November 19, 2015
Vol. 13 No. 12
National Blues Museum page 4
Missouri's Civil War History page 15
You Gotta Eat page 24
November 19
What’s Inside 3
A war remembered Robert Hahn tells his story.
4 St. Louis blues
National museum to open in April.
5 Makeover planned
Soldiers Memorial has new leadership.
14 "The Peanuts Movie" No, it doesn't disappoint.
14 Celebrities again
Cruising the Caribbean with the Perozzis.
15 The Civil War
Missouri has a rich heritage.
24 You Gotta Eat
O'Connell's Pub in St. Louis.\
What’s Happening Friday Nov. 20____________ • Believe It or Not...It's Murder, Saint Louis Science Center, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. • Emerson Free Family Night, The Magic House, St. Louis, 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. • The Polar Express Train Ride, St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis, 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Santa's Magical Kingdom, Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park, St. Louis, 5:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs through January 3, 2016. • Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Our Last Night, w/Palisades, Hail the Sun, Picturesque, Make Room, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. • Hilary Scott, w/Les Gruff and The Billy Goat, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. • Common Jones, Cold Hearted Strangers, Muddy River Ramblers, Cicero's, University City, 8:30 p.m. • Tommy Halloran's Guerrilla Swing – Winter Concert Series, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 7:00 p.m. • Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14, 2016. • Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St.
Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24, 2016 • St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31, 2016
Saturday Nov. 21____________ • Ameren Missouri Festival of Lights, St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • St. Louis Blues Hockey Game, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. • Santa's Magical Kingdom, Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park, St. Louis, 5:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Runs through January 3, 2016. • Lori's Puppets, w/OATM, M a d e i n Wa v e s , S h o w B a b y, Formations, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. • O i l B o o m , w / Te l e g r a p h Canyon, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Doyle (of the Misfits), w/ Element A440, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • New American Classic, Captains Courageous, IO, Equal Squeeze, FJ, Cicero's, University City, 8:00 p.m. • Howie Day w/Lisa Bouchelle, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 8:00 p.m. • Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art
Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. • Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6. • Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14, 2016. • Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24, 2016 • St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31, 2016
Sunday Nov. 22____________ • Santa's Magical Kingdom, Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park, St. Louis, 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Runs through January 3, 2016. • Iris DeMent, w/Pieta Brown, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Blameshift, w/Shallowside, Fall To June, Disguise the Limit, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. • School of Rock Showcase, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 4:30 p.m.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar
On the Edge of the Weekend
Editor – Bill Tucker
Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff • Advertising Manager – Amy Schaake
November 19, 2015
"Nobody ever ran away" A combat soldier recalls World War II
f you like chocolate-flavored pudding, thank Robert Hahn.
If you like freedom, you can thank him for that, too. Hahn, age 90 and a 30-year resident of Holiday Shores, was awarded a patent while working as a food technologist for helping develop instant chocolate pudding. The Chicago native also spent a year in Europe, fighting in World War II. And while it’s been more than 70 years since the end of that war, it’s very real in Hahn’s sleep. “I dream about it, Hahn said. “I was in situations that were perilous. When you escape by the skin of your teeth, you get the shivers.” Hahn served as a scout in the Army’s Intelligence and Reconnaissance platoon, Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 103rd Division, arriving in Marseilles, France, in October, 1944. Europe would be his home for the next nine months and danger a near-constant companion. Midway through his junior year in high school, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor to thrust the United States into World War II. Hahn wanted to go, but couldn’t until he was 18. That’s when he approached his draft board and asked to be selected. He was among the thousands selected for the Army Specialized Training Program, but that program folded before Hahn made it through and he was shipped off to the infantry. His basic training was at Camp Hood and Camp Howze, both in Texas, and he remembers the long days. “We got up at 5:30 in the morning and we go out and do reconnaissance work every morning,” Hahn said. “We put in long days and sometimes we were out on a problem and we’d come in at 7 or 8 at night.” From basic training, Hahn was shipped to France by way of New York City. He was in the wine country of northeastern France when he had one of many close calls. He and approximately 70 other men were waiting inside a chateau one fall evening when he was called upon to ride in a jeep carrying wounded to the rear. The jeep moved out and, a short while later, the Germans moved in, capturing the remaining American soldiers. He missed becoming a prisoner of war by a matter of minutes. But he faced the enemy on many occasions and dealt with the winter of 1944-’45, still the coldest on record in western Europe. “The temperature was so doggone low it was hard to get any sleep,” Hahn said. “It was one of the coldest winters they had had in many centuries so a lot of people, if they got shot hurt, they just froze to death.” And then there was the combat. “If you were in a battle zone, there was a lot of firing going on. It wasn’t constant,” Hahn said. “You might go for a day or two of all being well and then all of a sudden, all hell would break lose in a fire fight. If you didn’t get out of the way of the bullets, you were in trouble.” Those who faced the bullets in World War II – and all wars
For The Edge
Robert Hahn as a member of the U.S. Army in the '40s, above, and today, below. before and after – formed a bond in battle, realizing that the man to the left and the man to the right were just as important as the man in the center. “The first thing you learn in the infantry is you’ve got to take care of the other guy, too,” Hahn said. Failure to do so meant the loss of a buddy. “All of a sudden, a guy gets shot through a door or something and you don’t see him anymore because he’s dead.” That was one of the many ravages of war. There were others. Hahn said between October, 1944, and July, 1945, he doesn’t believe he took more than two actual showers. “They had mobile showers, but you couldn’t stop if you were trying to capture someone or put them out of commission,” Hahn said. Further, as an infantryman, his typical diet was a K-ration box which included a can of meat spread, some crackers, a cookie or piece of candy, four cigarettes and some toilet paper. On May 8, 1945, the Germans surrendered and Hahn was sent to Innsburck, Austria, and remained in Europe on occupation duty until being transferred to the 45th Infantry Division on July 5, 1945. He was headed back to the United States for training so he and thousands of others could be sent to the Pacific to take
part in a planned invasion of Japan. That invasion never happened. Hahn was at home when received the news that the Japanese had surrendered after two cities were destroyed by atomic bombs. “We were getting prepared to go over and fight the Japanese. We hopped a ship out of Le Harve (France) and got into the Atlantic and headed for Boston,” Hahn said. “From there we were going to go to Japan. In the meantime, the Japanese capitulated and the war was over.” Hahn received his discharge on Jan. 17, 1946. He was just 21 and had already seen enough to last him a lifetime. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois and later an MBA. He and his wife Dorothy, who has passed away, raised three children. He spent his adult life as a food technologist and a plaque from Ralston-Purina that hangs in his hallway recognizes him and his patent for his role in the development of instant chocolate pudding. Hahn hasn’t returned to any of the places he saw as a solider in the 1940s. But in his dreams, he returns. And he knows, too, that he and his buddies were in Europe to fight and to win. “Nobody ever ran away,” Hahn said.
November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
For The Edge
Pictured are artists' renderings of the National Blues Museum, which will open April 2.
National Blues Museum scheduled to open April 2 For The Edge The National Blues Museum announced today that it will officially open its doors to the public on Saturday, April 2, 2016, in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri. “The National Blues Museum will celebrate this great, national treasure of the Blues, attract visitors to St. Louis from all across the country, as well as provide quality educational programs for students and guests of all ages,” said Dion Brown, the museum’s Executive Director. “We are thrilled to bring this project to completion after many years of planning and fundraising. We could not have completed this without the amazing support of private and public supporters in the St. Louis region
On the Edge of the Weekend
and beyond,” said Rob Endicott, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and partner at the international law firm, Bryan Cave LLP. Strategically centered at 6th and Washington Avenue in the Mercantile Exchange (MX) District in Downtown St. Louis, the National Blues Museum will be in the hub of St. Louis’s convention and tourism district, in walking distance of the iconic Gateway Arch, each of the city’s major league sports stadiums, the Convention Center, and Citygarden. Details regarding National Blues Museum’s opening events leading up to the public opening of the facility will be announced in the coming months. Blues icons and Grammy Award winners including Buddy Guy, Robert Cray and Derek Trucks have also supported the
November 19, 2015
23,000-square-foot National Blues Museum, which will include more than 16,000 square feet of highly interactive technology and artifact-driven exhibits, an exclusive 150-seat performance area, special event space and classrooms. The museum will explore and preserve the historic significance of the Blues as the foundation of American music and celebrate the musicians who both created and advance the art form. Beyond the galleries and exhibits, the National Blues Museum will host public programs, educational events and other community-based activities. Make sure to follow the National Blues Museum on their website (, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information about the Grand Opening and the museum generally.
For The Edge
An artist's rendering shows the improvements planned for Soldiers Memorial in downtown St. Louis.
Makeover planned for Soldiers Memorial For The Edge The Missouri Historical Society, which operates the Missouri History Museum, takes the reins of Soldiers Memorial Military Museum in a long-term agreement with the City of St. Louis. On Nov. 11, 2015, leaders of the Missouri Historical Society and the City of St. Louis signed a construction oversight, museum development and operating agreement in regards to Soldiers M e m o r i a l . T h e a g re e m e n t a l l o w s t h e Missouri Historical Society to lead a multimillion dollar renovation of the historic structure to create a state-of-the-art museum facility that honors military service, veterans and their families. Under this agreement, the Missouri Historical Society will be responsible for the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum at 1315 Chestnut St. and the Court of Honor, located directly across Chestnut from Soldiers Memorial. The Missouri Historical Society will oversee a substantial renovation and reconstruction of Soldiers Memorial, will care for the Memorial’s collection of artifacts, and will be charged with all permanent and special exhibitions, among other museum operation responsibilities. “Our long-term agreement with this team of experts will ensure that this Memorial is transformed into a world-class museum that honors our fallen and pays re s p e c t t o t h o s e w h o f i g h t f o r o u r freedoms,” said Francis Slay, mayor of the City of St. Louis. “We owe this to our veterans and their families.” The Missouri Historical Society expects that Soldiers Memorial will close in spring of 2016 to begin renovations. Soldiers Memorial is anticipated to be closed for a little more than two years during the re n o v a t i o n p ro c e s s , w i t h t h e g o a l o f reopening in 2018. The current estimated
cost of renovations, including exhibition design and fabrication and operational start up costs, is $29 to $30 million. Those costs will be covered entirely by anonymous donors to the Missouri Historical Society. “We look forward to further serving the St. Louis community by preserving and interpreting Soldiers Memorial’s historical t re a s u re s , ” s a i d D r. F r a n c e s L e v i n e , president of the Missouri Historical Society. “We will not only be able to safeguard and care for its impressive collection of artifacts of military history, but also to refresh and maintain the architectural and historic integrity of the beautiful art deco building that is Soldiers Memorial Military Museum.” The Soldiers Memorial Revitalization Project is still in the design phase, but every effort is being made to respect the art deco structure. The renovated Memorial will be fully accessible to visitors and will share the stories of St. Louisans both at War and the Homefront in engaging ways, and will honor the military service of veterans and their families. Renovations include an overall facelift for the building. The exterior will be cleaned, including the beautiful Walker Hancock sculptures. The lower level of the Memorial will be refurbished for use as galleries, more than doubling the amount of exhibition space for the Memorial. The renovations will also include the addition of a museum-quality HVAC system. Interior storm windows will be added to minimize light exposure to the artifacts while allowing the original windows to remain in place. Updates will also bring the building up to ADA compliance, with the addition of a second elevator, bringing the current elevator up to code, adding a chair lift to the upper floor, and more. The Court of Honor, which resides across Chestnut Street from Soldiers Memorial, will
be revitalized with the addition of fountains. New monuments honoring St. Louisans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country will be added. “I am honored the Missouri Historical Society has been asked to oversee the renovation and operation of this St. Louis landmark,” said Harry Rich, chairman of the Missouri Historical Society Board of Trustees. “We look forward to operating a dynamic Soldiers Memorial Military Museum with exhibitions and programming that are both reverent and relevant to veterans, military families and the larger St. Louis community.” The Missouri Historical Society has an extensive background of successful museum operation, operating the nationally renowned Missouri History Museum. The Missouri History Museum is one of the most-visited history museums in the nation. It has earned the highest level of accreditation in its field, an achievement only attained by the top 3% of the 35,000 museums in the country. The Missouri History Museum was also the nation’s first recipient of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Award for Museum Services in 1994. The Missouri Historical Society will bring this standard of excellence to the operation of the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum. They anticipate creating eight to ten fulltime, permanent positions for the operation of Soldiers Memorial. The Missouri Historical Society also plans to hire for some temporary positions during the renovation phase for exhibition research. T h e p re l i m i n a r y c o s t e s t i m a t e s f o r Soldiers Memorial’s annual operating budget are $1.125 million paid by the Missouri Historical Society. This operating budget will be covered by an endowment provided by anonymous donors to the
November 19, 2015
Missouri Historical Society. The City of St. Louis will continue to pay approximately $150,000 annually to cover the utilities and the salaries of Soldiers Memorial’s two City employees. However, no additional taxpayer dollars will be used to fund this project. “When I first began serving on the Soldiers Memorial Commission, I never imagined that this level of renovation and museum operating standards would be possible for a museum that relies solely on tax dollars,” said James Sondermann, chair of the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum Commission. “I am thrilled that this public-private partnership will be able to breath new life into Soldiers Memorial thanks to the generosity of private donors. The Soldiers Memorial Revitalization Project will give veterans and military families the museum that they deserve.” The City of St. Louis created a Memorial Plaza Commission in 1925 to oversee the creation of the Memorial Plaza and Soldiers Memorial. Designed as a memorial to the St. Louis citizens who gave their lives in World War I, the Memorial became Project No. 5098 of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. The St. Louis architectural firm Mauran, Russell & Crowell designed the classical Memorial with an art deco flair. St. Louis born sculptor Walker Hancock created four monumental sculpture groupings entitled Loyalty, Vision, Courage and Sacrifice to flank the entrances. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the site on October 14, 1936 and the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum opened to the public on Memorial Day, May 30, 1938. The Soldiers Memorial Military Museum is owned by the City of St. Louis and is under the authority of the Board of Public Service of the City of Saint Louis. Today, the Soldiers Memorial honors all veterans and active military from St. Louis.
