October 6, 2016
Vol. 14 No. 6
MoBot's Children's Garden page 3
New at Laumeier page 14
You Gotta Eat – Vegas style page 20
of Visit alol psour Sh
Fred’s Shed The Main Gift Shop Monticello House Boutique
Hours- MON-FRI 10AM-4PM SAT 10AM-4:30PM
Tea Room & Gift Shops
From delectable lunches to luxurious decor, you’ll find it at Josephine’s. 6109 GODFREY RD. GODFREY, IL
October 6
What’s Inside 3
Happy Halloween
Events planned at Children's Garden.
4 At the Lincoln Library Rare and Rarely Seen.
9 "Queen of Katwe" A story of chess and dreams.
10 Welcome fall
Lake of the Ozarks will be a blaze of color.
11 Hitting the trails Cycling in McHenry County.
New exhibitions
Laumeier Sculpture Park set for fall.
19 You Gotta Eat Dining in Las Vegas.
What’s Happening Friday October 7_________ • St. Louis Scott Gallagher Fall Festival, World Wide Technology Park, St. Louis • I love the 90's, Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. • James Bay, w/Joseph, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Le ra Ly nn, w /Indi anola, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Local Music Open House, ft. Hollow Point Heroes, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Jamison Ross, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. • De fe ndi ng t he C av e man, Playhouse @ Westport, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until October 23, 2016 • American Arts Experience St. Louis, St. Louis, Runs until October 16, 2016 • St. Louis Renaissance Festival, Roatry Park, Wentzville, Runs until October 16, 2016 • Follies: The Repertory Theater of St. Louis, Loretto-Hilton Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • STAGES presents: Sister Act, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs until October 9, 2016 • Outside In: Paint for Peace Exhibition, Coca, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs until October 30, 2016 • Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall
of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016 • Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis • Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 • The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 • Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday October8_________ • St. Louis Renaissance Festival, Rotary Park, Wentzville • Hermann Oktoberfest, (Hermann) • Wolf Fest, Endangered Wolf Center, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Ottertoberfest, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. • Celctic Thunder, Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. • Wide Awake, The Greater Good, Lo And Behold, Polterguts, The
Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. • B o y c e Av e n u e , w / N i c k Howard, Leeroy Sanchez, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • The Suffers, w/Jakubi, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Hatebreed, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Captains Courageous, Decedy, Jet Black Alley Cat, Pseudo Skylight, Murphy & The Death Rays, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:00 p.m. • Unknown Hinson, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Jamison Ross, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. • Defending t he Caveman, Playhouse @ Westport, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until October 23, 2016 • American Arts Experience St. Louis, St. Louis, Runs until October 16, 2016 • St. Louis Renaissance Festival, Roatry Park, Wentzville, Runs until October 16, 2016 • Follies: The Repertory Theater of St. Louis, Loretto-Hilton Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • STAGES presents: Sister Act, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs until October 9, 2016 • Outside In: Paint for Peace Exhibition, Coca, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs until October 30, 2016 • Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until October 8, 2016
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar
On the Edge of the Weekend
Editor – Bill Tucker
October 6, 2016
Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake
Missouri Botanical Garden
Pictured are scenes from previous fall events at the Doris I. Schnuck Children's Garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Children's Garden to host Halloween event For The Edge Join us Halloween weekend for one final fall adventure in the Doris I. Schnuck Children’s Garden as we celebrate the changing seasons. Enjoy fun and engaging activities, come dressed up for Halloween and get inspired to be adventurous in the great outdoors on Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30. Visit the Pot-A-Plant station to learn how to grow and care for edible plants in your garden this winter. Select a pansy or rosemary to pot and take home. Each plant includes special tips to help you care for your new winter-hardy plants. Dig into your natural curiosities and discover the patterns, shapes, and details that are in your favorite leaf, flower, seed or rock. Make a nature-inspired pendant to wear, hang in your window or on your holiday tree. Investigate how and why leaves change colors and document the stages of nature in a nature journal you create. Learn how Missourians kept food readyto-eat year-round in the days before refrigerators and freezers. Go spelunking in our cave and learn about “Nighttime Superheroes.” Find out how bats use their super senses to fight their super villains. Share Henry Shaw’s love of birds by making a yummy snack for them as they prepare for their winter migration. Get a bird’seye view at live native creatures from the World Bird Sanctuary. Discover what makes spiders special by making a human-sized web with help from staff members in the Nature Explore Classroom. Enjoy live music from Emmy award winning educators and entertainers Jan and George Syrigos
as WildHeart performs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday with songs that inspire kids of all ages to explore nature. Finn, the Children’s Garden friendly frog mascot, will roam the garden and greet visitors at 11 a.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Don’t forget to
visit with volunteers while getting some snazzy Finn-tastic cheek art. Come play, learn, and grow with us! The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway
North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook
October 6, 2016
and Twitter at www.facebook. com/missouribotanicalgarden and http://twitter.com/mobotgarden. Members help support the Garden’s operations and worldchanging work in plant science and conservation. Learn more at www. mobot.org/membership.
On the Edge of the Weekend
People Lincoln Library showcases new exhibit For The Edge A new exhibit at the Abraham L i n c o l n P re s i d e n t i a l L i b r a r y and Museum will celebrate the depth of the library’s collection by highlighting items that rarely get a turn in the spotlight, from a document signed by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to a pair of shoes from a Nazi concentration camp. “Rare and Rarely Seen” opens to the public Sept. 28 and will run until Jan. 29, 2017. Members of the presidential library’s foundation get a preview of the exhibit on Sept. 27. “What makes this exhibit so special is that it shows the depth of our collection through documents and artifacts that, in most cases, have never been on display before,” said Alan Lowe, executive director of the presidential library and museum. “We’re excited to share these rare items with our visitors.” Among the items on display in “Rare and Rarely Seen” are: • Wo o d e n s h o e s w o r n by a prisoner at the Dachau concentration camp • A commission naming a federal marshal, signed by President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson • A Howitzer shell representing Illinois that was fired during President Kennedy’s funeral • A dress worn by Marilyn Monroe • A letter from Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant expressing concern that he might be indicted for treason. It includes Grant’s handwritten recommendation that Lee not be prosecuted. “The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum commemorates Lincoln, of course, but it is also the home of the Illinois
State Historical Library. Millions of fascinating documents and artifacts that cover the gamut of Illinois history have made their way into the collection over the past 125 years, and we are so excited to share a few of them with the world in this exhibit,” said Dr. Samuel Wheeler,
the state historian. The exhibit also includes two interactive features. One was inspired by the section on politics and will let visitors vote on their favorite item in the exhibit. Another asks visitors to write about rare, precious items from their own lives;
their answers will be posted for everyone to see. “Rare and Rarely Seen” will be presented in the museum’s Illinois Gallery. The exhibit is free with regular admission to the museum. The exhibit will be accompanied by a series of special events over the
next four months. Kid-friendly events are planned for Oct. 3 and Oct. 10. The historians and curators who produced the exhibit will offer a behind-thescenes look at it on Nov. 17. The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, a division of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, is dedicated to telling the story of America’s 16th president through old-fashioned scholarship and modern technology. It includes some 12 million items collected by the Illinois State Historical Library, which was founded in 1889 and eventually became part of the presidential library. The museum is open seven days a week. The library portion of the ALPLM is open free of charge Monday through Friday for research. For details, visit www. PresidentLincoln.illinois.gov.
Above, a commission naming a federal marshal, signed by President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. At left, wooden shoes worn by a prisoner at the Dachau concentration camp. Photos for The Edge.
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
People People planner The Fox to host Ghost Tours
The Fabulous Fox Theatre is excited to announce the return of the extremely popular Ghost Tours this October. The Fabulous Fox Ghost Tours will explore the untold history of the many ghost sightings and unexplained occurrences reported at the Fabulous Fox during its 86-year history. The Fabulous Fox Ghost Tours will offer an evening of spine-chilling tales from Fox staff members and first-hand accounts from investigations by paranormal researchers. Go behind the scenes of the Fabulous Fox to see what happens after the shows have closed and the stage lights go dim. Guided tours will be offered at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Monday, October 10 and 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Monday, October 17 and Monday, October 24. Tickets are $35 each and include a one-hour guided tour of the Fabulous Fox and parking. Tickets will go on sale Friday, September 2 at 10 a.m. at the Fabulous Fox Box Office, by calling 314-534-1111 and online at MetroTix. com. All tickets are available without a service charge, regardless of purchase method. Ghost tours are not recommended for young children. In addition to the guided tours, other activities and attractions will be available to guests from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Snacks and specialty cocktails will be sold. Readings from independent psychics and tarot card
readers will be available throughout the evening at an additional cost. The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society will be offering two séances each night; one at 7 p.m. and one at 9 p.m. Those interested will be able to purchase tickets at Fox Guest Services in the main lobby during the evening of the tour for a $20 fee. There will be a limited number of tickets available for each séance. Special thanks to the St. Louis Paranormal Research Society for their contributions to this event.
Museum celebrates Route 66 in St. Louis
On Nov. 11, 2016, Route 66 celebrates its 90th anniversary. To mark this milestone, the Missouri History Museum developed Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis, a 6,000-square-foot exhibition that explores the local history of the world-famous highway. Route 66: Main Street through St. Louis is open from June 25 through July 16, 2017. Route 66 touched eight states and connected more than 100 cities from Chicago to Los Angeles. St. Louis was the largest city in between. As the road meandered through the city, it passed by a number of stops that were unique to St. Louis – from popular restaurants to scandalous motes. Route 66: Main Street through St. Louis tells St. Louis' distinctive story on the Mother
Road. Visitors will get their kicks learning about the motels, custard stands and tourist traps that could be found along the road as it passed through St. Louis. Route 66 through St. Louis wound its way from the bridges through downtown streets and depending on the year, provided travelers with several options for navigating through the city to the county and west. Locals will recognize some of the iconic places they still visit today such as Ted Drewes, Crown Candy Kitchen, Carl's Drive In and The Chase Hotel. They will also rediscover places that are gone with the passage of time such as the Coral Court Motel, the Parkmoor, the Chain of Rocks Amusement Park and the 66 ParkIn Theatre. Artifacts include neon signs like the original sign from the La Casa Grande Motel on Watson, and classic cars including a 1963 Corvette Stingray convertible and a 1957 Airstream Travel Trailer. Route 66 opened on Nov. 11, 1926, as the major highway connecting Chicago and Los Angeles. Route 66 bore the hardships of the Great Depression, taking migrants west to find a new life. It carried military transports through World War II. At its height in the 1950s and '60s, tourists traveled its length to see the sights of the Southwest and California. Route 66 bore witness to the rise of the car culture. By the 1970s, the interstate system offered a more efficient
way to get around the country and rendered Route 66 obsolete. The Mother Road was officially decommissioned in 1985, with many of the states removing the shields before that. Although Route 66 is long gone, relics of it still remain across St. Louis. Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis serves as a vehicle to transport visitors back to a time when car travel was an adventure and mom-and-pop diners and motels ruled the road. Admission is free. The Missouri History Museum is located in Forest Park. For more information, visit www. mohistory.org.
