2010 Community Guide

Page 1



guide Your source for information, attractions & important services.

Page – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

INDEX City of Edwardsville Local events and sites Local events and sites Village of Glen Carbon Fire Departments Fire Departments Fire Departments Police Village of Maryville L a ke s Farms and Orchards City of Troy City of Highland Local Libraries Race tracks Casinos City of Staunton Village of Hamel Clubs Clubs Clubs Clubs Clubs Religious Directory

3 3 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 19 21 23 24 25

The Edwardsville Intelligencer, a Hearst newspaper, is published daily except Sundays, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, Labor Day and July 4th at 117 North Second Street, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 by Edwardsville Publishing Co., Inc. (USPS 169-100; ISSN 1074-1860). Periodical postage paid at Edwardsville, Illinois. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Edwardsville Intelligencer, 117 N. Second St., Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Publisher: DENISE VONDER HAAR Editor: Bill Yarbrough

SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mail 1 year $160.00 6 months $80.00 3 months $40.00 (Mail subscriptions are not available where the Intelligencer has home delivery.)

Religious Directory Religious Directory City of Alton Village of St. Jacob Village of Marine Libraries Madison County Government Elected Officials Colleges and Universities District 7 Schools Parochial Schools Regional Attractions Village of Roxana Village of South Roxana Village of Pontoon Beach Village of Godfrey City of Granite City Village of Bethalto Village of East Alton Regional Attractions Regional Attractions Regional Attractions Business Directory Business Directory

26 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 39

The Community Guide is a publication of the Edwardsville Intelligencer Edited by: Bill Yarbrough • Cover design: Desiree Bennyhoff

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page

Public and elected officials

City of Edwardsville 118 Hillsboro Ave., Edwardsville IL 62025; 692-7500 Web site: www.cityofedwardsville.com

Officials Mayor: Gary Niebur; City Administrator: Ben Dickmann; City Clerk: Dennis McCracken; Treasurer: Rich Hampton; Attorney: Jeffrey Berkbigler.

Council members Barb Jurgena-Stamer, Richard Rezabek, Janet Haroian, Jeanette Mallon, John Twombly, Richard Walker, Tom Butts Meetings are conducted at 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.

Important numbers • Police — 400 North Main St. Non-emergency: 656-2131. Chief: James Bedell • Fire — Non-emergency: 692-7541. Chief: Rick Welle • Public Works — 692-7535. Director: Tim Harr • Parks and Recreation — 692-7538. Director: Robert Pfeiffer • Gas/Electric — AmerenIP: 800-755-5000 • Water — City of Edwardsville: 692-7500 • Telephone service — AT&T: 800-CALL-ATT • Trash — Allied Waste: 656-6883 • Cable — Charter Communications: 888-438-2427

• Estate & Moving Sales • Appraisals • “Always Buying”

656-8751 978-2594 830-3127 cew244antiques@aol.com

Your city or county clerk is a primary source for information about locally elected representatives. In Madison County the number is 692-6290. In St. Clair County the number is 277-6600 ext. 2380. Information about state-level representatives can be obtained through the Illinois State Board of Elections at 1020 South Spring in Springfield. Phone: 217-782-4141. More information can be found online at www.illinois.gov or at sites such as www.congress.org/

See specific city pages for more information.

Local events and sites Col. Benjamin Stephenson House Living Museum

mornings. The office of the mayor and the Department of Parks and Recreation of the city of Edwardsville sponsor the event.

The 1820 Col. Benjamin Stephenson House at 409 South Buchanan in Edwardsville provides an opportunity for area residents to learn about life as it was in the city’s early days. Restoration has been undertaken by the city of Edwardsville, the Historic Preservation Commission and the Friends of Col. Benjamin Stephenson House. Call 656-0888 or visit www. stephensonhouse.com


Arts in the Park

The Edwardsville Children's Museum, open since 2003, is located at 722 Holyoake in Edwardsville in the historic Leclaire Academy building. The Children's Museum offers ha n d s - o n a c t i v i t i e s a n d interactive exhibits. The museum

Arts in the Park is a 10-week summer series at City Park that includes band concerts on Thursdays, Friday events and art classes for children on Saturday

Boniface Catholic Church in Edwardsville has hosted Bonifest since 1985. The festival is conducted annualy during the last weekend in May on the church grounds at 110 North Buchanan.

Edwardsville Children's Museum

is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Bilbrey Farms Bilbrey Farms consists of a 65acre estate along Pin Oak Road in Edwardsville offering bread-andbreakfast facilities and a wide range of activities for visitors. For more information, visit www. bilbreyfarms.com, or call 692-1950.

ARTEAST Studio Tour ARTEAST Studio Tour is an annual event that puts the spotlight on dozens of artists in Madison County. The event is conducted on the third weekend in October and includes tours of multiple exhibitions and studios. See "EVENTS" on Page 4

Page – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Events Continued from Page 3

Glen Carbon Historical Museum The Glen Carbon Historial Museum is housed in a 1914 school building and displays a large number of historical artifacts and photographs of Glen Carbon’s early history. It is located on the upper floor of the Glen Carbon Centennnial Library at 124 School St. in Glen Carbon, and is open from noon to 4 p.m. each Wednesday, or by appointment.

Glen Carbon Yanda Log Cabin The Glen Carbon Yanda Log Cabin was believed to have been built in 1853 by then blacksmith William Yanda. William and Yanda’s grandson, Frank Jr., was one of Glen Carbon’s early mayors. The building is managed by the Glen Carbon Historical Perservation Commission.

Harvest WineFest The Harvest WineFest is the p re m i e r s o c i a l e v e n t o f T h e Alliance of Edwardsville and Glen Carbon. The event features more than 100 wines for purchase or tasing. It is conducted on the third Thursday in October and serves as a kickoff to Edwardsville’s Annual ParkFest.

Edwardsville Children's Museum Halloween Parade The Edwardsville Children's Museum, open since 2003, is located at 722 Holyoake in Edwardsville in the historic Leclaire Academy building. The Children's Museum offers hands-on activities and interactive exhibits. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Edwardsville Municipal Band The Edwardsville Municipal Band first formed in 1927 and is a professional community band with more than 65 members. The band participates in the Edwardsville Arts in the Park series each summer and conducts free weekly band concerts every Thursday at the City Park.

Glen Carbon Homecoming The Glen Carbon Homecoming takes place each year and includes fireworks, carnival rides, a parade, food and drinks, entertainment, crafts, informational booths and other family activities.

The Edwardsville and Glen Carbon Chamber of Commerce has sponsored the annual Halloween Parade Since 1984. It is conducted on Halloween (Oct. 31) at 6:30 p.m., and is considered one of the largest Halloween parades in the area.

Historic Wildey Theatre The Wildey Theatre was first built in 1909 as an opera house by the Edwardsville chapter of the International Order of Odd Fellows. The second floor was a community room and the third floor was used by the Odd Fellows as a meeting room.

Historic Museum The Madison County Historical Museum is housed in an eight room Federal style mansion built by Dr. John Weir in 1836. It is located at 715 North Main St. in Edwardsville and exhibits period furnishings, antiques, quilts, historic costumes and local history. An history and genealogical

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archival library is adjacent to the Weir house. For more information, call 6567562.

The Land of Goshen Community Market The Land of Goshen Community Market features a farmers market and a variety of artists selling, or demonstrating crafts and other items. It is conducted Saturday morning from mid-May through mid-October. For more information, call 656-6618.

Leclaire Parkfest Leclaire Parkfest is traditionally conducted from noon to 5 p.m. on the third Sunday in October. The festival includes live music, trolly tours, children’s activities, a book sale, and a display of vintage tractors, cars and farm implements.

Veteran's Day Parade The first Edwardsville Ve t e r a n ' s D a y p a r a d e w a s conducted on the first

anniversary of the end of WWI, o n N o v. 11 , 1 9 1 9 . Wi t h t h e exception of two years during WWII, the event has been conducted each year afterwards.

Watershed Nature Center Edwardsville's Watershed Nature Center is situated on a 46-acre nature preserve, located at 1691 Tower Ave. in Edwardsville. The area offers a quiet walking trail and other nature and educational opportunities.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page

Village of Glen Carbon 151 North Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 62034; 288-1200 www.glen-carbon.il.us/

Officials Mayor: Robert Jackstadt; Village Clerk: Peggy Goudy; Finance and Administrative Director: Patty Thiede; Treasurer: Lynn Weller; Attorney: Terry Bruckert.

Trustees Robert Buehler, Donna Wilkerson, Jorja Dickemann, Larry Kacer, Ronald Slemer, John Navin. The village board meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.


Important numbers • Police — 149 North Main. Non-emergency: 288-7226; Chief: Dave Bradford • Fire — Non-emergency: 288-1220 • Public Works — 288-1218. Director: Tom Sedlacek • Gas/Electric — AmerenIP: 800-244-4444 • Water/Sewer — Village of Glen Carbon, 288-1200 • Telephone service — Ameritech: 800-244-4444 • Trash — Allied Waste Services: 656-6886 • Cable — Charter Communications: 345-6121

Madison County runs a comprehensive recycling program through its Planning and Development Department. For questions, contact the recycling hotline at 296-6647, or write: Madison County Planning and Development Department, 157 North Main St., Ste. 254. Information is available online at www.madisoncountyrecycles.com/

Building Blocks & Bridges Education Center 2-4B Sunset Hills Executive Park Edwardsville, IL 62025 Phone: 618-655-0310 www.buildingbondsbridges.org

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Page – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fire Departments Alhambra Community Fire Protection District 214 East Main St. Alhambra, IL 62001 488-3865

Alton Fire Department 333 East Twentieth St. Alton, IL 62002 463-3565

Bethalto Volunteer Fire Department 213 North Prairie St. Bethalto, IL 62010 377-6421

City of Madison Fire Department 1800 Third St Madison, IL 62060 876-4300

City of Wood River Fire Department 111 North Woodriver Ave Wood River, IL 62095-1938 259-0984

Collinsville Fire Department 125 South Center St Collinsville, IL 62234 346-5022

Cottage Hills Fire Protection District 26 Lenora St Cottage Hills, IL 62018 259-4029

Dorsey Volunteer Fire Department 4587 Seiler Rd Dorsey, IL 62021 377-3111


Godfrey Fire Protection District 6011 Godfrey Rd Godfrey, IL 62035 466-0131

Granite City Fire Dept 2300 Madison Ave. Granite City, IL 62040-4750 Station 1 — 876-4545 Station 2 — 876-4546 Station 3 — 876-4747

The Achiever™ 90 Gas Furnace

209 North Shamrock St East Alton, IL 62024 259-2984

410 North Main Edwardville, IL 62025 692-7541

Glen Carbon Fire Protection District 199 South Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034-2411

See "FIRE" on Page 7

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Edwardville Fire Department

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page


Continued from Page 6

Alton Fire Department

Collinsville Fire Department 125 South Center St Collinsville, IL 62234 346-5022

333 East Twentieth St. Alton, IL 62002 463-3565

Cottage Hills Fire Protection District

Bethalto Volunteer Fire Department

26 Lenora St Cottage Hills, IL 62018 259-4029

213 North Prairie St. Bethalto, IL 62010 377-6421

Dorsey Volunteer Fire Department

City of Madison Fire Department

4587 Seiler Rd Dorsey, IL 62021 377-3111

1800 Third St Madison, IL 62060 876-4300

East Alton Fire Department

City of Wood River Fire Department

209 North Shamrock St East Alton, IL 62024 259-2984

111 North Woodriver Ave Wood River, IL 62095-1938 259-0984

Edwardville Fire Department

410 North Main Edwardville, IL 62025 692-7541

Fosterburg Fire Protection District 4604 Seminary Rd Alton, IL 62002-7562 466-8492

Glen Carbon Fire Protection District 199 South Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034-2411 288-1220

Godfrey Fire Protection District 6011 Godfrey Rd Godfrey, IL 62035 466-0131

Granite City Fire Dept 2300 Madison Ave. Granite City, IL 62040-4750 Station 1 — 876-4545 Station 2 — 876-4546 Station 3 — 876-4747

Grantfork Volunteer Fire Department

187 Woodcrest Dr Highland, IL 62249 459-3235

210 North Locust Highland, IL 62249-3242 675-2755

Holiday Shore Volunteer Fire Department

Hamel Community Fire Protection District 118 Wolf Hamel, IL 62046 633-2205

Hartford Fire Department 507 North Delmar Hartford, IL 62048 254-0012

Highland Fire Department 1122 Broadway Ave Highland, IL 62249 654-5901

Highland - Pierron Fire District

93 Holiday Dam Rd Edwardsville, IL 62025-5320 656-6673

Long Lake Volunteer Fire Department 4113 Pontoon Rd Pontoon Beach, IL 62040 692-4433

Marine Fire Protection District 215 South Center St S Marine, IL 62061 887-4221

Maryville Fire Dept 2520 North Center St Maryville, IL 62062 344-8099 See "FIRE" on Page 10

Page – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010


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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page


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Page 10 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010



Continued from Page 7

Olin Corporation Fire Department

East Alton, IL 62024-1703 259-3311

Troy Fire Protection District

Roxana Fire Department

116 West Clay Troy, IL 62294 667-6722

Meadowbrook Fire Protection District

427 North Shamrock East Alton, IL 62024 258-3100

101 Sunset Dr Bethalto, IL 62010-2231 377-8474

Olive Fire Protection District

South Roxana Fire Protection District

Mitchell Fire Department

422 West Nicholls St Livingston, IL 62058 637-2240

213 East Chain Of Rocks Rd Mitchell, IL 62040 931-0161

Prairie Fire Department

225 Sinclair Ave. P.O., Box 208 South Roxana, IL 62087 254-1088

New Douglas Community Volunteer Fire Department 105 East Allen St New Douglas, IL 62074

8452 Old Prairietown Road Worden, IL 62097

Rosewood Heights Fire Protection District

400 South Central Ave Roxana, IL 62084 254-8293

ContactUs Bill Yarbrough Managing Editor


Bill Roseberry Sports Editor


Venice Fire Deptartment

Bill Tucker

329 Broadway St. Venice, IL 62090 877-4232

Ann Niccum

Reporter, Glen Carbon btucker@edwpub.net

Reporter, Edwardsville aniccum@edwpub.net

Steve Horrell

Reporter, Madison County

Worden Fire Department

St. Jacob Township Fire Protection Dist.


