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One coupon per visit. Must present this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Discount does not Apply to purchases of beads or balloons. Offer excludes balloons & helium. Not valid on prior purchases. Expires 11-30-15
One coupon per visit. Must present this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Discount does not Apply to purchases of beads or balloons. Offer excludes balloons & helium. Not valid on prior purchases. Expires 11-30-15
One coupon per visit. Must present this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Discount does not Apply to purchases of beads or balloons. Offer excludes balloons & helium. Not valid on prior purchases. Expires 11-30-15
October 2015 - Page 2 - MEDIA MAILER - TheIntelligencer.com
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October 2015 - Page 3 - MEDIA MAILER - TheIntelligencer.com
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October 2015 - Page 7 - MEDIA MAILER - TheIntelligencer.com
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October 2015 - Page 8 - MEDIA MAILER - TheIntelligencer.com
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October 2015 - Page 9 - MEDIA MAILER - TheIntelligencer.com
*The Home Projects® Visa® credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing lender. Special terms for 72 months apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating merchants. The special terms APR will confinue to apply u monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such os a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For 27.99%. This APR may vary with the market based on the U.S. Prime Rate and is given as of 7 /l/2015. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash advances, the cash advance fee is 5.00% of the amount of expires 11/15/2015. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qualifying systems only. Offers vary by equipment. All sales must be to home Copyright© Trane 2015.
Receive an additional Vivia $ 1,200 Off a Qualifying Syst
ome Great Fall Offers.
“SinceGreat 1989”Fall Off We’ve Cultivated Some
*Call for details. Viviano Heating & Air Conditioning may not offer service may not be applied to previous purchases or combined with other offers &
345-7498 We’ve Cultivated S We’ve Cultivated Some GreatDig this! Fall We’ve Offers. Cultivated Som $20 Harvest a great offerOFF this season with the Trane Fall Sale OR
New Furnace & A/C Inc Dig this! Harvest a great offer this season with the Trane Fall Sales Harvest. This incredible deal is your chance to get re and efficiency. But hurry, because while It’s Hard To Stop A Trane, these offersReceive only last from 15th throug upSeptember to $800 Off
Harvest. This incredible deal is your chance to get renowned Trane reliability ne, these offers only last from September 15th through November 15th.
Complete Furnace Buy a qualifying system and achoose:
& A/C System or Serving Metro East Since 1989 Owner, Don Viviano 0% APR Financing for 72 Months* Heat Pump System
201 W.chance Main St.to •offer Collinsville, IL Trade-In Allowance of $1,000 this! Harvest a great offer this season with the Trane Fall Sales Harvest. This incredible deal Dig is this! your Harvest a great get this renowned season with Trane the Trane FallTo Sales temDig and choose: and efficiency. But hurry, because while It’sreliability Hard StopHarve A Tr SERVICE CALL 618-345-7498 *Must be pre-approved to qualify.
*Additional financing and trade-in allowance offers available.
and efficiency. But hurry, because while It’s Hard To Stop A Trane, these offers only last from and September efficiency. But 15th hurry, through becauseNovember while It’s Hard 15th. To Stop A Trane, th
* ancing for 72 Months Buy a qualifying system and choose:
owance of $1,000
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sy Buy a qualifying system
*The Home Projects® Visa® credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing lender. Special terms for 72 months apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating merchants. The special terms APR will confinue to apply u
monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in equal payments during theWITH promotional (special terms)OTHER period. The APR forOFFER. Purchases will applyCALL to certain feesFOR such os a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For RESTRICTIONS APPLY. CANNOT BEin fullCOMBINED ANY DETAILS. 27.99%. This APR may vary with the market based on the U.S. Prime Rate and is given as of 7 /l/2015. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash advances, the cash advance fee is 5.00% of the amount of
expires 11/15/2015. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qualifying systems only. Offers vary by equipment. All sales must be to home Copyright© Trane 2015.