The Fox to host the Octonauts
Explore. Rescue. Protect! "Octonauts" announced a brand new, action-packed and interactive theatre show for the very first time in the U.S. The Octonauts and the
Deep Sea Volcano Adventure (www. octonautsliveus.com) features brand new and fan favorite songs led by the entire Octonauts eight-member crew including Captain Barnacles, Lieutenant Kwazii and Medic Peso, as they invite audiences aboard an underwater quest through a world full of adventure, interactivity, and tons of sea life surprises. The tour will head coast-to-coast visiting more than 60 cities including St. Louis on Friday, October 14 at 6 p.m. at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Tickets are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. The Octonauts and the Deep Sea Volcano Adventure is a high-tech production featuring costume characters and animated projections to a massive screen on stage. "We are thrilled for kids and families to see Octonauts come to life on stage," said Amy Koudelka, SVP of Product Development and Brands, Silvergate Media.
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Branch of Service:
Years of Service:
Brief paragraph honoring your veteran (In Memory of, We are so Proud, etc.)
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October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Travel People planner Zoo announces upcoming events
The Saint Louis Zoo has announced its schedule for the fall and winter. For more information, visit www. stlzoo.org. October 2016 Oct. 1 through Nov. 27, 2016 F i r s t B a n k S e a L i o n S h o w. S a t u rd a y s a n d S u n d a y s o n l y at 1 and 2:30 p.m. (weather permitting). $4/person. Children u n d e r 2 a re f re e . M o re i n f o : stlzoo.org/sealionshow. Sea lion superstars will thrill you with flipper walks, ball balancing and lots of splashing! Shows will be held at the L i c h t e n s t e i n S e a L i o n A re n a , w h i c h f e a t u r e s a n 8 11 - s e a t amphitheater for seasonal shows, a l a rg e s t a g e , a ro c k b r i d g e extending into the audience and a high diving platform and slide. Nightly Oct. 18-30 Boo at the Zoo Nights presented by SSM Health C a rd i n a l G l e n n o n C h i l d re n ’ s Hospital. 5:30-8:30 p.m. $6/Zoo members and $7/ general public $1 discount for kids in costume. Children under 2 are free. More info: (314) 646-4771 or stlzoo. org/boonights. The Zoo’s non-scary, kid-friendly Halloween experience is filled with laughs and adventure. Children are encouraged to wear costumes. Sponsored by SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, Mid
America Chevy Dealers, Wells Fargo Advisors, Prairie Farms Dairy, Build-A-Bear® Workshop At The Zoo, NOW 96.3 and 105.7 The Point. Oct. 29, 2016 Boo at the Zoo Spooky Saturday presented by SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. More info: (314) 646-4771 or stlzoo.org/spookysaturday. Mummies and daddies are invited to bring their little ghouls and goblins for fun
entertainment, educational activities and games. Children are encouraged to wear costumes. Sponsored by SSM Health C a rd i n a l G l e n n o n C h i l d re n ’ s Hospital, Mid America Chevy Dealers, Wells Fargo Advisors, Delta Dental of Missouri, BuildA-Bear® Workshop At The Zoo, NOW 96.3 and 105.7 The Point. November 2016 We e k e n d s t h ro u g h N o v. 2 7 , 2016 F i r s t B a n k S e a L i o n S h o w. S a t u rd a y s a n d S u n d a y s o n l y
COMPARE DELIVERY Jimmy Johns $1.50 per Sandwich only 1.5 miles from store. Wang Gang is $1.89 Flat Fee - No Matter How Big the Order!
at 1 and 2:30 p.m. (weather permitting). $4/person. Children u n d e r 2 a re f re e . M o re i n f o : stlzoo.org/sealionshow Sea lion superstars will thrill you with flipper walks, ball balancing and lots of splashing! Shows will be held at the L i c h t e n s t e i n S e a L i o n A re n a , w h i c h f e a t u r e s a n 8 11 - s e a t amphitheater for seasonal shows, a l a rg e s t a g e , a ro c k b r i d g e extending into the audience and a high diving platform and slide. Nov. 10-Dec. 24, 2016
Holiday Zootique at Treetop Shop. The Living World offers animal-related clothing, ornaments, plush animals, toys, books, home décor and many items only available at the Saint Louis Zoo. Holiday Zootique is open daily November 10 to December 24 during Zoo hours with a special Zoo members preview on November 9. More info: stlzoo.org. Nov. 24, 2016 (Thanksgiving Day) Zoo is open 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
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October 6, 2016
October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
"Author: The JT LeRoy Story"
To the general public, the name JT LeRoy probably rings only the vaguest of bells, if any at all. It didn't for this particular critic. But that innocent ignorance is all the more reason to seek out the documentary "Author: The JT LeRoy Story ," a fascinating peek into one of the wildest literary scandals in recent years and the bizarre nature of celebrity relationships. Director Jeff Feuerzeig's film, while undeniably one-sided, will have your mind spinning with questions about authorship, authenticity, art and fame. You even get to hear Courtney Love pause a phone call to indulge in some nose candy. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. It's hard to know where to start when it comes to describing what exactly JT LeRoy was, but, as far as the public was concerned at the time, he was a teenager who hailed from the truck stops of West Virginia where his mother turned tricks for money. He was gender fluid, possibly HIV positive, drugaddicted and a writer whose thinly-veiled fiction excited the likes of Dennis Cooper. He published the novel "Sarah" in 2000 and the short-story collection "The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things" soon after and amassed a hoard of celebrity followers like Love, Winona Ryder, Bono, Billy Corgan, Gus Van Sant and Matthew Modine. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language throughout, sexual content, some drug material and violent images." RUNNING TIME: 110 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
In "Sully," Clint Eastwood's haunted and sterile docudrama of Capt. Chesley Sullenberger's 2009 landing of Flight 1549 on the Hudson, Eastwood has drained away all the superficial, rah-rah heroism of Sullenberger's great feat, but he has also sucked the life out of it. "Sully" is every bit an Eastwood picture. Instead of the rush of euphoria that the "Miracle on the Hudson" swept through a New York accustomed to only tragedy from the air, we get a weary parable that, as Eastwood has often done, pulls the curtain away from a celebrated public figure and reveals the inner trauma and sense of responsibility that lies inside a regular man thrust into an unwanted spotlight. Sullenberger, played with typical dignity and sensitivity by Tom Hanks, is not celebrated here with a parade of a movie. He is beset by demons and anxieties, and the almost comically harsh scrutiny of an aviation safety panel, which, relying on automated flight simulations, believes Sullenberger could have safely returned to LaGuardia or made it over the New Jersey shoreline to Teterboro. Their snide, judgmental presence is there throughout "Sully," as they try to second guess his decision-making. It's an exaggeration. The film's climactic grilling of Sullenberger at a public hearing was referred to in news reports as "gentle, respectful and at times downright congenial." But Eastwood and screenwriter Todd Komarnicki working off of Sullenberger's book "Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters," had to find drama somewhere. The entire flight lasted less than six minutes. It was just 208 seconds from bird strike to the frigid Hudson. How do you make a film out of mere moments, handled with preternatural calm? Eastwood lingers in its aftermath, as Sully remains holed in a Manhattan he has little love for. The narrative is fractured, flashing backward and forward, into the pilot's past and occasionally into his nightmares. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "some peril and brief strong language." RUNNING TIME: 96 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
"The Blair Witch Project"
People will have different reactions to the new "The Blair Witch Project" sequel, but one thing we all probably can agree on is this: We need to hurry up and clear-cut that haunted forest in Maryland, once and for all. Even environmentalists would agree — what about a nice big parking lot? — after sitting through the harrowing "Blair Witch," which takes place in the same creepy woods where three student filmmakers disappeared in the original. Why either a new batch of kids or a new clutch of filmmakers have suited up to tramp around the Black Hills in search of the same angry witch is puzzling. There's an old saying that you can never go home again. It is advice neither team took — and so they're doomed. "Blair Witch " borrows most of the skeleton of the original 1999 film but ups the scariness at the cost of coherency. Director Adam Wingard also strays from the found-footage conceit and sometimes doesn't even pretend that what we're seeing was shot by anyone in the group. That suspension of disbelief is important or why try a direct sequel at all? (By the way, we're totally ignoring the quickie 2000 sequel "Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2.") First a primer, in case you just wandered out of a haunted forest: "The Blair Witch Project" was a cultural sensation. Shot for an initial budget of less than $50,000, it grossed just shy of $248 million, sparking trends in both found-footage horror and shaky-camera confessionals. Its faux-documentary premise was that it was just stitchedtogether footage taken by three student filmmakers who went missing while witch hunting. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language, terror and some disturbing images." RUNNING TIME: 89 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
Edward Snowden, who cast himself as the hero of his own spy movie, gets the real thing in Oliver Stone's Hollywoodized biopic of the National Security Agency whistleblower. Who but an avid John le Carre reader would bring a Rubik's Cube to the lobby of a Hong Kong hotel as a signal for his clandestine meeting with journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras? With preternatural self-awareness, Snowden knowingly stepped into a new life: a digital-era Deepthroat, a technocrat ready to don a trenchcoat. As a protagonist, Snowden (as played by Joseph GordonLevitt) doesn't have the brawn of Bourne or the style of Bond. But he carries with him a moral certainty that, it turns out, can do much more. Stone's "Snowden" seeks to frame its well-known subject as a patriot, charting his journey from unquestioning son of a proud military family to brave practitioner of civil disobedience for a greater American good. It's the kind of combination — Stone and Snowden — that one might go into with apprehension: Just what paranoid conspiracy theories is he going to throw at me THIS time? There's something too on the nose about the pairing. But the surprise of "Snowden" is that Stone, master of leftwing political thrillers, plays it fairly straight. "Snowden" isn't a liberal screed, or at least not an overt one. It's a sincere, straightforward biopic that, at its worst, verges on hagiography. That "Snowden" is conventional needn't be such a bad thing. "Snowden," carried by Gordon-Levitt, captures the rise of surveillance by viewing it through Snowden's initially innocent eyes. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "language and some sexuality/nudity." RUNNING TIME: 134 minutes. ASSOCIATDED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
October 6, 2016
"Queen of Katwe"
