100815 Edge of the Weekend

Page 1

October 8, 2015

Vol. 13 No. 6

Saving history page 4

Bass N Golf page 18

SIUE Arts and Issues page 19

Help a loved one hear better.


(618) NEW EARS

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October 8



What’s Inside 3

Cultivating Young Cooks MoBOT to host special program.

4 Saving history

State preservation projects honored.

11 "The Intern"

You'll likely want to see it again.

13 "Dracula"

Experience the story as a ballet.

18 Bass N Golf

Lake of the Ozarks to host unique event.

19 Joining forces

SIUE, SIUC orchestras to perform together.

24 You Gotta Eat

The Station Burger Company.




What’s Happening Friday Oct. 9_____________ • Soulard Oktoberfest, 7th Street across from Soulard Farmer ’s Market, St. Louis, 4:00 p.m. to Midnight • Fright Fest, Six Flags, Eureka, 12:00 p.m. to Midnight, Runs through November 1. • The Darkness Haunted House, Soulard Neighborhood, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. • The Abyss Haunted House, Lemp Brewery, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. • Creepyworld Haunted House, Fenton (MO), 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. • 25th Annual Greater St. Louis Metro Area Model Train Show, Kirkwood Community Center, Kirkwood, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Halloween at Grant’s Farm, Grant’s Farm, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. • Stray Dog Theatre presents Dogfight, Tower Grove Abbey, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Owls and Orchids Animal Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. • Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. • Material Revival, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through October 16. • Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30.

Who We Are

• I See Stars w/For the Win, Alive In Standby, Life On Broadway, Ecclesiast, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. • Diabiase w/Ashes And Iron, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Tori Kelly, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • The Music of Andrew Lloyd Weber w/Terry Barber & Artists For A Cause, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Yellowjackets, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Saturday Oct. 10____________ • PEANUTS The Great Pumpkin Patch Express Train Ride, Union Station, St. Louis, 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. • Soulard Oktoberfest, 7th Street across from Soulard Farmer ’s Market, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to Midnight • Fright Fest, Six Flags, Eureka, 6:00 p.m. to Midnight, Runs through November 1. • Vincent Price Tenacious Eats, STL Banquet Center, St. Louis, 6:30 p.m. • The Darkness Haunted House, Soulard Neighborhood, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. • Creepyworld Haunted House, Fenton (MO), 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. • The Abyss Haunted House, Lemp Brewery, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. • Ottertoberfest, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. • 25th Annual Greater St. Louis Metro Area Model Train Show,

Kirkwood Community Center, Kirkwood, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Halloween at Grant’s Farm, Grant’s Farm, St. Louis, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. • An Evening with Cedric “The Entertainer” and Friends, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Fort Belle Fontaine Day, Fort Belle Fontaine, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. • 19th Annual St. Louis Canine Games, Purina Farms, Gray Summit, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Saint Louis Ballet presents Best of BALANCHINE: Western S y m p h o n y / S e re n a d e , To u h i l l Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Stray Dog Theatre presents Dogfight, Tower Grove Abbey, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • The Sunshine Boys, The New Jewish Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through November 1. • Owls and Orchids Animal Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through October 31. • Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. • Material Revival, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through October 16. • STL Symphony Concert: Beethoven 9, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Divide the Empire “Three Wi n t e r s Vo l . I ” C D R e l e a s e Celebration w/Divine Sorrow, Midnight Reveille, Apex Shrine, Pirate Signal, Pop’s, Sauget, 6:00 p.m.

ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar


On the Edge of the Weekend

Editor – Bill Tucker

Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake

October 8, 2015


Cultivating Young Cooks MoBOT's Kemper Center for Home Gardening to host special event For The Edge The Kemper Center for Home Gardening at the Missouri Botanical Garden will host Cultivating Young Cooks in honor of the American Culinary Federation's National Childhood Nutrition Month. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 17 and is free of charge. Several organizations will be on hand to share information on a wide range of topics from healthy home cooking to vermiculture, goat milking, applying for school gardens and grants and much more. Drop in for an hour or come for the day and explore the fun, fascinating and healthy aspects of food – from growing your own vegetables and herbs to exploring new culinary flavors. Focusing on skills for young cooks, area organizations will inform cooks of all ages and abilities about the benefits of cooking and enjoying f o o d y o u ’ v e g ro w n y o u r s e l f . Parents, grandparents and teachers w i l l d i s c o v e r re s o u rc e s a n d information needed to foster the development of young cooks and healthy eating. Organizations include American Culinary Federation’s Chef and Child Foundation, Gateway G re e n i n g , M i s s o u r i B o t a n i c a l

Garden’s Education Department, Saint Louis County Parks, Saint Louis Master Gardeners, Saint Louis University High School, University of Missouri Extension Service, Gateway Region YMCA, and area cooking schools and chefs. This event is sponsored in part by the American Culinary Federation’s Chef and Child Foundation which has been involved in several community programs in the St. Louis area. The Chef and Child Foundation was established by the American Culinary Federation to educate families and children,

and to be the voice of the culinary industry in its fight against childhood hunger, obesity and malnutrition. The purpose of the event is for children and their parents to learn about fruits and vegetables, gardening, nutrition and preparing fresh food. Cultivating Young Cooks is included with Missouri Botanical Garden admission of $8 for adults and free for children ages 12 and under. St. Louis City and County residents enjoy discounted admission of $4 and free admission on most Wednesday and Saturday

mornings until noon. Missouri Botanical Garden members are free. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook.

com/missouribotanicalgarden and http://twitter.com/mobotgarden. More than 45,000 households in the St. Louis region hold memberships to the Missouri Botanical Garden. Memberships begin at $65 ($60 for seniors) and offer 12 months of free general admission for two adults and all children ages 12 and under, plus exclusive invitations and discounts. Members help support the Garden’s operations and worldchanging work in plant science and conservation. Learn more at www. mobot.org/membership.

Pictured are two views of the Kemper Center for Home Gardening at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Photos courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend



State preservation projects honored For The Edge Nine outstanding preservation efforts from across the state will be honored next month by Landmarks Illinois, a statewide group that advocates for the protection of historic properties. This year ’s award winners tell a unique story about Illinois’ history – a story that stretches from an immigrant religious colony in the western Illinois prairie to a historic brewery on the edge of northern Illinois’ Rock River. An iconic mansion built in the 1880s is juxtaposed with a converted public housing project opened in the 1980s, along with a modest one-room dome home in southern Illinois and a 241-room luxury hotel on Michigan Avenue. This year ’s winning projects and people represent the state’s diversity, but they are all linked by a common goal: to honor Illinois’ heritage and preserve its historic treasures. “This has been an extraordinary year for preservation in Illinois,” said Bonnie McDonald, president of Landmarks Illinois. “Increasingly, building owners and developers are recognizing that the preservation and reuse of notable architecture not only enhances the beauty of the state, but also can significantly improve the vibrancy and livability of our neighborhoods, fostering civic pride, community involvement, and additional reinvestment.” Each winner will receive a Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award— which includes $500 and a distinctive trophy – at a special ceremony on October 17 at Venue One in Chicago. The award-winners are: Bishop Hill Heritage Association, Bishop Hill – Stewardship The Bishop Hill Heritage Association (BHHA) was founded in 1962 to preserve and promote the history of the Bishop Hill Colony, a utopian commune settled by Swedish immigrants in 1846. BHHA has been a faithful steward of four buildings in the historic district. Over the last five years, the association has undertaken extensive renovations of most of these buildings, including the 1853 Colony Store, the 1854 Steeple Building, and the 1855 Dairy Building. In total, BHHA has raised and invested more than $700,000 in rehabilitating these three historic buildings. Chicago Athletic Association Hotel, Chicago – Rehabilitation Development firm AJ Capital Partners meticulously renovated the Venetian Gothic Chicago Athletic Association building designed by Henry Ives Cobb in 1893. The project included restoring the building’s ornamental plaster and Carrera marble flooring, constructing a breath-taking rooftop deck, and updating the building’s mechanical, electrical, plumbing and A/V systems. Ultimately, the project team transformed the iconic building, which formerly housed a private athletic club for Chicago’s elites, into a 241-room boutique hotel with a stylish restaurant, bar, game room, and rooftop lounge. Prior to being purchased and renovated by AJ Capital, the Athletic Association building had twice appeared on Landmarks Illinois’s “Most Endangered Historic Places” list. This project not only restored a beautiful, iconic building on Chicago’s most traveled street but also opened the spectacular space to the general public for the first time. Dorchester Art + Housing Collaborative, Chicago – Project of the Year Led by Theaster Gates Jr.’s Rebuild Foundation, architect Catherine Baker of Landon Bone Baker and Brinshore Development’s Peter Levani, this remarkable initiative reused the townhouses of an abandoned public housing development in Chicago’s Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood, converting the blighted block into a cultural hub featuring an active and popular Art Center and 32 mixed-income rental units, including spaces reserved for working artists. Not only did this project transmute a neighborhood worthy of preservation, it has transformed a neglected


On the Edge of the Weekend

Bishop Hill Heritage Association

Restoration of the 1855 Dairy Building in Bishop Hill. neighborhood into a lively community replete with safe and affordable housing, an incubator for the arts and a community space for Grand Crossing residents. Fuller Dome Home, Carbondale – Restoration Built in 1960, the “Bucky” Dome Home is named for its designer and original owner R. Buckminster Fuller. A theorist, architect, inventor, and longtime Southern Illinois University professor, Fuller patented the design for the geodesic dome in 1954. He envisioned the dome as a model for durable, affordable, accessible, and efficient housing. The prefabricated dome home was assembled on a concrete foundation over a period of seven hours on April 19, 1960. Bucky and his wife, Anne Hewlett Fuller, resided in the home until 1972, distinguishing this national and local landmark as the only geodesic dome Bucky lived in full-time. After falling into disrepair, the Bucky Dome Home was donated to the RBF Dome NFP in 2002. With a National Park Service Save America’s Treasures Grant, the non-profit organization rehabilitated the dome’s exterior. The rehabilitation included reroofing the Dome and restoring the structure’s original geometry. According to the RBF Dome NFP, the exterior restoration of the Fuller Dome Home represents an important first step in establishing the R. Buckminster Fuller Museum. RBF Dome NFP envisions the museum as a hub and intellectual incubator space for scholars, architects, and designers in southern Illinois. Glessner House Museum, Chicago – President’s Award for Stewardship Saving the Glessner House from a ruinous state in the 1960s is only the beginning of this museum’s story. For fifty years, the Glessner House Museum has cared for and interpreted the legacy of this 1887 Henry Hobson Richardson masterpiece on Chicago’s famed Prairie Avenue. Glessner House Museum has been a model steward of the property, initiating a number of restoration projects that continue to move the home closer to its original grandeur. Most recently, GHM restored the mansion’s parlor, guest bedroom, and guest bathroom, projects that involved meticulously reproducing historic draperies as well as intricate, hand-painted canvas wall coverings. The museum will soon install a new geothermal system, allowing the staff to control heat and humidity levels for the first time and bringing 21st century technology to bear on this 19th century home. Through its ongoing stewardship of the Gilded Age mansion, the Glessner House Museum has established itself as a national model for preservation groups and historic house museums.

October 8, 2015

Downtown Jacksonville Turnaround, Jacksonville – Advocacy Hoping to reverse a decline that began in the 1970s, Jacksonville’s citizens joined together to found the Jacksonville Main Street foundation in 1999. Jacksonville Main Street (JMS) has been dedicated to revitalizing and restoring the historical feel of the city’s downtown. Specifically, JMS has supported the removal of non-historic buildings and storefront façades, the improvement of infrastructure and landscaping, and the installation of speakers, lighting, and other amenities in the town square. The Downtown Jacksonville Turnaround project culminated in May 2015 with the completion of a six-year, $14 million project that increased traffic flow around the town square and returned parking to the front of retail shops. The Downtown Jacksonville Turnaround project has had a tremendous impact on the local economy. After more than fifteen years of effort, Jacksonville Main Street has inspired sixty-five property owners to undertake their own rehabilitation projects, spurring more than $35 million in public and private investments. Forty businesses have either expanded their existing operations along or relocated their businesses to the town square, driving vacancy rates down from a high of 27% to less than 5%. More than 170 jobs have been created since the project began. Thousands of people again flock to Jacksonville’s town square for its retail shops and special events. Laurent House Foundation, Rockford – Advocacy + ADA 25 Award In 1949, Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Laurent House for Kenneth Laurent, a paraplegic World War II veteran, and his wife Phyllis. Wright strove to accommodate his client’s disability and personal dignity without sacrificing design. The resulting house is an ingenious marriage of accessibility with Wright’s Usonian principles. Equally remarkable, Frank Lloyd Wright’s thoughtful and accessible design predates the Americans with Disabilities Act by more than three decades. Kenneth and Phyllis remained in the home until 2011 when they placed the property and its Wright-designed furnishings up for auction. Faced with the possibility of losing an architectural treasure that Frank Lloyd Wright proudly called his “little gem,” a group of concerned Rockford citizens rallied together to form the Laurent House Foundation. LHF moved to purchase, restore, and reopen the residence as a historic house museum. In a single month, the group raised more than $1 million from city, state, and county governments as well as a number of corporations, organizations, and private