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Christmas in St. Louis events planned
For over 30 years, Christmas in St. Louis has hosted outstanding holiday celebrations that capture the hearts of families across the St. Louis region, lift holiday spirits, and bring our community together during the holiday season. The Festival of Lights, Thanksgiving Day Parade, and Hungry Turkey 5K create moments that make celebrating Christmas in St. Louis so special. Ameren Missouri Festival of Lights (Nov. 21) – Kicking off the celebration is the highly anticipated A m e re n M i s s o u r i F e s t i v a l o f Lights that will help ring in the holiday season in St. Louis with entertainment, food, holiday lights and fireworks. Once again, the Festival will be held at Union Station & Aloe Plaza on Saturday, Nov. 21, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Salvation Army, a long-time partner of the Festival, will display its Tree of Lights across the street from Union Station in Aloe Plaza. Mayor Francis Slay will light the majestic tree, and the event will conclude with a fireworks display at dusk. Ameren Missouri Thanksgiving Day Parade (Nov. 26) - Celebrating its 31st year, the Ameren Missouri Thanksgiving Day Parade will start at 8:45 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, and will once again be broadcast live on KMOV-TV Channel 4. More than 130 parade units will participate, including musical floats, giant helium balloon figures, animal units, antique car collections, and marching bands
from across the St. Louis area. The parade will conclude with a very special appearance by Santa Claus, to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy holiday season. Hungry Turkey 5K (Nov. 26) Prior to the parade, runners of all ages will take to the streets for the annual Hungry Turkey 5K. The stroller and pet friendly event starts at 7:30 a.m. and finishes along the Thanksgiving Day Parade route giving race participants a preferred viewing position. The Festival of Lights and the Thanksgiving Day Parade a re h o s t e d b y t h e C h r i s t m a s in St. Louis, in partnership with its presenting sponsor, Ameren Missouri, with special assistance from the City of St. Louis. The Hungry Turkey 5K is organized by Big River Running. For more information on all of these events and to register for the run, visit
About Christmas in St. Louis Christmas in St. Louis is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting activities that inspire people to show their unique holiday spirit while enhancing the texture and heritage of the St. Louis community. For more information, follow us on ChristmasInStLouis.
Churchill's paintings on display
The shore is rendered in soft warm blues and thick buttery yellows. Swimmers wade into the water as a heavy black cannon trains a gleaming barrel towards the darkening horizon. “Beach at Walmer” (c. 1938) is a picture of stubborn vigilance, all the more resonant for the circumstances of its creation. Painted on the English Pub Invi lic ted & Fo Ava od ilab le
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Channel shortly before the outbreak of World War II, it is the work of Winston Churchill, the future prime minister and a chief architect of Allied victory, but then a lonely voice in British Parliament warning against the Nazi storm. This fall, the National Churchill Museum at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., and the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis will feature “Beach at Walmer” and 46 other works in the exhibit “The Paintings of Sir Winston Churchill.” Presented in association with “Churchill 2015,” a worldwide commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Churchill’s death, the exhibition is among the most significant displays of Churchill’s work ever in North America. Featured are canvases representing five decades of Churchill’s paintings, drawn from public and private collections in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. Also
included are Churchill’s traveling easel, one sculpture by Churchill and a portrait of Churchill by Sir John Lavery. Major lenders include Chartwell, Churchill’s historic family estate in Kent and part of The United Kingdom National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, as well as The Royal Academy of Arts, London, and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Canada. “The exhibition remains on view through Feb. 14, 2016. The museum is located on Washington University’s Danforth Campus, near the intersection of Skinker and Forsyth boulevards. Regular hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays and 11 a.m.-8 p.m. the first Friday of the month. The museum is closed Tuesdays. The museum is open to the public and admission is free. For more information, call 314935-4523; visit kemperartmuseum.; or follow the museum on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
Wishing You Happy Holidays!
November 19, 2015
People People planner McKendree lines up holiday entertainment
McKendree University’s Division of Visual and Performing Arts, the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts, the Show Choir program, and the McKendree Gallery of Art announce several upcoming events. All are open to the public and admission is free unless otherwise noted. Friday, Nov. 20, 7.30 p.m.: The M arc h i n g B e a rc a t B a n d : L i v e in Concert!, led by David Boggs, director, at the Hett. Dec. 3-17: An All Student Art Show showcases the creativity of those enrolled in art classes this semester at the McKendree Gallery of Art, 224 W. St. Louis St. in Lebanon. The exhibit opens with a reception on Dec. 3 from 5 to 8 p.m. For gallery hours and information, visit artgallery. Friday, Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m.: “A Christmas on Broadway: A Holiday Charity Show” community variety show at the Hett, sponsored by the Show Choir. Admission is canned food for the local food bank, or gloves, mittens or scarves for a homeless shelter. Sunday, Dec. 6, 3 p.m.: The McK en dre e C h ri st ma s C h or a l Concert, presented by the Concert Choir and Chamber Choir featuring Pinkham’s “Christmas Cantata” with brass, Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and popular carols under the direction of Dr. Nancy Ypma, at the Hett. Monday, Dec. 7, 7:30 p.m.: Jazz Ensembles concert, directed by Dawn Weber, David Gonzalez and Maurice Egeston, at the Hett. Friday, Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m.: Concert Band and Wind Ensemble Christmas Concert, featuring special guest soloist Christine Brewer, directed by Dr. Jennifer Moder. General admission is $5 at the Hett.
Saturday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p.m.: COCA’s Ballet Eclectica returns to the Hett with “The Little Dancer,” a tale of Degas’ famous statuette who comes to life and dances her way through various works of art. Admission is $15 adults, $12 seniors and $5 students (with ID) and children.
World War I art exhibit open
War looks different, before you’re in it. In 1914, as Europe lumbered optimistically to battle, a proxy fight was joined in the pages of popular media. Combatant nations, seeking cultural as well as military dominance, deployed visual propaganda to rally support and attack enemies. Yet as the death toll mounted, a generation of artists, many of whom served in uniform, sought new artistic languages to
convey the grief and horror they had witnessed. This fall, the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis will present “World War I: War of Images, Images of War.” Drawn primarily from the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, where it debuted in fall 2014, the exhibition features more than 150 objects that together chart a chronological path from exuberant outbreak through years of grinding combat and into the long, unsettled aftermath. The exhibit will be on display through Jan. 4. Included are paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, illustrated journals, correspondence from the front and other materials by artists such as Max Beckmann, Umberto Boccioni, Georges Braque, Otto Dix, Natalia Goncharova, George Grosz, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Käthe Kollwitz, Fernand Léger and Kazimir Malevich.
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War of Images The exhibition opens with “War of Images,” which explores how different nations sought to elevate their own cultural symbols while denigrating the supposed national traits — German barbarism, British imperialism, French decadence, Russian cowardice — of opponents. French artist Jean Cocteau, whose health prevented enlistment but who later drove a Red Cross ambulance, co-founded the journal Le Mot (“The Word”) with designer Paul Iribe. The cover of their second issue depicts Kaiser Wilhelm II as the German hero Lohengrin, but wittily replaces the knight’s legendary swan boat with a red, grasping crayfish.