The colors and rhythms of life in the slums of Uganda are what set "Queen of Katwe" apart from other underdog chess movies. While Hollywood has long celebrated chess as a great equalizer across race and class — an ideal element for an underdog tale — it rarely turns its lens on modern African culture in such a realistic and respectful way. "Queen of Katwe" is as much a portrait of marginalized life in Uganda as it is of an unlikely champion. In telling the true story of chess prodigy Phiona Mutesi, director Mira Nair captures the vibrancy of a small village, the toughened dignity of its people, and a state of poverty so oppressive you can feel the desperation in the dusty air. With vivid camerawork by Sean Bobbitt ("12 Years a Slave") and a cast comprised largely of African unknowns, Nair ("Monsoon Wedding") drops the viewer into the swirl of color and humanity that is Katwe, a ramshackle community bordered by a trash dump and a lumber yard near Kampala, Uganda, where the filmmaker has lived for almost 30 years. Dirt streets bustle with rickety buses, motorbikes and street vendors. Local musicians make up the soundtrack. It's a kinetic setting for a true story so inspiring, it sounds like a made-for-Disney movie: A young, illiterate girl from the streets discovers a natural gift for chess, and with the help of a caring coach, she develops the skills and self-confidence to become a champion. The real Phiona Mutesi is a national hero and educational leader in Uganda who's on her way to becoming a chess grand master. RATED: PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for "thematic elements, an accident scene and some suggestive material." RUNNING TIME: 124 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
"The Magnificent Seven"
Deciding to remake "The Magnificent Seven " with a fresh batch of movie stars is certainly no sin. John Sturges' 1960 tome, itself a remake of Akira Kurosawa's classic "Seven Samurai," is a fun confection of star power and charismatic bravado, sure, but held in such high esteem probably more because of Elmer Bernstein's iconic score than anything else. Plus, who doesn't enjoy a ragtag group of outlaws banding together to defeat a powerful bully? But director Antoine Fuqua doesn't exactly elevate that now well-trod premise in this dutiful and solid rehashing of the seven gunmen who attempt to save a terrorized town, even if he does up the shoot-em-up action (and body count). Bernstein's score is given a few nods throughout the film, but saved in full for the final credits. Thus, it's left to the actors to carry us through the over two-hour running time. You could do worse than putting it all in the capable hands of Denzel Washington, with some help from Chris Pratt. Washington, as the steely-eyed bounty hunter Sam Chisolm, is the de facto leader, the Yul Brynner of the group. His out-of-use heart starts beating again when the recently widowed Emma Cullen (Haley Bennett) begs him to return to her small farming town of Rose Creek to save them from the terror of greedy industrialist Bartholomew Bogue, played with delicious, over-thetop menace by Peter Sarsgaard. Bogue is running a mining operation nearby and wants their land, too. He'll either pay the residents of Rose Creek an unfairly low price for it or force them to leave (already a less compelling idea than taking the food they've grown, but this "farming town" does very little farming anyway). Fuqua takes no time easing into the story, starting out with an all-out massacre in the town. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "extended and intense sequences of Western violence, and for historical smoking, some language and suggestive material." RUNNING TIME: 132 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
Associated Press
In this image released by Disney, Madina Nalwanga, right, and David Oyelowo appear in a scene from "Queen of Katwe."
"Queen of Katwe" tells of chess, dreams By SANDY COHEN Associated Press The colors and rhythms of life in the slums of Uganda are what set "Queen of Katwe" apart from other underdog chess movies. While Hollywood has long celebrated chess as a great equalizer across race and class — an ideal element for an underdog tale — it rarely turns its lens on modern African culture in such a realistic and respectful way. "Queen of Katwe" is as much a portrait of marginalized life in Uganda as it is of an unlikely champion. In telling the true story of chess prodigy Phiona Mutesi, director Mira Nair captures the vibrancy of a small village, the toughened dignity of its people, and a state of poverty so oppressive you can feel the desperation in the
dusty air." With vivid camerawork by Sean Bobbitt ("12 Years a Slave") and a cast comprised largely of African unknowns, Nair ("Monsoon Wedding") drops the viewer into the swirl of color and humanity that is Katwe, a ramshackle community bordered by a trash dump and a lumber yard near Kampala, Uganda, where the filmmaker has lived for almost 30 years. Dirt streets bustle with rickety buses, motorbikes and street vendors. Local musicians make up the soundtrack. It's a kinetic setting for a true story so inspiring, it sounds like a made-for-Disney movie: A young, illiterate girl from the streets discovers a natural gift for chess, and with the help of a caring coach, she develops the skills and self-confidence to become a champion.
The real Phiona Mutesi is a national hero and educational leader in Uganda who's on her way to becoming a chess grand master. Played onscreen by magnetic newcomer Madina Nalwanga, the Queen of Katwe's story begins in 2007. Her father has just died and her mother, Harriet (Lupita Nyong'o), can barely keep the family fed. They can't afford school, so Phiona spends her days fetching water for the family and selling corn in the streets. One day, she follows her little brother Brian (fellow firsttime actor Martin Kabanza) to an old church where some other kids from the slums are learning to play chess. Coach Robert Katende (David Oyelowo, perfect as always) invites shy Phiona to join. She's a natural, and her aptitude inspires him to enter the group in competitions. As in many chess/underdog films, these
tournaments are where kids from the wrong side of the tracks get to see how the other half lives. Suddenly, the Katwe kids — all played brilliantly by local children — are envious and insecure. The film ticks off the years and the tournaments as Katende encourages and Phiona improves, despite her mother's disapproval. To Harriet, chess is a distraction from selling corn. The screenplay by William Wheeler at times borders on the trite — "Sometimes the place you are used to is not the place you belong" — but the film is anchored by its colorful setting and solid performances by the entire cast. It's easy to become absorbed in Phiona's struggle in Katwe. Knowing she becomes a champion doesn't diminish the thrill of her journey.
"Snowden" falls short as a thriller By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge A movie about a very important subject was released last weekend and it made barely a whimper at the Box Office. It’s one that focuses on a fundamental right that all people – especially Americans living in the relative safety of the modern world – should be grossly obsessed with. Instead, Oliver Stone’s “Snowden” came, went, and was largely ignored by both moviegoers and critics. I understand how something this hardboiled could find itself both distancing and unappetizing amid our election cycle landscape right now, but let’s not forget that the very right to privacy is at stake when technology can now make the fictional concepts of omni-
surveillance espoused in George Orwell’s great “1984” an easy real life possibility. I am not a nutjob, at least not most of the time, but I do not want anyone observing or screening me when I choose to use electronic devices to interact with the world. As someone who is able to share his opinions weekly with a small segment of the general public, I feel that I should at least point out the glaring opportunities for understanding (at least one side of this argument) when they present themselves. The account of Edward Snowden portrayed in this movie is one that is certainly biased. All fictional filmmaking, even the holier-thanthou biographical kind, is subject to the whims of the filmmakers and Oliver Stone has made his name on having hard opinions about big topics. That’s why so
many people vilify him and still others love his pictures. Here, Snowden (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is shown as a do-gooder for the American people. His enlisted a f t e r 9 / 11 a n d w a s b o u n c e d from the Army’s para-trooping Special Forces branch when injury sidelined his ability to suffer physical torment. Using the IQ and gift for computer coding that he had, Snowden launched into a career with the CIA and several NSA subcontractors where he’d made sizable inroads for himself long before his thirtieth birthday. In this movie, he’s the favorite student of career background genius Hank Forrester (Nicolas Cage) and mighty executive puppet master Corbin O’Brian (Rhys Ifans). He vindicates one and horrifies the other when, i n J u n e o f 2 0 1 3 , h e re l e a s e d
thousands of stolen documents to th e media th rough st or ies posted by The Guardian and The Washington Post, through the words of journalists played by Tom Wilkinson, Melissa Leo, and Zachary Quinto. Framing this action is an entire look into Snowden’s character and personal life, especially as it relates to globe-trotting with his naïve photographer girlfriend, Lindsay Mills (Shailene Woodley). Equal parts genius developer and troubled patriot, Snowden comes to learn that the powerful backup programs he’d been instrumental in creating for the inevitable need to reboot our government from a cyberattack have been repurposed for spy craft. Specifically, he was the one to blow the whistle on programs sanctioned by Presidents Bush and Obama that had allowed
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the NSA to record billions of calls, texts, postings, and videos from ordinary U.S. citizen who had no thoughts of becoming lone wolf terrorists. While Hollywood was wrong to market this film as a thriller, we were all wrong to think this wasn’t taking place. Even worse, we’re wrong not to be thankful to Snowden for at least bringing the issue to the forefront. Still, his actions were illegal and his Robin Hood act technically treason. But the discussion is bigger than one man, even if that one man has thrown away any chance for a normal life by becoming an enemy of the state and turning to Vladimir Putin’s Russia for sanctuary. “Snowden” runs 152 minutes and is rated R for language and some sexuality/nudity. I give this film one star out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Travel An eruption of fall color The Lake of the Ozarks welcomes change of seasons For The Edge Every year, from mid-September t h ro u g h e a r l y N o v e m b e r, t h e hardwood forests that line the winding roads, rolling hillsides and shorelines around the Lake of the Ozarks transform from verdant greens into a vibrant palette of varying shades of red, orange and yellow. There are many excellent ways to experience the splendor of the season at the "Best Recreational Lake in the Nation," from selfguided scenic driving tours to languid cruises on the Lake of the Ozarks, hiking in the area's state parks to playing a round at one of 13 championship golf courses, fighting fish in a colorful cove or taking in the scenery from a favorite lakeside restaurant. However visitors decide to spend their time at the Lake, they will want to bring their cameras because they'll be in for a treat during one of the most visually stunning times of the year in the Ozarks. "We have many visitors return every autumn for the changing of the seasons," says Tim Jacobsen, executive director of the Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau. "A lot of them come from around Missouri, but we get quite a few from all over the Midwest and even the west coast because they don't get to experience fall like we do here in Central Missouri. They plan their entire vacations around it." Those that live at the Lake of the Ozarks enjoy the beauty of the seasons on a daily basis, but for visitors, just driving from their lodging to wherever their trip to the Lake may take them, it can be a very special experience. And, stopping briefly off the beaten paths and main roads throughout the Lake can reveal many colorful surprises for those hoping to bask in the autumnal glory of the Ozarks. There are multiple designated scenic overlooks in the Lake area, each offering visitors a unique vantage point of the Lake and its impressive features. The Ameren Scenic Overlook, located just off the Bagnell Dam on Upper Power Plant Road in Lake Ozark, offers a