Julia Biggs

Reporter, Education jbiggs.edwi@gmail.com

127 West Wall Worden, IL 62097 459-3235

Matthew Kamp Sports Reporter


Rachel Davis

Reporter, Collinsville rhdavis.harpstring@gmail.com

113 East Second St. Jacob, IL 62281-0401 644-5751

Laura Scaturro

Reporter, Holiday Shores lscaturro.edwi@gmail.com

45 East Airline Dr

Accepting Reservations fo NEW Liberty r the Village of Maryville


Maryville Manor 2133 Vandalabene Drive Maryville, IL

101 Lakin Blvd., Wood River 2813 N. Center St., Maryville

(618) 288-5999

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 11

Police Departments Alorton Alton Aviston Beckemeyer Belleville Breese Brighton Cahokia Caseyville Centreville Collinsville

874-7084 463-3505 594-4555 594-4555 234-1212 526-7226 372-4207 337-9505 344-2151 332-1184 344-2131

Dorsey East Alton East St. Louis Edwardsville Fairmont City Fairview Hts Freeburg Glen Carbon Godfrey Granite City Hamel

377-3111 259-2984 482-6767 656-2131 874-6100 489-2100 277-3500 288-7226 692-4433 332-1184 633-2777

Hartford Highland Marine Maryville Meadowbrook O'Fallon Pontoon Bch Rosewood Hts Roxana St. Jacob Sauget

County Sheriffs Emergency 9-1-1 Madison 618-692-4433

Macoupin 217-854-3135

Montgomery 217-532-9511

254-4395 654-2131 887-4326 344-8099 692-4433 624-4545 931-5100 692-4433 254-1945 644-5654 332-6507

Scott AFB Shiloh South Roxana SIUE State Park Swansea Troy Venice Wood River

256-2223 235-0670 254-7469 650-3324 692-4433 233-8114 667-6731 877-4232 251-3113

State Police

St. Clair

District 11


Emergency 911 Non-emergency 346-3990

1100 Eastport Plaze Dr. Collinsville, IL 62234

Bond 618-664-2151


Other Emergency Help



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Page 12 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

25 Things to Do in St. Louis

Village of Maryville 2520 North Center St., Maryville, IL 62062; 288-1720 www.vil.maryville.il.us

Officials Mayor: Larry Gulledge; Village Clerk: Tracy Fenton; Comptroller: Marvin Brussatti; Village Attorney: Ron Motil; Village Engineer: Charlie Juneau.

Village trustees Randy Limberg, Todd Bell, Rod Schmidt, Craig Short, Linda Garcia, Ed Kostyshock. Village board meetings are conducted at 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of every month.

Important numbers: • Police — 2500 North Center St., 344-8899 or 344-2191. Chief: Rich Schardan • Fire — 2520 North Center St., 344-8099; Chief: Kevin Flaugher, 345-7028 • Public Works — 345-7027, ext. 5. Director: Patrick Presson • Parks and Recreation — Chairperson: Roger Shoup, 792-1889 • Water/Sewer — 346-2317. Superintendent: Matthew Hoffmann • Streets — 346-5274, ext. 2. Superintendent: Clint Jones • Gas/Electric — AmerenIP, 800-755-5000; Southwestern Electric Coop., 656-6883 • Trash — Allied Waste Services, 656-6886

There’s so much to see and do in St. Louis, we thought we’d start you out with a few “must-see options.” The following is 25 things to do while in St. Louis: 1. Ride to the top of the Gateway Arch, towering 630-feet over the Mississippi River. 2. Visit an artistic oasis in the heart of downtown. Citygarden offers a vibrant blending of lush plantings and internationally renowned sculpture. 3. Explore Forest Park’s 1,300 acres of lakes, walking paths and attractions. 4. Drive Old Route 66 and visit some of the “Mother Road’s” most fascinating stops. 5. Enjoy world-class free attractions, including the Art Museum, Zoo, Science Center, Anheuser-Busch Brewery, Grant’s Farm, and the Missouri History Museum. 6. Marvel at the Missouri Botanical Garden, one of the world’s top public gardens. 7. Free your inner child at the Magic House, City Museum and other kid-friendly attractions. 8 . Vi s i t a n a n c i e n t I n d i a n civilization at Cahokia Mounds. 9. Cheer for the MLB’s Cardinals, NFL’s Rams and NHL’s Blues. 10. Count the mosaics at the breathtakingly beautiful Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. 11. Flirt with Lady Luck at one

Celebrating 30

Years in Edwardsville

St. Louis Arch of the area’s five casinos including: Lumiére Place, Harrah’s, The President, Ameristar and Casino Queen. 12. Experience live blues music in one of the dozens of area clubs and taverns. 13. Get your motor running at the Museum of Transportation or Gateway International Raceway. 14. Visit the heart of St. Louis through our friendly and charming neighborhoods. 15. Take in the art at the Laumeier Sculpture Park, the Contemporary

Art Museum, the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts and The Sheldon Concert Hall, Ballroom & Art Galleries. 16. Re-discover your heritage at the Old Courthouse, Black World History Museum and Faust Historic Village. 1 7 . Vi s i t t h e w o r l d - f a m o u s Budweiser Clydesdales at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. 18. Satisfy your taste buds at any of our hundreds of one-of-a-kind restaurants. 19. Fill an extra suitcase during a shopping trip through major malls and antique and collectible stores. 20. Attend one of the area’s unique fairs or festivals. 21. Explore the final frontier at the Science Center’s Space Sciences Center or the Challenger Learning Center. 22. Get an adrenaline rush on the world-class roller coasters and thrill rides at Six Flags St. Louis. 23. Play Scott Joplin’s ragtime tunes at the composer ’s historic home. 24. Talk to the animals at Grant’s Farm, Purina Farms, the Wild Canid Survival Center, the World Bird Sanctuary and the St. Louis Zoo. 25. Cruise the mighty Mississippi River on the Tom Sawyer or Becky Thatcher paddle wheeler.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 13

Lakes and Recreation Baldwin Lake Illinois Route 4 Baldwin, IL 62217 185-2555 Fishing and migratory bird watching for outdoor enthusiasts. A two-lane boat ramp, camping, and picnic facilities are nearby.

West Access Marina Carlyle, IL 62231 594-2461 Carlyle Lake is the largest manmade lake in Illinois. Available for rent: jet skis, houseboats, pontoon boats, and sailboats at the marinas. Activities include fishing, hunting, sand swimming beaches, camping areas, motels, cabins and golf courses.

Raccoon Lake Centralia Tourism Centralia, IL 62801

888-533-2600 The park is open for boating and fishing year round and hosts a major drag boat racing event each year.

Governor Bond Lake Greenville, IL 62246 664-1644 Camping, fishing, water skiing, jet skiing and Patriot's Park are amenities offered at the lake.

Marissa Recreation Area 545 Rec Road Marissa, IL 62257 295-2889 Features two lakes, a nine hole golf course, camping area, a cottage/ residence area, as well as picnic shelters and areas.

Washington County Lake and Conservation Area

785-2555 Boat docks and fishing areas are easily accessed for all skill levels even special docks for kids.

18500 Conservation Dr. Nashville, IL 62263 327-3137 Boating, fishing, hiking and campsites under the trees make this a favorite spot. Nine hundred acres are set aside for shotgun or bow and arrow hunting.

Chouteau Island

Prairie Lake Mascoutah, IL 62258 566-2964 Fishing and walking trails.

Peabody River King State Fish Wildlife Area New Athens, IL 62264

Farms and Orchards Eckert's Farms 901 S Green Mount Rd. Belleville, IL 233-0513 Pick-your-own orchard. Seasonal fruits and vegetables, festivals, greenhouse and restaurant.

Braeutigam's Orchards 2765 Turkey Hill Ln. Belleville, IL 233-4059 Specialties include blackberries, peaches, apples, pumpkins, tomatoes and eggplant.

Schwartz Farms 1941 Copple Rd. Centralia IL 62801 532-8058

Berries, apples, peaches, pears and watermelon in season.

Eckert's Fun Farm 2719 Eckert Orchard Lane Millstadt, IL 62260 476-3260

Beal's Orchard 471 Jasper Rd. Centralia IL 62801 822-6169 Pick fresh berries, peaches, apples and pumpkins.

Bilbrey Farms Inc. 8724 Pin Oak Rd. Edwardsville IL 62025 692-1950 Bed and breakfast, exotic animals. Personally owned by Mike and

Linda Bilbrey.

Hawkins/Schwartz Orchards Rt 371/2 miles south of Dix Dix, IL 62830 266-7756 Strawberries, peaches, apples, cider and family activities.

Green Acres Farm 6200 Rock Springs East Saint Louis, IL 397-6237 You-pick vegetables and fruit.

Relleke Farms 1526 Sand Prairie Ln. Granite City, IL 62040 797-6858 See "FARMS" on Page 17

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East side of the Mississippi River Pontoon Beach, IL 62040 931-6100 Route 66 runs directly through the island which connects Illinois and Missouri.

Horseshoe Lake State Park Pontoon Beach, IL 62040 931-0270 Camping, fishing, picnic areas, playgrounds, volleyball and over three miles of hiking trails. Controlled hunting, including pheasant is allowed at specific times of the year.

Peabody River King State Fish Wildlife Area Red Bud, IL 62278 618-282-3505 Boat docks and fishing areas.

Vandalia Lake The 660-acre lake has 12 miles of shoreline for camping, fishing, nature walks, swimming and boating. Vandalia, IL 62471

Stephen A. Forbes State Park (Kinmundy) O v e r 7 0 0 a c re s o f f i s h i n g , swimming, hunting, horseback riding, camping, picnicking and more.

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Page 14 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

City of Troy 116 East Market St., Troy, IL 62294; 667-6741

Officials Mayor: Tom Caraker; City Administrator: Jeff Soland; City Clerk: Tammy Mitchell; Attorney: Steve Wigginton; Treasurer: David Roady; City Engineer: Paul Homann, Wade & Moerchen.

Aldermen Allen Adomite, Regina Hendrickson Sam Italiano, Jay Evans II, Gerald Lanahan, Bob Davis, Donald Brannon, Ryan Metcalf The council meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Important numbers • Police — 116 East Market St. Chief: Robert Rizzi, Jr. • Fire — 116 West Clay, 667-6722. Chief: Rick McCurdy • Public Works — 667-9924. Water/Sewer Superintendent: Don Kramlich • Streets — 667-9924 Superintendent: Bob Obemeufemann • Gas/Electric — AmerenIP, 800-755-5000; Southwestern Electric Coop, 800-637-8667 • Telephone Service — SBC, 800-480-8088

Where to get a marriage license Madison County Madison County Clerk’s Office 157 North Main St., Suite 109 Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-6290

City of Highland 1115 Broadway, Highland, IL 62249; 654-9891 www.ci.highland.il.us

Officials Mayor: Joseph Michaelis; City Manager: Mark Latham; Deputy City Clerk: Lana Hediger.

City Council Bill Rickher, Ruth Zobrist, Peg Bellm, Chris Bardill

St. Clair County

St. Clair County Clerk’s Office No. 10 Public Square, 2nd Floor Belleville, IL 62220 277-6600 ext. 2380

The City Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m., unless otherwise scheduled.

Clinton County Clinton County Clerk 850 Fairfax St. Carlyle, IL 62231 594-2464

Bond County Bond County Clerk 203 W College Ave. Greenville, IL 62246-1037 664-0449

Jersey County Jersey County Clerk 201 W Pearl St Jerseyville, IL 62052 498-5571

Important numbers • Police — 654-2131 • Fire — 459-3235 • Emergency Medical Services — 654-5901 • Public Works — 654-6823 • Building and Zoning — 654-7115 • Economic Development — 654-9891 • Finance Department — 654-9891 • Parks and Recreation — 651-1386 • Light and Power — 654-7511 • Trash — Allied Waste and City of Highland • Library — 654-5066

Opening the Door to Educational Opportunities at

Offi ce of Educational Outreach www.siue.edu/educationaloutreach 618-650-3210 • Off Campus Credit Classes • Distance Learning Classes • Summer Session • Noncredit Personal Enrichment Activities • Leisure Learning Classes • Learning in Retirement Lecture Series • Professional Development Opportunities • Conferences & Institutes

Outreach Team Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Office of Educational Outreach supports and facilitates nontraditional academic experiences for students as well as a wide range of personal and professional development opportunities, public service activities, and special events. Educational Outreach is committed to the extension of the resources and facilities of SIUE to the people of Southwestern Illinois.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 15

Libraries Lewis & Clark Library System 425 Goshen Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.lcls.org

Edwardsville Public Library 112 South Kansas St. Edwardsville 692-7556 www.edwardsvillelibrary.org

Glen Carbon Centennial Library 198 South Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-1212 www.glencarbonlibrary.org

Bethalto Public Library District 321 South Prairie Bethalto, IL 62010 377-8141

Caseyville Public Library District 419 South Second St. Caseyville, IL 62232 345-5848

Collinsville Memorial Public Library 408 West Main St. Collinsville, IL 62234 344-1112

Belleville Public Library 121 E. Washington St. Belleville, IL 62220 234-0441

East Alton Public Library District 250 Washington St. East Alton, IL 62024 259-0787

Fairview Heights Public Library 10017 Bunkum Road Fairview Height, IL 62208 489-2070

Granite City LRC 4950 Maryville Road Granite City, IL 62040 931-0600

Granite City

Public Library 2001 Delmar Ave. Granite City, IL 62040 452-6238

Hartford Public Library 143 West Hawthorne St. Hartford, IL 62048 254-9394

Hayner Public Library District 326 Belle St., Alton, IL 62003 462-0651

Lewis & Clark Community College Reid Memorial Library 5800 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035 466-3411

Lebanon Public Library 314 West Third St., Lebanon, IL 62254 537-4504

Louis Latzer Memorial Public Library

Library Campus Box 1063 Edwardsville, IL 62026 650-2711

Madison County Law Library

SIU School of Dental Medicine Biomedical Library

155 North Main St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-6200, ext. 5921

2800 College Ave. Alton, IL 62002 474-7277

Madison Public Library

Staunton Public Library

1001 9th Street Highland, IL 62249 654-5066

1700 Fifth Street Madison, IL 62060 876-8448

Roxana Public Library District 200 North Central Ave. Roxana, IL 62084 254-6713

Sanford Brown — Collinsville 1101 Eastport Plaza Drive Collinsville, IL 62234 344-5668

SIUE Lovejoy

306 West Main St. Staunton, IL 62088 635-3852

U.S. Courts Library — Southern District 750 Missouri Ave. East St. Louis, IL 62202

Tri-Township Library District 209 South Main St. Troy, IL 62294 667-2133 See "LIBRARY" on Page 16

������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� IL LOCATIONS:

Belleville 618-233-5163 Breese 618-526-7801 Chester 618-826-2949 Edwardsville (CHT) 618-692-4280 Edwardsville 618-692-9446 Effingham 217-342-6002 Freeburg 618-539-5900 Highland 618-651-0444 Maryville 618-288-4677 Smithton 618-222-8155 Waterloo 618-939-3400 Wood River 618-259-1100


Page 16 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010


Race Tracks Belle-Clair Speedway Stock car races, drag races and demolition derbies are regular events. 200 S. Belt East Belleville, IL 62220 233-0052

Gateway International Raceway Racing fans fill the stands for Indy Racing Series, NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and NASCAR Busch Series Grand National Division. Racing season March through October. 700 Raceway, Madison, IL 62060 480-2407

