September 11, 2014
Vol. 12 No. 2
Summer Zone art page 3
Ozarks Air Show page 12
Get on your bikes and ride page 13
September 11
What’s Inside 3
Kids' art
Summer Zone offers new opportunities.
11 Pierce Brosnan He's back in the spy game.
Ozarks Air Show
Weekend planned for those who love planes.
13 Rolling in the Ozarks Great treks await motorcyclists.
14 Show me the sports Missouri caters to fans, athletes.
18 New at The Rep "One Man, Two Guvnors."
19 Live at the Touhill The Dance Theatre of Harlem.
Who We Are
What’s Happening Saturday Friday September 12_____ September 13_____ • Kirkwood Greentree Festival, Kirkwood Park, Kirkwood, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Hot City Theatre presents The Normal Heart, Kranzberg A r t s C e n t e r, S t . L o u i s , 8 : 0 0 p.m. • Stages presents Fiddler on the Roof, Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood, 8:00 p.m., Runs through October 5. • Mel Chin: Rematch, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through December 20. • Monsanto Hall Exhibit: Jack Curran, Missouri Botanical Garden, Ridgway Visitor Center, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. • History Clubhouse: Let’s Build It!, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 6. • St. Louis Symphony Opening Weekend, Powell Symphony Hall in Grand Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Pokey LaFarge’s Central Time Tour, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Taj Weekes and Adowa, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Hotel California – The Original Eagles Tribute, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 8:00 .m. • Eddie’s Munsters, Cicero’s, University City, 6:30 p.m.
• Kirkwood Greentree Festival, Kirkwood Park, Kirkwood, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Hot City Theatre presents The Normal Heart, Kranzberg Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Stages presents Fiddler on the Roof, Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood, 8:00 p.m., Runs through October 5. • Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. • Mel Chin: Rematch, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 20. • History Clubhouse: Let’s Build It!, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 6. • Brett Weston: Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Runs through December 7. • Tragic and Timeless: The Art of Mark Rothko Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 14. • Eric Church, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. • Futurebirds, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Life in Color – Unlease, Old Rock House, St Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • River Jam 2014, Liberty Bank Alton Amphitheater, Alton, Doors 1:30 p.m.
• Crash, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Static Life, Rev Gusto, Jack Nations, Cicero’s, University City, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Sunday September 14_____ • Kirkwood Greentree Festival, Kirkwood Park, Kirkwood, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Hot City Theatre presents The Normal Heart, Kranzberg Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Stages presents Fiddler On The Roof, Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood, 7:30 p.m., Runs through October 5. • Inspired by Nature: A C o l l e c t i o n o f Wi l d l i f e A r t b y Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. • History Clubhouse: Let’s Build It!, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 6. • Brett Weston: Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Runs through December 7. • Tragic and Timeless: The Art of Mark Rothko Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Facets of the Three Jewels: Tibetan Buddhist Art from the Collections of George E. Hibbard, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 22, 2015.
ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar
On the Edge of the Weekend
Editor – Bill Tucker
Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake
September 11, 2014
People By JULIA BIGGS Of The Edge
he artwork of local children is on display in the Edwardsville Arts Center's Dennis DeToye Student Gallery until Sept. 26.
The artwork in this exhibit was made by local children in kindergarten through fifth grade who were enrolled in the District 7 Summer Zone program over the summer months. The EAC partnered with the district and provided the art teacher, SIUE Graduate student Eric Heerspink, for the summer program. Heerspink, who is majoring in ceramics but taught art to middle and high school students in Miami for four years, visited the Summer Zone program once a week to teach the Masterpiece Monday art classes. Over the course of the eight-week program, he taught a different art topic during each of the 50- to 55-minute instructional sessions. The first projects the Summer Zone students created were cardboard cars, which was an art project in coordination with the Edwardsville Art Center. The EAC was hosting free art workshops where children could stop by and make a cardboard car to then “drive” in the Route 66 First Annual Cardboard Car parade. “We got a bunch of volunteers together through the EAC and a bunch of boxes and basically made the form of the car for the students,” Heerspink explained. “We had about 10 volunteers make about 100 cars. And then in the class period for that first week, students got to decorate their own car – personalize it. We encouraged students to come to the parade and participate in that, and we had a really, really great turnout.” The next art project focused on the upcoming Father's Day holiday. “The little kids, kindergarten through second grade, made hand print fish or butterflies,” Heerspink noted. “They used their hands as a means to create the image.
For the Intelligencer
Above, Summer Zone participants show off the cars they created as their first project. Below, students work on drawings. The hand became the form. The older kids did a mixed media piece where they made key-chains for their fathers. That one was a little bit moire craft based.” The next couple of projects focused on different types of art. “So we looked at what a portrait is and they did a Lego self-portrait using mixed media. And we looked at what a still life was – they ended
up doing a collage still life of trees,” Heerspink said. Looking at the work of Miamibased artist Romero Britto, the students made an art piece inspired by the artist. “He's really popular in Miami, but not a lot of people have seen his work. He does kind of more simple forms and then he fills them with pattern and color. We looked at his work and then
the students got to make a work in response to what he does – so kind of in his style,” Heerspink said. “We also experimented with watercolor and household materials,” Heerspink added. “We talked about abstract art.” The fifth and sixth graders enjoyed make super heroes using wooden figures. “The students came up with a super hero power,
September 11, 2014
a costume, and a name and they got to decorate their figures,” Heerspink said. “They painted them and decorated them as if they were a super hero so that was kind of fun.” Heerspink talked about the importance of incorporating art into education and play. “Art just in general teaches kids to be creative,” he said. “It teaches dexterity. There's that connection from the inner ear to the brain to the hand and learning how to translate those signals... just in terms of that alone it's really important.” “Art also allows them to have an outlet for their imagination – for the things that they are thinking about,” Heerspink added. “And art allows them to problem solve and come up with solutions for an extremely large array of problems that arises when students are working on artwork. So, there's a lot of things that come together when you do artwork that are good for students.” The selection of the children's artwork made during Summer Zone's Masterpiece Mondays will be on display until Sept. 26 at the EAC which located in the southeastern corner of Edwardsville High School. The EAC is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Fridays and is open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. It is closed Sunday through Tuesdays. During the same time period, the main gallery will feature an exhibit entitled “Literally Figurative.” This exhibit will highlight figurative work by eight artists who use the human form as a vessel of narration or as a guide to explore greater ideas.
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner The Hett announces 2014-15 schedule
The Hettenhausen Center for the Arts’ 2014-2015 season p re s e n t s l o c a l a n d re t u r n i n g favorites and some well-known performers and speakers making their Hett debut. All programs are open to the public and held at the 488-seat performing arts center at McKendree University in Lebanon, Ill. “Many programs always sell out early so I always advise that you mark your calendar and plan to purchase your tickets early,” said Peter Palermo, director of The Hett. Reserved seats for all programs will be available Sept. 3 online at, at the box office on weekday afternoons, or by calling 618-537-6863 (1-800-BEARCAT, ext. 6863). Many programs are free, including the Distinguished Speaker Series, films and several concerts. Ticket prices for select shows range from $15 to $35 for adults and from $5 to $10 for children, with discounts for seniors and students. A season preview video is online at com/watch?v=PkpkvJQcMY0. The new season will feature the following: Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m.: Neil Berg’s 101 Years of Broadway returns by popular demand with an all new musical revue of show tunes. Oct. 5, 3 p.m.: Soprano superstar Christine Brewer returns to her hometown w i t h f r i e n d s C r a i g Te r r y o f t h e C h i c a g o Ly r i c O p e r a a n d baritone Hugh Russell in a concert to celebrate Lebanon’s bicentennial. Oct. 19, 3 p.m.: Brian Owens and the Music of Marvin Gaye with the Saint Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra. Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m.: Classic Albums Live: Abbey Road recreates the Beatles’ hits from one of the world’s greatest albums track for track, note for note. Nov. 30, 7:30 p.m.: Cantus: All is Calm recalls the remarkable events of December 1914, when German and Allied soldiers met in no man’s land for a Christmas t r u c e d u r i n g Wo r l d Wa r I . Using new arrangements of European carols and war songs for a cappella voices, joined by the actors of Theatre Latte Da, to bring this moving moment in history to life. Dec. 8 and 9, 7:30 p.m.: U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-America salutes the holidays with two nights of free concerts. Jan. 3, 2015, 7:30 p.m.: Russian National Ballet Theatre: Swan L a k e i s l a v i s h p ro d u c t i o n o f the magical tale of Odette, f u l l o f c o u r t l y s p l e n d o r, celebrates Russia’s great national ballet heritage. The instantly recognizable music o f Tc h a i k o v s k y i s s e t a g a i n s t the wonderfully dark story of good against evil in one of the most famous and beloved of all ballets. Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m.: The 5 Browns are The Juilliard School’s quintet of siblings, all virtuoso pianists. March 4, 7:30 p.m.: John Lithgow: Stories By Heart features the well-known actor in his critically acclaimed, one-man
r a c e , g e n d e r, p o l i t i c s a n d t h e media. Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m.: Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian born graphic novelist and filmmaker who rose to international prominence for her acclaimed autobiographical work, “Persepolis.” F e b . 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 : P a u l F. Tompkins, comedian, writer and actor (“Mr. Show,” “Real Time with Bill Maher”), will join a panel discussion at 6 p.m. and perform stand-up comedy at 8:30 p.m. April 15, 7:30 p.m.: Carl B e r n s t e i n , b e s t s e l l i n g a u t h o r, CNN contributor and investigative journalist who b r o k e t h e Wa t e r g a t e s c a n d a l with Washington Post colleague Bob Woodward. The Hett’s free Film Art Series will explore the art of communication with four award-winning films, all at
theatrical memoir. March 11, 7:30 p.m.: Mummenschanz, a Swiss performance troupe, captivates audiences without words, using ordinary materials to create a s u r re a l , c o m i c u n i v e r s e . A playful and uniquely memorable experience! April 12, 3 p.m.: The St. Louis Brass Band brings the sound of the traditional English brass band to the Hett. N o v. 1 7 a n d M a rc h 3 0 , 7 : 3 0 p.m.: Saint Louis Symphony Mondays feature chamber ensembles of Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra musicians. The George E. McCammon Memorial Distinguished Speaker Series will host the following guests: Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m.: Callie C ro s s l e y, a B o s t o n j o u r n a l i s t and radio host who addresses audiences nationwide about
7 p.m.: “Persepolis,” Sept. 30; “The King’s Speech,” Oct. 29; “Shakespeare in Love,” Jan. 22; and “All the President’s Men,” March 3.
usual flea market fare and food. There will be a number of new dealers plus familiar faces. The butterfly man will be there on Saturdays. After shopping for your wares, h ead over to The Loading Dock restaurant to enjoy its new menu items. During the 2014 season, the market will be open to shoppers f ro m 9 a . m . t o 5 p . m . o n t h e following dates Sept. 27 – 28 and Oct. 25 – 26. The flea market will be held at the Historic Boatworks, located alongside The Loading Dock, located at 400 Front St. in Grafton. For more information or to be a vendor, p l e a s e c o n t a c t Tr u d i A l l e n a t t b a @ g t e c . c o m o r g o t o w w w. Market.html.
Flea market returns to Grafton
The Riverside Flea Market in Grafton has returned to Grafton. The flea market is held monthly on the fourth weekend, beginning with the March flea market. The market schedule will continue through October in Grafton. Th e G r af ton R iver side Flea is the largest flea market in the Alton region, boasting of more than 75 vendors with a wide selection of antiques, crafts, the
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Collin Raye Sunday, September 21 st at 3:00 PM Hatheway Cultural Center Collin shot to fame in 1991 with the song “Love, Me”. He has had 24 top ten records, 16 #1 hits, and been a 10 time “Male Vocalist of the Year” nominee. Collin promotes positive & loving messages while touring all over the world singing his soulful, heartfelt ballads. This promises to be one of the most beautiful and touching concerts of the season.