We’ve Cultivated Some Great Fall* Offers. 0% APR Fin 0% Financing 72 Months Dig this! APR Harvest a great offer this season with the Trane Fall for Sales Harvest. This incredible deal is your chance to get renowned Trane0% reliabilityAPR Finan and efficiency. But hurry, because while It’s Hard To Stop A Trane, these offers only last from September 15th through November 15th. “Since 1989” Trade-In New Furnace & A/CA Inc ** Buy a qualifying system and choose: Trade-In Allowance of $1,000 Trade-In Allow
Receive an additional Vivia $ 1,200 Off a Qualifying Syst
*Call for details. Viviano Heating & Air Conditioning may not offer service may not be applied to previous purchases or combined with other offers
Receive up to $800 Off
*Additional financing * alifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating merchants. The special terms APR will confinue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The a Complete Furnaceand trad *Additional andthetrade-in allowance offers available. *Additional financing and trade-in allowa e APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such os a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For newlyfinancing opened accounts, APR for Purchases is & A/C System or *The Home Projects® Visa® credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing lender. Special terms for 72 months apply mum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash advances, the cash advance fee is 5.00% of the amount of the cash advoance, but not less thon $10.00. Offer Serving Metro East Owner, Don Viviano ** Since 1989 Heat System payment forspecial thiscredit purchase bewill the amount thatto will pay National for the all purchase in fullHousing in equallender. payments during theforpromotional (special terms) perio Home Projects® credit card is issued by only. Wells Offers Fargo Financial National Bank, Equal Housing Special terms 72 months qualifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating *Themonthly merchants. Home Projects® TheVisa® terms card iswill APR issued by Wells confinue Fargo Financial apply until Bank, qualifying an Equal purchases are Special paid terms inPump full. 72 The months apply to qualifying purc allowances from*The $100 up to $1,000 Visa® valid on qualifying systems vary by equipment. Allan sales must be tolender. homeowners in thefor United Stales.apply Voidtowhere prohibited.
0% APR Financing for 72 Months Trade-In Allowance of $1,000
$10 OFF
201 W. Main St. • Collinsville, IL
*Must bePurchases pre-approved to qualify. monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such os a late monthly payment payment fee orforAPR ifthis you purchase use will bethethemarket for amount other thattransactions. will For purchase newly full opened equalaccounts, payments during the APR the promotional for (special isterms) period. The cycle, APR forthe P 27.99%. This may varythe withcard based on pay the for U.S.thePrime Rateinand isin given as of 7 /l/2015. If you are charged interest in any billing *Additional financing and trade-in allowance offers available. 27.99%. This APR may vary with the market based on the U.S. Prime Rate and is given as of 7 /l/2015. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash 27.99%. advances, This11/15/2015. APRthe maycash vary**See advance with the fee is based 5.00% onTrane theofU.S. thePrime amount and of isthegiven cash as ofadvoance, 7 /l/2015. Ifdates, but you not are charged lessand thon interest $10.00. in any billing Offercycle, the minimum intere expires yourmarket independent Dealer forRate complete program eligibility, details restrictions. Special financing offers OR tra expires 11/15/2015. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and Special financing ORFinancial tradeNational in allowances from lender. $100Special up to valid qualifying systems expires only. 11/15/2015. Offers **See by yourequipment. independent Trane All terms sales Dealer for confinue complete be to program homeowners dates, the United details wherefinancing prohibited. offers OR trade in allowances *Therestrictions. Home Projects® Visa® credit card is issued byoffers Wells Fargo Bank, an Equal Housing terms$1,000 for 72 months applyon to qualifying purchases charged with approved creditTrane at vary participating merchants. The special APRmust will to apply until alleligibility, qualifyingin purchases are paid and inStales. full.restrictions. The VoidSpecial Copyright© 2015. monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases willCopyright© apply to certainTrane fees such os a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For newly opened accounts, the APR for Purchases is Copyright© Trane 2015. 2015.