unique perspective of the Bagnell Dam and the Lake of the Ozarks. Visitors get a distinct view of the Lake as well as the significant elevation change from the Lake of the Ozarks to the Osage River, the Lake's main tributary. Just down the road from the Ameren Overlook, visitors to Willmore L o d g e , 1 Willmo re Lane , c an enjoy in the panoramic view of the Lake from the back deck of this Adirondak-style building that was constructed in 1930 as an administration building and recreation hall for Union Electric e x e c u t i v e s . Wi l l m o r e L o d g e now houses a history museum dedicated to the creation of the Bagnell Dam and the Lake of the Ozarks. In Camdenton, there are three noteworthy scenic overlooks e a c h o ff e r i n g a n e x c e p t i o n a l vantage point of the Lake and its fantastic fall foliage. On the way to Bridal Cave, there's the Thunder Mountain Park overlook located on Bridal Cave Road. From this overlook, visitors are afforded a view of the lush hillside leading down to Bridal Cave as well as the shimmering waters of the Lake. Nearby, located in the surrounding Camdenton Conservation Service Center off Thunder Mountain Road, there is a 100-foot tall fire tower with an observation deck situated 80 feet above ground t h a t 's o p e n to the p ub lic fo r expansive views of the rolling
topography. About four miles south of Camdenton, visitors to Ha Ha Tonka State Park get a wonderful treat of colors at several overlooks located off paved trails that circle around the park's iconic "castle ruins." Ha Ha Tonka, which was voted the fourth best state park in the nation by readers of USA Today, is a popular attraction at the Lake during the fall. This park offers 14 walking trails covering more than 15 miles throughout the park, making it easy for visitors to experience the different geological formations - tunnels, caverns, springs and sinkholes - as well as the park's pristine woodland areas and glades. There's also a wooden boardwalk that winds around the natural spring, as well as 316 steps leading up to the stone skeleton of the once-majestic rural estate of Robert McClure Snyder. Lake of the Ozarks State Park, Missouri's most visited park and also its largest at 17,626 acres, boasts 12 hiking trails ranging from 0.8 of a mile to 13.5 miles winding through the park, including trails that accommodate mountain bikers and equestrians. These trails are great for leisurely strolls and/or more vigorous hikes through a variety of terrain and ecological systems, including hardwood forests, glades, fens and prairies. They also take hikers along the shores of the Lake and a t o p b l u ff s w i t h p i c t u re s q u e views of the water below. This park is very popular with anglers and boaters as it also offers boat rentals, public ramps, docks and a designated self-guided aquatic trail. For a birds-eye view, visitors can book an aerial tour with either Lake Ozark Helicopters, located off Bagnell Dam Boulevard in Lake Ozark, or Air Lake Aviation, located at the Camdenton Memorial Lake Regional Airport in Camdenton. Both offer narrated photography tours throughout the year, weather permitting. Lake Ozark Helicopters offers six different tour options and Air Lake Aviation offers a 30-minute
scenic plane ride which covers most of the Lake area, including the historic Bagnell Dam, Ha Ha Tonka State Park and everything in between. For more information, or to book a tour with Lake Ozark Helicopters, visit www. LakeOzarkHelicopters.com or call 573-302-0022. Complete details on Air Lake Aviation's scenic flights can be found at www. AirLakeAviation.com or by calling 573-348-1088. Those interested in taking in the sights by water can charter a narrated scenic cruise on one of three luxury motor yachts: the Tropic Island, the Celebration and the Celebration II. The Tropic Island, which accommodates 150 passengers, moors at TanTar-A Resort in Osage Beach and offers 90-minute cruises Tuesdays through Sundays. The original Celebration docks near the Grand Glaize Bridge in Osage Beach, while the new Celebration II docks near the Bagnell Dam in Lake Ozark. The original Celebration offers luncheon and dinner cruises Tuesdays through Sundays while the Celebration II offers 90-minute a f t e r n o o n a n d s u n s e t c ru i s e s every day of the week except Tu e s d a y. E a c h s h i p c a p t a i n ' s narration places an emphasis on the history of the Lake of the Ozarks as well as the stunning homes and lakeside restaurants that overlook the water. To learn more about the different cruise options available at the Lake, visit www.TropicIslandCruises. com for the Tropic Island or www. CruiseLakeoftheOzarks.com for the Celebration yachts. Tw o f a v o r i t e L a k e o f t h e Ozarks pastimes heat up as the temperatures begin to cool down in the fall. Anglers and golfers alike both favor the fall weather w h e n p e r s u i n g t h e i r f a v o re d hobby. Both fishing and golf are four-season sports at the Lake, but, there is a certain charm in being outdoors in the Ozarks in autumn. Anglers find the quieter waters favorable for fishing in secluded coves along the 1,150 miles of shoreline, as their time on the
water proves to be both beautiful and productive. Largemouth bass and catfish are plentiful, while white bass become a highly sought after target in the shallower waters this time of year. Crappie become active again around brush piles planted in the Lake in September and continue to bite well into the winter. For golfers, fall is great at any of the Lake's 13 courses. "Autumn is probably the best time to play golf at the Lake because the summer rush is over and the courses are all in great shape," says Paul Leahy, president of the Lake of the Ozarks Golf Council and director of golf at Tan-Tar-A Resort. "In mid-fall, especially, you have very comfortable temperatures and more affordable tee times and the foliage is typically quite stunning. It's certainly one of my favorite times to be out on the course." Visitors also can take advantage of reduced lodging rates throughout the Lake of the Ozarks area as the peak summer travel season winds down. "The Lake is a popular destination any time of year, but with fall being a shoulder season, it's one of the most beautiful and also most affordable times to visit," says Tim Jacobsen. "Many of the Lake's attractions are open for business year-around, so the only thing you'll be missing are the big crowds." Lodging options a t t h e L a k e r a n g e f ro m f u l l service luxury resorts to smaller family-owned resorts, comfortable cabins to familiar hotels and motels, quaint bed and breakfasts to condominiums and vacation homes. For more information on the different accommodations found at the Lake of the Ozarks, click on the "Places to Stay" tab at www.FunLake.com. To learn more about all the fun events, attractions, as well as lodging and dining options available all year at the "Best Recreational Lake" in the Nation, call the Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau (CVB) at 1-800-FUN-LAKE, or visit the CVB's award-winning website, www.FunLake.com.
Above, a view of the Lake of the Ozarks from a scenic overlook at Ha Ha Tonka State Park in Camdenton. At left, for an aerial view of the fall foliage, visitors can book a tour with Lake Ozark Helicopters or Air Lake Aviation. Photos courtesy of the Beenders-Walker Group
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
Cycling in McHenry County Abundance of microbreweries can help keep riders well hydrated For The Edge
ne of the best ways to enjoy autumn colors is in the saddle of a bicycle. And because nothing quite hits the spot like a sudsy brew after a long ride, why not indulge in those two passions at once? This fall, tap into the lively craft beer scene and spectacular autumn countryside of Illinois' McHenry County via pedal power. It's a great way to see nature's palate, burn off calories and work up a thirst, all in one outing. THE BIKE TRAILS For starters, the 26-mile Prairie Trail stretches border-to-border, entirely within the county, and is managed by the McHenry County Conservation District. It's built on old Chicago & Northwestern Railroad bed and passes through the towns of Algonquin, Crystal Lake, McHenry and Richmond. At its southern terminus, it connects via the Fox River Trail to a wide network of trails throughout Chicagoland, making access easy for bikers from many corners of the city and suburbs. For more information on trail connections, go to www. traillink.com. Several parks along the way offer access to the Prairie Trail, as well as parking, drinking water and restrooms: Washington Street Park and Algonquin Road Trailhead in Algonquin; Main Street Trailhead in Crystal Lake; Hillside Road Trailhead north of Crystal Lake; Whispering Oaks Park in McHenry; and Glacial Park at Harts Road near Ringwood. For more information and trail maps, visit www. mccdistrict.org. Riders from Chicago can also board Metra trains with their bikes (except during rush hours), and hop off in Crystal Lake or McHenry, where trail access points are just steps from the depots. For routes and timetables, log on to www. metrarail.com. The Bike Haven in the town of McHenry is a source for professional and experienced bicycle service near the trail. They stock a large selection of parts, apparel and accessories, and their staff is experienced in all aspects of biking, making them uniquely qualified to help out
everyone from the new cyclist to professional racer. If you don't have a bike, they can set you up with a rental for your trail ride. www. thebikehavenmchenry.com THE BREWS Along the way, you can quaff a pint at five small, intimate beer makers, plus two gastropubs with a huge variety of craft beers and ales from near and far. Scorched Earth Brewing Company in Algonquin uses locally-sourced ingredients, oldworld brewing techniques and a whimsical sense for exploration, to challenge your notion of what beer is and inspire you to share their passion with others. You'll choose from pilsners, ales, IPAs, stouts, bocks, saisons, dubbels, zwickelbier, marzen, porters and seasonals like Oktoberfest. www. scorchedearthbrewing.com Village Vintner Winery & Brewery in Algonquin is a winery, microbrewery and Italian restaurant that creates handcrafted house brews including an IPA, English red ale, stout, brown ale, vanilla cream ale and Belgian witbier, as well as wood-fired pizza, balsamic glazed strip steak, cedar plank salmon and fire-roasted baby rack ribs. www. thevillagevintner.com Crystal Lake Brewing in Crystal Lake is passionate about brewing
honest, thirst-provoking beers that are easy to drink and hard to put down. They focus on using fresh ingredients, like grain and hops, from premium local sources whenever possible, but they also stay true to a beerĘźs heritage. When the style dictates, specialized ingredients (such as imported German malt and hops for their German Lager) are incorporated to ensure the highest quality and truest taste possible. Choose from golden lager, IPA, marzen, rye IPA, and seasonals like their Belgian witbier and English brown ale. www. crystallakebrew.com Duke's Ale House & Kitchen in Crystal Lake isn't a microbrewery, but a certified "green restaurant" gastropub serving a locally sourced and organic menu along with an eclectic choice of small-maker beers from near and far. Choose from American and Scottish ales, marzens, hard apple and fruit ciders, bocks, IPAs, hefeweizen, Belgian dubbles, chocolate porters and more. Pair your choice with one of Dukes famous grass-fed beef or bison burgers, or a pulled-pork sandwich. www.thedukeabides.com Chain O' Lakes Brewing Company in the City of McHenry is the county's oldest brewery, and offers a full line of seasonal and small-batch beers. They crank
out a well-rounded selection of large- and small-batch beers and seasonal brews that are dispensed fresh directly from serving tanks,
including Scotch ales, IPAs, bocks, Belgian witbiers, German blacks, American lagers, English brown and Irish ales, stouts and Oktoberfest. www.chainolakesbrewing.com Two more watering holes not located near the Prairie Trail also feature craft brews, and are worth checking out on an autumn excursion by bike or by car: Cary Ale House & Brewing Co.