Conversely, the German magazine Simplicissimus, a longtime government critic, now voiced patriotic support. A striking cover from October 1914 — by Thomas Theodor Heine, who’d once been jailed for caricaturing the Kaiser — shows a colonial Englishman, pith helmet ajar, clutching precariously at a blood-soaked globe. Other works play on visual codes such as the Russian bear and the French Marianne. A series of rarely seen images by avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich and poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, modeled on popular Russian prints known as lubki, depict idealized peasants in traditional costume fearlessly routing enemy troops.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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November 19, 2015
November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Wild Lights returns to the Zoo
Yo u ’ l l g e t g o o s e b u m p s a s you wander through the arctic wonderland of twinkling holiday lights and seasonal sounds of U.S. Bank Wild Lights at the Saint Louis Zoo! Stop by McDonnell Polar Bear Point and you may glimpse the Zoo’s special delivery for 2015: Kali (pronounced “Cully”) the polar bear! Dates and Times Wild Lights is open 5:30-8:30 p.m. on Friday-Sunday, Nov. 27-29; Wednesday-Sunday, Dec. 2-6; Wednesday-Sunday, Dec. 9-13; Wednesday-Wednesday, Dec. 16-23; Saturday-Wednesday, Dec. 26-30; and Friday-Sunday, Jan. 1-3. The Zoo will close to the public at 4 p.m. each day of Wild Lights. Doors will re-open at 5:30 p.m. for the event. (Exhibit is closed on Dec. 24, 25 and 31.) Admission M o n d a y t h ro u g h T h u r s d a y, tickets are $7 for Zoo members and $8 for general public. Friday through Sunday, tickets are $9 for Zoo members and $10 for general public. Children under age 2 receive free admission. Wild Lights tickets can be purchased online at stlzoo. org/wildlights, or at a Zoo Welcome Desk during Zoo hours. Tickets are also available at the door the nights of the event starting at 5:30 p.m. Free parking will be available on both Zoo parking lots. Holiday Lights and Activities You’ll be enchanted by whimsical light displays, including a neon North Pole, starry safari, jungle bell rock, snowfall flurry walk, the beautiful swan lake, poppin’ prairie dogs, an illuminated penguin colony, a fantasy butterfly garden and a charming gingerbread village, flamboyant flamingos, numerous trees ablaze in lights and much more. Get nose-to-beak with the birds at Penguin & Puffin Coast, warm up in the tropics of the Monsanto Insectarium where you’ll see colorful insects from around the world, and go underwater through the Sea Lion Sound tunnel. Gather ‘round the fire to fluff your fur, warm your paws and perk up your listening ears as you hear captivating animal stories by theatrical interpreters sponsored by Prairie Farms Dairy. Live ice carving demonstrations will take place on Friday and Saturday nights, and on select nights look for strolling entertainment and costumed characters throughout the event. Climb aboard your favorite animal on the Mary Ann Lee Conservation Carousel ($3). Chill out in the 4-D Theater featuring “Polar Express—The 4-D Experience” coming in early December ($5/person). Rides are weather permitting. Food and Shopping Campfire s'mores will be available for purchase at the holiday traditions area sponsored by Laclede Gas. Take a detour to one of three cafes for dinner, snacks and hot chocolate. Visit the 102.5 KEZK Blizzard Zone for all kinds of frosty fun for kids. Shop for a variety of unique gift ideas at Zoo gift shops and receive a 10 percent discount on any purchase; Zoo members receive a 20 percent discount. Group Rate Groups of 15 or more may receive a group rate of $7/person on weekdays and $9/person on weekends by calling in advance. To
order group tickets, call (314) 6464718 or email More Information For more information, visit, www. and www., or call (314) 6464771. Sponsors U . S . B a n k Wi l d L i g h t s i s sponsored by U.S. Bank, Eaton, Laclede Gas, Prairie Farms Dairy, Build-A-Bear Workshop® at the Zoo and 102.5 KEZK.
MoBOT to host Garden Glow
The Missouri Botanical Garden’s annual light exhibit, Garden Glow, opens November 21. Now in its third year, the expanded event features 1 million lights as well as additional interactive installations for guests. Garden Glow is open through January 2, 2016. More than 400,000 additional
lights were added from the 2014 exhibit with an expanded f o o t p r i n t t h ro u g h e v e n m o re of the Garden grounds. Twentyeight installations will adorn the Garden’s most iconic locations including the Climatron®, Kaeser Memorial Maze, the Central Axis, Tower Grove House, Shoenberg Fountain and the Cleveland Gate House among others. Garden Glow is designed to engage visitors of all ages. An expanded Family Fun Area will feature a “Reindeer Ring Toss,” “Glowmen Glen,” an interactive Glowmen decorating installation and “Tree-dazzeled,” with lifesize trees available for photo opportunities. The Garden is also offering Family Night Pricing on November 25, December 2, 9 and 16 ,with children’s tickets offered at a discounted price of $3 per child. Food and drinks will be available at a number of locations on the grounds including stations
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located on the Central Axis featuring fire pits for s’moremaking. Also new this year is an additional “Dine and Glow” ticket which will include Glow admission as well as featured menu items in Sassafrass, the Garden’s café. Special Glow and holiday gear will also be sold on the grounds and in the Garden Gate Shop. Please note, for the enjoyment of all guests, there are no tripods, monopods or selfie sticks allowed during Garden Glow evenings. Garden Glow is presented by Wells Fargo Advisors. Signature location sponsorship by The B o e i n g C o m p a n y, D a v i d a n d Lelia Farr and Monsanto. Special venue sponsorship by Ameren Corporation, Bunge North America, Maritz, Moneta Group - Dan and Peggy West and PNC Bank. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from
Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, visit w w w. m o b o t . o rg o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 577‑5100 (toll-free, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook. com/missouribotanicalgarden and More than 45,000 households i n t h e S t . L o u i s re g i o n h o l d memberships to the Missouri Botanical Garden. Memberships begin at $65 ($60 for seniors) a n d o ff e r 1 2 m o n t h s o f f re e general admission for two adults and all children ages 12 and under, plus exclusive invitations and discounts. Members help support the Garden’s operations and world-changing work in plant science and conservation. Learn more at membership.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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Religion Religion briefs Survey: Religious Americans keep faith amid secularization
NEW YORK (AP) — A newly-released survey finds the 77 percent of American adults who continue to identify with a faith group have largely stayed as religiously engaged as they were in 2007. The Pew Research Center's findings are based in part on a 2014 telephone survey of more than 35,000 people. It found two-thirds of religiously affiliated adults said faith was very important to them and they prayed daily, nearly unchanged from 2007, the last time Pew conducted its U.S. Religious Landscape Study. About 6-in-10 said they attend worship services at least once or twice a month, a rate similar to the earlier study. But a higher percentage say they regularly read scripture, participate in small prayer or study groups and share their faith with others. In an initial release of data last May, Pew researchers found that the 23 percent of Americans who don't affiliate with
a religion have become the second-largest group in total numbers behind evangelicals, at 25 percent.
Vatican arrests 2 people in latest probe of leaked documents
VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican says a Spanish priest and an Italian laywoman who served on a financial reform commission set up by Pope Francis have been arrested in the probe into yet another leak of confidential information and documents. A statement from the Holy See's press office said that Vatican prosecutors on Monday upheld the arrests of the two, who had been interrogated over the weekend. The woman was allowed to go free on her own recognizance, but the priest was being held in a Vatican jail. The arrests were the latest confirmation that scandal and intrigue still swirl through the largely closed world of the Vatican's administrative bureaucracy. Current and past papal efforts to clean house at the Vatican
ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 656-1500
Rev. Diane C. Grohmann
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Our Facility is Handicap Accessible
Summit at School Street Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620 Rev. Tony Clavier Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697
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800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648
Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear
9:00 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School 10:30 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
LECLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister John Bollinger, Student Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister
Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director
have sparked resentment and found resistance in the Holy See's entrenched bureaucracy, a perfect combination of factors to foster leaks.
Police arrest 2 men in vandalism of Boston-area mosque
BURLINGTON, Mass. (AP) — Police have arrested two 18-year-old men who allegedly vandalized a mosque in the Boston suburb of Burlington. Cameron Cappella and Derrik Demone, both of Burlington, are each charged with malicious destruction of property over $250 and tagging property. Police were called to the Islamic Center of Burlington Sunday after the vandalism was discovered. "U.S.A." was written multiple times with red spray paint on the outside of the building. Several eggs had been thrown at the building. Cappella and Demone were arrested Monday after police received several leads from the community. It was not immediately clear whether the men had retained lawyers.
Center Grove Presbyterian 6279 Center Grove Rd., Edwardsville Phone: 656-9485 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Wed. Eve. Bible Study/Prayer, Choir Children & Youth Ministries Rev. Wes James, Senior Pastor Rev. Craig Frazier, Assistant Pastor Presbyterian Church in America
110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm Saturday - 3:30-4:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 am Wed., & Thurs. - 6:45 pm
310 South Main, Edwardsville, 656-7498 Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship: 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brooks, Lead Minister Jeff Wrigley, Youth & Children’s Director
EDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330 ohn oberts Senior Pastor Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM
All Are Welcome
407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7:00 p.m. New Life Student Ministry
ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of Rosewood Heights 10 N. Center Street East Alton
131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700 Rev. William Adams Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:30a.m. Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Senior High Youth Group Sunday - 6:30 p.m. Mid-Week - Every Wednesday(Summer break until Sept. 9) -
Wed. Night Meal - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids Connection - K-5th grade - 6-7 p.m. Middle School Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Senior High Bible Study - 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Classes & Prayer Shawl Ministry - 6:30-8 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities e-mail
Saturday’s at 5 p.m. A worship service with contemporary music where you can connect with God and others. Facebook: Awakening Worship STPUMC/Awakening
Let’s Worship... This page gives you an opportunity to reach over 16,000 area homes with your services schedule and information.
Sunday Worship: 8:15 & 10:30 a.m.
Call Lisa at 656-4700 Ext 46
November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
The best thing going for Bradley Cooper's character in "Burnt" are his bright blue eyes. His Adam Jones is apparently a gifted chef, but with his arrogant persona and penchant for loud outbursts, it hardly seems worth finding out, even despite those baby blues. Jones is so unlikeable that spending 100 minutes with him on screen is as unpleasant as languishing over a bad meal — you just want to kind of walk away and find something better. "Burnt" is further hampered by narrative loose ends, clunky, explanatory dialogue, and a love interest (Siena Miller) who behaves as no real woman would. Written by Steven Knight ("Pawn Sacrifice") and directed by John Wells ("August: Osage County"), "Burnt" follows Jones' efforts to restore his cooking career after a bout of bad behavior and return to Michelin Star status. The film opens with the embattled chef shucking oysters in New Orleans. The job is a penance, Cooper's Jones explains in voiceover: He was once a promising young chef with the opportunity to run his mentor's restaurant, only to squander his future with drugs, infidelity and an inflated sense of importance. Now sober and with renewed focus, Jones heads to London to reconnect with former colleagues and strong-arm them into working with him. RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for language. RUNNING TIME: 100 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One star out of four.
"Brooklyn" is a story for anyone who has ever left home. It's a story for those who've waffled in indecision, for those forming their identities and forging their own paths. It's a story awash in muted pastel nostalgia about family and love and ambition and heritage and goodbyes. And it's one of the loveliest films to grace cinemas this year. There's very little drama in this tale of a young woman, Eilis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan), who leaves her small Irish town and her mother and sister in the 1950s to find a life and career in New York. That might make it feel to some like it's not a full movie. We've been trained to expect horrible things to happen to the people we're groomed to love and root for, especially in immigrant tales. Here things are just normal. Eilis is cripplingly homesick at first, but she's not mistreated at work. She doesn't suffer extreme hardships or experience any prejudice for her background or gender. Her family doesn't disown her. Her boyfriend doesn't harbor dark secrets and the priest (Jim Broadbent) who gets her a job, a place to live, and a spot at a night college is actually just there to help and support. If anything, "Brooklyn," based on Colm Tóibín's 2009 novel, challenges the viewer to focus on the heart by not having any such dramatic crutches. Eilis just has to work and figure out what she wants. We meet her first at a dead end job as a shop girl in the tiny town of Enniscorthy, but she's already got a way out. Her sister has made an appeal to an Irish priest living in New York who's agreed to sponsor her trip across the Atlantic and set up a job and housing. Eilis knows it's the only way to get her life started even though she's heartbroken to leave. Ronan, who has proven herself to be one of our most talented ingénues, makes Eilis a leading lady that we usually don't get to see. She's smart and ambitious, but still quiet and reflective. She's polite, but not a pushover. She's good, but not prudish. She's pretty, too, but in an understated way that makes most men overlook her. At a dance early on, one actually sneers in her direction. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America
On the Edge of the Weekend
for "a scene of sexuality and brief strong language." RUNNING TIME: 111 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.