Highland Speedway Regular program features: UMP Late Models, UMP Modifieds, UMP Sportsman, Bombers, and UMP Hornets. The 1/4 mile, semi-banked clay oval track is located on the Madison County Fairgrounds in Highland. Contact: P.O Box 111

Highland IL 62249 347-2327. Track manager: Charlie Depew. E-mail address: highlandspeedway@hometel.com

Coyote ATV Trail Riders and Junkyard International Raceway

Continued from Page 15

Venice Public Library 325 Broadway Venice, IL 62090 877-1330

Fifty to 60 trucks carrying ATVs pull in every weekend to ride through the 10 miles of trails, or race go-karts on the track. Coulterville, IL 62237 758-2851

Wood River Public Library

Tri- City Speedway

Worden Public Library District

Regular events including UMP Late Models, UMP Modifieds, Sportsman, Street Stocks and Factory Stocks are conducted on the 1/4 mi oval. Special events like the World of Outlaw Sprint Cars are on the half mile Track. 5100 Nameoki Road Pontoon Beach, IL 62040 931-7836

326 East Ferguson Wood River, IL 62095 254-4832

111 East Wall St. Worden, IL 62097 459-7171

St. Louis Public Library Central Library 1301 Olive Street St. Louis, MO 63103 314-241-2288

St. Louis County Library 1640 S. Lindbergh Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63131-3598 314-994-3300

Fairmont Park Horse Racing and Off-Track Betting 9301 Collinsville Road Collinsville, IL 62234 345-4300 436-1516




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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 17


City of Staunton 304 West Main St., Staunton, IL 62088 www.stauntonil.com

Officials Argosy's Alton Belle Casino 219 Piasa, Alton, IL 800-336-7568

Casino Queen 200 South Front Street East St. Louis, IL 618-874-5000 800-777-0777

The President Casino on the Admiral Laclede's Landing, north of the Gateway Arch 314-622-3000 800-772-3647

Ameristar Casino 1260 S. Main Street St. Charles, MO 636-949-7777 800-325-7777

Harrah's Casinos at Riverport Casino Center 777 Casino Center Drive Earth City, MO 314-770-8100 800-427-7247

Lumiere Place Casino 999 North Second Street St. Louis, MO 314-881-7777 800-450-7711


Mayor: John Willmon; Clerk: Maria Bodner; Treasurer: Kathy Legendre; Attorney: Philip Lading.

Aldermen Bruce Layher, Richard Ficker, Craig Neuhaus, Herb Sievers, Jay Klein, Jack Kolkovich, Robert Schwandner, Fred Lotter. Council meetings are generally conducted on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Public Works Department building at 920 North Easton.

Important numbers Fire — 635-3333. Chief: Rick Haase Police — 635-3333. Chief: Robert Mertz Water — 635-2557 Electric Power — AmerenIP Telephone Service — Madison Telephone Co., 633-2267. Cable Service — Madison Communication, 633-2267 Trash — DNL Disposal, Environwaste

Village of Hamel 111 South Old U.S. Route 66, Hamel, IL 62046; 633-2484


Mayor: Ronald Mulach; City Clerk: Helen Beshears; Treasurer: Jennifer Gehner


Nick Pieri, Scott Boeker, Michael Wiemers, Larry Bloemker, Mark Schoenleber, Ken Brueggeman

Alton Mental Health Center 4500 College Ave. Alton, IL 62002 465-5593

Anderson Hospital Illinois Route 162, Old Edwardsville Road Maryville, IL 62062 288-5711 www.andersonhospital.org

Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital 12634 Olive St Rd , St. Louis, MO 63141 314-434-0600

1465 South Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63104 314-577-5600

Christian Hospital Northeast 11133 Dunn Road St. Louis, MO 63136 314-653-5000

Community Memorial Hospital 400 Caldwell, Staunton, IL 62088 635-2200

Des Peres Hospital

Barnes-Jewish Hospital 216 South Kingshighway, St. Louis, MO 63110 314-454-7000

Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital 10 Hospital Dr .,

Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

2345 Dougherty Ferry Road, St. Louis, MO 63131 314-821-5850

Edward A Utlaut Memorial Hospital North Grigg and Highway 40 Greenville ,IL 62246 664-1230 See "HOSPITAL" on Page 18


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Mills Apple Farm

4370 Rock Castle Rd. Steeleville, IL 62288 965-3800 Berries, green beans, okra, potatoes and other veggies, seasonal flowers and bedding plants.

1 Memorial Drive Alton, IL 62002 463-7311

St. Peters, MO 63376 636-916-9000

Weber & Rodney Funeral Home

Fall festivals in October with straw bale mazes, pumpkins and food.

G & C Meyer Farm

Alton Memorial Hospital

Fire — 633-2205 Police — 633-2777

Important numbers

Continued from Page 13

11477 Pocahontas Road Marine, IL 62061 887-4732 Interactive farm with pick-yourown peaches and apples..

Hospitals and Care Facilities

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Page 18 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clubs and Organizations AARP — 5523 Glen Carbon Community Senior Center 157 North Main Street Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-9486

ABATE — PiasaGateway Chapter 311 East Main St., Suite 418 Galesburg, IL 61401 Meets in Edwardsville on the second Saturday of each month


at 7 p.m.; 800-87-ABATE; www.abateil.org/piasa/

Al-Anon 201 St. Louis St., Edwardsville 62025 656-1822; 463-2429

Alcoholics Anonymous 1210 North Main St. Edwardsville IL 62025



Alzheimer’s Association

St. Joseph’s Hospital Highland, IL 62249 654-7421, ext. 2231 Meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month in Jehle Hall at the hospital

9374 Olive Blvd. St. Louis MO 63132 314-432-3422; 222 Goethe Ave., Collinsville, IL 62234 346-4073

Alzheimer’s Support Group -

Alzheimer’s Support Group Glen Carbon Eden Village Care Center

400 South Station Road Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-5016; 2100 Madison Avenue, Granite City, IL 62040 800-980-9080

Alzheimer’s Support Group Meridian Village Contact: 288-3700 Hosted by Lutheran Senior Services at Meridian Village See "CLUBS" on Page 19

Kindred Hospital - St Louis



South Point Hospital

St. Joseph Health Center

Continued from Page 17

4930 Lindell Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63108 314-361-8700

2639 Miami St. St. Louis, MO 63118 314-772-1456

Gateway Regional Medical Center

300 First Capitol Dr. St. Charles, MO 63301 314-947-5000

EHS Good Shepherd Hospital

Jerseyville Community Hospital

450 West Highway 22, Barrington, IL 60010 847-381-9600

Forest Park Hospital 6150 Oakland Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139 314-768.3000

Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Hwy Jct 7 And 13 North Clinton, MO 64735 660-885-5511

Hermann Area District Hospital Rfd 1 Box 30 Hermann, MO 65041 573-486-2191

Hillsboro Area Hospital 1200 Tremont St. Hillsboro, IL 62049 217-532-6111

400 Maple Summit Road Jerseyville, IL 62052 618-498-6402

Memorial Hospital 4500 Memorial Drive Belleville, IL 62222 233-7750

Metropolitan St Louis Psychiatric Center 5351 Delmar Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63112 314-877-0500

Missouri Baptist Medical Center 3015 North Ballas Road St. Louis MO 63131 314-996-5000

Southeast Missouri Hospital 1701 Lacey St., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

2100 Madison Ave. Granite City, IL 62040 798-3000

Spirit of St. Louis Hospital

St. Louis Children’s Hospital

St. Elizabeth's Hospital

5931 Hwy 94 S St. Charles, MO 63301 314-441-7300

211 South Third St. Belleville, IL 62222, 234-2120 618-234-2120

St. Alexius Hospital

St. Francis Hospital

3933 South Broadway St. Louis, MO 63118 314-865-3333

1215 East Union Ave. Litchfield, IL 62056 217-324-2191

St. Anthonys Medical Center

St. Marys Hospital

10010 Kennerly Road St. Louis, MO 63128 314-525-1000

St. Anthony's Hospital and Health Center St. Anthony's Way Alton, IL 62002 465-5271

St. Clare's Hospital 915 East Fifth St. Alton, IL 62002

One Chidren’s Place St. Louis, MO 314-434-1500

St. Louis University Hospital 3635 Vista Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110 314-577-8000

St. Louis State Hospital

East St Louis 129 North 8th St. East St. Louis, IL 62201 618-274-1900

5400 Arsenal St. St. Louis, MO 63139 314-644-8000

St. Joseph's Hospital

St. Luke’s Hospital

151 South Main St. Highland, IL 62249 654-7421

232 South Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 314-434-1500

St. Joseph’s Hospital Kirkwood

University of Missouri Health Care

525 Couch Ave. St. Louis, MO 63122 314-966-1500

One Hospital Drive Columbia MO 65212 573-882-4141

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 19

Clubs Continued from Page 18 Meets from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Meridian Village Club Room, 27 Auerbach Place in Glen Carbon.

American Cancer Society 118 South Seminary Collinsville, IL 62234 345-7911; 1-800-ACS-2345


American Red Cross 1121 University Dr., Edwardsville IL 62025 656-1407; 810 Main St., Alton, IL 62040 465-7704

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association 3945 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108 314-534-0610.

American Diabetes Anderson Hospital Association Auxiliary 9440 Manchester Rd. St. Louis, MO 63119 314-277-7116.

American Heart Association 1501 McCord Ste. 3 Centralia, IL 62801 800-637-8666.

American Lung Association 1600 Golfview Dr. Collinsville, IL 62234

POB Classrooms Anderson Hospital Maryville 345-1540, 288-5711

ANGEL Cancer Support group (Amazing Neighbors Guiding and Educating Loved ones) Contact Sharie, 304-0466 Cancer Support group for patients, survivors, family and friends. Meets from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at Troy UMC.

Arthritis Foundation One Memorial Drive, Alton, IL 62002 463-7247

Baha’i of Edwardsville Local Spiritual Assembly

Bread for the World Edwardsville Chapter Contact: Jane, 659-3582

Business Network International (BNI) Glen-Ed Chapter

P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville 62025 656-4142.

Contacts: Kathy, 581-0123; Joan, 659-9802; Tina, 205-4637; Lisa, 4078448; Barb, 692-9282; or Jerry, 7956822.meet from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. every Wednesday, at Eden Village Retirement Center

Big Brothers/ Sisters

Cancer Support Group

2850 Homer Adams Parkway, Alton, IL 62002; 465-4404 6400 West Main St. Belleville, IL 62223 398-3162

Boy Scouts (Trails West Council) 1055 Harrison Wood River, IL 62095 259-2145

Boy Scouts of America Troop 34 180 Summit Street Glen Carbon, IL 62034, 288-8726

Eden United Church of Christ 903 North Second St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 236-1010, ext. 150

Cancer Support Group St. Joseph’s Hospital Highland, IL 62249 654-7421, ext. 2306 Meets from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in Jehle Hall.

Compassionate Friends Madison County chapter meets at the Wood River Fire Station on

the first Friday of each month. Wood River IL 62095 Contact: Louis, 656-4359; Jean, 659-0369

Center of the Easter Seal Society of Southwestern Illinois 602 East 3rd Street Alton 62002 462-7325

Cub Scouts Pack 34 Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-6493

Daughters of Isabella Meets at K of C Hall in Edwardsville at 7:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month

Daughters of the American Revolution P.O. Box 567 Edwardsville IL 62025 656-4223. See "CLUBS" on Page 21

Page 20 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 21

Clubs Continued from Page 19

Daughters of Union Veterans 221 North Filmore, Apt. 6, Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-2541

8781 or e-mail dbsamc@yahoo .com.

Society of Southwest Illinois

Diabetes Support Group

602 East Third St. Alton, IL 62024 462-7325

Gateway Regional Medical Center 2100 Madison Ave. Granite City, IL 798-3850

East Side Radio

Demolay 522 Franklin Troy, IL 62294 667-6238

Control Club 157 North Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-5021

DAV, Jack Graichen, Chapter Divorce Care 90

Edwardsville American Legion Post No. 199

216 Crane St. Edwardsville, 62025 288-5442; 656-4604 Meets monthly on the first Thursday at 7 p.m., at Hays Mallory Center

P.O. Box 619 Edwardsville 62025 656-9774, 656-6355 Meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) A support group for anyone with a mood disorder, their family and/or friends. Meeting are conducted from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Anderson Hospital in Maryville on Level B in Classroom B next to the cafeteria. For information, call Diane at 667-

Eden United Church of Christ 903 North Second St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 Contact Joyce, 656-4330 Meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at the church.

Disabled American Edwardsville American Legion Veterans 2080 Jolly Rodger Drive Post 199 Auxiliary Edwardsville IL 62025 58 Illinois Route 157 South 656-9774


Ducks Unlimited Edwardsville-Glen chapter Contact: 637-5397

Easter Seal

Edwardsville Anglers’ Association P.O. Box 361

Now Offering:

Marine 62061 887-4075

Edwardsville Business and Professional Women

Edwardsville Chapter Illinois Wildlife Federation Edwardsville Sportmen Club 835 Madison Edwardsville IL 62025 656-6311

P.O. Box 831 Edwardsville, IL 62025 345-6700

See "CLUBS" on Page 22

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Page 22 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clubs Continued from Page 21

Edwardsville ELL Club St. John United Methodist Church 7372 Marine Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Contact: Tad Armstrong, 656-6770

Edwardsville Garden Club Meets at 1 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month at the Glen Carbon Senior Center. Contact: BJ, 655-0329; bjgates@charter.net Edwardsville, IL 62025

Edwardsville Gun Club 4104 Staunton Rd. P.O. Box 552 Edwardsville 62025 656-2875.

Edwardsville/Glen Carbon Chamber of Commerce

200 University Park. Ste. 260, Edwardsville 62025 656-7600

Meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Edwardsville Knights of Columbus Hall

Edwardsville Human Relations Commission

Edwardsville Masonic Lodge No. 99

118 Third Ave. Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-7731

131 Hillsboro Ave., Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-7137

Edwardsville Jaycees

Edwardsville Municipal Band

P.O. Box 72 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Contact Eric: 692-4797 Meets on the first Wesnesday of each month at the Edwardsville Knights of Columbus Hall.

5032 North State Route 159 Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-1932

Edwardsville Kiwanis Club 800 North Main St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 Contact: Dee, 288-3341 Meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at Immanual Methodist Church

Edwardsville Lions Club P.O. Box 55 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Contact Wade: 656-6200

Edwardsville Republican Women Contact: Mrs. Keith Loemker, 656-2095 Meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Madison Mutual Building.

Edwardsville Senior Citizens Center 1003 North Main St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-0300

Edwardsville Township Community Improvement Corps

Emotions Anonymous 6600 West Main St. Belleville, IL 62222 234-0934

Exchange Club of Madison County

5225 Station Rd. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-9465

Contact Todd Groshans 877-446-6787, 288-7226.

