John Marshall March Newsletter

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John Marshall | March 2012


Table of Contents: 1 – Key Club 2 – Articles 3 – Member recognition 4 – Officer recognition 5 – The Calendar 6 – Projects 7 – President and President Elect’s Message 8 – Officer Page 9 – Officer Elects

A word from your Bulletin Editor: Now that our division is realigning to Division 3 North and Division 3 South, us Division 3 South Key Clubbers need to keep our spirits up and make this year a model for each upcoming year. We pioneer this division, so we are responsible for creating a model for the later years of this up and coming division. I believe we can make our division a really strong one for the later years. Remember, service is our main goal as Key Clubbers, even though our division has been cut to half we can still make the best of it and host more interclub service events that show our dedication as CNH Bees. DCON is right around the corner, the new club and divisional officers are soon taking over, this is going to be a fresh new start for Division 3 South. Let’s mirror the success we made as Sharkeys and carry it over! With Sharkey pride, Erick Jason Reyno


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This event has got to have the most wind and weather in my Key Club career! Not even Fall Rally was this cold! Well it started getting lost around the pier and watching the runners pass by. Ecstasy filled the air as each endorphin filled runner finishes and are greeted with warm hugs from family and some even had big kisses from their significant others. It was a heart-warming sight, also their faces were filled with happiness as they accomplish that long run! We handed out water yelling out “Keep hydrated! Get your water here!” and the runners thanked us sincerely because we’re giving up our time for them, but it wasn’t really “giving up” our time in my perspective, it was more like helping others. It was a nice feeling knowing that we helped them. We also helped at the late finish line at the end of the day and the people who were kind of last had a more tired and yet more accomplished look to them. We welcomed them with cheers and everything showing our Key Club spirit, with this we got plenty of compliments about our dedication and “spunk” that our presence there made the atmosphere incredibly happy and ecstatic!

So today (March 18, 2012) a bunch of us Sharkeys went back to our homeland (da beach) to handout waters, bananas, and blankets for the LA Marathon runners. I honestly love it when strangers become friends! I met people I’ve never seen at the divisional events and I’m glad that we met today. It was freezing but we cheered at the top of our lungs and we were rewarded with a smile and a thoughtful thanks from the Los Angeles community we served today. This woman cried when she reached the finish line. It made me think— if you work hard enough you will be rewarded. It’ll be tough along the way, yes, but that doesn’t mean you should stop. Keep pushing through because eventually you’ll get there. Besides, it’s not the destination but the journey. So take your sweet time and enjoy the scenery while you’re at it. You will get there.

The Ronald McDonald house is a truly a happy place for families On a windy morning at Santa Monica beach, a few Key Clubbers and I whose children have a treatment to undergo. I recently went to volunteer at the LA Marathon. We were all assigned to passing volunteered here on March 19 and I was weary because I had out water bottles to the runners that had finally finished the race. As just ended my engineering class at about 5:30. When I arrived soon as they saw each of us handing out water bottles and giving them to RMD house I was quickly assigned to a task. I was asked to congratulations, their faces lit up and gave us a thank you for do things like sanitizing the playroom, the computer room, and volunteering. I believe that's what each Key Clubber likes to hear, organizing toys after children played with them. When I was knowing that their service is bringing joy to the society. We all tried to done with one task, I was asked to do another, and another, and pump up the spirit of the exhausted runners and served as another. It seemed like the tasks were pulled out of an endless cheerleaders as well. Although it was a very cold day, we all managed well. Of course I was exasperated by the jobs given, but I to pump up their spirits and do our job efficiently. worked tirelessly. However, I wasn't the only person to volunteer for the house in my past visits. Fellow key clubbers have also volunteered to do work. We volunteer not because of the hours we get, but the sincerity of our own hearts to help the families. In return for our service we receive the smiles and thank you's.

Syed Muaz | 11

Jeffrey Padilla | 11 | Members Relations / President Elect


5 Ronald McDonald’s House 12 Ronald McDonald’s House 19 Ronald McDonald’s House 26 Ronald McDonald’s House









3 Region 7 Dance



7 Club Meeting

8 Club Fair





14 Club Meeting



17 DCM

18 LA Marathon


21 Club Meeting






28 Club Meeting




Help serve and clean at the Ronald McDonald’s House. This interclub event will help you bond with other people from your division and the house!