citizens. LHF immediately began restoring the Laurent House, installing a new roof, repairing the home’s structure, restoring the concrete floors, and refinishing its interior woodwork. The foundation also updated the home’s mechanical and security systems without modifying its unique aesthetic. The Laurent House Museum opened in 2014. Mike Jackson, Springfield – Joe Antunovich Award for Leadership Over his forty-year career, Mike Jackson has established himself as one of the leading advocates for historic preservation in the state. From 1983 to 2013, Jackson served in the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, most notably as its chief architect and later as the manager of Preservation Services. During his time at IHPA, Jackson provided guidance for the rehabilitation and restoration of some of the state’s most recognizable buildings, including the Tribune Tower, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Dana-Thomas House, the Rookery, and the Reliance Building. Outside of his work with IHPA, Jackson has spearheaded a number of national preservation initiatives, including: Recent Past, which encourages the preservation of mid- to late-twentieth century buildings; Green Preservation, which trumpets historic preservation as a form of sustainable building; and Upstairs Downtown, which provides a roadmap for reviving previously unused spaces on the upper floors of historic buildings. Jackson has taught at both Columbia University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, educating and mentoring a new generation of preservation architects. Prairie Street Brewhouse, Rockford – Rehabilitation Constructed on the edge of the Rock River between 1857 and 1922, the Prairie Street Brewhouse originally served as the home of the Rockford Brewing Company. Loyd and Diane Koch purchased the imposing building in 2000. After a decade of planning, the Kochs began an extensive rehabilitation project to return the building to its roots as a brewery while transforming it into one of Rockford’s premier entertainment and social venues. The Prairie Street Brewhouse now serves as a mixed-used space that houses a brewery, banquet hall, restaurant, office space, and residential lofts. The Prairie Street Brewhouse draws hundreds of people to downtown Rockford and the riverfront daily, helping to revitalize the city’s downtown area. As one of the first projects to utilize the Illinois State Historic Tax Credit, the Prairie Street Brewhouse also illustrates the importance of the pilot program in stimulating private investment in historic preservation. About Landmarks Illinois Landmarks Illinois helps people save places. Formed in 1971, Landmarks Illinois serves as the state’s leading voice for historic preservation by promoting the reuse of buildings as a strategy for economic development and sustaining healthy communities, while expanding the public’s understanding and stewardship of the built environment. Landmarks Illinois is the only not-for-profit organization inspiring local action statewide to catalyze incremental and transformational community change through historic preservation.About the Awards Since 1994 Landmarks Illinois has been aided by a generous grant from the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation to honor those whose work demonstrates a commitment to excellence in historic preservation. The awards ceremony, which includes cocktails and appetizers, will be held Saturday, Oct. 17 at Venue One, 1034 W. Randolph, and is open to the public. The program begins with a panel discussion at 3 p.m. followed by the awards presentation at 4:30 p.m. and a cocktail reception at 6 p.m. Tickets are available at $40 for members and $50 for non-members. To make a reservation visit our website at landmarks.org/awards. htm or contact Landmarks Illinois at 312922-1742.

People People planner Teen Talent Competition announces call for entries

Fox Performing Arts Charitable Foundation (FPACF) is pleased to announce the 6th Annual St. Louis Teen Ta l e n t C o m p e t i t i o n i n t h e s p r i n g o f 2 0 1 6 . O n l i n e registration to enter is now open for all high school students in the St. Louis Metropolitan area. There are no fees to participate. The event will follow a competition format with students vying for scholarships, special awards, prizes and the opportunity to compete in the finals on The Fabulous Fox Theatre stage on Saturday, April 23, 2016. This event showcases the most talented teens in our region who excel in the performing arts. More than 180 senior high schools and performing arts organizations in the St. Louis metro area received details about the 6th Annual St. Louis Teen Talent Competition. The call for entries deadline is November 20, 2015. Contestants must be enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the 2015-2016 school year and must attend a high school/ home school within a 50-mile radius from the Arch. The Preliminary round will be held on Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31, 2016. Acts may include up to six students performing as a group. “We hope students who are passionate about the performing arts will register for the competition,” said Mary Strauss, President of the FPACF Board of Directors. Performing arts categories include (but are not limited to): singers, dancers, actors, musicians, comedians, rappers, ventriloquists, and circus skill artists. Contestants may perform with original or published material. Finalists in past years have included an aerialist, classical and rap/pop sing ers, a wh ist ler, dancers, jugglers, a spoken word artist, musicians and baton twirlers. The 2015 winner of the competition was Contemporary Dancer Tiala Taylor of Ft. Zumwalt North High School. The three Preliminary round locations for Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, 31, 2016 are:UMSL’s J.C. Penney Conference Center, Ritenour High School and Nerinx Hall. St. Louis Community College/Meramec will host the Semi-final round on Saturday, March 5. High school students can respond to the “Call for Entries” and register on-line at www.foxpacf.org. Each round and location will have a panel of at least

three judges who will adjudicate and advance acts to the next round of competition. Judges for the Preliminary and Semi-final rounds are arts professionals from the St. Louis region who are asked to give each act constructive, verbal feedback immediately after they perform. The finalists will compete on The Fabulous Fox stage as part of a professionally produced show on Saturday, April 23, 2016. This final event at the Fox is free and open to the public. Students placing First, Second and Third will win college scholarships. Contestants who advance to the Semi-final round will be eligible for various cash awards, prizes and performance opportunities with professional companies (full list available at www. foxpacf.org). Finalists will also be provided unique performance opportunities within the St. Louis area arranged by FPACF and by request. Finalists from the past five years have performed at the Muny, with the Chamber Music Society of St. Louis, Winter Opera, at the Sheldon Concert Hall, Shakespeare Festival Green Show in Forest Park, Six Flags – St. Louis, Taste of Maplewood, Let Them Eat Art, and Fair St. Louis. “We have been thrilled with the response to this event from students, parents, arts organizations and the community. The Fox Performing Arts Charitable F o u n d a t i o n i s u n i q u e l y p o s i t i o n e d t o p ro v i d e t h e opportunity for students to perform at the Fox and on other stages around St. Louis. We are pleased that we are able to put talented young people in the spotlight,” said Strauss. Fox Performing Arts Charitable Foundation fosters, promotes, and encourages young people in the St. Louis region to discover and participate in the joy and wonder of live performances.

Calhoun County to host Old Settlers Days

Old Settlers Days, in beautiful Calhoun County, will celebrate its 35th year on October 10 – 11. The Kampsville Riverfront will come alive from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Teepees and tents will fill the park for a fun-filled week-end. Chris Camp, “The Whip Guy”, and his family will be performing their world-renowned “Wild West Show”. The “Back in the Saddle” band will be on stage

throughout the day. Bring your lawn chairs or sit on a straw bale and enjoy the music. Pioneers crossed the Illinois prairie in covered wagons in the early 1800’s and settled along the majestic scenic bluffs of the Illinois River bank, the setting for Old Settlers Days. Demonstrators, crafters, and re-enactors re-create those times. Vi s i t o r s c a n s e e s o a p m a k i n g , b l a c k s m i t h i n g , bow building, flint knapping, old tool displays, woodworking, chainsaw carving, and other demonstrators. Herbs, soaps, potpourri, and candles can be purchased. Take a stroll through the Mountain Men area with its many lodges, blanket traders and continuous activities. Visit th e Civil War encampment with soldier s in full dress and the periodic firing of a canon across the Illinois River. Children can enjoy the petting zoo, pony rides, jewelry making, face-painting, old time peddle cars, and play in the children’s area. Moms and Dads can shop the many craft booths offering a large variety of items. Karmel korn, pork skins, sauerkraut/ brats, and potato chips are cooked in iron kettles. There will be plenty of delicious food from fish to French onion soup. Pork chops, chicken and dumplings, hot dogs, ham and beans, fried apples, fried pies, ribeyes, kabobs, biscuits/ gravy, chili, ice cream, and lots of tasty baked goods are among many of the foods that can be washed down with lemonade or homemade root beer.--and don’t forget to grab a turkey leg or buffalo burger. Buy a bag of Calhoun apples, homemade apple butter, or a jar of freshly made jams and jellies. Take a carriage ride around the historic village. Stop by the Calhoun Historical tent to see Calhoun as it once was. While in town, visit the Kampsville Center for A m e r i c a n A rc h e o l o g y M u s e u m , M c C u l l y H e r i t a g e Project, Stonebridge Valley Art Gallery, and the many flea markets. Show your support of Old Settlers by purchasing a raffle ticket for the beautiful handmade trunk full of goodies. Please join us on Oct. 10-11 to meet old friends and make new ones at one of the friendliest events in the area. Admission is free. There is ample parking and the grounds are handicapped accessible. Information call: 618 381-4018.

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October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner Peanuts train coming to St. Louis

Peanuts The Great Pumpkin Patch Express Train Ride arrives at St. Louis Union Station this fall. Meet Snoopy and Lucy in the St. Louis Union Station pumpkin patch and join the Peanuts crew as they travel around St. Louis on a real train ride. Tickets for the real train rides are on sale at www. STLPumpkinExpress.com or by dialing 314-690-1105. The fun-filled trains will depart St. Louis Union Station on Saturdays and Sundays, October 10-11, 17-18, 24-25 and October 31 and November 1 at 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m., and 5 p.m. Special Friday evening trains will run on October 23 and 30 at 4:30 p.m., 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The excursions, which are themed after Charles M. Schulz’s classic story, “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” will leave from historic Union Station’s train tracks. Guests will experience great views of St. Louis including Busch Stadium, the Gateway Arch and the Mississippi River. Riders will listen to themed music and hear the narration of Schulz’s story by one of the crew members as the train travels along the rails. Prior to the train adventure, passengers will be greeted by Peanuts characters and have a photo opportunity with Lucy and Snoopy at the Great Pumpkin Patch. Kids can pick, decorate and bring home the perfect pumpkin, enjoy cider and sugar cookies, write a letter to the Great Pumpkin, and take part in festive, family-oriented activities. Kids (and their parents) are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to the event. Three classes of train tickets are available for the Great Pumpkin Patch Express. Coach tickets are $25 for children 12 and under and $35 for adults. First-class seating is $35 for children and $45 for adults in the train’s scenic dome car. Peanuts characters ride along on the VIP class train cars, priced at $59 each, sold in sets of four tickets only. Discounted hotel rooms are available for Great Pumpkin Patch Express Train Ride ticket holders at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel, a DoubleTree by Hilton. For hotel information, click on www.STLPumpkinExpress.com or dial 314-690-1105.

Model train show planned

The 25th annual Greater St. Louis Metro Area Model Train Show will be held at the Kirkwood Community Center on October 11 and 12 beginning both days at 10 a.m.. St. Louis’ best “home grown” model train show organized by one of the area’s oldest model train clubs. This is a family event and all children attend free. The show features an entire gymnasium full of operating model train layouts and a second gymnasium with model trains for sale. National award-winning layouts will be operating throughout the weekend and alll major scales of model trains will be represented. In addition to seeing large train layouts, the show offers the opportunity to purchase hard-to-find model trains from dealers from across the country; including everything from wooden Thomas trains to large indoor/outdoor G scale trains and railroad memorabilia. Door prizes will be awarded every hour. Attendees might catch a glimpse of long model trains consisting of a hundred coal cars, model trains with working horns and lights, and model steam locomotives with whistles and steam. Kids will have the chance to get up close and personal with a large “Garden Railroad” featuring multiple trains running on the gymnasium floor. Operating model train layouts include: Large operating

layout made entirely of LEGOs. Thomas the Tank Engine© model train. Five-time first place award-winning layout. Dozens of meticulously detailed scenes including a lock and dam and automobile plant. The latest in digital remote model train control and authentic train sounds and more. Cost:$7 for adults, free for kids and students with ID. The Kirkwood Community Center is at West Argonne Drive and South Geyer Road, just 2 minutes from the historic Kirkwood Train Station. Road signs are placed throughout the neighborhood to make it easy to find. There is always plenty of free parking. This annual event is sponsored by The Mississippi Valley N Scalers, the area’s oldest exclusive N scale model train club.

World War I art exhibit open

War looks different, before you’re in it. In 1914, as Europe lumbered optimistically to battle, a proxy fight was joined in the pages of popular media. Combatant nations, seeking cultural as well as military dominance, deployed visual propaganda to rally support and attack enemies. Yet as the death toll mounted, a generation of artists, many of whom served in uniform, sought new artistic languages to convey the grief and horror they had witnessed. This fall, the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis will present “World War I: War of Images, Images of War.” Drawn primarily from the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, where it debuted in fall 2014, the exhibition features more than 150 objects that together chart a chronological path from exuberant outbreak through years of grinding combat and into the long, unsettled aftermath. The exhibit will be on display through Jan. 4. Included are paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, illustrated journals, correspondence from the front and other materials by artists such as Max Beckmann, Umberto Boccioni, Georges Braque, Otto Dix, Natalia Goncharova, George Grosz, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Käthe Kollwitz, Fernand Léger and Kazimir Malevich. War of Images The exhibition opens with “War of Images,” which explores how different nations sought to elevate their own cultural symbols while denigrating the supposed national traits — German barbarism, British imperialism, French decadence, Russian cowardice — of opponents. French artist Jean Cocteau, whose health prevented enlistment but who later drove a Red Cross ambulance, co-founded the journal Le Mot (“The Word”) with designer Paul Iribe. The cover of their second issue depicts Kaiser Wilhelm II as the German hero Lohengrin, but wittily replaces the knight’s legendary swan boat with a red, grasping crayfish. Conversely, the German magazine Simplicissimus, a longtime government critic, now voiced patriotic support. A striking cover from October 1914 — by Thomas Theodor Heine, who’d once been jailed for caricaturing the Kaiser — shows a colonial Englishman, pith helmet ajar, clutching precariously at a bloodsoaked globe. Other works play on visual codes such as the Russian bear and the French Marianne. A series of rarely seen images by avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich and poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, modeled on popular Russian prints known as lubki, depict idealized peasants in traditional costume fearlessly routing enemy troops.