"The Peanuts Movie"
Maybe the Peanuts gang hasn't been on the big screen in decades because they've had so much success on the small one, with specials like "The Great Pumpkin" and "A Charlie Brown Christmas" that have been annual TV traditions since the 1960s. Thankfully, "The Peanuts Movie" isn't just a small-screen special writ large. The filmmakers take advantage of their cinematic scope with a bigger story, more sophisticated animation and effective use of 3-D that gives new depth to the Peanuts world. But the characters loved by generations of fans — Lucy, Linus, Snoopy, Woodstock and beloved blockhead Charlie Brown — are as charming and timeless as ever. It's been nearly 40 years since the last Peanuts film, 1977's "Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown." The gang's other theatrical outings were "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" in 1969 and "Snoopy, Come Home" in 1972. "The Peanuts Movie," written by the son and grandson of Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz, doesn't cover new thematic territory, but it doesn't really need to. Relying on 50 years of character development, the Peanuts gang stays true to their original selves — there's no new edge or post-modern snark in the mix. The central concepts (be honest, be yourself, do your best) are as gentle as the curves of Charlie Brown's silhouette. There are two simultaneous stories at play in the film: one set in the "real world" of Charlie Brown and his friends, and a more fantastical tale of Snoopy as his alter-ego, the Flying Ace. "The Peanuts Movie" opens during wintertime, and a snowy introductory scene with Woodstock sets viewers up for the 3-D experience. Charlie Brown and the gang are excited about a new kid moving into their neighborhood. She turns out to be the Little Red-Haired Girl, and Charlie is instantly smitten. RATED: G by the Motion Picture Association of America. RUNNING TIME; 92 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
Where to go when 53 years of action-scene set pieces have exhausted seemingly every exotic corner of the Earth? How much globe can a globe-trotter trot? The answer kicking off the latest James Bond film, "Spectre," is a doozy. Beginning with the words "the dead are alive" across the screen, director Sam Mendes opens on a long shot through the Day of the Dead in Mexico City, tracking Bond (Daniel Craig), masked but unmissable in a skeleton costume, through the festive throngs. He ushers a woman (Stephanie Sigman) out of the masses and into her bed, only to disrobe into a suit, step out the window and stride down the ledge. Finally spying his real prey, explosions follow, walls collapse and the resulting chase spins into a helicopter careening over a mobbed Zocalo Square. It's a sequence of such startling audacity (some 1,500 extra were used) and gorgeous black-on-sepia tones that a nagging desire to hit "rewind" persists through the rest of "Spectre." Handsome and riveting as it often is, the film never again reaches such heights. It's not for lack of effort. Mendes, who helmed the last entry, the smash "Skyfall," has raised the bar on 007, pushing the budgets and the grandiosity in a bid to not just reinvent the franchise but overwhelm it with eye-popping craft. "Spectre" is Craig's fourth Bond movie and his muscular tenure has been defined not just by his full embodiment of the character, but his overall stewardship. His ability to attract top-
November 19, 2015
notch talent, in front and behind the camera, and to imbue the spy series with a seriousness of purpose reads in every frame. His Bond may still sip martinis, but he's stone-cold sober. Having ushered 007 through the Eva Green highs of "Casino Royale," the overwrought lows of "Quantum of Solace" and the climactic extravagance of "Skyfall," ''Spectre" finds Craig's Bond pursuing the videotaped orders of Judi Dench's late M in a more traditional 007 plot. Her instructions lead him to a shadowy international criminal organization led by a longtime Bond villain, Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz). The pursuit skirts the snowy peaks of Austria, the cloakand-danger cobblestones of Rome and the Mediterranean maze of Tangier, with enough corresponding outfit changes to stock a runway show. Bond is operating outside of MI5, where new head Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott) is overhauling the intelligence services with digital surveillance that he says will render the old-fashioned 00 program obsolete. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "intense sequences of action and violence, some disturbing images, sensuality and language." RUNNING TIME: 148 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
"By the Sea"
How do we picture the private lives of Angelina Jolie Pitt and Brad Pitt? If they were to, say, wind along the Mediterranean coast in a top-down convertible with Serge Gainsbourg lilting on the radio, would that do the trick? In the opening of "By the Sea," written and directed by Jolie Pitt, they are the picture of glamor we would expect from the stars, playing a married couple who breeze into a remote seaside cove in the South of France. The spell, however, is broken when they reach the water. "I smell fish," says Jolie Pitt's Vanessa, stepping out of the car. The 1970s seaside setting could hardly be more enchanting, but something is rotten on the French Rivera. Married 14 years and childless, Vanessa, a former dancer, and Roland, a struggling writer, arrive — not with the jaunty lightness of the opening — but as if seeking a shore on which to hurl their on-the-rocks marriage. After checking into their hotel suite, they immediately, wordlessly begin rearranging the furniture and placing the desk by the window. They're like actors setting a scene; the feeling of artifice never leaves "By the Sea," which transpires almost entirely within the suite's walls in a stylish, detached kind of melodramatic malaise. They quickly settle into a strange routine: Roland spends his days drinking with the local bartender (the excellent Niels Arestrup) and failing to write, while Vanessa mopes around the hotel room. They speak little, in fraught exchanges that refer only vaguely to the prior trauma that hangs over them. They are in, as Roland says, a "second-stage life," long past the fresh excitement of their early years together and no longer the celebrated talents they once were. Lacking sure footing, they look enviously around them — particularly at the honeymooning couple (Melanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud) next door. The two couples timidly befriend each other. Vanessa's interest, though, is piqued through a hole in the wall that lets her spy into their room. She's stirred and aroused by the voyeurism, snapping her from her grief. It's surely a great irony that one of the most famous women in the world has made a movie so much about the maladies of envy and the titillations of watching and being watched. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for "strong sexuality, nudity and language." RUNNING TIME: 122 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two stars out of four.
Associated Press
This photo provided by Universal Pictures shows Brad Pitt, left, and Angelina Jolie Pitt as Vanessa in a scene from the film "By the Sea."
"By the Sea" a bit too limp By JAKE COYLE Associated Press How do we picture the private lives of Angelina Jolie Pitt and Brad Pitt? If they were to, say, wind along the Mediterranean coast in a top-down convertible with Serge Gainsbourg lilting on the radio, would that do the trick? In the opening of "By the Sea," written and directed by Jolie Pitt, they are the picture of glamor we would expect from the stars, playing a married couple who breeze into a remote seaside cove in the South of France. The spell, however, is broken when they reach the water. "I smell fish," says Jolie Pitt's Vanessa, stepping out of the car. The 1970s seaside setting could hardly be
more enchanting, but something is rotten on the French Rivera. Married 14 years and childless, Vanessa, a former dancer, and Roland, a struggling writer, arrive — not with the jaunty lightness of the opening — but as if seeking a shore on which to hurl their on-therocks marriage. After checking into their hotel suite, they immediately, wordlessly begin rearranging the furniture and placing the desk by the window. They're like actors setting a scene; the feeling of artifice never leaves "By the Sea," which transpires almost entirely within the suite's walls in a stylish, detached kind of melodramatic malaise. They quickly settle into a strange routine: Roland spends his days drinking with the local bartender (the excellent Niels Arestrup) and
failing to write, while Vanessa mopes around the hotel room. They speak little, in fraught exchanges that refer only vaguely to the prior trauma that hangs over them. They are in, as Roland says, a "secondstage life," long past the fresh excitement of their early years together and no longer the celebrated talents they once were. Lacking sure footing, they look enviously around them — particularly at the honeymooning couple (Melanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud) next door. The two couples timidly befriend each other. Vanessa's interest, though, is piqued through a hole in the wall that lets her spy into their room. She's stirred and aroused by the voyeurism, snapping her from her grief. It's surely a great irony that one of the most famous women in the world has made a movie
so much about the maladies of envy and the titillations of watching and being watched. As a movie, the euro retro "By the Sea" — a kind of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" transplanted to Eric Rohmer's France — is too limp, too artfully posed to work. The single-tear moments of sadness, the overdone presence of props (so many cigarettes and hats!) and the sometimes stilted dialogue make for a curiously wooden atmosphere that eventually stifles the considerable star-power of Pitt and Jolie Pitt. Pitt's Hemingway-esque writer, occasionally speaking French, comes through more clearly. But Jolie Pitt's Vanessa, porcelain and restrained, does justice to Vanessa's allconsuming grief but her performance doesn't supply the melodrama the force it needs.