Dance the night away with our fellow Region 7 Key Clubbers! Have fun and help raise money for the awesome Project eliMiNaTe!

Attend our meetings during Wednesdays in the Gym! UPCOMING EVENTS: It’s here! DCON – April 13-15 BEElieve the Magic of Service April 1 – Thai New Year Fest. April 2 – Ronald McDonalds April 7 – Family Feud April 28/29 – Officer Training Conference

Ever wondered what Key Club does and what makes a Key Clubber, well a Key Clubber? We are an organization of service. We help people in need and anyone who ask for help! We mold students into a more involved person in a community or any environment! We create bonds with the people we meet along the way. With Key Club, we transform into a more mature person who is willing to help others at any cost. We care about people, people we know, and people we don’t. A Key Clubber’s duty is to do well in their community and hopefully make a change for the better! That is what constitutes a Key Clubber, someone who loves caring, helping, and serving. Caring… Our way of life. BEE-involved


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A word from your President and President Elect

Around this time a year ago, I remember being excited for DCON as the President Elect of John Marshall High School. I was full of hopes and dreams for the club because I knew the moment Diana Nguyen struck the Key Club Bell; I would be installed as the next President of the club. One year has passed by and when I look back on what has happened. I can only feel proud for the club as it has accomplished so much in such a little time. From increased membership to increased spirit, John Marshall has risen through the ranks in Division 3. And quite frankly, I can't be solely responsible for the club's success. We have a dedicated core board, valuable chairs, and most importantly, an amazing base of members. Without any of these groups of awesome people, the club would be nothing. And as President of the club, all I do is guide the flow of energy into productive outlets. But now, my time has come and like every year, I have to pass on the torch to the next generation of leaders. Normally, anyone who has invested so much time and effort into a "baby" like Key Club would be hesitant to hand it over so casually. But thankfully, my case is different. I personally know the upcoming board and their dedication to Key Club is prevalent in everything they do. Although it seems like we've reached our max, I know they can bring Marshall even higher to a whole new level. And whatever I was not able to accomplish during my term, I know they will carry on my hopes and successfully reach those goals. I have little to say in terms of tips and advice for the upcoming board because they already know so much. But before I leave and hand over my position, I want to say thank you to everyone and good luck to the rest of the board! With Sharkey Love, Baltazar Jonnel Dasalla JMHS Key Club President

Hi there John Marshall Key Clubbers! My name is Jeffrey Padilla, your 2012-2013 President elect. There isn't much about me to know but here's a little introduction anyway. I love to sing and I dance like no one is watching when in all reality, everyone is watching. I've embraced the idea of making a fool out of myself. How? Well it all started with this club and what I originally thought to be really lame cheers. Soon enough, I learned to love every aspect for this club and I hope that in my term, I'll be able to pass on this love to you guys. It'll be a great experience to be working with you all and I hope that together, we'll properly represent Division 3 South and win that spirit stick this year at Fall Rally! Not only will we radiate with spirit, we will radiate with this contagious brightness that will inspire others to step out of their comfort zone and lend a helping hand to the community and to the various communities that have helped us grow up to be who we are. Again, hello my name is Jeffrey Padilla and I can't wait to serve alongside you wonderful Key Clubbers!


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Joela Canlas

Michelle Menechyan

Jorge Lopez

Lauren Umaguing

Erick Jason Reyno

Baltazar Jonnel Dasalla

Chrisline Raymundo – Historian ( Jeffrey Padilla – Members Relations ( Chantal Mendoza – Fundraising Chair (


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Jeffrey Carl Padilla

Jorge Lopez


Chrisline Raymundo

Erick Jason Reyno

Bryan Mendez

Arianna Dela Rosa

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What is… q

Mission Statement: Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. Vision: We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. Core Values: The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Objects To develop initiative and leadership.

• •

To provide experience in living and working together.

To serve the school and community.

To cooperate with the school principal.

To prepare for useful citizenship.

To accept and promote the following ideals: •

To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.

To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts.

To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.

To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities.

To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will.

a Kiwanis-family member 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 4668 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 1-800-KIWAN

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