Catholic Women Negotiate Feminism

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Sociology of Reli~m 2003, 64:4 515.524

Catholic Women Negotiate Feminism: A Reseamh Note Elaine Howard Ecklund*


INTRODUCTION When I told a professor at a major university that I was studying Catholic feminists she replied: "Catholic feminist, isn't that an oxymoron?" Scholars often expect inconsistency between women who call themselves feminists and adherents of traditional Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, or Islam. 1 Yet, how does a woman who is a feminist and a Catholic negotiate living out both? This research provides insight into the dynamics of negotiation between the apparently contradictory identities of women who are committed Catholics and feminists. I did extended interviews in one congregation and asked how women in this church responded to feminism. For those who identified as feminists, I asked how they understood being a feminist and an active Catholic. I found that

Direct aUc o r r e s ~ to E/a/he Hounrd Ecldund, Depamneat of Soc/o/o~, 323 Ur/s Ha//, Come//Un• Ithaca, NY, 14853. E.mail: emhS@corne//.edu. Many thanks to Wendy Cadge, Penn~ Edge//, Dean Hoge, Jenni… Wiley Legath, ]erry Park, Kristen Schult~, Joan WaUing, Tisa Wenger, Robert Wuthnow, and the edicto"and three anonymous reviewers of Sociology of Religion, for insighrful comments on earlier versions of this pal~. This research was presenw.dat the Association … the Sociology of Reli~~~gn,64th Annual Meering. Funding… data co//ecrionu~as sugooned by the L///~ Endou,mem, grant # 1996 1880-O00, Penn3, Edge//, P.1. 1 See Dalu (1985). By traditional religion I refer to the monotheistic faiths and, in particular, those that doctrinally limit the role of women in leadership of congregatiom or denominational stmctures.


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For ~~nen who identify as both committed Catholics and feminists, how do the?l negotiate between these tu~ apparently contradictory identities? I use data from one congregaaon and propose three possibilities for such negot/atª Women re-interpret feminista in light of Catholicism, reinte.rpret Catholicism in light of feminista, of see both feminista and Catholicism as very subjective and individual identities. This work has implications for how scholars of gender understand the place of feminista in the lives of traditiond reli~ous uomen. This stucly also expands the sociology of religion literature by broadening how individualista is understood in the context of congregational

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