"The Peanuts Movie" hits the spot By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge I was torn between the weekend's two new titles and which to review for you. I loved "Spectre" and its place in the James Bond canon, but "Peanuts" holds a special place in the hearts of many, including this fan. I guess that my interest in the comic strip goes back to my childhood in the 1980s when Charles Schulz's daily four-panel were already headed into their fourth decade of publication. Like most great artists, Schulz had created a uniquely thorough world into which we had all been allowed a small window through which to view it. T h e s a m e i s t ru e o f m a n y mediums and I can point to the works of Tolkien, J.K. Rowling,
and even the denizens of Twin Peaks, created by David Lynch and Mark Frost for ABC all those years ago. Occasionally, the world is interesting enough to others, and personal enough to its creator, that it stands the test of time. By the time I came around, Snoopy had become the breakout character. He was on the Met Life blimp, in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and tagged on all the merchandise. "Happiness Is a Warm Puppy" was the popular tagline in those days and even this cat person could ap Animation is a tad slicker that it was when I was watching third generation reruns of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown". That was the first thing I noticed when I sat down. The unrealistic backdrops and oddly shaped
characters are exactly as we expect them to appear. Perfection, even when mimicking imperfection, is the standard computer animators have attained. All that aside, "Peanuts" really follows two main narratives through its scant eighty-eight minutes. Half is devoted to that lovable relatable blockhead, Charlie Brown (voiced by Noah Schnapp) and his timeless adventures on the pitcher's mound, losing kites in the park, dealing with the attitudes of the football-yanking Lucy and clinging little sister Sally. He's nervous and awkward, but uses his strife to try and win over the little red-haired girl. The other half focuses on that lovable beagle that has his back when the going gets tough. Snoopy anchors every other scene in a epic love story set amid war with the Red Baron over
lovely Fifi (Kristin Chenoweth). He's got a typewriter and a flying red doghouse and the same Everydog demeanor that still makes him a star today at, by my calculation, age 65. That's a lot of dog years. And it warms my heart to know that he is still voiced (via archival recordings) by the late Bill Melendez, the legendary performer who has always done the sound effects that serve as the voices of Snoopy and Woodstock and who also was one of Walt Disney's early animators on films like "Fantasia" and "Dumbo". Reading David Michaelis's great 2007 biography of the cartoonist "Schulz & Peanuts" - insights were given into the mind of a man who had done things his way, only his way, and did them until the day he died, his strip outliving him by one
November 19, 2015
edition. Many criticize that author for using his access into the family for exploiting negatives (like we all have) and linking them to the strip. I disagree and accept it for what it is. Schulz's works still grace the funny papers these days, but they are an antiquated concept to most young children. I tear up at this idea, but am heartened when I walked into a crowded auditorium early on Veteran's Day morning and see hundreds of families lined up, cackling together, as the watch the new movie based on the work that remains blissfully unassuming and open-heartedly kind. Could there be a greater legacy than that? "Peanuts" runs 88 minutes and is rated G with content suitable for all ages. I give this film two and a half stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Travel Being celebrities for the second time Globetrotting Perozzis return to the Caribbean By CLAUDIA PEROZZI For The Edge Editor's note: Former Glen Carbon residents Bill and Claudia Perozzi live in California now, but they've spent the last dozen or so years seeing as much of the world as they can. Part I Eleven years ago my husband Bill and I took our first luxury cruise which was through the Panama Canal. After passing through a series of checkpoints, when we boarded Infinity of the Celebrity line, we entered a whole new world. We were greeted by uniformed officers, champagne and an escort to our cabin. It was heavenly and I loved it. This past year we decided to take another cruise on Celebrity, this time to the Caribbean. As we stood in line for the only checkpoint, Bill looked around and whispered to me, "Everyone's so old on this cruise." Then we looked at each other and burst out laughing. Some time in the last eleven years we had aged too. Our ship Equinox didn't show her age but she had probably had some work done. What was missing this time was the big greeting. We carried our own bags on board and found our own cabin. If we had needed assistance, it was available and so was champagne which was offered by a young steward. Now here's the part that got better. For a slight upgrade fee, we had splurged on a stateroom with a balcony. Walking into our room and seeing light, daylight, was lovely. We planted ourselves out on our balcony and just watched the hustle bustle on shore, the world we were leaving behind. I'm not sure, but I think there were more balconies on this ship than on our previous one so they had become more common but that still didn't diminish our enjoyment. On all cruise ships, coming and going from port, a local pilot takes over control of the ship to guide it in and out of tricky, tight areas. After
the pilot had safely maneuvered our ship into the seas, he had to return to land. From our balcony, we were able to watch the pilot’s power boat come along side our ship. With our large ship shielding the small boat from wind and waves, we could see the pilot jump onto his boat. We applauded and he saluted. We wanted to get familiar with our temporary home so we toured ourselves around the ship. We found the familiar facilities: the pools, the large formal dining area, the cafeteria style dining area, the auditorium, the library, the game room, the shopping rows, the gambling section and a variety of nooks and crannies. A cruise ship is like an apartment building inside
On the Edge of the Weekend
a small city. It seemed to me that more places had prices posted rather than previously when everything but specialty dining was included. Oh well, we had a balcony. B a c k i n o u r s t a t e ro o m , w e freshened up for dinner. On our first cruise our seating at dinner was set and we always dined with the same people, a charming British couple. This time we opted for open dining and so we dined with different people every evening. Both ways were interesting but now we know that we prefer getting to know another couple better rather than briefly meeting many others. We are still in touch with our British friends and
November 19, 2015
we correspond at least once a year. Now here's another part that got better. The menu was full of suggestions for a "lighter fare." More fruit, vegetables and sugar-free items were available and the portions were smaller, helping waistlines stay somewhat smaller than on the earlier cruise. In fact healthy alternatives were available throughout the ship, such as the salad bar near the pool. Decidedly unhealthy, the "Death by Chocolate" of our first cruise had died. That had been a decedent spectacle of delicious chocolate dishes surrounding ice sculptures. I missed that and even more I missed the lovely high teas that were no longer served. I had enjoyed the elegant touches but I appreciated the emphasis on better health. O n our f ir st cruise cer tain evenings were labeled as "formal" and we had brought fancy evening clothes. I had an evening gown and Bill had his best suit. This time a few evenings were dressier than others but my little black dress and Bill's sport jacket fit in just fine. Every evening we still had entertainment in the main auditorium. Maybe in the intervening years we had gotten jaded, spoiled even. Maybe, like the passengers, the acts had aged. Maybe we were just enthralled by the novelty of nightly live entertainment the first time around. Maybe all of the above. We still enjoyed the shows on the main stage and in the smaller venues but we weren't overly awed. Previously we had gone to the aft deck after the performances to meet the stars. This time we just headed for the comfort of our bed after the shows. Gee, we are getting old. Our first cruise transited the Panama Canal and in the daytime we listened to a series of lectures preceding the crossing. Bill and I both enjoyed gaining a better understanding of the history, the challenges and the personal stories. But, of course, the Panama
Canal was a big story. This time most of the preparations for on shore centered around shopping opportunities. Some of the other talks, such as the workings of the ship, drew big crowds. It was standing room only for the talk given by a woman who had worked at the White House during the Clinton administration. Most of the talks w e re m o re e n t e r t a i n i n g t h a n educational. But really that's what we wanted. Besides Celebrity we have been on just a few other cruise lines and so with admittedly limited experience, I'll make a few generalizations. While cruises seem less luxurious, they've become more casual and comfortable. Both ways have been enjoyable for us. The food continues to be outstanding and plentiful. The entertainment is still entertaining. Now here's the really surprising part. Many of the passengers had taken many cruises. I mean many like 30, 40, 50 and more. One couple had been on over 100 cruises and they were rewarded with places at the Captain's table. Some went straight from one cruise to another. Some had already been on this cruise and so had very little interest in seeing sites off ship. In fact, they enjoyed having the ship to themselves when most of us left on excursions. But we didn't take this cruise to stay on board the whole time. We had places to see and things to do. We had excursions to take and we'll cover them in the next article.
Above, the Celebrity Equinoz at sea. At left, a closer view of the ship in port. Photos by Bill and Claudia Perozzi.
Travel Battlefields, museums illustrate Show Me State's role in history Missouri Division of Tourism Although 2015 marks the final year of Civil War Sesquicentennial commemoration activities, Missouri offers opportunities to connect with this historic part of our nation’s past today, tomorrow and into the future. The first Battle of Bull Run in Virginia, July 21, 1861, was the first major battle of the Civil War. It was followed in rapid succession by two significant engagements in Missouri. The Battle of Athens, August 5, 1861, was the northernmost Civil War battle west of the Mississippi River. At the Battle of Athens State Historic Site, 11 miles north of Kahoka, walk in the footsteps of Union soldiers who, August 5, 1861, vanquished the proConfederacy Missouri State Guard. During a guided tour, you learn the fascinating background of this historic event. The site offers camping, picnicking, hiking, fishing and boating. Just five days after The Battle of Athens, fierce combat broke out at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, near Springfield, Missouri (it is sometimes called the “Bull Run of the West.”) Nationally, it was the second major battle of the Civil War. The visitor center at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield contains museum exhibits and details about the battle. There, you’ll learn why this was a pivotal battle in and for Missouri. A five-mile, self-guided driving tour and several walking trails take you to various battle sites and historic buildings. For a comprehensive exhibit
covering all aspects of the Civil War in Missouri, travel to the Jesse James Farm and Museum, April 18-June 14, 2015. A State Divided: The Civil War in Missouri is created through a partnership between the Missouri History Museum and the Missouri Humanities Council. Many reenactments are held across Missouri. These events stick as close as possible to actual battle occurrences, including (among other things) period costumed citizenry
and soldiers, simulated cannon and gun fire, cavalry charges, encampments, vendors and food. St. Louis was the site of one of the nation’s most important court cases: the freedom trials of Dred and Harriet Scott in 1847 and 1850. Eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property, not U.S. citizens and therefore had no right to sue. The Dred Scott decision hastened the start of the Civil War. The Old Courthouse,
now managed by the National Park Service, is listed in the National Park Service’s National Underground Railroad Network To Freedom. The courthouse is located two blocks from the famed Gateway Arch. In St. Louis, the Mary Meachum F re e d o m C ro s s i n g s h o w c a s e s the vital importance of the Underground Railroad. This site, where a group of slaves attempted to cross the Mississippi River to find freedom in Illinois, is thought to be the first place in Missouri where Underground Railroad activity occurred. Although it is a small area, the site’s significance is enormous. (Accessed on the St. Louis Riverfront Trail, an 11-mile paved trail along the Mississippi River, between the Gateway Arch and the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge, three miles north of downtown St. Louis; also accessed from the Prairie Avenue trailhead.) In 1854, Congress passed a bill that made war inevitable: The Kansas-Nebraska Act. As a result, a conflict known as “Bloody Kansas” ensued, as Southern supporters from Missouri attempted to enforce their will upon the two new territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Civil War buffs traveling south of Kansas City on Route 71 can locate a number of historical markers related to the Border Wars by zigzagging between Routes 71 and 69. In the “Bloody Kansas” conflicts, Confederate guerrillas were referred to as Bushwhackers. During the Civil War, the small town of Nevada came to be known as the “Bushwhacker Capital.” Heavy Bushwhacker activity prompted federal troops to burn Nevada to the ground in 1863.To learn more about the Border Wars, visit the Bushwhacker Museum and Jail in Nevada, Missouri. Missouri was frequently the scene
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of the most heated parts of this civil unrest. In 1861 alone, of the 157 battles listed in the Army Register, 66 took place in Missouri. Through the entire war, Missouri endured a greater number of battles and engagements — more than 1,000 — than any state except Virginia and Tennessee. One of those battles happened in 1864, at the Battle of Westport in Kansas City. Sometimes referred to as “The Gettysburg of the West,” this battle was waged over three days and is said to have involved as many as 32,000 soldiers. Today, a visitor center commemorates the site and serves as a starting point for the 32-mile Battle of Westport auto tour that includes 25 locations of historic importance. Explore Missouri and learn more about the state’s pivotal role in the Civil War. Missouri’s Civil War heritage lives on at various sites such as the Missouri Civil War Museum and the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, both in St. Louis, and at numerous battlefields, parks, museums and gravesites throughout the Show-Me State. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t the Missouri Civil War Heritage Foundation website and search Missouri’s only official tourism website,
Above, an exhibit at the Bushwhacker Museum in Nevada. At left, the Dred and Harriet Scott statue at the Old Courthouse in St. Louis. Photos courtesy of the Missouri Division of Tourism.