October 6, 2016
in Cary is the county's newest brew pub. It has sold out of its first beer -- Cary Farmhouse Ale - but it offers a wide and varied menu of craft brews from small batch brewers throughout the US and across Europe. Included are lagers, wheats, barleywines, ales, browns, ciders, IPAs, saisons, bocks, hefeweizen and more. Locally-sourced pub fare includes Canadian Poutine with duck confit, bison burgers and sliders. www. caryalehousebrewing.com Woods Creek Tavern in Lake in the Hills is a gastropub that serves local and regional craft beers and fresh food. Draughts include ciders, ales, IPAs, Belgian witbiers, ambers, red, weissbiers, hefeweizen, marzens and stouts. Pub offerings include jerk chicken, baby back ribs and jambalaya. www.woodscreektavern.com McHenry County is less than an hour's drive northwest of Chicago, bordered on the north by Wisconsin, and on the south by I-90. The Fox River winds down from the Chain of Lakes through the towns on the eastern side of the county, while country roads meander the western side. For visitor info about McHenry County, log on to www. visitmchenrycounty.com, e-mail info@visitmchenrycounty.com or phone 815-893- 6280. Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Pictured are various scenes of fall cycling in McHenry County. Photos for The Edge.
On the Edge of the Weekend
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
The Edge
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September 2016
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On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures Fox selling 2016-17 tickets
Ti c k e t s f o r " A G e n t l e m a n ' s Guide to Love & Murder" and "Once" at the Fabulous Fox Theatre are on sale. online at MetroTix. com, by phone at 314-534-1111 and in person at the Fox Theatre Box office. Ticket prices for "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" start at $20; ticket prices for "Once" start at $25. Both shows are part of the Fabulous Fox’s 2016 – 2017 U.S. Bank Broadway series. "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" is the first production in the six-show season ticket package; "Once" is an off-series special. Single ticket on sale dates for the remaining shows in the 2016 – 2017 U.S. Bank Broadway Series will be announced at a later date. New six-show subscription packages are still available and include tickets to "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder", "Fun Home," " Finding Neerland," "An American in Paris," "Something Rotten!" and Roundabout Theatre Company’s "Cabaret". For more information about season tickets, please call the Fox Subscription office at 314-535-1700. Groups of 15 or more should call 314-535-2900 for special rates and reservations. The Broadway Series at the Fabulous Fox Theatre is presented by U.S. Bank. 2016 – 2017 U.S. Bank Broadway Series Shows and Specials: (The Six Season Ticket shows are in bold) "A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder" * September 13–25, 2016 "Once" * September 30–October 2, 2016 "Fun Home" * November 15–27, 2016 "Annie" * December 2–4, 2016 "Finding Neverland * December 6–18, 2016 "An American in Paris * January 17–29, 2017 "Something Rotten" * February 7–19, 2017 Roundabout Theatre Company’s "Cabaret"* March 7–19, 2017 "Motown the Musical" * March 21–26, 2017 "The Illusionists" * March 31–April 2, 2017 Disney’s "The Lion King" * April 19–May 7, 2017 "Dirty Dancing" * May 12–14, 2017 "Rent" * May 19–21, 2017 "Mamma Mia!" * July 28 – 30, 2017
Laumeier Sculpture Park announces schedule
Laumeier Sculpture Park, located 12580 Rott Road in St. Louis, has announced its upconing schedule. For more information call (314) 615-5278. September 2016–February 2017 Fall & Winter Art Classes & Workshops Laumeier Sculpture Park offers art courses for all ages as multi-day classes and one-day workshops for youth, teens and adults. Art Classes and Workshops provide participants with a focused experience within a particular medium, process or concept. Art Classes and Workshops are taught by local, experienced Artist-Instructors and are designed to encourage artistic development and self-expression. Small class sizes provide participants with individual attention; projects are designed to allow participants the freedom to explore their own
potential and creativity. Art Classes and Workshops meet at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier. org for more information. September 2016–April 2017 Laumeier Teen Program Now in its second year, Laumeier's Teen Program is designed to encourage creative expression in young adults ages 13 to 19, offering workshops and mentoring to assist teens in preparing well-rounded portfolios. The Teen Program meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month during the school year (September–December and February– April) at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. $60 per month, ages 13 to 19. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www. laumeier.org for more information. October 12 Early Memory Loss Tour: The Northern Grove Participants, along with a care partner, enjoy a one-hour interactive, themed tour. Tours are led by Laumeier Docents who have been trained by the Alzheimer's Association of St. Louis. Participants stand and walk up to 45 minutes; tour pathways are wheelchair and walkeraccessible (hats and sunglasses are strongly recommended). Participants are advised to dress appropriately for the season and wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven pathways. Registration fee includes one care partner or support person with one participant. Tour meets Wednesday, October 12, at 1:00 p.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. $10, care partner with participant. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. October 15 2016 St. Louis Arts Experience Performance Join Laumeier Sculpture Park for a free, outdoor performance of musical selections in celebration of the Park. The event features Dr. James Henry with Vocal Point, Dr. Gail Fleming with Melodia and Vaughans Quartet, among others, and includes a presentation of the original composition Laumeier Sculpture Park Anthem, by Dr. Barbara Harbach. The performance is organized by Laumeier ’s 2016 In-Residence: Composer Dr. Barbara Harbach and Conductor Dr. James Henry, both faculty at the University of MissouriSt. Louis. Supported by the Ferring Family Foundation. Saturday, October 15, at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier. org for more information. October 16 Harvest Festival More than 3,500 patrons attend Sauce Magazine’s annual event featuring fall foods and beverages from St. Louis’ top restaurants, a farmers market, locally made arts and crafts, live music and more on the Park grounds. Sunday, October 16, from 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Admission is $8 for Members and $10 for non-members; children ages 10 and under are free. Rain or shine. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. Presented by Sauce Magazine. October 20 Free Stroller Tour: To the Whirligig & Back: Laumeier History
On the Edge of the Weekend
Laumeier Sculpture Park offers free Stroller Tours on the third Thursday of each month, May–October. Laumeier tours are interactive and designed to engage participants in exploring the relationship between art and nature. Themed tours provide specific perspective on Laumeier’s Permanent Collection to enhance the visitor experience. Tours are led by trained Laumeier Docents and last approximately one hour. Participants are advised to dress appropriately for the season and wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven pathways. Please note, strollers are not provided. Tour meets Thursday, October 20, at 10:00 a.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information. October 20 Free Cocktails & Conversation:
October 6, 2016
How’d They Do That? Join Laumeier Sculpture Park’s Chief Preparator Marty Linson and Collections Manager Erika Rogers for a glimpse at the behindt h e - s c e n e s a r t i s t i c p ro c e s s e s used during the stages of design, fabrication, installation and ongoing care of artworks in the Permanent Collection. Laumeier’s Conversation Series provides informal learning opportunities through discussion about new artworks in the temporary exhibitions or legacy artworks in the Permanent Collection. Conversation Series events encourage participants to share ideas and ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere. Refreshments are provided. Thursday, October 20, at 6:00 p.m. at the Kranzberg Education Lab at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free, ages 21 and up. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier. org for more information. October 22
Family Workshop: Bye Bye Birdies Search the sky and trek through the trees to witness a great bird migration! Learn which birds you can expect to see and how to help them along their travels. Then, make a feeder to help nourish the birds for their long flight! Laumeier Sculpture Park’s multigenerational Family Programs are a wonderful way for family members to spend quality and creative time together. Children— along with a parent, grandparent or caregiver—explore new artistic media, develop a meaningful bond and create memories to last a lifetime. Registration fee includes one adult with one child; children must be accompanied by an adult. Saturday, October 22, from 2:00–4:00 p.m. at the Kranzberg Education Lab at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. $40, adult with child ages 4 to 12. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier. org for more information.
Dr. Thomas Brummett Pain Management
Dr. Thomas Brummett, M.D., is accepting patients at the NEW Alton Memorial Hospital Pain Management Center located in Medical Office Building A, Suite 103, on the campus of Alton Memorial Hospital. To schedule an appointment, call 618-463-PAIN (7246). Dr. Brummett earned his undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, then his medical degree from Saint Louis University. He did a residency and fellowship in Anesthesia at SLU, and he is board certified through the American Board of Anesthesia and a Diplomate of the American Board of Pain Medicine. He is a member of the American Medical Association, St. Louis Society of Anesthesiology, and an Associate of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Alton Memorial Hospital Pain Management Center Medical Office Building A, Suite 103 Call 618-463-PAIN (7246) to schedule an appointment.