Edwardsville Rotary Club

Friends of Leclaire

P O Box 593 Edwardsville, IL 62025, 656-1206

P.O. Box 644 Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-7422, 656-8122

Edwardsville VFW Post 1299

Gamblers Anonymous

Edwardsville 659-9335 The VFW post and its Auxiliary meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Moose Lodge.

Edwardsville Woodworkers Glen Carbon Senior/ Community Center 157 North Main Glen Carbon 62034 Contact Bill, 656-5040 Meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

Meets at 1 p.m. every Wednesday at First Baptist Church 7110 Illinois Route 162 Maryville IL 62062 667-8221, 558-8071

Friends of the Glen Carbon Library Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-5490 See "CLUBS" on Page 23

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 23

Clubs Continued from Page 22

Gateway East Artists Guild P.O. Box 528 Collinsville IL 62234 398-1209

Glen Carbon American Legion Post 435 190 Main St., Glen Carbon 62034 288-7119; Meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month.

Glen Carbon American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 435 190 North Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034

Glen Carbon Book Club Meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Glen Carbon Library.

Glen Carbon Centennial Library 124 School St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-1212

Glen Carbon Jaycees P.O. Box 221 Glen Carbon 62034 288-5845

Glen Carbon Kiwanis Club 572 Glen Crossing Rd. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-6275; Meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Community Center

Glen-Ed Ministerial Alliance

Historical and Museum Commission Glen Carbon Heritage Museum 124 School Road Glen Carbon, IL Meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

Glen Carbon Residents Advisory Board For information, contact Norma, 288-5324 Meets at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Public Safety Facility, 149 Main, Glen Carbon.

Glen Carbon Seniors Glen Carbon Senior/ Community Center 157 North Main Glen Carbon 62034 Contacts: Lionel Portell, 6920548; William Newman, 2887748; Carl Rinkel, 656-1108; or Walter Page, 452-7883.

Glen Carbon VFW Post 2222 190 North Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-9747 Meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Glen Carbon.

Goshen Preservation Alliance 253 Coventry, P.O. Box 303 Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-1611, 655-0054

Grandparents Support Group First Baptist Church 7110 State Route 162 Maryville, IL 62062 Contact: Pat, 877-4420, ext. 3031 Meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the church.

Contact: Ronda, 931-2834 Meets at Jerry’s Cafeteria, 1920 Edison Ave., in Granite City, from noon to 1 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month.

P.O. Box 623 Edwardsville IL 62025 Contact Phil, 656-7445 Conduct meetings 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at Madison Mutual Insurance Building, beginning at 7 p.m. in the community room.

GriefShare Eden United Church of Christ 903 North Second St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 Contact: Joyce, 656-4330 A non-denominational support group. Meets ever Tuesday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the church.

Illinois Wildlife Federation

Great Books Reading Group

International Hospitality Program

Edwardsville Public Library 112 South Kansas St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-7556, 656-9387, 650-2338.

Greater Gateway Association of REALTORS No. 10 Ginger Creek Parkway Glen Carbon, IL 62034 692-8300

Hoedowners Square Dance Club 633 North Wood River Ave. Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-8092, 377-9887

EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS 618-656-2574 Mark S. Blythe President

125 5th Ave. P.O. Box 756 Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-7506.

Glen Carbon

Household Pest Control Termite control

305 South Illinois St. Belleville, IL 62220 235-1703

Illinois Innovators and Inventors Club


Glen-Ed Food Pantry

Hospice of Southern Illinois

Granite City Kiwanis Club

Holiday Shores Garden Club

903 South Second St, Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-4330

357 Wanda Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-5639

Commercial Residental

Troy Road, Box 294 Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-6611

10 Country Maples Glen Carbon 62034 288-3175; also 5116 Maryville Rd., Granite City, IL 62040

Infant Loss Support Group Madison County Health Department 101 East Edwardsville Road Wood River, IL 62095 Contact: Carla, 296-6062. Meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month.

International Women's Organization 5116 Maryville Road

Granite City, IL 62040 931-0041, 656-0548, 931-0041 Meets at Madison Mutual Building in Edwardsville.

Junior Service Club of Edwardsville/Glen Carbon P.O. Box 414 Edwardsville, IL 62025 650-0971

Knights of Columbus 7132 Marine Road Edwardsville 62025 656-4985

Knights of Columbus Council 13216 St. Cecilia Church Council 155 North Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Contact: Walt, 288-5543 Meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the parish hall.

Knights Ladies Auxiliary of St. Cecilia’s 155 North Main Street Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month in the church parish

Korean War Veterans Association Swansea Improvement Association Building 301 Service Street Swansea, IL 62220 624-5418 Meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month . See "CLUBS" on Page 24

Page 24 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clubs Continued from Page 23

Land of Goshen Rotary Club Leche League League of Women Voters

Little League 701 Hale Edwardsville 62025 692-1725

Ed/Glen Little League Association P.O. Box 114 Edwardsville, IL 62025

6562 North State Route 159 Edwardsville 62025 656-0735

1702 Waverly Collinsville, IL 62234 345-0255

Madison County Retired Teachers’ Association 1320 Pine St., Apt. B-1 Highland, IL 62249 654-1112.

960-6666 Madison County Trailblazers Saddle Metro East Club Landlord’s 8946 Wieseman Road Association Worden, IL 62097 459-3421

Marijuana Anonymous Intensive Out-Patient Care 156 North Main, Suite 202 Edwardsville, IL 62025

2919 South Belt West Suite D, Belleville 877-MELA Meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the American Legion, Oak Room, 1022 Vandalia in Collinsville.

Madison County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 631 Edwardsville 62025 656-2299 Meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Edwardsville Library, except in July and December.

The Edwardsville Intelligencer and Madison County Homes have partnered

Madison County Historical Museum and Archival Library 715 North Main Edwardsville 62025 656-7562; 656-7569


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P.O. Box 55 Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-7445

Madison County Computer Club

900 Hillsboro Edwardsville 62025 656-5191

Collinsville, IL 62234 931-8594

Lions Club of Edwardsville


Madison County Farm Bureau

110 North Meridian Glen Carbon, IL 62034

1026 Grande Ave. P.O. Box 841 Edwardsville 62025 656-7229


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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 25

Clubs Continued from Page 24

Metro East Social Singles St. Clair Bowl 5850 Old Collinsville Rd., O’Fallon IL 62269 332-0891

Metro-East Model Railroad Club 180 Summit Street Glen Carbon, IL 62034 931-1705

Metro East Home Child Care Association Our Lords Lutheran Church 150 Wilma Drive Maryville, IL Meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, except August, November and December.

Metro Soccer Club 3 Glen West Drive B Glen Carbon, IL 62034 288-6234

Mississippi Valley Handicap Club 214 Goulding Alton IL 62002 Contact: Carol Sheridan

Monday Club 33 Ginger Lake S. Dr., Glen Carbon 62034 656-1179

Montclaire Pool Association 401 Harvard Dr. Edwardsville 62025 656-1123

To advertise with the Intelligencer or to inquire about advertising rates

Montessori Society 1120 St. Louis Edwardsville, IL 62025 650-3618

Chestnut Clubhouse annex, 1310 21st St., in Granite City.

Narcotics Moose Lodge 1561 Anonymous P.O. Box 182 506 Goshen Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-5051

Edwardsville, IL 62025 398-9409 Newcomers and Neighbors of Edwardsville/Glen Carbon The first Monday of each month a Coffee Chat Group meets from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Wise Choice Coffee in Edwardsville. For more information, call Carol at 659-9193.

Muscular Dystrophy Association 1023 Big Bend Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63117 314-644-2828

Nicotine Anonymous

NAACP 8405 Goshen Road Edwardsville 62025 656-5066

National Alliance on Mental Ilness — Granite City

Conducts Care and Share support meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for individuals with mental illness (consumers) and their family members or caregivers at the Chestnut Clubhouse Annex, 2054 Edison in Granite City. Call 7989788.

Meets at St. Claire Hospital 915 East 5th St. Alton, IL 254-2392.

Overeaters Anonymous 314-638-6070; 234-0934 www.overeatersanonymous.org Meets from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Monday at Esic University Baptist Church in Edwardsville

Parents Anonymous Support Group 1002 College Ave. Alton, IL 62002 462-2714.

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Parents Without (NARFE) Meets on the second Tuesday of Partners each month, except July and August, at Ravanelli, 3 American Village Shopping Center, in Granite City. 344-3896

National Alliance on Mental Illness — Madison County Meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the

Contact: 692-1079

Parkinson’s Support Group Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. Contact: Sue, 637-2120, or Jewel, 659-9750

Pin Oak Seniors

Contact 656-3232 Meets on the fourth Thursday of each month

2100 Madison Ave., Granite City, IL 798-3800

Professional Secretary International

Sexual Abuse Survivors

1038 Danforth Alton 62002 462-7261.

Quercus Grove Ladies Club

SHARE Breast Cancer Support Group

7433 Jerusalem Road Edwardsville 62025 656-4678.

Contact: Cindy, 288,5711, ext. 447, or Barb, 656-2678 Meets on the third Thursday, with the exception of August and December, at 7 p.m. at Anderson Hospital in Maryville

Quercus Grove Rural Club 7433 Jerusalem Roa Edwardsville, IL 62025 618-656-4678

Down’s Syndrome Support Group 10 Gateway Dr. Collinsville 346-5628, 667-8771.

Single Parents Group Troy United Methodist Church 703 Guinevere, Troy, IL 667-0225, 667-6241

Shut In Club 4307 Highway 159 South Glen Carbon, IL 62034

River Bluffs Girl Scout Council

Singles Connection

No. 4 Ginger Creek Parkway Glen Carbon, IL 62034 692-0692 Salvation Army 5829 Old Poag Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-8940

P.O. Box 752 Edwardsville 62025 Contact: Lee, 656-0323

Southern Illinois Divorced/ Separated

SAR General George Rogers Clark Chapter 309 South Charles Edwardsville 62025; 656-1400

Senior Circle Gateway Regional Medical Center,

Catholics St. Boniface School 128 North Buchanan Edwardsville, IL 62025 465-1463 See "CLUBS" on Page 28


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Page 26 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Religious Directory Troy United Methodist Church 407 Edwardsville Road Troy, IL 62294 618-667-6241 • www.troyumc.org * Sunday Worship at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m * Sunday Evening Worship at 6:00 p.m. * 1st Step Learning Center Preschool for 2, 3 & 4 year olds

First Presbyterian Church 237 N. Kansas, Edwardsville, IL (Located 1 Block North of Post Office)

Worship: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 a.m. For music, youth and other activities call:

618-656-4550 Planning for a new facility, check it out at


JOIN US FOR St. Boniface Catholic Church Sunday Mass Times 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Saturday Vigil Mass Time 4:15 pm Mass Times Monday 5:45 pm, Wednesday 6:45 pm Tuesday & Thurday - 8:00 am Friday 8:00 am

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• Sunday Worship - 10:45 am • Christian Education for all ages: • Sunday - 9:30 am • Wednesday - 6:30 pm (during school year, meal @ 6:00 pm)

First Baptist Church of Edwardsville 534 St. Louis Street 656-1008 • edfbc.org One Lord, One Church, Reaching All People

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 27

Religious Directory Immanuel United Methodist Church

St. James Lutheran Church

800 N. Main Street - Edwardsville - (618) 656-4648

146 North Main Street Glen Carbon, IL 62034

The Old Church with the New Attitude Journey’s Inn Praise Service 9 am Traditional Worship 10 am Sunday School 11:15 am

Encouraging One Another, Walking By Faith, Seeking The Face Of God


Sunday: Bible Class at 9:15 Worship Service at 10:30

Paul Baumann, Pastor Telephone: 618.288.6120

Come Join Us Sunday email: stjames146@sbcglobal.net

Apostolic Tabernacle

The Religious Center

at SIUE has a new name!

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1201 N. Second Street • Edwardsville, IL 62025


Sunday School – 10 am Sunday Morning Worship - 11 am Sunday Evening – 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Class – 7:30 pm Free Home Bible Studies www.apostolictabernacleil.org Senior Pastor Harold Williams

Pastor Joshua Williams

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The Rev. Virginia L. Bennett, D. Min.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 406 Hillsboro Avenue (Corner Hillsboro & Buchanan) Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 618-656-1929 standrews-edwardsville.com

Offering the same great services to the campus and regional community, the center offers an affordable venue for Weddings, Memorial Services and Meetings. Although the center is located on the beautiful campus of SIUE, we are a not for profit organization independent of the university. Come tour our local landmark building designed by renowned architect R. Buckminister Fuller.

Contact us: (618) 650-3246 or siue.edu/religion

Page 28 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Post Offices

City of Alton 101 East Third St., Alton, IL 62002; 463-3522 www.alton-il.com

Officials Mayor: Donald Sandidge; Clerk: Mary Boulds; Treasurer: Cynthia Roth; Attorney: Lany Darr; Comptroller: Stephanie Elliot

Aldermen David Boulds, Charles Brake, Gary Fleming, Phil Hanrahan, Joe Maher Jr., James Ryan, Alice Martin. Meetings are conducted on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Important numbers Fire — 463-3565 Police — 463-3505 Public Works — 463-3530. Director: Jim Hernandez

Village of St. Jacob 213 North Douglas, St. Jacob, IL 62281; 644-5666 www.stjacobil.com

Officials Mayor: Ray Muniz; Village Clerk: Dawn Miller

Trustees Jared Reilson, Tim Thompson, Hank Robards, Ryan Junker, Ken Miller, Laura Meyer Meetings are conducted on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Important numbers • Police — 644-5654. Chief: Larry Morietta • Fire — 644-5751. Chief: Scott Prange

Village of Marine P.O. Box 136, Marine, IL 62061; 887-4531

Officials Village President: John Deppe; Village Clerk: Paula Corradi; Village Treasurer: C. Miller Hurst; Attorney: George Marron III.

Trustees Robert Barelett, Robert Bassett, Lowell Mills, John Molitor, Thelma Vernatti, William Ferris. The Village Board meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Important numbers • Police — 887-4326. Chief: Perry Friddle • Fire — 887-4221

Edwardsville 132 North Kansas St. Edwardsville, IL 62025-9998 656-8460

Edwardsville, Station #1 6 Hairpin Dr. Edwardsville, IL 62026-0001

Glen Carbon 104 North Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 62034-9998 288-9503

Maryville 1 Oak Dr. Maryville, IL 62062-9998 288-1720

South Roxana 104 Roxana Ave. South Roxana, IL 62087-9998 254-3692

Troy 515 Edwardsville Rd. Troy, IL 62294-9998 667-6421

Roxana 315 South Central Ave. Roxana, IL 62084-9998 254-2924

Mitchell 506 East Chain of Rocks Rd. Granite City, IL 62040-2881 931-1794

Hamel 143 West State St. Hamel, IL 62046-9800 633-2526

Wood River 161 E. Ferguson Ave. Wood River, IL 62095-9998

Clubs Continued from Page 25

Ties, Needles and Threads (TNT) Guild Contact: 692-9252 Meets at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the Glen Carbon New Bethel United Methodist Church in Glen Carbon.