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Ticket Prices
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On the Edge of the Weekend
September 11, 2014
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People People planner New app helps navigate haunted Alton
A sordid past of murder, war, death and destruction has led to Alton’s haunted present. Through the years, many travelers have investigated and inquired about the unexplained happenings and psychic phenomena found throughout Alton. Several locations that are noted to be extremely haunted, including the infamous McPike Mansion and Milton School, have been featured on television shows on the Travel Channel and Syfy Channel. And now, you can follow along on our haunted app and share your photos through your very own social media channels (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram). You can also find haunted events, a listing of our haunted tour providers and a gallery of shared haunted photos. You can download our Haunted App for free in iTunes or Android stores by searching for Haunted Alton or by going to HauntedApp. Some of other our haunted locations include: the First Unitarian Church, where a former pastor who committed suicide is known to haunt this historic church, the Piasa Masonic Lodge, where a spirit of a Confederate soldier haunts the basement and more. Haunted schools, restaurants,
houses and cemeteries intrigue visitors to the region year after year to further explore the haunted past. How to Share Your Haunted Photo Step 1 – Visit a haunted Alton site. Open app and click on haunts. Make sure to click on the haunted site you are at. Step 2 – Click on camera icon after you open the haunted site. Step 3 – Snap photo and add one of 5 filters if you want or leave as original. Step 4 – Add a caption and share on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts. Sharing to personal social media accounts is not required. (Don’t forget to use hashtags
Compton Hill Water Tower welcomes visitors
The historic Compton Hill Water Tower is open for its 15th consecutive season of monthly openings and full moon viewings
events. Located at the intersection of Shaw and Grand Blvd, (exit 288 off I-44), the Tower is open from 12 noon – 4 PM on the first Saturday of each month from April through November. Visitors can climb to the top of the 179-ft. Tower and enjoy a 360-degree vista of metro St. Louis stretching as far as Illinois, Clayton and the Jefferson Barracks Bridge. By popular demand, the Tower will again open for full moon evenings, beginning at 5:30PM and extending as late as midnight for most months from April through November. “Full Moon Weekends”
at the Tower in June, July and August will include food trucks, live bands and festivity. For more information , including the history of the water tower and a schedule openings visit, www. Compton Hill Water Tower - 2014 Calendar of Public Openings 2014 Saturday Openings: 12 noon -- 4pm May 3. June 7, July 5, August 2, Sept. 6, October 4, November 1 Full Moon Weekends: Wednesday, October 8, 5:30pm -- 10pm Thursday, November 6, 5:30pm -- 9pm
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On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Events planned in Alton area
The Alton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau has announced the following events. ALT: Leading Ladies (Comedy) Thursday, Sept. 11 – Sunday, Sept. 14 & Thursday, Sept. 18 – Sunday, Sept. 21 Starts at 7:30pm CST Alton Little Theater 2450 N. Henry Street Alton, IL 62002 The 81st Season opens with LEADING LADIES by Ken Ludwig (Comedy directed by Diana Enloe);this new play by a famed playwright comes on the heels of a Broadway run and is a witty take on how far “actors” will go to find an audience and love! Grafton's Art in the Park Saturday, Sept. 13 – Sunday, Sept. 14 Starts at 10:00am CST The Grove Memorial Park Market Street Grafton, IL 62037 Beautiful art will be on display at the 8th Annual Grafton Art in the Park. Enjoy live music, food vendors, art activities, demonstrations and artists presenting their handmade art, fine art, paintings, photography, glass, jewelry and much more. Girls on Grapes, Boys on Brew Saturday, September 13, 2014 Starts at 12:00pm CST The Loading Dock 400 Front St. Grafton, IL 62037 Sample wine, food, and brew from over 30 area restaurants and wineries. For ticket info, call (618) 463-7872. Sunset Wine Cruise Saturday, September 13, 2014 Starts at 5:30pm CST Grafton Harbor 215 W. Water St. Grafton, IL 62037 Take a relaxing sunset cruise aboard the Hakuna Matata on the Mississippi River. You’ll have a chance to enjoy wine while also enjoying some appetizers. Boarding, which is at Grafton Harbor, begins 30 minutes prior to the cruise. For more information or to make reservations, call (618) 786-7678. Admission $40/person Mineral Springs Walking Tour & Haunted Overnight Saturday, September 13, 2014 Starts at 7:00pm CST Mineral Springs Haunted Tours 301 E. Broadway Street Alton, IL 62002 Walking Tours include visits to several haunted buildings as well as an exclusive guided tour of the most haunted building in Alton, the Mineral Springs Hotel. The only tour to enter Mineral Springs! Tour includes light refreshments. Bring cameras, recorders, flashlights, and any ghost hunting equipment you may have. For more info, call (618) 465-3200. Admission $35/person Annual Mississippi Earthtones Festival Saturday, September 20, 2014 Starts at 12:00pm CST Liberty Bank Alton Amphitheater 1 Riverfront Drive Alton, IL 62002 Come celebrate life on the Mississippi River through art, music, and conservation! The event will kick-off with a river clean-up beginning at 9 a.m. The festival is part of a statewide celebration of our rivers and an
opportunity to learn more about the environmental issues in our region and solutions. The festival will feature informational booths on ecology, native plants & animals, and recycling, as well as arts & crafts, food vendors, litter clean-ups, organized hikes & bike rides, and live music! For more information, call (618) 463-1016. Autumn Solstice Haunted Extravaganza Saturday, September 20, 2014 Starts at 1:00pm CST Mineral Springs Haunted Tours 301 E. Broadway Street Alton, IL 62002 Meet paranormal investigators, have a free Tarot card reading and take a free tour of the Historic Museum of Torture Devices during the Mineral Springs Haunted Autumn Solstice Extravaganza. There will be speakers, vendors, door prizes, book signings and drawings for a free ghost tour. For more information, call (618) 4653200.
Greater Alton Concert Association - Collin Raye Sunday, September 21, 2014 Starts at 3:00pm CST Lewis & Clark Community College 5800 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035 Collin Raye will be performing this September at Hatheway Hall at Lewis & Clark Community College. He is known for hit songs such as "That's My Story," "Love, Me," "I Can Still Feel You" and more. Raye has recorded 16 #1 hits and has been nominated for various awards. For more information, call (618) 4684222. Admission Adults: $25 (advance), $27 (door) Children (12 and under): $10 The Loading Dock 400 Front St. Grafton, IL 62037 You won't want to miss this fabulous flea market on the river. There will be over 50+ dealers with all types of goods, antiques
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glassware, tools, candles, furniture and good old-fashioned junk! Join the fun the fourth weekend of every month from March through October in Grafton. For more information, call (800) 258-6645 or e-mail tba@ Underground Railroad Shuttle Tours Saturday, September 27, 2014 Starts at 10:00am CST Alton Visitor Center 200 Piasa Street Alton, IL 62002 Learn about local, Underground Railroad sites on a shuttle tour with J.E. Robinson Tours and the Alton Regional CVB. The two-hour
guided shuttle tours will stop at some of the sites that were part of the Underground Railroad system including Rocky Fork Church, Enos Apartments and more. Alton’s riverfront location along the Mighty Mississippi played a vital role in helping slaves make connections to the freedom of the northern U.S. Buried beneath the streets of Alton and Godfrey, remnants of this period in history still exist. For more information on the Underground Railroad shuttle tours or to make advance registrations, please contact the Alton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau at (800) 258-6645. Admission
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To Register Contact Tina at 618-205-4637 Deadline: September 25th
Music Tuning in Sarah Jorosz to host festival at The Sheldon
The Sheldon and 88.1 KDHX present Sarah Jarosz with Blue Canyon Boys and special guest Betse Ellis, Friday, September 26 at 8 p.m. in the perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall. Jarosz appears as part of the 3rd Annual St. Louis Folk and Roots Festival, taking place September 26-28, celebrating folk and roots music, throughout Grand Center. With dynamic songwriting and a fresh, authentic sound Sarah Jarosz brings roots music into the 21st century! The 22-year-old multi-instrumentalist and Grammynominee hails from Austin, TX, and has critics labeling her a “newgrass prodigy� for her skills on banjo, guitar and mandolin. Over the past four years, Jarosz has toured the United States extensively, as well as Canada and the UK, taped Austin City Limits and the BBC Series The Transatlantic Sessions and appeared on A Prairie Home Companion. She is supported on the road by all-star musicians Alex Hargreaves (fiddle) and Nathaniel Smith (cello) who have been performing with Jarosz since 2010 and are featured on her recent release, Build Me Up From Bones. The Colorado-based Blue Canyon Boys blend sweet harmonies with virtuoso instrumental skill, making them one of the most popular festival bands touring today. Winners of the 2008 Telluride Bluegrass festival band contest, the Blue Canyon Boys have gone on to perform across the country and were selected to represent the United States and
bluegrass music at the 14th annual Rainforest World Music Festival in Sarawak, Malaysia on the island of Borneo. Opening the concert is fiddler and songwriter Betse Ellis. Part old-time celebrant and part contemporary songwriter, Ellis blends traditional source material with her own original works. Citing influences from John Hartford to Joe Strummer, she transcends genres and pushes the boundaries of how folk music can be understood and imagined in the modern age. Folk and Roots Festival Package: $60 includes Friday and Saturday night concerts at The Sheldon, a late night Friday square dance, Saturday daytime workshops, Saturday night after party concert at The Stage at KDHX, and Sunday workshops and Old-Time Fiddle Contest. Single tickets are $40 orchestra/$35 balcony, and are on sale now through MetroTix at 314-534-1111, through The Sheldon’s website at, or in person at The Fox Theatre Box Office, 534 N. Grand Blvd. For more information, call The Sheldon at 314.533.9900 or visit
EffingHAM Music Fest scheduled
Following the success of the first annual EffingHAM Music Fest, presenting sponsors Mid America Motorworks and Chicago-based 3-time ACM Nightclub of the Year, Joe’s Bar are thrilled to welcome Joe Nichols, Phil Vassar and a line-up of great Country entertainers Saturday, Sept. 27th, 2014. 
Joe Nichols takes the Funfest Amphitheater stage with his hit Single, “Yeah.� Holding steady at
the #1 spot on the Billboard Country Airplay Chart for three consecutive weeks, it is the second single from his latest album CRICKETS to hit #1. With hits like “Sunny and 75,� “Brokenheartsville,� “Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off� and “Gimme That Girl,� Nichols brings his signature touch to traditional country music and his fans can’t get enough. Singer-songwriter, Phil Vassar, returns to the Funfest Amphitheater after making his debut on our stage in 2006. Known for hits like “Just Another Day in Paradise,� “In a Real Love� and his latest “Love Is Alive,� Phil learned the ropes of country music co-writing singles with Tim McGraw, JoDee Messina, Collin Raye and Alan Jackson. With 2 ASCAP Songwriter of the Year awards, a Billboard Country Songwriter of the Year award and countless hits, Phil gives each song a message to make the listener feel something. 
Illinois native Drew Baldridge will also be part of the fun at EffingHAM Music Fest, returning to delight fans with his single, “She’s Taken.� Drew’s music is a reflection of his roots in Patoka, Ill., where he developed a passion for writing, playing and singing his own Country songs. 
 The show will open with Midwest-based Matt Poss Band, a group that has been mixing country, rock, bluegrass and blues to create an eclectic sound that appeals to a wide audience for more than 10 years. 
EffingHAM Music Fest brings must-see entertainers to the Midwest for a day chock-full of outstanding Country Music. It all happens on Saturday, Sept. 27 at the Funfest Amphitheater located off exit 162 at the intersection of Interstates 57 and 70 in Effingham, Ill. With
lawn seating for 14,000 guests, the Funfest Amphitheater has plenty of room for “effing� good music, food, drinks and fun! 
EffingHAM Music Fest combines big names in entertainment and a friendly Midwest atmosphere. Lawn seats only; make sure to bring your own chairs and blankets. Food and drink vendors will be on-site. No coolers admitted. Tickets are available at w w w. t i c k e t w e b . c o m . G e n e r a l admission tickets are $35. Premium
Parking is available for $25 to put fans steps from all the action. If you are looking to experience the concert in VIP style, tickets are available for $95 and include front VIP access, Premium Parking, 3 beverage vouchers, private restrooms and other exclusive perks! For questions regarding EffingHAM Music Fest, please visit, call (800) 774-8989 or email ham@
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September 11, 2014
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Tuning in GACA set for 2014-15 season
It seems only a few weeks ago that John Davidson was playing the season finale for the Greater Alton Concert Assocation . The group wrapped up a great 73rd season after being entertained by The Four Freshmen, Double Grande, The Gothard Sisters and The Masters of Motown. The group has announced is lineup for the 2014-2015 74th Season of the GACA. Sunday Sept. 21, 2014, 3 p.m. We kick off the season with award winning artist Collin Raye. He shot to fame in 1991 with the song “Love, Me”. This song continues to be used for wedding, anniversaries, memorial services and funerals. He has had 24 top ten records, 16 #1 hits, and been a 10 time “Male Vocalist of the Year” nominee. Collin is a musician who uses his music and stardom to promote positive and loving messages. In 2001 he was presented the Country Radio Seminar’s Humanitarian of the Year award in recognition of his work for organizations such as Boys Town, First Steps, Al-Anon and Special Olympics to name a few. In 2011 Collin released his first inspirational album, His Love Remains, which quickly shot to #1 on Amazon for inspirational and religious music. Collin tours all over the world singing his soulful, heartfelt ballads. He just returned from a tour in Ireland. This promises to be one of the most beautiful and touching concerts of the season. Sunday October 26, 2014 3 p.m. The magic number for us is 52—50 years ago this year the Beatles came to America and changed the Rock & Roll world forever. Two years
ago Beatlemania Magic recreated these classic sounds for us on this stage! This Beatles tribute band brings the authentic sounds and looks of the different Beatle “eras”. You can take a trip through the earliest songs such as “She Loves Me” to the later sound of “Sgt. Pepper”, “Let It Be” and “Abbey Road”. This year they played a sold out performance at the Majestic Performing Arts Center in Ohio, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Beatles appearance on Ed Sullivan. Whether or not you missed them the first time, you owe it to yourself to hear Beatlemania Magic this time! Sunday February 15, 2015, 3 p.m. Al Simmons’ one-man, multi-prop, music-filled, off the wall performances have elevated audiences world-wide to collective giggles and all-out guffaws. Al’s humor touches a responsive chord in peo-ple of every age. While it may be difficult to define this program, the titles of his
albums may give you some insight (or not) —“Something’s Fishy at Camp Wiganishis” , “Celery Stalks at Midnight”, and “The Truck I bought From Moe”. Those of you who remember and enjoyed vaudeville will have something to tell your family about. Al’s inspirations were great comedy kings such as Danny Kaye, Spike Jones and Jimmy Durante. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to an afternoon of comedy with song, dance, magic and sight gags. www. Saturday March 7, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Returning to us after a three year absence, The Ambassadors of Harmony (AOH) is the St. Louis area's premier men's a cappella chorus of more than 130 voices known for powerful and musically masterful performances. Its repertoire includes Broadway classics, barbershop, jazz, pop and wide selection of holiday favorites. The chorus has won three gold
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medals in the Barbershop Harmony Society's international contest, most recently in 2012 in Portland, Ore. AOH has sung for audiences across the United States and has also performed in England, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden. This is an evening you won't want to miss! Sunday April 19, 2015, TBA Do the words “Rat Pack” bring back memories? Names like Dean, Frank, Sammy? If so, you will be thrilled to be here when Dean Christopher takes the stage with his band to bring you favorites like “My Way” and “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”. With over 30 years experience as an actor, singer, comedian, im-pressionist, a member of Actor’s Equity, FTRA, and Screen Actors Guild, Dean Christopher’s stage, film and television resume is ex-tensive. Dean opened for Don Rickles and Frank Sinatra, Jr. He’s also released a CD “Swingin’ with the Best”, for
which he wrote the title song as a tribute to those before him. www. Concerts are all in the Ann Whitney Olin Theater at the Hatheway Cultural Center on the campus of Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey. Tickets at the door are $27 for adults, $10 for children 12 and under plus LCCC students. Season Tickets are $80 for all 5 shows. For children (12 and under or LCCC students) season tickets are $25 or $50 for two or more. Advance individual concert tickets are $25 and will be available in Alton at Senior Services Plus, CNB Bank & Trust, Convention & Visitors’ Center, Halpin Music, Alton Holiday Inn, Dick’s Flowers, Liberty Bank and Picture This & More. In Godfrey, at Liberty Bank, in Bethalto at Bank of Edwardsville and Liberty Bank; Brighton, Carlinville and Carrollton at CNB Bank & Trust, in Jerseyville at the Jerseyville Library and in Wood River at Dick’s Flowers.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
September 11, 2014
Music Music calendar Thursday, Sept. 11
Sam Bush w/Frazier Band, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. RemiXT, Cicero's, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Nick Bifano & The Innocents, Cicero’s, University City, Doors 8:00 p.m. The Secret Sisters, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m.
