eircom Managed Security

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eircom Managed Security continuous protection in a changing world

Introduction Everything you need to know about eircom Managed Security

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In information security, knowledge is power Proteecting Protecting g your informa information ation against a growing rang ge of ITT security thre eats – and proving to range threats custo omerss and regulators regulato ors that you can do so – customers is a ssignifi ig gnificcant ant challenge. challenge e. As aallll business business becomess more interconnected, and ass thee IT infrastruct ture supporting business infrastructure beco omes m ore intricate e, traditional security becomes more intricate, meth hods aare re no longer enough. With so many methods peop ple e and devices now w on your network, people from m smartphone smarrtphone userss to remote workers on hom me PCs, PCss, it’s increasingly increasin ngly difficult to gather home and manage manage the inform mation you need to information secu ure e you ur network, protect your business and secure your safeg guard your reputati ion. safeguard reputation. Does yyour ourr team have th he ability to detect the susp picious activity in an ocean of network suspicious traffi fic?? When incidents occur, will your forensic inves stigation consume so so much time that other investigation critic call IT p rojects are de elayed? critical projects delayed?

For regulators, for stakeholders and for the sake of their own reputations, today’s business leaders need answers.

Get a clearer view with eircom Managed Security eircom Managed Security is the first IT managed service that helps you mitigate risk by drawing on the expertise of eircom’s accredited security team. We help transform your ability to secure your network, because we make it easier to capture information from your key network devices, and spot what matters, 24 hours a day. With eircom Managed Security, in the event of an incident, you’re better able to react and keep everyone informed. Our solution uses advanced forensic capabilities to identify business impacts and take appropriate action, so you can manage communications with your stakeholders, quickly and effectively.

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See everything eircom Managed Security gives you the power to see into every corner of your IT estate. It’s easy to maintain that visibility as your infrastructure flexes and evolves – for example, when you add new virtual environments or when travelling staff use corporate IT services abroad. The service logs telemetry from the IP devices you nominate, so you can be confident that your logs are complete and secure.

Spot what matters Our service will prioritise what matters to your business. By analysing security event data in real-time, unexpected activity is automatically recognised. This allows the earliest possible reaction by our engineers to minimise risk to your network. Incidents are prioritised

according to business relevance, so yo ou ca an you can be sure that business-impacting event ts ar re events are responded to first. IT professionals know how ho ow complicated complicate ed itt can caan be to correlate and analy yse data from vari iou us analyse various sources, in order to recog gnise anomalous recognise activity. eircom Managed d Security cut ts through cuts this complexity. Based on n next-genera ation n next-generation Security Information and d Event Management Manag gem men nt (SIEM) technology, our service, seervice, which is supported by our rigorous rigorou us ISO 20000 0 -1 20000-1 accredited ITIL-based pro ocess, uses ad dvanceed process, advanced security intelligence to de etect unusuall pat tteerns detect patterns and manage incidents.

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Stay protected How However wevver dispersed dispersed your infrastructure beco omes, eircom Managed Security enables becomes, you tto o recognise reco ognise and re eact to a range of react threa atss tha at can put you ur data, your customers threats that your or your yo our reputation rep putation at ris sk. risk. The solution so olutio on is adaptivee and intelligent; that meanss it automatically learns of new security threa atss. As As telemetry iss collected over time, threats. our solution solutio on builds a cum mulative picture of cumulative norm mal traffi tra affic patterns o n your network. Any normal on devia atiion ffrom rom the norm m is intelligently flagged deviation and es scala ated to an eng gineer, for fast and escalated engineer, appr rop priatte action. appropriate

You stay protected and able to satisfy regulatory and compliance requirements, while still delivering the levels of access the business demands. And because it’s from eircom, the largest Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and network management team in the country, you can be confident you’re in good hands. eircom Managed Security transforms your ability to secure your network, capturing device information and spotting what matters, 24 hours a day.

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Breakthrough technology and unrivalled service eircom Managed Security unites advanced technology with best practice in interpreting and managing incidents.

Next-generation SIEM technology tecchnology Security information and d event management manag gem men nt (SIEM) technology is one e of the fastest gro owing growing areas in ICT, and eircom’s managed service seervicce is built on the industry’s most advance ed advanced SIEM available. Next-generation Next-gen neration SIEM letss organisations make moree accurate decisio onss on decisions security events in real time, tim me, and drama aticaallyy dramatically reduce false positives. Information from any IP device device you ch hoosse choose – including routers, switches, switcches, servers, pointspoin ntssof-sale and smart devicess – can be logged log gged d and the traffic analysed in in real-time. The The core core SIEM intelligence engine adapts to cha angiing g changing conditions and devices on on your network, netwo ork, enabling a more effectivee response to o sec currity security issues that arise.

