used 300hrs, $750/OBO. 618-659-4071

Avail. now. $400 plus dep., w/out utilities. 618/558-0151 1 BR APTS: $630, $655, incl. all util., in Edw, close to post office, banks, & shopping. 692-9284 leave msg.

1 BR second floor apt. Great 1 BR Loft Apartment & 1 BR loc. dwntn Edw. Fully remodDuplex. CREDIT CHECK. No eled, with aplnces; water/trash/ pets, non smoking. $550/mo. sewer pd. $550. (618)407-3139 $550 deposit. 656-8953. 1 BR upstrs apt, downtwn Edw., 2 bedroom house for rent. remodeled. $450/mo.+ dep., 1 $670/mo. Close to downtown. yr. lease. Refrences. No pets. 656-6822 or 806-5056 Avail immediatly. 618-781-4444. 2 BR 1 BA house in Edw. Very 2 Bdrm 1.5 BA Apt. in Edw., nice. Security check required. $600+dep. No pets. App. fee $750/mo. 618-910-8031 required. Agent owned. 6182BR, 1BA, $700/mo.+dep., App. 977-2195 fee. Frige, stove, w/d hk up. 308 2 bdrm Duplex, 1 car garage, S. Brown, Edw. No pets. Agent close to shopping, Esic area. owned. 618/977-2195 $800/mo. 618-541-5831 or 6183 BR, 1.5 BA, applncs & W/D 655-0334 provided. 1 car gar, area great 2 BR Apt, Troy. $550/mo., $550 for family. Maint. & lawn care dep. New carp. S/D/R/G incl. Off incl. $1075/mo. 618-610-6300 street parking. No pets. 3144 BR, 2 BA Glen Carbon ranch 574-3858 home w/new addition. 2549sf, 2 BR Duplex near SIU: C/A, yd., hrdwd flrs, 2 car gar, patio, sec. scrnd porch, gar, w/d; updtd BA, sys, wheelchair access, 2 fplcs, kit; 95 Devon Ct, Edw. $875/mo. near bike path, no smoke/pets, 618-444-4658. Cats ok. 1-yr lse. $1300. 618-977-6886 2 BR, refrigerator & stove furnished. C/A, private garage, quiet Edw. neighborhood. References required. 656-6119 Apts, Duplexes, & Homes 2 BRs, Glen Carbon, CottonVisit our website wood Sub., w/d hk-ups, APTS www.glsrent.com 656-2230 $645 & Up, TH $675, DUP $715


(618)346-7878 www.osbornproperties.com Applications being taken for large 3 BR duplex. Avail. Now. No pets. Dep. & lease required. Family preferred. 618/656-8306





OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 2-4 PM 728 E. LAKE. EDWARDSVILLE DIRECTIONS: Gerber to E. Lake - During Construction 143 right at nursing home - right to East Lake. $179,900 Call MARY MASTERSON 623-9149

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 2-4 PM 177 SOMERSET, GLEN CARBON DIRECTIONS: Meridian Road to Somerset. $299,900 Call MARY MASTERSON 623-9149


107 BAYRIDGE, GLEN CARBON STYLE & VALUE are the benchmarks in this 4 bd home w/ 3 full ba. Finished LL & 2 car garage. Spacious deck. Custom theatre with surround sound, wet bar & entertaining addition. $179,000 Call SUSAN LANDING 618-779-7777

215 WINDRIDGE, COLLINSVILLE 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA CONDO. Spacious rooms, 2 FP w/gas logs, formal dining, beautiful cabinets, & screened porch. Drive-under garage. $145,000 THE LANDING TEAM 779-7777 or 779-2980

6083 TARA LANE, COLLINSVILLE 5 BR/4 BA. Full finished walk-out basement. 3 car garage & screened porch. Custom built. $329,900 Call LINDA RAYHO 779- 2980 or SUSAN LANDING 618-779-7777

3 WOODS LANE, EAST ALTON HOME EXTRAORDINARE! 4 bdr/4 bath, 5,475 sq. ft., brick ranch with basement, 3-car garage. Wooded acreage. $375,000 Call SUSAN LANDING 618-779-7777


757 BOULEVARD DE CANNES, EDWARDSVILLE WITH A GORGEOUS in-ground pool & covered sunroom this lakeview home offers an open floor plan w/hardwood & ceramic floors. The finished lower level includes a 3/4 bath & large family room. Enjoy all of this and a private back yard. $249,900 Call DEBBIE BURDGE 531-2787

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STATE ROUTE 162, MARYVILLE COMMERCIAL AREA great for pharmacy, florist, grocery store, etc. Close to major highways & interstates. Call SUSAN LANDING 618-779-7777


317 Clay St. Edwardsville, IL Donnell Duncan 618-977-2195

Each Office Independently Owned and Operated

PREFERRED PARTNERS One 157 Center, Edwardsville, IL. 618-655-1188


Charming 2 Bdrm/2 Bath home with many updates.

August 20, 2009

1 N. CROWN, COLLINSVILLE CLASSIC CHARM, 4 BR, 2 BA, 2 car garage & full basement. Fireplace & formal dining room. $149,900 Call SUSAN LANDING 618-779-7777 or LINDA RAYHO 618-779-2980

SUSAN 779-7777 LINDA 779-2980 KELLY 979-3901

The Edge – Page


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The Edge – Page


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