February 2015 Media Mailer

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Consumer: Valid only at Jan’s Hallmark Gold Crown store(s). Limit one coupon per customer, the coupon is required to receive offer and must be surrendered at time of transaction. Free Hallmark card will be applied toward lesser-value card, if applicable, and may not exceed Buy 2 cards, get 1 free $2.99 in value. Excludes Keepsake, Jim Shore, Life is Good, Precious Moments and Vera Bradley merchandise, postage or services. May $5 off $25 not be combined with other offers including coupons, sale and promotional merchandise. See store for any additional exclusions. No Buy 2 cards, get 1 free cash value. Tax not included. Offer may be cancelled or modified at any time. No photocopied, photographed, scanned, mechanically or Offer valid through 02-14-2015 digitally reproduced or altered coupons accepted. Coupon fraud is punishable by law. © 2015 Hallmark Licensing, LLC Consumer: Valid only atthrough Jan’s Hallmark02-14-2015 Gold Crown store(s). Limit one coupon per customer, the coupon is required to receive offer and Offer valid JAN’S HALLMARK must be surrendered at timeHallmark of transaction. Free Hallmark card will be applied towardJan’s lesser-valueHallmark card, if applicable, and may not exceed Jan’s Jan’s Hallmark Consumer: ValidExcludes only at Jan’s Hallmark Goldcard, Crown Limit one coupon perVera customer, coupon required offer and Offer valid through 02-14-2015 $2.99 in value. Keepsake, Jim Shore, Lifewhere isstore(s). Good, Precious and Bradleythemerchandise, postagetohas orreceive services. Retailer: 1.Collinsville Scan customer’s Crown Rewards applicable. 2.Moments Scan qualifying purchases. 3. Verifyisconsumer made twoMay JAN’S HALLMARK Edwardsville Crossing must be surrendered at time of transaction. Free Hallmark card will be applied toward lesser-value card, if applicable, and may not exceed Edwardsville Mkt Pl Nameoki $5Commons off $25 not be combined with other offers including See store any value). additional exclusions. No Hallmark cards purchase requirement. 4. Scancoupons, this offersale UPCand andpromotional key price ofmerchandise. lesser-value card (up tofor$2.99 $2.99 in value. Keepsake, Jim Shore, Life is Good, Precious Moments and Vera Bradley postage orcustomer, services. Mayor Edwardsville Consumer: Valid only Jan’s Hallmark Gold store(s). Limitmerchandise, one coupon per the couponLIMIT is required toPER receive offer and Collinsville ONE CUSTOMER cash value. Tax Excludes not included. Offeratmay beIL cancelled or modified atCrown any time. No photocopied, photographed, scanned, mechanically Collinsville, Edwardsville, IL Granite City, $5 off $25 IL not be combined with other offers including coupons, sale and promotional merchandise. See store for any additional exclusions. No digitally or altered coupons accepted. Coupon fraud isFree punishable by law.card © 2015will Hallmark Licensing, LLC mustreproduced be surrendered at time of transaction. Hallmark be applied toward lesser-value card, if applicable, and not exceed Collinsville Granitemay City cash value. Tax not618-345-4880 included. Offer may be cancelled or modified at any time. No photocopied, photographed, scanned, mechanically or 618-656-9445 618-451-1767 $2.99reproduced in value.or Excludes Keepsake, Jim Shore, Life is Good, Moments or services. May digitally altered coupons accepted. Coupon fraud is punishable by law.Precious © 2015 Hallmark Licensing,and LLC Vera Bradley merchandise, postage Granite City NEW Location 157 & 55/70 Next to Target Next to Shop N Save not be combined with other offers including coupons, sale and promotional merchandise. See store for any additional exclusions. No Retailer: 1. Scan customer’s Crown Rewards card, where applicable. 2. Scan qualifying purchases. 3. Verify consumer has made two cash value. Tax not included. Offer may be cancelled or modified at any time. No photocopied, photographed, scanned, mechanically or Hallmark cards purchase requirement. 4. Scan this offer UPC and key price of lesser-value card (up to $2.99 value). Valid thru digitally or Rewards alteredcard, coupons accepted. is 3.punishable byhaslaw. 