Images of War But for witnesses on the ground, arguments about cultural superiority quickly paled. “Images of War,” the exhibition’s second section, collects artworks, letters, diaries and other firstperson accounts that demonstrate the yawning gap between rhetoric and the reality of battle. Symbolist Henry de Groux, who fled Belgium just ahead of German invasion, captures the air of menace with his dark and swirling “Grenade Thrower,” from the series “Le visage de la victoire” (1914-16). In “The Trench” (1915-16), Swiss-born artist Félix Vallotton depicts a line of French soldiers, only helmets and bayonets visible, as the earth explodes behind them. A never-before-exhibited war diary by futurist Umberto Boccioni, who died in 1916, details a tumultuous period on the Italian front. The expressionist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, who was deeply scarred by his time in the German Army — and whom, decades later, the Nazi’s would brand a “degenerate artist” — drew the Apocalypse on the backs of cigarette boxes. Also included are rare examples of handmade “trench art,” with which soldiers memorialized their units and the battles they fought. These range from painted helmets and an engraved canteen to small objects made from shell casings. Aftermath The final section, “Aftermath,” opens with celebrations of armistice and photographs of jubilant French crowds. Yet even for Allies, victory was pyrrhic. Fernand Léger, who barely survived mustard gas, fills his illustrations for Blaise Cendrars’ “J’ai tué” (“I Have Killed”) (1918) with rifles, helmets and fractured war matériel. The Germans Max Beckmann, Otto Dix and George Grosz spent years coming to terms with their experiences, with Dix in particular returning obsessively to the subject. In addition to several prints, the exhibition features recordings, made in 1963, in which Dix discusses his time as a machine-gunner on the Western front. But the costs of combat are not paid by soldiers alone. Käthe Kollwitz’s son, Peter, was a student in Berlin when fighting began. He quickly enlisted and died in Flanders — the first of his regiment to fall. A decade later, the grieving mother completed “Seven Woodcuts about the War” (1924), a searing testament to the anguish of those left behind. As Kollwitz would write to one of Peter’s comrades, himself later killed at Verdun: “There is in our lives a wound which will never heal. Nor should it.” “World War I: War of Images, Images of War” is organized by the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. Works are drawn primarily from the Getty archives, with loans from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Washington University’s Modern Graphic History Library; and private collections. The St. Louis iteration features additional works from the Saint Louis Art Museum, the Kemper Art Museum and local private collections. It is curated by Karen K. Butler, associate curator of the Kemper Art Museum. An opening reception will take place at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11. The exhibition will remain on view through Jan. 4, 2016. The Kemper Art Museum is located on Washington University’s Danforth Campus, near the intersection of Skinker and Forsyth boulevards. Regular hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays and 11 a.m.-8 p.m. the first Friday of the month. The museum is closed Tuesdays.




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October 8, 2015

People People planner Events planned in Alton area

The Alton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau has announced the following events. Vintage Voices Oct. 3, 10, 17 & 24 1:00pm to 3:00pm Alton City Cemetery 5th & Vine streets Alton, IL 62002 Alton Little Theater will produce the annual Vintage Voices this October from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Alton City Cemetery. Actors/ historians will "bring to life" some of Alton's most interesting citizens. The 3/4 mile easy walking tour (approximately one hour) will give individuals and groups a chance to learn about the women and men who shaped the city's rich history, to view some beautiful vintage costumes and to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the City and National Cemetery. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for students and will be available at the Alton Visitor Center and online at www.altonlittletheater. org, (beginning Sept. 1) and at the front gate of the City Cemetery each Saturday, beginning at 12:45 p.m. More information about touring opportunities can be obtained by calling the ALT office at (618) 4623205. Admission $12/Adults $6/Under 18 Eating with the Entities Haunted Tour Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24 & Nov. 1 6:00pm to 10:30pm My Just Desserts (Haunted Alton Tours) 31 E. Broadway

Alton, IL 62002 Tour include a dinner and a threehour trolley jaunt to some of Alton's most sinister haunts including the McPike Mansion, Jacoby Arts Center and Alton City Cemetery. For more information, call (618) 462-3861. Admission $58/person October Sunday Brunch Oct. 4, 11, 18 & 25 10:00am to 7:00pm Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037 Bring the family for a beautiful day at the Lodge and enjoy the stunning fall scenery of the River Bend. Enjoy live music in the Great Room and then join us for our traditional everything you could possibly want to eat super buffet. We accept reservations for parties of six or more. For more information, call (618) 786-2331 ext. 502. Admission Adults 12 & Up: $18.95 Children 4 - 11: $9.95 Children 0 - 3: Free St. Mary's Oktoberfest Oct. 9 - 11 St. Mary's Catholic Church 519 East 4th Street Alton, IL 62002 Polkas, German food, live music, inflatables...it's a fall festival you won't want to miss! The schedule is packed with activities on the festival grounds. For more information, go to www.stmarysoktoberfest.com. Paranormal Investigation Friday, October 09, 2015 8:00pm to 2:00am Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037

The St. Louis Paranormal Research Society will be presenting an overnight paranormal investigation at the haunted Pere Marquette Lodge. WARNING: this is a real investigation into the history and claims of the Lodge and guests should be prepared to witness possible paranormal activity. This overnight package includes participation in the paranormal investigation and a Ghost Hunting Survival Bag with a few basic necessities for the evening’s events. Guests are encouraged to bring their own equipment or borrow the Research Society's. For more information, call (618) 786-2331. Admission Room reservation + $65 per two people Colors Over the Confluence Saturday, October 10, 2015 Gates open at 10:00am | 10:00am to 4:00pm Lewis & Clark Confluence Tower 435 Confluence Tower Drive Hartford, IL 62048 Celebrate the start of Fall at the Lewis and Clark Confluence Tower during the popular Colors Over the Confluence! Itchy Brothers Wood Carvers will be on hand to demonstrate their chain saw carving skills. Visitors will be able to purchase completed chainsaw art throughout the day. A variety of craft vendors and food vendors will also be on site. The festival is free. There is a charge to tour the Tower. Old Settlers' DaysOct. 10 - 11 10:00am to 5:00pm Kampsville Riverfront Water Street Kampsville, IL 62053 Old Settlers’ Days depicts the life and times of the early settlers in

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The Edwardsville Intelligencer will publish a special feature page honoring our troops on Saturday, November 7, 2015.

10 am - 5 pm Mon. - Thurs. 10-1 Fri. or by Appointment www.finishingtouchdecorating.com

We are accepting photos for publication and would like to honor both past and present service men and women for their sacrifices in defense of our country. Send photo along with the completed form below to: The Edwardsville Intelligencer Attention: Bill Tucker 117 North Second Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 or email photo and information to: btucker@edwpub.net Name: Hometown: Branch of Service: Years of Service: Brief paragraph honoring your veteran (In Memory of, We are so Proud, etc.)

$12/person Annual Quilt & Church Tour Oct. 16 - 17 9:00am to 4:00pm Communities of Calhoun County Calhoun County Quilts are displayed in several historic churches in the Villages of Kampsville, Hardin and Brussels. Beautiful quilts that belong to the residents of Calhoun County are on display in the Churches along with quilt exhibits and activities in Church Halls. Calhoun County communities join together to share the beauty and history of quilts that have been in local families as far back as the 1800s. There are over one hundred (100) quilts on display in the various locations. A brief history of each quilt will be provided so visitors can appreciate the craftsmanship and stories that are uniquely associated with them. In addition to the quilt displays there are other vendors, demonstrations and the sale of supplies and quilts. For more information, call (618) 883-2578 or (618) 232-1268. Admission Advance Tickets (by Oct. 7): $8 Tickets for groups of 20 or more: $7/person Tickets at the door: $12 Tickets are valid for both days of event. Tickets may also be purchased by mail. Send check payable to CCF, P.O. Box 176, Hardin, IL 62047

415 East Vandalia Street Edwardsville, IL 62025

Show Your Support for our Troops!

THERE IS NO CHARGE. Here’s all you have to do:

Calhoun County. Old time crafts, mountain-man encampment, children’s activities, great entertainment and lots of good food highlight this entertaining event. For more information, call (618) 465-2114. Pere Marquette Wine Club Get Together Saturday, October 10, 2015 2:00pm to 5:00pm Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center 13653 Lodge Blvd. Grafton, IL 62037 Join the Lodge in the Mary Michelle Winery Tasting Room the second Saturday of each month and enjoy appetizers and wine tasting. For more info, call (618) 786-2331. Alton Area Landmarks Association Fall Historic House Tour Sunday, October 11, 2015 12:00pm to 5:00pm Downtown Alton Alton, IL 62002 Take a self-guided tour of the beautiful historic homes, buildings and churches of Alton, some of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. There will be 10 to 12 sites on the tour. Tickets will be on sale and available beginning in October at the Alton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau at 200 Piasa Street. For more information, call (618) 463-5761. Admission

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On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner Hett Center's 2015-16 schedule announced

The Hettenhausen Center for the Arts at McKendree University celebrates 10 years of “McKendree Presents” in its 2015-2016 season. Tickets will be available to the public starting on Sept. 8 at noon, online at theHett.com, the box office, or by calling 618-537-6863 (1-800-BEARCAT, ext. 6863). All events are open to the public and held at the 488-seat performing arts center on campus. Prices range from $5 for children to $26 for adults, with discounts for seniors and students. Many programs are free, including the speaker series, films and several concerts. Preview the season online at theHett.com. Performing in 2015-2016 will be: Oct. 15, 7:30 p.m.: Classic Albums Live: Dark Side of the Moon recreates the 1973 Pink Floyd album track for track, note for note. Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.: The St. Louis Brass Band with virtuoso tuba player Patrick Sheridan, a former member of “The President’s Own Marine Band.” Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m.: Folk songstress Aysenur Kolivar explores the music and traditions of her Turkish heritage, presented by Arts Midwest World Fest. Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m.: Aquila Theatre: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes features British and American stage actors in a witty, fast paced production about the legendary

London sleuth. Nov. 22, 3 p.m.: The angelic voices of the Vienna Boys’ Choir open the holiday season at the Hett. Dec. 8 and 9, 7:30 p.m.: U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-America presents its popular holiday concert.

Dec. 20, 3 p.m.: COCA Presents The Little Dancer, the tale of Degas’ famous statuette who comes to life and dances through various works of art, performed by Ballet Eclectica. Jan. 23, 2016, 7:30 p.m.: Tomáš Kubínek, “Certified Lunatic and


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Master of the Impossible,” an exuberant one-man show combining comedy, vaudeville, theatre and music hall. Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m.: Chamber Project Saint Louis makes its Hett debut, joined by soprano Stella Markou,

featuring selections by Massenet, Ravel and more. Feb. 8, 7:30 p.m.: Vocalosity by “Pitch Perfect” music director and arranger Deke Sharon features a cappella singers exploring styles from classic to current hits.

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a beautiful journey “I love the idea of taking that journey. The journey of going down that river – going places we don’t know,” offers Lisa, referencing a passage from “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” “It looks like their journey took great courage, but sometimes it’s really just a voyage without any knowledge.” This has become Lisa’s life metaphor with her 94-year-old mother and 5-year-old daughter. Like Huck Finn, Lisa’s journey “has powerful and sometimes frightening storms, but they are still beautiful.” Take a peek inside the Collinsville native’s journey and see how United Way is helping her along the way at HelpingPeople.org.


On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015

October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend



QuickGlance Movie Reviews


"Everest" is not an easy movie to watch. No entertainment that contains such tragedy should be. The truly breathtaking spectacle and technical achievements can make you feel like you too are on a vertical slope at 29,000 feet. But this awe-inspiring movie is also one that's laced with dread, little triumph and even less perspective as you wait, with a knotted stomach, for the disasters to manifest. "Everest" recounts the events of, and leading up to, May 10, 1996, when a series of controversial decisions and a heap of bad luck led to the deaths of 8 climbers — then the deadliest day in Everest history. It is not, however, based on the most famous account, journalist Jon Krakauer's book "Into Thin Air." It's an amalgamation of stories, reports and never-before-heard tapes from the day, focused mostly though on Adventure Consultants lead Rob Hall (Jason Clarke), and Texan climber Beck Weathers (Josh Brolin). Krakauer is a character in "Everest," ("House of Cards'" Michael Kelly), but a peripheral, underdeveloped one. His presence as a journalist covering the expedition frames the growing tension between customer service and safety inherent in the commercialization of adventure. The script also uses him as a "why climb" observer. He can bluntly ask what the audience is thinking, and he does at one point. The scene goes nowhere, though. The other characters crack wise or choose silence, as though the desire to climb Everest is so unexplainable. "Because it's there," they say. So when a handful of climbers do make it to the peak, it's harder to feel their euphoria. All we can see is looming death. That's part of the problem of "Everest." All the elements are there, but the emotions never land — even with the inclusion of previously private conversation between Rob Hall and his pregnant wife Jan (Keira Knightley) as his plight atop the mountain becomes direr. The large ensemble cast is packed with recognizable faces — Clarke, Brolin, John Hawkes, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emily Watson, Knightley, Sam Worthington, and on and on. It can be distracting, but perhaps it is the only way to truly orient an audience with who's who. There's not a lot of time to get to know the individuals before their faces are obscured with ski masks and goggles and they're reduced to, and dependent on, our ability to recall the color of their snowsuits. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "intense peril and disturbing images." RUNNING TIME: 121 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.