Toastmasters 4129 5 Eastport Plaza Dr., Collinsville, IL 62234 692-6026 Meets on the first, third and fifth Tuesday of each month, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in a meeting room at Ponderosa Steak House, 5 Eastport Plaza in Collinsville.




Saint Jacob

115 West Central St. Bethalto, IL 62010-9998 377-8714

309 North Douglas St. Saint Jacob, IL 62281-9998 644-5603


Granite City

31 North Main St. Moro, IL 62067 377-6721

2350 Madison Ave. Granite City, IL 62040-9998 877-0700

Cottage Hills


36 West Maccarthur Dr. Cottage Hills, IL 62018-9998 259-2212

113 South Long St. Caseyville, IL 62232-9998 344-4594

East Alton


200 Smith Ave. East Alton, IL 62024-9998 259-8721

506 East Main St. Alhambra, IL 62001-9998 488-7938

Marine 120 East Magnolia St. Marine, IL 62061-9800 887-4729

Collinsville 130 South Center St. Collinsville, IL 62234-9998 344-1433

Worden 101 East Wall St. Worden, IL 62097-9998 459-3600

Nameoki 3236 Nameoki Rd. Granite City, IL 62040-5008 877-0450

Dorsey 4611 Seiler Rd. Dorsey, IL 62021 377-6222

Alton 727 Belle St. Alton, IL 62002-9998 452-2501

Livingston 301 South Livingston Ave. Livingston, IL 62058-9800 637-2135

Highland 801 Main St. Highland, IL 62249-9998 654-6791

Godfrey 400 Tolle Ln. Godfrey, IL 62035-9998 466-3121

Bunker Hill 105 East Fayette St. Bunker Hill, IL 62014-9998

Upper Alton


1624 Main St. Alton, IL 62002-3970

113 South Edwardsville St. Staunton, IL62088-9998

TOPS Club 886

209 S. Main, Troy 667-9727, 667-6013

1914 Esic Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-2955 Meets at 9:30 a.m. every Monday at the Madison Mutual Insurance Building in Edwardsville.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club 2479 310 South Main St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 Meets at 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday at First Christian Church in Edwardsville

Trinity Lutheran MOPS Group (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) 656-2918

Troy Genealogical Society Tri-Township Library

United Way of Greater St. Louis Southwest Illinois Division (SWID) 620 E. Broadway P.O. Box 70 Alton, IL 62002 462-1234

Woodcarvers & Crafters Glen Carbon Comunity/ Senior Center 157 North Main Street Glen Carbon, IL 62034

Women in Business Contact: Susan, 692-4300 Meets at GC Cuisine on University Drive in Edwardsville on the second Tuesday of each month from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 29

Madison County Government Board Members

Departments Animal Control Animal Control Auditor Board Of Review Building & Lands Assessment Office Child Advocacy Ctr. Circuit Clerk Circuit Court Community Dev. County Board County Clerk County Coroner Historical Museum Emergency Mgmt. Employment, Training Environmental Lab Health Department Highway Department Information Systems Jury Commission Juvenile Detention Law Library License Investigation Liquor Comm. Maps & Plats Mental Health Park & Recreation Planning & Dev. Probation Public Defender Recorder Reg. Sup. of Schools Safety & Risk Mgmt. Sheltered Care Home Sheriff State's Attorney Support Services Treasurer Veteran's Assistance 9-1-1 Emergency

692-1701 692-1701 296-4011 692-6210 296-4568 692-6270 296-5390 296-4470 296-4580 692-8940 296-4341 692-6290 692-7478 656-7562 692-0537 692-8942 296-5234 692-8954 296-4540 296-4555 296-4599 692-1002 296-5921 296-5205 296-4341 296-4586 296-4357 296-4386 296-4468 692-6255’ 692-7474 692-8919 296-4530 296-4567 692-6003 692-6087 692-6280 296-4219 692-6260 296-4554 296-5911

Judy Kuhn (R)

Jean Myers (R)

Kristen Kovacich (D)

2664 State Route 160 Highland, IL 62249 654-8281

8332 Maple Grove Troy, IL 62294 667-6577

2828 Dogwood Granite City, IL 62040 451-2523

Christopher Wangard (R)

Mark Burris (D)

Arthur Asadorian (D)

702 Huntley Court Troy, IL 62294 667-5991

861 Halloran Wood River, IL 62095 254-2292

William S. Meyer (R)

Bruce Malone (D)

P.O. Box 7 Hamel, IL 62046 633-2252

2219 Marquette Drive Alton, IL 62002 467-0196

Kelly Tracy (D)

Nathan Hartman (D)

111 West Linden St. Marine, IL 62061 520-8919

515 Vermont Bethalto, IL 62010 377-0340

Katherine M. Smith (R)

Larry Trucano (D)

#19 Woodland Hills Court Alton, IL 62002

Stephen Adler (R)

No. 5 Driftwood Lane Collinsville, IL 62234 344-6687

Chris Slusser (R)

1212 Bridge Park Dr. Alton, IL 62002 550-9539

2 Eastmore Court Wood River, IL 62095 254-9400

Mike Walters (R)

Helen Hawkins (D)

5221 Foxglove Lane Godfrey, IL 62035 466-0707

2600 Angela Dr. Granite City, IL 62040 797-6009

Michael Holliday (D) 2201 Edwards Alton, IL 62002 465-6974

Peggy Voumard (D) 3904 Aberdeen Alton, IL 62002 465-7430

Richard Fancher (D) 3403 Franklin Ave. Granite City, IL 62040 876-8212

Hal Patton (R) 101 Pleasant Ridge Dr. Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-9733 (h) 656-2277 (w)

Jack Minner (D)

3316 Colagate Place Granite City, IL 62040 451-1353

Nick Petrillo (D) 2230 Cleveland Blvd. Granite City, IL 62040 876-5556

Gussie Glasper (D) 517 Fillmore Ave. Venice, IL 62090 451-9549

Kent Scheibel (D) 893 Malibu Way Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-9536

Allan Schuler (D) 2 Hanson Dr. Granite City, IL 62040 931-4163

Brenda Roosevelt (D) 19 Crestood Dr. Glen Carbon, IL 62034s 288-2953

M. Joe Semanisin (D) 00 Bauer Ln. - P.O. Box 1 Maryville, IL 62062 288-7422

Joyce Fitzgerald (D)

632 Harvard Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-8084

207 Fairview Collinsville, IL 62034 344-2743

Steve Brazier (D)

Larry Trucano (D)

37 Bert Ave. East Alton, IL 62024 465-3692

No. 5 Driftwood Lane Collinsville, IL 62234 344-6687

Administration 157 North SMain St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-6200 www.co.madison.il.us/

County Clerk Mark A. Von Nida County Admn.Building 157 N. Main Street, Suite 109 Edwardsville, IL 62025-0218 296-4482

Board Chairman Alan J. Dunstan County Admn.Building 157 N. Main Street, Suite 165 Edwardsville, IL 62025-1963 296-4341

Sheriff Robert J. Hertz 405 Randle Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-6087

State’s Attorney

William A. Mudge County Admn.Building 157 N. Main Street, Suite 402 Edwardsville, IL 62025-1969 296-5381

Courthouse 155 North Main St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 692-6200

Circuit Clerk Matt Melucci Madison County Courthouse 155 N. Main Street, Suite 120 Edwardsville, IL 62025 296-4470

Elected Officials U.S. President Barrack Obama

The White House; 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C., 20500, 202-456-1414 TTY/TDD: 202-456-2121 Fax: 202-456-2461

State Officials Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Office of the Goernor 207 Statehouse Springfield, IL, 62706 217-782-0244

Secretary of State Jesse White 213 Statehouse Springfield, IL, 62706 217-782-2201.

Attorney Gen. Lisa Madigan 500 South Second Springfield, IL, 62706 (217) 782-1090 201 West Point Drive, Ste. 7 Bellevile IL 62226 236-8616

Comptroller Daniel W. Hynes 201 Statehouse Springfield, IL, 62706 217-782-6000

Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias 219 Statehouse Springfield, IL 62706 217-782-2211

State Representatives Jay Hoffman

263-L Stratton Building Springfield, IL 62706 217-782-8018; 214 St. Louis Street Edwardsville IL 62025 692-9710

Ron Stephens

259-S Stratton Building Springfield, IL 62706 217-782-5996

State Senators Bill Haine

M120 Capitol Building Springfield IL 62706 217-782-5247

207 Henry Street, Suite 210 Alton IL 62002 465-4784

U.S. Senators Roland W. Burris

523 Dirksen Senate Office Bdg. Washington, D.C. 20510 202-228-2854 607 East Adams Street, Suite 1520 Springfield, IL 62701 217-492-5089

Richard Durbin

364 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-2152; 525 South Eighth St. Springfield, IL 62703 217-492-4062

U.S. Representatives John Shimkus

2452 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-5271; 240 Regency Centre Collinsville, IL 62234 344-3065

Jerry Costello

2454 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-5661; 1363 Niedringhaus Ave. Granite City, IL. 62040 451-7065.

Page 30 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Colleges and Universities Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Edwardsville, IL 62026 650-2000 www.siue.edu SIUE offers undergraduate degrees in numerous schools - including business, education, engineering, fine arts and communications, humanities, nursing, sciences, social sciences and the University College, which includes a number of special programs and master's degree programs.

www.lc.cc.il.us/ A two-year school offering classes in academics and in occupational areas such as agriculture, automotive, criminal justice, data processing, dental assisting, marketing, drafting, nursing,

real estate and secretarial skills.

Blackburn College 700 College Ave. Carlinville, IL 62626 www.blackburn.edu

A private, independent, non-profit institution.

Greenville College 315 East College Ave.

Greenville, IL 62246 664-1840; Web site, www.greenville.edu See "COLLEGE" on Page 32

Southwestern Illinois College 2500 Carlyle Road Belleville, IL 62221 235-2700 www.southwestern.cc.il.us SWIC’s main campus is in Belleville, but it also has a center in Granite City and offers programs throughout the region.

Lewis and Clark Community College Benjaim Godfrey Campus 5800 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035-2466 618-468-LCCC; 800-YES-LCCC

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Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 31

District No. 7 School System District Office 708 St. Louis St. Edwardsville, IL 62025 656-1182 Web site: www.ecusd7.org

Superintendent Dr. Ed Hightower

Board Members Board President Greg Roosevelt 19 Crestwood Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Dorothy Hummel 7 Julie Lane Edwardsville, IL 62025 Jill Bertels 8606 Bertels Road Dorsey, IL 62021 Monica Laurent 3724 Merkel Edwardsville, IL 62025 Bob Perica 347 Wanda Edwardsville, IL 62025 Brad Hewitt 6 Sunset Hills Blvd. N Edwarsville, IL 62025 Paul Pitts

110 North Buchanan St., Edwardsville, IL 6202; 656-6917

Trinity Lutheran School 600 Water St. Edwardsville. IL 62025; 656-7002

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Parochial School System St. Boniface Catholic School

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Page 32 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

Regional Attractions Southern and Eastern Madison County Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site 30 Ramey Street Collinsville 618-346-5160 Giant earthen mounds, the remains of a prehistoric Native American civilization, are being preserved at this site. An interpretative center, tours and events help visitors explore the fascinating culture that disappeared around 1400 A.D.

The Chidren's Museum 722 Holyoake Road Edwardsville, IL 618-692-2094 The Children's Museum provides hands-on interactive educational enrichment to stimulate curiosity and motivate learning. The Museum's exhibits, programs, and fun, creative environment fosters imaginative exploration in children age infant-1 2. For additional information visit The Children's Museum website.

Collinsville Historic Museum 408 W. Main Street Collinsville 618-344-1112 Local historians have put together this museum of local artifacts including a collection of Blum cowbells. Hours are limited so call in advance for hours of operation.

Glen Carbon Historical Museum 124 School Street Glen Carbon 618-288-1549 The Museum has a series of books about local prehistory and history. Also on display are artifacts from a Middle Woodland Village site and the Yanda Log Cabin. Open every Wednesday from 12 pm to 4 pm or by appointment.

Horseshoe Lake State Park 3321 Highway 111 Granite City 618-931-0270 2,960 acre park centered around an oxbow lake with bird watching, nature trails, camping, fishing, hunting and other recreational activities.

Kaeser Park and Museum 1739 E. Broadway Highland 618-654-7957 Originally a stagecoach stop, this 1840s brick structure houses a museum operated by the Highland Historical Society and features historical items from Highland’s business community. The museum is open by appointment only with a minimum of 10 guests.

Latzer Homestead 1464 Old Trenton Road Highland 618-654-7957 Louis Latzer developed the Helvetia Milk Condensing Company in 1885 (the name was later changed to Pet Milk.) The success of the company allowed Latzer to build a large, modern home for his family of seven children. The house was one of the first in the community to have the modern features telephones, running water, and a manufactured gas light system. This homestead is available for group tours by appointment.

Leclaire Village Edwardsville Developed by industrialist N.O. Nelson in the late 1800s as a model company town, Leclaire Village is a national historic district in the heart of Edwardsville. For additional information visit the Edwardsville/ Glen Carbon Chamber of Commerce website.

Madison County Historical Museum 715 N. Main Street

Edwardsville 618-656-7562 Housed in the eight room Federal style mansion built by Dr. John Weir in 1836, this museum showcases and interprets the history of Madison County. Adjacent to the Weir house is an archival library.

Morris University Center Art Gallery SIUE Campus Edwardsville, IL 618-650-2996 The Art Gallery is located on the second floor of the Morris University Center and displays various exhibits throughout the year, free of charge. Often speakers will give a lunch hour discussion on the current exhibit. For additional information visit the Morris University Center website.

Myer Arboretum SIUE Campus Edwardsville This 38-acre arboretum in memory of SIUE biology professor, Donal G. Myer, contains native foliage, plants, and trees. Its oak savannah allows visitors to experience the prairie that dominated Illinois before European settlers transformed the state.

Old Six-Mile Museum 3279 Maryville Road Granite City, IL 618-877-1208 The 158-year-old EmmertZippel House has displays of Civil War artifacts, a Native American collection, and 1830s furnishings.

Splash City Family Waterpark 10 Gateway Drive

College Continued from Page 30 A private, non-profit college affiliated with the Free Methodist Church of North America.

McKendree College 701 College Road Lebanon, IL 62254 537-4481 A private, independent, non-profit college affiliated with the United Methodist Church.

Illinois College 2500 Carlyle Belleville, IL 62222 257-0961 www.ic.edu

Vatterott College 3925 Industrial Drive St. Ann, MO 63074 314-428-5900 www.vatterott-college.com

Harris Stowe State

Collinsville 618-346-4571 Splash City Family Waterpark is a great place for family fun and offers something for every member of the family: surfing and bodyboarding a surf simulator, two 150-foot long water slides, a lap pool and the 50foot-tall fortress of fun, Monsoon Mountain. Splash City is open Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. For additional information visit the Splash City website.