CLEAN & 618-345-7498
Receive an additional Viviano Discount up to RESTRICTIONS APPLY. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. CALL FOR DETAILS. www.vivianoair.com $ We’ve Cultivated Some Great Fall Offers. Receive an additional Viviano Discount up to 1,200 Off a Qualifying System Installation Receive an additional Viviano Discount up to 27.99%. This APR may vary with the market based on the U.S. Prime Rate and is given as of 7 /l/2015. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash advances, the cash advance fee is 5.00% of the amount of the cash advoance, but not less thon $10.00. Offer expires 11/15/2015. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qualifying systems only. Offers vary by equipment. All sales must be to homeowners in the United Stales. Void where prohibited. Copyright© Trane 2015.
Dig this! Harvest great offer this season Trane Fallmay Sales Harvest. Thisinincredible dealthis is your to get renowned$ Trane reliability *Callafor details. Viviano Heatingwith & Airthe Conditioning not offer services all areas where ad is chance distributed. Offers 1,200 Off $a Qualifying System Installation 1,200 Off a Qualifying System Installation and efficiency. while It’s Hard To Stop Awith Trane, only last from September may notBut be hurry, appliedbecause to previous purchases or combined otherthese offersoffers & discounts. Other limitations may 15th apply.through November 15th.
Buy a qualifying system and choose:
New Furnace & A/C Incentive 0% APR Financing for 72 Months*
*Call for details. Heating & Air Conditioning mayoffer not offer services in allinareas this where ad is distributed. *Call for details. Viviano Heating & AirViviano Conditioning may not services allwhere areas this Offers ad is distributed. Offers may not be applied to previous purchases or combined with other offers & discounts. Other limitations may apply. may not be applied to previous purchases or combined with other offers & discounts. Other limitations may apply.
New Furnace & A/C Incentive
Receive up& to A/C 800 Off Incentive New Furnace $
Receive up to 800 Off a Complete Furnace Trade-In Allowance of $1,000** Receive up to $800 Off & A/C System or *Additional financing and trade-in allowance offers available. a Complete Furnace Serving Metro East Since 1989 a Complete Furnace Heat Pump System & A/C System or 201 W. Main St. • Collinsville,&ILA/C System or on Viviano Serving Metro Since Serving MetroSystem East Since 1989 Serving Metro EastEast Since 19891989 Owner, DonOwner Owner, Don Viviano Vivia Heat Pump 618-345-7498 Heat Pump System Receive an additional Viviano Discount up to *Must be pre-approved to qualify. *Must be pre-approved to qualify. www.vivianoair.com 201W. W.Main Main • Collinsville, 201 W. Main St. • Collinsville, 201 St.St. • Collinsville, IL IL 1,200 OffIL a Qualifying System Installation $
Owner, Don Viviano
*The Home Projects® Visa® credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing lender. Special terms for 72 months apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating merchants. The special terms APR will confinue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such os a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For newly opened accounts, the APR for Purchases is 27.99%. This APR may vary with the market based on the U.S. Prime Rate and is given as of 7 /l/2015. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash advances, the cash advance fee is 5.00% of the amount of the cash advoance, but not less thon $10.00. Offer expires 11/15/2015. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qualifying systems only. Offers vary by equipment. All sales must be to homeowners in the United Stales. Void where prohibited. Copyright© Trane 2015.
*Must be pre-approved to qualify.
618-345-7498 New Furnace & A/C Incentive Receive up to 800 Off www.vivianoair.com ianoair.com a Complete Furnace *Call for details. Viviano Heating & Air Conditioning may not offer services in all areas where this ad is distributed. Offers may not be applied to previous purchases or combined with other offers & discounts. Other limitations may apply.
618-345-7498 618-345-7498 www.viv www.vivian
October 2015 - Page&10 MEDIA MAILER - TheIntelligencer.com A/C -System or
Serving Metro East Since 1989
Owner, Don Viviano
201 W. Main St. • Collinsville, IL
Heat Pump System *Must be pre-approved to qualify.
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