"Black Mass"

Shakespeare had his tortured Hamlet, his ambitious Macbeth, his malevolent Iago, his warring Montagues and Capulets. But what would the Bard have done with the tale of James "Whitey" Bulger, and all the supporting players around him? There was Whitey himself, at first a minor criminal who became one of the most feared crime bosses in history, ruling his turf for two decades and evading capture for nearly two more. There was his brother, Billy, who grew up in the same home in the "Southie" section of Boston but became one of the state's most powerful politicians. There were the feuding Boston mob and Bulger's Winter Hill gang. Then the FBI agent whose efforts to gain Bulger's cooperation led to his own undoing. And the FBI itself, which ended up protecting Bulger for years and facilitating his murderous rise. Yes, Shakespeare would have had a field day. And so does Hollywood, namely director Scott Cooper and a top-flight ensemble led by Johnny Depp in a performance that reminds us, after a string of uninspiring movies, why he's one of our most compelling actors. Yes, Depp is excellent. But the star attraction here? That's the stunning story itself. "Black Mass," with a taut and effective screenplay by Mark Mallouk and Jez Butterworth, is based on the book by Boston


On the Edge of the Weekend

Globe reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neil (they make a brief appearance here). It begins with police interviews of Bulger's aging henchmen, then quickly flashes back to 1975. We meet Bulger as he's asserting control of the Winter Hill gang, which is engaged in a bitter turf war with the Angiulo family. Luckily for Bulger, a childhood friend has arrived back in town — John Connolly, an ambitious FBI agent. Connolly (a terrific Joel Edgerton — and this Aussie nails the Boston accent, too) figures the way to make headway quickly is to bring his old pal into the fold as an informant. He first goes to Billy, a state senator (a fine Benedict Cumberbatch), who coldly rebuffs him. Then he goes directly to Jimmy. "You know what I do to rats, John?" Bulger says at first. Connolly replies: "It ain't rattin,' Jimmy. It's an alliance." When Jimmy agrees, he rationalizes it thusly: "They protect us, and we do whatever the (expletive) we want." RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "brutal violence, language throughout, some sexual references and brief drug use." RUNNING TIME: 122 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

"The Intern"

The world of Nancy Meyers sure is beautiful. But her studied production design and dreamy interiors have become such a focal point, that they've almost eclipsed her storytelling. It marginalizes what she does, and how she has, from "The Parent Trap" to "It's Complicated," created her own lovely and implausible cottage industry of movies that are, for the most part, exceedingly pleasant to watch. She tells stories about divorce, affairs, and later life loves, using wit and humor that is somehow blue and sassy, but also innocent. Meyers is one of the more retro writer-directors working today. "The Intern," her first film in six years, is a curious case, melding together those modern retro sensibilities in a way that even further distances her work from reality. This is not a love story, though. It's a workplace tale about a smiley, unflappable 70-year-old retiree Ben (Robert De Niro) who goes to intern for the 30-something CEO of an online retail startup. With only the most polite issues peppering the plot, it's less a study of generational conflict and more of a series of loosely connected events about a guardian angel sent out of retirement to tell Anne Hathaway that she really can have it all. Ben's adjustment to working with all these kids might be the hook, but Jules Ostin (Hathaway) is the centerpiece and heart of the movie. In the past year and a half, she has built an insanely successful clothing business from the ground up and is now juggling a kid, her relationship with her stay-at-home husband, and a board of directors who want to replace her with a more seasoned CEO. She has her quirks. but Jules is neither the prototypical cutesy, clumsy comedy heroine nor the passionless executive who just needs to loosen up. In fact, Jules isn't a type at all. Hathaway plays her as serious, wise, playful, and insecure. Every time you think she might descend into caricature, Hathaway pulls back and grounds Jules. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "some suggestive content and brief strong language." RUNNING TIME:: 121 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.

"The Martian"

Without Matt Damon, the solitary fight for survival on Mars would be lonely indeed. Alone on screen for most of his scenes as an astronaut stranded on the red planet, the Oscarnominated actor is the winning heart of Ridley Scott's epic space adventure, "The Martian."

October 8, 2015

With Damon's charm center stage, Scott has crafted an exciting, hopeful story about humanity at its best: The brightest minds working together for a common goal that bridges international borders and forges a feeling of unity. Affable and intelligent, playful and determined, Damon's Mark Watney is so endearing and entertaining as a narrator and subject, it's easy to see why the world would want to save him. The story begins with Watney accidentally left behind during a NASA mission to Mars. When a fierce storm forces an emergency evacuation from the planet, he disappears in the chaos and is presumed dead. He isn't, of course, and as his fellow astronauts mourn him during their months-long journey back to Earth and NASA officials struggle with how to explain his death to the public, Watney wakes up, injured and alone. But he's incredibly optimistic and resilient. He fixes his wound with minor surgery and immediately goes about prolonging his survival, knowing it could be years before a manned spacecraft returns to Mars. He puts his skills as a botanist and engineer to work, devising a way to grow crops in the arid soil and make water by burning hydrogen. He rewires old equipment from a past Mars mission in hopes of communicating with NASA. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "some strong language, injury images, and brief nudity." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 141 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.

"The Walk"

Can a great third act make a great film? Conventional wisdom would say no. It's silly to spell out, but beginnings and middles are important, too. But if you're going to nail one section, the end isn't a bad place to start. The audience leaves invigorated, and, in a best case scenario, has already forgotten the slog it took to get there. "The Walk," a fictionalized rendering of Philippe Petit's 1974 high-wire stroll between the World Trade Center towers, doesn't entirely disprove the rule, but it certainly makes a seductive case. Director Robert Zemeckis and cinematographer Dariusz Wolski have made a truly extraordinary and breathtaking 40 minutes of cinema, preceded by a mostly forgettable, cloyingly whimsical hour and change. The stunt, which the gang refers to as "the coup," is one for the cinematic ages. Zemeckis and Wolski take the camera to unprecedented angles to make you feel like you are really standing between the 110 story towers. It's an undeniable, sweaty-palmed thrill walking above the clouds with Petit (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt), full of tension and triumph. The final sequence could have been enough for a film, but "The Walk" is more conventional than it might seem. It languishes for too long on origins of Petit's obsession with wire-walking and the high rise towers, playing up his quirkiness and eccentricities for whimsy, not the story. The beginning is shot like a fever dream of top hats, circus tents and unicycles. And, of course, there are the requisite underdeveloped characters — a curmudgeonly mentor (Ben Kingsley) and supportive girlfriend (Charlotte Le Bon) — to accompany him along the way. Gordon-Levitt, sporting fake blue eyes and a thick French accent, embraces the manic showiness and near sociopathy of Petit — an artist with complete tunnel vision. It's an interesting, all-out performance that still doesn't go much deeper than surface level. RATED: PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for "thematic elements involving perilous situations, and for some nudity, language, brief drug references and smoking." RUNNING TIME: Running time: 123 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.


Associated Press

This photo provided by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Rene Russo, left, as Fiona, and Robert De Niro as Ben Whittaker, in a scene from the comedy, "The Intern."

"The Intern" likely to be re-watchable By LINDSAY BAHR Associated Press The world of Nancy Meyers sure is beautiful. But her studied production design and dreamy interiors have become such a focal point, that they've almost eclipsed her storytelling. It marginalizes what she does, and how she has, from "The Parent Trap" to "It's Complicated," created her own lovely and implausible cottage industry of movies that are, for the most part, exceedingly pleasant to watch. She tells stories about divorce, affairs, and later life loves, using wit and humor that is somehow blue and sassy, but also innocent. Meyers is one of the more retro writerdirectors working today. "The Intern," her first film in six years, is a curious case, melding together those modern retro sensibilities in a way that even further distances her work from reality. This is not a

love story, though. It's a workplace tale about a smiley, unflappable 70-year-old retiree Ben (Robert De Niro) who goes to intern for the 30-something CEO of an online retail startup. With only the most polite issues peppering the plot, it's less a study of generational conflict and more of a series of loosely connected events about a guardian angel sent out of retirement to tell Anne Hathaway that she really can have it all. Ben's adjustment to working with all these kids might be the hook, but Jules Ostin (Hathaway) is the centerpiece and heart of the movie. In the past year and a half, she has built an insanely successful clothing business from the ground up and is now juggling a kid, her relationship with her stay-at-home husband, and a board of directors who want to replace her with a more seasoned CEO. She has her quirks. but Jules is neither the prototypical cutesy, clumsy comedy heroine nor the passionless executive who just needs to loosen up. In fact, Jules isn't a type at all.

Hathaway plays her as serious, wise, playful, and insecure. Every time you think she might descend into caricature, Hathaway pulls back and grounds Jules. Her unusually developed character has the somewhat adverse effect of exaggerating Ben's one-note, but charming simplicity. Ben spent his entire career at a factory that made phonebooks. He was married, now he's widowed, retired and bored of it. De Niro plays him as so nice, and so cuddly that he's almost alien. He is the grandpa from "Up" without the edge, here to tell millennial men to stop dressing like little boys, to carry handkerchiefs because ladies cry, to stay at work until the boss leaves, and to talk to, not text, romantic prospects. Beyond a flirtation with the office masseuse (Rene Russo), Ben has nowhere to grow. He's set in his perfectly PC retro-modern ways, just there to help everyone — especially Jules. It's an odd relationship with few actual revelations. That's because there's no big

conflict. Jules says she doesn't really like old people, and at one point worries that Ben knows too much about her, but those all dissolve without much ceremony. There are of course some other issues that Jules and Ben must deal with, but even those are minor. Nothing is ever that wrong in the Meyers-verse. It might not be a life you recognize from reality, but is the one that we fantasize about thanks to magazines and movies like this. It can be cloying at times, but the disconnected timelessness of it all is all the more reason for Meyers to keep doing her own thing as long as she can. She doesn't speak to what's trendy in filmmaking. Aside from the technology, "The Intern" could have just as easily existed in 1990. Still, in keeping everything so polite, "The Intern," while being a pleasant and watchable movie, is also entirely ephemeral. Maybe that's why, like Meyers' other films, "The Intern" will likely be so re-watchable, too.

"Hotel Transylvania 2" a hit with kids By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge If you really want to see an animated children's film as it's best designed, I suggest you to see it through the eyes of a child. Always curious to supplement my movie-going knowledge base, I enlisted two (of my three) cute nieces to join me early Saturday morning for a showing of "Hotel Transylvania 2" and I think they loved it. Truth be told, the younger one is often impressed far more than is necessary, but never lets on. The older one is a healthy skeptic and I encourage that in her, especially when the titles are weak. We stocked up on popcorn and settled in just in time to see some appropriately timed ads for a Disney Princess makeup kit and

movies like "The Secret Life of Pets" and "Goosebumps". Fall is a great time for family product, I note, and the lights dim in front of a movie that is expected to (and ultimately will) deliver the highest opening weekend gross for any film opening in September. Its target is its own predecessor from 2012. With Halloween approaching far quicker than seems logical, it's a great time for the Adam Sandler Crew to bring back their shtick featuring the great movie monsters of the past in a semimodern setting. After seeing his daughter, Mavis (Selena Gomez), marry a human, Jonathan (Andy Samberg), Dracula (Sandler) turns to running his hotel for small comfort. Father's little dividend comes soon, though, in the form of Dennis (Asher Blinkoff), the

grandson that Drac needs to feel like his old self. He doesn't hound Dennisovitch about turning into a vampire, but the worry increases as he gets closer to age five, the time when the transition is expected to take place, if at all. Comedy legend Mel Brooks voices Vlad, Dennis's grand-grandfather who instantly disapproves of having a halfhuman in the family. Jonathan's parents (real life married couple Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally) from C alifornia are equally disapproving. There's nothing particularly revelatory about the movie, but the sincere care that Sandler uses to voice his role is evident. It's also the same reason people keep going to see his movies. He might cast all of his friends (David

S p a d e , R o b S c h n e i d e r, K e v i n James) over and over, but there's a nobility in taking care of the ones that take care of you. Anyone who has seen an interview with Sandler knows that money - and he has plenty of it - is nothing compared to the time you can spend with your family. The voice cameos were fantastic. The recently embattled CeeLo Green has been replaced as the voice of Murray the Mummy by hero of the day Keegan-Michael Key. My personal favorite was Dana Carvey in the role of an ironic camp counselor. There's plenty of throwaway humor in this movie for the adults, but the best reason to go watch it is to spend some time with your own family. So how do kids like "Hotel Transylvania 2"? My blue ribbon

October 8, 2015

panel liked that they talked about unicorns numerous times, something we'd coincidentally been talking about heading into the show. They got a kick out of Dennis's thick, curly red hair (like their cousin) and that he had the same name as their grandpa. They sang along to songs in the movie that I couldn't even understand and were dancing in their seats during the raucous closing credits. I aged out of this genre far later than I expected to, but far longer ago than I care to admit. It's nice to having a differing perspective and I hope the girls remember it. "Hotel Transylvania 2" runs 89 minutes and is rated PG for some scary images, action, and rude humor. I give this film two and a half stars out of four.

On the Edge of the Weekend


Religion People planner Police: Fights break out at funeral of More than 2 million Muslims in former gang member Saudi start hajj pilgrimage COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Police in central Ohio say several large fights broke out at the funeral of a man with known gang ties, leading to a response by about 100 officers. The Columbus Dispatch reports that police were called Monday to the area around First English Lutheran Church in Columbus. A funeral for 28-year-old Dametrious Edwards was being held there. Edwards had been found dead in a basement Sept. 13. Police haven't said how he died. Sgt. Rich Weiner says the fights broke out behind the church, and pepper spray was used to break up the melee. No shots were fired and no officers were hurt. Weiner says it's not unusual for gang-related funerals to draw attention from rivals because gang members are expected to be among the mourners.

MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AP) — More than 2 million Muslims have started the first rites of the annual hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, which draws people from around the world to the holy city of Mecca to perform a series of rituals and prayers aimed at erasing their sins. Islam requires all able-bodied Muslims to perform the hajj at least once. It is said to trace the steps of the Prophets Abraham, Ishmael and Muhammad. In Mecca, pilgrims circle the cube-shaped Kaaba counterclockwise seven times and re-enact the journey of Abraham's wife, Hagar, who Muslims believe ran between two hills searching for water for her dying son. Tradition holds that God then brought forth a spring that runs to this day, and Muslims drink from it during the hajj. Since arriving in Mecca, hundreds of thousands of Muslim pilgrims have chanted the Arabic words that mean, "Here I am,

ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 656-1500

Rev. Diane C. Grohmann

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Our Facility is Handicap Accessible



Summit at School Street Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620 Rev. Tony Clavier Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697

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327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.


1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister

Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see leclairecc.com for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director



On the Edge of the Weekend

Nuns will get rent for convent in Katy Perry dispute

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A businesswoman will continue to pay $25,000 a month in rent plus maintenance expenses on a hilltop convent that Los Angeles' Catholic archbishop wants to sell to pop singer Katy Perry. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James Chalfant ruled Tuesday that entrepreneur Dana Hollister will make the payments to a small order of elderly nuns while lawsuits over the sale of the multimillion-dollar property are pending. Hollister wants to use the convent for a hotel and restaurant project. She agreed to buy the property from the Sisters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but Chalfant voided the sale. Additional court hearings will determine who controls the property's sale.