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November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures "Wicked" to the Fabulous Fox this holiday season,” said Fox Theatre producer Kristin Caskey. “With its powerful story and dynamic score, "Wicked" has captivated St. Louis audiences for the past ten years. It truly is a spellbinding experience you can share with the entire family.” Long before Dorothy drops in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One – born with emeraldgreen skin – is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. "Wicked" tells the story of their remarkable odyssey, and how these two unlikely friends grow to become the "Wicked" Witch of the West and Glinda the Good. "Wicked" has been declared “A Cultural Phenomenon” by Variety and “The Best Musical of the Decade” by Entertainment Weekly. Since its New York premiere over a decade ago, "Wicked" has been performed in over 100 cities in 13 countries around the world (U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Germany, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, The Philippines, and Mexico) and has thus far been translated into five languages: Japanese, German, Dutch, Spanish, and Korean. The musical has grossed over $4 billion worldwide and has been seen by over 50 million people across the globe. "Wicked" currently has four productions around the world, in New York, London, a U.K. Tour, and
Tickets for "Wicked" on sale now
After breaking box office records in the four previous engagements, "Wicked", Broadway’s biggest blockbuster, will return to the Fabulous Fox Theatre this holiday season from December 9 – January 3. Tickets are available online at, by phone at 314534-1111 and in person at the Fox Theatre Box Office. With music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (Pippin, G o d s p e l l , A c a d e m y Aw a rd ® winner for Pocahontas and The Prince of Egypt) and book by Winnie Holzman (“My So Called Life,” “Once And Again” and “thirtysomething”), "Wicked", the untold story of the witches of Oz, is directed by two-time Tony® Award winner Joe Mantello (Take Me Out, Love! Valour! Compassion!, The Vagina Monologues) and features musical staging by Tony® Award winner Wayne Cilento (Aida, The Who’s Tommy, How To Succeed…). Based on the best-selling 1995 novel by Gregory Maguire, "Wicked", winner of over 100 international awards, including a Grammy® and three Tony® Awards, is the untold story of the witches of Oz. It is produced by Marc Platt, Universal Pictures, The Araca Group, Jon B. Platt and David Stone. “We are thrilled to welcome back
a North American National Tour. Grammy Award-Winning Cast recording available on Decca Broadway. For more information a b o u t " Wi c k e d " , l o g o n t o www."Wicked"
Fox to host "So You Think You Can Dance"
"So You Think You Can Dance" is bringing all of its excitement to the Fox Theatre for one show at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 2. Tickets are $59.50, $49.50, $39.50 and are available online at metrotix. com, by calling 314-534-1111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. "So You Think You Can Dance", the 13-time Primetime Emmy Award-winning show that sparked America’s fascination with dance, is set to captivate audiences again this fall – live on tour. Celebrating its momentous 12th season and its exciting new Stage v. Street format, "So You Think You Can Dance"’s Top 10 finalists will make their way across North America performing in 70 cities as part of the "So You Think You Can Dance" Season 12 Tour. The Season 12 tour lineup includes the following Top 10 finalists: Team Stage’s Gaby Diaz, Edson Juarez, Jim Nowakowski, Hailee Payne and Derek Piquette; and Team Street’s Megan “Megz” Alfonso, Eddie
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“Neptune” Eskridge, Virgil Gadson, Jessica “JJ” Rabone and Jana “Jaja” Vankova. "So You Think You Can Dance" airs Mondays (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on FOX. The tour kicks off on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie, TX and crosses the United States and Canada with 70 sensational stops. The first leg of the tour will wrap on Tuesday, Dec. 29 at the Taco Bell Arena in Boise, ID. The dancers will then return for the second leg of the tour in Canada in January 2016 – additional cities to be announced. Fall’s hottest ticket will feature this season’s most popular routines from Team Stage and Team Street, as well as original pieces created specifically for the nationwide tour. 19 Entertainment and dick clark productions will present audiences a c ro s s t h e c o u n t r y w i t h t h e opportunity to experience the action brought into their living rooms each
week on the beloved summer series, with a variety of sizzling, one-ofa-kind dance routines they have come to enjoy and expect from their favorite dancers. " S o Yo u T h i n k Yo u C a n Dance" recently received eight 2015 Primetime Emmy® Award nominations, including Outstanding Reality-Competition Program and Outstanding Host In A Reality or Reality-Competition Program (Cat Deeley), in addition to nominations for Outstanding C h o r e o g r a p h y, O u t s t a n d i n g Hairstyling For A Multi-Camera Series Or Special, Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety Series, and Outstanding Makeup For A MultiCamera Series Or Special (NonProsthetic). SYTYCD’s exceptional costume team of Marina Toybina and Grainne O'Sullivan also won an Emmy® Award for Outstanding Costumes for a Variety Program.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
November 19, 2015
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The Arts Artistic adventures "White Christmas" coming to The Fox
The producers of "Irving Berlin's White Christmas", the stage adaptation of the beloved classic film, have announced casting for the upcoming National Tour that will stop in St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre November 17 – 22. The show will star Sean Montgomery as "Bob Wallace," Jeremy Benton as "Phil Davis," Kerry Conte as "Betty Haynes," and Kelly Sheehan as "Judy Haynes.� Also featured are Pamela Myers as "Martha Watson," Conrad John Schuck a s " G e n e r a l Wa v e r l y � , D a v i d Perlman as "Ralph Sheldrake," R a v i R o t h a s " M i k e N u l t y, " Cliff Bemis as "Ezekiel Foster," a n d E l i z a b e t h C r a w f o rd a n d Samantha Penny as "Susan Waverly." Rounding out the cast are Maria Rose Briggs, Darien Crago, Elish Conlon, Laurie D i F i l i p p o , J o e G r a n d y, D re w Humphrey, Bryan Hunt, Megan Kelley, Connor McRory, Bryan Charles Moore, Kristyn Pope, Jake Primmerman, Sean Quinn, Rachel Rhodes-Devey, and Kelly Skidmore. Tickets for "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" at the Fabulous Fox are on sale now online at, by calling 3145 3 4 - 1111 o r i n p e r s o n a t t h e Fabulous Fox Box Office. Ticket prices start at $25. Prices are subject to change; please refer to for current pricing. "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" is part of the U.S. Bank Broadway Series. Performances of "Irving
Berlin's White Christmas" at the Fabulous Fox run November 17 – 22. Show times are Tuesday through Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m., Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 1 p.m. There will also be a matinee p e r f o r m a n c e o n T h u r s d a y, November 19 at 1 p.m. "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" tells the story of two showbiz buddies putting on a show in a picturesque Vermont inn, and finding their perfect mates in the bargain. Full of dancing, romance, laughter and some of the greatest songs ever written, including "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep," "Happy Holiday," "Sisters," "Blue S k i e s , " a n d t h e u n f o rg e t t a b l e title song, "Irving Berlin's White C h r i s t m a s " p ro m i s e s t o b e a merry and bright experience for the entire family! The creative team for t h e N a t i o n a l To u r i n c l u d e s direction and choreography by Randy Skinner (Tony AwardŽ Nomination, Best Choreography); book by David Ives (Finnian's Rainbow, On the Town) and Paul Blake (Producer, Beautiful-The Carole King Musical); set design by Anna Louizos (Avenue Q, In The Heights); set adaptation by Kenneth Foy; costumes by Carrie Robbins (A Class Act); lighting design by Ken Billington (The Drowsy Chaperone, Annie); sound design by Keith Caggiano; orchestrations by Larry Blank ( To n y Aw a r d Ž n o m i n a t i o n , Best Orchestrations); vocal and additional arrangements by Bruce Pomahac; music direction by Michael Horsley; casting by B i n d e r C a s t i n g / J a s o n S t y re s ,
CSA. Original Broadway production directed by Walter Bobbie. "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" is produced by Work Light Productions, whose other current & upcoming touring productions include Rent 20th A n n i v e r s a r y To u r, R o d g e r s & H a m m e r s t e i n ’ s C i n d e re l l a , MAMMA MIA!, Vocalosity, and Crazy For You. "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" features Music and Ly r i c s b y I r v i n g B e r l i n , a n d is based upon the Paramount P i c t u re s f i l m w r i t t e n f o r t h e screen by Norman Krasna, Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. The tour will be traveling to Waterbury, Knoxville, Newport News, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Providence, Rochester and Schenectady during the 2015 holiday season.
Fox to host "The Great Russian Nutcracker"
Ti c k e t s a re o n s a l e n o w i n St Louis for Moscow Ballet’s celebrated Great Russian Nutcracker at Fox Theatre on Monday November 30, 7:00 p.m. It’s the ultimate holiday tradition from the youngest to the seniors in the family. See Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker and create memories for a lifetime. Moscow Ballet’s company of almost 40 dancers is the only internationally touring ballet group to perform to critical acclaim in over 75 North American cities annually.
The renowned, award-winning principal dancers and corps de ballet thrill audiences with their expertise, dramatic expression and stunning leaps, turns and drops. The production is known for its dedication to world peace: naming Act II the “Land of Peace and Harmony;� featuring a rose shooting cannon and a stunning “Dove of Peace� with a 20’ wingspan. All ages feel the spirit of the season at the Great Russian Nutcracker through the romantic costumes and shimmering backdrops splashed with highlights of Russian history. Additional fanciful effects include life-sized Matrushka Dolls; 3-headed Rat King and authentic Troika Sleigh escorted by Father Christmas and Snow Maiden through the magic Snow Forest. Tickets start at $31. Special two and four pack offers will also be available. Groups of ten or more, and Girl Scout troops, receive discounts by calling 800-320-1733. Seniors 65+, Military and AAA discounts are available at the theater box office with appropriate identification. For Gold Circle Gift Package and single tickets call Fox Theatre BO 314-534-1111 or go to " R e a l b e a u t y, � N e w Yo r k Ti m e s ; “ D a z z l i n g � C a l g a r y Herald; “Powerful,� D.C. Metro Theater and Arts; “Breathtaking;� Cleveland Plain Dealer and “Spectacular� Denver Post ~ from
2014 tour Moscow Ballet - In addition to the Great Russian Nutcracker, Moscow Ballet repertory includes classic ballets Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella and more. For more than 20 years the company has featured award-winning and rising star dancers, from Lilia Sabitova in 1994 to Alisa Voronova in 2014. The company performs 100 e n g a g e m e n t s a n n u a l l y a c ro s s North America and in 15 of the top twenty demographic market areas. Moscow Ballet receives critical acclaim and is regularly invited to present at National Press Club events. In addition to public performances, the company’s mission and national platform enables it to share the Russian Vaganova ballet training with over 5000 American dance students annually in Dance with Us. Intensive cultural immersion project “New Horizons – A C h i l d re n ’ s P ro g r a m f o r L i f e � benefits thousands of school children and programs Musical Wu n d e r k i n d a n d S u m m e r Intensives also touch the lives of many children and young adults. For over 20 years Moscow Ballet’s partnership with corporations and not-for-profit organizations such as the President’s Challenge Program and Children’s Hospitals has raised revenue for significant causes.
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November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Arts calendar Quilt National, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19, 2016. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through December 27. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Our People, Our Land, Our Images, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 21. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6. Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14, 2016. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24, 2016 St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31, 2016
Quilt National, Peabody Opera House, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19, 2016. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through December 27. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Our People, Our Land, Our Images, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6. Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14, 2016. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24, 2016 St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31, 2016
Saturday, Nov. 21
Sunday, Nov. 22
Friday, Nov. 20
Big Muddy Dance Company Season Kickoff, Edison Theater, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19, 2016. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through December 27. A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6. Raqs Media Collective: Art In
Is your furnace ready?
Monday, Nov. 23
Kota: Digital Excavations in Afr ican Ar t , Pulit zer Ar t s Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 19, 2016. Julie Malone: Luminous, Sheldon Art Galleries, St. Louis, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 23, 2016. Silver Seas: An Odyssey by Ernest H. Brooks II, International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 30. Wyatt Kahn: Object Paintings, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through December 27.
A Walk in 1875 St. Louis Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 14, 2016. Courageous and Faithful: The Cavalry, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 28. Relationships and Representation: Perspectives on Social Justice Work, Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4, 2016. Painting Prayers: The Calligraphic Art of Salma Arastu, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 6. Raqs Media Collective: Art In The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14, 2016. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24, 2016 St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31, 2016
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Kota: Digital Excavations in African Art, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to
Winter’s on its way.