Watershed Nature Center 1591 Tower Road Edwardsville, IL 618- 692-7578 This 46-acre nature center is made up of wetlands, tallgrass prairie, and upland forests and features a 3,000foot wheelchair-accessible pathway, wood-chipped trails, 2 observation towers, a wildlife viewing blind, an outdoor amphitheatre, and a Welcome Center. For additional information visit the Watershed Nature Center website.

Willoughby Farm 631 Willoughby Lane Collinsville 618-346-7529 Willoughby Heritage Farm and Conservation Reserve is a recreation facility that educates visitors about the Midwestern family farm of the 1920-1950s, the region’s plant and animal life, and geological history. The farm features over three miles of trails, a 1940s-style garden, the original farm house, two restored barns and period farm equipment. Goats, chickens and rabbits, as well as local wildlife, call Willoughby home. Admission is free. For

additional information visit the Willoughby Farm website.

World's Largest Catsup Bottle Collinsville Built in 1949 and saved from destruction and restored in 1995, this piece of mid 20th century popculture Americana is a free, 24 hour drive-by roadside attraction south of Main Street on IL-159. For additional information visit the Official Website and Fan Club website.

Yanda Log Cabin Main Street Glen Carbon Recently renovated 19th century log cabin from the "Land of Goshen" era.

Fairmont Park Collinsville 9301 Collinsville Road 618-345-4300

Alton Area The Beall Mansion An Elegant Bed & Breakfast Inn 407 E. 12th Street Alton 618-474-9100 Voted “Best of Illinois—Illinois Magazine Readers Poll. Tour the mansion built as a wedding gift. Designed by world famous architect, Lucas Pfeiffenberger, explore the history, architecture, furnishings, and artwork of this historic property. See "REGION" on Page 33



3026 Laclede St. Louis, MO 63103 314-340-3300 www.hssu.edu/

4431 Finney Ave., St. Louis, MO s63113 314-371-0236 www.ranken.edu

Kaskaskia College

Webster University

27010 College Road Centralia IL 62801 800-642-0859, 545-3000 www.kc.cc.il.us

470 East Lockwood Ave. Webster Groves, MO 63119 314-968-7000 www.webster.edu/

Lindenwood College

St. Louis University

www.lindenwood.edu 209 S. Kingsway St. Louis, MO 314-949-2000

221 North Grand, St. Louis MO 63103 314-977-2222 http://www.slu.edu/

Maryville University of St. University of Missouri Louis St. Louis 650 Maryville University Drive St Louis, MO 63141-7299 314-529-930 www.maryville.edu/

Ranken Technical

1 University Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63121 314-516-5000. www.umsl.edu St. Louis., 8001 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis 314-553-5961

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 33

Village of Roxana 400 South Central Ave., Roxana, IL 62087; 254-0345 www.roxana-il.org/

Officials Village President: Felix Floyd; Village Clerk: Nona Auston; Treasurer: Dawn Diveley; Attorney: Dean Sweet.

Trustees Glen Vinyard, Jack LaTempt, Scott Word, Chris White, Jim Lloyd, Mark Diveley. Meetings are conducted on the first and third Mondays at 7:30 p.m.

Important numbers Fire — 254-8293 Police — 254-2228. Chief: Richard Farthing

State of Illinois Departments Regulation

Department on Aging 421 E. Capitol, St. 100 Springfield, IL 62701-1789 217-785-3356

500 East Monroe St. Springfield, IL 62701 217-782-3000

Dept. of Agriculture

Dept. of Human Rights

State Fairgrounds Springfield, IL 62794 217-782-2172

Dept. of Children and Family Services 406 East Monroe Springfield, IL 62701 217-785-2509

Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity 620 East Adams Springfield, IL 62701 217-782-7500

222 South College, Rm 1001A Springfield, IL 62704 217-785-5100

Dept. of Human Services 100 South Grand Ave. E. Third Floor Springfield, IL 62762 217-557-1601

Illinois Emergency Management Agency 100 East Adams Springfield, IL 62701 217-782-2700

Dept. of Corrections

Village of South Roxana

1301 Concordia Ct., P.O. Box 19277 Springfield, IL 62794 217-522-2666

211 Sinclair Ave., South Roxana, IL 62087; 254-2086, 254-7460 www.southroxana.net/

Dept. of Employment Security


Dept. of Financial and Professional

Village President: Kenny Beasley; Village Clerk: Tina Carpenter; Attorney: Debbie Meadows.

Trustees Tony Venezia, Wanda Holmes, Sonny Cawvey, Dwight Duke, Terrah Bevolo, Sonny Stahlhut.

Important numbers Fire — 254-1088 Police — 254-7460. Chief: Dennis Smith

Village of Pontoon Beach 1 Regency Parkway, Pontoon Beach, IL 62040 www.pontoonbeach.org

Official Village President: Harold Denham; Village Clerk: Susan Daugherty; Atorney: Eric Evans.

Trustees Kelly Arnold Staley, Mike Macek, Mike Pagano, Russ Saltsgaver, Lowell Travis, Randy Viessman Meetings are conducted on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

Important numbers Fire — 931-2655 (Long Lake Fire and Rescue) Police — 931-5100. Chief: Charles Luehmann

33 South State St. Chicago, IL 60603-2802 312-793-5700

Springfield, IL 62701 217-782-4836

Illinois State Police 125 East Monroe, Rm. 103 P.O. Box 19461 Springfield, IL 62794-9461 217-782-7263

Department of Labor #1 W. Old State Capitol Plaza Springfield, IL 62701 217-782-6206

Department of Natural Resources One Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702 217-782-6302

Dept. of Public Aid 201 South Grand Ave. E. Springfield, IL 62763 217-782-1200

Illinois Environmental Dept. of Public Health Protection Agency 535 W. Jefferson St. 1021 North Grand Ave. East P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276 217-782-3397

Illinois Historic Preservation Agency #1 Old State Capitol Plaza

Village of Godfrey 16810 Godfrey Rd., P.O. Box 5067, Godfrey, IL 62035; 466-3324 www.godfreyil.org

Officials Mayor: Michael J. Campion; Village Clerk: Pamela Whisler; Attorney: James E. Schrempf; Finance Officer: Joseph Hughes.

Trustees Mike McCormick, Jeff Weber, Maurice Juhlin, Mark Stewart, Jerry Gibson, Eldon Williams. Meetings are conducted on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.

Important numbers Fire — 466-0131 Police — 692-4433; Substation — 466-4643 Public Works — 466-3133. Director: Jerry Lagemann.

Springfield, IL 62761 217-782-4977

Department of Revenue

2300 South Dirksen Pkway Springfield, IL 62764 217-782-5597

Region Continued from Page 32 Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Narrated tours by appointment.

Mineral Springs Haunted Tours 302 E. Broadway Alton, IL 618-465-3200 The only year-round haunted tour in Alton. Walking, dinner tours, and haunted overnights. Private group tours (>12), group discounts. Mineral Springs is the most haunted building in Alton, we also go to other haunted locations. Includes séance and tarot card reading. Visit www. mineralspringshauntedtours.com for information and reservations.

Alton Little Theater 2450 Henry Street Alton, IL 618-462-6562 The Alton Little Theater has been entertaining audiences with quality productions continuously, since 1934. See "REGION" on Page 34

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Granite City 2000 Edison Ave., Granite City, IL 62040; 618-452-6200 www.granitecity.illinois.gov/

Officials Mayor: Ed Hagnauer; City Clerk: Judy Whitaker; Treasurer: Gail Valle.

Council members Casmer Skubish, Walmer Schmidtke, Virgil Kamarian, David Partney, Jack Jenkins, Dan McDowell, Jim Smith, Mary Wofford, Michael Skoklo, Brenda Whitaker, Bill Davis, Ron Simpson, Donald Thompson. Meetings are conducted on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.

Important numbers Fire — 877-8111; Chief: Richard Miller Police — 452-6231; Chief: Tim Connolly

Village of Bethalto 213 North Praire St., Bethalto, IL 62010; 377-8051 www.bethalto.com

Officials Mayor: Steve Bryant; Village Clerk: Sue Lowrance; Treasurer: Joe Schoppet; Attorney: Ken Balsters.

Trustees Gerald Bourland, Linda Oldendorph, Don Flack, Perry Withers, Robert Dipaolo, Jeff Mull Meetings are conducted on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Important numbers • Fire — 377-6421. • Police — 377-5266. Chief: Alan Winslow

Village of East Alton 119 West Main St., East Alton, IL 62024, 259-7714 www.eastaltonvillage.org

Officials Mayor: Fred Bright; Village Clerk: Lori Palmer; Treasurer: Joe Silkwood.

Trustees Robert Greene, Allen Hale, Phil Keasler, David Kuehnel, Rick Newman, Marsha Tassinari. Meetings are conducted on the first and third Tuesays of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Important numbers Fire — 259-2984 Police — 259-6212. Chief: Dwynn D. Isringhausen

Region Continued from Page 33 This makes Alton Little Theater one of the oldest community theaters in the state of Illinois! This live community theater with talented, hard working actors and volunteers are ready to entertain you! Each season the audience can look forward to a variety of shows filled with comedy, drama, and music. For more information visit the Alton Little Theater website.

Alton Museum of History and Art 2809 College Avenue Alton, IL 618-462-2763 The Alton Museum of History and Art is d e d i c a t e d t o p re s e r v i n g a n d interpreting the rich heritage of Alton’s past through a variety exhibits. The Wadlow Room pays tribute to Alton’s Gentle Giant, Robert Pershing Wadlow, the tallest man on record. The Pioneer Room explores history from the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the end of the Civil War. The 19th century found Alton at the center of national events with the assassination of Elijah Lovejoy, the final Lincoln-Douglas debate, and the establishment of the Underground Railroad. Through the museum’s collection of art and artifacts the visitor will feel the impact of this pivotal time in American history. The Grace Monroe Classroom is dedicated to education but is also used as an art gallery where fine art of diverse media by local and regional artists is on display. Additional exhibits include a riverboat memorabilia dedicated to the local legend of the Piasa Bird.

Armed Forces Museum #2 Cut Street Alton, IL 618-462-5237 The Armed Forces Museum is dedicated to the preservation of items that portray military history from all eras and nations. It has an extensive collection of tracked, wheeled and armor vehicles i n c l u d i n g a D U K W, a r m o re d personnel carriers, armored cars, fire trucks, field ambulances, jeeps and jeep prototypes. The Museum also has a collection of memorabilia including uniforms, weapons, personal items and literature. Hours by appointment only.

The Clark Bridge Connects Illinois & Missouri via Highway 367/67 Often called the "Super Bridge," the Clark Bridge crosses the Mississippi River at Alton, Illinois. The bridge, which has four traffic lanes and two bike lanes, spans 4,260 feet across the river. The Clark Bridge was named after William Clark who, with Meriwether Lewis in 1804, commanded the two year 4,000 mile exploration of the Louisiana Purchase territory up

the Missouri River into the Pacific Northwest. The Lewis and Clark Expedition set off just a few miles south of the bridge near Hartford, Illinois.

Anne style playhouse designed by prominent local architect, Lucas J. Pfeiffenberger and built in 1885 has been designated a National Register Historic Landmark.

Confederate Memorials & Prison Site

Jacoby Arts Center

Alton, IL D u r i n g t h e C i v i l Wa r, t h e abandoned Alton Federal Prison reopened as a military detention camp to house Confederate prisoners of war. Many of the prisoners and some of their guards died of smallpox during an epidemic in 1862. An interpretive exhibit and the remnants of the prison are near the Visitors Center in downtown Alton. Two memorials to the Confederate prisoners who died of the smallpox epidemic are located in the Alton area.

Elijah P. Lovejoy Monument Alton Cemetery at Monument Avenue Alton, IL Elijah Lovejoy was a champion for freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom from slavery. He was killed by an Alton pro-slavery mob defending his printing press in 1837. Plans for a Lovejoy monument began in the 1850's but work wasn’t begun in earnest until the 1890s. The memorial centers on a 93-foot high granite column topped by a 17-foot high winged statue of Victory. The monument was dedicated November 7, 1897, the sixtieth anniversary of Lovejoy's death.

Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel 5800 Godfrey Street Godfrey, IL 618-468-3270 The Godfrey Memorial Chapel was built in 1854. The Illinois Department of Conservation reported in 1977 that "compared to other surviving Greek Revival churches in Illinois, the building certainly stands on its own. There is nothing like it in the state. It is one of Illinois' impressive Civil War structures." The chapel was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Illinois in 1979 as "one of the six most authentic copies of New England church architecture beyond the North Eastern United States."

Gordon Moore Park Route 140 (College Avenue) Alton, IL This 702 acre park located on the east side of Alton is the home of the Spencer T. Olin Golf Course, a native prairie grass area, a rose garden among other things.

Haskell Playhouse 1211 Henry Street Alton, IL This unique miniature Queen

627 E. Broadway Alton, IL 618-462-5222 This facility in downtown Alton is located in the renovated 1899 Jacoby furniture store. The Jacoby Arts Center features an art gallery on the first floor with rotating exhibits by local artists and offers classes for adults and children.

Koenig House 829 E. 4th Street Alton, IL 618-463-1795 The Alton Museum of History and Art maintains the 1887 Koenig House. The restored Victorian home’s first floor is furnished as living quarters for a typical family with a 1890s parlor, a 1910s sitting room, and a 1930s kitchen. Exhibits at the Koenig House include the Alton Landing Room, the Elijah P. Lovejoy Memorial Room, and the Lovejoy Print Shop. Tours by appointment.

Lincoln Douglas Square Broadway & Market Alton, IL The seventh and last debate between Senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas was held on October 16, 1858. Over 6,000 people, including state and national figures, gathered for the event which was held in front of the City Hall. Today Lincoln Douglas Square, with life sized statues of the debaters, is a monument to this historic event.

McPike Mansion 20th & Alby Street Alton, IL 618-462-3348 The McPike Mansion was built in 1869 by architect Lucas Pfeiffenberger for Henry Guest McPike, a horticulturist known for perfecting the McPike Grape. The McPike used the house as their country home until 1936. Today the McPike Mansion is owned by Sharyn and George Luedke who have been restoring this great house back to its original state after being abandoned. Tours of the mansion are available by appointment or by attending the periodic haunted campouts.

Melvin Price Locks & Dam 2751 Berns Highway East Alton, IL 877-462-6979 Every year, millions of tons of commodities pass through the Melvin Price Locks and Dam. Located just south of the Clark Bridge near Alton, the Melvin Price Locks and Dam is the only facility that in the Middle Mississippi River Valley that accessible to the public. See "REGION" on Page 35

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 35

Region Continued from Page 34 Visitors can watch river craft use the locks and free tours are conducted daily. Picnic tables and bird watching platforms are located along the entrance drive. The National Great Rivers Museum is located on the property and the Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area is just across the river.