Center Grove Presbyterian 6279 Center Grove Rd., Edwardsville Phone: 656-9485 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Wed. Eve. Bible Study/Prayer, Choir Children & Youth Ministries Rev. Craig Frazier, Interim Pastor www.centergrove.org Presbyterian Church in America


110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm Saturday - 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 am Wed., & Thurs. - 6:45 pm

All Are Welcome


310 South Main, Edwardsville, 656-7498 Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship: 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brooks, Lead Minister Jeff Wrigley, Youth & Children’s Director www.fccedwardsville.org

EDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330 ohn oberts Senior Pastor Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM www.eden- cc.org



For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: Bahai.Edwardsville@sbcglobal.net P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.bahai.us

God, answering your call. Here I am."

Hillsboro at North Buchanan in downtown Edwardsville 656-1929 The Rev. Ralph N. McMichael

Sunday Services:

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Monday 5:00 p.m. Prayer Group Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist info@standrews-edwardsville standrews-edwardsville.com facebook.com/Standrews.Edwardsville

131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Rev. William Adams Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m. Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -

Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 5:15-6:15 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6:15-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities www.newbethelumc.org e-mail office@newbethelumc.org

Let’s Worship... This page gives you an opportunity to reach over 16,000 area homes with your services schedule and information.

Call Lisa at 656-4700 Ext 46

October 8, 2015

407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7:00 p.m. New Life Student Ministry www.troyumc.org

ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of Rosewood Heights 10 N. Center Street East Alton AWAKENING SERVICE:

Saturday’s at 5 p.m. A worship service with contemporary music where you can connect with God and others. Facebook: Awakening Worship STPUMC/Awakening

Sunday Worship: 8:15 & 10:30 a.m.


The Arts

For The Edge

Pictured are scenes from "Dracula" the ballet which will be performed at the Edison Theatre on Oct. 29 and 30.

"Dracula" transforms into a ballet For The Edge Missouri Ballet Theatre p ro u d l y p re s e n t s D r a c u l a o n T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 9 t h a n d F r i d a y, O c t o b e r 3 0 t h , 2 0 1 5 a t 7:30 pm at the Edison Theatre, located on the campus of Wa s h i n g t o n U n i v e r s i t y i n S t . Louis, Missouri. The full-length ballet, choreographed by Artistic Director Adam Sage, is inspired by the book titled Dracula, which was written by Bram S t o k e r i n 1 8 9 7 . A c c o rd i n g t o Sage, “I created this ballet because it is for me a dark, sensual and tragic love story that is perfect to be brought to life on the stage.” Sage also mentions “I wanted to present something for St. Louis, which would appeal to a wider audience. I believe the audience is in for an evening t h a t p ro m i s e s t o t u g a t y o u r heart, shock your senses and scare the life out of you.” The ballet tells the story of the events that transpire after Jonathon Harker, a lawyer from England, travels to Transylvania to conduct a business transaction for a vampire named Count Dracula. The supernatural tale also includes alluring vampire brides, frightening zombies, as well as Jonathon Harker ’s fiancée Mina and her friend Lucy, two young women who fall victim to Dracula. I m a g i n a t i v e c h o r e o g r a p h y, dramatic dancing, and thrilling special effects will keep the

audience on the edge of their seats during the course of the show. Tickets for Dracula at Edison Theatre are on sale now for $25. Tickets are available online at

edison.wustl.edu, by phone at 314-935-6543, and in person at the Edison Theatre Box Office. Due the mature themes presented in the Dracula ballet production, these performances

a re re c o m m e n d e d f o r a g e s 1 2 and up. Missouri Ballet Theatre a n d T h e Vi t a l Vo i c e w i l l b e hosting the “Slay at the Ballet” event during intermission

October 8, 2015

a t t h e F r i d a y, O c t o b e r 3 0 t h performance. Join the event host, Drag Queen Akasha Royale for special Drag performances. T h e re w i l l a l s o b e a c o s t u m e contest with prizes for winners during the Thursday, October 29th performance. A special thank you is extended to the 2015-2016 season sponsors: Missouri Arts Council, Mercy Hospital, Edward Jones, and to Dracula’s media partner The Vital Voice. Missouri Ballet Theatre welcomes donations from the general public, and the St. Charles County-based not-forprofit dance company is looking for companies and individuals who would like to sponsor future performances. Please contact missouriballettheatre@ gmail.com for sponsorship information. For additional details about the Dracula performances, please contact the Missouri Ballet Theatre at missouriballettheatre@gmail. com. The public can also visit the ballet company’s website www.missouriballettheatre.org. Missouri Ballet Theatre was founded in 2009 by Artistic D i re c t o r A d a m S a g e , a n d t h e company of 20 dancers is in residence at St. Peters Academy of Dance in St. Peters, Missouri. Missouri Ballet Theatre seeks to inspire and cultivate excellence in classical and contemporary dance by offering a wide range of repertoire.

On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Arts calendar Friday, Oct. 9

Stray Dog Theatre presents Dogfight, Tower Grove Abbey, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. O w l s a n d O rc h i d s A n i m a l Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Material Revival, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 16. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through December 27. Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. The Dream is a Manifesto Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 25. New Media Series – Alex Prager: Face in the Crowd, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through November 1. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Our People, Our Land, Our Images, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through November 21. The Art of Maurice Sendak, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Runs through Oct. 18. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic

Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6.

Saturday, Oct. 10

S a i n t L o u i s B a l l e t p re s e n t s Best of BALANCHINE: Western S y m p h o n y / S e re n a d e , To u h i l l Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Stray Dog Theatre presents Dogfight, Tower Grove Abbey, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Sunshine Boys, The New Jewish Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through November 1. O w l s a n d O rc h i d s A n i m a l Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Material Revival, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 16. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 27. Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. New Media Series – Alex Prager: Face in the Crowd, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through November 1. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Our People, Our Land, Our Images, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through November 21. The Art of Maurice Sendak, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, 9:00

a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Runs through Oct. 18. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6.

Sunday, Oct. 11

S a i n t L o u i s B a l l e t p re s e n t s Best of BALANCHINE: Western S y m p h o n y / S e re n a d e , To u h i l l Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Sunshine Boys, The New Jewish Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Runs through November 1. O w l s a n d O rc h i d s A n i m a l Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. Material Revival, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 16. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 27. Inspired by Nature: A Collection of Wildlife Art by Robert Bateman, Saint Louis Zoo, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. The Dream is a Manifesto Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 25. New Media Series – Alex Prager: Face in the Crowd, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through November 1. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs

through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6.

Monday, Oct. 12

A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. The Art of Maurice Sendak, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Runs through Oct. 18. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016.

Tuesday, Oct. 13

O w l s a n d O rc h i d s A n i m a l Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. New Media Series – Alex Prager: Face in the Crowd, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through November 1. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs

through February 14, 2016. Our People, Our Land, Our Images, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through November 21. The Art of Maurice Sendak, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Runs through Oct. 18. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6.

Wednesday, Oct. 14

Stray Dog Theatre presents Dogfight, Tower Grove Abbey, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Rep presents Angel Street (Gaslight), Loretto Hilton Mainstage, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. (Preview) O w l s a n d O rc h i d s A n i m a l Encounter, Butterfly House, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 31. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Material Revival, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Oct. 16. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30.




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On the Edge of the Weekend

Park in Lot B

SIUE Day is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with the University. There are mutually beneficial ways to partner, and we are bringing everyone together to network and cultivate those relationships.

Breakfast Buffet Welcome Video Dennis Grubaugh, SIUE Day Chair 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Rachel Stack, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and CEO, SIUE Foundation 9 - 9:30 a.m. SIUE Day Networking Opportunity/ Science Building ToursTours 8 a.m. 8:20 a.m.

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RSVP by October 5 to: Julie Babington Director of Annual Giving 618.650.2378 siue_day@siue.edu

The Arts Artistic adventures The Fox to host "Mamma Mia!"

Benny Andersson and Björn Ulv a eus’ " M a mm a Mi a !" , t h e smash hit musical based on the songs of ABBA, returns to the Fabulous Fox Theatre in November. Performances begin on November 6 and run through November 8 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri. Tickets for "Mamma Mia!" at the Fabulous Fox are on sale now online at MetroTix.com, by calling 314-5341111 or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Ticket prices start at $35. Prices are subject to change; please refer to FabulousFox.com for current pricing. "Mamma Mia!" is part of the U.S. Bank Broadway Series. Performances of "Mamma Mia!" at the Fabulous Fox run November 6 – November 8. Show times are Friday and Saturday evening at 8:00 p.m., Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Seen by over 54 million people around the world, "Mamma Mia!", is celebrating 5,765 performances on Broadway and is the 8th longest running show in Broadway history. The original West End production of "Mamma Mia!" is now in its seventeenth year and has celebrated over 6,700 performances in London and the international tour has visited more than 81 foreign cities in 37 countries and been seen by over 4.8 million people. The blockbuster feature film adaptation of "Mamma Mia!" is the most successful movie musical of all time grossing $600 million worldwide. Seen in 49 productions in 17 different languages globally and with a worldwide gross of over $2 Billion, "Mamma Mia!" is acclaimed by the Associated Press as “quite simply, a phenomenon.” An independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek island, Donna is about to let go of Sophie, the spirited daughter she’s raised alone. For Sophie’s wedding, Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends—practical and no-nonsense Rosie and wealthy, multi-divorcee Tanya - from her one-time backing band, Donna and the Dynamos. But Sophie has secretly invited three guests of her own. On a quest to find the identity of her father to walk her down the aisle, she brings back three men from Donna’s past to the Mediterranean paradise they visited 20 years earlier. Over 24 chaotic, magical hours, new love will bloom and old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities. Inspired by the storytelling magic of ABBA’s songs from “Dancing Queen” and “S.O.S.” to “Money, Money, Money” and “Take a Chance on Me,” "Mamma Mia!" is a celebration of mothers and daughters, old friends and new family found. "Mamma Mia!" is produced by Work Light Productions, whose other touring productions include American Idiot, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, Nice Work If You Can Get It, and Chaplin. The original production of "Mamma Mia!" was produced by Judy Craymer, Richard East and Björn Ulvaeus for Littlestar in association with Universal, the creative team responsible for bringing "Mamma Mia!" to theatrical life includes some of the most gifted and celebrated talents

of musical theatre and opera. With music and lyrics by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, "Mamma Mia!" is written by Catherine Johnson and directed by Phyllida Lloyd. "Mamma Mia!" has choreography by Anthony Van Laast, production design by Mark Thompson, lighting design by Howard Harrison, sound design by Andrew Bruce and Bobby Aitken, and musical supervision, additional material and arrangements by Martin Koch.

Fox to host "The Great Russian Nutcracker"

Tickets are on sale now in St Louis for Moscow Ballet’s celebrated Great Russian Nutcracker at Fox Theatre on Monday November 30, 7:00 p.m. It’s the ultimate holiday tradition from the youngest to the seniors in the family. See Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker and create memories for a lifetime. Moscow Balle t’s comp any of almost 40 dancers is the only internationally touring ballet group to perform to critical acclaim in over 75 North American cities annually. The renowned, award-winning

principal dancers and corps de ballet thrill audiences with their expertise, dramatic expression and stunning leaps, turns and drops. The production is known for its dedication to world peace: naming Act II the “Land of Peace and Harmony;” featuring a rose shooting cannon and a stunning “Dove of Peace” with a 20’ wingspan. All ages feel the spirit of the season at the Great Russian Nutcracker through the romantic costumes and shimmering backdrops splashed with highlights of Russian history. Additional fanciful effects include life-sized Matrushka Dolls; 3-headed Rat King and authentic Troika Sleigh escorted by Father Christmas and Snow Maiden through the magic Snow Forest. Tickets start at $31. Special two and four pack offers will also be available. Groups of ten or more, and Girl Scout troops, receive discounts by calling 800-320-1733. Seniors 65+, Military and AAA discounts are available at the theater box office with appropriate identification. For Gold Circle Gift Package and single tickets call Fox Theatre BO 314-5341111 or go to www.metrotix.com. "Real beauty,” New York Times; “Dazzling” Calgary Herald; “Powerful,” D.C. Metro Theater and Arts; “Breathtaking;” Cleveland

Plain Dealer and “Spectacular” Denver Post ~ from 2014 tour Moscow Ballet - In addition to the Great Russian Nutcracker, Moscow Ballet repertory includes classic ballets Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella and more. For more than 20 years the company has featured awardwinning and rising star dancers, from Lilia Sabitova in 1994 to Alisa Voronova in 2014. The company performs 100 engagements annually across North America and in 15 of the top twenty demographic mar ket areas. Moscow Ballet receives critical acclaim and is regularly invited to present at National Press Club events. In addition to public performances, the company’s mission and national platform enables it to s h a re t h e R u s s i a n Va g a n o v a ballet training with over 5000 American dance students annually in Dance with Us. Intensive cultural immersion project “New Horizons – A Children’s Program for Life” benefits thousands of

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school children and programs Musical Wunderkind and Summer Intensives also touch the lives of many children and young adults. For over 20 years Moscow Ballet’s partnership with corporations and not-for-profit organizations such as the President’s Challenge Program and Children’s Hospitals has raised revenue for significant causes. www. moscowballet.com. Ta l m i E n t e r t a i n m e n t i s t h e exclusive North American representation for Moscow Ballet which performs annually in about eighty cities from NYC to LA and Miami to Calgary. Under Talmi Entertainment management Moscow Ballet delivers unparalleled Russian artistry in the classic ballets Romeo and Juliet, Great Russian Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Swan Lake and more. With the fall of the Iron Curtain, Talmi Entertainment p re s e n t e d t h e “ I n t e r n a t i o n a l Glasnost Tours” in the US out of which grew the annual Great Russian Nutcracker tours.