Life in Color – Unlease, Old Rock House, St Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. River Jam 2014, Liberty Bank Alton Amphitheater, Alton, Doors 1:30 p.m. Crash, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Static Life, Rev Gusto, Jack Nations, Cicero’s, University City, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 14
Friday, Sept. 12
St. Louis Symphony Opening Weekend, Powell Symphony Hall in Grand Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Pokey LaFarge’s Central Time Tour, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Taj Weekes and Adowa, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Hotel California – The Original Eagles Tribute, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 8:00 .m. Eddie’s Munsters, Cicero’s, University City, 6:30 p.m.
Corb Lund, Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Monophonics, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Skyler, Dan Henig, Cicero’s, University City, Doors 8:00 p.m. Eviscerart, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 15
Open Mic Night, The Gramophone, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m.
Eric Church, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Futurebirds, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Janiva Magness, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Chuck Berry, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Next 2 The Tracks, Cicero’s, University City, Doors 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 18
RemiXT, Cicero's, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. An Evening with Andy McKee, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Parachute w/Matt Wertz, Plush St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. After The Burial w/Texas In July, I Declare War, Reflections, Come The Dawn, Signals from Saturn, Pop’s, Sauget, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 19
Tuesday, Sept. 16
Yacht w/White Fang, NEE, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. John Velghe – Solo Motorcycle Tour, Cicero’s, University City, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 13
Wednesday, Sept. 17
St. Louis Symphony Live at Powell Hall Concert: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Bob Mould Band w/Cymbals Eat Guitars, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
2014 HBA Fall Home Show Exhibitors in alphabetical order 1st Source Contractors AJD Landscaping Ameren Illinois Act On Energy Aviston Concrete Products Bath Fitter Bath Planet of St. Louis Bricks -N- Stones Butler Home Improvement Cabinetworks Kitchens Chesley Fence City of Collinsville CMC Electric Copious Technologies Cutco Cutlery Dunns Sporting Goods
2014 Fall Home Show Gold Sponsors
236 223 301 213 304 230 105 219 210 311 214 225 222 231 322
Eye On Design FCB Banks Firstco Mortgage Fence & Deck Depot Fulford Home Remodeling Gutter Helmet of SI. Louis HealthSource Chiropractic Helitech Waterproofing & Foundation Repair Home Improvement Select Jacob Showers & Baths Jacob Sunroom & Exteriors Joyce Factory Direct of St. Louis JT McDermott Remodeling Contractors Kitchen Craft Klemme Construction
325 309 318 207 404 228 205 104 314 300 227 315 405 233
LeafFilter North of Mo, Inc. Martin Glass Co. Mary Jane’s Solid Oak Furniture Maximized Living Midtown Home Improvements, Inc. Midwest Carpet Cleaning Midwest Lifetime Roof Systems Modern Bath Solutions Preferred Spine & Rehab Quality Installation & Home Improvement R P Lumber Co. Inc. Renewal by Andersen Scott’s Landscaping Sears Home Services Select Comfort / Sleep Number
209 306 335 326 320 407 100 237 339 400 200 216 332 308 334
Siding Repair Systems Spas and More Superior Window Company The Bedroom Store Tri Max Home Improvements TriState Water, Power and Air True Home Value Tuff Shed, Inc. Underwood Chiropractic, LLC Upper Cervical Health Centers Valenti’s Design Build & Remodel Window World Woods Basement Systems XteriorPro
215 330 333 401 241 106 107 232 239 336 240 238 101 328
$4.00 Admission ~ Children under 12 FREE Save $1.00 OFF Admission
Check out our lineup at September 11, 2014
On the Edge of the Weekend
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
"Get On Up"
ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One-half star out of four.
There's a delicious moment in "Get On Up," Tate Taylor's new James Brown biopic, when Brown — played by Chadwick Boseman, in a thrillingly magnetic performance — is about to appear on the T.A.M.I. Show, a multi-act concert filmed in 1964. Backstage, the singer is informed that he and his band won't be closing the show; that honor will be going to an up-andcoming British band called the Rolling Stones. Brown shakes off the disappointment, goes out and blows the roof off the place with the force of those growling vocals and explosive, kinetic dance moves. Then he saunters over to the Stones, just five skinny blokes who don't know what hit them. "Welcome to America," he says. Did he say that in real life? No matter. The scene illustrates Brown's most important qualities: his ndescribable drive as a performer, and his almost blinding charisma. For that, kudos go to director Taylor and producers Brian Grazer and Mick Jagger (yes, that Mick Jagger, who's made no secret of Brown's influence on his own famous moves.) But none of it would work, of course, without Boseman, an actor on a remarkable run of late, playing Jackie Robinson in "42" and now this. If he was impressive as the dignified Robinson, he's electrifying as Brown. And just as Brown, in life, upstaged pretty much everyone — including his bandmates, the Famous Flames — Boseman does that here. The always excellent Viola Davis plays Brown's mother, Susie, but since Susie left her son as a boy, we don't see enough Davis — just a few sad moments from Brown's hardscrabble rural youth, and then one excruciating, wonderfully played scene later, when she comes to see her adult son backstage at Harlem's Apollo Theater. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America "for sexual content, drug use, some strong language, and violent situations. RUNNING TIME: 138 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
"Into the Storm"
"Into the Storm" is a movie that addresses the fearsome power of nature. Alas, it also addresses the fearsome power of a bad script to distract us from the fearsome power of nature. Add to that a set of cardboard characters, and what you have is a movie that should have dispensed with the humans and dialogue altogether, and been a documentary. If, of course, the storms were real. Which they aren't. The film, directed by Steven Quale, runs only 89 minutes. And yet, despite the often engrossing special effects, it drags. It seems there are only so many times you can watch a funnel cloud bear down, while someone yells out: "We gotta get out of here. C'mon!" The action takes place in one day in the small town of Silverton, somewhere in the heartland. Four high school students have just been killed in a tornado in Oklahoma, which is somewhere nearby. And yet, Silverton's high school is planning to go ahead with its outdoor graduation, despite the forecast. Maybe this is why Vice Principal Gary Fuller — Richard Armitage, the dwarf leader Thorin of the "Hobbit" movies — is frowning, a state in which he remains throughout the film (his Thorin, though shorter, was much more expressive.) He heads to school with his teenage sons, Donnie and Trey. Meanwhile, a storm-tracking team is on the chase, led by a driven, self-centered documentary filmmaker, Pete (Matt Walsh). He's spent years developing the perfect storm-tracking vehicle — the Titus, a war tank with giant claws that can bore into the ground amid high winds. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "sequences of intense destruction and peril, and language including some sexual references." RUNNING TIME: 89 minutes.
On the Edge of the Weekend
"Love Is Strange"
A gay couple who have been together for almost four decades are separated — at least physically — by factors beyond their control in "Love Is Strange," the latest tender and meandering exploration of human relationships from indie darling Ira Sachs ("Keep the Lights On," ''Forty Shades of Blue"). Set in the Big Apple, this is a sprawling yet intimate narrative, constructed almost entirely of in-between moments rather than the big turning points and tragedies. The starting point is the housing problem of two newlyweds but longtime lovers, played with enormous generosity by Alfred Molina and John Lithgow, but the film slowly expands its vision to encompass a much larger cast that includes Marisa Tomei and Cheyenne Jackson. "Love Is Strange" opens on what should be the happiest day in the lives of Ben (Lithgow) and George (Molina), as they get ready in their tasteful Manhattan apartment for their wedding. Initially somewhat counterintuitively, Sachs ensures that everything looks rather ordinary: they get up, shower, dress, are running late and can't find a taxi. Indeed, as will become clear from the film that follows, this is not the happiest day in their lives exactly because the duo, who've been together for 39 years, have mastered the art of being happy with what they have, every single day. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language." RUNNING TIME: 94 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Not ranked.
"If I Stay"
'Tis clearly the season for exceedingly attractive young adults in mortal peril. Just two months ago, we had the charming Shailene Woodley as a teen cancer patient, fighting for time while learning about life and love in "The Fault in Our Stars." Last week, we had Aussie heartthrob Brenton Thwaites in "The Giver," risking his life for the sake of truth and memory. And now we have the sweet Chloe Grace Moretz in "If I Stay," spending the movie in a state of limbo between life and death, after a catastrophic accident shatters her comfy world. Like all successful YA novels brought to screen, "If I Stay," based on the 2009 teen tearjerker by Gayle Forman, brings with it a ready-made audience. All the filmmakers need do is cast the most appealing couple they can find and stay faithful to the story, and the kids should be happy. It's safe to say director R.J. Cutler has done that — Moretz is beautiful to look at, and as her rocker boyfriend, Jamie Blackley is satisfyingly sensitive and hunky. And they have good lips. This is one screen couple that knows how to kiss. If only the dialogue worked as well. Shauna Cross' script lapses into syrupy platitudes far too often. Just as a scene is building, you may suddenly feel like you've walked into a life-size Hallmark card. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "thematic elements and some sexual material." RUNNING TIME: 106 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
"Life of Crime"
Some may pine for George Clooney's chin or Scarlett Johansson's lips, but no body part should be more envied than Elmore Leonard's ear. Leonard's dialogue seemed to have walked in off the street. He filled countless pages with the stuff, capturing with preternatural acuity the diverse, often ungrammatical,
September 11, 2014
frequently comic ping-ponging sounds of American voices shooting the breeze. And he did it, like a magician, without showing his hand. "If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it," was one of his 10 rules. He probably would have rewritten these sentences. It's both why Leonard has been so alluring to filmmakers, and why adapting him is so difficult. His talky, screenplayfriendly books have already produced some 20 movies (including "Out of Sight," ''Jackie Brown," ''Get Shorty" and "3:10 to Yuma") and several TV shows (like the pulpy "Justified"). Now, a year after his death, comes the film "Life of Crime," a largely faithful and appropriately admiring adaptation of Leonard's 1978 novel "The Switch." It has three very good things going for it: the crinkled face of John Hawkes, the nasal deadpan of Yasiin Bey (aka Mos Def) and Jennifer Aniston in the kind of comedic-dramatic part she should have always been playing. Hawkes and Bey play a pair of Detroit criminals — Louis Gara and Ordell Robbie, respectively — who conspire to kidnap the wife, Mickey (Aniston), of a suburban sleaze ball, Frank Dawson (Tim Robbins). Their plan to hold her goes awry when the plot is one-upped by others swirling around Dawson with equally bad motives. With his mistress (Isla Fisher), Dawson has sneaked off to the Bahamas, where he's hiding money skimmed off his business and plotting a divorce. Is getting rid of his wife even a threat? Also interfering on their home abduction is a country-club acquaintance (a mustachioed, cowardly Will Forte), whose ill-conceived romantic pursuit of Mickey brings him calling at precisely the wrong time. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language, some sexual content and violence." RUNNING TIME: 99 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and half stars out of four.
"Sin City: A Dame to Kill For"
After being clonked over the head in 1944's "Murder, My Sweet," Raymond Chandler's immortal private eye Philip Marlowe wryly narrated the experience of being knocked out: "A black pool opened up at my feet. I jumped in." In "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For," a belated, 3-D sequel to 2005's "Sin City," cultishly-adored graphic novelist Frank Miller and genre-exploiting director Robert Rodriguez have again jumped right into the same dark abyss Dick Powell's Marlowe fell into, into the same noir sea — or, at least, some hyper-stylized version of it. This is hardboiled on heroin. Both "Sin City" movies are double layers of aesthetic idolatry: Miller, famed for his "Dark Knight" reimagining of Batman, worships at the pulp altar of Chandler and Mickey Spillane, while Rodriguez is slavishly devoted to turning Miller's two-dimensional drawings into cinematic flesh. (Miller's name precedes the film's title and he shares directing credit with Rodriguez.) They each approach their tasks with gusto that can only be admired, even if the results can't. Like its predecessor, "A Dame to Kill For" was made with an almost entirely digital palate, placing actors — Mickey Rourke, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin, Eva Green — on a starkly black-and-white canvas in a fictional (but very Los Angeles-like) permanent-midnight metropolis of rampant crime, extreme brutality and skin-baring luridness. It's described with tough-guy poetry like: "the kind of place your father doesn't want to talk about." RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "strong brutal stylized violence throughout, sexual content, nudity and brief drug use." RUNNING TIME: 101 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
Associated Press
This image released by Relativity Media shows Pierce Brosnan, center, and Olga Kurylenko in a scene from the film, "The November Man."
Brosnan back in the spy game By JOHN DeFORE The Hollywood Reporter LOS ANGELES (AP) — Onetime 007 Pierce Brosnan embraces a darker take on spycraft in Roger Donaldson's "The November Man," playing a former CIA agent whose autumnal nickname acknowledges his tendency to leave few alive when he passes through a town. A familiar string of dark secrets, shifting allegiances and (wo)man-who-knew-toomuch pursuit propels the storyline (adapted from one in a series of Bill Granger novels), giving Brosnan the opportunity to prove his cool remains intact, sans tux and gadgets. "November Man" won't do anything like
Bond's box office, but will satisfy the actor's fans and moviegoers biding their time until the next top-shelf le Carre-style thriller. Here, Brosnan plays Peter Devereaux, who in his day was known for his unwillingness to form personal attachments that could compromise his duties. Like all spies, though, he had his secrets: When the woman he once loved (and who secretly bore him a daughter) dies while spying in Moscow, he becomes the enemy of her killer — his old protege David Mason (Luke Bracey), whose bosses at Langley ordered the hit lest she be captured by the Russians. Make that one Russian in particular: Corrupt former general Arkady Federov (Lazar Ristovski), who is on track to be the
next Russian president and wants to erase anyone who knows about the atrocities he committed in the Second Chechen War. Devereaux's ex was one of those secretholders, and in following her leads, he winds up saving Alice Fournier (Olga Kurylenko) from Federov's top assassin. (Said killer is a woman, whose introductory scenes make one wonder why we so rarely meet hitmen who do balletic splits in order to limber up before a kill.) Fournier is a social worker who has helped some of the girls Federov sold into the sex trade, including one named Mira he made his personal slave. Mira overheard a lot during those years, and powerful people around the globe want to find her
before she tells anyone what she knows. Though the film's cat-and-mouse s c e n e s h a rd l y c o m p a re t o t h o s e i n a Bourne movie, they're enjoyable and only occasionally ridiculous. (A long sequence in which Devereaux and Mason taunt each other on the phone during a chase makes little sense except for those longing to hear "You've lost your touch, old man" cliches.) Brosnan, whose old franchise made a smart turn away from superspy fantasy after his departure, plays the gritty side of spookdom well, and the film offers him (sometimes puzzling) opportunities to show just how nasty he can be, even as he's risking life and limb to save a stranger.