Nan Elliott Memorial Rose Garden South Side Rt. 140 at Gordon Moore Park Alton, IL 618-463-3580 This stunning 1 acre rose garden, a doctor's memorial to his wife, contains more than 1,800 rose bushes and is an All-America Rose Selections accredited garden. For more on Gordon Moore Park.

National Great Rivers Museum Hwy 143 at Locks & Dam Way East Alton, IL 877-462-6979 T h e N a t i o n a l G re a t R i v e r s Museum is located next to the Melvin Price Locks and Dam and features state of the art interactive displays and exhibits that help visitors understand the many aspects of the Mississippi River and how it affects our lives. A large model of the bluffs provides information local flora and fauna. An aquarium displays the various species of Mississippi River fish. Exhibits display how humans have used the Mississippi as a highway and chronicle the types of vessels used from canoes to modern day barges. The Pilot House allows visitors to see what it's like to guide a 1,000foot tow of barges. A park is along the entrance road has picnic facilities and bird watching platforms and the Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area is just across the river.

The Heartland Prairie North Side Rt. 140 at Gordon Moore Park Alton, IL 618-467-2254 27 acres of tall-grass prairie located in Gordon Moore Park. Visitors can find prairie wildflowers blooming from late March through early October. For more on Gordon Moore Park

Olin Nature Preserve S. Levis Lane Godfrey, IL 618-467-2254 Although Illinois still is known as the "Prairie State," less than 0.01% of Illinois' original 21 million acres

of prairie remains. One area that is being preserved is the nearly 300acre tract Olin Nature Preserve, one of the largest privately owned nature preserves in the state. The preserve harbors 374 native plant species and provides habitat to nearly 150 species of birds at different times of the year. Marked trails give the visitor splendid views of the Mississippi River from the hill prairie, and a view of the Mississippi flood plain.

Piasa Bird 1 mile north of the Alton Visitors Center on the Great River Road On their exploratory trip down the Mississippi River in 1673, Pere Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet recorded seeing a Native American petroglyph (a prehistoric carving, usually pictorial, gouged into a rock surface). Legend has it that the Piasa (pronounced Pie-a-saw) was a birdlike creature of such great size that it could easily carry off humans and was killed by Ouatoga and his warriors. The modern rendition is a 48-by-22 foot painting situated on a 100-by-75 section of the Mississippi bluffs just north of Alton.

Piasa Creek Access Area 6 1/2 miles north of the Alton Visitors Center on the Great River Road Piasa Island Wildlife Management Area consists of two islands, Piasa and Eagles Nest, and includes the Piasa Creek Boat Access Area. This access area was completely refurbished in 1992 and offers the only free public boat access between Alton and Grafton.

Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area 301 Riverlands Way West Alton, MO 636-899-2600 or 1-888-899-2602 The Corps of Engineers manages this 1200 acre wetland area that i s l o c a t e d a c ro s s M i s s i s s i p p i River from downtown Alton near the Clark Bridge. The Riverlands Environmental Demonstration attempts to recreate the bottomland wet prairie and marshes that existed prior to the arrival of European settlers and offers open space, walking trails, fresh air, and spectacular views. The area offers visitors the opportunity to view large numbers of resident and migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, as well as other wildlife that live in the wetlands. The area is noted for bald eagles in the winter and the American Pelican in the spring and fall.

Robert P. Wadlow World's Tallest Man Memorial Statue Across from Loomis Hall

2809 College Avenue Alton, IL Alton's "Gentle Giant," Robert P. Wadlow, grew to an enormous height due to an overactive pituitary gland. At the time of his death in 1940 he was 8', 11.1" tall making him the world’s tallest person in history, according to the Guinness Book of Records. A life-size bronze statue of Wadlow was unveiled in 1985 on the grounds of SIUE’s Dental School across the street from the Alton Museum of History and Art.

Sam Vadalabene Bike Trail T h e Va d a l a b e n e Tr a i l i s approximately 20 miles of level paved trail that parallels the Great River Road and the center portion of the Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Byway. The trail is named after Sam M. Vadalabene, an Illinois State Senator and proponent of the trail and begins in Alton, travels through the river towns of Elsah and Grafton, and ends at Pere Marquette State Park. Riders, walkers, and joggers will see prairie wildflowers along the trail as well as flowering trees during the spring. Brilliant reds, yellows and oranges compliment the scenery in the fall. For those willing to brave the elements in the winter months should be able to see Bald Eagles soaring over the river and bluffs, or floating down the river on chunks of ice.

West Alton Bike Trail West Alton, MO Two mile long paved trail links Missouri's KATY trail with Illinois biking routes.

Argosy Casino Alton, IL #1 Front Street 1-800-711--4263

Alton Marina Alton, IL 1 Henry Street 618-462-9860

Antoinette's Haunted History Tours Alton, IL PO Box 10 618-462-4009

Wood River Area

Lewis & Clark State Historic Site Route 3 at Poag Road 618-251-2680 Located at the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, just several miles south of the current mouth of the Wood River

is Camp River Dubois. This site is designated as Site #1 on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and features the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center and a replica of the 1803-04 winter encampment. The Interpretive Center is one of six major historical Lewis & Clark sites in southwestern Illinois and tells the story of how the Corps of Discovery assembled equipment, supplies and men at Camp River Dubois. The centerpiece is the “Cutaway Keelboat,” a 55 foot long replica of the keelboat that has been cut in half revealing how it was filled with “Tools of every Description &c &c.” An outdoor reconstruction of Camp River Dubois is staffed by at least one member of the volunteer Dubois Detachment when the site is open.

Bethalto Historical Museum 124 W. Main Street Bethalto 618-377-9944 Housed in the former Village Hall the Museum contains exhibits on Bethalto’s past including the role of its citizens in World Wars I and II, the founding of the town, the annual Homecoming Celebration, and a recreated classroom from the past. A mid-1800's log cabin was revealed after a fire at a local home in 1998. Bethalto's school children raised $10,000 to restore this symbol of Bethalto’s pioneer past. The Museum hosts a series of changing exhibits of historical interest.

Camp DuBois NE corner of intersection of Routes 3 and 143 Wood River 618-254-1993 In commemoration of the Bicentennial of the departure of the Corps of Discovery, the Wood River Heritage Council has constructed a replica of the camp near where the original Camp DuBois was located.. This site hosts the annual Wood River Rendezvous in May.

Melvin Price Locks & Dam 2751 Berns Highway East Alton 877-462-6979 Every year, millions of tons of commodities pass through the Melvin Price Locks and Dam. Located just south of the Clark Bridge near Alton, the Melvin Price Locks and Dam is the only facility that in the Middle Mississippi River Valley that accessible to the public. Visitors can watch river craft use the locks and free tours are conducted daily. Picnic tables and bird watching platforms are located along the entrance drive. The National Great Rivers Museum is located on the property and the Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area is just across the river.

National Great Rivers Museum Hwy 143 at Locks & Dam Way

East Alton 877-462-6979 The National Great Rivers Museum is located next to the Melvin Price Locks and Dam and features state of the art interactive displays and exhibits that help visitors understand the many aspects of the Mississippi River and how it affects our lives. A large model of the bluffs provides information local flora and fauna. An aquarium displays the various species of Mississippi River fish. Exhibits display how humans have used the Mississippi as a highway and chronicle the types of vessels used from canoes to modern day barges. The Pilot House allows visitors to see what it's like to guide a 1,000-foot tow of barges. A park is along the entrance road has picnic facilities and bird watching platforms and the Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area is just across the river.

Wood River Museum & Visitors Center 40 W. Ferguson Avenue Wood River 618-254-1993 Operated by the Wood River H e r i t a g e C o u n c i l , t h e Wo o d River Museum & Visitor ’s Center allows visitors to explore the town’s varied past. Exhibits in the museum highlight the early days of the town including the impact of Standard Oil on the community, the wild days of Benbow City, and life during the various eras of the town.

Wood River Refinery History Museum Route 111 & Madison Street Roxana 618-255-3718 Located near the refineries in Roxana and operated by a small group of Shell retirees, the Wood River Refinery History Museum offers a visual history of the Shell Wood River refinery from its beginning in 1917 to the present. The museum has a collection of over 1,000 refinery and oil product related artifacts including the modified 1924 Chevrolet that was the Marathon Record Holder from 1952-1966.

Fulkerson Mansion and Farm Museum 1 mile north of Jerseyville on US Route 67 618-498-5590 The mansion, built in 1866, houses Civil War artifacts. On the grounds is a museum that features a variety of historical farm equipment. Tours are available for groups of at least 20 from May 1 through December 15. Annual Events: The Fulkerson Mansion is open to groups of any size during the Jersey County Victorian Festival, which is held on the grounds every Labor Day weekend. See "REGION" on Page 36

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Continued from Page 35

Hamilton Primary School Otterville This 19th century schoolhouse was the first free, integrated school in the United States. Annual Events: The Hamilton Primary School Festival fund raising event held on the third Saturday of September.

Historic Courthouse Square 201 W. Pearl Street Jerseyville 618-498-5571 The centerpiece of downtown Jerseyville is the Courthouse that was erected in 1893.

Jersey County Historical Museum 601 N. State Street (US Route 67) Jerseyville 618-498-4613 Located at the Cheney Mansion, a twelve room Victorian mansion that features vintage clothing, military artifacts, toys, pictures, and other items of historical interest. The Lone Star School, a refurbished rural oneroom schoolhouse, is located on the grounds. Annual Events: An Apple Festival is held on the grounds the last weekend of September.

Calhoun County Calhoun County Ferries Calhoun County is almost completely surrounded by water and one of the main modes of transportation into the region is the ferries that cross the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Two ferries are free of charge and two are toll ferries.

Calhoun County Historical Society Museum Hardin Farm Bureau Building Hardin 618-576-2660 Small museum with many artifacts covering life in Calhoun County's past. Open Wednesdays 8 am - 4 pm and Fridays 9 am - 12:30 pm

Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge County Road 1

618- 883-2524 The Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge consists of a variety of habitats and is a major migration corridor for waterfowl, bald eagles and other birds. The refuge is closed mid-October to mid-December, but the office/visitor center is open weekdays and some weekends during that period.

Center for American Archeology Highway 100 and Oak Street Kampsville PO Box 366 618-653-4316 The historic Kamp Store serves as home for the Center for American A r c h e o l o g y Vi s i t o r ' s C e n t e r. Named to the National Register of Historic Places in 1994, the Kamp Store was a center of economic life along the rural river way. The Visitor ’s Center displays exhibits and artifacts that document the prehistory of the surrounding area, one of the world's most archeologically rich regions - the "Nile of North America."

McCully Heritage Project Off of Route 100 South of Kampsville 618-653-4687 Located about 1 mile south of the Kampsville Free Ferry off of the Great River Road, the Project consists of 940 acres encompassing woodlands, prairie, wetlands, and agricultural land. With over 15 miles of hiking trails traveling through this diverse terrain, the area is truly a hiker ’s delight. Facilities include handicappedaccessible restrooms, a pavilion, picnic facilities, ample parking, two fishing ponds, a restored wetland with a boardwalk, and prairie plots. The Project is perfect for picnicking, bird watching, nature photography and turtle watching.

Mississippi River State Fish & Wildlife Area 15 wildlife management areas and 11 public access areas in 3 counties, spanning more than 24,000 acres, and scattered along 75 miles along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers.

Joe Page Bridge Hardin The Great River Road crosses the Illinois River at Hardin using the vertical lift Joe Page Bridge. Its lift span, 308 feet 9 inches long, is the largest span of this type in the world. Dedicated in 1931, the bridge is named after Joseph M. Page (1845-1938). Page served in the Union Army during the Civil War

and was elected Mayor of Jerseyville five times.

Grafton Area River Ferries The advent of railroads and bridges put most ferries out of business along the Mississippi River, but the Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Byway area has one of the highest concentration of riverboat ferries in the country. The four ferries that cross the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers into Calhoun and Jersey Counties in Illinois and St. Charles County, Missouri can save time as well as providing scenic river views. The two ferries that cross the Illinois River are free of charge.

Elsah Historic District Set in a valley along the Mississippi River between Alton and Grafton, Elsah is often called the "town that time forgot" and in 1973 the entire town was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Although Elsah has been described as the "New England of the Midwest," the village is not a New England prototype derived from 18th century colonial styles. Rather the architecture found in Elsah demonstrates a number of different 19th century styles. The town has put together a virtual tour that provides visitors with a unique look into Elsah’s past, with its narrow streets, limestone and brick houses, and beautiful gardens.

Pere Marquette State Park 5 miles west of Grafton on Route 100 618-786-3323 Pere Marquette is Illinois' largest state park and is famous for the beauty of its fall colors and as a home for bald eagles in the winter. The park offers its visitors diverse re c re a t i o n a l a n d e d u c a t i o n a l opportunities that encompass the past, present and future. The new Visitors Center provides displays that cover the region’s history and the types of environments the visitor can encounter as well as housing informative interpretative programs. The park has 10 hiking trails that traverse a variety of terrains and horseback riding is offered during the warmer months. The park has year round electric and basic campgrounds. The Lodge consists of both new facilities as well as those constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps. All this and more makes Pere Marquette State Park a great place to explore!

The Sam Vadalabene Bike Trail The

Va d a l a b e n e

Tr a i l


approximately 20 miles of level paved trail that parallels the Great River Road and the center portion of the Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Byway. The trail is named after Sam M. Vadalabene, an Illinois State Senator and proponent of the trail and begins in Alton, travels through the river towns of Elsah and Grafton, and ends at Pere Marquette State Park. Riders, walkers, and joggers will see prairie wildflowers along the trail as well as flowering trees during the spring. Brilliant reds, yellows and oranges compliment the scenery in the fall. For those willing to brave the elements in the winter months should be able to see Bald Eagles soaring over the river and bluffs, or floating down the river on chunks of ice.

Village of Elsah Museum 26 La Salle Street PO Box 117 618-374-1059 Located in the Elsah Village Hall, which was erected in 1887, and operated by the Village of Elsah and the Historic Elsah Foundation, the Village of Elsah Museum covers the history of the town from its founding by James Semple in 1853. Visitors will find exhibits covering the varied architectural styles found throughout the town, Principia College, nearby New Piasa Chautauqua, and tools and other implements used by past residents. Special exhibits are held periodically.

Mississippi River Valley Route de Vin Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri Missouri was once heavily involved in the winemaking business with the onset of the Prohibition era dealt a severe blow to this winemaking industry. The wineries of Sainte Genevieve County are a part of a resurgence of vintners that began in the 1980s. The Route de Vin of Sainte Genevieve County is a driving tour that begins in Sainte Genevieve and then travels in a loop through the forested hills and farmland southeast of this historic town. Driving time is about an hour not counting any stop over time and visits 5 area wineries.