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October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend




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On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015

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October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend


Travel Event scheduled at Lake of the Ozarks Old Kinderhook Golf Resort For The Edge The folks at Old Kinderhook Golf Resort and www.BassingBob.com are combining two of the most popular activities at the Lake of the Ozarks - fishing and golf - to create a new, unique annual tournament experience. The inaugural Missouri Invitational Bass N Golf Championship at Old Kinderhook, presented by Bassing Bob, will take place Thursday through Saturday, Oct. 29‑31, at Old Kinderhook Golf Resort near Camdenton. This unique pro‑am tournament pairs amateur anglers with 20 of Missouri's best and most celebrated tournament fishermen to compete for a total guaranteed prize pot of $10,000. Twenty registered amateurs will have the opportunity to fish with Guido Hibdon, winner of the Bassmaster Classic and two‑ time BASS Angler of the year; Dion Hibdon, winner of the Bassmaster Classic and FLW Forrest Wood Cup; Brian Maloney, FLW All‑American National Champion; and Marcus Sykora, FLW All‑American National Champion, just to name a few of the fishing pros participating in the tournament. This isn't your typical fishing tournament. There will be action‑packed fishing and afternoon weigh‑ins, but there's another catch: all teams will be paired with a PGA golf pro and play nine holes of golf on Old Kinderhook's Tom Wieskopf‑designed gem of a course. According to Bob Renken, executive director of Old Kinderhook, it's a great fit. "The idea of having an event like this has been in my mind for a long time and I'm happy to say all the pieces have come together to make it a reality. It's the perfect way to showcase our new lodge here at Old Kinderhook and the Lake of the Ozarks, which was recently chosen the best recreational lake in the country. We have one of the best bass fisheries in the nation right in our own backyard, as well as world class golf, so why not celebrate both at the same time?" To help bring the idea to fruition, Renken recruited a couple friends to assist him. The first recruit was one of the Midwest's premier bass fishing promoters, Bob Bueltmann, owner of www.BassingBob.com and publisher of Lake of the Ozarks Fishing News. The second was another local Lake of the Ozarks resident and pro tournament angler, Marcus Sykora. "I think this is a brilliant idea and it will be

a fantastic event," says Bob Bueltmann. "It's very rare for your average weekend angler or amateur fisherman to have an opportunity to fish with a seasoned professional, much less be able to compete in a tournament alongside and against some of the best in the business." Bueltmann said the initial response within the fishing community was astounding. "We allotted 20 spots for the amateurs and they were all sold out within three days of making the first announcement of the tournament. Old Kinderhook and the Lake of the Ozarks are on par with the very best fishing and golf destinations in the country, so everyone is very excited about what will turn out to be a wonderful experience for all the participants." The event gets underway on Thursday, Oct. 29 with a cocktail reception and sit‑down dinner with all the professionals and amateurs at The Ballroom at Old Kinderhook. The evening's festivities, including the reception and dinner, are open to the public at a cost of $40 per person. Following dinner, there will be live and silent auctions where the 20 participating amateur anglers can bid on their professional tournament partner for the weekend. The live auction will be for the

top‑four national fishing champions: Guido Hibdon, Dion Hibdon, Marcus Sykora and Brian Maloney. The silent auction will take place throughout the evening for the amateurs to bid on the remaining 16 professional anglers. Fall at the Lake of the Ozarks is often very beautiful and one of the most productive times of the year for fishing. The tournament officially kicks off at 7 a.m. on Friday morning when the anglers take off from Old Kinderhook's marina to search the waters for hungry bass. Fishing teams will return to Old Kinderhook for a drive‑through fish weigh-in at 1 p.m. On Friday afternoon, fishing duos will be joined by their randomly placed PGA golf pro for a 3 p.m. shotgun start. The anglers‑ turned‑golfers will then play nine challenging holes at Old Kinderhook, deemed the second best golf course in Missouri by readers of Golf Magazine. Later that evening at Old Kinderhook, beginning at 7 p.m., there will be cocktails, a buffet dinner and bonfire. The last day of the tournament begins at 7 a.m. on Saturday as the bass boats take to the water for seven hours of fishing. The

final weigh‑in is at 2 p.m. with an awards ceremony to crown the champions at 3 p.m. After the awards ceremony, everyone, including the public, is invited to attend the season opening of Old Kinderhook's outdoor ice rink and Halloween Party. The payout for the event will be determined by a cumulative points system based on the two‑day total weight of fish caught and a sliding points scale for pars, birdies and eagles during the three‑person golf scramble (a par is worth one point/ pound, birdie is worth two points/pounds and an eagle is worth three points/pounds). The payout will include cash prizes for the top four teams with a guaranteed $5,000 going to the winning team. There also will be cash prizes for the biggest bass and "closest to the pin." Sykora, who won the 2014 FLW All‑ American championship on Wilson Lake in Alabama, is proud to be involved with the tournament. "What a true honor it is to be able to plan and participate in such a cool event. This is an unbelievably stacked tournament and we'll all be excited to test our skills on Lake of the Ozarks, one of the best bass lakes in the nation." Being one of the top‑four champions participating, Sykora is confident the fishing will not disappoint. "I know that no matter who I end up being paired with, we're going to have a great time and we'll look forward to some of the best fishing this lake has to offer. It's one of my favorite times of year to fish." Special Bass N Golf lodging rates are available at the tournament headquarters, Old Kinderhook. Visit www.OldKinderhook. com for reservations. For more information on the Missouri Invitational Bass N Golf Championship, visit the "tournaments" page on www.BassingBob.com. To find out about all the fun events, attractions as well as dining and accommodations at the "Best Recreational Lake" in the nation, call the Lake of the Ozarks Convention & Visitor Bureau (CVB) at 800‑FUN‑LAKE, or visit the CVB's award‑ winning website www.FunLake.com.

Fall at the Lake of the Ozarks, at top, is often very beautiful and one of the most productive times of the year for fishing. The Pro-Am teams will face off for a nine-hole scramble on Old Kinderhook's Tom Weiskopf-designed course, at left, during the afternoon on Friday, Oct. 30. Photos courtesy of the BeendersWalker Group.


On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015


For the Intelligencer

Above, the Southern Illinois University orchestra. Below, award-winning cellist Sara Sant'Ambrogio.

Allied forces Arts & Issues to present combined orchestras of SIUE and SIUC By JULIA BIGGS Of The Edge The SIUE and SIUC orchestras will be combining for an exceptional musical performance at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 26 in the SIUE Dunham Hall Theater as part of the SIUE Arts and Issues season. The performance, which has sold out in previous years, will feature nationally renowned and Grammy Award‑winning cellist Sara Sant’Ambrogio. Michael Mishra, professor of music and director of orchestral st ud i e s a t S I U E , a n d E d w a rd Benyas, music director of the SIUC Symphony Orchestra, have joined their respective orchestras together the past three years for this rather unique musical event. Benyas will be conducting Dvorak's Cello Concerto, a p i e c e t h a t w i l l f e a t u re g u e s t cellist Sant'Ambrogio who leapt to international attention when she was a winner at the Eighth I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tc h a i k o v s k y Competition in Moscow, Russia. Sant'Ambrogio began her cello studies with her father John Sant'Ambrogio, principal cellist of the St. Louis Symphony, and at the age of 16 was invited on full scholarship to study with David Soyer at the Curtis Institute of Music where she received her h i g h s c h o o l d i p l o m a . “ T h re e years later world renowned cellist Leonard Rose invited Ms. Sant'Ambrogio to study at The Julliard School,” Sant'Ambrogio's biography states. “ Wi t h i n

weeks of arriving, she won the a l l ‑ J u i l l i a rd S c h u m a n n C e l l o Concerto Competition, resulting in the first of many performances at Lincoln Center.” Sant'Ambrogio is also well‑ known as being one of the founders of the popular Eroica Trio which won the prestigious 1991 Naumburg Award, resulting in an acclaimed Lincoln Center

debut and has since extensively toured the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand. As part of an educational component to Sant'Ambrogio's visit, she will give a cello master class to the two university's orchestra cellists. Following the “Cello Concerto” portion of the Oct. 26

performance, Mishra will step in and conduct Sibelius' Symphony No. 1. Coincidentally this is Sibelius' 150th anniversary year. “I say "coincidentally" because I only realized this after I picked it,” Mishra noted. “It was not an intentional match.” Mishra explained that the process behind combining the two orchestras of about 40

October 8, 2015

musicians each is “sort of last minute” with a tight turnaround of rehearsing together on Sunday and performing the following day. “We've been rehearsing s e p a r a t e l y, ” h e n o t e d . “ We basically have sort of a marathon 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday – most of the afternoon and all evening ‑ that is our opportunity to combine.” Mishra also noted that it's “always an eye opener” at that initial point of coming together. “You're facing this orchestra that is twice the size of the one you usually have,” he said. “But it's always fun to get together.” “What I'll often do is go down there (to Carbondale) the week before so I get to rehearse with his orchestra once down in Carbondale,” Mishra added. “But even doing that it's always an adventure when you combine two orchestras together 24 hours before the concert. It's a very intensive 24 hours.” After the Edwardsville performance, the two orchestras then travel to Carbondale to perform together Tuesday at the Carbondale campus. Arts & Issues tickets can be ordered on‑line at artsandissues. com or in‑person at the Morris University Center (MUC) We l c o m e D e s k . T h e M U C Welcome Desk is open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. The Welcome Desk is closed on Sunday. To place your order by phone call 1‑866‑698‑4253.

On the Edge of the Weekend


Music Tuning in The Fox to welcome Gladys Knight, the O'Jays

​G ladys Knight and the O'Jays are coming to St. Louis - together in concert, doing full headlining performances on Friday, November 13, 2015 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Tickets are $150, $125, $95, $85, $75, $65, $55 and are on sale online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. The great ones endure, and Gladys Knight has long been one of the greatest. Very few singers over the last fifty years have matched her unassailable artistry. This seventime Grammy winner has enjoyed #1 hits in Pop, Gospel, R&B and Adult Contemporary, and has triumphed in film, television and live performance. In her first effort since 2013’s “Another Journey” – Knight’s 8th solo effort – this summer marked the release of “Where My Heart Belongs”, a new inspiration gospel album. Knight is a twotime Grammy winner in the gospel category and recently won an NAACP Image Award for “Outstanding Gospel Album.” “Another Journey” enjoyed success from the hit “I Who Have Nothing” as well as the up tempo track “Settle,” produced by Randy Jackson, with whom she previously collaborated with on her Grammywinning album, “At Last.” Knight also enjoyed the success of her song “You and I Ain’t Nothin’ No More” which appeared over the end credits of the critically acclaimed Lee Daniels film "The Butler." The O'Jays are touring history, a connection to an era and a sound that formed the soundtrack for the lives of several generations. The O’Jays are still hitting the road with the same electrifying energy they’ve had for over 50 years. Walter Williams and Eddie Levert first met when they were the ages of 6 and 7 respectively. As teenagers in Canton, Ohio, they formed a band originally consisting of Eddie Levert, Walter Williams, William Powell, Bobby Massey and Bill Isles. In 1963, the band took the name "The O'Jays" in tribute to Cleveland radio disc jockey and over the years several members have changed, but the core, original lead singers Eddie Levert and Walter Williams, continue to front the group. In 1972, Gamble & Huff, a team of producers and songwriters with whom the O'Jays had been working for several years, signed the group to their Philadelphia International label. With this magic formula, often called The Sound of Philadelphia, The O’Jays scored the first number 1 and million sellers, “Backstabbers.” Subsequently, they succeeded with various chart topping pop and R&B singles. Including “Love Train”, “Put Your Hands Together”, “For The Love of Money”, “I Love Music”, “Darlin’ Darlin’ Baby (Sweet, Tender, Love)”, “Livin’ For The Weekend” and! “Use Ta Be My Girl.” This success propelled The O’Jays to be the first black vocal group to perform in arenas throughout America during the 70s and 80s. The O'Jays were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2005.They were inducted into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 2005 and honored with BET's Life Time Achievement Award in 2009. In 2013, they were inducted into The Official R&B Music Hall of Fame.


Today, the songs of The O’Jays are still being used in many movies commercials and TV shows. “For The Love of Money “continues to be the theme song for “The Apprentice.”

The Fox to welcome 2CELLOS

2CELLOS, music’s most electric and dynamic instrumental duo, announce the dates for their North American tour which kicks off in January. They will make stops in 41 cities including Atlanta, New York, Boston, Detroit, Nashville, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City with a stop in St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on Thursday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $59.50, $49.50, $44.50, $34.50 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Propelled into international fame in 2011 after their version of Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal” went viral the Croatian cellists, Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, continue to wow their fans with dynamic music videos and covers of today’s most classic and popular songs. Most

recently their Baroque inspired, yet high octane head-banging video of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” garnered over 45 Million views to date. The duo returned to their rock roots on their recently released, critically acclaimed, third album Celloverse. 2CELLOS playing style has b roken down the b oundaries between different genres of music, from classical and film music to pop and rock. They have no limits when it comes to performing live and are equally as impressive when playing Bach and Vivaldi as they are when rocking out. They have sold out shows around the globe and also performed with Sir Elton John as part of his band, as well as opening his shows to rapturous acclaim. 2CELLOS are the first instrumentalists to be featured on Glee. They have also appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Today Show, The Tonight Show, and The Bachelor Live Wedding Special. Their Sony catalog also includes: 2CELLOS and IN2ITION. Sony Music Masterworks comprises Masterworks, Sony Classical, OKeh, Portrait, Masterworks Broadway and Flying

Buddha imprints. For email updates and information please visit www. SonyMasterworks.com.

McDonald to appear at The Fox

Michael McDonald will bring his This Christmas, An Evening of Holiday & Hits Tour to the Fabulous Fox Theatre Saturday, November 28 at 8:00 p.m. The night will include some of his hits as well as holiday favorites that will surely put you in the spirit. Tickets are $125, $95, $80, $65, $55, $45, $35 and are available online at metrotix.com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Two notes. That’s all it takes to recognize the voice of Michael McDonald. Distinctive and soulful, it is one of the most yearningly emotive instruments of our times. To this add formidable songwriting and keyboard skills, and you have an artist who has been a singular musical presence for four decades. From ‘70s-era Doobie Brothers classics such as “What A Fool Believes” and solo hits like “I Keep Forgettin’” through two highlyacclaimed Motown albums, genre-


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busting guest spots and innovative concept shows, the five-time Grammy Award winning McDonald is both timeless and ever-evolving. Beyond his music, McDonald has long been an active humanitarian. He has lent his talents and energies to many causes and benefits, including MusiCares, the National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, the 7UP Grammy Signature Schools Program and was part of a star-studded lineup at Kokua For Japan, a concert that raised $1.6 million for tsunami relief. After moving from his hometown of St. Louis to Los Angeles in the early ‘70s, McDonald honed his talent as a session musician and singer before being invited to join Steely Dan. Over the course of four classic albums, from Katy Lied to Gaucho, McDonald became an integral part of the group’s sound, singing background vocals on FM staples like “Black Friday” and “Peg.” In the mid-‘70s, McDonald joined The Doobie Brothers, helping the band redefine their funky R & B sound as a singer, keyboardist and songwriter on such Top 40 singles as “Takin’ It To The Streets,” “It Keeps You Runnin’,” “Minute By Minute” and “What A Fool Believes.”