"Chef" among the year's better movies By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge I wonder if Hollywood even understands what they've done to destroy the Labor Day holiday? Most of the year, this is big business for the movies. Christmas is a target date. Lately, the Fourth of July has popped with ticket sales almost as loudly as firecrackers. Late summer just seems to be a black h o l e o f d re c k w h e re a l l b a d movies are put out to pasture. It's a darkest dawn before Aw a r d s ' S e a s o n c o n t e n d e r s finally start to come into focus on the bleak horizon of September film-going. One little thing has caused me to shift my perspective, however slightly, and that is the re-issue over this long weekend of some of the
season's older titles. Having missed "Chef" the first time around was my mistake and I'm glad I got the chance to rectify it. This might be the best movie I've seen so far this year. Chef Carl Casper went from rising hero in the food world to a fuddy-duddy stuck in the comfort zone of his culinary laurels. But his talent hasn't left him. It's been wasted by the owner (Dustin Hoffman) of his swanky Los Angeles restaurant. The old-timer makes a rather accurate analogy about cooking cherished favorite dishes instead of daring new ones by likening Carl to Mick Jagger and "Satisfaction", but it does n o t h i n g t o s o o t h e t h e f i re t o create that has been left unstoked for so long. After blowing up at a food critic (Oliver Platt)
over unfair criticism of meals once thought of legendarily, Carl goes viral in an embarrassing, more-spot-on-than-you-think misunderstanding via Twitter. More will soon follow about his life via social media outlets. It might be counterintuitive to think of an R-rated flick as a good family movie, but this one is quite moving. In h i s ru s h t o c a p i t a l i z e o n t h e g re a t p o t e n t i a l o f h i s y o u t h , Casper (writer/director Jon Favreau) has forsaken a lot of this important things in life. His marriage to the even more successful Inez (Sofia Vergara) crumbled under the weight of their opposing interests, but the two remain close friends. It's the distance that grows between Casper and his son, Percy (Emjay Anthony), that is most
unfortunate. During a vacation to Miami, Inez convinces Carl that he should pursue his love of the kitchen independently and he buys a food truck. Good buddy and sous chef Martin (John Leguizamo) joins the ride a s C a r l a n d P e rc y d r i v e t h e beastly vehicle back across the country. The men all bond over Cubano sandwiches, yucca fries, and plantains as they take New Orleans and Austin by storm. The authentic flavor to this picture comes from things like eating beignets at Cafe du Monde and listening to a neighborhood rock band at an al fresco BBQ joint. It's real enough that I felt like I was right there with them. Percy is a whiz with his p h o n e . K i d s t h e s e d a y s t re a t personal electronic devices like MacGyver would his Swiss
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Army knife. Getting to know h is dad, and what makes him tick, leads him to bolster the work their doing in the kitchen b y t i re l e s s l y p ro m o t i n g i t v i a I n s t a g r a m , F a c e b o o k , Tu m b l r, a n d Vi n e . H e ' s a s w e e t k i d and never dopey or put-upon like movie children sometimes are. You really come to envy him as he works as the truck's line cook during his summer vacation. Chef is cleaver-sharp a n d re a l l y d o e s a n i c e j o b o f incorporating some A-List stars (Scarlett Johansson & Robert D o w n e y, J r. ) i n s m a l l r o l e s . Go see it before it disappears again. "Chef" runs 119 minutes and is rated R for language, including some suggestive references. I give this film four stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Photos courtesy of
Above, formation flying at a previous Ozarks Air Show. Below, a wingwalker in action.
Ozarks Air Show scheduled For The Edge On Sept. 20, the skies will be alive with action during the Lake of the Ozarks Air Show at Camdenton Memorial Airport. This free air show honors veterans and active military members, as well as providing an early-autumn activity for the community and visitors. "The Lake of the Ozarks Air Show delights audiences and honors military heroes each year through the generosity of our sponsors," Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau Executive Director Tim Jacobsen said. "The annual air show is a really cool event that will undoubtedly be an awesome experience for everyone who attends. There's still time to make plans to come to the Lake and have a fun and memorable getaway." Thrilling aviation acts for this year's show include the P-51 "Gunfighter," a WWII plane performing aerobatics; stunt flying by Team Vortex and G&M Airshows; wing walking by Dave Dacy Airshows; and performances by the Free-Fall Express Skydivers and the KC Flight Formation Team. The Chevrolet Flash Fire Jet Truck will be racing across the ground, as well.
On the Edge of the Weekend
The opening ceremonies for the event are at 10 a.m., but the fun begins even earlier with entertainment from the Fort Leonard Wood band at 8 a.m. and a performance by Main Street Opry and LOZ Dance Academy at 9:45 a.m. Once again, free flights for veterans are being offered, this year in the B-25J Mitchell WWII bomber. Organizers say this is another way of thanking those who have served in the armed forces. The event is fun for several generations of family members. Veterans involved in past conflicts can proudly remember their service, while children can enjoy the fun of Ping-Pong ball drops and flights by remote control planes. Vendors will offer food and drinks for the show, but attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. Local civic organizations act as vendors for the event, reinvesting proceeds into the airshow and their own community projects, making the show a benefit to the Camdenton community in many ways. For attendees, a convenient free shuttle from the parking lots at the Camdenton RIII schools runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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and airport parking is also available for a $5 fee. The show began with approximately 4,000 attendees four years ago. Since then, it has been breaking attendance records every year, with last year's show drawing crowds of about 14,000 spectators. Airport Manager Corey Leuwerke believes the show's location at the Lake deserves the credit. "We provide an exciting airshow, plus the opportunity to spend the weekend at the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks," he said. Camdenton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Trish Creach sums it up this way: "This must-attend event is a topnotch historical aviation experience for the entire family and visitors of all ages." The event is made possible by collaboration among the City of Camdenton, the Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Camdenton Memorial Airport, the Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau and other local sponsors. To learn more, go to or call the Camdenton Memorial Airport at 573-346-0300. For information about all events and activities at the Lake of the Ozarks, as well as dining and accommodations, visit our website at or call 1-800-FUN-LAKE.
Travel Missouri offers motorcyclists plenty of adventures By TOM UHLENBROCK For The Edge Eminence, Mo. - North Carolina has the Tail of the Dragon, Tennessee is home to the Devil’s Triangle and now Missouri has the Ozark Hellbender. A catchy name is a must for enticing the nation’s motorcycle riders to experience a scenic, stomach-churning roadway with plenty of sharp “twisties” and long, banked “sweepers.” The Tail of the Dragon boasts 318 curves in 11 miles. The Ozark hellbender is a large aquatic salamander that hides under rocks in the spring-fed streams of southern Missouri. Alan Peters decided to honor the endangered amphibian by borrowing its name for one of five motorcycle routes he is recommending as self-guided day trips at www.MotorcycleOzarks. com . Peters and his wife, Lynnett, have been promoting the scenic wonders of the area since moving from Kansas some 40 years ago and opening River’s Edge Resort on the Jacks Fork River in Eminence. The Jacks Fork and the Current River are the heart of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, America’s first river-based national park. The area also is home to the Mark Twain National Forest, which covers 1.5 million acres of wooded hills that glow in autumn colors each fall. Cutting straight through the scenic landscape north to south through Eminence is Highway 19, which was built in the 1930s by laborers using picks, shovels, axes, saws and teams of oxen and mules. The route followed the ridges of the hills, with steep drop-offs beyond the shoulders in many stretches. Federal funds once were available to straighten the gnarly highway, but those plans were voted down.
Missouri Department of Tourism
Above, the Ozark Hellbender Motorcycle Route crosses the Current River at Big Spring. Below, Highway 19 twists and turns as it heads into Eminence. Designated a scenic highway, 19 now is a delight for motorcyclists, sports car enthusiasts and any driver who relishes a challenging, backcountry road. Not so delighted are the queasy kids in the backseat. Peters is an avid motorcyclist and put together the information on his web page to showcase the area to outsiders. His website includes free printable maps and descriptive guides of the wonders you’ll find on each route. “Most of the cyclists who come through here ride 19 but miss the
best part,” Peters said. “You’ve got to stop and see the springs and the caves and the waterfalls, all those things that make this place unique in the whole world.” For example, the Ozark Hellbender starts in Eminence in a 122-mile loop that features nearly 300 curves. The route crosses the Current River at Round Spring, then goes over Sinking Creek and twists up the mountain past Current River State Park. It hangs a left on Route KK to Aker’s Ferry. “After leaving Akers, it heads north on Devil’s Backbone, which
offers beautiful views of the Current River valley any time of the year,” Peters said. “It follows some nice curves into Montauk State Park, which is another part of the world with trout fishing in the headwaters of the Current. There’s lodging and a pretty good restaurant in the park.” Heading back to Eminence, the route goes by Alley Spring, where the barn-red mill is one of the most photographed scenes in the Ozarks. “The spring, the old red mill and the sluice below are just absolutely gorgeous,” Peters said. “The foot bridge offers a bird’s eye view of the river.” Traffic is minimal on the five routes, although horse trailers and logging trucks may slow you down. Here are the other four routes Peters describes on the web page: Jesse James Getaway: From Eminence, this route follows Highway 106, crossing the Current River and going up the mountainside. “If you want to be a little adventurous, you can take the road to Blue Spring, one of the most beautiful sights in the country,” Peters said. The route is named for the infamous outlaw who was said to have escaped frustrated posses by hiding in the hills and hollows. “Supposedly, he stayed at Maggard’s Cabin and left a nice tip under his plate in the morning,” Peters said. Waterfall Wonderland: The ride is named for Rocky Falls, which looks like it should be in the Rocky Mountains instead of the Ozarks. As it heads toward Arkansas, the pavement swoops up and down through the Mark Twain National Forest. “It’s a real roller coaster,” Peters said. “The faster you go, the more exciting it is. You definitely come out of your seat on some of those.” A mile-long hike through
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the forest leads to Greer Spring, which sits in a pristine canyon and pumps out 220,000 million gallons of clear, cold water daily. Further on is Mammoth Spring, which has a waterfall and visitor center. Big Spring Sidewinder: Big Spring is the biggest in a state of gushing springs. “It’s a truly awesome sight – a big boil that comes out of the base of a bluff,” Peters said. “It’s a favorite destination of a lot of motorcyclists. It’s a popular site to picnic or camp or just visit the river. You go to Van Buren through the backroads on Route D. It offers some challenging sweepers into the backside of Van Buren.” Elephant Rocks and Roll: The route is named for Elephant Rocks State Park, where a short paved walkway leads to a formation of huge granite boulders that some say looks like a row of pink circus elephants. The ride then goes to another popular state park, Johnson’s Shut-Ins, which is home to the state’s favorite swimming hole. “You go through Bixby, which has a country store that is a great place to stop for some ice cream or a soda,” Peters said. “You get to visit a real Ozark roadside attraction.” Peters has been guiding trips through the Ozarks for 40 years, and designed his website to promote what he has found. “One thing I’m willing to do, if someone wants to talk to me, I’ll add some tips, something off the beaten path, to help see the Ozarks that most people don’t get to see,” he said. The guides are available at www. Peters can be reached at and (573) 226-3233. Tom Uhlenbrock writes for the Missouri Department of Tourism.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Travel Amateur or professional, the Show Me State offers options for fans and athletes of every type For The Edge Sports of all kinds are a mainstay in Missouri’s lineup of “things to do.” In the fall, our minds turn to football on the college level and on the professional fields. But those aren’t the only choices. Whether you want to just watch, take part or learn about some of our great players, Missouri has something for you. A r e Yo u R e a d y f o r S o m e Football?The Kansas City Chiefs reside in Arrowhead Stadium, one of the world's best tailgating venues; this is a hoppin’ and smokin’ and grillin’ place. Inside the stadium, you can enjoy much more than the standard hot dog and peanuts, although those are sold – how about some world famous Gates BBQ? The stadium opens three-anda-half hours prior to kickoff. Selfguided stadium tours are available Saturdays, March thru December. While in Kansas City, switch sports for a couple of hours and visit the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in the famed 18th & Vine District. The Negro Leagues were established in 1920. The museum exhibits the look, sounds and feel of the game’s storied past, chronicling the history and heroes of the Negro Leagues, from their origin to the 1960s. Across the state, the St. Louis Rams take on their opponents in the indoor comfort of the Edward Jones Dome, four blocks from the
Missouri Department of Tourism
Above, the hockey display at the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame in Springfield. Below, an exhibit at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City. famed Gateway Arch and less than two blocks from Lumiere Place Casino and the Laclede's Landing entertainment and dining district. The Rams open at home v. the Minnesota Vikings, September 7, 2014. All of Missouri’s colleges and universities have outstanding football programs, but the hot ticket this year is the SEC Mizzou Tigers,
On the Edge of the Weekend
who open their 2014 season at home v. South Dakota State, August 30. Gates open ninety minutes prior to game time. With 12 wins and a trip to the SEC Championship Game in 2013, plus a victory in the Cotton Bowl, Missouri proved they can play with the big boys in the SEC. Memorial Stadium/Faurot Field in Columbia has undergone a multimillion dollar expansion, including
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a special “tailgating” area. This new tailgate area (accessible only to ticket holders) gives fans access to food buffets, cash bars, live music and a TV viewing area, among other amenities – it is open pre-game, at halftime and post-game for a defined period of time. A Nice Long Bicycle Ride for Charity If getting involved is your hot
button, here is an event that is righton. Every fall, Cape Girardeau throws a big party called the Tour de Cape Charity Ride. For 2014, the event takes place September 27. Routes of 15, 30, 60 and 100 miles are laid out on paved roadways, with refreshment stations along the way. All routes start at 8:30 a.m. from downtown Cape Girardeau. Proceeds support the Mississippi Valley Therapeutic Horsemanship program, providing services to children with disabilities. M e e t t h e G re a t F i g u re s o f Missouri Sports At the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame in Springfield, celebrate the careers of Missouri’s giants o f p ro f e s s i o n a l a n d a m a t e u r sports, such as Stan “the Man” Musial; Jefferson City High School football coach Pete Adkins; 1920s Negro League Baseball standout, James Thomas “Cool Papa” Bell; World Golf Hall of Fame member, golf legend Payne Stewart; and many other outstanding athletes. Experience the greatest moments in Missouri sports history through hands-on exhibits, films and more than 4,000 items of sports memorabilia. Feel the speed as you race in the NASCAR simulator; hit a home run against a major league pitcher; throw the winning touchdown pass; call the action from the announcer's booth. Whether you’re a sports fanatic or just a casual fan, this is Missouri sports at their best, up close and personal. If you’re a sports fan, the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame is an absolute “must see,” so ... go explore it. Find the perfect angle, snap a photo and share the game on the VisitMO Facebook page.
Religion Religion briefs Amish building permit disagreement lands in court
PRESTON, Minn. (AP) — An Amish man from southeastern Minnesota says he didn't seek a permit for a home his family is building because it would have required installing a septic system, which is a modern convenience his religious beliefs wouldn't allow. Ammon Swartzentruber appeared in Fillmore County District Court on Wednesday to contest a misdemeanor charge of failing to get a building permit for the home his family began constructing in Harmony. "We never had to do it before and we don't believe in changing," said Ammon. "It's a new thing for us. In the 38 years that we've lived here it was our right to not have it," said Swartzentruber's father, Jacob Swartzentruber. The county adopted new treatment system ordinances in December of 2013. Swartzentruber told KTTC-TV that he was able to obtain building permits in the past because that ordinance didn't exist. "In the past some of those conditions may not have been in place," said Fillmore County Attorney Brett Corson. "There may be some things that they just did not fulfill or didn't do in order to get that permit. That's probably part of it, but the major point is that they did not obtain
Center Grove Presbyterian 6279 Center Grove Rd., Edwardsville Phone: 656-9485 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Wed. Eve. Bible Study/Prayer, Choir Children & Youth Ministries Rev. Anthony J. Casoria, Pastor Presbyterian Church in America
a permit before they started building." The permit dispute involving Amish families is not u n p re c e d e n t e d . A j u d g e i n Wi s c o n s i n ' s E a u C l a i re County recently ruled that Amish families must obtain building and sanitary permits or risk being removed from their residences. Swartzentruber is due back in court for a conference Sept. 10.
Bloomfield will appeal ruling on city's monument
BLOOMFIELD, N.M. (AP) — A federal court that r u l e d a g a i n s t a Te n C o m m a n d m e n t s m o n u m e n t i n B l o o m f i e l d , N e w M e x i c o , h a s a g re e d t o p u t i t s decision on hold until an appeals court hears the case. A Ten Commandments monument is displayed on the lawn in front of Bloomfield's City Hall. O n A u g . 7 , a U . S . D i s t r i c t j u d g e i n A l b u q u e rq u e ruled the monument has the "principal effect of endorsing religion" in violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys notified the court Friday that Bloomfield will be appealing the case to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Tw o B l o o m f i e l d r e s i d e n t s w h o s a i d t h e y a r e offended by the monument filed suit through their American Civil Liberties Union attorneys in 2012 in an attempt to have the monument uprooted.
Utah approves winery license in polygamous town
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah's liquor commission has approved a winemaking license for a new winery in the town of Hildale, home to a polygamous religious group. The Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission approved the license for Vintage Reserve Estates on Tuesday. Abe Kader with the state liquor department says the owners plan to sell wine through state liquor stores and apply for another license to sell the wine on their Hildale property. T h e t w i n U t a h - A r i z o n a b o rd e r t o w n s o f H i l d a l e a n d C o l o r a d o C i t y, A r i z o n a , a r e h o m e t o t h e Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The sect is a radical offshoot of mainstream Mormonism, which does not practice polygamy. Members of the FLDS generally drink alcohol, while members of the mainstream Mormon church do not.
First Presbyterian Church
131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Rev. William Adams Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School - 9:40 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m. Mid-Week - Every Wednesday evening Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 6-7 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 7-8:15 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities e-mail
407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Worship: 6:30 p.m.
237 N. Kansas Edwardsville, IL
Located 1 Block North of Post Office Early Worship: 8:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages: 9:15 a.m. Child/Youth Choir: 10:15 a.m. Late Worship w/Chancel Choir: 10:45 a.m. For Music and Other Activities
ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648
Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear
3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 656-1500
Rev. Diane C. Grohmann
9:00 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School 10:30 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Our Facility is Handicap Accessible
Summit at School Street Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620 Rev. Tony Clavier Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697
“Where Jesus Christ is Celebrated in Liturgy and Life.”
“O ye that dwell on earth! The religion of God is for love and unity; make it not the cause of enmity or dissension.” ~ Baha’u’llah Create love and unity! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025
327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330 John Roberts, Senior Pastor
Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM
ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner
Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass, Sunday - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 am Wed., 6:45 pm
All Are Welcome
310 South Main, Edwardsville, 656-7498 Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship: 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brooks, Lead Minister Jeff Wrigley, Youth & Children’s Director
YOUTH PROGRAMS SENIOR HIGH and MIDDLE SCHOOL LECLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister Matt Campbell, Youth and Worship Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister
Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director
Let’s Worship... This page gives you an opportunity to reach over 16,000 area homes with your services schedule and information.
Call Lisa at 656-4700 Ext 46
September 11, 2014
On the Edge of the Weekend
2205 S. State Route 157 • Edwardsville
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Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Linda Shaffer 2014 Golf Course View Dr., Edwardsville $749,900 Stunning 5BR home in Sunset Hills Estates
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Lois Pontius 3003 S. Sunset Hills Blvd., Edwardsville $599,000 Brick ranch on Golf Course. Pool. 4BR/5BA.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Sharon Joiner 5314 Fox Circle Dr., Edwardsville $569,900 Executive home on golf course. Pool. Spa.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Terri Dalla Riva 7043 Alston Ct., Edwardsville $439,900 Fabulous 5BR/4BA home in Ebbets Field Subd.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Megan Wood 8739 Cardinal Creek Dr., St. Jacob $299,900 New w/butler’s pantry, Covered deck. 3BR/3BA
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Linda Wheaton 8006 Graham Rd., Worden $258,500 4BR/3BA. Stocked lake. Walk-out bsmt. 3 acres.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Connie Jeneral 608 Sundance Tr., Troy $209,900 3 BR ranch w/2 car garage & lake view
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Marie Bartony 398 Canadian Dr., Staunton $179,900 Impressive 2BR/2BA new construction home.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Stan Groppel 109 Hollow Ave., Jerseyville $179,000 3BR/3BA. Spectacular one of a kind home!
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Jennifer Faulkner 46 Morningside Dr., Glen Carbon $174,900 4BR/3BA. Fenced yard. Hardwood flooring.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Julie Mayfield 192 Shore Dr. SW, Edwardsville $163,900 Updated 4BR/2BA in Holiday Shores.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Carrie Brase 6317 E. Main St., Maryville $149,900 4BR/3BA. Collinsville School District.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Leea Knight 601 Pan Estates Ave., Sorento $149,500 4Bed/1.5 Bath!
Open Saturday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Cindy Driesner 609 Grandview Dr., Edwardsville $135,000 2BR/2BA. Updated brick ranch in Grandview. Very nice!
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Dodie Levi 214 Franklin Ave,. Edwardsville $116,400 LeBlaire. 3BR. Hardwood floors. Carport & Garage.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Cindy Driesner 319 S. Jefferson, Collinsville $109,000 Totally rehabbed 3BR/1BA immaculate home.
Open Saturday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Dodie Levi 451 S. Clinton, Collinsville $89,900 1 Story bungalow w/ additional storage facility.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosted By: Linda Mitchell 109 Missouri Ave., South Roxana $75,000 2 Family Rooms, Immaculate. Waterproofed. 5 lots.
9 Dunlap Cove Dr., Edwardsville Move in ready 4BR/3BA w/finished walkout lower level. $217,000
324 S. Brown Ave., Edwardsville 1910 Bungalow. Hardwood. Lg. fireplace. Big lot. $139,900
209 Stevens Place, Brighton Beautifully updated & tastefully decorated 3BR/3BA. $137,900
712 N. Deneen St., Staunton 2, possible 3 Bdrms. Updated kitchen. Fireplace. $99,900
1 Fields Creek Ct., Edwardsville Country living! 2+ acres. 5 Bed/4 Bath. $349,900
1816 Trapper Ave., Mulberry Grove Country living at its finest! Beautiful 3BR/4BA home. $344,000
4702 Fantasy Ln., Alton Brick Combo Bi-level. Move-in Ready! $115,000
2312 Cardinal Ave., Granite City 3BR/2BA. Updates. Hardwood floors. 1700+ sqft. $103,000
17172 Yates Rd., Grafton
3BR/3BA. 3 car garage. Full basement. $220,000
7346 W. Main St., Maryville Updated home. Corner lot. 4 Bed 3 Bath. $219,900
137 Winters Trail, Edwardsville 4BR/7BA! 5 acres! 6+ car garage! $1,175,000
8 Sugar Creek Ln., Edwardsville Custom 1.5 story. 2+ acres. 4BR/4.5BA $790,000
2615 N. Center St., Maryville Commercial bdg in process of new renovation. $249,000
19 Addison St., Collinsville 5BR/4BA Walk-out. Finished basement. $215,000
FEATURED LISTINGS Scan the QR-code using your mobile device to view Open Houses near you!