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Expert interpretation interprretation and management of security incidents

eircom AssureNet, for better business performance

Our team w works orks with you to d develop evelop a service plan tailore ed to yyour our requirem ments. We then tailored requirements. take appropriate appro oprriate e action, determined deterrmined by the defined plan, plaan, to maintain the security of your network. M onth hly meetings w ith one of our Monthly with security prof fessio onals offer en nhanced insight professionals enhanced on the security securrity reports genera ated generated by your inf fraastructure. infrastructure.

eircom AssureNet, a managed network service designed to monitor the availability and performance of your enterprise network, is a complementary service to eircom Managed Security. eircom AssureNet helps you better support your critical business functions by proactively monitoring and resolving incidents on your network, such as hardware or circuit faults, before they impact your key operations.

The up-to-date up-to--da ate IT security kno owledge of our knowledge experience ed eng gineers, and o ur ISO 20000-1 experienced engineers, our and ITIL processes prroccessees are your as ssurance that assurance incidents w ill be rapidly addressed. addreessed. will

For more information, turn to page 34, speak with your account manager or visit www.eircomforbusiness.ie/solutions/ full-solutions/managed_network_ services

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Real benefits for your organisation eircom Managed Security benefits your organisation across a range of areas:



• • • • •

• • • •

Protection of your brand and reputation Regulatory compliance Guard your customers against identity theft Limit corporate liability Enhance corporate governance, risk and compliance (GRC) activity

Free up valuable resources ter Resolve incidents fast faster mpliance reports reporrts Rapidly generate com compliance Access expert securityy skills on an opex basis

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Technology Technolo ogy y


• Faster Faaster intervention interrveention when when attacks atta acks occur • Rapid Raapid pinpointing pinp pointing off the source sou urce of m alicious ttraffi raffic malicious • Secure, Seecure, mo oree effectiv ve log management management 24 more effective ho ours a da ay hours day • Protection Prrotection against ag gainst emerging emerging threats

• Retention of brand loyalty and good will • Reduction in risk • Enhanced stability of company and reputation • Reduced threat of fines • Consumption based pricing makes IT budget more predictable

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A managed security service offering unrivalled skills

eircom Managed Security y provides the following fe eatures: features:

Log Management, Rep Reporting porting and Ana Analysis aly ysis • 24-7 log management managemen nt (telemetry/ /data a) (telemetry/data) collection and securee storage service servvice • In addition to an extensive exteensive selectio on o selection off 1400 library report templates, te emplates, custom m reports can be tailored tailore ed and generated genera ated d if required • Reports are available instantly via your yourr Security incidents can occur at any time of customer portal, containing both real tim me time day. Our Customer Response Centre (CRC) and historical informa ation information is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to • You can choose to schedule scchedule reports reporrts deliver managed services around the clock. to run on a daily wee ekly, monthly weekly, CRC engineers, working with Level 2 and Level or quarterly basis 3 engineers in our Managed Service Centre, ou o n you on provide continuous updates to you on activity • eircom security team meet with yo a monthly basis to provide prrovide enhanc ced enhanced we conduct in connection with incidents in report analysis your network. The evolving IT security and compliance landscape makes it difficult for organisations to build and keep the in-house skills required to mitigate risk. eircom Managed Security gives you access to these updated skills on an affordable, operational basis.

Security insights to protect your business eircom Managed Security is designed to help you turn your network data into business intelligence. Each month, in-person meetings with the eircom security team allow you to: • • • • •

Alerting & Intervention Interventio on • Incidents detected byy our enginee ers are engineers monitored and managed manaaged in real-time • We will automaticallyy notify you of of incidents as they occur occu ur • Our security team wo ork with you tto o prov vide work provide an appropriate respo onse and plan of aaction cttion response • If authorised, we can n take immediate immediiate actions to maintain the th he security an nd and integrity of your ICT estate estate based on a prepredefined action plan.

Ensure your reports are relevant for your needs Interpret the information in your reports Discuss any requirements for new IP devices . to be added to the service Discuss patterns of network behaviour that may indicate a threat Ensure our service is optimised for your needs

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A managed manage ed security service for a dynamic dyna amic environment The security seccuritty and compliance compliiance landscape is continu uallyy evolving, and d we developed eircom continually Mana aged Security to he elp our customers ` Managed help keep pace: paace: •

Y ou ur changing changing business: the service is Your ta ailo ored d to protect th he continuity of your tailored the m ost critical critical systems, systemss, and can be changed most ass your your business dev velops. New users and develops. dev vicess can be adde ed easily. The service is devices added nott ven ndor specific aand nd can incorporate vendor dev vicess from all majo or vendors. devices major

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• Emerging and unforeseen threats: adaptive technology in our toolset keeps you protected against the latest exploits as they emerge, without needing to upgrade. The service can also detect targeted hacking and phishing attacks, and hard to predict dangers including breaches by staff or trusted third parties. • Evolving compliance requirements: easy to use dashboards let you generate reports to satisfy current and emerging standards including PCI-DSS, COBIT and ISO 27,0001.

Did you know? Any organisation holding large databases of customer information is a target for attack. Even where organisations do not hold sensitive customer information, attackers may believe they do and attempt to penetrate security defences. eircom Managed Security enables faster remediation in the event of a security event, recognising suspicious traffic patterns or unusual activity by users (even users logging in with valid credentials) and automatically flagging this activity for investigation. Proposed European Data Protection regulation allows for heavy fines – up to one million euro or 2 percent of global annual revenue – for data breaches.

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Meet our team Martin Carry Security and Network Infrastructure Principal James McLoughlin Head of Security Delivery Andrew O’Kelly Chief Architect Allan Rochford Head of Managed Services Centre Mary Murphy Head of Customer Response Centre

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Allan Rochford Head of Managed Services Centre Allan can advise you on: • eircom’s 24/7 on-sitee engineering resources reso ources • Major incident management best practice pracctice at eircom • Business continuity p lan testing and an nd plan invocation • eircom’s customer testing tessting and validation n lab for technology chang ge manageme ent change management Allan has over 13 years’ eexperience xperience in n etw work network integration and network developmentt at eircom. During that time Allan develop ped a developed number of business unitss including Net twork Network Performance Development in Core Net twork Network Service Assurance and IP Service Assurance. Assurrance e. He also designed and imp plemented thee implemented organisational model for the eircom Bu usineesss Business Managed Service Centre (MSC) which inclu udes includes 24/7 manned Managed SService ervice Centre e operations, 2nd Level sup pport and 3rd line support expert deep dive resource es in IP, IPT an nd se ecu urity. resources and security.

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Martin Carry Security and Network Infrastructure Infrastructurre Principal Martin can advise you on: on n: • Developing IT strategies that align tto o yyour ou ur business plans • Securing your critical information information • Optimising your Data Centre Infrastruc ctu ure Infrastructure • The evolution of the Enterprise Enterprise Net two orkk Network Martin is an experienced d technologistt wh ho has who worked for the last 15 years yeears in the ICTT arena areena developing integrated so olutions for a wide wid de solutions range of industries. Martin Marttin is a Cisco C CIEE ssince ince CCIE 2001 and has extensive experience experience in des sig gn, design, consulting and deployme ent of solutions aacross crross deployment security, networking, data datta centre and Unifi Un nified Communications techno ologies. Martin nw orrks technologies. works closely with customers to o develop rob bustt and robust scalable solutions and ar rchitectures to o de elivver architectures deliver on their business needs.

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Andrew O’Kelly Chief Architect Andrew can advise you on: • Security Services • Unified Communications • How solutions can deliver major business and operational benefits Andrew’s key focus is to prove to customers how managed services, unified communications and security services can deliver major business and operational benefits. A graduate in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin, Andrew was instrumental in the development of Lan Communications, later purchased by eircom, where he helped forge the company’s reputation as a network integration powerhouse.

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James McLoughlin Head of Security Delivery James can advise you on: • Developing your security strategy and policies • Current and emerging security technologies • Information security threats, risks and vulnerabilities James has worked in the ICT arena since the mid 1990’s. Originally a software developer, James has also served in a number of systems and network engineering roles. He specialises in information security and acts as a trusted advisor to public and private sector clients. James holds numerous certifications including CISSP, CISA and CRISC.

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Mary Murphy Head of Customer Response Centre Mary can advise you on: • The lifecycle of incident resolution, governed by ITIL standards • Best practice in stakeholder communication during incidents • eircom’s Customer Response Centre capabilities • Proactive and reactive managed network services Mary has worked with eircom for 16 years encompassing a variety of differing roles within the customer service and delivery areas of the business. In 2009 Mary lead development of the now Established Service Desk for the Government, meeting the specific needs of the public sector and offering an enhanced service experience to these customers. Mary has been responsible for transforming service delivery and customer experience extending our public sector model across our wider eircom Business customer base, this service is now available through our the Customer Response Centre.

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Our engineers eircom prides itself on its engin engineering neerrin ng capability. Our teams contain highly y certified and experienced engineers. In a dd dittion to addition our security skillset, we also spe ecialisse in Local specialise Area Networking, Wide Area N etw working, Networking, Data Systems, Voice Systems, Da ata C entre Data Centre Infrastructure and Mobile technologies. techn nolo ogies. Our engineers are accredited with with a mix of certifications from our supply partners parttne ers and non-vendor aligned certificatio ons. In addition, cations. we hold company level partner acc cre editations accreditations (including Cisco Gold partner) a nd p artner and partner awards (including Cisco Partnerr of th he Year). the Our engineering achievements inc clu ude include certifications from Cisco (CCIE, C CS SP,, CCNA), CCSP, Fortinet (FCNSP, FCNSA), RSA Se ecuritty (RSASecurity CSE), International Information Sys ste ems Security y Systems Certification Consortium (CISSP P), and d ISACA (CISSP), (CISA, CRISC).

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Dave Bannon Cisco Delivery Engineer

Ollie Gresham Solutions Engineer

Niall Doherty Stability Architect

Rob Bannon MSC Senior Engineer

10 years experience CCIE, CCSP, ENS Extreme Networks Specialist, NCSSP Nortel Certified Support Specialist

13 years experience CCIE since 2005. Various Cisco LAN, wireless and IPT qualifications

5 years experience experiencce CCNA, CCVP

5 years experience experrience CCNA, CCNP, P, CCVP

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Brian Fitzpatrick Network Engineer

Ben Preece

2 years IP experience CCNA

MSC Engineer

IP /VoIP specialist 5 years experience

Daragh Oman

10 years experience

MSC Engineer

Colm Reilly Network Engineer

10 years experience CCNP

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Anthony McMahon Senior Architect

Alexey Shkrabalyu

15 years experience CCIE

Senior Architect

15 years experience CCIE, CCNP , CUDS, CUCCE

Rob Jennings

22 years experience

Managed Services Solution Architect

Jason Williams Contact Centre Specialist Technology

10 years experience CVP

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Jim Armstrong Senior Architect

Eamon Hanafin Engineer

Barry Roche Senior Architect

Tom Molloy Application Specialist

15 years experience CCNP, CCDP, CCNA

15 years experience CCNA, CPSI, CIPTS

15 years experience CCIE, CCNP, CCNA

18 years experience Holds the latest in Avaya certification

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John Dunleavy Application Specialist

Liam McCue Engineer

Over 20 years experience He holds the following certifications: Avaya Specialist, Nice Specialist, Verint Specialist

Over 21 years experience Various voice accreditations such as Meridian Mail, ACD, Large Switch Installation MTCE, Small switch Installation MTCE plus and numerous other eircom and Nortel certificates

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Customer Portal

26 26 2 6 eircom eircomManaged Managed Manag gedSecurity SSecurity ecurity

Customer Portal eeircom ircom Managed Manag ged SSecurity ecurity customer portal is a sstraightforward, traightforward d, ea asy-to- navigate system that easy-tovvisually isually depict ts the security status of depicts yyour our infrastruc cture. infrastructure.

Link to Demo

View the video above for a short demo of our SIEM reporting tool.

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Dashboard views: contains at a glance information on the status of the network, can be customised to highlight areas of specific interest to you and can be designed to reflect your business critical assets and functions

Detail on security incidents: View incidents by device against a map of the network

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View V iew w your full network and IT estate: In nterractive topology maps of your estate display Interactive d evicces and connections allowing you to drill devices d ow wn to device or incident level, including details down o ecurity incident count by device off se security

Analytics A naly ytics and reports: You can also drill down int to your yo our reports to provide graphical view of into yyour our d ata data

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Insights into security incidents: View, filter and sort security incidents and alerts for root cause analysis through a single screen

Analytics and reports: Easily generate custom reports tailored to your priorities or choose from the 1400 standard out of the box templates

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Our SIEM partner AccelOps provides the core SIEM engine of eircom Managed Security. The technology detects complex IT patterns in high volume events and data to automatically make sense of complexity, in real-time. AccelOps technology is used by customers in sectors including financial services, government, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, entertainment and legal. Founded in 2007, the company is led by industry veterans from Cisco, HP, IBM, Mercury Interactive and Loudcloud. AccelOps is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

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Why choose eircom?

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A unique end-to-end solution eircom, Ire Ireland’s eland’s leading g service provider , can offer a total voice and data data solution for your busin nesss. Our Our experts ca an evaluate, design, business. can delive er and d manage a complete co omplete solutions deliver packa age ta ailored to you ur company’s unique package tailored your require emeents. requirements.

Industry e experts xperts Our p people eople are some off the best in the busin nesss so o you know you’re you’re in good hands. business Our vvoice, oice, data & ICT solutions so olutions experts are indus strry leaders leeaders who can caan provide innovative industry solutions ffor or your business. busin ness. Our dedicated accou unt managers managers deliv ver a personalised account deliver servic ce,, an nd, we have Ir reland’s largest specialist service, and, Ireland’s team m of of pr roject manage ers, architects and project managers, engin neers.. Our longstanding longstan nding relationships engineers. with indus stry partners like Cisco, Avaya, industry Siemen ns and other leading lead ding brands mean that Siemens we can caan bring you the ve ery latest technology very innov vattion ns as and whe en they happen. innovations when

Outstanding Outstand ding service, 24x7x365 At eir eircom rco om we understand understan nd just how important an un nin nterrrupted service e is to your business uninterrupted and how how essential essential it is to to avoid any downtime, which h is w hy our servicee team are on call 24 why hourss a da ay, 7 days a week, week, 365 days a year. day, We offer offfer a range of Business Bussiness SLAs, providing peacee o ind for your business. off m mind Based d iin n Ir reland, our hig ghly skilled engineering Ireland, highly team m iss thee largest of itss kind in the country and has has the th he experience to deal with any issues you m ay h ave, quickly aand nd efficiently. may have,

“Our objective is to have a proactive, best in class security infrastructure that will protect our customers’ and our own data. That’s why we chose eircom for our managed security needs. Their expertise covers a wide range of technologies, which allows us to have a single point of contact to address any challenges we might have.” Mike Costello, IT Infrastructure and Security Manager, Southwestern BPO

“Strategic partnerships in IT are the way of the future and eircom understand that. When we looked at the market we couldn’t see anyone else who could do it. eircom can provide an integrated set of services that’s very difficult to beat.” John Shaw, CIO, Mainstream Renewable Power

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Unrivalled experience delivers benefits for your organisation Across the island of Ireland, organisations trust eircom to deliver and manage the most complex ICT projects, supported by best-in-class ongoing service. Some of the largest ICT projects in Ireland are managed by eircom, including Croke Park, Convention Centre Dublin, the Education Network for Northern Ireland (C2K) and AIB’s new managed network. We have a deep understanding of your communications needs and the required service levels throughout your business. Partnering with eircom for managed ICT services not only provides a robust solution designed and supported by our local, highly qualified team, it also gives you the following: • Cost benefits: eircom managed services are value-driven solutions. Our objective is to meet your budgetary requirements, add value to your operations and remain flexible to meet your needs as they evolve. • Better agility and flexibility: Our engineering teams and our core network have supported the changing operations and offerings of our broad customer base throughout the island of Ireland. Our managed solutions extend this flexibility and scalability to your business. • A proven model: eircom’s managed service and delivery and national operations model has been in existence for a number of years, and is unparalleled.

• Expert programme management: we help organisations during times of signifi significant change in their businesses, wit with th our experienced delivery managem management ment team. Our professional planning and implementation methods havee already delivered on-time, risk-manage risk-managed for ed rollouts fo or some of Ireland’s largest ICT an and nd managed network projects.

“Good account managers not only save me time, which of cou urse saves course money, but also they do take on the role of being a trusted advi isor to advisor me in their area of specialty y. This is specialty. a commercial world, and lik ke a lot like of people I have to do the same or more this year with fewer rresources. esources. It’s vital to find people who o are good partners to work with h, and with, that’s what we get from eir rcom.” eircom.” Roger Turner, Senior IT Manager Ireland/EME EA, Ireland/EMEA, Microsoft

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eircom AssureNet, for better business performance eircom AssureNet, eircom’s managed network service, is an IT partnership that protects your critical business functions 24 hours a day by proactively managing the network components your business relies on. Through proactive management of your network we deliver the following:

More visibility Single view on network health & p performance erformance on key business activities

More control Rapid recognition and resolution o off incidents utilising ITIL best practise, coupled d with up-tothe-minute reporting, keeping you u empowered to manage internal expectations

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More assurance assura ance

A partnership you control

Yo You ou decide the business activities that need greatest gre eatest protection protecction

You decide the extent to which you’d like to out task

Strong Stronger ger confi co onfiguration management

For more information on eircom AssureNet, speak with your account manager or visit

Reemove the pain of configuration management http://www.eircomforbusiness.com/solutions/ Remove from fro om your internal interrnal team and leave it to us, based full-solutions/managed_network_services on n ITIL best practise pra actise

36 eircom Managed Security

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Get in touch To find out how eircom managed security can benefit your business, please contact your eircom account manager or call 1800 400 200.


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