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On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015

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Music Tuning in St. Louis Symphony announces Live at Powell Hall lineup

The St. Louis Symphony has added ten new concerts to its 20152016 Live at Powell Hall lineup. The additional Live at Powell Hall performances include: • Disney/Pixar Ratatouille In Concert Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 7pm Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 2pm Experience the Academy Awardwinning film Ratatouille on the big screen while the beloved score by composer Michael Giacchino is performed live by the STL Symphony. • Music of Michael Jackson Friday, May 20, 2016 at 7:30pm Celebrating the one and only Michael Jackson, the STL Symphony is joined on stage with a full rock band performing hits including “Thriller,” “Beat It,” “Man in the Mirror” and many more. • Jim Brickman Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 3pm Adult Contemporary artist and Grammy-nominated pianist, Jim Brickman, joins the STL Symphony performing chart-topping hits from his multi-platinum recordings. • Mary Chapin Carpenter Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 7:30pm Mary Chapin Carpenter joins the STL Symphony for a special, onenight-only performance including arrangements from her debut orchestral record, “Songs from the Movie,” as well as favorites s p a n n i n g a c ro s s h e r 2 5 - y e a r musical career. • Music of Led Zeppelin Friday, June 10, 2016 at 7:30pm The STL Symphony will be joined on stage by a rock band and vocalists with a full evening of Led Zeppelin classics including " K a s h m i r, " " B l a c k D o g " a n d "Immigrant Song." • Music of Billy Joel Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 3pm Pianist and vocalist Michael Cavanaugh joins the STL Symphony for a tribute to Billy Joel sharing the Piano Man’s biggest hits including “She’s Got a Way,” “New York State of Mind,” “Uptown Girl,” “Only the Good Die Young” and more! • Macy Gray Friday, June 17, 2016 at 7:30pm Macy Gray performs music from her multi-platinum album, On How Life Is and other songs from her eight studio albums with the STL Symphony. • Music of Elvis Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 3pm This Father’s Day, veteran singer and songwriter Terry Mike Jeffrey joins the STL Symphony for a tribute to Elvis Presley, one of the greatest music icons that ever lived. • Live And Let Die: A Symphonic Tribute To The Music Of Paul McCartney Friday, June 24, 2016 at 7:30pm The STL Symphony is joined by a four piece band performing the works of Paul McCartney like you’ve never heard before, including the most famous songs of the Beatles era and McCartney’s acclaimed solo work. Previously announced Live at Powell Hall concerts include: • he Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Friday, September 11, 2015 at 7pm Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 7pm Sunday, September 13, 2015 at

2pm The Legend of Zelda is one of the most successful video game franchises of all time. The story of Link and his quest comes to life in these performances, featuring allnew arrangements of the game’s beloved themes. Video projections taken from the game further enhance the adventure. • Back to the Future Friday, October 30, 2015 at 7pm Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 2pm Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 2pm It’s the 30th anniversary of this time-travel adventure; celebrate with Marty McFly and Doc Brown at Powell Hall as they try to get back in time! Join the St. Louis Symphony Halloween weekend to watch the ‘80s classic on a big screen above the stage, while the orchestra performs the score live. • Music of John Williams Friday, December 11, 2015 at 7pm Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 7pm Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 2pm Music Director David Robertson leads the St. Louis Symphony as it performs some of John Williams’ best-known movie music, including the themes from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Home Alone and more. • A Gospel Christmas Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 7:30pm Celebrate the holidays in a

soul-stirring way--with Grammyaward winning tenor Thomas Young, the St. Louis Symphony IN UNISON Chorus led by Director Kevin McBeth, and the St. Louis Symphony on the Powell Hall stage performing gospel carols and glorious songs of the season. • Macy’s Holiday Celebration Friday, December 18, 2015 at 2pm & 7:30pm Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 2pm & 7:30pm Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 2pm Make the St. Louis Symphony part of your holiday tradition! Visit with Santa Claus, take in a beautifully decked-out Powell Hall and the music of the season. Resident Conductor Steven Jarvi leads the St. Louis Symphony and the Holiday Festival Chorus in a performance that’s sure to leave spirits merry and bright! • New Year’s Eve Celebration Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 7:30pm Expect the unexpected as the St. Louis Symphony rings in 2016! This party at Powell, led by Music Director David Robertson, always features a top-secret musical lineup that’s full of surprises and fun. See for yourself why there’s no better place to be on New Year ’s Eve. • Lift Every Voice Friday, February 12, 2016 at 7:30pm Gospel singer Larnelle Harris

returns to Powell Hall to perform with the St. Louis Symphony and its IN UNISON Chorus. Led by Director Kevin McBeth, the chorus will perform soul-stirring songs that celebrate African-American culture and traditions. • A Night of Symphonic Rock Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 7:30pm John Elefante from the legendary rock band Kansas comes to Powell Hall to perform your favorite classic rock standards with the St. Louis Symphony. The onenight only Valentine weekend performance will feature songs you’ll know by heart from Aerosmith, Foreigner, Journey, Led Zeppelin and more. • Las Vegas Valentine Songbook Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 3pm Bring your sweetheart to Powell Hall for an afternoon that will take you back to Rat Pack-era Vegas. The St. Louis Symphony performs songs from Frank, Sammy and other Vegas icons including Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond and Tom Jones. Guest vocalists join the orchestra in a program that will include “Luck Be a Lady,” “Young at Heart,” and “The Way You Look Tonight.”

• E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Friday, April 8, 2016 at 7pm Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 7pm Sunday, April 10 at 2pm Experience the wonder of Steven Spielberg’s E.T. in a whole new way. Elliot and his out-of-thisworld friend play in the big screen above the stage while the St. Louis Symphony performs John Williams’ unforgettable Academy-award winning score live. It’s an event your family won’t want to miss. • Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 7pm Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 2pm The St. Louis Symphony presents symphonic music from the iconic video game series Pokémon. Orchestral arrangements from various versions of the game will be performed, with synchronized visuals of Pikachu and the rest of the gang projected on Powell’s big screen above the stage. Single tickets for all St. Louis Symphony concerts are now on sale. Tickets may be purchased by phone at 314-534-1700, on-line at stlsymphony.org or in person at the Powell Hall Box Office, located at 718 North Grand Boulevard in St. Louis.

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October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend


Music calendar Friday, Oct. 9

I S e e S t a r s w / F o r t h e Wi n , A l i v e I n S t a n d b y, L i f e O n B r o a d w a y, E c c l e s i a s t , T h e Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Diabiase w/Ashes And Iron, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Tori Ke l l y, Th e P a g e a n t , S t . Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Music of Andrew Lloyd Weber w/Terry Barber & Artists For A Cause, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Yellowjackets, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. STL Symphony Concert: Beethoven 9, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Road to Pointfest: Session 2, Round 2 “Pop/Punk” w/City of Parks, Inner Outlines, Pop’s, Sauget, 6:30 p.m. A m e r i c a n I d i o t : A Tr i b u t e to Green Day w/Just A Girl: A Tribute to No Doubt, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 10

An Evening with Helmet, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. One-Eyed Doll w/Stitched up Heart, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Satellite Theory w/ELEMENT A440, Midnight Hour, PDA, Signals From Saturn, Off The Witness, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. Peter Martin Music CD Release Party, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Yellowjackets, Jazz at the Bistro, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. STL Symphony Concert: Beethoven 9, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Divide the Empire “Three Winters Vol. I” CD Release Celebration w/ Divine Sorrow, Midnight Reveille, Apex Shrine, Pirate Signal, Pop’s, Sauget, 6:00 p.m. The Cicero’s Shakedown w/Band of Thieves, The Driftaways, Loop Rat, more, Cicero’s, University City, 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 11

Destroyer w/Jennifer Castle, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. STL Symphony Concert: Beethoven 9, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 3:00 p.m. Saul Band, Nervous Pudding, Nothing Set in Stone, As Each Second Fades, One Day, Cicero’s, University City, 5:00 p.m. Blackfoot Gypsies w/Brother Lee and the Leather Jackals, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 12

Pure Bathing Culture w/Wild Ones, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Bring Me The Horizon w/Issues, PVRIS, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Made in the USA Ballroom Series, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m.

Metro Boomin, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Made in the USA Ballroom Series, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m.

Celebrate Oktoberfest with the Beer with the Taste of Munich! - Prost

Wednesday, Oct. 14

Brian Posehn w/Jeremy Essig, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.

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Tuesday, Oct. 13

Lydia w/Seahaven, Turnover, The Technicolors, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Lera Lynn, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Skizzy Mars w/Kool John & P-Lo, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Roots Of A Rebellion, The Driftaways w/Sun Dried Vibes, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Chance the Rapper: Family Matters Tour w/D.R.A.M., Towkio,




© 2012 True Value® Company. All rights reserved.

2502 State St., Alton, IL 62002 | (618) 466-6931 | www.stpetershardware.com

On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015

Music Tuning in Straight No Chaser to appear at The Fox

Atlantic Records recording group Straight No Chaser has announced the release of their muchanticipated new album as well as details of a major North American tour. "The New Old Fashioned" – the world famous a cappella group’s fifth full-length release – arrives this October. Straight No Chaser will celebrate the album’s release with what will be their biggest headline tour to date. “The New Old Fashioned Tour” sets off on October 16th in Las Vegas at the MGM Casino’s David Copperfield Theatre and then continues into 2016, concluding with 2 dates in Hawaii (Honolulu and Maui) to ring in the New Year (see attached itinerary). The tour will stop at The Fox Theatre for a 7:30 p.m. show on Nov. 27. Tickets may be purchased at at metrotix.com, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. “The New Old Fashioned Tour” follows Straight No Chaser ’s recently concluded “The Happy Hour Tour,” an epic 2014/2015 world trek which saw the group perform over 67 shows in the US alone, as well as dates in more than 15 countries, including Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Austria, Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Ireland, and the United Kingdom for more than 200,000 paying fans.

A d d i t i o n a l l y, S t r a i g h t N o Chaser is set to take part in one of their home state of Indiana’s greatest traditions, the singing of “(Back Home Again In) Indiana” prior to the start of the annual I n d i a n a p o l i s 5 0 0 . T h e g ro u p – which was founded in 1996 at

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Indiana University Bloomington – will perform “(Back Home Again In) Indiana” during the pre-race festivities, taking on the honor following legendary entertainer Jim Nabors’s 2014 retirement after having performed the song live 35 times since 1972. The Indianapolis


500 Pre-Race Show airs live on ABC on May 24th at 12 Noon ET (check local listings). Straight No Chaser ’s fourth full-length release, 2013’s “Under the Influence” saw the renowned vocal group reimagining a selection of their all-time favorite

son gs alongside man y of th e superstar artists and undisputed music icons that made them f a m o u s . P ro d u c e d b y M a r k Kibble (a founding member of the legendary a cappella group Take 6 and one of Straight No Chaser’s primary influences).

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October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend


Dining Delights

Bill Roseberry/The Edge

Above, the 402 Burger, a double bacon-infused cheeseburger, with a side order of fresh-cut french fries. Below, the Station Burger Company in Paducah, Ky.

The Station Burger Company in Paducah, Ky. By BILL ROSEBERRY Of The Edge Right across the Illinois border in Paducah, Ky. you will find a simple burger shop with a memorable taste — The Station Burger Company. T h e i d e a o f S t a t i o n B u rg e r became a reality in 2010. It had a simple marketing plan, develop a great tasting burger and provide a sanctuary for local firefighters. It has excelled at both. There are now three locations — two in Paducah and one in Murray. I was with my parents on a trip to see family when we made our visit. We went to the original location at 3500A James Sanders Blvd. in Paducah. When you walk in you quickly get what Station Burger is all about. That sensational grilled burger smell slaps you across the face and you're greeted with a friendly southern twang behind the counter, you know the one — “How can I help y'all.” But when you gaze around the small confines of the restaurant you see its dedication to honoring firefighters. There are large pictures hanging showing these heroes performing their duties and patches adorning the walls from uniforms. Locally if you have visited a Firehouse Subs restaurant it has the same type of atmosphere as one of them. O n t h e i r w e b s i t e , w w w. thestationburger.com, founder Carl Medlin says it's “Where heroes eat.” Well I may not be a hero, but I indeed went to Station Burger to eat. It was one little special twist they do to their burgers that made me put Station Burger on my wish list — bacon. At Station Burger the bacon is blended with the beef


during the grilling process, so you've got it, there is bacon inside you're hamburger, and practically in every bite. You could say it's a little piece of heaven in every bite. Mom and dad were equally s t o k e d t o t r y St a t i on Bu rg e r. I guess a passion for bacon is a hereditary trait. Mom and dad both went with the station burger, while I went with the 402 Burger. The station burger is a single bacon-infused hamburger patty, while the 402 Burger takes it to the next level with two bacon-infused patties. More bacon for me. We all added

On the Edge of the Weekend

cheese to our burgers to boot. Everyone went with an order of Station Burger's fries for their side. After beginning to devour these burgers all three of us realized quickly why Station Burger has been tagged with the distinction of “Paducah's best burger.” They were charbroiled to perfection and with the influx of bacon, became a legendary burger, a “You Gotta Eat” all-star for sure. The fries were fresh cut potatoes a n d f r i e d g o l d e n b ro w n a n d topped with a special seasoning. The y we re delicious too, b ut pretty greasy and a little bit went

October 8, 2015

a long way with them. They offer medium and large orders and I would definitely recommend keeping with a medium or you might get fry overload. As for the rest of the menu, it remains simple. They don't try to overdo it at Station Burger. There are a few specialty burgers, chili and hot dogs on the menu. There is the Arson Burger, a mildly hot burger topped with grilled jalapenos and the Back Draft Burger, smothered with chili and cheese. You can also get a plain hamburger or cheeseburger not infused with bacon if you're

one of those lame weirdos that doesn't like bacon. As for the hot dogs, there's the Dalmatian Dog, which is an all beef hot dog anyway you like it. There's also the Dirty Dog, blanketed in chili and cheese. For dessert, Station Burger also offers fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. It's not fancy, it's not expensive, it's simple. Station Burger knows what it's about and it sticks to it and if you're making your way through Paducah anytime soon, it's a destination stop when you gotta eat.