4631 Horseshoe Ln., Edwardsville 3BR/1BA Immaculate updated ranch. Nice yard. $141,900
350 Collins Dr., Wood River Spawling ranch on 1/2 acre. Golf course view. $134,999
212 Westwind Dr., Alton Spacious home w/2400+ sq. ft. Fenced yard. $65,000
2721 Maryville Rd., Granite City 3BR/1BA. 1 car detached garage. $41,900
1014 Greenwood St,. Madison Great investment opportunity! 2 units. $29,500
2528 Reveres Route, Granite City 3BR/1BA home with 1 car attached garage. $22,400
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Independently Owned and Operated
315 S. Central Ave., Roxana Former Post Office, 1600SF all brick in good condition. $60,000
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On the Edge of the Weekend
September 11, 2014
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On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts
The Rep to host "One Man, Two Guvnors" For The Edge The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis presents the wildly funny and witty play One Man, Two Guvnors by Richard Bean and directed by Edward Stern. This entertaining and innovative take on the classic farce The Servant of Two Masters by playwright Carlo Goldoni with songs by Grant Olding will be performed on the Browning Mainstage of the Loretto-Hilton Center for the Performing Arts, 130 Edgar Road (on the campus of Webster University), Webster Groves, September 10-October 5, 2014. Curtain times are Tuesday at 7 pm; Wednesday—Friday at 8 pm; selected Wednesday matinees at 1:30 pm; Saturday matinees at 5 pm; selected Saturday nights at 9 pm; Sunday matinees at 2 pm; and selected Sunday evenings at 7 pm. Ticket prices start at just $17.50 (previews) and $21 (regular performances). To purchase, visit The Rep Box Office, located inside the Loretto-Hilton Center, charge by phone by calling (314) 968-4925 or visit The Rep’s Online Box Office at Major sponsorship for this production is provided by Ann and Hugh Scott. Francis Henshall needs a job. Recently sacked from his skiffle band, he’s hungry and has a bad case of fish and chips on the brain. To make ends meet, he becomes a servant to two different masters. Frazzled Francis tries his best to balance duties and keep his bosses from meeting, but what he doesn’t know about them, and what they don’t know about each other, quickly become uproarious and riotous cases of mistaken identities and slapstick antics in this laugh-out-loud awardwinning comedy. The cast of One Man, Two Guvnors at The Rep is Aaron Orion Baker (Good People) as Taxi Driver/Gareth, Anthony Cochrane as Charlie “The Duck” Clench, Karis Danish
as Pauline Clench, Jack Fellows as Stanley Stubbers, Mel Johnson, Jr. as Lloyd Boateng, Keira Keeley (The Lieutenant of Inishmore) as Rachel Crabbe, Raymond McAnally as Francis Henshall, John Michalski (Dracula) as Harry Dangle, Ruth Pferdehirt (Noises Off) as Dolly, Luke Smith as Alan, Evan Zes as Alfie and Ari Axelrod, Austin Bohmer, Amelia Jo Parish, Lucas Reilly and Kyle Twomey in the ensemble. The Rep’s production of One Man, Two Guvnors is directed by Edward Stern, who recently directed the hilarious Mainstage hit Noises Off. The creative staff also includes Scott C. Neale, set designer; David Kay Mickelsen, costume designer; Kirk Bookman, lighting designer; Rusty Wandall, sound designer; Jacob Stergos, music director; Leland Faulkner, physical comedy director; James Compton, movement coordinator; Joanna Battles, dialect coach; Rich Cole, casting director; Emilee Buchheit, stage manager; and Shannon B. Sturgis, assistant stage manager. As a part of the show, patrons will be entertained by The WoolfPak skiffle band consisting of Jake Herberlie, lead guitar; Timothy Moore, percussion; Matthew Rudolf, guitar; and Jacob Stergos, bass/vocals. The Rep is partnering with the Saint Louis Art Museum to enhance the patron experience of One Man, Two Guvnors. Participants can take a free one-hour tour of SLAM’s collection featuring British art. No reservations are required and more information can be found at For additional information about The Rep’s production of One Man, Two Guvnors including a guide introducing the characters, plot and background on the play, photos related to the production; and more, visit The Rep’s comprehensive public website at
STAGES to present "Fiddler On The Roof" For The Edge STAGES St. Louis is pleased to announce the opening of the timeless Tony Award-winning musical "Fiddler On The Roof". The treasured tale of family and tradition will play at the Robert G. Reim Theatre in Kirkwood, Sept. 5th through Oct. 5th. Due to an unprecedented advance in sales, STAGES has added a performance to the original schedule on Sunday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 pm. One of the most touching creations in the history of Broadway, "Fiddler On The Roof" exudes a warmth and humor unlike any other American Musical. Set in politically tumultuous 1905 Russia, Tevye the milkman must adjust to the changing world around him, as each of his five daughters move further away from spiritual tradition. An inspiring and universal tale of heritage, love, and acceptance, "Fiddler On The Roof" features such heartfelt and beloved songs as "Sunrise, Sunset," "If I Were A Rich Man," and "Matchmaker, Matchmaker." Featuring a book by Joseph Stein with Music by Jerry Bock and Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, "Fiddler On The Roof" is a musical masterpiece that will last forever in your heart! STAGES' production of "Fiddler On The Roof" stars Broadway Actor Bruce Sabath as Tevye. "Fiddler On The Roof" opened
on Sept. 22, 1964 at the Imperial T h e a t r e o n B r o a d w a y. T h e initial production ran for an unprecedented 3,242 performances, at the time making it the longest running musical in Broadway history. Having been the first musical in history to run for more than 3,000 performances, "Fiddler On The Roof" held the title of longestrunning musical for ten years, and garnered a special Tony for this feat in 1972. Among the nine 1965 Tony Awards won by the production including Best Musical, the role of Tevye earned the legendary Zero Mostel his second Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical. An acclaimed 1971 film adaption starring Chaim Topol earned three Academy Awards and box office success. The past 50 years have seen four Broadway revivals, many included stars like Harvey Fierstein, Rosie O'Donnell, Alfred Molina, and Lea Michele in various roles. STAGES is delighted to present Bruce Sabath in "Fiddler On The Roof". Sabath played Larry in The Tony-Award-winning Broadway revival of Company. Other New York credits include Hello Again, Platinum, and The Countess of Storyville. TV credits include "Boardwalk Empire," "Onion Sports Dome," and "I Love a Beekeeper." Also starring is St. Louis Actress Kari Ely (Golde), who returns to
On the Edge of the Weekend
STAGES, previously appearing in numerous STAGES productions including the 2013 production of My Fair Lady and The Secret Garden, State Fair, and Promises, Promises. Other credits include Henry IV and Henry V at Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis and Sunday in the Park With George at the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. Making her STAGES debut, Broadway Actress Rachel Coloff (Yente) has appeared as Yente previously in the 2004 Broadway revival of "Fiddler On The Roof". Other credits include t h e B ro a d w a y p ro d u c t i o n o f Urinetown as well as Off-Broadway productions of My Fair Lady, Das Barbecu, and Tip Toes at Carnegie Hall. St. Louis Actor Christopher Limber (Lazar Wolf) returns to STAGES, previously appearing in Camelot. In St. Louis, Limber has appeared in 15 shows at the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. Rounding out the cast in alphabetical order are Stephen Barnowski (Nachum), Peggy Billo (Shaindel), David Bryant Johnson (Fyedka), Grace Clark (Shprintze), Jon Cooper (Priest/Yussel/Misha), Jason Michael Evans (Perchik), Ryan Fitzgerald (Yankel/Vladimir), Katie Hamilton-Meier (Anya), Julie Hanson (Hodel), Steve Isom (Mordcha), Hannah Kiem (Rivka/ Grandmother Tzeitel), Erik Keiser (Schmuel/Sasha), Maria Knasel (Bielke), Jonathan Kwock (Chaim/ Pyotr), Stephanie Lynne Mason
September 11, 2014
(Tzeitel), Carissa Massaro (Chava), Morgan McDonald (Surcha), Alex Meuret (Jakov), Nick Orfanella (Motel), Rich Pisarkiewicz (Avram), Whit Reichert (The Constable), Bruce Reybold (Rabbi), Lauren Roesner (Mirala/Fruma-Sarah), Ronan Ryan (Duvidel), Paul Sabala (The Fiddler), and Aaron Umsted (Mendel). Single tickets are on sale now and prices range from $20 - $57. STAGES performs in the intimate, 377-seat Robert G. Reim Theatre at the Kirkwood Civic Center, 111 South Geyer Road in St. Louis, MO. For more information or to purchase tickets call 314-821-2407 or visit STAGES St. Louis is the region's foremost not-for-profit company committed to preserving and advancing the art form of Musical Theatre through excellence in performance and education. In 2014, STAGES celebrates its 28th year of producing Broadway-quality theatre, presenting more than 200 performances from April through Oct. to more than 75,000 patrons. New York Casting is done by Scott Wojcik and Gayle Seay of Wojcik/Seay Casting. Interviews are available with the cast and/or director based on availability. "Fiddler On The Roof" Robert G. Reim Theatre Performance Schedule Sept. 5 - Oct. 5, 2014
Friday – Sept. 5 – 8 p.m. Saturday – Sept. 6 – 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday – Sept. 7 – 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday - Sept. 9 – 8 p.m. Wednesday – Sept. 10 – 8 p.m. Thursday – Sept. 11 – 8 p.m. Friday – Sept. 12 - 8 p.m. Saturday – Sept. 13 – 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday – Sept. 14 – 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday – Sept. 16 – 8 p.m. Wednesday – Sept. 17 – 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday – Sept. 18 – 8 p.m. Friday – Sept. 19 – 8 p.m. Saturday – Sept. 20 – 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday – Sept. 21 – 2 p.m. Tuesday – Sept. 23– 8 p.m. Wednesday– Sept. 24 – 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday – Sept. 25 – 8 p.m. Friday – Sept. 26 – 8 p.m. Saturday – Sept. 27 – 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday – Sept. 28 – 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Added Performance Tuesday – Sept. 30 – 8 p.m. Wednesday – Oct. 1 – 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday – Oct. 2 – 8 p.m. Friday – Oct. 3 – 8 p.m. Saturday – Oct. 4 – 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday – Oct. 5 – 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
The Arts For The Edge The country’s first AfricanAmerican ballet company returns to St. Louis in all its splendor, glory and magnificence! Dance St. Louis presents Dance Theatre of Harlem on November 7-8 at the Touhill Performing Arts Center. It’s been a decade since Dance Theatre of Harlem performed in St. Louis, and the company itself took an eight-year hiatus in 2004. Now, the newly relaunched company with a 45-year history performs an eclectic, demanding repertoire at the highest level, ranging from new and classical to neoclassical and contemporary. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the resurgence of this globally acclaimed dance institution. Since its relaunch Dance Theatre of Harlem, which consists of 18 racially diverse dance artists, has received outstanding accolades, critical acclaim and extensive media attention. Under the artistic direction of the remarkable and esteemed Virginia Johnson, former Dance Theatre of Harlem principal dancer and founding member, the company continues to take the world by storm. Founded in 1969 by Arthur Mitchell and the late Karel Shook, Dance Theatre of Harlem was considered “one of ballet’s most exciting undertakings” (The New York Times, 1971). After its establishment, the company received unparalleled international acclaim and unprecedented success. Audiences all over the world were touched with performances of Creole Giselle,
For The Edge
Pictured are two different views of Dance Theatre of Harlem. Agon, Dougla, Les Biches, Swan Lake, A Streetcar Named Desire, Firebird, Fall River Legend and more than a hundred ballets in the company’s repertoire. It has been said that Dance Theatre of Harlem definitively debunked historical stereotypes and opinions that
African Americans could not dance ballet. St. Louis Program (Program is subject to change.) The St. Louis program features a new ballet by one of America’s most diverse and sought after choreographers, Darrell Grand Moultrie, a Julliard graduate, performer and master teacher who has been on faculty at several artistic institutions in the United States and has choreographed everything from national commercials and works on Broadway to ballet. Dance Theatre of Harlem performs the world premiere of Moultrie’s ballet in Washington, D.C. in October, a few weeks prior to the St. Louis performances. The company also performs New Bach. Choreographed by Robert Garland and set to music by J.S. Bach, New Bach was created for the first company, performed by the Dance Theatre of Harlem Ensemble, and now comes into the new company’s repertoire. Dance Theatre of Harlem Founder Arthur Mitchell instilled the dynamism of neoclassical ballet into the company, and Robert Garland has captured its essence with New Bach. Infused with popular dance vernacular, the work is a supreme expression of post-modern-urban neoclassicism and is a tribute to George Balanchine’s neoclassical ballet. The company also pays tribute to legendary choreographer George Balanchine in another way, performing his Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux. The St. Louis program includes innovative choreographer Ulysses Dove’s Dancing on the Front Porch of Heaven (Odes to Love and Loss), set to “Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten” by Arvo Pärt, noted as one of the most performed contemporary composers in the world. Dancing on the Front Porch of Heaven,
subtitled Odes to Love and Loss, was choreographed for the Royal Swedish Ballet in 1993 during a challenging period in Ulysses Dove’s life. Having lost 13 close friends and relatives, among them his father, Dove explained, “To me, Arvo Pärt’s music can send souls to heaven. I want to tell an experience in movement, a story without words, and create a poetic monument over people I loved.” D o v e ’ s s p a re b u t d e m a n d i n g c h o re o g r a p h y i n v i t e s d a n c e r and viewer alike to live in each moment as if it were the last. Tickets are $40-$65 and available at the Dance St. Louis box office at 3547 Olive St. in the Centene Center for Arts and Education in Grand Center, by calling 314-5346622, or by visiting dancestlouis. org. Dance St. Louis Artistic & Executive Director Michael Uthoff will host a free program, the Marjorie Orgel Speaking of Dance Series, in the Touhill’s Terrace Lobby at 7:15 p.m. prior to the 8 p.m. performances and at 1:15 p.m. prior to the Saturday 2 p.m. performance. Wells Fargo Advisors is Dance S t . L o u i s ’ p re s e n t i n g s e a s o n sponsor. Ameren is the supporting season sponsor. Dance St. Louis is also supported by the Arts and Education Council, Missouri Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts and Regional Arts Commission. 2014-2015 DANCE ST. LOUIS SEASON Dance St. Louis continues to be recognized as the leading dance presenter in St. Louis, the Midwest and by the professional dance community. The next performances of this season are: So You Think You Can Dance Season 11 Tour Co-presentation with the Fox Theatre October 8, 2014
September 11, 2014
Fox Theatre Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story on Stage Co-presentation with the Fox Theatre October 21 – November 2, 2014 Fox Theatre Tango Buenos Aires January 30-31, 2015 Touhill Performing Arts Center Aspen Santa Fe Ballet February 27-28, 2015 Touhill Performing Arts Center STOMP Co-presentation with the Fox Theatre April 10-12, 2015 Fox Theatre Compagnie Käfig in Correria Agwa / CCN Créteil et Val-deMarne April 24-25, 2015 Touhill Performing Arts Center 8th Annual Emerson SPRING TO DANCE FESTIVAL 2015 Co-presentation with the Touhill Performing Arts Center May 22-24, 2015 Touhill Performing Arts Center Dance St. Louis is widely recognized as the leading dance presenter in St. Louis, the Midwest and by the professional dance community. Founded in 1966, Dance St. Louis has been bringing the greatest dance of the world to St. Louis audiences for 49 years. Dance St. Louis is dedicated to the enrichment of the cultural landscape and artistic reputation of St. Louis by presenting great dance companies and educational opportunities that make dance accessible to everyone. Dance St. Louis also conducts a broad range of education programs for the St. Louis community. Each year, the Education Outreach Program introduces thousands of schoolchildren to the magic of dance through in-school workshops and mainstage performances.
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures Peabody to host Ghost Brothers of Darkland County
AEG Live announced today the southern gothic, supernatural musical Ghost B ro t h e r s o f D a r k l a n d C o u n t y will tour across North America this Fall. Written by best-selling author Stephen King, with music by Rock and Roll Hall of Famer John Mellencamp, and musical d i re c t i o n b y G r a m m y Aw a rd winning T-Bone Burnett, the tour kicks off right outside Bangor, ME at the Collins Center For The Arts in Orono, ME, on November 8, travelling through cities such as Toronto, Chicago, New York, a n d Los An g e l e s b e fore wrapping in San Francisco on December 5. The tour stops in St. Louis on Nov. 29 at the Peabody Opera House. This extraordinary collaboration 16 years in the making is a haunting tale of fraternal love, lust, jealousy and revenge, performed by an ensemble cast of 15 actors and a four-piece live band, comprised of members of John Me l l en c a mp’ s b a n d . T h e staging of Ghost Brothers is an am alga m o f d i ff ere n t s t y l e s – both old fashioned, resembling a n o l d - s t y l e r a d i o s h o w, a n d yet, modern and unique in its
interactive use of storytelling, music and singing to move the macabre Ghost Brothers story forward. For ticketing information, please visit aeglive. com or h t t p : / / w w w. ghostbrothersofdarklandcounty. com/.
Highland gears up for Art in the Park
The Highland Arts Council is celebrating world-class art in a hometown atmosphere with its eleventh annual Art in the Park. The two-day juried exhibit and sale of items created by more than 70 professional artists will be held October 10-12 in Lindendale Park in Highland, Illinois, 35 miles east of St. Louis. This October the Highland Arts Council is welcoming artists in the following categories: clay, drawing/pastels, fabric and fiber, glass, graphics/printmaking, j e w e l r y, m i x e d m e d i a , o i l s / acrylics, photography, sculpture, w a t e r c o l o r, a n d w o o d . T h e Council presents a cash award for first place in each of the 12 categories, as well as four special awards presenting winners with more than $10,000 in juried prize money. A r t i s t s m u s t o ff e r o r i g i n a l work, displayed on screens, panels or easels. Artists are required to be present
with their work during all festival hours, including the Friday night reception. All exhibition requirements, additional information and a downloadable application form are available on the Highland Arts Council website (http:// Submissions for application and m a t e r i a l s a re c u r re n t l y b e i n g accepted. Art in the Park is free and open to the public. Artwork will be exhibited and offered for sale in outdoor booths from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 11 and on Sunday, October 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The weekend long event also hosts live entertainment, including music, de lic io us fo o d, K ids K re atio ns area, Art Gallery…Just for Kids and a Dueling Desserts competition. The Highland Arts Council a c t i v e l y p ro m o t e s t h e a r t s i n the community of Highland through a variety of activities and projects. The Highland Arts Council provides a showcase for local artists and an educational opportunity for many members of the community to experience the arts. It enriches people’s lives though the appreciation of the arts and providing educational opportunities involved with the arts. The Highland Arts Council is always looking for new and exciting
*Must be valued at $6999 or More.
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The Arts Artistic adventures Laumeier announces schedule of events
Laumeier Sculpture Park, in St. Louis has announced it's upcoming schedule of events. The park is located a 12580 Rott Road, St. Louis. Admission is free; no coolers allowed. Call 314.615.5278 or visit for more information. September 21 Free Docent-Led Tour: Earthworks & Site Works Join Laumeier Sculpture Park for a free docent-led tour of the Outdoor Collection on the first and third Sundays of every month, May – October (no tour on Sunday, October 19, for Harvest Festival). Tour meets Sunday, September 21, at 2:00pm at Tony Tasset, Eye, 2007, at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, St. Louis, MO. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit for more information. September 27 Carts & Cocktails Celebrate Laumeier Sculpture Park at our favorite fall fundraiser, an outdoor progressive party as unique as Laumeier itself! Guests will cruise through the Park in golf carts, visiting multiple locations to sip cocktails, savor locally harvested treats and enjoy live entertainment while becoming part of the artwork amidst the outdoor
Collection. Saturday, September 27, 6:00-10:00pm, at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, St. Louis, MO. Ages 21 and up only. Tickets are $125-$250. Rain or shine. Call 314.615.5278 or visit for more information. October 3 Free Opening Reception: Kranzberg Exhibition Series – Tom Huck: Bugs Laumeier Sculpture Park presents Tom Huck: Bugs as part of the 2014 Kranzberg Exhibition Series. The local artist’s first public artwork, commissioned by Laumeier, is based on a series of original woodcut designs inspired by the insects inhabiting the microenvironment of the Park. Three interactive bug “springers” illustrate how nature and art – with a sprinkle of mischief – can inspire creativity and amusement. Opening reception is Friday, October 3, 6:00-9:00pm, in the Children’s Sculpture Garden at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, St. Louis, MO. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit for more information. Supported by Nancy and Ken Kranzberg, along with a generous grant from Mid-America Arts Alliance. October 3, 2014 – Sunday, February 1, 2015 Kranzberg Exhibition Series – Tom Huck: Bugs Laumeier Sculpture Park presents Tom Huck: Bugs as part of the 2014 Kranzberg Exhibition Series. The local
artist’s first public artwork, commissioned by Laumeier, is based on a series of original woodcut designs inspired by the insects inhabiting the microenvironment of the Park. Three interactive bug “springers” illustrate how nature and art – with a sprinkle of mischief – can inspire creativity and amusement. Friday, October 3, 2014 – Sunday, February 1, 2015, in the Children’s Sculpture Garden at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, St. Louis, MO. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier. org for more information Supported by Nancy and Ken Kranzberg, along with a generous grant from Mid-America Arts Alliance. October 4 American Arts Experience – St. Louis 2014: Laune Dance Performance Dancer, choreographer and 2015 Kranzberg Exhibition Series artist Ashley McQueen will honor the labor that goes into manicured landscape and explore Laumeier Sculpture Park’s unique relationship with the St. Louis County Parks staff through a series of dance performances using hedge-trimmers, riding lawnmowers and watering hoses. Saturday, October 4, at 11:00am in The Way Field at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, St. Louis, MO. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit for more information. Presented in partnership with American Arts Experience – St. Louis 2014.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
Arts calendar Thursday, Sept. 11
Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. Feast in the Park, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Wa t e r s h e d C a i r n s E x h i b i t , Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through February 8, 2015. Mel Chin: Rematch, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through December 20. History Clubhouse: Let’s Build It!, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through October 6. Brett Weston: Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Runs through December 7. Tragic and Timeless: The Art of Mark Rothko Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 14. Facets of the Three Jewels: Tibetan
2010 Ford F150 Ext Cab
Buddhist Art from the Collections of George E. Hibbard, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 22, 2015. Louis IX: King, Saint, Namesake Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs Through November 2.
2007 Jeep Compass
$21,989 $23,995
2001 Dodge Dakota ONLY 58K Miles!
$9,995 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 1500
$9,799 2007 Ford Expedition
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10,495 $12,995
12,900 $15,995
2005 Scion XA
2007 BMW 5 Series
6,995 $8,995
208 E. Broadway, Alton, IL • 618-462-5696 • DEBIT
Store Hours: M-F 9-5 Sat 9-4 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
SET (7 pcs) 189 $ 95 NEW full size DRUM SET (10 pcs) 299 FLUTES starting at $5000 CLARINETS starting at $4000 $ 00 Used ELECTRIC GUITARS starting at 50 NEW youth DRUM
WATCHES starting at $3000 GOLD BRACELETS starting at $4000 $ 00 Ladies Gold & Diamond ENGAGEMENT RINGS starting at 50 $ 00 NEW STERLING SILVER starting at 20 $ 00 Gold Hoop EARRINGS starting at 40 $ 00 Diamond EARRINGS starting at 75 lg stock of 1/2 carat DIAMOND rings (up to 4 ct) Mens
MOTORCYCLE HELMETS starting at $2000 BIKES as low as $1500 $ 00 NEW 10x50 BINOCULARS starting at 20 lg assortment of Tools including: roll around tool boxes, generators & sewer auger lg selection of car audio speakers, New & Used
In stock Mixers, Guitar Amps
Call Steve Horak Call Steve Horak 655-0231 655-0366 500 N. Main St. • Edwardsville • 442 S. Buchanan
Come Celebrate a Century of Service Glen Carbon Heritage Museum
Saturday, September 20, 2014 1-5 p.m. 124 School Street Glen Carbon, Illinois
Come back to your school! See Vintage Photos! Reconnect with old friends!
The 1914 Glen Carbon School building is marking 100 years of continuous community service with a celebration!
Come Join Us!
On the Edge of the Weekend
Kingdom Auto Centers
90 Day Layaway on ALL Items in Store!
Family Owned & Operated for 23 Years!
16,995 $18,995
Brett Weston: Photographs, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Runs through December 7.
Friday, Sept. 12
Kirkwood Greentree Festival, Kirkwood Park, Kirkwood, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Hot City Theatre presents The Normal Heart, Kranzberg Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Stages presents Fiddler on the Roof, Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood, 8:00 p.m., Runs through October 5. Mel Chin: Rematch, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through December 20. Monsanto Hall Exhibit: Jack Curran, Missouri Botanical Garden, Ridgway Visitor Center, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Inspired by Nature: A Collection
History Clubhouse: Let’s Build It!, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 6.
of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through October 31.
September 11, 2014
SPEAKERS starting at $4000 $ 00 Home RECEIVERS starting at 90 LAPTOPS starting at $12500 TABLETS starting at $7500 $ 00 Large Assortment - Digital CAMERAS starting at 30 Home AUDIO
4GB 360 W/Controller & Hookups $11000
250GB 360 W/Controller & Hookups $175000 Nintendo DS, DSXL, 3DSXL - All in Stock lg selection of LCD TVS - 30 Day Warranty
All electronics come with a 30 day warranty.
SPORTING & RECREATION OVER 300 New & Used Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols & Revolvers Call Corey for Pricing on Special Orders! $ 00 NEW PISTOL CROSSBOWS 00 HUNTING BOWS starting at $ $ 00 NEW Airsoft SPRING PISTOL
20 125 35
((618) 618) 2 259-4900 59-4900
1401 V Vaughn h Rd Rd.
((888) 888) 2 246-4048 46-4048
Wood W d Ri River, IL 62095 h itt h l t
Deep Discounts Mean Big 2014 CHEVY TRAVERSE LS 2ÉƒĘ‘É 2 Ę‘É ĘŹ ĘŹ ĘŹ 2Ő“
MSRP: $32,370 Jack Schmitt Demo Discount: 3,390 Rebate: 2,500 ,
2014 IMPALA V6 2LT 2ÉƒĘ‘É ĘŹ ĘŹ 2Ő“ 2Ő“
MSRP: $31,835 Jack Schmitt Demo Discount: 2,840 Rebate: 1,500
#25 #2 #25586 # 25586
MSRP: $21,435 Jack Schmitt Demo Discount: 1,240 Rebate: 2,500
2ÉƒĘ‘É ĘŹ 2Ő“
#25803 # #258 #2 25803 803
7UDČŤÉ? Jack Schmitt $ĘœÉ¨ šʾ Demo Discount: Ę?É 1Ę‘É„Ę‘É Rebate: *Hɢ ([ʤUɈ ĘŹ
$38,415 5,500 2,000
#25519 #25 # #2 255 55 519 19
2ÉƒĘ‘É ĘŹ ĘŹ 2Ő“ 2Ő“ Ő“
7KDɢ ›ɥ ʏʏ 2Փ
MSRP: $25,965 Jack Schmitt Demo Discount: 2,606 Rebate: 2,500
#254 #25447 #2544 # #2 2544 47
MSRP: $27,465 Jack Schmitt Demo Discount: 2,000 Rebate: 2,000
#25325 #25 # #2 25325 325
Therre Is No Substitute For The One True American Sporrtss Car. Sttop Inn Todaay To Seee Ourr Sellecttion Of Thee Hotttest Corvvettees. Andd There’s Morre On Thhe Wayy....
*Prices include all rebates, discounts and incentives. Jack Schmitt Demo Discount includes GM DRAC. Tax, title, license & admin fees extra. Must trade any make or model 1999 or newer vehicle for additional rebate. Expires 9/30/2014.
September 11, 2014
On the Edge of the Weekend
Yard Sales
A Hero’s Impact Foundation Charity Yard Sale
97 Oaklawn Gateway Family Church Glen Carbon Sat. 9/13, 8am-?? Too much to list! Come see just how cheap everything is!
Estate Sale 212 Park Dr. Bethalto Fri. 09/12, 4p-8p Sat. 09/13, 7a-?? 100 Years of Collectibles Blue onion China, snow white Johnson brother China, cigar boxes, antique tools, antique furniture, antique China, chest freezer, file cabinets, silver, silverware and lots more! Garage Sale 2525 Spyglass Ct. Edwardsville Sat. 09/13, 8a-12p Household items, lots of ladies clothing sz. 1x - 3x, dishwaser, island countertop, chair and more!
Yard Sales
Yard Sales
Garage Sale 6120 Keebler Oaks Dr. Maryville Sat. 09/13, 7a-3p Household, decorative items, pictures, upright freezer, lawn mower, clothes, many other items. Huge 4 Family “Fall Clean Out” Sale! Fri. & Sat. Sept 12 & 13 8 a.m.-noon 202 Thomas Terrace (Dunlap Lake) Edwardsville Furniture, antiques, household items, bicycles, baby crib, etc. EVERYTHING priced to sell!
Huge Indoor Sale Saturday, Sept. 13th 8:00AM—Noon SWIC Intermural Gym, Belleville, IL. Children’s clothing, equipment & toys. Sponsored By Metro East Mothers of Multiples
Maryville Village Wide Yard Sale FRIDAY, 9/12 7AM-3PM SATURDAY 9/13 7AM-3PM For more information visit:
Maryville Wide Yard Sale 2617 Williams St. Fri. 09/12, 8a-2p & Sat. 09/13, 8a-2p Men & womens clothing, exercise equipment, bed covers and lots more!
Yard Sale 1005 Regent Ct. Edwardsville (Cul-de-sac off Esic Dr.) Fri. 09/12, 8a-1p & Sat. 09/13, 8a-1p Items priced to sell! Books, men & women clothing, household items, holiday items.
“On the go?”
Read our E Edition and keep up with all the local news, events and school sports!
a month To Get Signed Up Call 618-656-4700 ext 20 24
On the Edge of the Weekend
September 11, 2014
Classified Help Wanted General
Looking for qualified
Lost & Found
LOST: Boxer, fawn, 3 yrs old, female, 65lbs, “Maya”, has microchip. Last seen in Alhambra/ Livingston Rd. on Sun 8/31 evening. Call PSO Jamie Foster at 618-288-2639 or the party involved at 618-633-2228 or cell at 618-779-4123, ask for Karen
Tig welder for local service co. Must have TIG exp. Pipe fitting/ layout a plus. Hourly + benefits. Send Resume to:
Membership Director Bachelor’s degree required. Go to: for details. Email cover letter, resume and references to: dbennyhoff@ Deadline is 9/16/2014. No phone inquiries, please. NOW HIRING!!! EDEN VILLAGE CARE CENTER SIGN ON BONUS!!!!
1960 Peugeot 403 For Sale! Contact M. Skretvedt: Home - 618-655-0063 Cell - 618-580-9335 1999 Ford Expidition XL, body in good shape, maintenance kept up. Needs engine work. $2,200. Call 618-830-3584 or 618-656-6004 Important Message: It’s illegal for companies doing business by phone to promise you a loan and ask you to pay for it before they deliver. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.
Help Wanted General
Cook/Housekeeper wanted in Edwardsville 12p-6p Mon-Thurs. Detail cleaner. Vegetarian Cooking helpful. Must be responsible & trustyworthy. Email First Student now hiring:
P/T Bus Drivers for Edwardsville School District. A $500 Sign-on-Bonus after CDL is obtained and paid training. Apply at: 17 Commercial Ct., Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Turn To The Edwardsville Intelligencer For Employment Classifieds
CNA Weekends Only Option Pay rate is $12/hour for CNA’s working The Weekends Only Option. Apply in person or send resume to: 400 S. Station Road Glen Carbon, Il 62034 You can also apply online at
CNA Full Time & Part Time Experience the delight and compassion of working in geriatrics. This person will be responsible for providing exceptional person centered care to our Elders. Must be able to work weekends Apply in person or send resume to: Eden Village Retirement 400 South Station Road Glen Carbon, IL 62034 You can also apply online at Position Available Part-time evening cook. Experience preferred. Please apply at: Faith Countryside Homes 100 Faith Drive Highland, IL 62249 SELF-MOTIVATED, hard worker for days Mon-Fri; Must be avail. 7am-7pm, no split shift! Local smoke-free cleaning company. 618-616-8801 pristine-cleaning@
Place A Class Ad Online!
Help Wanted General
Service Tech/ Delivery Driver F/T. Must be 21 or older, mechanical skills, CDL with clean driving record, must pass DOT physical, background check & pre-employ drug screen. Send Resume to: PO Box 835 Edwardsville, IL 62025 The Edwardsville School District has the following opening:
Help Wanted General
Help Wanted Cleaning Service. If interested, please call Esther at 977-6781.
Want to make a $1 an hour more? Social Gastropub is now hiring: Exp Line/Prep Cooks & Dish. Apply within daily 10:00am-5:00pm. #2 157 Center, E’ville.
Carrier Routes 401 CARRIER NEEDED! RT24— Newspaper carrier needed in the area of West Lake Dr. & Oak Ridge Approximately 17 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20
Evening Custodian Full-time; 8 hours per day – evening shift. Starting salary range of $11.10 - $11.75 per hour plus evening stipend of $.25/hr. Please send application & resume to: Nancy Spina Personnel, ECUSD7 708 St Louis St. PO Box 250 Edwardsville, IL 62025
Wildey Theatre Assistant Manager FT w/benefits, $13/hr. Manage day-to-day operations of Wildey Business Office and Event Rentals. Assist with booking & mrktg needs. Work events at theatre as needed. 1-3yrs supervisory and office mgmt exp req’d. Excellent customer service skills req’d. Previous event planning & rental exp and prior work in a theatre envt preferred. Mostly M-F days, some evenings & wkends. Email resume to: humanresources@ or for more info & application go to Deadline: 9/17/2014, 5pm, EOE
find a job here! the classifieds
Caregivers (CNA, HHA) Cooperative Home Care, a locally based home health specialty company, is searching for compassionate, honest, and reliable caregivers to staff openings working with our Madison County home-based clients.
We offer:
Flexible Schedules 27 year reputation providing exceptional home care service CPR/1st Aide classes and additional training Opportunity to acquire hands-on healthcare experience The opportunity to make a meaningful impact on someone’s life We are looking for CNAs and experienced home services workers, Nurse Aides, Nursing Students. Our clients have a variety of care needs. Our caregivers provide hands-on assistance with personal care needs such as ambulating, bathing and dressing and/or the activities of daily living such as meal preparation and assistance with household tasks and/or simply compassionate companionship. If you are interested please send an email with your resume or a summary of qualifications to leaton@ Call 314-772-8585 for more information about becoming part of our caring team, daily making a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Carrier Routes 401 CARRIER NEEDED! RT. 66— Newspaper carrier needed in the area of Stanford Place, Yale Ave, and Amherst Place Approximately 17 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20
Matching reclining couch, oveseat & chair w/ 6 pillows, $400 OBO. Thomasville solid oak triple dress w/ 2 mirrors, $75 OBO. Cash & Carry. Call 618-288-3557
Bed - Queen PillowTop Mattress Set New, still in plastic, $175. (618)772-2710. Can Deliver! Tan microfiber couch. Approx 7ft. $75.00 Blue living room chair. $25.00. 618-692-0120
Misc. Merchandise
4’ White Pine Trees: delivered, planted, mulched. $69.50/tree. Buy 10, get 1 free. Other sizes/shade trees. (217)886-2316; leave message
Whether it’s pets, clothing, electronics...whatever you need, look for it here in The Edwardsville Intelligencer.
If you have an item to place, call 656-4700 ext. 27
Jobs Plus ‘14 JOB FAIR
Employers will be accepting resumes and interviewing during fair hours! Wi-Fi will be available for online applications. PLUS FREE Interpretation services for the hearing impaired population FREE interpretation services for the Spanish speaking population Copying services available SPONSORING AGENCIES AARP Foundation WorkSearch Program Illinois Department of Employment Security Illinois Departing of Human Services Lewis & Clark Community College Madison-Bond Workforce Investment Board Madison County Employment & Training Department Mid America Workforce Investment Board Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Southwestern Illinois College St. Clair Country Intergovenmental Grants Department, Workforce Development Group FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: S. Clair county Invergovernmental Grants Department 618-825-3259
Misc. Merchandise
C.K.S. METAL CORP. (618) 656-5306 M-F 8:00-5:00 SAT 8-12
EDWARDSVILLE, IL #1 Copper $2.70/lb. #2 Copper $2.60/lb. Yellow Brass $1.70/lb. Stainless $.58/lb. Painted Siding $.61/lb. Scrap Alum $.52-.76/lb. Alum Cans $.60/lb. Clean Alum Wheels $.72/lb. Electric Motors $.25/lb. Seal Units $.17 Batteries $.28 Christmas Lights $.31 Insulated Wire #1-$1.15 #2-$.95 Scrap Iron $160.-$190./Ton
For Sale Mercury 5HP 4 Stroke outboard boat motor. Like new, less than 15 hours use. $900. 618-210-5588 Mercury 5hp 4-stroke outboard boat motor. Like new, less than 20 hours use. $900. Call 618-210-5588 or 618-656-6172
Lawn & Garden
For Sale: 1967 IH140 with woods Belly Mower. In Excellent Condition. Contact M. Skretvedt: Home - 618-655-0063 Cell - 618-580-9335
Publisher's Notice
All Real Estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference limitation, or discrimination.” Familial status includes children living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Houses For Rent
$1850 per month 2800 + sq feet, 4 BR, 2 full & 2 half bath. Fin basemt. Edw sch district. Great location in Hunters Crossing. Call 317 378 3258 2BR, 1BA, Edw. area Near 55: bsmnt, lg yd. $900/mo. + dep. Avail now. 656-7045. 4 bedroom 2.5 bath in The Oaks Subdivision, Avail. 8/1. $2100/mo. Call 314-640-3264.
Funding provided through the Workforce Investment Act In compliance with EEO, ADA and Jobs for Veterans Act. A Proud Member of Illinois workNet System. Auxiliary Aids and services are available upon request to inviduals with disabilities.
September 11, 2014
On the Edge of the Weekend
Classified Houses For Rent
Houses For Rent
605 Hill Road 2br-1ba, newly remodeled, near D’town Edw., I-270 & SIUE. $875. 920-2599
Apts/Duplexes/Homes (618)656-2230
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
*Glen Carbon, 3br/2ba $1,200/mo., *Worden, 3+BR/4BA, $1,700/ mo., 514-9954
1BR apt. utilities incl. Close to downtown & SIU. $750/mo, $750 deposit. 314-574-3858.
2br, 1 full ba, 220 N. Main St. All appls incld. $700/ mo. 217-381-7069
Available Soon! 2br, 1.5ba townhomes. (618)692-9310
Glen Carbon, 1BR apt $475. References, security deposit & 1st month rent. 288-0118
Remod’d 2br, E’ville new appl’s w/ d/w, w/d hkup. Lawncare incl. $1000/mo. 978-6801
1BR loft apt & 1BR duplex $585/mo. + $585dep. 656-8953
3br TH 1200sq. ft. Collinsville, $890/mo. 345-9610. Specials!!
FOR RENT: LUXURY TOWNHOMES AND APARTMENTS. 3BR/2BA or 2BR/1.5BA in Highland. $695-$735/mo. Call (618)830-4985.
Lg 2br townhouse in Troy: w/d hkup, no pets, newly remod’d. $550/mo. 660-7228
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
2 BR, 1 Bath Glen Carbon QUAIL HOLLOW w/d hook-ups, $685 (618)346-7878
2 BR 1.5 BA Townhomes SMOKE FREE. 15 minutes to St. Louis and SIUE. I-255/ Horseshoe Lake Rd area. $690 mo includes washer/ dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. 618-931-4700
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Like new 2br ground level, no stairs, Collinsville, $625/mo. 345-9610. Specials! 1 bdrm all utilities inc. no pets. $ 450.00/mo. 618-656-3407 *no calls after 6:00pm.
Endless business opportunity with this 6.8 acres, which can be used for a retail, office, or multi-family development. PR102008
Arbor Glen Townhome in Glen Carbon NEWER Luxury 2br 2.5ba Open Floor Plan. Each BR has on-suite bath. Great Loc. Bsmt, deck, all appls, w/d hkup. Lots of storage. $755/ mo + dep. 618-781-7692
2BR Apt, E’ville. $700/rent., $700 dep. w/s/t included. (314)574-3858
E’ville - Silver Oaks II 2BR Luxury Apt w/Gar, New Open Floor Plan Security System, Fitness Cntr, $890/mo. w/s/t incl. Immediate Availability. 830-2613
2BR TH, 1 1/2 ba, w/d hkup, like new. $685/mo, 1 yr lease, no pets. 618-692-7147 2BR Townhomes, Edw 1.5 BA, w/d hkup, No pets. $750 w/gar; 692-1745; 978-2867.
Completely renovated 4BR/4BA home. Granite counters, upgraded appliances & finished LL. PR102007
LUXURY 2 BRs located at 270 & 111 Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included. WST included. Must See! $675. Call for our move-in specials! (618)931-3333.
Office Space For Rent
Immediately - 1 or 2BR Apts. 50 Devon Ct. Edwardsville, IL. Call 618-791-9062
Lots For Sale
1200SF Office Space Incl. priv. ba, utils, & hi spd i-net. 797-9803
Important Message: Companies that do business by phone can’t ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.
HWY 159-Maryville, 1200sq., 5 offices, rec area. $900/ 346-7878
Beautiful home on 2 lots. Very private yet close to evertything. PR10210
LOCATION! This home is located near Madison County bike trails, schools, shopping and has convenient interstate access. PR102009
Extensively updated home. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. Finished walkout. Clean & move-in ready. Private setting. PR102003
2 acre lots in Country Grove on Quercus Grove Rd., N. of Carpenter, Edw. schls, all utilities avail including Natural gas, underground electric, etc. Call 656-6414/ 972-0526
Edwardsvilles Newest Subdivision! Be one of the first to choose the site for your new home! Convenient location, close to interstates, schools, shopping & more. Agent interest. PR2013-41
$498,500 EDWARDSVILLE (618)791-5024 DIANA MASSEY TEAM (618)791-9298
$384,500 EDWARDSVILLE (618)791-5024 DIANA MASSEY TEAM (618)791-9298
$317,884 EDWARDSVILLE NORMA LINCK (618)444-8733
$250,000 GLEN CARBON JANINE SHIELDS (618)789-7111
$165,000 EDWARDSVILLE SANDY LANE (618)792-7918
$69,990 - $104,990 EDWARDSVILLE JULIE A LADING (618)655-4100
MASSEY TEAM (618) 791-5024 OR (618) 791-9298 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made these Associates leaders in the real estate market.
(618) 409-1776 7032 KOUFAX Court EDWARDSVILLE $599,900
Close to downtown & bike trails. Great rehab property. Priced to sell. PR102012
3326 SNIDER Drive EDWARDSVILLE $599,900
A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
Hosted By:
Hosted By:
Hosted by
JUDINE LUX (618)531-0488
GEORGE KEY (618)581-4323
SANDY KEY (618)581-4324
SANDIE LAMANTIA (618) 978-2384 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
(618) 441-8681 3301 GARVEY Drive EDWARDSVILLE $509,900
3325 KARROS Court EDWARDSVILLE $499,000
Hosted By:
Hosted By:
A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
301 North BUCHANAN Street EDWARDSVILLE $150,000
DIANA MASSEY TEAM (618)791-5024 (618)791-9298
Hosted By:
Hosted By:
GEORGE KEY (618)581-4323
SANDIE LAMANTIA (618)978-2384
IRMA AUGUST (618)558-8422
410 East 2ND SOUTH MOUNT OLIVE $69,900
3822 WESTERN Avenue ALTON $68,000
Turn of the century ALL brick beauty w/original hardwood floors, detached garage and in-ground pool. PR101580
Rare find. Affordable and well maintained property on one acre with pole barn and fenced area. PR101624
Looking for a spot in the counrty to build our dream home? Here's 10.33 acres.Water tap-on fee has been paid. PR101718
Breathtaking views! 4 bdrm, 3 bath brick ranch on 9.84 acres with barn and pond. PR101827
Hosted By:
Hosted By:
JAMSHED SYED (618)406-9775
TODD LINNEMEYER (618)520-5516
Custom ranch on the edge of town. This home has Edwardsville address and is Troy School District. Very open floor plan! PR101679
Spacious 2-story, finished LL, 3 bdrm possible 4, 4 bths. Great location! PR101666
1.48 acres on private drive, barn, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with lots of room to grow. PR101955
Charming updated 3 bedroom home, 2 car oversized detached garage on 2 acres. PR101680
Don't miss this updated brick Tudor in the heart of Edwardsville. SS appliances, granite counters and renovated hardwood floors throughout. PR101978
Charming remodeled home in old Glen Carbon, 9 ft ceiling, hardwood floors, 3 bdrm, 2 bths. PR101514
$259,500 GLEN CARBON
Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.'" Equal Housing Opportunity.
On the Edge of the Weekend
September 11, 2014
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SERVICE DI RECTORY HANDYMAN HANDYMAN HANDYMAN CLEANING BOB’S HANDYMAN SERVICE Remodeling & Repair Drywall Finished Carpentry Painting Ceramic Tile Build & Repair Decks Exterior House And Deck Washing Landscaping Blinds & Draperies Light Fixture & Ceiling Fans No Job Too Small Insured Call Bob Rose 978-8697
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We BEAT Everyone’s Rates
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Darrell’s Carpentry Plus
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Need something done around the house?
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Call Bob (618) 345-9131
*Factory authorized for most brands.*
SERVICE DI RECTORY September 11, 2014
On the Edge of the Weekend
On the Edge of the Weekend
September 11, 2014