Religious Diversity and Community Volunteerism Among Asian Americans ELAINE HOWARD ECKLUND JERRY Z. PARK
We examine whether religious membership and participation foster community volunteerism among a religiously diverse group of Asian Americans. We use data from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey (SCCBS), the only data set that contains both a large, national sample of Asian Americans and detailed questions on religious and civic participation. Asian-American Protestants, Catholics, and adherents of non-Christian religions are involved in community volunteerism to varying degrees. Surprisingly, however, fewer Hindus and Buddhists volunteer when compared to the nonaffiliated. We use these results to propose theoretical concepts that take into account the impact of a religion’s structure as well as the double-minority status faced by nonwhite and non-Christian Asian Americans on the likelihood of volunteering. Our findings indicate that accepted predictors of community volunteerism may operate differently among new nonwhite immigrants and their children than in the general U.S. population; this provides building blocks for future research on religion and civic participation among nonwhite and non-Christian populations.
INTRODUCTION With the current religious and racial transformation of the United States, the study of American civic life warrants the inclusion of new populations. Much of the change in U.S. demographics is as a result of the “new immigration” (ca. mid-1960s to mid-1990s), which has increased the number and diversity of nonwhite racial minorities as well as the number of non-Christian religions in the country. Where American religion was once almost exclusively Western Judeo Christianity, it now includes non-Christian religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam (Wuthnow and Hackett 2003). American Muslims nearly outnumber Jews, congregating in an estimated 3,000 mosques (Ostling 2001). And some researchers report the U.S. presence of at least 4 million American Buddhists (Numrich 2000).1 Both religion and race are often closely intertwined with community volunteerism, the dominant form of U.S. civic involvement (Musick, Wilson, and Bynum 2000). Little research, however, specifically examines the various ways in which the increasing presence of non-Christian religions and nonwhite racial groups will shape the future of American civic life. With data resulting from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey (SCCBS) we are able, for the first time, to explore the relationship between religious involvement and community volunteerism among Asian Americans, an important yet understudied population. Here we ask what factors influence Asian-American community involvement and focus specifically on religiosity, a dominant influence on civic participation in the general population (Putnam 2000). We find that both Catholic and Protestant Asian Americans volunteer more than the nonreligious, but surprisingly, AsianAmerican Buddhists and Hindus actually volunteer less than those with no religious affiliation. In addition, contrary to studies of the white American population, gender, education, and income
Correspondence should be addressed to Elaine Howard Ecklund, Department of Sociology at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, 430 Park Hall, Buffalo, NY, 14260. Elaine Howard Ecklund is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, 430 Park Hall, Buffalo, NY. E-mail: Jerry Z. Park is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Baylor University, One Bear Pl. 97326, Department of Sociology, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798. E-mail: jerry Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (2007) 46(2):233–244