Atheists and Agnostics Negotiate Religion and Family ELAINE HOWARD ECKLUND Sociology Department Rice University
KRISTEN SCHULTZ LEE Sociology Department University at Buffalo, SUNY
Through in-depth interviews with scientists at elite academic institutions—those particularly likely to have no firm belief in God—we provide insight into the motives scientists who are not religious have for joining a religious group and the struggle faced by these individuals in reconciling personal beliefs with what they consider the best interests of their families. Narratives stress the use of resources from identities as scientists to provide their children with religious choices consistent with science and in negotiating spousal influence and a desire for community. Findings expand the religious socialization and identities literatures by widening the range of understanding of the strategies parents utilize to interface with religious communities as well as lead to more nuanced public understanding of how atheist and agnostic scientists relate to religious communities.
Keywords: atheist, agnostic, family, identities.
INTRODUCTION Religion and family are linked institutions in the United States, with many parents drawing on religious resources in raising their children (see, e.g., Edgell 2005). Yet, given the strong ties between religion and family in the United States, little is known about if and how atheists and agnostics interface with religion when raising children. We examine this very question by looking at one group, scientists who are parents, which is likely to have a much larger proportion of atheists and agnostics when compared to parents in the general public. We use this group to ask other questions such as: How do atheist and agnostic parents frame their approach to religion (particularly the religious socialization of their children)? Do atheist parents seek out religious communities in which to parent and how do they interface with such communities when they do? What is their approach to parenting and how do they negotiate the religious socialization of their children with spouses who may hold different beliefs than their own? To examine how atheist and agnostic parents relate to religious institutions (if at all), we draw on in-depth interviews with scientists at 21 elite U.S. universities. Previous work shows that although the dominant narrative is that scientists are irreligious due to the secularizing effect of science (Leuba 1934; Smith 2003), recent work shows that scientists are religiously complex, and there are various narratives about religious life alive within the scientific community (Ecklund 2010). Yet, it is clear that the community as a whole, especially among academic scientists at elite institutions, tends to have more self-identified atheists and agnostics when compared to the general public. Because of the consuming nature of their professional lives, scientists who work at elite academic institutions may be particularly likely to have an existing community of
Acknowledgments: This research was supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, Grant #11299, Elaine Howard Ecklund, PI. We thank the Center for the Study of Religion social sciences seminar at Princeton University for comments on an earlier version of this article, Kris D’Amuro for research assistance, and Katherine Sorrell for help with manuscript preparation. Correspondence should be addressed to Elaine Howard Ecklund, Rice University, Sociology Department, MS-28, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251. E-mail: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (2011) 50(4):728–743 C 2011 The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion