eircom Voice Services Your Y our comple complete ete voic voice ce solutions provider
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Introduction to Voice Services A one-stop-shop for your business voice services
Small to med medium dium m enterprisess
If you’re looking for a reliable, flexible and cost effective business voice solution, look no further than eircom. As Ireland’s longest established and leading voice services provider, eircom is the provider you can trust when it comes to your important business services. We have extensive experience in designing, building and managing voice solutions for companies of all sizes, and are the provider of choice in Ireland for everyone from small businesses right up to the largest corporate and government organisations.
We know how w challengin challenging ng business can bee right now. If yyou’re ou’re a sma all to medium sized small enterprise, eir rcom can help you to find the right eircom voice service aand nd packagee to fit your needs s, needs, providing feat tures which can eenhance nhance yourr features business exper rience, while driv ving much-ne eeded experience, driving much-needed cost efficiencie es. ciencies.
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Large Larg ge corporate an and nd g government overnment For la arge and com mplexx business re equirements, large complex requirements, eirco om has a team m of eexperienced xperienced d professionals eircom wh ho have the exp pertisse to custom mise a voice who expertise customise sol luttion specifically aro ound your b usiness needs. solution around business As yo our trusted p artne er, we can h elp your your partner, help org ganisation to achiev ve benefits llike ike increased organisation achieve pro oductivity, while at tthe he same tim me reducing productivity, time cos stss and busines ss risk ks. costs business risks.
“Our relationship with eircom is excellent. Not only have they helped us realise significant cost savings, their reliability and accountability is second to none. If we chose to implement any new technology for voice and data in the future, eircom would be the provider we’d choose”. Declan Cummins, Head of IT, HSBC Ireland
View case study www.eircomforbusiness.com/customers/viewdoc/hsbc
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Our Voice Services Core, Advanced and Total Communications Solutions
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Ou Our ur V Voice oice Service Services es ran range nge from tra traditional aditional access lines plans, VPN line es and call plan ns, to o complex V PN (Virtual Private VoIP services. Priva ate Network) and V oIP service es. Whatever requirements, has your voice require emen nts, eircom h as a solution meet needs. to m eet your nee eds. With Generation Intelligent Wi ith h our Next Gen neration Intelligen nt Voice Network wide advanced wee can provide a w ide rrange ange of adv vanced Voice Services, obvious Ser rvicces, making eeircom ircom m the obviou us choice for your communication needs. all yo our business co ommu unication ne eeds. Our VPN Service usage, multi-site Servic ce provides high us sage, multi-s site customers with method “linking” wit th a feature-rich h meth hod of “linkin ng” all their locations delivering loc cattions together delive ering all of tthe he benefits private network of a p rivate voice n etwo ork without tthe he upfront ront investment. inv vesstment. Our Services Ou ur suite of Telemarketing Telemarketin ng Serv vices offers offers you advanced which adva anced routing g capabilities, capaabilities, wh hich ccan an help you optimise contact strategy optimise your customer custtomer cont tact strat rategy and help to ensure ensurre no o customer call call goes unanswered. unan nswered. Our Solutions Ou ur Total Total Communications Commu unications Soluti ions include Voice Vo oicee Equipment,, Unifi fied Communications, Commu unications, Conferencing Co onfferencing and d Contact Con ntact Centres. Centrees.
As well as designing, building and managing business voice solutions, we offer an extensive range of Voice Equipment Solutions from leading industry vendors such as Avaya, Cisco and Siemens, to meet all your voice requirements. Our Unified Communications solutions from key industry partners including Microsoft, Cisco and Avaya, can integrate all of your company’s existing communication and collaboration networks in a way that can completely transform business performance. Our Ou ur Conferencing Services can greatly enhance communication com mmunication within your company and we have e options to suit companies of all sizes. We offer a wide range of Contact Centre Solutions which can improve the experience of your customers and boost the productivity of your workforce.
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Your complete voice solutions providerer eircom is the only voice services provider who can deliver all of you your ur business vvoice oice requirementss sso o why look any further when you can get everything you need in onee place in a cost-effective way y. cost-effective way.
Ireland’s most reliable and extensive voice network
can work with yyou ou to advis se, de esign, install, advise, design, monitor and ma anage your comp plete businesss manage complete voice solution. O ur Certified d Pro ofessionals bring g Our Professionals Our Advanced Voice Services are delivered over experience, exp pertise, know wledg ge and object tiviity expertise, knowledge objectivity Ireland’s leading next generation intelligent voice to any organisat tion, all stru uctureed within a tr ried organisation, structured tried network, providing businesses with the most and tested solut tion deliveryy met thodology. Ou ur solution methodology. Our reliable and far-reaching service in the country, managed servic ces team is aalways lwayys on hand to o services combined with the most advanced capability. provide ongoing g support an nd management o and off Our Voice Network cannot be paralleled by any your solution on nce it is in place. once other provider in Ireland so why not do what the • Our Custom mer Responsee Cen ntre and majority of businesses in Ireland do and Customer Centre Customer N etwork Man nagem ment Centress choose eircom. Network Management are the large est and the mostt advanced largest managemen nt facilities in n the e country. management A tailored voice solution for your business • Our centres aare re manned d by eexperienced, xperienced, certified eng gineers 24/7 7, who o uphold SLA As engineers 24/7, SLAs Whatever size your company and whatever and managee the proces ss end d to end. process your unique voice requirements, our dedicated We have thee largest eng gineeering force in th he engineering the account managers and pre-sales engineers will country with h the highes st num mber of partn ner highest number partner work with you to fully understand your business certifications s. cations. needs before offering the most comprehensive and cost-effective voice solution, customised to • Our nationw wide field engineering en ngineeering team nationwide your individual requirements and fully tailored has a broad range of pr roducct capabilities. product for your business. They are on-site when n eedeed for hardware on-site needed replacement t, system configuration gu uration or replacement, Advise, deliver, maintain troubleshoo oting. troubleshooting. Our professional services team delivers end-to-end business solutions, bringing a fresh, independent and trusted perspective to your business and technology challenges. We
Our expert eengineers ngineers co onducct on-site review ws conduct reviews of your netw work perform mancce to help you u network performance plan your fu uture require ements. future requirements.
eircom Voice Services 7
Contents Con nte ents and q quick uick k links Core V Voice oice Ser Services: rvices: Voice Acce ess Lines Access Business V oice Pla ans Voice Plans Advanced Voice Serv vices: Services: VPN (Virtu ual Pr rivate Network k) (Virtual Private Network) Business IPP Voice & Voice Tru unkin ng Trunking Telemarket ting Ser rvices Telemarketing Services Internation nal Free efone Service es International Freefone Services Premium R ate Ser rvices Rate Services
Total Communications Solutions: Voice Equipment Solutions UniďŹ ed Communications Conferencing Services Contact Centre Solutions Industry Partners Why Choose eircom? Service and Support Contact Us
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Core Voice Services Voice Access Lines Business Voice Plans
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Core Voice Services Voice Access Lines Your company’s voice Access Lines are the most fundamental element of your business voice service. With eircom, Ireland’s leading voice services provider, you get the peace of mind of knowing that your company’s voice service is delivered over Ireland’s largest, most reliable and most extensive access network.
We offer the co complete omplete range of aaccess cccess options for voice, voicce, w hich include: which PSTN Lines Suitable for sma all of ffices orr branch sites. small offi Basic Rate Provides 2 ISDN N voic ce channels and is suita able voice suitable for small officess or branch branch ssites. ites. Fractional Rate Provides 16 ISD DN vo oice channels and is ideal for ISDN voice larger sites and give es the ab bility to flexibly aadd dd gives ability additional chan nnels if needed. channels Primary Rate Provides 30 ISD DN vo oice channels and is ideal for ISDN voice large sites or HQ Q’s. HQ’s.
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Service Servic ce you can co count ount on We also o offer ffer a fu full ull range off Ser Service rvice Level Agreemen nts acro oss your Frac ction nal and Primary Agreements across Fractional Rate line ttypes ypess pr roviding you u wi ith clear, reliable providing with and guara anteeed llevels evels of ser rvice e around your guaranteed service critical voi ice se erviices. 24X7X X365 5 fault reporting voice services. 24X7X365 is available e wit th aallll SLAs; dep pending on the level with depending of service and ava ailability you u re equire, we have availability require, an o ption to suit you. Full SLA A in nformation is option information aavailable vailable from your acc count m anager account manager o n rrequest. equest. on SSwitching wittching to eircom co ouldn’t bee easier and we couldn’t ccan an work with you to p rovidee ta ailored solutions provide tailored ffor or yyour our unique busine ess requ uire ements. business requirements.
“I felt we would get more from working with eircom. It reduces the number of providers I need to deal with. If I have any issue regarding voice, It’s just my eircom account manager I need to ring.” Roger Turner, Senior IT Manager Ireland/EMEA, Microsoft Ireland
View case study www.eircomforbusiness.com/customers/viewdoc/microsoft_ireland_case_study
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Business Voice Plans
Talktime for Busin ness Business
At eircom our voice plans are designed around your business. Our dedicated account managers work with you to assess your requirements and tailor our plans to suit your company’s needs. Our insights and solutions can help your business to run more effectively and efficiently.
eircom’s Talktim me for Business offers great Talktime savings on you ur business calls, as well as th he your the flexibility to cu ustomise you ur pa ackage with customise your package optional add-o ons and the freed dom to tailorr th he add-ons freedom the package aroun nd the typess of ccalls alls you around make most.
We offer a range of business voice plans for companies of all sizes, which provide unique discounts based on your company’s overall spend and can be adapted to meet your business needs.
Multiline Value Plan eircom’s Multi iline Value PPlan lan h elps you stayy Multiline helps in control of yyour our busines ss call costs, with a business monthly call b undle at a fixed price that can be bundle spread across aass many lines as you like.
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Inclusive Inclus sivee eirco om Inclusive o fferss flexibility aand nd savings eircom offers forr yyour our business calls. This tailore ed discount tailored sch heme takes bot th outbound and d Freefone calls scheme both int to account and auto omatically m oves you to into automatically moves thee b est level of ssavings aving gs each mo onth – so the best month mo oree you spend, the m ore discou unt you enjoy. more more discount
“We chose eircom as we were confident of their ability to help us achieve the maximum return on our technology investment. Their in-depth knowledge of our business challenges supports our belief in cutting-edge technology as a driver of value creation within the business.” Brian Nealon, IT Director, Cuisine de France
View case study www.eircomforbusiness.com/customers/viewdoc/cuisine_de_france
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Advanced Voice Services VPN (Virtual Private Network) Business IP Voice and Voice Trunking Telemarketing Services International Freefone Services Premium Rate Services
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Advanced Voice Services VPN Services
Business IP Voice and V Voice oice Tr Trunking runking
If your company is spread across multiple locations our VPN (Virtual Private Network) services enable you to link all of those locations together over eircom’s public network and enjoy all of the features and benefits of a private network, like on-net calling and short code dialing, for a far lower cost. This service is fully managed by eircom and you can easily add or remove locations, as your business requirements change.
Simplify your ttelecoms eleccoms infrast infrastructure truccturee with eircom’s flagsh hip V oIP service. agship VoIP For customers wh ho are readyy to conv verge who converge their voice and d da ata services o ntto a ccommon ommon data onto infrastructure, ourr VoIP (Voicee over In nternet Internet Protocol) servic ce p rovides you uw ith a qualityservice provides with assured Voice Serv vice, with all th he fe eatures you Service, the features would expect ffrom rom m a PSTN se ervicce an nd more. service and Delivered on o ur p roven natio onw wide Next our proven nationwide Generation IP Net twork, both H3 323 aand nd SIP Network, H323 protocols are ssupported. upp ported.
eircom Voice Services 17
At a time whe when en eeveryone veryone is u under nd der pressure to do more with h less s, th his service ccan an maximise your less, this company’ ’s com mmunication n etw work, enabling company’s communication network, you to access acccess gre eat value bu usineess calls over great business your data infrastructure. infraastrructure. It iss als so ideal for also connectin ng offi fices cees in different differen nt locations lo ocations and for connecting remote w orkeers. workers. VoIP ta ailored to o your co ompany’s unique tailored company’s require ements requirements Our dedicated account managers dediccated d ac ccount mana ageers work with you to providee a se service erviice that’s pe perfectly erfecctly tailored to omp pan ny’s unique rrequirements equ uirements and suit your ccompany’s experience ed d elivery pro ojectt managers make our experienced delivery project tion smooth and ea asy. the transit transition easy.
Telemarketing Services We know how important it is for your customers to be able to contact you easily, efficiently and cost-effectively and we offer a wide range of customer contact numbers and services to help them do this. Choose from a range of call types You can choose from a range of call types to suit your needs; from 1800/ Freefone, where you pick up the full cost of the call, to 1850/ Callsave or 1890/LoCall, where the cost is shared between both you and your caller.
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Customise your service with our Advanced Routing features
ontrol with Putting you in co control e Porta al the eircom Voice Portal
We also offer a range of additional advanced routing features to help you manage customer calls more efficiently and cost-effectively.
e portal that help ps you to man nag ge A self-service helps manage our voice se ervice es, allowing yyou ou u and control yyour services, chan nges to any of yo our routing plan ns to make changes your plans enablees you u to react in “on the fly”. This enables your changin ng bu usiness needs s. A real-time to your changing business needs. porting capability is also available powerful rep reporting com voice po ortal, providing yo ou with from the eirc eircom portal, you hich g ives you all tthe he a full suite off reports, wh which gives ou need fo or you ur telemarketing g information yyou for your services.
Our Advanced Routing Services include features like origin dependent routing, where calls can be answered at the location closest to the caller, time dependent routing, which enables calls to be answered at the location with the best resources at a particular time, percentage routing, which directs different amounts of calls to different locations, re-route on busy or y which re-routes calls to an re-route on no reply, available agent to ensure that no call goes unanswered.
ed byy Ireland’s mo ost These servicess are powere powered most xt generation n inte elligent netwo ork k and d advanced nex next intelligent network tailoreed to your bu usiness requiremen ntss. can be tailored business requirements.
eircom Voice Services 19
International Inte ern national Free Freefone efone e Services
Premium Rate Services
Fo For or g global lobal compa companies anies with a mul multinational ltinational pr ressence we also o offe er a wide ran nge of Freefone presence offer range nu umbers from an n exte ensive list o numbers extensive off international loc cations. Powerf ful ca all routing te echnology locations. Powerful call technology ha and dles calls bas sed on n business rrules ules you define, handles based en nsu uring your callers aare re directed d to the part ensuring off yo our business best suited to de eal with their your deal en nquiry. Improve e customer servic ce for your enquiry. service clien nts worldwide e, cen ntralise you ur administrative clients worldwide, centralise your func ctions and red duce costs all wi ith eircom’s functions reduce with Int ternational Free efonee Services. International Freefone
eircom’s Premium Rate Services offer a way of generating substantial revenues for your business by providing numbers that charge a premium for your valuable information, entertainment, consultancy or product support. Identified by the prefix 15XX, these services can be provided at a cost per minute or per call to your callers, depending on the number type you require, at no cost to you.
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Total Communications Solutions Voice Equipment Solutions UniďŹ ed Communications Conferencing Services Contact Centre Solutions
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Total Communications Solutions Voice Equipment Solutions
Unified Comm Communications munications
eircom has extensive expertise in designing, building and managing standard Telephony and IP Telephony (IPT) solutions. We offer a broad range of phone systems from Cisco, Avaya, Siemens and other leading brands, suitable for all sizes of companies.
Our Unified Com Communications mmunications so solutions olutions can integrate all of yyour our compa any’s eexisting xisting company’s communication n and collabo oratio on networks in collaboration a way that can ccompletely ompletely ttransform ranssform busines ss business performance.
Leveraging on our deep relationships with leading vendors, we can help you to derive multiple business benefits from voice services with our solutions for telephony, messaging, telephony cost management, voice recording, contact centre, branch office and remote worker, workforce management and optimisation. Visit www.eircomictdirect.ie to buy voice equipment online from eircom.
However large o ur com mpany, we orr small you your company, can offer a wide e range of ta ailoreed solutions tailored to suit your uniq que requirem mentts, enabling unique requirements, the people in yo our company to w ork and your work communicate fr rom wherever the ey are, on from they whatever comm munication d evicee suits them b est, communication device best, enhancing prod ductivity and d efficciency, iency, while productivity saving money.
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Conferencing Con nfe erencing Serv Services vicess eirrco eircom’s om’s Confere Conferencing encing g Solutions o offer ffer the ideal op pportunity to cu ut your company y’s costs and opportunity cut company’s inc creease productivity, all at the sa ame time. increase same Re ega ardless what size yyour our compa any, there are Regardless company, op ptions to suit, rangin ng from top p-of-the range options ranging top-of-the im mmersive full room vvideo ideo confer rencing systems immersive conferencing with h life-size scre eens tto o more aff fordable and screens affordable po orttable web confere encing solut tions. portable conferencing solutions.
Our suite of Conferencing Services offers audio, web and virtual events and includes: • Global Meet Audio and Audio Attended • Global Meet Web • iMeet • Cisco webex • Other web conferencing services and auxiliary services We can provide everything from desktop video right up to full telepresence suites and we can integrate this technology seamlessly with your existing infrastructure. Our dedicated project delivery managers will ensure that the transition runs smoothly.
24 eircom Voice Services
Contact Centre Solutions At eircom we offer a wide range of Contact Centre Solutions that can enhance the experience of your customers by enabling you to answer calls more quickly, respond to queries more efďŹ ciently and tailor your marketing to suit their preferences, as well as reducing internal operating costs and boosting the productivity of your workforce. We work with leading technology partners including Avaya, Cisco, Microsoft, Nice and Verint to bring our customers the very latest contact centre innovations.
We offer custom mised Conta act Ce entre Solutionss customised Contact Centre for companies o an help you to off all sizes and ca can transform your b usiness wit th ou ur wide rangee o business with our off products and se ervices. services. eircom’s Contact Centr re portfolio includes: Centre Multi-Media Conta act Ce entre Contact Centre Enables you to rrespond espond to yyour our customers however they ch hoose to co ontactt you. choose contact Interactive Voice Re esponse (IVR) Response Offers automate ed access to o key company automated information. Social Media Monitoring g and Integration Enables you to ttrack rack and re espon nd to comments respond on social mediaa in a timely fashion.
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Hosteed C Hosted Contact ontact Centre SSolutions olutio ons This service offerss a monthly pricee for call centre equipment.
Contact Centre Consulting Assess your company’s ongoing requirements and plan a tailormade solution.
Quali ity aand nd Recording So olution ns Quality Solutions Reco ord and anaylse ca alls for comp pliance, Record calls compliance, ma ark keting and tra aining g purposes. marketing training
Reporting and Monitoring Provide customised reports on call types and volumes.
Work kforrce Optimisation Solutio ons Workforce Solutions Ide enttify the optim mum number of aagents gents and skill Identify optimum set ts required at all tim mes. sets times. Outboun nd Dialling Solutions Outbound Ide enttify the best ttimes imess to make o utbound calls. Identify outbound (Pr red dictive, progre essive e preview) (Predictive, progressive
26 eircom Voice Services
Industry Partners
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eirco eircom om has the w widest idest portfolio o off ICT equipment from leadin ng brands in ncluding leading including CIS SCO, Avaya, Fo ortineet, RSA Secu urity, McAfee, CISCO, Fortinet, Security, NIC CE, Siemens, D ataSq quirt, Orang ge Business NICE, DataSquirt, Orange Servi ices, Verint an nd Plantronics. Services, and Ou ur people are th he be est, most ex xperienced and Our the best, experienced qualified in the in ndustry to serve yyour our needs. industry eirco om has the pr roven n capability tto o design and eircom proven deplo oy any ICT Eq quipm ment Solutio on in Ireland deploy Equipment Solution and on a global b asis. basis.
eircom is an Avaya Gold Partner, and has over twenty five years experience with Avaya in Ireland. eircom is joint service delivery (JSD) certified and Avaya data certified. eircom’s experienced staff are capable of delivering end-to-end projects throughout Ireland and do not need to access third party resources, saving our customers’ time and additional cost.
eirco om is a Cisco Gold d Partner, on ne of only three eircom one in Ire eland, which mean ns that we ccan an offer the Ireland, means mo ostt competitive e price es for Cisco o solution ions. We most prices solutions. als so have unmatc ched expertise an nd cre redentials also unmatched and credentials wit th Cisco solutio ons. with solutions. eirco om won two prest tigious awards in n March eircom prestigious 20 012 2 at the Cisco o Ann nual Partnerr Awards ds in 2012 Annual Du ubllin – Borderle ess Ne etworks Par rtner of the Year eircom is a certified Siemens partner Dublin Borderless Networks Partner providing Contact Centre Solutions, Unified and Cisco Gold PPartner artneer of the Yea ar Award. Year Communications and Voice Solutions to suit every kind and size of company.
eircom also has Gold Partner status with NICE, and Tandberg (now part of Cisco).
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Why choose eircom?
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A un unique niq que end-to-e end-to-end end Voic ce Solution Voice eirco om is the onlyy voic ce service pr rovider eircom voice provider in Ire eland who ca an off fer a total V oice and Ireland can offer Voice Da ata a Solution forr yourr business. O ur experts Data Our can n eevaluate, valuate, des sign, d eliver and m anage a design, deliver manage complete Voice Solutio ons packagee tailored to Solutions your company’s u nique requireme ents. unique requirements.