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October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures Cirque Musica Holiday Spectecular coming to St. Charles
The Family Arena is thrilled to announce that t h e C i rq u e M u s i c a H o l i d a y S p e c t e c u l a r i s c o m i n g Thursday, December 15 at 7:30pm. The show will be performed with a The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. Tickets go on this Friday, September 23 at 10:00 AM and can be purchased at The Family Arena Box Office, www.MetroTix.com or by calling 1-314-534-1111. For more information, visit www.CirqueMusica.com. Cirque Musica Holiday Spectecular is a fun filled f a m i l y h o l i d a y e v e n t f e a t u r i n g t h e c a s t o f C i rq u e Musica together with all-time favorite holiday songs performed by a live orchestra. Cirque Musica is a concert and visual experience where audiences journey into a world of high-flying adventure with a m a z i n g a c ro b a t s , a e r i a l i s t s , h i l a r i o u s h i j i n k s a n d holiday cheer, too! The show blends the spell-binding grace and daredevil athleticism of today’s greatest circus performers with the sensory majesty of the greatest holiday music of all time. Cirque Musica Holiday Spectecular is the perfect opportunity for the entire family to experience great Holiday music LIVE while enjoying an edge of your
seat circus experience. Cirque Musica Holiday Spectecular is produced by TCG Entertainment. Don’t miss the Cirque Musica Holiday Spectecular i n S t . C h a r l e s a t t h e T h e F a m i l y A re n a , T h u r s d a y, December 15 at 7:30pm for 1 show only. Be sure to friend Cirque Musica on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
The Muny Kids to appear in The Rep’s production of "A Christmas Carol"
F o r t h e f i r s t t i m e e v e r, t w o o f S t . L o u i s ’ s m o s t celebrated theatre institutions will collaborate in the casting of a production. T h e R e p e r t o r y T h e a t re o f S t . L o u i s i s p ro u d t o announce the casting of 14 of The Muny Kids in its h o l i d a y p ro d u c t i o n o f A C h r i s t m a s C a ro l , r u n n i n g N o v e m b e r 3 0 – D e c e m b e r 2 4 a t T h e L o re t t o - H i l t o n Center for the Performing Arts. These talented young performers will join an all-star local cast in bringing Charles Dickens’ beloved tale to The Rep stage for the first time in 35 years. “The Muny Kids will fill a variety of roles
throughout the show,� said The Rep’s Augustin Family Artistic Director Steven Woolf, who will also direct A Christmas Carol. “They’ll add great atmosphere and spirit to the goings on. We’re very impressed with the talent of these young performers.� The Muny Kids performing troupe serves as goodwill ambassadors to the people of St. Louis and the surrounding region. A p e r f o r m a n c e a n d t r a i n i n g g ro u n d f o r t a l e n t e d young people, the program spotlights children who demonstrate exceptional voice and dance talent, stage presence, dedication and discipline. T h e i r c a s t i n g re p re s e n t s a h i s t o r i c c o l l a b o r a t i o n between The Rep, which is currently celebrating its 50th anniversary season, and The Muny, which will ring in its centennial in 2018. "How wonderful to collaborate with our friends at The Rep during their gala 50th year," said Muny Artistic Director and Executive Producer Mike Isaacson. "Our incredibly talented Muny Kids are a true St. Louis treasure, and we're thrilled they will be a part of A Christmas Carol. We just need them back by May!" Ti c k e t s f o r A C h r i s t m a s C a r o l w i l l g o o n s a l e September 26. For more information on the show, visit repstl.org/season/show/a_christmas_carol.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Arts calendar Friday, Oct. 7
Defending the Caveman, Playhouse @ Westport, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 23, 2016 American Arts Experience St. Louis, St. Louis, Runs until Oct. 16, 2016 St. Louis Renaissance Festival, Roatry Park, Wentzville, Runs until Oct. 16, 2016 Follies: The Repertory Theater of St. Louis, Loretto-Hilton Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. STAGES presents: Sister Act, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 9, 2016 Outside In: Paint for Peace Exhibition, Coca, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 30, 2016 Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 8, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 8
Defending the Caveman, Playhouse @ Westport, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 23, 2016 American Arts Experience St. Louis, St. Louis, Runs until Oct. 16, 2016 St. Louis Renaissance Festival, Roatry Park, Wentzville, Runs until Oct. 16, 2016 Follies: The Repertory Theater of St. Louis, Loretto-Hilton Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. STAGES presents: Sister Act, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 9, 2016 Outside In: Paint for Peace Exhibition, Coca, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 30, 2016 Ernst Haas: Color Brought to Life, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 8, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition, Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum,
St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. STAGES presents: Sister Act, Robert G. Reim Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 9, 2016 Outside In: Paint for Peace Exhibition, Coca, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 30, 2016 Mark Bradford, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kings, Queens, and Castles, World Chess Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Little Black Dress: From Mournin
Sunday, Oct. 9
Defending the Caveman, Playhouse @ Westport, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs until Oct. 23, 2016 American Arts Experience St. Louis, St. Louis, Runs until Oct. 16, 2016 St. Louis Renaissance Festival, Roatry Park, Wentzville, Runs until Oct. 16, 2016 Follies: The Repertory Theater of St. Louis, Loretto-Hilton Center, St.
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to Night, The Missouri History Museum, St. Louis Route 66: Main Street Through St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs until July 16, 2017 The Women of 1916 Exhibition,
Historic Hawken House Museum, St. Louis, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs until November 10, 2016 Self-Taught Genius: Treasures f ro m t h e A m e r i c a n F o l k A r t Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
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Dining Delights
Kelly McCormick/The Edge
The Andy's Sage Fried Chicken off of the Hash House Farm Benedicts portion of the menu at Hash House A Go Go inside the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.
Hash House A Go Go in Las Vegas By BILL ROSEBERRY Of The Edge I recently celebrated a big birthday, 40. With that I guess I was having a bit of a midlife crisis, because I decided to enjoy my monumental day in the Sin City — Las Vegas. Kelly and I spent five days living it up in the city that never sleeps. I think I said goodbye to my 30s, my 20s and my teens in those five days. One of the ways I like to live it up is by checking out the local food scene and I definitely did that. Needless to say, my next few You Gotta Eats will be from those fantastic five days at the most glutinous, overindulgent city I've ever had the pleasure of visiting. Kelly and I stayed downtown at the Golden Nugget, so our first stop was around the corner at Hash House A Go Go inside the Plaza Hotel and Casino. Located at 1 South Main St. in Las Vegas, Hash House A Go Go is a hot spot in town. It's actually one of four locations in Vegas. There are also locations in nearby Henderson, Nev., one in Reno, one in Connecticut, one in Orlando, one in San Diego and a
location in Chicago. The restaurant has won a plethora of awards and been showcased on Man vs. Food among other notable food media outlets. It's motto is “twisted farm food” and its specialty is breakfast. It's Las Vegas, so you know it's a star-studded affair, too. There was a Mike Tyson signed menu hanging above our booth. I may have sat in the same booth as the heavyweight champ, which is fitting since I'm a heavyweight eater. We both went with some Hash House A Go Go all-stars. Kelly ordered the Sage Fried Chicken and Waffles and I selected the same spectacular dish Adam Richman tried on his trip, the Andy's Sage Fried Chicken off of the Hash House Farm Benedicts portion of the menu. Before I brake those memorable meals down though, I want to begin with our starter — Johnny's Famous BLT Mary. Now I've long shared my obsession with bacon so this was a no-brainer. This Bloody Mary consisted of the classic alcoholic drink with a bacon-salted rim,
huge slices of bacon, a big tomato wheel and a large piece of lettuce. The bacon, lettuce and tomato protruded right out of the middle of the drink. To top it all off it was served with two pieces of toast and a packet of mayonnaise. I'm not really a huge Bloody Mary fan, but this masterpiece could make me change my mind. I think every Bloody Mary should be served with bacon and tomato. It was like a meal in a glass, sensational, and the bacon-salt on the rim was an extra mouthwatering treat. It could barely prepare me for what I was in for with my actual meal though. The Sage Fried Chicken is a fried chicken eggs benedict dish of monster proportions. It starts with a griddle mashed potato base, topped with two buttermilk biscuits, a large piece of fried chicken, tomato, spinach, bacon, scrambled eggs, a grilled mozzarella cheese patty and smothered in a creamy chipotle sauce. It's garnished with rosemary and deep fried angel hair pasta and served with pineapple and honey dew melon on the side. The taste of this work of art was sensational. The mashed potatoes
and the chicken were the stars. The potatoes were very rich in taste and maintained their viscidity under all of the ingredients on top of them, the perfect base. The chicken was spiced with garlic, rosemary and sage and fried in a breading that included corn flakes. It was sweet, crunchy and moist and with the cut of the salt from the bacon and the kick from the chipotle sauce it hit a wide range on the taste spectrum. I think Richman's assessment of “Oh my goodness,” on his visit is perfect. Unfortunately I couldn't eat it all, but I took a to-go box and finished it in our hotel room later. Kelly's pick wasn't too shabby either. The Sage Fried Chicken and Waffles are listed as a New York Times favorite on the menu. The highlight was the waffle tower, which included bacon — wait for it — cooked inside the waffle. It came with the same scrumptious chicken prepared the same on my order and was topped with maple syrup and fried leeks. These weren't tiny pieces of bacon inside the waffle either, we're talking
October 6, 2016
big hunks of succulent swine in practically every bite. Kelly shared a few bites, but kept most of it for herself, raving of its flavor. She was a huge fan of the chicken, too. That was just the tip of the iceberg off of the mammoth menu. It's called Hash House A Go Go because it of course offers a large selections of hash dishes. There's a corn beef, red onion and swiss cheese hash and a chorizo, jalapeno, cheddar cheese and tomato hash to name a couple. Salads, sandwiches and stuffed hamburgers also highlight the menu. You can check out the whole menu at www.hashhouseagogo.com. We ate off of the brunch menu, but there is also a dinner menu at Hash House A Go Go. The restaurant has a diner setup. It's a laid back atmosphere where a large group of friends can have a great time. The staff was extremely friendly and very informative to boot, making it a great experience. So next time you're near one of Hash House A Go Go's locations make sure you stop by for a fantastic meal. It's definitely a place to go when you gotta eat.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Alton/Godfrey 463-9797 Bethalto/Wood River 377-8206 Belleville/Fairview Heights 622-9797 Edwardsville/Troy 692-1030
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Moro Beautiful 6BR on 3 Acres! $349,900 #4407398 Kelle Brown 410-4127
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Godfrey Cream Puff on 1 Acre! $122,500 #16050249 Amy Wooff Flach 531-2916
Maryville Lovely 3BR on Large Lot! $129,900 #4410211 Brian Stanley 779-6869
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Alton Well Kept 3BR Home! $79,900 #4404100 Jim Doerr 641-1007
Roxana Darling 3BR Home! $72,900 #16060445 Shawna Aughenbaugh 772-2850
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
The Edge
Section III
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October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Religion Widening of church probe applauded By PETER SMITH Pittsburgh Post-Gazette PITTSBURGH — In compelling Pennsylvania’s Roman Catholic dioceses to turn over as much as 70 years’ worth of records on sexually abusive priests, the state attorney general’s office is mounting what would be the most wide-ranging criminal investigation ever into the scandal in the United States. And if history is any guide — in particular, the history of the Diocese of Al t o on a - J o h n st o w n , w h i c h was the subject of the initial twoyear grand jury investigation that mushroomed into the statewide probe — here are a few things to expect in the coming months or years: — Few if any people will be prosecuted, either the alleged abusers themselves or those who enabled them, due to the deaths of many potential defendants and the expiration of the statute of limitations that prohibits filing charges after several years. — Many of the cases will be decades old.
