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Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Oxford, UK and Malden, USATSQThe Sociological Quarterly0038-02532007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.200748193118RELIGION: AGENCY AND NEGOTIATIONFamily and Religious Socialization for Asian AmericansJerry Z. Park and Elaine Howard Ecklund

The Sociological Quarterly ISSN 0038-0253

NEGOTIATING CONTINUITY: Family and Religious Socialization for SecondGeneration Asian Americans Jerry Z. Park* Baylor University

Elaine Howard Ecklund University at Buffalo, SUNY

This article examines second-generation Asian Americans’ explanations of the significant influences on their own religious identities. Data include interviews (N = 73) with college-aged Asian Americans from different religious traditions and ethnic backgrounds. Respondents viewed families as the most significant influence on current religiosity. Mothers and fathers were mentioned most often, followed by extended kin, siblings, and relatives, who acted as what we call “reinforcers,” “substitutes,” or “contrasts” to the roles that parents played in religious socialization. These roles occurred along two religious configurations within families: heterogeneous or homogeneous degrees of religious commitment and religious affiliation. Directions for future research and contributions to the religious transmission literature follow.

INTRODUCTION Scholars view the family as the central site of religious transmission (Acock and Bengtson 1978; Thomas and Henry 1985; Bao, Whitebeck, Hoyt, and Conger 1999; Edgell 2005). America’s changing racial, ethnic, and religious demographics, however, may challenge what we know about the place of families in transmitting religious identities and practices. Post-1960s immigration is broadening the American racial and ethnic landscapes by bringing large numbers of immigrants from non-European parts of the world such as Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean Basin. These new nonwhite immigrants are both increasing religious diversity and radically changing the ethnic and racial composition of American Christianity (Warner and Wittner 1998). This new immigration pattern also signals a change in American family demography. According to recent census reports, those under the age of 18 that are either foreign born or born to at least one nonnative parent now constitute nearly 20 percent of all U.S. children (Fields 2003). Yet, little research specifically examines the ways in which family and religion connect within this new ethnic and religious landscape, particularly for members of non-Christian religious traditions or for nonwhite members of Christian religions (Boyatzis 2003). Here, we respond to this gap by asking what Asian Americans from different religious and ethnic

*Direct all correspondence to Jerry Z. Park, One Bear Place #97326, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798; telephone: 254-710-3150; e-mail: jerry_park@baylor.edu The Sociological Quarterly 48 (2007) 93–118 © 2007 Midwest Sociological Society


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