2015 Hallmark Licensing, LLC Retailer: 1. Scanreproduced customer’s Crown where applicable. 2. ScanCoupon qualifying fraud purchases. Verify consumer made©two LIMIT ONE PER02-14-2015 CUSTOMER Hallmark cards purchase requirement. 4. Scan this offer UPC and key price of lesser-value card (up to $2.99 value). Buy 2 PER cards, CUSTOMER get 1 free *Consumer: Valid only at Jan’s Hallmark Gold Crown store(s). Limit one coupon per customer, LIMIT ONE Buy 2 cards, get 1 free the coupon is required to receive offer and must be surrendered at time of transaction. Free Retailer: 1. Scan customer’s Crown Rewards card, where applicable. 2. Scan qualifying purchases. 3. Verify consumer has made two Hallmark card will be applied toward lesser-value card, if applicable, and may not exceed $2.99 Offer valid through 02-14-2015 Hallmark cardsthrough purchase requirement. 4. Scan thisGood, offer Precious UPC and key price ofand lesser-value card (up to $2.99 value). in value.valid Excludes Keepsake, Jim Shore, Life is Moments Vera Bradley Offer 02-14-2015 Consumer: Valid only at Jan’s Hallmark Gold or Crown store(s). Limit coupon per customer,with the coupon requiredincluding to receive offer and merchandise, postage services. Mayone not be combined ofherisoffers coupons, Consumer: only at Jan’s Hallmark Gold Crowncard store(s). one coupon perlesser-value customer, the coupon is requiredand to receive offerexceed and must be surrendered at Valid time of transaction. Free Hallmark will beLimit applied toward card, if applicable, may not sale promotional merchandise. See store anytoward additional exclusions. Noand cash value. Tax must beand surrendered at Jim timeShore, of transaction. Free Hallmark card will befor applied lesser-value card, ifpostage applicable, may not $2.99 in value.not Excludes Keepsake, Life iscancelled Good, Precious Moments and Vera Bradley merchandise, or services. Mayexceed included. Offer may be or modified at any time. No photocopied, photographed, $2.99 in value. Excludes Keepsake, Jim Shore, Life is Good, Precious Moments and Vera Bradley merchandise, postage or services. May $5 off $25 not be combined with other offers including coupons, sale and promotional merchandise. See store for any additional exclusions. No $5 off $25 scanned, merchanically or digitally or altered coupons accepted. not be combined with other offers including coupons,reproduced sale and promotional merchandise. See store for any additionalCoupon exclusions.fraud No is cash value. Taxcash notvalue. included. Offer may be cancelled or modified at any time. No photocopied, photographed, scanned, mechanically Tax not included. Offer may Hallmark be cancelled orLicensing, modified at anyLLC. time. No photocopied, photographed, scanned, mechanicallyoror punishable bycoupons law. ©2015 digitally reproduced or altered accepted. Coupon fraud is punishable by law. © 2015 Hallmark Licensing, LLC digitally reproduced or altered coupons accepted. Coupon fraud is punishable by law. © 2015 Hallmark Licensing, LLC Retailer. 1. Scan customer’s Crown Rewards card, where applicable. 2. Scan qualifying purchases. 3. Verify consumer has made2.two Hallmarkpurchases. cards purchase requirement. 4. Scan this Retailer: 1. Scan customer’s Rewards where applicable. Scan 2.qualifying 3. Verify consumer hashas made two Retailer: 1. ScanCrown customer’s Crowncard, Rewards card, where applicable. Scan qualifying purchases. 3. Verify consumer made two UPC and keyrequirement. price toof$2.99 value). Hallmark cardsoffer purchase requirement. 4. Scan of this4.lesser-value offer UPCoffer and UPC keycard pricekey(up ofprice lesser-value card (up value). Hallmark cards purchase Scan this and lesser-value cardto(up$2.99 to $2.99 value). LIMIT ONEPER PERCUSTOMER CUSTOMER LIMIT ONE



© 2015 Hallmark Licensing, LLC

Offer valid through 02-14-2015

JAN’S HALLMARK Edwardsville Collinsville Granite City JAN’S HALLMARK Edwardsville JAN’S HALLMARK Collinsville Edwardsville Buy 2 cards, get 1 free Granite City Collinsville Granite City

© 2015 Hallmark Licensing, LLC

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