800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648
Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear
8:45 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School 10:45 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
— Many names of alleged abusers will already be public due to criminal or civil trials, but some new names may emerge. — Internal church documents will show real-time decisions by bishops and other church officials in their own words — some of which may prove shocking and dismaying, others of which may even vindicate bishops’ handling of cases. — Some documentation will be conspicuously absent, evidence of church policies providing for the purging of scandalous documents after a time, although some such documents are retained long after the fact. — The investigations could yield an overall narrative over the years on how Catholic bishops handled cases of abuse by priests, whose cases are often reported in isolation. The investigation is being conducted by the attorney general’s office in conjunction with a grand jury based in Pittsburgh. The state has subpoenaed documents dating to 1947 from the dioceses of Pittsburgh, Greensburg, Allentown, Erie, Harrisburg and Scranton,
then, because more of these child predators were alive,” he said. “But better late than never.” It comes more than three decades after abuse by priests first came to national attention in Louisiana and 14 years after Boston Globe investigations, dramatized in the 2015 Oscarwinning “Spotlight,” generated an avalanche of revelations and the church’s adoption of zerotolerance policies. The March 1 report on AltoonaJohnstown alleged more than 50 priests and others associated with the church had sexually molested hundreds of minors, mainly between the 1940s and 1980s. No one was charged, but then-Attorney General Kathleen Kane said the report validated the stories of victims. A related investigation did result in charges against three priests who formerly led a Hollidaysburgbased Franciscan province. They are awaiting trial in Blair County for allegedly endangering the welfare of children by assigning the late Brother Stephen Baker
131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Pastor: Dr. Penelople H. Barber Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m.
Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -
Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities www.newbethelumc.org e-mail office@newbethelumc.org
407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Evening Youth Services New Life Student Ministry www.troyumc.org
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm Saturday - 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 am Wed., & Thurs. - 6:45 pm
All Are Welcome
EDEN CHURCH 903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 62025 656-4330
John Roberts, Senior Pastor
John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister Evan Shaw - Worship Minister
to work in public settings such as Bishop McCort Catholic High S c h o o l i n J o h n s t o w n . B a k e r, accused of molesting scores of minors, committed suicide in 2013. Those who have followed the history of sex-abuse scandals in t h e C a t h o l i c C h u rc h s a y t h e broad sweep of the Pennsylvania investigation has no precedent in the U.S., although large individual dioceses have undergone probes. The closest parallels may be government commissions in Ireland and other countries citing nationwide cover-ups of abuse in the church. D a v i d C l o h e s s y, n a t i o n a l director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, called the Pennsylvania investigations a “long-overdue move that validates the tremendous courage of every single victim witness and whistleblower.” He hopes more such witnesses will contact authorities. He’s “cautiously optimistic but far from complacent,” he said. “We strongly suspect many records have been destroyed.”
Pastor Carlos Bryant 618-980-1435
home to more than half of the state’s 3.3 million Catholics. That covers every Roman Catholic diocese in the state besides Altoona-Johnstown, which had its records seized in 2015 during the grand jury probe, and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, already the subject of grand jury investigations in 2005 and 2011. After releasing the AltoonaJohnstown report on March 1, the attorney general’s office set up a hotline for people to report further cases of abuse, and it says it has received reports of cases from throughout the state. Altoona lawyer Richard Serbin, who has represented victims of abuse in numerous dioceses since a 1987 lawsuit involving the sincedefrocked priest Francis Luddy, said he provided investigators with more than 100 names of allegedly abusive priests in all eight of the state’s dioceses. He applauded the investigation, lamenting only that such probes weren’t launched as much as three decades ago. “It’s unfortunate that the attorney general’s office and the district attorneys didn’t act
618-462-2462 310 South Main, Edwardsville 656-7498
Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 5:30 p.m. Dr. James Brooks, Lead Minister Rev. Jeff Wrigley, Assoc Minister
Let’s Worship...
Call Lisa 656-4700 Ext 46
October 6, 2016
Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM
Tuning in SLSO to pay tribute to Prince
The St. Louis Symphony and guest conductor Brent Havens will perform a world premiere tribute concert celebrating the life of the late music icon Prince, on Sunday, October 9 at 7:00pm. The first orchestra to present Tr i b u t e t o P r i n c e , t h e S T L Symphony will take audiences through a symphonic celebration a n d re t ro s p e c t i v e o f s o m e o f the superstar â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest hits such as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Purple Rain,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;When Doves Cry,â&#x20AC;? U Got the Look,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Raspberry Beret,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Would Die 4 Uâ&#x20AC;? and more. On April 21, 2016, Prince died at the age of 57. He was celebrated for his groundbreaking body of work, numerous musical innovations, and gifted vocal and guitar performances. Over the course of nearly four decades, Prince sold more than 100 million records worldwide and won seven Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and an Academy Award. Tickets will be on sale at 10 AM t o da y ( pri ce s r a n g e from $35-$85) and may be purchased at stlsymphony.org or by calling 314-534-1700. More STL Symphony â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Live at Powell Hallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Concerts Harry Potter and the Sorcerer â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stoneâ&#x201E;˘â&#x20AC;&#x201D;In Concert Friday, September 9, 2016, 7:00pm Saturday, September 10, 2016, 11:00am & 7:00pm Sunday, September 11, 2016, 2:00pm A Gospel Christmas with Richard Smallwood Thursday, December 8, 7:30pm
Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Symphony Friday, December 9, 7:00pm Saturday, December 10, 7:00pm Sunday, December 11, 2:00pm Mercy Holiday Celebration Friday, December 16, 2:00pm & 7:30pm Saturday, December 17, 2:00pm & 7:30pm Sunday, December 18, 2:00pm Disney in Concert: Tale as Old as Time Thursday, December 29, 7:00pm Friday, December 30, 7:00pm BMO Private Bank New Year â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve Celebration Saturday, December 31, 7:30pm Lift Every Voice: Black History Month Celebration Friday, February 17, 7:30pm Ben Folds Saturday, February 18, 7:30pm Sunday, February 19, 7:30pm Raiders of the Lost Ark Friday, March 17, 7:00pm Saturday, March 18, 7:00pm Sunday, March 19, 2:00pm
Straight No Chaser returning to The Fox
A t l a n t i c R e c o rd s re c o rd i n g group Straight No Chaser has announced early details of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Have Anotherâ&#x20AC;ŚWorld Tour.â&#x20AC;? The North American leg â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the a cappella groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s formation in 1996 and first show at Indiana University â&#x20AC;&#x201C; includes a stop at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on Sunday, November 6 at 2:30 p.m. Straight No Chaser will appear a t t h e F a b u l o u s F o x S u n d a y, November 6 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $59.50, $49.50, $44.50,
$34.50 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Pre-sale tickets will be available to members of Straight No Chaserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s official fan club beginning Tuesday, May 3rd; all remaining tickets will go on sale to the general public on Friday, May 6th. In celebration, Straight No Chaser will fly and cover hotel costs for two lucky winners to attend any Straight No Chaser show of their choosing within the Continental US. For complete ticket information and other news, please see www. sncmusic.com/tour. Meanwhile, Straight No Chaser â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hugely successful â&#x20AC;&#x153;The New Old Fashioned Tourâ&#x20AC;? concludes with a series of upcoming summer shows, highlighted by a two night weekend spectacular at Los Angelesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; historic Hollywood Bowl with the one and only Weird Al Yankovic, set for July 22nd and 23rd. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Have Anotherâ&#x20AC;ŚWorld Tourâ&#x20AC;? follows Straight No Chaserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most recent release, 2015â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;TThe New Old Fashionedâ&#x20AC;? The album sees the renowned group bringing their unique touch and inimitable vocal style to a stunning range of contemporary standards spanning The Weekndâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Feel My Faceâ&#x20AC;? and Hozierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take Me To Churchâ&#x20AC;? to Radioheadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Creepâ&#x20AC;? and Bob Dylanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tender â&#x20AC;&#x153;Make You Feel My Love.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The New Old Fashionedâ&#x20AC;? further features a number of Straight No Chaser â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s incomparable medleys, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;Begginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;/Counting Starsâ&#x20AC;? (blending favorites from Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons
and One Republic) and â&#x20AC;&#x153;On The Road Again/I Play The Roadâ&#x20AC;? (originally by Willie Nelson and Zac Brown Band, respectively). For more, please visit www.
sncmusic.com, www.facebook. com/StraightNoChaser, twitter. c o m / S N C m u s i c , a n d w w w. youtube.com/sncmusic.
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October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Tuning in Rain, a tribute to the Beatles, coming to the Fox.
O p e n i n g o n S u n d a y, M a rc h 5 , 2 0 1 7 f o r a l i m i t e d engagement at The Fabulous Fox Theatre will be Rain, a tribute to the Beattles. Tickets are $100, $65, $55, $45, $35 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Experience an all new show when the internationallyacclaimed Beatles concert, Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles, returns to the Fabulous Fox Theatre Sunday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. As “the next best thing to seeing The Beatles!” (Associated Press), Rain performs the full range of The Beatles' discography live onstage, including the most complex and challenging songs that The Beatles themselves recorded in the studio but never performed for an audience. In addition to the updated sets that include brand new LED, High-Definition screens and multimedia content, new songs have also been included with the launch of the 2017 Tour. Together longer than The Beatles, Rain has mastered e v e r y s o n g , g e s t u re a n d n u a n c e o f t h e l e g e n d a r y f o u r s o m e , d e l i v e r i n g a t o t a l l y l i v e , n o t e - f o r- n o t e performance that’s as infectious as it is transporting. From the early hits to later classics (“I Want To Hold Your Hand,” “Hard Day’s Night,” “Sgt. Pepper ’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “Let It Be,” “Come Together,” “Hey Jude” and more), this adoring tribute will take you back to a time when all you needed was love, and a little help
from your friend. Like The Beatles, the onstage members of Rain are not only supreme musicians, but electrifying performers in their own right.