The Age Of Collective Intelligence, Laumiere Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 8:00 a.m. to Half Hour Past Sunset, Runs Through February 14, 2016. Leica: 100 Years of Excellence Exhibit, International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through April 24, 2016 St. Louis Modern, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 31, 2016
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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November 19, 2015
Music Tuning in Fox to host Experience Hendrix Tour
The 2016 Experience Hendriz Tour will stop at the Fox Theatre for an 8 p.m. show on March 8. Live at the Fabulous Fox Tuesday, March 8 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $100, $85, $60, $50, $40, $30 and are available online at, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Hailed by critics and fans alike as the ‘Guitar Event Of The Year,’ the multi-artist celebration known as the Experience Hendrix Tour is set to return in 2016. These special concert performances present legendary artists who join together to pay homage to Jimi Hendrix. This next edition of the Experience Hendrix Tour will encompass twenty seven performances this coming February and March, stopping in more than two dozen cities along the east coast, midwest and southern states. Now in its second decade, the tour celebrates the musical genius of Jimi Hendrix by bringing together a diverse array of extraordinary musicians, ranging from blues legend Buddy Guy to Black Label Society and former Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Zakk Wylde, as well as Jonny Lang, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Eric Johnson, Dweezil Zappa and many others. Billy Cox, bassist for both the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Band of Gypsys, anchors a rhythm section that provides the foundation for exciting renditions of such signature Hendrix favorites as “Purple Haze” and “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)”. Jimi Hendrix was a pioneer in both rock and blues, and expanded the possibilities of what could be achieved with the electric guitar, forever altering the course of music history. Likewise, the Experience Hendrix Tour is developing a rich history of its own. By 2004, the first Experience Hendrix Tour came to fruition with a three-date string of shows on the west coast, starting in Hendrix’s hometown of Seattle. By 2008, the Experience Hendrix Tour had become a full-fledged, coastto-coast expedition that continues to date, without showing any signs of slowing down Audiences are presented the opportunity to see great artists paying homage to Hendrix and collaborating with each other in ways they’d never do in
their own live shows. “It is such an honor to be asked back for another run,” says blues/gospel/rock guitar prodigy Jonny Lang, who has played every tour since 2008. “The music of Jimi Hendrix speaks to each of us in indelible ways. It’s another chance to celebrate his legacy.” Multiple Grammy-winner and 2015 Kennedy Center honoree Buddy Guy, who was both an inspiration to as well as a personal friend of Jimi’s, is also ecstatic to partake in his sixth Experience Hendrix Tour. The stance he takes is akin to that of a missionary: “Jimi Hendrix was one of the greatest guitar players ever and we all need to keep his music alive.” "It's an honor to celebrate Jimi Hendrix's legacy and greatness with so many other amazing players, who have become great friends and family to me,” echoes Zakk Wylde. “His influence and inspiration will forever be undeniable!" Platinum-selling solo artist Kenny Wayne Shepherd has been on every Experience Hendrix Tour since the beginning. “As far back as I can remember, I’ve been listening to Jimi Hendrix,” said Shepherd. “He has had an enormous influence on me as both a guitar player and a songwriter. He was always trying new things and pushing musical boundaries, which enabled and encouraged me to push the boundaries in my music. The Experience Hendrix Tour is an amazing tribute to the greatest guitar player of all time, featuring some of the greatest musicians in the world today.” Dweezil Zappa returns for his third Experience Hendrix Tour. “I've always been a great admirer of Jimi Hendrix,” he details. “My dad told me some great stories about playing with him. Jimi's ability to express himself so completely with an electric guitar is very inspiring to me. There was an authentic expression of his personality in the music. And that rings true to every generation. He wasn't following trends. His playing was soulful and exciting and surprising.” The 2016 Experience Hendrix Tour also includes guitarist Mato Nanji of Indigenous, vocalists Henri Brown and Noah Hunt, and drummer Chris Layton, who was recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble. Additionally, special guests will include the likes of Keb’ Mo’,
Doyle Bramhall II, Ana Popovic and the Slide Brothers. More special guests will be announced in the coming weeks. Please check and local listings for announcements. As in years past, Fender Music Instruments is the primary tour sponsor. Fender and Experience Hendrix L.L.C. have long enjoyed a s u c c e s s f u l re l a t i o n s h i p — a n association that traces back to Hendrix transforming the Fender Stratocaster into the dominant instrument of rock and roll music. Marshall Amplifiers and Dunlop Manufacturing, whose gear is an integral part of the tour’s backline, also sponsor the Experience Hendrix Tour together with Axe Heaven IK Multimedia and Hal Leonard. Profoundly popular with fans and critics alike, an earlier edition of the Experience Hendrix Tour inspired Doug Walters of the Charleston City Paper to rave, “It was an inspired night of great energy and incredible playing. Nothing but good vibes filled the Performing Arts Center. Jimi’s spirit and music could not have been honored more.” Robert Kinsler of the Orange C o u n t y R e g i s t e r, c a l l e d t h e
Experience Hendrix Tour “a steller event,” as well as “a special night, and a fitting tribute to a music legend, to be sure.”
Sheldon to present Eliane Elias
The Sheldon presents Eliane Elias, Saturday, November 21 at 8 p.m. in the perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall. Known for her distinctive and recognizable musical style, which blends her Brazilian roots with impressive instrumental jazz, classical and compositional skills, Eliane Elias is both an accomplished pianist and singer/songwriter. She is heralded as one of jazz music’s finest pianists, offering distinctive renditions of a range of Brazilian music, including intricate bossa nova and moving interpretations of classic tunes by her country’s great songwriters. Considered one of the great interpreters of Antônio Carlos Jobim’s music, she has been featured on many concert tributes to Jobim and recorded two albums solely dedicated to the works of the composer, Plays Jobim and Sings
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Jobim. W i t h a G r a m m y Aw a r d winning career that spans over 23 albums, Elias has collaborated with artists ranging from opera sensation Denyce Graves to jazz legend Herbie Hancock, earning her multiple awards and rave reviews. Her albums all have topped the Billboard and Jazz Radio charts, also earning her the title of Best New Talent by the jazz critics poll of JAZZIZ magazine. In addition to receiving critical praise, Elias’ latest recording, I Thought About You (A Tribute To Chet Baker), reached #1 in the U.S. and France in sales on, #2 on iTunes in the U.S., France and Brazil and #4 on Billboard’s jazz charts. Single tickets are $45 orchestra/$40 balcony/$15 student. Tickets are on sale now through MetroTix at 314-534-1111, through The Sheldon’s website at, or in person at The Fox Theatre Box Office, 534 N. Grand Blvd. For a VIP concert experience, All-Access tickets are available by calling 314-533-9900, ext. 17. For more information, call The Sheldon at 314-533-9900 or visit
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#2 Schwarz St. Plaza • Edwardsville, IL November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Music calendar Friday, Nov. 20
Alarm Will Sound, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Urge, The Pageant, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. CMT on Tour feat. Brett Eldredge & Thomas Rhett, w/Danielle Bradbury, Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. Concerto Competition Finals, Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, Collegiate Division 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Junior Division 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Dead & Company, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Our Last Night, w/Palisades, Hail the Sun, Picturesque, Make Room, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Hilary Scott, w/Les Gruff and The Billy Goat, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Common Jones, Cold Hearted Strangers, Muddy River Ramblers, Cicero's, University City, 8:30 p.m. Tommy Halloran's Guerrilla Swing – Winter Concert Series, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 21
Brahms 1, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Eliane Elias, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Stanley Clarke Band, Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis,
8:00 p.m. Vienna Boys Choir, Holiday Concert, Cathedral Basilica, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Lori's Puppets, w/OATM, Made in Waves, Show Baby, Formations, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Oil Boom, w/Telegraph Canyon, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Doyle (of the Misfits), w/Element A440, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. New American Classic, Captains Courageous, IO, Equal Squeeze, FJ, Cicero's, University City, 8:00 p.m. Howie Day w/Lisa Bouchelle, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 8:00 p.m.
Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 24
Modern Baseball, w/PUP, Jeff Rosenstock, Tiny Moving Parts, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 25
Jake's Leg, The Pageant, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Stevie Stone, w/Yak Boy Fresh, Bing, Rapmoshpere, Colin Rich, Yung Knowledge, GGM, Uno Joven, Pop's, Sauget, 7:00 p.m.
Onward, ETC., w/ Brian Marquis, The Ghost Pines, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Stag Night All Stars 10th Annual Tribute to The Waltz, w/ Sadie Hawkins Day, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
“We may have changed locations, but rest assured you will always feel more than a ten.”
Sunday, Nov. 22
Iris DeMent, w/Pieta Brown, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. Blameshift, w/Shallowside, Fall To June, Disguise the Limit, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:30 p.m. School of Rock Showcase, The Demo, St. Louis, Doors 4:30 p.m. S i l v e r s t e i n / Se ns e s Fail, w / Hundredth, Capsize, The Ready Room, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m.
Ribbon Cutting
Open House
November 17th 1 pm
December 3rd 10-8 pm
(all day at studio eleven)
Monday, Nov. 23
Glen Hansard, w/Aiofe O'Donovan, The Pageant, St. Louis, 7:30 pm. Aqueous, w/Hazard To Ya Booty, Cicero's, University City, 8:00 p.m. Curren$y, The Ready Room, St.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
November 19, 2015
The Fox to welcome 2 CELLOS 2CELLOS, music’s most electric and dynamic instrumental duo, announce the dates for their North American tour which kicks off in January. They will make stops in 41 cities including Atlanta, New York, Boston, Detroit, Nashville, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City with a stop in St. Louis at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on Thursday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Ti c k e t s a re $ 5 9 . 5 0 , $ 4 9 . 5 0 , $ 4 4 . 5 0 , $ 3 4 . 5 0 a n d a re available online at, by calling 314-5341111, or in person at the Fabulous Fox Box Office. Propelled into international fame in 2011 after their version of Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal� went v i r a l t h e C ro a t i a n c e l l i s t s , L u k a S u l i c a n d S t j e p a n
H a u s e r, c o n t i n u e t o w o w t h e i r f a n s w i t h d y n a m i c music videos and covers of today’s most classic and popular songs. Most recently their Baroque inspired, yet high octane head-banging video of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck� garnered over 45 Million views to date. The duo returned to their rock roots on their recently released, critically acclaimed, third album Celloverse. 2CELLOS playing style has broken down the boundaries between different genres of music, from classical and film music to pop and rock. They have no limits when it comes to performing live and are equally as impressive when playing Bach and Vivaldi as they
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November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
Dining Delights
Bill Roseberry/The Edge
Above, the monster succulent hamburger at O'Connell's Pub. Below, The entrance to O'Connell's Pub located at 4652 Shaw Blvd.. in St. Louis.
O'Connell's Pub in St. Louis By BILL ROSEBERRY Of The Edge If you like simple bar food done to perfection in a quiet pub atmosphere then O'Connell's Pub is the spot for you. O'Connell's flies under the radar a little bit because of its proximity to The Hill in St. Louis. The Italian food mecca gets plenty of attention, but head to the outskirts at 4652 Shaw Blvd., across the street from Shaw's Garden, and you'll encounter a heavyweight hamburger that's definitely worth a try. O'Connell's originally opened in 1962 in what was known as the Gaslight Square before moving to its current location in 1972. The current building was originally built in 1905 by Anheuser Busch as a bar, so it has its finger on the St. Louis pulse for sure. When you walk into O'Connell's you find the classic Irish pub a t m o s p h e re — d i m l y l i t , b i g wooden booths, hardwood floors and a big wood-trimmed bar with a good beer selection. Many of the wooden fixtures were moved from O'Connell's original location. My dinner companion Kelly and I picked a booth near the kitchen area, which was open so we could watch the cooks hard at work. Glass separated the grill from the patrons, but it was evident what the go-to play at O'Connell's is by watching the chef — it's the burgers. Just from ogling these mammoth creations from afar you could tell they were succulent as heck. We watched them as they grilled hamburger, chicken, corned beef for their Rueben, and it all looked fantastic. We decided to stick to a simple plan when ordering though. Hot
wings and burgers. For sides with our burgers, Kelly went with fried mushrooms, while I went with onion rings. The wings arrived first, spun in O'Connell's hot sauce. They were fat, juicy pieces of chicken, swimming in sauce. They were quite tender and easily slid off the bone, though we could have used a little more kick from the sauce. They don't serve ranch at O'Connell's, instead supplying their “Mayfair” sauce, which is more like a caesar dressing with the main ingredient being anchovies. It was definitely a little weird on the wings. Kelly and I would have preferred ranch for sure.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Finally the burgers and sides a r r i v e d . T h e m u s h ro o m s a n d o n i o n r i n g s w e re h u g e . T h e mushrooms were juicy and had a fine taste, but the onion rings were really good, using sweet onions inside the breading for added flavor. The star of the meal though was the burger. Each of us added c h e d d a r c h e e s e a n d o rd e re d them cooked medium well. The succulence of them was astounding. We cut them in half to make them easier to eat and the juices cascaded from inside. I would wholeheartedly recommend these monsters if you're in the market for an
November 19, 2015
excellent, cheap and simple burger. The rest of the menu sticks to the simple format. There's a Rueben, a roast beef sandwich, a coney dog, a grilled cheese, tuna salad, a cold turkey sandwich and a salami sandwich to name a few. On the appetizer portion of the menu there's cole slaw and cold peel and eat shrimp that caught my eye. There are also daily specials on the menu, including Jambalaya on Wednesdays which I'd definitely check out. Being the craft beer connoisseur that I am, I had to try an O ' C o n n e l l ' s A m b e r A l e f ro m the draft selections. A creation of
Schlafly Brewery for O'Connell's, it had a smooth taste, a very good ale. It was just a good, quiet Sunday afternoon meal. The service was good and the prices were reasonable — the behemoth burgers were just $6.25. Check out the rest of what O'Connell's has to offer on their Facebook page. With Shaw's Garden right there and the zoo not far away you have plenty to do when you're done eating. We chose the zoo, which was a nice ending to a great day. O'Connell's is just a quaint place to grab a beer or enjoy a simple, well-prepared meal when you gotta eat.