Fort Kaskaskia Traditional Music Festival Ellis Grove, Illinois Every September thousands of music lovers converge on Fort Kaskaskia State Historic Site for the annual Traditional Music Festival. Nationally and regionally known musicians treat the crowd to Bluegrass, Cajun, Irish, and Country music as well as other entertainment

such as traditional dances. A craft show is held on both days with plenty of interesting items for sale, and there is no shortage of food and refreshments.

French Colonial Country The region along the Mississippi River south of St. Louis is French Colonial Country. The region was originally inhabited by a number o f N a t i v e A m e r i c a n c u l t u re s as far back as 11,000 B.C. and remnants of these cultures can be found at Mastodon State Historic Site and Washington State Park in Jefferson County, Missouri. The area was claimed by France after an expedition led by Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette in 1673. Into what became known as Illinois Country came traders and settlers from France and Canada who were attracted by the resources of the region. The town of Cahokia was founded in 1699 by French-Canadian missionaries, the same year as the founding of Williamsburg, the colonial capitol of Virginia, and predating New Orleans by nearly 20 years and St. Louis by 65 years. The village of Kaskaskia was established by French traders and their Native American wives in 1703 and in 1718 a contingent of soldiers, officials and workmen from New Orleans were sent north to establish a civil government in the region. A wooden fort, later to be rebuilt in stone, named Fort de Chartres, was soon constructed eighteen miles north of Kaskaskia from which the civil authority would operate and whose military presence it was hoped would pacify the Fox Tribe. By 1735 Ste. Genevieve was established, becoming the first permanent European settlement in what now is the state of Missouri. The town started as a trading outpost and was later settled by lead miners, farmers and fur traders. The American Bottoms, a sixty mile long strip of land on the Illinois' bank of the Mississippi River and the le Grand Champs of Ste. Genevieve became the breadbasket of the Louisiana Territory providing foodstuffs to European colonists as far south as Louisiana. Although the Illinois Country flourished, France's colonial empire didn’t and France ceded the region to Great Britain when it signed the Treaty of Paris that ended the French & Indian War in 1763. Many of the French settlers on the east bank of the Mississippi River, preferring to live under Spanish rather under the British, crossed the river to live in St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve. During the American Revolution a daring raid by George Rogers Clark and his "Long Knives" captured Kaskaskia and Fort Gage on July 4, 1778, and proclaimed the area to be part of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The French citizens, fearing retribution from the Americans, were overjoyed when they found common allies against the British and rang the church bell in celebration giving rise to the bell's reputation as " The Liberty Bell of the West." See "REGION" on Page 37

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 37

Region Continued from Page 36 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark recruited men from the American garrison at Kaskaskia and used Cahokia as an administrative center as they prepared for their journey of exploration. Kaskaskia was the seat of territorial government from 1810 to 1818 when it became the state capitol when Illinois became a state. In 1820 the capitol was moved to Vandalia and the importance of Kaskaskia diminished. The town was devastated by the floodwaters of the Mississippi in 1881 and another flood in 1893 obliterated the original town. Residents moved what they had left to the town's present site. This small community is the only Illinois community west of the Mississippi River .

Felix Vallé State Historic Site Merchant & Second Streets Ste. Genevieve, Missouri 573-883-7102 The Felix Vallé State Historic Site consists of several buildings that preserve and interpret various examples of the architecture and history of Ste. Genevieve. The centerpiece of the site is the Felix Vallé House, built in 1818 by its original owner, Jacob Philipson. This combination mercantile store and residence was constructed out of native limestone in the Federal style and illustrates the influence Americans had on the community following the Louisiana Purchase. Philipson sold the house in 1824 to Jean Baptiste Vallé, the son of Francois Valle, who was the first Spanish commandant of the town when it was under Spanish rule. Felix Vallé, the fourth son of Jean Baptiste became the owner in 1835. The building housed the trading firm of Menard & Vallé as well as the residence of Felix and his wife Odile. With the help of recovered ledgers the mercantile store (photo right) is currently stocked with items that would’ve been available during Felix Vallé’s time. While holding firmly to their French traditions, including language and religion, the Vallés embraced the modern features of 19th century life that became available with the advent of steamboat traffic on the Mississippi River. The residential portion of the building is spacious and furnished with period pieces including furniture, clothing, glass and house wares. Some of the pieces on display originally belonged to the Vallé family. In back of the home is a building which housed the kitchen and in the yard is a typical family garden. Guided tours of the home that explain the history and lifestyle of this period are included with the price of admission. Across the street is the Dr. Benjamin Shaw House. Built ca. 1819 by Jean Baptiste Bossier, this building served as a store house for his mercantile business. In 1837 Bossier sold the building to Shaw who made significant additions

to Bossier ’s small building and converted it for use as a residence. The restored building is now used as an administrative office for the site. The newest addition to the site is the Bauvais-Amoureux House on St. Mary’s road which is an example of the earlier French Creole style of architecture. The site is operated by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Visiting the Felix Vallé State Historic Site From April 1 to October 31, the site is open daily: Mon - Sat, 10 am - 4 pm, Sunday, 12 - 5 pm From November 1 to March 31, the site is open Thursday - Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm, Sunday 12 - 5 pm The Bauvais-Amoureux House is open on weekends April 1 through October 31, and open daily June 1 through mid-August Group tours are available yearround with advance reservations.

Fort de Chartres State Historic Site 1350 Illinois Route 155 Prairie du Rocher, Illinois 618-284-7230 Reenactors at the Annual June Rendezvous For almost a century, beginning in 1673 when Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette explored the Mississippi River, France claimed the Illinois C o u n t r y. I n 1 7 1 8 t h e F re n c h reorganized the administration of their American possessions and removed the Illinois Country from Canadian jurisdiction and made it part of Louisiana. The Government of this vast territory was located in New Orleans and turned over to the Company of the Indies, a commercial enterprise chartered by King Louis XV. In December of 1718 a contingent of soldiers, officials and workmen were sent north to establish a civil government in the region. A wooden fort was soon constructed eighteen miles north of the village of Kaskaskia from which the civil authority would operate and whose military presence it was hoped would pacify the Fox Tribe. This wooden stockade was surrounded by a dry moat held several interior buildings including a storehouse and a counting house used by the Indies Company. The stockade, named Fort de Chartres in honor of Louis duc de Chartres, son of the regent of France, quickly d e t e r i o r a t e d d u e t o f re q u e n t flooding. Work on a larger fort, located farther inland, began around 1725. By 1731 the Company of the Indies went out of business due to bad management, poor relations with the local Native Americans, and the failure to discover any gold or other precious metals. In January of 1731 the company returned control of Louisiana back to the king. In 1747, with the second fort in considerable disrepair, the garrison relocated to nearby Kaskaskia. During the 1730's the French leaders began discussing building a stone fort (outline left) to protect their interests in the region. Though no precious metals were found, profitable lead deposits had been found on the west bank of the Mississippi near Ste. Genevieve

and the rich bottom lands yielded substantial crops which fed New Orleans, St. Louis, and the rest of the territory. Construction of the new fort was slow due to dissension on where the fort was to be located. Construction finally began in the 1750's and although the fort was operational by 1754, additions and improvements continued until 1760. In 1763 France surrendered the Illinois Country along with most of its North American possessions to Great Britain when it signed the Treaty of Paris that ended the Seven Years War. British troops of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment took possession of Fort de Chartres on October 10, 1765. The British did little with the newly renamed Fort Cavendish although its engineers attempted in vain to control the erosion caused by the Mississippi. Eventually the British concluded that the fort had little value and it was abandoned in 1771. A year later the south wall and bastions collapsed into the Mississippi River. Continued flooding, erosion and decay caused the fort to slowly disappear so that by 1900 the only remnant of the fort that existed above ground was the powder magazine (photo left,) considered by many to be the oldest building in Illinois. The Lewis and Clark Connection Fort de Chartres was primarily ruins, having been abandoned by the British for over 30 years, when Clark made this entry on December 4, 1803: “… at 2 miles past the mouth of a Small Creek on the Larbd. side, opposit the upper point of a small Island; and lower point of a large Isld. situated opposite Old fort Charters (4) came to on the lower point of a Small Isld. Lbd. side imediately opposit the Old Fort …” Visit our special Lewis and C l a r k S e c t i o n t o l e a r n m o re about the Corps of Discovery’s experience during their stay in the Middle Mississippi River Valley. greatriverroad.com’s special coverage includes information on all of the region’s sites and events as well as supplemental articles relating to the expedition’s experience during the winter of 1803-04. In 1913 the Illinois legislature authorized the purchase of the stone fort site and the powder magazine was restored about 1917. In the 1920s portions of the building and wall foundations were exposed, and in the 1930s the Works Progress Administration reconstructed the gateway and two stone buildings. Today visitors will find a partially rebuilt eighteenth-century fort. The north wall contains bastions, a gatehouse, musket ports, embrasures for cannon, and the restored powder magazine. The King's Storehouse is home to the Piethman Museum (photo left,) which uses items discovered during archaeological research near the fort, other artifacts, and exhibits to interpret life in Illinois during the colonial period. The East Barracks and the Government House have been outlined by wood frames, a technique called ghosting, to provide a sense of their original size and form. Fort de Chartres State Historic Site holds many popular annual events. An annual two day Rendezvous is

held the first weekend in June and features shooting competitions, military drills, dancing, music, food, and traders of eighteenth-century style goods. The first weekend in October marks the site's French and Indian War Assemblage, a Living History event that portrays life during the time period of 17541763. A listing of events at Fort de Chartres and other area events can be found on the Randolph County Calendar page. Visiting Fort de Chartres State Historic Site Visiting Hours Wednesday - Sunday: 9 am to 5 pm Closed on Major Holidays

St. Louis Area Gateway to the West St. Louis & St. Louis County, Missouri Along the Mississippi River's 2,552-mile journey from its headwaters in Minnesota to the delta in Louisiana, St. Louis is one of the few truly cosmopolitan destinations along the Great River Road. The Greater St. Louis area is the 18th largest metropolitan area in the United States with more than 2,800,000 people. St. Louis and St. Louis County have a lot to offer its visitors. The area's most prominent attraction is the Gateway Arch. Designed by Finnish architect Eero Saarinen and completed in 1966, the nation's tallest monument rises over the west bank of the Mississippi as a symbol of St. Louis' role as the Gateway to the West. The Arch is part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial complex that also includes the Museum of Westward Expansion and the Odyssey Theater. St. Louis has a number of outstanding public institutions that are free to visit: the Zoo (photo left,) Art Museum, History Museum, and the Science Center. The St. Louis region has a number of green spaces for nature and outdoor enthusiasts. Forest Park is the largest of the 105 city parks in St. Louis and at 1,293 acres is one of the largest urban parks in the United States. The park opened in 1876, was home to the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition (the St. Louis World's Fair) and is home to the St. Louis Zoo. Faust County Park, in St. Louis County, is home to many historical and cultural attractions including the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House, a historical village, and the St. Louis Carousel. The county is also home to Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park, Castlewood State Park, Columbia Bottom Conservation Area and the Powder Valley Conservation Area.

Augusta Historical Museum 275 Webster Street Augusta, MO 636-482-4558 or 636-228-4303 Augusta's Historical Museum

is located in the 1861 Sehrt home and is operated by the Friends of Historic Augusta organization. The museum features four rooms of antiques, artifacts, and historical memorabilia about the history of Augusta including an 1860 bedroom, a 1800s kitchen, and a workroom that preserves the tools of the 19th century.

August A. Busch Conservation Area 2360 Highway D St. Charles County, MO 636-441-4554 The 6,987-acre Busch Conservation Area contains 3,000 acres of forest in addition to grassland, cropland, old fields, prairie, and wetlands. Features include 72 fishable lakes and ponds, 7 hiking trails, wildlife viewing blinds, hunting, and archery. The property is a great place for viewing a large variety of birds and other wildlife.

Daniel Boone Home 1868 Highway F Defiance, MO 636-798-2005 This early 19th century home was built by Daniel Boone's son Nathan and was where he died in 1820. Now part of Lindenwood University's Daniel Boone Campus, the site also features Boonefield Village, a collection of 19th century buildings moved to the property.

Confluence Point State Park 1000 Riverlands Way West Alton, MO 636-899-1135 This 1,118-acre park is located on the north side of the Missouri River at its confluence with the Mississippi River. A short trail leads visitors where the two rivers meet and the area is noted for bird watching.

First State Capitol of Missouri 200-216 S. Main Street St. Charles, MO 636-940-3322 An Interpretive Center is located adjacent to these restored Federal style buildings served as Missouri's first State Capitol until the permanent facility in Jefferson City was completed in 1826. Tours of the historic site are available daily and historical events are held periodically.

The Foundry Art Centre 520 N. Main Street St. Charles, MO 636-255-0270 Overlooking the Missouri River and near historic Downtown St. Charles, this new 36,800-squarefoot, interactive interdisciplinary arts center offers visitors multiple galleries with high quality exhibitions, performing art presentations, and classes.

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7110 State Route 162 Maryville, IL 62062 | 618.667.8221 www.fbmaryville.org

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PO Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025 | 618.656.4142 www.usbahai.org

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TheBANK of Edwardsville 330 West Vandalia Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 | 618.659.6527

Thursday, September 23, 2010 – theintelligencer.com – COMMUNITY GUIDE – Page 39




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Eden Village www.edenvillage.org

St. John’s Community Care 222 Goethe Avenue Collinsville, IL 62234 | 618.344.0276 www.stjohnscc.org

Page 40 – COMMUNITY GUIDE - theintelligencer.com - Thursday, September 23, 2010

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Mike Hasamear Collinsville 14 Years

Steve Bangert Maryville 16 Years

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Jack Gai Staunton 13 Years

Gary Johnson Edwardsville 12 Years

Dennis Johnes Meppen 12 Years

Mark Clayton Edwardsville 11 Years

John Clarkin Highland 10 Years

Brian Schmidt Edwardsville 10 Years

Greg Colligan Edwardsville 10 Years

Randy Phelps Collinsville 9 Years

Steve Lane Collinsville 7 Years

Bob “Earnie” Earnhart Edwardsville 6 Years

Mike Collins Edwardsville 6 Years

Holly Vouidaskis Collinsville 4 Years

Janet Ohlau Arnold, MO 3 1/2 Years

Jeff Ross Collinsville 2 Years

Josh Minney Highland 1 Years

Ed Grote Granite City 1 Year

Kyle May Alhambra 1 Year

Tom Horn Shipman 1 Year

Vicki Becker Granite City 1 Year

Brittany Wilkinson Edwardsville 1 Year

Dave Wilkinson Edwardsville 1 Year

Amanda Young Baldwin 1 Year

Ryan Ballinger Benld 3 Years

Tony Goodman Cliff Schinkoeth Moro Granite City 1 Year 1 Year



2 Miles North of I-270 on IL Hwy 159

Matt Johnson Collinsville 2 Years

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