Springfield, Loverboy to perform in St. Charles
Over the past three decades, Rick Springfield has worn many hats as an entertainer and performer. The creator of some of the finest power-pop of the ’80s, he’s a Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, and musician who has sold 25 million albums and scored 17 U.S. Top 40 hits, including “Jessie’s Girl,” “Don’t Talk to Strangers,” “An Affair of the Heart,” “I've Done Everything for You,” “Love Somebody,” and “Human Touch.” He’s an accomplished actor who most recently starred opposite Meryl Streep in the feature film Ricki and the Flash and gave a chameleonic performance as the creepy Dr. Irving Pitlor in HBO’s prestige drama True Detective. He’s also a talented author — both his candid 2010 memoir Late, Late at Night (which Rolling Stone named one of the 25 greatest rock memoirs of all time) and his 2014 comedic novel Magnificent Vibration earned rave reviews and spots on the New York Times Best Sellers’ list. Rick’s latest studio album which is out now, Rocket Science features expertly crafted pop-rock songs that are open and electric. Loverboy
Wi t h t h e i r t r a d e m a r k re d l e a t h e r p a n t s , bandannas, big rock sound and high-energy live shows, Loverboy has sold more than 10 million albums, earning four multi-platinum plaques, including the four-million-selling Get Lucky, and a t r i o o f d o u b l e - p l a t i n u m re l e a se s i n t h e i r se l f - t i t l e d 1980 debut, 1983’s Keep It Up and 1985’s Lovin’ Every Minute of It. Their string of hits includes, in addition to the anthem “Working for the Weekend,” such arena rock staples as “Lovin’ Every Minute of It,” “This Could Be the Night,” “Hot Girls in Love,” “The Kid is Hot Tonite,” “Turn Me Loose,” “When It’s Over,” “Heaven In Your Eyes” and “Queen of the Broken Hearts.” Tommy Tutone In 1982, Tommy Tutone exploded onto the music scene with what is one of the best known songs in history. The song that sparked millions of prank calls is none other than ‘Jenny/867-5309’. Coming on the scene at the same time as MTV certainly didn’t hurt at all either, thus cementing him a place in the culture of the 80’s. The concert is Saturday, October 15, at The Family Arena in St. Charles. Tickets can be purchased at the Family Arena Ticket Office or online at www.metrotix.com. Prices: $90 (Gold Circle), $80 (Floor), $65 (Lower Level Sidelines), $60 (Lower Level Endzone), $45 (Upper Level) To charge by phone call MetroTix at 314-534-1111. For help purchasing accessible seating, please call The Family Arena ADA Hotline at 636-896-4234.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
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Music calendar Friday, Oct. 7
I love the 90's, Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. James Bay, w/Joseph, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Lera Lynn, w/Indianola, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Local Music Open House, ft. Hollow Point Heroes, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. Jamison Ross, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 8
C e l c t i c T h u n d e r, F a b u l o u s F o x T h e a t e r, S t . Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wide Awake, The Greater Good, Lo And Behold, Polterguts, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. B o y c e Av e n u e , w / N i c k H o w a r d , L e e r o y Sanchez, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Suffers, w/Jakubi, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Hatebreed, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. Captains Courageous, Decedy, Jet Black Alley Cat, Pseudo Skylight, Murphy & The Death Rays, Cicero's, University City, Doors 6:00 p.m. Unknown Hinson, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Jamison Ross, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 9
Futuristic, w/Beez, Cato, Justina, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 10
Rae Sremmurd, w/Lil Yachty, Eearz, Bobo Swae, Impxt, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 12
Meshuggah, w/High on Fire, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The People's Key: Souled Out, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 13
Lettuce, w/(TBA), The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Deaf By Audio, Mississippi Clean, The Right Hooks, Cicero's, University City, Doors 7:30 p.m. Dweezil Zappa, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The People's Key: Souled Out, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m
Friday, Oct. 14
The Get Up Kids, Brick + Mortar, This City Of Takers, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Fruition, w/Scarlet Tanager, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Lewis Del Mar, w/Prinze George, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Road to Pointfest 2017, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 6:30 p.m. Strikes Back, w/Mutts, Hold Close, Forgetting January, Cicero's, University City, Doors 7:00 p.m. Bear Hands, w/Savoir Adore, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. 88 Squared: Adaron“Pops” Jackson and Phil Dunlap, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 15
La Sera, Springtime Carnivore, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. 3LAU, w/Prince Fox, SK8, Justin Caruso, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. Tyrone Wells “Cover to Cover” Tour, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Conquest- A Tribute to Metal Gods, The NightmareAn Alice Cooper Experience, Pop's, Sauget, Doors 7:00 p.m. Shotgun Creek, Tanner Lee Band, Joshua Stanley, Cicero's, University City, Doors 7:30 p.m. Nykee Heaton, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. 88 Squared: Adaron“Pops” Jackson and Phil Dunlap, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
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October 6, 2016
On the Edge of the Weekend
Classified Help Wanted General
Non profit seeks part-time Grants & Development Manager. Works remotely with flexible hours. Must have excellent writing & research skills. Send resume & cover letter to bschlueter@ signaturefoundation.org PA/CNA: Help w/ care for male quad in Maryville. DORS: $13/$16/hr. Call 616-4802 or 616-5446.
Got A Service to Sell? Advertise it in the classifieds!
Help Wanted Medical Lost & Found
LOST Golden Retriever 60lbs. Creamy gold color. Microchipped with cardinals collar. Friendly. Missing from Yard. 6yr old is missing his buddy. If you have any information regaurding the animal above or a similar animal please call Jamie at 618-288-2639 or Call (314)406-0396
To list your service call the classified department at 656-4700.
Help Wanted General
Endodontic office looking for
A Dental Office in Maryville has open opportunities for a Dental Assistant with experience, a receptionist and a part-time Hygienist. Knowledge of Dentrix is recommended. Applicants MUST have a positive attitude and be a team player! Please forward your resume to dentalwellness@ smilesrforever.com. We look forward to hearing from you! The Schwan Food Company is hiring Route Sales Representatives in Staunton. At Schwan’s we are driven to bring delicious foods and reliable services to our customer’s homes. As a Route Sales Representative you will earn a substantial base pay with an opportunity to earn more through commissions on sales. Total earnings are generally between $42,000 $47,000 a year. We offer full benefits and employees receive a discount on our food products. Apply today at www.schwansjobs.com Schwan’s is an EOE.
The Edwardsville Intelligencer reserves the right to remove ads with past due accounts.
Dental Assistant. Experience with insurance, front desk and chairside preferred. Please email resume to endojob7@gmail.com Full time Registered/Certified Medical Assistant, Monday-Friday Alton MultiSpecialists is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Alton MultiSpecialists Attn: Executive Director One Professional Dr. Alton, IL 62002 or fax a resume to: Fax: 618-474-0130 or email to jobs@altondoctors.com
Kenmore Chest Freezer 14.8 cu. ft. Removable Dividers, 2 Baskets, 1 Key $150 Call (618)910-0433
Misc. Merchandise
Deluxe Futon w/Mattress, Memory Foam-Pad, Cover, Sheet, exc-condition. $125 14ft alum ext-ladder $25 Twin-Book-Shelves $25 each 2 Heaters, Chandalier 656-0694
Wanted To Buy
ARROWHEADS WANTED: local Avocational Archeaolgist is looking to purchase either one arrowhead or an entire collection. Love Indian artifacts! 314-608-2692
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Bed - Queen PillowTop Mattress Set New, still in plastic, $175. (618)772-2710. Can Deliver!
Live Better For Less! SMOKE FREE Townhomes. 2br, 1.5ba $720 mo. Great interstate access. Includes washer/dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. 618-931-4700 www.fairway-estates.net
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Office Space For Rent
1125 sq. ft. w/ private bath. $8/sqft annual. incl. utilities & internet dialpropertiesil.com
Lots For Sale
2 Cemetary Plots for sale located at Sunset Hills Cemetary, Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Selling for $2500 ea. negotiable. 618-823-7820
Acreage For Sale
Deer Hunters Paradice. Trophy Bucks. Tired of Hunting and Zero Production? 60 acres. Southern Illinois. I can show you how to own this. 618-466-6338
3br TH 1200sq. ft. s8 OK Collinsville, $890/mo. 345-9610. Specials! skyviewtownhouses.com
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Yard Sales
Lakewood Subdivision Sale Saturday Oct. 3rd 8A Furniture, Tools, Crib, Highchair, Toys, Office furniture, Pool table, Piano, New Sports Apparel, Vintage Glassware, Home Decore, Misc
Hometown News You Can’t Miss • Founded in 1862 and acquired by Hearst in 1979.
THE INTELLIGENCER ARCHIVES The Edwardsville Intelligencer archive contains staff-written and other selected artiles from June 26, 2000 to the present. Searching is free and unlimited. There is a small fee for complete articles retrieved from our archive that are older than 30 days. You may purchase individual articles for $2.95 or select a package for multiple articles. Go to: www.theintelligencer.com
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016
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To place your ad here call Lisa 656-4700 x 46 October 6, 2016
HAUL ALMOST ANYTHING/ EVERYTHING Remove Unwanted Debris From Basement Garage, Attic; Wherever! VERY REASONABLE Retired Deputy Sheriff
On the Edge of the Weekend
THANK YOU! The Alzheimer’s Association would like to thank the Edwardsville community for supporting the 2016 Walk to End Alzheimer’s. And encourage local families living with Alzheimer’s to tap into our ongoing support and services: Several support groups are available in Edwardsville and the surrounding communities for caregivers to learn from and lean on each other. Care & Conquer Education Seminar
Nov. 14 | 7-9 p.m. | Jackie Joyner Kersee Center in East St. Louis. Learn about Alzheimer’s disease, early detection and the latest research.
Learn about Alzheimer’s at a local YMCA:
Know the 10 Signs | Oct. 14 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Collinsville YMCA Healthy Living | Nov. 10 | 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | Collinsville YMCA
24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) provides emotional support as well as information about the disease and local programs and services.
Learn More 800.272.3900 | alz.org/stl On the Edge of the Weekend
October 6, 2016