Classified Help Wanted General
JAILER CITY OF ALTON, IL Accepting applications UNTIL December 4, 2015 Requirements: See website Applications are available online and at: Civil Service Office, 101 E. 3rd Street, Rm. 100, Alton, Illinois 62002
Keller Construction, Inc. is looking for a full time
Diesel Mechanic
Important Message: It’s illegal for companies doing business by phone to promise you a loan and ask you to pay for it before they deliver. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.
For Sale: 2000 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail. Call 618-667-1337
to repair and maintain various types of equipment including trucks and heavy equipment. Must furnish standard tools. Clean driving record required. Experience necessary. Must have CDL. Drug and alcohol test required 618-781-1234 Pacific Uniform, located in Troy, Il. is expanding and we are hiring Bookkeeper w/ Quickbooks exp. Salary is market competitive and is based on experience. Start immediately! Call Linda 618-288-6413 Part-time Position Available This is a general labor position working in our newspaper’s post production operation.
Help Wanted General
CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Motivated Team Player needed for state of the art chiropractic office. Computer/organizational skills required. Must be trainable and able to multi-task. Email resume: sarathomas2112@
- Immediate opening (15-30 Hours Per Week) - Must be able to work late Friday night - Enjoy hands-on training - Mechanically inclined - Must understand what team-work means - Possess problem solving skills - Skilled in both verbal and written communication - Must have valid driver’s lic. - Must be able to stand 4+ hours at a time Come in and fill out an application at the Edwardsville Intelligencer 117 North 2nd Street Edwardsville, IL
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Help Wanted General
Snow Removal Facilities Management SIUE is now accepting apps for Snow Removal. On call. $16.96/hr. No employee benefits. or, 618/650/3062
Help Wanted Medical
Bed - Queen PillowTop Mattress Set New, still in plastic, $175. (618)772-2710. Can Deliver!
Brand New PillowTop Mattress Sets! Still in plastic! King-$275, Full-$150. Can Deliver! (618)772-2710. Financing Available. $40 down, take home today!
Misc. Merchandise
CNA Weekends Only Option Pay rate is $12/hour for CNA’s working The Weekends Only Option. Apply in person or send resume to: 400 S. Station Road Glen Carbon, Il 62034 You can also apply online at
M-F 8:00-5:00 SAT 8-12
EDWARDSVILLE, IL Honest Weights & Honest Prices #1 Copper $1.95/lb. #2 Copper $1.79/lb. Yellow Brass $1.33/lb. Stainless $.30/lb. Painted Siding $.38/lb. Scrap Alum $.33-.55/lb. Alum Cans $.36/lb. Clean Alum Wheels $.55/lb. Electric Motors $.15/lb. Batteries $.21/lb. Insulated Wire #1-$.80 /#2-$.67 Scrap Iron - $55.00-$70.00/Ton
Dan’s Garage Door Service: New and used garage doors & openers, springs, cables, and opener gears Call 618-656-0050
Carrier Routes 401 CARRIER NEEDED! RT23— Newspaper carrier needed in the Leclaire area of Holyoake Rd., Sherman Ave, Wolf St, Jefferson Rd, Thomas St., & Hale Ave. Approx. 21 newspapers on this route. Papers need to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8:30 a.m. Saturdays. If you are interested in this route, please call the Intelligencer at 618-656-4700 ext. 27
Upscale Estate Sale 17 Woodbine Ct. Collinsville Sat. 11/21, 8a-4p Sun. 11/22, 9a-4p Entire household full! Everything must go!
Wanted To Buy
Wanted to buy: 3/4 Ton Truck, 4wd, OK if it needs repair. Prefer decent truck. Call 618-772-8428
Houses For Rent
3br, 2 full ba,1 car gar. 104 Third Ave. E’ville. w/d & lawn inc. $1,200/mo. 514-6001.
Apts/Duplexes/Homes (618)656-2230 Edw-2br 1ba, No pets. 2 car gar. Near SIUE. $850 + dep. Cr. ck. MUST SEE! 656-3989. Edwardsville Country Home on 2 acres. 4br, 2 full ba farm house. $1800/mo. 304-5754
C.K.S. METAL CORP. (618) 656-5306
Full Time & Part Time Experience the delight and compassion of working in geriatrics. This person will be responsible for providing exceptional person centered care to our Elders. Must be able to work weekends Apply in person or send resume to: Eden Village Retirement 400 South Station Road Glen Carbon, IL 62034 You can also apply online at
Yard Sale
Turkeys for sale: Freshly dressed. No additives or preservatives. Bussman Turkey Farm, Gillespie. 217-839-2415 or 217-839-4322
Publisher's Notice
Apts/Duplexes For Rent 701
All Real Estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference limitation, or discrimination.� Familial status includes children living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
SMOKE FREE Townhomes. 2br, 1.5ba $710 mo. Great interstate access. Includes washer/dryer, water, sewer and trash service. No pets. 618-931-4700
3br TH 1200sq. ft. Collinsville, $890/mo. 345-9610. Specials!! 1BR loft apt & 1BR duplex $585/mo. + No Pets. Credit Check $585dep. 656-8953 2 bdrm TH, 1.5 baths like new, $695. NO PETS. 618-692-7147 2 BR 1 BA Duplex, Collinsville: bsmt. fam. rm; lrg yd; W/D hkup; New carpet; lots of strge, nice area! Must see! $625+dep. 618-781-7692. 2BR Loft, newly remod new kit, ba, wndws/drs d/w, w/d hkups. $725 incl. w/s/t. 593-0173 2br, 1.5ba apt in Troy. Appls, remodl’d. $650/ mo + dep. Off street pking. (314)574-3858 2br, 1.5ba Townhouse Close to bike trail. No pets. 1yr lse. G. Carbon 645-695/mo 288-9882
Whether it’s pets, clothing, electronics...whatever you need, look for it here in The Edwardsville Intelligencer.
If you have an item to place, call 656-4700 ext. 27
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
GLEN CARBON PEPPERWOOD CONDOS All electric units, FP, stacked WD, Deck/ patio, all appliances. 1BR from $625. 2BR from $750. Carports available. 618-624-4610 -----------------------------VILLAGE CT. APTS 2BR, All Electric Units, Stove, Fridge, w/d hkups. NO PETS. FROM $700. 618-624-4610 LUXURY 2 BRs located at 270 & 111 Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included. WST included. Must See! $695. Call for our move-in specials! (618)931-3333.
Share house in nice subdivision(Glenwood Estates, Glen Carbon). Close to everything. 3br/3ba, swimming pool, pool table. $500/month (includes utilities) 618-806-8792
Commercial Space For Rent 720 Retail, office & ware house space available @ 310 Bargraves, Troy, IL. 618-520-9529
Important Message: Companies that do business by phone can’t ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from the Edwardsville Intelligencer and the Federal Trade Commission.
Homes For Sale
40 acre Farm. 5 acre lot. 2 acre lot. 5br, 3ba House on Esic. All for sale. 618-655-1000
D[Whbo /- e\ 7bb 9edikc[hi H[i[WhY^ Edb_d[ # 8ko E\Ô_d[$ ?\ OekÊh[ Dej J^[h[$$$ OekÊh[ DEJ Wd Efj_ed mmm$j^[_dj[bb_][dY[h$Yec
9Wbb 7co IY^WWa[ \eh W <H;; 7dWboi_i ,+,#*-&& ;nj )+ WiY^WWa[6[ZmfkX$d[j November 19, 2015
On the Edge of the Weekend
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Two L o c a t i o n s S e rv i n g t h e M e t ro E a s t A re a Edwardsville
1012 Plummer Drive
1941 Frank Scott Parkway
Locally Owned and Operated
(618) 593-3042
(618) 978-2384 301 McClelland Drive TROY SUN 1-3 $338,500 Sandie LaMantia 618-978-2384
3309 Hershieser Court, EDWARDSVILLE SUN 1-3 $629,500 The Massey Team 618-791-5024 or 618-791-9298
10 Tall Oaks Drive TROY SUN 1-3 $339,000 Cathleen Keasey 618-660-2615
49.73 Acres Commercial Development Site. Close proximity to I-55/70, 20-25 min from downtown St. Louis. $1,575,000 TROY PR102050
Delightful 1.5 story, 6BR/5BA home. All freshly painted and move-in ready. $379,500 EDWARDSVILLE PR102437
ROOM TO GROW! Immaculate! 4BR, 3BT, over 3.8 acres less than 5 miles from downtown Edwardsville. Lot is open, tree lined and level. $285,000 EDWARDSVILLE PR102495
Enjoy the spectacular lake view from this spacious 4 bedroom home. $279,000 GREENVILLE PR102367
Enjoy small town country charm! 3 bedroom handyman’s special. All major systems updated! $36,500 VIRDEN PR102480
Four bedroom two story with open floorplan, oversized garage and covered patio. $439,000 EDWARDSVILLE PR102534
Beautiful landscaping, 3bed, 3 bath home with very open floor plan. Maple cabinet’s w/cherry finish in kitchen. Move in ready. $227,900 TROY PR102381
Annual Photos with Santa Mark your calendar! Saturday, December 5, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm & Sunday, December 6, 11:00 - 3:00 pm Photo taken by a professional photographer, upstairs in our “Winter Wonderland”. You are invited to make a donation of an unwrapped toy or Canned goods to be donated to Glen-Ed Food Pantry.
CUSTOM 5BR/6BA/4+ garage, wooded, quiet, 600 sq ft master, theatre, exercise & game rooms, exquisite stone patio w/fireplace. $739,000 EDWARDSVILLE PR102424
Entertaining is easy in this beautiful lake property. 5BR/5BA home with open floor plan, screened porch and walkout LL. $479,500 EDWARDSVILLE PR102467
1012 Plummer Dr., Edwardsville, IL 62025 Enter lobby door on Northside of building
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On the Edge of the Weekend
November 19, 2015
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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November 19, 2015
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