Classified Help Wanted General Lost & Found


LOST: Set of keys in Edwardsville. Lots of keys. Please E-mail kathygray72@yahoo.com


FT/PT Legal Assistant needed with experience in drafting pleadings, discovery, routine letters, good communication and organizational skills, and knowledge of Word 2013 & Sage Timeslips 2014. Send resume to: P.O. Box 276, Edwardsville, IL 62025-0276 Keller Construction, Inc. is looking for a full time



Important Message: It’s illegal for companies doing business by phone to promise you a loan and ask you to pay for it before they deliver. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.

Help Wanted General

Diesel Mechanic

to repair and maintain various types of equipment including trucks and heavy equipment. Must furnish standard tools. Clean driving record required. Experience necessary. Must have CDL. Drug and alcohol test required 618-781-1234 Local non-profit organization seeking P/T Administrative Assistant 16-20 hours per week. Visit www.mainstcc.org for position description and application. Deadline to apply 10/19/15.


Edwardsville CUSD 7 is looking for

Substitute School Nurses Must have Illinois Registered Nurse’s License. Substitute application packets are available in the District offices located at 708 St. Louis St., Edwardsville, IL. Contact: Dr. Nancy Spina, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel at 618-656-1182 with any questions. Edwardsville School District has openings for: Program Assistants Applicants must have a Paraprofessional or Teaching license. Part-time; 7 hours per day. Starting salary range of $9.38 - $11.58 per hour. Please go to www.ecusd7.org for application and submit to: Dr. Nancy Spina Personnel, ECUSD7 708 St Louis St. PO Box 250 Edwardsville, IL 62025 FIREFIGHTER CITY OF ALTON, IL Accepting applications UNTIL October 30, 2015 Requirements: See website www.alton-il.com Applications are available online and at: Civil Service Office, 101 E. 3rd Street, Rm. 100, Alton, Illinois 62002

The Intelligencer’s Classifieds Have An Employment Section Providing You Leads To Local Area Employment

PART-TIME SECURITY OFFICER P/T Security Officer wanted for Wood River location; evening and weekend hours approx. 18hrs/wk ($19/hr.). Applicants must have Law Enforcement training with a minimum of two years in law enforcement and/or related fields. Background check req’d for position. Please reply: erinr@ children1stfoundation.org

Streets Division Laborer FT w/benefits, $24.69/hr. H.S. diploma or equiv.; heavy manual labor in repair, construction, and maint. of streets and sidewalks. Heavy equip. exp. w/heavy lifting; some overtime, wknds and holidays, avail. for 24 hr emergency call out. Must possess or obtain a valid IL Class B CDL within 90 days of employment. Class A CDL preferred. Seasonal Basketball Program – Site Supervisor and Scorekeeper positions 4-8 hrs/week, weekday evenings. Site Supervisor: $10/hr, prior supervisory, scorekeeping and/or sports officiating exp preferred. First Aid & CPR/AED cert req’d or must obtain prior to first day of employment. Scorekeeper: $8.25/hr, prior scorekeeping exp preferred. Send/email resume or stop by to fill out app: City of Edwardsville, Attn: HR 118 Hillsboro Avenue, P.O. Box 407 Edwardsville, IL 62025 humanresources@ cityofedwardsville.com cityofedwardsville.com/hr Deadline: 10/19/15, 5pm EOE




Help Wanted General


Full Time Day Shift We are currently seeking individuals for our Glen Carbon operation who are capable of quickly and accurately handling documents and currency. Employees for this position are required to have good manual dexterity with both hands, stand for lengthy periods, bend, stoop and lift 30 lbs. Send resume: steve.claypool@ grandriverjackpot.com

WILDEY THEATRE ALCOHOL CONCESSIONAIRES PT, evenings & wkends. $8.25/hr + tips, 5-20hrs/wk. Selling & serving beer & wine at events. Excellent customer service skills req’d. Prior cash handling and bartending exp preferred. Must be 18 years or older to apply. Email resume to humanresources@ cityofedwardsville.com. Application available at cityofedwardsville.com/hr Deadline: 10/9/2015, 5:00pm. EOE

Help Wanted Medical


Driver/ Medical Assistant Full-time Staunton, IL or Fenton, MO Application: SHAREDMED.COM Duties: -Relocate trailer to medical facilities along dedicated route -Set-up and tear down trailer -Provide patient care (training provided) -Administrative tasks Benefits: -Full benefit package -40 hour weekly guarantee -Vacation -Longevity bonus Qualifications: -Class A CDL -Ability to pass physical, drug screen & background -Safe driving record -Minimum of 21 years of age Shared Medical Services Cottage Grove, WI An Employee Owned Company AA/EOE NOW HIRING!!! EDEN VILLAGE CARE CENTER

CNA Weekends Only Option Pay rate is $12/hour for CNA’s working The Weekends Only Option. Apply in person or send resume to: 400 S. Station Road Glen Carbon, Il 62034 You can also apply online at www.edenvillage.org

Situations Wanted


Situation Wanted: Live-in Caregiver. I am willing to work for room/board plus small stipend. Christian, kind, caring. Call Ronda 618-310-6410

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Carrier Routes 401 CARRIER NEEDED! RT.59— Newspaper carrier needed in the downtown area business district; N. Main St, Hillsboro Ave, Abner Pl, W. Vandalia Approx. 30 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20 CARRIER NEEDED! RT.79— Newspaper carrier needed in the area off Vicksburg Subdivision; Vicksburg Dr, Wilderness Dr, Manassas Dr, E Picketts Crossing, Shenandoah Dr, Shiloh Ct, Chamberlain Dr, & Chattanooga Ct. Approx. 30 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 20



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Apts/Duplexes For Rent


15 minutes to St. Louis and SIUE. 2BR 1.5 BA Townhomes. SMOKE FREE. $695 mo. includes washer/dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. On-site owner. www.fairway-estates.net

2br ground floor unit, no stairs. Ceiling fans, fire place. Collinsville, $650/mo. 345-9610. 1 BD/1 BTH 2nd Story Apt.in Edw. $475/mo + Dep. 618-781-0701. 1/2 off 1st Month! 1 & 2br avail. All utilities incl. MP30 Properties. Muriel Mohr 401-9805 1br apt in Highland. Recently painted, new windows. $400/mo Call 618-910-7639. 1BR loft apt & 1BR duplex $585/mo. + No Pets. Credit Check $585dep. 656-8953 2 BR 1 BA Duplex, Collinsville: bsmt. fam. rm; lrg yd; W/D hkup; New carpet; lots of strge, nice area! Must see! $625+dep. 618-781-7692. 2BR 1BA Duplex near SIU: 97 Devon Ct., Edw.; w/d hkup. no dogs. $795. 444-4658. 2BR Loft, newly remod new kit, ba, wndws/drs d/w, w/d hkups. $725 incl. w/s/t. 593-0173

Apts/Duplexes For Rent


3Br, 2Ba Duplex, Esic Area, 1 car garage. $950. 618-541-5831 or 618-558-5058. E’ville, N. Kansas St. 2br, ba, full kit, laundry w/s/t inc, off st pkng, porches 618-656-2316 Great 2br apts. for rent, 1/2 off 1st month rent. MP30 properties Muriel Mohr 401-9805 Lg 2br townhouse in Troy: w/d hkup, no pets, newly remod’d. $575/mo. 660-7228 LUXURY 2 BRs located at 270 & 111 Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included. WST included. Must See! $695. Call for our move-in specials! (618)931-3333.



Available Immediately near SIUE-1br w/ prvt. bath located in 3br/3ba unit at Enclave Appt Complex. Includes all utilities, cable, wi-fi, pool, fitness center and more. Sublease. $500/mo. Call 217-725-1876

Office Space For Rent


2BR Townhome: quiet Glen Carbon area, All appls includes w/d $675/mo 314-378-0513

Publisher's Notice


All Real Estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference limitation, or discrimination.” Familial status includes children living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Houses For Rent

CNA Full Time & Part Time Experience the delight and compassion of working in geriatrics. This person will be responsible for providing exceptional person centered care to our Elders. Must be able to work weekends Apply in person or send resume to: Eden Village Retirement 400 South Station Road Glen Carbon, IL 62034 You can also apply online at edenvillage.org

Misc. Merchandise


2br, 1.5ba apt in Troy. Appls, remodl’d. $650/ mo + dep. Off street pking. (314)574-3858 2BR, 1.5BA Twnhouse in Glen Carbon. No pets. 1yr lease. $645$695/mo. 288-9882. Affordable, Available on one level. Spacious 2br duplex w/ attached garage & fenced yard. Great Troy location. Close to highway, shops & banks. Stove, fridge, washer & dryer included. Call Leona @ 618-520-9421(day) or 618-345-4630(eve) Duplex for rent two units available 617-619 Garfield Edwardsville, 2br, 1ba $850/unit. E-mail Krissy at krissy gorijulianlaw.com.

GLEN CARBON PEPPERWOOD CONDOS All electric units, FP, stacked WD, Deck/ patio, all appliances. 1BR from $625. 2BR from $750. Carports available. 618-624-4610 -----------------------------VILLAGE CT. APTS 2BR, All Electric Units, Stove, Fridge, w/d hkups. NO PETS. FROM $700. 618-624-4610

Advertise it here!

Office/whse. space for lease, 2250/4500sq.ft. 3 Schwarz St. Plz. Edw. 618-692-4144.

Important Message: Companies that do business by phone can’t ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.

Homes For Sale


331 Thomas Terrace (Dunlap Lake) approximately 2800 square feet, new kitchen & HVAC, 2br, 1 full bath, 1 3/4 bath, 1 1/2 bath. 270 feet on Dunlap Lake. $329,000. 618-656-3545

Lots For Sale


Holiday Shores, one of last lake lots left. Make offer, will sell in 2 weeks! 618-979-6150

3br, 1.5ba house, 214 Springer, E’ville. No pets. Lawn Care inc. $1,000/mo. 656-0230. 3br, 2.5ba, 2 car gar. 721 Slippery Rock, E’ville. Lawn care inc. $1,250/mo. 514-6001.

recycle this paper!

Apts/Duplexes/Homes www.glsrent.com (618)656-2230 Edw-2br 1ba, No pets. 2 car gar. Near SIUE. $875 + dep. Cr. ck. MUST SEE! 656-3989.

Place A Class Ad Online!

October 8, 2015

Yard Sales


Stallion Drive Subdivision Sale (behind Wal-Mart in Edwardsville) Fri. 10/09, 7a-? Sat. 10/10, 7a-? Multiple Homes! Follow Signs! Look for Balloons! Lots of great items!

On the Edge of the Weekend



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Two L o c a t i o n s S e rv i n g t h e M e t ro E a s t A re a

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1012 Plummer Drive

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(618) 791-5024 OR (618) 791-9298 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.


Full updated 3 sided brick ranch with private fenced yard in Montclaire. $209,000 EDWARDSVILLE PR102525 KATHY SEIBERT 618-593-3042

Location! Location! Locaction! All brick ranch in Montclaire. 3 BR’s, large kitchen, new roof 2013 and fenced yard. $118,000 EDWARDSVILLE PR102526 Norma Linck 618-444-8733



3 bedroom, clean basement, dining room, deck, pool, fenced yard, workshop, 2 car garage. Well maintained. $116,500 STAUNTON PR102524 Cindy Feldmann 618-410-2202


(618) 972-2225 KAREN MARCUS (618) 444-9903

Nicely updated 2BR home in quaint downtown Worden. New carpet throughout main living area, move in ready. $79,900 WORDEN PR102522 Brent Horner 618-292-7835


A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.



SANDY LANE 618-792-7918

(618) 789-2742 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate

A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.

3309 Herrshiser Ct. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $629,500 Diana Massey Tream 618-791-5024 or 618-791-9298

112 Knights Bridge Ln. EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $598,500 Sandie LaMantia 618-978-2384

Extemely well built 1.5 story home welcomes you with open floor plan and fine finishes throughout. $538,500 STAUNTON PR102449

Entertaining is easy in this beautiful lake property. 5BR/5BA home with open floor plan, screened porch and walkout LL. $479,500 EDWARDSVILLE PR102467







ROOM TO GROW! Immaculate! 4BR, 3BT, over 3.8 acres less than 5 miles from downtown Edwardsville. Lot is open, tree lines and level. $295,000 EDWARDSVILLE PR102495

Gorgeous ranch on 2 acre lot. 5 bdrms, open floor plan, finished LL and side entry garage. $489,900 TROY PR102114

Inground pool, 4 bedroom, 4 bath, hardwood floor, bar/rec room. $349,900 GLEN CARBON PR102233

Lovely split bdrm ranch with finished LL. Buyer can customize selections! $364,000 GLEN CARBON PR102370

MUST SEE! 4BR/4BA, finished walkout LL, open floor plan, inground pool & beautifully landscaped yard. $269,900 GLC PR102963

Full brick 3 bedroom ranch w/2car side entry garage and finished lower level. $186,900 EDW PR102507


S e a rc h N E W L I S T I N G S , O P E N H O U S E S a n d H O M E S F O R S A L E i n yo u r a re a a t

w w w. b h h s E l i t e P r o p e r t i e s . c o m ©2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity.


On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015



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October 8, 2015

On the Edge of the Weekend



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On the Edge of the Weekend

October 8, 2015

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