An u unrivalled nrivalled track rec record cord eircom company eirco om is the com mpanyy trusted byy more Irish busin businesses nesses and or organisations rganisations than n any oth other to de eliver and ma anagee their voicee serv vices. deliver manage services. Wh hen you choosee eirc com as yourr voi ice When eircom voice ser rvices partner yyou ou ar re not only g uar aranteed services are guaranteed outst tanding prod ducts and service e, you u also a get outstanding products service, thee p eace of mind tha at comes wi ith knowing wing peace that with tha at you’re working w ith Ireland’ss leading voice that with ser rvices provider. services
Industry Indu usttry experts Ou ur people are so ome o Our some off the best in the business so yo ou know you’re in n good hand ds. Our Voice you hands. Solut tions experts are industry lead ders who can Solutions leaders pro ovide innovativ ve solu utions for yyour our business, provide innovative solutions our d edicated acc countt managers deliver a dedicated account perso onalised service an nd we have e Ireland’s personalised and large est specialist tteam eam of project m anagers, largest managers, arc chiitects and enginee ers. Our lon ngstanding architects engineers. longstanding relationships with h lead ding industr ry partners leading industry likee C isco, Avaya and o ther leadin ng brands, Cisco, other leading me ean n that we can n brin ng you the vvery ery latest mean bring voi ice e technology innov vations as an nd when they voice innovations and happ pen. happen.
“The potential for cost savings was the main driver behind our decision to adopt VOIP, with such a large volume of outgoing phone calls, any reduction would be a sizeable one.” Jose De Freitas, Chief Engineer, TV3 View video and case study www.eircomforbusiness.com/images/uploads/ eircom_TV3_Voice_Over_IP.pdf
“W “We We were impressed with eircom’s tech hnical expertise and support technical capabilities. We felt that they would cap provide us with a technology solution, which would deliver commercial and technical flexibility.” John Mullins, Chief Executive Officer, Bord Gais View video and case study www.eircomforbusiness.com/customers/viewdoc/bord_gais_case_study
30 eircom Voice Services
Service and Support
eircom Voice Services 31
24x7x365 24x7 7x365 Custome Customer er Se Service ervice At ei eircom ircom we und understand derstaand just how w important an uninterrupted voi ice se ervice is to yyour our business voice service and how essential essentia al it iss to avoid an ny downtime, any wh hicch is why our servi ice team aree on call 24 which service ho ourrs a day, 7 days a w eek, 365 d ays a year. We hours week, days off ferr a range of B usineess SLAs, pr roviding peace offer Business providing of m ind for your busin ness. mind business.
A re reputation epu utation for o outstanding utsttanding serv vice e service
“During the first three months following the migration of all voice calls to IP, we have seen a saving of 29% on our phone bill, compared to ISDN. Looking for ways to make cost savings is one of our key objectives and with eircom IP networking we have achieved significant reductions in our telecoms costs.” Declan Cummins Head of IT, HSBC Ireland H
At ei eircom ircom we hav have ve a rreputation eputation ffor or o outstanding utstanding www w.eircomforbusiness.com/images/uploads/ www.eircomforbusiness.com/images/uploads/ cus sto omer service and yyou ou can be aassured ssu ured of customer EDC_ C_HSBC.pdf EDC_HSBC.pdf ser rvice and suppo ort th hat’s second d to none. no Based service support that’s in Ire eland, our hig ghly sskilled killed engin neering g team Ireland, highly engineering is tthe hee largest of it ts kind in the cou untry and has its country “Good account managers not only thee eexperience xperience to o deall with any is ssues you may issues have e, quickly and d efficiently. ciently. have,
save me time, which of course saves money, but also they do take on the role of being a trusted advisor to me in their area of specialty. This is a commercial world, and like a lot of people I have to do the same or more this year with fewer resources. It’s vital to find people who are good partners to work with, and that’s what we get from eircom.” Roger Turner, Senior IT Manager Ireland/EMEA Microsoft www.eircomforbusiness.com/images/uploads/ eircom_Microsoft_Voice_Over_IP.pdf
32 eircom Voice Services
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eircom for Business Technology you can count on
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Data C en Service tre s
Conferencing Solutions
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eircom Voice Services 33
Get in touch To ďŹ nd do out ut how eircom Vo Voice oice Services can beneďŹ t your business, please ccontact ontact your eircom ma account ccount manager or call 1800 400 200.
www.eircomforbusiness.ie ww ww.eircomforb business.ie